#obi-wan's bad decisions are what we live for
celestial-specter · 2 months
Clone Armor and Poster Symbolism in The Bad Batch Season Three
(Brace yourself, loooooong discussion under the cut).
So I’ve long been fixated on the symbolism of the clone’s appearance in Star Wars - it first began in The Clone Wars, with each clone discovering their own individuality and decorating both their bodies and their armor accordingly - think of the Republic crest which decorates both Jesse’s face and his helmet, and becomes a hard-hitting symbol of the end of the Republic which accompanies his death.
In The Bad Batch, clone armor has always been used to symbolize the character’s moral position- initially the main colors of the batch’s armor are black and red, showing both their power, and the element of mystery and otherness that they hold in comparison to standard clone groups. Crosshair’s turn to the empire is shown by him shedding his own armor, and donning a new, entirely black set, with no individuality at all.
In season two, the batch began removing certain sections of their armor and added pieces of a more civilian nature, such as Hunter’s scarf. The pieces of armor that remained were painted a lighter colour, showing that they were gradually leaving their lives as soldiers, or at least those of members of an elite squad, behind them.
In contrast, if you look at a character like Rex, he is still wearing the same armor from his service in the GAR, with only a few minor yet still currently unexplained modifications. He is the one holding onto the past and his service in the army, and it is his identity which drives him to save as many of his brothers as he can.
All of these ideas are particularly apparent in the new season three character posters which have just been released.
Now, while I have previously discussed the idea that the clone assassin is Tech, these posters have me equally convinced that it could actually be Cody.
I believe that Cody has the longest history of any clone in the franchise, being the only clone of any significance in the live-action films, and being prominent in both canon and legends material. As a standard clone, he would most likely have started his commission in the GAR with the general, all white trooper armor, and then decorated it himself as he gained individuality after leaving Kamino. In Brotherhood, the novel which takes place in 22BBY, Cody is described as wearing yellow armor, but, as we see in The Clone Wars, which takes place slightly later, his armor, along with that of the 212th, is more of an orange/gold. This small change could symbolize Cody’s own choice of armor paint being subtly darkened by his experience of war - he is still a loyal soldier of the GAR, but his experiences have changed him.
The orange armor quickly became synonymous with Cody, which is why it was such a shock to audiences to see him with grey armor in The Bad Batch season two. It is a sign that his individuality has been stripped away from him by the empire, but Cody himself still retains the capacity for individual thought and decision making, as shown by his actions in the episode. I also believe that clone armor colors not only symbolize the clones themselves, but also their Jedi generals - the 212th orange symbolized the positivity and energy which came alongside serving under General Kenobi, just as the 501st blue symbolized the freedom and fresh viewpoints of General Skywalker. Therefore, Cody’s grey armor also symbolizes his grief for what he did to Obi-Wan - the man who first provided him the space to discover his own individuality is now ‘dead’ at Cody’s own hand.
I have also long believed that there is a high chance that Cody did not end up escaping at the end of this episode, and was instead captured by the empire for use in experiments.
The release of these character posters seems very deliberate - Star Wars has always been about the battle between light and dark, but due to it’s association with the force, I don’t think we have ever seen clones portrayed in posters in such a manner. The cinematography staff of The Bad Batch have been very vocal recently on the importance of lighting in the show, and I believe that the posters are no exception.
If we look at these poster in order, it is interesting that Wolffe’s seems to be darker than the one featuring Hemlock and Emerie, especially considering how stable he appeared in the past episode.
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I believe that this symbolizes that there will be consequences for Wolffe for his decision to let Rex and the others escape, and that he will be subjected to the same treatment which was used in an attempt to change Crosshair, which will leave him the unstable individual we first meet in Rebels.
This idea of placing the clones on a scale from light to dark has me concerned that this season will show the end of Cody’s arc, shifting from the bright white armor he first began with, ending with him wearing the dark armor of a clone assassin.
This idea is only furthered by Rex’s group referring to the clone assassins as ‘shadows’. The reason behind the name is obvious- the clones are shadows of their former selves, having been stripped of all identifying information and individuality.
Considering that Cody’s bright orange armor has long been thought to represent the sun, it would be devastating to see him reduced to an operative with no name and no personality, his only identifying feature being dark armor he would never choose to wear himself. Though I hate to think of it, it does make sense to portray Cody in this way to truly highlight the rise of the empire in the same way Jesse symbolized the end of the Republic - if this theory does turn out to be true, Cody’s arc may have always been intended to show his progression from sunburst to shadow.
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Random thoughts about the Jedi Code.
(Reminder that I am no expert, so what I'm going to write at are just that : thoughts and opinions)
I guess what irks me is that, in my opinion, those who said that the Jedi Code/mantra is wrong take it way too literally.
People sees sentence like :
There is no emotion, there is peace
There is no passion, there is serenety
And immediately thinks "oh, the Jedi aren't allowed to have or express emotions. How unhealthy !"
Now, I'm not religious but my mother is and so when I was younger I sometimes went to the church with her. And of course, I know the jedi order and christianism isn't the same thing at all, but what I realised is that religious writing have deeper meaning than it seems. And sometimes this meaning isn't quite obvious at the first read. Otherwise, there wouldn't be someone willing to spends minutes explaining one single sentences.
And even if we don't talk about religion, there's also philosophy. I don't know about other countries but where I'm from philosophy exams consisted in reading a complex text (sometimes long, sometimes short), difficult to understand and then "rewrite" in our own words and making it easier too understand. And sometimes I will actually spend an hour trying to understand it, because often the meaning of the text wasn't obvious. Because I had to study it and actually make an effort trying to understand it.
What am I trying to say ? Each field of knowledge has it's own vocabulary, it's way of expressing itself. Same words don't always have the same meaning depending in which field it's used (like attachment in psychology vs attachment in Buddhism). And knowledge, especially the philosophycal kind, is usually expressed in a more complex way than we would like.
I don't think I'm doing a good job at explaining this. Ironically, I'm not very good with words.
Basically, when I see "There is no emotion, there is peace", or there is no passion, there is harmony", I don't immediately think "the Jedi can't have emotion". I think about how none of the Jedi are emotionless, I think about Obi-wan joking with Anakin. I think about Obi-wan laughing in the elevator scene. I think about how kind Plo Koon is. I think about looking so broken as he hold his dying Master. I think about obi-wan getting angry at Anakin before the fight with Dooku. (I realise of course, that obi-wan is my main exemple, but since this is mostly based on the movies it's either he or Anakin). Anyway, if Jedi were forbidden to have emotion, he would have been expulsed a long time ago. But I also think about how Yoda said that "fear lead to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate lead to suffering". And so, all of that considered, when I read "there is no emotion, there is peace" what I understand is that one shouldn't allow their emotion to control them. One can feel emotion and acknowledge them, but should always have a clear head, be balanced, before acting. Because instantly acting on emotions, mean acting on impluse. And acting on impulse when lives are on the line isn't the best decision, in my opinion.
Anyway, I'm not sure if most of you will be able to understand what i tried to say since I am, I repeat, bad with words (and English isn'tmy first language, I only use it on social media), but I wanted to share anyway.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
HECK my brain has provided a Silly AU
Okay, explanation: Saw a promo photo for AotC. Brain connected some dots. Rotated. Connected other dots. Now I have a weird net.
Background before moving forward: For most modern AUs, the pattern I follow for the disaster lineage main line is:
Feemor and Xanatos were Qui-Gon's mentees (college stuff), not his kids. One ended well. The other did not.
Obi-Wan was the result of a Bad Decision (likely alcohol, but could be a longer relationship). The bio mom is not in the picture, but Qui-Gon's doing his best with this kid.
First marriage was when Obi-Wan was still a toddler, to Tahl. Tahl dies when Obi-Wan is about 15/16. Qui-Gon deals poorly. This involves some ill-advised one-night stands.
About ten years later, one of said one-night stands calls him up with "I meant to be a single mother and not involve you, because all I had was the business card you left, but I've been having some health troubles and I need to know that Anakin has somewhere to go if something happens to me." Qui-Gon ends up with another kid. Obi-Wan and Anakin are half-brothers.
Okay now for the actual AU.
We give Anakin a reason to be transferred mostly to Qui-Gon. Maybe Shmi's health took a turn for the worse, maybe she died, maybe they decided Anakin would have better schooling if he was living with Qui-Gon, whatever. Point is mostly that Anakin is living with Qui-Gon (the dad he likes but only sort-of knows) and Obi-Wan (the half-brother he adores but doesn't see much of because Obi-Wan is in grad school).
And then Qui-Gon remarries.
To Mace.
And the entire point of all this is that I want Anakin's stepdad on this side to be Mace Windu and imagine the Various Nonsenses that may come about.
They have a very big house because Qui-Gon is Dooku's firstborn and is inheriting the Countship.
(Rael can't inherit because he's the only heir to a different title and he can't hold both at the same time.)
Anakin reading books about Evil Stepmothers and trying to figure out if he should be watching Mace for Important Signs.
Does it count if it's a stepdad? Are the books an accurate representation of the proper signs to watch out for?
My favorite QuiMace dynamic is Qui-Gon deliberately, constantly toeing the line of irritation to Mace. And Mace is just incredibly flat-faced about it at all times. People think they're just. Coworkers at best. And then Qui-Gon manages something extra ridiculous and earns himself a smile and a peck on the cheek and everyone's just like WAIT. WHAT. It's like. Qui-Gon embodies this constant, slightly smug, needling grin where he knows exactly how far he can push, and Mace is charmed by this against his better judgement.
Mace has to drive Anakin to school sometimes and there's just this. Kid. In the passenger seat. Staring at him. The only request he ever gets from the kid is to go Fast. It happens once. He says no. Anakin doesn't ask again, just. Stares at him.
Mace knows the kid isn't possessed but he sure as hell feels like it sometimes; he wants to endear himself to his stepkid, but said stepkids spends half his time staring suspiciously at him from around corners for no reason.
I am envisioning this all taking place in like. This egregiously old and fancy mansion in the Scottish Highlands or something. All those painfully upper crust carved dark wood stair rails and whatnot. The tropey kind.
Qui-Gon decides Mace and Ani should try to Bonding Exercise. Sets them up in an escape room. Mace turns to read the instructions and turns around to find Anakin trying to unscrew the door from the wall because That's One Way To Win, Right? It's Not Against The Rules. He's not trying to escape for anxiety reasons or anything, this is just the fastest way to Win, and boy does Anakin love winning.
Qui-Gon goes off to a botany conference so the house is just Mace and Anakin (and staff, but half the building is a living museum because Qui-Gon doesn't like Rich Life, so that's not actually anything that involves them), and it's. The most awkward thing.
Obi-Wan and Mace get along well. Obi-Wan and Depa (Mace's adopted daughter) get along great. It's just Anakin being so gosh darn weird.
The acceptance phase with this child involves climbing. Anakin is climbing his stepdad to reach Things Up High before he actually talks to him like a Fellow Human Being.
Anakin climbs Qui-Gon to reach high things all the time so Mace figures it's a good sign. It's just also annoying because now he has to change his shirt since there's a child-sized footprint on it.
(Ironically, Anakin adores Depa. She can cook better than anyone else in this family, except Mom and that Dooku guy that's apparently Grandpa)
(Granted I can also very easily imagine this as not-manor life, but like. random suburb.)
@epicmusic42 (Wren) pointed out:
The manor is important bc it gives ambiance to Anakin's suspicion. Could also have a b-plot where depa and obi are investigating what they think might be a murder? They're not sure and they're not letting anakin join bc they're terrified they'll be right and find a dead body komari stashed in the walls 20 years ago
Mace, rubbing his temples: She's alive and living on Cypress. We can video call her.
Obi-Wan and Mace get along well. Obi-Wan and Depa get along great. It's just Anakin being so gosh darn weird.
The acceptance phase with this child involves climbing. Anakin is climbing his stepdad to reach Things Up High before he actually talks to him like a Fellow Human Being.
Anakin climbs Qui-Gon to reach high things all the time so Mace figures it's a good sign. It's just also annoying because now he has to change his shirt since there's a child-sized footprint on it.
(Ironically, Anakin adores Depa. She can cook better than anyone else in this family, except Mom and that Dooku guy that's apparently Grandpa)
The idea of Depa and Obi-Wan furiously whispering about Weird Ghost Things in a corner while Anakin is pretending to be otherwise occupied is killing me.
He's got on noise cancelling headphones. They are not on. He is listening very intently to his Grown Up Siblings.
He's going to crawl into the vents and find the ghost Mace finds him half-way inside a vent he removed himself and just. Pulls him out. What the fuck fudge, kid?
Mace: [considers his daughter. Considers everything he knows Obi-wan. Considers that this is Qui-Gon’s kid] Mace, resigned: ...does this have anything to do with depa and Obi-wan’s idea that there's a ghost? Anakin: ...maybe
I need Anakin to have a nightmare and he tries to find Qui-Gon but Mace is already awake and decides to Make Some Hot Chocolate.
Groundskeeper Plo and his granddaughter Ahsoka.
Shaak is Plo's daughter-in-law and Ahsoka's mom. She spends most of her time working in the neonatal ward of the nearest hospital, so she leaves Ahsoka with Plo a lot.
This toddler has decided Anakin is her favorite person EVER.
plo might have planted some odd evidence to help Mace bond w anakin over a mystery. Whether that's still what depa and obi are investigating tho...
Plo has a pilot's license and Anakin spends so much time asking him about it
Anakin keeps trying to get into the antique swords Mace would tear his hair out if he had any
Mace: help? Qui? Qui: Ani, the same rule applies to you as it did to the rest of our family. You have to beat father in a duel before you can touch his collection Whether or not it works depends entirely on whether it's Dooku's swords Anakin is trying to access Mace is concerned by this is until Qui-Gon points out that his father did go to the Olympics. Several times in fact.
Anakin's upset because he can't beat Dooku in a duel when Dooku's on some wine tour in Italy and won't be coming back until all the court cases are over.
There's a fic (by @willowcrowned) where Dooku is Ventress's fencing coach to get her to the Olympics and I like that option (She's going in the will and everyone knows it.)
Glorious! Could drive the chaos up even more by interrupting Mace's progress w anakin, w dooku coming home w ventress in tow, actually. The only explanation he'll give is that she's staying and to treat her like family. Everyone is Concerned
You know those comics where Dick Grayson is like. Swinging on the chandelier and scaring the shit out of Bruce and Alfred? That's Anakin.
Qui-Gon is relatively responsible and tells Anakin that he can sign up for a gymnastics class if he'd like, but he's not swinging from the chandelier without safety equipment. That's How Your Uncle Rael Broke His Leg, You Know. Unfortunately, he's still too chill about it for Mace's blood pressure.
Also, I decided that if I ever do anything with this, it's QuinObi.
I think Mace and Tholme would make for very saltmate in-laws (and hey, we could do the Plo thing!), but also Quinlan would probably enjoy winding up his future step-father-in-law just as much as Qui-Gon does.
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I love how stanikins bend over backwards to attempt to make Obi-Wan and the Jedi look callous and uncaring when all evidence points otherwise.
Obi-Wan is too harsh on him after he endangers his men and Ashoka to save a droid with confidential information on it which he didn’t wipe purposefully, oh no!!! He’s abusive!!!
Obi-Wan putting the good of the Galaxy above the ones he love because it’s his duty and philosophy to put the good of the collective above the good of the few he loves. Oh no!!!! He’s heartless!!! He should’ve let Anakin jump off the moving vehicle to save padme because muh love story!!!! He should’ve known that Anakin’s dreams about his mother dying was a vision and not a dream!!! Definitely not like Anakin told him it was a vision, “just a dream” verbatim from Anakin himself!!! Like if we take legends into consideration then Obi-Wan, someone who is strong in the Unifying force, would definitely have done shit if Anakin told him outright it was a vision but how was he supposed to know when Anakin himself 1) never had a vision before this and 2) never told his master what occurred in said vision?
Obi-Wan would’ve made Anakin fess up to the Tusken massacre if Anakin told him!!! He should’ve been a safe space for Anakin and been accepting like Padme and covered this horrendous miscarriage of justice out of love!!! He didn’t provide a safe space for a mass murderer therefore he deserves blame for it!!!!
The council didn’t want to admit a very clearly traumatized slave child who’s recently been freed because he would not be able to fully commit to their philosophy of non-attachment due to his experience and asking him to change how he viewed the world so shortly after being separated from his one support in life would be cruel so they denied him, therefore he was right to hate them!!! Especially Mace Windu because, checks notes, he was mean (???) to him (???) in the first act of the phantom menace???? Like have y’all not watched TCW and how Mace interacted with him????
Stanikins literally have every excuse under the sun to justify his every atrocity without giving him any agency in his own choice. His story is a tragedy!!! Let it be a tragedy!!! He was a slave boy with godly powers and traumatized beyond imagination! He could’ve been great if the circumstances were different, if one thing changed he would’ve been the greatest Jedi there were, but because he is literally doomed by the narrative, we cannot see him be the person he could be. He has great capacity for kindness of selflessness but because of his experience fear wins out and he desperately holds onto all the affection and love he could because his time as a slave taught him to do so. It’s a disservice to take away his agency, to make all his bad and disastrous decisions the fault of someone else, is to make him one dimensional. Let him be the villain he is and mourn the child he was and the person he could’ve been if he wasn’t doomed by the narrative before the prequels even came out. Let him be tragic. Let his decisions be tragic and doomed and unavoidable. Let him be sucked into villainy the moment he decided that his revenge is worth more than the lives of those that did not participate in the murder and torture of his mother. Let him be utterly unredeemable because of his actions. Let him doomed by his own actions as well as the narrative. Let him be himself instead of woobifying him into a victim of everyone else’s actions but his own.
He choose to massacre the Tuskens. He choose to massacre the Jedi. He choose to hunt any remaining Jedi left in the Galaxy for 20 years. He choose to put the life of his wife above the people who raised him and took him into their culture. He choose to do that himself. And it is tragic. It is sad. But it is no one’s fault but his own. His formative years shaped him into one who jealously hordes all forms of affection form those he loved most as a trauma response. He understands Jedi teachings (literally a whole arc in TCW where he teaches Ashoka what it means to be a Padawan and Jedi) he just doesn’t internalize it because of his trauma. He takes no one’s council but his own (showcased when he went to Yoda to ask for a method of cheating death and Yoda’s advice was sound if he were talking to any other Jedi other than Anakin).
Star Wars may be a a story of hope but it is also a tragedy. It’s about a boy how could’ve been great, it’s about a boy who was so full of hope and dooming himself because he’s too afraid and refuses to let the fear go so it turns into anger and hate. Taking away Anakins agency and blaming his actions on other people takes away the tragedy that is having someone great fall. A boy who was bad cannot fall and be doomed. It’s only those that have the potential to be great that falls the hardest and by taking away his own culpability in bringing in a genocidal empire (one he wished to rule no less) takes away the inherent tragedy of seeing someone so bright fall so low.
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narcissiah · 2 years
Build A Bear | Black Noir x GN!Reader
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yo so last week or smth i went to build a bear with my little relatives and when i saw chubby cubby (look it up you wont be disappointed) i fell in love, then i was struck with inspiration. so my chonky teddy bear and i hope you enjoy this lmao
warnings: heavy cursing, SPOILERS FROM S2 but not too specific in the bulleted fic? still be warned. other than that pretty mild, fluffy? yeah fluffy and probably ooc for black noir but whatevs
when news spread of Black Noir being in critical condition, a lot of internal questions were raised at Vought: who did this? was it an accident? was it on purpose? was it another supe? how can we market off this? etc
once crisis control handled the public nightmare that was social media and news outlets (special thanks to Cameron!), did the flood gates open
in the first few days, there were countless cards and money chip-ins for charity donations that Black Noir advocated for
i mean you could not take a shit without someone thrusting a card in your face and saying, "Wanna write something sweet to Noir so he gets better soon?"
hence came the little lie, "oh, i already got him something with a card. thanks tho"
you worked in the crime analysis department, so you did not have a close relationship with Black Noir personally
but that didn't mean you felt bad; i mean, critical condition? you had to give him something
and people at Vought would easily find out you lied and who knows what would happen then?
there are definitely some snakes in the grass if you know what i mean
but what would you get him? everyone else was giving cards and flowers and balloons. no doubt his hospital room is flooded with all those things
so while you're agonizing over what to get him because god forbid snakes figure out your "white" lie, you're stuck on babysitting duty for a friend's eight-year-old kid one day
while you're not too hip on what eight-year-old kids do in their spare time nowadays, you decide to take them to the ol' reliable of your childhood: the mall
as you both are walking around bored out of your minds do you see the answer to your agony: the holy golden glow of build-a-bear workshop
you have to drag the kid you're babysitting inside, but they dont put up a fight for long when they see a stuffed animal they like
unfortunately, you dont see anything you like, but you buy the kid your babysitting his bear (a frog dressed like Obi-Wan)
At the check out do you see another saving grace: "exclusive customizable bears online! order one today!!"
so the second you drop the kid off and you're at home, you immediately go incognito on your browser
you buy a stuffed (animal of your choice) and dress it up like Black Noir because build a bear is in an obvious partnership with Vought for younger consumer marketability
for the extra hell of it, you buy a "get well soon" shirt bc you thought how cute it would be to put it over the Black Noir getup
for the customization, on all 4 paws do you write: Black (front right) Noir (front left) For (back right) Ever! (back left)
you buy expedited shipping and when it finally arrives, you put on the get well soon shirt over the black noir outfit, but you stop from putting on the black noir helmet
why you didnt put on the helm was beyond you. maybe because you thought the sentimentality was stronger since you're recognizing he's still human beneath the suit??
who the fuck knows, anyway
you ask Ashley to give it to Noir (which took a lot of convincing, and a pricey meal for lunch).
funnily enough, you dont leave a card or any sign the gift was from you
you doubted yourself and regretted your decision because why not
but as long as you got him something with a little more personalization (and therefore make your lie true), you'd live with it
and forget about it eventually lol
fast forward like a few months
Black Noir recovered and had just finished his tour across the country selling his bullet-proof backpacks
you indeed forgot about the bear as time went on
one day you're at work and fucking around on the company computer to pass time when you feel a very warm and very heavy hand on your shoulder
the entire crime analysis department goes gravely silent
you slowly turn in your creaking office chair, and stare into the bottomless abyss that was Black Noir's goggles
he gestures for you talk outside privately (a secondary location? aw hell naw) but you oblige
as you both walk out of the department, the looks your co-workers give you... one of them even salutes you off
oh jeez oh fuck oh jeez oh fuck x100
when you're both outside in the back where there's literally not a single soul in sight, do you apologize
because its Black Noir, and of course he knew that was your gift
"ah jeez, Mr. Noir, sir, im sorry if you didn't like the bear. I didn't mean to offend you, please dont--"
and then the most confusing fucking thing happens
he pulls out a motherfuckin build-a-bear which was your favorite animal (how did he know?) wearing a freakin "thanks a bunch" shirt
he holds it out to you; you're quick to snap out of whatever fucking dream this was and gingerly take it from him
then you start giggling, relieved and so bewildered because what the fuck???
"hey...thank you," because of course you would say thank you for a thank you gift
and as if the day couldnt get any fucking weirder
Black Noir pulls you into a hug
like, a minute-long hug
while you're not as quick as earlier, you still reciprocate the hug—you even gently (read: awkwardly) pat his back!!
and then he removes himself from the hug, stares at you, then fucks off doing Black Noir shit
for a place of honor, you keep the toy right next to your monitor and look at it whenever you're feeling not like yourself
also, coincidentally, when Black Noir needs something from your department, he goes right to you and only you!!
i get the vibe that no one really cares about Black Noir at Vought; so i personally headcanon that except for the kiss-ass usual gifts, he got jack shit while at the hospital, if any at all. that's why i headcanon? imagine? that the second someone puts some thought into a get well soon gift like reader does, he's over the moon. my boy needs positive attention!! 😭😭😭
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ferretrade · 2 years
but wait, there's more! how codywan started dating feat. satine: a probably grad student idk au (prequel to this drabble)
Tonight has been, perhaps, the best date in all of Cody's 28 years (or, more accurately, his 11 years of dating). It's been movie-perfect from the start, actually. Meeting eyes from opposite library carrels; exchanging smiles and polite hellos; sharing an extra coffee; making up reasons to talk until there was no reason to not admit that they should go out. And the date? All smiles and electricity. Perfectly flowing conversation. Shy touches of fingers across the table. 
So of course, it couldn't last.
"There's one more thing you should know. Before we… continue," Obi-Wan says at the end of the night, shifting with nervous energy. 
"What?" Cody asks, expecting Obi-Wan to tell him he doesn't have time for a dating life (neither does Cody, he's fine with that) or that he has a kid (probably not, he can't imagine Obi-Wan not talking about them with the way he waxed on about his siblings) or maybe even that he has an STI (not a deal breaker, certainly). He's not anticipating anything like what he gets. 
"He lives with his ex!" Cody tells Rex as he paces, arms waving with emphasis. "And not as a temporary thing. On purpose." 
"Yikes," Rex entones unenthusiastically. He's flipping through sports channels like the apathetic ingrate he is. 
"Are you even paying attention?" Cody gripes, stopping in his tracks. "You're the whole reason I went on this date. You keep telling me to 'get out there.'" 
"And?" Rex glances up at him from where he's sprawled on the couch. "The point is for you to get laid, not married. Hell, this is probably good for you, otherwise you'd be back in another three year relationship." 
Cody scowls. There's nothing wrong with long-term, committed relationships, as much as Rex is allergic to them. Sure, Cody's last two happened to be with emotionally manipulative assholes who he wasted years of his life on, but what were your early twenties for if not a series of bad boyfriends? 
"Just fuck the guy and move on, Codes. And thank his ex on the way out." 
"How am I related to you?" Cody asks with overblown disgust. There will be no fucking Obi-Wan Kenobi. In fact, there will be no more contact other than the strictest professional politeness when their paths cross—even if he smiles the smile that makes his eyes crinkle and his head duck, almost embarrassed. Even then. 
Rex sighs dramatically. "I ask myself that every day."
The one and only correct response is to plop down on the couch and (playfully) attempt to smother Rex with a pillow. So, deciding that all decisions about Obi-Wan Kenobi are done, he does.
"I need to meet her." 
Obi-Wan startles when Cody blurts this out, standing on the opposite side of the library desk Obi-Wan is occupying. He blinks up owlishly, tilting his head. His mouth even opens and closes once, as if he can't believe Cody is really here after ghosting him for a week. 
To be fair, neither can Cody. He swore to himself he'd leave well enough alone and yet…. Something about Obi-Wan Kenobi is too intoxicating and he spent the entire week thinking about him, craving his company, recounting how good their date was until the very end. Why shouldn't he overlook a tiny little detail like living with one's ex? Sure it's a red flag, but only a really tiny one. A dollhouse-sized red flag. He can manage that. 
"You need to meet whom, exactly?" Obi-Wan asks with his pretty, posh accent and Cody wants to kiss him and tell him to keep up. 
"The ex," he says, hinting that it should be obvious. "If we're going to go out again, I need to meet her first. That's my condition." 
The emotional journey that takes place on Obi-Wan's face is a thing of beauty. Surprise flickers into worry, followed by hope, and finally a lovely pinkening of his cheeks as his eyes scan Cody's face and land on his mouth. "Okay. That can be arranged." 
"Good." He's a bit stiff and awkward, having not quite expected to get to this point. "I like you," he admits, mostly because Obi-Wan already knows. "But I can't go into this without all the details." 
Obi-Wan nods. "I know. That's what I like about you, you're very… prepared." 
This is not a new fact. Cody's been praised—and teased by his brothers and cousins—for being a planner his whole life. But Obi-Wan is the first person who says it like I want to peel off every article of clothing and fuck you right here on the library table. 
Cody sucks at his bottom lip and watches Obi-Wan's eyes go dark. 
"Now?" He asks, hoarsely. 
Cody nods quickly. "Now is fantastic." 
She looks nothing like me, is the first thing Cody thinks upon seeing Satine Kryze sat on her living room couch with a cup of tea. It's a relief. Some very small part of Cody had worried he was part of a fetish Obi-Wan had because some small part of him always worries about that when he meets white men. But Satine is pale with fair blonde hair, nothing like the shades of brown that make up Cody's hair and eyes and skin. 
"So you're Cody," she says appraisingly, as if she called the meeting to judge him and not the other way around. "Obi-Wan has told me a lot about you." 
"Satine," Obi-Wan admonishes. "That's hardly—"
Cody shushes him and Satine gives a winning smile. 
"Leave us to chat, dear," Satine says with a dismissive wave. "I believe Cody and I have much to discuss." 
When she gestures for him to sit down, Cody takes the spot on the other end of the couch and gives a nod to Obi-Wan indicating that he's very much okay with the chain of events. Reluctantly, and with a deep frown, Obi-Wan finally walks away, deeper into the apartment. 
"So. Questions?" 
Satine hands him a cup of tea and cuts straight to the point; Cody appreciates that. She's confident, no-nonsense—and huh, maybe they're not as different personality-wise as they are physically. 
"Do you still love him?" Cody asks bluntly. Obi-Wan had told him, however briefly, about the basics of the relationship—the duration, the seriousness of it, how long they've been broken  up—but he needs Satine's side. 
"Yes." She answers without so much as blinking. "Not romantically anymore, but I'll always love him as a dear friend." 
Cody weighs that response for a moment, not quite sure how he feels about it. At least it's honest. "Why didn't it work?" 
Now she pauses, thoughtful. "It sounds like a cliche, but we simply weren't right for one another. Eventually it's too hard to try to stay with someone who just doesn't want the same things." 
And the big one: "Why live together, if you're so incompatible?" 
"He's neat enough, he pays the rent on time, he doesn't mind the chores I hate doing. Why not live together?" She shrugs. "It's not forever, but—well, who do you live with?" 
"My brothers," Cody answers, immediately understanding where she's going with this. 
"And do you always get along?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
Cody hums a negative. 
"Well, it's like that. You love them, I'm sure, and are happy to live with them as long as it's convenient, but you don't plan to have them as your lifelong partner." Satine pauses. "Besides, it's not as if we share a bedroom. We do have our own space." 
So far, Satine has been so sensible that Cody can't help liking her. He can map out in his mind exactly how she and Obi-Wan could break up amicably and actually stay friends, instead of doing that awkward dance most exes who 'stay friends' do. He can see exactly why Obi-Wan would want to.
"Are you seeing anyone?" He's fairly certain he's made up his mind already, but this question is on his mental list and it seems a shame to discard it. 
"No," Satine says, but there's a look in her eyes Cody reads easily. 
"Ah." He smiles slightly. "But there is someone." 
Satine smiles back, glowing with it. "Maybe. Does that help?"
Cody shrugs, figuring he owes her his own honesty. "It doesn't hurt." 
They sip their tea. Cody is satisfied but he's not done, not when his mind wanders to the fact that Obi-Wan has almost certainly been eavesdropping the whole time. 
"So, what has Obi-Wan had to say about me?" 
Cody hears something thunk, like an object being knocked over in a hurry, from the other room. 
Satine laughs. He's heard laughs described as tinkling bells, and that is very much not Satine Kryze. Her laugh is hearty and full. Her whole body moves with it, her head tilting back with pleasure. She's solid and real in a way Cody appreciates. 
"Oh, you and I are going to get along fabulously," Satine promises, a wicked gleam in her eyes. 
The noise from the other room is even louder this time. 
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meshlasolus · 2 years
House Of Memories (43/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: mace windu lol
Summary: Trapped beneath the rubble, you try your best to help yourself as well as Master Windu escape this terrible tunnel.
A/n: ouch y'all i'm trying to keep the updates coming but it's getting hard i've been swamped with orders and i have no one to help me oof-
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 3k
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Obi-Wan watched on with wide eyes as you slid beneath the oncoming ruble, running towards the rocks with impeccable speed. He was still too late unfortunately and pounded his fists against the cluttered surface with a fit of anger.
This wasn't his fault, it was your decision, and yet, he always blamed himself for anything that happened to you. He was your master, and swore an oath to protect you, but more importantly, he loved you, and if he failed to stay in alignment with that oath, he would never forgive himself.
"What was she thinking?" Anakin rushed up to stand beside his Master, and though it was a question thought out loud, not meant to receive answers, Obi-Wan had a perfect idea why.
"She's proving them wrong," he said, a bit of sarcasm floating in his tone. He was snippy when he was in a bad mood, and given that you were separated from him by a wall made of stone, he was in the worst mood he'd been in for a long while.
"What?" Anakin was more confused by his statement than by your actions themselves.
"I don't have time to explain, we need to find a way to get them out before those droids get over the mountain."
His fear of leaving anyone behind was crippling, but leaving you behind? And worse, leaving you behind when you risked your life to save the one person who may have despised you the most? He couldn't bear it.
He positioned all the men he could on clearing an opening, and hoped that on the inside, you weren't badly injured. You were a very strong Jedi, capable of immense strategy, but navigating the inside of a dark tunnel with Mace Windu constantly harping over your shoulder might be something to diminish your abilities.
You couldn't see a thing. You could only hear the sound of rocks falling into piles outside of where you'd been trapped. You reached for your lightsaber, igniting it and qaving around the hilt to get a better vision of where you were standing. There were some piles of clutter, mostly dirt and mud that came down with the rocks, the earthy materials blocking you from reaching the very person you rushed in to save.
"Master Windu?" You called out, afraid of how far in he'd been buried beneath it all.
"Here," he gasped out, clearly biting the inside of his mouth to try and stunt the pain. "I'm over here."
You rushed over, waving your saber blade where he was, almost making an incision in his face for how close you got. You backed it away immediately, looking at the situation before you. Both his legs were crushed under a giant boulder, and there was no chance you could lift it with your bare hands... luckily for you, you'd been blesses with a strong and rare connection with the force, meaning you were also strongly tied to every living thing in this galaxy, even Mace Windu. You placed a hand on his shoulder and focused on keeping him calm, forcing your signature to comb through his with the soothing waves of your mind. As soon as he seemed settled, you focused again, raising the boulder off of him long enough thay he could pull both legs out from underneath. You dropped it a moment later, and sank to your knees for the strength it took out of you.
"Are you alright?" He asked, watching your heavy breathing under the glow of the green and white light. He'd never actually seen the streak in your saber before today, but figured the battlefiled was not the place to discuss it. Now didn't seem like a great time, either.
"Yes, I'm fine," you tried to even your bresth intake, following a pattern that your Master had taught you when you were very young. "I just need a moment."
He didn't want to address it, the bantha in the room, or should he say cavern. He wanted to move on as if this was just a regular occurrence, but it was not. You ran in after him, you were the only one who'd come to save his life.... surely you'd bring it up eventually, maybe even right now, you would ask for a thank you, or brag about your decision to follow him. Maybe you would tell him this broke even, and that he was to stop treating you like he-
"Are you alright?" You asked, and his face went blank. You couldn't help your puzzled stare at him, he must have been thinking of something. "If you're not sure you can stand, I can help you. I'm mych stronger than I look."
Well, he thought, I'll be damned. Of all the years you'd been in the temple, he never really took the time to know you, after forming an opinion of you in your early stages of life, (no doubt even then he still didn't look into your situation) he decided you weren't worth the time spent, to understand your mind, the way it worked, or the complexity of your thoughts. He simply thought you were a trouble maker, harnessed only by the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had an opinion on your bond to him, but never voiced it aloud to anyone, not even himself. If you both were what he feared, you might be dangerous... or, you'd be their greatest strength. Either way, if the bond was strong enough, you'd be unstoppable.
"I'm fine."
He didn't want to bring it up, so he didn't, because you seemed perfectly fine not to as well.
"Good," you nodded, beginning to stand up and offered him a hand to his feet as well. He didn't seem so steady on his heels as normal, but he pretended he was, and perhaps that was enough. "We need to find a way out, but the main entrance is sealed tightly, I don't think it will be a viable option."
"The other side won't be either, even if it's still open. As soon as we step out, we'll be swarmed with droids."
You nodded, holding your saber out in different directions and hoping another path was available. It didn't seem like there were many options, but there was a small crawl space by the wall that was still intact. Worse case scenario, you had to crawl backwards through it to come back out if there was a dead end.
"Over there, it seems to be some type of ventalation system. If the vents weren't too badly damaged in the explosion, it will take us to the surface," you explained, although the Master Jedi didn't necessarily need your help in understanding.
"After you," he gestured. He knew that if you didn't fit, he sure as hell wouldn't, but as you crouched down beside it, the evidence stood that it would be big enough for both of you.
It was a tighter space for him, but he followed along, knowing that he had no other options at the moment. He only hoped the outside forces were working just as hard to secure their escape from this horrible mes they were in.
Obi-Wan was sweating violently, and his anxiety was getting on everyone's nerves. Yes, they were trying their hardest, and yes, they were scared that it kay not be enough, but Obi-Wan's consistent badgering about the severity of the situation wasn't helping.
He tried to reach out in the force, to connect to your signature and to speak to you but you were distracted, and he could only hope that was a good thing.
As the troopers moved, quickly removing rocks and such from the area, he realized that maybe there was another way out. He approached Anakin, ready to confront him about his suspicion, but it seemed the boy had beat him to it.
"I've sent some men to look for the ventilation port. If it's still intact, that might be our best course of action," he knew this was hard on Obi-Wan, and he knew that though everyone was stressing out over his behavior, it was only because he was trying to get to you, and the obstacles seemed impossible right now. If it weren't for his exhaustion ridden mind, he would try and force away those barriers with only the power of what was in him. He, however, was using the last bit of his concentration and effort on trying to pinpoint you, to make sure you were safe until he could get you out.
"Thank you, Anakin. You've been an impeccable leader today, and you've done us proud."
The praise he received from his former master was always appreciated, but knowing the emotional toll it took for him to stsnd here without you beside him, Anakin wanted only to comfort his friend. They were brothers, always would be, and when one was in distress, it was up to the other to see out the issue, and help it dissolve.
"Maybe you should sit down for a minute," Anakin tried to usher him over to a ledge, whete he could still oversee all the happenings of the working soldiers, but he coukd maybe clear his mind for a few seconds. He knew it was a stretch, because when it came to you, all bets were off for Obi-Wan. He was devoted to you, mind and soul, and whatever he needed to do to have you by his side, it wasn't even a question of if he could accomplish it, rather instead, how quickly?
"I cannot rest until she is found," and though he meant it, his tired expression that followed gave him away. He hadn't slept the night before the mission, too afraid of what could go wrong. He had a sense about these things, often as did you. He only hoped he was wrong, but today he would not be so lucky. Now, most of all, he was worried about how you were being treated for your reckless move. Hopefully Mace wouldn't be too stern, given that it was him you went in to save. "I can't imagine what's happened between them in there."
It was utterly quiet between the two of you as on opposite sides of the new cavern, you tried carving into the access doors with your lightsabers. The ventilation system onky went so far before the access ways had been smashed by debris, so you took another oath and ended uo in what looked to be some sort of storage room. The lighting was working, which is why you both held hope that perhaps the doors would work too, but they had been sealed shut, and you were giving up on even thinking that there would be a clear exit if you could carve them out.
Master Windu seemed to be utterly annoyed by every attempt to escape this place, as were you, though you hid those emotions to stay on his good side.
"You can stop that, there's nothing on the other side," he let out, shaking his head and sitting against his side of the wall. You kept on, though your arms were thoroughly tired, trying your best to make a hole that was big enough to fit through.
"Jedi don't give up."
"They do when there's nothing else to be done. A wise Jedi understands when they have not the capabilities to accomplish something," he spoke, and you couldn't help but feel like he was trying to teach you something.
You looked back at him and furrowed your brows, he looked very comfortable on the ground, ans you figured perhaps it would be okay to take a rest from your endeavor, if only for a few minutes.
"Alright," you conceded, sinking down the opposite wall from him, and heaving a sigh of frustration. This conundrum was definitely not ideal, and you hoped you wouldn't have to converse with the Grand Council member any more than you already had. You figured being in a small space with someone who despised you would end up poorly if you interacted too much.
Mace had to wonder for a moment... why did he treat you the way he did? You clearly were not the person he'd thought you to be, the person he'd made you out to be to so many other people. He'd shared his opinion of you to nearly everyone he encountered that he knew would also encounter you. It wasn't fair... and now that you'd saved his life, and had asked for nothing in return, he could see that.
"I wanted to thank you," he started, watching as your confused face snapped up to meet his eyeline. "For saving my life. No one else ran in but you..."
He took another pause, unsure of how to phrase his next question without sounding ungrateful.
"Why is that?"
You calculated your response carefully, for all you knew, this could be a test.
"It seemed like the right thing to do," was a good answer, but your elaboration was even better. "My Master always taught me to seek the needs of others above my own."
Mace nodded, raising a brow and thinking about the ever so complicated words that were his next question.
"That wasn't what I meant. Why, when in the past I have shown indifference to you, woukd you run in here to save me?"
Oh boy... this wasn't a test, but simply his curiosity, and though you could answer in another profound way, you chose to stay silent for a moment while contemplating the truth of the matter.
"Your trouble with the council may have died with me, but you chose to ignore that fact."
Yes, you did, because it was your mission to prove them wrong, just as Obi-Wan had suggested.
"If I let you die, I'm no better of person, and I'm certainly not a good Jedi," your explanation dumbfounded him, he had a lack for words, blinking rapidly to try and process your meaning. "Master Kenobi taught me better than that."
This he could agree with, Obi-Wan was a good teacher, and the way he so gently guided you along your path was perhaps his greatest method as a Jedi Master. To be so kind and careful with one's Padawan, it was a skill of patience that he knew long ago he did not posess, and nearly envied.
"He has taught you well."
You weren't sure if you heard that right, but it sounded like Mace Windue was trying to make an effort to compliment you, which would be a first, and probably once in a lifetime experience. Maybe you were imagining it, maybe the lack of oxygen was feeding your brain wild fantasies that didn't exist.
"His mentorship has meant a lot to me, I believe it is because of him I have accomplished what I have in my life," you were letting your thoughts into the air, now. It was your hope that he did not grow tired of your weary conversation and turn back to his ways of loathing you again.
"You both share a bond that is greater than any between Master and Padawan in existence. It is my belief that you may be a dyad in the force."
That can't be possible.
Dyads were of legend, hidden in the ancient Jedi texts and never proven to exist outside of old lore from times of the Jedi's originations. How did that even cross his mind, surely he was too sensible to think that such a thing could be true.
"A force dyad? That's impossible," you weren't even really responding to his statement, but rather reacting through thoughts said outloud.
"I once thought so, too. I promised Master Kenobi never to share this information with another person, but given that it's about you, I think he'd let it slide," he leaned forward a little, preparing to explain this to you in depth and detail. "He came to me in confidence, telling me that he felt stronger in your presence. He also said that you are able to communicate by use of the force when you're not even near each other. Your ability to locate him across star systems, just by reaching out with your signature is a gift that I have never seen the likes of."
You knew it was unwise to tell him anything else, because it would only give away the fact that you were also romantically involved with the one he spoke of. You could not let that happen. Truce or not, Master Windu wouldn't hesitate to expell you for such reasoning.
"He knows about this?"
"More or less, we've discussed it," it was his intention now to explain to you one last thing, he would tell you why he treated you- the council treated you in such a manner as they did. "I, in the past, had not been wise enough to see then what I see now. In the past, I thought you were a distraction to your master, an attachment that is forbidden from him, and that should anything happen to you, he would leave the order. I thought that your behavior in earlier circumstances made you a bad risk for him. I see now that you are his greatest strength, and any battle you fight together shall be won."
You couldn't help but smile. The greatest trial of your lives had yet to come, and you knew that it would be harder than anything you've even faced... but hey, if Mace Windu somehow approved of your attachment to him, then what could be so bad?
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jjoelswatch · 1 year
I hear so much of Obi-Wan’s ideology in Cody’s words about what makes the clones different than droids and it’s making me absolutely insane.
“An army with no loyalty, no spirit. Just programming. What do you have to show for all your power? What have you to gain?” 
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars, S2E9: Grievous Intrigue)
“This new empire...are we making the galaxy better? ...You know what makes us different from battledroids? We make our own decisions. Our own choices. And we have to live with them, too.” 
- Commandeer Cody (The Bad Batch, S2E3: The Solitary Clone)
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marvelstars · 1 year
Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan and Anakin
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On the debate over if Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan were the better teachers for Anakin, I can see the point of each side but I personally think Qui-Gon was better equipped to deal with a student like Anakin than Obi-Wan when he started training Ani and it isn´t because Obi-Wan was a bad teacher per se, in fact I think Old Obi-Wan would have been a great mentor for Anakin just like he was with Luke and that´s the problem, Young Obi- wan didn´t have the life experience to train a kid like Anakin, who was an outsider of the order and who had a bad beggining with the jedi council since the moment he got to the temple.
If I compare them at the time we meet them in the Phantom Menace:
Qui-Gon Jinn: Was a man who was about to end in a good note Obi-Wan´s training, who was patient, explored the living force elements because he felt the jedi had disconnected themselves from what the force was saying while being overly burdened by tradition and obedience to the senate, who was able to manage a discussion with the council when he felt they were not managing something in the best way and the council more or less understood where he was coming from even if they often disagreed with Qui-Gon, he may have shared some of Count Dooku´s criticism on the Jedi Order but he still saw great value in staying a jedi and didn´t agree with Dooku´s radical take on things, etc.
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Even his decision of letting Obi-Wan do his trials so he could take care of Anakin was very reasonable, Obi-Wan was a young adult with plenty of experience as a padawan he just expected him to get more in contact with the living force before being made a Jedi and he also didn´t expect Anakin to be rejected from the get go and he had promised his mother to take care of Anakin, he knew if he was sent back to Tatooine Anakin would be made a slave again in a matter of days and he truly believed Anakin was the chosen one, he didn´t made that decision to hurt Obi-Wan at all and Obi-Wan was old enough to understand that even if he still felt rejected.
In short Qui-Gon was flexible enough to tell Anakin the same Jedi teachings in a way he could understand because he grew up outside the jedi temple "Follow your instincts" and being more strict when he wanted Anakin to learn something or correct his behavoir just like he did with Obi-Wan with his "pathetic life forms" comment about Jar Jar and Anakin without being overly critical and given how many hugs he gave little Ani, Qui-Gon would not have had a problem being the father figure Anakin was looking for without questioning his own sense of being a jedi, he didn´t like tradition that much after all and he also would have been able to be a mediator between the Jedi Council and Anakin when he felt they were being overly critical of him without fear of feeling too attachted to Anakin because he obviously often disagreed with them on many other issues and they were used to that from him.
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Obi-Wan: Old Obi-Wan shared many of Qui-Gon´s virtues as a mentor, add to this the terrible experience of being exiled with his family destroyed and the result is that old Obi-Wan was a way more flexible and empathetic person than when he was a young man.
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Young Obi-Wan was a padawan and became a knight and teacher of a young child in a matter of days, he didn´t choose Anakin as many other Jedi did but he accepted being his master because that was Qui-Gon´s last wish, we started with the wrong foot here because Child Anakin knows this, he also knows Obi-Wan thought he was dangerous, just like the Council did, which is not a good way to start a mentor - student relationship. From the beggining Anakin has doubts Obi-Wan even likes him or if he´s just taking care of him out of a sense of duty.
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Young Obi-Wan,contrary to his own teacher, likes the Jedi rules and traditions, we see how he was dissapointed Qui-Gon wasn´t part of the council despite being a very wise mentor and but he´s dissapoint on Qui-Gon, at no point does he question the Jedi Council way of doing things like his teacher did, except on the matter of Anakin becoming his padawan, he also loves being a Jedi and his dream is that him and his loved ones(Qui-Gon, Anakin) get to be part of the Jedi council at some point. So when Anakin disagreed with the Council Obi-Wan became dissapointed on him without even trying to look at it from Anakin´s perspective just to get a more balanced view. We could see it with Ahsoka´s situation, Obi-Wan didn´t question the council and thought of Ahsoka leaving the Jedi as her failing them, not them failing her.
Same with Anakin´s not being truly trusted by the Council despite all the missions he did for them and all the ways he helped them with the Clone Wars. You would think they would give him a heads up about their decision of not making him a master because he wasn´t ready yet as a mere courtesy, Anakin would have agreed with them because that was exactly what he told Palpatine when he made the suggestion, not doing so in front of everybody and also making the suggesting he was influencing the Chancellor to get the possition when Anakin wasn´t doing anything of the sort.
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Young Obi-Wan had a tremendous burden being in charge of educating the Chosen one, this would have been hard enough if Anakin was a jedi temple raised child but he wasn´t, he was a child just days out of slavery who had to leave behind his Mother in a defenseless state(with a bomb inside her body) and was told by the adults in charge of him that he could not be a good jedi if he feared what was going to happen to her and that she was an attachment he had to let go off if he didn´t want to fall to the darkside, that´s bassically the worst approach they could ever take with him, because the Jedi Council is holding a completely unreasonable expectative out of a 9 year old kid fresh out of slavery who was born and raised in a family unit, his family was his Mom, not the Jedi even if the Jedi often acted as if they didn´t see each other as family. It´s unreasonable even for an adult who didn´t grow up with the Jedi like Luke was. (PD: Luke didn´t regret chosing to care for Leia, Han, Chewie and his Dad despite being told so by Obi-Wan and Yoda).
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This of course made almost impossible for Anakin to forget his Mom or the guilt he felt at not being able to help her(it also was the reason why he snapped so bad when Shmi was tortured and killed in a horrific way, because he essentially broke his promise to her, he didn´t got back for her because he was too busy being a "good jedi" who leaves behind "attachments" to even allow himself to think about her. So in the end, being a Jedi wasn´t worth abandoning his mother and letting her die and this becomes the preamble towards his other bigger fall to the darkside, when Padme´s life seemed to be in danger. This probably was also the reason why he saw his marriage to Padme without conflict with his Jedi identity, he truly didn´t expect to still be a Jedi after the War and the main reason he stayed with the Jedi at all was his love and care for Obi-Wan( and Ahsoka) in fact Obi-Wan being in danger is the whole reason he goes to Geonosis after a little push from Padme and he fought in the clone wars also for his sense of duty towards the Jedi, something Padme encouraged.
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Young Obi-Wan understood Anakin´s need for his mother but he didn´t approve of it because that relationship was agaisnt everything he was ever told since he was a child about being a good jedi, he also thought the best way to deal with it was by making Anakin remember his compromise with the order, because he was afraid of letting go of Jedi teachings and make a mistake with his padawan by leading him astray, which just sent Anakin the message Obi-Wan didn´t care about his personal issues, he just cared about him being a "good jedi" tm, so he could not trust him with his inner thoughts and perceptions for fear of being rejected by Obi-Wan. The painful part of this is that both truly care for the other but they were almost speaking different languages at this point.
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The most devastating problem in their relationship was the fact Anakin looked at Obi-Wan as a father figure while Obi-Wan thought the very concept was anatema to everything he was ever told, he could accept being his teacher, mentor, friend or brother but not his father, he didn´t seem to be able to find a middle ground or to believe they could make some adjustements without him feeling like he was betraying his Jedi identity.
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I repeat, I don´t think Obi-Wan would have been a bad teacher of bassically any other padawan and he wasn´t responsbile for Anakin´s fall to the darkside, Vader himself didn´t made him responsible of his fall " I am not YOUR failure Obi-Wan" , he was just furious at Obi-Wan for leaving him to die by burning alive, one of the most painful ways of letting someone die and not even making sure he was truly dead(he was also hurt because Obi-Wan = father in his heart but he didn´t like to talk about it as Anakin so he sure as hell is not going to talk about it now that he´s Vader) and Obi-Wan is rightfully furious at Vader for killing the Jedi and betraying him at the point he´s living in denial separating Anakin from Vader just to deal with it.
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So Obi-Wan most definitely would have done very well with Ahsoka or any other padawan, especially if he got some years of solo experience and his own natural disagreetments with the Jedi Council, he just didn´t have the life experience and flexibility to be more secure in his role as a Jedi Master in the kind of traning child Anakin had needed at the time and I don´t think we have to vilify Qui-Gon just to talk about Obi-Wan being a good teacher, it´s not an attack agaisnt the character but a note about how the narrative presented the story, it´s a tragedy after all and this is the reason.
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As a final commentary, this was also why Qui-Gon´s and Obi-Wan´s fight with Darth Maul was called "Duel of the Fates" acording to Lucas, it´s a meta message about the light and dark side dueling over the chosen one. If Maul had killed both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon it´s very possible Palpatine would have adopted Anakin and the galaxy truly would have been really put in the worst possible scenario imo and Luke and Leia may never have been born.
Order 66 was already planned and it wasn´t Anakin´s revenge, it was Sidius´s revenge on behalf of the Sith.
The fall of the republic was already in the works because there were many Senators already working with Palpatine and the Jedi didn´t involve themselves in politis so it was a matter of time.
Anakin was the card sent by the force to turn the tables agaisn´t the Sith.
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PD: Of course the prophecy was still a prophecy and I like fanfic so I could see rebel alliance leader Padme Amidala developing a secret romance with Darth Vader, heir to the Empire but that´s just me.
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Wish Come True.
Chapter 7: First Day of School.
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(TW: school, Lots of talk about fighting and descriptions of fighting. Talk of street fights and...think that's it! Let me know if I missed anything!)
A week had passed since I first arrived on Coruscant. I was starting to feel more acquainted with the area and the people, but it didn't make any of this easier for me to process.
Obi-Wan had told me he had my blood tested and I turned out to be force sensitive. But, it's not as strong as the average jedi.
I didn't quite meet the average count of midichlorians to be a jedi, but the Jedi Council still decided I needed to be trained as a Jedi anyway.
The Jedi Council had also been informed of what happened while I was with Tech, and apparently, were very intrigued.
I'm not sure what all went down, and how they came to this decision, but it was decided that I was to be trained by Obi-Wan as a Jedi, and by Sargeant Hunter as a soldier.
They believed, since I was not as strong in the force as a normal jedi, I would need the extra training from a super soldier to keep up with all the missions that I would go on.
I was frustrated, to say the least. I didn't even get a choice. They just ordered me, and now, I'm in this thing and I'm still trying to wrap my head around even being there.
Why did they need to train me so bad anyway? Surely they have enough jedi, and Obi-Wan seems pretty high up, I'm sure there's more capable people who would love to be his padawan. I'm not even technically old enough to be a padawan.
But for some reason, it didn't matter that I wasn't old enough, or that my midichlorian count was low, the Council wanted me trained, and I bet I knew why.
They knew that, somewhere in my mind, was the answer to many questions about the war, including how it ended. They wanted that information, yes, but more importantly, they didn't want the enemy to have it.
They figured it was better to keep me close, just incase. Keep me hidden.
"What're you thinking about?" Cody's voice broke through my thoughts.
He sat across the room from me, at his desk, while I was on his bed, reading through some textbooks.
The words were all in a different language, but it somehow made sense to me, even though I'd never seen it before.
I sighed. "Just...everything. This situation, how I got here, how I'm gonna get back..."
He nodded slowly, "I know its probably not...exactly what you're wanting, but it could be good for you. You'll atleast have people to watch your back."
I shrugged, glancing around the room. "Maybe, but I'll also have people controlling my life."
Cody frowned. "You'll have your freedom, kid..."
I gave him a look. "My freedom is already being taken away, seeing how they didn't give me a choice in the matter."
He shrugged. "Yeah, its a change, but maybe one for the better. Who knows, you could make some friends."
I scoffed once more, "Yeah, sure, uh...Here's the thing, people don't like me. Never have, never will."
"Well, I like you so far." Cody turned his head. "Maybe people here are different from where you lived."
I stared at him for a moment. "While the town I grew up in was far from perfect, it still had people, and I know that they won't be that different from the people that live here."
Cody chuckled, "Fair enough, but I'm sure you'll find someone. What about the men you met from the 501st? You seem to like being with them."
I raised a brow, "You mean the ones that charged into your room because of a broken jetpack and stolen medical supplies?"
"Yeah, those guys." He chuckled again.
I shrugged and leaned back in my chair. "I mean...Maybe I could teach Tup how to actually steal without getting caught."
Cody rolled his eyes. "Thats not what I mean."
I shrugged, "Could be useful."
Cody sighed but chuckled. "I guess it could be someday. But he has you, so we don't need to know that."
"I might not always be here, Codes." I layed down, staring at the ceiling. "Maybe I'll run away from this war..."
"You haven't even had your first day of studies yet, get over yourself." I could practically hear the eye roll.
I huffed. "Its been two years since I went to school, so pardon me if I'm not excited to start again today."
Cody laughed quietly and stood up, "Would you rather be going over battle plans with me and Kenobi?"
I sat up and looked at him, nodding. "Yes, actually I would."
He merely smirked at me and grabbed his helmet. "Too bad, kid. You gotta know this stuff."
I groaned. "But I don't wannaaaa!" Cody just laughed at me, making my lips turn into a pout.
"Cmon, kid, time to go." He nodded to the door. "It wouldn't be good for you to be late on your first day."
I glared at him and stood up, grabbing the backpack I stole, and walking past him. "You're a jerk, ya'know?"
He merely shrugged and followed me out. "Eh, I've been called worse."
A half hour later, I was sitting behind a desk. I felt strange. I hated it already.
There were probably about fifteen other kids in class, all seemingly my around my age. Almost all of them were taller, which I find thoroughly unfair.
Being fourteen and 5'2 doesn't seem like a huge deal, but nearly everyone I encounter was taller than me by a few inches, even those younger than me. It made it hard to be intimidating a times, but people also tended to underestimate me more, which I used to my advantage.
My mind drifts back to Arlo. He was only nine, but was already at my eyebrows. His brother was two years older than I, and much taller, as were his friends, but I still managed to take them down.
I chewed on my lip. I hoped Arlo was okay. I knew I had no control in coming here, but I couldn't help and feel guilty for not being there for him.
"Alright, students, find your seats, it is time to begin our lesson for the day." The teacher I assume, a lady wearing jedi robes and had her hair up in a bun, walked in and ordered us.
All the kids around me murmured their last words to their friends and sat down at the desks.
As the lesson began, something about the history of the Jedi and the Sith, I quickly realized how far behind I really was.
Subtly glancing at the other students, all their expressions read boredom, and I knew that this topic was review for them.
Seeing how they grew up in The Temple, they've probably heard these stories their whole lives, and knew them well.
I, on the other hand, had never heard of any of it. If this was the basics, I'm not sure how I would do when it came to something hard.
I took as many notes as I could, swallowing at the burning feeling of someone looking at me. I probably seemed like such a weirdo right now, but I had no other choice. This is the only was the only way I could possibly remember everything being told.
Two hours passed, and that class was finally over. Combat was the next one, and I was extremely grateful for that. Atleast I might know something there.
I shoved my pile of notes into my backpack and started to leave, stopping abruptly when someone was standing in the way.
"Oh, sorry-" He apologized and took a step back, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I didn't mean to nearly run into you."
I watched him, taking in his dark skin and midnight blue hair, mumbling, "Its fine..."
His crystal blue eyes stared at me for a moment before smiling and extending his arm. "I'm Zayn Cooper. I noticed you were new in class and thought I'd introduce myself."
I hesitated before shaking his hand, holding onto the strap of my backpack. "Right, yeah...I'm Fae."
"Its nice to meet you." Zayn smiled more, and his words actually seemed genuine...
Before I had a chance to answer, a new face appeared behind Zayn, giving his shoulder a shove.
"Cmon, man, we're gonna be late." A taller boy with shaggy, copper colored hair and fair skin spoke up.
His green eyes, both a different shade, trailed over to me and a grin spread on his lips. "Woahh, hey there-"
I raised a brow, scoffing. "Excuse me?"
Zayn sighed and lightly elbowed the flirty teen beside him. "Sorry about him, Fae. This is Blaze, he's not used to girls and chases their attention."
Blaze made a noise of indignation. "Please, I get plenty of attention from girls."
"If you get 'plenty of attention from girls', then you can leave me alone." I stated, eyes narrowing.
He paused for a moment before chuckling and mock saluting. "Yes, ma'am. Although I hope my first impression didn't completely ruin my chances of getting to know you."
I crossed my arms. "As long as you drop the flirting, sure. Aren't Jedi not allowed to even... like, have relationships or whatever?"
Blaze shrugged, "Technically just no attachment."
"Relationships have attachments." Zayn added. "Healthy ones anyway. Most jedi completely break that rule anyways, just not in the way Blaze is saying. Which should be expected, people aren't supposed to be alone, and its natural to seek companionship."
I tilted my head. "Who exactly would be their companion?"
"Other jedi, clones, people they work with often." Zayn explained then asked. "Who's your Master?"
"Obi-Wan Kenobi." I answered, glancing between the two to catch their reaction.
Blaze's brows went up in surprise and he let out a whistle. "Damn, you got lucky. Lot of younglings wish to have him as a Master, how'd you get him?"
I shrugged, "Like you said, I guess. Got lucky."
Zayn chuckled. "Lucky is putting it lightly. But anyways, Master Kenobi has companions. Like Master Skywalker, and Commander Cody."
I nodded slowly, "Yeah, I...I guess I see that."
Blaze shrugged. "Some of the Council members don't like it, but what can they do? Like Zayn said, its natural."
"If you children are done talking, you are missing your next class." Our teacher from earlier cut in, her tone displeasing.
"Sorry, Master Argus!" Zayn called out, eyes widening at the fact he's late.
She sighed and shook her head. "Just hurry along, boys. And Padawan Miller? Master Kenobi is here for you."
My brows furrowed but I nodded and turned to Zayn and Blaze. "Guess we'll have to talk some other time."
Zayn gave me a smile, "Yeah, we'll be around. If you need any help with studying, you can ask me."
I gave him a light smile. "Right, well, I might take you up on that."
Blaze cleared his throat and smirked at me, obviously teasing, "You know, I'll be around too. If you get lonely."
Zayn let out a long sigh and grabbed his arm, dragging Blaze out of the room and bidding me goodbye before Blaze had a chance to say anything else.
It didn't stop him from throwing me a wink before he was yanked out the door, however, making me chuckle.
"Based on that sound, I am assuming you had a good class?" Obi-Wan's voice interrupted the quiet, and I turned to face him, shrugging.
"Better than a lot of classes I've had." I confessed. "It was a little confusing, and I have a lot of notes to study, but I should be fine."
"Yes, I believe you are more than capable to do this. Especially with the help of a new friend?" He raised a brow as he led me out of the room.
I glanced up at him then looked at the hall infront of me. "I'm not sure if he counts as a friend, I just met him."
Obi-Wan hummed, "Perhaps, yes, but that doesn't mean he will not become a friend. And I know that if you become acquainted with Zayn, then he will introduce you to those he is acquainted with."
"Like Blaze?" I asked him, walking at his side.
He nodded, "Yes, he is one of them. I believe this will be good for you, my dear."
I shrugged, "I guess so..." I shook my head. "Why did you take me out of class?"
"What they will be doing is far too advanced for you." Kenobi told me. "I am taking you to begin your training with Sargeant Hunter, though today will only be an evaluation, to see where we need to work on the most."
I nodded slowly, "So...I'm just gonna be fighting?" I asked.
He chuckled lightly. "Mostly, yes. We will focus more on technique later on."
I smirked slightly. " Well atleast I'm finally gonna do something I know I'm good at."
A few minutes later, we arrived in the training room, Cody and The Bad Batch already there.
"General." Cody spoke and straightened up.
"Commander." Obi-Wan nodded at him, a light smile on his lips.
Cody's eyes looked at me, "How was class?"
I shrugged indifferently. "Boring, but fine I guess. This will definitely be more fun."
Obi-Wan raised a brow, "Fun?"
"You do realize that you will be fighting, correct?" Tech chimed in, head tilting.
"Yeah, I know. What's the big deal?" I looked at all of them, slightly confused.
Wrecker laughed in glee, a wide grin spreading across his face, again nudging Crosshair. "Ah, yeah! I like 'er even more now!"
Crosshair merely huffed and continued to chew on his toothpick.
"Anyway," Kenobi looked to me, "Are we ready to get started?"
"Uh, I guess." I mumbled, still confused.
"Alright, then Sargeant?" He addressed Hunter. "I put her into your hands." They gave each other a nod before Hunter stepped closed to me.
"You ever fought before?" Hunter asked, starting to lead me onto the mat.
"Yeah, I have. Quite a lot, actually." I answered him truthfully.
He hummed and nodded. "What kind of fights?"
"I don't know... I fought people in the neighborhood, store owners. I used to do street fights to get money, and also to improve my skills. But some guy got mad he lost and ratted us to the cops. Got in fights with them too, but that was just mostly running from them." I explained to him.
"You did street fights?" Cody's eyebrows raised in surprise.
"I had to make money somehow." I gave him a small smirk. "I was decent at it, won quite a bit of cash cause people always betted against me."
"People actually let you fight? You're fourteen." Hunter questioned, brows creased together.
"And I was fighting before that." I chuckled, shaking my head "Its a bad town full of crime and people who just don't care. If I went up against someone and lost, they got paid. No one cared if I broke a few ribs in the process."
"And did you?" Tech asked. "Break a few ribs, I mean."
"I was going up against guys ten times my size, yeah, I got hurt. A lot actually. But you get used to it." I snickered, more relaxed now that I was talking about something I knew.
"Well then, let's see what you can do." Hunter remarked, gesturing to the circle in the middle of the room and smirking. "Or are you all talk?"
I examined him, realizing that he was trying to mess with me, and grinned back. "Bring it on, Skull Face."
I walked to it and Hunter followed in suit. Hunter had shed his armor to make it a little more even, though he was a trained commando so it still wasn't a very fair game.
We both stepped inside the circle and got on opposite sides of the ring. Tech came to stand outside the circle, while the others went and sat on a bench off to the side.
"Okay, I'm gonna throw a few punches, not very hard or fast, but I need to see how you react, got it?" I nodded, "Get into position." Hunter ordered.
I placed my right foot behind me, shifted my weight to my toes, and lifted my arms to infront of me, my hands balled into fists. I knew Hunter wasn't going to actually hurt me, but I never took my eyes off of him.
'Just act like its real. Don't loose focus.' I told myself.
Hunter had done the same as me, in his own way, and then crept towards me, ready to throw a punch.
I walked around the edge, keeping distance between us, but I didn't turn my back.
We circled each other, but then, he pounced. I was caught off guard, but recovered quickly and slid to the right.
I brought my fist forward, aiming for his head, which had turned my way, but he blocked it, grabbing my wrist slightly to push me away.
He waited, making sure I had my balance, before lunging again. This time I was more prepared and, when I sidestepped, I grabbed his arm and went to kick him in the stomach.
Surprisingly, it landed. I know he's not trying his hardest, or anywhere close to it, but a bit of pride swelled in me when I actually hit him.
The blow knocked him back a little, so I planted my foot that delivered the first hit, and did a roundhouse kick, again hitting his stomach.
He stumbled again, more this time, but looked up and smirked, "Maybe I won't go as easy on you, kid."
Once the words left his mouth, he rushed me and threw a punch to my head. I dodged, but barely, he picked up his speed.
I didn't even had time to register his other hand coming towards me. It landed on my shoulder, but I could tell he was purposely trying to avoid hitting me in the head.
The force, and the surprise of the hit, caused me to fall on my knees. Hunter sent another punch but I rolled out of the way. I ended up behind him and brought my leg up to kick him in the back of the knees.
He fell over and I used this small distraction to stand up and regain my poster.
Hunter stood up soon after, looking proud, "Nice move."
"Thanks." I did a mock salute and got back into position.
Hunter did the same. I lunged towards him this time, and sent a fist to his face, but he blocked it. I quickly turned so my back was towards him, and elbowed him in the stomach, then turned again and punched him in the face.
He looked angry for a second- or rather, shocked- and went to grab me.
I dodged his hands and did a back tuck, to gain distance, then got into position, but lower to the ground, so I could move quicker.
Hunter came at me, fast, and decided to return the favor, by punching me in the stomach. He then grabbed my arm, freaking flipped me over shoulder, and pinned me.
I coughed slightly as I hit the mat with a thud, and writhed under his hold, but to no avail.
Game over.
Hunter stood up and took a step back, walking outside the ring, "Nice job, kid. Better then I expected."
"Better then any of us expected." Obi-Wan chimed in, pacing forward.
"I still lost." I mumbled, still lying on the floor, trying to regain my breath. I was a tad bit jealous when Hunter didn't even seem winded.
"With all due respect, we knew you would loose." Tech announced, "Hunter has been trained his entire life in hand to hand combat, along with many other things. His enhanced senses also help him navigate things around him. It is not surprising that you lost when you've only fought on the streets, and have not been trained. But, as it has been said, you did better then we thought you would."
"Yeah, you knocked Sarge to the ground! Not many people could do that!" Wrecker added, grinning still.
"Especially at your age." Crosshair narrowed his eyes, observing me closely.
'I have a feeling that that's the closest he gets to a compliment.'
I sighed, then did a kick-up to get off the ground, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow and walking out of the ring.
"You seem to be good at acrobatics and gymnastics from what I can tell, you also look to be flexible, why is that exactly?" Tech asked, already looking at his datapad to type in my answers.
"I used to sneak into a gymnastics class when I was younger." I started. "And they didn't realize I wasn't actually a paying student for over a year, and then they kicked me out. After that, I just figured things out on my own and kept up with everything they taught me."
"You seem to do a lot of things you're not supposed to..." Cody raised his eyebrows.
I shrugged, "Didn't have anyone telling me otherwise."
"Well, that is something that will definitely have to be worked upon," Obi-Wan stated, "We can't have you starting fights here, or breaking rules. Your ways of living are going to change."
"Yeah, I've gathered that." I murmured to myself.
Obi-Wan faced Hunter, "Take the data you acquired today and look it over. Fae's training shall continue tomorrow." Hunter nodded his head, then Obi-Wan proceeded towards me, "Run along now, Fae, we have much to discuss. Cody and I shall find you later."
I whispered an 'okay' before turning to leave. Obviously whatever they were discussing, I wasn't allowed to hear.
As much as that piques my interest even more, and I would usually stick around to listen anyways, I had a lot of studying to do.
After many, many, many hours of studying, I finally went to bed. I was temporarily staying in Cody's room, on a small mat on the floor, until the Council decided where to put me.
For some reason they didn't want me to stay with Obi-Wan like most padawans would stay with their Master.
I wasn't sure how long I was asleep, but it didn't feel nearly long enough before I awoke with someone shaking me.
"Fae, you gotta get up now." The 'someone' spoke from above me.
I groaned, and rolled over, pushing the hands away.
"Fae, this is your last warning, get up now." I didn't listen, infact, I barely even heard what the guy said.
When I continued to lay there, with no sign of getting up anytime soon, the mystery person huffed and grabbed the end of my mat, lifting it straight up into the air, sending me off my mat.
I fell onto the cold, hard, floor, which was like a shock to my system, eyes cracking open to stare at him with a pout.
"Heyyyy! Whats your problem?" I whined, rubbing my eyes, trying to get them to opened fully.
"I tried to warn you." Cody. Of course it was Cody.
"You have to get up, Fae," The clone demanded, crossing his arms.
When I finally peeled my eyes open all the way and sat up, he was standing over me with an unamused expression.
I let out a huff of air, "And why would that be?"
"Because you have class and training again." He told me, words crisp and clear.
"How are you so awake?" I looked at him in disgust. Morning people annoyed me.
"Because I woke up two hours ago." Was his dry response.
I glanced at the chronometer to read the time and my eyes nearly popped out of head.
"Its 0700 in the morning!!" I shrieked in horror. "And you've been up for two hours?!"
Cody merely chuckled at my reaction. "Yeah, I have, kid."
"Maybe that's why you're always grumpy." I grumbled, and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Listen kid, just hurry up and get dressed, we gotta go." He ordered and started to walk out.
I scowled at his retreating form and flopped back onto the ground, groaning.
Today was gonna be a long day...
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gch1995 · 2 years
Obi wan was kind of a hater, he looked down on all of anikans closest relationships aside from padame…who he probably was attracted to (she had slot in common with the duchess)…he gave Rex a hard time even though in the end Cody was the one who turned on him and Rex was able to resist the order 66…he was always talking about R2D2 even through the droid had proven himself in battle countless times and saved many lives and Jedi
Obi-Wan was very critical, cynical, and hypocritical in regards to his treatment of Anakin’s relationship with Padme, too.
Yeah, Obi-Wan did genuinely grow attached to Anakin, in spite of his constant denials that he did until the end of Revenge of the Sith when it was too little too late to make any sort of change for the better. That genuine affection he developed for Anakin definitely was also one of the major reasons why Obi-Wan kept secrets from Yoda and the Council about Anakin’s romance with Padme and his growing unease in regards to his former padawan’s increasingly dangerous and erratic emotional/mental instability.
However, Obi-Wan Kenobi was also a deeply cowardly, insecure, hot-tempered, proud, and self-centered man. He built a stubbornly inflexible shield of arrogance, criticism, deceit, manipulation, and willful denial to avoid having to take the risk of truly facing and fully owning up to what were, at least partially, consequences of his bad decisions and flaws. iIn a lot of ways, he is similar to what Anakin becomes as Darth Vader until the end of Return of the Jedi, which is what truly makes them great foils when you really examine their dynamics, growth, regression, and aftermath in the series.
The take that Obi-Wan Kenobi was “emotionally mature,” “kind,” and “vastly morally superior” to Anakin is ridiculous to me because he really wasn’t. Yeah, technically we see Anakin committing more atrocities against others throughout the galaxy than Obi-Wan Kenobi because it’s a story about his fall from the side of the Jedi Order’s even more corrupt space soldier cult of enemies in the Sith/First Order from within the confines of a very corrupt and misguided cult-like Jedi Order that he had a one-in-a million chance of succeeding in because of his bad choices, his background, the Jedi Order’s neglect and unwillingness to meet his needs, and Palpatine’s deceptions and manipulations.
Obi-Wan doesn’t go dark, in spite of repeatedly being an asshole, because the plot required for him to remain as a deeply misguided tragic failed mentor character for the Skywalker boys in the lesser evil cult of two deeply fucked up space soldier cults.
However, it’s also not a story about Obi-Wan being this amazingly brave, kind, selfless, and supportive guardian and friend who got dealt an unfair hand by the Skywalker boys treating him like garbage all the time either. More often than not, we witness him being the asshole in his relationships with Luke and Anakin by abusing his position of authority and/or seniority over them, not the other way around.
For the most part, I don’t believe he intentionally went out of his way to seriously hurt Anakin, Ahsoka, or Luke. However, he was willing to knowingly take that risk to do so repeatedly when he was befriending them/working with them because Obi-Wan was more terrified of not fitting in with Yoda and the Jedi Council by being honest with himself, being honest with those he cared about, sticking up for those he cared about, trusting his own heart, and honestly admitting that he kept being an ass-kisser and kept following a fucked up Jedi code because he had no faith in his own self-worth.
Granted, Anakin did genuinely go overboard in his obsession with finding Obi-Wan to get revenge after the events of Mustafar. Obi-Wan and Yoda did have every right to feel angry about him going dark. However, they were the ones who allowed for it to become a possibility for Anakin to go dark at all in the first place as his guardians and teachers who repeatedly deceived him, endangered him, exploited him, gaslit him, isolated him, manipulated him, and willfully neglected his emotional/mental health and well-being as a child under their care by allowing him to speak alone to Palpatine, a politician they all had suspected was shady (sans Anakin since he had no prior experience with politicians before the age of 9 and was being groomed by him over that time) on the Council for the past 13-14 years now “for the greater good.”
It’s not like taking Palpatine down came from an entirely genuine desire to stop their enemies to protect other people because they were such “kind” and “selfless” people either. Yoda and the high Council also suddenly cared about taking the Chancellor down 14 years later into his term because their decision to have the recruits of their military/organization follow him was coming back to bite them in the ass by ruining their reputation in the eyes of the general public throughout the galaxy. Yoda and the majority of the high Council repeatedly decided to vote on being servants of the state to Palpatine and other politicians they knew were corrupt for “the greater good” for years now. They very conveniently only decided that one of them “must be a Sith they had to take down” after he requested them to join war, the high council agreed, and their organization/military’s incompetence and toxicity got exposed to the general public of the galaxy in ways that became harmful to their public reputation on a widespread scale, too. It doesn’t matter that they actually turned out to be right about suspecting Palpatine to be a Sith Lord, or that they had good reason to be suspicious. It’s all too transparent just how self-serving Yoda and the high Council actually are being when they suddenly decide to turn on a corrupt politician they enabled and supported for when the consequences of choosing to follow him have finally made them look bad in the eyes of the general public throughout the galaxy.
Anakin technically became worse in terms of morality because he got recruited to join the even worse military space soldier cult/dictatorship in the galaxy as Darth Vader. Yeah, that is, at least, partially on himself for his own bad decisions and eventual lack of effort to try better after he got put in that suit for a while, though I don’t think it’s fair to place the blame all on just him. He was constantly dealing with horrible mitigating circumstances of being an abuse, manipulation, and oppression victim with compromised agency under corrupt authority figures within broken systems his entire life in one way or another from which there was never a safe escape offered. He likely suffered from a handful of some moderate traumatic brain injuries to his prefrontal cortex from being electrocuted by Sith lightning, considering the changes in personality, decrease in empathy, flat emotional affect, and poor long-term decision making skills.
However, though the entire Jedi Order didn’t deserve Order 66, I don’t think many of them were these “blameless” victims or “noble” failures like Obi-Wan and Yoda kept trying to convince themselves they were after the Jedi Order’s and Republic’s fell either. I think a lot of them were and/or grew up to be very arrogant, cowardly, deceitful, hypocritical, manipulative, and willfully in-denial assholes who kept trying to lie to themselves about still being these heroic, kind, brave, and selfless soldiers of the Republic for “the greater good” because that was easier to accept than honestly acknowledging that they had been willing to knowingly commit these atrocities and hurt people in their fear of the Sith and fear of these corrupt institutions they served because they were more concerned about their needs, their public reputation, and their security than they were about doing the right thing when it seemed the odds were stacked against them.
Aside from protecting Anakin and himself from the condemnation of the Jedi Council by being quiet about his relationship with Padme that he knew about, I don’t really remember a time in the books, movies, or the clips of the TCW (2008-2020) cartoon when Obi-Wan was actually supportive of Anakin’s crush on Padme or his relationship with her. In Attack of the Clones, he forbids Anakin from getting romantically attached or involved with her. He insists that Anakin leave Padme behind after she gets knocked out for a minute in a battle on Geneosis when he sees that Anakin wants to go and rescue her after that happens because “he needs him here.” The TCW TV series actually makes Obi-Wan’s criticisms of Anakin’s attachment to Padme and his attempts to pressure him to choose between her and the Jedi Order look even worse.
At least, in the movies Obi-Wam never had been through a similar experience as Anakin to compare to where he fell in love with someone outside of the Jedi and felt pressured to choose between them and that ridiculous “no attachment” Jedi mantra, so his lack of empathy and criticisms in regards to Anakin’s feelings for Padme and their relationship feels more understandable. In TCW, though, Obi-Wan has also gotten romantically attached to someone else and felt conflicted over choosing between her and the Jedi Order, but he still refuses to have any sort of understanding for Anakin in this scenario. It makes him look like more of an asshole and a hypocrite.
They never should have made Obitine a romance in TCW because it doesn’t line up with the rest of Obi-Wan’s established characterization, and it makes him look like more of an asshole for not being understanding of Anakin’s attachment to Padme. In the movies, he was a hypocritical ass-kisser of the Council/Jedi Order at nearly all costs, but he wasn’t usually that blatantly hypocritical and law-defying of the Order. His flaws were there, but he lacked the courage, outside knowledge, and self-reflection abilities to fully acknowledge his shortcomings.
There’s no reason why a Jedi shouldn’t be able to feel safe and accepted by the Council for having and maintaining close relationships with other people, while also being Jedi in their day jobs on the side. So long as neither seriously interfere with the other, it shouldn’t have to be an issue, and I don’t think it would have necessarily become an issue of becoming unhealthily codependent, obsessive, and possessive for Anakin, Padme, or other fallen Jedi if they could have been able to feel safe and supported being honest about caring about their loved ones, needing help, and wanting more freedom in their personal lives without the constant threat of being shunned, ignored, or dismissed by their bosses, mentors, and the government if and/or when they were constantly lingering in the background.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, just because Obi-Wan Kenobi was a very bad guardian and friend who was a deeply flawed person with very emotionally/psychologically abusive/ cult like brainwashing tendencies in regards to Anakin and Luke, it does not mean that I also think he was a heinous mustache twirling Disney villain who deliberately set him up to fail from the very beginning because he was just that petty.
I just so happen to view him as being a very arrogant, cowardly, cut-throat ambitious, hot-tempered, hypocritical, impatient, emotionally immature, manipulative, exceedingly status conscious, self-centered, and willfully in-denial bastard. He was generally willing to throw other people under the bus who got in his way of being able to obtain the security of external validation from those authority figures with positions over him within a broken Jedi Order because he was too afraid to admit that he lacked too much security in his own moral self-worth and agency to do the right thing. Then, after it all shattered to pieces, at least in part, because of his own bad decisions, he and Yoda were way too guilt ridden and proud to accept the truth that they really hadn’t been the brave, kindhearted, or noble heroes of the story that they initially set out to be, but assholes who knowingly practiced, supported, and used abusive, exceedingly controlling, isolating. and morally wrong methods and practices to try and achieve worthy ends because they were easier and safer than actually taking the risk of facing their fears by learning to let go of air tight control and toxic conformity instead.
I’ve said that Anakin went on to develop similar negative traits, too, albeit in different way, but he’s the only one of his surviving predecessors from the old Jedi Order/Republic who consistently gets framed as wrong for it, never gets rewarded for it, and doesn’t get to be rewarded with any sort of happy ish ending until he finally does. Obi-Wan and Yoda never truly learn their lesson (the Obi-Wan Show doesn’t count as legit character growth for him because he goes right back to being an asshole again in the OT films, anyway), and ultimately get rewarded for being assholes who unrepentantly continue justifying behaving and treating others as pawns in shitty ways for whatever they consider worthy ends.
Yet, the narrative of the OT says I’m supposed to feel sorry for them and let them off the hook for treating Luke in shitty ways to use him as a pawn for their own ends without any remorse, just because they’re on the lesser evil of two deeply messed up sides. The way they’re written in the narrative of the OT movies gives me no real reason to be sympathetic towards Obi-Wan and Yoda, aside from just not being Sith, the greater evil side of the enemy, but I don’t know why I should be seeing them as heroic, sympathetic assholes, or reformed assholes at all in the narrative of the OT that Lucas treats them as? When do they actually ever do or say anything remotely apologetic, genuinely kind, and selfless for anyone else in the movies, unless it somehow benefits their own ends of “the greater good?”
Even that “sacrifice” that Obi-Wan made for Luke in A New Hope where he let Vader kill him in front of him was something he had an ulterior motive for doing. He wanted to become a force ghost to be able to train Luke to kill off Vader in the afterlife, and further motivate him to do it. The only surviving well-meaning asshole from Luke’s predecessors of the old Jedi Order who seems to genuinely grow to understand the true meaning of remorse and selfless sacrifice at all in the OT movies is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, and the narrative expected me to see him as more unsympathetic than Obi-Wan and Yoda, even though he had more meaningful character development and reformation in the last 20 minutes of Return of the Jedi than the “good guys” had throughout all three movies.
Yoda sucked in both the OT and PT movies. Obi-Wan was an asshole in both the OT and PT movies, too, though the PT movies definitely did make me more sympathetic towards his charactef. I get a better understanding of why he is an asshole in the PT movies than the OT movies, he’s a victim of a shitty Jedi Council, too, and he does face a partial negative consequence for being an asshole by helping push away Anakin. Ewan McGregor really did a wonderful job of making me feel for Obi-Wan as a character, even though he was generally an arrogant, hypocritical, and misguided asshole. However, when I look at all of his bad behaviors, choices, reactions, words, and traits throughout the franchise as a character on the whole, Obi-Wan Kenobi was even more of an asshole in the prequels at times than he was in the OT films. Just because Ewan McGregor and the script of the prequels made me more understanding of why Obi-Wan’s character acted like an asshole on a number occasions, that doesn’t mean I thought that made it cool for him to be one either. I could say the same thing about Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Mace-Windu, Qui-Gonn Jinn, the overall Jedi Order as a galactic superpower law enforcement/military, Padme Amidala, Jarr Jarr Binks, and the overall Republic government in the prequels.
Do I think they were cartoonishly evil mustache twirling villain Darth Sidious/Lord Palpatine level assholes who were secretly malicious psychopaths in their intentions all along with no genuinely pure motives or potentially redeeming qualities? No. They all believed they had good intentions and they all had so many poignant moments of great bravery, idealism, kindness, idealism, and optimism. Unfortunately, they all failed and got dealt consequences that were far worse than they deserved because their fear of honestly and openly taking more risks to face any sort of potential conflict or threat to their beliefs, family, lives, or lifestyle from the outside consumed them more often than not until it was too late.
If you guys want to comment, you can!
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theburningsunset · 9 months
Sometimes I think about the choice Luke faces in ESB. Daddy Issues Sr. has set a trap for him specifically with the bait of Han and Leia. blablabla, we know the story.
But what about through the lens of Star Wars' central theme: attachment defined as the fear of loss and how it as a driving force will corrupt and dismantle your values unless you learn to let go and accept the inability to control fate and recognize the fallacy of possessive love.
Even Jedi Masters struggled with attachment, but Padawans especially found it difficult (because it is!). Luke was a Padawan, and Vader knew that the surefire way to get Luke in his sights was to prey on his attachments - make him so afraid of losing his friends that he would intentionally spring the trap of a Sith Lord who outclasses and outguns him a thousand to one. Luke abandons his training and is driven by reaction instead of response, letting fear decide instead of deciding. And who can blame him, right? What else was he supposed to do, let his friends die? What was Yoda and Ben thinking? Except they *were* thinking. These are old Jedi Masters who had seen that exact scene play out so many times, not least of which was Anakin's, having culminated in genocide and the violent installment of a fascist regime. Like father like son, they worried. And that was such a valid concern.
But then...what would've been the right call? If Luke had just returned to his training and ignored the visions, would Vader get tired and leave, or become angry that his plan failed and slaughter Han, Leia, Lando and all of Cloud City? Sure, we can't know the consequences of our actions until they happen, hindsight is 20/20 and such, but if we're thinking strategically about the war effort, you can't just leave two generals (one of whom is literally the face of the rebellion by now) and a whole populace of sympathetic people to the whims of a trigger-happy occupying force. Or if you're focusing on lives saved and defended, sure it's dangerous and stupid to take the bait, but with the time and resources available, what options were there other than to take the giant risk of maybe dying and being The Last DEAD Jedi, in order to give the numerous people involved the best chance to survive and carry on the rebellion that sought to save the galaxy? Yeah, the reason of Luke's decision was totally off-course, but was the action or result less than the best possible outcome? Or were their objections solely with the theory, not the praxis? If Luke had gone with "hey, i know it'd be bad to run off to save them purely from fear of losing them, but think about xyz, the protection of these lives is worth more than the risk taken," would they have been fine with it then?
I don't know the answer to all of these musings, I can't be sure there is one, but I sure wish I could wrap my head around what Yoda and Obi-Wan wanted to happen and how it would've both helped and been the Jedi Way™.
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pan-gya · 2 years
"You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker. I did" oh my god this will never leave me. Anakin hates himself for becoming Darth Vader and he is fully aware it was the wrong decision. "What have I done...." and his tears after the Mustafar slaughter. He knows he made the wrong decision but he's also someone who follows through and he knows there's no backing out of this now. We know from the various novels and comics that he purposefully keeps himself in physical and emotional pain to ensure he stays in a bad place to continue being Darth. He is killing himself everyday, erasing all the goodness that Anakin represents because he knows he doesn't deserve it and at this point he doesn't even want it anymore. Not only is he absolving Obi-Wan of any fault but he is confirming that this was his bad decision and he has to live with the consequences.
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tokruta · 11 months
Okay, admittedly I haven't been on Star Wars Tumblr for many a year (maybe around 6-7 years idk) but what is with this idea that Anakin fell because of his suffering? And that others who suffered (specifically Obi-Wan, since that's who I've seen him compared to most) were able to Not Fall so Anakin has no excuse?
He didn't fall because he was suffering sooooo much and he couldn't take it anymore, he fell because he entered into a deal with the devil. He fell because his blinders-on desperation to save Padme led him to Palpatine, who had been grooming him for over a decade for this moment. There were outside forces pushing him to his ultimate decision and their names are Darth and Sidious. Regardless of his own personal traumas and struggles, they were never the catalyst for his fall. It was always Sidious and Anakin's decision to follow him in exchange for "Sith Secrets" to save Padme's life.
His suffering, while an important factor in the development of his personality and lived experiences, was never the motivating factor behind his fall, so why would Obi-Wan's own suffering be treated as his potential push to the dark side? What's in it for him to fall? Anakin was promised a solution to his problem by the very same man he's loved and trusted for over a decade, that's what he thought he was getting. His fall was basically a business transaction, one that he continued to participate in despite not getting what he was initially promised.
It all ultimately comes off as a way to say that X person (again, usually Obi-Wan) is more virtuous, more worthy, and stronger in character than Anakin. The situations/hypotheticals are not comparable. We have no indication that Anakin would have still fallen without Palpatine in the picture (and he's been in the picture since basically the beginning of his Jedi journey) and we have no indication that Obi-Wan wouldn't have fallen himself if he'd attracted the same singular attention of a Sith Lord who wanted to make him his apprentice.
And before anyone says anything, I'm not excusing Anakin's crimes and atrocities, I just don't believe in prefacing any discussion about Anakin and his fall/sithdom/atrocities with reassurances of knowing he did Bad Things and is a Bad Guy. I'm aware, I'm not saying anything he did was warranted or excusable.
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Newest episode of The Bad Batch is giving me so many feelings omgggg
First: okay we all knew that after a Crosshair-centred episode we would get back to the main guys but fuck you if you think that’s gonna stop me from desperately looking for Cody in every nook and cranny like where is that guy off to?!?
Second: I love riot racing omgggg 👀 if he’d found out about it, Anakin would have dominated that track damn (poor Obi-Wan)
Third: I love the irony of having TAY-0 behave more humanly than Tech; when the two of them are put together, Tech is the one who seems almost a droid while TAY-0 seems almost a living being. I dunno it just strikes me somewhere
Fourth: okay damn now I know what the Tech stans are about. Dude is hot when he’s stepping up like that 😳
Fifth: where are Hunter and Echo? Did their seemingly simple job go awry? Did they run into Cody?
Sixth: are they gonna go back to find the whole city cheering for Tech? His name and face on all the billboards? Is Hunter confused as hell as to what the fuck happened while they were away? Is Echo (who after all grew up with Fives and served under Anakin so he probably wouldn’t be fazed much by that) gonna chew him out over keeping a low profile?
Seventh: okay what was that thing with Cid? What is her connection to Millegi (please dear god let it be ex-lovers rather than just business partners, the comedic potential)? Why is he warning them? Is this gonna be another ally-with-shady-past-turns-out-to-have-a-much-shadier-past-then-thought-but-changed-and-takes-the-right-decision-in-the-moment-of-truth situation, or is she actually gonna turn on them later? Betray them to save herself, as happened so much during the reign of the Empire?
Hrnnnggg I need the next episode ;-;
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legobenkenobi · 1 year
Hiya... Since you're the person I most consider a specialist when it comes to Cody-related business, I wanted to know your take on what he said in tbb: We make our own decisions. Our own choices. And we have to live with them too. First I tought it was all about Crosshair and didn't think much about how it relates with his own plotline. It's not clear to me how the bio-chip works and how do the clones processed what happened on o66. So to me it's confunsing how much agency they have while they have the bio-chip still implanted.
hey, Anon!! i’m honored you consider me the Cody expert :]
so, some really important context for that line is the fact that Cody doesn’t know the biochips exist. while Crosshair obviously does, Cody doesn’t. he hasn’t had his removed.
as far as he’s aware, he shot at Obi-Wan on purpose. he thinks he did that on his own.
so, this line is not only a reminder to Crosshair that, like. ‘Hey. you are doing these terrible things and you are CHOOSING to do so’, but it’s also a show of just how guilty he feels about Order 66, and some of the early actions of the Empire.
the fact that he’s even Talking about this shows that he’s deeply regretful for things he’s done that weren’t his fault. he’s trying to reconcile with who he’s become. and Crosshair DESPERATELY needs that.
this line single handedly forced Crosshair to have to face the fact that being a soldier doesn’t mean you aren’t human. it doesn’t mean your bad actions aren’t your own. i whole heartedly believe it’s a huge reason Crosshair changed his tone later in the season, with Mayday.
Cody is someone who is deeply kind, and he’s always done a great job of showing that. most importantly through how he treats people under him and around him. when he tries to negotiate for peace, he shows his kindness. when he uses the names of his troopers, he shows his kindness. when he says “we’re here to help”, when he reaches for Nova, when he puts down his armor- all of it is kindness. it’s humanity.
that’s what Cody’s point is. he’s a person. he’s not a droid. he doesn’t understand why he shot at Obi-Wan, but he thinks he chose that, and he carries that guilt squarely on his shoulders. he uses “we make our own decisions, our own choice, and… we have to live with them, too” to force Crosshair to do the same thing that he does. (especially because Crosshair knows he has his chip out. there isn’t an excuse there anymore.)
and with that, he changes Crosshair’s life.
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