#obviously this game was made in a short amount of time and it SHOWS in just how many corners are cut for the level design here.
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Was messing around with this Flycam mod while playing, so heres a bunch of shots of the Deep Roads for funsies
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wholoveseggs · 5 months
Hi love,, how about elijah and reader have recently broken up and ready is exploring other options but elijah is still madly in love and gets super jealous? I’m thinking super rough with a touch of angst but mostly anger and jealousy?! (also a lot of kinks) ⋆˚✿˖°
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You bring a date to the Mikaelson party, specifically to attract the attention of your estranged husband. The plan backfires; he's not the type to let you go so easily and makes sure to remind you that no one will ever take his place.
♡♡ Thanks for the request @spideysbabe & @ashloring! I love writing about Elijah's wild side ♡♡
6.4k words - Warnings: smut, oral sex, dom!Elijah, angry sex, rough sex, biting, blood drinking, spanking, jealousy, rim job (f!receiving), anal sex, riding, Elijah being possessive, lots of praise and a little degradation.
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You probably shouldn't have brought a date to a Mikaelson party, but considering how you and Elijah ended things, you saw no problem with it. Was it petty? Yes. Was it immature? Also yes. Were you feeling a bit vindicated when you walked in the door and saw the look on Elijah's face? Absolutely.
You found the hottest guy possible on tinder, the kind with zero brains and all brawn. He was the perfect rebound, the type with an inability to commit to anyone, let alone you, but that's not what you wanted from him anyway. All you wanted was to make your ex jealous, and judging by the glare he shot at your date, it was working.
To the undiscerning eye, Elijah appeared to be the picture of composure, greeting the guests in one of his favorite suits. But you knew him better than that, and you could see the twitch in his jaw, the slight tension in his shoulders. And judging by the way he was avoiding your gaze, he was pissed.
When he was pissed, specifically at you, he would usually get you alone and give you a proper dressing down, and it always turned you on, a lot. The first time you'd fucked after a fight, it had taken you both by surprise. His usual gentle nature had given way to a possessiveness that made you see stars, and ever since, you'd been chasing the feeling.
You didn't really have a plan, a part of you wanted to do the healthy thing and move on, but there was another part of you, a part that was addicted to Elijah,that just wanted him back, it had been that way for so long you could barely remember a time before him. You were still mad at him, though, so you decided the best thing to do would be to try to make him jealous.
Your date wasn't going to last past tonight, you knew that, but he was the perfect prop for your little game. You knew Elijah would find you, you just needed to set the stage, so you pulled the big dumb beefcake to the dance floor.
He was a terrible dancer, but you didn't care, it wasn't about him. You already caught him flirting with several other women in the short amount of time you'd been here, but you couldn't be bothered. As long as he showed up on your arm, and looked hot while doing it, that's all that mattered.
"That asshole in the suit has been staring at us this whole time, and he doesn't seem too happy," your date said, trying to whisper, but it came out much too loud. You'd chosen him specifically because of that, you liked the way people looked at the two of you.
"Don't worry about him," you replied, pressing yourself against his body a little closer. "He's an ex. A controlling ex."
"He looks a little old for you, what is he like? 35?" Your date asked, looking directly at Elijah. 
You stifled a laugh, "close enough, I guess." 
"How long were you together? He's still giving me death eyes," he whispered, not subtly.
"A while," you shrugged, "but that doesn't matter anymore." You leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I'm yours for the night."
You'd hoped he'd get the hint, but apparently it took a lot of hints for him to understand that you were looking for sex, and not anything else.
"Why'd you break up? He's obviously still hung up on you." The music changed, and he was still talking. "Did he cheat on you? I know a lot of guys who do that."
"No, nothing like that," you answered, your annoyance growing, "he's just a selfish asshole who likes to masquerade about his morals." You weren't entirely lying, you were pretty sure Elijah's ego was the driving force behind his recent decisions. "Plus he has a tiny cock," you added, for good measure.
Your date laughed, and you had to laugh along, you could feel Elijah's glaze burning into you. You glanced his way and his eyes met yours, and you had to resist the urge to blush under his gaze. His eyebrows were raised, a twinkle of amusement and anger in his eyes. You could practically hear him telling you that wasn't funny, that you were acting like a child.
Elijah always hated when you acted out. It was like he wanted you to be some sort of prim and proper lady, which you were for the most part. But every now and then, you felt the urge to be bad, and you enjoyed pushing his buttons.
"Get me a drink?" You asked your date, batting your eyelashes and giving him a wide smile.
"Of course," he replied, before heading off to the bar.
You went to a nearby table and leaned against it, trying to appear casual. You felt Elijah's presence behind you, and your stomach twisted in anticipation.
"Do you think I don't know what you're doing?" He asked, not bothering with pleasantries.
"Whatever do you mean?" You asked, pretending to be coy.
"This boy isn't going to last past tonight, so why did you invite him here?" He asked, leaning forward, his lips almost touching your ear.
"I don't know, I thought he might be fun," you shrugged, playing innocent. "I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to date other people," you added, knowing it would infuriate him.
"You are allowed to do whatever you want, but there will always be consequences," he replied, his voice low. "And your boy is getting a bit too friendly with my sister, don't you think?"
You glanced over, and sure enough, your date was chatting up Rebekah. Poor guy had no idea that Rebekah could eat him alive.
"I think Rebekah can handle herself," you said, looking away.
"You're not upset? You don't seem particularly attached to him," he asked, his fingers lightly brushing against your elbow.
"Worried that someone else has claimed my heart?" You asked, turning around to face him, a teasing smile on your lips.
"No, because I know it will always belong to me," he replied, a smirk on his face, a knowing look in his eyes. He always knew how to disarm you, and piss you off.
"I'm not yours, I think I made that very fucking clear," you snapped, your smile fading. The pain of your breakup was still fresh, and his arrogant attitude only fueled the fire.
"We both know that's not true," he said, stepping closer. "Even if we're not together, you're still mine."
"You are such an arrogant prick," you huffed, trying not to show how much his words affected you. You wanted to hate him, and sometimes you could, but in moments like this, your feelings for him overwhelmed you.
"If you think insulting me will erase how you feel for me, then you are deluded," he scoffed, before grabbing the back of your head, forcing you to meet his gaze.
He paused for a moment, taking in the fire in your eyes, the defiance that turned him on. He loved the struggle, it always led to the sweetest surrender with you.
"Did he fuck you yet?" He asked, his lips dangerously close to yours.
"That's none of your business," you snapped, pulling your head out of his grip.
Your date returned with the drinks before you could say anything, placing one in your hands.
"Here, honey. I got you a dirty martini," he said, before glancing at Elijah. "Get your own girl, mate, this one's mine," he added, wrapping an arm around your waist.
The blood boiled in Elijah's veins and he resisted the urge to grab this stupid boy by his head and slam it onto the table. Instead he gave him a deadly glare, smiling when the poor fool flinched slightly.
"You are aware that you are in my home with your arm around my wife," he said, his voice deceptively calm. He could feel you watching him, waiting for his reaction, and he was determined not to give you the satisfaction. Not yet, anyway. 
"Your wife?" The boy sputtered, loosening his grip on you. "I didn't realize...I..."
You rolled your eyes, annoyed that he was letting Elijah intimidate him. You see Elijah's self-satisfied grin and it pisses you off.
"Don't mind him," you said, patting your date's chest. "He's just a control freak who's a bit threatened by younger men." You looked up at him, giving him a teasing smile. You knew you were poking the bear, but you couldn't help it, Elijah was making you feel things, and you were determined not to let him win.
Elijah leaned in close, his pupils dilating as he compelled him. "Sit and be quiet," he commanded, and the boy obeyed without question.
"What did you do that for?" You hissed, slapping him on the shoulder. "He didn't do anything to deserve that." The truth was, he wasn't doing much for you, but he didn't need to know that.
"There, now we can continue our conversation," Elijah said, ignoring your protest. "Now, answer my question. Did you fuck him yet?" He asked, his tone serious. His hand was resting on your hip, his grip firm. He knew exactly what he was doing, and it was driving you crazy.
"You didn't have to do that," you said, trying to remain unaffected by the whole exchange.
"It was either that or kill him," he shrugged.
"Well, now you're being a bit dramatic," you scoffed. You were determined to maintain the upper hand, despite the fact that he was getting under your skin. "He's an idiot, but he didn't deserve to die."
Rebekah had noticed the two of you standing there, and she headed over. She knew about your recent fight, and the reason for it. She also knew that the two of you were a disaster when it came to communicating, so she did what she did best and interfered. 
"Well, well, what is this?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Just a friendly conversation, dear sister," Elijah replied, his voice tight.
Rebekah looked down at the dazed man sitting between them, and then back up to the two of you. "Doesn't seem very friendly."
"Your brother is a possessive asshole, who thinks he owns me," you said, glaring at him. 
"Your sister in law is acting like a child, trying to provoke me," Elijah replied, matching your glare.
Rebekah looked back and forth between the two of you, before shaking her head. "You two are exhausting," she sighed, "I think it's time for your date to leave, fix him, and send him home," she added, her voice leaving no room for argument.
Elijah sighed and looked down at your date, "stand up," he commanded, watching as the man did as he was told. "You will leave and forget that my wife even exists," 
"Elijah! You can't make someone forget me!" You said, outraged. Your plan was backfiring. You were supposed to piss him off and make him jealous, not the other way around. 
Before Elijah could respond Rebekah grabbed the both of you by the arm and led you upstairs, into an empty bedroom.
"The two of you are being ridiculous. Acting like children and making a scene. This party was supposed to be a nice, relaxing evening. We are not in a fucking reality show," she scolded, her face turning red with anger. "Now, you are going to work this out, so I don't have to witness this bullshit anymore."
She slammed the door before either of you could respond. You turned to look at Elijah, and for a moment, the two of you were silent, the air filled with tension.
"Y/n," Elijah started, reaching out for your hand, but you pulled it away.
"I'm not doing this with you right now," you replied, moving towards the door, but Elijah blocked your way.
"Move," you ordered, glaring at him.
"No, not until you talk to me," he said, his jaw clenching.
"Or what? You'll compel me to stay?" You scoffed.
Elijah's expression changed to anger, taking a step forward and backing you up against the wall.
"You know that I would never do that," he growled, his voice low.
"You compelled my date, Elijah, and that was pretty low, even for you," you retorted, your hands coming up to push on his chest.
"That man was an absolute bore," he responded, a slight grin on his face.
"That doesn't make what you did okay, Elijah!" You shouted, frustration bubbling inside you.
"Don't pretend like you care, this isn't about him," he laughed. He knew what you were trying to do, and you hated that. "You brought him here because you want to provoke me," he continued, "you want to punish me."
"Maybe," you sighed, looking away, the heat between the two of you simmering. "Look, we just keep having the same fight," you finally said after a moment, still refusing to make eye contact. "We're never going to agree on this."
"We've overcome much worse in our time together," he countered, reaching out to cup your cheek, turning your head back towards him. "We are meant to be together. I know it, and you know it.
"Then why do you keep doing this to me, to us?" You whispered, barely audible. "You let Klaus use you over and over again, and it always ends badly. Why can't you just be satisfied with what we have?" You were trying hard not to cry, your emotions a messy jumble of pain, love and anger.
"My brother can be very persuasive, he's had over a thousand years to work on that," he explained, his thumb wiping away a tear that had slipped out. "He needs someone to believe in him, to fight for him, and it seems no one other than me is capable of that, or wants to even try."
You had heard this all before, the endless excuses, the justifications. "Don't you think its time he figured his own shit out and stop using you for it?" You snapped, losing your patience again. "He treats you like a means to an end, Elijah, and that has to hurt. I see how it hurts you, and it pains me to see you like this."
"What you are doing, fucking some nameless wretch just to piss me off, that hurts far more than Klaus," Elijah growled, his face inches from yours.
You opened your mouth to argue, but his lips crashed down onto yours, stealing your breath from you. You tried to resist him, but it was impossible. His kiss was intoxicating and you melted against him. Your hands tangled in his hair as you tugged him closer. He groaned and you pulled away, pushing against his chest, hard. He stumbled back a bit, a look of surprise on his face. He blinked, confused and you moved toward the door once again. 
He grabbed your wrist, stopping you and pulling you to him. His lips were on yours in an instant, claiming you, dominating you. There was no point in fighting it, you were his, and you both knew it. 
 He moved to your throat and your head tipped back as he gently sucked and nipped at the delicate skin there. A small moan escaped your lips and your knees felt weak, a wet heat spreading between your thighs.
Your free hand wrapped in his tie and pulled him back to your lips. The kiss was raw and needy, and it awakened a fierce hunger inside both of you. Elijah let go of your hand and roughly grabbed your hips, lifting you up, slamming you into the wall. The force knocked the wind out of you but it wasn't enough to make you stop.
"Eli," you said with a bit more urgency, knowing that neither of you could keep it up much longer before you took things much, much further. "I - I can't, we shouldn't..." You tried to argue, but your body was betraying you, and his touches were setting your skin aflame.
Elijah released your hand and tugged at the hem of your dress, pulling it up to your hip. His hand dipped between your thighs, finding the soft, soaked lace of your underwear, a smirk spreading across his face.
"Liar," he whispered into your ear.
It wasn't like you had no control. If you wanted him to stop, all you had to do is say no and you knew Elijah would, but that's not what you really wanted. All your anger and frustration was dissolving into pure lust.
Elijah moved your panties aside, gently stroking his fingertips along your wet slit, slowly dragging the pad of his middle finger around your clit before dipping into your core. He watched the desire on your face as he pushed two fingers inside you and his eyes darkened at how wet you were for him.
"You're such a greedy little thing," he groaned into your ear, pumping his fingers deeper, "always so wet for me."
His fingers pumped faster and harder, his mouth finding yours, muffling your moans. When his thumb started massaging your clit, that was all it took. You shuddered as an orgasm rolled through you and you clutched at his shoulders to stay upright.
Elijah could feel you tremble and shake beneath him as waves of ecstasy washed over you. He chuckled softly, slowly withdrawing his fingers from your cunt. He slid the digits into your mouth, making you gag as they touched the back of your throat. You could taste the tang of your juices on them.
Elijah removed his fingers and you inhaled deeply, swallowing hard to clear the tickling in your throat.
"So beautiful when you come undone," he muttered, bringing you even closer, crushing you into his body. "I've missed hearing my name tumble from those sinful lips of yours."
You felt the blush creep into your cheeks and you buried your head into his neck.
"Elijah, this isn't us getting back together," you breathed into him. "This is sex," you clarified, even as your heart tightened in your chest. "Can you live with that?"
You could feel his smile on his lips.
"Can you?" he shot back.
His hand was resting on the curve of your bottom and he suddenly gripped it, his nails digging into your flesh. His fangs grazed the sensitive skin of your neck before sinking into your vein, and the sting was the best type of pleasure.
A small cry escaped your lips. With each pull of blood he was drinking more, sucking deeper, making it harder to breathe. You grabbed his biceps, clinging to him, the mix of intense pleasure and pain muddling your thoughts.
Your eyes fluttered closed as he finished drinking his fill and began licking the wound, a gentle groan escaping his lips.
"You've been mine for eight hundred years, do you think I would just give you up so easily?" He whispered, his breath tickling your neck. "If all we have to settle for is sex, then I will take it."
He lifted up his arm and offered you his wrist, without a second thought you sank your fangs into him, a rich taste filling your mouth. You drank deeply from his veins, and he held you close, watching your eyes darken and veins ripple around them. 
He smiled and pushed your hair behind your ears, running his thumbs over your cheekbones. You wanted him badly, and as your gaze focused on him, a thrill went through your body. His hair was disheveled, his lips slick with the remnants of your blood, his eyes dark with arousal. He looked dangerous and sexy and so incredibly delicious. You needed more of him.
He set you down, letting your feet touch the floor, his hand tangled in your hair. Your gaze dropped to the erection straining against his tailored slacks. You knew exactly what he wanted you to do, but even when he was this worked up, he would never ask, always the gentleman.
You didn't want the gentleman though, it reminded you too much of the love the two of you once shared. No, tonight you wanted the possessive, rough, jealous vampire. The one he hid behind his red door and only let you see. You liked when he was ruthless.
You sank to your knees before him and he loosened his hold on your hair. With one hand, you grabbed his hip, while your other hand deftly unbuttoned his slacks. As you lowered the zipper, your breath brushed over the straining silk boxers, and you could hear him let out a soft growl.
You paused before freeing his cock, leaning in, placing a light kiss on the hard fabric and felt his muscles go tight. You were going to tease him, never quite giving him what he wanted, until he took charge. You needed that rough touch, the kind that could shatter the windows and break bones. The kind of touch you secretly longed for.
You pulled his boxer briefs down just a little, running the pad of your thumb down the underside of his length, before blowing cool air over him and making him twitch. Keeping your eyes on him, you leaned forward again, this time letting your tongue lick across the tip, cleaning his pre-cum from it.
His hands were in your hair, more forcefully now. You continued the teasing, until his grip was painfully tight, you could see the gentleman leaving him. It excited you more than you ever wanted to admit, even to yourself. You knew it wouldn't be much longer before he was ruining you.
Taking his thick girth into your hand, you moved your tongue to swirl around the tip. This time his response was not so reserved, a low, deep sound emitting from his chest.
You sucked lightly on the head, hollowing your cheeks and slowly stroking him in time with your movements. You purposefully kept him from feeling the full effect of your mouth. He was losing the battle over his restraint.
One of his hands cupped your chin, making you look up at him. There was a wild look in his eyes, his breathing ragged. He was trying not to let you push him, he wanted to have slow, passionate sex, make you want to come home and be with him again.
But tonight was not the night for that.
You fought your gaze, fluttering your lashes at him coyly. You saw it on his face, a war being waged. Only you could do this to him, undo his defenses, strip him bare.
"You wish to be treated like a whore," he said quietly, his words sounding almost bitter, though his voice had a strange timbre to it, a hint of excitement.
You tried to nod, your mouth still full of his cock, and his grip on your hair tightened, keeping you in place. He sighed, his thumb brushing along your cheekbone, an odd tenderness.
"Whatever my love wants," he murmured, sounding as if it hurt to say those words. He shoved himself deeper, not stopping when you started to cough, drool slipping down the corners of your mouth. He was so big, his size always overwhelmed you and made tears prickle your eyes.
You worked to breathe, knowing he was not going to be gentle this time. One of his hands left you and pressed into the wall, anchoring himself as he started to fuck your face with a bruising pace.
"Is this how you want to be treated? Letting me fuck your throat raw," Elijah hissed, his cock hitting the back of your throat and you gagged, saliva spilling over and down your chin. "I guess I don't have to hear your snide remarks now, do I?"
You didn't know what you expected, but this was exactly what you had been hoping for. He pulled on your hair hard, pressed your face into his hip, the hairs there making you twitch and your nostrils burn. Your hands gripped his thighs, trying to push him back as you struggled to breathe. You could only make rasping noises, your eyes tearing up, droplets pooling before they spilled.
He pulled you off, allowing you to breathe. Your chest was heaving, a long string of saliva hanging between his cock and your mouth. You kept his eye contact, your lips swollen and slick.
"Good," he murmured. "I'm glad you can finally understand that no other man will ever own you the way I do."
"You don't own me," you rasped out and the fire in his gaze burned.
The words were barely out of your mouth when he threw you onto the bed, the force making your head spin. He tore at the top of your dress, sending bits of fabric flying everywhere. You lay there panting, his eyes hungrily devouring every inch of your half naked form.
"Spread your legs," he commanded, not moving towards the bed, watching intently, waiting for you to comply.
"No," you responded, holding his stare, defiance flashing in your eyes.
His shirt was missing several buttons now, torn open to reveal the toned planes of his stomach and chest. In an instant he was on the bed, his hands grabbing your hips and pulling you underneath him. A slight grin playing on his lips.
"Do you think I don't see what game you are playing? If you want the monster, you've got him, darling," he whispered before capturing your mouth in a rough kiss.
His hands reached up, taking the cups of your bra down. When his fingers closed over your breasts, squeezing the soft flesh roughly, you couldn't contain your gasping cry, his thumbs pinching your nipples painfully.
"Tell me, did your little date fuck you like I do?" He growled against your chest.
You whimpered, twisting in his grasp, but his strength was no match for you, you could already see it in the flexing of his muscles. He bit down hard on your nipple, the shock of pain making you choke. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue swiping over the hardened peak soothingly, but his teeth held on tightly, biting at your sensitive skin.
"Answer me," Elijah demanded, raising his head to lock his gaze with yours.
"E-e-e-e," you stammered, struggling to speak as his hands moved to your hair, roughly twisting the strands together and pulling, tugging your head back.
"E-e-e-e?" He mocked, kissing a trail over the curve of your jaw, ending at your lips, teasing the flesh with his teeth.
"Fuck you," you breathed, anger spiking through the lust clouding your mind.
He flipped you over abruptly, slapping your ass. You struggled to get away, but his hands were pressed into your back, not allowing you to move.
"Did he," another smack landed on your bare skin and the stinging ache made you gasp.
"Fuck you?" Two more blows, this time to your opposite cheek and you clenched the bed sheets tightly.
He pushed your panties down, grabbing your hips and tilting your bottom towards him, spreading your legs, revealing your wet core. You moaned, the need growing and making your toes curl, desperate to be taken.
"Hmm," he mused, tracing his thumb down the seam of your pussy. You moaned into the covers, your head burrowed between your arms, your hands making fists in the sheet. He parted your swollen lower lips and let out a shaky breath when your arousal coated the pads of his digits. He moves his thumb to your ass, teasing your opening and you feel more heat spreading across your cheeks as you squirm in protest, whimpering.
He chucked, slapping your left butt cheek playfully. "You've no right to blush," he mused, leaning down and running the tip of his tongue along the crack, before blowing a small puff of cool air on you and the tickling sensation sent shivers down your spine.
"I bet he couldn't satisfy you the way I do. Even as he tried ...you were thinking of me."
You froze, caught off guard, and then your teeth were clenched and you tried to break from his grasp again. He was being such a damn cocky asshole, always believing himself superior. Your pride bristled under his comments, anger starting to well within. You began to protest and fight when suddenly he pressed his thumb against your puckered entrance, the digit sinking into the knuckle, making you mewl into the mattress.
"Don't..." your voice trailed off, losing your thoughts as your hips rocked trying to grind yourself against his hand.
"I will use you however I see fit," he said with a chuckle, biting into the flesh of your ass. "Don't pretend you don't like the depravity."
His words were spoken so low, so ragged. It was like his entire demeanor had changed, the door cracked open and the monster was breaking through. He roughly spread the globe of your ass with his free hand, and ran his tongue along the seam of your hole before flicking his tongue against the pucker. He continued teasing your rim, making it even more slippery with his spit and you relaxed into his touch.
He lined the tip of his cock with your ass, pressing lightly against it and your nails raked across the sheets, gasping as he moved slightly inside. You arched and wiggled your butt trying to move, make him work for this, even though your body craved everything he offered. He grabbed your wrists and forced your arms above your head, holding them there. You heard his heavy breathing as he thrust his hips forward, his cock sliding past the ring of muscles and sinking into your depths.
 Your face was pressed into the pillow, and you couldn't contain the lewd groaning escaping from your lips when he sunk his cock into your ass and stretched you.
"Too much...ahhh," you mewled, turning your head to take a large gulp of air, the feeling was too much as he slowly rocked into your body. You could barely catch your breath. He wasn't even fully inside.
"no, don't, too much; none of those sound like our safe word," Elijah taunted, his lips hovering over your ear, his words coming out in short panted breaths. He pulled out before plunging deeper, you could hear him sucking in air through his gritted teeth, struggling to hold back and enjoy the torturous pace.
The sweet ache of having him there, the burn as your body struggled to adjust, made your head swim. You felt light headed, overwhelmed. He chuckled and began rocking slowly, the soft roll of his hips letting you feel every inch. His strokes were leisurely, no rushing, drawing out the torment. His fingertips traced down your spine, his palm rubbing a slow circle on your back, soothing the tension.
"Such a good girl," he purred, "taking everything I have to give you."
The pace of his strokes increased, becoming hard and relentless, shoving you into the bed. You bit down into the mattress trying to stifle your sounds as the mix of pleasure and pain became so intense you could only scream.
Suddenly, his hands were in your hair again. He tugged you back harshly, pulling you upright, your back now flush with his front, his cock pistoning into your ass so hard your teeth nearly rattled.
"Let them hear," Elijah whispered into your ear. "Tell everyone here who fucks you best."
His name tumbled out of your lips over and over as the pressure built, tears rolling down your cheeks. You were babbling his name, half sentences, moans, a bunch of nonsense. He was forcing another orgasm to the surface.
Just before you tumbled over the edge, he bit down into your neck and everything turned bright white and sparks flared behind your eyelids. When he stopped drinking your blood, he pushed you back down and pulled out.
You lay there trying to catch your breath before he sat you up, scooting you closer to the edge of the bed, draping your legs over his shoulders. His cock was in your pussy before you could even inhale and then you were screaming his name again.
"Good girl," he groaned, as his hands gripped your hips, bruises blossoming in the dips of your flesh. He didn't slow this time, instead, he shoved the both of you backwards and fucked you into the bed. "Is this what you wanted? Hard, messy, raw." He lifted you and placed you on his lap.
Your head fell into the crook of his neck, too far gone to keep yourself up. His hands were on your ass, lifting you up and down. You clung to him, your fingers tangled in his hair, overwhelmed by the feeling of him using you, taking everything you had. He felt too good, even like this. He knew your body better than you did.
His hand hit your ass, a loud cracking noise filling the room.
"Don't go limp," he snarled, wrapping your hair around his fist and twisting, wrenching your head back and up so that your eyes were forced to meet his. His face was so close, your breath mixed with his.
Your breathing was rapid and shallow, your chest rising and falling. He took one of his hands and intertwined your fingers together, holding you closer. There were no words exchanged, but the intimacy of the gesture made you start to cry. It was too sweet. You tried to squirm out of his grasp and escape this sudden, unbidden vulnerability that seemed to be taking over, but he tightened his hold, moving your hips slowly on his lap. The man was insatiable.
"Don't run from it," he whispered, his lips capturing yours, kissing you with such gentleness, you ached. This was supposed to be rougher, you shouldn't have fallen apart like this, given in, surrendered yourself to this part of him. But now...you couldn't bring yourself to turn away.
A wave of ecstasy was washing over you, the kind of blissful peace you had never felt anywhere but here, wrapped in Elijah's arms, him buried deep in your core, the two of you close, lost in the heat of a passion and connection.
"I want you here with me," his mouth hovered near yours, his hips working harder and harder. "You are my home," his words made your heart squeeze tight and tears leaked from the corners of your eyes. It had been a very long time since he had said such tender words to you. But it was the most desperate pleas, the broken whines that followed that you couldn't ignore.
Your arms closed around him, clinging to him. As if he were your anchor in this chaos. Your mind swam, the lines blurring. This moment was just the two of you, lost in the sensations. A single moment in the midst of the madness. He held onto you tightly, whispering words of praise and affection. The tension built until it snapped, leaving the both of you spent and exhausted.
His mouth was on yours again, swallowing your gasps as you both came down. You lay there for a few moments, your eyes closed, the sound of your hearts pounding loudly in the quiet. You couldn't remember the last time sex was this good. You felt so content and boneless.
You were so lost in the haze of afterglow, it wasn't until Elijah was helping you into a bath that you realized how much time had passed. The warm water lapped against your skin as he settled you onto his lap, his hand trailing up and down your arm. You rested your head against his shoulder, enjoying the peaceful quiet, his warmth surrounding you, his scent, the feel of his bare skin under your fingertips, the brush of his chest hair.
You weren't sure what to say, didn't know how to break the silence. It was like the past few months had not existed. But the pain, the agony, the heartache were fresh. You weren't sure if you were ready to forgive him yet, but it was a step in the right direction.
"Will you stay?" Elijah asked, breaking the silence. His hand paused, fingers splayed on your thigh. He shifted you, turning you so you were facing him. His face was solemn, his brow furrowed and eyes serious. He brought his hand up, cupping your face, his thumb brushing across your cheekbone. He waited patiently for an answer. His expression hopeful, but guarded. The question was simple enough, but it meant so much more.
"I will stay," you whispered, leaning into his touch. You couldn't deny it, he was a part of you, you would always love him. No matter how much you hated him at times, there was no life without him. He was your home. It would take time to rebuild the trust between the two of you, but you had to believe it was possible.
A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips and his eyes glistened with unshed tears. His head dipped forward, his forehead pressed against yours, the two of you breathing each other's air.
"Good, because I would have done a lot of things I am not proud of, to get you back," Elijah whispered, his thumb swiping along your bottom lip.
Your brow shot up, and a playful smile crossed your face, "What kind of things?" You teased.
Elijah let out a sigh and pulled you closer, "Kidnap, murder, perhaps a bit of torture." His mouth brushed over yours, a quick chaste kiss.
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, "Sounds healthy," you quipped.
"It was, I assure you." He replied, his lips brushing against yours. His tongue slid into your mouth, a deep, languid kiss, a slow exploration of every inch. He pulled back, his eyes boring into yours, the heat and intensity making your stomach flutter. "What is love, if not madness." He finished, his mouth crashing down on yours again.
You didn't have a response, all the air was sucked from your lungs and the ability to speak vanished. Instead, you simply kissed him, hoping he understood. That the two of you were a beautiful mess of chaos, but it worked. It was real. This was love.
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
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vampiresfromxenon · 4 months
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Wine About It, Then.
Astarion x nonbinary! Reader/Tav
Around 3.7K words 
Tags: Drunk individuals, p in v, tiniest bit of breeding kink (i -lovingly- blame Ruby fangswithbenefits), smut, literally just so smutty smut smut (Not dubcon! Clear consent only!!), aftercare :)
Summary: At the night of the tiefling party, after quite some time celebrating with your friends, you notice that Astarion has gone missing. Not wanting to leave him out of the fun, you set off into the woods, hoping to find him in his favorite little spot. Not only do you find him, you suggest you both experiment with something new… Something about your blood and the alcohol that has tainted your system. Wipe off your glasses, it’s steamy in here! 
Pre-fic Author’s note: This is my first time writing smut ever- it was really strange and I’m obviously not familiar with writing it, but I really admire a lot of the writers whose smut I've read and enjoyed. Shout out to the many of you who inspired me to write this, I hope that everyone who reads it enjoys it :) As a gentle reminder, please be kind! I am just a tiny little guy who wanted to have a goofy romance with the charming video game vampire!!
It’s a night to celebrate, given you and your party have just made a clear and safe path for the tieflings of the grove to head to Moonrise Inn. Zevlor has thanked you countless times for this great gift, and to your surprise, even Rolan said something with a hint of gratitude. In order to give proper thanks, a party was organized in your honor as a way of sending off the Tieflings.
As the sun begins to set, corks pop, and dancing begins. Not wanting to waste a second with your companions, you set off on a mission to speak to everyone about your perilous adventures. Starting off with Karlach, your favorite fireball. The two of you chat about your time together, and how she really wishes she could give you a hug. Realizing just how impossible it is for the time being, you both settle for the next best form of affection she would accept: a beer chugging challenge.
…It’s no surprise that Karlach immediately out drunk you, but she applauded your trying efforts and was sure to let you know that she thought your wretched belch was nothing short of adorable. 
Lae’zel was not one for the party, though she did find some enjoyment in the amount of tieflings approaching her to thank her and tell her how brave they thought she was. While she is prone to speaking her mind, and that is something you are very used to, you nearly spit out your drink when she admitted that she wanted to bed you on this night. With a smile, you politely declined. It wasn’t her feelings you were necessarily worried about, it was more so the knife she went on to sharpen that really gave you goosebumps. 
Wyll was off by the coastline, admiring the view. He felt a bit self conscious about his looks and his troubles with Mizora that he thought it would be better if he avoided the party for the night. Not wanting to leave your friend feeling left out, you offered him a dance. He happily obliged, dancing with you in the sand for a few minutes before he begged you to leave him be and not let him ruin your night. While you insisted he wasn’t, you still left him to his privacy. 
Gale was more than delighted to see you, especially since he wanted to show you just how many tiefling children he was impressing with minor magic tricks. When you joined in, his face lit up. It had become quite obvious just how drunk the wizard really was, and while you thought to maybe stop letting him light things on fire, you knew that things would be alright… Hopefully. 
Shadowheart was off in her little tent area, enjoying the party from afar. She claimed she wasn’t really one for big parties, but deep down you know she’d throw ass if just enough alcohol was involved. After some time chatting, she invited you to enjoy a bottle of wine with her, and though you were about to agree, you realized exactly what that meant. You were flattered, to say the least, and it’s not to say that it hasn’t crossed your mind from time to time, but you already had someone else you felt connected to. 
While you were sheepishly trying to turn her down, you looked behind you and noticed that Astarion was not outside his tent. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen. Before your drunk thoughts could connect, Shadowheart rolled her eyes and connected them for you. 
“While you may not want to share a bottle of wine with me, it seems that someone else really wanted to. I saw him sauntering off into the woods with a couple bottles less than an hour ago.”
Connections began to form by the ton, and your face was overcome with a hot blush. Shadowheart, slightly tired of the two of you now, urges you to go after him, or at least stop being awkward in front of her. You head off between the trees, trying to find your lover. 
Normally you’d find his normal hiding spot with ease, but being a little drunk makes things challenging. Was it the tree with the owlbear shaped moss that you turned left at? Or was that the jagged looking rock…? Before you can make a decision, you trip on an unseen root and nearly eat shit. You’re hero material, you are. 
Luckily for you, a strong set of pale arms grabs you just before your face becomes one with nature. Before you can even react, you are scooped up and carried away, though it’s not more than a minute before you are set down to stand on your own. 
Standing before you in the clearing is the gorgeous pale elf you’ve devoted all your passionate dreams to. He stands on a pile of soft blankets and pillows, a basket of assorted wines and cheeses accompanying him. 
“Here’s my little treat with their cheeks all flushed. I see you’ve spared no expense with the booze tonight, my dear.”
You let out a flustered giggle when you feel his hand still lingering on your waist. “You’ve been missing out on the party, everyone there wanted to see you.” Your words slightly slurred. 
“You and I both know that isn’t true, why else would only you be here, and neither of us out there.” 
Before you can think of a clever response, he notices how much you’re swaying and guides you down to his makeshift bed. “I believe you may have had too much to drink, my sweet.” He smiles, trying to hide his disgust when he catches a whiff of your alcohol stained breath. 
“I’m barely even tipsy, I can’t believe you think I’m a lightweight!” You chuckle before reaching up and booping his nose. He laughs but not before quickly removing your hand from his face. 
“Perhaps we should just relax here for a bit, no? I had some wine and cheese planned for you, but I think the… uh… cheese, may be too much for you in this state.” 
“I’m fine, really!” You hiccup before a slightly demanding voice leaves your lips as you sink into the bedding, your body relaxing next to his. “Oh, you’re really showing me now…” He teasingly whispers as he holds you, both of you bathing in the glow of the moon. After a few minutes of peace, you come up with an idea. It may be bold, brilliant you may even call it, or it may be downright stupid. Better to ask than rot in a pit of unanswered curiosity, right?
“If you were to drink from me, if I were hypothetically extremely drunk, would that also get you really drunk? What would that even taste like for you?” Staring up at the moon, you get lost in thought imagining the possibilities. He lies there for a moment, considering your question.
“I-I’m actually not sure. I’ve never done something like that before. I can imagine that the alcohol would impact me, but I’m not quite sure to what effect…” That was all he needed to say before you sat straight up, clumsily crawling over him to the basket of wine that you could only assume he stole. 
“I vote we find out! What do you think, judge?” His eyes flash you a daring look at your sudden interest and his sarcastic nickname, but his smile reads otherwise. 
“I suppose a few drops wouldn’t hurt. All in the name of experimentation, eh?” You crack open a bottle of wine and dismiss the glasses, drinking straight from the bottle. Given your already extremely drunk nature, this wine was more than enough to keep you feeling drunk for a while. Eager to see how this all plays out, you expose your neck to him the second you drop the empty bottle on the silky blankets. 
“Perhaps we should get a bit more comfortable?” His voice is dripping with desire as he leans you back, allowing you to relax before he bites. 
As your head hits the pillow, his nose lingers on your neck. Tilting your neck further to allow even more access, he takes his time with you. One hand on your hip, the other cradling your head as his nose brushes against the sensitive skin of your neck. His cold breath lingers on your skin, sending goosebumps through your whole body as he continues on. 
You can’t help but shutter as his cold lips make contact next, gentle kisses plastered along the artery in your neck. The heat in your face only grows, an insatiable need rumbling in your stomach as he teases your nerves. 
Just before you can begin to protest, his fangs pierces your neck, a strangled moan escaping your lips. The icy, sharp feeling in your neck returns, a familiar and welcomed sensation from all the other nights he’s fed on you. Your skin stings for a short time, a tear staining your face as the pain begins to subside and warm again. 
You can’t tell if it’s the alcohol, loss of blood, or the fact that he’s ravenously sucking at your neck like a starving animal, but you begin to feel slightly light-headed. Gods forbid you halt your experiment early, you couldn’t live with yourself knowing that you stopped this… science. So early into its testing. 
As he continues to drink, his skin grows warmer and warmer, much to the point where his face is a flushed pink color. His drinking becomes more desperate as it begins to slow; small moans and whimpers escape his throat as he holds on for as long as he can. As his fangs begin to slide out, they are quickly replaced by his tongue gently swiping away the stray drops of blood that were determined to drip down your body. While he was intensely interested in licking your entire body clean of blood, tonight was not that night. 
You watch through half-lidded eyes as he sits up, his hand on his cheek as he feels just how fiery his face is. For the first time he can ever remember, he is impressed by how warm his body is. “So… How do you feel? Did it work?” 
“S’fine. Feels good. So warm.” His voice wobbles as he speaks. Both of you burst out laughing at how drunk he became. “It worked!” You cheered, giggling at the sight of your drunk boyfriend swaying in his seat from his sudden intoxication. 
Without any hesitation, he leans forward and kisses you, an intense amount of fire and passion behind it. He nearly smacks his face into yours as he pushes you down into the pillows, the fresh alcohol coursing through his body already impacting his motions. You’d be a fool to not give in though, your hands quickly finding purchase in his curly white hair. All of this is quite literally intoxicating, a fire beginning to brew in your lower half. 
In his drunken state, his kisses become sloppy, his tongue pressing against your lower lip before his fangs nip at it. By accident, he nipped it enough to draw blood, but you were too drunk and aroused to care or truly even notice. He loudly whines, his mouth consuming yours as he laps at the small amount of blood leaving your lips.
You part your lips, allowing his tongue entry. In all his excitement, a moan rumbles from his throat when your tongue playfully meets his. He pushes his body harder against yours, climbing on top of you to close any and all gaps that could be found between your bodies. His leg hooks under your knee, lazily tossing it to the side to make even more room for him. 
Desperate hands grasp your body as your legs spread, his hips filling that void. His body shakes with excitement as you moan from the feeling of his bulge against your clothed cunt. 
The blood you’ve given him has always made him hard to a certain extent, but never this hard. Heavily enjoying this new feeling, he grinds his hips into yours, his lips still secured to yours. Panting, moaning, desperate whining fills the surrounding area as you two drunk idiots makeout, your bodies intertwined as he continues to grind his hardness into your arousal. 
He tears his shirt off, tossing it to the side, his bare chest covered in sweat, a new and unfamiliar sensation for him. His lips stray from yours, his tongue tracing your jaw before finding your neck once more. Sucking, biting, teasing your neck, you continue to pant, your body on fire from his touch.
He begins to unlace your shirt, his warm hands exploring the soft skin underneath. One hand clumsily untucks it from your pants, grasping your bare waist with a strong desire as he lifts the shirt over your head and throws it with his shirt. Teeth and tongue make their way to your chest, quickly latching on to a nipple. A pathetic whine leaves your mouth as he sucks on one, his hand teasing the other. 
Strong hands continue to grip his hair, pulling hard enough to encourage him, but not enough to get him off of you. Switching to the next nipple, he is sure to give you as much attention as his lazy, drunk tongue can provide. His tongue begins to lick down your body, taking in each and every curve as he heads towards your throbbing cunt. 
Before he can make any progress, he sits up, a strained look on his face. Frantic hands begin to untie the laces of his pants, a large bulge making the fabric look quite tight. As he frees his twitching cock, he tosses his head back, a sigh of relief expelled. It’s clear that he leaked quite a bit of pre-cum in his pants, and more drips on his hand as he grips it, his body trembling. 
“Let me help you with that-” Your voice wavering, yet seductive. Sitting up, you reach for his hands, wanting to take over, but it seems he has other plans for you. His hand grabs yours, squeezing it around his cock, causing him to groan. 
“Do you feel just how hard you make me? I’ve never wanted to be inside you more, I want- need to be buried in you, I need to share this warmth with you.” He growls, your clit throbbing with excitement. Your jaw drops; he’s never left you this speechless before. He takes this opportunity to remove both his pants and your own, climbing on top of you and caging you in. Once again, his leg hooks yours, and you can’t help but feel thrilled by his sudden domination over you. 
It takes him several moments to line up his cock with your slick folds, grunting as he grinds it against them, mixing slick with pre-cum. As he desperately ruts against you, both of you let out impatient sighs, craving so much more friction. At one point he thrusts and definitely misses your entrance, and you can’t help but laugh at how bad this is going thus far. He shoots you a dirty look but all you can do is flash him a cheeky smile, enjoying every moment with him, even if you know the sex will probably be pretty bad. In his newfound drunken frustration, it’s not long before he’s sloppily lining up the head of his cock with your opening, pushing in slightly faster than he normally would. He bottoms out, his balls slapping your ass. 
“Gods…” He slurs out, his head pressed against your shoulder. “Fuck!” You whine, tossing your head back. His cock throbs as you squeeze around him, trying to adjust to how large and hard he feels this time around. “I- *huf* darling- If you keep squeezing like that *hahh~ mmm-* I won’t last much longer.” 
“You gonna come too quick?” You tilt your face towards his, smiling at him. “Drunk you is so needy and desperate, i like him…” He pushes his cock harder into you in response, slamming into that spot that craves so much attention.
All of this was so overstimulating for your body that all you could reply with was a muffled moan. Lightly biting your shoulder, he pulls almost all the way out before harshly thrusting back into you. Your body tingles with electricity, this new side of him bringing so much unexpected pleasure. However, since both of you are wasted beyond belief, his thrusts follow a very sloppy rhythm. 
Strings of curses, moans, whimpers and whines float into your ear as he continues to snap his hips into yours, his balls smacking your ass with each movement. This act resulted in loud, wet, lewd slapping sounds echoing throughout the trees, coupled with desperate, drunken moans. 
Still gripping his hair, you pull his head from your shoulder to see just how strained he looked at this moment. His face is pinker than ever before, sweat beading on his skin as he grits his teeth, his fangs shining in the moonlight. 
As if he just rediscovered you, his lips crash back onto yours, his tongue fighting yours for dominance. Completely surrendering to him, you sink even further into the pillows as he pounds your cunt, his cock sending bursts of pleasure up your spine each time he hits your cervix. 
“I’m- I’m gonna-” He slurs against your lips before he covers your cheeks in wet kisses. 
“N-not yet- *mMm* hold it. Keep going, please~” you whine, not ready for this to end. He lets out the neediest whine against your shoulder. 
“I don’t know if I can- *fuck* darling, I’m so- so close-“ His rhythm gets even sloppier, his legs trembling, his voice wavering. His eyes are clenched shut as he tries his hardest to not come just yet. 
“Please-“ You’ve never seen him quite this desperate, crying out this loudly. This is enough for you to nearly climax on your own, and you realize you’re not as far behind him anymore.
“Inside-” Is all you can muster, your breath catching in your throat as you feel yourself getting closer and closer. 
Hitting the most delicious spot, your back arches, eyes rolling back as you cry out his name, gasping. Your hands claw at his back, holding on for dear life as your orgasm rips through you like a bolt of lighting. Your body’s contractions are always enough to break him sober, so it’s no shock that this absolutely shatters him while massively intoxicated. 
A few more strong, desperate, sloppy thrusts and he’s gasping for air, his body shuttering against yours. Your abdomen feels warm as his spend fills you up, not a single drop wasted, his cock stopping any from leaking out. 
He collapses on top of you, his head resting on your chest. A few moments pass before you run your fingers through his slightly damp hair, pushing the wet strands off of his forehead before leaning up to kiss it. 
“You’re perfect every time, my dear,” he mutters as he rests his eyes, his hands around your back to hold you closely. “We should get you drunk a little more often,” You quietly laugh, his head bobbing as your chest vibrates from the laughter. 
His eyes open as he turns to look up at you, the moon reflecting in his red irises. It’s clear that he’s not as intoxicated as you started, and that’s also proven when he starts to speak like himself again. “I’ve never felt that level of pleasure before… It’s not to say that I don’t feel great bouts of pleasure with you, but this was just so… different.” 
“Did you enjoy it, though?” You check in on him. He takes a moment to analyze what you’ve just asked him. 
“I did- quite a bit, I must add.” He quietly adds “Thank you, this was a gift. I won’t forget it.” You lovingly kiss him on the cheek before he softly kisses your lips, the hunger from earlier fading away. 
He slowly begins to pull out of you, both of you still extremely sensitive. You shutter from the emptiness, as well as his cum leaking out of your swollenness. “Uh, uh, uh. Tsk. This should never go to waste.” He uses two fingers to collect his spend, shoving it back into your still overly sensitive cunt. 
A smirk spreads across his face when he feels you clench around his fingers, but he removes them, abandoning all hope for a round two. However, your heart races at the sight of him licking his fingers, all while maintaining eye contact with you. 
“We taste delightfully sweet.” A growl laced laugh erupts from his throat; he clearly enjoys teasing you and watching you squirm from just how aroused he makes you. 
“Stay here a moment, my love.” Grabbing a small cloth, he dresses in his pants before wandering off into the woods. Nothing more than a moment later, just like he promised, he returns with the slightly damp cloth. Kneeling before you, he spreads your legs in a kinder, less sexual but still romantic way as he cleans up the mess the two of you made. Returning your underwear to you, he offers you a blanket as he snuggles up with you under the stars. 
“Shall we remain here for the night?” He whispers, though his actions have made his choice clear. “Anywhere is perfect, so long as it’s with you.” You sigh, resting your head on his bare chest.
A deep sense of love can be found in your eyes as you gaze at him. He holds you tighter, tilting your head up to kiss the corner of your mouth, sharing in the same level of fondness. 
“Sweetest of dreams, my dear.” 
“Goodnight, Astarion.”
Post-fic scene honorable mention:
Astarion suddenly remembering that large intakes of alcohol can lead to hangovers, and he is certainly a ‘ray of sunshine’ when waking up extremely hungover with Tav feeling the same way. Safe to say that when he gets back to camp, he is not lifting a finger that day- He is going to rest for a bit with cucumber slices over his eyes, as well as something over his ears since ‘the world is skull crushingly loud’. 
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white-sinner · 1 year
Seven brothers and their boyfriends
third born Leviathan x male v tuber reader
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an otaku and a v tuber…does a more perfect couple exist? I do not think so 🎮👾
when you arrived for him you were indifferent but after the challenge between him you and mammon, a friendship developed which then evolved into a love relationship
the brothers weren't much surprised you two had many similar interests. one of your favorite activities was your evenings/afternoons that the two of you spent playing games or watching anime which is precisely on one of those evenings that Levi discovers that you were a V tuber and when he find out …. practically all of his social networks turned into your fan pages, in short, his boyfriend was one of the top V tubers and I will do everything to support him
Levi was present in all your streams, one of your most active supports, if you have special contents you can swear that he has unlocked them all (obviously he had all your subscriptions) and oh my Diavolo if someone insults you Levi will be ready to defend you
Totally clips your streams without you knowing it's him. He will post funny moments of you out of context to a deviltube account, moments that made him laugh, moments that made him blush, he actually saves everything you stream
Would definitely nosebleed if you gave him a personal stream. He swears his heart will burst out of his chest because you make him so so embarrassed but he can't get enough!That's the Avatar of Envy for you! Let him have all your attention now, won't you sweetie~?
obviously your relationship wasn't all playing video games, streaming and watching anime you help him with school too and his grades showed it
if Levi's jealousy was strong towards unknown demons that approached you… now think thirty times worse that's how it was with his brothers
you had spent the whole day with satan even after your stream! sure you were helping him with the cats but Levi didn't give a damn
it was a usual evening where you and Levi played games and watched anime only he didn't speak, he seemed distant but the situation became clearer when you had to go get a drink
"I'll go get f/d do you want something?"
you asked standing up
"no... go back to satan"
Levi said without taking his eyes off the screen
levi was furious at that moment thinking about all the time you spent with satan he even clung to you!
“ I said go back to satan! he is so much better than me..why do you have to waste your time with an otaku like me when you can be with satan he even cling to you..”
at that moment tears fell from his eyes "hey levi what are you saying?!"
you told him leaning down to wipe away his tears
“H-he even touched you *hick* you never touch me”
“ok first of all he didn't touch me he just leaned on because he was falling and second why on earth would i be with satan? when I'm with a wonderful and fantastic demon"
you gave him a kiss
"t-touch me"
“I want you to touch me .. I want to have s-sex with you”
so you took him prince style and placed him on the couch (since this man doesn't have a bed) and kissing him softly but hungry you undressed him, your tongues intertwined but your yours took control.
once he was bare you broke the kiss a trickle of saliva was on his mouth and so he turned around giving you full access over him as you thrust your cock inside him .by the sheer amount of pleasure he ended up transforming in his demonic form so you took the opportunity to pull his tail Levi had the strongest orgasm he has ever had (and his first too) you two hadn't slept that night but not because of video games as evidenced by the hickeys on Levi's neck and someone noticed the thing
"but look at that you two really had fun eh"
said Asmodeus
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moii3 · 20 days
My Candy Love New Gen Ep.7 Review!
Spoiler Ahead, Obviously
Another day, another short episode. I think off the bat, im dissapointed with how short the episodes are. I really think they need to get it together with the amount of content. It's just not enough and it doesn't help that we have to wait for almost a month every single time for a new ep.
I just had to point this out because since i've been replaying the Eldarya TO, i just started to appriciate how beemov games used to have longer, more filling, structured episodes and stories compared to now. Maybe this is too early for me to say since we are only 7 episodes in. Who knows? Maybe Beemov will actually start to have an enemies to lovers arc between the writers and the new gen game. Anyways..
The ep starts out with Candy complaining to my love Elenda (and soon the whole office) about how difficult it is to live with her annoying mom and sister. Seriously, we see from the flashback that Candy's mother basically insinuates that she didn't think she would have to live with her adult ass daughter in her house. Both Tasha and the Mother(i forget her name) were pretty rude abt it in my opinion. Instead of talking with Candy about house rules they just go on like nothing happened, and make it clear that she is just a guest. Not a part of the household.
Mentioning of TikTok was thrown in one scene for good mesure lmao
As they all hear the story, Devon decides everyone in the office should help Candy look for an apartment. They apperantly don't have anything else to do the whole day.
It almost feels like a little bit Mary Sue-ish. Everyone taking turns wasting their free work hour trying to find Candy an apartment, making it a competition seems comical and unrealistic. (not everything has to be so realistic but it's just ridicilous atp). They are literally racing to find this rich adult woman a place to live...
When it comes to the actual apartment hunting, Thomas's route was a roller coaster 😭. Since apperantly no one rents apartment to stinky stinky singles, LI s jump in to save the day, pretending to be our partners during the apartment showing.
Thomas had both me and the realtor gagged the whole time.
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(sorry for the whack screenshots)
I was cringing big time
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ma'am please be quiet...
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A bit awkward? You're telling me..
Just as we think we are over with this, leaving the apartment, he kisses Candy.
I saw some people saying they didn't like how this kiss came about and i have to agree. He calls it "our little ritiual" , apperantly to convince the realtor. We know that's bullshit and it was kind of an excuse to kiss her. I don't like that Candy is in a cornered position to accept the kiss and it felt kind of unneccesary, no matter how hyped everyone was about it.
Like if this is the dude we will eventually gonna fall in love with& date, it's kind of a bummer that their first kiss had to be "fake". I know they thought of it like a little romantic game Candy had to play to get close to Thomas but i really think even for this it was kinda underwhelming.
I also saw other illustrations from different routes and Roy's has to be my favourite. I wish it was more romantic like that and actually made sense. Anyway..
Anyways, after they leave the house, Thomas gets back to the nonchalant attitude again (obviously) which, gagges Candy again.
Like i said, i don't really like how this kiss happened and i think even for Thomas this was kind of crazy.
If i was the realtor, i would honestly block their numbers and hope that Thomas wouldn't show up at my house to wear my skin the very same night. He deserves some kind of compensation.
I'm gonna keep doing these reviews no matter who reads them, this is for me and my ranting. But i hope you like it! Oh, I also will rate these episodes out of 10.
For my first rating on this series, I'm givinf this episode an underwhelming 5/10
Best part is that this ain't even about the house anymore, even realtor knows he fucked up and they are not gonna choose this house.
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Until next time, xx
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jel-jel-jel · 2 years
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PSA (Public Salmon Announcement)
For some reason, it seems, everyone thinks that the taller platforms on Gone Fission Hydroplant are where to go during the Salmon Rush wave. THIS IS NOT TRUE. So I've made a quick visual aid to show people where the chokepoint ACTUALLY is, and why it's better. Explanation and Tips under cut.
Image A: When it starts getting dark at the beginning of a wave, it's best to run to Platform C, so you have time to (re)ink the area. Prepare for Glowflies to happen, even if it ends up being fog, or Mothership. It's better to be safe than being covered in Glowflies and scrambling to get to the chokepoint. If you or a coworker aren't at the chokepoint, GET THERE. Spam "This Way!" if you need to.
Image B: Why is Platform C better?? Well, looking at the diagram above, I've shown two possible routes that the line of Salmonids will travel, depending on where the person with the Glowflies is. Salmonids will pour in from two sides of the map. Sometimes the left, sometimes the right, sometimes BOTH sides at the same time. This is why Platform C is more safe to use than Platforms A and B. No matter the direction the Salmonids come from, they will have to approach from the single pathway up to Platform C, making them much easier to deal with. While on Platforms A & B, there are TWO potential pathways that the Salmonids could take to get to you AT THE SAME TIME. Even if they only came from one direction, you would have to guess where they'd come from next. But on Platform C, they will ALWAYS travel to this single pathway. Please use it to your advantage!
Tip A: After a few seconds, the Glowflies will switch to another person on your team (or you), so there's no reason to separate from them. The handy thing about egg throwing, is that you don't need to move from the chokepoint to deposit your eggs. Take a second to refill your ink tank, and continue shooting at Chums and Goldies, giving your coworkers the opportunity to do the same. They will also ignore players that do not have Glowflies on them, so it's safe to have one person depositing eggs while the other three fend off Salmonids. Just don't stray to far in case the Glowflies latch on to you next.
Tip B: A lot of Salmon Run guides advise that, if you are target of Glowflies, that you climb a wall and let the Salmon collect under you, allowing your teammates to easily take care of them. I have to STRONGLY advise against this, however. Firstly, you can't help shoot Salmonids if you're clinging to the wall, meaning they will be splatted a bit more slowly. It's essentially leaving your coworkers one person short. You also can't revive fallen teammates. Secondly, like mentioned before, the Glowflies will move on to someone else in a short amount of time. Having to switch out who gets to sit on the wall wastes time, and can be tricky, depending on where this wall is. It's a risky move, and may separate you from your team too much. And finally, it's just less hassle to use the normal chokepoint. There's no need to try to "cheat" the game, using the chokepoint is already the easiest way to deal with a Salmon Rush. Obviously, do whatever works, but not everyone you play with will want to use this strategy, so it's best just to do what everyone else is doing (which should be using CHOKEPOINT ON PLATFORM C. PLEASE.)
Thank you for reading :) Feel free to tell your friends! And now go commit more war crimes in the squid game
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sunshine-theseus · 11 months
Always The One | Sam Kerr x Reader
word count: 2.6k
summary: you have a huge fight but she’ll always be the one for you.
Warnings: angst, sorta some fluff?
I’m not sure if it was because I was tired from my shift, or the fact I’d waited at the restaurant for over an hour and my girlfriend hadn’t bothered to show, that had my crying in Jessie’s apartment at 9:03pm on a Thursday night.
Jessie Fleming was possibly the sweetest person to ever walk the earth, and my closest friend.
“Still nothing from her?” she asks softly from the kitchen.
I let out a slow hum, indicating Sam had seemingly not noticed her girlfriend of 3 years was missing from their shared apartment on such an important date. Then I quickly check my phone again to make sure I haven’t unknowingly shut it off or somehow just missed a text or call from the woman.
“Well, you still have a spare uniform you left here a couple months ago if you need it for your shift tomorrow. But now, we eat ice cream and watch Fantastic Mr Fox until you fall asleep.” She plops down on the couch next to me with a pitying smile gracing her face.
“Wait. Before we do that.” I grab my purse from beside my feet and pull out two small items.
“Are you kidding me?! You’re fucking joking, you’re pulling my leg. Are you serious!” She rushes out questions before snatching the items to get a closer look.
“These are really real!?”
I chuckle at her, trying to stop the tears that are forming behind my eyes.
Sam and I had begun the IVF process a few months ago after some encouragement from Katrina, Sam’s national teammate, and I’d missed my period a few days ago so I took a test. I thought it would be a nice surprise for our anniversary. That, and the small black band with a simple diamond that sat snug in a red velvet box in my bag for three months now. But obviously she didn’t show, and I wasn’t sure what to do now.
“Yeah… they’re real. I wanted to propose and show her the test tonight. But, well, you know.” I start crying again before I can stop myself, and I’ve fallen asleep not long after Jessie starts playing with my hair.
Work the next day did not help take my mind off the events of last night. Being a paramedic was obviously a difficult job, but I hadn’t had this amount of bad luck on a shift in a long time, and the calls just seemed to keep getting worse.
Our first call was an elderly lady whose grandson had accidentally pushed her down her front steps, she’d hit her head pretty hard, and her knee was dislocated but it wasn’t anything we couldn’t fix and get her help for at the hospital.
Later in the day we’d gotten called to a collision on the A3 motorway, 2 women and their daughter in one car and a drunk man in a large truck. One of the mums had passed away before we’d gotten there, the other fractured her clavicle and some ribs and had a broken leg. The daughter had been knocked unconscious, a broken nose and arm and a fractured C5 and C6. The man got out with barely a scratch.
That’s when I had to take a break and try to call Sam. Holding the hand of the woman and her daughter became harder when I pictured Sam and our daughter in their place.
She didn’t answer. That call or the 3 others I made before I clocked off at 6pm, uniform stained with blood.
I’d zoned out the whole drive home. I wasn’t even sure I was heading home until I’d pulled into the driveway.
I also didn’t notice the now filled space where Sam’s car sat, or the dirty Airforce 1s by the front door that were missing when I’d left yesterday morning (I’d gone straight from my shift to the restaurant), and I didn’t notice the figure slouched on the couch watching the AFL game she’d clearly missed during training today, a beer already in hand.
I went straight to the shower to wash off the blood and cry. Then I got changed into an oversized jumper and shorts, avoiding any of Sam’s jumpers I’d usually curl up in after a hard day, sat on our bed and cried some more.
I don’t get to cry for too long before the bedroom door slams open and Sam beings to yell.
“When the fuck were you going to tell me!?” I just groan in response and cover my ears with a spare pillow, but she grabs it and stands in front of me, forcing me to look at her and the pregnancy test she held tight in her hands. I’d fucking forgot to throw the other ones out.
“When were you planning on fucking telling me this round had worked hmm? That we’re going to have a baby!?” I look my girlfriend in the eyes for the first time in 2 days.
“Last night. At the restaurant. You know… for our anniversary?” and I know it’s sick, but I found joy in the way her face dropped and realisation appears behind her eyes.
“Fuck Y/N! I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry I forgot. How did I forget??”
“I don’t know how you forgot Sam. I sent you a text after you left for training. And another during my lunch break at work. And right as I was heading to the restaurant. And I called, got Jessie to remind you too, which I know she did. How the fuck did you forget Sam?” I get up from the bed and approach her.
“I don’t know, I got carried away hanging with Mills and Guro, but for fuck’s sake drop the attitude.”
Dro- drop the attitude!? She cannot be serious.
“What was that?”
“Drop the attitude Y/N. I’m sorry I forgot but the condescending tone is unnecessary, you’ve forgotten shit too.”
“Yeah! I have! Like if it’s my turn to cook dinner or if you have a physio appointment. Not a fucking anniversary Sam!”
“And this isn’t just about the anniversary anymore. I called you four times during work today and you didn’t pick up. You didn’t think calling four times during work meant I might really need to speak to you? Because when I held the hands of a little girl who had to say goodbye to one of her mum’s and the other mum who had to say goodbye to her wife all I could think of was you and you didn’t answer once. And then I see you for the first time in nearly 48 hours and the first thing you wanted to do was yell at me instead of calmly asking? It’s too much.”
I start running my hands through my hair and pacing around the room. This can’t be happening. What the fuck is happening here? Before I can think about much more, I grab my work bag and start packing a uniform and some clothes.
“Wh- what are you doing? Oh come on you’re not leaving over a silly argument.” We’d made our way to the front door by now.
“No! I’m not! I’m leaving because you can’t seem to see why I’m so fucking upset over any of this Sam. And the fact you got so ‘carried away hanging with Millie and Guro’ to forget your 3-year anniversary and just ignore all my calls. I was really excited to share the test with you, have a family, I’m not really sure what to do about that now. Oh, and here, was going to give this to you too.” I slam the small velvet box down on the counter by the door before grabbing my work boots and rushing to my car.
I hear the door slam behind me, but no footsteps follow, so I hop in and drive to Jessie’s apartment once again.
I’m laying between Jessie and Erin, the latter of whom Jessie had begged to come over to try and make me smile after I’d been crying non-stop, when there’s a banging on the door.
“Jessss! I know Y/n’s there please let me talk to her.” The familiar Australian accent makes me tear up again.
Erin gets up instead of Jessie and tells us she’ll handle Sam, send her away somehow.
3rd pov
Erin opens the door to a very dishevelled Sam Kerr, who’s eyes are red, hair a mess, having finally been let out of the low ponytail so she could run hands through it in a panic.
“Ez. What are you doing here? Where’s Jessie, and Y/n?”
“Sorry Sam, Y/n isn’t here. Jess ‘n’ I decided to have a sleepover so she can take me to training tomorrow because my car’s in the shop.”
“Erin come on I’m serious, she wouldn’t go anywhere else except here.”
“I’m sorry mate I haven’t heard from or seen her since our game against Man City when she had the day off.” Sam let’s out an angered sigh but accepts the idea that maybe her girlfriend had run off to one of the other girls, seeing as most of her friends were Sam’s teammates, either from Chelsea or The Matildas.
“Yeah ok, um, let me know if you hear anything yeah? I really need to talk to her.” Sam’s hand shakes as she pats Erin’s shoulder before turning away, getting back into her car to try Kyra’s or Ann-Katrin and Jess’, both friendships that seemed so unlikely to Sam, yet were some of her girlfriend’s closest friends.
1st pov
I let out a breath of relief when Erin returns to us without a certain striker trailing behind her.
“Maybe you should talk to her. She might fucking crash in the state she’s in.” the thought makes me feel bad for a moment, but she shouldn’t be allowed off that easily.
“No, she’s stupid but not that stupid. And she deserves to worry for a moment.” It was probably really mean, but I refuse to believe she doesn’t deserve a taste of her own medicine.
It takes me 2 more days of her calling before I start to really miss Sam, and decide to head back to our apartment just to see if she’s there, because Jessie told me how she hadn’t shown up to training on Yesterday and she wasn’t on the pitch as I watch Chelsea verse West Ham on Jessie’s tv.
As I walk through the door, the only thing I hear are the tiny meows of our cat Helen, who runs up to me to rub against my legs. I missed her.
But then I start to look around and realise what a mess the place is. Beer bottles are spread across every room and there are takeout containers that clearly hadn’t been put away since they arrived, sitting on the coffee table in the lounge room. I walk further down the hall but trip of some random pair of sneakers. No more than two steps after that, glass crunches under my boots and I frown when I see a photo of Sam with the FA Cup I had taken after their win last season. It was my favourite picture of her in her Chelsea kit.
“Sammy?! Where are you?” my voice echoes throughout the space as I creep towards the bedroom.
As I pry open the door, I’m met with a sight that both warms and squeezes my heart. Sam is covered in blankets, snoring softly. Her eyes are puffy and there are both fresh and old tear stains running down her cheeks. She looked strangely angelic, peaceful. Like the girl I’m in love with.
When I pull the blankets back, I see her hugging the teddy I got for her to take on international breaks when I couldn’t make it, doused in my perfume. I’d got it for her on our 6-month anniversary, and it didn’t take her long to buy me one for when she went away. The same one that is currently sitting on our windowsill, seeming very lonely.
She’s dressed in only a sports bra and some checkered boxers she’s been obsessed with sleeping in, but doesn’t seem to have changed in the past 2 days.
Her eyes blink open as I softly shake her away, but once she catches sight of me, she bolts up-right and scrambles to hug me.
“Hey Sammy.” I’m too tired to be angry at her anymore. I just miss her.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so so sorry I was so horrible to you. I don’t deserve to be forgiven but I’ll do anything to prove how sorry I am and how much I love you and this baby.” I then catch a glimpse of a ring, the ring, that is placed perfectly on her ring finger.
“Y- you’re wearing the ring?” and she doesn’t get a chance to reply before I’m kissing her.
“This doesn’t mean I forgive you! I’m still mad at how you treated me.” I pull back to tell her before she can reciprocate the kiss.
She doesn’t meet my eyes but nods. “I’m so sorry, I love you so much and I want to show you that and show you how sorry I am.”
“I expect you to get me every single thing I crave in the next nine months and give me cuddles whenever I ask.”
Before she can I agree I add. “And that’s only for not letting me give me whole speech about how much I love you before I propose. There’s a lot more ground to cover for the other shit.” But I smile and kiss her again.
“I would have said yes before you could talk any way. Oh! And I have a surprise for you too. I was going to give it to you on our anniversary too.”
Sam gets up and rushes to the drawers, pulling out a familiar box.
“No fucking way were you going to propose on the same day.” She simply pulls out the ring and holds it out to me.
“Will you be my wife? If you say no I might actually drop dead.” I cry before anything else. But then I catch her looking at me expectantly and I just nod before hugging her tight.
“I can’t wait to have a family with you.” I whisper in her ear.
“I bags being the fun mumma!”
“Nooo way!”
“Yuh huh! You’re going to be the safety conscious one. You literally make me renew my first aid with you every single year. I’m definitely the fun one.” I groan but hug her tight. I don’t know what I’d do without her.
“SAM I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU ONCE THIS THING IS OUT OF ME HOW DID YOU CONVINCE ME TO DO THIS!?” I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve been in labour by now, but I’m sure Sam’s hand was about to break and everyone in the building could hear me swearing my head off.
“You’re almost there chickee, just a few more pushes I promse.”
“You said that last time and it was not just a few more pushes!”
Before either of us can say anything else I’m pushing again, and 6 minutes later, a baby’s cries fill the room, and Maeve Wren Kerr-Y/l/n joined her twin sister Charlie May Kerr/Y/l/n in their mothers arms.
When I look over at Sam, she’s smiling adoringly down at Charlie, and I see a tear run down her face.
“You’re so beautiful.” I reach to grab her hand while Maeve sleeps in my arms.
I don’t think I could love anyone, or anything more than I love Sam. In 8 months when we get married, I’ll look her in the eyes as we say ‘I do’ and I’ll know she was always going to be it for me. She’ll always be the one.
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razorblade180 · 29 days
While I love Amber dearly as she is, I got curious - if you could upgrade or entirely change her kit to put her on a five-star level (or alternatively, as strong as she could be in the lore of how you view your Genshin playthrough, with all her training and seniority), how would you do it?
I feel like somewhere on this blog I’ve talked about a supportive Amber before but the second half of your question is thought provoking in a new way.
What sucks is in a lot of way, Lyney really took main mechanics of Amber.💀
For the sake of keeping her identity, the bow stays. I’m thinking unique enhanced charge shots that are the size of one of Tighnari’s burst arrows. What makes them special is not only would the size make it easier to hit enemies close together, but the arrow is piercing. We’ll call them Scouting Arrows
Rework her skill to be a better Baron Bunny that has a stronger taunt and doesn’t get flung away to create more opportunities to hit multiple enemies. By either using the skill or hitting more than one enemy with a single arrow, the time to charge the next arrow essentially doesn’t exist at all; that way it creates a sharpshooter style of combat I think an Outrider would be an expert at.
Her burst would be a reference to the WEBTOON and let’s call it Flaming Vanguard; she’d create a pyro shield and lose her enhanced charges, but gain an infusion on her normal attack arrows for a short time that are weaker than charge shots obviously but stronger than normal arrows. Her skill would also temporarily changes to a scatter shot of flaming rocks in front of her. (I’m never getting over that)
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When the burst state ends, if the shield wasn’t already destroyed, it will vanish and Amber gains a single free enhanced shot with a multiplier that’s higher than her other enhanced shots called Outrider’s Arrow; her cooldown on her next Barron Bunny is also reduced. Cause, y’know…
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She can keep her gliding passive. As for her second passive, considering Ganyu exists, I think it would reasonable for Amber to gain a crit dmg bonus whenever facing multiple enemies, but gain a crit rate buff instead when there’s only one. That somewhat helps compensate for the fact in boss fights she wouldn’t have the opportunity to sharpshoot as often since there’s only one enemy to hit.
So in essence, a mid to long range DPS with a core play style that shows her proficiency in archery as well as her job as Outrider; with an elemental burst that shows her personality by Amber being able to temporarily rush into the frontline when other party members need help.
I’m feeling silly right now so I suppose I’ll think of constellations.
C1 Team Player- When Flaming Vanguard state ends, the rest of the party gains an atk buff based on total atk
C2 Double Trouble- Two charges of Barron Bunny and Scatter Shot! (I know she has that in game, and honestly it’s too good to not have that in this hypothetical)
C3 Outrider, the One and Only- Normal attack talent increase
C4 Survival Expert- Scatter Shot and normal attacks performed in Flaming Vanguard independently grant a certain amount of pyro damage bonus up to a certain amount. The bonus ends after firing an Outrider Arrow.
C5 Favonious Hardwork- Talent level on burst increases. (This would effect shield absorption and Outrider Arrow conversion multiplier since it’s already getting the benefit of increased dmg from leveling charge attacks)
C6 A Granddaughter’s Oath- Shooting a Barron Bunny will now automatically detonates it. Deploying a Barron Bunny instantly gains one Outrider Arrow. Upon detonation, gain another Outrider Arrow.
Unintentionally this kit has not only made Mondstadt’s god of wind one of her best teammates in mob situations, but her and Collei would do well in a burning team alongside characters like, Sucrose, Emilie, and even reverse melt Kaeya. Not my intention in the slightest but hey, that works out pretty well in a satisfying way.
By the way can you tell that after nearly four years Amber is still easily one of my favorite characters?
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kiragecko · 6 months
I guess the only problem with being asked to take a “marie kondo approach” is that in order to find any fanfic that appears to be based in actual canon timeline and plot points and characterization (which does exist, and I’m not sure why fanon fans seem insistent that it doesn’t), I literally have to search for hours. I’m not joking, I consistently make fic rec lists, and I have to search for hours and hours for actual canonical basis. same thing with character tags on tumblr.
I’m not saying fanon fans have to stop enjoying fanon or making up their own content. I’m just saying that when the tags used for both fanon tim drake and canon tim drake are the same tag it just becomes incredibly annoying sometimes, and I understand why people who like to engage with canon (me, often) become frustrated
I have definitely had periods where I got incredibly frustrated with fanon! Around 2019, I was wondering if I needed to leave the Batfandom, because it had been so long since I read a new fic where the characters felt 'right'.
But, if you're willing to, I'd like you to consider what you mean when you divide 'fanon' from 'canon'. Because I struggle to find a hard line between the two, for several reasons:
1. Fandom is transformative. Every fanfic is going to have some interpretation of the source material. The line between what is too much interpretation and what is acceptable is different for every person. For me, I find it can even vary based on writing style or other odd things - lighthearted fic can have more noncanonical stuff in it than heavier fic, and still seem true to canon.
2. 'Canon' is subjective. I do not consider the movies or video games to be 'canon', and it annoys me when things from those creep into the fic I'm reading. (I'm okay with SOME Battinson.) Some aspects of the cartoons are okay. I consider precrisis Jason Todd to be an alternate reality version, but Donna's precrisis origins are more canonical than the dumb retcons. Wayne Family Adventures isn't my main version of the characters, but I'm not bothered if some elements show up in my stories. I'm ignoring most of the nu52, but I like Duke and I'm still watching this new Lian to see what happens. I doubt your divisions are identical to mine.
(Also, some things that I think of as 'fanon' have shown up in nu52 canon! I do not accept them as any more canon because of this.)
3. Most 'fanon' is based on canon. Canon Tim has weird sleep habits. 90s Dick is really lighthearted and joking around some characters in ways similar to fanon. Dick can canonically not be trusted to take care of himself if his mental health gets low enough. Jason likes classical literature. Etc.
These are exaggerated and/or twisted in a lot of fic, but where is the line where they stop being canon? I wouldn't bat an eye at a lot of this stuff, if it didn't show up SO OFTEN.
4. Most 'fanon fans' do know some canon. What line are you going to set where it will be 'enough'. And are they allowed to mention parts of the canon they haven't read yet? Is anyone allowed to talk about Dick's early Robin days, or only the tiny amount of people who have read the golden age stuff? A lot of the 'mistakes' I see are obviously made by people who have read ABOUT canon, but don't know quite how it fits together.
5. 'Canon' is FULL of contradictions. Yes, there are canon events. Yes, there is characterization that is consistent across 3/4s of comics. But. I'm still working on my sidekick timeline. I've devoted days to figuring out ages and passage of time. I've spent over a decade trying to figure out Jason Todd's motivations, and why Tim treats him the way he does. I've read all the 90s and early 2000s CANONICAL character assassination of Jason.
I spent years thinking that Donna's death was almost as foundational as Jason's, only to later discover that I had just happened to read the specific comics that focused on the fallout, and she only stayed dead for a short time. That happens to fans ALL THE TIME! We read a character summarizing an event we haven't directly read, and just accept it as what happened. But characters have biases, and not all writers care about accuracy.
I've read some Tim Drakes that I consider to be almost entirely 'fanon'. And quite a few that were so scarily 'canon' that I got chills. (Not all of which were similar to each other.) But the vast, vast majority have fallen somewhere in the middle.
I definitely do not want the responsibility of deciding which ones count as 'canon'! And I think I would strongly dislike anyone who tried to decide for me.
Being frustrated is logical, and I empathize. But the original post was about the impossible expectations some fans feel. The expectation to read thousands of comics, synthesize all the contradictions, and come to conclusions that match the 'true fans'. That's a perfectly reasonable thing to be complaining about.
If that's what some fans are experiencing, of course they're not going to want to engage with canon! There's no way for them to succeed, so why should they even try?
When you join THAT conversation to discuss your frustration about fanon, it strengthens that perception. When you call them 'fanon fans' it emphasizes their belief that you don't think they belong. And rather than trying to change, it's more likely that they'll double down. Canon is full of gatekeepers, so they'll avoid it.
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pattywagon2go · 3 months
FixTF2: What Happened, Why Did Valve Step In, And What Comes Next?
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DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with neither Valve nor the people who run the FixTF2 petition. Do not treat anything I say here as any official announcement of any future plans for the movement. All my thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.
As of the making of this post, the save.tf has officially closed down to new signatures, racking up a generous 343,711 total signatures. I've made my thoughts on FixTF2 clear in the past, where I said that I didn't have much hope that Valve would actually do something, but to my surprise, Valve seemed to have finally stepped in and done something about the bot issue plaguing the game for 5 straight years beyond the usual half-assed band-aid fix. In light of Valve surprising me, I want to talk about what's happened, some speculation as to why Valve is potentially doing this, and what I think comes next from all of this.
So, let's clear some stuff up: Is Casual really bot-free?
From what I've seen and heard, yes!
Starting around June 25th, multiple sources reported a massive drop in the active player count for Team Fortress 2 from Steam Charts, being around 15,000-16,000 users vanishing overnight. Many people suspect this to be a large-scale ban wave Valve enacted, and there is a large amount of evidence to support this. (More info from this video by shounic here) Since then, up until the day this post is being written (July 1st 2024), people have reported that Casual servers across all regions have been fairly bot-free, with only the occasional one popping up, a far cry from a month ago, where servers were flooded with them no matter where you went. I myself even hopped on a few games and to my surprise, there were no bots to be found whatsoever. Its honestly been super refreshing to see the game be this clean, as now its actually fun to play once again. I haven't touched the game in months, but since the bots have been kicked out for a little bit, it feels good to play once more. If you haven't played the game for a while cause of the bots, now's your chance to hop in and enjoy the game. Its actually fun to play now that the bots have been squashed. On top of that, (as of the time this post is being written), Valve appears to still be actively curbing cheaters and bots from the game, even setting up a dedicated Steam support page for anyone who gets a game ban here.
So, why's Valve doing any of this?
This is where I'm going to step into speculation territory, as Valve being Valve means there's barely any information they will share with the public, but I'll do my best to come up with some logical explanations. I would say that Valve doing a ban wave has both a short-term goal and a long-term goal. The short-term goal was Valve was always intending to do a ban wave, it just took a while to do. What I think happened was Valve took a while to collect a database of known bot accounts and (presumably) their hosters, and from there, once Valve felt they were comfortable with the amount they had collected, they pulled the trigger and proceeded to wipe them out. They obviously couldn't just outright say "Hey, we're gonna do a wipe of the bots soon" because that would have given the hosters plenty of time to set up proactive measures to make Valve's job harder. The only evidence I really have for this is the dropoff of players on Steam Charts, which shows around 15k-16k players mysteriously disappeared from the game, which seems to point to Valve issuing a game ban toward said accounts/deleting them entirely. Alternatively, Valve could have banned a limited amount of accounts, much lower than the 15-16k shown by Steam Charts, but it sent a scare to hosters who deactivated their bots and took them off the game once they knew Valve was watching them, but this explanation I don't have much evidence to prove beyond scattered Discord screenshots of supposed hosters telling people to change their bot configurations due to Valve clamping down on them. The long-term goal of this, though far-fetched and lacking evidence to support, could have to do with Deadlock, their next game, as a proactive measure to prevent these same malicious actors from flooding the game on Day 1, something many people have pointed out and what's happened to CS2 not even a year into its launch.
(UPDATE: Ok I might as well address this cause it did come up while I was writing the post, but a Team Fortress 2 DLC for an upcoming Funko Pop game called Funko Fusion was announced, and people have said that the only reason why Valve squashed the bots was because Valve wanted the game to look good in time for the crossover.
Now I am by no means a fan of Funko Pop, I think they look a bit ugly and there's a myriad of other things people take issue with, but that's all outside the scope of this post. I personally don't care that this is happening to begin with, as Funko Pops are something I routinely forget about, so as far as the DLC existing, I don't care that much. That being said, if it is true that Valve only squashed bots due to this collab happening to begin with, then that is pretty sad and disappointing to see, with how Valve wasn't motivated to fix the issue until a different company came knocking and asked them to do something cause they didn't want the DLC to look bad. But since there's no confirmation this is the case, Valve does have some level of plausible deniability here, and ultimately, something good did come from this, at a (to me, cause I couldn't give a shit about Funko) nonexistant cost so I won't complain)
So now time to return to the last part of the question in the title: What comes next?
Well for one thing, the war has not been won yet.
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A big mistake with SaveTF2 was once Valve tweeted that they apparently "heard" us and were working to improve things, people largely declared victory and chose to stop there. Yet things didn't substantially improve since then, only cascading into a far worse situation. This time around, we cannot give up as quickly as last time. We are on the cusp of victory, but we need to keep the pressure on Valve. Keep holding them accountable for the bot issue. Put pressure on them to get rid of the bots for good. Don't let them off the hook and give them a slap on the wrist for only repelling the bots for a little bit, because believe me, as soon as Valve stops doing anything and slinks back into the shadows, the bots will return, and they will be far worse than anything we've seen thus far. It happened two years ago, it will happen again if we just declare victory now and go home. What Valve is doing is a great change of pace and they do deserve some praise for what they're doing, but we must make sure they stay committed to fixing the issue at hand. The best time for Valve to fix the issue was 5 years ago. The second best time is here and now. For now, hop on a few games and enjoy the (relatively) clean servers. We've earned a small break after our victory, but once you're done, make sure to grab your best bot-stomping boots, because our job is far from over.
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lushlovers · 2 years
Hands, J Burrow
summary; something about his hands..
warnings; joe being cocky..., mentions of smut, teasing, joe being hot for no reason,
word count; 552
note; i love hands, thank you to my favs for another great game yesterday. so so sorry for my disappearance, i'm finally free from responsibility and home for two weeks
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Your fingers absentmindedly ran along Joe's hand that was planted lovingly on your thigh. Tracing along the veins that lie there, following them up his arm, he wasn't paying any attention to it. You're always touching his hands, so much that he doesn't mind to pull them away.
Tonight the show of choice was "You," as he scrolled looking for something good to watch, you noticed there would be a new season. Why not re-watch to assure everyone's all caught up?
However, your mind was no where near on the tv show, choosing instead to admire the man next to you. His free hand traced tiny symbols on the bare skin of your calves, up and around your knees, causing unintentional goosebumps. He never had to try to be attractive in any way, never failing to do it so effortlessly.
"Are you gonna watch or stare at me the whole time, baby?" He finally spoke up, you hadn't even realized he was talking due to your eyes drinking in how his hands flexed with every little movement he made. Stumbling over your words a bit before catching yourself, "Sorry?"
He snorted at that, "I said, are you gonna watch the show or keep staring," your mouth dried up, any rebuttal you had managed to cut up with completely going blank in your mind, his brows raised in amusement. He uses his index finger to lift your chin, bringing your eyes to meet his, searching your eyes for anything at all.
A quick surge of confidence courses through you, "I prefer this view much better." Sealing the deal with the best 'fuck me' eyes you can muster and a smirk on your full lips. Joe's almost certain his bloods run cold and no amount of heat would soothe the chills along his taut skin.
"You know I love an audience, mama." He's smiling now, pearly, cocky, and mischievous, he knows exactly what he's doing. The hand that was once massaging your calves is inching it's way closer to where your shorts cut off, not quite close enough though.
His eyes are no longer boring into your own creating more tension, but instead reading over the text he'd received typing up a short, bored response and setting his phone screen down. Suddenly he's so interested in Love and Theo's conversation on the big screen in front of you.
You stare at the way his rough thumb plays with the hem of your his t-shirt, silently begging him to pull it over your head and take you right here. He, however, refuses to even look in your direction. How is a girl supposed to just sit there when he's doing shit like that?
"Joey," you whine, leaning into his collarbone, pressing wet kissing on whatever skin you can get to. He does his best attempt at shrugging you off, despite wanting nothing more than to give in and kiss you as hard as ever. That wouldn't be as fun as watching you huff and puff out of his peripheral.
The next thing he knows you've pulled your legs from his lap, choosing to scoot further from him, just out of reach. Now, you're sitting legs crossed and arms folded over your chest, obviously putting on an act so he'll give in, which he always will.
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notyourhetloki · 1 year
Hi there 👋 It looks like you're still taking requests for Ken? Imagine the reader having a rough day. What what would Ken do to cheer them up? Would he use bad pick up lines or start a tickle fight or give them SO many kisses? (You don't have to use these. These are just suggestions). Also, I cannot get the Kenergy song out of my head! 😅💗
rough day headcanons (Ken x GN!Reader)
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Reader: gender neutral
/Ken x Reader/
A/N: OMG thank you this request is amazing! And gosh yeah I have "I'm Just Ken" in repeat for days now LOL. I hope you like it!
Warnings: none, it's just short and very sweet!
I think it’s safe to say that if you're bummed out, Ken would be too.
But of course, he would think it’s his JOB to make you feel better somehow!
You mentioned excellent examples, but I think it would all come in phases.
Ken would first ask you what’s wrong and if you decide to talk about it, he would be by your side listening while holding your hand tight, not letting it go for a second.
Then he would try jokes and bad pickup lines to cheer you up… the cheesiest, the better!
“Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?”
“Ken, we’ve been dating for several months now.” You would say, not holding back a grin.
Yess, he made you smile! That would definitely make him feel a little better.
But if you’re still a bit sad, he would have to come up with more solutions… like chatting about your favorite things, playing games (he would lose on purpose every time), or if the situation called for… TICKLES!
Ken would suddenly attack your belly with tickles, making you cry-laugh hysterically. This method was a bit extreme, but he loved seeing you laugh like that.
And if NOTHING worked and you were still sad (if you didn't tickle him back), then he would just… kiss you. Kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your neck, the inside and outside of your hands… everywhere he could.
And of course, he would kiss your mouth if you’d let him. Tenderly, softly, like it was the first time.
The amount of care and emotion he put into every peck of his lips helped to cure you of whatever sadness you felt, so full of unconditional love… your chest felt warm and fuzzy all of a sudden.
After the kissing session, you were finally feeling a bit better, and Ken felt triumphant! He would take you on a walk, holding your hand while you breathed some fresh air.
And of course, he would take you to the beach (obviously). Watching the plastic waves calmed you down, and Ken could finally admire a smile coming from your lips (he also wouldn't lose a chance to show off his beach skills).
But even after that, he would follow you around everywhere, not wanting to let you go just yet. He had to make sure you were feeling no less than sublime! (see what I did there? Heh)
Ken would ask if he could spend the night at your house, and if you said yes, he would gladly pamper you even more.
Brushing your hair, painting your nails (if you like having them painted), giving massages… everything! And of course, playing even more games and watching movies while you giggled and chatted along.
Ken was usually the little spoon, but seeing you had a rough day, he could make exceptions. Taking you in his arms and holding you there, petting your hair while whispering sweet "I love you..."s into your ear.
He caressed your skin until you fell asleep, and you were sure the next day would be simply amazing... for you always had Ken by your side.
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taki-yaki · 7 months
prompt: Tav with a gun lol. Let’s say Tav got abducted from a sci-fi world, like from another sci-fi video game, which solves the ammo issue. Or she’s an artificer class from somewhere out there in wildspace, so she makes her own ammo and steampunk weapons. Whatever you choose.
Either way, Astarion is very interested in her weapons.
Making me think of all those glock mods for BG3 but I agree that Astarion would be 100% interested in an artificer artillerist Tav. Also with artificers usually focusing on intelligence, he would be interested in that compared to Gale.
Artificer Tav (or Glock Tav)
Astarion had never met an artificer such as you before. Sure he may have heard of some gnome who were artificers, but they usually specialised in either alchemy or armoury. 
He never took much interest in them anyway, besides all they would talk about is how their creations were made for non-destructive uses.
However, upon seeing your destructive artillery focus, it quickly gains his interest.
Someone who is intelligent and approves of using destructive force, rather than giving dull lectures about the meticulous details of the weave the magic as a whole, sounds like a LOT of fun to him.
Of course, the first thing he’d ask of you is to have a go at your eldritch cannon, but soon has to be confiscated from him, due to his recklessness with it. 
Instead, he’d try to give suggestions on how to improve your weaponry, “Maybe if you add a lick of poison to your bullets for an extra sting” “What do you mean it’ll cost too much?”.
Whilst tinkering with making small gadgets in your free time, he would observe you from afar, watching your hands skillfully craft each one. You would quickly pick up on this, by offering him to watch you work up close instead.
The tinkering side of your nature would lead to some problems in camp though, with collecting any pieces of scrap metal found on your adventures, old rusted cutlery? They can be repurposed into so many things. This would lead to an intervention at camp with the amount of ‘junk’ you have collected in such as short time.
Eventually, you would start creating small utilities to use in camp, such as a portable shower kit to compact carrying containers.
When you go to fight Cazador, the situation quickly turns into bringing a knife to a gunfight, however in this case you’re adequately equipped and prepared to fight him.
Obviously, you would defeat him, Buffy the Vampire Slayer style, “No weapon forged can stop me”, “That was then” pulling out your modified eldritch cannon and taking aim at Cazador, “This is now”, promptly launching him off the ritual platform.
After the tadpole is gone, you promise to make him a device that will allow him to walk in the sun once again. Stating that he’s better off trying science if all means of magic and gods have failed him so far. Naturally, it takes quite a few attempts to create a working solution, but once you do, he is forever grateful for your help and will go about boasting about how smart his partner is compared to the magic shows that wizards present.
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volostogekiss · 7 months
you are always my life (1/??)
A few years after post-game. Established relationship. GN!reader. Unspecified home region, so up to you wherever you’re from! Summary: Not long after you return to your present-day world, Volo shows up, too. (Various shorts about domestic, modern-day moments with Volo. Probably will continue more of these at some point!)
clothes shopping – (day one.)
One of the first things that you decided when it had finally, totally, completely sunk in that Volo had also made it to the present day, was that he desperately needed new clothes.
He couldn’t be walking around in a kimono during winter. The weather had just started turning icy. Besides that, it was clear from the moment he’d appeared beside you that people were unfortunately intrigued by him. You had too many thoughts about why, although you tried to disregard them. It was hard to neglect just how attractive Volo was though, and that he stood quite obviously a head above most others. You’d also lent him an overcoat so that he could accompany you outdoors, but it didn’t fit him properly, and that only worsened the staring.
Then, there were the comments as well.
A group of college students passing by spent much too long gaping at Volo. You even heard one of them ask if he was some kind of cosplayer. Another was raising their phone for a photo, and that was when you tugged Volo away.
If you weren’t in such a rush to find suitable clothes so your lover wouldn’t freeze, you might’ve turned back around and snapped at them, but you had more important things on your mind. Like how you’d just been reminded that Volo would probably need a phone, too.
“Ho-oh’s tailfeathers,” you mumbled the curse under your breath.
Tightening your grip on Volo’s hand, you leaned in closer to him and ignored how he blinked back at the students in unabashed confusion.
“I will say,” Volo began as he threaded his fingers through yours, “I’m quite curious to know what a ‘cosplayer’ is.”
You were too busy watching the crosswalk light to humor him, however. “See? This is a crosswalk light. When it’s red, that means we can’t cross, but when it turns green, it means we can go. The flashing numbers mean how long we have before we can’t cross again.”
Volo nodded, keeping pace with you as you hurried down the street. There were plenty of things he didn’t yet understand about your modern world, but he was doing his best to remember all of them, at least.
“Oh, and,” you said with a start, when you made it to the other side, “I’ll explain what a cosplayer is some other time.”
“Perhaps it’s not something you need to worry about at all,” answered Volo immediately, his brows furrowing. He’d noticed that you were on-edge. It was obvious that his presence was concerning you to the point where you were stressing yourself out.
You shook your head. A knowing smile flitted onto your lips, despite how anxious you seemed. “Everything about you—whatever’s on your mind, whatever you want—that’s all I think about. You’re bound to have more questions anyway, aren’t you?”
“Well, yes, but—”
“We all know what happens when you have unanswered questions,” you laughed shortly, some amount of your anxiety melting away when you saw him huff and roll his eye at you.
“You’re quite unfair, my love.”
“And you’re not?”
However, you were unprepared for the smirk he gave you then, followed by the swift peck to your forehead.
Volo chuckled at your startled reaction. “Hm, I suppose I am.”
“I’ll get you for that one,” you promised him as you harrumphed. “But later.”
Without waiting for him to reply (you did hear him laugh), you headed into the department store. There was still plenty for you to do, after all.
The doors whirred shut behind the both of you. The warmth of the heater at the entrance was certainly welcome, and instinctively, you gathered Volo’s cold hand between yours, rubbing it slowly. He’d been preoccupied with the splendor of the building, but noticing what you were doing, he turned to you, a gentle smile on his face. Looking at him with a similar, tender expression, you left a kiss upon his fingertips, then dropped your linked hands back to your side.
Volo squeezed your hand. You squeezed his in reply.
Then, squaring your shoulders as if you’d just received a much needed burst of energy, you announced, “Okay. Let’s get you some new clothes.”
While you rode the escalator up a few floors, you explained what the machine was, what to expect when buying clothes, and that you were lucky you were visiting during early afternoon on a weekday. Fewer people were about, and you didn’t have to deal with fighting crowds of shoppers like on weekends.
Volo seemed amused by your final point, especially after you’d likened it to the days when Anthe released a new line of clothes. It was a bit nostalgic though, to think of the time now past you both, but Volo was just glad that you were with him now.
He was pondering the memory, nearly lost in his own musings, until you told him that you’d reached the boutique floor.
With another word of encouragement, you smiled at him again—really, all Volo needed was you, and oh, your smile, how that made him practically forget where he was—and walked toward the storefront.
An employee, dressed in a trimmed suit, bowed and greeted you both as you approached. However, when he straightened upright again, you saw his eyes widen, and one of his hands nearly lifted to cover his face.
“Oh my goodness,” he said, shocked, whether by Volo’s mismatched clothes or the fact that he was alarmingly handsome, you didn’t know.
Hesitantly, you waved at him before urging Volo inside the boutique. You wanted to pretend as if you hadn’t really been there at all.
After sequestering yourselves at the back of the store, you finally breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe the staff had deduced you could manage without any of their help, as they left you alone where you were. It was better if you avoided any questions, even those unspoken, and simply focused on Volo.
He was still holding your hand. He was also regarding you with a mixture of worry and kindness, so much so that your heart trembled.
You looked away, feeling an inexplicable nervousness, as if you were once again surreptitiously harboring a crush on the man.
“If you see something you like, just let me know. We’re looking for warmer clothes for now, but it would be nice to get something you want to wear,” you rattled off, trying to settle your heart again.
The look on his face changed as he dipped in close to you and whispered, “I would much rather trust your judgment about what looks best on me.”
“That may be a bit difficult…”
“Why? Is it because you prefer nothing on—”
He just laughed at you. But you knew what he was doing. He was trying to take your mind off your troubles.
“I jest, my love.”
Sighing with a smile, you swung your intertwined hands forward, a sign you’d like him to walk with you as you inspected the displays. Although you’d been worried about Volo since he’d quite literally been dropped into your world only a few hours prior, you had to admit that you enjoyed this moment with him. Shopping together wasn’t really something you had often done in Hisui. It was different then, much different, despite how you’d already lived with one another for years, in your little home.
Briefly, you wondered what had happened to it.
“What about this?”
You were glad that Volo had brought you out of your reminiscing. He was here with you. That was what was important.
“Oh!” Your attention was now fully on the sweater Volo was holding. “That’s exactly what I was thinking we should look for first!”
Volo tilted his head meaningfully. “We think quite alike.”
You eyes softened.
“Of course we do.”
Reaching out, you took the sweater from him and examined it carefully. It was a pale cream color, with light blue buttons that reminded you of the markings on Togekiss. Your lips twitched upward. Of course, you probably weren’t the only one thinking of the resemblance.
You peered at the tag on inside its collar and at the rack it’d been on. “It’s a good brand, Altaria and Blu.”
“And what does its name mean?”
“They’re a family of Pokémon—Swablu and Altaria. They kind of look like clouds, but they’re actually birds.”
“Hm. I would like to see a Pokémon like that one day.”
Draping the long sweater over your arm, you returned to perusing the other options while chatting idly. It was peaceful—more than you’d thought it’d be. Maybe it was because your nerves had eased themselves a little. It also helped you overlook how much this all might cost you. You could manage. Anything, for him.
For the most part, however, Volo defaulted to letting you choose his clothing for him, despite how often you tried to get his input. It was nice that he trusted you to do so—even if he was right beside you, observing what you selected for him. Once more, you couldn’t help thinking of how regular something like this could be for the two of you.
A normal life. Maybe not like the one you’d had in Hisui, but one where you’d be together, forever. You smiled at the thought.
Volo seemed pleased, too. Maybe it was because he liked what the two of you had picked. Similar sweaters, warm cargo pants, a variety of button-downs, and some comfortable, stay-at-home clothes, among the other clothing necessities like undergarments and shoes. (The sandals he was wearing had to go.)
…Or maybe it wasn’t really the clothes, but the principle of it all. That he was just as happy to be with you as you were with him. You caught him staring at you fondly—once when you were deeply scrutinizing a trendy pair of track pants and then when you were describing the different fabrics often used for modern-day clothing. He only smiled at you when you’d asked if something was wrong, before saying that he simply loved hearing your voice.
You had to wait a moment before you could actually make your way to the register to pay.
The exchange with the cashier went about as you’d expected though. They seemed curious about Volo, but you appreciated that they didn’t say anything. They did grin when you mentioned that Volo would be wearing some of the clothes you’d purchased out.
You sighed as the two of you left the boutique. You were glad that everything had gone smoothly, even if you’d been particularly worried on the way here.
Taking Volo’s hand again, you checked the time, then said, “We’ll go shopping for more clothes on another day, but for now, this should hopefully work.”
“I was worried about you.”
“Huh?” You looked up at him, surprised by the unexpectedness of his remark.
Volo plucked the bag of clothes you’d been carrying and hooked it over his elbow. He glanced at you softly. “You were worried about me throughout the entire afternoon. I was unsure of what I could do to help.”
He smiled at you, and then he was the one guiding you down the sidewalk.
“But there’s no need to worry about me. As long as I am with you, I will always be all right.”
Your heart fluttered. How could he always say such things like this…?
“More than all right, surely,” he continued, brushing his thumb over the back of your hand. “No amount of words describe how fortunate I am to have you with me.”
Volo leaned in and laid a kiss upon your cheek.
“I’m just happy to be here with you, my love.”
grocery shopping – (a few days.)
“What’s that?”
Stopping your shopping cart, you turned back to Volo. He was slightly bent over the open-top freezer stretching alongside you and pointing at something within one of the containers.
You poked your head over the edge of the freezer. When you saw what he was pointing at, you couldn’t help smiling.
“They’re frozen pancakes.”
Volo scrunched his nose. He seemed unsure of why they were the way they were.
“The amount of frozen food that is here is… astounding.”
You held back your laugh. It was cute to see Volo like this.
“Of course, you can make pancakes without having them frozen. Maybe we should make some tomorrow morning.”
Volo nodded, moving to you again. He laid his arms over yours as you turned to steer the cart, his chest pressed against your back.
“Lovely.” You felt his voice rumble up your spine, and his warmth was almost instantly overwhelming.
Why did it always feel like you were falling in love with him all over again?
“…You’re lovely,” you told him, tilting your head back to look at him with a grin.
Volo laughed, and before you had a chance to react, he stole a kiss from you.
cooking – (two weeks.)
You were exhausted.
Work, to put it plainly, had sucked.
What you needed now was a chance to relax, to forget about everything that had happened, and ready yourself to repeat it all tomorrow.       
What you didn’t know you needed, however, was waiting for you when you opened the door to your apartment.
“I’m home,” you called out tiredly. You kicked off your shoes, unbothered by how they’d flown somewhere across the front entrance, and barely remembered to slide on your slippers before ambling farther inside.
Something smelled nice—a savory, light scent. Maybe Volo was cooking?
“Welcome back!” came the sing-song voice from the kitchen.
Immediately, a smile flickered onto your lips. Oh, this man…
Poking his head out from down the hall, Volo waved at you. He rounded the corner, and you noticed he was also wearing an apron, confirming what you’d thought earlier. You wanted to run to him, to laugh, to scream about how glad you were to see him, but instead, you could only offer him the weak smile that was already on your face.
Volo covered all the ground to you, then embraced you gently. It was wonderful to feel him so close to you, with his fingers tracing soothing circles into your back.          
“Another rough day?”
“Hm. Perhaps I should ask Giratina to… pay a friendly visit to a select few.”
You laughed. That sounded nice. Giratina, scaring your terrible boss and awful coworker.
“Maybe. Maybe, Volo.”
Volo smiled. The two of you wandered back to the living room, where you finally saw what Volo had been up to. An array of dishes decorated the dining table, with a hot stew at the center of it all.
“It’s just something simple,” began Volo as he cradled your hands in his own, “but I thought it might be a nice to have a fuller meal.”
Warmth flooded your heart.
“I love you,” you murmured, leaning in to kiss him.
He was more than glad to accept your kiss, and then he answered, an echo of your words,
“I love you, too.”
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sage-shi · 2 months
•|𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘
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The sound of pen writing filled Crowleys' office as he focused on the work his staff had sent him to be filled.
A knock on the door broke him from his trance and he immediately wore his mask and urged the person out side to come in.
"Excuse me headmage..?" The door opened and Yuu came in, without Grimm. The scent of cold air, coffee, paper, and candles hitted them.
"Ah! My dear prefect, do you need something? I am quite busy." Crowley stopped his writing and gave Yuu his attention but remained seated. He had a friendly tone and smile on his face but was obviously rushing.
"I came to ask about the progress of sending me home." Yuu said in a worry tone with their hand behind their back.
"Ofcourse, ofcourse! I simply paused it as I still am a headmage with school duties as you can see." Crowley tapped his paperworks on his table to show the amount of work. "I'll continue searching when I have time."
Yuu smiled, "Thank you headmage!"
"Ah, my generosity has no bounds afterall!"
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The sun sepped through my curtains as I still continued playing on my PS5 after staying up all night playing shooting and horror games.
After playing for another hour, I finally got up, brushed my golden 6ft hair and wore some clothes I randomly picked from my closet. I didn't need to shower since I did it last night and all I did was play video games so I wasn't dirty.
I stared at reflection on the mirror. "*sighs* Other girls are so lucky to be pretty" I said while observing my sky blue crystal eyes, shiny straight hair, big bossoms, and hour glass shape body. *sighs*
Thankfully my parents weren't home so I went downstairs to make my self toast but realizing I'm late, I just placed it in my mouth and ran out the door.
Suddenly, a loud noise from my right errupted so I turned my gead to see a large black horse then I blacked out.
[???: 9:53 AM]
I began to hear faint whispers so I fluttered my eyes open. My vision began to clear and then I realized I was laying on the ground with handsome silhouettes dispite not seeing their faces.
"Oh no, was I kidnapped? This is the 101th time!" I thought as I just stared at the ground for a few moments. Then a hand came to my face and I looked up to see the most cuttest boy ever. He has this gorgeous short red hair and his pretty foggy blue eyes staring at me. I could practically feel myself faint again.
"Hello? Are you okay miss?" He spoke with his stern and hot voice. My body jolted due to panic amd blurted out my answer. "Y-yes!" I sat up and stared at his pretty eyes hoping he'll fall for me and wouldn't bully me since he is too pretty for that.
"See? She's fine"
"This scene kind of reminds me something~"
"Fufu~ I still remember how much 2nd hand embarrassment you gave half of the students"
Compared to the murmurs, this peoples' voices were more audible and all of the students here seems to be boys {but one girl? *huffs* I bet she's a pick me based on how she talked}
"Here, take my hand." The boy infront of me stood up and offered his hand like a prince. I took his hand and stood up stumbled so I feel into his arns. Which caught him off guard and tried to support me but he also stumbled down with me so I closed my eyes. After the thud, I then heard whispers, a few giggles and gasps that made my eyes open.
I opened my eyes and realized that I was kaebedoned to the ground by the cute boy. He had a smirk on gis face and said, "Are you alright, pretty?" I felt my entire face go up in flames and pushed him off of me.
"B-b-b-baka!" I yelled at him and he stared at me with a worry and apologetic look. He breathed heavily and I looked at his his. He looks like he was about to cry and then stood up to say something but a handsome and cutely pretty guy went behind him to calm him down.
"Oh no...did..did I make him cry?"
Suddenly, a tall man with a crow mask stood inbetween me and my misunderstood troupe soulmate.
"Now now, let's all calm down" The handsome voice man said to the cute boy. He then faced me, "Where are you from?" He asked while hotly looking down on me. "I-I-I'm from t-the US.." "Sounds unfamiliar." He placed his thumb in his chin the he looked at a student at the crowd. After that, he then stood up staright and announced to the students. "Everyone! This meeting is now dismmised. Yuu, kindly stay behind"
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[Mirror chamber: 8:00AM]
|Yuu POV|
I stood among with the vice-house wardens since I was the prefect but not a housewarden so I was required to stand. The meeting was just about showcasing the top students or top club members.
"*yawns* I can feel myself passing out." I say in a tired tone. It was obvious that I didn't get enough sleep. So does Trey, Jade, and Jamil. But atleast they don't look like it.
Jamil then gave me a bottle of water he always prepares to bring. "Here. Some housewardens won't be happy if you did"
I took the water and turned to the wall to drink it and faced the front after.
>>Thank you Jamil!
>>Don't you only bring water bottles for Kalim?
>>Thank you Jamil!
Jamil: Mhm
>>Don't you only bring water bottles for Kalim?
Jamil: Knowing you, I thought to bring an extra one. You fidget a lot and water helps.
Lilia: Aww, how sweet of you~
Rook: Réconfortant!
Jamil: *sighs*
[Mirror chamber: 9:53 AM]
As Crowley was giving a closing speech with Riddle on his side after he gave his part, the magic mirror glowed behind them. The crowd students began to talk which caught Crowley and Riddles attention. They looked behind them and the light became brighter.
Knowing what it meant, they immedietly went out of the way and a girl came out of the mirror. Passed out due to impact. With a piece of bread still in her mouth..
The odd sight made most of the atudents wake up and stare in shock
"Holy shit, is she dead?"
Jade: Possibly
Rook: This is deja vu, I feel!
I took a step foward but I was grabbed by the arm. I looked behind me and saw Cater, now standing and holding me back.
"You're still pretty reckless, Prefect-chan" Cater said with a smile but with worry in his tone
"I starting to think you don't have danger senses" Trey chuckled.
Jamil: Realizing that only now?
Riddle prepared his magical pen and went to the stranger to make sure she was alive. As whispers began to grow louder, she woke up.
"Are you alright miss?" Riddle asked. The girl yelled yes and just strangely stared at Riddles' face.
Cater: See? She's fine.
Trey: This scene kind of reminds me something~
>>Ew. Please don't remind me
>>Poor girl...
Lilia: Fufu~ I still remember how much 2nd hand embarrassment you gave half of the students.
When she took Riddles' hand, she immefietly stumbled and caused Riddle to go down with her. Every student gasped and some stiffled their laugh.
The girl was kaebedoned by Riddle on the ground....
She looked shocked and flustered. While Riddle looked a bit pissed and in pain.
Jade: How the tables have turned...
Cater: Trey! Pre-code red!
But before Trey can say something, Riddle was harshly pushed back.
Shit. Riddles' face began to redden and the veins in his neck and foregead looked like they were about to pop.
Riddle stood up, now seething and was about to cut her head off. Thankfuly, Trey and Cater managed to reach him to calm him down. I looked at the girl and saw her face change from guilt to....awestruck?
Rook: Oh the beauté of mixed emotions!
"Trey and Cater are attractive but having heart eyes right after pushing someone..?"
Trey and Cater quickly guided Riddle off the stage and Crowley announced that the meeting is now dismissed.
"Yuu, kindly stay behind."
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enpr-ss · 5 months
My favorite things about Grian, Joel, and Scar's 100 Hours in Hardcore series:
The way Joel and Scar instantly joined and kept away from Grian JUST TO TROLL HIM. They wasted 0 time and fully committed to the bit. That it's on the Last Life server and so everyone's whitelisted, there's no advancements to give it away in chat, is just perfect. How Grian didn't expect this to happen at all when it's obviously the logical and in-character thing to do. And he's trapped between them too.
The timer that really shows how much effort these mcyters put into their content, and also their skill at the game to get all this done in a relatively short amount of time. Early game really is such a pain, but resource gathering and building took them much less time than the average player. And pretty much all the usual stuff are done around the 50 hour mark.
Of course Scar takes advantage of the easier crafting recipe for TNT and gives Grian a terrible present. And of course Grian's luck in it unearthing the coal he needed. And of course Scar steals the enchanting table.
Grian's luck is insane. I've never seen such easy gathering of ancient debris.
Grian immediately needing rescue by Joel from the nether because he trapped himself while trying to prank Joel. Classic Grian luck.
They brought Jimmy on specifically for him to be mob bait, and PVP is enabled ONLY for him. Classic, because otherwise Joel and Grian would have ended each other's series already.
The foreshadowing of Grian arrogantly stating that he doesn't need a chestplate, running ahead of Jimmy who literally Only Had One Job, and dying immediately because he didn't have a chestplate. All because he wanted to get totems for Scar. Ironic.
Grian's build looking like he longs to be back skiing
The completely unfair death games and the completely predictable prisoner's dilemma results where they BOTH have to wear the armor
Everything about the hunters. All the stupid deaths. The scuffedness of it all. The mustaches. Minecraft pvp really is stupid.
The whole bit with messing with Grian's oxidizing copper
The giant Scar-sized mattress beds to mitigate fall damage. “Wait it’s getting night do you have a bed?”
The raid negotiations.
How Scar just makes everyone throw safety out the window. The endermen. Bridging with trapdoors.
“Hey Scar” creeper farm that he could added like 3 more layers to and tripled the efficiency rates.
Everytime he bullies Jimmy. “I know I got that type of face”
Joel being absolutely insufferable about one-upping Grian in hours, not dying, having a helmet, having a taller base, etc
"I think I’ve just sacrificed my wife for a nether star." “If you have a mustache you can come back apparently”
The pink Technoblade axolotl!!
Joel’s squeals are so high pitched and utterly hilarious to hear.
Joel’s chaotic murder energy.
“We should make out”
Joel's streak of falling into his own traps continues. The hunters gearing up on his stuff, the wither not doing anything, dying to his own tnt minecart.
Scar's absolutely terribly dangerous base and playstyle. Giving everyone heart attacks. WHY IS HE PRACTICING WATER BUCKET CLUTCHES ON A HARDCORE SERIES?!?!? Why is his portal so dangerous. My heart can’t take this omg. WHY DIDNT HE TEST HIS ROLLERCOASTER?!? And of course it nearly kills him. The plank of doom is so anxiety inducing omg.
The foreshadowing with Grian worrying about enabling Scar’s death via elytra.
Grian and Joel having a blast on the minecarts while he struggles with it despite being the one WHO BUILT THE TRACKS. Him being stuck between Joel and Grian on the tracks along with the pillagers as a highway robbery moment is also very. Well. Tropey.
Them bullying Scar with their elytras is so good everytime. The whole endbusting shenanigans.
Scar's completely on brand and predictable death. "Can I have a mustache?" HE EVEN HOVERED OVER HIS 0 DURABILITY ELYTRA. The totem was even in his hotbar. “I made it out of surgery for this?!”
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