#oc x masky
makos-ribcage · 5 months
'Cause I fucking love you. ㅡ ༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
[] - OC x Masky. Masky accidentally confesses while in an argument.
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𓇼OC, she/her, afab
! - gore, excessive cursing, toxic relationship
tbh this is an oc but yall can use it as a readerxcreepypasta i dont mind it :3 As soon as I have an actual story to this oc ill post it as well.
I really liked this and as usual it can be continued, so if it receives love, I'll make a second part, enjoy
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You weren’t sure if the blood under your nails was yours or from someone else.
You could feel blood on every part of your body. What once were light comfortable grey sweatpants became the most uncomfortable thing to wear. Wetness sticking to your legs, the fabric now feeling uncomfortably heavy on your legs. Luckily your shirt was black and already fitted so it couldn’t tell the blood that was also on it just by looking into it, but you could feel it, you could feel the warm liquid slowing turning cold with the night breeze that would made you shiver if you weren’t so used to it. You didn’t remember where you left your jacket.
Walking to your hidden cabin in the woods leaving a path of blood could seem dangerous, anyone could follow it, but you wanted to believe no one would be stupid enough to follow such path. And even if someone was stupid enough, you knew you could deal with them easily.
You saw that silhouette forming, the silhouette of a familiar cabin that you missed so much. You left a relieving sigh from the back of your throat, you were getting home after 5 months.
You weren’t sure why “he” decided to punish you, as far as you knew, it could have been something that the others did that had to be fixed, or something that your “co-workers” did that the best punishment that “he” decided was to make you suffer so the rest would feel terribly guilty.
Either way, you didn’t care, you were there, you were home.
The door was unlocked, as usual, as you expected. Your steps made a sloppy sound, both when your shoe hit the ground and when it was lifted, it felt sticky and made you want to puke, you really wanted to hear Hoodie complain about it the stains on the carpet.
It was a big cabin, you were sure it wasn’t so big originally since there was a huge difference on the quality of the building when it came to the extra room Hoodie and Masky probably built when they knew someone else was being “hired”, you in this case. When Toby came, you left him your room and went to sleep with Masky, he had the biggest room, and you were the closest to him. Back then, it didn’t bothered any of you. He was a nice company and you were the one he didn’t wanted to kill, or at least not as often as the rest.
You weren’t sure why you were the closest to him though. Maybe it was how similar you both were. Short tempered, stubborn, prideful. You definitely were calmer than him most of the times, or at least pretended to be. At the end of the day, y’all just understood each other.
You walked towards your room. Wondering if Tim would be there, you didn’t had too much high expectations on how he was going to react, you just wanted to feel some human touch again. Some human touch that you weren’t killing or that wasn’t trying to kill you.
He came out of the room first, freezing when his eyes met yours. And a moment of silence became present.
“What the fuck happened to you?” He spat. That was harsh, you thought to yourself. You knew you looked horrible, you were making a mess on the carpet and probably smelt like shit, but that wasn’t the way to greet your covered in blood friend after months of not seeing them.
You decided to ignore it, walking towards the bathroom this time. He followed you with his eyes, walking towards the bathroom.
“What happened to you?” He echoed the question, this time without cursing, you were a bit grateful for that.
You stepped inside the bathtub, without taking off your clothes, once you were inside you removed your shoes, leaving them inside of the bathtub. Opening the faucet of the shower head, letting the water fall against your skin and your clothes, you let your head down, watching the red watery droplets fall through the drain. Sliding through black curls that were bouncing back up once the dense blood was no longer invading the strands.
After a few minutes, the water started to come out rather clean, it was enough for you, you didn’t have the energy to take a proper shower just yet. The weight of your clothes became heavier, but you felt cleaner.
You stared right out of the bathroom, meeting with Tim’s eyes that still looked between confused and angry, but he always looked angry to be fair, you missed that angry face of his.
You walked right beside him and entered the room you remembered was yours, his as much as yours.
Clothes were all over the floor, Tim didn’t seem to know how to close drawers, the bed was undone, and half of the mattress was exposed. Exactly how you remembered. It felt warm in your heart.
You took a dirty shirt from the floor, removing your black tank top and putting the shirt instead, repeating the process with some pants you found on the floor.
You threw yourself to the bed, feeling your body sink comfortably in the mattress, closing your eyes, yet opening them right away.
You could only see blood. You could only hear screams.
“Can I have a cigarette?” You asked Tim, you haven’t heard him, but you knew he was near.
“Fuck you.” He spoke. You sat down, feeling your body even heavier than before, clearly not wanting to do any more effort and begging you to just lay back down.
“You disappeared for months. We thought you were dead.” He continued before you could even think of an answer “And you think you can just come back one day and simply ask for a cigarette? Fuck you!” You stared at him, not that mad yet, but slowly getting into it.
“He… Punished me for something, I don’t even know what. Can I get the cigarette?” You saw in his eyes how he was not satisfied by your answer but decided to give you the damn cigarette anyways. Bringing a hand to one of his pockets, giving you the cigarette then lighting it up for you once it was in your mouth. “Thank you…” You whispered.
“That’s not enough of an excuse, you could have told us something, you know? Instead of disappearing.” Taking a long drag out of the cigarette and then letting the smoke out, not even caring to open the only window in the room.
“I didn’t know I was going to be away for so long… Didn’t knew it was a punishment, didn’t knew that…” That they were children. “I thought I was going to be back in a matter of days…” And you weren’t lying. You remember that when you left you were in the middle of a job with your partners. They needed you, but you also needed to do what “he” desired. Didn’t wanted to worry them and just left, thinking that everything was going to go as normal as it could.
You felt like you were going to throw up and decided to stop talking and drag your cigarette once more.
“You’re unbelievable! I can’t believe you’re stupid enough to go to a mission without telling us. Specially if “he” told you specifically.” You were starting to get mad.
“You don’t have to call me stupid, asshole. I thought I was going to be fine, alright?” You stood up, wanting to face him.
“Something could have happened to you, you know?” He seemed to realize he was showing concern for you, feelings he didn’t wanted to show you. “Our work would have been delayed.” You knew what he was referring when he said work. Your usual killing, stalking duties. “Actually, it was. And then you just come back, not speaking to me, with a stupid look in your face and not even apologizing.”
Brian was the stalker, Toby did the killing, Tim was the leader in group jobs, you were the actress.
If they needed to get too close to the victim, if they needed a soft person to lie and deceive, a soft and caring woman that anyone could trust. You knew a little bit too well how to lie, and it would be a lie to say that you didn’t used such talent on them sometimes, that’s why Tim didn’t fully trusted you.
You knew they probably had trouble these months, having to come up with new strategies to find information when you could have just played the manic pixie girl role with the victim until they trusted you and confessed everything they knew.
“I’m not going to apologize, I already feel like shit, I don’t need the boss baby to come and lecture me.” You said, clearly mad but trying to play dumb, dragging your cigarette once more, each drag having been longer than the last one and it was already on half.
His face got red as he heard the deprecating nickname.
“You’re an asshole, you know? We care for you, everyone here was sad as fuck when you didn’t come back. Toby felt horrible when Brian explained to him that you might never do.”
“That’s… Not my problem.” It definitely was, and you felt like shit about it, but you didn’t want to show it.
“It pretty much is!”
“Why do you even care? I did... I’ve done a lot of horrible things! I’m an asshole.” You exploded, putting out your cigarette on a way overflowed ashtray. “I’ve killed people… I’ve betrayed so, so many people, you have no idea.” Your fingernails sunk in your scalp, hurting you slightly and deepening already deep previous injuries. “Then I come back, to the only place I can be in just a little bit of peace.” You started, once again. “But instead, I get… You, reminding me how much of an asshole I am.”
“You think you’re going to make me pity you with all that bullshit you just spat at me?” He said harshly, coming closer to you. “I don’t care about all of that! You can’t just leave us like that for so long!” He screamed at you. “That’s so fucking selfish coming from you.”
“Leave me alone! As far as I know, I can do whatever I want, If I want to leave and never come back, I can!” Y’all were pushing each other buttons, he hated to not be right and not hearing an apology coming from you, and you hated that he even wanted an apology to begin with.
“No, you can’t.” He said harshly, by that point you were face to face to each other.
“And why should I listen to you?”
“’Cause I fucking love you! That’s more than enough.”
“I don’t c-” You stopped your words. “You love me?” His furrowed eyebrows and harsh face fell. Quickly being replaced by an embarrassed expression.
“I… Uh…”
You’ve never felt such awkward silence. And at that point you’d rather go back to the woods.
“I-I…” You started, but quickly got interrupted.
“Shut up… Just, never leave us like that again.” One of his hands covered his eyes, still clearly flustered.
You saw how he turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him and leaving you alone.
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who’s afraid of little old me? || eyeless jack
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smut minors dni 18+ ! tw: primal!eyeless jack, tall!cryptid!cannibal!reader, descriptions of gore/cannibalism, unrealistic predator/prey tendencies, blood kink, biting kink, breeding kink,squirting
full credits to @miss-multi45 for this concept <3
Strength. Skill. Stealth.
These were the traits that made Eyeless Jack believe he was at the top of the food chain. He had fought grizzlies before for fun, just to test his limits. The wolf pack that hunted in Slender woods steered clear of him. His scent was everywhere, along with the screams of his victims still echoing throughout the trees. Jack never had any issue hunting, a deer becoming a treat if campers hadn’t dared to wonder into the forest. With his heightened senses, he could smell or hear any living thing with no troubles. Truthfully the older he got, being an immortal cannibal was making him cocky. The self deprivation and depression was beginning to fade away. He was the best of the best. The only member of his kind. And better yet, he lived like a goddamn champion.
Hunting always put Jack in a good mood, the trill of the chase his favorite part. The potential of the victim, the variables he couldn’t control always made things so exciting.
So he did what he did best, shoving his scalpel in his hoodie and walking into the Slender forest. He was barely twenty feet in, when the sweet scent of metallics hit his nostrils. Jack frowned, lifting up his mask for a moment to deeply inhale. It wasn’t uncommon to smell blood in the forest, after all, Jack wasn’t ignorant enough to think the circle of life didn’t exist without him. But as he inhaled deeply, his eye sockets widened. Copious amounts of blood had been shed on his land and he hadn’t caused it. It could only mean one thing: there was an intruder lurking on his territory.
Not only were you lurking, you were hunting. You might as well have slapped Jack in the face. Jack gritted his teeth, darting into the direction of the scent. He zipped effortlessly through the trees, ignoring all of the curious gazes the forest’s creatures gave him as he zoomed by. Usually Jack stalked his prey effortlessly, he never ran unless he was chasing something. Little did those little chipmunks and squirrels know he was hunting, just something much more dangerous than normal. You.
When Jack had hit the clearing, that’s where he saw you. A secluded campsite that once sat in the open field was now painted crimson red. Tents were barbacilbly torn open, blood trails splattered across the grass. It was something straight out of a horror movie. Dont get him wrong, Jack loved horror movies. But only when he created them. He walked past the abandoned tents, the wind blowing past him only increasing the sweet stench of exposed organs. That’s when Jack saw you. As ethereal as the internet and story tellers had described. Your hair was long and luscious, braided down your back. Your eyes were bright and snakelike, the golden color focused on your meal. You held a young man in your grasp, the life drained from him ages before you had gotten him in this position. His eyes were lifeless, his body slumped over as you bit into his neck. Jack watched silently as you ripped out a chunk of flesh, chewing on it quickly before swallowing it. Jack was puzzled, were you even enjoying the flavor? He watched as you continued to eat the scraps of flesh that remained on the corpse. Blood trailed down your chin, thin splatters of the red liquid were drying across your cheeks.
“Are you going to stand there or are you going to join me?” You asked suddenly. You were very aware of Jack’s presence, the notion alone freaking him out. “I don’t dine with trespassers,” Jack stated plainly. He stepped fully into view, your eyes briefly flickering up and scanning him briefly. “You’re not human, what are you?” You asked. Jacks hands were tucked in his pockets, his height giving away his species. “I could ask you the same. Thought you were just a myth,” Jack replied cooly. You finally looked up from your meal, ignoring the dozens of other ripped apart corpses that laid between the two of you. “And I thought one could only have sight if they had eyes. I guess we both thought wrong,” You quipped. Jack tried to conceal the animalistic growl that boiled in the bottom of his throat. “Allow me to cut to the chase, you’re hunting on taken land,” Jack spat, venom placing his words. Curiously you rose to your feet, the demons eye sockets widening. You were just as tall as him, without shoes. You were bare foot, your long legs glimmering in the sunlight.
The pastel yellow sundress you wore was stained with dry and fresh blood, rising up just above your inner thighs. “The Operator owns this land,” You answered, slowly. It occurred to you that Jack may look human like, but his animal instincts were overriding any sense of humanity he had left. “Right, but I hunt here. My scent is everywhere, I know you smelled it when you decided to slaughter my cattle,” Jack snarled. You narrowed your eyes, momentarily blinded by one of the corpses being reanimated. The young woman was barely clinging to life, her intestines hanging loosely on the ground. Both of you could hear her shallow breathing. “Oh for fuck sake,” You mumbled, stepping over your previous meal. Jack growled, watching you pick up the slumped over body. You grabbed her neck, twisting it to the side. A sharp snap rung through out Jacks ears. “I like my organs fresh,” Jack snapped. You dropped the fresh corpse. Rolling your eyes, you straightened your back. “Her organs were quite literally coated in dirt, is that the freshness quality you were searching for?” You asked sarcastically. Jack’s patience was thinning. In a swift motion he took off his mask, baring his shark like teeth.
“Enough chit chat. I am an apex predator. You are quite literally no where near me on the food chain,” Jack yelled. You blinked, your mind spinning as you contemplated your next move. “Are you really afraid of little old me?” You questioned quickly. Should you laugh? He couldn’t quite possibly be serious right? “Um, I mean we can share the leftovers..?” You asked slowly, unsure how to respond to his animalistic behavior. Jack snarled, throwing himself at you. You were a threat. Jack knew how to handle threats, he did it for Slender on occasion. He was proficient in his ability to kill. Killing you was no exception. You narrowly dodged him clawing at you, his sharp claws ripping through your dress. He was huffing as you both watched the fabric fall to the ground. Shreds of the pastel yellow cloth hit the dirt, a cool breeze sending goosebumps across your freshly exposed skin. Jack’s eye sockets widened at the sight of your exposed breast, a creamy silk lingerie covering you. Jack couldn’t quite remember the last time he had given in to his primal urges to mate. He never considered a human being, due to the likelihood of him breaking them by mistake. But you, you were just like him in an odd way. Your breast were nice and perky, your cunt covered with a thin fabric that he could hardly consider to be undergarments.
He had anticipated you to rush to cover yourself, as the average person would do. But if anything you stood taller. “One minute you want to kill me, the next you’re staring at me like a pre teen boy. Are you bipolar?” You asked. Jack snickered at the question. “I’m a doctor, i’d know if I was bipolar,” He answered. Something about your unwavering confidence only made you more attractive. You were a threat surely, but you seemed to have much more potential as a mate. The primal urge to breed was clouding Jack’s judgment, his temporary territorial rage completely subsided. “I’m no doctor but i’d say you’re animalistic then human,” You say. Jack furrowed his eyebrows. “Oh really? How do you gather that?” He asked. You pointed at his pants, your hands still covered in fresh blood. “Your cock is straining against your jeans,” You say. Jack felt heat rush to his cheeks, before looking down. He hadn’t felt embarrassment for the first time in a long time. Yet here you were, flustering him beyond belief. “You’re cute when you’re flustered. I get the sense that neither of us have had the privilege of mating in a long time,” You said. Jack nodded, trying to seem cool and level headed. “May I make a proposal?” You asked.
Jack agreed, trying to keep his voice steady and even. “I’d say one thing we have in common is the fact we have pent up stress due to what we are. Now, I think leaving you these delicious leftovers as well as allowing ourselves to indulge in our more primal urges with one another is more than fair,” You offered. Jack ran the offer in his head, calculating all of the different possibilities. “And after you’ll leave?” He asked. You nodded affirmatively. “I never stay in one place for too long,” You answered. You walked towards the demon, bringing your index finger to under his chin. You lifted his head up, examining his neck. You could hear his pulse up close, it was beating much faster than the average human. “I will admit though i’ve broken my previous toys in the past. Are you sure you can handle me?” You questioned. Jack chuckled darkly, grabbing your wrist and moving your hand away. “I could ask you the same question,” He grinned. Quickly you brought your lips to his, allowing yourself to shudder under his warm touch as he grabbed your waist. His hands were large and warm, pulling you closer towards him. You could feel his aching boner as you kissed him deeply, the demon on cloud nine.
Your height complimented his if anything, his large hands grabbing your ass. You jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist. The dampness of your panties was already soaking through, leaving a wet spot on his crotch. You whined as you bucked your hips against his, the demon unfazed by your height. You briefly pulled away, nibbling teasingly at his bottom lip. You tasted like blood, as well as faint bubblegum. “You’re stronger than I thought loverboy,” You complimented. Jack roughly brought you to the closest tent, your back hitting a forgotten sleeping bag. “Yeah? Let’s see how you handle me,” He replied smoothly. He kissed down your neck, purposefully nibbling at the sensitive skin. His hands wondered down to your hips, pulling apart what remained of your dress. “I assume you’ll be acquiring me some clothes?” You questioned. Jack shrugged off his hoodie, carelessly tossing it at your face. “Here, that should fit you,” He grunted. Tearing away your panties and tossing them aside, your bare slick drove the demon into a frenzy. He wrapped his arms around your thighs, keeping them pried apart as as began to lap at your cunt.
Your hand instinctively flew down to his hair, tugging harshly at the roots as he stuck two of his tongues inside of your aching entrance. You gasped in surprise, moaning in delight as he curled them upwards. “At least that mouth is good for something,” You panted, grinding against his face. His third tongue flickered and swirled at your clit, pushing you closer to the edge. Your human lovers could never compete with this. He had been buried in between your thighs for mere minutes and you already could feel the knot in your stomach tighten. Jack grunted in response to your comment, delivering a sharp slap to your thigh. A whine escaped your lips, your thighs squeezing around his head. His tongues were merciless, your juices so delicious Jack found himself humping against the tent’s floor to help relieve his aching cock. He could feel your gummy walls squeezing his tongues, a concealed smirk spreading across his lips. You were just as delicious as the chaos you caused. You gave his hair one final tug, releasing all over his face.
Jack contained to lap at your slick until he deemed you clean. You were dazed, but repositioned yourself quickly. Your mouth was watering at the idea of sucking his cock. You’d never wanted something more. Jack quickly pushed you back down, the clinking of his belt sending a shiver down your spine. “Not this time. I can’t go another minute without being inside of you,” He snarled. His sudden dominance only made you more wet, his hands roughly shoving you into a mating press. Jack licked his lips as he pulled out his cock, slowly pushing it inside of you. You whined at the stretch, Jack not failing to notice your claws digging into his arms. “Not so big and bad now are we?” He teased. He let out a groan as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his breath hot against your skin. The way you were gripping him, the way your nails were digging into his back. You wanted this just as bad as him. You needed this just as bad as him. He fully bottomed out inside of you, his tip brushing against your g spot. “Holy fuck,” You whimpered. Jack couldn’t help but grin devilishly as he slowly moved his hips. “It’s like you were made for me,” He grunted. He began to pick up the pace, snapping his hips into yours.
His thrust were rough and desperate, his body craving to release into yours. He had never felt such a raw and intense connection before, his body demanding more. “You’re mine, all mine,” Jack grunted. He continued to fuck you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder. You gasped at the sensation, a moan escaping his lips and being muffled by your skin as he sucked at your blood. The metallic taste was euphoric, your cunt squeezing him tighter as he marked you. “Fuck leaving. You’re mine. My mate,” Jack moaned. His thrust became more aggressive, his cock abusing your cunt as he claimed you as his own. You felt your eyes roll into the back of your head, your thighs shaking. “Oh my fucking- fuck! Jack!” You moaned. Jacks thrust were uncontrolled, his body demanding to fill your cunt to the brim. He released your neck, his three tongues lapping at the wound. “This feels nice huh? Being knocked down a peg?” Jack snickered. The feeling of your gummy walls milking him dry was euphoric, the demons orgasm coming closer.
“Gonna fill you up over and over and over. My little mate. Your pussy’s like goddamn heroin,” Jack rambler. You forced yourself to prop yourself up on your elbows, crashing your lips against Jack’s. “You talk too much,” You teased, nipping at his bottom lip. You groaned in his mouth as his cock abused your g spot, your eyes fluttering open as you squirted around his cock. Your juices coated his lower half, the demons hips finally stuttering and coming to a halt. His warm, thick cum flooded your cunt, filling you to the brim. You both were panting messes, Jack utterly surprised when you flipped the two of you over effortlessly. You straddled him, managing to keep his cock buried inside of you.
“So loverboy, wanna go for round two?”
You had so much stamina it was scary. Jack could see it in your eyes, you were ready to go as many rounds as he could do.
Maybe Jack should’ve been afraid of little old you.
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rubbish-and-whatnot · 2 months
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As a cute little project I was thinking of making cartoon episode title cards for my favorite chapters of my fic.
In this au the reader comes into the mansion while they’re in crisis. The ghost of a young girl (sally) cries so loud at night no one that needs to sleep can and it’s starting to affect their missions.
Usually Sally is already part of the household in most iterations so I thought I’d play on that as a way to show the reader as not a threat and to give her a Sally a bond.
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raythekiller · 1 year
I’m happy to be apart of the family!! I’ve chosen 🫧anon btw, because who doesn’t like bubbles :)
my little request is the creeps or proxies and how they’d be helpful during that lovely time of month, because me and my cramps need some comfort while I crave 🤯. Of course you’re welcome to add our favorite boy, lane.
again, please to join this community of anons!!
🗒 ❛ Reader On Their Period ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Lane The Lurker
#Notes: sry it took a while to answer this one ive got over 40 asks in my inbox-
pronouns used: none, gn! afab! reader
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
This piece of shit jerk will most likely be grossed out by it, like he doesn't come home covered in someone else's aids infested blood on a daily basis. "But it's different!-" yeah yeah, sure thing, Jeffrey. Will at most throw you a heat pack, but from a distance, he doesn't want to get cooties or whatever it is that you have.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Again, he died when he was about twelve, I doubt his parents gave him the talk™ before he hit the shits. After you explain it to him, he's mortified. Will actually act like you're dying. If you show any signs at all of being in pain he'll rush you over to EJ whether you like it or not, but when you're fine he just tries to help distract you with videogames.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He's used to it because of Lyra, so he knows what to do. Steals any product you might need, like snacks, tampons and pain killers and gives you lots of cuddles. Also gives you a warm blanket and rubs your stomach whenever your cramps get a bit much. Deadass treats you like royalty.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Come on guys, he's a doctor, he knows his shit. If you're in pain he'll make you a medicine cocktail that will get rid of issues you didn't even know you had. Though he's not the most physically affectionate - you'll have to ask if you're needy and want attention. If you do manage to cuddle him, it actually helps with the cramps because of how warm he is.
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Assuming you're dating, he's actually a lot more gentle with you during this time of the month, knowing you can get a bit moody. Makes sure you always have enough tampons and pain killers. Might even give you a massage if you ask nicely. Feels bad about seeing you in pain, so he might take you to EJ as well if it's a bit much.
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Did you know orgasms help with period cramps? It's true. That is his first suggestion when you complain about being in pain and you're not totally sure whether he's kidding or not (he's not). Overall, like Toby, also steals any supplies you might need and cuddles you if you need some attention, finding you cute when you're needy like this.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Lane The Lurker
They take care of all your chores so you can just lay down and relax. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, they've got it all covered, you just lay there and look pretty. Cooks you your favorite food and puts on your favorite movie for you to watch while you both cuddle under the covers. Hates seeing you in pain, so they rub your stomach as well to try and help you feel a bit better.
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eyygee · 1 year
I summoned them out of their graves.
(Rook is my creepypasta OC)
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artilespema · 2 months
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More creepypasta doodles!
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sharp-silver4795 · 2 months
Creepypasta Mansion HC’s
Ok, I figured yall need to know my “au”(?) for creepypasta if we gonna keep doin this.
Once again, I’m gonna put headers and color codes. There are no warnings necessary.
Color code is by the amount of work each section has to do.
None >> Least >> Decent >> too much
Housing [General]
So I’m a bit conflicted on how I think about “mansion”- either the “traditional” idea of the mansion, or (my more main version) ⬇️
I can see it as “the mansion” is an area of land, and not an actual building. Each of the creeps are grouped in different ways to live together in groups of 3-4. I tend to lean towards this one. So, for these HCs I’m gonna stick to this version.
“The Mansion” is divided into four main sections:
True Mansion: the actual mansion. Only the Slenderman/Operator resides here.
Inner Mansion: the smallest occupied area of the mansion. That being said, it has no divisions. This is reserved for most of the Proxies.
Mid-Mansion: The largest collective area of the mansion. It has four divisions. It is the most occupied.
Outer-Mansion: The largest complete area of the mansion. Has no divisions. Has the least amount of occupants.
The rest of my head cannons are going to be sorted by these areas of the mansion. The true mansion will not be included for obvious reasons.
Inner Mansion
Occupants: Rogue Proxy, Wilson the Basher, Kate the Chaser, Masky, Hoodie, Kat Hunter, Neon Spike (OC)
One cabin with two levels. The girls are on the lower level, the boys are on the second.
They have the least amount of work due to no one actually being able to get that far into the mansion grounds.
Mid-Mansion: Game Freaks
The far western section of the mid manor.
Occupants: BEN Drowned, Lost Silver, Herobrine, Dark Link, Glitchy Red, Sonic.EXE
It has one cabin with only one level, but they’re share rooms.
Mid-Mansion: Circus Freaks
Eastern most area. It actually has two cabins due to disputes between certain individuals
Despite being called “Circus Freaks” not all of them are based on a circus.
Southeast Occupants: Laughing Jack, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop
Northeast Occupants: Laughing Jill, Doll Maker, Candy Cane
Out of all the sections of the mid mansion, they have the least amount of work.
Mid-Mansion: Outsiders/Defensive Rebellion
So, backstory: there are two parts of the mansion called the “Rebellion”. This is because they don’t exactly “fit” with other creeps. They’re wildcards, if you will.
Called “Defensive Rebellion” because they are at the second North and South Levels.
There are two cabins, one in the north and one in the south.
Northern Occupants: Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Nathan the Nobody
Southern Occupants: Puppeteer, Clockwork, X-Virus
I will probably make a separate HC post for the proxies to explain why X-Virus is here.
The North does nothing. The south has a good bit on their hands though.
Outer-Mansion/Offensive Rebellion
Alright. The largest area of the mansion without divisions.
It has one cabin, and four occupants: Ticci Toby, Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, and Liu Woods. (I refuse to call him Homicidal Liu it just sounds weird.)
They have the most work due to this being the first area of the mansion.
But they paid the big bucks 💰💰💰
They kind of solo the different areas of the OR.
Toby takes the Northeast + East, Jeff takes the Northwest + West, EJ takes the southwest, and Liu takes the southeast.
Other Stuff
To the south of the mansion grounds there is a highway that is right next to the city.
That being said, the south of the mansion is usually how people get in.
The mansion isn’t really big into fighting Zalgo and shit, they just protect the grounds for the most part.
Well, I hope ya liked this one. Sorry that my posts are really long, I just try to be thorough-
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cherrytreegrove · 4 months
My Creepypasta Headcanons
These might get me some hate but idc, y’all have your own opinions and these are mine. Luv y’all <3
Jeff isn’t the uncontrollable psychopath that some sides of the fandom depict him as, he’s more tired and bored, kinda just like ‘meh’. He’s like a burned out teenager. BEN is similar, that’s why they get along,( he might also sell drugs on the side.)
I also headcanon that it hurts when Jeff smiles because of his cut smile, so he doesn’t smile often. (And laughing hurts like hell)
Slender is a father figure (fight me). He cares enough to feed them and makes sure their hygiene is good, and gives them their own rooms. When it comes to conflict between pastas, he kinda couldn’t give two shits, as long as no one is killing each other and shit is getting done
Lazari, Sally, and lifeless Lucy get along. They have little tea parties together, they also talk shit, and play dress up together.
Slender has a file system, with color, and no one knows what the colors mean.
Sully is kinda just a demon that lives in Liu’s body.
EJ isn’t allowed to cook (he once tried to feed everyone organs) not that some of them don’t eat organs, just that some of them would like actual food.
BEN can control whether he’s a transparent ghost or a physical being
The Mansion is an actual mansion, it isn’t in perfect condition but enough to live in (they do live in the underworld) it’s clean enough.
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The mansion has a movie marathon every Friday. Weather it’s horror movies, comedies, etc
Everyone’s rooms are kinda just doors to a pocket dimension.
When BEN gets pissy, he turns off/ glitches all electronics in the mansion.
Jane has attempted to kill Jeff multiple times, but they’re immortal, so now she just does it to annoy him.
Slender has a chore chart, it consists of cleaning the living room, kitchen, picking up smiles poop, cleaning grinny’s litter box, doing laundry, etc (they all take turns)
Toby isn’t the ‘MASKY!! WAFFLES!!’ of the fandom, he’s (again like Jeff) tired. He’s kinda annoyed by the hyperactive pastas; LJ
The slender brothers visit for holidays (Offender doesn’t exist to me)
Everyone has a human disguise, to find their victims.
Yes, there is a war between Zalgo’s minions and the Slender-Alliance
Angel cuts everyone hair (except Jeff, no one touches his hair)
Riku wakes everyone up, picks up their clothes, and clean after everyone (even though Slender has told her she doesn’t have to)
Angel and Hope are everyone’s sugar mamas.
Hope has the biggest closet.
No one can keep secrets from Zuri, she’s too smart.
Kyoka’s Aromatic & Acesexual
Luna, Jane, Masky, and Hoodie are everyone’s bodyguards.
Everyone has a curtain partner for group missions.
The Angel gang don’t live in the slender mansion, they live in the old Russian castle
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Kyoka doesn’t belong to Angel, she’s slender’s proxy.
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nokonomi · 8 days
CreepyPasta OC. Yes guys I know I know I know I KNOW ANOTHER ONE WHY?!
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So uh, meet Louise/Luise, and SHE IS NOT EMO GUYS TRUST ME! (She is emo lol)
Okay so Uhm she basically grew up in a part of a rich neighborhood honestly to say, spoiled kid, but she didn’t like the attention she was receiving. Her parents always abused her to be “pretty” her mother had said to her that “beauty matters, nothing else!”
I So she was basically ripped of her childhood and instead forced to be a child diva which she didn’t want to be. What did she want to be? All she wanted to be was a lawyer or medical surgeon. Her father passed away and it was just her and her mother, which her mother was very abusive and always despised her, shrugging off that her supposed “depressive state” is caused by her lack of confidence and beauty.
is beauty all that matters though? She doesn’t know. Know hated and bullied, she constantly roams through the hallways of her school, being shoved for who she is now. She had to take pills at the age of 13 for some disorders she had before (which I will name later) when her mother found out she had disorders, her mother basically said she was a nobody. Instead of listening to her, Luise fought back and tackled her mom, got spanked a few times, and showed her the pain she grew up with being pressured to be pretty. She doesn’t care about being pretty. All she wanted was to have loving parents who could eventually tell her that they loved her for who she is. But she never got that. Murdered her mom and escaped the house into the woods, leaving a trail of her mom’s blood. There she met the strange faceless figure of the man who had been haunting her. The Operator/The Slenderman.
“Louise. You do not have to live in constant pain of being pressured to be pretty. Come and live with us, and you shall be free.”
Louise was horrified, but had the horrible decision to either go back or stay with this monster. She obviously panicked and over thought, and ended up passing out. Slenderman took that as a yes and took her in to the mansion, where she met the rest of the residents. From 17 to 23 now. Been at the mansion for 5 years. Now a proxy that works for Slenderman.
now for some facts! who does she target? well she targets cruel and abusive parents who force their kids to be pretty. She calls it “freedom”
why did she do this? To escape the torture of being pressured and abused to be pretty. When she had pimples, her mom basically tried giving her surgery by her own hand. Which meant she gave her surgery without any doctors or anything. It didn’t disfigure her skin but it did leave a gash she hides on her left eye.
what’s one of her disorders? PTSD, and Dissociative Amnesia Disorder. She cannot remember her past anymore, but for some reason when someone calls her “pretty” it causes her to go into a panicked state. Maybe because of her ruined childhood, that is. So avoid calling her pretty. so she won’t suffer.
is she Emo? YES SHE IS EMO. well she’s planning on dying her to hair to a more 2000s style but I LITERALLY CANNOT FIND A HAIR COLOR TO GO WITH BLACK RAAA. BE FAIR GREEN OR PURPLE? what an Emo girl. so Kawaii.
who does she get along with most? Honestly she gets along with people who make sure to give her a safe distance. She doesn’t really talk to anybody except for Liam/Cody (X-Virus) She warms up to the guy. (HE’s MY FAVORITE) Cody and her talk about trauma they had, so they both traumadump onto each other. For right now she is not ready for a relationship until further notice, but she still has a little (BIG) crush on him. Toby? He’s fine. Jeff? she doesn’t like him. but she still talks to him. just doesn’t like his behavior or anything at all. hates whenever he tries to bring up “OMG YOU ARE SO PRETTY!”
sexuality? she’s dated a few girls and boys back to back in Highschool, maybe if they weren’t such bitches she wouldn’t have ended up like this in the first place. Considering dating Liam/Cody maybe? but her sexuality is bisexual/straight. she had a little crush on Nina but realized she was probably taken by Kate so yeah no.
Ooooo! she looks up to Liu as a father figure since he is much older than her. he’s like the father she’s never had before. begs for him to make her cereal in the morning but her lazy ass is too lazy.
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lilbeangrr · 8 days
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Today’s announcement is…
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This winter i will be releasing a new book/long term project called Follow You! It is a spin off from my mini series WhoGoesThere, which follows Eyeless Jack and his entanglement with a human reader.
Eyeless Jack has found himself becoming more isolated over the years, distancing himself from everyone and everything. He considers himself an unforgivable monster, one that shouldn’t be a burden to anyone else. After leaving Slender’s mansion and wondering aimlessly through the woods, he stumbles upon a drunken girl in danger. After saving you, he finds himself completely infatuated with you. You’re strikingly similar to him, even attending his old college. He battles an internal debate as he falls for you, deciding whether or not to burden you by staying. While Jack fights his internal turmoil, old enemies from an all too familiar college come out to play. Will Jack be able to defeat his oldest enemy? Will he be able to overcome his self conscious fears to save you? You’d better hope so, since the cult for Chernabog is back and you seem like the perfect sacrifice.
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rubbish-and-whatnot · 2 months
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Yes I made sticker concepts. Yes it was absolutely too much for a fanfic. I was emotionally bonded to the delulu story I was writing 🤪
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cementarybf · 19 days
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Finished com for @cyanide-22
I had a total blast finishing this one out, LOVE how cute these two are :))!
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bananamandraws6 · 6 days
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Mh oc, Aubree wright x Tim wright 😋🫶
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whaleofatjme1920 · 4 months
Mentors and Their Shadows | Part 1
Proxies X GN!Reader
[Warnings: Nothing, really]
[AN: It's... a very general fic. I wanted to write about proxy society, all that kind of jazz. Will be a part 2. Wallace, Theo, Ruth and Nyein are mine. 1.8K words]
Reblogs are appreciated!
“Go entertain yourself,” Wallace hums. His voice is low and much too tired. His glassy eyes stare over the scene as you anxiously fidget beside him. He adjusts his coat slightly and looks down at you. There, you see a ghost of a smile on his lips. 
You take in the atmosphere. Loud, raucous, but surprisingly not as destructive as Theo had told you it might be. The scent of proxies fills the air alongside blood, alcohol, and some lysol in a vain attempt to keep the place clean as per the Operator’s orders. The lights here are yellowed and dimmed, some bulbs are red. In your peripheral vision, you can see your group’s independent slinking off much like the overgrown cat they are, accompanied by your group’s right hand, Theo. The blue eyed man sends a barely reassuring grin your way before pushing against some other group’s poor runt telling them to watch themself. To the left of you stands Ruth, your group’s middle child. She’s at your side, a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
You gulp slightly when you feel Wallace and Ruth’s eyes on you. “What?” You ask. 
“Stop over thinking it,” Ruth says to you. She sets her eyes on the crowd, seemingly looking for someone dear to her. Proxies aren’t supposed to have connections to anyone other than the Operator, but if relationships costuming as human keep them sane, he has yet to hammer them with a ban. 
Wallace stretches a bit and nods in agreement. He knows it’s your first time in one of these places. Well, first might be an exaggeration, but he knows you’re a bit of a velcro runt. Why wouldn’t you be? The Operator stole you unfairly, and here you are, attached to your group’s hip. Your group leader, he wants you to be comfortable navigating this space by yourself in case you’re ever separated. Why not now? It’s a perfect time as ever. He knows he’s right there in case you need him, Ruth is always watching, Theo as well and Nyein can sniff out trouble from a mile away. This safe zone is particularly safe, and not too uptight. Mirror Mountain has always been loved by independents and proxies alike. 
Slowly, you nod. “Okay.”
Ruth smiles and pats your back, “nice, you got this.” She shimmies away from you to find that proxy dear to her and taps at her temple reminding you much like an older sister might of head-talk, a proxy’s unique bond with their group should anything go south. 
You turn your head to the side to see Wallace off as well only to find he’s disappeared in the crowd. Though, if you focus hard enough, you can hear his worn laughter as he talks to an eyeless cannibal with a Polish accent about where he’s been all these weeks. You’re aware of some of the local legends in the Operator’s society. He runs around with favorites, but names like the ones you’re sharing space with tonight are all well known and beloved. 
Fate would have it that, after a few minutes of awkwardly moving around various proxies that have been in the game longer than you, that you would find a seat at the table of the Operator’s most beloved group. Perhaps ‘beloved’ isn’t the right word, but they’re definitely favored. 
Masky, otherwise known as Tim Wright, is surrounded by cigarette smoke. Mirror Mountain is one of the only proxy spaces that allows him to smoke as much as he does, or rather, it’s one of the only safe zones where his right hand doesn’t complain to him to stop. His right hand is Hoodie, or Brian Thomas, and their middle children are Toby, and Kate the Chaser. They have no runt ever since Kate broke free from her runt status, and are not accompanied by any independents except for the few that pair up with them on operations as per the Operator’s orders. 
So, here you sit across from the two men, a leader and his right hand, once again awkwardly messing with the hem of your shirt and scared to even look them in the eye. Wallace isn’t usually insane about adhering to proxy social norms, but respecting leaders and their right hands is of utmost importance to him as a leader himself. 
“We’ve seen you around before,” Masky says as he puffs out smoke from his cigarette. “We’re actually due for working with you soon,” he muses as he casts a look to Hoodie, who nods to confirm the statement. He leans back in his chair to show his comfort and as he does so, studies you closely. You’re nervous, but not incapable. Just anxious to be around him and Hoodie. It makes him chuckle softly. “You remind me of someone,” he says in passing. 
Hoodie rolls his eyes in response. “He means you’re an anxious little shit,” he says point blank. His eyes twinkle with mischief, mostly to let you know he’s playing before he too adjusts his posture to show his comfort around you. When you pull a small face, Hoodie snorts a laugh. You remind him so much of Kate when he’d pull her leg too. 
They ask about you despite knowing so much already. Who are you? Where did you come from? What has the hazing process been like for you so far? It’s quite pleasant, honestly. You haven’t been afforded a real conversation in quite some time, so having it with a group that isn’t yours is a nice surprise. You’re able to voice so many thoughts in your head and not have to risk your group breathing down your neck about it despite generally liking your group. You tell them about your experiences working, but there’s a surprising lack of being enmeshed in the Operator’s society. 
“This is my first time in a place like this,” you say. “I mean, I guess, not a first but I haven’t been in these places long enough to know what to… do. Etiquette?” You attempt to explain. You’re much more relaxed as you share their company now. You stretch just a little bit, a nonverbal sign of comfort and clear your throat. 
“Did you want anything to drink?” He asks as a formality, wanting to sew good tidings between his group and yours even though you, as a runt, are subject to abuse from nearly every proxy ranking above you. However, Hoodie believes that groups he’s due to work with should have slightly better, more preferable treatment as opposed to those he’s barely made acquaintanceship with. So, you get treated a bit nicer even if you’re just a runt in his eyes. 
“Just water, please.” 
Hoodie nods once more, and then whistles. When a lowly independent walks by, he greets them politely and asks for a glass of water. You raise your brows in surprise, never really having seen other proxies treat independents like they’re equals outside of your group - and even your Theo treats them awfully. 
“We work a lot with independents,” Masky covers to satiate your budding curiosity. “I’m sure you heard of Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned,” he trails off, listing off well known friends, “Hood, Toby, Kate and I have never been fans of being dicks for the sake of status,” he shrugs to end his statement. Masky shares a small glance with his right hand, and a million thoughts rush through their shared stream of consciousness. Masky leans forward and smiles at the independent who briefly cuts in to place the glass of water down on the table before he slides it over to you and urges you to take a sip. “You don’t have a mentor, do you?” He inquires, very curious on the subject of you appropriately merging into proxy society. The dark haired man had already assumed appropriately that you didn’t, but he just wanted to hear it directly from you. 
“Ruth’s mentioned wanting me to find one, she says that Ny doesn’t count,” you tell them. You slide your index finger over the rim of the glass and feel the cool, smooth texture under your touch. The warmth of body heat in the room seems to die down as you raise the glass to your lips and start to drink some of the water. You feel calmed having some, more prepared to talk to proxies that are being surprisingly gentle to you. “But I never really see any independents outside of when we’re… here,” you finish with a soft chuckle. How are you meant to get experience if none is provided? 
Hoodie clears his throat and looks around, “where’s your leader?”
You cock your head to the side but ask inside your head. In your mind’s eye, you can visualize your voice as a wave of light. It bounces, and takes on the color of your soul. It’s odd that proxies even have souls, in your opinion. 
‘Where are you?’
‘Near the back drinking some beer with EJ. Why?’
‘Hoodie is asking.’
‘What? Stay right there.’
You blink a few times to break out of the trance head talk often puts new proxies in and turn your attention back to the men sitting in front of you. Hanging off to the side of them with a keen eye is Toby himself. He’s got a stupid little red cup of redbull vodka but he’s invested in whatever the hell is going on between his leader, right hand and you even as he sips his drink. It’s odd how in tune you are with your own group. You can feel Wallace’s footsteps like the beating of your own heart. He doesn’t sound upset, more so annoyed that he knows why the two of them are asking. 
Slinking up from behind you is Wallace. His eyes still carry that glazed, dead look but he’s subtly stewing at the insinuation Hoodie and Masky have thrown his way. “What do you need?” His voice is clipped, like he’d rather be drinking instead of holding an audience with them. 
“You’re embarrassing,” Masky says in response. “You’ve had this one for… 6 months already? Not even let them find a mentor?” He challenges. 
It’s just like proxies to start a fight over something so minor. 
You lean forward to hear more and more of the conversation, feeling Wallace’s hand grip on your shoulder as he defends not forcing you to find a mentor sooner, and Masky’s biting responses that question Wallace’s ability as a group leader. You lean further and further before feeling yourself gripped back when Wallace lunges, and Masky and Hoodie laugh. 
You gasp softly as gloved hands grip you from the back of your neck like a dog might it’s puppy and shove you away from the budding fight. “Eh, you don’t wanna see that,” Toby’s low voice chuckles. “Come on, I’ll solve the independent bit with you.” He gives you a toothy grin, you can see his teeth pressed together from the open cheek he has, while he guides you towards a different part of the bar. 
You glance over your shoulder to hear the commotion caused by your group leader, now your right hand, and Toby's.
"It's really nothing special," Toby quips.
You look forward and then up at him. "Independents?"
"Yeah, some of the best are here tonight."
He smiles.
And you do too.
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hatemekindsirr · 1 year
MASKY(TIM J, WRIGHT) IS NOT A CREEPYPASTA AND NEITHER IS HOODIE(Brian Thomas); let me explain. Tim Wright is something from marble hornets that was contacted in 2009. marble hornets is A mini series that conforms into a analog horror/Slasher genre concept.
The operator is NOT slender man. It was concepts from the idea of Slenderman and turn it into something else. Slenderman is a being that can very much do anything at it once and has the urge to kill everything and everyone. The operator drives the people around it to kill each other, and mostly only appears on cameras it seems.
 and I’m really tired of scrolling through my feed trying to get a Tim Wright x Reader without being how he is a creepy-pasta. And too all that don’t know Plus, if you put the cheesecake joke into your fanfics; it was a fat joke made by Redditor’s in 2012 with marble hornets had a sudden burst of popularity.
And me personally as a person who loves marble hornets and loves Tim wright And Brain Thomas, I am very much sure that I am not the only one that’s a little pissed off by this. if you like Tim wright and you like Brian Thomas please watch the series and understand that most the concepts you’ve heard has probably either been wrong or misconception.
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