#oc: eleanor stark
ginevrastilinski-ocs · 6 months
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Eleanor Stark • Iron Queen
Requested by @manyfandomocs
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the last bit of us (chapter three)
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Plot: Tyler Owens hasn’t been home in a year. He’s survived all the storm chasing and motel living with his new partners as they try to save lives. But with all the damage they’ve taken from driving high beams first into monster storms, it’s time to pay the piper and bring the truck in for repairs. And the only person who can fix them is the best mechanical engineer he’s ever met. Eleanor Harding, his estranged wife.
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Estranged Wife OC (Harding Daughter)
Word Count: 2.4k
Playlist Song: your place by ashley cooke
Trigger Warning: mention of dying character, cancer
prologue / one / two / three
The drive takes more than an hour and the bile building in my throat burns the closer I get to the hospital. I’ve gotten used to the layout of the visitor’s parking lot, the row after row of cars lining the large lot. I curse, driving too quickly past another spot. 
My hands start to shake and my chest hurts a little from the constricting panic. I slam on the breaks when a car starts to back out, pulling away.  I swing into the spot, breathing out in relief. The walk to the front slider doors of the hospital takes what feels like forever and the receptionist at the front desk takes too long to sign me in. I can feel a new wave of tears rolling through me as I step off the elevator. Mom is there, pacing back and forth on the phone.  
“Mom?” I call out, doubling my speed until I’m running into her arms. 
She tucks her phone in shorts just in time to collect me in her embrace.
“Hi sweets,” she breathes into my hair. There’s a small amount of relief, being curled up in her arms. I bury my face deeper into her neck, a few stray tears sliding down my face. I sniffle loudly, trying to collect myself. 
“What happened?” I ask, looking up at her. 
“You know your father,” she purses her lips, rubbing my arms as she sighs. I’m not sure if she’s trying to comfort me or comfort herself. “Doing too much in the barn, overworking himself. He stumbled into the house and passed out. Doctors said he’s been missing his medication. If the cancer doesn’t kill him, I’ll do it myself,” she huffs. 
“Ma,” I scolded her, shaking my head. I turned to peer into the room, trying to catch my dad’s eye but the doctor stood in the way. He sways a little back and forth as he speaks, only allowing me to see the IV hooked up and the soft beep of the heart monitor. “Don’t say things like that. Dad is going to be fine.” 
When I turn back to her, my mom’s eerily calm. She’s breathing through her nose, her eyes a little cloudy as she watches the doorway. Her thumb taps her pointer finger, then her middle. It’s a distraction, something I’d inherited from her as a way of navigating hard moments. I tilt my head, watching her more closely. “He’s going to be fine, right?”
She’s slow in looking at me, her gaze far away when our eyes connect and my breath hitches in my throat. Jo Harding had stood strong in front of the scariest of storms. She’d stared down an F5, sent it running for the hills and yet, she’d never looked more fearful as she opened her mouth. “Honey,” she starts but footsteps interrupt her sentence. 
“He’s up and talking,” the doctor says, smiling a little at my mom. He shouldn’t be smiling. Why is he smiling? “I’ve sent in his new prescription to the pharmacy and once his IV is done, we’ll be able to get him back home,” he nods at me. “I’ll leave you both to it.”
I don’t wait to hear what mom has to say, rushing into the room to see him. The chemo still hasn’t taken all of his hair, though the line continues to recite backwards a little further each week that I visit. He’s wrapped in a white sheet, stark and crisp against his blue hospital gown. He looks so small in the large bed and yet, somehow so uncomfortable. The crows feet around his eyes have deepened with exhaustion but his warm, bright smile still remains.
“Daddy,” I murmur, sniffling again as I climb gently onto the side of his bed. 
“Hey sweetheart,” he reaches up to touch my cheek, patting it lightly and smoothing the flush with his thumb. 
“What the hell is the matter with you? Mom said you haven’t been taking your meds.” 
“Sweetheart, there’s something I need to share with you,” he says, eyes flickering behind me at mom, leaning up against the doorframe. 
I want to look back at her, give her the chance to tell me it’s not what I think. Anyone who knew parents would know that before me, mom was the emotional one; impulsive, reactive. But after I was born, Bill Harding went soft. His heartstrings were too malleable, easily manipulated. I was daddy’s little girl. I couldn’t look back at my mom for strength, I was too worried that he would slip from my fingertips when I turned back. 
“I don’t,” I start, shaking my head. “I don’t want to know.” 
“Eleanor,” he coos, as if I’m a newborn sobbing through the night. I feel like I am. “The cancer has spread too much.” I don’t hear the rest of what he says. There’s a high pitched ringing that echoes in my eardrum, mixing with “home”, “weeks” and “get comfortable”. After minutes of numbing silence, I nod and wipe my face while grabbing his hand. 
We sit for a while, the three of us chatting and trying to ignore the inevitable. My mind starts to race, making a checklist of to dos in my mind. Trying to figure out how to help my mom pay the hospital bills and manage the farmhouse. Maybe she can move in with me. We’ll need to make arrangements. I need to finish fixing up the RAM before he…well, before. 
As time passes, the nurse shows up to take out his IV and start his discharge paperwork. “You’ll need to pick up your prescription. It’ll help keep you comfortable for the time being,” she repeats as she places a bandaid over the spot of blood from the needle. “We’ve already sent it over.” 
“I’ll pick it up,” I blurt out, rising to my feet. 
“Honey, you should go get some rest,” my mom says, squeezing my hand. “You can’t tell me you got much sleep last night and it’s been a long day.” 
“I don’t mind,” I say, suddenly remembering that Tyler is here. “I could use the distraction.” My mom must notice the change in mood because she frowns, deep lines settling between her brows. 
“Alright, I’ll walk you out,” she nods to the hallway. I thank the nurse and say goodbye to my dad, kissing him on cheek with a promise to see him at home. I follow my mom into the hallway, bumping into her as she slows to a halt. 
“Ma, c’mon,” I say, stepping to her side and looking for what distracted her. Seriously. At the other end of the hallway is Tyler, standing with a sad expression. 
“What in the fuck,” mom says, jaw set tightly as she crosses her arms. She turns to look at me. “What’s he doing here?” 
I close my eyes, trying to slow my breathing. “I didn’t tell him where I was going.”
“Didn’t tell hi-,” she stops herself. “When did he come back? Why didn’t you tell me? Are you two back-,”
This is the last thing I need today. “Ma, he showed up this morning. I will get rid of him, alright? I’m gunna get rid of him.” I kiss her on the cheek. “I love you, I’ll see you at the house.” I turn away so that she doesn’t have a chance to protest or ask more questions, stalking over to Tyler.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I seeth, shoving him lightly backwards toward the elevators. “How did you even know where I was?” 
He lets me move him, eyes trying to catch my mom’s as we move. His bright eyes are wet with worry, laced with concern as he searches my face for answers to his own questions. “Is dad alright? What happened?” 
“Not your father,” I grunt, tugging him finally around the corner. The statement hurts, I can see it all over his face. I know how close he and my dad are but he doesn’t get to show up and just pick up as the son in law he hasn’t been. I’ve had to pick myself up in these moments with no shoulder to cry on. He doesn’t get to just come back and know. 
“Eleanor, I know you are angry but if he’s hurt, I want to help,” Tyler says.
“It’s not your place.” I push the button for the elevator, holding tightly to his wrist in fear that he’ll speed back down the hallway. Right into the belly of the beast that is Jo Harding. As much as I hated him for disappearing, I wasn’t that cruel. “You made it clear you didn’t want this family anymore.” 
The elevator dings. I step forward into the small space, trying to drag the man with me. Tyler doesn’t move easily behind me and when I turn to look at him, there’s a sour look on his face. “C’mon, I don’t want to miss the pharmacy hours,” I say. My fingers clutch his wrist tighter, pulling with all might until I can unglue his feet from the linoleum tile. 
He’s quiet in the elevator and past the receptionist desk. I peel the stupid name tag from my top when we get outside in the fresh air, heading in the direction of my truck. I don’t expect the footsteps to follow me and leave them be until I’m a car or two away. I turn on him, hands on my hips. “What are you doing?” 
“I’m coming with you.” 
“No you are not.”
“Yes I am,” he responds with such a stubborn matter of fact tone that I want to slap him. He walks past me, swiping the keys from my grasp and heading for the truck. “You know I can get you to the pharmacy in under thirty minutes.” I think back to the times that we would need to make a trip over the years, the times that I would let him drive so we’d make it to the drive thru before closing for a milkshake and a burger. Racing against the clock with the windows down and the radio cranked down. I could still see the crinkles around his eyes from his smile under the overhead lighting to look for his wallet. 
“What about your car?” I follow him to the truck. 
“I got dropped off,” Tyler says, tugging the driver’s side open. He slides across the bench to unlock the passenger side and my stomach turns at the mundane simplicity of the action. I don’t have a choice but to comply though. I check my watch and realize the time, jumping into the passenger side.
It’s silent as Tyler wraps an arm around my headrest, backing out of the parking lot and heading down the road toward the family owned pharmacy near my parents’ house. It’s gotten dark outside and my headlights are too bright against the pavement. It hurts my head. Today hurts my head. I rub a palm over my face, trying to scrub the exhaustion and emotion away.
“You wanna talk about it?” Tyler’s voice is soft in the darkness of the cab. 
My only response is another hefty sigh. 
“C’mon El,” he tries again.
I stare out into the darkness, trying to see the grains of wheat along the fields instead of conversing. “I don’t want to talk to you.” 
“Well, how about if you just talk at me? You’ve always enjoyed that,” he says, his tone too playful for my liking.
“Do you feel like that helps? Cracking a joke, making a jab at me?” I snap, turning to look at him. He glances over at me for a few moments, lips pursed. 
“I’m sorry alright? I don’t really know how to behave and I’m trying to ease the tension.”
“Do you feel like the tension is at ease?” I ask, looking forward with my jaw clenched. 
There’s a few more moments of silence before he says “Not at all.” His accent is thick, the twang of Arkansas slipping through. I look over at him and he licks his lips, grasp on the steering wheel flexing a little as he rolls to a stop on the empty road. I don’t know why, don't really know what it is that makes me react but I suddenly let out a giggle. It’s accompanied by a snort,  a short, loud snort that catches his attention. His foot slips on the break as he turns to look at me. The motion causes us to jerk, our necks snapped forward in an instant. And the motion just makes me laugh more, tears streaming down my cheeks. 
“Are you alright?” He’s staring at me wide eyed, like a deer caught in headlights afraid to make a move.
“This is just so absurd, this whole day, just an absurd nightmare.” I get out through wheezes of teary laughter. I take a few gulps of air to calm myself and wipe away the stray tears. I turn to look at him, my chest feeling a little tight. “It’s leukemia, stage four. The doctors have recommended he come home so that he’s comfortable.” 
Under the overhead street lamp lighting that washes on the hood of the truck, I see Tyler’s face fall. His hand pushes the shifting gear into the park position, the sound rings in my ears. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He looks forward at the road then back at me. I can see the gears turning in his head, the cogs trying to continue their processing. I’m expecting a lot of questions about what type, how long he’s been sick, how long they give him, what medication they’ve prescribed. I even anticipated  I should’ve been here.
“So what’s our next step?” 
I blink a few times. I must've misheard him. “Huh?”
“What’s the plan? What do we do next? I can make some calls to St. Francis and see if we can get an appointment-,” he continues on, rattling off some ideas of second opinions and alternative medicine to heal my dad. 
My fingertips start to go numb and I have to squeeze them tightly to try to gain feeling back. “Tyler, Tyler,” I say a little loudly, getting his attention. “There’s nothing to be done. It’s too far gone. He’s already done rounds of chemo.”
His gaze is a mix of harsh confusion and disbelief, piercing as he looks me over. “Rounds? How long has he been sick?” 
“He was diagnosed last Spring,” I say, looking down at my watch. “Can we get moving? The pharmacy closes in twenty minutes, I don’t want him going without.” I can tell he wants to argue, set us into another round of banter and harsh remarks. I’m grateful that he decides against it, instead pushing the truck back into drive and speeding a little faster into town toward the pharmacy.
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nayziiz · 6 months
Reckless | CS55
Summary: Via finds herself caught up in office politics and encounters Carlos Sainz Jr., the intimidating son of her boss. Despite her initial reluctance, she is drawn into a web of intrigue surrounding the Sainz family and their business empire. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, Via and Carlos grapple with professional challenges, personal relationships, and the allure of forbidden romance. Via must navigate the complexities of power, ambition, and desire, ultimately confronting difficult truths about those around her in a world where appearances can be deceiving and loyalties tested.
Warning: Violence, blood, alcohol, smut, fluff, guns
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x OC (Via Driscoll) - appearances from other drivers
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Chapter 1
The bleak London sky seemed to reflect Via's mood as she sat in her office, the persistent rain tapping against the window panes like an incessant reminder of her dissatisfaction. She longed for the comfort of her home, envisioning herself cocooned in her favourite pyjamas, a bowl of popcorn in hand, escaping into the world of a movie. But duty called, and she found herself tethered to her desk, the glow of her computer screen casting a harsh light on her weary face.
Via's gaze drifted from her monitor to the expansive windows that framed her workspace, offering a panoramic view of the dreary cityscape below. The rain streaked down the glass in rivulets, distorting the already dismal scene outside. With a sigh, she swirled her chair to face the window, mesmerised by the hypnotic dance of the raindrops.
Her office, part of the executive suite, was a realm of corporate austerity softened only by the occasional flourish of personalization. Across from her was Eleanor's desk, a colleague whose meticulously organised desk offered a stark contrast to Via's own desk, cluttered with documents and folders. Beyond them lay the hushed confines of the boardroom, its sleek furnishings a testament to the gravity of the decisions made within its walls. And nestled at the heart of it all, concealed behind a frosted glass door, was the sanctum of the CEO, a figure whose presence loomed over the entire floor.
The executive suite was a realm unto itself, delineated from the rest of the office floor by imposing frosted glass panels. These barriers, both physical and metaphorical, served as a symbolic boundary between the realm of power and influence and the humbler domains of the rank and file.
As the sudden flash of lightning illuminated the room, Via instinctively recoiled, her chair scraping against the floor as she sought refuge closer to her desk. The starkness of her workspace mirrored the dreary weather outside, save for a solitary splash of colour—a bright red ribbon adorning her computer monitor, a token of whimsy amidst the monochrome.
Before Via could fully regain her composure, the jarring chime of a message tone shattered the silence, dragging her attention back to the task at hand. With a resigned sigh, she dove back into her work, sifting through the influx of emails that clamoured for her attention. Among them, a cluster of documents awaited Julia's scrutiny, prompting Via to spring into action.
With a sense of urgency gnawing at her, Via swiftly printed out the documents, the whirring of the printer adding a discordant rhythm to the otherwise hushed ambiance of the office. Clutching the papers in hand, she hastened down the main passageway, her footsteps echoing off the sterile tiles with each resounding click of her heels.
Despite her distaste for the clamour her heels inevitably caused, Via pressed on, her posture rigid and purposeful as she navigated the familiar corridors. Straightening her navy blue pencil skirt and smoothing down the crisp lines of her pearly white blouse, she maintained a facade of professionalism, unwilling to betray any hint of vulnerability to the world around her.
As she finally approached Julia's desk, Via's pulse quickened with a mixture of apprehension and determination. With each step, she drew closer to the epicentre of the office's bustling activity, her resolve unyielding even in the face of the tempest raging both outside and within.
“Hey, Jules.” Via greeted Julia with a warm smile, hoping to inject a bit of brightness into the weary atmosphere.
“Hi, Via.” Julia replied, her voice laden with fatigue, betraying the toll that the relentless demands of their profession had taken on her.
“I have some paperwork Eleanor wants you to go over. Mostly just details for the upcoming gala.” Via nodded sympathetically as she approached, presenting the stack of paperwork she had carried with her. 
Julia's shoulders slumped slightly at the mention of more work, her sigh echoing the sentiment shared by many in their line of work.
“The work never ends, does it?” She lamented, a weariness evident in her tone as she prepared to delve once more into the endless stream of tasks that awaited her.
“Sadly, no.” Via echoed with a resigned sigh, her own weariness mirroring Julia's.
“I've actually been meaning to call you over.” Julia interjected, her tired gaze flicking between Via and the documents she held.
“Yeah?” Via prompted, sensing there was more to Julia's invitation.
“Eleanor mentioned that Mr. Sainz wants you in the quarterly meeting tomorrow morning.” Julia explained, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue as she relayed the information. Via's curiosity piqued at the unexpected news.
“Did she say why?” She inquired, her mind already racing with possibilities as she awaited Julia's response.
“I assume he wants to transfer some of Eleanor's workload to you. Which is both good and bad.” Julia speculated with a nonchalant shrug, acknowledging the mixed implications of such a directive. Via frowned slightly, her thoughts swirling with the implications of the impending meeting.
“She hasn't mentioned anything to me yet.” She murmured, her mind already strategizing how to navigate the potential changes.
“Anyway, listen.” Julia continued, steering the conversation toward more immediate concerns. “There have been a few big projects happening and we need to update the website. Would you mind going through some of our most recent projects and writing up some articles on them?”
Via's expression brightened at the prospect of a new task, eager to immerse herself in a creative endeavour amidst the routine of administrative duties.
“Sure, with pleasure.” She replied, enthusiasm infusing her words as she welcomed the opportunity to breathe life into the neglected facets of their online presence.
“Great! It's just we haven't focused on our website in ages-” Julia began, her words trailing off as she glanced around the bustling office, a silent acknowledgment of the perpetual whirlwind of activity that often left such tasks relegated to the back burner.
Julia's abrupt silence drew Via's attention, and she followed her gaze to the elevator lobby, where four figures stood, three of them familiar: Mr. Sainz, the imposing CEO; Eleanor, his steadfast executive assistant; and Paul, their ever-watchful bodyguard. But it was the fourth man who captured Via's curiosity, his dark chocolate brown hair a stark contrast to the sleek professionalism of the others.
As he turned to face them, Via's breath caught in her throat. The resemblance was uncanny—a younger version of Mr. Sainz himself, yet with a vitality and energy that set him apart.
“Who is that?” Via whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, her eyes fixed on the enigmatic newcomer.
“Carlos Sainz Jr.” Julia replied in hushed tones, her expression betraying a mixture of awe and trepidation at the unexpected arrival of the CEO's son.
As Carlos Sainz Jr. passed by Via and Julia, his impeccably tailored suit accentuating his lean physique, Via found herself momentarily speechless, her gaze lingering on him as he disappeared into the executive suite alongside his father and the others. A palpable tension hung in the air, an eerie quietness enveloping the office as everyone processed the unexpected encounter.
“How come this is the first time I've seen him?” Via queried, her curiosity piqued by the sudden appearance of Mr. Sainz's son.
Julia hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. 
“He hasn't been involved with the family business. Neither has Blanca nor Ana, his sisters.”
“Why not?” Via pressed, her brow furrowing in confusion.
“It's complicated.” Julia muttered cryptically, her eyes darting around as if searching for eavesdroppers. “He only ever brings trouble when he's around.”
Via nodded slowly, absorbing Julia's words as she contemplated the implications of Carlos Sainz Jr.'s presence and the enigmatic aura that seemed to surround him.
Via's frown deepened as she watched Carlos Sainz Jr. lean casually against her desk, engrossed in conversation with his father and Eleanor. Despite the distance separating them, Via felt the weight of his gaze like a tangible presence, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She averted her eyes, the intensity of their brief connection unsettling her.
Even after breaking eye contact, Via couldn't shake the sensation of being watched. It was as if Carlos Sainz Jr.'s dark brown eyes had left an indelible mark on her consciousness, their magnetic pull impossible to resist.
A few moments later, the trio retreated into Mr. Sainz's office, the heavy door closing behind them with a finality that left Via feeling strangely bereft. She shook off the lingering unease, burying herself in her work as she tried to banish thoughts of Carlos Sainz Jr. and the inexplicable hold he seemed to have over her.
“I suggest you get back to work, Via.” Julia suggested, her tone gently nudging Via back into focus.
Via nodded in agreement, acknowledging the need to redirect her attention to the tasks at hand. With a determined resolve, she made her way back to her desk, the weight of Julia's words lingering in the air.
As Via settled behind her desk, poised to begin her work on the website articles, the shrill ring of her landline shattered the quietude of the executive suite. Startled, she reached for the receiver, her heart rate quickening with anticipation.
“This is Olivia Driscoll. How may I assist?” Via answered, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in her chest.
“There is a black and a blue folder on my desk. Please bring them to me.” Eleanor's voice commanded, brusque and to the point, before the line went dead.
Via's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected request, but she wasted no time in complying. With a sense of purpose, she rose from her desk, her footsteps echoing in the hushed confines of the office as she made her way to Eleanor's domain, the folders clutched tightly in her grasp.
Via carefully selected the two folders from Eleanor's desk, ensuring she didn't overlook any additional blue or black folders that might have been hiding in plain sight. Satisfied with her choices, she proceeded to Mr. Sainz's office, her footsteps measured and deliberate as she approached the frosted glass door.
Pausing briefly, Via knocked three times, a customary gesture to announce her presence before entering. She knew that Eleanor was expecting her, but she still felt a twinge of nervousness as she awaited permission to step inside.
With a click, the door swung open, granting Via access to the inner sanctum of Mr. Sainz's office. Stepping inside, she cast a quick glance around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings with a sense of curiosity. Despite having visited only a handful of times, she had never lingered long enough to absorb the nuances that defined the space.
Mr. Sainz was engrossed in something on his laptop screen, his attention fully absorbed by the task at hand. Via approached Eleanor, who sat poised across from Mr. Sainz, her demeanour composed and professional as always. With a respectful nod, Via handed over the two folders, her movements precise and efficient.
Via listened intently as Eleanor and Mr. Sainz exchanged words, her curiosity piqued by the mention of the gala and the logistical challenges they faced. She couldn't help but feel a pang of apprehension at the prospect of navigating such a crucial aspect of the event planning process.
“Did you give Julia the paperwork for the gala?” Eleanor asked.
“Yes, she's working through it right now.” Via confirmed, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in her stomach.
“Good. We need to get sign off from the fire departments because we're literally at capacity for the event.” Eleanor continued, her tone conveying a sense of urgency that wasn't lost on Via.
The weight of Eleanor's words hung in the air, directing Mr. Sainz’s attention towards Via and then back to Eleanor, his expression unreadable as he absorbed the information. Via shifted slightly under his scrutiny, acutely aware of the weight of his gaze upon her.
“Retract some of the invitations that have no responses.” Mr. Sainz suggested. “I'm sure Ms Driscoll can handle that?”
Via's attention shifted as Mr. Sainz offered his suggestion, his directive clear and concise. She nodded in acknowledgment, her mind already processing the task at hand.
“Do you have capacity, Via?” Eleanor inquired, her gaze shifting to Via as she awaited confirmation.
“Yes, of course. I'll get right on that.” Via replied with unwavering determination, her resolve firm as she prepared to tackle the assignment entrusted to her.
As Via turned to leave, her gaze inadvertently fell upon Carlos Sainz Jr., who sat in the corner of the room, his presence a silent observer to the exchange unfolding before him. Eleanor followed Via's gaze, her eyes meeting Carlos Jr.'s intense scrutiny with a hint of curiosity. Via quickly averted her gaze, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach as she made her exit from the office.
“Via.” Eleanor called out, halting Via's departure.
“Yes, Ms. Pope?” Via turned back, her attention fully on Eleanor.
“I don't think you've met Carlos Sainz Jr. yet?” Eleanor gestured towards Carlos, who stood and approached Via.
Via met Carlos's gaze as he extended his hand, and she shook it firmly, her composure unwavering despite the unexpected introduction.
“Olivia Driscoll.”  Eleanor added, providing Via's full name as a formality.
“Lovely to meet you, sir. If you'll excuse me.” Via replied politely, her tone respectful as she acknowledged the introduction before taking her leave.
With a nod to Eleanor, she exited the office, her mind racing with the events of the day and the newfound knowledge of Mr. Sainz's son's presence in the company.
Via retreated back to her desk, the weight of the encounter with Carlos Sainz Jr. still lingering in her mind. As time passed, her curiosity grew, eventually leading her to seek out Eleanor once more. With a sense of purpose, Via made her way to Mr. Sainz's office, her footsteps echoing in the hushed confines of the executive suite.
Entering the office, Via found it deserted, the air heavy with the lingering presence of power and authority. Her gaze swept over the room, taking in the dark wood cabinets and the photographs adorning the counter. Intrigued, she reached out to run a hand over the polished surface, her fingers lingering on the images captured within the frames.
“Looking for something?” Carlos's voice shattered the silence, his sudden presence causing Via to spin around in surprise.
Startled, Via found Carlos leaning casually against the door frame, his demeanour relaxed yet undeniably imposing. Her pulse quickened at the unexpected encounter, her mind racing to compose herself in the face of his scrutiny.
“I don't think my father would like it much if he knew you were snooping around in his office.” Carlos remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement.
“I wasn't snooping.” Via replied defensively, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the implication.
“Olivia, was it?” Carlos inquired, his gaze probing as he addressed her by her full name.
“Yes.” Via confirmed, her voice barely above a whisper as she met his gaze.
“If you're looking for Eleanor, she's left with my father - something about a last-minute meeting.” Carlos informed her, his tone casual yet authoritative.
“Noted, thank you, sir.” Via responded, her voice polite as she acknowledged the information.
“Please, call me Carlos.” He insisted, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.
Via nodded in acknowledgment, her mind still reeling from the unexpected encounter with Mr. Sainz's son. With a polite smile, she excused herself from the office, determined to focus on her tasks and put the encounter behind her.
Via felt a jolt of surprise as Carlos's hand closed around her wrist, his grip firm yet strangely gentle. She met his gaze, her eyes widening in apprehension as he spoke.
“I won’t tell my father you were snooping,” Carlos stated, his tone low and deliberate.
“Because I wasn’t.” Via countered, her voice tinged with defiance as she resisted the implication.
“I won’t tell him on one condition.” Carlos continued, his gaze unwavering as he held her captive with his intense scrutiny.
“What’s the condition?” Via asked, her curiosity piqued despite herself.
“You don’t come in here by yourself again.” Carlos stated firmly, his expression unyielding as he laid out his terms.
“Yes… Carlos.” Via replied reluctantly, her voice barely above a whisper as she acquiesced to his demand.
With a sense of relief, she extracted her wrist from his grasp and quickly made her exit from the office, the encounter leaving her unsettled yet strangely intrigued by the enigmatic figure of Carlos Sainz Jr.
As Carlos released Via's wrist, she felt a rush of relief flood through her. She offered him a brief, uncertain smile before turning on her heels and hurrying out of the office, her steps quickening as she made her way back to her desk.
Behind her, Carlos watched her retreat, his gaze lingering on her figure until she disappeared from view. A faint smile played at the corners of his lips as he reflected on their brief interaction, a sense of intrigue stirring within him at the enigmatic Olivia Driscoll.
With a thoughtful expression, Carlos turned his attention back to the deserted office, his mind already pondering the implications of their encounter and the potential consequences of his decision to keep Via's presence in the office a secret from his father.
Via settled into her seat at the cosy coffee shop, greeted by the familiar faces of her close friends: Rosa, Tori, and Neil. Their playful banter brought a much-needed smile to her face after the events of the day.
“Well, nice of you to join us, big shot.” Rosa teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Hi, Miss rays of sunshine.” Via retorted with a chuckle, exchanging playful greetings with her friends.
“You look terrible.” Tori remarked with mock concern, her tone laced with humour.
“It’s a new look I’m trying out.” Via quipped, her reply eliciting laughter from the group.
“I don’t understand why you have to work so late.” Neil chimed in, his expression one of genuine concern. 
“It's just the nature of the job, you know? Deadlines, last-minute meetings, unexpected tasks. It never seems to end.” Via sighed, her demeanour growing more serious as she explained,
Her friends nodded in understanding, their expressions sympathetic as they listened to her explanation. Despite the challenges she faced, Via couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of her friends, their presence providing a much-needed respite from the demands of her hectic work life.
“No, there’s something else bothering you today. Out with it.” Rosa insisted, her intuition sharp as ever. Via sighed, relenting under her friend's scrutiny.
“The boss’s son showed up.” She confessed, her voice lowering slightly as she revealed the source of her discomfort.
“Ooh, do tell.” Tori exclaimed, leaning in with interest.
“There’s nothing to tell. He’s just intimidating.” Via replied, her gaze flickering with uncertainty.
“You never find people intimidating.” Neil pointed out, his brow furrowing in concern.
“I do when they’re my boss and his son.” Via admitted, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her confession.
“What’s he look like?” Rosa pressed, her curiosity piqued by the mention of Mr. Sainz's son.
“He’s attractive, that’s for sure. He’s the definition of tall, dark, and handsome.” Via admitted, a hint of reluctance in her voice as she acknowledged Carlos Sainz Jr.'s undeniable allure.
“At least he’s something to look at.” Tori remarked with a playful grin, attempting to lighten the mood with her characteristic humour.
Via couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's comment, grateful for the lighthearted banter that helped to momentarily distract her from the complexities of her professional life. Deep down, though, she knew that Carlos Sainz Jr.'s presence in the office would continue to loom large in her thoughts, his enigmatic aura leaving an indelible impression on her psyche.
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yelenasdiary · 7 months
Forbidden Character Index
Here's a list of the characters that are either mentioned within the series or have a small part. It also includes their job (if any) and/or their relationship.
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Female Characters -
Y/n Bishop - Helps out at Sam's store || Kate's younger sister.
Kate Bishop - Hunter || Y/n's older sister.
Yelena Belova - Bounty Hunter || Nat's younger sister.
Natasha Romanoff - Owns an Orphanage || Yelena's older sister.
Wanda Maximoff - Sticks to Herself || Pietro's sister.
Maria Hill - Helps Nat with the Orphanage.
Carol Danvers - Law Woman.
Aunt May - Journalist, Baker || Peter's Aunt.
Pepper Potts - Tony's Assistant & Wife.
Maya Lopez - Native American of the Cheyenne Nation. 
Agatha Harkness - Outlaw.
Peggy Carter - Law Woman || Wife of Steve.
Kamala Khan - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
Eleanor Bishop - Kate & Y/n’s Mother.
Lady Sif - Bounty Hunter.
Jane Foster - Lumberjack bookkeeper || Wife of Thor.
Valkyrie - Outlaw.
Shuri - Scientist || Sister of T'Challa.
Cassie Lang - Apart of Y/n's friend group || Daughter of Scott.
America Chavez - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
MJ - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
Melina Vostokoff - Scientist || Yelena & Nat's Mother & Wife of Alexei.
Male Characters
Bucky 'James' Barnes - Owns and runs the Saloon.
Derek Shepard - Kate & Y/n’s father.
Sam Wilson - Owns and runs the General Store.
Steve Rogers - Sheriff of Blisswater || Husband of Peggy Carter.
Peter Parker - Paper Boy || Aunt May's Nephew.
Tony Stark - Owns Stark Industries || Husband of Pepper Potts.
Bruce Banner - Main Doctor of Blisswater, also a travelling Doctor.
Steve Strange - Apothecary.
Clint Barton - Gunsmith.
Pietro Maximoff - Works around at different ranches || Wanda's Brother.
Nick Fury - Barber.
T’Challa - Banker || Brother of Shuri.
Thor - Lumberjack || Husband of Jane & Brother of Loki.
Loki - Outlaw || Brother of Thor.
Peter Quill - Blacksmith.
Scott Lang - Stable Owner || Cassie's Father.
Erik Killmonger - Outlaw.
Baron Zemo - Outlaw.
Johann Shmidt - Outlaw (Red Skull Gang).
Alexei Shostakov - Lumberjack || Yelena & Nat's Father & Husband of Melina.
Ned Leeds - Apart of Y/n's friend group.
General Dreykov - Outlaw.
Original Characters -
All OC's are just fill in characters. They'll most likely be mentioned but will have no major roll. These are people who live in and around the map, basically NPCs.
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starcrossedjedis · 1 year
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Chronicles of Narnia
Lady Leila in "Spring's Awakening"
(Prince Caspian x OFC)
House of the Dragon
Elyana Dondarrion, Alyse Baratheon and Catelyn Baratheon in the "Violent Delights" series
(Criston Cole x OFC // OC x OC // Jace Targaryen x OFC)
Harry Potter
Moira Finnigan, Evanora Black and Minerva Weasley in the "Forces of Nature" series
(Sirius Black x OFC // George Weasley x OFC // Scorpius Malfoy x OFC)
Game of Thrones
Lyra Stark in "Morning Star"
(Arthur Dayne x OFC)
Tarlesyn Sand in "A Tale of Sand and Snow"
(Sansa Stark x OMC)
Mila Lebedev in "Breaking Pointe"
(Bucky Barnes x OFC)
Mortal Kombat
Katherine Chen in "Burning Bright"
(Liu Kang x OFC)
Eleanor Taylor in "Heart over Matter"
(Captain Becker x OFC)
Star Wars
Cassia of Aquilea in "Distant Stars"
(Poe Dameron x OFC)
Nyka'a Sundar and Jaren Korr in "Star Crossed"
(OC x OC)
Jay Vendar (and his found family) in "Rebirth"
(OC x OC)
Inara'a Brae (& Khaii Al'Canthar) in "Through the Mist"
(Obi Wan Kenobi x OFC // OC x OC)
Stranger Things
Farrah Wheeler in "Danger Zone"
(Eddie Munson x OFC)
The Musketeers
Gigi LaRue in "Liaisons Dangereuses"
(Aramis x OFC)
Titans (~though mostly the vibes I got from the Gotham I grew up with)
Catherine Williams in "9 Crimes"
(Dick Grayson x OFC // OC x OC)
Top Gun
Charlotte Barnett in "Let me In" (comes with a content warning, but that's just because Tumblr is a mess^^)
(Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OFC)
Grace Huang (& Lucy Huang) in "Jaded"
(Adam Martin x OFC)
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| OC: Original Characters |
Soooo I gave in and thought sure I’ll add OC to Roleplay with. I usually do OTPS but maybe can try OC with your OC / otp ?? Like mix? Idk never really tired but might be fun to try.
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Full Name: Cameron Dean Hart
Age: 30
Nickname: Care Bear (only Alex calls him that and it’s most of time when Alex is drunk…)
Pronouns: he/him
Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alive/Deceased/Unknown, etc: Alive (or sometimes not if write as fantasy plot then vampire.)
Nationality: Canadian Mom + Greek Mom but grew up in both places so calls both home.
Height: 6’1
Weight: Not important
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown straight, beard also dark brown, and has few grey hair in beard.
Likes: Adventures (car or plane rides), Being outside doing anything outside activities, baking desserts, writing books and eating all different foods.
Dislikes: Loud chewers rather he is eating or not hates the noise. His twin brother when he takes the shirt he wanted to wear.
Species: Human.. but again if any fantasy type au vampire. I did * by the vampire info on him.*
Birthday: June 1, 1990 | June 1, 1960*
Occupation: Writer has written mostly about traveling as he works at a travel book store.
Hobbies: Baking desserts, writing, traveling and getting up early.
Family: Twin brother, Alexander —Cameron is older by three minutes—, Mom Cora from Greece, and Mom Eleanor from Canada.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Face: Jensen Ackles
*Vampire: Cameron been vampire since 1960’s in Canada where his two mom’s and twin brother lived. His mom’s didn’t know the night the twins left and went to a bar. That night changed everything. Both men turned into vampires that night and their life was never the same. Everyone aged included their mom’s but they didn’t. So once their parents passed they packed up and moved to Greece but the sun kept giving them headaches so they moved back to Canada.*
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Full Name: Alexander Buck Hart
Age: 30
Nickname: Buck
Pronouns: he/him/they/them
Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alive/Deceased/Unknown, etc: Alive (or sometimes not if write fantasy plot then a vampire look at * for his vampire info.)
Nationality: Greek Mom + Canadian Mom … calls both places home as he’s grew up at both places a lot.
Height: 6’2
Weight: Doesn’t need to know
Eye Color: Blue + Left eyebrow has birthmark
Hair Color: Medium Blonde with curls yet no beard and no gray hair like brother.
Likes: Adventures (plane or car), drive in movies theaters, being vegetarian, art in any form from drawing to photography/videography.. and sleeping in.
Dislikes: Fake people, meat but on occasion if feels up for it seafood but very small chance, and his twin brother when he eats his food he was saving for later and later is here and he shrugs it off.
Species: Human .. but again if fantasy au then a vampire I added * by vampire info ones.
Birthday: June 1, 1990 | June 1, 1960*
Occupation: Illustrator, self help books for any ages. Just started drawing ones for young adults.
Hobbies: Photography, Videography, and drawing.
Family: Twin brother Cameron—he’s younger than him by 3 minutes—, Mom Cora from Greece, and Mom Eleanor from Canada.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Face: Oliver Stark
*Doesn’t remember the night in 1960 when him and his brother became vampires. Yet their creator changed them and left without teaching them anything. Cut to once their mom’s pass they move to Greece. Yet the sun gave them headaches so they moved back to Canada.*
Won’t really write as these two but to show the face to their names ..
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Mariska Hargitay as Cora Hart, Greek, Art Teacher, who fell in love with a Canadian. She carried both twin boys and is still with her wife.
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Lana Parrilla as Eleanor Hart, Canadian, Owns queer bar, fell in love with a Greek. She was supportive when her wife carried their twin boys and is still with her wife.
Sooo yeah that’s all I can think of adding? I don’t know what else you would need to know? Just ask if any questions? Guess if interested message on here or dm. Who would the oc be paired with? They not picky honestly just like my other pinned post I won’t write R.pe, d.ugs, in.est, swearing, anyone under 18.. sorry so be 20+, no Discord or anywhere else just on Tumblr sorry! My swearing is like sh t. So I read it fine but write it like that. So you can write it I don’t mind haha.
Thanks if you read this far? Haha sorry for ramble but yeah thought try out this oc rp style. Have a good day. If this isn’t your style hope you find what you were looking for. Byeee.
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flowerxguts · 8 months
…—————**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ OC FICLET ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*—————…
“Eleanor, you’ve got to be fucking with me.”
“I’m not! Can you take me seriously!?”
Eleanor is hot on her older brothers heels, arms thrown out incredulously. There’s something border-lining hatred in her eyes.
Dion walks briskly in-front of her, aggravation motivating his fast-pace movements. He beelines straight for the kitchen, hoping to avoid blowing up at his sister, but her stubborn nature causes her to follow him.
She cannot see the tenseness in his brow, the way his lips twitch, the sting of her proposal sour. Once he reaches the sink, he half-slams the dishes down, narrowly missing the strength to break them.
“No.” His voice is rough, emotion he was hoping to hide bleeding through.
“Oh, no?” She questions rhetorically, her mocking manner evident in the way she tilts her head to the side. “You get to make all my life choices now?”
“Yes!” He yells over the running water, trying his best to focus on cleaning their dinner plates. He can feel his patience ticking with each second, so he keeps his responses short. He’s afraid of what he’ll say if Eleanor doesn’t stop relenting.
This conversation is not one he wanted to have. Their mom should be out of the picture by now, an unfortunate memory in the back of his mind, and a vague figment in Eleanor’s.
He doesn’t understand why she thought it would be okay to reach out, and only to Eleanor at that. Perhaps she knew he would see right through her false promises and pretty words. Because at the end of the day, Dion knew who his mom was. Eleanor didn’t. He saved her from that.
“Can you at least look at me when I’m trying to talk to you?!”
Dion snaps.
“That woman is nothing but a self-absorbed addict, Eleanor! She’s never going to change! She’s always gonna be a fucking liar!” Eleanor tries to cut in, defend her case, but Dion continues, only growing more worked up. “You want to run back there? Who raised you?” He asks, jabbing his finger in her face. “I did.”
Once again, Eleanor opens her mouth for a rebuttal, but is cut short when her brother takes a step towards her, “After everything i’ve sacrificed to make sure you didn’t have to go through what I did?” Dion breaks, the unexpected voice crack an unfortunate sign of youth that makes his argument all the more painful.
“You’re not listening to me.” Eleanor pleads in pure frustration.
A part of her understands her brothers outburst. This wasn’t a subject he would ever want to discuss, but it was happening, and she wishes he would face it. If he would just listen for more than twenty seconds she could get her point across, express that she wasn’t proposing “all is forgiven”, and running back to her. She wanted to visit their mom, test the waters. She believes everyone is deserving of redemption.
“You want to go see her?” Dion asks, demanding tone causing Eleanor to take a step back. He leans forward until he is in her face and it is only then Eleanor truly registers the look in his eyes. Betrayal. “Go ahead, but don’t bother coming back here.”
Her brothers words are said completely level, the contrast stark to his previous yelling. He is serious, or at least presenting himself as it, because the sudden resentment in his voice is more than convincing.
“Di—“ She tries, voice meek. He doesn’t listen, narrowing his eyes the slightest bit more before standing up straight and stalking off to his room.
Eleanor stands alone in the kitchen, a loss for words.
Dion was stubborn, maybe even more so than her. He was stuck in his ways and impossible to get through too without a big scene with an even bigger action following.
She was shaken by his words, yes, but ultimately did not believe them. If he wanted to play it that way, fine.
Eleanor scrunches her nose, nails slicing her palm. She takes off towards the direction of her room, determined to make Dion hear her.
She packs her bags.
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
ocs as characters
tagged by @skyrim-forever thank you!! this was a cool way to get into their heads. Rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100. Tagging: @daedrabait @pav0-ocellus @elfinismsarts @nejackdaw (no pressure, it's just sillytime)
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Billy Butcher (The Boys)
April Ludgate (Parks & Rec)
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)
Elliot (Mr. Robot)
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Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Jayne Cobb (Firefly)
Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Ryuk (Death Note)
Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
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lilyevanstan1325 · 9 months
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Leave a comment if you'd like to join my taglist❤️
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
A/N: I don't own any of the main characters mentioned in this story, except for Nora Stark.
All other characters belong to Marvel Inc.
All the Marvel characters will be AU.
Warning: This story contains mature content, including :
Graphic scene, strong language, sex, kinks, death, violence, depression, abortion, addictions, family abuse.
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Summary: James Buchanan Barnes is a shy and outcast kid, he dreams of becoming a great and renowned chef.
He lives with a violent father who never misses an opportunity to humiliate him.
James has been in love with the same girl for years.
But she isn't just a girl.
She is Eleanor Maria Stark.
Daughter of the great Tony Stark, an unscrupulous and selfish lawyer.
Nora is rich and popular but different from all her friends.
She is sweet, kind.
She is not the usual spoiled daddy daughter.
Nora dreams of becoming an illustrious photographer despite her father pushes her to become a lawyer just like him.
And even if it seems impossible James and Nora fall in love.
They are different people who come from different worlds and despite putting all their effort into it their love will not be enough to keep them together, they are forced to separate.
But what if it wasn't forever?
What if James and Nora met again 15 years later?
In these 15 years will they still remember each other?
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🔥 Moodboards 🔥
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 coming soon
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pine-needle1144 · 1 year
Lab Beakers, Vines, and Vibranium
Temporary spot for this Marvel, Non-Canon, multi-chapter fic. If you know me in real life--no you don't. I'll deny it to the grave. No one will believe you.
Multi-chapter fic being posted with both an OC and as an X Reader, whatever floats your boat.
MCU Bruce Banner x OC x Steve Rogers
My poor excuse of a Summary: Bruce Banner and Tony's cousin are playing God with biological exploration at the Stark Tower. What could possibly go wrong. (Steve Rogers doesn't come into play until later so please hold on for his debut). Oh no, I hope no one falls in love with each other and creates drama. I sure hope individual trauma and miscommunications aren't afoot. I sure hope no random threats appear and make things chaotic. That would be sooo crazy.
Warnings: None yet (If you know me--which you don't--and I'm your boss, you're obligated to skip the smut chapters. I don't wanna hear no ifs ands or buts about it.)
Chapter Two
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The lab was bright and full of natural light. Two out of the four walls were completely glass, the city on full display. It was even prettier at night when all the lights of the city twinkled. Being so high up in the tower made the view beautiful and the noise of the bustling streets almost non-existent. A perfect work environment in Ellie’s opinion. 
Ellie turned her back to the large wall of glass, breathing in the rest of the room. The lab was like a blank canvas. Tony had done a good job fixing things up for her, leaving the rest up to her. It was a separate lab from his own, her own space. Her own academic independence. 
There were four large white tables in the room, some basic tech for pulling up notes, diagrams, etc. Cabinets and a large counter on the farthest wall near the sliding door. She made note of the eyewash and emergency shower station, all brand new equipment. Tony truly outdid himself. He must be really confident in her. The thought made her stomach flip. She’s determined to make him proud–-proud to be her cousin. Proud to share a name. That's not to say he isn't proud already--but she wants there to be not a shadow of a doubt.  
The loud clatter of Ellie dropping her clipboard snapped her out of her thoughts. “Shit.” She hissed, quickly bending down and snatching it off the ground. She flattened out the now bent pages, glossing over her list of tools she’ll need from Tony to get the ball rolling as well as a short list of some supplies for the first phase of her experiments she wants to tackle. She was itching to get started. 
Tony had texted her last night saying that they had landed and would be meeting with her in the lab the next morning. She was practically bursting at the seams with excitement at the thought of being around someone so like-minded, someone she’d been practically begging her cousin to meet. 
Ellie had so many things to say, so many questions, and so many ideas drafted up for Doctor Banner to see. She couldn’t wait for him to pick them apart with her–if he agreed to be onboard, of course. She tried not to think about it too much, knowing the rejection would crush her–but how could it not take over every corner of her mind? These experiments are her first real steps into the science world outside of school. 
“Knock, knock,” Tony said as he walked through the automatic sliding doors of the lab, a big grin stretching across his face. 
Ellie spun around to face him, her dark curls whipping behind her as she lowered the clipboard to her side. “Took you long enough.” Her eyes fell on the man following behind her cousin into the room. 
“Ellie,” Tony gestured to the man who moved to stand beside him. “Doctor Banner, as requested.” He stepped aside so that the two could shake hands. 
“Wonderful to see you, Doctor Banner.” Eleanor smiled at him, allowing her eyes to graze over him as she extended her hand out to him. She soaked in his deep brown eyes and his soft features. He looked tired–yet intrigued and at attention. Her eyes traced over his curls, some with gray hairs peeking through. 
Bruce firmly held her hand, giving her a confident shake. “Likewise, Miss Stark.” He took note of how soft her hand was and how her fingertips lingered against his palm as she pulled away.
“I’ll let you two discuss, I’ll be with Pepper going over some blueprints. You know where to find me.” Tony spoke confidently as he turned on his heels, leaving the two alone.
Ellie leaned against one of the four large lab tables, setting her clipboard down. “I’ll admit it, Doctor Banner, I didn’t think you’d come all this way to meet with me.” Eleanor chuckled, looking over his purple button-down shirt, tucked into gray slacks. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, giving a clear view of his forearms and silver watch.
“Tony was definitely persuasive. He spoke very highly of you, I just simply had to speak with you myself.” Bruce gestured towards her clipboard. “Lemme see what you’ve got.”
Ellie flipped through the pages, stopping on one of the few experiments she was planning to explore. She handed it over, scanning his face and carefully analyzing his features as he read her bullet points.
Bruce hummed as he read down the page. He flipped through a few more pages, reading some ramblings, glancing over some diagrams, and glossing over a few blueprints. “My, quite some ambitious things on here, Miss Stark.” He flipped back to her most recent page. “And you want to source most of this from–”
“Plants.” Eleanor smiled, trying to contain her excitement. “I believe we can genetically modify the DNA of certain plants to execute what I’m looking to create.”
Bruce nodded, placing the clipboard down on the table. “If even one of these ideas in here work–more than just us or Stark Industries will want their hands on it. Shield will want this on their table if they get even a whiff of what we’ll have going on in this lab.” Bruce rubbed his chin as he went over the list again in his head. “Some of your potential methods are…insane, to put it simply. Insane with unpredictable outcomes.”
Ellie clicked her tongue, swiping the clipboard down the table and out of his line of sight. “I suppose I understand if this subject matter is bordering on concepts you don’t think you’ll be capable of–”
“Are you implying this is beyond my caliber?” Bruce raised a brow, taking a few steps towards her until their faces were mere inches apart. He hastily reached past her, sliding the clipboard back to himself.
“That depends.” Eleanor glanced over his face. Soaking in how his eyes crinkled at the corners, the bridge of his nose scrunched, his lips pressed into a thin line–how he looked so wound up and it only made her want to push his buttons even more. “Do I sense intimidation, Doctor Banner?”
Bruce fought back the smile punching and thrashing its way to the surface. “When do we start?” 
Ellie leaned away from him and crossed her arms over her chest, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes at her new coworker. “Tomorrow morning at 9.”
“Deal.” He tapped his fingers on the clipboard before turning away from her and heading towards the door. 
Ellie raised a brow, letting her arms fall to her sides. “Where are you off to?”
Bruce peaked over his shoulder as he reached the sliding door. “Well, Tony needs to show me my room, doesn’t he? Besides, all my belongings are in the lounge down the hall. I should probably unpack since I’ll be living here for a while.” 
Ellie smiled and nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Doctor Banner.”
Bruce turned his back to her. “See you in the morning, Miss Stark.” He lifted a hand to wave goodbye as he turned out of sight. 
Tony grunted as he let Bruce’s last bag slam on the floor. “Jesus, Banner, what did you pack? A bunch of goddamn rocks?” He pressed his hands onto his lower back, bending backward to crack his spine. “What a damn workout.”
Bruce rolled his eyes as he kicked the living room door shut. “Tony, you fly around in a hunk of metal, don’t act like my luggage is heavy.”
Tony laughed. “I’m a little out of practice, I guess.” He stood up straight, giving Bruce a firm pat on the shoulder. “Communal lounge and kitchen are on floor twenty-three. If you can’t find me, just yell for FRIDAY.” Tony looked around the living room. “I know you’re probably not interested, but if you want to like…decorate or whatever–feel free.”
Bruce laughed as he stuck his hands in his pockets. “That won’t be necessary, you know I’m a minimalist.”
“Yeah, yeah–the offer still stands. Oh, and before I forget, there’s always food in the communal fridge.” He shot Bruce a smile before heading towards the door. “Get settled, she’s gonna have you running laps tomorrow. She already gave me a list of shit she needs.” Tony laughed. “You’re gonna love her.”
“If she’s anything like you, geez, I’m not so sure about that.” Bruce teased.
“Har har.” Tony deadpanned, swinging the door open. “I’ll check in on you later.” He gently swung the door shut behind him, leaving Bruce alone in the huge apartment.
He assumes that’s how he should refer to it, considering he practically had an entire floor to himself. The living room was nearly the size of four standard bedrooms, fully furnished. 
Bruce left his bags on the floor as he began to explore, wandering to the far side of the room where it broke off into a small right turn. The turn opened into a beautiful office space with a spiral staircase in the back left-hand corner. He trailed his fingers along the desk as he made his way to the stairs. 
It matched the rest of the Stark Tower, each step was a thick glass slate. Bruce kept his eyes up as he climbed the stairs, looking down through the glass would make him trip over his feet. 
The top of the stairs opened into a fully open bedroom, all glass walls–much like the lab. “FRIDAY, close the blinds.”
White blinds came out of seemingly nowhere, rippling down from the ceiling and covering every inch of glass. The room was quickly encased in complete darkness. 
“FRIDAY, lights, please.” 
The lights on the ceilings gradually bloomed, filling the room with light akin to the morning sun. 
Bruce shuffled over to the king-size bed, throwing himself back on it. He reached up for his glasses, peeling them off his face and tossing them to the side. “What the hell did I get myself into.” He grumbled, rubbing his hands over his face.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 7 months
💜 + Eleanor Stark? <3
My daughter Eleanor I swear I didn't forget about you!
Elin Eriksdottir
Eleanor would be just in awe of this girl. Like, a badass and dangerous literal goddess just showed up on Earth and Elle would be "okay, but I want her to do things to me, and I won't specify what things". But also, she just want her to go to therapy. Like, pls pls I love you, with problems and everything, but pls let me help you.
Ofc feel completely free to turn this down! Or to suggest others 👀
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aliypop · 2 years
Back To Black : Chapter 5
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latest chapters : Chapter 1  Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Word Count:  10,355
Writers Notes: Here we are Chapter 5 topping off season 4 and kicking into gear of season 5, I hope you all are enjoying the series so far, I’ve been enjoying writing and watching Peaky Blinders now am I gonna rewatch the show again oh Definitely !!!
shout to @herosneednotapply​ and her oc Florence
Warning: Show violence and language Suggestive themes
Translations :  
So roden si ek divano, = What you seek is an answer
Me gindivas ke mules. = I thought you died
Na daţar = Don’t start
Zhi kai avasa arakhliam pale = Until we meet again
Possiamo già spararle? =  Can we shoot her already
Spari quando dico spara = You shoot when I say shoot
Pairing: OC x Canon 
( Eleanor Williams ) / Thomas Shelby  
(Claudette Williams) / Finn Shelby
(Virginia Williams) / Ada Shelby
Plot: What happens When the Williams Family makes their grand return back to London from a war stricken France to only find the rocks of war and the runts of crime the Shelby family slowly leaking into their world,
 1925  14th of  April
Dear, Thomas Shelby
When you get this letter, it will be on your wedding day, which I must say congratulations on marrying the whore of the Heath, as Virginia used to tell me. Of course, I'm not jealous or anything. If anything, I want to see you happy.
 Elizabeth Stark will make you a happy wife and the mother of your children. Yes, I know you're expecting a daughter. Flo told me when you wrote her. Clearly, you didn't think we women wouldn't talk, and yet we do. I find it foolish that you sent me my grandmother's ring when you had no plan to possibly ask for my hand, and if you did, you'd have come to the states and asked me, not sent me hints that I can't comprehend. 
Tommy, I don't understand you, and yet at the same time, I do. At the same time, I can't shake you out of my skin or the memories out of my brain. Or why I feel the most alive when I'm near you, but when I'm away, everything reminds me of you. The Gin at my restaurant was yours, and it cured my sadness, a bit sweeter than I remembered, but I want to love you, but it hurts, so from now on, if you must send me letters,
"May it only concern business, Forever yours, Eleanor Vadoma Williams,"  Tommy growled, his brows furrowed as he threw his whiskey bottle at the wall. "Tommy, are you okay..." Virginia asked, fixing her fedora, "Everyone's waiting for you at the church," she'd seen that face before, a man in love, a man in denial, a man with no plan for the fact that she had been there, 
"Leave..." he said, tears pricking at his eyes
"FUCKING LEAVE." Tommy had been going through it with the Changretta's at his throat and Arthur spirling down to a hole he'd fear he couldn't pull him out of. The only voice he needed to hear was his own. " Cold feet, I see..." Ada sighed, standing next to Virginia, 
"Getting married again for your own personal gain..." she scoffed as Virginia looked at her, 
"He's protecting her honour." she shrugged, "I respect that,"
"Marriage is about love, Virginia, not some business deal because two people fucked, and now there's a bun in the oven! " Tommy looked between the two taking his things as he left out the house, something told him this marriage would only end in heartbreak, and perhaps it was actually Polly, 
"Charles, keep your hat on," Claudette sighed, "May I never have children," she mumbled, straightening out her dress. It had been a while since she'd been in one of those, 
"Alright, I'm ready to fuckin go,"
"Arthur, do you think Tommy's makin' a mistake..."
"Julian Tommy always makes mistakes. We just let 'em fucking figure it out 'imself." handing him a vile of snow, Julian sighed, taking some as Lorcan snorted the rest, "Now that's a fucking Shelby." 
Westerham Heights
Tucked away in the camps was a band of Caravans, horses, and clotheslines filled with hanging clothes. In the corner,  a red caravan encrusted in gold paint and green. It brought back so many memories of their mother,  " So roden si ek divano," Vadoma said as Bernadette turned around, "Me gindivas ke mules." Bernadette growled at her sister, Vadoma laughing, her gold jewelry dangling off her like a queen,
 "Thought you swore off learnin' mères tongue." 
"I got tired of the women picking on me, so, no, I learned." she smiled, 
"Come in for tea, will you?" opening the door, Bernadette had always been envious of her sister's caravan with all of its gold dressing and how spacious it was, but because it was their mothers, 
"You never changed," sitting on her bed as she poured her sister a glass, "What brings you by. The only person who passes is Elizabeth Gray, the princess," Vadoma smiled, thinking about Polly, 
"Why does my daughter have our mother's ring?"
"Fate seeks what it wishes to find." Vadoma shrugged her shoulders, "Vadoma...Na daţar," she growled, 
"Only the truth of a lover can show the truth of the heart."
"Eleanor is getting engaged, and you're going to fuck it up like you fuck everything up!" Bernadette growled, 
"I'm afraid it's been you who's fucked everything up, not just with Eleanor," Bernadette scoffed at her sister. She was right, 
"The war with Luca is because you neglected your husband's dreams, Leslie taking over is because you sided with your husband and not your daughter, so yes, fate seeks what it wishes to find," Vadoma gave him a cup of wine, "Fate seeks to destroy your family, and it will if you let it." Bernadette turned away from her sister as Vadoma sighed, "This is why mother taught me her ways and father had you forever stuck in his." her skirt swept up against the floors, 
"So giving Thomas Shelby her ring was her plan..."
"You never wanted it. You wanted Louis's excuse of a ring, one only a man in vaudeville could buy you."  Vadoma laughed as her sister only began to feel small, "Vadoma Esme wants to see ya," 
" Heed my words," Vadoma warned, "And talk to mother, she'll guide you, "Zhi kai avasa arakhliam pale."
Small Heath - 1926
It had been a year, and the war was still ongoing. Standing in a trashy apartment were Arthur, Finn, Isaiah, and Claudette, "This is complete shite..." Claudette grumbled as Arthur laughed, "It'll do so you can shoot the fuckin Italian bastards, " taking a sip from the flask, "Am I in charge," Finn asked as Arthur glanced at him, "Isaiah's in charge. You make sure Tommy don't get fuckin shot, and Claudette..." he took a deep breath knowing his  sentence would drive her into madness, "Yes Arthur,"
"If you don't fuck dis up, consider yourself an official Peaky fucking Blinder,"  
"Yes, sir, I won't let you down." Claudette saluted. 
"You could learn from her, Finn." Isaiah laughed,
"Alright, so Tommy 'Ill give you a signal to be on the lookout." Finn nodded as Arthur had then left, 
 "You know, I think we should have the guns ready," Isaiah said, handing Claudette one to clean, 
"He's really trusting ya with a gun?"
"Is that a problem, Finn..." Claudette asked,
 "I don't get why you have to fight,"
"This is my war as much as it is yours."
London -The Red Ruby
"Well, Well, Well, if it ain't Ms. Williams," Luca said, sitting across from Virginia, cigarette in her right hand, dry whiskey in her left, "If it isn't the fumbling bastard who shot me in the fucking ribs." she laughed, "Jessy tells me you serviced her, I assume you paid for her private fee alongside the house fee?" sipping her Whiskey as Luca rolled his eyes, "She was just a quick fuck," he shrugged, "Yeah, that's not how it works here in my whore house Mr. Changretta,"
"Is that so, Ms. Williams, because my house my rules?" he snapped his fingers as two of his soldiers stepped up to her, "Yeah, and in my house, guns get disarmed, so good luck with the shoot out," crossing her leg, every now and then she still felt a bit of pain, but not as bad as when Ada stopped talking to her, 
"You queer bitch..."
"Thanks, I know. Now, why are you really here," 
"You crossed me,"
"Don't remember when I did..." Virginia smirked, playing innocent, "The port that night," Luca leaned in closer, trying to intimidate her. She only shrugged,
 "You shot one of my fuckin men!"
"That was one of yours?" she pretended to be shocked, "Oh, Mr. Changretta, I'm terribly sorry." she pouted,
 " You should be because I'm gonna be karma ready to fuckin rain on ya parade until you and that little girl of yours is dead,"
"I'd like to see you try."
" Possiamo già spararle?"
"Spari quando dico spara!"
"Then shoot me now, go on, kill me, but I warn you, you won't get a cent out of me. Maybe Leslie, who's been embezzling your money, taking your drugs, and doing you dirtier than any of my whores here." tipping her hat at him, 
"That's a fuckin lie!"
"Jessy, sweetheart." snapping her fingers, 
"Yes, Ms. Williams?" she walked over as Virginia gave her a passionate kiss, "Give him the copies of the books," she ordered, 
"Yes, Ms. Williams, anything else for you."  Eleanor pointed at his two goons, 
"I wanna hear words Williams, fuckin words-"
Jessy then signaled for two other women to remove their bodies, 
"Was that a fucking lie Changretta..." Virginia questioned, "Now. If you could, take your books and go, and never fuck with me again." her gun pointing dead center at his nose, 
"I got a bullet ready for you, right next to Tommy Shelbys,"
"Mhmm, I'm sure you do, girls." she snapped, "Get 'em out of here before Alfie gets here."
"Yes, Ms. Williams."
"You know, darlin. That ring, it's really something. It doesn't look like no heirloom to me." Sally said, drinking champagne as Eleanor stood in the mirror trying on countless wedding dresses that she had no interest in wearing, "Well, it is," getting short with the woman. Sally was lucky she didn't know the truth about her son, or the fact Eleanor didn't say it to watch the lady kill over,
 "You said it's from a friend. Is it a male friend? Oh, not get her another dress. She looks like a pig stuffed in a blanket." 
"Tommy would've said I looked fine," she mumbled under her breath,
"So that's his name, the man who's gonna make my boy's wife a cheating whore." 
"If that's what you wanna-" a loud thwacking noise across her cheek, "Think," holding her face, Eleanor bit her lip. She knew if all the abuse that had happened here to her in America had happened, in London, she, like the rest of anyone who was being cross with her, would have been added bodies to the floor. 
"You are such an ungrateful bitch you know that." Sally asked, "Thinking you can just come into my son's life and ruin it. He doesn't and will never deserve you." her hand wrapped around Eleanor's neck as she pushed her down to the ground, fiddling for her gun in her garter she pulled it out,
 "Touch me a fucking gain and see what happens," Eleanor growled, that fire in her eyes still alive and present. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Tommy standing there, something that had been going on for a while. Everything was Tommy, and Tommy was everything, 
"I'm... so sorry I have to go." Eleanor got dressed and ran back to her penthouse. She couldn't take it anymore, this wasn't her life anymore, and she was losing control over it,
 " Lena, we didn't expect you to be back so early..." Carlton said, trying to cover himself and Walter up with a blanket,
 "No need, we need to talk,"
"I'll leave you two to it." Walter walked off in Eleanor's robe. Taking a deep breath, she then looked at Carlton, "We are two different people, and for us to work, I have to actually be honest with you,"
"What do you mean," 
"I mean... I'm Daisy Buchanan, and you're Tom. I'm reaching every night for a light and a life I  can't have because it's in England. He's in England,"
"I'm not following?"
"I'm not just some dopey bright eyed Jazz -singer Carlton, "
"Then what are you..."
"A sinner and I come from a line of 'em." she smiled, 
"I don't understand,"
"I do the devil's business, and I'm in love with him,"
"Lena, you're scaring me." Carlton gulped. Her eyes had looked darker than he remembered,  
Small Heath
"Was that the signal..." Finn asked. It had been a week now,  and still no sign of Tommy's plans, which meant that in the meantime of  scheming, they'd throw parties and get a bit drunk, Finn and Isaiah would bring home prostitutes, and Claudette kept watch, 
"If you 'ave to fuckin ask, it's not the fuckin -"
Loading up the shotgun the way John and Arthur had shown her in the past was Claudette. Her eyes were focused on her target, two of Changretta's men. This must have been the signal, for nothing else could have been louder than that for it to not have been, 
"Don't you think that gun is too big for you, sweetheart,"  Finn asked as Isaiah grabbed a pistol, 
"It's just the right,"
"Size... Is what's the plan!" she shouted, a bit of ringing still in her ear, " I'm going downstairs, Finn top floor, and you," he smirked, 
"The roof,"
"Why the fuck do I get the roof!"
"You want to be a Peaky don'tcha,"
"Alright, fine, I'm going..."  she rolled her eyes. While on the roof, Claudette had set up her guns, waiting for the real fun to begin. Although she had in the past set traps for The Peaky's or was a distraction, this was the moment to prove herself, 
"There she is..." Leslie pointed at Claudette, 
"What should we do with her,"
"Kill her," 
Guns fired at Claudette as she hid, shooting back. This was harder than what Arthur told her, but if she could survive France during the war, she could survive this. More bullets flew as more bodies fell, but Claudette still couldn't lose, or so she thought. Reaching for her pistol, she found it missing until she felt the pressure of a heel on her hand. 
"Looking for this?"
"I'll fucking kill you!" She spat at her mother's foot,
"If you want to seem threatening, don't go straight for death. Instead, go for how you'll torture me. The way you'll destroy all I stand for." Leslie smirked, removing her foot from her hand, "How you'll blow my brains out. Or knife my eyes out whatever it is those Peakys do," her laughter twisting the knife deeper into Claudette's heart. Leslie could see the fear spread into her eyes the closer she got to her. Leslie could almost taste the sweet victory of killing the life Leslie had created for personal gain. After all, she did kill her brother to climb the ladder of success, "I'll let you grab a weapon of choice first but choose wisely. I don't like to lose." Claudette grabbed her pistol as her mother laughed, pulling out her revolver, 
"And to think you're my daughter..." 
"I'm every nightmare you've ever had."
"Is that so because last time I checked, I was every nightmare you ever had. Since the day you were born," Leslie growled, "I loved you, I really did, but you messed up every plan I had for myself," she nodded, 
"You were my beautiful accident."
"I don't understand..." 
"A passionate night in Small Heath gone wrong..." she began to pace, "I was young, useless nothings. I trusted that man, I loved him, but I was weak just like you," she laughed, "So very weak... I let him take the best years of my life, and eventually, he left and came back when you were three. He didn't want children, but I couldn't let him hurt you, so I set the house on fire with him in it. And you in hopes you'd have a better life than the shitty one I had." Leslie sighed, trying to pull on the heartstrings of empathy, 
"You left me to die... then waste away in an orphanage..." she laughed, "One where they made me use different soap from the other kids because of my skin," Claudette chuckled, "Or where they'd cut my hair because they couldn't tend to such unruly curls!" she nodded, "Yet you think you can storm back here telling me bullshit and I'd trust you!"
"What's wrong. You don't trust your mother,"
"I don't trust backstabbers who try to kill their own family..." 
"If you see Andre in hell, tell him I'm coming for him next," the bullet  lodged in her leg,  the scream of pain from her mother causing her to laugh, 
"That'll teach you to mess with The Peaky-"
"Fucking Blinders, huh..." Leslie smirked, "never turn your back on your enemies," 
"I need to speak to Virginia..." 
"Who's askin?" Mary asked, her breast nearly hanging out of her dress, "Ada Thorne, it's important," she glanced at the woman. Was this really what Virginia was into. Sure, she'd been by the brothel a few times, but even she knew the women had nothing on her, 
"Boss is in 'er room third floor." 
"Thank you." walking up the stairs, she passed a few customers, a few clients of their own, cops on the payroll, politicians, and many other scums of London's low life, but she had to hand it to Virginia, for it to be a whore's house it was still the most beautiful thing she ever did see,  knocking on the door, Ada took a deep breath, they hadn't seen much of each other since the wedding, in all honesty, it felt like neither of the two cared enough to check on the other either, especially with Virginia and her commitment issues,
 "Who's there,"
"It's Ada..." her fur coat wrapped around her tightly, nervous as all get out to how she'd react,
 "Mrs. Thorne, come in," a cigar in her mouth as she opened the door, 
"I don't see you gettin much of any sleep."Ada commented about the bags under her eyes, "Running The Pearl and keeping Luca off my back," she sighed, sitting down in her silk robe, 
"How's Karl," she asked, "Find him a proper father figure yet?"
"Screwing some new man, I mean, I get it keeping cover," she laughed, knocking back some pain pills, 
"Virginia Claudette's been shot." Virginia dropped her bottle of Brandy on the floor, the glass splattering across as her heart sank, "Where is she..." her bottom lip trembling as her bottom lashes collected teardrops, "The boys rushed her to the hospital,
 "Who shot her, when, where-" Ada pulled her close. And she kissed her, 
"Get dressed, and I'll tell you on the way,"
In one wing, there was a killing spree, a bloody massacre. The first of its kind. Until The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre of 29, but on the other side of the hospital was Claudette, who was still in surgery. She had a bullet so close to her spine that one wrong move could leave her paralyzed. "Finn Shelby, sit down, will ya," Polly commanded, 
"Not til she's alright," he began to pace harder, trying not to panic. Linda hadn't stopped praying since they'd been in the waiting room. Meanwhile, Isaiah had been flirting with a nurse, 
"Virginia, glad you could make it," Polly smiled at the two, "Ada told me everything," Virginia sighed, looking at her. she could tell the family was still at each other's necks.
Even she knew when to step down and be cordial, flattening her overcoat as Virginia sat down trembling like a leaf as Ada tried to soothe the other woman. Virginia only had vengeance on her mind,
 " I didn't mean for any of this to happen..."
"Shush, it's not your fault,"
"But it is. Our family put you all in this mess,"
"Luca is our mess, too," Polly sighed, "But we'll get through it, you'll get through it," smoking her cigarette, "in due fucking time..." 
 Heels clicked against the floor as Bernadette entered the hospital, her Chanel fur draped around her body as her usual smile was simply a frown, "Ms. Dupont..." Polly scoffed, looking at the other woman, "Elizabeth Gray..." she smirked,
 "Lovely to see you, but I need to speak to your nephew Tommy."
"About what,"
"My daughter."
"Mother now is not the time,"
"But it is Virginia..." she turned to face her, " 
"Let her speak," Polly raised her cigarette in the direction of Virginia, " The War with my sister-in-law is over..."  she smirked, "Took matters into my own hand and shot the bitch cold." Bernadette smiled, 
"She's out of our hair?" Polly asked, "Completely out of it, no one fucks with my children and lives," Bernadette sat down, "Besides, I did some thinking, and you Shelby's would do wonders with us, Williams." she winked at Virginia, who blushed at Ada,
"Welcome to the shit show then," 
The doors then flew open as a nurse came out, her hands shaking a bit," Well, how is she..." Finn asked, growing paler by the second, "She'll need some help walking again, but Claudette's going to be just fine,"
1926 25th of December
Dear Elle,
Another Christmas has passed, and I know you said to only write about business, so I'll do that. In a year, we've defeated Luca, fixed the problems your brother caused, and formed an alliance. Of course, I was told you received the ring from your aunt. However, I wonder if you're under the mistletoe now, wishing I were there. Or when you see the snow. 
Does it make you feel like you're missing home? Like there's a light out in the water you can't reach, and every time you try to touch it, it fades, like leading a horse to drink water,  
Seeing that I strayed from talking business, your mother tells me you're returning soon to pick back up on The Pearl.
 I told Arthur about the plan, and although he tried to fight Virginia, he eventually came to it. Of course, I also managed to make a few investments in America which the family doesn't know about, but you and Flo do. 
I also managed to get Ms. Eden off my trail, and I'm soon heading into politics, something Pol has always thought I'd be good at that, but nevertheless,
 I can only try my best hand with the horses that I handle and Change the world.
I know you said no more gifts, but this time it's from Charles, attached to this letter should be a box,
"Merry Christmas and a Happy early Birthday. May we meet again, Thomas Shelby," Eleanor took a breath sitting by the tree next to Florence, "Eleanor, I wouldn't open that box. Remember the ring?" she looked over at her, "Yeah, I do, but this is a gift from Charles, he's like a little God son of mine," she smiled, 
"You think a four-year-old would buy you a custom-made dress worth thousands. This is a french silk ribbon." Flo sighed, 
"I  have to know what's in it." Untying the ribbon, she took out the dress as a loud gasp was heard, "Do you know whose dress this is!?! Flo looked at her, a bit confused, "Daisy's from The Great Gatsby." her tone was sarcastic, "No, it's Norma Shearer's from Upstage!" she smiled, holding the fabric of the dress close to her heart, 
"I know I was being sarcastic, so tell me, why are we in here. While Carlton's in the living room."
"He's out there with Rodger..." Eleanor rolled her eyes, 
The Garrison 
"This is a big fucking day for Claudette, so everything needs to be perfect." Finn commanded, both Tommy and Arthur looking at him as if he were a new person, "It's a big day for you, Shelby's. Winning another race, getting rid of that prick Luca, And Tommy, the soon MP of South Birmingham." Virginia said, looking over at Ada, 
"The MP of South Birmingham... impressive, Mr. Shelby," Bernadette nodded, a man who could change the world,  yet her daughter was with a man who'd change whatever his parents wanted, "The Black Pearl textile factory would be happy to advocate for you. I'm sure Eleanor would be pleased to see your efforts." Tommy only gave her a nod. Eleanor was just as much of a touchy subject for Tommy as Grace was, "Alright, Claudette will be walking in any minute, so everyone just act fucking normal."
"I'm fine. Really I am," Claudette said as both Lorcan and Julian helped her walk down the street, 
"What if you fall..." Julian remarked,
"What if someone targets ya and blows yer damn brains out, Claudi..." Lorcan suggested, 
"So is this like a family meeting or a departure or... " Lorcan opened the door, Finn rushing to her side, hugging her as Isaiah walked over, 
"You look good," 
"Thanks, Is, " she smiled, hugging Finn back, 
"Missed me that much huh..." her head on his shoulder, 
"You two lovebirds make me fuckin sick." Arthur walked by them as Johnny Dog. And Virginia laughed,
 "They're in love." Ada smiled, 
"We're just friends!" Claudette's cheeks were dark pink, and Finn's freckles had a red glow to him, 
"What she said." 
"Anyways... we got a surprise for ya, Right Tommy?" Lorcan said, smoking his cigarette, 
"Is it Whiskey..." she asked, "Or another mission or money or-"
"Claudette, shut up and let Tommy speak." Virginia rolled her eyes as Bernadette sighed, 
"Thomas, continue." 
"Ms. Dupont, the watch.." he then looked at his brother, Arthur, "Arthur, you go get the other thing..." Bernadette stood by Tommy as Claudette looked  surprised and nervous, hoping she didn't do anything wrong,
 "I can't fuckin find it, Tommy!" 
"Behind the bar..." he shook his head. Finn, Isaiah, Julian, and Lorcan had all been by Tommy's side, making Claudette feel small than she looked, 
"Found it."
"Probably fuckin placed it back there..." Julian mumbled,
"I heard that. You fucking idiot..." he grumbled, 
"Alright, Tommy, I got it." Arthur walked over, 
"What's going on..." Claudette questioned,
"Ms. Dupont, Virginia, would you two do the honours." clipping the pocketwatch to her waistcoat, Virginia was teary-eyed, 
"You've grown up to be an amazing young woman. I wish I could be as courageous as you," Virginia smiled, putting the watch in her hand as Bernadette finished clipping it to her, 
" I ain't really good at speeches, but," Arthur smiled, "This little lady has been a pain in our asses since she ripped the streets of Birmingham off and had her first taste of Gin at 12 years old." he sniffled, "She's been nothing but the right kind of trouble, always askin about gettin a fuckin hat, being the one kid who's ever loved the Peaky name, and saw it as anything but a curse, and for that... Claudette Hilda, Welcome to The Peaky Fuckin Blinders. You finally got that damn hat you wanted." 
Tommy took the hat putting it on her head, as her eyes watered a little, "I won't let you down, Tommy..." she then looked at Bernadette and Virginia with a big grin on her face, wishing Eleanor could have seen her, a shadow the front of The Garrison, 
"Claudette, since you're a Peaky, I think it's time you see where we keep the good stuff," Finn said. Claudette took his hand, "What if they notice we're gone?" she glanced, "Everyone except maybe Tommy is drunk," Finn laughed, "Never really seen him drunk, actually," he mumbled, pulling Claudette into the room, cases of every illegally made type of alcohol were in that room, it was heaven for the cops and hell for any gangster if ever caught with it, she was in heaven, "The Pearl has... had a bigger supply..."  she winked as Finn laughed, "Yeah well all this is ours," spinning her around as she laughed, he loved her laughter, it always brought a kind of joy to him when he heard it, the bubbling sensation in his stomach as his heart beat faster, that was the feeling Finn craved on nights that were spent with prostitutes or empty lovers, yet Claudette was always there, "Hi..." she said pent up against the wall between Tommy's Gin, 
"The moon looks beautiful on your skin," Finn smiled,
"You'd look beautiful on my skin," she gasped, 
"I'm so sorry ... did I just-" 
"Mhmm," tilting her chin, his eyes on her lips as she became flustered, "Kiss me..." Claudette's knees nearly gave out from under her as he kissed her, the taste of tobacco and Gin on his breath. He smelled like Tommy's cologne, but that did matter. Biting her lip. Finn was pleased with the squeak that left her mouth. This was the big lead. Pulling her closer to him, he grabbed her by the waist as she grabbed him by his suit jacket, 
"We're not just friends, and you know it..." Finn said, pulling away from Claudette as she was panting, wanting more from him, 
"If you don't love me, say it..." he kissed her neck as she laughed, Finn!" Claudette laughed. Finn then bit her neck as she closed her eyes, "Damn you, you Shelby..." she bit her lip, 
"Say you don't love me, angel,"
The bright bulb nearly blinded the two as Tommy sighed. He wasn't surprised. After all, this hadn't been the first he'd walked in on these types of things, 
"We were just, uh..." 
"Claudette, sweetheart. Friends don't go off to an abandoned room alone to snog,"
"What about you and your women friends..." Tommy laughed, "They fuck," Finn said, as Claudette smirked, "Out fucking now!" Tommy pointed to Finn as Claudette mouthed sorry to Tommy, "You're a French trotter, and he's like Stallion, so be careful." he looked at Claudette as she nodded.
1929 Arrowhouse 
1929 was the year of a blooming new decade, the year that Tommy and Eleanor could feel their lives changing for the worst. Tommy had to deal with the stock market crash and Michael, who brought his wife and ideas back from America to England. Eleanor and her family were starting to get threats by those who once admired their businesses. She had political campaigns to attend to sit and look pretty, while Tommy had to sit and scheme and stew in the frustration that was politics, and
 "Mr. Mosley..."
"Ah yes... if it isn't Carlton Barlow... the black from America... didn't think Thomas would have the likes of your kind here."
"You'd be surprised, what people allow, Mosley, was it?"Carlton asked, "Tell me where you stand on the issues of The Red Scare..." he asked him as his eyes trailed over to something else, a dark blue gown with white beading like peacock feathers was seen from across the room as the big white feather covered the wearers face, he had remembered Tommy telling him that every woman except his wife and the swan were off limits, but Mosley believed that he had laid eyes on God's very own pearl, 
"Oh, Thomas, this fine man here has a question for us." Carlton looked at the man, almost startled by his presence and looks. He could understand why Eleanor was very much still in love with him. He would be, too, if a man like Thomas Shelby showed interest in her, 
"The names Carl-"
"Carlton Barlow heard a lot about you," Tommy nodded, "This here is my wife, Lizzie, "
"Pleasure to meet you. I assume your travels here weren't too bad?" Lizzie asked as Carlton laughed, "They were just fine, a little peckish at times, but" his wrist a bit limp as Mosley took notice, "Everything was fine, " 
"So tell me, how do you feel about the rights of homosexual's should they even have rights, Mr. Barlow." switching the subject to gain attention, "I think it's no one's business what anyone does in their own homes, Oswald." his face heating up,
 "I see, and your thoughts Mr. Shelby..."  Tommy's eyes locked with what he thought was a ghost, black waves in her hair as her brown skin complimented the dress. Beading adorning her back, he had to know if she were real or if it just was another trick of the mind like his seeing Grace was. His eyes followed her movement. Trying not to lose her in the crowd, but how could he when she was dressed better than the family hosting, 
"We need an answer, Thomas," 
"Excuse me," he walked off, Lizzie's eyes catching where his gaze went as she sighed, shaking her head. 
"Eleanor, is that you?" Polly asked as she turned to face her. 
"Ms. Gray, a pleasure to see you, and might I say you look radiant." she smiled as Polly hugged her, "Please, dear, you call me aunt Polly," Eleanor hugged her back, "I'm sorry aunt Polly," pulling away as she watched her light a cigarette, 
"How've things been?" 
"Oh horrible, they've changed for the worse, people acting more like animals than the boys do," she shrugged, downing a glass of whiskey, 
"What about you, love. Have you seen-" 
"Sorry to interrupt you, ladies," Eleanor turned to see Thomas standing behind her. The dress was a perfect fit. And it complimented him well, 
"Mind if I steal her for a moment?" Thomas asked,
"Steal... I prefer the term borrow, Mr. Shelby?"Eleanor smiled up at him as she took him by the hand. Polly stood back and smoked her cigarette, and watched the show unfold. 
"Why do we always meet at dances... is it because our life is a dance?" Tommy pulled her close by her waist, "You've changed," he mentioned having her in the middle of everyone dancing, "And so it seems you have too." swaying with the rhythm, this was where she was supposed to be, and yet this time something still didn't feel right, was it the timing, or her emotions that she tried to push deep down for him bubbling to the surface, 
"How're things in the states..."
"About the same as here but shitty, with shitty accents." Eleanor joked, "And how were things here while I was gone," 
"Shitty, but with the same shitty accents." he smiled at her as she laughed, "Same Tommy Shelby, eh," Eleanor commented as he spun her around, Lizzie had been dancing not too far away with Mosley, who wanted to bring up their past, but her eyes were strictly on Tommy, she knew she couldn't compete for Tommy's love, but Lizzie would try anything to keep her family together, yet from afar Tommy looked happier than she'd ever seen him, 
"Tommy... it's an Emergency outside..." Ada said as Virginia wasn't too far from her. That aggravated groan she had missed so much,
 "Do you need help..." she asked Tommy, as Tommy glanced at her. Outside the mansion there was a pretty drunk Arthur and a very pissed-off Linda, with Polly  trying to deescalate the situation, 
"Linda put the gun down..." Tommy sighed as Ada stood next to Virginia, who gave Eleanor a wink, 
"Linda, can't you come back and do this on a Tuesday..." Julian asked as she pointed the gun at him, 
"You're a monster. You're all monsters!" 
Rushing her to the dining room table, Lizzie ran in along with Carlton and Mosley, "Who the fuck are you..." Arthur pointed towards Eleanor, "The woman who can help save your wife," she then ushered Lizzie over, 
"You ever taken a bullet out before?"
"I have." Ada glanced over her, wondering who this woman was, especially if she was standing next to Tommy,  "Lizzie try to keep her head propped up, Virginia, stop drinking the fucking WHISKEY!" she groaned, 
"Already on it, darling..."  
"Eleanor, sweetheart, what's going on. You're scaring me..."  grabbing her by the arm, she pulled her gun on him, "I'm so sorry, " she walked out the room as Carlton followed,
"Eleanor... That's not the real you, is it..." he gulped, "What's really going on. Who are you really" she sighed,  "The penthouse we lived in,  you fucked in. Paid off by drug money. Darling, the cocaine Walter snorts I provide, the horses we visited on public outings together, race horses for races I know how to fix." she laughed, "So, to put it plainly, Carlton Barlow, I'm a gangster, and this is the real fucking me, now are you going to be squeamish or will you fucking help!" 
She rushed back in, taking her gloves off, "Here, she can use it as a tourniquet." Eleanor smiled, "Are you sure?" Ada asked as Virginia laughed,
 "Clothes mean nothing to my sister," 
"Lizzie, would you do the honours?" Eleanor asked, handing her the silk glove from off her arms. Giving her a nod, Lizzie tied them around Linda's arm, 
"Lorcan, Julian, take her upstairs, " they both nodded at Tommy, all that stress in his eyes as Eleanor only looked at him from across the table, "Everyone out..." Polly ushered cigarette in hand, 
"You too, Lizzie..."
"We should get back to the celebrating of political minds that will look at Carlton and me as if we don't belong, well he doesn't, and now he knows too much and-" Tommy kissed her, a fire behind it, Eleanor pulled away, her hand on his chest as he held it there, 
"Tommy, I shouldn't...But I want to," she sighed, 
"He doesn't treat you the way I did, eh sweetheart," 
"Tommy, you sent me my aunt's ring in the post..." she laughed, "You're kissing me when your wife is out there, and..." her eyes trailed to his lips,
 "I'm engaged to be married,"
"To the man who could give a shit about being with a woman," 
"How did you..."
"I do my research, just like you have a racehorse named Tommy. Not to mention he's out there fucking dancing with the fan I gave you," he winked at her as she pushed him playfully, "So Charlie didn't pick the dress out. You, sir, are a pain in my ass." she grumbled as Tommy looked at her, "You confuse me, yet if only you understood what it was that you do to me." looking into his clear water blue eyes, 
"Why do you think I sent the ring..."
"Thomas... I love you, but I'm not yours..." the train of her dress trailed behind her as Mosley walked in, taking a quick whiff of her scent. 
"Didn't think women of your... race could afford such lavish... fragrances,"
"I didn't think God could make such an asshole..." ignoring his gaze on her figure, "Carlton, let's go..." holding his hand,
The Connolly Mansion
It was now three weeks after the events of Arrowhouse and. The mansion had felt empty to Eleanor, not because it obviously was but because the laughter in it that was her father Louis was gone. Passing the pictures in his old study. She began to remember the memories of each photo, some from when they were in France. There was one with her aunt Vadoma, her mother, Leslie, and her father all  posed in front of a Caravan, 
"Couldn't sleep?" Bernadette asked,
"I was getting some early paperwork done for Carlton. He doesn't understand a single thing about his campaign. Also, he won't talk to me," she laughed, "Something to do with being the sinners he was warned about," she rolled her eyes, 
"He'll come around, and in due time you'll learn to love each other,"  Bernadette smiled, "Just about as much as I loved your father," she took a deep breath, 
"He can't love me..."
"Oh, Carlton, I know. I was talking about Thomas. Don't think I haven't noticed how you look at him," she watched her daughter sit down, reading into his political campaign. 
"He's married, 
"So was Vadoma, but it didn't stop her from seeing Elizabeth Gray," she smirked as Eleanor pieced it together, 
"You see, fate seeks what it wishes to find, so what do you wish it to find." 
"The truth..." Eleanor nodded, "A purpose to this madness, the reason money is missing. I don't mean from the crash. We can recover from that on a horrible night," she shrugged. Eleanor had only been back for two years total, and still, she never missed a beat with the business,
 "We can trace the funds, I can meet with Tommy, and-" 
The sounds of glass smashing from downstairs were heard, hitting the top of the left drawer. Eleanor took her father's hidden gun out as she raced downstairs, "Virginia, fucking stop it, it's not that damn serious..."
"Ada's pregnant... Jul's," she laughed. Her hair was ruffled up, and her clothes frumpy on her, 
"I love her... I would... Would I'd give up everythin... to fuckin marry her, " she laughed harder, 
"Juls fuckin listen to me!" she growled, "I'd give up everything for that woman, the whoring, the smoking, I'd give up my life for Ada, YOU TELL ARTHUR FUCKING SHELBY THAT HUH!" she turned her face, Eleanor dropped her gun, the blood on it making her heart shatter, "You tell the damn coppers an... and the-"
"Who did that to her..."
"Nora, just a few asshole nobodies..." 
"Julian Shelby, who did that to her," 
"Nora, don't..."
"Do you want me to shoot you?"
"Alright, it was The Billy Boys, the same men who killed Aberama's son." he heard footsteps trailing back upstairs, 
"You can't fight them, Nora..."
"I had to wake up to fucking burning crosses at night in America. I can handle a group of fascists who nearly beat my sister into a fucking pulp!" 
"I'll phone Tommy for backup. God knows he'd burn the world down if something happened to you." he mumbled, "He'd what..."  she stopped walking,
"Burn it to hell, he would..."
"I'd do that for Ada..." reaching for the cocaine in Julian's coat pocket, snorting the remainder that he had left,
 "I'll replace it by tomorrow..." she grumbled, 
"Oh, and Julian..."
"If you're gonna call Tommy, tell him to meet me at The Pearl in an hour."
"Nora, I don't fuckin work for ya,"
" Just fucking do it, Jules!" she sighed,
 "Esmeralda, could you gather my papers," the young maid nodded, "Of course,"  
"What am I supposed to do,"
"Call Thomas!" she ran upstairs, passing her mother, "Where are you going."
"To put the fate of the future in my own hands." 
The Pearl
"We could get caught," Claudette laughed, standing on the stage, "Seems we always do, so fuck it." Finn winked, lighting his cigarette. She'd never seen the club at this angle in her 20 years of living. She could see why Eleanor had loved to sing on it all those years ago, "How's it feel..."
"Costumes a bit itchy, but... I can see us ownin one of these bad boys... Sex, drugs, booze, and all the jazz in the world." she laughed, "No one could tell us no, well maybe except for Tommy, but,"  she sighed, 
"I couldn't own a thing like this..." 
"And why not. You can plan a hit, shoot any target,"
"'Ave you ever heard me sing," Claudette laughed, her waved hair reflecting the stage lights, 
"No," he lied, "But enlighten me." sitting back in the booth, taking a deep breath, Claudette opened her mouth and sang the first song that came to her mind, 
" I wanna be loved by you, just you," she swayed on the stage, a smile on Finn's face as he admired her beauty, 
"I wanna kissed by you, just you. Nobody else but you." waving for one of the waitresses who was still there, she poured him a glass of Gin and sat it on the table. Claudette watched how he eyed her as if he'd have his way with her on the table. Stepping off the stage, she remembered a trick that had always seemed to work, 
" I couldn't aspire to anything higher than, filled with desire to make you my own!" she sat in Finn's lap, kissing the corner of his mouth as she took his cigarette, and smoked it, red lipstick tinting the top of it as he smirked, pulling her closer, he couldn't deny that he didn't love her, 
"Will you Marr-"
"We know, we know out..." She groaned, "At least go upstairs... if you're gonna fuck," Eleanor grumbled. Claudette rolled her eyes, "You're just mad 'cause you don't get any..." the glare her sister shot her could send chills through the dead as she went behind the stage towards her office, 
"What's gotten into her knickers..."
"Definitely not Tommy." Finn laughed, flinching when he felt a hand smack him in the back of his head. Claudette laughed as Tommy looked at the two, a smile in his eyes that only Claudette could see.  
"Where's she..."
Eleanor took a deep breath as if she were singing. There was so much on her mind she needed to cover, but first, it had to be business, "You called..." she nodded, 
"Well, Julian called, and I was doing some campaign work for Carlton, though he's in a hotel, phones his sister," she sighed. Tommy poured her a glass of whiskey on the bar, handing her the cup, "The point, dear," he glanced at her, pulling out his glasses as she nearly stuttered,
 "Point is the stock market crashed. This is the perfect time to conjoin our businesses," Thomas looked at her, "What can you offer me that Michael couldn't..." sitting on her desk, her legs crossed, she looked at Tommy. The two took a quick glance at each other, 
"75% of the Black Pearl Company, you'd be like the chief of staff, considering you're a businessman yourself," rolling his cigarette on his lips as he lit it, 
"How would that benefit me, sweetheart..." looking up at her, her eyes catching the dim lighting in her eyes, but yet behind them was pain, a highly unshakeable pain, "How wouldn't it. We are one of the highest crime families here in London. We provide top tire textiles, drugs, women, booze,  gambling, and entertainment, not to mention our exports..." she smirked, "We're getting morphine and heroin, discreetly packaged," 
"Eleanor... "
"What more can I say, your connection for opium and our connections here, we'd be richer than the fucking king." she smiled, 
"Eleanor, darling," 
"I get it if it's a bad idea, and of course, I'd have to talk to your Board of Directors." sipping her glass of whiskey, "I don't mind. I'll get through to them all. They'll see it as I do, and-" 
"We'll have a fucking empire, my love. You are a genius," he smiled wholeheartedly, her heart melting at his smile. Kissing her hand, he helped her off her desk, 
"How fast can you be at The Garrison tomorrow." 
"I can pack a quick bag and stay in a hotel, an-" she thought, "You know what, it's my business proposal, the least I can do is welcome your family to my home," she nodded, 
"I'll get meself a hotel and-"
"You will stay with me as my guest. Julian is already there, probably drunk on the floor and not to mention Finn and Claudette and their other friend-"
"Then why the hell are we still here," Tommy joked as she rolled her eyes, "Patience Thomas Shelby," the hairs on his neck standing from the way she said his name. He hadn't felt that way in a long time, except for maybe Grace, who became more of a ghost to him than the lover he once remembered. Hitting the back of the door, both she and Tommy heard an abrupt ouch, 
"You'd think they'd stop doing that by now."
The Connolly Mansion
Claudette sighed as she sat in the study, melancholy taking over. Staring at the pictures brought her joy, in a way, comfort. That everything broken could still be fixed. In front of her was a picture of Leslie, Vadoma, Bernadette,  Andre, Eleanor, and Virginia, but in Vadoma's arms was a baby that she held as her own, looking at the year it was 1908, the year she was born, but why was she holding her instead of-
"Sweetheart..." Finn knocked,
"Yes, handsome?" she asked, looking up at Finn, who had the biggest grin on his face, "Isaiah and I are gonna go look for some trouble before the rest get here. You wanna come?" he asked, 
"What kind of trouble are we talking about?"
"Booze, some whoring maybe..." he smirked as Claudette sighed again, this one a bit worrying. He could see her face turn into concern and jealousy,
 "What's wrong..." 
"I thought maybe... tonight I'd be the only whore you'd need, but..." she looked away from him,
 "Risk your chances, I guess."  she laughed, "You know... I love you. I try so hard to excuse everything you do. Because I do everything but whore around because I don't want anyone else to make me feel good but you," Claudette stood up as Finn kept his gaze on her. She was right. Lately, he hadn't been giving her the attention she needed and should've, but here she was in front of him,
"Aye, Finn, you coming," Isaiah asked,
"Go without me," Finn smirked, 
"You sure?"
"I got something to take care of," 
Downstairs there sat a sobering Virginia, who had still been sulking about a love that could never happen. "Ya know Tommy, can I call ya Tommy, fuck it, Tommy, there comes a time in ones life where you realize, you don't wanna keep diving in the streets to be under the arms of anyone, ya wanna settle down an- and be with that one person raise a family with that one person..." Tommy took a drag of his cigarette, nodding to what she had to say in her semi-drunken state of mind, "Fuck it have an empire with that person... cause none of this?" she leaned in, pointing at everything in the living room, "Means shit without love, not any love true pure love, like in those Disney toon thingys." Virginia laughed, rolling over, hitting the floor, 
"Get my drift?" she laughed harder, "Dropped my joint!"
"I see your point..." he nodded, sitting there thinking about the times he and Eleanor shared together,
 Eleanor brought the good out of him. Her smile alone could brighten up his day, but their witty banter was always his favorite like he could be himself around her, 
"Of course, I was talking about Ada and I... But take my words... and he's gone..." 
 Eleanor sat in an oversized sweater by her window as she heard raindrops fall against her window. She could only hope that his family would arrive safely. Watching the drops come into one another, footsteps by her bedroom as she shrugged it off, 
"You know rain means unhappiness..." Eleanor  kept her gaze at the window, 
"Odd, I was told rain means many things..."
"What does it mean, Mr. Shelby?' turning to face him, her curls looming over the side of her face, "The first kiss of a first love, melancholy, lost lovers?" he mentioned walking in, taking sight of the portrait of herself on the wall, if only they knew each other during the war, 
"You're starting to sound like." she faced him,
"I haven't noticed, " he charmingly smiled, "By the way, is that my jumper," 
"It helps me sleep, " Eleanor shrugged, "Couldn't sleep with dear ol Carlton, eh," showing him her hand, the ring that was once there was gone. Tommy, on the outside, had shown empathy. But, inside, he was happy she was a freed woman. "Sorry about your engagement.."
 "He came from a family of assholes and deserved to be free from me." she laughed a little. Although she didn't want to marry him, it still hurt that he left her, that at that very moment, he was in a hotel room leaving to go back to America. 
" Elle..." 
"I mean, who would ever love a monster like me..." she looked out the window, tears blending with the raindrops, "Who would want to say, Eleanor Vadoma Williams, will you marry me," she sniffled, 
"Instead, his sister and mother nearly tried to kill me!-" her breathing began to get heavy, "My father died,  I wasn't there. My brother faked his own fucking death. I wasn't there!!!" her hands in her hair, shaking her head furiously, Tommy rushed over to her, scooping her in his arms as "Hey, hey, hey it's alright I got you, love," Tommy kissed her on the crown of her head,
 "Tommy, you don't understand... I'm not strong like you..." her body shaking as he sat her in his lap, her head resting on his legs,
 "Can I tell you something," Eleanor looked up at him, "Tell me what..." 
"You're stronger than I could ever be. You are a force not to fuck with. I'm just a scared little boy still out there on that fuckin battlefield thinkin a medal, a gun makes me a fuckin man, and it doesn't, Ellie, it doesn't." he laughed as she listened to him, "I'm runnin from death, you probably laugh in his face." 
"You're right. It was a coward move of me to not come to see you. Or ask to marry you, but I was scared I would fuck up the one good thing in my life." he sighed. Eleanor looked up at him as her hand touched his cheek, a tear rolling down his face, 
"What about Lizzie or Grace. She's an amazing woman, and Grace, you loved so-" Tommy kissed her hand, then up her arm as he eventually reached her lips. Pulling him down, Eleanor flipped him over, pulling away from him, "You are the first thing on me mind, the last thought before sleep, and the truest love." Tommy said, moving her hair to the side as he  pulled her back down, kissing her neck as she moaned, 
"So you like me?" Tommy flipped her over again. Tommy rolled his eyes as he kissed her again, a bit more passionately than they had ever kissed. Her lips had a lingering taste of his Gin, while Tommy had a taste of her wine and cigarettes on them. Eleanor tangled her fingers in his hair as her leg was over his waist. Biting her bottom lip, he heard another moan escape from her mouth, nearly driving him crazy. Both of their tongues had been knocking into each other like waves on a ship as the heat between them only became hotter, 
"You tell me..."
"Ms. Williams, your guest arrived-" Esmeralda blushed, "I'm sorry I-" 
"No need, it's okay... See to it that they have drinks if you please," she blushed hard, "Tommy, you should go and uh... mmm," she stood up as her knees went a bit weak, 
"I'll be downstairs." he fixed himself up, 
"Oh, and Elle..."
"Yes, Tommy,"
"Did that kiss answer your question?" she gave him a nod as she got dressed, a pair of knickers, Tommy's sweater, and her oxfords, tussling her hair a bit,
"Nice fuckin house..." Arthur looked around. There were portraits and crushed velvet drapes, and art deco sculptures with art nouveau in the mix of it,
"Oi Lorcan, Karl, put those down before you steal something and  break something!" Ada shouted, her fur coat around her shoulders, 
"May I get that for you..." Virginia offered as Bernadette watched from the shadows, "You may..." a cold shoulder towards her as Virginia nodded,
 "What's gotten into them?" Claudette asked, her hair disheveled, " I wouldn't know," he nuzzled into her neck as she giggled, 
Last but not least was "Polly Gray..." Bernadette crept out of the shadows, "Bernadette Connolly..." she gave her a hug, 
"I assume your daughter threw this meeting together?" 
"I would assume so," she shrugged as Polly gave her a cigarette, 
"How have you been..."
"Alone, you know, it feels like something is missing," Bernadette sighed, "I know he died years ago, but he died a broken man." she sighed,
 "He died with only me by his side, not his children..." Polly hugged her tightly, "I don't want that for Ellie..." 
"You visited Vadoma, didn't ya." 
"What gave it away,"
"Do we really have to go to this shit Michael..." Claudette nearly groaned at the sight of her as Finn shook his head, "Yes, Gina, we do. Let's  hear what Bullshit comes out his mouth and go from there..." Michael said, holding his wife's hand, " Look what the cat dragged in... a wet skank, I mean Yank." she heard a few laughs from her comment, 
"Oh, sweetie, maybe when you mature, you can own a house like this one."
"Gina darling, this is my house..." Finn pointed towards the portrait of her on the wall, "And Michael staying out of jail?" 
"Claudette..." he looked at her, his eyes not leaving hers, "See something you like, Michael..." Finn glanced at him as he pulled her closer,  
"I know it's late and storming, but."
"Tommy, why the fuck are we 'ere at fuckin 2am."  Arthur grumbled, "Hear him out; it's not his fault," Eleanor said from the stairwell, "It's actually mine." she stated, 
"Who the hell are you..." Michael asked as Gina nudged him, "That's fucking Eleanor Williams... " Gina blinked, "Owner of The Cell Block club in Manhattan, I own her records." Eleanor only laughed at the young girls' reaction. She could always appreciate a fan. 
"If you would all please join me in the dining room, we can all get this meeting over with," walking down the steps as Thomas helped her. Arthur took another look at her as it hit him. She was the woman from the club those years ago and the same woman who'd been sending letters. Now, something was fishy with having half her family around his own. 
"Ms. Williams, can I get you anything?"
"Tea would be great. For the table," she nodded as the maid went away, "Now, where was I," she stood up as Tommy watched, "For those of you who don't know, I am Eleanor Williams, Leader and CEO of The Black Pearl Oyster Company, my board of directors," she pointed towards Virginia and Bernadette, "To make things short I have an offer you can't refuse." 
"You think you can offer Shelby limited some fuckin thin, huh," Arthur laughed, "With the market crashin and shit,"
"You must be Arthur... The treasurer is just the man I wanna talk to," she smirked, "But not just yet. I want to talk to the number cruncher of the company," 
"That would be me, Michael Shelby,"
"Mmm, the one who ran the numbers to shit... " 
"I could cut your eyes out right here and now."  Michael gritted his teeth at her response to him, "In 1922, Shelby Limited was up to 28% in Gin sales; and being that it sold for a year at my club, that brought us to 1 billion and half of it to 500,000,000 for The Shelby company," she then looked at Tommy as he nodded for her to continue, both Bernadette and Polly listening, "In the states, we shipped over 5.4 Million liters of Gin-"
"Those are great numbers, sweetheart, but what's that going to do for us," Gina asked, "I have a baby on the way and-"
"Mrs. Gray, how about you listen and don't fucking interrupt me,"  Virginia, Claudette, and Arthur looked away as Eleanor sighed, "Now, Tommy and I were talking and thought, with the need for heroin, morphine, and opium ever rising we'd give you 75% ownership of our companies, you all would become board members, Tommy Cheif of Staff, you'd have stocks with the company and access to the inventory, so Finn, Virginia, Dette, Juli go easy on it," 
"You think we'd partner up with you so you can take down our fucking business, and a  woman like yourself at that," Michael scoffed, "Tommy would have to be fucking stupid to go through with this. It's best if you all keep in your place, Gina. We're leaving-"
Bernadette hit her first on the table, startling everyone. The fire in her eyes rose as she looked at Michael, "If I had put a bullet in everyone who took a potshot at this company for not keeping in our place..."  Bernadette laughed, "The entire shithole of a world would be littered with the bodies of dead pricks like you." 
"That's the Bernadette I remember," Polly grinned, "As the chairman of the company, I say, what have we got to lose." 
"An awful lot Pol..." Arthur said, "Ow, do we know we can trust em..." 
"You trust Virginia enough, be around Ada..."  Eleanor stated, "You trusted Claudette to make her a Peaky. We, Williams, are Loyal. We are who you want to have in your pocket, just like you, Shelby's are," 
"Now, have we got a deal."
"Darling..." Tommy looked over at her, "Are you sure about this,"
"More than rain." she looked into his eyes, the two in lovestruck bliss. They'd never seen Tommy like this before, and if they had, they couldn't remember, 
"Then, by Order of The Peaky Blinders, you have an alliance." he smiled,
"Welcome to the family," Eleanor smiled,
"Wait..." Finn said, standing up, "There's something I want to say..." 
"Spit it out, Finn boy," Julian said,
"Claudette and I are getting married."
Eleanor nearly choked on her tea as Tommy blinked,
"We're in love..." Claudette smiled, "It's only right," 
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ragnaarson · 1 year
Tumblr media
Robb Stark.
The Young Wolf. He/him. Bisexual.
FC: Richard Madden.
Sansa Stark.
Little Bird. She/her. Pansexual.
FC: Sophie Turner.
Catelyn Stark.
The Flame Amongst Snow. She/her. Heterosexual.
FCs: Eleanor Tomlinson and Michelle Fairley.
Jon Snow.
The Bastard. He/him. Bisexual.
FC: Kit Harrington.
Margaery Tyrell.
The Rose. She/her. Bisexual.
FC: Natalie Dormer.
Sandor Clegane.
The Hound. He/him. Heterosexual.
FC: Rory McCann.
Alayne Arryn.
The Vale’s Darling. She/her. Pansexual.
FC: Caitlin Stasey.
Alara Dayne.
The Star. She/her. Bicurious.
FC: Melisa Pamuk.
Daemon Targaryen.
The Rogue Prince. He/him. Bisexual.
FC: Matt Smith.
Alicent Hightower.
The Green Queen. She/her. Pansexual.
FCs: Emily Carey and Olivia Cooke.
Laena Velaryon.
The Pearl. She/her. Pansexual.
FC: Savannah Steyn.
Alyssa Arryn.
The Vale’s Protector. She/her. Heterosexual.
FC: Emilia Clarke.
Aelora Saan.
The Mystic. She/her. Demisexual.
FC: Diane Kruger.
I will write other muses upon request, but these are my mains.
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cursedslaeyer · 1 year
I rly do want to write but my motivation for tumblr rn is on the floor. Mostly writing on disco so if anyone wants me to create a sever for us there— I play wayyy more than Hope! There's a long list of muses that I write whom I'll list below.
Gonna list my muses here so y'all have an idea who I write these days???
- Damon, Caroline (test muse), Tyler Lockwood, Klaus Mikaelson, Bryn Mikaelson + a load of others oc's whom I'm happy to discuss.
Daryl Dixon, Shane Walsh, Eleanor Grimes, Verena Walsh, Bronwyn Raynor + a couple other oc's.
- Rhaenyra Targaryen, Allicent Hightower, Bronwyn Baratheon/Stark, Vanaera Targeryan, Myrcella Lannister + a couple other oc's.
- Ginny Weasley, Valentina Weasley, Rowena Granger + Petunia Evans.
- Nadia Stark, Morgan Stark, Clarabella Potts, Natasha Romanoff (voice test), Wanda Maximoff (voice test), Pietro Maximoff (au bc he lives), Nina Gurzky (AU) + a couple oc's.
- Olivia Benson, Bryn of Velaris, Bryce Quinlan (CC), Danika Fendyr, Fury Axtar, Costia, Hope Lehane, Dawn Summers (Canon & AU), Buffy Summers (Voice Test), Leonis Swan, Elizabeth Song, River Song, Yasmin Khan, The Master (AU), Hope Shepherd, Charlotta Wayland, Missy Cooper + a couple other muses I'm sure I'll remember eventually.
I think that's it but I'm probably missing some
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forgive me for going a bit insane here, I'm putting it below the cut because it got very out of hand! (this is also definitely not an exclusive list just the ones that came to mind!)
Send me a 🔁 and I’ll list one or more crossovers between our ocs that I’d be interested in talking about
Roni Tanner:
Mercy Bowen
Mia Queen
Piper Pan:
Finley Rider
Isadora Darling
Winnie Pan
Violet Kingsleigh
Terry Bell:
Winnie Pan
Rose Smythe:
Annika Webster
Imogen Allen
Kelsey Doyle
Mia Queen
Bobbi LaCosta:
Jane Forester
Lucas Gilmore
Charlotte Howard-Danes
Eleanor Doose
Eliya Rygalski
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Holland Bass
The Band (Matt King, Tommy Gilmore, Luca to-be-renamed Bloom, Livi Ruiz, Esme Gerard, Skye Bloom)
Sam Gleason
Carli Tanner:
Ophelia Wayne
Isolde Kean
(Plus other general batman & batman 2022 ocs who could be modified to fit gotham!)
Lila Lupin:
Adriana Flores
Gemini Black
Jessica Stevens
Holly Evans
Athena Prewett:
Bobbie Fortescue
Emerald Evans
Lyarra Vance
Nineve Weasley
Phoenix Dumbledore
Venus Malfoy
Violetta Greengrass
Stella Knight:
Atalanta Jackson
Carissa Grace
Cassandra Aelius
Melody Weiss
Gwen Macintosh:
Brandy Hayes
Sherry Unwin
Xenia Hart
Kris Smythe:
Imogen Allen
Sadie Maddox
Roni Stark:
Alessia Stark
Adelaide Stark
Adonis Stark
Aris Stark
Athena Stark
Aurora Hansen-Stark
Ava Potts
Ezra Barton
Cora & Orion Royce
Tyler Barton
Zora Wright
Will Parker
(there's definitely more but I have too many mcu ocs so i'm trying to chill)
Rikki Lane:
Chloe Grace Routledge
Cody Maybank
Jo Clarke
Alexa Cantwood:
Cressida Brantley
Crystal Solace
Elyana Chase
Melody Weiss
Stella Beauregard
Victoria Blofis
Drea Jones:
Ana Andrews
Charlotte Jones
Delaney Carlyle
Fallon Parris Jones
Harper Harrison
Jett Jones
Kris Keller
Lyra Lovell
Tanya Conway
Sharon Henderson:
Beth Munson
Camila Nelson
Cara Henderson
Rhiannon Ballard
Samantha Mayfield
Sidney Hopper
Stacey Byers
Valerie Rush
Roxy Winchester:
Ainsley Winchester
Deborah Winchester
Elle Winchester
Esther Colt
Isla George
Nevaeh Murphy
Phoebe Winchester
Trix Stilinski
Cora Hargreeves:
Alice Hargreaves
Andromeda Hargreaves
Audrey Hargreaves
Cassie Hargreaves
Cleo Sullivan
Dahlia Mort
Kamaria Hargreaves
Max Carmichael
Mira Hargreaves
Mireille Labonair
Odessa Hargreaves
Sierra Nearing
Vienna Montgomery
Virginia West
Wilhelmina Hargreaves
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apollafire · 6 months
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