#oc: lumina
blighted-elf · 2 years
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Magran will really possess her children and say it’s good for them 😔
Art c0mmission info in pinned post, K0fi link in bio
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
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Resident Evil + OCs (x)
Amanda Wesker (belongs to @prometheas)
Deanna Palmer (belongs to @jmiacolt)
Dominique Thorne
Fatima Pavan (belongs to @queennymeria)
Ilona (belongs to @pheedraws)
Jeremy Stanford (belongs to @chuckhansen)
Karla Bennet (belongs to @queennymeria)
Lumina (belongs to @cryptcombat)
Maeve Péralez (belongs to @chuckhansen)
Sam Rivers
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cryptcombat · 3 years
*slides in like a cryptid* Thu and Lumina for search history? 😌💙
loriiii my sweetheart!!
secondhand camera on sale
top 10 must watch romantic movies
how to style a turtleneck without looking like a loser
how to lockpick like a pro
what is in alcina dimitrescu's wine
are the hound wolf squad members werewolves
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prottyblue · 2 years
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These are a couple months old, but screw it, I wanna share my funky half-jellfyish sona-
Lumina Medusae is a non-binary jellyfish hybrid (formerly human), and a very theatrical dork. They aren’t the most social, but they’re fairly positive and warm to close friends!
The first pic is when I was still trying to figure out what I want their hair to look like, and the second pic is me wanting to try a stormier color palette, alongside wet clothes and hair. I really want to do a full-body ref of them when I get the chance.
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allyooops · 2 years
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Tiny twins of Inquiry and Night Spinner. Lumina and Quizlet, I'll probably lighten up Quizlet's blue eyes though, they're a little too dark for his colour pallet I think. But still... baaabbiiess. I love them so much.
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mlpdestinyverse · 2 years
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Feat:  Nova Spark, Princess Lumina , Prince Amadeus , Star Chime , Astral Dusk
Related Chapters: Prince of Friendship (Art Dump), Rebuke, Fracas to Fray ~Destinyverse Archive~
After 3 years...we're finally tackling Nova's past arc. FEATURING the official first appearances of Princess Lumina and Prince Amadeus since their conception six years ago. <3 SO here's a dump focused on Nova's relationships!
Immediate aftermath of "Rebuke": What once was a prideful young prince quickly became a self-conscious boy. Little Prince Novis was unsettled over how unbelievably oblivious he had been, misconstruing friendship until he had disappointed his mother and pushed his closest friends to their limits. With preconceived ideas about 'being a good friend' in his head gone, he realized he had no idea what he was doing - a horrid conclusion when you're supposed to be the Prince of Friendship. Nova was quick to embrace Twilight's training to correct his skewed understanding of friendship, hoping to become both a proper friend and prince. However, his shaken mind remained too afraid and paranoid over what his three closest school friends truly thought of him if they had, to his understanding, only been putting up with him after he all but ordered their loyalty and friendship. Maybe he was just a fourth wheel who enjoyed their company more than they did him, if he had brought them as much grief as Annie had expressed. He grew anxious about being clueless enough to mess up again without realizing it; that, coupled with afterschool lessons and extra "fun reading" during his free time, led to him drifting away from the trio, using his busy schedule as an excuse to turn down their (obligatory, surely) invitations, keep the distance, and curb his fear. His friends left him to his newfound responsibilities and they ended up in different classes in the following years, inevitably drifting apart.
Eventide developed a new habit of panicking and fleeing to her room the moment anyone knocked on their front door. After Eve's incident (good riddance to that trashy corpse wearing makeup called Ms. Cinch, Nova would say) and her homeschooling, on top of his busy schedule, Nova wouldn't get to see his old gaming buddy again from that day onward. Another tie loosened.
Novis is writing his first list ever for the Festival of Friendship- Meanwhile; Nova's cousin, Flurry Heart, is a cheerful and bubbly alicorn princess who exudes so much sunshine that it can be downright blinding for the colt. No matter how many years pass, Flurry always spoils and baby talks him, with Nova being the youngest of the royal children. And Nova likes his cousin - she has what he thinks has to be the biggest and purest heart in the world -she can just be...a lot.
I have decided that Lumina chooses to communicate telepathically, for her own personal reasons- Nova has a few lingering uh...trust issues regarding Princess Lumina, who considered him an "easy target" in their youth and would play startling pranks on him with her chaos magic. This lead him to constantly look over his shoulder whenever he visited Canterlot Castle. Even after her pranks died out in favor of settling into her role as the sun heiress, something about Lumina's (and her mother Celestia's, honestly) quiet slyness and intense majesty make them both difficult ponies for Nova to connect with or even relax around. Not to mention it constantly feels like Lumina is analyzing him even with her eyes closed. Whenever she offers her unsolicited nuggets of wisdom to him, for Nova it always feels more like she's speaking down to a clumsy child rather than providing advice out of a place of concern. He tries to shut it down but well...he has to be a well-behaved prince too. Nova is a guy who speaks his mind without reservations. His honest comments can come off as unexpectedly blunt or harsher than he realizes, and many of his remarks are made without any actual bite or ill intent behind them ("Royal Run-In" showcases this well). It's just who he is, but...Lumina's advice that day, for once, did linger within Nova's mind.
Nova wearing glasses when he games~ Gotta prevent eyestrain and block that blue light, peeps. Prince Amadeus, heir to the moon and guiding light in the darkness, is Nova's childhood best friend, fellow (closeted) nerd, and co-op partner in all things video gaming. They go through in-depth game critiques together, buy each other merch, share their favorite games for the other to play, and it's simply tradition for them to lock themselves in Nova's room whenever Amadeus and his younger sister Star Chime visit Ponyville to indulge in some (...a lot) of gaming time together. But even the moon prince has a sense of responsibility when it comes to playing for too long. But sometimes you get unlucky and play a co-op game that surprises Player 1 with its hardest boss battle that can ONLY be solo'ed. It's different. Nova doesn't AGREE with the design (Amadeus and Star are stuck watching for hours, passing the controller around from time to time) but Nova is up for a challenge...
Astral Dusk became so used to Nova's taunts and mean-spirited jokes throughout their younger years that he just assumes the worst in Nova's intent. Irritating him on purpose used to be Nova's whole goal, after all. In truth, Nova managed to mature enough over the years to mind his own business and stop his childish antics. He's just...really bad at being self-aware. Nova used to be as loud as he wanted in his room when playing his games, so once Astral was gifted a lab to himself in the same hallway (well-intentioned by Twilight to make them get along but, cough, backfired), learning and remembering to tone it down took time. This specific encounter especially had Nova hyper-aware of his volume. Since then the most he'll do when playing is aggressively whisper to himself. It's clear that Astral is set in his opinion of him, and while it frustrates Nova, he's also aware it's kind of deserved. A part of Nova knows he should apologize for his past behavior, but Astral's icy demeanor gives Nova the impression that the damage has been done and the stallion wants nothing to do with him. Astral would most likely not believe his sincerity anyway (especially with how pitifully awkward Nova knows he is with such tense matters). So he leaves Astral alone and accepts the cold glares.
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drzootsuit · 2 years
Time for today's Terraria infodump! So, you've met Varrik, so I figure you want to feel safe again. Let's meet the ship's security officer, hired by the Captain specifically because Vix and Varrik are scary passengers!
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Meet Lumina! Like many other's, they've set out onto the planar seas to travel and find adventure! Armed with their cutlass, squishy and versatile tentacles, and good attitude, they're ready to face any problem head-on! They may seem a little nervous at times, and might get a little freaked out, but no matter how neurotic they may get, nothing can stop them when they get themselves composed!
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As illustrated in this sketch from before I drew their hair correctly, they're a jellyfish-type-person! And most importantly, like how Varrik belongs to Spooky, Lumina actually belongs to someone as well!
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Lumina (and this artwork of them) is the work of my good friend Protty. I consider them part of my straw-hat shounen squad, so it's exciting to be able to use one of their characters and work with them as a team member on the project~!
Anyway, ya want more actual lore information about them? The first thing to note is that Lumina is human! In a vast universe filled with goblins and elementals and every weird thing you can think of, 'human' isn't a label people worry about too much. If you started as a human, then you're human. Werewolves, cyborgs, etc, are all unblinkingly considered acceptable. And Lumina kind of falls into that camp, as do a lot of fish-people. See, there's a handy way for telling which fish people are human and which aren't. If they come from a specific species, like murlocs or gill-men, then that's what they are. But if they look vibrant, unique, or otherwise suitably exotic, then they're likely a human who has heard the Ocean's Call. Nobody knows what the hell the Ocean's Call is. All that's known is that in adolescence, there's a tiny chance that you become a fish person. It's not viewed negatively, because it doesn't have any sort of effect on the mind, but scientists are unable to figure out what it is or why it happens. It's not a localized effect, because it can happen on seemingly any plane, and it doesn't even seem to need you to live near the water. The mana in the human body just... starts re-configuring itself according to some unknown blueprint, and no matter how many thaumaturges you have analyzing it, noone can figure out why. Those with the Ocean's Call tend to take to their bodies well, although it is different for everyone. They also all tend to receive the same dreams. Vivid and flourishing visions of mysterious oceans who's mana quells any discomfort or fear...
Lumina in particular is highly skilled with their shape. They're an expert at navigating in three dimensional space with their tentacles, and greatly enjoy being all squishy. You can squeeze them like a stress ball, just be sure to ask first.
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rosietrace · 2 years
She who will have his head... Soon
Ocs featured: Yvette and Kenichi(@sakurablossoms10), Vidya Nazari(Mentioned/@phoenix-manga)
𝐘'𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐋𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐲.
Waking up, eating the pancakes she made, silently trying to be nicer to Kalim, taking classes, etc.
She even got to hang out with Vidya for a bit despite her recently busy schedule with helping Scepter Hall with their Festival. Not to mention have her weekly tea sessions with Yvette.
But, she didn't expect to walk in on a self conversation. And with Kenichi of all people.
"No no no... That's stupid, I shouldn't say that in front of her. She'll think I've gone insane if I said something like that..."
Lumina rose a brow, confusion filling her senses as she silently stepped closer to listen a bit better.
'Her? Who's he talking about...' She thought, surprised by the information that KENICHI has a crush on someone...
"Hm... Maybe I should say something simple? Like, 'Nice weather we're having' ?" Kenichi and Lumina face palmed.
"That's stupid..."
'Yeah, no shit.' Lumina rolled her eyes, feeling bad for whoever this dumbass had a crush on.... Mostly. She is also amused because she would wanna see their reaction to something so crude.
It's honestly surprising Kenichi is so focused on his crush that he didn't hear the numerous giggles coming from behind a wall where Lumina stands. Not to mention her mocking his nervousness by doing an impression of him.
But even then, Lumina was happy. To be able to goof off like a child and mock people when she didn't have the chance to when she was younger. It felt good to her.
She doesn't have memories of those good times, because there never were any. Her mother died before she was able to grow any proper memories of her, utter any sentences, or be able to throw darts at the center of a target without looking at it.
So she felt relieved that she's able to relax once in a while, it felt amazi-
"Okay... I know what to say to Yvette now."
Crap. She spaced out for too long.
'Wait a damn minute... YVETTE?!' Lumina's eyes widen, her head turning towards Kenichi's direction as she was about to tackle him and choke him to death. Since well... She knows he bullied Yvette when they were younger. It was only bound to happen eventually.
But... She calmed down. Although Grey doesn't like her anger management classes and dropped out of them, Lumina filled that spot for her. She even pays the therapist handsomely herself.
But, back to business.
"So... You like Yvette."
Kenichi stiffened, he knew that voice all too well. And he's sure as hell he probably won't come back alive if he doesn't say the right words to Lumina.
"Lumina... Hey-"
Okay first of all, Kenichi didn't expect to be pulled by the collar.
"You. Have. A. Crush. On. Yvette."
Kenichi gulped, his body stiffer than it was before.
Lumina sighed, exasperated at Kenichi for his romantic affections towards one of her closest friends.
"Listen nice, and closely, Ken. I'm only going to say this once."
Kenichi immediately nodded, hoping that Lumina will stop pulling him by the collar since he's about to run out of air to breathe.
Shoving him away from her, Lumina looked at Kenichi straight in the eye, and said:
" If you even bother to BREATHE near Yvette's direction, I. Will. Have. Your. God. Damn. Head. "
With a close eyed frown and a turn of her body, Lumina walked away from Kenichi as he merely stared at her with a terrified look on his usually stoic face.
He knew Lumina was violent, aggressive, and VERY INTENSE, But he didn't expect her to say... THAT.
He sighed, 'She'll definitely be the hardest to win over...' He thought, crossing his arms as he walked away from Lumina's direction and back to where he came from.
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awhisperinthenight · 2 years
"my mother is dead. six feet underground, resting peacefully in her grave. i am not my mother, and i am not her promises."
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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Name: Osyron Lumina
Based on: Cosmos / Materia from Dissidia Final Fantasy
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿: male
𝗔𝗴𝗲: unknown
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: unknown
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: unknown
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 214 cm
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: yellow
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: cream to sunset sky
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Crystaleon
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: Third Year
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 3-B
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: God, Student
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: ???
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Science
Homeland: The Realm of the gods
Sexuality:  Pansexual
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: left
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: doesn’t have to eat but likes Salad a lot
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: avoids fish
Likes: Peace and Quiet, others listening to him, Sunlight, Fables,
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Lydia's screaming, not being taken serious, darkness
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆: playing harp, composing music, 
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: working with machines, convincing others
Osyron is a God, however a not that high ranking one and with Lydia they manage the Crystaleon dorm together… previously they were a couple and kept the balance in the dorm together… However, Lydia felt more and more like the dorm members she supervised got shoved away in favor of Osyron’s allied dorm members. They had fights if they were to stay in HSA then they would have to find an occupation both dorm leaders can agree on and cause they didn’t and the teachers couldn’t help out either… They moved to RSA. Since then both manage the dorm separately. 
Osyron is very blunt and assertive. He can be calm and kind but piss him off once and he is scary and intimidating. He judges pretty easily but he also wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice his well being if there is somebody he cares about. Most of the time he stays quiet but when there is an opinion he doesn’t agree with… he lashes out quickly. All in all he wishes for a world where peace reigns and humans understand each other. But he has hard to achieve it with how he behaves himself. Most of his magic is light based.
Unique Magic:
Blessing of the Cosmos
Can select one person to fight under his command, however they in turn… are nearly indestructible
Dating HCS
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template by @unfinished-projects-galore​
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luminnea · 2 years
aaa I forgot to say this earlier but Euan is so cute!! I'd love to see more Lumi OC content uwu!
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IM CRYING THANK YOU SO MUCH…!!! The main three are finally debuting together alsksdjdj
From left to right is Alistair, Euan, and Perciel!!
Euan is the Swan Prince, second in line to the throne and OK with that since he doesn’t want it! Perciel is his right-hand man, a respected if not annoying fencer commonly known throughout the kingdom as “the Raven”. Alistair is their powerful mage friend! He works as a professor and often wears or displays little trinkets his artsy students make him~
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blighted-elf · 3 years
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Art commission info in pinned post, Kofi link in bio.
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deerlumina · 3 years
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A little bi flag kiss for pride month featuring my OC
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prottyblue · 2 years
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Well well well, guess who made a sprite of their sona again? And yes they have a completely different hairstyle in this pic, I got a side-shave myself and it feels VERY gender-
Honestly this was a really helpful bit of practice, especially when it comes to the pose and the squishiness of the jellyfish bulb. Hope you enjoy, and happy Mermay 2022!
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terralavee · 3 years
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Something about Twitter Following Button here
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mlpdestinyverse · 2 years
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Name: Lumina Alice Solae
Nickname(s): Lumina (common), Lumi, Little Alice (by Discord) Species: Draconequus/Alicorn hybrid Gender: Female Family: Celestia (mother), Discord (father), Luna (aunt), Glacial Streak (uncle; deceased),  Amadeus (cousin), Star Chime (cousin) Occupation: Equestrian Princess, Heiress to the Sun
Cutie Mark:
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A relationship began forming between Discord and Celestia after the draconequus realized the revered sun princess wasn't as serious/no-fun and boring as he'd once assumed her to be (she' actually rather playful, and she personally believes in innocent mischief in moderation). Celestia, in turn, appreciated Discord's company inbetween her royal and often dull duties. The two decided to give their feelings a chance, and the rest is history, leading to the birth of their daughter Lumina.
As a child, Lumina was optimistic, immensely curious, and a lover of learning, especially of different cultures and species. Like her parents, she too has a sense of mischief and still enjoys messing with her family, though not as much as a prankster days as a child. Nowadays her subjects know her to be graceful, calm, and pleasant in nature, similar to her mother Celestia. With her family, Lumina feels much more free to be playful and openly affectionate.
Lumina believes her talent rests in being able to settle quarrels and "restore balance" as such, as the yin-yang symbol in her mark hints. But secretly, she feels there's more to it that she's missing.
Lumina now works alongside her mother Celestia, helping with royal duties and any affairs with higher ranked officials. What was once exciting as a child naturally became boring and tiring as she became older, but Lumina is determined to not let her mother down.
Lumina chooses to keep her eyes closed most of the time, claiming that it helps her focus on her inner balance while allowing her to practice a special advanced spell. In reality, its to conceal what she believes are unsettling eyes. Lumina manages to see better than anyone despite this, to the point where it's almost like she can see everything behind her back.  Lumina also at some point chose to communicate exclusively with telepathy.
She has a mix of alicorn and chaos magic. As a child Lumina would use her chaos magic to prank and liven up situations, although now Lumina only uses it around her family or to decorate her comfortably chaotic room (rain that never falls on you or drowns the room is very calming).
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