#oc: nayan
imgoingtofreakoutnow · 10 months
everyone falls (like i have for you)
BG3 Holiday Fluffe — prompt 2: Snow and Ice
Summary: Gale has a suprise for Nayan
Pairing: Gale x Nayan (OFC!Bard)
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff, bard-like flirtation, hints of a sexual innuendo (i guess?), mentions of trauma and wounds
A/N: THE FIRST LITTLE FIC WITH MY TAV NAYAN IS HERE!!! I hope you all enjoy my lovely bard and the cuteness that she and Gale are together!!
Tagging: @tripleyeeet @elfinbloodbag @fictionobsession (if anyone wants to be added or removed, just let me know <3)
“Yes, dearest?”
Nayan turns to his voice, her eyes blinded by a soft scarf. “Where are you taking me?”
“I told you it’s a surprise,” he hums — she can almost hear the grin on his face in every word he utters, “and you’re going to absolutely love it!”
She chuckles at his excitement, giving a gentle squeeze to his arm, intertwined with hers while he's carefully dragging her through the streets of Waterdeep. He had been doing that for a while now, long enough for her fingers to feel more like they were made of ice instead of flesh and blood.
“I’m sure I will, my love, but are we almost there yet?” Nayan brings her hands to her face, blowing warm air on them before rubbing them together. “Because I think my nose is about to freeze off.”
Gale stops at her side, so suddenly that she almost loses her balance on the slippery cobblestones covered in frost. Some quiet giggles pass her by, clear and light as the crisp air of a winter's day. She could hear the scattering of children running around the streets and playing in the cold like she used to do in Ostduinë when she was younger. Whenever the first snow falls, she's reminded of those days, of the afternoons spent in the snow and skating on the frozen ponds, and all the innocent fun that had been taken from her far too soon.
“Let me check your freezing nose.”
His touch brings Nayan back to the present moment. His fingertips run along the sides of her nose, inspecting it while humming thoughtfully.
“It's worse than I could've imagined,” he says with a serious tone while wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.
Nayan rolls her covered eyes but still smiles at the man in front of him. “Oh, really?”
“It is unfortunate, yes…” he confirms with a sigh that makes her snort. “I believe there isn't much left for this nose. I shall have to just kiss it goodbye.”
The half-elf giggles when Gale leans forward and his lips meet the frozen tip of her nose. Once, twice and then once more before they move to leave a trail of kisses all over her freckled cheeks.
“Gale, stop!” Nayan almost screams, laughing as the wizard presses another kiss on her cheek that — together with the rest of her face — is feeling incredibly warm at the present moment.
“Bless the Gods! The nose has regained its color!”
Without warning, he spins her around and Nayan makes sure to hold tight to his shoulders not to fall to the ground. When she stops twirling, he kisses the tip of her nose once again before leaving a lingering peck on her lips. “We must celebrate.”
Nayan doesn't even have the time to completely get back on her feet that Gale's already pulling her along the road, holding her close and steadying her in every blind step she takes. She can’t stop the chuckle that bubbles in her throat, nor the warmth that quickly spreads inside her chest.
As they move forward, Nayan feels a change in the air. The bustling chatter of the streets of Waterdeep quiets down, replaced with quieter discussions and the chirping of birds that's always drowned by the noise of the city. The only thing that doesn't disappear are the excited screaming of children that seem to come from every direction around her. The ground also feels different under her feet, going from a stoney road to a more muddy and slimy pathway.
“Did you just teleport us back to the Emerald Grove?”
“Ah!” Gale exclaims, his voice tense and with a hint of sourness. “Wouldn't that be funny.”
Nayan shakes her head with a smile. “You’re still upset about that passing fancy?”
“Not at all!” — his voice is slightly high-pitched, but he quickly clears his throat — “That’s ancient history, ghosts of the past! There would be no sense in dwelling on such events!”
He goes on for a minute or so, denying your accusations with his verbose explanations, but the half-elf knows him too well. She can feel the slight tension building, in his quickened pace and in his hold, tightening ever so slightly around her arm. With a gentle smile, Nayan turns to her partner and leaves a quick peck on his shoulder before resting her chin on it.
It seems that’s all it really takes for the wizard to relax. A long exhale and the tension disappears as his lips press for a moment on Nayan’s forehead. “Pardon my senseless worrying.”
“No need to, love.”
Gale sighs softly, his warm breath lingering on her cold skin as he slowly but finally stops on his track. “We’re here.”
Nayan immediately reaches for the scarf but her hands are stopped by Gale’s. “No, no, no. Allow me.”
He leaves her side for a moment, the snow crackling under him as he moves behind Nayan. She feels his hands undoing the knot, careful not to pull any of her short hair in his maneuvers. 
“It’ll probably not meet any of your expectations,” he mutters mostly to himself as he slides the blindfold off her face. “But I do hope you’ll still appreciate this.”
When Nayan finally blinks her eyes open, she’s blinded for a moment by the whiteness that surrounds her. As her vision slowly adapts to the brightness of the place, she takes in the naked trees and bushes with their branches draped with snow and icicles while a group of children runs by, throwing around handfuls of snow and laughing.
However, not all of them are taking part in that small-scale war going on in the park. Some of them, standing nearby, aren’t running or screaming around. They’re carefully sliding on a perfectly frozen pond with what look like self-made skates, groaning as they fall down but relentlessly standing back up, trying to find balance in each other before a mistake from one brings both of them down once again.
Despite the entertainment of watching kids falling — something that has always brought her a sadistic joy, Nayan’s focus has been stolen completely by the ice surface in front of her.
“I didn’t think ponds actually froze here,” she says almost breathlessly, her breath creating swirls in the air before her.
“Well, never like this.” She turns to Gale, standing with his chest all puffed up and a proud smirk on his face. “However, nothing that a little magic couldn’t fix.”
He wiggles his fingers: a couple of glowing snowflakes appear between them, fluttering around before floating towards the pond. As soon as they touch the frozen surface, a glow pulses through the ice for a moment. The cracks that could be seen under the surface disappear immediately and all that’s left behind is a perfect block of ice. Nayan can’t look away from it: she almost doesn’t dare to even blink, terrified that the ice will melt back to water if she stops staring at it, before she’s even had the chance to touch it.
“I remember you mentioning how much you missed ice skating,” Gale adds, a hint of uncertainty in his voice as he passes a hand through his hair, “and I merely thought-”
Nayan throws her arms around his neck, cutting his breath in half. As she pulls him close, she nestles her face into his neck, nudging her nose against his warm skin. She breathes in his addicting smell, a scent of firewood that seems to always linger on his skin, as if there was a fire always burning inside him. Sometimes she wonders what it could be. His passion for the Weave and the magic connected to it. His ambition, that at times shines so bright that it almost blinds her. Now that she’s pressed against him, it feels so obvious. It’s always been there, that fire; beating inside his chest.
“This is more than perfect, Gale.” If possible, she pulls him even closer. “Thank you.”
The surprise that had left the wizard frozen, with his hands in mid-air, finally leaves him. He wraps Nayan tightly in his arms, leaving another soft kiss on top of her head. “I would take the stars, weave them together and give them all to you, if I could.”
She pulls back, loosening her arms until she can look him in the eyes. “I never needed the stars, Gale. Not when I have you.”
Gale smiles, a thankful look in his gaze before his eyes close and his forehead meets Nayan’s. They stand like that for a while, cherishing each other’s company and the gentleness of their touch, when Nayan pulls back with a serious expression.
“You did bring the skates, didn’t you?”
The wizard looks at her with his eyebrows raised before snapping his fingers. As soon as he does, two pairs of skates appear in his hands. “Of course I did, how could you even doubt me?”
“Is something the matter, my love?” Nayan asks as she skates around Gale who’s barely balancing himself on the sharp edges of his skating footwear.
“Not at all,” he assures, even though the mere wind created by the half-elf as she moves on the ice makes his knees wobble with uncertainty. “I’m completely fine!”
Nayan chuckles lightly while she glides on the frozen pond, so easily that anyone else watching might even think her skates aren’t actually touching the surface beneath her. As she puts one step in front of the other, Gale can’t help but stare at the way she seems to so seamlessly fly, as if she had been born with those skates on her feet. Even when she falters, there’s a certain grace in the way she uses that stumble to her own advantage, the grin on her face growing bigger and bigger the longer she slides on the ice.
“I don’t think I had quite underestimated the scale of your talent.”
Nayan stops next to him, one of the smuggest smirks he’s ever seen cutting across her reddened face. “Well, I’ve definitely overestimated yours.”
“Between my studies and research I never had much time for such frivoli-”
Gale’s quick to defend himself, as always when his pride is even jokingly questioned, but as soon as his finger starts moving in the air to highlight his words, his balance is lost once again. He shuts his mouth, taking quick and useless steps on the slippery surface as he readies himself to fall face-first into the ice. Thankfully, a couple of steady hands manage to hold him up until he finds his balance once again.
Nayan’s soft laughter is soon joined with the sneering coming from the nearby kids, who had discarded their skates to play with the snow all around the pond.
And to chuckle at anyone’s poor attempts at skating, Gale imagined with a frown, as they kept pointing at him while their whispered giggles still reached him.
“Don’t mind them.”
Gale turns to Nayan, now in front of him as she takes both his hands and slowly starts skating backwards. “Mind only me.”
As he starts sliding on the ice, dragged around by the lovely half-elf, Gale doesn’t dare to move even one single muscle. He might not be familiar with skating, however, he’s perfectly aware of how sometimes even the smallest of actions can create unfathomable consequences.
Nayan’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts, bringing him back to the present — terrifying — moment. 
“You know you can move, right?” Nayan chuckles lightly, giving a light squeeze to his hands. “I mean, in the worst scenario, we’ll both fall on the ice.”
Gale winces at the thought, his knees wobbling slightly under him. “That would hurt.”
“Not as much as you’d expect.” She slowly slides to a stop and Gale quite literally glides into her arms. “Just have fun, will you?”
After a moment of hesitation, the wizard can’t help but nod, especially when the half-elf is looking at him with her eyes wide with love and hopefulness. Nayan’s smile opens as a crescent moon and leaves a quick peck on his cheek. Gale can feel the blushing spread on his face as she starts skating and dragging him along once again.
After a deep breath to hopefully take in some of her courage, the wizard starts to imitate the motions of the half-elf. He carefully slides one foot and then the other, testing the ice while his hold on Nayan’s hands gets even tighter. His maneuvers start off as shaky as expected, but the more he keeps going, the less it feels like the ice is just going to give out under him.
“Quite the quick-learner,” Nayan jokes, gaining a small chuckle from Gale.
“Always have been,” he retorts, raising his gaze from his feet just to wink at her.
The smugness, however, doesn’t last long. His skate catches onto something, perhaps a bit of snow or the trails carved into the ice from prior skating, but it’s enough to completely throw off his balance. His feet stomp on the pond, finding its slippery surface with every step he takes. This time Nayan’s steady hands are no help. He starts swaying his arms in the air but that does nothing to stop him from falling on the ice.
Well, not quite on the ice.
“How come you’re never so heavy when you’re topping me?”
Gale pushes himself away from Nayan's chest, barely standing with his palms planted on the cold ice. “Are you okay?”
She groans, massaging her ribs. “I’ve been worse.”
The wizard winces at her words. He had seen Nayan at many of her worse during their journey together to Baldur's Gate. He had witnessed the wounds cutting through her flesh, the weariness and the ache in her bones bending her in half. He had seen with his own eyes the empty gaze staring at the blank nothingness as she played during her family's celebration. How he hated seeing the spark in her eyes disappear that night, how terrifying to believe — even for just a minute — he had lost it forever.
“I know for certain you have,” he utters softly, “but that doesn’t make me feel better.”
“Well,” she huffs, her hand still circling her chest in soothing movement, “you did elbow my boob.”
As if on cue, Gale's hands lose their grip on the slippery surface and he falls once again. His arm ends up hitting her stomach this time, cutting her breath in half and gaining another pained groan. As the wizard starts profusely apologizing, the children nearby erupt in a fit of laughter that — despite gaining a frown a muttered swearing from Gale — Nayan can't help but join.
“It’s fine,” she sighs, a soft giggle easing the pain in her chest. “Everyone falls at some point, it was bound to happen.”
Nayan rests her head on the ice, red hair spread behind her like a halo of fire. Her gaze wanders in the cloudy sky above, looking in their shape and color for any signs of snow. Then a smirk pulls on her lips.
Her eyes move back into Gale’s with a devilish spark to them. “I was just hoping that, when it happened, the positions would’ve been switched.”
The wizard stares at her, speechless for a moment, before a chuckle escapes his lips, soon mirrored by Nayan. Still laughing, he carefully slides until his face is above hers, a twin smirk pulling his lips as he gently strokes her face.
“If that’s what you want, dearest, we can most certainly work that out when we get home.”
Nayan chuckles as Gale leans down. He kisses her, slowly opening and closing his lips. His beard grazes her chin while his hands tighten on her waist, and despite the ice dampening her hair and freezing her back, the cold seems like a long forgotten dream.
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sith-shenanigans · 2 years
If your Jedi ocs had to disguise themselves as a Sith, how convincing of a job would they do?
👁 thank you for this question, anon!
Brakerre (Liminality/Discontent): Not convincing. It’s not that she can’t be scary, it’s that she can’t summon up any kind of reasonable “what would I be like as a Sith?” persona. The things she cares about enough to fall if she had to… aren’t Sith things. Her Bad End is “living weapon,” not Sith Lord. (Result: she waves her lightsaber around a lot and starts a fight, probably. Though she manages to fake still being brainwashed for a bit on the Emperor’s station.)
Velnira (Liminality/Discontent): Canonically does scarily well. She takes out the pigtails and she puts on Sithy clothing and does this thing with her voice and now Tharan is a little bit terrified, thanks. The good bean has a lot of… force of personality that usually doesn’t come out, and is also surprisingly good at lying to people. After all, she’s trained for diplomacy—understanding other people and figuring out how to present yourself to them is part of that! Controlling your reactions and not giving the wrong things away is part of that! Manipulation skills are part of that! This is why diplomats are also frequently involved in espionage! It’s the fact that she has a capacity for dishonesty that kind of blindsides people, and the fact that “pretending to be a Sith specifically, when she is Made of Shiny” is within her ability. (That said, she can’t shield her aura worth druk, so if a real Sith shows up… she’s basically out of luck. This is why she isn’t a Shadow-in-official-cover-as-a-diplomat.)
Hallen (stolen minor npc): Panicking inside, but does better than you’d think. Unfortunately, Iridonian zabraks aren’t common on the other side. She could pass for a very short period, but then people would get suspicious.
Ru (Liminality/Discontent): Whoops, we’re fighting now. Boring conversation anyway.
Nayan (Sunlight, but maybe not exclusively): She was trained as a Jedi Shadow. She never managed this kind of mission, having left the Order before her knighting, but she would have been judged psychologically qualified. (Before the metric ton of trauma, anyway.) She could do it for an extended period of time—and, in like a moth to you, sunlight, she does. Of course, she eventually gets caught…
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enbeemagical · 8 months
I need need need to know about Destiny please 🥹🥹
AIIII OKIE buckle in it's a bit of a ride
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(the second one of those is them as a little kid, the other two they're more grown up)
They're human, fully an ordinary human up until they're not. Ordinary, I mean
They realized at about 13 that they were queer, and absolutely did not tell anyone and also tried to repress it bc they were raised to believe queer was Bad and Evil and blah blah blah (this is the emperor's fault and one of many reasons to hate him. he likes conformity and everyone doing what he says). That secrecy led to them also keeping their magic very very secret when it came in at 14.
Four years later they met a pretty faerie and kissed her. She was the first queer person they'd met, and they promptly ran away with her (this is when they choose the name Destiny) and got adopted into the same werewolf pack that'd taken her in. They are still keeping their magic secret, but now that they're dating a girl they start slipping more into their true self-- first a haircut, then 'pretending' to be a boy, to actually being a boy for a bit...
...to meeting a crow with no concept of human gender and figuring out they like 'they' best
Also by then they've half-accidentally revealed their magic. which is like. really fuckin powerful and also super rare bc everyone else with it gets taken away by the Emperor of the world and no one ever hears from them again
also the werewolves who adopted Destiny? are working with a network of rebels who are trying to take down the emperor. and they want Destiny's help. Des agrees, mainly bc they don't want to live in a world where they can't be true to themself, and they can help make things better
Annyyyways there is now a song about them (which I had to write, help (and then my friend is writing music for bc aaaaaa)) (in-story Vida wrote it)
their powers include: teleportation, elemental control (mainly fire bc they have a fire demon teacher, but they've also done earth and ice), transformation (another of their teachers is a werewolf), illusion, communication with their familiar, Nayan (the aforementioned crow- whose concept of gender is 'some of us lay eggs idk'), healing people, magically cleaning things (they used to always do the dishes this way), and yelling at people in power (Nayan calls this a threat display. Destiny calls it stop screwing with me Nox).
Other fun little things!
-given the language that we use, Des would probably id as nonbinary and bi/pansexual (partly depends on When storywise bc rn they're the only enby they know). as is they id as "I'm not a boy or a girl I'm a they" and "idk there are pretty people but the prettiest is Vida"
-their newest nickname for their girlfriend, Vida, is "meri jaan", or "my life". the first time they call her that is after Vida gets arrested for singing about Destiny. bc singing about how the king of the world is "a coward and a fucking fraud" and is going to get beaten by a young upstart mage is treason, who knew
-(they're so absolutely furious about this btw. it's very sweet)
-Destiny keeps being impulsive but it keeps working out so
-I've said this before and I'll say it again: I love how Destiny was raised being told "don't give your name to strangers bc faeries can use it to steal you away" and then the first faerie they meet they try TWICE to give her their name and she says no (it's their deadname but it wasn't at that point)
-in a modern AU Des would be Indian or Indian-American and an activist, but I haven't figured out for exactly what. probably for queer rights, at least at first
-Destiny is 19 at the point I am in writing
-Nayan likes to call them "my Destiny" and when they speak out loud (as crows can do) they always choose Destiny's voice to speak with
-they like having long hair, but they do NOT like getting mistaken for a girl. After The Haircut that helps them realize some gendery stuff, they grow their hair out again even longer than before
-@plumblueflower had a part in making Des the way they are. specifically the Indian-coding bit <3
1: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/69653
2: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/186583
3: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1944831
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thepinkpie · 1 year
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Found an old Gpose I did of my OC Nayan (pink viera) with his boyfriend Niro (edgy elezen)! Gotta love those funky boys ❤️
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internalmyth · 2 years
OC name meanings for EoE
Thank you for tagging me @kaatiba! I've only done a few of the names from EoE below, but if anyone would like to learn more about EoE's world, click here to get some background.
Lujayn is of Arabic origin, and means "silver". Her last name is Andala, meaning "song of the nightinggale" as she is the personification of the night and loves to sing. The name of her house, Hala, means "halo around the moon".
Laith is of Arabic origin, and means "lion". His last name is Ziyad, meaning "growth". He is the personification of the daylight. The name of his house, Samora, means "mountain protected by God".
Asahi is of Japanese origin, and means "sunrise". He does not have a last name, as he refuses to be tied to anything or anyone. He is the personification of the wind. The name of his house, Arakan, means "worthy one".
Nsomi is of African origin, and means "well-behaved child". Her last name is Marjani, meaning "coral". She is the personification of water. The name of her house, Ula, means "gem of the sea".
Makani is of Hawiian origin, and means "wind". His last name and house name is Kopono, meaning "righteous". He is the personification of truth.
Amithi is of Sanskrit origin, and means "boundless". Her last name is Nayan, meaning "eye". She is the personification of earth. The name of her house, Kimaya, means "divine".
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kunstpause-archive · 3 years
About - Cassia Hawke (FFXIV)
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Name: Cassia Hawke de Fortemps
Alias: Archmage, Honeybee, Azem, several nicknames from her theater time.
Gender: female
Age: 27 in ARR, 32 in ShB.
Species: Hyur (Highlander)
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown 
Abilities/Talents: Dancing, Acting, Diplomacy, Magic, Ranged Weapons,Playing Instruments, her own special brand of ‘diplomacy’, Botany, has become strangely enamoured by fishing for some reason, chocobo racing, 
(Her main canon jobs she started out with were Black Mage, Summoner, and Scholar. (She knew Dancer before even coming to Eorzea) She learned Machinist, Astrologian and Dark Knight during her time in Ishgard and later learns the basics of Monk from Lyse.
But in general Cassia is a person that wants to do everything all the time, so she takes care to learn as much as she can from nearly everyone around her and dabbles a bit in a lot of other jobs. She is an Omnicrafter and Gatherer, technically, but her true proficiency lies in Alchemy, Leatherworking and Weaving.)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true (with some chaotic parts)
Religion: Used to be Andrastian, turned away from all Religion for a while, later found a special kinship with the disciples of Nald’thal
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common tongue (both from her homeworld and on the Source), Garlean, Ishgardian, she has taken great care during her Black Mage training to learn tha basics of the languages of the Amalj'aa, the Ixal and the Kobolds.
Family: She only has two living relatives at the start of ARR, her twin Adriene and her cousin Lay. Cassia considers their tight night adventurer group of 5 (adding Saran and Nayan) family though. She marries Haurchefant during the Dragonsong War and they have a daughter, Bethany. She has sibling-like affection for Alphinaud and Alisae.
Friends: Lyse is a very close friend before it turns into a relationship later in Stormblood. Leveva and Kyukuho are close friends as well, as are Y'Mhitra, Cocobusi and his brothers and Kazagg Chah. Urianger is another one of the people she has had a years long tight-knit friendship with first that evolved into a romantic relationship later on. Out of her family-group the one who gets her most next to Adriene is Saran due to their shared past. Nayan and her are most alike and have a special bond.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bi-/pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other (polyamorous)
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other (gold)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot (90cm) / 3-4 foot (90-122cm) / 4-5 foot (122-153cm) / 5-6 foot (153-183cm) (1,73m) / 6-7 foot (183-213cm) / above 7 foot (over 213cm)
Weight: under 100 pounds (50kg) / 100-150 pounds (50-75kg) / 150-200 pounds (75-100kg) / 200-250 pounds (100-125kg) / above 250 pounds (125kg)
Scars: Several faint and faded scars on her back and the back of her thighs that are barely visible, a larger one on her left hand between her thumb and index finger
Facial Features: Her jaw is more squared than her twin sister’s - one of the very few differences between them, her eyes stand out with their lighter tone against her darker skin, she has freckles around her nose and on her cheeks. She has a slightly wider mouth and nose than her twin. 
Tattoos: None, Cassia has several body piercings though. Both her nipples are pierced and she has a VCH piercing.
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Snakes or Spiders?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or AND White!
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake? Neither
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future? again, both. They go together and can not be separated for her.
thank you @elfyourmother and @elveny for tagging me
tagging forth @thegolli @tishinada @captainderyn @wardenari @curiousthimble @ashalle-art @exposed-whimsy @allycryz @dismalzelenka @another-rogue-trevelyan @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @dalish-rogue @zuendwinkel @okami-zero @jentrevellan @a-shakespearean-in-paris @hollyand-writes @charlatron @lavellanvibes @blarfkey @kemvee @noire-pandora @hobo-apostate @midnightprelude @queen-kass-the-writer @enigmalea @coffeebirdafterdark @alamhigyoooo​
If you wanna share your ocs :D
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meowthefluffy · 4 years
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oh my gosh youre so sweet ;w; this is nayan! Theyre a sweetheart and a ranger! n theyd look great in your style,, also i would accept snuggles, if the offer still stands,, -🍭
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BOOM OC AND HUG (your oc is so cute) 
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akane1800 · 7 years
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My guys, i really love them :D
They are Nayan, Nayén, Rayan and Rayén <3
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Tag 8 people you want to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @ferociouspompom​ (please do not regret knowing me after this!)
Favourite colour: Pink <3
Last Song I Listened To: Mere Dholna (Bhool Bhulaiyaa, 2007)
Favourite Musicians
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Mohit Chauhan, A R Rahman, Swananad Kirkire, Amit Trivedi, Sunidhi Chauhan, Jasleen Kaur, Adnan Sami, Shreya Ghoshal, Sona Mahapatra, Shilpa Rao.
Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, John Legend, The Weekend, Beatles, Lady Gaga, Maroon 5, Coldplay.
Favourite Songs
I’m warning you this is quite a list and dare no one judge me! ‘:)
Passionate ones: The entire album of Fitoor, Jadu Hai Nasha Hai, Aur Ho, Nayan Tarse, Aao Na, Mohabbat Ho Na Jaaye, The entire album of Laila Majnu, Tera Chehra, Ab Na Jaa, Zara Zara
All time: Dil Se, Sajna Aa Bhi Jaa, Euphoria band’s music, Chinnamma Chilakkamma, Ghungroo, Namak, Soja Zara, Tanha Dil, BIBA, Maula Mere Maula, Ei Tumi Kamon Tumi
The-ones-I-secretly-love: Jiya Tu, O Womaniya, Rinkiya ke Papa, Tunak Tunak Tun, Bolo Tara Rara, Lollipop Lagelu, Golimaar
Western: Sucker, Shallow, Love Me Now, every Michael Jackson song, Nancy Mulligan, Fireflies
Last Film I Watched:
Hindi: Good Newwz
English: Little Women
Bengali: Jaatishwar
Last Show I Watched:
Hindi (TV): Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?
Hindi (Web): Panchayat
English/American: The Office (American)
Favourite OC:
Literary - Elizabeth Bennet/ Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride and Prejudice - no excuse, ever, to not read this. Every romance has germinated from the mind of Austen!) & Feluda (The Adventures of Feluda by Satyajit Ray - THIS GOT ME TO WRITING OK!)
Comic - Tintin (Hergé. Yes, I have all the collection of every Tintin comic made. Blistering blue barnacles - this has my entire childhood & adulthood ok). 
Hindi TV - Maya Sarabhai (Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai - you HAVE to watch this, I implore you)
English TV - Mr Bean (Mr Bean - my life)
Hindi Film - Amrita (Thappad - this film captures the strength of the subtle!)
English Film - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (Star Wars. I maybe biased to Adam Driver for his phenomenal acting skills and *cough* looks. But, it’s been a LONG time since we had a ‘villain’ with so many complexities, layers and humanity and Driver seems to have mastered the arch of vulnerability and strength. Why didn’t the writers give him more???) 
Sweet, Savoury or Spicy: 
As much as I love sweets...  it’s best measured and treasured. And as much as I love spicy, I’m having a mucus waterfall and red eyes after one normally spiced Korean ramen packet... *my sad life*
Sparkling water, tea or coffee: Why is there no milk or juice? This baby doesn’t have Chai until she’s sick nor coffee until she has to be up all night for an exam.
And let’s not talk about the blasphemy done to water. 
“Sparkling water was invented by the devil to steal your soul” - @ferociouspompom​, 2020
Masala chai with lots of milk and sugar (my cheat drink in winters). 
I had lots of fish - one big one stayed with me for 12 years! He was born when I was so letting go was hard. Though we never named him... 
Right now I’m just playing with the pets of my landlady and they are adorable and my life! (Three cats, one is called Georgie and he’s a little food monster).
If you have survived this long post, thank you and salute to your patience! I hope I haven’t weirded you out enough. 
Tagging: @m0hinii​, @zapphireblr​, @disneyprincessashley​, @paobhaji, @legendarydoodlefanmixclam @ansfans @shaonharryandpannisim
(Damn I don’t know anyone else...  so anyone actually anyone reading this please don’t hesitate to do this too - and don’t forget to tag me so as to I can read!)
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imgoingtofreakoutnow · 10 months
oc's as obscure references
thanks to @tripleyeeet for tagging me, this has been a lot of fun and has given me a change to udnerstand my beloved nayan a little bit better!
animal: otter
colours: orange, bright red and light blue
month: may
songs: meet me in the woods by lord huron, ALICE by PEGGY, physical by dua lipa, wild blue yonder by the amazing devil
number: 8
plants: carnation and fern
smells: pine tree and strawberries
gemstone: amber
time of day: late afternoon
season: summer
places: rocky beaches or windy cliffs above the ocean
food: mushrooms
drinks: any fruity concoction (alcoholic or not)
element: fire
astrological sign: sagittarius
seasonings: chili flakes
sky: white clouds painted at sunset
weather: sunny days with a strong wind
magical powers: shape-shifting
weapons: anything she can swing around
social media: nayan would adore tiktok (but she'd definitely lurk on tumblr too)
make up product: blush
candy: those long and sour rainbow candies
method of long distance travel: nayan would be fascinated by planes
art style: art noveau
fear: not being loved for who she is
mythological creature: selkie
piece of stationary: peacock feather quill
three emojis: 🥰🎶🍄
celestial body: venus
tagging: i actually don't know who to tag so if anyone who sees this wants to participate, feel free to do it!!! <3
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sith-shenanigans · 2 years
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probably you shouldn’t talk to strange ex-padawans in seedy cantinas
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enbeemagical · 9 months
Can you tell me about your fav oc? Maybe some trivia about them or their favorite hobby?
This is Destiny
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Destiny is a very powerful mage! they don't quite know all of what their magic can do yet, but they can change shape, control fire and ice, teleport, and oh yeah they also have a crow they're mentally bonded with! Their name is Nayan
They have a few different hobbies, but their favorite one is kissing their girlfriend, Vida. if that doesn't count, they also like to listen to her play music.... And their favorite one that's not about Vida is reading!
also fun fact Des figured out that they're nonbinary because Nayan was confused by the concept of gender and Des was like "hey why do you get to not be a boy or a girl, unfair-- hang on a sec"
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andressaandriao · 8 years
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Just playing with my characters! Haha. =)
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lauarts · 6 years
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A little commis I did yesterday~
I actually loved drawing her XD This is Eldurin, Raíra Nayane’s OC <33
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aristarshower · 6 years
I'd love to here more about 36, the urban fantasy because those sound interesting
Thank you so much for asking!!!
The urban fantasy attempt-1 is still nameless because i havent been able to decide one title for it. It might be a duology or trilogy. 
The story follows a group of teenagers who just finished year one of university in India. Needless to say, they are all Indians(south indians to be specific). 
The protags are Gauri (bi)who has golden eyes that can see souls, Radia who has a shadow guardian(in the shape of a wolf), Chaya and Aadya(ace) who are twins, and Nayan(gay) whose father is an archaeologist. Chaya and Radia are girlfriends(this might be the softest and sweetest and the most heartfelt relationship in all of my ocs).
The four girls move out of college dorms into a place of their own and Nayan acts as their local guide and takes them to the local attractions which includes a very old temple that has a secret chamber(it is based on a temple I saw here!). 
The secret chamber was secret for a reason and when they accidentally free something they shouldn’t have, they end having to fight for their lives and fighting for their grades.
There are some swords, trees that aren’t trees, ghosts of kings that won’t stop pestering them, broken goddesses and whole lot of magic.
Also you get the angst of entering adulthood.
The story is mostly developed and it is the only story I’ve written out of chronological order. I’ve already written scenes from book two and end of book one and the starting scene.
Ask me about my story ideas!
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shslivalice · 7 years
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new hot dragon man
was originally designing demon nero but now: is oc called nayan ejinn
merman probably has fucked up legs
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