#oc: tracey jacobs
anotherunreadblog · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped Game + 99
99. W.I.T.C.H. by Devon Cole
I think this is such a fun song. I can see different parts and lyrics applying to so many ocs. So I'll do a rapid-fire style answer.
Rumor on the street is that her apples are delicious The jury said she's charming, but her exes say she's wicked
Delilah Bishop!
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I swear to God, I saw her howling at the sky She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side
Katherine Potter
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She said, "Am I bad to the bone 'cause I get what I want?" Mama said it ain't no crime (ah!)
Rosabella Anderson
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Come out and play, it's fun in the dark Tell me, "Why you're so scared of a woman in charge?"
Tracey Jacobs
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This isn’t really a request, but what are some headcanons either for COD characters or Far Cry 5 characters that you love? And what’s your favorite piece of lore about your OCs?
Also I love your fics so much, WHERE did you learn to write like that
First of all, OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 💜💜💜💜. The way this ask made my whole week and the compliment on top of it, consider me forever in your debt.
I have been writing stories since I was 4, read books and watched movies voraciously that were way out of my age range and thus my brain chemistry was forever rewired to be a bit strange to answer the last question lol
My headcanons are usually pretty boring in the grand scheme and relate back to my ocs a lot and how they interact with the verse, but here's some general ones:
- Faith and Tracey are lesbian ex-gfs, true in my heart
- Staci Pratt would be the type of guy to have a mirror hanging on the ceiling above his bed
- as far as i'm concerned, God is real in the world of FC5 (but also yes there is A LOT of mental illness and trauma going on)
- the mystery meat served in Jacob's cages is 100% grade A people who failed the trials
cod (or more accurately a few of my Captain Price hcs):
- Price is from Liverpool -- idc if he's not, he is (thank you Mr. Sloane for your wonderful voice and Scouser accent)
- Price grew up working class, single mom, military family, dad died in combat, joins up at 16 to honor his father and grandfather (*this is 100% a personal hc)
-Price is the type of guy to know the difference between scotch, whiskey and whisky and will come down on your ass if you try and pass one off as the other
Favorite OC lore:
Kit - Bliss has the opposite effect on her. Basically results in a bad trip every time if someone isn't guiding her through it (guess she shouldn't have gotten rid of Faith)
Rory - forgot to mention this in the oc name post for her before, but her last name is a direct reference to Sinclair Centre, which is a heritage building in Vancouver, BC (my hometown and hers, she may or may not be my most self insert-y of OCs)
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ladyoriza · 2 years
@aynrandslashfiction made a post earlier asking if there were any other black fans of Far Cry 5 and said this in the tags:
#i been seein a lot of uhh… well. you know.#lot of blondes in sundresses and suchnot--#it's a lil…. hm#iykyk
Which has been in my brain all day and I finally got the spoon necessary to talk about it.
Because this is the exact problem I have as someone who likes two other characters with...let's just say it out loud- a lot of appeal to bigots. (Joshua Graham and Ulfric Stormcloak, for anyone wondering- for different reasons. They could be much better in competent hands and I like exploring what they could be).
This isn't even "you're liking this character wrong", it's "you stripped this character of everything they are, reducing them to a ken doll you can act out your Good Christian Housewife fantasy for". Joseph Seed is manipulative, controlling, abusive, and he's not above doing absolutely heinous things for what he believes is right. Rachel Jessop was 17 when Joseph began brainwashing her into becoming Faith. He did that to a child.
Obviously not everyone into the Seeds has a tradwife/tradhusband(?) fantasy. But there's an alarming number of fics out there that fly so close to it that I have to wonder, you know? When Joseph is reduced to a sad middle-aged man that just wants to help but the big mean Resistance just won't stop killing his poor innocent Peggies? (do not mind the corpses upon the billboards and signs, do not notice what he did to the three Faiths, do not even acknowledge Jacob, do not pass go).
When the Resistance just sees poor, sweet, Rook as a tool but Joseph Sees her and wants to take her away to love and safety?
When they're all weirdly antagonistic but Grace and Tracey are outright aggressive and violent towards Rook? Yeah, that's so thinly-veiled it might as well just take the final step into barefoot and pregnant. Actually, there is no veil. Just a head in the sand.
But no, of course, he's just concerned about poor Rook, right? He doesn't want them brainwashed or turned into an Angel or anything, right? (Again, under no circumstances are you to acknowledge the Whitetail region and Joseph's explicit approval of Jacob's brainwashing or the eventual existence of the Judge...unless it was written before New Dawn. Because I'll fault people for bad writing, not an inability to see the future).
I suppose that's a good litmus test, though. If the Whitetails are even acknowledged or if Eli and Staci are just chopped liver.
It's at best a complete lack of nuance. Like, sure Joseph was correct that the bombs would fall. At no point does that make ANYTHING Eden's Gate did acceptable or justifiable. One of my favorite NPC lines is one of the Resistance women saying something like "I don't care how much Childhood Trauma they had, that doesn't excuse what they're doing to us". And she's right.
Look, I don't read much with John or Jacob but I have a hunch this is a problem with all 3 seedlings.
My rambling point is: you can like the bad guy but for FUCK'S sake think about WHY you write what you write. Nothing exists in a vacuum. If you need to strip off all their traits to force them into a box...maybe just make an oc.
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strangefable · 2 years
Lilith for the oc asks?
@detectivelokis and @voidika also asked for Lilith for this one. Thanks to all of you <3 (and apologies I took so long)
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01. Full name: Lilith Seed, née Mallory (does she have a middle name? probably. have i come up with it yet? no)
02. Best friend: Currently: Faith Seed. Formerly: Tracey Lader, Rachel Jessop, & Mary May Fairgrave (it's complicated)
03. Sexuality: Bisexual and unapologetically overtly sexual; she's also polyamorous
04. Favorite color: Red. the color of blood and violence and destruction, as well as passion and fire, bold and brash, insists on being noticed
05. Relationship status: Married to Jacob Seed
06. Ideal mate: multiple. one person can't fulfill all her needs
07. Turn-ons: strength, violence, confidence, tall mfers, dark hair, the thrill of the chase, being protected, lying and subterfuge, forbidden liaisons, troubled personalities, extremes, chaos, danger
08. Favorite food: MEAT. she likes her steak a little bloody and her plate heavy with the protein and light on anything else. she's fairly partial to bbq
09. Crushes: heh. who she doesn't have a crush on is a much shorter list. she revels in attraction and being desired by as many as possible
10. Favorite music: as a loyal Peggie, she'd claim the Peggie tunes. But she's actually more of a hard rock and metal kind of girl
11. Biggest fear: being powerless, being alone, being rejected
12. Biggest fantasy: to cause as much chaos as she can. she's living it, tbh
13. Bad habits: causing chaos, stabbing people, scaring the Chosen and the new recruits, sneaking away for days at a time, sowing discord and mayhem, having sex with people she shouldn't, having sex with the person she's supposed to (her husband), pretty much everything she does is a bad habit <3
14. Biggest regret: not killing her former husband before he could put her through all he did. also not being the one to kill him later. (Jake did it for her)
15. Best kept secrets: where she sneaks off to, who she's sleeping with, the games she's playing with everyone around her, some of mary may's dirty laundry, also she's got so much dirt on staci, tbh she deals in secrecy, espionage, and information
16. Last thought: plotting more mayhem and trouble for everyone <3
17. Worst romantic experience: marrying the wrong man and then being pimped out by him to all manner of unpleasant weirdos
18. Biggest insecurity: she is tiny and she is not a powerhouse fighter, so she's always worried people see her as weak. especially jacob and his chosen. she also needs constant validation about her looks; she has a very distorted view of her own body
19. Weapon of choice: knives! for throwing or stabbing or cutting or peeling or every other possible use. she loooooooooves knives
20. Role Model: she wouldn't claim one, she had shit adults to look up to growing up and she's mistrustful of everyone. she'd never say this, because the Father would likely burn her for heresy, but she looks to her namesake as a patron saint/deity: Lilith, the demonic first woman who turned against Adam and God in the Garden in favor of herself
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wrathfulrook · 1 year
Tagging System
For blog navigation:
Characters (individual)
Deputy Rook
the Judge
Patience Ekner (my deputy OC)
others’ OCs tagged as ‘oc: name’
Nadine Abercrombie
Grace Armstrong
Tammy Barnes
Jess Black
Sharky Boshaw
Marshal Cameron Burke
Roger Cadoret
Adelaide Drubman
Blade Drubman
Hurk Drubman, Jr.
Hurk Drubman, Sr.
Mary May Fairgrave
Joey Hudson
Pastor Jerome Jeffries
Skylar Kohrs
Zip Kupka
Tracey Lader
Guy Marvel
Virgil Minkler
Nancy (dispatch)
Clutch Nixon
Eli Palmer
Staci Pratt
Dutch Roosevelt
Carmina Rye
Kim Rye
Nick Rye
Ethan Seed
Faith Seed
Jacob Seed
John Seed
Joseph Seed
Sheriff Earl Whitehorse
Sherri Woodhouse
Characters (multiple)
all Seed siblings
Seed brothers
the Heralds
all guns for hire
all fangs for hire
Joey & Staci
the entire Sheriff’s Department
Creative works/resources
my stuff
character/fic playlists
others’ fics
WIPs (all, not just mine)
my Far Cry photos
my FC5 as textposts posts
reference posts
Other games/media
Far Cry 4
Far Cry New Dawn
Far Cry 6
Joseph: Collapse DLC
Red Dead Redemption 2
Inside Eden’s Gate
Far Cry Absolution
Far Cry Rite of Passage
Queued posts
For blacklisting:
not Far Cry related
personal/vent posts
posts made/reblogged while under the influence (alcohol) (weed)
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henbased · 3 years
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“Logan Eden Gates. Like the cult? Stole their name when I transitioned, thought it were real funny. It was, but then they started kidnappin’ and killin’ a bunch’a folk. Whose laughin’ now, eh?”
Name: Logan Eden Gates
Alias/nicknames: Gates, Miss Gates, Marcus’ kid
Gender: Female
Age: 20/21
Abilities/Talents: Hunting, quiet footsteps, taking leadership when needed. Always “knowing a guy” for any situation. Being able to stay calm in any situation. Breaking and entering, robbery, arson (also her rapsheet). Knowing way too much about astrology but also mortuary and decay. Somehow always escaping Jacob’s kidnappers eventhough she is not trying very hard.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Religion: None
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English, some French
Family: Lives with her twin brother Tristan and their father Marcus in Whitetail Mountains. Her sister Sarah lives outside Hope County with their mother. Her brother and father go missing during the Reaping.
Friends: Aaron “Tweak” Kirby, Skylar Kohrs and her boyfriend Dylan. Spent a few nights in jail with Sharky Boshaw, became buddies. Befriends Hurk Drubman Jr., Adelaide Drubman, and Tracey Lader after the Reapings. Nick Rye let her band play in his garage a few times before everything went tits up. Her best friend is Lucky Ambrose, and she’s also friends with Leon Ambrose, Evie Lee, and Crystal Jones. They’re all OC’s who belong to @8bitpizzacoupons​
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy
hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / tan / brown / dark / other
Height: 5′8″ (162.56cm)
Scars: Some scars around her knuckles from punching glass more than once. More than twice actually. Other small scars around her legs and arms from hunting, nothing notable.
Features: Light dusting of freckles. Brown hair that's usually pulled into sloppy space buns or pigtails, with hair just long enough to do so. Perfumed by moth balls, old books, freshly brewed tea, and pot. Easily spotted because she’s always wearing clashing patterns.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea (microdoses on psychadelics) || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
Five songs that remind you of them: (trying really hard to use some I haven’t before but I don’t think I succeeded.)
1. “Sister Golden Hair” - America
2. “Pink Pony Club” - Chappell Roan
3. “Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene” - Hozier
4. “I’ve Always Been Crazy” - Waylon Jennings
5. “Second Hand News” - Fleetwood Mac
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adelaidedrubman · 3 years
For the deputy oc asks, 1,2 and 18-20?
thank you dear!! sorry these took a hot fucking minute, i appreciate you sending <3
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1. What’s their name?
Jestiny Ellen Rook
2. How old are they?
28 circa 2018. (DOB April 13, 1990)
18. How do they feel about John?
feel? she doesn’t really particularly feel anything about him but annoyed, but if you’d like to know her well reasoned and entirely dispassionate thoughts and observations about him, they are as follows:
just kidding of course, i wouldn’t do that to the good folks at adelaidedrubmandottumblrdotcom, y’all aren’t mary may. john does annoy her with an unparalleled efficiency that just makes her instantly become hyperfocused on taking him down, spirals into a more generalized morbid fascination and obsession pretty quickly and she just feels very [killing eve i think about you all the time speech] about him. she consistently forgets the other heralds exist because she’s so focused on him. (as you can see below, in fact, all other heralds do exist almost exclusively in relation to john in her mind.) what she’s less open with herself about but is pretty clear from her behavior is that she also genuinely enjoys talking to him (way more so than most people she interacts with, their conversations are much more natural), and despite having genuine, intense animosity for him she desperately needs him to think she’s funny and cool and smart at all times. of the heralds, he’s the only one she feels like she has something to prove to. she cares what he thinks. she cares so fucking bad. (also, of course, there is the matter of the thinly veiled sexual attraction, but don’t tell her i told you that.)
she also says she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him, but, well. hesitate she has, and shall again. whether that’s because she takes more pleasure in toying with him, making him suffer, and reclaiming power from him than she would wiping him out efficiently, or because she feels some genuine kinship with and admiration for him, or some mix of the two, well. she’s certainly not in touch or honest with herself about her emotions to know. but whatever it is, it’s clear she’d miss having him around. and if she does finally follow through on killing him, it has to be a special moment, ya know?
19. How do they feel about Faith?
hoo boy. faith is easily the herald who scares her most, and she resents her and jacob in equal parts for using the bliss to get inside her head. (she considers it cheating. if someone wants to fuck her head up they should do it the old fashioned way via psychosexual mindgames played on a level playing field, thank you.) but faith’s bliss trips actually scare her more than jacob’s conditioning, those experiences tend to fuck more with her sense of reality and she’s not nearly as afraid of dying as she is losing herself or not knowing what’s real. she hates being out of control of her mind more than she hates being out of control of her body. she can’t just dissociate with faith and is forced to actually feel things. jessie also dislikes indirectness and hates more than almost anything cruelty delivered through a veneer of gentleness, so faith does repulse her in that sense. even in non blissed interactions with faith, jessie maintains a level of fear and distrust due to that trauma.
that being said, faith is also probably the herald jessie feels sympathy easiest for, both because she has more information on her via her eventual friendship tracey and because she tends to be more sympathetic towards women generally. she hates faith for what she’s done, but would struggle to kill her, and if she did it would likely be in an out of control fit of rage rather than a calculated attack.
20. How do they feel about Jacob? 
well that is certainly a man she has encountered. see above, re: deeply resents him for using bliss to get inside her head. but despite jacob having the ideology most personally offensive to her (power/strength should never be used to harm or take advantage of people weaker than you is the closest thing to a guiding moral philosophy she tries to implement in her life) jessie’s hatred for jacob is notably dispassionate compared to some people. if you go with the old adage that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference, well. jacob is the seed sibling jestiny is furthest away from loving. while john has a cohesive belief system and emotional presence jessie can if nothing else feel deeply motivated to personally destroy, jacob’s apparent apathy inspires matching apathy in her. she thinks he’s a monster and has no goddamn honor, but she feels largely nothing about him.
if there’s one thing she does appreciate about him though, it’s that he’s the most upfront about how immoral his actions and motivations are. he doesn’t pretend he’s doing anything but overpowering her and others to impose his own will through brute force, and that is somewhat refreshing in an enemy. she feels some comparative comfort in how completely impersonal it is with him. she isn’t anything but a tool to him, no different from the other soldiers. she means nothing to him, he means nothing to her, and she likes the uncomplicatedness of that. on that note, she wouldn’t feel much of anything about killing him. she wouldn’t hesitate or feel guilty about it, but she also wouldn’t take any personal pleasure in it.
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boasamishipper · 7 years
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alternis posterum couples – alexandra “alex” shane and olivia tracey
“Hey, Liv?” “Yeah?” “Will you marry me?” “…Alex?” “Yeah?” “Can we talk about this after we get out of this mine shaft?”
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jxeyhudson · 3 years
J & N for Sam?
Give me a letter and an OC so I can keep myself busy
omg thank you for asking about my tall dumbass
J. Joy
1. What makes them happy? Live music. Nature. Spending time with people she loves. The smell of freshly cut grass. Warm showers at the end of the day. Lying in bed for hours in the morning on her days off and just relaxing.
2. Who makes them happy? Joey. Ben. Sharky. Jess. Tracey. Jacob.
3. Are there any songs that bring them joy? Uptown Girl (Billy Joel), Africa (Toto), Believe (Cher), and Heaven is a Place on Earth (Belinda Carlisle) all can instantly improve her mood
4. Are they happy often? During the conflict with Eden's Gate? No. After? Yeah. She finds happiness. Or maybe it finds her, you know?
5. What brings them the most joy in the world? Is it too cheesy to say loving and being loved by Joey?
N. Never Have I Ever
1. What would they never do? Cheat on someone
2. What have they never done that they want to do? Cross country road trip
3. Is there anything they absolutely can't believe people do? Eat at fucking Chick fil A. Nevermind the homophobia, she thinks their food is gross enough it should chase everyone away.
4. What is the most embarrassing thing they've done? She really hasn't done anything too embarrassing. Maybe hitting on a married woman at a bar while the woman's husband was right there?
5. Have they done anything they thought they'd never do? Propose to someone. Also fire a rocket launcher.
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aceghosts · 3 years
OC Identity
I’ve been tagged by the awesome @archetypesinthefog to do this meme. Thank you for tagging me!!!
Tagging: @chyrstis @p0lkadotdotdot @unleashed111 @mrspaigeomega (I apologize if you’ve already been tagged!) As always, if you haven’t been tagged, but want to do this, please do! I love to hear about your OCs!
Answers under the cut.
For this meme, I decided to answer for my Junior Deputy from Far Cry 5, Blue Murphy. 
Name: “Blue” Jay Carey Murphy
Alias/nicknames: Blue, Blue Jay, Murph, Dep, Deputy, Rook, Rookie, Wrath, Broba Fett.
Gender: Agender (Blue uses they/them pronouns.)
Age: 30
Zodiac: Aries
Abilities/Talents: Rock Climbing, Snowboarding, Hiking, Camping, Archery, Shooting, Survivalist Skills, and Horseback Riding.
Alignment: Neutral Good (Occasionally Chaotic Good)
Religion: Blue was raised as a Christian, but they no longer believe in the faith and haven’t for a very long time.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Blue’s main language is English, but they’ve picked up enough Spanish to have a conversation or get an important point across.
Family: Patrick Murphy (Grandfather, Deceased); Bridget Murphy-Rogers (Mother, Alive); Daniel Rogers (Stepfather, Alive), and Andrew Thompson (Father, Deceased). Blue’s Mom and Stepfather currently live in Colorado.
Blue has a different last name than their father because they changed their last name to their mother’s maiden name after his death. Blue had already planned to change their last name when they graduated high school, and his death only moved that timeline up.
Friends: Considering Blue is really friendly; most people in Hope County would consider Blue a friendly face. Even before the reaping, some of the Peggies saw Blue as the only friendly non-cultist in town. In terms of close friends, Blue would consider Sharky, Grace, Hurk, The Ryes, Jess, Wheaty, Hudson, and Pratt the closest to them. Blue is also on very good terms with Tracey, Sheriff Whitehorse, Father Jerome, Mary May, and others. I could also see Blue being friends with everyone’s OCs as well. They’re the kind of person to make friends where ever they go.
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / tan / brown / dark / other
Height: 5’6
Scars: Blue has the occasional small scars on their arms and legs from the mischief they got up to as a kid. They also have a small scar on the palm of their left hand from a mountain climbing accident. After being shot in the leg by Jacob’s Hunters, Blue has a scar from the arrows on their left thigh. They also have a scar on their right shoulder blade from bliss bullet shrapnel from John’s Chosen.
Features: Freckles. Freckles everywhere. Blue usually has a friendly smile on their face, and they give off a friendly vibe. You can usually tell if Blue’s been sitting for too long or standing in one place for too long by how much they fidget. They also have a loud laugh, and if they start to laugh too hard, Blue will snort.
Tattoos: Before FC5, Blue doesn’t have any tattoos. They could never commit to a tattoo design, and it wasn’t a priority for Blue. During the events of FC5, Blue receives the Wrath tattoo from John.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
Five songs that remind you of them:
Rocky Mountain High - John Denver
The Violence (Ghost Note Symphonies) - Rise Against
Raise Hell - Brandi Carlisle
Keep Your Head Up - Ben Howard
Elijah - Matthew and the Atlas
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water-writings · 4 years
My OC Masterlist
Here you go!! in no particular order here is my OC masterlist :)
Original witch story Title: unnamed
Zaria (needs a last name)
Tilly (needs a last name)
Zaria’s male rival who is still nameless.
Allard (needs a last name)(Zaria’s dad)
Zaria’s mom who has no name. 
Spencer (Zaria’s cat)
One Piece Title: Golden Brown  Current WIP
Lenox Fiona Faceclaim: None
One Piece No title just another OC
Greene Hana Faceclaim: None
My Hero Academia Title: Birds of a Feather
Yuriko Umeda Faceclaim: None
Young Justice Title: Shards
Marnie Hemmings  Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell 
Kenny Hemmings Faceclaim: (Maybe) Cameron Boyce
The Mandalorian Title: Petals of Beskar
Casali Purlan Faceclaim: Jessica Parker Kennedy
Tokyo Revengers Title: Break Away
Maiko Kenamoto Faceclaim: None
Yoko Nomura Faceclaim: None
Marvel Title: The Winter Series
Tracey Madison/Barnes Faceclaim: Teresa Palmer
Barry Madison Faceclaim: Chris Lowell
Annabeth Barnes Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy (younger) Natalia Dyer (older)
Four Brothers Title: Two is Better than One
Alexandra “Alex” Grayson Faceclaim: Hayden Panettiere
Marvin Grayson Faceclaim: I’m thinking David Harbour
Disney Descendants Title: In the Drowning Deep (only the main ones, there’s too many OCs I created for background/plot)
Aria daughter of Ariel and Prince Eric Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara
Wes Darling son of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling Faceclaim: KJ Apa
Hayden son of Hades Faceclaim: Dylan O’Brien
Voltron Title: The Stars Remained
Lyra Jackson Faceclaim: Elizabeth Olsen
Harry Potter Title: A Thorn in My Side
Thorn Fernsby Faceclaim: Michelle Trachtenberg (possibly for both younger and older Thorn)(possibly changing her to Alexandra Daddario)
Leila Monroe Faceclaim: Mia Wasikowski (possibly only for older Leila) Elle Fanning (possibly for younger Leila)(possibly only her as the faceclaim)
Conner Monroe Faceclaim: Jacob Tremblay
Jacqueline White (minor character) Faceclaim: Emma Stone (might change)
The Hobbit (created with @pen-in-hand) Title: Pulchritudinous
Nella Faceclaim: Holland Roden
I’m also down for any faceclaim suggestions for those who don’t have any or resources to look for some. Thanks <3
You can find my work on FF.net and AO3.
Tag list (message me if you’d like to be added :)) @pen-in-hand @apocalyvse @loopally @umfleur @nightwingshero @starsandstormyseas @mokonahapuuuuuu @myocmultiverse @ocfairygodmother
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ladyarlyntrevelyan · 5 years
Far Cry 5 and New Dawn Characters and their Hogwarts Houses
I was bored and had nothing better to do while waiting for a game to download so I sorted Far Cry 5 and New Dawn Characters in Hogwarts Houses (based on my opinion in which House they belong, others have a different opinion^^')
Catherine Graves (My OC Deputy)
Virgil Minkler
Earl Whitehorse
Larry Parker
Abigail McAllister (My OC Captain)
Cameron Burke
Fucking Nancy
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teamhawkeye · 6 years
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OC INFO MEME  |  Anna Bishop
tagged by: @jacobseedt - thank you! tagging: @foofygoldfish, @sharky-broshaw, @themysteriouslou, @iheardtheowlcallmenames, @pathfinderyderss, @darthshitious, @roses-and-radiation, @weekend-writer - and anyone else who wants to do this, step on up!
B A S I C S:
Full name: Anna Louise Bishop
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight(ish?)
Pronouns: she/her
O T H E R:
Family: None - mother and father both deceased. Father’s family is all deceased and absolutely no contact with her mother’s family 
Birthplace: Winterview, Jackson County, Montana
Job(s): Junior Deputy; past jobs included professional wildlife tracker, waitress, landscaper, repairman, desk clerk, and all other manner of odd jobs
Phobias: losing people she loves and cares about, getting too close to people 
Guilty pleasures: drinking, spending a day doing nothing but lying down and watching movies, sleeping in
Hobbies: Flyfishing, tracking, hunting, hiking, singing
M O R A L S:
Morality alignment: Neutral Good
Virtues: Funnily enough, Kindness - the opposition to Wrath. Also, Charity and Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP: Anna/John
Acceptable ships: Anna/Pratt, Anna/Sharky, Anna/Faith, Anna/Jacob, Anna/Eli
OT3: ...tbd...
BroTP: Anna/Hudson, Anna/Jess, Anna/Tracey, Anna/Grace
NOTP: n/a? 
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glowwormsmith · 6 years
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OC INFO MEME | Layla Rook
tagged by: no one, just saw this floating around and people said anyone could do it tagging: any followers or anyone who stumbles upon this
B A S I C S:
Full  name: Layla Rook
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/her
O T H E R:
Family: Michael & Natalie (her parents), Tess (older sister), Hazel & Fern (nieces), Todd (nephew, deceased?), Logan (brother-in-law, deceased)
Birthplace: Helena, Montana
Job(s): Junior Deputy for Hope County PD, current scout for Resistance
Phobias: Losing control over her situation/environment, failure, being betrayed/manipulated/hurt, knives/sharp objects, wolverines, her family in danger.
Guilty Pleasures: Sweets, alcohol, writing fanfic/trashy romance, listening to pop songs/modern music
Hobbies: Hiking, fishing, jogging, hunting, playing games with family and friends, bar-hopping
M O R A L S:
Morality alignment: Chaotic Good/True Neutral
Sins: Wrath, Pride, Gluttony
Virtues: Diligence, Kindness, Charity
T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert (she’s a bit of both depending on her mood/situation/whom she’s socializing with)
organized / disorganized
close-minded  / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP: None at the moment
Acceptable ships: Layla/Eli, Layla/Joey. Layla/John, Layla/Joseph & Layla/Faith (but only in AUs, in dark stories or just for shits and gigs)
OT3: Faith/Layla/John and/or Joseph (again, either for dark stories, AUs or shits and gigs). Also, Pratt/Layla/Joey is good either platonically or romantically.
BrOTP: Layla & Sharky, Layla & Hurk, Layla & Tracey, Layla & Mary May, Layla & the Rye’s, Layla & Hudson, Layla & Pratt, Layla & Dutch, Layla & Addie, Layla & Fangs for Hire, Layla & Jerome, Layla & Wheaty
NOTP: Layla/Jacob
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darkling-er · 6 years
Kyle Crain | Snake in the Garden
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Full name: Kyle Crain
Nicknames: Hotshot ( Joey ) , Mister ( Joey )
Birthday: September 9, 1989 (Age 29)
Sexuality: Antiromantic & Pansexual / “who cares?”
Family: Dominic Crain ( father ✝ ) , Lilith Goodman ( mother ) , Fred Goodman ( step-father ) , Julian Goodman ( step-sister ) , Hannah Goodman ( half-sister ) , Ewan Goodman ( half-brother )
Height: 5′7 inch  | 176cm
Side: Neutral
John’s tattoos: soon
Location: Hope County
Occupation: junior deputy
Hobbies: nothing and everything at the same time, whatever keeps him entertained for an amount of time, watching movies filmed like they’re real footage movies, hunting
Background / Pre-Cult: From a very young age Kyle knew that he was different from other kids, different from other people. He didn’t feel emotions like others did. And he truthfully spoke about that to his father, who tried to teach him to not tell about his feelings to other people, being afraid they would look at him differently. Though Kyle didn’t understand, he acted like a good son, trying to mimic other people’s reactions and emotions. When he was eleven, his father died from cancer. Though Kyle didn’t feel grief or sadness about his father’s death, he was disappointed that from that point he had no one to share his real side with. His mother annoyed him, but he kept up the good and caring son figure, being there for her at the time of Dominic’s death. When Kyle turned thirteen, Lilith, his mother remarried to Fred Goodman. They moved with Kyle from Louisiana, to Montana. Kyle didn’t like his step-father. Fred was too judgemental toward him, and Kyle doesn’t like to be judged by other, minor people. He studied in a high school in Missoula. From his family he only felt a connection to Hannah, his sister. Not that he felt love towards her. But she actually amused him and the hate they both shared towards Fred. When he finished high school, he immediately started to train to become an officer. He didn’t care much about saving and helping other people, and though he had the intellect and money to become a lawyer or even a judge, or a surgeon, he wanted to hold a weapon during his job. When the County Sheriff Department started investigating the cult and the Seeds, he immediately thought: “Well, consider this my early-christmas-present”, knowing how many peope he gets to kill while he “fights” the cult.
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Thoughts about people in Hope County :
Earl Whitehorse: Kyle thought about how nice and kind the sheriff acts with everyone they meet. Locals, co-workers, random people. He was very kind with him when he started working at the sheriff station. He’s nice... too nice, even. Makes Kyle gag in his mind, but he keeps up a smile for the old man.
Staci Pratt: His jokes and teasing wants to make him put the guy out of his misery. He doesn’t have any feelings of pity towards the man. He doesn’t consider him anything more, then a cockroach. He doesn’t even act like he likes Pratt, just so the man won’t come near him and annoy him to no end.
Joey Hudson: The woman is getting on his nerves. Her constant flirting and playing around. He acts like he likes it, he laughs and flirts back. But in reality he would rather stab her with a scissor than have her around him for even a minute.
Nancy: Doesn’t have many thoughts about her. He doesn’t really care either about the old woman. He keeps bringing her donuts every morning and he keeps complimenting her, like a good little boy, trying to impress his mommy. But it’s all an act, like everything else, when he interacts with ‘normal’ people.
Dutch: He actually likes the old man. He reminds him a lot of his father, his manner and his tips. He considers him amusing then most. He doesn’t like him. But he doesn’t hate him either, so that makes Dutch very lucky and special in a way.
Jerome Jeffries: Jesus Christ, and for everything that’s holy and unholy. He hates priests and preacher. He doesn’t care if the man is against the cult or not. He doesn’t want to listen to his preaching or his commands. Who is he to command him? Him?!
Eli Palmer: The guy is a pain in the ass. Honestly if Eli would leave the bunker even once, he would probably shoot him and lie that he did it because he looked like a peggie from a distance, with that hair and beard. But honestly he would kill him, because he’s just too... annoying.
Virgil: “Fat, old, pathetic...”
Tracey: “Who... the hell cares?”
Sharky Boshaw: “Not talking about that baboon, nope.”
Grace Armstrong: “Jesus, what’s this interest with everyone? I don’t know! I don’t care!”
Faith Seed: “Honestly, I would fuck her.” That’s his only thought. But other than that, he doesn’t care if the blonde lives or dies. She seems like a crazy chick. He loves and hates crazy chicks. But if she comes anywhere near him with her stupid drug, he’ll shoot her, no matter how hot she is.
John Seed: Same as with Faith, would sleep with him at least once. The guy is crazy, reminds him a lot about himself. Though the difference between them is that Kyle won’t let anyone control him, meanwhile John is only a puppet of Joseph. So he thinks of him as pathetic and weak. But still... would fuck him at least once, before he kills him.
Jacob Seed: Too grumpy and old for his liking. He’s too philosophical as well. Acts like he knows shit, when in reality, he doesn’t. So yeah, Kyle hates him pretty much and will do anything to get him under the ground already. How dare that ginger fuck think for one second he can control him with his mind-fuck-music?!
Joseph Seed: Joseph is the most amusing man he ever met. He feels like he finally met Sherlock, if he’s Moriarty. He’s the Doctor to his Master. Will to his Hannibal. Joseph is pretty much his muse. He keeps him occupied with all the people he keeps sending Kyle’s way. All those peggies, ready to be killed, by him. Kyle doesn’t really want to stop Joseph. He could... but why would he, that would mean the end of the fun.
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Special thoughts of my ocs:
Hazel-Faye Blossom: soon
Eddie Blossom: soon
Special thoughts of peoples’ ocs
.. @onl-you ‘s universe
Liza Evans: Too loud, too nosy, too... annoying in general. He’ll probably never like him. But he keeps her close, trying to act nice around her to keep her on his good side. He doesn’t need a hacking b*tch spying on him. You know what they say... Keep your friends close...
Emmanuel McAdams: “Who?”
Dylan Highmoore: Dylan is too boring for Kyle, so he’ll probably never hang around him if he can help it.
Joffrey Orwell: The kid is an eyesore to him. Everyone loves him, everyone cares about him, it’s just making him sick. He’s being nice of course, he doesn’t want to rile people up against him. Kyle is a good actor, so he won’t screw up his mask of ‘normal’ just because he gets sick of the disney-like-kind and innocent Joffrey.
Na’eemah Tamman: “Don’t know, don’t care.”
Iah Tamman: “Do I have to repeat myself?! I... don’t...care...”
Bill Taylor: Pathetic and weak... Probably Kyle will have fun getting to know about Bill’s troubles. He would try to make the kid feel worse, try to get him over the edge and watch if he’ll end himself or not. Of course he would do this carefully, being very manipulative about it too, he doesn’t need anyone going after him because he’s trying to have fun with that kid. He doesn’t worth that much. Making blunt observations like: “So, if you don’t have any friends what are you good for?” And will probably laugh it off, patting him on the back. “I’m just messing with you kid, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, if you’re not good at anything, really. It’s not your fault.” He won’t do this around other people though.
Misha Annora: He would offer her once to have sex with him. He won’t be blunt about it either, but if he gets rejected then he doesn’t care about her really. Might as well die, if she won’t be any good use to him.
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He never watches the same movie twice. If he already knows the plot, what’s the point in wasting his time rewatching a film?
He needs to be constantly occupied and amused or he’ll start thinking about violence and killing. Not because he enjoys that. He doesn’t really enjoy anything. But at least that’ll keep him... not too bored. For a while.
He would think his life is sad, being a psychopath, having no real feelings or remorse. But because he can’t really feel sad, he just... exists with the thought. And he tries to not think about it.
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#like i fully have to skip the rest of my days classes to make it out there any back in time for work and i’m really just !!!!!!!!!
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16 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 01:56:17 GMT
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She’s more pissed at John for stealing her last hair tie than the tourture
Finally drew my girl Imogne, here’s her after making it out of Johns bunker for the first time
18 notes • Posted 2021-09-12 18:22:06 GMT
does eli qualify as a dilf? discuss
30 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 04:16:58 GMT
Zoom Town Halls in Hope County pt 1
part 2!
based on @i-am-the-balancing-point and i talking about our insufferable zoom calls
virgil makes the mistake of making everyone an admin (idk if that’s the right word but we’re going with it) to make it equal
virgil is always so so stressed from these meetings
john mutes everyone to talk over them (he loses his admin privileges fast)
tracey gets in trouble for changing faith’s name to rachel
tammy starts shit with joseph after she cracks a beer when he suggests a prayer to open the meeting
faith is sitting in a field yet somehow has the best connection out of everyone
jerome and mary may attend together, they sit in the spread eagle but never mute themselves so you can always hear background noise
nancy (derogatory) tries to get the sheriff’s department to attend together but everyone always makes a variety of weak excuses to get out of it
staci is camera off muted (he does turn it on to fuss with his hair before going dark again), joey is camera on muted, whitehorse is camera on unmuted because of this you can always hear his loud old man breathing(he doesn’t know how to mute, no he doesn’t need help)
dutch shows up but is muted the whole time, he leaves his camera on tho and you can see him smoke a whole pack every meeting
joseph’s name is his iPad150e8 cause he doesn’t understand how to change it
hurk and sharky attend together and are always messing around with filter’s
they make a drinking game out of it at one point
adelaide always has a different background but it’s always some sort of beach
when jacob does show up (rarely) his face is always inches away from the camera and is breathing is super loud
42 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 17:31:41 GMT
Zoom Town Hall in Hope County pt 2
part two to this post
when jacob does speak there’s always a judge going feral offscreen
a strict no zooming and flying rule has been implemented
kim is very tired
tammy is camera on muted but you can always see her talking with people off screen
because mary may is never muted you can hear her bitching about the others, she does not care that you can hear her regularly calling john a little bitch
eli shows up but is camera off and muted, wheaty shows up and always sets his laptop in a way that you can clearly see eli not paying attention in the background
wheaty, jess, staci, sharky, and hurk all spam the chat
jess always posts links for memes and joseph always clicks on them even though he knows he’s going to get offended
john spams it as well but mainly with scripture
joey spams it when she gets muted
honestly everyone spams it when they get muted
except for dutch who just flips the camera off until he’s unmuted
crude gestures and profanity are prohibited but no one listens
faith lights a joint on screen once and everyone loses their shit
addie joins the call while xander is doing naked yoga in the background and the noise that the call makes can only be described as the screams of hell
everyone always gossips and bitches about what happens in the meeting as they’re happening with no care about if their camera and mic are on
tammy is one of the worst offenders
joseph begins to incorporate tech lingo into his speeches and he learns it all from these zooms
jacob absolutely gives his little powerpoint presentation during one of these
he doen’t understant screen sharing so he just turns his whole desk around to give it
eli turns his camera on and unmutes long enough to call jacob a bitch during this before he goes dark again, it’s the only time he ever participates
52 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 17:32:33 GMT
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