rubypasha1 · 3 months
In case anybody is wondering here’s a height chart for I Bite back. The first little lady is the lady love interest, going from Reader to Akoya, Jasper and [redacted]
For the sirens/mer it is just a representation of their waist up. All of their tails and tentacles are far larger and longer.
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As you can see, sirens are very large compared to humans. As mentioned in the fic mers are supposed to be the same size as humans ish.
Reader is an odittie in that aspect. Is it a plot point? Yea. Will I not reveal why for 10+ chapters? Most likely.
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tito-sober · 2 months
The Atelier of Sketches, chapter 1.
Hello! Recently, I translated the first chapter of a book I've been writing. It's called The Atelier of Sketches. I hope you like it, and thank you for your time! :)
Synopsis : A boy wakes up memoryless in a surreal grass field and embarks on a journey to understand the world where he is. However, perhaps not everything he sees is true, due to the subtle presence of a mysterious nameless narrator, who delights herself in observing each one of his steps. Here is both the English version and Portuguese version (original)
Chapter 1: The Constellated Curtains Where night closes, nowhere's bliss,
Lies the eternal Atelier of Sketches.
There She is, and with her own fists,
Beyond the lands and beyond the ages,
She paints the world, the art, and the abyss.
He's awake. Finally.
This will be interesting.
Lying down, he opened his eyes to the dark and starry vault who stared at him indecipherably, and asked himself what were those lights. Even if for some it was obvious, for him, it wasn't, because his mind was blank, memoryless, pastless, erased as if never existed.
Despite not knowing the nature of the shinning dots, their beauty captivated him the same and, without lowering his chin, rose up.
At that moment I was observing a boy dressed in a simple gray cloak, standing in the grass and looking at the night sky with confusion on his face. Looked a lot older than he truly was, a body from neither a child nor a man. Not particularly pretty nor ugly, because there already are immensely beautiful people as well as immensely hideous, therefore not for this reason he woke under the starlit field.
More than I expected lasted his fascination about the sky but, as I indeed expected, that time was finite, because something looked wrong. The distant look's interruption came due to the oditty of the grass field's border. Despite the perfect parallax, an impeccable illusion of depth, the sky's sudden end near the ground revealed the reality: he was in a little dome, no larger than a desert's tower room. A semisphere, like a delicious meal in a silver plate.
Driven by a mix of curiosity, marvel and shock, he took his groping hand towards the edge of the firmament and, like curtains by the wind, the heavenly veil waved, momentarily breaking the so well-done parallax. Shaking fists grabbed that cosmos painted fabric and opened it, revealing a dark, empty and frightening vastness.
Stumbling, he stepped back, panting.
Next, sat near the green circle's center, right where he woke up, so he could reflect. Nevertheless, of course, his mind was too agitated to properly think. The blank sheet he was minutes ago became a maelstrom of interrogations, filled with questions so difficult to answer like “Who am I?”, or “Why don't I remember a thing?” or “Why am I here?”, besides some with more simple answers as “Where am I?”.
You are in a dome floating through the void, obviously. Dummy. You've seen that already.
Finally, after an eternity pondering hypothesis about the situation, all of them absolutely wrong, he came to the conclusion, a bit insane, on which I was counting.
He came closer to the border, opened wide the cloth, turned backwards;
Gave a last goodbye to the false stars who welcomed him;
And jumped. ----------------Portuguese version (original)----------------- Capítulo 1: A Cortina Constelada.
Central ao nada, onde a noite cerra,
Fica o eterno Ateliê de rascunhos.
Alheio ao tempo, alheio à terra.
Lá jaz Ela, e de seu próprio punho,
Pinta a arte, pinta os mundos, e pinta a guerra.
Acordou, finalmente.
Isso será interessante.
Deitado, ele abriu os olhos para a abóboda escura e estrelada que o encarava, indecifrável, e se perguntou o que seriam aquelas luzes. Mesmo que para alguns seja algo óbvio, para ele não fora, pois sua mente encontrava-se em branco, sem memórias, sem passados; apagados como se nunca houvessem existido.
Ainda que desconhecesse a natureza dos pontos brilhantes, a beleza deles o cativou da mesma forma e, sem baixar o queixo, pôs-se de pé.
Naquele instante eu observava um garoto vestido com um manto simples, parado em um gramado e olhando para um céu noturno com a confusão estampada no rosto. Aparentava muito mais idade do que realmente tinha, possuindo o corpo de alguém que não é nem criança, nem homem. Não era particularmente bonito nem feio, pois já existem pessoas imensamente lindas neste mundo, assim como imensamente feias, e não foi para preencher essa vaga que ele despertou sob o gramado iluminado pela luz estelar.
Mais do que esperei durou seu fascínio por aquele céu, mas, como eu sim esperei, esse tempo foi finito, pois para ele algo parecia errado. A interrupção daquele olhar distante veio na forma do estranhamento pela borda do gramado. Ao passo que a paralaxe estelar estava perfeita, uma impecável ilusão de profundidade, o súbito término do céu nas proximidades do chão revelara sua natureza: de que estava em uma pequena redoma de diâmetro pouco maior que um cômodo de uma torre em um deserto. Uma semiesfera, como uma deliciosa refeição em uma elegante bandeja de tampa de prata.
Movido por um misto de curiosidade, maravilhamento e assombro, levou sua mão tateante ao encontro do ponto na borda do firmamento e, igual uma cortina ao vento, o véu celeste tremulou, momentaneamente quebrando a tão bem feita paralaxe. Com os pulsos tremendo, agarrou aquele pano pintado de cosmo e o abriu, revelando uma imensidão medonha, escura, vazia.
Cambaleando, deu um passo para trás. Estava ofegando.
Em seguida, sentou-se no centro daquele pequeno círculo verde, bem de onde havia despertado, para que pudesse refletir. Entretanto, é claro, sua mente estava agitada demais para que conseguisse raciocinar. A folha em branco que era minutos atrás se tornou um turbilhão interrogativo, lotada de perguntas de difíceis respostas como “Quem sou eu?”, “Por que não me lembro de nada?” ou “Por que estou aqui?”, além de outras mais simples de serem respondidas como “onde estou?”.
Você está em uma redoma flutuando pelo vazio, obviamente. Isso você já viu.
Finalmente, após uma eternidade ponderando hipóteses totalmente incorretas sobre a natureza de sua situação, ele chegou à decisão, um pouquinho insana, com a qual eu contava.
Aproximou-se da borda, arregaçou aberto aquele pano, virou-se para trás;
Deu um último adeus às falsas estrelas que o recepcionaram;
E pulou.
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lady-rafael · 5 months
Tommy woke up his body aching seriously if Tommy was a car his cheack engine lights would be flashing for fucks sake Tommy is hungry tired and has half a mind to let a doppelganger take him not before letting then in but tommy is a big man a big man he can do this he thinks before getting up
Tommy cracks his back and finishes his stale bread
As Tommy went to his office and sat down while wearing a fucking tie why who knows why not Tommy
The first guy came in obvious doppelganger his I.D says technoblade which come on dude he also has bubblegum pink hair nut looking at how jacked he looks Tommy's pretty sure he's tryna be Steve
“Come on dude are you even fucking trying I mean look at that weird ugly pink hair Steve would never”
“Maybe I like it pink” it?! He yea Tommy gonna assume it's a he because Steve was a he said that in a gruff tone
“Yea sorry to tell you big man your preferences don't matter when your trying to impersonate people gonna have to call the D.D.D now “
Tommy said but as he was about to click the emergency button he got interrupted by the bad Steve duplicate
“Children these days no respect to talk these days”
Look Tommy should probably not talk to him butttt Tommy was bored and there were no people this early for quite a while
“First of all I ain't no child secondly your a doppelganger my job is to spot you and call the D.D.D”
The pink haired man snorted
“Sure,runt I wanted to ask you don't look old enough to have a job yet are the humans that desperate also your hundred percent a child”
Tommy scoffed “I'm a big man and not a runt or a child and I'm practically old enough for this job it's just that the people say my talent and how much a big man I am and gave me this job early”
He snorted once more
“Sure, kid, whatever you wanna belive but i'll be back you're too interesting to leave alone Philza was right” after saying that the man went away leaving Tommy in shock first time he didn't call D.D.D on one of them and wasn't philza the phil copycat
The rest of the day Tommy worked absentmindedly, mind only on technoblade and Tommy was constantly berated about it like fuck off yall
But since Tommy was the only line of protection against the doppelgangers Tommy had to focus but seriously the fuck are the guards for Tommy is luke 70% sure there guns don't have bullets and there knifes are dull
Well one more “person” to go before Tommy has to clean Tommy thought with a groan
The person in front of him was a brunette with brown eyes and he smirked at Tommy, Tommy returned it with a scowl
Tommy checked his papers Wilbur, Wilbur Soot this copycat was trying to copy William Ash
Tommy stared at him with a blank stare checking for more odittys this fucking “guy” was freakishly tall the fuck so Tommy had to tell him
“dude, the fuck your papers are wrong yea but why the fuck are you such a bean pole”
His eyes widen and he looked shocked before with a smirk he said “shut up gremlin have you considered I'm not tall and your short because your baby man”
Tommy's blood was boiling how many insults did he slip into that
“shut the fuck up im not a “baby man” I'm a fucking big man the biggest”
He roller his eyes “ please” he said with a scoff “Come on kid what are you 12 and you only argued against your age dose that mean your a short gremlin” he said with a smug smile that made tommy want to knock his teeth out
“Shut the fuck up im not short I'm quite tall for your information and I'm not a damm gremlin and your tall beacuse your a failure doppleganger William ain't that tall go fuck yourself”
He simply laughed at tommy before saying
“You really cute, sunsprout any chance you'll let me in”
Tommy gave him a deadpan face before saying
“Get the fuck out before I call the D.D.D”
Then wilbur made a face akin to a wet cat before laughing and leaving if tommy felt a bit lonely after he left no one needs to no
As tommy left the office he stood still and held his breath nothing snapped his neck so he's safe but there's not way in hell he is cleaning this building or going hungry fuck jshit he's a piece of shit
Tommy walked to the cafeteria ignoring the looks he got Tommy put food on his plate more then usual one served the themself but why the fuck is it everyone but Tommy got to self indulged as tommy was about to walk out a guy came in front of him
“James,you know your not allowed here fuck off and put the food back and go clean the building”
Tommy flipped him off and said “go to hell first of all names Tommy don't wear it out and I know I'm beautiful and blonde but do I fucking look like Cindarella”
The guy was to stunned to stop him so tommy walced out flipping everyone the bird no way in ever loving hell he is cleaning hire a fucking janitor or pay Tommy enough to live
Tommy walked to one of the guest rooms yes a FUCKING GUEST ROOM incase extra survivors came in need of shelter Tommy had to live in a pecie of shit smaller then a attic room and there were guest rooms
Tommy sat down in a amazingly comfy bed put in the T.V and watched mouna the best film and Tommy ate and it was delicious
Tommy lazed around eating and watching movies for a good plenty hours till some fuckers who's name tommy couldn't be bother to reme ber came to bother him
“Who the fuck said you can do this you son of a bitch go. And.fucking work” the guy said he growled the last part out
“Oh my fucking god shut the fuck up il do my job as a doorman period rest of the shit NO and I want to be treated better so fuck right of, julia” tommy said knowing full well the guys name was anything but Julia
The guy looked redder than a tomato with anger he looks furious he fumbled for a good minute before practically screeching at Tommy
“I'll be back with Jschalt you spoiled brat”
“Ya sure be back with jshit or whatever now fuck off” tommy said standing up for him self was a heavenly experience
The guy didn't come back so tommy just enjoyed and fell asleep after a few hours
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 11 months
Hey Oditty, do you like manga?
Hello!! I haven’t had the chance to read manga much, but I do like the art in manga a lot!!!
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triplepastelfire · 5 years
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bogotaisburning · 4 years
Kansai Stardust
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Por: Diana Galindo C.
Camaleónico, extravagante, contracorriente, genio, revolucionario, andrógino, singular, uno en un millón, adjetivos que se quedan cortos para describir a su majestad David Bowie, pero este articulo quiere conmemorar la contribución que hizo uno de los diseñadores más prodigiosos que trabajó a su lado. Kasai Yamamoto, nació el 8 de febrero de 1944 en Yokohama y murió el pasado 27 de julio de 2020. Fue el primer diseñador japonés que realizo un desfile en Londres en el año 1971 y uno de los precursores de la moda contemporánea; sus influencias van desde lo más profundo de la cultura japonesa retomando el concepto teatral kabuki (termino japonés que se refiere a una práctica teatral empírica) y adaptando conceptos de “avant garde” (vanguardismo).
Según se cuenta antes de su gira con su según disco Space Oddity producido en el año 1969 Bowie fue en busca del renombrado diseñador a su showroom y tras hacer contacto con él queriendo adquirir algunas de sus prendas para presentarse en el escenario. Durante uno de los conciertos y tras bambalinas el cantante le pidió a Kansai una colaboración para lo que serían sus siguientes dos giras Ziggy Stardust (1972) y Aladdin Sane (1973).
La admiración mutua de estos artistas resultó en la creación de algunos de los atuendos más icónicos del cantante como lo fueron la capa blanca llena de iconos kenji (tipo de escritura japonesa), el kimono de tigres, el enterizo negro de líneas plateadas sobredimensionado en las piernas y varias lycras satinadas que acompañaron éxitos como Space Oddity, prendas que hicieron a Bowie transcender más allá de las fronteras del género.
Kansai, luego de llegar a la cúspide de su carrera y posterior a sus colaboraciones con Bowie se interesaron en su trabajo varios artistas de la industria de la talla de Elton John y Stevie Wonder. Su estilo se destacaba entre los diseñadores japoneses de su época que exponían mayormente una estética minimalista, los colores saturados, su afición por la vestimenta del samurái como el kimono y su aprecio por resaltar su cultura lo llevaron a numerosos desfiles alrededor del mundo. Así mismo el director creativo de la firma Louis Vuitton monsieur Nicolas Ghesquière lo invito a colaborar para su línea femenina, uno de sus últimos proyectos.
Infortunadamente como se menciona anteriormente la vida nos quitó la oportunidad de seguir viendo sus majestuosos y singulares atuendos. No sin antes haber marcado la historia de la industria artística. Gracias por tu legado y por hacer parte de esta odisea en el espacio.
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cynozurka · 4 years
the opening to valerian was great and it was all downhill from there
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Ground control to Major Tom,  your ship is wrecked your signal’s gone.
Is it true that you’re still out there? You’re still breathing? Cuz our hope, it sure is leaving us, in fact it left us long ago. Pray, is it death that’s wreathing you,  with toxic shades of its cold breath? Not even wheezing reaches our scared ears. Please release our fears we want to cease to shed our bitter tears.
Breathe for us, give us something to believe in.
Major Tom to ground control, the solitude, the angst,  it sure did take its toll. Can you hear me? Is it me or just my soul, screaming for relief. Drifting around in my space suit, the ship is gone, and I don’t know how it’s even come this far, but maybe I am happy for the way this journey changed my route.
Tell my future wife, I know that I just won’t survive. I want your help but I can’t reach you, and I know you sure don’t wanna hear a dead man rant. I’ve had enough, my suit says tanks are empty. Now I wanna see the things they always said I can’t see.
I’m gonna breathe, take off my helmet, stare into the sun, for one last first time, not too shy for once, now my end has just begun.  Breathing in the nothingness of time and space, about to meet my cruel maker
I can’t wait to feel his hate.
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youngnoodle · 7 years
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David Bowie in Paris, 1977
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guardianasdelrpg · 5 years
Vengo a felicitar a foros como Renegade, Star Guardian Rpg y Space Oditty, por demostrar que da igual si son 8 u 80 usuarios; se puede tener una actividad constante en el tiempo, dedicación a esos usuarios y no tener que cerrar a los dos días. Siguen acumulando sus meses de actividad, siguen anunciándose y se nota que le ponen esfuerzo. Espero que estos ejemplos ayuden a los que empiezan a no rendirse y no tirar su foro a la basura, ¡mucho ánimo a todos! ¡disfruten de sus creaciones!
┏━━━━•❅•°•❈•°•❅•━━━━┓❍                     𝐽𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎                   ❍┗━━━━•❅•°•❈•°•❅•━━━━┛
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etimobeldad · 5 years
Bowie 2001 o la aulteración del arte
“Es una película con el soundtrack de la música de Bowie”
  Esa es la primera y única referencia que recibí sobre “Bowie 2001: A space oddity” y solo pensé es una gran idea. 
 Bajo esa premisa hay que esforzarse para hecharlo a perder y enserio que se esforzó el DJ Fritz Von Runte con su trabajo “Bowie 2001: A space oddity”.
     El público general comprende que la obra de un artista se encuentra sujeta a la interpretación y seria estupido discutir interpretaciones pero no es lo mismo la interpretación que la manipulación y este caso la obra de dos artistas se vio corrompida al ser manipulada por el genio malvado de Fritz Von Rute quien sin un mínimo de respeto y escrúpulos decidió mezclar dos obras que históricamente gozan de cierta relación pero no se concibieron para ser mezcladas.
El retirar la historia de una película y reducirla a una serie de imágenes creo es una ofensa para cualquier autor y encima de eso imponer un soundtrack “a tu gusto” es como lo acabo de expresar “un gusto personal” que debe evitarse salga al mercado.
    Es incuestionable que al pensar en David Bowie una serie de imágenes invaden la mente del lector probablemente entre ellas algunas relacionadas al tema espacial y obviamente “Sapce Oditty” un gran éxito de David Bowie que llegó a los primeros sitios de popularidad bajó la euforia de la carrera espacial e inspirada en la película de Kubrick, evidente en la cabeza de cualquiera mezclar ambas cosas suena bien pero si nos detemos a racionalizar un momento podemos cambiar de opinión: 
Silenciar la banda sonora a una película ya realizada es como una captura de pantalla y la usarla para un meme.
 Invadir la cinta sonora con un remix de tu autoría es descalificar el trabajo del autor, incluso del músico que no diseñó su obra para sonorizar esa serie de imágenes. 
    No me opongo que alguien realice un mix de David Bowie, con esa idea yo dudo entienda a Bowie, como notaran es un juicio subjetivo el que expreso aquí por ende considero ilógico descalificar el acto, no me molesta que alguien coloque escenas de su película favorita con música de David Bowie al fondo, claro que esto me parece un trabajo mas adecuado para youtube y sin monetizar el video pero si me molesta que adulteres dos obras reconocidas con tu visión y además lo edites en DVD como si fuera un producto digno del mercado.
DJ Frit Von Runte acapara las cámaras remezclando otros artistas sin aportar algo al medio musical, no debería de llamar la atención si no estar en un bar de esos que rinden homenajes con el afán de vender cervezas, saludos al foro Bizarro.
 Sin mas que agregar espero esta nota sea una pauta reflexiva sobre la ética en relación a la obra de un artista, primordialmente a obra reconocida, es importante señalar que antes editar era un reto sin embargo al día de hoy el exceso de herramientas digitales nos conlleva a remarcar los límites éticos en favor de la humanidad.
     Yo no apoyo el consumo de drogas pero recomiendo en caso de exponerse a esta obra cualquier sustancia que altere la percepción de manera considerable es de ayuda para enfrentar esa locura.
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justlookingvm · 5 years
Tessa’s Speech WoF London Aug 7, 2019.
Thank-you so much for being here. I truly appreciate you taking the time.
I had the privilege of attending Col. Chris Hadfield’s ceremony yesterday in Sarnia. And not only is he brilliant and articulate, the man can also sing. He sand a great rendition of Space Oditty and I thought, I mean I don’t know if we have to do an interpretive dance (Scott does a hoe-down) but I don’t know where we go and at Scott’s ceremony today he spoke so eloquently about the influence and the impact that Ilderton has had on his career and on his life. And it was an honour to witness that and I’m absolutely thrilled to be here with each and every one of you to celebrate this hometown star that has such meaning and significance. Thank-you Jeffrey and to the Walk of Fame for hosting us here.
If I’m honest, when we started planning this event, a huge part of me wanted to hire some actors to pretend to be my friends and family and community members because I felt so guilty asking anyone to spend their cherished time or energy celebrating us. I mean you guys have spent 22 years doing just that. The guilt was so real that I have to say that now as I look around this room and I see so many familiar faces. I’m glad. I’m glad you’re real. I’m glad you’re my friends. I’m glad that you are community members who are contributing in such relevant ways to London.
Chris mentioned yesterday that, he quoted the Wizard of Oz and Dorothy saying “there’s no place like home”. And it’s true, London is home. This is where my dreams began. Every part of my aspirations and my career, well that’s imbedded in the fabric that is London. And it’s everything that London stands for. It’s inclusivity and acceptance and unconditional love, it’s fairness. It’s everything that makes me so proud to hear, representing Ilderton, representing London, representing Canada. Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir and that’s never been lost on us.
I’d like to take a moment and thank Scott personally, I mean we can do this on our own time but (he does a body laugh), also would be a very very long speech. But, thank-you for making it so easy to be your skating partner, your friend, and your number one fan. I was inspired by you every single day. As an athlete, and Marie France and Patch can attest to this, I’ve never met someone so dedicated, so driven, so committed to the process, so passionate, and as a human, I’ve never come across anyone so thoughtful, so compassionate, so generous. And it’s easy to see how you captivate audiences, and it’s so easy to understand how everyone in this room, everyone in these communities has grown to love and adore you.
Giving back to the London Women’s Abuse Centre here is London is so necessary, yet so needed. You are on the front lines of making a difference in the lives of so many people. Thank-you for your contributions to this community. Thank-you for being the safe place for so many women and children in need. We all applaud you.
I still get congratulatory cards from some of my public school teachers from here in London. I get emails and phone calls and text messages from people who have made their mark on my career over the years. And that’s everyone from my first dance teacher, my neighbour on the street growing up, it’s my brother’s friend who helped me as a baby and gave me his beer after we finished competing in Pyeongchang. This room is full of so many people who have really made it easy to be thankful. Made it easy to take centre ice and not feel alone.
(Tearing up and voice breaking) Thank-you to my family, you guys are the best and I can’t wait to celebrate with you and like we always do with a dance party probably. But it’s your sacrifice, your love and your patience and understanding and generosity and I’ll continue on later at home.
Thank-you everyone for being here. I hope this symbolizes the journey of hard work and something we’ve been talking about a lot lately, just the fulfillment in that, in the process, not just the medals and the success but what it takes to get there. And I hope this sets an example.
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thisisnotahetship · 5 years
10 Songs I’d Never Skip
Tagged by @lookthatway and @burning--amber thank you, i love sharing music 😍 
Unforgettable - Nat King Cole 
Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush (this woman is a fever inducer)
In The Backseat - Arcade Fire
All Of Me Wants All Of You - Sufjan Stevens
Speak Low - Sarah Vaughan or Peggy Lee (this one happens to be the song I associate the most with Spock post-Generations T__T)
Reverie for oboe and harp - Debussy
Space Oditty - David Bowie (classic)
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
Into The Mystic - Van Morrison
Mind Mischief - Tame Impala
tagging without pressure @idkipoststuff, @deadpanwalking, @bllbabaggins, @peridotsarelongterm, @nonbinarysaavik (i really really loved your tos spirk playlist <3)
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blogdopaiollab-blog · 5 years
Dia 7
Hoje foi dia de Spelling Bee (Soletrando), Hot Wad (Batata Quente), Pesquisa das Palavras que serão usadas no Calendário do Advento e Gravação de Áudio do Space Oddity (está quase pronto).
Algumas das palavrinhas do Hot Wad que usamos estão aqui no Dicionário Pictográfico.
Wish - Pedido/Desejo
"When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you" (Tema da Disney para o desenho Pinocchio)
Quando você pede a uma estrela
Não importa quem você seja
Tudo que seu coração quiser virá até você
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Astronaut - Astronauta
The astronaut sang: "... here am I sitting in a tin can far above the world." (verso da música Space Oditty do David Bowie)
O astronauta cantou: "... aqui estou sentado nessa lata bem acima do mundo"
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(Imagem do livro ilustrado por Andrew Kolb para a música Space Oddity)
Xmas/ Christmas - Natal
We are working on the Advent Calendar for Xmas!
Estamos trabalhando no Calendário do Advento para o Natal!
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Só para quem ainda não sabia (poucos) seguem os sons das letras do alfabeto em inglês:
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Miss you already!
Já estou com saudades de vocês!
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kiuntisss · 8 years
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sa vie était comparable à son paquet de cigarette. tous ces mégots qu'elle écrasait dans le cimetière de ses objectifs comme elle écrasait sa vie par sa propre volonté...
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unfisher · 6 years
Любимые песни
Всем йо-хо-хо
Решила сегодня поделиться самой затертой частичкой моего плейлиста
1. David Bowie — “Space oditty“
Классика рок-н-ролла, которую просто стыдно не знать. Да и будем честны, все же в восторге от майора Тома и его путешествия
2. Pixies — ”Where is my mind?“
Любимая песня, которая послужила саундтреком к любимому фильму, снятому по любимой книге (может быть, и эти списки когда-нибудь составлю, вы отпишитесь, если интересно)
3. Все те же Pixies — “Greens and blues“
Просто состояние души, наверное, по жизни. Спасибо любым мистическим и не очень силам, что я на момент знакомства с этой песней знала английский, поэтому и увидела себя между строк.
4. Ляпис Трубецкой — “Огоньки“
С 12-13 лет я праздную каждый Новый год в абсолютном одиночестве, так что тогда эта песня послужила для меня недюженной поддержкой. А сейчас “во дни сомнений, во дни тягостных раздумий“ слушаю даже летом.
5. Дайте танк ! — “Утро“
Просто наша общая с Сашей песня
6. The Bloodhound Gang — “Fire, water, burn“
Еще одно состояние души
7. Pete and the Pirates — ““Mr. Understanding“
Давайте я просто процитирую: “If you really want to understanding, you should talk to mister Understanding” Наверное, просто помогает понимать этот мир.
Если честно, в этот список должны войти все 3 студийных альбома Nirvana, туча песен Red hot chilly peppers, заеженный Radiohead и прочее, прочее, прочее. Постараюсь периодически вбрасывать в свой бложик что-нибудь музыкальное, чтобы еще больше передавать настроение и мысли.
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