#oddity floyd
crazypatrolstudent · 2 months
Oddity posting!!!
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I forgot to post these oops
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Meryl: Do it or you're straight. Floyd: *Loud gasp*
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If it is okay, may I please request a headcannon of MC being found badly injured by Ace, Lilia, Trey, Floyd, and Jamil? I really love these characters so much! And angst, too.
Ace Trappola:
Ace had a hard time keeping the panic from showing on his face, hands hovering over you like he was afraid to touch you. What if he hurt you more? He’d never claimed to have a healing touch but even now he knows there’s not much worse he could do other than finishing the job, a thought that proceeds to make him sick to his stomach. There’s another feeling burning deep in his gut, a rage only held back by the initial shock of seeing you in such a state and trying to process what to do from there. Your safety was at the forefront of his mind, getting you straight to a person who can heal you, even if every other instinct of his wanted to get even with the person who hurt you first.
Floyd Leech:
Though Floyd is not your enemy, you can’t help but feel uneasy as he approached. He’s not really glaring at you but past you, like there was a general barking orders at him that he had no intention of following. He hadn’t said much since he found you, another oddity as he wasn’t generally the quietest. You don’t think he’s ever handle you so gently before as he scooped you up, changing his pace or repositioning you carefully each time you winced or whimpered in pain. The first thing on his mind was returning you to safety, but once you were… He asked with an eerie calmness if you could give details on your assailant, even if it was more than one person, because he fully intended to pay them all back double (and Sevens help whoever tried to stand in his way).
Jamil Viper:
Jamil hadn’t quite gathered himself together, priding himself on analyzing situations, on predicting outcomes, and yet your interference had always been a variable he forgot to account for. Just like in his life, he had never expected you to come crashing in nor had he expected you to make a home beside him. He thought you were crazy for seeing any value in a relationship with him but he supposed you had your uses, hiding behind the shadow of a manipulator despite how truly grateful he was for your presence. Now he’s confronted with that, life spitting in his face again, demanding that he beg on his hands and knees, grovel, to assure that you survived your injuries. He knew the basics of healing, knew how to clean wounds and to dress them properly, but he had to hope mentally you had the strength to pull through for him. He hoped you could hear him begging for forgiveness, a promise to treat your relationship more seriously if you just came back to him.
Lilia Vanrouge:
Lilia’s always been good at wearing a mask, showcasing a playful smirk or firing off witty flirtations in moments that don’t necessarily fit the mood. But he feels a bit of the façade crack when he sees you in such dire straits, clinging to the last bit of calm he possessed as it tried to slip right through his fingers. It’s not that he’s scared, his battlefield experience allowed him to determine your status with a quick glance, but he felt a deep-seated fury building inside him. He remembered being pulled away from someone important before in a drastic, life-changing moment, unable to protect—fight by their side as he was meant to, and it seemed that same crossroads was appearing before him again. He had been forced into one choice for the sake of Briar Valley before but there are no such forces present now. He kneeled by your side, making a serious face you’re not quite used to seeing on him as he promised he wouldn’t let the culprit touch a hair on your head ever again.
Trey Clover:
Trey is used to keeping his cool under any circumstance, having to be the level-headed vice dorm leader had brought him many days of experiencing pressure to assure emotions didn’t boil over. Yet none of that training matters now when he saw your blood-soaked clothes, his heart skipping a beat until he realized you were still breathing. He tried to talk to you, offering soothing words, promising he’d get you to someone who could help soon. There’s a bitter taste in his mouth as he knew he likely wouldn’t have the chance to get his hands on the person who hurt you, biting down on his lip so hard it began to bleed, but he couldn’t voice his frustrations now to a person who was in a much worse state than he was. And he didn’t think he ever would, letting his anger fester deep in his chest until he had a moment alone to dispel it.
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terminuslucis · 2 days
I wonder how little silver managed to take pictures during beanfest without being caught in the middle of fights like in Azul's and Jack's groovy, or just seeing Rook up in the trees 😭🤔
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Turns out, it's not that hard to sneak when people are focused on something else. Jack was trying to fight Floyd and Azul was boasting about his master plan like a spy movie villain.
The real oddity was running into Rook. Little Silver is surprisingly sneaky, and he managed to disappear while Rook was still processing how the boy slipped under his nose.
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
The Oddity Of Kindness
Jade finds you quite amusing, really. He can't help but wish to catch you off-guard. And yet, his plans are thrown off by your dastardly schemes of- genuine kindness?
Notes: NGL Jade would actually make a really good Kaguya from love is war but at the same time I like it better when there is no shirogane... Just him doing that stuff and some random person who's incredibly nice (I low-key wanna make this fic a series guys HELP-)
Jade always found you to be quite the peculiar individual. You never displayed the fear characteristically shown around him. Oblivious, perhaps?
Your peculiarity just made you all the more fascinating. Jade couldn't help but wonder how you'd react upon finding out his true nature.
He'd lamented this to Floyd. Floyd had just said he was being "lame". How foolish. Jade was most certainly not being lame, in fact, he was being incredibly cunning in his schemes to catch you off-guard. He was intelligent, analyzing your weaknesses with am effortless prowess rarely seen, and he had a flawless plan.
Really, it would be so amusing to toy with you a tad. After all, what could you possibly do against him?
"You're blushing, Jade," Azul had commented idly as Jade left to meet you at the botanical gardens, where you went every Saturday morning to pick strawberries. Somehow, Trey let you pick them without charging anything like he had with Jade. You must've been a genius of wit to make that happen.
"Perhaps you require an eye-exam, Azul," Jade said with a laugh. Honestly, what sort of lovesick fool did Azul think he was? Blushing like some schoolgirl meeting their crush! "Your glasses clearly aren't high enough in power. Would you like me to schedule an appointment for you?"
Azul merely rolled his eyes.
"You would do well to get yourself an eye exam," he said, waving Jade off with a shoo. Whatever. Azul simply failed to comprehend Jade's plan. Really, most people would. It was so dastardly Jade couldn't help but feel a bit bad at his own cold-hearted nature.
He was going to fluster you. That was the end goal. He'd already laid out a step-by-step process, along with backup-plans for your every counter.
The first step was to enter the greenhouse. He'd just done that. The second was to walk over to where you were. Closer, closer, taking in the slight scent of petrichor, the fresh, ruby-red strawberries that surrounded you, until...
"Ah, Jade!" You jumped up at the sight of him, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly upon facing him. "Sorry. Didn't see you there."
He smiled, making sure to keep his mouth closed. It made him seem polite, but slightly unnerving due to the way the smile didn't reach his eyes.
Phase one of his plan - to catch you off-guard and leave you at a disadvantage - was a success. It was time for phase two.
"Don't worry," he said. "I completely understand. Regardless, I'm rather curious as to what you're doing. You show up at the garden rather often at this exact time, you see."
He'd just combined steps three and four into one. He'd both unnerved you a bit more by implying that he'd observed your habits and made for a smooth transition to bringing up why he came to the botanical gardens.
"Oh, I'm just here to pick some strawberries for Trey!" So you picked those as a favor to him. That explained why Trey never attempted to seek payment. "He's pretty swamped in Heartslabyul most days, so I like to deliver the strawberries to him."
So you were kind, yes, but that was nothing but old news. More importantly, why weren't you unnerved by the fact that Jade seemed to know you well?
"What about you?" You asked. "I can't name a time, but I know you come here pretty often too. Mind sharing why?"
So, it'd finally come to this. Jade could already picture the sight of you caught off-guard. It would be so tantalizing- amusing. It would be amusing. Not tantalizing, and certainly not something to savor.
"You truly wish to know? It might frighten you," he said, with that typical, unnerving grin of his. But you didn't even bat an eye. How peculiar.
"Yeah, sure!" You said.
His plan was coming to an amusing fruition. Jade knew his eyes were sparkling as he started his ramble.
"I have a love for mushrooms," he said. "The beautiful, often poisonous things. I come here to grow them. I cultivate them ad best as I can, you know. Some fungi can't be grown here. Those tend to be more poisonous. The fun ones. And then, after a long time, the mushrooms are ready for cultivation. The ones that seem edible get fed to others. And yet, they must complain. I still remember the ghost chef who kept insisting it was rude to feed others mushrooms that freeze the tomgue. How odd, no? It was merely a bit of fun."
Silence ensued, with you keeping your hand clasped firmly over your mouth. Jade grinned. He'd done it. To think, you were so easily frightened. How amusing.
But then, you burst into laughter.
"What seems to be the matter?" He said. This wasn't what he expected to happen. Most people were dying to run away, yet paralyzed in fear.
"I- hah, sorry," you said, wheezing in attempts to catch your breath. "You're just so cute when you talk about your mushrooms. And then you were looking at me at the end like you were expecting something, and I just couldn't help it!"
At his reaction, you seemed to come to a realization.
"Did you actually think that'd scare me?" Here it was. You'd show your less kind side to mock him.
But then, your expression seemed to somber for a bit, before you puffed yourself up in an act of resoluteness.
"All those people who tell you it's weird are wrong!" You said, seeming awfully indignant. "You're cute when you get all excited and your eyes sparkle, a-and I loved learning more about your cultivation process. The information's a bonus, not something to put up with!"
You thought he was- cute? T-That wasn't true at all! Jade wasn't cute, he was a predator, and he was cold and cunning in a way that had brought fear upon others! Even as a child, he'd been feared by the high-profile clients Father had him hunt.
So how could you of all people think he was cute? This was utterly absurd. No one thought he was cute, especially not when he talked about mushrooms!
His mouth went dry. His face felt so hot it felt like it would combust any second. What was he to do? He'd never thought this would happen!
"You okay, Jade? Your face is really red," you said. Somehow, you seemed nothing but concerned. There wasn't an ounce of malice in your eyes, and he didn't understand that. Why? Weren't you going to attempt to take advantage of this rare moment of weakness? To garner a favor?
"I- must leave," he said, swallowing rapidly in hopes of overcoming the knot that seemed to form in his throat. "Until next time. This was a pleasure."
"Yeah, I was really nice getting to know you better!" You said. "And don't feel bad about how red your face is! I think it's super cute! But, since it probably means you're sick, rest up, okay?"
What sort of dastardly trick was this? You couldn't possibly be so well-intentioned. So caring, so concerned, over him? It was incomprehensible.
A retreat. He had to stage a retreat. This was too much.
"Hey, Jade!" Said Floyd, right as Jade had strained the illusion of safety. "You're so red right now? 'Rest up, okay'?"
Floyd had- heard everything?
"You'd beat be quiet, dear brother," he said. His voice cracked. Jade's voice never cracked! That simply wasn't something that happened.
"No, no, Floyd is right," said none other than Azul, approaching Jade from the other direction. He was trapped. "What happened to you? Perhaps your little crush managed to turn the tables on you?"
There was nothing to speculate for either of them. They'd seen it all go down. But Jade had to put an end to this somehow.
"It would be a shame if I were to tell everyone about both of your more embarrassing moments, now wouldn't it?" That wasn't nearly as subtle as Jade would've liked. But it did the trick, and got both Azul and Floyd to quit revelling in his suffering.
"Why must you be this way?"
"Boo. Killjoy."
Jade couldn't help but let out a small laugh at their comments as he pulled himself together.
"Regardless, the Prefect truly is a fascinating character," he said. You really were quite the odd one, weren't you?
Change of plans. He didn't want to fluster you anymore. No.
Now, he was going to woo you.
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twisted-gremlin · 5 months
So uhhh
Twisted Wonderland Yandere Purge AU
The ideas here stem from @yanderemommabean and @blughxreader for the og creator and some excellent world biulding- so here I am- just adding this to a gay ass mobile game
Yan Twst students x Reader
Twisted Wonderland, is a... odd world. Filled with magic, odd creatures, and the sort. It's the perfect place for a loner nerd like yourself to be!
The school and the land in itself feels so nostalgic to you. Things that you learn about each town, city, and country, just make all sorts of sence to you.
Then... you got 22 red letters. Grabbing one at random you open it to read the contents of what's inside.
Dear Shrimpy♡
Here we have this thing called the Purge. It's comes from the rose place, so we also do it here since teens tend to often get someone they adore so much that they just rip out the troats of whoever they talk to♡
Whops~ I said the quiet part out loud~
Do wait nicely for me when the day comes, it be soon♡ I can't wait to squeeze you tightly and keep you close forever♡
Your favorite Eel♡
Ok- the purge. In this fuckin Disney ass world?- do they even own that- I guess they own half of all media so MAYBE- (nope, it's own by Universal)
Opening the other letters there was more talking about this purge, and how that they are going to keep you here forever and keep you safe.
What the fuck?-
Grim was in the corner happily snacking on 22 tuna cans.
"What is it henchman, can't you see I'm haveibg the feast if a lifetime!"
"Uh-huh- and- do tell me- who gave you all that tuna?"
"You know- all the guys that we helped out and kicked the asses of"
"Yeah- along with Ace and Deuce. They seemed to be getting along- witch was odd'
"Crap they are teaming up- oh no- that means-" others are probably teaming up too-
Not good not good-
Let's see here so it's people that I know-
We have Floyd as 'your favorite Eel' and he called me Shrimpy so obvious giveaway-
Fuck Tsunataro also signed it in his Nickname and called me child of man. He dosent know much about this, so thar could be either safe or very dangerous
Two your queens- oddly enough- but probably Vil and Riddle
One that called me Waifu/Husabando/Spouseu signed by Gloomurai
A big sis/bro/sib from someone, seemingly young so maybe ortho- witch isn't at all good
Two knights, one calling me their dream
One written in shakespirian for whatever reason
... I just realized this one has feathers and a shit ton of money in it and called me their jewl
One of the more scaryer ones just says I'm comeing, dont fight it
And more oddities.
Well, might aswell use that cash that, maybe Kalim? Sent me to get some defense. Or maybe bribe Azul- scraych that, Floyd and Jade are after me.
I don't want to hide in town and get them hurt...
Oh what to do- what to do-
"Child of man?"
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ashensgrotto · 1 year
The Sea's Sacrifice (Part 1)
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Characters: AzulAshengrotto / Jade Leech / Floyd Leech x F!Reader
Total Word Count: 14.7k+
Part 1 (You are Here) Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: A potential job as a marine biologist’s assistant leaves (Y/N) feeling something fishy going on behind the scene…
Author's Notes: Original Idea came from @merakiui 's annonymous ask with a short story / headcannon -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/684490143936167936/ooohhh-i-love-those-writing-ideas-you-had-for-sea?source=share
and I absolutely love this concept and wanted to take it a step further. I don't write yandere nor fanfiction as much as I did a few years ago. However, I do hope I do this piece justice; I will had links to the next part once it is completed and ready for viewing.
Also, this is a work of fiction. I disagree anyone that justifies the following behaviors which are represented in this fic (if I think of more, I will add them as I go):
rape/non-consent/dub-consent, possessive/controlling/dominating behaviors, and manipulation
Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
Will you ever return to me
Hear my voice sing with the tide
My love will never die
Over waves and deep in the blue
I will give up my heart for you
If someone were to tell you that you’d eventually be pulled into the wrong end of the sea by, not one but three, unknown sea creatures - you’d probably laugh your head off, thinking they’ve lost their mind.
But how wrong you’d be.
When you had initially applied to work at Twisted Wonders - an emporium of oddities that were collected and studied by the greatest minds in existence - you thought you’d be taking an everyday desk job; answering phone calls, scheduling tours, directing visitors… that sort of thing. 
Never in your right mind would you believe that you would be working alongside the Dire Crowley - director and owner of Twisted Wonders. Mr. Crowley was an acclaimed renowned genius with an air that was both mysterious and alluring. He was approximately 170 cm in height (five feet, seven inches) and wore rich tailored clothing made of silks and leather with gold embroidery and jewels embedded into the vest and belt; of course, he upped his strange allure by consistently wearing a heavy leather overcoat that hung to his frame, decorated in black feathers - real or faux, no one was sure, a top hat that perched on his head, and a mask of black that reminded you of a crow - his arched nose hidden under the long rim of the mask that poked out like a beak. 
“Here’s the deal, (Y/N),” Mr. Crowley spoke, reclining back in his desk chair as a pair of golden eyes peered out from behind the mask, “We’ve recently acquired three creatures that need to be observed. My team, however, has been unsuccessful at getting remotely close to studying them. They seem to think that an outsider might have a higher success rate at being able to approach them more than any of us will due to their knowing who we are.”
“So, what is it exactly that you want me to do?”
“I want you to observe them,” Mr. Crowley spoke, pushing a contract towards you, “You will work with my group of scientists for about three months as well as the three creatures. You are to notate anything and everything you see the trio doing - how they eat, sleep, react with each other, and so forth - and document everything for our records, no matter how insignificant it is. If you prove your worth and competence within those three months, you will be moved to another position within the facility of your choosing.”
“And that’s it? That’s all I need to do?”
“That’s it.”
‘Seems pretty easy for a payment of twenty dollars an hour…’ you thought as you looked down at the contract before, “And this is my… compliance, right?”
“That would be correct, as well as a safety and confidentiality agreement,” Mr. Crowley answered, offering a pen in your direction.
You took the instrument and wrote your name across the bottom of the page on the dotted line.
“Alright,” Dire Crowley took the contract and stood, pressing a buzzer on his desk, “with everything in order, I’ll have Grimsley take you to meet Divus Crewel and Mozus Trein - the overseers of our aquatic project.”
“I’m sorry, did you say aquatic?” your eyes widened in surprise.
“Dear me, did I forget to mention that part?” Mr. Crowley tapped his chin, his glowing eyes looking up toward the ceiling before returning to rest on your features, “Our newest arrivals are of the oceanic nature - I’ve never met or seen them myself, however Professor Crewel and Professor Trein will be able to go over the basics with you and introduce you to the trio in question.”
“As long as they don’ forget the good stuff!” a snarky voice spoke from behind.
You turned in your chair toward the door to see the man who must’ve been Grimsley.
He was about 163 cm in height with pale skin and dark gray hair with tufts of flame blue poking out in random directions. His eyes also were flame blue and held mischief in their depths that matched the smirk on his face as a set of sharp teeth peered out from behind thin lips. He wore a suit of black with a vest that matched his hair, a black and white-striped tie, and a white dress shirt. Leather loafers padded softly against the carpeted flooring of Crowley's office as he held out a black leather gloved hand in greeting.
"Grimsley Overblot," the man smiled like a Cheshire cat, "I'm Mr. Crowley's henchman and errand runner here at Twisted Wonders."
"(Y/N) (L/N)," you answer, taking Grimsley's hand with a shake, "pleasure to meet you."
“Grimsley, go ahead and take (Y/N) to see the good professors,” Dire Crowley spoke, a satisfied smile on his features, “I’m sure the two are more than ecstatic to meet her.”
As it turns out, both men were ecstatic to meet you - though Professor Trein was a bit more reserved about it versus his partner.
Trein's appearance matched his personality - his posture indicated a "no nonsense" aura as did his unchanging features. His lips would quirk into a small smile before they would fall to a straight line as his dark eyes settled on your uneasy form, as if he enjoyed watching you squirm like a germ under the microscope. He was dressed as any scientist would; a heavy white lab coat that fell to his knees hung around his frame that covered a white dress shirt and charcoal-colored dress pants and loafers. His hair was gray with streaks of white and wrinkles covered every inch of his face and neck.  He also wore a set of white pristine gloves and had a cravat around his neck with a singular emerald gem that held the cloth together.
As for his partner, Professor Crewel was a bit more… eccentric. Crewel had a sort of energy about him that reminded you of a young dog - not a puppy, but not an adult either. He was always cocking a smile that bore teeth, chuckling when he patted the top of your head as he called you "puppy." His clothing matched his laidback ideals too - a heavy black and white fur coat with a red silk lining covered the charcoal gray dress shirt and pants. His vest was black on one side, white on the other, and wore a red tie that matched the gloves on his hands.
“So,” Crewel spoke after introductions, pulling a cigarette out of his pants pocket and lighting the object, “any questions before we get you set up?”
“I guess my big question is what exactly will I be working with?” you ask.
“We believe the trio to be mers, but they’re not your typical ones,” Trein explained with a sniff as his features twisted at the smell of Crewel’s smoke,  “All three of them have the upper bodies of men, but lower halfs of sea creatures. Two of the three half the lower half of what we believe to be that of a moray eel and the third the lower half of an octopus. The twins are typically more curious of the three, though they can be aggressive. Several of our closest colleagues were attacked by the duo after accidentally disturbing them - their bites have left scars and one of our colleagues actually lost their leg from their attack.”
“... and you don’t think I will?” you had to question, the comment coming out high-pitched.
“Well, moray eels - specifically - will attack only if they have been disturbed,” Crewel answered nonchalantly, “We believe there are similarities between the animals and the mers, which is why we are gathering as much information as we can. We want to know what the similarities and differences are between moray eels and the twins.”
“Okay, but I still don’t see how I won’t get attacked by those two. And what about the third?”
“You won’t be attacked as long as you stay still and don’t make any sudden movements,” Trein answered, “Once they get used to you, you’ll know.”
“As for the third,” Crewel answered, “he’s a cecaelia - half man, half octopus.”
You blink, “Don’t moray eels eat octopi?”
“Typically, yes,” Trein answered, “which is strange, in this case. The trio were originally found off the coast in the Coral Sea - living in harmony with each other. When we brought them here, the moray mers have consistently been surrounding the grotto that is in the enclosure - the cecaelia hiding within and rarely comes out. We think that the cecaelia may have raised the morays, but we’re not completely sure.”
“And it’s been a devil of a time trying to get a glimpse of him too,” Crewel shook his head, eyes rolling to the ceiling.
“You mean you haven’t seen him? Not once?”
“I saw him when he was first brought into the enclosure,” Trein sighed, “however, it was dark and I couldn’t see him very well - the eels could be seen because of the bioluminescence that exists within their bodies, allowing us to see their figures.”
“Speaking of which, come,” Crewel rested a hand to the small of your back, “let’s get you acquainted with our aquatic trio, hm?”
Crewel and Trein led you to the opposite end of their laboratory where a large glass wall stood with a set of double doors that led to what appeared to be the edge of a massive pool. Once inside, the smell of fish and humidity tickled your nose as the sound of lapping of water reverberated in the slightly dimmed room; the only light being illuminated from the pool itself. The gray walls stretched high, the ceiling covered by long triangular beams that permitted the echoes of voices and lapping water in the room. One the far left was a coat rack and a small freezer with a large fan blowing the heated air around the room.
“When you come in - which will be about six-thirty each morning, you’ll hang your coat on the rack and put your lunch in the freezer before feeding your charges,” Crewel explained, walking over to the freezer and lifting the lid, “We always restock the food the night before, so you don’t have to worry about not having anything in here for the day. There will be nine buckets total in the freezer - three for the morning, three for noon, three for dinner - so make sure you dump all three buckets in the water, but don’t toss the actual bucket into the water.”
“What’s in them?” you ask, wrinkling your nose at the mixture within the buckets.
“A collection of shellfish - shrimp, crab, clam, lobster - and assorted fish are what they primarily eat,” Crewel answered as he closed the lid to the freezer, “We’ve tried feeding the moray twins octopi - but they refuse to touch it and often threw it at the feeders when they came in. Also, feel free to wear something comfortable. The water temperature varies from 45℉ to as low as 39℉ so we have to offset that with the atmosphere in our enclosure here at approximately 77℉ to 85℉ - never mind that one of the twins likes to splash newcomers right off the bat.”
“So, shorts are ok?”
“Shorts would be preferred, so yes,” Crewel nodded.
“But not too short - lower thigh length to knee length is acceptable,” Trein chided, “you are also permitted to wear sandals within the enclosure as well as a t-shirt or tank top due to the humidity. However, if you do choose sandals and tank tops - please bring a spare pair of tennis shoes to wear on the way in and on the way out as closed toed and heels are required within the labs and main building as well as something to keep your shoulders covered; this is a place of employment, not enjoyment.”
When you nod, Trein continued.
“After you feed them their breakfast, take a seat and use the notebooks over here to document any findings,” Trein walks to the opposite end of the enclosure, opening a locker filled with office supplies, “Take whatever you think you might need for the day and have a seat at the edge of the pool and begin your observations. It might take a few days before one of the twins actually approaches you, but once they do, you should be able to start the observations with no problems. During your first few days, remember to stay still - morays attack when startled or provoked, which we don’t want to happen. You’ll let them come to you and, hopefully once you get acquainted, you’ll be able to do your observations with no trouble at all.”
“Your shift will be twelve hours total,” Trein also explained, “you will be expected to eat lunch with the trio and feed them their supper before you leave for the night at six pm and place any of your notes back in the locker here for Crewel or I to collect at the end of the day. When you leave, make sure the door is locked. Typically, we will be here until eight, so we often check the door on our way out - but just so you are aware, the door does get stuck on occasion; you may need to knock on the door a few times and one of us or our staff will get you out.”
You nod again.
“Alright, are there any questions?” Crewel asked.
“No, I think I’ve got it.”
“Very well,” Trein smiles, “We’ll see you tomorrow at six sharp - no later.”
“Thank you very much for this opportunity,” you bow your head to both of them before shaking each of their offered hands as the two escorted you out of the enclosure - none of you aware of the two sets of heterochromia eyes that watched your figure from below the water’s surface.
One week passes slowly as you go through the motions as the Twisted Wonders aquatic observer. 
Every morning, you arrive at quarter to six and greet Crewel and Trein at their laboratory doors. After they unlock and head into their own offices, you make your way to the enclosure and place your bag on the coat rack and the brown paper bag that contains your lunch in the freezer before hauling out the three of the nine gallon-sized buckets one at a time and dump the contents into the water, watching a little bit to see if anything will appear to snatch up a meal as the fish disappear into the murky depths of the pool. After watching the last piece of morsel disappear into the depths, you turn toward the locker, grabbing notebooks, pens and anything else you think you need and take a seat at the edge of the pool. 
As the hours pass by, you jot notes down about anything you see - which is nothing.
7:30am: Ripples of water, no sign of the creatures
10:30am: Still no sign of the creatures
12:30pm: Fed mers, no sign of breaking the surface yet - maybe they know I am waiting for them and want nothing to do with me?
2:30pm: Still no sign
4:30pm: I heard a splash, but saw nothing. Maybe they’re nervous?
6:00pm: Fed the mers their supper - Hoping to get a sign of them before I leave today.
Day after day after day, the notes were the same: No sign. No sign. No sign.
By the end of the first week, you were beginning to wonder if you actually would ever see the creatures or if they even existed - or even, heaven forbid, if you were a test subject yourself for believing that there were mers that lived in the enclosure. 
When Saturday morning came, you trudged into the enclosure with a heavy sigh and slowly began to begin the day’s events. Everything you did now seemed slower as the hope of seeing something otherworldly began to diminish like smoke. You pulled the first bucket of food out of the freezer and brought it to the edge of the pool, dumping the contents in before standing to return the bucket to the side of the freezer when something slimy and light hit the back of your head. Your hand instinctively reached up and brushed the hair behind your head, feeling traces of water and slime. You looked down to see what hit you, finding the bottom half of an unidentifiable colored fish laying behind you. 
Your eyes shifted to look out into the pool - but no movement or any indication that something had thrown the half of the fish at you could be seen.
‘Maybe I’m just imagining things,’ you thought as a sigh escaped your lips, picking up the fish and dropping it into the second bucket before it was dumped over the edge of the pool as well.
As you turned your back to grab the last bucket, again something smacked against the back of your head, a clicking sound following shortly afterwards.
‘Ok,’ you thought, a slight smirk appearing on your features as you picked up the large hunk of lobster from the ground, ‘whoever or whatever you are, I’m assuming you want to play. Well, let’s play.’
You grab the last bucket and dump the contents into the water and kneel at the edge - watching like a cat watches a mouse before pouncing. A few moments pass before you feel your back begin to strain, forcing you to stand. As you do, a whole king prawn nearly smacks you in the face as another round of clicking echoes in the enclosure. You whip your face toward the pool, just in time to see two sets of eyes watching you.
Silence defends the enclosure as the three of you stare in silence at one another.
Your heart races as you realize that the creatures staring at you must be the twins.
You can’t see them completely - their entire bodies are hidden under the water while the tops of their heads and their eyes are the only thing being seen from your position at the edge of the pool as they regard you from a few meters away - but you can see that they are nearly mirrors of each other.
They both have skin the color of seaweed with short hair to match - a longer piece the color of deep sea teal arching in the front of their faces. Instead of human ears, they have fins - likely hiding the gills they use to breathe underwater behind them. The one on your left appears to be more cautious than their twin on the right - their eyes are sharp, their right colored brown and left colored gold, and watching every movement you make as if calculating whether to attack you or not. The one on your right appeared to have more of a droopy expression on their face, their lower eyelids dropping into a bored expression, but their gaze is still sharp. Like their twin, their eyes are different colors - the left colored brown and the right colored gold instead.
You swallow thickly, unsure of what to do exactly. 
Moray eels attack if provoked, you recalled Crewel saying, so you didn’t want to make any sudden movements in case they read it wrong and attempt anything. However, it seems that the decision is quickly made when the one on your right slowly approaches the edge of the pool. You stay as still as possible as they approach, their eyes locked on yours as if in a trance. 
When they reach the edge, you can see the length of his body in the murky depths. His skin is a darker seaweed teal with little stripe patterns on his cheekbones and arms - with likely more on his lower body hidden deeper in the depths. Large fins poke out from his lower arms, giving him and his brother the ability to glide through the water quickly. You couldn’t see his tail, but if you had to guess - you thought he could be approximately six feet in length or longer.
Then, salted sea water covers your entire body, causing you to sputter at the surprise at getting splashed as the moray mer peeled in laughter. His brother follows up with three sharp clicks before the duo disappear under the water, leaving you to wonder what in the world just happened.
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ssa-dado · 9 days
SSA Hotchner’s playlist
Desperate need to visualise what his playlist may look like (usual spouses bonding activities) 🤝 ChatGPT (Merely because Aaron's too shy he won't tell me)
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"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - The Beatles (The White Album)
"Blackbird" - The Beatles (The White Album)
"Come Together" - The Beatles (The White Album)
"Paint It Black" - The Rolling Stones
"The Weight" - The Band
"American Pie" - Don McLean
"Knockin' on Heaven's Door" - Bob Dylan
"Hotel California" - Eagles
"Wish You Were Here" - Pink Floyd
"Tangled Up in Blue" - Bob Dylan
"Riders on the Storm" - The Doors
"Space Oddity" - David Bowie
"Baba O'Riley" - The Who
"Fast Car" - Tracy Chapman
"Layla" - Derek and the Dominos
"A Horse with No Name" - America
"With or Without You" - U2
"Behind Blue Eyes" - The Who
"Gimme Shelter" - The Rolling Stones
"Creep" - Radiohead
Why do I feel like Hotch would also secretly listen to some of the most commercial pop anthems because when he brings Jack to school they always listen to the radio. Whenever there's an upbeat song that sparks his son's interest he would turn the volume up so they can start singing it together.
Ok now visualize "Hotchner carpool karaoke" and how hilarious it would be: firstly because I'm 100% sure Jack would obsess over catchy pop songs, how artists who have either a high-pitched voice or use a lot of high notes in their songs would be the ones that appeal the most to him (because he can easily sing along). Poor Aaron with that deep voice of his always needs to sing one octave lower (imagine how ridiculous the both of them would sound). Last time the older Hotchner attempted to sing a high note his son bullied him for an entire week; and now whenever they encounter that song Jack always begs him to recreate that cacophonic sound, it has now become a tradition.
Of course as soon as Jack steps out of that car Aaron IMMEDIATELY plays some classic rock beats to cleanse his soul; But slowly he also begins to appreciate some commercial songs, even if almost all of them lack the presence of a complex guitar solo, an element that somehow can never fail to speak to his brain.
Hotch's extended playlist has a mixture of his son's favourite songs and his classic beats he hasn't changed since the 90s; if you ever happen to step in that car you could either listen to the most niche song put out by The Beatles or Call Me Maybe, there's no in between.
BAU Team: Wow Hotch looks so mysterious, I wonder what he's listening to
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What a princess
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it used to be a belief in older times that left-handed people were “sinister”. looking at the twst left-handed roster, we’re not particularly beating that allegation, are we?
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I don’t know, I personally wouldn’t consider Idia or Sebek all that sinister?? They’re just kinda try-hard losers 😭 Floyd is the only one of the left-handed trio that I’d call “sinister”, and even then it’s only really when the mood strikes him. He’s not sinister at all times.
I feel like left-handedness was maybe assigned based on who the big “oddity” of each year was (since we conveniently have one from each grade level). Sebek is loudly outspoken and prideful (he’s also the only halfling of the whole cast), Floyd just does whatever the heck he wants, and Idia is an eccentric shut-in otaku.
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music-polls · 9 months
Choose Wisely...
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crazypatrolstudent · 7 months
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Floyd!!! ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
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yurizzsblog · 4 months
Lyrics For Prompts
Fleetwood Mac - "Landslide"
"Well, I've been afraid of changin' 'Cause I built my life around you"
Bob Dylan - "The Times They Are A-Changin'"
"For the times they are a-changin'"
Simon & Garfunkel - "The Sound of Silence"
"Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again"
Nirvana - "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
"With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us"
Johnny Cash - "Hurt"
"What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know goes away in the end"
The Beatles - "Let It Be"
"And when the night is cloudy There is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow, let it be"
Radiohead - "Creep"
"But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here"
Coldplay - "Fix You"
"Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you"
Queen - "Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality"
Eagles - "Hotel California"
"You can check out any time you like, But you can never leave"
David Bowie - "Space Oddity"
"Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong"
U2 - "With or Without You"
"I can't live with or without you"
Adele - "Someone Like You"
"Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you, too"
Pink Floyd - "Wish You Were Here"
"We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year"
The Rolling Stones - "Paint It Black"
"I see a red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore, I want them to turn black"
Bon Jovi - "Livin' on a Prayer"
"Woah, we're half way there Woah-oh, livin' on a prayer"
The Police - "Every Breath You Take"
"Every breath you take, every move you make I'll be watching you"
Green Day - "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)"
"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right I hope you had the time of your life"
Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Free Bird"
"If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me?"
Journey - "Don't Stop Believin'"
"Don't stop believin' Hold on to that feelin'"
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bargainoriley · 2 months
A Saucerful Of Secrets (1968)
Ok so I’m making these thoughts I have more coherent for this album and also for each song!
Let There Be More Light
I really love the bass line here and the intro (it feels very badass), also the way the song is sung is really cool. It kind of has spooky vibes. I already feel this is a darker (and also more heavy) album than the last one!
2. Remember A Day
This one is really cute! I love Rick’s voice here and the melody. Why do these early Floyd songs all have such incredible melodies??? The instrumental is lovely, especially the piano, and it has great vibes all around.
3. Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun
This is so spooky! I love it. Especially how Roger’s vocals and the instrumental contribute to the dark, intimate, and spooky vibes/atmosphere. The synths here also amazing (I forgot to mention this for The Piper At The Gates of Dawn, the synths there are also amazing). This song honestly gives me old Doctor Who intro vibes. I’ll link it here so you guys know what I mean
4. Corporal Clegg
I love the surreal vibes of this! I also really like the story that is being told here through the lyrics. This song is a banger (the beat/the drums is/are really good here). Honestly a very Beatles-esque song, and it also reminds me of Tommy tbh. Also the kazoos are silly (I love silly things so this is a win for me). I also really like the delivery of the lyrics and the singing/harmonies.
5. A Saucerful of Secrets
Wow the beginning is very ominous! It kind of reminds me of those sounds captured from planets in space (like the Sun or mercury or Venus, if you know what I mean). This song in general gives me vibes like as if it’s portraying a secret extraterrestrial world. Very very creepy and dark. This song reminds me of that one part in echoes with the whale noises only darker. When the drums kick in it feels like there’s a march going on. A very chaotic song, but I can’t help but like it. Kind of sounds like a very very bad acid trip. The ending though with the keys and orchestra and singing is really great and beautiful, it kind of reminds me of a funeral (because of the organ), but it has a very hopeful vibe as well (in contrast to the rest of the song). Maybe there is a hopeful future for this dark and hopeless extraterrestrial world? This part had me ascending because it was so beautiful
Edit: Here’s the video of the sounds of planets if you haven’t heard them before! It’s really fascinating in my opinion (i love space/astronomy stuff), and I think the intro here sounds the closest to how the sun sounds in this video
6. See-Saw
The beautiful vibes of the last song continue here. It has a very lovely sounding melody with an acoustic guitar and piano. The orchestra is beautiful as well (I’m a sucker for an orchestra in classic rock songs). The vocal harmonies are beautiful as well. I’m really realizing how beautiful and lovely Rick’s voice is. This reminds me of a Beatles song as well! Also the wah wah guitar on this album is great (something I really noticed here and on another song). The xylophone here is also a nice addition.
7. Jugband Blues
A very melancholic song in my opinion. The contrast between the sad lyrics and the happy sounding instrumental is very interesting! This provides for a sad/tragic ending to the album (we all know what happened to Syd after this album unfortunately :( ). It also gives me major Space Oddity vibes (maybe Bowie was inspired?). The song gives me the vibes/theme of keeping up a happy facade, even though inside you feel sad/betrayed/angry or you’re losing your mind. It’s also very different from the other songs on this album (it sounds like as if it were from their first album). This feels like the last hurrah from Syd-era Floyd, having bitter and honest lyrics about how Syd feels about the band kicking him out.
In general I really liked this album as well! I am intrigued how the next albums are going to be
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thatgirlonstage · 4 months
Grim & Rook (platonic) + Sea Shanty for MerMay!
Take this as some kinda AU where merpeople aren’t walking around up on land as a matter of course. Or go full crack and imagine Rook is trying to entice Floyd to pop up out of the ocean on his summer break if that’s entertaining for you lmao.
“How come you’re practicin’ all these weird songs anyway?” Grim peered suspiciously over down the length of the rowboat at Rook. “I thought you said that we had to be quiet while fishing, or we’d scare ’em all away. You’re not plannin’ on sabotaging us, are you?”
“Ah! Excellent memory, Monsieur Peluche!” Rook tapped a finger against his head in illustration. “But sirens are a very particular kind of prey, and one we do not plan on catching, regardless.”
“Wait, we’re not?” Grim pouted. “I thought it was some really big fish we were going to get to eat.” Rook laughed.
“Non, non, not at all. A siren is just as intelligent as you or I—at least, I am inclined to agree with that side of the debate, from my own reading—but they are elusive and wary creatures. I wish merely to take this expedition to see one in person. To speak to them, if they will indulge me so far.” Grim tilted his head, tail swishing an afterimage of blue fire back and forth as he considered.
“So, sirens like sea shanties, huh?”
Rook smiled.
“Indeed,” he answered. “They have most frequently been observed joining in sailors’ work songs. No one knows why they seem to respond to music, but it is the best starting place I have.”
“And you’re takin’ me along because…?”
Rook shrugged. “You are a curious creature. Perhaps the sirens will think so too.”
Grim squawked, coughing up a whole fur ball in his indignation.
“I’m bait?”
“We are both bait!” Rook said with obvious delight. “Me with my songs, you in your oddities. What better way to capture the interest of a creature so unknown to us?”
Grim folded his arms and glared. “There better be sooooo much fish in this for me.” Rook laughed and ruffled the fur on his head.
“Fear not, Monsieur Peluche. After I have caught my glimpse of a siren, we shall fish and feast all the way home.”
Mermay prompts are open until May 31st!
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