#of course they're all gay as shit lmao
kat-katharsis · 1 year
I just realized why the Qsmp is so gay
It's cause there is only one woman on the server and she's aroace
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byfulcrums · 1 year
Seeing people saying that Satoru doesn't actually care about Suguru and that the only reason Kenjaku caught him was bc he was surprised to see a person he killed alive is fucking wild, man
Like. Gojo's entire life revolves around Geto. The entire series happens because he loved Suguru too much to kill him, even though he knew he would have to do it eventually. The world literally went to shit because he wasn't over him
Geto Suguru's life would be completely unimportant to the story without Gojo Satoru, and Gojo Satoru's would be completely unimportant without Geto Suguru. They complement each other. They need each other
Two male betta fishes can't coexist. They will fight and one will die. They can't see each other — even if they're in different tanks, they won't be able to live. They'd eventually tire each other out, resulting in death. The only way for Satoru and Suguru's lives to be able to continue without the other would've been for them to never have met at all. And they can't be together. Not now, not ever again. Not while they're still alive. Not after everything that's happened
The entire story revolves around their relationship. Yuuji is a boy who ate a curse('s finger[s]), and Megumi is the prodigy who befriends him. Satoru is a prodigy, the strongest, and Suguru, the boy whose technique is eating curses, befriends him. The Jujutsu Kaisen story is all about parallels and they all connect to fucking Satosugu. It's all about them
The only reason Kenjaku's plan worked is because the body he used didn't belong to some random person Gojo killed, it worked because the body he used was Geto Suguru's, Gojo's one and only, his best friend. He must be thinking “Thank god they're gay” right now lmao
Gojo fucking hesitated. He hesitated multiple times when it came to Geto. He was supposed to kill him, yet he let him go. He has the Six Eyes, he could've easily tracked him down. He probably could tell if he was nearby (he can recognize Suguru from his scent) and just didn't go looking for him. And he could've so very easily escaped the trap that was set up for him, he was going to run away from it because we see him about to take that step but then Suguru's body shows up and says “Yo, Satoru!” with Suguru's voice and Satoru freezes and hesitates
They weren't able to let go of each other even after years of being separated (like a decade). When they meet, Suguru still greets Satoru warmly
Suguru is pretty much Satoru's moral code. He was the only person Satoru took at least mildly seriously pre-Toji (and we know Satoru just didn't do serious back then). He actually took his words to heart. He was kind, of course (especially from Suguru's PoV, since he's the person that knows him most), and not a bad person, but he wasn't nice. Suguru was always the ‘nice(r) one’, the one who actually had a moral code, while Satoru was more of an asshole to literally everyone and everything (some more, some less), thinking he and Suguru were above everyone else
When Suguru finally snaps (which, honestly. Fair) and goes genocidal (not so fair), Satoru slowly starts to be somewhat nicer and starts applying Suguru's old moral code to his own being — their roles weren't exactly reversed, but now they're not together anymore, so they might as well be. And Suguru was shown for having faith in the school and its system while it was Satoru the one who absolutely abhorred the higher-ups and all kinds of authority, but then it ended up with Suguru being the one to leave and become a cult leader with the blood of hundreds on his hands while Satoru was the one that stayed behind in the same place of the people he despises so much
(Imagine someone saying something like “Sometimes I doubt you even have a moral code” and Gojo answers with “Oh, my best friend my one and only is pretty much my moral code. He went homicidal a while back but it's okay haha” “...Actually, that explains a few things”)
Gojo doesn't have a god complex, but I wouldn't blame him if he did. I mean, he might as well be the closest thing to god human beings have ever seen. He used to put himself above everyone else, when he was a teenager. He thought that, the higher he was, the more he could do. And no one was better than him. But not Suguru. Back then, it wasn't “I'm the strongest” it was “We're the strongest and “We're the best” and “We're the ones that will beat you” and “We're the duo” and it was all about “us, us, us, us, us” instead of “me, me, me, me” like people thought it was — they were a pair. They still are
We know people thought and still think of Gojo as a weapon. As something that must be controlled, because on the moment he decides he doesn't want to be around them anymore, he could just straight up kill then without any effort (but getting rid of people in positions of power only gets other people in positions of power and it'll be a neverending story, and Gojo knows this so he's trying to do his best to fix it all through the younger generation, by letting them live). And we also know that Suguru is one of the very few people who did not believe that at all
Like their personalities and characters and stories and literally everything, their names complement each other. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru are such similar names, I get them mixed up all the time (the amount of times I've called them “Gojo Suguru” and “Geto Satoru” is embarassing. Also, “Saturu”. “Goto”. “Gejo”. Ugh). Both of their last names start with a G, end with an O and have 4 letters. Both of their given names start with an S, end with an U and have 6 letters. They complement each other. They need each other
The only times we've seen Gojo with an expression of actual pure, raw emotion is when it's about Geto. When he finds out about what Geto did, when he realizes how thin and wrong Geto looks, when he sees him again for what we assume to be the first time in years, when he dies, when a thing wearing his corpse and using his voice greets him (“Yo, Satoru!” oh my god)
Suguru was able to fight back when in Kenjaku's control after Satoru said his name. Kenjaku himself says that had never happened before
And you don't even have to see them as romantic. You don't have to ship them if you don't want to. But you can't deny that they care about each other more than they will ever care about anyone else
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The Sides Are Dorks, Part 389534
I was wondering why the Sanders Sides tag was trending earlier, and then I saw. the Video. Anyway, here's my thoughts while watching the new vid (in list format) bc I haven't done this in a while.
[it's gonna be LONG knowing me]
"I would never be caught dead in a bowtie" *cuts to when Janus literally wore a bowtie in canon*
"yeah and I deserve it" -> ha mood
"Wrong, I ate an entire bottle of melatonin gummies" -> Patton. Patton, no.
"I could switch to green tea, and I'll still be a bitch!" -> also mood
hey. hey why you do that. why would you say that. (aka: Roman is offended by the mustache comparison)
"Where is my ruler" -> PLEASE it'd be so fucking funny
Virgil really be like "WRONG! I use the tildas you faker" (/j) (/lh)
Patton starts listing off every appliance that has heat stuff and I cannot. I CANNOT--
^and then there's the fridge. what did Fridge ever do to you? where's the lorreee
"wholesome friendship" // "how many holes we talkin'" -> yeah that makes sense
"No, he's just not worth an attack" -> Logan sounds like he's thought about this before
Roman Unscrews Imaginary Lightbulb, reaction is a family-friendly version of "Listen here, you little shit"
"get him" -> Virgil hates that Anxiety so much
Emile Picani Joins the Ranks of Rat Man by Sleeping in the Buff. it's canon now.
"It's no one's business what bites me" -> Janus. Janus, the implications. Janus--
Patton reveals Logan's secret: Love for Donuts, feat. wiggly fingers
"Which is rude...because I am not young" -> also Sheldon is missing The Tie, which is essential for Serious Smart People (I guess)
Roman likes My Little Pony
"No, I didn't--" // "He did!" // "He definitely did." -> LMAO the Others confirming that Virgil had a meme phase
Ah yes: The Sponsor Section
Patton being like "some cookies are bad??" is funny to me lol
"--vaccuums" // "No" // "ignore that last one" -> goddamnit Patton (/pos)
"There sneaky people out there" *cuts to Janus*
Roman loves Barbie movies. Barbie Movie? whatever, he likes Barbie
"war against the evil cookies" // "wait--" -> haha. this is why I believe in Intruality so much
"I dropped another laptop in the toliet" -> another one?
conclusion: Patton and Remus are both accident-prone. an Intruality win. also they interacted for like, 2 seconds. another Intruality win
Sponsor Ends!
"ACTUALLY it was four times. bitch." (Sleep, basically)
okay but like. when the glasses are on the head, it's like they're invisible. I say as someone who loses their glasses, only to find them in stupidly obvious places. also mood
Virgil DEFINITELTY watched Patton do this for five minutes before he said anything
Roman is in love with his sword, Exhibit D
^(D is for--)
Logititties. that's all
Janus really said "wanna go, bitch?"
also: "I wouldn't be caught dead in a fish fight. I would poison you" -> ah, of course, a snake with style (/j)
"calculator is computer" // "that's technically correct, actually" -> where's the Logicality enjoyers when you need them
Roman Rage Quits at Roblox. also Insecurity
"bitch, I'm not that out there" -> this helps deduce the scale of What The Fuck Is Remus's Normal At
"True...or is it false?" -> he loves fucking with people, doesn't he?
"yeah" -> he sounds so resigned, nooo :(
Endcard Moment: Logan loves jelly-filled donuts
and that's it, folks! This was lovely. Silly gay personality traits.
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eremin0109 · 1 year
So I just played the entire Majima introduction scene in Kiwami 2 and suffice to say I'm having some t h o t s. After having to sit through that awkward af scene where Kaoru undresses in front of Kiryu and then has a heart-to-heart with him about wanting to find out about her past (like seriously? if y'all wanted show them bonding just do THAT?? Do they need to sexualise that encounter like fucking look at the way the camera positions on Kaoru's breasts while she's genuinely talking about wanting to find out the truth. men at sega are truly limp dicked bastards istg) it was such a breath of fresh air to FINALLY go and see Majima.
Like at the Tojo HQ I almost screamed when Kiryu found the demonfire knife in Terada's backroom and was all like "I'd recognise that dagger anywhere..." like we know baby. You've got scars on your body the shape of the dagger's edge, of course you'd recognise it! And then the conviction with which he says that Majima is the only one who can save the clan from falling apart when Yayoi and Kashiwagi are both apprehensive about it is just...*chef's kiss*.
The actual meeting scene takes the cake of course. Kiryu brings that damn dagger with him to Purgatory and tosses it to the ground like some sort of a mating call to Majima, like he knows that's the only way he'll actually respond. And then what follows is just Sayama being obviously third-wheeled the entire time these gay bitches are in proximity to each other. Like I'm pretty sure the use of the very possessive sounding "my Kiryu-chan" definitely raised her eyebrows. (Not to mention, his dialogue with Sayama comes off more or less catty. The nicknames he calls her feel patronizing, like he dismisses her being anything more than another arm candy. Of course that is until the "I'm a cop" reveal lmao, that sobers him up pretty fucking fast).
And of course then Kiryu is more or less begging Majima to come back to the Tojo, bowing his head low in reverence and desperation and a bit of selfishness too because he KNOWS Majima won't be able to say no. Not to him, HIS Kiryu-chan. And Majima surely just reinforces that fact by saying "Ya know I can't bear seeing ya like this..." They're both pretty fucking aware of the fact that Majima has a big ol' soft spot for Kiryu (and now, thanks to all of this shit happening right in front of her salad, Sayama does too).
But the real highlight of the scene comes after, during Kiryu's entry into the coliseum where Majima is just so shamelessly checking him out through the cage it's not even subtle. But we all know that already.
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What we don't know is the fact that its Kiryu who looks at him first and he just keeps looking at Majima's direction after winning against Di Sciuva:
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against Gary Buster Holmes:
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Kiryu knows Majima's eyes have constantly been on him throughout the tournament. And so it's not even entirely subtle that he's making sure Majima's having a good time because all of this is basically a show Kiryu's putting on for his eyes, hoping it'd be impressive enough to convince him to come back to Tojo clan. But I'm willing to bet anything that some part of Kiryu thoroughly enjoyed that shit too.
Everyone and their mother knows what comes next, gay sex in a caged fight, but still I will never get tired of going absolutely bonkers over Majima's entry scene. Everything about it is just so powerful and sensual and just so fucking cool.
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It SCREAMS reciprocation. Majima is basically like 'Kiryu-chan gave me such a spectacular show it'd be such a shame not to return the favour' and then he just presents himself like THAT to Kiryu, in all his glory and asks him all smugly whether he likes the fucking view. That was so cunty of him UGH.
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and Kiryu is just so fucking amused and he VERY MUCH VISIBLY likes what he's seeing. his body language, the way his voice drips with something dangerously close to fondness, that damn li'l smile like Kazuma Kiryu you're so fucking gay for this man it's embarrassing~
Their post-fight scene has a different fanbase altogether, because goddamnit Kiryu do be looking at Majima like he wants to wreak him all ways to Sunday.
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This is one of the few times through the 3 Yakuza games I've played that I've genuinely found Kiryu to be smokin' hot. Like I don't think he's EVER smirked like that at anyone, much less a female love interest. There's just so much going on on his face (bless the dragon engine graphics) and good GOD every bit of it is downright filthy.
He fucked that man, hard (or got dicked down within an inch of his life). PERIODT.
Sjsjdjdjrowjehejkeje I don't think we talk enough about Majima here. The way he looks down then slowly back up to Kiryu while a little smile plays on his lips, the way he lowers his voice to that sultry af tone and he invites Kiryu for a drink, almost as if it's an inside thing for them both, as if it's code for "hey, wanna fuck nasty on my desk?" And Kiryu, for once in his life, picks right up on that, and then fucking smirks like THAT because of course he wants to fuck, what kind of a question is that?
Like there's just no other feasible way to explain this interaction. Y'all know if this exact scene was between Kiryu and Sayama, they'd have been all over each other in the next scene.
But because it's SEGA's two leading men, they settled for the most obvious insinuation possible that it just makes it way more horny than if they'd just straight away fucked. I said what I said.
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The Nightmare of Zoldyck (Musical) was gay as fuck and here's why you should watch it.
Bingeing The Nightmare of Zoldyck reminds me just. Just how fucking gay it was??????? And this was made almost 11 years ago???? And it's just so insane and surreal to me?????? They could've added any sort of twist to the Zoldyck Arc and yet the twist they chose was 🌈🏳️‍🌈??? In all fairness, they did also add Hisoka so maybe that's just how it is lmao
Now you may think I'm joking or being delusional—but no I swear THEY MADE IT GAY AS FUCK OK. IT'S ACTUALLY AMAZING
First, we have the obvious; the adorable, blossoming friendship between Gon and Killua. The very reason this arc exists is because Gon refused to let Illumi's teachings corrupt Killua's self-esteem. It's so, so, so touching in the manga and both anime adaptations, but in the musical they just... The songs just made it come off more romantic?
I'm biased, I love the friends-to-lovers development these two undergo, but I swear, take the shipping goggles off and it's still has a subtle if not in-your-face obvious, romantic tone.
Why? First, the presentation. The Zoldycks are introduced by Milluki through song. They each get lines which are backed up by epic music and stage effects, come together for the iconic chant of, "Zoldyck," before ultimately gathering around and sitting down.
Kalluto, Kikyo, Illumi, Silva, Milluki, and Zeno have a family meeting while Killua's hung above them, representing where he is in the dungeon, and right off the bat, you get hit with "forbidden romance" vibes.
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The family talks about what Killua did, what he said, while Killua sings about how he doesn't want to inherit his dad's position. HE ALSO SINGS THIS LINE WHICH IS SO?????
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And he sings a little after Illumi visits him in the dungeon and, y'know, messes with his head even more. He writes a letter of sorts to Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio, telling them they should go to protect them from Illumi and he just sounds SO heartbroken...
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Then we skip forward, this is after the gang has won Gotou's approval. Gon writes a letter, and it's so fucking sweet because it's basically him saying look. Look at Zebro, Gotou, Canary, these people who care for you, who love you. You're not alone, we understand your feelings, ok? AND THIS PANEL IN PARTICULAR IS SO RAPUNZEL SO ROMEO AND JULIET IDK
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And that super serious discussion between Killua and Silva? He gushes about Gon a lot, and they really took some liberties with Silva because this man keeps grinning like he knows his son's got a crush.
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And of course Gon's not gonna back down. Canary asks how their Young Master Killua was like, outside Kukuroo Mountain, and... just look.
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I'm not gonna include every damn time they sing together but when they finally meet? They're so. so happy. I can't.
And there's this scene after the party (yes they have a goodbye party of sorts for Killua) where Killua thanks Gon for coming to get him and Gon says ofc we're friends and they play around and they're so happy together...
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Look at them they ded
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There's also this moment when it all goes to shit and THIS SONG SLAPS Gon metaphorically slaps Killua out of it too but just. Just listen to it, it made me cry
And since this happens right after the Hunter's Exam, Kurapika and Leorio are still a bit wary of Killua, so while Gon's ecstatic and unwavering about being Killua's friend, the other two sort of bond in the sidelines as well?
Take this shot of leopika dancing. It's short and sweet and they're so stupid but they're at least getting along!!!
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I forgot they bickered a lot, especially during the Hunter's Exam, but now look at them. This isn't the gayest part though, because Leorio finds out there's a hot spring in the Zoldyck mansion... and... yeah... I'll let y'all watch this scene for yourselves but uh, stuff happens and I fucking screamed is all
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They also share a bit in the end where Gon sniffs Zebro??? And he says that Zebro has a similar scent to Leorio??? And leopika turn to each other and go:
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And of course, I saved the murder husbands for last. While the gang have their fun, we would sometimes cut to black and these two would be shown, scheming in the dark and talking about their own plans.
They be dropping some bomb ass dialogues tho
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Mind you, there is no fucking explanation as to why Hisoka's there. His narrative purpose is ofc to sow chaos and stir trouble, look out for Gon or whatever, but why is he here specifically in the Zoldyck Estate is never stated. BUT he does refer to it as a vacation. Twice.
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Like sure this is just him being a little shit but COME ON. If Illumi really didn't want him there, he'd have chased Hisoka out, swatting him with a broom while at it. But no. They scheme in the dark and Illumi shows him around and Hisoka says it's a vacation. Wonder who could've invited him.......
This interaction also happens. And I will only be thinking about this for the foreseeable future.
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Insane that the killugon heart-to-heart, leopika hot spring moment, and hisoillu bickering happen back to back to back. They're all paired off. The way they switch the audience's perspective actually really satisfying. Each couple gets their alone time and it's like seeing the different stages of a relationship. INSANE and HELLA GAY
And, of course, the heart of the cards—easily one of the most iconic lines Hisoka's said, which is, coincidentally, the point of conflict of the entire musical
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While Killua's fighting for his life, here's the magician who's basically getting everything he's ever wanted served on a silver platter. This mf is so happy he got to fight Illumi's family lmaoooo
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I just. I love this musical so much. It used to be my comfort watch when I first got into HxH, and while I joke about how fucking gay it turned out to feel (I'm being serious about it though) I do think it's a great production.
The actors did amazing, the dance/fight sequences and the dialogue were so well done, and it just added so much depth to the Zoldycks, y'know? I do wish Alluka was here, but we all know why she's not... That would've been so fun though.
Anyways, if I've convinced you, then you can watch it here!!!
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absoluteabsolem · 2 years
okay guys i'm having a brainrot on my way to work about goncharov bc of all your sexy meta posts but i haven't seen a single one talking about the flowers in this film so indulge me
so i'm a florist right ? my n°1 passion when i watch a movie or a show is to trashtalk the flowers bc 99,9% of the time they look like shit. like. i made better arrangements during my first year of training. it makes me sad. yes goncharov is a brilliant film in itself but it gets a whole star just for the fucking flowers (i can't find the florist in the end credits if anyone knows pls tell me ??)
like we're talking thierry boutemy in marie-antoinette (2006) levels of artistry. all the arrangements are so BEAUTIFUL and i'm gonna talk about them. it will ofc mostly be about katya lmao bc men yet have to express themselves through delicate floral jewellery (i wish they did though. i am waiting). katya doesn't have that many lines for a main character but her presence and the colours speak for themselves. sorry i'm on mobile i don't have any pictures
alright so of course you have the wedding. everything is so fucking opulent it's a cascade of wealth you have almost no foliage at all except eucalyptus and that shit is expensive. there are more peonies than you could ever count and the roses are soooo beautiful (i think most of them are juliet peach roses but i can't be 100% sure) like. i could smell it from my couch it was as if i was there aaaa the fucking wax flowers and scabiosas i love scabiosas so much !! and the perfect balance between flowers of different sizes !!! it was wonderful i mean you've seen them
but what i love about these arrangements is that they're all in white and yellow. it's an unusual combo for a wedding even if white is a classic wedding colour in western cultures and yellow isn't so weird at the heart of summer. yellow is however also the colour of jealousy and betrayal and idk if you ever noticed but andrey's boutonniere is the ONLY ONE that is just yellow. you don't have the white carnation (associated with love. screaming) on it like everybody else. also note that katya's bouquet is only white which is all about purity elegance etc. i do think however that the colours of andrey and katya's flowers on that day are more about the way goncharov feels about them at that point in the story, rather than their own feelings.
we also see katya wear several decorated combs in her hair throughout the film (idk enough about hair stylism to comment of the haircuts themselves so i'll stick to the flowers). the first we see are pretty simple and not rly noticeable, white and pastel pink, typical discreet but feminine stuff. p much like the rest of her wardrobe up until the boat scene where things get interesting.
this is where katya meets sofia who is wearing that rly fucking gorgeous burgundy (ambition, power and wealth) dress and look i know monica bellucci can wear anything and be beautiful but fucking hell. i mean i'm gay but i briefly questioned myself for a second there. anyway. the boat shenanigans happen and once katya goes back home and pretends she didn't almost get fucking killed, the flowers in her hair are burgundy. i mean i know we have the fruit market a bit later but the comb is what sold me on that ship. i see you katya
when she almost shoots goncharov (if we were rly in love you wouldn't have missed AAAAAAA i'm normal) she has a super pretty mix of blue hydrangea/eucalyptus in her hair. blue is the colour of control and tranquility and i thought it was very sexy of her. she still has them when sofia leaves her and i love how you can see the tears about to fall down her cheeks but she doesn't allow it. things got out of hand but she's not willing to lose control of herself in front of sofia and i think ultimately it's what fucked things up between them but i try not to think about it too hard
what DOES however keep me awake at night is that martin scorsese rly thought it was okay to have red bouquets everywhere made in the exact style of goncharov and katya's wedding in goncharov's home when andrey shows up to kill him. i mean the subtext isn't even subtext at this point it's like saying point break isn't gay but the flowers are the fucking cherry on top. andrey shoots him and he doesn't miss because he loves him and in case you're too dense to understand that here is a decadent display of red and burgundy. it is the colour of love it is the colour of violence and in their case one simply does not go without the other and i am so fucking normal about this
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rius-cave · 2 months
Disguise AU
How and when would their first real date be like??
Or would they even see eachother after that hot night?
My thoughts are that Adam would wake up completely hangover either in his couch or either in an hotel room -though I doubt they would go THAT far the night they met- with a note next to him, it has a phone number and says ‘Call me handsome’
See, I think my answer is heavily influenced by something I read or watched once (probably some yaoi manga idk) but I don't really remember what lol, here's what I think:
They absolutely had sex the first night. If it had just been some heavy make out sessions, Adam wouldn't have freaked out as much skfkgksgd.
I think they probably start making out, then Lucifer, being just a bit tipsy, asks Adam if he wants to come to his hotel room. Adam, who is absolutely smashed, says yeah sure whatever just keep touching me. They probably do some hand stuff in the car because Adam literally can't keep his hands to himself and is drunkenly horny lol. And then yes, they go to Lucifer's hotel room and cut to black and all that.
Next day I reckon Adam had a freakout and storms out, leaving Lucifer very confused and also a tad disappointed and sad.
There's a couple days, maybe even weeks, with Adam just going back and forth with "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO" and "holy shit that was the best night of my life" and "IM NEVER FUCKING DOING THAT AGAIN" until of course, he starts going down again lol, and if he's conveniently going to the same bar where he met the stranger each and every time, well... That's just a coincidence, promise.
However, Lucifer never shows up, leaving Adam feeling like an idiot for thinking it was possible to meet him again, he tries hooking up with other people, women, but it's just not as great.
Until of course one day he sees him there again, and debates another good 20 minutes if he should talk to him or not. He finally walks up to him.
He half explains himself on why he ran out, and Lucifer is understanding and says not to worry about it etc etc, they were drunk bla bla. Lucifer says he can't stay that night cause he has some business to attend to, but gives Adam his card and tells him to ring him sometime.
It takes Adam another good while to actually call him lol. I think they'd have a pretty normal date, though neither of them call it that. Can't really decide what they'd do for their date in this context, maybe Lucifer surprises him by going to a concert with VIP seats, idk, something that only rich people could do lol.
They have a great fucking time and connect really well, for a second Adam thinks, hey, this is not even gay! Maybe I was just really drunk off my ass! This guy is just fun to hang out with...... And then a couple hours later they're making out again and having a quick one in some alleyway or whatever lololol
Honestly, I could go on forever, but this is already long and if I keep going I'll end up wanting to make it a comic and I can't afford that right now LMAO
If you guys crave more from this AU, Dedmerath is going to be making a comic on her Patreon!! Go support her, she's super awesome!
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fisheito · 5 months
for the question thing!!! do you have any silly hcs about the clan boys (+ the familiars/eito)? can be as wild as u want
sorry in advance if i don't have any HCs for ur beloveds bc i can only offer what my brain chooses to fixate on.... but let's see........
i like to imagine clan members enjoying fun little hobby hours
i pretend they're not busy adults with their own obligations and schedules.... so they just get together like a bunch of retirees and partake in shared hobbies whenever they want 🤗
book club: oli, blade, yaku, garu
horny book club: eiden, morv, blade, edmond if he works up the courage to discuss his fave BDSM PwP short novel with the 3 most shameless creatures ever ... honestly oli could join as well but i'm gonna excuse him from ONE book club so he can get some sleep. maybe he'll alternate days between the two 😆
sewing and knitting together like a couple of serene grandmas: yakuoli. eiden joins sometimes (all serenity is lost when he does)
TARGET PRACTICE! NEW ACTIVITIES!!! DARTS!! ! PIN THE TAIL ON THE EDMOND! sorry idk this is just my way of saying that after the cowboy event, i want to imagine edmond/dante/garu all playing target striking games and it becomes a contest of how split one dart can be down the middle (you can't all be perfect aimers ok aster can't keep buying new darts can u PLEASE throw them anywhere but dead centre).
i know blade could join as well but would it take the competition aspect out of it? he's kind of calibrated to never miss right?? it's not a game anymore. it's just superior blade and pissed off dante and garu cheering (he's just happy to be there) and edmond trying to be civil about letting everyone participate
they are out in the garden. touching grass: yaku is gardening. blade is collecting bugs. garu is digging holes. kuya is bewitching plants at random to spew sex pollen into someone's face (i feel like this is his superpower in SEVERAL fics and i am not complaining). quincy is trying to nap
.but .
he chose the worst place to do it. in the middle of nature's playground (aster's garden)?
garu's kicking up dust into his face. blade is shoving random insects into his face and asking identification questions. yaku screams when he inevitably falls to the kuya traps. kuya can't resist watching the little ones (yakugaru) play with dirt. WHY would you choose to sleep here.
(Topper is nibbling all the edible plants in the garden while skillfully avoiding all the porn plot traps with his superior Toppinstincts)
now for 3 ! single character HCs.......
kuya: wanders the marketplace, and often sees those anti-aging creams with LOFTY claims to their power... he always mocks them and insults the intelligence of all the vain people clamouring to buy the stock. later that day you will see kuya at home, trying those very same creams (procured illegally, of course, because why pay for anything ever) and pretending like he's zero percent interested in the results
rei: in the same situation will just as quickly mock the creams but unlike kuya he'll mean it and will NOT be caught applying the gloop all over his face later. "lmao it's just sunscreen who even believes this shit"
yakumo: i like to give him sneczema sometimes. i know it's implied that everyone in gay gacha has perfect skin forever *waves hand dismissively* BUT
imagine that he loves working with his hands but the sneczema can flare up if he's too rough on em, so he compromises by wearing his gloves. protect that vulnerable skin, yaku!! [insert pun about scaly skin]
His SR clothing material seems soft. Aesthetic reason: slippery smooth like the idea of snek. Practical reason: coarse textures can aggravate skin 😔 only the silkiest coverings for a scaly boy...
i mean. yaku prefers the wet cave environment so we gotta keep an eye on his humidity. too dry and he'l'l turn into a wafer (like in Solaria that One Time)
is this just an excuse for me to mist him with a spray bottle ? at random times because it just seems like fun? perhaps. spritzspritz
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, homophobia (as a joke), and one poop mention
Desc: the boys are trying to find out how cat boys defecate
Mikey: it doesn't matter
Mikey: if Kazutora was a real cat boy he would shit in a litter box
Mikey: that's all i'm saying🤷‍♂️
Baji: don't say that then tf??
Mitsuya: usually i don't ask but this seemed unprovoked
Mitsuya: what are you guys talking about
Mitsuya: i'm gonna regret asking this tbh
Kazutora: i shit in the toilet just fine thank you
Kazutora: and i never claimed to be a cat boy😭. i'm just a boy that loves cats
Mikey: you said, and i quote "yeah i think i'm a catboy"
Mikey: fucking slut
Draken: then leave him alone? like what's the issue
Mikey: oh here comes sensible Ken-chin to save the day with his common sense that will most likely save hours of arguing🙄
Draken: 😐
Kazutora: ok fine maybe i said that but i didn't mean it like that. i meant i was a boy who also happened to like cats. Mikey you aren't listening to me
Kazutora: also why am i a slut???
Chifuyu: i mean
Kazutora: bro??
Chifuyu: no i'm joking lol
Baji: he's not
Mikey: it's your waist
Mikey: and your piercings
Mikey: you're a literal whore
Draken: Mikey
Draken: shut the fuck up
Baji: go fuck his sister to spite him
Draken: dude
Draken: can you ever be normal
Baji: nah
Kazutora: nothing's wrong with my waist?
Baji: you wear crop tops sometimes
Mikey: and your twink like, feminine like, small torso tempts those around you
Baji: don't get me started on those nipple piercing bruh, had me creaming all over the place
Mikey: chill😕
Mitsuya: of course
Mitsuya: of course this is an argument you guys are having
Chifuyu: yeah guys leave him alone
Baji: are you typing with both hands? 🤨
Chifuyu: yes????
Chifuyu: 😭
Smiley: these damned homosexuals bruh
Smiley: sorry thought i was dming Angry
Angry: homosexuals are fine!
Angry: Smiley's homophobic, not me
Angry: please keep that in mind
Angry: i was going to reply with something along the lines "well i like gay people because they slay"
Kazutora: idk man i just feel like i'm being attacked for no reason
Mikey: stop being slutty then!
Baji: only be slutty in our apartment bro
Baji: problem solved 👍
Mikey: wait
Mikey: bro chill i was joking
Mikey: dress anyway you like fr
Draken: don't listen to them Kazutora, they're all delusional
Kazutora: ok...
Kazutora: i am a boy that likes cats and that is all
Hakkai: sorry to interrupt
Hakkai: but does that mean that Inupi's a dog boy
Koko: puppy boy in particular
Angry: bro came out of nowhere
Mikey: lol
Mikey: came out
Mikey: get it
Mikey: cause he's gay
Angry: i believe it's bi
Kazutora: i don't think it's gay to think Inupi's hot
Mikey: why not
Kazutora: he's pretty like a girl
Mikey: he has a dick and balls
Kazutora: ok fine 🙁
Smiley: koko and inupi
Smiley: they're the gays i hate the most tbh
Draken: dude can u stop 🤨
Smiley: no
Smiley: watch me tell Emma you're half gay
Draken: she knows mf😐
Smiley: i wanna call you guys a homophobic slur so bad rn
Kazutora: dude you can't do that
Kazutora: it'll hurt Baji's feelings
Baji: nah i'll just beat his ass
Kazutora: lol cause you're gay
Baji: ...
Baji: yeah?
Kazutora: what?
Baji: yeah? cause i like dudes?
Kazutora: ...
Kazutora: 😯
Baji: ain't no way bruh
Mikey: Tora you fucking idiot man
Draken: L
Kazutora: what'd i do???
Baji: did u think me being attracted to men was a joke
Kazutora: yes...
Kazutora: it's not??
Chifuyu: 😟
Baji: so all the times i physically grabbed your ass...that didn't ring a bell?
Mikey: or the times he stared deeply into your eyes and told you he loved you
Kazutora: i thought you were being sus with the homies
Baji: c'mon man
Baji: bro this isn't even funny
Baji: i thought we had smth fr
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Mikey: Kazutora rn lol
Chifuyu: 💀
Draken: lmao
Smiley: Draken chuckled ☺
Smiley: he found the joke funny🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: let's go outside
Smiley: nah bruh you gon beat my ass
Kazutora: Baji let's talk bruh
Angry: he emphasized the 'bruh' which means he doesn't have romantic feelings for you
Angry: sorry Baji
Baji: fuck off megamind pubes head ass
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Mikey: Baji rn
Baji: i'm gonna shove a cactus in every crevice of you body
Mikey: bro's mad
Baji: ayt
*Baji has gone offline*
Mikey: bro thinks i'm scared
Draken: why r you trying to find a place to hide
Mikey: i'm just looking for my phone
Draken: ...alr
Draken: ...
Mitsuya: what
Draken: Baji
Draken: where'd you get a cactus that big that fast?????
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autumn-foxfire · 2 months
Time for Movie 8!! And for one of the gayest moments in DCMK history (unsurprisingly, it's because of Shinichi and Kaito).
Sneak thief is one of my favourite nicknames Shinichi has given Kaito and I love when it's used as a term of endearment in fanfiction.
All DCMK movies should be KID movies. Or Ai movies that KID gets to appear in.
Shinichi: I'll never stop chasing KID
Shinichi, don't get annoyed, you usually are great for trivial facts not many would know.
Kogoro: KID must have counted the letters wrong!
Shinichi: My husband would never do that.
And of course Kaito is watching his shrunken husband enjoy his riddle with a dove.
If Sonoko can call Ran Shinichi's wife and Shinichi her husband, I can call Kaito and Shinichi husbands :p And I will do, because these two are fated together.
I actually don't mind kids being interested in make up, it can inspire creativity, the bad thing about make up is the social expectations of it.
Damn, Kogoro, Ginzo, just kiss.
No, he's not disguised as any of them. He's disguised as somone very familiar to you, Shinichi. Because he's a little shit.
Kaito disguising as Shinichi is so risky of him though, because he's telling the world he looks like Shinichi.
Haibara not resisting the urge to tease Shinichi though, go queen.
How you know it's Kaito immediately. Shinichi would never actually compliment Ran because he treats her horribly.
And Kaito immediately makes Shinichi look like a dork.
How gross, even Ran has a feeling it's not Shinichi because the ass never actually compliments her. And this is supposed to be romantic. Throw their whole relationship into the bin, please, and start from scratch.
Kaito is such a little shit, waving to Shinichi before he leaves.
Shinichi: I've gotta go, cover for me.
Haibara, knowing they're about to go flirt on the roof together: ...have fun.
My god, how gay are these two T-T Kaito was waiting on the roof for Shinichi to arrive, he could have escaped by now but where is the fun in that.
...and they still can't resist the sexism of calling Ran his "woman" who is waiting on him with supper because that's all Ran is good for <.< I am going to strangle someone.
The first time Shinichi falls and Kaito immediately goes to catch him.
Damn, what was Shinichi's plan T-T I can't believe he was going to knock Kaito out midair, the maniac.
Though it's because he matches Kaito's freak that he loves him :p
I love how Kaito lets Shinichi get close to him before he activates his wire to pull him back to the handglider. Always gotta tease his dear shrunken husband.
I love Sonoko. I love how she interacts with the kids. I don't like how her outfit looks though. The colours do not go together, love.
Shinichi senses his husband, awww <3
Honestly, it's so immature of Ran to constantly pull these tricks on her parents. I know it's because Gosho loves the "they're still in love with one another and Ran knows" but it's the second worst pairing in this series (Shinichi and Ran get first place by being so awful and so obnoxious as a pairing that we have to stomach every episode give or take) and no women deserves to be paired with Kogoro, the digusting man that he is to women.
Yay! More sexism. Gosho, girls don't give a fuck about the face they make when they pop their ears, unless they're one of those "to be a true lady" tiktok accounts.
Time for the pilot and co-pilot to be poisoned!
Oh and Juri too.
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The best face Kogoro has ever made. It shall be in my nightmares <3
The face of a man whose life flashed before his eyes. Sadly a near-death experience will not let this man change his ways.
Although Eri isn't stupid, she would know immediately that she never solved a case and would investigate the reason.
This murder was solved quite quickly considering... I guess it's due to the main drama being the plane going down.
How did Shinichi see them kiss her hand? He stayed in his seat. Oh, I guess he figured from how Kaito kissed her hand that she might have done the same to the pilots. That makes more sense.
And Kaito and Shinichi save the day.
I wonder if planes would have a back-up pilot for these very, very tiny chances of the pilot and co-pilot both falling sick.
LMAO I love how no one questions Kaito picking Shinichi to play his co-pilot. Well, Kogoro does but no one is listening.
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Kaito looks very pretty here. He's always pretty though so it's not hard for him to do so.
"After this giant metle bird has returned to its nest," Shinichi, you need to join a drama club. You and Kaito could be the main attraction.
I love how the captain immediately gets worried hearing Shinichi's voice.
And Hawaii makes it's appearance.
And Shinichi's terrible luck strikes, not once, but twice.
Children: That was great.
Their parents: Oh shit.
And the tension rises. As they lose not only an engine but also all their fuel.
Kaito, most definitely: For fucks sake, Shinichi's luck is so terrible.
Interesting, even in a dire situation Shinichi called Ran, nee-chan and not Ran like he usually does. It's because his husband is around (ignore my delusions).
SONOKO T-T I love Sonoko.
Megure, Takagi and Shiratori just around to be the three stooges.
Kaito, knowing what to do, and leaving his husband alone to land the plane (so he can help him safely land it by providing him a lit up landing strip).
That grin when he lets go XD
Sonoko and Ran being the bravest girls on this whole plane, I love them so much.
Ran, if you don't want to be left alone, chase him. My god, Gosho will have Shinichi say that he will always chase KID and yet Ran will never chase Shinichi despite "liking him", she will only wait, and Shinichi will never let her chase him and will forever make her wait despite never knowing he will actually come back.
Ran and Sonoko (and Shinichi and KID) should go down in history for this. Sully did, they should too.
Imagine it, Sonoko and Ran introduce themselves and people are like "HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE THE GIRLS WHO LANDED A PLANE!"
...How does Kaito treat Ran better than Shinichi does, even though he was being a pervert.
How interesting, Ran immediately feels relief Shinichi didn't hear her say she likes him (or so she believes). Totally normal behaviour from someone who insists she does like that person.
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wickedlyqueer · 1 year
Do you think it's possible to make Gelphie canon in the musical using no changes to the script and only direction/actor shenanigans? I feel like a goodbye kiss (like in the book) would work just fine?
Hmmmmmm. Honestly?
Here's the thing. The limit of no script changes makes it really hard to make a coherent story out of Wicked-but-with-a-single-gelphie-kiss. (also - directions are technically also part of the script, so as an actor you get guidelines, but you can't strain too far from it or the whole story collapses).
The whole story would collapse in this case if you make gelphie canon, without ever acknowledging it afterwards. Say, you have them kiss right in the middle of Defying Gravity. This is what I did in Wickedly Queer Animated.
But without ANY script changes, Elphaba's motivations feel so goddamn off.
Why is she still going to find Fiyero?
Why does she run off with Fiyero?
Why does she abandon Oz together with Fiyero?
By all accounts, those actions should now revolve around Glinda. Otherwise Elphaba would feel like such a fucking bitch? Leading on Glinda, while simultaneously ditching her for Fiyero. That'd be pretty fucking shady (and considering how musical!Elphie can do nothing wrong uwu, that's a hard sell to the audience, who is otherwise 10000% rooting for her).
There is, of course, the alternate take to have gelphie kiss at the end of For Good. This already works a lot better, because it's so late in the story, it'll feel a bit more like a bittersweet goodbye kiss, without uprooting the entire story, like the DG-kiss would.
Now you made Fiyero even more of a dick than the musical already made him!!! By having Glinda and Elphaba kiss during for good, it sets Elphaba up for also having romantic feelings for Glinda. So when she begs Fiyero that she "wished she could tell Glinda that they're alive".
And Fiyero says. No.
Who is like. "You want to see Glinda? Who you also have romantic feelings for? No. Absolutely. Fucking. Not. We're shutting that shit down. You're mine and mine alone. AND I'M ROBBING YOU OF YOUR CHOICE TO A ROMANTIC PARTNER. I am the one you're going to be with forever. Forget her. She's saving Oz. She can't know. Nobody can. Not if we want to survive."
SO. He sets Elphaba up for a non-choice. It's either being with him and survive. Or be with Glinda and die.
Welp. I know what I would choose in that situation, and it's not the healthy option, because survival instinct will cut even a bad deal if it means not dying.
So without any script changes can gelphie become canon? No. Not if you want the story to make sense, at least.
With a few script tweaks however? Yeah. Real fucking easy. Wickedly Queer was exactly that thought experiment and now whenever I see the musical I get all surprised-pikachu when they don't follow my homebrew gay version that I - humbly - consider the superior version lmao.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 7 months
What will takes Palette to get surprise ending?
Well, this some important events that Palette and Drop have to do-
What Palette have to do
Hug the whole family when he first wake up and tell them how he is sorry for being a brat
Invite Lux to the modeling agency
Let Lux be the star for the book magazines.
Make sure for Lux to find out the director damn behavior and she'll deal with the director in her way.
Attend dinners, attempted to cook something for Lux then in that way they'll bonding because both of them are terrible cookers.
Take some holy water and pour it on Lux drink so Passivemare won't bother Lux for a while.
Hug Merciless then tell him that he is enough and brave to survive.
Tell him the truth about Angst and Merciless will go to Crescent and have brothers bonding ✨
Tell Merciless that he suffers from depression so Merciless will feel very bad.
Fix his parents relationship and tell them about Error scheme.
Palette must tell Dream that Ink used to be soulless so Dream can understand the situation and helps Ink better.
Go to Charlotte (crescent wife) then tell her that she need to stay out of Crescent family business for her own safety- Of course Palette provided guards for Charlotte-
Convince Crescent to take over the throne.
Make sure for Killer to frequently meet with Hope.
Guilt trip Hope to pick side. With that Hope had to sided with Palette.
Have Hope keep Lux in check.
Stole Lux necklace then replace it with a fake one
Break the damn necklace
Steal the Holy sword
Apology to Goth for killing her pets
Tell Goth that he is in trouble and ask her to investigate Lux and Merciless. With that Goth will choose to side with Palette.
Go to the forbidden library that were supposedly guard by Goth then steal a book that can help him awaken his true power.
Slap the shit out of Cross and tell him 'you're a father and you're gay'
With that Cross will confront Dream to find the truth and lmao- Lux heard the whole conversation
Cross will have a bond with Lux :'D
Palette have to sabotage Lux coronation day. Since Goth of his side, Goth will protect everyone then send Palette and Lux to a place they can fight without destroying stuffs-
After all of that, Lux will have crisis and Passivemare is weak now. So at the last moment, Palette hug Lux, purity her from the evilness and say sorry.
What Drop have to do
Set up dolls to spy on Lux and Merciless and records them.
Ask Core for help to watch Error out.
Tell Error to kindly fuck off from Dream and Ink marriage.
Move on from her unrequited love for Merciless.
Show the footage of Merciless and Palette being friends to Lux (from the sun&moon sidestory book-)
Raise Palette popularity in social medias
Use her youngest child privilege to make Dream forgive Ink-
Sent Merciless to hospital for regular checkup.
Distract Merciless from being with Lux for the time being.
Finally managed to make a deal with Nightmare. (the deal was about to convince Crescent to take the throne so Nightmare can retired and die-)
Then mostly Angst possess her so she can fight in the battle- So in this case it was Angst fighting Merciless- instead of Error helping, Crescent help instead <3
After all of that, they got happy ending <3. Mercilux marriage first then Sunrise and Moonrise arrive 💃. Poth got married 5 years later because they're dating to get know each other even better. Then Pastel happen yeyyy
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butwhatifidothis · 7 months
So, why do some people who love Crimson Flower always go on about how the English translation is pure evil? Because they always say that "oh, Treehouse hated Edelgard," but they never do a side-by-side comparison of why the English translaton is significantly more pro-Dimitri and anti-Edelgard (notice who they leave out in that) than the Japanese script.
From what I've seen, it seems to come from early fandom interpretations of 3H saying that it was "mistranslated to make Edelgard look worse" that came from people who, uh. Primarily didn't actually speak Japanese, or otherwise had a fairly severe misunderstanding of it.
You'll see this with pretty much every big-name event that is claimed to have been "mistranslated" in general. The AM parley, the Continue To Kill no u, Faerghus Toxic Masculinity, and "the Dream Interview calls her an antagonist not a villain" are the Big 4 of this thing happening, and all four of them have been thoroughly debunked as nonsense by people who actually speak and understand Japanese. That's probably why the actual MAJORITY of events that get the "this was mistranslated to make Edelgard look worse" card don't actually have that side-by-side comparison you mention (since there's WAY more smaller things that they say this about, for example Dimitri was TOTALLY JOKING with Edelgard during Gronder 1 and TOTALLY WASN'T freaked the fuck out at her "jokes"), because the people who claim this are 0-4 on being correct about this for four of the most important examples of this supposedly happening.
So they'll kinda just say anything is Totally A Mistranslation in the hopes that the English-speaking fandom who for the most part don't speak Japanese will believe them, and through that believe them on what the game is "actually" trying to say. With that being, of course, that Edelgard was completely and utterly right about literally actually factually every single thing she has ever said in the game ever and literally actually factually every single other person who disagrees with her is completely and utterly wrong (unless what they're saying is, of course, in alignment with what Edelgard is saying).
And if anyone who actually knows what they're talking about comes in and corrects them - even nicely! - they'll either go on about how everyone is coming after them (read: people who understand Japanese are correcting someone who doesn't understand Japanese about something that exclusively revolves around understanding Japanese), or they'll accuse that person of being a liar/sexist/homophobic POS who just wants the poor little gay bean that is Edelgard to be pure and utter evil since they totally view all gay women to be pure and utter evil.
All this, from what I can gather, is mostly to serve as a justification as to why they like Edelgard since they view liking her as a villain to be a genuine mark of bad character, for some reason. They want to believe that she's the progressive figure who does everything for the little guy for one reason or another, and so grab for any excuse they can give her they can think of to make their interpretation of her not seem so unfounded against all of the evidence Edelgard provides the player that she really is just an imperialist who doesn't really give a shit about her people if doing so gives even the slightest bump to her goal of forceful unification. All because daring to like villains is just soooo baaaaad lmao
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sugarywishes · 20 days
Could you go a bit more into your plans and the role of Elizabeth & Even in the future of your AU? I'm curious to learn a bit more about how their respective roles change things, as well as how it will end up playing out with Micheal & William also involved on the whole...
Of course! Answers below as usual.
So I'm trying really hard to not fully expose every detail of the Security Breach portion of this rewrite, but the gist of it is Glitchtrap/William, and the Afton kids return for a grand finale! And unfortunately Gregory, Vanessa, and GlamFred have to be in the middle of it all. (Which means HW 2, Secret of the Mimic or whatever games they'll be making in the future will likely not be added to this thing, unless I really like it but it's likely I won't lmao) (RUIN-ED is in a complicated situation in this rewrite, it's technically now an AU spinoff, that's not canon to the security breach section but is still related to it, but I'm over complicating things here, I'll explain it in other post!)
And as some of you know in this section of the rewrite/AU, Glitchtrap will use Gregory as a replacement body for Evan to inhabit to come back to Earth, and boy are they BOTH upset about this! (My Security Breach portion will include Gregory's family, the Casas, and they'll get a chance to interact with Evan a lot too, since they don't know that Gregory's kind of being possessed rn)
Speaking of the Casas, EVERYONE in that family serves as a 'mirror' to the Aftons (that does not mean they share the same personalities or anything, they're just the counterparts for story telling purposes, and I mean VERY important story telling purposes!) Julian is the 'William', Rebecca is the 'Clara', Gregory is the 'Evan', and Monica is the 'Michael'. You may notice that Elizabeth wasn't included in the line up (originally, before RUIN-ED came out, there were many theories that Cassie could be Gregory's twin sister and I was ALL for it because then I could finally have Lizzie have her own Casas counterpart, and then turns out she wasn't related to him, so I had to rewrite things unfortunately 😔) So now, VANESSA is the Elizabeth counterpart.
Going back to Evan, he HATED coming back, when he did originally wake up in Gregory's body, he had a full blown panic attack and was horrified by his surroundings, cause yk he was freaked out by Glitchtrap, an 8 foot tall gay ass bear, a white woman and a teenage girl who looked too similar to his brother whom he only remembers MURDERED HIM, that can really overwhelm someone! (Btw, Mike had been fully anticipating his father's return, but he didn't think Evan and Elizabeth would come back because he thought they moved on, they definitely did not!)
After a whole rescue operation (and losing someone during it, not a death though.) Gregory/Evan will go through a lot of trials and tribulations through family matters and trauma. Again, I'm trying not to spoil a lot about this section since it's pretty crazy, but they do become friends! They will be each other's first ever friends, actually, since Cassie won't be in this rewrite. SORRY ☹️ she will be important in the RUIN-ED AU/spinoff though! (Yk the one with the stupid ass kids/ocs)
For Elizabeth, she will end up attempting to possess Vanessa (although it was not part of William's original plan, and who knows? It could work.) I really want to say more details but I must restrain myself from doing so. She will be an antagonist along with Will, she's gonna cause some evil shit, and she'll get a redemption arc because it's what she deserves! (Yk after she learns her lesson) And there is actually a reason why she and Evan even have relationships with the MCI/KCI kids, even if Liz didn't actually meet them when she was still Baby. Let's just say, the afterlife prison for her was not cool! Thank goodness she managed to escape too.
And yeah, tons of Afton family drama is relevant in this too, it intertwines with the Casas family own trauma.
I'd really like to discuss more about what exactly will happen, believe me. But I'm saving all that for when I get to it! (And also because, I'm still working on it!)
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homoautoerotic · 25 days
Excuse me sir. May i ask, what is your favorite part about writing armand/daniel? What draws you to write them? I love the way you depict them :)
Thanks so much for the question! I'll try to answer it concisely lmao
So first off my favorite part of writing these two is probably the whole meta-narrative that exists in my head that I'm not sure even comes through for the actual readers. Like, to me, all of my fics will be in the same timeline and inform each other, even if they're not an official series or anything, and so the types of things Daniel and Armand do together, their reactions to each other, their expectations, etc, are dependent on what time I'm writing them in.
As for what draws me to them, I was doomed from the start from Assad's portrayal of Armand, even before I knew he was Armand. I have a thing for beautiful and somewhat androgynous/feminine men, which brings me to the next point: that we so rarely see gender nonconforming men playing the dom role in relationships, and that honestly makes me really sad. Even in the gay community, there's this unspoken assumption that the more masculine you are, the more dominant you are. So finally getting around to reading the Devil's Minion chapter, where we have Armand (a canonically beautiful, angel faced character) being confirmed by the creator as engaging in an s&m relationship as the dom, was really cathartic and made me feel like maybe there's people out there for me, even if they're made up lol. Of course, this isn't to say that I think Anne Rice was some purveyor of ultimate liberation or anything, because those books are also full of shit like orientalism and exoticism.
Also, I'm so so glad the way I portray them resonates with you! That sort of thing is always super validating, because I oftentimes feel like the kinds of things I like/am drawn to aren't felt by the majority of other people.
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pinknpoodley · 27 days
OKAY. i've seen 200% wolf again and i wrote up my thoughts. this is like soooo much fucking word vomit if you're gonna expand the post lmao
TL;DR i give the movie a 4/5. overall, it was SOLID, though i do acknowledge it had some flaws. it was a major improvement over 100% wolf, much to my relief. i realize that i'm very biased, but it's far from abysmal like some reviews are saying. for me, it was well worth the wait and the hype!
(major spoilers, obvs)
okay, first of all THAT INTRO THO. IT WAS ACTUALLY SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL I'M NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING. IT WAS CAPTIVATING I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. i actually thought 100% wolf's opening scene was VERY solid too, actually one of my favorite parts of the movie, but in a more emotional and heartwarming way
-WHOEVER DESIGNED THE MOON SPIRITS JUST FUCKING KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK. HOLY SHIT. they look perfect in EVERY single way, and i never thought much about how they looked before but man, this beats anything i could've ever imagined. i think about them constantly, just... WOW. and they way they dance around and create a circle when they're gathering moonfire to beam to the earth in order to bless a werewolf with warfing abilities is just...amazing 😭
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-as a side note i wonder why they chose to demonstrate some random woman gaining the ability to warf and not a teenager like freddy. i have a hc that werewolves go through their first warfing around the age of puberty which is why freddy warfed on his 14th birthday. but now i'm wondering if there are exceptions to the rule and "late bloomers" so to speak cause that chick was like 30 lmao
-MOOPOO IS ACTUALLY REALLY CUTE. i saw some reviews saying he was annoying but no!! i love his fun little antics (like riding the space rover in the intro) and i'm still adoring the fact that he was modeled after fin edquist's kids. absolutely melts my heart ahh 🥰 i will agree that he is reminiscent of stitch at some points lmao
-LOVED freddy's narration and the character introduction, the way they made it look like a comic book with each character's name, title and class. THE ILLUSTRATIONS ARE SO PRETTY. AND I AM GLAD THEY DESCRIBED HOTSPUR AS AN EX-CON bc it implies he actually got a greater punishment than just picking up dog shit but still the fact that it's never referenced again in the movie bothers me. "poodles can do anything werewolves can do, but poodlier" and "hardcore awesomeness in-training" FREDDY'S SUCH A DORK I LOVE IT
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-interesting how batty's sense of smell proves to be very useful on the mission and is one of her greatest strengths - how she can detect the wind changing and the blimp changing course. i sorta wonder if that's why the pack allows freddy to take her along when they go on missions, cause literally she's the main reason why she and freddy were able to save those people
-loved freddy and batty's teamwork too, how that was showcased. they were seriously so badass!! like damn these gay dogs are getting a lot more done than those big, buff, powerful wolves LMAO. maybe that just drives the primary message of the movie home even more, now that i think about it
-IDK what flasheart was thinking telling the others to act like pigeons to fool the lady but hey somehow it worked!
-"hey it worked! hit more things" BATTY NOOO i felt bad for freddy he got so abused trying to stop the blimp lmao
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-THIS FELICITY HAZZARD AND HER FAKE NEWS REPORTING. i much prefer her in the series smh
-lady hightail was such a bitch wtf "we'll discuss his role in the pack later" ??? girl he is the future high howler tf you mean
-legit felt so bad for freddy during this part, it's definitely hard for him when the pack just sees him as a joke. it's terrible seeing him cry like noo bby. AND THEN THE WAY HE SLAPPED FLASHEART AWAY ?? OMG. like i know he was just frustrated and hurt but damn??? knowing what they've been through it just hurts to see that even more cause they usually have a very healthy and loving relationship ): ): and i could never see freddy seriously resenting flasheart, like not even for a second. he loves and admires him so much 😭
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-"hey. i respect you...kinda" batty's dialogue in this movie omg I LOVE HERRR she was so cute trying to cheer freddy up!! not to mention the animation ahhh she's just so cute 🥺
-"cut and color? maybe get some of those curls straightened?" i'm gonna conveniently interpret this to mean that freddy goes to the groomer or maintains his look as a hot pink poodle somehow and i fucking love that lmao
-the lore about the summoning stone is interesting
-the sequence where freddy contorts like something from the exorcist kind of like in the first movie and explodes into a wolf HSDKFvb i'm obsessed
-i don't really get why people have a problem with freddy's wolf form, i think he looks just fine?? i mean, you have the fursona and shreddy jokes and w/e but some people flat out hate it. idc, i think it's very consistent with his poodle and human design. i really believe they put a lot of thought into it. not to mention how well they managed to capture his mannerisms and personality across all three of his forms, i was pretty impressed by that. it had to be pretty challenging. ALSO i figured he would've naturally been a pure white wolf if he'd warfed into one originally, just like he was originally an all white poodle, so it fits right in with my own hcs.
-HIS EXCITEMENT AT BECOMING A REAL WOLF WAS SO FUCKING CUTE OMG. I LOVED THAT PART SO MUCH. WHEN HE WAS FROLICKING LIKE A DEER AND GROWLING AT THE FLOWERS IT WAS ADORABLE HDJDFCVNMB i kept remembering the intro of the first movie where he was little and jumping around all excited to grow up and become a wolf just like flasheart shdfjkc 😭 WHOLESOME AF.
-ALSO. ALSO ALSO ALSO I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HOW HE DIDN'T ACTUALLY GAIN NEW ABILITIES. he didn't become super strong or anything like his dad. he pulls a fucking twig out of the ground and acts like he is but no lmao it's like spongebob holding up the stick with the marshmallows on both ends acting like he lifted a fuckign barbell shdjfkgv he's STILL the same freddy, goofy and clumsy, he literally just took a different form. i can't express enough how much i LOVED that seriously
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-moopoo first meeting batty and freddy and the montage with him and freddy being goofy and bonding together was so cute ahh
-MOOPOO TRYING TO EAT A CROW WAS SO OUT OF POCKET LMFAO. also i love his tendency to add "-poo" to the end of everyone's names lol
-it was cute the way freddy scooped batty up and put her on his back ahhh
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-i was disappointed that the pack didn't have more of a reaction to freddy becoming an actual wolf like he was hoping, i mean c'mon he was so happy and excited lmao
-MAX'S BACKSTORY IS SO GOOD IDC. also i love her wolf design, it's actually rly cute. tiny wolf hehe
-the elders really suck actually. i feel like they're always looking to blame freddy for something or scold him, at least as they appear in the movies. they're not very fair imo, they clearly still judge him for being a poodle. also, lady hightail suspending him from the night patrol SMH
-well, flasheart...that was an awfully gentle way of telling freddy that moopoo's gonna die if he stays on earth. but it's super in character for him i feel. also it got really fucking dark there for a second
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-the sequence where batty and freddy chase moopoo around on the roof of farfang was so cute ahh
-I CAN'T FULLY EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVED TWITCHY AND HAMISH IN THIS MOVIE. LIKE HOLY SHIT. they were okay in 100% wolf but they didn't really stand out imo. but like whoa, the writing for them REALLY improved in the sequel. i love them sm now especially hamish lmao
-as a side note i'm sorta confused, do twitchy, hamish and bruno still live on the street while batty lives at farfang w/ the werewolves? based on how the first movie ended i sorta thought they were all living together now??
-twitchy insisting she doesn't like babies and getting freaked out by moopoo was soooo in-character for her lmao.
-hamish and his personality switch with the shades is hilarious hsdjf
-based on some reviews i read i was think there would be more scenes featuring or referencing shit, but it was literally just one and idk why people were freaking out. it wasn't even that bad 🙄
-moopoo is 400 years old apparently, i wonder when moon spirits reach maturity
-the great kennel and adding to the dog pack lore?? kinda neat i guess even if it only appeared very briefly
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-also freddy not being used to having a big heavy wolf body shdfv
-"learn how to transform with your clothes on" BUT HE LOSES THEM WHEN HE TRANSFORMS BACK. WHAT IS YOUR POINT TWITCHY. but yeah like you'd think he'd be more careful in the sunlight when he's in his canine forms by now but he's so impulsive
-it was so cute how they put moopoo in a baby stroller with twitchy and disguised bruno as his mom shjfk
-OK BUT I WILL DEFEND THIS FIT WITH MY LIFE. GENUINELY AWESOME AND ADORABLE. like he worked with what he could find and he rocked it. and holy shit the queer coding is absolutely insane IDCCC. also batty being super supportive 🥺🥺
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-the montage of hamish failing at being a guide dog and twitchy eventually getting fed up and kicking his ass,, rip
-"shave the baby" shdfvj
-moon spirits are incredibly powerful holy fuck. the way moopoo blasted through the force field like ??
-i actually think it's cute and sad how batty is scared of bats and it's implied she got her name from other dogs teasing her hsdjv
-wholesome batty and freddy moments 🥰"i'll take care of them lupin style" and then he falls over himself SDHFGK
-HANK W/ THE TENNIS BALLS. he seems fun i want more lore on him
-the moopoo hungry scene ahhh it was so wholesome to see freddy comforting him. and the animation where he was trying to consume his inner moonlight was really cool, like woah. the whole concept of werewolves having an inner moonlight/moonfire...i just love the lore in this movie so much it's unreal
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-freddy punching gar-gar in the eye and running away w/ batty I CAN'T THEY'RE SO GOOFY
-jennifer saunders is amazing as max, i loved her from the first introduction of her character omg. she killed it! also her expressions are sooo good i love it
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-love how they made the same joke as they did in 100% wolf with freddy trying to spit on the ground but failing dfgj
-more hamish and twitchy banter, i love how they tease each other and bicker sm
-the part where max mentioned a trust exercise and freddy assumed she meant a trust fall HSDJFV
-"if you'd rather be moopoo's daddy, i'm cool with that. i could be the mummy" BASED hamish
-the entire scene where freddy is pretending to kill the dogs LMAO?? then moopoo waking up and finding them "dead" SDFJGF
-"weird is different, and different is good" i really liked the scene where max and freddy were bonding. it gave max more depth and insight to her character. and freddy does tell batty he doesn't trust her but i think he did end up sympathizing with her in spite of what she'd done because he is very soft-hearted
-hotspur dumbass moments, he deserved to get caught in every one of those traps. also it was kind of really fucking weird how flasheart was laughing at him like it was endearing or something when this is the same monster that locked him away for six years and tried to kill his son. maybe he was happy bc he thought one of the spikes might impale his heart or something but that's probably wishful thinking. WTF this family. and NO I'M NEVER GONNA SHUT UP ABT THAT. IT MAKES NO SENSE HOW HE'S STILL PART OF THE PACK
-interesting how moopoo turns red and turns into a little gremlin when he takes the energy from the whoopsies lmao
-why did max diss freddy's human form tho i genuinely don't get it 😭 poor him
-gar-gar was cute when he wanted to play fetch with batty aww. the way their friendship develops is super sweet
-yeah idk the wolf runes look different to me in this movie compared to the series. it's pretty interesting. also interesting how freddy specifically said wolf runes, implying the existence of other runes, namely dog runes like in the series. i sorta doubt that was intentional but it's fun to think of it that way
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-"we're looking up" is SUCH A CUTE SONG. I LOVED THAT ENTIRE MONTAGE. ALSO THE BABY GAR-GARS WERE ADORABLE. and the earth magic stuff is really fucking cool, i wonder if they might incorporate that lore into the series.
-i noticed that the magic only changes the color of freddy's eyes, but that doesn't happen with max? i wonder why that is. maybe i missed something. he looks pretty neat with the glowing red eyes tho lmao
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-why did bruno, twitchy and hamish want to eat moopoo's vomit tho
-also freddy becoming sorta possessed by the earth magic was interesting? i feel like they could've done a lot more with that
-why did freddy cast a rainbow spell around batty... HMMM
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-i was surprised by the way max felt genuinely betrayed by freddy, and the way he said she has no friends. like basically, she's alone. and they did appear to have a heart-to-heart there while freddy was trying to talk her into casting the portal spell. she was just fooling them but still, it did seem a little genuine. i think she was just overcome with the urge to get her warfing abilities back and get revenge on the moon spirits. but honestly think max could've been rehabilitated, there was potential there. it sucks that in the end she was turned into a whoopsie and that was it
-i like how max couldn't find a word that rhymes with gravity, so she just made up a word lmao
-wait how tf did twitchy swallow hamish's shades
-yeeeah i was not a fan of the fart joke with bruno, with that being like his main contribution in the film ?? but at least it didn't drag on for too long ??
-gar-gar's return was sweet, again i love the friendship he formed with batty ahh
-the giant mutated moopoo was...completely unanticipated. but it was so sweet the way freddy sang his lullaby to calm him down
-AND THE SCENE WHERE FREDDY GAVE HIM HIS INNER LIGHT. i just...omg that was so beautiful and so in-character. like yeah, he WOULD be that self-sacrificing and it hurts so much
-it was incredibly sweet to see moopoo reunited with his mom and the other moon spirits omg. AND THEN HOW THEY ALL WORKED TOGETHER TO RETURN FREDDY'S INNER LIGHT. THAT WAS GENUINELY SO BEAUTIFUL OH MY FUCKING GOD
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closing thoughts:
-there were a lot of reviews complaining that it was unfunny. i can agree the jokes are kinda dumb and corny at times but to me that gives it charm lmao
-it's kind of interesting how the moonstone ring doesn't appear at all, like it isn't even referenced?? i thought it would be, but it wasn't important to the story at all. the story was purely focused on the moon spirits.
-ALSO NO HARRIET, CHARIOT OR MRS. MUTTON which surprised me, but again, they weren't important to the story at all. and i was thinking we'd see hotspur and flasheart (and the other wolves for that matter) in their human forms apart from in the intro?? but again, i guess it wasn't relevant so they didn't include that
-lastly, i've gotta be honest. i think this movie was much better enjoyed by fans of the series and the first movie than by people who know absolute nothing about the franchise. not to say that it can't be enjoyed by people who know nothing about it otherwise. it's just that knowing the characters and events from the first movie makes it a little less confusing imo. we did get some background on freddy, hotspur, flasheart and batty in the intro. however, there was barely anything about twitchy, bruno and hamish and no references to how they met batty and freddy. the segments featuring wolf runes also make more sense if you've watched the series imo, they are well established in the show.
-i may have additional thoughts on the movie that i'll post about later but that's it for now. AGAIN, IT WAS SO WORTH THE WAIT. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT.
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