#og image goes hard
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you in the wrong mountain town
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
lil' thing taken from my google docs brainstorming document (section 5--im separating the brainstorm off topics, it gets easier to check and decide--"quick recap")
[Transcripted from google docs]
Original concept: Meine was originally a project I had to be made on the Gacha Life mini-movie medium.
The only defined parts were: A. Meine was a boy with powers that had been exploited by his dad in the past because of his ability of identifying magic rocks; B. His mother took back his guard when she found out and he’s been living with her since; C. He met Kyouka because his mother got called to help in a project since it is of her area of work; D. Kyouka had an unconventional childhood as a test subject because of her great power; E. For her better development as a teen she got transferred to an actual school, to which Meine also was as his mother thought they’d do good friends since Meine was so shy; F. Meine would turn himself to his father in exchange for letting his friends safe eventually; G. Meine’s parents were divorced and his father was a rich guy and when he was 5 to 12 years old his dad had his guard which was taken from his under abuse reports; H. Everybody in this world would have weird body parts to signal they have powers; I. Kyouka chose her own name, had albinism and had a great childhood provided to her and was an eccentric and fun girl.
Four characters had defined designs back then (made using Gacha Club): Meine, his mother, Kyouka and someone who worked as a social assistant-kind of to her. Kyouka’s design was lost but in the brief frame sequel that would originally start the story, were featured Meine's original design as well as a headshot of the secondary character and his mom’s designs.
This was the frame sequence (edited on Ibis Paint X to achieve wanted result):
Final notes: The only named characters back then were Meine and Kyouka.
Final notes: Kyouka was named after a mystery anime I saw back then, named Hyouka. I took liberties with the title, if I remember well. I also remember quitting that anime at episode 6 or so, actually.
Final notes: The story had no name back then (it still doesn’t lol)
Final notes: Meine was named after a movie I saw back then: Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern und ich. I took the “meine” part (which I knew on that time to be german for “mine”, but I hadn’t noticed it was the feminine possessive pronoun. The plan was to have a fictional equivalent of German in this world and Meine’s father would have named him that out of possessive desire) from there.
[End of the transciption.]
i wanted to note everything down so i could like, keep a record. i love keeping record of the process my things go through (like megan's design pipeline which i have yet to draw)
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ryssbelle · 4 days
The Brozone Misconception
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(This picture is more a joke don't take it too seriously)
This is a kind of long analysis, deep dive, and discussion about certain fandom misconceptions. I am 100 percent open for discussion but I would ask that you read the whole thing first before reaching out, and please be respectful!
A link to the og google doc with images as tumblr image limit killed part of the essay XD
Essay under the cut
There is a common misconception in a small subset of the trolls fandom about the character of Brozone. That is their reaction and treatment of Branch, their overall purpose in the story, and whether or not Branch should have forgiven them. Whether or not their trauma born toxic traits which they aim to grow out of should be forgiven or not.
Let’s begin with an analysis of the beginning, middle, and end of their arc progression more or less.
We start with our favorite problem child, Jonathan Dorian, mounting the pressure of tonight's show, building expectations, and showing us, the audience, a bit of what goes on every time these guys perform: 
Making Bruce do 100 more push ups in the time before showtime (1 minute) 
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Pressuring Clay to wear the funderdrawers even tho he clearly doesn’t want to 
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Rebuffing floyds attempts to calm himself down
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And his worst crime
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Making Baby Branch Nervous
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Now you could see all of these and think “Evil! Evil John Dory! Jail for John DOry for 1000 years!!” because he is being oh so toxic. Now JD’s main motivation for pushing his brothers so hard in this moment has to do with the “Perfect Family Harmony” which according to baby Branch no one has ever hit before
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And you can see the strain it puts on the other brothers not just through the scenes i showed before but Clay literally tells us
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John Dory not only sees it as a great achievement, but he is putting his own and his families self worth all on whether or not they accomplish the perfect family harmony
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(ignore the crappy cropping image limits)
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And when they fail he blames it on them not following his lead 
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He still believes after all of that that they can successfully complete the Perfect Family harmony 
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This looks to be about the first time the brothers air their grievances out to their older brother about how they actually feel about not only completing the harmony, but the direction of the band itself.
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All of this happens within the heat of the moment, and only continues to get worse as when confronted with all of this Negativity JD decides to leave. You can see by his facial expressions in the above screenshots he was already feeling terrible about the situation as a whole. Animation is very show don’t tell just as much as live action is, it’s very important for storytelling as a whole. A character should not have to SAY they are remorseful for you to be able to see it.
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So JD leaves leading his other brothers to leave as well. Ironically they are following his lead badum dum dum. 
Now we can assume this is probably par for the course for these guys, cuz Grandma is right there, and she just lets them leave, you say plot convenience I say subtle story telling/ It is implied they do this all the time and will eventually come back. (they don’t)
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(Also ignore this image its also a silly and not serious XD)
Now you may be thinking, Ricky, you say that Brozone is not toxic, yet you show us the worst examples of their character. Listen dear reader, this is only the beginning, what I’ve shown you is merely the establishment of the eventual conflict that will be part of the driving force behind character growth and the story itself. 
Let’s move on to adulthood. The main arguments against Brozone happen here, other than the initial abandonment of Branch, which, I should remind you, happened when the oldest among them was still a teenager (teenagers are dumb). 
In this section I also have to mention another movie, and another character, as he is usually brought up in these discussions 
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Creek is usually used as a comparison to the Brozone bros in the argument that Brozone is EVIL AND TOXIC AND UNFORGIVABLE and Creek by comparison should be seen in a better light and not deserve the hate. To be honest I have never seen the level of hate that has been given to Brozone leveled at Creek in the slightest. He is canonically a toxic character, and one who is incredibly self serving which a majority of the fandom recognize and vibe with. Creeks admittedly rancid personality is a massive factor in his appeal (at least for me), and that is kind of the point of his character: To be awful and unforgivable. Creek wasn’t made as your average side character, Creek was specifically made to be an antagonist, to be a contrast to one of our main protagonists, Branch. That is why they are always at odds with each other within both 3D media and 2D media. 
Taken from the trolls wiki
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Creek has also shown disregard for Branch’s hobbies in the main show, tossing his puzzle into the fire. This was during Haircuffed, when Creek didn’t want to do Branch’s puzzle
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Which you think not so bad, its just a puzzle! Well…
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Puzzle’s have incredible significance to Branch, a comfort object if you will, and another way to feel connected to his Grandma. Now you might cry “Creek didn’t know it was significant! He can’t be held responsible for that!” HE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO KNOW THE TRAUMA BEHIND THE PUZZLE TO NOT DESTROY THE PUZZLE.
Conversely let's look at the Brothers:
Throughout the course of the film they are a bit rude to Branch and dismissive of him:
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(You could argue the face grabbing is just a troll thing cuz)
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But anyway
These scenes are minor things that add up during the course of the film for the purpose of showing off the traits they will put aside and grow out of for the sake of each other.
(brb reading xmen)
Lets talk about Xmen, you think JD is bad well watch this
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Before we tackle the entire argument scene let’s first tackle the individual character of each of the bros, Specifically: John Dory, and Bruce, who are most criticized for their actions.
John Dory is one of the first brothers we see return in the film, and his first and foremost objective is to collect Branch so that they can go get their other brothers to rescue Floyd. Some have called John Dory uncaring for his younger brothers, but if that were the case why start the rescue mission at all? An uncaring brother would just ignore the letter and go on with his life, but John Dory literally drops everything just to go rescue his little brother. The letter even specified getting the other brothers first, but John Dory goes alone to get Floyd out of danger as fast as possible only retrieving the other bros when he fails (and cuz he didnt know where they were, can’t waste time when you got a brother to save)
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A brother who didn’t care about his family wouldn’t go through all this effort. Some would say he’s only doing it for appearances sake, but for whom? Him and his brothers have been out of the limelight for 20 years, JD especially has been isolated in the neverglades, who is he trying to impress with this? No one, he’s just a good brother.
Also a reminder! When thinking about breaking Floyd out he is not the first to bring up the harmony! Floyd is, John Dory had a much more clever idea
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So it's not just to complete the harmony either.
He’s also held on to all the merch from their Brozone days, mementos of his family, it shows how he cares, but also the flaw he aims to overcome: his desperate attempt to cling to the past, the better days.
Now let's go to Bruce, easily the most scrutinized of the brothers (because of the baby comment) 
When he first sees his brothers again this is his reaction: 
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(Another point for JD, got ignored but is more happy to see his bros getting along)
Bruce is excited to introduce them to his family, excited to reconnect.
(Note: At this point tumblr stopped allowing images so i will be giving descriptions along with a link to the original google doc for reference purposes these are screenshots from the movie)
Cut image: Bruce introducing his wife to his brothers "These are my brothers, unexpectedly"
(Still excited and immediately introduces them to his wife despite them being “unexpected”)
Cut Image: Brandy saying "It's so nice to finally meet you"
“It’s so nice to finally meet you” Implies that he’s talked about them at length and the possibility of them meeting up with one another.
Also all of his kids completely ignore their mom, just to ask their father something, or tell on their sibling, or ask for his help as seen in this entire clip
With the ketchup kid he assures his kid he will handle it (and yes Brandy had to handle it but um rescue mission?) and that he loves them he just needs a bit of time to address, um who was it again? His brothers, right…
Bruce is argued as being incredibly selfish, I had seen a meme once that had suggested Bruce would let his own children die before he would give up his own life, which is horrendous and blatantly untrue. Bruce only tries to turn away his brothers when John Dory brings up the perfect family harmony and that’s before he knows it's for Floyd, once he finds out it’s for Floyd he is immediately on board! His biggest concern about the harmony at this time is how they’re going to do it. 
As for “abandoning his family again” Bruce is going on a rescue mission, which he asks his wife before hand if it is alright
Which she approves, he also agrees to cover for a WHOLE MONTH for the yoga retreat (Also seen in the clip above)
He spends the majority of the journey caring for Tiny Diamond as well, he lets Tiny into his hair, carries him around in a baby sling he’s a dad to any kid who needs him.
Clay doesn’t get as much scrutiny as either of the older bros, most likely due to his inability to leave the golf course and the fact he apologizes to Branch at the end. There are many things that mimic the same in the ending scene but let’s address the points brought up within the argument that people use to claim the evilness of Brozone. 
Also fun reminder, Clay is the one to start the fight, Not John Dory, not Bruce, Clay just a fun note (he is a lil problematic and argumentative and thats why i love him)
Clay brings up John Dory being bossy which sets everyone off into a tangent about the past, past actions that they think are resurfacing
Cut image, the beginning of the argument:
Clay: No. No, dude. You’re forcin' us to be perfect, just like you always have, so we can hit the perfect family harmony.
John Dory: Yeah. For Floyd.
Bruce: Is it? Or is this all just so you can tell people what to do again?
John Dory: Wha What?
Bruce: This isn’t gonna work if you keep on bein' the same old John Dory.
We all know John Dory’s reason for being “bossy” ; his reason for his perfection, once done out of an effort to impress, is now one out of necessity. They need to be perfect because now someone can die, and the others can’t see that due to their own trauma at the hands of JD’s perfectionism. 
As shown way at the beginning of the essay, all of the brothers suffered at the hands of JD’s past obsession, Bruce had to look a certain way pushing his body past its limits, Clay had to act a certain way disregarding his own happiness to keep up an image, Floyd was ignored and his advice pushed aside, and Branch was pushed to be perfect when he was only about 2 years old (or a month old if you go by the brozone blog). JD also suffered, pushing himself to make song after song, mentally exhausting himself and inadvertently hurting his brothers in the process of doing what he thinks is right for them. 
JD also had the responsibility (as a teen) to parent all of his younger brothers:
Cut Image:
John Dory: Well, I’m not allowed to change. I’m the oldest. I had to be the leader.
John Dory: Why do you think I moved to the middle of nowhere? So I didn’t have to be in charge of anyone. Four little brothers is a lot of responsibility.
You could argue it's his responsibility as the oldest but Grandma was right there, they shouldn’t be his sole responsibility. 
When most of them left it was done out of self preservation, to protect their sanity and to finally find happiness outside of a place that was no longer bringing it to them. They were kind of acting how most would want Branch to act, they cut out the toxic family for their own safety. 
Cut image:
Bruce: [stammers] Why do you think I left? So no one would treat me like you did.
Cut Image:
Clay: I’m gonna find trolls who take me seriously. Next to Clay is a picture of himself in a graduation cap
(Also that is Clays graduation photo, they are all around teen years in  the prologue which means this is either a middle school graduation photo or he graduated early and is still not taken seriously, which as someone who also faces that [only being seen one way despite your achievements] is incredibly discouraging and soul destroying) 
They most likely didn’t return due to the fact they didn’t want to be faced with this kind of treatment again (golf course entrapment aside) 
(Now you’re probably wondering about Floyd and he’s a whole other post, this is mostly focusing on the brothers who receive the most criticism due to misrepresentation)
During the argument they talk about going their separate ways, it is admittedly harsh they way they talk about leaving again, but they never say they’re leaving forever. Bruce has to return to his wife and kids, Clay left the golf course without one of its leaders, JD has his own life and routine, of course they’d go back to it once it was over, but that doesn’t mean visiting is off the table, and that they’d never see each other again. 
Cut Image: John Dory: What? The mission’s the mission. [chuckles] You didn’t think we’d all live together when this was all over, did you? Singin' songs and roastin' marshmallows?
Again i recognize JD is being an asshole here, but he is only knocking the idea of living together off the table, which kind of understandable they’re all adults with their own lives they don’t need to live together, I don’t get mad at my sister for going back to her house when shes done visiting. But again it is more how they say it then what they’re saying
Cut Image:
Branch: [scoffs] Oh, I’m sorry. Is that funny to you? That I might want us to actually be a family again? Tiny Diamond, pull over. Now.
Seen is JD's look of regret
You can see on his face that he regrets what he said when Branch says this, when he gets angry at him, he didn’t mean it like that. Thats when the don’t be a baby comment comes in, they still don’t actually understand why he’s upset, they think he’s acting childish, they don’t recognize he’s changed yet
Cut Image: The bros reaction upon hearing of grandmas death
These are their faces when they hear what Branch has been through, they obviously are upset, they’re hurt on his behalf, they are remorseful, this and their future actions signify the shift from who they were (hurt kids turned hurt adults, fighting over their past trauma) 
After Branch leaves, they, on their own accord, continue the mission to save Floyd, which is how they get caught, and during the final climax control freak JD relinquishes control, having changed and lets Branch take the lead. This is after Branch reminds them they don’t have to be perfect to be in harmony, just to be as they are together which they AGREE
Cut Image:
JD: We'll follow your lead, Branch
Once they save Floyd we are brought to Bruce’s restaurant, he brings them there to host their reunion, there is where branch gets encouragement from JD, where Clay apologizes, where Floyd reminisces and you can see JD engaging with his brothers more than just encouraging Branch he has joined Clays sad book club
Cut Image: JD reading a sad book behind Branch and Clay talking about said book club
This isn’t the end of their reconnection, this is only the beginning. They still have lots of time to grow, and to become closer as family. 
Now lets head back to Creek for a moment before we close this off:
We have brought up the puzzle destruction and his purpose as an antagonist. The main argument most people use is that Creek had no other choice but to sell out his entire race to be eaten and killed to save himself. He had a choice, Branch would’ve let himself get eaten if it meant protecting all of troll village as noticed when he protects poppy in twt (though he might’ve actually found another way out), Poppy would’ve as well. In tbt Floyd begs each of his brothers who meets him before the climax to let him die so they don’t face the same fate, these are all selfless acts. Creek reacts selfishly, eat everyone else but don’t eat me, then he smugly confronts Poppy, obnoxiously laments about how he has to live with his actions when if he were a truly good and selfless character wouldn't have been an issue. He smiles smugly, shrugs his shoulders, and lets himself be carried to safety when his people look at his betrayal with disbelief and sadness. 
Creeks actions in the 1st movie are awful, they’re supposed to be, they’re meant to be unforgivable crimes, and that is why he is killed in the 3D canon, legit he is dead in the 3D canon. 2D and 3D are different continuities, which is part of why I find them (Brozone and Creek) to be mostly incomparable.
Brozone’s arc only affects Branch and each other and in the end they grow stronger, and into better people. Creeks arc/actions affect an entire species and their survival, within the 2D continuity his actions only continue to be self serving, and rather toxic (more for funsies but you know) he should not have been forgiven, but he was. His actions were deplorable yet forgiven which then begs the question why aren’t Brozones? Creek also wrote the apology song solely to humiliate Branch in front of his friends which is not cool bro, Branch did not deserve the treatment he got in the episode from anyone. 
To conclude my thoughts are that Creek and Brozones actions are incomparable, Creek’s actions are not meant to be taken in a positive or sympathetic light, he is a villain cut and dry, that is who he was made to be and he does it wonderfully. I don’t hate Creek, I love his character, he is awful and that is great! Love toxic awful characters! Brozone are a representation of a broken family coming together again, they are toxic, and then they grow, they are meant to do so, the villains of that movie are Velvet, Veneer, and familial trauma all of which get mended by the end of the film. It’s not perfect but its there, and the ignorance of it is what causes these major misconceptions. 
TL;DR Learn media literacy please
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lover-of-skellies · 6 months
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More handwriting headcanons, but this time it’s for various Papyruses!
Obviously there are more Papyruses that exist, these are just the main ones that came to mind first :P
Font names and reasoning under the cut:
Papyrus: Papyrus (because…. c’mon. we all know why)
Stretch: bRee (he gets lowercase letters because he’s a sleepy guy, and the only reason the Ts look a little sharp is because he was probably thinking about Smart Guy Shit again)
Edge: COLORS OF AUTUMN (upper case letters because loud, and sharp like his personality)
Crooks: kindergarden (his letters are big but not all caps because he’s lost some of the spark that would’ve otherwise made him more like OG Paps, and his handwriting is a little wibbly wobbly because head trauma impairs your motor skills sometimes, making it hard to keep your hand movements, or even just regular movements, smooth and steady)
Mutt: alanis hand (he gets lower case and small because he’s another sleepy guy with no confidence)
Charm (UL Paps): Bigdey Demo (dude gets fancy halfway cursive handwriting because he’s a fancy boy. being fancy and stylish is his whole thing, and he adds little hearts in sometimes if he’s in a particularly good mood)
Jupiter (OT Paps): PIGMENTDEMO (personality wise, I just feel like he’d be very similar to OG Paps, and they probably have a lot of the same habits and things, which could easily carry over into their writing. Their handwriting is similar, but still visually different at the end of the day)
Tango (DT Paps): Rock Salt (big letters and all caps here because he’s a louder, more outgoing guy, and even if he’s not super confident 24/7, that’s still the image that he likes to display to others, so they get the impression that he’s the most confident man on the planet. His handwriting is also a bit fancy in its own way, which kinda reflects his whole thing with dancing)
Phantom (DT Paps): Coffee House (ominous looking, sharp, and all caps, because he is literally the creepy dude who tells Dust to maim people and be homicidal. Sometimes he uses lower case, but when he’s especially worked up about something, he goes back to his all caps ways)
Cider (FT Paps): A Hundred Miles (his letters aren’t the biggest, but he still uses all caps. It’s nice looking, if a little on the messy side sometimes because he does so much with his hands on the farm, and they’re probably sore by the time he finishes)
Grim (RT Paps): Silent Reaction (all caps cursive is a nightmare to look at, and he’s been around long enough that he’s painfully aware of that, so he’s brought it down a few notches and uses proper capitalization. He’s had centuries to make his handwriting nice and neat, and while he does like making it look nice, he’s often more concerned about getting all of his work done. Little bonus is that he unintentionally makes the dot above the i look kinda like a candle flame)
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midnighthybrid1 · 1 year
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This was like- SO fun guys. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun doing lineart in so long??? I tried extra hard to make this one look good lol. I did something to differentiate the shading of the puppets and Fionn, which I think I’m a little too proud of 😅
While drawing this, I kept looking between my version and the OG and going ‘WOW I can’t believe our styles are that different, that’s so cool’. I love DTIYS’ sm cause I think it’s just so cool seeing all the different interpretations and art styles people have of the same image.
Anywho, congrats to @chez-cinnamon for all of the followers! Your AU is so hecking cool bro, I love literally all of the content ya make for it sm (your style is so nice bro??? It makes me so happy) I’m hecka excited to see where the storyline for it goes. Keep up the awesome work! And to peeps who see this, y’all should totally go check them out, nudge nudge wink wink.
Have a wonderful day, y’all!
Likes and Reblogs are appreciated! PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ARTWORK!
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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pseudonymphomania · 7 months
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A page from one of Diavolo’s photo albums (inspired by the “Memorable Photos” Diavolo SSR from OG)
View from Top to Bottom, Left to Right.
Suggested OM BG Music to read this to: Always By Your Side
This candid of Dame Lucifer was taken by Diavolo as she passed by the area on her way to the stage after having her makeup done by Asmo.
Diavolo and Lucifer go to a cafe which boasts new specials. Despite his aversion to photos in a public place, Lucifer poses for a surreptitious photo while there, prompted by Diavolo's excitement at having ordered a ridiculously large and aesthetic drink for the first time. Lucifer ordered a small cake and took off his gloves to enjoy it. [the drink and cake are cut off]
This is the selfie that Lucifer took in MC's bedroom after having a heart-to-heart with Diavolo in the "Creating Records" WW. Lucifer only took one picture before giving the phone back so it is slightly blurry, but you can clearly see Diavolo's surprise.
It was a long and tough snowball fight between Lucifer and his brothers at RAD. The battle was hard won and as everyone left to go back inside, Diavolo catches Lucifer looking at the sky and decides to make it snow. Diavolo takes a picture of Lucifer's peaceful face, committing to memory of what it looked like when someone cared for family as much as he did and what it meant to him to know that they were safe.
The Fantastic Three are having fantastic tea and Barbatos is trolling Lucifer again. Taken by Diavolo.
Diavolo and Lucifer speaking in the hallways of RAD [but this photo is cut off so only the shoes are visible]. Taken by Barbatos.
Diavolo is very happy about Lucifer in his uncharacteristic unicorn onesie. Lucifer is annoyed that the presentation of his personal image, something he takes a lot of care in, is being offset by this travesty; however, Lucifer lets Diavolo take a few photos before he takes off the onesie with full intention to toss it into the flames. [MC rescues the onesie before that happens]
Diavolo and Lucifer are in Lucifer's bedroom drinking horns of Demonus. Diavolo remembers that he had a gift so he presents Lucifer with a Demonus body pillow. Lucifer, being drunk, is uninhibited in showing how much he likes it. Diavolo takes a photo of Lucifer cuddling the pillow, but as Diavolo is also drunk, he fails to consider environmental lighting, composition and the fact that his finger is in the shot.
The Fantastic Three go on a business trip. They have a little bit of time to relax so they go to the hot springs in Moryo Town. Diavolo, being playful, decides to splash Lucifer with the hot water and instigates a splash war. This photo is taken by Barbatos who is the only one able to avoid the portent of shenanigans.
The Fantastic Three go camping. After a full day of Camp Master Lucifer's treatment, Lucifer shows Diavolo how to cook marshmallows over the fire for s'mores. Taken by Barbatos.
Diavolo and Lucifer are in the Human World for business. They decide to play chess in the park like retired old men. Diavolo wins the first round white and decides to switch places with Lucifer. He jokes about how Lucifer could have beaten him if he had been more aggressive. Lucifer smiles and retorts that white always has an advantage and that was why he won, but is taken off guard by Diavolo who raises his black pawn and says, "yes it is true. White goes first and black has a critical weakness, but to be truthful, I've never felt more powerful." Lucifer catches on and takes his own white king, placing it in the F7 spot where Diavolo's black pawn had been.*
This photo was taken by the Anti-Lucifer League after a prank on Lucifer. By request, it was sent to MC after-the-fact.
This photo was taken by MC who was watching Satan and Belphie run away, being chased by an angry Lucifer. Both photos were sent to Diavolo after-the-fact.
Diavolo and Lucifer have a long conversation about inter-realm politics while looking out into the yonder. This photo was taken by Barbatos.
The Fantastic Three go to Diavolo's private beach. Diavolo plays in the water as Lucifer watches but Lucifer is overly concerned about what kind of travesties he will come back to when the trip is over so he doesn't share Diavolo's excitement. Taken by Barbatos.
This photo was taken by Diavolo. Lucifer fell asleep while Diavolo was showing off the photo albums and he rests on Diavolo's shoulder. This photo will be shown to Lucifer next time he comes over to look through the memories.
*The F7 square is widely considered the weakest spot on the board being only protected by the black king and is often subjected to attacks. Lucifer putting his white king in that spot means that this game of chess is null but it is an allegory for Lucifer's defection and Diavolo's protection who went from just prince (pawn) to Acting-King. The point of chess is to checkmate, but with the white king protecting the black king and vice versa, who is there to defeat them?
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heywriters · 1 year
how to make a tumblr post (and get notes!)
Have never seen any post discuss these exact things, so i'm sharing my insights with y'all*
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Use images. They don't have to be good or spectacular like this extremely coherent thing I just made. They just need to catch the eye break up dashboard monotony.
The gif search feature is an unreliable wild card at best and a NSFW eye gouge at worst, but it gives credit to the op of the gif
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If you're an artist your whole post is your images, so skip to the links and tags section of this post because the rest won't help much.
-> Image Descriptions
When making a post that contains images, hover over an image and click the meatballs icon in the lower right corner of the image. Click "update description" to add a description. It isn't always necessary, but it is very courteous for a variety of accessibility reasons.
-> Text
Break up your text. Run-on sentences are standard here, lack of punctuation too, you can really do whatever you want, but avoid massive blocks of text. unless you've got a really incendiary opening line and the entire center of that granite chunk of text is actually comedy gold, hard-hitting tumblr journalism, or one of those zany confessional posts that can be followed up by the drive thru meme
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break up
your text.
and go light on the ALL CAPS. save it for emphasis or when you're feeling very unhinged or saRcAStiC y'know how that goes, i don't need to explain it. this site has a very dry tone to its posts so caps are rare. also periods
Bullet points and numbered posts are good and fine. The "Chat" post option is used less often these days, but different groups found uses for it so it sticks around.
Titles Matter
they help break up text and put people at ease. they are best for informative, mature posts but can make you look like a square in more relaxed conversations. sometimes they are also great for emphasis in a comedic sh*tpost (censorship is entirely up to you, btw. you don't have to censor much on tumblr except titties and genitals).
Tumblr automatically shortens long posts now, but etiquette asks that you tag #long post if you want to avoid clogging up someone's dash. It don't matter too much though, this is the "color of the sky" site, so get used to posts being too long
That being said "READ MORE" is a fantastic feature. Use it when you want some level of privacy like "hey, only click below if you want to hear about my problems" or "click below to read my 18+ fanfic." Read more is also great in case you want to delete something forever. If a reblogged post has a read more, but op deleted the og post, that content is gone (readmore has to be on the og post at time of posting for this to work, btw; edits to og post do not span all reblogs)
the other bells and whistles like colored font or italics are helpful in improving text, but we don't really rely on them. every mode of looking at this site alters those aspects somehow so we often ignore them
-> Links
Hint: People don't want to click links. We don't know where they're taking us. Most of us are on our phone and don't want to open another tab or leave the app to go on the browser. We're cozy here on Tumblr and do not wish to be whisked away (unless it's a rickroll)
Don't leave the link thumbnail to do all the work, like so
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add a little sneak peak info, maybe your favorite line from the article or a reason why it's important for people to know the info on the other side of that link. Sell it!
When you're adding a link into a list, i.e. no large thumbnail just a line of text leading you to another site, try not to copy/paste the link as is
No one wants to click on that it's gross and scary. It's screams "meh, i'll click later if i feel like it." If the build up to the link is too good to resist ("if you want to save the orphaned puppies here's the link") then that http mess is sufficient.
Otherwise, dress your links up a little by including the title or a description of what the link goes to:
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Or, if it's an informal post where you're just popping info in to back up whatever insane thing you just said, just write something like "link here" or "(x)" and hyperlink it.
-> Tags
artists, writers, and other creators: leave a tag on your creative content that makes it easy for blog visitors to see it all at once. e.g. "My work" and we click on that while on your blog and see only your works
You can have up to thirty tags on any post. All will make your post show up in searches and followed tags (it used to be only the first five tags that got you traction). However,
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Please. Do not tag everything you can possibly imagine being relevant to your post because
It's called tag spam and it's against TOS
Everyone here hates that
No one is going to check all those tags ever. Someone might search one five years from now and accidentally find your post hanging out in the ether and they'll still ignore it.
Your imagination is wicked tiny because I guarantee the perfect tag is going to be something indecipherable and seemingly niche.
Follow popular tags (or at least be aware of them)
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If yours is an off-the-cuff post and you don't have time to find out what a niche group is into then wing it, sure, idc. this is also the shitposting site do whatever you want
Don't put your hate in the fan tags. This is the unapologetically-like-dumb-things site and your negativity is not wanted. You can still complain, just avoid tagging to get the attention of the fans of whatever you're complaining about. That enables pvp and even nonfans will know you deserve the backlash
-> Audio & Video
clickable by nature because we all love noise and moving images so there's no special way to share posts like this. just post them with good tags and maybe a one-liner, and they'll sell themselves
Tip: it's nice to add descriptions to these too but it isn't common
Protip: if the audio is the best part of the video (e.g. a baby burps REALLY loudly and it's hilarious) please caption or tag "Unmute!"
-> mkay bye
that's all i can think of right now. will update later if i remember something
*this is year eleven of my time on tumbles and i studied marketing in college for like six of those years and have been applying that bupkis to tumblr ever since. every post i see that gets no traction and every lovely artist that goes nowhere on here bothers me so deeply and i sincerely want y'all to succeed <3 <3
+ If you find this helpful and want to support my blog, I have a ko-fi!
+ If you're concerned about my mental health from being on Tumblr so long and want to contribute to my "get better" fund, I have a ko-fi!
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alexxncl · 1 month
masterlist | all lessons | season 3 | lesson 45.1 | lesson 45.2 | lesson 47
i'll probaboy be moving my baby sister into college when this queues up 🥲 sob sob
slight lesson 76 spoilers
we love to see more of a lighthearted lesson
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ah yes, siblings 🫶🏽 levi is me, i am levi
i also love the fact that luci, mams, levi, and simeon are all working together to help mammon
it's clear how much they all adore him even if they're shitheads sometimes (read: most of the time)
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anyone else having war flashbacks to cocytus? no? just me? kay.
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see now they're just making up words bc what are we talking about 😭 also love how they didn't bother to make a 2D CG picture for it bc it's never gonna be mentioned in another lesson after this point
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...i'd have to kms
imagine every step you take leads to a blood curdling scream...everybody's dying idc
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"dear, sweet henry 1.0" my ASS
homeboy didn't even remember you when y'all were trapped in that made and had to get charmed by asmo 😭
...unless that was his way of telling levi to make new friends, just like the way he left levi in the anime bc levi had no friends outside of henry
but i also wanna see the full extent of mammon's power 🧍🏾 the devs need to stop giving us cut scenes every time my man steps up to fight a monster
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that's hilarious actually
imagine some lower level demon actually ended up getting eaten bc they couldn't beat the monsters and the "research" was all in vain
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leave it to me to read too far into things 🤞🏽
example x of mammon being lucifer's favorite and most trusted brother
regardless of how dumb mammon thinks a task is, he'll do his best to get it done as perfectly as possible if it means keeping up a good image for lucifer or making lucifer happy. lucifer knows this despite rarely, if ever, admitting it to himself, mammon, or anyone else, and that's why he trusts mammon with serious shit when the situation calls for it
granted, the speech mammon is giving probably wasn't orchestrated by lucifer, but the way it goes still reflects on him and diavolo, and mammon knows better than to make his big brother and the future demon king look bad in front of who knows how many people
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they absolutely would've fucked backstage if he wasn't up next for his speech /srs
they fucked in the back of class and they'd do it again BOP BOP
also mammon's speech being "get off your lazy asses and go touch grass" was easily the best idol about this lesson. 10/10 writing
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about the first screenshot, why is nobody in-game verbally commenting on simeon wearing his angelic clothes ??? didn't he stop wearing them as soon as he fell from grace in the og timeline ?????
or maybe this is a result of too many time soup shenanigans. maybe his body can't tell if he's human or still an angel
but it's clear that everyone's noticed something's off with simeon even if they haven't said anything to him verbally, which is why luke was so hellbent on mc asking simeon if he was okay. but nobody's outright saying anything bc this mf will deny any and every concern thrown at him with a smile on his face. he won't even tell mc what's going on, so lucifer had to step in
ending the hard bonus chapter like this was VILE but in the best way possible
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 9 months
In my previous post i talked about how I have a lotta scrapped MV ideas, well may as well dump some designs i've made based on songs over the years because like I probably wouldn't post these otherwize
also heres a few nice picture of miku from one of em to make you click on this post because its gunna be a long one and all these are hidden below a read more
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for the record don't expect me to do anything with any of these, also these are from old to new some of these date back to early 2022 and it shows
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This one i posted a storyboard for actually its An Aliens I Love You by Utsu-P.
I gave young Rin a sakura motif with her dress because of miku and rin meeting under a sakura tree, teen miku has a pink ribbion and hairclip to continue this. both rins bow and mikus outfit get darker outfits overtime to sybolize the song getting darker. I also gave adult rin the future rin hair. Miku's "alien" form is more or less how its described in the song tho i was lazy and didn't draw the 4 arms in the refs.
also Lily is Rins mom in this yup there she is indeed.
I actually have a lot of assets finished including the ones above i may show em off one day who knows.
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This one is Stained Nocturne by Toa i actually did finish this one
the grey one is when they talk about being colorless
i gave them both very cute and elegent outfits i think it matches the vibe of the song. The starry outfits are the real highlight. if you wonder how I drew em over and over i just copy pasted the stars on their dresses.
they also are very blue because yknow nocturne. I forgot if i dumped the assets for this MV or not maybe next rant post.
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This one is Corona by Utsu-P no idea why i did it its probably not even in my top 20 Utsu-P songs i just had some brainworms that wore off. I finished like a minute of it I guess.
I really like rin's outfit. "goth metal astronaut" is such a weirdly specific concept but she absolutley nailed it. 10/10 desin
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This one is Garando by Picon. I gave her a like idk what to call it paperboy outfit like the one you see in the MV a few times. her eyes are yellow like bullets because I had this one S teir visual idea. I have some assets for this one i may show off one day.
i also considered doin the sekai ver i really like garando if u cant tell lol
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This one is Happy Haloween by Junky another one i finished
Rins is just from the OG mv the rest are themed around the characters
Minori is a dark angel because tenshi no clover is themed around... a normal angel
haruka has candy and a penguin mask because thats her thing
airi is a vampire cuz she has fangs
shizuku is a witch because of her cast a spell on you outfit
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This one is NEXT NEST by Satsuki Ga Tenkomori. The cubes are from the original MV image thing. I gave her a super cybernetic look to match the song vibe. I also gave her a plaid skirt to match miku's concept desin because this song is like sorta miku becoming sentient or smth idk been a while since i read the lyrics.
another S teir design. also zamn this ref goes hard lol.
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This one is Bluff Liar by EZFG. VY1 doesn't really have a desin so I went with this based on the semi official one (we dont speak of her new official one also i drew this long before that regardless lol) I have a shitty animatic thats 80% stick figures for this. never posted it tho.
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tbh i put the file to this ref on an external hard drive cuz this whole video killed my storage because i actually finished it so i yeeted all th assets off my computer as soon as i was finished so i just dowloaded the little thing of assets from this post
not much goin on its kinda just normal ol luka lol
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This is Black Hole Artist by utsu-P. its not in project sekai and never will be but it reminded me of Ena so I had this idea. not much to say, I have a few assets for this but nothing really finished.
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Another VY1 EZFG song, IDK what my plan was for drawing this over and over. also pretty asthetic ref lol. not much to say i don't draw very cyberish designs so its fun
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this is just concept art. this is Roless Weapon by Neru and Inubakumori. yeah those two colabed you wouldnt know cuz this song has no MV. IDK what my plan for this was tbh but like when else would i show this off.
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From here on its just concepts lol. this is Atari Front Program by Utsu-P... god how many Utsu songs is this lol
S teir desin i love miniskirt plus pants combo idk its just a vibe.
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this drawing sucks lol. this is Live by Mizuno Atsu. Long haired kafu is cute I have better drawings of this in my sketchbook somewhere I think. I might revisit this it would be very simple and cute.
also weirdly my fav part of this aside from her hair is her shoes.
anyway Kafu needs more outfits for songs tbh theres like 3 kafu songs where she has a unique outfit
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actually i lied about only having doodles, this is Where Shall We Go by Mellowclle
already made a post bout this
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this is my most recent. I sketched this after finishing this art of this song. It is Memento Mori by Buriru
I love this song the creator said its supposed to sound like a mecha anime opening so i went with that vibe. teto looks great, miku doesn't. Teto doesn't really have a counterpart so I assigned miku as her girlfriend lol.
sadly I cannot draw robots so idk what my plan was tho i have a cool visual for the end in my head.
anyway thats everything I could find. does anyone give a crap? probably not but hey character design is fun and i love messing around.
anyway fun trivia more songs i have video ideas for i won't make: Poster Girls Prank - Utsu-P (but with MMJ project sekai)
Stella - Jin
Paranoia - Mezame-P
and probably more i'm forgetting lmfao
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jetsteelyourheart · 2 months
My top 5 Crackships
Inspired by my top 5 8 characters thing going around, I want you all to vote on your favorite of my Top 5 Questionable Rare pairs
I will be providing excuses reasoning excuses below the poll, so if you feel like roasting me properly seeing my justifications, do that - or don't!
And remember, they're fictional characters, so it costs nothing to be normal about this and have fun
*Not all of these are controversial, but those that are? watch out!
If you follow me then you know I'm an OG Zutara fan, but on the rare occasions I'm feeling Cannon Compliant, Zuki is my go too ship. This has all to do with the comics, where basically Zuko's only confidant is Suki and you get wild panels of them looking at each other like this:
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I was devistated when Korra came out and it seemed like Sokka and Suki didn't last, but if the above is why, then I'll take it.
I am going to get so much flack for this one I think. BUT. Consider: The cannon ships in the show are generally not well written. I like Hopper/Joyce, I like Max/Lucas, but Nancy/Jonathan and especially Mike/Eleven do literally nothing for me, they are so bland. I do see the irony that one of the things that makes Stobin well written is because its one sided on Steve's part because Robin is gay. But their interactions are literally the reason to watch the show if you ask me. Pushing past these excuses though, I just kinda dig the ship. In my head its an open poly situation for certain, but sexuality is so wild and fluid and weird, and Gold Star status is gatekeepy at best anyway, so like, why the fuck not. I had a great aunt who had an open marriage with a gay man, (big beard behavior) and they had kids and did everything together. Its like... Platonic soulmates + if you will. And that's what I want for Stobin. Platonic soulmates + and a big ole polycule surrounding them. Or maybe its just my incoherent bisexual ass talking
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(If I could put fan-art with the polycule in it I would but I wouldn't repost someones art like that... so I'm stuck with cannon images)
No one has played this game. When people think Zack, they either ship Cloud or Aerith, and honestly I ship both those as well (though ClAerTi will always be my top for them). But I love Cissnei. She has big Sydney Sage energy for me, and all of Zack's emotional beats in the second half of the game surround her (...or cloud) not Aerith (just for the record). Also if you join all the fanclubs and work hard you get invited to your own fanclub and I'm pretty sure there's evidence that Cissnei is the president which is hilarious. I just love their interactions and was DEVASTATED at the end. Analytical Girl & PuppyDogHimbo is a beautiful ship dynamic. Also Rick Gomez will always be my Zack Fair VA. I hate the new guy so much (and its not his fault!! Sorry man!)
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So the section is really short. But my god. Cinderella and Aqua have the most chemistry of any character in that game series bar none. I'm including Riku and Sora in this. I'm including Roxas and Axel. Ok, not really this is not the hill I want to die on. BUT. At least in Birth By Sleep, this is the emotional high-point. Aqua taking her hand like a gentleman at a ball? The way Aqua saves Cinderella from getting run over by her demonic carriage??? The way she lovingly protects Cindy's body with hers? Did you see Prince whats his face doing any of that ? NO. And then. If Aqua were a guy everyone would've seen it when this game came out (but I guess gay people weren't invented until 2015 or whatever.
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look how devastated Aqua is when Cinderella goes to Charming at the end. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THEM.
I really do like Raylum, but this is a poll on my hot take rare-pairs, not cannon compliance. Let me start off by saying, no, I haven't seen this season yet, it only came out twelve hours ago whats wrong with you? This pair grew on me starting in Season 4 after the time skip. I think it goes along side my preoccupation with tough smart girls and their dumbass golden retriever himbos. They have a nice trajectory, and with Callum going a lil dark and edgy on us recently, I like their banter a lot. Especially in Season 4 I was surprised by them and I crave more adventures with the two of them alone. I don't think it will ever happen, but I like it none the less. They bring a certain... Sokka & Suki vibe to the party that I'm here for.
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Anyway, I tag @ebbilayart @retiredficwriter & anyone who decides to do it!
And if no one feels like setting themselves up as a target, that's good too!
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skepticalarrie · 1 month
this is very random but every time I see a solo harrie hating on larries and saying how absurd and laughable it is that we think Harry is queer and with louis , this extremely high pitched voice erupts out of me that goes "bitch look at this man. Nobody has ever larrie-d like he has." FFS from which angle does he seem straight 😭
It's just so funny to me that they criticize larries and call them bluegreeners coz the man they're stanning is the OG blue greener lmao
Hahaha they definitely are! Although it ✨ physically ✨pains me to know that there are actually people out there who can’t see Harry for what he truly is. I have to admit, it's hard to put all the blame on the fans. Harry has such a confusing image… he’s constantly milking PR stunts, feeding the fans who are dying for a piece of his womanizer image, while also playing both sides by having a strong queer appeal. Which also sells a lot. So no wonder it is so confusing!
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wifediaries · 2 years
‘Rosy Blog Chic’ Makes it’s comeback for Spring
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What is Rosy Blog Chic? Take a deep dive to 2013-2014 with me, the era of Instagram filters (No, not the face ones-- the original presets on the editing tool) Ariana Grande’s Yours Truly album and its impact on fashion at the time, and OG tumblr core. As Spring rolls around, I feel myself reaching for the same pins on pinterest that I did back on Weheartit in 2014... and I’m ready to bring it all back. 
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The year is 2013, and you are sat in your bedroom watching Zoella on Youtube and painting your nails in a DIY manicure. Something about this era screams early girlhood, having fun and not caring if something is perfect, as long as it looks pretty. At the time, tumblr and Weheartit was alive with ‘rosy blogs’, and if you search hard enough-- the graveyards of abandoned blogs still remain untouched, like a time capsule of such treasured years, reaching its peak at 2014. 
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Where did the name ‘rosy blog’ come from?
No one knows. After many google searches, and coming up with nothing -- I can only assume it was coined from the huge insurgence in ‘rose gold’ at it’s time, florals and roses being featured in lots of rosy blog posts, and the ‘rosy’ warm, pinky filter that was laid over all the images to give it that classic look it was known for. These days, the aesthetic is more popularly claimed as ‘girly 2014 aesthetic’, ‘yours truly era’ or simply ‘2014 core’. As a long time girly girl, I am truly advocating to bring this style back. Here’s how. 
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Taking a step back into this era, what better time to incorporate floral prints into your wardrobe that spring? Ditzy print, crowded florals on dresses and skirts and sunflower crop tops (Think old American Apparel) are the perfect ways to incorporate a Rosy chic back into your wardrobe. It’s girly, and can be worn super casually as these are not items that technically ever went out of fashion or became played out. 
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Undeniably, polka dot was huge in this era. Something about it can be so youthful, whilst also carrying this timeless chic that is vaguely reminiscent of the 50′s/60′s (See Audrey Hepburn, or kitschy housewife aesthetic) A simple black and white will totally do the trick maybe with pearl accessories or ribbon embellishments but a pink and white polkadot is super adorable too! 
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When looking back at the fashion of this era, a few brands stick out to me as being staples of their time. Thanks to early Ariana Grande, Wildfox became hugely popular-- especially in their knit pull overs, sweaters, and sunglasses. They were often pastel colours, donning some kind of cute cartoon print over the top such as a rainbow, or hearts. Another big brand that took over this time period would be American Apparel, and a quick search into ‘vintage American Apparel’ or selling sites would lead you exactly to what you need, the same goes for Vintage Victoria’s Secret PINK items -- however you might find some luck in their current resurgence of ‘Originals’ now being sold on the website. I recently copped some OG fold over leggings! For more girly, era relevant brands-- look into H&M, Brandy Melville, vintage Topshop, Hollister and Abercrombie for that classic girly girl look. Or, dig back into your closet and see if you kept anything from this era!
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To truly encapsulate the way this era unfolded, try your hand at taking cute pictures and laying an warm-vanilla toned filter preset over the top. In this era, people would take pictures of just about anything cutesy-- think your cute tea mug, a girly phone case, your strawberries and nutella mid day snack, this could even consist of whatever show you’re watching on Netflix photographed on your laptop on some sweet bed covers -- the perfect hobby for a lazy day! If you want to take it that step further, collate these pictures into a bordered collage to really push that early-years-instagram aesthetic. 
To begin with outfits, there are a few staples I would look out for. When thinking Rosy Blog Chic, what springs to mind instantly is a bralet / crop top paired with a skater skirt. At first glance, this sounds totally out dated-- but to me, there is something so timeless about these kind of looks. This will be perfect as the weather warms up, but whilst its still cold, you can always pair it with a chunky knit cardigan and tights-- also staples of its time. Pumps, mary-janes, brogues and flats are all appropriate shoe choices for this look. 
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Another casual look that is less strictly 2014 would be an off the shoulder sweater, leggings / yoga pants, and a pair of ugg boots. This is more appropriate for colder days and definitely will give you an old school Victorias Secret model off duty look. 
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A common theme in this era of online photo’s was pyjamas! Again, perfect for a lazy day-- the girl behind the camera was often seen to be donning full length or shorts and a tshirt sleepwear in cute prints and colours. Whether it be VS classic stripes, polkadot/animal print, vintage Disney movie print, florals,  it doesn’t matter as long as it’s cute. 
To accessorize, bows were a huge deal. Whether its clipped to your pony, worn on your handbag or simply just there for decorating, oversized bows were one of the first trends Ariana Grande brought to the internet. The accessory portion of Rosy Blog Chic seemed to take a more classic, timeless and girly route that can often be seen in modern Coquette fashion today-- meaning ribbons, pearls, and lace to up the girly factor by 10. 
Try your hand at home made manicures if you are currently giving your nails a rest from Acrylics or gels! Essie nail polish was at its peak during this era, as everyone seemed to be rocking natural length pale pink nails! I love long nails, and they were still super popular-- this is just for those who want to give their nails a rest. 
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Did I miss anything? Let me know! I hope to be seeing Rosy Blog Chic more and more this spring! 
Mimi 💗
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yamcha-thelonewolf · 10 months
🩹The three wounds.
Although there are many things to say about Yamcha, today my attention goes to one of the most curious topics about him: the scars.
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Dragon Ball, ch. 166, The Reunion.
This is the first image of our good ol' Yamcha with his new look and... I really have to admit it: while I loved so much his so many pre-23rd Tenkaichi Tournament styles, I cannot deny that the Yamcha we see at the end of OG Dragon Ball and throughout DBZ gains a stratospheric appeal. His more mature face and the triumphant return of his long hair, here tied back in a cool ponytail, make a big impression for sure, but it's certainly his two new facial markings that especially make the difference.
Let's say it together: Yamcha is the pretty boy of the gang. He's got flowing black hair, he has lots of charisma, a strong sense of humor, and on top of that, he's got grazy techniques that visually tear apart more famous ones. Sounds just like... A wasted character, doesn't it? As I said before, that is not the question I want to address today. So...
...How did Yamcha get his scars?
I'm not quite sure if there is an official explanation on this, and if there is I apologize for my lack of one. In any case, I'd like to lay out my personal theory. Actually it's not a big deal at all, it is not a fanciful story that I made up to enrich Yamcha's life. It is simply the result of a logical evaluation and a long, long observation in the field.
As we know, at the end of The Great Demon King Piccolo Arc, Yamcha and others start to train hard for three long years in preparation for the new budokai.
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We don't know exactly how our heroes trained, whether they spent time together, and specifically whether Yamcha returned to the city occasionally to be with Bulma and Puar, but from his girlfriend's words we can assume that he only devoted himself to training.
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This is not the first time he has done it. Fortunately! In fact, in the 21th Tournament Arc, we can see him away from the city, moving through the woods like a real wolf to enhance even more of his most famous technique, the Rōgafūfūken. Then, when the Red Ribbon adventure ends, Yamcha notices how Goku's strength has increased overwhelmingly, so he decides to move to the Kame House to become a full-fledged pupil of the Turtle School. In this case, Bulma visited him whenever she could (or wanted to), but this time is different. Yamcha now carries with him two major defeats in the quarterfinals, plus a strong sense of helplessness during the The Great Demon King Piccolo Arc because of his broken leg. He cannot and will not stay in the shadows again and again, although we could not help but appreciate his every effort. That is why this time it is necessary for him to make his mark in the martial arts world. And indeed Yamcha succeeds.
Although he loses again in the quarterfinals, the twist he gives us is one of the most beautiful of the whole tournament.
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His new technique, the Sōkidan, leaves even God himself speechless. I will undoubtedly talk about this wonderful move on another occasion. Right now what I want to point out is simply the lethal effect this has on the opponent.
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As we can see, the Sōkidan is an extremely elegant and elaborate technique that can destroy, stun and distract the opponent depending on the will of the user. Unfortunately, we don't see it often, but thanks to DBZ fillers, some movies and the videogames we can get an idea of how devastating it can be.
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Requiring full ki control, consequently this maneuverable ball suggests how extremely difficult it is to handle.
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Now let's go back again and let's try to imagine a Yamcha who is tired of losing and wants to amaze everyone in the next Budokai. So let's try to imagine a Yamcha who returns to the woods, sits down by a lake, under the moon, and somewhat like Tien does, whom he has come to know and esteem until then, he too begins to focus and finally explore his own soul until then only devoted to the teenage love with Bulma and those little big satisfactions in his various fights. After all, he has always been one of the strongest. We must not forget that before the tournaments there are the preliminaries.
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Anyway, we are still in the woods. Yamcha has opened the palm of his hand and slowly the night seems less dark as a small and seemingly harmless orb begins to float by his concentration. Maybe he is on the right track. A small grin appears on his face... After all, he has always been a bit of a swagger and that is also why we like him. But then, I don't know whether that same night or in the following days, this still somewhat wild sphere goes out of his control. It literally gets out of his hands, and although it is sad to think about, it turns on him and crashes right into his face, cutting him twice: on his right eye and on his left cheek. Of course, not in an overly direct way. I imagine more of a smear wound, or something like that, just like what happens to the mysterious Shen.
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In this scene, Yamcha certainly has much more mastery, but I have no doubt that during his solitary training he had a hard time precisely because of the dangerousness of this technique that requires significant spiritual control.
Finally, one last detail I would like to dwell on is the reaction Yamcha must have had at the sight of his new face. Throughout the story, he has never hidden the fact that he is quite vain and conscious of his own beauty. And how can you blame him?! Well, the first time we see him despairing over his poor ruined face is when Goku knocks his tooth out. We are at the beginning of our great Akira Toriyama-signed adventure.
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Here Yamcha was a lonely 16-year-old boy who was afraid of beautiful girls. A terrible curse since his greatest desire was (is) to get married. I assume that seeing himself ugly after losing his tooth must have only heightened his frustration! Instead, when he gets the two scars, Yamcha's age ranges from twenty to twenty-three. He has grown, he has changed, he has a girlfriend and even a fanclub, but most importantly he has greater self-awareness. In my humble opinion, he has not despaired so much. Not like a drama queen, at least. After all, if it is true that it was the Sōkidan that ruined his manly face, his new consciousness must surely have suggested to him that it was worth it. In the bottom of my heart I hope he has also realized that he has increased not only his power but also his sex appeal... but hey! that is my very personal opinion. 😸
So, this is what I have always thought, or rather, what I like to think about the origin of his scars. Many assume that it was the clash with some wolves, and even this is interesting, but I don't think that with the power level he reached he could be bitten so easily by an animal he knows so well... For me, it was its own strength. It suits his will to persist even at the cost of losing his life.
You know, I'm sadly happy that it's him who has the scarred face. I really don't know but... Something tells me that if his face hadn't had those two marks, Yamcha would have been even further forgotten. I can't explain it but I feel like it's like this.
However, gettin those scars must have been painful, I realize, but after all... Yamcha is someone who lives with pain all the time. That's why the title of this topic refers to three wounds, not two. In the end... We all agree that Yamcha's biggest scar is in his heart, right?
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
Thoughts I had while reading TCF/LCF chapter 14
Well done Cale, you didn’t get beat up. One of the few times your plan actually works and you don’t get hurt. Also poor OG Cale. Getting beat up already suck but it was raining too? Now that’s just sad.
Also the start of his hoard of ancient powers because as mentioned Cale hoards pretty much everything, as he should
Oh the awkwardness that is the early days Henituse family. I don’t hate or dislike Deruth. Idk what the general consensus about him is. I don’t necessarily think he’s the best father ever but I also don’t think he’s the worst father ever. I think he tries his best but it’s hard. I don’t think anyone is solely at fault for the awkwardness in the family. Like it would be so easy to say it’s OG Cale’s fault or it’s Deruth’s fault but it’s not really that black and white. We know from the beginning that Deruth is at least trying from the way Ron tells Cale the master has been wanting to eat breakfast with him for a while. It’s one of the first things we hear in the novel, but it also seems he didn’t really try to intervene when Cale was acting like trash, except we get that information from the novel, which doesn’t even name the secret organisation tormenting everyone in the first 5 volumes. He doesn’t try to correct his manners, but really his manners aren’t that bad at least compared to OG Cale who calls the food trash and breaks stuff a lot. I do think he could be a worse father, but I also think he could be a better character so for now I’m fairly neutral towards him. I do think he’s trying to protect and care for Cale in his own way, he just doesn’t know how to do that, snd he may be worried that pushing too hard will cause Cale to leave altogether. Maybe my opinion will change as time goes by.
Similarly I don’t yet have much of an opinion on Violan. Some may say that, as the adult, she should be the one putting in the effort and trying to improve their relationship, but I feel like it’s already more awkward for step parents, especially in a case like this where the biological mother is dead, because you don’t want to try and force a relationship and you don’t want to seem like you’re trying to replace the biological parent. Again fairly neutral towards her, maybe that will change. I feel like it’s easy to tell that, in her own way, she does care for Cale, she just doesn’t know how to show that and I feel like that’s especially clear in the way she discusses the larger envoy and appearances. Yes, it’s partially about protecting the family’s image but it’s also her own way of looking out for Cale and protecting him from the nobles and politics of their world. Also this may be the first somewhat positive interaction they’ve ever had and she seems fairly happy with it.
Also it’s not really like Violan is wrong about the whole appearances matter thing, and Cale knows this better than most. He knows the reputation OG Cale has and uses that to his advantage while moving in secret. Just take the Black Dragon thing. He’s a trashy young master who was drinking early, got too drunk, and retired for the night early. He also uses this to smuggle Taylor and Cage into the capital, and to mess with the enemy. Cale is a master at using appearances to his advantage, so ifanyone would agree with Violan’s beliefs about appearance being important, especially to nobles, it’s Cale.
Another instance of him being kind/non-selfish, him not taking more servants. This ignores a few things. 1) he doesn’t have to help the Black Dragon at all, he could just pass through the village and be out of there before Raon even poses a threat. I know we’re all glad he didn’t do that but the point remains that he could’ve and, who knows, if he did that Raon may have even been able to still live. He was a beserk dragon so it may not have been a happy ending, and all the villagers would probably die, but Choi Han wouldn’t be there to kill them. Of course the secret organisation would’ve been hunting him then, but somehow I don’t think they’re beating a beserk dragon who hates people unless the white star himself does something but I could be wrong. As I said glad this didn’t happen. Raon deserves better than that but it was a possibility. 2) he claims not to care about people but so far all he’s done is care about people. And I know him not being able to watch people die is valid but, again, if his plan somehow fails or he doesn’t manage to free Raon, he knows what day it happens. I bet, if he’d been unable to save Raon for whatever reason, plan B would’ve been an evacuation. Idc what he says, he wasn’t letting those villagers die. Cale is a lot like Choi Han in that respect. He refuses to let people die if he can help it. of course he’d never admit this and would be horrified if anyone said it, but this trait, that he says is so admirable of Choi Han, is a trait that he also has but doesn’t notice. Remind you of anything? Like, maybe him admiring how open minded Choi Han is and how he befriends all the races, only to go on to befriend even more races than Choi Han did. That’s right, I’m calling Cale out for being exactly the thing he admires, because he continues to call himself selfish, lazy trash while being the opposite.
Honestly he isn’t fooling anyone. He can use as many words as he wants, at the end of the day, it’s very clear that he just doesn’t want people around him to get hurt, if he can prevent it. Oh I don’t care about people, I just don’t want to see them hurt in front of me or to be responsible for the people who get hurt. That’s so many words to say I care about people and son’t want them to get hurt.
Ok I get that he has a point about the responsibility of others being a burden, but it’s one that he actively takes on himself. If Raon did get free, that wouldn’t make him responsible. Just knowing about things doesn’t magically give you the ability to change or fix it. It would still be Neo Tolz’ responsibility and the Stan family’s responsibility. It’s their territory, their people. The Stans are smart enough to keep it in a different territory but arrogant enough to keep it mear people. They’re so sure that it won’t escape but it does, in every world it gets free, either by freeing itself or being freed. You can’t tame a dragon or keep it contained but they’re so arrogant, and as a result they put innocent people, the villagers, in danger, and they don’t even care, and why would they? It’s not the Stan’s territory so the consequences don’t affect them as much. God I hate them, I hate them so much.
The fact that Kim Rok Soo is taking more responsibility for events and people that are happening in an entirely different world and these complete monsters can’t even be bothered to pretend to care about the people they’re supposed to protect and leave. They are a waste of human life
Also I notice Cale is very big on eye contact. Every time he talks to someone he tries to make eye contact, and I love this because I feel like this is another sign that he sees them as equals. Now, I’m not saying people who don’t make eye contact don’t see others as equals, I get it, eye contact can be awkward. But it can also be poweful and a show of respect. First it’s almost vulnerable in a way and shows that you’re not hiding anything. The eyes are the window to the soul and by making eye contact he’s showing his emotions, showing he’s being honest, showin he understands. It also shows that he’s engaged with the conversation, he’s looking at them, he’s listening to them, he’s fully focused on them and the conversation. He wants to hear and understand their opinion and their point of view. It shows he cares about what they have to say but also that he wants them to hear what he has to say. He’s not distracted, he’s not interrupting, he’s listening and paying attention. Again, I’m not saying people who can’t or don’t make eye contact aren’t equally invested or whatever, I just feel like it’s another nice subtle way of showing that Cale respects people and sees him as equals. It’s also a good way for Cale to read others. The mouth and even the body can lie, but the eyes usually can’t. maybe it’s just because I was always taught that it was polite to look at people when you’re talking to them or they’re talking. Idk.
Ugh and art being the mirror to the soul is such a great statement. Whatever art you do, it’s usually a reflection of your emotions right. Sometimes that emotion is as simple as I like this thing or I felt like drawing this thing but there’s always some sort of emotion involved somewhere.
How happy they are that Cale and Violan are getting on. This is why I can’t feel negative towards Deuth or Violan.
Ah the information network. Funny to think that by the end of the novel Cale will have the best information network there is.
How surprised do you think they were that Cale actually read all the information? In the beginning everyone seemed shocked that Cale was reading and writing things down to the point that I would actually be offended but I kinda get it.
Honestly Deuth must’ve been pulling his hair out trying to keep up with Cale. He knows his son is responsible for some things, he just doesn’t know how, and Cale never actually explains, and then he somehow has to keep track of Cale leaving the territory for onre thing, to go to one place, only to be gone for weeks just traveling around the continents. And then he just retuens and is like hi I come baring new family members/allies, and also I’m moving to Harris village, and also we now have an alliance with this random group and access to this thing and we’re financing this, and Deuth is just there like wtf? He asks Hans, Hans is like idk. He asks Ron, Ron just smiles benignly. He asks Hilsman, Hilsman just gets a haunted look in his eye. Eventually he decides he’s better off not knowing and just accepts it.
Also I heard the manhwa dropped the ball when it came to the man eating tree so, is there any fanart of it? Specifically the transformation? Please it sounds so pretty, I need to see it. If anyone can point me towards someone who’s done fanart of this I’d appreciate it.
Oh my god the man eating tree is out of its goth/emo phase, good for the tree. Jk goths and emos are cool and their clothes are pretty.
Deruth: I heard an interesting rumor recently
Cale: don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious.
I’d say I’m sorry but I’m really not and if even one of you read that and heard it as a song my work here is done
I imagine sometimes Deruth will be trying to sleep and just as he’s about to drift off, he remembers the man-eating tree’s transformation and just gets lost internally debating what Cale did. No sleep is had on those nights as he considers the possibilities.
I mean, even when Cale does come back he doesn’t get to immediately become a couch potato, then he has like a month to laze around and then is back to being busy for weeks. That’s like one of the things Cale is bad at, being a couch potato
So I know this is a fantasy world and they’re nobles so rules are different but I just imagine 7 year old Lily Henituse, looking up at 18 year old Cale Henituse after he asks if she wants him to bring back a present. And he’s probably expecting her to ask for idk a doll or a teddy bear, idk what 7 year old little girls like but you know something fairly innocent and harmless. And she just completely earnestly looks up at him and says, with the most innocent expression possible “a sword”. That is simultaneously adorable, hilarious, and slightly terrifying, and maybe even a little bit badass. I wouldn’t normally recommend giving a child a sword but just for the mental image this provides I’d say she deserves it.
she’s so adorable. Lily must be protected at all costs. If anything bad happens to Lily I’m going to have no choice but to transmigrate into the novel and pull a Raon by just destroying everything.
Ok but Cale’s children grow up so spoiled.
And she’s so polite when she asks for a sword too. Fuck Cale. I want the story of Lily saving everyone with the power of cuteness, politeness, and this sword she found. Please and thank you.
Honestly the first real clue we get that Cale’s earth may not be the way we know it, other than his complete calmness about all of this, is probably the way he reacts to Lily asking for a sword. He doesn’t really react much after the initial shock and just agrees. Again I know it’s a fantasy world but Kim Rok Soo isn’t from this fantasy world, and I can only imagine it’s because, after the apocalypse or whatever on his earth that I only know anything about from fanfic, any kids that are still alive, probably not unusual to see them with some sort of weapon. And that also makes sense for Cale because he knows being young doesn’t mean you’ll be safe, he’s too used to kids being in danger.
And Basen seems like such a good brother. Like he’s so encouraging and supportive. I like Basen and Lily.
I love how supportive Basen and Cale are of Lily and how willing they are to take her and her dreams seriously? I can only imagine that a lot of people would hear that a 7 year old girl wants to be swordsman and just not take it seriously or make fun of her or think she’ll grow out of it or disapprove because “it’s not ladylike” and she’s supposed to be a noble. It’s so nice to see that Lily’s family supports her and doesn’t try to ridicule her or try to change her mind. They just accept it and accept her. God I love this story
And that must’ve felt so good for Lily, hearing that her brother who she hasn’t talked to much and thought didn’t like in her believes she can do it and is willing to support her.
And then you get Basen who just wants a fountain pen. I know that’s equally as valid but the difference in the present they want is funny to me and a nice gender switch of the roles I believe, having Basen be the one dealing with admin stuff and Lily the swordsman and protector. I love that.
Deputy Butler Hans really said because they’re my favourite and gave On and Hong the comfiest set. He’s so real for that
And thank God Hans didn’t see the poison fog because God knows Cale wouldn’t explain shit if he had.
Oh my god, I love the way this novel says do we want our characters to be cute or terrifying and the answer is always why not both. Cute and terrifying are not two separate things. Things and people can be both cute and terrifying at the same time.
I feel like there could be serious conversation about how paralysis is worse than death. It does depend on how you die. I also took this to mean full body paralysis, so alive but unable to move, speak, anything. And I do think personally to me that would be worse than death. That might just be me idk.
Good, On and Hong deserve all the praise and also all the happiness and all the hugs and pats and affection, just everything good basically.
Another day, another reason I love Hans. Of course most of those reasons are related to the cat tribe siblings but I stand by what I said.
Everyone but Hans knowing something is great and should become the running joke of the series. Even Hilsman should know before him, Hans should be the last to know everything, if just to protect his innocence and give Hans plausible deniability.
Ah Choi Han and Cale. One of the best bromances to ever bromance. Choi Han is the true ride or die
I guess it makes sense that Choi Han wouldn’t call Cale young master because physically he’s younger than him. I feel like that would be awkward, calling someone older than you young master. Also I know nothing about ‘nim’ except that it shows respect but it could also be slightly more equal? I honestly don’t know. If I’m wrong about what some of this means, please tell me.
What is a persimmon? Is it a fruit? I know it’s a real thing and probably a food but that’s all I know. One sec. ok it is a fruit. Is it any good? Are they bitter? I’m guessing they’re not supposed to be
Gotta agree with Cale on this one. There is very little reason for Choi Han to be in the same carriage. That would probably limit movement anyway if someone managed to get through to the carriage to attack Cale. Much more logical to protect the carriage from outside, more room and you can prevent them getting to Cale in the first place.
Cale really speedrun? Speedran? Cale’s character development from the book huh? Good for him.
Ok I get that Choi Han was hiding his full strength but he still beat the Knight’s Brigade or members of it so I still don’t really understand why you’d try to mess with/look down on him.
Cale letting Choi Han deal with Hilsman and the knights on his own is actually a really good move. He could intervene but this is more likely to just cause more resentment. Choi Han needs to prove himself and honestly probably doesn’t want Cale to do anything anyway. You go Choi Han. Get him
No, in all seriousness, I actually don’t mind Hilsman. I don’t dislike him or anything but I do think at this point he could stand to learn a thing or two about looking down on people and underestimating them and Choi Han is the perfect example of why you shouldn’t underestimate him. So is Cale but this isn’t really about him at the minute. This also pushes Hilsman to grow, as a knight and as a person, and encourages the other knights too, in a way that Cale couldn’t. another thing Cale didn’t mean to have happen but did. And all because he chose to take Choi Han to the capital. Butterfly effect: now the knights are stronger and know not to underestimate people.
Hans’ concern for Choi Han is really sweet and we again get to see the trust he has in Cale since he takes the issue to him and seemingly trusts him to deal with it.
Hans: I think Choi Han is being bullied
Cale: really? By who?
Hans: the vice captain
Cale: poor guy
Hans: yeah it sucks that he’s doing this to Choi Han
Cale: I meant the Vice Captain. Poor vice captain
Hans: visibly confused
Similar energy to call the ambulance but not for me, you know.
Also love Cale just not caring. Just he’ll be fine probably and goes about his day,
Ah yes, Cale’s envoy. You know, despite his preference and attempts, that envoy never actually seems to decrease. It just seems to get bigger.
Oh these poor bandits. They chose the wrong carriage on the wrong day. The lesson here: don’t be a bandit or, if you are a bandit, don’t try to steal from Cale Henituse. In fact that may just be a lesson/rule in general.
I’m sorry if you, as a bandit, attack a carriage, and the people on the carriage don’t even bother to look out the window at you, to even feign concern, that’s probably a sign you should run.
Even Hong thinks you’re an amateur and he’s like 8 at this point. Get out of here. Can’t even scare an 8 year old, no one is phased.
He’s also way too good at just ignoring screams of terror and pain, which is kinda sad if you think about it too long
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atomicpsyche · 1 year
Death Note as Bubble Tea
i was going to gong cha yesterday and i wanted to try a new flavour, and it got me thinking about death note. i’m more familiar with milk tea and gong cha, so that’s what this post will be about.
note: for toppings, everyone gets regular black pearls except for the wammy house kids. inspired by the gong cha that I went to running out of black pearls. i’m not familiar with many of the toppings, so i’m not going to include them in my hc. for sugar and ice levels, wammy kids don’t change them, light goes sugar free with little ice, misa has little sugar and no ice, mikami takes his with half sugar and less ice, and takada asks for less sugar, and standard ice. everyone would order a large, except for light and mikami.
another note: this is what the milk tea menu from gong cha looks like. sorry for poor quality. i’ve also added an image of the toppings and ice and sugar levels :3
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Light Yagami: Royal Pearl Milk Tea
Light is a basic bitch who went with the top ten; it was safe, what can he say? It tastes a lot like tea, so he just kept on choosing that as his drink.
Misa Amane: Brown Sugar Milk Tea with Brown Sugar Pearls
It looks amazing, and it has less calories in comparison to the other drinks. Misa came for the aesthetic, and stayed for the taste.
Teru Mikami: Taro Milk Tea
Not going to lie, my original choice was taro coconut milk tea, but I thought that Mikami should go with taro and Takada double coconut to show how both of them are similar to one another, and their friendly acquaintanceship. I think that Mikami is another basic bitch, so he also picked something from the top ten.
Kiyomi Takada: Double Coconut Milk Tea
I headcanon Takada to be a beach person, so coconut flavoured everything is right up her alley. My og choice for her was oolong milk tea, just because she looked like a tea person (coffee too).
L Lawliet: Earl Grey Milk Tea with 3J
It reminds him of his time in England, not to mention that it has pudding and grass jelly; mixing his ‘love of tea’ and his love for sweets together. Another basic bitch who chose from the top 10 list.
Mello (Mihael Keehl): Strawberry Au Lait
It’s sweet as hell, and he wants it that way. Even if everyone is side eyeing him.
Near (Nate River): Cookie Choco Milk Tea
I found it hard to choose for Near, but I went with this one because 1) it’s sweet (a rule for wammy kids) and 2) because it’s brown and dark brown, like different morality shades.
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