#oh and dirt to start growing seeds
volublelemur · 1 year
gotta go shoppin this weekend
i need kitty food, toothpaste, and human food I guess
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hellenhighwater · 2 months
So a while back, you showed Vice or Malice lounging on a truly impressive cat-sized bed of cat grass. I'm assuming you made it (though if you purchased it, I'd love to know that too.) What materials did you use?
Oh, that's super easy! It's just wheatgrass seed and a couple handfuls of potting soil, chucked into a large plastic tray. We're talking maaaybe an inch of dirt, and an even (but decently dense) layer of seed on top. I douse it in water to get it started, and then just keep it damp, and it grows very quickly. I often do a couple trays in rotation--I have some cheap LED grow lights from amazon on a little shelving unit, I just do it there--and when one mat of grass dies, I pull out the whole thing and put it in my compost.
Most of the seeds sold as "cat grass" are just a mix of wheatgrass seeds, which you can often get far more cheaply at a feed supply store. I plant in the large plastic base tray for starting seedlings, because I have a bunch of them, but you could easily use those disposable foil pans, or thrift a pyrex dish to use. If you're not going too crazy with watering, you don't need drainage holes.
But it's super easy! I just keep a gallon bag of wheatgrass seed and a little bin of soil, mix and let it go. It's a good short term houseplant--for those who forget to water in the long term, fear not, this is like a one-month operation--and it's fantastic enrichment for indoor cats.
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
fem!reader // age gap; bakugou is in his early 30s, reader is in her 20s.
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bakugou gives me “get off my lawn!” vibes.
i imagine him gardening in front of his new home in a quiet little neighbourhood that he’s moved into after a particular scandal — the idea recommended as a solution to easing his temper in one of his anger management classes that his friends had somehow managed to convince him to go to — when his wrath comes face to face with you for the very first time.
he’s kneeling in front of the little garden that’s situated underneath his living room window as he digs his hands into the soil, no gloves, and with dirt pushing underneath his fingernails so deep that he’ll only be able to scrub it out when he finally heads inside to take a shower later.
so, he’s tending to the small patch of soil. with his brow furrowed and his teeth repeatedly sinking into the inside of his cheek, the temporarily-retired pro hero is visibly trying so hard to not crumple the flowers that he’s spent ages fighting to keep alive in their little pots ever since the day his stupid therapist had instructed him to buy the seeds, put them on the windowsill, take care of them, and watch them grow just like the calmness and the ‘zen’ in him is supposed to, or whatever the fuck.
and sure enough, the little fuckers actually grew. they grew so big actually, that he now has to complete yet another pesky task, consisting of finding them a new spot where they can fully flourish before they can get the chance to overtake his entire window, bed, room, even him, perhaps.
grumbling under his breath, the raging blond feels somewhat proud as he stares at his little creations. i mean, who knew he had it in him? a proper green thumb; attached to the explosive, otherwise oftentimes murderous palm of katsuki fucking bakugou!
and speaking of murderous: the look on katsuki’s face is a near perfect example of the word as he goes to place the first plant into the little hole that he’s just finished digging up. with his crimson eyes dangerously narrowed, he watches intently how the petals bend, as well as the leaves, whilst he picks up the poor flower and starts transfering it from pot to soil.
luckily, neither break or tear under his thick fingers. he’s being gentle and delicate for a change — adjectives people would never describe him with at first glance, nor after getting to know him a little bit better. no, he’s a grump through and through, and the focus in his head is so high now, in fact, that it even causes a wrinkle to etch itself deep into the middle of his forehead, accentuating the previous statement even further.
but that grump in him really manages to shine through the moment a football suddenly appears out of nowhere and knocks over one of the pots he’s brought outside only minutes prior.
tink! — a thin little crack appears on one side of the pot, now. bakugou, holding his breath without even realizing it, watches as it spreads through the glazed ceramic. the flower lays limply on the concrete step beside the garden that it’s just been knocked into. it had been his favourite one of the plants, the petals were so pretty and in a gorgeous shade of orange, but he can’t dwell on it; not when the crack is still spreading.
it’s spreading, spreading, spreading. just like the anger that bubbles within him.
tink, tink, crack! — the pot is chipped. a little piece of it crumbles off and falls onto the step.
oh, no. it’s ruined. it’s all ruined and the perfectionist in him is screaming.
and fuck, red fury swoops upon bakugou’s mind like a hawk at that. it’s such a small thing, a mere accident, but he just can’t help it; life’s been hard as of late. with his jaw clenched and all anger management lessons forgotten, he grabs the football and tightens his hold around it with both hands until he can feel the sparks dancing on his palms. until he can feel the warmth start to radiate from them.
the heat makes the synthetic leather hiss. it tingles, from his hands, all over his body. he hasn’t indulged in his quirk in such a long time. it feels good, even if the emotions that now plague and storm his outraged mind are awfully bitter.
and as for rage…
“are you fucking kidding me?!” his voice booms through the air as he pushes up to his full height in one swift, scary movement. “you stupid, brainless brats; how many fuckin’ times have i told you not to play he—”
it’s not often that katsuki stops in his tracks mid-sentence — especially in the midst of such a venomous one, at that — but the moment he whirls around and lays his eyes on you, deadly silence falls.
i mean, how can he not turn quiet? jesus on a cross, there’s a girl standing in front of him now, instead of a kid or an old lady. an actual girl, and she’s fucking gorgeous.
dressed in comfortable shorts, a cute crop top that shows just a sliver of your stomach, and colourful, almost childish flip-flops, your skin looks like it’d be warm to the touch if he were to stroke it. the sunshine that blazes above you on this hot summer’s day, causes sweat to glimmer in a layer so thin on your forehead. it makes the little hairs that frame your pretty face curl because of the way they’re turning damp with salt. makes the side of your neck have a certain sheen to it as well.
bakugou’s head cocks to the side as he assesses you further. sure, it’s hot out, however the heat doesn’t seem to be the main reason as to why you look so appealingly disheveled. after all, you’re inhaling and exhaling fast, and your shoulders are rising and falling even quicker as you seem to be trying to catch your breath.
did you run all the way over here?
“sorry… hi! lemme just… ah… catch my breath for a quick second… gosh.” he blinks at the sound of your voice as you raise your hand in apology before resting both of them onto your knees and bending over at the middle. your demeanor almost seems sheepish when you look up at him from underneath your lashes, still trying to ease your breathing. “i’m so, so, so sorry for your flowers, mister dynamight, sir…! my little brother kicked the football way too hard as we were playing a game he made up, so i just… i, uh, i ran over here to apologize on his behalf, and to… get the ball back.”
katsuki quirks a brow as he lets his gaze fall to the football he still holds in his hands, and for which you’re so clearly asking to get back, now. he knows the kid who you’re referring to as your brother — an especially irritating little menace that’s been sucking his blood through a goddamn straw, with all the pranks he and the group of brats he calls his friends have been initiating on his property as of late.
and sure enough, when he looks over your shoulder, the little shit is nowhere to be found.
the thought of the kid continuously stepping on his nerves for the last few weeks angers him in a flash, making his grip on the football tighten and start to smoulder; it makes smoke spiral in thin lines underneath his fingertips. though, when he lifts his gaze and lets his eyes land on you again — on that stupidly pretty, sweaty face of yours — bakugou surprisingly feels that white-hot rage somewhat disippating bit by bit.
hand to heart, he’s intrigued by you. you don’t seem to mind being in his presence, despite the fact that you seem to know fully well who exactly he is. and if you know that, then you’re surely familiar with the rumours and gossip that never cease to follow a big name like his. as well as the public announcement, talking about his — forced — temporary retirement from the hero business, because of the consistently violent outbursts he had failed to tame over the years.
for fuck’s sake, the dynamight is your neighbour, and you seem to be outright unbothered by it. it’s peculiar as fuck.
and it’s also the reason why the only thing he grunts out now, is, “you’re new.”
“i’m sorry?” that surprises you. your brief confusion is evident in the way you straighten, as well as how your own head lightly tilts so that you can look at him properly for the first time ever since you’ve stepped foot on the patch of land he should be calling home.
“you’re new,” he repeats simply, jerking his chin towards your direction and pointing the football at you. “i haven’t seen ya ‘round here before.”
“oh—ohh…” there it is; a wonderful smile appears on your otherwise pouty lips as you smack your forehead in realization. “yeah; that totally makes sense! i came back home just a couple of days ago to spend summer break with my family, so that’s probably why you haven’t seen me around yet.”
summer break. so you must be still in college? it’s not odd that you’re still a student, with a tight body like that, clothes so revealing and scarce, and a face that just screams youth, youth, youth. adding it all together, bakugou catches himself feeling not all that thrown off by the fact that you’re in school, pursuing a degree.
at least you have a goal in life. unlike him, and his stupid gardening.
nevertheless, he gives you a curt nod and tries to tame the flutter of a muscle in his cheek as he hands you back the ball he’d considered melting with his quirk just moments before. he’s still so angry because of the pot.
it held his favourite flower, goddammit.
“you’re new here, too,” you chime as you take the ball from his hands. “i know you weren’t here the last time i came to visit… i’d remember a man like you if he were living across the street from me.”
he isn’t entirely sure if you actually don’t see it, or you simply turn a blind eye towards the dirt and the branding that he’s now burned into the ball with his fingers, but both choices seem just dandy to bakugou as he watches you grin up at him, now. so cutesy.
“moved in a couple of months ago,” he explains briefly, clearing his throat and wiping his hands against his black gym shorts. he has to wash them later anyway; what’s a little bit of sweat and dirt? “been sort of… startin’ over, hah.”
you could call it that, all right.
you give him a knowing look, but don’t say anything about the article that had covered the first page of nearly every newsletter in the country not a while back.
dynamight retires at the young age of 33 after yet another savage misdemeanor! read more below!
no, instead you say, “well, that’s nice. i certainly hope that you’ve adjusted and that our little neighbourhood has been treating you well, mister dynamight, sir.”
that last word… did you say it like that; so softly, almost purring, the first time, too?
“i suppose i did,” he answers, feeling a heat that he can’t blame on the late afternoon sun start to crawl up his neck. it’s not intense enough to make him blush, per se, but it is enough to tint the tips of his ears a light pink. damn, it sure has been a while if a mere tone has got him acting like this.
your smile grows bigger as you notice the faint change of shade. it makes your face beam. “i know it’s quaint compared to the city, but i’m sure you’ll learn to like it.”
he watches you turn so that you can head back to your house, inside of which your menace of a little brother is surely hiding, and he can’t help but eye you up from head to toe again, well, heel. the back of you is just as stunning as your front is, he’s dragging his eyes all over; that is until you whip your head to the side so that you can look at him over your shoulder.
“oh, and mister dynamight?”
“what?” he calls out. you’ve already reached the sidewalk.
“i really am sorry about your flower pot. i’ll buy you a new one, if you’ll let me,” you say, waving. “just don’t be a stranger, yeah?”
katsuki doesn’t answer. he wants to say a million things all at once, to agree, to deny, whatever. to tell you to call him katsuki, or at least bakugou; that he hasn’t been called dynamight in a while and hasn’t felt like him either for a long while, too. to ask you what your name is, because he’s just realized he’s never got it. to try shooting his shot, or just talk, talk, talk because he’s lonely, he’s been feeling oh, so very lonely ever since moving here.
but all he does instead, is raise his hand and wave.
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lovelyflowers-world · 9 months
Lemon Girl
So I thought about this when listening to Lemon boy by cavetown I think it's pretty good I don't know though
Percy Jackson x Reader
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There once was a bitter sweet man and they called him lemon boy 
It was never easy being the daughter of Nyx people never seemed to want to be near me because my mother was one of the most feared goddesses she was even feared by Zeus himself.
 So I kept to myself in the garden I planted away from everyone in my own bitterness. Until he came around he was like a dam weed he just wouldn't go away no matter how much I pushed him to go away. 
"I'm Percy. Percy Jackson son of Poseidon"
"(Y/N) daughter of Nyx please go away you're stepping on my carrots" 
He was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair like a weed and like weeds do he only came and grew back again 
It seemed no matter how long or hard I pushed and pushed he was always there waving to me or by my side trying to speak to me 
"What are those?" 
"They're snapdragons" 
"And what are those" 
"Fly traps" 
So I figured this time I might as well let him be 
After awhile I got used to him being around so much it seemed like he just became a part of my routine like clockwork he was there every day after his practices so I thought 'might as well put him to work' 
"Wait so how do I do this?" 
I rolled my eyes "If they've fully blossomed cut them and take out the thorns and put them in the bucket sound simple?"
"okay got it!" 
He never seemed to complain always happy to be there 
Lemon boy and me started to get along together I helped him plant his seeds and we mowed the lawn in bad weather
"So you're just going to dig a small holes about four inches deep and plant your seeds and if we take care of it good enough you'll have a watermelon patch" I looked over to him and smiled 
He smiled back and nodded and got to work. He never seemed to care about all the dirt and bugs he'd had to encounter 
But soon his bittersweet started to rub off on me 
I looked over and saw Clarisse picking on Percy I ran over 
"HEY!" They looked over to me Clarisse was scared as shit "Why don't you go shove your spear up your ass or something Clarisse!" I grabbed Percy and pushed him away as we walked off 
"Thanks" I looked to him and rolled my eyes 
"Yeah well I wasn't doing it for you I was doing it because she almost pushed you into my lilies" I blushed and ran off 
I found out that my friends are more of the savory type and they weren't too keen on compromising with a nice lemon pie
"why are you hanging out with her?!" 
I looked over and saw Percy talking to Annabeth they looked to me and I looked away 
"She's nice I actually really like hanging out with her" 
"She's bad news Percy her mom is the goddess of night of darkness!" 
I sighed and walked further away I knew this day would come he'd leave soon enough 
"Hey I picked the oranges you asked for" 
I looked over and he was smiling at me...maybe he wasn't going to leave 
But what if I run out of fertilizer?
"Idiot! Be careful!" 
I grabbed onto Percy's hand pressing a towel against it he cut himself on a knife cutting off a piece of orange for himself 
"Aw does the big bad bitter (Y/n) care about me?" 
I rolled my eyes and applied more pressure than necessary on his wound and walked away 
"As if I'd care about you seaweed brain" 
What if the clouds run out of rain?
"You're going on a quest?" 
"Yeah it shouldn't take long we're just going to track down a demigod who needs help" 
I looked at him I was concerned what if Percy didn't come back I'd be all alone again I'd loose the only friend I've had in my fifteen years of being here 
"Hey don't worry I'll be okay I have Annabeth and Grover to help me" 
He smiled and I nodded he hugged me I was so surprised 
"take care of my watermelon patch" 
I rolled my eyes and pat his back and sighed 
"You better come back or else I'll rip your your watermelon patch and plant a lemon tree" 
He laughed oh gods please let him come back home safely 
What if Lemon boy won't grow no longer?
It's been a month and Percy hasn't come back I've been more worried than I ever have been as I continued to cut the roses I heard footsteps 
"(Y/N) here Chiron asked me to deliver this to you" 
I turned around and saw a child of Hermes hand me a letter sealed with a brown envelope I smiled up at them they looked stunned 
"Thank you" 
I got up and walked away 
"Did she just tell you thank you?!" 
"Oh my gods" 
"Percy definitely changed her" 
I rolled my eyes and walked into my cabin and looked at the letter reading the name 
What if beaches dry of sugar cane?
That was the only thing on my mind as I ran in the rain my clothing soaked to the max I could care less about that I had only one thing on my mind 
I ran toward the med cabin 
The whales start to beach themselves
People were trying to push me back keeping me from going inside 
I pushed them all back and ran into Chiron we just stood silent in front of each other it was like I was communicating with him 'please I have to see him' 
He moved aside 
Tortoise shells tear away from their spines
I walked up to his bed slowly Grover and Annabeth by his sides looked to me 
"We're sorry (Y/n) we tried to stop him but he was trying to protect the new demigod and..and he got hurt" 
It happens all the time, it happens all the time
I don't even know who was talking to me I was too busy staring at Percy his body battered and bruised a large gash on his stomach that was bandaged 
They up to me patting me on the shoulder and walked away to leave me alone with him I walked up to his side and fell to my knees hugging his waist crying into it 
"Percy..Percy you stupid idiot you said you'd be safe"
Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever
I woke up to the sound of Percy taking a deep breath I moved away from him and he looked at me confused 
I wasted no time in hugging him I was crying even harder than last night 
"Percy! Percy you idiot I told you to be safe! What the hell!?" 
He chuckled and hugged me back tightly he moved me back a bit to look me in the eyes 
"I thought you didn't care about me?" 
I smiled and shook my head 
Like Snufkin and Little My, we'll get around wherever
Me and Percy were walking through camp flowers in hand handing them out to people my roses grew beautifully this season all thanks to Percy 
"Imagine that Percy Jackson and (Y/n) (L/n)?" 
"She seems a lot less bitter with him around" 
"I like it" 
I smiled and walked closer to Percy bumping my shoulder with his 
"where to next seaweed brain?" 
Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever
Me and Percy were running around past curfew laughing hand in hand  
"Percy where are we going?!" 
"You'll see" 
He looked back at me for a moment before looking forward again running faster I laughed louder 
"Percy hold on!" 
Like Snufkin and Little My, we'll get around wherever
We stopped at my garden under my lemon tree there was a nice picnic set out 
"Percy? is this-" 
"For us? Yes yes it is" 
He dragged me to the blanket and sat me down handing me a plate 
"Lemon pie?" 
"I know it's your favorite" 
I blushed and looked away embarrassed I looked up to sky the stars and moon looked beautiful 
"They're not as beautiful as you" 
I probably looked like a cherry now jeez this boy is going to kill me 
It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him
Me and Percy were working in the garden when a few other people came around 
"Hey can we help you (Y/n)?" 
"Yeah I want to help too!" 
"Can you teach me how to care for my plants they're starting to die" 
I was getting overwhelmed by all the talk happening that's when Percy stepped in 
"Hey back off my girlfriend will you one at a time" 
Cause we're the bitterest boys in town
Me and Percy were sitting by the lake watching the sunset He leaned his head on my shoulder 
"So about what happened earlier- I didn't mean to call you my girlfriend- I mean not that I would mind for you to be my girlfriend I would love that- but of course you have a choic-" 
Cause we're the bitterest boys in town
I kissed him and once I pulled away I looked at him and smiled 
"I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend Percy" 
I leaned my head on his shoulder as I looked back to the sunset I heard him sigh in relief 
He leaned his head on top of mine 
Yeah I definitely got used to him and I don't regret it 
And I got myself a citrus friend
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Go check out my fanfiction Riptide on wattpad link in my page <3
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blackhairedjjun · 7 months
the forest of you
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pairing: choi soobin x gn reader | genre / tropes: fluff, cottagecore au, fantasy au, prince!soobin x witch!reader, mutual pining, just very soft vibes | word count: 1.9k | warnings: none, just a little (friendly) teasing
summary: prince soobin lives undercover as a commoner as part of a royal tradition, and you are the local potion-maker tasked with caring for him and magically maintaining his disguise. you take him to the forest one day to forage for ingredients, and you start to realize just how much you need him with you.
author's notes: i wrote this after binge-listening to soobin's forest cover, it was just soooo comforting and beautiful 🥰🥰 this fic isn't that overtly romantic since i mostly focused on recreating the comforting vibes and message of the original cover, but the pining is still there (i hope). the premise of this story is based on an idea i had some time ago but never turned into a fic, i do have ideas for fics in the same setting though!
(support by reblogging banner by @/cafekitsune)
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“y’know, soobin, you’ve become less scared of the forest since you got here,” you say, swinging your herb basket back and forth as you walk.
“oh really?” the prince stares at you, his mouth agape at first before morphing into his familiar dimpled smile. cute. “i suppose that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
“it’s a very good thing. having company with me is nice.”
soobin trails behind you as you trudge down the worn dirt paths of the forest, trees on all sides towering over you. you hum as you walk, eyes on the lookout for anything of use in your potions: flowers, berries, mushrooms, seeds, leaves, even fallen bird feathers. from time to time you turn back to glance at your ward, who follows at a comfortable pace while gazing at the canopy above him.
he stops in his tracks and points at a patch of mushrooms growing on the bark of a tree. the mushrooms are at his eye level, above your head. “wait, these are the ones you use for my disguise potion, right?”
“that’s right! i missed that 一 thank goodness i’ve got a tall person helping me out.”
soobin pries the mushrooms from the bark hands it to you, a proud grin on his face. you can’t help but smile yourself in admiration, and your smile only grows when his hands brush yours while he places them in your basket. “thank you,” you whisper.
now you walk side-by-side through the forest, and you much prefer it this way. even with his princely nature hidden, you find something reassuring about his presence: soobin towers over you, but he moves slowly, deliberately matching his stride to yours, even the swinging of his arms in sync. he stays close by you, as if protecting you from anything that might leap out of the forest, and your arms nearly brush his a few times.
every now and then you stop to take something from the forest: a cluster of deep red berries, a yellow-green fern growing in swirling patterns, a flower so white it practically shines on the forest floor. soobin gazes at you intently as you do your job, and you’re so engrossed in your work that you miss the soft smile that crosses his face while he observes.
“did you really do all this by yourself before i came here?” he asks as you step through a narrow space between two gnarled trees. in the distance some birds begin to caw, but you don’t even flinch at the sound.
“pretty much. i’m used to it, i guess.”
“and you weren’t lonely or scared? that’s really cool, y/n.”
“i wasn’t always like this,” you say as you pry another mushroom from some tree bark for soobin’s disguise potion. “the first time i went on my own, i wanted to prove to my parents that i could forage by myself. y’know, be a real witch and everything. but i was shaking the whole time... and i missed my parents so much. they used to point out the different birds to me while they foraged, or they’d just look at me all excited if they found a rare ingredient. and that’s what i missed the most, just having someone to be with.”
soobin presses his lips together as he listens to you. you’ve been foraging on your own for years, and though you tell yourself that you’re used to it, your heart aches at the memory. you turn to face him and your eyes meet. 
“i get what you mean,” he says. “when i first came here for my incognito period, i remember missing everyone a lot. my parents and all the palace staff... kai, beomgyu... your cottage was so quiet in comparison. not that it’s a bad place, it’s just...”
“not home?”
soobin nods, his gaze falling to the dried leaves on the forest floor. the two of you continue walking through the forest, stopping only a few minutes later so that you can collect a few wild berries from a bush.
“it feels more like home now, though,” soobin says as he crouches down to help you. “i like the smell of the herbs from your garden and how toasty the cauldron room is. and helping you is, ah, it’s fun... you care about your potions so much and i like watching you work.”
you laugh softly to yourself, turning away as you feel a warmth spread through your cheeks. “it’s... well, i’m used to it. and having you around has helped a lot.”
“sometimes i feel more like a bother than a help. you work so fast!”
“don’t say that, you’re plenty helpful. look at you right now, i would have missed some of the berries hidden here if it weren’t for you.”
with the berries collected and placed in your basket, you stand up at the same time. you don’t realize at first how close soobin is standing to you, but your eyes meet his and you can’t bring it in yourself to look away. the prince gazes at you as if trying to speak without words, as if telling you from his presence alone that everything will be alright.
he reminds you of the forest too, you think: tall and quiet and seemingly stern, but filled with a cool comfort all his own. 
your mutual reverie is broken by the cawing of a nearby flock of birds. soobin jumps and nearly falls; you grab onto his hand and you both wobble before he finds his balance.
“it’s一it’s fine.” your hand is still holding onto his, and your cheeks feel hot. “we should keep moving.”
the two of you continue through the forest, taking care not to travel too deep but stay at the periphery. soobin stays close to you, and you thread your arm through his 一 this will slow your pace, but you don’t mind.
“by the way, i changed the measurements of the disguise potion a bit,” you say as soobin crouches down to pick some flowerbuds. “i’m not sure if you felt any difference.”
“oh really? it felt the same to me.” he shrugs and places the flowerbuds in your basket. “i always feel... disoriented when i use it.”
“i know, that’s why i was trying to change it...”
“don’t worry about it too much.” soobin glances up at a tree branch right above him, and a cool breeze blows down on both of you. “it’s just... when i’m a prince, i feel shy from all the people watching me, but when i’m disguised, it feels odd not being recognized, as if no one cares about me. does that make sense?”
you’re quiet for a few moments. you glance up at the canopy, then back at soobin; prince or not, there’s something about him that feels right at home here. 
“i see what you mean... being around others is exhausting, but being by yourself is lonely. right?”
“yeah, exactly.”
“what about being with me?” you give him a teasing grin. “do you ever get sick of me?”
he grins right back at you, even rolling his eyes for dramatic effect. “yeah, i get totally sick of you. when i become prince again i’m banishing you so that i never see you again.”
“you could never do that, i bet. who’s going to make the potions of soothing to help you fall asleep, huh?”
“i’ve been stuck with you long enough that i could make it myself!”
you elbow him gently and you both laugh. the sound rings through the forest, and it makes the place seem smaller and warmer than it is.
you’ve often wondered what will happen when soobin’s incognito period ends and he goes back to his princely role. when the royal family first approached you to help with their son’s journey 一 apparently an old tradition to help future monarchs stay in touch with the common folk 一 you didn’t think much of it. you’d get an apprentice, make a few extra potions of disguise for him, then collect a hefty royal commission after eighteen months. at first, it had been nothing more than a chance to get an extra pair of hands and supplement your income as a potion-making witch.
but as you walk through the forest, arm in arm with soobin, you realize that you like the new routine you’ve established. the young prince helps you sell potions and make bread for meals, and more than once you’ve caught him giving harsh glares at rude customers who want to use your potions for nefarious purposes. and though his accompaniment to your weekly forages were originally nothing more than an excuse to get some help, you now find it impossible to imagine going on them without him.
soobin and the forest and you: in your mind they all fit together.
you’re so lost in your thoughts that he has to move in front of you to catch your attention. “y/n?”
“oh 一 sorry!”
“you know i was just kidding, right?”
“about banishing you, i mean,” he says. “i like being around you too much.”
“ah 一 yeah! d-don’t worry, i know,” you say, and now even your ears are warm together with your cheeks. “and um, thank you.”
you blink a few times and glance around. the trees have become more gnarled and more densely packed together. you realize that the two of you are starting to approach the heart of the forest; go any deeper and things will get dangerous, not just from wild animals but also from wild magic. “uh, we should... go back...”
soobin nods and waits for you to lead the way before falling in beside you. again he offers his arm, and you thread yours around it. with his free hand he offers to carry your basket for you; it has gotten heavier from the foraging you’ve been doing. you shake your head and give him a polite smile, letting him know that you can carry it just fine, but the gesture opens up a lightness in your heart.
the walk back to the main road is quiet, but not awkwardly so. such moments of silence are not uncommon with soobin, but they have a comfort all their own; the prince smiles to himself as he walks, taking the time to admire the lush green canopy above or the carpet of flowers and ferns growing in between the tree roots. you find yourself sneaking glances at him and following his gaze to whatever plant has caught his attention 一 you’re so used to forest forages that you’ve forgotten how to stop and admire the scenery.
can you really imagine the forest without him? you feel his arm wound around yours, anchoring you, and it reminds you of the tree roots beneath your feet.
by the time you reach the edge of the forest, the sun has started to set and the sky has turned orange. rays of yellow light peek through the remains of the canopy. you put your free hand up to your face to block out the most blinding rays, and soobin tightens his grip around your arm. 
“let’s go home?” he says. 
you turn to him and smile. he looks radiant in this light.
“let’s go home.”
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bucknastysbabe · 7 months
criston cole in a greens win au really is the kingmaker if he’s cucking aegon. slapped a crown on the king and now he’s making bastard kids to go on the throne. u go king.
Now I must write a blurb hnghhhh cuckingggg this is prob ass bc I’m sick rotting in bed with flubonic plague but OH WELL
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Dayne!reader, greens win AU, Criston is dark and manipulative, Aegon sad sacking around the place, cukolding, exhibitionism, breeding kink, crispy creme pie, infidelity, v!fingering, oral (m!receiving), pnv!sex, no beta I die like Ned stark, jealousy, one-sided-ish
Taglist: @starogeorgina @moncherri @bambitas @aemonds-holy-milk @targaryenbarbie @arcielee @valeskafics @sugarpoppss2 @fairysluna @lovelykhaleesiii
Do Your Job - C.Cole
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Criston stopped caring long ago, pulling himself out of the layered filth of blood, gore, and dirt. Bodies of his men. The butcher’s ball they called it. Criston made sure that the Winter’s Wolves, Benjicot Blackwood, and Roddy the Ruin got a nice death by dragon. After some torture.
He saw through with that, as the Hand of the King and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Criston had to attend to such matters. Such as what to do with Rhaenyra’s last child. Or the fucking mess that was Aegon. Aemond was still lurking around Harrenhal— said to return when his child was born. Aegon meanwhile, made Criston’s blood boil. Alicent was a maddened gnat in his ear.
Aegon had been recently remarried to a Dayne of Starfall, seeking out the ashen hair and Valyrian eyes of the Dornish house. She was gorgeous, eager to please, and could suck Criston’s prick under his desk for hours. The adorable queen had trouble with Aegon— considering the man was a bag of shattered bones and burns. The maesters had been attending to the two’s fertility plan.
She was not hard to woo, seeking Cole’s comforts as Aegon still wanted to hoard playthings and whores, uncaring much of his wife at the moment. He bedded her regularly— but they had to be careful with his bad leg and hip. Criston’s little star, beautiful as one, was the shiniest thing in the dreary keep by far. But horribly lonely, so he’d been keeping an eye, asking the Queen to help him with letters and tasks of the realm.
It wasn’t long before she was in his lap crying about how terrible the Red Keep was. Criston had his proverbial claws sunk deep into her by then. He meant his words of praise, how special his star was, and meant doubly on how much he too hated the Keep. Criston’s fingers crawled up her dress as he cooed, bringing the girl to likely her first orgasm since arriving.
They sat together in the Hand’s foyer, Ser Cole writing a letter to some raucous lordling. He ran a hand through his hair and sat back, dark eyes meeting a strange indigo of sorts. “Have there been any advancements with the maesters and your womb?” She shook her head, blush dusting her cheeks.
“Go on, what’s the issue my star?”
She leaned over the table to grip his hands, pleading in her body language. “Do not grow wroth when I tell you this okay?” Criston nodded, there was no chance he would not be pissed. Just a feeling. The Dayne sighed, “He’s impotent but he swears it’s me, I don’t know, they’ve started transferring his, seed, into me. By now I’m not sure, he berates me about it.” Criston’s eyes narrowed and she squeaked.
The smaller figure was picked up by him, striding to the King’s chambers. Where Aegon was like to be making two court favorites defile themselves. The queen begged, “My lord, please, I know you feel strongly for me but-“
He growled, “No!,” then softer, “No. He’s being a fool, a lady’s desire should help the process. I’ll oversee you two. We need heirs to the throne.”
He kicked open the door, startling a half-awake Aegon. Criston gently laid the Queen on the bed then turned to a glaring Targaryen. Aegon’s burnt face twisted in annoyance, slightly slurring, “The hell is going on here Cole?” A goblet of wine sat in front of him— of course he was drinking.
Criston folded his arms. “You’re drunk right now? It’s barely even past midday.”
“Sorry, one tends to get bored when his wife would rather cavort around with the Hand,” he acridly spat back.
She protested from behind, “Alright, I can stay around, it’s fine!”
Criston eyed his star and back to Aegon. He asked “You have a beauty like that and can’t fill her belly with seed? You have the maesters stuff her like a turkey instead? Pathetic.”
Aegon’s form shook with rage, reaching for his crutch, Criston swiftly kicking it out of the way with a clatter. Aegon barked, “I’m your goddamn king, bring that back now! Maybe she’s the one barren, dirtied by lowborn seed!”
That little fucker! Criston’s eye twitched. He had not put his cock into her sacred place but now? Someone had to do the job— and it would be him. The taller brunette forced Aegon’s chair closer to the bed, the king hissing in pain, violet eyes wide. Cole chastised, “Since you’re so smart, I’ll do a little test, see if my lowborn cock has sullied her womb.” Aegon’s soft face pulled into a frown, squirming in position.
Criston began to pull at his gauntlets in quick snaps, then the bracers, and the chest plate along with the heavy shoulders. He decided to keep his chain of hands on as an ego boost. Lowborn cock raised to the second highest position in the realm, doing the highest position’s job.
Dayne stared at him, eyes flicking to the strangely silent Aegon, then back. Criston smiled at the queen, winding a tan hand into her ashen locks. He murmured, “Don’t worry dearest, we’ll have you feeling wonderful in no time, right your Grace?” Aegon remained stone cold— lips pouting.
The hand began to ease off the simple Dornish layers of her dress, baring that gorgeous body. How could she not be fertile? His star was all curves and soft skin, she would be great as a mother. Criston told her that, earning a whine, her legs wrapped around his waist. He panted to the king, “First, they need to be actually attracted to you.”
Cole pressed lush kisses to her neck and shoulders, his big hand testing the waters between her thighs. She was a little wet, not yet how he could get the Dayne, sopping. He rasped just for her ears, “Relax for me, he’s so jealous you might get an obedient king. Gorgeous star doesn’t know her own wiles.” She writhed a bit, tits pressed tight against flat chest.
“Oh, oh, there my Lord,” the blonde panted.
Criston was pumping one finger into her velvet heat, sliding in a second one to crook upwards. His thumb swirled around her swollen bud. He laughed carelessly at Aegon, whose scarred hands dug into the sides of his chair, puffy lips open. The brunette snarked, “See how easy it is not to be a selfish prick? It’s quite rewarding to make your lady come— although I think she’s already too attached to me.”
The king whined softly.
The queen moaned louder, crying Criston’s name and wetting his fingers further. The knight pulled from her full tits, purposely working her cunt over while asking. “Doesn’t that feel good little star? Don’t you wish your King would take care of you like that?” The queen gasped and mewled, cheeks a deep flush, eyes guiltily looking over at the squirming Aegon.
Criston patted her cheek, pressing a kiss over plump lips. Inky eyes and smug lips turned again to talk down to the Targaryen. He added in a dark voice, “Obviously you can’t do the fucking job so I will until you get it up and pump her with a blonde one. Although I am quite attached myself, she’s a wonderful little star. I’m going to fuck her good and thorough. Our first time too.”
Aegon whined, begging, “Ser, stop, I didn’t know, don’t!” But his hard cock was pulsing and the king had made no attempt to call for help. He couldn’t move either, the crutch out of his grasp. Aegon watched Criston work his wife into a peak, her pretty breasts heaving, thighs twitching. Utterly gorgeous. Jealousy swelled within his burnt chest.
The Dayne beauty sloppily mouthed against Criston’s mouth, trailing down to press kisses against his lower belly, grabbing his cock before asking. “You want to impregnate me sir? Give me an heir?” She could almost explode at the thought. Criston nodded, eyes hazy as her plump lips enveloped his cock, hands expert on rolling his balls and the other working in tandem with that warm mouth.
Aegon made a gutted noise.
Criston groaned deeply, watching his length disappear down velvet throat. The queen kept her indigo eyes on him, teary and wide. Fucking beautiful. He swallowed down a weak noise and rasped to Aegon, “She’s quite good at this, willing to please and eager to learn your Grace. But there you are, quickly back to your old ways.” She shuddered at the praise, Criston easing his star off so the real fun could begin.
He murmured, “On your back sweetling.” He pecked her once, shivering at the taste of him. The queen laid on her back, instinctively tucking a pillow under her hips. Criston rumbled, playfully giving her ass a smack. “Good girl, mmm, you just want to be a mama hm?” The shared noises of Aegon and his Queen made the Knight laugh.
He eased himself on top, making sure her thick thighs spread around his waist. The knight laid forward, grinning and nuzzling her nervous face. He cooed, “You’re safe with me star, pretty baby, doing so good.” Her arms slunk around his shoulders, their bodies fitting with together as Criston eased himself into her slick, swollen folds.
Fuck, she was tight and pulsing already, inner walls aiming to milk the man. Lady Dayne cried out, busty tits heaving as she was filled up by Ser Criston’s heavy cock. It was foreign, having so much care put into her pleasure. She moaned in surprise when he bottomed out, rasping nonsense against her neck.
Aegon sniveled now, watching his Queen get something he couldn’t possibly provide. Ser Criston, the crafty fucker, already worked his magic and cock into his queen. The blonde regretted many an action against his wonderful wife— seeing how she mooned over fucking Cole. Cole; a common born conniving oathbreaking madman, he truly enjoyed seeing suffering and agony. But there he was, giggling and gently fucking Aegon’s queen, the picture of chivalry. He needed more wine, and to tug his miserable cock.
Criston hiked her legs up, the back of her knees in the crooks of his arms— a mating press. She cried out, little hands scrabbling at his shoulders, eyes getting teary with pleasure. He moaned low, forcefully fucking himself inside her tight cunt, making sure she could feel every little drag and thrust. She mewled in ecstasy, “Criston, Ser, breed me, breed me please! Ohh I want it, need it!”
He grinned at Aegon’s sobs and pulling of his own prick. Criston teased “You want my seed star? Want to be all pretty and round, knowing your Lord Hand made you swell? Tits and hips so ripe for me, such a pretty mother you’ll make.” She tightened around him, arching her back, practically drooling. He focused on fucking her deep, swiping his thumb around her button, earning the cutest little mewls.
“Yes! Gods yes! Criston,” she howled, clamping down on his prick. He pressed his lips to hers, grunting as he fucked her to the point of no return. He cooed at his cute little star crying out her peak, gushing all over his still-moving cock. She weeped, “Please, give me your seed, want to be a mama, please!” Cole couldn’t deny her request, groaning long and low as his tummy tightened, emptying pump after pump of his cum into her tight pussy. He bit his lip bloody in the process, feeling feral, but the knight wouldn’t tear her skin like that.
He let go of her legs, gently holding her canted hips, humming, “How long do they say wait Aeg?”
A sharp cry, gasp, and tortured, “15 minutes.”
The Dayne didn’t even seem to be worried about her broken husband, smiling and holding Criston’s big hands. She kissed at each knuckle, eyes full of adoration and love. How they should be. How he deserved all along. What a special little star.
The first two came out with brown hair and eyes, sending a familiar shock across the keep. Then the third had ashen hair, just like the Queen. Mayhaps the Targaryen gene wasn’t that strong within Aegon, people whispered. Criston would smile, not indulging a secret. He’d rub her pretty bump alone, let Aegon play the daddy. He did alright enough.
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unboundprompts · 1 year
Prompts Inspired by Songs about Greek Mythology
-> writing prompts from the lyrics of songs about Greek Mythology. feel free to edit as you see fit.
"It's got nothing to do with fate and everything to do with you." - Sisyphus by Andrew Bird
"Redemption lies plainly in truth." - Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
"You have come to love what you will always fear." - Persephone by Tamino
"I will follow you down even through the gates of hell." - Orpheus by Shawn James
"In the end, all I hope for is to be a bit of warmth for you." - Boreas by The Oh Hellos
"Look out to the future, but it tells you nothing." - Icarus by Bastille
"I get what I want, one way or the other." - Pomegranate Seeds by Julian Moon
"I remember when you told me you were afraid to die." - Icarus & Apollo by Ripto
"As the clouds slowly gather in the night, I hear nothing but the sound of broken cries." - Dionysus by Tomo
"I'm really sorry, but I will win unintentionally." - Eros by Young the Giant
"I don't mind when you play with my head." - Greek God by Conan Gray
"I want to fall in love again. Not in love with a man of this world, but fall in love with life itself." - Aphrodite by Honey Gentry
"Nothing is simple just because you wish that it is." - Ambrosia by Rosie Tucker
"I got your folded piece of paper and the few words that were laid there." - Persephone by The Tragic Thrills
"Time — she moved so slow— that she taxed my feeble mind. And I waited, impatient, for something to come around." - Persephone in the Garden by Aiudoneus
"We'll be the envy of the gods above." - The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience
"Loving you is my Achilles' Heel." - Achilles Heel by J. Maya
"Do not grow complacent and take less than what you deserve." - Atlas Drowned by Gang of Youths
"I will never be the same because of the way you made my whole life change." - Artemis by Stephen Rezza
"We keep fixing what we know is only bound to break." - Theseus by The Oh Hellos
"You think you're in gold but I can see the dirt in your lines." - Alrighty Aphrodite by Peach Pit
"Stars are dying in the sky." - Medusa by Kailee Morgue
"Promise me that you'll start where I end, and I promise to give you everything that I am." - Boreas by The Oh Hellos
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Some plant news! I've been waiting impatiently to see if the stuff I planted last autumn had survived the winter, and it's looking good so far. All my young fruit trees are blooming (quince, cherry, apple, mirabelle)
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The persimmon has no blossoms but some microscopic leaves, I hope it grows more vigorous... I only lost one baby chestnut tree, which seems to have been massacred by a very angry animal. A boar having a bad day? I'll have to plant a couple more this autumn and protect them better. I can just use the remains of one of the many types of fences that Pampe has defeated.
My greenhouse now has to wear a blanket in the afternoons so it doesn't get too hot inside. I planted four flowering shrubs around it in November, so their roots will consolidate the new terraces, and I'm happy to say they are all accounted for—these two have already doubled in volume, they seem thrilled to be there:
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Whereas these two all but disappeared during the winter, the ground just swallowed them; I wasn't too optimistic but they showed up again last month, with timid new leaves :) (The pics are very zoomed in, the resurrected shrubs are about the size of my fist but I'm proud of them)
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Also I found wild redcurrants by the stream last year and I snapped a few small branches and just stuck them in a pot without really believing it would work. Internet said it would work but it seemed impossible. I left the pot outside all winter, never watering it or taking care of it in any way, with these four bare sticks that I sometimes looked at dubiously. It worked!!! They have leaves now! I made new redcurrant plants by sticking branches in dirt, it feels magical. They're my favourite berries too...
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(My project for next autumn will be to propagate elderberry cuttings alongside the fence.) And speaking of berries, I got to eat my first aquaponic-grown strawberry today, it was delicious <3 Congratulations to the 42 fish who are hard at work fertilising the plants in the towers. There are many more strawberries in preparation!
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I leave the greenhouse doors open all day when it's sunny so there are pollinators busily flying in and out, doing their job. I tried to relocate a few ladybirds to the strawberry towers to eat aphids but without success, I think they left immediately...
My lettuce and tomato plants are doing great, but the courgette plants got decimated by slugs despite my efforts to repel them. I ended up buying some organic antislug product a friend of my mum's recommended. I started new courgette seeds, and I'll wait until they're bigger to transplant them to slug territory.
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The little Mexican orange tree is blossoming, and finally making new leaves (the new ones are yellow) after looking worryingly bald for a while this winter. The blossoms really do smell like orange blossoms! I know it's right there in the name but I'm still like oh look at you you talented orange tree, you got the smell of your flowers right on the first try and everything
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Congrats to Mascarille who was looking for the greenhouse entrance in the above pic (she always has to walk around it a few times, she's confused by glass walls) and eventually triumphed over adversity.
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Oh and I'm still getting fresh peas, in homeopathic quantities. I found that they grow well in the middle of winter so I'll plant a lot more this autumn when the towers aren't full of strawberries and herbs; for now I've started just eating them raw like little green candy.
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Last but not least, Louise Michel the new hen has finally learnt how to climb my homemade stairs that lead to the greenhouse! Look at her showing off her new skill, all casually like this problem hasn't stumped her for weeks:
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esamastation · 11 months
Part forty-one of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty
"... So there's Natural Materia that grows and evolves and eventually spawns an offspring of exactly identical Materia that can then make the exact same journey - and then there's Artificial Materia that… doesn't?"
"You're really asking the wrong person - Genesis is the expert," Angeal sighs, rubbing at his forehead. "But yeah, that's basically it? Artificial Materia can still level up a bit, but it doesn't evolve or make a copy of itself."
Sephiroth nods, fascinated. "So Natural Materia basically does mitosis?"
"I… don't know what that is?" Angeal says, sounding lost.
They're walking through the forest, in between random encounters - following a wide old footpath towards the charcoal burner's house. The path has the signs of wheeled traffic where the dirt has really been compacted, but it was a while ago, and grasses have started taking real estate on the path. Still, it makes for easier walking than the wild, untamed forest.
"It's when something - a cell - splits into two identical copies," Sephiroth explains.
"Ah, then no, that's not exactly it - the offspring Materia is unleveled and undeveloped. It has to be matured anew," Angeal clarifies.
"Still. Eventually the offspring Materia becomes identical to the parent. It's asexual reproduction, at least," Sephiroth muses, fascinated by how organic it all sounds. Like Materia is actually a breed of organism doing what all living things do - eat and reproduce. And artificial versions are basically infertile! "I bet Artificial Materia still needs to be somehow seeded by the natural sort."
Angeal shrugs, helpless. "You'd really have better luck asking Genesis. Maybe you should send him a message, asking about it."
"Maybe I will," Sephiroth says, determined, and then looks up. "Heads up - bugs."
One random encounter later, they're back to walking.
"You know, you could actually just try using your Materia," Angeal comments. "Might give you some insight on how it works. Or do you not remember how?"
Sephiroth waves a hand. "You just push energy through the thing, it's not that hard."
"Then why not do it?"
Because MP is Qi, kinda, and using Materia basically burns it away. Or, well, transforms it. Part of it goes into the Materia being used, aiding its maturation, and the rest of it is transformed into whatever spell the Materia is for. It's very easy to use and very powerful and incredibly energy inefficient. And since Sephiroth still isn't sure whether he wants to take in ambient energy in the way of the locals, he isn't sure his MP actually replenishes? And sure, he could take an Ether, a potion that replenishes MP - but that's basically like drinking raw Qi, and the very idea is a bit alarming.
There's just a scary level of energy transference going on in this place, and his core is unstable enough!
Also Sephiroth would rather figure out how to consume the Materia itself, like you'd consume spirit stones - except he really doesn't need any extra Qi at this point.
"Maybe later," Sephiroth says and looks ahead for a distraction. "Oh, hey, is that the house?"
Angeal gives him a look, amused, but lets it go and looks ahead too.
The charcoal burner's house is built near to the side of a mountain wall, with three enormous charcoal kilns half carved into the stone of the mountain. The house is more of a homestead, with a large area cleared and fenced, with the house itself in the middle, a couple of storage huts, a stall, and a big shelter for wood.
It's a bit rundown, though. One of the storage houses has its rooftop caved in, and there's long grass growing everywhere. The charcoal kilns look not just cold, but like something had been nesting in one of them.
"That's strange," Angeal murmurs warily, looking around. "It… doesn't look like anyone's been living here for a good long while."
"Hmm," Sephiroth hums, crouching down to examine a footprint in the dirt. It's fresh. "Someone has been here very recently, though." Someone in modern footwear - with treaded soles. Not that he knows what kind of footwear the people of Wutai favour, but, still…
Angeal looks at the footprint and hums. "Be on your guard. There's something weird going on in here."
Cautious, they examine the place and find no signs of any monster attacks. What they do find is more footprints, all by the same set of shoes, going strong in the place and by all appearances checking out the buildings.
"Looking for something, maybe?" Angeal murmurs as they consider the footprints.
"Hmm. I don't see any signs of monsters," Sephiroth comments. "Didn't the mission files say the place was already attacked? Maybe we're in the wrong place."
While Angeal checks their mission files and coordinates to confirm they're actually in the right house, Sephiroth tries to figure out why it was abandoned in the first place. It wasn't sudden, that he can tell - whoever lived here had the time to pack up. Everything that's left was put away very neatly, too.
"Well, this is the right place," Angeal says, following him inside. "Either they got the coordinates wrong - or the intelligence."
"I guess it could be a trap," Sephiroth muses, poking around the charcoal burner's old office in search of any paperwork. "If this is really where an informant once lived, maybe that informant turned into a double agent and set a trap."
"You really think so?" Angeal asks, sounding more interested than alarmed.
"Not really," Sephiroth shrugs and picks up a crumpled piece of paper, someone's attempt at a letter that had gotten ruined by an ink smear. Gently he spreads it out on the office table to read. "Or else it's a terrible trap…"
The letter is addressed to someone's uncle, informing them of the charcoal burner's good fortune. Apparently their family had been invited by the emperor to live and work in the capital. Lucky guy.
"Maybe we should prepare for an ambush, just in case," Angeal comments thoughtfully, adjusting his gloves. "What do you think?"
"I think they would've revealed themselves already, if it was the case," Sephiroth says. "And this is a terrible place for an ambush anyway. It's far too open."
"Well, good thing it's not an ambush!" a voice calls from the outside before Angeal can answer.
"... Sounds like something an ambusher would say," Angeal mutters, clearly recognizing the voice, and Sephiroth chuckles.
Reno waits for them outside, lazily scratching at a bug bite on his arm. "Congratulations, you have been summarily recruited for a secret Turk mission," he says and motions around them. "Your station."
"Turk mission?" Angeal repeats. "It was you who sent out that mission file?"
"Yep," Reno agrees, shrugging unrepentantly.
Sephiroth watches him warily. He'd not interacted with Reno or Rude much, Angeal had kinda covered for him there. He'd not entirely sure why the Turks followed them to Wutai. Maybe this is it.
Maybe this is as far as he gets, before having to commit, one way or the other.
Sephiroth braces himself. "What's the mission?"
Reno grins and points a finger at him. "Your mission, starting right now, is to stay here," he says, "And get your shit together."
Man I've missed ff7 world so much. The whole magic system from Lifestream to Materia to summoning world ending Meteors from the sky is just 😗👌
I'm playing og ff7 while writing and none of the sequelsprequelsremakes come even close to comparing with how delicious Materia in the original game is.
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ivonhart · 4 months
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love and war | wrecker x fem twi’lek!reader
— chapter one
| next
cross posted on ao3
gif credit: @dreamswithghosts
summary: The love you shared was one of wide smiles and flushed cheeks. The love that made your heart grow twofold to the point it ached. The love that made one believe in soulmates. But with this love came war. War to survive in such a harsh world. War to ensure that the light of love would not be snuffed out by the growing darkness throughout the galaxy. War to simply…find peace.
a/n: !! chapter warnings !! brief mention of Twi'lek enslavement and scars from slave whips - really nothing major / Summaries are so hard I'm so sorry. Straight up pulled that outta my butt while I listened to Flawed Mangoes. But anyway, I just love love and I love Wrecker so much so here we are! Also, I took some creative libarties and made our Twi'lek reader's lekkus to be considerable longer than presented in the shows/movies because I said so. If that nasty ass Bib Fortuna can have them so can my girl!! Also also, apparently the head-tails that Twi'leks have are kinda like living parts or something. Like I read that they can pick things up and move to communicate like sign language. So that's pretty cool. As well as a backstory behind Wrecker's blind eye and scars, plus a little headcanon about slight hearing loss on his part.
“Oh, I’m so excited to see what Phee has brought back!” Lyana said with bright eyes as the three of you made your way to the top of the island. You eyed her father with a small smile before responding. “As am I.” A thoughtful hum passed by your lips as you pulled one of your lekkus over your shoulder, messing with the flower vines you decorated your head-tails with. “I wonder if she picked up any new seeds for me? The gardens could use some new friends.”
You were as close of a friend to Phee as she let you be after she freed you from slavers whilst on a mission to “liberate” an ancient Ryloth artifact the slavers wished to part with. As the three of you reached the summit and watched the ship come into view, you noted the four individuals that stood in front of her.
One being a young girl with short, blonde hair. Despite the fact they ranged from shape and size, they all sported the same colored armor. “After all, I am a liberator–” Shep was quick to announce their presence by finishing her sentence. “Liberator of ancient wonders.” Clone Force 99’s attention turned towards the new voice and that was when Wrecker saw you.
A Twi’lek dressed in a long, airy dress that blew in the light ocean breeze, paired with a slightly dirty apron that held gardening tools looked at his brother from underneath her large floppy hat that was decorated with flowers along the top. Even though you wore a hat, he could still take in your lekkus that dropped down your back and swayed with each breath you took.
As you got closer, he saw that your head-tails were wrapped in small lines that sprouted a few tiny flowers along the larger parts of the vines. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. His eyes never left your figure as you bounced over to Phee with a wide smile. “PHEEEEEEEE!” The woman in question opened her arms with a small smile as she braced for impact.
Everything about you drew Wrecker’s attention and he felt his heart speed up as passed him to get to her. Your scent was one of dirt and flora. It was intoxicating. “Easy now.” Phee started with a laugh. “Those tools you got might poke my kidney out if you hug me any tighter.” And your laugh. Wrecker had to force his legs to stay under him as the sound flowed through his ears like the sweetest melody. He was so enamored with you that he didn’t see the way Hunter eyed him. The speed of his heart was like a hammer inside Hunter’s ears from how fast his heart was beating.
“About time you showed your face around here.” Shep said with a laugh after you pulled away, allowing both him and Lyana to embrace him. “What’d you bring this time?” As Phee knelt down to show Layana, you took the time to look at those she brought along. From a closer distance it was clear that they were clones, but they weren’t like the ones you remembered from the war.
They had similar faces, but they had slightly different aspects about each and every one of them. The one next to the little girl sported a skull tattoo that took half his face along with a notable, red bandanna that held his long hair back a tad. The next one seemed to hide behind his data pad, but you could still see that his goggled-eyes were stuck on Phee as she spoke about the artifact. You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged on your lips.
Then your attention moved to the last clone and he was…breathtaking. He was as large as a house with broad shoulders and strong arms, but his eyes held almost a shyness from under your gaze. His brown and white eye shifted side to side every few seconds as you kept your full attention on him.
You were so focused on memorizing the trail of scars along his eye that you didn’t realize Phee had been speaking to you until she waved her hand in front of her face. “Seems Flower here likes what she sees, huh?” Heat burned your cheeks as you snapped your eyes away from the man with an open mouth. You were about to rebuttal the woman, but she simply turned on her heel and began introducing everyone.
“This is Shep Hazard, Mayor of Pabu, his daughter, Lyana…” She then said your name whilst pointing towards you. “Shep, Lyana, Flower, meet Omega, Hunter, Wrecker and Tech.” Wrecker…that was his name. You thought the name was quite fitting for a man of his size. Even his hand seemed to engulf Shep’s as he gave him a firm handshake with joy.
You shadowed Lyana as she walked closer to Omega while she spoke. “Phee’s never brought any friends here before.” “Never?” You noted the accent the young girl had as she spoke. “Not even Cid?” Phee moved closer to you and hung her elbow on your shoulder while she answered the girl. “Nope.”
“So why bring us?” Hunter’s deep voice was a stark difference from Omega. “Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” You smiled brightly before you poked her in the side. “She must really like you guys.” Phee stepped away from you with a playful hiss whilst waving her hand at you. “All right, Flower. That’s enough out of you. You want to see what I got you don’t ya?” Wrecker watched as your eyes lit up while you clasped your hands together under your chin.
“A gift? For me?” With quick, small shuffles you closed the gap between you and the woman with a wide smile as she pulled a small pouch from her bag. “Managed to snag you some Bluebell Squish seeds.” You squeal in excitement as you quickly open the pouch to see inside. “The gardens will love them! They have been longing for some new friends.”
“Scientifically speaking, flora of any kind cannot “long” for friends. They do not have the emotional intelligence for such things. In fact, they have no intelligence whatsoever.” You turned to see the voice belong to the one named Tech. His finger was up in the air as he spoke the words as if they were law.
Wrecker nudged his brother in the side to get him to apologize, but your sweet laugh filled the air once more. “Well you may be right, but they still do have emotional intelligence…just not in the same way we do.” You leaned closer to Tech with a smile. “Plants may lack a central nervous system, but they are still able to process information from the world around them and respond to them. And that, to me, is all I need to know to determine that they do, in fact, have feelings.” You stepped back with a joyful sigh before finishing.
“We are all children of the Force, and our energies recognize one another no matter what form we may take and respond to one another.” The Batch watched with wide eyes as Tech lifted his finger once more but was unable to formulate a reply. He simply cleared his throat and moved his hand to adjust his glasses. “I suppose it would be a waste of my time to discuss this further, seeing that you believe in such things, whilst I am a man of fact and logic.” Despite the fact that Tech’s words could be viewed in a negative light, you still smiled at him.
You both were right in your own ways and you had no right to diminish his outlook just because you believed another. And you sensed that he felt the same…but said it in a more clean-cut way.
“Then it’s settled. You’ll join us for dinner.” And with that the group began their way into lower Pabu. Omega and Lyana ran ahead whilst Shep spoke with Hunter and Tech following not far behind.
You had gradually made your way to the back of the group as many members of the community stopped to speak to you. From a quick “hello” to a brief conversation about a plant they had purchased from you. You bid farewell to a fellow Twi’lek when Wrecker spoke to you. “Do you know everyone here?” Oh how his voice made your stomach flip from the rasp it held.
A smile graced your lips as you fell in step with the man whilst responding. “We all know one another. We are all family to one another.” The two of you fell silent for a beat before both speaking at the same time. “So your group–” “So, how do you know Phee?” Both of you looked at one another before falling into a fit of giggles and laughs. While yours was light, his was hearty. You had to take hold of the tips of your head-tails due to the fact they seemed to keep reaching out for him.
Wrecker cleared his throat. “L-Ladies first.” His stutter brought heat to your cheeks once more as you moved your eyes back ahead of you. “I was just curious about you and your group. From what I know about the war, the clones were soldiers. So, your group having a child intrigued me.” You gazed towards the blonde girl as she jumped around with Lyana. “Is she the daughter of one of you?”
You turned your attention back to the large man and saw him shaking his head. “No, she’s our big sister.” You knew of the clones' accelerated growth so you put the pieces together that she must have been different. Wrecker tilted his head slightly. “Though…she is more like a daughter to Hunter.” A small laugh passed his lips. “It’s a lil’ odd.”
You softly shook your head. “Relationships between one another are complex things. As long as she is loved and cared for.” Wrecker looked down at you with sudden serious eyes. “We would lay down our lives for her.” You gave a stern nod. “Good. She deserves nothing less.”
The man was about to open his mouth once more, but Shep suddenly spoke your name. “This is her home and shop.” You looked towards him to see that the group was now in front of your home. “She nurtures the most beautiful plants in the entire galaxy. None are able to do what she does.”
Wrecker watched as you walked over to him while waving your hands in bashfulness. “Oh Shep, you act as though it was magic.” With a polite smile you slipped past Hunter and moved towards your door. “But, since I am here I suppose it’s time to say goodbye for now.” “Wait, you’re not coming to dinner with us?” Wrecker’s question shot through the air even before you had finished your sentence, earning everyone’s eyes on him.
Hunter could hear the way both hearts were beating so fast he feared he would get a headache. You dropped your gaze with a small laugh while taking a lekku in your hands. “I’m sure you all must have matters to discuss and I do not wish to intrude.” Shep shook his head with a gentle laugh before getting your attention. “You would never intrude. We all assumed you would be joining us; you missed Phee the most and I’m sure you’d love to catch up as well as get to know our guests more.” That’s when heat exploded along your cheeks once more.
You didn’t have to see Shep’s face to know he was smiling about a certain member of their team you quickly grew enamored with. With a small laugh you began walking backwards. “Well, in that case–” A gasp shot from your mouth as your hip hit one of the many plant pots you had scattered around your front porch.
Wrecker felt his hands twitch to reach out and steady you as he watched you regain your balance with an awkward cough. “Um…yeah, I’m–I’ll go freshen up then.” You were quick to shut your front door before letting a heavy sigh out from the embarrassment that spread throughout your body. Unaware of the eyes that lingered on your front door for longer than needed before eventually joining his brothers.
It was near sunset when Wrecker saw you again and when he did, the man launched to his feet as he took you in. The chair he sat on almost tumbled over from his speed in which he stood. There you were, the woman that already seemed to take over his mind, glowing underneath the light of Pabu’s setting sun.
Eyes staring straight at him. You were dressed in a loose fitting dress that draped over your body with your head-tails resting down your chest after you tied them together in the front with a ribbon. The tips of your tails barely sweeping across your belly button with the light breeze. 
Because of the lack of vines he was able to see the designs that spread across for lekkus; the faintest of swirls intertwined with your skin in a shade barely lighter than your skin color. His sudden movement didn’t go unnoticed and they all looked to where he was staring…only to see you.
Omega’s eyes widened as she was quick to speak. “YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!” Her excited voice snapped you from his gaze and you quickly looked down to where she was. A smile graced your lips once more as you moved closer. “Thank you very much, Omega.” Your eyes moved to look at everyone at the table. “I apologize for being so late. I still had some chores to finish up and then it took me some time to find a dress that didn’t have that many dirt stains on it.”
Everyone chuckled at your joke. “Uh, I th-I think you look amazingly…uh beautiful.” Wrecker’s words tumbled out faster than his brain could process which caused him to stumble over the words. And once more…your cheeks grew hot.  Omega grabbed your hand and led you to a, conveniently, vacant seat right next to Wrecker.
The dinner went well and as everyone began to scatter to their own devices, Wrecker made his way to where you stood. You had seen Omega and Lyana off towards the boat before settling in against the railing of the balcony just moments ago.
Because the dress you wore had an open back, the men were able to see what was marked there as you got comfortable. Jagged burns littered your colored skin and they knew immediately where they came from. A slaver’s whip. The long weapon coursing with electricity was something none could forget after being struck by one.
Although you just met Wrecker that day, you could tell that he was being unusually quiet as he approached and you knew why. “It’s okay. You can ask about them.” You grew to accept the scars that marked your body and felt no reason to cover it up. “You were a slave?” Wrecker couldn’t help but wince at the phrasing he used to ask the question, but you didn’t seem to be angry.
Your eyes still watched the boat with Omega and Lyana on it leave the dock as you let out a simple ‘mhmm’. You lekkus twirling the flowers that grew on the balcony as you did. “It’s quite common for the women of my species to be taken so it was really only a matter of time.” Wrecker’s heart grew heavy from your words. “Phee was actually the one who saved me.” You looked past Wrecker to where Phee was talking with Tech and a small smile formed. “She saved me in every possible way.”
“I’ll have to thank her then.” Your eyes moved to his brown and white one with slight confusion. “If she didn’t save you I may have never met you.” Heat exploded across your cheeks and you dropped your head with a small laugh. Your heart was pounding just as hard as his. “You sure do know how to make a lady blush.” The once heavy atmosphere grew light as Wrecker threw his head back in laughter.
Your giggles were not far behind. “What about your scars?” You asked once your laughter died down. Wrecker turned his large body towards you so you could get a better view at the side of his face that was littered with a web of scars around his ear and head. Being so close, you were even able to see that small parts of the ear were missing.
“It was during one of my early demolition exercises on Kamino. Normally, the bombs they had me working with were duds but one must’ve slipped through the cracks and next thing I know I was in the medical wing with only one good eye and ear.” So he was blind in that eye and the reason he speaks so loud is because he most likely lost hearing on that ear.
Another hum passed your lips as you slowly raised your hand to the side of his face. “May I?” Wrecker nodded and your fingers moved across his skin he gasped. The reaction caused you to jump back. “I’m so sorry!” Your eyes were wide with worry as you intertwined your claps hands with your lekku tips.
The man frantically shook his head. “M’bad.” You watched red flush his cheeks as his eyes shifted around. “It’s just…no one’s touched them before. People find them too scary to look at.” That’s when his eyes dropped to the floor and you watched as his whole self seemed to deflate. “People find me scary to look at.” Anger bubbled within you at confession.
How could anyone think this man was scary? You could tell he was nothing more than a gentle giant. “Well, I don’t find you scary.” With a small step forward you brushed your fingers against his larger ones. “In fact…” Your voice dropped to almost a whisper as if the wind would carry the sound throughout all of Pabu. “I think you are quite handsome.”
His wide eyes snapped towards you and you had to hold back the giggles that threatened to escape. A few seconds passed before a smile split across his face. “Seems like I’m not the only one that can make someone blush.” Your heart grew full as you smiled up towards him. Unfortunately, the moment was lost when the ground started to shake. Wrecker grabbed hold of you with ease as you lost your footing and with wide eyes you looked up at him. Something was coming.
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Chaotic Dumbassery (Soft Yandere!Friend x Thembo!Reader)
I know I haven't been working on people's submissions, prioritizing kinktober, but I'm having a really tough time and need some light humor in my life
GN!Reader, mild manipulation, mostly fluff ❤️
Hughie was labeled as a "genius" early on in his childhood. At the age of five his parents were already discussing with the local elementary school about starting him off in a higher grade. Despite all of the praises Hughie received from adults, their compliments felt hollow, and the more they pushed him to accelerate his growth realize his potential, the further he felt isolated from the people around him. Emotionally, it was like being trapped as an exhibit in a zoo. They all smiled down at him and cooed, but he could not feel them.
Then, Hughie met (Reader).
Wasting his summer before school began, his parents inside speaking to teachers about letting Hughie skip kindergarten, no one noticed when he slipped out, wandering the empty halls to the playground, where surprisingly a child was playing in the dirt with their parent sitting nearby.
Fat little fingers were poking into the dirt beneath a tree, filling the holes with seeds. Hughie often had no problem speaking to adults, but he didn't have many opportunities to interact with other kids his own age. Nervous to the point of nausea, he approached the kid, gripping his ugly grey polo aggressively enough to stretch out the shirt.
"What are you doing?"
The kid covered in dirt wearing a pizza sauce stained Batman shirt looked up at Hughie with excitement so powerful he could physically feel it burning his face like sun beams. "Planting bird seeds!"
"Oh. Why?"
"To grow birds. Duh." They went back to poking holes and planting the seeds.
The little boy with black curly hair was shocked. He didn't know everything about reproduction, but he knew that birds came from eggs. It was the first time he had ever heard something so preposterous, and it kind of stupefied him. Crouching down to get closer to the strange little kid, Hughie felt star struck. "I don't think that's how birds are made."
"Yuh-huh! Whenever Granny throws seeds out, birds grow, and then in the morning they fly away "
"I think they eat the seeds.."
(Reader's) eyes went wide, dropping their fistful of bird food while whipping around to face Hughie. "Huh?"
"Birds come from eggs."
Standing up quickly, Hughie could see that the kid's knees were covered in bandaids, something he never really needed. They looked down at him like he just told them that Santa wasn't real. "What?!" Before he could reiterate his answer Hughie's arm was grabbed by the much stronger stranger, dragging him over towards the woman sitting on the bench. "Mom!"
"Yes?" The woman smiled with heavy, exhausted eyes.
"Do birds come from eggs?!"
"Yes? Why?"
(Reader) dropped Hughie's hand, their brain malfunctioning under the new information. Hughie started to worry that maybe he had upset them, that maybe he shouldn't have told them the truth, when they suddenly grabbed him by his shoulders, violently shaking him. "What is your name, smarty pants?!"
"Hu-Hughie!" The wild swaying of his head affecting his speech.
"I'm (Reader)! You wanna go catch crickets?"
"Hughie!" His father's voice cut him off, the smartly dressed man finally finding his son and descending onto the playground. "Don't disappear like that."
"I'm sorry."
"Let's go back inside. The teachers have some questions for you." He said excitedly, motioning towards the school.
Hughie felt a sense of dread. He was smart, really smart, which meant that he knew if he passed the tests waiting for him, he wouldn't be able to be in a class with kids his own age. Which meant that he wouldn't be able to make friends.
Hughie latched onto (Reader), and decided to act his own age.
"I want to go catch crickets with (Reader)!"
"Yeah!" (Reader) replied, glaring up at the stranger as sassily as a five year old could.
Although that interaction ended with (Reader's) mother apologizing, holding back her child from kicking the man in his shins, and Hughie's father carrying him kicking and crying up to the classroom, it was ended in Hughie's favor. He purposely failed his tests, and when school started up, he was placed in the same kindergarten as (Reader).
The two became inseparable, much to his parents' dismay.
It only got worse as they got older, and even the teachers took notice of Hughie's "double life".
By the last year of middle school, Hughie already proved himself smart enough to get his GED and be enrolled in any university of his choice. But (Reader) didn't know that.
Hughie's mother sighed heavily, finding (Reader) on her doorstep. Hey disdain for the teenager wasn't concealed in the slightest, but it didn't phase (Reader).
"Mornin', Mrs. G! I'm here to pick up the H-bomb."
"I could drive you two." She grimaced. "It's dangerous for two children to walk to school."
"Oh, we won't be walking." (Reader) smiled.
Hughie rushed past his mom, smiling just as brightly as (Reader). "'Sup!"
"Please let me drive you-"
"Bye Mom!" Hughie cut her off, giving her a warning glance before bouncing back to his reflection of (Reader's) joyful attitude. "Let's go, (Reader)."
The two friends ran down to (Reader's) homemade "scooter", an extra wide plank of thin wood with wheels screwed on, painted with flames. It was made by (Reader) and their mom to have enough space for at least three teenagers to comfortably ride, four if they squish together tightly and held on for dear life. It was a hazard, and Hughie loved it.
He loved everything about (Reader), actually. Since he began purposefully fucking up his grades just enough to never get moved up, he had made a good friend group, a group a guys that were a lot of fun to get into trouble with, but his best friend was (Reader). Many people joked that the two were already an old married couple, which (Reader) leaned into, completely unaware of Hughie's feelings. It was strange. And he couldn't explain it to anyone.
(Reader) was his best friend; a sibling; a partner in crime; and someone Hughie recently found himself wanting to kiss silly.
They rode down the sidewalk at top speeds, bumping over rocks dangerously. Hughie wanted to wrap his arms around their waist but couldn't until they picked up their other buds. They stopped by Brody's house, watching him run away from his wooden spoon wielding Grandma, then at Everett's, which finally allowed Hughie the excuse of hugging (Reader). It didn't matter if Brody clung to him similarly; just as long as he was the only one holding (Reader).
The four idiots of Jackson Middle School traveled faster than any of the cooler students on skateboards, speeding recklessly with the force of four teenagers pushing the wooden beast.
Teachers and parents gave disapproving sneers as they barely stopped in time to prevent themselves from crashing into the arriving school buses. Mr. Stone especially.
(Reader) dragged the transportation over to the bicycle rack laughing with Hughie over the fear in the bus driver's eyes when they nearly collided into the side of the bus.
"I don't know why she was so mad, it's not like we were gonna damage the bus!" Brody loudly complained, arms behind his head.
No, it was because we could have gotten hurt. Hughie smiled, not voicing his thoughts out loud. (Reader) wouldn't have this kind of fun with him if they knew that this wasn't his real personality. Calm and studious, Hughie naturally didn't enjoy being outside. He was a nerd at heart, and would prefer reading in solitude to participating in sports. But he would do anything to spend more time with (Reader).
Mr. Stone appeared before the quartet, smiling tightly. "May I have a word, Mr. Gressler?"
(Reader) stuck a finger in their nose. "Huh? He's not on the clock yet."
Everett rolled back his shoulders too try to look bigger. "Yeah, we haven't had breakfast yet."
"I'll catch up with you guys." Hughie waved at them, shooing them away. They left for the cafeteria, still making snarky remarks towards their teacher.
As soon as they were out of sight Hughie's face changed, losing all of his good humor and patience. "What did you want to talk about, Mr. Stone." His teacher's name tasted bitter, so he spit it out.
"Let's go to the principal's office."
They quickly walked through the halls, irritating Hughie. He knew what this was about, and he wasn't interested in the slightest.
Once inside the office, Mr. Stone closed the door, trapping Hughie inside with the grinning older Principal Wells. "Please, have a seat, Hughie." She offered politely.
"No thanks. I need to go to breakfast, so I'd like to make this quick." His hands were in his pockets, and his body leaning on one leg, emphasizing his boredom.
Mr. Stone cleared his throat. "We've been talking about moving your classes around.."
"Why?" His cracking voice snapped.
"We've noticed that.. I believe that your friends aren't the best influence on you." Stone took a deep breath, looking to the principal for assistance.
"After speaking to your teachers I learned that you do exceptionally well when you aren't paired up with one of your friends. If it's a test, or a solo project, your work is incredible. No matter what the subject is, you exceed in every class.. but when you have a project you have to present to a class, in your classes you have with a student named (Reader), you disrupt the day by presenting very odd topics. And when you work with (Reader), you mess around the entire time or create chaos." The principal was referring to two specific instances; Hughie's presentation on how WW2 was responsible for the creation of hentai, and the science fair project he worked on with (Reader) trying to prove that Birds weren't real. Both times he chose the topics just to see (Reader's) face light up.
"Hugh, you're an incredibly bright young man. We want to see you excel." Mr. Stone pleaded.
"I'm not moving up. I'm staying in my classes. We haven't caused any major disruptions that could have interfered with other students learning, and may I remind you that we both got an A minus on that science fair project?" He turned to leave, done with dealing with adults he knew he was smarter than. "And if you move around my classes, I'll go to the superintendent, and the school board. You're discriminating against my fellow students because you believe them to be stupid."
"We never said-"
"I'm not an idiot. They're bad examples on me because we have fun? That isn't the argument you think it is."
"Mr. Gressler, come back here-"
"Unless I'm in trouble, then no. You aren't allowed to prevent me from having breakfast. And if you continue I'll call my mother." Hughie was cold, indifferent. He knew what they were saying, but it was the exact same shit he'd been hearing since he was three years old. He's special, so he's not allowed to act his age.
He left the office and stomped towards the cafeteria. He knew they wouldn't stop embarrassing themselves, but he also refused to back down.
Inside the lunch hall, (Reader) was having a battle with the boys, construction French toast sticks into action figures with pretzel sticks. The sight of (Reader) focused on the fight made Hughie feel funny, releasing an eruption of butterflies. It was okay if he continued lying to his friends, because he could continue playing with them like this.
"Dude, I got you some!" (Reader) held out a plate. They had no idea how much Hughie loved them.
His smile fell, feeling suddenly very hot.
"Dude, you okay?" Everett asked out of concern. "Did you get in trouble or something?"
Hughie couldn't answer, taking the plate silently while avoiding eye contact. Quickly shoving in pretzel crackers like nails, he constructed his own breakfast warrior. "FEEL MY WRATH, LOSERS!"
The friends instantly forgot about their worrying, watching as Hughie's creation punched (Reader's) creation's head off.
It was okay if Hughie kept pretending to be a dumbass, because it was more fun that way. He would gladly sacrifice his entire future to fuck around with (Reader) for the rest of his life. He could see himself, in the future, sharing an apartment with his three amigos, working at some dead end job, playing video games every night after work. It would be better than if he went off to some college and became a lawyer.
If only he could ignore the erratic beating of his heart.
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You. You get me.
Ascended!Astarion allows Tav to go out and live amongst the mortals for six months, playing their songs and living how they want, but always comes to retrieve them when the summer starts (the days get longer and food will be more difficult to find). And as the years go by, their time above grows shorter and shorter, leading to there being a yearly argument between them. But in an inverse of Hades and Persephone’s argument in Chant, Tav’s questions are like this, “Gods, Astarion, why must you have this blasted place be so damn cold?!” | “Oh please, darling, you never could stand for it be so disgustingly hot.”
It’s not until Astarion hears the song Tav won him over with so long ago wafting through the air as he hunts near a tavern that he’s reminded of just how much he loved them…and all the wrong that he’s done by them.
- Hadestown!Anon
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Original Post | Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
Exactly this!
I was actually thinking it could be the same sweltering heat as it’s his misguided attempt to replicate the world above and the summer they seems to always leave him for. Evie/Tav berates him, “it ain’t right and it ain’t natural”. But Ascended!Astarion always argues back “Lover, everything I do, I do it for the love of you”.
Honestly you can keep the same beats of the show as Astarion has expanded his control of the underdark. People above sometimes go down below to strike a deal, becoming his spawn in exchange for what they think will be an end to their suffering.
Eurydice is one of them and Orpheus, a bard, goes down below to get her back.
Orpheus then plays the same song Evie/Tav played for Astarion all those years ago. They never wrote it down, all the best songs live in memory. It has been passed down through the years until nobody knew where it came from. Astarion hears it and remembers who he was, who Evie/Tav was to him. And then they dance.
Also, as an aside, as much as I love Chant (Reprise) on the Original Broadways cast recording I keep thinking about Chant II from the 2017 live recording. Specifically Persephone singing to Eurydice which is cut from the official Broadway run.
Love was when he came to me
Begging on his bended knees
To please have pity on his heart
And let him lay me in the dirt
I felt his arms around me then
We didn’t need a wedding bed
Dark seeds scattered on the ground
Wild birds were flying around
That’s when I became his wife
But that was in another life
That was in another world
When I was a young girl!
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catcze · 11 months
Okay but this has been rotating in my head since I saw your wrio × dendro reader. It just got me thinking 🫣 reader with a dendro vision who's maybe like helping out Neuvi with some Official Business or is going to act as a liason between the court and the fortress. Anyways the first time they go down into the fortress with Neuvi to establish that connection they get so offended that nobody has done anything to bring some plant life to the fortress and that it should be a crime to deprive people, criminals or not, of access to nature and greenery. They understand that it's not the easiest thing with there being no sunlight but come on there has to be some dendro vision holders out there who would be willing to help right? No dendro user could be that cruel to think a person shouldn't be allowed to enjoy something as simple as a flower but since nobody who can do anything is making an effort they're just going to have to step up and take on that responsibility. They don't blame those in charge (Wrio, Neuvi, etc) because they're already so busy as is. Reader starts to make trips more often to the fortress under the excuse of business but always makes some time to step away and grow some flowers and ivy and such for the people down there to enjoy. Wrio's not stupid, he knows what's up but doesn't stop it because the positive effects are obviously there, he can see the change in the well-being of the people. Idk where I was going with this, maybe just like Wrio being appreciative of the reader for what they're doing and maybe falling for them because they could have been like most other overworlders and look down on the people in the fortress but instead the reader just treats them the same way they would treat another overworlder. (Reader gaining a following down there that makes it absolutely clear if anything happens to them there will be a very steep price to pay)
HASKDJNAS WHOOAAA wait, first of all ? I'm literally honored that my little thing inspired you this much !!
Secondly... oh my godddd 👀👀 That's literally adorable ? I love love love that reader was initially just there, helping out because they wanted to bring life to the place and to make people happy, and that Wrio just ends up so smitten with them because of that. Like, he fell first, and he fell hard hasdkjnjs
And 🥺🥺 the part of people in Meropide loving the reader and being protective over them 🥺🥺 that's so cute ??? Like, I'm just imagining some of the inmated volunteering to help the reader with their garden down in Meropide, and that everyone who helps out with them listens so intently to their instructions on how to garden. And eventually, it becomes something that they do for recreation— a good outlet for their energy and all that.
AND AHSDKAJNS WAIT ANON I'm thinking of Reader and Wrio gardening together now 🥺 Like, reader is the one who prunes the plants, digs holes in the dirt for the seeds, while Wrio stands behind them and lets them do what they love, holding the basket for their equipment and gazing at them fondly 🥺🥺
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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fnu [fn·u] vin. quiet, be quiet
Anonymous Request: I was wondering if I could get a Neteyam x Metkayina reader where the reader is one of the best gardeners in the clan. She is usually quiet and just spends her time gardening and going swimming. People don’t notice her. That is until Neteyam asks about her and wants to help garden with her. They start to fall in love but the reader can’t understand why Neteyam would fall for someone as quiet, not as beautiful as Tsireya (in her eyes), and unimportant to the clan.
879 words
I rub the dirt off my knees as I stand up, smiling down at my work. Just a few minutes walk from our village lies one of our many vast gardens, and this one in particular is mine.
Not that I own it, per se, but everyone knows that this is the one I take care of - and I come here every day to take care of it. I dug up the dirt, ensured it was fertile, planted the seeds, and I tend to them daily. I harvest what's ready, remove weeds where necessary, and keep pests away.
Of all the gardens, mine bears the most to eat. Multiple times a week, I return with baskets of food, taking many trips to deliver it home. I don't think anyone notices, because I try not to call attention to myself, but I'm extremely proud of the work I've done.
Today, I have four large baskets bearing root vegetables to bring home to my clan, and my heart swells with pride.
"Do you need help with that?" someone asks as I bend down and pick up the first large basket. I turned and see the eldest Sully, Neteyam, approaching.
He's been visiting here lately. Almost every day, he ends up at my garden. Sometimes, he shows up when I take my long evening swims, too. We're running into each other so much.
I smile and thrust a basket into his hands, and he temporarily sags under the weight of it.
"Wow. You got a lot today!" he says, grinning at me, and my heart swells with pride.
As we walk, I talk about the vegetables we're carrying. When the best times are to plant them, how to encourage them to grow, how my people prepare them. Neteyam listens intently, even asking questions.
We return for a second trip, two more baskets to bring bag, and I find no end of information to tell him about my garden.
Only when we've dropped the second load off, do I realize how much I've been talking, and my cheeks grow hot. We're approaching the beach now, where I always go when I'm done for the day.
"Oh, Neteyam, I'm so sorry," I say.
He furrows his brow, looking concerned. "For what?"
"It's just... I don't talk to many people this much and I went on and on. You must be so bored."
His frown deepens and he shakes his head. "You're not only passionate and intelligent, but what you do benefits all your people. You should be proud. I will listen to you talk about it any time. Maybe if I learn, I can help you."
I tilt my head to the side. "You would help me?"
Neteyam reaches out, hesitantly at first, and grabs my hand. My eyes widen in shock. Has it not been a coincidence that Neteyem has visited my garden so frequently, or interrupted my swims so often? Has he been trying to spend time around me?
It's hard to believe. Though I do find value in my quiet days, I didn't think anyone else had noticed. I'm quiet, quite possibly a little shy, nothing like the other women of the clan, especially Tsireya, who I know the Sully boys have been spending time with. If anyone would have caught their eye, it surely would be here, one of my oldest friends.
"I would be honored to learn more about what you do. And just... about you."
The blush in my cheeks deepens, and I turn away, trying not to smile too widely. It's too much to dream that someone like Neteyam could have interest in someone like me.
"I would be honored to teach you," I finally reply, stammering only a little. He reaches out, pressing his fingers against my chin, turning my eyes to meet his.
He is smiling at me, and I can feel it, and see it in his eyes - admiration. Has he always looked at me like this, and I have been too busy staring at the dirt to realize? I feel equal parts flattered and foolish.
"Neteyam, do you actually have an interest in gardening?" I ask, a teasing smile on my face.
He laughs, just a small chuckle, and we grin at each other. "At first... no. But, watching you these past weeks, listening to you talk, I can say safely that I am no longer just interested in the gardener."
I will simply burst if he ever says anything like that again. Unsure of what else to do, I close the gap between us, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my head into his firm, broad chest.
"Thank you," I whisper as he tightly wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me tightly to him.
"For what?" he asks.
I look up at him, my chin on his chest. "Noticing me."
He places a soft, warm kiss on my forehead. "You may be quiet, but you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You were impossible not to notice."
A heat that has been only in my chest spreads through every limb, to my toes and fingertips, and I feel lightheaded. All I can do is cling to this man and thank Ewya for bringing him to my garden.
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strayy-starss · 4 months
✧A/N: Hey guys! This is my first writing post, and it's mainly just to help you guys get the feel of my writing style and the things that I'll write about. Thank you to everyone who sticks around to the end!
✧Pairing: Alex x GN!Farmer
✧WC: 1.1k
✧Warnings: None, just fluff!
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The warm summer breeze ruffled your hair as you made your way to Pierre’s shop to buy some melon seeds. As you kicked up the dirt behind you, you looked around optimistically at the blooming trees and summer flowers, and you couldn’t help but smile as you made your way to the shop, turning your face to the sky and thanking the sun for its warmth. The sun had done you justice all throughout spring, leaving you nice and tan from all your work outside every day. Additionally, the sun had helped freckles that you didn’t even know you had emerge atop the bridge of your nose. Sun-kissed, as your mom would say.
Because you hadn’t seen anyone as of late, no one commented on your tan or constant hustle, but someone did notice. Someone that stood outside his house every day, tossing a gridball into the air outside of his house as an excuse to see you make your daily rounds. Little did you know that he noticed the subtle muscles in your arms as you lugged fish around after disappearing into the entrance of the beach for hours, and he noticed the tan lines that your shirt made on your arms every time your sleeves got hiked up your arms. He noticed everything, yet he never said a word to you.
As your feet hit the stone path in town, you took a minute to breathe in the nice, fresh air of Pelican town, excited for the summer and all the things you’d be able to do this season. The thoughts of growing new crops and buying new livestock from Marnie had you smiling through your entire exchange with Pierre.
“You seem happy today,” he noticed, chuckling as you exchanged some gold for melon seeds with a smile on your face. 
“I am! It’s finally summer,” you grinned.
“I, for one, don’t like the hot weather, but it’s a good season for crops, yeah? Don’t be afraid to drop by and sell me some!”
“You got it!” you said, giving him a small salute as you left the store. You caught sight of the river on your way out, glistening in the sunshine. Your mind immediately started to run through the fish that were available during the summer, and you began to murmur to yourself incoherently, the occasional name of a summer fish slipping through your lips as your brow furrowed in concentration. You could’ve sworn there was a fish during the summer that you hadn’t caught before, but you just couldn’t put a finger on it. You started to walk back toward your farm, but before you could, a hand on your shoulder caused you to jump and turn around, surprised. 
“Oh! Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” the man said, his hand slipping from your shoulder and returning to the gridball in his other hand. He held onto it tightly, as if he was afraid that it would vanish if he dropped it. The gridball sparked something in your brain, and you suddenly remembered that his name was Alex.
“No problem,” you said politely, though you wanted to get back to your farm in order to plant the crops as soon as you could. 
“I heard you talking about some fish, so I decided to let you know that salmon are out and about this time of year,” he said. He then flushed a little, as if he’d only just realized what he’d said, and put a hand behind his neck, scratching at it a little as he looked anywhere but at your face.
“Salmon!” you exclaimed, your memory of the fish returning. “That’s what it was! Oh, man, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you, Alex!” 
“Uh, no problem,” Alex said, a slight smile forming on his mouth as he realized you didn’t think he was weird. “So, anyway, I know this is sort of out of the blue, but would you want to play gridball sometime? Just tossing it to each other, I mean.”
You considered this for a moment, your mind drifting back to the work at hand. You’d never really talked to Alex, only once or twice when you’d first met and you helped out his grandparents with little quests they’d send you on. Then again, it would be nice to have a friend your age, plus, you’d been working hard all of spring. You deserved a break! 
“Sure, is now okay? I need a break from work,” you said with a warm smile. He nodded, smiling back at you. “Just let me run this back to my farm. I’ll be right back!” You took off at a jog towards your farm, a smile subconsciously forming on your face. After you dropped off the seeds in your house, you hustled back to town, where Alex was waiting just as you’d left him. 
“Ready,” you said.
“Alright, wanna go down to the beach?” Alex asked, his confidence returning.
“Sounds like a plan.”
You walked in a comfortable silence next to Alex, happy that you’d been invited to something other than a community event. Alex, on the other hand, was sweating bullets worrying about his appearance, his demeanor, hell, he even worried if you would like his gridball! As soon as you arrived at the beach, you turned to him and grinned sheepishly, saying, “Sorry if I’m not the best at this; gridball isn’t my strong suit.”
“No worries,” Alex reassured you, beginning to step away before stopping and looking at you closely. You paused, your smile turning into a look of confusion. Noticing your expression, Alex flushed a little, then said, “Sorry, I just noticed you have freckles.”
This caused you to flush in turn, as no one had taken the time to see you and point out the changes in your face; even the slightest ones. You grinned at him again, happy that someone had been paying attention to the little things.
“Yeah! The sun has been doing my skin some justice. Thanks for noticing,” you said, then began to step back to put some distance between the two of you in order to start tossing the gridball.
“Sure thing,” Alex said, flushing further at your expression. He turned around as well, his hands subconsciously clutching the gridball tighter to maintain his composure. After you two had assumed your positions, Alex took a deep breath and tossed the ball to you. You caught the ball and did a little celebration jump before throwing it back to him. He grinned at your little victory jump as he caught the ball, then threw it back as you found a rhythm. As the two of you laughed and talked, you couldn’t help but think that maybe this summer would be even better than you expected.
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wintermarmalade · 4 months
A Name
It waited in front of the window watching all the people go by on the street. It had finished all of it's tasks for the day and was patiently waiting for it's clockmaker, Mags, to return from the market. Anyone looking from the outside might assume it was simply a porcelain statue. After some time, it spotted her messy dark hair in the crowd. It wanted to wave to her, but it knew she was too short to see much above everyone else, so it ran over to the door and waited. After a few moments, she swung it open with a bright "hello" and opened her arms, her doll jumping into her for a hug.
"Did you get anything fun?" It always loved when Mags got something new for it to cook with.
"No, just the basics this time, sorry."
"But what's that?" It asked curiously, pointing at a crumpled sachet sitting on top of her bag.
"Oh just a packet of seeds I found on the ground on the way home. Maybe that eccentric fruit vendor would trade me something cool for it, they like to garden."
"Seeds? Like ones that grow into plants?"
"Uh... yeah? That's what seeds do, silly."
The doll gasped, "Can we grow them?" It asked with a sparkle in it's eye.
The clockmaker gave her doll a sad look. "Trust me, I've tried. They don't do well all the way down here, too much smog and not enough sun. The water definitely isn't the best either..... plus I have no idea what these seeds even are."
"But.... we can try!" It looked at her with a dramatic, yearning expression.
She stared at it doubtfully, trying to resist, but caved and chuckled. "Oh, I suppose we could give it one more shot, just for you." She gave it a playful pat on the head as her doll starting hopping up and down in excitement. "Come with me, let's get the stuff we need together."
They foraged around her workstation until they found an old planter box full of brass bits and bolts and emptied it. Next, they dug into the back of her closet, finding a dusty container full of a grayish mush. "I made this compost forever ago out of used tea bags and ash from the oven, it's kind of the best I could do. It might be okay if we mix it with some dirt and gravel from the alley."
"I thought you said that burnt things were gross." The doll said inquisitively.
Mags giggled and replied, "Definitely gross for me, but it has nutrients that plants like, and it'll make the soil less acidic. The acidity of the ground out there is.... concerning."
*Nutrients? Acidity?* It had so many questions. She could tell her doll was confused, but curious. "Come on, I'll explain more outside." And so they went into the alley together and filled the pot with gravelly soil and makeshift compost while she described to her inquisitive doll the different types of soil and what plants needed in it. Once they were done, they took it inside and she taught it how to water and care for a plant. It had no idea they were so complicated, they looked so simple from the outside. She had her doll place the pot by the window, dig a tiny hole, and bury the seeds inside.
"When does it become a plant?" The doll asked.
"Well, it depends on what it is, and if the soil is actually good enough, but it'll take a couple of weeks at the very least."
"That's.... so long...."
"Yes, gardening requires lots of patience."
"I can be patient!" It assured. It had always been good at waiting for new tasks and holding perfectly still for long periods.
"I have no doubts that you will be." She said with a smile.
It enjoyed having the new daily task of making sure the seeds were watered and cared for. It checked to see if they had sprouted yet as often as it could, sometimes staring at the pot in anticipation for hours.
One early morning nearly two weeks later, a tiny leaf had appeared! It ran back into Mags' room and jumped on her bed to wake her up so she could see the amazing feat their seeds had accomplished. It hopped up and down as Mags shambled behind it, still not fully awake. Once she was in view, it dramatically jumped in front of the pot and spread out it's arms, as if presenting a masterwork of art. Her gloomy face lit up when she saw the teeny sprout.
"Wow, I'm impressed! You've done a wonderful job caring for it." She praised as she rubbed her doll's head.
It beamed, "It looks so happy!"
"It certainly does." She said with a tired smile. She wanted to remind it that the sprout probably wouldn't make it much further, but she didn't have the heart to stifle it's excitement.
Over the next few weeks, the porcelain doll continued to care for the sprout while Mags taught it how to tell if it needed more or less water or was malnourished. Their little plant struggled, it was often not as green as it should be and wilted leaves were common, but very slowly, it kept growing. The doll celebrated every time it grew a new leaf, tried not to cry every time they had to trim one that was too wilted, and spent many hours lovingly examining and encouraging it. The plant didn't really do anything, but for some reason, the doll still adored it. It was so small and pretty and it liked the feeling of taking care of something.
After a couple months had passed, not only was it still alive, but it was nearly 6 inches tall and had lots of leaves! Some of them even looked fairly healthy. Mags was bewildered, by all means, this plant should've died weeks ago. She knew that her doll partially ran on magic as well as clockwork, and could only guess that that might have something to do with it.
Another month or so later, they woke up to see that a gorgeous white and pink flower had bloomed.
"It's a flower it's a flower!" The doll exclaimed in wonder.
"It's a dahlia!" Said Mags, almost more excited than her doll.
It gently cupped the flower in it's tiny hands and gazed at it for several moments. It couldn't believe it had helped something so beautiful grow from just a few specks in an old dirt pot.
"Magdeline?" The doll looked at her clockmaker thoughtfully.
"I think I know what I want my name to be."
Her heart jumped, "Oh? What are you thinking?" She tried to respond with a casual but genuine interest, she didn't want to put any pressure on her doll.
"I want my name to be Dahlia."
A huge smile grew on her face, "That's a gorgeous name! I would love to call you Dahlia! I think it's very fitting for you."
It let out a happy squeak at hearing it's name and jumped into her as she held it tight and spun around.
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