#oh and i didnt go to the gym bc i felt like shit but then im gonna feel like shit later because of all the times i havent gone tl the gym
woahajimes · 2 years
today was such a horrible day at work and here's a few things that just HAD to happen the day i am done w everything: (btw im ok now i had a bowl of warm soup)
customer had a bag of frozen fish, i opened it and fucking fish fell everywhere. they were all looking at me and i gasped SO loudly everyone probably thought i was being stupid and prissy. in reality i hate fucking fish and it was staring at me. afterwards, i couldnt even talk i was just stuttering to the customer
AFTER THE FISH, i put the bag of open fish on the takeback cart, completely forgetting that those will stink if left at room temperature for long enough. got scolded bc i had to call meat for pickup but didn't <3
customer had a bottle of paprika that spilled out on my lane. bought it anyways and didn't clean up w/ me.
had a mystery vegetable and the customer didn't know what it was. asked his wife and she didn't know either. asked next two customers and it was a turnip! but the handbook for codes says two types of turnips and none of us knew. called produce and couldn't describe the mystery vegetable so he had to come down and it was just red top. everyone at the front end thought i was stupid.
after closing, had to do takebacks and go into the dairy cooler (it's a room not a fridge), except it was dark bc it was CLOSED and had to go through the produce cooler. There was a door to go through and then it locked behind me. The room was dark and i had to use my phone flashlight to find the items. nearly pissed myself when i heard them open
customer said hi to me in the aisles and said "buenos días señorita". was flabbergasted for a few secs and then remembered he was the one customer that knew i spoke spanish. one of the few at least. didn't recognize him at all but it was obvious i couldn't say anything back in spanish. So i stuttered a very lame "o-oh! u-um, you!" and my voice cracked in every word.
GOT MY PERIOD AT WORK 😃 explains a lot tbh.
The HORROR of hearing "uhmm ma'am you're bleeding.." RIGHT after knowing prev was. i was mortified. every thought ran thru my head. i do not have spare pants nor underwear at WORK. we do not sell pants nor underwear. the two coworkers i would ever trust with this are NOT in the store right now.
anyways it was literally blood from my hand. customer was weirded out bc my hand bled into his bananas 🙄🙄 they were from my callouses btw bc i picked then again
fumbled on speaker ❤️ "produce on aisle- wait n- lane 2 for takebacks please, produce on lane two for takeback, thank you" thank FUCK we were near closing
had to call grocery and picked up the scanner gun. typed the number and waited on the scanner gun.
DIFFERENT customer, tried to scan his card with the phone 😍
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steel--fairy · 5 months
Character Headcanons #6
anyone want 2000 words of originshipping headcanons??? you're getting them anyways.
edit: this wasn't showing up in the tags for a while so i had to take out the links. they'll be in a reblog
getting together
they met briefly when steven was 15 and wallace was 18. wallace was Going Through It tm and taking it out on some rando. steven stepped in, beat wallaces fully evolved pokemon with his two first stages, completely humiliating him in front of a crowd
this spurred a whole mental breakdown character arc for wallace but steven forgot about it like 2 seconds later lmao
very "you took everything from me" "i have no idea who you are"
unfortunately for steven he was forced to remember bc wallace had already been gym leader for several months by the time he got around to the sootoplis city badge
steven only managed to eke out a win through mega evolution because wallace was maybe going a bit too hard for a gym battle, even an 8th badge one
still, wallace apologized for that and their other meeting and they became friends
loose friends. they only really started to talk when steven became champ.
steven was baffled. he'd never had a human friend his age before but he really enjoyed being around wallace. wallace absolutely did not understand rocks but he never made fun of steven for spending hours infodumping
around the same time steven became champ, several others his age became part of the league and suddenly steven had multiple human friends his age???
he really only ever met with winona when with wallace, but he got along famously with sidney and phoebe despite their differences
quickly he realized how he felt for wallace was different than for sidney or phoebe but brushed it aside as the difference between a friend and a best friend
around then wallace started dating winona. wallace did nothing but talk about her those first few months and steven eventually realized he was angry at those convos bc he was jealous. it took another few months for it to click that he was jealous because he liked wallace romantically
decided then and there he would never ever make a move because wallace was happy with winona and planning a future with her
even once they broke up, steven didnt want to try anything because wallace was incredibly upset over being dumped and didnt want to ruin the friendship. plus, the thought of just being a rebound made him sick
wallaces romantic feelings only developed after the breakup. steven was his steady rock (pun reluctantly intended) and they became closer than ever after it.
he only realized steven liked him from sidney, brawly, and phoebe who made a joke about them dating. wallace was like haha yea that could be interpreted as crush-like but stevens always been like that
and they stared at him until he realized what that meant and went oh shit
wallace had always found steven hot but it was in a water is wet sorta way. like yea. wallace had eyes. but he thought it over and came to the conclusion that he wouldnt mind dating steven. itd been enough time after winona that being in a relationship seemed nice.
wallace tried flirting with steven for over a year (and not subtly at all) before deciding fuck it and being direct by kissing him.
steven had brushed off all attempts bc there was noooo way wallace would ever like himmm. the kiss made him rethink that though.
through the flirting phase wallaces feelings of sure why not grew into much more genuine romantic feelings so the kiss came from genuine frustration over steven casually brushing off his feelings
it was a mess figuring everything out but they decided to try dating
everyones response was finally lmao
wallace loves using classy petnames (darling, sweetheart, beloved, my love, etc). he will also make up some truly stupid and long petnames when hes in a teasing mood. steven...isnt quite to the point of saying "fellow associate" but he isnt too fond of pet names.
mostly, his romantic words tend to be comparing wallace to gems and rocks. if it were anyone but steven wallace would be very >.> about it, but it is steven so he finds it romantic. somehow. he's not quite sure how either, but its steven.
they're each other's favorite battling partner. at times, their battles seem more like dances because they and their pokemon all know each other so well
they're always trying to find new tactics to surprise the other. at this point it's getting difficult but theres nothing better than the surprise on the others face when one whips out a new move or strategy designed specifically to counter the other. it's a sign of love and how theyre always on each others mind.
eventually, when they move in together its to sootopolis. the city is incredibly important to wallace, and while steven likes mossdeep he doesnt mind moving
he still keeps his house there but its mainly just storage for his rock collection
wallace is aghast at having a house that never has any occupants besides rocks and dirt but steven doesnt see a problem with it
he's not sure how wallace will react to learning about all the penthouse suites and villas in other regions his family own that are occupied only once every few years.
communication is their main struggle as a couple. it wasnt so bad as friends, but wallaces habit of thinking he knows best and stevens habit of ignoring any negative emotion tend to go poorly together.
generally a low pda couple. they can get very handsy in private, but steven is uncomfortable with most pda. wallace isnt a shithead (and also likes keeping his private life private), so he keeps things to simple gestures and petnames.
steven was super nervous about telling other people when they started dating. he knew most of wallaces family but only as wallaces friend and was terrified things would change or they'd be suspicious of him potentially breaking wallaces heart like winona had
nothing major changed. lisia started calling him uncle steven, and juan and beverly gave him a light shovel talk, but that was it.
tbh the worst announcement was to his dad. joseph congratulated them, then immediately asked when they were going to get married and give him grandkids.
steven just walked out of the room.
their main joking argument is acceptable date locations.
steven thinks caves are the perfect date spot. wallace does not and would prefer literally anywhere else.
(he still goes on the cave dates)
steven is the one to propose.
they started thinking about it separately at around the same time, but wallace knew that steven was going to be particular about anything involving stones and metal and left getting a ring (and therefore proposing) to him.
steven was indeed very particular. he didnt hand craft the rings himself, but he did mine the material and give it to his familys go to jeweler alongside a very specific design
their wedding is surprisingly low key. the ceremony is rather small and done in the traditional sootopolitan way
the reception is larger but still not too large or exuberant. a compromise between them.
steven wouldve just gone to a courthouse and done it that way but he knew a party meant a lot to wallace. wallace meanwhile knows steven isnt a fan of huge crowds and parties so he did his best to tone it down and make it more personal.
wallace did basically all the planning. it was his dream wedding. steven said yes dear to any request and assumed it would be flawless (it was)
more of a night in kind of couple. steven isnt a partier and wallace tries not to be anymore so most of their dates tend to be very low key.
steven is a serial blanket thief. wallace usually doesnt mind until its winter
both of their teams get along very well. cradily and armaldo in particular get along well with wallaces water types
steven, stemming from years of pining, is more likely to get jealous if he sees someone flirting with wallace but doesn't dwell on it for long.
wallace meanwhile knows steven doesnt like flirting and that sort of attention so theres little jealousy on his side.
it takes a long while for them to have sex.
stevens ace so its just....not something he feels or gets. plus there were other emotions related to being trans and having sex, plus plus he'd just never done it before and was nervous from that. he knew wallace wanted it, but it took a long while for him to even be comfortable being naked in wallaces presence
wallace isnt ace, and has a decent sex drive, so he was a bit frustrated and took a lot of showers lol. he didnt push steven and more than understood his hesitancy, but oh boy did he want it.
they eventually do the do. it's not something they do a lot (steven is rarely in the right kind of mood for it) but they do it often enough to satisfy wallaces cravings.
they rarely argue. wallace tends to instigate more of the smaller squabbles since he's naturally more confrontational, but they tend to be mundane things solved in minutes
most of their serious arguments revolve around the future. the most commonly reoccurring one is about kids. wallace is very close to his family and 100% wants kids, biological or adopted. steven 100% does not. it takes a long time for them to come to any agreement.
a playlist : )
and also this post I suppose
speaking of kids lol
these are going off my fankids from here, emmy, mica, and lapis
im still kinda ehh on where they fit in my timeline, or if I'll even add them at all but have the headcanons nonetheless!
all 3 were accidents lol
steven is the dad who caves at the barest hint of puppy dog eyes. if wallace isnt there he *will* be persuaded to have dessert for dinner every night.
wallace, having helped raise lisia, is immune.
conversely, steven is the dad who is stricter during punishments. wallace can be persuaded to knock off a day from a grounding but not steven.
both absolutely spoil their kids rotten. all the toys and electronics and clothing they could ever want. possibly a bit too indulgent, tbh
steven is dad/daddy, wallace is baba
the kids have wallace's last name. steven has a strained relationship with basically the entirety of his family so it was a no brainer to put wallace's surname on the birth certificates.
in raising them, steven is something of a stay at home dad. he works with researching mega stones and mega evolution and a lot of it can be done from home. wallace is champion alongside his guardian duties so hes out more often.
wallace very much makes sure to spend a lot of time with his kids though. his dad being gone a lot for work was something he resented as a kid so he tries not to spend all his time working.
steven took emmy going to school the hardest. wallace had practice with lisia, but steven had barely spent more than a few hours away from emmy until school
names were the absolute biggest argument between them. steven wanted a rock name. wallace refused to name a kid malachite.
emmys name (esmeralda) was a compromise from juan. emerald, a gem, but in paldean as an actual name. it satisfied both so they went with it.
steven gave her the nickname of emmy. he based it off of emerald. wallace just sighed and went with it because it was cute.
mica and lapis were all steven. they originally had other names picked for the twins but wallace got stuck doing champion duties while steven was in the hospital. mildly delirious, highly emotional, and incredibly angry, steven went with completely new names just to spite wallace.
wallace cant even be mad. and as far as rock names go, they arent too bad. at least it wasnt malachite.
cradily and armaldo are the most overprotective of steven and wallaces pokemon. when it comes to children, they see their trainer's kids as their own and it hits something ancient in them making them a little more aggressive than usual
milotic is second. they are her little creatures. she will dragon tail anyone who looks at them wrong.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 5
a/n: ong this is going to be a bit of a crack episode w a tiny dash of flirty manager
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
-Watch the boys be all dramatic when yn misses a few days of school and suddenly show up with a broken arm😭✊🏻😔
- Dunno if this is a dream or not but i think you mentioned that yn is clumsy. Just imagine her carrying those cute band aids around for when she gets hurt. But what if she uses them on the boys when they get hurt
tumblr moot:
- She is looking down at the boy who is checking her scrap on her knee, when she smiles all cutely and shit "I fell for you" And cue the boy having a heart attack because she is way to cute
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im totally not running out of seijoh gifs or anything
lets start!!
okay as mentioned before and as read above,,
you are quite clumsy
like there is a normal level of clumsy
but you are just on another level
like in manager part 2, your mom ltr was not shocked when you said you fell up the stairs like ‘oh okay. the weathers nice today’
lmao what
and youre also the type to not even know you got hurt like youd just be scratching your arm and youd find a bruise 
‘how did that get there?’
so it was common to find you with band-aids on you and bruises all over
like you entered the gym for practice and you were just doing your normal manager tingz when our meme bois saw you and zoomed towards you
‘y/n-chan!!! we missed you!!!!
makki screeched which scared you so you dropped the crate of bottles onto your feet
you mumbled, the pain settling in at an overwhelmingly quick pace so there were tiny tears in your eyes
the duo gasped and quickly kicked the crate to the side like they were angry at it for hurting you
uwu omg thats so cute
or the one time you were wiping the sweat from kyo’s forehead
he had a small soft smile that could only be seen by you as you got rid of the sweat 
but that smile turned into a frown when he got a glimpse at the discoloration on certain parts of your arms
he whispered
you blinked up and he gently grabbed your arm, fingertips ghosting over the bruises
‘how could you do this to your beautiful skin’
he mumbles and you shrugged
‘hmm,,, i didnt even know they were there’
kyo shook his head with an amused chuckle and iwa, who was drinking water at the side, noticed you two
then he noticed more at your other arm and baby boi hurriedly ran over to you
next thing you know, you got best bois fussing over you always hurting yourself and kyo gently headbutts you to tell you off while iwa flicks your nose
‘honestly, we cant trust you by yourself’
you just giggled at them which caused them to stumble and fluster
its quite normal for you to look like you just fell down the stairs and be so surprised whenever the boys point it out
like youd have this confused pout  and tilt your head ‘hm? hello. how did you get here’
its kinda cute
and ofc you would naturally have your ointments for bruises or a first aid kit at all times bc you never really know when it happens and you need to treat it quickly
the boys always count on you for medical tape when their fingers bleed or whenever watari gets bruises all over his legs bc of too many flying dives
the bench was a common place for you to treat the others and our libero babie was sitting there at one practice
you were kneeled on the floor and gently applying ointment on the growing colors on his skin 
‘hmm,,, wata-san, be careful next time, okay? your skin is really soft and pretty. its a shame to ruin it’
he wanted to scoff at the irony and the hypocritical comment but your worried and concerned eyes made him softly smile and nod
‘mhm. i will’
even though it was uneeded on reddened places, you would dig in your bag and fish out a gudetama bandaid on it
it was like a doctor’s signature for you and it makes the boys ltr fall in love with you all over again
ororororor that one time where kindaichi accidentally got a papercut during your study sessions and he was tearing up slightly at the pain
you grinned at him to show that it was going to be okay and he let you sit on his lap so you could treat it
he still had a pout and you were giving him forehead kisses to calm him down
‘see? its going to be okay. nurse y/n-chan is the best out there and she’ll take care of you!’
he laughed slightly and you victoriously smiled
once it was all wrapped up, you placed a kiss on it
‘ya gotta kiss it to make it better’
not saying im doing a kindaichi route or anything but he may or may not tackled you with kisses with that comment
but sometimes, they would have to be the one to put that bandaid on you
like one day, you were walking down the stairs to go to the changing rooms for practice and humming softly when you caught sight of the tall volleyball player mattsun at the bottom of the stairs
he was just passing by and you noticed him, waving your hand and shouting his name
you greeted and he turned and he smiled brightly at you
you excitedly increased your pace going down the stairs, not noticing that you stepped on the edge of the step and caused your foot to slip
unfortunately, mattsun was too far away for him to catch you so you tripped and scraped your knee
he flashnyoomed over to you and kneeled in front of you to examine it
ofc it hurt like hell but you put up a brave front
‘its okay, mattsun-san’
his adorable eyebrows scrunched in concern and he quickly shook his head and gently picked you up to sit 2 steps up
you watched silently as he grabbed ahold of the familiar blue first aid kit from your bag and he opened it to take out alcohol and other treatment things
his fingers worked to open the bottle and pour a little bit of alcohol before he gently reached out to grab your leg
but before that, our babie mattsun is a gentleman and looked up for a permission to help you
‘its okay, mattsun-san’
you giggled and you booped his nose
he was slowly cleaning the wound and you could still tell he was worried with how his brows were still furrowed
you called out and he looked up
you smiled cutely and looked down, flustered, then met his eyes again
‘i fell for you’
mattsun.exe stopped working
like deadass he blanked for a second then his brain processed what you said and when he did, he dropped the cotton ball and his face blew up red
this babie grimaced, eyes shutting tightly and head leaning on your thigh
you giggled at him and ran your hands through his hair
‘i swear, y/n, i swear’
he kept mumbling and his heartbeat quickened to the point he felt faint and he felt light-headed
you were just too cute
too damn cute for his heart
too damn cute for this world
just too cute
and thats not good
mattsun quickly regained his senses and hurriedly placed the ointment and the bandaid on to finish the job
you reached out with your hands for a hug and mattsun gladly leaned in and you clung to him like a koala which made him hold you tightly against his chest
‘hmm~~~~ thank you, mattsun-san’
you appreciated and gave him a kiss on his cheek in gratitude which made him hide his face in your neck
‘im going to get a heart attack, y/n. take responsibility’
he mumbled, nipping your neck 
you chuckled and played with the hair on his neck
‘hm~ okay~ i take responsibility~’
that was only one of the accidents the seijoh boys went through with you and i swear those boys have superior intelligence in medical care just because you get hurt so much
until that one faithful day
you werent there
you werent at school or at practice
ofc you texted the coaches and the team that you werent going to be at school for a while and they spammed you asking what happened or if you were okay
but you didnt want to worry them so you just said that you were okay and it was just something that happened
then you finally appeared
dear god 
kunimi saw you enter the classroom and he almost shot up to saturn when he saw your cast
he shouted and kindaichi heard it from his classroom beside yours and he also usain bolted towards your classroom to your desk
the boi texted the team you were here and they all raced to your classroom 
oikawa screeched at the sight of your arm and everyone was firing questions at you but you couldnt focus on one so you just sat there sheepishly smiling
thank god your professor entered the shooed them out with a large textbook but your teacher smiled at you
‘l/n, good to have you back’
at lunch, dear god there was a riot
kunimi strong man kunimi hoisted you in his arms and walked over to the hidden team stairwell where everyone was waiting
they all had narrowed eyes and crossed arms, with iwakyo tapping their foot
you did the 🥺👉👈 and their eyes softened at that sight alone
‘you see,,,, i had a,,, concert,,, in the shower,,, and slipped’
they blinked, confusion swirling over everyone’s head
‘excuse me? you said you slipped in the bath?’
‘for a concert?’
‘you sing?’
the team facepalmed at the reason you came in with a broken arm and you pouted at them
‘sorry, captain, everyone. i didnt mean to’
you mumbled but the others couldnt blame you so they pulled you to a group hug
‘i swear, y/n-chan, you will get yourself killed one day’
you apologized again but oikawa flicked your nose
‘no dont apologize. we’ll just have to be there for you constantly to look out for you’
and he stuck to that word
like oikawa came over to your house early in the morning to pick you up from school and your dad thought it was just him bothering again
so he sighed, placed his newspaper down, took a sip of tea, then stood up to go to the closet for his broom
this mans took a deep breath before opening his door and shouting and waving his broom around maniacally
that woke up everyone in the house and you bolted down the stairs, terrified yet chuckling at the sight
then something happened for everyone in the neighborhood-or Japan- to wake up
yanno the drill ladies and gents
oikawa screamed
a/n: sorry i disappeared for a HOT SEC but im back!! and we finally going back to the groove!!! and uwu thanks for sticking by and waiting for another update and the next one might be my first not-seijoh work in a LONG WHILE so look forward to that!!! 
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1tsnoya · 4 years
NOYA-SENPAI - it me- your internet thirsty hours bestie 💜 Can we get headcanons on the following babies introducing their s/o to the team for the first time? -> NOYA (obvs), BOIkawa, KEN-fucking-MA, kita PLEASE MARRY ME shinsuke and the sweet sweet SWEET bokuto? PLEASE AND THANK YOU I LOVE YOU 💜💜💜
a/n: hi eden ILY<3 this is to apologize for showing you bald kuroo-
✧・゚getting introduced as their s/o ✧・゚ headcanons
pairings: nishinoya x reader, oikawa x reader, kenma x reader, kita x reader, bokuto x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ as soon as you two started dating, he wanted to tell the vbc
→ and he did hhshsjs
→ he was always talking about you at practice, the team knew so much about you
→ noya: “guys guess what!”
→ tsukishima: “let me guess, it has to do with (y/n)?”
→ noya: “no...well actually-”
→ so one day hinata was just like “let’s meet them!”
→ noya was SO up for it, he called you right after practice to make sure that it was okay
→ you couldn’t say no, you could just hear the excitement in his voice
→ so the next day at the end of school, he bolted to meet you after your last class
→ “hi baby!” he grabbed your hand “let’s go!”
→ next thing you know, your fingers are braided together and you’re running down the hallway to go to the gym-
→ you are so out of breath by the time you get there but he’s still bursting with excitement
→ he swung the gym doors open and just shouted - “everyone!! this is (y/n) !!”
→ he was like a 5 year old showing off a toy at show and tell-
→ since he talked about you so much, the team just instantly clicked with you
→ ugh they’re just so welcoming and friendly
→ since you connected with them so quickly, they added you to the vbc groupchat and invited you to come to their next practice
→ the team just adores you probably more than they like noya HAHA
→ tanaka is 100% your and noya’s wingman
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→ okay before you, this boy would just fly through relationships
→ we know this for sure bc his nephew made fun of him 😔 heart been broke so many times-
→ anyways, so when you started dating he wanted to keep it on the downlow
→ he didn’t wanna jinx it! he just wants to see your relationship grow and last for a long time
→ even though deep down he wanted everyone to know that you were dating
→ yeah even though it was supposed to be lowkey, he put a picture of you as his lockscreen
→ being in a relationship with flattykawa, i feel like he’d definitely screenshot any snaps you send him or just in general has a lot of pictures of you on his phone
→ secret relationship my ASS- what was he expecting???
→ his mindset was “who’s gonna go through the captain’s phone?? nobody caus-”
→ it wasn’t intentional, he just wanted to check the time but then saw a new face on oikawa’s phone..
→ so he took the phone, walked up to oikawa, and just SHOWED HIM THE LOCKSCREEN
→ then wow no surprise here. the whole team is 👀
→ iwaizumi teases him about this-
→ and then the whole team caught on
→ so an embarrassed oikawa called you and was like “can i introduce you to the team?”
→ he was lowkey peer pressured but we’re not gonna talk about that-
→ ofc you said yes. he was literally the captain of the team how could you not-
→ at first they were all welcoming and friendly. but after a few minutes passed, they were just—sigh rip oikawa
→ he’s was blushing like crazy at his teammates telling all of these embarrassing stories of him and you were just laughing hsksh
→ anywho the team loves u and when you occasionally show up to practice, it’s always an adventure
→ iwa is ur new bestie and kyoutani/mad dog tells you that if oikawa ever does something mean to you, he’ll beat the shit out of him
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→ i feel like kenma wouldn’t purposely hide your relationship, he’s just not the type to be so loud about it yk?
→ one day you texted him when he was at practice, and the nekoma vbc saw your contact name
→ “keNMA?? who’s (y/n) with a RED HEART??”
→ kenma: “my? s/o?”
→ and kuroo freaked out on him for not telling him
→ kenma: “it’s not like i was hiding it?”
→ that whole practice. everyone was just breathing down kenma’s neck
→ “what are they like???” “kenma you sly dog when’d this happen??” “when can we meet them?” “are u gonna get maaaarrrieeeed??”
→ cue annoyed and kind of blushing kenma
→ when he told you about the team finding out, he surprisingly had asked you if you wanted to meet them
→ “they’re really dumb but they’ll love you”
→ so next practice, he met up with you and walked u to the gym
→ and when you got there.. there was just SCREAMING
→ kenma: “guys back off you’re gonna scare them”
→ kuroo is basically like.. a mom. throw all that cool guy shit out of the window
→ he’s like shaking ur hand at 85 mph “kenma has told us so much about you”
→ lev: “but we just found out yester-?”
→ yaku: “just let him have his moment”
→ you become the team mom! how could u not? these boys love you too much
→ “kenma why didn’t you tell us about them earlier??!!”
→ the team is super hype whenever you show up, and when you don’t they’re all pouty — “kenma where’s (y/n) ?🥺”
→ bonus: you, kenma, lev, kuroo, and yaku all play minecraft together. boom ultimate friend group.
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→ i feel like kita would hide your relationship for a few months
→ he’s a bit on the more reserved side? i’m not sure how to explain it but he would want to wait to make sure your relationship is going well enough to introduce you to his friends, family, etc.
→ and since he’s the captain of the volleyball team, he definitely wanted to let some time pass before introducing you
→ this boy literally cried when he realized that he was captain. he loves them but on the downlow hhdjsh
→ a few months in, kita was at practice and atsumu was just...
→ “kita?? come on now, you’re still single?”
→ “oh kitaaaa i know you hear me!”
→ kita: “hop off my dick pls❤️”
→ “nO listen i can help you out her-”
→ he thought about it for a quick second and thought that your relationship was in a good place so just flat out said “i’m seeing someone already”
→ atsumu: surprised pikachu face “wait fr FR??”
→ he was just in shock tbh LOL
→ kita’s confidence 📈📈
→ then the whole team kinda just gathered around
→ kita: “yeah. i’ve been seeing them for a few months”
→ ofc the team was happy for him. maybe a few teases here and there but yuh<3
→ atsumu was still >:O what
→ a few days passed and he had asked you if you wanted to meet the team
→ you agreed and were super pumped. he loved his team like i said earlier though, on the DOWNLOW
→ when you met them, they were very polite and respectful
→ it felt a little weird tbh SHSJJS
→ but nope here comes atsumu “have you two really been dating for so long?”
→ kita: “yes..??”
→ “oh. well, hi i’m atsumu! :) how is kita? like you know-?”
→ he teases you two about dating but is rooting for it
→ the first time meeting everyone was a little awkward but then everyone warmed up to you
→ like they became used to you coming to practice and would occasionally ask kita “how’s (y/n)?”
→ basically, you help kita with his captain duties and the team really appreciates you <3
Tumblr media
→ being captain, the team is like his family
→ so it’s barely a few days into your relationship and he’s like “you should come to one of our practices!!”
→ and he’s bouncing up and down as he mentions it
→ “i’ll show you all of my cool moves-OH you can see how we do this thing ca-”
→ yeahhh you couldn’t say no
→ the team didn’t even know he was dating someone, he wanted to surprise everyone
→ so when you randomly showed up to practice with your bf, they were just “??? bokuto who is this ???”
→ there were stars in his eyes and he had this huge smile, “MY S/O! :DD”
→ the team is very welcoming. they’re just caught off guard because they’re lowkey thinking “how did bokuto manage to hop into a relationship he’s basically a baby-”
→ they’re a little quiet at first but then warm up to you. then it’s just wild
→ well bokuto gets wild..
→ bokuto: “HEY HEY- (Y/N) DID YOU SEE THAT?”
→ he 100% goes tryhard for you
→ the team notices this.. THEY TEASE HIM
→ they wouldn’t stop so he went into emo mode for a few minutes
→ you: “is he?? okay??”
→ akaashi: “oh yeah, he gets like this. bokuto weakness #7-”
→ akaashi lowkey becomes your wingman even though he denies it
→ he teaches you whatever ‘weaknesses’ bokuto has that you might need to know
→ bokuto also talks to akaashi about you a lot after you meet so you become besties at practices
→ if he starts acting like a baby while playing a match, you know how to calm him down or cheer him up
→ and then he plays 10x better
→ but yeah the team really likes you because you know how to control bokuto hsjsjhs
→ when bokuto adds you to the vbc groupchat, that’s when you become good friends with the team
→ like it’ll occasionally blow up at midnight when you send a tiktok lol
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venusiangguk · 3 years
dont know if everyone will still want to know on budgeting lol
I don't want to sound like a bitch yk
I think the most important thing for me was learning to give yourself the freedom to enjoy things like little by little
I used to do this thing where I was uptight for a super long time and then I wpukd splurge huge amounts and for nothing.
I'm not religious either but I truly believe that setting out a little each month/week for charity is great bc it's always comes back in a form that's greater you know.
Pay rise, new job opportunities, idk good things.
Ik it sounds cringe and gross but I think it's worth it !
Okay so I always but in 40%-45% like in the bag already savings I mean (this can obvs be adjusted to fit your own needs but if say keeping over 30% is key!)
And work around everything else in the steps below !!!
If I was brave enough I would send pictures of my last year budgeting plan and how I managed to save !! But I'm not 😭😭😭
the first step for me would be to list your monthly income !
Monthly is way easier to work with and easier to adjust in the long run !
Second would be list out things that have to be paid always. So fixed expenses.
I.e rent, MOT, bills, food ( for this I would highly recommend just having a monthly shopping of like say £20-25 - seems un do able but isnt !!! Frozen veggies are your best friend:)) gym membership, spotify, prime all of that.
Third which is super important for me at least would be to set out a like reward bonus for yourself.
( in cash preferably- like so once it's gone it's gone you know- like monthly rewards for yourself - sometimes you use it and sometimes you dont!! )
Fourth - ALWAYS SET AN EXTRA LIL FUND FOR THE UNEXPECTED THINGS!!! ( car crashes, dentist, medicine if your toaster breaks if your fridge breaks !! all of that lovely stuffs 😃)
So when you look at all that infront you- really just scrutinise it.
Like -
How much of that do you really need to spend?
Is there anything you can cut out on ?
This is super important at least to me bc then I see that yh shit - that is crazy I'm spending useless money )
I think that also keeping student loans separate is SUUUUPER SUUUUPER bc it just. Idk if anyone else is like this but seeing how much they expected from me to be able to learn always depressed me so I made a separate folder for that- made it pretty so it didnt look sooo bad lmao ) but I think the biggest part was getting to grips that I had all that to pay back!!!
Then like random things :
Concerts, events, holidays.
Like make sure you have them planned in advance and make separate funds for all of them.
To cater to what they need! Like for a concert- hotel and food money and merch buying and army bomb and a NEW OUTFITTTT lmao)
And yh - I think setting up a teeny amount for charity or to help ppl is always great aswell bc well idk you feel good and it does always come to find you- doesnt have to be a large amount. Maybe even a food box every month or smn cute and sweet like that !!
This is how I did it : ( kind of irrelevant and just abt silly me lmao but maybe itll help(?))
So i used to work night shifts at this horrible packing place ( it was freezing too but the pay was so good! It was £15-18 an hr ( sometimes even more )and I used to work from 11pm-4am 7 days a week like I didnt take a day off until I quit and i did it for 2 years ! That was like 50k but I had a lot of things to pay off and my parents wanted nearly all of it back off of me 😃)
This is also the NOT the job I wanted yk? Like I used to work with a bunch of stinky ass men and it sucked but I had to do it bc well my parents kicked me out bc I was non religious looool.
I was never enough and I just got kicked out yk? ( oh no not my sob story but just to put it into perspective sort of like I was fucking depressed my money was going like wildfire )
So I had to kind of take everything/every opportunity. They expected a lot back from me too in that way like alot of my learning was going to them :/)
From 5-7
I worked at a bakery ! Cooking and baking and having fun! That was the best job I had the pay wasnt all that but it was something and I needed everything I could get ! It wasnt everyday either but so and so.
I also am bilingual so that way I was able to get a job as a teacher in a daytime school teaching which I did voluntarily! For the first year !
( I had this routine for 2 years!!)
So like I was getting an okay amount from these jobs but god heavens I was spending so unnecessary.
Like a high price for a shit apartment where I would have to pay for things to get fixed to and that was really expensive.
My parents also took alot first year earnings and that's when I was like well shit I have nothing I really need to like get my shit together yk?
There was student loan (- I dont want to like envoke sympathy bc of all this I just wanna like say that my money was kind of slipping away yk I feel like I'm being annoying 😭😭😭 ) - and just a whole lot of wasting on food ( my biggest expenditure- at the time I was struggling with binge eating and bulimia so 🙃🙃 yh )
Dumb shit off amazon, and like just crap you know
Also car petrol and mot and car stuff. and bus and train fares just money can go so easily.
It was just super super tiring to have juggle all these balls at once but when I got the hang of it like doing all those steps I felt more free and more aware of myself and I was able to enjoy while still getting yk the most out of what I do.
I work as a translater/teacher now so the pay is good and like using these steps is how I got the most out of myself
Uh idk If this even makes sense anymore and I'm sorry if come off as bitch too
I don't mean to or come with a sob story
I just think its important to like realise that no matter what and who in your life demands things from you - you always have to choose to look after yourself first- how you choose too look after yourself is ultimately how you choose to look after others too ! Take good care of yourself - give yourself a clearer mind and you'll be able to see a bigger picture- outside of the one built for you !!
If your struggling with other issues - mental health too it can help bring clarity to that too ! Bc it's some sort of semblance.
Gosh I feel gross what if you have to read all of this 😭😭😭
I hope it helps you ♡♡
Budgeting is really important bc we need to buy houses!!
Need property!!!
Start our own businesses !!
Become our own bosses !
It's just super important to know your expenses you can know yourself better too !
And you can be more mature and more self aware
Gosh I really ate your ear off with this one
for everyone wondering about our bestie w 50k savings: this is her story !!
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flareondotcom · 3 years
oh man oh boy, personally i recommend omega ruby or alpha sapphire if you haven't played a gen 3 game (ruby, sapphire, emerald), theyre probably the most faithful and visually beautiful remakes ive ever played!!! plus it significantly improves on a bunch of new features introduced in X and Y that came right before it, like mega evolution and pokemon-amie (stupid name, but its the mini game where you can feed and pet your lil buddies!!!) plus the post-game is one of the best!!! it also introduces the DexNav, which lets you sneak up on pokemon you can actually see in the overworld, which at the time was a very big deal. The soundtrack? Fire. The intro sequence when you first start a new game? Fire. the map? maybe a lil too much water in the latter part of the game, but it’s FIRE. gen 3 did so much for the franchise with introducing new landscapes, weather, unique environments not seen in any other pokemon game. people CRIED when OR/AS first came out, because it’s like a love letter to the original games while introducing so many cool new features it felt like an entirely new adventure while DRIPPING with nostalgia, they’re so fun!!!
if Hoenn doesn't suit your style, or you want to start with something more original than a remake, another good place to start on 3DS is Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!! those are the gen 7 sequels, theyre Very similar to sun and moon but imo enough improvements to cinematics and story (and pokemon available!!!) are made that it would save you the time of playing sun/moon first while still getting the full taste of the alola region!!! you can customize your player character which fuckin rules, AND without spoiling anything, if you play US/UM youll recognize some things from pkmn Black!!! gen 7 is visually stunning and has some of the best NPCs in the franchise, and is just super fun and rewarding to explore every nook and cranny. it's actually worth it to talk to the NPCs you see around bc sometimes it'll trigger little stories to play out or side quests to do, which is pretty unique for a pokemon game!!! it made the world feel richer, and lived in, very cool. BUT the Alola region is unique compared to other regions because they don't follow the Gym League Circuit model all the other ones do, they do what's called the island challenge!!! S/M and US/UM are structured differently (although not TOO differently) than any other game, so it's refreshing, but if you're looking for a more classic experience maybe start somewhere else first.
X and Y are near and dear to my heart, but it was a big transition from 2D to 3D, so they aren't as "polished" as the games that came after. hate to say it, but although X/Y introduced mega evolution in the first place, OR/AS does it better. They're still really fun though!!! they're the first games in the franchise where you can customize your player character, and the Kalos pokedex has a GOURMET selection of pokemon. gen 6 was the first game to really amp up the variety of pokemon available before the national dex is unlocked, mostly because this was the first time people were seeing their favs in full 3D, so they wanted to include as many as possible. the post-game is very lackluster, but the sheer VARIETY of mons makes replayability pretty high and enjoyable. there are 593 different pokemon available in x and y more than ANY OTHER GAME (besides swsh im pretty sure?) like. holy shit, right? you can build ANY team in that game, endless possibilities. plus im really fond of the characters they introduce, they’re so unique and adorable and dare i say..... found family???
i know you didnt ask about this specifically so feel free to ignore this part, but 3DS pokemon games can be pretty expensive, however they are VERY easy to pirate, and run great on most computers!!! you can even play the older games, gen 5 and below, on a non-apple smart phone with little to no issues!!! im pretty technologically inept and even I could figure it out, so if you want tips on emulation to get that sweet sweet pokemon content for free, i can help with that too <3
MANNNNNN im so excited for you, i wish i could go back and experience them for the first time again, how special!!!
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
here's a prompt ?(or whateverits called): not a request ! also  ، ¿ ¡ ૮₍ 𖦹 ˕ ×` ₎ა ! ?·*·  anon or 🧛🏻‍♀️ anon(emoji form) .  : the sickie hates today so much. they had to go to school bc it was a important practice match they had to be in. but they got a stomach bug yay! good 4 them !! they woke up feeling like shit , they knew they were sick. they wanted to stay in bed . praying to any god that they weren't gonna be sick. they fell asleep again saying just to rest for a few more minutes (well it ended up being 30 minutes ) now they only had 30 minutes to get to school, they knew they actually had to wake up. running out of bed to get there clothes and change as fast as they could (they dont shower in the morning and they were to lazy to brush their teeth) rushing out of bed that fast made them all dizzy . great . now they're stomach hurts. yep they were gonna vomit. they knew they couldn't make it to the bathroom . so they found a place that could store it , they rushed finding something in their room . they searched their desk. feeling the vomit rising up. shutting their mouth bc they dont want their desk getting vomit on it. it was so strong it went in their nose. they couldnt hold it in anymore. throwing up in their desk  wetting all the papers. homeworks . they were gonna get in trouble at school. they had no hw anymore . well they were gonna be late to practice if they cleaned it up.so they ignored it. gagging at the smell of it. they finally finished their daily routine . they skipped breakfast (just like most of the times). they grabbed a mask and went to school . playing games on their phone to distract themselves.  sadly that didnt work . they got all dizzy , they put their phone. feeling too dizzy they nearly tripped . they countied waking to school. remembering they only had 5 minutes left they had to continue walking faster. they started running. while running they were thinking abt how they got sick. :: I prob  got sick from some1 in my class. yeah. they threw up in the classroom and they sat near me. they were probably coughing alot.. ew.. :: they arrived at school. going into the volleyball ball gym changing room. no1 was there . they were probably practicing.  suddenly they felt their stomach growl. it hurts so much. why today they ask. they wrapped their arms around them and it hurts so bad. when it kinda stop they had the courage to change into their volleyball club uniform and go to the gym. while walking there they started coughing.having a coughing fit made every1 look at them . they hated that . they really dont like  being the center of attention.  some1 from their team asked "hey you ok?" they just said yeah. the coach said to run 4 laps around the gym. uh how much they hated running. they only did 1 and a half.(END PT 1) they couldn't handle 4 laps. while some1 was running they saw them hiding (so no1 can see them slacking off) they asked "um?? what's wrong ? ud probably get in trouble if coach finds out.  I'm already on my 3rd lap . ig in  3 mins its over. r u just gonna stay here? and also if u act like this it the match . you'll get in big trouble. they just said "ok". when the coach said ok! they went back in the gym and prepared the net. they started a sneezing fit which caught som1 to give them tissue. they eventually stopped . they're nose is so stuffy they can barely breathe.  they really want 1 more tissue but they don't have any , they ended up using their arm as a tissue. well atleast only 1 person saw. every1 was practicing.  it was gonna end it 10 mins . they're shocked how they went so far. when they setted the ball they suddenly felt they're stomach grumble. they cant just suddenly go to the bathroom.  they had to wait. uh they started feeling nauseous and they silently stared gagging.  then came the wet coughs , they could feel the vomit loudly.  end . pt1
(contin.) they had to fake spike? idk . they didnt have the power to do so. obviously they looked like they were faking it. they're team lost, they honestly didnt care . then some1 hit then on their back saying to,work hard. some vomit came up . they swallowed it . they thought it tasted so bad. they started coughing really loudly.  every1 was looking (they had to rush to the bathroom but since every1 was looking they didn't want to make a scene so they didnt ) they waited till every1 wrnt to they changing room /club room.  finally every1 besides 1 person who was a benched player went to the toilet . oh no. they cant wait that there was vomit coming up they wanted to wait for at least 2 mins , but they couldn't only 36 seconds.  they started to vomit .  in their hands . dripping on the gyms floor. they couldn't make it into a stall so they threw up in the bathroom floor. threw up already half of what they had. they heard the doors unlocking from the bathroom (it was the benched player) they rushed into a stall so he couldn't see them  . they walked out and saw vomit.  they didnt care , they walked out like nothing happened. they were still vomiting , they didn't have enough strength to propt themselves up to puke inside the toilet,  they just ended  up throwing up on the floor . they thought they were done after dry heaving for 2 minutes.  getting up to go to the changing room to change into their uniform.  they didnt tie their tie properly but they dont care. going into their classroom late. like 10 minutes late. they got scolded for wearing their tie wrong and being late.also not bringing hw. yay good for them this class they didnt do anything. so they just fell asleep /WITH THEIR MASK ON!// pt2done
while waiting they double bagged the plastic bags to prevent in from seeping thru. one the bus came. the sickie regretted going on already feeling dizzy once they sat down , they sat at the back where no1 sits (although that would make them more dizzer, but they didnt know that) after 5 minutes of the ride (there was some traffic. normally itd take 10 minutes. but since there is traffic they didnt how long they'd have to wait.) "[caretakers name]...while wet coughing.mm candy." they rushed to give the candy. it soothed their throat for 5 minutes until making them dizzy . lying down on the caretaker,while they play with their hair. they fell asleep. after 20 minutes (still in traffic) they woke up to the bus driving. they woke up and asked for water. they drank the water in small sips. they didnt vomit. the they drank it quickly before spitting it out. then coughing. they nearly threw up. swallowing it . asking while coughing for the 'bag'. they grabbed it and held on it and tried getting it out bc they were very nauseous. they couldn't. until the bus continued moving. they're grip to it was very weak. the bus suddenly moving made their stomach growl. and letting of their bag to hold on their stomach. the care taker asked "what's wrong ???? you let go... r u gonna ..." "no. stop.u will make me.stop.talking abt it"(they hated vomit so much thinking abt it makes them gag) the sickie was shaking. they messed up dropping the bag and it flew away. they caretaker getting their jacket just incase yk they vomit. after the bus stops again. a couple and a 2 ppl (4 alltogether)decided to sit in the back. their stomach hurts so much... they started crying. the bus started moving more . 2 more stops till their stop. they gagged. letting go of their hand on their face. "I'm gonna-" the caretaker getting the jacket and hugging the sickie to cover them . they threw up on the caretaker. the couple moved away in disgust whilst the 2 other ppl stayed. just on their phone. "ppl r looking...." "I want to leave.. " "''dont worry , no1 is looking'' the care taker grabbed their bag looking for a (idk the word but it's like a towel but not , you stick it on some1 face and it cools them down) they place it on the sickie. they sickie just dry heaving at this point. they said "sorry.." it's ok. - ¿ ¡ ૮₍ 𖦹 ˕ ×` ₎ა ! ? / 🧛🏻‍♀️ , which haikyuu character do you think this is? also very bad prompt :). again,not a request.
This sounds a lot like Kunimi to me, but I'm also getting Kita, Ennoshita, and Jin (Soekawa) from this. Maybe Yamaguchi too.
For Kunimi, his primary caretaker is the sweet but helpless Kindaichi. Kindaichi really means well, but he's terrible at taking care of sick people, so he just makes everything worse for Kunimi in the end. The rest of Seijoh ends up helping eventually, but it's just Kindaichi for a while, and he does not handle that well. Kunimi basically takes care of himself while Kindaichi stands in a corner muttering apologies. After this incident, Kindaichi resolves to be a better caretaker and starts doing research and taking first aid classes later on.
Kita's primary caretaker is Aran. He's much more competent than Kindaichi and takes good care of Kita for as long as the captain needs it. There isn't much to say after the incident because Aran handles everything so well.
Ennoshita is stuck with the other benched 2nd years (Kinoshita and Narita). They're okay caregivers but nothing special. Ennoshita is the most nurturing of their trio, and with him out of commission, Kinoshita and Narita do their best to help their friend. Ennoshita still has to do some things for himself, but Kinoshita and Narita can at least know the basics of taking care of someone, so Ennoshita still has it better than Kunimi.
Jin gets two caretakers too because why not. His caretakers are Reon and Semi. Both are very experienced with taking care of others and are the unofficial team parents, so Jin has it very good. He recovers pretty quickly thanks to the excellent care he receives from Semi and Reon.
Yamaguchi's primary caretaker is obviously Tsukishima. Daichi and Suga try to help too, but Yamaguchi gets panicked by anyone who isn't Tsuki, so Tsuki has to deal with basically everything. Tsuki also ends up calling Akiteru for help because he's just so out of his depth caring for another person. Akiteru, on the other hand, took care of Tsuki for years and is a wonderful caregiver. Yamaguchi recovers well with the comforting presence of his best friend and the lovely caretaking of Akiteru.
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lazyfox411 · 3 years
🔑 📝 ☠️👾 👻 — also sending well wishes!
Saw this is in my inbox and then promptly forgot to answer I have the cognitive ability of a potato istg
Key to my heart: food. Definitely food.😂
Fav quote: I'm boring and my head is too full of random shit to think of and pick one, I apologize ajsjsjsjsjdjs
Something that angers you: OMG ok this is really specific and probably not the intended way to answer this question but too late here I go lol this is gonna be a STORY: years ago I was in like 10th grade highschool or something and we had to do the pacer test in gym class. The class consisted of like twenty something Dude Bros tm and 3 girls including me lol so anyway we're running back and forth doing this test and everybody had stopped except me and this one other dude and we were running and all the Dude Bros tm were cheering on the dude, unspoken "dont let the girl beat you, bro" and I could tell this dude was like exhausted and wanted to quit and the only reason he wasnt was because he didnt want to "lose" to me lol so we're running and hes sweating buckets and sounding like a horse and I thought to myself, I already have passed this test. I dont have to keep going. And so me being lazy, i stopped and let buddy win and all the dudes cheered for him and went back to ignoring us ladies as per usual. But. But. I COULD have kept going. Like. Physically I had it in me, this dude obviously did not lol bc he collapsed in a miserable puddle as soon as i stopped running and he had "won". And to this day idk what made me stop running if it was my being lazy or if I pitied him and didnt want him to be ridiculed by the dude bros, but either way I lowkey regret it and have been angry at myself since that day for stopping running😂 (I'm being hella dramatic of course, lol it was many years ago and we were like 15 lol i just like telling stories but yeah I do wonder what it would have felt like to "win" for once lol)
Do you believe in aliens: oh that's hard lol. I guess it depends what your definition of alien is lol. Tbh I dont think about it too much lol but I think it's probably possible, yeah
Do you believe in ghosts: same as the alien thing pretty much lol. I'm not really firmly on either side lol. I haven't had any "ghostly encounters" but I wont say it's impossible, either
ANON I AM ALSO SENDING YOU THE BESTEST OF WISHES, ALL THE VIBES. thank you for sending me an ask and giving me an excuse to rant about my highschool years lol, much appreciated.❤
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parkersvibes · 5 years
finding out peter is spiderman
read part one here
a/n: omg guys. i got so much feedback from you all on part one so i decided to make a part 2. and yeahh i really hope you guys enjoy. if you do lmk and i’ll do a part 3 (:
(i also apologize if the read more doesnt work )))): )
warnings: fluff, a smidge on angst
pt 2. peter parker x stark!reader
• figuring out he was spiderman
• alright you’re a stark
• but no one knows that
• but you’re really intuitive
• so there were little things you started to notice
• after uncle ben died there was some weird shit (if you want a part ab comforting peter ab uncle ben lemme know. he deserves his own part)
• like how he stopped wearing his adorable glasses
•and i guess started almost bulking up????
• he got WAY taller
• and usually you’re used to seeing him shirtless but this one time you walked in on him
• holy mother of god
• freshman peter also got winded walking up the stairs
• must be nice
• but then things got more sus
• all of a sudden he was skipping class more
• leaving early
• cancelling study sessions and skipping movie nights with ned
• and you and ned were clueless
• you and ned started hanging out more
• he was like this little ball of happiness
• you found out his real name is Edward
• ngl pete got a bit jealous
• one night,,, when pete cancelled YET AGAIN
• ned asked you, “hey y/n?”
• “hm”
• “why don’t we ever hang out at your place”
• “i told you ned, my family is just a lot yanno. plus your family and may are really cool”
• “okay but how come you don’t have any social media under your name?”
• “wdym?”
• “like you go by ‘y/n Smith’ but everything that pops up on the internet isn’t YOU”
• “pfff i told you,,, i dont believe in that stuff”
• “y/n, you know you can tell me anything”
• you wanted to be honest. this was one of your best friends. and you’ve been lying to them about your family for over a year now
• “ned i just. it’s complicated”
• “like peter’s family?”
• “nonono, i’m lucky to have both of my parents- well i have a step mom. my real mom wanted nothing to do with me. so she left me on the steps of my dads house. never came back”
• “oh shit bro, i’m sorry”
• “nah don’t worry. my dad is really cool and my step mom... she’s awesome.”
• “what’re their names”
• “well- uh- my step moms name is,,, um. well her real name is Virginia”
• “and my- my dads name is ehm... st, steve???”
• natasha was gonna have your ass
• “y/n,,,”
• “yeah”
• “you’re a horrible liar”
• “dude you left your spiderman fan tumblr open on my laptop that one night,,, and i MAY have done some snooping”
• okay you mightve had a slight obsession with the webslinger. HE WAS COOL. and what better way to keep track of him without alerting your family,,, good ol tumblr
• oh god ned, HOW MUCH SNOOPING”
• “enough to know that you have a weird obsession with that spider guy and that your last name isnt smith”
• so you told him the truth. you were a stark
• and well,,, he reacted with
• “okay cmon,,, don’t lie”
• so you showed him your late night dance parties with Nat when she was feeling goofy
• and your random snaps of steve when he was trying to figure out how to work technology
• videos of you reacting to vines with bucky
(if yall wanna see domestic life with the avengers just lmk)
• which usually results with THE WINTER SOLDIER ALMOST PEEING HIS PANTS. and trying to reenact it with sam or the other avengers
• “heyheyehy y/n guess what?”
• “what bucky?” *is in the middle of doing hw*
• “FRESHOVACADO” *bolts out of the room before you throw something at him*
• only the two of you getting vine and meme references
• (meaning getting in trouble during meetings bc you’ll make eye contact and start laughing)
• OH HIS FAVORITE IS THE “country boiiii, i love you,,, 😛”
• anywaayyy
• ned was SHOOK
• “nowayohmygodyoureanavenger”
• “no ned,,, only when they need me to be”
• *led to him asking 100000 questions*
• “does Mr. America smell like old man”
• “what language does Ms. Widow think in”
• “how many shirts does Mr. Hulk own”
• “so do they wear normal clothes or are they always PREPARED”
• “does your dad have to walk a weird way when hes in his suit”
• “do they ever chafe in their suits”
• “yes ned. we’re stocked up on baby powder”
• which you didnt mind bc it felt nice telling the truth
• “ned no, i don’t want him to think of me differently”
• he understood. but still defended peter and said that hed still treat you the same
• anyway,,, peter started showing up with bruises and stuff which had you v concerned
• “pete what’s up? you’ve been avoiding ned and i and you have skipped out on every movie night since sophomore year started”
• “t’s nothing. dont worry ab it”
• “peter cmon, it’s just me”
• you figured maybe it had to do with ben??? but you gave him his space. you just wanted to be there for him yanno. you didnt want him to shut you out
• “Y/N I SAID ITS NOTHING. FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE???” he snapped (and not in the good way)
• and this was on your way to class so the whole hallway heard
• ouch
• so you left him alone. probably more than he meant. but it hurt
• i mean he was your first friend here, and now he yelled at you to leave you alone
• ned felt awful at first. trying to comfort you and tell you it wasnt your fault
• but then he started acting weird. whenever you brought up peter hed be super antsy about it
• you- “i think he got into another fight or something”
• ned- “pFFT PETER? FIGHTING? no way,,, i got-i gotta go”
• so you figured that whatever peter was hiding, ned knew about,, which also hurt your feelings
• so you closed off
• and wow could the super family tell something was wrong
• wanda- “little stark, i can feel your sadness all the way to my room”
• sam/bucky/rhodes- “okay what’s the deal, we’ve played 5 rounds of fortnite and you havent once rage quit even though you’re doing terrible”
• tony- “kid, what’s wrong? everyone here can tell you’re not feeling great”
• nat- “cmon. ive given you 3 opportunities to kick my ass and you havent once complained about me going easy?”
• thor- “lady y/n what is causing you distress? not once have you smiled, i even wore my hair in pigtails,,, and that seems to always do the trick”
• and you gave the same response every time “‘m just tired” “lots of homework”
• they noticed you werent going out on weekends anymore
• so tony figured that your friend group and you were having some Stuff
• pep gave him an idea of meeting his new prodigy
• now tony knew it’d be kinda sus because peter went to midtown but he figured that if the kid kept his mask on it’d be fine
• “dad i don’t wanna see another one of your weird maid robots”
• “wha- no i want you to meet someone”
• “dad college isn’t for another 2 years. if it’s your friend from MIT-“
• then right before your eyes was the insect boy that youve been admiring through the internet
• needless to say
• your jaw dripped
• “y/n meet spiderling, spiderling meet my daughter y/n stark”
• *seconds pass*
• “i uh- oH- um- sp-spidERman, h-hi. biG fan of you- your work”
• *silence*
• you- “oH dad diD you hear th-that? moM is calling mE”
• tony- “what?? pep wouldve called on the interco-“
• spiderman- “y/n”
• you- “p-peter???”
• tony- *shocked pikachu face* “you know each other???”
• you- “so-something like that yeah”
• peter takes off his mask
• “ohmygodpeterisspiderman”
• “ohmygodyourlastnameisntsmith”
• tony- “im gonna let you guys figure this out” *walks backward slowly*
*insert silence*
• you- “so this is what you were hiding, huh?” with a cold tone
• *yelling at each other for another minute. even though you couldnt hear what the other is saying*
• peter- “you really thought id do that?” (heartbreaking voice)
• you- “i- once i got to know you, i knew you wouldnt but i was scared. i didn’t know how to tell you. for once in my life i had found someone my age who liked ME for ME. not for my name or money or my dad. and i didn’t want to change that. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner”
• peter- “... i get what you mean. after ben died everyone gave me that look. except you and ned.”
• you- “why didn’t you tell me”
• peter- “everyone i love or ever cared about dies. my parents and then my uncle ben. so once i got my abilities i knew that the risk was even higher and i didn’t want to put you in that position. i wanted to keep you safe. but it seems like you know how to handle yourself” (referring to the fact that you grew up with THE EARTHS MIGHTIEST HEROS)
• y/n- “so how come ned found out?”
• peter *scratches back of neck* “well- he- i- May let him in my room and i happen to be crawling on the ceiling in my suit and he dropped the death star” *head hangs in shame*
• you had to giggle at that i mean CMON
• you stepped closer to him
• “pete you’re my best friend. you can tell me anything okay?”
• “no more secrets?”
• “no more secrets”
• and you both pinky promise and your thumbs “kiss” bc IF THEY ITS THE ULTIMATE UNBREAKABLE VOW DONT @ ME
• but you wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment
• wow he is really cozy
• * the avengers are watching from the cameras in awe*
• led to MANY questions at dinner
• and so everything went back to “normal”
• it wasn’t until you went to bed that night that you realized peter said the L word
• so much for no secrets
taglist: @silver-winter-wolf @emmmmszy @everythingaboutnothingsstuff @rexorangecouny @wishiwasanavenger @marjoherbo @nologinisoksothatsit @mindset-jupiter @hpnjrph @soup238
some favs/mutrals: @h-osterfield @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites
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drakeblight · 4 years
Line break/read more
Do not rb
[2/2, 11:32 PM] Cristian Gómez: Ok, so here goes
[2/2, 11:34 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i talked over you and interupted you. I have this very bad tendency to not shut up when im nervous, especially around others.
[2/2, 11:34 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i had to ask you to buy me icecream, i know you said its no big deal but it is to me
[2/2, 11:35 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry if i seemed boring and paranoid, ive just always lived in fear till i moved here and even though its been 2 years, i still find it hard to break habita
[2/2, 11:35 PM] Cristian Gómez: But please, i need you to tell me whats wrong
[2/2, 11:37 PM] Cristian Gómez: Remember how i told you i think of ways to escape and how could a person murder me and all that? I am very scared of the unknown and right now i do not be knowing whats up? Did i bore you, dis you find someone else, did you die? My mind keeps jumping to conclusions i know arent true but without your words i cant really kill them off
[2/2, 11:38 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im trying to be more attentive of you and stop being so self centered (which is an oximoron cuz telling other people that youre not thinking about yourself requires you to think about yourself but wrvr)
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: I watched letterkenny, i kinda spoiled that "surprise" when i texted you her face and the naked gym the frats wanted to make
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: But whatever, i did enjoy it and im thankful you showed me it
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, imma pay you back that icecream 10x
[2/2, 11:41 PM] Cristian Gómez: I finally get payed on wednesday so ill buy the granpa sweater or the windbreaker or the patterned shirts, maybe ill stop by peace nook and get a candle, incense or soap you liked. Whatever it ends up being, ill make sure its shiny
[2/2, 11:41 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, my friend said he could sneak us into his show on thursday, like i said, i really like his drag
[2/2, 11:42 PM] Cristian Gómez: If we sneak in, we may even get a couple drinks if we dont have bracelets
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: And if all you need is space, thats fine! I know i can be a bit much to handle, but please tell me so i dont go off the rails batshit crazy trying to figure out what went wrong
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: I only now realize that typing all this into a private convo is very batshit crazy
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: Remember that thing i just said about not shutting up??
[2/2, 11:44 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know theres a lot more i wanted to say but i forget
[2/2, 11:45 PM] Cristian Gómez: Oh, and i didnt really mean to be mean when i called you a nerd for tucking
[2/2, 11:45 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, when i said you were tall, i just wasn't expecting that, cuz everyone ive ever gone out with ends up being smaller than me
[2/2, 11:46 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i behaved like a 12 yearold, i know its not very attractive to go into a relationship and feel its gonna be a babysitting gig
[2/2, 11:47 PM] Cristian Gómez: Even though im scared, i still challenge myself. Everytime i take a turn at a stoplight my first thought is how someone might run me over
[2/2, 11:48 PM] Cristian Gómez: Everytime its bellow 40, i think of that time i couldnt feel my hands for 2 hours, but i still get on my bike
[2/2, 11:48 PM] Cristian Gómez: And everytime i looked at your messages im reminded of all the sweet nothings people used to say to me to use me
[2/2, 11:49 PM] Cristian Gómez: All the see you laters and the we'll meet someday again
[2/2, 11:50 PM] Cristian Gómez: And even though im deadly terrified of typing something and losing you like ive lost everyone else, i still find the courage to send you something, anything so youd know i really do like you
[2/2, 11:50 PM] Cristian Gómez: I forgot how it felt
[2/2, 11:51 PM] Cristian Gómez: Ive been neeting people ive been interested in for 4 years now and youre the second one ive actually found that i cared about
[2/2, 11:51 PM] Cristian Gómez: Even ones i thought i cared about, i forgot in a week
[2/2, 11:52 PM] Cristian Gómez: And i know i said id stop being self centered and ill ive done is typed and typed, but i genuinely want you to give me a second chance, hopefully ill learn to shut up
[2/2, 11:53 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know youll probs only read this if i ever give you your codename, if i even post these, but this is helping
[2/2, 11:53 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, sorry i called you adam
[2/2, 11:54 PM] Cristian Gómez: Maybe ill send the lot of these your way one day, where it doesnt matter cuz youre so close or so far appart
[2/2, 11:55 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know you dont want a psycho bf that cant be 10 mins away from you, but if youre leaving, could you please say why?
[2/2, 11:56 PM] Cristian Gómez: This is extremely pessimistic and theres that overworking brain again, but did you even care? I wanna say yes cuz you payed for my icecream and didnt just blow me off at the first chance, also you went out with me after a week or so of texts, most people would have just made something up, so i really appreciate you
[2/2, 11:57 PM] Cristian Gómez: UGHHH, i just need an answer at this point i dont mind if its yes or no
[2/2, 11:57 PM] Cristian Gómez: Did your messages get stuck? Did my phone mute you?
[2/3, 12:02 AM] Cristian Gómez: Oh yea, this goes without saying, but i dont wanna seem manipulative, these last couple day (oly shit its only been a day, why did i blow this out of proportion so damn much?!?) Have been very retrospective
[2/3, 12:03 AM] Cristian Gómez: I also dont want the gift to be manipulative, its something ive always believed in, ask my friends, no one should leave empty handed
[2/3, 12:04 AM] Cristian Gómez: And i probs would have only gotten you the candles, but bc you bought ice cream and youre so damn hot, ill bump it up
[2/3, 12:05 AM] Cristian Gómez: Im way overdue on payments and my bike insurance is almost up, but its only good for the other guy, so if i crash its very unlikely ill even need to pay them
[2/3, 7:50 AM] Cristian Gómez: Was it that i didnt try anything romantic? Didnt hold your hand or stayed away when i said goodbye? I dont know how to read limits so i just default to professional until someone tells me to do something
[2/3, 8:37 AM] Cristian Gómez: Was it the blue nails? I swear that was the jeans
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suzi · 5 years
Can we know about some of your disaster dates?
lmao okay story time:
one time this guy from my gym asked me out and he indicated that we are going out for dinner and i thought oh thats nice! then he texts me that i should come over to his place first bc he was rushing home from work and has to shower first or sth. it was cold but i ended up going over to his place since he lives near the restaurant. 
at his place we started talking and it was nice. 
so far so good. 
i was hungry though as i had only eaten breakfast that day. he offers me left over pizza and i was like uhh no thanks man.. we kept on talking and soon i realized that we are probably not going to that restaurant. he then showed me that he has a collection of books on how to understand women.
yeah. you read that correctly.
the worst part was that the books had thousands of sticky notes in them and he even marked different text parts and took notes. he thought he knew so much about women.
he then offered (yes, he literally offered) to make out. i was like ok why not maybe a miracle happens and for some reason ill start to like this guy. kissing him was so weird. we werent compatible at all and the entire time i felt like i was the one who didnt know how to kiss even though i am pretty confident in my skills by now lmao. the funny thing is, the guy thought he was really turning me on.
after some time i left and walked home. it was dark, late and i felt so bad for letting myself experience something like this and for not having higher standards that day. 
after this disaster of a “date” i avoided him and he then ended up telling me that im cold hearted and have a wall built around my heart yada yada yada. a lot of shit went down after this but long story short: we don’t talk anymore, he hates me now and we see each other almost everyday at the gym.
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scatmaan · 6 years
tbh love simon has made me wanna vent but i got no one to rlly talk to so im gonna spam my trauma on tumblr lmao... i feel like i just have so much repressed shit bc i’ve never had anyone to talk to who can relate to what i went through? obviously there are other gay ppl out there who were shit on but i don’t know anyone personally so it’s like i have all this shit built up..  like, i started coming out to very close friends. i think i came out to 3 super close friends of mine in middle school. that’s all i told. but somehow me being gay ended up getting out and so the whole school knew? so... one of my best friends gossiped i suppose and outed me. which sucks to think about. i never wanted to really think too hard about who might’ve done it. bc they were my bffs lmao i didn’t want to hate any of them..  even my best friend.. who im still super close to played a really mean “prank” on me when i came out to her. ofc i did it over email bc it was back in them daaaays.. basically she wrote me back saying how i was a disgrace to my family and that they’d never love me in a very detailed and long letter. funny, right? i didn’t think so at the time and broke down. full on mental break down happening. but then she tells me, “oh i was jk lmao” like... she didn’t just fucking traumatize me. i forgave her ofc... bc i love her and i could never lose her. but idk it stills hurts even today.  and i’ve never actually told any of my friends what i went through after i was outed. just bc idk? never came up. i was always alone when kids would pass by me and whisper that i was going to burn in hell or call me a faggot. the only time one of my friends was with me was when i was full on cornered by these older kids(cliche ik but im not jk) in gym class. she ended up getting so mad on my behalf ...no surprise i crushed hard on her lmao... she was the first girl i ever rlly fell in love with. but she was straight ofc my luck. she did let me take her to the dance tho which was super nice... even if i ended up dancing with my ex.  who was actually my first gf and the source of my current ongoing anxiety about being affectionate in public. we were like a walking freak show. everyone knew about us. theyd surround us after classes trying to get us to kiss so they could take pictures... tbh as im typing all this out it sounds like a bad gay movie. and like... even the other very out lesbian at the time hated my ass. she thought i was a fake for some reason dont ask me fuckin why..  it didn’t even stop in middle school. that shit just followed me into highschool. making it fuckin impossible for me to have a decent relationship. i dated this one girl who was just so confident and self assured... she had such a loving and accepting family.. and she wanted me to be more than i could be. she wanted me to go farther and out myself to my family.. make our relationship way more public than just highschool public. and i couldnt do it. she was too touchy and i felt like everyone had their eyes on us even if they didn’t..  people i didnt fucking know came up to me and told me my friends were cheating on me with other girls.... this part isnt rlly sad its just wild af. i always held my friends hands so obviously that meant i was dating them i suppose?? lmao that shit was just too much. total fuckin strangers telling me my friends were cheating on me... liiiiike who tf are you??  ofc there were the dickheads too who would shove their fingers in my face and ask me to sniff as if theyd actually had gotten any pussy.. tbh highschool was much lighter when it came to bullying. it was a godsend compared to middle school lmao.  tbh the worst part of the movie was the home life. simon being able to come back to a quiet loving home.. and i put en faces on the quiet part.. when i came home i came home to screaming, yelling, cussing, slamming doors to the point they fell off the hinges, punching through doors, threats, and knifes being pulled on each other. my parents called the cops several times on my one brother. it just came from all sides. no one was fucking peaceful in my family. all i ever did was hide in my room with my dog cause even she was too scared to go outside.  that didnt have anything to do with me being gay but.... its another repressed thing so lmao. im pr sure it mixes in with my inability to be able to express my emotions with people. i just bottle everything up and keep quiet bc there was never any room for me to be angry. i always had to be the mediator. even now as an adult when my parents finally have split up i had to play the nice one between the two. i had to keep the peace even as my mom screamed at me and made me cry and refused to apologize for how she treated me... i had to play nice with her bc no one else in my family could act like an adult. this ended up being way longer than intended and tbh i dont expect yall to read this bullshit but it felt nice writing it all out. again i dont have anyone to talk to who can rlly relate to this shit so lmao. even my own gf doesnt seem to rlly get it or want to talk abt it so i just was feeling so pent up and emotional. i had to let it out somewhere. 
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poppunkdee · 5 years
3-5, 28-30, 35-40
whoa okay everyone sorry for the long post someone decided to give me a million in one ask. 
3. okay so this person idk what to even say about them anymore I hardly know who or what they are like now but I guess ill talk about them when I was irrationally in love with them. They had a way to make me feel at home no matter how far from home I was. That person was super smart (to me) they had a charisma that allowed them to creep into your life and later your heart, and had you liking them even if at first you thought they were just another fake person trying super hard to be “cool” they had a way to get under your skin, to make you laugh until you’re crying and hold your attention in a way that you never really thought they might be able to. Honestly this person made me feel so many things and not all of them were good, in fact looking back now I realized that I excused so much shitty behavior towards me because of a fancy dinner, or a cute poem, or a dozen roses. God i was so in love with them and its sad really how now its just a faded memory of a person who never apologized for the hell they put me through. 
4. the thing I regret most so far is not going to the ivy league school I was accepted into bc it meant I would be far from the person mentioned above. 
5. Oh fuck. Honestly I have not had any like “amazing” birthdays. My most memorable birthdays are seared into my memory bc I was either in a funeral home, in a hospital watching my cousin fight cancer, or I myself was in the hospital bc a car almost killed me(yay 24th birthday!) really I have most fun when I celebrate my birthday alone at disneyland, which I do every year although not on my actual birthday bc it seems that on my actual birthday I’m always caught up in some kind of hospital, or receiving bad news. 
28. honestly idk if i have any like crazy out there fetishes, like dirty talk and rough sex is cool but like idk if i really have like one odd thing. I mean one of my exes and I got hella drunk one night and decided to do all the shit we had wanted to do and lemmi tell you that was a full weekend of endless orgasms and take out food. It was amazing. I had rope burn on my thighs and was sore for a week after and he had like a million hickies from his neck to his dick. 
29. okay turn ons so like these depend on the person im seeing, like for one person their voice as they whisper in my ear might end me while for another the way they bite their lip and run their fingers through their hair might have me thinking of how those fingers might feel on me. so really I don’t have like one singular set of turn ons they just vary depending on the person. 
30.OHHH TURN OFFS THO. so these will literally dry me up like the Sahara desert and make me grab my shit and leave kyle’s house. If I say "men are trash” and the guy replies with “well not all men.... “ yeah ya cancelled. okay this one is shallow I know but its there and i really cant get past it, bad dental hygiene. the white ppl who try to have dreadlocks but really they haven’t washed their hair. ANY NON BLACK PERSON SAYING THE N WORD. I can go on really bc I’m super picky with the people I sleep with and i have actually mid thrust have told a guy to stop, got dressed, left and blocked him. 
35. Things i wish I could stop doing, okay so like as yall know my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes and I wish I could stop the nail biting. Also I need to stop expecting my body to go back to how it was before my car accident, like my spine is forever hurt and i really have to learn to accept that there are somethings i just cant do anymore and its not my fault there are limitations on my body so i should stop expecting to be able to go back to the gym like i used to, or do all the adventurous activities i used to do, also I wish I could go back to driving like i used to without the PTSD fear running through me every time a big rig is next to me on the freeway. 
36, okay so as of rn my guilty pleasure is that I read the twilight books bc my roommates got me into it and like holy shit i went through the whole saga in less than a weekend and I now need to rewatch the movies. honestly thank god for this gay twilight renaissance I’m living. But really tumblr is full of my guilty pleasures so like just scroll through my blog bc its all there, half of this shit is not on any of my public social media,.... or wait actually i think it is, i don’t really hide who i am so like it definitely has affected the way people judge me before they really know me but i know the people that are my friends after seeing the shit i post kinda really like me.  
37. Damn okay so this is kinda, ugh, okay so im sure my best friend is tired of me running back to this person but like i like ppl who ruin me i guess. So this person and I started dating after i had gone through like a horrible breakup, AND I got the news that my uterus is like a war zone for new cells(make of that what you will). Anyways here I am five months into a depressive episode i cut off all the people that i had thought were friends but who turned out to abandon me when i needed them the most. so here enters this person with their puppy dog love and gives me wonderful dirty kinky sex along with the hugs, cuddles, after care and takes me to these cool experiences in the city I thought I knew. They support my dreams and help me work towards them, honestly it was a great three months, but this person told me they loved me one night while at a night club and i thought hey youre drunk pls don’t do this and honestly it was mostly cowardliness that drove me to end it bc i didn’t feel the same way and i felt like i didnt deserve this new pure love i was receiving.  Anyways we hooked up a bit after we broke up and then they started dating someone else and we just kinda saw other people but would come back to each other after our different flings ended, until they got into like a real relationship with some one else and like I was cool like they deserve it, could have used a heads up but like i keep my space like the respectful person that i am, although lately this person has told me they are not into the person they are with and has been hitting me up and like the part of me that thinks im in love with them is really pushing for me to go for it but also they ARE STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP AND ITS NOT OKAY THAT THEY ARE SENDING ME MESSAGES LIKE THIS!! so anyways i think im more in love with the feeling they brought me those few months we were together bc i was just so fucking depressed and they helped pull me out of the hole i was in. So not really in love with the person but with the feeling i guess. 
38. songs that remind me of people. oh god, yall can i just make a spotify playlist and link it later bc theres so many. I have a few songs for like everyone that I know that i can make playlists for individual people so like i’ll just link a playlist when get around to it pls remind me later. 
39. OHHHH BOYYY. things i wish i had known earlier. i wish i had known men are trash earlier in life so that i would have been somewhat prepared for the men that caused trauma in my life. I also wish i had known how little time i had with certain people. (people i regret not making more time with) Also wish I had known about the accident that had me in a hospital on my birthday bc a year later im still plagued by nightmares, PTSD, and anxiety on the road. I also wish I had known about my cousin’s accident. GOd if there’s one thing i’ve had to learn the hard way this past year is that we never know when it will be the last time we see our loved ones and that we have GOT to tell them we love them bc we NEVER know when it will be the last time.  
40.okay last one, the end of something in my life. I wanna talk about a good ending bc i feel like yall got some insight on bad shit so like good endings i’d say is when i left socal for norcal. I come back literally anytime im homesick but like it was a huge step for me to take to leave, I was given a full scholarship to the wilderness and an apartment thats a ten min walk to the beach. It was definitely hard leaving all my friends and family behind but it was also kind of refreshing to be able to go out on my own to make my own path and do something i love. im back in socal for the summer and although im so happy to be back in the warmth of LA im definitely looking forward to my small apartment that constantly smells like a mix of sea breeze and damp forest. 
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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ok so while most, if not all, the students at hexlore were raised supernatural, em wasn't 
emerson was actually born human and had a perfectly normal childhood up until around the age of 15 
for reasons she doesn't readily talk about, she was hexed by a very powerful witch with the lycanthropy curse 
her parents and siblings obviously didnt believe her, so when she transformed one night unexpectedly, they ended up thinking she was a wild wolf who had gotten into the house and killed her. they attacked her and she was left within an inch of her life before she could escape
she would have died that night if it weren't for pure luck that a travelling pack was passing through the wooded area where she had ended up collapsing. they stayed there with her for the night and healed her up, taking her in and initiating her into their pack. with nothing left to lose and a spirit as broken as hers, she accepted it and left with them. 
not only did she join a big pack, she joined a freaking strong one, and as the newest recruit she was the runt of the group. she felt more like a burden than an actual pack member, so she began to train in order to earn her place 
though they were a wandering pack, they'd stop in cities long enough for her and the other minors in the pack to be able to finish a solid school year, and in each new city, em would become a permanent fixture at their local gym. every day, she was there, working on getting stronger and more powerful and being able to prove herself. too swole to control bro
 all the bullshit she had gone through ignited something within her, something equal parts destructive and encouraging. her pain transformed itself into pure, unfiltered rage, which has become the staple of emerson's personality 
first off— she is (thankfully) the OPPOSITE of mack's dumb ass lmaooo
she’s really reserved and not very outgoing (just a lil shy..... wow how cute). she’s this tol cute bean with this long curly hair and these big blue eyes so she’s not exactly unapproachable but she’s also buff as FUQ and has this mysterious, enigmatic energy to her and tbh that makes her lowkey scary to approach
esp also considering that she’s almost ALWAYS got a black eye or bloodied knuckles or bruises scattering her body, she kinda looks terrifying and like she might try to snap ur arm in half
she’s honestly a super sweet soft soul, she genuinely is just bubbling with kindness and good intentions but she tries to keep her distance from the world bc oh dear 
emerson has a fucking TEMPER
and it’s not the “i’ll snap and be petty” it’s a “i won’t react until you keep pushing my buttons and then i’ll fucking snap and smash a table in half, punch a hole in the wall, and say a LOT of things i’ll regret”
she recognizes how dangerous and harmful this pent up aggression and rage is so she genuinely tries to keep it under check by withdrawing from a lot of over-stimulating situations and environments
she’s that bitch™ who’s always like “i...... i should go....” 
you would expect her to be this angry cynical bitch but honestly?? she keeps the anger beneath the surface tbh she’s really sweet and gentle. she’s also like.... a hopeless romantic and believes in being kind to the world and she’s SUCH A GOOD ARTIST but her main passion is honestly fighting so that’s why she hasn’t dropped it entirely despite how dangerous it is
she’s really scared that one of these days, her feelings are just gonna shut down and she’ll lose her humanity and get consumed my her own darkness and just become this awful angry monster of a person, which is why she tries SO DAMN HARD to be kind and gentle and good
(lowkey she’s gonna turn it off eventually for a hot minute bc i def want to play dark!emerson at some point HKJFHKHF)
also.... she’s loyal to a fucking FAULT nd would prob take a bullet for her loved ones. its altruism at its finest with this one. she’s also pretty softspoken but definitely stands up for what’s right, she won’t hesitate to literally snap ur fucking femur if you’re fucking with someone you shouldn’t be
on that note— she’s STRONG. like almost excessively strong, partially bc of her training 24/7, also partially bc her anger fuels her additional strength. but like.... she has the potential to honestly be an alpha if she really pushed herself
if i had to compare her to some characters from modern media..... stefan salvatore, the iron giant, scott mccall??
tldr: basically a big dreamy beefcake with anger issues who could probably snap u in half if u fuck with her loved ones. also has a sad past but is tryna turn her shit around without hurting anyone in the process which makes her reserved n secretive oh nooo
crushes: one sided, mutual, lowkey, highkey infatuation, pls just give em the ability to be cute and sweet but also sometimes a bumbling fool
i want a plot where em admires someone from afar and is just like.... soft n always leaves them flowers or draws them in her little sketchbook
besties: emerson literally goes along w everything thus making her a valuable member to any and all squads. she’s also versatile, she can go from being that art nerd friend to that jock/fighter friend to that mom friend to that innocent friend to that leader friend. literally give my puppy of a person some buds pls
fighting plots: people who help her train, people who want her to stop, a love interest who bandages her up every time after a bad fight, anything pls
guardian: someone em looks out for fiercely and protectively or someone who looks out for her too n checks up on her when she has her bad moments
exes: she’s demisexual & demiromantic so she only starts to fall for people that she’s gotten to know or at least knows about. i really want an ex (or a few??) that were super cute and sweet when they dated but then em just kinda ended things out of nowhere? maybe she ghosted them, broke up over text, literally so out of nowhere and ur muse doesnt know why??? but it’s actually because em was too scared she’d end up hurting them so she ended things as a preemptive move to protect everyone
coworkers/customers: she works on campus somewhere bc she needs that cash money (im thinkin library) so i’d love a few plots of either people who work with her or people she sees constantly bc theyre always coming in??
“but nicki,” u may be asking, “where’s the fwb plots??” 
considering that mack is a heathen who prob has enough sex for the both of them i wanted to make emerson way more inexperienced since this bitch doesn’t like to get too attached to ppl
which means new potential wanted connection: her first time
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avasilvugh · 7 years
TELL ME! I always love your thoughts!
so the all the kids love their moms a Whole Heck of a Lot right and obviously kara and lena love their kiddos more than words can describe and its not that there’s any favoritism??  at all, like none, its just that stella is sort of naturally closer to lena??  in the same way that finn and maia are sort of naturally closer to kara, like there’s a certain sort of distance created when you’re a kid and you physically can’t Be a certain way around one of your parents
so there’s not distance per se but just....things that kara can do with finn and maia that she cant do with stella and things that lena can do with stella that she cant do with finn and maia 
and its not a Thing but then it sort of becomes a Thing ??  not so much for finn and maia bc lena and kara have gotten creative in making sure that lena’s always been able to be as involved in their lives as kara 
but heres the deal: maia and finn have kara’s powers and kara trains them.  that’s cool, thats fine, stella gets why she does; kara takes them to the deo with her a lot and they punch cars together (especially maia, she’s got a Lot of Rage to work through) and they go flying and kara helps them practice control over their powers and stella can’t help but feel a little left out??  bc for the most part, because her siblings are in control of their powers, they have the option to do everything she can with lena but stella doesnt have the same option with kara
and she hides it rlly well!  she does!  bc its not kara’s fault and its not finn and maia’s fault, its just how they are, and stella decides it has to be her fault which in turn feeds into the dark thoughts she already has bc, you know, empath that acts as an emotional sponge for the world
kara and lena both notice little stella withdrawing, kara notices its more around her than lena and is like..heartbroken.  just fucking devastated bc holy shit what did she do how did this happen she fucked up she fucked up and lena tries to comfort her but she’s p worried too like fuck whats going on 
and it doesnt help that stella can literally feel everything that they feel???  so she just shoves her feelings down even more and bounces back and then it boils over and this one in her class says her brother said that her brother is a word that makes stella shake with anger and she just hauls off and punches the girl
lena’s usually the parent the school calls first but she’s in opal city for a conference so lena calls kara, then the school calls kara and she’s in the middle of an interview and she let lena go to voicemail bc if its urgent she’ll call back but then she’s like “crap, it’s my daughter’s school” and her subject (idk wonder woman or smth) is like “omg no don’t worry, family first” and is super understanding when kara bolts
and like.......she would have expected this from maia, maybe (maia, who still takes the supplement that suppresses her powers bc she doesnt trust herself not to, maia, who gets so numb she just sometimes hits stuff just to feel something) but not stella??  not tiny little stella that used to sob when she accidentally pulled lena’s hair as a toddler or completely forgot kara had superstrength and would apply bandaid after bandaid when she bumped her elbow on the table
so she gets to the school and stella’s just Not Talking, in full shut down like she gets when she gets fried from the world (its sort of sensory overload??  thats the best way to describe it) and she shies away when kara reaches for her, tries to tip her face up to get a better look at the black eye she’s got forming
pls note that stella’s maybe eleven and still Small and she looks even tinier to kara now, looks more like the baby she pulled out of an abandoned car on the pier, and kara’s heart twists and twists at the way stella wont look at her
so she lays her phone on the chair next to stella and marches into the principals office and, while she agrees that stella shouldnt have resorted to violence, she also fully trusts and believes that her daughter wouldnt do anything without reason and she just verbally eviscerates the other mom, who tries to make it out like her daughter hasnt been harassing stella for years or anything (bc kara fucking commits every name to memory, every person that has ever hurt her kids, remembers their names what they said or did and she seethes bc she cant ??  fix all their problems for them???)
and when she marches back out, stella’s playing candy crush and has managed to escape with only suspension for the rest of the day and she still wont look at kara but she grabs onto kara’s hand with surprising force and kara’s like Okay, everything is going to be Okay
eventually stella says it, not to kara, but to alex bc she cant face her mom, either of her moms, with this, not when she’ll feel everything kara feels and she cant handle how it’ll hurt her to know that stella feels so angry and so useless, feels like she cant keep up with kara so she doesnt feel like she should even try, like she doesnt deserve to be kara zor-el’s daughter 
so alex asks if she cant tell this to kara and stella sort of sobs out a please and alex is a lot better at compartmentalizing, which is a skill stella appreciates bc it means all she can feel is alex’s love for her, kindness, warmth, not the way alex’s heart is breaking for her youngest niece
so alex tells kara and kara is fucking devastated like holy shit how did she not see this and alex and lena both are like hey its okay, she buries her feelings, thats part of her powers and lena’s like i didnt see it either but none of it helps bc kara’s like i failed her, i failed my kid
stella usually carpools w/ her best friend home or to lena’s office after school but kara all but demands an afternoon off, storming into snapper’s office and throwing him for like.....several loops with the way she basically tells him she’s taking this thursday and every thursday hereafter off.  and she calls ari’s mom to tell her that she’s picking up stella and she’s the first car at pick up and she picked up stella’s favorite drink from starbucks on her way over and her heart sort of twists a little at the obvious surprise on stella’s face to see her but she works extra hard to box that up and it must be working because stella’s stormy expression has already cleared a bit by the time she makes it to the car
when they pull up to the deo, stella figures that it must be time for her like biannual brain scans, to see how she’s matching up with other telepathic aliens bc they still dont know that much abt her species, but then kara’s guiding her down a different hallway, still just chatting with her abt her day and stuff like that
they walk into one of the Many training rooms and stella’s like ?????  and kara tosses her a gym bag from a locker that stella notices has her name on it and is like i know it’s really hard to not be able to do what your brother and sister can and i am so sorry that i never saw how much you’re struggling.  and i know its not fair that you dont get to punch cars with us, but you can punch this punching bag and talk to me and stella’s sort of overwhelmed??  but in a good way for once
so thats how they start spending thursday afternoons.  kara has alex teach stella proper form after that first day and then they figure out a routine—kara greets stella with a snack afterschool and they head to the deo and dont talk about the heavy stuff until after stella’s changed, after kara’s wrapped stella’s hands, until stella’s gotten a few good punches in, kara steadying the bag.  then it all starts coming out, all the terrible thoughts stella has, all the horrible things she feels that arent even her feelings to begin with, all these awful orphaned emotions that she takes on without meaning to
the system works rlly well bc stellas too wrapped up in her own head, in her words and in making sure she’s in the proper stance, throwing her weight the right way to notice anything kara’s thinking or feeling which is good bc she’s a kid and she shouldnt be worried about her mom’s stuff, she should just feel safe enough to let kara carry some of the burden
finn is the Ultimate big brother but he is So Soft oh my god.  like??  he Will Not hurt anyone, he refuses to but the absolute second it looks like someone’s fucking with his sisters he makes it seem like he is absolutely willing to hurt someone.  he’s only hit someone once, and that’s this one guy that was pulling shit with stella he shouldnt have been (stella was visiting finn at college and definitely wasnt supposed to be at the omega phi party but well u kno how dumb teenagers can be) and finn punched him once, with nowhere near his full strength and the asshole cried and finn only felt a little bad
but !  for the most part he’s not the beat ppl up for my sisters kind of brother, he’s the do you wanna talk about it brother, the you’re on your period so i ran over to the corner store and got those stick on heat packs you like and also three pints of ben and jerrys brother, the your date bailed and youre crying in your room and think i cant hear it so i cancelled my plans and now we’re going to have a movie night on the couch, mama ordered chinese food brother
he’s the one that follows maia and cleans up the mess she’s made but only after he’s wrapped her up in the tightest hug he thinks she’ll tolerate and promised not to tell moms anything.  he’s the one that helps her keep a lid on it most days, appearing from a classroom and pulling her into it when it looks like she’s about to rip a locker door off its hinges.  the one that intervenes with teachers on her behalf after she blows up in class, smoothes things over so their moms dont have to get involved or ever know about it
he’s the one that acts as a buffer for stella a lot of the time, especially when they’re very little.  he keeps by her side when she’s very small, still unsteady on her feet and that’s their holding pattern, her stumbling and him right beside her and offering her his hand.  he’s the one that acts as a go between for her when the world overwhelms her and, ranking just below their moms, is one of her favorite people and one of her Certified Safe Places.  the list is a small one (basically consisting of lena, kara, finn, alex, maggie, eliza, and j’onn), it’s v prestigious in his opinion
sweet child of mine, i could wax poetic abt how soft and gentle finn is with his sisters and his mothers and the world in general
MAIA IS SUCH A FIRE STARTER OH MY GOD i love her i love her so much but she is destructive as hell.  like the best way to describe it is this—u know how soft finn is?  he’s kara danvers.  maia?  kara zor-el when angered.  she screams and she rages and she’s a hurricane and she breaks things and burns things but she is so fucking careful with the people she loves and even though she loves flying, she loves not worrying about hurting them more so she keeps her powers suppressed for like.....basically from birth to when she’s about twenty or so and she’s a mess but she’s a mess you call when you’re in a fight in a denny’s parking lot and you know she’ll show up even though it’s 2am and you started the fight
and she loves her family so so much??  so much it hurts???  and she’s not good with feelings like finn and can’t read ppl like stella so she doesn’t know what to do with the way she feels most of the time so she beats ppl up for her siblings without them even having to ask 
she finds finn locked in the girls bathroom once and doesnt even say a fucking word, she just storms into the boys locker room and starts threatening ppl until they point her to the ringleader and he well he never messes with finn ever again and quite honestly flinches whenever maia danvers walks into a room
stella gets called a freak?  technically maia doesn’t beat the kid up that said it, bc he’s like twelve, but she still intimidates the hell out of him.  in college, stella comes out and like most ppl r cool w/ it but this one dude in her freshmen seminar calls her a dyke and stella doesnt even necessarily tell maia, but she’s in the city and has brunch with her the next day and can fucking see it in her face and so she does beat him up
most ppl at school dont realize their mom is Lena Luthor bc she’s mostly known as mrs danvers or maia/finn/stella’s mom/other mom and she rlly looks v different when she’s at the school or at a recital or performance or game, usually in casual clothes with her hair down and sunglasses on, so no one ever rlly puts it together but once maia heard these kids saying that any luthor still standing is a threat, you know? and she sort of destroys them
i mean, to be clear, they r alive
they also dont ever say the name luthor within their high school ever again
when she gets older, she sort of mellows out thanks to age and maturity and also a fuck ton of therapy but she still verbally destroys ppl and is that person that’s always like they’re not treating you right?  leave their ass
and stella oh little stella
she’s like very much the baby of the family, like there’s abt five years btwn her and finn and three btwn her and maia and she idolizes her siblings even if she’ll never voice it
she is also a giant brat sometimes like she mercilessly blackmails them for rides and party invites and whatever else she wants (obviously not mercilessly, never about the big stuff, never about anything real) and they know she’d never follow through on her threats but they give her whatever it is she wants anyway bc that’s sort of part of the game they play, you know?
she also takes like.....a lot of care for them.  like as much as they protect her, she protects them.  she’s usually the first line of defense when things get shitty, bc she feels it??  and is sort of forced into noticing first.  when finn starts getting nightmares, it’s stella that clambers into his bed and starts telling him stories.  she’s the first to get a Bad Vibe from maia’s bf and she fucking acts on it, tells their moms.  she knows when her siblings are happy and she cheers them on so fucking loudly and she knows when theyre hurting and she’s the first to bring them kleenex and snacks
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twistedsickopath · 7 years
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