#oh and old Disney movies had scenes that scared me too
giggly-squiggily · 9 months
and now... in honor of the modern au sanemi os having surpassed... *drumroll*... the 10k word mark *hold for applause* (thank you thank you) i shall bother you with THOUGHTS
modern au kamaboko squad and their childhood trauma movies (heavily inspired by me and my friends)
tanjiro: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - listen zenitsu said it was good (he had a crush on emma watson) and their parents wouldn't find out anyway (they watched it at a sleepover when they were seven and eight respectively) so tanjiro let himself get talked into it. long story short they both ended up crying and running to zenitsu's grandpa when the dementors showed up and tanjiro never let zenitsu pick a movie again.
zenitsu: every movie was scary to him as a kid disney's hercules, seeing meg get crushed by that pillar gave him nightmares for MONTHS.
inosuke: little inosuke was too busy running around outside and eating things not meant for human digestion to bother with movies but he watches princess mononoke at tanjiro's birthday when they're fourteen and ends up being so distraught by the death of the forest god that he joins green peace.
nezuko: her mother took her to watch a princess lillifee movie when she was four and she ended up crying because they were the only ones in the theater and that scared her. (true story, except i didnʼt have a meltdown over it and my mom told me years later that she wished i had gotten scared so she would've had an excuse to walk out of the movie)
genya: sanemi had a sleepover with mitsuri when genya was nine and they were watching pirates of the caribbean. genya had hidden under sanemi's bed to spook them but then he couldn't come out and ended up sobbing when the ghost pirates showed up and then sanemi and mitsuri spent the rest of the evening consoling him and watching lego ninjago to help him calm down. (genya doesn’t like pirates now and sanemi knows it's mean but he thinks it's kinda funny)
kanao: kanae LOVES old disney movies and tried to drag all of her little sisters into it until five year old kanao watched snow white with her and got so freaked out at the entire final fight against the evil queen that they had to turn off the movie. kanao slept in kanae's bed for two weeks and she never actually finished the movie.
aoi: watched mulan when she was six and couldn't sleep properly for weeks. she told everyone who asked that it was the huns that scared her but she was actually super paranoid that mushu would crawl under her blanket in the night and bite her. he was her monster under the bed until she was like thirteen and she would rather die than tell anyone about this.
AHHH YAY!!! :D I'm so hyped for you and your work friend!
KJRKJEKJRJERKJEJKRJKE HELP! I relate so hard to Tanjiro and Zenitsu in that; those freaking dementors messed me UP when I was a kid! Nowadays I find them pretty neat, but little 9 year old Squiggily? Nope, not happening akjrekjajkr
AND OOF- I haven't seen Hercules, but I can imagine how scary that scene was holy-
HELP INOSUKE KJWJREJKRJKER He's sitting there eating a bug he found while watching the movie- that scene comes on and he's absolutely distraught and can't even look at the bugs he usually watches for awhile.
KEKRKJEKJRJEKRJKEJRJE The anxiety is real, I feel you Nezuko! (and good lord the movie was that bad? kjarkekjrajkrjkeajkrj No but really that's both adorable and utterly hilarious kjarkjeakjr)
OH NO GENYA!!! Poor little guy; all was fine and good until those ghost pirates showed up! Sanemi probably has the caribbean theme song set for his ringtone whenever Genya calls him. No one gets it cause Sanemi rarely talks about the movie and Genya's too embarrassed by the childhood memory to explain akjrjkeajkr
OH NO KANAO! Bless her- that scene was pretty intense! Though the idea of her sharing a bed with her older sister is beyond wholesome oh my goodness kjaerjkajkrajke I like to think she eventually finished the movie as an adult- or at the very least in highschool but still gets freaked out over it somewhat.
OH AOI! I think she'd really love Mulan besides that part cause Mulan herself is so amazing- she's got that complicated relationship cause she watches it but also gets paranoid whenever she does for the Mushu reasons until like you said, 13.
These are absolutely amazing and now I wanna share a few to add to it hehe!
Giyu: He watched The Nightmare Before Christmas with Sabito when they were around 11; everything was fine until Boogie got his sack ripped off and all the bugs came out. He has a somewhat mild fear of bugs since- if there's one in the apartment he'll text Sabito a picture of it with a "Help."
Shinobu: She doesn't get scared of movies too often but that one scene in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure where Large Marge made The Face (TM) freaked her out so badly she had nightmares for weeks. It's on her "Will burn it before I watch it again" list.
Akaza: You know that blue trumpet thing from Courage The Cowardly Dog? "You're not perfect"? That whole show was a time but like- that one thing was the kind of scary it creeped up on Akaza. He watched it, and slowly over the course of a few days he was too scared to touch the VCR tape of the cartoon. He still quotes things from the show- mainly King Ramsey quotes cause he found it funny. (Plus it freaks Douma out jarkjeakjrje)
Thank you for sharing these- they were absolutely DELIGHTFUL! (And I got your Askeladd ask friend! I'm just really slow to reply to things lately lols)
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Ok so I did watch the Haunted Mansion movie the day before yesterday. I almost did before and as said chickened out because I was sure it was gonna be shit, but ended up going because "don't be stupid give it a chance, HM has a thousand canons, it's its own and won't affect the ones you love. If you don't like it, it will just be on it's own. And you did like the 2003 movie as flawed and not respectful of the ride's spirit as it is"
And... I apologize to this movie. It was very good !
Spoilers below
I feel bad to have chickened out before. It DID respect the spirit (the trailer and summary were misleading, they intended to exorcise them all AT FIRST and they were not all evil, a majority turns out good and lovable and goofy and mischievous when they follow you home and do know you enough and don't want innocent people to be killed, they act and chat casual to each other a "lively" natural way when seen through the lens of the ghost realm and in the end FUCKING FINALLY Disney UNDERSTOOD they are meant to STAY because it is their home and the humans and them coexist happily in the end !!! FINALLY NO MORE "they are sad and need to go to the Other Side" BYT AKNOWLEDGING THEY ARE THE 999 *HAPPY* HAUNTS WHO STAY HERE BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO) and there were so many good Easter eggs so I feel like it was made with love by peoole who do know the ride and its lore
I liked little details like how Master Gracey's (who for ONCE is cute to me ; I love moustaches ok) name was William like in the SLG comics (and the name I use in my headcanon), Constance even if evil (and psychotic as most adaptations make her, sigh) FOR ONCE is not the main villain and ends up fighting against the common enemy, the Ghost Host even if never named IS there instead of being fused with Master Gracey like he used to always be on adaptations (too bad he is evil and apparently supportive of Crump but oh well, he always was ambiguous and meant to be interpreted however we wanted), the old lady in the Stretching portraits NOT being Constance like she used to be before being retconned as her (and even being grey haired like she used to be), how "no flash pictures please" for the ride was incorporated as a genuine in-universe thing NOT to do or it will hurt YOU, how the professor's transparent coat and hat were hints at the old transparent plastix clothes the old animatronics wear for their effect to work, and how they all were terrified and most looked evil in the trailerd not out of evil but essentially like the ghost who hits the kid in the Sixth Sense to finally have the mortals do something and help them showing they are not pure forces of magic and supernatural and in fact start helping in return when the mortals finally understand and coexist happily like friends when all is good (like the same Knight who earlier had fun scaring them all giving Ben a slight little nod to tell him to hide under the table ; it was a serious dangerous moment, no time for scaring)
Also it was great to see all the rooms and recognize them. And I actually loved the music, not a fan of the Grim Grinning Ghosts party remix in the end but the New Orleans jazzy touches here and there did put me in the mood especially at the start. The CGI wasn't always great (GOSH IS ALISTAIR CRUMP UGLY... I STILL STAND BY IT, CGI WENT SO FAR ALL FOR HIM TO LOOK LIKE A POLE EXPRESS CHARACTER) but when it worked it SLAPPED (genuine scary moments like Travis seeing Constance for the first time, for a Disney movie it truly felt like a Conjuring scene, and all the ghosts hiding and running from Alistair the first scene we finally see him was BADASS and scary with the score helping), the pictures taken by the elaborate camera really felt like ghost pictures that are debatable as real or not with only the silhouette and details appearing and not a clear picture, and even if MANY things were predictable (I knew for the cat IMMEDIATELY, and Travis' dad being dead just the way he spoke of him, and it was so obvious Ben and Gabbie would end up together), many also caught me off guard (the fact it was not Travis' dad but Alistair Crump passing as him for one year holy SHIT talk about villainous patience and awfully deliciously evil to try to push a grieving lonely bullied child to suicide by passing as his dead dad "don't you love me?" and I did not expect Kent not to be a real priest that was a hilarious plot twist). The humans, even if I STILL want an adaptation that focuses on the ghosts as main characters one day and am a bit tired of real estate plots, were not insufferable and forgetable like I imagined they would be, they all had their motivations and interactions making them likable, Ben's arc to finally mourn his wife was touching, Travis felt like a real child and was not annoying on the contrary he makes you need to hug him for all the shit he goes through, the medium first passes as a bitch who ends up being actually nice and effective, Gabbie even if she is the one who marks the least is a good mom and doesn't take shit for granted (meanwhile the movers still didn't come lol), the professor is an eccentric grumpy old guy who finally knows childlike joy at the prospect of being there after having studied its cases without ever visiting it for 60 years despite having heart problems (which... went nowhere. Seriously ? At this point he could have been the 999th ghost, what was the point of hinting he will die of fright if he doesn't ?) and Kent is the kind of lovable scammer who speaks a lot who ends up becoming genuine
Not perfect tho. I did laugh at some humor like Kent's hints he is not a real priest by being questionable, the medium and the professor, and the Scooby Doo chase between Kent and the evil ghosts, but I am not fan of the other half (gosh do i hate Wellon speak anf quirky jokes Disney pulls these days in its Marvel movies and animated shows, that still made me cringe as shit) and I think some stuff are solved too easily (really Kent ? You managed to have the evil ghosts who knew they were doing evil be on your side just by telling them Alistair will do nothing for them ? As if after 150 years there they did not see by themselves he was evil and would never repay anyone !? Also WHY WERE THEY JUST STANDING THERE THE WHOLE TIME THE GOOD GUYS DISCUSS WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO SAVE THE HAT FROM BURNING AND PREVENT ALISTAIR FROM DOING HIS SCHEME WITHOUR STOPPING THEM OR INFORMING HIM ? THEY ARE SO FUCKING DUMB HOLY SHIT) and I thought some stuff were wasted potential (really ? The Hitchhiking Ghosts exist and it is hinted Ezra is the one who follows Gabbie and Travis to their hotel but never they are aknowledged as being the main ghosts to follow you home and the ghost who helps them outside of the Mansion is a sailor ? Are you kidding me ?) Also, a nitpick but the actress they took to play Leota really did not feel like Leota to me, she really did not look like her at all, I never thought I'd say it but Jennifer Tilly from the 2003 movie looked more like her. Also no Singing Busts ? Unless they were quick I did not see them. Oh come on, the theme song should have be sung by them !
NOW THE MAIN COURSE : I DID enjoy Alistair Crump. He was a very, very good villain. Ok I was not a fan of how the Crump manor scene was there to show you how eeeeevuuuul he is (his chair is higher than others at dinner to have them feel small ! He doesn't want people to sit anywhere else because sadism ! He openly shows his wife he cheats on her by hanging the portrait of his new mistress before her just to humiliate her ! He felt contempt for women especially if they can *gasp* read ! HE EVIL ZOMG *0* holy shit...) but like you all I def loved the scene about his backstory. All the animation budget went there, it really felt like the kind of urban legend/rumor turned into legend you can hear about a mysterious local historical figure, and even if it did not excuse his behavior it did explain how a traumatized unhelped child can become somber snd dangerous). Alistair Crump felt threatening, was manipulative, was omniscient and dangerous always there knowing even when the protagonists plot against him and is defeated only because one changes his mind at the last moment
But... note how I did not refer to him as the Hatbox Ghost once in that post. Ok I DO know the HBG can be evil and already was, like in the SLG comics (which I think it takes inspiration from. Evil Hatbox Ghost pushing William Gracey to suicide to join his dead bride/wife resulting in the mansion's curse). But to the extent of being a Satanist with more powerful powers than everyone else, terrorizing everyone even Constance just by his mere presence, only wanting sad/dark music to be played, omniscient of everything, manipulative mastermind who plans his plot one year in advance like a guess game, wants to keep the ghosts for himself to terrorize forever, laughs evilly and when you think you win happily breaks your hopes... that's not the Hatbox Ghost. That's the Phantom. He even looks like him at times, his clothes are more similar to his than Hattie's. It shoule have been the Phantom or gis own original character. Seriously Disney the Phantom was RIGHT THERE, why fusing them into one ? It really felt like, magnifying a silly ghost just because he is a famous character, he is seen like a demon not even as a ghost and it's just a guy with a hatbox, that felt kinda... not underwhelming becausd Alistair is badass and legetimately threatening, but it's like I made a reboot of the G3 MLP, had Kimono be feared and everyone fearing her because she is the most powerful and when you see her she is a normal purple pony with a Christmas tree decoratings cutie mark but who speaks evil snd laughs evilly, jusg because she is one of of the most known G3 ponies so was randomly picked instead of another more fitting character for such a role, you see what I mean ? Also like another post says... uh... Gracey died in 1788. So why does Alistair who is supposed to be already dead by the time the Graceys come dresses up like he's from the 1860's ? Does he die in the future but ghost summoning affects space and time !?
...without Crump anymore are they just 998 in the end ? Even less since a minority did go back to the Other Side when given the choice ?
Anyways it was a good movie. Much better than the 2003 one even if not perfect. I recommend
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sarahhillips · 1 year
This is a Children’s Cartoon From PBS FFS
Honor and Compromise
Imagine if Disney made a movie of this in the 90s instead but f Pocahontas.
Little dogs are my weakness hey lets follow that guy
Oh they’re note passing
A woman and a minority walk into a room full of old white men.
Rabble rabble rabble
Ya’ll need to get along if you wanna win this war
“Sort of like a king?” 😮
Henri just charged into him like a rhino
James is not going to expose the spies
Henry said ooooo feathers
We’re going to hunt for feathers
Henri forming a battalion of Turkys
“It’s too windy IN here” 🌬️
Henry 0 Turkeys 1
Hamilton getting heated
“They shame their French blood!” Lol
Henry 0 Turkeys 2
How are Sarah and Moses allowed in there.
Redcoats coming this way!
Lee you bitch
Attack poodles 🐩
Sarah is sending messages to congress on behalf of Washington girl that’s treason right there
Henris risking his life for a feather
Lee didn’t listen to Washington and it backfired
“Lee, you’re fired! Get out!”
Go back inti battle guys, it’s not over k
Ok that last shot with the turkeys, and Henri sleeping
The New Frontier
We get to see Sarahs dilf of a father
“And you, Sarah, are you an American?”
Sarahs like omg forgot about me looking for my dad
Boooooooo children are starving
I love how James wants her to be safe and Sarahs confident in her safety.
How often does Sarah have to sleep outside?
Why did he just straight up desert her?
Imagine passing out in the forest and waking up in the log cabin of a stranger.
Sarah why are you scared of them they’re people
What is that pig eating, pizza on a baguette?
Sarah was definitely not expecting that
Papa Phillips is an outdoors nature men at heart
“It all started when these rebels started throwing tea off the ship I was sailing on.”
Rich people ruined everything in every era of time
Damn. That’s a hell if a debate club meeting.
Because most white people are bad people.
Tarring and feathering is way too extreme
Well James congrats on your first tar and feathering threat
“I fell in love with this country just like I fell in love with her.” 🥲
This is when Sarah finally doubts her views
These men didn’t deserve to be warned
This was the last straw for Sarah that made her say fuck this shit I’m out.
James, you are a writer. That was poetry.
“I lost you for six years”
Papa Phillips really is dad of the year all in one day
These scene would have been perfect for Sarah to go on a passionate and tearful rant about all the men who have mistreated her and how they’re both patriot and loyalist.
“I have been chocked, slapped, bound and gagged, spat on, ridiculed, threatened, and nearly had my virtue taken away more times than I can count! These are the exact kind of men who would have a prisoner executed even if he’s only just a boy! And the worst part is, the men who do this, come from both sides!”
Sarahs very anti-violence. I need to remember that for my writing.
Oh Sam, she’ll lovvvvvvvve that beard
James doesn’t want a goodbye hug
Poor Henri
Not Yet Begun to Fight
Omg yay the pirate episode
Omg is Jones a ginger
Sarah and Jones forming a friendship off of hair color
“Ah, another ginger.”
Sarah what are you doing above deck.
Ok but how did she survive that?
So no scene with Jones taking off his hat coat and boots to jump into the water and save her and while he’s holding her he says ‘Ay, whas ye name lass?’ but Sarah only responds with heavy coughs?
Just two gingers bonding over ham.
*Instant concern when Sarah says she doesn’t write anymore*
200 English prisoners!?
“Take my first riding teacher, Alec Spencer.”
Jones teaching Sarah a sea shanty.
Yesssss Sarah.
“I cannot write what I do not believe in” “Forgive me Ms. Phillips, but you strike me as someone who believes in liberty.”
Bros just sailing a burning ship like nbd
And then Sarah switched views right then and there. Treason complete.
“Serve our cause with your eyes and your pen.”
And she wrote the article on a plank of wood. Amazing.
Great idea with the grenade
Cue Titanic theme
“Ms. Phillips, I look forward to many more articles under your name.”
I bet Sarahs still getting used to shaking hands with men after having her hand taken and kissed so many times.
The Great Galves
So Sarah was a townhouse kind of girl in England
Why is Sarah being carried? Her being unconscious makes no sense here.
I wonder what books Sarah has on her shelve
I know James acts unmoved about Sarah leaving but I think he misses her.
Where’s Henri?
Oh jfc not the skunk
Who’s this chubster
“The war is already lost bro.” “But for Britain, America is lost.”
“Boys who’ll not be forced to fight other poor boys.”
“I’ve seen some shit mom. Anyways, I wanna go back.”
No article from Lady Whistledown about Sarahs surprise return?
“Log up ahead!”
Ooos Henri fell in the water can he swim
James stfu they can hear you
Time to steal a boat
“Hi one way ticket to America.”
“And your America will be different?” Yes, it’ll be so much worse.
I would be uncomfortable af if I saw shackled prisoners walking past me like a slow sad parade
*looks at captured American boy* “Courage.”
“Mom, I’m American.”
In Praise of Ben
I feel like this was just a filler episode but Sarah coming back is a yay
This would have been the opportune episode for James and Sarah to finally start flirting and because they have so much pent up, they find themselves kissing each other shamelessly.
So she switches sides in 1780
“Probably that I’m a silly girl who keeps changing her mind about who she really is.”
A lady like Sarah has ti have more than one bag I mean c’mon. I bet her mom bought her new clothes
Moses is so happy 🥹
James is like hmmmmmmm
Ope Henris gettin into fights
Imagine Henri was short when Sarah left but had a growth spurt while Sarah was away
Moses is in full dad mode
Kid, time for a history lesson
Wtf is that thing a glass harmonica
That’s sounds kinda annoying though
Lightning doesn’t strike that damn slow
Everyones just stanning Ben
Is the turkey laughing at him?
Bens mom was a slut too
Everyones infodumping
Imagine sharing a hospital room with 20+ people.
Noooo poor Ben
“Slavery is the economic foundation of the south” bish shut yo ass up
Ben Franklin as a mall Santa
Ben in a shirt that says 🐱🧲
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whumpitisthen · 1 year
What's a movie/tv show/book/etc. you watched that had unexpected good whump?
Also, what's your favorite vegetable? How do you like it prepared?
One that def comes to mind is the owl house! It wasn't completely unexpected, i literally started watching it after seeing some gifs of Hunter, but even knowing about it it still surprised me how in depth some of the scenes are in it! It is now one of my all time favourite shows, not only bc of whump but many other reasons too, like animation quality and the story itself. Especially bc its a disney cartoon! Theres blood in it! And panic attacks! And dead people! And abuse! And scars (i love scars)! And when someone gets hurt, they retain that scar for he rest of the show! And Hunter is Covered in them! And there's that one short scene of Raine tied up with tear track scars running down their face and being scared when they are being rescued bc they dont have their glasses on and cant see whos approaching them and its gorgeous!! They whimper!!!!!
That being said, a lot of it is minor whump, as it is made for kids and so the characters are in their teens, so i get why a lot of people wouldn't rly wanna associate the two together, but i dont really mind it. Just wanted to say this in case someone wanted to watch it because of me unaware of how old these characters are :3 its also still just a rly good show aside from the whump aspect
Another one is seraph of the end/owari no seraph, which is a vampire anime. That has some lovely whump too, but, again, lots of teens. Still very good tho, i hope they continue it at some point. Helluva boss has some good whump, esp in one of the most recent episodes (there was a torture scene 👀), that ones an adult cartoon. I watch a lot of cartoons can you tell hfjhfjn the only slight problem with that one is that it being mainly a comedy, it struggles to take itself seriously even during serious scenes sometimes
I cant rly think of anything else, but then again, i dont rly consume much traditional media, most of my time is spent on video games and yt vids
Oh and my favourite vegetable must be broccoli, i love it!! Its so good in anything you put it in, i never understood why kids shows always put broccoli in with the nasty vegetables, its so tasty!! And you can do so many things with if and eat it with so many meals!! I think fav way to eat it must be just steamed. I love it in cream stew too......Eat more broccoli whumpitisthen enjoyers, or Whumper will getcha
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childofaura · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to make this post for a little while, but I think with the spate of flops that Disney and Pixar have had with some of their movies lately, I feel more vindicated in saying my opinion:
I don’t think “The Good Dinosaur” was as bad of a movie as people made it out to be. I don’t think it deserved the hate it got (People not liking it? Absolutely, I understand that; I have a friend who had valid reasons for the movie not vibing with her). And I definitely don’t think it deserved to be called “Pixar’s Worst Film” when now we have actually worse movies like Toy Story 4 or Lightyear.
Like the movie had a LOT of love and thought and attention put into it; there’s commentary on how the writers wanted to believably portray a young dinosaur, an animal that thrived in nature, being stranded in the wild where his survival hung in the balance. Or how the animators studied to make the T. Rexes run like cowboys mounted on horses. Or just the gorgeous scenery in the movie that was reminiscent of the old Western frontiers. The plot had a great message about finding your own strength from within, and not letting yourself be held back by fear even when faced with catastrophic danger. Arlo was a wonderful protagonist who had a lot of hurdles to face, and yes he was scared a lot of the time. But he learned to be brave to help others in need.
Oh, and the soundtrack was so amazing, too. Beautiful rustic music that you feel deep in your soul. Especially the song in this scene, “Orphans”:
And the scene itself, they empathize with each other despite the language barrier.
I always get so peeved when people think that this movie sucked because it was a flop. Nah, it was a great movie; not perfect by any means but this is not Pixar’s worst movie. And it makes me sad that this movie gets so much unwarranted hate.
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catis15 · 5 months
Watching the new mean girls
- NO DAD?!?!
- She wants to leave Africa???
- bitch excited to leave in this one I'm confused
- my gf and I are only watching this for the Regina tits
- watching this with our generation is hilarious, old mean girls was giving Disney this is giving actual HS so far 😂
- 'care of myself' 😂😭😭😭
- my three favorite colors with jaguars I WANT IT IT WOULD GO SO GREAT WITH MY MATCHING TRAPPER KEEPER :000
- my gf is so excited for Regina tits
- I love her necklace 💅
- Gretchen that blank stare is scaring me
- old boy toy was cuter he's meh .
- girl was almost Regina-ed
- Gretchen and Janice so me frfr
I had to stop to cook dinner but I shall be back
- Regina's top low-key cute tho
- love the lion/heyna paralell
- why is her bra showing sm 😭
- I mean good for her tbh but like
- she drives a jeep bitch gay
- my gf is gay panicking over this woman sm 😂
- bestiiiies
- that's a lot of pink
- is Regina choking himmmm
- I want to be an art therapist once im done with medical research 🥲
- she's so real like gurl I can't comfort u bish 😭
- 'mama called me beautiful I don't believe her anymore' 😭😭😭😭 baby girl noooo
- hetero alyship 😭
- she's not wrong about Halloween
- girl don't be so gullible
- boy don't follow her
- stupid stupid horny boy
- my gf is no better ATM 😂😂😂
- it's yes Katty not yes bitch 😭
- tho can confirm if say yes bitch or yes queen or he's gurl 😶
- girl code my ass girlcodr this bitch
- poor girl just selling candy canes 😂😭
- poor Gretchen 🥹
- those juicy added details
- love how she just closes the door 😶
- it's not babiesh and this was not in the original 😭
- is my guy singing in French 👁️👄👁️
- he got a voice tho
- Kevin's parents 🥹
- the insurance so rl
- babydoll Gretchen noooo 😭
- her mom lmaoooo 🤣🤣🤣
- oh nuuuuu girl needs thigh day more than ever poor babes
- that's just unprofessional 🤣😭
- as a red head yes ty ty we are superior
- guuuurl her eyeshadow slays sm
- the lighting symbolism slays tbh
- owie
- her ass fine tho
- he was so passive aggressive
- awe he said her name right
- boy likes being dominated too much
- awee
- boy defend yourself that's right!!!
- uh ooooh
- he's in the thiiin I forgot what it's called but omg it's not even a caaaar 🤣😭😭😭
- as an art kid this huuurtssss
- And I want my pink shirt 🤣😭
- ughshajaj the lighting in this movie 😫
- damn she had a point she was nice to Katty and maybe she's just used to being used 🥹
- it's the boob bounce for me
- it's the tittly slap for me 😭
- I miss the animal music and narration during this scene won't lie
- the fannnn
- preaaach about the period sister 😭
- I forgot they are together
- teachers talking faaacts
- ugh those pants and that top I needed them
- play that guitar sweet pea
- ofc my fave song is sung by the artistic lesbian
- and dayum it ended with a bang
- we pulling out the wench card now?! :0
- ope this isn't how it happened in the movie she don't just confess does she??? It's been awhile
- and technically she didn't write it the other two did
- she nicer than me frfr
- OMG it's the dude mean girls 😂❤️
- where do ik her frommm
- the original oml also that new Irish movie
- not the grilled cheese 😂😭
- support ur fellow gals
- Girls so neurodivergent I don't take criticism
- welcome to science waaars she's so the math section ✨
- pop off gretch
- gurl u look pretty in that jacket yellow and blue ur colors
- bitch is a compliment goddamit
- a buss pushed me 😂
- I'd think u have to give a speech too NGL lmao
- his gasp
- she's so suped up on pain meds 😂😭
- no vaping and give me that inhaler 😂😭
- factttts u two mwah mwah
- damnn that was a good ending but I wish they would've included the first one with it
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Midoriya, Todoroki and Shinsou being hit by a de-aging quirk
Request: HEY HEY HEYYY! Since I’ve seen you simping over Shinsou and sometimes if not all the time over Todoroki I would like to request the boys getting hit by a deaging quirk and having to be babied by their girlfriendssss. Oh and if you’d like could you add Midoriya in the mix? My boy needs more simps and you are president of the group. -anonymous
I’m in tears from the ask. I’ve been caught simping one too many times and now yall are calling me out. Snitches. SNITCHES GET STITCHES!!! Jk ... unless. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: mild angst and mentions of trauma/bullying, the majority is fluff though.
Midoriya Izuku
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-Baby face™
-You sure you are not looking at his normal face?
-I mean he IS baby and he looks baby.....baby.
-You were on patrol with the hero you were training with when you got called in to deal with an attack. 
-They didn’t give you many details only that the previous heroes that were on the scene were struggling. 
-So once there you started fighting with the villain, dodging his attacks effortlessly until you spotted a puff of green hair. 
-Izuku was here? 
-Why hadn’t you seen him?
-It’s not like him to run from a fight, maybe he’s hurt?
-Calling out to him you dodged the villain again and slid behind the car you saw last saw him and was met with .... a toddler??
-Tears were running down the boys’ face as he was trying to pry a small metal bar from under some debris.
-He looked awfully a lot like you boyfriend and for only a moment you completely forgot about the villain and drowned in the adorableness of the toddler. 
-He was mumbling All Might’s key phrase under his breath adding his own small punchlines. 
-Once the bar was free he raised it in the air with shaky hands and called out, “I’m here! Midoriya Izuku will save you!”
-So that’s what those beams of light do if they hit you. 
-Activating your ear piece you alerted your ‘boss’ that there was a child here and to not get hit by the beams unless you wanted to go back to your toddler days. 
-After assuring you that everything was under control and that you could leave you picked Izuku up and made your way to the school.
-Recovery Girl said that the quirk should ware off in a day or two and until then Aizawa had named you his temporary care taker. 
-In your dorm, Izuku was overly curious. 
-He was opening boxes and drawers, rampaging through your equipment and fawning over your hero costume. 
-He sat down after what felt like an eternity and started bombarding you with questions about your hero studies, your quirk, your technique, your teachers, All Might, your classmates, their quirks, All Might, your favorite hero, the hero you work with, ALL MIGHT.
-It was cute you would give him that but simultaneously he was talking your ear off. 
-And when you told him that All Might was actually one of your teachers?
-You are now taking an impromptu trip to the teachers lounge to visit All Might. 
-Thankfully he’s there and he doesn’t have any classes for the rest of the day so he spends most of his free time with baby Izuku. 
-You are pushed to the side for most of the afternoon until Izuku notices you sitting alone while he plays with All Might and he feels by. 
-Waving goodbye to All Might he waddled over to you and climbed on your lap, giving you a hug and asking what YOU wanted to do. 
-You go back to your dorm and spend the rest of your afternoon and night there. 
-You ordered his favorite food and put on a Disney movie. 
-He wouldn’t leave your lap, always staying either between your legs or hugging you. 
-He is such a cuddle bug omg!!!
-You find him adorable and just snuggle him, hugging him harder and kissing his forehead. 
-When it was time for bed he really didn’t want to go to sleep. 
-You may have chased him around your room trying to put on one of his shirts that you had in your room as a pj. 
-You had to tickle him into submission.
-You tucked him in and went to make you own makeshift bed on the floor so you wouldn’t bother him. 
- “Y-Y/N-san c-can you sleep h-here?”
-He was blushing and avoiding your gaze as he waited for you answer. 
-Smiling at him you put on your own pjs *which were a pair of shorts and one of his sweatshirts* and jump under the covers. 
-He snuggled into your chest, giving you a small peck on the cheek and falling asleep in like a second. 
-You were soft to the very soul. 
-You fell asleep rather quickly yourself feeling all warm inside. 
-The next morning you woke up with strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist and steady breathing making a broad chest rise and fall. 
-Izuku squinted at the morning light as you stirred slightly and looked down meeting your hooded eyes. 
- “Thank you princess, for everything.”
“You were an adorable baby you know that?”
“Y/N stop!!!”
“Had me almost yeeting our protection out the window.”
Todoroki Shouto
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-His dad called you.
 -You were chilling in his dorm waiting for him to come back from his patrol with his dad. 
-You were sick the past few days and didn’t go to your hero studies.
-Shouto had been taking care of you but he had to leave at some point for his own studies. 
-Now Shouto has placed you as his emergency call on his phone along side Fuyumi and Deku. 
-You were the first name on the list and that’s why you were talking with his dad. 
- “Shouto was hit by a quirk while we were out and he is being ....difficult. I would prefer if you come get him I don’t think he would come near me anyways.”
-You heard a small cry in the back and asked immediately for their location. 
-I swear you haven’t gotten ready faster in your life.
-Arriving at the location you were met with.... a sight.
-Standing trembling across from Endeavor was a baby Shouto.
-He didn’t look a day over four, his scar was gone but his eyes were full of fear. 
-Endeavor was looking at him with a small frown on his face. 
-When he spotted you his eyes stayed on what you were wearing before motioning towards Shouto. 
-Look you were staying in YOUR boyfriend’s room surrounded by HIS clothes it was only logical for you to grab one of his hoodies. 
-Making your way to the terrified toddler you crouched down a few paces away from him.
-Giving him a small smile you whispered a shy ‘Hi Sho’ and waited for him to approach you. 
-His dual colored eyes scanned you before glancing back at his father who had turned his back to you and was talking on the phone. 
- “He won’t hurt you while I’m here. I won’t let him Sho I promise.”
-At that his eyes widened further and without warning he launched himself at you wrapping his small arms around your torso, a hiccup leaving his trembling lips. 
- “N-no he w-will hurt you l-like m-mommy *sob* I-I don’t want h-him to h-hurt you.” 
-You carefully brought him into a hug leaving a kiss on the top of his head as you whispered reassurances in his ear. 
-He stopped crying after a while and agreed on coming with you to the dorms. 
- “I’m taking him to UA he will be safe there.”
-You didn’t really wait for a response before scooping him up in your arms and walking off towards the school. 
-Once there you stopped by Aizawa’s room informing him of the situation. 
-He allowed you to take him to his room and stay with him for as long as he is like this.
-In his room you didn’t put him down opting to get everything ready for your Disney marathons while he was still in your arms. 
-All the while Shouto was playing with strands of your hair and asking you small questions about you, your room, your school. 
-He was still shy though, never talking too much and always speaking in a hushed tone. 
-Poor baby was so afraid of everything. 
-Once all was in place, you settled on his bed covering both of you in a blanket while he rested between your legs. 
-During the first movie he sat there his full attention on the screen. 
-By the time you reached the third movie he was becoming restless, looking around the room and ignoring the movie as a whole. 
-Then you heard his stomach rumbling.
- “Why don’t we go make some cold soba hm?”
-You haven’t seen him smile that bright since the moment he turned and it was the cutest most precious sight in the world. 
-While making soba he was rather talkative even going as far as letting out giggles and small laughs.
-He enjoyed his soba and you were happy since you saw him without that petrified glint in his eyes. 
-When it was time for bed he was very obedient, immediately putting on the clothes you had out for him and laying in bed instantly.
-He had made no requests all this time so it surprised you when he tugged at your hoodie sleeve and motioned to the spot beside him with his eyes. 
-Giggling you settled next to him and gave him a small peck on the nose making him scrunch it up. 
- “Goodnight Sho.”
-He was already half asleep when you whispered goodnight.
- “G’night, love you.”
- “I love you too.”
-The next day you woke up alone and if you were being honest you had a mini heart attack.
-Then the door opened and your fully grown boyfriend walked in, tray in hand as the smell of pancakes filled the room. 
- “I can’t thank you enough for yesterday, love.”
-Sitting down next to you he kissed you on the lips, a love struck look on his face.
- “I love you.”
“Seeing you being so motherly had me imagining our kids.”
“Shouto we are 15....”
“I can always steal my dad’s credit card....”
 “......You’ve got a point.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-He was training with some of Aizawa’s old coworkers. 
-He didn’t dodge an attack and was hit square in the chest. 
-Now he was buried under a pile of clothes, whimpers leaving his lips. 
-Aizawa went into a panic.....how many kids would he have to adopt?? 
-Now you two are not very vocal about your relationship, borderline keeping it under wraps not wanting to draw much attention to you. 
-But Aizawa is dad and he knows... KNOWS when one of his students has a crush. 
-Especially if it’s a girl since all the girls need an extra dad to scare bad boyfriends away. 
-So he hasn’t missed how you look at each other or how you may have come back into class smelling like Shinsou. 
-He has even seen you in one of Shinsou’s hoodies. 
-If he was being honest he caught you off guard.
-It was like  3 am and you had gotten up to grab a glass of water.
-Aizawa was still up grading some papers and he scared the shit out of you; idk how your screech didn’t wake anyone up. 
-The only comment he made was nice hoodie and you KNEW he had caught a whiff of your relationship. 
-So that’s the reason why Aizawa is now knocking on YOUR door ready to leave a very scared Shinsou in your care. 
-Once you opened the door your face contorted into three emotions: fear cause once again you were wearing your boyfriend’s clothes, confusion cause why was there a toddler sized Shinsou in his arms and anxiety cause well your homeroom teacher was standing right outside your bombarded room in which you should have been studying but you could faintly hear the animal crossing music coming from your switch. 
- “Hitoshi was hit by a de-aging quirk and since you two are so....close I’ll leave him with you. Plus I trust you.” 
-And with that he placed baby Shin in your arms and left. 
-You two looked at one another before you let out a small laugh trying to lighten up the mood. 
-Tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he stared at you. 
-Bringing him closer to your chest you started rocking him back and forth humming a tune he would sing to you when you were having a bad day. 
-He calmed down immediately. 
-Like stopped sniffling the moment he heard the tune.
-He started humming along with you and as you pulled him from your chest you wiped away the stray tears giving him another smile in the process. 
-He rested his forehead gently on your own as his small hands came to grab your cheeks. 
-The rest of your time with him was very calm and quiet. 
-He was a very reserved and calm child never making a request or whining. 
-You two colored some outlines you printed and then played a few board games. 
-He got out of his shell when you suggested going for a walk to the park to pet the kitties. 
-He wouldn’t let go of your hand even when he saw the cats and you could feel how excited he was. 
-He was overly attached to you calling you Y/N-chan and even going as far as to say ‘love you’ before his afternoon nap. 
-Your heart was MELTING.
-He was adorable. 
-So cute with his lavender hair standing up even at this age and his violet eyes scanning everything and everyone. 
-He was a blessing. 
-Then he started talking in his sleep and that’s when you realized why he was such a low maintenance child. 
-His whimpers echoed through the dorm as he begged someone to leave him alone. 
-That he wouldn’t use his quirk. 
-That  he wasn’t a villain.
-He had talked to you about his past, how people used to bully him for his quirk or how they would call him a villain. 
-It broke your heart seeing that even at the early age of four he had nightmares of what those kids said to him. 
-Climbing in bed beside him you brought him flush to your chest running a hand through his hair as you peppered his forehead with kisses. 
- “Shhh baby shh. I’m here they can’t hurt you.”
-You fell asleep when he finally stopped crying. 
-When you woke up you were laying flat on Shinsou’s chest his hands running mindlessly up and down your back. 
- “I’m sorry for forcing you to take care of me kitten.”
-Kissing up his neck until you reached his lips you added:
- “You were an angel there’s no need to apologize love.”
-He hugged you incredibly tighter, burying his face in your hair. 
-He was so deeply in love with you words cannot express. 
“Next time I’m not pulling out.”
“Hitoshi what the hell??”
“What? You expect me to see you all motherly and NOT want to get you pregnant as soon as possible?”
“I think someone has a breeding kink.”
“Yeah yeah wait till you see me with a toddler....you’ll be begging me to fill-”
“SHUT UP!!!”
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
General Soul Eater HCs please
Soul Eater: General headcanons
Death the Kid:
He’s an art critic
Hear me out
He is obsessed with symmetry, and loves the beauty in it
So when he sees something non-symmetrical, especially in art, he can’t help but to critique it
May go as far as to send a personal letter to the artist (If they’re alive) about how offensive it is that they created something so asymmetrical
If he can’t send a letter to the artist, he’ll send one to the owner/museum and request it be taken down, while listing reasons why it’s horrible.
Anything he writes has an even amount of letters and words
Be that his test answers
Diary entry
Speaking of diary entries, he definitely has one
But it’s actually just a catalogue of symmetrical things he’s seen
He puts photos into it and writes about how beautiful it was to see
He doesn’t care what it is much, just that it was beautiful
Meaning he takes photos of people too
Which can be unnerving at times
He’s probably taken a photography class before, or at the very least is self taught
Literally has a photo album of things he views are beautiful, but non symmetrical and he would die if anyone found it
Like a particular sunset with uneven hills
Or a flower with one too many petals
Definitely has an 8 ball, not a magic one, just an 8 ball, it’s placed on a velvet pillow in his room and he frequently polishes it
Elizabeth Thompson:
Makes several backup plans as a way to cope
Especially after dealing with an experience with a ghost
She has notebooks full of them, labeled and detailed
At one point she started putting them in alphabetical order but stopped immediately when she realized Kid’s perfectionist habits were rubbing off on her
She practices acting in the mirror
Usually so she can charm a man into dating her
But also to con people
She used to be a “Street rat” and that thought of ending up on the streets again constantly plagues her mind
She takes full advantage of the “Rich life”
Shopping sprees
Quality makeup
Salons and spa days
The works
She lets Patty’s thought that she knows everything get to her head
The fact alone that her sister believes in her that much is enough to make her a bit egotistical
And Patty’s admiration for the girl makes it ten times worse
She literally doesn’t care if she ends up being wrong because she’ll just be right next time anyways
So stubborn in that aspect
Patricia Thompson:
She likes dark humor
You can’t convince me otherwise, you actually can’t, I have evidence
She made an origami Giraffe, and broke its neck
Laughed when Kid said he “wants to die”
She literally pokes him with a stick when he’s depressed
She likes dark humor, and probably looks up jokes to tell others just for kicks
She’s secretly sadistic, and likes scaring her sister and others
She may act naïve and innocent, but she is anything but
She definitely has, more than once, banged on Liz’s door at 3AM just to hear her sister squeal like a little girl
Honestly, she probably purposefully gets their pose wrong, just to see her sisters annoyance and laugh when Kid gets smacked
She likes origami
Probably first got into it because of the paper ninja stars
Then just found it relaxing
She most likely makes the ninja stars mostly, and keeps a box of her origami creations somewhere
Has in the past, and will not hesitate to do so again, beat someone up for kicks or just to destress
Patty has two faces, the childlike innocent one, and the insane anger one
So it’s not too far fetched to say that she’ll hide her anger till she can corner someone alone and beat them up
Or that she gets bored and decides to do so
I wouldn’t be too surprised if her sister occasionally joined as well
Maka Albarn:
She’s a Harry Potter nerd and you can’t convince me otherwise
She loves the concept of magic
Loves the dynamic between Ron and Hermione, though feels a bit of Deja vu thinking about it
Probably used to write fanfiction, but in a way that made it seem like it was actually part of the story
She will hit you if you mention it
Definitely the type to compare books to their movie counterparts
Not in like, a critic way, but she will definitely rant about the differences, or how a character looks exactly like she imagined, or if they didn’t put in a particular scene she liked in the book
Forces Soul into movie nights, but it’s only the movie counterparts to her books
I can see her forcing everyone into a group study session
Be super organized about it, and setting it up in a way so that no one can refuse
She probably has specific ways for everyone to study
Like having Black☆Star work out while studying so he retains the knowledge better
Or setting up the session in a symmetrical way so Kid doesn’t freak out about it
She writes letters to her mom, as a coping mechanism for when her emotions get to be a little too much
Like when she’s having a bad day
Or if she’s particularly peeved at something Soul did
She writes a lot more letters when it comes around the time of her mom's birthday or death anniversary
She likes the thought of an old timey romance, and often listens to songs that give off that kind of feel
She really likes “It’s Been a Long, Long Time”, it’s one of her favorites
She also likes the old Disney songs, like “Once Upon a Dream” and “So This Is Love”
She would be so embarrassed if anyone found out though, especially if it was her dad or Soul
She isn’t quite sure why she’s so worried about Soul finding out though
Speaking of, she half realizes, half doesn’t with anyone's romantic feelings, including her own
She’ll fantasize about getting a love letter or having someone present her with a bouquet of roses
But if it actually happens she’s like “Oh, thanks friend!”
She knows the behaviors, she just can’t put two and two together
They would have to be extremely blunt, no over dramatic confession, just “I’m in love with you and want to be romantically involved with you”
She reads dictionaries for fun
She really likes to read out of date dictionaries, just to see what words and slang existed back then
She also highlights words she likes and uses them frequently on accident
She has most definitely yelled “I have cupid’s kettlebells*! I’m not flat!” at Soul before
Soul Evans:
Bottles. Up. His. Emotions.
He’s influenced by “toxic masculinity” and fully believes that being vulnerable in a serious way “isn’t cool”
He will bottle everything up so deep down inside that it seems impossible for it to surface
Feelings of inferiority to others? Bottled
Want to cry or break down? Nope, gotta be cool
Started crying in front of someone and can’t stop? He’s not crying, you’re clearly blind
Speaking of crying, once he starts, and I mean genuinely starts, it’s so hard to get him to calm down, and even then the tears don’t stop
Sometimes he’ll start to freak out and send himself into a panic attack because the tears just won’t stop
He’s that influenced by the thought of being vulnerable
On a lighter note, he does adore playing the piano, but the only person he’ll play for is Maka
He swears it’s not favoritism, and it’s partially true, but favoritism does play a large role in it
He frequently drags Maka to his room to show her a new piece he put together
And if he notices her feeling a little down that day, he’ll start playing a song that he knows she likes
He definitely knows about her love for old timey romance songs and is very embarrassed to admit a lot of the pieces he constructs are based off of that
The walls are p a p e r t h i n , he can hear her music through the walls
He secretly finds it adorable when he catches her listening to it because she’ll be dancing around to it
He also frequently finds himself thinking about those moments
He’s the stereotype that parents tell little girls about, with how boys will bully their crush
He’s a lot more playful and easy going, but still teases Maka, so much
Unlike Maka, he’s fully aware of his feelings, and acknowledges them, but bottles it up, only letting himself entertain the thought every once in a while
He jabs at Maka’s lack of “Cupids Kettlebells” as a way to try and ensure she won’t fall for him, because he doesn’t know what he’ll do if she does
He reads the same dictionaries that Maka does, not for fun, but so he can know just what the actual h e l l she’s saying
More than once he’s had to look up a particular word or phrase online because he can’t find it in the dictionary
“What the hell? It’s an old Victorian saying!? Where does she keep finding this stuff!?”
Subconsciously, as time goes on, he starts using old phrases as well, he was so embarrassed the first time he got caught saying “Keep your idle daddles* off of her!” when defending someone from a perv.
Is so unbelievably selfish with food
It’s not even funny
He will stab someone if they reach for his food
He surprisingly eats healthy most of the time though?
Says something like “I have to otherwise I’ll never surpass the gods!”
The only person who could ever p o s s i b l y steal his food is Tsubaki, but even that’s pushing it
He has the weirdest dreams, and I mean weird
Dreams like being turned into a potato and being cooked, mashed, and devoured by Tsubaki herself
He didn’t talk to her for a week after that dream, and refused to eat potatoes for a full year because “You never know if it could be a person turned into a potato!”
He was also very offended when Tsubaki ate potatoes during that time period
He takes things very literally
Like up above, if someone does something in a dream, he acts like it was real
Or if someone makes a joke about fighting, he will drag them outside to fight
He’s secretly scared of Tsubaki
But it’s for literally the stupidest reason
And he fully believes that because of it she could fight god and win
She used to have a pet cockroach
One of the flying ones
And he is so unbelievably scared of them, because for some reason they just don’t die, and they have w i n g s
So the fact she owned one as a pet scares him so bad even though it was literally for only a week
He has a soft spot for children
He doesn’t really know why
He just does
Is secretly really good with kids
Literally the definition of dad material
He has his flaws but still
Little kids are the only people who could steal his food and get away with it
Every. Time. and it makes the others so mad
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa:
What can I say, she’s perfect
She probably receives love letters
Reads them over when she’s feeling sad
Likes to keep them in a shoebox she painted
She definitely paints to unwind and relax
Likes to go outside and paint the sunrise/sunset
Takes note of beautiful scenery so she can come back in her free time and paint it
She probably draws/sketches too
Carries a sketchbook with her
More than likely has drawn Black☆Star doing something
Like napping or training
She’d never show him though, too scared of inflating his ego or giving him the wrong idea
Stress bakes/cooks
We know she cooks
Liz took advantage of it and pretended Tsubaki’s cooking was her own
So we know she does
Sometimes painting/drawing doesn’t cut it
So she heads to the kitchen and bakes away her worries and unwinds
The main reason Tsubaki would possibly be spared from Black☆Star’s stabbing habit with food is because she cooks all the meals
She makes sure everyone is comfortable around her
She’ll go as far as to learn someone's customs and practice cooking their unique cuisine just to make sure that they feel comfortable and safe in her presence
She radiates mom friend energy
She’s perfect mom material, perfect wife material, perfect in general honestly
*Cupid's Kettlebells is a old term for a woman's bust
*Idle daddles is a old term for hands
I Hope you like these general headcanons for the main seven! You didn’t say which characters you’d like to see, so I played it safe by putting the main characters! Thank you for the ask!
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marciabrady · 3 years
What's the issue with Cinderella 2015? Despite having nothing against her, I had never been especially invested in Cinderella, so I might have missed some details, but I always thought original Cinderella and 2015 Cinderella had basically the same personality? Especially with that “have courage and be kind” line. I always thought it was one of the Disney live-actions most faithful to the original movie (rather than, like, Maleficent) and I remember my cousin liked it and my mom disliked it for that exact reason (my mom wanted to be surprised). So I'm very curious, why don't you like it?
They have very different personalities and that's what scares me about the 2015 version gaining so much popularity- I think people are going to think the original Cinderella was really like that.
The original Cinderella was a very realistic characterization of a human, a woman, an abuse survivor, etc etc etc. She lost both of her parents as a child and the narration specifically told the audience that she was forced into the role of a servant as a child. In the opening scene, we see her get frustrated at the clock for waking her up and at Lucifer. Yet, she knows she has to make the best of things. There's no where for her to go and no one to help her. We've learned she rebels in the ways she knows how- she saves mice from household traps, against the wishes of the stepfamily, and makes them clothes and feeds them. She keeps her faithful old dog, Bruno, in the house against their wishes too. And yes, she is kind, but she also has her limits and gets frustrated. In a scene where Lucifer, the cat, spoils her cleaning, she chases after him with a broom. She raises her voice at times and clearly expresses frustration because she's a human being and not a creepy, smiling zombie. Then, when the invitation to the ball comes, she asserts for her right to go. She's made fun of by her stepfamily, and it isn't until she uses the legal language of the document that she traps them into letting her go. She stands up for herself. And, while her stepfamily wants to go for a chance to marry the prince, Cinderella never expresses wanting to find love or being interested in a man. She just wants to go to have a good time and a night off. Then, after they rip her dress and physically attack her, her Fairy Godmother comes to her. NOW. Many people say it's the Fairy Godmother who saves her (which would still make it women supporting women) but I still think it's Cinderella. The Fairy Godmother isn't doing anything for Cinderella that Cinderella hasn't done for others. She's giving Cinderella a dress- think about how many mice Cinderella was the Fairy Godmother to. She's fed them and clothed them and homed them, so it's really just Cinderella's good deeds coming back to her. Then, with her new gown, she heads off toward the ball. She comes in without an escort and is the only young woman who's not waiting in line for the prince. She makes her way through the halls, entranced by the architecture and splendor of the castle. The prince spots her and they dance. She then leaves the prince without giving him her name because, again, she never expected to be saved by anyone. She never even wanted a romance. She just came to enjoy herself. She also even mentioned that she didn't know he was the prince. Then, the next morning, news gets out the prince is looking for the girl he danced with to make her his bride. Cinderella views this as her way out of her abusive household and leaps at the opportunity. Only, then the stepmother catches on and locks Cinderella into the attic room. Does Cinderella take this? NO! She's pounding against the door, screaming, and even after Lucifer traps the mice with the key, it's her quick thinking to bring Bruno, who then chases Lucifer. This is another plotpoint I want to address. People keep saying the mice save Cinderella and wrong AGAIN. 1) Lucifer trapped the mice, so if it wasn't for Cinderella's quick thinking, she'd still be in the attic 2) the mice are only coming to her because she's been kind to them for YEARS and regularly rescues their lives. If she were like Anastasia or Drizella and was cruel, they wouldn't be helping her. So it's a wonderful message about how your good deeds come back to you. ANYWAY, Cinderella then marches down the steps and saves herself by presenting the other slipper. She has agency, she's humorous, she's clever, and she's realistic.
Lily James smiles. That's about it to her characterization. I think her view of Cinderella is that Cinderella's nice and that's about it- and kindness is a behavior, not a personality trait. I mean, Lily's Cinderella characterization is so flawed and weak in its construct. Lily's Cinderella is an adult when her father dies, not the child Cinderella was. She has more than enough friends and regularly horseback rides away from home, demonstrating the resources and capabilities to escape. But the only reason she doesn't run away is because she's 'respecting her family's home', which she leaves in the end anyway. Honestly, Lily's Cinderella isn't even really depicted as being abused in this film. She literally volunteers her room up to the stepsisters. When it comes time for the ball, she doesn't really stand up for her right to go like animated Cinderella, she just speaks in French to make a point??? Even though the film is supposed to take place in France??? OH, and I forgot, she met the Prince in the woods prior to the invitation so he's the reason she wants to go to the ball. Then, she goes to the ball, and when the news comes out that she's who the prince wants, the stepmother locks her in her room. Lily's Cinderella doesn't fight to get out- she just sings and dances in a circle. The mice open the window, leading one of the King's men to hear her song and that's how they find her. Yeah lol
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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simp4reggie · 4 years
Can I request a imagine where Charlie Gillespie in Canada filming Julie and The Phantoms netflix show but with his girlfriend aka reader but He and Jeremy and Owen are dress as clowns for Madison Reys’s halloween party but the boys want to scare the reader and she was in the bedroom getting dress as Stitch from Lilo and Stitch disney movie.
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Word Count: 2,097
A/N: I know I haven’t written in a while but this might be my favorite one I’ve written so far. I changed it a bit since misread “bedroom” but I hope you like either way
Halloween. The spookiest time of the year. However, for you this was the most wonderful time of the year. Your boyfriend was currently filming the first season of his new show, Julie and the Phantoms.
Halloween is your favorite day of the year and it sucks that you’re supposed to spend it far away from him. You decided to book a flight last minute to surprise him. The only person you told was his roommate and best friend, Owen.
“He’s going to be so excited to see you. He won’t shut about you and hopefully this will stop him for a little while,” Owen says over the phone.
“Haha iI can’t wait to see him and I especially can’t wait to finally meet you in person.” You and Owen have been talking a lot ever since he answered Charlie’s phone when FaceTiming and after Charlie found his phone, you and him exchanged numbers.
“I know FaceTime’s fun and all but now we can bully Charlie together in person” He replies.
“Hey remember he’s still my boyfriend. I can’t be mean to him all the time. I call you when my plane lands, okay?”
“Alright I’ll see you then. But (Y/N)!”
“Bye Owen!”
After what feels like ages you board the plane and a then after 8 hours and 1 stop you finally make it to Vancouver. You take a few moments to collect yourself and then call Owen to let him know you’re here. You grab your stuff from the baggage claim and grab a coffee from Tim Norton’s for a pick me up. Sitting on a plane for a full work shift can really drain the energy out of a person.
It doesn’t take long for you to hear someone call out your name.
“Y/N)!!! Over here!” You turn around and see Owen standing there and you run over and give him a hug.
“Owen! Oh my god!” After a minute you let go and he can’t help but grin at the big smile on your face, the face that Charlie won’t stop talking about. He never misses a moment to tell his co stars about how gorgeous you are and how much he loves your smile.
“Okay so I’m thinking we stop by the apartment and drop your stuff off and then head to set. We’re in the middle of filming but I may have asked Kenny if I could take a break to get something to eat.” You chuckle at that before answering.
“Actually I was wondering if we could just go right to set. I can’t spend another minute without Charlie.”
“Good. I can. So please take him from me.”
You laugh at that and spend the entire car ride counting the moments till you see your boyfriend again.
Owen parks the car and you don’t spare a moment jumping out of the car and running towards the closest door before realizing you have no idea where you're going. You stop and turn waiting for Owen.
“C'mon let’s head to the main stage. That's where they were when I left.” You follow Owen to a group of people.
“Hey guys have you seen Charlie anywhere?”
“No why?”
“This is his girlfriend, (Y/N)! She’s surprising him.”
“Oh my gosh! You’re (Y/N)? He’s going to be so excited. He never shuts up about you!” A girl with long blonde hair says.
“Yeah he might explode,” A guy wearing a leather jacket replies.
“Yeah I’m sorry about that. Hopefully it’s all good things.”
“Definitely. That boy is 100% in love with you. I’m Savannah.”
“And I’m Jeremy”
“The third phantom and Carrie right? He talks about you guys all the time too”
“Well this is fun but we need to go find Charlie before he sees you first.” Owen drags me in a different direction. You wave to Savannah and Jeremy hoping to talk to them more.
You see that you end up at Charlie’s trailer and Owen knocks on the door.
“Coming!” You hear on the other side and your heart leaps. It’s him. Owen pushes you behind him.
“Owen! Where’d you go running off to? That was a king lunch, dude.”
“Oh you know just out.”
“Well it must’ve been good enough for Kenny to stop production until you got back. All that was left was your stuff with BooBoo. Mads is getting here soon.” You start to feel bad for causing them to stop filming.
“Oh believe me it was. I have a surprise for you.”
“Please! No more dead birds!”
“No it’s good I swear! Close your eyes”
“I don’t wanna-!”
“Fine!” Charlie closes his eyes and Owen pushes you right in front him.
Charlie opens his eyes expecting something gross but is completely in awe of the view in front of him.
“Wait…(Y/N)? How are you even here right now? What? How? I don’t even know what to say!”
“Just kiss me you dork.” He doesn’t say anything just wraps you in his arms and gives you the biggest kiss possible. You kiss him back and just soak in the moment of you two. It feels like there’s no one else around and forget about where you are.
“Okay...I’m going to go leave and find Kenny.”
Charlie lets go and just stares at you in shock. “That son of a bitch went to the airport didn’t he?” You just nod chuckling to yourself. “I’m sorry but oh my god. I can’t believe your standing here right now.”
“Neither can I. Last week I was missing you so much and Owen convinced me to get a ticket.”
“Well you came just in time. We’re having a Halloween party tomorrow night and now you can come! Everyone’s going to be so excited. You’re all I can talk about.”
“So I’ve heard. I better live up to the expectations huh?”
“You already are just by being you...God I love you.” He kisses you again.
You spend the rest of the day watching him film scenes and meeting the rest of the cast. They were all so nice and welcoming. You kinda regret leaving your stuff in Owens truck but you had to Charlie to help you unpack so it didn’t take too long. After that the three of you went out for dinner and then cuddled with Charlie the rest of the night Because of the party everyone had a later call time. This meant more time with Charlie.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed but a noisy apartment. You walk out of the room to see Charlie and Owen arguing over a pan of burnt eggs.”
“Good morning, old married couple. What’s going on? It’s too early for this shit.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), but SOMEBODY decided to let the breakfast I was making you burn.”
“How is this my fault?”
“I asked you to watch over it while I went to the bathroom and I came back out to you going live and not even paying attention.”
“Well sorry I got distracted but you were in there a long time.”
“It wasn’t that king oh my god!”
“Boys!! Stop arguing,” You walk up behind Charlie to give him a hug, “It’s okay. Thank you for the breakfast, baby.”
“I’m sorry for him over there. It would’ve been amazing.”
“Amazing or Charlie amazing. I saw the peanut butter out?” Owen says staring at Charlie.
“Oh...maybe it was a good thing they got ruined. You eat some weird food babe.”
“Hey! Who’s side are you on?” Charlie says low key offended but he can’t stay mad too long. “Whatever, we'll just get Starbucks or something. Are you coming to set babe?”
“I was actually thinking about going to the store to find a last minute costume. What are you going as?”
“It’s gonna be a surprise. We’re not telling anyone.”
“Yeah. Jer, Charlie, and I are gonna match.” Owen replies.
“Oh god. I hope it wasn’t Charlie’s idea.”
“What is this? Pick on Charlie day?”
“No it’s Halloween! Best day of the year. Tomorrow is Pick on Charlie Day.” You laugh at Owen.
“Which reminds me I have to go to get a good costume.” You go back to Charlie’s room to get dressed before saying goodbye to the two idiots.
“I’ll see you later! Bye I love you!”
“I love you too!” Owen yells back.
“She was talking to me. Love you!”
“I don’t think so. She loves me more.” You hear them start to argue again and you leave quickly.
At the store you find a cute Lilo costume that there was one left of. You also buy a Scrump backpack and a little Stitch plush to carry with you (plus that fits in the bag so your hands don’t get tired. Spirit Halloween really has it all.
Charlie said to get to set around 6 and gives you the address of the school around 6 since that’s when they were supposed to done filming. You go through the door you and Owen walked through the day before. You start following the decorations until you get to the Cafeteria. You start to recognize people from yesterday. You see Sav is Kim Possible. Madison as the devil and Jadah as an angel. Sacha was also a devil. You look around but don’t see the three boys. You haven’t known Jeremy long but if he is willing to along with Charlie and Owens' plan he must be just as big as a doofus as them. After about 20 minutes you go to find a bathroom.
You look in the mirror fixing your dress and we’re fixing your eyeliner until the light turns off. You look around confused, feeling your way around. You got close to the light and feel a person.
“Hello?” You whisper.
You just hear footsteps walking slowly toward you.
“This is it. This is when I die.” You think to yourself. You walk backwards before feeling another body behind you.
You close your eyes to accept fate before seeing some light against your eyelids.
You open your eyes and see three scary ass looking clowns in front of you. You scream and run out the door. You take a moment against the hallway wall before realizing there were three people missing in the party. You wait hoping they would walk out soon. You see the door open and see one of the boys step out. Not caring which one it was you walk up against the door so they couldn’t see you. When you see his face you yell, “BOO!”
The clown screams and runs out pulling the rest of them behind him.
“Not so fun is it?” You let yourself be seen.
“I’m sorry (Y/N). I didn’t think that Owen was going to turn out the lights.” Charlie said walking slowly up to her.
“You wanted to scare her. It’s a small room and there's not many options.”
“Still I’m so sorry.”
“I actually thought I was going to die. I’ve never been more terrified in my life. Why would you do that?”
“I thought it would be funny.”
“Funny to watch your girlfriend terrified is it?”
“(Y/N)...I don’t know how to be anymore sorry.”
“Yeah we're really sorry.” Jer says hoping to calm the situation down.
“Yeah really sorry.” He was going to say something sarcastic but saw how traumatized you actually looked.
“It’s okay. I mean it is Halloween. I should have expected something like this from the three of you.”
Charlie walks the rest of the way to you and gives you a hug and kisses you on the head. He feels you calm down and says “You look really cute.”
“Thanks you don’t at all but it’s okay.”
“Hey you said Pick on Charlie day was tomorrow.” You smile before pulling away from Charlie and yell “Hey Owen!”
“Charlie just agreed to tomorrow being Pick on Charlie Day!”
“He did? Cmon lets tell everyone!” You run after him back to the cafeteria.
“Wait no I didn’t!!! (Y/N)! OWEN!!” Charlie just shakes his head knowing it wouldn’t do anything.
Later that night everyone got a text saying this:
This is your healthy reminder that 11/1 is now officially Pick on Charlie day! To celebrate, please spend the whole day picking on Charlie Gillespie. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Let’s just say when the next year came around, the fans had a field day and Charlie was not a happy camper.
A/N: oh look another 2 am post! Anyway I hope you liked it!
- Maddie xx
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salvatoreschool · 3 years
Kaylee Bryant On "Legacies," The Importance Of Queer Rep On TV, Hosie, And More
"I have so many people constantly telling me that watching Josie on the show has made them feel more comfortable in themselves."
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This week, Kaylee Bryant squeezed us into her schedule to talk about their role as Josie Saltzman on Legacies. As a huge Josie fan, I couldn't think of a better way to spend a morning than talking to Kaylee about The Vampire Diaries, Hosie, our favorite books, and more! Here's everything we talked about:
1. What was your audition for Legacies like?
My audition process was very interesting because they kept a lot of it a secret. I had no script and a fake character name. And then I had my second audition, a chemistry read, which Jenny Boyd [Lizzie] wasn't even at. I walked in and immediately just flat-out asked, "This is for the twins, right?" So it was long, but short and intense at the same time.
BuzzFeed: Wait, did you know which twin you were going to be playing?
I initially auditioned for Josie, and then during chemistry reads, they started asking me to read for Lizzie. And then we had our final callback where I finally met Jenny and we both read for both roles. They never told us [who was playing who] until Jenny had her appointment to go dye her hair blonde.
2. What's a typical day on set like?
Gosh, it changes every time. If it's a busy day on set, we're talking like 8 a.m. call time where we spend about two hours on hair and makeup and go straight into rehearsals. If it's a big sort of episode that involves stunt work and wire work, you're talking about doing maybe two scenes in a day. But if it's an average day, we can do anywhere from three to five scenes and we can start at 8 a.m. and wrap at 8 p.m. It really depends. I'm surprised if I'm not surprised.
3. You’ve said you’re a huge fan of The Vampire Diaries. Josie played Elena in the musical episode — what was that like?
It was surreal for sure. They had talked a little bit about doing a musical episode since Season 1. And I always thought that they were joking when they talked about doing Salvatore: The Musical!, so when they said Josie would obviously play Elena, I was like, "Hahaha." And then I got the script and realized I actually was playing Elena. The musical aspect of it was the easy part. The difficult part was, I think, getting into the iconic Elena attire and trying to feel normal. Because we have a lot of crew members that worked on The Vampire Diaries, and they kept coming up to me being like, "This is weird. I feel weird."
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4. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve filmed with Courtney Bandeko (Finch) this season?
I really did love the scene that we had in the town square [when] we got on a moped. There were so many fans in the town square that were huddled in the rain — it was pouring rain, freezing cold — trying to snap photos of us. And it was kind of one of those surreal moments where it felt full circle, that I was on a Vampire Diaries spinoff in town square. It was a lot going on, but it was a lot of fun. It's always fun working with Courtney.
5. You and Danielle Rose Russell (Hope) also have amazing chemistry — what’s your favorite scene you’ve filmed together?
Oh gosh, we have a lot that are pretty amazing. Honestly, I'd say [Season 3] Episode 14 — we finally got to do a lot more scenes together. And it's always fun, especially when it's Josie, Lizzie, and Hope, because we have so much history character-wise. Any time you really get to dive into that, we love it.
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6. I know Josie and Finch are working through some things right now, but I gotta ask — how do you feel about Hosie?
I love it. Danielle and I loved the idea of Hosie starting from Season 1, and we kept asking and asking and asking for it. So it's kind of funny and full circle that now the fans have kind of taken our side with things, and now they won't stop asking for it. All we want is this beautiful, dynamic relationship. And I think that the fans want that as well.
BuzzFeed: Yeah, I mean, people have even been asking me about Hosie, and I don't work on the show!
Oh, I'm sure! [Laughs] Obviously I love it, though.
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7. Is there a particular Josie moment you’re really proud of?
Josie has a scene coming up in Episode 18 — or 19? — I don't know, but it's good. It's sort of the pinnacle of everything that Josie has felt over the past three years kind of culminating into one moment. So, I'm excited for people to see it.
8. You recently came out as queer. How has playing Josie, who’s pansexual, impacted you personally?
I felt a lot of pressure when I initially booked Josie because I was still figuring out who I was and what my label was. And playing a character who was so comfortable in who she was, it was inspiring [to me] in a way that I think a lot of other people watching the show have been inspired. I have so many people constantly telling me that watching Josie on the show has made them feel more comfortable in themselves. It's kind of amazing that we all have the same experience in that having queer representation makes you more comfortable.
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9. You’ve been vocal about your Asian identity, and your character has spoken Japanese on the show. Did you have a hand in incorporating that into Josie’s character?
No, not at all! So, I spoke Japanese a few times on the [Instagram] Live and one of our writers, Penny Cox, saw me speaking Japanese and immediately went to Brett [Matthews] and was like, "We need to make this happen somehow." And then all of a sudden, I had a script in my hands. So it was a surprise, but a fun one.
BuzzFeed: Are you fluent in Japanese?
Gosh, no! I'm barely fluent in English. [Laughs] I would say I speak at the level of maybe a second-grader on a good day, though.
10. If you could pitch any storyline for Josie, what would it be?
I always joke that I want an episode that takes place overnight. That way, we all have to be wearing pajamas the entire episode. I just want to wear some comfy clothes for a whole two weeks, that's my main goal. So we can have a pajama episode, that's my pitch.
11. What's it like getting into character for Dark Josie scenes?
It's different in the sense that I know Josie so well. And knowing Josie in turn makes me understand Dark Josie. I have a whole different playlist of music that I listen to for Dark Josie — and I have the wig, which helps a lot with getting into character.
BuzzFeed: Well, now I have to ask what music is on that playlist!
I think "Bury a Friend" by Billie Eilish is a great one for Dark Josie. Also, "Villain" by K/DA is a prime example of a perfect song for Dark Josie, so I listen to that one as well.
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12. What's your go-to Starbucks order?
Plain black iced Americano. Aria [Shahghasemi, who plays Landon] says I drink coffee like a sociopath. [Laughs]
13. What TV show are you currently binging?
I just finished watching Alice in Borderland, which is a Japanese show on Netflix. And I know Feel Good Season 2 just came out, so I think that's my next binge.
14. Damon or Stefan?
Stefan! They're both beautiful and I love them very much, but I'm Team Stefan when it comes to Elena.
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15. If you could work with anyone from The Vampire Diaries, who would it be?
Ian Somerhalder has a lot of dogs. So, maybe I want to work with him for the sole reason of just talking about dogs. [Writer's note: Kaylee revealed she has two rescue dogs, one whom was sleeping right next to them during the interview! Kaylee described the dogs as "both complete and total nuts," but said she misses them about five minutes after getting into the car to go to work.]
16. Do you think you’re most similar to Josie, Lizzie, or Hope in real life?
I would say I'm an eclectic mix of the three. I can be very headstrong like Hope, very outspoken like Lizzie, and I try to be as loving as Josie, but sometimes that doesn't always work. But I'd like to think all three.
17. Is there a role people would be surprised to learn you auditioned for, but didn't get?
I've been auditioning since I was eight, so there's quite a few Disney Channel shows and movies. And I'm sure people would be surprised because I think I auditioned for like, all of them. It's very funny, one of the first jobs I ever booked in television was Kickin' It with Leo Howard [Ethan]. Talk about full circle — going from being 12 years old and having no idea what I'm doing to being a series regular on [Legacies] and welcoming Leo to the set.
18. Who's your favorite Disney princess?
Oh, I love Mulan so much. She was, like, my first crush ever. I also love Moana, but it's Mulan 1,000%.
19. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I mean, I do eat rice every day. So maybe just white rice — you can make rice into candy and...yeah, let's go with rice.
20. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring one book, what would it be?
Oh no! I recently read The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, and I really enjoyed that book. Oh god, Is that the one that I want to bring, though? I mean, I really enjoyed it and it has many different aspects to it. I don't know. Or should I go with Harry Potter? I go through different genres too, like right now I'm in a big sci-fi phase, but other times I'll go the opposite direction and only read biographies. Yeah, that's super hard. I don't think I would know!
21. On that note, what's your Hogwarts house?
Initially, when I was younger, it used to just be straight-up Slytherin. And now, I recently took the Sorting Hat Quiz and I got Ravenclaw. So I'm going to go with Slytherclaw.
BuzzFeed: What's Josie's house?
Josie would be Slytherin. She tries very hard and, you know, not everyone in Slytherin is evil. She just, you know, has her way of going about things.
22. Has anything super funny or embarrassing happened to you on set?
I trip a lot on set. I get scared very easily — if I come around the corner and somebody is walking the other direction, I get scared. Everybody knows to walk slowly around me because I get scared so easily.
23. What's your wildest fan story?
I've had people cry before. And I'm an empath, so if somebody starts crying, I immediately am like, "Please don't cry, because I'm gonna cry." And then it turns into this whole thing. Once we were shooting in the town square and this young girl with her mom started crying, and I just hugged her and I didn't know what to say. So there's a lot of that. There's also the occasional, "Where's your twin?" and...I don't have one, sorry! But yeah, I would say the people who cry always throw me for a loop.
24. How do you unwind after a long day?
I have an hourlong drive home from work, so I usually listen to a lot of music. And by the time I get home, taking off all of my makeup is very therapeutic. Because over time, we're working 13-hour days, 16-hour days, and it's just powder constantly building up on my face. So, washing my face is always very therapeutic. And then just laying back and reading a book and petting my dog is the best.
25. Is there a celebrity you get told you look like a lot?
Most recently, Sara Waisglass [from Ginny & Georgia and Degrassi]. We follow each other on social media now and I completely messed up because I don't know how Twitter works at all. I forgot that there's a DMing interaction, so we followed each other and I was like, "Oh, that's nice." And then just recently, I saw that she had messaged me being like, "We're twins! We should be friends!" And I immediately messaged back, "I'm so sorry, let's be friends!"
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26. Who's your biggest celebrity crush?
Oh, I have so many. But consistently since I saw Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany. Hands down.
27. Finally, have you ever caught someone watching a TV show or movie that you're in on a flight or anywhere else?
We were all, as a cast, flying to — was it New York Comic Con, or San Diego Comic Con? — one of the Comic Cons. And we were all sitting there and we saw that Legacies was actually on the airplane as an option. And we were all just uncomfortably staring at each other. Yeah, that was surreal.
Be sure to catch Kaylee in Legacies, which airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW!
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differentbuthuman · 4 years
I loved Raya and the Last Dragon and the only complaint I have is that it was made by Disney. Of course that’s more of a connecting point to all the small complaints I have but still.
Okay let’s dive in.
I was spoiled for this movie before I watched it. I was trying to decide if I should watch it considering I’m technically an adult and as such followed the content on all media sites that I could find. Now I didn’t exactly want to go to a theater to watch it considering and I didn’t want to pay Disney when I wasn’t going to a theater and was perfectly capable of waiting for it to come out free. I luckily didn’t have to wait long.
And I’m not saying that a certain website that shall not be named had it, but before I get into spoiler territory I just wanted to mention this cool site I found called soap2day.
Okay now that that’s out of the way past this point is spoilers, spoilers, and oh look more spoilers.
Lets start with the beginning. Raya sneaking into the cave with tut-tut’s help made me go awwwww and it should not have since we were supposed to think she was stealing something. And when I tell you how confused I got over that I mean I was really madly confused. Once she and the chief started joking around though I just had this Ohhhh moment that made me feel so so dumb. I loved everything about this scene. Would give it a ten out of ten. As the movie went on I realized that the taking off your shoes thing was a cultural thing and I liked that detail. Thank you whoever intervened and made sure Disney included some cultural accuracy
Side note I am a black American and I’ll do my best not to be offensive but the trope about Americans being ignorant toward other cultures and languages kinda rings way too true.
Now on to Raya’s adorable play fighting when she finds out all the clans were heading to the heart. It made me laugh and feel vividly reminded of my own awkward teen years that I’m technically still suffering through. I love how hopeful the chief is about everyone getting along and him and Raya teasing about how he definitely shouldn’t open with a joke.
Now, *takes a deep breath* Raya and Namaari had me going just date already the whole movie. Like Namaari shyly brushing her hair behind her ear, the twenty question game they seemed to be playing, them holding hands the entire time they’re going anywhere. (Is that a cultural thing, I don’t care if it is cause it’s still adorable, but I’m curious) I love that when it’s first revealed that Namaari is tracking Raya she realizes Raya is nearby because of a ring she was wearing in her hair six years ago when they met for like the first time. “I was scared you were going to become a cat lady, like me”? Who wrote these lines? I just wanna talk. I love the fact that there’s this scene where Raya is like I’m never having children and later in the movie Namaari is like getting crowded by children and she loves it.
*sighs in relief* Okay now that we’re finished with that we can get into the deeper parts of this story. Every character in this story is flawed. It’s what makes the so relatable. For the first time in a while I can say I watched a movie and didn’t immediately hate the main characters.
Chief Benja is a loving father and a strong warrior, who has such a companionate heart, but these traits play a part in the downfall of the lands. He was such a strong warrior that he felt assure he could handle any threat to stone this with his compassion lead to the decision to invite the clans and his part as a loving father lead to him lowering his blade allowing for the arrow that almost killed him to get as close as it did. He is so trusting that it is to a fault.
Then there is Raya, oh Raya, she’s cocky and untrusting. Even when the movie ends you still feel like she has a lot of growing to do. When her father pushed her into the river he told her not to give up on people but she did the exact opposite to the point that it got Sisu killed. She was so concerned for finding a way to save her father that it was as if she had simply froze herself in time with him and it was only when the movie was at the very end that she was unfrozen. Despite this it could be argued that she learned along the way what trust meant through the friends she made in every piece of the land. I think what she really learned was not to judge people by the tags she assigned to them.
Namaari is for she the Disney villain, but unlike the usual Disney villain no matter what she does you can’t see her as one. Throughout the movie it is so clear that she is never doing what she wants but instead what she has been convinced is best for her people. When she is trying to steal the stone it’s because she believes it will bring prosperity to her people, when she is betraying Sisu and Raya she does it because she has been convinced that the stone and Sisu are what’s best for her people. Even when she sacrifices herself she does it in the hope that it will be the best for everyone else. The most selfish thing she does the entire time of the movie is chasing Raya which she later justifies as getting the pieces of the stone and what Raya stole from her people.
Sisu is an unproblematic character who deserves all the love in the world. So her referring to herself as the kid who just turned the work in is crushing. Yet she like Chief Benja trust too much. It comes back to hurt her every time but she never gives up so I’ll admit that when her trust was validated I wanted to cheer a little.
Finally to wrap it up I would love to see an aftermath story of everyone picking up the pieces I mean time was frozen for six years for some people but for others it just kept going. Raya was twelve the last time her father saw her and I’d like to see him falling back into old habits so easily, but Raya struggling because she’s an adult now one used to being alone at that. I’d like to see how his years alone affect Tong and his family. I mean he was utterly alone the whole time. Everyone else had someone or something to keep them going but him. Is he sometimes just quiet for no reason? Does he fear letting his son? out of his sight? Then there is Boun when we saw him with his family he looked to be the same age as his sister. I’d like to watch his family try to readjust how they treat him accordingly. Plus he said he never left the boat, that’s six years on that boat. I’d like to see him try to adjust to other people being in what was his space, I’d like to see him being afraid of leaving the boat even though he knows it’s safe. I’d also like to watch more of Sisu, Namaari, and Raya just those three in general.
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happylifefanfic · 3 years
Safe Place Chapter 6
“Christopher, Jake, Claire!  The movie is starting in 5 minutes,” Emma yelled from the kitchen.  After dinner, the three children had gone to get their pajamas on while Emma cleaned up.  She had promised them earlier in the day that they could watch the newest release on the Disney+ app before going to bed.  
Just as she turned on the dishwasher, her phone rang.  A smile graced her face when she recognized Eddie’s ringtone.
“Hey, love.  How’s your shift going?” she said when she answered the call.
“It’s been okay.  We’ve had some crazy calls so far,” Eddie said with a sigh.  “How’s everything going there?”
“Good!  The kids are getting their pajamas on and then we’re going to watch that new movie they saw a preview for at Disneyland yesterday,” Emma replied as she moved to the room she shared with Eddie to change into her own pajamas.  They had decided to go ahead and move in together after he asked her to marry him.  Their wedding was set for the next month at Athena and Bobby’s house.
“I wish I was there with you guys,” Eddie groaned.  
“I wish you were here too,” Emma sighed.  “At least we’re both off tomorrow before I have to go back to work.”
“Thank God,” Eddie said.  “What time is your brother coming to pick up Jake and Claire?”
“He should be here around 9:00 in the morning, and Carla is coming to pick up Christopher at 9:30,” Emma said as she pulled her pajama top over her head.  The sound of giggles in the living room let her know that the kids were ready to begin the movie.  
“I forgot he wanted to spend the day with her tomorrow,” Eddie said quietly.
“Is that still okay?” Emma asked.  “I can call Carla if you’d rather him stay home.”
“He’d be so mad if we did that,” Eddie laughed.  “Plus, it will be nice to have some time alone.  We haven’t had the house to ourselves in weeks.”
“That will be nice,” Emma said dreamily.  “We have some more wedding planning to do too.”
“Let’s knock as much of it out tomorrow as we can,” Eddie said.  “Are you sure you don’t want to just go to the courthouse?”
“And have your mother and mine kill us both?  No, thank you,” Emma said as she walked down the hall to the living room.  
“I don’t blame you on that one,” Eddie said with a laugh.  Emma laughed along with him as she pulled up the Disney+ app on the television.  She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a loud roaring noise and then the unmistakable sound of an explosion that rattled the house.
“Emma!  What was that?” Eddie yelled through the phone, but got no response. 
Emma had fallen to her knees at the force of the blast and dropped the phone in the process.  Once the house stopped shaking, she grabbed the three children and ushered them quickly into the bathtub in the bathroom closest to them.  All three of them were terrified, and Emma paused a moment to calm them down.  
“You are safe,” she said.  “Stay here while I go check out what happened outside.  Do not leave this room!”
“No!  You can’t go by yourself!” Christopher yelled at her.  
“Christopher, I will be fine,” Emma said soothingly.  “I promise.”
Emma closed the bathroom door behind her and went to grab her gun, badge, and keys.  She grabbed her phone from the floor as she ran towards the front door.  
“Eddie?” she said into the phone.
“Oh thank god!” Eddie exclaimed.  “What on earth happened?”
“I don’t know yet,” Emma said as she jogged outside.  When she turned around to face her old house, a fireball lit up the sky the size of a mountain.
“Eddie, we’re going to need you guys here ASAP,” Emma said as she moved closer to the fireball.  Less than half a mile from their house, she found a scene straight out of a movie.  Remnants of an airplane were strewn all over a section of a neighborhood where houses once stood.  The whole area was engulfed in flames.
“What happened?” Eddie asked.  Emma could hear the sirens from the firetruck in the background.
“A plane crashed,” Emma said.  “The fire is out of control!”
“You need to get away from there,” Eddie yelled at her.
“I know,” she replied as she turned to head back to the house.  “I’m going to get the kids and take them to Athena and Bobby’s.  This fire is huge and it’s going to get bigger with the amount of jet fuel leaking from this plane.”
“Be careful,” Eddie warned.  “I love you.”
“I love you too.  You need to be careful too.  Come home to me safe and sound,” she said before she hung up.  As she got closer to the house, she saw neighbors coming out to investigate.
“You all need to go somewhere safe until the fire department has this area secured,” Emma said as she jogged past them.  When she returned to the house, she ushered the kids out of the house and into her car just as Engine 118 went roaring past.  
“That’s dad!” Christopher yelled. 
“It sure is,” Emma said calmly.  “We’re going to go to Athena and Bobby’s house and wait until it’s safe to come back.”
“Is Eddie going to be okay?” Claire asked with concern from the backseat as Emma maneuvered the car out of the driveway.
“Yeah, baby.  He’s going to be fine.  He does this kind of thing all the time,” Emma said as she smiled at her niece in the rearview mirror.  
On the inside, Emma’s heart was beating faster than normal.  She knew this was not your typical fire and that scared her more than she wanted to admit.  A wave of nausea passed over her as she pulled to a stop in front of Athena and Bobby’s house.  She and the kids went to the door and were greeted by Athena and Maddie.  
“Hey kids!” Athena greeted them.  “Harry is outside on the patio getting games ready for you guys.”
The kids followed Christopher outside as Maddie engulfed Emma in a friendly hug.
“I’m so glad you guys are okay,” she said as she released Emma.  “Buck called when Eddie couldn’t get you on the phone.  I came over to Athena’s to see what we could do to help.”  
“Bobby said the fire was awfully close to you guys,” Athena said to her partner.  “I’m happy to see you were able to get the kids out of there before it got really bad.”
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Emma said.  “It was like watching a horror movie unfold before my eyes.”
“Bobby said the FFA is reporting that it was a commercial flight out of Houston that crashed,” Athena said solemnly.  Maddie shuddered while Emma quietly hung her head.
“Let’s just focus on keeping things light and positive for the kids,” Maddie said.  
“Great idea,” Athena said.  “I can make us some popcorn.”
“That would be great,” Emma said with a weak smile.  “I’m going to go to the bathroom for a minute.”
“Sure, take your time,” Athena replied.  “We’ll keep an eye on the kids.”
Emma quickly made her way to the bathroom and barely managed to make it to the toilet before she became sick.  Several moments later, she emerged from the bathroom to see Maddie waiting outside the door.  
“How far along are you?” Maddie asked as she handed Emma a wet paper towel.  Emma took it, and gulped loudly.
“Six weeks,” she whispered as she moved the wet paper towel across her face.  
“Does Eddie know?” Maddie asked quietly.
“No,” Emma sobbed.  “I was going to tell him tomorrow after the kids left.  I just found out the day before we went to Disneyland.”
“Oh, honey,” Maddie said as she wrapped Emma in a hug.  “Eddie is going to be thrilled about the baby.”
Emma nodded her head unable to speak at the moment.  
“It’s never bothered me before that he puts his life on the line every time he goes out to a fire,” Emma said.  “I get it because I have a dangerous job as well, but for some reason today, it scares me to death to think of him out there in danger.”
“That’s completely understandable.  You love him, and you just found out that you’re carrying his child,” Maddie said as she rubbed Emma’s back soothingly.  
“You’re right,” Emma said quietly.  “I wish I would have told him about the baby yesterday.”
“You’ll be able to tell him when he gets home,” Maddie said.  “I smell popcorn.  You want some?”
“That actually sounds good right now,” Emma laughed as they headed out to the patio to be with Athena and the kids.  Even as Emma smiled and tried to act like nothing was wrong in front of the kids, her stomach rolled and she fought off the feeling that something awful was going to happen.a
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themurphyzone · 4 years
PatB/BatB AU: Imprisoned
Summary: Pinky tries to rescue his father from a spooky, mysterious castle, only to wind up the prisoner of a terrifying monster. Also the terrifying monster has no fucking idea what he's doing, but Pinky doesn't know that.
AN: Because I desperately want to write a BatB/PatB fic but I don’t want to tackle the entire movie cause this movie is more slow burn than most other Disney Princess stories. I decided to try the scene where Belle first meets the Beast just for curiosity’s sake.  
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Pharfignewton’s hooves nervously stirred up dead leaves and twigs as she halted in front of an eerie black gate, its bars crisscrossing over each other as if to prevent anyone from entering…or leaving.
An unfamiliar sense of dread swept over Pinky. The enormous castle beyond the gate loomed, the highest towers piercing the thick, gray clouds above. Still, Pharfignewton’s instincts were never wrong. If she said Papa was somewhere in that large, gloomy castle, then he was going to be in that large, gloomy castle.
Pinky gently flicked the reins, but Pharfignewton didn’t move. A tremble ran down her back.
“It’s okay, Fig,” Pinky whispered. He stroked her mane, and Pharfignewton whinnied softly. “Just think of your favorite things. Like apples, carrots, grassy meadows…”
A gust of wind blew the gate open. It crashed against the unforgiving stone wall.
Pharfignewton leapt back, the sudden move nearly pitching Pinky to the ground, but he clung to several strands of her mane and quickly scrambled into his usual position at the base of her neck.
She trotted across the stone bridge, ears swiveling in every direction.
“P-poit. They oughta change the lock on that thing,” Pinky murmured as the gate slammed shut.
Pharfignewton stumbled against a crack in the stone pathway leading up to the castle’s front door. She couldn’t go any further. The stone would damage her hooves, and they’d need to be in tip-top shape for the ride home.
“Fig, you’ll have to wait here.” Pinky climbed up her mane and onto her long muzzle, petting the soft fur between her eyes. Her head rose indignantly, stamping a hoof against the stone. “You shouldn’t go onto the stone without horseshoes. It’ll ruin your lovely hooves. And don’t worry, Papa and I will be back before you can say sugarcube!”
They couldn’t afford horseshoes for Pharfignewton, which prevented Pinky from riding her as often as he would’ve liked. Pinky’s chest ached from the reminder. Pharfignewton deserved pretty shoes.
She let out a gentle puff of air as she lowered him to the ground, giving him an encouraging nudge.
Pinky slowly approached the heavy doors, a brass gargoyle with bulging eyes serving as a doorknob. But the knob was at human height, not mouse height, so even with a running start and flying leap, he couldn’t reach it.
Then he remembered his manners. Breaking into a haunted, abandoned castle was awfully rude. What if he disturbed some ghosts in whatever ghostly things they did?
“Hello?” Pinky called, pressing an ear to the door as he knocked. “Anyone home?”
Nobody answered, but the door creaked slightly, allowing Pinky enough room to squeeze inside. Pinky bundled Mama’s well-worn traveling cloak around himself, trying not to think of the scolding he might’ve received as a young mouse about breaking and entering into strange places.
But he wasn’t stealing anything. He was just going to find Papa and bring him home. If Mama were alive, she’d understand.  
Somehow the castle interior was even colder and draftier than outside. Gargoyles lined the walls, crouching with their wings outstretched, and each one seemed to have their eyes trained on him. The inside was mostly stone, with a wine-red carpet leading from the doorway and splitting into two paths along an enormous staircase.
Torches and lanterns hung along the walls, but they were dim and barely provided light to see by.
Whoever built the castle must’ve had a great love for the Gothic style. Pinky could appreciate dedication to the theme, but he shied away from an eagle-like gargoyle all the same. There were eyes boring into him. He just knew it.
“Hello?” Pinky shouted.
Pinky grinned. The echo made up for the dreary décor.
This time, he cupped his hands to his mouth, took a deep breath, and yelled from the top of his lungs.
Feeling slightly bolder, Pinky played a quick game of eenie-meenie-miney-mo for the path he’d take, since there were so many of them and he couldn’t choose just one. There were so many rooms. It would take a while to go through them all, so he’d have to chance it.
On the last count of ‘mo’, Pinky’s finger pointed at the rightmost staircase, so he climbed the long flight, his bare feet sinking into the carpet. He hoped the ghosts would forgive him for tracking dirt inside.
Clink clink clink.
Funny. Feet didn’t usually make that kind of noise on carpet.
Probably just the creaking of old metal. This castle had definitely seen better days, judging from the cobwebs that spanned entire corners far above his head.
He reached the top of the staircase. More doors and rooms awaited him down the dark hallway.
Pinky knocked on the nearest door. He heard a splash of water and the sweep of a mop coming from within. A maid, maybe?
They could point him in the right direction!
“Hello? Are you a castle maid? I’m sorry for interrupting your work, but I’m looking for my Papa!” Pinky shouted, pressing an ear against the door. Someone whispered urgently, the exact words too muffled to make out, and the splashing and sweeping noises stopped. “His name is Jack, he’s a little shorter than me, and…oh, he has a big bushy mustache too! He tends to get vegetable bits stuck in it when he eats. Have you seen him?”
No reply.
Pinky’s tail twitched nervously. Maybe the maids really didn’t like having their work interrupted.
“I’m sorry, I’ll…I’ll let you get back to work,” Pinky said. He backed away from the door, the hood of his cloak falling into his eyes.
Clink clink clink.
That noise again. Pinky lifted the hood away from his eyes, and he came face-to-face with a teacup, and he was pretty sure he hadn’t seen any teacups yet. Mostly gargoyles and spooky stuff, really.
The teacup was about his height, with a polished white surface and golden trim around its rim and base. Its handle was a shining red, and its pink base looked almost skirt-like, with a single yellow flower painted on the front.
“Aww, what a cute teacup!” Pinky exclaimed. He’d never seen any teacup like this before. Not even Snowball had something this ornate and pretty. “Wonder who painted you? Whoever it was, they’ve really got a great eye for color!”
He could’ve sworn the teacup’s handle lifted out of pride, but maybe the dim lighting was just playing tricks on him.
“Well, I don’t know how you got here, but I can’t just leave you alone either. What if somebody stepped on you?” Pinky lifted the teacup by the handle and carried it further down the hall. The teacup’s base seemed to twitch every few seconds.
He didn’t know where the kitchen was, but surely there had to be a cabinet or cupboard somewhere around here. He turned left when the path split again, and counted his lucky stars once he spotted a small table up ahead. The higher surface was several feet above his head, but the lower platform was at his shoulder level.  
Odd. There was a candelabra and a mantle clock here too. Strange place to store one’s knickknacks, but then again, Pinky kept his rock collection in a tea kettle, so he couldn’t be too judgy.  
Pinky set the teacup on the lower platform, sliding it over until it touched the candelabra and clock. The two objects were oddly painted, with black and white markings running throughout their brass bodies. The candelabra’s lower half was painted brown, and the clock’s topmost carvings looked almost like a cap.
Though none of them were similar objects, Pinky thought they fit together quite well.
Curiously, Pinky ran his finger over the decorative carvings on the legs. “Egad, this must be real mahogany!” he said. His fingertips were covered in a thick layer of dust when he pulled away, and he shook it off, sneezing at the small cloud that formed. “Whew, really dusty though.”
“Gesundheit!” a Scouse-accented voice said.
“Narf! Thanks a bunch!” Pinky wiped the remaining dust against the inside lining of his apron. It was going in the wash later, so it didn’t bother him too much.
Only as he climbed another flight of stairs did he realize he hadn’t seen any living being yet. Maybe the castle was just full of polite ghosts.
The carpet beneath his feet was ragged with little holes revealing cold stone underneath, the ceiling arching far above him. The pillars had rough seals over their creeping, winding cracks. There were no gargoyles, no furniture, no rooms at all.
Nothing but dust, cracks, and cobwebs.
It seemed that not even the ghosts used this area much.
“Papa?” Pinky shouted. His echoes answered back, yet there was no sign of Papa.
Wind battered the stone walls, and Pinky’s heart leapt from his chest. He wrapped his cloak around himself, willing his heart to stay where it belonged. For goodness sake, he’d grown up in Paris. If streets full of reeking garbage didn’t scare him, then this shouldn’t either.
Pinky reached a dead end, the path blocked by a barren mass of stone. With a sigh, he turned around. There wasn’t anything here. Maybe he should try the second floor again? There were a lot of rooms he hadn’t checked.
A light flickered around the corner, a bright circle of hope illuminating the unfeeling stone. Pinky hadn’t gone in that direction yet. He hadn’t planned to, but the light skipped and waved, beckoning him closer. And if there was light, that meant somebody was in the castle after all!
“Narf! Excuse me!” Pinky cried, rushing over to the ray of light. “I don’t mean to interrupt your work, but if you could please tell me-“
The light vanished. Pinky pressed his hand to the wall. It was dark and scary in here. That light had been the first sign of life he’d seen in this castle.
A shrill creak startled a ‘troz’ out of him. But it meant someone was moving around, so he followed it until he came to a doorway in the middle of the corridor.
The door was open, so Pinky peered inside.
A winding, narrow staircase led upwards. There was no carpet, only coarse and rough stone. Then the light returned, a shining beacon in the dark.
“There you are,” Pinky whispered, hauling himself onto the first step. These stairs weren’t as smooth as the rest of the castle’s, but years of routine chores had given him enough upper body strength to manage just fine.
Cold seeped into his fur. His teeth chattered, but he pushed forward. Papa needed him.
A candelabra rested on a nearby platform, its three candles burning brightly. It had the same brown base and markings as the candelabra he’d seen downstairs. Funny. He never knew candelabras came in matching sets. But once again, he was alone.
Not even a ghost in sight.
“I could’ve sworn I heard someone…” Pinky sighed. The room in front of him only contained a dimly lit torch and a row of heavy, barred doors. Fire provided the only colors, and it wasn’t enough to chase the cold, damp shadows away. Neither was the thin, colorless light that peeked from the cracks of the foundation above. “Is anyone here?”  
A hacking cough came from behind the door nearest to the torch.
“Pinky?” a weak voice murmured.
Pinky’s ears perked as he rushed over to the door. There was a barred window close to the ground, Papa’s face peeking out from between the thick steel pieces. His fur was dirty and wet, eyes wide open with fright. He stared straight through Pinky, gripping the hood of Pinky’s cloak with desperate, clammy hands.
Papa was in a cell.
Pinky bit his lip. How? Papa wasn’t a criminal. Sure, his machines blew up a lot, but that was hardly cause for jail!  
“Papa! Are you okay? Did you see any ghosts?” Pinky gently took Papa’s hands in his own, quickly rubbing the pale pink skin to bring some warmth back. “Poit. I guess they weren’t as polite as I thought…”
Papa stammered as Pinky drew him close. The bars were wide enough that Papa could slip through them easily, but as much as Pinky tugged on his arm, Papa refused to budge, heels digging into the cracks underfoot. “He’s…he’s no g-g-ghost, Pinky. Y-you have to go. Save yourself.”
“He? You mean whoever put you in here?” Pinky repeated. Papa’s bushy mustache quivered, the tiny hairs unkempt and matted. He couldn’t speak, his hands freezing in Pinky’s own. They had to get out of here. The sooner Papa warmed up in front of the cottage’s fireplace, the better.
“Food pellets. There are no food pellets here…” Papa murmured. “Your mother made the best food pellets in the world.”
Pinky’s heart clenched at the reminder. “I know. She made the best. We should go now. Please, Papa?”
Later, when they got back to the cottage, he was going to ask exactly why Papa wasn’t at the fair. Why Pharfignewton was unhitched from the wagon and terrified out of her mind. How he’d gotten locked up in the first place.
Papa’s shivers were fiercer than before.
“It’s safe and warm at home. Let’s go…” Pinky whimpered, but Papa’s arms remained glued to the cold, unfeeling bars.
Papa’s mouth opened…
“Run, Pinky!”
A thundering roar shook the entire prison. The floor, walls, and ceiling trembled with a frightened rattle. Pinky clamped his hands against his ears, and Papa tried to do the same, though he was shaking too violently to do it right.
The only light came from above now.
A massive clawed hand clamped painfully around Pinky’s shoulder and yanked him around, the prison briefly becoming nothing more than a dark blur with a swirl of purple.
Pinky blinked the stars out of his vision, pressing his back against Papa, wordlessly urging him to dart to the back corner of the cell for his safety. But Papa tightly gripped Pinky’s shoulders, and Pinky winced as Papa’s fingers dug into a sore spot.
An enormous shadow loomed above them, its shape melting into the darkness. The only features Pinky could see were a pair of sharp, white fangs and the trailing end of a purple cape.
Pinky’s ears flattened, his heart pounding out of his chest. “Who are you?” he called out, trying to keep his voice steady. He had to be brave for Papa.
“The master of this castle.”
Every word was accompanied by a low, animalistic snarl. Pinky caught the gleam of long, twisted horns atop the shadow’s head.
“Please, let Papa out,” Pinky begged. Another growl cut him off, and Pinky’s throat tightened in panic, but he continued to plead his case. His words were useless. He was use-no, not now. He couldn’t afford self-doubt. “It’s cold here. Can’t you see he’s sick?”
More cruel white fangs were exposed.
“But he could die!” Pinky pleaded. “Please, I’ll do anything!”
“There’s nothing you can do. He’s my prisoner.”
The shadow moved again, always skirting the edge of the light.  
“There must be something…” Pinky murmured. But he had no money or valuables to offer, and trading Pharfignewton when she was a valued member of the family was out of the question. He looked down at his hands…and he had his answer. “Wait!”
Pinky reached for the shadow’s cape, but a bloodshot glare made him stop and think better of it.  
Pinky closed his eyes. And he sealed his fate.
“Take me instead.”
The shadow turned away with a scoff.
Pinky tried not to flinch. He didn’t have much value. He could keep house, but that was hardly a unique skill in the village. But he had no other material besides his clothes and fur.  
“You would…take his place?” The harsh tone and growl vanished. The shadow’s deep, guttural voice sounded more confused than furious, as if he hadn’t expected such a trade.
And why should he?
Even so, Pinky had to push forward. There was no turning back now. “If I did,” Pinky said, just wanting to make sure before he agreed to anything. “Would you let him go?”
“Pinky, you don’t know what you’re doing!” Papa hissed.
I’m saving you. That’s what I’m doing.
Complete silence. Pinky bit his lip. Finally, the shadow spoke. “Yes,” the shadow drawled the word softly. “But…you must promise to remain here for the rest of your life.”  
Pinky gripped the folds of his dress.
Rest of my life?
Would he ever see Papa again? Pharfignewton? The little cottage in the countryside?
Trade everything to be trapped with this shadow?
A shadow had to belong to somebody…
“I’d like to know who I’m speaking with,” Pinky said. “Would you come into the light, please?”
For a moment, there was nothing but an anxious growl. Then a pink, hairless foot slid into the colorless light.
A human?
Couldn’t be. The feet were tipped with sharp claws, and the heels lifted off the ground. Nor did they look like they belonged to any sort of rodent Pinky had ever met.
A pair of ragged black trousers. A long, crooked tail with many sharp bends. Grayish-brown fur over a large chest and pudgy stomach halfway covered by the purple cape. Arms that were far too thick, long, and coarse for even the largest rat.
The shadow slowly raised his head, curved black horns adding to his already intimidating height. Large, rounded ears. A broad, wide face with sagging cheeks and thick, furrowed brows.
But what struck Pinky the most was the creature’s unreadable expression. Though he was obviously angry, it was impossible to tell if those narrowed pink eyes were glaring at him with disgust or hatred. Despite the light, the eyes were partially hidden by dark patches of fur. He was silent, but a pair of fangs were still exposed.
Placing the species was impossible. He seemed to be many animals at once.
“Narf,” Pinky whispered.
The monster’s brows lifted in surprise, and if Papa weren’t locked away right now, it might’ve been comical.
Pinky turned away, unable to brave through the staredown, but he felt the monster’s gaze boring into his back.
“I won’t let you do this!” Papa cried out.
But he had to. For Papa’s freedom.
Pinky lifted his head. He stood up, gently sliding Papa’s hand off his shoulder. He let the touch linger for as long as possible and gave his Papa one last smile before turning around.
The monster was hunched over, one clawed hand resting on the ground. It wasn’t a bow of courtesy, but he seemed to have trouble with his balance. He growled in warning, as if challenging Pinky to say something about his position.
Pinky approached slowly, each step echoing in his ear. The monster didn’t move. When their faces were just inches apart, Pinky closed his eyes.
“I promise,” Pinky said. He stuck out his hand to shake on it, because that’s what people did when they wanted to set their deals in stone.
The monster snarled and shoved past Pinky. Unable to keep standing much longer, Pinky dropped to his knees and wept, unable to hold back his tears anymore.
He wouldn’t see the light of day again. Trapped forever with a monster in this lonely, dark place.
There was a squeak and the sound of frantic scampering behind him, and Pinky opened his eyes to see Papa’s desperate face, pleading with him to reconsider. “Pinky, listen to me! I’m old, but you have so much to-“ Papa’s words cut off as the monster dragged him off Pinky, lumbering towards the stairs on all fours with a hand clenched around Papa’s cloak.
“Wait!” Pinky shouted.
But the monster didn’t care. He and Papa disappeared down the stairs, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears.
He never got to say goodbye.
Papa was thrown into a carriage that moved on spindly, wooden legs and carried across the stone bridge. The carriage disappeared into the forest, Papa’s cries fading away.
Pinky clung to the barred window that was several feet off the ground and several stories high. It didn’t allow him a wide view, and he wasn’t sure where Pharfignewton was. Still looking for grass to eat, he hoped.
He slid to the floor of the cell, huddling underneath the window in a tight ball. His tail was always a source of comfort for him, and he twisted and wrung it in his hands. The sun started to go down, and he imagined how beautiful it would’ve looked from the sweeping grassy hills just outside the cottage.
Beautiful rolling clouds. His cozy bed in the upstairs loft. The sound of Papa tinkering on a machine as a vegetable broth brewed over the stove.
The door slammed against the wall, and the crash startled Pinky out of his fantasies.
It was the monster.
Something inside Pinky snapped. Now he was angry, and angry was a feeling he didn’t like, but this…this cruel excuse of a…whatever he was stole his freedom and his Papa.
“You didn’t let me say goodbye!” Pinky screamed. “Now I’ll never see him…I-I’ll never see him again.”  
He expected the monster to roar in defiance or deny the truth, but he did neither. He only leaned heavily against the doorframe in complete silence. His ears dropped, and something akin to remorse flashed across his face.
But that new emotion quickly disappeared. “Come,” the monster said, dropping to all fours. “I’ll show you to your room.”
New room? It was such a sudden offer that Pinky forgot his anger completely. So he wouldn’t have to live among old chains and damp stone?
“I thought-“
The monster arched an eyebrow, a dangerous edge creeping into his voice. “Unless you’d prefer these accommodations?”
Pinky shook his head.
“Then follow.”
His captor crossed the room without pausing, and Pinky realized he’d never asked for a name. If he was going to live here for the rest of his life, he wanted to at least have a name.
“Hold on,” Pinky said. “I never got your name.”
The monster’s hand hit the floor with a resounding thud. “Call me the Beast,” he growled. Pinky stepped back in surprise, but the mon—the Beast didn’t turn around. “And don’t ever ask again.”
There was a tinge of bitterness in his tone, as if he hated his requested name. But that didn’t make sense. Why call himself a name he hated?
“Poit. Well, my name’s Pinky so-“
The Beast was halfway down the stairs already. Pinky folded his arms. Well, that was very rude. His captor didn’t have manners at all!
Pinky hurried after him. The Beast didn’t turn around. He was a very poor conversationalist.
Another candelabra stood just outside the door to the spooky hallway. It hadn’t been there earlier. “You really shouldn’t put your nice decorations on floors. What if someone stepped on them?” Pinky said.
“So we’ve got an interior designer for a long-term guest?” the candelabra asked. “Now we can finally replace the doom and gloom with something different! Maybe an indoor jungle with monkeys!”
The candelabra could talk! That was pretty cool!
His waxy face was eye level with Pinky. His grin was a little lopsided, his candleholders folding against his gold and brown body with an easy, light confidence.
“Yakko, this castle can’t possibly tolerate more monkeys, nor does it require the aesthetic of a jungle to be one,” the Beast huffed. He still sounded irritated, but less so. “And while we’re on that topic, Wakko and Dot need a reminder to not engage with outsiders. Where are they?”
“A real spoilsport, isn’t he?” Yakko whispered to Pinky.
Pinky giggled, and Yakko’s grin became wider. Alright, so not everybody in this big scary castle was a mean ol’ grump. It was good to know.  
“Oh, they’re just telling Scratchy the news,” Yakko shrugged. “He’s a real couch potato these days. Anyway, maybe you oughta tie a string around your finger, cause you’re clearly forgetting something.”
He waved a flame like one would wave a finger to scold.
“But I patched the leaking roof,” the Beast said. “My work was thorough.”  
Yakko coughed and pointed a flame at Pinky.
The Beast only stared. Then his pink eyes widened as whatever he’d forgotten finally dawned on him.
“Where?” Pinky whirled around.
Oh, right. He was a mouse. Silly him.
The Beast growled, like he didn’t know what to think of Pinky. Well, neither did Pinky know what to think of him. So there.
“You owe Yakko for your new room. Let’s go. We’re wasting time.”
With that, the Beast stalked off.
“So…thanks for the room, I think. Poit. Is he always like this?” Pinky asked. He kicked at a speck of dust.
Yakko gave Pinky an encouraging nudge with his candlestick holders. “The Master of the Castle he may be, the Master of First Impressions he is not. If his rawwwwr-fear-me shtick gets to be too much, say the word and I’ll set his cape on fire for ya.”
“Is that a good idea?” Pinky asked. Despite his worries, he couldn’t help but laugh at Yakko’s attempt at roaring.
Yakko nodded, or as much as one could nod when one’s head was a wax candle. “It’s amazing what you can get away with in this place.”
Pinky was led down to the second floor, into a corridor with the most frightening gargoyles he’d ever seen. But he had to be a good guest, right? Good guests knew the names of every gargoyle, as Yakko was trying to teach him.
He tried so hard to pay attention, but he wouldn’t be able to remember which one was Hugo or Goliath or Laverne or Brooklyn. Yakko didn’t seem like the type to hold it against him though. He talked a lot and knew a lot of things Pinky didn’t know, explaining things like he was used to explaining things.
He seemed awfully young though.
Ahead of them, the Beast lumbered with a heavy gait. His strides were long and lacked the lightness of a rodent’s steps. Though he’d locked Papa up, he seemed more awkward than scary now.
Was he home now? Would he be alright? There were chickens to feed and cows to milk. He hoped Papa wouldn’t put his noisy milking machine on Moo-Moo. She didn’t like that.
A tear ran down his cheek, then another. Pinky clutched his tail, staring down at the floor to avoid all the glaring stone eyes on him.
Yakko’s hopping sped up, the brass sounds muffled by the carpet.
There was the smell of slightly singed fur, followed by an irritated grunt. Pinky realized the Beast was watching him from the corner of his eye. A tiny cloud of smoke trailed from his right elbow.
“You can…make yourself at home,” the Beast said, brushing off the tiny fire. “As your new residence, you have free reign of the castle and the surrounding property. You may go anywhere but the West Wing.”
The West Wing?
“What’s in the-“
“IT’S FORBIDDEN!” the Beast bellowed, his massive hand slamming into the carpet and leaving long clawmarks behind. Pinky flinched.
The Beast kept walking. Yakko filled in the silence with chatter.
To Pinky’s relief, his room wasn’t far.
The Beast opened the enormous door, which led to a bedroom that was twice as large as the cottage.
The cottage was home. Not here.  Yakko meant well, but this would never truly be Pinky’s room.
“My servants will attend to your needs,” the Beast said. There was nothing harsh about his words this time, but servants? Pinky didn’t know if he could get used to that. Nor had he seen any servants around. Was Yakko a servant? He never asked for his job title.
“Don’t worry! The toilet’s not alive. None of them are,” Yakko added.
It was probably meant to be helpful, so Pinky did his best to smile at him, but he could only manage a weak nod.  
Then Pinky noticed the giant bed, with thick comforters and a dozen pillows and velvet curtains around the edges. Though fancy and straight out of a fairy tale, it wasn’t his tiny bed tucked in a cozy corner. Meekly, he stepped inside.
“Psst! Invite him to dinner, Romeo!” Yakko hissed. 
“I order you to…join me for dinner,” the Beast demanded. “THAT’S NOT A REQUEST!”
The door slammed, and Pinky was once again left in darkness.
This wasn’t home. It was dark and cold. Homes were cozy and happy and loving. No walls, no prisons, no locks and keys to be thrown away.  
Home was elsewhere. His heart was elsewhere.
Pinky curled up on an unfamiliar pillow. His heart was broken, his chest ached, and there was a deep longing within him. For Mama’s laughter. For Papa’s joy. For the hills and the meadows and the open blue skies.    
His tears flowed. They were many and endless. He felt they would never stop. He’d cry for the rest of his life, for as long as this exile from the world beyond took.
Outside his window, the first snowflakes began to fall. They marked the start of a very long, very cold winter.
AN: Let it be known that this AU is the only place, besides maybe anything involving Brain Meets Brawn, where Brain’s size can be described as intimidating. I want him to be, you know, like an actual monster and not just a big mouse with horns. Don’t get me wrong, tiny beast!Brain is cute, but that would just be more comical than dramatic if I tried to play it as such a serious moment.
For my personal Beast!Brain, I combined elements from @deez-art and @sleepy-hooves art. Deez for the overall look, and the way he glares at Pinky during the “come into the light” part comes from sleepy-hooves.
In this AU, rather than appearance, Brain fears the loss of control the most. He knows his mind is dwindling away unless he can break the curse. Unlike Disney’s Beast, he’s a bit more proactive with trying to break the curse and tries to keep busy instead of brooding in the West Wing all the time, though some tasks can be very difficult for him.
Yakko is the candelabra, Wakko is the mantle clock, and Dot is the teacup. You’ll have to excuse them for following Pinky around. They’re curious kiddos.
Yakko calling Scratchy a couch potato is literal. Scratchy was turned into a p-sychiatrist’s couch.
No matter what happens, Brain always has a soft spot for the Warners. The Warners aren’t scared of him and will snap back.
Poor Pinky gets put through the wringer. But y’all know the story. Eventually they fall in love and get their happily ever after.
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harry-hook-me · 4 years
Meet the father
Writer - @harry-hook-me (myself)
Request – @idjit-angel-radio @marvel-girl3
Summary – y/n finally takes Harry to meet her father, hades, after they’ve been together for two and a half years
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Descendants characters or scenes from the movies, all credits goes to the creators and producers of Disneys descendants.
Warnings – None
AN- I merged both requests together as they were both very similar in that they were both for the daughter of Hades, hope you enjoy
Word count – 1631
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My father and I have always been very close, I mean living on the isle, he’s all I’ve really had all my life. I am y/n, the daughter of Hades and Persephone, probably the most ‘to myself’ villain kid on the whole of the Isle. My mother left when I was young, my father never really likes to talk about her much; for saying he’s the all evil, all powerful god of the underworld, when it comes to me, he’s a massive softy, I’m his little goddess, the ember of his eye. I’ve never been a people person, I can’t stand being in crowds or socialize with others, I’d rather stay with my dad and listen to all his stories from the old days in the underworld and have him teach me his wicked ways. However when it’s comes to Harry Hook, I’ll make an acceptation. Harry and I have been best friends ever since we were kids and have been dating for around two and a half years now. I met him when I was out, running some errands for my dad and getting some food for our three-headed guard dog Cerberus. I bumped into Harry down a side ally and we’d been inseparable ever since.
Mal, the daughter of Maleficent if my half-sister, no one on the Isle except me, her, my father and Maleficent know this. Let’s just say, we’re not too keen on each other so we keep our distance from each other, and being friendly with Harry, Uma and Gil kills the chance of us ever being civil.
“Come on darlin’, I want to show you our turf, it’ll be fun!” harry begged for what seemed like the billionth time today, he’s been trying to show me the crews turf and go with him to do his daily collecting of cash. “Harry, can’t we just stay here. I’d much rather be just me and you, or we could go take a walk down on the beach. You know I don’t like being around others, especially at this time, it’ll be so busy in the market place.” Harry and I were currently lying in his bed in his room on the ship, staring at the ceiling and just enjoying each other’s company. I sat up, looking down at the pirate. “Or I have another idea” I began.
Although Harry and I had been together for so long, he’d never met my father. In all honesty, Harry was too scared. My father is infamous on the Isle for being the most dangerous and most evil person here. This made Harry very anxious about meeting him, keeping in mind that my father was extremely protective of me. My dad new about Harry and I, however never seemed keen as he knew that Harry’s father, Captain Hook, had a reputation when it came to ladies, and he was worried that his son would be the same. “We could go see my father” I suggested, looking down slightly, just loud enough for him to hear me. Harry sat up, looking at me deep in the eyes, “H-He’s going to hate me” Harry stuttered, I placed my gloved hand on top of his, looking deeply back into his crystal eyes, “He’ll love you, he just needs to finally meet you”. I smile at him and he returns with a nod, “okay” he sighs, “let’ do it” he adds plucking up the confidence.
As we arrived at the rocky entrance to mine and my father’s home, I stop, looking up at harry with a smile and a supportive look in my eyes. A look of worry appeared on his face, “hey, its okay, you’ll be fine” I squeezed tighter onto his hand and place a gentle kiss on his soft pink lips before beginning to lead him into the dark and dingy tunnel.
“Before you meet my dad, I want to introduce you to someone else” I stated excitedly. Skipping over to a gated area, I whistle loudly into a dark hole in front of me, it echoes through. Loud echoing barks come roaring through the whole, I whistle again “Cerberus! Come here boys!” I call as Harry takes a nervous step back. Emerging though the dark came the giant three headed demon dog, I pull up a leaver to open up the gates. “Hi buddy!” I coo at the dog, Cerberus lays down in front of me and nuzzles one of his heads against my body, in returns I stroke his head and give him a little kiss. Even though Cerberus is the demon dog guardian of the underworld, really he’s just a playful and loving puppy when it comes to me and my dad, he is able to sense trust from people.
I reach for Harry’s hand which he hesitantly takes, “Cerberus, this is Harry”, the three headed dog growls lightly for a second “It’s okay” I coo, stroking another head of his. I look towards harry with a reassuring look and gently pull him closer, “come say hi” I giggle. Harry cautiously places and hand on a head of the dog and strokes lightly, Cerberus, nuzzles his head into his hand further and wags his large tale. “he likes you” I smile at harry, I see the tension in him fade and he becomes more comfortable, I wrap and arm around his waist and snuggle into his chest, he kisses me on the forehead and smiles down at me “I love you” he whispers, before looking back up and continuing to pet the dog.
I toss some food I nicked from a stall into Cerberus’s cage and shut the gate “I’ll see you later buddy” I call to him as he turns to chase the food, I turn to Harry “you ready?” I ask, “as ready as I’ll ever be” he replied breathing out trying to calm himself, I take his hand a walk further down into the cave.
“Y/n?” harry begins as we are waking, “hmm” I reply looking up at the tall boy, “you know since I’m facing my fear of meeting your father” he chuckles, his accent echoing though the cave. “yes” I giggle back, “will you come with me tomorrow to do my jobs?” he questions. “I know you hate it baby, and I understand, the streets of the isle can be a freaky and sometimes dangerous place.” He stops for a moment and turns me to face him. “But I’ll protect you, I won’t let anyone hurt you. And if anyone dares touch ya” he lifts up his hook in his right hand, “I’ll hook em’” he chuckles, I smile and look at my feet. He lifts my head with his finger. “I won’t let anything happen to ya darlin, I promise. I’ll always keep you safe, I’ll always keep ya protected” he places his forehead against mine and I sigh a sigh of defeat, “okay, I’ll come”. The smile on the pirates face widens and he lays a gentle kiss against my forehead. “I’m proud of ya” he cooed in my ear before we continued walking.
“Dad!” I called as we made it into the large opening where my father and I lived, “Ah, Y/n, your home!” the god of the underworlds calls as he steps into view. “oh, and you brought a friend” he looks curiously at harry, dead in the eye. An intimidating glair held on his pail face, I hear Harry gulp as he stands frozen, with a tight grip on my hand. “Dad, this is Harry” I say, breaking the silence. “Ah Harry Hook, we finally meet” he replies, stepping closer and holding out a hand for Harry to shake. “N-nice to meet you sir” Harry stutters, taking my father’s hand and shaking it. I smile, stepping forward to my father as he smiles nicely at Harry.
Harrys POV
y/n steps forward closer to her father and turns to face me smiling brightly, the smile hades ones had on his face drops and turns to a stern look, his eyes burning into my soul. “welcome to my place, finally” y/n giggles, spreading her arms out, she looks up at her dad and he smiles back down at her. I can see he defiantly loves her. I smile lightly, he looks back up at me and places the same stern look back on his face. “welcome” he states, y/n giggle again, she looks so happy. She hops over to give me a hug, I holder her in my arms close and look up, hades looks dead at me and gestures ‘I’m watching you’ at me with his fingers. I looked back down and y/n pulls away.
y/n POV
I pulled away from my embrace with harry and hopped down the stairs and further into the room giggling, I’m so glad that harry has finally met not only my dad but also Cerberus! And tomorrow I’m facing my anxieties and going with harry out to do his jobs, but I know I’ll be okay, because I know that he will always protect me.
Hades POV
Y/n hopes down the stairs and Harry is still stood at the entrance of our house. A nervous smile on his face. I love that I can still make people scared, even villains. I gesture him to come in, as he steps forward, I place a hand in front of him to stop him. “if you ever hurt my girl, there will be trouble” he gulps and nods “I-I promise sir, I’ll never hurt your daughter. I’ll always keep her safe. I-I love her” the pirate stutters, I can tell he means it. I smile and again gesture him inside, he returns the smile and walks to y/n.
I like this kid, he’s good for my Y/n.
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