#oh but we’re gonna wake up at 8
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I want to take a 100 year nap, Wild, move over.
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spookykestrel · 5 months
They say moving is one of the most stressful things that can happen in your life but what they mean is having to be in the house with your mom while you’re trying to sell the house is the most stressful thing that can happen
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.4
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
Danny was sitting in the back, his backpack obnoxiously taking up the seat next to him, when the door to the lecture hall creaked open near silently.
“What are you in here for?” Danny asked the guy who crept into class. He sympathetically took his backpack off the Seat of Shame and allowed the guy to sit down. Funnily enough, they had the same hair and eye color.
“Gen Ed. Undecided. You?” The guy grunted quietly back.
“Environmental studies. I’m Danny.”
With the implicit understanding of two people in a required class they could not give less than two fucks about, Tim and Danny tuned back into the lecture. When the class was assigned group work, Danny looked over to see Tim softly snoring, head slammed down on the table.
“Tim. Wake up, dude.” Danny poked his shoulder.
“Huh? Class over?”
“Nah, we got group work. Discussion board.”
“Oh shit, thanks for waking me up. Wanna team up?”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. We should aim to post it in the middle so the professor doesn’t read our answers to the class.”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Any idea what we’re talking about?”
“Kind of?”
“Good enough for me.”
Tim Drake kept seeing Danny Fenton around on campus.
“Danny! Dude, what are you doing?”
Danny turned, gloved hands full of crumpled trash. “Picking up after the student population, apparently.”
“Didn’t think environmental studies was that serious.”
“Global warming is very serious, you jerk,” Danny smirked at him, crossing the grass to put the trash into the trash can. “Reduce, reuse, oil shouldn’t be spilled in water and all that.”
“Basic stuff,” Tim grinned. Nice, he basically had a friend past Bernard now!
They were friends, right?
“And yet humanity fails to comprehend it. Incredible. Incredibly stupid that is.”
“They get it. Major corporations just don’t care.”
Danny sighed. “True that. You on your way to your next class?” He took off his biodegradable gloves off (nitrile and nylon, baby!) and chucked them into the trash.
“I’ve got free time, actually. Prof cancelled for his daughter’s surgery.”
“Oh, shit, that’s rough! You wanna go downtown and join the strike?”
“A strike? What for?” Even as he asked, Tim hiked his bag higher onto his shoulder, ready to go. They fell into step as the two left campus.
“Apparently, Quillan Pharma was doing some shady shit at their manufacturing plants. I think it’s like killing kids, and pouring toxins into the ground.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. Oh! Poison Ivy’s gonna be there!”
Tim blinked. He casted a sideways look at Danny. Sure he’s been here long enough to know… but it couldn’t hurt to check. “You know she’s an eco-terrorist, right?”
“Okay, but like… people suck sometimes. And all she’s asking for is like don’t kill the planet. And she doesn’t do that whole mind control thing too much anymore! The Sirens are so cool. Plus, one of my best friends at home might actually kill me if I don’t try to get her autograph. Poison Ivy is like, Sam’s personal hero.”
Tim snickered. “Yeah, okay. Mind if one of my friends join? His name’s Bernard.”
“The more the merrier,” Danny nodded. “Ooo! Hot chocolate. Want some?”
Danny bought three drinks as Tim trailed behind, texting Bernard.
“He said yes.”
“Cool! We should meet up somewhere before the drinks get cold.”
Well, Danny got the autograph. Tim got a new friend, and Bernard got a drink from his crush.
“Oh, you’re the glowing dude that Batman always talks about!”
Danny blinked, eyes scanning the wing-like cape and the yellow emblem on the hero’s suit. Danny was indeed glowing, stars and nebulas freckling across neon green skin, and glowing hair the color of a white dwarf star, tinged with the blue from his ice core.
“I… have absolutely no idea who you are,” Danny lied, like a liar. He’s found a surprising niche of entertainment in messing with the local vigilantes and he’ll be damned if he missed this opportunity.
He heard a snicker from the comm lines as Red Robin visibly brushes it off.
“I’m Red Robin. Why are you picking up trash?”
“Picking up after you humans, apparently.”
The both of them blink, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu. A moment of awkward silence passed before they both shook it off.
“Are you here to help? No offense, but the track record for you people is terrible.” Danny strode over and grabbed a bag. He opened it, and shook it at Red Robin’s face. “See? Batarangs, these odd bird looking ones, the R’s. Seriously, pick up after yourselves!”
“Oh, woah, can we have these back?”
Danny yanked the bag back before Red Robin could get close. “Pay me. These were incredibly tedious to pick up. Especially the batarangs. I mean, I even found a whole bunch of old rusted ones in the middle of the bay. What did you do, dump an entire bag in there from the air?”
Red Robin sighed and took out a wad of cash, with tracking fluid all over it. Danny grimaced, smelling the odd scent on the money. “That’s not real cash. It smells off. Are you trying to give me counterfeits because you’re broke?”
Red Robin gaped, oddly offended. “No! They’re real!”
“Doesn’t smell like it. It’s stinkier than the trash. Go get the one with the money, the litterer. Tell him I’ll be back the next full moon. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Danny grumbled, disappearing on the spot to watch Red Robin flounder with the stack of cash and the piles of dead bodies on the shore.
“What the fuck even is my life these days?” Red Robin wondered out loud, stuffing the cash back into his pocket. He looked over the plastic wrapped bodies and slumped, sighing.
Oddly enough, Danny felt a sense of sympathy. Well, he’s not getting paid for sympathy. He’s not getting paid at all tonight, actually. Danny flew off, plunging once more into the depths of the significantly cleaner waters, and used his ice to scoop out oil stains.
Danny glanced around and sighed. He had a lot of work to do.
“So you’re saying he’s like a werewolf mermaid fae child immortal god thing, right?”
Bruce grunted.
“B, what the hell are you smoking these days? You know drugs are bad, right? Do we need Superman to give you that PSA?” Jason snickered.
Tim, massaging his arms from having to haul an ungodly amount of dead bodies, grunted. He’s so similar to Bruce that it gave the people currently in the cave hives.
“He said full moon. I don’t think we can track him with regular stuff. The bugs kept shorting out.”
“Oh boy,” Dick sighed. “Don’t fall off the spiral cliff, Tim. You’ve got midterms to think about so no stalking the guy.”
“Yet,” Tim shot back, changing out of his suit.
Bruce grunted, setting aside a huge stack of cash.
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barbiiecams · 6 months
daddy’s girl
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dad!drew starkey x mom!reader, kinda trash but obviously i had too cus im in love with the video of drew and his niece oh my gosh <33
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it was a peaceful morning. the sun was shining, the weather was warm, and it was a perfect day for a family date.
looking at the clock, you saw it was 8 am. you were a little surprised aaliyah hadn’t woken up yet, but she just started sleeping through the night. and you definitely weren’t complaining at all.
you sat up in bed while drew was still knocked out. he was still on go all night just in case she started crying in the middle of the night, so he was reasonably tired.
letting him sleep for a little bit, you got up to check on your baby. you made sure to keep your steps quiet, just so you didn’t wake drew up or potentially wake aaliyah up either.
opening the door to her nursery, a wide awake baby looked at you as you walked in.
you smiled at the position of her on her back, holding her feet. “is that my liyah girl up?”
she flashed you her infamous gummy smile. she loved to smile at anyone and everyone, and you just always had to thank god for your happy baby.
she kicked her legs around, more than excited to see her mommy in the morning again. picking her up from her crib, you smothered her in kisses. “my pretty girl, we’re gonna have such a fun day!”
you played with her a little more in your arms before you decided it was time to get yourselves ready for the day. walking into the bathroom, you brushed your teeth while you made sure she had one of her teething rings.
the wailing wasn’t happening now, but it would definitely happen later. better safe than sorry.
she was so calm and bubbly as you did your morning routine, it was perfect. she was really the definition of a “trick baby”.
you were almost done when drew walked in, clearly just woke up from bed not even a minute ago.
“good morning sleepyhead.” you grinned at him through the mirror.
he rubbed his eyes “g’morning,”
hugging you from behind, he gave you a kiss on the cheek then your lip. he reached over to aaliyah to rub her head comfortingly.
“this big girl slept throughout the whole night huh? didn’t she?” he started cooing at her, but that eventually turned into all of his attention. if there was someone that could “steal” your man, it’d be no one except his other princess.
he tickled her a little bit which made her start giggling, then gave her her morning kisses. a sight that would never get old to you.
“best sleep of my life,” you said while styling your hair, and it made him laugh.
“and you deserve it,” he said while wrapping an arm around your waist. “carried her for so long, s’the least i can do baby.”
you smiled at his words, “well she’s sleeping finally, so that means we can both start too.”
“and the stuff we used to be able to do almost every night,” he says into your ear, mainly so that liyah won’t hear.
giggling at his words and shaking your head, you finished with your hair. “it’s too early for you. this is the reason why she’s here in the first place.”
while cleaning your space up, he carries aaliyah off the counter. “you know i want another one.”
“me too,” you respond. “when she’s 2!”
he just smiles at this. he definitely doesn’t have a problem with that, but it just made him laugh that you were so adamant about the specific age. “you wanna be pregnant and dealing with terrible twos?
“you wanna deal with a baby and terrible twos?”
he throws his head back and laughs while bouncing aaliyah. “i’ll go get her ready, take your time baby.”
before walking out the bathroom he gives you a final kiss on the cheek. it feels nice being able to just have a morning to yourself after becoming a mom, but you always still cherished the mornings with liyah.
picking out your outfit, you settled on this for the fact that it was comfy enough to take aaliyah around the city as you planned.
when you were completely done getting yourself ready, you went to check on what your husband and baby were up to since it didn’t take you very long to get ready.
walking into her nursery once again, you saw a completely dressed and ready to go aaliyah.
“woww, that was quick. i’m impressed.” you praise drew.
he throws you a wink, “super dad.”
you giggle at his words while he hands her to you so he can get himself ready. the both of you were probably thinking about doing a brunch, so you packed liyah’s bag so you guys could leave as soon as he finished.
as drew walked out, liyah wasn’t having it. she started to get fussy and start whining when he was completely out of eyesight.
because of this, you paused packing some of her things. instead, you bounced her and patted her back, “ohh i know sweat pea, daddy’s just leaving the baby huh?”
although it could be a handful, you loved to see the bond she had with drew. she could be crying all night one second, but completely fine the next if she sees him right next to her.
calming down only a little, you were able to continue packing her bag. after 20 minutes of trying to keep her occupied, drew finally was done.
he takes the bag from you, “where we headed first, mama?”
“well i know she’s gonna get hungry soon and i definitely am, so let’s stop at our spot for brunch.”
before he can make another move, liyah reaches out for him and he takes her, “it’s clear who the favorite is.”
he smirks at you and all you can do was roll your eyes. it was the truth whether you liked it or not. “whatever. let’s go.”
laughing at your sentence, he puts his hand on the small of your back as you guys walk out of the room and out of the house, him also locking the door behind you too.
it’s the way he was able to multitask and do so much, while looking soo sexy, with a baby in his arm. it did really make you wanna give him another one earlier.
you made your way to the car and so did he, putting liyah in her car seat before entering the drivers seat. you guys headed down to the cafe that you and drew considered “your spot”, and you guys both planned to have your kids practically grow up with this cafe. it’s where you and drew both met for the first time, and all the memories you’ve made so far have been beautiful. you definitely weren’t going to stop making those memories anytime soon either.
arriving at the cafe, he grabs the baby bag and your purse while you put aaliyah in her carrier that was connected to you. eventually you would start putting her in the high chairs that the restaurants provided, but currently she was still in the phase where she needed to touch either mommy or daddy in public.
fastening the carrier, you and drew both walked in and saw familiar faces behind the counters.
“ah look! it’s my favorite person and her parents!” the owner jokes.
this makes you giggle and drew roll his eyes, “good morning to you too.”
you both find a spot and order your usuals. days like these you always appreciated. being surrounded by the people that make you happy and surrounded by peace.
drew started chatting with the owner while you chatted with his wife who also worked there. their daughter who was around your age had just had a baby herself, so there was already enough to go and chat over.
everything was going well, until of course you guys heard the whining. it was surely feeding time.
they watched you with smiles as you positioned her off your chest, but cradling her as drew handed you a bottle. as soon as you put it to her lips, she was completely calm again.
“that is really your twin, y/n!” the woman says.
“you think so?” you really only said this to hear her say it again, knowing how much she looked like you. you didn’t just cook her up for 9 months and pop her out for her not to look like you.
“most definitely,” she smiles.
“she may look like me, but that’s her true favorite right there.” you pointed at drew.
“really?” the owner asks.
“oh for sure,” drew says as he just admires the both of you. “i always tell her, mommy’s twin but daddy’s girl.”
he makes your eyes roll for what seems like the 50th time this morning, but he just laughs and kisses your cheek.
“when you have a son, he’ll most likely be a mamas boy.” the owner affirms.
“well, i guess we’re just gonna have to test that theory out.” drew says as he wraps an arm around you.
and that was just your main goal in life, to expand your growing family even more with him.
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whalesforhands · 9 months
kaizen daycare!
summary: welcome to the quaint daycare of kaizen! working with cute kids alongside their doting parents, you sometimes wonder why you haven’t given into the temptation of having some of your own with how cute they are…
masterlist next
The quiet prefecture that you called home was always something you deeply appreciated. It was comfortable, a convenience store a mere 2 minute walk from your apartment, an izakaya just 8 minutes away and the nearest shopping center not far away either.
Most importantly, you felt satisfied with your life here.
Within this street, sits the unassuming Kaizen Daycare, a preschool for children aged 2 and above. Owned by the determined, hardworking Masamichi Yaga, the staff he employed were ones he trusted wholeheartedly with the education of the young children.
And you wouldn’t wish to disappoint him at all.
“Hyaahhhh~ (name)-sensei is so comfy… I wanna nap here forever!” A small head of pink is whispering as he tries to shuffle his body further up onto your lap, his arms splayed out as he grabs onto your wrist, lowering your palm onto the top of his head as he nuzzles it, pushing himself into your touch against the fluffy mass of pink.
So cute. The squeal you fight to bite back is teetering on escape as you watch the little boy cuddle against you, the dim nightlights of the preschool glowing, the soft chime of a lullaby as you hear the shift of blankets, the soft snores of your children.
“Why does nap time have to be sooooo short…” The cute little toddler is grumbling into your lap as he begins to sit up, a pout on his face as air is puffed into his cheeks.
(Another whispered grumble. “Nanamin doesn’t take long enough nap times… I gotta nap enough for him too…!”)
“Hmm~” Your arms settle around him, hugging the little boy close to you in order to console him. “Yuuji-kun, does that mean you’d rather sleep all day instead of playing with your friends?” Now that catches his attention as he freezes in your arms, immediately turning his body to face you.
“Oh, and children who sleep all day don’t get snacks or rice anymore~” The smile on your face is absolutely serene, a lax look of contentment as you poke one of his chubby cheeks, gentle finger prodding into the fat as you watch it squish, he’s flushed red in distraught, bottom lip trembling as his tiny grip gets slightly tighter.
“T-then I don’t wanna nap all day anymore…!” He looks like he’s gonna tear up. “I wanna play with Megumin and the girls wayyyyyy more,” His arms start waving around, trying to depict his yearning for a long time. “A-and eat snacks with them…!”
“Then Yuuji-kun, why don’t you go and help me prepare the—“
“Ahhh! Yuuji is no fair!” There’s an accusatory finger pointed at the both of you as Nanako rubs at one of her bleary eyes. “Getting (name)-sensei cuddles when we’re all sleeping…!”
Now that sent a warning signal to all your once peacefully sleeping children, perked up heads and messy hair as they practically start to wake one by one, yawns and groans getting spat out in rapid complaints.
“Wha- Yuuji!”
“Nanako-chan!” Now he’s pouting in complaint as he watches the girl wobble over on unsteady feet, a blanket thrown over her head as she plops herself into your arms, squeezing in beside Yuuji to make herself at home.
“Mmm~! (name)-sensei is so warm…” You can only giggle quietly as you allow her to settle in, your arms opening up more to hold the two close to you.
“Mimiko wants to go in too…!” It’s getting slightly crowded now, but more than doable as another presence grabs onto your side, ducking under your arm to hug against your torso. “Kids, nap time is about to end—“ You’re not even allowed to finish your sentence as one more crashes directly onto your stomach, pushing the blonde and pink-haired children onto your tummy, their squeals loud as they feel the impact that you desperately swallow as you try not to let out sounds of pain.
“Noba-chan! That hurt!” Nanako makes herself heard as she yells over the squeals and squirms, lightly pushing away the intruding girl’s face.
“Blehhhhh! Shouldn’t have joined without me!” She’s sticking out her tongue as her tiny hands fist the fabric of the cotton apron you wore, innocent brown eyes shimmering up at you. “(name)-sensei, you’ll let me have cuddles too, right?”
As if she didn’t just cannonball herself onto you.
“Yes, yes—“ You’re trying to recover as you tuck all four of the kids onto your lap, letting them snuggle and hug and nuzzle their cheeks against you. “But please do not do that again, or cuddle sessions will be banned for everyone, Nobara-chan.”
“Mimiko thinks it’s unfair that we have to get punished too…”
“Noba-chan, my cuddles are too important for me to let go of—!”
“At least (name)-sensei didn’t ban it this time, ok?! I’ll be more careful next time!”
1,2,3,4… You still notice one that’s missing through the sudden chaos. “Megumi-kun? Are you not going to come over?” Your smile is serene as you witness the quiet boy simply just… Quietly staring at you. As if he was uncertain, unsure.
He remains quiet at your question.
“You can come over, you know?” You spread your arms out a little more. “I’ll always have space for you.” You’ve made that promise to him.
“Yea, yea! Megumin c’mere!”
“Gumi-kun, you’re missing out!”
“C’mon, Fushiguro!”
And so he does, slowly making his way to be standing before you, as your grin grows ever wider, the excited squeals of the kids loud as you suddenly lunge forth to let the boy join your cuddle pile, carefully letting him land onto the plush of the blankets and pillows and soft toys the kids held as they slept, your back falling onto the nearby mattress.
You think you’re in heaven.
Phew… You’re letting out a sigh as you down the chocolate milk from the vending machine, happy to have a short break as the kids preoccupy themselves with playtime just in front of you, their laughter loud and joyous as Nobara chases Yuuji around, the twins drawing with crayons as Megumi finishes off the last of his biscuit snack whilst he sits upon your lap.
(He’s so warm…! And cuddly…! Like a miniature heater—)
“Haha! Nobara-chan, you’re slow!” His red hood was starting to flutter at the speed he ran, dodging around and jumping over plush toys as he made his rounds.
“I won’t be so slow after I get you, Yuuji!” Tiny patters of socked feet against the plush ground, manage to get your attention as they approach you and the chewing boy.
“Yuuji, Nobara! Do not leave the—!” You’re too late when you hear a crash and a loud cry of your name, your arms hurriedly picking up a wide-eyed Megumi and placing him on the chair before running over to the scene.
“Are you both okay?!” You’re in a panic as you drop onto your knees, cradling a crying Yuuji into your arms as you see the redness starting to splay onto the little boy’s forehead, your fingers going up to caress the injury.
(He bumped into the wall whilst looking back at Kugisaki.)
“Nobara, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?!” Your eyes quickly assess the girl who had yet to cry, a guilty look on her face that threatens tears to start to spill.
“…it was my fault…” Her voice is quiet as her head is tilted towards the ground. “I shouldn’t have chased him so much…”
Your hand goes up to pat at her head as you continuously console a now quiet Yuuji, stroking his back as you feel his tears wet the sleeve of your shoulder. “It’s good that you acknowledge your mistakes, but—“
You suck in a breath as you prepare yourself. No matter how cute they are, you absolutely cannot give in-!
“Nobara-chan, Yuuji-kun.” Your voice suddenly takes on a tone that’s a scarier than the usual. “No more running outside the play area, okay?”
You get two nods.
“Now please hold hands and assure each other you’re both still friends, okay?”
Hesitation; before a slow entwine of their hands together.
“I wanna still be your friend, Yuuji…” A voice that cracks halfway through her whisper.
“I shouldn’t have ran outside, Nobara…” A sniffle as you bring out more tissues to start dabbing their cute faces with.
What good kids you have.
(Though, a quick trip to Shoko’s office would be good now…)
“Nanamin! Look, look!” He’s pointing at the tiger bandaid upon his head. “I gotta new tiger! Gaoo!” He’s making his hands into tiny claws as he makes a roaring sound before breaking into giggles, laughing even more as you gave the little boy over to his father.
“That’s very nice, Yuuji.” The blonde man only smiles patiently at his child, holding him with one arm as his attention goes to your nervous form.
“I’m so sorry, Nanami-san!” You’re bowing your head before him as you apologize. “I should’ve watched him better, it was my responsibility to keep your child safe and yet—!”
“(name)-san, please raise your head.” You guiltily look up to see a confused Yuuji and at-ease salaryman. “I’m more surprised he’s had less accidents in these few weeks compared to the other schools I sent him to.” He stops to give a slight chuckle, adjusting Yuuji in his arms.
“And he sure holds no grudges at all.”
“Nanamin, you’re not gonna be angry, at (name)-sensei, right? Right?!” Little hands grab onto blond locks and start pulling, as narrowed light brown start to scrutinize him. “You can’t be angry, okay?! (name)-sensei is my favourite sensei!”
“See?” He’s starting to even smile as he lets the young boy poke at his chiseled face, his stress feeling like it was going to melt away. “If anything, I should be grateful to you for treating him so well. I haven’t seen him be so happy about going to school before.”
You feel like you’re going to tear up now.
“Were my kids good today too?” Geto Suguru is absolutely trying to stretch out conversation with you, satisfied with the way your eyes lit up at the prospect of talking about his children.
“Oh, they were wonderful!” Your hands are clasped together in joy as you let the two girls cling onto your legs, their sparkling gaze directed up at you as one of your hand go down to pat their heads as the other held onto a quiet Megumi’s hand. “I couldn’t ask for a sweeter pair of twins and the most well-behaved boy, Geto-san.”
“You’re too sweet, (name).” And too much to his liking too, a smile full of his signature charm and allure is sent your way. “Say, why don’t you join us for dinner some day? I would love to thank you for your hard work.”
Now that makes you flustered. “Oh, no, no! It’s perfectly fine! I-It’s part of the job, haha…” You feel pleasantly shy under his brown-purple gaze, your heart starting to stutter from the nervousness of being around such a handsome man.
(Ahhh…! If you accepted, you’d definitely die from being too close to someone so handsome, not to mention—)
“Oh, you would be wonderful to have over. My husband would love to have you join us as well, you know?” He’s referring to none other than the Gojo Satoru, of course. A big name and what you once thought was an intimidating presence, turned out to hide a sweets-loving, adorable man.
(Who you definitely don’t want to admit is very handsome, in fear of building his already inflated ego.)
“Ahh… I’m not too sure, Geto-san…” You’re scratching at your cheek awkwardly as you try to dismiss a rising lurch in your stomach. How nervous are you…?
“And plus,” His hidden intentions are missed by your embarrassed self as you see him shift ever closer to you. “You’re just like family already.” His hand is upon your shoulder as he gives you a pat, a rising bashfulness starting to overtake you as you feel warmer and warmer…
(Handsome men… Are so tempting…)
masterlist next
Nobara is usually the first to leave the preschool, and even leaves early in the afternoon sometimes because her grandmother simply lives so close to the area, and would love to spend time with her lovely granddaughter and drop off snacks for the children.
Yuuji in Nurse Shoko’s office;
“B-but…” He’s now frazzled, confused. Why wasn’t Shoko-sensei doing what usually you and Nanamin did…?
“You didn’t kiss my boo-boo better…” A puff of his cheeks as he taps the tiger-themed bandaid on his forehead, expectantly looking up at the tired nurse as she regards him with a blank stare.
(He didn’t even require a bandaid. Shoko just gave him one because he couldn’t stop staring at the collection that she had amassed on her table.
“You can pick one, okay?”)
“…what.” The sugarless lollipop was nearly spat out with an outright deadpan reaction.
“Nanamin and (name)-sensei always tell me that kisses make injuries go bye-bye!” A pause.
A blink of two sets of brown eyes.
She finally, hesitantly turns her head and meets innocent, sparkly brown that knocks at her conscience as she tries her hardest not grimace. Seriously, did you teach the kids to plead her like you did too…?
Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru have been trying very hard to get you to call them by their first names. You do not listen.
nvy’s aftertalk:
if ur wondering where I got the preschool name from, I just used kaizen (改善, continuous improvement) instead of kaisen (迴戰, advance into fighting) i’ll have made the most intimidating, delinquent preschool ever if i used jujutsu (咒術, curse sorcery) either LMAO
p.s. if you see a difference in characters, it’s cause i used the mandarin characters since i understand that way better than japanese
and yes this is what i spend my time creating pls do not throw tomatoes at me
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
Part 2 to my incredibly long reaction to the incredibly short trailer
Part 1
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In other news, less dramatic ones, Kanthony are home and they’re bringing with them some much needed order and sense back into the mayhem that is the Bridgerton home and everyone’s happy about it
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Yes Anthony, things have been swift. They know. They definitely know the gentleman Colin prised himself on being is long gone, and that he’s compromised Pen and the worst thing is Colin’s not even half apologetic about it. He’s just so pleased with himself? Look at him and his emotional support liquor, he’s li ke « hehehe I did finger her in the back of a carriage, it was wild, I finally know what love is hehe »
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El is also hanging out with her emotional support champagne. “Here’s to truly knowing each other, completely” that stings. Also Colin is catching up on the fact that Pen is not being truthful, he’s slowly waking up to all the blatantly obvious clues. Queue to said blatantly obvious clues (also the ring!!!):
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The boy is so confused though when she says she’s been writing letters. He’s like “to whom??? I’m right here??? Tell me there’s not another suitor you’ve been secretly seeing” —> actually talking about this do you think that’s how Colin starts to think that he has competition and makes up a completely fictional rival??!
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In other news Pen is just there hanging out with a family who finds emotional support in alcohol while she’s just hanging out in her psychological horror show. It’s ok baby, breathe and go tell him. I promise he’ll find it way more appealing than we all thought originally.
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Also did I mention I need more horny and domestic Polin??? And they look so good in their new flat??? Like it’s literally their colour. Did Colin really go out there the very next day and was like “I need a blue, green, and yellow flat for the love of my life”?
Ok this is where I start to freak out. First he’s exchanged his emotional support liquor for emotional support tea. So the angst?! I’m gonna need my own emotional support liquor
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Also this is so strange to me, he’s in their flat most likely, he’s sitting on the couch. It’s morning so he’s had time to process. Pen (if the shot right after is the same scene) barely dares to go and see him but she also has her hair down and looks to be at home. So are they already living together before they get married? If so the scandal. Or is this ep 8? But there seems to be pillows on that couch too? So did he sleep on the couch? Do we get to see the awkward and fragile state of their relationship, where they’re hurt but their love for each other is still so incredibly deep? If so I will die in the angst ditch that is Polin
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And we’re back to lighter stuff, I think this is ep6 so he still had no idea. And just the way she giggles? Oh my heart cannot handle the sweetness.
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WHAT AM I GOOD FOR??? So much Colin. You’re worth and count for so much my sweet summer child. Oh hero complex Colin, we love you oh so much. I was dying the whole way through but this is where I perished. THE ANGST. They really need to meet each other midway though. She needs to let him in and he needs to learn that she does not need saving, she needs love and companionship.
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Thank you Netflix, I love them ❤️ Polin was getting a bit too real and dramatic for a second there.
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joeys-babe · 11 months
Joey B Imagines: Who’s That Girl With Him?
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summary: when you find out that joe might not be where he told you he was going, you and your best friend drive around cincinnati in hopes of finding out the truth.
warnings: none, angst, cussing
pairing: joe burrow x reader
imagine universe: into the mystic
(y/n’s pov)
"hey baby, i'm gonna go workout with ja'marr okay? i love you." - joe whispered and kissed your cheek
before i could even ask any follow up questions, joe had left the room.
when i opened my eyes the clock said 8:30. the twins hadn't waken up yet so i went back to bed.
it was a few hours later when i did wake up. it was to the doorbell ringing.
i was decent enough so i just walked straight downstairs.
when i opened the door it was alexa.
"girl, why are you here?" - you
"felt like coming over. why do you look you just rolled outta bed?" - alexa
"because i did." - you
"really? i'm surprised you aren't on your third round of the morning with joe yet." - alexa walked in the house
"alexa! you’re disgusting! i just gave birth four weeks ago, and joe’s not even here!" - you
"what why?" - alexa followed you upstairs
"he's working out with ja'marr?" - you
"ja'marr's home.." - alexa
"wait what?" - you
we had just walked upstairs and i stopped dead in my tracks, turning and facing alexa.
"are you sure that's what he told you?" - alexa
"yes! he told me this morning he was going out with ja'marr." - you
"uhm…" - alexa
"where is he?! oh my god, where is joe?" - you started panicking
"y/n calm down, i'm sure he's fine!" - alexa
"who's he with?! alexa why did he lie?" - you
"he's probably at the facility y/n, maybe he was supposed to workout with ja'marr but then j canceled.." - alexa
"we're gonna go find him." - you
"what do you mean??" - alexa
"we are gonna go driving around cincinnati until we find him." - you
"don't you guys have a tracker on each other? just check that." - alexa
i pulled the app up and it said joe had his location off.
"his- his locations off.." - you
"okay now i'm mad, we’re gonna go find him. i’m gonna call gracie and evan to come watch your twins." - alexa
"okay, i'm gonna hurry up and get ready.." - you
i threw some clothes on before brushing my teeth and hair.
only one of the twins was awake so i was feeding tyson while alexa and i sat on the couch waiting for gracie and evan.
"what do you think he's doing?" - you
"joe’s not a bad person. i don't think he's doing anything you wouldn't agree with." - alexa
"but why wouldn't he tell me the truth about where he was?" - you
"have you tried calling or texting?" - alexa
"no.." - you
"when did he tell you he was gonna leave to work out?" - alexa
"he told me this morning at 8:30." - you
"well it's 11.." - alexa
"i know, im freaking out alexa. what if he's cheating on me?" - you
"y/n.. calm down. call him." - alexa
i sat tyson's bottle down before pulling my phone out of my pocket and clicking the call button on joe’s contact.
it only rang twice and said the call was declined.
joey❤️ - busy rn
"alexa, im really nervous." - you
no knock or doorbell ring, just gracie barging in with evan following.
"hand the baby over, go find him." - gracie
i jumped up and handed tyson over to gracie.
"thank you guys so much." - you
"you're welcome, and y/n you should calm down a little, you know joe. he wouldn't do anything to harm you." - evan
i nodded before alexa pushed me out the door.
we hopped in her car and went straight to the facility first.
zac was standing at the front desk talking to the receptionist.
"zac? is joe here?" - you
"oh, hey kid! no joe hasn't been here at all today, why?" - zac
"nothing important. thank you for your help. see ya taylor!!" - you
"bye y/n!" - zac called out as you ran back outside
i sat back down in the passenger seat and alexa drove off.
"he hasn't been to the facility at all today, zac said." - you
"okay, text every player joe is close to and ask if he's with them." - alexa
i did exactly what she said. texted sam hubbard, tee higgins, tyler boyd.. literally half the roster.
all of them said no.
"alexa i'm gonna throw up, i think he's cheating on me." - you
"girl, you don't know that." - alexa
we drove around cincinnati for literally an hour, going to all of joes favorite restaurants and places.
i even tried checking his tagged posts on instagram, hoping that maybe a fan met him and posted it. maybe giving me a location hint but there was no new pictures.
"let's get some lunch, i dont’t think we’re gonna find him." - alexa
"i can't even think about eating." - you
"you don't have to okay, but i'm hungry and there's this really good açaí bowl cafe place around here." - alexa
i rolled my eyes as alexa put the cafe in the gps.
on our ten minute drive to the place my mind started to wander to the worst possible outcomes.
is joe cheating on me? is the life we built together gonna be thrown away and be discarded? i can't live without him.
we had arrived to alexa's place of choice and the inside was actually really cute.
it was a corner cafe with windows looking out onto the busy city street.
"i'll have the açaí bowl and a sweat tea." - alexa
"okay.. anything for you?" - waiter
"oh.. no thank you." - you
"are you sure?" - waiter
"yes." - you
"okay suit yourself." -  waiter
the waiter walked away and alexa started a conversation, but i wasn't engaged in it.
i just stared out the windows at the people walking past.
there was this really tall guy and shorter girl with blonde hair, they both had coffee in their hands.
they were smiling at something on the girls phone and when the guy lifted his head my heart stopped.
it was joe.
"alexa! look outside right now! it's joe!" - you
alexa's neck popped because of how fast she whipped her head around.
"who's that girl he's with? do you know her? she doesn’t look familiar." - alexa 
"no.." - your heart shattered
"we're leaving right now, i'm gonna beat the shit out of him." - alexa
joe and the girl continued walking down the street.
"no don't, can we follow them? i want to know what they are doing." - you
(joes pov)
"okay i know you said that the first house i showed you was perfect but here's another one.." - evelyn showed joe a house on her phone
"oh that's gorgeous, my wife y/n would love that." - joe smiled
"your wife has excellent taste mr. burrow." - evelyn
"yes, excellent and expensive." - joe laughed
"oh she's a girl, expensive is what we like!" - evelyn laughed
"i better get home to her before she gets nervous about where i am." - joe
"that's another common girl trait!" - evelyn laughed
"here i'll walk you to your car, downtown cincinnati is sketchy to walk around alone." - joe
"you bought me coffee and are walking to my car? they don't make gentleman like you that much anymore. your y/n is very lucky." - evelyn
we started waking down the sidewalk again and i realized we had passed a cafe that y/n had always wanted to go to. i made a mental note to take her to a breakfast date there.
(y/n's pov)
alexa and i were following joe and the girl down the sidewalk a long ways behind them.
they weren't really talking or anything, just walking and sipping their coffee.
we followed them all the way to a parking garage and the girl unlocked her car.
her and joe had a brief hug before sharing a few words and then she got in her car.
joe than walked further down the lot to his porche and alexa and i ran off to where we had parked her car before going to the cafe a few levels up.
(joes pov)
i walked evelyn to her car and before she opened her door we shared a brief hug.
"okay so which house do you think you’re going with?" - evelyn
"i think number one.." - joe grinned
"i'm sure your wife will love it! i'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you won’t need time to get a loan?" - evelyn
"no, i can go ahead and make a down payment if that’s okay?" - joe
"that’s great. the next time i see you will be the official tour of the house so y/n and your kids can see it. that's also the day you'll walk away with the keys!" - evelyn
"i'm so excited, thank you so much." - joe
"oh it's just my job as a realtor, no need to thank me." - evelyn
"i'm glad i chose you as our realtor, i think you have similar taste to y/n so it makes it easier for me." - joe chuckled
"yeah, i'm excited to meet her. bye." - evelyn
"bye!" - joe
(y/n's pov)
we were a couple cars behind joe but we quickly realized he was just going back home.
alexa had to stop for gas, so here we were alexa was out of the car pumping gas as i was sitting in the car sobbing.
joe was with another woman, and lied about where he was at. he's a fucking cheater.
when we got home i jumped out of the car and ran in the house.
joe was in the kitchen talking to evan who was sitting at the bar.
gracie was sitting on the couch, no babies in sight.
"hey baby, where'd you go?" - joe
i looked at him for a second and something in me snapped.
i started running towards joe.
"don't!-" - gracie
i grabbed the iced coffee out of his hand, taking the lid off and throwing it in his face.
"what the fuck?!" - joe
"y/n-" - evan
joe wiped the coffee out of his eyes before looking at me with the most confused look on his face.
"don't look so confused joe! you're cheating on me!" - you
"what?! no i'm not!" - joe
"don't lie! alexa and i just saw you with a girl. you guys got coffee, you walked her to her car, you guys hugged!" - you started crying
"y/n it wasn't what it looked like!" - joe
"than what was it joe?!" - you
joe opened his mouth but i cut him off before he could make a sound.
"you know what, i don't want to know. i thought you were my soulmate joe! we have kids together! what was i to you?!" - you
"y/n listen.." - joe
"no, i’m not going to listen! i'm done joe, im leaving you! we are over!” - you
"she was my realtor y/n! i just put a down payment on a fucking house for us!" - joe
"oh damn." - alexa
"wait what.. you're not cheating on me?" - you
"no! why would i ever do that?" - joe
"wait you bought a house?!" - you
"yes. for the love of god i didn't cheat on you, id never do that. she was helping me with picking a house because i wanted to surprise you" - joe sighed
"oh my god.. i'm so sorry.." - you
"it- it's whatever.." - joe
"i threw coffee all over you.." - you
"i'm gonna go change.." - joe
he pushed past me and walked up the stairs.
"i tried to tell you.." - gracie
"i feel like shit. i can't believe i did that. or even thought joe would cheat on me." - you
"its okay y/n. i don't really think joes upset with you." - evan
"i threw coffee in his face." - you shook your head, not able to believe you just did that
"you should go talk to him privately.." - alexa
i nodded and walked upstairs, joe was in our bedroom slipping a new shirt on.
"joe.." - you
"mhm?" - joe
"im so so sorry. i can't believe i thought you'd do such a thing." - you
"it's alright. i understand why you thought that, i know it looked pretty sketch from your pov." - joe
"i overreacted big time." - you
"nah you're all good. do you want to see the house?" - joe smiled
"yes!" - you
joe pulled out his phone and sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to him signaling for me to sit there.
i did and he started showing me pictures of the house, it was absolutely beautiful.
"joe, it's huge.." - you
"i know, we have a big family and a growing family of our own so we'll need the room." - joe
"is that you trying to tell me you want another baby?" - you
"i don't know, maybe. not right now, but definitely soon." - joe
"we'll see." - you
"okay." - joe smiled
"baby listen, i'm actually so sorry about everything. i promise i'll never throw coffee in your face again." - you
"you're fine y/n, but i do appreciate that promise." - joe chuckled
"i love you, more than anything." - you
"i love you too. i hope we fill all 5 rooms of that house with babies." - joe
"slow down there babe. i just had twins less than two months ago." - you
"i'm just kidding... maybe." - joe
"oh what am i gonna do with you?" - you
"i have an idea." - joe smirked
he tossed his phone on the bed behind us and leaned forward, placing his lips on mine.
he pulled me closer and closer until i was sitting in his lap and the kiss was more intimate.
we still haven't gone farther than making out, or me helping joe because i'm still fragile from giving birth not to long ago.
but nothing is better than kissing joe, it felt like fireworks going off throughout your body.
authors note: some angst for your sunday 🤍
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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doc-pickles · 10 months
waking up in vegas | matthew tkachuk x hughes!sister (pt.10)
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series masterlist
summary: siblings come to visit and everything changes
warnings: none :)
a/n: okay this is the last official part of this fic BUT I have lots of one shots, social media blurbs, and headcanons rolling around in my head so this is not the end of this universe! thank you all so much for loving this fic as much as you do! i didn't think that this random idea in my head would turn into something so big but I am SO happy it did. i hope you all love this ending as much as I do!
“Does the crib really need to be built today?” Matthew groaned as he sat on the floor of the nursery. 
“We’re a month out from my due date, we need to be prepared as possible,” you smiled at him from your spot perched on the glider in the corner of the room. “Think of it as a team building exercise.”
Matthew scoffed, “And what team is that?”
“Team Tkachuk, obviously.”
Matthew smirked up at you, ears tinged pink at the comment. Your relationship had blossomed since your confessions to each other and you found yourself falling more and more in love with him everyday. 
“Okay fine, but only because I know if I don’t build this you’ll try and do it by yourself tomorrow when I go to the rink and that’s the last thing I want.”
“Aw you know me so well,” you laughed as you pressed your fingers into your side. “Your kid is trying to break my ribs over here. Maybe they’ll take up soccer instead of hockey.”
“Don’t put that evil out there,” Matthew glared up at you as you smiled sweetly at him. “He’s gonna be a third generation hockey player.”
“And if it’s a girl?”
Matthew paused for a moment then went back to assembling the crib pieces, “Then she can be the first female NHL player.”
The regular season finished up two weeks before your due date, much to your relief. While you were sad the Panthers hadn’t made it into the playoffs you were happy to not have to worry about Matthew possibly missing the birth of your child.  
You and Matthew were enjoying a slow Saturday, sipping coffee and eating breakfast in the kitchen, when a loud knock interrupted your peaceful morning. 
“Who the hell is here at 8 AM,” you grumbled as Matthew headed toward the door. 
A flood of voices sounded out and before you could react all three of your brothers are standing in your kitchen. 
“What- how? What the hell are you guys doing here?” You stuttered over your words as your brothers smiled at you. “Oh my god!”
You were up and out of your seat in seconds as you went to hug all three of them. Laughter echoed around the room as your brothers brought you into their embrace. 
“You look amazing sissy,” Luke said as you pulled back, your nickname from your twin warming your heart. “Little man’s ready to pop, huh?”
“It could be a girl,” you insisted as your brothers snorted and laughed at you. “You guys suck! Worst brothers ever!”
“Sweet, the bar is on the floor,” you turned to see Brady, Emma, and Taryn standing in the entryway. “Taryn we got them beat for best siblings.”
You looked between everyone before turning to Matthew who wore his smirk that you loved so much, “Figured you might want to see everyone before Baby T comes.”
With a grin you launched yourself at Matthew, not caring about your siblings as you pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. Your brothers and Brady groaned as Taryn and Emma whooped behind you. You'd confided about everything happening between you and Matthew to the girls and they were overjoyed to hear things were going well. 
“This is borderline harassment,” Luke groaned as you and Matthew pulled apart, his arms tightly wrapped around you. “I didn’t sign up for this.”
“My house, you have to deal with me kissing my husband,” you grinned as Matthew squeezed your hips affectionately. “I’m so glad you’re all here! I missed you!” 
“We have a whole day planned,” Taryn smirked as you frowned at her. “Which we know you probably don’t want to do much, but we also know that the nursery still needs some work. So we’re here to help clean and build things and get everything ready for my niece. Well I am, I don’t know about the boys.”
You all settled in for breakfast, Brady producing a box of bagels and donuts while Quinn dished out coffees for everyone. Your siblings talked animatedly while Mathew kept you close in his hold, his hands never leaving you for more than a few seconds. 
“Okay we’re going to work on the nursery,” Quinn announced. “Why don’t you… You and Taryn and Emma can go get pedicures? I don’t know what girls do, just keep yourself busy and don’t worry about us.” 
You glared at Quinn, looking between your brothers, Brady, and Matthew, “If I had to worry about anyone it would be you five. Don’t ruin my baby’s room.” 
Matthew grinned as he leaned down to kiss you, one hand coming up to cup your ever growing bump, “Enjoy yourself a little, yeah? And call me if you need anything.”
You blushed under his gaze, nodding as you leaned in for one more kiss. When you pulled apart your eyes flitted to your brothers who were all watching silently. With a quick thank you, you and Emma and Taryn headed out the door. 
Looking over your sandwich you rolled your eyes at Taryn, “Just ask what you want to.”
“How’re things with Matthew,” Taryn eyed you warily, Emma raising an eyebrow in your direction . “Asking as a friend not a sister by the way.”
With a pause you stared at your lunch, thinking back on the past few months. From Thanksgiving to now your life had changed so much. Moving to Florida, falling in love with Matthew, preparing to be a mom… All of these were experiences that had changed you so much. 
“It’s good… It’s great actually,” you sighed and smiled at the girls. “I don’t know Matty is just different now. He’s so sweet and caring and… And I love him. I’ve never said it but I do. I wouldn’t pick anyone else to have a baby with or be married to. The ways my life has changed have been so crazy but I wouldn’t change anything.”
Taryn looked at you with teary eyes and grabbed your hand across the table, “I’m so happy for you two. Three. God I can’t believe Matt is gonna be a dad.”
“He’s such a different person,” Emma remarked. “Even Brady thinks so. I’m glad you two have found each other, no matter how unconventional it was.”
The three of you laughed together and finished your lunch. Exiting the restaurant you headed toward your car, pausing to grab Taryn’s arm, “Tare?”
“I would really like it if you’d be the baby’s godmother,” you smiled as Taryn failed to blink back her tears, Emma choking up too. “I couldn’t think of anyone better.”
With a teary laugh Taryn nodded and hugged you close, the two of you embracing in the middle of a parking lot. You knew without a doubt that your baby would be loved and cared for by all of your siblings. 
“Oh pizza!”
You walked into the kitchen to find a few pizza boxes scattered across the counter. Matthew came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. 
“Mmm we ordered from Gino’s, the place that has the Prego Pizza,” Matthew explained as he pointed to one of the boxes, his lips caressing your neck. “It’s supposed to induce labor.”
With a chuckle you crossed the kitchen, grabbing a slice of pepperoni and a slice of the pizza Matthew mentioned, “I doubt that but we can see. Baby T is comfy where they are.”
All of your siblings sat around the table, pizza and drinks flowing as they all chatted with each other. After everyone settled Matthew stood up, grinning at you before looking over the table. 
“I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for trekking down here. We appreciate it so much and know that you’re all going to be such good aunts and uncles to Baby T,” Matthew grinned and then turned to you. “And to my wife… I know this was all unplanned but I couldn’t picture doing this with anyone else. You’ve been the best partner I could ask for and I know we’ve had an unconventional start but you’re the light of every day for me. So… Thanks for sticking with me. I can’t wait to see where we head next.”
With tears in your eyes you leaned up to kiss Matthew as all your siblings cheered. Your brother’s approval meant everything to you as you all settled in for dinner, chirping each other and laughing around your dinner table. 
Matthew grabbed your hand under the table and you leaned into him as he kissed your forehead, “You’re my favorite, ya know?”
“I know,” you chuckled as you squeezed his hand. 
Your eyes shot open, reaching for your phone to check the time. 
4:18 AM
With a groan you rolled over and stood to walk toward the bathroom. But as soon as you stood up, a gush of liquid hit the floor. With wide eyes you stared at your legs until a cramp ran through your stomach. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped as you leant over the bed. “Hoooooly shit…”
Focused on your pain you didn’t even register Matthew waking up and turning the bedside light on. It wasn’t until his hand landed on your back that you looked up at him with wide eyes. 
“Hi,” you gasped out. “My water just broke.”
Without a prompt Matthew jumped into action, “Okay, bags are in the car already. What can I do for you?”
“Mmm I need new pants,” you groaned as a contraction ripped through you. “And maybe just your hand to hold. Fuck this hurts!”
Matthew grabbed your hand and used his other one to rub your back as the contraction subsided. With a deep breath you looked up at him with a grin, “Guess that pizza worked.”
Matthew laughed, helping you to sit as he grabbed you another set of underwear and sweatpants. You quickly changed and then took Matthew’s hand to head downstairs. 
You paused in front of the front door, meeting Matthew’s eyes for a long moment. The boy you’d met at your brothers hockey camp, the teen who’d begged you for cookies, the adolescent who’d bothered you for fun, the man who’d loved you so freely… You saw every version of Matthew as you stood at your front door ready to bring a new life into the world. 
“I love you,” you breathed the words out as you cupped Matthew’s cheeks. “I’ve loved you for years, but I know now that I’m in love with you. With every flaw and imperfection. Every truth you’ve given me to hold. All of it. I love you Matty, more than anything.”
Tears shining in his eyes Matthew kissed you wholeheartedly, arms wrapping around you as he held you close to him. 
“I love you too baby,” he gasped, cupping your cheeks. “So much. And I can’t wait for what’s ahead.”
“She’s got your eyes.”
You looked over at Matthew with tired eyes, grinning as he held your daughter in his hands. 
“Yeah,” you scoffed as you reached a hand out to brush her dark curls. “And the curls. She’s got my coloring and nose but she has a lot of Tkachuk in her too.”
Matthew laughed lowly then turned his attention back to your daughter with a grin, “I can’t believe you’re here. You’re real, not just a little thing I would talk to in mommy’s tummy. You’re here in my arms. God, you’re gonna be such a good hockey player. Ice those boys and show em who’s boss.”
The tears fell from Matthew’s eyes before you could comfort him but he was still laughing as he stared at your daughter. Finally he looked up at you with a wide grin, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For everything. For her and for you and for… For being the best partner I could dream of. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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4wkjun · 3 months
daddy sim | sjy
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Chapter 8: He would die for you. ➥ Contains: pregnancy complications, swearing, crying. ➥ Word count: 2.7k ➥ Taglist: @missychief1404, @riksaes, @simhinata
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September 22nd, 2022 Wednesday
Jake left the room with the doctor, ready to sign your papers while you stayed lying down, staring at the ceiling. You had your phone with you, but you didn’t feel like scrolling through any social media or calling anyone, you just wanted to fall asleep and wake up realizing it was just a bad dream.
It took almost 20 minutes for Jake to finish signing your papers, including explaining to the nurse that you were not married yet. Once he finished, he checked his phone. 06:27. With a sigh, he called Jay.
“Hey”, Jay answered right away. “I was about to leave the house, do you need anything?”
“No… I mean, I need you to tell Chaewon we’re not going today”, he responded with a groan. “Y/n won’t show up for at least a week, you think you can tell your teachers?”
“What? What happened?”
“I don’t really know”, Jake said, pressing his back against the wall of the hallway. “She woke up in the middle of the night, her water almost broke or something. She’ll be hospitalized for at least a week and they’ll check on them.”
“Oh, God… I didn’t see that coming.”
“Me neither, dude”, Jake sighed. “The good thing is: the doctor told me she had a tiny rupture, she’s gonna be fine.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I’ll be here with her”, Jake responded as if it was obvious.
“Yeah but… You need to eat, take a shower, etc”, Jay pointed out. “Text me when you find out the visitation schedule. Chaewon and I will be there so you can go home for a few hours.”
“That’s not necessary, Jay.”
“I’m not asking, dude”, Jay scoffed. “Text me and we’ll be there ASAP.”
Before Jake could say anything, Jay hung up. With a faint smile, Jake came back into the room.
“Hi, Jongseong”, Chaewon greeted over her counter. “Have you seen y/n? She’s late.”
Jay placed his shoulder bag on the empty stall, pouting and facing Chaewon. “She’s not coming today.”
“Oh, really? She didn’t tell me anything.”
“Yeah, about that…”, he started. Chaewon raised an eyebrow. “Don’t overreact, she’s fine. But she had a little trouble with the baby and she’ll be hospitalized for a week.”
Chaewon’s eyes got big – really big – and her mouth dropped. She placed both of her hands flat on the counter, ready to get up.
“Don’t overreact? What the fuck, Jay? What happened to her?”
“She’s not in danger, chill out!”Jay whispered-screamed, looking around to check if she brought the attention to the two of them.
As the weeks went by, your belly started to show a little more. At first, the gossiping was about your weight gain, until one of the girls in your class heard you talking about baby names. In a few minutes, almost your whole block knew about your pregnancy. You didn’t really care about the gossip, you just didn’t feel comfortable with everyone knowing about your personal life.
“Look, they’ll give her some medication and she’ll be back soon. We can visit her later if you want to… I mean, I’m going anyway because Jake will need to go home at some point.”
“I’ll come with you”, Chaewon mumbled.
Chaewon felt ridiculously worried about you and the baby. How could she even concentrate in her class knowing her best friend needed help? Especially medical help!
“Ms. Choi, we just finished preparing an actual room for you”, the nurse smiled by the door. Jake was still sitting next to you and caressing your hand as the nurse walked in with a wheelchair.
“Can’t I walk?”, you pouted.
“I’m sorry, ms. Choi. This is the hospital’s policy, any pregnant woman with any kind of risk needs to rest as much as possible.”
You nodded, a little upset. Jake helped you sit in the bed, holding you by the waist as you hopped down the best way you could.
“The room has two beds available, mr. Sim”, the nurse said as you slowly sat down. “As long as there is no other patient, you can use it instead of these uncomfortable chairs.”
“Thank you”, he smiled.
He walked right next to you, holding your hand in the sweetest way possible. The nurse smiled at the two of you as she pressed the elevator button.
“We’ll keep you in the obstetrics, ms. Choi. Visitation hours open at 10 A.M. and close at 4 P.M.”, she said, pushing the wheelchair towards the metallic cubicle. “In case you need to go home, we will keep an eye on her, ms. Sim.”
Jake scoffed and nodded, squeezing your hand. He told you about Jay and Chaewon wanting to visit, so he knew the nurses wouldn’t have to keep an eye on you.
The nurse guided you through the hospital hallways and you looked down, avoiding eye contact with any other pregnant women. They were all huge, their bellies as big as watermelons, smiling and walking calmly around. You didn’t even reach the middle of your pregnancy and didn’t know if you would even reach it.
“Before getting you in the bed, we need to change you into hospital clothes”, the nurse said as you entered the room. She opened a cabinet next to your bed and showed you a little plastic bag with the clothes mentioned before. “Would you like me or your husband to help you change, ms. Choi?”
Before Jake could say he was not your husband yet, you smiled faintly and said: “My husband, please.”
Even though the situation sucked, his heart beat harder inside of his chest. He smiled big behind you and caressed your hair, placing a kiss on your head.
The nurse placed the bag on your lap and calmly pointed towards the bathroom.
“Bathroom’s this way”, she said softly. “I’ll wait here to properly accommodate Ms. Choi into her bed.”
“We’ll be right back”, Jake smiled as he pushed you through the bathroom door.
It was pretty small for a shared room, barely fitting you, Jake, and the wheelchair. He locked the door behind him and smiled softly at you.
“C’mere”, he said, softly pulling the hem of your shirt.
“I can change by myself”, you mumbled, trying to push your shirt back down.
Jake kneeled, holding your hands between his.
“Baby, you heard the nurse. You need to rest as much as possible. Plus, I like taking care of you. Let me do this for the two of you, hm?”
You pouted but nodded anyway.
“You’re just trying to see my boobs”, you mumbled. Jake chuckled, finding you adorable.
“Consider that my payment”, he shrugged, pulling the shirt over your head.
Even though Jake always loved admiring your body, that didn’t feel like the right moment. He just passed the thin fabric of the hospital clothing through your arms and closed every button with care.
“Here”, he said, ready to hold your hands.
Your hands reached out for his and you used him as a support for getting up. You held his shoulder as he kneeled to pull your pants down your legs, as careful as ever.
Once you were completely changed and sat again, he smiled at you and gave your lips a quick peck.
Jake pushed you through the door and stopped in front of the bed you’d use for the next seven days.
“I’ll help you get comfortable and will grab your medication”, she smiled.
“Medication?”, you asked, confused.
“Yes, we will start on antibiotics to prevent any infections in your baby”, she smiled.
“Ah”, you said, nodding.
Once you felt completely comfortable in the bed, you threw your head back, eyelids suddenly feeling heavy.
“What time is it, Jakey?”, you mumbled.
“Almost 8:30, love”, he answered, standing by the bed.
You hummed and yawned. Jake scoffed, caressing your head.
“Won’t you sleep a little?”
“I will”, you smiled faintly. “But only after the nurse pokes me with her needle.”
Jake scrunched his nose, not liking the idea. He had an intense fear of needles and felt his stomach turn a little.
“Damn”, he mumbled. You laughed.
“I know you hate needles. That’s ok, you don’t need to watch it.”
“Thanks”, he sighed. You chuckled again, opening your eyes. Your hand reached out for his cheek, caressing the soft skin.
“Thank you for being here”, you mumbled. Jake laughed.
“Stop thanking me for doing the bare minimum!”, he said, still caressing your hand. “We’re in this together, remember? You, me, and our little girl.”
“That we don’t know if it’s a girl”, you reminded, closing your eyes again – but your smile never faded.
“I know”, he whispered. He just knew, deep down in his heart.
“Hi”, Jake whispered and smiled as Chaewon and Jay entered the room. It was almost 1 P.M. and you were asleep as they walked in. “She dozed off a few hours ago.”
“Poor thing”, Chaewon pouted. “Is she in pain?”
“No”, Jake responded, shaking his head. “She said she feels nothing, just woke up in a wet bed…”
“How did that happen?”, Jay asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“The doctor said it’s hard to find a reason”, your lover shrugged. “The… Am… Amniotic?”
“Amniotic sac, go on”, Chaewon scoffed. Jake rolled his eyes, smiling a little.
“That. It ruptured a little, she lost a bit of that liquid and the baby could get in fetal stress if she keeps losing it.”
“So she’ll be here for the next week. They’ll check on her and the baby constantly and see if she needs anything special.”
Chaewon nodded, not knowing how to proceed with the conversation.
“Hey, um… I brought my car. Maybe I could give you a ride home so you can… Take a shower?”, Jay asked Jake.
“I don’t know…”, Jake whispered.
“Don’t worry”, Chaewon said. “I’m right here in case she needs anything.”
“You sure?”
“Of course! That’s my best friend, remember?”
Jake chuckled, nodding.
“‘Kay dude, let’s go.”
“Make yourself home”, Jake said, throwing his keys on the dinner table.
“I will, don’t worry”, Jay said, playfully.
“I’m gonna take a shower real quick and… I don’t know, you think she’ll need anything?”, your lover asked, stopping right in front of the small hallway of your shared apartment.
“I don’t think so, man”, Jay responded while sitting down on the couch. “She’s more than well assisted in the hospital. You’ll only need to take her some clean clothes once she gets dismissed.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Damn, I can’t think straight”, he groaned, pulling his hair back.
Jay pouted, worried about his friend.
“Look, you’ve been through a lot today, and it’s not even 2 P.M.”, Jay stated. “Go take a shower and try to relax a bit. Is there anything I can do for you?”
Jake smirked, grateful. “Nah, you’re already helping a lot.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll have to pay back later”, he responded playfully.
Jake flipped him off with a soft chuckle and walked towards his bedroom. The two of you talked about cleaning his bedroom and transforming it into the baby’s room just yesterday before going to bed. How the hell did things end up this way?
He picked up his remaining clothes off this wardrobe – most of his baggy t-shirts and sweatpants were in yours since you couldn’t fit your own clothes anymore – and walked towards the bathroom, his mind running a thousand miles a second.
Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he noticed strong purple-ish circles under his eyes. He couldn’t sleep since you woke him up in the middle of the night, your expression of pure fear wouldn’t let go of his mind. Your eyes were telling him how afraid of losing the baby you were and he hoped his own eyes didn’t do the same to you – he wanted to give you peace of mind, at least for now.
Jake opened the shower and let the hot water run down his body, from his head to toe. With his eyes closed, he let the tears stream down his cheeks, feeling his heart heavy. You’ve been pregnant for 18 weeks and barely started to show. The two of you still haven’t picked out names for your little bundle of joy. You don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl. You can’t lose the baby, damn, there is so much to do! So much to live for!
The poor guy dreamed about feeling the baby kicking – the obstetrician told you it could happen at any time between the 16th and the 20th week, and it still hasn’t –, the baby shower, preparing the layette, being there for you during labor, being the first one to hold the baby, teaching the baby how to walk, how to speak English… So much awaits for the three of you.
His shower took longer than necessary, but Jay wouldn’t dare say a word, only imagining what you were going through. He patiently waited, scrolling through his TikTok and casually texting his friends.
“I’m ready, let’s go”, Jake said, showing up fully dressed in the living room, but his hair was still damp.
“It’s freezing outside, go blow-dry that”, Jay said, half scolding, half joking.
Jake pouted and rolled his eyes, but he did come back to do so. The last thing he needs is to be sick right now.
“Morning, sleepy head”, Chaewon chanted softly as you opened your eyes. She was sitting down next to you, where Jake was before.
“Oh, hi”, you mumbled, smiling a bit.
“How are you feeling?”, she asked, honestly worried.
“I’m… Ok, I guess”, you responded. “I think I’m much better now that I know this is not a critical case, but my heart still hurts from the shock I had earlier.”
“Wanna tell me what happened? I don’t know if I can trust Jake’s version”, she asked with a cute nose scrunch. You chuckled.
“I woke up in the middle of the night feeling something wet beneath me. Not a lot, though. The doctor explained to me it was a little amniotic fluid gush”, you said, trying to remember the details. “The amniotic sac ruptured a little and it can cause premature birth, which, right now, would be like… 90% fatal to the baby…”
“Oh…”, Chaewon mumbled. She pouted, upset.
“Thank God we rushed to the hospital. The faster the diagnosis, the higher the chances of ‘fixing’ it”, you said, smiling softly. “I’ll take antibiotics for a week to prevent infections in this little one”, you said, caressing your bump. “And perform a few tests to make sure the amniotic fluid is enough to keep her safe and sound.”
“Keep her safe and sound?”, Chaewon repeated with a big smile. “Is it a girl?”
“Oh”, you said, feeling your cheeks hot. “No, we don’t know yet”, you chuckled. “Jake’s 100% sure we’re having a girl, I think I let it in my mind.”
“Yeah, sure”, your bestie laughed. “What about Jake?”
“I think he’s trying to be strong… But I know he’s terrified of the idea of losing the baby. So am I, to be honest, but I think he felt this whole chaos harder.”
“How can he feel it more than you? You’re literally carrying the baby.”
“Won, I don’t know how to explain it… But Jake would literally die for our baby. He loves them so much, I feel like the baby means his whole existence right now…”, you said, eyes teary. “I’m not saying I don’t love the baby to death – ‘cause I do –, but Jake… I don’t think words are enough to describe how bad he loves them.”
“God, this is so adorable”, she mumbled. “I can’t believe how cute the two of you are.”
You laughed, caressing your best friend’s hand as she caressed your baby bump.
“I still gotta talk to him and calm him down”, you said, sighing. “I think things are a lot worse in his head.”
“Yeah, but I don’t judge him. You said it yourself, he’d die for you.”
“I said he’d die for the baby”, you corrected.
“Please, we both know he would die for the both of you”, she said rolling her eyes.
And she was right.
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mynameismckenziemae · 7 months
In Case You Didn’t Know
Part 8
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: Bradley greets you at the airport and you find something interesting while packing up Jake’s apartment.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, this one gets a bit kinkier 😏🥴smut, mutual masturbation, toy use, ass play
“How much stuff do you have in San Diego?” You ask as you towel-dry your hair.
“Not much, mostly just clothes. The apartment came with furniture and never felt like getting my own. Guess even my subconscious knew I wasn’t planning on staying there long-term. I asked because I really just want you to come with me and meet the crew.”
“Good, your clothes should fit here, unless you have more than me. I wasn’t sure how we’d fit furniture though. And of course, I’ll come,” you smile. You’ve seen pictures but were excited to meet the people you’ve heard so much about.
He’s stuck on the first part of your reply. “You want me to move in?”
You nod. “I do, if you want to. I love waking up to you every morning. Even if you do hog the covers.”
“Do not,” he argues, snapping you with his wet towel.
Jake: I told her about the job and moving back home. She asked me to move in…like fully move in since I’m already basically living here.
🐓: Nice! Is she coming with you to get things settled here?
Jake: Yes. I ordered the ring today, it should be here by Tuesday. Are you sure you don’t mind recording? My ma will kill me if she doesn’t see it. She’s already mad she won’t be there. 🙄
🐓: I’m sure. I love your mom already.
🐓: Almost as much as your sister 🥵🤤
Jake: 🖕🏻
Jake brings you a beautiful bouquet of flowers on Wednesday, the day before you leave when he comes for his last appointment to be cleared with Dr. Hayes.
“Oh they’re beautiful, thank you,” you say, kissing him on the cheek, smiling at the blush that spreads over his face.
“Beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl,” he replies. You roll your eyes but smile.
“I think Hayes is ready for you,” you say, leading Jake to his office.
“Everything looks great, Jake. You’re cleared to get back to it,” Hayes tells him as he signs the forms. “Char told me you’re moving back though?”
“Yeah, after I get everything taken care of in San Diego. I took a position as an instructor in Kingsville, so I should be home most nights, other than short trips for training. The accident not only scared me but made me realize what’s really important,” Jake answers as he puts his shoe back on.
“I’ve never seen her happier. She hasn’t been herself since her mom got sick and then passed away. It’s so good to see her smile again.”
“Yeah, I agree. Can you keep a secret?” Jake asks as he gets off the exam table to sit in the chair by the desk.
“Yes, unless it’s something bad. My loyalty lies with Charlie,” Hayes says seriously as he continues working on the endless forms, but his lip quirks.
“It’s not. I’m gonna ask her to marry me when we’re in California,” Jake smiles.
Hayes drops his pen. “Oh man, that’s great! Congratulations!” He grins, clapping Jake on the back.
“She hasn’t said yes yet, but thanks,” Jake laughs.
“She will.”
The flight to San Diego is uneventful and the first thing you see by the baggage is the uniformed man with a mustache that you’ve heard so much about holding a bright pink sign that reads, ‘Welcome Home from Rehab Jake! Your Sex Addiction Doesn’t Define You!’
“For fucks sake, Bradshaw,” Jake mutters when he’s close enough to read it.
You laugh and meet Bradley in a hug. “I’m Bradley or Rooster. Nice to finally meet you, Charlie.”
“Nice to meet you too, thanks for helping him get to me,” you reply. “I love the sign.”
“Yeah. Real funny. Did you manage to think of that one yourself?” Jake says, cracking into a smile before he hugs him too.
“Nah, good ol’ Google helped me with it,” he grins.
Bradley drives the two of you to Jake’s apartment, helps get your bags inside, and opens the windows to air out the stale space while Jake changes.
“He looks so much better than when I dropped him off at the airport. Not just the injuries, he looked haunted almost. I would’ve flown with him had I known the idiot was going to take an Uber to your house,” Bradley says with a sigh.
“He sure does, I’ve never seen him look the way he did when he showed up on my doorstep. It’s not your fault, thanks for getting him as far as you did,” you smile.
“So tell me about Emma. Jake won’t give me anything, I think he’s just trying to be a protective big brother, but-“
“He’s not. He’s protecting you,” you laugh. “Emma is an amazing woman, but she’ll eat you alive. She’s a large animal vet. She’s wild, fun, incredibly smart, and a fiercely loyal friend but has no interest in relationships,” you smile sadly, remembering how gutted Emma was after her breakup with her high-school sweetheart. Something more had happened but she never would talk about it.
“Hmmm,” Bradley hums as if he’s undeterred.
“I’m good to go, you’ll be okay here for a bit? I’ll ride with Bradshaw but my truck’s in the garage if you want to go anywhere,” Jake says entering the living room.
“No problem, I can start packing for you…” you trail off as your mouth goes dry when you see him in his service khakis.
He smirks when he watches you look him over, eyes lingering where his biceps strain against his sleeves.
“I’ll uh, meet you outside. Not to be a cockblock but Cyclone’s expecting us in 20 minutes. See ya later, Charlie!” Bradley says as he shuts the door, noticing the heat in your gazes.
Jake grips the back of your neck and drags you to him in a rough kiss. “You looking at me like that does things to me, Charlie,” he murmurs against your lips.
“Like what?” You smile at his growl.
“This,” he groans as he brings your hand to palm his erection.
“Mmmm, I’ll take care of this later, I promise. You better go though, don’t want to leave on a bad note,” you say, pulling back from his lips and giving him a final stroke of your palm.
“Yeah, you’re right. Fuck,” he sighs, combing a hand through his hair before adjusting himself and heading to the door. “Love you.”
“Love you too!”
It doesn’t take you long to get his belongings into boxes before you move to the bedroom to pack his clothes. You smile, even though he’s been gone for several weeks, it still smells of his cologne and a hint of leather.
After you have his clothes put away, you check the drawer of his nightstand. You laugh (and blush) at what you find; a half-empty bottle of lube, tissues, expired condoms, a stroker toy, and a picture of you. It’s from a few summers ago when you went with your mom and his family up north fishing. You’re standing with your back to him at the edge of the dock, in a cheeky bikini, laughing at something he said.
It’s a cute picture, but the crinkled corner and the fact that it was hidden with those other items tell you exactly what he was doing while looking at it.
You take a picture of it, along with the other things you found, and send him a text.
Charlie: Found this picture of me hidden in your nightstand with some other interesting items. Did you use a PG-13 picture of me to jerk off? You do know PornHub is free, right? 😂
Jake: …no comment.
Charlie: I want to watch you use the toy. Like right when you get home.
Jake: Jesus. Okay. How do you even know what that is? From your sex books?
Charlie: You do know PornHub is free, right? 😏
Jake: Thanks for that visual. I’m hard now.
Charlie: 😘
Jake: We should be wrapping up here shortly, see you soon.
Charlie: I’ll be here waiting on your bed, touching myself.
Jake: Fuck. Don’t you dare stop before I get there.
Jake bursts through the front door exactly 23 minutes later, and you’re nearing your second orgasm as he enters his bedroom, nearly tripping when he tries to get out of his pants.
“Don’t break your other leg,” you smile, sighing when you circle your clit faster, bringing yourself to the edge again quickly as you feel his eyes on you.
“Fuck!” You cry, arching your back as he leans forward, pushing your hands out of the way to lick your arousal, flicking his tongue over your clit. That’s all it takes for you to come apart with a drawn-out moan.
You have to stop him from going back for more. “I want to watch you now.”
His eyes close with a shudder. “Okay.”
“You are so fucking hot, Jake,” you breathe as you watch.
His eyes fall shut with a grunt at your words. His back is against the headboard, his hand fisting his cock. You’re kneeling between his legs, running your fingers over his thick, muscular thighs.
You lean forward like you’re going to kiss him but duck your head right before his lips touch yours to flick your tongue over his nipple. You smile at his frustrated sigh.
You tease his nipples, alternating between them with your fingers and mouth; pinching, biting, twisting, sucking. You commit to memory what elicits the best sounds before pulling back to hand him the lube and the toy.
“Do you want to see my collection when we get back? I haven’t needed any of my toys since we’ve gotten together but I think it’s only fair since I get to watch you.”
“Hell yeah I do,” he pants before he pushes into the lube-slicked toy with a groan
“Feel good?” You ask, biting your lip.
“Not even close as good as you, but yeah.”
Excess lube slides down his shaft, giving you an idea as you collect some on your finger.
“Can I try something?”
“Anything your kinky heart desires, sweetheart,” he replies.
You encourage him to scoot down further and bend his knees. Your left hand cups his sack as your right brushes the sensitive skin below and he jolts when your lubed finger finds his hole.
“This okay?” You ask when you lightly circle the tight ring of muscle.
“Mhmm, just surprised me,” he chuckles, but it turns into a moan when you lightly press.
You continue for a few minutes, circling and pressing, circling and pressing. “Still okay?” You ask as you push your finger in, letting him get used to the feeling.
“Yeah, still-holy shit!” He gasps, gripping the base of his cock to stave off his orgasm. “Wait-just…give me a second and do it again.”
“Found your prostate,” you smile, kissing his knee and rolling his balls in your left hand again until he relaxes.
His back arches when you press brush over it a second time, “Fuck! Please, again?” He rasps, tears are beginning to leak from his eyes.
His head drops back against the headboard as he jerks himself faster, the toy making lewd squelching sounds when you press gently once more. You whimper as you watch him cum with a broken sob.
A/N: no comment 🥴
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs.
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gas station food is FIRE tho
i’d risk everything for gas station sushi
[Photo ID: A screenshot of the chat, but it’s cropped, so all you can see is ‘Bacon, Egg and Cheese are typing…’]
Guys please don’t
you me gasstation
What are we getting for dinner?
sushi ofc!
there was a roofie inside of our gas station sushi!!!!
We black out and wake up in a sewer
were surrounded by fish
you know what that means!!
You know what that means
FISH ORGY!!!!!!!!!!
No no, go on
i’m invested
The stench drives in a bear
What do we do?
we’re gonna FIGHT IT
Bear fight
bear handed
bare NAKED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!??!!!!
OH YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yes please
What am I walking in on…
We befriend the bear after we beat it in a brawl, then we ride it to a chuck-e-cheese
Revolution? overthrow the government?
Uh,,,, i think so!
next thing you know i’m reincarnated as JESUS CHRIST
then i turn into a jet
fly into the sun
black out again
What the fuck happened in here
wake up
do a bump
white out
(which i didn’t know you could do)
Then i smoked a joint
Then i turned into the sun
I’m so embarrassed
what the fuck
@ Bootyyyshaker9000 new weekend plans
did u like our performance
Kids these days and their newfangled memes!!!!!!!
did you seriously memorise all that
Because it’s funny, next question
It isn’t, it really isn’t
ur just a hater
I love this holy shit
(And is it bad that I have that whole meme memorised in my head? Sometimes I will just recite it in my brain and it talks way too loud, especially when I’m in an exam lol)
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How did you come about the fact that you can pass out from getting your eyes dilated? I would like to know in detail
alright so
i needed an eye exam pretty bad
could tell my eyesight was worsening, etc etc
new eye doctor
he’s nice, he’s sweet, he’s professional but still personable
“i’m gonna dilate your eyes, because this is the first time you’re here and i wanna get a good baseline”
cool cool cool, haven’t had my eyes dilated in 8(?) years, i agree
he put the drops in my eyes no problem, we’re chatting it up waiting for my pupils to dilate
i go “hey doc i’m not feeling too great”
he looks at me and goes “oh dear”
(according to him and my mother i was extraordinarily pale, cold, and clammy)
he goes out to get my mother from the waiting room
i pass out
wake up with my mother stroking my hair, which is very nice, and the doctor offering me a coffee mug of cold water, which is also very nice
it’s a vasovagal response or something?? basically my body hit the panic button for some fucking reason involving my vagus nerve, idk the specifics now i forgor
it took an hour and a plate of pasta to stop feeling awful (dilation wore off after 8 hrs)
anyway i just got back from a kickball game so. i’m fine now.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
I am thinking older Eddie? 🤔 he's not nearly as confident as he used to be but meets his dream gal at maybe a concert? Gets his groove back. Maybe he's a single dad who feels like he hasn't had time or energy to be himself anymore and she makes him feel like that again?
I just feel like you'll be able to really make it so good.
Warnings: none--all fluff :)
WC: 2.7k
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Okay, his bedtime is 7:30 PM, but if you get him down before 8:30, I’ll be amazed,” Eddie tells his uncle, grabbing his guitar case and slinging it over his shoulder. “He’s in that phase where he only wants to eat macaroni and cheese, so just go with that tonight. No need for you to fight with him over it.”
Wayne chuckles, bouncing the toddler on his hip. “And when will you be out of your ‘only eating macaroni and cheese’ phase?” he asks Eddie, who promptly flips him off in response. “Hey! Not in front of the impressionable kid!”
“Daddy will see you when you wake up tomorrow,” Eddie promises his son, pressing a quick kiss to his scalp. “Be good for Grandpa.”
“Oh, he’s always good for me,” Wayne says, making a funny face at the little boy. “Isn’t that right, Kirk?” He frowns as Kirk’s tiny bottom lip quivers and he reaches out for his dad. “C’mon, buddy; Dad has to go to his concert!”
“No!” Kirk whines, crocodile tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. Eddie’s heart pangs, and he second guesses his decision to go out.
As though he can read his nephew’s mind, Wayne tuts at Eddie’s hesitation. “Nuh-uh, absolutely not. You haven’t done anything for yourself since this troublemaker was born.” He wipes a tear from Kirk’s face and blows a raspberry into his belly. A mix of giggles and sobs leaves the boy’s throat. “We’re gonna be just fine. Now, go.” He practically shoves Eddie out the door. 
It’s been ten years since Eddie graduated from Hawkins High. The day he crossed that stage, middle fingers aimed at his exasperated principal, he’d vowed never to return to this shithole town. And he’d kept that promise up until two years ago. Kirk was only five months old when Celeste had up and left, claiming that she couldn’t handle the stress of motherhood any longer. She’d left her key to their dingy apartment on the countertop, along with the engagement ring Eddie had saved so long to buy her. He’d pawned it a few weeks later, desperate to scrounge up some money for baby formula. And when that money ran out, he’d found himself back in his hometown, bunking with his uncle. Again. 
The goal was to move out, get a little place for himself and Kirk, and give Wayne his trailer—and his freedom—back. After years of raising his brother’s kid, the last thing he probably wanted was to help raise his nephew’s. For the most part, Eddie’s able to balance his job as a telemarketer and fatherhood, especially since he mostly works from home. But on the days where he has to schlep into the office, he relies on Wayne for child care. His salary is decent, and he has medical coverage for himself and his kid, but he hates working a nine-to-five desk job. 
He tunes the radio to a classic rock station, bypassing whatever saccharine pop songs repeat on the Top 40 channels. A smile tugs at his lips when he hears the familiar bridge. 
Master, master
Where’s the dreams that I’ve been after?
Master, master
You promised only lies
It takes him back to a time where his only worries were passing O’Donnell’s class and planning sadistic Hellfire campaigns. Now, his life revolves around potty training and quelling temper tantrums. But even on his most exhausting days, like when he makes Kirk exactly what he wants for lunch, and the kid flips the plate onto the floor, he would do anything for him. He’d choose his son one thousand times over.
Did I leave the number to the club in case of an emergency? he thinks, slamming on the brakes and nearly causing a collision before remembering that he’d jotted it down on a notepad and given it to Wayne. 
It’s been too long since he’s played in front of anyone, save for lullabies to get Kirk to sleep. But Gareth was coming back to Indiana for a weekend, and he’d damn near begged the guys for a one-night only Corroded Coffin reunion. Eddie didn’t have the heart to turn him down.
He looks over his shoulder into the backseat, catching a glimpse of Kirk’s car seat. Who would’ve thought that the teenager who used to try to hook up with girls in the back of the van–emphasis on try–would now spend his time cleaning out Cheerio crumbs between the seats?
Pulling into the parking lot, Eddie breathes out a nervous sigh. He’s been practicing every day, all the covers they used to play back in the mid-80s, but he doesn’t have the same confidence he did back when they jammed out at the Hideout. Being a parent certainly knocks you down a few pegs, has you questioning yourself all too often.
“Here goes nothing,” he mutters to himself, pulling his guitar from the trunk and heading into the club. 
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“Hey, man! Long time no see!” Jeff claps him on the back, and Gareth pulls him in for a hug. “Jesus, it’s been years.”
“You didn’t bring the kid?” Gareth asks, peering around.
Eddie just laughs. “Nah, ‘s a little past his bedtime. Plus,” he adds, “I don’t want him starting school and singing ‘Hot for Teacher.’” The rest of the band shares a chuckle and starts warming up.
“Did you guys check out the bartender?” Trevor asks, tuning his bass. “She’s a cutie, if any of you wanna chat her up later.”
Gareth snorts. “Eddie’s the only single one out of us; and we all know how he is with the ladies.” He turns to his friend. “Seriously, when’s the last time you got any, dude?”
Too long, Eddie thinks, but just gives Gareth a friendly shove. “Your mom gave it to me good last night.” He grins as Jeff and Trevor chime in with a chorus of oohs. But he’s curious about this bartender, so he peeks around the curtain.
And there you are.
“Holy shit,” he breathes. You’re wearing a black tank top that frames your chest perfectly, paired with a denim miniskirt. Your eyes crinkle as you giggle at something a patron says, and Eddie feels himself melt. “She’s, like, really fuckin’ pretty.” His eyes widen. “Should I talk to her?”
“Let’s play our set first, all right Casanova?” Jeff jokes. “Impress her with your kickass vocals and guitar skills, if you’ve still got ‘em.”
Eddie gives him the middle finger, but he’s wondering the same thing. He doesn’t have time to explore it further before the emcee is announcing Corroded Coffin. “Showtime, boys!” Eddie calls out, hoping no one catches the warble in his voice.
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Forty minutes later, the four guys jog off the stage, drenched in sweat and filled with adrenaline.
“That…was…awesome!” Trevor shouts, high-fiving the rest of them. “We can still rock after all these years!”
Eddie’s grinning so wide, his lips could stretch off of his face. “Hell yeah, we do! Woooo!” He grabs a towel and wipes his forehead and back of his neck. He feels like he’s on top of the world; nothing he’d bought from Reefer Rick ever gave him this type of high. He clenches the guitar pick that hangs around his neck; it’s just like the one he wore in high school, except this one has a photo of Kirk on it. Wayne had it custom made for Kirk’s first Christmas. Your old man was a rockstar tonight, little buddy, he thinks, hopefully, you’ll be able to watch me in action someday.
His thoughts are interrupted by a light knocking. He turns around to see you standing in the doorway, holding a tray with four ice-cold glasses of water. “You boys thirsty?” you ask, flashing a smile that could knock him right off of his feet.
“Eddie sure is,” Jeff mutters with a smirk, which disappears as soon as Eddie shoots him a glare. If looks could kill, Jeff would be six feet under right about now.
You cock your brow with a confused expression, but Eddie just shoves his hands in his pockets and meanders over. “Thanks,” he mumbles, plucking a glass from the tray.
“Are you…Eddie?” You look up at him through your lashes, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes. 
“Thas’ me,” he says with a small laugh. “Did you like the show?” He could smack himself; you probably tuned out the music at this point. Especially loud metal covers by a bunch of late twenty-somethings.
He’s surprised by your enthusiastic nod. “Yeah, you guys are amazing! It was a nice change from the grunge bands that usually play.” You wrinkle your nose. “The other day, we had someone come in who only sang Spice Girls songs. That was interesting.”
Eddie laughs, despite his nerves. “Was she any good, at least?”
“No,” you reply pointedly, “he was not.” You motion towards his empty cup. “Want a refill? Or maybe something stronger?”
“Maybe just a Shirley Temple; he’s gotta get up in the morning with his kid,” Gareth pipes up, and Eddie whips his dirty towel at his head.
Your eyes soften. “You have a kid?” It’s not an accusation, nor is it said with disgust, which Eddie is all-too used to. 
“Y-Yeah, a two-year-old,” he stammers, leaning forward slightly to show the guitar pick necklace with his son’s photo on it. “His name’s Kirk.”
“As in Hammett, or as in Captain?” you tease. “Or both?”
Eddie runs a hand through his tangled curls. “Hammett; definitely Hammett,” he answers with a chuckle. “Kid’s probably cooler than him, too.”
“Well, his dad is a total rockstar, so I’m not surprised,” you shrug. “C’mon back to the bar with me, and I’ll get you that Shirley Temple. On the house,” you add.
Jeff waggles his eyebrows and Trevor lets out a low wolf-whistle as Eddie follows you. Gareth is still traumatized from the towel incident to mess with him.
He used to flirt with bartenders all the time; the more out of his league they were, the more fun it was to shoot his shot. But he’s out of practice now, and it doesn’t help that he’s completely intimidated by you.
Think, Munson, think, he wills himself. “So, uh, what’s your name?” You give him your name, and he smiles. “That’s a kickass name, yeah.” A ‘kickass name’? That’s the best you could come up with?
You only laugh at his response. “I mean, I’m not named after Kirk Hammett, but it’s not half bad.”
“Nah, it’s a good name.” Okay, enough with the name, Jesus. “How long have you been a bartender?”
“Feels like forever,” you muse. “It’s my night gig; just a way to make money while I’m working on my novel.” You drop some maraschino cherries into a clean glass. “Fun fact: thinking about publishing a book pays zero dollars.”
“You’re an author?” Eddie asks incredulously. “What kinda book are you writing?”
A blush creeps into your cheeks. “An aspiring author, I guess,” you say shyly, “but it’s a fantasy novel, like a Lord of the Rings type of thing.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “You’ve read Tolkien?” Duh; she literally just compared her work to his. Why else would she do that?
“He’s one of my favorite authors,” you admit, pouring the sweet grenadine and ginger ale before sliding the glass to him. “Him, Stephen King, Mary Shelley…”
“No fuckin’ way,” he breathes, and you look at him quizzically. “I mean, I’ve never met someone so pretty who was also into fantasy.” 
You giggle at the compliment. “Well, maybe we could talk more about it sometime? Like, when I’m not on the clock?”
Eddie’s head spins at the offer. “You drink coffee?” he blurts out. He couldn’t stand the stuff when he was younger, but after far too many sleepless nights with a colicky infant, he’d acquired a taste for it.
“I do,” you nod, grabbing the pen from behind your right ear and snatching the nearest unused napkin you can find. “Let me give you my phone number, if you wanna call me.”
They’re the most beautiful ten digits Eddie’s ever seen. “If I wanna…of course, yeah, that sounds great.” He folds the napkin carefully before putting it in his pocket, not wanting to smudge the ink. “I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon?”
“I’ll be at home, writing,” you laugh. “See you around, Eddie.”
“Yeah, see ya…thanks for your number,” he manages before darting back to the band, beaming like a kid who just woke up to a pile of presents on Christmas morning. “Oh, shit,” he says suddenly, reaching into his wallet and fumbling for some cash, pulling out a crumpled five-dollar bill.
“I told you,” you remind him with the smile that makes him swoon, “I’ll cover this one. Use the money you’re saving to buy something awesome for Kirk.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Gotta at least leave a tip for excellent service. And for managing not to tell those idiots back there to shut the fuck up.” Although he wouldn’t have been mad if you had. At this point, he didn’t think there was anything you could do that would turn him off.
“Nah, they’re harmless,” you wave off his statement. “Trust me, that’s nothing compared to some of the things guys say to me.” You shudder at the memory of the perverted statements leaving their whiskey-soaked lips.
Eddie sits up straighter. “Like what?” he asks, voice brimming with concern. 
“Oh, you know.” You try to sound casual. “Commenting on my body, grabbing my ass, asking to take me home–even when I can see that they’re wearing a wedding ring.”
“Sounds like you need a bodyguard,” he muses, taking a sip of his drink, rings clinking against the glass. The sugar perks him up as soon as it hits his tongue. 
“You offering?” It comes out more salacious than you’d anticipated, but you’re not about to take it back. The look on his face is priceless; he’s clearly not used to people flirting with him so brazenly. 
You watch as Eddie gives a shy smile, caught off-guard yet again. He toys with his necklace before answering. “Gotta earn my free drinks somehow. Otherwise, I’m just a mooch.”
“Yeah, but you’re a really cute mooch, so…” you giggle, wiping down the bar with a nearby towel. “I’d call it even.”
He nearly chokes on his drink. You think he’s cute? Really cute? He wants to ask if it’s a joke, or a prank that the guys put you up to. But you seem so genuine, and it’s been years since anyone has made him feel this special, so he swallows his insecurities. “Th-thanks,” he stutters. “I think it’s mostly the guitar; makes me look like a big shot.”  
“I think it’s your eyes. Or your smile,” you counter, placing your hand on top of his. “But the guitar certainly doesn’t hurt.” You glance down at his ringed fingers. “None of these symbolize an everlasting union, do they?”
“Nope,” he replies, popping the p dramatically. “Just my commitment to tacky jewelry.”
You laugh, leaning in a bit closer to him. “I think I can handle that.” And for a moment, the world stops as Eddie’s breath hitches. He’s desperate to kiss you, but he’s sticky with sweat and doesn’t want to do anything in the dingy bar where you work. No, you deserve a nice date at a fancy restaurant with a freshly-showered Eddie Munson.
“Hey, Romeo!” Jeff calls out, walking towards the two of you with the rest of the band. “Wanna grab some pizza before your carriage turns back into a pumpkin?”
No, Eddie thinks crossly, I want to stay here and talk to the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen until closing time. 
“I’ve gotta get back to work anyway,” you reassure him. “But we can continue this conversation over that coffee date.”
Eddie visibly relaxes at the mention of your next meeting. “Abso-fuckin-lutely,” he agrees. And before he can wimp out, he presses his lips to your cheek, watching as your cheeks tinge a delicious shade of pink. 
Look at you, Munson. Back in the game.
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anangelinthepit · 2 months
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Bruise my bones, but leave my heart alone
Hello Angels! Sorry this took so long. I had writers block for a while. I hope you all enjoy it. ⚠️ warning graphic and sensitive topsic. Death, mirder, swearing, sex, etc. ⚠️ as always with love , Magenta🌹
Part 8
Noah’s POV
Son of a Bitch
Now I'm starting to wonder who the real villain in her life is. Jolly and Nick pulled Jason’s body away. When I turned around, I saw Y/N lying on the ground and passed out.
I ran over and tried to wake her up.
“Come on, baby wake up. Talk to me, please.” Y/N eyes fluttered open, and nothing but pure anger, mixed with despair lingered in them. “Why, why didn't you listen to me?” She said with tears filling in her eyes once again. “Do you realize what you have just done!”
Y/N began to slowly get up on her own but fell to her knees once again. “Oh my god I'm gonna die,” she said in between sobs. I picked her up and held onto her as tight as I could. I needed to bring her back. “Y/N look at me. Nothing is going to happen to you or us. We are gonna be out of the state here soon. They won't find us in Cali.” I said, caressing her face.
Y/N just sobbed into her hands. Was there more to the story than what I was just told? Nothing I said brought her comfort. Nick ran over to me, asking me what we should do about the other two. I looked over and saw they were nearly beaten to death. As harsh as this sounds, I had to put Y/N aside for a moment and finish what I started. I walked over to the dumbasses, who thought they could take on all of us, and knelt. “Who do you guys answer to?” I said. The other didn't respond while the bald fuck started laughing
“Oh, you'll meet him soon enough. I hope you know he's gonna take care of your little “bandmates” and have a good time with your girlfriend. Don't worry he’ll be gentle.” This maniac started laughing. My god, I was two seconds away from killing him. Jolly had to hold me back from once again pulling the fucking trigger. Just then, this guy looked up at Y/N and said something that shook me to the core.
“Hey dollface remember me? That one night in Jason's apartment. Yea, you were a re-” Nick went up behind him and kicked the back of his head. Grabbing him by the scruff of the collar, Nick took out his knife and put it up to his throat. “Don’t you ever fucking speak to her like that again,” he said with clenched teeth. I looked over and saw that Y/N had this horrified look on her face. Oh course being the fragile girl she is, the next thing she did was hit the fucking ground. I sighed realizing this is gonna be one hell of a journey I signed up for but it's not gonna be easy if she keeps passing the fuck out.
“I got her.”
Matt came over and asked me what we should do about these two. As much as I wanted to rip them apart, I felt that was too easy instead we’re gonna send their boss a message. Matt and Bryan grabbed the cutting knives and went to work on both of them. All I can say is it's a good thing Y/N wasn't awake or else she would have just passed out again. I gotta tell you the whole thorn crown idea is cool on a tattoo and an album but even more satisfying when it's carved into the forehead of your enemies. I grabbed one of the guys' phones and took a pretty little picture for their Boss.
“Smile boys,” I said, smirking. Some parts of me still wanted to finish the job. I looked and saw that Jolly was still trying to get Y/N to wake up. “Jolly take her to the car. Everyone else, let's get on the road. We got a long drive back to Cali.” Everyone started to up except Nick. It's almost like he knew what I was about to do. I looked over at him and sighed. “I'm already going to Hell Nick, but at least I'll be going for her.” Nick pulled out his knife and joined me. “You won't be alone, dude.” we went over and slashed both of their next. A ping went off right next to the bald guy. It was a text masses from whom I assumed was the thief's boss.
They better be alive when I fucking get there.
I read the text and laughed. “Oops”. I tossed the phone on the guy and walked back to the car with Nick. Y/N was starting to wake up so it was in my best interest to get the fuck out of there before she sees the mess I made.
A couple of months later
It's been 2 months since my life has changed. Would I say it's for the better? In some way, yes, but I'm still constantly looking over my shoulder. I'm not allowed to have any contact with Envie or any of my friends for that matter. I was able to make friends with a lot of the guy's girlfriends, but sometimes it wasn't the same. I think the closer relationship I have is with Jolly's girlfriend Shawnah. She is super nice even though we don't get to hang out much. I was in the bedroom reading a book when I got a text from Noah saying I should get out of the house for some fresh air today. I agreed and texted Shawnah to see if she was available. She was, and I told her we should go hit the smoothie place I'd been dying to try. We met up downstairs and were getting ready to leave when I got another text from Noah.
Don’t even think about turning off your location. I will find you
Have fun, baby.
I smiled and walked out of the house with Shawnah. We got to the smoothie place and made our order. We were talking about typical girl stuff. Boys, nails, shopping. Etc. We got our smoothies and sat down at a picnic table. It was a beautiful day in Cali. Not too hot or humid. I gotta admit. The West Coast does hit differently. “So how are you adjusting to everything?” Shawnah. “I'm doing better. I'm a lot happier, too, but I do miss some of my old friends sometimes.” I said, taking a giant swig of my smoothie. “I get that, I miss mine sometimes too, but I'm glad I got to meet you in this crazy mess?” she said, looking down. “Did the same thing happen to you?”
“No not at all it's just that Jolly prefers it, just him and I. This fanbase has WAY too much drama.” Shawnah said, rolling her eyes. I giggled because I completely forgot Noah was even a part of the band. They're just a group of guys who kidnapped me. I took one more sip of my smoothie and realized something was wrong. My stomach began to turn, and I could feel something in my throat. I ran into the smoothie, opened the bathroom door, and threw up in the toilet. “That was fucking weird, since when did I have an allergic reaction to strawberries?” I thought to myself
Shawnah was right behind me concerned and asking if I was okay. I reassured her I was and just told her the strawberries in my drink were probably spoiled. “It’s probably just your nerves hun, you have been through a lot these last few weeks,” she said hugging me.
I agree, these last couple of weeks have been rough. “Don’t worry I went through the same thing with Jolly, being a Bad Omens girly is rough. You’ll get stronger though. Trust me” I smiled and suggested it was time for us to get back to the house. On the drive home, I couldn’t help but feel I forgetting something. Everything has been happening so fast, that I was never able to do a mental checklist. I’m sure it would come back to me later, right now I just want to shake this nauseous feeling. We got back to the house and were met by Jolly and Matt. Looks like le they were gonna have a huge meeting with the band a production team, which usually meant everyone getting drunk and a lot of good food. Jolly walks up to Shawnah and gives her a huge sloppy ass kiss. “Blegh,” I thought to myself. “I don't know about you, but I'm hungry now and can't wait,” Jolly said, groping up Shawnah. “Didn’t you get enough this morning?”
“Nope.” Jolly giggles
They ran upstairs, and with the slamming of the door, both Matt and I looked at each other. “Animals,” art said, shaking his head
“So what's ok the agenda tonight?” I asked, trying to ignore the thumping sounds going on in the room above us
“Simple band meeting and a cookout, nothing too special. I am making your favorite, though.” Matt said
“Jalapeno stuffers?”
“If you keep feeding me, I'm gonna end up getting fat.” I joked
Matt and I shared a laugh and were interrupted by the front door opening. In walked Noah and Nick with more grocery bags. “Need a hand, guys?”
They both said no and reminded me about what happened the last time I tried to help. “Cut me a break, would you? Who puts the eggs on the bottom of a grocery bag.” I asked
They both laughed at me and sat everything on the island. “How was your day, love?” Noah asked
“Oh, it was good. I went for smoothies and just talked for a while. You know
Girl stuff.” I went to lean in and hug Noah, but that feeling in the pit of my stomach started up again. I coughed and ran to the downstairs bathroom once again, throwing the fuck up. God, what is wrong with me? My nerves can not be that shot. I wiped my mouth and cleaned myself and the toilet up. When I opened the door, I was met with a worried Noah and a half-dressed Shawnah. “Baby. Did you change your cologne or something?” I asked
“My cologne?” Noah said with a confused look.
“Yeah, you just smell really strong.”
“Y/N you should probably make an appt to the Dr,” Shawnah added.
“It's probably just the stomach bug bestie,” I said, shrugging it off.
I reassured both of them that I was okay, Noah needed more, though. He made promises to him that if it got worse, I would go to the Dr. I agreed and suggested I go upstairs and lay down.
After asking Noah to crank the A/C in our room, I went upstairs and laid on the bed. Shawnah knocked on the door to check on me. I again reassured her I was fine. “You bestie, maybe it's your period. I used to get sick on mine, too.”
I smiled, but then I realized something that Shawnah just said to me made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I thought I was gonna throw up again. The strawberries, Noah's cologne, and being constantly tired.
“My period….”
I shot up out of bed and grabbed my phone to check my calendar. 2 weeks late. I counted so many times, and every single answer came up correct.
“Shawnah. We need to go to the store. Now.”
“No need bestie come here. Shawnah snuck me into her and Jolly's room and started digging through a basket. We had to be quick before the guys started to wonder where we were. Shawnah pulled out a box, opened it, and handed me the little plastic stick. “Pee on this and leave in the bathroom. I'll read the results.” I followed the instructions on the paper. When I was done, I sat it on the side of the tub and walked out to Shawnah. We sat on her bed for what seemed forever. “I'm gonna go check, okay?” I nodded and waited in the room. It dawned on me that the bed I was sitting on was the one that Jolly and Shawnah just got done boinking in. I stood up quickly, and Shawnah walked out, holding the test. Her eyes said more than what she was able to. Tears began to weld up in her eyes and mine also. I was shaking to the point where I felt like my knees were gonna give out. My entire world stopped at this very moment. I've been in scary situations before in my life. This was by far the worst.
I love you all 🌹
@reyadawn @fadingintothegrey @bloodylullaby @chey-h @thisbicc @hurricanesfollowyou @supersquirrel1996 @dreamstyles
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loveinhawkins · 2 years
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 ao3
Eddie goes to slip out for some air when El starts to doze against Steve’s shoulder.
As he reaches the door, Steve calls for him with a soft, “Wait a sec.”
He turns to see Steve trying to sit up a little, still mindful not to jostle El from where she now sits on the edge of the bed.
“Wake me up if I’m asleep when you get back? I don’t wanna miss Joyce.”
He says it casually, like it’s nothing, but Eddie can hear the trust in his voice.
“Yeah, ‘course I will,” Eddie says, and manages a genuine if subdued smile before he leaves the room.
Outside, he feels like he can let go a little, sighing loudly. It’s starting to rain, but he welcomes it, tilts his face upwards to focus on the sensation of water hitting his skin—hoping that maybe it will somehow chase away the memory of Steve’s words.
You shouldn’t have—
That’s different.
Eddie presses his hands against his eyes, sighs again.
“You okay there?”
He lowers his hands, blinks to adjust to the light.
Joyce Byers is sat on a bench smoking a cigarette, the overhang of the hospital roof sheltering her from the rain. She pats the space beside her in invitation.
He sits down hesitantly. “Yeah, I’m… I’m fine.”
She smiles like she’s not convinced, blows out smoke a little shakily. She takes another drag, then says, “Hop’s gone for Round Two with the doctors. We want Steve to get a discharge note as soon as possible, you know? I just…” She sighs. “Just needed a minute.”
“He’ll be okay, right?” Eddie blurts out, can’t stop a note of anxiety from creeping in. Embarrassingly, his voice trembles right at the end.
Joyce immediately reaches across and squeezes his knee; her hand is small and warm. “Oh, yes, he’s—I’m sorry, honey, I didn’t mean to make you worry.” She finishes the cigarette, stubs it out, and meets Eddie’s gaze reassuringly as she speaks. “He’s recovering, we know that for sure. Jim… Jim talked to him, and he’s probably in more pain than he’d ever let on, but we’re—trust that we’re ready for that, okay? We’re not gonna let him suffer in silence.”
There’s a fierce determination in her voice, and it takes the edge off Eddie’s worry—soothed by the thought that Steve does have people fighting for him.
Joyce draws back her hand, rubs briefly at the side of her face.
Eddie can’t stop himself from noticing, from asking. He never could. “Are you okay?”
She drops her hand, smiles at him. “Oh, you’re sweet. I’m all right, just…” Her eyes go off into the middle distance for a moment, and he is reminded of the snatches he saw of her around town three years ago, when people would sigh patronisingly: That poor woman.
“They had a whole file on Will, you know? So many damn papers, all these charts and monitoring, and, ‘Oh, isn’t this fascinating,’ and…”
Eddie inhales sharply, glad he’s already sitting down. There’s still gaping holes in his knowledge, he knows that Dustin gave him a hasty summary—needs must and all that, just glossing past it with an It all started when Will disappeared. Hearing it from Joyce like this is different, makes him reckon again with the sheer magnitude of it; and he feels ill at the thought of a very young Will Byers being studied.
“But when I cornered them today, it was… they barely had half a page on Steve.” She exhales forcefully. “Cowards. They thought they could get away with it.”
“With what?” Eddie says, already knowing that he won’t like the answer.
“They’re trying to run,” Joyce replies shortly. “They’re getting rid of evidence. I think they thought—hoped—that Steve would slip through the cracks.”
Eddie’s breath catches at that, and Joyce grips his knee again.
“Hey, listen to me. We’re not letting that happen. We’ve got him, okay?”
Eddie nods. “O-okay.”
“I’d better head up and see him.” Joyce stands, and then she just looks at him. “Eddie, you’re—you’ve done so much, you know? Thank you.”
Eddie can’t bite his tongue. “You don’t even know me,” he says, and he’s not sure himself of what he means, if it’s an accusation or… He’s used to murmurs, whispers, suspicion.
But Joyce’s eyes are shining with something like acceptance. She smiles, says, “I know enough,” like it’s easy.
And when she leaves, Eddie just sits with that. Breathes it in. Lets himself trust.
He crosses paths with El and Hopper as he heads back inside. He does a feigned double take in the foyer when El spots him, then crosses his eyes.
El sticks out her tongue.
Hopper doesn’t notice him; there’s a purpose to his step, car keys in hand.
Eddie lets them go.
Steve doesn’t need to be woke up; Eddie can already hear him talking as he approaches the room. The door is shut, but the corridor is empty, so silent that Eddie can make out words, muffled but comprehensible. Joyce.
“—so sorry, Steve, we went to the cabin first, and the phone kept cutting out, and then Hop got sick so we wanted to hold off, just in case it made you—”
“No, no, it’s fine, I wasn’t expecting—”
There’s a chair just outside the room—Eddie lowers himself into it and waits.
They talk for a while. Eddie zones out for part of it as Joyce does most of the talking, references to Russia that mostly go right over his head.
But then Steve speaks again, and there’s a discomfort in his voice that has Eddie straightening in his seat.
“I know you paid to fix the window, Joyce, please let me—”
“No, no, that’s not—”
“—pay you back, I can—”
“Steve,” Joyce insists, and it’s said kindly, but Eddie can sense the steel core behind it. “No. I don’t want you worrying about anything like that. It’s not a problem, okay?”
There’s a pause. In the silence, it’s almost like Eddie can feel Steve grappling for words.
“I’m—I’m sorry, I probably left the place a mess,” Steve says quietly.
“No, not at—”
“And, um, if you’re using the dryer, you’ve gotta—I don’t know what I did, but it’s not broken-broken, you just need to really slam it, and then it should—”
“All right,” Joyce interrupts gently. “Steve, it’s—thank you for—”
“No, you don’t need to—the house is always open if the kids need it, they know where the spare key is.”
“Still, it’s—it’s really kind of you to…” Joyce trails off, and Eddie wonders what she’s thinking. What she’s noticed.
Please see him. Reach him.
“It’s good for the kids to have that space,” Joyce says. “They’ve really needed it.”
“And they’re, um.” Steve’s voice wavers. “They’re all okay?”
“Oh, honey. Yeah, they’re all just fine, they can’t wait for you to—”
“I just—” Steve breathes in and out shakily. When he speaks again, his voice starts to rise in pitch, fighting tears. “I just needed them to be okay.”
Quick footsteps. Steve makes a small, desperate kind of gasp. Eddie does not need to see to know that Joyce is holding him.
“Everyone’s okay. You—you did so well, you kept them all safe.” She sighs. “Oh, sweetie, you’ve been so brave.”
And Steve quietly falls apart.
When Joyce leaves, she sweeps Eddie up in a brief, strong hug, almost lifting him right out of the chair. It reminds him a little of Nancy.
“They think I can leave in a couple of days,” Steve tells him. The only giveaway of earlier on is the blotches around his eyes—now he seems to breathe a little easier.
Eddie hopes that whatever strings Joyce and Hopper have pulled, it warrants Steve being given much more than half a fucking page.
“Tomorrow, could you, um—like, would you mind just picking up some clothes from mine? Just wanna look, uh, as normal as—”
“Normal? Think that ship sailed a long time ago, Harrington.”
Steve scoffs through a laugh. “You just don’t appreciate art when you see it.”
“Want me to iron the polos, too?”
“Now let’s not go crazy,” Steve says, smile broadening.
And it’s only when he goes to sprawl on the couch again that Eddie notices it’s pressed up against Steve’s bed once more—that Steve, at some point, must have asked for it to be moved back.
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emilybahu · 5 months
Just a culmination of thoughts I had and moments I liked during 7x06:
This ended up being MUCH longer than an expected, I just kept adding things to it! So you totally don’t need read the whole thing just skim through if you want…
1. Maddie about a minute away from a panic attack, but still looking stunning✨
2. Hen looks like she’s gonna go all angry mom mode on Buck and Eddie, who are looking ROUGH… she gives them a look that should put the fear of god into anyone!
3. You know, I just wanted them to have one major milestone that didn’t involve one or both of them being in danger, but NOOOO! We don’t even know where Chimney is and Buck and Eddie are a complete hit mess! Evan “✨it’s complicated✨” Buckley.
4. Oh my god I love Buck and Eddie and their shared brain cell so much! Their bickering is hilarious! Buck slapping Eddie’s hand away from the sliders and later Eddie saying, “reach for them and you’ll be pulling back a bloody stump!” 🤣🤣🤣
6. “Wholesome 80s themed karaoke” and Eddie proposing that he and Buck go as Crockett and Tubbs.
7. I kinda figured Chimney wouldn’t show seeing as HE DIDN’T WANT A PARTY. Then everyone leaves and it’s JUST Buck and Eddie, because of course!
8. And back to Buck and Tommy again… Tommy has to go and put out a LITERAL fire and we get a second Buck/Tommy hug in the span of like 3 minutes! I’m getting FED they are so cute and soft, and Tommy really doesn’t want to leave but has no choice… the soft hug and “be safe” I’m sorry my heart is melting! 🫠❤️
9. Buck and Eddie are just having A TIME with all these random people, and of course being the touch starved boys they are, you get a little (a lot) of alcohol in em they obviously need to have physical contact at all times! 🤣
10. Drunk Buck being like “we don’t have a key🥺” and Drunk Eddie “you don’t need a key,” (hand on shoulder, thumb on pulse point) “we’re fire fighters👨‍🚒😈” continues to kick in the door!
11. CHAOS ENTERS THE BUILDING, I couldn’t stop laughing! Honestly I didn’t realize Buck and Eddie could party this hard! Buck wakes up on the floor, Eddie’s in the bath tub (a shirt? What’s that? Never heard of it) and Chimney is FUCKING NO WHERE TO BE FOUND! 😬
12. Cut to Maddie desperately trying to get ahold of Chimney and track him down, but he’s somewhere in his car dazed, confused and clearly UNWELL! And his car gets freaking stolen!
13. The dinner celebrating Kevin’s life 🥲
14. Gosh dang it, everyone in the room together worried about Chimney, god my heart! I hope they find him soon!
15. Maddie showing up at the dispatch center in her wedding dress! The woman means business! SHE GONNA FIND HER MAN!
16. Doug, DOUG!? What are you doing torturing Chimney in his subconscious!? No one wants you here!
17. Seeing Maddie’s reaction to Chimney in this state is heartbreaking! She just wants to make sure he’s ok, but he’s clearly not!😢
18. Bruh, we keep getting jump scared by Doug, I’m so DONE with that guy!
19. Time jump to two weeks earlier… “telling Buck ‘no’ is like telling a dog not to jump your leg” just more proof that Buck is a man with the soul of a golden retriever puppy…🤣
20. Bobby saying “well evidently our two love birds over there were enjoying some sexy time, when they heard some weeping” had me wheezing! 😂
21. When they figured out what was wrong with Chimney I got so scared, even though I knew he’d likely be fine. Never know what might happen though…
22. When Chimney’s paramedic skills kicked back in it gave me hope, then he saw Doug again… and still didn’t remember that he’s actually a paramedic.
23. He knows he needs to be somewhere and he hears Buck calling for him, Chimney knows they’re looking for him, then freaking Doug makes him almost give up fighting! 🥲
25. KEVIN🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 Kevin telling Chimney he NEEDS to get up and get help!
26. Maddie in the hospital with Chimney, thinking he doesn’t remember her then him saying “I’m sorry I missed our wedding” GOD MY HEART!
27. Jee running in yelling “daddy!” 🥹
28. “We always get back to each other somehow” please! My heart can’t handle this! They’re meant to be!!🥹😭
29. “I know Kevin is smiling right now” “yeah he is” I can’t breathe! I’m shocked I didn’t cry!
30. Just the whole ceremony, Bobby officiating! Everyone so happy for them together after this day they’ve had! I’m just gonna melt into a puddle of pure emotion! 🥹🥺
31. I love them. I love them! I LOVE THEM!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
32. Buck looking down at his phone to see that Tommy told him he’s there 🤭🤭
33. I made a whole post about this kiss, ahhhhhh!! (My reaction remains the same every time I watch it, I lose control of my limbs, my voice gets all high and squeaky, and I lose the ability to form actual words) The damn 10 second scene still has me SHOOK! 😆🫨
34. Buck pulling Tommy into the room, Tommy apologizing for missing the ceremony and Chimney looking up at him and over to Buck and saying “Thanks tommy, looks like you were… busy” (I didn’t even think about how long Buck was gone before, but since they had time to cut and serve cake to everyone Buck had to be just in another world with Tommy for at least 20 minutes…)
35. Hen’s face when she realizes that Buck and Tommy totally were just making out! And Eddie being the supportive king of a bff that the is!
36. The Buckley parents faces… I’ll be ready to throw hands in a second if they say something homophobic later on!
37. Hen saying “well it’s about damn time” to Karen!! Ahhhhhh! Girlllll!!! Are telling me you could see Buck’s raging bisexuality THE WHOLE TIME!? 😆😆😆😆 She so CLOCKED HIM!
38. Chimney feels right at home anywhere if he and Maddie are together!! ❤️🫠🥹
39. Not them mentioning the cruise ship!! Too soon, too soon! 🫠 But I also laughed!😂
40. “So, were Buck and Tommy a thing before my amnesia?” “Um yeah, actually they were.” (Still trying to figure out how much time there was between the coffee date and the wedding… I have no clue. [Please can someone tell me!?])
41. “Why do they call me Chimney?” And cut to black…. Really, REALLY!? That was cruel, so rude. They’re never gonna tell us why they call him Chimney are they?
And that’s the end!
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