#oh dear i did not mean to make that so long but tada
merryfortune · 2 years
I can see a future with Y (But I don’t want that future to ignore the past that I have with S)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Ship: Saviorshipping | Ryoken/Spectre/Yusaku
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,649
Tags: Post-Canon, Crack, Internet Memes, Social Media, Getting Together, Pre-Relationship, Love Confessions
   Ryoken stared down the computer screen with trepidation as his wrists rested on the flats either side of his trackpad. The cursor was inside a blindingly white box just blinking. Usually, it was the endless reels of text that made him nervous when he was looking at a computer screen but right now it was a blank text box. He took a breath.
   He supposed that he could turn to any of the Lieutenants for relationship advice but honestly, Ryoken rathered this as a solution. It was anonymous. It could be deleted and scrubbed later. So, he made his post to a relationship advice forum.
    Dear all, I am not a regular user of social media and am loathe to do this but I don’t know where else to go. I am stuck in the middle of a love triangle and don’t know what to do. I don’t want either person vying for me to get hurt (they’ve been through enough as is).
    My name is not important but for convenience’s sake, I will refer to the two individuals as S and Y.
    For context, S and Y hate each other. I think, I’m not actually sure but they’re both my childhood friends just from different years of my life. Y and I only knew each other briefly as children before my Father’s work got very traumatizing for him and later got sick and we lost contact with each other but our meeting really left an impression on him. I have a quirk of counting things through to three and he’s still uses that to get by, too. 
   So, he spent years of his life searching for me again and tada. He did. And despite some issues, we’ve managed to resolve them and are now quite close. His pursuit of me, even when I tried to shut him out because he had done some things that had complicated my relationship with my Father, who for all his flaws, I do still love (though note: he has passed away by now).
    Meanwhile, I met S a few months after Y and I left each other’s lives. Due to S’s home life (or lack thereof it), it was arranged that he would be allowed to stay with us and became a ward of one of my uncle’s (or at least that’s the simplest way to put it, basically he’s an orphan, you know how it goes). S has been my best friend ever since and I really mean a lot to him so it's no wonder that he’s had a crush on me for a long time and I feel like an idiot that I never noticed.
    Anyway, S and Y meet under some…. Less than ideal circumstances. There’s a huge fight and the only thing they really learn from is that they both really like me and that both took very different lessons away from some stuff that had happened to them as kids. They have very different outlooks on life but since I know them both well, I think it's also because they are too similar - though as much as they both like me, I think they would kill me for saying that.
This was a year ago now and things have changed. But that’s why I have no idea if S and Y like each other though I think it's best to assume that they probably would hate each other. S is kind of weird and I can see why Y wouldn’t want to talk to him ever again after that fight anyway. Any time we’ve all sort of met up as a group with a couple of other people, they seem to make it a point not to interact. 
However… Another reason that I’m unsure of how they feel about one another is that they have learned to work together for certain things. I don’t know how to phrase it but I do think, on some level, S respects Y and possibly vice-versa. Y is very skilled at something that we all enjoy and S, too, but his skills evolved after studying Y’s techniques and the like. Y, meanwhile, must respect S on some level, too, I would assume if only for… Ah, that doesn’t matter, let’s not introduce other… people in our orbit this late into my post.
But that kind of brings us to where we are now. I’m in… All three of us, actually, are in a way better spot mentally, physically, emotionally, you name it than we were a year ago. Which is why S finally made his move, I guess. He’d been waiting for that mirage of when things were finally quiet and settled down so he asked me out.
He asked me out exactly three hours after Y had asked me out, actually.
Yes, this both happened on the same day.
S doesn’t really like greasy foods and prefers sit-down restaurants so he didn’t come with me, Y works at a food truck so I went by to chat with Y, just to see how things were going, get a hotdog but he decided now was the time to bring up how he felt about me. Again. We’d had similar confrontations about our relationship in the past but they seemed concerned for me and my circumstances than a declaration of “I like you and want to go out with you” but lo and behold. That was the finisher on his “I have three things to say to you” spiel.
And now I don’t know what to do. I really like them both and don’t want either of their feelings to get hurt. 
The fact that they don’t seem to like each other complicates things for me since if I pick Y, S is still going to be my best friend and still live with me but would probably be very hurt to be excluded and not have his feelings requited how he wants. I honestly think that would break him. 
I mentioned before that he was an orphan and he still has a lot of abandonment trauma surrounding that. I’ve been the one true constant in his life and I appreciate his company and quirks like none other. He had a health scare a while back and I was beside myself with the worry that he’d never wake up again; I feel like I ask so much from him and he never complains. I can’t imagine my life without him and I mentioned before, some tension regarding my Father and though he has passed on, I still value his input in my decisions so knowing that Father liked S and S respected him. That means a lot to me.
But if I pick S, that would also break Y, I think. Y went through a lot as a child which was why that quirk became a huge coping mechanism for him. Even when I tried pushing him away because yeah, my circumstances weren’t great regarding my Father and similar, he still pursued me. He still tried to pull me out of depths that I don’t think S even realised that I was in. He pushes me to do better and to trust beyond what I am capable trusting of. 
I can see a future with Y.
But I don’t want that future to ignore the past that I have with S…
    Anyways. I could really use some help figuring things out. I’m currently hiding in my room from S and am glad that Y is at work still because I’m really freaking out. I told them both to wait and I think S could wait for years but I don’t think Y can. Any and all advice will be appreciated. I’m going to take a nap and come back when I can.
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   Ryoken closed the laptop and did exactly as he said he would in his post. He plonked himself in bed, wrapped up under the covers, and slept awfully. The words of what he had typed out swirled. So did both Yusaku and Spectre’s confessions unto him. So, the sleep he had wasn’t really a nap, more like a black out.
   It was a weird hour of the morning when he woke up. Two or three A.M but Ryoken, feeling sick to the stomach, only thought of one thing: had there been any responses to his post?
   There had been. In fact, skimming the comments, Ryoken could see a pattern of three.
    First, there were a few questions about why he couldn’t go to his “uncle” for advice. Well, that’s an easy one, because Ryoken would rather die than go Aso or Genome for advice, especially romantic advice which pit their beloved Spectre against their former enemy Playmaker. He wasn’t going to get 
   Second, there were a few responses sceptical of the situation, pointing out how much context and information had been clearly omitted. Another easy one that Ryoken to answer because he didn’t want to be arrested for cyber terrorism. 
   And third, some very kind people suggesting that Ryoken had them all sit down, as a trio, and work through the conundrum together with their ideal outcome being… polyamory? That Ryoken simply dated them both and they could be metamours to whatever extent they preferred, especially if Ryoken was correct in them not being on good terms with each other. 
   Ryoken’s hands shook as he went up and down the scroll bar, rereading comments he liked and ignoring the ones he didn’t. His heart trembled in his chest. He supposed that it was obvious that simply talking things through would be the best solution but the other half of those suggestions hadn’t even dawned on him. He did like them both. He loved them both, even. 
   So, Ryoken resolved. Even though it terrified him, he was going to conduct a three way heart-to-heart and hope for the best.
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jubicocoa · 1 year
Outlasting the Taboo
Warning: NSFW *18+*, Contains some adult themes, especially in the second part. (Read at your own risk, it’s my usual shipping stuff)
Chapter 2 of 2: Limitless
“Don’t you feel at least a little bit sad about it?” Her short, purple haired friend was always so sweet to her. At least someone cared about her emotional well-being these days.
“Mirha~ I’m fine… You don’t need to worry,” Leez cracked a counterfeit smile.
“But you two were together for so long. You love each other so much. I don’t get-”
“Mirha. Please.” Leez had cut her dear friend off.
“I know you mean well, but I am trying to move on as best as I can. Yuta and I loved each other. I mean, we still do, but…”
“Okay. Okay~ I get it. Just because you love each other, doesn’t mean you’re meant to be forever. And that’s okay…”
Leez fell silent as they continued walking down the sidewalk. The breakup was hard on both of them, but it was a mutual decision. It hurt. It hurt so bad. They’d become each other’s life jacket in the floods of life. She wasn’t okay. It was reminiscent of——
“Leez! Are you okay? You’re crying…” Mirha gently patted Leez’s shoulder.
“A-ah… oh my goodness. I-I’m crying? I didn’t even realize it haha….” Leez quickly pulled a napkin out of her bag. Mirha had tried talking to Leez about it before, but she never wanted to talk. She always hid her troubles and kept her feelings bottled up. Surely when shaken, she was bound to explode. Mirha would rather avoid seeing her friend reach that point.
“Hey Leez! There’s this cafe up ahead with the best curry soup! Let’s go!” Mirha pulled her friend along, never giving Leez time to adjust.
“Tada! We’re here! ‘Mr.Shin’s Book and Cafe’!” Mirha cheered in excitement.
“This place is my best kept secret! I’m new to this city, but this place sure is the coziest, feels like home!”
Mirha pulled Leez in with her, but Leez subconsciously showed some resistance. “What’s the matter? You don’t want to eat here? You’ll love it.”
“Ah-uh. S-sorry. Let’s go in.” Leez knew this cafe. She knew it very well. She helped to make it what it was 7 years ago. It had been 7 years. Life had changed so much since then. She wasn’t a child anymore. Mr. Shin was here then. “Mr. Shin…” Leez mumbled under her breath.
“Hm? Did you say something?” Mirha questioned. Leez shook her head quickly, smiling nervously. They took their seat in a cozy nook of the cafe. Leez looked around the shop, taking it all in. This bookshop held so many memories for her. The time she experienced her first kiss on this couch. She had secretly kissed Mr. Shin. Where was he? She missed him so much. Seven years wasn’t enough to erase him from her mind. She still remembered his touch, his smell, and his warmth. Did he think he was doing her any favors by leaving? Certainly not.
“ Leez? Leez, you’ve been spacing out a lot today. What’s got your mind right now?”
“Ah- it’s nothing. I’m telling you.” Leez took a spoonful of her curry soup that had just arrived a few seconds ago.
“Sure...well. I’m always here for you if you want to let me in.” Mirha shrugged, taking a sip of her soup.
Leez continued to enjoy her curry soup which seemed to dull the pain of her recent breakup. Food had that effect on her, so Mir’s suggestion hit the mark. Her friend knew her that much.
“Miss Leez? Is that you?” Leez slowed her eating to see who called out to her.
It was Mr. Sies. “Mr. Sies! Hello, long time no see.” She managed to forge a smile. After all, she did associate him with—-
“Mr. Shin. You know he’s back in town. He took over his shop again. I shouldn’t be telling anyone this, but I thought you’d want to know. The guy comes and goes as he pleases. Oh! Don’t tell him I gave this to you…”
The golden eyed man scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to Leez. “Shhh don’t tell him I gave you his number. Okay… off to finish my work. Take care Leez!”
He had completely caught Leez off guard. Mr. Shin was back? She wondered if she should call. “No I can’t call,” she muttered to herself.
“Bye bye Mir! See you tomorrow!” The girls waved goodbye and started on their way. Leez stood outside of the shop for a bit before walking off.
“I thought I saw Mr. Shin. I must be out of my mind tonight.” She thought it’d be best to go. She checked her phone as she walked down the street. Not paying attention to her surroundings, she’d bump into someone. Leez raised her head to see a man towering over her.
“Mister...Shin?” Her eyes widened and so did his. Without much thought to her actions, she had slipped her arms around his torso and gave him a tight hug, burying her face into his chest. It would’ve seemed like dream, but feeling his body made it a reality. Seeing him always felt like a dream.
“Wh-where were you? Why did you leave?” Leez had started to cry. She didn’t care if it’d been 7 years. She did not think her actions were strange at all.
“...Leez.” He felt a pang in his chest as the girl cried on him. “I’m sorry. I…” He was at a loss. He cupped Leez’s face into his large hands, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. Let’s go inside. He took her by the hand and led the two of them into the bookshop.
They had gone into Mr. Shin’s study to catch up. “Mister. It’s been so long. It feels like old times...the two of us...here in the bookshop.” Leez smiled warmly, giggling a little.
“I’m sorry I was so clingy back then. I’m sure I annoyed you a lot back then….” Leez continued to talk, but Mr. Shin did not say much.
“Mister? Is there something on my face?” Mr. Shin hadn’t gotten a good look at Leez before, but now he had gotten the opportunity to take in all in. She aged like fine wine. He studied her as she continued to talk. Her glossy lips, the way her golden necklace rested on her chest and shimmered with her subtle movements.
Wait...her golden necklace. It was the one he had given as a gift before he left, it was in the black and gold box. He was surprised to see her wearing it after all of these years. Without thinking, he reached over to touch it catching Leez by surprise.
“Ah! M-mister, what are you—?”
“You still have it. You’re wearing it?”
Leez looked down, she hadn’t even thought of it. “Ah this...w-wearing it has become second nature. I wear it everyday. It’s a really nice necklace…thank you” Leez looked down again in an attempt to hide her flushed face. After all of these years, he still made her nervous. Did he realize how close his hand was to her breasts? Her heart rate was rising, it wasn’t good to be alone with him like this.
Mr. Shin couldn’t help it. She’d grown into such a beautiful woman. He examined everything about her; her smooth tanned skin, her eyes which seemed to have an extra sparkle to them, and the way her teal curls hang about loosely. She overwhelmed him. When he pulled himself out of her world, he realized that he subconsciously leaned into her. He was going to pull back but Leez had cupped his face into her hands.
He could faintly feel her breath against his lips. Her eyes did not meet his, instead they were focused on his lips. Leez pressed her forehead against his, muttering something to herself before locking her lips with his. She could feel hot flashes all over her body. His kiss was consuming, something like the sweltering heat of a high noon summer day. They continued to peck at each other's lips until their hunger was too much to bear. The kisses got deeper and more aggressive. He had been holding Leez in his arms before she slipped out of them and onto the ground.
Before his brain could not register her actions, she had gotten on her knees and started undoing the buttons to his pants. He was already hard, Leez could tell that much. “It-it’s so…” Mr. Shin’s cock was almost intimidating. She gripped it with her soft hands, her touch causing him to clench his teeth.
She wrapped her lips around the tip, swirling her tongue around. Mr. Shin admired the view from above, Leez was pretty at all angles. He ran his fingers through her hair, following her motion. She wrapped one hand around his shaft in a twisting motion before she took all of him inside of her warm mouth. She created a suction, pulling him in.
Leez looked up at him with those big, pretty eyes. Fuck. Did she know what she was doing to him? It was as if he could feel this soul leaving his body. A rapid knock on the door to his study brought him back to his senses. He pushed Leez back, her mouth sliding off of his dick with a pop. The sensation made him wince, causing him to stumble a bit when he stood up.
“Mi-Mister Shin! Are you in there?” A muffled voice from the other side of the door called out to him.
He tucked his erection in and fixed his pants, walking over to his desk before going to answer the door. It was Mr. Sies on the other side. Terrible timing, he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury Siera right then and there. Mr. Shin yanked a napkin from his desk and handed it to Leez who had pre-cum dripping from her mouth, glistening on her swollen lips. She quickly wiped it off and fluffed her dress before removing herself from the ground to sit on the couch. He kissed her softly before going to answer the door. “I’m not done with you,” he husked in her ear, his warm breath sending shivers over her body. His words made her stomach sink, and if she were standing her legs would’ve given out from anxiety. He terrified her, but in a good way.
Mr. Shin cracked the door open with the most murderous glare Siera Sies had ever seen.
“Ah, Mr. Shin there was a customer asking about a series that was pre-ordered. I-I can’t find it.” Siera smiled nervously, a bead of sweat forming at his brow as Mr. Shin continued to glare.
“You disturbed me for this? I don’t know. Don’t bother me for a while now.” Mr. Shin slammed the door.
Siera flinched, “Geez! Seriously, what’s up with him tonight?! I’m gonna quit if he keeps treating me like this.” He pouted and stormed off.
Shin Gu turned around to see Leez looking through a magazine which had been resting on his coffee table. He slowly made his way to Leez, eyes locked on her like prey. The light green, spaghetti strapped dress she wore clung to her body like spandex, showcasing her curves, and large breasts. It was a shame he made a mess and left a few wet spots on it.
He snatched the magazine from her hands and flung it to the other side of room, startling Leez.
“Hey, I was re-.” Mr. Shin silenced Leez with a deep kiss before pulling away, leaving her breathless. Her heart was racing. This is the first time they’d seen each other in 7 years. Leez wondered if she should take things this far with him. ’We’ve already started this’’ she gulped. Where was the boldness of her 17 year old self?
This time Leez would try taking control. Leez pushed Mr. Shin onto the couch and stood up. She could still see his erection bulging through his pants, edging her on. She wanted him, she wanted him to fill her. She sauntered over to the door to make sure it was locked.
“Did you think I’d leave it unlocked?” He huffed with a bit of sass.
“No, but there’s no harm in double checking Mr. Shin.” She retorted with equal sass as she hiked her dress up standing in from of him. She rolled down her black panties, and between her thighs Mr. Shin could briefly see a slick trail that connected. She was ready for him, he unzipped his pants and gripped his cock, stroking it to soothe the aching. He let out a sigh of pleasure before letting go.
Leez mounted him going in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, bringing her body into his. Her pillow like breasts pressing into his hard chest. He lightly bit her bottom lip, earning a little yelp from her.
He wasn’t finished with her. Seven years ago, he wanted to do so much more, but it wasn’t the right time. Mr. Shin hiked Leez’s dress up, squeezing her ass before slapping it, causing her to whimper. He shoved his hand between her legs only to discover that she’d been wetter than he imagined. He started moving his fingers massaging her clit. Leez, slumped over him shuddering with his every movement.
“A-ah.” She moaned softly in his ear. Her expression of pleasure motivated him to stimulate her clit quicker. He was gentle before, but this time he was a bit rougher.
He would know when he’d done his job when she started to tremble in his hold. Leez’s body started to react. She threw her head back and gasped, before attempting to bite back a moan.
“Ah! Unh! Mr. Shin! I-I’m…” Mr. Shin slid his hand from between her legs, the sensation causing Leez to twitch. He guided her chin down and pulled her into another deep kiss to muffle her loud moans.
He retreated from the kiss to enjoy the lusty expression on her face. He’d never seen her this flushed. A piece of curly teal hair clung to her sweaty cheek. He smirked a little before brushing the piece to the side with his finger. She was so cute, he couldn’t resist kissing her again.
“You should be a little more quiet, Siera might hear us.” He teased, plucking her forehead.
Leez pouted.
Mr. Shin couldn’t hold back any longer. His cock was aching to be buried deep inside of Leez. He walked over and swept everything off of his desk with one arm.
In one swell motion he picked Leez up from the couch and carried her over to his large desk, her legs wrapped around him. He plopped her on the desk, pushing her back to lie down. The dress had to go. He rolled it up and over her head. He also peeled off his black turtleneck, revealing his bare chiseled chest. Mr. Shin lifted up one of her legs, gently planting kisses on her inner thigh. He pulled her bra down and let it sit around her waist as he hungrily kissed her breasts, sucking on her nipples. Leez bites back another moan while Mr. Shin has his way with her body.
“Mr. Shin...p-please. Put it in!” She commanded him needily.
When she begged like that, she ignited something inside of him. “You shouldn’t do that.” He warned before pinning her wrists down and kissing her roughly.
Mr. Shin yanked Leez up and bent her over his desk. One hand gripping the back of her neck while the other hand pinned her wrist behind her back. His breath tickled her ear.
“Tell me how bad you want it.” He teased putting his weight on her. He was so cruel.
“Finish what you started! Are you incompetent?” Leez was a bit fiery in her response. He positioned his cock outside of her slick entrance causing Leez to gasp at the thought of him entering her. “Ah!”
“Tell me. How bad do you want it?” He growled in her ear, making her tremble under his weight.
“P-please Mister! Please fuck me!” Leez cried out.
Mr. Shin gripped her hips and moved his back before shoving his large cock into her at once. Leez cried out as he stretched her. “Anh! Mister Shin. Wait, it’s t-too big. Don’t move” She whimpered weakly. He paused as she wished, watching how her curls clung to her back.
“Y-you can move again.” He started to thrust again, gripping her cheeks and spreading them as he watched his cock disappear inside of her and reappear with every stroke. He pulled out and buried his cock deeper this time. Leez cried out again and her body shuddered at the new depth that he reached inside of her.
“Fuck. You’re so tight.” Mr.Shin grunted. It was like her body was pulling him in.
“So...what was this about me… being incompetent?” Those words of hers really got to him and he started to pound into her even deeper and harder than before. Taking his frustrations out on her.
“Ah! Mmm— Anh!“ Leez gasped for air as more indecent sounds filled Mr. Shin’s study. He continued to thrust into her forcefully. Leez couldn’t take it anymore, his cock was rock hard, she felt like she would faint at any moment. She tried to reach back in an effort to ease his pounding, but she was helpless. He had her bent over the desk as he continued to bury his cock deep inside her.
“Ah! Ahn! Mister Shin! St-stop!” Leez cried out, tears rolled down her face.
“F-fuck! You’re too deep—anh!” He filled every part of her. Her body started to shake under him as she came, feeling her tighten around his cock.
Mr. Shin slowed down, and pulled out of Leez. His cock was covered in her slickness. Leez didn’t move from her position, she was too weak to move. He turned her over and laid her back on the desk gently. The young woman continued to cry softly.
He kissed her gently.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly.
Leez nodded. He wiped the tears from her smooth face with his thumb.
He lifted her legs up and slotted himself into her again. She was warm inside and he sunk right into her. “Mmm” Leez moaned softly, she was too weak to cry out loudly like she’d done before. He stroked slowly and Leez opened her legs wider to receive him. Their hips rocked together in unison. Mr. Shin slammed his hips into her faster. She felt so good inside. He continued to thrust into her, breathing heavily until he felt himself ready to burst.
“Haah! K-Keep going” Leez pleaded under him. Her body trembled again with every stroke.
“Leez, I’m going to cum.” He grunted, pounding into her one last time before releasing. Leez wrapped her legs around him as he came warmly inside of her. He let out a sigh before collapsing on top of her and nuzzling his face into her neck. Hearts beating rapidly.
A soft knock on the door startled both Mr. Shin and Leez.
The tall man slumped himself over to reach the box of napkins which he knocked onto the ground previously. He pulled a few out, he handed them to Leez before pulling some out for himself. He slipped his black turtleneck on, and fixed himself. Leez managed to gain some strength to hoist herself up, but when she stood up and started to walk, her legs gave out.
“Leez!” Mr.Shin whispered, concerned. He gathered her up in his arms and placed her on the couch.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be gentle with you next time.” He kissed her cheek softly, handing her clothes to her. He continued to clean up his study room. The person (who was definitely Siera), would have to wait.
There was another knock on the door, but Mr. Shin continued to tidy the room. Also, giving Leez time to clean herself up.
Mr. Shin jerked the door open. Mild irritation showing on his face.
“I thought I told you not to disrupt me.” Shin Gu crossed his arms, eyes narrowing on Siera.
“I know, but I thought I heard a woman crying.”
“Go home, Siera.” Mr. Shin slammed the door in his face again.
“FINE! I’m not coming back you ungrateful little…” Mr. Sies stormed off.
A few minutes passed.
“I think he’s gone.”Mr.Shin sighed.
Let’s go home.” He reached out to Leez who’d been resting and gaining her composure after the rough sex they just had. Who knew Mr. Shin was such an animal? He was like a wolf ready to eat her. Made even more sense when he called her his bunny.
He had extra sweat pants in his office which he gave her to wear. They were baggy and oversized on her but he couldn’t deny it, he loved to see her wearing his things.
Mirha patted Leez’s stomach.
“Looks like you’re putting on some weight. Maybe we should ease up on eating at Mr. Shin’s Book and Cafe.”
“Y-yeah! We should!” Leez laughed nervously. She knew that she’d been doing more at Mr. Shin’s Book and Cafe than just eating.
“It’s been three months since you broke things off with Yuta. Are you binge eating your feeling away?” Mirha was genuinely concerned for her friend, but Leez was more than okay now.
She was happy, with Mister Shin. They enjoyed lots of great food together, had lot’s of fun, and had lots of great sex. Leez hadn’t told her friend about her new relationship yet. She meant to tell her, but she could never find the right time. School was busy enough for the both of them and Leez was really pushing herself in her last semester of college.
“Leez? Are you okay? You don’t look so well.” Mirha patted Leez on the shoulder.
“I’m fine. I’ve just been pushing myself too hard lately and it’s like you said...all of that eating. It’s making me feel a bit sick.” Leez put her hand over her mouth, running to a nearby bush to throw up.
“Oh, Leez. Let’s go to Mr. Shin’s bookshop. You need something warm and light. Like tea.”
They arrived to Mr. Shin’s bookshop and were waiting for their orders. Mr. Shin walked over to their table and greeted them, setting the jasmine tea in front of Leez, he planted a quick kiss on her lips before walking off. Leez’s eyes widened and when she glanced over at Mirha, she noticed the shocked look on Mirha’s face as well.
Mirha’s jaws dropped, “Leez….how come you didn’t tell me?!? You? And Mister Shin?”
Sweat beads formed on Leez’s brow and she nodded and sighed.
“Yes. Mister Shin and I are…together.”
Mirha gasped, “Wait! You’re a couple!? Congratulations! No wonder! You’ve found happiness.”
Leez smiled warmly, her eyes following Mr. Shin, “Yeah. I have.” She continued to smile and tell Mirha how they met.
“Ah. I see. So you knew since high school. He’s like your first love, but the age thing is why…”
“Why it took so long.” Leez completed Mirha’s sentence.
“Wait, Leez...have you two...done it?”
“Wait, no!” Mirha backtracked her question. “I’m asking because….have you noticed any changes...lately?”
Leez was confused. “Changes?”
Mirha sighed, and shifted in her seat nervously. “W-well. Your boobs have gotten bigger. You have a tiny little belly going. Haven’t you been tired lately?”
“Oh and…”
“Wait. Wait. Wait. Mirha, what are you getting at?” Leez was a bit frightened now. She didn’t want to be the one to say it.
“I-I’m just saying. You might be...you know. Preg-“
“No! Stop! Don’t say it!” Leez raised her voice shakily. “Gods...I haven’t had my… it’s been a while. A-and I was thinking it was because of stress from being close to graduation!”
“Leez…” Mirha put her hand over Leez’s. “Let’s just see if it’s true. You stay put. I’m going to run to the convenience store across the street.”
Mirha gathered her things. She turned back to Leez before trodding off, “Whatever the outcome. You’re going to be just fine.” She reassured her friend.
A tear rolled down Leez’s cheek. What if it were true? What if she was really pregnant with Mr. Shin’s child? How would he take the news?
Just then she felt a hand rub her back. “Hey, hey...what’s the matter?” Mr. Shin kissed her forehead.
“Ah! It’s just school things. I will be fine.” Leez quickly wiped the tears from her face and took a sip of her tea. It was a lot like life. Bittersweet. In times like this, she missed her parents the most. What she wouldn’t give to hug her mother and father again. To tell them all about her adventures and to tell them about——
“Pregnant! You’re pregnant, Leez!” Mirha was so excited for Leez, hugging her friend almost to the point of choking.
Leez looked on in shock. She had done 3 pregnancy tests to be sure. It was true, she was going to be a mom. And...the child was Mr. Shin’s. The man whom she’d loved since she was a teenager. She was always in his space. His company was more than comforting, and now she was having his child.
“So when are you going to tell him?” Mirha questioned. “You should tell him now, you can’t keep it to yourself. I see the way he looks at you. He’s madly in love with you.”
“Your baby is so lucky! It has you and Mr. Shin for parents! Two hot people!” Mirha giggled, rubbing Leez’s belly.
“I’ve got to get going, but let me know how it goes,” Mirha added before exiting the bookshop’s restroom.
Leez left the restroom and sat at the table until it was time for the bookshop to close. She read and took notes to pass the time.
“Hey, shorty. You’re still here,” Mr. Shin kissed Leez’s forehead. “Waiting for me?” He teased. Leez nudged his stomach with her elbow.
“No silly. Why would I wait for a pervert like you?” Her eyes never leaving the page of the book. He took the book from her hands and sat it aside.
“So what’s going on?” He searched her face for an answer, but she had become just as good as him with her poker face. Leez didn’t say a word, but instead pulled out the three pregnancy tests and placed them
atop the book.
Shin Gu sat in silence before finally breaking it.
“Are you…?”
Leez looked down. She couldn’t look him in the eyes.
Mr. Shin grabbed her chin and tilted her face upwards to look at him. He stared into her pretty emerald eyes, reminiscent on the cold night that she waited outside of the bookshop for him. This was the girl. She was the one who filled his heart. Everything was for her. From the moment she waltzed into his bookshop, flipping her curly teal hair about, all he could see was her.
There was nothing to be embarrassed about, Leez knew this. She was an adult now. Still, it was difficult to meet his eyes after presenting this news to him. Slowly, her eyes met his gaze.
Mr. Shin took Leez’s hands in his. He could feel a slight tremble. What could he do to assure her that everything would be okay?
“Are you scared?” His expression was different this time. Was he worried about her?
Leez cupped his face in her hands, brushing his grey fringe to the side to get a clear view of his maroon eyes.
“I’m not...Why would I be scared when I have you with me?” She pulled him in, guiding his head to rest on her pillow-like chest. He stayed in her embrace, silent.
“Leez…” he said softly.
“Hm?” She ran her fingers through his hair.
He closed his eyes. Was it okay to be loved like this? Her warmth radiated and consumed him. He wanted to feel this way for the rest of his life.
“Will you marry me?”
His request slipped out effortlessly.
Mr. Shin could no longer feel the motion of Leez’s fingers combing through his hair. He lifted his head to read her face, but all she did was stare at him.
He waited for an answer, but she hadn’t said a word. She only pulled him in for a kiss.
“Yes…” Leez replied, simply. “I want to hold onto you and…I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you mister.” She flashed that same charming smile of hers.
Mr. Shin wondered why Leez still addressed him this way but soon came to realize that it was more of a term of endearment.
“You know I…” Mr. Shin was going to say something, but trailed off.
“You what?” Leez nudged him to speak his mind. She had difficulty getting him to speak his mind. For the three months they’d been together, Leez had often nagged him to open up to her. She soon accepted that this was just the personality of her man. Others didn’t know, but she knew that underneath the reticent man, was someone who was affectionate and thoughtful. He was very mindful of Leez, and she knew it from the way he treated her. Carefully.
“I love you.” He finally said it. For many years, he felt it. Mr. Shin loved Leez very much. She gave him a comfort that he’d longed for, for many years. He was always alone, but now...he had Leez.
“I love you too, mister.”
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moriaen · 3 years
ginivuia is such a beautiful rendering of her name! do you have any favorite Japanese arthurian name renderings ? :3
oh of course ! i actually only know a handful and they're all picked out of essentially what is one of the only japanese arthurian works (kairo-ko by natsume soseki<3) so i'm going off his word plus i relied some heavy heavy google translating to try to find them buut nonetheless, i quite like
ransurotto (ランスロット) for lancelot & no wa sharotto no on'na (のはシャロットの女) for the lady of shalott :')
(i dumped all the ones i could find here btw but the only two i didn't mention here were arthur and elaine (but her name i'm not actually that sure about-))
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Idiots in Love
Their reunion happens midway through the most banal of occurrences.
Cody is in the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf getting something iced and matcha and far too bitter for any normal being to enjoy. Obi-Wan is in the Starbucks across the street already cringing at the thought of his sweet cream monstrosity with double syrup and triple espresso. They’re half turned away from orders they already know they won’t like but will buy and buy and buy again every single time because-
Their eyes meet through the front windows.
The actual reunion happens later. Later, far, far later because El Segundo,California does actually ticket for jaywalking and fair’s fair, their frantic, relieved kiss did in fact hold up the traffic on Sepulveda far more than ten minute sun shower that morning that sent drivers in three zip codes haring off in terror from all the skywater.
So later, after they clear the street and make all the properly apologetic noises at the public safety officer who hasn’t had chance to exert this much authority on anyone other than drunks in months…
“I was coming back,” Cody swears.
“I tried to find you,” Obi-Wan promises.
“I had no idea it would take so long,” Cody apologizes.
“I had to go,” Obi-Wan pleads.
“It was important,” they both assert.
They laugh. They trade drinks. It surprises neither of them that the other enjoys what they bought. Three continents, four hundred years, and nothing at all has changed.
Nothing. At all.
“I have a secret,” Cody admits.
“There’s something you must know,” Obi-Wan interjects.
“But first-” they say together. They laugh.
It’s difficult to pull their prizes from their bags. They cannot bring themselves to let go of the other. But manage it they do.
The apple Cody has carried in a satchel is as golden as it was when he’d finally, finally won it, a century prior. The pomegranate in Obi-Wan’s briefcase is as firm and as ripe as the day he’d been gifted it.
“I can’t tell you why yet,” Cody starts.
“Bite this,” Obi-Wan begs.
“I’ll explain everything after.”
:tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:
It’s the worst tea serving Cody’s ever had the misfortune of enduring. Mostly because Bly is laughing so hard the karking tea goes everywhere but the kriffing cups.
“You gave me,” Obi-Wan grits. “A wax fruit.”
Aayla sips daintily at her cup. “I did,” she admits with no remorse. “If you recall, you practically demanded it.”
Cody glares at Bly. Bly catches his eye in one brief, silent moment. The cackle bursts from Cody’s least favorite brother’s nose and leaves him wheezing for breath.
“Very insistent,” Aayla breezes. “In fact, I do recall you being in my house nearly every day for … oh what was it Bly?”
“Centuries!” Bly cackles.
“At least you were politer about it than dear Cody,” she muses. “Who robbed so many poor defenseless fruits from my tree before we threw a clay one and painted it gold. Such a shame that no one around here seems at all prepared to listen,” the goddess of the Moon’s Reflection on the Seas summarizes primly.
“Or use their common karking sense,” adds the god of the Dusk Umbra.
“You were both very dedicated to your quests to borrow immortality though. I applaud your persistence.”
“And by that she means pig-headedness.”
The god of the Dawn Corona meets eyes with the god of Quiet Hope. It seems they already have an eternity together -
“I’ll have to call Quinlan. This has been his favorite comedy series.”
- after some romantic fratricide
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
My dearest darling Wolfie, I saw your idea for game gerlion friends to lovers in @thewitcherbog horny chat and I am here to ask you to write the fic. Pls 💜😘
Tada!! I can't remember if this was exactly what I had planned... but it's what we're getting. Lovingly beta'd by @comfyswitcherblanketfort.
CW: probably rated M? Briefly mentioned masturbation more horny than smutty.
A retirement at Corvo Bianco had never been what Geralt expected of his life. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told a young Dandelion that witcher’s never retire, but in recent years between looting caves and haggling for contracts, he’d managed to save quite a bit of coin. He was, objectively, rich. He had the best armour on the Continent, the most deadly swords and crossbow bolts, and thanks to B.B., his house was beautifully decorated, with the exception of the rather garish portrait of his most loyal friend. Yet, he was still gaining more money than he knew what to do with. He’d started investing in merchants and refusing payment but the vineyard brought in a steady income and Geralt had to admit that his life was pretty luxurious these days.
So it wasn’t exactly a surprise when Dandelion had turned up, in fine, brightly coloured silks and the elegantly decorated elven lute from so many years ago. Geralt sometimes wondered whether Toruviel had enchanted her lute. There was barely a scratch and Geralt couldn’t even recall Dandelion ever having to change the lute strings in all the years he’d known the bard. Geralt was no expert but he was pretty sure that you were supposed to change the lute strings.
The sun was shining over the fields of Corvo Bianco, and Geralt felt at peace. Perhaps that was why he was feeling so nostalgic, pondering over the events that had led him to this moment. His life had always been so busy, but with Ciri off touring the multiverse, and Yennefer doing whatever Yennefer did these days now the Djinn wish had been broken, he was… well… bored? He had every Gwent card currently made, and no one would play him. It was just him and the bard, living the bachelor’s life in Touissant.
So was it any wonder that Geralt had started to develop feelings for his friend? Perhaps they’d always been there, clouded by the wish that tied him to Yennefer, or perhaps their newfound domesticity had awoken something in Geralt that he had never expected. Dandelion spent a lot of time in the makeshift study, working on his latest book, but they always ate together and sometimes the bard would even accompany Geralt on his contracts in the fields, for old times sake. After long nights of drinking too much wine or vodka, it wasn’t unusual for the pair of them to fall asleep together, curled up in one bed just like they used to in their youth. Those were Geralt’s favourite nights, because despite his protests of being better alone, he enjoyed the familiar warmth of another body pressed against his, and Dandelion had always been a cuddler.
And as if on cue, the bard burst through the doors onto the patio where Geralt was watching the world go by.
“Ah, Geralt, old friend, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you!” Dandelion announced with a flick of his wrist. “I was just in town.”
“Dandelion,” Geralt groaned. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“Dear Henrietta will forgive me in time, my friend,” Dandelion winked, his tongue flicking out between his lips, “and until then I have plenty of friends who will offer me shelter if the guards are around.”
“You look like a man sized peacock,” Geralt scoffed. “How the hell does no one see you?”
“Ah, dear witcher, you forget that I used to be a spy,” Dandelion laughed, putting one hand on his hips. “Now, stop interrupting, Geralt, or do you not care about the gift I picked out for you in town today?”
Geralt hummed, knowing that it didn’t really matter whether he cared or not. Nothing would stop Dandelion once he was in the middle of a story. Some things just never changed. “Go on.”
Dandelion beamed, and from behind his back he produced a wooden box. The poet cocked his head as he opened the lid, revealing a set of tiny vials neatly lined up. Geralt almost choked, his breath catching in his throat.
“Oil?” he spluttered. A man such as Dandelion had to know of the more promiscuous uses of oil. Whilst Dandelion had never explicitly said as such, the way he talked of his lovers had always led Geralt to believe that he was rather flexible in his tastes, much like Geralt himself.
The poet blushed as he pulled a single vial from the box, his long lutist fingers wrapping around the glass. “Bath oils, Geralt.”
“Oh, of course,” Geralt cursed internally. Dandelion had bought all sorts of expensive oils and lotions when they had been on the path together, neither of them were shy with their bathing habits and the poet was a highly skilled masseur.
Which was not helping Geralt’s sudden rush of arousal as he remembered the feel of the poet’s hands on his skin. They’d laughed off awkward erections in the past, it was just a thing that happened… but Geralt was starting to wonder what would happen if, for once, they let it happen.
“This one will probably be a bit much for your witcher senses, my friend, but I rather like it,” Dandelion continued, oblivious to Geralt's inner turmoil. “This one,” another vial was plucked from the box, “however, I think you will like, and I managed to buy this,” Dandelion pulled a scroll from his pocket, “from a local mage. It’s supposed to move the water around the tub, like a massage!”
“And you’re telling me this, why?” Geralt sighed, rolling his eyes. As much as he adored his old friend, the man could take his sweet time getting to the point. It was even worse when the poet and Regis got together, Geralt honestly thought he might never know peace again.
“Because, Geralt, I am treating my dearest friend to an extravagant bath time experience!” Dandelion exclaimed with wide arms, almost knocking off his own hat in his enthusiasm. “Friendship and love, art and wine, Geralt. What more could you want in life?”
No, friendship. Geralt needed to focus on that. How many times had Dandelion called him his friend? Too many to count.
“Assuming you have wine, what’s the art?” Geralt smirked, enjoying the offended noises Dandelion made.
“Geralt, I’ll have you know that-”
“Relax, Dandelion. I’m teasing. So how about this bath then?”
The two men made their way upstairs, peeling off their outer clothes as they strolled past Geralt’s bedroom, and picking up a robe each. Dandelion had filled the room with candles, and there was a soft floral scent hanging in the air, roses, the oil vial that Dandelion had initially held up.
“I thought this one was too much for my ‘witcher senses’?” Geralt scoffed, peering at the magically bubbling water.
“Well, yes, but I did also say I liked this one, and I’ll admit that I got a little carried away. You don’t mind, do you Geralt?”
Geralt shook his head as he stripped off his final layer of clothing and settled into the tub. Dandelion sat in a chair, still wrapped in his robe, and picked up his lute. He plucked idly at the strings until he was seemingly happy that they were in tune, and then he began to sing. Geralt sighed as he sank deeper into the hot water, the enchantment really did feel like a sort of massage as jets of water pulsed against his skin, but he couldn’t help but wonder. The oils, the candles, the romantic ballad…
Was his friend trying to tell him something?
It was time for Geralt to test the waters as it was. He trod the water with his hand, gently splashing to the beat of Dandelion’s song. Normally, he would close his eyes and let the poet’s music fill the room, but instead he was mesmerised by the way Dandelion’s finger caressed the lute strings. Geralt could feel his cock harden as he pondered what other uses his friend’s delicate hands could have, the way they found their mark with such precision. The poet could make any instrument sing to the gods in his hands, Geralt was sure that he was no exception.
“Practicing your fingering?” he asked Dandelion with a tilt of his head.
The strings twanged unpleasantly, making Geralt grimace as the sound reverberated in his head. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Geralt smirked. “On your lute.”
“Right, yes, of course,” Dandelion muttered. “I’m just trying to figure out the next verse. I could use a hand, or an ear if you’d be willing to help.”
“I have a hand you could use, or two,” Geralt muttered not really intending for Dandelion to hear him but the poet had sharp ears and he spluttered incoherently as he set down his lute.
Geralt hummed and let his hand drop beneath the water, stroking his cock lazily. He wasn’t really chasing any real pleasure, but it was a good feeling, sending warmth across his skin. The bath, the candles, the song, they had to mean something even in Dandelion’s subconsciousness. The man was an insatiable flirt, and yet never seemed to notice when others’ affections were cast upon him, not unless it was blunt in its honesty.
So Geralt would be blunt.
He closed his eyes as he continued to stroke the length of his cock, the motion causing the water to ripple slightly, but not yet enough to draw Dandelion’s attention. The poet was too busy wittering on about his rhymes, only noticing when Geralt’s breath hitched as he cupped his balls.
“Dandelion,” Geralt grunted softly, his pleasure beginning to build from a warm ember to a roaring blaze that burned through him. The poet’s cornflower blue eyes were on him, dark and hungry. His cheeks were flushed rosy, and it seemed his dear friend was finally catching onto what was happening.
“I- I can leave, my friend, if you would prefer…”
“Stay,” Geralt insisted. “This not what you had in mind?”
“Well,” Dandelion laughed. “I had hoped, but I never thought it would actually happen, and well, really I thought it might take a little more convincing. Who knew all I needed all along were a few cheap candles?”
“Just get in the bath, Dandelion,” Geralt growled.
“Okay, okay,” Dandelion said with a roll of his eyes but shrugged out of his robe, allowing Geralt to admire his slender form. The poet’s cock remained soft as he stepped into the water. “So… how long?”
“How long have I been more than just a friend to you, Geralt?” Dandelion asked, settling into the water with a soft moan. His hands resting on Geralt’s thighs, fingers drawing patterns on Geralt’s skin under the water.
It wasn’t an easy question to answer. Could he even pin it down? Geralt wasn’t sure.
“Hard to tell, our friendship has never exactly been normal, Dandelion,” Geralt admitted.
Dandelion laughed, leaning forward in the tub, his hands stroking up Geralt’s thigh, the movement forcing the air from Geralt’s lungs. “You know, you’re right, and I think we should celebrate.”
“Mhmm, and how about we start with a kiss?” Dandelion winked, before falling into Geralt embrace with a splash.
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a-very-tail-wizard · 4 years
I Want A Baby
Rating: T
Pairing: Gruvia/Gray x Juvia
Disclaimer: I don’t own Fairy Tail.
Word Count: 2k
Title: I Want a Baby
Genre: one shot, fluff, domestic fluff, pregnant!Juvia
Summary: Several months after moving in together, Juvia has potential news, but she’s not sure how Gray will take it.
A/N: Tada! My first Gruvia fic. It finally happened. (This was originally supposed to continue into a smut fic, but I decided to end it early. If you’d like the continuation though, reply or send me an ask, and I’ll try to make it happen.)
ffn || ao3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I pat my neck with the towel again, dramatizing imaginary droplets of water after I washed my face. It’s stupid, I know. If he was paying the tiniest bit of attention, he’d immediately find it odd. Not only have I been drying my face for an abnormally long time already, I don’t even need to dry my face because I can just absorb the water into my body. I’m stuck. If I go to bed now, he might talk to me, and then I’ll have to lie to him, but if I keep stalling in here, he’ll eventually get suspicious. I don’t know what to do!
“Juvia?” His voice travels in from the bedroom.
Oh no. It sounds like he’s coming this way! What do I do?
I panic, dropping the towel and quickly splashing fresh water onto my cheeks from the still running faucet.
“Are you…washing your face?” He steps into the doorway, and I focus all of my energy on lathering my forehead instead of the reflection of his perfect abs in the mirror.
“Yes, my love!” I say through my fingers. “Just trying to keep my skin perfect for you.”
“But I thought you just washed…” He frowns and shakes his head. “Nevermind. I’m going to bed.”
“Okay, darling.”
“Turn the light off when you come in.”
He leaves, and I rush to wash the soap off, gasping when the water is cold.
“This is ridiculous,” I hiss to myself. “I don’t need tap water for this.”
Creating water with my hands, I rinse my face and pat it dry a second time with a fresh towel. After hanging both used towels up to dry, I turn off the bathroom light and tiptoe toward the bed, hoping Gray is already sleeping.
As I sit down on my side of the mattress, I feel a little bit guilty. Normally, I love being in bed with Gray before we fall asleep. We talk. We cuddle. And sometimes we…
No. Don’t think about that.
My brain gets all muddled when I think about the deliciously naughty things Gray and I do, and right now, I’m confused enough already.
Turning onto my side, I slide my legs under the sheets and turn to face the wall.
My heart skips a beat in the darkness of the room, and I squeeze my eyes shut.
What does he want? Maybe he’s talking in his sleep.
“Did you talk to Cana today?”
Oh no! He talked to Cana? She probably told him something! But she didn’t know what she knew when I asked her, so if she told him something it will only upset him!
Oh right. He asked me a question. Maybe if I don’t say anything, he’ll stop talking.
“I know you’re awake.”
He rolls toward me, and I stop breathing as the heat of his bare chest radiates into my back.
“Is something wrong?” he asks softly, and I suddenly feel like crying.
“N-no,” I choke out. “No, my love. Nothing is wrong. I’m just…tired.”
“Cana said something weird when I saw her today,” he goes on in that gentle voice that turns me into a puddle. “She said I needed to be careful with you.”
“What?” I stammer. “Why-why would she say that?”
“I was hoping you could tell me.”
His fingers run down my bare arm, and my body shudders. I want him to touch me, but I also don’t. I dread what I need to tell him, but I also feel terrible about keeping it from him.
“Juvia, baby…”
“She told you there’s a baby?” I whip around so fast I almost smack into his forehead with mine.
“Whoa! What the hell?” he grimaces angrily. “I was only trying to—wait.”
I see his face go white. I’m not sure how since the room is black with night, but I do.
“Did you say…b-baby?”
Oh no! What have I done? I can’t take it back now! Unless…
“N-no,” I start shakily. “I said, um–”
My eyes dart around the room as I try to think of something.
This is bad. He’s going to know. But I don’t even know! What if he doesn’t want a baby now! Will he be angry? I don’t want to make Gray angry with me! I don’t think I can handle that on top of this!
I sit up and pull my knees into my chest, burying my face in my hands as tears build up in my eyes.
“Are you pregnant?” His voice is so hard and cold, like his demon slaying magic. I shiver and lick my lips.
“I don’t know,” I confess quietly.
“You don’t know?” he echoes. “Did you suspect? Were you going to tell me?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, what do you know? I mean, one minute I’m about to go to sleep and the next there’s a freakin’ baby? What the hell?”
“I don’t know!” I shriek, whirling to face him.
“Hey, whoa.” His hand lands on my shoulder, but I shrug it off as I turn to face him.
“I just…” I take a deep breath and say everything in my head at once. “I’ve been feeling strange, and I’ve felt sick a few times, but my cycle is never on time, and I don’t know if that has to do with my body of water or something else, but I started thinking it might be a possibility.”
“I always wear a condom,” he pipes up. “Even that time in the tub, I–”
“I know,” I whisper as tears begin to slip onto my cheeks. “But…my entire body is water.”
“Condoms are waterproof.”
“Well, my water is magical!” I shout. “And anyway, condoms aren’t always effective. Or one could’ve broken, and I didn’t realize. And it doesn’t even matter because if I’m pregnant already…”
I start sobbing, and bury my face in my knees, using the blanket to dry my tears.
“Please, don’t be angry with me, Gray,” I choke. “I know this isn’t what you want, but I don’t know what else to do!”
“Juvia, calm down.”
“I tried to find out! I went to Porlyusica, but she wasn’t sure if she could diagnose me because, well, since my body is unique, she doesn’t know if the symptoms are the same or if everything will present itself the same way. And then I asked Cana if her cards said anything, but she didn’t have anything concrete. All she said was something big would be changing in our home, and now I’m terrified you’re going to leave–Ah!”
He grabs me without warning, his hands sliding around me and hauling me into his lap.
“Gray, darling, what are you–”
“If I were going to leave, I would never have moved in with you in the first place,” his deep voice rumbles against my ear, his nose buried in my hair.
“B-but if there’s a baby–”
“I thought you wanted babies,” he cuts me off. “In fact, I’m one hundred percent certain you mentioned them on more than one occasion.”
“Well, I do,” I murmur, “but we haven’t talked about when we wanted to start, um, trying, and since you haven’t said anything–”
“I’ll say it now then.”
I blink as he turns my face toward him, cupping my cheeks in his hands.
“I want a baby, Juvia.”
Heat floods my body, and I reach up and grab his wrists, squeezing my eyes shut.
He can’t mean it. He must just be saying it to make me feel better.
“Don’t lie,” I hiss. “It’ll only make it worse.”
“You think I’m lying to you?” he growls. “Since when have I ever done crap like that?”
He has a point. Even when it hurt, my darling Gray has never lied to me. Though, sometimes I did wish he’d spared my feelings.
“I want a baby,” he says again.
“But…but you’re always saying how you don’t envy Gajeel whenever he’s with the twins. I thought–”
“Have you seen the twins? They’re nothing but trouble. It’s a miracle Gajeel has time to breathe, let alone take any jobs.”
“That’s true,” I whisper. “But still, you always said you wanted to wait and not to rush it. I don’t want you to–”
“If you’re already pregnant, it doesn’t really matter what I said. And to be honest, I have been…thinking about it.”
“You have?” I jerk back and stare at him.
“Your happiness is important to me, and I know you want a family,” he confesses. “Plus, I’ve seen Alzack and Bisca with Asuka; who wouldn’t want to have that? So you don’t need worry about me being angry with you. I’m not.”
“Gray, dear, we can’t have a baby just to make me happy, if that’s what you’re saying.”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” he growls. “Look. I know I complain about babies and kids, especially the twins, but they’re not mine. I’ve known for a long time that when I have a kid, I’m going to love him the way my parents loved me and the way Ur loved Ultear. I would give my life for him, and I’ve never even seen him.”
“Gray, darling…”
“And any baby I have with you, I’ll love that much more,” he goes on. “Because I love you, Juvia, and you’ve loved me for longer than I probably want to know.”
“The day we met,” I whisper.
“Right.” He shakes his head at the same time he pulls me into his chest. “I know you’ll teach our son how to love relentlessly with strength to match. I want that.”
“Unless we have a girl,” I chime in.
“Everything I just said goes the same for a girl. The important thing is I want a baby, and I want one with you, Juvia.”
Oh my.
I shut my eyes and exhale slowly, my cheek against his guild mark, his heart beating in my ear.
I don’t know what to say. Gray isn’t usually so loquacious. And never so romantic.
Oh wait. There is that.
“Well, there might not be one,” I remind him quietly.
“Hmm, I guess you have a point.” He raises an eyebrow, and I feel my body begin quaking. “But, I know of a way to increase our chances.”
Oh no. I know that look. He’s suggesting sex!
“You mean…right now?”
“Oh yeah.” He smirks as he pulls me against his chest and rolls us in the bed so that I’m on my back with him hovering over me.
“Gray, my love, are you sure? It’s late, and–”
“I know you’re not trying to talk me out of sex,” he interrupts. “Because that would be crazy coming from the woman who would jump me in the guild hall if I didn’t stop her.”
“No.” I blush. He really does know me well. “I just…you said so many nice things, and I haven’t had time to think…”
“You don’t need to think,” he murmurs as he slides the straps of my nightgown off my shoulders. “If you’re pregnant, I want to celebrate.”
“And if I’m not?”
“Then I want to change that.”
My mind goes blank as his mouth lowers to my neck. His hand slides up my thigh, and my heart starts racing.
“I love you, Juvia,” he whispers as I squirm under him.
“Yes, my love!” I pant. “I love you too.”
He continues touching me and kissing me, and I quickly forget to be worried. Forget to be anything. All I know is my darling Gray and everything he’s making me feel, which of course is all so very good.
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petri808 · 4 years
Fandom: Fairy Tail. Rating: Mature.  Nalu AU ANGST trigger warning.  Based on this post.  Just under 10k words
Lucy Heartfilia is diagnosed with a heart defect. Stuck in the hospital waiting on the transplant list, there is only one thing bringing any light to her dreary world; a volunteer named Natsu Dragneel who truly becomes her bittersweet savior.
@uzumaki2810 Here you go, I hope you like it :)  Also thank you to the angst queen @doginshoe IM SORRY I FORGOT TO ADD THIS MESSAGE ;-; she beta’d and bore the tears with me to make sure it was a good story :)
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
It all started back in her last year of middle school when puberty really kicked into overdrive and she developed a well-endowed chest.  She assumed the little pricks of pain related to the added weight cause they sure gave her a backache if she pushed herself too hard.  Exercise was overly exhausting, so there went any chances of making the cheer squad in high school.  Not that Lucy was really interested in sports, but by the start of high school she realized any physical activity needed to be avoided.  But she didn’t want to worry her father since it was a random pain that would only surface if she exerted herself; ergo it was her boob’s fault, and she kept the pain to herself.
As time passed, and her high school years carried on, Lucy did her best to ignore the symptoms, even when something new manifested itself.  Fatigue…  she was studying too hard.  Rapid heartbeat… well, there was that cute boy that just walked by.  Shortness of breath when she laid down…  it’s just from the weight of her chest.  Each and every time, Lucy found a rational explanation.  She buried her nose in her studies as an outlet, which she really didn’t mind so much.  Her favorite thing to do in the world was to write quick fantasy stories she’d make up, and she’d often spend her breaks holed up in the library researching some new topic of dragons or fairies or whatever had caught her attention.
“Ugghhhh,” Lucy flinches as the blinding white light breaks through the surface of her vision.  She shields her eyes and slowly opens them but can only manage a tiny squint.  Her mind was groggy, and she swore her limbs felt like dead weights.  “W-Where am I?”        
She hears the muffled sound of her father’s voice calling for a doctor.  Why was there a slight ringing in her ear?  Something about she’s awake now, hurry?  The rest had been too muffled to understand.  Had she been asleep?  Lucy was completely confused. But the light… the light was so bright!
“Ms. Heartfilia?  Ms. Heartfilia, can you hear me?”
It was a strange male voice talking to her.  Where did her father go?
“Yes,” she croaks out, flinching as her body is coming out of its slumber and suddenly a sharp pain hits her again.  Lucy winces, this was worse than before.
“Ms. Heartfilia, do you know where you are?”
She shakes her head.  
“You’re in the hospital, dear.”
Wait!  It was her father’s voice again.  What did he mean she was in a hospital!  Lucy forces herself to open her eyes fully, though, keeping her hand between her face and the overhead lights.  “Why am I in a hospital?!”
Lucy hears the doctor's voice again, seemingly at a distance because her viewpoint was limited, speaking to someone.  Fainted.  Temporary amnesia.  Congenital heat disease.  Wait what?!  “Hey what’s going on?!” she calls out then is hit by another spike of pain.  Damn it!  “Dad?   Hello?!”  But it’s like she was being ignored.  Birth defect.  Advanced case.  Surgery.  “Someone please talk to me!”  Tears prick at the corners of her eyes.  “Talk to me!!!”  A third, and now the largest stab of pain hits her.  Lucy cries out at the pain and curls in on herself.  More shouting and the voice returns, hands probing something near her chest, and machines starting to blare out warning beeps.
“Please calm down Ms. Heartfilia, calm down, don’t push yourself too much or the pain will get worse.”
How could this get any worse…
That was 3 years ago, and the sands of time were running low.
Her father had done all he could, dragging her to specialist after specialist, exhausting a chunk of his fortune on doctors from one coast to the other, only to be told Lucy would need a heart transplant or she may not see her twenty-first birthday.  The most they could do for her while she waited on the transplant list was implant a ventricular assist device into her body.  It gave her a small measure of freedom instead of being tied to a normal transcutaneous machine, but it was still uncomfortable.  Her movements were restricted, she had to be careful of catching a cold, and what ended up being the hardest part, was the breast reduction surgery they had her undergo at the same time of the VAD surgery to reduce the weight and strain it added to her heart.
For so long she’d blamed her large breasts for causing all her pains, but now that she knew they weren’t, it was sad to see them go.  They were a part of her after all, no matter how much of a headache they could be.  For weeks after the surgery, Lucy could barely look at herself in the mirror.  She didn’t recognize herself anymore.  This youthful woman with tubes sticking out of her stomach which attached to a device around her waist that helped her weakened heart muscles do their job to keep her alive.  That had been the diagnosis, a congenital birth defect that weakened her heart muscles, and as she aged, the muscles would continue to deteriorate.  Oh, her father was so furious when they were told she didn’t qualify for an artificial heart because death wasn’t imminent.  
It hadn’t taken long after completing high school that the depression had surfaced.  All of her friends were moving on to college, most to distant campuses so she had no one to talk to.  Lucy would hide away in her bedroom for days at a time as the internal struggle mounted.  Why continue to go through this pain and struggle… why not just end it quickly and painlessly.  It was tempting.  From the research she’d done on heart defects, the end wasn’t very pretty.  Her only hope was a donor, but people die every day on the transplant list waiting for a heart that never came, just growing weaker and weaker….
At least the VAD had given her two decent years, but her days of being an outpatient at the hospital had come to an end.  Even with the device assisting her heart, Lucy’s body was struggling to deal with the strain.  The smallest exertions required fuel from her heart to power her body, so even something as minimal as the fatigue of reading a book for too long could trigger an arrythmia or worse, and the pain that may accompany it.  She needed to stay in the hospital so that her heart could be constantly monitored and if there was any sudden change, they could address it quickly.
The doctors were doing their best to keep her alive in the hopes a donor would surface.  But you never knew when one would become available, and her time was running short.  The original prediction of not making it to twenty-one was fast approaching.  Frankly, Lucy felt like it was by the luck of the draw and the odds were better at a Las Vegas casino.  It was a lonely experience being cooped up in the hospital and thankfully there was one glimmer of happiness amongst the sterile white halls.
“Hi Natsu.”
He smirks, “I brought you something.”  The young man was bouncing on the balls of his feet with his hands clasped behind his back.  
All the volunteers that visited the hospital were kind people, but there was one that made Lucy smile the most.  A young man named Natsu Dragneel.  She’d told herself at the beginning of her medical odyssey that she wouldn’t let anyone get too close to her, not only for her protection but there’s.  The pain of losing someone you care about was an emotion Lucy had borne at the tender age of five when her mother lost her own battle to cancer, and it was a feeling she didn’t wish upon her worst enemy.  But this man sure made that promise a tough one to keep.    
Natsu’s adoptive mother was a long-time surgery nurse at this hospital, who had had taught him the value of life.  It was because of seeing her kindness towards people that spurred his decision to be a volunteer.  Even at eighteen years of age he knew that volunteering would be difficult, and five years later, he would admit it never got any easier.  Many volunteers eventually burn out, especially when dealing with the terminal patients, but Natsu pushed through, reminding himself it was those very patients that needed their support the most.
“Oh,” she quirks an eyebrow, “what is it?”
“Tada!” he whips out a single yellow rose with pinkish-red tipped petals and hands it to her.  “My younger sister showed me how to dye the tips, isn’t it cool!”
Lucy takes the flower, “wow that is really beautiful!  The pink even matches your hair.” She lifts it to her nose and picks up on the light rosy fragrance it exuded.  “Smells nice too.”  She tries to hand it back to Natsu.
“Tch, my hair’s not pink, it’s salmon, and I made it for you,” he smiles, “something to brighten your day.”  Natsu then walks over to the small bathroom and fills a cup with water, brings it back and places it on the small windowsill next to her bed.  “For the flower.”
“Thank you,” Lucy blushes a little and hands him back the bloom since she couldn’t reach the cup herself. “It was really kind of you to bring me that Natsu.”
“Nah,” he places the flower in the cup for her, “I’d do anything to make you smile.”
It wasn’t every day, but Natsu would come to see her as often as he could.  His regular job as a construction worker wasn’t a regular 9 to 5 kind of thing.  Some weeks he might work five days straight, while on slower periods like the winter and early spring months it may only be a couple of days a week depending on weather.  He’d told her that working with his hands was something he enjoyed immensely, and the company was training him to be a carpenter.  
Natsu sure wasn’t what she’d expected of a construction guy.  Oh, his hands showed the roughened appearance of someone who worked hard for a living, but she thought they would be these rough and tumble kind of men.  Not Natsu, with his goofy and sweet personality.  She could only imagine how well such a line of work helped to keep the man in shape.  He always wore t-shirts and jeans, but his trim features hidden behind the fabric were easily discernable.        
The light of the sun brought the yellow rose to life along with a slight tremor in her heart, not of pain but of adoration.  Lucy smiles sweetly at his remark, her eyes crinkling, glinting with a tinge of moisture she had no control over.  She didn’t want to admit her growing affection for this man who always said the sweetest things or made the most charming gestures.  Natsu was always so compassionate and supportive, while never making it seem like it was just his job as a volunteer to comfort the patients.  It was easy to wish that maybe… he was doing it just for her?  
Lucy ducks her head, hiding the hint of jealousy coating her cheeks and tone, “I’m sure you make such kind gestures for the other patients too.”
“Oh, no,” Natsu sits beside her and takes her hand, “just you.”  He gently lifts her chin, forcing her to face him.  She averts her eyes, but he stares forward, softening his glare, almost wanting to chuckle that he’s had such an effect on her.  “You’re special to me.”
Of all the patients in this small hospital, Lucy Heartfilia was the one his heart grieved for the most.  It wasn’t fair, at only twenty years old, for this beautiful and intelligent woman to be tied to a hospital bed, watching her life flash by in the form of ridges and valley peaks.  The first time they had met was two years ago, but back then she would only come in for overnight monitoring’s or check-ups, and after her major surgery, she stayed for a few months during the recovery process.  By now, they were friends, but it had taken work on his part to get her to open up to him.      
“No, I’m not…” Lucy sucks the corner of her bottom lip in to stifle the tremor.  
His tone deepens in a comeback, “Yes, you are.”
Her eyes finally snap to his, and when she sees the determination behind them, reality kicks in.  He was telling the truth!  Oh, heaven help her.  It was cute to dream, but not for it to be real.  She feels a sting in her chest and pushes his hands away.  “Please don’t,” her voice is barely a whisper, trembling from the stinging pain in her heart and her soul.  “I-I shouldn’t be….”  ‘This is so wrong…  Because I’m dying and he deserves someone better.  I shouldn’t have said anything.’  Stupid little daggers of jealousy!  She clutches her chest, willing her heart to still, and pain to subside, ‘please go away!’
“Hey, hey!” Natsu immediately switches his concern from being flirty to concerned.  “Lucy please calm down, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you!”
“I-It’s okay, I-I’ll be okay.” She fights the tears back with all the strength she can muster.  Lucy didn’t want to cry in front of Natsu.  “Please, Natsu, I don’t want to get our hopes up l-like that…. If this… If things were different….”
“Shhh,” he cradles her face, “shhh, it’s okay Luce, I feel the same way.”
After a few moments, Lucy lets out a long exhale.  “I appreciate it, I really do.”  She looks up and cracks a pained smile.  “You’re the only thing keeping me going, but I-I just don’t even want to think about not being there for you…”
It was Natsu’s turn to crack.  “Please don’t finish that.”  He looks down, holding back the urge to cry or show how upset it makes him.  “I don’t want to think about that.”
“But it…”
“You don’t know that, no one knows that, and I,” his voice falters, seething with all the will of his soul placed behind it, “I will cling to hope till my dying breath.”
The sudden change in his demeanor, switches Lucy from feeling so self-absorbed in her own thoughts to realize, Natsu has had an effect on her, but she truly had an effect on him too.  It hurt even more now that his behaviors weren’t just a rouse to make her happy, and it killed her to think of what he will suffer when she goes.    
“I’m sorry, Natsu.  I didn’t realize.”  She grabs his hand, squeezing it hard.  “Natsu I’m sorry.  Let’s stop thinking about this then, hmm,” doing her best to keep her tone soft and comforting.  “Look at me, Natsu, please, I don’t want to keep fighting with you.”
He sighs, “you’re right.  That’s the last thing I wanna do with you.”  It was a surprise even to himself that he’d lost his cool, and for the first time the awareness of his growing infatuation became real.
“Good,” she squeezes his hand again.  “Hey, um, you know its lunch time, we could eat outside since it’s a nice day…” her voice grows tentative, “if you’ll join me.”
“Lucy Heartfilia, are you asking me out on a date?” He chuckles, ready to put all the sadness behind them.  “Because if that’s the case,” the sparkle in his eyes return, “I would be honored.”
For the next couple of months, Natsu and Lucy’s friendship flourishes, as her physical body slowly deteriorates.  It was hard, he couldn’t lie, to watch this happen, and if it wasn’t for the strength of his convictions or his plain stubborn attitude about it that kept him upbeat.  He knew that she needed him to be her strength, and that fueled his desire to make sure she smiles every day.  
Lucy didn’t know, but his mother would keep him updated on her condition.  Not that he needed to know all the technical jargon, for he could see it with his own eyes.  Lucy herself would tell him just enough information when she needed to, but he never pushed or pried for it, letting it always be on her terms.  The cardiomyopathy was getting worse, her heart muscles barely functioning on its own at this point.  She had her good days and bad days but walking around wasn’t really an option anymore aside from brief steps for a purpose.  It also meant that the muscles in her legs were weakening too.  Physical therapy once a week worked with Lucy on light stretches to keep them from completely atrophying, but it was all they could do for her at this point.  But no matter how much weight she lost, or that her hair didn’t hold its familiar luster, to Natsu she would always be the same radiant woman he adored.  
She’d resigned herself to this fate a lot better than Natsu would have thought a person could do.  When he tried to picture himself in her shoes, he was sure he wouldn’t have the strength to keep going, but that was what amazed him even more about her.  On her agreeable days, Natsu enjoyed getting her out of her room, even if for brief periods of time.  Lunch or dinner in the cafeteria, the grounds of the hospital on a sunny day, or even stargazing when the evening air was warm.  He’d bring a wheelchair, and off they’d go, talking about anything or nothing, avoiding the subject of her condition, just giving her a smidge of a normal existence for once.              
Lucy opens her eyes at the knock on her door to see a familiar face pop through.  “Hey Natsu,” she cracks a pained smile.  
“Hey Luce, how ya doin’ today?”
She starts to sit up in the hospital bed, but when it’s clear to Natsu the woman was struggling, he quickly rushes over and assists.  “Thanks,” another light smile.  “I’m sorry, I’ve been a little sore today.”
“Never apologize to me,” he smiles back warmly.  No matter what, he always did his best to appear upbeat for the patients despite his heart literally breaking for them.  He places his hand on hers, “so, tell me gorgeous, are ya hungry?  We could dinner date in the cafeteria if you’re up to it.  My treat,” he winks.
“Stop calling me gorgeous,” Lucy chides the sunny young man, despite the small rosy glow of her cheeks.  “I know I’m not, and that’s okay.”  With the help of a psychiatrist and over a year of therapy, Lucy had finally accepted her fate and kept moving forward as best she could.  If she will die someday, she will die with dignity.  Stress wasn’t very good on her heart, so once she made peace with her circumstances, even her physical ailments had benefitted.  
“Pfft,” Natsu pretends to be offended, “are you calling me a liar because I know I’m not blind.”  His grin growing along with the deepening of red along her cheeks.  “Besides, you know I won’t stop no matter how much you complain about it.”  
Lucy laughs and her eyes twinkle, “I know, so we’ll keep agreeing to disagree.”
It was in these moments, and why he did what he did, just to see this woman’s eyes light up, that sent his own heart into palpitations.  Deep down Natsu knew that the chances of Lucy making it out of this hospital were slim to none, but you’d never know it when he spoke to her.  He stifles the urge to sigh. Oh, how he wished the circumstances were different.  In a perfect world, Natsu would love nothing more than to walk this woman down the aisle.
He circles the topic back around, “so… dinner, on me?” he teases lightly with a wink.  “We can take a trip through pediatrics where there are a few recent arrivals.”
Her gaze lowers as she hides the seventh heaven emotions the young man stirs in her.  “I’d like that.”
Natsu squeezes her hand, “I’ll be right back, lemme grab your carriage milady.”
As Lucy waited the few minutes for Natsu to grab a wheelchair, she closes her eyes and does a breathing technique to calm her heart.  She hadn’t wanted to show the slight tinges of pain she was getting as they spoke, because she knew it would have worried him.  They’d been steadily increasing in frequency lately, and she fought to keep him from discovering that.  But she couldn’t help it.  Despite her condition, Lucy was still a young woman with an intact mind, she still had desires like any other, and when a handsome young man close to her age flirted with her, of course she would react to it!  She did her best not to let these thoughts sink in too deeply and told herself he was merely doing it to make her feel better.  It was a lie, but it was the best way to shield herself.
“Ready?”  Natsu extends his hand to help Lucy to her feet.
She nods and takes hold, gripping on while he maneuvers her around and onto the chair.  It weakened Lucy to where her muscles were slowly losing their strength because her heart was struggling to keep her body oxygenated and functioning properly.  With support she could stand for brief periods, but only with support.  At least with Natsu, she could put her faith in his hold that he’d never let her fall.  
After adjusting the foot plates and making sure Lucy was comfortable, Natsu takes off towards the cafeteria two floors down.  He’d already alerted dining when he’d gone out for the chair they were coming down, to prepare a meal within Lucy’s dietary needs.  It wasn’t a terribly restrictive diet, but there were some limits, such as no stimulants like caffeine, or anything with a high fat content.
Natsu loved these little dates as he called them.  On warm sunny days it may include a stroll outside for some fresh air, or if it was cold and rainy, merely sharing a cup of light hot chocolate in the visitor's lounge in front of the massive floor to ceiling windows.  But if Lucy wasn’t feeling well, he was content to sit by her side in her room, talking, telling stories, or doing anything just to cheer her up.  Sometimes he would fantasize during these events as if they were simply at home and relaxing like a normal couple.
“Oh yay, beef barley,” Lucy stirs and lifts a spoonful up before letting it flow back into the bowl.  “My fave.”  She knew why they gave it to her, but that didn’t make it anymore appetizing.  Barley was supposedly good for heart health, and the protein it contained was useful for her body.  She crunches up the soda crackers the meal came with and drops them into the soup, letting the pieces soak in.
“I don’t mind it,” Natsu shovels a spoonful into his mouth.  He always made it a point to eat the same thing they gave Lucy, so she felt more normal about it.  “But if you really don’t want it, I could ask them to make you a sandwich instead.”
“No, no,” she waves her hand, her voice oozing with a sense of longing mixed with frustration, “it’s okay, I’m fine with it.  I just would kill to eat a fatty, tasty, slathered in sauce cheeseburger with a side of waffle fries or something you know.”
Natsu snorts a laugh and almost chokes on his food as a mental picture of Lucy chomping down on a burger, with sauce dripping down her chin both amuses and arouses him.  “I-I can imagine,” he bangs his chest a couple times to dislodge some liquid that made it down the wrong pipe.  “Throw some sriracha sauce on that vision and you just named one of my favorite foods.”  Could this woman become any more of his dream girl?!
She giggles, “So, um…” Lucy hesitates for a second.  She didn’t want to sound desperate or anything, but loneliness was the quickest way to send her back into a depression and she cherished the time the man spent with her.  “How much time are you spending with me today?”    
“As long as you’d like,” he winks.  “I always do my rounds first and come to you last so I can stay as long as I want to.”
Ugh!  The flirty thing again!  Lucy wills her body to behave.  “Wow, that makes me pretty special, huh?”
“Extremely,” he leans in, letting his gaze grow half-lidded, and his tone mellowing into a soothing cadence. “I’m gonna steal your heart one day Luce, that’s a promise.”
“What?!  Pfft,” damn, she can feel the heat rising in her cheeks, “there’s no point in stealing a broken heart sir…”  Despite the desire to feel aroused over his comment, it also brought a sense of sadness to her she fought down the urge to let tears rise to the surface.  ‘He’s just teasing… he’s just being sweet, trying to make me feel normal… It’s not real Lucy, It’s not real!’  But oh, how she wished it was!  Natsu was the perfect man that any woman would kill for.  Sweet, strong, handsome, silly, she could go on and on with the list.  He was the one ray of sunshine in her dreary world now that she truly was all alone in it.  The stress of caring for her had driven her father into his own massive heart attack last year.  She had no one, except Natsu.
“I mean it Luce,” he reaches out and takes her hand, letting his thumb sweep over the skin.  “Broken or not, I want to steal it and have the person it’s attached to a—ll to myself.”
“Please don’t,” Lucy pulls her hand back.  She could feel the tears pooling and if she didn’t stop it now, they’d soon fall.  “You know I appreciate it, really I do Natsu.”  Lucy looks back up at him and cracks a pained smile.  “But you deserve someone who’s not broken.”
The absolute pain measured in Lucy’s eyes, and the sorrow in her voice was like a dagger straight through Natsu’s soul.  He could understand her desire of not wanting to believe in miracles or to shield herself from further pain, but that only killed him more.  She deserved so much more out of life. Ugh, if only he had a direct line to destiny so he could kick its ass and tell it to leave Lucy in peace!  He didn’t want to upset her anymore.  “Okay, I’ll stop pushing too hard.  But I promise you Luce, one day you will walk out of this hospital a healthy woman, and you can steal my heart instead.”
She sighs, “You can’t promise something like that.”
“I have faith,” Natsu gives her his wide, ear-to-ear grin and a wink.  “You’ll see.”
How could she stay upset after seeing that smile of his?  That damn ear-to-ear grin that lit up his eyes.  The eternal optimist, Natsu Dragneel trying so hard to keep her spirits up.  He and that smile may very well be the one thing keeping her going at this point.  “Okay, okay,” Lucy chuckles, “I give up, yes it's possible.”
“Woo Hoo!”  He pumps his fist in the air in an exaggerated victory, “that’s the spirit!  Now eat, so we can go check out the babies!”  
Lucy laughs again and nods with a smile, “okay.”
It was harder than she let on to him because she knew how much he enjoyed checking out all the new arrivals, but seeing those babies coming into this world while she would be leaving it shortly was painful.  All those hopeful, bright little lives….  They were a bittersweet reminder that a hospital holds two balances; the power to bring life into this world or take it away by not being able to heal a person.  She didn’t blame the doctors, for they were doing their best, because sometimes the sands of time runs its course and there is just nothing more they can do.  It was simply a part of life, to be born and die, never knowing when the grim reaper would come calling.  
“Look, look!  I was told three were born yesterday.” Natsu points excitedly as he parks her chair in front of the viewing window of the nursery.  He plasters his face against the clear glass.  “Two girls and one boy.  Awww, one already has some hair!”  Turning back to Lucy, “can you see okay, would you like me to help you stand up?”
“Thank you for the offer, but I can see just fine,” Lucy throws on a smile for effect.  “They are quite adorable, aren’t they?”
“Are you sure?  You know the doctors want you to stand sometimes so that your legs don’t atrophy as quickly.  I will gladly bear the weight.”
“Are you saying I’m heavy?!”  She was just teasing, but it was the perfect setup to do so.
“What?!” he waves his arms, “n-no way!  You’re not heavy, I meant I’m stronger so I can hold you up…”
“So, I’m weak?”
“Wait, what, no!”
Lucy giggles at how much the man was stepping all over his tongue.  “I’m just teasing you, Natsu.  I know I should, but I’m just a little tired today.”  That was partially true.
The man pouts, “so mean Luce,” he whines and throws on the saddest puppy dog expression he can muster, even a sniffle for effect.  “But it was an excuse to hold you in my arms.”
Oh, how quickly the tides can turn as his bold little statement sets her face ablaze.  He re—ally needed to stop with the flirting, or she was about to have an actual heart attack!  “All right,” Lucy groans, “just for a few minutes.”  It wasn’t the first time she’s allowed him to help her stand and maintain her balance, but before his little retort, she’d never thought twice about it.  
Natsu locks the chair and adjusts the foot plates out of the way so that Lucy can put her feet on the ground.  “Just take all the time you need,” his voice grows soft and soothing, “don’t rush.”
She tests her leg strength by pushing with the balls of her feet against the floor, rocking them and applying pressure to warm up the muscles.  Brief movements, like getting from the bed to the wheelchair were one thing, standing for a few minutes or walking a few feet were another.  It was frustrating and embarrassing, so she avoided it as much as possible, like when going to the bathroom.  Lucy didn’t mind when the nurses assisted her with that compromising predicament, but this was embarrassing in a different way.  
Once she feels her legs are ready, she holds out her hand which Natsu quickly takes hold of and braces her other on the arm of the chair to push herself up.  When she gets to a standing position, Natsu moves around her body, placing an arm around her waist as he gently guides her the two feet to the window.  He stays on constant alert, monitoring any change so if her legs decide to buckle, he can catch her.  As soon as she reaches the window, Lucy places her hands on the slight ledge of the sill.  Natsu then switches his position to stand directly behind her, wrapping both arms around her upper chest to hold her close, but above the tubes in her lower abdomen.  
Could he feel how much her body was heating up from the intimate contact?  Lucy fought her own emotions to keep from escalating and stressing her heart out, for she was keenly aware of how they would look to anyone passing by.  Dear heavens, it was hard to do with his chest pressed up against her back…. She wished they could stay like that forever.  ‘Breathe… just breathe, Lucy…. Look at the babies, just focus on the babies…’  That only made it worse.
The babies….  Just a day old. The little angels were like moldable clay.  They’ll grow… they’ll change…  Will they become teachers or astronauts some day?  Oh, look at the one, smiling in his sleep, how precious.  Someday, will they make their dreams come true?  What will they be like?  Good little kids or naughty, friendly, the life of the party or a shy introvert?  Like many young girls who dreamt of becoming a mother someday, Lucy had envisioned having a family of her own with the love of her life and the white picket fence.  A little girls fantasy.  She closes her eyes, praying that Natsu wasn’t paying attention to her.  The tears pool behind her eyelids and she stills the desire to sniffle.  That fantasy was now dashed like a shipwreck against the shoreline, never to sail the seven seas again.  Natsu would have made the perfect husband and father for such a fairytale, and he will one day, just not in her storybook ending.
She’d been so focused on fighting back her emotions, that Lucy hadn’t noticed Natsu’s head was now resting against her shoulder or how his face was curled against the nape.  
“It’s okay to cry sometimes Luce.”
His whispered voice, so close to her ear, breaks the dam.  Lucy squeezes her eyes tighter and fingertips curl, tensing against the windowsill.  Shit, he knew all along.  Her knees tremble as the tears flow freely, but she feels his hold tighten around her to keep her from falling.  It had been some time since she’d allowed herself to release the pain in this way.
Natsu hadn’t been certain of it until now, but in the last several times they’d come to the pediatric ward, he’d sensed a change in Lucy’s energy.  She always wore a smile with a hidden agenda and now he’s confirmed his suspicions.  Well, it was his mother really that pointed it out one day when he’d mentioned it to her.  The woman was great at understanding human emotions and after years of caring for patients, she’s learned to follow her intuition.  
“Lucy was a young woman who may not live to be a mother or have a family of her own, of course it might upset her to see the infants.”  His first inclination was to stop bringing the woman to this ward, but his mother gave him a second option.  “Help her grieve.”  Those three words coming out of his mother’s mouth stunned him briefly. What did she mean to help her grieve?!!  “If Lucy has no one to turn to, how can she process what is happening to her.  Show her it’s okay to be upset, help her let out the pain before it consumes her.”  
“I will hold you for as long as I need to Luce, just let the pain go.”
But it was killing him to do this!  Natsu had told his mother that he didn’t think he was strong enough. The woman simply smiled, patted his cheek and said, “I believe in you son.  If you truly care, then you’ll have the strength to move mountains for her.”  Damn his mother and her intuition, though Natsu realized only a fool couldn’t see how much he was falling for Lucy.  He’d sell his soul to a demon to get her a new heart.
Strangely, Lucy’s body wasn’t reacting like she thought it would.  Stress usually caused her blood pressure to rise and strain her heart muscles, but that wasn’t happening.  She couldn’t stop the tears from flowing like a broken spigot, and maybe that was the best thing, like a release of the pressure that had built up unbeknownst to her.  Her hands move from the windowsill to Natsu’s arms, clutching to and resting her head on them.  Lucy couldn’t look up, not yet, but she needed to let him know she heard his words, and they meant the world to her.  
She would have made an amazing mother, Natsu was sure of it, and it would be a lie to say he’s never thought of or imagined them staring through this viewing window at their own little boy or girl one day.  Would the child have Lucy’s beautiful golden waves or chocolate brown eyes?  Or maybe take Natsu’s salmon pink hair and onyx eyes.  No matter what, the child would be perfect and loved.  A child that as the day ticked down on the transplant list was losing hope of ever being born.  Crap!  Natsu squeezes his eyes closed tight.  He couldn’t let her see him struggling with this, but damn if those images didn’t just cut him deep.
Neither of them knew how long they were standing there or even if any of the other hospital staff had noticed.  They were in their own little world while time passed them by.  It was Lucy who finally let out a small exhale as a last release of all that had struck her today, and with that tension gone, the tears turned into exhaustion.  Ever cry so hard and for so long that your body became lethargic?  Lucy yawns wide and deep, her eyes growing heavy and clouded, a little lightheaded, ready to go to sleep.
Natsu kisses the crown of her head and without a word, maneuvers her so she can sit back down in her wheelchair.  He sets the foot panels in place and helps her feet onto them, then pushes her back to her room.  There is a companionable silence, as if all their wordless exchanges had communicated volumes that needed no explanation.  Once back in her own room, Natsu helps her onto the bed and set the wheelchair aside.
After helping to re-attach her heart monitors, Natsu checks, “is there anything else I can get you before I go?”  She shakes her head.  “In that case…”
Lucy motions for him to lean in closer and once he’s close enough, she hesitates briefly then places a kiss on his cheek.  “Thank you for everything Natsu.”
His eyes widen, shocked by what she’d just done.  “Luce?”
“I just felt like doing it,” she blushes.  “Tonight… I don’t know, I just feel so much better and it’s all because of you.”  Lucy closes her eyes as a yawn cuts through.  They were so tired…    
“You are very welcome,” Natsu smiles.  He moves to leave, but Lucy grabs his hand and squeezes.  When he turns back to look, her eyes are still closed, and there is a slight smile on her face which brings a swelling of his pride.  He leans down and kisses the back of her hand.  “Rest now, and I will see you again tomorrow.”
Mister Sandman beckoned to Lucy of mystical creatures bathed in glittering stars, calling upon father time to bring peace to a weary soul.  She didn’t know why, but though the pull was strong, she fought his dreamy reverie.  Today had been the most emotionally charged day in a long time.  All the tears Lucy had shed brought a new peace to her spirit, something in this entire experience not even a trained therapist could have given her.  The amount of love that Natsu provided, whether platonic or wishful yearnings, calmed her, and pushed away the emptiness she had felt for so long…. So long stuck in this pain.  She wanted to relive this day forever, safe in Natsu’s arms, drowning in the pool of his obsidian hues.  ‘… to steal his heart…’  Lucy knew she already had, just as he had stolen hers in a way.  A sense of warmth floods through her body, shielding her to the cool air-conditioned room.  Lucy’s smile widens as her mind slips into the abyss of dreams, of a pink-haired prince who’d finally set her soul free.
“Natsu wake up,” the voice repeats as the person attached to it shakes his sleeping form.  “Natsu wake up.”
“Huh?” His clouded mind hears the voice of his mother.  “What is it?”  He turns his head, his eyes temporarily pin-pointed from the harsh lamp light next to his bed.  “Mom, what are you doing in my room?”  Natsu pushes himself to a sitting position as his mother takes a seat next to him.  With his vision focusing better, he finally notices the moisture clouding his mother’s eyes.  “Mom, what is it?!”  
She takes his hand, squeezing it tightly with her head slightly lowered in pain.  “I-I’m sorry, son, but the hospital just called me…. Your friend, s-she had a massive heart attack.”
By the time his mother had finished the sentence, Natsu had stopped listening to anything she was saying. He knew, the moment she’d said I’m sorry… to wake him up in the middle of the night, it had to be….  All the blood drains from his face and his shoulders slump.  He felt dizzy, weak, like all of his strength were stripped away, leaving him an empty shell.  He turns his head slowly, the tears already flowing down his cheeks in an endless trickle to meet the woman’s sullen gaze.  This wasn’t happening!  Not yet!  Lucy was fine today!  Fine!!  He wanted to scream!  But his throat was closed up, choking back the sobs that wanted to break free.  
“Oh honey,” the woman wraps her arms around her son and pulls him tightly against her chest.  “I’m so sorry,” her own tears flowing freely and hitting his face.  “Don’t give up hope, they were able to save her, but she’s been placed in a medically induced coma.”
It couldn’t be true!  Why weren’t his cries coming out?!  Natsu’s voice refused to make a sound and all he could do was weep.  It hurt so much!  His fists clench at his stiffened sides.  This wasn’t fair!  
“Let it out son, don’t hold it in,” she coos, doing her best to soothe the pain.  “They believe she didn’t suffer because it happened while she was asleep, that should give you a bit of comfort.”
No, it doesn’t!  She was still in a coma!  He’d almost lost her!  And, “I-I never g-got to s-say good... good…” he couldn’t finish it.  What if she never woke up again?  Natsu’s heart ached at the thought he may never again hear her beautiful laughter or that silly snort she would sometimes make when he teased her.  This world was too cruel to do this to a woman who should be in college, starting the next stage of her life.  A fit of sobs racks his body, ‘I never got to tell her I love her…’
“Would you like me to drive you there, son?”
“Yes, please mom, i-if you don’t mind.”  
“Of course.”
Natsu paused in front of the closed door to Lucy’s new room, unsuccessfully preparing himself for what he knew he would find behind it.  On the way to the hospital, his mother had filled in a few more details that tore the man up and brought a wave of guilt flooding over him.  Had he caused the heart attack?
The heart monitor alarms had gone off only 30 minutes after he had left her for the evening, and the doctors wasted no time in implementing emergency resuscitative efforts.  They deemed it a miracle, but after 10 minutes of herculean efforts they were able to get her heart restarted.  Lucy was then moved to the ICU unit and placed on other machines such as a feeding tube and ventilator to keep her alive.
Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed her to see the infants after all.  Maybe the crying had stressed her out and neither of them had known it.  She seemed perfectly fine when he’d left!  Happy, in fact, happier than he’d seen in a long time.  Natsu’s fingers absentmindedly trail over the area she had kissed.  Lucy was at peace when he’d left.  His mom told him her sudden fatigue may have been a sign.  Or maybe he clenches his jaw, that kiss was her way of saying goodbye, like she knew something might happen once she’d closed her eyes.  The way she’d grabbed his hand when he tried to leave….  “Fuck!” he grits outs as the tears pool in his bloodshot eyes again.  “I shouldn’t have left her…”  
He pushes the door open and his knees buckle instantly at the sight.  Tubes… all the tubes, and monitors, the beeping and lights, bright flashing lights of the stat graphs, subcutaneous fluids hooked to her arms, the drips… slow drips of liquid and medicine flowing into Lucy’s body.  He wasn’t ready for it.  Her beautiful face partially hidden by the feeding tube running into her mouth and the breathing tubes entering her nostrils.  If it wasn’t for his mother standing at his side, Natsu would have collapsed to the floor when his legs lose all their strength and crumple.  The woman guides him to a chair placed beside the bed.  
“Oh god, Lucy!”  The tears pour out and sobs take control of his body.  He throws his upper body over hers, clutching desperately to the blanket covering her, and burying his face into its folds.  Natsu felt a part of his soul die right then and there.  “You don’t deserve this,” his muffled words stolen by the fabric.  Why couldn’t they find her a heart?!
“Son,” Natsu feels his mother’s hand resting on his shoulder, but he doesn’t respond.  “Son, there’s no telling how long Lucy will stay in this state, so it’s best you say your goodbyes now.  They say that people can hear you even if they are in a coma.”
But all he can do is shake his head fervently, denying it to the world and himself that Lucy wouldn’t come out of this.  He had hope, damn it!  Natsu refused to say goodbye because that meant he’d given up hope Lucy would recover somehow.  
The woman seemed to understand her son’s frustration and didn’t push.  “Then, just talk to her son, let her know you’re here.”  
“Mom, could you… I wanna be alone, please?”                
“I’ll come back in an hour to take you home.”  
Natsu just nods in response.  He hears the door open and close, the click of the lock like the final latch being set on a coffin, sealing them to their fate.  He’d known the dangers of giving his heart to Lucy and yet despite what was happening, still had no regrets.  She deserved the peace of knowing someone loved her, and if this really was the last moments, Natsu could have that tiny measure of satisfaction knowing he was the one who had provided it to her.
“But you���re not gonna die yet, Luce.  You can’t, do you hear me, you can’t!  It’s not your time yet, so you need to fight for me please…”  Oh, how his heart was shattering into a million pieces as if he was the one with the problem.  It fucking hurt!  Emotional daggers stabbing him in the chest repeatedly.  “You’re stronger than this, Lucy!  I know it, you’re gonna wake up from this!”
By the time his mother returns an hour later, the sheer exhaustion had consumed Natsu.  She finds him passed out, and it takes a bit of begrudging effort to get him to leave Lucy’s bedside.  He was so afraid to leave again in case she passed away, because he didn’t want her to die alone.  It was his mother that coaxed him into believing that she wasn’t alone as long as he kept her in his heart.    
Day after day, week after week, became a never-ending cycle of zombiesque activity.  Natsu’s body was there, trudging through routine, but his mind was broken, battling between keeping hope alive and giving up.  He went to work, did his job, then headed to the hospital.  It got to where the staff had placed a spare bed in the room, and he practically lived in the ICU with Lucy.  He was lucky that his mother was a long-time nurse and he a volunteer with an impeccable standing that the hospital allowed him to bend the visitor hour rules.  They knew the woman was alone in this world, so maybe they also felt a sense of duty to become that family for her, because nobody deserved to die alone.
He grew obsessed with anything to do with her condition and used the lonely hours to scour the internet for information.  Sure, much of the stories about coma patients being able to hear weren’t really solid or verifiable, but any glimmer of possibilities was worth the effort.  It couldn’t hurt to try.  Whether it was telling her about his day or what was happening in their town, Natsu would keep talking.  He bought a kindle and read stories he thought she would like, fantasies of princes saving princesses filled with mythical creatures.  He remembered her saying she used to write such stories and wished he had been able to read them.
When he was too tired to read, or his throat was too sore to continue, Natsu wrote her letters.  The staff and his family were getting worried about Natsu.  So, the hospital’s mental health service counselor had come in one day and spoke to him on the off chance that they could get through to him.  While he refused to listen to most of the advice, he found the writing to be helpful.  Maybe when Lucy awakens, she could read them. But for now, it was one way he could pour out some of his thoughts in silence.      
He was always tired and exhausted, pushing himself through this day-to-day routine, sometimes forgetting to eat.  Concerned staff would often pop their heads in to check on him to make sure he had or scolded him when the hours grew late and they knew he needed to work the next day.  His bloodshot eyes held dark bags under them, and his mother swore he was losing weight.  But he would always push them off saying he was fine.
“No, you are not son.  As a mother I am supremely proud to know I raised a son who cares this much, but I don’t want to lose you too.”
“And you’re not, I’m perfectly healthy.”
“You know as well as I stress is harmful to the body.”
Natsu sighs and runs a hand over his face, “mom, I’m fine, I even cut back on work hours to make you happy.”
“And I appreciate the gesture, but you’re still working, just here!”
“Mom, I’m fine!  Please, just leave me be, I-I don’t want to fight.  I just want… I’m not leaving her.  End of discussion.”
His mother sighs, knowing that her stubborn boy would not listen.  “Just please, Natsu, eat more, get more sleep, do it for me.”
“Okay, okay, I will.”        
“I love you, son.”
“I love you too, mom.”
She kisses his forehead and turns to leave, taking one last look at her boy, and to Lucy.  Grandeeney Dragneel pauses with a bittersweet smile as Natsu resumed reading quietly from his Kindle.  Somehow, she knew that young girl loved her son back, and it broke her heart to know they were like those star-crossed lovers from a long-lost folktale, never destined to truly be together.  She liked Lucy.  The girl was smart and sweet, very articulate whenever she visited during her rounds, and her strength through this all was remarkable.  Even after being dealt such a cruel hand by fate, she never grew bitter or resentful.  Her son couldn’t have fallen for a better girl.  Grandeeney slips away quietly before the moisture building in her eyes could be seen by Natsu, bracing against the closed door, and praying for a miracle.
Is this that tunnel people talk about?  Lucy wonders as all she could see through her eyelids is the brightest light that seemed just too brilliant to be normal.  Her eyes hurt a little from it, but if this was heaven, why is there still pain?  She forces her lids open and tries to shield them with her hand that… doesn’t seem to move, huh?  But it wasn’t just her arm, her entire body felt heavy.  The images filtering in through her vision were blurry, slowly gaining focus as her pupils adjust to the light to see, wait, ceiling tiles?  Why does heaven look so much like a hospital?
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
Lucy looks over and sees a doctor standing beside her.  “Where am I?”  Or more like why am I here?  
“Do you remember the heart attack?”  She shakes her head.  “You’ve been in a coma for two months after you suffered a massive heart attack.  But luckily, a local donor came through...”  He goes on to explain about the surgery telling her that the transplant surgery went well, her body was accepting the new heart, and while she’ll still be going through three to six months or rehabilitation and monitoring, she was on track to make a full recovery.  
“Oh-okay, thank you so much, doctor.”  It was a miracle to be alive again with a new heart.  But something felt wrong, missing?    
“I’ll be back in a couple hours to check on you again Ms. Heartfilia, but if anything feels off in the meantime, be sure to ring the nurses.”  He moves to leave, but she stops him.
“Doctor, the donor, can you tell me about them, please?”
The man hesitates for a moment.  “Well Ms. Heartfilia, privacy laws don’t allow me to….”
“You don’t have to tell me their name or anything.  Please, just a little information.  I’d like to know who saved my life.”
The man sighs and takes the seat next to the bed, clearly torn with what he was about to say.  “He was a young volunteer at the hospital who tragically fell asleep at the wheel and passed away from a car accident…”
The doctor's voice droned on for another minute as he tried to reassure her that the man didn’t suffer. It was quick and painless from a one-car crash.  As if that was supposed to make her feel any better.  Lucy didn’t need to be told the name as tears poured down her cheeks, because she knew.  She just knew.  That was what was missing, for she knew that if she’d had received the new heart, Natsu would have been the one by her side when she’d woken up… unless he could be there.  With all the wires attached to her arm, she could barely move them without the sting of the I.V. lines, but she didn’t care.  Lucy’s hands cover her lowered face as the tears continue to stream.
“I’m very sorry, Ms. Heartfilia.  Would you like me to have someone from mental health support to come see you?”
Lucy shakes her head. She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t even think.  
“Mrs. Dragneel would also like to speak to you when you’re up to it.”  
More tears and sobs choke out. Oh god that was Natsu’s mom, how could she face Natsu’s mother!  
Seeing the woman’s distress, the man nods and squeezes her shoulder, “Again, I’m truly sorry Ms. Heartfilia.  We all miss him very much.  Please try to get some rest,” and leaves the woman to grieve in her own way.  
Her head was spinning.  It wasn’t supposed to happen like this!  Why was destiny such a malicious bastard to take away the one person she had and leave her in this world all alone?  Lucy clasps a hand over her chest, recalling the last conversation, that last night with Natsu.  She squeezes her eyes to the pain of the memories…  He’d made her so happy… so very happy, and yes, she remembered thinking for the first time since her diagnosis; she didn’t feel alone anymore.  Fuck if she didn’t want to just keel over again, but that would mar the beautiful gift that she’s received.  Natsu believed with every fiber of his being that she would walk out of here one day and she will live on for him, that’s a promise.  “Our heart,” Lucy breathes out…  But how ironic that he was right all along.  She really did steal his heart in the cruelest of ways… 
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The Ruined King, chapter 7
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Pairing: Felix x Liz
Summary: Hawkeye is once again moving through Gedonelune, and it looks like their aim is on the heart of the Dragonkin Ruins. It looks like we’ll need the help of the three Reciters to solve this mystery!
Previous: Chapter 6
First: Chapter 1
(This chapter does get a little dark, but I promise the next one is gonna be super fluffy!)
I didn't understand; we should have been arriving back in Gedonelune, safe and sound, but here we are on the streets of Queensblade?
"We should head back.” But when I turned around, the exit that we had just come through was gone, as if it had never been there at all.
Felix tugged on my hand; he looked even paler than usual. "We have to get out of here. I'm.. not exactly.. welcome in Queensblade."
Right. I had almost forgotten. I doubt Shezarade would have forgiven him for what he did. I couldn't let Felix be caught. "Here, this way."
We ducked through the streets, into a back alley. “How could this have happened?”
“The tunnels must have been connected.” He winced. “Come to think of it, that may have been one of the tunnels I used to travel between Gedonelune and Queensblade before.
"If the guards see you, you'll get arrested for sure."
A mix of emotions flashed across his face, and he sighed. "I was hoping that I wouldn't have to use this, but it looks like I have no choice."
"What are you..?" There was a puff of black smoke, and Felix disappeared. In his place was the slightly off Taffy.
"Tada! Taffy's here!" He gave a smile so bright I couldn't help but giggle as I saw him. "Taffy would appreciate it if you would stop laughing!"
"I'm sorry, you're just so adorable!"
His tone turned serious. "This isn't ideal, but we should be safe until we can get back to Gedonelune," he said. I scooped him up in my arms.
'This is weird. I never thought I'd be holding him like this,' I thought, feeling my heart racing. But I dismissed it. 'This is not the time to be thinking about my crush on Felix. Even if we are stuck here together..' Oh dear, this should be interesting.
"Our first priority should be finding our way back to Gedonelune," I said as we walked together. "Perhaps we could take a train back?”
My thoughts started to wander. What were the others up to right now? Would they be worried when they emerged from the cave to find out that we weren't there at the academy?
But all those thoughts were interrupted by a low rumbling. But not a cave this time- my stomach.
"When was the last time you ate?" he asked, looking up at me.
"Probably when we were on the way back from Albert's." How long had that been? We must have been in that cave for hours- if not almost a day.
"It will be a long journey back to Gedonelune," he said. "We should stop and get some food before we go." It felt strange to have him worry about me like this.
"All right. I think I know just where to go."
Not long later, we settled down in a little corner outside, where we couldn't be seen.
"I ordered something for you too," I said, setting down the order on the table. He jumped up on the seat across from me.
"Dragonkins don't need that much to eat," he said pointedly.
"I know, but.. I know that you've been trying a lot of new foods lately. I thought it would be a shame if you didn't get to try it. Besides, their cake is to die for."
"Cake? I don't think I've tried it yet."
"Really? Well, you should definitely have some!" I couldn't resist poking a little fun. "Or are you stuffed?"
"Real funny," he said, but he was still smiling. I pushed the plate of cake towards him. He hesitantly took a piece and took a bite. But his face lit up. “This is delicious!”
"Have as much as you want!" I took the plate of pasta, giggling as he ate the cake. 'I knew that he would like it!'
He went quiet, gazing down at the cake. "..Can I ask you something?" I tilted my head. "Aren't you friends with Queen Zenobia? Are you okay with sneaking behind her back like this? I hurt her very deeply."
"I.." I had been thinking about that, but it all boiled down to one question. "Do you regret what you did to her?"
He was quiet for a long while, setting aside his cake. "At the time, I believed that I was doing what needed to be done. Everything was a means to an end, to get back what had been stolen from me. I thought that it was the only way. But now.. I'm not so sure."
"I believe you've changed,” I said firmly. “You chose to find a peaceful way to save Lacan; you chose to help us save Gedonelune. The Felix that I knew before wouldn't have done that."
"But I still don't understand why you gave me a chance. I hurt you."
"You did hurt us," I said. "You hurt a lot of people. But... Willem told me of someone he knew once, someone you once were. I wanted to believe that that someone was buried in there someone. And I thought that if I could find that person again, you'd bring good with you too."
And he had. He'd been different since he'd started living in the village. And I didn't want him to get hurt.
"That reminds me of something that someone told me once,” he said wistfully. “'Even if he's the worst person in the world, I would still want to save him.'"
That felt like a long time ago now. "You remember that?"
"Of course I do," he said with a smile.
I thought for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "If I can reach out to someone.. if facing them with love can be the difference, then I'd like to try,” I said. “As for Shezarade.. I think that if you talked to her, she would forgive you. But I don't think that this is the ideal situation for you two to meet again."
"Maybe someday," he said. "..Are you finished eating?"
I realized I had set my plate aside. "I think so."
"Then let's get going."
The streets were lined with colorful stalls, merchants calling out their wares; they seemed to shine in the night. I found myself staring as I walked by.
"I guess I should start looking for the train station, shouldn't I?" I turned to face him- only to find that I was alone. "Huh?! Where'd you go?"
I was sure that I had kept him within my sight!  But- Come to think of it- I may have set him down to take a closer look at one of the stalls, but-
'I need to find him and fast!' I hurried through the market again. 'Did I set him down around here?'
A familiar voice caught my ear. "Here's your change, ma'm."
'Hisoka! I forgot that he was supposed to be in Queensblade!'
My blood ran cold as I approached his stall. His stall was lined with toys and games- including an all too familiar plushie sitting on the shelf!
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"It's a.. long story," I said. "But I think there's been a mistake. You've picked up something of mine by mistake." I couldn't tell him that the Slightly Off Taffy was Felix; would he forgive him if he knew who he was?
"Oh, are you talking about this strange plushie?" He picked up Felix, holding him out.
"Y-yes! He's one of my plushies, but I lost him in the market!" I quickly took him back. "Thank you for finding him for me!"
"No problem." Hisoka smiled. "I found him sitting on the ground earlier. I should have known that he belonged to someone."
'I'm sorry, Hisoka.'
Just then, I saw a familiar little figure toddling our way, carrying a basket. "I've brought what you asked for-" Hachi let out a cry, dropping the basket. "M-master, this smell.. This smells like that man...!"
Oh no.
Hisoka was dead silent as we went back to the inn, his expression unreadable. Hachi trailed behind him, gazing at Felix.
It was only when we'd stepped into a private room, away from prying eyes, that Felix dared to speak. "Hisoka.."
"I know that's not your real form, friend,” he said with false cheer. “Why don't you show yourself?"
In a puff, Felix returned to his normal form. Hachi whimpered as he hid behind his leg.
"You're the one who sent all those nasty things after us in order to get the watch."
"Hisoka, he.." Felix held up a hand to stop me. Right. Perhaps it was for the best to let him speak for himself.
He raised his chin as he faced him. "You're right. You two were innocents, caught up in my hatred of humans, in my revenge. I hurt you deeply; I'm sorry.”
"I can forgive what you did to me, but.." He glanced down at Hachi.
"May I?" Hachi tentatively nodded. He knelt down to face Hachi, pulling down his hood; Hachi looked up at him. "Hachi, I shouldn't have threatened you. You were innocent, and I hurt you. I'm sorry. ..And for what it's worth, you were awfully brave."
Hachi was quiet for a moment, examining his face. And then he broke out in a smile. "You're forgiven!"
"Then I think that we're all good here," Hisoka said. "If Hachi forgives you, so do I."
I let out a sigh of relief. 'That went better than expected. Hisoka is so kind.'
"Thank you." Hisoka suddenly burst into laughter, shielding his face behind his hands. "What's so funny?"
"I'm glad that I didn't end up selling you!” he said between fits of laughter. “Who would've thought you would be that adorable plushie? I guess we'll call it even!" Once his laughter subsided, he looked at us curiously. "But how did the two of you end up travelling together?"
"It's a long story.."
Hisoka sighed as we finished telling the story. "That is quite a conundrum," Hisoka said.
"But I don't think the train lines run that far this time of night."
I glanced out at the sky. Between eating and looking at the market, it had gotten quite dark without us realizing it.
"We don't exactly have a place to stay for the night."
"You can use my rooms for the night," he said with a smile. "Hachi and I will make other arrangements. Besides, from the sound of it, the more we can keep you out of the spotlight, the better."
"Well,” I said at last, “I suppose that one more night in Queensblade couldn't hurt, if we catch the first train in the morning."
“That'll be fine.”
“I can't thank you enough,” I said, bowing.
"Don't mention it. Rest well, you two." With that, Hisoka left us in the room.
And I realized something as I glanced around the room. 'W-wait, if Hisoka checked out this room for him and Hachi, then that means..'
"Hmm, what's the matter?" Felix gazed at me curiously.
"Felix.. does this mean that you and I are going to be sharing a room?" And a quick glance told me that there was only one bed!
If we had to.. would it really be so bad? To be that close to Felix..
'Get a hold of yourself, Liz!' I told myself.
"Oh." Was he blushing? "Oh, uh, well.." He turned and went to the corner of the room. "Well, you should be the one to rest."
"Are you sure that's all right?"
"I don't need to sleep," he said. "I simply need a place to wait until morning, so I'll just sit over here." He sat in a chair in the corner of the room. "Go ahead and get some rest."
Oh right. I suppose.. it was a good thing that Dragonkins didn't need to sleep? But somehow I felt a little disappointed. "Thank you."
I went to the bed, lying down on it. Weariness washed over me, but my mind was still racing.
"Felix, can I ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"I know that Dragonkin don't need to sleep, but.. do you never sleep?"
"I try not to, if I can help it," he said. Sadness flicked across his face. "I've spent enough of my life asleep."
Oh. Of course he would try to avoid it. "Felix, I'm so sorry."
"It's all right. Just try to get some rest."
I laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, even when Felix had gone quiet.
'I hope the others are doing all right,' I thought. My heart ached as I thought about what they must be thinking now. 'They should be all right if they're back in Gedonelune. I hope they're taking care of Shu..' I tossed and turned, my gaze falling on the quiet figure in the chair. 'How strange that I've ended up here with Felix..
'And yet.. I've been having fun with him.' Having cake with him, walking with him through the crystal cavern, and now sharing a room like this together. Not only had he changed along the way, but I think that my feelings had as well. 'I want to hold onto this feeling..'
The next morning, Hisoka knocked on the door. "Good morning, you two," he said as he stepped into the room. "Did you sleep well?"
"Eventually," I said.
"Oh, by the way, there's someone here who wanted to see you," Hisoka said. "I think that he said that his name was Daniel?"
"Daniel Oxford?" Hisoka nodded.
"That man that we met at Albert's mansion?" Felix asked; I nodded. How strange, I wasn't expecting to run into him again so soon..
"I'll go and speak to him.”
"Then I'll go with you in my plushie form," Felix said, already starting to get up.
"It's all right. I don't think this will take long," I said. "Besides, he might get suspicious if he sees your plushie form."
"I suppose." But I had a feeling Felix still wasn't buying it.
Daniel was waiting for me in the lobby. "Ah, Liz,” he said. “It's so good to see you again. Didn't I just see you in Albert's mansion?"
"I had some.. business in Queensblade," I said, falling in step next to him.
"What a coincidence, so did I," he said with a smile. "I've been wanting to talk to you anyway. Here, come with me." I followed after him into his room. He closed the door behind him. “Would you like some tea?”
“That sounds lovely,” I said, taking a seat at his table.
"Albert told me about your mission,” he said as he went into the kitchen. “You've been looking for the six gems?"
Albert had told him? "Yes, that's right," I said. "I was actually wondering about that. Do you think that the Oxfords would have a connection to one of the gems?"
"I'm afraid not. Though my family has longed for power, it often eludes us. However.. I have to admit, I'm impressed with you. You've already found three of the six."
"Huh? How did you.."
Pain- burning pain exploding across my back-
Through the haze, I saw a figure stepping out from the shadows- a glint of silver-
Daniel laughed. "Wonderful job, my dear."
I fell-
Someone rushed into the room-
"How pathetic,” Daniel sneered. “Are you supposed to be some kind of knight? Who would think a Dragonkin would fall so far?"
Someone was holding me..
"Stay with me!" A voice was crying out, but I couldn't see his face. "Liz, stay with me!"
'Felix.. he trusted me..'
Caesar: So, uh, it must have been a little hard to run around in your plushie form, wasn't it?
Willem: Huh? Oh yeah, I guess so. It's just a little hard to focus after that.
Caesar: Me too. I hope that she's going to be all right. Felix is going to take care of her, isn't he? I mean, he has to, this is her story, isn't it?
Willem: We'll just have to keep an eye out for her.
Caesar: Next time on, Fragile.
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afaithy · 4 years
Prompt 11 for the haunted house headcanon! ;)
Sorry this turned out this long! The whole intention was to make it funny not scary, it turned out kind of silly. 
Hope you like it :)
As usual. This is part of my Universe so...keep that in mind dear readers:
If I die I am going to haunt your ass
“Maybe all the people who say ghosts don't exist are just afraid to admit that they do.”
― Michael Ende
“We gotta do it! “Mimi shouted excitedly “I mean look at how things are...Sora, Taichi and Yamato are in their first year of college...when exactly are we going to have a chance to do it?” “Eh..but Mimi-san…” Jou said disapprovingly “You and Koushiro-san are in third year. You two should be using summer vacations to prepare for entry exams and…”
“Yayaya…” Mimi said covering her ears “I’ll be studying design abroad, so that’s already taken care of. Koushiro here has pretty much his way into Computer Science on Todai ensured. So now problems, there. Come on Jou.-..this could be our last summer together, you know?”
“Last summer sounds a little ...dramatic don’t you think?” Koushiro said, chuckling “It’s not like we are cutting tights with each other.”
“No, but think about it. Jou  is in med school. If it was already hard to get him to join us when he was just a regular high schooler, how hard do you think it’ll get now? Taichi, Yamato and Sora are in college as well, soon they will be so busy that they won’t be able to join either; Then I might be leaving to study abroad and Koushiro, you will be busy with school and that cyber security company you are working on with Tachibana. The group is scattering...and soon all that will be left will be those that  pair of love birds over there!” Mimi screeched , pointing at Takeru and Hikari.
“Love birds?” they both replied puzzled. Hikari and Takeru looked at each, and Mimi gave them a mischievous smirk.
“Let her be, Jou.” Taichi laughed “Besides. The test of courage huh...we never did that, and yet it is something so...highschool like. Sounds like a fun thing to do, Right, Yamato?”
“What? Eh...y-y-yes. Of course.”
“I can’t say that Mimi isn’t wrong. We might not get another chance in a while, right?” Sora reasoned “I’m sure we can make an exception for old time’s sake.”
“Yes, yes!” Mimi said, jumping excited “Come on Jou. You can bring Marina-chan along, too.”
“Oh, boy…” Jou said “Ok, I’m going. Someone needs to make sure you kids stay out of problems.”
“Good ol’ Jou.” Taichi laughed. 
“But where exactly are we going?” Hikari asked, tilting her head “IT’s not like there are too many haunted places around here.”
“Well...there’s that old shack by the hill…” Takeru said. “Didn’t our class go there last time?”
“Eh?” Hikari said “I wouldn’t know.I didn’t go ...it was you  who went with those girls.”
“Ah…” Takeru said “True. I did…”
“ You’re such a ladies man, Takeru…” Yamato chuckled.
“It wasn’t like I wanted to go. Rest assured, bro. THere were other places I would have preferred to be.”  Takeru chuckled.
“No, everyone knows that place is a farce.” Mimi said, waving her hand in front of his face “No, no. Don’t worry.I have that solved. Right , Koushiro?”
“Uh. I think I have the right place we can go.” Koushiro nodded.
“Ah...why am I not surprised about you two ganging up together?” Taichi smirked “I’m sure going to miss that. You are sure going to miss it, too, eh Koushiro?”
“Yeah. I admit it will be kind of strange.”
“Don’t think that you can get rid of me so easily…”
“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t even dream of that.” Koushiro chuckled “The place is chosen, so all that is left is going.”
“Hooray!” Mimi said happily “We go in three days then. You guys get psychologically prepared. Ok?”
Three days later, the group was sitting on a bus on their way to the outskirts of Tokyo. The weather was burning hot and the cicadas chanted in full volum, as the bus drove through a landscape that was becoming more and more rural. 
“So...this is our itinerary.”  Mimi chanted “ We’ll be camping on the near area so...first things, first. Preparing the campsite, then…”
“Wait…” Yamato groaned “Camping? You’re making us camp in a haunted forest?”
“The mansion is supposed to be haunted, not the forest…” Mimi said “It’ll be alright, right Koushiro?”
“According to my research, the hauntings are only restricted to the mansion area.”Koushiro nodded “ I don't think there will be any problem with us staying on in the forest. We can still ask around the inn we are staying to be sure.”
“That won’t be necessary. I am sure we can stay there without issues” Mimi said, winking “Or do you have anything to say, Yamato?”
“Me...w-w-why-would I...I have s-something to say?” he replied “I-i’t not like I am s-scared.”
Nobody believed it. Everyone knew that Yamato couldn’t stand any kind of horror related subject. 
“He’s scared to death…” Takeru whispered into Hikari’s ear.
“Poor,  Yamato-san. Even now he’s still trying to act tough huh?”
“His pride will haunt him, but this is actually going to be fun.”
“That’s mean,Takeru-kun, you shouldn’t tease your brother…”Hikari chuckled.
“Just a little bit, okay?” Takeru said, winking at her before turning to look at Koushiro. “Where exactly are we going again, Koushiro-san?”
“Ah…” Koushiro replied, turning his tablet to let them see “It’s an old abandoned manor. According to the legend, the family was practitioners of some sort of ritualistic religion and would often make human sacrifices.”
“Ah!” Takeru said “ I think I know. I remember researching it for my story. Isn’t that the shrine where the head of the family went crazy and slaughtered everyone in the middle of the night? Then he took each body and threw them into the pit, one by one before hanging himself in the central hall..”
“Why do you even search for those things?”Yamato mumbled to himself; sinking into his seat. 
“Ah...yes, I believe so.” Koushiro replied, browsing in his tablet “Yes, you’re correct, Takeru-san.”
“But...I think I read that some people have seen child spirits roaming the forest.” Takeru said “ people who have gone lost in the woods say they hear children’s voices and the sound of leaves shuffling as if someone was running around.”
“C-children?” Yamato mumbled.
“Oh...really? That’s creepy. Children are creepy even when they’re alive.” Taichi said.
“What? It’s true…”
“Ohhh, I think I’ve heard that story before.” Marina said, peeking over her seat.” They said the children spirits try to lure you into the shrine, right?”
“Right, right…” Takeru nodded with a malicious grin “It is said that they call out at people, feigning to be in trouble so that people will try to find them, and then before anyone even realizes…”
Takeru reached under the chair and pulled Yamato’s leg. Yamato, who had been covering his face and shrinking in his seat trying to tune out the conversation, gave a jump and a very uncharacteristic screech that caused several of the other passengers to look back at them. 
“WHat the hell, Takeru?!” Yamato said, reddening as the group laughed. 
“...the ghosts grab you and pull all the way into the pit…” Takeru said, innocently “Just like that…”
“Yes, yes...That’s what I’ve heard too!” Marina said excitedly “ this place came out in a magazine recently I think. It’s one of the most haunted places in Tokyo.”
“Ehhh?” Jou said “From all the places to choose, Mimi-san.” “Hey, we wanted to feel the real thing, no? Come on it will be fine.”
“Is it really that famous?” Sora asked.
“Uh, I supposed. I think it became quite popular after the local government tried to get it exorcised or something.” Takeru shrugged.
“Yes! It seems it went pretty bad and the priest who came went missing.” 
“Oh god…”
“Eh? Missing?” Taichi said “No way!”
“THat’s only gossip.” Hikari chuckled “ An exorcism was indeed performed. It was successful and the place should be safe now.”
“Thanks god…” Yamato sighed.
“I think…”
The last words Hikari muttered only made Yamato let out a groan. After three hours of road trip, they finally reached their destination. The group checked into the inn, dropped their things and, taking only the necessary things for camping, the group made their way to their destination. 
Ignoring the fact that they were stepping into a rumored cursed forest to camp in the gardens of a famous haunted location, the whole thing would have seemed to be like any regular trip. The sun shone brightly, the sky was blue and the cicadas were chanting noisily around them. Perhaps it was the light or the distraction by the tasks that camping required , but Yamato seemed to have calmed down considerably. His calmness had been short lived, as the sun began to set soon after they had set camp.
“Alright everyone! Gather here!” Mimi chanted, calling out for everyone's attention “It’s time to make the teams for the kimodameshi!”
“Eh?”  Taichi said “Isn’t that too troublesome? We can just make the team ourselves.”
“No, no!” Mimi replied “Absolutely not!” IF we let that happen everyone will just go for Hikari-chan.”
“Eh? Me…?” Hikari said shocked,
“Of course...so I tada…” Mimi said, showing them a bunch of threads she had in her hand “Everyone pick and end. Your partner will be the one holding the other side…”
“But Mimi...we are an odd number…”
“I know that! The threads have colored tags in the middle. THe one that gets the single thread will make a trio with the pair with the same color. Ain’t I a genius?”
“Mimi-san, wouldn’t it be easier if I just used my tablet to randomize the teams?”
“Koushiro-kun...sometimes you gotta do things the old way.Now pick!”
Everyone took one of the ends and Mimi counted to three before releasing them and allowing everyone to see the teams. 
“Ah! Jou, we are together! Lucky” Marina chirped happily.
“Ah...Mimi-san, we are together.” Koushiro said, blinking in surprise.
“Eh...we are the trio, huh?” Taich said, punching Yamato’s shoulder “Don’t worry, buddy. Sora and I will protect you…”
“Sounds more like I’ll be the one protecting you two, instead…”Sora said, rolling her eyes. 
“Don’t be like that…” Taichi laughed.
“Shouldn’t be surprised that you two ended up together, huh? Even fate is on your side,”
Tekeru and Hikari were still holding their end of the thread and looking dumbfounded. 
“Lucky dog…” Yamato groaned “He’ll be the only one leaving this place alive.”
“Like you didn’t think of it, too!” Yamato said “hey Takeru. Be a good brother and switch with me…”
“Sorry, bro. I think fate thinks we make a good team…” Takeru smiled “Right, Hikari-chan?”
The girl smiled. 
“Alright instructions!” Mimi said “Everyone has their flashlights, remember to keep them on. We’ll go in with 15 min of difference between each team. Starting with Koushiro and I…” Mimi winked “Then Marina and Jou-senpai, Sora’s team and finally the love birds.”
“Why do you keep calling them that?” Taichi said, rolling his eyes.
“Here is a layout of the place. The red spot is our goal. Once you get there, you take a photo and you’re done with the challenge.”
“A photo?” Sora asked.
“Yeah, if you get a ghost to photobomb, you get extra points.” 
“God, no!” Yamato said, covering his eyes. 
“You can stay outside i f you’re too scared, Yamato…” Taichi smirked “Alone…”
“Well… I….”
“Uh? Did you guys hear that ?” Hikari said suddenly. 
“Eh? What?” Mimi asked “What? What?”
“Uh...thought I heard a whisper…” Hikari replied very seriously, and the color drained completely from Yamato’s face. Takeru chuckled, he wasn’t sure if Hikari was being serious or if she had joined the “Let’s tease Yamato” train as well. 
“Yeah, you can stay out here, aniki…” Takeru said, poking his brother’s neck with a branch and making him jump “alone...in the dark...surrounded by ghostly children and who knows what else...boooo.”
“Takeru-kun...don’t be mean.” HIkari scolded him.
“Forget it, I’m coming…”
“You’re a scared kid, Yamato.”
“Take a paper bag…” Jou sai, giving one to each of his friends.
“In case I need to throw up?” Taichi asked,
“More like , if you start hyperventilating, but maybe you should take some extra. Just in case. Yamato tends to throw up when he’s scared.”
“I don’t!”
“Mmmm…” Hikari said, “Just in case, too. Take one of these…”
“What’s these?”
“Ofuda(**Paper charms). You know, for protection.”  
“Ah! Well thought, sis.”
“Thank you, Hikari-chan …” Marina said with a smile. 
“Oh, and if you hear someone calling. Don’t listen...keep moving forward. If you don’t pay them attention, they don’t know you saw them.”
“Advice from the expert. Taken.”
“Do you see anything?” Taichi asked casually.
“Mmm, not really. I don’t think there are evil spirits.”
“Thank god. I’m trusting you word…” Yamato said “The building is probably more dangerous, yes…”
“Ok...well, I think we are ready, right?”
“Yeah. We can use the digivice to see each other’s location and to communicate in case of emergency.” Koushiro said “Remember...stick to the map. It would be dangerous if any of us got lost.”
“What do we do if a ghost drags us away?” Taichi asked.
“Taichi...stop scaring, Yamato.”
“I am not scared. Who’s scared?”
“Just saying…”
“That’s not going to happen.” Hikari assured them “Hold each other hands. Don’t let go and you should be fine.”
WIth that said, the test began.
Mimi and Koushiro
The house was, by far, creepier than Mimi had originally thought. The photos online didn’t give it enough credit. It was even scarier than the sceneries in horror movies. The first thing that both tees noticed when they stepped into the old dilapidated house was that it was like stepping into a completely different place. 
Outside, the sound of crickets and cicadas filled the forest. The wind blowing through the trees and one or two night birds, but inside the house it felt ominously cold and the silence was unsettling. 
Mimi wasn’t scared. SHe had already made a quick run through the building with Hikari earlier and the girl had told her that the place was ok, but still, she had to admit that the house was creepy. 
“Uh…ok. This way…” Koushiro said.
 She might not be scared, but this was the perfect time to hook Koushiro. Who could resist the sweet innocence of a scared damsel, after all.
“Wait!” she said, hugging his arm “Hikari-chan said that we should stay close, right? Just in case.”
“I thought you said you weren’t scared…”
“I thought I wasn’t…” Mimi replied “but I must admit, this place is creepy. It’s making me hesitate…”
“Oh….” Koushiro said “That’s reasonable. We can step back…”
“What? No!” Mimi replied “What I mean...is that I would feel safer like this.”
Mimi hugged Koushiro's arm tighter. The action made Koushiro stagger in surprise. 
“Ah..ah! Of course…” Koushiro replied. The dim light of the flashlight didn’t show his blush.” Sure...you can hold me, if that makes you feel better.”
Victory, Mimi thought. The pair began their way through the dark and eerie corridors, Something was hanging from the roof. Mimi remembered seeing ropes and fabric hanging earlier, but in the darkness, it was difficult to distinguish it.
“Do you think Jou and Marina have entered already?” Mimi asked casually,
“Uh? Probably…” Koushiro said, looking around the corridor. The place seemed to transform when the night fell “Knowing Jou, they’re probably walking through very slowly. I can understand, though...this planks could be dangerously rotten.”
“Oh, yeah...it wouldn’t be nice to fall into one of these...AHHHHH.”
Mimi gave a jump and hugged Koushiro tightly. This time it hadn’t been faked. 
“Something touched me…” Mimi said horrified, “Something definitely touched me….”
“It was probably a piece of wood or one of those ropes…”
“No...no...I felt fingers. Cold fingers….”Mimi said looking around “small, cold fingers…”
“Mimi-san...please calm down. It’s probably a self suggestion.” 
"I don't…."  
"What was that? You heard it, didn't you?" 
Koushiro had stiffened . He had and he couldn't believe his ears. It has to be a trick of their mind. Koushiro's logic mind began to work on any possible explanation when they heard a loud thud. Like if something had fallen down and then, there was a soft rustling. 
A shudder ran down their spines and the pair unconsciously began to walk faster. 
"Oh god!" Mimi screeched. 
They had stopped in their tracks as they had come face to face with two figures, but when they shone their lights at it, they realized that it was nothing but a very old and dirty mirror, and the two phantom images were only their reflection. 
"A mirror? Who the hell places a mirror in the middle of the corridor?" Mimi said gasping for air. That had given her a fright. 
"Uh… Maybe it is a religious thing? A hikari or Takeru would know." 
"Mental note to ask them later." Mimi muttered. 
She'd been here earlier  but she didn't remember that mirror. She wouldn't have missed it. The thing was the size of a wall. 
"Koushiro… Are we on the right way?" 
"Yeah," he answered, flashing his map c right on track to the main hall, why?"
This was Koushiro. She could trust his sense of direction, but why did she feel like everything looked different from when she had come during the day?
They turned around a corner and stopped in the tracks. Mimi swallowed hard and felt a knot form in her gut. This was definitely different. The room was filled with several old kimonos hung on stands, giving an eerie sensation of people standing around them. 
"This wasn't here before…" Mimi muttered" Koushiro-kun… Are you sure we are in the right place?"
Mimi was holding his arm so hard, that she was beginning to sink her nails through the fabric of his shirt. She wasn't feigning anymore, she was really scared and by her friend's expression she could tell she wasn't alone. 
Koushiro had gone pale. He had to admit that  he was beginning to feel scared as well, but seeing how Mimi was clearly upset, he didn't dare to say it out loud. He had to stay firm for her sake, but the task was becoming harder as the sound of tiny feet seemed to have grown louder around them. 
"Y-yeah. This should be it. I mean...it is the kimono room...so I guess it shouldn’t be strange that there are kimonos here….we are in the right place.”
“This can’t be right!” Mimi shrieked” Those weren’t here before!”
 “It's ok. " Koushiro said, trying to sound soothing, "  It’s ok. You probably missed them, that’s all…”
“How could I miss this?”
“Calm down.  Remember Hikari's words. Don't pay attention and let’s keep going.”
Mimi swallowed and nodded. The temperature had gotten colder . The sound of rustling was louder and as they circled between the kimono, Mimi had the uncomfortable impression that someone was watching them.
They were starting to think that perhaps choosing this place was a bad idea. 
"I wonder how Marina-chan and Jou-senpai are doing, hehe…" Mimi mumbled. She felt less nervous when she spoke. 
"Yeah, I'm sure they're fine." Koushiro replied as calmly as he could. He could swear he had seen something move ahead "They should be behind  us and not too far…. '
Almost as if summoned, a distant echo of screams that they easily recognized as the eldest in the group and his girlfriend, cut through the silent stillness of the ruins. The screams were terrified and Mimi automatically jumped into Koushiro's arms. 
"W-what?" Mimi said in horror. 
"Uh, Jou-san….” Koushiro said, “Right. He’s easily  startled. They probably got scared with the mirror at the end of the hallway, too.”
“Oh right...t-that must be it...hehe. How far are we from the great hall?”
“J-just a couple rooms more…” Koushiro replied. Now he was sure he had seen a shadow run past them “T-this way…”
Niii-san, Oneesan… will you play with us?
“C-can we h-hurry up?”
“Of...of course.”
Neesan, Niisan...why do you ignore us?”
That was too much. Forgetting about everything, Koushiro grabbed Mimi’s hand and sprinted away without looking back. Muffled voices sounded around them, but they ignored it and kept running and didn’t stop  until they had reached the main hall.
     Marina and Jou
“So we must wait 15 minutes before going in right?” Jou said looking at his watch. 
“Yup, that’s how it works.” Takeru replied “ The point is that the team aren’t to close to each other as they go through the test.”
“You sound familiar with this, Takeru-kun.” Marina smiled. 
“I’ve gone through a couple of them. “Takeru shrugged “never to a real haunted location though.”
“Takeru-kin is way to popular with the girls…” Hikari said tilting her head” they are always arguing to see who will get to go with him….”
“Well, I can’t blame them. A test of courage is certainly a good opportunity to hug or try to hold hands with the boy you like, right?” Marina said, winking “Isn’t that pretty much the main objective of it?”
“I thought the goal was to prove your courage.” Taichi said, dumbfounded.
“Well, that, too, but I think most of the girls just go in for that priceless chance.”
“Ah…” Hikari said “I see...so how many girls have you hugged, Takeru-kun?”
“Do you really want to know?” Takeru smiled wolfishly.
“I think it should be about time…” Sora said “It’s been 15 minutes. Jou-senpai, Marina-chan….”
“Alright!” Marina said cheerfully, hugging her boyfriend’s arm “you ready, Jou?”
“You’re awfully excited about this….” Jou said with a frown.
“I am excited! Are you not?”
“No...I still think this is reckless…”
“Oh, come Jou. Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“You are brave, Marina-chan.” Sora laughed “ unlike somebody I know…”
Sora nudge her head at Yamato’s direction. He was crouched by her side , with his head between his arms. 
“Please be careful.” Hikari whispered “I know you like this whole spirit thing, but don’t let it carry you away.”
“DOn’t worry! If anything happens, I already memorized the Kuji!”
“Hehe...I don’t know if using the kuji, recklessly will help in a bad situation, though.”
“Kuji?” Sora asked.
“The nine hands seals…” Takeru replied “It is often used to ward off evil spirits.”
“You’re getting awfully good with shinto lore. Hikari’s been teaching you, huh?”
“A little” Takeru shrugged  “It’s for creative purposes.”
“Either way. I promise not to use the kuji mindlessly.” Marina smiled “Shall we, Jou?”
“Yeah, let’s get done with this.”
Jou and Marina walked through the door and just like Mimi and Koushiro earlier, they disappeared into the house. A shudder ran down Jou and Marina’s back as a gust of icy wind blew past them. “Oh boy, this is worse than I imagined it.” Jou sighed.
“Yeah, it is even scarier in real life.”
“Ok...let's go.” Jou sighed “ Be careful, Marina. These floors could be rotten for all we know.”
“Yes, yes….” Marina siad cheerfully “Ok...according to the map, we should go...that way.”
Jou used his flash light to point at the direction that his girlfriend was indicating him. A large wooden door laid closed in front of the Jou groaned. 
“Oh, great...doors. WHy couldn’t they trace a straight , no way to get lost, route?” Jou complained “These old japanese houses are like mazes, you know that?”
“Yes,yes...but we will be ok. If we get lost, all we gotta do is use our phones.”
“Knowing our luck...we won’t have a signal.”
“It will be fine. At least we are not alone and worse case scenario, we just need to wait til morning to get out.”
“This is a bad idea…”
“Huh? DId you hear that?” Marina said, pulling Jou’s hand. 
“That…” Marina said loudly “I heard kids.” 
“You’re auto suggesting, Marina. I didn’t hear anything…”
“I swear, Jou…”
“It was probably the… AHHHHHH!”
“What? What?”
Jou looked at his reflection on the old dirty mirror. 
“Who is so crazy to put a mirror here?” Jou said annoyed.
“Ahhhh...creepy.” Marina said, pushing up her glasses.
“Let’s get done with this. I am sure someone is bound to get hurt today.” 
 “Don’t be so pessimistic.”
“I am not. I call being realistic…” Jou said” just look at this place. If someone panics and runs away...they might stumble with something or fall into a hole…”
“And that’s why we are keeping our cool!”
“Yeah, I am calm….why wouldn't I?Right?”
Kagome kagome...the bird in  the cage...when . oh wen will it come out?
“Jou...tell me you’re hearing that.”
“I….” Jou said. THe color had drained from his face. Suddenly, his flashlight began to flicker until it finally turned off leaving them in darkness.
Marina screeched and grabbed Jou’s arm in panic. 
“Damn thing...the batteries were new! Ok, calm down. Good thing I brought a second one.Let me get it out…”
“Jou...you must have heard that right?”
“Keep calm, keep calm….Ah here it is!””
Jou switched his new flash light on, but to both’s horror. They found themselves face to face with a white, masked face.
Hehehe….I found ...you!
Jou and Marina let out a terrified screech the pierced through the night. The doctor grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and ran off in a burst of fear, not looking back even once. 
Sora, Taichi and Yamato
“Are you guys going to be ok out here alone?” Taichi asked, looking at the two youngest of the group. 
“Are you sure you three will be okay in there alone?” Takeru asked instead, with an amused look.
“Touché. YEah...I guess you guys are probably the least scared here, huh?” Sora chuckled.
“I’m not scared.” Taichi said “I don’t have the crest of courage for nothing.”
“Courage doesn’t mean fearless.”
“Are you sure, Yamato-san will be alright?” Hikari asked. 
“Don’t worry about him. “Takeru smiled “ He’s doing his “Courage “ mantra. He doesit all the time before concerts and...finals.”
“Yamato...you okay? It’s our turn now…” Sora said softly.
“Ok? Yeah...I’m ok…Why wouldn’t I be okay?” Yamato blurted “It’s just and old house. There are no ghosts there, just mold and maybe rats, right?”
“Right, buddy and maybe a few corpses as well.” Taichi smirked.
“Taichi!” Sora said, glaring at the boy.
“Oh, god…”
Hikari crouched by his side and put her hands on his shoulders.
“It is alright. There are no evil spirits in there. I promise you that.” she said in a soft soothing voice, that seemed to calm him a little. 
Yamato took a deep breath and stood up. 
“Fight hard, aniki!” Takeru grinned patting his brother´s back.
“Shut up…”
Taichi, Sora, and Yamato cautiously entered the house. Taichi was holding his head and Yamato reluctantly followed, looking around nervously.
“Woah...creepy. It does look like a horror movie setting, huh?” Taichi said, running his flashlight all over the place.” “It also looks like it is falling in pieces.” Sora added” Don't do anything stupid, Taichi.”
“What are you talking about?” Taichi said. 
The piece of wood that Taichi had been touching fell apart and one of the pieces fell to the ground with a strong thud that made Yamato jump.
“I’m talking about something like that…” Sora said, rolling her eyes” Stop messing around and let’s move…”
“Eheh...sorry.”Taichi chuckled “This way…”
Yamato was taking long deep breaths behind them.
“Yamato, if you are scared you can take my hand.” Sora offered.
“Or mine…” Taichi smirked “Like a kid…”
“Shut up, Taichi. Can we get done with this?” Yamato said, rubbing his face.
“Ehehe…” Taichi laughed “Right. Follow me...don’t worry Yama-chan, Sora-nesan and Taichi-nisan will keep you safe.” “Taichi...I swear that if you don’t shut up, I’m gonna punch you.”
“Not cute….” Taichi said putting, the flashlight under his chin and making a “ghost face”  “Not cute at all….”
“Huh?” Taichi said, looking around “Hey guys...did you hear that?”
“It’s not fun, Taichi…” Sora sighed.
“No, I...I’m not joking. I seriously  heard something.” Taichi said, looking around with his flashlight.
“Very funny, Taichi.” Yamato said grumpily, looking around with his flashlight as well.“You just want to scare me…”
“No...I swear...I heard something.”
“It’s an old house. Old houses make noises. You probably heard that…” Sora reasoned “come on let’s move. Haunted or not, this place makes me uncomfortable, so let’s hurry up and finish this.”
“RIght...old houses make noises...yeah.”Yamato repeated “ old houses make noises….old house….AHHHH:”
“What? A ghost?” Taichi said, rushing to where YAmato was.”Oh...come on...you got spooked by your own face?”
“WHat did you want me to do? I wasn’t expecting to find a mirror there?” Yamato replied.
“Wow...well. In Yamato’s defense, that mirror does make you look creepy.” Sora said  “This thing is old, it is incredible that it is still intact…”
“Yeah, I don’t really care about old things. Can we get moving?” Yamato said impatiently.
“Why? ARe you scared that someone is gonna try to pull you into the mirror?” Taichi said, tainting him with his hands.
“I warn you, Taichi...if you…”
Yamato paled and both Taichi and Sora looked at him dumbfounded.
“Eh….you okay, buddy?”
“Something pulled my sleeve.” “What?” Taichi repeated. 
“I said...SOMETHING pulled my sleeve.”
“It was probably an old nail…” Sora suggested.
“How…? There’s nothing here!
“Chill...Yamato. I’m sure you’re scaring yourself….”
“What the hell?” Taichi said, turning to look behind him “Guys...you must have heard that.”
“Maybe...we should move.” Sora said nervously “now?”
“I second the idea…” Yamato agreed “Move…”
The trio hurried through the old corridors and sliding doors. The sound of their footsteps against the worn floorboards echoed in the burying silence of the manor.
It was then that the group noticed that the steps that they were hearing,  were not theirs alone. There were at least a fourth set of steps that definitely didn't belong to any of the three. They were smooth and light steps, as if they belonged to very small feet.
“Eh...guys….?” Taichi said looking around “Is it just me or something is following us?”
“Stop joking, Taichi.”
“Yeah, shut up…” Yamato groaned.
“I swear guys...I…”
“What the…?Oh god, no…” Yamato said, losing all his color “No,no.no…”
“Yamato, put yoursefeñ together.”
“Are hearing that?” Yamato cried “Those are damn ghost voices. They are going to drag us all the way to that pit and we’ll be dead. It’s like one of those damn horror movies…” 
“This could be something that Mimi did to scare us…”SOra reasoned “it’s not a ghost, calm down.”
“I hell...I saw something over there….”Taichi said suddenly “We’re screwed…. We’re gonna get spirited away and Hikari will have to go through the place trying to contact our souls to see if she can brings us back…”
“Taichi, you’re not helping.”
“I knew this was a bad idea. Why did I agree to this?”  Yamato said in panic “Taichi...I swear, if I die I am going to haunt your ass…”
“Buddy, you might end up  haunting my ghostly ass!”
Sora looked at the two panicking boys trying to figure out what she was supposed to do, when suddenly...
Taichi and Yamato automatically jumped to hug Sora in terror. The screams had come from somewhere deeper in the manor and after thinking about it, there was certain familiarity in the voices.
“Jou-senpai and Marina-chan!” Sora said in realization. 
“Oh, no! The ghost caught them!” Taichi said   in panic “What do we do? We are next now, aren’t we?”
“Ahhh..! Something touched me again.” Yamato cried.
“OK, STOP IT!” Sora shouted impatiently “Taichi get a hold your reins, your panic is not helping. Yamato, for god’s sake. I promise you, there are no ghosts touching you. Now, we should hurry and try to catch up with Jou-senpai. Something bad could have happened to them and… What, Taichi?”
Taichi’s eyes were wide as plates. He was absently pulling Sora’s blouse as he pointed at Yamato with a trembling hand. Sora turned to the blonde slowly and she opened her mouth to scream, but her voice died away as the light of the flashlights died one, by one.
Takeru and Hikari
Takeru paced in front of the entrance looking at his watch. Meanwhile, Hikari was standing pensively a few steps from him. Her hands were clasped in her lap and her head was slightly tilted.
“Should we give them a couple minutes more?” Takeru asked “I’m sure my brother is delaying them.”
“Sure…” Hikari nodded “knowing my brother, he’s not helping either. He’s probably touching things he shouldn’t  all over the place. I just hope he won’t break anything.”
“Sounds like, Taichi,” Takeru chuckled “So what’s the verdict?”
“Uh?” Hikari replied, confused, 
“Ghosts or no ghosts?” Takeru asked.
“Oh, about that.  Well...there are no evil spirits.”
“Uh...so no ghosts. Too bad I guess. “
“I said no evil spirits. I never said there weren’t spirits.” Hikari chuckled “I just thought that whether they were evil or not, was irrelevant for Yamato-san.”
“Yeah, under this conditions...he’s probably scared of his own shadow.” Takeru laughed “Ok...I think we can go in now.”
Hikari nodded and turned to the door. To her surprise she found Takeru offering her his hand. 
“Uh? You do realize I am not like those girls and I won’t be jumping and hugging you because I am scared, right?”
“Yeah, I know that. I think this is more for my own moral support.”
“Oh, so the hugging went both ways around.”
“You wouldn’t be jealous, would you?” 
“Should I be jealous?”Hikari asked, taking his hand. “Nope. For the record, I would rather go through this with you. Those girls jump at anything.”
“Getting scared in that situation is the normal thing to do.”
“Yeah, I guess I just got used to my little shrine maiden who’s not afraid of anything.” he  chuckled.
“Flirt. Don’t let my brother hear you…” Hikari said, shaking her head.
“Well, Mimi-san isn’t helping. She promised not to say a word, but her teasing is becoming a little too obvious, don’t you think? Lovebirds?”
Hikari shrugged.
“No one seemed to catch the hint. Mimi is like that, I suppose no one takes it too seriously.” Hikari sighed “ what? Are you getting tired of the secrecy? We can say it...but remember that would mean I win the bet.”
“When did you become so greedy, huh?” Takeru snorted.
“Learned from you.” Hikari replied, winking at him “Uh...yeah. Not the most romantic place for a date?”
“Didn’t know you were taking this as a date.”
“Wasn’t that Mimi’s whole idea?” Hikari asked “She did arrange that sorting to leave all couples together, after all.” 
“Including my brother a third wheel?”
“I don’t think she foresaw that outcome. Probably a miscalculation.”
Takeru laughed.
“I pity Sora. She’s probably going crazy with those two.” “Mmmm… My brother can handle the pressure, unless he sees something. Then he’ll just snap and panic.”
“Talking from experience?”
“More or less.”
“My brother is a lost case. They will be lucky if they can get him to walk at all…” Takery laughed “He can’t even see a horror movie without finding an excuse to leave the room every five minutes. I am actually surprised he agreed to this trip.” “Social pressure…” Hikari shrugged “but you telling him those stories didn’t help at all.”
“Sorry?” Takeru smiled apologetically “You know having the chance to tease your older brother is a rare opportunity. “
Hikari shook her head. 
“Poor Yamato-san. Uh?”
“What?”Takeru asked “Saw something interesting?”
“Yeah...kids. Very mischievous kids.” 
“Do you think they will want to play with my brother?”
“For his own sanity, I hope not.”
“So between everyone. Who do you think will go through this smoothly?”
“Mimi-san and Koushiro-san, probably. Mimi is hot headed, but she’s not easily scared and Koushiro is very rational, so I don’t think some random noises and a couples of shadows will make them lose it.”
“Uh...agree.” Takeru replied “So between the other two teams?”
“Hard to tell.” Hikari shrugged “ Jou-senpai gets scared easily, but having my brother and Yamato-san together, puts Sora in a very difficult position.”
“Do you think we’ll end up having to rescue those five?” 
“It’s possible…uh? Weird…” Hikaris said looking around “I think we might have taken the wrong turn.”
“What? Why?”
“This doesn't seem like the right place.”
“Night time makes things look different…”
“I wonder…” 
Suddenly, the two teens stopped dead in their tracks and looked at each other. There was a soft rustling  accompanied by muffled voices that seemed to be in some sort of conversation. 
“Did you...hear something?”Takeru asked
“I did...and those are no ghosts.” Hikari said with a frown. 
“Huh. Hold on a second.”
Takeru grabbed his flashlight and began looking between the boxes and fallen logs until he finally found the source of the muffled voice.
“Patamon? Tailmon? What are you guys doing here?”
“Takeru!” Patamon chirped happily “Look, Tailmon. We found them!”
“Good...but we still have a problem. AGumon and the others are pretty much still missing.” Tailmon sighed. 
“What are you here?”
“We heard you were having an adventure and we wanted to join.” Patamon explained “It was agumon’s idea. We thought we would surprise you.”
“I tried to stop them, but they wouldn’t listen.” Tailmon said shaking her head “then we arrived here and they all said they would search for their partners and  went running on their own. Now we don’t know where they are.”
“Wait...so the digimon are running free around this place?” Takeru asked, surprised, “Well, that’s an interesting twist.”
“A twist that will certainly complicate things. What are the odds that everyone mistakes the digimon for ghosts?”
“Extremely high.”
“We must find them before they get in trouble.”
 Takeru, Hikari, Patamon and Tailmon spent the rest of the night tracking down their friends and their digimon. As they had guessed, everyone had mistakenly seen the digimon as ghost causing them to run away in panic and passing out. By the time they had managed to gather everyone in the great hall -with the digimon’s help, of course -  the first rays of the morning were already getting in through the holes of the ceiling. 
“Good morning…” Hikari said when their friends began to wake up.
“”Morning…” Taichi yawned “Wait...where are we?”
“Mmm...where do you think?”
“Ahhhh…” Mimi screamed “ don’t tell me we fell asleep?”
“ How can that be?”
“We actually spent the night in a haunted house?” Yamato said with a shudder.
“Congratulations, aniki. You can now cross out “sleeping with ghosts” from your bucket list. “Takeru said with a sheepish smile and Yamato glared at him.
“What happened?” Sora asked.
“Well...it seems our little test of courage got hacked by digimon.” Hikari chuckled “Right guys!”
“Biyomon! What are you doing here?”
“We wanted to play too!” Agumon said.
“And we thought we would give you a surprise.” Gabumon nodded.
“Wait...then...the ghosts…” Taichi said with wide eyes “The ghosts were actually our digimon?” “Uhm...yes, probably.” Hikari nodded.
“No, that’s impossible!” Jou said “I saw it clearly. THe ghost I was wearing a noh mask! Right, Marina?”
“That’s right! I saw it, too.”
“You mean...this?” Gomamon said, showing him the old mask. “I found it lying around...I thought it looked funny.”
“Sorry,,,I didn’t mean to scare you.” Gomamon apologised. 
“We tried reaching out to Koushiro-han, but they ran off screaming when we tried.”
“Yes...Mimi you went off running when I pulled your skirt!” Palmon said sadly.
“Well, of course I would! You scared me to death, palmon!”
“The digimon didn’t intend to scare you. It was...a very amusing outcome…” Takeru laughed.
“I fail to see the fun in that!” Yamato said, annoyed.
“Sorry, but if you had seen your face...though…” Taichi laughed.
“Hey, you were scared as hell too.” 
“I saw a friggin blue fire floating over your shoulder. Of course I was going to be scared!” Taichi laughed.“Well, at least I am glad it was the digimon and not the actual ghost. That was intense.”
“We are sorry…” the digimon apologised.
“Forget about it. It was fun...wasn’t it?” Sora smiled. 
“Horay...it was, but wait...none of us took the picture...right?”  Mimi said. 
“We did…” Takeru said “While you were sleeping, of course.”
“You mischievous lovebirds.“ 
“We actually got some additional ...bonus photos.” Hikari smiled innocently “but since everyone is awake, why don’t we take one together before we leave?”
“Sounds like an awesome idea!” Mimi said.
“But...wait…” Jou said out of sudden “When did the digimon learn to sing Kagome, Kagome?”
“What?” Mimi asked.
“Ah, you’re right. We heard someone singing that, didn’t we?” Marina said..
“Oh... The song? Those were kids that helped us find you!” Gomamon said. 
“They said it was a game, and they wanted to play with us, too.”  Tentomon nodded.
“WHAT?”  everyone,  except Takeru and Hikari, said.
The two teenagers looked at each other and laughed. Perhaps the trip hadn’t gone as planned, but one way or another, it had become a great summer memory. 
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Ok....very crappy art because this was already pretty long. 
14 notes · View notes
Towers and Princes
summary: I based this off this post by @today-only-happens-once featuring Aro!Logan trapped in a tower, and eventual QPR Logince
word count: 6,712
warnings: homophobia, crying, I think that’s it but if I missed anything please let me know
a/n: so this ended up way longer that I thought it would ever be but im really happy with it. I had a lot of fun writing this. Thank you Grae for letting me write  this, I hope you like it! 
Logan looks up to see his father enter his room and sighs.
“Why would you scare her away like that?! I know you aren't like that normally and she’s a very nice lady!”
Logan sits up straight and looks his father in the eye, “Veronica is boring and we have nothing in common. A marriage between us would never work.”
The king starts pacing, “Gosh, Logan, I know you have high standards son but come on! If you’re going to be a good king one day you have to settle down with someone! You’ve read the history books, they're the one thing you like. You know that all the unmarried kings of our kingdom were horrible and went ballistic and threw the country into a downward spiral and I will not let you end up like that!”
Logan takes a deep breath, “Father, you know I would be good at ruling. I am level headed, skilled in war tactics, knowledgeable in economics, and good at negotiations. What standards do you have that I do not meet to be a good king?”
“You are not married! You will need a wife to keep you stable.”
“I don't want to be rude but-”
“Then don't.”
“You have to understand that i'm not just gonna marry any person that walks through those doors!”
The king storms out of the room and Logan lets himself fall back on his bed with a groan. He can't take another day of awkward suitors who don't even like him and make him uncomfortable.
Later that night Logan is pacing in his room talking to a strange man in a big dark cloak with a large walking stick, “You need to go talk to him tomorrow. You have to convince him that this is a good idea. He is upset I didn't want to marry Veronica, it’s the perfect time to persuade him.”
“Are you sure now is the right time?” the man asks leaning heavily on his walking stick
Logan crosses his arms, still pacing,“It has to be, he has to be willing to do this.  If not I will run away and this will happen anyway, but I do hope to get his approval on it so my mother is not so worried when I disappear. I mean, I would leave a note, but still.”
The man shifts, “I understand, Prince Logan. My parents were undoubtedly upset when I left, but seeing as they were looking to get me hanged I don't think they minded all that much.”
“Sorry if i'm intruding but why did your parents want you gone?”
The man moves the large stick into his other hand, “Let’s just say I have a preference for princes.”
Logan nods, “I see. If i'm being honest, even though i've never felt... attracted to anyone before, i'd say I do as well. Princes are much more tolerable and interesting than their female counterparts.”
The man sits, “I'd have to say I agree. But tell me, really, has no one struck your fancy?”
“Not in a way that is any different than friendship. No. Though you probably don't believe me.” Logan sighs finally stopping his pacing to take a seat at his desk next to the man.
“No, I believe you.” He assures Logan
The man sighs and turns to Logan, “I believe I understand you better than you think. Let me guess, you don't like anyone romantically. You would rather a person, if you were to have to live with them, fit the qualifications for a friend than look attractive. Attraction is something I would believe you find to be arbitrary and confusing. You would rather just be friends with someone than be in a romantic relationship and you hate that you are being forced into one. Am I correct?”
Logan blinks and gawks at him, “How? How do you know?”
The cloaked man chuckles, “I've arranged for at least a hundred members of high ranking families to take advantage of my services in an attempt to avoid marriage. Do you really think you’re the first and only person who has ever felt the way you do?”
Logan sighs, “I suppose that it would make logical sense that I am not alone. It’s kind of nice to know.. But enough about me, you remember the plan?”
Logan nods, “Well then be ready tomorrow, because I'm not staying here being pestered with questions of marriage another day.”
“You have the plans I asked for?”
“I do.”
“Give them here,” The man demands extending a hand, “I will make arrangements for it to be set up. Be sure not to pack before the decision is made or people will get suspicious.”
Logan gives him the papers, “I understand.”
The man leaves in a puff of smoke and Logan sighs. He walks over and collapses onto his bed. He falls asleep hoping they can pull this whole thing off.
The next morning the King takes a meeting with an old man, a known sorcerer with a black cloak and a large staff, “Your majesty, i've heard your son has had a difficult time finding a suitor he approves of.”
“You could say that,” the king shrugs, “I’d say it’s more like he is being downright rebellious.”
“Well, Sire, I believe I know of a solution that could work to benefit you both. One that could help Prince Logan find a suitor he approves of.”
The king leans forward slightly, “... Go on.”
The man shifts his weight to lean on his staff, “Well, most people assume that when princesses and princes get locked in towers that they don't choose to be there, however that is rarely the case. Many princes and princesses come to a decision with someone like me. They decide to have the child locked in a tower, by someone like me who provides them with food and the like. The parents then claim they were kidnapped and say that whoever saves their beloved child can have their hand in marriage. Towers are often personalized so that the person who ends up doing the saving is someone suitable to the child’s preferences. And tada, the child gets married with no complaints.”
The king nods, thinking it over, “That is... smart. But I doubt I could get my son to agree to such a thing.”
“So you agree you would be willing to make an arrangement?”
“I would.”
“Then why don't we ask your son what he thinks?”
The king turns to one of the servants, “Bring Prince Logan down to see me please.”
Logan enters the throne room and takes in the scene before him, masking his excitement.
“Son, meet Virgil the Mysterious.”
“Good morning my Prince.” Virgil says with a small bow.
The king smiles, gesturing to Virgil, “He has a proposition to make. He thinks he knows about an arrangement that might work to find you an... acceptable suitor.”
“And just what might that be?” Logan asks crossing his arms.
“I place you in a tower where I supply you with your daily needs, food, water, letters from your parents, and the like. The tower would be... personalized with different traps and such that potential suitors would have to pass to get inside. You would of course have a say i'm what those are so that the person who “rescues” you will be someone you approve of. And if you at any time wish to leave because you have figured out who you want to marry and no longer require the use of the tower, that is easily done.”
Logan blinks and runs a hand through his hair, “You’re suggesting that you lock me inside a personalized tower and that whoever saves me can marry me. And the steps required to get inside are actually going to be test to make sure they’re a person I would approve of?”
“Yes, precisely.”
Logan frowns, “Father, are you serious?”
“Yes. The alternative is you stay here and we continue this search for suitors that we have been on for the past year in the same fashion as always.”
Logan slowly turns to face Virgil, “... You said I can leave the tower and come back at any time if I change my mind?”
“Yes of course,”
Logan thinks for a moment, “I’ll do it.”
The King smiles, “Really?”
“Yes father. I assume this happens soon?”
Virgil shrugs, “It can happen today if you can be packed by tonight.”
“I can be packed in two hours”
“Well then, today it is.”
Logan goes to his room and begins packing. He is soon joined by Virgil who shuts the door behind him.
Logan turns to Virgil, “I'm so glad that worked. This will be much easier than sneaking out would be!”
Virgil smiles, “I am glad that it worked out as well. I would hate to have your dad coming after me for taking you away.”
Logan snorts, moving his clothes from his dresser to a bag, “He wouldn't come after you, it would be my mom you would need to be worried about. So anyways, where is this tower i'm going to be staying in for what is hopefully a very long time?”
Virgil sits on a stool in front of Logan’s vanity, “Well, i'm going to be magicing us there but on horseback, it’s at least a three day’s ride. We will have a week to get your tower set up and for you to get comfortable.”
Logan frowns, “Do we need that much time?”
“For you to help me set up those complicated puzzles, yeah. We need a week. Honestly we might need more.”
“They aren't that complicated.”
“One of your riddles asks what the scientific name for a tomato is. I don't even know what a tomato is, much less the scientific name for it!” Virgil huffs.
“Okay, perhaps some of them are a bit much, but honestly. I just want to make sure that whoever saves me is an interesting person and has some similar likes to me.”
“That’s fair.” Virgil shrugs.
Two hours later Logan is standing in the middle of his room, bags in his hands and a backpack on his back ready to go.
“Do you want to say goodbye to anyone before we go?” Virgil asks.
Logan is silent for a moment, “I would like to talk to my mother, she should be in here soon-”
Logan is interrupted when his mother the Queen bursts in.
“Oh there you are Mother. I was expecting you to come a bit sooner.”
“Logan dear, why? Why are you doing this? I don't want you to leave me.” She exclaims, upset.
Logan sets down his bags and takes his mother’s hands in his, “I won't be leaving you, Virgil promised he can be a letter carrier for us, we will still talk. As for why, you know I do not like any of the girls father has chosen for me.”
His mother sighs, pulling away, “Yes but if you are locked in a tower princes will come after you. You would not want to disappoint them.”
Logan mumbles, “I’m sure some of them will be disappointed, but maybe I wouldn't mind a marrying a prince.” He doesn't dare look his mother in the eye.
His mother huffs, “How dare you. You have embarrassed me enough by choosing to go off to this tower over choosing to settle down, but this..? How could you dishonor us like this?! You are a disgrace. I'm glad I won't have to see you again for a long time.” She stalks out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
Logan flinches at the sound, his legs giving out as he drops to the floor.
Virgil slowly approaches and sits in front of Logan, “You okay?”
He ducks his head and closes his eyes. Logan gives no response.
“It was brave of you to tell her.”
“I thought she might’ve-” Logan’s voice breaks and he chokes back a sob.
“You had hoped she would be more accepting.”
Logan nods.
He sighs, “I understand, but now we need to get out of here. We don't know what she might say, or who she might say it too.”
Logan sits up and takes a steadying breath, hoping Virgil won't notice the tears on his cheeks.
Virgil stands and offers Logan his hand, “I'm sorry, Prince Logan, but it is no longer safe for you here.”
Logan takes his hand and stands. He grabs his bags and takes one last look at the door. He sighs, letting a few more tears fall, “I'm ready to leave.”
Virgil grabs Logan by the arm and the next thing Logan knows his vision is clouded by smoke and he feels as though he is falling. When he feels his feet hit the floor, he opens his eyes, they are standing in a clearing in front of a large stone tower. There is a wooden table on their left which Logan assumes is for planning out the tower’s puzzles.
Logan stares at the tower, saying nothing, just making mental note of its size.
Virgil, assuming the silence means something is wrong asks, “What, do you not like it?”
Logan shrugs, “No, I like it, it is just larger than I had anticipated it being.”
Suddenly a person comes running up to meet the pair, “Oh hey boys, i'm glad to see it all worked out!”
Virgil clears his throat and gestures to the man, “Logan, meet my husband, Patton.”
Logan shakes Patton’s hand, “Oh, uh, hi. I didn't expect to get to meet you, but it is a pleasure.”
Patton smiles at him then turns to Virgil, “Oh, Virgil, You didn't tell him?”
Virgil shakes his head spreading Logan’s tower designs over the table, “Not yet no. We were busy talking over the design of the tower and the different puzzles and such he wants.”
Logan frowns, “Wait, tell me what?”
Patton smiles wide, “I’m a shapeshifter!” he says throwing his arms out wide, “I can change into any form I want! And i'm going to be your dragon!”
Logan blinks, “Okay, wait what? My dragon? What does that mean?”
Patton shrugs “Well, towers tend to be guarded by dragons or surrounded by a moat or something, right. And because  we couldn’t find an open tower with a moat, you get me, your guard dragon!”
Logan nods slowly, still a little unnerved by the chipper man in front of him, “Oh, I see.”
Patton takes a bag from Logan “So,I hope i'm not intruding, but what makes you feel like the tower is a better option for you that staying at home?”
Logan shrugs, “Well,I don't like anyone romantically, never have. I guess I just have really high standards. And I prefer princes to princesses.” Logan raises a hand to his cheek, wincing at the feeling and pulling away.
“Considering the mark you got there, I take it that didn't go over well.” Patton remarks with a frown.
Logan shakes his head sadly, “No. It went over worse that I had expected.’
Patton nods, “As far as not liking anyone romantically goes, I have a few theories as to why that might be.”
Logan arches an eyebrow.
“I heard you like books and research.” Patton says with a small smile
“I do.” Logan admits.
Patton takes the jar, “Then I suggest considering taking a look into aromanticism. All one word, no dash after the a or anything. You might find it helpful.”
“And how exactly am I supposed to be able to do research from inside a tower?”
Virgil speaks up from his place at the table, “You will have access to my library. I will set up a system with you. Before you go up you choose about five books take them up to read. I’ll take your requests and input and provide you with more when you finish them. I can start with giving you some books on Aromanticism.”
Logan smiles, “That... that sounds like a fantastic arrangement.”
Patton smiles grabbing another one of Logan’s bags, “Why don't we go up and work on setting up your room with your things?”
Logan nods, grabbing the rest of his bags and slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
Logan looks around at the room, it was, decidedly unremarkable, but Logan was happy with it.
Patton places his bag down and urns to look at Logan, “I know this room is not as nice as your old room, we simply can't afford to keep these towers super nice. I hope it isn't a huge deal-”
Logan shakes his head, “I like it. It is nice. It is plain, simple, I can organize it however I desire and there are no unnecessary items anywhere. It has good light, a clear view of the stars, think I will be very happy here.”
‘I'm glad, you’re most likely gonna be here for a while.” Virgil says, Logan is unable to tell if he is actually happy or is being sarcastic, but he doesn't much care either way.
“So, how about you explain the puzzles to me so I can build them?” Virgil suggests, laying the papers out on the table in the middle of the room.
Three days later the puzzles are in place and Logan places the last book on his desk with a smile, “There, i'm completely unpacked.”
Patton claps, “Yay! You seem happy with everything.”
“I am. I am very happy to have a place to myself. If I am being honest, I am glad to be away from my family right now.” Logan admits sitting on his bed.
Patton frowns, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I guess it couldn't hurt.”
“Well then, why don't you wanna be at home?”
Logan sighs, “The last thing I did before leaving was come out to my mother. I don't know if she ever told my dad. If she did, I am certain he will react worse than my mother did, and that was bad enough. I don't know if I can ever go home and face them again. Not when I left like that.”
Patton moves and sits next to Logan, “You mean... You left right after the argument?”
Logan frowns, “Well it wasn't much of an argument. I told her. She lectured me about how much of a disappointment and disgrace I am to the family. She slammed the door behind her. I left a note on my desk saying we left and then we left.”
“It was brave of you to tell her.”
“Maybe it was, but I wish I hadn't.”
Paton nods, “I encourage you, read those books about aromanticism, it may help you make sense of some of what has brought you here.”
Logan nods, “I will.” he says as Patton leaves.
He grabs the book and sighs. He doesn't really feel like having a big moment right now, but it’s the middle of the day and he is bored and has nothing better to do. So he opens the book and starts reading.
“This book is about aromanticism, and I figure, if you’re gonna read about it, I should explain what that is. Someone who is aromantic doesn't feel romantic attraction towards anyone of any gender. Now i bet you’re wondering what romantic attraction is, well don't worry, that’s what this first chapter is all about.”
Logan becomes engulfed in the book and in twenty minutes he has read half of the first chapter. He sets down the book and thinks over what he has learned, writing it in a journal.
“So aromantic is where you don't feel romantic attraction towards people. And romantic attraction is where you have a desire to be in a romantic relationship and actively wish to do romantic things with them.
I..... I don't think ive ever felt that before. I..... I think i'm aromantic.  That... that would explain why I never had crushes on anyone growing up and why i never really cared about marriage and... oh wow! This explains everything.”
Logan stares at what he wrote, a small smile on his face as the reality of what he just realised hits him. He isn't just choosy with his relationships, he doesn't just have high standards, he isn't broken or missing anything, he’s aromantic.
In a burst of excitement Logan spends the next few hours reading the rest of the book. When he finally finishes it, he sets the book and stares off a the wall. He just took in so much information that he doesn't know how to process it all, but what has sunk in has hit him like a punch in the stomach.
He is aromantic. He feels so happy but he feels like he could throw up at the same time. His head hurts but he thinks he could run laps around his room and not be tired afterwards. He sits and thinks it over, trying to imagine what he would want in the future, what kind of relationship he would want, what kind of house he would live in if he didn't live in the palace.
That night Virgil visits him, he appears in a puff of smoke by the window and Logan looks up from his seat at his desk.
Virgil holds up some papers, “Your mom insisted I bring you her letter. I haven't read it, but if it’s anything like the awful stuff she said to you earlier I will gladly burn it in my fireplace.”
Logan takes it from him, ‘Thanks Virgil.”
Virgil frowns, “Hey Logan, you seem a bit... off, you okay?”
Logan smiles, “I’m fine, I just read the book on aromanticism and i'm still processing it all.”
Virgil nods, “Well, okay.”
Logan looks at the papers in his hands, ‘I don't know if I can look at these right now. Could I read them later and give them to Patton or something if it’s awful?”
Virgil shrugs, “Sure, I won't rush you to open it. Whatever works. ”
“Is there anything else? Did... did my father say anything?” Logan asks.
“Your father.... He did definitely say some stuff. The summary of it is that he knows you like guys and he doesn't exactly approve.”
Logan sighs.
“I asked him what I should have you do if a prince is the one to rescue you. He said he refuses to marry you to a man. If that ever changes, I will let you know.”
The next day Logan decides to open the letter from his mom. He reads the first sentence and sets the letter down with a groan and a sigh.
“Hey Patton.” Logan calls, hoping he will hear.
Sure enough Patton appears at the window hovering on a pair of wings, “Yes Logan, is something wrong?’
Logan frowns at the letter, “Can you, umm, can you breathe fire?”
“The letter is that bad huh?”
Logan nods, “It’s worse.”
Patton grimaces, taking a seat on the windowsill, “Well i've never tried breathing fire before, but I am willing to give it a try.’
“Well, just don't hurt yourself.”
Patton nods, closing his eyes in concentration, Logan watches, but nothing visibly changes.
“Okay give me that letter and let’s see if this works.”
Logan hesitantly hands it over.
Patton takes it leaning backwards out the window. He turns to the side. He puts the paper in front of his face and takes a deep breath. As he breathes out they are both delighted to see flames come flickering out of his mouth.
The parchment catches flame and burns quickly. When it is all but a stub Patton lets go watching it fall and burn up in the wind.
Patton sits back up and gives Logan a small smile, “There, now you never have to think about it again.”
Logan frowns, but now what do i do if someone saves me? I can't go home.”
Patton shrugs, “You never said you were going to go back to your home, you could always go to theirs.”
Logan smiles, he likes that idea.
His father never took back his sentiment on gay marriage, so Logan is not worried when he realised when one year has passed and not one suitor has stayed after hearing that Logan is a man. Logan is content with his life in the tower, studying the stars, writing, journaling, and researching. He has grown to love the solitude.
One day Logan is journaling by his window when he hears a strange noise.
Logan looks up as he hears a voice calling from outside.
“Come out my darling princess,” the voice says, “show me your face that I may know who I am saving and so you may see the face of your rescuer, Prince Roman!”
Logan sighs, another suitor, this Roman fellow will probably leave as soon as he realises Logan isn't a beautiful princess, but he might as well know now. Logan sticks his head out the window, “Oh, good prince, I am not a princess but a prince. It has been decreed by my father King Cedric that whoever rescues me from this tower is the person I am to marry. If you aren't interested please, leave and find your princess and your happily ever after. If you still desire to save me, I wish you luck as the evil wizard who locked me in here has riddled the path to me with traps and tests.”
Logan pulls his head back inside, sitting back down to his work startled to hear the response, “Oh my dear sweet prince, I will do all I can to save you. I swear on it!”
Logan freezes for a moment before answering, “Doesn't it bother you that I am a man?”
He hears Roman give a hearty laugh, “No, believe it or not, i'm gay.”
Logan is pulled out of his shock and he looks out the window again, this time looking down at the man, “Prince Roman, I do believe we have that in common.”
Roman smile up at him, shading the sun from his eyes, “Well, that is great to hear. What is your name, oh beautiful prince?”
Logan rolls his eyes, “I am Prince Logan.”
Roman smiles, “I have heard of you Prince Logan. I did not know you like princes.”
Logan lets out a sigh, “Well I would rather you not spread it too far, there are people at home who do not know.”
Roman nods, “I understand and I won't tell a soul. Though, I think you should know, back in my kingdom, they do not hate people like us. We are accepted and viewed as equals.”
Logan leans on the windowsill, head in his hands, “As much as I desperately wish to believe what you are telling me, I find it hard to even imagine a place like that.”
Roma shrugs “Perhaps when I save you, I can bring you back to my kingdom so you don't have to imagine it.”
Logan nods, “Perhaps you may, but it is dark and I insist you leave. Go back to your camp or your home, wherever it is you came from. you can start on the puzzles later when you aren’t so tired, I will see you when you come back.”
“But Logan, how do I know you will be here when I come back?” Roman asks
Logan sighs, “You are the first one to stay after I announced that I am a man and not a princess, you have no competition.”
Roman smiles, “Well that is good to hear. I will return in two days time, and then I shall return with all the supplies I may need to save you from your prison.”
Logan smiles, “I look forward to our meeting again.”
“So long my fair prince, until I return.”
Logan waves and closes the window with a sigh. He had hoped to remain in the tower for more than just a year, but he is glad to know that when... if he gets out of here, there is a place he can go and be accepted.
When Roman shows up two days later Logan goes around to the back of the tower where Patton is waiting to show himself.
“Now,” Logan mutters.
Patton nods and Logan sees him fly straight up, and feels the tower shake a bit, he assumes Patton has landed on it.
“Who are you, that you seek to take this man from his cage?” Patton roars.
“I am Prince Roman. I seek to save Prince Logan from his solitude and bring him back to my kingdom, a place where people like us who like people who are the same gender as us are viewed and treated as equals.”
“So you do not wish to marry the prince?”
“Well, I can’t answer that yet, I don't exactly know him.”
Patton nods, “Those are good answers. I will let you be in your quest to save Logan, though, be mindful, I will not be so kind to any friends you may bring with you. This quest is for you to complete on your own.”
Roman smiles, “I am up for the task!”
Patton leaves and Roman spends the day trying to solve all of the puzzles, but he can't even get past the first one.
The days go by and Logan and Roman talk while Roman works, discussing their interests and families and swapping stories. Logan does take breaks to read and journal and such, but they spend a good amount of time getting to know one another. This goes on for a long time and Logan begins to grow fond of this prince fellow who calls him by every nickname imaginable from Lo to Specs to Teach. He rolls his eyes at the theatrics Roman will put on for him whether in frustration at the puzzles or just to entertain him, but he smiles all the same.
One day, Logan is sitting at his desk rereading the book on aromanticism again, more out of sentiment than anything else. He had memorised it long ago, but reading it again brought him peace.
Logan jumps, dropping his book as he hears a noise at the window. He watches as an arm clings to the windowsill. He realises with shock, that  Prince Roman just climbed in through his window.
Logan stares as dread settles into the pit of his stomach as he realised he is going to have to marry this man.
Roman looks up at Logan panting at the effort of climbing through the window and sighs, “It was proving impossible to get to you the normal way, so I climbed. I got to ask, why all the puzzles, Specs?”
Logan shrugs adjusting his glasses, “If I have to spend my life with someone romantically, I at least wanted to make sure they’d be an interesting person.”
“Do I qualify?” Roman asks raising an eyebrow at Logan.
Logan nods, “I guess you do. I mean you got in here, didn't you?”
“I did get in here.... wait, do you not want to get married?”
Logan frowns, “When did I ever say that?”
Roman shrugs, “Come on, Lo, you seem hesitant about it.”
Logan sputters, “I mean a romantic relationship, especially one that is intended to last one’s entire life is a big deal and a big decision and-”
Roman groans, “Oh my gosh, Logan! What is it? Why don't you want to get married? I'm not gonna be offended if you would rather get to know me better first or if i'm not your type or whatever. Please just tell me. I am not going to force you to marry me if you don't want to.”
Logan sighs deeply, looking down at his feet, “It’s complicated.”
Roman slowly steps towards Logan and takes his hand, “Well, no one knows I made it up here. We have all the time in the world. So please, just sit, take your time, and tell me what's bothering you.”
Logan walks with him to the end of the bed and sits. There is a long moment of silence.
“I don't know how to do this.” Logan admits.
“Well, what are you doing?”
“... coming out.”
Roman stares at him  for a moment before relaxing into a kind smile, “Hey, it’s okay. I promise i’m a safe person to come out to. I’ll listen and do my best to ask questions if there is something that I don't understand. And don't worry, I get it, coming out is hard, especially if you haven't done it before. So, just take your time to get your words together and we can do this when you’re ready.”
Logan nods. He sits and thinks over how he wants to say it, how he wants to direct the conversation, how to even get to the topic in the first place. Does he want to just tell him and explain after or guide the conversation and bring him to the subject?
Logan sighs, “So, how knowledgeable are you with LGBT identities?”
Roman considers it, “I would like to think i'm fairly knowledgeable.”
“Okay, have you heard of Aromanticism?”
Roman makes a few strange thinking faces, “If I have, I don't remember it.”
Logan nods, “Okay, umm, have you heard of asexuality?”
Roman thinks for a moment, “Yes, I believe so. Is that where you’re not attracted to anyone physically”
Logan nods, “If you mean sexually, then yes.”
“Cool, glad I knew something.”
“Yes, well, aromanticism is similar to asexuality. You see, someone who is aromantic doesn't feel any romantic attraction towards anyone of any gender.”
“Cool. i'm learning a lot. Why are you telling me this?”
Logan sighs, “I know I told you i'm gay, but that isn't exactly true. While I do have a preference for men, I am aromantic. My attraction is more emotional and aesthetic than romantic, or even sexual.”
Roman blinks for a second, “Oh, okay. Oh.... OH so that’s why marriage is uncomfortable for you.”
Logan nods “Yes. That’s why I am uncomfortable with the idea of being in a traditional marriage.”
Roman frowns, “Does that mean... you don't want to be in a relationship with me?”
“Now see, this is where things get complicated. Because actually Roman,” Logan admits, “I would love to be in a relationship with you, just not a typical romantic one.”
“Okay, i'm lost.”
“That’s okay. Can I explain?”
Roman nods.
“Feel free to ask questions if you need.” Logan clears his throat and sighs, “A queerplatonic relationship, or a QPR for short, is a relationship that is based on attraction that isn't romantic. It may or may not include feelings of sexual attraction and may or may not include elements of physical intimacy depending on the people in the relationship.”
Roman raises his hand and Logan chuckles, “Do you have a question?”
“Yes,” Roman answers putting his arm down, “Are you saying you would want to be in a QPR with me?”
“Yes Roman I am.” Logan says with a small smile.
Roman smiles, “I, I kinda like that. That sounds nice. What, what were you thinking that would look like?”
Logan smiles, “I'm glad you are okay with the idea. As far as what a relationship between us would look like, it’s hard to say because i'm not sure what your boundaries are and what you’re okay with.”
Roman frowns, like... physical boundaries or like? I'm not sure what you’re asking.”
“Oh, well, for example, i'm comfortable with the idea of kissing, but only sometimes and probably never with tongue. I am comfortable with cuddling as long as there isn't the pretense of it leading to anything more because honestly I don't know my boundaries with that. I uh, I would prefer that we hang out in more of a friend type context without the pressure of big romantic gestures-”
“I, umm, I would like to spoil you every now and again if you would let me.” Roman admits.
Logan considers that for  a moment, “Okay, well, I'm okay with romantic gestures in private but in public it starts to feel weird for me, so i'm fine with being ‘spoiled’ as you say, but just, not in front of others.”
Roman nods, “Can I go?”
Logan smiles and sits back, gesturing for him to speak.
Roman fiddles with his hands in his lap, “Well, I do like kissing, but I don't like kissing with tongue either so I think we’re both good there. Umm, cuddling is great, I love cuddling. As far as more intimate physical things go, I think we would agree that we can address those as they might come up, right?”
Logan nods, “I do agree.”
Roman sighs, “Would you be willing to act more romantic in front of like, parents and stuff?”
Logan nods, “Where it is required, at parties, whatever wedding type ceremony i'm sure we will have to have, that sort of thing sure. I'd just rather not have to put on a show of it like that everyday because that could get... difficult and would be rather uncomfortable.”
Roman nods, “okay, yeah. That... sure.”
Logan smirks at Roman’s loss for words.
Roman blushes, “Is it okay if I tell you I love you?”
Logan blushes this time, “oh, umm, i... yes. Yes.”
“Will you say it back?”
Logan nods, “I will.” He moves his hand and places it on top of Roman’s. “It may not carry the same romantic association as when you say it. But know that I mean it sincerely and completely when I tell you, I love you.”
Roman smiles and looks down at their hands, “I like this.”
“So do I. I just want to clarify something, Roman.”
Roman looks up to meet his eyes.
“I will do my very best to communicate my boundaries, my wants, and my needs in this relationship. Please, I ask you to do the same. Tell me if you don't like something, would rather do something different or if you want to try something new. I want this to work as well as possible, and that can only happen if we talk to each other.”
“Okay. I will. And with that, I have a question.”
“What is it?”
“Can I hold your hand and stare into your eyes more often?”
Logan blushes and smiles, “I would like that.”
They sat there for a moment, just staring at each other. Then Roman shifts to face Logan a bit more. “Before I help you pack all of this stuff up, I have one more question.”
Roman blushes a bit, “What does it feel like for you? This... us, because when I look into your eyes it’s like my stomach explodes in butterflies I feel nervous and joyful all at once. I want to treasure you and keep you safe and make you feel special every day. I feel like I could take on a whole army at once if only you asked me to.”
Logan smirks, “I wouldn't ask that of you, Princey. I want you to be here with me, not off fighting some random army.”
Roman snorts, “Fine, I won't go off fighting an army, but will you answer my question?”
“Yes, of course I will, but I can't guarantee you’ll understand.” Logan says with a small sigh
Roman shrugs, “Just because I don't understand something doesnt mean I can't accept it.”
“Well, okay. Umm, when I look at you, I feel an emotion swelling in my chest. It’s a happy warm comforting feeling. I, umm, I feel overwhelming happiness and peace when i'm with you. I care for you so much, I don't know what to call that except love. I love you, in my own way. And I... I would enjoy sharing my life with you.”
Logan smiles as he sees a blush rise on Roman’s face.
Roman sputters, “i.. Thats.. Thanks... how am I supposed to respond to that? I thought I was supposed to be the romantic one!”
Logan laughs, “I suppose you are, sorry, i guess next time I won't try to romance you since it’s your thing.” Logan jokes.
Roman crosses his arms and sticks his tongue out at Logan.
Logan smiles, “Now come on and help me pack up my stuff, drama prince.”
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 3
Time for more Brotherhood! When we last left off, we got the backstory on the Elric Brothers, and they were off to investigate rumors of ‘miracles’ by a priest that I don’t think is quite on the up and up, given all the oh-so-subtle “THIS IS A BAD GUY” clues in the last post-credits. But hey, I’ve been wrong before. Let’s get started!
Hmm. Same “Alchemy 101” intro from last episode, should I count the mention of “Equivalent Exchange” here if this shows up each time? I’m happy just spotting it in normal dialogue, but I’ll leave it up to you guys if I should include this mention. Urgh, seeing smiling Mama Elric is still a kick in the gut. Still don’t know some of the characters here, but looking forward to meeting them. Maybe not the Goths so much. We’re at the town! And there’s a [Radio Voice]? Is this the (corrupt) priest? Who… huh, he’s preaching about the “Sun God Leto”. This the primary religion in this setting, or just one guy who’s all “Praise the Sun!” NPC Shopkeeper is asking if the Elrics are street performers in their getups. Gotta admit, Al’s pulling off an impressive loom here, leaning on the counter. “Street performer” wouldn’t be my first guess looking at the giant fanged suit of armor. Ed in his red cloak, however… yeah, gotta side with NPC Shopkeeper here. And really Ed, what did you expect? Why would he ask if you were a carny unless he thought you might be? Oops! Watch your head, Al! Don’t break the poor guy’s radio! Well, that’s smashed. But nothing a little Alchemy can’t fix, right? [Energetic Strings] as Al preps the TC, and a crowd of curious villagers are looking on. And tada, good as new! Smug Ed is proud of- “Amazing, it’s a miracle! You’ve been touched by the Sun God, just like Father Cornello!” No no, it’s alchemy! But to their credit, the villagers come around quickly at the mention of the Elric Brothers, are pleased to meet… *sigh*. Saw that coming a mile away. Wavy-armed Al has to correct his well-meaning friends, point out the “little guy”. Who does not appreciate the running gag. Episode 03: “City of Heresy” So now that that little misunderstanding is out of the way, Ed asks the now-terrified villagers about the voice on the radio. Shopkeep and [Man 1] talk about their leader Father Cornello, who came into town with some pretty big claims, up to bringing the dead back to life. Ed says that’s something he needs to see. And here’s the priest, smiling to a huge crowd of cheering villagers as glowing roses rain from the sky. On of his miracles? And the crowd goes nuts as he catches one of them, and then a bright red glow later it’s a large crystal? Not sure what he just did, but something about that shade of red… just didn’t seem that wholesome to me. Again, trying to reserve judgement, but not getting the best impression of you right now, Father. The Brothers are watching the show, Al says that there’s no doubt it’s alchemy. But somehow he’s ignoring the Law of Equivalent Exchange? EEC: 4 Oh, I see! Normal rules would be that you can’t add mass or change organic matter into inorganic, but here he is catching a rosebud and making a great big crystal statue. And you can’t do that, unless… But that ring on his finger can’t really be a Philosopher’s Stone, could it? That’s like the end-all of this magic system. I could buy one showing up earlyish in this series, but the third episode? Let alone as a tool of a minor villain. Heck, either the Goths or the Government should have already swooped in and taken this, no sane power-block would let such an artifact remain out of their control for long. Anyways, inside the chapel a lady with striking red highlights is praying for “him” to be brought back, when Ed and Al show up. Lady, who captions have named Rose, asks if they are interested in Letoism. So she works for Cornello? Or just a religious villager? But nah, Ed says he’s not really the “religious” type. Given we’ve seen him encounter a demon who claimed to be God, I can understand his position. Rose is sorry to hear that, saying that to know God is to know hope, that through divine grace all things are possible. I’d rather not have religion get pulled into this Watch, but I can- “If you believed… I’m sure Leto would bless you and make you grow taller!” ...wow, ok then. I’m just gonna put away my heartfelt religion discussion, and just sit back and laugh at Al holding Ed back. Come on dude, she’s so sincere she’s got “Sincere” above her head! Don’t hate the messenger! Anyways, back to the topic at hand. How’s about this “bringing the dead back to life” business, does Rose believe in that as well? She does, and in the face of so much optimism Ed just pulls out a ratty notebook and starts reciting… chemical compositions… oh dear. Yeah, Rose has no idea what all this chemistry is about. Ed hunches over, talking about how the chemical composition of the human body has been calculated down to the last microgram, but still no successful human transmutations. And here Rose is saying that they can do with prayer something that modern science can’t do? Rose starts reciting scripture… and Ed holds no punches, explaining any kid could buy those ingredients down at the market for pocket change. “As it turns out humans are pretty cheap.” Hoo boy. This is turning into a proper religion v. science slugfest, isn’t it? And I really, REALLY don’t want to open up that particular can of worms on the Internet, but… Ed’s saying that Alchemists are scientists, they don’t believe in unprovable concepts like creators or gods. And heck, with the progress of science they’ve gotten the power to play gods themselves… Rose takes offense to this sheer arrogance. And Ed… brings up the myth of Icarus? Oooh, topical, isn’t it. About how someone flew too close to the sun and came crashing back down to earth. Al… Ed jumps up and asks if Father Cornello could save an arrogant scientist like him, which Rose jumps upon. *Sigh* Rose isn’t going to have a good time this episode, is she? Higher in the chapel, someone named Cray is talking to Father Cornello, saying a child and a man in a suit of armor wish to see him. Cornello is scowling out the window, says he can’t be bothered right now and to send them away. What’s the trouble, Father? But then he recognizes the Elric name, and- Oooh! Bad Father, you just swore in church! Both men are upset at realizing that the Fullmetal Alchemist (“The man in the armor?” “Dressing the part, it would seem.” Ha!) has come calling? Oh wow you guys are definitely bad, scowling and muttering about your “plans” to ominous string music. It seems Cray is leading the Elrics now, saying that they’re in luck, he can spare a moment of his time. Ed says they won’t take too much, and Cray- gun! Brother Cray has pulled a gun… and is pointing it at Al, while two guys in robes with staves block Ed. Yeah, not too worried about this, although Rose is. Cray claims that they are evil heathens come to discredit the Father, to which Ed agrees to make it quick and instantly takes down the Robes. And Armor Punch to the unfortunate Cray’s face! Father Cornello emerges from the shadows, welcoming them to the hope of their ‘sacred order’ and “apologizing for his disciples’ behavior”. Ed doesn’t buy it for a second, demanding to know how Cornello has been using Alchemy to deceive the villagers. Cornello claims that it’s the work of Leto, creating a statue in his hands as proof of something Alchemy couldn’t do. And Ed agrees, saying he didn’t get how he could just ignore the Law of Equivalent Exchange. EEC: 5 Poor Rose, looking back and forth between the increasingly irate Father Cornello and the angry Edward, who calls out Cornello’s ring as a Philosopher’s Stone. Cornello keeps claiming to be “God’s humble servant”, so Ed says he’ll just have to beat the Truth out of him. Cornello… what. Dude. Dude, NO. That is messed up. Cornello just told Rose to pick up the fallen gun. And then shoot the Fullmetal Alchemist. Thankfully Rose is shocked at that order, says she can’t do that. But Cornello says that his word is that of Leto himself, and finally opens one eye to look down on them. “Shoot him, Rose. It’s God’s will.” Bad Father, very very bad Father! Rose? Rose, honey, please put down the gun. Aw crud, and now Cornello’s bringing up the loss of her fiance, reminding her of a promise; if she had faith, he’d bring him back to life. And with that, she’s pointed the gun at… Al. Ok, that’s ok, we can work with aw damnit Al shut up! You’re the suit of armor, take the name for just a few minutes! And oh my god Ed just shut up shut up stop getting pissed that people keep mistaking your brother for you. “Person about to shoot the Fullmetal Alchemist” is not the time to insist that you’re the Fullmetal Alchemist! And aw crud, Cornello’s shocked that it’s “the short one”. You dun goofed. Ok, back to the gun. Rose is apologizing, saying she has no choice. Ed tries to convince her that Cornello’s been lying, but she’s still believing in the Father’s “miracles”. So Ed tells her to shoot, and- Al! Rose fired blindly and hit Al’s helmet! On the one hand, impressive shot if it had been intentional. On the other hand, what the hell Rose?! Rose rightfully drops the gun in shock and starts screaming, Cornello smugly says that “God Leto is pleased”. And then tells her to pick the gun back up and shoot the other as well. And then the headless suit of armor sits back up and chides Cornello for making her do enough already! Ha! Take that, fake priest! [Exciting Music] starts up as Cornello blathers about Al being an abomination, how the ‘evil’ must be purged… and pulls a switch? Gah, manticore! Manticores are a thing in this setting! Cornello says his chimera should be up to the task. Or not a manticore? In the light it looks like the front half of a lion, and the back half of a rat. Edward calmly summons a spear, further shocking Cornello at the lack of a TC. But… ooh, the chimera just sliced right through the weapon. Seems the claws are sharp enough to “tear through iron”. Maybe Al should step back? Ah, nevermind. Ed’s pants may have been shredded, but the chimera’s claws didn’t do jack against his steel automail leg. And a bite attack likewise failed against his automail arm. And the pieces finally click into place for Cornello… wait, hold on. This seems really familiar for some reason… didn’t we just go through all this two episodes ago? Yeah, we did! This is almost word for word from Ep 1! Failed attack against an automail limb, Al getting his head knocked off, bad guy smugly accusing them of breaking the “No Human Transmutation” rule… you guys were saying this was the first proper episode in the manga, right? How Brotherhood’s first episode was mostly to show off the characters, and they put all the backstory into the second? Not saying this is bad or anything, just figured I should mention it. Poor, poor Rose. You’ve had a rough day, haven’t you? And good grief Cornello shut up, stop blathering about their attempting human transmutation. I don’t know exactly why you’re evil, beyond your earlier attempts to kill these boys for getting too close to your “plans”, but you are not helping your case right now. Yup, there it is, you just insulted their arrogance for trying to bring someone dead back to life. Remind me, what was your promise to Rose? Al plaintively asks for Cornello to hand over the stone before he gets hurt. It goes over about as well as you could expect, Transmuting his cane into a good grief is that a minigun? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are a terrible priest! Ed blocks the shots with Earthbending, boasting about he and God don’t get along very well, as Al swoops up Rose and gets her out of the line of fire. Or not really, because Cornello takes aim at them and starts blasting away, Rose only protected by Al’s bulk. And Ed… ha! Ignores the door and Transmutes a new one to get past the hapless disciples, and the brothers prance off down the hallway as gun-toting Father Cornello runs out and orders them to chase. Brothers are running along, but a couple of disciples have blocked off the end of the hallway, saying that’s far enough. Ed just laughs and goes full Alex Mercer on them. Disciple Group #2 are waiting in the wings… and their boss gets a Armor Boot to the face. Next! Now they’re… up in the clocktower? Al’s doing something to the bell, talking to Rose who is understandably upset. Al says that they aren’t evil. They just wanted to see their mom’s smile again. And guh guh don’t show that Thing again get it away, we already know it failed don’t show us again. Al goes on to talk about how Alchemy’s based on the Law of Equivalent Exchange- EEC: 6 -and how the price of their failed attempt was enormous, costing Ed his left leg and Al his entire body. And then Ed gave up his arm to bind Al to the armor. Now they’re on a mission, Al to restore Ed to his original body, and Ed to do likewise to Al. It won’t be easy, but it’s the path they chose. All they can do is keep moving. And here’s the sticking point, Cornello’s “promise” to Rose. And true to her optimism, she still has hope, going so far as to say that even if the Elrics failed, that doesn’t mean he will. Poor, poor Rose. Back inside, Cornello runs past a room… and then looks back in, finding Ed sitting on a desk. Cornello’s office? Ed seems confident, is he planning something? Wait, what? “Tell me what I need to know and I’ll be on my way... “ Cornello. Cornello, buddy, tell me you aren’t going to fall for that… oh my Sun God, really? You can’t seriously believe after all you’ve done that Ed will just walk away after a few questions. He’s obviously stalling for whatever Al was doing. *Sigh* Fine, whatever. What’s your deal, Cornello? Why waste time with these phony ‘miracles’ when you can ignore Equivalent Exchange? Oh? So you’re attracting disciples with your ‘miracles’, building an army of fanatics? As unimpressed as Ed is, it’s not actually the worst plan. Why do everything yourself when you can convince some schmucks to do it for you? I mean, they won’t last a second against the State Alchemists, but whatever. Although it’s still not answering the question of “why”. Why do you need an army? Why do you want to use the Philosopher’s Stone to “tear the country apart”? Heck, ignoring your stupid offering of a ‘slice’ of the country to Ed (do you really think he’d go for that?), I still want to know how you got a Philosopher’s Stone, and why someone smarter hasn’t beaten you up for it already. Alright, whatever. [evil laughter], glowing white eyes, cast in shadow. Are you done monologuing? Because it’s probably time for Al to come busting down the door or whatever. “Wait, what are you laughing about?” You, dude. You are just cartoonishly evil. You got nothing on Mr. Freeze. See, Ed’s even calling you a novice! Evil Overlord List, Cornello. Read it. Wait, what? “On”? No. YES. YES. On Switch + Microphone = Dawning Realization the Radio Transmitter was turned on, plugged into the Church Bell Transmuted into a Loudspeaker. “There were never any miracles, Rose…” Shut up Al don’t ruin this moment for me! Ok, moment slightly redeemed by the “Are you f*cking kidding me” looks on the disciples’ faces. Here I was thinking Ed was recording it maybe, delaying for Al to show up and knock his teeth out? But transmitting Cornello’s monologue over the entire town? Genius. I am standing up and applauding, I am not even kidding. Oh man, these reaction cuts are gold, NPC Shopkeeper in particular looks pissed. Even the dog is shocked! Ok, ok. Give me a second to breathe… Just give it up, Cornello. You aren’t talking your way out of this one. And stop trying to fight, Ed way outclasses you. And… ouch, your Transmutation on your damaged gun just failed, looks like it melded with your arm? A rebound, like the failed Human Transmutation? Yep, Cornello’s lost it, yelling about being the ‘chosen emissary of the Sun God Leto’. Cut to the chapel, and Hulk-Cornello just smashed through. They’re smashing the place up, Cornello still ranting about being the Fist of God (does he really believe in Leto?), to which Ed Transmutes the great big statue to give him what he asked for. And Cornello’s down, like the half-baked villain he is. Now Ed can grab the… Philosopher’s Stone? It just stopped glowing and fell to the ground before dissolving. I mean, way too early for Ed to get the Quest Item, but still. Ed’s all shocked, saying the Stone is supposed to be the perfect material. So it was fake? But then how did Cornello do all that? Speaking of, the guy is just whining and whimpering now that he apparently can’t Transmute anymore. And Ed just… lets him go, yells at him to get out of there? Dude, arrest him! Guy was brainwashing a village, tried to have you killed, and was working to take over the country (no way he would have succeeded, but still). Don’t just let him get away! But apparently he does, it’s later as the Elric Brothers are talking outside the chapel. Come on, perk up guys. Just because this was a dead end- Rose, what the hell?! Put the gun down! Didn’t you hear him, it was a fake! And whoa, accusing them of keeping it for themselves? To get their bodies back, and bring back- Oh. Huh. Apparently that’s not even a consideration. “People don’t come back from the dead, Rose. Not ever… Not ever…” So, it really is just a quest to get their bodies back? Not to bring back Mama Elric? Rose collapses, crying about how Cornello promised her, that if she was faithful a miracle would occur. Without that hope, what is she supposed to believe in now? She’s begging them, asking what to do… and the Brothers walk right by her. Dudes, not cool. Don’t just leave her like this. “I can’t tell you that. You have to figure it out. Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You’ve got two good legs. So use them. You’re strong enough to make your own path.” ...while I admire the intent behind the message (and is this the show that Monty Oum’s catchphrase of “Keep moving forward” came from?), I can’t help but think that this isn’t he best time. Rose has just had her world destroyed, the source of her faith uprooted, the hope of getting her fiance back shattered. She needs something a little more gentle than “suck it up”. Later that night, seems the entire village has gathered, the [angry mob yelling] for Cornello. Inside the chapel, Cornello is clutching his new metal arm and ranting about the little brat… until another voice interrupts him? Lust? The lady’s complaining that they should have just incited a rebellion, while the fat guy chews on one of the chimera’s legs, then says he’s hungry and asks to eat the old man. Lust tells Gluttony no, she doesn’t want to risk indigestion. Cornello does not appreciate being mocked, says he won't SWEET LETO WHAT THE HELL Um, so Lust apparently has Terminator 2 claws on her glove, just stabbed Cornello through the forehead. Camera pans to an ouroboros-like symbol above her bust? Anyways, Cornello dead. Lust complains about ‘Father’ not being pleased about starting from scratch- Gluttony? Gluttony, no. Gluttony NO. No eating him. Don’t you- Ok, didn’t not need to see that. Well ok! Good episode, some parts seemed a little bit repetitive, drawn from the previous two I guess? But good overall, more establishment of the Elrics and setting stuff up for future episodes. So what’s up next? Riza! Doing paperwork! Seems the Elrics travel to the Eastern Command Center and to report to Colonel Roy Mustang (name is still manly). And there they meet the Sewing Life Alchemist? Oh, so bio-alchemy’s a thing? I guess with the divide between organic and inorganic matter, with all the Earth and Waterbending we’ve seen so far time to see the other side. And will this get us details on that chimera that Cornello made? Oh hey, is that a Cerberus? Looks like a three-headed dog in a cage, captured experiment or what? Episode 04: “An Alchemist’s Anguish” “Some meetings in this life are destined only for heartbreak.”
2 notes · View notes
Daydream AU Chronological Master-post
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           listenherebuddypalBecause I thought it might be helpful. Under the cut, so it’s easily updatable. (unless marked with ‘text post’ or ‘writing’ all of these are comics/art)
Initial Post/AU description.
Chrono link
notes: Related asks are nested within each other between page-breaks and/or ‘parent’ asks will have ‘child’ asks linked underneath indicated by a ‘->’. Newer content is un-bolded (other than w/in Concept Art). There will be occasional movement/duplication of asks that I’m unsure how to categorize (for that I apologize). Other than that, have fun and tell me if there’s any way I can make this master-post better/easier to read.
Concept Art:
Dragon Virgil
Dragon Patton/Stuffed animal hoard (mostly here because I used the Dragon Virgil design. ...and it’s cute, come on.)
Deceit’s Design
Thomas’s Design
-colored pics of Dragon V, Unicorn P, Fairy L, Roman & Thomas in one post.
Fairy Ring -Patton & Logan meet: 1 -- 2 -- 3
Patton- First Shapeshift (ask answer) -- Poachers ( ask answer, semi-prequel/sequel to First Shapeshift) -- HOOVES (ask answer, First Shapeshift sequel) --
Roman- Chase !!Manipulative Deceit!! (writing & ask answer)
Logan- Introductions (ask answer) -- Torn Wing !!Injury & Crying!! (ask answers -also found in Story Asks-): 1 -- 2 -- 3 (textpost) -- 4
Virgil- Dragons & Knights !!Death & Injury!!: 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 (Virgil & Patton meet)
Main Story:
A Little Daydream (writing) -covers from the initial post to the first two comics.
“Please don’t turn me into a frog” -Roman meets a fairy.
“TADA”-Patton & Logan reunite.
Fireside (writing)
“MY SASH” -The reason Ro doesn’t have his sash.
Roman’s Reaction to meeting Virgil (ask answer)
Time to Meet Virgil
“Virgil if you-”
Light Logan ---(colored final panel)
Virgil’s got a human form? (ask answer)
“You look normal enough” -Roman brings his various magical friends into a village.
Home is... -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9 -- 10
Sleepy Adventurers
“Hey, we’ve got the same glasses!” (text-post)
Roman & Thomas
Fairy!Logan doodles
Fire-breathing Virgil 
Worldbuilding Asks:
Ages! (anon)
Virgil’s voice (anon)
Does Virgil have a tail? (anastasialestina)
Why was Logan hesitant on giving Patton his name? Text-post (anon)
How small/big can Logan get? (ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2)
How big can Virgil grow to be? (ifthecrownfitswearit)
Do things like Ghosts, Demons & Angels exist in this au? Text-post (puffthetrex)
If they’re traveling where do they sleep at night and where do they find food? And is Virgil a carnivore? Text-post (anon)
Does Virgil hunt? Text-post (anons)
So I’m guessing Logan’s of the Seelie court? Text-post (anon)
Aren’t faeries dangerous? Text-post (listenherebuddypal)
How does Two-headed Dee work? Text-post (artisticdragonwitch)
Had Roman ever seen a dragon before Virgil?  Text-post (anon)
Story Asks:
Is Logan aware size-shifting isn’t very scientific? -this is the ask that caused a whole slew of theories that explained it... (justanotherpurplebutterfly)
How do Patton & Virgil meet? Text-post (anon)
3 questions- how did everyone meet, how did they react to Roman, & how did everyone react to Virgil’s human form? Text-post (anon)
Why does Patton Shapeshift into a Fairy & Roman as a form of transport (anon)
Logan’s reaction to Pat’s shapeshifting & how does Patton learn to control it? (anon)
You’re telling me Logan went a long time thinking Patton was captured by humans? Text-post (anon)
Where're Virgil & Logan’s families? (Dragons & Knights foreshadowing) (anon)
Do the others know about Virgil's past? (anon)
Art-Reply “Concerned Virgil”- asks in relation:
[What is logan's peripheral vision when standing on Virgil’s nose? (anon)
Patton can shapeshift that small -does he join along with Logan to see what he sees? (anon)
I just imagine Roman trying to join in on the fun, clinging to Virgil for dear life (anon)
Patton is Fairy Godmom Confirmed (fluidityandgiggles)
Why’s Virgil concerned? Text-post (anon) >> Technically aren’t they all small to Virgil? Text-post (anon)]
Seeing how Logan immediately examined virgil when he showed his human form... Text-post (anon)
Patton Dragon Shapeshift? (yamihatarou & anon)
Patton, have you ever shapeshifted into someone/smth female? (anon)
Gift-Ask (yoursdearesttravin)
Roman’s New Sash (the-cartoon-shwarma)
Who’s the most powerful one out of them? (anon)
-> How do you all describe power then? (enby-phoenix)
Does Virgil miss his mom? & Do the others comfort him? (reupload) (anon)
Do you miss home Roman? (justanotherpurplebutterfly)
-> Why is it Thomas’s fault you’re out here Roman? (anon)
Has Patton Shapeshifted into the same kind of appearance that Virgil’s human form is? (enby-phoenix)
-> Poor pat, did that hurt?  (anon)
How does Virgil sleep in his human form? (reupload) (anon)
Will Virgil tell Roman what happened to his mom? (artisticdragonwitch & deafgirl-and-hercoven)
Patton, what’s your favorite thing about your friends?  (deafgirl-and-hercoven)
Patton should get some saddle bags! (anon)
Explanations of saddlebags for Pat (thatrandomautist & anon) 
Is Virgil ever without his cloak? (anon)
Did Virgil have a father? (anon)
Dragon Purrito & Can dragon’s purr? (this-is-ske)
Can Virgil purr as a human? text-post (anon)
Does Virgil’s human form look similar to Roman like it does w/ Patton? (anon)
Why did Logan stop wearing the fairy dresses? (anon)
-> Would Logan wear a dress again if Patton, Roman or Virgil made him one? (anon)
->> Would Logan be shy if wore a dress again? What if Patton made a dress for him? (anon)
You can’t live in the forest forever Roman. What’s your plan? (anon)
-> Well the first thing you need to do.... (anon)
Has Virgil given the others a ride on his back while flying? (ebony-wolf)
Ro, do the others know you ran away?... (the-cartoon-shawarma)
Do Roman & Virgil comfort each-other when homesick?--answered through “Homesickness” (the-cartoon-shawarma)
-> Roman, do you want to know what happened to Virgil’s mom? (deafgirl-and-hercoven)
->> So I guess Roman knows what happened to Virgil’s mom now? What does he think of that? (anon)
->>> Roman shouldn’t be supprised (anon)
What if (angsty idea)... (anon)
Does Roman ever get to see Thomas again? Is anyone looking for him? Does Thomas miss him too? (sher-soc-the-famder)
Hey Thomas! How are you? (pastel-anonymous)
-> A little stressed? Why not a lot?
You will find him, Thomas (anon)
Thomas do you know what happened to Roman? (deafgirl-and-hercoven)
-> Why not believe the kidnap unicorn part? (bromaster20)
->> Hate to break it to you but all stories have some truth to them.. (bromaster20)
Don’t worry Thomas, Roman’s on an Adventure! (anon)
Did logan ever get stuck on anything? (anon)
->> Lets Rephrase, Logan have you ever gotten stuck IN anything? (justanotherpurplebutterfly, coldmusiccollectorblog, & anons)
Hey Thomas, I’m sure he’s fine! (deafgirl-and-hercoven)
Would you mind talking about you and Roman, Thomas? Has something like this happened before? (sher-soc-the-famder)
Patton, what’s your favorite things to shapeshift into? (anon)
Joan, How’s that list Thomas gave you going? (anon)
Thomas are you worried about Roman, or are you mad? (anon)
-> Thomas how could you doubt Roman!? (anon)
Does Patton’s human form ever remind Roman of Thomas? (ajh-aaa)
Thomas don’t worry Roman’s fine! (the-cartoon-shawarma & anon)
-> Yeah, Roman’s homesick because he doesn’t think he can come home (anon)
Logan, how/when did you meet Virgil? (anon)
Thomas chill (anon)
Roman, do you think maybe Thomas is looking for you not for Treason, but because you’re his brother? (the-cartoon-shawarma)
Pat didn’t kidnap Roman (thatrandomautist & anon)
Joan, how do you feel about the fact that someone pretended to be you by shapeshifting? (anon)
Deceit, why did you drive Roman away from the castle? (anon)
Virgil, there’s no denying you’re adorable, I mean, at least Roman believes you’re handsome, right? (anon)
Logan and Virgil are adorable and Logan is small and huggable. Patton is just a dad, Deceit...he’s cool. 2 heads are better then one sometimes, and Roman.... (yoursdearesttravin)
-> Roman it ok!!!!!! (fangirltothefullest, coldmusiccollectorblog, demigod-in-tha-house, the-cartoon-sharwarma, & many anons)
->> Virgil! Patton! Quick, group hug! (bromaster20)
Wait. Did you imply that Deceit was Virgil’s dad? textpost (anachronistic-cat)
-> Is Deceit his brother? (the-doctor-demigod-wizard & anons)
->> Did they get along when they met? How old were they and how well does virgil remember him? (anon)
Has Logan ever torn/broken a wing? (anon)
-> oh no Logan what happened? (hiddendreamer67 & anons)
->> So I’m guessing Logan’s of the Seelie court? Text-post (anon)
->>> Did Logan’s wing get torn ‘cause he was thrown out of the court? (beyondthestacks, fangirltothefullest, & anons)
->>>> When Logan gets sad how do the others help him? (anon)
->>>>> “They shouldn’t have to make me choose...” did the Seelie court exile Logan because he befriended Patton? text-post (listenherebuddypal, fangirltothefullest, & anons)
Submission Posts:
A Logan Size-Shifting Theory (yoursdearesttravin)
Art Asks:
(includes any of the random non-story stuff. Ex: ask game art requests, most “Let Eat ...” Marco asks, most compliment asks, ect.)
I live for the Daydream AU (deafgirl-and-hercoven)
Baby Virgil, Logan, Patton & Roman (anon)
Dragon Virgil !!blood-lookalike warning!! (forrestwyrm)
Dragon Virgil ‘Look at him. He’s got Anxiety’ (anon)
Shy Fairy Logan (pendulumtess)
Soft Fairy Logan Reaction Doodle (anon)
Dragon Virgil w/kiddo (deafgirl-and-hercoven)
I gotta say Virgil looks hecka cool (anon)
Oh my gosh Virgil is adorable (enby-phoenix)
Love you, Virgil! (nexon-pandorlin-2034)
[Actually, Virgil is quite Dangerous- (bromaster20)
-> Thank you for the compliment! (bromaster20)
->> I’m sensing you are confused... (bromaster20)]
Patton you’re adorable and I love you (karmels-stuff)
Virge you’re adorable no matter how much you deny it (anon)
Virgil’s a fierce and handsome dragon... (pastel-anonymous)
Virgil is "Adorably Dangerous” (puffthetrex & the-doctor-demigod-wizard)
Patton, you’re adorkable (anon)
I noticed Roman’s shorter than the other’s when in human size/forms...(enby-phoenix)
Nah Logan, you’re precious (justanotherpurplebutterfly)
The purrito is the most adorable... (anon)
[Roman if it helps.... Virgil I do not agree with you just being adorable...(bromaster20)
... you are still an adorably dangerous noodle (bromaster20)]
HUGS (the-cartoon-shawarma)
Would his royal gayness like some tea & cookies? (pastel-anonymous)
-> What kind of cookies would you like? (pastel-anonymous)
Can we see more of that horse? aka: “Let Eat Cape?” (karmels-stuff)
Let Eat Shoe (anon)
->Hey Marco did you enjoy that shoe? (karmels-stuff)
Omg At least Roman can say Patton’s never tried to eat his sash (anon)
Logan I like your boots! (enby-phoinex)
Pure drago babe. Big Love. (anon)
So I was imagining where this could go..... (karmels-stuff)
Hey Roman! Do your socks have holes in them? (thatrandomautist)
*gives hugs and affection to Fairy Logan because he deserves it* (anon)
Other/Related Discussion:
[Incomplete asks (Anons) -1 (textpost) -2 (daydream AU Thomas Lineart) - 3 (Logan v TS sketch) - 4 (textpost)-]
I just saw the post with Logan comforting Roman and I’m like “Logan is now another older brother.... textpost (the-cartoon-shawarma)
Also people keep calling Virgil adorable..... textpost (fangirltothefullest)
Fantastic Fanart & the Like:
(inktober) Guarded - @whitewinery 
Colored Virgil & Patton hug (Virgi’s got a human form?) - @ask-the-universe-travlers
Fairy!Logan - @maya-tl
Unicorn Patton in Last Unicorn Style - @fangirltothefullest
Patton, Virgil & Lo  - @mad-as-moriarty
“Look at me, my name is Roman” Virgil - @sandersscribbles
(Secret Sanders) Merry Chirstmas Mom (Virgil) - @birdybabybird
Dragon Virgil - @owlwitch104
Fairy!Logan - @red--cosplays
Fairy!Logan - @dailypattondoodle
Exiled from Seelie Court - @listenherebuddypal
@nightmarejasmine came up with the name for the Daydream AU!! Which I am eternally grateful for! Thanks so much!
-note- if I missed something or didn’t link it right, feel free to bug me about it.
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imababblekat · 6 years
Imagine Prowl Feeling Jealous Of Bumblebee’s Close Friendship With His Cybertronian/Gem Crush
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(A/N: While this is mostly focused on Prowl and his crush, it can be interpreted that Bee is developing one as well.)
“What are you two doing?”
Paint brushes halted, yellow and (g,c) paint falling to the ground and making messy splatters on the factory floors. The wielders of said art tools looked up to the ninja bot like two young children being caught in the act of something mischievous by their mother.
“What’s it look like?”, Bumblebee spoke up, covered in your frames theme color.
“Like you’re making a huge mess.”, Prowl stated un-amused, arms crossed and optic ridges narrowing.
You stifled a giggle, continuing your work on Bee while also trying not to ruin the yellow paint he covered you in.
“No-well yes-but no! You see, my dear Prowl, Bee and I are switching places for a day to see who takes the longest to figure out who’s who!”
“Brilliant right?!”
Prowl let out an audible groan, placing a servo to his shaking helm as you two continued to cover each other in the others color. Sure, perhaps you shared the same protoform mold as the young bot in front of you, but you two weren’t that similar. For starters, though metal appearing, the plates of your amour had a crystal sheen to them, something that clearly shown through the thick globs of paint slapped onto you. There were other factors as well, such as the different voices (though Prowl supposed you two could figure out how to switch that if either of you had the processor cell to do so), you’re very obvious carbon fiber infused clothing (something that Bee could not produce), and other more things that would give you two away in a nano second. 
“If it’s so brilliant, Bumblebee, then amuse me in explaining how you’ll be wearing magical shorts and hoodie?”
Bumblebee opened his intake confidentially, but then frozen.
“Scrap, I didn’t think about that. . .”
“I did!”, you suddenly piped, pulling out some badly sewn together drapes to make up the clothing you wore on your body.
Prowl wanted to laugh at how ridiculously put together they looked, but held strong and kept his stoic appearance. He then watched as you and Bee struggled to get the items of clothing onto the young scout, fussing and tugging to get it over kibble and more prominent parts of his Cybertronian form. Once it was finally, somehow, on the young bot, you took the liberty of grabbing a full paint bucket of your color and dumping it over him. Bumblebee stood there drenched and struggled to keep his optics open from the drooping liquid, vents huffing in coughs as he attempted to strike a model pose.
Prowl simply stared at the two of you, taking in Bumblebee’s harsh gags, and your attempt to paint the small black stripes of his helm onto your own. Buffoons, absolute idiotic buffoons is what you two were.
“I’m going to mediate.”, was all the serious mech had said, turning on heel and walking away from the confused expressions of both your faces.
 Sometime had passed since that absurd scene Prowl had caught you two in, but as much as he tried pushing the gleefully dumb expressions on your faces, he just couldn’t. It bothered him, not the silly prank itself, but the reactions it caused from you. The way you smiled so brightly at Bee as he wore your work of art, or the cute, adorable scrunched up expression you’d make when said bot would get close to your face to fix any minor mistakes. Hell, just Bumblebee being in such proximity to you in general spurred a sick feeling in his spark.
“They’re just friends.”, Prowl mumbled to himself, fixing his posture as he sat in a meditative pose.
“But so are you.”, is what his clouding mind would echo back to him.
Prowl grunted frustratingly as it seemed tonight, he would not be able to clear his processor as usual. It just really irked him. You and Bee and the friendship you both shared. If there was one thing Prowl could clearly determine tonight, was that he had unmistakably fallen for you, and boy did he fall hard. Before, seeing you and Bumblebee engage in whatever mischief you were up to didn’t bother him in the slightest, in fact he wouldn’t even so much as bat an eye at it. Now, however, it pulled at his spark’s strings, because he knows he could never be with you the way Bee is. He’s not as open, not as uppity or boisterous. Prowl wasn’t a negative mech, but his calm demeanor was a stark contrast to the bouncing personality of Bumblebee’s.
Prowl thought of you and Bumblebee more; thought of you more. You were a rarity, something unheard of, but certainly not one of monstrosity or hideousness. Far from it actually! A home world Gem, somehow by the beautiful wonders of the universe, crossed with that of a Cybertronian. You came from the harshness of two worlds, but brought a beauty and light like no other in the way a geode was rough on the outside but a striking cluster of beauty on the inside. This, along with other in depth descriptions of Prowls enamor for you, is what the ninja bot felt, but with the closeness you shared with a certain yellow Autobot, he wouldn’t be the only one who did for long.
Prowl’s servo’s shook as he thought about this fact, and with it he also felt deep confliction. He knew what he was feeling, jealousy, something ugly and bound to ruin his friendship with his non stop talking friend as it had done with so many others. Bumblebee was, is, his friend! He shouldn’t feel such blinding hate and spite towards him when he’s done nothing wrong. Oh-but the sheer closeness between you two. The way he can so effortlessly make you laugh and smile without even trying; it all makes Prowl just seethe and shake and-
A loud ring snatches Prowl from his insecure, jealous, and poisoning thoughts, and it takes a second before he realizes it’s his comm link. With a deep inhale and exhale, he keeps his tone even and answers.
“Yes Ratchet; what is it?. . .What do you mean they-I-I’m on my way!!”
Prowl quickly transformed, hanging up on the doc and rushing to the other side of the factory base. Once in the area of the makeshift medbay, he changed back to bi pedal mode, looking up at the sound of sniffling. Sari was there, sitting up in Bumblebee’s lap as the latter tried desperately to keep it together.
“It’s all my fault Sari. It was my idea that we-“
Sari’s brows furrowed further at her best friend choking up as he tried to speak. The young girl continued to hold his face in one hand and rubbed his knee plate in soothing motions to provide him some comfort as he was soon falling into escaped sobs. Prowl walked by the two, not wanting to bother his friends especially in the moment they were sharing, but also because he was focused on getting into the actual medbay itself. Before he could walk in, or even get a glance inside, his view and path was obstructed by the broad build of Optimus.
“What happened?”, Prowl question, his tone slightly harsh and demanding.
Optimus looked down and away from his blue visor, before looking back at his teammate. He placed a servo on Prowls shoulder to offer some comfort for what he was about to explain.
“Bumblebee and (y,n) went out to do some scouting when they were suddenly jumped by Starscream. He had mistaken (y,n) for Bee, and-“, Optimus let out a shaky breath before continuing,” he force activated (y,n)’s transformation cog.”
Now, Prowl would describe you as nothing but perfect. A miraculous miracle in the strange happenings of life, but not everything about you was truly flawless. The biggest con of your mixed Gem DNA and Cybertronian CNA, was that you struggled to transform. Add to that your corrupted gemstone, and transforming was practically near impossible for you. One could only imagine what consequences could come from trying to perform the act.
Prowl didn’t bother to ask his leader to see you, furry and frightened concern coursing through him and giving him the strength to push the larger bot aside. He felt his spark catch in his throat, optic visor fizzing when his sights landed on the slowly fading, cracked gemstone lying on the medical slab.
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angstchim · 6 years
Divine Canvas | kth
Painter Taehyung x Reader 
➻ Oneshot
➻ Inspired by Meddle About - Chase Atlantic 
➻ Words: 6142
➻ Rating: M 
➻ !!: SMUT, language,  Paint play? Is that a thing? I'm making it a thing, Dirty talk, Casual Sex, Sex in public, Teacher/student but not what you expect, some peer pressure? Unprotected Sex, Comedy, Crack but not crack?  
Summary: Lisa is your best friend. She’s a little eccentric and impulsive at times and when she deems you a bore.  She makes a few arrangements. She has you take a single art class, alone, one on one with the handsome instructor. Whom specializes in a unique kind of art.  
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"Which is better? Watercolor or acrylic?" Your eyes going back and forth from the watercolor palettes, and acrylic paint bottles. Hand on your hip, eyes focused, waiting for the feedback of your dear friend. Popular music blaring over the intercom, aisles of the craft store empty.
"Only you would find going to a craft store fun!" Lisa gripes, the blonde, busy tapping away on her phone, dressed in clothes more suited for a shopping spree, her crop top and shorts contrasting greatly from your baggy pants and an oversized sweater.
"Watercolor or acrylic?" Voice monotonous, used to her complaints, eyes bouncing from the watercolor, to the acrylics, and back to the watercolors. "Y/n, you know I can't even paint, the only painting I do is wiping my Cheeto dust fingers on your walls." Her gripes coming off in a breathy tone, leg outstretched, her arms crossed over her chest, head tilted staring at you.
"You're a little bitch for that. Next time you do that I'm making you lick that crusty shit off the wall. Now, Acrylic or Watercolor?" Your voice stern, eyes shooting bullets at the blonde.
"Oof, that's kinky, and watercolor I guess?" Grabbing a watercolor palette, "Alright let's go ya weirdo." Letting out a sigh, paying and exiting the store, making your way over to the mall, Lisa at your side, griping and complaining about how boring of a person you are. "Spice it up hun, you wear the same brand my grandpa does!! This is 2018, and my best friend is not going to have some boring maiden's tale." Her voice a little loud, her manicured hands flying through the racks as she hangs clothes on her arm. "I'm not a grandpa.." Your voice unconvincing, your plain nails grazing the soft fabrics, eyes glossing over clothes you'd never reach for yourself.
"Tell ya what hun? I'm going to set you up a little art class. One on One, I heard the teacher is a god among men and since getting you to go to a party is like baptizing a cat, I think you won't mind spending time at an art class. Doing something you enjoy." Lisa's voice carrying a loving tone, "One exception though.." an evil grin on her face, "You have to wear an outfit I pick out."
Eyes rolling to the back of your head, a soft huff leaving your chest, "I could just say no and it won't happen, but fine, just this once. If it gets you to stop wiping Cheeto dust on my walls."
Lisa's lighthearted chuckles filling the store, "Go for me and I swear my stubby little fingers will never smear Cheeto dust on those walls ever again." You smirked, "Done deal then." Eyes looking at the pile of clothes weighing down her arm. "What the hell? Is all this for me?" A mischievous glint in the blonde's eyes, "Maybe, we have lot's of outfits to go through before I let you go to that class." Heart sinking, your inner grandpa coming out. "I'm too old for this shit, my bones pop you know? Do you know how much bending this shit takes?!" Looking at her ludicrously.
"Boohoo whore, do you know much bending I do when I get laid?"Lisa mocks, swiping her blonde hair over her shoulder, picking out a skirt and top for you. Sending her a glare, "No because I'm a child of God." Lisa's eyes narrowing at you, "Because I'm a child of God!!" She mocks in an incredulous voice that's supposed to be yours, "I've seen the shit you look up Boo, you aren't innocent, far from it." Her lips smacking while she picks out shoes for you, your eyes burning holes into the back of her perfect head, "How so?"
Her dark browns staring into you, "Hun, you were looking up the ovipositor toy. We both know that's like some kinky shit that not even 50 shades touched upon." Your cheeks a flaming scarlet, "Why are you using that against me? How many times do I need to explain that Namjoon is the reason I ever made that Google search!! We both know that when it comes to Namjoon we don't question it!" Your whines and pleas to justify yourself falling upon Lisa's deaf ears.
"Yeah, Yeah Hun." Her voice carrying humor, satisfied with her finds, shoving the articles of clothing your way, "Go try those on for me okay?" Sighs of annoyance escaping you but you listened, hailing down a clerk, you got a room and tried on the outfit. Your eyes traveling over your form in the skirt and top, cheeks a dusty pink. You looked so different, you looked..good. Way better than your usual grandpa ensemble. As much as you wanted to not like the outfit you couldn't just ignore Lisa's exceptional taste. She might be a brat who wipes her Cheeto dust fingers on your walls but at least her majoring in fashion isn't just for clout.
Lisa standing outside the door of the dressing room. "I'm taking the silence as 'Oh Lisa my dear best friend you make me look sooo good!" Her incredulous voice she uses to mock you making an appearance again. The scratchy and high pitched voice piercing the walls of the dressing room, making your insides crawl. "You know Lisa? I was going to say just that, but fuck you." Your voice lighthearted, giggles escaping you. "Awe thanks Boo." Her comment sounding scarily genuine.
stop by my house before we go out for coffee <=====3
Eyes glossing over the message you received from Namjoon, a reluctant sigh leaving your lips. Going to Namjoon's house was always a risky business, you never knew what you were getting. Namjoon is viewed by many as the sophisticated psychology major he is, but when he's around you he shoves his 4.0 up his ass and all his brain cells disintegrate. Feet lugging their way up the steps to Namjoon's dorm, light-handed knocks hitting his door. Blood turning cold when the door opens to reveal a figure in a patent leather suit, face entirely covered in the black material, eyes being the only thing visible.
A loud shriek escaping you. "Wrong dorm!! I-I'll go elsewhere" voice shaky, feet unresponsive, frozen in place when the figure abruptly grabs your arms tugging you inside, your shrill cries becoming louder and louder. Fear filling your being, "Shut Up!" A deep, muffled voice erupting from the mask, this only made you cry out louder. "Shut up!! You're  going to make people think I'm hurting you!" A familiar voice coming from under the mask. Kicking the door shut with his leg, peeling the mask from his face to reveal none other than Namjoon.
Eyes drilling into him, bringing your hand to his head you gave him a good swat, making sure he felt it. "The fuck was that about you lunatic?! You trying to kill me ?! Fuck this, the cafe date is canceled !" The larger male looking down at you, his face trying to conceal his amusement, your glare doing nothing to diminish his spirits. His long arms blocking your futile attempts to swat him. "Relax, I didn't mean to scare you."  Scowling, "Didn't mean to scare you." Voice dropping down an octave so you could mock him. His coffee browns narrowing at you, "I don't sound like that."  Shrugging, giving him one last swat, "What's the kinky suit for?"
Your small hands roaming free over the leather on his firm chest, "Remember the first season of American Horror Story?" A smirk on his face as looks down at your hands on his chest. "Murder House?" Eyes narrowing as you peered into the older's eyes, "Yes Murder House, remember the suit ?" You let out a sigh, "Yeah, I remember the creepy gimp suit."
"Tada!" His voice light, fingers wiggling as he gave jazz hands. "Why?" He set his large hand atop your head, "Halloween, and maybe some other stuff." Voice deepening to a sultry tone, giving a flirtatious wink. "Joon,  I swear if you go chasing the freshmen around in a gimp suit.." you began. "Nothing's wrong with chasing the freshmen." He shrugged. "I can't believe you're a psychology major..." Namjoon  letting out a humored sigh, " Only you see me like this." The taller dipping down, nuzzling his nose against yours in an Eskimo kiss. "I'm gonna peel this thing off me, it really sticks to the body."
"It's a bondage suit, that's the point." Letting out a sigh, eyes trailing over his body, The suit sticking to every muscle and joint on the man. "Checking me out over there?" Eyes rolling to the back of your head, "As if."
"Ow, so cruel." The older fakes hurt, heading off to his room changing. Being fairly familiar with Namjoon's apartment it takes very little for you to already be slouching on his couch, finding a random hentai novel laying nearby. "He doesn't even attempt to hide his porn...we love a queen." You muttered to yourself. The anime girl on the cover sparsely covered, slimy appendages which you can only assume are tentacles spread her legs open revealing her...special parts. Joon walking out in shaggy brown pants with a matching large shirt, strapped sandals on his feet.  "Good book isn't it?"
"Riveting." Getting up from the couch, "Ready Bud?" Gathering your belongings heading to his entryway, "Yeah, let's get going." Grabbing his wallet the two of you exiting his apartment. "Do you know it took a whole bottle of lube to get into that suit?" You let out a sigh, "Did I need to know?"
"So what's this art class you're me telling about?" His deep voice slightly muffled as he took a sip of his ice coffee. His messy locks framing his face, dimples slightly moving as he sucks on his straw. "Lisa wants to dress me up for this art class, she said I'm boring and maybe an art class will make my life exciting since I don't go to parties." The bitter taste of coffee on your tongue, fingers busy picking flakes of your croissant. "She's not wrong about you being a bore, but what kind of art class is? This seems a little strange." His thumbs gliding along the screen of his phone as he typed up an essay for his psychology class.  "She said it was a one on one painting class with this guy named Kim...Kim Taehyung? I think?"
"One on One?" his eyebrow-raising, taking an obnoxious sip of his coffee. "They offer those? And who did you say the teacher was?"
Finger flaking the croissant, "Apparently they do and Kim Taehyung why?"
"I've heard that name before." His voice nonchalant and cool. "Kim Taehyung. You recognize the name or not Namjoon?" Your groan evident in the cafe. The darker haired male, rubbing his chin like a philosophical thinker from Ancient Greece, "Hush, I recognize the name. Used to go to high school with em." His voice blunt. Eyes narrowing, "That's it? That's all you remember about the guy?"
Namjoon's dark eyes staring into you boredly, "I mean the guy didn't stick out much, he liked to paint so I don't see it as a surprise that he's an art teacher.." His voice trailing off, "however I remember one strange rumor about him." The larger male leaning closer, whispering in your ear, suspense building the longer you waited for an answer. Joon's husky voice tickling your lobe, "He was pretty popular with the girls, quiet guy, probably a hipster, he made his rounds though, heard he's packing."
Your face stretching into one of disgust, "Really Joon? Really?" Your voice void of emotion, "I ask you for some useful information but all you do is make me regret my friendship with you." Eyes narrowed, growling at the male.
The older laughing, "He's packing, maybe he can raw your ass all the way to P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney."
The older scrunching his nose in amusement, "Alright, Alright, well I honestly don't remember much about him, he was an underclassman so I didn't really talk to him, I remember all the girls in my grade raved about him, talking about how he seemed so aloof and innocent but in reality he was just a playboy disguised as a prince. I mean he gave off good boy vibes, he was in in a few of my classes, advanced placement and he stuck to himself, he was chill when you asked him something." He took another sip, " That's all I can offer toots."
Nibbling on your croissant, "He doesn't seem too interesting, well the class is later on tonight. Might as well get it over with so Lisa stops badgering me. Also, don't call me toots."
The older letting out a groan, " I need a nickname for you. I hate calling you by your name all the time. I'm special." You watched the older pout, his dimples moving as he sucked on his straw again.  "Who said you were special?" He shot you a glare, "Alright fine, but why Toots?"
"Short for Toostie roll." Smacking your lips, "I don't like tootsie rolls though.." His long digit flicking your nose, "Buttercup then?" You smirked, "Nice to see you use that brain of yours."
"You could've just said yes." He sighed, going back to writing his essay on his phone. "You could've  just said buttercup, you know that's my nickname Joon.." Voice muffled as you took another bite of your croissant.
"So mean buttercup.." He pouts, eyes looking down at his phone screen while he wrote his essay last minute. "So whiny Joon.." You mocked.
Hair damp, your breath light, eyes peering into the mirror as you slathered on your favorite lemon-scented lotion, hands running over the soft, supple flesh of your arms, legs, and thighs. The cold cream slathering over the mounds of flesh on your chest making your nipples pert, music blaring from your phone's speakers. Sliding on the skirt, and top Lisa picked, hair lightly styled you looked in the mirror. Staring back at you was a new you, a more put together you.  Cheeks cherry tinted, you gave a twirl, grabbing your bags, slipping on ankle boots. You took off.  
Skipping to the train station. Your steps light, canvas in hand, eyes reading over the address to the studio while you walked. "Block 42..1st floor?" Bottom lip victim to your teeth's gnawing as you searched for said building. Eyes roaming over the minimalist buildings surrounding you, a small window with a lovely canvas sitting on its sill, catching your eye.  The color red emphasized in the painting,  a red lycoris caught between the lips of a distorted but angelic looking male. You looked in awe at the canvas sitting in that small window, the colors, the brush strokes, the details. It was captivating.
A soft pair of almond eyes watching you, wispy red hair obscuring his vision of you, loose cardigan wrapped around his slim frame, black pants hanging loosely from his toned legs. Long arms crossed, a gentle smirk stretching across the painter's face. "It's a neat painting isn't it?"
A deep, suave voice ripping your eyes from the canvas in the window. Eyes gliding over the ethereal face of whom you believed to be your teacher for the evening.  "Did you paint it ?" Gulping slightly, shivering, looking at the male.
"That I did." His nose scrunching a little while he let out a chuckle. His long delicate digits waving you close, "Come inside, I take it you are my last class for tonight" His voice deep, his thin pinks pulling into a smile. "Yeah that's me" voice light, taking timid steps inside the toasty studio, Leonardo Da Vinci paintings bordering the entry of the studio, statues and abstract art decorating the walls. "This place is ..." Awe in your voice, eyes wandering over the room. "Amazing..?" He finished your sentence, deep purrs erupting from his chest as he closed the door to the studio. His gentle footsteps heading over to the sink, washing brushes, grabbing fresh canvases. "It's more than amazing." Taking a seat, excited for the lesson, "What will we be doing today? Watercolor, acrylic, will we even be painting?"
The redhead setting down the canvases, along with two sheets of scrap paper and pencils. "You're eager and I want to try something new." His dark almonds boring into you while he set down bottles of body paint. "Can I use you as a canvas"  Your eyebrow-raising, "Use me...as a canvas?" His cedar wood scent more prevalent the closer he leaned his face to yours.  Your cheeks a bright crimson, his breath tickling your lips as he pulls away, pencil in his hand. "I want to sketch out a design and paint it on you. I'd like to post it on my social media, you can say no of course."  No pressure in his voice.
Your timid eyes meeting his, his brown almonds looking over the supple flesh of your thighs. Your skirt letting his eyes ravish your thighs, his looks lingering.  "Where do you want to paint.?" Your cherry cheeks and timid eyes looking into his. "Your thighs, if you don't mind?" His deep voice trickling off the walls of the studio. You felt as if you could roll in it, his deep soothing voice calming your nerves. "My thighs?" A little surge of confidence running through your veins. "You'd let me?" His tone curious. Lisa's voice ringing in your ears, her snooty voice saying bore. "Might as well." Voice confident, only to spite the imaginary Lisa that was whispering in your ear, reminding you of how much of a bore you were. "Lift your skirt a little for me darling, let me  map this out." His deep voice letting out a subtle grunt.
His large hands holding the paper up to your thigh for size, a soft hum rumbling from his throat. Cheeks cherry tinted, his soft hands grazing the skin of your thighs, his bottom lip ensnared in his teeth while he worked, his pencil tickling you as it's tip drew out curves and points on the paper. His eyes wandering from the papers every now and then as he caught a glimpse of your mesh panties. The fabric did little to conceal your pink nub from his peripheral, his steady hands working as he continued to map out an intricate galaxy design on the scrap piece of paper, his almond eyes a shade darker.  
Marker in hand he begins sketching out his design, tongue swabbing the inside of his cheek while he worked. His clement, fluid hands brushing against you. The felt tip marker ticking your sensitive skin. His eyes every now and then staring at your twitching nub. "Your skin is really soft you know?" A small hiccup erupting from you, "..No?" Deep chuckles erupting from his chest, "Cute." His messy sketch finished, his almonds focused on the array of body paints on the table. "Mhm, tell me little Dove. What color palette suits you?" His fingers fiddling with the hem of your skirt, "Warm?" Smirk on his face, "Cool?" His breath ticking your chin as he looked up at you, "or a nice Pastel?" His fingers tentatively inching further and further up your thigh.
Breath hitching, your eyes traveling down his loose blouse to his sun-kissed torso, a smirk on his face, "Like what you see?" Face crimson, "I do." His finger pushing your skirt up, a gentle flick to your clit. "I like what I'm seeing too." His voice deep, hand grabbing a bottle and paint brush. "I think pastels suit you best little Dove."  Gathering the light colors he starts building and mixing. Your eyes watching his long digits stir and mix. The way his delicate fingers held the brush, his long thin digits. You bit your lips, impure thoughts popping into your head.
Rubbing your thighs he starts painting, brush bristles moving lightly across your skin. His eyes focused, a soft hum rumbling from his chest. You watched, his beautiful features accentuated as he concentrated, paint wet and cold against your thighs. Light hisses escaping you. "It tickles." His brush strokes delicate, his eyes focused on the supple skin of your thighs, "Stay still for me Little Dove, I know it can be ticklish, but be a good birdie and stay still?" His voice gentle, his soft breaths echoing through the room as he worked.
Legs inching open while he worked, his brush strokes becoming soothing, slight shivers trailing up your spine each time he added more paint. "A little wider for me Dove." His free hand gently trailing up the opening to your skirt, your nub temping him. "Can I?"  Cheeks blossoming a pink tint, it had been a long time since you slept with another and to have someone like him take interest in you was daunting. "Y-Yes..." Voice barely a stutter, his almonds meeting yours, his brush strokes coming to a halt. "I need a clear, confident, answer Dove."
"Yes." Your eyes meeting his, you could feel yourself getting lost in their beauty. "That's more like it Little Dove." His tone affectionate as he continued his brush strokes, one hand elaborately mixing and painting on the supple flesh of your thighs. The other hand sliding your panties aside, his forefinger and thumb mercilessly teasing your clit, pinching and rubbing the poor nub with the pad of his thumb.  Your squirms making him smirk. "Stay still Dove, I'm almost done." His other hand reaching for a sponge and fine detail brush, his bottom lip ensared in his teeth. 
A few more minutes of this passing by before be leaned back admiring his work, "Perfect." His hands grabbing a mask on the table, "Slip this on for me Dove, and spread your legs for me." Giving him a coy nod, you did as you were told, slipping on the mask and spreading your legs. His tepid hands adjusting your skirt to conserve your modestly, the sounds of a camera's shutters meeting your ears, several clicks echoing throughout the room. "So perfect, I'll be posting these. You don't mind, do you?" Voice light as he removed the mask from your face. 
"Of course not." A smile on your face, blush dusting your cheeks. Paint wet, his large hands carefully tugging your skirt from your hips. Your hands pushing away his button up, letting the fabric hang from his shoulders while your hands traveled his shapely torso.  "So eager, I love it." His lips delicately kissing your lobes as he muttered his praises in your ear.  His deep whisper sending electric shocks down your spine,  light mewls escaping your lips when his delicate digits began to rub over your clothed slit.  Fingertips tracing the outline of a circle over your clothed heat, purposely avoiding your center. "Don't tease me." Your small pout coming out as a moan, the redhead looking up at you with a satisfied grin on his face. "Be patient Little Dove, sex is an art and art takes time." A low growl escaping him as you rubbed your knee against his sizeable bulge in protest.
His almonds darkening, his hands gripping your hips with force and he pulled you bottom half against his, his bulge harshly coming into contact with your heat. "Listen to what I say, Little Dove, don't make me angry." Voice sharp, a light trickle escaping your folds. The friction causing your body to tremble with pleasure, light pants making your chest heave. A harsh red dusting your cheeks, lips beginning to swell from your relentless biting. "That a girl, keep being a good Little Dove and I might reward you."  His lips connecting with yours, his tongue quickly claiming your mouth as his. Tongues caressed in wet, vehement battle. Languid, slow strokes complemented with guttural growls escaping the lewd artist. Bulge creating a steady friction between the two of you as he ground his hips against your hungry core.
"Fuck, such a good girl." Eyes lidded, his ivories tugging on your bottom lip leaving the flesh bruised and abused. "Tell me, Little Dove." Hands pulling your panties down, mindful of the still wet paint on your thigh. "Do you like it rough?" A deep growl following his inquiry, a harsh but landed smack grazing your clit. An abrupt squeak leaving your lips rushes of adrenaline shooting through your abdomen. "Or, do you like slow and soft." His voice lightening as he lovingly rubbed his bulge against your swollen and sensitive love. Blood rushing to your poor love button as it puffed and twitched under his ministrations. "Ahh!" Abdomen trembling under his weight, no matter how minuscule the ministration you felt it in every part of your being, his touches overwhelming.
An evil chuckle escaping the mahogany-haired male, he took pride in his work. He knew how much control he had over you and he loved every second of it. "Tell me, Dove," He leaned close to your ear, breaths tickling your lobe, "Do you like being told of how of slut and dirty whore your being? Do you like being told how tight your pink little pussy is? Would you like me to tell how I'm going to stuff my cock into that dripping cunt, how I'm going to make your pussy weep. How we'll make this table shake?" His wet muscle gently nipping your ear, saturating your lobe with a loving lick. His hot muscle feeling cool against your scorching skin.
With his thumb persistently torturing your nub, the merlot haired male used his free hand to lower his dress pants, a large, veiny and swollen length springing free from its cotton confines.  Fingertips dipping into your core, spreading your folds, your slick spreading down the length of his fingers. His cock gave a twitch at the sight of your liquids. Lips latching to your neck, tongue smoothing over the supple skin, "Or, do you like being a pampered baby. Do you like me worshipping your body, every nook and cranny being cared for." His voice gentle, plush lips feathering kisses down your shoulder, hands swiftly flinging your shirt to an unknown corner of the studio.  His tongue giving curious licks to your pert buds, "Mhm baby? Want to treat you like a divine canvas?"  His voice deepening, eyes dark he latches himself onto your pert bud, his digits curling inside your heat.
 Fingers increasing their pace while he sucked your delicate mound, moans, and cries leaving your lips as you felt a build up in your abdomen that you hadn't felt in years.  However, just as you started to see stars the sensation was lost when he pulled his fingers and lips from your body. "Shh baby, I can't have you feeling euphoria when we haven't even gotten to the main part of today's lesson." Letting out a cocky grin, he led himself into you, his aching crown spreading the wet walls of your core, your chest heaving, groans escaping you while your core stretched to accommodate his intrusive size and wide girth.  "S-So tight!" His grunt shaky as he hunched over you, the pastel paint along your thighs, still damp, smearing against both of your abdomens, the cold textures covering the two of you in goosebumps.
 Back arching, hands finding their way to his fiery locks, your digits intertwining with his tresses, your soft squeaks echoing in his ears. His hips giving a curious thrust, your walls tightening around him as pleasure shot through your body, thighs wrapping around his waist, paints smearing and racing along your bodies. The cool textures doing little to lower the temperatures, of scorching skins rubbing against each other as he picked up the pace. Length pulling out completely before sliding back into you, guttural grunts escaping him as he held your hips in place, teeth latching themselves to the crook of your neck. spreading your thighs apart he continued, hips pistoning themselves into your tight core. Length reaching the innermost corners of your heat, his crown giving you an immense pleasure you had yet to experience in your sex life.
 "Ahh, more, give me more!!" Your cries took into account, his teeth tightening on your neck, huffs escaping his chest causing his nose to flare.  Adjusting the position slightly, lips pulling away from your neck, his dark browns staring down at you. His sun-kissed torso on display for your eyes to ravage, the pastels painted on your body now smeared and mixed along with his lean abdomen, clit twitching at the sight. "You're going to want to hang on Dove" Pecking your lips, "I'll pull out, trust me." He murmured against your neck. Your hand dipping itself into the paints, curiously pressing your handprint against his firm chest, his lips curling into a smile as he does the same placing a set of handprints on your breasts. Hips slamming into you, the table supporting the two of you wobbling, it's legs letting out subtle creaks that could vaguely be heard over the clapping sound of flesh that rang throughout the studio. 
His eyes darkened as he looked down at you, taking in your handprinted breasts, your walls clenched tightly while he spread them. His free hand dipping in paints as he lightly smacked your chest, watching your mounds shake as he slammed his length further and further into your core. The lighthanded smacks ringing in your ears, you watched the paints melt into an ombre as they slithered from your mounds to your stomach. Loud grunts escaping him as he continued to slam his cock further and further into your heat. Not leaving an inch of space between your core and the tip of his cock as he continuously pierced it. His sunkissed torso now splattered with pastels, creating a lewd contrast. The way the wet paint dripped along his chest, his nipples slightly perked as the paint raced down to his abdomen.
"S-Such a dirty girl." A guttural groan escaping the hunched male, his eyes trailed down to where the two of you connected, his bottom lip ensared in his ivories as he watched his cock spread your cunt, a pearly froth coating his shaft. "Who said you could cum around me, Little Dove?" His snarl ringing in your ears as his grip begins to bruise your hips, his trusts becoming increasingly heavier. Animalistic grunts and groans escaped his lips as he slammed his weight into you, your hands flying to his torso for support. The pastels beginning to dry with a beautiful sheen,  a stunning blend of colors coating the two of you. Your nails scratching his chest. Gently scraping away the paints, his cock stirring a familiar feeling in your abdomen. Back arched, your bud twitching the more his crown hit that one spot that made you see stars.
"Ah-hh T-Tae!!" Toes curling, fingers clawing his chest, walls suffocating his member as you released yourself around him, another pearly layer coating his shaft. "H-Holy shit!!" He falters, quickly separating himself from your core, he wraps a hand around his shaft, pumping himself. His hand vigorously running along his length, tip an angry twitching red,  a loud cry of ecstasy filling the room as thick ropes of cum splattered against your abdomen.
The milky substance exuding a warmth against your skin. "Mhm," His lips swollen, eyes looking down at your paint covered body, giving your nipples a light pinch he trails a hand down to his puddle on your abdomen. His forefinger dipping in the pearly puddle, a ticklish feeling as he etches into the puddle. His signature. "You're the most beautiful canvas I've ever gotten the pleasure to paint on." He smirks, dipping down he brings his mouth to your ear, "I just had to leave my signature."
A light gasp escaping you when you looked down to his signature written in the splattered cum on your abdomen.  A pink dusting your cheeks. "L-Let's get cleaned up." Eyes trailing over the pastel mess covering the two of you. "I have a shower over there." He nods over to the shower head in the corner in the studio, a drain on the floor nearby, no curtains or stalls. "Shower?" Planting a kiss on your nose he smiles, "This studio used to be a chemistry lab so they needed the shower for safety reasons, however, since I converted this place into an art studio I never really had the chance to get rid of it."
"I'm glad you didn't get rid of it, going home in this mess would be quite the task." You giggled, getting up from the wobbly table. Looking down at the damage, cheeks flushing at his signature on your body.
"Mind if I shower with you?" He chuckles as he gathers towels, letting the shower run.
"After this evening it'd be a little strange for me to tell you 'no' wouldn't it?" Your giggle echoing throughout the room. His paint covered hand waving you over. "That's now come mere baby." His tone loving as he pulled you under the steaming water. His large hands roaming your body as the two of you scrubbed away the paint from your bodies. Splattering water was all that could be heard, the warm liquid warming the two of you.
"Will I see you again?" Your voice coming off as a gentle plea. His chin rested atop your head. "I don't see why not, next time we should meet under normal circumstances don't you think so Dove?" An almost immediate nod coming from you, "I'd like that, to see what you're like outside of the studio." A small smile tugging at your lips, the water showering the two of you in a layer of warmth. Large hands roaming your body down to your hips, his palm cupping your core. "Until then.." He smirks, "Can I play with you a little more baby?" The red-headed male dropping to his knees as he spread your thighs open.
Carefully leaning against the back wall, head tilted back as his skilled tongue began to trace over your slit. Gentle licks and sucks attacking your nub,  your hands quickly latching themselves to his scalp. Tugging at his red locks as his pace picked up. His lewd slurps causing your cheeks to darken to a crimson shade. His tongue paying special attention to your clit as he began to softly hum. The vibrations sending shivers along the length of your spine, the once hot water now becoming cool against your skin.  A soft whine of protest escaping you as he pulled away. "I have to close up the studio baby, next time we will continue this." Standing at your level he gave you heated kissed, one that was a mixture of emotions. Lust, attraction, curiosity, and longing. You already missed him and you haven't even left yet.
The cool fall breeze knocked on the windows to your apartment. Leaves and sticks brushed against your door. Namjoon spamming your phone with every passing minute. He was coming over later on for a movie marathon, Lisa was joining too. You were in limbo. Ever since you saw Taehyung that evening last week you hadn't been able to erase the redheaded man from your memory. He hadn't contacted you since. Was it your fault? Did he even know your name? He only referred to you as 'Dove'. You missed him. Every day since you had to reframe yourself from walking to his studio, to push him against the wall and ask him where he had been. Ask him why he hadn't said anything. Why he didn't keep his word.
A soft knocking shattered your thoughts. "I'm in the middle of having a pity party, who the hell is bothering me." You let out a low growl as you trudged yourself to the front door. Peaking through the peephole seeing no one on the other side. "I swear Joon if you are playing tricks on me again!!" You shouted, opening the door preparing yourself to be tackled by Namjoon in his gimp costume but there was no one there. Just a piece of paper sticking out from your mailbox. "The mailman doesn't come by on Sundays.." Your eyebrows furrowing. Carefully taking the paper from the mailbox, you unfolded it. You're stomach fluttering, blood running to your cheeks. Painted in watercolor was you.  A painting of you nude, covered in a gradient of pastels, along with a pearly puddle on your abdomen. Written in a sloppy black cursive was a message.
"I had a hard time tracking you down Little Dove. Haven't been able to stop thinking about you since. How about dinner next time?"  Clutching the painting against your chest, the heat in your face making it a little hard to breathe. "W-What did I get myself into.."
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runenc03 · 5 years
Superstar (pt. 1)
Writing date: October 2018
Genre: fluff
Warnings: absolutely none :)
Dear Sister,
First of all: I'm so incredibly sorry that I couldn't be with you on your real birthday...I tried to cancel this, I really did, but I couldn't anymore. I'll make it up to you when I get home, I promise. Actually, I'll make this a really long letter, so I can already make it up to you. Just a tiny bit.
You must be wondering why this letter is attached to a present, even though you know I hate not being there when someone opens my present for them.
Let me explain.
You've undoubtedly already opened my present, you're way too nosy not to, I know you, Kaycee. And if I'm not mistaken, you're thinking something along the lines of 'why is Kylie giving me a Gramophone?'
It's kind of a long story, really.
It all started at the beginning of this year. You were at the Main Event, and mum decided that she and I needed some mother-daughter time. So, we went shopping. We had a good time, really, until it began raining.
And by raining, I mean pouring.
Since mum's car was parked so far away, we couldn't do anything but run to the closest store.
Which was a really cosy, vintage thrift store.
I normally don't go to those, but since it was still pouring outside, mum and I figured that we might as well take a look.
While I was walking in that little store, my mind wandered to you. I know that sounds a little dramatic, but it's the truth. You were off on your own, to another state, and I know that there were enough adults there and if that wasn't enough, Sean would protect you with his life if something would happen, but still I couldn't shake this feeling that you were growing up so fast. And then my thoughts shifted to your birthday. Your 16th birthday.
And I know this sounds too good to be true, but I'm 100 percent serious:
I saw a Gramophone.
And then it clicked. I would buy it for you.
I know it's still kind of strange of me to suddenly buy you a Gramophone, but there's a certain logic behind it. A Gramophone means music in a special way. And I guess I never saw this before, but it's such a perfect gift for you! You love music and you're really unique yourself, so I figured this'd be the ideal 16th birthday present.
And then I realised that I couldn't be there with you on your special day, and let me tell you, that made me feel incredibly guilty. So I came up with a little game, that'd keep you busy until I'd be with you to celebrate (not that you wouldn't celebrate it with mum and dad and Sean and all your friends, I just wanted to make a statement, you know?)
The Gramophone is only the first gift. In the months after I bought it, I wandered through a lot more thrift shops, kept my eyes open, and even went to some garage sales. All for one thing: finding you the perfect old records.
And it worked. I found a bunch of records that fit you perfectly.
And then I decided to make a little game out of this whole Gramophone thing.
Every record is carefully chosen, Kaycee, because every single one represents your bond with someone you're close to. I talked with those people about their feelings for you, your feelings for them, and, not to brag, but I think it turned out even better than I thought it would.
So, as I already said, we're making a game out of this.
I challenge you to figure out which record belongs to which person in your life. If you guess all of them correctly, you get your real birthday present. If not, well, I guess you'll have to wait until your 17th birthday.
Lots of love and again, happy birthday to the best little sister in the whole wide world!!
Kylie x
Kaycee laid the letter beside her and slowly let her fingers trace the Gramophone. She loved it. She absolutely, thoroughly, completely loved it. When she opened kylie's letter for the first time a few days ago, she immediately wanted to annalyze every single one of those records. It was only when her mum pointed out that it'd be a better idea to wait till she was alone, that she'd changed her mind. Her mum was right. It'd be much nicer to be alone when she would do this. No-one needed to hear those records. Knowing Kylie, they'd probably be very emotional and -most of all- personal.
So she'd waited. But that didn't mean she didn't anticipate the moment that she'd finally be able to put the first record on the Gramophone. Ever since her birthday a few days ago, she'd been beyond impatient.
But today, she was finally alone.
She opened the box in which the records were stored. One of them immediately caught her attention. It's cover was brightly colored in blue, red and yellow, and the word 'superstar' was written in the middle.
Only now did Kaycee see that there was a post it stuck to the corner of the record.
If you take the letters of what you guys are (officially) minus the n and then the first and last letter of your nickname for him/her, you should get the word superstar. Enjoy x
So Kylie had given her tips. Interesting.
Her curiosity got the better of her. She had to know what 'superstar' was about. With almost trembling hands, she took the record out of it's cover, placed it on the Gramophone and carefully put the needle down on the record.
It started just like a movie,
He was the leading man
I told my friends it was nothing
This was never in my plans
Okay, so superstar was about a male figure in her life. And the song was sung by a girl, which meant this was how she thought about the man?
And now he's writing songs about me,
sending letters to me,
stopping by to see my face
Well, there was this one person who wrote her the longest and most beautiful letters, especially with her birthday. And he seemed to be more in her house than in his own...could it be?
I see you in my dreams now
They're telling me to slow down
But we're just picking up the pace
Slow down? And who are they? Kylie surely didn't make this easy.
I got you where I want you
There's nothing left now in my way
And lately all I wanna do
Is hear all of the crazy things you say
Okay. Kaycee wasn't entirely sure about it, but she had a suspicion that this song was about Sean. She remembered a conversation with Kylie from a few months ago. Her sister had insisted that Sean only had to say something, and she'd do it. Of course Kaycee'd said that that was complete nonsense. But then her sister had come with quite the strong argument. She still remembered it vividly...
"Nonsense, huh? He asks you out of the blue for world of dance, you say yes. He mentions that your curly hair is beautiful and tada! You don't straighten it anymore!!"
She really hadn't known what to reply to that, and her sister had left her room with a smug grin on her face.
And now we'll always be together,
you and me forever,
never wanna lose you, babe
Oh. So this was a love song. She almost litteraly facepalmed. Why hadn't she seen this coming? She'd been so focused on figuring out who the song was about, that she hadn't paid attention to who the male in the song was to her.
She should've seen this one coming. Kylie was always teasing her about Sean, constantly pushing her buttons, trying to get her to admit that maybe, just maybe, she had this tiny crush on Sean. But Kaycee didn't have time to give it much thought, 'cause the song still continued.
'Cause you're my superstar now,
I'm never gonna let you get away
Ahh, there was that word again. Superstar. Was Sean her superstar? The thought alone made her blush.
Days rushing by like a river
Now I'm your woman, you're my man
And we're only getting closer
This was never in my plans
Scratch what she thought before. That blush was nothing compared to the one that colored her cheeks right now. His woman? The thoughts that swirled around in her head in that moment...what would it be like, being his? And Sean being hers? She had to admit that it sounded really appealing...
And now he's singing songs about me,
hanging with my family
painting pictures of my face
If she wasn't sure before, she was now. This fit Sean perfectly. She knew that he was busy with making an album. He hadn't told it to his fans, because he wanted it to be a surprise, but he had showed Kaycee some of his songs. She'd asked Sean, while reading a particularly romantic song, who it was about. He'd sheekily answered her with: "a gorgeous girl with sparkling brown eyes, curly hair and a smile that makes rainbows...you know her?"
She'd rolled her eyes, but hadn't been able to help the blush that had crept upon her cheeks.
The problem was that he was always so over-the-top when it came to flirting. Kaycee simply didn't know if she could take it serious or not. So she always stayed silent, the only evidence that she'd heard him being her constant blushing around him.
And then there was the 'hanging with my family'. Her dad had once joked that Sean was a 'real Rice'. It was a funny way of saying that he was always welcome in their family. In a way, it was Sean getting her father's blessing for, well, whatever it was that they were doing. She'd hugged her father that night, showing him her gratefullness, without using words. He'd understood.
The 'painting pictures of my face'
just made everything even clearer. He'd drawn her for his Grand Canion video. It was the first time that she'd seen him drawing something. Thinking back to that moment, she realized that that must be the first time she'd felt 'butterflies.'
Had this really been going on for such a long time already?
I see you in my dreams now
you're the one I need now
Baby, come and take me away
I got you where I want you...
And while the chorus repeated itself, Kaycee realised that Kylie had talked to the 'subjects' of the records. That meant that Sean had a say in what this song was about...And this was clearly a love song. Did that mean-? But then again, was it really Sean who this was about? In all honesty, no-one could ever come even close to what she felt for Sean...
...You're my superstar
You're my superstar
You're my superstar...
And then she remembered. The post it! It was the only way to check if this was about Sean. It'd be a big deal if it was. Sean wouldn't agree with a song with "I'm your woman, your my man" in it without wanting to make a real statement. This was serious.
Quickly, she snatched a pen and some paper from her desk and wrote the word superstar on it.
'What you guys are (officially) minus the n'
She could come up with a million things that they were. Friends? Best Friends? Soulmates? A couple?
It was all so confusing.
But then her attention slid back towards the post it. Officially.
And suddenly she knew it. They were official dance partners, but there wasn't a 'c'  in superstar, so she had to take the word partners, minus the n, and then the letters p,a,r,t,e,r, and s remained.
Plus the first and last letter of your nickname for him/her
That wasn't even a question. Sean would always stay her Shamu...
So she took the s and the u, puzzled for a bit, and established that she'd been right all along.
P   A  R   T   E   R   S   S   U
S   U   P   E   R   S   T   A   R
You're my superstar,
You're my superstar,
You're my superstar ...
And she realized then and there, that it was the truth.
Sean Lew really was her superstar.
Part 2
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squeezethefreeze · 5 years
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Father Gabriel ^
Tangled is one of my favorite Disney movies and I realized how much of a similarity there is between the dynamic of angel, demon, and asshole and the dynamic of mother, Rapunzel, and Flynn were and I felt it the perfect match. (And wish that Gabriel had died the same way as Gothel tbh)
So, after watching the movie again, I present to you Tangled Omens. (Part 1/?)
Aziraphale was pacing back and forth, working up the courage to ask Father Gabriel to let him go to the lights in the sky. He was finally eighteen this year and wanted more than anything to go. 
“Aziraphale! Let down your hair!”
Gabriel called out in a sing-song-y voice.
“It’s time. I know, I know. Stay quiet.” He returned Pascal, his dove, to his cage and covered it just as Gabriel called out again.
“Aziraphale! I’m not getting any younger down here!” 
“Coming, Father!” He called out, running to the window. He tossed out his long, blonde hair to Gabriel, who looped it around his foot and gently tugged, Aziraphale pulling Gabriel slowly up the side of the tower. He stepped onto the sill and released Aziraphale’s hair. "Welcome back, Father.” Aziraphale smiled, pulling his hair out of the way. 
“Ah, Aziraphale. How you manage to do that every single day, without fail, it looks absolutely exhausting.”
“It’s nothing, really.”
“Then why does it take so long?”
Aziraphale’s face fell, feeling hurt. He was never a very strong bo- man now. He was never a very strong man and he always did his best. This earned a laugh from Gabriel. 
“I'm just teasing you.”
Aziraphale gave a nervous laugh. 
“All right….. So, Father, as you know, tomorrow is a very big day ...”
“Aziraphale, look in the mirror,”
Gabriel interrupted, pulling Aziraphale next to him. 
“Do you know what I see? I see a strong, confident, handsome young man.”
He huffed softly.
“Oh look, you're here too.”
Gabriel chuckled at his own joke, Aziraphale’s confidence slipping slightly. 
“I’m just teasing. Stop taking everything so seriously.”
He concluded his chuckling and sighed, a smile plastered on his face. 
“Okay….. So, Father. As i was saying, i was thinking tomorrow….”
“Father is feeling a little run down. Sing that song for me. You know the one. Then we’ll talk.”
“Of course, Father!”
He rushed around, pulling over the chair and the stool and the brush before gently pushing Gabriel into the big chair and seating himself on the stool. 
“Flower, gleam and glow. Let my powers shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate’s design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine.” He rapidly sang, Gabriel being zapped by the magic, which frazzled his hair. 
He glared at him.
“So, Father, earlier I was saying that tomorrow is a pretty big day and you didn’t really respond so I'm just gonna tell you. It’s my birthday! Tada!” He nervously giggled, leaning against Gabriel who was still startledly sitting in the chair. 
“No no no. Can’t be. I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year.”
Aziraphale stared at him for a second. 
“Well, that’s the funny thing about birthdays. They’re kinda an annual thing.” He wondered if Gabriel was joking with him again. He can’t have forgotten what a birthday was. He took a few steps back from the chair before taking a deep breath.
“Father…. I’m turning eighteen and….I wanted to ask….,” He sighed, working back up to the question. 
“What I really want for this birthday…...Actually what I've wanted for quite a few birthdays….” He mumbled the last part.
“Okay, Okay, Aziraphale please. Stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah blah blah blah. It's very annoying. I’m just teasing. You’re fine. I l ...love you so much, Aziraphale.” 
He walked off, chuckling, to go and unpack what he had brought back. Pascal waved his wing towards him, encouraging Aziraphale to suck up all his worry and go for it. 
“Ah! I wanna see the floating lights!”
Gabriel looked at him for a few seconds.
“Excuse me, what?” 
“I was hoping you would let me go see the floating lights.”
He paused for e second to try and figure out how to approach this.
“Oh. You mean the stars.”
“That’s the thing. I’ve charted the stars. They’re always in the constant, same spot all the time. These ones only appear on my birthday, Father. Only on my birthday! And I can't help but feel that they’re calling to me. To follow them to my destiny……” He looked at his most recently finished painting, containing him sitting in a tree as the lights fly into the sky from a small castle in the distance. 
“I need to see them, Father. In person. I have to know what they mean.”
“You want to go outside? Why, Aziraphale…”
Gabriel took the other’s hands and Aziraphale instantly knew he was going to start singing. 
🎵“Look at you, as fragile as a flower
Still a little sapling, just a sprout
You know why we stay up in this tower!🎵
“I know but…” He said as he tried to step away. 
🎵“That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear
Guess I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet”🎵
“But --” He tried again to reason with him. 
🎵“Shh! Trust me, pet Father knows best.”🎵
He sang as the castle was plunged into darkness, Aziraphale quickly lighting a candle. 
🎵“Father knows best. Listen to your Father. It's a scary world out there.”🎵
He jumped out at Aziraphale, causing him to holler and step back. 
🎵“Father knows best. One way or another. Something will go wrong, I swear!”🎵
He caught Aziraphale as he tripped over his hair, dropping him to the floor and rushing off.
🎵“Ruffians, thugs, Poison ivy, quicksand, Cannibals and snakes, The plague!” 🎵
Gabriel showed an example of each, the last one a lantern that caused his face to look deathly and green. 
“No!” Aziraphale called out, scared. 
“But --”
🎵“Also large bugs!”🎵
Gabriel called out, pushing over Aziraphale with a mop, having already painted a demon on the ground where he would fall.
🎵“Demons with their wiles,”🎵
Aziraphale scooted away from it as fast as he could, Gabriel fainting distress.
🎵“And, Stop, no more, you'll just upset me. Father's right here. Father will protect you. Darling, here's what I suggest!”🎵
Aziraphale went to hug Gabriel but it was a mannequin, his attention quickly drawn to where Gabriel was descending down the stairs, candles lit the way. 
🎵“Skip the hoopla. Stay with dada. Father knows best!”🎵
He swings his cloak and all the candles go out, Aziraphale lighting more candles with Gabriel pinching them out behind them. 
🎵“Father knows best. Take it from your dadsy. On your own, you won't survive.”🎵
Aziraphale suddenly found himself faced with a mirror, Gabriel peeking out from behind it. 
🎵“Sloppy, underdressed,Immature, clumsy,”🎵
Aziraphale tried to cover his feet with his skirt, which allowed Gabriel to pull the carpet out from under him and cause him to fall. Gabriel then rolled Aziraphale and wrapped him in his hair.
🎵“Please, they'll eat you up alive. Gullible, naïve, Positively grubby, Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm, vague.”🎵
He unwrapped Aziraphale and gently lifted up his chin before gently tapping it a few times. 
🎵“Plus, I believe Gettin' kinda chubby. I'm just saying cause I wuv you.”🎵
He said as he squeezed Aziraphales cheeks. 
🎵“Father understands. Father's here to help you. All I have is one request.”🎵
Gabriel was bathed in a spotlight, Aziraphale running over to him and hugging him tightly.
"Don't ever ask to leave this tower again."
"Yes, Father...."
"I.... tolerate you very much, dear."
"I love you more."
"I l......l.....love you most."
🎵Don't forget it
You'll regret it
Father knows best🎵
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