#oh how i wish to be murdered by them in the most brutal way imaginable
rtprsd3nt · 7 months
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mgjgjrjrhjwjrhjwkrhheiw women......wwwom...wome....women are....pr......etty.....
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howi99 · 3 months
Meeting from the past part 2/3
Yang: So, did y'all meet before initiation or?
Sun: Neptune's a friend i made in Vacuo. As for Ash, maybe a week or two before initiation? She wasn't supposed to be in our team, Scarlet had a friend he wanted to be partner with, but i found her ripping a beowolf to shreds with a dagger.
Yang: Ah! That reminds me of Jaune, he- *remember what happened in forever fall and sigh* Nevermind.
Ash: *hearing the name Jaune* What did he do?
Yang: *scratching nervously the back of her neck* W-well, he's a good guy, really! And i like him... *Blush* N-not like-like him, but you know know, right? A-anyway, we kinda saw him fight and-
Weiss: *sigh* He menaced a student of death then proceeded to murder and torture a bunch of grimm.
Neptune: sheesh, he must be a pleasure to be with.
Ruby: But that's the thing! Outside of combat, Jaune is a teddy bear who bakes the best chocolate chip cookies! The guy is nothing but sweet!
Blake: ... But he was smiling.
Ash: ... *Nervous* W-what?
Blake: *sigh* While doing what i could only describe as barbarism, killing the grimm the most brutal way imaginable, he was smiling. Laughing even. When he finished, he told team CRDL that was the way he learned how to fight, and he wished them to never face him seriously.
Ash: ...
Sun: Man, what did they do to piss him off that much.
Yang: Of what we heard, they were asking him to hurt his team. Razor wasp or something. We came in the middle of the conversation. We were going to help but...
Sun: He took the initiative?
Yang: yeah...
*knock knock*
Ruby: Oh! Speaking of, it must be them! They must have brought back the groceries! *Open the door* Hello Jau- uh?
???: Oh my, may i come in? I heard this was the common room of my son. *Looking at an old map of the school*
Ruby: Who...?
???: Oh i'm sorry, i am the mother of Jaune Arc. My name is Mercedes, but you can call me Mercie. *smile*
Jaune: *looking at the eggs* ... Uh, just got the impression i forgot something important today.
Pyrrha: You mean outside of the party?
Jaune: *taking the least expensive box of eggs* Nah, something more... Pyrrha, what day of the month are we?
Pyrrha: the 29, why?
Jaune: *awkward laugh* My mom is coming today. I completely forgot.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 3 months
People need to realize that right-wingers are evil, plain and simple. There's no grand motive behind their actions, no reason they go out and attack marginalized groups other than they think its fun. Every act of bigotry, murder, rape, pedophilia, every horrible thing to ever happen throughout history was caused by them, and they have no intention of stopping soon. They're unable to be reasoned with, unable to feel empathy for others, unable to feel remorse for their actions. Right-wingers only feel one thing: Bloodlust.
People need to stop pretending right-wingers are people that can be reasoned with, because it's that sort of thinking that will get you killed. If you think you can stop a genocidal maniac from killing people just by telling him it's bad and that he shouldn't do it, you'll just end up being his next victim. Evil is in the right's nature. The only way for them to stop hurting people is to die.
As dark of a thought as that it, we can't risk the safety of marginalized communities by pretending right-wingers are human. Know the suffering they have caused, are causing, and intend to cause! Know how little guilt they feel. Know the absolute glee they show whenever they kill a trans person or a jew. Know the untold scale of the pain they've caused to everyone other than themselves. Know the pain they may have potentially caused YOU! Then, make sure they feel the pain they oh-so gleefully inflict upon others.
I'm not even targetted by these creatures and I still hate them. I can only imagine how hurt, sad, scared, and angry they've made others on this site. But now is not the time for crying! now is not the time for asking nicely! Now is the time to get ANGRY!!!
Take your pain, your sorrow, your fear, everything the right has made you feel, and channel it into POWER!!!! Turn your suffering into strength! Every catcaller, every karen, every brutal police officer, every homophobe, every transphobe, every capitalist, ALL OF IT! Every time you've been misgendered, every time you've heard a slur, ever time you've felt unsafe simply existing, take all of it and turn it back on the perpetrators! LET THEM KNOW YOUR PAIN, and FORCE THEM TO FEEL IT, WHETHER THEY WISH TO OR NOT!!
If right-wingers are more than willing to kill innocent people, why should you hesitate to kill them? At that point, it's self defense at least, and outright GENOCIDE PREVENTION at most.
I fail to see why so many leftists haven't come to this conclusion, especially considering the threat Right-Wingers pose.
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doverstar · 2 years
Based on the similarities between Eddie and your husband, do you see any of yourself in Chrissy? From the little we see of her character, do find help in characterizing her from yourself? I'm curious because I think its so funny how these two characters who have such little screen time have such a hold and impact on people(or maybe just my circle of the internet). For me personally, I think for the smidgeon of screen time these characters' have(particularly Chrissy because Eddie has a complete storyline) I wish we could have enjoyed more of them and see how their interactions and story may have unfolded together. What reasons do you find yourself drawn to Eddie/Chrissy?
Hi there!! This is such a deep question. Thank you so much for thinking to ask! I'll try to answer your questions/statements in order! Like you said, we don't get much of Chrissy's character in the show before she dies. All we know is what other characters say about her, and what her actress, Grace Van Dien, says about her. I am also an introvert, I am also somewhere around 5'3, and I would also giggle at a boy who behaved like Eddie did in the woods scene. Actually, I did. I have. I do. I'm married now. So I guess yes, I maybe see myself in Chrissy? I'm introverted, and insecure physically, and I have blue eyes. And I'm not strawberry blonde (oh, to be strawberry blonde) but I am blonde. But again, we don't know much else about Chrissy's personality! Jason describes her as "straight as an arrow", someone who would never try to buy drugs. I am that person. All the way. Chrissy's relationship with her mom is implied to be bad. I do not have an emotionally-abusive mother; my mother is great. However, of all my family members, my mother and I have the rockiest relationship. I can relate to having at least some strain in that department, but don't get me wrong - it's not an abusive relationship by any stretch.
When I'm writing from her perspective, I do use the things I relate to when it comes to Chrissy. Maybe that's lazy? Maybe that's not creative or original enough of me? Whatever. Write what you know, and I know how that stuff feels. I know how it feels to be insecure, introverted, perceived as "straight as an arrow", and have mom issues. But yeah, a character whose personality isn't really fleshed out that much before she's brutally murdered is an easy thing to project yourself onto. Maybe that's why so many people are crazy about Eddie/Chrissy? It's the Edward Cullen thing all over again. Some people must like it simply because the idea of Eddie in love with a timid girl like that is delightful and gives them butterflies imagining being in Chrissy's place. It has to be said. It's more likely than you think, guys. It makes sense that Eddie's character has such a hold on people; he was really done excellently by all involved in his creation. As for Chrissy's character, I think every single girl ever relates to body-image issues in some fashion, and what we got of her was a scared girl who just wanted help. What little time she was given onscreen was played and written in such a way that we couldn't not feel sympathy for her. If you've got a sympathetic character, you've got an audience. But them as a couple? It's all that scene in the woods. That's why people ship it. There was so much chemistry there. It was designed to make you like Eddie, whose first scene was so firework-y you didn't know what to think of him exactly until he was sweet to Chrissy. It was designed to show you Chrissy's really struggling, because in that scene, she gets to talk about what's happening with her. So we care when she dies. We care like Eddie ends up caring, which makes "Chrissy, this is for you" matter. That scene did its job. It made you like them both as characters. And they're obviously very cute at the same time, and cute together, so most brains immediately slid into ship mode. Who doesn't love the whole bad boy/popular girl trope? Or the rockstar/princess trope? Or the freaking "he's not actually a bad boy, he's a doll" trope or the "she's not actually a preppy jerk, she's precious" trope? Mash them together? Kryptonite. At the very least, you leave the first episode sorry she's dead and worried for Eddie's safety. It's a trope because it works. It's CUTE. As for the last question: I'm drawn to Eddie/Chrissy not just because of all the reasons I just said, but because, cornily - Eddie fell backward off that picnic table bench and I was transported into summer of 2019, where my would-be-husband was throwing himself off of a similar picnic table at a church camp to keep my attention, all long curly brown hair and lanky arms and legs, and I was a big nostalgic storm of butterflies.
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I have literally had a guy who looked like that do that to me, and yes, he was doing it to make me laugh, he was flirting. Instantly I wanted them to get together. I was texting my sister in a frenzy about how cute Eddie suddenly seemed to me, and how I hoped they'd get together because that seemed like where it was going. I was wrong. Thanks, Duffers. Thanks, I hate it-
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tojismaiden · 4 years
SNK Male Characters as Yandere's (Modern AU)
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WARNING: will contain dark themes.
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Eren the Violent
It's a known fact that Eren doesn't have the best temper in the world.
But for you, he'd try his best to be patient. Key word: Try.
When Eren saw you, you were like the light at the end of the tunnel. The rainbow after the rain. The finish line. The trophy. The angel that every devil sought after.
You were kind to almost everybody but you were also fearless when you need to be. You helped everyone that you could and that included Eren. He got into another fight? You'd patch him up. He's lashing out on someone again? You'd calm him down. Everytime he needed someone, you were there.
So who could possibly blame him for falling for you? For wanting you?
At first, it was just an innocent crush he had on you. But days passed and he found himself growing more agitated. You were just too good, too pure. Eren knew that deep down, he had to have you. He's lost so much in his life, he can't lose you too.
So when the time came that he confessed, imagine his surprised and embarrassment when you told him you were with someone else. Of course, Eren being Eren, he'd pretend it's nothing and carry on with his day.
You thought none of it of course and kept treating Eren as how you saw him as; a friend.
Eren isn't the most patient man in the world, and neither is he the most calm one.
So please don't be surprised if you find your s/o brutally murdered.
"Oh, Y/N. I'm so sorry about your partner. I heard what happened. Such a shame, really."
"It's okay, Eren... I just— I just don't understand. Who would do something like this?"
"I don't know. But whoever it was, the person may not have liked your partner at all. In fact, that person might have hated them."
Your partner's death saddened you immensely but you were thankful that Eren was with you as you grieved. However, the more you spent time with Eren, the more concerned your friends got. They had bad vibes with him.
And Eren felt they don't particularly like him.
So the next time you see a news about an unknown killer going around?
Ignore it.
Your friends falling as victims of the said killer? Ignore it.
After all, Eren did it for you. So you could be together.
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Armin the Manipulative
There's no denying that Armin is smart. Way too fucking smart.
He would top in his classes and everyone came to him whenever they needed help with their homework.
But what exactly did Armin like about you? Simple. It's your sincerity.
Sure, he has friends and sure, his classmates would thank him whenever he helped them but with you, Armin could really feel like you learned something from him. It wasn't like the usual where the other would get the answers to their questions but obtained nothing from his explanation.
With you, you really applied what he taught you.
And Armin felt... appreciated. Like he wasn't being used to people's advantages.
So ever since then, Armin would willingly help you. Even offering to tutor you privately, free of charge! And each time you two spent time together, Armin's feelings for you grew stronger. The stronger they got, the more he got slightly too infatuated with you.
Weekly tutors turned into everyday tutors to the point where Armin would even tutor you during the weekend!
But who were you to say no? You were so thankful. If it weren't for Armin, you might have backloaded a subject or worse, repeated a grade!
You barely had time for your friends anymore but Armin assured you that it's better this way. That it's better if you prioritized your study sessions with him because your friends would just distract you.
And hey, come to think of it. Weren't they the reason you slept so late the last few weeks and almost made you miss an exam?
However, as busy as you are, you somehow found yourself in a situation where you got into a date with someone. An upperclassmen one of your friends introduced you to back then.
And when Armin found out, he was livid. But he loves you so much that he couldn't possibly bear to hurt you, no. Instead, he saved you from the inevitable torment.
"Y/N, you did this portion wrong, do it again." "Y/N! Didn't I tell you to replace this number with this? Do it again." "We're not stopping until you get it right."
Sure, Armin can be strict, but it's for your own good.
"Y/N, I apologize if I was harsh today. I just want to see you do good. And I'm so proud of you. I really believe you'll ace this test this week."
"I-It's okay, Armin. And thank you for helping me again. I promise I'll—"
"Say, Y/N, you should really stop seeing that person. I heard you were going out on a date with (Your crush's name). I suggest you don't. I heard they're going out with a friend of yours. (You friend's name) is their name, I think?"
"W-What? Where did you heard that?"
"Everyone's been talking about it. Plus, I think the reason you're doing pretty bad today is because of them. So please, Y/N, we worked really hard for you to get such good scores. Wouldn't you wanna make your senpai proud?"
You're so thankful for Armin. And you really don't want to disappoint him after all of what he's done for you.
So what better way to repay him than be obedient?
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Jean the Stalker
It's not rocket science that Jean is a handsome young man.
But when he saw you? Oh, boy. He felt as if everything in the world felt right. You were just so fucking beautiful. The first time he saw you, he just couldn't look away. It felt as if his breath got knocked out of him.
He was sure you were a God/Goddess walking on Earth. Never had he seen someone so ethereal.
But the thing is, you were just so out of his league. While everyone kept talking to you, made friends with you, flirted with you, Jean stood from afar and watched you from the distance.
Sure, he follows your social media accounts. But he couldn't help but make dummy accounts and followed your accounts as well. He didn't want to take the risk of accidentally liking a picture of yours from years back with his personal account.
He didn't want you to think of him as a weird stalker or something because Jean is definitely not a stalker, no. Just no chance of him being that.
What Jean didn't know, is that you never noticed him at all. It's not your fault though, he was usually quiet and blended in the background. If you ever did see him around, you'd forget about him soon after. A shame, really.
But don't let Jean know that.
What started as him following your social media accounts turned into him just simply following you around.
He took note of you always stopping by at this convenient store right after class to buy your favorite drink and favorite sandwich almost everyday before you go home.
It happened so frequently, him walking with his hoodie on, head hung low as he walked a few steps behind you and somehow watching you buy the exact same thing everyday.
But everytime, Jean would only stop by at the convenient store. Once you were done, he would walk home. He didn't want to follow you home. Well, it's not that he didn't want to, it's just that he doesn't have the courage yet.
However, curiosity got the best of him and at night, when you were going home late, he followed you on your way home and you swore you could feel as if someone was follow you.
"Who's there?" Nothing.
When Jean successfully followed you home, it was like something inside him flicked open. And every night, he would stop by outside your home for an hour or so and every night he would see your silhouette as you took off your clothes and changed into comfier ones, and Jean had thoughts where he'd imagine just how you looked underneath them.
With each passing day, you felt as if you were continuously being watched. Being followed.
Maybe next time, you should really learn how to close your window.
Say, do you remember where your favorite underwear went?
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Erwin the Blackmailer
You could never really ask for a better boyfriend. Erwin has it all.
At least, that's what you thought in the first few years of your relationship.
Erwin was everything you wanted and more. And he loved you so much... way too much.
And truthfully, you loved Erwin too. But there's no denying he's gotten so unbearable.
Back then, you would have done everything for Erwin. But every bit of love that you had for this man was now replaced with fear.
When Erwin began to openly express his obsession with you and his primary goal of making you all to himself, you had run away from him, far too scared of the lengths he'd go through just to satisfy this... obsession of his.
You noticed it little by little. But never had you thought it would come to this.
It started small at first. He would stop you from spending time with your friends little by little until you could no longer see them.
He would say something about them being bad influences. Going as far as to make up convincing lies that you, stupidly fell for.
After that, he stopped you from seeing your own family. Cut ties with those who are important to you. Deprived you your freedom. For he thought that you, going outside meant that you would meet someone else other than him.
And the thought of someone even merely looking at you made his blood boil.
But everytime you ran away from him, he would find you. Doesn't matter if you hid from him for weeks, months. He would end up finding you each and everytime.
At first, Erwin liked the cat and mouse game that you played. He thought it was thrilling. But then he slowly realized you were gaining this new profound strength. As if you thought that he wouldn't do anything except to find you and drag you back with him.
"I'm not going with you anymore, Erwin! I'm sick of this shit. You're all bark but no bite. Well, guess what? I'm done. And I'm not coming back!"
"Bark but no bite, eh? I wish you hadn't said that, Y/N. Say, your best friend doesn't live too far from here. You wouldn't mind if I pay them a visit, right? I'm sure they're worried about you, doll."
Ever since then, Erwin would blackmail you by threatening to hurt your loved ones if you didn't do as you were told.
This made your fear for him to go back and one time where you did disobey him despite his threats, you received a news where your bestfriend was found badly beaten in a dark alley and the perpetrator was nowhere to be found. Your bestfriend almost died if the suspect hadn't stopped.
And deep down, you knew this was Erwin's doing. It served as a warning that he wasn't afraid to kill for you so long as you stayed with him.
"I'm doing this for us, doll. Why can't you see how much I love you?"
"They don't deserve you, Y/N. They aren't willing to go for miles for you. But me, I would do anything to keep you by my side. Isn't that what you wanted? You said you didn't want to lose me, right?"
Erwin loved you so much. He wouldn't want to risk losing you ever again.
Maybe he should try going after your family this time the next time you try and run away from him.
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Levi the Possessive
Levi had lost more people than he could count. So the moment he saw you?
He didn't want to let go.
What's scary about Levi is that you don't know what he's thinking of. He would never let you know what it is that runs through his mind.
He knows, however, that you're just like him. You lost your family and you barely had any friends. And you worked as a waiter/waitresss at this local diner to earn money for your tuition fee.
Levi understands. He's been through that struggle and he could see it on your face. He took note of everything you did. And he made a habit of coming in for tea even though the tea in the diner tasted like shit. But if you made it, he would make sure to leave an extra tip.
Levi made sure that it was you who would serve him everytime. If it were someone else, he would request for you immediately.
You never really noticed Levi, in all honesty. It wasn't his fault. It's not that he's not attractive. It's just that you were too far in your head to even look or strike a conversation with him.
You were quiet and obedient and somehow Levi liked that about you. It just means you would put up a less of a fight. Means it would be easier to convince you. Means that you would always say yes.
Though Levi hoped that underneath that submissive nature to you, you would somehow have a backbone there. Being too compliant would bore him to death.
And he witnessed that when you suddenly snapped at a customer for being perverted. You were almost fired on the spot if it weren't for the fact that Levi testified for you.
That was the first time you truly noticed him.
Ever since then, you made sure that you would be the one to serve Levi everytime he came by. And you made his tea extra special, which he appreciated. It was the least you could do after he helped you out the other day.
Days passed and Levi had successfully scored a date with you. The first time he saw your apartment, he was really glad to see it clean and organized despite its dinginess and small size. It was all you could afford.
Levi suggested a stay-in date at your place, just so he could see if you were fit to live with him. Once he saw how great of a cook you are, how tidy you are and everything, he knew it was time to eventually convince you.
Sex with Levi meant that he would top you. All of the fucking time. And everytime it happened, he would always mutter the same thing to you:
"You're mine. All fucking mine."
Of course, you treated it as simple dirty talk. Men say that all the time, right?
Eventually, Levi brought up the idea of you living with him. At first, you declined. You couldn't possibly do that. But Levi having a silver-tongue meant he eventually convinced you.
Living with Levi was a walk in a park. You'd help him clean and would tell him that you would help out with the bills but you were surprised when he told you that you didn't have to worry about that.
"Just sit down and look pretty for me, brat. That's all you need to do. You don't have to worry about the money."
You didn't like that Levi didn't want you to help with the bills but you couldn't possibly retort something back. He let you live in a nice home with a nice bathroom. Who were you to have a say in things?
Days passed, and Levi somehow brought up the topic of you quitting your job.
"What? But I like—"
"Like being a waiter/waitress? Come on, Y/N. Your colleagues are absolute assholes and don't get me started on your manager. I see how he looks at you."
"I'm sure that's not true, Levi..."
"Are you doubting me?"
"W-What? N-No, I—"
"That's a good girl. You know I'd hate it if those dingy dickwads were to look at what's mine, right?"
You quit your job.
Levi knew you'd be bored inside the house so in return, he let you sign up in one of those online courses to keep you busy.
It was all coming into plan. Finally, he got the partner for life he always dreamed of. The one that would cook him dinner everytime he came home from work. Would pleasure him in bed when he's stressed. Would clean without him having to ask you.
You were so perfect.
People hadn't heard from you for months. But Levi convinced you that there's no need if people heard from you or not. Eventually, they would forget about you. You had no family, you had no friends, all you had was Levi.
And if you found out that Levi would lock you inside the house everytime he left for work, you would choose to stay silent.
And if he were to ask you to wear a chain around your ankle, who were you to say No?
After all, Levi gave you everything.
Levi was your everything.
And you were everything to Levi.
How could he ever share something so precious to the world?
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restlessfandoming · 3 years
"you, my enemy" (chilumi oneshot)
Lumine must assassinate the cruel king of Snezhnaya, Ajax.
i could see this being turned into a full fledged fic? but for now, here is the dollar store version LOL
[Masterlist] [AO3 Link]
"you, my enemy"
“I want you to kill the king of Snezhnaya.”
Lumine’s eyes flickered to her client. “King Ajax?”
“There is only one, is there not?” the hooded man responded.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You must have the wrong person,” she said. “I do run-of-the-mill jobs. I don’t murder kings.”
“I was told you were the only mercenary who could do it.”
Lumine slid out of the bar booth. “Find someone else who is insane enough to do that. I value my life.”
The man’s arm shot out, grabbing Lumine by the wrist. She would have sliced it clean off, had the man not taken off his hood.
He had an unmistakable hue of scarlet red hair, with equally fiery eyes to match.
“You’re Diluc,” Lumine said. “The son of the slain King Ragvindr.” It’s never a good idea to get involved with royals.
His face wavered at the mention of his father. “And who was the one who murdered him?”
“King Ajax,” she answered. “That sounds like your own quest for vengeance. Not mine.”
Diluc pulled her closer. “Magic,” he whispered.
Lumine’s blood ran cold. “Magic?” she echoed hollowly.
“I’ve been trying to find the right person to do this for a long time,” he told her. “I had to do my research.”
“What does magic have to do with this?” Lumine asked, trying to keep her voice even.
“You use magic,” Diluc stated. “That’s how you’ve completed every single one of your assignments perfectly.”
Magic had been banished long ago, a witch hunt massacring any and all magic users within the land of Teyvat. Each of the seven kingdoms had decreed it, agreeing that those with magic were too powerful—a threat to the people, all people.
Ever since, the rare few born with magical powers were forced to hide away their abilities for survival. I thought Aether and I hid it well enough.
“You do this, I won’t report you to the authorities,” Diluc continued.
“What about you?” Lumine hissed. “You’re supposed to be dead with the rest of your family.” She shook off his grip. “If I report you to King Ajax, there’s no doubt I’d get a hefty reward, more than you could ever give me for murdering him.”
He pursed his lips into a thin line. “If there’s any suspicion of a magic user, what sort of action do the authorities take?”
You’re killed on the spot—no questions asked. The kingdoms didn’t want to run any risk of magic users rising up, no matter how small of a threat.
“We would be executed at the same time,” Diluc said lowly.
Lumine sat back down in the booth, sinking into the seat, gnawing on the side of her cheek. Then, she took a deep breath in.
“You’ll give me every single piece of Mora you have,” she demanded.
Diluc’s face visibly relaxed. “Of course.” He crossed his arms. “The hidden vaults of my family are all yours: every single jewel, Mora, artifact—when you complete the job.”
Lumine’s mouth nearly watered at the prospect of all the riches.
No, she wasn’t greedy. That amount of Mora meant she and her twin brother Aether could retire from this life, this life of scraping by with the money they made from bloody bounties and assassinations. It was the only job they could do, being abandoned as children, having to learn to fend for themselves.
This one job meant she and Aether could have quiet peace until the end of their days.
She held out her hand to Diluc.
“You have a deal.”
* * *
When Lumine arrives in Snezhnaya, she expects impoverished villages, famished citizens, and cold, desecrated lands—all while this merciless, vile king sat on his throne of bones and riches.
However, what she finds are bustling streets of business and cheerful citizens. Children played freely on the streets. The kingdom was thriving.
Is this king truly as evil as the stories say?
It hadn’t been long since King Ajax had begun his crusade of conquering the entirety of Teyvat. It had started with his brutal assassination of his own ruler at the time, the slaying of the late Tsaritsa, quickly followed by his claim to the throne. Then, he had taken over the small country of Mondstadt, and Liyue fell shortly after.
Any who opposed him would face the sharp end of a blade. The stories of him on the battlefield were whispers of blood soaked garments and a wicked smile as he slaughtered soldier after soldier with no remorse.
The image of this bloodthirsty monster faded as Lumine watched these citizens move around care free, as if they were unaware of the atrocities laying under their feet committed by their dear King Ajax.
Glancing up, she could see the distant looming monument, the grandiose castle of the king, looking over the land with a watchful stone eye.
She listened intently to the conversations around her, seeking any information about this Ajax, about how to get close enough to do her job.
She always wanted the most covert way, and now even more so. This was very much her highest profile case, and if she wasn’t careful, she could potentially start wars, with her murder being the first blood.
Perhaps the best way was to become some nondescript maid, someone’s whose presence and subsequent disappearance wouldn’t be questioned by any of the king’s allies. Perhaps as a chef? She could easily poison his food and silently slip away.
How she wished Aether was here with her. He was much more a strategist than she. Unfortunately, he had taken on a different job, far away in Inazuma. They would not see each other until both of their assignments were completed.
Lumine sighed, moving down the street, in search of a bar. Drunk bastards were always the best source of information: they didn’t know how to shut their mouths. In a bar, there were no figures too suspicious, and if there were, they would quickly be forgotten within a few pints of ale.
She pushed past vendors, until she was stopped by a brunette woman in a lavender robe.
“You are not from here,” she said with a breathy smile.
Singled out already? “I’ve only just recently moved here,” Lumine lied.
“Oh? For what reasons?” the woman pressed, her long eyelashes batting as she assessed Lumine head to toe. “Work?”
“No.” What was this woman’s motive? “I’ve heard Snezhnaya is a great country to live in.”
A content, pitched sigh. “Well, since you’ve just moved here, why don’t you come work for me? Outsiders earn a pretty penny.”
Lumine stared at her. “Who are you?”
The woman smiled. “I am Ying’er. I’m in charge of a local performance troupe.” She stepped closer, and Lumine could smell her flowery perfume. “I would love to have you join us.”
“No, thank you,” Lumine told her, inching away. Sounds like a cheap cover for a brothel. “I’m not in need of a job right now.”
Ying’er pouted, but stepped back. “Alright then, sweetie.” She leaned on the doorway of her shop. “I’ll be right here if you decide to come back,” she finished with a wink.
Lumine gave a curt nod before slinking away, back to her search for a bar. She pulled the hood of her cape over her head, sticking to the shadowed walls on her walk. Do I really stick out that much here?
In the distance, she heard the subtle pounding of a drum, and watched, astonished, as the crowded streets parted straight down the middle. An eerie silence filled the previously buzzing plaza. Something was coming.
All the citizens had their heads bowed—Lumine quickly followed suit.
The booming of the drums came closer, and she heard the thunderous marching of armored boots layered into the sound. She glanced up.
There was an entourage of armored soldiers, an assortment of glistening weapons at their sides, escorting a decorated golden carriage.
King Ajax.
What was this? Was there some sort of special occasion taking place?
Much easier to find than expected.
The carriage rolled past. Lumine strained to look at the window while still keeping her head bowed.
Unfortunately, the window was curtained, a velvety red cloth obscuring any view of the king. Lumine wrinkled her nose in disappointment; she had wanted to see what she was up against.
The terrifying rumors of King Ajax never told of what he looked like. Lumine imagined a beastly figure, one with dark shaggy hair and sharp teeth, bones all jutting out in the wrong directions, filleted with raw scars all over.
The carriage continued to move past.
Could she do it? Could she use her magic to take him out right now? There certainly was a large number of people around, and all of them would be suspects; all the easier for her to get away.
However, the guards could easily murder everyone in the plaza if a perpetrator wasn’t found. And, as Ying’er so blatantly pointed out, Lumine didn’t exactly fit in with the Snezhayan citizens.
She would just have to wait. Wait for a better opportunity. Wait to learn more about King Ajax. Wait to plan the best way to kill him.
There was a rustle of murmurs as the citizens returned to their activities, the royal carriage and its guards wheeling out of sight—the air more tense than before.
Taking in a deep breath, she resumed her search.
I need a drink.
* * *
Lumine sat in the corner booth as always, the seat in the bar that could overlook the entire establishment, the place where she could easily see who entered and exited the building.
She sipped at her mug of ale: not enough to become inebriated, but just enough to take some of her stress away. She still listened intently for any utterances about King Ajax.
She kept her eye on a man who was chugging pint after pint of alcohol, complaining about his job, his kids, his wife.
Maybe he’ll complain about his king as well.
“God, I miss Mondstadt,” the man sighed.
Lumine raised a brow. Someone from the conquered land of Mondstadt? He should definitely harbor some resentment for King Ajax.
“Careful there,” the bartender muttered. “The king will have your tongue if you speak ill of him.”
The drunkard scoffed. “The king ain’t here, is he? Too busy with his parties and parades to ever come to a hole-in-the-wall bar.”
The bartender shrugged, silently wiping a glass.
“C’mon,” the man continued. “You don’t think it’s weird how he always invites those performers to the castle? What a dramatic man.” A hiccup. “You think he beds all of them?”
“Probably. Lots of women would want to sleep with the king”
“See, King Ragvindr never did things like that.” He laid his head on the counter. “A modest man. Genuinely cared about his people.”
“King Ajax cares for us. He provides—he’s made Snezhnaya wealthier than ever.”
“Hmph. Is that why he murders people in cold blood? Remember that man that got executed in the street for not bowing to him?”
“Just listen to him, and you’ll be fine.”
Lumine slid out of her booth, making her way to the exit, to a certain brunette woman with a lavender robe.
He likes performers.
A plan started to bubble in her mind as she walked the streets to Ying’er’s shop.
She would slip into the castle with the performance troupe. She would feign illness, seemingly leaving early, when in actuality, she would hide until all the guests had left. King Ajax would retire for the night, alone—and that’s when she would strike.
Lumine smiled, just a bit, confidence coming to her now that she knew what to do.
Her and Aether’s life of freedom felt like a breath away.
* * *
“You’ve certainly improved quite a lot,” Ying’er said, sauntering into Lumine’s quarters.
Lumine set her lyre down. “Guess I’m a quick learner.”
It had been a few weeks since Lumine had arrived in Snezhnaya, and became one of Ying’er performers. She had decided to learn an instrument—the lyre—while staying with Ying’er and the rest of the performers at the hostess’ establishment. She preferred it over becoming a poet or dancer.
Ying’er was right: many people came to watch Lumine sit prettily on stage and play her lyre—her face painted with make-up, and her body adorned with beautiful robes and gowns.
All the while, Lumine anxiously awaited the king’s invitation to their performance troupe. He had invited different groups all over town, though not Ying’er’s yet.
Was this plan a failure? Where was that damned man’s invitation—
“Is that what I think it is?” Lumine asked, eyeing the embellished envelope in her boss’ hand.
Ying’er hummed in affirmation. “The king has finally invited our group to perform at a party tonight.”
Finally. “What an honor,” Lumine said with a smile.
“Very much so.” Ying’er put her hand under Lumine’s chin, examining her face. “Yes...I will have you dressed in our best garments and make-up.”
The woman smiled. “After all, you are our pretty little star.”
* * *
The carriage ride to the castle was filled with the girls’ giggles and whispers, how they wished for the king to whisk them away into a life of riches and royalty, to be his beloved first wife. Lumine kept a hand pressed against her leg—ensuring the dagger hidden under her heavy robes wouldn’t fall out.
She didn’t like to get messy with such a close ranged weapon—she would usually just use her magic from a distance��but she wasn’t going to take a chance if something were to go awry.
As they neared the castle, everyone burst into gasps, admiring the massive stone structure. The excitement doubled as the dozens of other carriages came into view as well.
This is going to be one very extravagant party.
Before she knew it, Lumine was sitting in the great hall, along with the rest of the party goers, awaiting the king’s arrival. She saw the empty throne at the very front of the room, raised on a marble platform, his rightful place above his subjects.
A fanfare of brass instruments blared. The king is here.
The room collectively stood, bowing their heads as the king’s personal guards filed in. Lumine quirked her head to look for King Ajax.
The king was not a hideous looking beast at all.
In fact, he was quite the opposite.
He walked in, tall stature carrying an air of importance (and arrogance) on his shoulders with a billowing crimson red cloak, a broad grin plastered on his face. He was young, exactly around Lumine’s age.
He had reddish-brown hair framing his face, locks that glittered like gold in the light of the room, and his eyes were like vortexes—deep whirlpools of the bluest ocean water. All his features were sharp, upturned, like a cunning fox waiting contently to trap its prey.
She watched as he made his way up to his throne, a sickening anxiety spreading through her limbs.
Lumine had never killed anyone so close in age to her—it had always been older men and women. And, of course, she had never found herself attracted to her target.
“Please,” the king spoke, still grinning. “Have a seat.” As he sat on his throne, the rest of the room sat as well.
Lumine swallowed the lump in her throat. His voice was light, playful even.
Was that truly the murderous king of Snezhnaya?
“A toast, to you, my people,” he said, raising a golden goblet. “Let the festivities begin.”
Lumine gulped down her own glass of wine, then shook her head.
I’m here for a job. Not romance.
The room filled with chatter, and Ying’er motioned to Lumine and the rest of the musicians to the corner where they would be performing their music for the night.
Lumine gathered her lyre, shuffling towards her spot in her heavily layered robes. Her mouth was set in a taut line.
A momentary lapse in judgement.
As she played the first few notes, her eyes flickered to the king, who was busy greeting various nobles at his throne. She narrowed her eyes at him, at that sly, sly smile on his face.
It won’t happen again.
* * *
The night seemed to drag on forever. After what seemed like an eternity of playing music for the room—as other patrons ate and danced and conversed—the musicians were finally taking a break.
Lumine delightfully chewed through expensive meats and breads as various actors, dancers, and poets took the floor in front of King Ajax to present their pieces.
The king seemed to be entertained, joining on some of the performances himself.
That drunkard from the bar was right. King Ajax was quite dramatic, inserting himself into the spotlight whenever he so pleased. How pretentious.
The crowd clapped and cheered as another performance was brought to an end, an air of boisterous chatter resuming. Lumine swallowed her last piece of food, making her way to Ying’er.
Time to get started.
“Ying’er,” Lumine called to her boss, clenching her side. “I feel a bit sick.”
The brunette woman raised a brow. “You were looking quite well before.”
“Yes, it was very sudden,” Lumine responded, turning to the exit. “I think I will just head back now.”
“So soon, dear? We haven’t even introduced ourselves to the king yet.”
Lumine was already on her way out. “I’ll see you back at the shop.”
She slipped past the guards patrolling the halls, ducking into the nearest empty room, a storage closet of sorts. Perfect.
She hiked her long robes up, unsheathing her dagger, cutting away at the garments. Sorry, Ying’er. But I can’t fight in this. She threw the discarded fabric in a dark corner, where they would be forgotten about.
She slid the knife back into its sheath, and cracked the door open the tiniest bit—enough to watch the entrance into the great hall.
Now, all she had to do was wait.
* * *
Lumine would have fallen asleep had it not been for the two guards who stopped to converse right outside her door. Within a matter of seconds, Lumine had gone from sleepily nodding off to firmly clenching her weapon in her hand, nerves buzzing on high alert.
“That party dragged on forever,” one of the guards said. “I don’t know how King Ajax does it. Isn’t he exhausted every night?”
“Not sure. He seems to enjoy it.”
“He’s been gone a while now. Should we check on him?”
Lumine tightened her grasp on her dagger. He was gone?
“No. He likes to be alone at night. He’ll kill you if you interrupt him.”
“Oh...Should we just go to the other side of the castle then? So we don’t...interrupt him?”
“...Sounds like a good idea.”
The sound of their footsteps faded, and Lumine dared a peek out the door to scope out the hallway.
There were no other guards, and the boisterous sounds of the party were long gone.
Lumine slid out of the closet, sneaking down the hall, starting her search for King Ajax.
Sounds like he’s still here somewhere. Alone.
This job was getting easier and easier.
Too easy.
* * *
Please be in this room.
There was a great stone door before her, one she had come to after a mind-numbingly exhaustive search through the entirety of the large castle. She pushed on the door, as slowly and as quietly as possible, then looked in.
She nearly cried out in relief.
Sitting in the middle of the room was King Ajax, his back turned to her.
He was completely silent, unmoving, in this empty stone room. Was he asleep? No, it looked more like meditation.
Lumine slinked in, silently, conjuring the elemental energy of the wind in the room.
She would take every bit of air out of his body. Quick, quiet, no mess. It was the method she had always used.
She closed her eyes to focus, feeling the pull of air from his lungs.
He was going to die, and she was going to be free, free with her brother—
Lumine opened her eyes just in time to see Ajax rush towards her.
His hand wrapped around her throat, and he slammed her into the ground. All of the breath in her body hissed out of her, and she clawed at his hand.
“Who are you?” he growled.
She stopped prying at his hold, quickly yanking out her dagger, and slashing at his face.
He dodged, forcing him to loosen his grip on her.
She slashed again at his hand, throwing herself away from him as he recoiled in pain. She rubbed at her neck, gasping for breath. The king was looking at the gash across his fingers.
Lumine quickly focused her energy on the earth below, trying to create shackles out of stone to hold him in place, or to just bury him alive.
The ropes of earth sprang out of the ground. His eyes flickered to the coils as they rushed for him.
But then a swirling mass of water appeared, engulfing him, destroying the chains in the process.
A sharp stream of water shot out from the bubble, coiling around Lumine before she could react. She was pulled to the ground, bound, and unable to move.
The bubble of water dissipated, and Ajax stepped out, eyes ablaze. He approached Lumine.
“Who are you?” he asked again, less angry, more inquisitive.
She strained against the chains of water, her elemental energy unable to rid them. She locked eyes with him. “You’re a magic user.”
He squatted next to her. “You are too,” he responded, the smallest ghost of a smile on his lips. He took her dagger into his hands, weighing it. “Now, why were you trying to kill me?”
Lumine bit her cheek. No, she couldn’t sell Diluc out; he could still get Aether killed.
“That’s how you conquered Mondstadt and Liyue so easily. You used magic,” she pushed, ignoring his question. “That’s forbidden.”
He barked out a laugh, wiping his bloodied hand on her robes. “And yet, here we are, two magic users in one room.” He pointed the dagger at Lumine’s neck. “Tell me why you were trying to kill me, before I make it only one. I won’t ask again.”
“You’re going to kill me anyway,” Lumine said. “I’m a magic user. That threatens your power, doesn’t it?”
Ajax studied her for a second, pulling the dagger back, just a bit. “True.” He tilted his head. “But I’ve never actually met another magic user before.”
She averted his intense gaze. “So what are you going to do? Keep me alive and experiment on me?”
“No.” He stood. “How about this...in exchange for sparing your life, you become my student.”
“You mean learn magic from you?” Lumine glared at him. “How do you know I won’t kill you in the future?”
“You won’t,” he said. “This murder attempt? Wasn’t personal—you tried to kill me from a distance. Someone must have sent you.” He closed his eyes, squeezing the hilt of the dagger. After some shaking, it disintegrated into dust.
“Also, you can’t kill me,” he continued, opening his eyes. “You’re severely untrained. You saw how easily I subdued you.” A small smile. “All the more reason to learn from me.”
Maybe this was the gods taking mercy on Lumine. Ajax didn’t kill her right away; she had a chance to live, to get back home to Aether.
“What’s in it for you? This only seems to benefit me,” she said to Ajax.
He hummed, thinking. “A potentially powerful weapon,” he responded, eyes glinting.
Maybe, once she learned more magic, she could overtake him, and complete her job.
She locked eyes with him.
“You have a deal.”
The ghost of those words burned bitter on her tongue.
* * *
Lumine nearly died the next morning.
“You did what?!” she gasped out, after deathly choking on a part of her breakfast.
She was currently sitting across from Ajax in his elegant dining room, who had just informed her that he had announced their marriage.
He leaned back in his chair. “A random new woman living in the king’s castle? Bound to raise many rumors,” he said, nonchalant. “This way, there are no rumors, and we can train without being questioned.”
Lumine worried her lip. He has a point.
“I don’t—We don’t have to...do anything in public, do we?” she asked.
“No.” He smirked. “Unless you want to, pretty girl.”
She grimaced. “No, thank you.” Here for a job, not romance, she reminded herself, no matter how handsome this cocky bastard is. Not to mention, she still planned to kill him.
And so, Lumine’s days were filled with training, pretending to the servants and maids she was King Ajax’s fiancée. She was trapped, as Ajax reminded her many times that if she tried to leave, he would swiftly execute her.
She learned more about him, as much as she didn’t want to. She saw that he did really care for his people, and provided for them as best he could—though he wasn’t above using his power to strike down those in his way, whether it was an enemy or a citizen who simply disrespected his reign.
And that was ultimately what he wanted: power. To have power over everyone in the land of Teyvat. He had endless ambition—Lumine could credit him that much.
Some days, she caught herself imagining it as well: a world she could rule over, have everyone bend to her will, set the laws so people like her and Aether could live without fear, and be provided for. In some ways, she could relate to Ajax’s desires. In some ways, she could justify his methods.
It very much disgusted her, at first. But then, it was liberating. To have someone who could understand the darker sides to her being, understand the blood on her hands.
Even Aether could never fully understand her. How part of her was always glad to be given magical powers to defend herself and those she cared about. How part of her enjoyed her current situation.
After all, she was living lavishly, compared to the impoverished life she had before. She had every meal provided for, luxuriously, and a soft bed to lay in every night. No threat of the authorities finding out about her powers and murdering her.
Could she perhaps bring Aether here?
Ajax had spared her—was it too much of a stretch to believe he would spare her twin as well?
If Aether could be brought here, she wouldn’t have to kill Ajax. She wouldn’t have to kill perhaps the only person in Teyvat that knew who she truly was.
* * *
“If you found another magic user,” she asked Ajax over dinner, “would you train them as well?”
Ajax took a sip of wine from his goblet. “No.”
A small smile, a slight flash of his canines. “I can’t have my weapons outnumbering me, now can I?”
Lumine’s mouth went dry. “If you won’t train them...what would you do with them?”
“Kill them.” He set the cup down. “They would be a threat.”
“I’m not a threat?”
Ajax barked out a laugh. “No, Lumine. No, you are not.”
So she and Aether couldn’t be together here. Aether was still in danger of being outed by Diluc.
“Why?” Ajax questioned. “Are you lonely here?”
“I’m trapped in your castle. What do you think?”
He rested his head on his hand. “My bed is open at night, if you’d like.”
Lumine drove her knife through her food. “You’re insufferable.”
“Oh, Lumine, it’s just banter,” he said, chuckling. “You don’t think we’re friends? I quite like your company.”
She pursed her lips, staying silent.
“You don’t have to lie to me.” Ajax stared right at her. “I see you while we train. You like it here. You like becoming more and more powerful.”
He leaned over the table. “You and I are very similar.” He smiled. “There’s a hunger in your eyes. You want exactly what I have.”
Lumine stood abruptly. “We are nothing alike,” she spat uselessly. He sees right through me.
“I told you, you don’t have to lie to me,” Ajax responded, sitting back in his chair. “We are already married. We could rule together—as partners.”
“I thought I was your weapon.” Her knuckles were white from clutching the edge of the table.
“Partner if you so choose.” His blue eyes narrowed slightly. “Weapon if not.”
What game is he playing? “There has to be some sort of catch.” He was essentially offering her his power as king, even if it was just partially.
“No catch,” he said. “Like I said, if you refuse, you’ll just continue your little life of entrapment, as my weapon.”
“One of these options is obviously better than the other.”
Ajax laughed, genuinely, his expression softening, just a bit. “I guess one is.”
She gave him a look, quizzical, before swiftly leaving the room, his proposal still hanging in the night.
As the guards escorted her back to her room, she played the conversation over and over again in her mind.
Would it be so bad? Would it be so bad as King Ajax’s consort, his companion through his crusade of Teyvat?
He was right: part of her deep down ached for that kind of power.
But joining Ajax meant sacrificing her dear brother.
The aching desire hissed, Is that a sacrifice you are going to make?
* * *
The castle’s stone floors were freezing on Lumine’s feet as she traversed through the halls barefoot. No shoes meant no sound. No sound meant she could surprise the guards, getting the upper hand to take them out. Already, there was a trail of dead guards behind her as she passed through the corridors, the air stripped from their lungs.
Her sheer white nightgown fluttered around her as she dashed about, and in the dim moonlight waning through the windows, she thought herself a ghost, an angel of death. She was on a path she could not stop.
She knew exactly where he was. After spending so many days trapped here, of course she knew where the king’s quarters were.
She knew him like clockwork: what days he would stay up in his study, what days he would retire to his chambers and when. She knew where his guards were, when they would switch patrols, when their protection would be the weakest.
And when it came time, she stood outside of his door, wavering on the spot slightly.
She shook her head, trying the door. Locked.
Taking a breath in, she rapped her knuckles on the hardwood.
She heard rustling beyond the heavy oak door, her heartbeat picking up. She would have to get in there quick, before he looked behind her and saw his guards missing.
The door swung open, a flash of anger on Ajax’s face until he saw who it was.
He gave her a closed-eye smile. “Ah, Lumine, to what do I owe the pleasure—”
Lumine stood on the tips of her toes, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss.
She could feel him go rigid under her touch. She walked him backwards, further into the room, closing the door behind her with her foot.
As the door shut, he broke away from her. “Are you accepting my proposal?” he whispered, his hands clutched around her arms.
Lumine nodded, going for another kiss, arms slinking around his shoulders. This time, he melted into her touch, pulling until he was under her on his bed.
He fell for it.
Pity crept into her heart. From the way he breathed her in, the way he held her in his arms, there was a softness she had never seen from him.
He loved her.
She was his weapon, and now, his greatest weakness.
“I’m sorry,” she said against his lips.
His eyes opened, those ocean eyes on her as she pulled the air from his lungs with ease.
You shouldn’t have trained me.
His hand reached for her throat, but went to his own as he gasped and choked.
She wrapped her own hands around his, pressing down. She slammed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to see his face.
He thrashed wildly, and she repeated I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’msorryimsorry over and over again until he went still under her.
She opened her eyes, the world blurry around her. She wiped away the tears pooling in her vision, and looked down at Ajax.
He was unmoving, eyes glazed over, arms limp at his side.
Lumine reached for his throat, hand shaking, fingers checking for a pulse.
He’s dead.
She scrambled off of him, crumbling into a ball on the floor.
I killed him.
Her breathing was uneven—she was the one gasping for breath now as uncontrollable sobs racked through her body.
I am so sorry, Ajax.
* * *
Lumine turned to see Aether looking at her with worry.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
A breeze rustled by. Lumine turned back to look over green fields that stretched as far as she could see.
“I’m okay,” she responded.
“Okay,” he repeated. He smiled a bit, pulling an envelope from his pocket. “Diluc’s hawk came this morning. He sends warm wishes to us both.”
After the assassination of King Ajax, Lumine decreed Snezhnaya a freed country, a country with no ruler, and returned the lands of Mondstadt and Liyue back to their rightful heirs. Diluc, now the restored king of Mondstadt, gave Lumine and Aether the riches he promised, and a home deep in the countryside for the peaceful life they so desperately wanted.
But sometimes Lumine had nightmares of Ajax.
She would be sitting next to him, on their thrones as the King and Queen of Snezhnaya. Sometimes, little princes and princesses of theirs would be running around as well.
They would have conjured all of Teyvat together.
They would have loved each other.
Lumine would wake up, tears in her eyes, heart heavy with desire for that life.
And then she would cry because her life would never be peaceful ever again.
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astridthevalkyrie · 4 years
summer rain: chapter 2
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Your days in the Training Corp aren’t too out of the ordinary. You make friends, you train hard, and you eat dinner every day.
Oh, and you’re also hellbent on getting revenge against Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
Okay, okay, so, you’d prided yourself on your plan. Getting the lieutenant himself to train you personally so you could learn his weaknesses and use his own tricks to one day take him down and humiliate him in front of everyone - it’s convoluted, but it’s a good idea. It’ll take a while, but it’ll work if you stay dedicated. Right? Right.
But you hadn’t actually expected him to agree. And so easily at that. He’d given you a quick look over as though he was scanning for some potential scheme, and then he’d readily said he would train you, which not only shocked you, it shocked both Captain Erwin and the woman who you learned was Lieutenant Hange Zoe. If his friends were surprised, then this must be out of character of him. You can’t imagine why he possibly would willingly take you under his wing.
Maybe...maybe the harsh treatment was some twisted way of looking out for you. A small bit of guilt blooms in your chest at the thought, but you quickly squash it down. There are other ways to prepare someone for their future than by publicly embarrassing and physically harassing them. A simple hey, focus up, cadet would have sufficed. Not that you’d have listened, but he doesn’t know that.
Yeah, he’s just a dick. He probably has his own messed up reasons to be doing this. You have to mentally prepare yourself for whatever cruel and unusual punishment he’ll be inflicting upon you.
His instructions ring through your head as you go to bed that night.
“Be at the grounds at 4 AM, sharp. Don’t be late.”
However, that’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s bad enough that you have to adjust your sleep schedule to wake up at 8 AM instead of 11 AM since they don’t allow for beauty sleep at the Training Corp (how are you supposed to maintain your flawless skin?), but now he expects you to be up and out of bed four whole hours than everyone else? No one is expected to be up at that time. Not even him. People are sleeping at 4 AM. No, you’re absolutely not going to be getting up just to train with a grouchy, perverted midget, thanks very much. If he was serious when he gave you those instructions, he’s going to have to deal with someone who values their shut-eye time. Sorry not sorry, Lieutenant. Your dreams are pleasant that night, letting you visit the market on the edge of Stohess which always smelled of fresh fruits and exotic perfume.
You’re content with your decision until a fucking wave crashes on you and brutally brings you back to the world of the living.
With a heaving gasp, you sit up straight in a coughing frenzy, spitting up water. Your hair is soaked, along with your nightgown. Fat droplets run down your face and bite into your cheeks. It’s cold.
“Be quiet,” Lieutenant Levi mutters casually, as though he didn’t just dump a bucket of water on you, “you’ll wake up the others.”
You gape at him incredulously, bringing your hands up to frantically wipe water off your face. For a second, you forget all formalities and you forget he ranks far higher than you, or perhaps you just don’t care, and you splutter out what you’ve been wondering since the moment you met him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
For someone who seems to enjoy teaching you discipline, he never actually tells you off for these comments. Instead of chiding you for being rude, he says in a snippy tone, “I’ve been waiting for ten minutes. Get up, or I’ll refill the bucket.”
You don’t need any further encouragement. You throw off the thin and wet blanket and stand up, now fully awake. He rolls his eyes when he sees how silky your nightgown is - yeah, he damn well should feel bad for soaking such an expensive piece of fabric, the asshole. It’s worth more than that stupid tacky cravat he’s always sporting, that’s for sure.
Fortunately, no one else has woken up. Thank Maria, you’re not sure you could stomach someone seeing Lieutenant Levi demeaning you yet again. You shakily grab your clothes and uniform, and then turn to him. He raises a brow.
“Some privacy would be appreciated, sir.” You cross your arms over your chest protectively.
He scoffs pointedly, as though to tell you he’d have to be absolutely obtuse to want to see you naked, to which you only take a little offense. He gives you orders to hurry the fuck up and then leaves the barracks. You’re tempted to take your sweet time changing, but you really, really don’t want to risk getting soaked again. You just wish that you had time to dry your hair - the morning air outside is bound to be freezing. Sighing, you tie it up tightly, mourning the days you could let your precious tresses fly freely. Stupid military, stupid titans, stupid lieutenant. You dislike all of them greatly. In that order.
When you join him outside, he’s leaning against a tree, looking at you dully.
“Managed to have a tea party before you got down here, (L/N)? Or have you always walked at the speed of a snail?”
Holy hells help you, this is going to be a long day.
You salute, and he lets out a small tch, walking up to you and sizing you up. You tense up immediately, you wouldn’t put it past him to knock you down again for the heinous crime of making him wait.
“This is how this is going to work, Cadet.” He stands right in front of you and you force yourself not to look in his eyes, choosing to look at the pretty leaves on the birch tree behind him. “Every morning, from 4 AM to 6 AM, you’re here, and you’re doing whatever the hell I tell you to.” Probably allowing him to punch you in the face repeatedly. “Then you go back, get two more hours of sleep so that you don’t look like shit at breakfast.” It’ll take more than the likes of him to get you to look like shit, but sure, he can flatter himself. “If I’m on an expedition or not here for some other reason, you do a basic routine regardless.” Right, like he’ll know if you skip out. Nice try. “I might have you do other bits of training at another part of the day sometimes, but for the most part, we’ll be doing the brunt of it in the morning so it doesn’t interfere with your classes and shit.” Okay, that���s fair, and you can’t find a complaint with it no matter how hard you try. “Questions?”
You open your mouth, but he doesn’t give you a chance to actually ask anything before barking out an order. “Twenty-four laps around the grounds, now.”
Twenty-four? Okay, okay, you can do this, you knew what you were signing up for. He’s going to be harsh. He’s going to wear you out. You’re not going to break. Even if it’s the crack of dawn and he’s certifiably insane.
When you start running, his eyes follow you. You briefly wonder how he’s going to keep himself entertained throughout this, but then you remember that he’s cruel and terrible, and he’ll be entertained plenty watching you suffer. Besides, you have other things to focus on besides how much fun he’s having.
The maximum amount of laps Grumman has had you run so far is twelve, and that was with everyone else, so all the cadets could feed off each other’s energy and boost morale. Right now, there’s no one with you, no one to complain to, no one to hide behind so you can spend a few seconds walking instead of running. Oh, and it’s way too early. Have you mentioned that it’s way too early?
Half way through the fifteenth lap, you drop down on your knees and start panting. You’re tired. You want to go back to sleep. Screw your plan. Screw getting revenge.
“Oi!” The lieutenant calls out from his cozy spot under the birch tree. “I didn’t say you could take a nap!”
Most all all, screw him.
You hear him approaching, but you can’t bring yourself to get up. The grass is damp against your fingers, looking like a nice and cool spot to just lie down and rest your head for a few seconds. Sure, not as nice as a regular feathery pillow, but -
He kicks you on the side. It’s not that hard, but you still hiss in pain.
You hate him, you hate him, you hate him -
“Get up,” he snaps, impatient. “You’ve got nine more to go.”
Everything about him is grating, from his voice to his polished shoes to his gorgeous grey eyes. How you wish you could shut him up.
Clearly not someone who enjoys waiting, he yanks you up by your arm, letting out another tch at your murderous expression. He applies just the slightest pressure against your skin, before speaking in a tone that makes it clear he’s getting fed up.
“You’re the one who wanted to be trained. If you can’t handle a few laps, then forget about getting into the top ten.”
“I don’t want to get into the top ten,” you huff, writhing in an attempt to break free of his grasp to no avail. Why does everyone and their mother assume you’re some tryhard goody two shoes? “And even if I did, running these laps isn’t gonna get me there. So can we just leave it at fifteen?”
Lieutenant Levi pulls you in closer, until you’re nearly nose to nose with him. Your eyes widen as he tightens his hold on you, and you despise that your heart beats faster for whatever godforsaken reason. Unwillingly, you think about what it would actually feel like to be wrapped up in his arms, to have his hands on your waist, to have his lips on your -
Fuck fuck fuck. Wrong and fucked up line of thought. Focus.
“You seem to think we’re collaborating here, (L/N). Let me make it clear,” he drawls lazily, “we’re not. You’ll do what I say, no questions asked.”
“I’m going to ask questions, sir. Blind obedience isn’t good for anyone.”
“I think it’s less to do with blind obedience, and more with you wanting to be a pain in the ass.”
“Very astute of you,” you say without thinking, and his shoulders move in what might have been a laugh, but it happens so quickly you’re not sure if you imagined it or not.
“Finish the laps,” he orders, letting go of you and jerking his head, telling you to hop to it.
You glare petulantly, but start running anyways. What he doesn’t realize is he just let you have a break, no matter how short it might have been, and that’s exactly what you needed. Not so clever, this one. You take the small win and feel triumphant, even though you still have to run nine more laps and your hair is still wet and it’s still a forbidden hour for anyone to be awake at.
Once the laps are done, Lieutenant Levi allows no further time for relaxation before ordering you into thirty push-ups, which is just thirty more than your preferred amount of push-ups. The amount of fucking delight he takes in putting his foot on your back, making it just a bit harder for you to get up each time, is unbelievable. He’s a damn sadist, who thrills in your pain.
After the push-ups are finished, you have to do squats. Once the squats are finished, you move on to crunches. Then around five million side kicks, or at least that’s what it feels like. Then forward lunges. Then tricep extensions against the tree. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
How fucking long is an hour anyway?
By the time the lieutenant finally tosses you a flask of water - he throws it so quickly it almost hits your face - you’re winded, out of breath, and dizzy. Nothing hurts per se, but your body is desperately begging for you to stop, to take a break, to just sit down for a single second. You know that any second now, you’ll be back in bed, and the only obstacle to that destination besides the fear that you might collapse halfway there is this asshole of a midget in front of you. You technically can’t leave until he dismisses you, a rule that you despise with all your being.
You think that dismissal is coming when he takes the flask back and then gives you another demand.
“Ten calf raises. Just a test run. I’ll see if I can put it into your routine.”
You look at him disbelievingly for two reasons - one, because he’s actually continuing this torture and two, he’s assuming you know what the hell calf raises are.
He sighs exasperatedly and then demonstrates. It seems simple enough, it’s just standing on your tippy toes, spreading your feet out, repeating the action, spreading them out even more, and then doing it again. Three angles, just a bit of balance for a few seconds.
At this point, you’ll do whatever it takes to go back to bed.
So you start. You do three (there’s three angles, so technically nine, but who’s counting? certainly not you) and everything’s fine.
The fourth set leaves you a bit sore, but whatever.
The fifth set hurts.
The sixth set stings like a bitch.
After the seventh, you cry out in pain. It’s quiet, but mortifying.
Great, just great. The whole point of this was to pick up on his weaknesses, and here you’ve accidentally exposed your own. You freeze completely, eyes on the ground, waiting for the lieutenant to say something about how weak you’re acting.
But he doesn’t say anything, and you’re too nervous to look at him in case he catches the embarrassment playing out on your face.
Eight. Your calves are killing you, but you’re not going to cry out again. Ever.
Nine. Holy shit. Are you on fire? You think you’re on fire.
One more. You can do this. You’ve done all the others.
“Hey,” a sharp voice cuts through the air, but you pay him no mind.
You clench your fists, muster up all your strength, and push yourself up as hard as you can.
And immediately regret it.
Your legs buckle under you, and you stumble with a yelp. You didn’t mean to. It just hurt so bad, but now you’re going to be on your knees again -
Up until now, you’d seen how fast Lieutenant Levi could move because he was constantly throwing you around like a child would throw around its favorite toy. When you feel a breeze against your skin, your mind is thrown into an alarmed state for a fraction of a second. He’s coming at you, to what? Push you? You’re already falling down, so nice try, jerk, but -
It takes you a few seconds to realize he’s caught you.
With his arms hooked under yours, he lets you put your weight on him, ignoring your astonished expression. Even the blunt pain is pushed aside as you take in the fact that he stopped you from falling. Apparently you can only be knocked down when he decides you can. For the life of you, you truly cannot figure out just what this man’s deal is.
“Well, then,” Levi murmurs against your ear, “we’ll leave that one out from now on.”
Millie informs you that you look like shit over breakfast, and you tell her to kindly fuck off.
These lovely morning meetings become routine. Since you’re waking up earlier, you try your best to go to sleep earlier too, but you’re a night owl who can’t be caged, so the operation isn’t really successful there.
Instead, you try to rest any second you can during the day. While Millie, Stephen and Ricky are reading over their notes under the same birch tree that you and Lieutenant Levi meet at, you’re lying on the grass with an arm thrown over your eyes. It’s not like you need to study that hard - one doesn’t need whole hours to learn that titans are dangerous.
Besides, your arms are sore from your push-ups this morning. You usually don’t do the same thing twice in a row, apparently the lieutenant likes to switch things up. Which is just fine with you, of course, you’ve never been a fan of the same old thing every day; you joined the military to get away from the feeling that all your days were stationary and felt the same. And the whole dead dad thing, but that’s kinda secondary.
“Try putting ice on it,” Stephen offers helpfully, the only one of the three to take your complaining in stride.
“Try putting a gag in your mouth,” Millie adds.
“Try taking the stick out of your ass,” you tell her pointedly before offering a grateful smile to Stephen.
“Have you considered asking yourself if this is worth it?” Ricky tosses his notes aside and nudges your head with his knee. “Your super duper revenge plan -”
“It’s a mega super duper revenge plan.”
“Yeah, that. Is it worth exhausting yourself like this?”
Surprisingly, Stephen is the one who speaks up. “I don’t think it’s right for a superior to disrespect his subordinate and get away with it without any repercussions.”
“Look, what he did was...sketchy,” Ricky concedes, “but he’s him, y’know? Some people are good enough to act like that and get away with it.”
“No one’s good enough to act like that. Do you know how hard he runs me into the ground every single day? He’s never satisfied, not until I’m fucking collapsing. The only reason he’s stopped dumping water on me is because he says it’s a waste of resources.” You blow out a puff of air, frustrated. Why does no one understand how not okay the lieutenant’s actions are? “And he never does anything himself. I haven’t picked up any weaknesses. I have to keep going until I find one.”
“That’ll take you your entire time here.”
“So be it,” you say dramatically, before finally sitting up.
You’ll stick to it for however long it takes. There are boundaries that should never be crossed, and Lieutenant Levi’s managed to cross every single one of them.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a familiar figure. It’s him, of course it’s him. It’s not enough that he disturbs your sleep, no, he has to make his presence known during the day too. Sure, maybe he’s just going about his day and not actively trying to aggravate you, but he’s still in your line of sight and he has such a punchable face.
Maybe Lieutenant Levi senses that he’s being watched, because his head turns and he catches your gaze.
You wave with a sugary smile, acting like you weren’t just fantasizing about punching his face.
Without so much as an acknowledgement, he looks away and keeps walking.
You scoff. Rude fucking midget.
The best parts of your days are undeniably after hours. Or more specifically, that small period before dinner and bedtime, when there’s nothing required of you, and you can slip away. You like leaving a bit earlier than everyone else, just to enjoy the cool night outside. It’s funny, how there are so many rules and restrictions here at the military, but a girl can still just get up and wander outside at night and no one will look at her strangely. It’s a wonderful feeling, freedom.
You’re just about to begin what’s sure to be a leisurely walk around the grounds when there’s suddenly a vice-like grip on your arm. You gasp, the first instinct to defend yourself. You raise your fist and immediately launch it, only for it to be caught rather easily.
The lieutenant rolls his eyes at your attempt to defend yourself. “I sincerely hope you never get mugged.”
If he followed you out here, that’s frankly quite creepy and he should feel ashamed of himself.
“I hope someone steals your cravat,” you mutter, and the corners of his lips twitch in amusement. “Can you let go? Sir,” you add quickly - it was becoming easier to forget that you had to refer to him properly. “I have a walk to take that doesn’t involve doing push-ups or crunches.”
His eyes are alight with cruel intentions. You hate that you still find them fascinating. “I have a training exercise for you.”
“You’re a few hours early, Lieutenant.” You give him a condescending smile. “See, 4 AM actually isn’t until much much later. It’s okay, I know telling time can be tough.”
His lips purse in displeasure, and you mentally do a small, victorious dance.
“Be that as it may, I recall telling you that your training can take place at any time that I see fit.”
“But,” you protest, stomping your foot childishly, “you also said you didn’t want to interfere with my regular training!”
He makes a point of looking to the right and then to the left and then finally back at you. “I don’t see any drills going on around here. Do you?”
If you say you do, will he let you off? Probably not, he’ll just cart you off to the infirmary and declare you mental.
“Fine,” you mutter with gritted teeth, “what is it now?”
Without answering, he turns and beckons you to follow. Like a good little obedient soldier. You fume silently, walking behind with clenched fists. First he cuts into your rightful nap time, and now into your wonderful walking time. Is there no limit to the amount of serene, private moments he plans to intrude on?
For some reason, the two of you head indoors, towards the rooms and offices. You may just be a dumb cadet, but even you’re pretty certain that none of the exercises are done in here. Is he taking you to his room? Why would he -
Your mouth falls open, but your steps don’t falter. This is highly inappropriate. You don’t know what kind of woman Lieutenant Levi takes you to be, but you did not sign up for this. So you ask him to train you and call him sir a few times, and the man thinks you’re all good and willing, does he? That since he’s Humanity’s Strongest, he can have whoever he wants? What an insult to the name of courting. Where he finds the nerve to keep pulling stunts like these, you’ll never know.
Training your ass. This is an indecent night call. And you would never, ever -
Maybe. In a hot, scandalous kind of way that you would only ever tell Millie about. Not that you’d enjoy it, not with him. It’s more the forbidden aspect that’s attractive. It’s certainly not about the lieutenant, even with his nimble fingers and cold eyes and sharp tongue that you’re sure he could work wonders with - okay so maybe it is about him a little bit.
But it would also be delightful to turn him down. To watch the light leave his eyes (not that it was there in the first place) as you proudly tell him you respect yourself too much to sleep with a man who’s so arrogant and callous. Yeah, that’ll show him.
His fingers, though.
You’re so caught up in your little debate that you almost crash into him when he stops in front of a door. Ah, a private area. The barracks? How many members of his squad does he share a room with? You twitch uncomfortably.
“Here we are.” Even his voice sounds sultry. Or maybe it always sounds like that. Who knows.
“Why are we here, sir?” Your throat feels dry.
He turns and gives you a look that is decidedly not sexy. Rather, it seems like he thinks you’re the most idiotic person he’s ever had the unfortunate pleasure of laying his eyes on.
“You’re going to clean up in here, did you not hear me the first time?”
You’re not sure what feels the most embarrassing. The fact that he’s apparently decided you’re the official Training Corp maid, or that you had actually been so comfortably considering sleeping with him that you tuned out what he was saying.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you frown. “Sir, I mean no offense -” He raises a brow, clearly ready to get offended - “but your, er, sanitary habits are pretty much known to everyone here. I doubt that I’ll be able to make your room sparkle more than it already does.”
Lieutenant Levi scoffs. “Then it’s a good thing this isn’t my room.”
He opens the door and your mouth falls open in horror.
“This is Lieutenant Hange’s lab,” he explains as he steps in, “and before you ask, I’ve already secured her permission for you to clean up.” Producing a broom out of thin air, he shoves it in your waiting hands.
“Lieutenant, I...this is…”
“Disgusting. Yeah. So better not waste any time. You need to get some sleep if you want to survive your morning drills tomorrow.”
“Lieutenant, I’m from Stohess.” Too late do you realize that you’re pleading. “I’ve never even seen a pig’s den that is as messy as this.”
Countless exercises at the crack of dawn, and this is what’s broken you. The room is horrifying. It’s straight out of any neat freak’s nightmares. You don’t know how the lieutenant even stomachs looking at it.
“Never cleaned your own room, huh? Not surprised,” he muses, and you shoot him a dirty look.
This isn’t the spoiled brat in you talking, no, this is the sane human who knows that this room is basically hell incarnate.
“How does this count as training? You just need someone to do the Survey Corps’ dirty work!”
“Is there anything you don’t complain about?” he demands, but oho, you are ready.
“Exercising I can understand. Your random bursts of physical violence - harsh, but whatever.” Not like you’re trying to get vengeance for them, but he doesn’t have to know that. “This is just work, and I want to be paid if you’re making me do work.”
This makes him snort, shaking his head at you like he’s your teacher and you’re not understanding the most basic of concepts. “You’re not a merchant, (L/N), you’re a soldier.”
“A soldier, not a servant!”
“I am ordering you to do this,” he says softly, “are you disobeying an order, Cadet?”
Well, when he puts it like that, you’d rather not get kicked out of the military before you even complete your training. And certainly not before you make the lieutenant pay with everything you have. Oh, revenge will be sweet.
Begrudgingly, you step into the lab, swallowing your nervous inhibitions. This place is a dump, you wonder how Lieutenant Hange even gets any work done in here.
Goddammit, you are never going to clean this place up, no matter how hard you try!
“Like I said, we still need you to sleep,” the he-devil murmurs behind you, “so this better be done in an hour. I’ll come check on you then.”
Oh, fuck him. You wait until he leaves, and then get to work.
His royal highness comes back an hour later just like he said he would. When he opens the door, he finds you sprawled on the floor against the wall, tired but with your chest puffed up proudly, eyes zeroed in on him to see his reaction.
The room is spotless and distinctly organized. Papers that were strewn everywhere are now in one pile next to a stack of Lieutenant Hange’s many, many journals. Vials and flasks have been placed on top of one another by the sink, where they can be quickly washed and ready for use. The tops of the desks are spotless and dust-free. The floor is not only clean, but shiny.
There’s a brief flash of surprise on Lieutenant Levi’s face as he looks back at you. You allow yourself to smirk. Sure, your arms hurt even worse than they already did and you still feel like a maid because you’ve done more cleaning in the last hour than you have in your entire life (not because you’re spoiled, just because no rooms back home are ever this messy), but it’s worth it to see that he’s impressed by you, no matter how he tries to hide it.
You don’t know why you want him to be impressed in the first place, but you decide not to question it right now.
“Not bad,” he finally relents, walking up to you. “You plan to sleep here, or are you gonna get up?”
You snort. Such a charmer, this one. Well, you’re too lazy to stand on your own, so you hold your hand up expectantly. It’s really the least he can do after being no help at all.
After giving you a long look, he takes your hand and pulls you up to your feet. Your legs feel a little wobbly, and you wryly think about how you’d figured you’d be leaving the base with wobbly legs anyway. What a ridiculous fantasy. You hate him, and he probably hates you too. You would never do anything of any sort with him.
“Go to bed,” he orders quietly, taking note of how tired you look.
“So, 5 AM tomorrow, right?”
Again, he looks dryly amused like he always does when you say things like this, as though you’re just the funniest fucking person he’s ever met. “Nice try, (L/N).”
“When do you even sleep?” you question, brows furrowed in curiosity. You’ve wondered for a while.
Lieutenant Levi shrugs. “Usually from 1 to 3.”
You blink in disbelief, shaking your head. “Sorry, what?”
“Got a problem with that?” He’s clearly not fond of where the conversation’s headed, since he grabs you by the back of your collar and pushes you forward, out of the room. You comply, but you’re not done with this line of questioning. No one can just get two hours of sleep daily and continue to function normally.
“Is this why you’re so grouchy all the time?”
“You have no respect at all,” he quips, still shoving you ahead. The base is for the most part, bare and empty, since nearly everyone’s gone to bed by now. There’s only a few people still around, and they pay the two of you no mind.
“Have you always been an insomniac?”
“Fail to see why it’s any of your business.”
“Are you trying to make me an insomniac?”
The lieutenant sucks in an exasperated breath. “No, then I’d be punishing all insomniacs.”
“You’re one to talk.”
You don’t know why it’s so easy to engage in banter with him. He never discourages you, as much as he points out how unruly you are. In fact, he seems to enjoy it almost as much as you do.
And you do enjoy it, as much as you don’t want to.
“Lieutenant,” you begin hesitantly, not sure why you’re saying this, “I hear chamomile helps people go to sleep.”
“So it does,” he mutters dryly, “thanks for the observation.”
Fuck him, you were trying to be helpful.
“Are you going to walk me all the way back?” You hum thoughtfully, craftily. “People might get the wrong idea.”
At this, his footsteps stop, and you wince. God, your mouth really just runs a mile ahead of your brain at all times, doesn’t it? It won’t be satisfied until you’ve dug yourself into a hole that you just can’t get out of. Implying to Lieutenant Levi that people would think the two of you had sex is just the icing on top of the snarky cake you’ve been baking him since you got here. When you turn around, he’s looking at you with an appraising expression.
“What wrong idea will they get, Cadet?” he asks softly, grey eyes piercing through you.
Your mouth is dry. Surely he knows, does he need you to say it? Of course he does, he wants to make you uncomfortable. You can’t even blame him, this one’s all on you.
Screw it, you might as well be blunt.
“They might think we slept together.”
If he’s taken aback, he doesn’t show it. “I see. And what would you do if these rumors spread?”
You take a deep breath. “Gouge my eyes out, sir.”
This time, you can’t chalk it up to your imagination or a trick of the light. He scoffs, but he’s laughing, normally cruel lips twisted in a humorous smile. You’re surprised by how pleasant the sight is, like looking at a lily in a field of roses. Out of place, yet so very beautiful, a sight you can’t take your eyes off of. Just how does one man manage to be so fascinating? It takes a lot to make you want to swoon, especially for someone who you harbor such negative feelings for. How does he manage it so easily?
“Can’t have that.” His expression is still lit up in mirth. “You better go the rest of the way yourself.”
You salute, and turn around. Even as you walk, the image of him laughing - laughing at something you said - is burned into your mind, and it makes something in your chest clench in an all too unfamiliar way.
Maybe he watches you go, but you’re too proud to look back and check.
The air is abuzz with excitement. Everyone’s been waiting for this day. If you didn’t know better, you’d say that everyone joined the military simply so that they could do this.
This being using the ODM gear, of course. Everyone has mastered the basics by now, or they’ve dropped out. The one who stayed have perfected balancing and not falling flat on their faces, they’ve watched senior veterans use the gear, and they’ve gotten a brief example of what it feels like to be shot forward through the air. Utilizing the blades properly will eventually be taught too, but for now, they get to practice flying. Actual flying. How amazing is that?
While people usually pair off on their own, Grumman sees fit to assign pairs himself today, much to everyone’s chagrin. By some shitty luck, you’re not paired with Millie, Ricky, or Stephen. You’re not even paired with Nifa or Jack, who you’re friendly enough with.
No, you’re paired with Petra fucking Ral.
You probably wouldn’t even know or care about who Petra was if not for Millie’s incessant complaining about her. Petra is one of the few people who balanced in the gear belts perfectly on her first try (you were also in that group, but Millie’s not gonna complain about you to you), Petra is all their teachers’ favorite because of how easily she retains information, Petra doesn’t have a hair out of place even when she fights. Petra this, Petra that.
Petra is Millie’s main competition for the number one position.
Frankly, you think your best friend is projecting.
“Do you feel a bit ridiculous too?” she asks after the two of you have put your gear on.
“Just a little.” You face her and strike a pose. “Do you think the titans would appreciate some more flair?”
Petra laughs, nodding. “Some eye candy would go a long way, I’m sure.”
The two of you exchange grins, straightening to attention when the instructor passes in front of you. He looks between you and murmurs something to himself before shouting out loud for just about everybody to hear. “(L/N) and Ral will go first! All the rest of you little shits, pay attention!”
Apparently being paired with golden girl Petra Ral means that you’re supposed to be a role model or something now. You groan inwardly - it seems everyone is convinced you want to be a model cadet. When will they get it through their thick skulls that you’re not that boring?
You and your partner step apart until there’s a safe distance between you two. In front of you is a forest, a forest that is the perfect place to practice with the ODM gear. You grip the handles firmly, knees crouching a little. Excitement bubbles inside you as you tense in anticipation. This is it! This is the first step to you becoming a full-fledged soldier. You’re one step closer to everything you’ve worked for.
“On my mark! Ready, set…”
You toss your shoulders back and push your chest forward and out of the corner of your eye you see Petra do the same.
Whizzing sounds are heard as the two of you fire your cables at the same time. You gasp as you’re shot forward, hurtling through the air at an electrifying speed. The trees rush past you in a blur of green and brown as you go up, up, up into the sky. You let out a breathless laugh as the hooks come free. This feeling, this feeling of your stomach jumping, this nerve-wracking feeling of doing something so dangerous and so thrilling at the same time - you’ve been craving it all your life. And here you are. You’re doing it, you’re actually up in the air and you’re flying. It’s incredible. You could stay up here forever.
So enthralled are you by this experience that you forget to hook to the next target, and with an unceremonious shriek you tumble through the branches and fall on the dirt below. Some gets in your mouth, unfortunately, and you hear loud chortles behind you. You spit out the rancid soil, shooting a glare behind you when you hear another whiz.
Up above you, Petra is still in the air. She’s slowly lowering herself down, though, concern dancing in her eyes as she stumbles to a stop a few feet away from you and rushes to help you up.
“Are you okay?” She looks genuine.
You sigh. Fucking Millie, she couldn’t share your distaste for Lieutenant Levi but she found it in her to hate this girl?
“I’m alright.” You take her hand and stand up, dusting dirt off your clothes. “Just got carried away.”
Petra giggles. “You were saying something about flair, right?”
You smile wryly, beckoning for her to come closer as an idea pops into your head. “We’ve got about two minutes before Grumman sends in the next pair. I bet I can get deeper into the forest than you can.”
Her eyes shine competitively, and she nods.
And without a beat, you two are up in the air again. You’re not a natural like she is, but you sincerely doubt that she or anyone else appreciates the wind whipping through their face quite like you do. You belong up here. You can feel it. For the first time in your life, you know instantly that you’re creating a memory that you will cherish for however little time you might have left.
Your heart beats with excitement as you bounce on the heels of your feet, looking behind your shoulder nervously. “Hurry up, Ricky!”
“I’m hurrying, now be quiet, someone’s gonna hear you.”
You don’t see how. No one is wandering around the kitchens right now. The cooks who prepare the food left their stations ages ago, and no one else in the base would have any reason to be wandering down here. Normally, you wouldn’t have any reason either, but today is a bit of a special day. Or more accurately, it’s a precursor to a special day. The day after tomorrow will mark the Survey Corps’ next expedition and as always, the cooks are preparing something special for the heroes and fools. An energizer for some, and a last meal for others. While you know that the lowly cadets haven’t done anything heroic - yet - you and Ricky agreed that some pastries would surely make everyone happy. Just a few measly sweet tarts, the Scouts wouldn’t miss them. You didn’t lay a hand on the meat, knowing fully well that most of the people going out in two days would savor it much more than you would.
Ricky is quickly shoving the tarts into a pouch, taking his sweet time counting so that everyone got the same amount. Fucking outer city peasant, concerned with fairness. You sigh impatiently, bouncing on your feet. You’re hungry. The bread at dinner seemed even more stale than usual today.
“Hey, what are you two doing?”
Your eyes widen at the same time as Ricky’s - why in the holy hells is the head chef still here? Does he sleep here? Before you can consider the disturbing implications of that possibility, you’re grabbing Ricky’s arm and running for all you’re worth. You’re counting on the fact that it’s dark in the kitchens, so hopefully he didn’t see your face. Unfortunately, the chef seems intent on finding out who broke into his precious kitchen, because he clambers on out after you.
After running for two minutes, he shows no sign of stopping.
“S-split up,” Ricky pants, wheezing as you two flee.
“Fine,” you huff, a bit proud of the fact that you’ve got more tolerance than he does, “but I want leverage.”
Without waiting for him to respond, you snatch a pastry from the top of the bag and skid to the hallway on the right while Ricky keeps running forward. The chef chooses to chase him, and you cackle maniacally at your friend’s terrible luck. You’re home free, and you have your dessert as a trophy too.
You turn your head to double check, turn back, and then crash face first into someone’s chest.
Rough hands grip your wrists to catch and steady you, and when your eyes adjust to the darkness, you want to scream.
Why is he everywhere?
Lieutenant Levi’s gaze goes from the tart in your hand to your panicked expression, and he understands what’s going on without any need for an explanation from you. He takes a step closer to you, tugging you firmly so you can’t move back. You swallow nervously, stuttering out apologies for crashing into him and for being up past curfew. He listens to you ramble, but doesn’t let go. His eyes flicker to the pastry again.
“Those are for the Scouts,” he murmurs lowly. Is it your stupid imagination again or does his voice sound more husky than usual? “Not for fucking brats, (L/N).”
Normally you’d answer with some witty comeback, but you’re feeling a bit dizzy with how close he is and how hungrily his stormy eyes are watching you. The most you can do is open and close your mouth like a fish out of water. You’re in deep shit now, you know that much.
Without removing his piercing gaze from your face, he lowers his head a bit, and takes a bite out of the tart in your hand.
You could swear your heart stops beating for a second. His grip on your wrists suddenly feels like it’s hard enough to make them bruise, even though you can tell he’s not holding on that tight. You watch him chew, swallow, and then lick his lips, all without looking away for even a second. It’s mesmerizing. Before you can tell what you’re doing, you raise the tart a bit, and let him take another bite. As though you’re fucking feeding him, like a good fucking girl. The lieutenant’s lips curl into a small smirk, and you think you’re going to drop on the spot when he takes a third bite, finishing the pastry, the tip of his tongue just brushing against your index finger.
You wonder if he can hear just how erratically your heart is pounding.
Levi’s close, too close. You don’t know what to do, how to break his scrutiny of your face, or if you even want to. He leans in, just a little. Your breath gets caught in your throat. When did you forget how to breathe? It should be easy. Suck in air, let it out, repeat.
He tilts his head a millimeter.
You sigh in anticipation, lean forward, and…
He turns away at the last second, and your lips meet his cheek.
You gasp against his skin, not moving. From his amused expression, he can tell that your face is burning up. Somehow, he’s managed to embarrass you again, even if this instance isn’t public and doesn’t end with you in pain. This feels worse than all the other times, though. Before, you were simply thrown around, his way of calling you weak. Physically weak. Not strong enough, a rookie. But this, this is him telling you that he knows he lords some power over you, something that transcends his rank. Something personal.
“Thanks for the snack,” he says, stepping back only a little (see: not enough) to cup your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Now hurry to bed before I decide I want more.”
Heat pools from your stomach right down to your core. If possible, your cheeks grow even hotter.
The lieutenant lets go and turns around, leaving you standing there with a wide-eyed expression, feeling strangely empty as you watch him go.
You’re never going to let him catch you breaking curfew again.
If you’ve never done calf raises before, I do not recommend, they genuinely will leave you sore for a bit if you’re not used to them. But otherwise, yay for exercise I guess.
Reader is very cocky but we love her for it.
We don’t have Petra slander here, folks. I adore her. Millie doesn’t, though. Rip.
Let me know what you think!
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Heart by Heart | Chapter III | Raul Mendes
                                               *secret agent AU*
Y/N and Raul have been friends ever since they could remember. And falling in love with your best friend can be pretty tricky and messy 99% of the times, add that to the fact they're constantly risking their lives side by side on the field since they're both secret agents, and the best team that's ever existed. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Hi, this is the third chapter of this series, you can find the first one here. Please read the warnings on this one, if you don't feel comfortable with the contents listed on the "warnings" section, please read something else, there are a lot of other works on my masterlist and on the "fic rec" hashtag on my blog. Please give me some feedback and I hope you guys like. Happy Reading!
                                 previous chapter | masterpost | next chapter
*Word Count: 4.1K+
*Warnings: cursing, probably wrong tips about physical fighting (I'm sorry, I know shit about it!),  therefore mentions of physical fight (only training though), jealousy if you squint.  
Please don’t read it if any of this subjects make you uncomfortable, feel free to check my masterlist for other writings. 
*Posted: July 15th, 2021.
Y/N wishes she could punch Raul’s perfectly aligned teeth and annoying smirk away. 
Ever since their mission was announced a couple of days ago, Raul made her work out hard, harder than she’s been doing for a while. It’s not like she was in a bad shape, she couldn’t exactly avoid training being constantly sent on field missions. But since she normally stood on a far safe distance, she didn’t need to run 10 miles everyday on the treadmill or on the streets -which was her best friend’s preferred spot since the terrain was irregular and they had to be alert every single minute so they don’t end up being hit by a car. And that’s precisely what he made her do. 
They had to be at work at 8:00 a.m. every day, so Raul picked her up at 5:30 so they could have breakfast before their run, she’d then curse him on the way back to her apartment so they could get ready. He would only laugh at her, promising it would be worth it. Then they’d go into a meeting to discuss final details with the people they picked to form their team. After a long meeting arranging mostly details and cover up stories, they’d go to lunch, only to come back and train using the new gear, shooting and physical fight. The group had to be ready to face pretty much everything imaginable, the risk of this mission was like no other Y/N could remember, so they had to be the best of the best. 
So yeah, maybe Raul was just being careful, but she was sure he was only finding new ways to torture her. 
That’s why the team consisted on Raul as the captain, or co-captain as she liked to tease, and Y/N as the responsible for the strategy. There was Jack who was picked to be Raul’s right hand on the field, he was an experienced agent and has worked with him on many occasions, meaning their chemistry on the field was great. He was a huge, strong man with the sweetest and kindest heart, always laughing out loud and making jokes around. Then there was Celine. Celine’s past is a mystery no one was able to figure out, at least not yet. She was not a person of many words, always quietly watching everyone and everything, ready to shoot the first one that comes her way. Despite being Daphne’s cousin, who was all soft touches and pastel colors, Celine was brutally honest and even a little blunt, but had a great soul with good intentions, maybe just not the best person skills on the team.
And despite all that, she seemed to like Y/N for some reason, wasn’t the biggest fan of Raul, but she didn’t deny he was a great agent. So Y/N picked her cause she trusted her with her life, knowing she would do anything necessary to finish their mission. And then there was Thomas. Tommy as Raul liked to tease, was a newly turned full agent (three month ago to be precise) and still lacked a bit of that intuition only time and experience could give you, nonetheless he was a suggestion the boss made herself. Thomas was a great agent, with fresh ideas and still a bit naive, but he was quick at thinking, new a lot about tech and was a great field agent high made him a lot more complete than older ones. And with that, the team was closed and all worked out together after lunch until their bodies gave out. 
And to make it simple, the beginning was hellish, the end of the week was just like the beginning. 
The first day they started training physical combat, she was paired with Celine, which she was sure was attempted murder. Five minutes fighting she was on the floor, unable to move and breathing hard. Raul quickly climbed on the ring, helping her to get up as he told Celine to replace him with Tom. He moved her to sit on the little bench and brought her a bottle of water as she shook her head. 
“You know I can walk and do this myself, right?”
Raul huffed an amused laugh and nodded, sitting beside her “of course I do, doll, just taking care of my girl, yeah?”
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, bumping his shoulder with hers as she chugged the water down “maybe I’m way worst than I originally thought”
“No, you’re not bad” he said shaking his head and she let out an annoyed breath “I mean it, you’re just rusty, this is not your field anyway, and you can’t use any weapons on the ring, so it’s harder, come on, you just need to activate muscle memory”  Raul said patting her back as he got up. 
“Wish I could believe in myself like you do” she giggled sadly as she took his bigger outstretched hand, letting him pull her up.
“Me too, but don’t worry, we’ll get there, that’s why you have me, silly” he pinched her cheeks “now come on, you’ve got a lot to remember”
He took her to the punching bags, grabbing a pair of gloves for him to wear for her to punch. Then proceeded to bark orders and different combinations of moves, and surprisingly, she remembered most of them, not necessarily executing them perfectly, but it was a start. He then got rid of the gloves before carefully wrapping her hands and moving her to a punching bag. 
“Here’s the thing, doll, you know what you’re doing, you just need to do it better” He placed his hands on her shoulders straightening her position, one hand sliding down her right arm to correct the movement “try it now” he said, his warm breath on her ear, making her suppress a shiver and forcing her to focus on the bag in front of her. 
Y/N tried and it definitely improved, but it still wasn’t what she remembered doing, something felt off “okay, yeah, thanks”
“Good, now fix your legs, you’ll be fighting someone who possibly knows how to fight back, so rearrange your feet to gain more balance in case they come for you” he instructed, hands still on her shoulders as he used his own feet to fix hers in the floor “yeah, that’s it, now the strength” his gently glided down her arms, only for them to stop at her waist and stomach “this is where you have to focus on, contracting abdominal muscles will help the movement and impact of your punch, this is what you’re missing”
She knew he wasn’t necessarily teasing her or anything, this was just Raul trying to help her in his very touchy way, but that didn’t stop Y/N from becoming a bit speechless, not trusting her own voice to respond, she only nodded her head. To which he just laughed stepping back.
“Relax your shoulders and don’t forget how to breathe, doll” he said crossing his arms above his chest as he watched her finally letting go of her breath, taking a deep one before punching a few times
It wasn’t perfect, but it was almost there.
Raul knew she was good and completely capable of taking anyone down within seconds, her grades on every test they ever took serving as even more proof for them. She just needed to remember it a bit and he wanted her to be completely ready to face anything, he couldn’t afford her getting hurt on anybody’s watch, specially his. So he would do anything he possibly could to avoid that. 
“Good, now give a few more, try a few kicks” he said and she looked back at him to nod, her breathing a bit elaborate  “I’ll meet on the ring later, sweetheart” Raul added with a wink before turning around to see the rest. 
“Fuck you” he heard her mumbling before turning back to her task at hand, making him chuckle lightly as he moved around the gym. 
Raul walked around helping as he could, wrestling with Jack for old time’s sake, adjusting a few of Tom’s moves and helping Celine with the new guns they’re given. He even managed to train a bit himself, before he decided it was time to take her to the ring before Y/N gave up on him and moved to something else. So he walked up to find her talking to Jack, he couldn’t hear much, but he heard enough to know it was time to intervene. 
“-yeah, Adrian keeps asking me about you, I think he wants to take you out, you should go, he’s a great guy and word around he’s good in what he does, if you know what I mean” he teased wiggling his eyebrows at Y/N, making her giggle “you should go out with him, really, you’re both single”
“He can ask her out when we’re back, the only date she’s having for now is on the ring, come on, doll” Raul cut the conversation before he could listen to her reply. 
“Jealous, cap?” Jack asked with a lopsided smile on his lips as she just laughed.
“Of Y/N? All the time, a pretty girl like her always has everyone’s attention, you should see whenever we go out to eat something or whatever”
Y/N rolled her eyes “oh please, shut up, both of you”
“I mean it, doll, now come on, let’s see how you improved” he said cracking his knuckles “and you, haven’t you got anything better to do than gossip?”
“Of course not, I’m all done” Jack replied.
“Done of getting your ass beaten today, you’ll only be ready whenever you’re able to take me down” Raul said as he draped his arm around Y/N’s shoulder. 
Jack only threw a middle finger at Raul as both of the boys laughed. 
Y/N and Raul climbed on the closest ring, with her stretching a bit as he did the same, both in some sort of staring competition. Everything with them could easily become a competition -who drank water fastest, little races to get to a certain place, who could count the most amount of super specific cars on a road trip, but the most common and their personal favorite, staring competition. And that was a recurring thing ever since they’re basically babies. And they both hated loosing and would try as hard as they could to beat the other. 
Raul’s mind was racing. He wanted to ask if she was actually interested in someone at if she’d say eyes to whoever wanted to ask her out, or even if she actually looking for a date or maybe even if she didn’t want a serious relationship for now. All that while he had this beautiful sparkling with excitement eyes staring into his soul, leaving him bare for her to read. Meanwhile, she was only trying to concentrate on what was about to happen and also on trying to keep her heart at a normal pace, knowing full well she was about the get really close to her best friend. Also having the other stare at her so intently it was making it hard for her to breathe properly.
Raul only smiled at her “Was born ready, doll”
Y/N then surged forward, getting him by surprise with her punch landing on his shoulder, and he had to admit, her punch was good. With the element of shock on her favor, she tried hitting him again, clearly avoiding his face. Raul then stepped forward regaining his composure and cornering her slowly, only blocking her attempted attacks, without fighting back. He then was kicked hard on the thigh, a surprised yelp leaving his lips with the painful sensation spreading through his muscles, and just as she was about to hit him in his chest, he grabbed her hand, the other being quick to join his grasp on his right hand. 
“Not so bad, sweetheart” he said with a triumph smile on his lips but she was quick to get her left hand loose moving around to get out of the space he guided her to limit her space.
Then she started her series of punches and kicks again, him dodging most of them, but still being hit a few times making him proud but at the same time breath heavier on the pain spreading on his abused skin. When her hand came to hit him in the chest again, he grabbed it, already bringing the other one to join, before bringing her to the floor and immobilizing her with his own body. Y/N stopped struggling quickly, knowing she wasn’t going to be able to do much to get out of his grasp. She was panting heavily, but it was worth it, cause she was able to make him sweat and be a little less composed than when they started. 
“Bet your secret admirer would be proud” Raul said still unmoved on top of her.
“Bet he would” Y/N sassed back and Raul chuckled, dropping his head to her collarbone and she swear her heart skipped a beat, her breath hitching on her throat. 
Raul got up, offering a hand to her, which she gladly took “are you going out with him?”
“I don’t know, I don’t even know if that’s true or the guy, maybe? I think this is not the moment, so maybe i’m the future, who knows?” she shrugged, grabbing her water bottle and drinking before offering it to him.
“Yeah, you’re probably right” he said closing it again, pulling the ropes for her to step out.
Y/N turned around to face Raul, and as she waited for him she asked “what about you?”
“Me? What about me?” Raul stared at her, noticing the others were already gone.
“Are you proud?” she asked with a teasing smirk, voice playful, but deep down, that was all that mattered to her. Not Adrian or anyone else.
“I’m always proud of you, doll” he smirked at her and she only shook her head giggling “but yes, you’re good at it, just a bit more practice, you’re a natural”
“Come on, sweetheart, climb up here and I’ll let you all go so you can get ready for tomorrow” Raul said as he was propped up by the hopes on the ring, a smirk on his lips as everyone started gathering around. 
It was the last day of preparing before they left the next morning. They’ve spent the whole week perfecting their skills and cover ups until it rolled out smoothly off their tongues. Y/N and Raul started a routine, they decided to set camp on his living room since it was a lot bigger than hers, so they would wake up already on his place, grab breakfast, run for a while before going straight to work. Then they’d meet their teammates for a brief discussion, after hitting the gym until their limbs gave out. When it neared 6 p.m., they’d leave for his place where they’d shower and order takeout or cook something simple, before talking until they fell asleep, most nights on the living room.
And despite she remembered as clear as day she fell asleep on the couch, she would wake up on his bed, wrapped on a heavy duvet, with the sound of water droplets hitting the ground from his bathroom. They never talked about it, both acting as if this routine was normal and settled for years now. And it was shocking how well they fit the role of this whole domestic situation. And Peter was loving it, always throwing knowing looks at her whenever she went to visit his lab area. 
Y/N only rolled her eyes at him and Celine bumped her shoulder on Y/N’s, a feline smile gracing her sharp gorgeous features, and then  she turned to the six feet man standing at the edge of the ring “fine, but you’re buying me dinner”
“Whatever you want, and if you’re able to win, I’ll even buy sushi for you and give you a back massage” he offered as he pulled the ropes to help her climb, bowing his head trying to hold back a chuckle.
She climbed on as he let the rope snap back into its place “And what would I have to do if I loose?” she teased, knowing full well she was going to take the offer only to have a chance to rub his smirk on the dirty and sweaty ground beneath her feet.
“Pack my bag and say I’m the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid your eyes on” he stated simply. And honestly, it wouldn’t be such a hard thing to do, but first, she wouldn’t want to add it to his already over inflated ego, second, she didn’t know if she would be able to say it without blurting out some other compromising feelings. 
But Y/N stares at him and smiled lazily, like she wasn’t bothered at all  and truly contemplating his offer “tempting”
“Come on, babydoll” he mockingly pouted at her and she playfully sighed rolling her eyes, cracking her knuckles and rolling her head. 
“Alright, but you better be ready to order from my favorite place and get me dessert” she added with a pointed look and he nodded eagerly. 
“You make the rules” he winked before walking backwards to his designated spot “ready?”
“Yeah, let’s get this over it so you can buy me dinner” she teased, watching from the corner of her eyes as her teammates and even Peter gathered around to watch “or we can just stay here all night watching you brag about yourself and being all talk no action”
Raul laughed before shaking his head and a more concentrated look latch onto his eyes “don’t hold back, sweetheart”
“Not my thing” she said before taking a deep breath and trying to remember all she learned this week, making her first move.
Raul blocked her relatively easily, and then their movements flowed in an intricate rhythm. With only a few days of training, the improvement on her technique was obvious as she maneuvered a lot more gracefully than before. Her hits a lot more consistent, her defense was up and she was able to notice her opponents weakness so she could plan the next move. Y/N was also able to notice patterns on their tactics and predict their next move. 
And he was a bit shocked. In a good way, but shocked nonetheless. 
He knew she was good, Raul’s seen her training before, saw all her tests and grading throughout the years. Hell, he even taught her a lot of tricks he picked up over the years, so he knew how she behaved on a physical fight, knew her favorite moves and her worst ones like the back of his hand. But she surprised him with a few new hits and tricks he hasn’t seen her doing before. And that’s what caught him off guard and made her hit him hard a couple of times. That made Raul proud. Sure, he would loose the bet, but giving her a back massage, buying her food and seeing her happy after defeating him was priceless. 
He didn’t make it easy for her, he never would. He wanted her to be the best of the best, always. So he hit back, avoiding her head or going to strong, she had to be whole for the other day. But that didn’t stop him from trying to take her down, but she was quick, she wasn’t too strong, but her agility made up for it.
“Come on, we have an audience, we should put on a show”
Y/N shook her head, concentration never leaving her determined eyes “I’m not an actress to entertain a crowd, nor a clown like you, baby”
“Hey!” he sounded offended, grabbing her fist in his bigger hand “rude”
She just shrugged, pulling her hand back before going back into action and it couldn’t be even more exciting. The teasing, the meaningless banter and still great performance on the wrestle was enough to put an ease on Raul’s heart. She could do it. Of course she could, but now there would be less collateral damage. 
So when he felt her kick him to the ground, quickly pinning him to the rubber type material floor, immobilizing him in a way he wasn’t even able to move his arms if she didn’t let go. Y/N was sat on his stomach, face hovering centimeters above his, breath on frantic rhythm, as he panted on her face, feeling the slow pain crippling on his back and limbs where it collided with the floor. Raul couldn’t help but smile at the surprised and amused glint on her eyes as she was slowly processing she was able t take him down. The cheerful screams around them were only white noise as they stared at each other’s eyes, and he already felt like his heart was going to burst with pride and happiness, that until he heard the gleeful flightless leaving her lips as realization finally hit her, her forehead hitting his clavicle as she laughed, pure joy coursing through her veins.
He ended up laughing with her, his cheeks hurting from the smile stretched across his face. Y/N nuzzled her face on his neck still buzzing happily as she laughed. Raul turned his head lightly, only enough to press a kiss to her temple as she recovered her breathing. 
When she finally did, she untangled her legs from his, getting up from his torso and offering a hand at him, which he gladly took as he stood up, facing his colleagues as they still laughed and cheered at her. Celine climbed up to meet her with a quick, sharp, strong hug in congratulations before dragging her down with her. Jack was quick to pat Raul on the back as he chuckled, mumbling a ‘good luck with your girl, dude, she’s a badass and you’re gonna need it’. When he finally met her eyes again, he offered her his hand and Y/N automatically took it, letting him pull her closer until she was in his arms. 
“That was insane, doll, shit, you did so good” he said, arms loosely looped around her waist and she beamed proudly at him. 
“I did work hard for that” Y/N shrugged trying to play it coy but he was only able to chuckle.
Raul nodded “yeah, I noticed, and I’m so fucking proud of you for that, and many more reasons, but that?! You’re the fucking best, you know?” he praised and she felt her body heating up. 
“Actually” she said softly, looking down at his silver necklace “Celine’s the best, she showed me a few new tricks that I combined with the ones you taught me and the ones I already knew, so yeah”
“When did that even happen?” he didn’t try hiding his initial shock. They’ve been basically around each other 24/7, how did he not notice her training with someone else the past week?
“Well, to be fair you’re too cocky for your own good” Y/N had that pointed look in her eyes as she poked him on his broad chest “so I kinda asked her to show me how I could take you down and we’ve been doing it in secret, mostly when you went down to meet with Peter or to practice shooting”
“So it was a whole scheme just to try to embarrass me and knock me out?” he’s tone in a playful accusation as his brows shot up in evident disbelief.
“To sum it up, yeah, pretty much” she shrugged innocently as Raul threw his head back laughing.
“That's fucking awesome, you’re amazing” he said letting go of her waist, only to turn to face their team, dropping his arm around her shoulders “alright, guys, it was a hard week but I believe it paid off. We learned a lot with each other and I believe we’re a lot better now. This is still a fucked up mission, but I think we’re ready to face it and as long as we keep on working together and communicating well, we’ll be alright and coming back home as soon as possible, yeah? Think we should call it a day and test tonight”
“Okay, cap” Tom replied eagerly making Y/N chuckle before shaking her head. 
“So what do you say, cap?” Y/N asked teasingly as the others laughed.
Raul smiled down at her as he shook his head “Think we’re ready, doll”
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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ssavanessa22 · 3 years
Bad blood
Warnings: racism, hate crime, cannon type violence, kinda but not really smutty so like 16+ as always if I missed someone pls tell me !
A/n the girls of Wattpad really liked this one so I hope you all enjoy as well!
"Y/N you and Reid are going to lead this interview even though you are together make a great team and I think you can crake him are you guys okay with that?"
Spencer and I looked and each other and smiled in unison we replied.
"Yes we are more than okay with that"
Spencer and I have been together for 2 years 324days and 6 hours well that's what he said to me when I woke up next him laying of his bare chest, even though we basically spend every day together we still needed uno special time together and oh was it special. Before we told hotch about our relationship we were able to be in the field together until one time I thought Spence died and then I started crying and it was a whole big thing but now are months not working together we got to do what we both love and with each other.
Before we walked into the interrogation room together Spence turned to me and said.
"Are you sure your okay to do this, you don't have to if you don't want to this case is close to you even if he didn't hurt your family"
This unsub was committing hate crime murders for the last nine months pretending to go on dates with balck women then brutally murder them, Garcia found his manifesto online called "the eradication of all unpure women" it took Kevin who was with her at the time to calm her down as she had to read it out loud I felt bad for her but everyone else felt bad for me. Was looking at me in that moment I wished more than ever to be where Tara was right now, interviewing a child rapist.
I replied to Reid whilst plastering on a fake smile,
"Spencer I'm gonna be fine if anything these women looking like me being like me makes me wanna catch this motherfucker even more"
He smiled and gently kissed me before we both walked in.
"Tyler Walker do you know hey your here"
He ignored my question then Spencer asked the same one only then did he reply.
"Tyler if I'm going to be in here you need to speak to both of us" I sternly replied
"Well if your gonna bring you boyfriend in here since you clearly can't do this on you own them I'm gonna talk to the man here if you'd don't mind"
Spencer interjected saying
"Tyler we found the hearts of all the women murdered in you home why were they in there?"
I don't know I didn't touch them"
He didn't ask if you touched them we asked what you did to those girls" I sternly said.
"You know what If you want to know what I hypothetically would have done to those women I tell you, but only little miss chocolate in the room and only her."
Before Reid could protest I said "yeah sure let's talk"
Spencer's POV
As I walked to the door I gave y/n a reassuring smile she turned and gave me one back but her face was filled with anger and fear, she would never tell me this but she was scared. We didn't shy away from the topic of race within our relationship I read of lot of books and educated myself before I even started dating her I would never understand but I will always try my hardest to be there. And sometimes she just wanted to come home and cry let her emotions out about what it was like being black in American and that was okay as well because I love her.
"How do you think she's gonna do in there?" JJ asked reluctantly
"If I'm being honest I don't know"
I sat down trying to make myself look bigger and take up more space within the room than I actually did to encourage my self but in my head I was fucking shitting it.
"Okay we are alone now tell me"
"Just remember sweetheart this is all hypothetical I never did anything if the thing I am about it say" Tyler replied in a menacing tone
"Yes I know get on with it then"
The next 15 minutes felt like a blur, 15 minutes 900 seconds that's how long I heard Tyler speak about all the torcher he wanted to our women like me through half way he started to refer to the women with my name making me imagine him doing these Haines and despicable things to me. I think what was the worst part was that he was smiling whilst he describe these disgusting thing to me he smiled I felt violated and felt used and felt like he had infested my personal space chipping away at the emotional armour I developed whilst having this job.
Once he finished I was on the brink tears but I never going to show him that I left the room being met only by Spencer's face he was seething but I didn't care I just wanted him to hold me to tell me everything was going to be okay.
"Y/N it's okay your okay your other now" he said whilst soothing me.
"I just don't think I can get back in there-"
As I said that Derek stormed in took one look at me and brought me to his arms even though it wasn't Spencer it just felt right in the time to hug him he would understand the most out of the team what I was going through.
"Y/N I know you said you don't want to go back in there but he got him his prints were all over the bodies we found and he had the hearts of the victims he's going to go away for a long time but now you can tell him that take back your power Y/N"
"Ok I'll do it"
"Y/N are you sure you wanna do it this you don't have to?" Spencer said whilst searching my eyes for any fear I had.
I smirked at Spencer whilst he looked at me in confusion I replied.
"Nope I'm okay and I know just what I'm gonna talk about"
By this point the whole team was in the room
"Y/N are you okay love I heard what happened"
"I'm okay Emily but right now you get to watch me drag a white supremacist to filth."
I barged into the interrogation room not letting Tyler speak.
"Okay listen Up bird brain your already done for we found your prints all over the body and that were at your house so now this is just a formality"
"So if you think you've caught me why I am not in a jail cell right now? Hmm"
"You were so nice to me and described the rape, torture, murder and the disfigurement that you would do to me so now I'm just going to repay the favour"
"You know you were right about him being my boyfriend you know"
"so the lanky white one is you boyfriend, I've always said that pure breads shouldn't mix with you people"
"Tyler your going to prison for a very long time you racist rhetoric means nothing to me,but since you I have been so kind to me I am going to spend the next 15 no 20 minutes going in full detail about the amazing sex I had with my white boyfriend last night if we can fit it all in 20 minutes. We will just have to see won't we?"
Spencer's POV
My jaw had dropped to the floor when y/n said that I mean yes it would be hot for her to describe every single we did last night both of us have an eidetic memory so I know she remembers it all but in front of a racist unsub I had I was weirdly impressed and terrified at the same time.
"You don't think she's actually gonna do that?" I asked to the team in complete and utter shock
"Reid when was the last time y/n has ever lied to us?"
"Once JJ but she couldn't even go the whole day telling the lie she ended buying hotch a dozen of his favourite donuts even though she only ate one"
Derek and Emily started chuckling and said.
"That means she's not lying"
The unsub was seething with anger when y/n carried on speacking
" Tyler I didn't a little digging on you and I found out form you pervious girlfriends that apparently you can't put it up in one of you girlfriends exact words she says no matter how hard I tried he could never get hard"
"You don't know anything you slut"
"oop Tyler your using big words especially with someone who only has the education of a 5th grader"
But you know what Tyler lucky for you I have and eidetic memory I don't think you know what that is so I'm just gonna tell you... that means I remember everything so we're gonna have some fun together hmm"
20 minutes, 1200 seconds that's how long y/n spoke in detail about about sexual escapades from last night throughout these 20 minutes Derek started recording so he could send this back to Garcia. Light  chuckles and laughs were heard here and there then oos and ahhs, then total shock was the look on everyone's face and a gasp coming from Garcia who Derek had patched in a phone call so she could listen too when y/n got to the last bit.  I guess they just assumed because I'm the youngest apart from y/n and .... well I'm me that we would have a boring sex life but I guess we surprised them.
After I finished I wasted no time in leaving but before I did I said one more thing.
Tyler you are going to prison for a very long time you probably get life or even the death penalty so I want you to remember what I spoke to you about every single time you try your hardest to get it up every. Single. Time. I hope you know after your manny years in prison never getting to see the outside again and you die I will be sleeping soundly knowing you are burning in hell"
I walked out and the whole team was silent in utter shock of what I said then i realised I probably shouldn't have said any of that too an unsub.
" omg hotch I am so sorry that was completely inappropriate and unacceptable what I did in there and wasn't right at all I-"
"I'm sorry y/n I don't know what your talking about what did you say in there"
"What I just spent the last 20 minutes-"
Seriously y/n what are you talking about you went I told him what he was being charge for and you walked back out hun what are you talking about?"
Im what I'm so confused what?"
Then Spencer finally said
"Babe I know I can be dumb sometimes but please read the room"
I looked around still so confused until I finally realised.
Ohhhhh ok yeah yeah I get it now"
Okay but when are you are pretty boy releasing the sex tape cause I would like to pre order"
The whole teams was laughing including me and Spencer I replied simply with
"in your dreams Morgan in your dreams" 
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catelyngrant · 2 years
💖🤩⛔ for the fic writer asks!
💖 What made you start writing? Answered here!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? Oh God, I've written a lot of fic for a lot of fandoms - this is hard. Just looking at my AO3 stats I've written Cat Grant and Laura Roslin the most, with Kara Danvers, Sarah Jane Smith, and Catelyn Stark as runners-up, and I have definitely loved writing all of them. Common themes there are prickly but ultimately soft-hearted women that are reluctant to let people get close to them but blossom when they let their walls down, and women who have tremendous responsibility placed upon them without a choice and must navigate that the best they can. They're all characters that grapple with darkness in different ways and all have very, very strong moral centers and priorities, though those don't always equal being good people or doing good things. They're all also characters with an element of "still waters run deep", which is definitely something I love to explore.
I adored writing Laura but it's been nearly ten years since I have! That's special to me because I was 15 when I first started writing her (fifteen years ago next month, insane) and when I look back on BSG fic that I wrote in my teens I'm actually still pretty proud of how it holds up and the grasp I had of Laura's character. I'm getting ready to start a rewatch so I'm really curious to see how I feel about the show and Laura after so many years - what hits me differently, what feels the same, etc. - and I'll be curious to look back on those fics again after that.
Overall, though, I do think if I had to choose just one at this point I'd say Cat - both because she's the one that I've written the most of most recently (new fic dropping this weekend, actually!) and because there's a lot of room to play when writing her. Her voice is a challenge for sure, but Calista played her so specifically that it's really fun and easy to imagine exactly how she'd say something or what expression or movement she might make in a given moment - she's so expressive, which lends well to writing.
Overall writing in the Supergirl universe and for Supercat allows very easily for exploration of pretty much anything, which is nice. Writing something silly and fluffy is very doable without the backdrop of, like, post-apocalyptic genocide survivors on the run or "oh this is a cute moment, what a shame that they'll both be brutally murdered a few years later!", but there's also so much room to explore trauma and hurt/comfort and anger and grief, and there are so many different iterations of the Supercat dynamic that are all great to mine. I also really love exploring AU scenarios but prefer canon-divergent AUs, not entirely separate universes, and Supergirl is a fandom that really inspired me with a ton of "what if?" scenarios.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped? Literally hundreds. Some never actually had a word count but existed - or still exist - fully formed in my head; others are just a few paragraphs, and still others are thousands of words. Some of them I still want to finish, and others I will stumble upon and be like..."this is 6000 words and I have literally no memory of it but damn, I wish that author would update!"
The two that haunt me, though, are two that exist in fragments and outlines and old notebooks and that I was really invested in that just never came together for a number of reasons and that at this point I've accepted that they will live only in my headcanons.
One of them was a Doctor Who AU where at the end of School Reunion, Sarah Jane joined the Doctor and Rose in the TARDIS. It would have explored the relationship dynamics between all three and would have covered most of season two, with Doomsday playing out differently and with a happier ending, though overall the tone was going to be very bittersweet (partly because I envisioned it being mostly if not entirely through Sarah's POV). The biggest themes would have been acceptance - Sarah understanding and accepting why the Doctor left her, and traveling with him again would really hit at those "you can't go home again" vibes; Rose accepting that there's no forever for her and the Doctor, and that she's going to age the way Sarah has and that he'll have to move on when they're both gone; the Doctor coming face to face with his past choices and the consequences thereof and accepting that the pain of knowing he'll lose them doesn't mean that he should just try to run from it. It would have had a pretty open ending with the three of them still traveling together and knowing that it won't last forever, or even for very much longer necessarily, but there being some bittersweet hope in Rose and Sarah knowing that they'll have each other, and that when one or both of them are no longer able or wanting to travel with the Doctor, that doesn't have to mean him flying off and them never seeing him again. And for the Doctor, he's such a bittersweet character anyway, but the idea would have been that he might be more willing to have more lasting relationships with his companions in the future and that that would be a hard but good thing for him.
The other was my version of Cat Grant's backstory. It was framed through "Ten People Cat Grant Has Loved", and each section would have given more pieces to the puzzle (it would have been non-linear). I had a pretty elaborate backstory for both of her parents, for her experience and decisions around Adam, her relationship with Lois, and for her first husband/Carter's father. A few of the other people (mostly OCs) that Cat had loved would have been less about the relationship and more about snapshotting where Cat was at that moment in her life. Kara would have obviously been one of them (the second to last - I was going to bookend everyone between Cat's dad and Katherine at the end) but I wasn't ever sure about how explicitly romantic that section was going to get.
I had - and have - a lot of scenes sketched or written and a pretty comprehensive outline, but then season two happened and a) fucked up some of my backstory and b) made me way less excited to work on this. While I've continued to write Supercat, this was going to be quite a labor of love and it just didn't feel like something that was going to be as fun or worthwhile as it might have been if I'd gotten it out back in the joyful heyday of the season one fandom. There was a moment for this, and it passed.
ask me writing questions!
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alexshakestheworld · 4 years
Fics Rec
Below are some of my favorite fanfics of all times. Most of them would probably be from AO3 (Archive of Our Own ) but sometimes I scout for fics outside of AO3 as well, if I find something worth reading I would put it here too.
I do read fanfics from multiple fandoms but I would make sure to include a tag so that you can know if there is any fic about your OTP in my list.
❤️Spirk (Star Trek: Spock x Jim Kirk): my favorite pairing of all times, though I prefer the AOS version to the TOS. I have read these fanfics so long ago that I can’t remember the content (so I apologize for the lack of my own comment/review) but if I bookmarked them they must have been good enough lol
Once Upon a Time (A Fairy-Tale Love Story) (by littlebirdtold): 47,461 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In a universe with no Federation, where First COntact never happened, Jim Kirk is your average popular guy. On Christmas Eve, thanks to a series of strange events, Jim finds himself in a parallel universe where the Milky Way is under the control of an alien race and ends up as a servant in the residence of the Royal House of Vulcan. As he starts adapting to his new life, Jim’s curiosity fucks everything up - but hey, Vulcans shouldn’t have told him that he isn’t allowed to enter this wing of the palace; Jim has never been good at following rules. Or, this is the story of how Jim Kirk became a Princess (“Prince Consort, Bones!”) of the United Planets of Vulcan Kingdom.
Honestly, go read every single one of littlebirdtold’s fanfics. He/she/they are incredible and I’m still waiting for his/her/their comeback.
In the Shadows (by scifishipper): 25,202 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Accused of treason and stranded on Vulcan, Cadet Jim Kirk is offered a solution to his problems: bond with Ambassador Sarek’s son, someone he has never met. When he finally meets his betrothed at the ceremony, the Vulcan’s face is disfigured by cruel scars. Now, penniless and trapped, Jim finds himself committed to a reclusive stranger with a dark past. Has he sealed his fate forever or is there hope for the two of them to find love?
A sequence that you never learned (by annataylor): 64,624 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim’s humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen
Logical Erotics (by EntreNous): 63,458 words/12 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Just returned from a difficult space mission and about to begin teaching at Starfleet Academy, Spock chooses a logical way to relieve stress: a sexual encounter with someone he’ll never meet again. But when Spock discovers his partner of one night is Jim Kirk, a promising new cadet at Starfleet he’s torn between his rational decision to avoid intimate relationships and his increasing fascination with Jim. As Spcok’s normally orderly life starts to spin out of control, will his obsession with Jim prove his salvation or his undoing?
The Vulcan Heart (by obsidienne): 110,110 words/15 chapter  
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Where two halves make a whole...eventually. (Post-STID
I remembered that my friend recommended this fic to me and I was a bit hesitant at that time because I have never read anything this long. But it turned out to be such a great fic that I appreciated his recommendation every day.
Unexpected (by foreverandeveralone): 10,339 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Cadet Jim Kirk doesn’t understand why everyone who is not nice to him always has bad consequences. Basically, Jim doesn’t know he is dating the Vulcan version of Sylar, who never forgives anyone who does bad things to his human.
Interesting fic if you love both Star Trek and Heroes.
The Door (by Pouxin): 77,118 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock and Jim both have their doors. Jim wants his to be open. Spock wants his to be closed. An alternative STID things. With more literature. And esoteric faffing. And sex.
Kicked From Inside (by Stella_Notecor): 32,246 words/18 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Drugged by aliens with an aphrodisiac that impregnates males is NOT how Jim Kirk imagined falling into bed with his first mate. That’s exactly how it happens though, and dealing with the consequences - including an angry girlfriend, a pointy-eared baby, and a chief-medical-officer who’s against the whole thing - will force Jim and Spock together, whether they like it or not.
My Golden Sun/Kin-Kur Las’hark T’nash-Veh (by giddytf2): 123,262 words/30 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: When Jim feels thet first gush of slick soaking down the inner seam of his pants, he shuts his eyes and turns his face away from Spock towards the mottled-stone wall of their solitary cell. Spock is staring at him. Spock has no idea what’s just happened, what’s just begun. Spock has no idea that their situation is about to get so much worse. Fuck, Jim thinks, curling up into a ball of bruises and ragged gold, his arms quivering and clutching his bent legs. Fuck my life for being a goddamn Omega.
(Or, a Star Trek: AOS story post-Into Darkness in a universe where both Alpha/Beta/Omega gender dynamics and pon farr exist, with Jim being an Omega going into heat and Spock experiencing his first pon farr while trapped in a cell with Jim. Oh my.
Time of Need (by sunshine (sunshinepiveh)): 33, 669 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock’s pon farr comes early due to the destruction of Vulcan. Nyota is unable to cope with the stark brutality she finds as reality hits home. The captain will have to take necessary actions.  
Weekend Lover (by ValiantBarnes (Cimila)): 30,017 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The one night stand Jim Kirk has with the Vulcan passing through Riverside is a welcome break from the monotony. It’s good, very good, but so fucking weird Jim’s sure he’s never gonna forget it. He’s not quite expecting to run into Spock again in san Francisco. A second one night stand turns into a weekend, turns into a lot of weekends, turns into Bones joking that he’s living half his week at Spock’s apartment. But! But, and this is very important: they’re not dating. What also turns out to be important is Spock’s job, which Jim never bothered getting the details of. Starfleet Academy Instructor and cadet?... Less fine.
❤️HotchReid (Criminal Minds: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid): unpopular pairing but they are definitely in my top 5 pairings for sure
Don’t Ever Look Back (by kadeeleigh): 15,848 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a case in California, Hotch and Reid’s secret angers Morgan
This fic features a nice amount of case investigation content, an extremely protective and slightly irrational Morgan, and a remarkably sexy and confident Dr. Spencer Reid.
Arranged Marriage (by VincentMeoblinn): 18,196 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: When Reid decides to leave the BAU due to his painful crush on Hotchner, the man proposes an extreme way to avoid him leaving or them breaking the fraternization rules - by proposing
A marriage-before-romance fic. Slightly unconventional plot and relationship development (but it is fiction after all so no big deal) but generally cute.
Convergence (by Chestnut_NOLA): 33,232 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid, newest addition to the BAU has been dreaming of art and murder. In denial that his telepathy has returned, Spencer must work with his team and his boss Sentinel Aaron Hotchner to find the Unsub. Will love help Spencer control his gift or will the darkness in his mind destroy not only himself, but Aaron as well?
It is the second and my favorite fic in the Transference series. If you are into the fantasy genre, Sentinel/Guide bond to be specific, I highly recommend this one.  
Healing Touch (by Rivermoon 1970): 21,981 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Mpreg
Summary: Spencer has been watching his Alpha for a while and knows something is wrong. When Aaron collapses during a case the whole team worries. What they find out about his marriage to Haley will shock all of them and when Spencer is asked to help Aaron with his recovery how will their friendship change?
The abuse part is rather brief mentioned than thoroughly described, so do not worry too much (I can’t stand extreme angst). Nice relationship development. If you like Omegaverse, give this fic a try.
Take Me Home, Country Road (by wednesdays___child): 8,698 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Aaron gets a call that his mother is not well. She wants her eldest son to bring home the pretty young doctor he’s been dating. The problem is that Aaron has failed to tell his family that the pretty young doctor is a colleague...and male
A fluff fic at its core. Cute happy ending. My to-go fic when I want to read something short and light before bed.
Lightning Only Strikes Once...Maybe Twice (by Dazeventura6): 16,433 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a custodial interview Aaron and Spencer are stuck in a time loop. Can they break it? Or will they be stuck forever?
Set after the Hardwick incident. The content is something that I wish it happened in the series. A much needed fix-it fic.
Mine (by non_andare): 6,115 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hotch has never noticed Reid before; he’s an inconspicuous Omega who naturally submits and Hotch likes his Omegas to have fire. Then Spencer starts dating another Alpha and all Hotch can think is one word. Mine.
Reid/OC is briefly mentioned but the fic is mainly about Hotch/Reid. Fluff with a bit of angst but eventually happy ending. Jealous Hotch and shy Reid is a nice combo tbh.
Criminal Bonds (by VincentMeoblinn): 26,107 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Child Death
Summary: Reid was framed for embezzlement a year ago. Hotchner pleaded guilty to several murders. They meet in prison where reid is regularly abused by the stronger inmates until Hotch takes him under his wing
Alternate Universe where Reid is not a part of the BAU. Prison romance. Slight twist at the end but ultimately a happy ending (in my opinion)
Wolf Moon (by Ahmose_Inarus): 117,736 words/34 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Alpha Werewolf Aaron Hotchner is far from pleased when Spencer Reid joins the team...The presence of the young werewolf is not welcome...but when Hotch learns that Spencer Reid was raised by a human mother after being abandoned by his werewolf father, he takes him under his wing. And perhaps he has found more than a friend in the younger wolf...But there’s an Alpha Female in the territory who is far from please...she’s had her eyes on Aaron Hotchner for a long time, and won’t let anyone stand in her way
An Omegaverse story. A bit long but worth every minute. The relationship between Hotch and Reid is so cute that it can take my frustration (and anger) against the antagonist away.
The Librarian and the Dad (by DarkJediQueen): 9,039 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating; Explicit
Summary: It started out as a little crush. Then it became so much more.
Cute. Cute. Super cute. Part 12 of the A Universe of Meetings series, which include multiple Alternate Universe stories. Check out the whole series if you are into Alternate Universe.
Solace (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 4,701 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A Hotchner/Reid rewrite of The Angel Maker episode
Again, a fix-it fic I would like to actually happen.
Dr. Reid and Agent Hotchner (by E_Ng714): 21,013 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: The BAU has hit a rocky patch, and appears to be falling apart. There is something going on with Hotch, but no one can figure it out. Cruz orders all of them to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Dr. Reid’s presence isn’t welcome by Aaron, at least not at first.
Alternate Universe story. They are both slightly out-of-character but not too annoying. Hate to love. A bit of angst but eventually happy ending.
Forgive Me For All I Could Not Become (by DegrassiFanatic): 105,975 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (there’s sex scenes though lol)
Summary: In which Reid has always been good at hiding things. He hid his father’s departure and his mother’s illness from social services. He hid his addiction from his team. He hid his sexuality from the world. He hid his inappropriate feelings from his boss. That is until he’s bleeding out in Hotch’s arms, in an abandoned church, in Oklahoma. From there on out, Hotch and Reid learn to make a complete mess out of each other.
Definitely in my top 10 HotchReid fanfics. I didn’t expect much when I started because I usually don’t read over-100k-word-Teen and Up Audiences-fics but this one turned out to be perfect and it literally saved me from a rough week.
A Different Kind of Solitude (by kyrdwyn): 15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: NC-17/FRAO (For Adults Only)
Summary: When Aaron and Spencer are trapped together by an unsub, things change between them while the team searches for their lost friends.
It is said “trapped by an unsub” but honestly the situation is not that bad. I tend to think in a positive way that this is a chance for HotchReid to get together. Pretty cute and domestic fic actually.
Home you know (by jetplane): 14,030 words/11 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: When Reid is diagnosed with cancer, he finds himself relying on Hotch for care and support. But spending so much time together forces each man to confront the feelings he has for the other, and it’s only a matter of time before their friendship evolves into something more.  
Go Home, Omega (by goobzoop)
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, mean Hotch
Summary: Pretty much Hotch is bigoted about Omegas and Reid is let on the team cause he’s a genius, which Hotch hates, but then Reid learns to stand up for himself cause he’s super kickass and sweet and deserves the world
Oneiroi and Hephaestus (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 31,231 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What if Reid was one of the Yellow-eyed demon’s special children?
If you like both Supernatural and Criminal Minds, this crossover fic is one to go for.
Come Undone (by EloquentDossier): 77,180 words/22 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Spencer Reid forgot to take his suppressants two mornings in a row, it really shouldn’t have been a big deal. He had them in his bag at the hotel, and as long as he took one that evening, he’d be fine. What he couldn;t have prepared for, however, was the lab the latest victim worked at going into an at least twenty-four-hour-lockdown while he was in it. When Aaron Hotchner was asked to aid his subordinate through what would otherwise be an agonizing heat, he’d had several reservations, one of which had been the consent issue: Omegas couldn’t legally consent to sex during heat unless it was twenty-four hours in advance. With every concern rebutted logically (because of course the Bureau had an Agent Consent form in case of emergencies), he finally agreed. Of all the possible repercussions, however, neither man expected the one they received.
Or that time no one expected the Alpha to accidentally bond to the Omega while the Omega remained unaffected.
Cursed (by Black_Lotus): 60,254 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Centuries ago Vasile Stolojan, the bastard son of Vlad the impaler, was cursed to be a Vampire. Many years later he has a new name, Aaron Hotchner, and a curator job at a prestigious museum in America but the pain he feels for his lost love remains, until he meets the new Docent, Spencer Reid, who looks exactly like his lover. Is it possible that after six hundred years the man he loves has been reincarnated?
I LOVE this fic.
Yours (by NimueOfTheNorth): 17,232 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spencer knew what he wanted in a relationship, and after years it looked like he found everything he dreamed of in Aaron. Now; if only Aaron’s past experiences and guilt complex wouldn’t get in the way.
❤️Niam (One Direction: Liam Payne x Niall Horan): while everybody is going crazy for Stylinson and Ziam, here I am rooting for Niam lol
Break my fall (by niamcuddles): 147,428 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Being a police officer was never an easy job, Liam wouldn’t have imagined that it’d bring someone like Niall into his life and that they could ever grow so close under these circumstances. If they only would’ve known who the guy was that giving them so many sleepless nights.
With Your Love (by brainstorm): 57,448 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Liam’s life was nothing like a normal twenty-two year old guy. Raising a kid on his own was probably the hardest thing he’s ever had to face but he wouldn't change his little boy for the world. He never thought he’d find someone that was good for both him and his son, but that changed fast the day he met his son’s new teacher.
Closer (by niamcuddles): 209,765 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Niall’s pretty sure he doesn’t actually have a real crush on the rick and arrogant guy he’s been attempting to teach how to golf, but there’s something about him that just won’t allow Niall to say no. Not even when he gets made a very unexpected offer.
From the day that I met you (by niamcuddles): 272,394 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Partying and having a good time are probably two of Niall’s favorite things, he just wouldn’t have thought that a night out would end with him getting to know Liam, or that their paths would cross a lot more often than just this once. But somehow they happen to be more helpful to one another than expected.
Like the angel you are (by niamcuddles): 164,367 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: To be honest, Niall has already given up on his life ever getting any better, he’s used to being on his own and not being looked after, so maybe not even a way too caring stranger can help change that.
Too Much Too Soon (by brainstorm): 47,353 words/3 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Niall stands up for himself for the first time ever but things don’t turn out the way he wanted them to and he finds himself struggling between the way he’s always been or the way he wants to be. It’s a matter of time to know who’ll win, his mind or his heart. (sequel to “For You, My Love”)
Like the air I’m breathing (by niamcuddles): 81,307 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Niall is four years younger than Liam and he is sick of being the little brother, that is until Liam suddenly finds a girlfriend and cuts Niall out of his life completely.
Now we are (by niamcuddles): 143,082 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam’s kind of keeping a busy schedule right now, his whole life seems to basically only consist of work and studying, so what he really can’t need at this time are friends who constantly want to hang out, but above that, 19 year ole uni students who can’t take no as an answer.
For what it’s worth (by niamcuddles): 120,800 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam has trouble figuring out his life and what he really can’t stand are loud, talkative and clingy people, but he would’ve never thought that getting rid of Niall could be this hard.
Something I need (by niamcuddles): 87,735 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: 16 years is a very long time, but Niall still remembers all the things he and Liam have gone through together
❤️Gramander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Original Percival Graves x Newt Scamander): I honestly don’t remember how I stumbled into this couple fandom but they do have several great fics. For some reason I only bookmark this one though.
Here We Are (by Miss_Lv): 22,177 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg
Summary: Percival had long given up on the idea that he would find an omega mate, he ver seemed to fit what they were seeking in a husband, always too rough, not gentle enough. But then he meets Newt Scamander and the omega is utterly perfect to him, with his shy smiles and tendency to run headlong into danger. Catching vipers in his hands and keeping nifflers for company, Newt is nothing like the typical demure omega and Percival is lost before he can even think to resist.
❤️Jack O’Neill x Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): Like I don’t even know their ship name for real…
I Walk Alone...No More (by Joy): 17,955 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel finds love in another universe. Quantum Mirror Story.
Even though it was not original Daniel and original Jack ending up together, but in the end it was still Jack and Daniel, and I was happy with the ending.
Pulling Threads (by Joy): 13,241 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel’s place in the world seems to be going nowhere. After what happened with The Others, sending him back, he’s got some thinking to do about what happens next. Does he go to Atlantis, forget about Earth? Or stay at the SGC in a role he’s not entirely sure is his. Then Jack invites him to dinner and his future is changed forever.
Civilians (by LadyRa): 46,557 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: AU ending to Point of View. What if the AU Samantha hadn’t been willing to let go of Jack?
Instinct (by AuroraNova): 27,783 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel Jackson is an unconventional, career-focused omega. It’s going to take one special alpha to win him over. Jack O’Neill is determined to be that alpha.
Strange Interlude (by ELG): 228,960 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel discovers that in other universes not only the uniforms are different… Jack and Daniel’s friendship has been under strain for some time but when Daniel is kidnapped by an AU Teal’c very different from our own, it’s up to Jack to save him. An AU Jack, however, complicates the situation considerably. 
❤️Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (I ship Stucky so as a matter of fact, I ship the actors as well)
Sugar Daddy (by orphan_account): 91,139 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sebastian is a broke and abandoned college kid trying to scrape up enough money to pay for rent and tuition. When he meets Chris, an accomplished architect who takes him under his wing, he doesn’t understand what his friends keep calling him until he looks it up for himself.
❤️Harringrove (Stranger Things: Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)
Bite Your Tongue And Choke Yourself To Sleep (by trashcangimmick): 21,173 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve is going to grad school in Chicago. Life is comfortable. Life is stable. Steve is doing great and he really wishes everyone would stop asking.
Set the Record Straight (by MischiefManaged97): 35,054 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve was a little nervous about making things right with Billy after their fight. Steve just wants to apologize and relax, but Billy may have other ideas.
You’re the best I’ve ever had; you’re the worst I’ve ever had (and thet keeps fuckin’ with my head) (by determinedlove): 52,697 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg, Intersex
Summary: Steve Harrington loved his status in the world and his life. He had great friends and babysat two amazing kids (but don’t tell them he said that). So what if he couldn’t sleep in his room sometimes because the house was just too damn big and the quiet didn’t help keep the nightmares at bay. So what if the new guy at school was everything he had been warned away from? He could play the game just as well as he could. But then Will goes missing. And the new guy proves to be everything people warned him about and so much more when no one else is around.
❤️Namjin (BTS: Kim Namjoon (RM) x Kim Seokjin (Jin)): These two are just so adorable together.
Pack Mentality (by resonae): 9,452 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Namjoon is possessive.
The Professor’s Wife (by EquinoxSolstice): 12,163 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Everybody knew Professor Kim was already married. It was actually the first thing they asked the man during the first day of classes, with one brave student asking the question out loud for everyone to hear. The older man responded with deep dimples and a raised left hand, letting everyone see the plain, silver band glittering on his ring finger. But, as one Jeon Kungkook found out, they were all completely, terribly wrong. What? The Professor didn’t say he had a wife.
Why Three is Better Than Two (by lulublue1234): 35,298 words/23 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin is a bit of a stalker. Smitten with a Father-son duo. Where Yoongi is the most adorable child ever created.  
The Shaman and the Exorcist (by metastacia): 145,258 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin doesn’t believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he’s kind of a big deal at his university; he’s a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn’t remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money. Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there’s a certain honey shaman at his university who’s stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he’s not happy about it because haunted people pay good money. So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
Fate Led Me To You (Now Let me Love You) (by MinMinnieMin): 58,382 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin did not believe he’d ever have a happy ending. How many happy endings did you ever hear an unmated Omega with a child have? But fate is a funny thing. What’s meant to be will always find its way. And Kim Namjoon tries his best to get Seokjin to see that. Because of fate, they found each other.
❤️Broyo (Prodigal Son: Gil Arroyo x Malcolm Bright): I seem to have a soft spot for couples with noticeable age difference
To be Normal (by holyfudgemonkeys (erraticallyinspired)): 70,399 words/26 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: Malcolm has a terrible encounter while out trying to be ‘normal’ and get roofied. He doesn’t report it and tries to move on but winds up pregnant. He turns to Gil for support who is there with open arms. As they work through the choices Malcolm has to make and Gil is just there more and more their relationship evolves into something more intimate and romantic than either of them could ever have planned for.
❤️Hannor (Detroit: Become Human: Hank Anderson x Connor): Again, another couple with considerable age difference
Arrival (by coffee666): 83,075 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hank just wanted help around the house for Cole. He never expected such a goofy thing that laughed and hummed and protected Cole with all of his being. Connor is not like other androids - but neither of them truly know how deep those differences go.
The Opposite Life (by Speckeh): 38,612 words so far
Status: Incompleted (9/10 chapters)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: 17 years and 9 months ago, Connor decided to start his own family, alone. He falls in love with the voice sample of Donor 55719, as the mysterious man talks about a mundane life. It’s everything he wished for. After 17 years of loving the two minute voice sample that fathered his children, what will Connor do when that voice suddenly appears in his life?
By Default//By Design (by Make_It_Worse): 9,211 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Connor, an overworked clothing designer, who is also a huge brat. Hank, an HK800 android model, who isn’t having any of it.
❤️Hannigram (Hannibal: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham)
With a Crown of Stars (by thehoyden): 33,536 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When the call connects, Will says, “I know what kind of crazy I am, but I’m not this kind of crazy.”
“Will?” Dr. Lecter says.
“Yes, hi, sorry,” Will says. “It’s me. There’s a baby on my porch.”
Taken for Rubies (by emungere): 76,842 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Crossdressing, Feminization
Summary: Will invites Hannibal over for dinner. Hannibal brings him wine and flowers. A dissection of their pasts and the slow convergence of their domestic lives.
❤️Rinch (Person of Interest: John Reese x Harold Finch)
Pallas’s Rosefinch (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 55,536 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Summary: Harold needs John. John needs Harold. And that’s the way I like it!
Difficult To Name aka Titles Are Difficult (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 51,710 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John is a retired pro who comes back for a special client. For those who fear a BDSM themed story, please note that this is a tender love story.
Milk and Cream (by hallulawy): 33,388 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Out-of-character
Summary: Story between John (Alpha, 35, general practitioner) and Harold (Omega, 27-ish, entrepreneur, five-month-pregnant). They are not married (yet).
❤️Noah Reid x Dan Levy (They play Patrick and David in Schitt’s Creek if you don’t know)
Fries Before Guys (by wildxwired): 29,065 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Six weeks ago, Home (on a) Plate showed up in front of the MTV building in West Hollywood and started providing the locals with quite possibly the most amazing and inventive variations of grilled cheese sandwiches and cheese fries every Monday and Thursday, between the hours of 12 and 2. It wasn’t just the melt -in-the-mouth gooey goodness that had people clambering around the truck, or the insanely fair prices that were usually nowhere to be found on the rest of the street food in LA, but the fact that this was all served up by some hazel eyed specimen with the forearms of a god probably didn’t hurt either.
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cblgblog · 3 years
Imagine Mildolyn, "Illicit Affair", Modern AU. Where Gwen's campaigning for Congress and all the meet and greets, showing up for charities for publicity, her 'cause'. At one for special needs children and their foundation she meets a very young CNA named Mildred and sort of falls head over heels in the dumbest of ways, both just love struck. Except she's campaigning to be in Congress, she's a politician, she cannot be queer and chasing after 19 year old ex-foster kids whos brothers are set to be the youngest executed on Death Row in California in decades for appalling crimes. But there she is, in hotel rooms her supporters pay for, with someone she shouldn't be with, trying to find ways to overturn cases that turned stomachs with their brutality, because a pretty girl smiled at her and called her 'ma'am' while showing her around the foundation/care home she worked at with children no one else had the time/patience to care for. Of course it goes terribly with 'dirty little secret' vibes, the breast cancer diagnosis announced on twitter before she tells Mildred in person, even if it's such a minor case ('so they say') and caught so early that it'll barely leave a scar, radiation won't be much of a deal at all. She doesn't get to tell Mildred that, she just gets to hear on Fox news about how the democrat's gonna die a horrible death and panic.
Mildred who has no patience for politicians and their fake concern, using patients as photo ops. It’s manipulative, it’s distracting to the staff, it’s awful, okay, she hates it. She is, in fact, a tad bit rude to Gwen when they meet. Gets her a death glare from Betsy Bucket, gets Gwen intrigued.
“Republican?” only half-joking.
“Is it the suit? Should I have worn a different suit? I wanted to, but I’ve been told this one tested better.”
“The suit is fine.” It’s more than that, actually, but Mildred will not be saying that aloud, nope, uh-uh. “I don’t much care for politicians.”
“Ah, we have that in common then.”
“I doubt we have much of anything in common. Ma’am.”
And look, Gwen doesn’t usually go in for the chasing, the hard to get. She’s got enough trouble chasing votes. But this woman is so good with the kids on her ward, so patient. She’s got Disney scrubs on and as much as she’s got no time at all for Gwen, she seems to have infinite amounts for those kids. She stays with them individually, longer than any of the other staff Gwen sees, but she still manages to get a dozen things done in half as many minutes. And she’s also gorgeous, there’s that.
And Gwen has no good reason to ask her out for lunch. Honestly, none. Nothing good can come from this. Mildred asks if the citizens of California will be paying for this meal and Gwen swears that isn’t the case, no, absolutely not. Even still, Gwen doesn’t expect Mildred to say yes. She doesn’t think Mildred expected Mildred to say yes.
But she does. Tells herself it’s for Edmund, maybe this’ll be the one politician who listens, who’s willing to look past the surface facts, willing to help. Except she gets there and they don’t talk about Edmund. It’s not because Mildred doesn’t know how to bring it up, she’s made her case dozens of times. She just…they don’t talk about him, and that feels like a betrayal, but Gwen’s kind and funny and fascinating (much to Mildred’s annoyance), and she just…doesn’t feel like getting into it.
Meanwhile Trevor, Gwen’s campaign manager/law school buddy/best friend/lavender marriage soulmate, if they were in a different time, is like bitch, what’re you doing? Yes, everyone knows you’re gay as hell, but you can’t be chasing girls right now, you can’t afford to be distracted. You especially can’t afford to look distracted. And you can’t be robbing the cradle while looking distracted.
“She’s not that young.”
“Uh-huh. She wears Winnie the Pooh clothes.”
“Scrubs, those are scrubs. Scrubs aren’t clothes.”
“She works in a children’s ward, Trevor.”
“Uh-huh. I really wish you wouldn’t do this, but since you care nothing about me and my mental state and all the hours and hours of hard work I’ve put in for you—”
“After badgering me into hiring you over someone more qualified.”
“Hey! More qualified. I resent that. Anyway, if you insist on ruining my day, at least wear that face cream I gave you. Should make you look less like you’re robbing the cradle.”
“Go to hell.”
“And don’t do the oyster thing. Not on a first date, in the middle of the campaign.”
“It’s not a date, it’s just lunch.”
Gwen doesn’t do the oyster thing. Not on the first date, which neither of them acknowledge as a date, for entirely different reasons. But then there’s a second and a third, and sex, lots of sex, and it’s harder to pass off as just friendly.
And yeah, the sneaking around that Gwen hates. That Mildred says she doesn’t mind, and she actually doesn’t seem to all that much, which Gwen finds slightly concerning. Mildred’s good with secrets though, she’s good with being kept a secret. Mostly. Which again, Gwen finds concerning.
There’s pillow talk and Mildred admitting more about herself than she has to anyone, ever. Which still isn’t nearly as much as what Gwen admits, but it’s a relative thing. And still, Mildred doesn’t talk about Edmund. Gwen finds that one out on her own, stumbles across some old photos, a scrapbook of Edmund’s crimes. Gwen’s briefly concerned that Mildred is one of those people who’re deeply attracted to serial killers, but the truth is…something else.
Mildred tells her things. Some of the deeper, darker stuff, but not much, not yet. Tells her how she’s written to everyone she can think of because he’s a boy, okay? He was in an impossible situation, they both were, no one ever helped them, so Edmund decided he had to die. No one helped them before, no one helps them now. There’s anger and tears and Gwen holding her and she can’t help asking why Mildred didn’t talk to her sooner, if she’s had no problem asking for help from strangers.
“Because you aren’t,” Mildred says in a way that makes it clear she’s figuring this stuff out as she says it. “A stranger, you aren’t. You never were and I couldn’t…I didn’t want to become one to you. I didn’t want you to look at me like that.”
“Oh Mildred…”
Mildred doesn’t actually ask her to help. She doesn’t want Gwen to think that’s what it’s all been about. It was supposed to be, but it isn’t. She doesn’t ask. Gwen digs into things herself, digs into this kid who was barely double-digits when he did these things. Made all the headlines at the time, but that was over a decade ago, he’s been locked up ever since. Most of Mildred’s money goes to him, one way or another.
Gwen hides it from Trevor—the murderer, not the sex, he knew about the sex before she ever said anything—for as log as she can. But he’s always been nosy, and now he has a paid excuse to be nosy, and he nearly has an aneurysm when he hears why it is that Gwen’s suddenly digging into this case instead of kissing the babies of gay couples, like she should be.
Gwen cannot do this. Nope, absolute no. She cannot be sneaking around with the younger sister of the kid they’ve made all the documentaries about. Doesn’t matter that she’s running on a platform of prison reform, especially as it pertains to juveniles, this is not the case to start with, especially when she hasn’t won yet.
And Gwen knows. She knows. She argues with Trevor about it until he decides they both need to stop because Gwen has a speaking engagement tomorrow and she can’t sound hoarse. There are many further arguments, arguments about principles over politics, but Gwen knows he’s right. She cannot, should not, be doing any of this, at least not yet. It’s dangerous, it’s selfish, Mildred deserves better than being someone’s secret again. Gwen should break it off, at least until the election. She’s not being fair to either of them like this. They should stop, at least for a few months.
Except it’s Mildred and she’s totally hijacked Gwen’s everything, and the thought of stopping makes her ill, and everything about this is terrifying, the most terrifying thing ever.
And then there’s the checkup and the routine mammogram. Gwen started those earlier than most because somebody’s aunt on somebody’s side of the family got sick, somebody’s cousin on the other side did too.
Scratch that, there’s a new winner for most terrifying thing ever.
It’s good, they say. She started early, they caught it early, this is good, they have treatments for this. Good, they say, while Gwen damn near passes out. She’s got a campaign to finish, she can see the Too Sick to Serve headlines already. A bald look would not test well, she’s sure it wouldn’t. She talks to Trevor about that, about the campaign, until he tells her to shut the fuck up, yanks her into a crushing hug. He cries, damn him, and that makes her cry.
She’s glad he’s there.
She wishes Mildred was.
She is also relieved as hell that Mildred isn’t, that they’re on opposite sides of the state right now. No point having Mildred see her like this, having her worry. She’s got enough to worry about, enough to hurt about.
Not that Gwen isn’t planning to tell her. She is. It’s only been a few whirlwind months, but Gwen knows enough to realize that a lie of omission would be a bad, bad, bad idea where Mildred’s concerned, regardless of intention. Gwen doesn’t think of hiding it anyway, not really. Mildred deserves better then that. When and how to tell the public…that’s a completely different clusterfuck of a situation, but Mildred, Gwen just wants to tell her in person. That way Mildred can see her face when she promises it’s no big deal (hopefully without seeing how terrified she actually is), and Gwen will have all the paperwork and things she knows Mildred will want to see, and they can hold each other, and it’s just, it’s not phone call news.
Except then it’s headline news, because somehow it’s leaked. Fox News is having a field day, certain corners of the Internet are already gleefully writing her obituary, and she’s missed literally hundreds of calls by the time she gets a look at her phone. At least half of those are from Mildred. Mildred who actually sounds hysterical for the first time since Gwen’s known her, that bastard on the news with the hair, he says you’re dying, why aren’t you answering, how long have you known, please, please pick up the phone, just pick up the phone god dammit.
She’s managed to keep Mildred a secret for months. This? This doesn’t last three days before it’s everywhere. Gwen does get an I love you for the first time ever, but seeing as Mildred’s sobbing over her voicemail when it happens, the joy is somewhat muted.
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fa-headhoncho · 4 years
Unlike The Rest: Part 2
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George Weasley x Reader (eventually)
Prompt: The school year has finally begun and things already seem to be going wrong.
Word Count: 2555
Reader: Female
Warning: Let me know what I could work on and what you would like to see in this series. I expect this to be a longer one and I have a lot of ideas for the future but I’m stuck on some filler chapters. So, please let me know.
Masterlist Series Masterlist
The carriage ride up to the castle was very uncomfortable, to say the least. Cedric tried to get you to talk but once his friends started talking, they made you feel out of place. His friends talked about all the wild adventures they had this summer and reminisced about years past together. All stuff that didn’t include or relate to you. 
The only time Cedric’s friends seemed to have an interest in you when they spoke about Quidditch merely because you were a chaser on the team. And when you did talk, they just ignored you or rolled their eyes. You just wished you could do first year all over again and reintroduce yourself to everyone. 
Nonetheless, you did appreciate Cedric for trying to help you make new friends but you’d rather keep to yourself. Making friends is hard when all people see is your last name.
Walking into the Great Hall with the group, you gaze up at the tall ceiling. It’s bewitched to emulate the sky outside. Every year you are welcomed by it. You believe it helps with the new year jitters and the claustrophobia of hundreds of children in one room.
You start to trail behind Cedric and his friends, taking it all in. This is your home. The floating candles, the professors sitting at the front of the room, the natural warmth of the castle just screams belonging. A large smile appears on your face once again, something that only this place can bring. 
This year you are determined to focus on your studies… specifically Care of Magical Creatures. You’ve been reading all summer to get ahead in that class. Being a Malfoy, people don’t see your family as the caring or gentle type. They’ve proven that. Which, unfortunately, Care of Magical Creatures is all about. But, unlike the rest of the Malfoys, Hagrid has said you have a special talent when it comes to caring for creatures. You are gentle and caring. Hence the reason why you were put into Hufflepuff. So, you want to prove to everyone else, and your family, that a Malfoy can have a heart.
“Daydreaming yet again, Yeti?” Cedric’s chuckle interrupts your thoughts. He noticed you straying away from the group and saw you just standing there, staring up at the sky. This didn’t surprise him, you’ve always seemed to be in your own world or gathered up in thoughts. 
You shake your head fondly at the nickname. It originated one day when he was trying to cheer you up after he found you crying in the hallway. You had failed your team at the last Quidditch match, falling off your broom and knocking Cedric off along the way. Ultimately costing the winning catch that secured the team a tremendous lead in the rankings.
The team collectively decided that they didn’t need you anymore so they never told when practices were. The backlash from your house was horrid too. People who taunted you in the hallways or blamed the fact that “Malfoy needed to have all the attention”. Hufflepuff has always been known as the kinder house but oh were they brutal. 
It all led up to your break down in Charms when someone told you that maybe jinxing yourself to the broom might be helpful. Cedric, as big-hearted as he is, followed you out and comforted you. At first, you thought it was a sick joke, going off on him. In return he just called you a Yeti, comparing the fact that no one could ever get close enough to see the real way you live. Plus the fact that you were madly aggressive on the pitch. You knew that you made a friend after that. 
“I was just thinking.” You confess, falling into step beside him as you make your way to the Hufflepuff table.
“That’s never good.”
“Oh, shut it, Diggory.” You laugh, giving his arm a slight slap. “I’m just excited about this year… Hagrid told me about all the new creatures Professor Kettleburn has in store for us.”
“Well, that is good then.” He corrects himself, taking a seat next to one of the beaters on the team. “I’m glad you’re excited about something. I know you talked about how nervous you were about Draco coming this year in your letters.”
You sigh, in the few letters you and Cedric shared during the summer, you’d confide in him about what’s been going at home; The newfound hope in Draco to carry on the Malfoy name with pride and loyalty. How they'd just left you in your room all summer to survive on your own while they made sure Draco had everything he needed to do so. It made you feel like shit. At first, when summer began, you thought things were getting better at home when you were welcomed with kind arms. Unfortunately, it was cut short when the realization of Draco’s first year was in a few months.
“Hey,” Cedric, once again, cuts your thoughts off. By this point he knows when you’re spiraling in your own head. “maybe it won’t be so bad after all.”
Right on cue, the first years all file in. Either looking lost or excited, it brings back memories of your first year. Remembering being so terrified of all the older kids staring as you walked past them. Wondering how Draco would fall in, you try looking for him. He wasn’t hard to find since in the front of the crowd, a devious smirk on his face as always. He knows what house he’s going to be in and he’s probably been boasting about it all the way here. It’s been drilled into his brain that he belongs in Slytherin, the house of the most powerful and legendary wizards. Which, according to your parents, Hufflepuff doesn’t have the means to accomplish. 
Draco then takes a glance at said table. Seeing you looking out of place as ever and he rolls his eyes at it. Turning back to his friends and whispering something to them while pointing. They erupt into laughter and you frown slightly.
“Well, I don’t think your brother could be as bad as you were.” Malcolm Preece, another chaser on the team, decides to open his big mouth. He’s a fifth-year and he always has something to say. You grab the nearest thing and throw it at him, he dodges it. “Aye, I said were.” He defends himself and then casually goes back to his own conversation.
You bite your tongue and shoot daggers into the side of his head.
“Oh, I’ve missed you, (Y/N).” Cedric wraps an arm around your shoulders and gives you a small hug.
“...this has to be a joke, Ced.” You whisper to him while Professor Quirrell goes on about the spell you’ll be learning this week. “How will this be useful in the eye of a duel?” You rhetorically ask him. “There’s no way this git is qualified to work here.”
“Oh, don’t be so harsh, (Y/N).” Cedric scolds as Quirrell commands the students to review their notes, “I’m sure he’s more than proven himself to Dumbledore to be here.”
“It’s a bloody tickling curse!” You stress, utterly dumbfounded on why you would be learning this. “In the midst of a battle, I don’t think my murderer would think of making me laugh to death.”
He just shakes his head at you, a small laugh escaping his lips at the image of it.
“It would be a good way to go.” Fred Weasley, the brute of all jokes himself, cuts in. Obviously, you weren’t whispering quiet enough. “Wouldn’t it be, Georgie?” He turns to his twin sitting beside him.
“I think so, Freddie.” He immediately agrees, you roll your eyes at the two. You know where this is going.
“Here we go,” You mumble.
“Imagine it,” George puts his hands in front of himself, widely gesturing with his quill. “Going toe to toe in battle, shouting wild curses at each other, wands waving, spells casting, and then, out of nowhere—” He suddenly stops, pointing his quill at you. 
“Rictusempra!” The other one continues, “And, boom! You’re on the ground within seconds, laughing like a complete mad man. Utterly painless.” Some of your classmates laugh at them, you shake your head at the show. “A bliss way to die.” They both stare dreamingly into nothing, a small smile on both of their faces.
“You both are morons.” You deadpan, George just smirks while Fred has an exasperated look on his face.
“Morons?” He gasps, “Then, how would you like to die then, Malfoy?” He probes, his eyebrow hitched up. “A slow, painful death at the hands of a Dementor?” A few laugh.
“Preferably, yes.”
You try to keep up with the fast steps of the Deputy Headmistress. Almost tripping over your robe as she speeds down the corridors, her own robes whizzing behind her. The fact that McGonagall is even accompanying you in a class switch makes your mind boggle since your head of house is Sprout.
“But, Professor, I don’t want to change subjects.” You beg, “It must be a mistake, I chose to take Muggle Studies this year, what happened?”
“Your father, Miss Malfoy.” She suddenly stops, you almost bump into her. “He demands you transfer into a different subject that doesn’t ‘deteriorate the brain’.” She quotes, “And I have to deal with it because Professor Sprout refuses to read his letters after the terrible scriptures he sent her over the last two years. I’ve got enough on my plate with my own students to be worried about hers.”
Your mouth drops, of course, he would’ve. You knew your father was mad about your house placement but you never thought he would go as far as to berated your head of house. At Hogwarts, your house is supposed to be your family no matter what and your father disrespecting your head was utterly disgusting.
“You shouldn’t be surprised, Miss Malfoy.” She continues to speak, obviously furious. “You knew this would happen when you signed up for the elective last year.”
You knew this would happen when you involuntarily signed up to be a Malfoy.
You frown, knowing she’s right about the whole thing. You thought your parents were too focused on Draco to even think about you and your classes this year. Hell, they’ve been too focused on him to even acknowledge your existence during the summer so why did they care about your classes.
“I truly do apologize, Professor McGonagall.” You look down at your shoes, too nervous to look her in her eyes. “I didn’t realize my father was doing that… nor would he interfere with my schooling. I just…” You let out a long sigh. “I just thought the class would be interesting and a bit different, is all, compared to what I’ve learned about muggles at home.”
The woman’s face immediately softens. She knew that getting sorted into Hufflepuff was going to be an issue from the moment the hat shouted it. You were clearly unhappy and confused, mumbling curse words at the hat as you made your way to the Hufflepuff table. The Malfoys have been Slytherins since she was in her own school days so when she heard the hat say something otherwise, she knew something would come out of it. 
Your father had insisted it was a mistake in every letter he sent to Dumbledore talking about how the hat was a fake and it must've been a ploy against the Malfoy name. But Dumbledore was just as persistent with backing the hat and it’s house assigning criteria.
“It is out of my control, Miss Malfoy.” McGonagall puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. “As an underage wizard, you do not have a say in the matter. We must listen to your guardians.”
“I understand, Professor.”
The scent of musty floral perfume hits you like bricks as you walk into the room. Following McGonagall between the risers, you hold your books tighter to your chest. You look around once you get into the “stage” area of the classroom. The curtains are drawn, giving the room a somber vibe. The different levels hold a bit too many tables for the number of students actually attending the class. Taking a glance at the students, some are either sleeping or staring at you, glad for the interruption. 
“Professor Trelawney,” McGonagall interrupts the short woman gazing into a crystal ball. Her large eyes immediately snap to the two of you. “I have a transfer from Muggle Studies.”
The eccentric witch gets up and looks over to you, the whole classes’ eyes follow her. “Ahhh,” She sighs, pointing a finger. “I knew you would end up here, (Y/N) Malfoy.” She gives a knowing smile, Professor McGonagall just rolls her eyes while she continues to go on about what she saw in the ball about a visitor here to stay.
“Well, I have other things to attend to regarding my Quidditch team if you would kindly show Miss Malfoy to her seat,” McGonagall commands with a firm nod.
“Of course, of course!” She excitedly affirms, putting a hand to your back and guiding you towards the front of the strange classroom. You give the Charms Professor pleading eyes as she leaves the room but she just ignores you and continues on her way.
“Now,” She turns you both to the whole class. “Who would like to do the honor of having Miss Malfoy as a partner? I sense she will be a great help in this class,” She asks, everyone sits in silence. There are a few students without partners but they’d rather be alone than be with you. 
“Well, a little unpopular we are, I see,” Trelawney mumbles to no one in particular, you immediately look down at your feet. “How ‘bout you find your own seat, love?” 
You go straight to the back and take the first seat in the row, not daring to look at anyone on the way up.
“Oh, what type of wicked witch did I cross to get a curse like this?” The familiar disgust of one of the Weasley boys hits your ears. Your head snaps to him, trying to quickly identify which twin you would be spending the year with. 
“Hush it, George.” You sneer, not in the mood for his shit. “Or are you Fred?” You squint, the dim candlelight not helping distinguish which. “No, Fred is much more clever with his insults.”
George just rolls his eyes at you, “He might have the brains but I’ve got the looks.” He leans back in his chair, putting his arms behind his head and his feet on the table. “Don’t you agree, Malfie?” He eggs, a smirk on his face.
You let out a scoff. “You both look like gnomes stacked on each other under a robe… Especially with that carrot top of a head of yours.” You push his feet off the table, setting your books where they were. The shove sends his balance off and he falls back onto the floor.
“Well, you were right about Fred having the brains, huh?” You stare down at him. The redhead sticks his tongue out at you like a five-year-old. “This is going to be a long year.” You mumble under your breath.
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miminorenai · 4 years
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(...I was very happy with the flowers and his feelings.) The distance with Vlad is getting closer little by little. Meanwhile, she heard a certain story from Arthur. “Several corpses have been found in strange state, with every drop of their blood drained.”
The winter sky is always beautiful, but the sky I looked up at after waking up today feels even prettier than usual.
After preparing breakfast as always, I decorate the dining room with the clematis flowers I received from Vlad yesterday.
Vlad “In the language of flowers...it means the joy of travelers.” MC “The joy of travelers...” Vlad “Right. Hey, Mimi. I want you to tell me your worries that you can’t say to your precious ones.” Vlad “If that could make you feel better, I wish for you to live your life to the fullest. Will you listen to my selfishness?”
(...I was very happy with the flowers and Vlad’s feelings.)
The fact that there is a person who accepts the emotion I locked up alone reassures me terribly.
As my lips curled into a broad smile while remembering Vlad’s gentle smile...
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Arthur “Morning, Mimi. You’re still the cutest today.”
MC “Haha, yeah yeah. Good morning, Arthur. For breakfast...say, what’s with that ‘I don’t need it’ face?
Arthur “Hmm, *how very perceptive. I was writing until morning, but I can’t see the end of it...so can I just have coffee?”
(*ご明察 - so insightful, as you indicated/presumed. 
MC “Yeah, please wait then. I’ll bring it after I brew one.”
As I return to the dining room after pouring sugar free coffee into a cup...,
Arthur was looking over the newspaper with a serious expression.
MC “Here, thank you for waiting. What’s wrong, with that serious look. Was there any article that’s *bothering you?”
(*気になる - curious, wonder, catch one’s eyes
Arthur “I wonder if everything is to be concerned about. All the articles are nothing but dangerous. Here, take a look.”
On the spread front page, articles on theft and murder...those make me unconsciously looking away.
From the start, this world is not really peaceful and calm, but I can tell it from the *surface that it has become more dangerous just of late.
(*肌 - skin, body
(...There is an intense wealth inequality in this era. Helping hands are not extended towards those seeking aid and labor.)
Recently, there have been repeated cases of aristocrats are being targeted by dissatisfied citizens.
(...The boy who came to Vlad to buy flowers was also wearing worn-out/tattered/battered clothes. Also.)
The hands that grasp the coin tightly to buy the flowers was full of scratches and stained of pitch black, perhaps because he was working in a coal mine.
Somehow I want to do something about it, but I feel frustrated with the reality that I can't change it right away...
Arthur “It seems that various incidents are happening every day, but this incident is just strange...”
MC “...Strange incident?”
Arthur “Several corpses have been found in strange state, with every drop of their blood drained.”
Arthur “In addition, when they examine the body of the corpses, it seems that all of them are ‘having criminal records’ or ‘those who commits some kind of crimes’.”
(...In other words.)
MC “...Are people who have done bad/wrong things being punished?” 
Arthur “I'm not sure what it really means, but it seems that many people interpret it as you say.”
Arthur “It seems that some people deify him and call him ‘The Flowers of Evil’, like a novel world. It’s just...”
Arthur “In reality, it’s not allowed.”
Arthur’s large glass bead eyes are dyed in desperate shades.
Arthur “Different people have their own standards of what’s evil and what’s justice. If everyone judges by their own ethics, the world will go crazy.”
Arthur “That’s why law exists and there’s police force.”
Arthur unwraps his serious look, takes off his glasses, and then he surprisingly smiles.
Arthur “So, you should be careful. You don't want to be attacked in the middle of a secret date, right?”
MC “Date...!?”
(...This is surely about Vlad, right? I don’t mean to keep my meeting a secret, but it’s somewhat embarrassing.)
(Here it is —)
(...Arthur is uselessly sharp, so the more you say something, the more it backfires.)
Arthur “Remaining silent, aren’t you? But unfortunately, if you shut your lips, all the more it gets me fired up.”
Arthur “Well then, why did I think you were dating...let me tell you the reasoning now.”
Arthur “First of all, the flowers decorated in the mansion have changing a lot these days. So I guess, the other party is a florist...?”
(He’s sharp...!)
Arthur “The second one, you went to meet the person every day. Recently, you often came back separately from Sebas.”
Arthur “And the third, you’ve become more and more cute lately. No more excuses with this.”
Arthur “I’m worried~ Can he protect Mimi from this dangerous world?”
All of the sudden, Arthur *squints and as he reaches out to me...
(*目を細め - to close one's eyes partly, to smile with one's whole face, to look fondly at
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Arthur “...Hey, Mimi. After all, you should choose the strong and gentle mystery writer right in front of you...OUCH!”
Theo “You think?”
Vincent “Hehe, you won’t consider it, would you? ‘Coz Arthur is the most dangerous one.”
MC “Theo, Vincent...!”
Arthur “Hey...Theo. Don’t you have anything to do with your fist? What would you do if I get dumb?”
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Theo “Maybe your cunning will stop working and you’ll become a little bit of a decent person.”
Vincent “Hehe, they are really close friends today too, right, Mimi?”
With a question mark floating in his mind, Theo shrugs his shoulders.
Theo “And there’s no need to be worried. Mimi will be with us for a while.”
Arthur “Oh, did you hold an exhibition for paintings of the artists that Theo take care of?”
Theo “Yeah, Nii-san’s paintings are included too, of course.”
MC “I’m going to help out for a few days before the exhibition opens.”
(...I’m a little lonely that I can’t go to see Vlad, but.)
(I want to do my best to help those two who always help me.)
Vincent “Thank you for your help, Mimi. It would be a little busy, but please take care of us.”
MC “Thank you for letting me help, Vincent, Theo.”
From that day, preparations for the exhibition began immediately...
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Theo “Mimi, I told you to display the painting there at the top of the stairs, didn't I?”
MC “Sorry! I’ll fix it right away!”
Theo “Mimi, the artist Francis will bring his painting any time now. Please get it.”
MC “Okay...!”
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As I move around in commotion, the outside dyed with night just like that.
(...Wow, I’m so unsteady. I already thought this would be difficult, but it easily surpasses my imagination.)
(But, Theo worked many times than this. This is not the time for complaints, I need to work harder.)
As I walk with enthusiasm, 
I find Theo looks over the painting at the wall in the art gallery, where everyone heads for home while being all listless.
Theo “...”
(His eyes seems like looking at treasures...)
As he shoots through it with pure and beautiful look, like a young boy aware of his first love, Theo’s gaze turns towards me.
Theo “Ah, thanks for your hard work. Did Nii-san go back already...?”
MC “Yeah, he said he would like to help and didn’t give it up, but he went back to mansion to continue with his paintings.”
Theo “Is that so?”
MC “Whose painting you were looking at...?”
Theo “New painting drawn by Nii-san.”
When I line up next to Theo and turns my sight towards the painting he looks at...
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The scenery of rye field, where its golden heads shine in the sunlight, fills my field of vision.
At a distance, people doing farm work are vividly drawn, 
There’s also a downpour of dazzling light on it.
Just looking at the painting makes me feel calm and full of hopes, as if I’m amidst an early afternoon.
MC “...It’s a wonderful painting that it such a *waste to put it into words.”
(*もったいない - too good, more than one deserves, unworthy of
MC “It looks like a sort of painting that makes you stronger and kinder just by looking at it.”
Theo “...Yeah, I think so too.”
Theo “Nii-san used to draw a rye field, but this time it's a little different.”
Theo “Since he put special feeling into it.”
Theo “Nii-san told me, he drew this painting in the hope it could help and become a salvation for the people who live in this brutal era.”
(People’s salvation...)
(Really, that’s why it’s shaking my heart so strongly and intense...)
Theo “But the world will say this, you know? Paintings do not save people, since they does not satisfy necessities of life.”
Theo “When the world falls into turmoil, arts are discarded as unnecessary before anything else.”
Theo “But that’s...I don’t think it that way.”
When I ask him with just my gaze, Theo’s sea-colored eyes harbor a powerful heat as if wishing for a bright tomorrow.
Theo “This painting, Mozart’s music, and novel written by Arthur and Dazai...”
Theo “Arts sometimes save people’s heart with its absurd strength from unthinkable angles. ...Just like a miracle.”
MC “...”
Theo “Because I’m in such an era, those who want to give hope to people, the talents of those guys in the mansion —“
Theo “I want to cherish it...”
In a dark and hopeless world, people's hearts are easily worn away.
And with worn down hearts, people wounds many things.
At times they hurt the person closest to them, and they even hurt themselves. However —
Vlad “Go before the flowers wither. In flower language, gerbera means hope and progress.” Vlad “May you move forward with hope.”
I think people are also the ones who heal and protect.
(People hurt others, but they also save other people. If so, then I...)
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veliseraptor · 4 years
ius in bello
guess what I needed to do today while I was wrestling with brain weasels was write gratuitously angsty fic! based off this post by @winepresswrath​ because I love to suffer, I did write all of this in one day so like. who knows what’s happening
content warning: character death with no fix (but feel free to imagine one down the line! there probably is one!)
“He’s late,” Jiang Cheng growls. Jin Ling is crying, and a-jie bounces him gently in her arms and hushes him.
“It takes time to travel,” she says. “And you know a-Xian. He might’ve gotten distracted by something or other and set out late.”
Jiang Cheng scofffs. “Distracted. This isn’t like skipping class at the Cloud Recesses, he needs to take this seriously-”
“A-Cheng,” a-jie says, with that tone of not-quite-reproach that always shuts him up. She moves over toward him, still rocking Jin Ling, who at least has stopped crying. “It’ll be all right. He’ll be here.”
“He’d better,” Jiang Cheng mutters, hands locked behind his back. If Wei Wuxian abandons them now - disappoints a-jie-
He’ll march to the Burial Mounds and strangle him with Zidian himself.
The thought steals into his head - what if he ran into some kind of trouble on the road - and he dismisses it brutally. Wei Wuxian isn’t helpless.
“Where’s that husband of yours,” he says. A-jie gives him her most patient smile.
“A-Cheng, stop fussing.”
“I’m not fussing.”
A-jie shakes her head, but fondly, and adjusts Jin Ling so she can reach up and touch the side of Jiang Cheng’s face, the way she has since he was a child. Jiang Cheng blows out a breath and does not say this needs to work, this needs to work, a-jie, he needs to hand over the Yin Tiger Seal and come home, but what if he refuses-
He can’t. Surely not. Not after seeing a-Ling and a-jie. It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine.
But he can’t quite quash the dread building in his stomach, throbbing like a second heartbeat.
Jiang Cheng hears rapid footsteps approaching and turns, a finally, took you long enough on his lips, but it isn’t Wei Wuxian. A Jin disciple he doesn’t recognize, face pale, bows to them both and then says, “Jiang-furen, would you come with me?”
Jiang Cheng tenses. “Why?” he asks bluntly, not caring if it is rude.
“Jin-furen wishes to speak with you,” the disciple says, but he stumbles over the words, and he is lying, Jiang Cheng is sure he is lying, but why. The second heartbeat thuds harder.
“What’s going on,” he demands, and then, because he just has a feeling, because it would be just like him to cause some kind of trouble, “did Wei Wuxian do something?”
Somehow the disciple goes paler. Jiang Cheng takes a sharp step forward, fists clenching. “Just tell me what-”
“A-Li,” says Jin Zixuan’s voice, and Jiang Cheng hasn’t ever heard his brother-in-law sound like that. His stomach plunges toward his heels and ricochets back up again. Jin Zixuan is striding quickly toward them, Suihua clenched in one fist.
There is blood on his robes.
A-jie gasps, her hold on Jin Ling tightening, and he starts to cry. “A-Xuan,” she says, voice sharp with alarm, and Jiang Cheng takes a lurching step forward, but he isn’t moving like he is hurt-
“A-Li,” Jin Zixuan says again, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know-”
“Jin-gongzi,” Jiang Cheng says. His voice sounds far away. “Didn’t know what? What happened?” On the tip of his tongue, where is Wei Wuxian, but he can’t speak it, doesn’t dare speak it.
Jin Zixuan’s eyes flicker toward him. “An ambush,” he says. “There was an ambush, in Qiongqi Path.”
The dread isn’t a heartbeat anymore. It is a void, swallowing his insides. A-jie’s mouth opens and she draws in a soft breath. Jin Ling cries louder. “An ambush,” she echoes faintly.
Jiang Cheng takes a slow breath in and says, “what ambush? Of who? Speak clearly,” and he is aware that he really shouldn’t be speaking to Jin Zixuan, Jin-zongzhu’s heir, like this, but at the moment he can’t care because what he really wants to do is grab the front of his robes and ask why isn’t Wei Wuxian here yet, Jin-gongzi, tell me-
Jin Zixuan turns toward him and says, “Wei Wuxian has been killed.”
He knew it was coming. Knew, maybe, since the disciple came in here to try to pull a-jie away. It still hits him like a blow to the chest that should send him flying across the room. Next to him, a-jie says, very faintly, “oh.”
Then shakes her head. “No,” she says. “No, it isn’t true. You’re mistaken.”
“I said no,” she says. She clutches Jin Ling like a lifeline, his crying rising to a desperate wail. “It’s not-” She turns to look at him, eyes wide and shining and desperate, and says, “a-Cheng-”
His voice seems stuck in his throat somewhere. His feet are rooted to the ground. Wei Wuxian has been killed.
It’s not right. It’s not true. Everyone thought so when he vanished for three months, nobody said it but they believed it, but he didn’t die then, the Burial Mounds couldn’t kill him so how could some ambush-
“Who,” he grates out, finally. “Who arranged to ambush Wei Wuxian on the way to his nephew’s hundred day celebration?”
Jin Zixuan hesitates. Jiang Cheng heaves a breath in and Zidian crackles. It isn’t an answer, that silence, but it is.
“A-Cheng,” a-jie says, voice faint. He turns toward her and she thrusts Jin Ling in his direction. He takes him automatically, though it always feels like he’s going to do something wrong and hurt him when he holds him, so small, so fragile. A-jie looks stricken, pale, and it calls back a memory of the three of them standing in the rain, a-jie asking with a trembling voice what happened.
Now as then, she sinks to the ground, and weeps; now as then, Jiang Cheng stands, numb and helpless, though now there is a baby in his arms.
Wei Wuxian has been killed.
He sees him walking away in Yiling, stride hitching when a-jie calls his name but not looking back. Did he say goodbye? He can’t remember.
There’s blood on Jin Zixuan’s robes.
He wonders whose.
Jiang Cheng drags the story out in bits and pieces in a private room. Jin Ling is with his nurse; a-jie didn’t want to let him go but she could barely stand. Jin Zixuan tries to send her away, but she just looks at him and even with her eyes red-rimmed and sobs still hitching her shoulders he looks away, giving up.
There isn’t much to say. Jin Zixuan heard that Jin Zixun had gone to Qiongqi Path with a contingent of fighters. He’d gone immediately and arrived in the middle of a fight: the Ghost General holding off a small army of warriors and Wei Wuxian squaring off with Jin Zixun, who insisted that Wei Wuxian had cursed him.
Two arrows from Jin bows took him in the chest.
Jin Zixun’s sword finished the job.
“His body,” Jiang Cheng says. His voice doesn’t sound like his own.
Jin Zixuan pauses, then says, “the Ghost General took it - took him away.”
Wen Ning, Jiang Cheng thinks, and then, Wen Qing, the most talented doctor in the world, maybe she can do something, maybe she is doing something, right now, maybe-
A-jie curls in on herself, clutching her dress, and starts crying afresh. Jiang Cheng sits down next to her and she folds against him, turning her face into his shoulder.
Did your father order this, Jiang Cheng wants to ask. Are you telling the truth, that you didn’t know, was this part of the plan all along, he was unreachable in the Burial Mounds so he had to be lured out and you used Jin Ling to do it, but all he can do is stare at Jin Zixuan, who stares back, looking lost. Like he wants to step forward and offer comfort but doesn’t know how.
“A-Xian,” a-jie says, and again, “a-Xian,” like she can call him back, the way she always could, when no one else could reach him Wei Wuxian still listened to his shijie.
Jiang Cheng realizes that he is crying.
“Go,” he says, and doesn’t care that his voice is harsh. “This is a Jiang Sect matter.” It’s rude. It’s undiplomatic. There is a marriage alliance between them. Jin Zixuan is the father of Jiang Cheng’s nephew.
But at the moment all he can think of are Jin arrows and Jin Zixun’s sword, and he is angry. He is so angry.
Jin Zixuan opens his mouth. He closes it. He leaves.
“A-Ling,” a-jie whispers. “He was going to...he never met a-Ling.” Jin Ling. Jin Rulan.
Jiang Cheng holds his sister and wonders absently who is going to tell Lan Wangji.
Jin Zixun comes swaggering back to Jinlintai bragging about how he defeated the Yiling Laozu. A-jie looks at him like she could kill him with her bare hands.
Jiang Cheng lets go of his cup before it shatters and says, “such a demonstration of bravery, to bring a small army to attack one man.”
Jin Zixun looks at him with perfect Jin disdain. “He had his dog, that Ghost General.”
Jiang Cheng’s jaw spasms. “Indeed. And there were no other ways to deal with this complaint of yours other than attempted murder?”
A mutter of voices behind him. Jiang Cheng looks at no one but Jin Zixun, whose eyes narrow, then relax.
“In the absence of a sect leader to petition for restitution,” he says, “what could I do but address the problem directly? Wei Wuxian made clear that he didn’t consider himself bound by the codes between sects, and that he answered to no one.” His eyebrows rise. “Isn’t that right, Jiang-zongzhu?”
He is now expelled from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect. From now on, the Yunmeng Jiang Sect and Wei Wuxian will cut all ties with each other.
Jiang Cheng says nothing. There is nothing he can say.
He warned Wei Wuxian, didn’t he? Warned him that he couldn’t protect him if he continued protecting the Wens. He cut him out of the sect to protect the sect, because Wei Wuxian told him to, and he listened, and told himself that Wei Wuxian could protect himself, that the Yiling Laozu wasn’t in need of assistance and had made clear he didn’t want it.
But when did Wei Wuxian ever ask for help? When did he ever ask for anything?
His brother died in Qiongqi Path, and there is nothing he can do, because he disowned him months ago.
He doesn’t even have a body to bury.
He and a-jie go together to Yiling.
Jiang Cheng tried to tell a-jie not to. Tried to tell her to stay behind. She pretended to listen, nodded, and then ignored him and continued packing food for the journey anyway.
The barrier is still there. Jiang Cheng starts to raise Zidian to break it, then realizes that if he does there’s no one to erect one again, and his anger over the fact that Wei Wuxian died for the people here wars with the understanding that if they die now then it will have been utterly in vain.
So he waits, standing with a-jie, who is very still and very quiet.
Someone does come eventually. It’s Wen Ning, and he looks at them on the other side of the barrier, and for a moment Jiang Cheng thinks he’ll walk away without saying anything. Instead he bows to them both. “Jiang-furen,” he says. “Jiang-zongzhu.”
Jiang Cheng swallows hard, past the lump in his throat. “Is,” he says, and then can’t.
Wen Ning’s mouth is set. His eyes are black. But he doesn’t look like a mad dog or a Ghost General.
“It’ll let you through,” he says, finally. “You can come up.”
A-jie sticks close by him, silent. Her eyes dart through the dead trees. She holds the basket she brought tighter. But she never hesitates.
The village looks the same as Jiang Cheng remembers it, or mostly. Men past their prime, the elderly, Half-starved remnants with nowhere to go, their only protector gone. Jiang Cheng thinks bleakly that they’ll be gone soon as well, unless someone interferes.
Someone. Coward.
Wary eyes follow them as they pass. A-jie does pause, for a moment, with a sharp little breath. Her lips press together. When she catches up she says, voice low, “you didn’t say it was like this. These people…”
Jiang Cheng says nothing, his eyes fixed on Wen Ning’s back, who is leading them toward the cave, Demon Subduing Cave, Wei Wuxian’s lair of a home. “Jiejie,” he calls.
Wen Qing emerges, holding herself straight and proud as ever even in clothes that have clearly been mended several times. She locks eyes with him, expressionless, and then looks at a-jie. Her face softens, very slightly.
“A-Ning,” she says, eyes moving back to Jiang Cheng. “Would you help Granny with a-Yuan?”
The look Wen Ning gives his sister plainly says that he knows he’s being sent away. Jiang Cheng’s fist flexes on Sandu but it feels more like a reflex than anything else. A-Yuan.
A-Yuan, why do you hug any leg you see? No, don’t put the hand you touched dirt with into your mouth.
His eyes sting.
“Jiejie,” Wen Ning says.
A-jie, abruptly, moves. She walks forward, one measured step at a time, and holds out her basket, chin lifted. “It isn’t much,” she says. “I would have brought more, if I’d realized your need, but at least it is something.”
Wen Qing’s eyebrows furrow and after a moment she takes the basket and lifts the lid. Jiang Cheng knows what is in it: soup, of course, but also fresh fruit, and some bao. Wen Qing lowers it again.
“We don’t need gifts,” she says, which is the stupidest thing Jiang Cheng thinks he’s ever heard.
A-jie’s mouth trembles slightly before it steadies. “It is a thank you,” she says. “For...for looking after a-Xian.”
Wen Qing’s eyes go to Jiang Cheng again, and then she turns to face a-jie and bows.
“Thank you,” she says. It pointedly does not seem to include him, and Jiang Cheng’s chest aches. But he doesn’t - can’t - say anything. A-jie bows back, matching the depth, and his chest aches worse.
Wen Qing and a-jie straighten at the same time, and look at each other, and Wen Qing seems to relax very slightly. “You want to see him,” she says. It isn’t a question.
A-jie nods, silent. Jiang Cheng manages a rough, “yes.” It’s the first word he’s spoken, he realizes, since crossing the barrier.
Wen Qing nods once and turns. “We weren’t certain if anyone would come,” she says. “So we held our own funeral.”
Jiang Cheng doesn’t know if the words are meant to cut, but they do. A-jie flinches and for a moment Jiang Cheng is furiously, white-hot angry with Wen Qing, but a-jie puts her hand on his arm and says, “thank you.”
Wen Qing glances toward her and after a moment says, “this was his home.”
No, Jiang Cheng wants to say, No, it wasn’t, Lotus Pier was home, it was always home.
In the absence of a sect leader to petition for restitution, what could I do but confront the problem directly?
Wei Wuxian’s memorial tablet is a rough and modest thing. Jiang Cheng stares at it, eyesight blurring.
It still doesn’t feel right. Doesn’t feel possible. There’s a trick, some, some sort of-
No. There isn’t. His brother - his brother - is gone.
You should have saved him, he wants to snarl at Wen Qing. Why couldn’t you save him, but he could as easily direct those words at himself.
He can’t stay. He stumbles out of the cave like he’s drunk, chest heaving, and crashes to his knees next to some sort of pond-
Lotuses, he realizes. It’s a lotus pond. A lotus pond in the Burial Mounds. Beautiful and green and familiar.
That’s the thing that breaks him, that has him sobbing on his knees in a dead landscape where Wei Wuxian managed to carve out life.
That’s over now, and it’s not coming back.
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myersesque · 3 years
Tell me about how telltale batman has the most in character bruce despite being divergent to a lot of established lore - more so than a lot of the comics themselves imo
quick disclaimer that my comic knowledge will obviously be limited to the comics i've personally read. comic writers love to take characters and do their own thing with them, so i know for a fact there are probably a million comics that contradict this post, but that's not the point.
even the telltale side of things in this are gonna be a little biased and full of personal interpretation, because telltale's game format means that everybody's bruce wayne is gonna look a little different. but, i mean, i guess the way i play bruce is the way i see him anyway, so whatever.
ANYWAY! i hope you wanted an essay because oh boy did i get carried away:
one aspect of bruce's character i think is important is his motivations. he didn't just wake up one day and decide to be batman - he made that decision for a reason, and i think that reason is inherently important to his character, because having a different idea on his origins can give you a completely different idea of how his character should act, if that makes sense?
in my personal opinion, bruce wayne should always be motivated by love. he's motivated to fight crime by his love for his parents, and his love for gotham city, and his love for innocent people who don't deserve his parents' fate. my favourite comic panels are always the ones where bruce lets his scary persona slip a little, where he cradles a child against his chest to comfort them; batman was created to be scary, yes, but he's intended to scare criminals, not innocents. whilst bruce's parents' deaths definitely jumpstart his vigilantism, they are not the centrepiece of his entire morality - he doesn't care about gotham's citizens because he's imagining his parents in their place, he cares about them because he genuinely loves his city.
i think a lot of comics i've read have sorta forgotten that aspect of his character. white knight's entire plot revolves around the idea that bruce, blinded by his own anger, has become just as brutal and careless as the criminals he fights, and has ended up causing harm to innocent civilians because of it - whilst i think that's certainly interesting, and i am a sucker for a good "heroes aren't always good people" storyline... it feels icky. i struggle to reconnect that bruce, snarling and chained and unable to sympathise with the innocent people he's hurting, with the bruce who held children to his chest and promised they'd be okay. a lot of comics don't consider bruce's motivation to be his love, they consider his motivation to be his hatred, which leads to characterisations of bruce that are cruel and uncaring and, in some instances, outright abusive. it's like they frame his entire morality as "getting revenge for his parents' deaths" - which is funny, because i think it's pretty commonly agreed upon that bruce wayne shows his parents' murderer mercy. i think a lot of the issue is that people dehumanise batman, and bruce in turn; he's not a man, he's a monster.
which brings me to telltale bruce!
i think what makes telltale bruce work so well is the way they instantly humanise him. the opening scene of season 1 flickers between batman's fearless crime-fighting and bruce wayne gritting his teeth through an injury and getting ready for a gala. his relationships with the other characters - harvey, selina, john, tiffany, everybody - are shown in halves; you see just as much of bruce as you do batman. you'll see batman shielding harvey from attacks followed by bruce sitting by his side in his hospital room; batman repressing fond smiles behind his cowl as he talks with john; bruce at lucius' funeral, filled with despair, knowing that batman is to blame. it is incredibly, painfully clear that batman is not a myth or a monster - he's bruce wayne, the same bruce wayne who flirts with reporters and makes bad puns and goes on fake-dates with his friends to help them learn how to talk to girls. he's human, in a way that comics often seem to forget he's meant to be.
(part of the draw of batman, to me, is that he's human. he's got fancy gadgets and a cool suit but underneath it all he's just a man, just a human being driven by emotion like the rest of us. he feels real, in a way. i used to look out of my bedroom window and imagine batman coming to save me from my problems; i could never quite do that with superman, or wonder-woman, or any of the others.)
not only that, but thomas and martha wayne are removed from bruce's motivations pretty effectively - they're outed as awful people, the kind of people bruce fights against. they did to oswald what joe chill did to him. so rather than falling into blind rage, rather than the unfortunate "batman fights for revenge", you get a bit of nuance - bruce has to come to terms with being wrong, and learn where he stands, torn between awful people who he loves and good people who hate him. he's fighting not to avenge his or oz's parents, but to prevent any innocents from meeting the same unfortunate fate, and to redeem himself.
they let him be wrong without totally becoming a villain: they let him punch out oswald cobblepot on live TV and deal with the consequences; they let him instigate riots for his own benefit; they show him crouching in the back of a truck, surrounded by criminals he's been willingly helping, staring guiltily at a bat-signal he's ignoring; they let him feel guilt for all the friends he couldn't save.
he doesn't beat his friends-turned-enemies with glee. he doesn't take joy in putting them away. he doesn't use them as punching bags for his own anger and trauma.
he keeps harvey from committing suicide and tells him, earnestly, that there's still hope for him. he sits across from john and admits, hoarse and teary-eyed, that he truly did consider them friends. he gives up being batman for alfred's sake. he visits john in arkham, with an honest smile, despite all they went through. these choices may be optional, yes, but with the way telltale writes their characters, every one of these options is perfectly in-character for their bruce. you may play him a little angrier, a little more vengeful, a little less sympathetic - but at his core, he's the same. at his core, he still looks at gotham city, and the villains he goes up against, and says "i'm sorry this happened to you, i wish i knew how to make it better". he cradles them against his chest.
i don't know if any of this made sense, but tl;dr: telltale writes bruce as a flawed person, yes, but at his core he is loving and charismatic and bittersweet, and that's who i've always thought he should be.
(this kinda turned into bruce loveposting halfway through, but hopefully i still got the point across.)
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