#oh oh OH and then there's saga's part in the dark place which
ilkkawhat · 7 months
no no but really, now that i'm already three drinks in tonight and just feel like sharing, there is just something about the koskela commercials that add to this weird sense of nostalgia when I play aw2, added in with just the general beautiful scenery, listening to the pat maine radio show and hearing filth by national nightmare in that early part of the game...it just makes bright falls feel like home in a way that i never quite expected, esp given that i never played any remedy verse game, let alone alan wake (though like many things i get utterly obsessed with, i was at one time exposed to it i think during the peak of my twin peaks hyperfixation), and to just have that much of a connection to a game i got into literally at the end of november (the 23rd of 2023 to be precise) and maybe it's just because i have been so desperate for an escape and that's what this game gave me and not just that, it has inspired me so much to the point where i'm fucking drawing again--something that i was like traumatically discouraged from at a much too early age--and giffing and making graphics and writing when i swore i never would again...just fuck man. i feel like i have a few "cornerstone" pieces of media that have impacted me on such a highly personal level to the point where they might even change me a little but this....alan wake, remedy-verse, ilkka, all of that is just......something special
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post-it-notes7 · 9 months
PiN7's Mirrorverse Masterpost
A collection of my various posts, art, and comics surrounding my take on a Kirby Animeverse Mirror World, complete with the occasional game element thrown in here and there. The questions/titles listed below are paraphrased, and each links to their original posts, which will go more in-depth. They are not in chronological order, but sorted into groups based on their relation to one another. If you're confused, don't worry! Mirrorverse wasn't designed to be digested all in one sitting, but taken piece by piece as it continues to be built up. Browse around, you may find something interesting.
General Knowledge:
Get a basic feel for the Mirror World
Can reflections make themselves look like their counterpart?
How DMK got that scar
How does a reflection know if their counterpart has died?
Views On Shattering
How common are medics and healing items?
More information on how Mir Falspar’s shoulder works
fresh wound(?)
how does it feel
Is Mirror Galaxia Sentient: Yes!
That weird sword? (NOT Galaxia)
Mir Arthur and the General Gemstones: Some More Information 
What do they do
Can someone be sensed and/or tracked?
A Helpful Timeline
Chronological Events:
(Most Recent In-Timeline)
A Chance
A Secret
The Kitchen Plot
A Midnight Meeting (Page 1)
The Complete Kitchen Plot (Pages 1-79)
What was he thinking? (kitchenette 1)
DMK's so ready for this (kitchenette 2)
Mir Falspar gives up (kitchenette 3)
At least he got this balloon (kitchenette 4)
Mirror Sadness (kitchenette 5)
A Normal Dinner (kitchenette 6)
Have you SEEN the latest update? (kitchenette 7)
The Kitchen Plot is back (kitchenette 8)
Epilogue 1: Mir Nonsurat
Epilogue 2: Dark Meta Knight
Epilogue 3: Mir Fehr
Waking Interlude
DMK's Hiding Spots...
Room Arrest
Is it worth it?
Just checking
A little chat (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Mir Arthur can (probably) be trusted with this information
A peek at one of Mir Nonsurat's many string boards
The Mir Falspar Sleepless Saga
Something’s up
Watch him, will you?
Uh oh, DMK’s here
It’s not like he’ll know
Wake up time
DMK suffers the consequences (part 1)
DMK is tired of the consequences  (part 2)
Wait—Mir Arthur did what?
Guess it all lines up
Don't dwell on it 
It's not like he's getting out
He got out
The Grind Never Sleeps (meme)
Crossroads with Mirror Galacta Knight?
Going to meet the new reflection
DMK mentions The Cave Incident
The Cave Incident
A few days later…
Mir Garlude Resigns from the Mir GSA
The Attack
She’s Gone
Dragging DMK Back
Telling Mir Arthur
Recovery Period
(Bonus meme) Friendship Ended with DMK
The Bright and Shining Years
A smile (Part 1) (Part 2)
Training with Mir Garlude: The Seven Part Comic
Start Here (page links are provided on original post)
Bonus Page (takes place modern day)
(^Least Recent In-Timeline)
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gardens-light · 1 year
One Giant Problem
With Abe out of action, due to recovering from the previous mission. Hellboy's 'usual' interaction with Manning, and him not taking well to the new comrad. Things hasn't gone down so well at The Bureau.
On top of all that, duty still calls and Hellboy has another mission to do. Not realizing that it may open up more problems... for what happens when the 'evil' you're fighting against, turn out to be people within your own ranks?...
Contents: Mild Coarse Language. Spoilers for Hellboy film (2019). Fluff. One bed cliche hinted towards end. (Part 3)
New Girl Saga. (If you'd like to be tagged for future parts. Let me know.)
Part 1 Part 3
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You took a step back as Hellboy raised his voice. Keeping your eyes low, simply gazing at the floor, as a gentle sigh left Professor Broom.
"My boy..." Broom approached Hellboy, sitting upon the armrest of the couch while leaning upon his cane. "I know you're upset about Agent Clay. It's not an easy job."
Hellboy continued to stare at the multiple screens, of the box TV's which stacked on top of one another.
"But... it's apart of the job. Everyone here knows that."
"Try and tell Manning that." Hellboy's voice had a firm tone. "He's not in charge, yet the asshole walks and talks like he is."
"I know you and Agent Manning don't always see eye to eye-"
"Father, please! The guy talks to me like a piece of shit, and holds me accountable!"
Professor Broom nodded while placing a gentle hand upon Hellboy's shoulder. "I'll speak with Manning. I agree that he has no right in the matter of addressing people the way he does. But please... there's something important I wish to discuss with you."
A heavy sigh left Hellboy, as he silently nodded. Giving the Professor a chance to continue with what he was trying to say before.
"As I was saying... the Osiris Club. They're a British occult society formed in 1866, by the ranking members of the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra." Broom adjusted his semi-circle glasses. Feeling Hellboy's confuse gaze. "Like us, they fight against the forces of darkness. Our organizations have had a long-standing relationship."
"We scratch their backs and they scratch ours?" Hellboy questioned.
Broom gave him a warm smile, "in a manner of speaking... they're old friends of mine, and they need your help with dealing a curtain type of problem."
"Oh yea? What kind of problem?"
Heathrow. England. 6pm
The cargo plane rumbled and shook as it came to land. Waking up from an uncomfortable sleep, a groan left you as you became aware of the crick in your neck.
"You alright, Kid?"
Your eyes fluttered open. The leather of Hellboy's trench coat rubbed against your cheek, as you looked up at him. Cheeks going red, once realizing you were resting upon his shoulder.
"H-How long was I out?"
"Roughly about most of the trip. You snored a little."
"O-Oh... umm, sorry."
"Don't be. I thought it was kinda cute."
A small smile came to Hellboy, as he noticed your cheeks redden even more.
"Good morning guys, this is your pilot speaking. We've landed into Heathrow and luckily it's warm and sunny weather. Please stay seated until the plane has come to a complete stop."
Hellboy undid his belt. standing upon his feet and holding onto the railings above him. "Get ready, Kid. These guys run like clockwork from what I've heard."
You struggled onto your feet. Holding onto his coat for balance, as the plane shook one final time while coming to a complete stop. Causing you to fall into his open arms. You both remained speechless as Hellboy helped you back onto your feet, holding you against him to keep you on balance.
A concierge lead you to the taxi which waited at the bottom of the portable stairs. Holding an umbrella, covering Hellboy from any possible views from passersby.
Sitting in the back of the taxi, feeling Hellboy briefly gazing at you throughout the trip. Biting your lip, you slowly looked at him as his attention snapped away from you. His golden eyes gazing out of the black tinted windows.
"Professor Broom was right." Your voice felt loud in the silence that was held between you for so long. "What happened to Abe and Clay... it wasn't your fault. Without you, nothing would of been achieved."
Hesitating for a moment, softly biting your lip before you continued. "I know you don't like me."
Hellboy's attention suddenly snapped back to you, his features softened as his gentle gaze saddened. Looking at you as though he was hurt by your words.
"It's ok." You assured with a weak smile, "but I'll always be here for you- and not because it's apart of my job." You leaned in a little closer to him, "y'know... you're not as bad as you think you are."
"We've arrived." The driver announced, interrupting Hellboy.
Black iron gates automatically opened, allowing the iconic English car to pass. You looked out of the window, looking up at the impressive Victorian manner. Reminding you of the old fashioned manner from shows like Downton Abby.
Hellboy saw the small smile forming upon your lips, as the sunlight of dusk reflected from the windows and sparkled in your eyes.
I don't hate you, Y/N... his sadden voice echoed within his head. I just hate the fact of what I am keeps us apart...
Exiting the car, the driver opened your door. Gesturing towards the large double wooden doors.
You couldn't help but gaze at your surroundings, as you and Hellboy followed the butler's lead. The foyer itself was huge and grand, a crystal chandelier hung central to the space. You and Hellboy gathered around the small, circular table underneath the impressive fixture. An elegant rug covered the vintage flooring, while renaissance style paintings lined the wooden panelled walls.
"Your... guests, m'lord." the butler announced as he stopped in front of the flight of stairs before you. Hellboy raised an eyebrow at the man's appounciation, while well dressed gentlemen came down the stairs. Approaching you and Hellboy with warm smiles.
"Hellboy, welcome! I'm Lord Adam Glaren."
A middle aged man stepped a little further in front of the other two. His studious gaze fell on you, as you held your hand out.
"I'm Agent Y/N, sir. You have a beautiful home."
Lord Glaren hesitated before shaking your hand. Your smile slowly fading as you became uncomfortable under his curious stare.
"Welcome my dear, and a pleasure to meet you as well. I thank you for your compliment."
As he let go of your hand, you slowly stepped back to Hellboy's side. Your eyes slowly looking around the foyer. Sensing your sudden unease, Hellboy wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
"May I introduce to you my associates? Dr Edwin Carp and August Swain." Lord Glaren introduced.
Hellboy smiled at Dr Carp, "hi. Have you guys ever been to the Osiris Club in Jersey?"
"No, I do not believe we have." Dr Carp spoke in thought, "say Glaren. Do we have a club in USA?"
"It's like this, but with strippers."
You couldn't help but smile at Hellboy's joke. Watching the Dr's face screw up into an unimpressed expression eased you to relax a little. Clearing his throat as he walked away and adjusting the blazer of his suit.
"Pay him no mind." Mr Swain politely spoke, stepping closer to you and Hellboy. "Your... hand" he pointed to Hellboy's hand of stone, "a fascinating thing. What purpose does it serve?"
"It smashes things good." Hellboy's voice kept it's bold tone.
"We are so very glad you accepted our invitation." Everyone's attention fell onto Lord Glaren again. "The Professor and I go back a long way."
Hellboy silently nodded, as you slowly approached one of the paintings upon the wall.
"The Osiris Club has been long dedicated to preserving the secret history of Great Britain." Lord Glaren explained, as Hellboy's wandering eyes left him and onto you. "It affords us certain insights into... 'certain individuals'-"
"By that, I assume you mean 'individuals' such as Hellboy?" you spoke over your shoulder.
Lord Glaren raised an eyebrow, as his associates nervously chuckled. The Lord noticing Hellboy's small smile, as the demon's gaze never left you.
"We've also given vital counsel to your B.P.R.D on occasion." Mr Swain added.
Your yawn interrupted the gentleman. Hellboy's attention fell back onto Lord Glaren, "perhaps skip onto the important part? My girl is tired, and I doubt you've flew us halfway around the world just so you could give a little history lesson."
Your body stiffened at the new nickname. An uncomfortable chill slowly crawled up your spine, feeling the two mens studious stare upon your back. While Lord Glaren pulled a fake smile.
"Perhaps... we should just show you?" you could hear the Lord's patronising tone.
Lord Glaren walked towards the bookcase in the far side of the foyer, his fingers tilting the spine of a green, leather book. A squeak echoed throughout the space, as a section of the bookcase opened inward. Exposing a small, spiral staircase which was hidden within the wall.
Hellboy approached you, placing a gentle hand upon the small of your back.
"Shall we?"
His voice snapping you out of your daze, and bringing you back into the moment. "Your... girl?" your brain could barely form the whisper.
Your eyes widened a little, as Hellboy's cheeks flushed to a deeper tone of red. Using his hand of stone to scratch the back of his neck.
"Ye..ah" he nervously chuckled. "You're... y'know... and we're..." his body slouched as a heavy sigh escaped him. "F-Forget I said anything... let's... just follow Mr Fancy-Pants..."
You tried to keep a straight face, as you and Hellboy followed the three men down the spiral staircase, and into a basement like space.
"Giants once dominated the British Isles." Mr Swain explained. "Vile, loathsome creatures that would likely eat you, as to look at you."
"They've always been a problem." Dr Carp added, stroking his mustache. "Bodies buried all over England. It's a curious feature of giants, that they occasionally rise from their graves and wreak havoc."
Lord Glaren flashed a smile that made you comfortable, "and when they do... we organize a hunt."
I'm not liking that tone of his... your thoughts wandered.
Coming to the bottom of the stairs, and walking into an archway. Your eyes looked up, placing a hand to your throat as you swallowed your nerves. Framing the high, circular ceiling was a ray of severed heads of giants- multiple ranging in size and colour. Some had broken tusks and horns sticking out from their grotesque faces. Your stomach turned as your eyes continued to scan the area.
"And I thought you had a big head." Nerves taken over your voice, reducing it to a small whisper that Hellboy couldn't hear your joke.
Slowly panning down from the ceiling to the walls, more paintings and photographs came into view.
"We call it, The Wild Hunt." Lord Glaren announced, as Hellboy walked around the room.
"Clearly, you guys are old pro's at this." Hellboy's attention fell onto Lord Glaren, as his associates stood behind him. "Why request my help to kill a giant?"
Hellboy's looked over his shoulder as you bumped into his back, you flashed him a weak smile. Attempting to not raise his suspicions, as Lord Glaren caught his gaze again.
"Three giants, actually."
Hellboy raised an eyebrow at the gentleman's cocky tone.
"One we can handle. Perhaps even two. But three?... now that's a different matter altogether."
"This particular trio is terrorizing the New Forest." Dr Carp explained, his gaze studying you and Hellboy made your spine tingle. "Sucking on the bones of anyone unlucky enough to fall foul of them."
"The marrow, you see." Mr Swain added, "they can't get enough. So if any were to reach a populated centre-"
"It's meal time?"
Mr Swain turned up his nose at the demon.
"This task isn't something to be taken lightly, Hellboy." Lord Glaren's voice held a serious tone. "These are Gigantum Mortis. The most unpleasant and horrid species of the giant-kind. Just ask your father..."
Hellboy followed the direction of Lord Glaren's pointed finger. His eyes widening as his gaze fell onto a black and white photo. Framed in a copper frame, the photo showed a group of men in their twenties. Standing around the severed head of a giant, while they wore armour that looked like something a medieval templar knight would of worn.
"Professor Broom was a guest of The Hunt, when we took a giant down back in '43." Lord Glaren's voice eased his serious edge, but a firm tone could still be heard.
"I always knew Dad aged well..." Hellboy looked at Lord Glaren, "but you guys... picture looks like it was taken yesterday."
"There's a reason for that..." a feminine voice echoed throughout the basement. Everyone's eyes fell onto a beautiful woman, as she emerged from the spiral staircase.
You couldn't help but gaze at her appearance. Silver hair styled in a 1920's updo framed her delicate face. Rabbit fur coat complemented the pearls that hung around her neck, while her pure white eyes gave her native complexion a mystercal glow.
"The phenomenon you so rightly observed was the by-product of a seance." Her voice held an elegance that just captured the attention of anyone whom she spoke to. "The four of us- along with your Professor Broom, were involved in just before the war."
Your eyes widened, "the war? You mean World War II?"
The woman smiled, appeared to be amused by your shocked tone.
"Allow me to introduce our resident seer, Lady Elizabeth Hatton." Lord Glaren introduced.
"The spirit I made contact that night was exceptionally powerful." Lady Elizabeth circled the room, continuing speaking as though she didn't hear Lord Glaren's voice. "It warned us that something was coming... Something that would end all of mankind, as we know it. Therefore we were chosen to seek it out. And destroy it..."
You felt the atmosphere change within the room. Biting your lip as the stare's from the men begun to play on your building anxiety.
"Ever since, we've aged at a snail's pace in order to fulfill that mission." Her eyes wandered over you briefly, "no matter how long it took."
"Okay... and this, ugh thing you're worried about." Hellboy spoke, "did it show up?"
Lady Elizabeth's eyes wandered over the demon, raising her eyebrows as she said with a small smile. "Yes... it did..."
"You and... your girl, must be exhausted from your trip, Agent Hellboy." Lord Glaren butted in, attempting to ease the tension that begun to build. "I have a guest's quarters prepared for you. One bed wouldn't be problem would it?"
You and Hellboy stiffened, as you both awkwardly glanced at each other.
Oh shit...
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What would happen if the Cullens were trapped in the town of Silent Hill?
If you're unaware, Silent Hill is a tourist town with a dark secret. It has the power to "call" those with darkness in their hearts or unresolved trauma and trap them in a nightmarish Other World. This Other World is a reflection of a person's mind plastered over the town, populated with monsters derived from a person's fears, vices and personal demons.
The only way to escape the Other World is to go on a journey the town creates for you to confront and come to terms with your past.
I'm just thinking, with all the baggage the Cullens have, Silent Hill would have a field day with them. Especially Bella and Edward.
So, who do you think would escape from Silent Hill? My money's on Carlisle and Rosalie, personally. Renesmee, Esme, Jasper and Alice I'm not so sure about. It could go either way. Bella and Edward though? Yeah, probably not.
Emmett, by far being the most grounded and, for lack of a better term, sanest Cullen probably wouldn't be drawn into the Other World. He's just stuck in a tourist town with a panicking Jacob wondering where the hell everyone is.
Interesting question, I haven't played the games nor seen the movie adaptations but I know there's a Pyramid Head.
But I can work with this premise. Alright, let's bullet point the Cullens. Who escapes from Silent Hill?
Alice has no memories of Mary Alice Brandon's traumatic past. It doesn't even seem to be repressed so much as a product of electroshock therapy in the 1920's. Alice also has very little angst about the fact that she's missing her memories and most of her problems are due to Edward's nonsense and are more or less easily solved if she works around him and the Volturi.
What I'm getting at is that Alice is never called.
She's also stuck with Emmett in this dumb tourist town wondering why they decided to vacation in Virginia.
Bella has no idea what the fuck is happening. The thing about Bella is she takes things at such face, literal, value that she would just think this is a town of monsters that has absolutely nothing to do with her. Even when it becomes increasingly obvious this is a metaphor for the choices she made, her own insecurities, and her own fears.
Bella tries to get out and gets increasingly frustrated when no solution presents itself.
She doesn't escape because she doesn't want to confront herself.
Ooh baby, yep, Carlisle's going. Canonically he seems to have unresolved issues with his late father, his witch burning past, the fact that he gave into loneliness and turned the others into vampires (especially when he learns that not all desired to become one and may rather have died) not to mention the whole Twilight saga which destroys his friendship with Aro and gives him increasing existential dread.
I imagine Carlisle has a horrible time in a town full of everything on fire.
However, as you note, I imagine he gets out. Carlisle in canon (for all we don't see much of him) does seem to have done a good job coming to terms with his own history and who he is. He confronts difficult things such as whether or not he should have turned the others and does vocally wonder about them to Bella. He notes that he went through great introspection over whether being a vampire made him evil and Edward notes he has great distress over what he did as a human to people who turned out to be innocent after all.
Carlisle would realize what this place is and that he has to go on this journey to confront the worst part of himself.
(True to hilarious Twilight fashion, I imagine he'd get out of this personal journey hellscape and find himself with his oblivious family who have no idea anything happened to him at all.)
Oh yes, Edward was made for this place. The thing is I think Edward would catch on very fast to what this is, that this is a place of his own personal demons (ah, hello Pyramid Head) but he wouldn't want to admit it or confront it. He would rail against it, he knows what he is and he knows he wants to do anything but confront or accept it. He saw the demon already when he nearly ate Bella in Biology, he has no desire to do so again.
I imagine as he continues to resist more terrible things happen (I am sure a copy of Bella gets eaten somewhere in here) and Edward chooses to embrace madness or the illusion rather than get through and let the monster consume him (as that's what he'd fear the answer is).
Edward doesn't get out.
Yup, never goes.
He has no idea what's happening and where everyone went. He figures they'll show up eventually (hoping the Volturi didn't get them or something.)
Esme... you know, I think she might. Esme would find herself in a very lonely and unpleasant place, it'd take her a while, but I imagine she'd eventually realize this all has to do with her and that she never truly confronted the past or herself. She gave up on life and then immediately was handed everything she'd ever wanted and so had never had to face that.
Esme leaves and has to become a person again.
"Ah, hello darkness, my old friend" Jasper immediately recognizes what this is and what's happening to him. Doesn't matter that it's a surreal nightmarefest, all of it's just somehow so very familiar.
I give Jasper a 50/50 chance. The thing is, Alice threw him a lifeline before and he's still clinging to it with all his might. He was never really saved from who and what he was, he just hopes desperately that Alice and the Cullens will keep him afloat.
This journey would have to show him that that isn't enough and he would have to realize as much and realize that Alice can't save him if he doesn't do his own part as well.
(Which of course, would be terrifying to him, because if Alice can't save him then Jasper sure as hell can't save himself).
What you get is essentially a surreal version of Bleach on the Brain by @therealvinelle.
Renesmee at first is very confused and terrified by all of this. She's separated from her family, this place is filled with strange monsters reminiscent of the Volturi, but slowly Renesmee realizes that these are her fears and insecurities, that she doesn't love Jacob and is terrified of him, and her family are strangers to her and she's not sure any of them love her.
I like to believe Renesmee would get out but it would mean letting go of the illusion of her family, the belief that she must matter to them, and learning to confront the possibility that none of them might care at all.
Yup, she's going there, and like Jasper she immediately realizes what this is for all she's horrified by it. I imagine Rosalie's in a state of panicked terror as she was supposed to be done with this: she'd gotten her revenge, murdered all of them, had put it out of her mind as fast as she could.
Rosalie would really struggle but I imagine eventually pull through. She'd have to recognize that Emmett can't fix everything, that there were some things she never let go, that she's still searching for affection and love she's not sure she'll ever receive (from Edward as well as Alice).
However, Rosalie's a very strong person emotionally who did face something like this once before and pulled through. She wants to get better, to be a better person, so I think she'd make it through.
Edward and Bella are the only one's I'd say definite no towards.
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mushiemellows · 14 days
Regarding your thoughts on Franky being the Strawhat to die, do you think that could potentially lead to the "bad ending"? The one where Franky becomes a full robot before being made into a ship? Maybe someone (potentially Robin) finds what's left of him and tries to bring him back that way? Maybe he comes back wrong as a result? I figure in that state all that would be left is a brain, which was more than Franky ever wanted to lose.
oh my god my friend this is one of those like ideal messages that cracks my brain open and looks right at my inside thoughts. Yes. Yes. This line of thinking is what inspired me to even start obsessively writing franky fic in the first place. I'm so fascinated by The Line with him-- simulacra, ship of theseus type shit. It's the core of what makes him so interesting to me, and it's what makes Kuma such a cool thematic foil for him, too. I've like, fallen DEEP into the Bad Ship Timeline recently, even more so than where I started.
When I say I think he's going to be the Strawhat that dies, I guess I should add the caveat that I DO think they'll take the sort of cop out direction of like, dying and getting rebuilt. Especially with all the other robotics scientists on the field now. But a robot/pascifista type simulacra of Franky would be a hollow revival; he would still be v much dead unless they kept at least a part of him like his brain. The huge horror of Boat Timeline to me would be the process of him doing it to himself (which is the horror of Franky to even BEGIN WITH, right?).
The first fic I ever posted has been looooong deleted, but I wrote it essentially to have a conversation between his genetic clone and his pacifista, trying to square their relationship to each other and to the original person. I wasn't happy with the fic for a number of reasons, which is part of why I deleted it and reworked it. But then that was retooled into What Makes a Man which you are severely tempting me to return to (tho I will warn, this fic reeks of Early Writing. I've learned a LOT since i initially started it). I never finished the second and third acts, which were the whole crux of why I wanted to write the fic to begin with. It would be fun to keep going down this fic line. I LOVE a reanimation story, and I especially love a Came Back Wrong story (uhhhh spoiler for the direction I was planning on taking the fic in, i guess). And ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY when its a lovers come back wrong story OUGHHHH. idk, its strange that the Frankenstein angle isn't explored more in Franky stories?
At the same time, I'd love to figure out how to push the Boat Timeline angle. The other path I wish Oda had the balls to pursue would be a Dark Franky/mechanical possession/reprogramming sub plot, but idk if we have the time for that in Final Saga. But esp given recent teased twist, I'd love to see this happen. and i was hoping it would happen in egghead Like I LOVE the idea of him taking and taking and taking away from himself until he is like literally a brain in a jar left (and the way I write him, 37 isn't actually far from that state. I'm glad I got to touch on that even more in Handle With Care and Showoff). ALSO re: boat timeline, I think it would be very sweet if someone helped to build him that wasn't Robin? Obv I love the lovers angle. But there's so many direction it could go??? Usopp building him back, MADS building him back, Vegapunk building him, Iceburg building him back?? All of Galley-La and his family and Zambai helping turn him into a warship as a final act of love after "death"?? There's SO many ways it could go, it would be so fun to explore wow.
I love love love talking about this, thank you so much and please please feel free to talk more about your thoughts too on robot+ship+brain horror/beauty in the grotesque aaaaahhhh.
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wr3nns · 17 days
So my roommate and I are quarantined together because we both got COVID together, and I convinced them to listen to the entirety of Epic: the Musical (which, if you didn't know, is a musical retelling of the Odyssey and is full of absolutely GORGEOUS music made by extremely skilled peoples, but it is a retelling of the Odyssey so it gets dark and sad sometimes). They then did so in one sitting, and I wrote down their comments for the entire time because we were stuck together and they had a lot to say. (Don't worry, they gave permission for me to post this to "the forums" because the people would like it, even though I didn't ask to. Great fun, this roommate.)
(I think it's worth noting that I've gotten into the habit of saying "like the musical?" whenever they say "epic", which is quite frequently. We happen to be the pinnacle of humor.)
If you still haven't listened to Epic, go do that and then come back here (it's only a little under 2 hours as of writing this!). The following contains spoilers up through the Wisdom Saga and Hold Them Down (which has not been released yet but there are clips, and I hope that's the actual title but I don't know).
Final warning! Go listen to it if you haven't! You can find it on YouTube and Spotify, probably other places as well but those are the ones I know of.
Heads up for strong language. My roommate swears.
"Full speed ahead = this guy loves his wife"
"Fire but no smoke???? Guys do NOT go to that island"
"Bro do not go to the cave. Bro, they're going to the cave, fucking idiots."
"Bruhhhh… all his men are getting hit by the club! Dumbass. That's why you don't go into the fucking cave."
"Broooo… these guys are DEFINITELY gonna open the bag! I mean cuz there are like four other parts… so there's no way they make it home."
"Bruh… fucking idiots… opening the bag!"
"Yoooo, Poseidon just showed up!"
"Wouldn't you like is FIREEEE"
"Brooo… this guy's gonna cheat on his wife with a nymph."
"Bro this guy's cheatin' on his wife! This guy's cheatin' on his wife! Guys! This guy's cheatin' on his wife!"
"Mmmm… is he gonna cheat on his wife? I feel like it's implied that he's gonna cheat on his wife. Because that's what happened in the book, he had sex with everybody. Then he got home and got mad at his wife. But HE'S the slut!"
"Oh he's not cheating on his wife."
"Bruh… he lowkey wants to cheat on his wife. He kinda wants to cheat on his wife! Okay, whatever."
"Oh, well the prophet is dead. Oh shit they gotta go to the underworld!"
"Uh oh it's the underworld time! Wait I'm almost at the Monster Energy song."
"Oh shit 558 men died because of this guy? Oh it's all his dead men being like, what the hell."
"BRUHHH HIS MOM DIED??? Goddamn. Bruh his mom died while he was gone, that's so sad!"
"Come on… come on… monster! Yes!"
"Whatever. No longer you is taking 3 million years to end, hurry up!"
They made this instead of listening to the song and had to go back to actually hear it:
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"Well now he's gonna be evil for real because everyone's telling him ruthlessness is mercy. And he's like, well if everyone's telling me to do it."
"Ooh thunder saga, I bet it's Zeus. Epic Zeus moment!"
"Wait he has a daughter? I thought he had a son. Oh I bet it's an evil siren thing."
"Bro he's getting tricked, his ass is getting tricked!"
"This guy's… this guy's crazy. This guy's getting tricked! It's not Penelope!"
"Oh he knew that, he knew it. Whatever. Whatever. Okay. It's so fucking emo."
"Haha he doesn't have a daughter. I remembered."
"Bruh, everyone's mad at him for missing his wife. You'd let your men die to see your wife? Um, why don't you just survive? Skill issue."
"Oh my god fucking dumbass killed the cow. Idiot idiot idiot. Apollo's gonna get your fucking ass. Dude! These guys keep killing cattle that don't belong to them."
"Ooh this is awesome. Odysseus has to choose between his own life and his men. I feel like he's gonna choose his own life. Because they all suck and they're fucking stupid."
"Oooh, who is he gonna choose, I feel like he's gonna choose himself! Because his crew is all fucking stupid!"
"(gasp) he picked himself! Because he loves his wife so much!"
"Oh it's his son or whatever."
"Everyone wants to fuck his mom!"
"Don't call her a tramp."
"Awesome Athena moment."
"No, Athena! Don't blame yourself for Odysseus being a piece of shit. He kinda did that to himself."
"Is it mean to think his son is kind of annoying?"
"I just like Athena when she's being kind of mean. Like I don't care that she's being nice right now."
"Bruh! Oh my god he just keeps getting trapped. Stupid."
"Everyone wants Odysseus. I feel like it would be more interesting if he cheated on his wife."
"I guess it would be too much like Hamilton if he cheated on his wife."
"Bro he's gonna kill himself!"
"That's so annoying. If he's just gonna kill himself after killing all his men… I don't know…"
"Oh Aphrodite's voice is so epic."
"Oh they just made him not cheat on his wife so that Hera would like him!"
"That was fire! That was pretty epic!"
Bonus, re: Telemachus Me: "Be nice to him!" Them: "I'll probably like him more after they try to kill him. You can write that one down too."
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
Does beast resent the X-Men?
"What a funny question. What's to resent?"
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So, funny thing - I'm pretty sure that Hank has never really wanted to be an X-Man. He's found meaning in it, of course; he's made some good friends; he met one of the loves of his life through the X-Men; he's been able to do a massive amount of good in the world by being the right X-Man in the right place at the right time.
But it's not a life that's really good or healthy for him, and this dates all the way back to the 60s, if you can believe it.
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This is from Uncanny X-Men #5, in 1964. We haven't even hit double digits yet!
Five issues in, and he already doesn't really want to be there! And it's kind of not hard to see why - his powers are easy to control, he can pass for a human with ease, his genius intellect means he can have his pick of any research project he wants, he has a family that loves him and accepts him, he had a girlfriend before he joined the X-Men. Honestly, Hank's life was pretty good!
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He was made a promise that he'd get to change the world in a way that his normal life wouldn't afford him.
It's just that Professor X didn't really tell him that there'd be days like this.
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It's one thing to have to fight a magnetic maniac who's going to throw missiles at you and try to nuke a small country. Fine, whatever, that may well have been in the brochure. But did the Professor ever tell them that they were going to be attacked by the people they were trying to save? Because here's the thing, there are universes where Hank isn't so lucky when things like this happen.
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But hey, this is all part and parcel of being a superhero, right?
Uh, well.
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No. No, this is specifically an X-Men problem.
It fucking sucks being an X-Man, dude. It fucking sucks. You work hard, you nearly get killed, nobody appreciates you, and yeah, you and your friends know that it's unfair and that you deserve better, but that doesn't magically make it change, does it?
So, does Hank resent the X-Men, in so far as the actual concept? Yeah, a little bit. He recognises there's a need for them, of course, but actually having to be one fucking sucks! He can do just as much good with the Avengers or the Defenders as he can with the X-Men, maybe even more, so why should he be with the X-Men?
Because they need him.
Because without Hank McCoy, the X-Men would have been absolutely fucked in the following situations (list is not exhaustive):
The Dark Phoenix Saga (he stopped the police from answering the Hellfire Club calls for assistance, and created the psionic scrambler that gave them a fighting chance against her in their second fight).
Finishing the cure for the Legacy Virus (other geneticists might well have been closing in on solving it, like Kavita Rao, but how many more mutants would have died in the time it took for them to match Hank's speed?)
Stopping Unus the Untouchable from joining the Brotherhood of Mutants and fucking rolling the X-Men way, way back in the day.
Creating the Skrull Legacy Virus bioweapon, which may well have been morally repugnant, but who knows how many more casualties the world and the remaining X-Men would have sustained in a protracted conflict with the Skrulls?
Negotiating peace with Hydra Cap to create New Tian; giving the X-Men time to regroup and save mutants from the Terrigen Clouds; and hey, do you know what Hank's actual most underrated achievements are?
Oh yeah, that time he saved humanity! Solo!
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And that time he saved the Inhumans!
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Like. The X-Men need Hank. They always need him. Hell, you know what I find really fucking funny? Krakoa's very happy to shit all over him, but guess what?
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The flowers that create those lovely miracle drugs that gives Krakoa economic bargaining power? Hank's creation.
Not Sinister's.
Not Moira's. Not Xavier's, not Magneto's, not Storm's, not Cyclops'.
They need him.
Hell, they can't even kill Hank without Hank!
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But at least they treat him right, yeah?
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"Hey, Hank, I know we got you fired from Harvard University because we turned up to your place of work for your help and shit went down, like, instantly, but . . . uhh, not gonna say sorry!"
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"Hey, so, I know that we made you move to Attilan to try and come up with a solution to M-Pox, but since you can't deliver, we're just going to thunderbolt you in the back and lock you in a cage, mmkay?"
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"Have you just tried not having PTSD, Hank? Can you do that for us? I know you're upset that your claws and fur fell out, but, like, the whining's getting to just be a bit much."
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"Hey, so, like, we know you recently lost a finger, got telepathically fucked in the head by Charles' evil twin, and are basically dealing with the mother of all body dysmorphia episodes right now, but have you considered fuck you, we need a poster boy that says it's okay to be a mutant? Because the rest of us are all really pretty supermodels with easily hidden powers and that kinda sends the wrong message, you know?"
There's a moment, that I'm not going to cap, because it comes from Uncanny X-Men #600, during the intervention, where Hank turns around, sees the time displaced X-Men, his fellow teaching staff, his friends (allegedly), and they're all telling him that he's unstable. That he's causing them problems.
Ororo tells him, either you listen to us, or we call SHIELD and have them put you in a box for crimes against nature and science.
And he says, verbatim, "After everything I've done for you - "
The narrative paints him as furious. Obstinate. An asshole.
Except, he's right. He's given them everything he has. And it's not enough for them. He's in obvious pain, he's lashing out, he's emotionally unstable, he's acting irrationally. But they can't even do this right, because this is not how you help Hank. Hank doesn't respond to this, and you'd know that if you fucking cared.
What does Hank respond to?
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Even if you don't read this moment romantically, is it not just fucking startling the difference in Hank's character? All of his 'friends' in a room, he walks out, he leaves, he's furious, because fuck you all, you want to humiliate me like this?
But Simon just. Asks him out for drinks, and he talks, and he talks, and he talks, and he smiles.
Your question was, does Beast resent the X-Men?
I ask you in return - how could he not?
His life would be better if he'd never joined them. And he knows that.
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celestialholz · 2 years
So, The Harvest...
Oh, you thought I wasn't coming back for you after spending five hours on Surrendering Sunflora, did ya? Thought you were slipping under my radar? Guess again, my spicy little friend...
The Harvest is of course Brassius' other named Artazon sculpture, and it tells its own compelling narrative, because... well, of course it does, have I taught you all nothing? Imagine this guy does something straight for 0.3 of a second.
Fellow gay theorist mini Holz will be demonstrating these for you today:
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For simplicity's sake, we'll call these A, B and C respectively. Now, I've commented before that C is the perfect example of The Harvest being part-Brass, part-Hass and part-Arboliva, because of its colours, spikiness and form, but what's a story with only its ending?
And so, if one must be relevant to types, so must the others.
This is, as were the Sunfloras, allegorical. I've had to take the meanings from these, as representations of their types. But I've said it before and I'll say it again - this is what artists do, and this is also what people who makes game do. They ask you to consider their minds at the time of creation, and that's kinda of my whole deal, ripping that shit open like it's a goddamn Christmas present.
We start, therefore, with A. A's colours represent the Fire and Electric types - a passion, a spark, a zest and a joy in living. In colour theory, yellow is happiness, and red is fire - a blaze of emotion. And yet, it's circled by pale blue 'olives' - in Pokemon terms, the Ice type, and a type our dear Brassie is weak to. This is his beginning - creativity, smothered by the cold of depression. We know he was saved by Hass, which leads us to...
... B. B is saturated now in Ice - the cold has crept in, the depression and illness is defining him more than the joy in art. Except... now it's joined by pink. And this pink is damn close to the Psychic type, a type filled with knowledge, mental strength, and sunshine allegories - Solgaleo and Solrock, anyone? Or, you know, a man who looks far too much like a Sunflora...
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B, therefore, is Brass finding Hass, at his lowest ebb. Hass is getting under his skin, showering him in praise, showing him that he's worth all the self-belief and self-confidence in the world, healing him... which is where the Dragon-type indigo comes in. This time, Hassel orbits him; he circles the outside, understanding, encouraging, boosting that mental strength by showing Brass how worthy and brilliant he is. Which leads to only one conclusion...
... C. C is harmony. C is the man we find before us in the game, the end product of all that boosting, all of Hassel's kindness - the confident, established artist, the man who has allowed colour and vibrance back into his life, orbited now once again by Electric olives - the spark's back. They almost look like miniature suns. Imagine that...
Grass and Dragon, in perfect complement.
Where this gets even more fascinating is that whilst you can find several versions of each colour variant in Artazon, the first place you encounter them is in the central plaza - and whilst A and B host a confused couple, each wondering where their love is...
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... C stands separate, unconcerned.
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Because C? C is anything but alone. It doesn't need one to wonder where the other is - they're right here, and they always will be.
Just to put the cherry on the cake of this adorable saga, though, we must head a town over. Game Freak so deep in their lore mini Holz has to cross Paldea to piece it together. Fucking spectacular, you funky little company.
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Welcome to the central plaza of Levincia instead, where we find this homosexual lassooing his own C on a digital ad board with his own whip. And what's he lassooing it away from? The purple - or, in this case, the Poison type.
... You know, that one type that infects, that creates toxicity. One of those other types Grass is weak to. Nothing toxic will destroy this harmony, not on this man's watch; he will never regress back to the darkness and the depression whilst he has that Dragon beside him, whilst that spark remains.
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talaok · 2 years
I've dreamed of this | Pt. IX
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Summary: You are a part of the BAU, and for the longest time you and Dr. Spencer Reid had been best of friends, even when it was clear to everyone else, and at times to you, that you should be more than that, and when something almost happens on a night out with the team, everything is destined to change.
This is a double pov story (each chapter will be alternated between y/n's and spencer's pov)
Chapter summary: Penelope calls you, and causes a chain reaction
warnings: angst (please don’t be mad at me)
<if you want to be added to the tag-list comment or write to me>
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*I'm really sorry for the long wait*
even his couch felt more comfortable than your own.
It was like you were meant to be here, it felt, like you were meant to be here.
The moment you woke up this morning, your head against his chest, and his sweet amber eyes looking down at you, the only question scratching your mind was why? Why have I waited this long for something I now see, was everything I've always wanted, if not needed?
It didn't make sense,
but then again, it did.
He had told you not to move, begged you even, to promise you wouldn't leave, and you didn't know how to tell him that that wasn't even a possibility you had weighed.
He had, unwillingly, left for work, and left you in his sunny apartment, feeling at home in one that was not your own.
You had been here before, dinners with the team, crashing at his place, movie nights where he either spent the whole time translating the film, or complaining about the improbability portrayed in the ones you chose.
You had been here, sure, but never like this,
now, it was as if you were looking at a whole new flat, a whole new world, one where things did, work out, and where his dark green walls maybe weren't so bad after all.
You had this feeling in your chest you couldn't describe as you smiled brainlessly at the off tv, relieving every second of the past 12 hours.
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this- a lot, for a very long time"
"I don't think I've ever meant anything more"
"would you just please let me kiss you?"
" I could too"
"I like you y/n, I've liked you for a very long time, In a way, I had never had before, and I know this isn't ideal, that there are a lot of things we should consider and talk about, and I'm willing to do that, but I just thought you should know"
"I like you, and I'm serious about this"
All of it in your brain, a constant background above the silence around you.
it felt like a dream,
this couldn't be real,
You had spent so much time fighting it, rationalizing all of it, your feelings for him, the way your heart would melt every time he blushed or smiled, and now there you were.
It all felt surreal.
This wasn't supposed to happen,
This was the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden,
and still,
you had taken a bite of the apple,
and nothing had happened,
not yet anyway.
Ring Ring
Your phone was ringing.
"Hello?" you hadn't even looked at the caller ID
"hi gorgeous, how's it going?" You recognized Penelope's voice.
You smiled at that "great" you said "it's going great"
"Really? Emily said she talked to you yesterday and you seemed down"
"Oh yes" you recalled "well, everything is better now"
"yes, really Pen" you smiled at her thoughtfulness,
"So did you find some things to do?"
You had to hide a laugh "Yes-yes I definitely did"
"Cool like what?"
it wasn't like you could tell her the truth.
oh yeah, so I basically got into a relationship that I'd been avoiding for years with Spencer, our coworker.
That didn't seem like it would work out
"I- I started watching- " you looked around frantically, and your eyes spotted a book "I started watching the lord of the rings"
"the whole saga?" she asked, shocked
"yes, it's been keeping me occupied"
"Spencer's gonna be happy about that" she scoffed amusedly.
Your cheeks flushed just at the mention of his name "Speaking of which" she said, and you could hear the smirk on her lips "Wonderboy arrived late today" she snickered "word on the street is he's got a girlfriend"
"What?" the words fled your mouth before you could stop them
How was it possible they already knew?
Yes, they were profilers, but no profiler was that good.
"Yes, let's just say he must have forgotten about some marks the lucky lady left on his neck"
Shit shit shit
"oh" you could only breathe
"not to mention how distracted he is " she chuckled softly "he hasn't even done his crossword this morning" she whispered as if it was some sort of profanity,
which, of course, it kind of was,
Spencer never missed a day, the whole team knew it.
You didn't know what to say, and so you stayed silent.
You could feel Penelope's attitude shift "Shoot- listen I know you two were kind of... I don't know- something-" she trailed off "but maybe this is better you know, with the whole Hotch thing and you being friends"
"I mean it's not like a woman like you doesn't have a line of men waiting for her"
"We weren't- anything" you clarified
"Sorry, I probably shouldn't have told you" you could hear the sadness creeping up her voice.
"It's fine, Pen, I'm-I'm happy for him"
"alright," she said, even though both of you knew she was still mortified "well anyway I and the gals thought we could come by this afternoon to keep you company"
Oh fuck
they couldn't come by, you weren't even there.
"oh no don't do that"
really y/n? that's the best you could come up with?
"why?" Penelope asked
C'mon think of something
"I just- I'm feeling a bit sick"
"oh" she hummed "I'm sorry," she said, " why didn't you say anything before?"
"I just didn't want you to worry"
"I'm- I'm not " she lied plainly "I could make you some soup you know? I could bring it to you. Yes, you know what, I'm gonna get off work earlier and get started on it-"
"Wait Pen"
"yes?" she stopped her rambling, and it surprised you she still had air left in her lungs.
"I think it's best if I just rest a bit y'know?"
"Sure" she smiled, but you could tell she was disappointed and worried altogether "I understand"
"thank Pen, say hi to the team for me"
"of course" she nodded "take care of yourself"
"will do" you joked "bye now"
You stared at the colorless reflection looking back at you from the black screen,
Your smile had faded,
The feeling in your belly had mutated,
more bitter now, the warmth slowly dissipating against the cold breeze.
You should have been happy right?
You had gotten away with it,
both of you had,
Yes, the team thought Spencer had a girlfriend, but they had no idea it was you.
And you were able to convince Penelope not to come by your house.
Everything went perfectly,
so why did you feel like this?
like a puff had just caused the unsteady house of cards to fall to the ground.
You had everything you wanted,
you had him,
you had you, together.
this wasn't how it was supposed to be,
you should be feeling ecstatic,
on fucking cloud nine,
but it was as if you had to woken up from the dream, from the fable, and reality was starting to hit.
You had lied to her,
to Penelope,
one of your best friends, a person who knew everything about you, a person who'd seen you cry and laugh and puke more times than you'd like to admit.
You had to lie
Make up a bunch of things and lie to her face like it was normal, like nothing was wrong with that.
But so much was wrong with it,
And not only because it made you feel dirty, and shitty, no, but because she didn't deserve it.
She would never do it to you, you knew.
And still, you hadn't even hesitated before doing it to her.
And as much as you liked to think that it was necessary, and that it wasn't gonna be forever, you had no real guarantee that that was the truth
You had never really thought about it,
and apparently, all it took was a phone call for the pandora's box lid to fly off, and your mind was now flooding with doubts and fear, and second thoughts.
When were you gonna be able to tell people?
never, was the only answer you could think of,
You weren't allowed to date,
because of Hotch's rule,
And it's not like you could have told everyone but him, that seemed practically impossible.
So that was it, either one of you left the BAU or you would have to keep it a secret forever, continuing to lie every single day.
The thought of it terrified you,
And with it, millions more started clouding your mind.
__ __ __
you had been crying
"hi" you smiled weakly from the couch
He threw his sachel on a chair and walked up to you immediately, bending to meet his lips with yours.
It felt good, too good.
"I've missed you" he sat next to you, a big smile on his face "I couldn't wait to get home" he confessed shily "I don't think anybody suspects anything though, so we're in the clear" he moved a lock of hair behind your ear, and his brows furrowed "what's wrong?"
You didn't know where to begin,
a tsunami of emotions was going off inside of you, and you had no idea how to get them out.
"Penelope called" you finally said
"ok" you could tell he was confused "that's good right?"
yes, Spencer, that's supposed to be good.
God, you felt like you were going crazy.
"I lied to her"
"what do you mean?"
"she said she wanted to come to my house, and I said I was sick"
"Oh" he breathed "that's-that's ok, I mean that's like a - white lie"
You could only look at him, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
"And you know, you could have gone back home, that would have b-"
"that's not the point Spencer" your voice broke " I lied to her, and- and I'm gonna have to keep doing it"
"what? no that's not true" he placed a hand on your thigh, trying to reassure you.
"We can't tell anyone Spence you know it"
"Well I mean we could tell her, just not Hotch"
"and how that gonna work?" you asked way too harshly.
"I'm sorry I just- there's a lot of things we haven't thought of"
"I know y/n I know" he stoaked your cheek "but we can work it out"
Oh, you so wanted to give in, to tell him that yes, maybe you could and that he was right, but you knew that wasn't the truth, as much as it pained you to say it, he was wrong.
"How?" you said "We're gonna get fired if Hotch finds out, and unless one of us wants to leave the team we're gonna have to keep it a secret," you explained with a weak voice "and I don't know-" you couldn't believe you were about to say it "I don't know if I can do it, Spencer"
It was like you had just punched him in the face,
his eyes went blank, as his smile disappeared.
"I'm sorry" you cried "I'm so sorry Spence this is all my fault I should have never come here, please- i'm so sorry" you reached for his hand.
"y/n-" he tried to talk but you interrupted him
"no, please don't try to change my mind" you begged "It's- It's not only Hotch, Spence" you confessed
"You're my friend," you said "before this, before everything you're my friend Spence, and- and you mean everything to me, y'know" you sighed "and if- if this doesn't work out I don't wanna lose you, I can't, I can't lose you, I don't think I could do it without you"
"And I know this is gonna mess things up for a bit but I hope we could still be friends because I need that Spence, I need you as I friend, and I'm scared that if we do this, like really do this, and learn we've made a mistake, then I'm gonna lose you forever, and I can't let that happen"
You hadn't noticed the tears fleeing your eyes, because your sight was fixated on him, his mouth slightly parted, his eyes still in shock.
"I-" he swallowed thickly, his eyes scanning your face "You're never gonna lose me y/n" he said "we can work this out"
"This can't be how this ends"
"I'm sorry" was all you could say
"Y/n the moment I met you, the moment you smiled and introduced yourself, I knew I wanted this, the first time I saw you laugh I thought I was gonna have a heart attack y/n, I-I- I spent the last four years of my life stealing glances at you, and planning things to do or say to make you happy." he breathed "you can't do this y/n, not now"
"I'm sorry" your lip was trembling
"please forgive me Spence but I think it's best if I go" you got up and quickly grabbed your purse just to dash to the door,
but he followed
"y/n" you turned, and he was just there, inches from you, just like that night at the bar "y/n, I lov-"
"no, don't" you covered his mouth, a sob creeping up your throat "please don't"
You let your hand fall, taking a step to be flush against him, your mouth ghosting his "this is for the best" you breathed, hopeless "I can't lose you Spence" you kissed him, fully, desperately, like it was the last time you were ever gonna do it, because, of course, it was "please understand"
you whispered,
and without looking back,
you were out of his apartment.
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madrone33 · 9 months
Right so... been going crazy trying to catch up on the explosion of stuff peeps have been doing since the EPIC: The Musical Ocean Saga release, but. Got some downtime now, and I just wanted to post my reaction to listening to the songs, 'cause it was wild bro.
Fyi, this is all taking place at around 11:30 pm 24th Dec for me, as I'm an australian, so that would make it... uh, 8:30 am 24th Dec for americans I think? Idk, timezones are weird bro. Basically, I listened to the songs and then wrote down my immediate reactions at like 1 am lol.
OK HOLY SHIT HOLY FUCK. OK OK. They came out for australians. They CAME OUT FOR AUSTRALIA!!!!
I was on dicord, right? And then another australian says they're out, and i'm like wait what but there's still like 16 hours till midnight in est, but i look up 'luck runs out jorgre rivera-herrans' on yt (cause it's a unique name) and scroll down and FUCK IT'S THERE!! THE STANDARD AUTO TOPIC VERSION!! IT'S NOT EVEN MIDNIGHT HERE YET?? (23:24 at the time of discovery. The vid says it was uploaded 3 hrs ago already)
The piano. I heard the first notes of piano and ohhhhh shiiiit it's actually happening!!!
i opened the door and called out to mum 'cause i was still in disbelief and she was still awake and i was like "mum... i think it's out" or SOMETHIG LIKE THAT IDK THE EXACT WORDS. She said jokingly she'd thought i had an existential crisis and GIRL IT KINDA FELT LIKE IT?? I WAS NOT PREPARED! I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANOTHER 16 HOURS!
I tapped on the link thingy to the album in the description and then i had the album RIGHT THERE HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS. IT'S STORM. IN THE FLESH. THERE'S A FUCKING TRUMPET-
I did my civic duty and informed (read: screamed in all caps) to everyone in the discord while mum listened to the first song 'cause she said she was interested and asked and i was so excited and gave her my headphones to listen to storm and then I took em back once I was done and now it's time to go dark. I said goodnight to mum and... pressed play.
Here's the highlights:
Storm: mixing is on another level bro. The vocals, the harmonies, the chorus, and hearing all those snippets without breaks in between, actually flowing and making sense and that ending beat is AHHH-
It went so fast. It's three min long how did it go by so fast what-
Luck Runs Out: the piano is godly. They actually changed the melody of the 'you could be caught off guard' part. My first thought after ooo? Was 'damn it no longer sounds like shut up and dance w/ me' lol.
I think this one changed the most from the snippets. Jsut the way they say lines, and stray words. I love it. The harmonies-
KYFC: the intro is that one atmospheric snippet he did with the flutes!! Aeolus sounds so sassy compared to the old snippets oof hell yes! There's a small instrumental interlude between the first chorus and the crew asking about the bag which is new.
Trying to hold them in his arms? Time to be that father he always wanted to be?? His eyes and heart and soul is heavy??? I'm FUCKING CRYING-
Also wow he really just stayed up for 9 days huh? Respect. Also, fuck those crewmates man. Bet they felt real stupid when it got them killed. Oh, wait, fuck it didn't Poseidon killed everyone but them oh hell nah- And Odysseus still goes to save them from Circe?? Bro. BRO. Just let them die. It ain't worth it.
And that's how Jorge introduces the land of the giants? Cool! I was wondering about that.
Poesiedon pull up! (Is it bad that i thought he sounded like ares in the pj musical there lmao-)
RUTHLESSNESS: it's here. Oh my lord it's here. Everyone stay calm. Fuck it IT'S FUCKING HERE!!
The chanting, Ody's terrified 'Poseidon...', the electric guitar on Poseidon's verse, the fucking growl in his voice is amazing, the 'Die.' is as;ihfd HELL FUCKING YES!!
I love that the 'Captain-!'s of the drowning men is more apparent here, and the silence afterwards... ooof you can hear Ody's horrified stuttered breaths and the way the lyric's changed to '43 left under your command' is soooo fucking good.
And then Ody's sudden defiance and the fucking burning in his eyes as he defies a god and escapes death- Yes. YES! It's so good-
... No wait it's over?? That's it??? WHYYYYY-
(Side note - the fact that there weren't any ads between vids is incredible and I thank the gods for this blessing.)
Ok, but all seriousness, that was incredible. I- I couldn't stop smiling. My face actually started hurting I was smiling so much. I was shaking the whole time, and I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, and- It was amazing. This was an amazing experience, and I'm so glad I could freak out to mum, and she was excited with me, and it was such a good surprise, like an actual chrismas gift from Jorge or some shit. I love it. I love this. Genuinely. It's an amazing thing he's given us and I thank him, sincerely. Thank you, Jorge, and everyone involved in creating this for people to enjoy and love. You should all be proud.
Thanks for reading me freak out, whoever made it to the end lmao. Tagging @dootznbootz because their rambles gave me the confidence to throw my own into the void. Thx :D
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bornincaldecott · 6 months
X-Men '97 | Episodes 1 & 2
X-Men TAS has always had a special place in my heart. That, along with the Dark Phoenix Saga (granted it had been out for awhile by the time I was able to read it), was my introduction to comics. I love everything X-Men, but TAS is special. So, like a lot of people, I went into this feeling several types of ways. When the intro started, I got chills.
All-in-all, I really enjoyed the first two episodes. I'm not super crazy about the animation style (why are all the ladies wearing super thick eyeliner a la the Scene Era?), but it's fine.
Crop Top Gambit in the first five minutes? Incredible. I wasn't crazy about his new VA initially, but he grew on me pretty quickly.
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I actually liked Scott's voice the best. I think his new VA did an incredible job channeling his original VA.
The writing was clunky at times, but I get why (like when Rogue is moping about her powers at the rave, or when Jean is explaining to Storm about the Phoenix). First, they're trying to capture the essence of TAS, 90's cringe and all (nailed it). Second, this show isn't necessarily meant to bring in new fans. It's a happy by-product, sure, but not the intent. That said, they still have to ensure that things make sense (as much as possible) to any X-Men newbies, which means we gotta endure some awkward exposition.
I fucking called Rogueneto. When the first trailer dropped, and we got the last clip of hunky Mags, I was like...oh, they're doing Rogueneto. And honestly? I'm here for it. Do I like the pairing? No, it's not my cuppa, but what I do like is the angst it presents for Romy. Rogueneto also helps set Rogue and Gambit up as a foil to Jean and Scott's established relationship, and then they're the mid-point between Jean and Scott and what I am guessing is going to be Jubilee and Roberto.
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This broke my heart though. UGH. I know it'll be alright in the end because the show's already said Romy is their OTP but stiiillllll.
AND I CALLED MADELYN?! Okok we won't actually know until next week but ?!?!?!?!?!
I could go on and on about the first two episodes, but instead I'll highlight some of my favorite parts.
Storm turning the desert to glass. JFC. Even the sentinels were like "danger Will Robinson!" And the quiet piano sound during the scene? MY GOD. CHILLS.
"He's here!" / "Apocalypse?!" / "THE BABY!" & Wolvie got a convertible.
Mag's monologue in the sky. Fucking wow.
The sentinel fight. It was so cool seeing them fight as a team.
And not to end on a bummer note, but...they introduced Genosha...did a whole bit with Mags saving the Morlocks and sending them there...and with what Jean saw in Cerebro in the first episode...yeah...I think we're getting that story.
Anyway! Loved the first two episodes. Super jazzed for the rest.
Have one last Remy gif for the road.
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ffs I want him to look at me like that.
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your-favorite-bean · 2 years
Fic Recs
(Most are five-centric. Gee I wonder who my favorite character is)
Also some quick notes about these:
As I said before, these are basically five centric. I do however read a lot of other stuff for other characters that I’m willing to share, so ask and ye shall receive!!! That being said, I don’t read a lot of oc fics and character x reader, so I don’t have a lot of recommendations for that.
Many of these fics were written before season three, before Viktor’s transition, which means that his deadname will be used. If you don’t want to read it, that’s totally okay, but just a forewarning!!!
Most of these fics have some dark and mature themes. And it may not seem like a serious thing, but sometimes you need to take a break from that kind of thing. This goes for any piece of media really that deals with these kinds of things. It doesn’t make you less of a person for taking care of yourself. There is no pressure to finish any of these or to even click on it. So if you read the tags (which you always should), and you think it’s not something that would be good for your mental health, don’t be afraid to tap out.
Oh and some of These have word counts but I got tired so I only did some. So pretty much All of these are multi chapter fics
Again major credit to these writers. Thank you for sharing your stories with us!!! I’m so proud of all of you guys!!! Happy Reading!!!
echoes by chiiyo86 | set in season two, allison finds Five in the alleyway and they have a lovely dynamic. Also rays there and he’s cool.
Get your hands dirty by conch_shell | outsider pov, lots of comic book elements in it, mostly about fives time in the commission
Lay all your love on me by MYSTERYstew | lots of hurt/comfort, time doesn’t heal all wounds (see what I did there??)
I kept running (for a soft place to fall) by chromaticality | Five, Allison, and Luther get kidnapped from the commission
Ive got a nasty new compulsion by chaoticgaysex | Diego gets recruited by the commission. Five has some words to say about that. Comic elements
It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) by chaoticgaysex | Five has a breakdown, and he snaps big time. If you want to see more about fives powers, check it out
Run (because you know you cannot hide) by e_va | fives family gets kidnapped by the commission. what ever will he do (rescue his family of course, it’s five come on) also this is incomplete (at least I think it Is I don’t fucking know anymore words are hard)
Defective weaponry by printlno | five and Klaus track down a bad guy, but it doesn’t go as well as planned. Also this is based on the comics, not the show. The characters will only make sense if you’ve read the comics (well they’ll make sense, but they might seem a bit ooc sometimes)
I’ve come to talk with you again by in-a-slanted-outhouse | incomplete, but it’s really good. lots of five and Allison bonding. super sweet
All walls fall by I_Logophile | five gets kidnapped by the sparrows, and it does not end well for him. Also this is the first in a series called his walls
Ashes and Dust by Devilbaby | I honestly can’t say too much because there is so much wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that I don’t want to give away but it’s really well done. It’s in a series called the chronos saga and I would totally recommend the whole series but the third (and final) part is incomplete
The Secret inside of you (run boy run) by Utukki | Reginald knows what Five is capable of. And he can never let him reach that potential. So he outs in a little safety measure. Incomplete
But for now it’s time to run by Ford_Ye_Fiji | ever wondered what would happens if The Doctor and number five from umbrella academy met? Boom. Here’s the fic. There’s also some plot and a whole series too, called run, boy, run, (the umbrella effect)
So be it by bobee | a series of unfortunate events, starring five. lots of hurt, but it is incomplete so there’s not a lot of comfort yet
Howling at the moon by assaily | five gets sent to Hotel Oblivion, and has to confront his inner demons. This is a great fic for those who were kind of disappointed by the hotel oblivion storyline (like myself) but it is incomplete
Intelligent conversation by Soulykins | five has a habit of talking to himself. Might have something to do with, gee I dunno 45 years in the apocalypse. This is the first in a series called old dog, old tricks and the whole series is really good if you want five angst and sibling bonding.
This is a gift, it comes with a price by rebel_by_default | set in season two, where time travel has even more consequences than in canon oh also this is a series called a beast of a burden
Monster that I despise by pinetreedeath | comic book elements, which I feel like is just code for serial killer DNA at this point (oh yeah that’s basically what it’s about). Really cool how the author writes it, however, incomplete
TUA one shots I write at 3am by pinetreedeath | they have different plots for each one but each one is incredible. You’ve got feral five, you’ve got soft five. Any five you want just pick a chapter and you’ll have it (jeez I feel like a salesman or something) also incomplete
Dealing with doppelgängers by I_Logophile | we’ve all made our assumptions about five if he didn’t get adopted by Reginald and lived a relatively normal life. Well this author wrote about it!! A round of applause. also WHUMP
The boy of Time: Come Home by JBD302020
uneasy lies the head that wears the crown by MYSTERYstew
Can you hug me as I go? by MYSTERYstew | the inevitable moment where five has to confront with the fact that he is not doing okay. angst angst angst. However incomplete
Time is a storm by Shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | Five gets kidnapped by the sparrows, and the siblings try to rescue him, but Reginald puts a big old wrench in their plans (I am so sorry I am terrible at short summaries). Really, really good, but incomplete and there’s a major cliffhanger
The five whistle by I_Logophile | the handler sucks, we all know that, but what if she sucked just a bit more? Five whump to the max .
Here, beneath my lungs by beastboy12 | five tries to play detective, but curiosity killed the cat, or at least inflicted a lot of pain that made the cat wish it were dead. Klaus, Diego, and Five bonding
Warming up by ClaraCivry (Kat_Of_Dresden) | if an assassin and the assassin who killed the first assassins parents got stuck in a freezer with the chance of death, what are they going to do? Bond of course!!
You can always come home by Wayward_Unicorn (42k words) | five doesn’t exist. He never has. Or is that really all there is too it? Incomplete
A closure problem by sandausdenurnen (21.9k words) | okay this is honestly hands down such a good crossover, and I don’t give that title away easily. The dynamic between Tony stark and number five (oh yeah that’s the crossover) is so good, so if you want two traumatized geniuses snarking at each other, this is perfect!!! Incomplete
Identity theft is not a joke by Ford_ye_Fiji (1.5k words) | ahhh the classic who’s the clone and who’s the real character. except fives siblings are (affectionately) idiots so it doesn’t go so well
About a boy by pistachioinfernal (25k words) | Russian gangster meets rude boy. Russian gangster feels bad for rude boy. Russian gangster bonds with rude boy. Boy is still rude this whole time | Also part of a series called Russian swears and coffee spoons (28k words) | the second and final part is incomplete
The moon laughs by Lady_Origami (96k words) | a trope we all know and love, time loop. This is great | incomplete | This is also the second part in a series called the sky weeps (106k words). The first one isn’t really related to the second one, but it’s really sweet, Klaus, Ben, and Five bonding.
Creeping towards extinction by VIKAN (62k words) holy shit this one is so good like omg I’m in love with this. This is my favorite angst fic wow. Chefs kiss
The shifting mirrors by orsumfenix (192k words) | what if five never traveled to the future? Well you saw the other hargreeves, hes still an asshole. | incomplete
Holding it together by sharkneto (91k words) | actually inspired by shifting mirrors. And oh my god I loved reading every word of this | First of a series called shifting together (251k words). Series is incomplete but definitely worth the read!!!
How the fabrics of the universe will fuck you up by fandomsandshit (4K words) | this is sort of an AU where fives abilities go a little bit further than teleporting. This is such a cool take I wish that five had these powers in the show!!!
An eye for an eye by dgalerab (80k words) | really cool series, lots of twists and turns and angst and timelines (so many timelines) and it’s just really fun. Also season two and three do not exist | Part of a series called timelines 1-2.1 (250k words) | the last fic in the series is incomplete
This world is not made for you by umbrellas out (1719) (2k words) | okay I can’t exactly summaraize this but there is a lot 567 bonding so if you like that here you go!!! | Also part of a series called the boy who ran. Also there is a slight chance that none of these links work so if they don’t I apologize.
This one’s for the lonely, the ones who seek and find by hujwernoo (2k words) | Klaus dies in the apocalypse, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be there for five | The First in a series called it comes and goes in Waves (258k words) which is INCREDIBLE so yeah Go and check it out
Sorrows like thunder clouds by Emotionally_Detached (7k words) | this is part of a series called mellow rays of the departing sun (24k words) |Five time travels to when they were Kids, but only hin. Now it’s up to him to change the past.
Time is what we Need but don’t have by Achlyz (21k words) | it’s really cute, makes me feel good by I also cried during this, but it’s mostly just family bonding with a hint of angst | Part of a series called dysfunctional family (225k words) |the final fic is incomplete
Faded by tenacioussurrender (35k words) | Lots of dad Diego, and hurt five, but it’s very Sweet and there’s a lot of wholesome pieces in it | part of a series called a ripple in time and space (145k words)
Bolt from the blue by TheArchaeologist (85k words) | this time it’s dad Klaus, and omg there is a lot of hurt but a lot of comfort, but then hurt again! That joke is Season one about Klaus Meeting fives mom at the Disco isn’t a joke anymore | Part of a series called apple of my eye (141k words), Part Four is incomplete but you can still read a lot of it.
Out of the dead land by tomorrowsrain (60k words) | five time travels to the apocalypse, but to spice it up, you have Zombies!!!! Oh and Klaus is there too, to add a dash of brotherly bonding and a whole lot of angst | incomplete
So you got to the bottom of the list, good for you!!! Treat your self, you deserve it. I’m proud of you.
Also (minor rant alert) this was HARD. Thank literally everything that I can use ao3 search filters because that was ahhhhhhhhh. Do you know how difficult it is to find a fic that you read 2 years ago and the only thing you can remember from it is the word pumpkin????? Like oh my god. Then I wrote all of this down and it mysteriously disappeared so I had to make a whole new list, which was very frustrating. But this was also fun so if you have any new requests, lmk!!!
Oh and another thing. You might’ve noticed that some of these authors names were repeated. Well turns out these incredible talented people have written a lot of other stuff, so don’t forget to explore the other stuff they’ve written. Check out the bookmarks, then check the bookmarks of those authors, and so on. Happy reading!!!
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
The Long-Awaited PART SIX of Margin's Heroforge Saga: Breath of the Wild
IT IS HERE! And I am SO PROUD of it. Seriously, I think these might be my favorite designs yet- and that is SAYING something, considering how much I liked doing Hyrule Warriors and Wind Waker. I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them :) The Champion Descendants, I decided, I'm going to put off for now and I would put them in a potential TotK set instead.
Also. I'm going to put a cutoff right here because this post is VERY long, for not only are there pictures, but RAMBLES as well. it is NOT for the faint of heart. You have been warned.
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Luminary. Oh my gosh, I am SO HAPPY that Heroforge afforded options for his repaired eye. His hair has grown, because... well... hair doesn't stop growing while you're in stasis... he has scars from his final stand, and he's dressed MUCH more simply than he was before the Calamity, but he's happy. That's important, as you'll see below. Also, yes the torch is a nod to the arson joke. I am obligated by law to include it. No, seriously, there are government agents standing behind me watching as I type this (/j).
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Luminary (Pre-Calamity). If you take a gander above, you'll see that this tunic has more gems and silver accents, but does not have the pattern the present-day pictures display. That was purposeful. The thought was that it was so damaged during the Calamity that the Sheikah had to repair it- and they did so by improving it by giving it a pattern (because, you will notice, all the other Champions- minus Zelda- have patterns on their Champion Attire). Link's didn't have a pattern- which was a nod by me to how his role as Swordsman dehumanized him, and made him less himself. Despite all the prestige that surrounded his role (symbolized by the gems... which i am now realizing you can't see well but trust me, they're there... and the silver), it did nothing but add to the crushing weight on his shoulders, causing him to retreat even further into himself.
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Sunshine. UGH. I LOVE HER OUTFIT. I WANT HER OUTFIT. In all seriousness. Please draw your attention to the Sheikah Slate which I so lovingly crafted (if you look in the second picture you can kind of see the eye on the screen) and her Silent Princess earrings. Also, you'll note that her hair is very pale and her skin is very dark. Well, this comes from my headcanon that she's half Sheikah- Rhoam is, in fact, a Sheikah, and Impa, Purah, and Robbie are not just Zelda's best friends, but also, in fact, her cousins! This also gives some background to her interest in Sheikah Tech- because she wants to reconnect with her Father's side of the family.
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Sunshine (Pre-Calamity). Notice that she still wears the Silent Princess earrings (which represent her ability to act autonomously), but her outfit is much more formal (i tried to be as accurate as possible to her in-game princess dress because I love it) and includes the Royal Red. She also has a dark red ruby in her crown- if you've followed this series since the start, you may recognize it from before. In the other sets, this dark red gem (along with a dark red metal not featured in this set) is only ever worn by Sheikah characters. Well, not only is it worn by Zelda here (which is plausible, considering she is of Sheikah descent) but it is also worn on Luminary's pre-Calamity belt (which I am telling you since you cannot see it)- which represents how the Royals have claimed the Sheikah, and by extention their culture, as belonging to them. Take that as you will.
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Sunshine (Prayer Dress). OH SWEET NAYRU HOW I LOVE THIS ONE. OKAY. So, as you can tell, this shot takes place at the MOMENT Zelda's powers are unlocked- hence the golden sigils on her arms and chest, the golden tears streaming down her cheeks, and the golden strands in her hair. But take a look at her attire- it looks as canon-accurate as I was able to get (because I love the prayer dress), but notice that her silent princess earrings, which represent her autonomy, are conspicuously missing. Instead, they are replaced with gold earrings (that were as close as I could get to a triforce shape), showing- much like the lack of a pattern on Luminary's Pre-Calamity tunic- that, while she's in the role of the failed Sacred Princess, anything resembling her individuality has been utterly stripped away from her. She has been reduced to nothing more than a tool to be used.
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Zelink (ignore the glowy thing. there is literally NOTHING i can do to get rid of it.) YES. Okay. I have little to say about this one- because it speaks for itself- other than that the minute I saw that there was an option to hold a frog I knew EXACTLY how I was posing these two. Thusly. There they are, in all their glory. Also please note Link's expression. I find it hilarious.
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Mipha. Ah yes, now we move on to the Champions- who I am quite proud of. For the record, Mipha's face was probably the most complicated thing I fanagled with on this entire set, except maybe Urbosa's armor. Anyway, her head fins were inspired by her lionfish concept art, and her crown was modeled after the one Laruto wears in my Wind Waker set. Also, her Champion's pattern is fish scales in shades of baby blue- I've always liked the idea that the Champions each wore a different shade of blue (and in this case different patterns because I couldn't get the actual insignia on their garb) to symbolize the different races (represented by the different shades) uniting under a common goal (represented by the fact that they're all wearing blue). Finally, notice the green Poe shading, which I added to all the Champions since. You know. They're dead. But I think it looks really cool :) Also I just love Mipha, she's such a sweetheart and I am REALLY proud with how she came out. Heroforge may not be the best for Rito but if you know how to hack the system you can get some really good Zora out of it :)
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Revali. Oh my word. To fanagle with this bird man was just. He was, in true Revali fashion, difficult. But I ended up taking the same route I did with Medli in the Wind Waker set by giving him bird characteristics :) His Champion's garb is Indigo, and you can't see it very well because of how I posed him but since there was no option to give the scarf a pattern, I put it on his skirt thing- it's a pattern of stripes and circles. I am quite proud of his shading and of the feather attachments on his head :)
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Daruk. OH MAN. I LOVE HIM. One thing that can be said for Heroforge is that, though it's bad at making Rito and you have to stretch to make Zora, GORONS are quite easy to make and SUPER FUN. Also, not only does he have the Poe shading but the rocks protrudig from his skin also glow with that green light- like Luminous Stones! He's smiling but it's kind of hard to see because of his 'stache. Also, the Boulder Breaker came out lovely. His Champion garb is in shades of Navy, with a geometric diamond pattern that reminded me of gemstones. Also, at this point I want to call attention to the fact that, much like the champion garb, each character's landscape on their base is slightly different, symbolizing the fact that the Wild has many different ways of showing itself, which is one of the core themes of the game :)
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Urbosa. OH MY WORD. HER ARMOR TOOK ME A SOLID 20 MINUTES. BUT I AM SO PROUD OF IT. For reference, like how the Sheikah have those special gems and metal, the Gerudo have a very specific armor set that I have designated just for them- the armor she wears on her shoulders and boots, specifically (other pieces can be swapped but pretty much every Gerudo will be wearing those pauldrons and boots, albeit in different colors. See Nabooru for reference- and yes, I did make them purposely similar-looking). You can't see it well because of the Poe Light, but her Champion's garb is also in the pattern that I specifically designated for the Gerudo; Nabs doesn't have a good display of it but you can see it more clearly on Ganondorf. It's in shades of Turquoise because it reminds me of the desert sky.
And with that, Breath of the Wild is done! Any thoughts? Don't be afraid to share them! The last installment in this first leg will be the Classic Games- you know, The Hyrule Fantasy and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I'm really excited for those and I think you'll like them too. And then I'll put up another poll and do the next round of games, because you guys seem to really be enjoying these!
Have a great day, and see you later!
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ick25 · 1 year
Rockman EXE Movie Review. Part 1
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Oh yeah! The people have spoken! The Megaman Battle Network Legacy collection is finally here! So to celebrate it I’m “Reviewing” the Rockman.EXE movie, The program of Light and Darkness.
A few things before starting. First, the “movie” is less than 50 minutes long, so it’s more of a very long episode with better animation than usual. Second, the movie takes place during the Stream saga, a season of the anime that never aired in America because the plot was “too dark” for a kid’s show, like Axess wasn’t violent and dark enough already. It’s even worse for people in Latinoamerica because Axess never aired there either, so enjoying this movie would’ve been impossible for me if I hadn’t watched the episodes online.
For those who haven’t watched the Stream saga, this is what you need to know:
1. The movie takes place somewhere after episode 17 but before episode 31 of Stream, I say episode 17 because Raika, the Hypocrite, now uses Cross fusion, just like everybody else.
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2. The plot is based on Battle Network 5, minus the whole teams thing.
3. The whole story of Rockman.EXE Stream is not relevant, except for episode 2 because that is when Forte came back to steal Rockman’s Ultimate program, but after he fails to get it, he was defeated by an extraterrestrial Navi named Slur who throws him into the depths of the Undernet, where the movie begins.
Forte is shown floating in the cyberspace of the Undernet where he is woken up by strange light and a familiar evil laugh.
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Those who played BN5 know what that thing is.
We cut to England, which is probably called Kingland, where a giant beam of light suddenly appears and disintegrates everything in it’s path.
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Leaving behind a very ugly but also familiar face.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Japan, our heroes are in a Net Battle tournament taking place in a very weird building with roller coasters coming in and out of it.
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Seems very dangerous to be honest.
Of course, as Netto plugs in Rockman, we get the theme song Be somewhere, with the karaoke, timing, and Spanish translations provided by yours truly.
Don’t believe me?
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Yep, I was the head of this project, sure, I didn’t get paid and other people helped made this possible, but I’m still proud of this. Too bad not many people have access to this.
During the intro song we see Rockman fighting Gridman’s aka Footman’s first appearance in the anime, before becoming some random Navi in Beast. And in case you were wondering, no, Meijin is not Footman’s operator, it is actually this guy.
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The guy who just gives hints in BN3 white version.
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I think he is Mr. Famous’s aide, but I don’t remember.
Anyway, Netto wins, his friends, with new changes of cloths, congratulate him, and Meiru appears out of nowhere to hug him like she was already his girlfriend or something.
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I personally don’t like this art style, it makes Dekao look even uglier and Meiru looks like she has less hair than usual.
Now, a surprise for those who haven’t  seen Stream, Dingo and Tomahawkman are now part of the cast! And Dingo for some reason has blue eyes in this shot.
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I honestly don’t know why.
After Dingo wins his battle, we see more of the weird and unsafe building where they are with the indoor rollercoaster and all. Apparently this is Akihara’s 100th theme park.
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We get a small appearance from Shuko and Higure-san who are riding the roller coaster, but its more of a segway to the next scene because Higure somehow spots Mariko-sensei while screaming. Like, how? Mariko-sensei was wearing a helmet until Netto and friends arrived. Turns out, she is cosplaying as her favorite Sci-fi character in a convention that also takes place in the weird building.
But she only appears for Netto and friends to mention that she has a lot of hobbies, and to have this very weird cut to the next scene that made me think it was an editing mistake.
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Seriously, she didn’t even finish her line.
We immediately jump to a not so traumatizing scene of a group of men getting vaporized by the same light beams we saw in Kingland.
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Turns out this was in Ameroupe as we join Meijin and Yuichiro watching footage of the damage.
Yuichiro seems to know something and after seeing a satellite image, his suspicions are confirmed.
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The Internet service that is NOT all about you.
The light beams left what looks like giant algorithms, this is enough for Yuichiro to say some vague words, first “Spectrum”, and then “The Wily Program is active”.
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HELLO? Why did we cut to a Duel Master scene?!
Oh, right, turns out the people who worked on this movie also worked on the Duel Master movie which was still a thing back then. That is why they made a little animation at the beginning of the movie were we see Crossfused Netto and Shobu working together to fight their respective opponents. They also put like 3 second cameos in both movies to let us know that both the Net Battle and the DM tournament are happening in the same weird building. 
For this movie, it’s a clip of Shobu summoning a monster or something, and for the DM movie we get an actual shot of Netto and friends cheering for Shobu in the audience.
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It’s not even the same art style, or background! At least Meiru still has her hair intact.
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In that movie they actually say Shobu’s name, in this one they just play the clip and then cut to Netto and friends reacting to something. Personally, I never cared for DM, I watched one episode and that’s it, I always saw it as a Yugioh bootleg.
The cameo is interrupted by Yuichiro who calls Netto to tell him that he must get to the Trident Tower ASAP, with no details whatsoever. Netto says bye to his friends and wishes them luck for their upcoming battle
Apparently some time passed after Netto leaves for the tower, because in the very next scene we cut to Yuichiro typing really fast in a computer (still not giving Meijin details as they watch the light beams appearing in Choina), and then asking if Netto is already at the tower.
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LOL, he is stuck in traffic.
Although it is nice to see taxi drivers still have jobs in this future. At least the paying method is accurate.
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Netto decides to skate all the way to the tower. I like this scene, its been a while since we’ve seen Rockman giving Netto directions from inside the PET and Netto showing off his sweet skating moves.
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Will Netto  make it to the tower in time? Will Yuichiro finally tell us what’s going on? And will Meiru’s hair ever grow back? Stay tuned for part 2.
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
Artemis Hexley and the Return to the Riddles
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Epilogue: December, 1999
A/N: It started with the fireworks, and it ends with them too. Thank you all for sharing this journey with me and Artemis. There’s so much I want to say, so I’ll do some proper author’s notes later. For now, here is the last ever instalment of the Hexley Saga. Warnings: Spoilers for the Harry Potter series.
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It was almost midnight. The night sky was black as pitch, but in the darkness stood a higgledy-piggledy house from which light streamed through the windows, and music and laughter reverberated through the air. It was if the merriment inside couldn’t be contained within its walls and had started to spill out into the garden that surrounded it.
A young woman appeared from thin air and walked up the path, her messy dark hair lifting off her shoulders in the gentle breeze. As she reached the front door, her lips curved into a smile, and she bent down to stroke the titian fur of a marmalade coloured cat who sat under the porch.
“Did you not fancy joining in the party?” she whispered, and the cat purred in response. “No. Me neither.”
The door opened to reveal a tall wizard with a heavily scarred but handsome face and long, red hair tied into a ponytail. The woman straightened up to face him, her smile widening further.
“What time do you call this, Artemis?” asked the wizard, smirking at her. She rolled her hazel eyes at him. “We’re about to leave.”
“Leave?” Artemis wrinkled her nose. “Oh, come on, Bill. Who leaves a New Year’s Eve party before midnight?”
“Who arrives at one in the last hour before?” 
“Sorry. Ros needed help setting up, and then I went to see my aunt and uncle on the way here. I’d have come sooner if I’d known you’d be leaving this early.”
“Well, we’re not actually leaving, it’s just that everyone’s going up to Stoatshead Hill. Mum doesn’t want George setting off the fireworks close to the house. Can’t say I blame her.” Bill grimaced. “The others will Apparate up there, but obviously Fleur can’t right now.”
Artemis raised her eyebrows. “I’m surprised the others all can right now.”
“Enough of them can. That is the downside of having friends with important jobs and babies.”
“So next year you’ll be boring, too?” 
“You are far too sober to accuse me of being boring.”
“For now, anyway,” said a voice from behind Bill, and his brother Charlie squeezed past him to join Artemis on the front step. “Did you find your rowan tree alright?”
“How was it?”
“Good,” Charlie smiled good-naturedly and pressed a glass of a burgundy liquid that smelt like marzipan into Artemis’ hands before placing his own into his pockets. “I spoke to Fleur, I thought I’d walk with you. Artemis, you coming?”
Artemis cast a glance inside before nodding her agreement. The party was still loud and bustling, and she wasn’t quite ready to join it. A not insignificant part of her suspected that Charlie knew that.
Once she and the Weasley brothers had been joined by Bill’s wife, whose hat covered her silver-blonde hair and cloak hid the slight swell to her abdomen, the group of four set off up the hill that overlooked the house.
“I cannot wait to be able to Apparate again,” muttered Fleur Weasley, and her husband wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I ‘ope that these fireworks will be worth this walk.”
“Fireworks are worth any walk,” Artemis said. She tilted her head at the couple. “Anyway, Charlie and I were wondering-”
“You were wondering. Keep me out of it.”
“- what you two were planning on doing about godparents.”
“What do you mean?” Bill asked.
“Well, Charlie thinks you’ll pick him, but I think that’s kind of unfair,” Artemis said, ignoring Charlie’s shaking head. “I mean, he already got to be your best man, and he’s going to be the baby’s uncle. Why should he get to be a godparent as well? You should pick someone who hasn’t already had a turn or is related anyway.”
“So, someone like you.”
“Someone like me, or maybe even actually me. I reckon I’d be good at it.”
“Of course you do,” said Bill. He exchanged glances with the woman at his side, who had drawn a protective arm across her front. “Yeah, we’ll consider that offer. Thanks, Artemis.”
“Nice pitch,” Charlie murmured, low enough that Bill and Fleur couldn’t hear him. “I reckon they’ll still pick me, though.”
“I bet you a Sickle that they don’t.”
By the time they reached the top of the hill, the rest of the party guests - Bill and Charlie’s family, and several old friends - were already there, in varying states of sobriety. In turn, Artemis greeted the people she knew: the Weasleys, Penny Haywood-Parkin and her Quidditch-playing husband Lewis, Jae Kim and Chiara Lobosca, Ben Copper, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Andre Egwu, Tulip Karasu, Merula Snyde, Barnaby and Ellie Lee, Liz Tuttle, and Hagrid. A little boy with hair the same shade of turquoise as Tonks’ had been the night they met, fifteen years before, waved at her, and she found herself having to force a smile in return.
The war Dumbledore had told her would one day come had done so, and had left its survivors with deep scars and losses, of which Bill’s face and Ben Copper’s left leg had been the least severe. Artemis swallowed hard as she turned away from the boy who looked like Tonks and saw George Weasley setting up the fireworks by himself.
Someone asked for the time, and Artemis’ eyes immediately went to her ankle, despite her having not worn a watch on it for years. Beside her, Bill rolled up his sleeves to reveal his own watch, and began to count down from ten, the other guests joining in.
As their countdown reached zero, there was sudden rush of movement, noise, and light. Couples kissed, friends wished one another a happy new year, and George lit the first of his fireworks, which sizzled into the night sky and exploded far above their heads. Artemis felt a soft pressure on her right cheek, and turned to see Charlie at her side, a small smile playing on his freckled face.
“Happy New Year,” he said quietly, his eyes fixed on the darkened horizon, where more fireworks had started to appear in the distance, some sooner, some later, as other groups of wizards, witches, and Muggles waved goodbye to the previous century and ushered in the new one.
Their own display was by far the best, with fireworks taking the shapes of dragons and thunderbirds and phoenixes before erupting into bursts and showers, illuminating the sky with two thousand different colours.
All too soon, however, the spectacle was over, and the party guests prepared to journey back to the Burrow or their own homes. Artemis stayed put. 
“You go on without me,” she said to Bill and Charlie, still watching the Muggle fireworks in the distance. “I want to watch the rest.” 
Charlie frowned at her. “You sure? I don’t mind staying.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” he shrugged. “I’ll get you a hot chocolate for when you get back.”
“With marshmallows?”
“Don’t push your luck.”
Artemis grinned as she looked back out over the view of the countryside, above which there were still Muggle fireworks appearing and disappearing in the distance, small flashes of light in the vast expanse of darkness. 
All alone now, Artemis watched the fireworks and listened to the crackles and whizzes and bangs that were the only noises echoing through the January night. The grass at her feet was damp, the air around her was cold and laced with the scents of pine trees and gunpowder, and her lips still tasted faintly of sloe gin. Her fingers tingled, and her toes were numb, and her pulse coursed through her veins as her heart continued to beat in her chest, reminding her how very alive she was in this moment. Not that she needed the reminder. Right now, standing on Stoatshead Hill at the start of a new year, a new century, a new millennium, she felt more alive and more free than ever. 
Out there in the darkness lay her future, though what it held, she did not know for certain. What she did know was that it was hers, and hers alone, and it was  filled with places to be explored, mysteries to be solved, and adventures to be had. They were all out there, waiting for her to come and find them. And she would.
For now, though, there were more important things waiting for her: a ginger cat, a mug of hot chocolate, and house filled with music and laughter and people she loved dearly. She smiled and wrapped her cloak tighter around her, feeling warmer already.
And as the last firework disappeared into the night sky, so did Artemis Hexley.
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sofoulandfairaday · 2 years
What are your favourite aspects of Bellamort? What made you ship it in the first place?
Hello, dearest!
How wonderful to log back in on Tumblr and find one of your asks! Even though it is absolutely not an easy one. How - where - do I even begin?
I guess that what attracted me first, back in 2013, was probably Bellatrix. I have always been fascinated with villains, especially women, especially ones who fall under the "wicked witch, but complex" trope. But Bellatrix is so much more. She is still one of my favourite characters of all time, years later, and I don't need to tell you just how wonderful she is.
And, of course, there's Voldemort, whom I was fascinated with even before Bella was introduced in the series. You know, it was already apparent to me, as an 11-12-year-old back when I read the books for the first time, that they were lovers. Maybe I didn't grasp all of their complexities straight away, but it just seemed so obvious to me. I was shocked when I went online for the first time and people were fervently denying this. I'm actually mad that it took Cursed Child (which I don't really like, at all) to make it canon when it was clearly in the author's intentions from the start.
It was, honest to God, the only romance in the entire HP universe I was interested in. One thing I liked about the saga was that it didn't contain romance, it was clearly about another kind of love (friendship, loyalty, family). BUT I couldn't get enough of Bellamort.
I guess what I liked most is that they are the opposite of mundane. I love the complexity of the characters, their intrinsic tragedy. Voldemort will never truly recognize what they have as love, even in the best-written fanfictions, he is only IC, to me, when he denies his feelings - it's not love, it's adoration; it's not faith, it's loyalty. Dumbledore says that Tom Riddle could have been saved if he had been loved... but he was, loved. And it was the kind of love that corrupts, not the one that saves (Bella, in this case). I love that it makes both of them more complicated, deeper characters.
I also think that part of their beauty is the mystery, the fact that we get to fill in the gaps. I have at least 10 different versions of Bellamort, from the coldest, most heartless, soul-wrenching ones, to the sweeter ones (if the word "sweet" could ever be used to describe these two).
I love their passion, their ruthlessness, the the-devil-and-his-witch dynamic they have, the obsession, the scream. The hope that even the darkest, most tortured souls can find solace (in each other), even if for a few seconds. And that's just the canon stuff.
Is it toxic? Sure. Are they both cunts? Oh, yeah. I love them for it. I also (and I'm a bit of a sadist, but this is fiction, who cares) love the Hurt/Comfort dynamic of their relationship.
Is the 25-year gap dubious when she's 17 and he's 42? Yeah.
I don't believe in the "love at first sight" version of Bellamort - I believe he was fascinated and impressed with her, enough to take her under his wing, his first apprentice in the Dark Arts. And then, then she grew on him, day after day after day. She becomes familiar, and he finds himself knowing more and more about her, wanting to know more and more about her. That's who Bella is to him: the one who always stays. Everyone leaves, no one is worthy of trust. But Bella always comes through for him. She accepts to be sent into Hell for him, and then she discovers that Hell is just a place without him. He screams at the end of DH because, when she falls, she's failed him. His last, best lieutenant, the one who always found her way back to him, is dead.
She made herself indispensable to him, without him realizing it for a long time. When he does, he's powerless. Sure, he humiliates her, perhaps treats her cruelly even, but I am 100% sure that he always goes back to comfort her later. When the time comes to actually hurt her (= Harry & Co. escape from Malfoy Manor), she is unscathed. Lucius, poor thing, still carries signs of his punishment weeks after that. And this is Voldemort. I am always perplexed when people say "oh, how can he love her if he does A, B, C"... You guys do realize that we are talking about Voldemort here? And that is the whole point. Also, Bella wasn't exactly a kitten, was she?
What else? They clearly have great sex. I said what I said.
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