#oh this is Michael trying not to be his father but then he forgets he has his own fault of loyalty and desire for loyalty and fucks up
smusherina · 2 months
bridges burnt - chapter 5 [epilogue series] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: When an invitation to Gretchen Wieners' wedding ended up in your mailbox, you'd been sure it was a mistake. Only, it read your name in neat, swoopy calligraphy. It was addressed to you. And Regina George, whom you hadn't spoken to in years.
additional clarification: This is set in the universe of yard work, a series of mine that can be found on my page! Reading this one might be a bit challenging without the context of the series :)
warning(s): weed mischief
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4
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You were sitting at your table, chatting amicably with everyone, when Gretchen finally graced you with her presence. She was glowing, that much you could admit.
"Hey, guys!" She gave an energetic greeting. You smiled and waved.
"Oh em gee, Gretch!" Regina said as she stood up. She was considerably taller than the bride, with killer heels that gave some significant inches. They did air kisses on each cheek and cooed and squealed for a little.
"It's been so long! You're so rarely in town I wasn't sure you'd come!" Gretchen enthused. Her husband stood on the sidelines, looking quite put out but trying to hide it.
"Oh, you know I always make time for you," A blatant lie but you weren't going to say anything about it. "I'm so happy you've found love!"
"Me too," Gretchen gushed, snaring her boo-thang by the arm. He'd zoned out so startled a little but recovered quick with a dashing smile.
"Hi, I'm Michael." Of course, his name was Michael. What was next? Chad? Tucker?
"Regina. Regina George." Regina said, then turned to you. "And this is my partner."
You stood up and shook his hand, then said your name. "Nice to meet you. Congrats."
Michael nodded, smiling uncomfortably. He'd seemed sociable and open with the other guests so you didn't get why he was being all shy now.
"Thanks!" Gretchen chirped. Her eyes flitted between you and Regina. "Sorry if this is abrupt, but you two are still together?"
"We did go on a break right before college." Regina chose her words deliberately. "But after that, we just couldn't resist. True love just pulls you in, doesn't it?" She put her arm around your waist and pulled you to her. You stumbled a little, falling into her. Your arms came around her neck.
Gretchen looked quite unsettled by the close embrace. "It totally does." She said, tone falling flat.
"Mmh. Well, what plans have you got? Honeymoon?"
"Michael's been planning it for us," Gretchen said. That surprised you considering she was such a control freak. Perhaps you were wrong.
"There's no keeping secrets from her," Michael laughed. "Surprising her is too damn hard." His Southern twang was prominent. Something was charming about him, you supposed.
"I just want it to be right, Mike!" Gretchen teased, lightly hitting him on the shoulder. "I've been better haven't I? I let Deborah do the flower arrangements."
"Yes, dear," Michael said, looking down at Gretchen with real, genuine love in his eyes.
Seeing them interact, so sweet on one another, made you sad. First of all, because you were so similar. You were on the same level, people just the same as them. Looking at them like this, in just the context of the moment currently playing out, you didn't want to ruin their wedding.
But you had history. Gretchen had outed you to the school in junior year of high school. It'd had devastating effects on your life as a whole. Your father went from cold neglect to open disdain, you lost the jobs you were doing around the neighbourhood, your peers ostracised you. Those close to you, Regina mostly, got targeted rumours spread around and more negative attention than ever.
Gretchen was not the sole reason for your and Regina's break up but definitely one of them. You had settled to forgive and forget when you came back to town, to stay away and not say anything in a silent, mutual agreement. You buried the hatchet and thought she had, too.
You should've known better. Watching her make googly eyes at her husband as if the things she did had no bearing, no weight, infuriated you. She had ruined your life. Things had progressed since you were in high school and outing didn't have quite the same fallout, but what she did to Kylie was still unforgivable. There hadn't been that much progress. Gay marriage was still illegal in some states.
"Man, Gretchen, seeing you like this brings me back." You said, eyeing her. "Those sure were the days," You sighed and played wistful.
The bride and groom shared glances. Regina picked up what you were putting down and got involved.
"You'll be seeing just how much of a wildcat she is, Michael," Regina said, laying it on thick. "You have my number, Gretch, just give me a call if you wanna relive old times on your wedding night." She finished off with a saucy wink. You almost couldn't hold in your laughter.
"Toodles," Regina wiggled her fingers and took you by the arm, leading you away.
Once you were a safe distance away, you asked: "Wonder if they'll talk about that in private?"
"About Gretchen being involved, allegedly, in a lesbian threesome sandwich? I'd bet on it." Regina grinned.
You steered towards the exit to the parking lot where your car was. You had the kazoos and water pistols in the trunk. Maybe you spent a good fifteen minutes pinning Regina to the side of your flashy vintage—Betty the Catalina, you introduced—sucking the soul out of her through her mouth. Making out. Whatever, that was neither here nor there.
While Regina set out to find a gullible mother to deceive into giving out kazoos and water pistols, you called a guy. Rick was his name and he owed you a favour. He happened to be the owner of several karaoke bars. He'd hook you up.
"Yeah, anything will do, just needs to connect to the loudspeakers—uhh, pretty new I'd say, nothing too fancy but they didn't skimp out, that's for sure—yeah, yeah, I'll give you the address. Can he get here in an hour? Maybe less? I can pay his speeding tickets, no worries."
After making sure a karaoke machine would be delivered to the reception, you strutted back towards the building. On the way, you spotted three youths huddled in a non-descript spot by some shed. They were only visible from the parking lot. You knew what they were up to.
"Hey, kids," You sidled up to them, prompting the tallest of them to fumble with the joint he was trying to light. He had acne all over and residues of black eyeliner on his eyes. He had a strip of hair dyed stripey like a racoon tail. It was pretty cool, to be honest.
"H- hey," He stuttered, voice cracking as he swiped some hair from his eyes. Oh, to be young.
"You got weed?" You decided to be blunt. (Ha, blunt.) The two others were shaking like leaves in their tuxedos.
"No. I don't, like, even know what that is," The ring-leader crossed his arms defensively and leaned casually against the wall of the shed. Or, well, he was going for casual but looked extremely spooked.
"Well, that's a damn shame 'cause I was just looking to buy some." You said and reached into your breast pocket to pull out your wallet. You opened it and pulled out a couple of fifties. "I got all this cash to burn. But, hey, if you don't got any..."
"You'd pay that much for weed?" The boy eyed the bills hungrily.
"I'll be straight with you, kid-"
"I'm not a kid. I'm seventeen." He grumped. "Flint. Or Finnigan, I guess."
"Alright, Flint, I'm gonna put this bluntly. Your family sorta sucks." You looked at the other two. They were probably all cousins. Wouldn't tattle if Flint, the Cool One, told them not to. They didn't seem that much younger. As a responsible adult, you should've probably said something along the lines of 'don't smoke it's bad for you' but you were just glad they weren't shooting up or anything.
"Understatement of the century," He scoffed.
"Which side are you from, by the way?"
"The groom's." They all said in unison. That explained why you'd never seen most of these folk.
"I don't know much about him to be fair, but if he's shacking up with Gretchen I'm pretty sure they're equally sucky. Anyway, I'm trying to get everybody as fucked up as possible." You clarified, skirting around exactly what you were trying to do which was to ruin the wedding. Maybe these kids had better morals than you. "The bride sorta caused a rift between my girlfriend and I years back, outed me to the whole school, it was a scandal, we broke up and I spiralled. It was bad and I want revenge."
"She outed you? Like..." Flint looked around, looking scared someone was gonna hear. Nobody else was around. "Like you're gay?"
"I'm here with my girlfriend today." You said, smiling dopeyly. Your cheeks hurt. "I think we're back together. It's complicated. So, you wanna sell?"
"Hell yeah," He grinned, teeth crooked to the ninth degree. "Can we get in on it? Michael totally sucks, he orders us around like we're his minions or something."
The other two nodded along empathetically. They all had the same boxy, swoopy haircut that kept falling into their eyes. What luck that ran into the angsty teens of the clan.
"I don't know how much you'll be able to do without getting in trouble with your parents. Gotta be at least a little subtle."
Flint dug into his backpack and pulled out a plastic tupperware. There were some decent-looking nugs in there from what you could see through the frosted plastic. You handed over the cash.
"Pleasure doing business with you." You contemplated for a moment. "Any chance you could pull the fire alarm for the cake-cutting?"
The three matching evil grins were enough of an answer for you. Their little emo faces made your chest feel warm. You wanted to take them under your wing, or something.
"By the way, weed is fine. It's not great, I don't recommend it, but if you're gonna do drugs then this is best case scenario." You shook the plastic case in your hand. "Never do hard drugs. It's gonna make your hair fall out and teeth hurt like a bitch."
You left the three teenagers to smoke their blunt, knowing that your little shpiel probably went through one ear and out the other. You hoped they pulled through but if they didn't, you were planning on doing enough wicked shit that the sprinklers triggering would just be a cherry on top.
You found Janis smoking a cigarette at the same spot you'd been at earlier.
"You got a grinder?"
You opened the lid of the box, blasting the air with the potent smell of cannabis.
"Where the fuck did you get all that?" She asked as she reached into her purse.
"Not important. What is, though, is how we'll get the guests high."
Janis, the bright mind that she was, immediately got to work. You didn't even bother asking what she was up to when she crouched on the floor and began grinding away. She had fast hands, you observed, with how quick and clean she was rolling several blunts. Now that you saw clearly into the tupperware, lord almighty Flint had a lot of kush.
"What's the plan?" You asked after a moment, holding the box in one hand and blunts in the other. You stubbornly ignored the compulsion to stick one between your lips and light up. That was over for you.
"Find a Helen, a Beatrice, and or a Leigh-Anne, and convince them this is a miracle herb harvested from the government-protected, top-secret alpine springs of Florida, known for reversing wrinkles, repairing hymens, and with long-term use reducing hair growth neck down. It might even accelerate or delay menopause, depending on whose asking."
"Florida is the flattest state in the continental USA." You pointed out.
"Exactly." Janis didn't spare you a glance, just kept on rolling.
"So we're spinning a multilevel-marketing scheme on these people."
"Not really." Janis paused and turned to you. "We're just scamming them. Not even with money, with the devil's lettuce."
"That's arguably worse. I think this might be a felony."
"Oh, it definitely is."
Notes: The ball is rolling! At last! It only took five chapters good golly god.
Taglist posted seperately! If you want on it, comment so on that post!
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Teen MC: Uncle Luke! *hugging him*
Luke: Eh—
Simeon: *chuckles* Sorry, Luke. I think you weren't expecting that they would be a little bit taller than you.
Luke: Yes... Why does everyone have to be so tall...
Teen MC: Now that Uncle has mentioned that. *looking at him*
Teen MC: You're as short as I remembered. Do you never grow?
Luke: *blushes in embarrassment* H-Hey! Of course I will grow! *pouts*
Teen MC: Are you... sure?
Luke: *tries to sound stern* MC, I'm still your uncle.
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: How tall are you exactly, Uncle?
Luke: MC!
Simeon: *chuckles* MC, stop teasing your Uncle Luke.
Luke: Hmph! I know you're making fun of me too, Simeon!
Simeon: Oh. I would never do that.
Teen MC: He certainly does.
Simeon: Hehe.
Luke: *pouts even more*
Teen MC: I'll help you carry your luggage, Uncle.
Luke: Thanks...
Simeon: MC? Can Papa ask you to prepare some drinks and snacks for us?
Teen MC: *nods* Yes. But Pa? Don't forget your doctor's appointment this afternoon.
Simeon: *smiles* Of course. Thank you for reminding me.
Simeon and Luke: *watch MC as they carry the luggage and goes to the room Luke is going to occupy*
Luke: ...
Luke: Simeon?
Simeon: Yes?
Luke: Why do you have a doctor's appointment?
Simeon: Oh. I've been having backpains lately. *chuckles* Maybe it's because I'm getting old and I'm starting to feel changes in my body.
Luke: Oh.
Luke: ...
Luke: Simeon, I know you've decided this a long time ago... But if given a chance, would you—
Simeon: No. I'm already satisfied with how things are.
Luke: I see. *smiles* I'm glad.
Satan: *helping MC to prepare snacks and drinks* How long is Luke going to stay here?
Teen MC: A few months. But I wish he would stay here for at least a year. I know how much he misses Papa.
Satan: ...
Satan: You should be cautious.
Teen MC: It'll be alright. I can trust uncle.
Satan: ...
Simeon: *showing his results to MC* See? Papa is completely healthy.
Teen MC: That's great, Pa.
Simeon: Does that mean we can go hiking? We can ask Luke and the others to join us.
Teen MC: Yes. But if I carry you, I'll carry you. No complaining.
Simeon: *sad frowns* However, Papa doesn't want to be a burden. *smiles* And I can still pull my weight.
Teen MC: It's not about pulling your own weight, Pa. I don't want you getting exhausted because of long walks.
Simeon: *chuckles* I can't argue with that.
Lucifer: *enters the room* Simeon? Barbatos would like to see you.
Simeon: Right now?
Lucifer: Yes.
Simeon: Okay. MC? Feel free to read any books you want. And oh! If you have any feedback, much better.
Teen MC: *nods*
Simeon: *smiles before leaving with Lucifer*
Teen MC: ...
Michael: ...
*One of MC's letters:
"I want to understand why my father turned into a human. Could it be because of me? If so, Uncle, please undo it or punish me in the same way."
Michael: ...
Michael: You're old enough to deserve a response.
Simeon: What is it, Barbatos?
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: Have you noticed anything about your child?
Simeon: No. I would say everything seems normal. Why? Is there a problem?
Barbatos: I am not certain. Though I have a wild guess that your child is in contact with your former brother Michael.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Why would MC communicate with him?
Barbatos: MC was just a child when you chose to be a human, Simeon. It might be that they're seeking for answers.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Maybe I've been worrying my child without knowing.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: *smiles* Your child is just like you, Simeon. Worrying over something they have no control of.
Barbatos: However, that's not our concern right now.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: I'll try asking my child. They would never keep a secret from me.
Teen MC: ...
*Michael's letter to them:
"Your existence stems from a deeply regrettable act, one that is unacceptable for an angel.
That's the explanation I could only provide you."
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: *sigh* What could that be...
Teen MC: *is thinking of asking Simeon but they're unsure if they should*
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: It's not the time yet.
Teen MC: I want Papa to trust me that I would be able to handle everything.
Teen MC: A few more years should be enough.
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: But if I fail to wait for an answer... I want to at least have enough wisdom to understand the situation.
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achromatophoric · 3 months
Alright so I know you’ve got crossover brainrot. So. For each Wednesday character, what are their favorite Tim Burton movies?
Wednesday Addams: Sweeney Todd - For all the obvious reasons.
Enid: Frankenweenie (2012) - She saw it in theaters and fell in love with Sparky. Beloved because of puppy! and not fitting in. Followed closely by Corpse Bride.
Thing: Edward Scissorhands - He had an uncredited part as one of Edward’s spare hands that was cut up. Has the scars to prove it.
Eugene: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children - Saw it in theaters. Otherwise doesn’t really watch older movies.
Yoko: Beetlejuice - Rumor has it that the titular character had a direct influence on her rizz style.
Bianca: Big Fish - Has never actually seen it, but enjoys arguing with people when they inevitably try to point out the connection between the film title and her being a siren. Her actual favorite is Ed Woods.
Xavier: Sleepy Hollow - Because he’s a basic emo and Christina Ricci reminds him of Wednesday.
Divina: None - She prefers Guillermo del Toro.
Kent: Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure - Classic stoner flick.
Ajax: What We Do in the Shadows - Always, always mistakes this for Dark Shadows. Will respond with “Oh riiiight” upon being corrected, then immediately forgets about it.
Tyler: Edward Scissorhands - His mother’s favorite movie. They would habitually watch it together. Francois would even cut his hair like Edward’s.
Sheriff Galpin: Anything but Edward Scissorhands.
Weems: Batman Returns - She had a crush on both Michelle Pfeiffer and Michael Keaton. May have had bothersome dreams about a certain roommate in the Catwoman suit.
Rowan: Batman - Vibed with his vigilante streak.
Thornhill: None - No time for movies while plotting genocide. She did catch a bit of Sleepy Hollow and thought one of the actresses was quite attractive.
Gomez and Pugsley: Mars Attacks! - Chaos and mayhem! Bonding time between Father and Son.
Morticia: Beetlejuice - All about Lydia and the general aesthetic.
Fester: N/A - Movies blur together for him, but he’s certain that he’s had drinks with Beetlejuice during at least some of his many clinical deaths. When shown the film, he expresses confusion and asks why Beetlejuice isn’t a cartoon character like he remembers.
Lurch: Frankenweenie (1984) - Same reasons as Enid. They bond after doing a viewing of both versions
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Just want to say, I really love your yandere family! They all seem so sweet lajdkal
Ah! Thank you! I'm so glad!
I've been meaning to make more content for them
So here's a little something
How Sweet They Are | Yandere Family
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To Everyone else: Is as sweet as she needs to be. How can she be anything other than that when she’s going for mayor? But what’s underneath the sweet smiles and friendly disposition is a spiteful woman with a violent string of thoughts.
“Miss Remalda! If you weren’t married I’d propose to you!”
“Awww that’s so sweet! But I’m very happy in my marriage!”
‘If you had found me 14 years earlier I would have skinned you for even thinking you could replace my love with yourself. Disgusting Pig!’
To You: She’s sweeter than sugar. Anything you ask for you can have even if it comes with detriment to someone else. She just can’t resist it when you look up at her with those adorable (e/c) eyes. It's just too much! Too perfect! That’s her beloved baby alright!
“Awww you reached so nicely for it, you can have all the cake you want!”
“Mom! They can’t even digest solid food!”
“But they asked so adorably how can i refuse?*Mwah*”
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To Everyone else: He’s as cordial as he needs to be. He’s been keeping people at a distance for quite a long time so this is nothing new. He doesn’t often waste any time thinking about those he meets or what he can do for them because he’s too busy thinking about his own family. 
“Thank you for your patronage.”
“You’re really pretty for a man in your work!”
‘Did I leave the dishwasher running? If I did (Y/n)’s sippy cup should be in there. That’ll be good. Oh, and Yulia has a skating competition this week…’
He’s so disconnected sometimes he forgets the...consequences that spring from his own actions or lack thereof.
“So darling who was that tramp?”
“What tramp?”
To You: He tries to be as sweet as any parent should be. Your chubby body, your gleeful squeals, and your tiny grip on him–are always reminders to him about how much he cherishes you. He’s aware that Remalda is inclined to spoil you and he doubts that will ever change so he has to take initiative and be the adult. But he didn’t have to worry about it now, not when you were so young and it was normal anyway to act on your whims. You have no other way to communicate so it's okay!
“Baby, be careful waving that toy in the air! You might hit a bird!”
You’ll babble and ultimately end up flinging the toy in the air wacking a bird off its perch.
“Oh s-dear! Okay okay, you can have it back just don’t do that again. Okay?”
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To Everyone Else: Only if you pay for it. He’s a businessman after all and he doesn’t get the results he does by being “sweet.” He’ll make his peers pay a fee if they want to see his pearly whites and even then it's never the real thing. It’s safe to say he takes after his Mother and Father when it comes to being sweet…it covers his real thoughts that are either completely unrelated or especially violent.
“Geez Michael you could’ve at least acted like you care! I’m paying for the experience, right?”
“You right, I don’t care. But if you want the experience with a friendly disposition you’ll have to pay the fee.” 
“What!? Seriously this is a lot more than I imagined…”
‘Of course I do I need to have enough to support my baby and little sister…I wonder if I would get more if I just stabbed him.’
To You: He’s sweet t in the way that he always holds you with care and reprimands your wrong-doings. While he’s not too different from his father he still feels like it's his duty to ‘properly raise you’. He thinks-no he knows you're the precious baby that needs his loving hand to guide you in this messed up family. And since you're his sweet baby he will be the sweetest to you and Yulia.
“Alright (Y/n)...give me your hand.”
“(Y/n). (Y/n), listen to big brother. Give me your hand.”
He’s trying his hardest to be sweet with you, it's not typically in his nature to choose kindness over violence but he tries. He loves you after all so he’s willing to try anything to see your gummy smile and hear the bells of your laughter.
“Good job, (Y/n). Next, you’ll have to learn to give me one of your toys.”
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To Everyone Else: Of course, she is sweet to everyone! Why not be? Everyone’s usually so nice to her–always complimenting her ice skating and how good of a big sister she is. Sometimes when she talks to those who know her brother they seemed surprised she is so nice. 
“Huh, Michael? Oh well, he’s quite curt but I wouldn’t say he’s mean.”
So where her beloved brother slips up she carries the weight, hoping to dissuade others from building too much aggression towards him. Because she knows him and he’s the kindest big brother; yes, he may mysteriously be ridding her of any and all problems she speaks about.
“Threatened you? He’s just…doing his own thing. Yeah, sorry about that…”
To You: Yes! Why wouldn’t she?! Her darling baby sibling is just so cute and when Michael’s busy and the parents are fighting+ you always seem to reach out for her. Always seem to remember her. So she gives you kisses and risks her mother’s wrath to sneak into your nursery for a sleepover.
“Come on (Y/n), how about we stay up and I tell you all about everything1”
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the-stress-express · 6 months
Attention Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction Enjoyers!!
I have a snack for y’all!!
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I’m in the process of writing the first chapter of my new Hazbin fic and I wanted to give you, my Lovelies, a sneak peek of the dialogue. (Although, it looks more like a script at the moment). Eh, whatevs.
It’s going to be mostly centred around Lucifer, Michael, Sera, and Emily (although, other Hazbin characters, both canon and non-canon, will be in it as well).
For example, I will be including God in this fic. And I will say right now that my characterization and representation of God is NOT meant to be taken as religiously accurate or anything like that. You don’t have to like it, but I do ask that you please remain respectful in voicing your opinions.
Once I have most of it (or at least a few chapters) finished, I will be posting it on Archive Of Our Own (Ao3). I may also post it here for those who don’t use Ao3.
But without further ado, you can find my sneak peak under the cut. It’s a bit long but I hope you guys like it.
Enjoy, Lovelies!
Sera: Come now, Michael, pick up the pace. We mustn’t be late.
Michael: *Groans and yawns* Sera, where are we going again? Why are we going anywhere so EARLY? Heaven’s not even awake yet.
Sera: *Sighs quietly* I told you five minutes ago, Michael. This is the third time you’ve asked me now. *slighty raises an eyebrow with a frown*
Michael: Oh… right. *Looks down at the ground, looking a bit crestfallen*
*Sera turns back away from Michael as they continue walking, seemingly oblivious to his saddened state.*
Sera: Michael, this behaviour cannot continue. You must improve your listening. As Father’s Angel of Justice, one of His most important angels, someday you will be part of the Heavenly Council, the ones who are responsible for keeping Heaven safe and balanced. So, you need to take your role seriously. You should know that by now.
Michael: *frowns and stops walking, feeling embarrassed* I was listening. I just… kept forgetting. I’m sorry. *tears form in his eyes as he fiddles with his sleeves* I-I do take my role seriously, Sera. I r-really do.
*Sera’s eyes widen as she realizes what she said to him. She had forgotten how sensitive he could be when it came to criticism and how much he often took things to heart. How could she be so blunt? Yes, he would need to learn to take criticism, but was still just a young child.*
*But most of all, how could she forget? She knows what Michael is like. Other than God, she’s been the one mostly raising him.*
*A couple tears begin to trail down Michael’s cheeks as he looks to the ground in shame. A frown washes over Sera’s face as she kneels down in front of Michael.*
*She sure feels guilty now. She made him cry. How dare she.*
Sera: Oh, Michael. Please don’t cry.
*She cups his face in her hands and wipes away his tears with her thumbs.*
Sera: Shh, it’s okay, honey. It’s okay. I’m sorry for getting upset at you. I didn’t mean to be so harsh. I just want you to be prepared to help govern Heaven in the future.
Michael: *sniffles* I know…
Sera: *Sighs* But even so, that is no excuse for accusing you of not listening and being careless on purpose.
Michael: *sighs and sniffles as he looks at the ground* I try act mature like you and the other angels. I try to listen when you all tell me things. I want to listen, but… I’m just too stupid.
Sera: *Gasps quietly* Oh… no, Michael… Michael look at me. Please. *He looks at her* Don’t say or even think anything like that ever again. That train of thought stops this instant. You are not stupid. You are smart, determined, and caring.
*Sera sighs slightly shamefully and closes her eyes*
Sera: You are also quite mature for your age, and I sometimes forget how young you are. That as much as you’ve grown, you are still a young fledgling.
Michael: *eyes widened* You forget things, too?
*Sera opens her eyes again and looks at Michael with a small, reassuring smile.*
Sera: Of course. Angels are some of Father’s greatest creations… but even we are not flawless. As much as we may try to avoid it, we will make mistakes. That’s just how it is. However, what’s important is being able to admit to our mistakes and to do our best to fix them. That is true divinity.
*Sera takes Michael’s hands in hers.*
Sera: So, again, I’m sorry for what I said and for getting upset. It was not your fault and it was not kind or fair of me to be hard on you and make you feel less than. You’re a child. You deserve to be treated with patience and dignity and shouldn’t be expected to behave as if you were an adult.
*A smile quickly spreads across Michael’s face as he finishes drying his face with his sleeve.*
Michael: That’s okay, Sera. I forgive you. *Jumps into Sera’s arms for a hug*
Sera: *smiles* Thank you, Michael.
*Sera hugs him back.*
Michael: Thanks, too. I’ll do my best to make Heaven proud.
Sera: You’re welcome, my little angel. I know you will bring honour to us all.
*More hug I guess lmao*
Michael: I love you, Sera.
Sera: I love you too, Michael. *breaks the hug with a smile and strokes his cheek lovingly before standing up* Now, come along. Father is waiting for us.
*Sera holds out her hand, offering it for Michael to take, which he quickly does. Realization then dawns on his face as his wings flap excitedly a couple times.*
Michael: Oh, yeah, that’s where we’re going. Father wants to show us something, right?
*Sera looks down at Michael with an endearing smile and nods.*
Sera: That’s right.
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fandomfuntimem · 10 months
Second chances: a fnaf au
Part 2
CHAPTER 1: Wake Up
Fire. Blazing fire.
Despite the dire circumstances Michael actually felt quite calm. It was over, he and Henry had succeeded. They rounded up all the animatronics, and burned it all down. Now it is time to rest, and he was all too happy to do so...
Michael shot up. Fire. There was no fire. Where was the fire? He wasn't in his office anymore. He was in a bedroom. His bedroom. Not his adult bedroom, his childhood bedroom. Before he could fully process anything he heard knocking on the door, "MIIIIKEEEEY!!!! TURN THAT ALARM OFF! IT'S ANNOYING!" Elizabeth? No that can't be. Michael swung his legs off the side his bed and slammed him hand down on the clock. Was it all just a dream? He wondered, no. This is a second chance.
Michael jogged down the stairs. If this really is a second chance he won't waste it. No more fox mask, no more scaring Evan, no more pranks. Besides, William was barely around anyways, his siblings need someone to step up and be the parent.
The house was just as he remembered it. Neet with only a few toys here and there. Family photos decorated the walls, not a single smile found in any one of them. If you're visiting for the first time you would think its a cozy average home, but it really wasn't. Michael will never forget just how cold it felt, with each life lost the house only got colder. Well that's just going to have to change, Michael thought.
Walking into the kitchen Michael saw Elizabeth trying to reach for a box of cereal. She was right there, alive, not some phsycho clown animatronic. She's alive, He's alive, Evan's alive. Everyone is back, and he could save them all. For now though, he had to act natural. So he did. He totally did. "Haaaay Lizzie. What uh... what are you trying to do?" He said, god, this was harder than he thought. It's not every day you burn in a fire and wake up in your childhood home.
Elizabeth turned and gave him an odd look, "whats up with you? Got a stick up your butt?" She proceeded to give him a snarky grin.
"Haha very funny. What are you doing?"
"Trying to get to the cereal," she pointed up at the cereal box. Cinnimon charm puffs? Michael thought, didn't those get banned in the 90s?
Michael glared up at them, they deffinately did. "Why those? Don't we have something better," he muttered walking to the fridge. Yup there was a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon. If he's gonna do things right he is gonna do them right. No more cinnomon lucky cherrios or whatever they were called. He could have sworn they got banned for having vile levels of caffiene in them. Who even puts caffiene in cereal?
Elizabeth glared, "Daddy said we aren't allowed to use the stove."
"Yeah well, father isn't here to stop me," Michael snarked, "where's Evan? He's gonna miss breakfast."
"He's in his room. This isn't some elaborate plan to scare him again is it? You arent hiding that dumb Foxy mask anywhere are you?"
Oh right. That. First thing Michael did before coming down was throw it under his bed. He didn't want to see that nasty thing anywhere near him ever again, "no. I'm uh... I'm done with that. No more pranks. No more foxy mask."
Elizabeth looked skeptical, but she went off to Evan's room anyways. Evan. Michael's gonna have to be prepaired to see him again. Will Evan cry? He doesn't want to see that again. He'll probably cry too! He has to hold it together. It's hard enough to explane his sudden change in personality, but to explain why he broke down in ugly sobs the moment the kid he bullies enters the room? Yeah, there is no good explanation for that.
"Oh. He didn't hide'" Elizabeth said behind him. Michael turned, she was holding a small bat, and behind her was Evan. Poor Evan. He looked terrified.
Michael tried to look as friendly as possible, but that only seemed to make him more uncomfortable, "I uh... I made breakfast. You can go sit at the table." The two kids seamed skeptical but sat anyway. Michael placed down three plates with some fresh bacon and scrambled eggs, "you guys uh... you-you want toast??" He asked with a grin. Elizabeth gives him a suspicious glare, meanwhile Evan held his fredbear plush close and refused to make eye contact. Silence. Ooooh the uncomfortible silence. "Oookkk," Michael muttered, "no toast I guess."
Michael drums his fingers on the table. "You know what? I could go for some toast, yeah, toast, toast sound good," he said, shuffling back to the kitchen. While rummaging through the kitchen he hears Elizabeth and Evan whispering, he couldn't make anything out, but they sounded concirned. As he placed the toaster on the counter he felt a tug on his shirt, "whats wrong with you? You're being weird." Michael looked down, it was Elizabeth. She was giving him a frustrated and pouty look. "Nothings wrong," Michael said, "am I not allowed to be a good brother for once?"
"No, but it's still weird. You're usually mean and scary. THIS IS WEIRD! What did you do to our actual brother??"
"I am your actual brother Lizzy. I just decided to be better."
"Oh yeah? And what brought on this 'realization'"
"Fire. Blazing fire."
"It was a uh... a dream. A lot of fire. I was in hell. Definitely hell."
Elizabeth glares at him again before sitting back at the table and begrudgingly took a bit of her eggs. Upon seeing this Evan cautiously took a bite and seemed pleasently surprised when nothing was tampered with. Michael started buttering his toast, glad that he atleast made a proper and enjoyable breakfast. It's been decades since he was able to eat so he wasn't too sure if he could make something that would actually taste good. Come to think of it. It's been decades since he needed to cook at all. How did he manage this? He was litteraly a zombie living alone. How in the world did he manage to retain the skill to cook?
Just as a was beginning to get a little too deep in thought he heard a small voice call from the dinning table, "Mikey. Can you make me some toast too?" It was Evan. Holding his plush close, he timidly did his best to look at Michael. Progress, Michael couldn't help it but have the biggest goofiest grin plastered on his face. Evan spoke to him and he didn't cry or stutter. He even called him Mikey!
"Sure! You want butter too?"
Evan nodded. Its not much, but its progress. Evan is still scared but he asked Michael for something! That's deffinately progress right? No matter. He's being a good brother. Sitting at the table he handed Evan his toast and began to eat. Food! Aaaaaah finally food! He was a corpse for so long he almost forgot what eggs and bacon tastes like. Everything is going right. He's alive, Evan's alive, Elizabeth is alive, he got exactly what he wished for, a second chance.
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tilly-tilly-2827 · 5 months
Aftermath #1
Inspired by The One With The Erogenous Zones written by the most amazing @bridgertonbabe.🥰🥰
What might have happened after Benedict stumbled out from the Pub…(hearing oddly specific information from Michael Stirling)
Just a little Drabble but a bit smutty?
Oh, such a quiet night it was.
Sophie hummed softly in her teacup as she enjoyed her peppermint tea. With her boys tucked in bed (after 3 chapters of James and the Giant Peach), and her husband off to the pub, Sophie was quite enjoying the comfortable silence that prevailed through the flat. Maybe finish a chapter of a novel? But she knew she still had the dishes in the sink, and the laundry would be done in a few minutes, and she had to check the bills…but she could feel herself drifting off, and slowly dozed off in a divine slumber on their couch.
A very sweet night indeed.
So, of course, she did not realize that her husband had come home quite early (Normally a night out with the brothers ended up till the morning), picked her up from the couch, and slammed her on the bed. Sophie noticed, that he was oddly wet and sweaty.
“Sweetie, you’re home early…oh, oh, oh.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Benedict growled in a dangerously low voice.
“Yes…but Ben, I have to…Oh, wait, Ben….”
Sensing the lust and …desperation(?)in his tone, Sophie thought herself a fool for thinking that it would be a peaceful, quiet night.
Although wanting to forget everything Michael said about Sophie, Benedict can’t help himself from trying out the “The six, thirteen, fourteen combo.”
The combo, as Michael said, completely melts Sophie into pieces, her moaning and squirming in a way he had never seen before.
“Please, Ben, you’re going to wake the boys,” Sophie muttered breathlessly.
“Oh, I’m planning on you to wake them up.”
Benedict finally felt the satisfaction creeping up on him as Sophie screamed into the pillow.
As much pleasure it brings him to see Sophie completely melt under his eyes, he can’t help but feel frustrated that it’s Michael who taught him so. Which pushes him into bringing Sophie to climax many, many, many times throughout the night. Pushing, pushing, pushing her limits.
Sophie, although thoroughly enjoying the sensation her sweet Benedict is bringing, Is actually confused as to why her husband is suddenly exploring new territories, (Benedict, nowadays, is more of a slow sweet tender type, not the animalistic wild type.) It is also more confusing for her because the sensation is weirdly familiar as if Benedict is pushing the buttons that had never been touched for years.
Sophie has no complaints about Benedict or their love life. He is the greatest husband/ father and the best at filling her needs, but that night, Benedict was…wild. He did not just fill her needs, he was making her explode into pieces. When they first started dating they were “at it like rabbits” (As Anthony had said), but after a few years with the boys, it’s true that he (and Sophie) had somewhat mellowed, but Sophie had enjoyed their sweet lovemaking all the same.
But his hands, and his lips and his fingers, god, it was as if Sophie was in her 20s all over again, when she was young and stupid, and still had her wild nights with Michael…
Ten and fifteen, Eh?
Sophie could swear she heard Michael’s low chuckle but as she managed to crack open her eyes, she only saw her loving husband, his dark ocean eyes filled with lust and…jealousy? Was Benedict jealous of someone?
But her thoughts were completely taken over by his touch as she suppressed a moan, every touch fumed the fire within her.
You like that, wouldn’t you?
“Ben…, Ben, Ben.”
Sophie felt a wave of panic as Michael’s Scottish accent vibrated through her ears. It was years ago for god’s sake, and she couldn’t be hearing his voice when her Benedict was pestering her with kisses.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Sophie could only reply to him with a moan and decided to let go of her confusion and doubt, drowning herself in Benedict’s touch.
“…That was …wild.”
Sophie was completely out of breath and quite honestly, utterly exhausted when Benedict finally decided to let her go from his determined clutch. She mentally cursed herself for putting in a morning shift as she glanced at the clock; she could maybe manage to sneak in an hour of sleep. However she was in desperate need of a shower and considering she would have to wake up in an hour, Sophie knew that she couldn’t just doze off.
But with the thrilling weight of Benedict above pressing her down (and the overwhelming fatigue), she couldn’t quite bring herself to move and clean herself up right away.
“Did…did you like it…?”
Benedict’s voice was surprisingly meek, considering the intensity that had taken over him a few hours earlier.
“…Well, I….” Sophie found herself stumbling for words as she ran her fingers through Benedict’s dark curls.
It felt like I was having a threesome with you and Michael.
Could she say it?
Looking into Benedict’s soft puppy eyes, Sophie thought quite plainly ;
“Are you okay, Sophie? You look…tired.”
John was genuinely worried to see his boss looking completely sleep-deprived, with deep bags under her eyes. Normally Sophie would be like a breeze of spring air in his simple life but today…she was practically limping. John quickly got the peppermint tea ready and handed it over to Sophie, which she accepted with a tired, yet soft smile.
“I’m all right, John.” Sophie smiled weakly. “Thank you for the tea.”
“Anytime.” I love Sophie so much.
“How was your weekend? You said that you were going to the book fair in the 54th street...”
As John beamed (ecstatic that his loving Sophie had remembered his plans for the weekend) and was about to answer how great it was and he found the most amazing book Sophie would definitely like, his lovely conversation was interrupted by Kate, who came stumbling into the cafe looking as tired and sleep deprived as Sophie.
“Good morning Kate, can I get you some….”
“Coffee, John, please. And can you make it as strong as possible?”
Kate plopped herself on the sofa, grabbed the newspaper on the table, and locked eyes with Sophie, noticing the same jaded expression on her best friend’s face.
“Rough night, Sophs?”
“Oh don’t get me started,” Sophie answered in a sigh, handing over a giant mug to Kate as she too, stumbled on to the sofa and snuggled next to her.
On a usual monday, the two would dabble about the “rough night” for a minute or two, but on that morning, there was an akward silence between them.
“What is the matter with our husbands Sophie?”
Kate finally burped out.
“Oh I’ve been wanting to answer that question for many many years, Kate.”
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reluctanttrabbit · 9 months
its secret santa time!! woo!! @hearts4ggy BOO CAROUSEL JUMPSCARE 💥💥💥💥
originally i planned to make a fic AND draw a scene from the fic. but my dreams slowly crumbled as i realized i would have so much homework this month AND i also really just wanted to get this fic out before christmas bc i know many people are with family at this time
so heres the fic instead!! maybe i can finish up the art part of the gift this week.. :3
the full fic is also below the cut incase u wanna read it this way ^_^
Carol of the Bells
3,347 words
3:56. 3:57. 3:58.
Every time Michael glanced at the clock, it stared right back. Almost like it's taunting me, he thought.
Out of all of the days in the year, why did William Afton have to work on Christmas Eve and leave Michael to look after his siblings?
To be fair, it was a lose-lose situation either way. He could either spend the day stuck with his stupid siblings, or ditto but with his stupid father.
So here he was, baking cookies with Elizabeth and Evan in the afternoon.
"I.. I think we used too much sugar," a small voice piped up. It was Evan, who had just grabbed the egg carton out of the fridge and peered into the bowl the siblings were using. Sure enough, sugar was littered all over the kitchen counter. Evan guessed that was Elizabeth's handiwork.
"Good! Maybe you'll get some cavities from it, and you'll talk even less, then," Elizabeth jeered at her brother.
"Liz, these cookies are for all of us. if anything, you're getting cavities too." Michael sighed as he pushed her aside to swipe the eggs out of Evan's hands. she let out a small yelp of annoyance, which Michael had ignored. He turned to his phone propped up on the counter with the recipe on his screen.
"Ok, eggs and vanilla extract." he said aloud to himself. Michael looked to the counter, but the vanilla extract was nowhere in sight. What? That couldn't be right.
"We got vanilla extract, right? who has it?" Michael instantly turned to Evan, who jumped a little and showed Michael his hands. Empty.
Next, he turned to Liz, getting more agitated at the second. Once he looked in her direction, he noticed three red cups set on the counter, as Elizabeth wore a suspicious smile and eyed the cups. Michael simply wasn't having it, and knocked all 3 cups off the counter as if he were a cat. He deadpanned towards Elizabeth as she watched the vanilla extract fall out of the middle cup and onto the floor.
"Hey! What's your problem today?!" she cried, as Michael went to pick up the extract.
"My problem," he growled, "is that I'm stuck with you two today, because our father can't even manage to take the day off of work for CHRISTMAS EVE."
"Well, maybe he's getting some last minute gifts.. or something!" she said, trying to excuse her father.
"Bullshit, theres nothing open today! It's a holiday, he shouldn't even be at work in the first place!"
"Don't swear at me!"
"I'll do whatever I want! Dad isn't here, I'm in charge."
"Y'know, i bet you the reason you don't wanna spend Christmas Eve with us is because you'd rathe-"
The house phone started ringing, and the two stopped fighting. Michael sent a cold glare to Elizabeth, as if he was telling her this wasn't over, and he walked over to pick up.
"Hey, is mike here?" a voice rang through the speaker. it was Charlie!
"Uh- yeah, what happened?"
"What do you mean what happened, its Christmas Eve! we're coming over for a bit, so we can keep you guys company.. since your dad isn't here, y'know." there was a slight laugh in her voice, but it settled once she mentioned that William wasn't home. Right, how could Michael ever forget.
"Oh, well.. sweet. See you guys in a bit, I guess. bye." Michael put the phone down. He hoped Charlie couldn't tell that there was still hints of anger in his voice, despite their call being so short. He let out a sigh, which somewhat turned into a growl, and turned around to look back at his siblings. Evan had started to pick the extract up and clean it with some paper towels. Good. At least he was managing to be helpful.
hearing the news that Charlie and Henry (and hopefully Sammy) were coming over eased Michael's thoughts. maybe Henry could be the one to deal with his siblings, and Michael could get a break from these brats. Evan offered the extract to Mike, and he picked it up, turning his phone back on and reading over the recipe once again. Liz had left to go sit on the couch and cool off from her and Mike's previous squabbling. Hey, I'm not complaining, Mike thought to himself.
"Cass, you wanna grab the mixer for me?" he asked. Evan nodded, and went to search the cupboards until he pulled the machine out, with the cord dangling and nearly tripping him.
Evan hauled the machine up onto the counter. He brushed his hands off on his pants, and stood idly waiting for Michael to do the next step. He fidgeted with his sweater sleeves, and peeked around the corner of the fridge to look at Elizabeth. she had a pillow in her hand as she hit it repeatedly against the floor.
Evan had a hunch that pillow was supposed to be michael.
He turned back to face Michael. the boy jumped as the mixer started and the ingredients splashed onto his face. He grumbled, but held the bowl steady and let the mixer do its job.
Evan took advantage of the loud whirring from the mixer, and snuck off into the living room to stay with Elizabeth. Her eyes narrowed as he walked into the room, and put the pillow down.
The mixer slowed down and Michael went to wash his hands. He looked around for evan, only to find that the boy wasn't there.
"Hey, I still need help here!" he shouted.
Michael cringed with each bite he took of the cookie. Something had definitely went wrong once he was left alone to bake. Was it too sweet? Or too bitter? Were the ingredients expired?
"Ok, these… these cookies taste like shit." Michael put the cookie (could it even be called that?) back down on his plate and took a sip of water. he heard Elizabeth and Evan laugh, as they had already rejected their cookies.
"When will Charlie and Henry get here?" Evan asked, blankly staring out into the window. There were slight flurries outside- the thought of a white Christmas made Michael subconsciously smile. It had reminded him of better days - days where all he would do in school was make crafts and bring them home to his mom and dad. He remember the way his mother's nose would crinkle as she smiled and put the poor excuse for an ornament up on their Christmas tree.
"I'm gonna go get my sketchbook. Just… do whatever." Mike nearly bolted up as he dodged the question and tossed the tv remote to Elizabeth, heading for the stairs. She turned on the tv and started to flip through channels. There was nothing that interested the two. News channels, baby channels, reruns of old movies, the shopping channel; and a few kids channels, but none of them were playing anything good. Elizabeth decided on one that was about these weird CGI Christmas dogs.. it wasn't like she would actually pay attention to it.
"All of these shows suck!" she huffed in frustration. "Why aren't they playing, like, My Little Pony or something?" she went to lay back on the floor and stare up at the ceiling.
Evan had wanted to answer, because its Christmas and the only thing that's on right now are Christmas movies. But he was too lost in his own thoughts to interject. He remembered the look in Michael's eyes as he went up to grab his sketchbook. The teen looked like he was on the verge of tears. Evan felt as if he had seen a cryptid.
"Liz, um.. do you ever think about why Mike gets angry at us?" he turned to his sister.
"..Well, I don't think about it on a daily basis, but I know the answer. You should too." she sighed, crossing her arms.
"I mean, obviously I know why, but… why does he get angry? We only fight with him because he fights with us. Why does he get to be the angry one? Why does he see us as brats and then get to act like that?"
Elizabeth stayed silent. They both did for a minute.
"Maybe he never moved on. I don't know." she sighed, now giving more thought to the conversation. "I don't remember much of her. Maybe the problem is that he remembers too much."
Maybe the problem is that he remembers too much. The words repeated in Evan's mind. what did that even mean? It got louder and louder, and-
"Charlie!" Elizabeth cried as she shot up to run towards the window. She was careful to not scratch herself on the Christmas tree right beside the window, and peered through the snow, which had begun to fall faster than a few minutes ago. The headlights of Henry's car disoriented Liz, but she tried her best to get a good look.
Evan stared at the ground for a few more seconds, before getting up and opening the door for them. Henry and Charlie stepped out of the car, gift bags in each of their hands. Elizabeth nearly pushed Evan out of the way as they came in the door.
"Merry Christmas, you two!" Henry said, imitating the voice of Santa Claus. He definitely has the beard for the role, Evan thought.
Elizabeth jumped into Charlie arms, giving her a hug.
"Hey Liz!" the teen said, ruffling her hair. "Guess who these are for?" she said as she held up the bags in her arms. Elizabeth gasped and reached for them, but Charlie swiped them away.
"Hey, not until tomorrow." she laughed. Her and Henry walked towards the tree to put their gifts down and take off their coats. Henry paused as Charlie set down her bags.
"You kids only got 5 presents?" Henry asked, concerned. "Now I don't want to shame your dad, but I know he has more than enough money for you guys. There's no way he's putting all that into the mall..." the man trailed off as he answered his own question.
"Well, good thing we delivered, huh?" Charlie said, trying to keep the mood up. "C'mon Liz, let's go find a Christmas movie to watch." the 2 girls walked to the couch as Charlie flipped through their DVD collection.
Henry and Evan sat in silence as Henry looked around and rubbed his hands.
"So, where's your brother?" Henry asked, looking around the house.
"He ran upstairs." Evan answered, looking up at them as if Michael would appear there in seconds. But Evan knew better. He was probably locking himself in his room for the rest of the night. He turned back to look at Henry, but couldn't quite read his expression as the man grumbled something to himself.
"..Well, I see you made cookies! Mind if I take a bite?" Henry grinned as he walked over to the plate on the kitchen counter. He had moved too fast, as Evan was just about to respond until Henry took a bite out of the poorly iced mess. His face went sour, and Evan couldn't help but snicker.
"We- we didn't do the best, I'm sure you can tell." Evan said as he watched Henry put the cookie back down on its plate.
"No worries, kid. I guess it's Santa's problem, not ours." Henry sighed and walked off into the living room. But Evan stayed put as his gaze wandered to the stairs.
He wasn't actually going to stay upstairs, was he?
Evan walked down the hall, peering in each room. Every step he took made the floorboards creak, making Evan walk lighter than usually. He passed by his room, and the door was closed. He looked at all the drawings scattered on his door, some drawn by Michael and some drawn by himself.
Elizabeth's door was decorated with stickers and one of those "no boys allowed" signs -- a gift that she put up as a joke. Evan continued walking. The bathroom doors were both open, and Michael's door was locked shut. his door held no drawings, or no stickers. Just a door handle and peeling paint. Evan held his ear close to the door, but couldn't hear any signs of Michael. He was most likely in there, but Evan had to be sure.
..That left only 2 rooms to check.
If Evan wasn't stepping lightly before, he was definitely floating by now. Even just standing by the door of William's office was enough to make him remind himself to breathe. The door stood tall and foreboding, somewhat like his dad. The light was off, so Michael couldn't be in there. Evan turned to the room at the end of the hall.
William's room.
Of course, it had never been just William's room. It used to belong to their mother too, once upon a time. Or more like a few years ago. but it seemed like Evan's instincts were right, as the lamp on the bedside drawer was on. Michael was right beside that drawer leaning against the bed and burying his head in his arms. There was a book by his feet, sitting upside down with pictures falling out of it.
Something told Evan that the book wasn't Michael's sketchbook.
Evan walked closer to Michael, and the boy lifted his head up.
"Screw off Cass, get out." his throat was raspy; Michael sounded like he was tired. His voice was the quietest it had been in years.
Evan stayed silent. He moved closer.
"..Are you deaf, I said--"
"I heard you, and I'm not going to let you yell at me anymore!" Evan's voice wavered as he spoke.
"Oh, what, did you--"
"All day you've been rude to me AND Elizabeth, and you're always just rude in general! Why do you get to just- why do you not realize that when mom died, it.. it hurt us too. But you don't get that, because you're mad at our father, and.."
Evan felt tears welling up already. Why was he such a crybaby?
Evan and Michael both fell silent as the two thought of what to say.
"..You really suck at yelling." Michael grumbled as he picked the book up. Evan wiped his tears and tried to compose himself so he could continue his rant, but he finally noticed what the book was.
It was a photo album.
Evan took a breath as he moved closer to sit beside Michael.
"In a way, you aren't wrong. I am mad at our father. Because he doesn't give a shit about us or about mom's death-"
"Liar! Dad talks about her all the time! You wouldn't know that because you barely try to talk to him."
Michael ignored him as he flipped through the pages. Their parents didn't take many pictures of themselves, but there were lots of family photos. A picture of Michael on a high chair as he eats baby food. His hair sticks out in every direction. Carol is cleaning his face, smiling for the camera as she tries her best not to laugh. A beach day photo where she's putting sunscreen on a younger Elizabeth as Michael and Evan splash around in the water. Michael and Carol at a school dance.
Slowly but surely, Michael and Evan's mom started to appear less and less, until the last picture was of William and Henry at the opening of the Pizzaplex.
"It's like she's.. slowly disappearing. From the book, from us-- And somewhere deep down, I WANT her to. So I don't have to think about her everyday. So the pain is easier." Michael sobbed. Evan's eyes widened as Michael was crying real, live tears. Was this a prank?
"I can't remember anything else from our childhood except her."
As awkward as it was, Evan shifted closer to rest his head on Michael's shoulder. Michael didn't push him off. He didn't yell at him. It just happened. And that was enough.
They sat in silence for a good while.
"..It feels weird to see you cry. It's like our personalities were swapped or something. Like 'Freaky Friday'." Evan muttered in a soft voice. Michael sniffed and wiped his eyes as he let out a genuine snicker. It wasn't in a mocking or sarcastic tone, for the first time in a while. Evan still wasn't used to this.
"Maybe it should happen more. For the both of us. I can... cry more, and you can stand up to me more." Michael admitted. He sighed and rested his head on Evan's, like they were 2 brothers who actually liked each other.
Someday, maybe that could happen.
The rest of the night flew by. Evan and Michael finally went back downstairs to join everyone else and have a movie marathon, along with some TV dinner. They talked, and danced, but eventually Henry and Charlie had to drive back home. Henry allowed them to open at least one Christmas present before they left, and Elizabeth made sure to pick a big enough gift. Because of course, Henry wouldn't allow her to pick the box that DEFINITELY wasn't a new toy playset.
Michael got a set of watercolors, Evan got a set of pajamas, and Elizabeth got a 16" Glamrock Chica plushie. The Emilys went back to their house, and the Aftons got ready for bed.
William Afton was still nowhere in sight.
Falling in and out of sleep, Michael lay in his bed, snuggled up in a pile of 3 blankets with the fan running. It was peaceful.
That was, until Elizabeth creaked the door open and poked at Michael. And when he didn't respond to pokes, she rocked him back and forth.
"... What, Liz? It's.. I don't even know what time it is, why are you still awake?" he mumbled.
"Me and Ev can't sleep," she whispered, Glamrock Chica plushie in her hands.
"Well, that's not my problem, is it? If you're awake, Santa won't give you any presents. He knows when you're sleeping," Michael told her.
"Exactly! We need you so we can fall asleep, and then Santa can come! Get up already!" she dragged the boy out of his blanket nest as he protested. Evan had been waiting by the stairs, with a nightlight in one hand and a Fredbear plushie in the other. The 3 siblings walked down the stairs as the Christmas tree shined as bright as a fire.
"Why are we going in the living room?" Michael nearly tripped on his feet as Elizabeth led him around the house. He looked down at Evan, who was just as confused.
"Aw, wait... Michael, I'm gonna go take your blankets. Help Evan move the chair closer to the tree, okay?" she said in a hurry as the girl ran back up the stairs. Evan set his nightlight down, and Michael finally understood what Elizabeth was planning.
"I'll get some chairs," Michael muttered to himself.
Soon enough, Elizabeth had hurried back down with blankets in hand. Evan had knocked over a few things while he pushed the chair, but they'd fix it in the morning. Michael spaced out the chairs, and Elizabeth draped them all on top of each other.
It wasn't the best, but it was a feasible blanket fort. Michael took the pillows off of the couch and threw them into the fort, as the 3 settled in and got comfy. Michael propped up one more pillow for his head, and closed his eyes.
"Now go to sleep," he told his siblings. In twin movements, Elizabeth and Evan rested their heads on Michael's shoulders. He could have pushed them off, but he was getting more tired at the second. He listened to their breathing get slower, and Michael laughed at the thought that 'visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.'
Michael started to feel himself drifting away, and just before he fell asleep, he swore he heard the jingling of bells and something on the roof.
Maybe he made that part up in a sleepless haze. Maybe it was really his father's car engine.
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make something up, yes! Here goes...
Mycroft Holmes
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
Mycroft Holmes (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
My first impression: ahaha this just reminded me that my first impression (I watched the anime first) was a very unenthused "oh goodie, a Black Butler joke 😑" (and that was before the dub!)
My impression now: sexy sexy dork. Incredibly powerful man who exudes big dick energy is also Every Oldest Child Ever, thrilled to shoot his little brother with toy guns and show him up at every opportunity. Secretly incredibly sentimental. Sends his boyfriend notes via carrier pigeon even though it is entirely within his authority to just visit him. A hero amongst introverts who built an entire club on the premise of silent parallel play for adults. In short, an icon.
Favorite thing about that character: tips into borderline headcanon I suppose, but I think he's immensely protective of people he cares about, and it's sweet. Also his fussing over his hair is adorable.
Least favorite thing: I don't know if it really counts because I enjoy roasting him for it so much that it seems weird to say I don't like it when it's fun for me, but "dislikes stupid people and likes black coffee" is the most cringe Reddit bro nonsense ever.
Favorite line/scene: I like the parallel [paraphrasing, too lazy to find exact quotes] where he says to Albert in chapter four "you have my attention, what do you want?" (intrigued, possibly flirtatious) vs in chapter 23, "you have my attention, what do you want?" (resigned, a little bit sad).
Favorite interaction that character has with another: anything with Albert, obvs, but also the bit when Sherlock comes back is very Important and I'm glad it's there. Also that little part where he says he's been protecting Sherlock from their family's secrets and sort of smiles conspiratorially at William.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Louis, actually. I want to know to what degree they became friends during the timeskip and possibly leaned on each other in their own reserved and quiet ways in the midst of their grief.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: hrrrrrm. I feel like there's something obvious that's refusing to come to mind, probably because I'm trying too hard to avoid the fact that the anime wants me to associate him with Sebastian. That did lead me down a J Michael Tatum path to thinking that if anything he maybe reminds me a little of an older Kyouya from OHSHC lmao. Anyway I'll add an edit when the obvious thing I'm forgetting come back to me. 😅
A headcanon about that character: all the dom stuff mainly pfft. Also that he was closer to his father, while Sherlock was a mama's boy.
A song that reminds of that character: all my songs for him are just songs I associate with Mycal, and mostly in a more kind of "Albert POV," but here's one that I have in my Mycal playlist that I think of as more Mycroft POV
An unpopular opinion about that character: eeh. I think I'm pretty in line with the majority of the fandom on him.
Favorite picture: I mean there's lots of lovely shots of him looking very handsome but like...
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he's so pleased with himself 🤣
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elianamarie-blog · 1 year
The Things You Give Part 31
This has gone on wayyyy longer than I thought it would lol but here is the next part! Enjoy!
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“Man, I am so psyched for this car show,” Hyde said as he, Y/n, Kitty and Red sat at the breakfast table. “I’m telling you, once I trick out the El Camino, it’s going to be—” he bent over, covering Kitty’s ears. “Bad-freakin’-ass.”
Kitty rolled her eyes at her son-in-law at his poor attempt to prevent her from hearing him.
“You know ‘tricking out’ sounds a lot like accessorizing,” Y/n said, shoving some fruit in her mouth.
“Hey, don’t ever call it that, alright?” Hyde responded and sat down next to his wife. “But, yeah, that’s basically what it is.”
“Oh, Y/n, I’m begging you to stop,” Red said. “There’s gonna be hundreds of auto parts salesman there kissing my ass because of the muffler shop and I don’t need you embarrassing me with that talk.”
“What—are you ashamed of me?” she asked with a mouthful of food, smirking.
“Am I ashamed of my eighteen year old pregnant daughter who still lives at home? No, not at all.”
Her smiled dropped as she gave her father a deadpanned look. “You’re going to miss me when we’re gone.”
“No, no. Don’t say that. You’re never leaving me,” Kitty said.
“Alright, I’m getting in the car.” Red stood from his seat and shrugged on his coat and pointed a finger at everyone. “If you’re not there in five minutes, I’m leaving without you.” Without waiting for a response, he turned sharply and walked out the kitchen.
“Ah, the honeymoon speech again,” Kitty giggled and started to walk out when she stopped in her tracks. “Whoops, almost forgot my book. You know, this new Jackie Collins romance book gives me the tingles.”
“Mrs. Forman, please. I don’t need to hear about your tingles,” Steven said, scrunching his face.
“You live in my house, you hear about my tingles,” Kitty quipped and turned to Y/n who was struggling to put on her shoes.
“Oh, honey, you might want to bring a book. Once we get there, the guys are going to ignore us.”
Y/n grunted as she sat there, trying to put on her tennis shoes. “I…guess…I can bring…the baby…SON OF A BITCH!” She stomped her foot, irritated and frustrated. “Steven, help me!” she whined.
“Alright, don’t get all squeaky on me,” he said and knelt down to slip on her shoes.
“Hey, this is partially your fault,” she said. “And can you grab me my pregnancy book off the counter?”
He chuckled and reached over to hand it to her. “You’re really going to sit there and read this?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. You know I don’t care much for cars.”
“You like the El Camino,” Hyde said, frowning.
“Yeah, because it’s your car. Otherwise, I don’t care.”
“Wow,” Hyde said and took a step back. “You know how to hurt a man’s feelings.”
Y/n chuckled. “You’re so dramatic. Now help me up.”
“Hey, guys, check out my baby!” Kelso announced as he burst through the door with Brooke following in tow with Betsy in her stroller. “Oh, and you remember Brooke.”
“How could we forget?” Donna chuckled.
“Isn’t she adorable?” he cooed and scooped her up in his arms while she babbled.
“Yeah,” Markus said, eyeing Brooke. “I can see why you knocked her up.”
Jackie eyed her boyfriend. “Excuse me?”
“N-nothing, babe,” Markus said, stuttering. “You’re still the most beautiful girl in this room.”
“Damn straight,” she said and looked at Brooke. “You may be hot, but I’m hotter.”
“Okay…” Brooke replied awkwardly. “Anyway, thank you so much, Michael, for watching her for me. Everyone was busy.” Her gaze travelled down to her daughter as she leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“Thank you for trusting me,” he replied, a look of love and adoration adorned his face. “I’m pretty nervous. I tried on three outfits.”
“No, don’t worry. All little girls love their daddies,” she responded and kissed Betsy’s face again, then checked her watch. “Oh, I’m late. Mommy loves you so much.” She looked back up to Kelso with a smile. “Bye, Michael.” She gave him a smile and walked out the door.
“Okay, Donna, I’ve just spent the last ten minutes powdering myself,” Eric called from the stairs as he bounded down. “Time to spill ‘em and feel ‘em—oh, my God, why are you all here?”
“I’m here to show you my baby,” Kelso said, showing her off like a trophy.
“Great, now get out,” Eric replied. “Me and Donna and have plans and it doesn’t include any of you. So…bye.”
 “Yeah, like what, Eric?” Jackie asked, clicking her tongue while smirking.
“You know…we just…as a couple…shut up, Jackie!” Eric stuttered. “You see, the point is…get out. All of you.”
“Wait, wait, I was hoping we could stay here,” Kelso piped up.
Eric groaned. “Why? Why can’t you do it at your place?”
“Because my brothers are home and like to throw darts.”
Eric crossed his arms and shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, so?”
“At each other.”
“Okay,” Eric sighed. “Donna, I’m going to go up stairs and change into something sexy. If you’re not there in sixty seconds, I’m going to start without you. And we both know how awkward that can be if you walk into that.”
Jackie shivered. “I remember that day.”
“Wait, what?!” Markus asked, surprised.
She waved her hand. “It’s not what it sounds like.”
He scoffed. “Oh, really?”
“No, it’s really not what it sounds like,” Donna responded.
“Hey, what’s this?” Fez asked, pulling out a bottle from Betsy’s bag.
“That’s breast milk, don’t touch that,” Kelso responded and ripped the bottle from Fez’s hand.
“From an actual boob?” Fez asked in complete awe. “What don’t they do?”
“Kelso, she’s so adorable,” Jackie cooed.
“Why is she making that face?” Donna asked, but suddenly the smell hit them all at once.
“IT’S POO!” they all screamed, scrambling away from their spots.
Kelso ran into Hyde’s old room screaming before running back out. “The smell’s in there too! It’s everywhere!”
“Kelso, man, I think you need to change her diaper,” Markus said, covering his nose.
“W-what? I don’t want to do that! That’s gross!”
“Michael, she’s your kid!” Jackie yelled, hiding her nose in Markus’s shirt.
“No, no I can’t. I’m going to barf if I do. Donna, here, you do it.”
“What?! Why me?!”
“Because you’re better with this stuff than I am!”
“No, it’s because I’m a woman, isn’t it?”
“…Maybe—I mean no—I mean…please help me!”
Donna grunted and rolled her eyes. “Men are so helpless!”
“Yeah, man, look at this place,” Hyde said, gazing around and looking at the different cars. “Chrome, tires, half dressed women…it’s like staying at Grandma’s house.”
“Awe, you poor broken boy,” Y/n mocked, patting her hand against his cheek.
“Funny,” he deadpanned.
“Alright, Salesmen, pucker up!” Red announced. “Red Forman’s ass is in the building!” With that, he walked away in the opposite direction.
“Well, I lost mine,” Kitty said, nudging Y/n’s arm. “I give yours thirty seconds.”
“Alright, Y/n, let’s start off by looking at tires and then after lunch you can help me pick out an obnoxiously loud stereo,” Hyde said, smirking.
“Wait, you’re going to spend the day with Y/n?” Kitty asked, baffled.
“Yeah, man, she’s my wife,” he answered as if it was obvious and turned back to his wife. “Alright, I’m going to go get us a funnel cake. But listen, this is a rough crowd, all right? So, if any guys come up to you and offer to teach you how to drive a stick, just say no and pull the fire alarm.”
Y/n smirked at him. “Yeah, because they’re going to hit on a heavily pregnant girl.”
“You never know, baby,” he said and kissed her cheek before walking off.
“See, Mom, I knew he wouldn’t ditch me,” she said, beaming.
“Y/n, he’s a man,” Kitty replied, shaking her head. “Accept the fact that he’s never coming back. When I went into labor with you and Eric, I sent your father to get me some ice chips. I didn’t see him for an hour and a half because he had found a pinball machine.”
“No way,” Y/n chuckled.
“But it’s fine,” Kitty said through a tight-lipped smile. “Ha! I laugh about it now…I do…I will…it’s just not that funny.”
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“Hey, where’s Kelso?” Eric asked as he bounded the steps into the basement.
“He left to go grab her teddy bear,” Donna replied while holding Betsy in her arms.
“And he couldn’t take her with him?”
“No, because he, quote-on-quote, ‘took out the seatbelts so that the car would drive faster.’” She rolled her eyes. “Then she tried to eat from my boobs.”
“Hey, that’s my job!” Eric teased and looked around. “Where’s everyone else?”
“They went home. Apparently, helping me with a baby wasn’t interesting enough for them.”
“Well, that’s not cool.”
“You ditched me too,” Donna pointed out. “You went upstairs so that we could have sex and never came back down.”
“Hey, I’m here, aren’t I?” he asked, making her chuckle. He looked around, taking in the silence. “You know…since everyone is gone. We can go upstairs.”
She looked at him as he wiggled his eyebrows. “Are you kidding me? Not with a baby near us! People go to jail because of this crap!”
“Ugh, no!” he shouted. “I meant, put her down to sleep and then you and I can do it.”
“I don’t know, Eric. Seems a little risky,” she said, looking down at Betsy who placed her little hand on Donna’s face.
“Or, it can be a little risqué,” Eric tried, but was met with a stoney glare from his girlfriend. “Well, come on, Donna, we haven’t done it in weeks!”
“We just did it the other night!”
“Yeah, that’s like three weeks in guys’ time.”
“Shut up, Eric.”
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“Okay, one funnel, extra sugar. Just the way you like it,” Hyde announced as he handed the funnel cake to his wife who was sitting on a bench.
“Awe, thank you, sweetheart,” she cooed. “Because you came back, I’m going to feed you a piece.”
“Oh, get a room you two,” Kitty said, bitterly.
“We did and look where that got us,” Y/n responded.
Kitty huffed. “Did you see Red?”
“He’s not back yet?” Steven asked, looking around, confused. “That’s weird, he was in front of me at the funnel cake line.”
Kitty turned around to see a sight that automatically made her blood boil. “What the...?!”
Right behind her was Red holding the funnel cake with two young, beautiful half-naked women on each side, standing in front of a camera.
“Say, funnel cake!” Red beamed.
“Funnel cake!” the girls said in unison.
“Oh, my God!” Kitty exclaimed. “Are you kidding me?!”
“And fun’s over,” Red grumbled.
“Well, I hope you’re happy, Red Forman because we are leaving! You two!” she screeched, pointing at the young, married couple. “Get your a-ss-e-s back to the car!”
They didn’t have to be told twice as they jumped up and made haste towards the car.
“And you two!” Kitty hollered at the women. “Get your b-double o-b’s off my husband!”
“Okay, I think she’s asleep,” Donna said, gently placing Betsy into her cradle.
They had moved their conversation into Eric’s bedroom, bringing Betsy’s bed along with them.
“Well, in that case,” Eric said, standing from his bed and started to undress himself.
“Eric, I told you we’re not doing that here,” Donna said sternly.
“What? Come on, Donna!” he whined. “You brought the tiger out of its cage and once it’s out, you can’t put it back.”
She sighed and looked back at the baby before shrugging and getting into bed. As she cuddled up to him, he threw on the covers over them. They soon found themselves melting into each other and into the mattress.
Just when Eric was about to unbutton his pants, Betsy started fussing.
“Oh, crap, the baby’s awake,” Donna said and pulled away.
“Donna—no, no, no, no, no,” Eric begged. “Hey, Betsy, go ahead and close your eyes, sweetie ‘cause Aunt Donna and Uncle Eric are going to do it.”
“Eric, you are seriously disturbed. We have to take care of her.”
“No, no. Come on she’s fine!” he continued. “The tiger really wants to escape his cage.”
She made a face at him. “How is a crying baby not turning you off?” She held Betsy in her arms, rocking her.
“Two words, Donna. Eight…teen,” he deadpanned. “Nothing turns me off.”
                                           A Little While Later…
The kitchen door swung open as Donna and Eric walked through carrying Betsy. Fez sat at the kitchen table staring at a bottle of breast milk.
“Fez?” Donna asked cautiously.
“Why are you staring at that bottle?”
“Because it came from a breast,” he whispered in awe. “Simply remarkable.”
“Okay, you’re clearly a demented pervert, so let me ask you this,” Donna said as she placed Betsy in her stroller. “Would you be able to have sex with a baby in the room?”
“No way,” he replied, knitting his eyebrows together. “I can barley do it with a woman in the room.”
“Congratulations, Eric. You’re more sexually despicable than Fez,” Donna cracked.
“Okay, Donna, here’s the thing,” Eric began, thinking his defense would come to his rescue, when in fact it wasn’t. “I’m a man, so my on/off switch is always on. Now, you can either deal with that or—switch to girls.”
“Pig,” Donna laughed.
The sliding door slid open as Bob walked in. His eyes widened when he saw the baby. “Donna, if that’s your baby I’m going to snap Eric in half.”
Eric spread his hands, palms up, confused and feeling attacked.
“Dad, don’t you think you would’ve noticed if I was pregnant?” Donna asked.
“Not really. I’m not really a hands-on kind of a dad,” Bob responded.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Donna grumbled, rolling her eyes.
“Anyhoo, I brought the hammock inside because it’s too cold outside and need someone to push me,” Bob continued.
“I can do it for you,” Fez volunteered and stood up.
“Great, thanks!”
At that moment, Kelso rushed in from the side door. “Okay! I got her teddy bear! And it wasn’t easy dodging my brothers,” he said excitedly “I got a dart in the calf.” He turned and picked up Betsy from her stroller. He held her in the crook of his arm. “Hey, baby, look.” He danced the bear in front of the baby’s face. “It’s your teddy bear and your handsome daddy.”
Betsy continued to cry and Kelso started to feel his optimism faded. His smile faded and he frowned. “Why won’t she stop crying? Is it me? Maybe it is. What if she doesn’t like me?”
“Kelso, don’t take it personally,” Donna said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “When I first met you, I didn’t like you either.” He looked at her confused on how that was supposed to comfort him. “But, to be fair you were peeing on my swing set.”
His frown turned into a smile once again. “Yeah, that was funny.”
At that moment, the sliding door opened again. Everyone turned to see a relieved looking Leo.
“Man, am I glad to see you guys,” he said. “All these houses look alike. Except for that red one on the corner where the clown lives.”
“Leo, that’s a McDonald’s,” Donna reminded him.
“Well, whatever he is, he’s funny,” Leo chuckled and noticed the little bundle in Kelso’s arms. “Hey, what’s with the baby, man?”
“I don’t know, I can’t get her to quit crying,” Kelso responded on the brink of tears.
“Here, man, let me try.” Leo reached out and cradled the baby gently in his arms. The baby continued to fuss until eventually she calmed down to her own coos.
“How did you do that?” Kelso asked shocked.
“Babies love me, man,” he responded. “It’s ‘cause I’m fuzzy.” He jerked his ahead towards the living room and turned around. “I’ll go give her a bottle.”
After Leo walked out, Kelso turned to Donna with slumped shoulders. “That confirms it. My own baby hates me.”
“That’s not true,” Fez said, putting a comforting hand on his back. “The only reason she stopped crying is because Leo has the shakes.”
“No, it’s me,” Kelso responded, shaking his head. “She barley knows me and a girl needs her father, you know, for guidance. What if she starts dating guys like Fez?!” He pointed to Fez with bewilderment as Fez stood there calmly.
“Well, if she looks anything like you than she’ll be way out of my league,” Fez said coyly.
“Kelso, if you really feel that way then maybe you should start to get to know her now,” Donna said. “You should go hold her.”
“You’re right,” he nodded and turned. “Leo?”
When they entered the living room, they were greeted with an empty room.
“Leo?!” Kelso called out, running to the dining room and den. He ran back out to the middle of the living room. “Oh, my God, they’re gone!”
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Outside of the car show, Red, Y/n and Hyde stood in front of the Vista Cruiser waiting for Kitty to come out.
“Alright, when Kitty gets here, she’s going to be pretty mad,” Red said, almost dancing on his feet. “So…I suggest we leave her here.”
“She can’t get any madder,” Y/n said. “Although, this is definitely makes the top ten of times I’ve seen her incredibly angry.”
“You’re keeping tally?” Hyde asked her.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Footsteps behind them made them all turn around.
“Kitty!” Red called out nervously. “My darling wife.”
“Can it, Red,” she snapped. “I need to talk to you in the car.” She shoved her husband in the direction of the car and he begrudgingly got inside.
“This should be interesting,” Y/n muttered as she listened.
“How could you Red Forman?!” Kitty yelled. “Steven stayed with Y/n, but you went off and gave my funnel cake to those whores!”
“I was just trying to have a little fun,” Red defended.
“Yeah? Well, you can take your fun and shove it up your—!”
A nearby car alarm started going off, catching Y/n’s and Steven’s attention. After a moment, Kitty stepped out the car feeling and looking calmer. “Alright, kids, you ready to go?”
As they pulled into the driveway, Eric and Donna shoved open the sliding door and ran towards them.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s the big rush?” Red asked.
“Uh, nothing. Nothing at all!” Eric squeaked.
“If it’s nothing than why are you sweating?” Y/n asked, closing the door behind her.
“Because we’re playing hide-and-seek with—with Betsy and Kelso and those two little rascals know how to hide!”
“You’re acting weirder than usual, what’s going on?” Y/n asked.
“He always acts weird, what’re you talking about?” Hyde stated.
Eric grabbed her by the elbow and dragged out of earshot of Kitty and Red. “Kelso lost Betsy.”
“He WHAT?!”
“What?” Kitty and Red asked.
“Nothing, nothing!” Eric said and grabbed Y/n by the arm and rushed her inside.
“What do you mean he lost Betsy?!” Y/n whisper shouted.
“I mean, he let Leo hold her and then he walked out and we can’t find either of them,” he tried to explain calmly.
“How could you let this happen?!”
“Me? Why do I have to be in charge of Kelso’s kid? I didn’t sleep with him!”
Y/n made a face at him as Hyde slid next to her. “What’s going on?”
“Dink 1 and Dink 2 lost Betsy and Leo and now can’t find either of them,” Y/n explained.
Hyde looked at Eric for a beat before he burst into a fit of laughter. “Man, that’s gold.”
“No, no it’s not!” Eric squeaked again.
“You let the world’s stoned man walk off with a human that’s not even six months?!” Y/n screeched out.
“Y/n, please, you need to help us,” he pleaded.
“Why me?”
“Because you and Donna are the only ones who aren’t dumb,” he continued. “Please?”
She looked to Hyde who shrugged and sighed. “Fine. Where was the last time you saw him?”
“Here, in the kitchen and then he walked out to the living room and that’s when we lost him. I mean, we looked everywhere around the house and he’s nowhere. We even looked in the closet and under the beds.”
“Why would he—you know what, never mind,” Y/n cut herself off, waving her hand. “Let’s go. He couldn’t have gone far.” She turned to walk back out the door.
“Where are you going?” Hyde asked.
“The Pinciotti’s,” she responded, exhausted already.
“I’ll go with you,” he responded.
“I’ll go drive down the street and see if I can find him,” Eric said.
“Okay…oh, and Eric,” Y/n stopped him. “Make sure to whistle when you call for him. It’ll get his attention faster.”
“He’s not a dog, Y/n.”
“No, I’ve seen him do that once,” Hyde responded. “It was weird. ”
The twins stared at him as he recalled the memory. Then, in unison and wordlessly walked in opposite directions.
When Y/n and Hyde walked through the Pinciotti's kitchen door, they found it empty.
“Leo?” Y/n called. She was met with silence. “Leo?”
They walked through the kitchen and entered the living room.  In the corner, Leo was laying fast asleep in the hammock Bob had set up earlier in the day. Laying in the crook of his arm was Betsy, cooing to herself.
“Oh, hi, Sweetheart,” Y/n chuckled and picked her up in her arms. “What’re you doing here, huh?”
Hyde watched Y/n closely as she held the baby close to her chest, smiling with such an adoring look on her face. He swore he’d never seen her so gentle. He found his heart beginning to swell in his chest.
“I’m so glad we found you,” she continued. “Daddy is so worried about you. What do you say we go find him, mhm?”
Hyde looked down at her with a smirk. “I like it when you say ‘daddy.’”
She gave him a disgusted look. “Really? Are you still going to like it when our children call you ‘daddy?’”
His smile dropped instantly. “Yeah, that’s weird.”
“Well, now I kinda like it…Daddy,” she said in a low, sultry voice.
He furrowed his brows at her. “Stop it.”
“But why, Daddy?”
“Seriously, stop.”
“Is Daddy going to punish me? Is Daddy going to spank me?”
He pressed his lips into a thin line. “Way to make it weird.”
She chuckled and turned her attention to a snoring Leo. “Should we wake him up?”
Steven nodded and turned to the sleeping man, shaking his shoulder. “Leo, man, wake up.”
Leo snorted awake, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. “Oh, hey, man. What’s up?”
“You walked out with Betsy without telling anyone and now they’re freaking out,” he responded.
Leo stared at him for a minute. “Hey, man! When did you have a baby?”
“Oh, hey, Brooke,” Kelso said, answering the phone in the Forman’s living room. “How’s it going?”
“I just wanted to check on you,” she responded. “How’s everything going? How’s Betsy?”
“Oh,” he started and flapped his lips together by pushing air through, he nervously stumbled for words. “She’s—she’s fine. Having a great time.”
“Oh, good! Can I talk to her?”
Kelso looked to Donna, Fez, and Eric in a panic.
“Tell her she’s sleeping,” Donna whispered.
He snapped his fingers at her, motioning she’s a genius. “She’s sleeping! Sorry.”
“That’s weird, she took a nap before I dropped her off.”
“Well, uh, we played hide-n-seek and got really tired.”
“You’re acting weird, what’s going on?”
“I’m not acting weird,” he stuttered. “Can’t a father just enjoy spending time with his daughter. Like, damn Brooke. What’s with the third degree?”
“Okay, well the thing is—”
At that moment, Y/n and Steven walked through the kitchen door with Y/n cradling Betsy.
“Oh-oh! There she is! You found her!” Kelso asked excitedly.
“What?! What do you mean ‘where was she?’” Brooke asked, freaking out.
“N-nothing! I said I love her.”
“That is not what you said,” she said.
“You know what? I’m hanging up now. You never listen to me!” he faked dramatically and hung up the phone before she could answer. “Oh, my God, Betsy!”
He grabbed her from Y/n’s grasp and brought her close to his chest. “I was so worried about you. I’m so sorry I lost you. Daddy loves you so much.”
As he rocked Betsy back and forth and his adrenaline started to slow down, he looked up to everyone else who was staring at him. “Guys, I’m a terrible father. How could I lose her like that?”
“You’re not a terrible father,” Y/n comforted. “You’d be a terrible father if you didn’t bother to look for her. Seeing how scared you were says otherwise.”
“But I shouldn’t have lost her. Something could’ve happened to her.”
“Hey, it could be worse,” Hyde said. “You could’ve left her at the Piggly-Wiggly for six hours like my mom did to me. She didn’t even realize I was gone.”
“Yeah, see? You’re not bad like Hyde’s mom,” Donna joined in.
“Yeah, I guess,” Kelso said solemnly. “Brooke is never going to trust me to watch her again.”
“Yes, she is,” Donna said, placing a hand on his back. “You’re just still adjusting to fatherhood, that’s all.”
“Yeah,” he responded and looked down to Betsy who was smiling at him. “Hey, look, she’s smiling at me!” A smile broke out on his face. “Hi, I’m your daddy.” He looked back up. “She does like me!”
“See, I told you she did,” Donna responded and glanced up at Hyde who was watching Kelso intently. “Hey, Hyde. Why don’t you hold the baby?”
“Uh—no,” he responded. “I’m good. I don’t want my Zepplin shirt ruined if she barfs.”
“C’mon, it’ll be good practice for when ours are born,” Y/n chimed in. “You’re going to have get used to it anyway.”
“No, really, I’m okay,” he said, taking a step back.
“What are you so afraid of?” she asked. “You told me you used to take care of kids when you lived with your mom.”
“C’mon, man, she’s not going to bite,” Kelso encouraged, rocking Betsy.
“I-I’d rather not.”
“Steven, what is the big deal?” Y/n asked him.
He met everyone’s eyes in the room who were now staring at him. “I just don’t want to, okay?! God!” He stormed off and disappeared into the kitchen.
A flash of hurt crossed Kelso’s face. “Is there something wrong with my baby?”
“No, not at all,” Y/n said, her blood beginning to boil. “Steven is just an ass. I’m going to talk to him.”
She followed in the direction he darted off to and saw him opening a can of soda. “What the hell was that about? You know you just hurt Kelso’s feelings.”
He cracked open the can and took a hearty sip. “He’ll be fine. I’ve done worse things.”
“None of those included his child. What’s wrong with you? Why are you being such an ass?”
“Because I don’t like to be forced to try to hold someone’s kid by everyone around me!” he shouted in frustration.
“What’re you going to do when our kids are born? Are you going to refuse to hold them and leave me to do all the rearing?”
“Of course not! How could you think that?”
“How could I not? Look how you reacted to Betsy!”
“The difference is Betsy isn’t my kid!”
“So? What difference does it make?!”
“Everything!” he continued to shout.
She waited for him to continue but he didn’t. She spread her hands out in front of her as to say, well?
He shrugged and moved his away towards the basement. “That’s it.”
He stopped in his tracks and turned back sharply. “Fine! You wanna know why? Because kids hate me. There, ya happy?”
She scrunched her face in confusion. “What? What’re you talking about?”
He sighed and set the soda down on the counter. “I told you I had to help take care of kids, but the truth is every single one of them hated me. They’d always cry and scream every time I even went near them. I don’t need a reminder of what’s to come when our kids are born.”
“Is that what this is about?” she asked, somewhat relieved. “You’re afraid that a baby is going to cry because of you holding her?”
“Well, it sounds stupid when you put it like that.”
“Steven, it’s not,” she assured and wrapped her arms around his neck—well as much as she could anyway with her stomach blocking her. “It’s perfectly normal to feel this way.”
“Yeah.” She smiled at him. “Just because those kids cried every time you held them doesn’t mean ours will.”
“Okay, but what if they cry like Kelso’s kid?”
“Betsy cries because she doesn’t see Kelso as much as she should. That’s not going to be you, okay?”
He sighed while staring at the linoleum. “What if they hate me?”
“They’re not,” she said gently and kissed his cheek. “I think you’re going to be their favorite person.”
He gave her a small smile before pecking her lips. “Thanks.”
“Anytime,” she responded and pulled away. “Now, what do you say you give it a try?”
He groaned. “Did you not hear what I just said?”
“I heard you; I didn’t say I cared,” she snarked and smiled. “C’mon, she’s not going to cry.”
She pulled his through the kitchen door by the hand with him trudging behind her.
“You have a change of mind?” Donna asked.
“I was forced to,” he said begrudgingly. “Just give me the kid.”
“Oh yeah, that’ll make her feel safe,” Y/n said. “Here, watch me.”
She opened her arms for Kelso to hand off the baby. Once she placed in Y/n’s arms, Betsy snuggled into her. She turned to Hyde who was standing nervously.
“You’re psyching yourself out,” she told him. “Just relax. Babies can sense what you’re feeling, so just make sure to stay calm, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” he said and reached for the baby.
As Y/n started to place Betsy in his arms, she said, “Okay, easy…just like that. Support her head…”
Once she was completely in his arms, he stood there awkwardly. He felt unnatural holding a baby and now was even more scared that he was going to drop her. The way he was holding her was like holding a pile of wood.
“Why are you holding her like that?” Y/n asked him, chuckling. She looked down to Betsy who was staring up at him with big, sweet eyes.
“I don’t know, I’ve never really held one before who didn’t try to get away from me,” he responded, looking down at the calm baby.
She giggled when he looked down at her.
“I think she likes you,” Y/n chuckled and tucked the blanket under her chin. “Here let me help you.” Holding Betsy under his arms, she guided his arm that was supporting Betsy’s head and tucked it closer to his chest so he supported her head better while his other supported the rest of her body. “Just like that.”
“See, I told you she wasn’t going to cry.”
“Yeah, I guess you were right,” he said gently and looked down at her once more.
“Hey, Hyde, that’s a good look on you,” Donna said, grinning.
“Yeah, I don’t know how Y/n is going to be able to keep her hands off you,” Fez teased.
“Well, if she could before, she wouldn’t be pregnant.”
“Shut up, Forman,” Hyde snapped.
“Shut up, Eric!” Y/n said in unison with her husband.
“Okay, we’ve got the napkins, the finger sandwiches, the fruit salad, the veggie platter, the water boiling for the tea, the pasta salad,” Kitty said, checking off her list. “Then we have the brownies, the French macaroons—where are the French macaroons?” She whipped around, frantically looking for them, not able to see them.
“French macaroons?” Y/n asked as she walked in the living room, holding the plate of them. “Don’t you think these are a little fancy?” She placed them down on the long dining table. “I mean, a tea party? I’m not five, mom.”
“It’s your baby shower!” Kitty said excitedly. “We need to go fancy. We got to keep our guests well fed while we entertain them.”
“Our ‘guests’ are us, my friends, Bob, and Brooke,” she snickered and turned towards the table to grab a macaroon. “It’s not much of a party.” She made a satisfied noise as she bit into the dessert.
“Well, it may be more than that…” Kitty said sheepishly.
Y/n stopped mid chew and looked to her mom with widened eyes. “What did you do?”
“Nothing! Nothing…but I invited the WOPPS…and the women in my book club…and some people from church, Sasha, and maybe the neighborhood.”
“What?! Is it a crime that I want my baby to have the best baby shower?”
Y/n squinted her eyes at her mother. ‘That’d be a lot more convincing if you hadn’t invited the WOPPS.”
“The Women of Point Place are a bunch of sophisticated, elegant women who love you and are excited for you.”
“Oh, please. You invited them because they’re rich,” Y/n scoffed.
“There’s that too,” Kitty admitted, throwing her hands up. “They’ll bring stuff that you actually need, though. You’re going to need a lot for the babies.”
“Yeah, that’s your reason,” she laughed.
“It isn’t to show off my eighteen-year-old being pregnant, I can tell you that!”
Y/n’s mouth dropped. “Rude!”
“Hey,” Steven greeted as he walked through the kitchen and slowed down when seeing the decorated living room. “Whoa, what’s going on here?”
“Our baby shower?” Y/n questioned.
“Oh, was that today?”
“No, it’s next week,” she responded sarcastically. “Did you forget?”
“No, no,” he said, shoving his hands in his back pocket. “I just…forgot to plan something for today.”
“No, nu-uh, absolutely not,” Y/n said sternly. “You’re staying here for the shower.”
“C’mon, Y/n, do I really need to be there? This stuff is mainly for you not for me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot I got myself this way,” she quipped.
“You know this party is for you to get gifts.”
She swiftly turned away from him to face the food, grabbing another macaroon. “That too.”
“So, you’re just going to make me sit here and listen to these hens cluck the whole time?”
“Excuse me?” Y/n and Kitty said at the same time, both wearing the same insulted look.
“Whoa,” Hyde said, holding up his hands and backing away. “I meant…you guys just…Oh, I think I hear something.” He turned his ear towards the door to the phantom noise coming from the kitchen. “I think Red is calling me. Coming Red!” And with that, he disappeared into the kitchen faster than either women could blink.
When the door shut swiftly behind him, he let out a breath. Eric, Donna, Jackie, and Fez were helping finishing prepping the food.
“What’s wrong with you?” Donna asked as she finished arranging mixing vanilla pudding.
“Having two whack job hormonal women in one room is like sitting in a minefield,” he responded, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
“That’s no way to talk about a woman,” Fez pouted in his cute way.
“Yeah, Fez, it’s not their fault that they’ve absolutely lost their minds,” Eric chimed in. “Hormones are a bitch. Ask Red.” He chuckled as he mixed the punch together.
“Well, I mean I would be if I were fat and pregnant or old and menopausal,” Jackie piped up from the table who was putting balloons together.
“While that could’ve been said so much better and not so insulting, Jackie has a point,” Donna said, pouring the pudding into tiny cups. “Be lucky you aren’t a woman.”
“Trust me, I thank my lucky stars every day,” Hyde replied, sitting across from Jackie and took a sip of his beer. “Ever since Y/n got pregnant, she’s a completely different person. She’s moodier, meaner, hungrier…hornier.” He eyed Eric who physically gagged into the punch.
“When you will stop bringing that up?” he whined.
“When it stops being funny,” Hyde smirked before turning the conversation back. “A part of me can’t wait until these babies are born so that I can get the girl I once knew back.”
Donna let out a mix of a scoff and laugh. “Good luck. It can take weeks before they go back to normal, and even then she won’t be.”
He sighed and looked up to everyone. “Okay, I get why Donna and Jackie are here, and Forman lives here…Fez, why are you here?”
“Oh, Miss Kitty asked me to help decorate,” he beamed.
“She didn’t ask me, noooo,” Jackie said bitterly. “Even though I planned the dances and other gatherings, but she asked the foreigner and the lumberjack!”
“I’m the kids’ godmother!” Donna defended. “Besides, after Hyde’s 18th birthday party, she saw that I, too, have taste.”
“Yeah, the taste of a lumberjack.”
Donna chuckled. “Whatever, I’m still the godmother.”
“Hey, where’s the rest of the food?” Kitty asked as she barged through the door. “The guests are starting to show up!”
                                          A Little While Later…
“Wow, thank you!” Y/n said as she opened her fifteenth present. The living room was crammed with presents for the babies. Starting from two high chairs, a diaper genie, many, many clothes, spit up rags, formula, diapers, toys, car seats, and pacifiers.
She held two hand-knitted baby blankets. “These are beautiful.”
“I made my boys’ blankets before they were born and they still have them of over twenty years,” Mrs. Fitz, the neighbor down the street, said. “I would hope you get the same use out of them.”
“We really will,” she responded and handed them to her husband who sat next to her, bored. “Look—feel how soft these are!”
“Yeah…really soft,” he responded monotoned and took the blanket from her. “Can I go now?”
“No, we haven’t finished opening up all the presents,” she whispered as Kitty handed her the next gift.
“C’mon, you’ve opened up, like a hundred presents and—wow, this is soft,” he cut off, running his hand over the blanket.
“No, you’re staying here,” she responded and turned back to the party.
“This is from Sasha,” Kitty said.
“I hope you like it, mija,” Sasha said.
“Oh, I’m sure I will,” Y/n responded and opened the bag. She pulled out what looked like two bicycle horns attached by a tube that was also attached to a big machine. “Oh, how lovely! What…what is it?”
“It’s a breast pump,” Sasha responded, chuckling.
“Oh, fancy,” Kitty said, admiring the device. “This will come in handy!”
“What’s a breast pump?” Y/n asked, looking it over.
“It’s pumps out the milk from your breasts without you having to manually push it out. It helps with the pain, too,” Sasha said.
“Oh, let me see,” Fez said and grabbed the pumps. “This holds real milk from a real boob? Wow.” He pretended to put them against his chest—and then moved forward to press them against Y/n’s engorged chest.
Before he could, Hyde stepped in and ripped the device from his hands. “Would you get out of here?!”
“I just wanted to see if it fit,” Fez whined as he walked out, pouting.
“What the—?” Sasha asked, pointing at him, confused.
“Don’t mind him, he’s foreign,” Jackie said, waving it off. “He’s one freaky, horny little dude to begin with.”
“Yeah…anyway,” Kitty said, clearing her throat and handing her a gift basket. “This is from all the WOPP’s.”
Y/n opened the basket and saw a variety of sorts. “Wow, there’s so much stuff in here. There’s formula, bottles, little baby socks, and—ooh, chocolate!”
“We put some things in there for you too, dear,” Patty, the leader of the WOPPs said. “There’s also some bubbles and candles in there, a face mask, some money to give you a head start for the babies—”
“Wine?” Elena asked as she pulled out a bottle of red.
“Oh, trust me, you’re going to need that once the babies are born,” Patty winked at her.
Kitty laughed, feeling uncomfortable. “I’ll just hold onto that. You can’t drink when you’re breastfeeding anyway.”
“Now, Kitty, that’s for Y/n Don’t you go drinking it now,” Patty said, letting out a snobby laugh.
Kitty laughed again, this time hiding her annoyance. “Thanks, Patty.”
“Yeah, thank you, Patty,” Y/n said.
“My pleasure, dear.”
“Okay, okay enough of that,” Jackie announced and reached behind her. “Open mine next!”
“Awe, Jackie! You shouldn’t have!” Y/n beamed and reached into the bag, pulling out some over-fluffed, pink and frilly dresses. “Wow…you really, really shouldn’t have…”
“Aren’t they adorable?” Jackie gushed, ignoring Y/n’s unamused look. “They’re Gucci, can you believe it?”
“Oh, I can believe it,” Y/n responded, turning the dresses around. “As sweet as this is, what if they’re both boys?”
“I thought you’d might say that, so,” Jackie said and pulled more clothes out of the bag. “I bought some for boys too!”
The outfits were even worse. Two sweater vests and kakis, two preppy outfits for two boys that were definitely not going to be.
“Wow, thank you, Jackie, how sweet,” Kitty said and took the clothes from Y/n. She leaned into her daughter’s ear so Jackie wouldn’t hear. “I’m going to hide these in the attic.”
“Better yet, bury them in the backyard,” Y/n responded before throwing Jackie a fake enthused smile. “Okay, who’s next?”
“I am,” Donna said and handed her a big, wrapped box. “This is from me and Eric.”
“This is so sweet,” Y/n gushed and opened it. She pulled out a book. “A book of baby names?”
“Yeah, I thought you could use some help,” Donna responded with a small smile.
“This is really sweet, thank you,” Y/n responded.
“There’s more,” Eric said, pointing towards the box.
“Oh.” Y/n looked back down and saw two stuffed yellow bears. One said, ‘Thing 1’ and the other ‘Thing 2.’ “Oh, my gosh! This is so cute,” she gushed. “Steven, look!”
“Yeah, I’m looking,” he said, a soft smile gracing his face. He would never admit it, but he thought they were incredibly cute.
“I saw them in the window at the baby store and it reminded me of you and me,” Eric said gently.
“I love it!” Y/n said again and leaned over to hug her brother and best friend. “I love you both.”
“Okay, last one!” Kitty said excitedly and handed her a giant box. “This is from me and your father.”
“Oh, Mom, you’ve done so much for us,” Y/n responded as she ripped through the paper. Steven helped her remove the paper as they both eagerly opened it.
Under the paper was a storebought box that said the word in big, bold letters: FISHER-PRICE LARGE PLAYMAT.
“No way!” Y/n cried out. “This is so neat!”
“It can hold both twins,” Kitty said, smiling big. “There’s another surprise in there.”
The couple opened the box and what was inside, nearly brought Y/n to tears.
“Is this my old baby blanket?” she asked, looking up to her mother. “I thought this was thrown away.”
“No, I just patched it up.” She opened it for her to show her. The blanket was patched with her old baby clothes. “I started making this the day I found out you were pregnant. Well, maybe a few days. I had to let the bourbon wear off the shock.” Y/n chuckled as she admired the well-sewn blanket.
“I kept all your old baby clothes and I thought instead of regifting those to you, I could just patch them into a blanket onto your old one for you.”
“Mom, this is the greatest gift you could’ve ever given me,” Y/n said gently and stood up to hug her mother. “This is so beautiful and touching.”
“I’m glad you love it, sweetheart. Now, I’m going to clean up the gifts and you enjoy the rest of your party.”
Y/n hugged her mom one more time before turning back to her friends. “Thank you guys so much. This was the best thing you could’ve done for us.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what friends are for,” Jackie said.
“Where are we going to fit all this crap?” Eric asked.
“Good question: I have no idea,” Y/n said, causing them both to laugh. “Eh, we’ll find a place for them. I’m not worried about it.”
“That or it’ll all become part of the background and we won’t even notice it,” Hyde responded, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Hey, Y/n,” Sasha said, coming up behind them. “Thank you so much for having me here.”
“Of course! It wouldn’t be a party without you here,” she responded as she let Sasha kiss both cheeks.
“This was lovely. Did your mother put this together?”
“Always. And my friends,” she responded and pointed to them. “You remember Jackie and Donna.”
“Ah, yes, the loud one and tall one.”
Donna gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Good to see you again.”
“Si,” Sasha responded before looking to Y/n once more. “I actually have some news, my dear.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m closing the bridal shop.”
“What?! Why?!”
“I’m moving to New York,” she responded. “I found a space there where I can open my shop there and gain more business, but sadly I can’t afford to have a place here and there.”
“I can’t believe this. Sasha, I’m really going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too, mija,” she responded and wrapped Y/n in a hug. “And I’m sorry that I won’t be able to hand over a store to you like I promised.”
A wave of relief had lifted off Y/n’s shoulders. “It’s okay. I understand, though. You got to go where the business is.”
“Exactly. But don’t you think that those kids won’t know about their Tia Sasha. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“When do you leave?”
“In two weeks,” she said. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep in touch.”
Y/n nodded before giving Sasha another hug. “You better.”
As everyone started filing out the house and saying goodbyes, the crew helped Kitty clean up the living room.
“Well, I think that was a very successful party,” Kitty said. “And we got so many gifts!”
“Yeah, with everything we have, it’s going to look like a daycare,” Eric said.
“Don’t be such a porky mouth,” Kitty said. “And don’t ruin the mood. This was such a good day.”
“It really was,” Y/n said, barley bending down to grab empty plates. “I don’t think anything can ruin it now. Even with Sasha moving.”
The doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation. “I got it, Mom.”
When Y/n opened the door, there stood someone she never thought she’d see again.
Did you like this chapter? I hope you did! Part 32 will be out soon!
Taglist: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @maddieschampagneproblems @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-004 @lieswithoutfairytales @chloem4a1 @srhxpc @zhonglibxitch
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
A Matter of ‘Pride’
Mike paced back and forth in his ‘bedroom’, the sound of creaking metallic joints and soft thuds from his heavy steps filling the silent air. He wasn’t exactly sure how long he had been locked and isolated in his room as his internal clock had been deactivated and there wasn’t any other means to truly mark the passage of time. Mike’s best guess was that it had been several days, maybe even a week based on the times he’s had to recharge.
It felt far longer than that though as every second had felt like an eternity as he agonized over how his siblings were doing without him there to help protect them and without him to play peacekeeper when the stress got too much. Elizabeth and Gregory especially were usually at odds with each other…
Oh Superstar… I’m so sorry… Mike thought mournfully, his stride a bit unsteady as fresh guilt flooded him. He had naively believed that simply getting the younger out of the Pizzaplex would be enough to save him from the horrors that lurked beneath it, but now the poor child had to deal with being recently murdered, sharing a body not meant for him, and forced to comply under the rule of his killer.
Gregory was understandably chafing against the restrictions of this new ‘life’ and lashing out when he could. He barely had time to even mourn his death before William had started cracking down on his ‘behavior’. Elizabeth wasn’t helping matters by being more quick to fall and line and saying that Gregory should do the same.
And I left them alone… Mike though guiltily, pace picking up as anxious energy flowed through him. Granted he hadn’t been given much of a choice. Mike still couldn’t believe the audacity William had to ‘suggest’ they have ‘family bonding time’ every day and just assume they would all be okay with it.
Like they’ve been a family in decades.
Of course Mike had scoffed at the very idea and made it clear he refused to entertain William’s delusions that they could ever return to what they once were. The result had been Mike getting shocked for his words and locked in his room.
“Have you been stewing in the consequences of your own actions enough yet?” William asked casually from where he leaned in the doorway, making Mike jump and whip around in surprise. “Or you do still need a few more days to get over your stubborn pride?”
“My pride?” Mike snarled in disbelief and anger, giving his ‘father’ a hateful glare. “It isn’t pride that makes me refuse to spend time playing board games with a child killing psychopath! Why would I ever want to act like we’re still family you monstrous delusional fre-!”
Mike cut off with a wince of pain as the shocking system activated, hunching over slightly as the painful electricity flooded his body before dissipating. William gave Mike a disappointed look as he said, “Michael… haven’t I made it clear that you will always be my son? I will always love you and want you to be apart of my family, despite your previous attempts to destroy it by being the cause of your siblings deaths.”
Mike knew William was just preying on his old wounds to manipulate him, but the stab of guilt that went through him still felt far more painful than the electricity that had been hurting him just a moment earlier.
“That isn’t fair,” Mike said, trying his best to sound firm. “You can’t blame me for everything you’ve done…”
“Perhaps not, but there wouldn’t have been nearly as many deaths if you hadn’t kept impeding my progress,” William replied, standing up straight and stepping fully into the room. “And never forget that you’re a murderer too. You killed Evan and I’m the one that had to figure out how to put him back together.”
“It was an accident…” Mike weakly defended as he instinctively took a step back, all his old guilt and self loathing being dragged to the surface at William’s words. “I-I didn’t mean to… not like you!”
“I simply did what I had to to save this family,” William replied coldly as he stepped even closer, looming over Mike. “Nothing is more important to me than this family and I will do whatever it takes to make sure it remains intact and eternal. Something I would think you’d appreciate as I made sure you wouldn’t be able to harm your siblings ever again.”
“I’d never do anything to hurt them!” Mike shouted back, hating how easily William was able to make him feel like a simple rebellious teenager again.
“And yet you’re doing just that now,” William pressed on, not giving Mike time to organize his thoughts. “They’ve been asking about you you know? Asking how you’re doing and if they can see you… They miss you Michael and I hate denying them something so basic as being able to see you, but I can’t let your stubbornness go unchecked, not anymore. So ask yourself Michael… is your pride in refusing to spend a few hours with me and the whole family each day really worth not being able spend the rest of your time with them?”
Mike knew William wasn’t right, not really, but there was no point in trying to convince the madman of things like logic and morals. And in the end, Mike couldn’t deny that William had a point. Trying to deny William’s ‘request’ for time with the whole family was not worth being kept isolated from his siblings. He couldn’t leave them alone to face William without him there to be a buffer from the madman’s wrath and to provide what little comfort and protection he could.
Mike hated it, but he had no choice but to play along in this instance.
“Alright…” Mike sighed in defeat, his entire posture slumping a bit as he submitted to William’s demands. “I’ll participate in your stupid family bonding activities… just let me be able to be with my siblings again!”
“See… was that so hard?” William said with a pleased smile. “If you just obey me like you should, then I wouldn’t be forced to punish you like this so often. Come then, let’s go tell Evan and Elizabeth the good news.”
Mike had to force himself to remain silent as he had a lot of choice words he wanted to yell at William, but he couldn’t risk losing this chance to finally be back with his siblings again. William lead the way into the main room and the moment Evan and Elizabeth spotted Mike tailing behind him, the both lit up with relieved smiles.
“Mikey!” They both shouted in excitement as they ran forward to hug their brother, Mike automatically kneeling down to accept them into his arms.
“I missed you so much Mikey!” Elizabeth said as she squeezed Mike. “Don’t go away for that long again!”
“Gregory and I were trying to figure out how to sneak in to see you,” Evan whispered as he pressed up against Mike. “But we were worried we’d just get you in more trouble…”
“I’m here now though,” Mike assured as he held them close. “And I promise I’ll try not to leave you guys alone that long again…”
He knew that promise would mean complying more to William’s wishes, but Mike still made the promise anyway. His siblings were the most important thing to him and he had to be here for them in any way he could. He would always end up putting them first no matter what.
And from the smug smile Mike could see on William’s face… his father knew that too…
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tia-amorosa · 3 months
Sunset Died - Bachelor/Clavell & Others
Overcomings (Part 2)
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Later. Bella had cleared away a few leftover plates after everyone else had left the house. Then she tried to read a book, but she couldn't concentrate. Her path then led her upstairs. Michael was lying on his bed, staring in one direction. until he noticed his sister. "Hey, are you OK?"/ "Can't we have a look at the cemetery, Micha? I want to see how everything has been made beautiful again"
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Michael sat down on the edge of the bed. "Bella…". His sister spoke excitedly but confidently. "I know you miss mom and dad a lot too. But I would so like to put flowers down for them, or a nice vase. Sometimes I feel like I forget what they look like, we don't even have photos anymore. Please, Micha…". She looked at him with wide eyes. He could see that it was incredibly important to her. "hh, well… O.k…. I just want to have a quick drink of water." . Her eyes began to light up and she clapped her hands. "mhm, o.k."..
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It was an extremely oppressive feeling for Michael as he walked hand in hand with his little sister towards the cemetery. And it wasn't even a 10-minute walk. When they reached it, he stopped briefly in front of the gate and looked up. "Almost everything destroyed… But this rusty thing is still standing…"/ "Come on, I can already see Lisa and the others. Ooh, flowers…". He looked after his sister as she ran to the others. Then he took a deep breath and walked slowly after her.
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Michael hadn't been to this place since the catastrophe. And cemeteries were never particularly appealing to him. But when he saw Peter, he thought of the hug he had offered him. He felt good about it, at least for that moment. And maybe it would be possible again without standing in front of him with swollen eyes.
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Everyone was busy doing something else in the cemetery. The girls were making sure the flowers were well aligned, a few boys were clearing away the remaining piles of earth. While Michael made his way to Peter, he was observed "Don't look, your protégé is here…". Xander paused for a moment. "Oh, really? I thought he wasn't ready for that step yet."
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"Well, sometimes you have to let young people decide for themselves when they're ready for something, Xander. My own father was pretty strict, so he had to have his way. Michael has a wounded soul, and it needs to be handled gently." Meanwhile … Peter smiled … "hnhn, somehow I knew you'd come"/"ah… Really?".
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"hnhn, so VJ didn't intimidate you, hm?"/ "that's not why I'm here…Bella wanted to come here. And I don't like to let her go anywhere alone."/ "I understand. ". Peter didn't say much yet, because he wanted Michael to relax first. "Where did… you get all the flowers?".
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"Those over there? Lisa and Candy had some seed packets from the school garden project. It was their idea to plant them there. They grow well and flower all year round"/ "mhm". Michael quietly looked at the surroundings. The other young people had done a really great job.
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"Do you want to try it too? It's a great way to relieve frustration"/ "What kind of frustration do you have?"/ "None at the moment… But hey, look, you get really great upper arms from this work". Peter left the spade for a moment and showed him one of his arms with a grin. "Um, yeah, really great…"/ "Here… But only if you want to". Peter held the spade out to him.
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Once he had the spade in his hands and tried his first stab, Peter had to smile a little. "Hey, don't stand there so tense, it has to come more from the hip… Should I…"/ "No, no, I… I can do it…". That would have been the most embarrassing moment Michael could have had. That's why he made an extra effort now. "Yes, better, hnhn".
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Peter watched Michael as he put the earth back into the hole. He was almost fervent about it and even started to sweat a little. "Hey, you don't have to completely overexert yourself now, okay? It'll really make your muscles ache later"/ "h-hh, it's okay… it's not much…". Peter looked at his friend and grinned a little "OK, have it your way, but don't say later that I didn't warn you".
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A little later. "Have you ever noticed that Peter and Michael spend a lot of time together?" Candy looked over for a moment. "They've become pretty good friends. And Peter was very supportive of Michael when he lost his parents…". Lisa grinned and replied mischievously. "do you think there's some kind of bromance between them?"/ "Well, bro sure, but mance?"/ "Hnhn. well, it's none of my business, let everyone do what they want".
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"Well, I wouldn't be surprised, there aren't any girls left who are free. But you and Davy?"/ "Hey, he's not that bad, he likes to talk, I think that's great. There are boys who prefer to watch soccer or go out with their mates"/ "Yes, that's true…"… Detlef's voice rang out a little later. "You've done a good job, kids. How about a photo of you all?".
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The young people stood in a suitable place to have their photo taken. Detlef had a camera, which fortunately remained intact, "Very nice, and now everyone says 'cheese'". Not everyone was necessarily in the mood to put on a happy face. But it was definitely a photo you could hang up. At some point… "OK, that's it. Thanks for your help"…
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover ☺
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charliedawn · 2 years
Charlieeee? I kinda got COVID and I was wondering- Can you possibly make headcannons on how the slashers would take care of their S/O who has COVID?😭 If you havent already🙏
Please and thanks🍦
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Freddy *rolls his eyes when he sees you trying to escape your bed and teleports next to you* : "Nuh-huh. Stay in bed. Doctor's order.."
He will stay in bed with you and be less bothersome than usual—which is his way of saying he cares.
Freddy would cut you some slack if he sees you're really not okay and make sure you dream good things.
He would also keep you company when he can and send you flowers when you're quarantined.
Slashers cannot technically die or get hurt, so he would visit you and talk to you if you need to.
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You *groan in annoyance as you take your own temperature* : "...Sh*t. I'm sick."
Pennywise *appears in your bedroom in your nurse outfit and smiles* : "Hello sick, I'm Pennynurse."
Pennywise and Penny are the only patients that cannot get sick. At all.
They'll use that to their full advantage to spend time with you, check on you and make sure you're alright during your quarantine.
Pennywise would entertain you with card tricks and make sure you get some rest and do not get bothered by anyone, but him.
Pennywise *pokes your cheek while you're sleeping* : "Are you awake ? Are you alive ? Come on. Wake up. Open your eyes, or I'll eat you."
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Penny would do the same, but be more worried than his brother and binge eat as a result of his worry..
"Penny..Did you just eat all of my paperwork ?"
"...Maybe ?"
Penny would try to help out. But, not in the right way I'm afraid.
He would take care of your paperwork by either delegating it, or eating it. No middle ground.
He would also panic at the smallest change in your behavior.
Even though Penny is a slasher, he has absolutely no idea of how the human body works. Every time you cough, sneeze or even blink, he would think something is wrong with you and seek for help.
Penny would come in and out at regular intervals to see if you're still sick and bring you whatever he can find to make you happy and forget you're sick.
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Michael *frowns in disapproval when he sees you trying to get out of bed and writes down* : "Go back to bed. You're not ready."
Michael would have his father instincts kicking in and would guard your door day and night to make sure you get some rest and the slashers don't act out during your absence.
He would also try to communicate with the nurses and ask questions about your recovery.
Also, he would come read with you or give you daily hugs.
The nurses would also be amused to see him glare at whoever would try to get past him, especially the slashers.
Freddy *tries to go past him and is stopped* : "YO ! MOVE !"
Michael *glances up at the sign he pinned to the whole earlier*
Freddy *reads* : "Forbidden entrance for everyone. Especially if your name is Freddy...YOU LITTLE SH-!"
Michael *glares in disapproving dad mode*
Freddy *grumble and stomps his foot before walking away*
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Norman *sees you almost falling asleep on your desk* : "Oh dear ! I can't let you do this. You need to get back to bed. Here, let me help." *helps you with paperwork*
Norman would bring you breakfast in bed and be your emotional support while you are stuck in your room.
He would also tell you about his day and watch over the slashers for you.
He would be the perfect nurse actually.
He would bring you your pills to soothe your head and throat as well as stay with you if you feel good enough.
He would take care of you until he's sure you are out of harm's way and help around the hospital as much as he can.
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Jack *knocks on your door* : "Hey there. Open the door, sweetheart. It's just me. And I brought gifts."
Gifts which include two bottles of whiskey and cake.
Two of his favorite things in the world..
"Now, how about we party ?! Just the both of us, yeah ?"
Jack knows it's no fun to be sick and would bring you everything he knows would cheer him up.
He wouldn't really be physical, because he's technically still human and could get sick as well, but you can count on his emotional support and his usual visits to cheer you up.
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"Sick ?"
He would be confused, as Brahms never got sick. He was sheltered as a child, and quickly became a slasher when he found his doll.
So, he was spared colds, and other common sickness. He did have the small pox, but it was a long time ago.
He would stay by your bedside and bring you his plushies for comfort.
He would also play games with you and fall asleep next to you.
Brahms would stay by your side until he's sure you will be alright and bring you gifts.
Brahms *blushes when he gives you cookies* : "For..you."
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Patricia would come in your room to check on you and bring you (you guessed it) sandwiches.
She would also stay with you to talk and make sure you're mentally alright and keep you company if needed.
Patricia *smiles as she places flowers in your hair* : "Here..You're all pretty now."
She would be a sweetheart with you, and Dennis would make sure they stay safe during the visits (masks, gloves, cleaning products, pharmaceutical goggles..)
So, yeah.
No danger of being infected here. 😅
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constantineshots · 7 months
do you think the lucifer show would've been better if 'rory'(netflix's luciferxchloe oc child) character was replaced by elaine belloc? I'll die on this hill. the show was always silly but cmon michael got sent to hell, and there's a half angel in hell looking for him who knows about ghost stuff? sorry if this is unintelligible
don’t you worry, you’re all good!
i think they could’ve done elaine, and her arc, because that would be fun. but i think the connection of father/daughter was strange to me because lucifer was saying one thing, then doing another. “oh, i couldn’t go to hell and abandon my daughter” and he literally does exactly that which!!!! LUCIFER ISNT SUPPOSED TO LIE IN THE SHOW. but alas.
elaine was a character present in the lucifer comics, so i personally think they should have done that if only because elaine would have been a lot more fun. there would have been more stakes. but i guess they kinda already threw away their god. it’s been awhile since i watched it so forgive me if i forget some things, but i’m pretty sure they already found a replacement but that’s what elaine was meant to be.
the elaine plotline would have been so much more interesting, and imo, a way better introduction to michael. there were moments where the show was clearly trying to drag out some feelings- SO WHY NOT WHEN LUCIFER KILLS HIM ( technically not his fault but you get what i mean ). since apparently the lucifer on netflix feels a lot more it could’ve been. something. instead we had some weird shit going on. i’m ngl i still don’t understand the lore but hey.
anyways in sum, yes. i would have preferred elaine.
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jadelotusflower · 9 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x20 Politics
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We pick up right where the last episode left off, Daniel getting his shoulder wound treated and trying to explain the alternate reality to his sceptical team.
It’s funny to see the team not really believing Daniel because it’s still early in the run, whereas later on any of them could say the weirdest shit happened and the rest of them would just roll with it no questions asked.
Jack: “And you were there, and you were there, and there’s no place like home.” Daniel: “As a matter of fact, you were there.” Heh. Is Daniel just frustrated or did he not get the Wizard of Oz reference? Works either way.
I’m curious how the team thinks Daniel got shot by a staff weapon if it was all a dream though.
“Yes but the defining event, the death of Ra, took place in both worlds.” A bit of a logic leap by Daniel but hey, it’s what he does.
This is a clip show. I give SG-1 a lot of credit for actually making an effort with their clip shows, always building them around an in-universe plot to give context and cause. They’re still annoying to watch in these days of binging, but they’re as successful as they can be.
Written by Brad Wright (not including excerpts) and directed by Martin Wood.
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“How’s our boy?” I find this very cute? Hammond really is the mama duck to SG-1’s ducklings, the epitome of restrained affection.
His absolute and obvious disdain for Samuels is also a real treat. He rolls his eyes!
Samuels is played by Robert Wisden, who was also briefly in Smallville as Chloe's father Gabe. Both shows were based in Vancouver, and both ran for ten seasons, so there's quite the guest star crossover.
In a private meeting with Jack, Hammond goes from “this is what I look like when I’m not laughing, Colonel” to almost laughing when Jack cracks another joke. I love Hammond so much.
I think Ronny Cox as Kinsey is actually the longest running villain in the entire show? Apophis finally bites it in season 5, but Kinsey makes it all the way to season 8.
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“And this must be the drain through which the money flows” is such a great line for a pontificating blowhard politician, as is his hypocritical speech. You immediately know who Kinsey is, and you hate him even though he’s actually right about a lot of stuff.
“Oh you’re right, we’ll just upload a computer virus into the mothership.” lol, the shade at Devlin/Emmerich here.
We get a date for the Chulak mission - 10 February (presumably) 1997. The computer in the previous episode indicated it was December 1997 so assuming time was the same in the alternate universe, it's been approximately 11 months since the pilot which seems about right.
The purpose of the mission is described as “to rescue both Dr Jackson’s wife and her brother, and determine the Goa’uld threat” which is the first mention we’ve had of Sha’re and Skaara in a while.
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lol, Jack looking to Sam to give the correct pronunciation of Goa’uld because he doesn’t want to.
Lt Colonel “secondary objective” Samuels being the one to read from Jack’s report about Skaara being chosen really twists the knife.
“Because what is right cannot be measured by strength.” Great Teal’c line.
Argos gets discussed and it’s mentioned that SG-2 made recent contact with them - a nice little background aspect of the show that they do check in on the worlds they’ve visited from time to time.
Much is made of the lack of benefit to the Stargate program - guess that wonder drug from Emancipation didn’t pan out? Or maybe everyone just wants to forget that episode happened.
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Sidebar - with all the clips it’s obvious that Daniel’s hair has been getting longer throughout the season - irl because Michael Shanks’ hair was shorter and was growing it out as filming progressed to get that Daniel look, but my headcanon in universe is that Sha’re used to trim it for him on Abydos, and since her abduction he can’t bring himself to get it cut
There’s an ongoing metaphor by Kinsey for the Stargate being a Pandora’s Box that’s kind of apt, the box (jar) being a gift from the gods intended to punish mankind after Prometheus gifted them fire, with humanity as Pandora, eternally curious and unable to resist peeking inside.
The show never had a Goa’uld character who took on the persona of Prometheus, Epimetheus, or even Pandora, which was kind of a missed opportunity.
Samuels the slimeball is “sorry it had to end like this” and Hammond rightly tells him to gtfo.
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Nice crossfade, Mr Wood.
The Stargate shut down, the threat of an imminent attack - all in all, a good setup going into the season finale!
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s5e13 the song remains the same (w. sera gamble, nancy weiner)
sometimes forget they banged in the impala, but then i'm like why is dean being so soft and familiar with her? oh right. anyway, kind of sweet this little interaction in dean's pg-13 stripper dream.
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when he wakes up, there's a little chime that sounds just like a doorbell that's been muffled (in my house specifically to try to keep it from waking up a sleeping infant). anyway, the sound design on the original score is rarely very creative, kudos to them. startles the shit out of me every time, but good job on something interesting
ANNA Sam Winchester has to die.
this surely is going to end well for all parties involved.
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there was a boy in my high school who had a fucking gorgeous late 70s black pontiac firebird trans am, god the rumble on its engine was delicious. i think i somehow got a ride somewhere with him at one point. he was a cute and smart boy but honestly the car was it.
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DEAN So, what, you're like a Delorean without enough plutonium?
CASTIEL I don't understand that reference.
tell him, cas! i just complained about the number of references they use in this show a few episodes ago
cas sure folded like an ugly tan trench coat. "i should go alone" dean: "🥺" ok zap
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SAM He's breathing. Sort of.
the line about buying microsoft stock reminds me when i was in middle school i think? there was a project where you had to "buy" a stock and then track its price in the newspaper over some number of days/weeks. imagine that. using the newspaper to check stock prices. ~it was the 90s~
all right so wasn't cas's point back when dean met mary to begin with that you can't change destiny? so isn't this all moot? when does #TeamFreeWill become a thing
JOHN Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around!
DEAN Wow. Awkward family road trip.
SAM No kidding.
just like home, right, guys?
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he reminds me of a combination teen wolf derek (tyler hoechlin) superman (henry cavill variant). one tv superman+one movie superman=young john winchester
SAM Pretty much forever. My dad raised me in it.
JOHN You're serious? Who the hell does that to a kid?
SAM Well, I mean, for the record, Mary's parents did.
JOHN I don't care. You know, what kind of irresponsible bastard lets a child anywhere near—you know, you could've been killed!
SAM I, uh...came kind of close.
JOHN The number it must've done on your head...your father was supposed to protect you.
laughing out loud. i'm sorry sera and nancy, i will always appreciate any and all john winchester shade, and especially unknowingly delivered by john winchester -- but i believe 0.00% late 70s generic straight white man has the emotional intelligence for this thought process / willingness to speak on it / willingness to talk shit about someone's father (a stranger no less) to their face
and i do not appreciate that it caused sam to come rushing to john's defense. gross child neglect, bro. y'all wrote this story and you gotta live with the consequences of how horrifyingly awful of a parent you made him be. just say no to the rehabilitation of john winchester
DEAN You have no other choice. There's a big difference between dying and never being born. And trust me, we're okay with it, I promise you that.
have they talked about this? they're both totally chill with never existing??
DEAN Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome.
oh, well. there you go
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MARY Ohh...quite a kick there. Troublemaker already. It's okay, baby. It's all okay. Angels are watching over you.
so did michael scrub her brain but also leave some pro-angel bias in there? she said there's no such thing previously about angels. just how much did he scrub? i wonder how much is retcon and how much was actually planned. i imagine i could find the answer if i looked but i kind of like consuming this show in my little bubble the way i do. also, effort
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