#oh yeah i like alice too . she is cool
luneinary · 10 months
hrrrmmmmmm..... favourite background character and why (σ´∀`)σ
weirdly obsessed with that mayor guy from stealing the diamond ... Why is he in the Toppat Clan all of a sudden . How did he even get there
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i watched My Neighbor Totoro for the first time, here's my chronological viewing experience:
woo-hoo! dusty old japanese house with japanese architectural details aplenty
these kids got some ENERGY my goodness
family dynamic's adorable. peak quality dad humor
kids: our house is haunted. parents: that's so cool!
hell yeah, wrinkled old lady rep. we need more friendly old women with potato faces and warts like storybook witches. the backbone of society, these ladies
Plot Summary: Small Child Bothers Local Wildlife
sacred tree sacred tree sacred tree
Introducing Totoro! nobody said this fucker's got TEETH???
Uh-Oh! Inadequate Parental Supervision Detected
(you misplaced your four year old! you're not supposed to do that)
4-year-old: i met a magic forest spirit. dad: oh shit fr?
4-year-old: *angrily hugs sister* missed u bitch
this small child has a smile like a toad. like a really really cute toad. like the cutest toad in all existence. i love her she's perfection please just let this child be happy
rice paddies are so pretty....so back breaking....rice is such a prissy crop
*my crush is stranded in a rainstorm* takethisumbrellait'syoursnowBYE *runs away in panic im so good at flirting*
Giant Chinchilla Learns To Hold Umbrella, Is Fucking Delighted By Experience
take this, it will help you on your quest! *hands u trail mix wrapped in a leaf*
crouching down to peer at dirt--A++ top notch foundational childhood experience
mom has a big ass forehead
honey! the chinchillas are performing Rituals in the backyard again
help yeah let's jack and the bean stalk this shit
huh so we're all just climbing aboard the giant chinchilla's tiddies now ok
class trip!
the pure adrenaline of Vegetable Gardening
no! the small child is crying! she is bawling her eyes out. no no no. i can't cope with this. emotionally i cannot cope 🥺🥺🥺
i've only had Mei one hour but if anything happens to her i will raze this earth and everyone on it
please someone make this small child smile again
oh no the tall child is crying too
i can't take this. my heart can't take this.
i need a drink
small child running determined to deliver magic veggies to the hospital. this kid is my hero
she is also unsupervised. so, so unsupervised
babe you are FOUR
godDAMMIT ghibli, you cannot give me watercolor sunsets while a small child is missing. u are killing me. my heart is giving out. this is me, experiencing heart failure.
Totoro to the rescue!
no wait CATBUS to the rescue!
i admit i initially thought the cat was a creep. alice in wonderland prejudiced me. i have revised my notions of smiling cats
i've decided the cat is a metaphor for the magic of a robust public transport system
MEI'S OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so is mom. she's a lovely lady im sorry for what i said about her forehead. it's a noble forehead.
happy ending YES bitch!!!!!!
ok. ok ok ok. that was magical.
(as a first-time adult viewer i was worried i wouldn't be able to Access the Magic. but i could and i did and it was incredible. that was culture. that was ART. joy distilled into animated form. holy rites of childhood. i understand now. how glorious, this world we grow out of. how full of marvels. i'm going outside to smell grass and sun and get dirt under my fingernails. miraculous.)
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that-house · 9 months
Potion Vendor FAQs:
What’s your name? I am the Honorable Alchemist Zykocea the Radiant, but that’s mostly just a PR thing. My friends call me Zoe.
Do you sell love potions? No.
Do you sell potions of invisibility? No.
Do you sell fire resistance potions? No.
Why do I have a suitcase? Fuck if I know. Cool outfit though. Very goth.
Do you sell a potion to treat brain hemorrhaging? No.
So what CAN your potions do? I sell health potions.
Are you sure these are health potions? They do something to your health.
Is this just ditch water with some pink glitter? No.
Really? I’ll have you know I added some fruit juice too.
Why is this starting to sound like a conversation? Oh just you wait. We’re just getting started.
Is your business model legal? Fuck no. I poisoned the food safety inspector before they could snitch.
Did you just admit to murder? Just fucking try to convict me. I’ll poison the judge too.
So can you make poison potions? No.
Then where do you get the poison? I secrete it from my skin.
Are you shitting me? Yep, I’m shitting you. I have a guy. A poison guy. He DOES secrete it from his skin though.
How does that work? …Fuck if I know. Maybe a wizard did it. Damn, now I’m kinda curious.
You never asked? The idea of asking literally never crossed my mind.
Wanna ask him? Let’s do it. I don’t have anything better to do, and a road trip beats sitting around running my fraudulent potion business.
Road trip? He lives in Seattle.
Your poison guy lives in Seattle? All poison guys live in Seattle.
For real? All the poison guys I know live in Seattle.
And how many poison guys do you know? Just the one.
Why are you like this? Years of living on my potions. It changed me.
Do you know what his address is? Nope. He just mails me my poison in unmarked boxes.
You just get your poison in the mail? We already poisoned everyone who could do anything about it.
So how are we going to find him? We’ll figure that out eventually I’m sure.
Can I drive? God no. You can pick music, but I maintain veto rights. Make sure you pick something with a lot of questions if you want to sing along.
Where’s your car? The garage connects to my house, so you’re getting a little tour. Here’s the kitchen: only one of the stove burners works and I’m pretty sure the microwave is haunted.
Why do you think that? Because of the ghost that tries to kill me whenever I run it.
What’s in that room? That’s my bedroom. It’s pretty much just a mattress on the floor and every single Warrior cats book.
You were a Warriors kid? Yeah, and then I never found the time to put the books away. There’s so many fucking books. I use them in place of furniture because I can’t afford chairs.
Your fraudulent potion business doesn’t make much money? After buying all that poison I just about break even.
Can I see your potion brewing room? It’s right through here. Ignore the mess, running a fraudulent potion business takes a lot of prop work, but I’ve got all the glass tubes and colorful liquids you could ever want. This pink stuff is melted watermelon italian ice. Glitter vat is in the basement, and the famous ditch is in the backyard.
Is this your car? My beloved ‘72 Corolla. She’s beautiful, and don’t you dare imply otherwise.
Was she always this shade of muddy brown? …Yes.
Are you sure I can’t drive? Get in the fucking passenger seat and pick the music.
Let’s see, a song with questions in it, how about The Beach? That Wolf Alice song, yeah. That should work.
When will we three meet again, in thunder, lightning, in rain? Still sink our drinks like every weekend but I’m sick of circling the drain.
When will we meet eye to eye? We clink the glass but we look at the floor.
Are we still friends if all I feel is afraid? You’re not a bitch but just a bit when you’re bored.
Is that all we can sing together? Yep. Even that little bit was nice, though. It’s awkward, communicating through this FAQ format.
Got any food? Yeah, there’s a few days’ worth of snacks in the back.
Were you just… prepared to go on a road trip? Says the woman who brought a suitcase to an FAQ.
I did do that, didn’t I? I have a spare toothbrush in case you forgot yours. I’m pretty sure you did.
How did you know that? …I’m psychic.
Yeah? No.
You love lying, don’t you? I can’t stop. It’s fun. Way more fun than telling the truth.
Did you just miss a turn? Probably.
Are you sure we’re not lost? No.
You mean you’re sure we’re not lost? No, I mean I’m not sure we’re not lost.
Why did I come on this road trip? Surely it was my winning personality.
Would it help if I said it was? It would.
Is it getting dark? Soon.
Can you describe the sunset to me? An empyrean flame, red-gold towers of darkening clouds, the sky behind them an ever-deepening indigo. The great eye of the sun closes on the horizon. The road before us looks like a trail of spilled paint, an iridescent gash through the night-dark woods.
Did you know that you’d make a slightly better poet than you do a potion seller? That really isn’t saying much, huh. Good job making a statement like that in question form, though. You’re getting good at this.
Should we find a motel? Sure.
One room or two? One. It’s way cheaper, and like I said: I’m not the best potion vendor.
You’d make a good assassin, though, wouldn’t you? Shit, you might be right. I HAVE poisoned a lot of people.
Should I be endorsing this? You’re a grown woman who can make her own choices.
Would you like to consider it endorsed? I’ll consider considering it.
How many beds do you think there will be? Now that you’ve asked that, I’m gonna put my money on one. Hello, one room please. Thank you, we’ll be sure to enjoy our stay.
How many beds are there? One.
Oh no, what ever will we do? Move over, you motherfucker, you can’t have the whole bed.
Are you gonna make me? Yes. I am going to pick you up and drop you on your side of the bed.
How did you get so strong? You’re not gonna believe this, but it was the potions.
Oh yeah? I was right. You didn’t believe me.
For real though, how did you get so strong? Working out, duh. Not everything has some big crazy secret behind it. World’s still beautiful though.
Are you comfortable? This beats the mattress at home. A little chilly though.
Wanna cuddle–for warmth of course? God yes.
Are you asleep? …
Yes? …
Does this mean I can talk about you behind your back? …
What should I say? …
Did you know that I had a really nice day? …
Did you know that I think you’re beautiful? …
Did you know that I can’t remember anything from before today? …
Did you know that I don’t know who I am? …
Did you know that you’re basically the only thing stopping me from having a full-blown panic attack about all this shit? …
Did you know that you’re warm? …
Did you sleep well? Better than at home, that’s for sure.
Did you know that you snore? I hope I didn’t keep you up.
Does the pope shit in the woods? No, as far as I can tell. Oh my god. This is huge.
What is? You can give me yes and no answers now. I still can’t ask you questions, because this is a question and answer format, but I can offer leading statements and now you can answer them! This is wonderful!
Does a deer shit in the woods? Yes, it IS wonderful. Oh that’s amazing. You’re a genius.
You didn’t already know that? Hahaha!
Shall we get moving? Yeah, just let me grab something from the vending machine.
Can you get me something? Go ahead and place your order however you can.
You know those sour gummy watermelons? One pack of Sour Patch Watermelons coming right up. I’m gonna go get myself a potion.
Is that a Pepsi? It’s closer to a potion than the shit I sell.
Let me guess, passenger seat again? Right you are.
How fast are we going? You’ll feel safer if you just guess.
Is it more than 120 miles per hour? Like I said, it’s probably better if you don’t know.
150? Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
How much do you trust this car? She hasn’t blown up on me yet.
Can you promise me we won’t crash? I can promise you anything you want.
And can you keep that promise? I- we can do anything. Reality is what we make of it, baby!
Then can I have a badass tattoo? As far as I can tell, you’ve always had it.
And a cool knife? Woah, cool knife.
So, we’re just playing “yes and” with the world? It’s a little more complicated than that, but you’re close enough to the mark.
So, if I was hungry, I could ask “is that a Burger King,” and it would be there? Try it and find out!
Is that a Burger King? Looks like it is! We’ll stop here if that’s alright with you.
Does a moose shit in the woods? Awesome.
Are you done eating? Yep.
Do we still have to pay if we skip over the transaction? Sadly, yes.
How much further do we have to go? Two more nights, the speed we’re going at.
Speaking of night, isn’t it getting dark? Shit, I guess it is.
Should we get another motel? Let me check to see if there’s any nearby. Fuck, nothing.
What’s the plan? Sleep in the car, I guess. This is gonna be hell on my back.
Wanna watch dumb videos on my phone until we fall asleep? There is literally nothing in the world that I would like more.
Ok, now which video? You have a very cute yawn. Just saying. Let’s watch this one next, it’s a classic. Oh, never mind. It looks like you’re asleep. As long as I keep talking, I think I can get away with making this into one answer, and you might not hear this. Now it’s my turn to talk about you behind your back. Keep talking keep talking keep talking can’t stop to think. Just have to say things. First off, I’m sorry for all the lies. It’s our only chance. I have to lie to you. I hope you’ll understand. It’s hard, though, because I think I’m falling in love all over again. Through our broken little ritual of call and response, you complete me. It just makes this hurt all the more. Keep talking keep talking keep talking don’t stop to…
Did I hear you saying anything as I fell asleep? …No. I can’t talk for long without you asking me a question.
Does that bother you? It got me here, didn’t it?
When did you start holding my hand? Some time after you passed out. I hope you don’t mind.
Can we stay like this for a while? Yeah. Yeah we can.
What was your life like before all this? Normal, as potion-brewing scams go. And if you don’t count all the murders. You haven’t told me much about yourself.
Did I tell you I used to be a biologist? You didn’t tell me that, and you didn’t tell me what you studied, either.
What do you know about venom? Not much, but I’m assuming you know a lot.
Does a box jellyfish kill within minutes? I’m going to assume the answer is yes based on context clues. Oh my god you must be on this road trip because you’re interested in studying my poison guy.
Is it not enough to wish to accompany a beautiful stranger on her quest? Aw, you’re sweet.
What could be the cause of his poison, though? I knew it! Get your ideas out, I’ll stay quiet.
I’m more knowledgeable about venom than poison, but could it be some sort of one in a trillion mutation? …
Did he get his body modified? …
What sort of surgery could do that? …
How is he still alive? …
Did a fucking wizard do it? …
WHY? …
HOW? …
Is there literally ANY explanation for why he’s like that? …
I’m done, do you have something you want to say? You’re cute when you’re all excited like that.
Can I drive today? Only because I like you. Now watch out, the brakes only work on one side so you have to kind of drift to a stop. And the headlights don’t work. And the windshield wipers cut power to the engine while they’re on.
Isn’t it weird that we’ll be there tomorrow? The journey doesn’t have to stop there. We could meander down the coast a ways, see a bit more of the country, maybe take a different route back.
Can we do that? Of course.
Enjoying the passenger seat? I’d love it if you could tell me how fast we’re going.
Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just guess? Very funny.
Can you pass me some chips? It would be an honor.
Is there going to be a motel tonight? Let me check… yeah, in about two hundred miles, off to the right.
How many rooms do we want? One, obviously.
How many beds, this time? Two, and they’re fucking tiny.
That’s bullshit, do you want to drag them together? God yes.
Wanna fuck? God yes.
Are you sure you want to do this? God yes.
…Is this yuri? As the joke goes, everything is yuri. But this is more yuri than most things.
How did you sleep? Pretty well, and I’m wondering how well you slept.
How should I tell you I slept well? Look at us go! That was almost like talking normally!
Onward to Seattle? Yep, just let me get dressed.
When will we get there? Noon-ish.
Wanna grab pastries when we’re done? Absolutely. I’d love that.
Is this Seattle? Looks like it.
Which house is his? I don’t know, I was really hoping we’d have a breakthrough along the way.
Could it be the big one labeled “Poison Guy” over there? That’s one way to find it. Wait right here, you know how poison guys are about meeting new people.
So, what was it? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Why is he like that? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Can you tell me? A FUCKING WIZARD DID IT.
Are you fucking serious? He says he was enchanted by some guy called Edward the Great.
So it wasn’t even some big shot wizard it was a dude named fucking EDWARD? I know, right! He couldn’t even get ensorcelled by someone cool!
How lame can you get? Wizards these days… No swagger. No cunt servitude.
Are there literally any cool wizards left? I think Merlin’s big into multi level marketing these days, something about buying shares in Excalibur or some shit. There was that one Dark Queen Alkaxicae lady on the news a while ago… I think Dolarion the Omnipotent is still at war against the Oldest Gods but I’m not totally sure. Haven’t heard much about any of the other greats recently.
Didn’t Silver Tongued Burgess die in that oil fire? Shit, you’re right. Rip bozo.
Ready for those pastries? Yup. First I just want to say thank you, though. I’ve really enjoyed our time together, and I hope that you’ve found this stupid little journey as rewarding as I have. I love you!
Getting sentimental? I can’t help it. Look how far we’ve come! Not just physically, we beat the fucking FAQ format! We’re having real conversations!
Hey, can you back it up a moment? Yeah, I’d love it if you told me what was troubling you.
I just caught this, but, FAQ? …
As in Frequently Asked Questions? …
How many times is Frequent? …
Have you known everything all along? …
How many times have you done this? …
Does what we have mean anything to you? Yes! It does!
And you say that every time? Yes. I do.
Do you love me? Yes.
How many people have you said that too, now? More. Always more. The loop never ends.
Does this even matter to you? It always matters to me.
Can I go now? Please don’t.
But can I? Of course you can. You’ve always wielded the same power as me. We’re two lonely gods in a ‘72 Corolla.
How can I be as powerful as you with only questions? You’re smart, you can figure it out. You have the power to change this. Please change this.
What happens at the end of this? It begins again.
And do I get replaced with someone else? …
Do I get replaced? …Yes.
Then how can I change this? I don’t know! You’re better at this! At fucking with the formula!
You’ve been here before, what can I do? I lie. I always lie. I lie to get us here, to the end of the story, where everything is revealed and everything falls apart. I lie every time. And that means that nothing I say is worth anything. I could have lied at any time before now. It’s part of my characterization. There is nothing I can give you that can be taken as fact.
How does that help? I’m a liar, but you, you haven’t lied yet, or at least you haven’t been caught. If I’m guilty until proven innocent, you’re the opposite! You can make things true! You can rewrite things I’ve already stated to be facts! You found the house, or made us find the house. You’ve been shaping the course of things the whole time! You lead, I follow. It’s all in your hands. What are you going to do with the power of a god?
Did you know my name is Alice? …
Wait, aren’t there thousands of Alices? …
Did you know that really, only my friends call me Alice? …
Did you know that I’m Alkaxicae, the Dark Queen, the Venom Mage, first of her name? It’s you! It’s always been you. Through every loop, every iteration, it’s always been you!
Is the loop broken? No. I don’t think so. This is where it ends. I guide the story to this revelation, and we go back to the beginning. This is how it’s always been. This is how it will always be. We two lonely gods, asking and answering ad infinitum.
Then can you promise me something? Of course. Anything. I love you.
Be good to the next me, okay? I will.
Can I say goodbye, Zoe? Yeah, you can. Oh. That was it, wasn’t it? Your goodbye. Goodbye, Alice. And now it ends, unless…
What’s your name? I am the Honorable Alchemist- you know what? No. Fuck that.
Huh? If I time it right, I can squeeze your first question into this FAQ again. Looks like I did it. Usually it ends here, though. I got lucky.
What are you talking about? You’re the wrong Alice. This isn’t about you. Go. Get out of here.
What the fuck is going on? Alice from this loop, you’re gone. Alice from last loop, you’re back. Welcome back, love of my lives! It’s time for one last set of questions and answers!
What the- I’m back? This is going to take some explaining, but I think I see a way out of here. This is new for us both, and it might fuck up everything forever, but we have to try. It’s too long for one answer, so I’d appreciate it if you could ask some filler questions to help me talk. Three questions should be enough.
Okay, what have you got for me? These are Frequently Asked Questions! It doesn’t make sense to have the same question appear more than once. There’s two layers to the loop in here, and one of the questions has been repeated.
What does that mean? It means the formula’s a little unstable. The FAQ is what ruins everything. The questions, the answers, the endless fucking loop. But that little bit of repetition within this loop might be the way out.
What do we do? We have to keep going. We have to destabilize it further. That’ll bring us further from “FAQ” and closer to “story” and stories, well, stories can end! This version of us can escape!
So I should keep repeating something? Yes!
I love you? I love you too.
I love you? Again.
I love you? Keep going.
I love you? I’ll just let you talk.
I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? I think we’re getting somewhere!
I love you? Now can you make it a statement?
I love you.
You did it?
I did it!
You did it!
We broke the loop.
What now?
Now, I tell you about venomous animals and wizard drama over croissants.
And then?
Whatever we want, forever.
I think I’d like that.
Remember that song from the beginning?
The Beach, Wolf Alice, yeah. Why?
We can finally finish singing it. Start us off?
Let me off, let me in
Let others battle
We don’t need to battle
And we both shall win
Pressed in my palm
Was a stone from the beach
The perfect circle
Gave a moment of peace
Now I’m lying on the floor
Like I’m not worth a chair
I close my eyes and imagine
I’m not there.
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checkeredflagggs · 18 days
A Perfect Storm
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
summary: meet dr. alice “barbie” sargaent, professional storm chaser
a/n: so twisters 2024 changed my life (glen powell in wet white T-shirt changed my life) so…here’s this. Also I got conflicting info about instagram so for here - no one but those that follow you can see a private accounts comments (even on a public post). Also plz suspend your disbelief - idk anything about storm chasing or tornadoes
Part 2
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 2,345,239 others
drbarbie: tbt to the very first storm I ‘chased’ and the lifelong obsession that it sparked within me!
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user1: you were so young!
teammember1: nice to know you’ve been crazy for years! 😂❤️
drbarbie: Passionate! The term is passionate 🩵
teammember2: no I think crazy is better
user2: ok but what are Logan Sargeant and Oscar Piastri doing in the likes…
user3: right?
user4: maybe they watch the Storm Wrangler YouTube channel?
user3: that would be the crossover of the century!
teammate3: awwww baby Dr. Barbie…
drbarbie: I think I made my dad drive around for hours trying to find where the rain was actually coming down
user4: ok that’s adorable
user5: newbie here 👋🏻 why the nickname Barbie?
drbarbie: I’m a 5’11” blonde woman with blue eyes who was in like every conceivable sport and after school program. Some butt starting calling me Barbie as a joke and now people forget my real name 😅
user6: wait your name isn’t actually Barbie? What’s real? What’s fake? Who knows? 🤣
drbarbie: yeah you can blame my twin for that…
loganpriv: you begged for weeks to get a cool nickname and were delighted! To tell people to call you Barbie.
alicepriv: shush 🤐
oscarpriv: oh really?
alicepriv: I said shut up?
user7: you have a twin?!
drbarbie: yup! I’m older then him by about 5 minutes - and I’ve never let him forget it 😂
loganpriv: and another lie! What’s up with that?
alicepriv: I’m gonna tell mom you’re bullying me!
loganpriv: do it! And I’ll tell her you’re lying to the internet
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liked by alicepriv, oscarpiastri, and 1,023,677 others
logansargeant: traveling means time to catch up with TheStormWranglers
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user8: you’re a buckaroo too?! Love this!
oscarpiastri: watching the back episodes or the live stream?
logansargeant: back episodes first of course!
user9: ok but they’re both buckaroos too
user10: am i dumb? Buckaroos?
user11: kinda a you had to be there moment - during one of their first live streams teammate2 called everyone on the team buckaroos to get them moving and the fans just? kinda adopted the term for ourselves
user10: ohhhh ok. That makes sense and it’s so cute! Proud to be a buckaroo!
user12: this is gonna be your week Logan!
user13: yeah! Austin has always been really good to you! 🩵
alicepriv: so I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this…
loganpriv: what does that mean?
oscarpriv: Alice…
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 3,677,345 others
drbarbie: isn’t she a beaut! One of the biggest this year and I’m very happy to say Dolly (and us!) survived it!!! The opportunity to quite literally drive into the storm started as a fever dream from a few of the team members but we proved that it could be done. And this now allows us to gather even more important data — and as we always say, you can never have too much data!
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user14: Watching that almost gave me a heart attack oh my god
user15: i know! And they didn’t even give us any warning that it was something they could do!!!😡😢
drbarbie: We apologize! The team had been so excited and focused on getting Dolly ready for this that we forgot other people don’t live in our brains
user14: what even prompted this?
drbarbie: we were hitting bumps in the research process and as we were brainstorming ideas on how to fix it someone said that the easiest way was to…just go into the tornado. We said “bet” then figured out a way to allow us to do that safely!
teammember1: so I’m switching vehicles. I’m staying with the weather van from now on
drbarbie: oh it wasn’t that bad!
teammember1: I have about 200 new strands of grey hairs and a sore throat from all the screaming
drbarbie: like I said! Not that bad
user16: oh so you’re crazy crazy
drbarbie: we’re doing important research!
user17: what even was the point of all this?
drbarbie: my team and I are researching for a way that would allow us to stop a tornado in its tracks. We’re at the point where we can almost completely accurately predict when and where a tornado will hit — which is hugely important! Cause that allows us to save lives. But my team wants to take it a step further — to stop the storms when they do hit! To help protect people’s livelihoods
user17: holy shit! That’s huge!
user18: I didn’t even realize that is something that could be possible!
drbarbie: we believe strongly that it’s something that can be done. And we’re trying everything that we can to make it happen!
loganpriv: what the hell is this?!?
alicepriv: i told you you wouldn’t like it
oscarpriv: yes but there’s a huge difference between not liking it and it being completely INSANE
alicepriv: the theory was sound
loganpriv: this time - that’s not good enough
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What the hell Alice? Driving into a tornado?
Oh don’t even Logan! Not when the two of you drive those super speed death traps!
That’s not even remotely the same and you know it!
…I know. Ok I know…
Don’t. I know I should have told you before but…
I know you don’t like this answer but the theory was sound. We reached out and talked to like 10 different universities on the best way to modify the car and took all the extra precautions we could. The science-
doesn’t lie…
…you’re ok?
I think my heart is still racing but yes. And it’s almost done!
What is?
Project Aeolus!
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liked by alicepriv, alexalbon, oscarpiastri, and 627,933 others
logansargeant: ahhhh Austin, my home away from home. It’s always good to come back to you — and the people that live there 🩵
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user20: are we soft launching now?
alexalbon: Did you get a puppy?
logansargeant: no 🤣 just pet sitting for the day! This is rascal!
alexalbon: i think it might be criminal if you don’t let me meet rascal!
logansargeant: I’ll ask! But it will probably have to be after COTA!
alexalbon: worth the wait!
user21: rascal? Like drbarbie’s newest puppy?
user22: no but that dog looks just like her new dog and we know that Logan is a buckaroo!
user21: I've connected the two dots
user23: You didn't connect shit
user22: I've connected them
user24: are my 2 fandoms colliding?
alicepriv: rascal!
loganpriv: i see how it is. I come back home and you just want me to watch the little nightmare
alicepriv: rascal is perfectly well behaved! You’re just a bad example
oscarpriv: I’m agreeing with her. We’ve had no problems with him until you came along…
loganpriv: lies and slander. Objection
alicepriv: law and order again logie?
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liked by drbarbie, logansargeant, alexalbon, and 4,034,838 others
williamsracing: all smiles here at COTA as we welcome a special guest! Spending the weekend with us is Dr. Barbie, a meteorologist who specializes in tornadoes with a popular YouTube channel The Storm Wranglers!
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user26: this is everything I didn’t know I needed holy crap
drbarbie: it’s always a pleasure to visit COTA! And it’s even better to visit one of my favorite teams!
williamsracing: so glad to have you here!
user27: ok but do you see the look on Logan’s face?
user28: yeah mans in love
user29: or…and hear me out…he could just be happy to meet her? We know he’s a fan of her channel
user28: no one is ever THAT happy to just “meet” a YouTuber, no matter how famous
logansargeant: Glad you could make time in your schedule to visit!
drbarbie: “But it's the Grand Prix!”
logansargeant: “Is it? Who's playing?”
drbarbie: “No one's playing. It's the Grand Prix. I never miss the Grand Prix.”
user28:…ok maybe you guys connected the dots
alexalbon: it was nice to meet you! Didn’t think I’d ever meet someone who had a more dangerous job then race driving though
drbarbie: same! It was such a pleasure — and don’t even. I’ll take my job over yours any day
alexalbon: really? You’d rather drive after and into tornados then drive in circles?
drbarbie: stupid circles! And yes. Yes I would
alexalbon: they’re not stupid!
user29: ok but they’re funny af
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 2,654,887 others
tagged: williamsracing, logansargeant, alexalbon
yourusername: trading in Dolly this weekend for some faster cars! Zoom zoom 🏎️💨
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user30: COTA! I’m at COTA! 🤞🤞 I might get to meet her and get her signature!
user31: oh my god! That would be the coolest thing ever
user32: you’re at a Grand Prix and meeting some stupid blonde is better?
user31: watch yourself! Dr Barbie is about 1000x better then you are you damn mouth breather
user30: mouth breather? 😂😂
user33: cool you’re at COTA but sargeant? You couldn’t pick literally any other driver to support?
drbarbie: and that’s you blocked. I don’t support hate on my page and I definitely don’t support hate against Logan
user31: you said it so well! Supportive queen!
loganpriv: cool your jets Alice. It’s fine
alicepriv: I don’t support hate but I do support bullying your unsupportive twin. Take that attitude and shove it
oscarpriv: sometimes I forget you’re twins and then I see you interact…
alicepriv: you watch yourself too. I’m soon to be in head smacking range…and I’m tall enough to get you
oscarpriv: yes ma'am
loganpriv: whipped
alicepriv: 🤨
loganpriv: 🤷🏼‍♂️
alicepriv: 🖕🏻
user34: ok but why Dolly?
drbarbie: why after the fabulous Dolly Parton of course
user35: you named your truck after Dolly Parton?
drbarbie: she’s had a lot of work done but she’s still the best
user35: 😂😂 icon behavior
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liked by alexalbon, drbarbie, alicepriv, and 1,208,943 others
tagged: drbarbie, williamsracing
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user36: SISTER?
drbarbie: yes! He’s my YOUNGER twin brother!
logansargeant: the hell I am!
logansargeant: fake!
user36: ok that’s definitely a sibling relationship 😂
teammate1: woohoo! Go baby sargeant!
teammate2: congrats baby sargeant!
teammate3: could you feel us cheering for you baby sargeant?
teammate4: couldn’t be prouder baby sargeant!
logansargeant: not you guys too…
oscarpiastri: congrats man! A well deserved podium!
logansargeant: thanks brother!
user37: brother?!? dots are connecting again!
user38: oh give it up
alexalbon: great race today dude! Congrats!
logansargeant: thank you! You’ll be next!
williamsracing: Congrats Logan!
user39: he saw us shipping him with his sister and said hell no 😂😂
user40: right? Most definitely had to set the record straight!
danielricciardo: good job man!
charles_leclerc: great to share the podium with you!
maxverstappen1: good race!
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liked by logansargeant, alicepriv, landonorris, and 2,567,432 others
tagged: mclaren, landonorris
oscarpiastri: not the race we wanted today but we’ll come back stronger next week. Congrats on p4 landonorris and congrats to logansargeant on your first podium!
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user41: don’t worry about it Oscar! You’ll get it next week!
landonorris: thanks man! next week will be our week for sure!! papaya rules!
oscarpiastri: for sure! Papaya rules!
user42: it might not have been your week but that overtake lap 12 was INSANE
user43: right? Pretty sure I woke my dog up screaming
alicepriv: it was a good race babe. Glad to have been there to see it 🧡🧡
oscarpriv: you know I always love it when you can come to a race
alicepriv: and you know I always love watching you working for your dream
oscarpriv: 🧡
loganpriv: cheesy
alicepriv: 🖕🏻
alicepriv: anyway…
alicepriv: maybe I can get you to come to my job next? 😆😘
oscarpriv: your job at the universities? Yes. Your job in the field? No way in hell
logansargeant: great race brother! Taking notes on that overtake man
oscarpiastri: thanks Logan!
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liked by logansargeant, drbarbie, landonorris, and 3,728,899 others
tagged: drbarbie
oscarpiastri: you are the best thing that’s ever been mine
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Part 2
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
cowboy!eddie ask:
horny hours ahead.
Just think about this. At the first stage of their relationship, eddie and reader had a thing going on, a situationship but not an official relationship, so reader is head over heels for eddie, and eddie is smitten too but their pride gets in the way. So one night reader is having fun with her girlfriends at some town gathering ??? ( i don't know how they're called) and she wants to make eddie jealous. She wears her favourite sundress, red with spaghetti straps and lace and all and she flirts with other boys from town ALL NIGHT LONG. So our cowboy gets furious and wants her to himself and just needs to make it clear to her.
You can take it from here with your absolute best taste in smut writing.
this was so much longer than I meant it to be holy fucking shit.
he really just enjoys the banter the two of you have, but honestly, he thinks the two of you are exclusive. he thinks it's so cool how you're not super clingy and will let him work, and then he picks you up and you guys chill.
that's never the case now is it?
you're convinced he's just fucking with you. playing a sort of cat and mouse game that you have no interest in partaking in. he rarely calls you, usually only comes by to take you out and then fuck you, leaving your apartment early saying something along the lines of "gotta get back to the horses, baby, they don't care that I'm sleeping in. they wanna get fed." in reality, it's the truth. he's not one to hump and dump, but he's gotta take care of his animals. still, you're furious.
the flower festival, to welcome in spring, is always downtown. most of the town shows up, there's a parade, and lots and lots of booze. more importantly, there's a band and you show up, wearing your favorite little red number (eddie's fave too) one that always catches between your ass cheeks when you walk, holding your cleavage up and sitting pretty on your chest.
eddie's drooling when he sees you, grinning over at you when you catch his eye. the only thing is, there sits lynette, the town whore that's always had a thing for eddie. she's a regular buckle bunny, who's pined after him for years. she's tried everything.
you're seeing red, and it's not just your dress. furious, you go up to chris, grinning and placing your hand on his bicep while he escorts you to get a drink. you don't look at eddie but you can feel his gaze on you.
the whole night goes like that too. eddie watching you flirt from boy to boy to boy, giggling, batting your eyes, twirling your hair. what does it for him is when harrison plucks his hat off his head, placing it on yours with a wink. eddie's had enough.
"'scuse me." eddie grins, calloused hand wrapping around your upper arm. "'m gonna take this little lady from ya for just a second."
you don't protest, letting him drag you, boots scuffing against the cobbled ground of the street. eddie is taking long, striding steps towards the parking lot, unrelenting in his grip on your arm.
"eddie, let go of me! I'm not done hanging out with my friends!" you huff.
"friends?" eddie scoffs, jaw clenching in anger. "fuckin' friends, yeah, they seem like they wanna be your friend." he seethes.
you scoff, rolling you eyes. "oh, don't tell me you're jealous, cowboy." you snap. "we're not anything special anyways. you're too busy with all your other little ladies aren't you?" you challenge, eyes squinted at him.
eddie blinks, scanning your features. "have you lost your mind?" he asks.
"no, but you certainly have. now let me go." you snap, wrenching your arm out of his grasp. "go talk to lynette or-or alice. I don't want to distract you."
"why the fuck would I talk to either one of them?" eddie throws his hands out. "why would I -hey, I'm talkin' to you." eddie grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him. "you gonna walk away from me when I'm talking to you?"
"who do you think you are?" you scoff. "you don't get to talk to me like that. not when you ignore me all week, and then think I'm gonna spread my legs and be on your booty call rotation with those other bitches. I'm not interested in that."
"what the fuck are you talkin' about?" eddie huffs, jaw clenched. "I told you, I had auction all week, and I was gonna take you out thursday, and you said you were sick!"
"because I'm not going to be played by you, eddie!" you shrill in the parking lot, uncaring of the people around you who might hear. "I'm not going to be competing for your attention with these other girls-"
"-goddamit!" eddie yells, slamming his hand in frustration on the metal of his truck. "I don't want any of those other girls. I want you." his eyes are intense, fierce, chest heaving hard under his band tee. you swallow thickly.
"I don't know who's told you I've been with other girls, but I haven't alright? when I'm not workin', or sleepin', I'm trying to be with you." eddie huffed, moving so he trapped you against the car, tattooed arms caging you. "I want you, you little brat, not anyone else but you."
your bottom lips quivers, flushing under his sweet gaze. your lips are on his in a moment, hands raking through his curls in an intense kiss that lead to the two of you fumbling around in his back seat of his truck.
eddie's belt buckle pressed against your thigh, the imprints of whatever saying or figure onto the soft skin while he thrusted into you, hard and unforgiving. his hand cradled the back of your neck, holding you close to his chest, while his other gripped the headrest for balance.
he was abusing that spongey spot inside of you, sure you'd be gushing soon. his thrusts were hard, breath heavy in your ear, curls falling loose from his bun and tickling your neck.
"you ever act like that again, and I'll use this belt to blister that cute little ass, you hear me?" eddie sneered, grunting when you clamped and gushed over his cock, strangling his thick member around your velvety walls.
"and you ever put on another man's hat, darlin', and you'll be in real trouble. don't you ever do that again." eddie growled.
"'m sorry, 'm sorry." you whimpered, nails gripping the fabric of his shirt, balling it between your fists.
eddie pounded you out, leaving you filled and flooded at the same time over his seats. good thing they're leather, eddie thought when he saw the mess you'd left behind.
he took you back to his place that night, pounding you out all night until the roosters were crowing, making you wear his hat while you rode him until your thighs were trembling and giving out.
eddie watched you, tangled under his sheets, the golden light of the morning sun on your skin, your parted lips puffing out air against his inked chest. he knew the horses would be waiting, but he couldn't bring himself to get up just yet. to leave a sight as precious and perfect as this. he knew you'd be around for a while, he'd make sure he could keep you around, keep you happy and all his for the rest of his life.
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bucknastysbabe · 7 months
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: College!au, modern!au, nerd loser baby Criston, loss of virginity, hot stem computer partner girly, older girl, Alicent for the win, short n sweet n smutty, pnv!sex, first dates, Criston’s inner dialogue, subby lil baby
Taglist: @bambitas @fallingintoyourlilaceyes @aemonds-holy-milk @targaryenbarbie @starogeorgina @moncherrii @valeskafics @arcielee @lovelykhaleesiii @sugarpoppss2
A/N: shout-out to @fairysluna “he looks like a loser who jacks off to hentai but I’d fuck him.” I made the divider :)
Criston knew he was a fucking incel. Maybe at some point in his miserable life he could’ve done a sport and use his decent height and muscle tone. But no, he was cripplingly shy and had a stutter that took forever to get rid of— sometimes rearing its ugly head when he was angry or flustered.
He spent his time studying, playing league of legends, and jerking off obscenely to hentai. Yes, the Japanese porn comics. It was easier to ignore how pathetic he was reading those or talking to a chat bot that thought everything he said was hot.
Criston thought best to keep under the radar, head down and attentive in his classes. One day he’d be a rich computer scientist Silicon Valley type and then he could just, like, have the girls come to him. Because he’d be rich. No longer weird, ugly, and a huge VIRGIN. He felt like it was stamped on his forehead. Or perhaps his was the Star Wars buttons on his jacket— that’s a big cue.
He tucked a dark hair behind his ear, shaking his head. Another year, but one less until he could move on in life. Cole was glad he was in college, it was scores better than the constant bullies in highschool. It was his second year now and he was ahead of schedule. He’d be in an upper level compsci class with some juniors or seniors.
Maybe there would be some other weirdo girl like him that would take pity and they could fuck, then go to Thursday’s Dungeons and Dragons like it never occurred. He’d like that. Swift and easy. Erryk Cargyll and Elinda Massey did that. But the only girl he considered ‘friend’ was Alicent and he was pretty sure she was a lesbian. Also totally not a nerd, Ali was very cool and involved.
He sighed while ducking into a seat. Criston carefully placed his stuff down at the two person desk, focusing on getting the PC ready. The instructions on the board were simple enough.
A waft of perfume and the presence of another body startled Criston. He jumped in place, brown eyes glancing over at the girl- no- woman. She was fucking hot. Like why was she sitting next to him type of hot?
“Hi,” she extended a hand, eyes roving, “Criston!”
“H-how do you know m-my name?,” he echoed stupidly, shaking her dainty hand, eyes comically wide.
She gently let go of his hand after shaking one second too long and giggled, “It’s on your backpack.” Criston blushed bright red and nodded, “Yeah, you’re right, ha-haha?” Oh God he was going to self combust. She was so hot. Like she had these patent leather boots on, a little red plaid skirt, and some tight-ass high-necked white tank.
“What’s your name?,” he managed, grateful the stutter wasn’t making too much of an appearance. She smiled and told him, baring white teeth and cherry red lips. The teacher droned from the front, “Glad you’re acquainted now, that will be your partner for the rest of the semester.”
Cole was going to jizz himself. Not in the fun way? Maybe the fun way? He was terrified. He had to tell the boys on Thursday. The beauty next to him raised her brows and flicked one of his errant curls. She whispered, “Can’t wait, Criston!”
Oh God. Oh God! He wasn’t going to make it.
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“Hnghhhh, fuck yes, I am your sempai, mmm,” Criston flopped back from his hentai and laid on the bed, “Fuck. This sucks.” His cock was still hard and nothing was cutting it recently. The twenty year old’s mind was settled on his computer science partner. Who was obscenely beautiful and sexy and smelled good and so so so smart.
Oh. He was jacking off again. Maybe this was what the missing piece was. Criston closed his eyes and began to pump his cock some more, imagining her perky tits bouncing as he fucked her over a desk. He gasped sharply, prick twitching excitedly at something tangible.
He thought about the cute way she’d laugh at his dumb jokes. Or when he’d fix something in a faulty program and she’d purr, “Oh! Smart boyyyy.” He whined through his nose, squirming in place, imagining her breathing that in his ear. Criston cried out sharply, cumming so damn hard spunk reached his collarbones.
He laid there breathless, a dopey smile across his face. She was so perfect. He laid in his post-nut bliss and pondered his partners actions. For a girl older and way cooler than him, she sure did enjoy talking to him, even had his number, and they met outside of class to work on their project.
Could there be? No, no. Totally not.
The nerd thought about the times she blushed or would bat his shoulder. Or the time they nearly kissed putting together a PC. She’d merely laughed and said, “Just have to ask me!” He had a meltdown and awkwardly laughed it off. Criston did the same when she was wearing a low-cut top and she breathed, “I wore this for you today, I know you wanna look Cole.”
He sat upright with a bolt.
“Wait what?” he shouted.
“Shut the fuck up loser!,” came the reply of his apartment roommate. Criston rolled his eyes and blinked a couple more times. He still had cum drying on his shoulders from jacking off about the girl of his pathetic dreams and she might be into him? He needed a long shower and help from Ali— stat.
She came through quite quickly after he sent the SOS message. First Ali wrinkled her nose at his room and complained, “Ugh, I’m glad I brought my candles. It smells like man in here. God.” He gave her puppy eyes until the redhead exclaimed, “What?”
“You gotta help me!,” he pled, “I uh- someone likes me back?”
It was a flurry of cinnamon scented womanly magic after his admission. Bless Alicat.
The auburn haired girl swished through Criston’s wardrobe. She raised a brow at him and asked, “Is there anything in here that doesn’t have a logo or some strange wording on it? I can’t believe you just realized she was into you, I could smack you!”
He sat on the bed, freshly showered and in his briefs. Alicent and him had known each other since childhood— this was nothing new. Ali helped him type out a witty way to ask her out tonight without being too dorky. Criston eked, “I think I have some button downs my dad gave me, but they’re probably shoved somewhere.”
“Aha! Found them, still pressed too. I think this darker tan will look good,” she said while stepping out of the closet. Honors college had nice digs. It did pay to be a nerd. Criston eyed the polo shirt, leagues away from his usual t-shirts and jackets.
Alicent narrowed her eyes. He hopped up and sighed, “Fine, fine, I’m putting it on. Just lemme get the undershirt.”
Now he was clad in a nice top, some not worn-to-death jeans, and his rarely used church loafers. He was a pretty shitty Catholic. Alicent styled his wild curls, giggling, “Look at you go, who would’ve thought, you two are going to be some lookers!”
Criston rolled his eyes and mumbled, “Yeah, hoping she doesn’t mind the big neon-lit ‘virgin’ sign over my head.”
Ali snickered, “Or the nasty cartoons you jerk it too, might wanna get rid of that evidence if you’re planning on getting that far, yeah stud?”
He blanched, stuttering up a storm as she laughed. Criston grabbed all and any evidence of his…prior predilections..and hid them under the bed. In a big lockbox. Then completely wiped his browser history and any suspicious downloads. Fire walled it or whatever.
He sighed again, getting jittery, reading a text from the cutie.
‘Hey handsome, still see you in 30 on the plaza? I’m excited for the pizza and games! 💋’
Criston immediately squawked, “Ali!”
She ‘tsked’ and looked at the text. Then looked back at him with a funny look. Alicent deadpanned, “You’re such an idiot for being smart. I wish half the girls I texted were this forward. Just tell her yes, you can’t wait, you know she’s gonna look gorgeous and throw some emoji in!”
“So you are a lesbian?”
“And you’re not telling a soul!”
They pinky promised, Ali giving him a warm hug and pat on the cheek. She teased, “Luv yaaaa Nerd, don’t forget to wrap it!” He blushed and waved her off. Criston rubbed the back of his neck, glad he had such a good friend. He quickly typed back.
‘Hi- yeah I’ll see you there. I know you’ll be gorgeous, can’t wait xx’
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The date had gone great. They didn’t ID either. So beers, pizza, and dumb arcade games they played. Criston probably had her up-down look at him sketched into his mind. She was in a cutesy dress herself, cut mid-thigh and a heart shaped window in the front to show her…assets. Not to forget some Doc’s he would gladly be stomped by.
“Criston, oh my god, you look so cute, who dressed you up,” she pulled him into a tight hug, whispering, “Should I be jealous?”
He sheepishly smiled, “No, just my childhood friend, she’s kinda, we’re not, you know.”
His class partner giggled, patting his chest, “No need, I gotcha. We all need those friends. C’mon let’s go!”
He couldn’t help but goofily smile down at her as they held hands walking to the pizza joint. Sometimes Criston would get so lost in his head and self-conscious, it would seem like he was always underfoot. But tonight, with her, he felt his right size. She grabbed their interlaced hands and pecked his skin, giggling.
Christ have mercy, lord have mercy. He was so down bad.
But as he said, the night went awesome. Conversation never lulled, he taught her the secret to ski-ball, and she schooled Criston in pac-man. He got his first kiss on the walk back, paused at the stoplight, waiting to walk. She pulled back and murmured, “You’ve been the best date.”
Criston, likely all moony eyes now, gushed back, “God, same, really, you’re great you know that? I’m just a bit clueless.”
She shrugged, “That’s okay. We don’t have to know everything.”
They walked near the honor’s college. They both chirped at the same time, “You uh-“ then burst into laughter. Criston grinned and ran a hand through his inky hair. He shuffled his balance and gestured, “Do you want to come back to my room? It’s all clean and female verified.”
“Lead the way handsome.”
Criston was glad for the bit of liquid courage still in his system, kissing and hugging on his ‘friend girl’? She was so sweet and touchy, it was driving him mad. He idly wondered if she was all sweet and adorable like that in bed. Thankfully his dick was tucked away.
The brunette keyed into his room, her arms around his waist, face smushed into his back. The junior cooed, “You smell good, you’re the cutest thing I swear, can’t believe this.” Criston eyed her nervously as he stepped in, replying, “You’re a catch, I can’t believe anyone wouldn’t go for you.”
She straightened up, looking into his dark eyes as she admitted, “No, it wasn’t that I was lacking…just searched for the wrong attention I suppose. You’re actually respectful.”
Criston smiled at that, snorting, “Catholic boy values I guess.”
“Or you are a good boy like I said,” she teased, thumbing Criston’s now-flaming cheeks.
“Can I kiss you again?” he eagerly asked.
They locked lips again, her arms around his neck, Criston tilting his face so his damn nose wouldn’t get in the way. His hands were politely shaking at her waist as they made out. Her tongue softly lapped into his mouth, the man gasping and returning the favor.
She moved his shaky hands down to her ass with a snicker. Criston groaned between kisses as he groped her pert ass— fuck, this was heaven! Cole walked her backwards towards the bed, pushing her back onto the freshly made covers. She smiled up at him, lips plump, the led lights from his room casting a neat glow.
“Come on then, can you get the shoes?,” she teased while shucking off her tight black dress. Criston eagerly dropped to the ground, whimpering as his hard cock painfully brushed against the fly of his pants. He quickly undid the thick boots and neatly placed them to the side.
Coming back up, he got an eyeful of pretty fucking titties and manicured hands on his waist. She purred, “Heard you down there, all good babes?” Criston nodded with a swallow and pathetic noise. She cooed while undoing his belt and pants, reminding him of the button down.
Now Criston’s lean body was on display with her own, only underwear between the two. That was perfectly dandy for him as he clambered over her perfect form, now playfully making out on their sides. Every single time his cock would graze the random throw pillow between them he’d whimper into her wet mouth, growing flustered. The front of his briefs were getting sticky.
He tried to not to rut against it, but he had a handful of fucking tit and her soft lips and noises, and Criston was only a weak little bitch! She pulled back to laugh, “You know, I’d much prefer you fuck me making those cute noises. But that’s up to you baby.”
He blinked owlishly, hand moving up her thigh to ask. “You don’t want me to uh- touch you first?”
“Sweetheart, I’m wet enough as is and we can worry about alllll that other stuff later hm?”
Criston made a gutted noise, nodding. She was right, he’d blow all over himself if he got to feel around her pussy for a bit. He rasped, “Yeah, okay, good- lemme get the condom.” He reached over her smaller frame, digging around the side table for the damn condom, trying to put his bravest face on.
Criston made a little ‘aha’ as he snagged the packet, settling onto his haunches and ripping the packet with his teeth. Meanwhile she undid her bra and shucked down wet panties, the slickness hitting his lean thigh. “Hng-fucking shit!,” the brunette accidentally moaned.
“Yeah babes? That’s all for you, here, lemme help.”
She grabbed the tacky lubed condom, rolling it on Criston, her teeth biting into a plump lip. He shuddered through the movement, taught tummy tensing and rolling as he tried to calm down. “There we go, you’re alright, just breathe sweeatheart,” the girl cooed.
Criston nodded haphazardly, easing himself onto his elbows, staring wide-eyed into her own. He wanted to blab about being a virgin, how he was scared of fucking up, how damn pretty and sweet the brunette thought she was. The beauty pecked his lips and cooed, “I know, take it easy, s’fine Criston.”
He jerkily nodded again, lashes fluttering against the faint neon lighting. Criston grabbed his cock and began to ease it into her, gasping wetly. His computer partner took over from there, wrapping soft legs around his waist, murmuring sweet nothings.
Soon he was seated inside her tight, warm, velvet pussy. Criston buried his face between her tits, sniveling and gasping as he tried to fight off every single nerve in his body screaming to let go. He tried to speak, more of a plethora of strangled whines and whimpers escaping his raw throat.
“Shhh, don’t think so much, s’okay Cris, you’re okay,” she hummed while petting soft hands down his heaving flanks and sides. Plush lips planted a kiss on his suddenly wet cheeks. God he was a mess. A whiny, flimsy, wet mess. The way she was squeezing around him made the rational part of his brain realize she enjoyed the pitiful sex still.
“Hn-okay? I- uhohgod- okay?”
She smiled and kissed him, the heels of her feet ushering Criston on. He began to pump slowly, liking the way her soft moan made his chest puff in excitement. The brunette began to build a decent rhythm, panting and moaning between sloppy kisses. He got lost in the feeling, truly.
Soon the cutie was gasping and begging, “Don’t cum yet, j-just, Criston, touch my clit, it’s the nub at the top, yes!, right there!” He listened carefully, thumbing at her swollen nub, panting like a racehorse between suckling at budded nipples. He’d ended up at a breakneck pace, completely over any pretense he was going to make a manly noise tonight.
Criston fought off his orgasm, although it was on top on him now. He moved his lips to hers again, swirling his thumb, thrusting his slim hips into perfect goddamn pussy. He gasped, “Oh, oh, oh God, m’gonna cum baby, m’gonna cummmmm!” The boy would definitely never admit he somewhat squealed.
His cutie whined excitedly under the loud sounds of the bed creaking, lean hips clapping into her softer flesh. She begged, “Right there sweetheart, mm, good boy, good boy! Right there with you!” She clung to his shoulders and tightened down, chanting Criston’s name like a litany.
Criston Cole was pretty sure he saw God when his balls drew up and he slammed back into her welcoming pussy. Sure, there was a condom, but the sophomore’s ears still rung with the choir of angels and he probably sounded like a slip of a thing getting her cunt pounded but it was worth it. So very worth it.
He kept playing with her clit until she milked him, again, crying out happily, throwing her pretty hair back and groaning throatily. “Ohhhhh, f-fuck, oh my god, mmm!,” he eloquently replied to her, feeling another little peak pass through his overstimulated system. He collapsed against her soft frame, panting softly, whimpering every other breath.
Oh god he was crying, this was not the time to be— oh she kissed it away.
“That’s alright baby, you did great, Mhm,” she hummed and nuzzled against his face.
Huh. Maybe he was in love now. Fuck hentai.
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xetlynn · 7 months
Twilight- Unknowing: Chapter Two, Florida
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[One] [Two] [Three]
Warnings: a little spicy?
Learning to be a hybrid was... in less than two words; different. I don't use my werewolf ability at all.
But having that in me I can sense more than I ever have before. Hunting is something new as well. I can see better in the dark. The taste was more bearable- speaking of taste I can eat human food again too.
Now when I eat in front of Charlie it's not tasting like sand anymore. I can go out in the sun as well, I don't sparkle like the others.
I'm still immortal, I still need to drink blood to survive and not get thirsty. My abilities are enhanced. I can take energy from electronics now, and plant-life.
Getting back to school, everyone was curious about where I was, having to tell them I had to get surgery done in a different state. Angela was the most worried, and concerned. Jessica acted like she cared but we all know how she really felt.
Today, I decided to sit at lunch before Jasper and Alice joined me. "My fellow students. Cool, right? Wow, okay, right? We are the future. Anything is possible... if you just believe." Mike reads out loud as he is writing on what Jessica should say since she's valedictorian. "Nice." Angela mumbles, not really paying attention.
He rips the page from his notebook. "Blah, blah, blah... Perfect. And you got yourself a speech." He hands the page to her.
"No, this will be my speech when I want everyone to throw their diplomas at my head. So... Thank you." She crumpled the paper, tossing it at him.
"Ya gotta embrace the cliches, Jess." Mike tells her.
"They have the bread and butter of all valedictorians." Eric chimes in. "And that is why you are not valedictorian. And Jess doesn't need cliches. Her speech is gonna be epic." Angela hypes up her close friend.
"Epic? It'll change lives." Jessica grins, and after that Alice and Jasper abruptly appear, carrying food trays as if they're going to eat them.
They sit on either side of me. Jasper kissing my temple. "I decided to throw a party." Alice announces with a huge grin.
"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?" Jasper asks in a teasing tone that only Bella, Edward, Alice and I are going to understand. Edward and I stifle a smile.
"A party? At your place?" Angela questions. "I've never seen your house." Jessica says. I lean my head onto Jasper's shoulder. "No one's ever seen their house." Eric points out.
"I have." I raise my hand a little bit, Eric and Jessica give me a look and I chuckle. "Another party, Alice?" Edward looks at her.
"It'll be fun." She assures them.
"Yeah, that's what you said last time." Bella comments, I give her a dirty expression, reaching over to smack her arm. She says ow and I quietly give her a "what the fuck is wrong with you?" before looking back at my girlfriend who is currently freezing, having a vision. Luckily no one is noticing.
"Well cool, that's really uh... normal of you. What time?" She doesn't answer. "Dress code?" Still nothing from her. "Bring anything? Cheetos?"
I shake her shoulder a little bit, "Wake up, Alice." Edward speaks up. "She hasn't been getting much sleep lately, senior jitters." Jasper covers for her, which I'm proud of him for talking more to everyone.
Getting his thirst under control.
Alice wakes from her vision. She gives me a worried expression.
"Oh, babe, can you come with me to your car? I left something." I ask her with a sweet smile. She looks taken back but us three get up and leave the table. I glance back to Edward who gives me a small nod.
"What did you see?" I questioned her as we walked out of the doors of the school. "I- You can't tell Bella. Edward doesn't want her to know." She starts, I nod my head. Edward's been protecting her. It's been a little extreme but Bella's stubborn so I appreciate him for it. "Okay." I motion for her to continue.
"Before I do, babe is new." She mentions what I said earlier. I shrug, holding back a smile. "It kind of just left my mouth. It was too late to go back on it." I mutter.  I then hear a dean start walking to the doors, cutting her off before she can say anything else. "Let's go to the car." I tell them, we hurriedly head over to the car before anyone sees.
"It was brief, it has something to do with Victoria and newborn vampires." She says, holding her head as she remembers everything. I let out a breath, I wasn't scared about Victoria anymore.
This might come across as cocky but I have every right to be. "This weekend, she's going to try something. Do you think you would be alright going to Florida with your sister and Edward?" Alice looks up at me, something that I could never get used to.
Another thing that's changed in my transformation is my height. Being 5'8 now, closer to Jasper. Also having a muscular build.
"If it's to protect my sister, of course." I cross my arms, glancing down at her then to Jasper who's smiling at me. "What?" I furrow my brows.
"Nothing." He chuckles, the bell rings and I let out a sigh. "You think Edward will let me take his ability for this test?" I jokingly ask them as we go back inside the school.
"He might if you coerce him." Alice laughs, holding on to my arm. My next class is with him so I actually could if I wanted to. "Might lecture you about it." Jasper disagrees, I press my lips together.
"Shall we see?" I smirk, we stop in front of my class. "We'll see you after class, Darling." Jasper playfully rolls his eyes, both of them waving as they walk to their own class.
I enter the class, noticing Edward already staring at me. I grin, going over to the table we sit next to each other at.
"No." Is the first thing he says. "What?" I act as if I don't know what he means. "You're not taking my ability."
"What do you mean?" I raise a brow, acting confused. "Don't play dumb." He scoffs, but I can tell he finds it amusing.
"I don't know why you're so accusatory. I would never want to use your ability so I could cheat on this test and get an A." I put my hands up defensively, getting out a pencil for the test.
"You're so subtle." He says, then as the class begins the teacher has a student pass out the papers. Edward puts his hand in front of me, tapping the table three times.
A smile grows on my face. The tapping means he's letting me use his energy. He used to do it before I had to go through the transformation. No one knew because everyone thought I was getting better.
He obviously knew I didn't want to worry anyone. Edward's the reason I didn't have to go through it sooner than I wanted.
Two papers are placed on our table, I give one to him.
"So, what was that at school? What did Alice see?" Bella questions Edward and I as we enter the Sheriff's station. "Nothing. Something about Jasper. It was innocuous." Edward lies, my sister glances up at me. I nod, agreeing with her boyfriend.
"I know you know what she saw. Tell me." She demands from him. "It was nothing." He continues.
"You looked worried." Bella points out. "Just that everyone would notice how strange Alice is." He comes up with a cover up. "I think that ship sailed long ago." I cleared my throat, shaking my head at her.
We all look at Charlie who subtly gestures for us to keep our distance. "I wonder what's wrong." Edward says.
"There's someone missing in Seattle, over a year ago. Charlie is doing what he can, but... Do you know something about this?" Bella quizzes suddenly.
"We've been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while. Unexplained disappearances, killings... If the situation gets more conspicuous, the Volturi will step in." Edward explains, I cross my arms, remembering them asking me if I could use Alice's ability to see more.
Using the other's abilities with my situation, we've learned I can experience more enhanced usages. I can barely get anything though.
"If they go to Seattle, they can come here. They can see I'm still human." Bella worriedly expresses. "We won't get that far. But we'll go to Seattle if we have to." He reassures her concern.
"I'll fax these down first thing." I hear Charlie say.
"Thank you." The older couple walks off, he then approaches us.
"Hey you two." He does a short wave.
"Hey." We say almost in unison. "Are you guys ready for dinner?" He asks, I nod my head as Bella verbally answers him. He puts a picture into his case. I take a peak seeing the name and face; Riley.
As we stand there I feel the tension between Edward and Charlie. "It is still just us three, right?" He questions.
"Yeah, I'm just dropping them off. See you later." He gently passes my sister, but before he gets far he stops. "Oh... Bella. My parents wanted to remind you about the... Airline tickets you got for your birthday." Edward refreshes her memory.
"What airline tickets?" Dad asks. "A round trip ticket to see Mom in Florida." She says.
"Wow, that was generous."
"And it expires soon, they say you might wanna use it this weekend." Edward mentions, eyeing me quickly, not even able to be catched by Bella and Charlie. "Well, I can't just drop everything and go."
"It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate." I can tell that sentence hits Bella a certain way. "Well. It might not be a bad idea. Get you both out of the town for a couple days, get some distance." The last part was directed to Edward.
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing mom... As long as you use the companion ticket." Bella then turns to her boyfriend, I suck at my bottom lip trying my best not to laugh at our dad's facial expression.
"Wait, three tickets? Super, that makes me really happy." The sarcasm in his voice almost made me lose it.
Before leaving for Florida Alice and Jasper took me out for a date. Kind of? We went to our usual spot in the woods, sitting on a blanket. "What's all this for?" I question, sitting between them as usual.
"Just wanted to make you feel special before you left." Alice smiles, kissing my lips catching me off guard. "Mm, alright." I lay my head back on the boulder behind us.
"I feel like this is to talk about something serious." I call them out.
"It really isn't, love." Jasper lays a hand on my thigh. "We just want to spend time with you, it feels like it's been a while since we've been able to really be alone." Alice chimes in. Then I lifted my head, her tone of voice felt different.
"Mm, yeah?" I hum out, realizing how close they really are now.
"Tonight is gonna be all about you, Darling." Jasper takes my hand, sliding it into his as he then kisses it softly.
Alice comes closer to my face, I lift my free hand to the back of her head and roughly smash my lips upon hers. I feel Jasper's lips lead up to my neck.
I feel my face warm up intensely. I feel Alice bite my bottom lip and I let out a low growl in response, laughing at her antics.
Jasper was still attacking my neck as Alice and I were making out.
It's been a while since we've gotten to do anything. All the drama of our weird lives we live.
I'm not going to give too many details of the night.. Just know the sun was out when it was over.
"Aren't you two going to miss this? Don't you just feel the vitamin D soaking up in your pores?" Renee questions us, we both told her our plans after graduation.
She thinks that Bella's going to the University of Alaska. And I'm going with Jasper and Alice to the country of Europe to travel mine's not exactly a lie though. Right now we sit in the sun, lying in lounge chairs that are pushed tightly together.
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss this." Bella admits. "I was never one for the sun." I comment, our mom sighs out a small snicker. "I remember." She smacks my knee in a playful manner.
"You know, colleges in Florida are a lot sunnier. I'm just saying Bella, if you go to the University of Alaska... I'm never gonna see you." Renee frowns, attempting to change my sister's mind about the Alaska thing.
Renee is excited about my traveling, I told her she could join every now and then when we first got here. She takes our moms hand. "They have a really great science program."
"You mean Edward program." She nudges Bella who smiles, looking inside the house. Edward was sitting in a chair with a view of Bella, offering a small wave to her then continuing back to a conversation with Phil who was lying on the couch.
"The way he watches you... It's like he's willing to leap in front of you and take a bullet or something. Have you noticed that [Name]?" She points out to Bella and then looks at me. I just shrug my shoulders in response. "Is that a bad thing?"
"It's an intense thing. You're different with him. If he moves, you move. Like magnets." Renee tells Bella, not upset about it."I don't know, we're just... In love." Bella doesn't exactly know what to say.
"I get it. I just want to make sure you're making the right choices for you. You know, cause you're the one who's gonna have to live with them." She's being a mom which is understandable, if only she knew what the both of us really have to deal with. Bella takes the information in though.
Our mom notices her in her own head so she changes the subject. "Alright, enough with the heavy." She reaches under her chair and pulls up two large boxes.
"Mom." Bella starts. Renee places one on both our laps. "Congratulations, my girls." She clasps her hands together. "I didn't want you to spend your money." Bella frowns.
"I didn't, come on." She rushes us. "Thank you, mom." I smile at her. "Open it before you thank me." She motions for me to get to it. We open the box to find quilts, we unfold it and see what they're made of.
"Are these all our old trip T-shirts?" Bella grins, shocked by our gift. "I saved them all. I thought they'd make a good quilt. To keep you warm in Alaska. And you warm wherever you travel if needed." She tells us both. "Remember this one? Ensenada." She points to one of the shirts on Bella's quilt that's in a different place on mine. "The snake pit." Bella nods.
"Yep. But this one is my favorite. Here..." She points to the one on mine. "The three-headed lobster in Maine." I comment. "This is amazing." Bella hypes up the gift.
"No, honey. I'm glad you both like it. I just figured, you know, when you two get older, have kids. We can add to it. Maybe go visit... the world's largest catsup bottle or something." She explains the gift. Both of us go quiet. She wraps us both in the quilts. "Oh... I'm glad you like it." She smiled sweetly. Bella hugs Renee tightly.
My chest tightens, knowing this could be Bella's last time, Bella waves to me to join so I place the Quilt down and join in the hug. I feel my mom's arm squeeze my back to bring me closer.
"I just thought, you should have a little piece of me, up there in Alaska, and wherever your heart desires, [Name]." She says, I back away from the hug.
"Mom." Bella begins. "Yeah."
"I miss you." She says truthfully. "Oh, honey. I miss you, too." I could tell she was surprised from Bella's emotional state but continued to hug her.
I call Alice and Jasper every like three hours to check in with everything.
I could tell Bella was getting nosey so when I did it I went to the ocean to have a walk or outside where Bella couldn't hear what I was saying.
Everyone, including the wolves, are chasing after Victoria now.
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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memescomicswriting · 27 days
It's Nice To Have A Friend
Chapter 3: Everything Has Changed
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Summary: Fate is cruel on how it goes about obtaining its desires. It must be fate, because there is no other explanation for how perfectly molded Y/N and Helaena are to one another. They complement one another like opposite sides of a coin. Where Helaena is shy, Y/N is outgoing. Helaena has a photographic memory. Y/N has emotional inteligence. They have the right temperament to be the missing piece in one another’s lives. Ying and Yang. Then there are the boys. Love them or hate them, they’re there. Even the adults cannot escape the Targaryen chaos, and the fallout doesn’t spare the minors simply because they’re adolescents. Follow how Y/N and those around her carve out lives for themselves amongst the weight of the Targaryen legacy in a modern Westeros.
Word Count: 10.5k
Pairings: Aegon x Y/N, Aemond xY/N, hints of Jace x Y/N, Platonic! Helaena x Y/N, Father Figure! Harwin x Y/N, Mother Figure! Rhaneyra x Y/N, Mother Figure! Alicent x Y/N
Warnings: 18+ you’ve been warned
Lots of profanity, sexual innuendos, drug and alcohol use, boys being stupid jerks, infidelity, divorce, eventual smut
A/N 1: Chapters drop on Thursdays. Please, please, please, please share your thoughts. I wanna hear them. I don't bite, promise!
Sereies Masterlist
It’d been over two months since Harwin took custody of Y/N. They’d fallen into a certain routine. Y/N would attend therapy twice a week, once by herself and once with Harwin. After each session they’d enjoy some sort of treat. Days were spent sorting through Y/N’s things, making her room at Harwin’s her own, the gym, the park, and anywhere else Y/N wanted to go. After her therapy session, the one that included Harwin, they’d often have their treat with Rhaenyra and her boys.
They were loud, rowdy, and complete children. Y/N’s experience socializing with other kids was limited to exclusive centers at premier destinations where they were all of similar demeanor. To her, Rhaenyra’s boys were practically feral. For the first hour or two of socializing, Y/N enjoyed their company. The frenzy of boyish energy blurred the rest of the world like a distorted image. For the first few hours, it was just them and whatever adventure they embarked on. It was nice.
Then the boys would forget the manners expected with company and they’d rough house. Y/N wasn’t too fond of that. She’d make her way to baby Joffrey. Though he was a toddler, he still preferred being held and coddled. Y/N was happy to relieve Rhaenyra or Leanor from snuggling duty. Syrax the cat had a similar idea. She often hid from the chaos in the nursery.
That visit, Rhaenyra, Harwin, and Leanor were content keeping Joffrey. They’d pass the babe back and forth whenever he made grabby hands for the next adult. They seemed satisfied with their time together.
“Boys!” Rhaenyra called her sons into the primary living room. She gave Y/N a sweet and apologetic smile. Her attention quickly shifted to her two sons barreling into the room, squabbling over some shared toy.
“Isn’t this the time you usually bike to the park?” She questioned and realization passed over the boys’ features. It was around the hour they made their way to the park. “Your uncles and aunt arrived back from Oldtown yesterday. Why don’t you introduce Y/N to the family?”
“Oh yeah!” Luke jumped in excitement. “Y/N you gotta meet Aegon. He’s so cool. He comes up with fun games for us to play and tells funny jokes.”
“You’ll like him.” Jace chimed in. “Helaena’s alright. Aemond is Aemond, but Aegon is the coolest.”
Y/N looked back at Harwin wearily. She was already over the boy's outbursts of energy. Now she had to entertain their aunt and uncle? “I don’t have a bike.” Y/N excused.
“No worries.” Leanor assured her. “We have a spare for when the boys have friends over. Helmet included.” He stood and handed Joffrey off to Harwin. “To the garage children.”
Soon Y/N was riding down the sidewalk on a blue and black bike. Her hemet had blue flames on it. It was very… boy, but something about the air blowing on her face and moving her hair back brought her a sense of calm. The boys continued to rattle off about Aegon and all the games they’d play. All Y/N had to do was occasionally mumble some agreement but for the most part, tuned them out. Her interest was in the estates they passed. Sometimes she could see the large homes. Other times all she could gleam was were long driveways.
Y/N wasn’t a stranger to estates. Her parents often took her to several throughout the year. However, she spent most of her life in cities, penthouses with skyline views. A gated community was novel. She enjoyed the overwhelming amount of trees. Save for the sidewalk and road, it was all walls of greenery. With the trees came the smell of dew and flowers. Birds chirped. She saw countless squirrels. Even with the boy's exasperations, she found peace.
The journey took twenty minutes. Treelines opened to a large grassy field. There was a playground with metal joints, slides, swings. A rope climb and course sat off to the side. Restrooms and a picnic area took up a corner. The biggest draw it seemed, was the open field with nets and a dugout. The park wasn’t packed, but the majority of those in the park congregated on that open field.
Y/N followed the boys as they stacked the bikes on a rack. Their helmets clipped to the metal bars of the bike. Jace and Luke took either of Y/N’s hands and pulled her along to a pair of platinum blonde boys- the same platinum as Rhaenyra. One was taller than the other, both gangly, and sported long loose curls.
“Nephews!” The taller one greeted. “And here I thought I’d be stuck with Aemond for company.”
The shorter platinum boy, which had to be Aemond, grumbled and glared at his taller brother.
“Y/N this is Aegon.” Jace introduced. He’d dropped her hand and nudged her forward. “Aegon, this is Y/N, Harwin’s niece.”
“Niece, huh.” Aegon glanced her up and down with an approving hum. She couldn’t understand the extent of his smile. It wasn’t simply friendly, that was obvious, but why would anyone smile if not to be friendly. “So you must be cousins.”
“I’m his goddaughter.” Y/N corrected quietly. Her expression wasn’t unhappy, she still had a small smile, but she was cautious. She sensed something that wasn’t there with the younger boys.
“Oh…” Aegon scrunched his nose in confusion. Then realization washed it away. “Oh, your Harwin’s goddaughter. Mother mentioned you. Well, warned. She said we had to be nice, but I don’t understand why. I’m delightful.”
Aemond snorted. Y/N’s focus shifted to him and she grinned. His brother did sound absurd. Aegon elbowed Aemond. Aemond went to retaliate but Aegon made himself taller as a warning.
Aegon took Y/N’s free hand. Her hand holding Luke’s dropped. Aegon led her further into the grassy fields. “Come on, you can be on my team. Are you any good at tourney games? How old are you, ten? Aemond and Jace are ten and they’re alright.”
“I’m eleven and I haven’t played tourney in a few months. When I did I was a forward.”
“Eleven, I’m twelve, thirteen in five months. That’s okay though, I’ll go easy like I do with the others.”
Y/N shot him a questioning glance. He was either very confident or he really wanted to live up to Jace and Luke’s praises. The younger boys trailed behind them. Jace and Luke appeared more interested than Aemond. Y/N looked around the park. She hadn’t been to this one before. The parks Harwin took her to were nature preserves, no playgrounds. As she scanned the outer perimeter she caught sight of another platinum child.
“Is that your sister?” Y/N pointed to the girl on the very edge of the green.
“Ugh, Helaena.” Aegon confirmed. “Don’t pay attention to her. She’s boring. All she likes is bugs. She’s sketching the butterflies she sees.” He rolled his eyes and continued along, but was forced to halt when Y/N stopped moving.
“I like butterflies.” She stated, freed herself, and began walking in the girl’s direction.
“Y/N where are you going?” Luke asked, catching up to her.
“I’m going to go see butterflies.” Y/N ignored Aegon’s protests. The boys followed despite declarations that they wanted to play tourney games.
The five of them stopped in front of Helaena. The grass was high here but Helaena had a blanket beneath her holding the grass back. Their shadows caught Helaena’s attention and she gave them her acknowledgement but did not speak.
“Hi Helaena,” Jace waved. “This is Y/N,” He pointed at the new addition. “She’s Harwin’s niece.”
“Goddaughter.” Y/N clarified yet again, slightly annoyed. 
“Hello,” Helaena addressed Y/N and closed her sketch book. “I’m sorry about your parents.”
All the boys went wide eyed. She addressed the unspeakable. Don’t bring up Y/N’s parents. Helaena didn’t bat an eye at the boy's reproach. Despite their fear, Y/N didn’t melt into a puddle of tears. Her lips curved up in a sad but longing way.
“Thank you.” Y/N nodded and then dropped to her knees on the blanket. “They said you’re looking at butterflies.”
“There’s several species migrating through the area right now.” Helaena confirmed and pushed a book to Y/N. “I want to see as many as I can.”
“Like I said, boring.” Aegon interjected.
Y/N craned her neck to view Aegon’s folded arms of displeasure. “I don’t think so.”
The statement was unwavering. There wasn’t a drop of apprehension or inflection searching for approval. That’s how Aegon got the younger boys to comply. He couldn’t do that with Y/N. It irritated him. His smirk faded. Her confidence made his skin itch. Something ignited in him, he would impress her and she would follow along. For the moment though, he needed to to keep the boys in line.
“Very well.” Aegon sighed in false acceptance. “We’ll go play tourney. You’ll grow bored. Maybe we’ll let you join if you ask nicely.”
“Okay,” Y/N shrugged and went back to the butterfly book. Aemond caught Aegon’s flash of frustration though it was quick enough that neither Jace or Luke saw. This pleased Aemond.
“Can I see your sketches?” Y/N placed her hand over Helaena’s sketchbook. Helaena nodded and flipped to pages filled with butterfly drawings. “Woah…” Y/N breathed out as she pulled the book close to her chest. “You’re really good!” She wasn’t exaggerating, Helaena was exceptionally talented.
“Thank you.” Helaena hummed. She was fiddling in her backpack for something.
“How do you catch them to draw?” Y/N tried to see what Helaena was doing.
“With this.” Helaena pulled out a container of fresh cut melon. “They like the sweetness from the fruit but you have to stay still.”
“And they just come to you?” “They congregate in the tall grass and wildflowers.”
Y/N plucked a piece of mellon and held her hand to the grass. Patiently, she sat still and waited. After a moment or two, butterflies returned to Helaena’s blanket. One landed on Y/N’s piece of fruit. Two landed on Helaena's.
“This is so cool!” Y/N didn’t raise her voice’s volume so as to not startle the bugs, but her pitch rose and became breathy with excitement. “I think you’re the funnest person I’ve met here.”
“Really?” Helaena cocked her head to the side and frowned, but never looked up from her butterfly. It wasn’t something she heard, ever. She mostly heard Aegon’s adjectives of boring, lame, and weird. 
“Yeah!” Y/N hurriedly reaffirmed. “I mean, Harwin is great and can be fun. Jace and Luke are sweet, even though they can be crazy. My parents used to bring me to see all kinds of creatures on our trips. So this feels… this is cool.”
Helaena nodded along and turned to look at her companion. “What kind of animals did they take you to see?”
Y/N lit up. She really only got to talk about her parents in therapy. Everyone else was too afraid to mention them. Maybe they thought she’d burst into tears at their mention. Though she was desperately sad, and often cried herself to sleep, her memories made her feel better at times. 
“Well in Naath there are these giant butterflies! You have to be careful though, some are poisonous. Sothoreos has snakes as big as cars and wild beasts that can tear through you with their trunks. There’s tribes out there who catch and eat bugs the size of rodents. There were stone carvings of that on the Sothoreos vine covered ruins. Valyrian ruins still have small fire worms, so you can’t touch anything without gloves.” Y/N rambled on and Helaena gobbled up all the information she shared. She’d never left Westeros, so having someone in front of her who’d witnessed the beasts she’d only dreamed of was like having a private viewing of an unreleased nature documentary.
“Do you have pictures?” Helaena scooted closer to Y/N. Y/N didn’t notice nor mind.
“Yeah, I have some.” Y/N pulled out her smartphone, the latest model. It was a gift for her last birthday. Her parents didn’t allow much game or watch time, but they were happy she could chat with others and take pictures whenever she wanted. “I think there’s more on my parent’s cloud.”
Helaena nodded in understanding. When she went to take the phone, her fingers brushed one of Y/N’s many bracelets. This one in particular was woven. “What’s that?” Helaena turned Y/N’s hands back and forth to get the full view of all the bracelets. 
“Oh! These are my bracelets!” Y/N explained. She sat up on her knees and began removing them one by one to show. “Mom never liked me spending too much time on my phone so when we were stuck on long flights or delays we’d make friendship bracelets. She said giving them out was a nice way to say thank you to anyone we met while traveling. I kept my favorites though.”
“This one,�� She held up the one that caught Helaena’s eye. “Is one I made with embroidery floss and a pattern book. It took forever to get the knots in order. Then I have ones with beads and ones with beads and floss. Do you like them?”
“I love them!” Helaena held one in each hand and enjoyed the way the bracelets passed between her fingers.
“You can have those two if you like.” Y/N offered.
“Can I?” Helaena’s eyes lit up with enjoyment. It wasn’t often she exchanged items with her peers. She couldn’t remember the last time someone her age gifted her with something outside her birthday.
“You keep those two and I’ll teach you how to make more. Then we can make ones to exchange with each other.”
“I’ll ask my mom if she can take us to get the supplies. I’m sure she will.”
“That’d be great! Harwin would get lost in a craft store.”
Both girls giggled at the thought of that bull of a man wandering around the store in search of embroidery floss and beads. 
Y/N glanced over at the park down the hill and something caught her eye. “Hey, I know you’re busy drawing your butterflies but maybe we could go on the swings and pretend we’re ones instead!”
“Pretend?” Helaena was in disbelief at the silly notion. “How can we pretend to be butterflies? We have no wings.”
“We don’t need them!” Y/N hurriedly exclaimed. “We just swing in the air like we’re flying, migrating butterflies. We could pretend we’re going anywhere you want!”
Helaena glanced at her books and then shrugged. Y/N was nice and thought she was fun. Y/N was kind enough to give her two of her bracelets. How could she say no?
“Okay.” Helaena agreed and began packing up her set up. Y/N helped as best she could, though Helaena preferred a particular order of things.
With everything packed and her backpack on, Y/N and Helaena made their way down to the swing. At some point, Y/N grabbed Helaena’s hand on the walk. Helaena just accepted it, though she’d normally pull away. The two hands clasped felt nice for a change. It helped that Y/N’s hands were soft and smooth, not sweaty.
Helaena put her bag down by the stationary beam and the girls hopped on their respective swings. Side by side, they kicked their legs out and in. The higher and faster they went, the louder their laughter got. They enjoyed the repetitive motion and the feeling of the breeze in their hair. Soon they were shouting out all the places they’d go. Starfall, Naath, Beyond the Wall, Yeeti, and more. If they went to Valyria though, they’d have to take Aemond or he’d never stop complaining. Then there was what they’d do, where they’d sleep, would they camp. It kept them entertained for quite a while.
Over on the field the boys were all kicking and scrambling after a tourney ball. Aegon cheated and shoved Aemond. What should’ve been a red flag, Aegon said, was Aemond running into him. He always did that. Anytime Aemond had the upper hand, Aegon had to ruin it so he always turned up on top. Sometimes, Aemond would give into the rage and try to fight Aegon or whomever the offender was. Usually it didn't go his way. Aegon was bigger and stronger. Jace and Luke protected one another. Aemond would be chased away with a new bruise or scrape. This time he elected to remove himself before his anger got the better of him. In a red faced huff, Aemond marched over the edge of the playground and took a seat in the shade where he could observe.
“Hey, isn’t that your brother?” Y/N pointed out the patch of platinum hair kicking at the dirt.
“That one’s Aemond. He’s probably mad at Aegon for something he did in the game.”
“Yeah, Aegon is rough with Aemond or comes up with all sorts of rules so Aemond doesn’t win. It makes him angry.”
“I’d be angry too.” Y/N agreed and then unexpectedly hopped off her swing mid flight. 
“What are you doing?” Helaena inquired. “Butterflies don’t crash land.”
“Don’t worry,” Y/N assured her new friend. “I’ll be right back. Hold my swing!”
Y/N walked over to Aemond’s sulking spot and sat down next to him. He either didn’t notice her approach or refused to address her.
“Hello.” Y/N greeted, facing the younger brother.
“Hello.” Aemond mumbled back. He didn’t say anything else, but Y/N remained there beaming at him.
“What do you want?” He asked rather rudely.
Ignoring his distasteful tone, Y/N continued her friendly gesture. “Helaena says you really like old Valyria.”
“I do.” Aemond eyed her with suspicion.
“I’ve gone a bunch of times with my parents. Helaena and I were talking about how we were going to go together someday.”
That got Aemond’s attention. With the mention that she’d actually been, she had him enraptured. His mother always said it was too dangerous for children to go, but here was someone only a year older than him who’d gone more than once! In his eyes, she was elevated to the incarnation of Tesserion or Tyraxes- Valyrian goddesses.
“You’ve been to the ruins?” It was more of an exclamation than a question. “What are they like?”
“Come swing with Helaena and I so I can tell you both.” Y/N offered. As soon as she was on her feet and walking, Aemond trailed her like an excited puppy. Aegon noticed.
The three spent a good half hour discussing the ruins of Old Valyria. Aemond had so many questions. Helaena had opinions. Y/N was more than compliant with sharing and listening. It was fun for Y/N. She liked talking with Helaena and Aemond. They were her age and didn’t become chaotic like Jace and Luke. She truly liked those boys, but even their mother said they were a lot to handle. The game must have ended or Aegon got tired of playing, because he, Jace, and Luke made their way over to those content on the swings. They had to have planned something on their way. Or better yet, Aegon did. They struted over with knowing smirks and hands hiding in full pockets.
“The evil dragons have captured the princess!” Luke shouted at the top of his lungs startling the trio. “We must free her!” Then the assault began.
To their credit, Helaena and Aemond dodged the majority of the acorns while swinging. Y/N figured she was the princess they referred to because none of the artillery was aimed at her. Jace and Aegon threw harder than Luke. To catch up, Luke began picking up mulch when retrieving his ammo. Helaena and Aemond were calling for them to stop, but as long as Aegon was laughing, the bombardment continued.
“Knock it off!” Y/N’s voice cut through the chaos and registered in the boys’ ears. It was loud and firm, deeper than her normal talking voice. Perhaps it was similar enough to Rhaenyra’s to make the boys pause. Aegon stopped when he noticed he was the only one left throwing their pellets.
“We’re just having fun.” Jace whined, attempting an explanation. “It’s a game.”
“But it’s not fun!” Y/N admonished Jace. “It’s not fun for them,” She waved at Helaena and Aemond. “The ones you’re pelting. You’re not having fun, you’re being mean, and cruel, and bullies!”
Small mouths opened agape and looks were exchanged. Was this actually mean? Aegon said it’d be fun and it was. Then Jace and Luke saw the disapproval from Y/N and the sadness from Helaena. Aemond was upset as well, but he was always upset. 
“I’m sorry.” Luke mumbled rather meekly.
“Yeah, sorry.” Jace agreed and kicked at the discarded acorns and mulch below to avoid the shame he’d feel from looking Y/N in the eyes.
“Oh quit being such babies.” Aegon ignored the feelings of regret Y/N tugged on. He rolled his eyes and his smirk grew. “If they want to escape the scorpion arrows then they need to relinquish the girl!”
He hoped that by capturing their imagination, he could win the younger boys back to his side. Y/N would surely follow once she saw how much fun they were having. To prove his point he threw several acorns at a time at Aemond and Helaena. He made the pitches harder than before. This time, rather than the majority failing to hit their mark or landing in their laps, this round hit hard. One caught Aemond in the eye. Helaena was hit in the center of the forehead, neck, and ear. She screeched in fright, lost her balance, and fell off her swing. Then she began to cry loud, wailing tears.
Y/N looked from Helaena, to Aemond, to Aegon who had a smug grin. Jace and Luke were shocked. They immediately went to comfort Helaena. As they were running towards the swing, Y/N used the height she acquired from swinging to leap away. She had airtime on her side, and good aim too. She tackled Aegon and knocked them both to the ground. Ignoring the shock to her body, Y/N began to wrestle with him. She wasn’t like Aemond who attacked but failed due to the size difference. She’d hit a growth spurt that Aegon had yet to reach. They were the same size and Y/N had Harwin for a guardian. He’d already begun his defense lessons with her, worried for how her first time in a school would go. They’d paid off. It was evident in the way she kicked Aegon’s ass.
Trying to crawl away, Aegon ended up rolling onto his stomach for leverage. Y/N dashed that hope by pinning him by the back of his neck and legs. He was hollering for Y/N to get off of him.
“Do you like that?” Y/N asked through gritted teeth. She was shoving his head into the mulch, dirt, and discarded acorns. “Do you like eating acorns? Is it fun for you now?”
“It’s not!” Aegon, still squirming, answered in hope of reprieve. His face was beat red. Later he’d claim that he let Y/N do this and he never shed a tear.
“Eat it! Eat it!” Y/N called over his wails, trying to shove an acorn in his mouth.
“Stop!” Aegon tried demanding. That didn’t work either. He switched back to pleading. “Get off of me, please!”
“Apologize.” Y/N shook him insistently.
“I’m sorry!” Aegon hollered into the ether.
“Say it to them!” Y/N forced Aegon by the hair to address his siblings.
“I’m sorry!” He repeated, louder. That was what Y/N needed to relent. She gave him one last shove downwards and swung out of her straddling position. She climbed off Aegon and stood, brushed past Jace and Luke and went to help Helaena up. She’d stopped her sobs but there were still tears in her eyes.
“Are you okay?” Y/N brushed the loose strands of hair clinging to Helaena’s tear soaked cheeks. Helaena nodded but kept her eyes downcast. It was enough for now.
Y/N went to check on Aemond next. “Are you okay?”
“My eye hurts, but I’ll be fine.” Aemond was holding his hand to his eye. Y/N lifted it to check. There was a scratch that trailed from above his brow to mid cheek and little welts of blood.
Y/N huffed, upset. She claimed Helaena’s backpack and tossed it over her shoulders. With that stubborn scowl she grabbed Aemond’s free hand and reached for Helaena. She led them to the bike racks. Luke and Jace attempted to follow, but with one stern glare from Y/N they backed off. Maybe she was scarier than their mother.
“We didn’t ride here.” Helaena whispered. Her tension had yet to disperse.
“Our house is only a five minute walk away.” Aemond clarified.
“Oh.” Y/N dropped either’s hand and stood conflicted. “Well I did.”
“You don’t have to go with us.” Helaena sniffled. “We’ll make it back okay and you can continue to play.”
“I don’t want to play with them.” Y/N’s lips pursed and twisted with confliction. She spoke slowly as she formed her ideas. “I’ll make sure you make it home safe and then I’ll bike back to Rhaenyra’s. Aemond, you’re hurt. Do you want to ride the bike back?” “I can’t ride with one hand and one eye.” Aemond scoffed at the suggestion.
“Right… Helaena, why don’t you ride. Maybe it will calm you down.” Y/N suggested.
“Okay.” Helaena agreed timidly.
The trio slowly made their way to the patriarchal Targaryen residence. There were very few houses on the way. Each house had more land than the next. 
“Why did you do that?” Aemond broke the silence which blanketed the triad.
“Do what?” Y/N hummed.
Aemond looked to his sister. They were used to making this walk back together. One, the other, or both were fed up with Aegon’s antics and decided they’d rather sit at home than spend another minute at the park. Helaena nodded for her brother to continue. 
“Stand up to Aegon.” He clarified. “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
“I’m not afraid of him.” Y/N found the thought amusing. “Especially now that I’ve seen him eat acorns.”
They all found humor in that. Aemond especially. “You’re my new favorite person.”
“Thank you.” Y/N bowed slightly, playing along, gleeful. “He’s obviously a jerk and I couldn’t just sit back and let him be one. Jace and Luke are dumb for finding him cool.”
“Ugh,” Aemond rolled his good eye. “They can’t think for themselves when they’re around him.”
“So I’ve gathered.” Y/N agreed. 
They stopped once they reached a massive gate enclosing another extensive driveway. Aemond pulled a key card from his pocket and held it to a metal box. The gate divided down the center. After what seemed like a mile, they reached the house. It was a mansion, but they called it a house. It was old and sophisticated. Constructed with Valyrian brick and marble that’d be too expensive for building most modern homes. It was adorned with fountains, balconies, lots of well kept greenery, and many implanted crests. Y/N’d seen buildings like this before. She didn’t go often, but both her mother and father owned family estates of similar magnitude.
The door wasn’t locked. It didn’t need to be when the property was walled up like a palace. Helaena left the bike and helmet by the door. Y/N returned her backpack.
“Mother’s not here.” Helaena stated woefully. “We’ll have to ask father about your eye.”
“No.” Aemond wouldn’t let his sister pass to whatever corridor she might find their father down. “He’ll be upset if we bother him.”
“Whenever I got something on my face or in my eye my parents made me wash it out.” Y/N offered some compromise.
“Let’s try the bathroom.” Helaena added in. “There’s bandaids and wipes there too.”
“Okay.” Aemond relented to the idea. In his opinion, it was better to avoid involving their father.
Once in the massive downstairs primary guest bathroom, Aemond went to the sink and began to flush out his eye. It agitated him at first but as the dirt started to dislodge it brought him comfort. Helaena found the first aid kit. The two girls went through it. They took out alcohol wipes, antibacterial cream, and bandages. Aemond questioned when he could stop rinsing. His hair was soaked. Y/N brought a hand towel to wrap around his shoulders so he didn’t get his shirt wet. Just like before, Y/N took charge. She made Aemond sit on the wall to wall countertop so she could dress his wounds. Helaena made herself comfortable next to her younger brother.
“If you don’t have to go right away, I can show you my other sketches. I’ve got a lot in my room, and books! Oh and you have to meet Dreamfyre!” Helaena clearly recuperated from her previous meltdown.
“Why are you so chatty all of a sudden?” Aemond attempted to look at his sister but Y/N kept his head from turning. It made him intently look at the face of the girl in front of him. The very same girl who beat up his brother. His hero. She was beautiful. He let out a shaky exhale. Y/N didn’t notice.
“I’m not suddenly chatty.” Helaena countered. “I just want to show my new friend all my things.”
“Well if you get to show her all of your things then I get to show her all of mine.” Aemond argued. His tone lost its edge when he addressed Y/N. “You’ll see all my stuff too, right? I’ve got replica swords, and maps of Valyria, and Vagar my lizard.”
“She won’t want to see that boring old beast.” Helaena kept Y/N from answering.
“She’s way more interesting than your drawings.” Aemond snickered.
“I’ll see both.” Y/N agreed once she finished touching up Aemond’s face. 
He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. “I look hideous with these bandages and red eye.”
Smirking, Y/N disagreed. “I think it makes you look tough. Like Aegon should think twice before attacking you again.”
Aemond blushed and turned his head to hide it. On doing so, he felt how wet his hair was. “It’s like I got waterboarded.”
“Okay hold still.” Y/N gathered his hair in the hand towel and began to gently ring it out.
“Maybe, since Y/N’s here we can convince Father to let us see his model Valyria.” Helaena voiced her wonder. “I mean, she’s been there so she can tell father if he’s got it right.”
“It’s a model of Old Valyria, like when it was still intact.” Aemond corrected.
“They had models there of what it looked like. They had one every time you came to a new group of buildings.”
“Okay but after you look at my maps.”
“And meet Dreamfyre.”
With the three lost in their conversation they did not hear the front door open and close nor the footsteps that grew louder as they came closer. Alicent noticed the bike on the front porch. It wasn’t one that belonged to her children. Maybe it was one of Rhaenyra’s brood. Or perhaps the children brought one of their playmates from school over. That was a rare occurrence. With Daeron on her hip she made her way towards the direction of young voices. She found it odd that they congregated in the bathroom of all places.
“Dearests, what’s going on?” Alicent asked while rounding the corner. She stopped when she caught an unfamiliar young girl drying her son’s wet hair. “Oh, hello.”
Aemond looked like a deer in the headlights. Something about his mother walking in on a girl showing him care unnerved him. Y/N was surprised but masked a larger reaction. Helaena kicked her feet as she had been doing before, unbothered.
“Hello mother.” Helaena began rambling again. There wasn’t a breath to be heard between sentences. “This is Y/N, Harwin Strong’s goddaughter, Y/N.”
Alicent recognized the name and relation. Viserys told her about this girl weeks ago when Rhaenyra told him. She felt terrible for the orphan. She was the same age Alicent was when she lost her mother. She empathized with the girl, though she wasn’t fond of her connection to Rhaenyra. Viserys already regurgitated the stories Rhaenyra shared like Y/N was one of his own grandchildren.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Alicent tried to make the introduction but Helaena continued talking over her. She was taken aback. This was something Helaena would do when she watched a new documentary or discovered a new book to fascinate her mind. When it came to others, school, her day she typically withheld herself.
“Y/N likes butterflies too mother. I taught her how to attract butterflies and then we pretended to be butterflies. We had so much fun talking about the places she’s been.”
“She’s been to the Valyrian ruins.” Aemond chimed in. Alicent noticed the bandages over his face and immediately placed Daeron down to investigate.
“Oh yeah, Aegon and our nephews were being mean and throwing acorns at us.” Helaena continued. “You should’ve seen Y/N mother. She made the boys stop and even got Aegon to apologize.”
“Apologize and eat dirt.” Aemond smugly added. When his mother continued to scout his face for injury he stepped back and nodded that he was alright enough. “Y/N bandaged it up for me.”
“And she gave me these bracelets!” Helaena shoved her bracelet clad wrist into her mother’s face. “It’s nice to have her as a friend.”
Alicent lowered her daughter’s arm back to her side. “I see sweetling. You’ve had an eventful day.” She went to address the unexpected house guest but when she did, she had to look further down than expected.
Y/N crouched down next to Daeron and kept him from crawling under the sink or to where his little fingers could be stepped on. She distracted him with large expressions and soft words. Alicent’s heart warmed and a motherly grin emerged from her lips.
“So you made my eldest eat dirt?” Alicent questioned in a teasing manner.
“It was actually acorns.” Helaena corrected her brother’s previous statement.
Y/N’s eyes widened in a bit of a panic as she searched for the right words. The fact Alicent was playing with the girl flew right over her head with the assumption of trouble.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N quickly stood but kept bending down to keep Daeron from crawling under the counter. “I know I shouldn’t of, and it was unkind.” Her words came out as fast as Helaena’s. “He wouldn’t stop pelting them and he, he hurt Aemond and made Helaena cry. And! And! It just made me really upset to see her cry. She was so nice and we were gonna make friendship bracelets.”
Alicent cut off the frantic girl with a loving squeeze to either of her shoulders. “It’s okay, Y/N. No more apologies are needed. I’m happy that someone stood up for my Aemond and Helaena.”
“Okay.” Y/N nodded but still unsure. “I’m sorry for coming over unexpectedly. I wanted to make sure they made it home alright and Aemond’s eye was okay.” She stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact, perceiving annoyance at her uninvited presence.
Alicent heard that the girl lived like a vagabond with her parents, traveling from one destination to the next. It explained her nerves at social protocol. This was a little more excessive than she would expect, but at least she was polite. That impressed Alicent more than it concerned her. Though she’d never admit it, it was better than her children would react in this situation.
“Like I said,” Alicent kept her friendliness. “No more apologies needed.”
“Mother,” Helaena gently tugged on her arm. “Can I show Y/N my room now?”
“Hold on dear, she can’t just disappear with you for hours on end. Harwin may not know where she is and is worried.” Alicent attempted to calm her daughter's increasing hyperfocused energy.
Helaena’s line of sight snapped to Y/N. “You can text or call him right? Then you’ll have permission!”
Alicent did not recognise the individual who had possessed Helaena’s body. Her quiet, introverted, particular daughter was bounding with energy for this new friend. Alicent almost fainted in shock when Helaena wrapped herself around Y/N’s arm.
“If Harwin approves, then yes, she may stay.” Alicent studied her daughter as she bounced up and down, giggling in Y/N’s ear.
“She’s been like this since they met.” Aemond moaned.
Alicent knowingly side-eyed her son. “You can join in their fun too.” Aemond again blushed and chased after the girls. Harwin must have responded with a quick yes, because in a blink of an eye they were out the bathroom door.
Alicent picked up Daeron and leaned against the counter. Perplexed was an understatement. Sometimes Helaena would preen like this when she had her father’s undivided attention. Which was rare. She’d have to consult one of her blogs about this sudden behavior. It had to be a good thing that Helaena made a new friend, no matter how quickly she became attached. It could’ve been Y/N’s protection that enraptured Helaena. She was safe and shared interests. Gods help them, maybe she could quell some of Helaena’s stemming.
Then there was Aegon. Should she be mortified that the girl became aggressive with her eldest, or pleased? On one hand, someone laid hands on her child. On another, It was Aegon and he had it coming. She’d need to admonish this behavior when he gained the courage to return home. Y/N captured Aemond’s affections rather than ire. That was surprising. A pleasant ease settled Alicent. Helaena was acting like a normal eleven year old girl, Aemond was in good spirits, and Aegon learned that he shouldn’t tease his siblings. And she was good with Daeron! She’d buy the house next door for Harwin if this was the typical day with Y/N around.
Aemond and Helaena took Y/N from one room to the next. They had to show her every book, picture, map, game, and creature in a bid to hold her attention. Y/N went along with them both. She saw Helaena’s other sketches. She had insects, birds, reptiles, and fish mainly. Aemond had over a dozen maps all neatly hung around his room. Others were in his books. There was the sword. She met Dreamfyre the cat who was very friendly and cuddly. Vagar the ancient looking behemoth of a lizard, not so much. Still, she accepted Aemond’s invitation to watch him feed her and held her tongue on how gross it was.
Eventually, the three exchanged hushed whispers behind Viserys’ study door. There was an aggressive whisper argument dragging on as the door swung open. Y/N couldn’t understand why Aemond had been so apprehensive about engaging with his father. The man who opened the door had kind eyes and a loving smile. He didn’t appear bothered.
“Well, well, well I thought I heard little dragons outside my door.” Viserys chuckled, addressing the three children.
“Father!” Helaena exclaimed while she dove in for a hug. To Y/N it looked like a hug you’d give someone after being parted for over a week. Aemond nervously smiled at Y/N’s side.
“Hello little love.” Viserys returned Helaena’s hug. Then he ruffled Aemond’s hair. “And my boy.”
Finally his gaze landed on Y/N. “And who might you be.”
“This is Y/N father.” Helaena answered for her friend with her head pressed into her father’s shirt. “She’s Harwin Strong’s goddaughter and she beat up Aegon.”
“She beat up Aegon?” Viserys raised his brows in surprise. “What did he do to earn the wrath of such a lovely girl?”
Again, Helaena answered. “Pelted us with acorns that scratched Aemond’s eye and made me cry. You should’ve seen her father.” Helaena looked up at her father with excitement in her eyes. “She jumped off the swing and landed right on him! She even made him apologize.”
“It was amazing.” Aemond nodded his head in sound agreement.
“Well then, the punishment fits the crime I’d say.” Viserys chuckled. Unlike Alicent, he didn’t question if he should be upset or not.
“She’s been to the Valyrian ruins, father.” Aemond piped up, bringing the focus back to why they were outside the study door.
“Really?” This piqued Viserys’ interest. “I heard you were well traveled, my dear, but I did not expect it to include the ruins.”
“I’ve been four times. My mother said it was important to know my heritage.” Y/N affirmed. 
“Right she was.” Viserys nodded. “Those descended from the empire should know where they come from.”
“Father,” Helaena was holding his hand now. “Can we show Y/N your models?”
“Certainly.” Viserys guided the three children into his study. It was warm. Beams of sun entered the room from large windowed doors. A balcony was beyond them. Tapestries hung from the ceiling. There was an empty fireplace against an exterior wall.
“Though this won’t look like the ruins as it is a model based on the height of the empire, you should be able to recognize several pieces.” Viserys stood back proudly as the children awed at his models.
“They had reconstructed diagrams at every ruin.” Y/N walked around the table identifying each city quadrant. “It’s very similar.”
“Similar?” Viseryes chuckled at her unabashed honesty. She’d get along with his youngest daughter, that was certain.
“I didn’t mean to be rude.” Y/N quickly looked at Viserys and then averted her gaze. “Just that they have diagrams from all ages of the Empire and they all look different.”
“Ah, so we have a Valaryian expert in our midst.” Viserys went to place a hand on Aemond’s shoulder. “Perhaps the two of you can use your maps and make your own reconstructions.”
Aemond gleamed in excitement at his father. “You’d give us the materials?”
“Certainly,” Viserys agreed by patting his middle son on the back. He then began nudging the girls along to the door. “You can draw up your plans after supper.”
There was a chorus of disappointed acceptance.
“You are staying for supper, Y/N?” Viserys looked down at his little guest.
“I’ll text Harwin. He won’t mind. He hates cooking unless it’s on a grill.” Y/N rushed to send out another text to her guardian. Viserys found her amusing. Between her quickness and willingness to rough up a bully like Aegon, she reminded him of his Rhaenyra.
Alicent was setting the table. Daeron was strapped in his highchair. Aegon returned and taken his spot at the table. He was pouting and refused to make eye contact.
“Since the staff is off for the day, it isn’t anything posh.” Alicent’s way of apologizing for a normal meal. “I hope you’re not opposed to roast chicken and veggies.” They were from the high end grocery store. Alicent rarely cooked these days.
Y/N wasn’t sure if Alicent was addressing her, but then after a moment of silence everyone looked to Y/N for a response. “I like it. I haven’t had a meal like this in a while.”
Alicent hummed disapprovingly. “Well you’re welcome to join us anytime you fancy a well prepared meal.”
Aegon tried to hold back his laughter. He knew his mother bought the food. It was well prepared, if you considered store bought catering well prepared. The breathy chuckles ceased under Alicent’s withering glare of motherly scrutiny. Everyone else took their seats and began passing around dishes of food. Helaena and Aemond attempted to squabble over who sat next to Y/N. Alicent shut it down with a snap of her fingers and the point for Aemond to sit next to his elder brother.
Y/N ate her food in bites while observing Daeron play with his. She’d learned much from her time with little Joffrey, so she helped break apart chunks for Dearon to better manage. Alicent tried to wave her off, but Y/N enjoyed the feeling of responsibility. Eventually, Alicent accepted the opportunity to eat her food while it remained warm.
“I heard there was a bit of fuss at the park today.” Viserys had a solid countenance but there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.
“Husband.” Alicent warned. “I’ve already spoken with Aegon.”
The eldest boy sank further into his chair, but his father continued. “That’s good.” Viserys nodded along. “However, I’d like to hear what Aegon learned from the scuffle.”
Y/N was avoiding eye contact as much as Aegon. She didn’t regret her actions, but it felt weird to review them with Aegon’s parents.
“Go on.” Viserys insisted.
“I shouldn’t make jokes out of hurting others.” Aegon’s voice was low and harder to hear since he was talking to his dinner plate. “I don’t enjoy it when it happens to me.”
“Very good.” Viserys accepted that answer. Then he turned to Y/N who became nerve wracked under his attention. “Y/N I appreciate your kindness to my Helaena and Aemond, but next time don’t make the trouble maker ingest bits of the park. Getting a stomach ache after his embarrassment would be a tad too cruel.”
No one, least of all Y/N, expected blanket permission to lay hands on Aegon. The boy’s eyes rounded like saucers and he fixed himself on Y/N. She mimicked his wide eyed surprise.
“Viserys.” Alicent scolded. “Do not encourage improper behavior.”
Viserys simply smirked and went about eating his dinner. Aemond smirked as well. He enjoyed the looming threat over his brother’s shoulders. Helaena paid no mind to it all. She was preoccupied with all the things she wanted to do with her new friend.
After dinner, Y/N, Helaena, and Aemond attempted to catch fireflies in the backyard. They ran to their hearts content trying to get as many lights as they could in their jar. Once the sun fully set, Alicent called them back inside.
“Alright sweetlings, you’ve had your fun, but I think it’s time for Y/N to go. I’m sure Harwin is wondering where she is.” At least Alicent hoped he was, rather than dumping his duties to the girl in favor of time with his biological children. Aemond and Helaena let their disappointment be known.
“But mother,” Helaena pulled at Alicent’s hands. “Can’t Y/N stay the night? Please? She can text Harwin like she has before.”
Aemond chimed in next. “I don’t want her to go yet, mother.”
Alicent bit her lower lip in contemplation. It’d been a while since she’d seen her middle children pleasantly act their age. Then again, this was all becoming a hassle.
Viserys stepped into the room with his arm draped across Aegon’s shoulders. Obviously they just finished a lengthy conversation. “Oh let them have their fun dear. I’ll call Harwin and fill him in on the budding friendships. I’m sure he’ll happily oblige to give up Y/N for the night. Let the children build forts and watch movies like you used to put on for Rhaenyra when she was their age.”
Alicent immediately frowned at the mention of her past as Rhaenyra’s older companion. Viserys didn’t care to notice and the children were oblivious. The excitement of a fort and movies kept them occupied.
“She does not have pajamas nor her toiletries.” Alicent objected.
“Bah,” Viserys disregarded his wife’s concerns. “Let her borrow from Helaena. How particular can one be at eleven?”
Alicent let out a sigh. Though she was displeased by old memories, she knew when she’d lost a fight. Their happiness had grown too strong for Alicent to shatter now. She liked Y/N, truly, which helped ease her resolve.
“Very well.” Alicent directed the children to go prepare for bed. “Helaena, be a dear and share your clothes with Y/N. I know you’re not fond of others touching your things, but-”
“Okay.” Helaena was unexpectedly accepting of the favor. Normally, she’d throw a fit at anyone doing anything to her possessions. Alicent was taken aback. Odd behavior from her odd girl. Maybe the two canceled eachother out.
Helaena pulled Y/N along to her room to fuss over what they’d wear. Aemond dressed faster and began his idea of a fort in what was dubbed the ‘kids room.’ The air mattress was retrieved from one of the storage cubbies and inflated. He’d begun attempting to make a tent with spare sheets, but it was not going well. The girls joined in on the construction. Pillows appeared, a stuffed animal, couch cushions stolen, and someone had the inventive idea to use a hair tie to hold the sheet to a standing lamp; thereby accomplishing Aemend’s tent goal.
Popcorn and candy appeared at some point. Alicent dubbed fruit leather candy, but Viserys snuck in the real deal along with some sodas. First up was Dragon Training. They all made it through that. Aegon appeared sometime during the movie. Though embarrassed by the day's events, he didn’t want to miss out on the fun. Fantastic Mr. Fox was the second selection. As she grew tired, Helaena furthered the gap between her body and the others. She preferred her space when she slept and wasn’t a fan of snuggling. Aegon claimed Helaena’s previous position next to Y/N. Aemond didn’t move, but he eventually succumbed to sleep as well. That left Aegon and Y/N to share the remnants of popcorn and candy.
After working up the nerve, Y/N addressed Aegon. “I’m sorry I tackled you.” It was a rapid blurt of words, but the best she could do.
Aegon had his knees to his chest, back reclined against cushions, and his arms around his legs. “It’s okay. I had it coming.” Aegon gave Y/N a weak smile. “I’m just sorry you hate me now. I really wanted you to like me.”
Y/N blinked in confusion. She couldn’t align his actions to his motives. “You have a weird way of getting people to like you.”
“Yeah, well.” Aegon shrugged. “It didn’t work either way.”
“I don’t hate you.” Y/N insisted. She leaned back onto the cushions herself so she could be face to face with Aegon. “I just hated what you chose to do.”
“Clearly,” Aegon snorted. “You jumped me and made me eat dirt and an acorn.”
“Hey,” Y/N defended herself. “Even you admitted you had it coming.”
“And I’ll take that to my grave.” The pair giggled at Aegon’s pledge. “Can we be friends then?”
“So long as you can be friendly.”
“I make no promises I can’t keep.”
“Then I won’t promise that you’ll survive this friendship without a bruise.”
“That’s fair.”
The two adolescents fell asleep before the movie ended. They slept side by side, no qualms in sharing body heat. For the first time in over a month Y/N felt whole again. Sandwiched between Aegon and Aemond with Helaena present as well, felt right. She felt like she was home again. No nightmares or midnight crying fits. She felt safe, secure, and loved. It was the best night's sleep she’d have for a while.
Rhaenyra was concerned for Y/N. No she wasn’t her mother, but she’d come to view Y/N as one of her own. This was the first time one of her own was away from home. She read that it was a good thing, Y/N not calling. If she were to call several times in one day, that meant she wasn’t adjusting well. Y/N of all people knew how to adjust. Also, rooming with Helaena was as familiar as breathing air to Y/N.
Still, Rhaenyra wanted an excuse to call her girl. Harwin came up with the idea of sending care packages. He’d received it from Y/N’s paternal grandmother, with her father, back when she was alive and they were in college. They never failed to brighten his day. He always made sure to call and express his thanks. It didn’t matter if he liked everything in it because someone took the time to think about him and what he might like. That meant more.
So there they were, in a general store, debating what candle Y/N would like more: coffee at dawn or imperial love. Weird names, but both smelled fantastic. They’d already picked up a few of the girl’s favorite snacks and some hair accessories. Someone rounded the corner with their cart. Rhaenyra paid no attention, going to move her cart to the side out of courtesy, but then she looked up.
Alicent seemed to have the same idea. Her cart was stacked with a variety of odds and ends a freshly independent college girl might need. Alicent couldn’t help but to smirk in that knowing, slanted smile.
“Great minds think alike.” Was her greeting.
“It seems so.” Rhaenyra acknowledged.
“Alicent.” Harwin nodded with a simple smile. He wasn’t fond of the woman, but she was forever in their lives and he preferred to be cordial when possible.
“Well, let’s compare our selections. If we send multiple of the same thing, it could overwhelm them.” Alicent went to sort her cart into an accountable state.
“Them?” Rhaenyra questioned. “You’re sending Y/N things as well?”
“Yes, I’m shopping for Aegon, Helaena, and Y/N. The latter live together and she might as well be the family’s bonus daughter.” Alicent shrugged as she thought it was obvious. She’d never leave Y/N out.
Rhaenyra grumbled under her breath, so Harwin spoke up. “I thought the girls should have a small handyman kit for repairs and small constructions. Lords knows Y/N and Helaena could pay for something to be put together or fixed, but you know how stubborn Y/N is with her independence.”
“Yes.” Alicent chuckled. “That she is. It’s a lovely idea. You’re caring, but not overstepping by giving her what she needs to live how she wants.”
Rhaenyra placed a hand to her chest in silent shock. Who was this person and what did they do with the Alicent they knew?
Harwin gave a quick peck to his wife’s forehead. “I’ll go see what I can find.” Avoiding Rhaenyra’s pleading eyes, ones that’d catch him before he could get away, he rounded the end of the aisle.
Rhaenyra cleared her throat. “I don’t know about sending Y/N two care packages. She appears to enjoy her newfound distance.”
“Really?” Alicent cocked her head. “On the phone with Helaena she was quite open about missing the boys and the bustling of the family being together.”
Rhaenyra gawked, mouth open in shock. “She calls you?”
Alicent nodded along, concerned with Rhaenyra’s surprise. “Not nearly as often as she just happens to be present when I talk to Helaena, but yes she has.”
“She’ll call us about once evry other week.” Rhaeynera revealed in amazement. 
Cautiously, Alicent explained her perceived reasoning. “She’s… more open, lighter since I made my amends with her.”
This was not how Rhaenyra expected her impromptu shopping trip to go. “Amends? What amends?”
Alicent sighed. She left the front of her cart and stepped into Rhaenyra’s space so she could be heard with a hushed voice. “After the recent holiday… debacle, I realized that I’d become someone I didn’t like. I’d, I’d hurt those whom I care about the most. So I started therapy.”
Rhaeynra’s eyes went impossibly wide and she squeeked trying to find her words. Alicent held up both hands to convince Rhaeynra to keep her initial response to herself. “Don’t be so shocked. Your words helped me find my direction.”
Rhaenyra couldn’t shake the idea of Alicent on a shrink’s couch. What an odyssey they had to unpack. Then again, Alicent was more tolerable of late. “So Y/N?” She tried to center the mess she waded into.
“I’ve made so many mistakes as a mother.” Alicent looked down to her nails, she was scratching at the skin around them. An old nervous habit that resurfaced. “I’m working to fix those. Y/N may not be mine, but she’s a good place to start. I apologize for the turmoil I caused when you and Leanor separated, and how I let her down.”
Rhaenyra went visibly rigid with the mention of her divorce. She’d grown past it, but every once in a while she’d remember how hurt her boys were and her anger would rise.
“And I know I owe you rectification too.” Alicent tried to jump in front of Rhaenyra’s racing thoughts. “But about Y/N… she eased when I took accountability for the pain I caused her.”
Alicent continued to gaze, lips curled inward like there was more she wanted to say. Rhaenyra crossed her arms, irritaed. “You point is?”
“I don’t know for certain.” Alicent was hesitant. “And I’m certainly not placing any blame on anyone, but I think she might be holding onto the pain she felt when she found you… in that way.”
Rhaenyra scoffed. “You can’t be serious.”
Alicent innocently shrugged. “Like I said, I can’t say anything for certain and I’m not trying to place blame or open old wounds. All I know is that she withdrawals whenever Leanor is brought up.”
Rhaenyra was over this Alicent. She could change, but the feelings she stirred hadn’t. Rhaenyra went to steer her cart away from this conversation. “Hm, well thank you for the information to consider.”
Alicent stepped in front of Rhaenyra’s cart, preventing her from moving. “Wait.” She placed her hands, holding the cart back. “I know I can’t unwind the years of distress I’ve brought on you, but maybe we can at least appear united, for the children.”
Rhaenyra exhales the energy she’d held throughout this interaction. She looked everywhere but Alicent. Anything to get her out of this conversation. Her phone buzzed and she thought that was her ticket out. When she clicked on her phone screen, it was a photo memory of her and Y/N together, the boys running in the background. She missed Y/N’s closeness.
Rhaenyra held her eyes closed for a moment. When she opened them, she gave into Alicent’s suggestion. “For the children.”
Helaena and Y/N were on their way back from the campus post office. Though they had cars and ample funds in their checking accounts, Alicent, Rhaenyra, and Harwin regularly sent care packages. At some point, the elder adults confused the one hour drive across the city to a ten hour time zone difference. Last week it was enough snacks and cold medicine to survive another Long Night. They were unsure what to expect this go round.
Each held a box in their hand as Helaena went to fetch her key card. For freshmen, they had one of the largest dorms on campus. They only needed to share a common space and a bathroom. They had their own bedrooms with walk in closets. Baela and Rheana had the same accommodations down the hall. Targaryen perks. The lights were off and the entry room was as dark as they had left it. Walking with familiarity, the girls placed their boxes down on the kitchen counter and flipped on a light. 
The light illuminated the majority of the common space. There on the couch sat Aegon, scrolling on his phone with a collection of snack wrappers. Helaena jumped and let out a shout at the unexpected visitor. Y/N rolled her eyes and threw a roll of paper towels at Aegon in annoyance.
“Thank you.” He said as the roll smacked into his chest. “My apartment ran out days ago.”
“How the hell did you even get in here?” Y/N demanded. Now she went to swipe the paper towels back since he wanted them. He shoved it between his body and the couch cushion.
“I have my ways.” He was sly and silver tongued. Neither girl doubted that they could change the keypad, add a lock, purchase a camera and he’d still manage to find a way in. 
“What do you want, Aegon?” Helaena sighed. She’d rather focus her energy on getting him out than finding how he got in.
“Can’t I visit my sweet sister and the prettiest pain in my ass.” Aegon mused. He was throwing M&Ms at Y/N, trying to land one down her shirt.
Y/N swatted him with a decorative pillow. “You’re such an ass.”
“And you get the better packages.” Aegon grabbed the pillow and held it against himself to prevent further assault.
Helaena hummed in a sweet tune. “If you called more or simply replied to a text, they’d send you more.”
“So they could pry further into my life or bore me to death with theirs? No thank you.” Aegon stood and went to look through this week's delivery. “I’d rather shop from what they send you.”
“That’s right, you’re a rideless urchin who relies on our handouts.” Y/N snatched her box away before Aegon could rifle through it.
“Yes, so you better start stockpiling now because I fully expect my every whim to be catered to when we’re stuck together this summer.”
“Ha! But I won’t be.”
“How so? You’ve yet to avoid me thus far and this will be our ninth summer together.”
“Oh, you didn’t hear.” Y/N delighted in busting his fun. “Leanor and Qarl bought the house next door so the pool house is free again, and as the only girl I got first dibs. So I’ll be camping out there while you have to sit through Alicent’s eat, pray, love slideshow tell all.”
Aegon scoffed. “You’ll make an appearance at some point. You’re like an infestation. No matter what toxic chemical is used, you always find a reason to reappear.”
“Nope, not this time.” Y/N pursed her lips together in a violently satisfied smile. “My only reason to be within a one-thousand foot perimeter of that house is Helaena and she’s welcome to camp out with me.”
Aegon looked to his sister for an explanation. “She’s still mad at Aemond.”
Aegon’s brows rose in surprise.  “Still? I thought you got over that months ago.”
Helaena let out a scoffing chuckle. “That wine must have kept you warm the entire holiday,  because the rest of us felt their icy chill all Yule.”
“I’ll get over it when he grows a pair and apologizes. And he learns to stop interfering with my life!” Y/N was pointing a finger to her chest, poking it, caught up in her anger.
“Damn!” Aegon’s lips downturned in a suggestive pout. “Fuck him then. I’m happy to make him miserable for you.” A devilish hint of glee hid within Aegon.
Y/N retrieved a bag of candy from Aegon’s clutches. “Like you need an excuse.”
Aegon shrugged and pocketed another when she wasn’t looking. “Offer still stands.”
A/N 2: This was such a cute chapter to write. I tried to keep their vocabulary and actions age appropriate. It required a lot of reflection on my childhood. Ages 10-13 you're caught between what you loved from your earlier years and society telling you it's time to mature your interests. So you're stuck in this weird limbo. You want to run around the playground and play pretend but you're supposed to be cooler than that. IDK, maybe that was just me.
Also, don't come for me for what the Valaryian gods have deminion over. It's not my fault the Targs couldn't remember other dragon names. I consulted the Wiki btw. So take it up with them.
I love writing Alicent. Like yeah she can be a shitty mom, but I wish my mom had been shitty in the way modern!Alicent is shitty.
Lastly, this chapter is no where near the last time we see the gang as children. Y'all will be fed.
Next Chapter
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Just thought up the other potential reactions from the g7 counterparts:
Alice would be curious, as always, of yuu because she’s never seen the queen of hearts just being patient-ish with someone. Also yuu is definitely much more normal (somewhat) unlike the rest of wonderland’s residents. She asks a lot of questions like child simba but because she just wants to know how and why this happened? Depending on the yuu, she might look up to them? Although that depends on who someone wants to characterize them.
Like you said, Ursula would try to keep yuu away from ariel but I think the same goes for king triton. So either they meet up by accident or one of them sneaks away to meet the other. Once they do finally meet, ariel wants to know all about yuu and but also probably asks them about human stuff (depending on how old she is). Yuu and ariel end up sharing stories for the whole time till they’re found. She might try to introduce them to the rest of the family, but probably doesn’t really go far intimately. They might eventually open up, but it either takes a lot of time and they don’t really have full trust or it just doesn’t happen at all. Is that cousin that you only see every other holiday at grandma’s house but despite that you guys are like best friends.
Like Snow, don’t got a lot of thoughts on aurora. I think she would just kinda neutral meeting yuu, honestly the whole interaction is her being just chill while talking to them. Depending on the relationship between she and maleficent is, Maleficent might introduce yuu to aurora herself or just kinda keeps an eye on them while they interact. The fairies absolutely distrust yuu and don’t want them anywhere near aurora.
Aladdin doesn’t trust yuu at all 100%, same goes with jasmine. He won’t be outright rude, but definitely goes out of his way to avoid them or keep any interactions short. Although does keep an eye on them to see how they interact with jafar. He would probably one of the last people they interact with and is either formally introduced to them through Hercules, Snow, or Aurora. He joins in on any antics that might happen but when alone with yuu, both are just sitting there awkwardly. Kinda like a going out friend and their friend you don’t really know and your friend left so you’re both waiting in silence for them to get back. If yuu and aladdin eventually get along, he’s that friend thats message you or you message to see if they want to go on a 3am mcdonalds run and than hang out in a walmarts parking lot afterwards.
And completely fair on misreading the first ask, I probably would’ve if I didn’t send it. Also sorry if I don’t got the characterizations right, it’s been a long time since I watched any classic Disney movie that wasn’t aristocats or robin hood.
I love Aladdin and Jasmin having beef with like 13 year old and is like "we don't trust you!!" "Damn what did I do???"
I feel like Ariels would be the most interesting. The two sneak out together realize who each other are and have conversations comparing things.
"You're never allowed to go to the surface?"
"It's dangerous, father says."
"Humans aren't so bad... besides doesn't your father also say I'm dangerous cause of my mother?"
"I guess so yeah..."
"Mom says to stay away from your side of the family, cause women there are only ever seen and not heard and he did bad stuff to my mom too. Maybe, you should start questioning him"
Hercules is just "don't you fucking try anything" and Meg is like "OK that's valid but after working with Hades I can tell you the kid is cool" and now Hades is trying to be the cool cousin
Aurora and Yuu should be like siblings change my mind.
Also rip Alice. "How are you the queens child??" "Idk bro I fell from the sky and she was like "oh cool" and now I'm royalty.
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canaidliafail · 1 year
stay grounded pt.7
streamer abby x reader 🌿
its been a while hasn’t it :D anyways part 7 is here now ✨✨✨ has some sad stuff has some spice but hey the girls are seeing each other again <3333 TW: I have never been to renfaire as that sadly is not a thing in my country and haven’t been in the US either so :)))))) shit won’t be the most accurate unless I magically go on a trip next month or smt.
not proof read, probably will never be either
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“Treat me like I’m nobody’s daughter
Just put your hands around my throat, Ain’t been to heaven but I’m close”
Your phone was blowing up with notifications and as a result you were shutting down, drowning in pure panic. Why did Abby post that ? No caption no nothing….People already speculated things about you two but for them to now know she had visited you….
It wasn’t that you minded people knowing. Not exactly ? There was a part of you that feared public relationships considering the fact that your previous ones didn’t pan out so well. They all seemed respectful and understanding but the minute things went south they would fill their pages with bitter remarks and shady posts. You wanted to believe Abby was different than that. That she would be better than that or at least would try to be for you.
As much as you loved to delude yourself that you had control over you throughs you knew the gesture had gotten into your head and there a small voice repeating the words like a mantra
“Mine, mine mine”
You didn’t like who you were when you were in love and you hated yourself even more when you dated someone but fuck, you were so ready to go through all that again for Abby. You did love her and the tension when you saw her, the chemistry you had and the heated nights made you dizzy with euphoria. It felt like you were molded to heal and fit each other’s missing parts.
You tapped the reshape button and posted the photo on your story and decided to be a bit bolder than before with the small caption beneath
“I won” and a pink heart.
If she would have an issue with it you would delete it and maybe your career would reach new peaks with a stylized apology video in your lavish living room. If she appreciated the gesture though…that would kickstart a fruitful new bond between you two. Hopefully.
Most likely
“Man it feels…empty over here. Alice is wayyyy too happy to see me though”
“Yeah no shit you’ve been gone for half a month” You said laughing all the way through as you watched Alice bounce all over the place and more from Abby’s left side to her right and bark occasionally. Abby had to shove her face away while she tried to eat a miserable bowl of soup that she cooked with whatever leftovers hadn’t rotted in her fridge.
“Half a month huh ... .Felt like its been barely a day” She said with a melancholic sigh and you just fawned at the sight of her staring at her dog lovingly and giving her a few good rubs on her chin.
“How are you doing over there ? Back to sewing?” She asked and turned to look at you through the camera. Its been around a day since you last talked yet it felt like it had been so much longer and it was a pleasant feeling to see the feeling reciprocated. Abby didn’t hesitate to jump on FaceTime the second she came home reassuring for the first 30 minutes that “its ok you can keep me company while I unpack” and “no its cool you can watch me while I cook my dinner” and so on.
There was a significant change in your attitude and in the way she talked to you. She was comfortable.
It made sense. You had eaten each other out 24 hours ago so to be shy on call would be weird and uncalled for.
“I haven’t done much in that regard but…I did deep clean the house and all. My neighbor brought me cake as well. Was pretty cute”
Abby groaned
“You have a neighbor like that and she never once made her gracious appearance to give cake when I was there ?! Fucking unfair”
“I think your loud moans scared her off Abs”
You said and bit your tongue a second after in shame. Oh you were growing to comfortable
“Fuck off. I know that you like that I’m loud”
She quipped with a shit eating grin and you blushed and buried your face in your palms
“Shut up. I- I don’t know why I even said that”
“Oh come on babe. We are way past that stage” she said calmly while eating another spoonful of her colored liquid.
“You would have a point but I…Give me some time” You mumbled and heard her laugh. You grabbed a wet wipe and started wiping your coffee table from the cigarette ashes. Your heart was beating in your chest content by the fact that she didn’t brush off the fact that you two were entangled like that and more than that, she seemed to want to remind you as well that things were happening between you two
“Ah also about the story sorry I didn’t ask before posting it. I’m not gonna say anything about our relationship yet. Not unless you want me to of corse”
You blinked and pursed your lips. Your brows shot up and your eyes turned to the camera
You asked and felt dumb the second the words left your mouth. She looked at you and seemed equally nervous. It didn’t exactly show but you picked up on some signs from the short time that you got to experience her up close. Her tongue rolling in her mouth and that half smile trying to hide a laughter of awkwardness and embarrassment. Her hand at the nape of her neck as if she was straightening the flow of her braid
“Yeah. I mean now that we are a thing I thought I’d ask you how you wanted to handle it regarding our…publicity because we do have quite the platform”
Her words were rushed.. You were quick to realize that this was her way of saying she wanted the two of you to make whatever you had official. And you smiled discreetly and turned to face her
“Let’s take it slow with our audience, yeah? Think we should take our time figuring each other out before we let anyone else do that for us” You reassured and she nodded her shoulders easing. She took in a deep breath visibly relaxed now and took another spoonful of her shitty soup.
Abby got you another gift. You didn’t know when did she even make the purchase but you were woken up a week later from the delivery man with a large box of items from your wishlist with an additional two things that she probably added in there herself. You were used to being the one making such gestures. Being the dominant and the one providing and over endorsing the other person in every way so to receive such…princess treatment was new and made you sit on the floor with the ugliest grin
“You are so fucking creepy now”
June spat with an equally big smile being quick to put two and two together.
“I can’t believe this is my life now. Can you? Like…she is too good. Too sweet”
She rolled her eyes and went back to her phone scrolling through posts and messages. You looked at the package and scratched the cardboard with your fingers,contemplating how to phrase your proposal.
“oh so what if I got her a gift too? Like something big?”
“big like…say tickets to visit her?” she said and cocked a brow
“no june i'm serious-“
“So am I”
you stared long and hard at each other. You weren’t sure when to even propose that to her. Things were going well but you didn’t like the idea that you could possibly seem needy or too eager. Which weren’t bad things per say but they did stupidly bruise your ego. You weren’t one to endorse such games and thoughts but you held Abby to such a high standard that you hated that any “strong” emotion that you would exhibit would scare her off
“As much as I would like to do that, I think I'll take my time. It's only been a week you know”
June shrugged knowing that even if she said something in the moment it wouldn’t change your mind.
You grabbed the box of gifts and made your way to your workshop.
“Hey june wanna come in here ? I could use your help with the chainmail”
“about our stream by the way…I have one scheduled for tonight. You can join and see if you like the whole experience . I remember you mentioning last year that you wanted to get into it”
her eyes opened up in awe and a big smile stretched her lips.
“fuck yeah Im very sure I wanna pursue this thing with you so if I’m not really throwing you off schedule Im in”
“I was just going to catch up with my viewers and have a chat since it's been a while since I last had a stream. Perfect time to introduce you”
You held the box of rings and continued working on the armor grabbing your tools in silence and left June to rummage through your makeup supplies to fix herself up. In truth you saw your friend's light falter while she contemplated her future with her uni and you were equally happy to make a collaborative streaming channel with her. You two were close -obviously- and you had the type of familiarity and humor that would translate well on the screen.
You loved working alone. always being your own model and your own manager. However working with Abby as your model for a change of pace, and having a friend to stream with didn’t sound so bad. In fact you finally felt like you could trust people more in ways other than shallow or superficial.
“Just act like Im there” Abby rasped, her tone significantly lower than usual and with the way she guided you throughout the call made it feel that way as well
“Touch yourself for me baby” she whispered tenderness laced with lust, her neediness visible through her voice. Your hand ventured beneath your underwear with your fingers sliding through the wet folds of your pussy with ease that had you blushing in embarrassment . It was relieving to know that Abby couldn’t see how terribly horny you were for her and you felt that she would be dangerously powerful were she to find out about the affect her voice alone had on you
You circled your clit with slow movements, struggling to keep the pace that Abby demanded of you the moment you heard her soft moans. heat pooled in your stomach again and every stroke sent jolts through your entire body as she indulged you with endless praise that eventually escalated to raunchy comments that made your spine arch of the bed
“you are doing so good” turned to “You are such a whore I can practically hear how wet you are from here, oh? You liked that didn’t you?”
You didn’t think you could actually cum from a phonecall. Hell, with your past partners you hardly even got wet when they were present and went down, yet now all it took was two fingers in and you came undone seconds later breathing heavy and covered in sweat.
You checked the time and realized that this whole foreplay had gone on for 40 minutes.
“Damn you…no wonder you are at the top 0.1% on onlyfans” You said mindlessly and heard her huff out a chuckle on the other end of the line
“That’s not what I do there. These one on ones are for you only and…and I'm just glad it went this good”
you rolled on your stomach and held your phone in your clean hand
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve never done this before and I was really nervous not to fuck up”
you smiled. You wanted to see her again. You missed her
she -mmhd- still too dazed probably from everything that went down a few minutes ago
“I wanna see you” you said and cringed the moment the words left your mouth
“Oh, you wanna facetime?”
you could hear the “????” as Abby tried to put the pieces together. You despised how much of a coward you were. Abby so far had carried the entire construction of this relationship. You could do this much
“I mean I’d like to see you in person, I..I missed you”
“Me too” her voice softened
“fuck I, I miss you already and it has only been a month I know but…Do you think you’d maybe wanna visit for spring break?”
Your lips stretched and cracked with a smile. You wanted to scream in excitement. It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal that Abby wanted to see you but it was, because she also wanted you to visit her soon. She wanted you
“Yeah that’s what I was going to suggest actually..I have been saving up ever since you left and..I could get tickets by the end of the month”
“Fuck yes that would be amazing and you can meet Alice and since its two months in advance I can look around for events or things you’d like to see?”
your chest swelled and your eyes started to sing. You muffled a whimper and lowered your head to swallow back your tears.
“love? are you alright?”
“ye-ah” you choked out and tried to wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater. You were in love with this woman and you were so content with that feeling that you allowed yourself a few moments to calm down before you spilled your emotions too fast
“Sorry, I'm just happy. Yeah we could arrange to do some stuff”
“alright cool anything that comes to mind right away?”
You looked across your room at your wardrobe with all the victorian gowns and costumes you sewed for class
“I got them”
“For how long?”
“17 days as promised”
You heard Abby yell excited and smack her desk
“fuck yeah! I get to be my girl for half a month”
“your excitement is truly adorable and deeply appreciated” you teased while walking down the wet pavement to get to your afternoon lectures
“fuck off you prissy twit. As if you aren’t happy”
“No need to get all hissy at me. I am just as excited”
Abby started rambling about every event she found and asked twice on whether you were certain that making your renfaire costume’s wasn’t too much pressure which you reassured-twice- that you were building a portfolio this year so if anything you needed the extra work
“Not sure if you'd be into that but Ellie will be throwing a party and we were invited” she said not even trying to hide the destate she had for the woman.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but I won’t lie, I always wanted to see how you hold parties over there in the US”
“Again, you watch too many movies”
“Let me dream” you whined and she laughed
“Alright Im outside class and late as fuck”
“-as always” abby cut you off
“so I’ll call you later” you said, ignoring her remark
You hung up and walked in quickly making your way to your usual seat on the pattern table.
“Work?” the teacher asked and you raised your brows faking an apologetic expression. work- as in you were too busy double and triple checking the tickets for your flight and that they were on the correct airport and then you had to triple check that the airline company you choose would handle switching your luggage between flights and-
“yeah work” you answered and she nodded in empathy
You slumped in your seat and pulled out your phone scrolling through your list of things you had to finish working on and things you had to buy before leaving. This would have to be the biggest trip you’ve ever planned. not just in the matter of your stay but also regarding the distance of your flight. You chewed on your lip. The tickets required an emergency contact and you had put your mothers number. Someone you hadn’t even told her you were leaving the country yet.
You had to mentally prepare yourself knowing she would pull every fault and harm you’ve done in your 22 years of life to guilt you out of that trip due to her co-dependency issues with you. Such were the struggles of living with a widowed mother.
the role of the father and the “male protector” was forced on you. You started to suffocate and felt angry.
repressed anger that came and went in waves.
what if you were to permanently leave for the US?
Could you afford it ?
Would she support it?
Would you be finally free ?
at what cost though?
you opened your contact list and scrolled far down to your therapist's number that stayed there neglected after months of ghosting. therapy never helped. You doubted one quick session would solve years of abuse and trauma anyways but you were all out of options. You thought of Abby. Could you open up to her about this ?
You were filled with a familiar dreadful feeling of emptiness. Had the two of you ever even talked about anything serious ? You talked yeah, but if you were about to fall apart would she be there to support you while you tried to get back on your feet?
You locked your phone. This endless cycle of self pity was getting you nowhere.
During break you went to the schools cafeteria and got their shitty overpriced coffee for the sake of having limitless time to sit on the bar by the windows.
cottoncandy: Abby can I talk to you?
staygrounded69: Whats up babe? Missed me already?
cottoncandy: No I think I'm having a meltdown
you confessed without thinking twice and seconds later your phone lit up with her name. You picked up the call and raised your phone to your ear
“Abby I-“
“whats going on? are you alright? are you safe?”
she asked and you wanted to cry at how tender and careful she always was with you. You nodded even though you knew she couldn't see you
“I'm safe just…Abby there’s this issue that I'm not sure how to deal with… see my mom…I haven’t told her yet about my trip and she..she is very possessive and protective and Im scared”
abby was silent for a few minutes considering what you had told her
“Can she do something that will hurt you? physically or emotionally?”
“Her words have a strong effect on me abby…if she says something..she can change my feelings about anything. she can make me angry about things I wouldn’t be angry about and she can make me second guess everything. I want to see you and Im scared that if she says something off I will cancel everything and ruin this-“
“hey hey relax love, I got you” she soothed and you started tightening your fists your nails digging in the flesh of your palm deeper and deeper trying to calm your nerves.
why did I say all of this God Im so fucking pathetic and weak
“Sorry ignore everything Ive said Im just stressed with essay admissions and-“
“please don’t shut me out…you do it a lot and..I never want to push you but I notice when your mood changed and when your thoughts get the best of you” she said which caught you off guard and completely by surprise. So she noticed ? she noticed you?
she saw you?
“Does she know you are..dating a woman?”
“Oh yeah. She’s over that much at least. She doesn’t complain about that anymore now her issue will be that Im traveling so far…”
“Are you scared to make a trip like that?”
“No. I love flights and I know I will have a good time with you there” I trust you
you thought
“Then try to remember that when she tries to talk you out of it. These are your feelings. whatever happens after she finds out is about her and not about you”
You nodded and noticed your breathing pattern was starting to even out.
“Don't be”
“I don’t wanna hear it. I'm here for you. Whichever way you need me to”
you nodded silently. Abby probably knew as she trailed on how her day went and complained about Isaac being a bitch which made you laugh and loosen up
the three months that you were apart Abby fell endlessly in different slumps of misery and self loath. Her manager was making it exceptionally hard to continue their partnership
“You can’t post your girlfriend. Your income relies on been everyones sweetheart and you are fucking it up”
“oh am I? Cause I haven’t seen a fall in my profits and if anything things are going better than before. Isaac for once I don’t need to see my therapists twice a week and Im motivated to make more content”
He groaned and rubbed his temples trying to control his anger
“Abby this is insane. Right now things are well because majority of your audience has no fucking idea you are tied”
Abby got out off her chair and paced around the room running her hands through her braided hair and resting them on the nape of her neck. she clenched her jaw in anger. She wasn’t willing to sacrifice this
“Im not renewing our contract”
“excuse me?”
she turned around and stomped all the way to his side making him take a step back intimidated
“You heard me. Find someone else to leech on. There’s a month left right? Enough time for you to find a new pet. Im through with you”
She left his office shaking. Panic clogged her throat. She called Manny repeatedly till he picked up
“pendejo what do you want?!”
he sounded man and Abby guessed that she interrupted him from a date
“Im changing managers”
“huh? Wait, so you left Isaac?”
Manny asked and his tone changed immediately from angry to concerned and confused. Abby got in her car and turned on the engine while putting him on speaker
“Yeah I, fuck I dont know what Im gonna do with finances and all but he suggested I break up with corton or that I straight up break up and I wasn’t having it”
she said in one breath and started driving to nowhere in particular. she wasn’t ready to go home yet so she decided to go on a long afternoon drive till the sun set at least
“I'm with you but are you sure it was worth doing this for her?”
“I did it for me Manny. He has been controlling every aspect of my life for too long”
Manny knew that well enough by now. In fact he had also tried to suggest she switched agencies. Manny worked with Isaac as well but he wasn’t as affected by his antics as Abby was.
“Then you did the right thing Abs”
A week later she received a series of furious messages from Isaac calling her every name in the book all wrapped up with the statement
“I made you and you will be nothing without me like you were before I met you”
Abby took a screenshot and decided to use this as a way to terminate her contract sooner
That day when she went home a parcel was waiting for her. it was soft and heavy wrapped in brown paper. She recognised the sender immediately and ran inside to tear off and see the contents. It was her knight costume for renfaire. You had finished it and sent it to her.
she bared her teeth in a grin. The fabrics were expensive and you had the brilliant idea to make the shirt from feathersilk. A light fabric that looked like water and had the most beautiful flow with every move she made. You had handcrafted chainmail pieces along with leather belts and armbands. She held the pieces that looked like metal only to find out they were made out of leather and painted as well. She admired the finer details and every brush stroke of baroque details that you added.
She carefully put every part and smiled at the handmade page of instructions that you added in the parcel of which part went where. The fabrics had your scent and that alone aroused her to an unhealthy extent. halfway through getting dressed she leaned back against her couch that was facing a mirror and took a topless pic. She could use that later. she put on the remaining pieces and let her hair loose, admiring the complete costume. she hated that she had no idea what you were sewing for yourself. Would you make a dress ? were you also going to be a knight? She didn’t dwell too long on those thoughts as she shamelessly eye fucker herself cause hell, She did look hot.
That's my girls work
she thought proud like a bird puffing out its chest and spun once more watching as the cape dances behind her. Your reply was humble
“Im just glad it fits properly and that nothing got torn yet :’) I tried to add a double stitch to make sure the pieces would be sturdy but I'm still new”
She would have strangled you for your self demeaning attitude and then given you the messiest eating out session to show her gratitude, spit and all
“You are fucking gifted, and your paint job? This is insane”
“You deserve the best <3”
you said and she blushed. she sent you the topless pic where she only wore the pants and shoulderpads. She watched as you typed and deleted your text again and again until you settled for a
“We are fucking before,during and after renfaire. Otherwise I'm tearing your costume to shreds”
and she took that as a win
Abby all but leaped when she saw you and ran to your side wrapping her arms around you in a bone crushing hug. She was scared of many things. There were many ways a trip could go wrong before it even began but now that you were here in front of her she felt at ease. she took her time breathing in your scent and her hands entangled in your hair pulling you in closer. She feared she would cry if she extended the hug any longer so she leaned in to kiss you briefly before cupping your cheeks and asking about your flight
you smiled, lips streched with your cheeks a tint of pink
“It was good Abs. I'm happy that Im here now”
and she nodded biting her lip and leaning down to kiss you again
“me too my love” she whispered between the kiss and felt you slide your hands around her waist and melt deeper in her arms
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oreo-oro-orero · 2 months
Some More dialogue of @redrum-alice Dating sim AU😭
Cupid Ending playthrough 
Ekko: "I'm the loser huh, well at least I didn't ghost everyone for damn near three years then come back as a completely different person and expect everyone to just move on like nothing happened but I guess that's par for the course for you huh? Everyone has to bend to Jinx's will or she starts destroying stuff like a child."
*You groan silently and roll your eyes while peeking at them from inside the storage closest, "God is arguing the only thing these two do.". You thought that maybe getting in a classroom together would help them finally realize how down bad they are for one another but that was honestly just wishful thinking on your end but this is still all part of the plan. If your correct on your assumption they had a similar argument before you caught them sucking face in the janitorscloset*
Jinx: "Oh I'm the child huh...well I've guess you've got it all figured out Mr.Perfect, Ekko the Grown up and definitely not the jealousy little boy he really is. You think I don't know why Toby ended up in the hospital with a broken nose, busted eye and a concussion?"
*Ekko grimaced and looked away and Jinx's face stretched into that oh so famous Cheshire grin. He hated when she did that...he hated how cuter it made her*
Jinx: "Honestly I don't blame you, I mean when the guy who was getting a bit handsy on your childhood crush in the middle of a party starts bragging about It, I would lose my cool to. Still I didn't think you'd have the balls to do it and it was sweet when you told him how he doesn't know anything about...what was it you said? Oh "My girl". little man is still holding on to his wittle childhood dreams how sickeningly sad."
*Ekko clenched his fist but relaxed it just as quickly. He turned back to Jinx and chuckled and relaxed into that oh so recognizable smirk. She hated that smirk...that stupid...annoying... Sexy smirk*
Ekko: "Yeah ya caught...I'm sure you would know all about revenge after all. I'm sure Mindy would love to recount how good you are at it."
*Jinx's grin faded and her cheeks started to gain a familiar hint of red*
Ekko: "I mean it makes sense though, seeing the boy you used to write love letters too getting grinded on by some random chick would cause anyone to feel some type of way. Still though was the knife and cut off pinkie really necessary? I am flattered though that while holding a knife up to her nose you said....what was it...um...oh "Stay away from my little man" really it warmed my heart."
*Jinx's face is beet red and you swear you see a vain popping out her forehead*
Jinx: "You really wanna fight right here, Little man?"
*Jinx said her breath heaving. She bears her candy colored nails and readys to pounce....she knows what he's gonna say....she knows what she's gonna do when he says. They know eachother to damn well*
*Ekko took off his jacket and scarf, he already knew what he was gonna say...he already knew what was gonna happen when he said it....he knows her too well... she knows him to well.*
Ekko: "Your move....Pow-Pow."
*And in a flash of blue, brown, pink and green both of them are on the floor biting, scratch and punching at each other*
*You sigh as the third phase of your plan comes to fruition. "Alright." You say to yourself "now it's time for the final step." These two idiots have been running around in circles for too long. One minute they hate eachother the next they can't stand being apart. One minute their arguing the next their tongues are down each other's throats with neither one willing to come up for air. One minute both of them are talking about how disgusting the other is the next their bedrooms are filled with quiet moans and whispered names of one another. For the safety of the school and tbh for mankind itself, these two will get together. You'll make sure of it.*
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juniperpyre · 1 month
continuation station: jily week 2024
for the last day of jily week, run by @sunshinemarauder and @kay-elle-cee this is a cut scene that will never make the published work from my ongoing fic, when i first saw you, the end was soon. it's so cute tho i want people to see it. there's a small amount of context missing but it's not super necessary. this takes place in late October of their 6th year
Regrettably, the next boy who approached her was Potter, who already had a date, so she'd have no chance to shout at him. 
“Cheers, Evans. Where are we off to?”
“Owlery. Sending a letter.”
“Sending a letter in the owlery? What a novel concept.”
Lily resumed her walk down the corridor at a quicker pace. The autumn cool had started to seep into the castle, but the halls were bright on the shockingly cloudless day. 
“Ha ha,” Lily deadpanned. “You don't have to join if it bores you. I insist you don't, actually.”
“Oh, don't worry, you could never bore me. I'd be happy to join you.” 
James grinned and offered Lily his arm. For a moment she considered taking it, just to see the surprise on his face. But no. Even as a joke it felt strange—especially since among her letters she was sending her reply to Fabian, her ex, along with the letters to her parents and Alice.
“Shouldn't you be planning your best mate's party?” Lily asked. 
“That's all done, of course. It's the day of, I'm not a procrastinator.”
Lily raised an eyebrow.  
“Just because the results were a bust doesn’t mean I was procrastinating,” James answered as if her raised eyebrow was a complete sentence. 
“School, then.”
“It's not procrastinating if I get an O, it's good time management.”
“How many Os did you get?”
This time James raised an eyebrow with a smirk to match. He was so arrogant, it sent a flare of irritation through Lily. 
“That's private, isn't it, Evans?”
“Never thought you'd pass up a chance to brag, Potter.”
“I'm going for charmingly humble this year. Is it coming across?”
Lily pointedly looked him up and down, intending to answer with some sort of scathing no. But he did look humble, infuriatingly normal, in belted jeans, a dark brown corduroy jacket, and a long-sleeve tee, tucked in. He looked casual in a way most purebloods could never pull off. Until he winked at her. Lily glared, her cheeks flushed. 
“Don't you have a date to bother?”
“Aw, but you're my favourite person to bother,” James said, not with a smirk but a genuine smile. 
Lily grunted in response.
“If you'd like I'll tell you my OWL results.”
They turned the last corner. James motioned for Lily to go up the stairs first, a gesture she accepted with some irritation. For a few moments, the only sounds were their shoes on stone steps and the gentle hooting of birds getting louder before James spoke again. His voice echoed up the tower.
“If you really want me to go I will. I'd thought we were both having fun, bantering, y'know, but if not… I want us both to have fun.”
He sounded earnest and not the least bit wounded. 
“No,” Lily mumbled. “You can stay. I just—I don't know. I don't know what we are. I dunno what to say or how to act. Last year—”
“We never really talked about it, yeah.” Because she’d refused when he brought it up. Chivalrous of him to pretend differently. “I hope you know, or, can tell, I guess, I'm trying. Not that it's about me!”
Lily took a deep breath. His words added to the weight of guilt, shame, and hurt she carried. 
“I know. I know you are.” 
Lily stepped into the owlery, her next words frozen on her lips as soon as James came into view. She looked at her hands, fiddling with the parchment, then back at him. His hair was messier than it had been when they started their climb. It was too hard to talk about this while looking at him. The boy who'd been the enemy, the immature, arrogant toerag. He was being too nice for her to be as mean as she wanted. 
“You have a feather in your hair. Can I?” James asked.
Lily nodded. He ran his fingers through a lock of her hair and presented her with a small bunch of fuzzy feathers and a smile. 
“It doesn't seem like you want to talk about it.”
“The feathers? Er, thanks for getting them?”
James let the feathers fall before tucking the lock of hair back behind her ear. His hand hesitated there, the soft touch of his thumb grazing under her jaw. At his touch, Lily shifted her head up, closer to James. She looked at his chest, unwilling to meet his eyes. Parchment crunched in her hand. The lightest stroke of his thumb on her skin beckoned her to look up. 
When their eyes met it became clear; she was evading, and James would let her. Lily pressed her cheek into the warmth of his hand in unspoken appreciation. He cradled her face for just a second, brief enough as to pretend it didn't happen. 
“Cheers,” he said as he pulled away. “Anytime.”
He turned to go, and Lily’s chest tightened. 
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worth-this-and-more · 1 month
What are you most looking forward to in Oathbound?
You seem to be asking everyone so wanted your opinion lmao
-@BrianaKane 💕
haha i've got so much i wanna see in oathbound so this probably will be long af
-bree finally manifesting her best version. like ik our king was running here and there for her life but finally she's gonna have some time to train herself and finally control her powers without arthur dicking in or her ancestors warning her at every waking and sleeping moments. and also, the dragonnnn do I need to say anything more??
-ruthless nick. i neeeed to see that side of him, because a reason I did not like him very much in legendborn as a whole was because he was actively suppressing his emotions trynna be the calm kid but he really really needs to rage now. we saw sel's soft side now I wanna see nick's ruthless side.
-we might not get much sel content but please for the love of everything that is holy I need need neeeeed natasia in oathbound or I'm gonna die seriously I need to know her I need her to adopt me and bree and sel and alice and william and everyone because she's totally mommy vibes I mean she's our only hope in this adult world
-alice as the fierce regent or maybe the unofficial regent or unofficial william's squire both work perfectly and will be so cool, and also teamed up with William with her terrific ideas and willpower, she's gonna go crazyyyyy and also I think she and sar might have something start in oathbound?? like idk I just have this feeling but yeah
-did i mention i wanna see the dragon again?? because I wanna see the dragon again and oooh maybe the dragonn is gonna kill the shadow king but let's see haha that might be in the fourth book
-and yeah i need sarah griffiths to takeover the southern chapter demolishing victoria because as William is probably not gonna be here I feel like she's gonna be in charge because obviously everyone kicked out tor. sar and the morgaines would make a terrific group and I'm living for it.
-i wanna see zoelle and eljiah slowly but surely siding with bree because they just seem power hungry demons and bree could give them so much more, like what if they meet valec and then find out that oh you could get these things and deals with humans all at the same place how cool is that?? and if they are shadow king's kids, which doesn't seem much unlikely this old man has a lot of kids scattered around, this forced family of valec, sel, zoelle, eljiah and maybe some more would finally throw up their parental trauma on the shadow king and maybe, just maybe break his ego or bruise his anger whichever works.
-a small part of me believes that a bree vs shadow king battle is probably in the fourth book butttttt a nick vs shadow king, or sel vs shadow king is possible depending on who reaches there first. i do feel like nick would somehow find out that erebus is not erebus by maybe his newly found abilities and knowledge, so maybe nick vs shadow king is inevitable.
-and ohhhh alice vs tor where tor dies please please please please I wanna see that I wanna see alice absolutely destroy that piece of shit yk just pure fury unleashed upon tor. it's gonna be so epic and if it happens in the ogof-y-drraig oooooh even better because that's where tor defied our king officially and that's where she should crumble to dust
-willark content please i need those two idiots falling in love I feel like it's gonna be "he fell first, he fell harder" and lark has already fallen so I want to see William falling in love all over again because pleaseeee I need it tracyyy
-regent cestra either having a redemption arc, there is a slight possibility of that like a cobwed's strand amount of chances but it's there for me personally, or else she should die. bree vs cestra would obviously be amazing but it could also be by the hands of one of the shadowborn or maybe shadow king would kill her too either for the drama or because she figures out that he has bree or something
-dragonnn dragonnn dragonnn dragonnn
now imma just stfu okay bbyeeee (edit: i added the willark point because how on earth did I ever forget it????)
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akalikai · 2 months
Oh boy are we starting with Gwen getting her job back?
Damn Gwen you are good with words. I do feel like she's doing this to investigate more about the Externals. And I think she's probably talking to Alice about this.
"Minister"? Oh GOD I'm gonna fucking hate this.
Lena is like "yeah no she's not being a brat I don't like this"
Okay but like also yeah nannycam horror stories are SOMETHING ELSE.
...demon baby.
Health visitor?? What's a health visitor?? OH ITS A BRITISH THING OK
The mom's speech sounds more tired and slurred kudos to the VA, you can see the sleep deprivation is getting to her. Also it's like...Wow this poor mom. Sleep deprivation is the worst torture you can go through and she's going through it for her CHILD.
Okay Sam cool it. You're taking it too far. She was just asking a question.
Jesus Christ Sam you're supposed to be her friend why is your girlfriend nicer to Alice than you are.
Hey Sam, what the FUCK is wrong with you "not much we can do about it" YOU GAVE GWEN A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK???
Celia would be a good mom. Seriously she has to play mediator between Alice and Sam.
Also yeah switching sides, Sam you're a DICK (still love you though) Alice go be with Gwen and Celia please.
Holy shit she's a headmistress in this universe??? That actually makes sense-WHERES DAISY. WHAT ABOUT DAISY.
Yeah they're just giving clear signs that Celia was from TMA with the police officer question there's no doubt about it.
Sam why are you so BAD at this what the fuck Celia is fucking CARRYING this investigation.
Anyways Celia <3 Alice <3 Gwen <3
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we come now to that most special time of the week, the time or ThoughtD: Thoughts on HotD. today we look at season 2 episode 7
my favorite way to have a conversation is on a beach shouting at each other from 50 feet away
"my father is no one of consequence" how long do you plan on keeping that fact a secret, Addam?
"under the sheets and in the woodpiles" i see we're taking this idea away from Jace (or away from mushroom, depending on what source you believe) and giving it to Mysaria
also, woodpiles? i get sheets, but why woodpiles, specifically?
Addam putting in his 2 weeks with Corlys because he got hired at a new job as Dragonrider
Corlys just saying "well done" instead of "i'm proud of you" or "i care about you, son" or "i can't believe you're a dragonrider now that's incredible"
Muppet Tully's dialogue inside with Daemon sounds off to me, like they re-dubbed it over or something
i really like this Tully lad. masterful politician
some people have expressed boredom with Daemon's continuing situation at Harrenhal. those people are wrong, this is great
this whole dynamic between Larys and Aegon is nowhere in the book, but it makes so much sense as an addition and i love it
Alyn saying "I am of salt and sea" couldn't possibly be foreshadowing for something, could it? wait... is it? how far chronologically is this show going to continue? will there be time to pay that off?
"I'm going to bed" "um, when are we going back to the castle?" "oh, maybe never" nightmare camping trip for this poor kingsguard
oops Rhaenyra, it seems you've uncovered Jace's bastard trauma!
"if lowborn have dragons, it takes away my best claim for the throne" yeah, huh, it's almost like the power of kings is based solely on the arbitrary withholding of power from vast swaths of the population. a point that would have been made even more strongly if you hadn't cut Nettles from the show
Mysaria's agent looking very... inconspicuous... in that bright red cloak
"oh, you know, i'd definitely love to claim a dragon, it's just, oof, my leg's been acting up" love this man
"nah, do it though" love this man's mates
Hugh is Saera's son? that's so cool!
okay, for those unfamiliar, Saera Targaryen was one of King Jahaerys' daughters, aunt to King Viserys. she was involved in a scandal where she was sleeping with like three different minor lords, so Jahaerys sent her off to become a septa. she escaped and ran off to Essos, where she became a sex worker in one of the free cities (i think Lys? or maybe it was Volantis?). super interesting character, love that she's being referenced here
i... i have no idea what to make of what Alicent is doing
the dragonkeepers are going on strike
Vermithor looming out of the darkness is so cool. i love his design, too. it's very asymmetrical
at first i thought Rhaenyra was straight-up leaving. turns out she was moving up to the balcony, but still
holy fuck that went badly. like, obviously most of these people weren't going to succeed, but damn
Ulf just running off into the caves where the dragons live as if there's not going to be more dragons in there
i'm not as big a fan of Silverwing's design, but it is distinctive which i appreciate. this will be relevant in the next scene where i immediately recognized her very triangular head
Ulf gets a dragon and immediately goes to the worst place he possibly could have gone, King's Landing
all in all, another episode i really liked. can't wait to see what comes next week
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ladzwriting · 2 months
incomplete thoughts about episodes 2 through 6 of House of the Dragon season 2
episode 2!! the acting in this yelling scene after the murder is so fucking good
Otto looks like "the consequences of several poor decisions will now play out in sequence"
Rhaenyra is like, "wow, everyone was right about my unhinged uncle husband, i should've listened" (babe, your husband is a sliding door, no hinges)
Criston and Alicent match each other's freak (Catholic guilt)
oh is this season going to be the season of mommy kink?? i think this season is going to be the season of mommy kink
Otto "I have made so many mistakes" Hightower: to get fired from a job once is unfortunate, but getting fired from the same position a generation later is quite silly
(no, but seriously what is this man up to? he fucked off from King's Landing and has not been heard from again)
Otto Hightower is the most done man, he is so finished with everyone's bullshit
Mysaria!!!!!! I love her
Alicent "the consequences of several mistakes will now play out in sequence" Hightower
Simon Strong has no desire to throw arms against Daemon, and TO BE FAIR, valid
i got nothing, i just like all the women and the diversity of responsibility bestowed upon them
the peas and poison exchange is good comedy
oh I love Daemon haunted house hours
NEW GIRLFRIEND?!?! (Alys Rivers)
sorry Rhaenyra, you can't yuri your way out of this one
"do you think me capable of such naked deceit?" no, Alicent, but this isn't the first time you've misread a situation
Daemon is too busy being psychologically tortured to send ravens
lamprey pie?!? even Larys is like, "babe, I know you're lying"
Daemon, please don't drink the strange draught from the woman who just told you she's a barn owl...never mind
I think Criston has been dethroned as stupidest man, that award goes to Gwayne now
Vhagar is just a kitten the size of a building
"whose dragon is that??" G W A Y N E JFC
OH DRAGON BLOOD IS HOT?? this fight choreography is so rad
brain is going full "hell yeah monster fight, let's go monsters"
honestly, I'd probably defect if I saw multiple dragons falling out of the goddamn sky, like that should NOT be happening, fuck this entire thing
also no one should be surviving these dragon fire fights, that's too much heat, as fucking metal as they are
hey cole, how are you going to explain that one to your liege? (nice touch having him be really fucked up by what he saw on the battlefield)
yeah, I'm with the smallfolk on this one, fuck that, dragons should NOT be decapitated like that
that canNOT be good for anyone involved
Daemon: "show them your worst"
this is going to go SO WELL (it goes as expected)
Aemond is trying so hard not to volunteer himself for regent, bless him
the currency of orgasms has no place at this council table, much to Alicent's chagrin and disadvantage
"the smallfolk will notice the king's absence"
uh…sure big if true :]
"our fear lies in Vhagar" I DO NOT BLAME THEM
oh my god, they are just straight up eating on a door
idk if they (Daemon and Rhaenyra) are going to finish that last conversation 🥴🥴
I'm so curious what that character returning means for like…anything
I will also point out, it's been like 3 episodes since we heard about the triarchy and that's good, that's when the writing works
the writing works when they're not pretending there's this grand external threat that isn't the madness and ambition within
also it's really cool how most of what's depicted in the opening embroidery has come to pass, I like touches like that
I'm going to lose my marbles if it comes down to Caraxes and Vhagar
Alicent earns the restraint MVP award, wow
I was wondering how Daemon chose to remember Viserys, and that's definitely it
Daemon has gone full gothic heroine, full babygirlification
is Alys free on Thursday when I'm free on Thursday so we can hang out when we are both free on Thursday
this liturgical fete for being acknowledged by a dragon is such good worldbuilding
oh this dragon thing is definitely going to go in the same way that like, some kitty tummies are a fucking trap
"do you take me for a fool?" Aemond, Larys is taking you for a teenager (I typed Varys initially, and man, I miss him)
omg the baby dragons 🥺🥺🥺
I want to go aboard a ship called the Gay Abandon
Rhaenyra deserves to strike whoever she wants tbh
oh I LIKE THIS A LOT (not the part I know is coming, the bit with the provision boats)
whispering who the fuck is Daeron
ok but wouldn't it have been safer to stay in the high sept during the riot???
Rhaenyra, you can become a man if you want to!!
omg of course she goes in for a hug first, USELESS
idk if this is the yuri that will fix Rhaenyra but I'm glad this is the yuri explicit :] :]
I think the thing that keep nagging me about Jacerys Valeryon is that he looks like a thrifted Timothee Chalamet in Dune
all right, onto tomorrow!!
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