#oh yes invite someone i fear to live with me
mysterydragon14 · 4 months
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continuing the cotl hyperfixation
this was my reaction when i first beat the one who waits
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dyns33 · 4 months
I missed Eddie x reader with silly Venom being in the way. Can't wait to see what they'll do in the next movie.
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From the beginning of their relationship, Y/N had noticed that there was something different with Eddie.
She might have thought that it was because he was somewhat famous that he behaved eccentrically, sometimes talking to himself and seeming very agitated for no reason.
Without ever really bringing up these oddities, Eddie had been very honest with her about a lot of things. His childhood, his dreams, his ex-girlfriend, the loss of his job before becoming a journalism star again, his little problems with cleanliness.
"I mean, I'm a very clean person… Normally. All the time ! I wash twice a day, I take care of my teeth, I don't like living in filth but... Sometimes I'm not at home for a long time, and I'm totally focused on my job, and the stress… So, if I can seem a little dirty and messy, I'm sorry, I will never ask you to clean up for me and you can tell me that I stink by patting me on the back of the head. Yes, on the back of the head, I deserve it." Eddie muttered at the end of his sentence, looking to the side as if he were talking to someone else.
"I don't think you're dirty. You sweat a little sometimes, but that's natural."
“You’re saying that because you haven’t seen my apartment yet.”
“Does that mean you want to invite me to your apartment ?” Y/N asked, smiling shyly.
"Of course ! No, you don't… Of course, Y/N, I've been wanting to for a long time."
The presence of chickens was a little surprising, and it was true that the apartment was not in very good condition, but it was a bit like her idea of a bachelor pad, and it was quite reassuring to think that Eddie didn't often bring women home.
It meant something important to him, a sign of trust.
But that certainly wasn't the greatest evidence. No, this evidence took a little longer to emerge from the shadows, or from Eddie's shoulder, after a month of relationship.
Precisely the day he couldn't hold back the first "I love you."
The spontaneous, charming statement came in the middle of the small talk, and Y/N felt very happy, ready to respond that she loved him too.
It was then that the thing appeared between them, looking furious, showing its large teeth.
"No ! Eddie, no, you can't do that !"
“Oh, God, what is that ?!”
"Vee ! Vee, you promised me, man ! You're going to scare her ! And you have no right to interfere in my love affairs, go back inside ! Y/N, sorry, I'm really sorry, I’ll explain !”
“I have the right to give my opinion !” the creature replied, turning to Eddie. "You're ashamed of me, of us ! Anne accepted us ! Anne likes us ! If your new little darling doesn't accept us, then she's not good enough !"
“Anne didn’t really have a choice and we weren’t together anymore, stop talking about her all the time !”
After more or less managing to calm down the "non-parasite" that lived inside him, Eddie did his best to calm down Y/N, who was totally freaked out by what had just happened. He explained to her that Venom was an alien, a symbiote, who needed him to survive, who had helped him on numerous occasions, and who was not dangerous.
"I'm very dangerous ! I'm the lethal protector !"
"What does he mean ?"
"Nothing ! Well, he likes to fight crime, he's dangerous to the bad guys. You have absolutely nothing to fear, I promise. I… I'm so sorry."
Eddie then began to sob, despite all the comfort that Vee tried to give him by telling him that only losers cried like children and that he was pathetic to moan like that, putting them to serious shame.
Even though she was still scared, Y/N couldn't help but hug her boyfriend, trying her best not to touch the alien. She repeated to him that everything was fine, that it wasn't his fault, and that even though this situation was strange, she still wanted to be with him.
This seemed to reassure him, and make him very happy.
Unfortunately, there were three of them in this relationship, and Venom clearly didn't want to be with Y/N at all.
It was him that Eddie had been mumbling to since they met, often arguing about her, as the alien kept comparing her to Anne, his ex girlfriend.
Without any sign of lying in his eyes, he promised her that he hadn't been in love with her for a long time. Their breakup had been difficult, but she had found someone very quickly, Dan, a great guy, and they were married now, and Eddie was very happy for them.
Well, that wasn't easy to believe with Venom growling and hitting his host's head at the end of every sentence, insulting Dan and repeating how great Anne was.
But Eddie seemed really honest. He was friends with his ex, nothing more, and he wanted to be with Y/N now, even if his idiot parasite didn't agree.
He wasn't an optimist by nature, too much had happened to him in life for him to believe in miracles, but Eddie wanted to believe that Vee would come to appreciate her.
He was quite confident as Y/N was doing her best with the symbiote, trying to talk to him, offering him chocolate, keeping an open mind. Many people would have fled the moment they saw this thing coming out of his body. It was quite a good sign.
But like a wild animal, Venom refused to be coaxed. He wanted Anne, Anne was perfect. Nothing would change his mind. Nothing.
"He hates me." Y/N whispered sadly, even though she knew it was useless, because Venom was always with Eddie, even when she couldn't see him. None of their conversation was private.
"Hate is a strong word… He's stubborn, he believes he's right. It's not really against you. If I had always been single, I think he would adore you."
Eddie thought it would be a good idea to introduce her to Anne. In a sense he was right, because it was evident that there was no longer any romantic feeling between them, and that she was very much in love with her husband.
But Y/N couldn't help but do like Venom, and compare herself to the other woman. Beautiful, intelligent, great lawyer with a strong character. It seemed natural to fall for her.
If he sensed her discomfort, the journalist said nothing, spending the evening laughing with the other couple only keeping his hand on her shoulder, putting it back each time Venom forced him to take it off. He was kind enough not to ask her what she had thought of Anne, or if she was reassured. Maybe he was afraid of the answer too.
After that, things got a little complicated. Without doing it on purpose, Y/N put some distance between them. To protect herself, because she only thought of one thing.
One day, Eddie was going to listen to Venom. One day, he was going to see that even if he no longer loved Anne, he could find someone better, and he was going to leave her.
Well, the alien still had contradictory messages. If Y/N sucked, Eddie sucked too. A loser. When he wasn't busy asking for food or criticizing the young woman, he was insulting his poor host.
And if she ended up not listening to what he said about her, only caring about her boyfriend's opinion, she didn't like it at all that Venom treated Eddie so badly.
"No." she said one day, sitting on the sofa, while the journalist was still arguing with the alien for some stupid reason, before throwing up his arms and agreeing to go buy chocolate and tatter tots to calm him down.
"…Uh ? Sorry, Y/N, are you talking to me ?"
"You're not going out."
"Uh. I'll just go to Madam Cheng's. It'll only take a few minutes."
"Venom doesn't deserve chocolate. You stay here, watch the movie with me, and if he apologizes, then he gets some sugar."
“How dare you, stupid woman ?!” the symbiote shouted, showing all its teeth to scare her.
But Y/N wasn’t afraid anymore. Even though he was rude and mean, he had promised Eddie that he would never hurt her, and he seemed to be an alien of words. Aside from his screams, he had nothing against her.
“You, how dare you ?!” she replied, jumping off the couch, which seemed to surprise both Eddie and the symbiote. "I don't care what you think or say about me. I understand that you don't like me, that I'm not good enough, and you know what ? I agree ! Eddie deserves better than me. But he deserves better than you too ! You're an asshole to him ! I forbid you from talking to him like that, or breaking his nose, even if you fix him right after ! He's a great host, you should thank him and do everything to make him happy."
It was stupid, but she started crying as she spoke. Emotions tended to make her cry, even anger. At the silence of her boyfriend and her non-parasite, Y/N felt bad.
She then had the stupid instinct to go lock herself in the bathroom, to try to calm down and remember how to breathe.
From the other side of the door, she heard whispers, but was unable to tell what they were saying.
Then Eddie knocked gently, asking if he could come in, or if she would come out.
"… He's going to apologize ?"
"Yes, I promise."
Trying her tears to not give Venom another reason to make fun of her, Y/N opened shyly, not daring to look at her boyfriend right away, and stood stupidly in front of him, waiting.
“I’m sorry, brave little morsel.”
"Hmm ? Oh. No, I meant an apology for Eddie."
“He already apologized, love.”
"I don't need him to apologize to me. He meant what he said, and like I said… He's not wrong. But it's nice."
"Little morsel…" Venom whispered, moving closer to her and looking almost sad. "I was totally wrong. I see it now. Eddie explained it to me, but I wasn't listening."
With Eddie translating what he said, the alien explained that for his species, symbiosis was important. They could have several hosts, but there was only one perfect symbiosis, just one.
Part of him wanted to keep his host to himself, jealous and possessive, but that wasn't possible, because contrary to what his attitude seemed to show, he cared about Eddie's happiness.
That was why he was so insistent that he return to Anne. Because from the memories he had seen of his relationship, he had seemed to be in perfect symbiosis with Anne, and since there was only perfect symbiosis, then he had to do everything to get her back, even if she was married to stupid Dan.
He didn’t hate Y/N. It really wasn't personal, it was just logic and survival instinct.
What Venom failed to understand was that human relationships weren't like symbiosis. And in the end, if he had to compare the two, it was now obvious that Eddie's perfect match was with Y/N.
Yes, his ex had helped them, and she would help them again if necessary. But so did Y/N, who had accepted Eddie's special situation, who had stayed despite the horrible things Venom had said, who protected her lover and tried to please the alien.
"Babe…" Eddie sighed, taking her hands. “If anyone is too good for anyone else here, it’s you.”
"He's right."
"… Thank you Vee."
"But you always say she's too good for you. Once we agree, you might be happy !"
"Eddie… You're saying that ?"
"Of course. I still don't know how I managed to seduce you, or why you didn't run away when you saw Vee, or what I did to deserve that such a great girl could think that she's in love with a guy like…"
He jumped a little when she kissed him to stop him from saying any more nonsense, but Eddie quickly relaxed, clinging to her, pinning her against the wall to accentuate the kiss.
Right in their ears they could hear Venom purring in pleasure. They didn't mind until he licked their cheeks.
"Vee ! It's disgusting !"
"You're not listening to me ! I'm telling you to get into bed ! You're going to hurt Y/N if you stay here. A Lady should be caught in satin sheets, surrounded by rose petals, after foreplay of at least twenty minutes, and satisfied several times."
"… What ?!"
"I really like this idea. Eddie, where are my rose petals and at least twenty minutes of foreplay ?"
"Y/N ! Don't team up against me, please !"
"I can help him with endurance. And the rest. I've seen a lot of videos."
"… Okay ! Remind me to take care of my internet history tomorrow morning."
"Yeah, yeah. Less talk, more passion. Little morsel is waiting, I can feel it, and she's ovulating."
"… Aren't you supposed to go get chocolate from Madam Cheng ?"
"Yes ! And I will take the opportunity to explain for the hundredth time why there are things that should not be said."
“But Y/N is wet.”
"And here we go !"
Despite Eddie's explanations, Venom continued to want to give advice and do everything to make his relationship with Y/N perfect.
After all, he had almost ruined everything, so he felt he had an obligation to help these two idiots be happy, living in harmony and understanding what to do to satisfy the other in every situation.
Even if Eddie was already a caring and kind boyfriend, who Y/N didn't want to leave at all despite this little characteristic.
That said, after the alien took the initiative to help with his tongue once, she wasn't really complaining about it.
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bitterchocoo · 5 months
Can I request an romantic angst with Aventurine and Malleus (Male Reader)? Like Male Reader is turning into his Overblot form because he realizes he'll outlive Aventurine and trapping Penacony in the dreamscape.
Once Upon a Dream
Aventurine | M. Reader as Malleus Draconia [Twisted Wonderland]
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"You'll love me at once.... the way you did once upon a.. dream.."
[Name] Draconia.. the crown prince.. of Briar Valley..
No one would have thought that someone like him... could have his eyes on someone from the IPC! How!? Some money grubbing asshole?! Has the prince gone mad!? He's obviously being used!?
Meanwhile on the IPC side, it's more of.. disbelief...
How? How could someone like him have none other than the crown prince of Briar Valley?? Him? Of all people??
But if one were to stop and look for just a moment... it's not what everyone originally thinks. The prince's lover.. is far from the "money grubbing asshole" people say he is. He's surprisingly charming, and has his way with words. One could see why the prince loved him so much.
Same thing could be said to the prince. People who once saw him as a cold and uncaring person was shock to see just how caring he can be.
Some would say, they're perfect for each other. They completed each other. They're the only ones who could see right past each others mask and saw the real, true version of themselves.
A music box that plays an unknown melody. Its tune sounded unsettling yet also calming. Like a tune playing in a distant dream.
It intrigues him.
Such a unique way to invite someone..
And oh how happy he was to see his beloved in that place. His beloved who was also invited into this place where others would pay millions just to spend the night in.
"Ah! You Highness, I see that you're also invited? I thought they might have forgotten your invitation." Aventurine joked sarcastically. It's almost comedic with how [Name] always didn't receive an invitation where he is supposed to have one. It's like fate is messing with him.
[Name] can't help but chuckle at the joke. "Yes, I am indeed invited to this grand festival."
"Well that's good, it means you could enjoy a once in an Amber Era performance."
During his visit, the crown prince had met multiple people, they're so friendly and they didn't seem to fear him. How delightful! Accepting Penacony's invitation had got to be the best decision [Name] had ever made! Not to mention, meeting the famed Nameless too! If only he could share this moment with Lilia. Those rectangular things are just so hard to command! [Name] has full respect to people who know how to use such objects. Truly, they earned his respect.
And oh how happy he was that the Trailblazer wanted to spend some time with him exploring the dreamscape. This is truly more than he could ever wish for.
"Please let me go!"
Drip... drip.. drip..
"Is that you, Screwllum?"
Drip... drip.. drip... drip...
Those words...
Such desperation..
Such sorrow..
Isn't this a dreamscape? Then why are they suffering? Why the sadness? Why the sorrows? Why the desperation? Those people he helped Trailblazer save.. why are they so..
It wasn't until the Trailblazer explained it that he finally understood...
...Have humans always been this fragile..? Have they always been this vulnerable to everything around them? To the point that it'll only take a single flick from someone like him and the flames of their lives extinguished?
The sight of that girl being killed by that thing... are humans truly that fragile? That a simple and clean injury caused them their lives?
Drip... drip.. drip... drip... drip..
"Aventurine!" The sight of his beloved walking like he had come out of a bar or a fight. It broke his heart with how distraught he is. His beloved.. how could this happen? Who did this? Why is his beloved like this?
[Name] glanced at Dr. Ratio, expecting an answer out of him. Only to be met by silence. His eyes narrowed in suspicion as doubt and uneasiness creeps within him. But that doesn't matter at the moment... what matters is his beloved. [Name] turned his head to face Aventurine as he looked at him with concern and loving eyes. "Aventurine, are you already? Can you stand properly? I can carry you if you like."
"It's nothing serious, [Name] just a killer headache, that's all." Aventurine says with his usual smile.
As far as [Name] recalls these things called "headaches" aren't usually this.. horrible.. has these headaches always been like this? Is immense pain what they all feel whenever these headaches happen?
"It's nothing really, I'll be fine! But if you excuse me.. I have some work to do.." Aventurine says before walking towards Aideen Park with a rather large bag. [Name] watches on as his beloved practically whimpers in pain, he can't help but feel saddened by the sight. Where is his usual energetic and happy beloved? Why did this have to happen? Who did this to him? Who dare lay a hand on the [Name] Draconia's beloved?!
Dr. Ratio seems to have noticed the other's distress as he let out a sigh before saying. "It's pitiful isn't it? But I suppose that's just how it is. One day we all will be like that too. Supposed you could say, he's preparing for that day."
...'we all will be like that too'..? What does the doctor mean by that..?
Looking at his surroundings, [Name] could see a few elderly people walking around the Golden Hour. They look tired and worn out, with wrinkles on their faces and those white hairs...
Is that what happens to humans when they age? If he recalls, Lilia had told him something about these before. But.. never would [Name] thought he'll see it for himself. This thing actually happens. Humans age and then they...
...will Aventurine face the same too?
Will he too grow old and tired? Will he need a cane to help him walk? Will he suffer from some sort of illness or fatigue? Will he..
The thought puts a pit on [Name]'s stomach.
He's going to outlive him. [Name] would continue to live while Aventurine...
'A once in an Amber Era performance'..
Oh how true those words are.. How true those words are..
Standing behind the curtains of the Theme Park, Aventurine ready himself for his upcoming act. But as his hands touch the soft material of it, his guests seems to have found him first before he could say anything else. The ground shakes like a light earthquake. This wasn't his doing. This wasn't a part of the performance! What's going on?
As much as it spoils his plans... Aventurine has no choice but to deal with this situation first and who wouldn't make a better teammate than his friends from the Astral Express? Carefully walking towards the center stage of the Theme Park. They certainly didn't expect the Prince of Briar Valley to be there. What is he doing in a place like this? Deserted. Where he stands alone with only his thoughts accompanying him.
Turning around to face the crowd, he smiles at the sight of them. "Well well... what a glamorous party. The Astral Express... the Emanator.. and the IPC's ambassador.. everyone is here. Fufufu...!"
His usual deep and velvety voice sounded just as soft as always, but somehow for an unknown reason, that tone sounded ominous, sinister even. A chill went down Aventurine's spine. Never had he heard just a tone [Name] before..
"Aventurine.. I've been thinking about this. What should I give to you.. No, what should I give you all? And I finally got the answer."
"Please accept this... It's a gift from the bottom of my heart."
They all look uneasy. A gift? What is it for? For what occasion? A gift for everyone? What is this gift? Gathering his courage, Mr. Yang spoke up in a calm and nervous tone. "Gift? Your Highness... what are you thinking about?"
[Name] can't help but chuckle at those words. "Listen carefully, everyone! I've bestowed a wonderful gift for you all. There's no need to part ways and shed tears again. We shouldn't celebrate "the end" today, it's the "beginning"!"
"Fufu.. yes. All of you will be born again today." Raising a hand, [Name] channels his magic as he smiles sweetly at everyone. His usual friendly smile looks more sinister with every word that came out of his mouth.
"To a world without sorrow where you don't have to lose your family, friends.. everything!"
The fight is not easy. Far from it. Never would they think that they'll be fighting the Prince of Briar Valley. Fighting someone as skilled as him is a nightmare in itself, but they've survived for this long.. and it seems that [Name] had enough as he engulfed the surrounding area in flames.
"Back off, you fool.. why be afraid? Even though a wonderful future is waiting for you. Now give me your hand, fufufu... hahaha!" Channeling another spell, [Name] smiles warmly to welcome this new era. One without pain and suffering.
"Spinning wheel of fate, keep pulling the thread of disaster. As King of the Abyss, I shall bestow this upon you."
"Fae of Maleficence."
Drip... drip.. drip... drip... drip.. drip..
The bustling life of Penacony... had come to an abrupt stop.. to embrace another dreamscape. One with no danger.. a safe heven..
A place where they all can live happily as all of Penacony is engulfed in thick thorn walls. Like a cage. "Don't worry... there's nothing to be afraid of. If you surrender to sleep, a thousand years will go by in an instant." The Prince stated with confidence as he calmly walked through the stage of the Theme Park in his new form. A form that he had embraced to fulfill his wish and grant everyone this wonderful gift.
"You all will become the main character of a fairytale."
The tune of the music box he received.. it's such a nice calming tune, yet so ominous..
"I know you.. I walked with you once upon a dream.. I know you.. that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.."
It's a tune no one couldn't possibly be mistaken. Like a lullaby. Maybe those who sent him such a thing.. has the Prince's heart in mind. As he sang a lullaby to help them have a pleasant and wonderful dream. Following the tune of his invitation to this.. place..
"And I know it's true, that visions are seldom what they seem.. but if I know you.. I know what you'll do... you'll love me at once..."
"The way you did once upon.. a... dream..."
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sparring-spirals · 5 months
Still emotional about Fy'ra Rai and Opal, actually. Thought dump time bc i. dont have the energy to cut this down effectively.
Because at that point in the episode, Opal is doomed. Not in the fun little "oh things are getting worse ;)" kind of way we'd been experiencing leading up to the fight, or even IN the fight. At that point in the fight, Cyrus is dead. Dorian and Dariax have their minds twisted, bodies clambering away from the fight. Morrighan has felt, firsthand, just how far gone Opal is, holes in her mind, her friend broken. The heartbreaking sentence of. "You can always come back." understands that she is gone already. She's lost already. Opal has forgotten Ted. Opal has forgotten herself.
So at that point in the fight, we know Opal is doomed. Us as the audience, the cast, the characters. Aabria is running through each of the other crownkeepers and it is more of a goodbye than a round of combat. Defying the Spider Queen invites death, with zero hesitation- Cyrus's body as physical evidence of that. The terms were very clearly set: You leave Opal, you let her be lost. Or you die. (Leaving Opal anyway).
and Fy'ra Rai then. Grasps the crown, understands intimately that she can break it off and it will kill Opal. (I will free you, if you want me to. We would lose you but you would not be taken). And asks, what do you want me to do. What do you want.
and Opal says, I want you to leave. (I want you to live.) and Fy'ra Rai functionally says. No. Sorry. That's not one of the options.
If you wanted to go. I will do that (your blood on my hands). If you want me to stay, I will. But I'm not going to leave you.
There was the point where Fy'ra Rai broke into the communication and I felt my insides sink because. Look. Lets be real, Aabria had already demonstrated the stakes here. The gesture would not be rewarded for the gesture alone. The Spider Queen's terms were: You leave Opal. Or you die.
And Fy'ra Rai said: no.
I don't think I'm overstepping to assume that if Fy'ra Rai had failed the intimidation check, she would have died. This entire thing hits me so hard because I think Anjali knew that too. I think Fy'ra Rai knew that too. Yes, Fy'ra Rai convinced a Betrayer God to negotiate. She carved a third option out of a non-negotiable situation. She knew what would happen if she failed and did it anyway, with no fear, no regret, no waver in her resolve. She had lost enough sisters. She wasn't going to lose anymore, no matter the personal cost. That's part of why it succeeded, I'm sure, but.
Just. Fuck me. The amount of resolve. The amount of love. The amount of conviction. "I am. A protector." You know your friend- your sister- is doomed. So no more negotiating away from that. You step to her side and you grasp her hand and say- doom me with her.
And in some, sideways way, this saves you both, at least for a little while.
Because this story is a tragedy. This ending is a sad one. We know this already. But think about- Opal, under Lolth's bidding, alone in the dark. Think about Fy'ra Rai, alive, intimately aware that she had failed to protect yet another sister.
And think about what we got, instead: the two of them, in deep darkness, danger encroaching- holding hands. Someone they love at their side. A champion. And her champion.
This is still a sad story. But it's not the same one. Fy'ra Rai stared down a Betrayer God and made her change her mind. She stared down a Betrayer God, and her love and conviction changed the nature of the story. It shouldn't have been able to. But she did.
Fy'ra Rai chose to doom 2 people instead of one, and the sheer strength of her love and will managed to save them both, at least for a little while. Isn't it funny how that works? Isn't it devastating? Isn't it. fucking incredible?
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bestiesenpai · 3 months
sukuna bridgerton au
If you get mad at me for this then you’re no fun, he’s a little ooc in this but im world building! I intend to write more! Mini blurbs/fics and build a whole universe! Gosh! Tried to be accurate to regency era stuff but also took liberty with some things 6k words
part two — part three -- part four
Femme reader, you’re a proper young miss aint ya kekw
You are perfect. The Queen's diamond of the season and someone everyone knew by name. There is nothing you have not been prepared for, no social setting that you are unable to make your own. Since you were born your parents had instilled every rule in society onto you, every skill a young lady should have and even some men have as well, to cover every possible avenue.
Perfect indeed, with not only needlework and the pianoforte, but you spoke more than one language and were delightfully decent at drawing. Learning the harp and more advanced bookkeeping skills were on your current roster, the governess keeping not only you but your siblings busy before the beginning of all the balls and suitors calling for your attention.
“(Y/N), there are a great deal of callers outside waiting for your attention.” Your mother debriefed you at the start of the day, after having the maids dress you to her exact specifications. “You remember what I taught you, yes?”
“Yes. Be courteous and make sure to smile, but not too much or they might get the wrong idea. I shouldn’t appear to know too much about one subject, lest they get discouraged from speaking.”
“Perfect.” Snapping her fingers happily, your mother put a hand on your shoulder and sighed, smoothing down the sleeve of your dress. “I am so proud of the person you’ve become, (Y/N). I hope you know that.”
“I do, mother.” Hugging her tightly, you steeled your nerves. She had done the best possible for you your whole life to ensure you would be ready for the society you live in and to hopefully elevate your station in life, one that could afford you even more comfort than you had now.
“Bring the first one in.” Your father announced, ushering the two of you to come to a stand as the doors were opened and the first gentleman of the day came in, a modest but endearing bouquet of flowers in his hands. Making sure to curtsy immediately, you welcomed him in and brought him to the sofas where a proper conversation could be had.
And that went on for ages, one after the other, until you feared your voice would go hoarse from all the talking and fake laughter you had to do. It wasn’t that the men that came to see you were bad in any way, just that you hoped for a bit more excitement upon entering the season. There had yet to be anyone that swept you off your feet, made you wish they stayed just a bit longer and looked at you a bit more.
“Mother, may we stop for today?” You were unable to hold your posture anymore and your back bent considerably, allowing you to relax and look out the window at the sun slowly fading from afternoon to early evening.
“We may. Send the rest away, let them schedule for another time.” Motioning to a footman, your mother conceded to your wishes. “It’s about time for dinner, is it not?”
“Mr. Downey, that old man called upon you?” The next day, a chorus of giggles could be heard in the park from you and your friends. You were recounting all the visitors you had, not sparing a single detail.
“Yes!” You laughed, unable to contain yourself as you strode arm in arm with them around the park lake. “But Father wouldn’t let him step a single toe into the parlor, told him to go down to the alleys he’s usually found in!”
“Oh dear!” Another round of shouts and laughs left the group, boisterous as ever as you all were excited for the upcoming ball at the end of the week being held by the Queen herself. Her royal advisor had seen to it that you were personally handed an invitation at the modiste this morning, letting everyone see the fanfare and the adoration the Queen so had for you.
“(Y/N), you really are Her Majesty’s favorite diamond!” Someone exclaimed, squeezing your hand tightly. “I can’t remember the last time she did something like this!”
“I wonder what it could all mean.” Another girl wonders aloud, making you all come to a stop and think. “I bet there’s some aristocrat in town she wants to impress!”
“Could you imagine!” You jump up slightly, your mind beginning to race. “And me as Her Majesty’s precious diamond at the center…” A flurry of giggles left the group and you began to walk again, chattering excitedly about the future.
The time for the ball came and you were dressed in the finest silks and jewels the modiste had to offer, and a dainty necklace laid on your neck adorned with small diamonds of its own. Butterflies arose in your stomach on the carriage ride over and by the time you arrived you worried about fainting upon standing.
“Stay close.” Your mother tells you, keeping your arm in the crook of hers as you enter the party behind your father, your other siblings behind you as well. Entering the main ballroom, you try not to openly gawk at the grandiosity of it all; there was a large orchestra in the middle of the room, peacocks milling about the garden just outside the open doors and too many servants to count carrying hors d'oeuvres that looked absolutely divine.
“A drink, miss?” One of them approached with a tray of cocktails which you swiftly accepted, eager to fit in with the other patrons. Taking a sip, you were nearly knocked back from the strong bite of alcohol and almost let your composure slip.
“(Y/N).” Your mother squeezed you in warning, never letting the smile slip from her face as her tone conveyed high stress. “Do not mess this up.” And those were her final words to you before you were ushered further into the room.
Quickly righting yourself, you followed your mothers steps in introducing you to everyone and making sure to show you off to eligible bachelors and their families of high titles. Your heart pounded upon meeting earls and marquess’, forcing yourself to not appear too awestruck of a title; appearing perfectly pleased at the information and not showing favor one way or another.
“Time to greet Her Majesty.” Your mother whispered, subtly gesturing to the entourage entering the room and causing quite a stir amongst your fellow partygoers. As she took her seat, you couldn’t help but notice the two empty chairs seated behind the queen and how she looked miffed that one was not being filled upon her arrival.
Milling about so as not to appear too eager, roughly five minutes passed before you made your way over to the queen. The drink you’d been nursing was finally empty and you could feel the burning effects of the alcohol take place, making your face burn and palms sweaty beneath your gloves.
“Your Majesty.” Speaking for the both of you, your mother led you into a curtsy. Standing straight, you let your eyes wander to the chairs, wondering who could be missing from such an event.
“My diamond.” Her Majesty reached out her hand which you instantly took, softly kissing the skin and giving another curtsy.
“Your Majesty.” You responded in kind, giving her a somewhat nervous smile. “This is a beautiful party.” Looking around, you finally let your true feelings show for a moment as you properly soaked it all in. “I am amazed at how you manage to throw such exquisite soirees each season.”
“Oh how you flatter me!” A light chuckle left Her Majesty’s lips and she allowed you to look around a bit more before speaking again. “Tell me, have any suitors caught your eye?”
“Well…” Looking back at your mother, you let out a breathless chuckle. “None have truly captured me, Your Majesty. Some interest me and others vex me, but no one has yet to steal my heart.”
“That is very pleasing.” She grinned, knowing something you did not. “Very pleasing indeed.” Waving over one of her attendants, she whispered something into their ear and off they went as if they had never been there at all. “Take to the floor, my dear, I shall call upon you soon again.”
“Yes, thank you, Your Majesty.” Curtsying again, you and your mother left to go enjoy the party. It wasn’t clear what the Queen had in mind but every time you looked over your shoulder you found her eyes on you and that made you nervous enough to get another drink and not care about the taste.
“Mother, I must use the restroom.” Hardly finished with the glass, you felt an upset in your stomach that couldn’t be ignored. Waiting just enough time for her to excuse you from the group you’d been speaking with, you rushed out of the room and down the hall, thankfully guided by servants to the nearest restroom.
Relieving yourself rather quickly, you were in no hurry to return to the party. This was the first time you were in the palace and your curiosity couldn’t help but get the better of you. Looking over your shoulder a few times, you walked as casually as possible down the hall in the opposite direction. Marveling at the grandeur, you hardly took note of where you were going until a loud thud brought you out of your thoughts. Looking around, you realized you were quite far from the party, the sounds of the orchestra a distant buzz.
“Fuck!” The vulgarity of the word along with its suddenness nearly knocked you to the ground. Grabbing at your necklace, you shuddered at the next few words that came out; this wasn’t proper for a lady to hear at all. Locating the source from an open doorway, you intended on closing it until you caught a glimpse of what was inside.
A completely naked woman was being pinned to a bookshelf by a man with his pants around his thighs, the violent motion of his hips leaving nothing to the imagination. She looked to be in pain, wincing and whining every so often as the man just kept going. He took so little notice of her, in fact, that her head hit the shelves a few times and although she cried out he didn’t falter.
“Fuck!” He yelled again, grabbing the woman's hair and forcing her head to the side. He did finally slow down and straighten up a bit, finally allowing you to see his pink hair. “Fucking whore.” And just like that, the relative slowness was gone and back was this man's brutality. Forcing the woman to walk over to the desk a bit closer to you, you quickly ducked out of the way before you saw something you shouldn’t. It was quiet for a moment and there was a shuffling sound before the door was ripped open further and you couldn't help the shout you let out.
“Who the fuck- oh. Oh?” The man was clearly ready for a fight but upon seeing you, his face changed into a sly smile. He at least had the decency to dress himself, though you kept your eyes trained onto his face and occasionally the ceiling to preserve your modesty. “Well, aren’t you a ravishing creature…come to join the fun?”
“Absolutely not!” Leaping back at his proposition, your face curled in disgust. He laughed loudly, fully taking in your appearance.
“No of course not, why would you? You are a lady, so prim and proper.” He stretched the word out, almost mocking you with the connotation. “You belong at the party, Miss, so run along before someone catches us alone and we’ll be forced to marry.” Raising his hand in goodbye, the man left you, laughter still on his lips as he slammed the door closed.
All but running back to the party, you avoided your mother in favor of going out to the garden with a few friends that were thankfully in attendance; a chance to marvel at the peacocks and performers outside would give you a chance to catch your breath and forget about what you’d just seen.
“Miss (Y/N), the Queen calls for you.” A servant notified you just as the air turned a bit too chilly for your liking. Bidding your friends farewell, you made your way inside. The polite smile on your face dropped immediately at seeing just why the queen summoned you.
“Ah, my diamond.” Her affectionate tone forced the smile right back on your face but your eyes stayed glued to the person behind her. There, dressed in the finest fabrics and with his cravat intricately tied, was the man you’d seen earlier. As he stood at the Queen’s motion, you noticed the freshly pressed pants and shiny boots he had on and the dazzling watch dangling from a chain.
“This is my nephew, you might have heard of him. The Crown Prince, Ryomen Sukuna.” As she spoke, the Queen's voice grew louder, drawing the attention of everyone within earshot and even those that didn’t hear. “I’ve invited him here personally just to meet you.” A small smirk adorned her face as she took in the crowd before her and the stir her words caused. And it grew even bigger upon seeing your face, the horrored expression mistaken for overjoy.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss (Y/N).” Sukuna made a show of bowing deeply to you.
“Come, sit down and chat for a while, won’t you?” Her request was truly a demand and you knew better than to hesitate or question it, so you nodded and did as you were told.
Taking a seat, you kept your body rigid and faced straight ahead, not even giving so much as a glimpse to your side where you could tell the Crown Prince was watching you. You knew it wasn’t proper and that people - your mother especially - were watching to see how you two got on, but you couldn’t bear to turn and have a conversation with the man you’d just seen in such an uncouth position.
“It truly is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Sukuna said, a light chuckle on his lips. “Never thought the beauty I saw earlier would end up being the diamond of the season.”
“I believe you’re mistaken! We did not see each other earlier, Your Highness. This is the first time we are meeting.” Turning your head swiftly, you forced a smile onto your face instead of the scowl you wanted to show him.
“Yes, my mistake! Must have been another fair maiden that caught my eye.” Sukuna chuckled, settling into his chair just a bit more. He let a pause hang between you before he spoke again. “Tell me, diamond, do you wish to marry this season?”
“Of course I do.” You nodded, allowing yourself to relax a little as well. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about since I made my debut.”
“And what are you looking for in a husband?”
“I want one that is kind, that is loyal to me and whom I can get along with no matter what. And if he likes the arts such as I do, that would be even better.” An answer that you had rehearsed many times with your mother, the words came out of your mouth smoothly.
“Interesting.” Sukuna nodded, folding his hands over each other. “Now, tell me how you really feel.”
“I-I just did.” Quirking a brow at him, you were unsure why Sukuna required more from you on the matter.
“I can tell those aren’t your real words. Tell me how you truly feel.” His face was neutral but not serious or uncomfortable; he seemed to genuinely want an answer from you.
“I…” It took a while but eventually the thoughts you’d suppressed in favor of your mothers came to the surface and you looked down at your gloved hands. “I want someone I can be myself with, someone I won’t need to put on a mask for. And a husband that can value my privacy and give me my own space.” There was more you wanted to say but you stopped yourself; no use in rambling to the man when you could save it for your diary later.
“That’s good to hear, actually.” His response surprised you and had you turning more towards him.
“Really?” There was a tinge of hope growing inside you, one that said maybe the man from earlier wasn’t who he truly was.
“Yes. I’ll need a wife that can leave me the hell alone.” And with that, the tinge died out and your face fell.
“Yes, as you will undoubtedly hear about later I enjoy some rather…unconventional pastimes and leisurely activities and if we are to be wed I’ll take great joy in the fact that you won’t interfere with that.”
“But I-”
“Oh don’t worry, Miss (Y/N), I will give you all the babies you desire if you so wish, but just know my heart will never belong to just one woman. It’s not the way royalty does it, I’m sure you can understand.” Giving you a tight lipped and condescending smile, Sukuna stood from his chair and excused himself, mentioning something about getting the two of you a drink.
“So, what do you think of my nephew?” The Queen asked when he was out of earshot, turning slightly in her chair to look at you.
“He- he is a good conversationalist.” You forced the words out, hoping that the Queen wouldn’t be able to pick up on how your eyes were growing misty despite your best efforts to blink the tears away. “I quite enjoyed some of the ideas he’s shared with me.”
“Wonderful, darling.” There was a tension in the air, like she knew what had happened between the two of you. But she chose not to say anything, instead turning back around as the orchestra played the next song. “Sukuna.” She caught him as he came back, two glasses in hand.
“Yes?” His eyes flicked to you for a moment.
“Dance with Miss (Y/N), will you? I want her to enjoy the party.” The tension in the air was back and Sukuna nodded and swiftly put the glasses down. Standing before you, he offered you his hand.
“Right this way.”
“Of course.” Inhaling sharply, you forced your feelings down and took his hand, letting him lead you to the dance floor. As the song began to start up, you could feel the eyes on you, watching your every move with the Prince and the chemistry you had when dancing.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” Sukuna said quietly, his hands resting on your upper back a moment before taking a few steps. “I simply want you to know the truth if you accept the proposal.”
You didn’t respond to him, letting the words soak in. In the moment it had seemed almost cruel that he had spoken to you like that, said those things and dismissed your feelings, hopes and dreams, but thinking about it gave you another perspective. You knew many men in town that had affairs and secret lovers that would never admit it but here was a man that was willing to be honest with you. A man that had no obligation to spare your feelings or protect them.
“Why did you even agree to come then, if that is how you truly feel about marriage?” You finally spoke, looking into his eyes.
“You know as well as I do that we have a responsibility to do this, to get married and play these silly societal games. When my aunt called me I had no choice but to come, you can’t exactly say no to the woman. And I figured why not meet her precious diamond and see what she had to offer, see if I could build the life the world expects of me with her.”
“And what is your verdict?” Sukuna spun you around as you asked and your head laid briefly on his shoulder, catching the scent of his perfume before you were twirled away again.
“I think you’d make a lovely bride, Miss (Y/N). There may be some hardships but I believe we could learn to be happy with each other and our arrangements.” Spinning you a few more times, Sukuna gently helped you to a stop. “I ask you to be aware of what the Queen will ask you soon, what I will be asking you soon. You can always say no.”
“Thank you, Your Highness.” As the dance ended, you curtseyed and excused yourself. Slinking away to the refreshments table, you had nary a chance to sip some lemonade before a few more men approached, asking to write in your dance card.
As the night wore on, you danced with many more suitors and eligible young men about town, some that had already called on you and others that were waiting their turn. Some of them were dukes and earls and even a marquess came to you, but none held as high a title as Sukuna did. And with your parents eyes on you, you knew that was what mattered the most.
Going through everyone in your mind, there wasn’t a doubt that some would definitely be better matches for you than Sukuna in the realms of compatibility and chemistry but none would be as wise a choice as he was. Marrying a crown prince of all people would solidify your station in life forever; you and your family would want for nothing and you’d never have to worry about needing to follow the latest trends in fashion because you would be the one setting them.
“His Highness Prince Sukuna surely took a liking to you tonight.” Your mother was alight on the carriage ride home, fanning herself ardently. “Why, I do believe the Queen intends on you to be married before the season is over!”
“From a baroness to a princess, how marvelous that would be!” Unable to stop his excitement either, your father chimed in. It seemed they had already accepted the Prince's proposal on your behalf even though it hadn’t come yet. You didn’t have the heart to tell them that he wasn’t really a good fit for you, that you worried you’d never be truly happy in the marriage and you’d always feel less than when it came to how he felt about you.
“Delightful indeed.” Was what you said instead, allowing your parents to revel in this moment and trying to convince yourself that it couldn’t be that bad to marry a prince, especially if it meant that one day you’d be a queen.
May 14
Diary, I fear that I won’t be able to back out of this arrangement even if I say no to it like Sukuna said I could. If I say no, I know I will have many other suitors knocking at my door but none as prestigious as he is and I can’t bear to possibly face the disappointment of my family if I deny them this great opportunity.
I know I wouldn’t be the first or the last to enter into a marriage like this but I had truly hoped that I could have escaped that fate and found real love, true love! It’s rare but a girl can dream, especially one named as the Queens diamond. You’d think I’d have more time to decide on who to marry!
I suppose I have no choice but to say yes to this, don’t I? Sukuna said he would give me my privacy, so I can at least continue to write here without fear of being judged. I just wonder what the life of a princess will entail and how many new rules will I be forced to learn?
Here's hoping that we can at least grow to have a liking for each other over time, but I know better than to wait around for love.
It was a few days after the ball before you heard word from either Sukuna or the Queen. You knew it was coming but the anxiety of waiting had you pouring too much energy into the other men that called you.
“A visitor for Miss (Y/N) has arrived.” It was announced one afternoon, immediately kicking your heart into overdrive. It was a good thing you had felt the need to dress a little nicer today as your visitor presented himself, none other than the prince.
“Your Highness!” Your mother exclaimed, overjoyed and forcing your siblings to stand as well and greet him. They all bowed or curtseyed, some too young to understand exactly who they were greeting.
“Good day to you all.” Sukuna gave a small bow in return, eyeing up your family before turning to you. “Miss (Y/N), I was hoping we might promenade today around the park? The weather is quite lovely and there are a fair amount of swans out there I’m told.” His offer surprised you, you were sure he was going to ask for your hand right then and there.
“That would be lovely.” You nodded, looking back at your mother who would no doubt chaperone this outing. “Allow me to grab my purse and a shawl.” Excusing yourself, it took no less than five minutes for you to be ready and heading out the house with Sukuna by your side, your entire family not but five feet behind you.
“I’m surprised you called upon me today.” You said upon reaching the park, waving to a few friends who were also on dates. “I was certain that the next time I saw you there would be a ring put upon my finger.”
“Young Miss, please have more faith in me. I thought it only right to court you as the others have, to see if we are truly to be a good match or not.” Sukuna put a hand over his heart in jest.
“Was that your idea or the Queens?”
“I’ll be honest it was her idea, but I have no problem going along with it. It’s only right that we get to know each other a bit more before we are wed.”
“You talk so certainly that I’ll say yes! Who said I wanted to marry you?” His arrogance was starting to annoy you, and the fact that he couldn’t even feign that he was the one interested in learning more about you irritated you to no end.
“Please, would you even think of saying no?” Sukuna quirked a brow at you as you came to a stop to admire a pair of swans. “I am the best match you have to make, one that would elevate your status so highly it would make your head spin. And beside…” He trailed off, looking around at the people in the park. “This sorry lot you associate with aren’t exactly highbrow to begin with.”
“That’s enough!” You shouted, taking a step back from him. A few curious looks were sent your way and you could see your mother start to approach from the corner of your eye before your father stopped her. “Do not dare speak of my friends in such a manner. What would you know of being highbrow anyway, what with the pastimes you partake in!”
“Miss (Y/N), I did not mean to upset you.” Sukuna spoke a little louder for the inquiring minds around you. “Please accept my apology.” And he bowed his head deeply in a show of submission.
“Do not mock me.” You hissed, crossing your arms and turning back to the lake. “I can’t believe I thought you could be a real gentleman.”
“Oh, but I can be.” Resuming his previous position, Sukuna squared his shoulders.
“Only when others are watching though, right?” You began walking again, letting Sukuna fall into step beside you. As a relative quiet fell over you two, you looked at everyone else walking about, seemingly so happy with their matches. A pang of jealousy hit you upon seeing a group of your girl friends out with their matches, laughing happily and getting to enjoy a true love match instead of whatever you were stuck in now.
There was little conversation between the two of you, but to the outside world it looked as if you were just taking a quiet stroll and letting the sounds of nature surround you. Anyone looking in would think that you’re content just being in each other's presence and don’t need words to communicate.
“Let’s stop at a cafe, I’m parched.” You announced, suddenly spotting the building across the street.
“Yes, let's.” Sukuna agreed immediately, following your lead. Opening the door for you and your family, Sukuna made a show of buying everyone something, even your father. With your family scattered about the shop, you and Sukuna took a seat by the window, a place where everyone could walk by and see you together.
“How do you like your parfait?” He asked, sipping on the plain coffee he got himself. Your mother insisted he get a croissant as well and he pulled a piece off and ate it.
“It’s delicious.” With fresh in season fruit throughout, it was a sweet treat you didn’t know you’d been craving. “Thank you.”
“Tell me what it is you like to do for fun.” Leaning back in his chair, Sukuna peered over his glass at you. You felt the urge to correct him on his posture but held back, knowing he would probably just laugh at you.
“I’ve recently taken up the harp and I quite enjoy it, it can be such a calming instrument. I also enjoy the pianoforte, though recently I’ve taken up reading a new book.”
“Reading is quite boring, is it not?” Sukuna smirked at you, enjoying how you fought to keep your expression neutral. “I can’t remember the last time I read.”
“I’m surprised you can read at all.” You rolled your eyes, finding small gratification in how he laughed.
“Me too!” Taking a hearty bite out of his pastry, Sukuna grinned at you, showing the sharp edge of his canines. “I think I’ll like having you as a wife.”
“You shouldn’t be so confident in my acceptance of your proposal, Your Highness.” With a warning tilt to your voice, you took a sip of tea. “I can very well say no to your whole courtship right now and be done with it.”
“But you and I both know you won’t. You wouldn't want to risk the ire of the Queen or your family. And neither would I, Miss (Y/N). I’m tired of being hounded to find a wife and you are the easiest decision ever made for me.”
“You could at least pretend you’re interested in me.” He had a point, you knew little people that went against what the Queen wanted and weren’t shunned for it. There were a great deal of pros outweighing the cons in marrying Sukuna from an economical point of view, but could you find it in you to put your heart aside?
“Trust me, I am plenty interested in you.” His gaze fell downwards and your face immediately started to burn.
“Don’t make me throw my tea on you.” You glared sharply at Sukuna, your tone daring him to continue and for his sake he didn’t and his eyes returned to yours.
“My apologies, Miss. Just admiring a beauty before me.” That statement made a passing few girls giggle and swoon to themselves and you could hardly hold back another eye roll.
Your outing was done shortly after your trip to the cafe with your youngest siblings complaining they were tired. The Prince escorted you home, bowing to you once more and waiting until you were inside before turning and leaving.
“Tell me what that outburst was at the park.” Your mother descended on you the second she got, following you up the stairs to your bedroom.
“The Prince isn’t as fine and dandy as you think he is, he called the ton a bunch of idiots.” You didn’t bother keeping your voice down as you walked, just the thought of what he’d said upset you all over again.
“Why, he is a Prince! Of course we will be simple to him, he is used to so much more!” She argued, throwing her arms up in exasperation. “He meant no harm, I’m sure.”
“Mother.” Turning to face her before opening your door, you sighed upon making eye contact. “I wish I could tell you even half of the things I learned about him…the Prince is not the man you think he is.” You repeated your previous statement; your lip caught between your teeth as you debated telling her more. “I don’t know if I can marry him.” The words made your mother gasp in horror and push a hand over your mouth.
“(Y/N), please tell me you don’t mean it. Please tell me you are just playing a sick joke.” She couldn’t bear to hear you say otherwise. You stared at each other, both of you pleading for different things. The heartbreak in her eyes was evident and she took a step back and composed herself. “V-very well, if that is how you feel I will not force you.”
“Mother…” Your voice trailed off at how downtrodden she looked, it nearly brought you to tears.
“No, please do not say any more. I-I need time to come to terms with this.” Smoothing down her dress, she looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was eavesdropping. The silence allowed for the noises of others in the house to be heard; two brothers fighting over chess, a sister playing the piano. “I will be in the sun room should you need me.”
She left without consequence, calling for a maid to bring her some lavender tea. Finally entering your room, your body pushed the door closed and you sank onto the floor, letting your head fall into your hands. This wasn’t what you wanted to happen in the slightest and now just the prospect of rejecting his proposal was putting immense guilt onto you. Seeing your mother so hurt, imagining the looks on your siblings faces and what your father could possibly say were all too much for you.
May 18
I fear I have made a grave error. It wasn’t my intention to hurt my mother but just the idea of me not marrying a prince was enough to make her beside herself with grief, she was hardly able to look at me during dinner. And I know she’s told father because he was the same way!
Am I really taking away my family’s happiness this much? Am I being selfish by refusing? I think I’m learning now that a marriage, especially this one, is not just between two people. There’s so many others that it affects!
I think I’ll reconsider my rejection - after all, not many can say they were named the diamond and married a crown prince their first season out. I know Sukuna will give me my space if I request and not question me on things…is this potential life worth giving up my hopes of love?
I truly hope it is.
At breakfast the next morning you informed your parents of the change of heart and the sullen mood that was looming over them was washed away in an instance.
“I knew you would come to your senses, girl.” Patting you gently on the shoulder, your father smiled big. “It’s easy to get swept up in nerves during this whole thing but I’m glad you’ve thought about how this marriage will be good for you - for all of us.”
Your siblings were thankfully none the wiser to what had transpired and they begged to be informed. Ignoring them, your mother reached for your hand across the table and squeezed it.
“We must go to the modiste later.”
“What for?” You sent her a curious look, you’d just been there the other day for a fitting!
“For your wedding dress.”
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phant0mth1ef · 1 month
oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both, oh yes-.
all for one, and one for all.
those three words ruled your life from the moment you were brought into the earth by your father. no matter how you phrased them, they never left your mind.
you’d grown up in a slum in kamino ward, your father keeping you right beside him, like you were some trophy that he’d always had on display. it irked you to the point of no return, but then again, who could say no or defy your father?
you’d grown up quirkless until about the age of 10, where he’d brought you to some shady lab and held you down as liquid flowed through your veins, the syringe that had been used was long discarded by then.
since then, you’d been thrown to the side by your father. but then again, was he really yours? it was so degrading to come second to someone who wasn’t even blood. you’d lived at the hospital with him. the doctor.
you knew your role when your father visited you after being gone for years, a news article was dropped in front of you as you looked down at it. all might would begin to teach at ua at the start of their new term.
he’d looked at you, you’d looked at him.
everything in your body had told you to decline, told you to just defy him for once in your life.
but, then again, who says no to all for one?
you’d walk home with aoyama daily, chatting with each other as you both nearly sweat every piece of your skin off. he was watching, even when you’d thought he wasn’t.
in class you wouldn’t talk to anyone, and at the start it was easy. todoroki was doing the same exact thing, refusing to make friends and acting coldly towards everyone.
the usj incident wasn’t meant to be as destructive as it was. no. the plan was originally for you to meet with your father and discuss, but once you’d begun acting coldly towards him. he’d quickly shown you what he was capable of.
eventually todoroki opened up to the class, but you, oh god you were such a hard shell to break.
you were so suspicious, so conniving. and when you’d found out you were being followed by a certain blonde haired boy, that had to have been the worst of it.
“time manipulation: time stop.” everything froze into place as you’d walked behind bakugou, forcing his body into mid air so that he’d collide with the ground the moment he fell.
“time manipulation: reset.” with those words his face hit the hard concrete, and he’d picked himself up with an angry smile on his face, a cut on his cheek. (definition of a crash out, i fear).
that night at ground beta, you’d both fought all night. the boy being unable to land a hit on you due to your borrowed quirk.
you could never call it yours. it was stolen from someone much more worthy than you.
aizawa had caught you both, reprimanding you and sentencing you both to detention after school for weeks. and oddly enough, bakugou didn’t avoid you after the incident.
“hey, idiot.” he’d whispered to you during detention while throwing a wad of paper at your head. you’d turned towards him, eyebags under your eyes.
“spar with me after school.” he was nearly incoherent as you made a face, trying to understand what he just said.
“no.” you’d nearly spat, it wasn’t meant to come out in such a rude way.
“tch. c’mon. don’t be a loser.” that caught your interest as you side eyed him, quirking up an eyebrow.
from then on, you’d both begun to hang around each other more. whether it be small things such as walking home together, although you’d never allow him to walk you home for obvious reasons.
sparring, taking walks together after school, he even went so far as to invite you to the pool before you’d all left to training camp.
and eventually once you’d been forced to move into the dorms after your father was captured, you’d thought that maybe, just maybe, your life could be normal as you looked at bakugou who was helping you carry boxes into your room.
“how the hell do you have so much stuff?! are you some typa hoarder?” you threw a pillow at him.
you’d lived your life as if you were a normal teenage girl, at least you did.
you’d just finished up watching a movie with bakugou, the boy shut the door to your dorm. almost on cue, a smokey purple substance appeared in front of you, your body racked with chills as you stared at it.
“time manipulation, small space time stop.” everything in your room was exactly the way it was when bakugou left, even the shape of you asleep in bed as you’d passed through kurogiri’s warp gate.
you’d been thrown into a laboratory, shigaraki stared down at you. a cold glare in his eyes. he was just like him.
he’d officially combined with shigaraki, overtaking the young adult’s body as he stared you down at coffin in the sky. you’d been frozen in fear once you’d seen him.
“what are you standing there for?! stop time and take him out, damn it!” bakugou yelled at you as shigaraki, well, all for one, smiled back at him.
“she won’t be doing that. after all, she can’t.” he’d smiled, a grimacing look in his eyes as you’d been forced to gravitate towards him. probably a quirk he’d stolen.
“the hell are you doing?! come back!” his voice was so commanding.
“i can’t.” tears welled up in your eyes as you were pulled towards what was left of your father, your body trembling with each step you were forced to take.
“after all, how could she say no to dear old dad?” the gasps that were let out would never leave your memory, your head hung low as you’d trudged towards him.
footsteps were heard behind you, rapidly pounding against the dirt of the biome as you’d looked back.
bakugou was chasing you, trying to reach you and shield you from him despite the hatred that was in his eyes.
you’d turned back, your father was running at full speed now. or was it shigaraki? you couldn’t tell these days as he outstretched his arm.
because if he couldn’t have your power, nobody would.
god i hate this so bad i feel like its so rushed 💔💔😢😢
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eldrith · 1 month
oh babe dont get me wrong, i thoroughly enjoyed the fic (everything you write is an automatic favorite) and it was so, so heartwrenchingly beautiful but omg i'm in pain lmao.
also going back to the last ask you answered of mine (before the sad fic one. lol)!! absolutely he is the #1 wifehusband. dare i say #1 malewife. but this part!! "he’d want to talk to his wife for days on end, and also could (and does) talk about her for so so long to anyone who was around. #1 wifehusband i stand by this" skdufhaskf YESSSSSSSS. i can just imagine him keeping his wife up later than usual (and not for the reasons she truly desires. jace is a dumb Loser for not noticing.) yapping her ear off, especially if it's been a busy busy day as the crown prince.!! or rhaenyra having to cut jace off in a council meeting bc he's droning on and on about his wife, and while she thinks it's cute and endearing, they have actual business to attend to.. "and wearing pieces of jewelry that belongs to each other omg." girl i just went weak in the knees ugh akshfaksj didn't know i needed that in my life but now i do. or jace having jewelry crafted from pieces of old swords/equipment of his for his wife to have something of his with her always, or his wife giving him a tiny pocket square of embroidery to tuck into his pocket that has become so worn from the amount of time he spends rubbing his thumb over it (especially during longgggggg meetings). he lowkey gives fidgeter vibes so i can just see it becoming a soothing mechanism for him !! "so cute and like can u imagine how rhaenyra would just be so happy to see how happy jace is (& how incredible of a man hes become… hes so devoted to his sweet wife)" i'm getting teary eyed with an idea of rhaenyra thinking about how proud harwin would be of jace and what a great man he's become. anyway don't let me expand further on that bc i will Cry (and talk your ear off for 12 hours)!!!!!!! also rhaenyra would be the best mother in law??? ever??? so so supportive and sweet and loves how much you love and adore her son. anyway. Anyway. also in my head luke lives and spends 90% of the day teasing jace over how whipped he is for his wife :// little brother things i fear. and jace has zero shame bc he's #1 wife guy and knows luke will be the exact same way one day soon.
one day i will expand on jace as a father but. i fear i've talked enough today pookie. love u. - hubby jace anon <33
aw stop ur too nice omg :') im glad u enjoyed it <3
but omg yes 10000% to all of this.
jace literally bounding into his wife's quarters, basically oblivious to the looks she's sending him as he just rambles and talks, so excited to be with her. and asking her about her day, sighing gently when she starts to kiss up and down his neck nevermind i can't go there
also in the earlier stages of marriage or when the war is quite stressful and theyre at council and jace out of nowhere just snaps to defend his wife's honor, calling someone out who slightly disrespected her and the chamber goes silent... <3<3 love <3<3
i also loveee the idea of having a piece of him on her at all times <3 and like... jace gets one of her rings and puts it on a necklace and wears it under his clothes. he fidgets with it when he's reading or strategizing, just as he does with the pocketsquare (you have to give him a new one bc the first one is so frayed) alSO he takes your hair ribbons and uses them as bookmarks. yeah
& ur so right rhaenyra would be emotional and see so much of harwin in jace and shes just so proud. also yes she'd be the best mother in law i see her inviting you to dine with her and just thoroughly enjoying your presence, gossiping and just loving spending time with you & seeing you interact with her son. she would love you like a daughter - she always wanted one.
also stop can you imagine luke... oh my goddd. hed be thrilled to make fun of jace and i feel like he'd become so fond of calling jace ur dog lmao.
things like being in a hall with luke when jace enters, speaking with some lord - you wait for him patiently to end his conversation but luke has no mind for that and immediately teases jace. calling out to him, "here boy!" mocking and whistling like one would summon a dog, "your lady needs you!"
or or or (you've awoken a beast in me this is your fault) like
him walking past and catching jace adjusting the clasp on your necklace or something, maybe helping you with your slippers and he cant help but just go "i swear you’ve got him trained better than the hounds." you roll your eyes at luke, shooing him away with a grin as he mutters "he’d probably sit and beg if you asked him to.”
but jace would just grin so proudly, laughing and shaking his head as he stepped back to admire his handiwork - then sending you a look when luke is gone lmao.
& luke and jace sitting at a feast watching you dance with others and luke just gives him a look, "wipe that grin off your face, you look like you've gone mad. i think you're salivating" and jace is just like "she's so beautiful." & luke rolls his eyes, gagging, “gods help me if i ever get like that.”
but jace knows his brother, and he smirks, "oh, you’ll be there someday, luke.” luke rolls his eyes and huffs, "strike me dead first." and with no hesitation jace just mutters "i'll be sure to. if not before."
yeah i have so many thoughts about that... luke would become jace's wife's annoying little brother but also her bff
also PLEASE father jace bring it on omg. he'd be the cutest father i actually am going to pass out
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florenceafternoon · 2 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
You know when you read a fic and love it so much that you want to find one exactly like it but different. Anyways, more Alternate Universe fics.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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These first few fics are all by elanev91 on ao3 (ao3 account required).
Force of Habit
Lily's been riding the same train back and forth to work for the last two and a half years and lowkey fancies the guy who sits one row up from her usual seat.
TW: parent death discussed
The fic that inspired the intro (I love it so much you don't understand)
Waffle Wars
There's only one waffle maker in the dining hall and it literally always breaks. So, naturally, the only reasonable course of action is to meticulously map out when it's working and, ultimately, do a heist.
every day I like you a little mower
Lily was JUST trying to be a good daughter and help her father with his yard work. Too bad the bloke next door is always outside and also the most annoyingly talkative person on the planet.
we could be gigantic series
Lily and James have been best friends since they were kids. Uni, a band, a trip abroad, a few tours and a couple of albums later, things start to change. Half an email fic, half a regular ol' narrative.
it wasn't a pity invite
Prompt: my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and omg i’m so sorry
The one where they’re both doctors - also Northern Irish Lily.
One Direction on the A4
James and Lily are having quite the morning. James thinks a little nonsense might fix it. Or James is a dork and Lily loves it.
Ye Olde Smut Fic
Student recruitment fairs suck, but never fear -- Professor Evans and Professor Potter have figured out how to make it a little less annoying.
Professor AU, Modern AU, Muggle AU. Smutty ridiculousness. Plot questionable.
The tragedy is that they live in America
The Yeast I Can Do
Dr Lily Evans had an absolute shit day at work. Luckily, there's a bakery nearby that offers a course that she hopes will take her mind off of things.
For my fellow jily & wolfstar enjoyers, go do yourself a favour and check out their other works on ao3.
Teenage Kicks by @arianatwycross
It all starts with Lily being hired to be the bands tour photographer, then she actually meets the band and she quickly becomes absorbed by their fast lifestyle, their pranks and the hot lead singer. But its not exactly simple to be crushing on a famous Rockstar, is it?
Foam Hearts by Sleepinghookah (on ao3)
Coffee shop AU. A story in which James and Lily are blind - both in entirely different ways.
I promise he's not a bad person. You've got to read till the end and it'll make sense
When The Skies Are Gray by @athenasparrow
“Carry me?” Lily scoffed, biting her lip so she wouldn’t laugh in his face. Because he was about to do something nice for her. “I’m not some damsel in distress who can’t walk! I just need a bit of cover to make it to the tube.”
OR: two strangers, one umbrella, and a little bit of fate.
Tranquil Solitude (Until You Came Along) by @thelighthousestale
Prompt: I thought I went skinny dipping alone but oh my god this beautiful human is also here naked and I am a fool
All Lily wanted to do was take a nice, quiet swim on a hot day. And then James Potter showed up. And Lily had already removed her clothes for the private swim.
it would have been sweet by @firefeufuego
‘Lily,’ he says in her ear, voice slurred and barely audible above the pulsing bass of the music, ‘is there a reason I shouldn’t marry her?’
She can taste the truth bittersweet on her tongue: Yes of course there is, you colossal, darling idiot, you’re meant to be mine. But there’s the ring on Charlotte’s finger and there’s the one Lily found in Eddie’s sock drawer, and how can she be this person? The one who steals someone’s fiancé on his stag night? That’s not who she is, that won’t be who she is. ‘Of course not, James. You’ll make each other so happy.’ She nearly chokes on the lie as it leaves her mouth, all the more so because most of it isn’t even a lie at all.
For my second chance romance girls
This Hope is Treacherous by @tinyluminaryzombie
Lily Evans and James Potter: Aquentiences, Academic rivals, and now, Friends.
Except "friends" doesn't exactly feel right but Lily's too scared to do anything about it. But as James and her keep acting like more-than-friends she's unraveling with the uncertainty of it all.
OR: Choosing to fall in love can be just as thrilling and terrifying as love at first sight.
The Viscount's Daughter by @ghostofbambifanfiction
The beautiful, vivacious, and decidedly redheaded daughter of the 16th Viscount of Rowena has stolen the heart of young Prince James. Trouble is, she couldn't be less interested in him.
Thought it was abandoned but the author posted a snippet recently so maybe not?
The Queen of the Quills - Jily Edition by @elliemarchetti 
Lily and Petunia read the Queen of the Quills' latest column on James Potter, while the bachelor announces to his friends that he intends to get married.
Quest for Camelot by the incredible @petalsthefish
After the legendary Excalibur sword is stolen, Lily and James embark on a quest to retrieve the lost weapon. Lily searches for the sword to prove she is capable of being a knight despite being a girl. James searches because his falcon, Marlene, is desperate to find it for her master, Merlin. Along the way, they attempt to outwit the sinister Ruber, navigate through magical obstacles, decode puzzling prophecies, and uncover surprising similarities between themselves.
As their journey progresses, they both cannot deny the feelings growing between them with each passing day. Will they make it out of the quest alive, or will one of them perish in the ever-growing darkness that threatens to swallow the entire realm if Ruber gets his hands on the sword?
Based on the 1998 movie Quest for Camelot, but with more plot and less singing
Fearlessly Red also by @ /petalsthefish
Red. It was such an interesting color to correlate with emotion because it was on both ends of the spectrum. On one end there was happiness, falling in love, passion, all that. On the other end was jealousy, fear and frustration. Maybe that's why James thought the nickname fit Lily so well.
or Bodyguard!James/Celebrity!Lily
Get A Room bt @chierafied
The long-awaited trip to London goes awry when Marlene chooses to spend time with her boyfriend - forcing Lily to share their room with none other than James Potter.
you don't know me (but I know you) by @emeralddoeadeer
Lily has a crush, she knows his face well but can only imagine his name; until they meet that is.
About Time by heartablaze (on ao3)
Before his final year started, James Potter offered to be a resident advisor for a first-year dorm. What he didn’t count on was dealing with a confusing redhead across the hall, hospital visits, hallway parties and writing his thesis the night before it was due. Blimey. (Muggle Uni AU)
Unexpectedly in Love by jamespotters_exgirlfriend (on ao3)
When Lily Evans entered her final year of uni, she certainly didn’t expect to fall in love with James Potter. And well, let’s just say love isn’t the only unexpected thing to come out of their relationship.
Far Post by @eastwindmlk
James Potter and his friends are very serious about their pub football league. So, when the new roster comes out and there is a new team on there, an all women's team, he and Sirius set out to investigate.
You Know How To Ball, I Know Aristotle by @wearingaberetinparis
Now that the global superstar, Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Lily Evans and professional football player James Potter are together, they have to juggle the difficulties of a relationship in the public eye. Fresh off her World Tour, Lily Evans arrives at Wembley Stadium one year after James Potter first attended her show, to perform there for one final weekend before heading to the studio to record her next album. Her boyfriend, in the meantime, is off to Germany to play at the Euros for England. How will they ever make their relationship work when Lily is - so the press loves to imply - the least supportive WAG of the tournament?
sequal to And You Heard About Me (Ooh, We’ve Got Some Big Enemies!)
It's been a long time coming and it did not disappoint
I've recommended Three Swipes, You're Out by @naireides before, but I recently came across it's sequel making spirits bright
Sports star James Potter tries to pick Lily up on tinder. Lily Evans, a dedicated not sports fan is offended by the idea that someone thinks she wouldn't recognize James Potter's face. She laughs about it with her friends at a bar, until James Potter, who also frequents that bar, comes over to clarify that nope, he's on tinder, and he's definitely hitting on her.
She should have expected it to be hard, dating a celebrity, but somehow she and James make it work.
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One of the things that annoy me the most about people (mostly zutarians) trying to argue that Zuko saying he wasn't being himself in a war meeting with Ozai somehow means he doesn't want to be Fire Lord or date Mai is not just how it completely misinterprets Zuko's character and the things he has explicitly stated to want multiple times - but also because it ignores one of the most realistic portrayals of what it is like to live with an abuser that isn't on Evil Bastard mode 24/7.
During "Nightmares And Daydreams" Zuko is being treated shockingly well. He can get literally anything he wants, whenever he wants. He is being so pampered that he doesn't even have to walk anywhere if he doesn't feel like it, and everyone adores him - he is basically being treated like Azula.
Yet unlike Azula, he was not invited to the meeting. And he doesn't feel safe to ask his father about it directly or to just assume there was some communication issue and show up regardless of the "lack of" invitation. And considering what happened last time he tried, it's not hard to see why he feels that way.
But oh look! He WAS supposed to be there! And Ozai even refused to start the meeting without him! He saved Zuko a spot so he'd be at his right hand, and even wants to hear him out when discussing ideas! Surely that means he cares about Zuko and values his opinions, right?
Not quite. There's another catch. There's ALWAYS another catch. He can say what he wants... provided it is what Ozai wants to hear.
Zuko has every privilege in the world, but he doesn't have the basic to right to have his own opinions, to speak to his own parent and to not constantly fear he will suddenly be, at best, ignored, and at worst physically abused, kicked from home and cut off from everything and everyone he is familair with just because Ozai woke up in a bad mood or felt challenged/insulted in some way.
This episode was not about Zuko realising he didn't love Mai, or wanted to go back to the job he canonically hated. It's about him finally realizing that the most luxurious cage in the world is still a cage. That he will never feel safe with his abuser around, even if Ozai isn't constantly lashing out. That no matter how good his life seems to be on the surface, he will never truly have anything (from basic stuff like a roof over his head to luxuries like literal royal treatment) when there's someone that can just randomly decide to take it all away from him and not face any consequences for it because he has absolute power over everyone.
That's why in lots of frames during his conversations with Iroh, the animation makes it look like Zuko is behind bars while his uncle is free. Why Azula, the child that stuck by Ozai's side, ends the show having a breakdown and feeling worthless after being randomly abandoned by him and excluded from what was supposed to be THEIR moment. Why during the eclipse, Zuko literally says "I'm going to speak my mind and you're going to listen."
And why he confessed that entire inner conflict to Mai - yes, his girlfriend, but also someone who can RELATE to his struggles, because while her parents are not abusive, they are neglectful to the point of it being criminal and she full on says "I could get anything I wanted, as long as I behaved."
She knows what's like to feel trapped, and that's a big part of why Zuko felt comfortable enough to "take the mask off" with her instead of with anyone else.
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kurogane2512 · 10 months
hii! can i request Navia x fem reader where navia is possessive of the reader u can make it fluff or nsfw up to u pls🥹💗 i just love her sm now and there’s not much navia ff yet😔
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Navia x fem!reader
Type: Fluff
The prophecy had come to a pass in Fontaine and people were allowed to live freely and without fear now. You were on your way to the Court of Fontaine to start your daily duty as a Garde when a familiar sweet voice called out to you.
"Oh, Y/n!! There you are!" You knew who it was all too well- Navia, your best friend.
"Navia? You are up early to—"
"Hey, listen to me! Can you accompany me to an interview later today?!" Navia interrupted as she beamed in a joyful tone and affectionately held your arm.
"W-Woah, what sort of interview?"
"Ah, Charlotte wants to interview me after all the recent events with the prophecy and my father's case, you know? I just thought of asking you to come along and perhaps you can also put in a word or two?"
You blushed feeling her so close to you, your arm pressed into her chest as she leaned on you and looked at you with puppy eyes.
"You just have to go to The Steambird, right? Do you really need me to accompany you?"
"Oh, come on, don't be shy! I'll tell her to not take photos of you, you can just stand nearby and I promise I'll be done quickly~"
You averted your gaze and struggled to reply, you weren't against going but you also had your own duties to do. Navia sensed your discomfort and felt dejected then leaned away from you.
".....Unless, I'm interrupting your work. Haha, sorry, I got a bit carried away with my own needs. But I would love for you to come."
Ah, there it was. That look and that smile that always made you agree to her no matter what. You let out a sigh then nodded, "It's fine, I'll have someone cover my shift. When do we leave?"
Navia's eyes widened in excitement and she lunged at you in an embrace, "You are the best, Y/n! Thank you so much!!"
You blushed more as she giggled and continued embracing you, you slowly wrapped your arms around her and patted her back.
"Yes yes, enough of that. Tell me the time we leave, I'll come to pick you up."
"Ah! It's at 11 am, you can meet me at 10:30 outside the base~"
You agreed with a nod and she giggled further, "Hehe, thank you, partner!~"
Then she dashed away as quickly as she came. Navia was always like that, but you found her recent behaviour slightly strange. This wasn't the first time in the past few days that she came up to you this way and clung on with some excuse, even inviting you for lunch or dinner during or after your shifts. You weren't blind to notice the absence of her usual 2 guards, Melus and Silver, then after a bit of digging you found out they died recently.... Was Navia trying to find comfort in you?
You reached outside her base at 10:30 as decided and she came out within a few seconds, all dressed up in her beautiful attire and carrying her gunbrella. She was quick to interlace your fingers with hers and pulled you towards The Steambird HQ, clearly excited for the interview but you wondered if she was masking her sadness all this time by acting this way. Charlotte was already waiting and immediately escorted you to her office and started interviewing Navia while you stood outside and waited.
"I must admit though, Navia is really suited for these things.... She shines so brightly and her smile is so contagious, to think that she cried back when all those things happened.... I should have been there for her."
You looked down and remembered Navia's state from 3 years ago when her father died and continued to be falsely accused, tarnishing her name and reputation. You helped her investigate as much as possible, even using your position in the Gardes to gather sensitive information but nothing ever worked until recently when the truth finally came out and she felt relieved. Yet, the happiness was short lived as she lost her 2 other close companions soon after.
"Thank you, Charlotte! Hey hey, I brought Y/n with me, do you want to ask something from her?~" Navia mused as she stood up and proceeded to come out with Charlotte, ready to head to the photograph studio.
"Ah— n-no, I can't answer anything so it's better you don't try." you refuted making Navia giggle and Charlotte decided to not pursue you either. You watched their photo session carry on and waited outside when suddenly Navia called you in and held your arm closely again.
"Hey, take one photo with me, Y/n! I promise, just one is enough and it won't be published anywhere! It's... just for our memories!"
You were against the proposition but if it would make Navia happy then you would accept. As promised, Charlotte only took one perfect little picture and immediately gave 1 copy to each of you then you bid farewell to her and came out.
"Want to have lunch together, Y/n? I'll book a table at Hotel Debord~"
"Ah, I'll have to return to my shift now. Some other day, perhaps."
"Is that so? Fine then, we'll have dinner together!~"
Navia dashed away before you could reply in any manner and all you could do was sigh and accept her. Later in evening, you were standing at your post when you saw Lyney and Lynette around the area and they soon came up to you to chatter away. Lynette was quiet the whole time but she was attentive to everything you said, her tail standing upright most of the time. You weren't sure what this indicated.
Around the same time, Navia approached the venue and saw you with both of them and she couldn't help but notice Lynette's upright tail and her lightly flushed expression, she immediately understood what Lynette was thinking and a surprising neediness came over her. She knew it was wrong but she wanted you all to herself. She ran up to you three and affectionately hugged you from the side while greeting them both, making Lynette slightly surprised at the physical contact but she gave no significant reaction. Lynette was too good in hiding her expressions, after all.
"N-Navia! You are already here? It's only evening!"
"Aww, Y/n, I was just wanting to see you and talk to you! And look I made you favorite macrons too!"
"Navia, I'm still on duty. I can't slack around this way...."
Lyney and Lynette soon left watching you two converse with each other, not wanting to interrupt. Navia released her hold around you and smirked to herself before stepping away a little, but still being quite close.
"Sorry, I don't mean to bother you. I really have made macrons so come and eat with me when you get free, okay?~"
"Navia, you.... Why are you doing all this?"
"Hm? What do you mean, Y/n?"
You sighed, "Look, it's no use pretending otherwise. I have noticed it a lot by now. You are acting..... different, strange even. Is there something you are trying to hide?"
Navia looked at you wide-eyed then forced a smile and averted her gaze, "What are you talking about, Y/n? I'm Spina di Rosula's boss, I have many things to do!~"
"That's not what I meant. Tell me...." you paused then cupped her face from one side, "....What is on your mind? Are you upset about something? Sad even?"
Navia was further shocked and struggled to reply then you continued, "Is it about.... Melus and Silver?"
Ah, seems you hit right on spot. Navia's eyes squinted and gave a bitter smile, "Nothing escapes you, Y/n. It's pathetic, isn't it? I know they both died honorably and I would forever cherish them in my heart but.... but they became like family to me after my father died."
You knew something was up with her. You looked around then hastily pulled her away into an empty ally then gently embraced her, catching her off-guard.
"It's not pathetic, I understand, Navia. You miss them, there's nothing wrong with that. And I'm sorry I haven't been a great friend during this time, I should have done more...."
"N-No, you are wrong, Y/n! I know you care and you do enough already. It's just I....I get lonely when I'm away from you, and I get this strange feeling of envy seeing you with others....."
"....Is that what happened earlier with Lyney and Lynette?"
Navia slowly nodded, "You are really dense, Y/n. But yes, that's what it was. I....I don't want to lose you too, you are the only one I have no aside from Spina di Rosula!"
Navia tightened her embrace and started sobbing on your shoulder, burying her face in your neck and you simply held her the whole time to let her pour her heart out. You decided it was time for you to act on your feelings.
"Listen, Navia.... I don't know if this is what you want to hear right now but I'll say it. I will always be there for you and support you, I will be there whenever you need someone, whenever you feel sad and want to let it out to someone. Whatever it is, I'll always be there. Because.... I love you, Navia. Not as a friend but more.... Would you like us to date....?"
Your face was red saying all that and Navia couldn't believe her ears, she let out a small gasp before softly chuckling and embracing you again.
"It's not what I expected to hear but it is much better than anything I expected.... Me too, Y/n. I love you as well, I would be very happy to date you~"
You looked at her shock but softly smiled then she leaned in to connect your lips in a soft kiss, your lips cuddling with each other in perfect harmony before she pulled away with a sigh and gazed at you lovingly.
"Stay with me tonight, Y/n. I want to.... do so much more with you."
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andrea-lyn · 3 months
The Raven Cycle - Master Fic Rec Post
See under the cut for fifteen total recs, mostly Pynch. There's also 10 additional in the "Recs Less Travelled" project here.
and on the seventh day he rested by Prevalent_Masters
On the seventh day, the Lynch brothers discovered they were friends once more.
Or, the week following the (near) apocalypse.
cool of your hand, back of my neck by grandfather_clock
Adam Parrish has been dumped for the second time ever. Ronan Lynch is a gleeful, weirdly invested observer. They drive around all night long. featuring: teenagers pretending they aren’t in love, shouting over loud music, minor arson, major arson, ronan lynch’s hand fixation, and an unfortunate amount of kiting.
getting swept away by sunmoontruth
“So. Your page. Your knight. Two different people, yes?” the psychic guesses—intuits. She points to each of the tarot cards: a girl with a golden cup, a boy with a golden cup. “Yes,” Gansey says. “But similar feelings,” the psychic says, mostly to herself. She opens her mouth. She closes her mouth. She instructs, “Last card.” Gansey draws. Death. Reversed. — Or a cross country road-trip, developing feelings, and the end of the world
god only knows (what i'd be without you) by RhymeReason
[Part of Gansey was starting to accept that two of his best friends were most likely dead.]
Or: gansey finds adam and ronan :)
hold me tight, fear me not by audikatia for Northisnotup
When Adam stepped around, he found himself suddenly in an emerald glen of moss-covered trees. More blue roses scattered over the green ground like raindrops or tears.
And there, in the center, was a man pinned to a tree with an arrow through his heart. :: Tam Lin AU
i should have loved a thunderbird instead by ssstrychnine
persephone leaves adam three things: her tarot cards, her voice, and a phone from 2003.
I Worship You, Your Fingers Snag My Soul by sherasaidgaywrites
He breathed into Adam’s mouth, his voice different, somehow; filled with meaning: “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” He did his smoker’s breath, his fingertips a whisper on nerves. “His name was Adam.” And, oh, that was so fitting. What was Adam if not a man built from the dust? - Ronan does some contemplation during mass and then comes home to his second object of worship. He likens Adam unto God’s creations, Adam likens him unto God.
if, if, if by writerforlife
Declan decides it’s about time he and Adam Parrish have a chat.
like a secret (like an oath) by demigodbeautiies
“You know Richard Gansey well enough to be invited to his wedding,” Adam says, and it isn’t quite a question. Then he shakes his head, like he’s clearing it of a much bigger piece of debris, and says, “You’re the best man at his wedding?” - Pynch Fake Dating AU
Night Owls by aceofreaders (Kickasscookieeater)
Adam Parrish has worked at The Night Owl since the end of his college freshman year. It's named so because it's open late, which suits Adam just fine because no one ever comes in during those last hours before 12am.
Except, then someone does.
A foul mouthed, viciously handsome someone, who brings a slow rolling storm of change into Adam's steady life. And when he does, Adam won't be able to lie anymore.
since you've been home, see what you have become by Mici (noharlembeat)
Adam goes touring colleges, and Ronan comes along. And Opal, well. She stays with Declan.
Someone Worth Knowing by SprigsofViolets
Alex Claremont-Diaz and Adam Parrish meet on their first day at NYU. They do not hit it off—cue the academic rivalry. They hate each other until they learn to understand each other.
(I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-read this one, esp as it hits two of my fave canons in all the right places)
There's No Place Like My Room by Lil_Redhead
Sometimes endings are endings, but sometimes they’re just middles and the real ending is very, very far away.
Or, the days between the last chapters and the epilogue of Greywaren
Time Isn’t Real (but you’re a constant) by SpiritsFlame
“Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.” - Albert Einstein. Adam wakes up in the future, learns a few things about himself, about time, and about his priorities. But mostly he just wishes that Time was doing it’s job better.
(you told me) this is right where it begins by starsandgutters
The aftermath of dealing with the demon leaves behind a wake of emotional debris they were not – couldn’t have been – fully prepared to tackle. They all have a lot on their plate: assessing the damage, picking up the broken pieces, allowing the wounds to scar over. And, of course, there’s the matter of Adam-and-Ronan. (Or: falling in love doesn’t magically fix all problems, but maybe that’s alright.)
And a blanket rec for pretty much anything shinealightonme has written for the fandom.
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pumpk1n-writes · 2 years
Tell Me All About The Dark Places You Hide ~ Part Three
➥ in which the reader figures out that their best friends are the infamous Woodsboro Killers and decides to help them rather than turn them in. {ft. Mentions of murder, language, stalking}
Part One; Part Two; Part Four || Word Count ~ 807 words
Taglist ~ @wasawattpadkid @itzlovelyautumn @katie-tibo
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“Yes?” You answered sweetly. “You call back cause you forgot to ask for my name?”
“No, princess,” Ghostface said lowly.
“Then what do you want? And make this pretty short because my friend is here and I don’t want to keep her waiting. Actually, you have until this popcorn is finished.”
Billy was taken aback at how much colder you were tonight than before. Last night you’d been bubbly and friendly, ready to answer his questions and counter with your own. But right now you were closed off and hostile. Did you know something?”
“Ah yes, we wouldn’t want to disturb…” he pretended to think, humming for good measure. “Tatum, I think her name is?”
“Okay, Ghostie,” you bit back, throwing venom into your woods. “You’re either in my yard right now, or you’ve been stalking me for a while. And that means you’re planning to kill me, right?”
Billy nodded, then realized you couldn’t see him. “Yes…?” He had no idea what was going on.
“Well, I invite you to try,” you put emphasis on try, not even attempting to keep the disgust out of your voice. “But first, Tatum is going home.”
Billy tried to protest but you cut him off. “I’m giving you a free pass at me. Not Tatum. Me. So shut up and wait a few minutes.”
Billy grumbled and hung up, watching you usher Tatum out. He had no idea what you said to get her out so quickly, but he could feel the excitement thrumming through his veins. Suddenly, all the lights in the house were off and he lost sight of where you were.
He frantically called your number again, grinning stupidly when you picked up. When you spoke, your voice was low and dangerous. Completely different from how you were in school. “Who am I speaking to? Leader or accomplice?”
Billy was taken aback, the question he was going to ask dead on arrival. “Excuse me?”
“There’s two of you. One of you is going to be the leader, probably smarter and darker then the other; and one you is going to be the accomplice, probably more outgoing and eccentric.”
Billy shrugged. “I guess I’m the leader then. But why would it matter to you? You’re going to die anyway.”
“I just wanted to know who I was talking to, Billy Loomis.”
His heart dropped. There was no other way to describe the sudden panic in his ears, no other way to describe the sudden lurch of his stomach. The only thing on his mind was that he must kill you now. Any hesitation was extinguished like a flame in the wind.
“What?” How’d you know? Was it that obvious?
“Oh relax, Loomis. It’s not obvious to anyone else if that’s what you’re wondering. Did you really assume that I would think it was a mere coincidence that the day after you call me you come up and invite me into your friend group? That as soon as Stu began talking about how to gut someone, you tell him off for fear of you getting caught? That the day after I apparently ‘prove myself’ to you, you come to kill me?”
“Damn,” Billy was impressed, there was no other way to put it. You’d figured all that out in a day? He was still going to kill you — he didn’t want you spilling his secret to anyone — but he was impressed.
“Oh, I’ll still let you attempt to kill me,” you smirked. “But I just thought I’d provide that extra incentive.”
Why weren’t you scared? There wasn’t even a hint of a quiver in your voice. He felt the first inkling of anxiety buried deep in his chest. He didn’t have Stu to pull him out if this went sideways.
You tapped the knife against your lower lip, waiting for him to speak. You smiled to yourself as you threaded the rope in between the fingers of your other hand. This was going to be fun.
Without warning, the window in your living room was shattered, and you assumed that was Billy. Silent as a wraith, you slipped into the hallway, knife held behind your back.
Billy spun around, searching the shadows for you. Fortunately, his eyes were already adjusted to the darkness. He heard a sound across the room and spun, Ghostface mask heavily restricting his vision.
You smiled as Billy fell for the oldest trick in the book, tapping his shoulder. “Boo!” You whispered, slipping the rope around his neck and plucking the knife out of his hands in the same fluid, practiced movement.
Billy wheezed out a curse, scrabbling at the rope frantically. You ripped the mask off his face, tracing his jaw with the knife. “Oh Billy, haven’t you learned? Don’t mess with someone who doesn’t fear death.”
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Be Kind - James Wilson x peds!reader
description - When your job surrounds you with so much sadness and negativity, it is hard to maintain your own sunshine. But James will always be there to pick up the pieces of your broken crown.
warnings - angst, crying, blood, CPR, mentions of death
word count - 1.9k
requested - no
authors note - yeah I do really like writing angst. I think it's just because I want someone to comfort me how James comforts the reader.
REQUESTS OPEN - request here
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Y/n trotted down the corridor on her way to House’s office. Her arms were ladened with various crafting elements. Paper, glitter, glue, and scissors but not proper scissors, only the really blunt ones. Cuddy had warned her if there was another ‘crafting incident’ she wouldn’t be allowed to play with the kids for at least a week. Cuddy knew where to hit her as y/n couldn’t think of anything worse. She still needed to pick up her special box of buttons and ribbon she’d left in James’ office last night. He’d stayed late to finish some paperwork, and she hadn’t wanted him to be alone, so she stayed with him. She had sat criss-cross on his sofa, busily constructing a special sign for a little boy’s room. James had found a tumour and the boy would need to stay in for radiation. James had told her all of this and she had immediately set out crafting wanting him to feel as comfortable in his hospital room as possible.
Y/n finally arrived at the glass office of the differential diagnostics team. Her arms were so full she knocked using her pale pink sneaker. Yes, she could have just entered but she didn’t want to be rude, and they did seem to be in the middle of a case so she didn’t want to interrupt.
“I’m going to let you in anyway, so why bother knocking, especially when you don’t have the corresponding body part available.” House pushed himself up from the table he was leaning on and hobbled over to open the door for the bubbly doctor.
“I didn’t want to assume.” Grinning at the kind gesture from the morose man, she made her way into the room, continuing to juggle her many objects as each began slipping more and more. Cameron rose from her position quickly to relieve her of the glue and scissors. She was rewarded with a soft thank you and a chuckle. Cameron placed the objects on the table and returned to her seat. Each of the three House minions looked on at the woman with curiosity.
“Nice crown.” House gestured up at her head with his cane. Upon it sat a sparkly, plastic, gold tiara which was adorned with pale pink fluff.
“Why thank you! Today I have a very important tea party with Princess Melissa in room 103.” She spoke to the room as if announcing a royal wedding. She became giddy when her gaze landed on the three doctors whom she had yet had a chance to bond with. “Ooo you guys should come too! She’d love more people there; I worry she gets bored with just me. What do you think?”
The three were affronted with such a weird question. Chase was the first to speak after clearing his throat.
“We do have a case on.”
Foreman was the next to give his opinion. “Yeah, a woman with 24 hours to live means we can’t exactly sit around playing pretend.”
Cameron, ever the ‘nice one’ finished with “But thank you for inviting us.”
“Oh, I see.” Her face fell slightly. “Another time then.”
House silently observed his team. Paying close attention to their minute reactions.
Collecting herself, y/n then turned to House. “Cuddy wanted me to tell you, and I quote, ‘the nurses aren’t morons and that in the clinic the nurses record their own time, regardless of what time you give them when you leave.’” House suddenly struck a face like a child who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
The silence in the room became suffocating and y/n couldn’t take it anymore, fearing she’d said something wrong when she looked at the uncomfortable expressions of Chase, Foreman, and Cameron.
“I should go, I left something in James’ office.” She picked up her supplies and left through the door. Her feet shuffling slightly more, and her shoulders had a more noticeable slump. When the door closed Foreman exhaled the breath he had been trying to hold ever since the ball of pink clouds entered the room.
“How did that girl even get through medical school. She can’t be serious. We’re here working against the clock to save people and she’s down there in peds drawing pictures and sipping on air.”
“Who’s she helping doing that? What if one of her patients went into cardiac arrest, how long would it take the ditzy princess to act.” They all let out a giggle at Chase’s joke, trying to imagine the bubbly doctor doing CPR whilst wearing a tiara. Foreman high fived Chase.
“Interesting observations,” House finally spoke up, curious at the opinions of his team. “What about you?” He said directed towards Cameron.
Cameron opened her mouth but nothing came out. She finally relented. “She seems nice, but we’re here to do a job and when we don’t, people die. She looks after kids. You can’t mess about there.”
*your pov*
I stood just to the side of where the glass of the office began. I took in a breath, willing my tears away after listening to them. I know I shouldn’t have eavesdropped, but they should have waited at least a minute after I left to start talking about me. That’s how you successfully talk behind someone’s back. I couldn’t believe their words. We hadn’t known each other long but they had all seemed nice and I was excited to get to know them all. Maybe I came on too strong and that’s what put them off. I’ve been told to tone down my enthusiasm before, and I didn’t want them thinking I’m a joke. These thoughts swirled through my mind as I dragged my feet down the hall to James’ office.
I knocked on the door.
“Come in. Hi baby. How’re you?” James immediately noticed the change in my body as I slumped down into the chair opposite him. I fidgeted with my fingers so I could avoid looking into his eyes, afraid that one gaze would break the dam. But he knew me too well.
“What’s wrong?”
“Am I a good doctor?”
He was shocked by such a question and exhaled in a sort of chuckle. “Darling, why would you ask me that, you are the most talented doctor in this hospital.”
“House is in this hospital.” I said, smirking at his exaggeration.
“And he doesn’t hold a candle to your brilliance. Being a doctor isn’t solely about intelligence. There needs to be compassion, drive, empathy, persistence, optimism. In those respects, you are ten times the doctor he is.”
A tear dripped out of my eye, and I furiously rubbed it away whilst I smiled at what he said. “Thank you.”
Seeing this was more serious than he thought, he rounded the table and kneeled in front of the chair. James gathered me in his arms and stroked the exposed skin of my arm with his thumb. It instantly soothed my nerves.
“What’s brought this on, darling?” He spoke whilst kissing my hair. I dragged the forgotten tiara off of my head, suddenly embarrassed by its presence.
“You can’t deny I am quite a weird doctor. I play games, I wear crowns, I do arts and crafts with patients for crying out loud. Maybe if I didn’t spend so much time playing, I could be a better doctor and do more for my patients.” He was taken aback.
“How dare you say you could ‘do more’. No one in this hospital does more than you and every patient who passes through your care is lucky to have you!”
This did pull out a genuine smile from me.
“You can be anything in this world, and, everyday, you choose to be kind. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
I turned in his arms and pulled him into a bear hug. I squeezed him tight as I buried my head in his neck, practically inhaling the comforting smell. When we ended the hug, he picked up the forgotten tiara.
“By the way, Henry has already put his sign up on his door and wanted me to thank you and invite you to his room for biscuits that I snuck away from the lunch trolly.” He placed the tiara back on my head. I gazed down at him, my eyes still slightly teary, and thanked every star above us for bringing this man into my life.
His face took on a sterner appearance. “Darling, what brought this on?”
*Wilson’s pov*
I ripped open the door of House’s office. Anger bubbled through my veins and motivated my movements.
“Do not speak about her ever!” The three minions jumped at my sudden loud voice, having rarely seen my temper.
“We’re actually kind of-“ ���Stay out of this!” The finger, pointed at the three, then warned House to stop speaking.
“I am going to say this only once. I do not know exactly what you said but I do know that she is upset and that is unacceptable. If you have a problem with the way she goes about her job, keep it to yourself, as her many accolades and track record show she is doing an excellent job without your help. Her patients trust her, their families trust her. And if to gain that trust she has to put on a tutu and go to a tea party once in a while then she’s going to do it because that is the kind of person she is.” By this point my voice was raised to the max before it became yelling. I stared each of them down, so they felt the full extent of my words.
“Believe it or not, that stuff you view as frivolous, she enjoys doing. The children who come into her care don’t have much and she brings a little bit of light back into their lives.” By this point my anger had clouded my mind and I’m pretty sure I was just on a tangent now. I couldn’t think of an end for my rant, my head was just filled of her, and thinking about how upset she had been physically hurt me.
After pacing for a few seconds and rubbing my hands over my face, I made my way towards the door. But I stopped short and turned back to the stunned faces of the three doctors.
“If there is one thing from house’s lessons that I am going to un-teach you it is this; never mistake kindness for weakness, or positivity for stupidity.”
I left the room with a veritable slam of the door.
A silence settled over the room after Wilson had left. No one wanted to speak as the power of the rant still hung heavy in the room.
“As punishment, you’re all on ER duty.” House broke the tension and was met with a resounding mix of complaints and shocks. “Enough! Get out!”
They were all shocked into submission and left the room. They had all heard House angry before, of course, but rarely in the defence of someone else.
Chase, Cameron, and Foreman entered the ER, ready for a shift of vomit and broken bones. The rattle of a bed being wheeled down the hallway quickly was heard by the three and they all jumped out of the way in time. The sight they were met with after the bed broke through the door of the ER stunned them all into silence.
A stretcher on a bed was pushed through the door by two paramedics. On top lay a girl, no more than 8 or 9, who was bleeding profusely on the bed. Y/n kneeled over the girl administering CPR, covered in blood up to her forearms whilst barking out orders to the doctors and nurses around her.
After the bed passed by, no one dared speak. None of them knew what to say in the face of that image. Unbeknownst to the three, House had crept up behind them after, proudly, witnessing the same scene.
“How’s that for a ‘ditzy princess’.”
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kingovharts · 3 months
I want to see more Oblivious!MC and RO.
Someone is actively flirting with the MC right in front of the RO. A person touches their arms, shoulders and MC thinks they're just friendly. Even the expression on the face of the MC says, "Oh yes, this will be the beginning of a good friendship."
What will they do?
I was laughing for like an hour when I first saw this because that kind of a dumbass is me. :D <3
Anyway, I will try my best to not disappoint my fellow oblivious MCs!
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As always, under the cut because I love getting carried away. ^_^
Yudai Sakaguchi: Too dumbfounded to speak. :O
Yudai was strolling around the park with his beloved pet dog when he saw you talking to someone. Talking might be an understatement—why are they standing so close to you?
Concerned you might need help fending off someone annoying, Yudai walked towards you. To his surprise, he saw you animatedly responding to the person's lame attempt at flirting.
"What's happening? Is MC interested in someone else?" Yudai thought, feeling a pang of fear.
"MC, who are they?" Yudai couldn't help but wonder. It was his first time seeing that person.
"Oh, hello there, Yu! This is James, and we're just talking about stuff," he heard you say.
"What stuff?" Yudai asked, unable to hold back his curiosity.
"They wanted to invite me to watch a movie with them, but I don't think my dad would agree. So instead, I suggested we exchange phone numbers to talk about the movie!" Yudai stared at you, his mouth slightly open in shock.
"And you're okay with it?" Yudai asked after recovering from his initial shock.
"Yeah, I think they want to be friends with me. So, I agreed." Yudai couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Friends? Do friends touch and bump your shoulders repeatedly? Do friends want to spend all day alone with you?" Yudai couldn't help but refute.
"I mean… that's what we also do… I thought we were friends…"
Yudai stood there, speechless, not knowing how to respond to that statement.
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Vivienne Ramos: Too concerned about you being taken advantage of.
Vivienne is sitting on the sofa in your living room, waiting for your father to arrive. He summoned her here, but she doesn't know why.
As she patiently waits in the spacious living room, she hears you talking on the phone with someone. She can't understand the context of your conversation, but your enthusiasm makes it clear that you are genuinely enjoying the chat.
When you finally say goodbye to the person on the other end of the line, Vivienne looks away. Yet, she can't help but ask, "Who was that?"
"Oh, hello Viv, I didn't notice you there. That was Jenna. They invited me to go to an amusement park, just the two of us! Do you think my dad will let me go with them?"
Vivienne stares at you, her brows furrowed, and asks in a more serious tone, "Why?"
"I think they want to be friends with me! They were smiling at me the whole time when we first met. And oh! They also said my hands are pretty after holding them. They're full of compliments." You sound excited, but Vivienne's mood grows sour.
"MC, they were flirting with you. It's unlikely that someone you just met would invite you to an amusement park alone. They are interested in you," Vivienne says. She is about to say more when she notices the downcast look on your face.
"I'm sorry, MC. I'm just afraid they might be taking advantage of your kindness."
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Héctor Alonso: Will be too worried if this will be a normal occurrence.
Héctor was with you when the two of you went to the mall to shop for new clothes. It was supposed to be a quick trip until a certain someone decided to make you stay a little longer.
Héctor watched silently from the side. He saw that the stranger was being way too comfortable touching your shoulders, as if you had been friends for a long time.
He knew they were clearly flirting. But by the look on your face, it was obvious you genuinely thought they just wanted to be friends.
Héctor shook his head and decided it was time to go. There should be a fine line between being oblivious and naïve, after all.
“MC, let’s go. Your father is waiting.”
“But…” Héctor heard the hesitation in your voice.
“They’re not trying to be friends with you. They were flirting. So let’s not waste time and go.”
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Matyáš Dvořák: Bro is whipped.
Matyáš was busy transcribing records when he saw you talking to someone.
Even with your hushed voices, it was as clear as day that you were excited. About what? He didn’t know.
He was about to shrug it off when he suddenly saw the person casually putting their arm around you. The worst part was that you didn’t seem bothered by it.
His brows furrowed further when he saw the person touching your hands, and again, you weren’t disturbed by it.
Matyáš was torn between letting it go since you didn’t look uncomfortable and disrupting whatever conversation you were having with that person. It seemed his mind decided on the latter.
“MC,” Matyáš called, not too loudly, mindful that they were still in the archives room. He saw you look up from your seat.
“Hello Mattie, I’ve made a new friend here.” He looked at the other person and examined them. There was a smug look on their face.
“What did they tell you?” he asked.
“Oh, they told me there’s a beautiful garden somewhere in the Pantheon. They said they know where it is and invited me to go.” The sirens in Matyáš's mind blared loudly.
“And you agreed?” He was hoping you’d say no.
“Yes. I want to see it. I know you love plants, so maybe I’ll go with you next time.”
Matyáš fell silent after hearing your words.
“They’ve thought of me,” he thought, smiling inwardly.
“I understand, MC. However, you have to bring your familiar with you. It’s unwise to go somewhere without them. Just promise me that.”
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Genevieve: Uncharacteristically of her, she would stop the person before they made the attempt. How did she know? Only Genevieve knows.
You saw someone waving at you and walking towards you. Before the person could even get close, Genevieve appeared out of nowhere and blocked them.
You turned your head to look at her and noticed that her usual bright expression was replaced by a serious one.
"Is she mad?" you thought to yourself.
"MC, they will try to flirt with you and invite you somewhere alone. They are interested in you, but not in the way you think. It's best to be careful about whom you interact with. Despite being a place for supposedly divine beings, this place is not full of good individuals. I hope you remember that," Genevieve said as she ushered you away from the person.
You couldn't help but nod at Genevieve's words.
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A Wadia: They will be straightforward in telling you what the other person’s trying to do.
You were eating in the dining hall with Amala/Amrit, talking about people who believe the Earth is flat. Just before you both became engrossed in your conversation, someone cleared their throat and asked if they could sit beside you.
You agreed, of course, but it seemed your companion didn't, judging by the way they looked at the newcomer.
The three of you got comfortable and started getting to know each other. You thought you might have made a new friend. After staying silent for quite some time, Amala/Amrit finally spoke up.
"MC, they were flirting with you. When they first sat down, they were about five inches away from you. But now, look—both of your shoulders are touching. And let’s not pretend we didn't see them hold your hand! And last but not least, they even invited you to go somewhere, who knows where, alone. A-L-O-N-E!"
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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-Welcome to my ancestral Greek House, darling! -Oh baby it's so beautiful, huhu!🌞
I don't wanna know where the fuck you lived before, Meadow, but yes, we have arrived, part 1 here. And now it's time to christen our new household:
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Perfect! Cheerleader Kea why are you here?
-Are those Sophito's kids?
They sure are.
-Wow, really dodged a bullet there.
You sure did.
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Wtf do you want me to do about it?
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I can't say no to my sims, it's an actual problem. HELLO GUNNAR, I HATE YOU
-Don't talk to him that way!!! -Nah it's fine, no worries, bro. Wanna get down?
GROSS. Barth seriously, please, WE CAN DO BETTER
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-Can you? They seem perfectly matched to me!
Felina will you please fuck off?
-Can't, Meadow got me super into bird watching.
At night in the rain??
-Ok busted, I just wanna watch Barfolomew flop yet again!
-Wanna bet?
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S T O P . I T .
-What you doing, bro?! -You said you wanted to get down! -I meant drugs! -What! That's not what that means, you stupid turtle-faced moron! -WHAT DID YOU CALL ME
Bartholomew if you end up getting beaten up by fucking Gunnar Roque I will legit die.
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-That's so hot, bro, call me more names!
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-Oh Gunnar, in my family we value the exquisite Komei jaw, there's something so rebellious in your lack of chin! -Ya, call me a turtle again!
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OK THEN, we are officially turtle lovers. Bartholomew let me tell you, I caved this time because of your pathetic aspiration but this is NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN. I've worked hard to make you people attractive and I'm not about to throw it all away on Gunnar Roque's spawn!!!
-Maybe we'll be childfree!
I'll do you one better, how about Gunnarfree! Now Gunnar fuck off back to the gutter you crawled from. -Sure thing, bro, later. -You can't keep us apart!
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Jojo's wolf mania has clearly inflicted some generational trauma on his family as Barth rolls this fear of Gunnar becoming a werewolf, which would clearly be an improvement on his looks.
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-STOP TALKING ABOUT GUNNAR LIKE THAT. Now back to my song.. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May.. I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My Gunnar, my Gunnar, my Gunnar, talkin about my Gunnar..🎵
Literally kill me.
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-You know what my favorite thing is about our relationship, darling? -What, huhu?🌞 -The way we both have appropriately sized chins!
Fel seriously why are you like this, what did I ever do to you??
Remember WHAT
Are you serious, you're still not over that bs??
Well screw you, I won't let that happen! I'll find someone else for Barth!! Someone who has a chin!!!
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-Zat's ein wunderbar eyepatch, Barthölömew, ja? -I HATE YOUR GLASSES. SLEEP WITH ME
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-So the funniest thing happened at class today- -YOUR PORES ARE HUGE, YOU NEED MAKE UP. SLEEP WITH ME
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-Oh, I knew your parents back in the day! -TERRIBLE HAIRCUT. SLEEP WITH ME
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Oh my God you are USELESS
-My negging tactics will work, you'll see!
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-Soon I'll be the one making out in our front yard!
Ya idk Barth, this is the most pathetic picture of all time. I'm seriously considering cheating and changing your aspiration, like it's unreal how bad you are at it.
-I'm not bad at it, moron, I'm being strategic! Now it's time to invite them over and see my work bear fruit!
God you are so gross, maybe you do belong with Gunnar.
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I can't believe this is happening and neither can anyone else by the looks of it-
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-YET HERE WE ARE. 2/20 I guess??
-I told you! Stick with me and we'll neg every dormie on this campus!
That's not a goal I want to achieve, Barth!
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-See you later, Barth, I'm very satisfied, I'll leave you a 5 star review!
Now that I'm thinking about it, between Gunther, Cyn, Sophito and Barth we've really been operating a Greek House/Brothel for 4 gens, go us!
I'm still having a hard time believing Barth is actually good at being a romance sim, especially because Sarah has been completely desperate ever since Cyn stole evil wizard Matthew Hart from her, so I immediately invite over Sam Thomas-
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-AND IT WORKS AGAIN THO GLITCHED. WTF. Ok Barth so I guess you actually ARE competent?? Who knew.
-I knew! I always believed in Barth!
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And now, time for a tragedy in 3 parts:
So next day I'm feeling confident enough that we invite over Klara, my top pick for Barth spouse and she is INTO him, let's do this, Barth!!!
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-Heeeeeeeeey Barth, what's up?🥰 -Ich habe urgent hömewörk das dö.
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-Congrats on your great first semester grades, Sunset! -Wanna congratulate me on my first kiss, too? -What?
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OK THEN FML I GUESS. I mean I knew this would happen the day he brought her home from school and they were dancing for like 4h but still it's very upsetting.
Let's figure out the degree of relation here so we know how grossed out we should be, so they are connected through Daniel-Jojo. So her grandfather and his great-grandfather were brothers, which makes them 2nd cousins once removed. It honestly doesn't sound THAT bad, but I think the word 'removed' is really doing the heavy lifting here.
Anyway, we took a small break to kiss our cousin, now let's go back to our date with our future wife!
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-Are you enjoying this magical slow dancing in the kitchen, babe? It's a move my dad taught me. -Ja, ich was here to see your höe vater.
Oh right didn't Klara turn down Sophito LOL. But his even more degenerate son she couldn't resist, Klara wtf!
-Just give me 1 second babe, I'll be right with you-
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-Sorry, Klar, this is lasting longer than expected, why don't you put a movie on and hang out? -Ja, ök.
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-All done babe, come here! -Ohöhö! -Blood is thicker than water, Klara!
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Klara I can't believe this title goes to you of all people but you are without a doubt the biggest cuck we've ever encountered, I am legit shocked by this sequence of events.
Great! Barth is at 5/20 woohoos and I'm at 2/2 for supervillain origin stories this gen, it's all working out!
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terrence-silver · 4 months
Could you do you a scenario where beloved wants a divorce from Terry
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Man doesn't do divorce.
You can try and live apart from him and see how long it takes him to recover you, you can try to regain your freedom and fail at each and every turn and you can try to take legal action, but that's a riot, because Terry's known to break international laws constantly and with impunity. In fact, the only circumstances I can imagine Terry initiating divorce proceedings under is because he knows it'll will, in fact, never happen, and this is all a game to him, just like the whole justice system is, and he'll be there, rubbing it into beloved's face. Look. I'm getting away with it. Again, huh? Why? Because there's no earthly court that can take you from me. But you knew that all along, didn't you? So why the surprise? Did you think I was messing around? Talking the talk without walking the walk?
It's elaborate foreplay.
A flex of power.
A fetish.
A whole lot of spite. A really bizarre way of courtship and flirtation, almost.
The judges, persecutors, advocates and the whole courtroom staff is in his pockets one way or another, and he's on first name 'I'll invite you over for dinner' basis with most if not all of them, so really, what's there to fear? These are his people and he's gotten out of far more serious jams unscathed. Terry will be there, arriving to each meeting fully energized and enthusiastic because oh, he's looking forward to this each and every time, showing up with his team of lawyers for negotiations only to taunt beloved and hit on them. Smile at them. Wink at them, gleeful nostrils flaring and all. Bring them gifts shamelessly. Peacock himself around them and show off his best suits, endeavoring to infuriate them on purpose. Invade their personal space. Spill double entandres. Intimidate them one second and them attempt to charm them the next. Try to seduce them back because they belong to him. This divorce isn't a possibility because he'll never consent to it, and in fact, he'd sooner become a widower than a divorced man, the same way he'd rather put John Kreese behind bars than accept John, might, in fact, have a weird sort of connection to someone else too, no matter how unhealthy. He views this as a battle of wills he's already won and he finds it amusing and romantic, almost, like a meanspirited bully who knows he has all the cards up his sleeve would, embracing the idea that this whole divorce process is like a whirlwind spat between lovers. A whole new way he can enjoy each and every one of beloved's expressions. Their body language. The things they say. They do. The way he can eat up their outrage. Their bafflement. Every emotion they have to offer him, making himself the star of the show. The center of attention. The way they react when he, shockingly, suggests, they can get divorced solely so they could have the pleasure of getting re-married all over again or sending them a 1001 roses through his lawyer and his lawyer's assistant. He's even got the location of the second honeymoon picked out already for a second wedding; he's deliberately toying around with beloved, all while being very serious, because nobody should doubt for a moment he wouldn't go through all of these things. Oh, he would. And oh, he'd be there on mandatory reconciliation processes presenting himself as the aggrieved party who doesn't want this at all, all while he fully relishes it. It's all so unethical and he adores it.
Gets a kick out of it.
Gets turned on by it.
And he'd barely hold back a sleazy smile when his lawyer brings up the fact that Mr. Silver loves his spouse very much. His unreasonable spouse, yes. Perhaps...even...dare I say...mentally unstable spouse? Yes. That sounds good on paper. Because only someone unreasonable and mentally unstable would insist on a divorce that is unsustainable, but all the more proof, his lawyer would say, that this marriage shouldn't be dissolved precisely because it stands on such a solid foundation of tolerance, acceptance and love; all prime virtues of matrimony and everything a court of law upholds --- making beloved out like the unhinged, villainous party, effectively gaslighting them, the public, the press, the judge and everyone involved in this, exhausting the whole court, seeing as how Terry could do this for years and not let up. He's refusing to give beloved their freedom, and yet somehow, he effectively spined the narrative in such a direction where the Kafkaesque absurdity of this case can have him seeming like the victim and beloved the bad guy, with there being no telling just how far things could go, but imagination is the limit, and with Terry Silver, I reckon very, very far, because he's willing and able to things very far.
Ultimately, thirty years could pass.
Terry could be an old man, hosting a garden party somewhere in Malibu, surrounded by a posse of people, seemingly dating someone else for show because quick diversions are needed, with his divorce, technically, still in process and still nowhere even near a conclusion even though beloved technically lives elsewhere; all these nobodies, they're drinking his liquor, eating his food, mingling on his estate, making idle, empty conversation into his and each other's ears, rubbing shoulders with him and none of them even vaguely realize that he's been married for well over four decades, practically holding beloved hostage by refusing to sign irregardless of the fact that he's flaunting himself as straight laced, mellow and rehabilitated and that he doesn't intend to cease being married any time soon, nor that he's going to let something miniscule as beloved's desire for divorce to prevent him from that.
Terry Silver always gets what he wants.
What he wants is beloved.
What he got was beloved by refusing to be beaten.
He's warned them not initiate a divorce back in the day.
That their life would never be the same if they do. He wasn't joking.
There's no denial that, behind that cocksure, devil-may-care, arrogantly sadistic and unrelenting attitude he is actually deeply crestfallen that you wanted to separate from him legally in the first place, which is precisely why his revenge and reimbursement for his broken heart will be never letting you go, oh, beloved you, and call yourself lucky, because there's men who'd kill you for taking them to the cleaners like this, but he loves you far too much for that and that's, in his opinion, a rare mercy he never gives anyone. Ultimately, you did this to yourself.
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