#ohh I forgot to gave credit
lizablackthorn · 1 year
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if we don't see the same this weekend i don’t think my mental health can get recover from this
editing belongs to me do not repost anywhere especially f1twt
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
ttook a nap & had some vague dreams. wait what the fuck hold on
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no! lol. anyway in the nap
1. weird class i need to take 2. i fuck with this rich family’s pool & am rewarded 3. magical warfare. 
- i needed ot take one more credit hour class to graduate, so i signed up for some weird elective about market management & morality. it ended up having 3 people. me, some indian guy with a big beard, and a blond girl. the professor was somoe youngish guy who had that whole “kind of a mess but im making it work” vibe. the indian guy made me uncomfortable bc he kept getting in my personal space & touching me, & the blond girl was mean and vaguely dismissive. the professor was cool though. he laughed so hard he cried at some stupid joke i made. 
- day 2 of the class was an 8am class so the guy made us all eggs and onion for breakfast. i was there early so i got a double serving bc the yguy was like “they won’t know >:)” the class was now taking place in the office & the girl ame in & started telling me to omve shit around, but i didn’t want to since this was my mom’s house now. 
- there were a lot of people, new students, dressed as harry potter characters except slightly different & they had to wear pointy hats, & the main favorite cool was called something like DREISENBIRG and it was red and green
- there was some rumor that some rich people owned an outdoor pool. they were on vacation. the pool supposedly had a 1 inch layer of foam on top. if you went in thte pool it made this mean old lady really mad. 
- i went in the pool. it was less of a pool and about the size of a tiny chicken coop. isplashed around. ym friends cheered! the old lady saw me & got so mad she teleported outside with a shotgun made from an empty can of monster. it falied to fire which is great bc that would have been point blank
- the other people came home & were like “oh hit’s fine! feel free to use our pool. that giant house down to the left is actually our rchristmas house so you can just do whatever in our pool when it’s not Christmas. i was like ohh so they’re rich rich.
- there was a whole bit about magical warfare on their front lawn. whatever. i got good at dodging & had a boomerang. 
- we got invited in bc now it was me & my sister & the family was some relatives that like branched off from my grandma’s secomd marriage. i saw their youngest son on facebook recently. the last time i saw him he was a baby SO FAT i called him the loaf, which his mom didn’t like. now he’s like..9. and the other brothers that me & my sister were super tight with since they had the same age gap we had are like. in their 20s now as well. it’s so scary. ANYWAY it was an AU version of that family, where the dad was replaced by a famous actor. and they were bonkers rich.
- my ssister & i were like “we should go! sorry to impose!” & they were like no no stay for dinner :) dad will be home soon! & we stayed. the dad came home & asked me what wine i’d like 7& i deferred to my sister. the guy gave us an option between limited edition clown wine or $50,000 sakura blossom champagne. i was like uh .um . anything cheaper...
- we went into the backyard, which was a gateway into some kind of magical realm. the 2nd middle brother (who in the real world used to be really short and gawky and had huge glasses & a big gap in his front teeth but last time i saw him on FB he was like 6 feet tall & towered over his parents) was the small age here. and he pointed at the castle in the distance, & explained all the smaller buildings around it were book shrines. you could go in those to be inside the book or something, but each book had its own laws. for example if you forgot the plot of bridge to terabithia & started doing things off script or choosing things that never happened you would be torn apart by the trees and die. not all the side effects would kill you though!
- we walked towards it. the castle was further away than i thought because it was so big. something happened & some unkillable enemies appeared & started shooting artillery at us. they looked like old urgot, but darker red and brown and rusty. we started to run.
- when we got closer to th castle i wrongly assumed it had some protective spell or something on it bc it was unharmed and so huge. no. the artillery started hitting the sides of it. sttone and rubble tumbled down.
- i thought we should enter one of the books for safety, so i did. i forgot which one though. anyway we ended up in some giant arcade/terminal. i saw one that had gaolang on it & said ohh can we do this one... & it was VR about how he was fighting off the magical enemies, but he wasn’t strong enough. his king would fall. and that little orange wretched thing from the toothpaste video was there but suffering treatment like the paperdoll girls in chogakusei’s ingel music video, being tormented and twisted up and occasionally we would see him screaming begging for hellp from some uncomfortable looking ai generated picture of hell. i was like awesome. 
- the gaolang vr experience cost $2000. X from omega fighters was also there to help him, which is so funny bc i only played that game for like 30 min last nighta fter getting some friends into it
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nightcourtreader · 11 months
about your previous anon ask: I had quite different journey in regard of Nesta than you. is it weird that now I hate nesta? I mean tumblr ppl made me hate her so much right now and when I read acosf for the first time I fell in love with her but I didn't forget what she'd done to ppl around her specially Feyre but I forgave her. bc I understand her, her self-loathing, her lack of action to prove someone wrong even tho it might hurt herself or others. but like I said I also never forgot how she was in the first book. after coming here I just saw how ppl, specially her stans, misunderstood her how they turned her in to this saint that she has done nothing wrong but that was not sjm intention. Nesta hated herself for how she treated Feyre and here are ppl calling her queen for those behavior or how they say Feyre wanted to hurt herself and act like a victim while they were in the cabin. I even saw someone say that Feyre had no right to tell Nesta not to marry Tomas before she left for spring court or the way she imprisoned her at the house of wind (do they know what imprison means? whatever Nesta's situation was I'm sure as hell wasn't being imprisoned) and it's funny that Nesta was thankful for her bc she was one of the reasons she turned into this person that she is now.
a very similar thing happened between me and my younger sister and even tho I was mad at the time I'm always going to be grateful for her. if I see someone is drowning themselves and it doesn't matter the amount of time I gave them to heal themselves to overcome their trauma and now their actions are reaching me as well? Imma try to help them myself in whatever way I can even if it's unwanted. it might not be right to force ppl to do things but it's been effective as we saw in acosf and how Nesta was grateful to both Feyre and Rhys at the end.
and I can't love Nesta freely or without this ugly image these Nesta stans pictured for her. or tell others without someone coming at me telling me their distaste for Rhys & Feyre or IC in general.
idk maybe it's just me. maybe this is how sjm intended, to make Feyre the bad guy in Nesta's story. to make Nesta and Elain in the right for not helping Feyre bc they're not parents of Feyre and they shouldn't have a little sympathy and help their sister in difficulty bc that's what a human being does and not a selfish one and call their sister half beast or whatever...
yeah anyway sorry for the rant maybe I should reread acosf and try to forget those ugly comments and try to love her again but it's quite hard. I hate that HER STANS taint her character for me :')
I completely understand. I think it’s perfectly fine to not like her. I think it’s valid reasons not to like any character in this series.
Like I think people like to argue ohh nesta is just mean in the first acotar book, but to me she was still mean up until her book. I do not give her credit for telling Feyre about the pregnancy because she also, alongside the IC, agreed not to tell Feyre in the beginning & she only did it so she could hurt someone because she was hurt by Armen. It’s not a good thing when you don’t do it for the right intentions.
I know everyone is like ohh but Rhys threaten her and blah blah and told everyone to be quiet, but nesta also threaten Feyre because of Elain. Nesta isn’t only at fault about the whole pregnancy thing either tho. I think EVERYONE (Rhys & IC included) was fucked up, besides Mor since she was gone & Elain because I don’t even think she even knew or was told. But I think it makes sense for nesta to still be mean because her healing journey didn’t start until acosf.
I think when you read the series, in my opinion, if you think nesta is a saint, or any of the characters for that matter are saints who can’t do anything wrong than you are reading the wrong series. I think a lot of stans have trouble accepting that their fav characters has done wrong in the series & I get it that their fav character might have been wronged by others but we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about what the character has done. Like I’m a Feyre girlie, but I can accept that my girl has done some fucked up shit and this series. Rhys too.
The thing some people don’t understand is that nesta herself didn’t want to be that mean, bitter, angry person. She didn’t wanna lash out of people. She only said those things for self satisfaction that only lasted for a few minutes at most. Nesta also knows she wasn’t a good person and wanted to get better, that was the whole point of acosf. I know a lot of people are mad she’s with Cassian and she’s still in the night court but in my opinion the night court really fits her. People think she changed herself to fit Cassian’s standards and I don’t think that is true either. I think nesta just added to herself.
I also don’t think that nesta verbally abusing Feyre is a Queen moment to me. I know a lot of people didn’t think she did, but to me she did. It’s just really messed up. I know a lot of people don’t like Feyre and glad that nesta talked down on her, but nesta literally didn’t like doing that stuff. And if it was Feyre saying those things all hell would have broke loose.
But I think nesta behaved that way with Feyre because she knew Feyre did all the things she wouldn’t allow herself to do, and I think she acknowledges this. Feyre herself stated that they are two sides of the same coin, Feyre and nesta are so similar to each other in my opinion.
I know a lot of people say it’s the Archeon’s parents fault for what happen to the sisters in the cabin and I whole heartily agree. Papa Archeon should have gotten his ass up and did something, but I don’t think nesta & Elain made the situation any better. Refusing to help to spite your father knowing he’s not going to help what so ever is not a good enough excuse for me.
Also, Feyre telling nesta about Thomas is something nesta was thankful she did say. Why wouldn’t Feyre tell her sister that the man she has every intention on marrying has an abusive father? Abusive tendencies can be given to the next generation. We see how Thomas turned out to be, so why would we want nesta subjected to that?
Honestly I do agree with the fact that Feyre & the IC could have went about it another way with nesta & the house of wind, but I can also see it as involuntary admission, which is something that happens in the real world where people are admitted to a facility because they are a danger to themselves and they are admitted against their will.
I don’t think nesta was going to get better on her own, she was too stubborn. A lot of people argue that Feyre was given months to heal and stuff and I get that but nesta & Feyre aren’t the same, nesta is way more stubborn & I feel like why would they let nesta intentionally suffer knowing they could help her? If they didn’t help nesta, she would’ve been like that for years and it wouldn’t have been healthy! She would have destroyed herself. And in the end nesta is glad they gave her the help because she knew she wasn’t going to do it on her own!
I think that it was intentional that SJM wrote nesta & Elain to be like the bad sisters in acotar. Its very obvious that she wrote them like that to not be liked. I think she didn’t plan to do a spin off on the sisters at first. But then she did.
I don’t think Feyre was the villain of nesta’s story, I think it’s very obvious she and the IC are not the villains of nesta’s story no matter how bad people want them to be. I understanding not liking the method of what they did with the house of wind, because 10,000 steps is a bitch to go down, but nesta literally did it when she was mad and going to confront Armen. If she was really mad enough about staying I think that she could have left. Could have left the night court. I think the times she wanted to leave the house was to go get alcohol, something she didn’t need and that’s the reason SJM didn’t have her go all the way down the stairs.
And I do agree that some nesta stans do make it hard to like her. I do think it’s ok if you don’t like the IC or Feyre and like nesta. But I don’t like really seeing bashing posts about Feyre and the IC unless it’s accurate information about it because people like to make up and expand stories to tell why they don’t like them.
So my advice is to block and filter things you don’t like seeing to enjoy your experience. That’s what I do and it has made my experience on here so much better. I also try to move on when I see things I don’t like on other social media because people like to pull out of the ass things. Like maybe reread and see if you like nesta yourself without being influenced by others opinions and it’s ok if you still don’t in the end, your opinion is valid.
I would just look at it like all the characters are fucked up but can I still like them after the fact?
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Pretty Please (Reprise)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: About a year has passed since Reader and Spencer got together, and they spend the day celebrating. PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4 / EPILOGUE Category: Fluff, mostly Smut 18+ (dom!Spencer, fingering, slight exhibitionism, car sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex- creampie, slight degradation) Warnings: Sex, language. As always, if there’s anything I missed, please let me know what I should include in warnings! I want to be as mindful as I can about what I post. Thank you! Word Count: 1.7k
NOTE: Thank you all so much for reading this series! It turned into something I wasn’t really expecting, and I’m very glad you all have enjoyed it, because it’s really pushed me to keep writing. Thank you!!! I hope you enjoy this short little spicy epilogue 🥰
She knew she was going to be in for it later, but she didn't care. Messing with him was too much fun. Not to mention when he finally got her alone and had his way with her, she would be more than satisfied.
"Y/N, stop it," Spencer said lowly in her ear.
Her hand remained on its course as she smirked, and he sighed, irritated. When she circled the tip of his dick through his pants, keeping her eyes focused on the scene in front of her, he grabbed it, lacing his fingers through hers and setting their entwined hands on her knee.
She pouted, but smiled right after, then turned her attention to the screen.
Spencer and Y/N were coming up on one whole year of being together, and though she just wanted to spend the day inside, he insisted on taking her out. They went out for breakfast, then to the park, and now they were at the movie theater. She tried to enjoy every second, and though deep down she really did—she always enjoyed being with him regardless of what they were doing—she was desperate for him. He'd been away on a case for almost a week and a half, and now that he was home she was feeling particularly... needy.
She hardly paid attention to the movie, her thoughts clouded by images and memories of their first excursion together. She replayed it over and over in her head, the wanting look in his eyes as she sank to her knees and pleaded for him to let her make up for the fact that she'd invaded his privacy. "Pretty please," she'd begged, and since then she always remembered how beautiful he looked in that moment. She never forgot it, and never would in a million years.
If there weren't any other people in the theater, she would have been bolder, maybe even so bold as to re-create that moment right there. Though, as hot as sex in public had proved to be on occasion, she'd come to learn that Spencer was not a fan of germs, and she knew ultimately that even if there weren't any people in the theater, he wouldn't have let her get on the floor to do what she wanted anyway.
They were sitting in the back row, though, and the only other people in the room was a family of four down in the middle. So Y/N wanted to take another risk.
He eventually untangled his fingers from hers once he trusted her to not make any moves, and she took that as her opening. She waited about fifteen minutes, and then reached under her skirt, inconspicuously hooking her fingers through the waistband of her panties and pulling them down her legs as her eyes stayed glued to the screen. She felt Spencer's hand grip her knee in warning, but she didn't care. As she reached for her cup and took a drink from her soda, her other hand dropped her panties in his lap.
That was all she was going to do, and she should have known he'd make this hard on her, but alas, when his hand slid up from her knee and rested at her inner thigh, his pinkie finger reaching over and resting just above her clit, she almost choked on her soda.
"You asked for it," he leaned over and whispered lowly in her ear, pressing a soft kiss to her neck before pulling back. His hand stayed where it was for just a few minutes before he shifted, wasting no time plunging his middle and ring fingers inside her. Y/N bit her lip to stifle a moan, while also clutching the armrests of the seat for dear life as his fingers pumped in and out slowly.
As the movie played in front of them, Spencer brought her to the edge three times, pulling his fingers out and licking them clean as she fought the urge to beg him to let her cum, right before going back in each time. It was torture, but she did, in fact, sign up for it.
When it was obvious that the movie was ending, he picked up his pace and curled his fingers in just the right way, and she almost yelped. He leaned into her one last time, and said, "You're going to cum on my fingers, and then you're going to clean them, got it? Be fast."
That was all she needed to finish, and she came as quietly as she could, her legs clenching around his hand and her eyes squeezing shut as she tried not to call out. When he felt her legs loosen around him, he slid his fingers up through her pussy and circled her clit a few times, making her jolt forward, before pulling away and quietly bringing his fingers to her mouth. She happily took them, sucking them as quickly and quietly as she could. She let out a soft groan as he pulled them out, but then stifled a louder one as he ran his fingers through her again, gathering more of her arousal. She cleaned them off once more before the credits started to roll, and then he stood up, bringing her with him.
As the family ahead of them walked up the aisles and out of the door, Spencer shoved her panties in his pocket and ushered themselves out behind them.
He didn't say a word the whole walk to the car. And even when they started driving, he said nothing.
"Hey," Y/N started nervously as he pulled out of the parking lot. "I... I hope I didn't make you do something you were uncomfortable with. I was onl— wait, where are we going? I thought you said after the movie we'd go home?"
Spencer gave a knowing smile as he drove down an empty alley. "That was before you decided to act like a needy little whore in public. I was going to wait until we got home and be gentle with you, but now I have some other ideas."
She tried to hide a grin, already growing excited and wondering what he was going to do to her.
He parked the car and unbuckled his seatbelt before scooting the seat all the way back and moving to undo his belt. "You're going to ride me until I finish, and maybe if you're lucky you'll get to cum. Get over here." His voice was desperate, and Y/N could tell that his primary goal was to get off, it didn't matter if she did as well or not. But they'd been in that position before, and she knew that even if she didn't orgasm now, when they got home he would give her whatever she wanted. He always did.
Spencer removed his dick from his pants as she climbed over him, her skirt fanning out over them. Without warning he gripped her hips and brought her down on top of him, and she gasped as his hips lifted to meet hers. He did this a few more times before stilling and willing her to move on her own accord. She set a steady pace bouncing on him as her hands gripped his shoulders. His hands, in turn, slipped under her skirt and gripped her ass, his fingernails digging in as harshly as they could. It spurred her to move faster, and he leaned his head back with a groan. "Shit, pretty girl, just like that..."
He lifted his hips then, just a little so he could hit inside her deeper as she came down, and she cried out. She could feel him getting closer, and she knew just what would do the trick.  "Fuck, baby, cum inside me, please! Give it to me," she breathed, high-pitched and close to the edge herself.
Sure enough, his cock pulsated inside her and in no time he was filling her up, groaning out her name as it happened. She kept going, though, chasing her own release that was just on the surface, almost about to break through the water. But Spencer pulled her off of him and she whined, feeling his cum start to leak out a little.
"Please, Spencer, I was so close... Please..."
As she hovered over him, her legs barely holding herself up, he gripped her chin in his right hand and looked her in the eye. "I don't know... You were being a pretty bad girl at the theater."
"I know, and I'm so, so sorry..."
He ran his tongue over his bottom lip before biting it, pausing for a moment and then cocking his head and using his free hand to run up her inner thigh. "Beg for it."
"Spencer, please," she whined, leaning into his touch. "I'm sorry, please, just let me cum, I promise I'll be good."
It apparently wasn't to his satisfaction, because he continued tracing patterns along her inner thigh as his cum dripped down it. His eyes searched hers, silently telling her what she needed to say to get what she wanted.
She almost smiled as she said it, dropping her voice to a seductive plea. "Pretty please..."
He smirked, sliding his fingers inside her. "That's my girl."
He fucked his cum back into her with his fingers, curling them and feeling her tighten around him as she got closer. "Fuck, thank you, thank you, ohh..."she trailed off, shutting her eyes and going blind with pleasure. Soon enough she was crying out as she peaked, her fingernails no doubt leaving marks in Spencer's shoulders, even through the fabric of his shirt.
When she caught her breath and loosened her grip on him, he removed his fingers from her and brought them to his mouth, doing his best to get rid of most of the mess. But then, as if he'd had an epiphany, Y/N watched as he pulled his panties from his pocket and used them to clean up between her legs and what little had made its way onto his pants and the seat of the car beneath them.
"You know I put napkins in the glovebox, right?" she laughed as she got off his lap and sat down in her own seat. She grabbed one of them and opened it to bunch her panties in, finally setting it in her lap as Spencer readjusted himself.
"Yeah, but that was more fun anyway," he replied matter-of-factly, and it made her smile.
"Hey, before we go home can we stop for a burger? Car sex makes me crave fast food."
As he started the car and turned on the radio, the familiar tune of Love Song by Tesla picking up where it left off on the mix CD she'd made him for their anniversary, he leaned over to kiss her cheek sweetly. "Anything for you, pretty girl."
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skzfairies · 3 years
happy birthday sooyoung !
summary: sooyoung finds out who is “truly interested in her”, with some embarssing memories being made on her birthday.
time: july 31st, 2021
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“today, she will be turning 20 years old, she’s an adult now! is she excited about this?” jisung asked, turning to look at the birthday girl.
“no. i am not, i’m getting OLD!” sooyoung complained to the camera, pouting and crossing her arms, causing the members around her to laugh and awh.
“if your old then what am i?” mark shrieked, and sooyoung smirked in his direction.
“your ancient, oppa.” sooyoung teased, high-fiving haechan who was sitting next to her. the members laughed for awhile, until jisung, the mc, continued.
“today, we will be doing a series of q&a games, where all of us have to answer questions about sooyoung noona, and whoever knows sooyoung best, gets to eat sooyoung’s birthday cake with her!”
“i did not agree to this.” sooyoung laughed, she was the one who came up with the prize, but it was fun to tease the members.
“will there be a penalty if we get a question wrong?” mark asked, and all of the members perked up.
“yes, when you get a question wrong you get an accessory of sooyoung noona’s choice.” jisung sighed, and all of the members screamed in agony, while sooyoung jumped up and down in joy. this will be fun.
“okayyyy first question, take out your white boards, boys!” sooyoung cheered, while some of the boys groaned. “who was the first person of nct that i became friends with? oh, this one is kind of hard, hehe.” sooyoung smirked, peaking to look at haechan’s white board, laughing when he pushed her away.
“time’s up! please turn over your white boards!” sooyoung clapped and stood up and walked down the line, looking at the boys answers.
“mark, no my first friend here wasn’t mark!” sooyoung laughed, and put jisung’s board down. jisung whined, while everyone else screamed in laughter.
“haechan, you werent my first friend, sorry dude.” sooyoung laughed and haechan screamed, which just made everyone laugh harder.
sooyoung continued her way down the line, and none of them got it right. jaemin said mark as well, jeno and mark said jisung, while chenle and renjun said themselves.
“the answer was.....dun dun dun! maria unnie!” sooyoung cheered, kicking her leg up behind her and smiling, while the boys screamed, “i knew it!”. sooyoung ran to the table to get penalty’s for the boys.
“okay, hmmm, fish hat for jisung-ah, blush for.... chenle! mustache for jaemin, money sunglasses for haechan, cat ears for renjun, watermelon bucket hat for mark, this is cute! and frog hat for jeno!” sooyoung threw the boys their hats, laughing at their complaints and walked over to chenle.
“i get to do your makeup, chenle!!!! smile! noona will do a good job.” sooyoung cooed and patted chenle’s head, and chenle furrowed his face in disgust.
“please don’t refer to yourself as noona.” chenle groaned, and sooyoung chuckled and started applying lots and lots of blush to chenle’s cheeks, returning to her seat when she was satisfied.
“oh my god, look at chenle! his cheeks are like tomatoes!” renjun yelled, and all of the members burst out laughing, while chenle just groaned.
“okay okay, next question! what is my bunny’s name? ohh, you all better get this right!” sooyoung said, looking at all the members. she would feel so betrayed if none of them got it right.
“times up, let’s see who truly loves me!” sooyoung said, and stood up and walked over to jisung again.
“hmm, that’s close! you forgot the “y”, i’ll give you 1/2 a point!” jisung cheered, while a few of the members groaned, seeing that they got it wrong.
“haechan! my bunny’s name is not bunny, i’m more creative than that! i cant believe you didnt know it...” sooyoung frowned, and quickly walked away from haechan, who was screaming that he was sorry.
“ohhhh jaemin’s interested in me! he got it right, he’s the only one here that truly love me!” sooyoung teased, and gave jaemin a hug around his shoulders, glaring at the rest of them. jaemin smirked and patted sooyoung’s arm, before sooyoung made her way to the last two boys.
“are you guys just not interested in me? only jaemin got it right!” sooyoung whined, while the members screamed in protest, and jaemin went, “ah ha!”.
“i got it right! what are you talking about?” jisung complained.
“you only got half credit, that doesn’t count!” sooyoung complained back, going back to her seat.
“i was about to say that this question would be an easy one, but seeing that my members couldn’t get the easiest question about me correct, i don’t know. what’s my favorite color?” sooyoung asked the question, and turned to haechan, shaking him left to right.
“haechannnn, i cant believe you didn’t know my bunny’s name! i talk about her all the time!”
“you never say her name!” haechan yelled, leaning away from sooyoung’s hands.
“yes i do!” sooyoung yelled, crossing her arms and pouting, haechan started giggling and patted her head, mumbling a quiet sorry.
“okay, times up! lets see who is interested in me, ha. ha.” sooyoung said sarcastically, and made her way down the line.
“all of you got it right! good job, no punishment for anyone, oh we didn’t give out penalties for the last round!”
“i think we should give sooyoung a penalty for failing at her job as an mc!” chenle yelled, and all of the members screamed in agreement.
“it’s my birthday! dont penalized me!” sooyoung screamed, but it was too late, renjun was already running towards the table and picking a penalty.
“look! they have the moving cat ears, lets do this one!” renjun yelled, and sooyoung quickly protested.
“nooooo, that’s not fair! i only gave you guys accessory’s!” sooyoung whined, for what seem the 100th time today, but it was too late. renjun was already putting the cat ears onto sooyoung’s head.
“who should we pick?” jisung asked, looking around her members.
“sooyoung likes jaemin the most, i think.” haechan teased, and sooyoung’s ears already started moving.
“they even moved at jaemin’s name! oh my gosh, sooyoung really likes jaemin!” jeno teased, laughing at the cat ears moving.
“no! that’s not it, i’m just embarrassed because this is happening!” sooyoung yelled.
“it’s okay soo, i’m extremely sexy i understand.” jaemin teased, and sooyoung groaned.
“sooyoung’s ears can’t be moving more than 30 secs in a minute, and the loser has to do aegyo!” renjun stated, and jaemin walked up to sooyoung, and stood in front of him.
“2,1, go!”
jaemin stepped closer towards the girl, and gently put his hands on her shoulders, and looked intensely at her.
“yes, jaemin.”
“you’re so pretty, look at you!” jaemin cooed, pinching her cheeks, and sooyoung quickly slapped his hand down.
“no! you cant do that!” renjun screamed, and haechan was laughing hysterically in the background.
“it’s my birthday!” sooyoung yelled back, before looking back at jaemin, who was now smiling down at her.
she could feel her ears start to twitch, and she screamed, while the members started laughing and screaming.
“he didn’t even do anything!” chenle yelled, laughing at the cat ears that were still moving, while sooyoung covered her face in her hands and groaned.
she could feel jaemin’s hands prying her hands down, and before she knew it, she was wrapped into jaemin’s arms, and her ears were definitely twitching now.
“and done! sooyoung failed!” jeno clapped his hands, and sooyoung tried to get out of jaemin’s arms, but he would not let go.
“jaemin, jaemin, JAEMIN LET ME GO!” sooyoung laughed, squirming in the boys arms and smiled when he finally let her go, patting her head before returning to his seat.
“ohhhhh sooyoung has to do aegyo, i’m excited to see this.” renjun laughed, while sooyoung just mumbled for him to shut up, which made him laugh even harder.
“3,2,1, go!” chenle yelled, and sooyoung sighed deeply, before pulling the biggest pout she was capable of.
“sooyoung wants hugs and kisses, please hug me!” sooyoung whined, in a disgustingly high voice, and she threw her arms around herself, swaying around.
“awhhhh cute!” jaemin screamed, clapping his hands.
“oh sooyoung your so ugly, stop it!” haechan screamed, and sooyoung turned around and held her fist up at him.
“haechan, i swear to god!” sooyoung cried, before throwing her self down on the floor in embarrassment. this was the most embarrassing birthday she has ever had.
“we finished today with a very embarrassed sooyoung, as you can see. jaemin wins, with two points, and jisung comes second with 1.5 points, and the rest of us have one point, so jaemin, please say some words!” jisung said, returning as an mc while sooyoung sits back into her chair, still clearly embarrassed.
“thank you, thank you, i’m glad to see i know our lovely sooyoung the best, i’m clearly her favorite, as you just saw. yes, sooyoung, i love you!” jaemin smiled, sending a big heart her way, while she just looked back at him, with an emotionless expression.
“i hate you.” sooyoung mumbled, and the rest of the members laughed, this was the most traumatizing birthday sooyoung has ever had, she thought.
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chironshorseass · 4 years
I u want, could u mayhaps write about annabeth seeing percy after a long time apart and realizing his voice grew deeper? I saw a post about it once and I think u would nail it perfectly<3
TIME PASSES SO QUICKLY AHH but here it is! I also got another request of pre-relationship percabeth and let’s just say that y’all read my mind. Also sorry that I can’t seem to write anything under 1k words 😩
read on ao3
“So I heard Percy’s coming today,” Silena said casually, holding a basket against her hip.
Annabeth yanked one of the strawberries so hard that its leaves came along with it.
“He is?”  
She didn’t try to shroud her excitement like she would’ve done, not too long ago.
“Yeah. Charlie told me.”
She felt a twinge of jealousy that Percy hadn’t even mentioned it to her, but she quickly clamped it down. It wasn’t his fault. Not entirely, anyway. They’d IM’d at the beginning of their semester as freshmen, but then it had gotten to the point of him mentioning Rachel all the time, and then the year had gotten busier, and…
Well, they’d lost contact.
Realizing she’d zoned out, she blinked away the fog from her eyes.
“But honestly I wasn’t supposed to tell,” Silena was saying. “He said something about it being a surprise or whatever. I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Annabeth must’ve been doing something strange with her face, because Silena gave her a smug look, raising her eyebrows. She was used to her doing that, so she didn’t mind.
Well, maybe a bit.
But the daughter of Aphrodite already knew everything there was to know about her feelings for Percy. Probably before even Annabeth first realized that she was in love with her best friend. So again, it was pointless to hide from her.
“So.” Silena bumped her gently on the shoulder. “What are you gonna wear?”
Annabeth lifted her sun hat and stared at her for a couple of seconds. The latter looked as perfect as ever, despite the grueling sun. With her pink crop top, mini shorts, perfect makeup, and her dark hair pulled back into a low bun, Annabeth had little doubt that she could help her choose a different outfit other than her torn camp wardrobe. But, still, this was Percy.  
Her best friend.
“Mmm...no, it’s fine. We’ve got to finish the south side of the strawberry fields, so, we can’t lose time, ya know?”
Silena gaped at her, then scoffed.
“What am I going to do with you, Chase?” she muttered, crouching to the ground again and shoving her hands into the foliage. “But whatever—it’s your call. Like, you’re so pretty that you actually look good in that sorry excuse of an outfit.”
Her eyes roved over Annabeth’s shirt and jeans. She felt herself blush at the attention.
“Hey, is that blood?”
“Uh...Maybe—but it’s old! Don’t worry.”
“A lost cause, I tell you.”
It had been too long since she’d caught a glimpse of that tell-tale curve of the shoulders and those raven curls.
Percy was early. Most of the summer campers always came the next week or so from this one, but she wasn’t complaining about his untimely arrival. Not when he looked that cute in his school uniform and with that ridiculously messy hair.
She regarded him from afar as he chatted with Beckendorf by the Big House porch, a bag slumped over his shoulder. Something about him—in the way he laughed or how he suddenly looked taller—made her stomach drop like a volleyball, made every blade of grass seem brighter.
Running up to him, she yelled, “Hey, stranger! Why so early?”
He turned to the sound of her voice, flashing her that crooked grin of his. Gods, she’d missed him.
“Hey yourself!”
When she finally reached the two boys, she skidded to a halt in front of Percy and gave him an exaggerated once-over.
“Why’d you still have your uniform on, Seaweed Brain?”
“Do I?” he gazed down at his white shirt and gray pants. His eyes flicked to her again, smiling sheepishly. “Oh. Kinda forgot I had it on, I guess.”
“Man, I’ve already told you,” Beckendorf said. “Leave the fancy shit home.”
“I forgot, okay? You know I hate this stupid uniform.”
In her honest opinion, the uniform seemed to be quite the opposite of stupid. Really, it should've been a crime to look that good in white and rolled up sleeves.
“Yeah, whatever.” Beckendorf glanced back and forth from Percy to Annabeth. He smirked and patted Percy on the back. “Anyway,  I’ll leave you to it.”
She watched him stroll to the Big House and step inside. He’d probably been here—with Percy—in the first place because of a favor from Chiron.
They stood there, letting the silence build up.
His eyes were warm, green like the shallow sea. Annabeth had always thought that she’d get used to that color, that luminescence. But she never did. Every time she peered up at them, it felt like the first time all over again. She could drown in those eyes and beam up at the fading sky and not beg for breath.
But now, it was worse. It was worse because she could tell that he’d grown. Actually grown. She didn’t quite know how to feel about the fact that his voice had abruptly dropped at least an octave lower than from last summer and that from now on, she’d have to lift her chin to meet his eyes.
“You’ve changed,” she blurted out.
She probably winced a little. Hopefully, she’d sounded casual.
“In what way, exactly?” His mouth twitched into a grin, cheeks dimpling, and her nervousness faded to a quiet buzzing. “That I’m finally taller than you?”
She pushed him away lightly to cover up the flush that was surely painting her cheeks a light pink. This was stupid. He was just being stupid. It was just Percy, for gods’ sake.
“Yeah, taller than me by like, an inch.”
“Admit it, you’re jealous.”
“I hate you.”
That was a lie, and Percy knew it.
“No, you don’t.”
“How am I supposed to keep things out of your reach, now?”
“See, that’s the point. Now I get to pick on you. Shortie.”
Annabeth stuck her tongue out. “You’re such a child.”
He laughed again, giving her whiplash from how different the sound rang in her ears. His laughter had always been a comfort to her, something that made her chest warm and gave her the motivation to try and let it out of him, again and again.
And it still was.
But this new laugh, however, had a richness to it that she felt down to her toes. He threw his head back, eyes crinkling like they always did. And yet, she found new angles to it. Saw a strange glow. He stood under the spotlight of a brand new theater, making everything he did seem like something new and foreign.
It dawned on her that she was staring like an idiot, even after Percy’s smile had faded to a lingering tug of the mouth.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, plain and honest. In many ways, he hadn’t changed. Not really.
“Me too.” Their eyes stayed interlocked for a couple more seconds. She cleared her throat. “Have you, uh...told Chiron you’re here?”
“He already knows.”
“Psh. So am I the only one that didn’t know about you coming here?”
She didn’t mean to sound so accusatory, but there was no backing out, now.
He ducked his head. It was barely recognizable, but she could always tell when he was blushing.
“I...well, you know, wanted to, um—surprise you.”
Another awkward pause.
Percy scratched the back of her head. “Do you, uh...wanna walk with me? To my cabin?”
“You know,” he said. “My mom made you cookies.”
“Are they any good?” she teased.
He turned to give her an incredulous look. “This is my mom we’re talking about. Of course they’re good.”
“Okay...well, what are you waiting for? Hand them over, Seaweed Brain.”
“In a sec. I’m too lazy to open my bag right now, in the middle of camp.”
As they walked, Annabeth noticed how heads turned when the campers got a good look at the two of them together. Most of them just stared at Percy. They passed by some of her siblings carrying spears; she saw Malcolm wink and felt herself blush again.
“Anyway, you wouldn’t have guessed what I got on my finals,” Percy was saying.
She glared pointedly at Malcolm, then whirled her head to look at Percy again. “What’d you get?”
“Oh my gods, Percy. Just tell.”
He smiled and gave her a sideways glance. “You’re no fun.”
But even if he said it casually, the comment dug deeper than she would’ve liked. Did he think Rachel was fun? She decided not to dwell on that.
Annabeth was the one talking to him. Not Rachel.
He glanced at her once, but seemingly decided to fix his gaze forward. His eyes sparkled in a way that she knew meant he was trying to hold back a grin. He’d failed in the attempt, though.
“Okay, I’ll just say it: A ‘B’ plus.”
Her jaw dropped. “Percy!”
“Yeah,” he laughed.
“Oh my gods!”  
Clarisse, standing by the Ares cabin, mimed Annabeth, mouthing her words and making kissy faces. She mostly ignored it, too distracted on what Percy had just said.
Her heart swelled at the thought of all the work he must’ve put himself through.
She grasped his arm. “I’m so proud of you, Perce.”
“Yeah, me too. Paul helped, though. And mom.”
“Give yourself some of the credit.”
He sighed happily. “I guess I can say that I didn’t cheat. Well, maybe a little.”
She tried to shove him, but he danced away.
“Ohh, don’t tell me that you’ve never cheated on anything.”
“Okay.” She rolled her eyes. “Like maybe once or twice.”
“But whatever. You got a ‘B’ and that’s what matters.”
“Yeah. It is.”
They smiled at each other for a second, then, he shouldered his bag and stopped by cabin three. The abalone shell seemed to glow brighter when he stood next to it.
Before she could stop herself, she said, “We should celebrate.”
He lifted one of those thick eyebrows of his and leaned back against the door frame. “What do you mean?”
“You know…” she kicked some of the stray pebbles from the ground, suddenly flustered. “Your grades. It deserves a celebration, don’t you think?”
His face lit up once more. “Oh! Yeah, like a picnic or something? We could eat the cookies Mom made—unless you want them for yourself, which is fine—”
“No!” She bit her lip. “I mean—sharing is cool. I’d like that.”
Annabeth decided it best not to visibly cringe at herself. Who’d even say “sharing” and “cool” at the same time?
Luckily, Percy nodded along with her. “Okay. Cool. Wait—that reminds me…” He unzipped his bag, hands already roaming around inside it. “Ah, here it is.”
He took a take-out like box with red flowers painted around the sides. They looked handmade. She accepted the gift with a smile.
“Who made these?” she asked, examining the paintings closer. “They’re pretty.”
When she saw his smug look, she didn't have to think twice about who had decorated it.
“I did,” he said. Her expression must’ve still been akin to impressed shock, because he chuckled. “What? You think I can’t be artistic?”
She shrugged. It was a simple fact, really. “Since when did you learn?”
“Uh, Rachel taught me.”
He nodded tightly.
Right. While she’d lived on the other side of the country, alone and with a family who still wasn’t that comfortable around her, he’d been off with his new mortal girlfriend. And how much time must it have taken for Rachel to teach him how to do those precise brushstrokes? To combine those colors properly? Days or more, she knew.
They’d been busy.
She pretended not to care, anyway, opening the box to check on the cookies. “They, um...They look good!” She met his eyes so that he could see just how sincere her words were—because they really did look divine. Divine and blue. “Give Sally my thanks. And you must’ve worked really hard on this. So, thanks also.”
Annabeth noticed how he relaxed at the change of subject. Idiot.
“I will. And nah, it was nothing. I just really wanted to, um, to contribute with the gift. I guess. And mom loves you, so…”
“Loves me more than you?”
He snorted. “Probably.”
The edges of her mouth quirked up. “So...when are you up for that celebratory picnic thing?”
“Uh...from what I remember, I think my schedule’s got like, free time at around five. That sound good?”
Her mind buzzed through her list of daily activities, relieved to find something else to think about other than the awkwardness that now lingered in the air.
“Yeah, I think I’m free at five, as well. Tomorrow, right?”
“Sounds good to me.”
It wasn’t the same. That, she could tell.
She bit the inside of her cheek, watching him fight with Clarisse. So they’d go on a picnic together. Big deal.
She’d just barely stepped outside cabin three when Silena had dragged her away, begging for every detail.
Annabeth wasn’t going to lie: she was excited. More so than she’d let on. And yet, she wasn’t sure if he liked her that way.
Not with other girls fanning over him, now. Girls like Rachel.
How could she have let him go so easily? How was this the first time in months since she’d last seen him?
She’d spent the day pretending it was fine. Her heart ached whenever he was near, but it also hurt when he was gone. She couldn't have it both ways.
So yes, everything was fine.
Maybe if she said those words enough, then she'd start to believe it and stop with this feeble act of hers. This pretending that none of the shit they’d been festering against the other mattered. And in the process, also pretend that these new feelings she had for him—that didn’t feel so new—never existed in the first place.
Then again...what was she thinking?
This was her best friend. Her best friend whom she’d tried to kiss about a year ago and who hadn’t even breathed a word about it since. Who talked to her like he was stepping around eggshells. Who was clearly not interested in her in that way if what she suspected about Rachel was true and who had suddenly become one of the most attractive guys in Camp Half-Blood.
She hated this. This sensation of her heart beating faster, her breath coming short. Her brain fading any thought away, leaving it lustrous with the image of Percy. Percy this and Percy that. His stupid smile and his stupid laugh and—
Ice-cold water struck her skin, stopping her thought process short like a shock wave.
“Sorry,” Silena said, not actually sounding sorry. Stray water dripped from her hand. “You were spaced out for a while.”
Their canoe boat rocked back and forth along with the gusts of wind.
“Okay,” Annabeth said, glaring at her friend. She wanted to wipe that cheeky grin off her face. “Now you’re just asking for it.”
With a sharp, practiced tug, she flipped them over. Silena’s screech died when they hit the water.
She resurfaced, spluttering, splashing Annabeth again and again.
“You little shit! I am going to kill you!”
“What?” Annabeth laughed, choking on water. “I thought your makeup’s waterproof!”
Silena threw more water at her.
“Your point?”
And okay, maybe they looked like fools fighting in the middle of the lake, laughing and joking around. But it was fine; no one was there to witness it except perhaps the naiads and the cicadas that roared in the woods along with the rogue monster.
Well...there was one person.
But the girls didn’t have the mind to notice him.
Percy sat on the back of the pier and smiled, shaking his head.
Maybe someday, they could move on from this strange faze. From skipping around each other, then acting like friends all over again.
The sound of the conch horn in the distance brought a reluctant stop to the chirping of the crickets. Dinner time.
He stood up and made his way back, wishing that just maybe, he could be brave enough to tell her how he felt. To unashamedly look at her and no one else as though she were the fading sun, inviting for the naked eye to gape at directly as it caressed the sea and the tree tops while coloring the sky a deep purple. To kiss her in front of all those stupid people and hug her and make her laugh and smile, all golden and beautiful.
Rid himself of the worries, once and for all.
But it couldn’t be.
Maybe, just maybe…
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ginnyweasely · 4 years
pairing: draco malfoy x reader (fem!) warnings: swearing, drinking (sort of), a bit angsty!!, but MOSTLY FLUFF!!, draco is a bit ooc but that’s how i like it bb! summary: draco seems to be super curious of the reader who has trust issues and has a hard time opening up. word count: 7.3k+
A/N: I know this is very loong but bare with me bc i sort of kinda love this one!! This is heavily inspired by one of my own very old imagine but i changed up many stuff,  ALSO!! i’m gonna start making my own gifs for my writings so if you do take them PLEASE please do not claim it as your own and feel free to give credit! happy reading :) also remember feedbacks are alwayss welcomed with luv and hugs!!
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Y/N groaned at the sound of her stupid alarm clock, her hand sluggishly and lazily trying to stop the stupid machine from making anymore loud noises, failing so, she groaned loudly as she opened one eye to stare at the clock, spotting the stopping button and pressing it more like crushing it. 
She groaned as she got out of her bed, realizing she had much time left before she actually had  to go to class, causing a feel of calmness in her. She liked being right on time or just being ready way head of time, otherwise being late made the girl filled with anxiety.
Sighing, she messily spread her bedsheet on her bed, not caring enough nor having the enough energy in her to make her bed cleanly.
She looked at her school clothes that were hung by the door, all ready for her to just slip on to her body.
Her head popped around the room as she searched for her roommates, a breath of relief left her mouth as she realized they were nowhere to be seen, she found it better to be just be on her own, getting ready while people were around made her feel weird and uncomfortable.
She got her clothes and slipped into her clothes quickly, admiring herself in the mirror as she put on her robe, her outfit now matching. She brushed her hair to make it look of a messy wave, quite liking having her hair like that, which made her feel a lot more confident.
Y/N was rather a quiet girl who kept most thing to herself, by quiet it’s not as if she was shy or self-conscious, she just liked being alone, didn’t trust people enough, in fact she knew nothing about anyone, as no one knew anything about her.
She liked keeping things that way, as it was easier for her to communicate with people, she was not anyone’s best friend, she was simply friends with everyone, she hung out with people from her house, maybe sometimes with a few of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws too, but mainly from Gryffindor, and she didn’t know why but she didn’t know anyone from Slytherin.
Mainly because she didn’t care to know, Slytherins always seemed too much for her, she barely knew anything about the students at Hogwarts, soon realizing that she preferred it that way, hell she barely knew anything about the “friends” she hung out with, Ron,Hermione and Harry.
She knew she didn’t used to be like this, but with each time more and more people seemed to be breaking her trust, the girl decided that she was better off to keep her things to herself.
She was more than happy to just be with herself, she liked being that way, the only one who couldn’t hurt her was herself, sure she felt lonely at times, but she liked it, she’d rather be lonely than be hurt.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, admiring her face, she sighed softly as she noticed how pale she had been looking, so she softly pinched her cheeks to rise some color into them, happy with the results she smiled to herself in the mirror.
She slowly got up as she quickly got her books, stuffing them into her bag, and sluggishly putting it around her shoulders and getting out of her dorm.
She was walking down the Hogwarts corridors, trying to make her way into the Transfiguration class, walking through the empty corridors gave her joy, she finally got where the Transfiguration class normally was, and entered the room but to her surprise the room looked a bit different, it wasn’t the transfiguration class. It was something else.
Confused and distracted she headed to the exit and as she did so, her body collided with a boy’s, books falling to the ground as the weak girl fell from a little bump.
Y/N groaned as her bum hit the ground and she didn’t know if her head or her bum hurted more. “Watch where you’re going!” The boy snarled as she chuckled in distaste.
“Me? Your stupid big head almost destroyed mine!” She protested against him as she rubbed her head. He scoffed at her response but as he looked around the empty classroom he had the same question in his mind as hers.
“Where is everyone?” The platinum headed boy turned his head to her as she was trying to fix her skirt. “That’s my question as well. Isn’t this the transfiguration class?” She said as confused as the platinum headed boy.
“Did they like move classes?” Y/N questioned as Draco shrugged he was as clueless as she was.
Y/N was about to open her mouth but was interrupted as someone else came into the class, looking at both of them weirdly as Y/N sighed “Let me guess, you’re here for the Transfiguration room, too?” She didn’t mean to sound annoyed but clearly to the girls response she was.
“Uh no? This is Defense Against The Dark Arts, Transfiguration moved next to the Potions yesterday, Dumbledore announced it at dinner.”
A simple ohh escaped from the both clueless Draco and Y/N’s mouths as they slowly exited the room, walking towards to the new room, which made Y/N groan because it was all the way over to the end of the castle, causing her to get anxious about being late.
Being so into her thoughts she totally forgot the boy that was walking next to her, she realized they had been awkwardly walking in silence, Y/N sighed as she hated situations like this and was mentally cursing until her thoughts were interrupted with Draco’s voice.
“What’s your name?” He asked as he tried to keep up to her fast walking pace, “I’m Y/N, Y/L/N.” she replied softly, then added “And you are?” The boy chuckled at the question as Y/N stared at him in confusion.
“You don’t know who I am?” He questioned shocked as he realized she was serious, “Was I supposed to know?” Y/N asked as sarcasm was dripping from her mouth.
“Well, of course. I’m Draco Malfoy, son of Lucious Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy, the most respectable wizards in the wizard history.” Draco said proudly as Y/N just looked at him awkwardly.
“Uhm.. okay?” She replied in an uninterested voice which the boy took offense to and had a hard time not believing in how she didn’t have a clue of who he was.
Frustrated he spoke up again, “If you must know they call me the Slytherin Prince!” He added in order to impress her but in return she just cackled at the name, and even though she tried her best to brush off her cackle it just seemed to anger the boy.
“What’s so fucking funny!” He grunted, as the girl opened her mouth to speak “It’s just you Slytherins have so much confident in yourselves, and it makes you guys extremely cocky, it’s both a good and a bad thing, really.” She smiled and in return Draco smiled back.
“So I take it you’re a Gryffindor?” She nodded “How did you know?”    “Well, you stood up for me, that’s courage and well, your robe..” He pointed and she chuckled at her stupidity.
“Right..” She said still walking towards the corridors, but now they were enjoying their conversation so her pace was much more slower. “You could have been a great Slytherin with that sarcasm though..” She chuckled as she brushed off his comment.  
Y/N was about to make a joke about his “Slytherin Prince” title but she froze as her eyes met up with the light brown eyes of the guy in front of him, she mentally cursed herself, wanting nothing more than just to disappear at that moment.
Draco quickly noticed the change in her and was baffled at first, but he slowly eyed her movements and looked up, seeing the infamous “Golden Boy” of Hogwarts in front of him. Cedric Diggory was standing there as Y/N stood still.
He scoffed at the sight of him, his attention slowly turned back to Y/N who seemed to be stunned by Cedric, as the boy curiously wanted to know why the “Golden Boy” had such an effect on her.
Cedric smiled at Y/N softly as Draco saw her give him the weakest smile ever, as her face seemed to falling apart, her pace quickened by the sight.
“What was that?” Draco questioned curiously as a hint of worriedness could be heard in his tone. “Nothing, let’s just go to class.” Y/N said hurriedly as she brushed him off and their quickened pace arrived them quickly to the class,
“Uhh, do you wanna sit with me?” Draco murmured as he tried to sound confident but nervousness could be read from the boy’s face, “Yeah, sure!” Y/N replied rather quickly, washing away Draco’s worries as she smiled at him and they took their places in the class.
Draco seemed to be confused.. by many things, his mind quickly started to wander off. First of all, why was he sitting with a Gryffindor, that he specifically asked for?
Second of all why did Y/N froze at the sight of Cedric and lastly but the most important, why did he actually like spending time with Y/N? His mind went fuzzy with the stupid questions the entire class, trying his best to focus but unable to. Then he did the worst possible thing he could do, he gently turned  his head around to look at Y/N.
His distracted mind was now a mess, staring at the pretty girl next to him made him feel fucked up in his stomach, he closely eyed her movements, but sooner or later realized that staring this much at her could draw her attention so he tried his best to observe her by the corner of his eye.
He wanted to study her fully, he wanted answers to the questions in his mind, he certainly liked that she didn’t know about him, it was a greater change that he could finally meet with someone unaware of his reputation, because people either hated him for it or loved him for it, there was no in between.
Y/N didn’t seem to be the sort of person that cared a lot of what people were doing, at least that’s what Draco thought as the girl had no clue he even was. To him she seemed like a pretty normal person that stayed out of people’s business.
So the question of why she of all people would have a problem with someone like Diggory was a whole puzzle for him to figure out, meanwhile Y/N was lost in her own thoughts, trying to get the stupid Diggory boy out of his mind, feeling ever so stupid for even thinking about him.
Time passed as the pair sitting together were both in their own thoughts, minds fuzzy with questions, which caused the class to end abruptly.
A sigh of relief leaving Y/N’s mouth as it did so, causing her to act quick and packing her books even faster, getting up as soon as she got ready and muttering out a quick Bye! to Draco and quite literally vanishing.
Draco’s attempt at acting quick and trying to keep up with the girl simply failed as the girl was nowhere to be seen, causing an annoyed sigh come out of Draco’s lips because of her unreasonable stand off-ish personality, the hopes about hanging out with Y/N and maybe even being friends with her were instantly crushed.
Draco clearly needed a friend like her. But it seemed Y/N’s mind was more busy with other things. Her mind was fumbled in other classes too, not to put all the blame on the Diggory boy, she was just a distracted, messy girl is all.. She would write everything down and take notes of everything, but she couldn’t listen to the classes, her mind would be all off.
She got out of her classes and went to supper, her eyes searching for Hermione as she tended to sit with them on lunch, even though lately she felt weird sitting with them since their relationships where causing drama.
It was pretty messy, but all too simple in Y/N’s mind. It seemed that Harry was into Ginny, and Ginny was into Harry but they both didn’t know, and on the other hand Ron and Hermione were into each other but they were both dating other people, the whole drama thing was nice to watch from outside but Y/N didn’t want to get involved, she didn’t like being in people’s business, so she tried her best to stay away, but still sitting with them tended to create some awkward moments.
To be perfectly honest, she didn’t really care, she never was the person that was full of emotions and could open up easily, but after Diggory, she became more and more secretive,  more stand off-ish.
She felt emptier inside, she was less focused and more all over the place, even though it seemed they weren’t best of best friends, even the Golden Trio took notice of Y/N’s changed actions, they even tried to help her once or twice, but Y/N made it look like she was super strong and didn’t need anyone, that part wasn’t really true, but Y/N always hated seeming fragile or weak so they dropped it, leaving the girl alone as she liked it.
She didn’t like opening up to everyone. She couldn’t blame all of it on Diggory either, nor Potter for setting them up, she was also one to blame, she should’ve distanced herself from him, she should have known better but she just didn’t.
When she met Diggory, he wasn’t the “Golden Boy” of Hogwarts, he was just a kind lovely kid who had taken an interest in Y/N, and of course Y/N was stunned by the boy, he was gorgeous, kind and was overall lovely... or that’s what she perceived him as…
Their relationship wouldn’t exactly count as perfect, she could very well admit that, but she always thought they connected on a level that she felt she had never connected with anyone, and she truly cared for the boy and wanted to believe he felt the same for her, it was a huge disappointment to discover that her feelings were not mutual.  
Their relationship wasn’t as public as Y/N thought, a few of their friends knew, rest of the school didn’t care much about it, she never realized not being too much in public with him would be the cause of their break up. There wasn’t a particular problem in their relationship it was all sweet and lovely until the Triwizard tournament, Y/N never thought that Cedric joining the tournament would change him, she never thought that it would end their relationship, but it fucking did.
It all happened when the arguments started, when Cedric was becoming too cocky because of his “Golden Boy” title, he would constantly have girls throwing themselves at him left and right, and he would never do enough for Y/N to feel comfortable when those girls were all over him, making Y/N burst into tears as soon as she was left alone.
Too much tears shredded for a boy who didn’t deserved them. Sooner or later Y/N did suspect somethings about the boy and all the girls around him but she never wanted to believe or egg on her suspicions, she knew she was fooling herself but she was trying her best to not get hurt even more, but boy did that fail miserably.
It happened on the second task, she remembered the moment so vividly. Y/N was on her way to the second task, to support Cedric, she slowly took a place as she stood there cheering for his boyfriend.
Feeling an enormous joy filling her entire heart, only then for her heart to be crushed miserably in a matter of seconds. Y/N’s huge smile slowly faded as it took the form of a frown, her lips now formed in a shut line.
Tears threatened to leave her eyes at the sight in front of her, the realization of what the task was about and who Cedric was with hit her later than she ever realized.
The task was about them saving someone they cared about, and Cedric got out of the water with Cho, whom Y/N heard rumors about that Cho and Cedric hooked up a week ago, a rumor that Y/N now had no heart to ignore.
A soft sob escaped Y/N’s lips that day as she exited the arena, rushing over to her dorm as quickly as possible, she didn’t know whether to be mad at Cedric or herself for being this fucking gullible.
Soon enough though, when all the tasks were over, Y/N broke up with Cedric in the coldest way possible. She thought hiding her feelings from him would make her feel stronger, but it didn’t, she cried herself to sleep that night, and maybe even more nights following that night.
Y/N couldn’t believe she was fooled by his charm, she felt stupid. She hated Cedric because of that, and because of the fact that just today the arse smiled at her in the hallway, as if nothing had happened between them, as if he was smiling at her out of pity, she hated it.
And even more so she hated the fact that she returned it, she mentally cursed herself and groaned at her own actions as they replayed in her head.
She was snapped back to her senses when her horrible memory flashback was over, and her attention was back to the Gryffindor’s chatting at the table, she tried to join in once or twice but failed to look interested, she took one more bite of her food and excused herself, to get some fresh air and be alone with her thoughts, and her mind.
She got out of her chair and collected her books, slowly walking towards to the entrance of the castle, she quickly hurried over to a quiet place as she took a place on the grass her slowly laying out her books on the ground, as she picked one of the books to read it.
Her hands slowly gazed over the book as she started reading it quickly, wanting to off her mind. Y/N’s focus was fully on her book and was devouring the pages quickly, but a nudge on her shoulder startled her as a small squeak came out from her mouth.
“Blimey! Relax Y/L/N! It’s just me!” Draco said chuckling at the girls reaction, as Y/N softly gasped at him and playfully hit him in the arm with her book chuckling “I almost died you arse!”
He smiled as he kneeled down next to her, tilting his head so he could see what she was reading, “What in Merlin’s beard is that?” Draco asked confused.
“It’s a muggles mystery book, you git!” Y/N said smiling. Draco made a nauseous face. “Oh come on! Just read it and you’ll love it! This is the second part of the book series, I actually have the first part in hand, and you can read it and we can discuss!” She gushed as her hand reach out to her stack of books handing it out to Draco.
Draco would never admit this out loud but he found your gushing over a stupid muggle book so cute that he realized he could not refuse.
He groaned slowly “Fine, but in one condition!” he smirked “And what is that?” Y/N asked confused her eyebrows furrowed softly, he did his best to not find the pretty girl in front of her cute at all times but she made it impossible.
“You have to go to Hogsmeade with me!” Draco exclaimed as Y/N was even more confused now, not expecting an offer like this from the grey-eyed boy, she was silent for a second as that made Draco almost die from embarrassment, but seconds after she washed away Draco’s embarrassment as she happily agreed.
They spent the next day with each other, both didn’t know what the day was supposed to be like was it a date? Or just as friends?
It seemed though that Draco wanted it to be a date, and maybe even Y/N did too, but she didn’t know if she was ready for a relationship, she made a deal with herself, more like a promise, a promise that she wouldn’t date guys until she was sure of them, and it had to be nice guys, like the nicest of nice guys, that had no bad intention with her, just overall really great guys.
She didn’t know much about Draco, he seemed nice and he was quite gorgeous, but in order to trust him for even a little ounce, she needed to be sure he was a nice guy. She still seemed to be pretty scared about trusting anyone, she never thought about opening up to anyone ever again, and just the thought of it scared her.
They spend the entire day together, Y/N was surprised she could finally be close to someone, at least in a friendly way, of course there was some flirting going on because Draco did not stop complimenting her the whole day, making heat rise up to Y/N’s already rosy cheeks each time he did so, giggling like a flirty girl at his stupid jokes, Draco took her out to get some deserts as the two chatted up.
Making Y/N feel extremely comfortable around him while Draco felt so happy to be in the girl’s presence, even feeling comfortable enough with her that he opened up to her a bit about his life.
As Y/N listened to him cautiously and attentively while supporting him graciously, Draco felt extremely grateful for her, but he wanted her to feel the same, feel the same comfortableness he felt, so she would be more open with him.
It seemed impossible, he wanted to know about the “Diggory” incident, but also was scared that she would either get mad at him or she would brush it off and not hang out with him again, and he didn’t want that at all, he just wanted to get to know her.
The whole friendship/flirty relationship between Draco and Y/N continued for weeks as they enjoyed each others company more than ever, he liked having her around and so did she, giggles would always fill the room the pair was in, they were always complimenting and having fun with each other, it seemed that everyone else noticed them hanging out, even her friends.
So when she went to lunch one day and sat down, her friends looked at her as if they were about to have an intervention with her any moment, she felt as though she was pitied, “What?” She asked softly as she took a piece of her bread, chewing and then swallowing it happily.
“Y/N uhmm.. we noticed you hanging around with..” Hermione started nervously. “Draco.” Harry finished her sentence abruptly. “Soo..?” Y/N asked confused but wanting to know more, “He’s not a good guy Y/N.”  Harry announced as Y/N’s smile was now met with a frown.
Anyone could tell that her entire face fell at the information, but she wanted to know more. “He literally fucked all the girls in Slytherin and left them, he uses girls...” She furrowed eyebrows confused and her frown intensified as her eyes were filled with a dash of anger.
“Why the fuck should I care? I’m not his girlfriend.” Y/N snapped without meaning to as Harry and Hermione stared at the girl with guilt visible in their eyes.
Y/N sighed softly as she quickly muttered out a simple apology her heart breaking at the information, she slowly nodded for them to continue.
“He also is a bully.. well he was.. he bullied almost entirely everyone at one point Hermione too..” Y/N’s face was scrunched up with disgust as she gasped at the information, she looked down in disappointment as Harry continued.
“Look we just don’t want Cedric Diggory 2.0 to-” Just as those words left Harry’s mouth, Y/N’s disgusted face was now filled with anger and it was aimed at Potter.
“Don’t Potter, don’t fucking go there..” she said slowly as a tip of annoyance and anger could be heard in her voice.
“Look… I’m sorry but we are just saying watch out and be careful okay? Malfoy is bad news. We just don’t wanna see you hurt.” Y/N just nodded slowly as she sighed.
“It’s fine, I’m.. I’m sorry for snapping it’s just uhh.. didn’t expect this, but thank your for informing me, I’ll take care of it, don’t worry.”
She said as she got out of her seat in anger, quickly grabbing her books, she started walking around as her eyes were vigorously searching for the particular Platinum Headed, grey eyed “Slytherin Prince.”
When Y/N got out of the Great Hall and started wandering out in the corridors, she finally spotted him and her eyes finally landed on the boy fully, who was chatting with his friends, and as he turned around he saw Y/N and smiled but his smile was quickly erased after he saw her disappointed expression.
His eyebrows arched up in confusion as  he slowly watched her storming over to him, “Can I talk to you?” Y/N said as her voice sounded firm as ever making Draco’s entire face wash with worry.
“What’s wrong?” Draco asked with a hint of worriedness in his voice. “I heard some things about you, Malfoy.”  Y/N said abruptly as she crossed her arms against her chest. “What things are you talking about, princess?” He said in a gentle voice concerned, “About you fucking every girl you see and leaving them? Using them and throwing them away as If they were fucking garbage?” Y/N scowled, making Draco taken a back little.
“So?” Draco said as Y/N could notice the change in his tone and expression. “So?” Y/N mimicked him as she chuckled sarcastically. “Is it true?” She questioned the boy, he nodded firmly, “Is it also true you bullied people?” He nodded again as she chuckled bitterly annoyed.
“Why do you even fucking care Y/N? It’s not like we’re fucking dating!” Draco now snarled at her out of anger.
Y/N shook her head as she chuckled bitterly, “I fucking care Draco, because you’re not a nice person! You’re not a nice guy! I don’t want to hang out with bad guys! I don’t want to be friends with bad guys!” She bitterly scoffed.
“And you know what the worst thing was? I actually thought you were a nice guy, I genuinely thought you were someone I could finally hang out with, share some stuff with, I thought you were different then all the stupid boys in the Hogwarts, but boy was I wrong.. you’re just like every other guy on Hogwarts.”
She added as she looked into his big grey eyes that were now washed over with sadness, as hers were filled with rage and sadness at the same time, Draco wanted to open his mouth to say something, anything, but no words came out as Y/N’s disappointed look in him was an image that was never going to leave his mind.
She scoffed as she quickly turned around, leaving the boy there all alone.
Draco never seemed to understand her, he thought of her as a very complicated person, mainly because he didn’t know too much about her, perhaps this “nice guy” thing was about Diggory. He wanted to uncomplicate her, get to know her, he seemed to be absolutely fascinated by the girl, she seemed to challenge him in ways he never was challenged, she didn’t know what his reputation was like, well until now…
He really seemed to have taking a liking to the girl, but it seemed that he ruined everything because of his stupid stubborn and angry self, and well partly because of his stupid past, too.
He had lost her, just like that. If he had maybe given her a some sort of explanation, maybe she would have understood, and he wouldn’t be feeling like he was sick to his stomach at the very moment.
Y/N was very understanding and a really great listener. But Draco didn’t have the guts and had too much of a pride to do something about her.
He wasn’t the person she perceived him as, yes he bullied people and he got with girls just for sexual activities, but it was before it was just in the past. He simply wasn’t like that anymore, it was just his act.
And it was not who he was anymore, he just wished instead of being stubborn with her, he would have just apologized and explained but he was too much of an arse to actually do that.
He went back to his common room as so did Y/N going to the Gryffindor common room, days went without neither talking to each other, they both felt empty, and they clearly craved each other very deeply.
The realization hit Draco that he was being extremely stupid, and Y/N just missed being with him, hanging out with him.
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It was a Friday morning as Y/N and Hermione got out of their class, Hermione was trying to force Y/N to a Ravenclaw party at the room of requirement, but Y/N was not having it, afraid he might see Cedric and Cho or maybe just Draco. But Hermione wasn’t letting go of it, forcing Y/N to say yes.
Eventually Hermione finally got a muttered out “Fine!” From Y/N and she got all excited, throwing her hands up in air as if she just won something and then kissing Y/N on the cheek, surprising Y/N as she did so, and then happily leaving to go to class as she finally achieved what she wanted.
Y/N huffed at the girl as she slowly walked down the corridor to go to her own class, her hand was securely wrapped around her books as she was walking her attention still on the floor as she did so.
Footsteps could be heard from the opposite side which caused Y/N’s head to pop up immediately, her eyes softly met with Draco’s grey eyes as he is walking towards her, she simply froze for a second as she didn’t know what to do.
Y/N soon enough kept her walking pace as she was trying her best to avoid him, she slowly felt him coming towards her and she mentally cursed herself for taking this way to her class.
Slowly but surely he made his way over to her, his hand falling heavy on her shoulders as he lightly pushed her against the nearest wall, causing Y/N to look up at him stunned as she was surprised by Draco’s sudden movements. A dash of glimmer was seen in his eyes, as Y/N just couldn’t bare to open her mouth to say anything.
“Are you going to the party?” Draco’s firm voice rings through her ears as his grip on her shoulders loosen up and gets closer to her, Y/N’s skin burning with tingles just as where Draco touched her.
Suddenly feeling a sort of pit in her stomach, filled with nervousness, she still managed to open her mouth to speak. “I.. What?” Y/N asks in a soft, shaky voice.
Draco’s eyes glimmer at the gentle girl in front of him once again, he softly clears his throat as he slowly lets go of his grip and slowly backs away from the girl.
Y/N’s mind is fuzzy at his movements and her brows furrow in confusion “Why do you care?” Y/N replied coldly, now feeling less stunned and more towards angry.
“Are you going to the stupid fucking party, Y/N?” Draco repeats his question more firmly as Y/N nods slowly, “Good, see you then.” Draco murmurs rigidly as Y/N takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes at him.
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The audacity of that boy had Y/N raging, her mind was racing about him as she was in her dorm trying to pick an outfit for the party, she knew she had to look her hottest tonight, so she picked out her red dress that she was sure of that would leave Draco with his mouth open, she applied some make up on her face too, enough to go with her red dress.
Y/N also helped Hermione too as she helped pick her a gorgeous dress and did her make up in a way that she probably otherwise would never do.
The two of them took a look at themselves at the mirror one last time as the girls couldn’t stop complimenting each other, Hermione thanked Y/N gently as the two finally head off to the party.
The dress Y/N wore was complimenting her body in every way possible and displaying her body for everyone to see, it looked absolutely gorgeous on her body.
As they arrived to the room of requirement, Y/N felt nauseous to see Draco and Cedric, but tried her best to shake it out of her mind, when they entered the room of requirement, Y/N still felt absolutely sick to her stomach, while Hermione was genuinely enjoying the attention from every guy and girl around them.
Y/N slowly took notice as a smirk played onto her lips as she turned to Hermione “See!” She giggled as Hermione wowed. Y/N immediately went to the drink stand, because she knew she couldn’t make it through the night if she was sober. She got herself some disgusting alcoholic liquid and downed it quickly.
“Hey Y/N” a voice caught her attention as she turned around smiling and she greeted the boy happily.
“Heyy Neville!” Y/N said kindly as Neville eyed her up and down “You look amazing! Super pretty and gorgeouss.” She giggled at the boy’s slurred words as it seemed that he had a bit much to drink.
“You wanna dance?” Neville asked sloppily as Y/N chuckled, nodding. Just as they were about to go to the dance floor, an angry voice interrupted the two.
“You have 5 fucking seconds to get the fuck away from her.” Draco basically growled as Y/N’s attention turned to him as she muttered out a simple “Fuck.” “But she just agreed to- ” Neville opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted again by a jealous Draco.
“If you don’t fucking leave her right this second, I’m gonna hex the fuck out of you!” Draco almost yelled as his eyes were now filled with rage and jealousy, as he caused Neville to walk away quickly, “Sorry!” Y/N yelled out at the boy sympathetically as she angrily turned around to Draco.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Y/N scowled. “Me? You should see yourself, why the fuck were you flirting with that git?” Draco questioned angrily as jealousy was dripping from his mouth. “It’s not like we’re dating so why the fuck do you care, huh?” She mimicked the boy’s words as she chuckled bitterly.
Y/N was about to continue but was interrupted by someone bumping into her, “Watch where you’re fucking goi-” she stopped mid sentence as she saw Cedric, as Cho was stuck next to his side, his hand stuck on to her waist as if it was glued.
Y/N’s eyes widened quickly as she immediately stopped herself from saying anything else and simply walked away, Malfoy was bewildered again as he just followed behind her, calling out for her name as he picked up his pace, but it just caused for her to run faster away.
She ended up going to the Astronomy Tower, in which Draco was right behind her, she turned her back to him as choked out sobs were slowly escaping from her mouth.
Draco’s confusedness was now washed away with worry, Y/N didn’t seem to care that Draco was right there, as if she was comfortable enough around him, it brought some warmth to Draco but he still couldn’t handle seeing Y/N like this.
He could feel his entire body fill up with rage and also worriedness, because somehow and for whatever reason the stupid git Diggory was making you cry, and a little pissed because Neville was flirting with you.
Draco gently approached her as if he was scared to hurt the fragile girl in front of him.
“Y/N, love please talk to me..” Draco started softly as Y/N’s choked sobs were now mixed with her softly breathing, Draco took a. deep breath as he got closer to the girl. “Look princess, I’m here for you okay?” Draco said softly again as Y/N slowly tried to wipe her tears. “Let me help you..” Draco said delicately, turning her around to face him, taking her hands off her face to see her gorgeous face filled with tears.
His hands traced down her cheek, wiping away the girl’s tears. The two of them standing closer than ever to each other, a pit of nervousness both appearing at their stomachs as they were now inches away from each other. “Tell me about Diggory, okay? I… I just want to listen and I want to be there for you.” The boy said in the most genuine way possible and Y/N sighed.
“Uhh… god okay.” Y/N breathed once more as words slowly started pouring out of her mouth.
“When I met Cedric, he seemed like a nice guy, he had everything, he was gorgeous, he was kind, nice, he was amazing... He seemed perfect. We flirted for a while and he was great and all then we started dating, we weren’t really that public about it and I thought that we really worked out really great as a couple, but then the whole Triwizard Tournament happened and.. and..”
Y/N’s breath hitched as Draco gently put his hand on top of hers in reassurance, he held her hand as he stroked it softly with his thumb, telling her that it’s okay and wanting her to tell him more.
“Um you remember the second task?” Y/N asked as Draco nodded still attentively listening to the girl as Y/N softly took a breath.
“Yeah um the one where they have to save who they care about, well that day Cedric saved Cho, and that’s how I found out about him fucking cheating on me with Cho- god.” She said as her eyes filled up with tears again. And this time Draco couldn’t help but pull her into a tight hug.
His whole body relaxed as he hugged the broken girl in front of him, also feeling the tense girl relax up under her touch, his hands slowly travelled to her hair as he started stroking her hair delicately, “Baby, it’s okay, it’s fine...” He said softly as she pulled away from the hug.
“I trusted him and he fucking broke my heart.. I just hate him so so fucking much. God- Draco.. then… and then I met you, I met someone who I felt like I could trust again, I met someone who I wanted to hang out with, but then your reputation, I found out about your reputation, for the first time since Cedric I finally liked a boy, I genuinely liked a boy… and wanted to open up to him, but you broke my heart, you crushed it, I thought you were like Cedric, I really fucking liked you, Malfoy and you devastated me.”
She muttered out as her heart ached. And so did Draco’s but at the same time he was happy about her revelation “You- you fucking like me?” Draco stammered as Y/N nodded.
Draco’s grey eyes glimmered with happiness. “Fucking hell, Y/N I liked you from the moment I fucking met you.. You have been quite literally the only thing good thing in my life as soon as I bumped into you in that bloody class..” Draco exclaimed as Y/N chuckled softly.
“The whole reputation thing was in the past, I was too much of a dick in the past but I’m not like that anymore, I promise, I wanted to explain that to you but when you came in so angry, I got angry and acted like an arse, instead of being reasonable with you, I.. I’m sorry.”
He said as he pulled her into a hug again feeling comfortable holding her and as she felt safe under his touch.
Draco’s tight hold was released from the girl as the two pulled away from the hug, as they did so they finally realized how close they had been standing to each other, as they were both gazing into each other’s eyes, both waiting for the other to make a move.
Draco’s arms were still snaked around her neck, and his soft touch on her neck was bringing Y/N closer and closer to him, but it was so painfully slow that Y/N couldn’t take it anymore.
She huffed as a sigh came out of her pursed lips, she felt as though she could not spend any more minutes without having his lips on hers, so she groaned as she quickly but harshly smashed her soft lips onto Draco’s plump lips as a whimper of satisfaction finally escaping her lips as she did so.
Draco was absolutely stunned and shocked by the girl’s motions and as soon as the realization of what was happening washed over him, his mouth reacted very quickly to hers, a low groan coming out of his mouth.
He absolutely adored the feeling of her lips smashed against his, as her lips felt incredibly soft and plump. Draco deepened the kiss as Y/N slowly parted her mouth, and Draco’s tongue harshly and quickly entered her mouth without any resistance as she parted her mouth ever so willingly, a small hint of redness arose to her cheeks.
His tongue slowly but surely experienced her mouth, it evoke feelings and tinglings in Y/N’s stomach that she never felt before, Draco was in a euphoric state as he was happily exploring Y/N’s mouth, his hands slowly stroked her hair, then they travelled down to her face, slowly caressing her cheeks, then it finally landed on her waist, having a quite harsh grip on it, Y/N could feel the imaginary fireworks exploding around them as their kiss deepened even more, Draco slowly bit her bottom lip, earning a low groan from the girl.
Then after what seemed like a long time, Y/N pulled away as she earned a soft groan from Draco causing her to giggle shyly, “We can continue that later.” She exclaimed as a smirk played on her lips and in return Draco licked his lips seductively as his mouth quirked up into a smile.
“I do have one question for you though.” Draco said softly as a hint of firmness and seriousness could be heard from his tone, which caused Y/N’s eyebrows to furrow in confusion as he looked up to the boy’s grey eyes in confusion, her face washed away with a hint of obvious worry.
“When do I get to hex the fuck out of Diggory?” Draco said as Y/N playfully hit him on the shoulder and giggled at the jealous boy. The two spent the entire night talking to each other, joking around and maybe even making out a little more.  
But one thing was for sure, they both felt so lucky to have finally at last that they found each other. They finally both had what they needed, someone to talk to, someone to listen to, someone to hang out with and someone to love.
taglist: @abb-lan-5sos​ @dracosathenaeum​
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 15~Part 2
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I made a small mistake in my previous posts. I know that Kurama calls Yoshino his toy in his main story but it was not until this chapter, Before this, he kept calling her prisoner. So I have to go back and edit my posts.
Warning!! Sexual content below!! (Because Kurama just finds any reasons to make out with Yoshino.)
Part 1
---------Part 4---------
Kurama: "I don't understand. But I approve of the way you think."
He looked straight at me and my cheeks heated up when he touched it.
Kurama: "Include that as a 'Thank you' too."
Yoshino(blushing): "......Thank you."
(The way I think is completely different from Kurama.)
(There were times when I thought there was no way to bridge that gap....)
The depth of the ditch remains the same, but the bridge was built there today by Kurama.
(So now, I wanna cross the other side.)
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Yoshino: "I still want to know more about Kurama. Because I want to know you for who you are, not just as a demon or an enemy."
As the cherry blossoms quietly fall, I remember as if it were yesterday what I said to him that night.
Yoshino: “Instead of having wings that can fly you to your destination like Kurama, or the power to kill an enemy with a single blow. Humans value their beliefs and the bonds they have with those around them. Isn’t that why you didn’t take Yoshitsune’s life right away, because you knew that? Because if he really wanted his soul, Kurama could have taken it without question.”
Kurama: “I don’t get it. I don’t understand you.”
Yoshino: “I want to understand Kurama.”
Kurama: “…………….Shut up now.”
Kurama: “I must have been mistaken in thinking you were in any way interesting. Understanding is an emotion that does not contribute strength. Will you still be able to think like that when you’re overtaken?”
(I know I offended Kurama at the time with those words, but I want to tell him straight again.)
Kurama: "You want to understand me, huh?"
Yoshino: "Yes. Can I?"
Kurama reaches for me with a speed so gentle as the petals fall.
The gesture seems like he was giving me a chance to run away, but----
(If I want to run away, it's probably now or never.)
(But that means, Kurama and I can still have a close yet distant relationship. But....)
(I won't run away.)
Kurama's fingers finally touch my cheeks.
I put my hand on his, with an impulse that came from the bottom of my heart.
Kurama: "....... All right. But you have to pay me."
Yoshino: "Pay you? What do you want?"
Kurama: "It's not something you should do. I'm going to do something to you."
He pulls me close and sets his teeth on my neck.
Yoshino(blushing): "Ohh...."
Just before I felt a strong pain, his tongue slithered over the spot.
Yoshino(blushing): "Ku...rama..."
Kurama: "Don't move."
Yoshino(blushing): "But....Mmm.....Ahh...."
His lips gently slide down to my exposed breasts.
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Kurama: "The face you're making right now is not bad, I'll give you that."
(Is this what I have to pay....?)
Yoshino(blushing): "Mmm....that..should be ahhh....enough...!!"
Kurama: "No. Don't look away."
As if to cut off my feeble words of resistance, a strong look was screwed into the depths of my eyes.
(I feel...hot...)
His long fingertips pull my kimono further down from my shoulders.
My body shivered in the open air.
Yoshino(blushing): "...But, in...place like this...."
Kurama: "Does the location matter?"
Yoshino(blushing): "I mean...It's just...!!!"
When I realized that I had implicitly affirmed the act itself, my body burned with shame.
Kurama: "From the very beginning, I put up a barrier to prevent anyone from interrupting our time together. No one will ever see it."
Yoshino(blushing): "Even if you say that...."
(Embarrassing things are EMBARRASSING!)
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Kurama: "What does it matter if someone sees us? All you have to do is think about me and writhe in agony at the stimulation I give you."
-------Part 5------
Kurama: "All you have to do is think about me and writhe in agony at the stimulation I give you.
Yoshino: "....Hmmm.....Ahhh......"
His lips start to peck the soft skin that I usually cover.
(Why can't I resist....?)
The tip of his red tongue slowly goes down, as his fingers kept opening my kimono.
As I realized on the verge of revealing myself to the point of no return-----
Yoshino(tomato red): "No! No more....."
I grabbed his hand desperately and Kurama stopped moving.
Kurama: "Still not surrendering? Well, for now, I'm satisfied. This is a better way of satisfying my hunger for battle. Keep up the good work and relieve me of my boredom."
Yoshino: "Again, you're just being selfish...."
Kurama: "I know."
Kurama continues as if he has just thought of something.
Kurama: "Oh, by the way, after last night's party, I said I had reservations about your treatment....I've decided now."
Yoshino: "And that is?"
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Kurama: "From now on you're my toy.....Entertain me to the fullest instead of Tamamo."
Suddenly, his words were accompanied by another memory....
Kurama: "I don’t know about you, but know one thing. Yoshino, from this day on, you are my prisoner."
(I feel like I've come a long way even though not much time has passed since then.)
Yoshino: "From a prisoner to a toy....I don't know if that's an upgrade or a downgrade."
Kurama: "Rejoice, because I've become more pleased with you than ever."
(I really can't help it, but Kurama is so arrogant....)
Kurama respects the person as much as the value he acknowledges.
Knowing this, I could no longer see Kurama, who smiled arrogantly, as just another tyrant.
Ten days after that incident, we were at Heikichiro-san's house......
Heikichiro: "Welcome, Yoshino-san."
Yoshino: "Thank you for having me. You suddenly said we were going out, so it was to Heikichiro-san's. house, huh."
Kurama: "You're right. Sit down quickly."
Kurama points to the floor of the hut, where the sun has set.
Heikichiro-san, who seemed to be used to his attitude, offered me a cushion.
Yoshino: "Why did you bring me here, Kurama? Heikichiro-san's check-up was over three days ago."
(Kurama must have been by his side to keep an eye on him, right?)
Kurama: "I know. Because today is----"
Heikichiro: "His order has been completed."
Kurama(glaring cutely): "Don't interrupt me."
Kurama glares at Heikichiro-san.
Kurama: "But I'll give you credit for completing it by not killing you."
Heikichiro: "I'm honored. Also, thanks to you, I'm very confident in my work."
(Kurama......I knew your attitude towards Heikichiro-san was different from that of the other humans.)
Even if Yoshitsune-sama and the others are exceptional, they are clearly not treated in the same way as the servants and retainers of the mansion.
Yoshino: "Congratulations!
(Umm, but.)
Yoshino: "But, why am I here?"
Kurama: "You said you wanted to know about me, remember? "
Yoshino: "Ohh..."
Kurama: "What? You forgot.....?"
Kurama looks at him as if he is looking at me in shock, and I shake my head in panic.
(Of course, I remember that, silly.)
Yoshino: "And you remembered it too!" (They're literally flirting in front of that old man.)
Kurama: "I've told you before, I'm not the type who goes back on my words after I made a promise."
(He did. Once Kurama said it, he never said it differently.)
My heart starts to feel warm.
Yoshino: "Thank you, Kurama."
Kurama: "You don't have to thank me."
Kurama scooped up my chin with his fingertips and intertwined our eyes.
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Kurama: "In the first place, this work would have been unfinished if you had not helped Heikichiro. So I'll give you the opportunity to see the brilliance of what you have protected."
~~~~ "I Won't Ever Be Kind to You." (Normal Story)~~~~
Kurama: "In the first place, this work would have been unfinished if you had not helped Heikichiro. So I'll give you the opportunity to see the brilliance of what you have protected."
(I know it sounds pompous, but it's frustrating,.....and I'm very happy.)
Kurama looks at me with a smile on his face and calls out to Heikichiro-san with a sour look on his face.
Kurama: "Come on, get it out. You know I don't like to wait."
Heikichiro: ".......Yes."
Heikichiro-san, looking very nervous indeed, placed the paulownia box gently in front of us.
Heikichiro: "Here."
The moment the lid is opened, I gasp at the silvery glow.
Kurama: "Wow...."
Inside the box was an ornament in the shape of a bird's wing.
Yoshino: "It's beautiful, but what is it?"
Heikichiro: "It's called a crown. It's almost like the ones worn by royalty in foreign countries but I've never seen a real one before."
Yoshino: "Is that what you ordered Kurama?"
Kurama: "I only ordered him to make what I would like."
Heikichiro: "I looked at him and after a lot of thought....I came up with this."
(Yeah, when you say "Royal Crown" it sounds like a perfect fit for Kurama.)
Heikichiro: "I knew at once what I wanted to make, but for a long time I was struggling with deciding on the designs. The designs of the pair of wings on either side of the crown were changed and are placed in the middle....after I had fallen and been rescued."
(That means...)
Yoshino: "----You mean, they're Kurama's wings?"
Heikichiro(blushing): "Yeah."
Kurama: "My wings are the color of darkness. There is no resemblance."
Heikichiro-san gave a wry smile to Kurama who looked confused.
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Heikichiro: "Well, what you see is not always what you get. At least this is how dazzling your wings were to me that day."
Kurama: "......"
His eyebrows twitching, Kurama takes the crown from him and looks at it suspiciously.
The silver decorations on the wings glittered brightly in the light of the candle.
Kurama: "I don't understand. Yoshino, explain to me." (My baby Kurama is trying his best!)
(Huh, me?)
I suddenly panicked and then thought for a moment, before replying.
Yoshino: "I don't know if my explanation will work, but....The emotions you're feeling at the moment can change the whole landscape around you. It's like when you feel sad, you'll feel the sky looks gloomy. Or when you're happy, you can hear the birds and the trees buzzing."
Kurama: "Hmmm..."
Looks like I have to come up with another analogy-----
Yoshino: "It's the same as....when you fall in love with someone, the other person might seem beautiful to you."
Kurama: "I don't understand that either."
(You have said that before.)
Kurama: ".....Have you never been in love?"
(You've lived for centuries and never once?)
Kurama: "What good is love to me? If you just want to spit out your lust, there are many ways to do it."
Heikichiro: "Certainly, it is of no use. But love is a precious thing. It can change people in amazing ways."
He had a warm look in his eyes as if he was reminiscing about the past.
Kurama: "No matter how precious it is, it's no use if we'll rot in solitude, as you are now."
Yoshino: "Wait, you're a bit----"
He raised one hand to block my protest and Kurama turns to Heikichiro-san.
Kurama: "But the crown you've made is....magnificent."
Heikichiro-san and I both caught our breath at the sound of his voice, which quietly melted in the night.
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Kurama: "Do humans make something as brilliant as this because it contains incomprehensible emotions?"
Yoshino: "Kurama...."
(Is Kurama trying to come to terms with human emotions....?)
Kurama asks himself a question but didn't let us answer it.
Kurama: "I like this. This crown is mine and I will pay you as much as you want. I will also reward you by allowing you to continue to create shiny items like these in your few remaining years."
Heikichiro(smiling): "Haha...thank you very much."
Hekichiro-san smiled with relief, tears quietly welling up in the back of his eyes.
It's midnight, and we rushed back to the Rebel Mansion----
It was already dark and there were barely any people, so we flew back home.
I looked up at Kurama who was walking by my side, in the quiet garden.
Yoshino: "Are you not going to hide your wings, Kurama?"
Kurama(smiling): "Why should I? No one is awake at this time."
The sliver crown in his hand shined brightly in the moonlight.
(He looks very happy. He seems to love it very much.)
Yoshino: "Don't you want another box to keep it safely?"
Kurama: "I won't be able to see it shine under the moonlight if it's inside the box."
The simple paulownia box that Heikichiro-san had prepared for us had long since been thrown away. (#RIPpaulowina)
(It's very beautiful, indeed.)
Suddenly a simple question comes to my mind and I ask.
Yoshino: "But crowns are for wearing, aren't they? Are you going to put it on?"
Kurama: "What are you talking about? If I wear it, how can I see it myself? (Don't you have mirrors?)
Yoshino: "What a shame. I was curious as to how Kurama will look like wearing that crown."
Kurama: "Really?"
Kurama stares at me for a moment.
Kurama: "Yoshino."
Yoshino: "Hm?"
Kurama: "Come here."
Suddenly, Kurama sits down under a tree and invites me in.
As I approached him, he handed me the crown.
Kurama: "Put it on."
Yoshino: "!"
Kurama: "Don't make me repeat the same thing over and over again."
I kneeled in front of Kurama in a hurry.
I boldly reached out and touched his jet-black hair, which was the same color as his wings.
Yoshino: "Okay...."
Running my fingertips through his soft hair, I gently adjust the crown.
Kurama: "...................."
Kurama's slight tilt of his head made me nervous for no reason.
(I'm way more....nervous than I thought.)
The silver of the moonbeams, the elegance of his black hair.
It doesn't detract in the slightest from the intensity of the blood-red eyes.
Yoshino(blushing): "....It's done."
Kurama: "Now, come closer."
While I was admiring him, he pulled me by the waist and I found myself riding on his lap.
Yoshino(blushing): "What do you want!!?"
Kurama: "Don't squeak."
He puts his finger on my lips and my cheeks heat up.
(Why are you acting like it's my fault....)
But any small complaint is swallowed up by the glint in Kurama's eyes as he moves closer.
Kurama: "----In this distance, I can see my reflection in your eyes." (Get a mirror! For god sake....also there's a huge pond in the garden. Look at that. Don't stare into my eyes....you make me nervous!!)
Yoshino(blushing): "Ah..."
(You want me to act as your mirror?)
Kurama: "Don't move."
Kurama stroked the nape of my neck as if I was a kitten.
Kurama: "Good. If you keep staying like that, I won't do anything."
Yoshino: "I'm glad you won't do anything, but.....can I at least get off your lap?"
Kurama: "Not possible. Now be quiet or I won't keep my promise."
Yoshino: "Fine."
(This position is embarrassing, but it's better than playing his games, right?)
I relaxed and entrusted my body to Kurama.
(.....I'm still feeling restless.)
Yoshino(blushing): "How long should I stay still like this?"
Kurama: "Till I'm satisfied."
Yoshino(blushing): ".....Will Kurama be satisfied if we stick together like this?"
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Kurama: "I just do it on a whim. But, it feels good it's with you."
Yoshino: "Liar! How can 'the Kurama' be committed to someone?"
Kurama: "You insolent little puss."
I giggled lightly, as Kurama glares at me.
Kurama: "But, it's true....I never thought I would feel good talking to a little human girl, before."
(......It's not fair when he suddenly says something so sweet.)
Kurama: "But, you're always treating me like a toy."
Kurama: "Toys will always be toys. But there are also special toys."
His mischievous long fingers followed my cheek and went down to tickle my throat.
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Kurama: "No matter how much I play with you and make you cry, you always look straight at me in the eyes. .....I'm strangely intrigued by that."
He whispers to me in a seductive low voice and it made my body heat up.
(If I think about the meaning of what he just said.....it's dangerous.)
Yoshino(blushing): "Ah....."
I felt Kurama's face slowly approaching under the moonlight.
The approaching red eyes made me forget how to move and I unintentionally closed my eyes in time.
Then I felt a soft touch on my eyelids.....
(That was....)
By the time I realized that the kiss on my eyelids was over, I opened my eyes in confusion.
Kurama(Pikachu meme face): "..................."
(Why are you surprised? This is what you always do, right?)
Before the heat of the kiss could sink in, I noticed that Kurama's eyes widened in surprise.
Yoshino(blushing): "Kurama....?"
Kurama: "Shut up."
In the depths of his red eyes, which were unusually downcast, some great impulse flickered like a flame. (This scene is so great. I wouldn't mind if they go to the room and make out.)
Kurama: "-----Why didn't you resist? It's boring if you don't resist."
Yoshino(blushing): "Whaaa----"
Kurama stands up and turns his back to me.
Kurama: "Your room is just around the corner. I won't have to babysit you for today anymore."
Kurama left without saying anymore or even looking back.
(What the hell....was that right now?)
(It was like that night. The way he touched me and kissed me today was genuinely caring.)
A step later, the shock catches up with me and I slump to the ground.
And I could also hear my heart beating faster.
Chapter 16
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madamecricket · 3 years
Fourth (and Final) Impressions of Deltarune Chapter 2
Edit: forgot to put a readmore. Forgive me! Spoilers under the cut!
- So I wasn’t even in the palace very long before we got to a series of puzzles that Berdly couldn’t solve, much to his frustration. I figured Berdly was building up to something, either a boss fight or a growth moment, and it was the second one. Turns out when you thrive off of praise, you develop a bit of a dependency... good on him to be self-aware.
- In the flashback sequence with the spelling bee, I noticed the word Noelle got nervous and stuck on - “December”. See, I remember another sequence in the city where we had a character moment with Noelle while pressing a series of switches that spelled out “December.” Clearly the word is significant to her in some way, and probably a negative way considering how it made her freeze up. Either something big happened in December, or something big happened involving a person close to her named December, since I remember her mentioning a “Dess”. I’m looking forward to where this goes.
- The theme in the Queen’s palace slaps, just gotta say that before we go further.
- So backtracking a bit, Lancer has been stone-ified, and Ralsei knows exactly what’s up: the dark fountains create worlds, the dark fountains that was sustaining Lancer’s world is gone, and that’s why Lancer is stone now. He’ll be fine, though, if we can get him back to Ralsei’s castle town and the fountain there. Good of him to offer a solution, except...
- ... hold the fuck up, Ralsei. So you’re telling me that this happened to Lancer because of the loss of his dark fountain - which Ralsei encouraged us to go through - and because of that, the Dark World that Lancer comes from is no more? And what’s more, Lancer now depends on the Castle Town fountain - that is, Ralsei’s fountain - to live. He is now life-bound to your town, Ralsei. He literally cannot leave you and still live, and even if he could, the world he knew is gone. Oh, but it’s ok, because you conveniently have a place for him to live under your roof now. 
- And, hold on, who was it who told us we had to go through the Dark Fountain to get home?? I played through the first chapter just recently, that was you, Ralsei. I definitely remember Ralsei saying we had to do that, he gave us that quest in the first place, and I definitely do not remember him mentioning at any point that this would end with Lancer’s world being destroyed. This is absolutely not fine, Ralsei. Oh, and considering how conveniently us getting isekai’d in the library lines up with Ralsei suddenly insisting we had to go and do homework... Ralsei, are you the one isekai-ing us???
- *deep breath* Okay. I’m calling it now. There’s something Ralsei isn’t telling us. I joked earlier about how he wants to bake us into cakes and eat us, but to be clear, I think whatever’s going on here is more complicated than “Ralsei was the bad guy all along”. I get the feeling that Ralsei’s desire for friendship, especially towards Kris, is very genuine. It’s just... this whole situation is reminding me of Asriel’s deal in Undertale. Fitting considering the whole anagram situation... I wonder how Deltarune!Asriel is going to play into this.
- Okay, back to more current stuff in the game. I met up with Roulsx Kaard (idc how to spell it) again and he’s facing me in... the thrashing machine I made in the first chapter. I’m serious. Same color and everything, holy shit.
- behold the majesty
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- ...whut?
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- this is excellent. I’m going to die of excellent.
- ohh, now he’s gonna transform... aaaaand...
- oh. ... you know, I wondered when it was gonna catch up to him?
- ice cold, Ralsei. Ice cold.
- “Why don’t we close our eyes and imagine how she’s doing now” Just like last game... is Ralsei actually activating some kind of power when this happens?
- “I wish Dess could see this”? I knew it! I’m on to something!
- taking a moment to acknowledge the shipping energy in the air
- Noelle (paraphrased): “Where are we, anyway?” Me: say “Dark World” Susie: “You’re just having a dream” Again with Susie thwarting player intentions...
- .. a heart-covered Ferris Wheel. Okay, Toby Fox, we’re doing this now!
- Susie has a tail???
- And again, we return from a Susie Sequence to Ralsei apparently explaining something to Kris and finishing with a variation of “so that’s why-” before getting cut off by Susie. What are you explaining, Ralsei.
- Checked a calendar in Noelle’s palace room. “Every page is the last month, every day is the 25th”... what??
- another banger of a final battle!! let’s do this!!!
- See, I had a feeling that the Queen didn’t actually want to hurt anybody, but she has a... funny... idea of what constitutes helping. It clicks with her being basically a personified search engine - she literally wants nothing more than to give people what they want and make them happy, but she’s not always great at figuring that out based on what they search. She mentions Noelle’s “sad and lonely searches”... Noelle, honey, are you ok?
- Excuse me, Queen, this Dark World was created *today*? ... And it was created by the Knight... and I already suspect that Ralsei is “isekai-ing” us... Ralsei, are you the knight?
- New important info: “Lightners” are apparently necessary to create Dark Fountains due to their determination, and unlike Undertale, determination isn’t exclusive to humans
- ...
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... this game just became perfect
- Oh hey, White Diamond, what’s up?
- “Oh Damn I Did Not Know That” WELL NOW YOU TELL US, RALSEI!
- Susie doesn’t have a tail? Make up your mind, game!!!
- Phew. Okay. Okay. The actual game part is over. Time to process some thoughts...
- So we’ve seen two Dark Worlds so far, Lancer’s world based on games (cards, checkers, etc) and the Queen’s world based on computers and the internet. The running theme I notice so far is escapism. During her fight, the Queen monologued about a desire to fulfill the desires of people who turn to the internet to dull their pain or look for new distractions. And as for Lancer’s world... well, it’s implied to literally be made of abandoned toys. Both of them things people turn to when they need a little entertainment or escapism to avoid their real-life problems for a bit. And I think it’s been mentioned that Darkners are essentially made to serve Lightners; perhaps helping them cope with the difficulties of life? 
Even putting aside the symbolism here, Susie and Kris literally escaped to this world to blow off their classwork, and Susie in particular seems to think the Dark World is better than anything in the Light World. In the final battle, Susie, Noelle, AND Berdly were all just about to open up a Dark Fountain themselves and make themselves better lives in the Dark World and only stopped when Ralsei very firmly informed them about the Roaring. Is this going to come up again? Are these kids going to struggle with the temptation to abandon their real lives to go play eternally in the Dark World?
And isn’t that just a perfect microcosm of the relationship that people have with video games in general - including this one? The perfect opportunity to just forget about your own life for a bit and temporarily live in a different world altogether, one with battles and magic and adventure?
Just what the fuck is going on here, Ralsei? Was I too quick to accuse him of being a secret villain earlier? Is Ralsei just trying to get us to process our shit in the Dark World, and then destroy it so we move on to the Light World with renewed hope in life? .. or is he just trying to make himself the center of our fantasies?
- ...have the Queen and King met? I mean, it would make sense, but they haven’t been mentioned as having a relationship of any kind or even knowing each other. Is this another Toriel/Asgore kind of situation?
- So I’m just talking to NPCs around Castle Town, right, and I meet up with Seam again. He just told me to be careful not to stay in there too late and that I don’t want to get caught when the sun goes down... DAFUQ YOU MEAN, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN???
- This is wonderful, I’m now witnessing Toriel and Sans having a joke-off in person.
- (Sees Kris going in to wash their hands) (Hears Toriel say “they do that sometimes”) ...so Kris has like... a condition? The heart-ripping thing has happened before?
- (Sees last thing before credits) ...okay then!!! I think that’s all the things I can get into one post, haha! Forgot to mention some things, but I can only type so much!!! Can’t wait to talk about this later, haha!!! (holy shit)
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patagucci34 · 4 years
Partners for Life~ Tyson Jost
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Warnings: swearing, some playful touching.... 
Word Count: 11k
All you wanted to do was change into comfy sweats, pour a heavy glass of wine, and forget about the awful week you had at work. But of course, there had to be something else to make this day even worse. When you were about 5 minutes away from your apartment it started down pouring. You cursed to yourself and picked up the pace.
Once you were in the comfort of your building, you let out a sigh of relief and made the trek up to your apartment. When you stepped out of the elevator you were met with a smiling face, one that normally would melt all of your worries away, but today, it only helped a little. You forced a smile back when his smile turned into a concerned frown.
"What happened to you?" He asked, stopping in front of you.
"I got caught in the rain on the way back from work."
He nodded and grabbed the bags out of your hands so you could unlock your door.
"Thanks, Tyson." You said with a small smile, hoping he would leave you be now. Normally you would welcome his company, but you really wanted that glass of wine and quiet night in by yourself. But it wasn't looking like that was the case when he strolled over to your fridge making himself at home. But that didn't stop you from wandering down the hall and taking a warm shower. Maybe then he would get the hint?
Nope. When you walked back out to the living room he was cozied up on the couch. A little bit of your annoyance dissipated when you saw the two wine glasses on the coffee table in front of him. So you grabbed one and plopped back into the couch.
"Rough week?" He asked, grabbing the other glass.
"You have no idea."
"I'm sorry, you wanna talk about it?"
"Not really.…" you sighed, "no game tonight?"
"Nah, we're leaving for a road trip tomorrow."
"Ohh nice, where to?"
"We're going to Florida."
"Ugh, I'm so jealous. I would love some nice weather right now."
Tyson chuckled, "yeah it might do you some good. You're looking a little pasty."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him playfully. "I meant mentally, but thank you for that."
"I know, I'm just messing…" he said patting your thigh "…are you sure you're okay?"
You sighed, "yeah, I just had an awful week at work, and my family has been harping on me a lot lately and I'm just over it all."
"I'm sorry, Y/n/N, what's going on at work?"
"My coworkers are just the worst. We had a huge project due this week and it seemed like I was the only one doing anything. And of course they got all of the credit. But it's fine, things should be better next week."
"What about your family?"
"Where do I even start…lately it's just been about me not having a boyfriend. I just don’t understand the fascination with my love life. My cousin is getting married soon and they really want me to bring someone…but like who cares? I'm 23, I don't see the urgency. But I also don't want to get shit for it the whole weekend. I don't know, whatever, it'll be fine, I'm just annoyed right now."
"When is the wedding?"
"A few weeks from now…why?"
"Is it the All Star break?"
"Ummmm…." you said while checking the dates "yes…why?!"
"I could be your date if you wanted…"
"No, Tyson, I can't ask you to do that."
"You're not asking, I'm offering."
"I don't know, Tys…"
"Come on, you'll have good company, you won't have to hear about how single you are…"
"Wait, you want to go as my boyfriend?"
"Well I don't think going as your friend would help…"
"You'd really do that?"
"Yes! I want to."
"Alright.…I don't know if it'll work, I'm not sure my family will even believe me."
"Oh, we can make it believable."
You eyed Tyson suspiciously but then gave in. "Okay…alright. I owe you big time."
"Let's just see how the weekend goes…" Tyson said with a smirk.
The rest of the night was spent watching New Girl. Tyson kept refilling your glass and you ended up pretty tipsy. Before Tyson left he helped you into bed and locked up your apartment on the way out.
The next morning, you woke up with a headache, cursing yourself for getting wine drunk. You loved being wine drunk in the moment but hated the hangover. You also cursed yourself at the thought of the little plan you and Tyson had come up with the night before. It's not that you weren't excited to spend an entire weekend with Tyson, it's just that you were pretty nervous about the whole thing. You had grown very close in your time as neighbors, but it was always just as friends. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on Tyson, but you always kept it to yourself because you didn't want to ruin their friendship, not to mention you didn't think you were his type. You were also nervous about your family buying their 'relationship'. Not only had you been telling your family that you were still single, but they would never believe that you were dating one of the Colorado Avalanche.
You tried to push it from your mind and focus on getting rid of the hangover. You made your way to the kitchen and guzzled down a glass of water accompanied by a few Tylenol and then rummaged through the fridge to make something to eat.
You posted up on the couch after you ate and watched movies all day. You were able to be a bit more productive on Sunday and cleaned your apartment and went grocery shopping for the week.
You didn't see Tyson until Wednesday night. He had texted you earlier in the day asking if you wanted to get take out. When you got home from work, Tyson was already in your apartment with the take out.
"I could kiss you right now, I'm starving." You said as you dropped your bags on the floor and sat down at the table."
Tyson smirked, "it might be good practice…"
"Oh my god, I actually kind of forgot about that…we should talk about our game plan."
"Yes, I like to excel so I need everything there is to know about your family so I'm fully prepared."
You rolled your eyes, "of course you do…well, I mean how long have we been dating for? I've been telling my family I'm single, but I'm sure I could come up with some excuse why I haven't told them."
"Yeah, it might be kind of weird to take your boyfriend of two weeks to a family wedding…"
"Okay, so how long do you think?"
"6 months?"
"Is that too long?"
Tyson shrugged, "I don't know, I think that's fine."
"Alright, and I think we should stick to saying we met through being neighbors."
"Good idea, less room for slip ups…what are you going to use as an excuse for not telling them?"
"I guess maybe that I wanted to feel things out and also because you're kinda famous?"
"Kinda?! I'm hurt."
You giggled at Tyson's dramatics. "Okay, sorry, you're famous. Fully famous."
"Much better…so let's start with the family lessons. I know you have 3 brothers, Charlie, Ben, and Jack. Your parents are Kate and Steve… but I think that's all I got."
"I'm impressed! Yes, Ben is the oldest, he's a lawyer, he's married to Hailey who is a nurse. Charlie is next, he's a teacher, he's engaged to Casey, who is also a teacher. Then there is Jack, he's in his second year of med school and his girlfriend is Carly, she's a physical therapist. Then my parents, Kate and Steve. My dad is a lawyer, Ben works at his firm. And my mom is a nurse. Do you want me to write this stuff down?"
"No way, I'll get it. Just keep going."
"Alright...the cousin that is getting married is on my dad's side. His name is Tom, his fiancé's name is Lauren. Tom does something with finance, I'm not exactly sure what, and Lauren is a social worker. Tom has one sister, Maddie, she's an aspiring actress…" Tyson stifled a laugh at your face when you said her occupation. "My grandparents are Dave and Shelly, they're both retired, but my grandfather was a lawyer, it’s his firm that my dad and Ben work for. And I think I can just introduce you to everyone else as we go…"
"Alright, got it."
"Do you?" You questioned, not believing him.
"Okay, fine, not yet. But I will."
The next few weeks went by faster than you had wanted. As the wedding grew nearer you became more and more nervous. You had let everyone know that you would be bringing your boyfriend, and of course, the questions rolled in. You told them what you had practiced with Tyson, you weren't sure where things were going to go and didn't want to get their hopes up, and because he's a professional athlete you wanted to make sure everything was sound in their relationship before you went public. Although your mom was upset that you didn’t confide in her earlier, they were happy that you had found a boyfriend. It definitely made you feel guilty for lying, but you were able to get over it.
A few days before you were leaving, you went to Tyson's game. You weren't able to go all of the time, but you had a blast when you did. You had become friends with a few of the WAGs and of course a bunch of the guys.
They were all going out after the game to celebrate the beginning of the All Star break and Tyson had invited you to go so you went down to the locker rooms after the game to wait for him.
"Y/N!" You turned at the familiar voice and smiled and gave Andre a hug.
"Hey, Burky, good game!"
"Thanks, are you coming out with us?"
"I am!!"
"Good, Tys is more fun when you're around." He said, winking. You laughed a bit before a few of the others guys joined and talked about the plans for this evening.
A few minutes later, Tyson came up behind you and wrapped his arm around you.
"Hey, Tys!" You greeted him happily.
"Hey, babe." You rolled your eyes at his choice of words. "What?! I'm just trying to get into character." He defended, which made the guys laugh. They all knew about the arrangement and most of them were hoping this weekend would be the push you needed to actually date.
"You ready?" Tyson asked. You nodded and bid farewells until later.
Tyson drove you back to you building and you split ways to get ready.
"How long do you need?" He asked.
"I'll be ready in like 20??"
"Alright, I'll come over in a half hour." He said chuckling at himself, which caused you to roll your eyes but nod your head and go inside.
An hour later you were making your way through the crowd at the club to find everyone else. Tyson had gone to get them drinks while you sat down next to EJ and Landy. Landy was grilling you about the weekend, him being the number one supporter of you guys actually dating. Luckily he let up a bit on  you when Tyson came back and started in on him.
You kept downing drinks as the night went on and ended up being very drunk. Tyson had to help you through the club and he pretty much carried you to your apartment. He was nervous to leave you alone, so he ran over to his apartment to change and came back to stay with you for the night.
The next morning, you groaned as you peeled your eyes open. You were slightly confused about the arm draped over you because you didn't remember talking to any guys at the club. You relaxed when you looked over and saw that it was Tyson.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He said with a smirk.
"Morning….what are you doing here?"
"You were pretty loaded…I was nervous you might throw up in your sleep so I stayed with you."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to get so drunk…"
"I know, it's all good. You just will really be kicking yourself in the car today!"
"Ugh, don't remind me." You said and rolled back over.
"10 more minutes! Then you need to get up and get ready." Tyson reminded.
"Okay, mom." You muffled into the pillow as you fell back asleep.
An hour later you had the car packed up and were on the way. Thankfully, Tyson offered to drive, knowing your current state and just the fact you didn't love driving anyway. You played the music, luckily you had similar taste, so you jammed out for most of the 4 hour drive. You also quizzed him on your family, and just as he claimed, he remembered it all.
Tyson noticed that you had grown quiet in the last half hour. He reached over and grabbed your hand.
"Hey," he started softly, "it's going to be fine."
"I know, I'm just nervous. Even though they're happy I have a boyfriend, they can be so critical and rude. I'm going to apologize in advance for anything that they say."
"I think I can handle them…I'm used to criticism."
"I know…I just, even though we aren't actually dating, you are one of my best friends and I don't want them to scare you off."
"Don't worry about that…I'm not going anywhere." He said and gave your hand a gentle squeeze before pulling it away. You smiled at him and started to realize that this might not have been the best idea for your sake. You had been able to keep your feelings at bay, but this weekend might change that. You push those thoughts out of your mind as Tyson pulls the car into your driveway. You panicked a bit when you saw all of the cars in the driveway. It had been your understanding that Jack was going to be the only of your brothers home tonight and everyone else would be over tomorrow. Tyson noticed your panic and grabbed your hand again.
"What's wrong?"
"My mom told me Jack and Carly were going to be here tonight, not everyone else…"
"Well that's okay, we'll get it over with."
"I know, I just wasn't prepared for this. I'm sorry, I'll stop freaking out."
Tyson chuckled, "don't apologize. But don't worry either, okay? We got this." He reassured you and kissed your forehead. You blushed at the act, you guys had cuddled before and obviously shared the same bed, but this felt different, and it just made you even more nervous.
You both got out and grabbed your bags before approaching the door. You didn't even have time to put your bag down when it burst open.
"Y/N!!! I've missed you so much!" Your mom exclaimed while giving you a tight hug.
"Hi, mom, I missed you too." Once she let go, she turned to Tyson and you introduced the two. "Mom, this is Tyson, Tys, this is mom, Kate."
"Oh, it's so nice to meet you!!!" Your mom exclaimed again, pulling Tyson in for a hug.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Y/L/N. I've heard so much about you."
"Oh, please, call me Kate." She said as she let go. "Well, come in! Everyone's dying to meet you!"
You glanced at Tyson and he winked in return. You followed your mom inside and you put your bags down and went into the living room where everyone was sitting. Tyson put his arm on the small of your back and you leaned into him as you walked into the room.
Your brothers all shot up and surrounded you in a hug, separating you and Tyson. You rolled your eyes but laughed and welcomed their embrace. Once they finally let you go, your dad stepped up and gave you a hug and kissed your cheek. "Hey, baby girl. It's nice to see you."
"It's good to see you too, dad, I've missed you." He gave you one more quick squeeze and let you go so you could introduce Tyson to everyone.
"Well, everyone, this is Tyson…" At this point your brother's partners had joined them. "…Tyson, this is my dad, Steve, Ben and Hailey, Charlie and Casey, and Jack and Carly."
Tyson shook all of their hands as you went down the line.
"It's nice to meet you all." Tyson said with a smile.
"It's nice to meet you too, we're glad she's finally bringing someone home to us!" Your dad joked, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Okay, well, we're gonna bring our stuff upstairs. See you in a few." You said grabbing Tyson's hand and dragging him back into the hallway.
"No funny business!" Your brother Charlie called, laughing at himself. You heard Casey scold him and smiled to yourself.
You led Tyson to your old room, telling him you'll give him a tour once you put your bags down.
"That wasn't so bad…" He said as you plopped down on the bed.
"Yet…it's been 5 minutes."
Tyson chuckled and cupped your face with hands, "hey, what did I tell you? Stop worrying."
"I know, I know. I just can't help it."
"Come on, let's go. I'm ready for the grand tour." He said taking your hands and pulling you up. You sighed, but obliged and led him out of the room.
"….and this is the kitchen!" You said as you finished the tour. Your mom smiled at the two of you as you entered the room.
"Your home is very beautiful, Kate." Tyson said to your mom.
"Oh, you're too sweet…do you mind helping me finish up dinner, Y/n/N?"
"Sure. Tys do you want to help?" You asked, not really wanting to throw him to the wolves with your brothers in the next room.
"Yeah, I'll help. What do you need us to do?" He asked sweetly.
"Can you two finish putting the salad together? All of the stuff is on the counter over there."
You nodded and went to the sink to wash your hands and then you and Tyson started cutting up vegetables. You actually were having a lot of fun, Tyson was trying out some of his new jokes on your mom, which she loved. The whole scene felt very domestic, and of course you couldn't help but think about your feelings for him. You were brought back to reality when Tyson gave you a questioning look and mouthed "are you okay?" You forced a smile back and nodded and went back to cutting vegetables.
Once the three of you finished up, your mom called everyone into the dining room for dinner. Everyone took their seats and dug right in.
"This is delicious, mom." Jack complimented with his mouth full. Everyone chuckled and agreed, your mom blushing from the compliments.
"Well, I had good helpers." She said acknowledging you and Tyson. You both smiled and went back to eating.
You were starting to get nervous because your brothers hadn't really said much to Tyson. They had always been very overprotective and tried to scare off the guys you brought around and even though Tyson wasn't actually your boyfriend you were really nervous for what they might say. You knew better than to think that maybe they grew out of that stage, so it just made you more and more anxious for when it was going to come.
You caught Jack's gaze and he gave you a devilish grin. You gave him a warning look but he just shook his head. This was it. It was coming and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You looked at Tyson and he gave you a small smile and squeezed your thigh under the table.
"So, Tyson…" Charlie started "…hockey, huh?"
You shot a glare at your brother but he just smiled sweetly.
"Uh, yeah, I've played ever since I was young."
"How reliable is it to play professionally?" Ben asked this time.
"Ben…" Your mom scolded.
"It's okay, that's a fair question." Tyson defended. "I would say it's pretty secure, as long as I'm playing well and staying healthy."
"What happens if you get injured?" Jack asked.
"Well, if it's minor I'll get treatment until it's healed and then start playing again."
"And if it's not?"
"Well, I guess, I'd be done playing hockey."
"Okay, that's enough." You said glaring at all of your brothers.
"We just want to make sure you're in good hands, Y/n/N." Jack said sweetly.
"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself with my own salary, so Tyson's job security shouldn't be of concern." That shut them up for a little, but you knew they weren't done. Not with this dinner and certainly not for the rest of the weekend. Tyson squeezed your thigh again, that definitely being his way of telling you not to get too worked up.
Thankfully, your mom changed the subject to talk about plans for the weekend, but that didn't hold for very long.
"So, Tyson…" Jack started this time "…it must be pretty demanding being a professional athlete, do you even see Y/N that much?" You shot him another glare but he just kept smiling.
"Yeah, it can be, we live across the hall from each other so I pretty much see her whenever I'm home."
"Why does it matter to you how often we see each other?" You asked.
"We're just looking out for you, Y/n/N." Charlie defended.
"Well stop, you're just being rude."
"Alright, let's not fight at the table…" Your mom stated, trying to keep the peace. "Hailey, how are things at the hospital?"
You were thankful she changed the subject again, but you still weren't convinced it would put a total end to the grilling.
And you were right, a few minutes later, Jack spoke up again.
"Tyson, you must have a lot of girls after you, being a professional athlete and all."
You didn't even give Tyson the chance to defend himself before you lost it.
"Are you kidding me right now, Jack?! I cannot believe you would even ask that! Can you not be a dick for like one fucking weekend?!" And you stormed off up the stairs.
Tyson excused himself and followed after you. You sat on the bed, too mad to even cry, which you were thankful for. It was embarrassing enough that Tyson just had to sit through and witness what just happened.
"I'm so sorry, Tys." You apologized as he sat down next to you.
"No need to apologize, Y/n/N. It's not your fault your brother is a dick." You cracked a smile at his comment.
"I just didn't think he'd be like that. They've always been super overprotective, but that was just too much."
"It's really okay. Honestly, I can't say that I wouldn't have asked something similar to my sister's boyfriend. I get it. You're their baby sister, they just want what's best for you. I can take their crap, alright?"
"You're too good." You said with a huff, which made Tyson chuckle.
"Only for you, babe." He said and kissed your forehead. You both settled back on the bed and he tucked you into his side.
A little while later there was a knock on your door. You sat up a little bit and told them to come in. It was your mom.
"Hi, sweetie. How are you doing?"
"I'm fine, I just wish Jack wasn't such an asshole."
"I know, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry Tyson that he was acting that way."
"It's okay, I understand, I have a younger sister."
"Well, I think he feels bad he upset you like that…"
"Good." You stated, causing your mom and Tyson to chuckle.
"Alright, well I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Goodnight, you two."
"Goodnight, mom."
"Goodnight, Kate."
"I, um, don't usually freak out like that so, I'm sure it really made them feel bad…" You stated.
"Yeah, now I know to never piss you off."
You laughed at Tyson and cuddled back into his side. "That kind of freak out is reserved for my brothers. You probably won't ever be on the receiving end."
"Good to know." He said chuckling back. "You wanna watch New Girl?"
"Sure, I'm gonna go get changed first."
The rest of the night was spent watching Netflix, cuddled up in your bed. No apology from Jack but you didn't really expect one. He'll probably half ass one in the morning, and you'll forgive him, you always do.
You were right. When you went downstairs for breakfast, it was just Jack in the kitchen. He looked over at you and held his arms out, signifying a hug. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows, awaiting those magic words.
"Come on, are you really going to make me say it?"
"Yes! You were so awful last night. You really owe an apology to Tyson…"
"Fine, I'm sorry, Y/n/N. I took it too far."
"Yes, you did. But I forgive you…as long as you cool it for the rest of the weekend!"
"I will, I promise."
"Thank you." You beamed and gave him a hug.
"Aww, how sweet!" Charlie cooed as he interrupted you and Jack.
"Hey, I think you and Ben also owe her an apology."
"No way, we didn't take it as far as you did." Charlie defended just as Ben walked in.
"Yeah, I agree, we were pretty mild." Ben agreed.
"Would it really be that bad to apologize to me?" You asked, fully knowing the answer.
"Yes." Ben and Charlie answered at the same time.
You rolled your eyes but went about your business.
"Where is lover boy anyway?" Charlie asked.
You shrugged, "still sleeping."
"Not out for an early morning run?" Jack teased, you rolled your eyes again.
"Stop!! You said you'd cool it!"
"Relax, I'm just teasing."
You rolled your eyes as you sat down at the table and your brothers joined around you.
"But seriously, Y/n/N. Are you happy?"
"Yes, Ben, I'm very happy. He's really good to me."
"Okay good, then we're happy. But as soon as he does something to hurt you…he's done for."
"I know, I know. Although…he is a professional athlete, are you sure you could take him?" You teased.
"Please, it's no contest." Charlie defended which made you laugh.
Just as he was about to throw a grape at you, Tyson walked in the kitchen.
"Good morning, Tys!" You called from the table. He came over and sat next to you and greeted your brothers. "Are you hungry? I can make you some eggs, or we have cereal, I could make pancakes?"
"How come you didn't offer to make any of us that stuff??" Jack whined. You just rolled your eyes and looked back at Tyson.
"I'll have some eggs, but I can help you." He said and the two of you got up and started cooking.
Everyone else ended up joining you in the kitchen so you ended up making breakfast for everyone else too, but you didn't mind. It was fun to hang out with everybody and you were glad that your brothers were done with third degree.
After breakfast you and Tyson went back upstairs to showered for the day. You wanted to show him around your hometown and have a chill day because the next two days were going to be filled with wedding stuff.
When you walked back into your room after your shower, Tyson was lying on the bed looking at his phone. You were just in a towel and while you and Tyson were pretty comfortable with each other, you expected him to go take his shower so you could change. He looked up at you and smirked when he saw your attire.
"You gonna give me a show?"
"Tyson!" You cried. "We're at my parents…and it's 10 in the morning."
"So you're saying you would though?"
"Seriously, that's what you took from that?"
Tyson smirked at you and moved to get off the bed. You watched him as he rummaged through his things and then started to move past you to go to the bathroom. Just as you thought you were safe, he slapped your ass and hurried out of the room. You gasped, though it wasn't very hard, you were not expecting that. You wanted to mad but you couldn't help but smile. If he wanted to play it like that this weekend, you were gonna give it right back.
You decided to only get half-dressed to start…you put on a sexy bra and super cheeky underwear. Once satisfied with your look, you laid down on the bed and waited for Tyson to come back. You didn’t have to wait long, a few minutes later you heard him opening the door.
"Hey, do you know if there is anymore-- whoa." You smirked at the thought of Tyson's face, you couldn't see because you were lying on your stomach so your ass was showing. What you didn't bargain for was for him to be so composed and not let it get to him. So just as you were about to turn around to see what he was doing, you felt a much harder slap to your ass.
"Ow, Tyson! What the hell!"
"Hey, you put your ass out here like that…I can't help it." He smirked and plopped down next to you.
"You're the worst." You grinned as you got up to finish getting dressed.
"You ready?" You asked a little while later after both of you had gotten dressed.
"Yes ma'am, let's get to it. Lots of history to see."
"History? I would hardly call this town historical."
"Yeah, your history." He said with a sweet smile. Your heart melted and you were really starting to wonder if you would make it through this weekend.
You started off by showing him the spot where everyone went to party, you didn't stay long because it was pretty cold, but he thought it was funny that a random spot in the woods was where you used to get drunk. "Hey, you do what you gotta do in a small town." You defended before moving on. You then took him by the high school, you couldn't really spend much time there either because kids were in school. Next you brought him 'downtown'. You walked around going into different little shops and boutiques. Then you brought him to your favorite place to eat for lunch.
The two of you talked a lot about high school and how different it was for both of you. You had never really talked much about your past during your friendship so it was nice to get to know each other a little better.
"So, tell me all about high school Y/N." He said once the two of you had ordered your food.
You sighed, "what do you want to know?"
"I don't know…were you popular? A jock? A nerd?"
"I mean…I guess I was popular…I played sports, I wouldn't identify as a nerd but I did do well in school…"
"Wait you played sports?"
"Yeah, soccer, hockey, and lacrosse."
"I'm sorry, what? You played hockey?? How come you never told me?"
"I don't know…I guess it never came up."
"We talk about hockey all the time…"
"Yeah, you playing hockey…professional hockey…not high school girls hockey. Besides, I really wasn't very good soo..."
"So what?! I can't believe you didn't tell me…I'm taking you skating as soon as we get back to Denver so you can show me your moves."
You shook your head, "nope. No way."
"Why not?!"
"Because I'm really not very good, and that's why I've never mentioned it because I knew that you would make me go skating with you."
"Oh come on, I seriously doubt you're that bad."
"Compared to you, yeah, I am."
Tyson rolled his eyes. "You are so ridiculous…so what else did you do in high school?"
"Well, I was in chorus…and don't ask me to sing for you because I will not be doing that."
"Come on, you're no fun." Tyson whined.
You laughed at him and shook your head, "yeah I guess I left all of it here."
"Anything else that I don't know about you that you want to share with me?? Crazy ex boyfriends?? Girlfriends??"
"I guess I should probably tell you…I do have an ex who will be going to the wedding…we dated for a few years but he was kinda shitty.."
You sighed, not really wanting to get into it but you knew that you should give him an explanation because you really didn't know what would happen this weekend. "It was a pretty unhealthy relationship…of course I didn't really know that at the time. It wasn't until I went off to college that I started realizing that something was wrong. I tried to end things while I was away but he wouldn't really let it happen so I tried again when I went back home for break and he, like, freaked out…and um, hit me, so I called my friend to come get me… I was able to get out of the relationship with some help but nothing ever really happened to him because I guess he was having drinking issues…"
"Wait, he hit you…and your family is still bringing him around?"
"Yeah...my uncle is really good friends with his dad so…"
"I'm so sorry, Y/n/N…are you gonna be okay this weekend?"
"It's okay.…it's been a few years now. I haven't really seen him much, I usually avoid the gatherings he goes to. I'm not really sure what will happen this weekend…"
"Well I won't leave your side the whole time. I'll protect you."
"Thanks, Tys. I'm actually so thankful you came with me this weekend."
"Of course. You do so much for me all the time…it's the least I could do."
Even though he meant that in the best way possible, and despite all of the flirty comments and advances, it just reinforced that he really was just here as your friend.
You spent the rest of lunch talking about random stuff. Tyson took his phone out and started taking a picture of you.
"Stop! What are you doing?" You said covering your face.
"Put your hands down!! This is great lighting. Smile, look cute."
You relented and let him take your picture. "You better not put that anywhere."
Tyson smirked, "too late."
"Tyson! I’m gonna kill you." You checked your phone and sure enough he tagged you in his Instagram story.
"It's fine, you look really pretty!"
"Okay, but you have so many followers! They're going to think we're dating."
"We are...aren't we?"
You rolled your eyes and focused back on your food.
"I can take it down if you really want me to, but that might look extra sus."
"No, it's fine. I just will kill you if you do it again."
There wasn't really much else to show him so after you finished you headed back to your parent's house.
Your parents were the only ones home so you greeted them and headed up to your room. Tyson went to the bathroom so you took the opportunity to change into some comfy clothes and put on Netflix. You didn't acknowledge him when he walked back into your room but he had the same idea you did, he stripped down and put on some sweats before lying next to you in bed. Normally you would snuggle up next to him but you decided you needed to start distancing yourself a bit otherwise you were going to end up getting hurt.
You ended up falling asleep and woke up an hour later and woke up with your head on Tyson's shoulder. Figures, you knew that would happen. You turned your head and noticed that he was asleep too and he had wrapped his arm around your waist. You sighed as you grabbed your phone from your nightstand and settled back into bed, not wanting to wake him up.
You opened Instagram and were met with hundreds of notifications. Luckily, you were private, but you had a ton of follower requests. Thanks, Tyson. You scrolled through them, most of them being random girls, a few cute guys that you took the chance and let them follow you. There were a few people with the little blue check mark, mostly other guys in the NHL, but one in particular caught your eye. Mat Barzal. You knew that Tyson was friends with him, and you'd be lying if you denied thinking he was attractive. You had always had a little crush on him, so you accepted his request and kept scrolling through. A few minutes later, you received a DM from Mat. Your heart started racing as you went to open it.
Tyson didn't tell me his neighbor friend was so cute ;)
Okay, now you were freaking out, you did not expect that. Obviously Tyson had told him that he was going to a wedding with you. But it was also more proof that Tyson thought of you as just a friend. I mean, he would have told Mat that he liked you, right? You were interrupted from your thoughts by Tyson shifting next to you.
"Who's that?" He asked groggily.
"Um, no one." You said quickly exiting out of Instagram.
"Obviously not." He said grabbing your phone from your hand and getting out of bed.
"Tyson! Give me my phone back."
"I just want to see who's DMing you." You tried grabbing it from his hands but he held you back with one arm. "Mat?" He asked, growing serious.
"You're the one who posted the story…I'm getting lots of requests from guys in the NHL."
"But Mat?"
"You're acting as if I have any control over this."
"You know he's my friend right?"
"Tyson, he messaged me, I don't know what you want me to do."
"Are you gonna respond?"
"I don't know, I don't really know what to say back to that."
"Do you want to?"
"Well I don't want to be rude, but if it's going to bother you I guess I won't."
"No, I'm sorry, you can respond. I guess it just caught me off guard." He said giving you your phone and leaving the room.
You huffed and sat down on the bed. You were so confused. Why would Tyson react like that if he just liked you as a friend? This weekend was really messing with your head and you were kind of regretting bringing him with you. You had already accepted that you should get over your feelings for him, but now you were worried that it was going to mess with your friendship.
You contemplated what to say back to Mat. You didn't want to upset Tyson but you also didn't want to leave him on read, it might be kind of awkward if you guys ever met in person.
Tyson came back a few minutes later and seemed to be in a little bit of a better mood.
"Did you respond?" He asked, sitting down next to you.
"Not yet, I don't know what to say…any ideas?"
"You wanna mess with him a bit?" He asked with a smirk.
"I don't know, Tys, I don't know him."
"But I do…he'll think it's funny."
You sighed and handed him your phone, "fine."
Tyson took it happily and started typing away.
"What are you saying?" You asked, trying to look over his shoulder. He moved the phone so you could see it.
You know Tyson?
You looked at Tyson quizzically, "where are you going  with this?"
"I'm gonna make it seem like you don't know who he is."
"Tys, that's just mean."
"Relax, it'll be fine."
You only had to wait a few minutes before he replied again.
Wait, Tys hasn't mentioned me?
Tyson started laughing when he read it and you just rolled your eyes, wishing you had never agreed to this.
No…sorry :( Tyson cackled as he sent back,
"It’s not as funny as you think it is, you know."
"Oh, it's hilarious."
Damn, well then I guess I'm gonna have to get you to fall for me all by myself
You laughed as you watched Tyson react to the response.
"Guess that didn't work as well as you thought it would." You teased, grabbing your phone.
"Wait, let me say one more thing!!"
"No, you've done enough. I'm telling him it was a joke."
"You are absolutely no fun." Tyson whined.
You shrugged, "sorry!"
Hey, I’m so sorry, Tyson saw that you DM'd me and thought that it would be funny to mess with you…
I know who you are haha
Of course he did…what a relief though, you are very pretty I would love to meet you sometime :)
I'm sure we could make that happen…as long as Tyson doesn't get in the way.
"What are you saying?" Tyson asked when he saw you grinning at your phone like a teenager.
"Why must you know everything?"
"Because you're both my friends…"
"Fine." You said and showed him what you said. "Looks like you have to introduce us."
Tyson rolled his eyes, "we'll see."
You chose to just ignore him because you didn't want to argue anymore.
"We should probably go socialize…" You said sighing and getting up.
Tyson let out a sigh too and rummaged through his things to find a shirt to put on. Once he put one on the two of you headed downstairs.
Your mom, Casey, and Carly were in the kitchen getting started on dinner. You asked if they needed help but they said no so you went into the living room where your dad, Jack, and Charlie were all watching TV. You took the open loveseat and Tyson put his arm around you and you cuddled into his side. Although things were a little weird between the two of you, you had to keep appearances up. There wasn't much talking going on, although you were glad that your brothers were being pleasant with Tyson.
Tyson was focused on the TV while you were scrolling through Twitter. You hadn't even noticed that Tyson was now looking at your phone with you until he squeezed your shoulder and laughed at the tweet you just liked. You relaxed a little bit more in his arms, glad that things were becoming more comfortable again.
Dinner was much better than it was the night before. Everyone was laughing and making jokes, no one was grilling Tyson…
You helped your mom clean up while everyone else went into the living room to set up for a game of charades.
"So, how are you?" Your mom asked.
"Um, I'm good…why?"
"What? I can't ask how you are?"
"Well, you can, it just seemed a little out of the blue."
"I haven't really had any time alone with you…"
"I know, I'm sorry. I just worry about leaving Tyson alone with them…"
"How come you never told me about him?"
"I told you mom, I didn't know if things were serious or not, and we wanted to keep it kind of private, hockey fans can be crazy."
"I know, but I'm your mother. I want you to feel like you can tell me things like that."
"I do mom, I really do. I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier."
"Things are good with you two?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Things seemed a little tense tonight…"
"We just had a little disagreement earlier, but it's all good."
"Okay...he seems like a really great guy, Y/n/N, and the way he looks at you…it reminds me of how my father looked at my mother…he's really in love with you sweetie. I hope this works out for you two."
You smiled sweetly at your mom and gave her a hug, even though that was the last thing you wanted to hear right now. At this point, you had stopped getting your hopes at little signs because they never ended up meaning anything.  
Once you were finished cleaning up, you and your mom joined everyone else in the living room. You sat down next to Tyson and he put his arm around and kissed the side of your head. You were not looking forward to this game, your family was very competitive, and although you knew Tyson was too, it could get out of hand pretty quickly.
You were split into two teams, thankfully you were with Tyson, Charlie, Casey, and your dad. Jack and Ben are the worst to have on your team because they are the most competitive and they get super pissed when you're not performing well. Your dad and Charlie were also really good at charades so you'd probably win.
It actually ended up being a lot of fun. Thankfully, Jack and Ben didn't get too worked up and of course everyone was drinking so everyone was laughing and having a good time. Your parents called it quits when Ben and Hailey left to go back to their house. The rest of you stayed up and talked for a while before everyone slowly tucked in for the night.
When you and Tyson finally laid down you were exhausted.
"Well tonight went much better than last…" Tyson said, pulling you closer to him.
"Yes...thankfully. I was a little nervous, Jack and Ben can be a little crazy when it comes to games."
Tyson chuckled, "you're one to talk…"
You scoffed, "hey! I am not that competitive."
"Um, I have a monopoly board that would say differently."
"Oh my god, okay, I was really drunk…I don't usually get like that."
"Whatever you say…"
You shook your head and reached over to turn the lamp off.
"Do we have to be up early tomorrow?" Tyson asked.
"No, I don't think so. I think we have to be at the church by 3."
"Perfect, I want to sleep in, I'm exhausted."
"I know, me too."
"Are you gonna sleep in?" He asked, wrapping his arm around your waist.
"I'm gonna try…why?"
"It was hard to keep sleeping once you got up…"
"You want me to stay in bed until you get up?"
"Pretty please?" He asked, sticking his lip out.
You shook your head and chuckled, "yes, I can do that, but not if it's super late!!"
"Okay, deal. Night, Y/n/N."
"Goodnight, Tys."
The next morning you were kicking yourself for the deal you made. You were so tangled up in Tyson it was going to be impossible to even move. You tried to carefully grab your phone so you could see what time it was. 9 am. You relaxed and began checking all of your social media. You were careful to avoid your DMs, you didn't want him to wake up and see anything that would upset him. Although you still wanted to know why he actually cared so much about Mat messaging you.
A little while the arm around your waist tightened and Tyson's head poked up.
"So much better when you're in bed with me." He said groggily. "…just wish we were naked."
"Tyson!" You said shooting up to a sitting position. You looked over at his smug little face. "You are such an asshole."
"You love me." He shrugged, putting an arm around you.
You rolled your eyes, "you disgust me."
You laid there quietly for a few minutes before Tyson spoke up again, "you ready for today?"
"Pretty sure that should be a question for the bride…"
“`Yes but the whole reason I’m here this weekend is to help you get through it.” “Okay, yeah...I’m sure it’ll be fine. Seeing you with me should shut everyone up.”
A smug grin appeared on Tyson’s face, “I can’t argue with you there…”
You shook your head and laughed before growing serious again. “I just am a little nervous about seeing Jake...I don’t know if he’s still drinking and I’m worried he’s going to cause a scene.”
“Well if he does than fuck that. It won’t be your fault either so don’t feel bad if he does.” “I know, it’s just, everyone has always pitied him and let things slide because he’s an alcoholic. I just don’t think my family will see it as his fault...they’ll blame it on me for bringing some new guy around even though that’s all they talk about. I just can’t win with them.”
“Okay, well let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here. Hopefully everything will be fine and we won’t have to worry about it. If it does, we’ll deal with it then, okay? Just try and relax and have fun. Weddings are supposed to be fun.”
“I know...thanks, Tys. I know I keep saying this but I really do appreciate you being here with me.”
“And I will keep telling you that it’s no big deal, sweets.” You smiled as he kissed your forehead. You were quiet for a few moments before he spoke up again. “So...have you heard from Mat at all?”
“Not since last night…” You said softly while Tyson just nodded. “Why?” Tyson shrugged, “just wondering.” You gave him a pointed look. “What? I am!”
“How come you seemed so upset about it last night?” “I didn’t mean to seem upset, I just, I don’t know, it caught me off guard. But I know you think he’s attractive so go for it I guess.” He said enthusiastically.
“Okay, well I don’t care what you say, it clearly bothers you in some way, so I’m not going to talk to him.”
Tyson rolled his eyes but didn’t argue so you figured that meant there was some truth in your statement.
You laid in bed for about another hour talking about random stuff before you got up to shower and start getting ready.
“Alright,” you started as you untangle yourself from Tyson, “I’m gonna get in the shower.” “Wanna save some water and shower together?” He asked with a cheeky grin, grabbing your wrist to keep you in place.
“Absolutely not.” You said as you shrugged his hand off of yours and walked out of the room.
Tyson looked up when you walked back into your room. He opened his mouth but you cut him off before he could even say anything.
“Whatever you’re about to say, the answer is no. Go get in the shower.”
Tyson pouted, but did as he was told, not before grabbing your ass on the way out with a little giggle. You rolled your eyes and went about getting ready.
You couldn’t help but glance over at Tyson as he strolled back through the door a few minutes later. The towel he had wrapped around his waist was starting to fall off of his hips and you had a clear picture of his V line. You hadn’t really noticed that you were staring until you heard Tyson start talking to you.
“Like what you see?”
You blushed and rolled your eyes turning back towards the mirror to finish your makeup.
Once you were finally done with your makeup, Tyson had stepped out of the room so you took the opportunity to put your dress on. You slipped it on and tried your best to zip it up but you couldn’t quite reach. When you heard the door open again you turned to ask Tyson for help.
“Hey Tys can you help me-” You stopped when you saw him staring at you. “Is everything okay? Is there something wrong with my dress?” You asked, starting to panic a bit.
“No, no, not at all. I, um, you just look really beautiful.”
You visibly relaxed and smiled at him. “Thanks, Tys. Could you help me zip up though?” He nodded and stepped towards you and turned back around so he could help you. You could feel Tyson’s breath on the back of your neck. Once he zipped you up you turned around slowly, Tyson not moving a muscle. You looked up at him, his face just inches from yours. He cupped your chin in his hand and he brought your face to his and kissed you softly. You closed your eyes and welcomed his lips on yours.
Tyson pulled away after a few moments and turned away. “Shit, I’m sorry, I…” He trailed off and sat on the bed.
You grew sad at his reaction. Although he initiated the kiss it seems like he also regrets it.
“It’s okay...I, um, I’m gonna go downstairs.” You said and quickly left the room. You ducked into the bathroom and leaned against the counter willing yourself not to cry so you wouldn’t ruin your makeup. You took a few deep breaths to compose yourself and you made your way to the door. Just as you were about to turn the knob there was a knock.
“Y/n/N? Can I come in?” It was Tyson. The tears that you just suppressed were quickly coming back. You opened the door and retreated back to the counter.
“Jesus, are you crying?” You covered your face with your hands because the tears were now rolling. “Please don’t cry Y/N. I didn’t mean to upset you, jesus…” he trailed off as he placed his hands on your shoulders. “Please stop crying...I don’t know why I did that…” “It’s fine, Tys, you got caught up in the moment, it’s fine.” “What? No, not the kiss...the kiss was amazing...I totally meant to do that. I don’t know why I pulled away like that. I guess I just thought maybe that’s not what you wanted and I thought I messed everything up. I guess I did that anyway…” You didn’t say anything and you didn’t move for a few moments. “Will you look at me please?” He asked, softly guiding your chin up to look at him. “I’m sorry, Y/n/N. Please don’t be upset.” “You’re wrong you know…” He gave you a puzzled look but you just kept going. “I’ve wanted you to kiss me so badly...for so long. I just thought maybe you regretted it and that’s why you pulled away…”
“Not at all, babe...not at all.” He said, moving in, grabbing the sides of your face and kissing you tenderly.
This time when he pulled away his hands stayed where they were and he wiped away the remaining tears with his thumbs. “God you are so gorgeous.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Tyson, I’m crying and my makeup is everywhere.”
“That’s what makes you so beautiful.”
You shook your head and smiled at him, taking his hands in yours and bringing them to your sides.
“Come on, let’s go get you fixed up.” He said, leading you back to your room.
It didn’t take you too long to fix your makeup, and before you knew it you heard your mom yell up the stairs telling you guys to hurry up. You grabbed your shoes and sat on the bed next to Tyson to put them on. You started to open the door to leave and Tyson took your hand to stop you.
“Tys, we need to go what ar-” He stopped you with another kiss that you melted into.
“I know, I’m sorry, I just can’t get enough of your lips right now…”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes, “if we go now you can explore all of my lips later…”
Tyson’s eyes widened and he hurried both of you downstairs where the rest of your family was waiting.
It was a beautiful day, although still pretty cold, the sun was shining and the snow was shimmering. The church looked gorgeous, they had decorated it with tons and tons of flowers, it looked like a garden and it was beautiful.
You held onto Tyson's arm as you followed the rest of your family to sit down. You got there on the earlier side, so there weren't too many people there yet. You found yourself looking back at the doors quite often, waiting for Jake to arrive. Tyson noticed, because you really weren't being very discrete about it, so he took your hand in his and squeezed it gently. You looked at him and smiled. You were so happy and relieved that you two finally shared how you felt and that you could finally be together. You wanted to believe that nothing would ruin such a beautiful day, but if anyone could, it would be Jake.
You were successfully distracted from the door by your brother's ridiculous argument over which of your cousins was going to get the most shitfaced. By the end of it you had placed $20 on who you thought I'd be.
When the ceremony was about to start, you looked to your left and your breath hitched. You grabbed Tyson's hand and looked at you before following your gaze across the room to where Jake was. He looked back and gave you a reassuring smile and kissed the side of your head. Thankfully, the music started to play and your focus was on the wedding party walking in.
The ceremony was beautiful, their vows were adorable, and all of the speakers and passages were very fitting. It wasn't too long either, which was also nice, you couldn't sit still for very long so you liked when things were quick.
Because of all of the people leaving the church, you avoided an encounter with Jake which you were glad about but you knew it was going to happen so the dread just set in. You were able to keep pretty busy throughout the night. Introducing Tyson to everyone and catching up with family you hadn't seen in a while. Tyson stayed by your side pretty much the whole night which was super comforting. You were nervous for him to leave you because you had caught Jake staring at you a few times, and you knew as soon as you were alone he was going to come up to you.
It didn't happen for a little while longer, which you didn't know if it was better or worse because you now had multiple vodka sodas in you. You had been sitting at the table with Tyson, taking a break from the dance floor, when your dad and uncles had come up to you and asked to steal Tyson. You tried to object but your uncles were insistent on spending a little time with him. You rolled your eyes and sat back, trying to push the anxious thoughts away. But that wasn't happening when you saw him approaching you. You tried to stand up but he grabbed your arm before you could take a step.
"Y/N, please. Just let me talk to you."
You sighed and sat down, making a point to shrug your arm out of his grip.
"So, who's the guy?"
"Tyson, my boyfriend." He scoffed at your reply. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing, I'm just surprised is all."
"Word on the street is, he's a professional athlete."
"So, it's probably not going to last long. I wouldn’t say that you’re really his type."
"You don't know anything about me, Jake. We haven't talked in years. And I would really like to keep it that way, so please, leave me alone."
"Oh, come on, Y/n/N. Don't be like that. I wasn't that bad, you blew things way out of proportion."
"Did I? Because I'm pretty sure if your dad wasn't as good of friends with my uncle that you would have been in jail, not rehab. You're lucky you got off as well as you did. Me? I didn't get off that easy. You really fucked me up. I couldn't get near a guy for a year because of you. You were abusive. You were an asshole. And I wish that I hadn't wasted so many years of my life with you." You weren't really sure where you got the nerve to say all that, because as soon as it came out of your mouth you were scared of how he was going to react. He opened his mouth, but before he could get a word out, you heard a voice behind you.
"I believe the lady has spoken, you can go now."
To your surprise, he walked right away. It was probably Tyson towering over him that scared him off.
"Well, I was feeling badly that I left you out in the open but it appears my girlfriend is a total badass and was fine on her own…" He commented, wrapping his arms around you and placing his chin on top of your head.
"Yeah, well I'm surprised too. I have no idea why I thought that would be a good idea. I'm not sure what would have happened if you hadn't come over."
"Well, hopefully we never have to find out…are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. It felt good to get that out."
"Good, fuck that guy."
"Yeah, fuck that guy." You said agreeing with him as you let go. "I need another drink…a stiff one."
"Anything for you, my love."
The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, however you downed a few more drinks and were very drunk. Tyson helped you to the car and then up to your room once you got home.
You stripped out of your dress and pounced on Tyson.
"Whoa, easy there killer." He said catching you and placing you gently on the bed.
You kissed for a few minutes before he climbed off of you. "Alright, bedtime."
"What?! Tyson…" you whined. "I've been waiting so long for this."
“Oh have you?!” He asked, quirking his eyebrows.
“Yes, now pleeeeeease.” She whined.
“You’re too drunk, and besides it’s a little weird with your parents down the hall.”
"Ugh, fiiiine." You pouted, taking your bra off and getting comfy in the bed.
"Can you put a shirt on?"
"Oh my god, Tyson, what is wrong with you?"
"I don't know if I can control myself laying with you naked all night. Just please." He said, throwing you one of his shirts.
You sighed and put his shirt over your head. He climbed into bed next to you and wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm so glad you came with me this weekend, Tys."
"Me too, I don't think I could have lasted much longer just as your neighbor."
"Yeah, it was starting to really get to me…"
"What do you mean?"
"I just was thinking that I was going to have to distance myself because I couldn't suppress my feelings anymore…"
"Well, then I'm definitely glad we had this weekend, I would have been really sad if you did that."
"I don't know if I could live with myself if I made you sad…not to mention I'd have Landy on my ass."
"He's been texting me all weekend."
"Really? Why?"
"Updates on if we're together or not."
"Did you tell him?"
"Nah, I want to mess with him a bit."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes, "what are you gonna do?"
"I'm just going to tell him that we had an awful weekend, we got into a huge fight and we're not even friends anymore."
"You're awful."    
"But when I finally tell him that we are together now, he'll be so happy he won't even care."
"Okay, just leave me out of it!"
"Oh you're in it now. We're partners for life."
"For life?"
"I hope so."
"Me too." You said with a small smile. You turned so you were now facing him. "Goodnight, Tys." You said softly, giving him a kiss before snuggling into his chest.
"Goodnight, Y/n/N."
The next day you had a big brunch with your family before everyone went their separate ways again. Now that you and Tyson were actually together you were so much more relaxed. Despite the hangovers, everyone was laughing and joking around. You were actually a little sad that you were leaving. But, you were excited to get out of your parent's house and spend some alone time with Tyson.
After what seemed like a never ending goodbye, you and Tyson were finally on the road back to Denver. The car ride was much more pleasurable. Again, you were more relaxed, the weekend was behind you, and you frankly couldn't wait to get back.
When you pulled into the garage, you grabbed all of your bags and headed upstairs. You parted ways so you could put your bags down. A few minutes later, Tyson strolled through your front door. You were grabbing a glass of water in the kitchen, so you got one for him too and then you went back to your room so you could unpack and start some laundry.
"Do you want to bring your laundry over here?" You asked him as you gathered your dirty clothes.
"It's alright, I can do it later."
"I don't mind, Tys. I'm doing it anyway."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, go get it."
Tyson gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and walked off to go get his laundry.
Once you had a load going the two of you went and sat on the couch. You started off just talking but then ended up making out a bit. Tyson was now lying on top of you and things were starting to get heated when his phone rang. "Shit," he muttered as he rummaged around trying to find it on the couch. "It's Landy, I have to answer, I told him to call me."
You rolled your eyes but sat up next to him as he settled back.
"Hey, man." He greeted solemnly. You mouthed for him to put it on speaker.
"Hey, are you home? What happened?"
"Yeah, I'm home…um, things didn't go so well."
"Oh no...what happened?"
"Well, things with her family weren't good to start with. Then the first night we got into a fight about her brothers, and then we got into another argument the next day and I almost just left…I ended up staying but I don't think we're really even friends anymore…"
"WHAT?! Why wouldn't you be friends anymore? What did you do???"
You had to suppress your laughter at Tyson's face when Gabe insinuated it was something he did and not you.
"Why would you think it was something I did?!" Tyson asked, obviously very offended.
"It's Y/N…she just doesn't do anything wrong."
"Okay, well, I don't know. We need a break from each other."
"What the hell, Tyson? Did you even tell her how you feel?"
"I was going to, but I figured telling her after we just had a screaming match wouldn't be the best idea."
"You screamed at each other??? Jesus, what did you fight about?"
"Mat Barzal."
"Yeah he DM'd her on Instagram and it pissed me off."
"Seriously? You screamed at her?! That's not even her fault, man."
"I know, I shouldn't have gotten upset with her, but I did, and now we're just giving each other some space."
"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Go over to her place right now and make things right."
"I can't, man."
"You can, and you will."
"No, I really can't."
"And why not?"
"Because I'm already over here."
"I'm just messing with you, Landy. We're dating now."
"Are you kidding me?! Y/N are you there? Were you in on this??"
"I wanted no part in it!!!"
"Ugh, Tyson, I want to be so mad at you right now, but I'm too happy for you!! It's about time, though. We were going to give you guys like another week, tops, before we took matters into our own hands."
You and Tyson both laughed, "who is we?!" You asked.
"Me, Mel, basically the whole team…"
"Well I'm glad we have lots of supporters." You commented as Tyson pursed his lips.
"NO one will be butting into this relationship…I'm serious Landy."
"I'm sorry that's not the way it works, Josty." Tyson rolled his eyes but you just giggled. "Anyway, I'm glad you two love birds finally figured it out. Have a good rest of your day and use protection!!!"
Tyson rolled his eyes again and hung up on Landy. "We're turning our phones off and spending the rest of the day in the bedroom." He commanded as he put his phone down on the coffee table. He looked at you signifying for you to do the same and you obeyed then followed him into your bedroom.
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mrskuroo101 · 4 years
Rainy Days - Akaashi x Reader
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It was a rainy evening, the sky plagued with clouds as (Y/n) trudged through the pouring rain. The heavy rain seemed to not give any amount of pity to the girl that forgot her umbrella. She kept running through it, didn’t even realised that she was holding her breath until it slipped away. 
 (Y/n) looked up towards the sky, her eyelashes fluttering shut frequently from the force of the raindrops that washed over her face. Her (H/c) clung to her face whilst she came to a halt, ears caught a familiar monotonous voice that shouted her name. 
 “(Y/n)-san!” That's when she noticed how the rain above her stopped prickling on her skin, her eyes fell to the umbrella that was now towering over her. And now, her body was engulfed by a large yet comfy coat that someone just wrapped around her shoulders. 
 “Be careful, you'll catch a cold.” 
 (Y/n) turned around to face her boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji. Her breath stuck in her throat once she maintained eye contact with him. She took all of his features at that moment; how his gunmetal-blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with a hint of fondness whenever he was near her, his smile seeming wider and genuine when they went on dates together, the way his cheeks and ears would be dusted with a red tone whenever she complimented him, and the way his eyebrows furrowed that showed he was in deep thought.By now, she even noticed how Akaashi was fidgeting with his hands but still trying to keep her under it to avoid the rain, their hot breath fanning over each other’s faces due to the close proximity of the two Fukurodani students. 
 “O-ohh uhm, I’m sorry. I should’ve brought two umbrel-” Akaashi was quickly cut off with (y/n)’s groan as her hand came in contact with her face, making the poor setter worried. 
 “I’m so stupid, Akaashi-san. I thought it’d just be cloudy all day! But I guess not, and now I’m just bothering you.”
 Akaashi’s eyebrows furrowed at that moment, he knew his girlfriend had the tendency to be absent-minded. But stupid? He didn’t like that word. Not at all. He knew how hard (Y/n) would studied a lot when an exam is around the corner. He knew how she stayed up all night just to finish school homework on time.
 And yet, she always made time for him. 
 He didn’t think of her as stupid at all, he never would. Akaashi quickly pulled (Y/n) into his embrace, his hand keeping a tight grip on the umbrella as it protected them from the harsh weather. 
 “Akaashi-san? What are yo-”
 “Shh, you’re anything but stupid, sweetheart.” He rested his chin on top of her head, his long fingers stroked her drenched hair gently hair. He leaned down a little, gave her a soft kiss on her forehead before he engulfed her in a hug once again.
 “But I am stupid, Akaashi-san." She let out a long sigh, "I mean, who forgets to bring an umbrella?” 
 “You do and it’s the cutest thing ever.” He huffed out in a light-hearted manner, his eyes looked directly into her. (Y/n) could see her reflection in Akaashi’s dark blue eyes, his pupils enlarged as the swirls of a navy blue began to swirl in them. He couldn’t help but get mesmerized in her eyes because how he could feel the warmth that always seemed so welcoming to him, it felt as if… he was at home.
Akaashi lifted his hand up to her face, softly cupped the side of her cheek as a small warm smile overtook his features. He never really smiled this soothingly at anyone else but her, memories of the moments they shared seemed to always swarmed Akaashi’s stomach with butterflies all the way to the brim which is one of the reasons why he always loved hanging around his lovers. The feeling as if he could finally let loose and didn't have to worried about anything overcame him whenever he was accompanied by her. He could honestly say that he was at ease with the world and felt that all the pressure disintegrated from his mind whenever he felt himself get lost in her eyes.
 “I mean, I’d never find what I call 'home’ stupid. 
 Remember that, Love.”
credit to: 
@caxsthetic​ for further improving this and being my beta reader lol
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jeontaeh · 3 years
"Space Nova ZX92. Landing." Yoongi said into the little mic device on his stand, and they got an affirmative beep of acceptance and sighed in relief. Taehyung pressed the button on the control pad and pressed the lever forward, making the spaceship slowly descend towards the purple planet surrounded by eight moons. 
"Planet's beautiful," Jimin pointed out, looking out at the beautiful waves of purple water as they got closer and closer to the surface.
The whole city seemed purple, spaceship floating past purple clouds and reaching the ground which had many array of coloured buildings, though the ground was purple.
They landed their ship in one of the holding center and then all cheered a little at the arrival. "Finally, some fresh fucking air."
"Woah, let us check first." Taehyung said, and Jungkook saw as Taehyung gave him a look, which confused Jungkook a bit. "Check what?"
"Oxygen levels, gravitational pull, all that basic shit you dumbass." Taehyung scoffed, and Jungkook frowned, but then just grabbed the gravity detecting device.
The two walked to one of the little metal flaps on the ship and put on space masks and opened it. They pressed the devices up as the air rushed through, and then closed the metal flap and saw what it indicated. "Safe. Let's go." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded at them.
More nonsensical cheering, followed by Hoseok slapping Jungkook's ass and Jin slapping Taehyung's ass on the way out. Both boys groaned, just hearing snickers on the way out.
Jungkook headed for the door, but Taehyung grabbed his arm. "Woah there Jessica Rabbit- we need to make sure we have all the equipment before we leave." Taehyung said, and Jungkook frowned.
"Why? All the guys are already gone- c'mon Tae, let's catch up-" Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung scoffed.
"Dude- we're space explorers. This part is what we have to do- or else there's no point of us being on the ship." Taehyung said, and Jungkook groaned and then whined for like 6 seconds straight but then huffed. "Fine."
They gathered all the equipment and stuff they needed (mainly Taehyung, while Jungkook bounced around like an excited puppy waiting to go outside). Once they gathered the stuff, they walked outside, and Jungkook gasped.
"Ohh- it's so nice and breezy!" Jungkook said, and Taehyung huffed. "Lots of toxins in the air. My radar is off the loop-"
"Taehyung," Jungkook snapped, turning to face him, looking a bit serious and stepping closer to him. "You're too tight."
Jungkook's words made Taehyung frown. "You need to loosen up, y'know?" Jungkook added, giving Taehyung's waist a squeeze.
"Loosen up?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook nodded, giving him a smirk. "Yeah, I can help with that." Jungkook whispered lowly, and then turned around.
The moment he did, he felt a sharp slap on his ass and jumped a little. "Got a lot of experience with being loose, have you?" Taehyung smirked, and Jungkook smacked his ass back, cheeks turning red, seeing Taehyung jump a little as well.
"Yeah with your mom," Jungkook said, and Taehyung mimicked him back, mocking him.
They both walked out of the spaceship holding center and out into the city, and Jungkook's mouth fell. "Holy shit this is the planet with all girls!" Jungkook squealed, seeing all the purple skinned women walking around with different coloured hair down to their waists. Their lips were plump or thin and eyes were big and bright green or yellow.
"Ah, nice." Taehyung commented, but then took out his tablet to see the planet size and what resources it had. Jungkook ignored his tasteless comment, and walked over to some of the girls who were standing in a circle in the middle of the bazaar, talking.
"Hello ladies," Jungkook said, putting on a smouldering look. "Do any of you know where we can get some, y'know, clothes for species like me?" Jungkook asked, smirking at them.
They scoffed. "For dudes? Yeah, you won't find any of that here, human. There's only one shop in the whole planet, and that's on the opposite side of here." One of the girls said, and Jungkook's didn't even care about that, just pouted, knowing how cute he is.
"Aw, well. What'd a stupid human like me do to be stuck in a planet with such beautiful-" Jungkook started, and then heard a ahem.
"Cherry- we need to get moving. Namjoon and the others are close." Taehyung said, and Jungkook glared at him, and then heard one of the girls giggle.
"Your name is Cherry?" The girl said, and Jungkook looked at her dryly, and was about to open his mouth, when a girl with long maroon hair and lighter purple skin smiled.
"I like your hair." She commented, and Jungkook looked at her with a small grin, and was about to open his mouth again, when he felt her hand push him away lightly and walk closer to Taehyung.
"Yeah, I've never seen hair so silver before." Another girl whispered, and Taehyung smirked at their little comments, chuckled. "Yeah? It's real-"
"Oh my gosh, really? That's so cool," Another girl added in, and Jungkook scoffed, seeing all those girls swarm Taehyung like he's some hot piece of ass.
Jungkook felt anger bubbling in his chest and just turned around and walked away, not caring that he didn't know anything about this place and could totally get lost. It's not like he's gonna go missing.
"Guys Jungkook's missing."
The boys were in the only decently masculine store they could find, where they grudgingly looked at large sized feminine shirts. Jimin was honestly having the time of his life, more than eight different shirts and trousers in his basket.
"Ooh, check this." Jimin said, turning sideways at the mirror, looking at how the pink complimented his light skin and pink hair. "I love it. Buy this one too." Jimin said, throwing the shirt at Yoongi, who rolled his eyes and put it in Jimin's basket.
"Are we just ignoring that Jungkook's missing?" Hoseok said, and Namjoon turned to face Taehyung, who brought up the situation in the first place.
"Did you track his tablet?" Namjoon asked, and Taehyung nodded. "Yup. It's in the ship. That either means he's on the ship, or forgot it like a dumbass."
"Let's give Jungkook a little credit, I'm sure he's not that dumb. Probably chilling at the ship." Namjoon responded, and then handed Taehyung an empty basket. "You should've kept an eye on him, Tae. We have to work together right now."
Taehyung rolled his eyes, and then heard "Just get Jungkook some clothes. Dunno if he's gotten them or not."
"Why do I have to-" Taehyung whined.
"C'mon, Tae, don't be childish." Jin said, cutting off his whining. Taehyung rolled his eyes, and then gripped the basket handle tightly. "Fine. M'gonna get him some clothes." Taehyung grumbled under his breath, an evil glint in his eye.
"Ah- ah- f-fuck- yeah- daddy- ah-" Jungkook heard loud whines fill the bedroom of his spaceas he gripped the bedhead, thrusting his hips real fast.
"Yeah? Like that? Like my cock?" Jungkook asked with a smirk, voice dripping low as he continued fucking into the purple skinned girl, her platinum hair splayed on his bed.
She nodded, gripping onto his shoulder and letting him fuck her until she moaned and come, and Jungkook followed shortly, cumming as well, spilling into a purple coloured condom. Everything was purple here, jeez.
"Fuck, that was good." Jungkook let out, and the girl giggled, sitting up from on his bed, looking around the ship. "This ship's real nice." She said, and Jungkook smirked.
"Yeah?" Jungkook said, and then looked up, making sure his arms were flexed. "It's mine." Jungkook rasped, trailing his hand through his hair.
"Wow, that's so cool. You must be really rich, huh?" She whispered, and Jungkook nodded, looking away. "Well, anyways. I need to go. Bye, Jungkook, it was fun." She said sweetly, and Jungkook gave her a quick smirk, and then she walked out of his room, and out the ship.
Jungkook laid down on his bed, naked, deciding to take a nap. His eyes slid shit, feeling comfortable in the big fluffy bed. He felt himself slowly dozing to sleep, and mind slipping to sweet sweet sleep. Until he heard loud banging on his door.
"Jeon FUCKING Jungkook get out here right now!" A voice yelled, and Jungkook sat up in an instant, realising he'd fallen asleep for a good half hour. Jungkook rushed to the door and swung it open, groaning while rubbing his eyes.
"What?" Jungkook asked, seeing Taehyung standing there.
Taehyung froze for a second, and then Jungkook saw Taehyung's eyes trail down his chest and down his stomach and to his-
"Put some fucking clothes on," Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook blushed, and grabbed his boxers and quickly put then on. Taehyung rolled his eyes, and then looked angry again.
Jungkook walked out of the room in his tiny boxers, hearing some commotion from the control room. "What's going on?" Jungkook asked Taehyung as he entered the control room, but the answer answered itself.
Namjoon turned to Jungkook angrily, and Jungkook instantly felt scared. "Jungkook, were you in the ship?" Namjoon asked, and Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah.. what's wrong?"
"Someone stole our shit." Yoongi snapped, and Jungkook frowned.
"He said, someone stole our shit! Our fucking map and all our tablets! AKA- our ONLY fucking form of communication we had with our fucking school and the fucking Galactic Navy!" Namjoon snapped, sounding angry, something that made Jungkook gulp.
"What?" Wait- don't- don't we have a copy of the map-"
"No, Kook. It was in one of the tablets, and it got stolen. Someone broke into our ship." Jin said, and Jungkook froze.
"Oh.. god." Jungkook said, eyes growing wide, face growing pale. The boys kept talking within each other, but then Taehyung stepped forward, looking at Jungkook.
"What were you doing here in the ship, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook gulped. "N-nothing."
"Oh, so you just disappeared and came right to the ship?" Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded.
Taehyung crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowing. "So why the fuck were you naked?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook stepped back from him.
"I was... jacking off." Jungkook mumbled, and then Jungkook saw Taehyung's eyes whine completely silver, away from it's usual grey, and it scared Jungkook a bit.
"Is that what the ship's cameras are gonna show, Cherry?" Taehyung asked in a low growl, and the boys were all looking at Jungkook now, interested. Jungkook froze, and then sighed.
"Fine! Fine- I-I got a girl to the ship." Jungkook said, and then saw all their faces grow angry. "But I didn't- I didn't think she would-"
"She's an alien from an alien planet we know nothing of?? Are you out of your mind??" Jimin shouted, and Jungkook moved back, feeling dumb because he was in these stupid tiny red boxers with little hearts on it and ohmygod this was embarrassing.
"No.. S-sorry." Jungkook said in a small voice, and saw how Namjoon groaned, rubbing his face in frustration.
"Well your sorry's aren't gonna work. 'Cause she stole our shit, so I hope you're fucking happy-"
"Guys, yell at him later. Can we figure out how the hell we'll get back?" Namjoon snapped, and the guys gave Jungkook angry looks but turned to face Namjoon. Jungkook stood against the wall, feeling stupid.
"We can ask someone here?" Hoseok suggested, and Jin sighed. "Can't. This planet only allowed stay for a half day, but after that it charges us. So we need to leave now."
Namjoon started laughing, cackling, clearly out of his mind.
"Isn't this great? We're alone, with no weapons, limited equipment, in the middle of a galaxy fucking ages away from Proioxis, and we only have enough food and money to last us two weeks. Awesome." Namjoon said, grinning sarcastically, clearly very angry.
"I think the best thing to do right now is to just wing it and find nearby planets and ask them for help." Yoongi said, and then guys hummed, watching as Namjoon fell onto his chair and kept hitting his head repeatedly.
"Joon, relax. We'll figure something out. Don't- don't lose hope. We'll find something." Jin said, squeezing Namjoon's shoulder reassuringly, and Namjoon sighed, resting his chin on his palms. He looked up at Jin and gave him a tight smile, and Jin returned it, trying to calm him down.
"Maybe we could-" Jungkook started, but Taehyung glared at him. "You shut up." Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook frowned.
"Hey, don't be mean, Tae." Jimin said, and Taehyung scoffed at him. "Are you kidding me, Jimin? He's-"
"Honestly, Tae, this is kind of your fault too. You knew you two got out of the ship alone, so you should've made sure he was with you." Hoseok said, and Taehyung was glaring again.
"How the hell is this my fault?!" Taehyung exasperated, and Jungkook picked on the waistband of his shorts, looking down.
"I mean, you were the one flirting with girls. I kept asking you where the boys were.. but.." Jungkook trailed, lying, and Taehyung's mouth fell open at such accusations, but the guys looked even more pissed now.
"You two are causing all this shit. You know what- we need two people to make sure the ship flies properly through out the night. So you two, get some blankets and pillows, 'cause you two are spending the night here." Jin said, and both boys gasped.
"What that's not fair-"
"I don't wanna sleep in a room with him-"
"Stop! Your stupid whining is dragging us behind. C'mon Tae, at least you be mature," Jimin said, and Jungkook looked even more offended now.
"Um, I can be mature too!" Jungkook said, and they all gave him a look telling him to shut up, so he did.
"Well, anyways. Let's just not fight, okay? I know none of you want to be in this situation, but we could very well be stuck in this ship for years. So-so let's just.. work together." Namjoon said, getting up.
The seven boys looked between each other, and there was a visible pause. A tether, perhaps. A tension in the room, slight fear wallowing in their stomachs. Not knowing the outcome of this-this trip. Not knowing what'd happen.
"We're all on our own now." Yoongi said in a small voice, and there was a hum of agreement, a shiver spreading throughout the room. Jungkook's hoping the shiver just happened because he was in boxers. But he doesn't think so..
✫  ✬  ✭  ✬  ✫
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chibi-encubierta · 4 years
Trials of Mana, Session 5: "Too much forest and I actually like Charlotte... a lot a bit"
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Wait... They are recommending NOW to switch classes? When you could do it at lvl 18?  I did that so long ago... Or are they suggesting getting to third class?? I'm on lvl 31 so I need more training AND the items to unlock them aaand the seed to get the items :/ ===============   Anyway, time to call Vuscav and head to Moonlight Forest
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Japanese voice Kevin sounds like he is begging the ruler of the seas, please, pretty please, such a cinnamon roll.
===============   Serious talk with Faerie and stereotypes about the Beastmen
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And that only the followers of Gauser are the ones that gives the beastmen a bad reputation... Now that I think about it... Up to this point in OG and remake, he has never ever mentioned he is half-beastman or the prince, I mean the party knows he turns into a werewolf at night, but still everyone is saying just how vicious and evil and terrible are the beastmen... Kevin just remains silent and now that he is alone with the Faerie and she brought that up he says a little bit. I always had the headcanon he says it and the team kinda accepts it in a “not all beastmen” style but still I though they will add a little more here, I mean we know if we get him in the party but not as main, but if Kevin is the main... Not a single mention of his linage.
=============== Obligatory detour to Karl's grave I always take if Kevin is the main... Also I don't want to go to the tower yet... ===============
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No, I don't wanna fight Ludgar yet...
=============== (uugghh I forgot to take screenshots of this part, Deathjester saying that Kevin is just “stupid” and naive and paralized him and then tells him how “delicious” his soul must be because he is a beautiful cinnamon roll to good for this world, too pure) I want to kill deathjes... Goremand so hard!!
I don't remember this scene from the OG, but I like it! And then Charlotte jumps in and get slapped hard, that had to hurt! Goremand I hate you! Only I can treat the satan spawn like that! I cannot wait to get to the forest of Illusion and kick your bony sorry ass.  And now he talk about Heath and his fate with Belgar, father of the year that makes Gauser looks like he does actually good/excellent parenting While Kevin is paralized by Goreman and wants to eat his soul >:(  (I really don’t remember this scene form the OG... Guess I will have to replay it :D)
Thanks for the save Ludgar...  but I still don't want to fight you :(
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Ludgar beast form is so cool in 3D!!!
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this part always get me a little sad :( I mean, these 2 would have been great siblings but no. =============== (The emotion in the japanese voices! I just love how much sadness you can feel from Kevin and Ludgar. Riesz has a lovely voice acting and the other characters too, even  with Charlotte’s desperation asking where is his beloved Heath). ===============
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From cool beast form to the cute baby form. Good bye forever baby Ludgar! (I already spoiled myself by accident that we see him training with Kevin as some kind of master-disciple //siblings in the Credit roll and it is so cute!!!) I'm really happy we could finally see that they ended like brothers (pretty sure that was not in the OG) will make a screencap later on.
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Even Charlotte here is dropping her "I'm a mischievous devil" face and is actually worried for the baby. ===============
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Yup, he is the real enemy... But don't forget his master: Belg... The Masked Mage. And finally Charlotte is being nice and  stopping acting like a spoiled little child and realizing she is involved in something bigger, saying how much she also hates Goremand and that she believes that with Kevin, they can beat that real Satan spawn. A+ character development you had there Charlotte.
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Just took this screencap because Riesz looks like she is still angry by the fact she just heard from that other dying beastman that Kevin is a prince and not just a random beastfolk, and now he calls the king his father... What kind of best friend keeps that as a secret? she needs to talk with him about it later because this Goremand is a more pressing matter; And Charlotte is looking at him like she just realized he is a Cinnamon roll. lol ===============
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Big cinnamon roll having a big anime moment here, the voice acting in Japanese is on point ===============  Time to get the last spirit! To the Lampwood Forest!
Charlotte: Follow them, the yellow red flowers
Another Charlotte moment you go girl! :) (I wonder why they decided to make Charlotte talk like that in the English subtitles/dub... in Japanese she doesn't talk like that, just high pitched :/). ===============
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Still a better love story than Twilight  That’s actually something I didn’t remember from OG, only that they passed away for some reason, tragic indeed. =============== I can’t believe I ran out of money!!! No new weapons for the party :(
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Ohh Kevin gave Charlotte his condolence... Precious cinnamon roll. I’m really feeling a change in attitude from Charlotte since the Moonchart Tower. =============== 
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Let’s just make a close up of this:
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Happy half-puppy and half-devil :D so pure! ===============
Wait... What... What just happened???!!? The entire party died from ONE ATTACK of the Grapplavine !?? Whaaat? my first game over in this game :D =============== Next Time: It is time for revenge Kevin...Revenge on a plant !!! >:(
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SU Finale watch
Everything’s Fine
Sneaking back into his room?????
Uh oh the Connie call
Steven Universe: Master deflector
Diamond eyes.... :(
Oh man Garnet taking off her visor :((((
Aw he still stops to fix the donut
WOW His hair gets fixed but the rest of his body doesn’t
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OHHHH A Sapphire and Aquamarine!!!
“A strict no-plant-friends policy!” omg
I love that they aren’t showing us what Pink Pearl’s eye looks like
Ohhh I love the building designs here
lmao “Lookin’ good Steven” Bismuth please
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need me someone who will give me full armor for a wedding gift
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“I didn’t mess anything up” aw poor Steven 
“help Steven” oh boy Steven
“I can keep messing up and fixing things forever, and you’ll never have to know or think about it or any of it!” yikes
“You have no idea how bad I am” YIKES....
I Am My Monster
And here comes monster Steven
GREG, I’m saying this as nicely as I can but PLEASE SHUT UP
whoops so much for that
“Sorry Steven!” Aw Peridot
Aw how’s it feel to use those chains on Steven Lapis :(
“AW you know who would be great at that? Steven” AMETHYST YOU”RE HURTING ME
“You forgot your foot thong thingy” SPINEL.......
They need all of them!!!
I’m shocked White is still willing to connect with him after that last incident
uh oh what’s that??? 
“If Pink hurt you, it was because I hurt her” OUCH
“This isn’t the time to make this all about YOU!” NICE CONNIE
Aw that was unexpectedly sweet 
I’m glad Garnet was first one to grab him in a hug
The Future
Wow way to break his stereo
Boogle maps doc....
Aw even Pearl tried some
39 states????
Oh good I’m so glad he finally got a therapist
Are they all going to different corners to flip out in private
Or maybe they’re gonna plan a sendoff for him
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Now Lapis needs a therapist
“I like this one so much!” PERIDOT
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Steven’s expression here....he finally looks like he knows he’s loved and appreciated
JASPER JASPER!!!! I’m so glad
“I’m coming with you!” JASPER PLEASE
I can’t believe she’s living in Little Homeworld now
“Maybe I need a round two” STEVEN PLEASE
HE GAVE HER HIS N64.............
HIS UKULELE.....she immediately subspaces it lmao
STEVEN..........that’s killing me
“Well bust my britches it’s Steven Universe” GARNET....
“I hope that one day you can help me plan my own” IM SOBBING
“Is that petty?” “You’re allowed to have feelings. Even petty ones” Aw I love Greg
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AW...........Makes me wonder if Greg was the first person to suggest the trip to Steven
“Don’t you think it’s a little Ritzy for me” LMAO
“Steven I don’t think I can get up” SAME
THEY SMOOCHED....I’m glad they didn’t make a huge deal out of it
“I’ve already planned over 363 versions of it” GARNET........
“We are a part of all of them” AW.....I’m so glad
OH........THAT’S WHY THE END CREDIT SCENE LOOKS LIKE THAT.......OH.........................................................
GOSH.........I don’t know what else to say except I’m so proud of Steven
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Retrieved you a future boyfriend, husband and family; John Deacon x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well I’ve seen this prompt in various forms of when there’s a doggy matchmaker but what about seeing it through the dog’s perspective? Based off the very sad movie “A Dog’s purpose” (I also did a Poe Dameron fic kinda similar to this) so I hope everyone enjoys this fic but BE PREPARED FOR THE SADNESS TOWARDS THE END. But until then I give you guys intense fluff and goodness. Also pic does NOT belong to me credit goes to the owner and just seeing these pics with Deacy and the dog also helped inspire this fic.
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*Aug. 1975 Ridge Farm studios*
It started off like any other day.  I woke up to the sound of the rooster’s crow and stretched myself out letting out a loud yawn.  I then walked up the bed and whimpered as I pawed at my mum to get up.  That’s my mum, (y/n). Her and her parents own this lovely recording studio that they call Ridge Farm studios, my name’s Amber and I’m a golden retriever.
She soon stirred and woke up, my tail wagged as I let out a bark and she soon shot up and removed that strange mask that was over her eyes before she saw me.
“Oh, good morning Amber.” She said as she rubbed my neck and brought me close.  I loved my mum so much, she rescued me from the orphanage and picked me out of my entire litter of 9 brothers and sisters.  I had thought that I’d never get a new home but when (y/n) came along, she immediately picked me up and took me home, and so for the past 2 years, this has been my home.
It’s a privilege and a great experience being on a farm.  You get wide open spaces, fresh air, plenty of new things to explore, and so many different animals to bother and play with.  And with mum, she makes it all the more fun and special.
I waited for her to finish getting herself cleaned up and changing into her new fur patterns (clothes) and we went downstairs to see her parents running around cleaning the place. Lately all three of them I’ve noticed have been running around like the chickens I sometimes chase outside cleaning and pushing me off the couches, forbidding me from sitting on my thrones.
“Oh (y/n) thank god you’re up. Listen can you please run to the market and pick up a few things? I forgot to make a store run yesterday due to getting the studio all prepared for the boys.”
“No problem mum, what time did they say they would be here?”
“Well your uncle Shaun said they’d be here by around 2, maybe 3.” Her father answered.
“Okay well I’ll try to be back as fast as I can, c’mon Amber.” Yeah car ride! I love going on car rides!  I raced out and jumped up against the car barking happily as my tail wagged.  “Amber down!” I listened to her and she opened the door and I immediately jumped right in and she closed the door behind me.
She got into the driver seat and the car soon started and as soon as we drove out away from the house, I stuck my head out of the window to feel the rush of the wind blow through my fur.  Ohh that always felt nice, I sometimes wish mum would do it with me, it’s always so nice to feel the wing through your fur and the flies in your teeth, yum.
We soon reached the marketplace and I stayed close beside my mum as she looked down at a piece of paper and muttered to herself.  We picked all the food and I wish I could eat some of it, especially the chicken but she wouldn’t let me touch any of the stuff.  
Of course when she would pick up the green stuff, I almost felt like throwing up.  Why do humans eat that stuff anyway? It stinks, it’s green and its tasteless, so why even eat it? We spent a long time at the market till we were finally done and soon we were back in the car heading back home.
But before we came back up on the driveway, I smelled something.  Five unfamiliar scents were in our house.  I also took notice of another car that didn’t belong to either mum or grandmum or granddad.  My mum parked the car and I could smell that she was scared.
“Oh no, they’re early. Oh I hope mum and dad aren’t freaking out.” She shut the car off and she turned to me and said. “Okay Amber, now you remember the band members I told you who were coming, well I need you to be on your best behavior. We—didn’t really tell them we had a dog here.”
Mum you don’t have to worry, I’ll be good, cause I’m always a good girl.  I let out a couple of barks and she smiled and rubbed my head muttering.
“Good girl.” We both left the car and she grabbed a couple of the grocery bags but as she took a couple of steps, I saw her stop.  Her scent changed from calm to a sorta sweaty smell, she also had this dazed look in her eyes as they were locked onto something.
I looked ahead and saw two young boys that I had never seen before.  One of them kinda looked like me with the long blonde hair, while the other one had the same length of hair as my twin but it was dark brown.  I’ve never smelt my mum like this before as she just stayed there and became a little nervous.
I looked a little closer and saw that it was the long brown haired boy that she was looking at. Wonder if that boy had anything to do with it?  I raced up towards him, I could hear my mum calling out ordering me to stop but I didn’t listen because I wanted to know just what he had that made my mum smell this way.
So I greeted him the way we dogs always greet one another.  I heard him cry out as he turned.
“Bloody hell!”
“I am so sorry. That—that was my dog I swear I-I would never do that…..” my mum said nervously as she tugged me back by my collar trying to get me away from the brown furred boy.  The two men laughed softly and the brown furred man answered.
“Well, maybe you could teach your dog some proper manners.”
“Believe me I’ve tried she just—doesn’t listen to me.” Mum! I turned my head grunted embarrassingly at her.
“Really? Wow did you hear what she said about you? You look pretty smart to me.” my twin spoke up as he knelt down in front of me and began rubbing and petting along my face and neck.
Wow, he’s got a pretty good touch.  He rubbed scratches along my head and soon the brown furred boy knelt down and he began petting me.  He also had a good touch too, maybe even better than my twin did.
“Such intelligent eyes. And quite beautiful too.” Aww thank you. “What’s your name?”
“Amber, her name’s Amber.” My mum answered.
“Hello there Amber.” My twin spoke up.
“Well you seem like a good girl Amber.” The brown furred man spoke up.
“Again I’d like to apologize for what just happened. Normally she never runs at guests and—”
“It’s fine. In fact I’d kinda like to know the name of her mum, if that’s alright with you.” Huh, now they both had a sweaty smell.
“(Y/n), (y/n) (l/n). You probably already met my parents.”
“Ahh yes, well it’s also a pleasure to meet their beautiful daughter.” My twin spoke up with a scent of flirtation on him. “Roger Taylor, drummer of this rag-tag band.” They both shook hands and that’s when the brown furred man introduced himself.
“John Deacon born on August 19th, 1951.” He groaned as he hid his face and I could hear my mum softly giggle while my twin Roger just couldn’t help but laugh hysterically.
“I think he meant to say Bass player of our band.”
“Ahh, well John Deacon born on August 19th, 1951, thought I might let you know I’ve always found bass players the most fascinating members of bands.”
“Y-you do?” my mum nodded.  Before anything else could be spoken an eerie, buzzing voice called out.
“Roger! John!” Soon coming out of the studio was a man with what looked like a fuzzy caterpillar across his face.  He walked up towards us and already I didn’t like his scent.  He just smelt of ill intentions and it made me on edge.  “What in the world is taking you so—good lord what is that beast?” Uhh excuse me? Was he talking to me just now?
“I’m sorry?” my mum snapped.
“We don’t allow strays into this location, get it out of here before I call the pound. And you girl, will you kindly go make yourself useful and help with the equipment?”
“Uhh first of all you don’t talk to my dog like that. Second of all I’m no one’s servant girl or housemaid. And third…..”
“Paul, what is taking so long out there?” Soon two more men came out from the studio and walked up toward us.  One had black fur up to his shoulders and he smelt like sunshine and fun, the other one was really tall and sorta looked like Francine the poodle who lived in town. He had a mellow scent which was relaxing.
“Oh Freddie, I was just telling the girl here about the rules we have here about strays.”
“Paul don’t you remember the pictures the lovely couple showed us? This must be their lovely daughter they were telling us about, please tell me you are darling?” the black furred man spoke out.
“Yeah, I’m (y/n).”
“Ah-ha I knew it! Though those photographs do you no justice at all darling, you are too beautiful for the camera.” Oh I liked this guy; he compliments my mum a lot.
“And this must be your dog?” asked the poodle man.
“Yep this is my lovely girl Amber, she—she’s already met two of your other band members.”
“Basically sticking her nose right up Deacy’s arse.” My twin spoke which caused John to slap him over the head.
“Well she sure is pretty, aren’t you Amber darling?” The black furred man gave me a rub to my neck and I felt like I was in heaven.
Never have I ever been given this much attention by so many people, I was gonna like these four boys.
“She sure is beautiful, her coat is even so shiny. How old is she?” asked the poodle man.
“She just turned 2 last month.”
“Ohh big girl huh?” the black furred man smiled as he kept petting me.  I took notice that he had an overbite with his fangs but he still had a bright smile that almost if not was even brighter than the sun.  “Ohh she’s a sweet girl, aren’t you darling?” he placed a kiss to my forehead before standing up and I felt the poodle man stroked through my fur now for a brief moment before the black furred man said to caterpillar guy known as Paul. “Well go on Paul, make it up to her for insulting her and her beautiful mum.”
“You’re right Freddie I—I didn’t know what I was thinking. Terribly sorry miss, and to you to sweet—” as he reached out to pet me, I snared and snapped at his hand just barely missing it making him jump back as I lowly growled at him.
“Good doggie couldn’t have said it better myself.” Roger whispered. “So Prenter, why the big hurry?”
“We’re on a strict deadline, we’re lucky that Foster’s giving us a brief extension on the album so we must get to word as soon as possible.” Paul then trudged off.
I didn’t like him. Not one bit, and I hope he never insults my mum, me or any of these boys or does anything to harm them.
“Well I’ve kept you all distracted long enough; I should get these groceries in the house.” Mum said.
“Here why—why don’t I help you?” John offered.
“Oh I can’t ask that of you.”
“You’re not asking, I’m offering. Plus it can count as payment for your dog sniffing where she wasn’t allowed to sniff.” I looked up at mum and she looked down at me.  I softly grunted and she said.
“Okay, if it’s okay with your friends for letting me steal you for a bit.”
“Of course it is, you two kids go off and have fun. But be sure to use protection!”
“Fred!” John hissed out before the three of them headed to the studio while mum, John and I walked towards the car.
As we gathered up the groceries, mum said as she gathered some bags.
“You know Amber can actually take a bag of groceries into the kitchen.”
“You’re joking.”
“No, no I trained her to do that. Don’t believe me? Hold a bag to her and say kitchen.” It was then I saw John hold up a bag and I could smell the bag of apples as well as a carton of whip cream.
“Kitchen.” Instantly knowing the command, I took the handles into my mouth and trotted towards the kitchen.  As the two of them walked in, I set the bag down and mum patted my head telling me I was a good girl.  “I’ll say I’m impressed. Never did I think dogs could do that.”
“Some can’t just with retrievers they’re really easy to train, once you start them at an early age.” As the two of them put the food away, I sat down in my bed in the corner of the kitchen and couldn’t help but notice that the sweaty smell between the two of them got stronger.
“So will I—see you around?” John asked.
“Yeah.” Mum muttered. John nodded and began to walk away but then my mum stopped him by saying, “Hey!” he immediately turned around and he smelled hopeful about something.  “If you ever find yourself wanting a break, Amber and I would…..love to take you out to the lake or show you around town.”
“I’d like that, though be prepared it may just be later tonight that I might take you up on that offer.” Mum softly giggled and soon John left but not without giving me a gently pat.  It was then my mum sighed in a strange way as she slide down against the wall.  I walked up to her and she said as she cupped underneath my neck.
“Ohh Amber, I—I think I’ve just been struck by cupid’s arrow.” I tilted my head at her grunting softly.  I sniffed her face and gently licked her cheek before placing myself over her lap and the two of us just sat there in the kitchen.
As the weeks passed, we would either get to listen to the boys who I learned their band name was Queen; play their music.  I’ve heard mum play various other songs whether on her device that she calls a record player or in the car but Queen’s music was unlike anything my ears had ever heard.
I found myself howling along to some of their songs as they would record their songs.  Paul of course didn’t like it but John, Roger, Brian and Freddie didn’t mind it at all, in fact they saw it amusing, to which then Fred called me the ‘doggy approved’ critic.
And when they would all find the time to get away from work, they spent it playing with me and mum. We’d go out onto the tennis court, out in the fields to play fetch or take pictures so that they would have some memories of their recording (according to Brian since he was always the one with a camera in hand), or we’d swim at the lake or in the pool, but I honestly preferred the lake, since John would always throw my favorite ball into it for me to fetch it.
I’ve also noticed that mum and John have been spending a lot of time together.  He would come along on drives with us, he’d go to the lake with us, he’d even stay out and gaze up at the stars with us.  And every time they spent together; I’ve noticed their sweaty scents would grow stronger.  One night while gazing under the stars, I could sense that John was feeling extremely nervous.
I crawled up to him and gave him a comforting nudge and he soon placed his hand on top of my head, gently massaging my neck as mum said.
“Are you okay Deacy?”
“Hmm oh yeah, yeah I’m fine I—well I guess there has been something on my mind lately.”
“What is it?” I looked up between the two of them and it was then John said.
“Well I was wondering if uhh…..you’re not really doing anything tomorrow night, maybe you’d uhh—umm that is if you’d like to would you…..”
“Are you—trying to ask me out on a date?” my mum asked.  John’s face went as red as an apple as he looked down.  No, no you need to keep looking at her.  I stood up and nudged behind his back which knocked him into my mum and the two of them went down to the ground, with John on top of my mum.
“Oh god I-I-I-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to……”
“I know just who it was that really did it Deacy.” I sat down and simply tilted my head trying to look cute.  The two of them got up and that’s when mum said. “And to answer your question, yes. Meet me in the living room at 8?”
“Yeah. Yes of course I’ll—see you then.”  It was then my mum had her first real date.
Humans were so complex; like last night my mum answered John or I guess I should call him Deacy since she calls him that now, with such ease but now here she was tossing stuff out of her closet muttering to herself.
“Too revealing, too stuffy, too dressy. Ugh Amber I don’t know what to where, please help me!” I hoped off of her bed and went into the closet and began sniffing around.  Ohh I don’t know why she hasn’t worn this yet.
I took the bottom of the shirt and she grabbed it and took it off the strange dinner triangle (hanger).
“Huh this?” She placed it over herself and she continued, “Don’t you think it’s kinda see-through?” I went back into the closet and suddenly found something else and I dragged it out from the corner of the closet and held it out to her, “What’s this? Oh. Oh that’s perfect, this is perfect, thank you Amber! Good girl Amber!” She ruffled through my fur and kissed my head and stood up and got dressed.
Mum looked at herself in the mirror as she now applied the stuff she calls ‘makeup’ on her face and as she went to pick up the dreaded smell bottle I barked at her warningly.
“No perfume?” I shook my head in disgust. “Okay, no perfume.” She set it back down then she fully stood up and said, “Well girl, what do you think?” My tail wagged and I let out a happy bark.  “Aww thank girl,” she sat down on the bed beside me and she suddenly became sad. “Amber—can I tell you something?” I grunted and mum continued, “I’m really nervous about this date, I mean—I think I’m falling in love with John and it…..seems like he loves me too. But what if I make a complete fool of myself? I mean he’s a rock star and I’m just—me. A simple farm girl.” I whimpered and set my head on her lap.
No you won’t mum. I can smell that he likes you, and I wouldn’t let you go near him if he didn’t smell of good intentions.  You’re the bravest girl I know, he’ll like you the way you like him.  And maybe if it all works out, I’ll finally have a dad.
“It’s almost 8, c’mon girl.” I hopped off and followed behind her.  We walked down the stairs and the second Deacy saw my mum, his sweaty smell intensified.
“Wow.” I heard him whisper.
“Is it too much?”
“No, no. You look—be-beautiful.” Mum’s sweaty smell also intensified and she said.
“You can thank Amber here for my attire for tonight.” He knelt down in front of me and scratched and rubbed my head as he said.
“You are quite the expert, maybe you could give Fred some tips.”
“My sense of style is fabulous darling, there’s nothing wrong with it!” Freddie’s voice soon proclaimed out.  I turned to see him, Roger and Brian all standing there.
“So you know the rules, have her back by midnight, no shagging in my car but if you do use protection.”
“Roger!” Both mum and Deacy exclaimed as they both got red in the face.
“And Deacy darling, if you do anything to break this girl’s heart you’re kicked out of the band.”
“No worries Fred,”
“God you lot are worse than my dad. The only thing your missing is a shotgun.”
“Ohh where’s that at?” Roger said.
“Rog there’s no need for that.” Brian spoke up.  “Just have a good time, the both of you and be safe.”
“Well with only so few things to do in this town, there’s not a whole lot of trouble to be made. The only big thing that happened here was the multiple robberies and break-ins. And they weren’t even armed.”
“But anyway, have fun you two.”  As they walked out of the door, I went to follow but mum stopped me before I got out the front door.
“No Amber, stay.” Stay? But we’ve always gone on outings together. The three of us.
“Don’t worry we’ll make sure to keep her company, maybe even run some song by her on what she thinks of them.” Roger spoke up as he came and held me back.
“I’ll be back soon girl, and I’ll fill you in on everything when we get back. I love you.” Mum kissed my forehead and soon her and Deacy went into the car.  I whimpered as I was pulled back and the front door shut. I got up on my hindlegs and watched as they drove off.
Aww, but I wanted to go with them.  It’s always more fun whenever I’m around. Why didn’t they want me with them?
“Don’t worry Amber dear, they’ll be back soon. Hey, does someone want dinner?” Food, did I just hear food? I let out a bark and headed straight for the kitchen with the rest of the boys coming behind me.
Deacy and mum were gone a really long time.  Everyone’s pretty much gone to sleep, except me.  I waited and stared out the window from my mum’s room that looked out into the front yard hoping that they would come back.
Then I saw the headlights and my tail wagged as I raced down the stairs and looked out through the curtains of the living room to see Deacy and mum standing together.  I then raced over to the front door and peeked out so that they wouldn’t see me as I heard Deacy say.
“I really had a wonderful time tonight.”
“Me too, thank you so much Deacy. This has been—literally the best summer I’ve ever had.”  I tilted my head as I saw Deacy tuck in a piece of my mum’s fur before the two of them leaned close together.
Until they finally met and their lips touched together.  I don’t know what they were doing exactly but it made me happy as I smiled and my tail wagged.
When I saw them separate I quickly raced upstairs so that they wouldn’t know that I was watching. I hopped into mum’s bed and pretended to be asleep.  I could hear their whispers coming up towards the room and that’s when my mum said.
“Goodnight, my handsome bass player.”
“Sleep well my farm girl.” I heard them do the thing again before I heard the door softly close. I decided to take a peek and I saw my mum slide down against the door and she smelled happy.
Really happy. 
Never have I seen her smile that widely before and her scent was mixed with Deacy’s scent, and it suited her when their smells were together. 
From that moment on, I knew that Deacy was a member of our pack.
As the days went on, the boys continued to work nonstop but when the evening came, Deacy and mum spent a lot of time together.  Sometimes we’d just stay out in the backyard looking up at the stars having a picnic, or we would go on nightly drives, this time I managed to convince them to bring me along.
We would howl together in the car as the music would play on the radio.  But I’ve noticed that every time they were together, mum and Deacy would wrestle with their lips and lick each other.  We’re they fighting over food or something? Maybe Deacy was hiding something in his mouth? Let me check.
I hopped over to the backseat and leaned over to the front as I nudged myself between them and began sniffing Deacy and licked over his face.  The two of them laughed but I smelt nothing.  Nope, nothing in there.
“What is going on?” Deacy laughed.
“Think she’s jealous.” Mum said.  But of course no matter how much mum looked, there was never anything in Deacy’s mouth. And she looked—a lot.
One day as the sun was setting over the horizon, I was walking through the fields and found the haystack and decided to jump into it and roll around in it.  Ahh I’ve always loved the feel and smell of hay.  The way it would tickle my nose, I let out a sneeze as I shook myself.  It was then I heard mum and Deacy talking.  I peeked over but something was different; usually when they were together there nothing but happiness and sweaty smells, now all I could sense was sadness.
Why were they sad? I watched as mum hugged Deacy and he hugged her back.  Maybe I could cheer them up.  I hopped over the hay and trotted up to them.  I let out a bark and they turned to me and it was then I began to try and chase my tail.  Grunting as I spun around until I finally managed to catch it.
The two of them smiled and softly laughed.  I released my tail and walked up towards them and lifted my paw up. ��Don’t be sad anymore, please. Be happy, you two are together, and it’ll always be that way.
The next morning, I watched as the boys were packing up the cars.  All their personal equipment was being packed away as well as their luggage. Where were they going? What’s going on? Nobody ever tells me anything.
“We wish to thank you again for allowing us to finish the album here Mr. and Mrs. (l/n).” Brian spoke up.
“Anytime boys, it’s been wonderful having you here with us.” Grandmum said.
“And anytime you need a break from the city, I know we’d be happy to have you four here again.” Grandad said.
“Much obliged my dears.” Freddie said.  I whimpered as I walked up to them.  “And you, you fabulous dog. Probably the only dog I’ll ever love, you keep being your fabulous self.” Freddie said as he stroked through my fur.
“C’mon boys we need to get going. Foster’s waiting to hear the album.” Bad man Paul spoke up.  Brian walked up to me now and gently stroked through my fur and said.
“It was lovely to meet you Amber, take care of things here.” Roger then knelt down and he cupped my face.
“You keep being a clever girl, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” I grunted and licked my twin goodbye.  He placed a kiss to my head before standing up and then Deacy came up.
“Look after your mum for me, okay?” He smelt sad again. Why was he still sad? I thought I fixed it last night.  He couldn’t even look at my mum and she couldn’t do the same.  It was then the boys got into the cars and drove off.
Grandmum and granddad all waved goodbye, while mum was very sad.  I even heard her sniffle, I looked up and saw water coming down her face.  He can’t leave now, mum’s sad.  I tugged but mum held me back and said.
“No Amber, stay.” Stay? But you’re sad. Dad can help you.  I got myself free and I heard my mum call out my name but only one thing was circling through my mind.
Dad needed to go back and hug and lick mum again.  Wait dad come back!
I raced after the cars hoping that if they saw me, dad would come out and take me home, then he and mum can be together and happy again.  I raced through the field and onto the road but I knew I wouldn’t catch up with them at this rate.
Then I decided I could probably cut them off.  I raced through the wheat fields bounding up and down hoping to still see them. Racing past goats, cows and horses of neighboring farms until finally I came back onto green grass again seeing the car insight.  Remembering which one dad and went into, I raced towards that one and by luck the window was actually rolled down.
His car came to a stop and I took my chance of leaping through the window till finally I was in the car.  I walked up to dad’s face panting heavily, boy you sure did give me a run of my life dad.
“Amber are you crazy?” But maybe not—drive so far next time.
“I can’t believe she actually ran all the way here. You’re a crazy girl aren’t you Amber?” I heard Roger’s voice say as he scratched my back.  Dad, mum needs you and you need her. Go back to her, please. He cupped my face and I could see water fill his eyes as he leaned up against me.
“You need to go back Amber; your mum needs you.” I whimpered. Yes but she needs you too dad. “Life on the road is no place for a dog.” I lifted my paw and lightly pawed at him whimpering. He hugged me and whispered in my ear. “I love you girl,” I felt him kiss me before he ordered me. “Home, now!” He opened the door and I got out and he closed to door before the car took off again.
As I’ve said humans are so complicated. They do things that we dogs just can’t understand, like leave. I stayed there along the road and watched with a broken heart as dad drove away.  Finally not wanting to disobey him, I walked back home.
Mum and dad were meant to be together. But if they weren’t together, then what was the point of life? Maybe the point was to not go looking for it, I think that’s why the term I’ve heard grandad say ‘life’s not fair’ makes much more sense now.
Things changed a lot since the boys left.  Mum decided to move into the city so she packed up and took me along with her. Apparently she got a job offer in the city of London as something called a ‘music teacher’.  
It’s been two years since we’ve lived in the city and it was definitely a huge adjustment, especially to me. Loud noises, more dogs than I’ve ever seen in my whole life, smells that not even back home had to offer, and most of it really stunk.  But mum seemed to be happy, and if she was happy then I was happy.
She never really dated anyone, not after—well sometimes its even hard to hear their music sometimes, but even through the tears, she just couldn’t bring herself to stop listening to them, and neither could I.  One day as I was lying on her bed as she was grading some papers, I heard her sigh heavily and she said.
“You know what I’m thinking?” Ice cream. “This is crazy but sometimes I think I know what you’re thinking.” Ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream.  “Ahh Amber I’ve been cooped up here for too long grading secondary school papers, you wanna go get some ice cream?” I grunted happily. Mum you read my mind.
We were now out in the city going by our favorite ice cream shop, she got her favorite flavor (f/c) and I got me a vanilla cup.  As we were now sitting in the park eating our ice cream, well I was more or less licking whatever was left in the cup.  As we sat there with our ice cream, suddenly something caught my nose.
I sniffed the air and it was then I recognized it.  That familiar masculine scent mixed in with toast and cheese.  Could it be? I took off running as fast as I could through the park.  Mum tailing behind me calling my name.  I tracked the scent down until I found him just sitting there underneath a tree right by the lake where I usually chase the ducks.  
He had his bass guitar in his lap and my tail wagged furiously.  I let out a bark and raced toward him before tackling him down to the ground and licking all over his face whimpering happily.
It was dad. I found him! I found him, he was back at last!
He pulled me back and got a good look at me before saying.
“A-Amber?” I barked happily.  Dad’s fur was shorter than when I last saw him but I knew those eyes and that smile anywhere.  I barked and licked all over his face again, my tail wagging as I heard mum say my name. I looked up and got off of dad and barked happily at her as I looked between the two of them.
“(Y/n).” mum and dad looked at each other.  He stood up and the two just stared at each other some more as they stood face to face, that was before they hugged each other.
Maybe now they would patch whatever it was that happened between them and they can be together again, especially now since we lived in the same territory.
We invited John to our home and the two of them talked over a cup of tea while I listened in from the kitchen.
“How have you been?” dad asked mum.
“It’s been good.”
“How—how long have you been in London?”
“I actually moved here about a month after you guys left. I’m currently working as a music teacher at a school nearby.”
“Is it good? Do you enjoy it?”
“It pays the bills, one thing I never will get about the city is why everything must be so expensive?”
“Can’t argue with that. When we were first starting off, Freddie actually gave away three months wages on our shared house just to record one album. It was a struggle to make a living those first several months.”
“But low and behold you guys slowly rose to the top. And you still are, even after the ‘A night at the opera album’.”
“You—still keep in touch with our music?”
“I’ve never stopped.”
“Even after—”
“Surprisingly yes. I mean it was hard don’t get me wrong, but we both agreed that it just wouldn’t work between us. The distance was just too much to bear.”
“Well…..what about now?” Yes, yes please tell him mum. You still love him I’ve smelled it on you for years.
“But what about Queen? You guys are about to go on another tour aren’t you? I-I couldn’t hold you back.”
“You wouldn’t be holding us back, nor me. Ever since that day when I left, I’ve never felt so heartbroken in my life. I was stupid for letting you go. But if you….if you’ve moved on I understand and…..” I heard dad stop talking so I decided to peek out from the door and that’s when I saw mom and dad softly licking each other like they used to do together.
I watched as dad’s arms went around mom’s waist and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders bringing him closer.
From that moment on, mum and dad spent every moment together.  We would go on walks or he would take us to a brand new studio and when we saw the rest of Queen again, I was happy to get all the pets and scratches. Except for Brian, Freddie and Roger’s fur was also cut too but it seemed to suit them.
It was great being back with them once again, and I was extremely happy that mum and dad were back together again.  And it wasn’t long before we slept together.  Of course mum and I missed dad whenever he had to leave to go on tour with the guys, but every time he’d come back he always brought something back for us.
Never did I think I would get so many new toys in my life.  And they weren’t just from dad, they also came from Roger and Freddie as well.  One day in the early morning before the sun even rose in the sky, I felt something being attached to my collar.  I opened my eyes and saw dad.
“Go back to sleep girl, it’s only me.” I grunted before lying my head back down on the bed. I felt dad softly stroke my head as he whispered, “When your mum wakes up, show her your collar. You’re part of a very special surprise for her.” A surprise for mum? That sounds like fun, I hope the surprise is peanut butter. I love peanut butter.  I then fell back asleep after hearing the front door close.
When morning finally came and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I woke up to see mum coming down.  She went over to the kitchen and I heard her pour out my breakfast, immediately waking up I raced over and began chowing down.
“Boy someone’s a hungry girl today.” While eating my breakfast, something kept buzzing around in my mind, and I could feel something poking around my collar and I couldn’t see nor get it.  I barked at my mum who came up to me and said, “What is—well how did this get in your collar girl?” she took a piece of paper out and unfolded it and a smile instantly came on her face.
I tilted my head at her before going back to eating and that’s when she said.
“Well, hope you have a full belly girl, cause it looks like we’re gonna be busy running around town for the rest of the day.” Huh? We’re going on a car ride. Alright, where are we going?
We were soon driving around town; mum would tell me to find notes that looked like the one on my collar.  And thanks to dad’s scent, I was able to find them.  We went to places like the park, the diner where they first had their date in the city, then we went to the recording studio, then a concert hall where Queen had just performed at, the very first Queen concert mum got to do it, I wish I could’ve watched but it was too loud for me so I just stayed in the dressing room.
Now we were on our way to our final destination and boy was it a far one too.  It was then I was hit with the familiar smells of home.  We were going home. Could this be where our final surprise for mum was at?  Finally by the time it was sunset, we arrived home.
Mum turned the car off and standing outside was grandmum and granddad.  Mum opened the door and I raced over to greet them after not seeing them for what felt like forever.
“Mum, dad.” She hugged her parents and asked, “So do you have any idea what’s going on?”
“Well we promised not to spoil anything, but just head in the house and you’ll see what all this is about.” Grandmum said.
“Alright c’mon Amber.” We raced on inside and the first thing that hit me was the smell of flowers. Orchids to be exact, mum’s favorite.  We both saw batches upon batches or orchid petals scattered in some sort of trail.  I went on ahead and sniffed it leading us to the backyard where there was suddenly light, but it wasn’t daytime, it just turned dark.
It was then I realized they were lanterns, as we walked on ahead I soon smelled the guys, then I saw them.  I raced on ahead and went up to dad who petted my head and he said.
“Good job girl, you brought her here at last.”
“What’s all this Deacy?”
“Just a little something special for you darling, please take a seat you and Amber.” Mum soon sat down on a block of hay and she called me over and I trotted over to her and sat down beside her as she wrapped her hands around me, but I knew that I wanted to stay and watch what was happening.
The boys then began playing and soon a song came up and I recognized this tune.  I barked out happily knowing this was my favorite song, because Dad said that he had written this already and it was for the album they were recording when we first met them.  I think he said he called it, “You’re my best friend”.
The boys played in beautiful harmony and of course it was Freddie’s voice that stole the song, but of course I couldn’t take my eyes off of dad, and neither could mum.  I would look up at her and she was smiling widely from ear to ear and she would occasionally stroke through my fur.  I also took notice that dad didn’t take his eyes off of mum either as he played.
Once the song was over I let out a series of barks and my mum and grandparents clapped and it was then dad came up to mum and he took her hands in his.  Huh he also had that sweaty smell again, and it was then he spoke.
“(Y/n), even though we’ve spent such a short time together the first time around I knew I never wanted to be apart from you again. And just nine months ago when Amber found me again in the park, it felt like we got the second chance. So—I ask of you, (Y/n) (m/n) (l/n),” I then saw him take out a box and opening it I saw something shiny and I heard my mum gasp as dad continued, “Will you marry me my darling?”
“Oh John! Yes! Yes!” I watched as mum and dad tackled each other and once again wrestled and licked each other’s.  My tail wagged as I sensed nothing but pure joy from the both of them and I let out a series of excited barks as everyone clapped.
Their mating ceremony was beautiful and I got to actually carry my mum’s tail down the aisle. She looked beautiful and dad looked handsome too, they danced, cuddled, and couldn’t stop wrestling each other’s lips. Then they left somewhere for what the humans call a ‘honey-moon.’ Were they going to get honey on the moon? If they do they should bring some back, I’ve tried honey here so I want to make sure if honey on the moon tastes any different.
I sure did miss them when they were away, but at least Brian, Roger and Freddie came to check up on me so I still at least had some company, which I always enjoyed.
After about a year of them being mates, we were cuddled up together on the bed.  Dad had just came back from a long day’s recording their newest album and soon another tour would be happening, as we all lay there, my head was on top of mum’s stomach.  Lately I’ve been hearing this strange rumbling sound in her stomach.
“Deacy, there’s something I need to tell you….”
Nine months later, after dad had come back from tour mum had a baby. Currently the two of them were hovering over it in its bed.
“Is he breathing alright?”
“He’s fine Deacy, just let him sleep.”
“Maybe we should wake him up, just to be sure.” As the two of them whispered to each other, I merely lay down there.  I don’t understand why they got a baby. It took all their attention from me.  That was until the day they finally allowed me to meet him, I think they called him Robert.  It was then with one sniff I had a new mission.
To protect Robert at all cost.
Couple years later they got more babies, seemed strange that they kept having babies so quickly but my younger brothers and new baby sister at the time were lucky, because we had the best parents in the world.
As the kids got older, I had to live my life on the run, mostly from the boys as they wanted me to dress up in clothes that belonged to my younger sister.  With no chance of fighting them off, I just let them do what they wanted to whether it was putting sunglasses over me, a tutu around my waist or a crown on my head.
But I guess as long as they were happy, I was happy.  And if I’m being completely honest, I liked having all the attention. Especially when we got to run around the house and play tag or fetch.  Of course mum would tell us to either stop or go outside when it came to playing fetch.
Time moved slower, which was a good thing because I didn’t feel like running anymore, I didn’t feel like playing as much as I used to.  Even when the boys tried to get me to fetch my favorite ball, I never once moved or got up.  All I wanted was to just lay down.
I was also in pain, all the time.  I don’t know why I was hurting but I was.  I saw mum come into the kitchen and she said softly.
“Hey, there’s my best girl.” My breathing was labored now and has been for a while.  She knelt down in front of me and my food bowl as she said, “Amber, you okay?” I could barely keep my eyes open any longer as I let out a weak whimper.
The next thing I knew I was being put in the car.
When I came around, I saw mom standing over me with tears falling down her face and voices were muffled as I heard my doctor say.
“So, let’s see what we can find here?” Thank goodness he didn’t give me a shot this time.
“She’s uhh…..she’s mostly been lying around the house lately; she never wants to run around with the kids. She barely walks or hardly eats. Her breathing’s been labored and…..her eyes just don’t seem to look right.” I heard my mum say.  She sounded so sad, but I was too tired to try and cheer her up.  “Doctor what can we do for her?”
“Well I can run some tests but I think I might have a diagnoses already. I can feel this lump in her side and I’ve felt this with many other golden retrievers I’ve dealt with, and I—I’m afraid it’s not good news. I’m afraid she might have a tumor.” I heard my mum gasp and sniffle.  Faintly through the light that was shining down on me, I could see her hold her hand to her mouth as she was trembling.
“Can…..can I please use your phone doctor?”
“Of course Mrs. Deacon, it’s just over there.” I saw her leave and I could hear her voice very faintly.
“Deacy,” dad? Are you here? “Deacy it’s…..it’s Amber.” I can’t smell you…..where are you, dad?  Soon my vision went black.
“Amber.” When I opened my eyes, there he was.  Dad, you’re here.
“Hey there Amber darling.” Freddie?
“You clever girl.” Roger.
“Didn’t think you’d leave us without a proper goodbye, huh?” Brian.  They were all here.  And I could tell they were all sad, ohh I didn’t want them to be sad.
“Oh our royal queen, our best girl.” Dad leaned his head against me and I could feel the tears fall into my fur.  Mum sat beside him and she placed her hand over my paw and stroked it.
“Oh Amber, Amber, my beautiful, beautiful baby girl.”
“It’s what’s best for her, she won’t suffer anymore.” I heard the doctor say.  Both mum and dad with tears running down their faces, their presences filled with nothing but sadness looked down at me.  I didn’t want to leave them like this, but mum said.
“You’re a good girl Amber. You’ve always been a good girl.”
“Don’t worry, she’ll just feel a little prick in her neck, and then the pain will go away.” Then the last thing I saw before my vision went black for the final time was my pack surrounding me.
*My POV*
Amber Deacon died on August 9th, 1986 at the old age of 13 years old.  Deacy and I had to tell the unfortunate news to the kids since they were visiting my mum and dad for the summer.  I was thankful to get a hold of Deacon after their last concert and amazingly he and the guys had got to say their final farewells to a beloved dog.
We buried her in the backyard and as memory of her I kept her collar and leash with embroider tags that I got made for her when we first moved to the city right by my bed stand.
Losing my best friend was the most gut wrenching thing I ever had to go through.  I was depressed for weeks on end, I couldn’t stop crying and I’d even cry myself to sleep most nights.  I would most of the time spend my days out by her grave and just sit there for hours and hours in rain or sun.
*3rd Person POV*
The Deacon children Robert, Michael, Laura and Joshua all stared out at their mum and Robert said.
“I wish there was a way to cheer mum up.”
“Why did Amber have to die?” said Laura sadly.
“That’s just life my darlings.” John spoke up.  The kids turned to their dad and as he sat down at one of the kitchen chairs, he told them to come over.  They all gathered around their dad and he said, “It’s all just part of life Laura my love, though we wish she could still be here she—she was just very sick and hurting. You wouldn’t want her to still be alive and in pain do you?”
“No, not if she was hurting.” She answered her dad as she leaned up against his chest.
“She was a good doggy.” Joshua spoke up.
“Took the words right out of my mouth Joshua.” He softly scoffed a chuckle before saying, “Did I ever tell you kids how your mum and I met?”
“Yeah, you met her when you and uncles Freddie, Brian and Roger went to record your night at the opera album, right dad?” answered his eldest son Robert.
“True Robert, but there’s another part of the story I hadn’t told you all about. Come into the living room with me.” He kept hold of Laura and the boys followed behind him as they all gathered around the couch.  “You see, when we first came to mum’s and pops place to record our album, your mother was actually out buying groceries. Your uncle Roger and I were just about to head into the studio when I….ehehe I felt something nudge my bum.”  At hearing that the kids all laughed softly.  “Yeah, yeah laugh it up now. But when I turned around there stood your mother. Of course I thought it was her but it was then she introduced me to the cleverest dog I would come to know. It was Amber who helped your mum and I meet.”
“She did that?” asked Michael.
“Yeah she did. She was probably the smartest dog I would ever meet, in fact after a while she helped us reunite when your mum moved here to the city.”
“I wish we were there to say goodbye.” Robert spoke.
“She knew you all loved her Robert. She always knows when someone loves her. But kids, try not to think about her death, she wouldn’t want that. Think of all the fun times you had with her. That’s what’s really important.”
“Can we make a scrapbook with all the pictures of her, and…..maybe give it to mama?” Laura asked hopefully.  John smiled down at his little girl and said as he stroked through her hair.
“I think mummy would love that.”
“Come on you guys let’s go find some pictures.” Said Robert.
“Maybe even do some hand drawings.” Suggested Michael.  Soon the four little Deacons raced upstairs to work on the scrapbook.  Meanwhile John stood up and just looked out into the backyard to see his wife and best friend still at the grave of their beloved dog.
Quietly he opened the backdoor and walked towards her slowly and silently.  He knelt down behind her and cautiously wrapped his arms around her before resting his head on her shoulder.
*My POV*
I felt the familiar arms of my husband wrap around me and I choked out a confession.
“When I—first adopted her from the shelter, never did I think she would affect my life the way she would. But the second I held her she—she changed my world right then and there. Why did she have to die Deacy? Why her?”
“Shhh, shh.” Deacy held me close to him, my head resting over his heart.  As one arm was wrapped around me, his other cupped over my ear so that the only sound I could hear besides his voice was his heartbeat, trying to soothe and control my broken one. “She loved you so much (y/n).”
But even that didn’t stop the tears from falling down my face.  I felt him press little pecks on the top of my head as he then said.
“I’d imagine the doves up in heaven are not gonna be too happy now that she’s with them.”  Finally for the first time in over three weeks since her death, Deacy finally managed to get me to smile through my tears with that joke.  “Ohh there’s that smile I’ve missed so dearly.” He wiped my tears away and cupped my face so that I could look at her.
“I’m sorry—”
“No, you have no reason to apologize to me my love. You just lost your best friend; you have every right to grieve in how you see fit.”
“Are….are the kids—mad at me?”
“They’re more worried about you than anything. They also miss her too.” I sighed heavily and leaned up against him.
“I don’t know what I would do without you here Deacy.”
“We’ll get through this darling. But just know she’s never really gone; she’ll always be in your memories and in your heart.”
“I just…..never got to thank her. Without her I’d—we probably wouldn’t have met each other the way we did.”
“She knows that, she probably knew all along that we had a future together. Otherwise she would never have chased after our car the day the boys and I left the farm.”  He gently kissed me before placing gentle kisses along my temple and kept hold of me.
The rest of the day we all spent in the living room huddled up together on the couch, sharing stories and looking through pictures of the greatest dog to ever grace our lives.
Even as the years passed and we got a new dog to join the family, he didn’t take the place of her in our hearts.  She was in a class of her own.
It’s not often that a dog comes along whose a true friend, and a great matchmaker.  Amber was both.
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Marvel Parody - Chapter 7
Pairing (in the futur) : Chris Evans x Plus Size!Reader
Warnings : Language ; spelling mistakes
Word Count : 1.136
Prelude Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
You all headed backstage and you couldn’t take it anymore. You’ve been coping with the pressure for two weeks now and once the door closed, you burst out in tears. « Hey, what’s wrong? », asked Emily. You couldn’t form a proper sentence because you were so overwhelmed. « I’m…I’m just so proud of.. you girls. You did…so good. I wasn’t expecting such a positif response. And that fucking asshole… ». « Hey calm down. We couldn’t have made it without you. », continued Emily. You were about to interject, « No, don’t. Honestly, you came up with the whole concept, sure we helped but you created all this. »
« What if they didn’t like it or were offended by something? », you replied. « Are you kidding me. I had a good look of their faces during some parts of the show and believe me, I’m not saying this because we’re a team, but they were having a really good time. Trust me. And by the way, I wanted to thank you for defending me on stage. That was fucking awesome. », she finished. You just nodded and hugged her. 
The girls were getting out of their costumes and dressing something more comfortable. That’s when G came to us « Congratulations ladies, you were fantastic. And the cast wants to meet you once you ready. You turned to Gazelle, « Do you mind if I take a quick shower upstairs? ». « No problem dear. Join us when you’re ready. » « Thank you ». She knew how nervous you’ll get surrounded by a lot of people, so giving you time like this made your heart melt. You couldn’t be more grateful for having her. You headed upstairs where a small room with bathroom were displayed. You used to crash there at the beginning of your journey but after joining the dancers, Sarah proposed you to move in with her, which you gladly accepted. Here you were in the shower. Hot water splashing down your body and washing all the pressure away. Starting to relax, you recalled the moment you saw Evans do the left boob grab and smiled at the memory. He was more handsome than the media projected. That guy was like sex on legs. « How can he be so hot? And he’s growing the beard again. Heavennnnn », you mumbled under the hot water. That’s when you remembered that he had seen you in lingerie. Actually everyone did. « Ohhhhh shiiiiit. Oh God. Oh God.  Not only Chris saw you but Sebastian too and Tom Hiddleston. Shit », you realized. So focused on your dance, you actually forgot that you were wearing sexy lingerie during your routine before the Parody. 
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(This Red set for Part 1 of the Dance (see chapter 2)
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(This Black set for part 2 of the dance (See chapter 2)
You slowly let your head fall against the wall. You got out of the shower and put some comfortable clothes on. You wore a black jeans that accentuated your hips and ass with an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt and some pair of Vans. You decided to let your hair dry naturally and applied a small amount of make-up. You headed downstairs, but not having the force to face anyone yet, you pushed the backdoor that leaded to the alley and lit up a cigarette.
Meanwhile, Sarah, Emily, Kelly joined the rest of the girls that were already heading towards the cast.
« Here they are. Finally », exclaimed a smiling RDJ
« Wait. There’s one missing », remarked Taika Waititi.
Evans was trying discreetly to look over the whole place but couldn’t find you.
Gazelle approached everyone. « Hey, G where’s Y/N? », asked Sarah with a concerned look. « She’s just freshening up. She will be here soon », she smiled but gave a knowing look to Sarah, who just nodded in return. The team knew that sometimes you just needed a few moments to collect yourself. « Let’s have a drink people », offered G.
Everyone mingled and started to talk.
« I hope you had fun », said Jen
« Fun? The word is small. It was amazing », told Chris Pratt.
« Indeed. It was very refreshing. It had it all : Jokes, Statements, Action, Drama », replied Hiddleston.
« Awesome, we’re so happy you enjoyed it. », said Sarah.
« You have no idea how happy I am to see an awesome female team slay like that. We could truly see the complicity between all of you and standing there for each other like that. We need more of that. Girls having girls’s back », said Scarlet. « Totally », agreed Brie and Elisabeth at the same time.
« Yeah, we’re a pretty cool team. We put a lot of work into this. I’m so glad everything went alright, considering the fact that we put all of this in two weeks », mentioned Kelly.
« TWO WEEKS?? », asked a dumbfounded Benedict.
« Yeah. Y/N did an amazing job directing us and with the script and everything », said Emily.
« She did all of that by her own? » asked Evans. 
« Well, I did the major part of the costuming because I sew. Kelly and Sarah created the fight/dance choreography and Jen managed to pull out some of the decor. But, the whole concept, which costumes and their details, what parts of the movie, the script, the lightning, the short movies that we showed on the screen were all Y/N », continued Emily.
« And let’s not forget about all those puns. God, she was on fire », said July laughing and was joined by some of the actors.
« I’m really impressed. Putting on a show like this in two weeks is really extraordinary. Good job ladies », said Kevin Feige. 
« That girl basically dragged us to the theater when Infinity War came », said Kelly. « And she forced us to watch all of the movies...multiple times », continued July. « Don’t complain, you’re not the one living with her. I had literally to listen her whine about all of those deaths in the movie. ‘Ohh not Loki. If they kill Rogers, I fucking Riot. NOOOO, how dare they kill Bucky’», mimicked Sarah. The girls were laughing because Sarah’s imitation was on point.
Evans was smiling when he heard that you liked his character to the point that you would riot. A smile that didn’t go unnoticed by Sarah and Sebastian. 
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« Don’t tell her that I told you, but she cried when you all died », Sarah revealed.
« Awnnn so sweet », said Ruffalo.
« If she finds out you told them that, she’s so gonna kill you girl », told July.
« Is she ok? », asked Evans concerned. Everyone turned to him, curious why he would ask that. « I mean, she seemed pretty upset about what happened on stage with that jerk », he said while clenching his jaw.
« Yeah, I think she’s fine », answered Emily
« I was actually really proud of her to stand out like that. She never does it, even when people are being fucking awful to her. She’s kind of reserved and shy, but once you get to know her she’s amazing. I was happily surprised », revealed Sarah. The rest of the girls agreed.
You finished what was like your third cigarette and decided to head back. You couldn’t hide forever.
* gif and pictures not mine, credit to the owners. I found them on Google*
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