#ohhhhhh beloved were really in it now
forcebewitht · 3 months
Hey, since book 6 has been out in English for a while, could we possibly see an Overblot!Idia x reader? I really love the idea of him dramatically taking off the mask he has on to kiss the reader.
A Dance With Death (Overblot!Idia Shroud x MC!Reader)
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(Artwork by: Trashochist on Deviantart, X (Twitter), and Instagram)
(Possible TW: Slight yandere implications, stalking, manipulation, branding)
…The time had finally come. All of the trials and tribulations that you had gone through. The pain and strife that had overtaken you in just a few short days. It had all led up to this. The kidnapping of your beloved companion, Grim. The destruction of the Ramshackle dorm. The kidnapping of those who had Overblotted that you had helped through their trauma and developed bonds with overtime. The kidnapping of even the Headmaster of Night Raven College himself. The entirety of these events had thrown Night Raven College into turmoil.
And that was just what excited Idia even more. He had been watching curiously since the very first moment you had arrived at the institution. I mean- a student that didn’t have any magic? Yet arrived within a coffin here to a school of magical students? It was unheard of- and just that alone excited him. This excitement only grew once the Overblots started. His family and organization, S.T.Y.X., had been all over the research of Overblotting for years. But now, after all of this time, someone so close to him (in the school, that is-) was at the forefront of a handful of Overblots? It was far too perfect of a chance to pass up with that new Ramshackle prefect. The plan was sprung, footage and data gathered. He knew that they were going to come for their beloved friends- they were just so cool like that. Literally a superhero in disguise, an underdog that soon had risen to be one of the top dogs within the school. There was a lot of promise with them- no. Not a promise. This was the work of the Fates themselves, he believed. The Fates themselves had led someone to him. Someone powerful. Someone strong. Someone capable of protection. Someone…that could get him back what he had lost all of those years ago.
There they were. Descending down to the depths of Hell that he himself had wrought. They looked horrible- worn for wear, really. To think, these oh so powerful figures from Pomefiore, Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Octavinelle, alongside the hero of the school themselves, would be bashed and broken already from mere secondary bosses? They wouldn’t stand a chance against this final boss. Idia grinned beneath the mask that he wore, his arms folding over themselves as the Blot around his figure billowed with every breath he took. He could feel the immeasurable power coursing through his veins- and the normally pessimistic male found himself growing rather cocky the more they walked forward. His golden gaze soon landed upon his hero- his knight in shining…well, uniform. He soon was speaking, his arms outstretched as the flames protruding from his figure began to blaze brighter- hotter.
“Bum bum buuummmm~! Our heroes have finally arrived to the final boss battle! But uh ohhhhhh~ looks like they didn’t level enough, now did they~?”
You found yourself gritting your teeth at Idia above. Already, Vil, Rook, and Epel were readying themselves at your side. The rest soon followed, the weapons they had gained during their prior fights with the Overblot Beasts being raised and ready to overwhelm Idia’s Blot. Idia began to cackle, raising his hands in mock surrender.
“Uh ooohh~! Eheheheheheheeeee~! They found the special gear~! But that’s really not gonna do much, you guys! Totally on top of my game, y’know~? These HP and attack stats are through. The. ROOF!”
With his words, Idia’s Overblot Beast, Ortho, began to unleash a flurry of attacks upon you and your party, forcing all of them to scatter across the area. The Beast seemed to know precisely what to do- orders most likely given before this entire fiasco began. You began to find yourself being slowly but surely separated from everyone else thanks to the Beast’s targeted attacks. This separation was key- this was what Idia wanted. He watched as you eventually were cornered entirely, exactly where he wanted you. Once more, a grin spread out under his mask. You looked so cool and tough despite all of this neverending pressure, still shouting out commands for the others to work together to defend themselves, each other, or deflect the attacks his Beast was allowing itself to barrage them all with. He soared downwards until he was finally just before you. You had jumped back slightly upon noticing him approaching, but there truly was nothing that you could use at this time to defend yourself with. He leaned forward, his clawed hands now pressing themselves to either side of the wall beside your head.
“There you are~! The hero themselves~! The shining star of the hour- no, the entirety of Night Raven College~! This is our final stage, (Y/N)! Isn’t it thrilling~?”
“Idia, this is absolutely crazy! You are going to wind up killing us all with thi-”
A clawed finger pressed itself against your lips as he shifted, shushing you gently as he rolled his glowing amber eyes.
“Okay, listen- babe. (Y/N). Baby. Babycakes. Sweetheart. Sweetie pie. Wonder Student. I’m gonna stop you riiigghhtt there, actually- because I know. I know about the whole thing. But you’re gonna be my hero, you know~? You are going to save a life- just like you’ve been doing! So, it’s all good, ‘kay~?”
You began to attempt to protest, but you soon found yourself being swept into Idia’s arms and pulled about. The crazed Overblotted Idia now began to waltz with you despite all of the destruction around the both of you. He sighed blissfully, his eyes burning ablaze with a fiery passion- it was unnerving. He leaned forward once more, now beginning to hush into your ear through that glowing mask he wore.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment, (Y/N). The countless hours I have spent watching and studying your damn near every move…I know your exact schedule bit by bit, y’know, ehehehehee~ I mean, with you and your coolness, you never know when you’re gonna stop another Overblot, honestly. But that coolness that you have doesn’t matter down here- and y’know why~?”
Your eyes soon widened considerably as you felt Idia grab onto your arm. One of his clawed fingers now was set ablaze with a small, blue flame. His grip was tight- commanding in every sense of the word. The flame began to trace itself upon your flesh as he continued to speak- ignoring your cries and attempts to struggle away from him.
“I know everything about you. I have seen your struggles. Your pain. I mean, separated from your home, whatever friends and family you had before…and thrust into a world of magic without any magic yourself. You have been left in the cold by the Fates themselves to fend for yourself. You struggle simply to survive from day to day without any money here…you struggle to maintain your cool and calm composure and keep people like those Heartslabyul first years and the little guy in line…and you then have to deal with the rantings and ravings of spoiled brats like those that Overblotted and, despite wanting for it all to just end, have to buck yourself up instead and keep them from ending it all? It is just an endless cycle of pain, regret, and a loveless life that you have fallen into.”
The more Idia spoke and you felt that flame burning upon your arm, the more you found yourself getting lost into the swirling golden pools upon his sleek, pale, oddly handsome face that were his eyes. For the first time since you had arrived here…you actually genuinely felt seen. You felt heard. Oddly enough, from someone that you had truly rarely seen outside of his own room within the confines of the school itself. Your own gaze finally shifted down to your arm as his finger retracted. He had burned the insignia of his family’s company, S.T.Y.X., onto your flesh. He blew out the fire on his finger, now grinning once more wickedly beneath his mask as his clawed hands now seized you by the waist once more, pulling you into his deadly embrace.
“I know, I know. I know it hurts. All of that going on and absolutely nothing to ever truly be gained from it all…well, my Wonder Student…that’s gonna end for you right now. With what I just gave you…you are mine. And when you’re mine, you have a purpose. You will be protected, provided for. No longer shall you be within the confines of a cage and hidden away in the shadows- you shall be the bright and shining star in our tale- and properly get those monetary stats and all of that raised~!”
Idia’s hand whisked over his face- where that mask was nestled. The mask faded away, revealing his pearly white, razor sharp teeth. They glistened at you as it felt Death was grinning at you- which it essentially was. His royal blue lips curled upwards into a wicked grin as he tugged you even closer to himself, now leaning all of the way forward towards you.
He began to pull you with him once more, twisting and turning your body with himself. His clawed hands trailed up and down your figure within your shared dance of destruction, his thoughts split between what he would do with you now that you belonged to him…and that of his brother’s life that you soon would pull up from the depths of the Underworld for him. You all would be a family together- and that only seemed to excite him further as his motions grew swifter, yet sly. He soon had you dramatically dipped, and his lips captured yours in a warm, passionate kiss…thus beginning your true dance with death.
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
Step by Step Episode 9 Ramblings
Episode 8 Ramblings, here
Jeng has managed to get Pat's mom's approval before he can convince Pat to be his boyfriend lol
Well, it looks like Corporate Daddy is putting all his frustrations into getting absolutely JACKED
He's in an all-black suit. Oh noooo.
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"Did you guys plan on meeting up?" Are they implying that Pat's mom and dad are not together? I love that separation and divorce are becoming more normalized in Asian media. It's definitely better to separate and enjoy whatever little peace of mind is left, than to stay together, fighting and miserable, while traumatizing the children in the process.
I'm LOVING this Gordon Ramsey reference.
Chot continues to be the best human being in this show
Oh my god, I was right. He's looking for a replacement. He is fleeing the country again, I KNEW IT
Why does this dude look so familiar?
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Some quick sleuthing, and I've found that he's the guy who has a crush on Uea in Bed Friend!
Goddamn, Jeng, you adorable, adorable gentleman. Not the "jacket 'round my shoulders is yours" moment, you sly old fox
Oooooooooof, Pat. FUCK, THAT HURTS
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I'm sinking lower and lower into my chair, with every passing dialogue in this conversation, dreading the outcome. Oh god, somebody fucking hold me T-T
"How could you like me. It doesn't make sense". Ahhhhh Pat, it doesn't make sense to you, because you were being delulu and believed that Jeng is straight. To Jeng, it makes perfect sense
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Not my beloved Jaab immediately clocking into Pat and Jeng's situation, while his misery was overlooked by basically everyone after the JaabJane kiss. JUSTICE FOR JAAB!
"People are allowed to be weak" I'M NOT CRYING, I'M NOT, NOPE T-T
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I love that Pat and Jane are already bonding over how dumb the brothers are, lol.
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Pat's conversation with Mom and Dad is such a pivotal moment. Pat is finally realizing that in all the work stress, the relationship drama with Put and his confusing feelings about Jeng, he really has forgotten to take stock of himself and his emotions.
"Everywhere I go, it's filled with memories" Okay, now Pat is straight up spitting heartbreak lyrics. "I see you everywhere, the only thing we share is this small town" ~ Death by a Thousand Cuts, Taylor Swift
And his parents' advice is spot on. "Life always has people coming in and people going out. But what will stay with you is yourself". It's always good advice to stop and look inward when everything around you feels chaotic.
Ohhhhhh the waterworks in this episode are REAL
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I'm in LOVE with this scene. YES, PLEASE, we need more portrayals of divorce as the happier and healthier choice!
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A succinct summary of capitalism
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Jane resigned a month ago?! WHAT. I thought he was just going on a long vacation or something
"Next time, you're the one who's getting pregnant" lmaooo AE, I LOVE YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME?
Jaab's face right after Ae gave birth is cracking me up lol
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So we're still not addressing the Ae-Khanun-Beam mess, huh? Alright.
HOLD ON. Jane is back in Pink and appears to be getting on a cab that looks very similar to the overnight ones they took a couple episodes ago. Is there still hope? Is he coming back to Bangkok?
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Well, Pat, is a box full of your favorite snack as a late birthday gift straightforward enough for you?
"It makes sense to me." Perfect callback. Perfect response.
OH MY GOD, are the clouds parting? Is the slowburn REALLY OVER? ARE WE FINALLY, FINALLY GONNA SEE JENGPAT KISS? If this ends up being some editing trickery, I'm gonna riot!
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daylightcommand3 · 3 months
Dear, @purplekoop
GRRRR RAHH War Bots is consuming me! I keep finding myself thinking about the far off hypotheticals and all the little extraneous details:
What would box art look like? So far I can see Wilderoad and Calber staring at each other from the corners of the art. A random map from the game is the background. Other bots from the game are all rushing towards each other ready for a fight.
What kinds of PvP maps will there be? One idea I had is an abandoned amusement park based on a once-beloved-but-now-forsaken gaming company that is now being used for training.
Also I had the potential* headcanon that the PvP gameplay is the War Bots** training.
*(I say potential because i don't know if you already had that idea. I don't want to assume.)
**(Not to be annoying myself. But I know that War Bots is not the final name of the game nor the team. I just wanted to make that clear real quick. Sorry if this sounds rude. I genuinely don't know how to phrase this without sounding like an asshole.)
What will the trailer look like? I can see a rough draft. A little rendered animation of showing Wilderoad walking onto a PVP map. Chaos is everywhere. We then get quick clips of gameplay footage of characters using their abilities. The obligatory pop song playing in my head bounces between "Cut Off" by Set It Off and "Magic 8" also by Set It Off. (I listened to the album these songs were in recently while I had War Bots on the brain)
By the way, I see Wilderoad as the face of War Bots mainly because they were literally the introduction to it, and if I remembered correctly, they were also one of the first characters made. And if i'm remembering REALLY correctly, I believe you yourself said they were the face.
What will the cosmetics be like? This question really started when you mentioned the quickly scrapped penguin's moveset being given to Velenna. I instantly thought "Alright, Velenna should be given a penguin skin then." Then i realized that I don't recall you ever mentioning cosmetics. Would it be more TF2-esque with a loadout system? Or would it be more Overwatch 2-esque with a simple complete skin system? Speaking of Overwatch, I couldn't help but think of an "Ancient Heroes" skinline that gives our favorite bots a familiar look. Some mappings are rather cut and dry, while some really get you to think (Poppett in particular: Tracer? Lucio? D.va? Kiriko????). I also briefly imagined a "Coat" mechanic of sorts. Where you could merely change the color of the bots bodies. Like putting on a new coat of paint. (As you can see, I'm kinda using War Bots as a cope and a way to wean me off of Overwatch. Or at least attempting to.)
What would the community jokes and memes be like? What would be our nerf Genji? I can already see a meme about Necross, but I won't since I plan to make that one a reality eventually.
Bot Select? I want to see all the bots lined up in rows and columns.
Of course. What game would be complete without your favorite thing: figures! Not to make you drool, but imagine if a Wilderoad figure was right there on your desk. Or Formann? Or Poppett? Or Velenna? Or Navea? Or etc etc etc.
It's all so just- GRRRrrr OHHHhhh, so enticing, so magical, so beautiful. I'm proud to say that I'm on the ground floor of War Bots. I love being a part of this. I can't wait for what comes next.
Sincerely, G
PS: I have absolutely no idea when the rest of The Gardeners posts will be finished. I have solid ideas on all of them (minus one). I just haven't had the time to write them. This week I'm focusing on a big midterm and have the usual load of homework. I'm trying to get a lot done this week so Spring Break I can truly relax and write to my hearts content. Of course, the biggest roadblock to my writing is that I'm busy writing a script for my university's comedy skit program club. And that has a deadline of the week after Spring Break. So yeah. Sometime after that I suppose. I will let you know that the next Gardener I'll be going over is the one with blades.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings!
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Alright after your amazing Terry ask, I gotta know. How would your Roo's react to the Toon Patrol coming onto THEM?? I have to know for research XD
Kingston: ah yes, our beloved token straight XD
Greasy: *trying to keep a neutral face and not laugh. He wants to see how far Greasy will take this, this is hilarious*
Psycho: pal, uh... sorry but... you're not my type... *trying to be delicate and not get his skin mauled*
Stupid: ... you're gonna haveta show me what you got down there, and I'll consider it. (Someone slap him 😅 He does like pegging, so he truly is considering it (he can ignore the fact it's a guy), but h o n e s t l y Kingston?? Be respectful!! 😅😂🤦‍♀️)
Smartass: *deep breath. Puts a hand on Smartass' shoulder* ... if only you were a girl. -No no no wait! Come back!! You'd really be perfect, I'm not fucking with you on this!!--
*earnest, calling at Smartass' retreating back* I wish you did. But you do nothing for me!!
Wheezy: ... alright, what'd you have in mind? (I think wheezy just turned kingston- )
Rena: the short answer is yes-
Greasy: ... you're that little club girl's toy, aren't you? ... drop your pants. Mhm, yeah right here, I'm not joking~
Psycho: *looking him over* ... alright, you got me hooked. I'm intrigued. Yes, lets do its. Where do ya wanna do it? Whadaya into, little freak?
Smartass: Ohhhhhh no. No. Your little guys are all on the fucking olympic swim team, and I'm not going through that again.
Stupid: 😏 Let's go, baby boy.
Wheezy: ... love to, daddy, but I feel like this is a trap. (SHE REALLY DOES. SHE CANT SHAKE IT XD Like, he's so hot?? But he's one of t h e m, and a sneaky unassuming one at that. So... it pains her, but its not gonna happen 😂)
Greasy: Nope, get out of my face Creepy. ("It's GREASY") No, it's not.
Psycho: (Psycho can follow him around as much as he likes, Ryan doesn't mind XD But they ain't fucking. He'll just be going about his business when Kingston asks, kinda fucking concerned, why the scary spiky one is following him, and Ryan just? Like? Shrugs??? 😅😅😅😆 He doesnt care XD And now Kingston is on edge XDD And ontop of that Rena keeps FEEDING THE CREATURE- )
Smartass: ... Thanks for the offer, but nah.
Stupid: (Similar to Poppy, Ryan will totally fuck Stupid! He'll show Stu what he should be looking for. Ryan is like training wheels *cough* and no he doesn't mind. He already had the love of his life, he ain't looking for anyone else special. Maya was all the special he needed)
Wheezy: Sure. (Doesn't even think twice. Wheezy's hot and they're friends.)
And *cough* well y o u k n o w which of the toon patrol lottie would be with. Although, since Shiny became a true oc of yours and Greasy's mate I've been exploring a Wheezy train of thought (like, instead of greasy getting jealous when lottie comes home from the navy, its wheezy but he doesnt do anything about it. Its wierd between them for a lot longer)... but I also love them just being a close family duo. And I still like Grottie ^^
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sunriseverse · 5 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by the lovely @lucientelrunya (thank you!!!)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
hmm..........i wrote a lot of oc stories when i was younger, largely for warrior cats settings/spinoffs, so i don't think i had a specific ship i was into? i read a lot of genfic (again, warrior cats fan).
Which ship would you consider your first one?
like i said, i didn't really have a "ship" for a long time, but in 2013 i was gifted the first l&co book and it prompted me to get much more seriously into fandom, so.......locklyle, i guess (i had yet to discover gay people, which is very ironic if you consider certain facts about my life).
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
again, locklyle! i actually deleted the fic i wrote, rewrote it, and reuploaded it years after i had first written it.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
i think it was wc art? probably sandfire (gay cats weren't exactly..............in, yet).
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
no. i refuse to do so. if i hate a ship i'll complain about it to my friends to let off steam and then continue on with my life. i'm here to have fun not spend my limited spoons on arguing about fictional characters. if there's one person or people who post a lot of ships i don't like i'll block or avoid them.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
yeah but i'm not going to say them because i would rather not get into an argument about things with people. beloved friends can probably guess though.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
uhhhhhh fuck. i think. hang on. du cheng/shen yi (this is @lunarriviera's fault).
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
[shakes dmbj] yes. (mainly tiesanjiao as a romantic pairing. i have written quite literally 100k+ about them u_u)
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
i was going to say nygmob in gotham but then i remembered. [YOU cat meme] syfy magicians. ohhhhhh i have so many words in my head and rage in my heart and hatred of showrunners and the way the show was handled later on and—whatever. whatever. it's fine. i still have a life in the day.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
uhhhhhhhhh fuck. um. i can't think of anything on this aspect but i have the opposite. when i first got into tgcf i was neutral on fq but as i read more i got more and more annoyed that people were ignoring the clear class dynamics at play and how that complicated and complicates their relationship and instead just pigeonholing them into the enemies (rivals) to lovers mould.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
what's the view on firetiger these days because that's probably the only one i can think of.
What is your favorite crack ship?
i don't really read crackfic? i like crackfic but i prefer crack taken serious—WAIT. I JUST REMEMBERED. tony stark x thomas barrow. if you know who that is you probably know the exact fanfic i'm talking about. that's probably the only crackship i can think of that has left any sort of impression on me. no idea how it holds up currently since i only read it once at like 4:00am but yeah it was fun.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
numbers-wise probably either newmann or hualian. probably hualian? emotional support godghost couple <3
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
deeply fucked up people who find meaning in each other, probably.
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
destroying a character's personality to make the ship work. i love shipfic but fuck you i want those characters to be in character. i don't care if it makes the ship "more fucked up" that's actually fun in my opinion.
tagging..................uhhhhh @lunanoc @lungache @owengrose @lasenbyphoenix @mhaccunoval @butchybats and anyone else who wants to play!
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Hey. I know I usually have a bit of silly banter to lead up to each episode, but I'm gonna be honest, I'm... feeling a little bittersweet. We've spent almost whole year with these lunatics in the town of Oniga, and yet it feels like we met them just yesterday. I personally have been given a lot to think about.
The beautiful lies of the moon, the difference between ravenously attempting to take your own desires by force and the beauty in the mindset of wabi-sabi, the joy we find in things we create ourselves, the sheer depths of cruelty we're willing to sink to for love, the importance of having those you can rely on... I might have a lot to think about once it's all over.
-The Donbrothers! Have reached their complete state! Nobody can get in our way!
-Good work, Taro!
-Seems like Sonoshigoroku are clearly incapable of getting real.
-Batsu da!
-I only found about this last night, but Morisaki Win? Turns out the dude's from Myanmar. Funny that, huh? Would've been something really cool to know by like... the second episode, but oh well, live and learn.
-"Count off, my companions! Of course, I'll be the one to start us off."
-You might have to do a lot more exercise than you're used to when Tarou's leading the session.
-Jirou's not quite so eagerly participating. Figured he'd be three times as enthusiastic as everyone else.
-Goddang it Haruka, you're too cute for this.
-One of those five fingers is a hell of a lot lighter now...
-Tsubasa's definitely dodging the six shooters of those cops.
-This event is certainly something Sonoi's looking forward to.
-Aw, Sononi. Your romance game ate shit these past couple episodes, but now you're our beloved failgirl.
-...Sonoza, do you know a good play on number nine?
-The roster's all here!
-Let's train.
-"You're the disruptive one, Boss."
-Ooooooh, good work Haruka!
-"Later nerds! We're in serialization!"
-Oh, okay! That's three down.
-And then there were three.
-Spending time with your big brother and your boyfriend.
-Gettin' real serious!
-"I'm gonna power-up too! ...or, perhaps not..."
-I see Tiger Jirou's definitely there in spirit.
-Get moron'd.
-"Momotani Jirou. Welcome to the Donbrothers."
-"I've... got a lot to think about..."
-Kijino's loved after all. ...in his weird way.
-Speaking of which, hello Tsubasa!
-"You seem... normalish, now. That's frightening."
-You're breakin' my heart over here, man.
-Woken up and smelled the roses.
-Guess he's feeling the ending blues too.
-"Go back... to the nice dude you used to be."
-"Kind man you are, Tsubasa-san."
-Y'know, I don't blame Natsumi at all, but goddamn, that hurts
-"I'll uh... I'll just go..."
-The plot thickens.
-Sononi says ACAB
-"This place... it smells too much of cranes."
-She knew.
-See the boss has taken an interest in the manga?
-Poor Ma
-"This is the one~!"
-The Ultimate Hitotsu-ki!
-Noooo, Minoru-san!
-"Oh goddammit boy, not again!"
-"Kneel before me, peasants! I shall become king and king alone!"
-Yeah, that backfired on you scrubs, huh?
-Yeah you better run!
-Oden-based bribery.
-"You kidding me? I can't have you randos pay for my lunch."
-"But we're enemies! That's gotta count for something!"
-...WAIT. Tarou just said "total strangers" and Tsubasa fixated on that. That's important.
-"So like, you guys need our help?"
-I mean to be fair, you did make him break his promise to his mom and tried ordering him around. I'd probably wanna kill you assholes too.
-Of course! That's how all kings eat oden!
-...or at least, that's how the King of Town probably would.
-Time to fight!
-"Noi-chan? :o?"
-Thems the King-Ohger colors!
-Mantis, Stag Beetle, Butterfly, Dragonfly, and Bee!
-Him being ourple implies to me that Papillon Ohger's the one in charge.
-Hahahaha~! Matsuri da!
-Oh, there they are.
-The final bosses.
-"Man, Sonoshi sucks, huh? Oh well, who cares?"
-Oh now Tarou cares about the strong.
-We ain't done yet, no doubt.
-Oh. That's all then. Seems like Minoru's had enough.
-Happy birthday~!
-National Momoi Tarou Day.
-"I lied, bitches."
-"Happy Not-Birthday, Momoi-san! I can be your wife for today, if you want!"
-Way to remind me that literally Tarou's entire apartment complex hated him.
-Oh well, their loss! Momo Pillow!
-Momo Oden Sticks!
-"I'm the grumpiest motherfucker on the planet around you assholes!" Fucking Dies.
-"He's dead... WE DID IT!"
-...no, I agree Haruka, what have our lives become
-Sonona and... Sonoya. Our final bosses.
-Of fucking course Kouhei Murakami would be here at the very end.
-The final festival. The final battle.
-Our bond is true now, everyone.
-Mmmmm oden.
-Well... hard to believe we're done with these guys next week. Man...
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engagemythrusters · 10 months
okay. ahsoka. here we go
Immediately a fan of the music. Did they get the same people as TBOBF and The Mandalorian? The Ludwig person? Forgot the name…
But also red? Why red crawl?
Why is she searching for Thrawn not Ezra. Like I know the two left together but you think Ezra would be the priority. Not thrawn.
Aaand there’s the ship. Always start Star Wars with a ship.
Uuuugh my pirate site keeps buffering. Booooooooo
“They’re jedi” okay vibe but are they actually. Or is it those sorta-Sith guys
Ugh okay my annoying I have to go without subtitles now… :/ tbjs js gonna be hard
Okay that was a very Star Trek move. Why. For what.
Shin Hati evil love that for her. Love evil gorls
Evil granpa got shoulders daaamn love that for him
Ah it’s Bad Wig Girl.
God seriously why are the wigs so bad. Fucjing Disney. Boo.
Man I miss when Star Wars had cool titles. Phantom Menace. Return of the Jedi. Now it’s just fuckin NAMES.
Oooo interesting place. Old jedi temple? Looks like it.
Aaand her Lekku and Montrals still look like shjt styrofoam.
Okay fun lightsaber trick. At least theh didn’t forget how cool Ahsoka Tano is.
Wonder if we’ll see Morai…
Oh wow. Ahsoka wearss lipgloss ig. Okay.
This is very slow paced. Move a lil girl.
Those remind me a lil of the Zeffo spheres. But if they were filled. Idk maybe I’m making a connection that isn’t there. I just really like Star Wars Jedi games. Their lore was WAY COOL.
What do droids need capes for tho. Like why. That’s literally so fuckin impractical
God I love T-6 shuttles. Best Star Wars ship. I mean other than bobas. But yeah T-6 sexiest SW ship
Do we get to see Sabine soon I miss her
Okay her makeup and contacts really really suck
Hera just. Disbelieving. I get it. She’s so hurt she can’t let herself hurt anymore.
“Does that mean Ezra—“ WEEPING
Hera “oh my god more jedi bullshit I can never escape” Syndulla
Oh lothal so so pretty
Ohhh it’s that wall
Ohhhhhh weeping
Oh she’s not there
Hehe I love her
I love u Jai
God look at them. Look at the wall. Christ. Kanan…
Hehe sabine
Sabine u shit hehe
This is a good actress for her 10/10 thank you for giving yourself to our beloved explosions girl
“She’s crazy” yeah she had years of being stupid with Ezra to make her nuts xoxo
What’s the kitties name
Ohh it even uses the same loth cat sounds from the show AND real kitty sounds
What’s the NAME of kittyyyyy
Oh Ezra’s stuff 😭
“More than others” WHAT?! Okay. Not sure what that means.
Not sure that I like the change that recording brought. But. It’s okay I’ll accept it.
Evil gorl <3
WHYD she choose such a bland ass name then?!?!!
oh my god. Jesus that was force shit wasn’t it. Fuck that oh my fod DONT MAKE HER FORCE SENSITIVE YOU DUMB FUCKS. IM SO FUCKING MAD.
Haircut time?
No not yet.
That was CRAP dialogue. That was HORRIBLE. Wow. Oh my god fire these writers. So hard.
I do love this music tho. It’s p good.
Okay so far it does NOT make sense how ahsoka arrives at the tower at the end of rebels. This isn’t fair. I loved that scene so much.
Awww chopper drawing.
Okay she’s a puzzle maker now as well as an artist? That’s dumb
And she’s gonna steal it isn’t she hehe she is def Ezra’s sister >:)
Huyang like “I taught this”
Luke so not the only jedi he was meant to be hehe I mean k get it. But also it’s so dumb 😂
Sad that they didn’t make Lothals mountains just like the ones in the real series.
callin him Turkeyleg until told otherwise
Sigh I miss Ezra.
Fucking miss Kanan. It still hurts so much.
It’s been so long does Sabine still hurt? Does she still miss him the way she used to?
Heraaaa hiii 🥰
Hera knows her daughter
Okay so why is holograms so. Sounding like this. It’s more… MORE. Than how they used to sound. Is technology worsening or some shit?? Don’t like that.
Ahsoka stop being MEAN TO MY SABINE.
Yeah SNIPS. Ha.
Heras greatest strength is that she is understanding above all else. And I love her sm for it.
I better be
Palm hand fist…
Okay fine.
Mr Tukeyleg
Ah shit yeah I figured
Nothing will ever be easy for her. Nor for ezra.
She can use a lightsaber and she can use the Darksaber BUT BY GOD SHE IS NOT FORCE SENSITIVE
Why are u flying so slow 😭
No not my girl 😭
Oh is that the end ep 1?
Oh who is Ray? Rest well, Ray <3
Ep two coming in a sec.
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starscelly · 11 minutes
looked through your tag onthe flying stars au 👀 as someone who does music ive been spinning your au in my head so if youll indulge me thinking!
roope playing guitar passably omg, im imagining him having to constantly look down at his hands as he plays to make sure theyre at the right position buuuuut if its between playing right or playing with feeling...
robo with experience in a family band has me thinking that hes the most familiar with managing sound tech and gets saddled with figuring the works every gig starting out
miro and his old ass strings REPRESENT!!! i have not restrung my guitar in years and im too lazy to start now
imagining them absolutely plagued with planning around four different peoples schedules for practice, on top of finding time and space for being a loud ass band (sure you can turn the volume down, put in headphones for guitars and bass... even if not for a group practice but otter? oh buddy) someone get them a garage to thrash around in! in the summer! minor heat exhaustion is the greatest team building exercise
its a really fun au and i really like thinking about it :) and a question for you! where did the name and branding for flying stars come from? both in universe and coming up with it yourself, i think its really cute 💚
FLYING STARS MY BELOVED omg im glad u like it and find all the little details and bits relatable and/or silly ahhhh !!!!! now that its nearing No Hockey Season ive been tossing this au around in my brain again as well and def wanna tweak/better clarify some Lore and get shit more Organized so !!! appreciate this for the vibe very much rn <3 <3
re: the name! so for myself i actually. could not remember. why i chose that name rlly but i did find some messages from when i picked it so here's just. that thought process i guess LOL
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here were also some Ideas for names i was deciding between that i found in an old note. for shits and gigs
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(stars and stripes but stars is in - probably incorrectly translated - finnish because. well because . well of course because.)
i just knew i wanted to use stars for Visual Purposes and also. the real life reference. and flying felt the most appropriate because theyre! theyre flying round stage!! theyre a punk band theyre goin crazy up there man!!
as for in universe oooo . i honestly dont think it'd be so insanely off base from my own thinking? i do think the shared location + history in hockey being There would make them pick stars, if not just for the Texas Being Where They Come Together making them lean towards stars for the lone star state of it all. i think there is probably a moment of like. half of them being like "okay so we're the stars. that's fine. that's good" and the other half being like Dude Do You Know How Many Bands Are Probably Called The Stars. We Need to Add Something. so they cycle through a few possibilities over time before playing their first few shows as just a band from dallas(ish) and then they see how roope and robo get and are like ohhhhhh. smashing stars. crashing stars. flying stars. FLYING STARS IS GOOOD. (and roope goes omg flying stars. like in astrology ^.^ . and this is also how they find out hes an astrology bitch)
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Royal siren erasermic family? They like adopt you after you hatch from an egg bc they found you or something idk and take you back to the castle and make you their little princess or something cute and fluffy like that.
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Shinso was just out and about, swimming through some forbidden areas he wasn’t supposed to be in, avoiding sharks, when he found an iridescent little ball under some rubble of a shipwreck, it made his gills tingle at the sweet aura that it emmited, he knew, that this creature, was something to protect. It was up until he saw something moving inside that he thought it was just some ancient treasure that would’ve died with this ship, he examined it closer, squinting his eyes, that’s when he realized, it was a Siren. A baby one at that, usually they hatched out of boring white eggs, the royal family’s were gold, but a shiny color changing white that combated the finest of jewels? Never, this little pip was special, he could feel it.
So he brought it back home, through his “balcony window”, debating wether or not he should tell his parents. As you know, he was somewhere where he was not supposed to be, and they would throw a fit. Then again, whatever this thing was, he couldn’t just keep it to himself, something was living inside it, and he wouldn’t know if something was wrong, so he has too. When he did, it came as a suprise that his parents weren’t mad, they jsut kindof stared at the orb, inhaling the addictive scent it gave off, the three huddled around it, aizawa carefully picking the Small thing up, it was only about the size of a pumpkin, extremely easy to pick up, yet he could still feel the heartbeat of a creature inside, it just had to be one of the sirenfolk , there isn’t any other explanation. He stared at it in confusion, noticing the small cracks staring to form.
Then a little hand popped through, and scared the shit out of all of them.
As it turned out, you were in fact a siren, a rare subtype of them, thought to have gone extinct long, long ago. The opal-looking scales that littered your arms and tail showed proof of it, this species were intensely more fragile, and weaker, that’s why they went extinct, as they couldn’t hear, and a small crabs pinch could cause major bone breaks, they were just too weak, yet so beautiful. That’s why they were coveted among the royal family. It only helped their growing obsession taht you were so cute.
It might’ve been an act of I’mpulse, but they just needed to have you as their own, of course, their word is law, so they could’ve just kept you, but they felt the need to make it official, they’d already had two pips, you’re just their third! It was simple, of course, you specific species could be born into sirenfolk families, it was just so rare that it had only happened once. You were just so cute, so fragile, just something so breakable, they just
H a d
To protect this tiny lil thing, it was instinctual to feel a protective pull over their little pups, and boy were they feeling that right now, you were special, not just any baby, but you were theirs. Their special little pup, nothing would ever lay a hand on you, ever. It had only be a few days, and word spreads through the underwater kingdom like a wave, from the servant maid who showed them how to take care of you, to the head maid, to a citizen, to the fisher, and eventually, by the end of the week, the whole kingdom was eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of their new princess.
And boy were they shocked to find out it was an opalite, the most rare of rare sirens in the world. Immediately after they had shown you to the world, sitting in a large clam as it was pulled by sharks, the citizens fell in love with you, maybe it was the fact that you were related to their beloved royals, maybe because the royal family would intensely glare at anyone who made negative comments, maybe it was the fact that a few of those people went missing, but who knows right?
You still hadn’t been able to open your eyes yet, and you won’t be able to hear them for a very long time, your hands were about the size of aizawas eye, and you looked closer to a fish than a human, as you hadn’t even developed your face yet, another plus to being the endangered species, note the sarcasm. And guess what? They found it so adorable, just their cute little baby, their little pup who can’t even protect themselves from the water around them. They just loved every part of your little body, from your tails, to your tiny little hands, to your shiny gills. It was all just so perfect- you were so perfect, and you were theirs, they were gonna protect you at all costs.
So of course they did, you were just so tiny right now, they knows practically anything could hurt you, so they opted to be around you all the time, only leaving to hunt for humans that would suffice for their tastes, drawling them in, determined because of that little smile of yours. You motivated them to do it, they were doing this for you. It have them all a sense of pride to have you feel safe with them, to rite them you. On their own terms.
Eri was constantly around you, being that she was a young one just like you, and you were her little sister! So she wanted to always be around while you made those echoing gurgling noises, or flapped your hands around in the water, she didn’t have responsibility in the kingdom yet, unless being cute is a job, so she can be with you jsut as much as she wants. Always sitting with you while you played with the floating pearls that they had arranged over your play area, watching you feel new things, holding you while you dozed off with adorable little bubbles, she always was with you.
Like now, she’s been with you all day, giving you little snacks, glaring at the guards at the door who always had their eyes on you… creeps. The sun was almost setting, and when you’re low down in the ocean it goes pitch black after a little while, and that’s when the jellyfish come out, tonight was one of the most special days out of the year in the northern oceans, the jellyfish festival, the one night a year when the rare white jellyfish would come out to say hi, leaving trails of shimmering sparkle behind them, painting the upper levels of the ocean a shiny silver. It just so happened that it occurred on your first birthday, a very small increment to sirens, as they live almost a billion years, but still a big accomplishment in their eyes. Look! Their little baby girl is turning one! How amazing!
“Do you see them hon? Look, they’re just starting to appear” Aizawa asked both you and eri calmly, swishing his hand through the salty water to pint at the new appearance of white and purple blobs, slowly flouncing their way overhead. Eri smiled up at it, her pointed teeth displayed in full view, her eyes shined at the view, not only of the huge jellyfish, but also at you, who was placed delicately in mics lap, sat up against his chest. Little bubbles escaped your mouth as you blew raspberries into the water, just making the family laugh.
“Mm-hmmm! Look! Look! How pretty! I wanna touch em! Can I touch em!” She yelled at her parents, excitedly pointing towards the jelly’s floating towards the surface, her hair floated behind her as she swished around, shinsho just chuckled, knowing that she eventually would try to touch them, and get zapped, again, like last year, and the year before, and the year before.
“No hon. Don’t do that to us again, you wanna wish your sister a happy birthday? She’s probably really exited!” Mic cheered, distracting his daughter from touching the jellyfish, yet again, meanwhile, you were happily bouncing up and down on his lap, enjoying the freedom of your arms, swishing them all over the place, grabbing the beads around your neck, jsut anything.
“But dad! Why not! It’s not like it’s hurt me or anything I’ll be fi-“ she begged, throwing her hands up in a small tempter tantrum, clearly forgetting her previous events of pain, and idiocy.
“No- nope no no, we aren’t doing this again, please honey, just please, remember last time, we had to clean up your wounds OUTSIDE-of water, you hate going to the surface remember? “
“Yeah but-“ she started speaking, but was soon cut off with a loud giggle, resonating through your lips, kindof rare for you, you hadn’t been very vocal outside of a few gurgles here and there, so it had each and every ones heads turning. That’s when they saw it, your beautiful eyes, shin sing in reflection to the jellyfish. Those beautiful little eyes of yours mesmerized all of them, a pitch black (for protection from the salt), with a shiny silver-like pupal, immediately after they opened, a burst of color filled your vision. You giggled and clapped your hands together with a small toothless smile, watching as the floaty creates went overhead, glittering with the light.
The absolutely gorgeous splash above was admired by the family form their own viewing post, the blues and whites combined to make a heavenly display. You could feel the cool sprinkles of light they emmited hitting your skin, smiling at the feeling, you splayed your hands out and flailed them against the water.
“Ohhhhhh- oh wow. Honey! Honey look! Her eyes opened! Look at taht! Aren’t you just so magical! Look at you, my little pup.” Mic smacked Aizawa over the chest multiple times, pointing at your clearly opened eyes, you just remained oblivious, staring up at all the new things around you, like.. everything! He turned you around to face him, letting you actually see his face for the first time, taking in the long yellow hair, the (also) black eyes, the ethereal face dotted with shiny yellow gills, him, you could see him!
“She’s developing smoothly, I’m glad. Awww, that’s pretty cute.” Aizawa replied to him, holding in his emotions, as soon as he met those new eyes of yours it’s like everything else disappeared, like the world itself didn’t exist, outside of him, and his fmaily. You took his breath away, or what you could call breath, so cute and innocent, such a small thing, that brings so much joy. Your little tail swished back and forth as you stared up at them happily, taking in the features of the people you’d learned to recognize by touch. Blowing raspberries out of your lips with a stream of bubbles.
“Awwwww! I’m gonna cry, she’s growing so fast! Soon she’ll be swimming in her own! In like 200 years! Too soon, way too soon. Comers baby- mm hmmm” mic spoke, knowing full well that even if he did cry, his tears would get sucked in by the ocean. He pulled you close, moving your head I’ve this shoulde is it would rest in the crook of his neck while he hugged you, eventually, the others joined in, eri practically flopping ontop (with careful regard for you of course).
They all stared at you, while you stared up at the “sky”, oblivious to their stares, to the ways they would growl at anyone who came close, to how they kept you from seeing anyone other than what they personally approve. After all, you are jsut their little pup, of course you wouldn’t notice! Their little pup… feels right to say that, it isn’t like you have any family waiting, they aren’t ever gonna come here.
And if they ever did?
Then, well, a few mermaids are going missing
Thanks for requesting, this was fun to write!
Have a great day today! Goodbye.
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badedramay · 2 years
arylie ki pasoori - 18/02/22
maybe cuz I spent last night binging some my beloved Brian David Gilbert content or maybe because nothing else truly represents my emotions better but this was me throughout the episode.
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okay logically speaking the hug was a given. i mean c MONNNN how could you create all these circumstances and not give a hug? so like..of course she hugged him. of COURSE she did. but my god...STILL. just..I just...I MEAN YAAR SHE HUGGED HIM! LOOK HOW FAR WE HAVE COME I COULD CRRYYYYYYYYYYY
but more than the hug, YES MORE THAN IT BECAUSE I AM LIKE THAT, and I can say it because I semi-dreamed of it before I went to sleep, I was more choked up thinking about how Imlie will remove his mask and reveal his face. so when THAT happened...oh how I stopped breathing :’)
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ohhhhhh yeah i’ll start crying now.
but i digress.
back to screaming crying shaking throwing up.
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my one major complain with Imlie has always been how she doesn’t act human, forget acting her age. so this episode..specially this bit..was SO emotional for me cuz at least yahan, at least NOW...we got to see her act human. she was shaken, she was terrified, she was putting up a brave front but the moment she realized that she was no longer alone...that someone she trusts, someone whose interest lies in her safety, someone who will go to any lengths to protect her is standing right in front her...the relief was so overwhelming for her that she staggered on the spot. 
and because OBVIOUSLY he’s Aryan and he’s one of the best males written by a woman...he stood his ground but didn’t try to get in her personal space because he KNEW the shock of what she just went through...the fear what she thought she almost went through...was too much for her and the best thing to do would be to let her process it on her own. which is why if there was ANY point where she had to take the first step, it was this. THIS was the point where the ball was fully in Imlie’s court about how much she trusts him! does she trust him enough to seek physical support from him after being grossly physically violated? if this didn’t happen now, it wouldn’t happen ever.
the Hug™ wasn’t romantic. it was more symbolic than that. symbolic of the trust that she has on him. symbolic of the development their relationship has had. did I mentally mute the Jaaniya playing there? HECK YEAH! adore the song but har jagah ghussa dete hain. it didn’t really do anything to contribute positively to the scene. the emotions of the scene were TOO high to be rightfully represented by any song. some emotions are better said through just instruments...words aren’t needed.
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUT THE WAY SHE repeated his assurances that she was safe before she hugged him i am!!!!!
Aryan of course stood there beCAUSE OF COURSE HE’S ARYAN he really just stood there not knowing how to react.
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I AM AN EMOTIONAL MESS! LOOK HOW FAR WE HAVE COME Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poor Aru MERA BABIE ARUUUU was so shaken by the hug cuz this girl flips her emotions and reactions to him in a second so he was ready with his defense that girl you hugged me! you can’t now blame me for hugging you back cuz you hugged MEEEE but aksjdhawa babie boi couldn’t say it cuz how you do you REALLY say it so he was saying kuch bhi that one day she scolds him for saving her life and now she was.......CRYING after he does the same so like PICK A STRUGGLE HER
and aaj toh daant padi and Imlie apologized! wow the girl truly was SHAKEN! but you won’t find me complaining. she’s giving very human reactions for ONCE in her life. aaj i can literally not complain for a single thing!!!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Aryan figured out that it was Malini who sent Imlie to this place. oh behn tu ulti ginti shuru karde ab toh Aryan tujhe chorhe ga nahin xD quite interesting though how Imlie chalked the situation up as “Sita Maiyaan ki marzi” while Aryan had already started calculating in his head how best he will annihilate Malini :D uff Imaliyaaaa! stop putting EVERYTHING to fate and destiny and then swallowing up all the bitterness as a result. fight. question. struggle. RESIST. make a CHOICE! refuse to take things as they are. KUCH BANDA APNA BHI DIMAG LAGA LE. KUCH DIL KI SUNN LE. kab tak aise sab uper wale pe chorh ke zindagi guzaro gi? :((
baqi toh jo hua sab kafi predictable. 
Imlie says she can’t leave without saying the girls. ooooh notice how the first thing Imlie removed from her entire getup was the ghungroo. SYMBOLISM. SHE NO LONGER TIES CHAINS TO HER FEET. SHE BREAKS FREE FROM THEM THE MOMENT SHE GETS THE CHANCE TO.
Aryan calls the police because everyone in the country in his bitch.
i am not surprised at how a supposedly cruel and shrewd brothel owner was doing everything Aryan was ordering her to do like auntiee this man has shown you nothing but some swag and attitude...hasn’t shown you a single penny and yet you are disturbing your entire business to please him. 
contrived af but HEY THAT’S ITV FOR YOU.
sidenote: should I be complaining about the callousness with which ITV shows very serious and complex subjects like this and resolve them without showing a touch of reality in them? but like...it’s ITV. is there any point of complaining?
I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE ARYAN’S SHADY LUKHA AVATAR SO MUCH! something about someone like Aryan Singh Rathore saying “yeh kamra baans maar raha hai” is just so darn ENTERTAINING. i was cackling!! 
blah blah blah the girls escape.
blah blah blah Aryan reveals himself. fight happens. he looks so sexy. 
yaar itna kharcha kiya tha dance de hi dete :(
chalo. koi nahin. dance nahin. toh FIGHT SAHI!!!
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UFF THE VISUALS OF THIS SHOW YAAAR!! a Queen leading her army. 
precap: feminism aur women empowerment ke naye record todega kal yeh show with the girls fighting against the men while Aryan sits by. 
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danganronpa2 · 2 years
I'm actually interested in why u hate dangan 3 gurl make a full essay cuz I will read it hshs
ohhhhhh boy you are opening the floodgates.... well first of all i should clarify that i hate dr3 the anime, not ndrv3 the game, since the names get confusing. um spoilers for DR 1+2+3+0 under the cut lmao it's really long
so the biggest thing i hate about dr3 is the brainwashing video plot twist. i know that this is a previously established element from dr0, but it was explicitly ONLY used on the reserve course, not on class 77-b. i'm fine with a little retconning in general but the brainwashing is awful for multiple reasons:
it makes junko way less threatening and competent, since now she's just relying on mitarai's magic anime powers instead of slowly manipulating everyone with her intellect and charisma
it weakens the whole cast of sdr2, since the one thing that's clear in all of them is that they each have unique insecurities and trauma that could have been exploited by junko to drive them into despair. even relatively "normal" characters like sonia and owari have a lot more depth when you think about how junko used their issues against them, and the brainwashing erases all of that
most importantly, it totally ruins one of the biggest themes of sdr2, which is that you need to take responsibility for your actions but you can still move forward and try to do better. when dr3 was like "oh they were all brainwashed, they're actually good people and it wasn't their fault" it COMPLETELY sabotaged that whole thing!
another overall thing i didn't like was that it took away the ambiguity of sdr2 in favor of a happy ending. obviously i was pretty happy to see everybody alive, but i think the original ending of sdr2 is much better because it gives the players a chance to "make their own future" and choose to have faith that the characters will find happiness, even though it's an uncertain path. so ironically dr3:hope is taking away our opportunity to have hope oh god i sound like komaeda now huh. fuck. you know what i mean
last big complaint is that dr3:future was just poorly paced and badly written in general; it introduced a ton of new characters and gave us no time to get attached to them at all before killing them off, the restriction thing was interesting but didn't actually result in any cool mysteries to solve, and the whole thing felt like a really convoluted setup for the suicide plot twist anyway.
apart from all that, a lot of things were pretty problematic or just plain annoying - the blatant homophobia in sakakura’s arc, the mukuro/junko incest, the aphrodisiac soup, the borderline pornographic yukizome brainwashing scene, the list goes on. i’m prepared to tolerate a certain amount of bullshit from any DR installment but like… come on man?? why???
those are my biggest issues with the show as a whole, but as for individual characters i have some specific ones too:
HINATA MY BELOVED his motivation to undergo the hope cultivation project is one of the most compelling things in the entire franchise to me, and the introduction of a romance subplot with nanami that led to "i want to become someone she can be proud of!" just totally undercut that motivation and all that it stands for in the DR universe. i'm not just being a hater, i LIKE hinanami, but the way it was used here really diminished hinata's actual goal.
nanami in general was just done so dirty in this show, from her personality being completely different to her death fueling everyone's despair. i don't exactly mind the concept of her being a living person before she became an AI, but why would the memory of a perfect, social, well-loved class rep result in an introverted weird girl that has trouble understanding and connecting with people? either way AI nanami is much cooler and more fun although i have to say junko's gamer death maze was pretty despair-inducingly good lol
yukizome felt disproportionately impactful on the class for somebody who didn't exist in the original game at all, and tbh i just couldn't stand the way she interacted with everyone and made the show all about her, not to mention the insanely sexist talent of "shsl housekeeper" like seriously?? are you kidding me???
mitarai is a little bitch and i hate him
tl;dr: the brainwashing video sucks and retroactively makes all the themes and characters from sdr2 a million times worse. on a brighter note here are some things i DID like:
the impostor actually getting some really cool character development and plot relevancy which was totally unexpected
the comradery between the dr1 survivors :,^)
the twilight syndrome murders being retold in a way that was interesting and exciting but didn’t retcon the entire thing - natsumi and satou were great characters imo
kamukura overall, i have some nitpicks with his characterization but for the most part dr3 really exceeded my expectations with him since i was scared they were gonna reduce him to a cold-blooded killer robot
the dub fucking rules
so yeah that’s why i hate dr3 thanks for giving me an excuse to rant about it <3 would love to hear other people’s additions or refutations or whatever i love to talk about dongobongos
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Ch376 Execution, Extinction 2
(Execution, Extinction 1 was in the prev post)
kya kensei~ how cool captain
Ch377: Shout at the Dark
oh yeah this is the fucky part
Ch378: Eyes of the victor
Ch379: Crushing...!
BYAKUYA & KEN-CHAN!!!!! i love them
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Ch380: Devil, Devil, Devil, Devil
“a lowly half-shinigami” so does mayuri Know or
nnn mayuri pls
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Ch381: Words Just Don’t Like You
‘immerse you in terror’ MAYURI!!!! PLS!!!
that last closeup of ichigo’s and byakuya’s faces....i wonder
Ch382: The United Front (Discordeque Mix)
so united front 1 was one of the aizen reveal chaps where i took no specific notes and united front 2 was renji and uryuu setting szayel up in their trap...considering that we were just talking about kyoka suigetsu
oh ken-chan and byakuya are on a full name basis huh...
‘know your place’ byakuya pls....he does say that a lot....
“you’re in the way” BOTH OF U PLS!!!!!! i mentioned i think in the ichigo vs uryuu vs all the hollows fight that i love the “you’re interrupting our fight” thing (well i just went back over the post and it wasn’t then, idk when it was but at some point) but i do. i love it so much.
Ch383: Too Early to Trust
“trusting in someone is the same as depending on them. that is something the weak do. we have no use for it.” i see aizen is also unfamiliar with the conventions of the genre.
Ch384: Can’t Fear Your Own Sword*
oh!! like the LN titles (i keep meaning to read them....shuuhei my beloved) and oh this is a shuuhei chapter so....shuuhei book, shuuhei chapter, nice nice
i mean, tosen is right...hollowfication by choice vs by your mom passing it down to you in the womb is uh. why does that make it worse. like in-universe komamura is right, it’s corruption (in a heavy-handed metaphorical way) but...if, as komamura says, “the corruption i speak of is betraying your friends, allies and even subordinates in an attempt to gain excessive power” (which, fair!) then why did he bring up hollowfication to begin with? i know it’s symbolic but it comes off very awkwardly and with unfortunate implications....plus wanting power is good when ichigo does it right? (who was it who told him to go after it anyway, kenpachi? the kenpachi in his mind? idr ugh)
“the most important thing for a warrior is not power but a heart that fears battle” ahh and that’s the similarity drawn with kira & shuuhei
also!!! one of the earlier chapters where shuuhei was fighting the fraccion it was about him not having enough fear.....interesting theme
take a shot every time someone gets impaled
Ch385: Vice It
man....tosen and komamura....
Ch386: The Beastial*
Ch387: Ignited
HOLY SHIT aizen does not miss any opportunity to be awful
and of course they would forgive him :( tbh now i just want some nice fic of shuuhei & komamura hanging out....tho knowing komamura’s ultimate fate i’m even more :(
Ch388: Eagle Without Wings 2 [Extreme Battlemaster Mix]
so Eagle Without Wings 1 was when byakuya and ken-chan haul everyone back to SS after Orihime gets captured. and the next chapter, Winged Eagles, was tatsuki punching ichigo thru a window. so i guess this is something with....urahara & keigo/mizuiro/tatsuki?
or not, it’s just ichigo v aizen
oh well that’s a sexc kubo panel....also ichigo’s mask remnant is kinda like grimmjow’s in the shot.
ahh ok “a will to fight without hatred is like an eagle without wings. you can’t protect anything with it. your helpless friends serve as nothing more than weights to hold you back” aizen is really fond of those metaphors
“WE will fight and protect YOU” weh yes give him that reversal!!!
Ch389: Winged Eagles 2
“letting you fight alone, now that’s pretty crazy. there’ll be loads of people who won’t be able to control their anger if you go it alone and get killed. don’t bear this burden alone and don’t give me any cheek. this fight belongs to all of us.” WELL SAID SHINJI!!!!
clear eyes full hearts can’t lose
komamuraaaaaaaaa my fave wolf boi
(as an aside oh god who even is my favorite? that’s hard to say behind ichigo)
“all of that ‘protecting the world’ nonsense is nothing more than a grand cause with a nice ring to it. we’re fighting so that we can live, so that you can live, and to protect everyone else from aizen’s grasp” SOI FON!!!
this is such a Great Dialogue chapter kubo i’m
well shunsui your words fall on deaf ears i’m afraid
Ch390: Beyond the Death Understanding
Ch391: The Blazing Glaciers
“you cast a shadow on the ice” v nice
Ch392: The Breaking Glaciers
yeah even when i know it’s gonna happen it’s just. poor momo hasn’t she been through enough already
Ch393: The Burnout Inferno
and aizen’s lock of hair looks just like the glasses frame in the final panel
Ch394: The Burnout Inferno 2
YAMAJIIII he’s so fucken shredded....my god. i cannot describe the sensation, nearly 400 chapters into this manga about swordfighting and emotions and magic spells drawn on a white background, a shirtless old fire wizard military officer is punching a giant into submission with purely the spiritual power of his fists. i love it here.
Ch395: The Burnout Inferno 3
nnnn yamajii taunting aizen....
Ch396: The Bite
ah yes another ~forbidden technique~
yes yes all according to keikaku
Ch397: Edge of the Silence
well ichigo is legit shocked but it’s also a great reaction face....buddy, don’t worry, you really are a shonen protagonist! aizen just isn’t genre savvy
“did you think that your victories were a result of your efforts” ouch
“--a hollowfied quincy”. damn we had to wait how many years for the end of the sentence? (it was probably something only like 5...this is like 08 09 so yeah, maybe 6)
ok so rangiku had her torso shredded but she’s like, /here/....squints idr if she and isshin actually reunite in the last arc tho...
Ch398: Back from Blind
“i don’t know how to ask about it. i don’t know a good way to ask about it without trampling on your feelings” (and the rukia flashback that’s from....the memories in the rain sequence? note to self check this)
but, callbacks aside....yeah. yknow when you learn the family secrets and don’t know how to talk about them and never really do after it’s too late and i just ugh :(((( tho i guess this is the kind of secret that....idk. doesn’t quite hurt the same.
interesting that gin would bring out bankai...
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just my thoughts during the stream. LOL they probably all don’t make sense.
this is all /rp, and any people i mention are c! not cc! 👍🏻
michael angst NOOOOO PLZZZZ
holding the axe for a second while looking at the bee.... beeduo my beloved please don’t break
I KNEW IT i knew he was in the enderwalk during the shulker deal. standing on a grass block, how manipulative and smart he was during that, how silver tongued. he did NOT sound like the c!Ranboo we know.
what wouldn’t be fair if he went in the prison?
what experiments? clearly on the enderwalk, finding out what caused it, how to control it? side affects?
repression isn’t good my man
THE FOURTH BOOK HAS THE LESSONS. THATS WHY ITS DREAM AHHHH lol i literally said it at the same time as ranboo LOL
for the greater good??? killing dream?
this would be such a good scene in an animatic (w/sam, both their tones, and his axe, and his pleading
manipulative arc?
these poor children ahhhhhh i want to give them all hugs
sam is such a good comforter. especially to the minors here. he isn’t all bad now. sure the prison corrupted him a bit, like ya the ponk torture ya i get it. but he is keeping these bois safe. (can you tell i love sam’s character heh)
does he know he almost hurt michael?
none of us were expecting him to ask to be put in the prison that’s for sure
“i’m not locking you away for something you’ve imagined you’ve done” it is something out of his control/knowledge
k well sam really is here isolating himself. would he ever kill someone to keep them out?
“you’re a good person.” “...i am?” THAT BROKE ME AHHHH
what. what do you need to do. yes and we need answers too. who can give you answers? quackity? tommy? tubbo? dangerous, hard journey, sooooo quackity?
the screaming ahhhh. his yelling breaks my heart.
where is he going? answers from whoooooo. ok so he’s trying to figure out the enderwalk. will he trigger it? getting potions ok ok. wait. wait. WAIT. THE BOTTLE OF WATER
“what am i?”. wait is he gonna die. AHHHHH the scream scared me ngl
dude that hurt my heart to hear that scream. “(smth along the lines of) if i cant find answers, i’ll get them from myself”
definitely a horror theme now. just like he wanted.
is it over? yep alright. creepy purple face.
give this man some appreciation
just my thoughts during the stream :D
yoooo i actually got to watch some lore live
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 3,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: On My Mind/Burn/Love Me Like You Do-Ellie Goulding | | | | | |
Tag List: @choiceslady @shewillreadyou @bebepac @queenjilian @txemrn @pixie88 @lucy-268 @hopefulmoonobject @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here
Chapter 8.) Love Me Like You Do.
You're the light, you're the night. You're the color of my blood. You're the cure, you're the pain. You're the only thing I wanna touch. Never knew that it could mean so much, so much.
You're the fear, I don't care. 'Cause I've never been so high. Follow me through the dark. Let me take you past our satellites. You can see the world you brought to life, to life.
It had been a week since her first dream about Trent.
And Naia was sleeping in Roman’s arms, dreaming about Trent again. They were running through the woods together with reckless abandon. They were wolves. Bounding through the woods on all fours. And when Naia reached the edge of the woods she looked back to see if he was still behind her, but she saw nothing but darkness. She didn’t know where he was. She frantically looked around for him but he was gone. When she called out to him he never responded.
That’s when she woke up gasping for air and in a cold sweat. Something that hadn’t happened since coming to Hunt’s Peak. She had just sat up and was getting her head out of the fog it was in, when she felt Roman’s hand on her shoulder.
“Are you alright Beloved?” He asks.
“Huh? Yeah. I-I’m okay.” She replied trying to downplay how and what she was feeling.
“Your heart is racing. Are you sure that you’re okay?” He asked.
“Yes. It was just a nightmare. I promise I’ll be fine.” She replies.
Roman knew something was wrong but he decided not to press the issue.
“You should rest Beloved.”
“I will. No need to worry.”
She grabbed Gino from off the floor and snuggled him close as Roman’s arms wrapped around her.
“Not so tight!”
Roman raised his head.
“You’ll squish Gino.”
He groaned.
“I do not understand why you are so attached to that thing.”
“Well if you didn’t want me to have him…you shouldn’t have given him to me.”
She snickered as he rolled his eyes. She settled in his arms and was soon fast asleep.
So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do.
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do.
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do.
What are you waiting for?
The next morning Naia was with Layla helping her with laundry for the Pack.
“Thank you so much for the help. It would’ve taken me hours to get all this done.” Layla told her.
“No problem. I’m surprised that the Pack believes in washing machines.”
“You do NOT want to know how hard it was or how long it took me to convince them.”
The two shared a laugh as they folded blankets. When Naia reached for one another blanket, Layla cautioned her.
“You might want to be careful with that one.”
“Why?” Naia asks.
“Because that one is Roman’s.” Layla replies.
“Yeah. He rarely lets me wash it.”
“Why? It’s just a blanket.”
“It was his mother’s. It never leaves the den unless he allows it.”
“He told me about her. Sounds like he really loved her.”
“Yeah he did and still does. Roman is the quintessential mama’s boy.”
Naia laughed.  
“Just don’t tell him I said that.”
“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.”
“Good. Because he’d be pretty pissed at me if he knew I said that about him.”
“Even if it’s true?” Naia asked.
“Especially because it’s true!” Layla replies.
The two shared another laugh.
“Tell me about his mother. All I know is that her name is Delia.”
Layla went quiet as she considered how to answer.
“Ms. Delia was a joy to be around. She was fair and stern and always loving. Even after she married and mated with Roman’s father, she continued on to be a school teacher. She cared for the Pack. Maybe even more than Xander ever did. She was as protective as she was funny. She’s one of the reasons why I’m loyal to them as well.”
“Did she welcome you?” Naia asks.
“Oh yeah. She welcomed anyone to the Pack. Even though some Pack members thought it was a mistake.” Layla replies.
“Why would they think that welcoming others is a mistake?” She asks.
“Because the Pack is an old guard. And many believe in its old and kinda outdated ways. Many of the werewolves, especially some of the elders only look at humans like us as a means to an end. But to some like Callum and Roman, humans are and always will be welcomed and loved. Just like Ms. Delia taught them.” Layla replies.
“How was she with Roman?” Naia asks.
“She loved Roman and his siblings. But, many whispered that she always favored him because he’s the oldest and her firstborn. She always knew how to tame her son. And when she died, it nearly killed him. He was closed off for a while. And as of late, he’s just been so absorbed in his role as Alpha.” Layla replied.
“I wish I had the chance to meet her.”
“She would’ve loved you.”
“You think so?” Naia asks.
“Yup. She was always a sweet woman. Even though she lived amongst the Pack.” Layla replies.
“What was his father like?” She asked.
“When you think of Xander, think of an older, stuffier and scarier version of Roman.” Layla replies.
“Yikes! Yikes! And triple yikes!”
“Yeah…compared to his father and especially how he ran the Pack, Roman is an angel.”
“Sheesh! I’m kinda sorry I asked. “
Once they were finished with the laundry, they stopped by the furniture store to pick up a few things for the den. Then went to the local boutique for themselves.
“I love this boutique so much. I just wish I could fit in the clothes.” Layla said in a wistful tone.
“I’m sure they’ve got something in here for you.”
“You see this?” Layla asks, pointing to her very pregnant belly. “Ain’t nothing in here fitting all of this.”
Naia rolled her eyes and chuckled.
“Buuuuuuut that doesn’t mean that we can’t find something for you.”
“You just want to live vicariously through me, don’t you?” Naia asked.
“Maaaaaaaybe.” Layla replied innocently.
“Uh huh…”
After picking out a few outfits that she really liked, Naia turned her attention to the lingerie in the boutique. Using Layla’s critical eye, she narrowed her choices down to two colors red and purple.
“Well you can’t go wrong with red. It’s a classic color for a reason. But then again I really like the purple one.”
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Naia tried on both and showed Layla.
“Well damn Miss America! Who knew you could twirl like that?” She teased.
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Naia rolled her eyes good naturedly.
“So…which one should I get?” Naia asked her.
“Split the difference and get both. Especially if you want to make Roman drool.” Layla replied.
“Oh no honey! Never buy lingerie for a man. Always do it for yourself. But you are right I think I’m gonna get both.”
“Of course I’m right! Now go pay for them so we can go get some food. We’re starving!”
After paying for her new clothes and getting food, Naia and Layla were back at the den rearranging and organizing the kitchen. With the Pack out on a hunt, Naia took the initiative to freshen the room she was given. She figured she’d deal with Roman and his opinion later. She had just finished redecorating the bedroom when he walked in.
“What did you do?” He asks.
“Made this more of a bedroom and less of a cold, sterile cave with a bed in it.” She replies.
He gives her a lopsided look.
“What? Gino likes it.”
“Gino can’t speak.”
“He still likes it.”
“Gino is a toy.”
“Well I say he likes it!” She huffed.
He shakes his head and smirks at her. She could feel his victory through their bond.
“How was the hunt?” She asked after clearing her throat.
“It was highly successful. How was your day in town?” He asks.
“Good. We got the laundry done and did a little shopping. Well I shopped, Layla watched.” She replies.
“What did you buy?” He asks.
“A little gift for myself.” She replies.
He raises an expectant eyebrow.
“If you must know, I bought lingerie.”
“Hmmmm I see.”
She watched Roman as he took a look at what she had done around the room. When his eyes fell on his mother’s blanket laying on the bed, his gaze softened. He sat down and held the blanket in his hands. She sat down next to him.
“Layla told me that it was your mother’s.”
“It was. She made it herself.”
“She was a quilter?” She asks.
“Yes. She was also a school teacher.” He replies.
“Layla told me that.”
“What else did Layla tell you?” He asks.
“That you really loved her and that you miss her.” She replies.
“She’s right. Mother was an angel. There isn’t a day where I don’t miss her.”
“I’m sure she’s proud of you Roman. Wherever she is.”
He smiled softly at her.
“Gino was right. What you’ve done is…nice.”
She chuckled softly before laying her head on his shoulder.
“If you don’t like it, I can always change it.”
“No. I want this to be as much of a home for you as possible. And if changing things around and adding things does that for you, I won’t protest.”
Fading in, fading out. On the edge of paradise. Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find. Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire. Yeah, I'll let you set the pace. 'Cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more. What are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
She felt their bond swell as they sat together. She secretly loved seeing him be vulnerable with her. After a few moments, he put the blanket down.
“Will you come with me?” He asks her. “There’s something I want to show you.”
“Sure. Where are we going?” She replies.
“You’ll see.”
He led her along the north side of the woods towards a field.
“I don’t see anything.”
“Just watch Beloved.”
Beside her Roman had transformed into his wolf form. After hearing him let out a commanding and slightly startling howl, she watched as a pack of actual wolves came through the tall grass. She counted at least 7 adult wolves as Roman changed back into his human form.
As they approached she hid behind Roman.
“They won’t harm you Beloved.”
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not take the chance of finding out.”
She watched him as he knelt down to greet the Alpha of the pack. The wolves greeted him like they were greeting an old friend. Roman nodded to the alpha to meet Naia.
“I promise you, you’re safe Beloved. Come meet Kuvo.”
Naia knelt beside him and held out her palm for Kuvo to sniff. After sniffing her palm, Kuvo walked around sniffing the rest of her before headbutting her shoulder affectionately.
“Hi Kuvo.” She said as he nuzzled her. Kuvo looked to his pack then the adults took off. Leaving the pups behind.
“Where are they going?” She asks.
“To hunt.” He replies.
“So we’re babysitting?”
“Yes. I thought you’d like to see what Gino would look like if he was real.”
“Look at you. Jealous of a toy.”
He rolled his eyes as they walked to where the pups were playing. As they got closer the pups ran to Roman, nearly tackling him when he sat down.
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“You’re covered in pups. You know that right?” She said as she snickered. She sat down close to him and one of the smaller pups ran up to her.
“Hi there little one! You are absolutely adorable.” She said as she nuzzled the pup in her arms. She rubbed behind the pup’s ears as she watched the other pups climb all over Roman.
“You look natural Beloved.”
She blushed.
“Thank you.”
He nodded to the pups and they went from climbing all over him to swarming Naia.
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He watched as she giggled and pups yipped.
“Oh my God! I should’ve been born an octopus because I clearly don’t have enough arms!” She said as she giggled and tried to pet and pick up as many pups as she could. When she finally got up and tried to walk away, the pups followed behind her.
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“I feel like a mother!” She giggled.  
“You look like one.”
Just then an adult wolf came out of the field. The pups ran straight to the wolf and led the wolf to them.
“Who’s that?” She asks.
“That’s their mother, Oma.” He replied.
He knelt in front of her then allowed her to nuzzle and lick him. When Oma turned to Naia, she was holding one of the pups. Oma cautiously walked towards Naia, who had her hand stretched out to her. Oma sniffed her hand then licked her palm. While the pup ran off to play with its siblings, Oma laid down next to Naia with her head in her lap.
“Hello Oma. Your pups are the cutest little things.” She said to Oma as they watched the pups play. She rubbed behind Oma’s ears Roman sat down on the other side of Oma.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why did you bring me here?” She asks.
“Because I wanted you to see why I protect these lands. These wolves are some of the most endangered in the country. And not just from SEP  but poachers as well. It is my duty to protect them. And it’s getting increasingly difficult to do so.” He replies.
“Why is that?” She asks.
“Because if SEP gets their hands on this land, they’ll tear it all down to build mines. Which will drive Kuvo and his pack further away from here and right into the hands of poachers.” He replies. His tone hid a calm fury.
“They’d turn all of this into mines? What kind of mines?” She asks.
“Coal.” He replies.
Naia shuddered at his words.
“I hope you see why I must fight against these evils. I am Alpha. It is my job to protect and defend.”
“I do understand why you fight so hard.”
“I hope you will be at my side as I fight for this land.”
“As your mate you mean.”
Roman smirked.
“Yes. I would love for you to be my mate. But only if you want to be.”
Naia snuggled Oma as she considered his words. In the distance a howl was heard and returned by Oma and the pups.
“What’s going on?” She asks.
“It’s Kuvo. The hunt is over and was a success.” He replies as he looks out to the distance. Oma rises and goes with the pups to meet Kuvo and the other wolves. They watched as the wolves shared the kill.
“That’s a huge deer!” She exclaimed.
“Indeed. This is what it means to be an alpha. Kuvo excels at his duty as alpha.”
“So do you. Don’t ever forget that.”
Roman smiled softly at her. He noticed that she was shivering.
“Are you cold?” He asks.
“Just a little bit.” She whispered.
She felt his arms wrap around her. He was trying to use his body heat to keep her warm.
“Thank you Roman. I feel better.”
“Good. Now come. It’s getting late and you should rest.”
“But I’m not—“ she said before letting out a giant yawn.
“You were saying?” He teased.
She huffed then smirked.
“I do miss Gino. He’s probably lonely without me.”
“Yes…I’m sure that a toy is very lonely.”
She snickered as they began to walk back to the den. As she crawled into bed, she saw Roman getting ready to leave.
“You’re leaving?” She asked.
“Yes. Do not worry I will be back.” He told her.
She felt her heart start to ache. She didn’t want to be away from him.
“Don’t go.”
“I must Beloved.”
“Stay with me.”
He sat across from her as she clung to Gino.
“Roman please…”
He could feel her yearning for him. To soothe her ache, he kissed her. She needed him. She was desperate for him. Her body wanted him. As the kiss deepened, she pulled him on top of her. Their limbs tangled with each other as the kiss intensified.
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (yeah) Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
I'll let you set the pace. 'Cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more. What are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do). Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (yeah). Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do. What are you waiting for? Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do). Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (oh). Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
Roman had to force himself to stop kissing her.
“As much as I hate to stop, I must.”
“Okay…” she pouted.
“Get some rest Beloved. I will see you when you wake up.”
With a kiss to her forehead, Roman left and Naia was soon fast asleep.
She was soon dreaming again. She was dreaming about Trent again. She was dreaming about being in his arms. And being with him. She felt her heart tell her that Trent is her mate, the same way Roman is her mate. And when she woke up, she needed to know why. So she made it her mission to figure out what was going on with her heart.
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grunge-mermaid · 3 years
grunge rewatches Doctor Who
01x01 "Rose"
I miss low-budget Who. now it's all lens flares and explosions
that is the most 2005 haircut I have ever seen
Christopher Eccleston was good
definitely the right choice to bring back the series, also the right choice to only do one season
I miss the simple sonic screwdriver
oh Jackie...
Doctor What
Rose is not playing your games, sir
oh man these graphics
plastic Mickey is uh something
lots of planets have a north
is Jackie Tyler the opposite of Donna Noble (always accidentally in the thick of it vs completely oblivious to everything)
wow Mickey really is terrible isn't he?
I would jump in that TARDIS in a nanosecond how do you even consider turning that down?
especially with Jodie Whittaker my beloved at the helm
01x02 "The End of the World"
oh hey it's the fob watch!
what is the date system in the year 5 Billion?
flirting with a tree. sometimes I forget Julian Bashir is not the only horny alien fucker
the iPod!!
why are you telling this to the plumber?
I know I said I'd jump in the TARDIS in a nanosecond but those are things you should have considered before getting in, Rose
the Doctor has a point with the Deep South comment
diversity win! your racist flesh trampoline is trans!
let us mourn her with a traditional ballad *plays Britney Spears- Toxic* genuinely one of the best moments of the entire show, classic & new
why does the Sun Filter Descending warning sound like the fucking drive through at the Dairy Queen?
fyi, Cassandra, there's an e on the end of "j'accuse" so you pronounce the "s"
honestly, the British grasp of the French language just astonishes me (most of this rage comes from Escape to the Country and Great British Bake Off)
you...you need to be clever to turn a dial in the opposite direction? ok doctor
I think I had that Rimmel mascara in high school
01x03 "The Unquiet Dead"
ah fuck. zombies. I really hate zombies. I have internalized kinemortophobia
(bc I myself am a zombie, in case the joke wasn't clear)
(yes I had to look up the word for a fear of zombies)
"an error has occurred please try again" Crave really trying to protect me from myself
oh there we go
no, Crave, I refuse to skip the best New Who intro there ever was
Gwyneth my beloved
"you look beautiful considering you're human" excuse me sir who was calling out Rose on her racism just one episode ago?
but god dang Billie Piper in a Victorian dress
the skin on my neck is crawling right now but I'm gonna power through
I'm gonna power through all the zombie episodes
what the Shakespeare is going on? heh
ohhhhhh noooooo not the creepy hissing-whispering bullshit no please no
angry Billie Piper in a Victorian dress with a cane? that's just cruel
officially a Rose/Gwyneth stan over here
Bad Wolf!
"time isn't a straight line, it can be twisted into any shape" vs "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" sums up the difference between Nine and Ten perfectly
ok one more episode for this post (but I will probably keep making these)
01x04 "Aliens of London"/ 01x05 "World War Three"
oh for fuck's sake it's the slitheen
I mean this was first and foremost a children's show of course they're gonna have fart joke aliens
as someone who has recurring nightmares about her parents thinking she's gone missing (despite being active on social media and tagging my location in posts) & declaring her dead after a relatively short period of time, this is literally one of my worst fears. top 5 easily
more Bad Wolf!
I know this was 2005 but "you're so gay" as an insult in an episode written by a gay man who was also the show runner and therefore had the power to, you know, cut that line (or not even write it in the first place), is...odd?
wow I really hate Mickey
like, I'm not missing the implications of a working class black man accused of murdering a pretty white woman and that is absolutely unfair
but seriously what a useless man-child
another diversity win! your genocidal fart monster is a bi/pan philanderer!
(ok so they don't indicate the gender of the "young farmer" he was having an affair with but I'm extrapolating bc they said "a mistress and a young farmer" instead of "two mistresses")
I do appreciate when shows are quietly queer but we also need good, solid, obvious, positive representation and we're not there yet
these graphics are killing me
ah fuck it's a two-parter
I'll watch part 2
sorry this post is so long
(not sorry enough to put it under a cut tho)
"electricity slurping" is not a caption I expected to see but ok
yes, Mickey your basic Nokia is gonna get a really good pic of that fart monster, good work
ok that's more the fault of 2005 technology than Mickey's and it's better than nothing
I just really dislike Mickey
why were those steel barricades installed in 1991?
what was happening in 1991 that would necessitate that installation?
wouldn't it make more sense to have them installed sometime during the Cold War instead of right after it ended?
I know it was Uncertain Times after the Soviet Union collapsed, but they certainly weren't anywhere near as much of a threat in 1991 as they were in, say, 1962
Harriet Jones using her Karen energy for good
oh actually that's a pretty good picture for a 2005 Nokia
...why is the Prime Minister's desk covered in skittles?
voicemail dooms us all. does it ever
Harriet Jones is a tory isn't she?
that's all for this round of grunge rewatches doctor who (I got distracted by reddit around the voicemail line).
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crantzypants · 5 years
Crowley and Aziraphale accidentally raising the Antichrist together sounds like an amazing and equally hilarious idea.
This started as a “haha what if i write down a few thoughts” and ended up as a full story outline ohhhhhh boy!
It’s wild. Crowley doesn’t want the baby that is being swapped to just be abandoned, who KNOWS what Satanic Nuns would do with it! But OOPS somehow with three babies, the Antichrist is the third baby.
But then, because this is now their child, they raise him in a semi-normal way? They don’t have a need to drag their child to the side of good or evil, because they just want their kid to be happy (and teach him how to do pranks. He has to know that gluing coins to the sidewalk is funny, angel). 
And really, a young boy should be able to have fun, and the city is no great place to raise this kid, especially when heaven and hell KNOW Crowley and Zira have been camped out their for centuries now. Why not just…live in Tadfield? Share time between a small cottage that no one but them knows about, and keep their places in the city to keep thwarting evil and appearances? 
They know that the Warlock, the supposed Antichrist, needs to be raised, so simply take positions as tutors. A nine-to-five, and switching off days so that someone can stay at home with Adam. As he grows up, Adam catches on to the fact that his parents are Something Else, but is just as happy to have two parents that love him, and friends he can spend time with.
Every now and then, Adam does something odd because of his powers as the Antichrist. Both Crowley and Zira never catch on about who their son is, and questions if their presence or powers can rub off on humans. They’ve hung around humans for a long time, and none of them started developing powers. 
Both are fools and don’t connect the dots.
They figure out that a Hellhound should be coming for the Antichrist, and Crowley agrees to go to Warlock’s party, while Zira stays back at home and sets up something for Adam’s birthday but please please Zira just call for help if you set the kitchen on fire again. 
And then Crowley calls, while Adam is out playing with his friends in the woods.
Zira: Hello dear, did, did Warlock turn away the Hellhound?
Crowley: …No.
Zira: Oh no, this is not good.
Crowley: The hound never showed up.
Zira: Excuse me, what?
Crowley: Wrong child.
Zira: Wrong child.
And while Crowley drives back to their house to concoct a plan, Adam and his friends walk in, Dog right behind them. Zira sees Dog, and suddenly he starts seeing the math around his head as it dawns on him that maybe he has been raising the f*cking Antichrist all this time. 
Crowley gets home, and right off the bat thinks they should go to the Old Hospital, because where did they go wrong? To which Zira responds with, “Oh, did you know that our son found a dog today? Apparently, Dog just FOUND HIM. WHILE PLAYING IN THE WOODS. THIS AFTERNOON WHILE YOU WERE WAITING FOR THE HELLHOUND.” And Crowley nearly discorporates. Heaven and Hell are going to be coming for THEIR SON. THEIR SON, WHO IS SUPPOSED TO END THE WORLD. He was a little rowdy and a bit brash, but his heart has always been in the right place, and was always kind. Their must have been a different mix-up, right? 
But they can’t question Adam about anything, because he’s off with his friends, apparently going witch-hunting. But they need to figure out if he is the Antichrist, and how to stop him if he is without tearing their family apart, and then, THEN, if they are able to do that all successfully, how to deal with the fact that Heaven and Hell will come after the two of them for messing up the Big Plan. 
Of course, by this point, Hell is realizing that Crowley might have bungled the whole job, and is coming to find him. Crowley takes off to London in hopes that he won’t place Zira and Adam in the line of fire, so to speak. 
Zira avoids Heaven’s calls at all cost, and knows that it is only time til they find him and drag him to Heaven. But without Crowley around, he doesn’t have that extra help he needs, and decides that maybe the supposed Witch that moved to town could be the real deal. There were witches, once, and maybe some of them and their offspring survived. 
Zira meets up with Anathema, and she is a wonderfully kind host, and from their conversation, she is also looking for the Antichrist. She avoids how she knows he is HERE in Tadfield, though, and by the end of their tea, Zira has not learned much else. Zira offers that his house is always open, but to make sure that the salt and sugar are not swapped. That’s Adam’s favorite prank when company is over.
Crowley risks driving home to Tadfield, because it IS his son’s birthday and he would actually like to SEE his son today, and picks up Zira who seems to be taking a thoughtful stroll. The two discuss what they’ve found, and Crowley tries to calmly say that he needs to be back in London later. That some “work related things” have popped up from Hell. They make it back home just as Adam and Dog do, and Adam proudly shows off his new pet to Crowley.
Crowley, being a demon, INSTANTLY can tell it is a Hellhound. He tries to brush it off at the moment, set on having a nice birthday dinner, and hoping that this isn’t going to be the last of them.
Zira makes sure that Adam is in bed, and wishes Crowley well on his way back to London. Anything could happen at this point, and Crowley just wants to make sure his family escapes this nightmare alive. Zira stays up all night searching through prophecy books, but nothing here works. He had shifted his most beloved and precious books to Tadfield, but maybe he had left one or two at the shop. Without a second thought, he flies quickly to his shop, hoping that it is ok to leave Adam alone at the house. 
Nothing, there are no books left in the shop that are helpful. Zira sighs, but opens up an old briefcase to bring some books back home with him. He had been ever so slowly moving books out of the shop and into Tadfield, bringing some back to the safety of his shop when Adam had learned the true power of scissors. There is a knock on the door, and honestly it is three in the morning so who on earth?
Two angels walk in, demanding to know where Zira has been the past few days, and how dare he ignore head office to frolic across London with a demon. There are rumors that the two have been seen recently, with a CHILD no less! Zira must cut ties with both immediately, or else face dire consequences. Zira stammers, backing up across the floor, over a rug hiding a sigil. With quick work, he vanishes the carpet and tricks the two into being brought back to Heaven. But if he was found, wouldn’t Crowley have been found as well? Was he in danger too? Zira hurries to Crowley’s apartment, but only sees a smoldering puddle, with a thermos laying still next to it. 
Crowley, really, is very quick to think. Simple work, to place holy water on a door entrance, and see a demon walk into the trap. He’s able to escape, but he has to flee home, and fast. They knew about his time with Zira, and that they were in TADFIELD. This was all adding up to a catastrophic ending for all of them, and if everything was ending, he would much rather be with his family then in Hell or dead, thank you very much. Luckily, at this time of morning, the roads would be pretty empty, so he could make it home quick.
When he gets home though, the only ones there are Adam and Dog. Would Heaven be so open to breaking in and taking Zira? But why not take Adam too? Crowley tries to wait up all night, but doses off on the couch. It being summer, Adam gets up early to play with friends, and runs out the door before Crowley even wakes up. 
Zira, for a good chunk after finding the spilled holy water, mourns. The world is ending, but he had rather hoped that even if it had to, that Crowley would be next to him. But it is morning, and the radio in Crowley’s apartment turns on to odd reports. A Kraken. The sky raining fish. Earthquakes and tornadoes. He has to get home, to Adam, and stop this. He has to sit Adam down and tell him everything that is happening. If he knows he is the Antichrist, knows the destruction he could cause, maybe his son would not go through with it.
The M25 is burning, and all Zira can do is hold onto his hope that him and his family will come out on the other end of this alive as he flies through. 
When Crowley wakes up, Zira is still not home. Based on the dirty plate left in the sink, Adam had left in the morning with Dog and his friends. There is a knock on the door. Wearily, he answers it to find a young woman and a man, Anathema and Newt, asking if they knew where Adam had gone to. Crowley figures he has gone into the woods, but he knows this is the last day. He can feel it in his being, hear distantly the cries of Hell, begging for the beginning of a useless war. Anathema says she had to find him first, that they all had to go to the airbase, but would like a lift to where she needed to enter. Crowley agrees, and they all jump into the Bentley, and he drops the two off at an opening in the fence before heading off to the actual entrance on his own. 
He gets there, and walks up to the guard to let him in. As Crowley is being told to walk away, bicycle bells ring out, and the Them ride on by. Adam shouts a quick hello as he rides by, and Crowley is in total shock. From above, there is an odd whistling noise, something like a meteor is plummeting to the ground, right near them. Crowley figures out what is happening too late, realizing that the meteor is Zira, and that his Bentley is in the impact zone. The Bentley is crushed under Zira’s force, and Crowley runs over to check on him. Miraculously, he is more or less fine, a touch on fire and a bit bruised by the fall, but hey, his hoping was strong enough to get him through the fire mostly unscathed. Zira stops before they run in, holding onto Crowley and starting to cry. He had thought– had seen the puddle on the floor– what would he have done without him? 
The two rush in, and see their son facing off against the Horsepeople, and Death giving a final statement before vanishing. And then Gabriel and Bez come in, filled with rage because not only are their incompetent workers on earth here, thwarting the Apocalypse, but it seems that the boy they have been raising was the Antichrist the whole time. “Yeah, my dads are a bit weird, and don’t make a lot of sense, but they seem to care about me and the world, so why shouldn’t I care about the world too”
And to that, both Gabriel and Bez are FURIOUS. This boy should be kicking off a WAR, not siding with traitors about how the earth is GOOD. Bez goes to head office, and before Satan joins the party, Crowley freezes time. Both he and Zira run up to Adam, glad that he is safe and alive, that he did not end the world. Adam is ready to face off against Satan, and basically yells at him that he’s a shit dad and was never there for him anyways (ya know. like in canon). 
Satan vanishes, and all that is left is the Them, Anathema and Newt (who had come out of the base after stopping the attacks) and Crowley and Zira. Zira tells them all to go back to their houses, or he will inform their parents that they broke into a military base. The three bike away, now with more questions about Adam’s dads than before. Anathema and Newt ask for a ride back into town, a little sheepishly on Newt’s part, to which THAT isn’t happening, with the current state of Crowley’s car. They are all forced to walk back into town, exhausted after such a terrifying ordeal. 
Zira and Crowley know they need a plan, that unless they can personally scare off their head offices, Heaven and Hell will be all over them. They figure out how to swap places, and then Zira gets a phone call about his shop. “It’s ok!” the woman on the other end says, “We had paperwork claiming that your shop had burned down, but someone clearly made an error, because when we checked this morning, it was completely fine. When you get the chance, please check on your shop.”
This is the perfect staging, of course. Maybe the call was made by one of their offices, maybe just a coincidence, but they stay swapped while going to investigate. They leave Adam at home, because he would be safer left behind, and also could end anyone that came to abduct or kill him. Both are taken when they take a stroll in the park, and both are able to come out the other side alive and well, and proving their point to not be played with. They might have been on their own side for a while now, but now they were finally free to say it. When they make it home, they are greeted by Adam and Dog, and for once, don’t have to look over their shoulders, and can just be a family.
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