#oi amor
sadistictalefactory · 2 years
Oi, amor.
Ontem fez um ano.
Eu estava em uma melancolia intensa, com olhos chorosos e um nó na garganta.
Quando minha mãe me ligou e imediatamente notou meu desconforto ela perguntou o porquê, mas eu não atribuí a nada demais; minha personalidade taciturna, a tpm, faculdade...
Só que eu esqueci que dia foi ontem. 28 de outubro não é uma data da qual me lembro com carinho. Lembro que nem pude me despedir, não pude te ver, nem pude te confortar da sua dor. É um peso que eu vou carregar por um bom tempo ainda, suponho.
É sua partida o cerne da minha angústia.
Mas eu 'tô bem! 'Tá tudo bem. Seis meses atrás foi bem pior, e no dia fatídico nem se fala.
E eu sei que você está bem, que você me ama e não se esqueceu de mim. Relaxa, preocupa não. Te amo o mesmo tanto e nunca vou te esquecer. Obrigada por tudo.
Fique tranquila; aproveite seu Nirvana, amor.
Até a próxima.
28.10.2021 ✞
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amethvysts · 1 month
depois de ter a minha semana dominada por conteúdos de fórmula 1, estou alimentando um novo cenário na minha cabeça: enzo e leitora como pilotos de corrida de equipes adversárias, em que a rivalidade antes levada a unhas e dentes se torna uma linha embaçada entre o ódio e a paixão depois de uma noite que passam juntos no hotel.
isso tudo porque o enzo é o rei de mandar sinais mistos. ao mesmo tempo em que ele corre com sangue nos olhos, te empurrando pra fora da pista e alegando que “faz parte do esporte” com aquele sorrisinho ridículo durante as entrevistas no pós, ele também é o primeiro a ir atrás de você, despistando a imprensa e com um pedido de desculpas sincero.
vejo o relacionamento dos dois como mais do que só uma transa casual. certamente, o contato íntimo deixa tudo muito confuso, mas a vulnerabilidade que vocês compartilham durante as noites que ficam acordados até tarde deixa tudo pior. você tenta se convencer que só tá nessa situação porque ele te conhece, que vocês só são próximos porque entendem o outro passa. mas você sabe que é muito mais do que isso.
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berseker · 10 months
[Livro] Amor Ou Algo Assim
Vocês lembram do meu conto/novela/coisa Amor ou Algo Assim? Que eu publiquei indie no ano passado? E q não está mais online desde então?
POIS BEM, está saindo oficialmente pela Rocco no final de agosto, em breve em qualquer livraria perto de você! A pré-venda abriu hoje!
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Raffa passou a vida inteira tentando esquecer Caê. Esquecer o bullying diário, aqueles olhos verdes e o último dia em que se viram, quando Caê disse “você é meu” e tudo explodiu.
Mais de dez anos se passaram, e Raffa agora está no auge ― é estrela da novela mais popular do país, rico, atraente e no controle da própria vida; não está mais à mercê de ninguém. Então, por que ainda sonha com um acerto de contas?
A chance finalmente aparece quando Raffa volta à sua cidade natal para o casamento da irmã e reencontra Caê. Ao contrário de Raffa, ele está no pior momento de sua vida, lutando para se sustentar após a falência da empresa da família. De início, parece a oportunidade perfeita para devolver cada humilhação, mas é difícil separar o desejo por vingança do desejo... por todo o resto. Os dois não são mais os mesmos, mas a atração entre eles continua exatamente igual.
Afinal, será que Caê merece uma segunda chance? E quem Raffa pode se tornar, caso consiga perdoar a pessoa que passou tanto tempo odiando?
Disponível físico e kindle em https://amzn.to/44ZckWM (se o preço variar até o final do mês, cobra sempre o menor valor).
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cleomuses · 3 months
𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒔, multimuse por 𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒐 (ela/dela) e afiliado a @aspencovehq.
𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒚 𝒋𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 (ella purnell) ୨ৎ daisy jones and the six. 25 anos, cantora. suas memórias não passam de um borrão assim como qualquer outra noite regada a álcool.
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𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏 (lola tung) ୨ৎ the twilight saga. 19 anos, estudante de moda. as memórias surgem em visões assim como o futuro de muitos, por isso acredita ter algo de errado consigo.
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dubiousdisco · 7 months
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evesfeast · 2 years
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mouthful of white hot fire   /    tongue coated in poison,   /   ragged nails painted in my own blood;   /   there’s a hunger in me, something vicious   /    a thirst to be celestial, godly, divine– 
ela perdera a noção de quanto tempo havia passado. a água tremeluzia, seu reflexo um espelho distorcido e incerto: primeiro, uma criança de olhos solitários, iguaizinhos aos seus, e então, alguém de rosto putrefato, cuja carne apodrecia lentamente, diluindo como tinta a óleo sobre a água em uma figura cadavérica. pintura em movimento de vida e morte; angustiante, pavorosa. guinevere, contudo, ainda encontrava certa paz ali. toda vez que seus dedos tocavam a água, agitando-as sob o luar, ela sentia aquela mesma atração arcaica — a força mágica de quaisquer mundos que regiam as regras daquele lugar. seu impulso mais primitivo a dizia para mergulhar fundo lago adentro, gritava para que se banhasse e esquecesse a noite dos espíritos, tudo aquilo que era e um dia já foi; mas um outro instinto, o mais racional e que ainda prezava pela sua vida, lhe permitiu apenas brincar com os pés, molhando as barras do vestido rubi conforme seu reflexo decomposto se dissipava, pouco a pouco.
                                           “from the dust hundred forty three one...                                      fell in the circle of the world like a flower bud...”
                                    se precisasse adivinhar, eve diria que estava num limbo. um espaço no tempo onde tudo e nada acontecia ao mesmo tempo. poderia ser quem quisesse, podia não ser ninguém. a grama brincava com seus pés, pontinhos de luz guiando-a para a árvore enquanto cantarolava, cada fração daquela noite turvando seus sentidos num nevoeiro de felicidade, dor, medo e êxtase. sua noite dos espíritos: não uma homenagem aos mortos, mas um piedoso lembrete da vida. 
                                            “come a little closer... same as the last...”    
                                    e ela se movia conforme murmurava, nada mais que um sopro do vento, dançando, entregando-se e louvando a qualquer deus ou entidade que quisesse reivindicá-la ali mesmo, embora fossem os frutos da árvore que chamassem por ela. e eve seguia em frente. um sacrifício voluntário aos mistérios do portal vermelho.
                                            “...megalomaniac... cut my tongue,                                                                       better watch your back...”
                                   quando seus dedos tocaram um dos frutos, ela deslizou suas unhas sobre ele, traçando um a um como se ousasse escolher. perfume doce, inebriante. o cantinho dos lábios da semideusa se curvavam num sorriso, a sombra da atrativa sensação crescente de que fazia algo de errado. 
                                   as íris verdes então se prenderam a uma das maçãs mais distantes dos galhos. cintilava de um carmesim vívido mesmo sob as folhas escuras — e guinevere já havia escolhido: era aquela ou nenhuma outra. ela se preparou para escalar, respirando fundo para afastar a embriaguez dos sentidos, então subiu. as garras de raminhos agarravam seu vestido já rasgado conforme os dedos iam de galho em galho, abrindo corte atrás de corte que ela já não mais sentia. quando chegou no topo, os dedos, pegajosos de seiva, se estenderam até o fruto com dificuldade, então ela o arrancou — e o mordeu num instante só. primeiro, o gosto de ferro, então o berro grotesco. o mundo se abriu sob seus pés, e de repente eve estava caindo, aquele som retumbando em cada um de seus ossos; ensurdecendo seus ouvidos. tudo latejou antes mesmo de chegar ao chão. antes da escuridão, sangue na sua garganta.
                                  ela não se lembra de quanto tempo a inconsciência a embalou naquela misteriosa canção de ninar, mas quando abriu os olhos, a primeira coisa que fez foi lamber os lábios, sentindo na língua aquele ferroso gosto metálico. ainda segurava a maçã mordida. ela sentou, o líquido vermelho escorrendo pelo queixo, pelo pescoço, trilhando todo seu caminho entre os seios. seu estômago reclamou mais uma vez, faminto, e ela sem pestanejar mordeu a maçã. agora, foi mais familiar, até mesmo doce quando desceu pela garganta — e mais sangrento, também. sangue pingava de sua mão, pintando e tingindo pele e grama. a árvore já parara de gritar. mas agora era a vez de eve.
ela arquejou quando viu as escamas crescendo nos braços, duras como couro cinzento, ondulando, expandindo, se escondendo, não ousando emergir naquela pele. não, não presas àquele tamanho. ela sentia aquilo nas pernas, no pescoço, nas mãos e... nos olhos. sua visão mudava de foco e voltava ao normal, brincando com os espectros de cores. era doloroso. era horrível e era lindo.
                                a semideusa se arrastou até o lago, e o que viu no reflexo fez o terror se quebrar numa risada, prazerosa e radiante. ela jogou a cabeça para trás, fios de cabelo grudando no suor do pescoço ao cair na grama, lábios vermelhos e sorriso largo enquanto cada poro de seu corpo se arrepiava diante da sensação súbita de poder. um presente novo. ou uma maldição. ela não se importava mais. não se pudesse se sentir daquele jeito de novo. ares ficaria orgulhoso.
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spaceny · 10 months
# + yuka&kian
# with @jffstr [aceitando]
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- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone?
yuka é a típica pessoa que salva o nome de pessoas novas com nome completo + (local). então no começo era kian nattakhan (mestrado). mas depois que viu que também conhecia ele do orfanato, ela ficou uns dez minutos (eu juro) na frente do celular pensando como salvaria o contato e deixou kian (mestrado/orfanato). mas depois que eles começaram a sair ficou kian (´꒳`)♡ e por fim, a evolução final: ~♡kiatty♡~ (kian + kitty) porque ela ama gatinhos e ama o kian... parece válido, vai...
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone?
é essa e calma!!!!! eu tenho um bom motivo pra não ser uma foto dele com gatinho!!!! eu imagino que essa foto tenha vindo depois deles terem passado uma madrugada batendo papo e aí pra desejar boa noite ela tirou uma selfie com heartfinger pra ele porque ainda tava com vergonha de falar que amava ele e o kian respondeu com uma fotinha (mesmo que cobrindo 70% da cara dele) fazendo a mesma coisa. enfim, é uma fotinha especial pra ela.
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone?
assim, ignorando algumas partes da letra... é uma música romântica, ok? é que ela tem um começo marcante, então ela sabe na hora que é o kian ligando. enfim, roqueira.
- my muse’s last text to your muse?
[📱] miyayuka : kian... eu... fiz... algo... [📱] miyayuka : tô um pouco arrependida... [📱] miyayuka : lembra que esses dias eu tava meio incomodada com o meu cabelo? [📱] miyayuka : então... hoje eu olhei ele no espelho e SURTEI [📱] miyayuka : mas... sei lá... agora não sei se gostei... [📱] miyayuka : [foto] [📱] miyayuka : eu tinha uma tesoura, um espelho e um sonho... [📱] miyayuka : enfim, sei lá, pelo menos agora gasto menos shampoo
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clevercrowncowboy · 1 year
good morning to
Gtyituyyyiyyfu tbgh
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thestorm-thecalm · 2 years
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Reminiscing about one of the best evenings I had this summer. ❤️🖤
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juleswrites223 · 3 months
Moments with Mateo
Pairing: Dad!Carlos Sainz x Mom!Reader
a/n: made some tiny edits🙃 enjoy!
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"Mateo you like mama best no?" You ask your 3 year old son who is way too busy playing with his race cars to even hear your question.
"mhm", he says, without even hearing the question.
"Oi that's not fair amor, he says mhm for everything these days." Carlos says.
It's a typical friday night, you and your husband came back from dinner, changed and snuggled into bed. Now what better way to spend quality family time than be cuddled in bed with your dear hubby and your son and watch movies. Said son is on the bed outside the blanket, ignoring the banter that is going on between his parents about who he loves more.
After a while when you have decided to sleep because it is late and you are a mom after all, Carlos switches on the night light (because Mateo can't seem to sleep without it) and turns over to give you a sweet kiss before sleep. But as soon as he's about to kiss you, Mateo who is in between you guys, puts his tiny hand on his papa's lips and stops him.
"No kissing MY mama." Mateo states.
"Your mama happens to be MY wife." Your husband argues back.
You just decide to laugh lightly and say, "I have enough kisses for the both of you."
You kiss Mateo on his cheeks and Carlos on his lips and go to sleep.
It's around 3 in the morning when a small voice utters:
You take a while to reply to him so he taps your face lightly with his hands to wake you up.
"Yeah baby." You reply back groggily while Carlos is still in deep slumber snoring away.
"Tummy's hungry." Mateo says as he stretches a bit, sits up on his knees and leans his head on your stomach.
"Your tummy's hungry?" You ask more clearly since you are a bit more awake now. You lightly tickle his tummy as you ask him then you pick him up, put on your slippers and walk to the kitchen. You sat him on the kitchen counter top and walked over to the fridge.
There were some leftovers of the carbonara Carlos made last night so you decided to reheat those and give it to Mateo.
"It's good?" You ask him as he is happily munching away. He just says a quiet "mhm" and continues eating.
After he finishes eating, you make him brush his teeth again then go to bed. However, it seems Mateo does not want to sleep, he puts his head on the pillow then sleeps on his dad's stomach then goes over to the couch kept in the room and tries sleeping there but to no avail, he just cannot seem to fall asleep.
It's around five in the morning when Carlos wakes up, he soon realises that his son is not in the middle of his wife and him where he earlier was. He puts his slippers on and walks to the couch and other parts of the room where his son could potentially be sleeping. Carlos starts freaking out a bit when he does not find his son anywhere in his room.
"Amor wake up, I can't find Mateo" Carlos says with urgency in his voice as he nudges your shoulder to wake you up. You murmur something he can’t seem to hear so he jolts you once more.
“He may be in his room.” You say sleepily.
It hits Carlos that he hasn’t checked his son’s room yet. You and Carlos have gotten so used to Mateo sleeping with you guys every night, because he refuses to sleep in his bed, that Carlos forgot his son could be in his own room.
And sure enough, Mateo is sleeping peacefully is his own bed. Guess he grew out sleeping with mama and papa, Carlos thinks.
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐔𝐩 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐎𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐧
⤷ gender neutral and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆
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・The only time you are ever awake before John, is the morning after he's come back from deployment.
・You let him sleep for as long as possible, as much as you want to wake him and be his complete centre of attention, you don't.
・He looks too peaceful
・And younger; the worry lines are erased from his face, the stress completely dissolved
・You want to kiss him, nibble his ear, nuzzle his neck. Which you do eventually do, however, you wait for him to rouse himself from sleep
・When he looks at the clock, his eyes go wide
"Why didn't you wake me love?"
"Because you needed the sleep!"
"Well, know that I'd rather be sleep-deprived and with you, then asleep. So next time, please wake me."
𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑹𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒚
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・Much like his Captain, Simon is always awake before you. Even the morning of his deployment. He doesn't even sleep when he gets back home.
・Just sits on the back porch, mug of tea in his hands and Riley at his feet.
・But when he's been sick, that's when you get the jump on him (no babe not literally)
・He's grouchy and moody. Sure that he's fine and doesn't need help.
・But the downside of looking after him, is that he doesn't want you to catch whatever he has. So no kissing. No cuddling.
・Well, his rules hold up for an hour, before your puppy dog eyes wear him down.
"Fine. C'mere love."
𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝑻𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒔𝒉
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・Ooh this man loves sleeping him.
・You cannot get this man up before 8 AM when he's off deployment (which may seem still early to some but for a soldier - it is a HUGE sleep in)
・Mumbles in his sleep too, so you can just lay there and hear a random story from your unconscious boyfriend
"And then his mask was actually ... just his face," he said with enthusiasm. Eyes closed, than back to snoring.
・It freaked you out at first. But now it's absolutely entertaining. Sometimes you take videos of him and send them to Simon, who always loves receiving them.
・In the morning, you like to snuggle close to Johnny. Your nose touching his. Eyelashes fluttering against his naturally dark ones.
・You love staring at him. You could do it for hours...except, he's start to notice.
"Oi, ye know starin' is considered creepy-"
𝑲𝒚𝒍𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌
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・Does love a good sleep in
・Especially with you in his arms, his face in the crook of your neck.
・When you feel a stir behind you, you're sure to grab the arm closest to you and secure it around you
・You hear a laugh behind you, but no resistance
"Thought you were asleep love."
"Hmm, thought you were too. Now scoot closer, you're letting the cold in."
・Luckily he can't see him rolling his eyes. Although, there is a small smirk on his lips
"Whatever you say, my darling."
"Watch your tone, Garrick."
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・Loves kisses, especially on his shoulders. It makes him giddy inside.
・Sometimes he'll just pretend to be asleep so you can wake him up with kisses
・Other times, he can't stay in bed. He needs to pee.
・And as much as he wants to be quiet, he cannot. Whenever he wakes up, ultimately you wake up as well.
・Your personal heater is gone and you feel the chill near instantly
"Oh, es tut mir leid, Schatz, geh wieder ins Bett" (Oh, I'm sorry honey, go back to bed)
"No, I'll just have a tea and sit on the lounge. Will you join me?"
𝑨𝒍𝒆𝒋𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑽𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒔
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・Surprisingly, he's one to always be awake before you.
・Giving you a kiss before going downstairs to start on breakfast for the two of you.
・It's annoying when you do want to wake up before him, to take on the chores that he usually does.
・You even set an alarm underneath your pillow so that you could wake up before him.
・But you slept through the first alarm and he was the one to turn it off.
・Yet, whenever you do wake up, you immediately throw back the blankets and run downstairs to jump in his arms.
"Mi amor, what are you doing up?"
"I wanted to be close to you! I missed you."
"Aw, Calientas mi corazon querida" (You warm my heart, darling)
𝑲𝒆𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒖𝒔𝒔
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・Likes sleeping in but can't unless you're with him
・So you usually just flip over and land on top of him, knowing he was in the process of waking up anyway
"You comfortable there, kid?"
・His voice groggy and deep, a hand snaking it's way around your waist to keep you still
"The most comfortable," you said, scrunching your nose and giving him a peck on the mouth
"You comfortable?" You said sweetly, making sure to keep all your weight directly upon him.
"Incredibly," he said with a slight wheeze. But he didn't move, nor made a thought to. He loved the feeling of you so close.
・Knowing that he made it home again. To you.
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queen-of-reptiles · 5 months
description: in which leah williamson’s younger sister is in a two year relationship with alessia russo and has just won two gold medals at the world gymnastic championships
alessia russo x female reader
disclaimer: I am in no way saying alessia russo is gay or bi-sexual this is all fiction
warnings: not much, slight language and a lil bit of sexual content
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y/n just posted
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liked by, alessiarusso99, leahwilliamsonn and 236, 345 others
y/n what a team, what a time - i love you all and see you soon!! ❤️
tagged teamgb and britishgymnasticsofficial
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teamgb: 2 golds, 3 silvers not too bad xoxo 🫡
y/n: ❤️❤️
simonebiles: so proud! remember when you were just a little thing competing ! can hardly keep up with you now! 🩷
y/n: I have been so grateful for all your support and coaching - even if i am team gb all the way! 😜😘
leahwilliamsonn: so so so so so proud of you, loved watching every second, you continuously make me proud little one !! ❤️😭
y/n: ilysm sis ❤️
alessiarusso99: I am so proud my baby <3
y/n: You helped more than you will ever know my love xx
ellatoone: 🤢🤢
y/n: @joebunney come get your girl 🙄
ellatoone: all gross love aside, well done our girl!! 😗
y/n: 😊😗
maxwhitlock: Absolute legend, BRING ON Paris 😎😎
y/n: 🇫🇷🇫🇷
username2: she was so good!!!! 😩😩
username3: She is SO pretty 🥺🥺
username6: and their instas are basically shrines to each other wtf????
katie_mccabe11: showin them all how it’s done! xx
y/n: took lessons from u clearly xo
bethmead_: nahhh got it from me 😌😊
caitlinfoord: that photo of us all in the caps tryna be inconspicuous omg 😭
y/n: lesbians united ig??
britishgymnasticsofficial: ❤️❤️
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alessiarusso99 just posted
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alessiarusso99 day in day out you have worked incredibly hard for this, never resting, never giving up. Words cannot express how proud I was seeing you receive those medals. I love you baby, well done amore mio xxx ❤️
tagged y/n
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leahwilliamsonn: this is cute and also sickening …
y/n: OI
username1: this IS the CUTEST THING 😭😭
y/n: I love you so much baby! Thank you for being one of my biggest strengths! <3
alessiarusso99: always xo
lucybronze: sickeningly cute! WELL DONE Y/N 🩷
ellatoone: ew cooties
y/n: ew ella toone
alessiarusso99: behave you two!!
jbeattie91: SHAMEFUL
bethmead_: HOW DARE THEY!
alessiarusso99: children… the lot of you 🙄
mbrighty04: loving this !! GO y/n!!
y/n: 🥺😗
racheldaly3: LOVING YOU TWO!! 😩😩
y/n: love you Rach!! 😘
viviannemiedema: WELL DONE BABY WILLIAMSON 🩷
esme.morgan: 🩷🩷🩷
username3: I feel like less is out of her league…
username4: Yeah i feel like She would be happier with someone else 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
ellatoone: We don’t.
arsenalwfc: We LOVE supportive girlfriends 😫💋
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y/n just posted
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liked by, arsenalwfc, simonebiles and 211, 528 others
y/n best thing about getting to rest?
Getting to join arsenal women training ofc 🥹 (oh and getting to yell at Katie cause J is cool like that :))
tagged arsenalwfc
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username1: hahahah she was allowed to go to training 😭😭
katie_mccabe11: I DON’T understand I was ONSIDE !
y/n: na never
katie_mccabe11: i hate you sm
arsenalwfc: Loved having you! content incoming gooners…
username2: AHHHHH
alessiarusso99: cannot believe my team didn’t win honestly 🙄
y/n: Just because you kiss me doesn’t mean I will give the foul! 🤷‍♀️
leahwilliamsonn: THATS MY GIRL - don’t give into seduction 😩😘
ellatoone: real question is … Did you take a shot?
y/n: Nahhhh didn’t wanna embarrass the girlies too much
bethmead_: yeah yeah, keep talking Williamson
caitlinfoord: Honestly best ref we have EVER had 🩷
y/n: Love youuuuuu Foordy 🩷
username3: How ? Was ? She ? Allowed ? In ? Training ? 😭😭
username4: Well, she’s Leah’s sister and Lessi’s gf so I suppose they all like her !
username5: Suppose? The entire team LOVES her !
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Arsenalwfc just posted
The camera zooms back from the Arsenal badge to show Alessia, Katie and y/n sat at a table laughing and they all smile at the camera.
“Hi I’m Alessia Russo.” Katie begins, Alessia laughing as she shakes her head.
“I’m y/n Williamson.” Alessia adds, causing y/n to glare.
“And I’m Katie Mccabe.” y/n says, a mock Irish accent in her voice which causes Alessia to giggle.
“Oi!” Katie says, leaning over to try and smack the younger girl but Alessia’s sharp light slap to Katie’s hand stops her.
“Ha!” y/n grins as Katie hisses like an angered cat.
“That’s not fair! She’s got her guard dog with her.” Katie jokes at the camera as Alessia rolls her eyes but she smiles none the less.
“Anyway…” y/n begins dragging out the ‘y’. “Today we are doing...” y/n begins. "What are we doing?" She then asks, causing the spectators to laugh.
The spectators in question were, Leah, Beth and Vivianne, all of who were sat happily on the sofa, watching the three on camera.
"Who knows who best." Katie says, Alessia rolling her eyes playfully when she realises they have been tricked into a couple's challenge for the youtube.
It was no secret the fans loved Alessia and y/n together, consistently finding their relationship adorable and loving the small amounts of content they were sometimes given.
"So, both Less here and baby Williamson, have whiteboards and they will be asked questions by me, of course, and have to write the answer down." Katie explains.
y/n holds up her whiteboard excitedly, her eyes sparkling as she grinned at the camera, missing the way her blonde lover smiled softly at her, eyes filled with soft love.
"Then, whoever gets the most right, wins." Katie says, she then picks up a card. "Right, what are Russo's two preferred positions?" Katie asks.
"Easy!" y/n grins as she begins to scribble across the board, Alessia chuckling as she does the same.
They two turn their boards around, Alessia smiling proudly at her girlfriend when she sees they have the same initials.
"Well done baby!" Alessia grins and y/n's cheeks flush at the term of endearment even after all their time together.
"Aw look at her!" Katie teases, leaning over to pinch y/n's cheek between her fingers, however the sharp hit which stops her makes her pout. "Again?" Katie whines at her fellow teammate.
y/n however grins at her protector, leaning over to peck her cheek sweetly, before glaring at her sister who fake gagged in disgust at the show of affection.
"Okay, movin' on." Katie hums. "What is y/n's favourite apparatus?" She asks before scoffing. "Even I know that!" She adds.
y/n smiles as she quickly writes her answer, Alessia doing the same as they count down from 3 before flipping their boards 'floor' both bright against the white.
"I knew that!" Beth says excitedly and y/n grins at her.
"I've always loved it, and found it so fun." y/n explains.
"Scares me half to death." Alessia denies as she remembers all the times she had watched her girlfriend jump and flip too high for her liking.
"It's my job Less." y/n defends with a laugh.
As the game continues it is clear the two girls know each other very well, both of them getting the other's question continuously correct until it was neck and neck and the last question.
"What is y/n's favourite beam dismount?" Katie asks.
Alessia pauses, shock in her face as she realises she doesn't know. Leah's mouth drops at the fact her sister's girlfriend doesn't know this and y/n looks mildly amused as she writes down.
"I don't know." Alessia admits. "I have no clue." She adds and Katie gasps as y/n turns her board around. Showing the g-valued dismount in black ink.
"Double tuck back salto with full twist." y/n says simply.
"Because you can land it every time." Alessia realises with a groan covering her face with her hands as Katie names y/n the winner.
As filming wraps up and y/n helps the crew put their things away, two lanky arms wrap around her waist and pull her into a corridor she didn't recognise.
"Can't believe you didn't know my dismount." y/n teases. "I mean, I love you so much, and know everything about you, but you don't even know my famous dismount." y/n continues.
Alessia whines, her lanky body pressing to the front of her girlfriend's as she buries her head in her lover's neck, causing her to have to bend quite a bit.
"Stop." Alessia huffs. "Its so many words to remember." She adds as y/n shakes her head.
"Don't love me." She teases as Alessia shuts her up with a chaste yet deep kiss.
The blonde striker's hands tighten around her waist, pulling her closer as her fingertips seemingly bruise into y/n's body from the strength of her grip.
The blonde angles her head down and left, giving her a better angle to press herself against her lover, her tongue pushing against y/n's slowly opening mouth.
After a moment of tongues clashing, the kiss slows Alessia's hands sliding up to gently cup y/n's face before keeping their lips pressed softly together for a moment more.
"Still think I don't love you?" Alessia asks, pulling away slowly, her teeth pulling y/n's bottom lip with her slightly.
y/n cannot function for a moment, the deep kiss sucking all the oxygen from her head and ability to breath from her body, the only thing in her mind being the smell of her girlfriend's perfume.
"I think you should do that once more, just so I'm sure you do." y/n smiles after regaining her ability to speak.
"Gladly, amore mio." Alessia murmurs, before moving her head back down to kiss her lover once more. After what felt like seconds, the two still pressed deeply together a shout ran out.
alessiarusso99 just posted
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, katie_mccabe11 and 239, 322 others
alessiarusso99 she’s my favourite person idk <3
tagged y/n
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username1: AWWWWWWWWW
y/n: i love you baby <3
ellatoone: ‘i love you baby’ 🤢
mbrighty04: hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha
leahwilliamsonn: my eyes will never recover 😩
y/n: #sorrynotsorry
alessiarusso99: #imaccsorry
y/n: she’s not …
katie_mccabe11: leah’s shout of horror will never leave me 😭
username2: what happened ?!?! I NEED TO KNOW 😂
izzy.songhurst: 😍😍😍
y/n: 🩵🩵
username4: OI OI OI
caitlinfoord: KISSING? LIKE THIS? AT YOUR AGE ??
bethmead_: HOW AWFUL 😩
keirawalsh: you two are so cute !! xx 🥺
y/n: love youuuuu xx
lucybronze: you two are so gross !! xx 🥺
y/n: count your days Bronzey
maxwhitlock: 🫶🫶
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y/n just posted
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, simonebiles and 498, 398 others
y/n alexa play baby by Justin Bieber
tagged alessiarusso99
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alessiarusso99: my love
katie_mccabe11: so gross 🙄
y/n: i’ll fight you mccabe i swear 🤛
ellatoone: banger of a tune
alessiarusso99: hundred percent 🫶
username1: 🥺🥺🥺
username2: 🔥🔥
izzy.songhurst: cuties
y/n: love ya xx
alessiarusso99: thanks Iz ! x
arsenalwfc: ❤️🥺
leahwilliamsonn: 🙄😍
y/n: 🖕❤️
simonebiles: my babies are so cute !!!!
y/n: 💙💙
username3: 😫😫😫😫😫
kyracooneyx: i was so in love with him 🥲
y/n: it’s okay we all have a phase 😔
bethmead_: viv why can’t we be cute like this ?!!
viviannemeidema: because we are not as cute as this 🤷‍♀️
y/n: 😶😶
username4: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
stanwaygeorgia: GROSS
keirawalsh: georgia behave
leahwilliamsonn: no no let’s hear her out
y/n: 🖕🖕
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we love baby Less 🥺🥺
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totaly-obsessed · 1 month
On the Road
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Barcelona Femení x reader request
-> Chaos on the Bus with Claudia, Patri and Ona - trying to keep you distracted.
-> A little closer look from pt. 1 - Changes
-> Word Count: 610
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
“Esmee! Have you seen my bag? I swear I put it next to you.”
The Dutch woman looked at you, eyes wide in panic - poor girl was even more scared than you to make the starting eleven for the first time. 
“Nej. I don’t know where it went.”
But then you could already hear two particular people giggling behind you, before a hand hastily pulled you back to the seat just on the other side of the aisle, letting you still sit next to your quite new friend. 
“Pina wanted to sit next to you, Cari!”
Just as you had suspected. The culprit had been Patri, her hands still on your shoulders as she squeezed them teasingly. Her neighboring seat was still empty, usually occupied by the short forward beside you. 
But it didn’t stay that way for too long, as an unsuspecting Ona was promptly pulled down next to Patri as she tried to walk past the chaotic best Friends, a short yelp leaving her as she toppled over. “Actually, I wanted to sit with -”
“Tu amor. We know.” Claudia and Patri cackled, finding themselves to be the funniest people on the bus as they turned around to see a certain British defender, sulking further back. “Ai Lucia! We’re stealing your girlfriend! You don’t mind - right?”
The Midfielder didn’t wait for an answer as she turned back around, nudging Ona back down, who had tried to escape while she wasn’t looking. “Nuh-uh. You stay, spend enough time with her as is.”
Ona’s eyes all of a sudden had a certain sparkle back in her eyes. “Awhh, is little Patri jealous that she’s all aloneeee?” The Mallorcan scoffed, clearly offended by the brunette's statement. “I’ll never be jealous of you… Dating that fossil over there.”
You could have sworn to hear an “Oi!” from further back, but it was drowned out by Pina’s and your loud laughter as Ona was speechless, mouth open in shock before she gathered herself. “At least I am in a relationship - while fans speculate if you and Pinita here are dating!”
The pure disgust on their faces made you laugh even harder while both of them grumbled something under their breath, while Ona looked very pleased with herself. She was glad to help you with your nerves, knowing that Mapi wasn’t here and that it threw you off.
Esmee had now been kidnapped as well, sitting next to Salma a few rows in front of the chaotic four. Ingrid sat alone in front of her, a reminder that Mapi was not there, while she tried to keep an eye on you and the young dutchie.
“Cari, do you have your boots?” Apparently dating a fossil made Ona worry more than she usually did. 
“Yes Oni, I have my boots. And a change of clothes. And socks. And my wash-bag.” The brunette gave Ingrid a quick thumbs up, who had been the sole reason she wanted to know. You had already given the Norwegian your bag to look through once you arrived at the training facility, and she had asked again when you entered the bus.
Upon receiving her answer Ingrid turned back around, ready to read on her way to the stadium. Usually, you would sit with her and Mapi, but with her girlfriend being out of order, and you being nervous, she couldn’t help herself but worry. 
Seeing Patri, Ona, and Pina making you laugh, keeping your mind busy was all she needed to see for calm travels - but not before snapping a cute picture of all four of you laughing, sending it to her favorite defender, with the caption “She’ll be just fine.”
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hi mae:)
If you feel like you could you write poly!marauders and how they would dirty talk to fem reader while fucking her?
Hi gorgeous :) Thank you for requesting!
cw: smut mdni, oral, fingering, unprotected p in v, d/s dynamics, praise (it seems like I'm incapable of doing smut without praise, but really who's surprised)
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 565 words
“What is it you want, dove?”
Remus’ thumb draws loose, languid figure-eights into your clit, his amber eyes watching you interestedly while his other hand stokes James’ cock. James moans into your cunt, and the vibrations send tingling shockwaves through you. Your breath catches in your throat, tears springing to your eyes. 
“I—I want—” 
“You won’t get anything unless you ask for it properly,” Remus reminds you. “Come on.” 
An agonized keening sound tears from you. “Please,” you choke out.
“Please what, baby?” Sirius’ voice is low and crooning. He smears a kiss onto your neck, careful not to loosen his grip on your wrists, held high above your head in one of his hands while the other toys idly with your tit. “Y’want them to go slower? Is that it?” 
You make a small sound of protest, but he only tuts at you. 
“Don’t want to use your words, huh?” 
Remus’ thumb stalls and he lightens the pressure on your clit, cooing insincerely when you whine. “Aw, I think we’ve fucked her dumb.” He releases James’ cock, but the other boy doesn’t complain as Remus reaches up to wipe a stray tear from your face. Precum smears across your cheek. “You don’t even remember the words to get what you want, do you sweet girl?” 
“Poor baby,” Sirius agrees. He’s smiling against your skin, teeth scraping the column of your throat as he pinches your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, tugging lightly. 
James’ tongue sponges over something sweet inside of you, and you cry out, hips twitching upward into Remus’ stilled thumb. Sirius swears as your wrists almost slip from his grip. 
“Oi.” Remus’ hand comes entirely away from your clit, delivering a swat to your bum that has you jolting on the bed. “Quit squirming.” 
James presses a chaste kiss to your cunt, looking up at you with his too-big, too-warm eyes. “You wanna be a good girl for us,” he says, “yeah, honey?” 
You nod, panting as another tear skids down your face. 
“Course she does.” Sirius makes sure he has your wrists secured again before using his other hand to stroke comfortingly up and down your side. “She is a good girl, aren’t you baby?” 
You nod again. “Yeah,” you manage. 
Remus’ eyebrows lift. “Well, look who’s found their voice.” 
He sets a hand on your hip, steadying himself as he leans over you for a long, amorous kiss. “Now.” He leaves his nose slotted against yours, breath hitting your lips. “What do you want, dove?” 
“I want—I want you,” you say unsteadily. “Inside me.” 
He backs up an inch, waiting. 
You can see Remus wanting to smile, but he doesn’t let himself, leaning back until his hips are hovering over yours. James moves to make room for him, taking your wrists from Sirius so the other boy can wrap his hand around James’ cock. It twitches at the sight of Remus lining up over you. He catches you looking and smiles, stooping down for a kiss. 
“You look so pretty,” he whispers against your lips. 
You’re about to return the compliment when Remus drags his cock through your folds, unable to tamp down his grin this time as you gasp and he feels just how wet you already are. 
“Keep your legs open for me, dove. Don’t want the boys to have to do that for you, too.” 
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perrywrites · 7 months
Absentmindedly murmuring that you want him inside of you during practice part 3;
Includes; Kaiser, Barou
Part 1 (Isagi, Hiori, Bachira) and part 2 (Chigiri, Reo) and part 4 (Nagi, Shidou, Kunigami) and part 5 (Sae, Rin, Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya)
Kaiser: he knows. He absolutely knows. You’re so cute, sitting there like an airhead, staring at him all wantonly like that. He’s smirking right up until his break, and it’s absolutely your fault he’s extra douchebaggy during practice - don’t blame him, though, he just wants to impress his pretty lady, hm? He stands over you, imploringly, looking down at you like a dictator, with the kind of smirk on his face that would usually make you scowl and huff. “What’s wrong liebling, you’re not usually so obvious, hm?” Where he expects you to pout and furrow your eyebrows at him all cutely and brat-like, in the kind of way that just makes him want to bully you even more, you instead sigh romantically, eyes fluttering up at him amorously. And although he raises an amused eyebrow at this, it’s your hazy whisper that makes his eyes widen. He turns his head to the side, chuckling lowly as he runs a hand through his hair. He can just never compare with you, can he? You truly own him, don’t you? As expected of his empress, somehow without him knowing you always have him in a chokehold, don’t you? A permanent checkmate he can just never thwart? Well, as far as figurative chokeholds go, your victory may never be questionable - but literally speaking he’s the one going to have you in a chokehold tonight. Or sooner than that, really. He doesn’t care much for suitable times to fuck, or locations, really - especially not when you’ve made him so eager with need that he’s even contemplating on dragging you right into the locker room showers. Yeah, just pin you into the wall and make you take his cock until even the running hot water can’t muffle the distinct sounds of your moans and cries, make you keep whimpering out his name. Sure, he’ll be the one worshipping you, but it’ll be you chanting his name like a prayer - as it should be. He’s your only pillar, don’t you see? So keep begging, be pathetic like that and he might just desecrate you on his cock sooner than later. Your place, after all, is to be beautifully ruined on his cock, a mess just for him to enjoy pounding into over and over and over again - until your brain is nothing but a mushy pile of thoughts about him. He goes back to his practice, but not before pulling you towards him by your chin - an unrelenting grip as he glowers hauntingly down at you. Desire gleams in his eyes as he whispers a scintillating promise - or rather a threat. “Just sit tight and make yourself wetter for me, darling. I’ll make your darkest fantasies come true today.”
Barou: he knows you’re there, but he’s too busy to pay you any mind - and anyways, all he really needs to know is that you’re there, watching him. That’s how it should be, after all. Today is a joint practice with Isagi’s league, and he’s pumped full with the desire to absolutely wreck that shithead, so it’s not until he’s on break that he notices how heated your gaze is. Now, why the fuck are you looking at him like that right now? Do you have no shame? And when he comes up to you, trying to keep his voice controlled when he gruffly says, “Oi, stop looking at me like that.” He thinks you’ll have enough sense to get embarrassed and apologize, but instead you drop that bombshell. “What the fuck?” You want him where exactly? A vein pulses on his forehead, and he looks just about ready to chew you the fuck out - but at the same time there’s a very visible hint of red beginning to burn up his ears. Shameless woman. What are you expecting, by saying something crazy like that outloud? You think he’ll give it to you if you act all sultry and wanton, beg him with that blank glassy look in your eyes? In contrast to his thoughts, his cock stirs in his shorts, and he mutters curses to himself harshly as he throws the towel onto the bench, for once messy and more distracted than he’d like to admit. “Shut the hell up and stop acting like a whore, wait for me until I’m done if you’re that desperate,” he says, his gait impatient and angry as he walks off back to the field. His face is still a little too warm for his liking. He catches Isagi looking at him, the shithead’s lips twitching up in a quiet laugh, and Barou immediately directs his fiercest glare towards him with a furious growl. “What the fuck are you looking at, loser.” But instead of being scared - like he should be - the shithead just turns away, still smiling, hands raised in defeat, saying something about Barou being able to get flustered too. And in that moment Barou vows to himself, he fucking vows to himself, that he’ll pincer that shithead right now in practice, and even more importantly, he’ll fucking pincer you on his cock for giving him this embarrassing experience. He’ll sanitize the living fuck out of his car afterwards, but right now after practice, he’ll fucking drag you to the backseats and fuck you raw and hard until he’s pumped you full and he can’t get it up anymore. Oh, he’ll absolutely make you fucking regret daring to say that to him - in public no less. He can just imagine your fucked out face, those rolled back eyes, tears running down the side of your face just like the drool leaving your mouth. The only kind of mess he’ll ever permit you to leave, maybe even encourage, honestly. You won’t be able to walk for days afterwards, and whenever you’ll try to blame him, he’ll fucking shove what you said right in your face - because no way in hell are you going to pin this on him after saying something like that, crazy ass woman. He can just imagine the way you’ll grin after he says that, too, all cheeky like. You like playing with him too much. He needs to start putting you in your place more, keep pounding away at that pussy until you figure out how to behave like a fucking human being.
Is it obvious I had a lot of fun writing Barou's DSJGFJSDHG his pov is honestly *chef's kisses*
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darin-nidk · 2 months
Proposals. | Hazbin Hotel characters.
Content: Proposing horribly or in the most awkward situations featuring Rosie, Husk, Velvette and Valentino.
c.w.: cannibalism.
Rosie had invited you over for dinner which wouldn't be strange, though this time uhm... there was a corpse on the table as part of the menu. Normally, she'd take into consideration your diet and avoid showing you something so distasteful but it was evident that she was angry as she took a bite of the flesh from its arm and tore it with her sharp teeth, ripping the skin and causing blood to splatter onto the table, her plate and even her clothes. You reached for a glass of water as Rosie spoke, "this one was a rather persistant suitor of mine, he could not simply understand I did not reciprocate his feelings and I did not want his courtship", your eyes darted down to the, still nameless, body that was bloodier than before and cleared your throat. "You know, dear, we should get married as soon as possible to avoid future situations like this".
c.w.: descriptive vomiting.
Husk wasn't proud that he had relapsed into his alcoholism this badly, kneeling on the bathroom floor while you rubbed soothing circles in between his wings yet that's his reality now. The vile feeling of yesterday's contents resting on his tongue, bits of poorly stomached and varely digested solids remained there, as well as the disgusting stomach acid traveling all the way upwards and outside his mouth, his eyes teary in disgust, humilliation and misery. Nonetheless, during a small break in which he had ceased puking, still lightheaded, his blurry sight tried to focus on your figure as he offered a pathetic smile. "Marriage said somethin' 'bout health 'n sickness, right? 'm lookin' forward to take care of ya', I'll be there too". Shortly after that, he went back to gripping the toilet seat edges as he puked, the acidic smell burning his nostrils.
c.w.: sexual harassment.
Velvette was aggressively typing away on her phone, before slamming it down on the table and abruptly standing up, she looked uncharacterisically flustered and caught the attention of everyone in the meeting — she slammed the exit door behind her, and made her way towards Valentino's studio and yelled at the top of her lungs, interrupting the recording of the video as she yanked random cables to provoke more damage. "Oi, you goddamn pissboy! How dare you have my goddamn spouse in this filthy studio of yours?!". Apparently, you were upgraded from their lover to spouse, not even fiance. You were here against your will, and only managed to escape one of the porn actors grasp when Velvette started to wreck Valentino's studio.
c.w.: r18, sex, bellybulge, possessive behavior, unhealthy.
Valentino wasn't someone that considered marriage until meeting you, he wasn't into monogamy (and still wasn't) but the thought of you getting together with someone else drove him insane with blinding jealously. As he was currently balls deep inside of your weeping hole, his lower set of arms making your body rise up and down to keep fucking you, reshaping your insides to his cock that made a bulge show in your belly, he uttered the following words "marry me, amor mío", he whispered in a possessive manner against the nape of your neck before bitting down, sucking and leaving a hickey that'd be impossible to hide.
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