#oil mill machinery
techno-spectec · 1 year
oil mill plant Manufacturer by Spectec Techno
An oil mill plant is a facility that processes oilseeds into edible oils, non-edible oils, and other byproducts. These plants typically use machines such as crushers, flakers, and extractors to extract oil from seeds such as soybeans, sunflower, and cottonseed. The extracted oil can be further refined, blended, and packaged for commercial use. Oil mill plants require careful planning and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and maximum yield. With the right setup and management, an oil mill plant can be a profitable business venture in the agricultural sector.
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minioilmill · 2 years
Discover the Benefits of an OM Oil Expeller Machine: The Ultimate Solution for Oil Extraction
I. Introduction Brief overview of the topic Importance of oil expeller machine in oil production II. Working principle of oil expeller machine Explanation of the process of oil extraction Description of the components and their functions III. Advantages of using om oil expeller machine Efficient oil extraction Low maintenance costs Durable and long-lasting design IV. Models of om oil…
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pemacprojects · 3 months
Process of Edible Oil Processing Using Solvent Extraction
Solvent extraction plants play a crucial role in the production of edible oils, significantly enhancing the efficiency and yield of oil extraction from various oilseeds. These plants dissolve the oil in the seeds using a chemical solvent, usually hexane, so almost all of the oil is extracted. This method is particularly advantageous for oilseeds with low oil content, such as soybeans, where mechanical pressing alone would be insufficient.
The process begins with the preparation of the oilseeds, which involves cleaning, dehulling, and sometimes conditioning to optimize the extraction. The prepared seeds are then subjected to a solvent extraction process. At an extractor, the seeds and solvent are combined at this step. The oil is dissolved by the solvent after penetrating the seeds, creating a combination called miscella. The oil-laden solvent is then separated from the spent seeds, which are often processed further to recover residual oil.
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The miscella undergoes distillation to separate the oil from the solvent. The solvent is evaporated and condensed for reuse, while the crude oil is collected for further refining. This refining process includes steps such as degumming, neutralizing, bleaching, and deodorizing to ensure the oil is safe and palatable for consumption.
In addition to solvent extraction plants, edible oil refineries, oil mill plants, oil expeller plants, cooking oil plants, and vegetable oil plants all contribute to the broader oil production ecosystem. Edible oil refineries focus on purifying crude oil, ensuring it meets quality standards. The mechanical extraction of oil from seeds is mostly handled by oil mills and oil expeller plants. Cooking oil plants and vegetable oil plants specialize in producing various types of oils for culinary uses, ensuring they are suitable for cooking and other food preparations.
The integration of these various facilities ensures a seamless and efficient production process, from raw seed to refined oil, meeting the global demand for edible oils.
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How to Earn profit with proper Oil Mill Machinery Manufacturers?
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Since ancient time oil production was a huge business. With time went production and demand both increased. Modern technology allows for rapid oil extraction through the application of novel techniques. With the use of proper equipment, you are guaranteed to have higher yields while extracting oil.
Two popular ways of oil extraction are chemical and mechanical. So, you have to be particular about the methods and seeds you pick to book a huge profit.
Oil extraction with automatic screw
Vacuum filtration vat, electric appliance control, and an automatic heating system are the key elements. Enhancing surface hardness and making it wear-resistant are the two purposes of carburization. The squeezing bolt results in Improved oil yield. To optimize machine configuration, it uses standard parts for suction, heating, and power distribution. Get yourself some dependable, long-lasting Oil Extraction Machinery from a good Oil mill machinery Manufacturer.
Built-in screw oil press
The integrated screw oil press is one of the most well-known devices in the field of edible oil. Punjab engineering one of the top Oil mill machinery Manufacturers offers a wide range of oil manufacturing products. This device is suitable for both hot and cold extrusion processes. This machine processes peanuts, cotton seeds, and coconut seeds. These units are for pressing and filtering oil in both small- and large-scale processing facilities. This process is accomplished by the use of a vacuum filtering apparatus, which simplifies the oil pressing method. Find out the pricing scheme from a manufacturer of oil extraction equipment online.
Mechanical oil press
To produce pure edible oil, this machine uses a hydraulic concept. Oil mill machinery Manufacturer uses good quality material for the equipment. You will be able to witness the expelling process, which takes about five to seven minutes. Both residential use and small-scale oil mills enjoy these machines. These small, space-efficient buildings are ideal for use in circumstances where there is a lack of available space.
Expeller for coconut oil
Once or twice, copra gets pressed using the copra oil expeller. The goal of pressing copra cake is to get coconut oil, and they use it in small and medium-sized companies. Copra is fed, cooked, pressed, and discharged during every step of the process. Other oil seeds like soybean, rapeseed, camellia seed, and sunflower seed are also processed using this system.
With correct equipment and correct investment, you can earn profits if you rely on trusted Oil Mill Machinery manufacturers Such as Punjab engineering. With experience of over years we employ the best materials for your machinery. Which results in long-lasting performance with any constant replacement.
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A Rose in Misery
So, I don't know whether the lyricist for On My Own took inspiration from this chapter or not, but it sure seems like they might have. I decided to do a translation of the heartbreaking paragraph where Éponine describes the city at night, not as it looks while she's imagining Marius beside her, as in the musical, but as it looks when she hasn't eaten for days in the winter.
FRENCH “Des fois je m’en vais le soir. Des fois je ne rentre pas. Avant d’être ici, l’autre hiver, nous demeurions sous les arches des ponts. On se serrait pour ne pas geler. Ma petite sœur pleurait. L’eau, comme c’est triste ! Quand je pensais à me noyer, je disais : Non, c’est trop froid. Je vais toute seule quand je veux, je dors des fois dans les fossés. Savez-vous, la nuit, quand je marche sur le boulevard, je vois les arbres comme des fourches, je vois des maisons toutes noires grosses comme les tours de Notre-Dame, je me figure que les murs blancs sont la rivière, je me dis : Tiens, il y a de l’eau là ! Les étoiles sont comme des lampions d’illuminations¹, on dirait qu’elles fument et que le vent les éteint, je suis ahurie², comme si j’avais des chevaux qui me soufflent dans l’oreille ; quoique ce soit la nuit, j’entends des orgues de Barbarie³ et les mécaniques des filatures, est-ce que je sais, moi ? Je crois qu’on me jette des pierres, je me sauve sans savoir, tout tourne, tout tourne. Quand on n’a pas mangé, c’est très drôle.⁴”
TRANSLATION “Sometimes, I take off in the evening. Sometimes I don’t come back. Before we were here, last winter, we lived under the bridge arches. We clung together to keep from freezing. My little sister would cry. Water- how sad it is! When I would think of drowning myself I would say : No, it’s too cold. I go off on my own when I want, I sometimes sleep in ditches. You know, at night, when I walk along the boulevard, I see the trees like pitchforks, I see houses all black and big like the towers of Notre-Dame, I imagine that the white walls are the river, and I say to myself : Look, there’s water! The stars are like festival lanterns¹, they seem to smoke and the wind blows them out, I’m stupefied², as if I had horses breathing in my ear ; although it’s night, I hear barrel organs³ and the machinery of the spinning mills, but what do I know? I think stones are being thrown at me, I run away without even realizing, everything spins, everything spins. When you haven’t eaten, it’s all a little funny.⁴”
NOTES 1. I did way too much research into what exactly “lampions d’illuminations” would have referred to at the time. A “lampion” is a lantern, and while modern definitions often list “paper lantern,” I couldn’t find anything that corroborated that from the time period. Littré describes it as a “Small vessel made of clay, tin, or glass, into which one puts tallow or oil with a wick, and which is used for illuminations.” “Illuminations” in the plural (which is how it’s used in the text), refers to decorative festival lights.
Also, I found some references to “lampions d’illuminations” in a newspaper from 1851. The page is describing anniversary celebrations for February 24th, 1848 (the French Revolution of 1848), which I think is further evidence that Éponine is referring specifically to lanterns that would be used at a festival or celebration.
2. The word here is “ahuri(e)” which means both “stunned, dazed, astonished, flabbergasted” but also can be used to mean “idiot, numbskull” so I used “stupefied” because it also carries those two connotations within the word. The two English translations I have translate the idea as more “bewildered / afraid” which honestly seems more correct for the tone, but since I can’t really be sure of the exact sense Hugo was going for I went with a word that more literally fits with the French definition.
3. An “orgue de Barbarie” is known by a myriad of terms in English: barrel organ, roller organ, crank organ, hand organ, cylinder organ, street organ, take your pick!
4. A literal translation of this last sentence might be: “When you haven’t eaten, it’s very funny.” The word “drôle” in French carries the same connotations that the English word “funny” does, in that it can mean both hilarious (something that one would laugh about), and odd, strange, or weird. I’m fairly certain, as other translators seem to be, that Éponine means “odd” or “weird” here but I again decided to use the word in English that most closely mirrors all of the meanings in the French word. However, I changed up the words around it just a tad to try to get across more of that unsettling feeling I believe Hugo is going for here.
This was a hard one to translate! By nature of the fact that Éponine is rambling and describing a somewhat hallucinatory experience, it's very hard to tell sometimes what certain words mean or refer to within the context.
Many aspects of this paragraph remind me strongly of imagery in the lyrics of On My Own:
Sometimes I walk alone at night When everybody else is sleeping ... In the rain the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight ... The river's just a river ... The trees are bare
But oh boy is the book so much more depressing. Nothing is romanticized here. Her imaginings as she walks around the city at night are sometimes beautiful, sometimes terrifying, always unsettling. She's not daydreaming, she's hallucinating because she's starving, and freezing. What a heart breaking chapter!
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justforbooks · 7 months
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Long before Dave Myers, one half of the TV duo the Hairy Bikers, was hairy, or a biker, he was a cook. While still a child, he prepared family meals when his mother, a former shipyard crane driver, became so debilitated by multiple sclerosis she was scarcely able to leave her bed. “Dad and I became Mam’s carers, muddling through each day,” said Myers, who has died aged 66. “Sometimes I got out a cookbook and made a pie or a stew out of whatever ingredients we had in.”
His mother had been “a fabulous cook and was often preparing food while I played at her feet”. His father, the foreman of a local paper mill, would put little Dave on the saddle of his motorbike so he could pretend to ride. “I loved the smell of oil and machinery and rubber; just one whiff would set my pulse racing.”
But it was only half a lifetime later that Myers, after many years of working as a television makeup artist, managed to make an onscreen career by combining these two childhood passions. In 2004, when he was 45, Myers and his friend Simon King, a locations manager on the Harry Potter films, pitched their idea for a TV show focusing on motorbikes and food to the BBC. “It was midlife crisis time and you can’t have more of a midlife crisis than going off on a motorbike,” said Myers.
The show’s premise was that two burly, hirsute motorcyclists would visit foreign locales, often getting off their bikes to cook by the roadside. In the first episode of The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook (2006), the pair motored through Namibia, stopping off to cook crocodile satay and oryx rolls.
This culinary travelogue ran across three series, taking them to Portugal, Vietnam, Turkey and Mexico, and became such a hit with the viewers that a memo circulated the BBC praising the two men for winning over “a difficult-to-reach audience”. “Basically a ‘difficult-to-reach audience’ translates as ‘normal people’,” said King.
The two self-taught cooks had a disarmingly unpretentious love of food and easy on-screen banter redolent of Keith Floyd, if less bibulous, or Clarissa Dickson Wright and Jennifer Paterson, if less posh. In a sense, Myers and King were the male northern riposte to the Two Fat Ladies. What’s more, their two fat lads were refreshing fare in the age of telegenic cooks such as Nigella Lawson or angry chefs like Gordon Ramsay.
Spin-off shows followed, including The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain (2009), The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best (2010), The Hairy Bikers’ Mississippi Adventure (2012) and The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure (2014), along with allied cookbooks and a 2015 memoir, The Hairy Bikers Blood, Sweat and Tyres.
What was the secret of their success? “We are mates, it’s not something that’s been manufactured,” said Myers. “We’re not snobby about food. We’re very happy with egg and chips, as long as it’s very good-quality eggs and good-quality potatoes. About 95% of good cooking is good shopping.”
They met by chance in a Newcastle pub in the 1990s when Myers was working there as makeup artist and prosthetics technician on an adaptation of Catherine Cookson’s The Gambling Man starring Robson Green. King, an assistant director on the project, was at the bar ordering a curry. The barman told King that if he ordered two curries he would qualify for a special offer: four poppadoms instead of one. “I just stepped up and said, ‘I’ll have the other curry’,” Myers said.
The pair cemented their friendship with road trips up the west coast of Scotland, travelling with a pan, a single-burner stove, some butter, a lemon and some brown bread. “We’d go up round Loch Assynt, up by Lochinver, and catch wild brown trout.” The idea for the television series was born from these trips.
But, while the Hairy Bikers became celebrated and their cookbooks successful, some worried that their recipes were unhealthy. Their banana French toast recipe, consisting of brioche, bananas, peanut butter and cream, was ominously dedicated to Elvis Presley. One critic suggested that their full-English shakshuka, featuring sausages, lardons and black pudding, “looks as if it should come with a diagram on how to administer CPR”.
Indeed, as their fame expanded, so did their waistbands. By 2012, Myers recalled, he was taking tablets for high blood pressure and to lower his cholesterol, and both he and King were diagnosed as being morbidly obese during a medical. He weighed 17st 12lb, with a 49in waist, while King weighed in at 19st 6lb, with a 50in waistline. “I was prediabetic; human foie gras, basically,” Myers said.
The diagnoses pushed them to make the series The Hairy Dieters: How to Love Food and Lose Weight. Both men lost 3st 7lb during filming and published their most successful series of books afterwards under the general title Hairy Dieters. “Doing it publicly was the thing that encouraged us to make it work. People admired the honesty. We sold about 1.3m copies of our first book. We learned an awful lot from it.”
The following year, 2013, Myers appeared on Strictly Come Dancing, performing a “Tartan tango” to the tune of The Proclaimers’ I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) with his dance partner, Karen Hauer, and becoming, in the words of the show’s judge Len Goodman, “the people’s champion”, winning the weekly popular vote despite sometimes low marks from judges and armchair critics deriding his “ungainly boogying”. He didn’t win, but the Hairy Biker received the longest standing ovation for, fittingly enough, a Meat Loaf-themed paso doble.
Myers, the only child of Jim and Margaret, was born in Barrow-in-Furness ( then in Lancashire but now in Cumbria) and attended the town’s grammar school for boys, where an inspirational teacher, Mr Eaton, encouraged him to develop his artistic skills. He took a fine art degree at Goldsmiths, University of London and a master’s degree in art history.
His first job was as a trainee makeup artist at the BBC. He worked there for 23 years, including a stint on Top of the Pops, before the Hairy Bikers got together. While filming the show in Romania, Myers met Liliana Orzac. “In our hotel there was a striking woman on reception. Nudging Si, I whispered: ‘I fancy her!’” They married in 2011.
In 2022, Myers announced on the podcast Hairy Bikers – Agony Uncles that he had been diagnosed with cancer. He and King made a moving return to the screen in The Hairy Bikers: Coming Home for Christmas in December 2023, in which they discussed his illness and treatment; and had filmed a new series, The Hairy Bikers Go West, which is currently screening on BBC Two, and which King described as “a celebration of a joyous and creative friendship”.
Myers is survived by Liliana and her children, Iza and Sergiu.
🔔 David James Myers, chef and television presenter, born 8 September 1957; died 28 February 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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When and why did the Islamic world lose the scientific edge it once had?
The when is easy. The 14th & 15th Century Renaissance when the Europeans rose to be dominant
The why is far more interesting.
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The fourteenth century Arab culture was the pinnacle of civilization. Women had rights and were an equal partner in knowledge and the running society. Prosperity (relatively) abound, warring factions were more or less united. But..
The Arabs were excellent on theoretical knowledge, trade and mobile equipment. Now that makes sense, because the empire was vast. Imagine an empire 3x of Europe, from Jerusalem to the borders of India (modern day Pakistan). They needed mobile knowledge, that could be transmitted via trade routes.
Once heavy machinery came into common practice, the Arab method was obselete. They couldn’t have a particular base, because their empire was based on movement. The society was extensively nomadic. And heavy machinery didn't work it for nomads.
Heavy equipment was the challenge, and resulted in a slow but gradual decay.
For example, Islamic calligraphers were sought the world over for copying books and texts. A vastly profitable & respectable position. But the advent of the printing press made them obsolete
No development of port based infrastructure along the desert, because they preferred the silk route. But being in proximity to European development ensured that the closer segments (Turkish empire/Iran) split up from the main culture and focused on localized development. Other examples:
Ginning equipment and textile mills rendered embroidery obselete
Steam engines rendered traditional carts obsolete
Steel milling rendered smithies obsolete
Focus was starting to grow on mining practices, which the Islamic world knew nothing about (crude oil was still a few centuries off)
Prefabrication of building materials rendered their architecture outdated
By the time the European industrialization took over, the fall of the Islamic world was imminent and certain.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 7 months
Could you make a brief description of your main/favourite OCs or other important things, I have a bad memory and am confused 👉🏻👈🏻
HELLO! hi hi hi uh. hellow sienna :3 yes of course. i will choose a VERY MINIMAL AMOUNT OF OCS just the ones i’m always ranting about. ALSO I KNOW YOU SAID BRIEF BUT. I AM VERY BAD AT THAT SO HERE’S WHATEVER THIS IS:
1. GEMMA. (Gemma the ??? technically)
Gemma is a green… bird. We do not know what kind of bird she is. She’s Bean’s mom and she runs the criminal underworld of hybrid mobians, trafficking, and mobian puppy mills. She’s not particularly mean or violent though, the joke being that she’s also omnipotent and can break the fourth wall, just with the dark twist that she’s always known everything ever and knows she’s an OC and that I’m even talking about her right now, hence why doing the immoral shit that she does is not ultimately a bad thing since no one she hurts is real. ALSO, she’s based off of Gemma Teller-Morrow from Sons of Anarchy so if you ever draw her, try to make her look like a bird version or Katey Segal :)
2. BRANDO. (Brando the Hawk lol)
Jet’s Dad. Looks like Jet but if he was an alcoholic who somehow manages a receding hairline. Hansu once drew him with a monocle and top hat as a joke but I found it so hilarious we might just keep it. He sounds like James Lance (actor) if his voice was more broken and growly and mumbly, and if he was human he’d have Lance’s hair as well. (He misses his wife, Sienna)
3. ADAM!!! (Adam the Albatross)
Adam is Storm’s dad and he looks like him but instead of being round and fluffy strong, he’s abtastically ripped. You see how I draw mobians you know what’s up LOL. anyways, he was a teen dad and did a really good job, and he works at Prison Island. Well, he did, now it’s blown up, so he works at the inland prison instead. He’s a bit of a manchild and his girlfriend is Jewel’s mom Opal (hehe Lea’s OC) because he sorta has a milf problem. He’s like if Jesse Pinkman was an adult instead of an oversized teenager, yet is still quite childish (in a cute way! he eats dino nuggets for dinner). Think “drawing Storm but for a thirsttrap” and you’ve nailed him
4, CAREY AND DARLA!!! (Carey the Jackdaw & Darla the Swallow)
You really think I’m gonna just include one??? These are Wave’s parents and I’m in love with their designs. Carey is a jackdaw with vitiligo which means he gets patches of white feathers in certain places due to black pigment being a recessive genetic trait due to the Salem trials (long story, you asked for the short version lol). He dyes his front feathers red to be like Party Poison from Danger Days, and often wears a pair of working denim jeans that are kinda stained with oil and paint but that makes them look cooler. He’s Eggman level smart and super witty, but extremely humble and only wants to use his knowledge to help other people. It’s a jackdaw thing. He loves shiny stuff (read: he loves machinery) and also adores his wife. Such a wife guy but in the genuinely good and wholesome way. SPEAKING OF, DARLA IS A BUBBLEGUM PUNK TO ME! She was part of all the mobian riots in the 80’s and operated an illegal shelter for homeless youth via her massive roller rink that’s dead centre in her city that she refuses to sell for luxury condos or parking lots. That is HER block of land and she’s not moving it, so she helps keep kids (especially mobian youth who are disproportionately affected) off the street. She loves wearing full denim and is an array of blue colours. Also, despite her husband being super fucking tall, she’s also pretty tall for a lady! Very round too though, like a feathery ball, very cute and round and pudgy I love her.
I actually have acceptable fanart of these two on hand because Infifi drew them once so here’s that:
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MWW Artwork of the Day (9/4/23) Jean-Eugène Buland (French, 1852–1926) Un Patron, or The Lesson of the Apprentice (1888) Oil on canvas, 102 x 82 cm. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Buland chose a rich variety of subjects as he documented scenes from the world around him. In "Un Patron," Buland draws attention to the advancement of manufacturing and industry following the Franco-Prussian war. Even though depictions of rural labor remained more frequent, pictures of the metal industry also existed -– scenes from iron and steel mills, weapons factories and railroad track factories. To realistically represent this combined smithy and mechanical workshop, the artist used photographs. The foreman is using a drill to make a cogwheel –- a vital component that keeps the entire modern machinery rolling.
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womblegrinch · 7 months
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Samuel John Lamorna Birch (1869-1955) - The mill leat
Oil on canvas. 24 x 18.1 inches, 61 x 46 cm.
Estimate: £1,500-2,000.
Failed to sell Bonhams, London, 13 March 2024.
A leat is a man-made channel that carries water to or from a waterwheel that powers the machinery of the mill.
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cneasteel · 11 months
The Craftsmanship behind Fittings Manufacturing
Fittings like plastic fittings China are connectors that connect pipes, tubes, or hoses. They are intended to form a secure and leak-proof connection, allowing for the uninterrupted passage of liquids, gasses, or even solid objects. Plumbing, HVAC systems, hydraulic and pneumatic machinery, oil and gas pipelines, and other applications all employ fittings. These little components are the unsung heroes of numerous sectors, keeping together contemporary society's complicated architecture.
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Fittings: An Art Form Manufacturing
Manufacturing fittings is a complex procedure that necessitates accuracy and attention to detail. Here's a rundown of the stages required in making fittings:
Material Selection: The selection of materials is critical in the manufacture of fittings. diverse materials, such as brass, stainless steel, PVC, or copper, are required for diverse uses. The material used must be corrosion-resistant, long-lasting, and suitable for the contents transported.
Engineers design fittings with accuracy, taking into account parameters such as pressure ratings, temperature, and flow needs. To generate precise and trustworthy products, the design process may use computer-aided design (CAD).
Machining: Machining procedures like as turning, milling, and drilling are commonly used to make fittings from metal fittings manufacturer. These operations shape and refine the material into the correct shape, guaranteeing that the fitting will work properly.
Quality Control: Throughout the production process, stringent quality control methods are employed. Inspections, testing, and monitoring are performed to ensure that the fittings fulfill industry standards and requirements.
Surface Finish: Depending on the application, fittings may be polished, plated, or coated to improve their durability and appearance.
Manufacturing Fittings Innovations
In recent years, the field of fittings production has undergone considerable developments. These advancements seek to boost efficiency, decrease environmental impact, and increase product performance. Among the significant advancements are:
3D Printing: Additive manufacturing, including 3D printing, is becoming more popular for producing complicated, bespoke fits with minimal material waste.
Sustainable Materials: To lessen its environmental imprint, the industry is investigating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing procedures.
Rapid prototype: Computer-aided design and rapid prototype techniques enable the creation and testing of novel fitting designs to be completed more quickly.
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IoT technology is being integrated into fittings from plastic fittings manufacturers to monitor and optimize fluid flow, identify leaks, and increase system performance.
Follow our Facebook and Twitter for more information about our product.
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envihellbender · 1 year
you’re a mill worker boy with few fingers and less teeth who never moved on before they shut the factory where you died. west yorkshire/industrial gothic
Characters: James Sullivan, Ronan (OCs)
Content: rotting corpses
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The old Stonemouth Mills just off the Pennine Way coming up to the city of Leeds had become quite infamous since the hundred and ninety years it was built. It had been closed for a century, and it wasn’t until its closure that everyone in the county knew of it. The story was that little Jimmy Sullivan had been a child worker there, he had been sent under the machinery to find out what was causing the conveyor belt to jam. When he found the shard of metal and yanked it out of place the machine began again, tearing off his arm and pulling him into it. They say he screamed so loudly the windows smashed and that’s what led to the end of child labour in Britain. He is said to haunt the Mills to do this day, resulting in many supernatural enthusiasts and ghost hunters visiting the place on a fairly regular basis. They even did ghost tours there sometimes. It is nice story but little of it is true. There was a James Sullivan who died there, no one called him ‘Jimmy’ however. He also wasn’t a child, he had just turned twenty but managed to keep the job he’d been given at thirteen because poor diet had resulted in him growing very little upwards or outwards. What had actually happened is he was cleaning the machines and his hand got stuck. He had only already been missing his thumb on his left hand and he could feel two of them being sliced off. He screamed for help but since it would have cost more to try and rescue him he was left there. The next day it was quiet, and no one tried to find the body. That could have been where it ended, but one worker was a wreck afterwards. He still heard James’ screams in his ringing ears and he told his wife, the story got round the county and it meant the closure of Stonemouth Mills. No one ever went looking for James’ body however. Not that it didn’t make an appearance fairly regularly.
James remembered his death vividly, he remembered oil and soot filling his eyes and mouth, and he still felt pain in his left hand which his little and index finger left. On his good hand he still had three - his thumb, middle, and index finger. He could still grab things, and he’d learned to pull at things with his arms. That was the strange thing, he had been suffocated underneath the machine. He knew he had, but when he pulled himself out of there… he wasn’t him any more. Or he was, just less. His skin grew mottled until it was completely grey, there was still a patch of white on his face but it wasn’t the same as his old pale complexion. The whites of his eyes grew black with the oil or soot that filled them, his hazel irises shining against them. His limbs still worked, in fact it seemed he was more agile than he was when he was alive. He was fast and he could climb spectacularly well. His sight had neither declined nor improved it just changed. In the sunlight things were unclear and covered in a layer of fog, a night things were bright and vivid. He got into the habit of sleeping during the day simply because it was easier, the Mills came to life at night. It never occurred to him to try and leave, once he heard all of the workers speaking of his death, and when the Mills closed down he knew that it was useless. Besides, he didn’t look human any more.
He had a fairly happy time in the Mills, children would often throw stones at the window and he’d sneak into the view of one and giggle as they screamed and ran away. Occasionally they’d even sneak in through the door daring each other to go in further. He discovered this way he could still speak. He’d whistle and shout things down the corridor just to see them pale and run away terrified. He never got too close, he wasn’t a ghost like some of the beings that lived in the Mills. He was solid. He assumed he was faster but he didn’t wish to find out. Things had changed recently however, it was adults scoping out the Mills, with strange equipment that he and the ghosts found annoying more than anything. The smirked and made jibes at the beings, and it simply made them stay silent and refuse to show themselves. Occasionally some where curious and polite, enough so they’d entertain them. James generally preferred those who were quiet and tried their best not to stomp on the floorboards or break in. They came in with what he heard one of them call a camera - baffling to him as he remembered them as huge things that smelled strange with flashing lights. Instead they had tiny handheld boxes that made noises. He followed and watched them curiously, known to him he had been caught in the corner of some photos which had been put on the internet and torn apart for their validity.
One evening, there was another group of ghost hunters. James saw them from his spot on the roof, he ground what was left of his teeth in annoyance as he saw them with huge equipment. They chatted amongst themselves and seemed fairly harmless however. James decided to keep an eye on them. By the time he climbed down to the entrance they had just walked into the Mills. One of them, a lad about James’ age with copper hair, freckles, and eyes that were two different shades of green, was speaking into the camera. James stayed crouched into the rafters, he expected them to start shouting and goading them… instead they talked about the history and the famous deaths. The lad’s voice was similar to James’ mother’s, a harsh and lilting Donegal accent with a hint of West Yorkshire round the edges. Maybe that’s what made him follow them, he thought. He realised quite quickly that the group didn’t believe anything out of the ordinary existed there, they were telling the stories of the place and whenever there was anything strange they documented it and discussed possibilities. Perhaps that what made James get careless. He hung from the rafters as they reached the place he did to get a better look and to listen, suddenly the young man’s eyes widened and he pointed in James direction. He managed to pull himself up and flee before the others saw him or a camera fixed on him.
James felt guilt twist in the remains of his stomach as he watched them speak afterwards. The young Irish man insisted he saw something, something solid and rotting. It looked a boy. The others looked at him in concern and asked if he’d been sleeping okay or working too hard. James started to wonder if he should have just let them see him… except he learned from experience that the living become obsessive and terrifying when they get too close. What he didn’t expect, was to the young man to come back the next night. He saw him from the roof again, but he was alone this time. He was armed with a torch and a warm coat, and James went to go follow him again… against his better judgement.
“Hello?” The young man called through the halls, inspecting the corners and ceiling with his torch and jumping with every noise. James watched him tremble and cry out at everything that shocked him. It was almost cute, he thought. “I’m not- I’m not going to hurt you! I didn’t bring a camera,” he continued projecting his voice as he entered the same spot he’d seen James the night before. “Hello?” He called again. James decided, against his better judgement to let himself fall to the ground, bending his knees as he fell and pressing his hands to the ground almost like an animal. The young man held the slight noise and spun round, paling and freezing in spot as he saw James looking up at him.
“Hello,” James responded casually, not moving as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
“It’s you! From last night. I- I saw you- you’re real.”
“It would seem so,” he replied slowly. Deciding that the terrified lad was not a danger to him he got to his feet and took a step closer looking him up and down. He was tall, at least a foot taller than he was and chubby around the edges. His clothes seemed fairly standard with what people wore at present, a lot cleaner than James’ old rags. “What do you want?”
“To know you were real. To know you weren’t a hallucination, mostly.”
“I shouldn’t have let you see me, sorry,” James mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed for the first time in a century.
“Why did you?”
“I… I liked your voice. It reminded me of my ma. Haven’t really thought about her in a long time. I don’t even remember what she looks like,” James said, surprised at how he spoke so freely. He narrowed his eyes and became cautious again, was this truly a normal living human?
“Wait- so you’re Jimmy Sullivan, right? The son of Mary Sullivan?”
“How do you know-”
“She killed your dad. And ran away to England. It’s an old story from back home. Sorry.”
“It’s fine, he was a bastard.”
“I’m Ronan by the way,” he offered with a slight smile seeming a little more settled. He offered out his hand without thinking, and James reluctantly took it - amused at how Ronan looked shocked at how cold and harsh his skin was. Or perhaps it was the missing fingers. He wasn’t sure.
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oilpressline · 2 years
the destiny of cooking oils: an creation to commercial oil press machine.
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commercial oil press can be used for multi -plant oils inclusive of mustard, cottonseed, soybean, peanuts, tung seeds, oil sunflower, sunflower seeds and different oil seeds. business oil press gadget integrates an automatic temperature manipulation device. the device can alter the proper temperature to reap one of a kind uncooked substances, clean functions, and simplify the complexity of fried seeds. subsequent, benteng machinery will introduce the functions of  commercial oil press machine.
on this basis, our agency released the new and bloodless dual -use multi -beneficial industrial oil press machine. the device has the feature of processing a spread of raw substances. on the equal time, the system is equipped with infrared heating, micro -power control and exquisite filter tool. squeezing oil, the raw additives are right away poured into the device and squeezed it out. it's miles filtered with well -filtered oil. it may be consumed immediately. the gadget is the first to apply 220 luo molybdenum carbon steel, this is more potent than ordinary manufacturers' carbon metallic machines. lifestyles is long, smooth to restore, easy to carry out, robust in response, and high oil output.
commercial oil press is a multifunctional spiral pre -squeezing machine composed of compacting, feeding device, spiral leader, faculty cake mechanism, equipment container and motor. the developments of the spiral pre-squeezing tool are that the hengli tielong works simultaneously, the squeezing is axial phase, and the shell is fixed with the middle thing of the single bolt of the tail tail bolt. warmth form cooling. industrial oil urgent system spirals are segmented structures. a maze -type sealing pads are used among the spiral and the band, which is prepared on the aspect of the spiral. this gadget has a novel design, low priced shape, and a feature of automatic manual college desserts. it can not forestall the hollow of the bore to clean up and update the dearth of harm. the processing amount is large, the energy consumption is small, the land is small, and the rate is low.
commercial oil pressing machines are mainly managed with the aid of automated electric powered manipulate, infrared heating, vacuum filtration, and the host makes use of materials. its processing and production improves the oil output price and the performance reaches the house degree. for all customers who purchase a multi -realistic oil press, all unfastened set up schooling, deliver elements all year spherical, lifelong protection, welcome new and vintage clients. multi -sensible industrial oil -filled oil press is suitable for gadgets and small oil factories, but moreover for people to squeeze present sale and outdoor processing.
our agency mainly produces business oil press machine, its collection of products, and a entire oil manufacturing line. we advise different machines in line with the particular needs of customers. unique raw materials, one of a kind outputs require exceptional varieties of oil press. we will offer you with exclusive customized services and intimate after -sales provider.
you're welcome to get in touch with us and inform us your requirement on oil mill!
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aaluminum · 2 years
Historically, Who Started Sheet Metal Work?
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Sheet metalwork is a process that has been around for centuries. In its earliest incarnation, sheet metal was used to create swords and other weapons. Over time, the process evolved, and sheet metal began to be used for other purposes, such as creating roofing materials and ductwork. Today, sheet metal work is essential to many industries, including construction, automotive, and aerospace.
The Earliest Uses of Sheet Metal Work
The first known use of sheet metal dates back to 4000 BC when it was used to create swords in ancient Mesopotamia. Then, around 1000 BC, Chinese metallurgists began using a process known as annealing to make weapons and tools from iron and steel. This process made the metal softer and more pliable, which made it easier to work with.
By the Middle Ages, European blacksmiths had discovered how to make steel, which was even stronger than iron. This new material quickly became famous for making armour and weapons. To make steel, blacksmiths would heat iron until it glowed red hot before dipping it into water or oil. This process, known as quenching, made the steel harder and more durable.
The Industrial Revolution and Beyond
The industrial revolution ushered in a new era for sheet metal work. With the advent of new technologies like the steam engine and the cotton gin, factories began popping up all over Europe and North America. These factories required large amounts of metal for their machinery, which created a demand for sheet metal workers.
With the advent of new technologies like the rolling mill and the steam engine, manufacturers could mass-produce sheet metal much more efficiently than ever before.
As factories sprang up across the continent, so did the demand for skilled workers who could shape and manipulate sheet metal into the needed parts and pieces. These workers became known as “tin bashers,” a term still used today in some parts of the world.
Tin bashers were in high demand throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries as factories continued to churn out an ever-increasing number of products made from sheet metal. However, the rise of automated manufacturing processes in the mid-20th century led to a decline in the demand for manual labour, including tin bashers.
One of the most famous examples of early sheet metal work is the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, completed in 1708. The dome is made from over 3,000 tons of copper hammered into shape by hand. The Statue of Liberty is another well-known example of early sheet metal work; her outer skin is made from sheets of copper that were heated and bent into shape.
Today, sheet metal work is essential to many industries, including construction, automotive manufacturing, and aerospace engineering. New technologies have led to the development of automated machines that can accurately cut and shape sheet metal. However, there are still many instances where manual labour is required to create a custom piece or achieve a particular look.
Sheet metal work is a fascinating field with a long and rich history. What started as a way to create swords and other weapons have become an essential part of many industries today. While new technologies have led to the development of automated machines that can cut and shape sheet metal with precision and accuracy, there are still many instances where manual labour is required to create a custom piece or achieve a specific look. Whether used to develop ductwork or the outer skin of an airplane, sheet metal work plays an important role in our world today.
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We offer premium, raw & anodized Aluminum sheets, Aluminum nameplates, assorted colour aluminum wire, cold or hot rolled Aluminum Plate, Gold, Black, Silver, and Purple Aluminum Foil and Aluminum Coil for sale in our warehouse, ready to ship today.
Call us today, Toll-Free: 866–860–0652, if you need further information.
Source: Historically, who started sheet metal work? History of Metal Work (aaluminum.com)
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andavarlatheworks · 3 days
Coconut Oil Mill Machinery
Coconut Oil Mill Machinery
Coconut oil, known for its rich flavor and numerous health benefits, is a staple in many households and industries worldwide. The growing demand for pure coconut oil has led to the need for efficient and reliable coconut oil mill machinery. In this blog, we’ll explore how coconut oil is processed using modern machinery and why Andavar Lathe Works is a trusted name in the industry.
The Coconut Oil Production Process
Coconut oil is extracted from the coconut through a mechanical process. This involves several steps, each requiring specialized machinery to ensure maximum yield and quality. The stages of coconut oil production include:
Crushing: The first step involves crushing the coconut to reduce its size for efficient oil extraction. Andavar Lathe Works provides advanced crushing machinery designed to process coconuts without losing the integrity of the oil.
Expelling: After crushing, the coconut undergoes the pressing process. Using an oil expeller machine, the oil is separated from the fiber. Andavar Lathe Works offers high-performance expeller machines that ensure minimal wastage and high oil yield.
Filtration: Once the oil is extracted, it undergoes a filtration process to remove impurities. Andavar Lathe Works’ filtration systems are designed to deliver pure, high-quality coconut oil ready for consumption or industrial use.
Why Choose Andavar Lathe Works for Coconut Oil Mill Machinery?
Established in 1968, Andavar Lathe Works is a pioneer in the oil mill machinery industry. Their machines are known for their durability, ease of use, and efficiency. Whether you’re a small entrepreneur or a large-scale producer, Andavar Lathe Works provides reliable solutions tailored to your needs.
Here are some reasons why Andavar Lathe Works stands out:
Quality and Durability: Andavar machines are built to last, ensuring long-term performance with minimal maintenance.
Customization: They offer machinery customized to meet specific production requirements, whether it’s a small-scale or large-scale operation.
Customer Support: With decades of expertise, their team provides unparalleled support and guidance, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.
Coconut oil production requires precision, and having the right machinery can make all the difference in quality and efficiency. Whether you are just starting or looking to upgrade your existing setup, Andavar Lathe Works offers high-quality, reliable machinery tailored to your needs. With a legacy of trust and innovation, their equipment ensures you can produce coconut oil that meets the highest standards.
Invest in Andavar machinery today for a more efficient, profitable coconut oil production process!
1. What type of coconut oil mill machinery is best for small businesses?
For small businesses, the Andavar oil expeller is an excellent choice. It’s compact, efficient, and easy to operate, making it ideal for entrepreneurs looking to produce coconut oil at a smaller scale. The machine provides high oil yield with minimal labor requirements.
2. How can I ensure the longevity of my coconut oil mill machinery?
Regular maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of your coconut oil mill machinery. Andavar Lathe Works provides detailed maintenance guidelines and support to ensure your machinery remains in optimal condition. Regular cleaning, timely oiling, and replacing worn-out parts can extend the life of your equipment significantly.
For More Details Contact This Number: +91 89255 02800
Website Link: https://www.andavarlatheworks.net/
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brothes · 8 days
Maximizing Oil Extraction Efficiency with Integrated Screw Oil Press
In today’s fast-paced world, the demand for high-quality, cold-pressed oils has seen a significant rise. People are becoming more health-conscious, looking for pure, organic oils extracted without chemical solvents. This has led to an increased interest in efficient and eco-friendly oil extraction machinery, with the Integrated Screw Oil Press emerging as one of the most sought-after solutions in the oil processing industry.
What is an Integrated Screw Oil Press? An Integrated Screw Oil Press is a highly efficient and multifunctional oil extraction machine that combines pressing, filtration, and heating processes into one. Unlike traditional oil extraction machines, which often require separate filtering or heating equipment, the integrated screw press simplifies the process by incorporating all necessary components into a single unit. This not only saves time but also improves the oil quality by reducing the risk of contamination and oxidation.
The machine is designed to process various seeds and nuts like sunflower seeds, peanuts, soybeans, cotton seeds, rapeseeds, and more. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized oil mills, farmers, and individuals interested in producing their own oil.
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Key Features of the Integrated Screw Oil Press High Oil Yield: One of the standout features of the integrated screw oil press is its ability to extract a high amount of oil. The pressing chamber applies immense pressure, squeezing every drop of oil from the seeds. This ensures that users get the maximum yield with minimal waste.
Integrated Filtration: The machine includes an automatic vacuum filter, which removes impurities and ensures that the oil is pure and ready for use immediately after extraction. This eliminates the need for separate filtering equipment and reduces the time required for the overall process.
Temperature Control: The built-in heating system ensures that the seeds are preheated to the optimal temperature before pressing. This helps improve the oil yield and ensures a consistent, high-quality product. Additionally, controlling the temperature helps preserve the nutrients in the oil, making it healthier and more flavorful.
Energy Efficient: With its multifunctional design, the integrated screw oil press minimizes energy consumption by combining several processes in one machine. This makes it not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly.
Compact Design: The machine is relatively compact, making it suitable for smaller production spaces. Its ergonomic design allows for easy operation, maintenance, and cleaning, which is crucial for ensuring hygienic oil extraction.
Benefits of Using an Integrated Screw Oil Press Enhanced Oil Quality: Since the machine integrates heating, pressing, and filtering processes, the oil extracted is of superior quality—clean, pure, and free from contaminants.
Cost Savings: Combining several processes in one machine reduces the need for additional equipment, saving money on both machinery and maintenance.
Ease of Use: The machine is designed for user-friendliness, making it suitable for beginners as well as experienced oil producers.
Versatility: It can handle a wide variety of oilseeds, giving users the flexibility to produce different types of oils depending on market demand or personal preference.
Applications of the Integrated Screw Oil Press The integrated screw oil press can be used in various settings, including:
Small to Medium-Scale Oil Mills: It is perfect for businesses looking to streamline their operations while producing high-quality oil.
Farmers and Cooperatives: The machine allows farmers to process their own oilseeds, adding value to their crops and creating an additional revenue stream.
Home Use: For those interested in making their own oils for personal consumption, this machine offers a convenient and efficient way to extract pure oil at home.
Conclusion The Integrated Screw Oil Press is a game-changer in the oil extraction industry. Its ability to combine multiple processes—heating, pressing, and filtering—into one machine makes it an efficient and cost-effective solution for anyone looking to produce high-quality oils. Whether you are a small-scale business owner, a farmer, or someone who wants to produce oil at home, this machine offers reliability, versatility, and top-notch performance. Investing in an integrated screw oil press can maximize oil yields, enhance product quality, and save time and energy, making it a valuable asset for anyone involved in oil production.
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