#ok I definitely should know the answer but its friday I am tired and this is just for fun
sentence-arborist · 10 months
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[ID: Huge syntax tree for the sentence "California man [whose billionaire stepfather is on missing sub] asks OnlyFans model to sit on him 30 minutes after pleading for prayers, as he triggers war of words with Cardi B over Blink-182 concert". The tree is very broad and has many layers, indicating the amount of time, energy, and stress that must've gone into making it.]
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lovelycassy · 1 year
Ok hear me out, a Lorenzo Berkshire imagine where him and the reader are dating and she gets hurt during a girl day with pansy 😌
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Summary: Ever since you and Lorenzo started dating a week ago, you noticed a certain slytherin who always seems to be glaring at you. It only took some time before they take action against you.
Pairing: Lorenzo/Enzo x fem!reader
House: any
Blood status: pureblood
Word count: 1,588
Warning(s) : some violence, a lil cursing, a kissing scene that’s barely there, pet names (love & darling), not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
a/n: I am so sorry anon I didn't check my ask box for a rlly long time so I didn't notice that I already had requests 😭 I hope you didn’t wait that long but here it is though. btw this is my first fic so pls bear with me if its cringy I'm trying
Also forgive me if pansy, lorenzo and Daphne are not so in character these are just how I imagine their personalities are
It was a sunny friday afternoon and you were going to your last class of the day. You were thinking of what you were going to do the next day when you heard someone call your name from behind.
"Y/n!" they called. You turned around and saw your best friend Pansy running down the hallway.
"Yes?" You answered
Pansy caught her breath before she asked, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?"
"not much, just going to stay in my dorm all day I guess, why?"
"I was thinking that we should have a girl's day, you know just the two of us, shopping at hogsmeade. Since our NEWTS are coming up and I know its gonna take a lot of our time, tomorrow is the perfect time for us to hang out before we have to stress about our exams. So, what do you say?" She said, with her eyes almost looking like she’s pleading for you to say yes.
You thought for a while. You didn't have anything else to do aside from sleeping and staying in your bed all day anyway. You also finished all your homework yesterday, you just need to hope that your last professor gives mercy on all of you students and lets you go without any homework.
"Okay sure, I need a break from school anyway." You finally answered.
"Great! Let's meet at the great hall at 9am, sound good?"
"Yep, see you tomorrow Pans!"
"Thank god we don't have any homework assigned today" you muttered as you entered the slytherin common room, heading to your boyfriend's dorm.
You knocked 3 times before you heard someone answer from inside;
"Who is it?“ Lorenzo shouted
"It's just me" you answered
"Oh alright, the door's open"
You entered and saw him sitting on his bed, reading a book. He already changed out of his robes and wore some comfy clothes.
He looked up from his book the second you entered the room.
"Hey darling, how's your day?" He asked
"Tiring, how's yours?" You said while taking off your robe and putting it on the coat rack
"It's alright, if you exclude the fact that seamus almost set the classroom and everyone in it on fire in potions."
"Wow, that bad?"
"Yeah, luckily snape was there. But of course he had to take points off Gryffindor because of the chaos Seamus created."
By now you had already changed into some comfortable clothes and was climbing in bed "But everyone was okay, right?"
"Of course, but enough about my day. Tell me what happened to yours?" He said, while cuddling you putting you on top of him
"Well pansy came to me a few hours ago, asking me to go on a girl's day with her tomorrow at hogsmeade. Since our exams are coming up she wants to hangout before we all get busy studying."
"And what did you answer her?"
"I said yes of course she's my best friend"
"I thought you said we're going to spend the whole day together tomorrow?" He looked down at you with a pouty face
"I said on sunday, love"
"No you definitely said Saturday"
"I'm pretty sure I said sunday"
"Fine you did"
"I promise you on sunday I'm all yours, okay? No one is going to disturb us."
"Alright fine"
Before you could say anything else he suddenly flipped both of you and he was on top of you
“Love what are you trying to do right now?”
“What I’ve wanted to do since classes ended”
Then you felt his lips on yours
You were roughly making out for about 5 minutes now when you both heard a knock on the door.
"You lovebirds done? Its nearly dinner already so stop making out and let's go to the great hall." Theo groaned from the other side of the door.
"Okay okay we're coming" you said fixing yourself up
"Cmon lets just stay behind they won't even mind" Enzo complained
"Sorry love but as a human being I also need food plus I'm starving" you were walking to the door when you turned around and saw him on the bed with a pouting like face
"We could continue after dinner." You said with a smirk
That made him run to the great hall.
*timeskip to the next day*
You and Pansy have been shopping for almost 2 hours now. You suggested you guys eat lunch first before continuing your shopping spree
Once you guys were finished, you were both deciding the next store you were going to when you saw a certain slytherin walking towards you with her gang. The one who has been rude to you since you and Lorenzo started dating, Daphne Greengrass. Let’s pretend she didn’t like theodore and liked lor
It was no secret to the whole school that she liked him. She practically did everything to make him notice her. Yet Lorenzo still chose you, and that made her blood boil.
"What's she doing here?" You whispered to Pansy
Pansy just shrugged
"Well well well, look who we have here, its lorenzo’s little girlfriend, L/n " Daphne said with a smirk (IM INTERNALLY CRINGING RN)
“Hello Greengrass, what brings you to hogsmeade on this lovely day?”
“Oh nothing, I just heard you and parkinson over there talking about how you’re going to spend your boyfriend’s money on a shopping spree. Does enzo even know you’re spending his money?” She said as she strode a little more closer to you
You can’t start a fight, or else some professor might pass by and punish you both by taking away house points that won’t be enough to win the house cup
You took a deep breath before answering her, “actually Greengrass, the money I’m spending right now is my monthly allowance from my parents. Now if you would excuse us, we would like to get back to our shopping.”
You tried to get past her before she blocked you and pansy’s way
“Not so fast l/n, that’s not what I came here for.”
“What is it then Greengrass?” You were starting to get annoyed
By now you were standing at arm’s length from her
“I came here because I wanted to remind you something.”
Suddenly she pushed you to the ground
“What the hell are you doing!” Pansy shouted, while trying to break free from Tracey Davis, one of Daphne’s closest friends
“Telling L/n here to stay away from what’s mine” daphne said, pointing her wand at you
Right now you were terrified of what might happen
“What the hell do you mean by staying away from what’s yours-“
“I meant staying away from Lorenzo you bitch!”
“We were friends since we were babies! We were meant for each other until you came and took him away from me!” She shouted
“So right now I’m going to take revenge on what you’ve done, stupefy!”
With that you flew and landed your back on a wall, you felt yourself getting dizzy with dark spots covering your vision. You heard Pansy run to you calling your name before everything went black
You woke up from a shine of light coming through your eyelids (does that make sense?), with a slight pounding in your head. You squinted your eyes a bit to get a better view to know where you were, it took a while before coming to a realization that you were in the hospital wing
You felt something or someone holding your hand, and you turned to see your boyfriend, Enzo, sleeping on a chair beside your bed holding your hand.
“Love, wake up,” you said, gently shaking the hand wrapped around yours.
You saw him fluttering his eyes a bit before looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh my god you’re awake- hold on for a minute I need to get madam pomfrey.”
He rushed out of the hospital wing and returned with her not even 2 minutes later.
“Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Madam pomfrey asked with a gentle smile.
You looked at her and said, “my head hurts a bit, but may I ask what happened?”
“You must’ve forgotten because of how hard you hit your head yesterday.”
Hit your head? What happened? You thought for a while before all the events came back to your head. Daphne greengrass hexed you.
“Oh” was all you could say.
“Well dear once the pain in your head fades you are free to go anytime,” And with that madam pomfrey left.
You turned to look at your boyfriend and he looked at you with concerned eyes
“Um” he started “I heard from Blaise what Daphne has done to you, he was walking in hogsmeade when he saw Pansy trying to drag you back to the castle. I’m really sorry that-“
“It’s not your fault love” you cut him off
“No it partly is, I should’ve made it clear it Daphne that we weren’t going to work out if we ever got together. I guess I kind of led her on before I asked you out.”
“Well even if you say it is, you weren’t the one who hexed me.”
“Alright but I’m going to stay by your side all the time now, wherever you go I’m always gonna be there”
“Even during girl’s day??” you asked with a fake shocked face
“Even during girl’s day.” He said with a grin
“Just kidding love, but still just in case so you won’t end up in the hospital wing again.”
I’m not really satisfied with the ending, I might redo it once I think of a better one. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! :)
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thedaredevilsgirl · 3 years
Chapter One - My Sweet Angel
Warning: Explicit Smut -Dirty Talk and Oral (fem! Receiving)
Word count: 1544
Please forgive any mistakes, English is not my first language.
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Nothing else had happened after the kiss, you just said goodnight and went to your room, he was thinking that maybe you had regretted that idea.
But the next morning, as soon as he wakes up he finds a note on your bedside table with your handwriting on it.          
Rules of our little agreement:       
1- Thomas will teach anything Y/N asks.
2- Both sides of the agreement must be comfortable with what is going to be done.          
3- Let me know if you want to stop.  
4- I will let you know if I want to stop.          
5- Neither Harrison nor anyone else should know about this agreement, it will be our secret.        
Sign here at the bottom if you agree to my terms and let me know if you want to include any conditions.
He laughed, of course you would make a list of rules, it was exactly your kind of thing. After he finishes getting ready he takes a pen from the table and signs his name on the paper just below where his signature was and slips the small paper under his door before leaving for class.
You barely got any sleep last night, all you could think about was everything that had happened and when you did get some sleep you dreamed about Tom and woke up gasping for breath.
Your dream was incredibly real, you felt every touch, and the way Tom ate you in the dream made you needy for it.
Tom received a message from you during one of his classes.
Y/N: Meet me later in my room.
He answered a simple okay, trying to pretend he was calm when inside he was freaking out. Tom spent the rest of the day thinking about his message, barely able to pay attention in class.
Tom was thankful that it was Friday, all the boys were getting ready for some party at another fraternity leaving the house just for the two of them, as if fate was cooperating with their plan.    
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Harrison asks Tom again.
"No man, today's classes were pretty tiring, I'd rather stay home anyway" Tom says.
"You're going to miss the best party of the year" Tuwaine says as soon as he enters the room.
"All these parties are the best of the year" He laughs, rolling his eyes.
"Y/N not coming with us?" Tuwaine asks Harrison who denies with his head.
"No, she said she had a new series on Netflix she wanted to watch" he says to his friend before turning his face to Tom and speaking "Take care of her ok?"
"I'll take very good care of her" he smiles.
If Harrison knew what would happen when he left the fraternity he would never let Tom near you again and would probably punch him in the face.
The two of you leave the house, and a few minutes later the other boys are leaving too, soon the house is empty except for you and Tom.
Tom walked slowly up the stairs, he was a little nervous to tell you the truth, he had slept with many different girls, given them orgasms that made his legs shake. But you were different, he wanted to give you the best experiences possible, give you all the wonderful sensations, and he would definitely need more than just one night for that.
"May I come in?" he asks knocking on the door.
You take a deep breath before answering "Yes."
He enters the room, he has been here countless times before, but he never thought he would be in here in this situation.
"I saw you signed the paper" is the first thing you say when you look at him.
"Yes" A silence fills the room for a few minutes.
"Sorry I'm a little anxious".
"You can quit if you want" he sits down on his bed in front of you.
"NO" You say a little too loudly.
He laughs at your reaction and holds your hand pulling you to sit on his lap with each leg on one side of your body, you take another deep breath and look at him.
Tom looks at your gaping mouth and licks his lips, holding himself back from giving in to the urge to kiss you right now, their hands grip tightly on your hips, probably impossible but you could feel yourself getting wet just from that touch and the way he was looking at you.
His lips come close to yours but pull away before you can kiss him and they move on towards your neck.
"I have a condition too" He says softly and goes back to spreading kisses across your pulse point.
"What?" His question comes out almost as a sigh.
"We are not having sex today".
"Why?" you ask disappointed, Tom had no idea how needy you were for him.
"Sorry honey, I don't think you're ready for this, but if you let me I want to do something else with you today" he looks at you as if asking permission.
"What's your idea?"
"I want to taste you".
You...you want to?"
"Actually I'm the one who's been daydreaming about it myself since last night angel."
Tom had already given her several cute nicknames, but angel was new, he had never called any girl that, at least not in front of him.
"Are you okay?" he asks with a smile.
When you nod, he quickly kisses you. He had really been wanting to taste you since you left his room, daydreaming about what you would taste like.
One of his hands goes up your thigh, lightly lifting your skirt until it reaches the fabric of your already wet panties, his thumb makes a circular motion over your covered clit making you moan between kisses.
"I barely touched you and you're already wet" he says with a smug smile on his face.
"Actually all I could think about was you all day.... Tom" you moan his name as he pulls your panties aside to properly touch your clit and feel its wetness.
"Did I make you wet all day, angel?" he already knew the answer, but wanted to hear it coming from your lips.
"Yes." He picks her up in his lap and lays her down on the bed getting on top of your body and kissing you again, his kisses trailing a trail again to your neck.
"May I?" He asks holding the hem of your shirt and you affirm, he quickly pulls it off your body and bites his lips as he sees your breasts in the pink bra.
"I think I'll let you, you look amazingly hot in it" you blush at his comment.
He kisses the top of your breasts and runs his thumb over one of the nipples making you sigh, he runs his tongue slowly over it and even though the fabric prevents full contact the sensation is still wonderful.
The kisses move down to your belly and soon he is pulling your shorts off your body and your panties are the only thing keeping him from touching you where you want them.
"Tom, please," you beg as he kisses the inside of your thigh.
"Please what angel?" he gives you a mischievous smile.
"I need you."
"You do?"
"Yes, please."
He finally removes her panties from her body and stands between her legs placing one of them over her shoulder for easy access.
"Fuck" he says as he runs two fingers over your entrance "you are fucking wet" his fingers reach your clit and you push your hips towards his touch "so needy".
First he just licks a long strip from your vagina to your clit and you take a deep breath at the yummy sensation.
"Better than I ever dreamed of" he says before sucking you again.
One of your hands holds his hair tightly, while the other you place over your mouth to avoid moaning. Tom quickly removes it from your mouth.
"I don't want you to be silent, I want to hear how good I am making you feel."
He mentally thanked himself for doing this, her moans and sighs were the most beautiful melody he had ever heard.
Tom wanted to make it as pleasurable as possible for you, he took his time to form your orgasm slowly tasting you until he brought you to the edge.
"Holy shit, Tom" he knew you were already close and he goes even deeper.
He clamps his lips around your clit and sucks it making you even more needy, he moans against your pussy and you whimper loudly.
"Tom...Tom it feels so good"
His gaze settles on yours as he still sucks you, you cry out his name and feel as if you might explode at that moment.
He sucks your clit one last time and you finally cum on his lips throwing your head back in ecstasy with your mouth open in an inaudible moan. This was surely the dirtiest scene Tom had ever seen.
Your body falls to the bed, your breath panting, your chest heaving. Tom could never get tired of seeing you like this, he stands over your body again and kisses you slowly, you taste him in your mouth and sigh between kisses.
"Thank you" you say and he just smiles in response.
He lies down on your side and pulls you to lie on his chest.
"I can help you" he says looking at your very apparent erection and running his hand down to your sweatpants.
"Don't worry about me angel, this is about you" he moves your hand away from there and hugs you tighter "now try to get some sleep ok" he kisses the top of your head.
You fall asleep a short time later hugging your body. He leaves your room before Harrison arrives and finds you there, but before he leaves he leaves a small note on your bedside table.
I hope you enjoyed today, I loved it, I think I will dream of your flavor for the rest of my days. Because darling, you are my sweet angel - Tom.
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kimtaejin · 3 years
La Luxure (m.)
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↳ Thank you to @kim-seok-jin for the beautiful banner and dividers, and to @chillingtae​ for helping her with it! ^^
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Heartbroken and done with relationships, Y/N decides to vent about her breakup to the sweetest bartender. Yet just a glance in his dark eyes is enough to tell her that maybe, just maybe she won’t spend the night crying for an ex-boyfriend, but drowning in her lust for him instead.
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↠ Pairing: Jungkook × f.reader
↠ Word Count: 10.9k
↠ Genres: Angst, smut, fluff, (slight) crack (if you squint)
↠ Rating: 18+
↠ Trigger Warnings: Breakups and toxic relationship, cheating, swearing, physical fight, drama, alcohol, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, hinted voyeurism, one night stand, long foreplay, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, degrading, creampie
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⇢ This story was written as a birthday gift to @rubinora. We hope you had an amazing day! :D ⇠
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Soojin: Y/N come quick.
You take a deep breath. I’m almost there, Soojin, I’m almost there. The sound of your footsteps against the pavement is the only thing you hear. You would’ve made it. You would’ve made it in time if it wasn’t for your pesky co-workers.
To the usual person, it is a cool Friday night. 
To you, it is one of the worst days of your life.
… Or maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call it that. Maybe, in the future, you would even call this one of your good days.
But for now? 
You smile bitterly, uncaring who sees. Right now- there’s nothing more you want to do than scream. Yell. Anything to take away the fury and pain burning bright in your chest.
Your eyes fall on a couple as you pass them by, reminding you of the reason you’re out in the streets this late at night, instead of relaxing at home. 
Your boyfriend. 
Someone you had a deep admiration for. Someone you loved. 
Someone who doesn’t feel the same way anymore. 
It had all started when you had seen him come home hours later than usual. You gave him the benefit of the doubt. You told yourself that he must be out in town with his friends while you were at work, since he must’ve been bored alone. Because the deal is, he wasn’t employed. He had neither a job nor a penny in his bank account.
And that’s where you helped him. You were the worker. You put a roof over his head, you were the reason he had food on the plate everyday. You were there when he needed to buy anything. It felt more like you were a single parent providing for a child rather than a real, romantic relationship. And that should’ve been more than enough of a reason to leave him but you didn’t. 
And now you regret it.
The next thing that came were the hickies on his neck. Purple bruises put on display, with his flushed cheeks- sometimes he was even drunk. Still, you helped him. Still, you gave him the benefit of a doubt, even when his ears turned red when you asked him if he was lying about just hanging out with friends.
Because there was no point in asking and answering. You already knew what he was doing, already saw the truth in his eyes. 
And somehow still, everytime your friends would show you Jihyuk kissing some other girl, every time they’d tell you that they saw him out with some chick, you’d tell them they had to be seeing things. That the pictures could be photoshopped. Or maybe this was just a joke to make you dump him. But those things weren’t things you were saying to them, as much as it was to yourself, to convince your mind that what you saw or heard wasn’t it. It wasn’t the truth. 
The truth is everything that has yet to be revealed today.
And at this point, you had gotten over the crying, the weeping, the sorrow and the regret. What is left is the anger- the feeling of being used. 
You had given him everything, literally everything, only for him to treat you like some side doll. It hurt then. It hurt even now. It hurt a lot, especially on those nights, when you’d greet him after he came home, the smell of perfume thick on his body, lips bitten and swollen, cheeks red and flushed.
“Do you want dinner?” you’d ask, your eyes wandering anywhere but his face. 
“Uh, no, I’m full. I ate out with friends, one of them treated the group.” 
Lies. So many lies, told just so you’d keep him under your wing, protected and financially secured. 
You smile widely even though inside, your heart wrenches. Why couldn’t he just tell you? It wasn’t like he thought you hadn’t noticed his aloof behaviour. How it affected you in turn.
Or did he? Maybe, he just thought that you were actually that dumb.
Maybe you really were that ignorant.
“Oh... okay. Well... I still have to eat,” you waited for this douche. You can’t believe it. Starved yourself so you could eat dinner with him when he probably was out with a girl. “So… do you want to talk as I eat?”
“Uhm,” his eyes met yours for a moment before he turned them away. “Uh- babe, I’m sorry… I’m tired after the long day, so,” he gave you a small smile. A smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “If you really want, I can go, but uh, let me take a shower first? Honestly… my, uh, friends can be so rowdy… I’m exhausted, but I guess you were waiting for me and all…”
You bit your lip as the warring thoughts of indignation, and yet also guilt filled you. “No- no, nevermind. If you’re tired,” you clenched your fists, “you should- go rest now.” 
“Are you sure, babe? I wouldn’t want you to think I was avoiding you. Maybe I should-”
“No! No, I told you, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re the only person who understands and loves me best,” he praised you- and you felt a spark of fury, of hate and love grow in your chest. Was that all he could say to you? “See you tomorrow, then,” he said, his smile fainting away before walking past you to the bedroom. You stared at him until he left, until you couldn’t see him anymore as his silhouette disappeared upstairs. 
The next day went similarly. You had arrived at your empty home.
Then there were days where you felt a little too insecure and asked him instead. 
“Baby, are you… cheating on me?” 
His body froze. He didn’t say anything for a moment, sitting on the couch as you had begged him a little earlier to watch a K-drama with you. Maybe it would’ve made the relationship a little better. Maybe you could’ve bonded. But he only seemed to be interested on his phone screen.
“What makes you say that?” Still, his eyes did not lift up to look at you. 
“Eun says she saw you with this girl,” you muttered quietly, so quietly that you thought he wouldn’t have heard it. But he did. “She must have seen someone else,” he replied in a nonchalant manner.
“But it really looked like you, she said…”
“Do you believe her over me?” You watched him as he finally looked at you. “I’m your boyfriend, for God’s sake,” you bit your lip, then sighed heavily. It didn’t let all the words escape you. “I know, but…”
“If you want to end this relationship, I won’t stop you. But just know, you won’t find a better guy than me. After all, here I am, taking the time to watch with you, and you accuse me of cheating?” 
Maybe you won’t find someone better. But even so, you knew that you didn’t deserve this. Didn’t deserve the late nights, wondering where he was, why he wasn’t home, if you’d done something wrong. No, you deserved better- and even if that better wasn’t from someone else, it certainly wouldn’t be from him. 
Jihyuk huffed before standing up, wearing his coat and moments later, you heard the front door open and close. Moments of silence filled the room. You waited for Jihyuk expectantly, waiting for it to open and reveal him, but it didn’t. 
“I wish I didn’t meet you.”
You are so over it. You are so over him. 
You and Soojin had decided to catch him in the act. Your best friend had come up with the plan, and initially you had been in denial of it. But you had to end this cycle. You were so tired of it, of the constant stress you had to live with, of the burden that you weren’t supposed to carry.
You chose to set him up. If he agreed to Soojin’s advances, you were going to catch him red-handed and break it off right there and then. 
And he had done exactly what you didn’t want him to. 
Of course he had. You should’ve caught onto him a long time ago, but you really were a fool. And now that disgusted you. Hate intended for him enveloped you for your own self. 
Walking into the dim-lit club, you are greeted by the sight of bodies pushing up against each other on the dance floor, the faint smell of alcohol lingering everywhere you step, and a bar, shining the brightest in the place. Silhouettes with their lips’ on one another, people drinking down glasses of liquor by each second that passed. A part of you is disgusted that Jihyuk took Soojin to a club, and the other isn’t surprised at all. No wonder the marks on his neck, his swollen lips.
Y/N: I’m here.
Soojin: Ok I’m in the bathroom hiding he was getting too close
Y/N: Right... lets meet up at the bar then.
Soojin: Ok!
Walking swiftly to the bar, you hope Jihyuk doesn’t see you, though in the wild crowd, you know he likely won’t.  
You search for a familiar face as you reach the bar. Your eyes wander and land on the blonde that seems to be looking slightly lost. 
“Soojin!” You call out and walk over to her, knowing fully well what is next. “Where is he?”
“Follow me,” you hear her voice above the loud music. Her disheveled figure makes its way to the seats. You can barely see her in the dark place, if not for the neon lightings flashing here and there.
You take a deep breath in.
Under a stray lighting, you catch sight of the hair you used to so fondly caress. Another one beside it, too close for them to be anything but sitting close, closer than friends, and definitely strangers. A few steps closer and you’d be close enough to see them clearly, close enough to catch him cheating perfectly.
Your heart feels numb, for a moment, contrary to before, but- 
It’s funny how you can hear your heels echoing even in this noisy club. Or maybe that’s the beating of your heart.
Thinking back on everything that you’d gone through with him, if there’s any emotion that you think you should be feeling right now, it’s disbelief. Why? Did all the tender touches, all the kisses, all the ‘I love you’s mean nothing then?
It must, or else this wouldn’t be happening at all. One.
Yet even so, your ever traitorous heart still weeps at the sight before you, as your gazes both match.
Jihyuk’s eyes widen as he sees you. His lips are pressed to the side of a girl’s neck, and even under the dim lighting, you can see the dark splotches of color on her pale skin. The girl beside him whimpers, leaning in closer, seeking his touches, the way he used to make you feel oh so good, your mind whispers.
He only pushes her away, frozen in place as he locks you down with guilt in his eyes. 
The loud, deafening music somehow doesn’t matter anymore.
“Y/N,” his voice can barely be heard, but for someone like you who’s watched him utter your name with adoration before, you hear him perfectly. 
"Well… I guess I’m not that surprised.” Your words are dry, devoid of feeling. Your fists are clenched. Your smile is wry. “What do you have to say for yourself?" you are going to do this quick, you tell yourself. But the crowd of people overhearing the matter already have their eyes on you. 
As it is, even people lost in the rhythm of the club’s music are interested in your confrontation, bodies stopping in motion, only for strange eyes to stare at you with curiosity instead. 
It’s scary. You can’t do this, a part of you wants to say- but how long has it been since you’ve kissed someone and felt the butterflies dance in your stomach, telling a tale so similar to the one of your lips? How long has it been since you’ve wanted to do something like that?
Your heart burns.
Truth be told, too long. Too fucking long. You’ve spent too much time in misery for you to turn your back on the person that brought you it. You want to be free. Breathe air without feeling suffocated, sleep without having to think about a person being next to you as you do so.
Free, at last. 
“I-” he tries to speak, but you look at him quietly, face devoid of any emotion, only your lips tightening a clue to your current mood.
“Don’t you feel like shit? Leaving me alone on those nights when I actually put a roof over your head, when I’m the main reason you get to eat food every day? Why did you do this to me?” 
You know you sound desperate. Here he is, clearly in the arms of another, yet you’re asking him, staring at him, waiting for an answer, an excuse, but he is able to give none. It only makes it all the worse, it only makes you gasp for more air, because each time he doesn’t reply, the walls get tighter and tighter.
“Fuck, if you wanted someone to give you a good time in bed, why couldn’t it have been me? We were in a relationship!” you exclaim. More people are gathering around, but at this point, you can’t care less.
“Could you not control yourself for once?! Do you have no shame coming home each day smelling like sex? Do you not love me?” The last words leave you as a whisper, your voice choked up and your tone vulnerable. It is evident he didn’t love you, if he did then he wouldn’t have done this. But you still wanted to ask. In case there was the smallest chance that he would give you something to hold onto.
“What about the times that you lied? Do you have no heart?” A single tear slips down your cheek. 
Fuck. You hate this.
Seconds pass, and nothing but his silence answers you. And when he does- it does nothing but rile you even further.
“Babe…” There’s the guilt in his eyes, that’s true, but it’s eclipsed by the panic, the way he’s obviously trying to assuage your anger. Instead of just admitting it. Instead of asking for your forgiveness.
Not that you would at this point, even if he begged on his knees.
“I didn’t think you’d be here,” he winces and you sharply smile.
“What, you can, but I can’t? Besides, shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? There I was, wondering where my boyfriend was, someone without a job staying out so late without even a message,” you laugh, as though the entire matter is funny to you, but anyone can easily hear the mockery in your voice. “Then I find out he’s in a club, busy whoring himself out.”
He bristles at that, guilt fading into anger as he stands up. “I’m whoring myself out?”
“Well, what else would you call it? You certainly don’t have any money, after all, not even to afford partying at this club. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that why you ask me for money?” At that, you turn to face his previously ignored companion. Seeing the surprise and growing disgust against your soon-to-be-ex, you ask her gently. It’s all too obvious she didn’t know, after all. And as angry as you are, you won’t blame her for something that’s not her fault.
“Miss, dare I ask, did he have you pay for the drinks?”
She startles, but answers you steadily after a moment. “No, not at the start… but he did insist we pay for our own drinks, and then later on, he told me he left his wallet at home…” Realization colors her features as he reddens in embarrassment and anger. “That asshole, I must have spent more than a hundred dollars by now!”
“Tsk, tsk,” you mockingly shake your head at him, a part of you roaring at the highly humiliated look on his face. Just a glance downwards, and you can see how his fists are clenched, perhaps as tight as yours, veins already bulging out. Just a little more, and you could get him to explode. “Here I was, all but raising you, looking after you and feeding you, taking care of you, and you can’t even learn to have basic decency. Maybe I should feel ashamed, after all… more than being a couple in a relationship, our relationship turned more like mother and son, didn’t it?”
At the very end of your words, you raise your head, laughing. Jihyuk’s face colors to the point that it’s almost violet, and you feel vindictive satisfaction fill you.
“Y/N, you bitch!”
“What,” you scoff. “Did I say something wrong?”
If glares could kill, Jihyuk’s would have long gutted you, but it doesn’t, so you continue to hold your head high, smiling nonchalantly. 
His next words make you hiss.
“If you weren’t always so busy, I wouldn’t have to look for someone else. When you came home, you never want to have sex with me, so why is it my fault if I look for someone else, huh!?”
You feel the flames inside you consume you even further, raging inside you and there’s nothing you can do to help relieve yourself of it. Before you know it, you’re stepping forward, arms being raised-
All you want is to make him hurt, like he did you, even if it’s only a fraction of what he’s made you feel. That motherfucker, daring to place the blame on you!?
Hell no.
Hitting him all that matters at the moment- that’s all that runs through your head- but then you suddenly find yourself unable to move, restrained. When you look back, you see Soojin’s face, twisted in worry. 
“Soojin, please, let me go!” You hiss furiously, struggling in her hold, trying to get away. Yet, to her credit, Soojin keeps a tight hold on you, not letting you take another step forward. “Are you seriously stopping me from hitting him!? Are you taking his side!?” You ask her in disbelief, even if you know it’s not like that.
“Y/N, I’m not!” Immediately she shakes her head, yet she doesn’t let you go. “But you know you can’t start this here, you-” she bites down on her red lip, shaking her head. “You can’t. Please, you know he’s crazy, what if he hurts you!”
It doesn’t matter, I’m already hurt where it matters most anyway! You want to shout at her, but then you change your mind, glaring at the man you were once stupid enough to call yours.
“If I was ever busy, or tired, I hope you realize that it was always for you! And if I didn’t want to have sex, what did that have to do with you cheating!? Do promises mean nothing to you!? I never asked you for anything more than you being faithful to me, even when you kept asking me for money, even when you lived free at my house, even when you made me into your personal bank and caretaker! You asshole, motherfucker, I hope you rot in hell where cheaters like you belong!”
“Shut up!” He yells back at you, beginning to step forward, and Soojin is dragging you away- but you hold your ground. Let him come, if he wants-
“Shut up!? How can I when I’m not even done yelling about what you did! What, are you ashamed now!?” Only a step away. “How can there be someone as stupid as you who dares to cheat but can’t admit they did!?” His hand raised, curled into a fist. “Not only that, you just took advantage of me because I loved you! You no good, lying, coward-”
You see his punch descending down on you now, yet still you stubbornly look up at him, gritting your teeth. You won’t say sorry, if he wants to punch you, then let him punch you. 
Yet still, at the last second, your eyes shut by themselves. You’re angry, yes, you’re furious, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you’re well aware Jihyuk’s stronger, and you’ve never been punched before-
A second passes. You feel nothing. Not the feel of his hand against your face, not the harsh, stinging pain that’d come with it, not the screams of Soojin as she cried.
Two seconds pass. Time is a mere fraction of what it used to be, and yet it’s slowly returning to you as you open your eyes, realizing you were seemingly waiting for nothing at all.
Three seconds pass. Your eyes land on the stranger holding Jihyuk’s wrist with a strong grip, brows furrowed with an intimidating scowl on his face. You step back out of fear.
“I assume, when you came in, you knew the rules of this bar,” the stranger says, voice low, a certain weight behind his every word. “No starting fights. What makes you think you’re an exception to that?”
“Let me go!” Jihyuk hisses, struggling to free his arm from the stranger, yet the other just easily holds him back. “Fuck, you heard what that bitch said about me!?”
“You mean, your ex?” The stranger sighs. “I don’t know if you’re just as stupid as she said you were, if you don’t realize that it’s your fault-”
Whatever he says next, you don’t hear, as you take this advantage to step forward-
-and slap Jihyuk as hard you can. 
Your palms immediately sting, but you can’t be bothered to care about that, not when you see the bright red imprint left behind on his face, and the stunned look on his face. Grinning viciously, you hiss at him.
“That’s just a part of the pain you owe me, but considering you’re too dumb to understand something as simple as respect, I’ll just take this as payment.”
“From now on, I want you to fuck off and never appear in front of me again.”
The ringing silence that follows makes you feel like you can finally breathe again.
“... Satisfied?” The unknown man raises a brow at you- and your heart skips a beat for the first time in a while as you swallow, finally calming down a little... It’s loud, crashing, dizzying all at once but you nod at him. Your hands are trembling. You’re about ready to cry but still.
The rest of the words your now ex screams out blur out into the background as Soojin thanks the stranger, leading you away.
The rest of the events happen in what feels to be a flashback you get as you’re taking a sip of beer from the cup leisurely.
The stranger, Jungkook, he had told you his name, was told by your best friend about the problem. He called security, but came first to mediate just in case. After that, he let them take care of Jihyuk. The crowd around you dispersed upon finding out that the scene you had created was over, and Soojin went home after giving you the tightest hug someone had given you in a while now. 
Though she tried to persuade you to go home too, you were in obviously no mood to go home- where every inch of the walls was filled with the presence of your- your ex.
It was only after a lot of convincing and reassuring her that you were safe with Jungkook did she leave, her own baby calling for her.
And you stayed at the bar, quietly watching Jungkook work.
During that time, you find out that he’s, overall, a nice guy. He has a cute smile that shows off his teeth perfectly, dark hair that you could imagine him brushing through with his hand, and the cutest, biggest eyes you’ve seen, like a deer caught in the headlights. Adorable.
What surprises you is that he works as a bartender at this place. Which does make sense now that you think about it. But between your dunk mind and slurred words, every little piece of logic is thrown aside.
He had asked if you wanted him to walk you home. You being… well, you, denied almost immediately. Tonight seemed like a good night to get wasted, after all.
“Whatever you say… but you do have the keys to your apartment, right?” the dark-haired man asks, face resting on his hand. He blinks at you under the bright lights of the bar, staring as you take another sip of the alcohol. “Just so your ex doesn’t get in?”
“Of course, I locked it too,” you roll your eyes slightly, glare set on the table below you as you seethe, remembering him. “He’s probably gonna stay at some friend’s place for the night, the jerk. I hope he does, all his friends live miles away. I took the car keys so he can’t drive either, only either walk or take a cab. And considering he barely has any money left...”
You smirk.
A fleeting smile touches on Jungkook’s face as he regards you with awe. “Huh. I guess you put more to your plan than just charging in and breaking up with him, huh?”
“I’m heartbroken, not stupid. It’s an emotional stupidity, not a mental one.”
You huff, once again laying your head back on the cool glass of the table. Fuck, you’re tired. Not just emotionally, but also physically. The night’s events leave you wanting nothing but to stay and drink your sorrows away, uncaring in which bed you’ll be waking up tomorrow.
After all, it’s not like you’ve been to any besides your own for the past few months. Maybe that will bring you some variety at least. The thought makes you laugh bitterly, and in turn down another glass of alcohol.
You hear someone sigh beside you.
“...Right,” he mutters in response, eyes widening shortly after you take another huge gulp of your drink. You suppose, if anything, Jungkook knows how to make delicious drinks. “Don’t drink too much, Y/N, you’re already-” you watch with droopy eyes as he reaches out to you, your head only propped up by your elbow, before stopping with a sigh. “You’re already drunk.”
Ignoring him momentarily, you finish your drink, savoring the taste.
“Sh-shhhuddap,” you slur, the end of your words becoming a sigh. You set the cup aside, only for your head to plop back onto the bar table, a deep breath making your chest rise up- then down. Jungkook frowns at your small figure laying over the bar, the frown forming into a quiet pout.
“Let me… lemme just drink a little bit more, m-m’kay? ’ll jus…jus’ drink ‘nough to not f-feel...”
Whatever words you’re about to say dissolve into incoherent mumblings as you yawn, feeling the effects of numerous glasses of alcohol finally taking their toll on you.
“‘Night, Kook...”
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When you wake up, your surroundings are awfully quiet, awfully dark. That is, until you rub your eyes and can see straight. Jungkook’s body comes into view, hand shaking you awake. His low whispers are barely addressed by your ears, and you numb them out until he kneels down to meet eye to eye with you.
Then a sweet smile plays on his lips, and wow. 
For a moment, you wonder if this is what heaven feels like.
Then he flicks your forehead, and you’re hurtled back to earth.
“Good, you’re finally awake,” he remarks, smile turning wry on his face. You pout in response, getting up. Your head hurts, it hurts bad, and there seems to be nothing you can do about it as you lean over the bar for support. 
“So… urgh, so tired… feeling sick,” you utter beneath your breath, sighing when you realize Jungkook heard it. 
“Why’d you even get wasted then? You’ll have to deal with it now,” he frowns, patting your back. 
“You don’t get it, dumbass. I’m trying not to remember my ex?” you cross your arms, eyes wandering the place.
The club’s a lot less crowded now, barely any people left except for the ones who are cleaning it up. The music is quieter, playing softly in the background as you turn to Jungkook. Closing time already, you guess.
“... sorry,” you finally say, feeling remorse make space in your heart. “I don’t mean to be so crabby, but fuck, I just feel-” You scrunch up your nose as you try to mull over what you say next. “Actually, I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Except- what the fuck was I thinking, letting it go on for so long?”
Jungkook hums, shrugging. “Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has their own stupid moments. I completely understand.”
“Yeah, and mine lasted for god knows how many years,” you grumble.
For a moment he pauses, and you watch him put away bottles.
“You know, you fell asleep quickly earlier,” he suddenly mentions, making you flush. Ah. Right.
“Oh… yeah, I’m sorry about that,” you sigh. “I must’ve caused you a lot of trouble, having to look after me while you’re also busy with your work.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he shakes his head. “You just broke up with your boyfriend of how many years again?”
“Besides,” he continues, smiling. “If anything, your performance earlier more than made up for it. His face when you slapped him was hilarious.”
That startles a laugh out of you. “It was, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “... You looked amazing then too.”
“Thanks. … to be honest, just a single slap wasn’t enough, so I definitely had to make it count,” you say, scoffing at the end. 
“Yeah, I figured,” the hint of laughter in his voice makes even you smile. “You didn’t yell at him enough, huh?”
“Nope,” you emphatically shake your head. “Which is a shame, because let me tell you- I have a whole speech in my head for him and his douche-assery. I didn’t even touch on the other major fuck ups he did!”
At that, he really does laugh, and you can’t help grinning yourself. “No, I mean it! I was hyping myself up all evening, but then when I actually saw him, my head blanked and- damn it, I should have let him have it even more in front of all those people,” you dramatically groan.
A smile forms on Jungkook’s face, even his eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons and somehow, it makes you somehow feel better just by looking at it.
“Well, there’s only the two of us left inside now, but if you want, I’ll listen to your speech,” he nonchalantly states. 
“What, really?”
“Really.” He takes a deep breath, turning your body around so you completely face him. “C’mon, shout at me. Vent. I’m the bartender, I’ll listen. Besides, I’m curious to hear how terrible this guy was that you went so far to set him up.”
Reluctantly listening to the alcohol, you sigh before you start listing off all the reasons for why you’ve never felt okay with your relationship with Jihyuk. Jungkook hums and nods along in all the right pauses, quietly telling you to continue.
“... and not just that, he never came home when I needed him most, ghosted me on dates, forgot our anniversary two years in a row, made me break off friendships, never once paid for his own food, never made me cum even once. Like, what a dick!? And I mean the bad kind, not the good one-”
“Wait wait wait…” Jungkook raises a brow, stopping you. “He- He never… made you cum? Not even once?” He stares at you in bewilderment, shaking his head with a smile of disbelief. “He must’ve really had it good,” he crosses his arms. 
“I know, right,” you moan. “What was past me thinking? At this point, I don’t think any man will ever treat me right.” 
The man shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe the next one will.” 
You feel the urge to laugh at the ridiculous statement, though you hold it back. “You’re kidding, right? I’m never getting a boyfriend ever again,” you huff, shaking your head in disapproval. “Boys, pfft- no, thank you.”
Jungkook only turns his back to you in response, walking to the stools of the bar. He huffs loudly as he sits back down, and you can barely contain your laughter before it bursts out of you, ringing loud in the club. Nudging him by the arm to get his attention, you try your best to turn him around, but when he doesn’t, you move to sit next to him instead, on the bartop. The cool glass makes you initially shiver, but you don’t let it show.
“Did you say something?” You grin as you look at him, at the way he rolls his eyes just a little. “I know I heard you say something.”
“It was nothing,” he scoffs.
“Come on,” you cajole him. “You listened to me earlier and let me rant. I’m not going to laugh or be snarky, I swear.”
A moment passes, while you wait for him to speak up. At this point, the silence of the bar is comfortable, though while you look around, you see that no one else is left inside but the two of you.
You look back at him. “Hm?”
“I think it’s just a little sad to declare that every guy out there is hopeless, because of one jerk,” he repeats, back turned to you as he fiddles with the display case.
You lean back on the bartop. “I guess so,” you say. “But it’s true that it’s disillusioning. I used to have high expectations when the relationship started, you know- but now that I ended it, it’s like- what happened? When did my expectations get so low? I deserve better, you know?”
“But it didn’t seem that way to me then. He seemed so great, so amazing… and now here we are. It scares me a little to think that I might fall for someone, only to find out how much of a jerk they are years down the road.”
“But you’ve got to try again, don’t you?” He softly says. “After all, you said it yourself. You deserve better.”
At that, he finally faces you - before glancing down and turning away just as quickly.
“Eventually, though,” he clarifies, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m not saying you should right now. Just that you shouldn’t give up on love.”
You chuckle softly. “Alright, alright, I get it.”
Quiet fills the room again, a comfortable one. You watch Jungkook clean the last of the bar, wiping the surfaces and glasses.
And as you do, you can’t help but think of something a little too inappropriate.
‘I wonder how it’d feel to ride him.’
Okay, maybe it’s absolutely inappropriate. But it’s not your fault, you tell yourself. Not when Jungkook looks that good. Clad in a neat outfit with a silk black vest and a cute bow tie around his neck, he seemed as though he was a five star meal- and you feel yourself starving.
It really doesn’t help that you haven’t had sex in months, nor have you orgasmed in that time. You need release, one way or another.
Still, it’s bad form to ask him, this kind bartender who literally was just consoling you moments ago from a nasty break up if he wants to fuck, so you try to keep the thought down, but-
You extend your leg, toes barely brushing against his back, watching as he shudders at your touch.
You bite your lips to stop yourself from grinning.
“Hey Jungkook… why aren’t you facing me?” “I-I need to clean up the bar,” he huffs, but you hear the slight stammer in his voice, and oh, does it make you feel even bolder.
“Yeah,” you nonchalantly respond, “but you’d think you could at least try to appear like you’re listening to me, especially when we were having such a good chat.”
“You-” He stops, sighing, and you goad him even further, slowly feeling more sure the longer he hesitates.When he turns around- finally- you laugh as you slide your arms to rest on his shoulders, trapping him in front of you.
Furthermore, you cross your legs, a daring smirk on your face as you lean forward and over him close, close enough that as you look down at him, the tip of your noses brush against each other. The slight tremors that you elicit out of him at this close range doesn’t escape your notice, and you feel a rush of giddiness fill you up.
“You know, you were so insistent earlier, when we talked about what I deserved. But considering my past experiences, that feels a little hard to believe… do you think you can convince me otherwise?” You hum, fluttering your eyelashes at him. To his credit, Jungkook stills for only a moment, onyx eyes staring straight back at you. As if to ask permission, as if to wait for your next move. But you only continue to smile, letting him know you want this, asking him if he wants it.
Just as you think he’ll pull away, he only answers you back with a smirk of his own- and then, you can’t help but be entranced by the sudden, daring gleam in his eyes. Just as your arms are perched on his shoulders, you feel fingers gently trace over the edges of your lips.
“Why don’t you find out?”
You wouldn’t, normally. One night stands aren’t your thing. You rarely give your heart away, and even more your body.
But tonight, staring at the man in front of you, the challenge and interest visible in his eyes, you find yourself wanting to do otherwise.
Maybe I will, you think. 
And then you dip down to kiss him.
Immediately, you can taste the hint of mint on his lips, the sweet aftertaste of what seems to be banana milk- it’s strange and surprising, not exactly what you’d think a bartender would taste like. It isn’t something you’ve tasted on someone else before either, but as his tongue glides over your lips, silently asking for permission, you find yourself coming to like the flavor. Especially when he kisses you hard enough to make you feel like you’re drowning.
You whimper in pleasure when you suddenly feel him press his bulge against your core for one moment, breaking the kiss only to groan again as he repeats the gesture, grinding your lower bodies together. You can only hold on to his back as tight as you can, feeling the rising tides of lust slowly pull you under its current. A breathless moan leaves you, echoing loudly in the quiet of the empty bar.
“Got something to say, sweetheart?” Jungkook coos, and the words are soon accompanied by a sharp pain on your neck, something that makes the pleasure taste all the more sweeter in comparison. That doesn’t even take into account his hands, which you now notice to be gliding over your stomach, stopping under your breasts as he fondles them and makes you arch back in pleasure for a moment.
“God, just continue doing that,” You whine out and he pauses to laugh, smirk turning into something softer, but just as wild. “Jungkook,” he corrects you, flicking your nipple and you flinch as a sharp wave of pleasure rushes over you. “Don’t call out anybody else’s name but mine, or I’ll punish you.”
‘How can I think about anybody else when you’re making me feel so good right now?’ You almost tell him that, you want to tell him that, but as Jungkook switches his attention from your collarbones to your breasts, tongue lavishing over each mound equally, you find your thoughts slipping away from you.
You don’t even register that you’re being pushed to lie back until the cold glass makes you jerk - and Jungkook firmly keeps you pinned down, another moan leaving you as you feel his fingers probe against your core. You feel him place butterfly kisses down your legs, the touch light yet the effects tremendous on you as you shiver and tremble from each one.
“We barely started and you’re already this wet, huh,” he grins as he slides a finger up your panty, where your slit would be. Juice already coats his finger well, and even though he only teases you against your panties, you find that you’re sensitive, too sensitive not to feel even more turned on by such a small gesture. “Or were you already wet earlier? What a naughty girl.”
“Fffffuck,” you groan, thrusting against his fingers so that they rub against you harder. “Just slip it in already,” you whimper. “Don’t be a fucking tease.”
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Jungkook purrs as he flicks your nub, making you clench hard at the frustration and anticipation. It infuriates you even more when you feel his fingers leave your skirt, and he leans away a little. You can clearly see the smirk on his face again, amusement swimming with lust in his eyes. “You weren’t being so nice earlier either. Maybe if you were a good girl, I’d listen.”
At that, you pull yourself up, coming closer to him until you bite his shoulder, leaving marks over his neck as well as you can under the raging pleasure. “Or you can listen now, before I make you regret it.” You roll your hips against his, relishing in the quiet groan that leaves him as the delicious friction threatens to drown you both in pleasure.
Honestly, in the face of Jungkook’s ministrations, you find it’s all too easy to let yourself loose, to want more.
You’re surprised when he bends, pushing you back down - and the flash of pain and pleasure on the inner part of your thighs makes you hiss.
“What are you doing?”Jungkook’s answer is light, but the cocky tone is all too evident anyway. “Didn’t you challenge me to make you cum?” Another hickey blooms on your thighs and you whimper as he leaves a trail of them on his way down. “So I’ve made it my mission to make you cum as much as I can tonight.” You feel his nose nudge your panty and you can’t help groaning in anticipation. “Starting with eating you out.”
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“A-Ah, I’ve never been eaten out before,” you stammer, heart beating fast as you can clearly feel his hair brush against your skin. Lust, excitement, and yet also nerves envelop you then.
For some reason, you can’t help but feel a little self conscious. No one, not even your past boyfriends have done this, after all.
Still, Jungkook only chuckles. “How mean. There I was, making you drinks the whole night, but you won’t even let me have a taste of you now that I’m thirsty.” You can’t see him over the skirt you’re wearing- why, again, are you still wearing it- but you can imagine the chiding smile, the mischief in his eyes. Especially when you feel him blow on you down there, making you shudder. 
“Look, you’re even overflowing. Bet you’d taste sweeter and better than any wine here.”
With that, your skirt is taken off, and you gasp as you suddenly taste something on your lips. Yet that isn’t the end of it as for some reason, you suck on his fingers, imagining it to be his cock. 
Fuck, you taste good.
Just as that thought reaches you, you think- you want to taste him too.
“Can I, sweetheart?” He asks you again. “I’ll make you feel good.” There’s a chuckle in his words, but before he can say anything more, you tug him up.“Wanna taste you too,” you admit, before blushing. Still, you continue. “So get up here.”
“On the bar top? Kinky,” he grins, but follows your instructions. Moving so that your whole body is laid down on the bartop, you hiss as the cool temperature of the glass makes itself known to your thighs. Not for long though- as the warmth of Jungkook’s body envelops you moments later.
In this position, Jungkook’s crotch faces you, and you find your mouth watering over it. Eager hands cup it for a moment, before you pull down the zipper and admire his member.
God, even his dick is pretty. 
Long and veined, what it lacked in girth, the slight curve certainly made up for it. You immediately took it into your mouth, moaning around it when you felt him move your panties to the side and immediately dived in.
On Jungkook’s side - he loves it, every single second of it. He loves how he can make you a mess, how he can wreck you, you bucking up your hips to meet him as you suck and moan around his dick. There is something about you that he couldn’t help but be attracted to. He can’t believe your ex had cheated on you. Just from that moment in which you confronted your ex, he could sense that you were far, far more better than any girl he had ever seen.
Moans and whimpers filled the room as you tremble under Jungkook. Every lap of his tongue, sucking on your nub- hell, just the way he moves his tongue inside your walls is enough to make you push your thighs together.
The pleasure inside you only rises higher and higher, making you continuously grind your hips against his face. True, it’s the first time someone’s eaten you out, but all the same you know you wouldn’t cum just from it if the other person wasn’t good enough.
Jungkook aims to go beyond your expectations it seems. In response, you take him in even deeper, slightly gagging on his dick. One hand reaches out to fondle his balls, rolling them over your hand. Soft, pliant in your hold. You squeeze them slightly, and a sense of accomplishment fills you as you feel him physically stutter, thrusting his dick deeper into you. Jungkook is obviously way more experienced though, or perhaps it’s a sense of competitiveness that’s driving him to make sure you come first, because as you feel something inside you continue to tighten - you pant, recognizing the signs of an impending orgasm. A distant part of you is amazed you could reach an orgasm so quickly - the other is very, very pleased.
“I’m... so close,” you say through uneven breaths, chasing your high. His tongue works at an even faster pace, making you cry out in pleasure. Your walls tighten around his finger, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel it. “Then come for me, sweetheart,” you hear him say.
And that does it.
White warmth, inside and out. Your lower body jerks against him, but Jungkook only rides out your orgasm with you, lapping up the juices that gush from you, the messy sounds of slurping and sucking turning you on even more, if that’s possible. You feel feverish, your oversensitive clit being given a little too much attention. What more, the feeling of your body contrasting against the cold surface of the bartop, shivering a little when his finger traces the curves of your body as you continue to feel the last trembles from your orgasm.When
 he finally leans back, Jungkook smiles at the glistening digit and licks his fingers clean. You taste even better than he thought. Truly, you’re an angel. Just as he prepares to get off of you, you give one good suck to his dick, making him jerk. For you, you can feel his hard member twitch in your mouth - and it doesn’t take much to figure out that Jungkook himself is close to release. Still, as he lets out a quiet groan, he moves away. You make to protest, but-
The way he quickly moves on top of you, fingers deftly unbuttoning your shirt and grinding his member against your core makes you moan, long and loud.
“I don’t wanna cum just yet,” his voice is distinctively lower now, and something heady rushes through you at the realization that you did that. He hisses when you experimentally roll your hips back against him.
Hunger like you’ve never known spreads across you like a wildfire. You want all of what Jungkook has to offer.
“You ready, sweetheart?” He cooes. “You’ll have to be quiet if I put it in, don’t want anyone else hearing how beautiful you sound when I’m fucking you thoroughly.”
Instead of answering, you meet him up in an eager kiss, your hands spreading across his chest - God, you don’t know when he unbuttoned his shirt, but you’re definitely thankful he did. Otherwise, how could you so clearly feel the muscles on his smooth skin?
And then you feel him enter you and fuck.
If what you felt before was something new, then this was definitely out of this world.
Jungkook’s dick fills you up just perfect, the wetness of your vagina and the slick on his dick makes the slide inside so much smoother, and both of you sigh in pleasure. For a moment, you’re both content to lie like that, just basking in the feeling of being connected to each other. 
He himself doesn’t know how to explain it, how you differ from others. Everything you do somehow seems to draw him in, and in this moment- he feels like he could just stay like that forever and be content.
You, on the other hand, feel different.
“Jungkook, please, move already,” you eventually plead. Your body arches up as he pulls out for a moment, before beginning to thrust his hips into you at a fast rate, clearly giving you no mercy. Fuck, how in the hells did you ever think any previous sex you had could compare with this?
It’s easy to lose all coherence in this moment, the overwhelming feeling of bliss making you think of nothing but Jungkook’s dick, and the way he drags it against your walls, teasing you before slamming it inside, drawing out the pleasure and then drowning you in it.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh resounds in the empty room, alongside your mixed groans and whimpers. Jungkook spares you no mercy, and you soon find yourself hurtling towards another orgasm, this one even more intense than the last. It doesn’t help that you feel him leave hickeys over your chest, biting and then soothing them afterwards, sliding his tongue over them. Tears prick your eyes as the pain and the pleasure mix together, making each feeling all the more intense to you.
Fuck, where had he been all your life? You’ve never felt so good in sex- not like this, not with your previous encounters. But right here and right now, you swear that if there’s a god, then Jungkook must have been his favorite, and you were blessed to have been touched by him.
“J-Jungkook, I-I’m coming again-!” Rather than slow down, it seems your words just urge him to fuck you harder, faster, making you sob as another wave of pleasure threatens to drown you under. 
“Then come all you want,” he growls, dragging you into a fierce kiss, wanting to taste you- but also to silence you. 
“A-Ah!” You scream out, panting, as you ride another wave of orgasm-
The harsh smack on your bottom makes you jerk off the table with a sob. Jungkook hisses as he pulls out, leaving you feeling empty- but not for too long, as you’re turned over, and he shoves his cock back inside your hole. You moan, long and loud in pleasure, before you feel another smack on your bottom.
“What part of ‘keep quiet’ didn’t you understand?” He reprimands you sternly, each word accentuated by a hit on your bottom that makes you jerk, each time. “I told you to be quiet, or we’d both get in trouble. There’s still the club’s bodyguard standing outside. If he heard us, how much do you want to bet he’d come in and see your pretty little body all laid out under me, huh?”
“I-” You try to explain, but end up heaving deep breaths instead as he thrusts his hips particularly hard, leaving you a whimpering mess as you drop your head onto the table again, the ache at the back of our head barely being addressed by your numb mind.
“You what?” He growls, hands snaking forward to pull your head back with your hair- making you groan as he lowers himself right next to your ear. “You what, Y/N? Got nothing to say right now?”
He tsks. “Or maybe him seeing you is what you want. How many hours has it been since we just met, and how you’re gladly taking up my cock in your cunt right now? I guess you’re nothing but a slut.”
“I-I,” You try again, but all that remains in your head is him calling you a slut. The humiliation it draws from you, reddening your cheeks, somehow only serves to make you feel even more aroused. You can’t think of anything else, but how to just push yourself back into Jungkook’s dick because clearly, he is drawing it out and depriving you of what you need!
“What are you, Y/N?” his voice is hoarse as he asks, his dark hair a mess that covers his beautiful face. “...Wanting others to see you looking so pretty for me,” the knot in your stomach tightens as you try to think of a reply, yet nothing comes. Fuck fuck fuck.
“I don’t, I-” you stop. You can’t, you just can’t, if you don’t get what you want right now, you might as well die.
“Disappointing,” he clicks his tongue dismissively, and you feel your eyes burn out of desperation. “And here I thought you’d be good for me?”
“I’m sssssorrryyyy!” You whine out when he won’t let you off, the tears falling down your face now. “I’m a slut! A fucking slut! Your slut,” you cry out. “P-Please, put it back innn!”
“Mm, I still don’t know,” he drawls. “I already warned you to be good earlier, but you just kept on pushing me. And now you clearly disobeyed me. Only good girls, not sluts, get rewards, don’t you think?”
“I’m s-sorry,” you repeat, whimpering. “Please, I can be good, so please-!”
Hands rub your bottom, a slight sting reminding you that he’d already hit you there earlier. Yet somehow all it did was make you even more sensitive to not just the pain, but also heightening the pleasure you felt.
“If you take your punishment obediently, I might let you off,” he suddenly offers. Jungkook’s voice has become sweet again, soft and sticky and coaxing. Not that you need it though, considering he has you in his palms either way.
Not to mention that the thought of the punishment at hand makes your core throb.
You bite your lips, hoping that he doesn’t see how flushed you are. You don’t doubt that you’re dripping down so much on the glass bartop that at this point, that there must be a puddle right below your cunt. But at the thought of what he’s about to do, you feel yourself secreting even more. “Oh?” He chuckles, dragging a finger along your clit. At this point your labia are puffed up, swollen with Jungkook’s relentless attacks on it, but still it doesn’t hide how aroused you are at this moment. All it is is overly sensitive, and still asking for more. 
“Seems to me that you like that, huh? I guess I was right. Being good doesn’t suit you at all, slut,” he tsks. “You just wanted to get punished.”
“I-I can take it,” you meekly tell him, shaking your ass a little. At the sight, Jungkook smirks wickedly. “Alright then. I want you to count each strike, sweetheart. And if you lose count, we’ll be starting all over again. … Do you understand that?” 
Near the end, you hear Jungkook’s tone soften, and it’s all too easy to hear the way out he’s offering you. You want it, though. “H-How many?”
He pauses, before continuing. “How many do you think you deserve?”
You swallow loudly. “I… I don’t know.” You bite your lips. “I’ve, uh- I’ve never been spanked like this before.”
You feel embarrassment course through your veins for a moment as Jungkook freezes, and you wonder if you should’ve just said a random number-
But then the loud smack of a hand against your ass rings out loud in the room, and you jerk wildly against the bartop, a silent scream in your throat.“Until I say stop, then. That was one already,” Jungkook purrs. 
You whimper, but nod along as he starts.
“F-Four,” you whimper.
At each hit of his hand against your ass, you can’t help moaning, louder with each one. Jungkook’s hands are swift, and absolute- no mercy left for you, only his feather-light gentle caresses after each hit making you weep.
At the eight count, you’re absolutely gone, panting, a mess of tears and pain and pleasure and overall just too fucking sensitive. But the sheer amount of thrill and joy that settles in you as Jungkook finally stops is just short of euphoria, and you look up at him, your eyes pleading for his praise and reassurance.
Sure enough, Jungkook doesn’t disappoint.
He slides you off the counter and into his arms, your legs crossed around his, into a long, sweet kiss, swallowing up the sounds that leave your lips, the little whimpers and groans.
“You took your punishment so well,” he compliments you as he pulls back, making you preen. “I suppose you deserve a reward then, don’t you?”
“P-Please,” you plead, rutting your core against his erect cock. It slides against your core all too easily, making you groan. Still, you don’t dare put it inside, waiting for Jungkook’s permission first.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he grins, and-
Jungkook’s kiss swallows up the scream that leaves you as he thrusts back into your hole in one smooth movement, bringing you back into that land of sheer pleasure and lust.
In this position, held up in the air only by his arms, you keenly feel every movement of his cock inside you as he bounces you, forcing you to go up and down repeatedly. You’re almost delirious, your hands no doubt leaving scratch marks on his body as you hold him as tight as you can, feeling everything just too much.
It doesn’t take more than a minute or two to bring you to your third orgasm. It seems that Jungkook himself senses that as well, because the moment you feel it coming, he speeds up his thrusts again, making you scream. 
“J-Jungkook!!” You wail out his name as one final jerk of his hips brings you crashing down, bliss enveloping you fully as you almost white out, spasming and losing control of your body for a moment.
When you come to, a second later, you feel him desperately moving in you, but the stuttered way he does so tells you all you need to know.
“W-Where should I cum?” He grits the words out his teeth, and you hiss in pleasure, in over-sensitivity and pain as his member remains inside of you even after you’ve orgasmed for the third time. You’re determined to get him to come as well though, something warm blazing in your chest. You don’t owe favors, and you won’t anymore, so maybe that’s the reason why.
For whatever reason it truly is, though, you tell him with a steady voice. “Just come inside me,” you give him permission. Jungkook groans at that, looking straight at you, as if to ask, are you sure?
You nod, drawing him into a sweet kiss. There’s nothing but elation inside you at this moment.
When you squeeze his member inside your cunt, you moan as you feel him paint your walls white, something hot and warm and sticky filling up your cunt. If your nails didn’t leave marks before, well, they had to by now.
It’s only when you feel it drip out of you that you finally pull back from the kiss.The both of you are panting, visibly exhausted, though you’re pretty sure Jungkook can still run a lap around the club, while you’re all ready to collapse on the floor. Fuck, where does he get all that stamina from?
“I work out at the gym.” The amusement visible in his eyes as he answers you tells you that you probably spoke out loud. Sheesh.
“Yeah, you were.” Jungkook’s chuckle brings your attention back to him, and you blush for the first time since a while now, burying your head in the crook of his shoulder. Honestly, if you tried to move right now, you don’t doubt you’d just lay down on the floor, so you opt to remain in his hold.
That decision definitely wasn’t influenced by how secure you felt in his arms, or how good he smelt, even after you both just had sex.
His chuckles turn into laughter- and you’re only dimly aware of it as he sets you down on a nearby sofa, grabbing a washcloth nearby to start wiping you off.
When you look down at him again- it’s as if he’s seamlessly switched back to the adorable guy you met earlier. Huge, doe eyes and bunny smile on display as he grins happily.
It’s then that you hear the door to the bar being clicked open, and you’re thrown back into reality. 
“If you’re done fucking on top of the bar, I think it’d be good if we officially wrap things up around here,” you see a blond man barge through, wearing a poker face despite the words that make even more heat rise up to your cheeks. The connotations of the sentence… you’ll ignore that.
“And I think that included your dick, but okay,” he eyes Jungkook warily. He looks at you for a brief moment, before clicking on his tongue as he shakes his head.
“Anyway, out of this place, both of you, before Seokjin-hyung threatens to kill me again for not being a good enough caretaker.”
“And what exactly were you doing while we were… in here, Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook raises a brow out of suspicion. 
“Sleeping. Now hurry up.”
Peals of laughter escape Jungkook, even as both your cheeks redden at being caught.
“Alright, alright,” Jungkook reassures him, before turning back to you. “Let me just finish up cleaning that mess, and we’ll get you home for real,” he tells you softly. Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he lays you down to rest.
“Take a quick nap in the meantime, okay?”
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Giggling under the blanket of the dark night, you run under the bright stars as the stars reign the heavens above your heads. With Jungkook hand in hand, you experience freedom like you’ve never felt before.
The gentle breeze of the cold wind at 2 am, in perfect contract to the feel of his warm hand enveloping yours is the sweetest sensation, one of accepting, letting go and moving forward.
You swear you’ve never laughed like you do when you dash through the abandoned streets of neighborhoods too hazy for you to remember in detail. His laugh rings in your ears like the song of an angel, a far cry from your own booming one that he still loves all the same. It’s beautiful, quiet, made for you two alone.
Reaching your apartment, Jungkook helps you into your adorable dragon onesie before tucking you into bed, the softest smile on his face. It hurts a little to leave you so quick, he wants to stay, he wants to spend the night beside you, but for tonight… maybe all that you have done so far is enough.
Maybe once morning arrives, the sunrise announces his fall. Maybe you won’t even remember him.
Thinking so, his trembling hand reaches out to cup your cheek.
Then he stops.
Goodnight, Y/N.
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Morning comes. You groggily roll out of bed, heading straight for the kitchen to get yourself a cup of water. Your head is in shambles, too filled to think of anything more, too empty to think of anything less than the sticky note your eyes land on.
It’s stuck to the microwave that’s sitting on the counter, a stupidly lovable green note. Taking careful steps towards it, you peel it off to read what’s written, eyes widening a little.
‘here’s my number! call if you want :D
I also left some hangovers in here. 
make sure to eat them and stay safe~
hope to hear from you.                           xx JK.’
Your heart flutters in excitement and love for the note as you pull it close, hugging it as much as one could a sticky note. You smile softly, hand tracing the curves of the writing, the action all too sweet and unexpected. Running to get your phone that must be somewhere around here, you start to jump around in the search for it out of nervous elation.
There’s so much more you want to do with Jungkook, but - you just can’t wait to hear his gorgeous laugh again.
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All rights reserved © 2020 kimtaejin. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed.
670 notes · View notes
tanzaniiite · 3 years
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requests: OPEN
warnings: cursing & stupid high school antics
word count: 2.2k
a/n: this idea has been on my noggin for so long omg, enjoy!
please reblog and reply, engagement is both fun & important ✨
[not edited]
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this was fun, should i do more fics like this?
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“Ugh, are we there yet?”
Oikawa whined looking out the window with a forlorn look as if he was in a music video. You glanced at Iwaizumi, who was at the wheel, snickering slightly as you saw his eye twitch in annoyance. The five of you decided to take a road trip, sort of like a last hurrah, for your last year of high school.
This originally started as a small trip that was planned on senior ditch day but Matsun and Makki wanted to do a road trip. And so, senior ditch day morphed into senior ditch weekend. Of course, none of your parents approved this, so you guys were in for an earful when you returned. But as Hanamaki stated, when you got a screaming voicemail from your guardian, “Live in the moment, worry about that later”. And despite that being terrible advice, you listened anyway.
The destination of your little road trip is Tokyo which was a five to six hour drive. Some might say that’s not too long but traveling with Oikawa it feels like an eternity. He was already complaining. That was mainly because he was upset that you got shotgun and he didn’t. Originally you planned on sitting in the back with the disaster duo but Hajime insisted you sit in the front with him. Something about you being the most tolerable. Iwaizumi was obviously the driver because he’s the most responsible out of you five. It’s weird to think you guys just planned this trip just a week prior.
“So what are we doing for senior ditch day?”
You asked setting your tray down and sitting in between Matsukawa and Hanamaki. Issei just scoffed lightly, “I dunno what you’re doing but I’m sleeping” He answered. Takahiro laughed in agreement. “Probably practicing” Tooru replied. You pouted at their lame responses, “Hajime please tell me you have better plans than these losers” You pleaded. Iwaizumi looked up from his notes, “Uh, I don’t know, I’m probably going to come to school” He shrugged ignoring your disgusted face.
“I know y’all are not serious. This is the last year we’re going to be together like this, we should do something memorable”
You declared crossing your arms over your chest glaring at your friends. “Ew, you sound like Oikawa, getting all sentimental and shit” Makki quipped popping a french fry in his mouth. You stuck your tongue out at him playfully. Oikawa hummed, “I mean they do have a point, let’s do something we’ll remember for years to come”. “Whatever, I guess I’m down” Matsukawa added rolling his eyes. The four of you looked at Iwaizumi, who mentally checked out of the conservation a while ago, waiting for his answer. “Count me out, my parents will kill me if I skipped school” He responded, causing the lot of you to groan. “Ugh, can you not be an upstanding student for like two seconds” You huffed leaning your head in your hand. Now the brunette looked up, “You guys know how my parents are, especially you Shittykawa” He stated, pointing his pencil at the setter. “Yeah yeah, we know how your parents are. Y/n’s parents are just as bad” Issei voiced.
You couldn’t help but internally groan, you remember how your guardians reacted when you brought the four boys to your house. “Don’t remind me. Senior Ditch Day is on a Friday, we barely do anything as is since it’s the end of the year” You said, “plus, you’re the only one of us that drives decently” You stated mustering up your best puppy dog eyes. Hajime looked at you before answering, “Fine, but if I get in trouble. You guys will be the ones talking to my parents”. And from there, the planning commenced.
Currently, you guys were only an hour out of Miyagi. Issei was already knocked out, Hanamaki was on his phone and Oikawa was sulking as per usual. “If you ask me if we’re there yet, one more time, I’ll have Makki push you out the car” He threatened his eyes never leaving the road. “Makki wouldn’t do that to me” Tooru claimed which caused ‘Hiro to snort. “Shut up, you know I will” He stated not even bothering to look up from his phone. Oikawa let out a dramatic gasp, “But we’re going 85 miles an hour on a highway!” He exclaimed. “Did I stutter?” Takahiro mumbled, still not paying any attention to his captain’s dramatics.
This was going to be a long four hours.
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You woke up leaning against something super warm, you opened your eyes taking in your surroundings. You weren’t in the front anymore, from what you could see, it looked like Oikawa got his wish of riding shotgun. You sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes, “Oh, good morning sleeping beauty” Oikawa teased. You were too sleepy and disoriented to come up with a witty comeback.
“Why.. why is Issei driving?”
That’s when you noticed Iwaizumi was the warm surface you were leaning against moments before. “I got tired of driving, we stopped at a gas station and switched places” Hajime explained noticing your confused face, “and you were sleeping so we moved you to the back”. You realized that not only were you leaning against Iwa but your legs were propped up on Makki’s lap. You nodded slightly, still tired despite waking up from a nap. “We spoil them rotten, don’t we?” ‘Hiro commented pinching your thigh causing you to whine slightly. “Shut up” You mumbled leaning into Iwaizumi’s side once again making him chuckle. Matsukawa looked at you through the rearview mirror,
“That’s right, Y/n gets all grumpy when they’re tired”
“Issei… focus on not crashing the car, not on me”
Oikawa let out a low whistle, “Woah, catty much?” He asked rhetorically laughing slightly. You rolled your eyes, “Whatever, how much farther?” You asked closing your eyes. Hajime glanced at his phone, “Two more hours” He replied. Tooru made a choked noise before turning around to face his childhood best friend. “Uh! They ask you if we’re there and get an answer, but when I ask, I get threatened?!” The brunette cried his eyebrows furrowing. The ace rolled his eyes, “Yeah, cause they’re not fucking annoying about it” He retorted. You pointed at Oikawa while laughing at his shocked face causing him to pout and crossed his arms like a toddler throwing a tantrum. “Uh oh, I think it’s Oikawa’s turn for a nap” Makki joked. Matsun hummed in agreement, “Yup, Y/n gets grumpy and Oikawa gets bratty” He laughed.
“Ugh whatever, at least I don’t snore like a chainsaw”
“Says the man who can’t sleep in any other position besides fetal”
“Dude shut up! It’s comfortable!”
Iwaizumi sighed, already knowing this petty argument wouldn’t end anytime soon. He looked down at you, “Who are you messaging?” Hajime inquired, peering at your phone. “No one, just some first years in my DMs” You hummed noncommittally. “You still leading those poor kids on?” Hanamaki asked. Glancing at Makki you pursed your lips, “I’m not leading them on… I’m just entertaining the antics” You replied smiling innocently and batting your eyelashes. “Yo, remember when that one first year confessed to you in the middle of lunch?” Issei asked slowing at a red light. You sat up suddenly, “Oh my god yes! That was so embarrassing!” You exclaimed. “You were embarrassed? Imagine the kid when you rejected him” Iwaizumi countered raising an eyebrow. “The second-hand embarrassment was strong on that one” Takahiro agreed, “Y/n’s a heartbreaker,” He said shaking his head.
You gasped, “I’m not! I’m just not interested in people like three years younger than me” You explained defending yourself. “Well, your choices are limited, since all the people in our grade are scared of us for whatever reason” Tooru stated with his eyes closed and head leaning on the window, looking like he would clonk out soon. “Yeah cause y’all are intimidating as fuck” You claimed. Issei chuckled, “Mm, yeah we kinda are” He admitted. “If they really liked you, they wouldn’t be scared to confess” Hajime shrugged. You smiled widely, “Ok king! My fault” You laughed giving him a high five. “Wait but if we’re so intimidating how come girls are always throwing their panties at Oikawa” Hanamaki questioned.
“Cause he’s not the intimidating one, it’s mainly Iwa and Matsun”
“Matsun is not intimidating, he looks out of it half of the time”
“Not out of it, more like zooted”
You quipped, laughing when Issei playfully glared at you through the rearview mirror. “Bro, remember when Kindaichi found out we were going on this trip and asked to come?” Takahiro laughed. “Stop! Y’all are so mean to him” You said kicking Makki slightly with your foot. Matsukawa snorted, “No cause what did he expect us to say, “Sure buddy you can come!” Like dude nooo,” He mocked laughing loudly. You bit your lip in an effort to not laugh, “Stop this Kindaichi slander at once” You demanded holding back your own giggles. “Okay Y/n, are you saying that you would’ve said yes if he asked you?” The wing spiker inquired giving you a look. “Well.. no—” You started. “Exactly! You’re just as bad as us” Issei interjected.
“No, I am not! You two literally looked at each other and busted out laughing, you didn’t even answer the poor boy”
“Sorry… it was funny”
“That shit was hilarious”
Hajime cleared his throat, “Is Trashykawa sleeping? Haven’t heard him talk in a while” He asked drawing shapes into your shoulder absentmindedly. Matsun glanced at his friend who was definitely passed out against the window. “Yeah, he’s gone” The middle blocker responded.
“Should we draw on his face?”
“Oh absolutely”
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The car was fairly silent now, you guys were nearing the end of your road trip and it was later in the day. The sky was littered with reds and oranges as the sun started its daily routine. The sunset was bold, radiant, and just plain mesmerizing, you couldn’t help but stare in awe. You sighed inwardly, “I’m gonna miss you guys” You uttered looking out the window. Your four guy friends looked at each other before looking at you. Iwaizumi spoke up first, “What’s there to miss? We’re not going anywhere” He asked. “I know that but who knows when the next time we’ll do something like this?” You whispered refusing to look at them because you knew you would start crying if you did. Hanamaki nudged your foot with his hand, “Y/n stop being such a baby, we’ll still see each other—” He started before you interrupted.
“That’s not the point stupid. We’re all going our own separate ways. Iwaizumi’s going to school in America, Oikawa’s going to fucking Argentina, and we’re all going to different colleges. This sucks ass, I finally have a group of friends I love and now I have to leave them—”
“Hey, what did we just say? We’re not going anywhere. So what if we’re going down different paths? Holidays exist Y/n, you think Iwaizumi and Oikawa are gonna stay in America and Argentina all year round? Plus me and Makki’s colleges are not that far from yours, I could probably walk if I wanted to. Now stop sulking, you’re bringing down the mood”
Issei stated his eyes never once drifting from the road. You sniffed and leaned into Hajime’s side more, “Jeez, sorry” You mumbled playing with your fingers. If the car wasn’t quiet before, it sure was now. No one knew what to say, it seemed too early to make a joke about it and it was a conversation none of you were ready to have. But despite not being ready, Oikawa still voiced his opinion nevertheless,
“Well would you look at that, Y/n really does love us. And I thought you hated me”
You snorted, “I do hate you” You teased making a face at him which he gladly returned. But his demeanor suddenly became serious,
“Adding on to what Mattsun said, we’re not leaving forever Y/n. Graduation is like three months away, we still have time to hang out plus we have the summer so there’s that. I know you love us and can’t possibly live without us but I think you’ll manage”
You blinked in response to Oikawa’s little spiel, “You are so corny” You huffed looking down so he wouldn’t notice the small tears in your eyes.
“Ah! So when I do it it’s corny, what about that whole pitch Matsun did?!”
“Hey, I wasn’t corny. I was being real”
“Please, as if, you were just being mean”
“It’s called tough love, it isn’t made for softies”
Watching the two of them go back and forth once again was entertaining. And when Makki and Iwaizumi joined in, it was just one hundred times better. But seeing your best friends interact with one another just made you realize how much you love them. And although this may be your guy’s last high school adventure, it wasn’t going to your last endeavor with this crazy bunch. You smiled slightly to yourself,
“Man, I really do love you guys”
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tanzaniiite © 2021 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- 9a
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 2177
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Ok so I started to write this and then had to go back to edit it and then I added more and then it was all just angst and it was just getting so long and I couldn’t fix it. ANYWHO, the Halloween special will now be two parts. I’m really hoping it won’t be three but we shall have to wait and see. 
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Please be safe out there! 
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Loki refrained from groaning as he stepped into the jet that would take them back to the Tower. Sam and Bucky were fighting over the pilot seat while Wanda was chattering loudly about the costume she had managed to find for herself and Vision. Loki catches your eye and he can tell you wish to speak to him. He doesn’t allow you the chance as he storms out of the seating area in preference of the solitude found in the back. 
The quinjet finally sets out of the compound and Loki manages to survive the short ride without being pulled into whatever conversation you wish to have with him. You most likely wanted to know the truth behind what you had revealed previously. An answer he would refuse to give you. 
Loki is almost cornered by you in the arrival at the tower but by sheer luck, you are called away by the AI allowing Loki to peacefully make his way down to his residential floor. The peace he had in mind at the return of his familiar abode is disrupted at the sight of Thor waiting for him there. 
Loki’s annoyance grows at the sight of his brother regaled in his Asgardian armor swinging Mjolnir with ease. 
“Welcome back, brother.” 
Loki just grunts in response as he tries to maneuver around the big oaf. 
“I went ahead and prepared your armor for the party tonight,” Thor continues with a smile. “It should be a merry night full of drinking and dancing. We should thoroughly enjoy it.” 
“I’m not going to that party.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because I refuse to partake in Midgardian celebrations.” 
“I would think you would enjoy this one, Loki. It’s all about mischief and magic.” 
Loki rubs his eyes tiredly. 
“I am quite tired, brother. I am in no mood for festivities.”
“You never are,” Thor states, forcing Loki to stop right outside his bedroom door. “You always hide out here and avoid having any fun. You’ve been here for months, Loki, and you have failed to participate in any way or form to enjoy humanity.”
“I hate this place,” Loki responds. “Why would I try to find some silver lining?” 
“If that is the case then perhaps I should report to father that you have made no progress and have you sent back home.”
That definitely deepens the foul mood Loki was already in.  
“If I go to this party will you refrain from reporting to father?” 
Thor thinks for a few seconds before relenting.
“Yes, I would.” 
“Great, good,” Loki mutters as he slips into the darkness of his room. “I’m not wearing my armor though.” 
“Then what will you wear?” 
Loki doesn’t respond promptly slamming the door closed to Thor’s face. 
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The lab was as pristine and proper as the day before you had come in and destroyed it. The wall had been repaired and the equipment that had been easily thrown before was now bolted to the ground. You let out a sigh as you try to forget that dark moment of your life when you had turned against your friends for no reason. 
You still couldn’t remember what happened but it still shook you to the very core. The truth was something everyone valued and yet you had overlooked the darkness it could truly hold. Lying didn’t seem so bad now and you miss having the simple ability. 
Shaking yourself from that thought, you scanned the rest of the room looking for the man of the hour. 
The moment the jet landed at the tower you were promptly told by FRIDAY that Tony requested your presence in the lab. 
You tried to make a quick stop towards the Asgardian floor but the AI had overlooked your floor request in preference of following its creator’s demand. 
The lab remained silent after you came in. FRIDAY had announced your presence but Tony was nowhere to be seen. You felt yourself being watched but could find no one. You were starting to grow paranoid which didn’t help when a loud bang resonated nearby.
Your head snaps towards the source of the crash and you relax when you realize it’s just Dum-E hitting against the nearby desk.
“Oh Dum-E, I thought I was…”
You jump at the sudden shout behind you. Out of pure instinct, you throw your hands in front of you causing your gauntlets to shoot out two straight lines of energy. The beams scorch two black spots on the recently repaired wall.
“Well that’s new.” 
You turn around and glare at Tony. 
“What the hell, Tony!” you shout at him. “I could have killed you.” 
Tony chuckles in response and is quick to apologize. 
“Sorry, kid,” he answers. “Didn’t realize you were Iron Man 2.0.” 
You roll your eyes at him and laugh sarcastically at him. 
“Ha, ha, ha, very funny,” you joke. “These things are the only reason I have some semblance of control.” 
“Let me see them.” 
You raise your hands and show him the golden gauntlets. 
“Interesting design,” he mutters as he grabs a hold of them, turning them around back and forth. “I’m assuming the stones are important by their placement. I wonder what they’re made of. Carbon-based, maybe? Rare space jewel? I would have to run some tests…”
“Yeah, not possible,” you comment. “I can’t take these off. Things could go very wrong.” 
Tony scowls as he lets your hands go. 
“Can’t risk it for a few minutes?” Tony asks. “I’m sure I could improve them for a nicer aesthetic and easier mobility.” 
“Come on,” he nudges. “You don’t see me wearing my blasters because they’re comfortable. It’ll only be a few minutes. Five tops.” 
You hesitate and Tony pesters on.  
“Let me do this for you. It’s the least I can do if you have to wear those atrocities for the rest of your life.” 
You chew on the inside of your cheek before relenting. 
“Just be careful with the stones and be quick, please,” you plead at him. “I don’t wish to have a repeat of my last mishaps.” 
Tony snorts as he helps you slide the gauntlets off your hands. 
“Heard about that,” he snickers. “A little birdie told me and by birdie, I obviously mean Sam.” 
You laugh and shake your head at him watching as he steps towards his desk and pulls out an array of files into the screen. He flips through them quickly before stopping at one. 
Pepper Gift Ideas. 
“Um, Tony?” 
He ignores you as he opens the file up and scatters out the multiple designs he’s sketched out. You’re shocked at the multiple documents in the file but don’t have the chance to inspect them closely as Tony finds the one he was looking for. 
“Here it is,” he states as he picks the design and throws it onto the screen next to his equipment. “What do you think, kid?” 
“Oh, wow,” you whisper as you look at the design on display. “That’s beautiful.” 
“Was tinkering for a while about making Pepper her own jewelry,” Tony responds beside you. “But she never wears what I get her.” 
“I’m sure she would wear this,” you tell him. “Are you sure you want to use this design on me?” 
Tony is quick to nod. 
“You’ve been dealt a shitty hand with this power,” Tony answers honestly. “I just want to make things better for you in any way I can.” 
“Thanks, Tony,” you tell him, heartfelt at his generosity. “Really, thank you.” 
Tony clears his throat from the rising emotion and looks away. He picks up your gauntlet and begins to disassemble them. 
“Now go away,” he mutters. “Let me work in peace.” 
“You told me it would only be five minutes.” 
“Well I lied. I’m surprised you didn’t notice.” 
You roll your eyes at him and Tony simply smirks. 
“I’ll have them done soon, I promise, so why don’t you go ahead and find your partner in crime, Natasha. She’s got your costume in her room.” 
You hesitate but you’ve already done your daily exercises to tire your powers out. Nothing could go wrong. Or at least that’s what you hoped for. 
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You wince at the sharp tug of your hair. You glare at Natasha through the mirror but she simply smirks in response. You had no choice when it came to getting ready for this impromptu Halloween party. Natasha dragged you into her room the moment you showed up at her door. 
You didn’t mind her help for the party. In fact, you were glad to have it as the redhead went above and beyond to have everything ready for you. From the costume to the hair and makeup, Natasha had arranged it all. All you had to do was sit there and allow her to make her vision into a reality. 
Though you would use this time to catch up with your close friend, your mind was far away at the moment. 
Ever since your last lesson, Loki had avoided you like the plague. Any attempt of trying to apologize to him was somehow thwarted by Loki himself or some outside force. It didn’t help that Tony’s impromptu invitation and the jet that followed severed any chance of forcing him to see you. 
You felt guilty.
You had crossed a line by revealing something he wasn’t ready to when all he had done was help you. You needed to apologize and you needed to do it soon. 
“Ok, spill it.” 
You look up at Natasha’s pointed stare and sigh. 
“I can’t hide anything, can I?” you mutter tiredly. Nat tugs on your hair again and you hiss at the action. “I’m fine, Nat. Just trying to settle my mind.”
“Of what?” 
You take a deep breath debating whether it was a good idea to tell her of your past week with Loki. 
Nat despised him with every fiber of her being, but you… you didn’t. 
“Loki’s been a great teacher considering I’m a ticking time bomb...”  
“But?” Nat interrupts. 
“But,” you repeat with a huff. “I keep ruining everything with this stupid power.”
“You?” Nat asks, confused. “You ruined everything? Not him?”
“I’m sorry,” she sarcastically laughs. “That doesn’t make sense. You’ve done nothing wrong.” 
“You don’t understand,” you sigh. “If you just let me explain…”
“Then explain.” 
You take a deep breath and turn away from the mirror to look at Natasha directly. 
“I have invaded everyone’s privacy. I’ve learned things I have no right knowing and revealed things without permission. You already know how guilty I felt because of it,” you explain. “Yet, Loki wasn’t one of them. He’s immune to my power as I am to his but I recently crossed a line and uncovered something I wasn’t supposed to.”
“What was it?” 
“You know I can’t tell you.” 
 Natasha huffs in response but shrugs her curiosity off. 
“So?” she asks. “What’s wrong then?” 
“I feel really bad about it, Nat, and he’s avoiding me and I just want to apologize to him because I invaded his privacy but he won’t even let me get close to him to do it.”
“He doesn’t need an apology,” Nat scoffs. “He’s a grown man. He can lick up his wounds and move on.” 
You’re starting to regret confiding in her about your situation but Loki has yet to teach you how to evade telling the truth without necessarily resorting to lying.
“I apologized to you and everyone after my first outburst,” you remind her. “You didn’t need me to but I’m sure it helped.”
Natasha lets out a breath but she knew you had a point. 
“Loki doesn’t deserve your kindness.” 
She’s being honest with her opinion but you don’t feel the same way. 
“I think differently,” you answer. “I think it’s been a long time since Loki’s been treated with some kindness.” 
Natasha's eyes narrow down at you. 
“Do you…” she hesitates. “What exactly is your relationship with him?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Are you acquaintances? Friends? Or is it more?” 
You’re surprised at the question. 
“I guess we’re friends?” you answer unsurely. “Mentor and student seems weird so yeah… friends.” 
Natasha seems unconvinced but she doesn’t speak up on it. Instead, she motions you to face forward again so she could finish up with your hair.
“So do you think I’ll have time to slip out to apologize or am I going to have to wait until the party?” 
Nat can’t avoid the snort from escaping her promptly earning her a confused look from you. 
“Loki doesn’t go to the parties,” she tells you. “Not since I could remember.” 
“Then why did he come with us in the jet?” 
“Maybe because he has to monitor you and we have to monitor him?” 
Nat’s right but you can only hope that Loki might prove her wrong. 
“If he’s there… apologize to him,” Nat tells you hoping to ease the scowl that was settling on your face. “Just don’t expect him to forgive you. He’s not apologetic, far less forgiving.”
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @is-it-madness @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @ariel-snow-tmnt @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck @country-cowgirl-101 @bepo-is-sorry @hufflautia @waitforthehurricanrose @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @sanniegirl1214 @telenari @anonymouscastiel12 @ddaeing​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox @heykathchuu​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @ariel-snow-tmnt @badhollandfluff @what-a-flammable-heart
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
My One in a Million Chapter 4
Tagging @donttouchmycarrots and @sunflowerfox87 who I still can’t believe wanted to be tagged 🥺 
Thank you so much everyone for your support ❤️
And as always, thank you @inloveoknutzy and Nayla for proofreading, you guys are the best  ❤️
My One in a Million Masterlist
Chapter 4 - Morning routines
The feeling of the earth on his bare feet. Long nights playing video games with his friends. Streaming for his fans. Slow sunsets and starry nights. Having the gang at his flat all the time. Relaxing bubble baths. Sunday lunch with the Potters. Making the people who doubted him shove their words up their asses.
Those were all things Sirius Black loved.
Having his brother drilling him at 7 am on an otherwise perfect Friday morning was most definitely not one of them. Not at all.
“I told you a thousand times already, and I’ll say it again one last time. I am not. Going. To that stupid. Fucking. Dinner,” he practically yelled over the phone.
There was a tired sigh on the other end of the line.
“Sirius, please. Could you stop thinking only about yourself for once? They want you to come.” A short pause. “I want you to come.”
Sirius grunted lowly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“No, Reg. I gave them too much already. I can’t keep giving them more. I’m sorry.” He hung up before Regulus could get another word in and raked both hands through his hair.
Manipulative pieces of crap. They ‘wanted him to come’? What a fucking pile of shit. They had never wanted him there, they only wanted whatever they could get from him, asking for more, more and more, until they could suck him dry. They wouldn’t even be bothering with him if he was of no use to them.
Saying no to Regulus was the hard part. Knowing they were using him precisely because of this, that Regulus himself was using it against him, was almost like a knife twisting in his gut. 
It hurt.
It hurt so fucking much, because Sirius still cared about him. He was still his little brother, despite the decisions they had both taken for their lives. But Regulus didn’t see it that way.
Sirius started pacing up and down his room, rubbing a hand through his face as his other went instinctively to his back pocket to grab a pack of cigarettes. He hated feeling like this, hated the push and pull that came with his family’s relationships; craving the acceptance of his own blood, wanting to be close to his brother, but also feeling like he needed to get as far from them as he could. Why couldn’t they understand he didn’t want anything to do with the company? Heck, he didn’t want anything to do with most of them, he only kept some sort of contact because of Regulus. Even if his brother didn’t really want anything to do with him.
A flash of pain slashed him in the middle of his chest, and Sirius stormed off to the balcony, a fag already between his lips.
Lighting it up felt like lifting some of the weight off his shoulders. He pictured all of his problems in his head and imagined exhaling them with the smoke, drifting away in the morning sky until there was nothing left of them.
Sirius snorted. He wished it was that easy to get rid of all his worries, but his brother’s voice kept whispering in his ears, no matter how many times he watched the smoke dissipate in front of his face, mixing with words that were not Reg’s but still sounded in his voice. Stop thinking about yourself. You’re such a disappointment. We gave you so much, and this is how you repay us? You don’t care about me. You don’t care, you don’t care, you don’t care.
“Ugh, fuck,” Sirius grunted as he leaned on the rail and let his head hang low, pressing his forehead against the cold metal.
A low sound reached him through the fog of noises in his head. It was a song he’d never heard before, its rhythm slow and calming, and Sirius tried to focus on that to clear his mind and make the voice shut up.
He raised his head, looking at the place where it was coming from, only to be faced with a sight that almost made him drop his cigarette six floors down.
The new neighbor, Remus, was behind the glass doors of his balcony, standing on top of a yoga mat, wearing a black tank top and a pair of grey shorts that were dangerously hiking up his thighs in the position he was currently in.
His arms were stretched on top of his head, his toned muscles making the veins in his arms pop, and his broad shoulders working with the slow movements he was making. There was such a peaceful air about him. His eyes were closed and the sun was drawing golden lines that flitted through his hair as he bent down at the waist to touch the floor, leaving his back exposed.
The freckles on Remus shoulders disappeared below the t-shirt, and Sirius desperately wanted to know just how far they reached. He swallowed thickly, unable to look away. It was mesmerizing to watch Remus transition between poses, his lithe body flowing like water. He briefly wondered if the man was as pliable in other ways, but when his heart rate started quickening, Sirius decided he should stop being a creep and allow his neighbor the privacy he deserved. Before he could tear his eyes away though, a black shadow darted into the room and tackled Remus to the floor.
Sirius gripped the rail unconsciously before he realised it was just Remus’ dog, and he was left breathless once more at the image in front of him.
Remus was laughing as the dog nudged him with its head, two of its paws pressed over those powerful shoulders as Remus stroked the fur at its sides. The man’s eyes were crinkled, his curls falling onto his forehead in a tawny mess that was so cute Sirius thought he might die.
Seeing him smiling like that, it reminded Sirius of the Halloween party almost a week ago.
At first, he’d been annoyed about Lily bringing Remus and a stranger into his home, but that was mainly ‘cause Sirius had been on edge about the whole family drama. He had been looking forward to a chill night with his friends, and having outsider eyes at that moment felt like something that would have made him step on eggshells all night to avoid revealing his identity.
But Remus had proved to be as interesting as Sirius had thought him to be the first time they talked, always taking him by surprise with his comments and reactions.
Sirius desperately wanted to know where the hell Remus had learned to play like that. It wasn’t every day that he was beaten by someone that didn’t seem to have a lot of time for games, even if he’d been overly distracted by his toned thigh touching his own leg. Yes, Sirius had had a hard time concentrating, but he hadn’t slacked off. Remus was good. And Sirius wanted to know how.
He was intrigued by the man in so many ways, his interest peaking with every new little thing he noticed: the gaming, the yoga, his weird way of thinking -Sirius chuckled when he remembered how Remus had thought he was a fucking drug dealer-, him showing up at a party wearing a jumper that was a few sizes too big for him, looking so impossibly cuddly and warm; his relationship with his dog, his relationship with that Leo guy.
As Remus nuzzled his nose into the dog’s fur, Sirius thought about the rainbow coloured bracelet on Leo’s wrist. He admired the guy for wearing the flag so proudly, just there in plain sight for everyone to see. Sirius wished he could do the same, to stand tall, out in the open. But the consequences for him were way too high.
A small, annoying part of his brain felt the need to remind him that this didn’t mean Remus liked dudes. But Sirius took comfort in the knowledge that, at the very least, it meant that he was ok with it. That he wouldn’t condemn Sirius for it.
Sirius reached for a new cigarette, even if he was already feeling calmer, and put it between his teeth, taking a second before lighting it. While he played with the flame of his lighter, he wondered how Remus knew about Padfoot. Oh, what he wouldn’t do to know that story.
His heart warmed, not for the first time, at how Remus had defended Padfoot so fiercely, having no idea that he was right there; no idea how much his words meant for Sirius. Remus had understood him incredibly thoroughly for someone that didn’t even know who Padfoot was. That he was sitting right next to him. And Sirius wasn’t sure how to feel about that, but he wanted to find out.
It was no surprise that Remus hadn’t recognized his voice, even though he was clearly a fan. Sirius always hid his accent on his videos to conceal any connection to his family, so his parents wouldn’t intervene and ruin everything.
Suddenly, the music drifting from the room next door changed to a more upbeat one. Remus lifted the black dog up in his arms, something that couldn’t be easy given its size, and hugged it as he started twirling around the room, laughing brightly as he did.
He was dancing. 
With his dog.
And the face he was making, like the animal meant the world to him... How could someone you barely knew be so fucking endearing?
Sirius was still staring when Remus turned around and lifted his head, his eyes locking with Sirius’. He stopped mid-turn, the smile slipping from his face. Sirius felt a blush prickling at his cheeks at being caught basically ogling him, but he waved with an awkward smile.
His only answer was a scowl, even if from afar he could tell Remus was blushing too. He set the dog down, glaring at Sirius, who let his hand drop slowly as he watched the man close the curtains in a slash.
Sirius hid his face in his hands, feeling the heat radiate from his cheeks. How could he fuck up so much? Remus would think he was a fucking creep now. Dragging his hands down, Sirius knew he would have to genuinely step up his game if he wanted to get to know this man.
In the afternoon, Sirius was still pondering ways to get more acquainted with Remus, and coming back empty handed. He didn’t want to just show up at one of his classes, he lived right next door for fucks sake! He should be able to find a way to start up a conversation with him, right? Although Sirius had to admit, he hadn’t seen much of the guy since he’d moved in. Of course, Sirius hadn’t exactly been in the right state of mind to notice him.
But life seemed to be on his side, at least this once. Because when he stepped into the coffee shop where he was meeting up with James and Lily, the first thing he saw was a head of tawny curls.
Barely keeping in his glee, Sirius walked towards Remus, figuring he could just say hi. He stopped dead in his tracks though, when he was just a few steps behind him and he realized Remus was humming the lyrics of An Open Letter to Myself.
“I love that song,” he said without thinking. The man had a lovely voice, sweet and a bit sad, and it made his curiosity peak again.
Remus jolted and turned around with surprised eyes and slightly flushed cheeks, but as gold met silver, his eyebrows dropped quickly over his eyes. Sirius was taken aback by the clear hostility in Remus’ features, which made him stutter as he cleared his throat.
“Sorry, I... I saw you and thought... I… uhm... should come and say hi? So...hi,” Sirius said and immediately groaned inwardly at his stupidity. Since when was he this clumsy? 
“Hello,” Remus said in a polite, detached tone before he turned away.
Sirius took a minute to rearrange his thoughts while he placed his order right after Remus. They got their drinks at the same time, and before Remus could walk away from the shop, Sirius scrambled for something else to say.
“Your dog is beautiful, what’s its name?”
The corner of Remus’ mouth tickled up at the mention of his pet, but it was pushed down almost instantly.
“Cocoa,” he replied reluctantly, and Sirius almost spit his tea.
“Cocoa? That huge ass dog has a cute name like Cocoa?”
Remus rolled his eyes, but he was almost pouting. “I just really like chocolate, ok? Besides, he’s just a pup,” he said as he moved over to add some sugar to his chai latte. Sirius followed.
“A pup?” he said incredulously. “How is that a pup?!”
Remus huffed. “He’s only about two or three years old.”
Sirius stared at him in disbelief. That dog was already past Remus’ knees, and if what he was saying was right, he was probably going to grow some more.
“Did you adopt him?” he asked, tilting his head, thinking about Remus’ choice of words. He was focusing his whole attention on Remus, and that was probably the only reason why he noticed the slight stutter of his hand as he stirred his drink.
“Yeah,” he said in a breath. Sirius thought that would be the end of the conversation, but then -as if he couldn't help himself- Remus added, “he was very young when I found him. He was abandoned and practically left to die; his previous owners must have thought it was too much trouble to raise a wolfdog, and decided to leave him tied up in the woods instead of being decent human beings and finding him an appropriate home.”
There was such disgust in his voice that Sirius took a step back while his heart melted into a puddle. Of course he rescued dogs. Sirius was starting to wonder if this guy was even real. He’d been so thoroughly captivated by him in such a short time, it was a bit scary. Sirius hadn’t felt like this in a very long time. He hadn’t let himself feel like this, it was too risky, and he knew it would be more sensible to leave Remus alone and stay away from him before things got worse, but he had felt drawn to him ever since the Halloween party.
“That’s awful. No one deserves to be treated like that,” he replied softly against his better judgement. If things got worse, he’d deal with that later.
Remus’ head snapped up, and for a moment it looked like he was drowning. Sirius had no idea what had brought that expression to his face, but the only thought in his mind was how desperately he wanted to erase it. 
In hopes of doing so, he tried to change the subject to something lighter. “So, you like games, huh? You really did a number on me the other day. When did you start playing?”
The response he got was not what he’d expected. Remus’ expression hardened, and he turned his gaze away as he discarded the used stick with more force than was probably necessary.
“That’s hardly any of your concern, is it?”
Sirius blinked. And then blinked again. Was he still mad at him?
“Look, I’m really sorry about this morning. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, I just-”
“You really think this is all just about this morning?” Remus snapped.
“What?” Sirius was confused. What had he done? He’d made a little fun of Remus the first time they talked, but it hadn’t been that bad, had it? 
“At least you weren’t smoking into my room today,” Remus added with a huff, which made Sirius frown.
He supposed he did smoke quite close to the edge of their balconies, but by the way Remus was talking, he felt like there was more to it. He tried to think of all the interactions they had had so far, but he couldn’t think of anything that would elicit Remus’ anger. His mind drifted to them sitting on his couch with the NHL game, how their shoulders had bumped together playfully, how Remus had even seemed to be comfortable once he got a controller in his hands. It was the only time Remus had acted in a friendly-ish manner towards him, without the scowl that seemed to be permanently weighing down on his brows. But none of his smiles had actually been directed at him, they had all been shared with Leo.
He smiled a lot around the blond, but whenever he was close to Sirius he seemed to be in a bad mood. Sirius hated that.
“What did I do for you to dislike me so much?”
“If you need to ask, it just shows that it’s not even worth answering you.”
Remus turned around and walked briskly to the door, leaving Sirius completely dumbfounded. The door opened just as Remus was reaching for the handle, and he almost bumped into Lily and James, who were coming in. Sirius watched as he nodded at them with a few words, threw one last glare his way, and disappeared in the afternoon sun.
Lily watched him walk away with a confused expression on her face. She glanced at James who just shrugged, and then she looked directly at Sirius with a deep frown. He seemed to be getting a lot of those lately.
“What was that all about?” she asked when they got next to him.
“He hates me, that’s what it was,” Sirius grumbled.
“I don’t know!” Throwing his hands in the air, Sirius stared at Lily like she held all the answers in the world. “He looks at me like I’m the worst person to ever walk the Earth. What did I do to deserve that?”
Lily winced, and Sirius felt his heart freeze where it had melted on the floor.
“Well, apparently, you haven’t been a very good neighbor, have you?” she said gently. Everything started falling into place then, and Sirius suddenly had a pretty good idea what she was talking about. He could be a very self-absorbed prick after a row with his family.
“What can I do?”
“Maybe you should try apologizing first,” she doubted for a second before she kept going. “I’ve heard you broke something important of his on the day you two met.”
“That was him?!” Sirius asked in astonishment, remembering the day he’d knocked someone over in the hall, and ignoring the few heads that turned his way at his raised voice.
“You’re joking, right? You didn’t know?” When Sirius only shook his head, still speechless, Lily stared at him, bewildered. “Sirius, how could you not know?”
“I was so angry at the time Lily, I barely noticed anything I was doing!” Sirius said in a pleading voice. He glanced at James for support, who looked at him in sympathy and understanding. Sirius rubbed a hand over his face. “I just needed to get out of the flat, I couldn’t stand the sight of Reg with his cold eyes and-” Sirius stopped himself, clenching his fists.
It all came back to him. How Regulus had suddenly turned up at his flat, even though he wasn’t supposed to know the address. Even though he hadn’t visited Sirius’ home in five years.
How Reg had looked at him with such clear disappointment, like Sirius was nothing more than a waste of space, and had told him that he was expected to attend the annual Black Enterprises’ gala and fulfill his duty to the family. How he had stated that it was time he stopped acting like a child, with his foolish, selfish dreams, and took his place in the company.
Sirius had never wanted anything to do with the monster corporation that was Black Enterprises. He hated the way they did business and how they treated people, like anyone outside the Black family was trash.
A hand on his shoulder shook him away from his memories before he could spiral down into the hole he’d been in in the weeks before Halloween. Sirius looked up, and found James’ kind hazel eyes.
“It’s ok Pads,” he whispered. “You’re out of there. They have nothing on you, and you owe them absolutely nothing. I’m sure you can fix this.”
Sirius hoped his friend was right.
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
Shit is getting real 😳
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Thank you for the likes. I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am!!
1.3k word count‼
It has been a rough few day. You and Chris are sleeping in separate rooms, the baby can definitely sense something is wrong, and you have yet to return to work. You have been working from home and rescheduling clients and lying saying that you are ill. You decide to go into work tomorrow. It’s Friday and then you are free again. Chris came up to you last night, and you guys had a conversation. He expressed how much you guys marriage means to him and that he was willing to do anything. You both agreed to therapy just to see if this is even salvageable.
You wake up the next morning and get dressed. Since its Friday, jeans, blouse, and heels of course. Maxwell is already gone with the nanny. “Good Morning”, you say to each other. Not much more. It was hard walking into your business…embarrassing the least. You hold a meeting and apologize for your actions. Nothing more, nothing less. You get your day started, and the phone rings. It’s Mateo. You decline it. He can call Chris for whatever he needs.
The weekend goes by.  It’s Monday morning, and it’s the first counseling session. You found Dr. Grant on the internet and ran with it.
“Good Afternoon, and welcome”, she says so politely. You both respond. “Can I get a little history about you two and tell me why we are here today?”, she requests. Chris is doing all the talking, why should you?  You both are on opposite sides of the couch, nowhere near touching each other. He’s the reason why yall are there.
“Chris, what was it about the other woman that made you choose her?”, Dr. Grant asks.
Chris is floored, and terrified to answer. “Um….I really don’t know”. “Chris you have to be honest here. Y/N deserves to know”. “Well…um…I guess because she was something new… and different”.
Your heart sunk and your head dropped. Instant tears are streaming. That hurt and bad. Chris sees your tears and puts his hand out to touch you, but then stops. Dr. Grant picks up the tissues and you grab a couple.  
“Chris, why did you stop yourself from consoling your wife?” “I am not allowed to touch her right now…”, he replies. You get yourself together. “Y/N, tell me how you feel.” “Like I want a divorce…I’ve already contacted a lawyer and everything”.
“YOU CONTACTED A DIVORCE LAWYER??”, Chris yells. His eyes are wide open, he couldn’t believe it. “Y/N, are you serious”, he asked. You look at Chris. “Yes, I got all my questions answered about the business, the house, and my baby”. You tell him without emotion.
“Ok Chris, calm down”. “What is stopping you from taking the next step with the divorce Y/N”, the doctor asks. “I  want to be around by baby every day, and Chris says he wants to make it work”. “I’m trying”, you reply. You both finish up the session, and head home. The car ride is silent. You guys arrive home, and Chris walks into the kitchen to grab a drink.
“I had not a clue you were serious about the divorce lawyer.”, Chris says as he takes a drink.   “I told you I was Christopher”. “I can live without you and Maxwell. You both are my world.”. You look Chris in the eyes and go upstairs to take a shower. You are feeling pretty rebellious tonight. You text your best friend, Brittany, and ask to go out for drinks and she says yes. You put on a beautiful black form fitting dress, open toed heels, and do your make up. You walk downstairs and see Chris playing with Maxwell.
“Where are you going dressed like that?”, Chris is irritated looking at you from head to toe. “Out for drinks, I will be back later”.
You grab your purse and keys and walk out. You left out at about 8:30PM. You and your friend go to a local bar to get drinks and to dance. A couple of men flirt with you and you flirt back. You both are dancing away on the floor. You can even remember how many drinks you’ve had. You look at your phone and its almost 1AM. “I have to go. It’s getting late”, you say to Brittany.
You make it home safely, but you are a little more drunk than what you thought. You stumble out the car when you hear screeching tires. It scares you but you continue to walk up the driveway. Next thing you know, someone is grabbing you from behind. You are doing your best to fight back. You are yelling “get off of me, and help”, but no one hears you. The two men throw you in the back of the car and begin beating you. You hear the car take off and you are just screaming for help and for them to stop. They continue, fist after fist to the head, back, stomach. Everywhere. It seems like it lasted forever. Then the car stops. One man drags you out and leaves you on your front yard, and they speed off.
What just happened??? There is blood everywhere. You manage to get some strength and crawl to your front door.  You ring your doorbell…over and over. You are leaning against the door, and it finally opens. Chris catches you. “OMG Y/N, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?”, he yells. Chris looks you over, two black eyes, a busted lip, scratches and bruises on your face. He lefts up your dress and you are bruised and bleeding.  Chris has a lot of connections, so he calls up a friend who is also an ER doctor. “I NEED YOU TO COME TO BY HOUSE Y/N HAS BEEN BEATEN BADLY!”
The doctor arrives and takes a look at from head to feet. You are bruised pretty badly but the main issue is that your ribs are fractured. You have to take it easy for a while and will be wrapped up for some days. Going to the hospital wasn’t an option, this would-be all-over town. The doctor leaves, and Chris helps you out of your clothes and runs you a warm bath. “Honey, who did this to you?” “Chris, I don’t know. I just made it home from the bar and two guys grabbed me, put me in their car, beat me for what seemed like an eternity, and then threw me in the front yard”. You are crying nonstop. Everything hurts so bad. “Two men? Fucking Mateo! That’s who did this. I am going to fucking kill him! I forgot to get his money to him the other day. That fucking bastard is dead!”. You have never seen Chris so mad in his life! His face was extremely red, and eyes were such a dark blue they were almost black. Chris is shaking as he tries to wash all the blood off of you. He gets your dressed in one of his t-shirts and lays you in the bed.
“Chris…please don’t leave me…I’m so scared to be alone”. “Baby, I’m not going anywhere I promise.” He moves your hair back and kisses your forehead, and then lays next to you in the bed. Oh, how he missed lying next to you, holding you, kissing you, and making love to you. The doctor gave your medicine for pain, so you fell asleep quickly. Once Chris realized you were out, he got out of the bed and went downstairs to make a phone call.
“Mateo, you are a dead mother fucker!”……
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Looking at the same sky
MC (Bailey Westlake)
MC x Skye
Notes: This is my first attempt at a choices fanfic so I hope I can do some justice. This is going to be a few instalments long so bear with it. Hope you enjoy.
Bailey wiped the sweat from her brow as she rushed from table to table, trying to clear with one hand and jot down orders with the other. The Golden Griddle was swarmed with people as it usually was on a Friday evening. Cedar Cove was a nice town, but there wasn’t much of a dating scene which left young couples with the choice of the arcade, the beach or the Golden Griddle. While balancing a small stack of dishes on her bent elbow, Bailey held the note pad and pen, turning to the next table without taking her concentration off of the precariously balanced stack. 
“Welcome to the Golden Griddle” She said, breathlessly. “What can I get you?”
“A black coffee…. and a kiss.” Said the soft voice that Bailey could only just notice.
“OK, that’ll be out for you in just a sec.” With that, she rushed to the window that joined the kitchen to the dining room. “Hey Casey. We need 3 Apple pie slices for table six, franks and eggs for table two and a black coffee and a kiss for table five. I’ll get the coffee if you pass out the rest.”
She ran the tap that poured out piping hot water, quickly nudging a cup in to the stream. After stirring in the coffee and setting it on a dish with a few small sugar packets she called back to Casey. “How are those orders coming?”
“Here’s table two and six.” Casey chuckled as he passed the plates through the opening.
“What about table five?”
“Bailey, read the order.”
“I did! Black coffee, which I’ve done, and a…” She stopped short, looking slowly up at the table across the diner where she saw the familiar shine of deep red waves spilling over the matching stripes of a tight top.
There sat Skye Crandall, trying her best not to burst with laughter at Bailey’s obliviousness. Bailey turned and scowled at Casey for not correcting her sooner. She quickly tore open the sugar packets, emptying six into the dark drink before rushing it over to the table where her girlfriend sat.
“Hi…” Bailey said with a tired smile.
“Hey yourself. Sorry about the order, I just know how you get in to work and couldn’t resist messing with you a little.” Skye smirked.
“It’s fine. I should have recognised your voice.” Bailey laughed, setting the coffee in front of Skye. “I already poured your ridiculous amount of sugar. Why do you have so much anyway?”
“The coffee here is really bitter. My mom always buys this almond infused stuff so I don’t have as much at home. What time do you finish?”
“Maybe another hour or so. Why? Are you going to whisk me away?”
“Um, no? But I wondered if you wanted to walk me home. But only if you want to. No obligation or anything.” Skye stammered.
“I’d love to, as long as you don’t mind waiting. Where have you been?”
“Nowhere, just thought I’d come see you at work. Is that weird?”
“Wait. You came all this way to see me for a hot minute at work and you’re worried I’ll say no to walking you home?”
“Urgh, I knew this weird. I’ll just leave.”
“NO!… I mean, no, stay. I’ll finish up as quickly as I can, then I’m all yours.”
Skye laughed. The faint embarrassed blush creeping away from her cheeks. “All mine?”
“All yours.” Bailey said with a salute as she walked backwards to get back to work. As she turned, she collided with a large frame, knocking herself to the floor while the person she bumped into stood firm.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.” She squeaked as she scrambled to her feet. Looking up she saw the person she had crashed into was Jordan Daniels (JD). The most popular girl in school, captain of the football team and victim of the leg breaking incident of Bailey’s first day at Berry. “Oh, JD. Sorry!”
“You said that already” She laughed, straightening her clothes. “Its fine, no harm done. Are you OK?”
“Yeah. Yes, I’m good. Just overworked.”
“Yeah…” JD said as she glanced around the diner. “Its usually pretty quiet in here. Serves me right for craving your dad’s chilli-cheese dogs on a Friday, huh.”
“Yep. It’s like…”
“BAILEY!” A stern voice interrupted. “Come on, there’s people waiting.” Came her dad’s voice from the kitchen.
“Sorry! Can you start a chilli-cheese dog please?”
“Oh, and a double strawberry shake and fries?” JD called out to Bailey’s dad, doing her best Bailey impression; laughing when he failed to notice, also buried under his workload. “We’ll be in the corner booth, Bailey.” She smiled, making her way over to the beautiful blonde sitting across the diner.
Bailey continued her work, clearing table after table and waving goodbye to customers as the diner slowly started to clear out. When just a few patrons remained, she caught her dad’s eye and gave him a pleading look, motioning towards Skye. He gave a stiff nod, and barely hid the sorrowful look on his face as he turned back to finish clearing down the kitchen. 
“Time to go” Bailey said with a grin as she put out a hand for Skye to take. “Sorry you had to wait. I hate Friday shifts.” 
“its OK, really. i wasn’t expecting you to just drop your work for me.”
“But, you know i definitely would if i could. I’d give anything for more time with you.” at that, Skye looked taken aback.
“You really mean that don’t you?” It was more of a statement than a question.
“I do.” Bailey laced her fingers through Skye’s as they walked together. “And i always will.” The two of them walked closely through the town in time to see the lights of the stores and other restaurants shutting off. The night was quiet aside from the occasional rumble of a motorcycle passing somewhere close by. They walked in silence for most of their journey. This was a usual thing. Skye wasn’t much of a talker at the best of times and Bailey was glad to enjoy the peace after the rush of the diner. Another usual thing that occurred was, the closer they got to Skye’s family home, the more she would start striking up things to talk about. Bailey could easily recognise what was happening. Skye would try to keep her talking for as long as possible to buy herself valuable minutes before re-entering the house and switching her attention from the one person who brought her serenity to those who gave her nothing but stress and anxiety. 
Midway through Skye talking about a new movie they should go and see, (not even one she would usually be interested in, but that was irrelevant right now), Bailey cut her off.
“Hey, so tell me if this is too forward, but…” She blushed furiously, earning herself a half smirk from the darkened lips of the beautiful girl before her. “…Did you want me to ask my parents if you can stay over tonight?”
Now it was Skye’s turn to blush. Her face heated at the mild implication and her breath caught in her throat. “Um, yeah… Yeah, that sounds, nice.”
Without wasting another second, Bailey called her mom and had to focus to stop herself from bouncing on the spot with nervous energy.
“Hello?” Her Mom answered.
“Mom…..” Bailey dragged the word out, tryng to soften the blow of what she was about to ask. “Skye and i were wondering….”
“Are you about to ask me if she can stay over for the night?” Her voice had a slight teasing tone which sounded positive to Bailey.
“Yes. But!… I’ll keep my door open a crack and we’ll just be watching movies and its not like she never stayed over before, but this time there’s no one else to worry about. Also, i’ll walk Biscuit every day for the next month, even the days that Casey owes me and you definitely let Erin stay over super late for Casey and i am technically the older sibling…”
“Bailey!” her mom’s voice rang through so loud that the phone was almost unnecessary. “Thank you for being mature enough to ask me, and you do make a very convincing argument. But i’m afraid tonight just wont do sweetie”
“oh… OK. but, why not?” She asked, sounding as though the breath had been pulled from her body along with every ounce of her excitement.
“Your Dad and I need to talk to you and your brother. Don’t worry, the discussion is not off the table. We’ll talk about it very soon OK?”
“Yeah, OK Mom. i’ll head home now.” They said their “I love you”s and hung up. Bailey turned back to Skye who had a look of grim acceptance on her face, her eyes flicking repeatedly over to the lit-up window of the living room of her house. More-so, the shadows that kept passing it. “I’m sorry Skye” 
“It’s OK. At least i always know i have you near, and if i need you, you’ll come rescue me, right?” 
“Always” Bailey smiled 
“Then there’s nothing for me to worry about, right?”
“Right!” Bailey pulled Skye by their still linked hands in to a tight embrace. it was never going to be long until they saw each other again, but the moments in between haunted Bailey. Knowing what the Crandalls were like was bad enough, but what truly haunted her were the things she was sure Skye didn’t tell her. 
“Get home safe, OK?” Skye whispered against the tender skin of Bailey’s neck.
“You be safe too.” She said concernedly 
“Duh, i live right there…” Skye smirked, pointing to the house a few feet from them. Bailey smiled back but was sure that Skye knew what she meant and was just covering up her own worry. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow” She waved as she walked out of the yard and on to the streets. “I love you.”
At that they both stopped, still getting used to the three words passing beautifully between them. 
“I love you too.” Skye smiled earnestly before opening the front door and disappearing inside.
The walk home wasn’t far from Skye’s house and though it wasn’t cold out, Bailey could feel the chill on her hand and up her arm, in all the places that Skye had been making contact on their walk together. Seeing her house come in to view, her mind began to wander. Thoughts of how different things could have been tonight, if Skye had been allowed to stay with her. First came exhilaration of the possibilities of having her first serious girlfriend to herself all night, and the things that they had talked about up until now, maybe, finally happening for real instead of just fantasies. Exhilaration gave way to worry when she thought of where the girl she loved was instead. In a pit of vipers that hiss as venomously as they bite, and her alone to face them.
Forcing herself to push the negative thoughts aside, promising silently that she would text Skye as soon as she was in her room to check in, she opened the door to her home. What she saw inside was curious. Both of her parents looking extremely guilty, and Casey just looking confused.
“Whats going on?” she asked, looking from one member of her family to another.
“Bailey, come and sit down. You need to hear this.” Her mom said calmly. Bailey made her way to the dining table where they were sat, trying to figure out the unfamiliar look on her twins face. “The thing is honey…”
Before she had a chance to finish her thought, Casey stood abruptly up, knocking his chair over with the force. “They’re making us move, Bailey! Regardless of our friends, our relationships, our school!”
She was sure she could still faintly hear Casey yelling, but her ears rushed and her head span. Fighting past the feeling of sawdust in her mouth, Bailey only managed two words before the tears pricking at her eyes threatened to spill.
To be continued.
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CHAPTERS 1/ 2-M/ 3-M/ 4-M/ 5-M/ 7-M/
It was Sunday morning and it was Jaehyun was the first to wake-up again and he kissed Y/N again to wake her up and she woke up and he didn’t expect that Y/N will bite his bicep and...
“Yah! Y/N stop that! You make me feel that you want me to devour you now!” Jaehyun said and winked at her and Y/N laughed.
“I don’t care Hyunjae! I really liked your biceps that’s why I bite them.!” Y/N said and winked back at him.
“Oh! How about my abs? You should notice them also!” Jaehyun said.
“Don’t worry, I love your body Hyunjae! What about me?” Y/N asked and looked at him.
“Of course, Y/N! I love your body too and you are sexy! So, don’t be conscious ok?” Jaehyun said and smiled at her.
“Ne! Thank you Hyunjae! Let’s go and eat breakfast! I am hungry! I think you should be the one to cook now, Is that ok? I am kind a still tired. Haha!” Y/N said.
“Just for you Y/N! I will cook for you this day! You can relax in the living room first.” Jaehyun said.
“Ok! I should at least tell Minjei about us. Don’t you think?” Y/N said.
“Yup! You really should tell her now. So that when we come back to work tomorrow, she will not be surprised.” Jaehyun said and smiled at her and she smiled back and Jaehyun starts to cook in the kitchen and she relax for a while in the living room and when Y/N was about to call her friend, Minjei called her and she answered the call…
Minjei: Y/N! How are you? I missed you!
Y/N: I missed you too Minjei! I am really fine and I want to tell you something.
Minjei: Y/N, it’s too late to tell me about the two of you. I already know about you and Mr. Jaehyun are in a relationship and you accepted the special training.
Y/N: Mworago?(What did you say?) When? And how?
Minjei: Honestly Y/N, I started to know when I want to call you inside your office because I wanted to talk to you but then I saw the two of you kissing inside the office that time, so I didn’t disturbed the two of you and I am disappointed you lied to me that time even though the evidence of the hickey on your neck last time clearly showing that Mr. Jaehyun did something to you in the office! My gosh! You have a lame excuse to that! Why Y/N? Explain it to me!
Y/N: OMO! I am really sorry about that Minjei, I just don’t want you to be worried that’s all.
Minjei: Oh ok! Apology accepted and I understand Y/N!
Y/N: Thanks for understanding me Minjei, but I heard also that Mr. Juyeon is your personal trainer now. Why did you suddenly you want to have a personal trainer if you are already good at working out? Is there something going between you and Mr. Juyeon?
Minjei: ummm… I just saw that Mr. Juyeon is really consistent when it comes to working out so I became interested to have him as my personal trainer since he is also insisted too.
Y/N: Oh! Ok! I see. Guess what, where I am now?
Minjei: Y/N I already know that you are in Mr. Jaehyun’s place because last Friday night after our work when I was going home, I saw you with him. But tell me Y/N, how’s Mr. Jaehyun’s special training to you?
Y/N: Well, I can say he is really definitely an expert that’s why I think that he became the manager in our department haha!
Minjei: Oh! It seems you are enjoying huh? but will Mr. Jaehyun will have at least a proper date with you?
Y/N: Yup, he said that this night he will bring me to Hangang river and ride a cruise.
Minjei: OMO! Mr. Jaehyun is so sweet! I hope Juyeon will take me there too!
Y/N: Mworago?(What did you say?)
“oh shit! I accidentally mention Juyeon’s name!” Minjei thought.
Minjei: huh? Nothing Y/N, I just said I hope someone will take me there too.
Y/N: Oh! I see! I thought you mentioned a name earlier but I think I just misheard it.
Minjei: No, I didn’t mention a name Y/N haha! Did I disturb the two of you?
Y/N: Nope, Hyunjae is now cooking our breakfast and he will show something to me later for the training you know! Haha
Minjei: Oh! Good luck to you Y/N! I hope the relationship between two of you will last long! I am happy for you Y/N!
Y/N: Aww! Thanks, Minjei! Tell me if you already dated Mr. Juyeon ok? Haha
Minjei: Yah! I will never date him ok?
Y/N: Ei! That’s impossible Minjei, Mr. Juyeon is attractive too!
Minjei: Aish! Just believe me I will not date him ok?
Y/N: Ok fine I trust you Minjei! Haha
While Y/N is still in the phone call Jaehyun called her to eat breakfast.
Y/N: Minjei, I have to go and we have to eat breakfast because the special training will be continued later so you know I am going to be tired again haha!
Minjei: haha! Ok! Good luck to you! I have to go also bye! Take care!
Y/N: ok! Bye! Take care always too Minjei!
Then Y/N went to the dining room and had breakfast with Jaehyun and…
“So, how’s the conversation with Minjei? Did you already tell her?” Jaehyun asked.
“I am surprised that Minjei already knew about us.” Y/N said.
“Mwo?(What?) How did she know about us?” Jaehyun asked.
“When she was about to call me in our office, she saw that we are kissing in the office and she was also disappointed to me because I lied to her few times and also she said that I had a lame excuse to the hickey that you left in my neck. Aish!” Y/N said.
“Oh! I see! I feel sorry for Minjei that she saw us doing something in the office.” Jaehyun said.
“Well, that’s ok and at least I told her now and she accepted my apology too for lying to her few times. So, no worries now Hyunjae!” Y/N said and smiled at him.
“Oh ok! It seems that we are finished eating breakfast, so should we proceed to our 3rd stage of training? I feel that you are curious, right?” Jaehyun said and winked at her.
“Yup! I am really curious, what will you show to me Hyunjae!” Y/N said and smiled at him and Y/N followed Jaehyun to the bedroom and...
“Just wait me here Y/N, I will get some things to show you.” Jaehyun said and Y/N nodded. Then in few minutes, Jaehyun went back to Y/N and he place in the bed the things he wanted to show her.
“Oh shit! He had sex toys!” Y/N thought and shocked and Jaehyun laughed at her reaction.
“I bet you already know these things huh?” Jaehyun said and smirked at her.
“I think just only 2 things I know, the blindfold and the handcuffs and it seems this is getting kinky Hyunjae.” Y/N said.
“Of course! This can make sex more fun and pleasurable Y/N! but if you will be a bad girl one of this sex toys will be used by you for the punishment.!” Jaehyun said and smirked at her and Y/N was shocked.
“Oh gosh!!! shit! I don’t know what to say now!” Y/N thought.
“Oh! Gosh! I am speechless but I hope it will not that be painful, Am I right?” Y/N asked and gulped.
“I will be honest with you Y/N, there will be one sex toy that will slightly make you painful but don’t worry, if you stay a good girl to me then this paddle *holds it and show to her* will not be used frequently and I will used this by spanking you for 15 times for the punishment. but Y/N remember that this will not be always the punishment since I don’t want you to be in pain every time, I will punish you because I told you before that it will be also a rough sex will be the punishment too. Are we clear with that Y/N?” Jaehyun said and looked at her.
“Ok! I understand Hyunjae, I will try my best not be a bad girl to you!” Y/N said and smiled at him and…
“Good! So, I think we should start the training so that before the night comes, we can have a date in Hangang river.” Jaehyun said and Y/N nodded and he suddenly blindfolded Y/N.
“Oh shit! He freaking blindfolded me in this broad day light!” Y/N thought and her thoughts were cut-off when he lays her in the bed and he raised Y/N’s hands above her head and handcuffed her in the headboard of the bed.
“Just wait for me Y/N ok? I will get something and I will be back. Just relax and I bet you will like this kinky part of our training.” Jaehyun said in a husky voice and bites her ear.
“Oh fuck! This is what feels to be blindfolded and handcuffed its thrilling and dying with curiosity what will Hyunjae do to me!” Y/N thought and Jaehyun get some ice cream in the kitchen and went back to the bedroom.
“I am back Y/N! Ready for your first kinky experience!” Jaehyun said and he kissed her quickly.
“Oh gosh! He will start now!“ Y/N thought and suddenly Y/N felt a cold substance in her breast, between her breasts, in her belly button and in to her pussy.
“Oh shit! What did he just put on my body and it’s so cold!” Y/N thought.
“Y/N you look so delicious now!” Jaehyun said and he went above her and kissed her lips and then he kissed Y/N’s neck and marked her with a hickey and then he starts to lick the ice cream above her breast and he sucks it.
“Ugh! Ah! Ah! Hyunjae! So good! Ugh!” Y/N moaned and Jaehyun smirked at her and he continues to lick the ice cream in both her breast and he sucks it and after her breasts, he licked off the ice cream between her breast and he went to her belly button and licked off the ice cream as Y/N continuously moans to his actions and he reached Y/N’s pussy and he licks and sucks off the ice cream to her pussy and he continues to suck her pussy in rough way.
“OH FUCK! HYUNJAE! UGH! AH! AH! MORE! SHIT! SO GOOD!” Y/N screamed as she struggled from the handcuffs and Jaehyun smirked at her and he continues to lick and suck her pussy roughly. ”OH! FUCK SHIT! HYUNJAE!! I WILL CUM! UGH! AH! AH!” Y/N moaned.
“You can cum anytime Y/N!” Jaehyun said as he puts ice cream again to her pussy and he continues to eat her out and in few minutes she cum and…
“You are really delicious Y/N! You are my favorite dessert now! I am not done with you Y/N” Jaehyun whispered to her and bite her ears again.
“ugh! Ah! Hyunjae!” Y/N moaned from his action.
“Gosh! I thought this will be finish now! What is he planning now!?“ Y/N thought and her thoughts were cut-off when Jaehyun placed a vibrator in to her pussy.
“oh gosh! Hyunjae! Fuck! Ah! Ugh!” Y/N moaned and he used the remote to the vibrator and he decided to set the vibrator in a medium vibration.
“OH FUCK SHIT! HYUNJAE!!! AH! AH! UGH!” Y/N moaned and while he is seeing Y/N in a pleasurable scene he strokes himself and pumps his cock in a fast pace.
“oh fuck! Y/N! Ugh! Ah!” Jaehyun moaned while he pumps his cock and then he decided to set the vibration in to a strong one to her.
“AAAH! AH! HYUNJAE! FUCK! SHIT! THAT’S TOO MUCH! FUCK! UGH! AH!” Y/N screamed and because of her scream, Jaehyun pumps his cock more and moans too and in few minutes…
“LET IT GO Y/N! I AM CLOSE TOO NOW OH SHIT UGH!AH!” Jaehyun moaned and in few pumps of his cock he and Y/N cum and he stopped the vibrator and he pulled out the vibrator to her.
“I am not done yet! I haven’t entered you, that was only the vibrator. Brace yourself for another intense orgasm of your life! I love you Y/N!” Jaehyun whispered to her and he puts condom to his cock.
“Fuck! I am literally so tired of this shit!” Y/N thought and Jaehyun enters to him and he thrusts his cock to her in hard and rough way.
“UGH! AH! AH! FUCK YOU ARE STILL TIGHT! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF YOUR PUSSY! FEELS SO GOOD! SHIT! UGH! AH YES!” Jaehyun moaned and he continues to thrusts his cock to her in a rough way and he kissed her lips and sucks her breasts.
“OH GOSH! HYUNJAE! YOU ARE VERY WILD! FUCK! YES! RIGHT THERE! AH YES!” Y/N screamed when Jaehyun hit her g-spot and as he still continues to thrust to her...
“I AM ALMOST THERE Y/N! UGH! AH! AH! SHIT!” Jaehyun moaned and in few thrusts they cum and Jaehyun removes the handcuffs and blindfold to Y/N and he throws the used condom and lays beside her.
“So, Y/N how’s the kinky experience?” Jaehyun said and looked at her.
“That was more tiring Hyunjae! Gosh! I had multiple orgasm this day! Also, you didn’t let me breathe first when you insert you cock to me and you immediately went rough to me! That was the wildest experience I have with you! But I liked it and it was hot too! ” Y/N said and smiled at him.
“Oh! I am glad you liked it even though you are handcuffed and blindfolded and so for the other sex toys I can use them to you next time since it’s your first time for this kinky part of sex.” Jaehyun said.
“You know Hyunjae, I think this kind of kinky part in sex is really fun but kind a thrilling in a good way.” Y/N said and smiled at him.
” Yup! You are right and I am glad you are enjoying the training with me and in no time when we go back to work you will definitely be good at doing the sex and erotic articles because you already experienced it and I can allow you to write your own sex confession too since your name will not be published in the magazine.” Jaehyun said.
“Oh! I didn’t expect you will let me write a sex confession about our training. But since you allowed me, then I will make it when we go back to work.” Y/N said and smiled at him and he smiled back.
“We should nap now and we can just wash ourselves later when we woke up and go dinner outside in our date ok? I love you Y/N!” Jaehyun said and kissed Y/N
“Ne! I am excited to be on a date with you later! I love you too so much Hyunjae!.” Y/N said and smiled at him and they went to sleep first because they were both tired.
It was Sunday evening, Y/N and Jaehyun went to the Hangang river and rode a cruise and they admire the night view of Seoul.
“Thank you Hyunjae for bringing me here! This was my first time to rode a cruise here in Hangang river.” Y/N said and smiled at him.
“You are very welcome Y/N! The night view here is beautiful like you!” Jaehyun said and smiled back at her.
“Ei! That so cheesy Hyunjae! But thanks! Haha!” Y/N said and they laughed.
“I am not that good at sweet words Y/N since I haven’t experienced to date someone seriously.” Jaehyun said.
“Oh! I see! That’s okay Hyunjae! I understand haha!” Y/N said and smiled at him.
“We will go back to work tomorrow Y/N, I bet you will be better tomorrow and since Mr. Lee don’t allow public display of affection we can just work professionally in the office and starting tomorrow, I will be the one who will drive you home.” Jaehyun said.
“Yup! I will be definitely be better and more inspired because of you!” Y/N said and winked at him and Jaehyun smiled at her and and in few minutes of riding the cruise they got out the cruise and while they are searching a spot for them to rest and have their dinner, they saw someone and it was Juyeon and Minjei.
“Hey Hyunjae! Look it’s Minjei and Juyeon!” Y/N said and Jaehyun looked afar.
“Oh! What they are doing here? Should we approach them?” Jaehyun asked.
“We shouldn’t approach them and we will just watch them, it looks like there is something between them.” Y/N said and Jaehyun nodded.
“Juyeon, why did you bring me here all of a sudden?” Minjei asked and looked at Juyeon.
“Why? Don’t you like it? Of course, I want to have a date with you.” Juyeon said.
“I really liked it Juyeon, but someone might saw us because I heard that this evening Jaehyun and Y/N will be here and I don’t want Y/N to know about us.” Minjei said.
“Why don’t you want let Y/N know about us? Is there something wrong about us?” Juyeon asked and looked at her.
“There is no wrong about us it’s just that I don’t want to be teased by Y/N because both of us dated our manager. That’s what in my mind that’s all.” Minjei said and suddenly Juyeon kissed her, then Jaehyun and Y/N saw the scene...
“OMG! Did you see that Hyunjae? Juyeon just kissed Minjei?”Y/N said and Hyunjae smirked.
“Yup! It means they are in a relationship too like us and Juyeon didn’t tell me. Well, that’s interesting huh!”Jaehyun said.
“No wonder why Minjei want him to be her personal trainer! Oh well, we should just let have their moment. I will talk to her tomorrow in the lunch break.” Y/N said.
“Me too, I will talk to Juyeon about their relationship.” Jaehyun said and smiled at her and Y/N smiled back at him.
“No need to worry Minjei ok? I bet they already went home, so just be at ease and enjoy the date with me ok? Since tomorrow we will go back to work tomorrow too.” Juyeon said and smiled at Minjei.
“Ok! Thank you for this Juyeon!” Minjei said and smiled back.
“You are welcome Minjei! I really like walking with you with the beautiful night view of Seoul. I love you Minjei!” Juyeon said.
“I love you too so much Juyeon!.” Minjei said and they continue their romantic moment beside Hangang river. Back to Jaehyun and Y/N, they ordered a lot of food to eat for dinner beside the river.
“Wow! Hyunjae you will really make my diet ruined huh!? Fine, I don’t have choice because I am really hungry too! Hahaha!” Y/N said and Hyunjae laughed at her.
“I am sorry about that Y/N, you know you can have at least 2 days of cheat day for the food so that you will not crave for your favorite food.” Jaehyun said.
“Haha! You have a point Hyunjae! You know I still can’t believe that Juyeon and Minjei are now in a relationship!” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry Y/N, your friend Minjei is in good hands with Juyeon ok? I know him and he’s a good man. When we are college he is always the one who exerts effort for the girl he wants and even though many girls like him and that time he dated someone he really ensures that he will not ever cheat on her but it ends up that he is the one that is being cheated by the girl who have dated him in the past and ever since after his experience from that girl he didn’t date any other girls and I am happy now that he already forgot his past and tries again to open his heart for your friend, Minjei.” Jaehyun said.
“Oh! I see! Honestly, Minjei also has the same experience with him and I hope their relationship will last forever too!” Y/N said and smiled at him and after their dinner they went back to Jaehyun’s place.
“Thank you for today Hyunjae! I really learned so many things from you especially in our training and you also made me believe you really already change and you also told me about Juyeon so that I will not be worried to Minjei.” Y/N said.
“No problem Y/N! Thank you also that you came to my life and you are the reason why I changed. Well, for now we will not continue the training since we have work to tomorrow and I don’t want you to be tired too. So, we can just cuddle this night.” Jaehyun said and smiled at her.
“Ok! Hyunjae, I will miss your training to me!” Y/N said and winked at him and Jaehyun laughed at her.
“Haha! It looks you are getting addicted to me huh? You naughty Y/N!” Jaehyun said and smirked at her.
“How can I not be addicted to you! you are deadly hot and sexy too!” Y/N said.
“I know that Y/N! You are also hot and sexy for me too! Don’t worry next weekend, we will continue the training.” Jaehyun said and winked at her.
“Ok! Hyunjae! Don’t worry, I will really do better tomorrow in work too.” Y/N said and smiled at him.
“Yup! You really should do better Y/N! so that Mr. Lee will also believe that my training for you is effective. We should sleep now and it’s getting late. I don’t want us to be late for work tomorrow. “Good night and I love you Y/N!” Jaehyun said and kissed Y/N.
“Good night! I love you too so much Hyunjae!” Y/N said and they went to sleep.
8 notes · View notes
downeysgirl94 · 6 years
Nightmares Ch. 9 of Not Alone Anymore
Tony walked into the common room and saw peter scrolling mindlessly though his phone.
“Hey Pete I’m surprised you’re not on patrol right now” tony asked raising an eyebrow in peter’s direction
“Hey dad yeah I had homework I had to do by the time I was finished I was too tired to go out tonight I’ll go out tomorrow” peter said shrugging  his shoulders.
“Kiddo it’s not even 5pm are you not sleeping?” tony asked concerned
“That’s rich coming from you dad, I rarely see you in bed before 3 am, I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Peter said shrugging
“Pete that’s more of a do as I say not as I do scenario, why didn’t you get much sleep?” tony asked worried
“I don’t know Dad I just wasn’t able to sleep, it’s not a big deal, I’m going to go take a nap now will that make you happy? “ peter said annoyed walking towards his room, tony followed.
“Pete you know you can tell me anything” tony said sighing
“I know dad thanks, wake me up when dinner is ready ok?” peter said before closing his door.
Tony knew something was up with peter in the last few weeks he seemed to be exhausted all the time and not as willing to go on patrol. Tony needed to figure out why.
“Hey Fri over the last few nights has peter not been able to sleep through the night?
“Boss according to cameras Peter seems to sleep 2 to 3 hours before waking up in distress he doesn’t appear to go to back to sleep after he wakes up either.” FRIDAY stated.
Tony should have known, of course it was nightmares. Tony sighed he knew them too well.
“When did peter seem to start having nightmares FRIDAY? Tony asked worried
“It appears they started about a week after he stopped Adrian Toomes Boss” the AI answered.
Tony face palmed how he could be stupid and forget about his son stopping a weapon smuggler even after he told him not to. Peter and him got in there first real fight over it and tony took peter’s suit doesn’t mean it stopped peter he stopped Toomes in what looked like PJs. Tony sighed and knew peter didn’t tell him all what happened that night so soon he have to ask him.
“Hey Fri alert me anytime peter has a nightmare” tony said walking to his lab
“Of course Boss” FRIDAY stated
He was crushed under huge piles of concrete he could hardly breathe. He was near tears before shouting out
“Please I’m down here! I’m stuck, I can’t move! I can’t-”
Peter awoke with a gasp; his heart was pounding inside his chest. He pushed himself off the bed and walked into his bathroom and splashed water in his face. It’s been weeks since he was trapped under the building by Toomes and he had nightmares about it almost every night. He hadn’t told his dad about the building since he was worried enough after tony saw peter’s bruises from fighting the vulture he would lose it if he knew. Peter’s ears prickled and he glanced out of his bathroom and saw his dad looking in.
“Hey kiddo can I come in?” tony asked
“Sure dad” peter said walking out of bathroom went to sit on his bed.
“Pete you seem tense did I wake you?” tony asked
“No dad I’ve been up for a while” peter lied
“kid stop hiding things please I thought we agreed no more secrets” tony said giving peter full focus “ Pete once you went to lay down earlier I definitely noticed your behavior has been a bit off not just today the last few weeks. But I finally figured out why with a bit a research I feel like an idiot for not noticing sooner you’re having nightmares about Toomes.” Tony said looking very concerned
“Uh dad it’s just a nightmare it’s not a big deal” peter said quietly
“Well I told Friday to alert me when you have another, that’s why I am here so I can understand more what’s going on.” Tony said
“Dad you didn’t have to do that I’ll be fine they go away eventually” peter said awkwardly
“not without help Pete, kid I use to get nightmares all the time and I didn’t want people to see me as weak so I didn’t tell anyone about them but eventually they just got worse, they get better when you talk about them Pete” tony said rubbing peter’s back assuring
Peter sighed and nodded “your right I should I just didn’t want to worry you” he said defeated
“Peter I’ll always worry about you I’m your dad, but what I worried about is I can tell something happened before you stopped Toomes that is haunting you.” tony said
“He… sort...of... dropped… a...building... on  ...me” peter mumbled
“The bastard did what now?” Tony almost shouted
“ he was in an abandoned warehouse when I found him he set his winged suit on me I dodged it every it never hit me but he was hitting the supports of the warehouse by the time I figured out it was his plan to escape it was too late, I was buried under tons of concrete. I screamed for help but no one was around to hear me so I eventually lifted the concrete off of me” peter said quietly
Tony pulled peter into a tight hug
“I’m so sorry Pete that happened because you didn’t have your suit it’s my fault” tony said with a sob.
Peter pulled away from tony.
“Dad it’s not your fault I agreed to your terms if I wanted to be a hero. You are my dad you can take it away if you thought I was biting off more than I could chew I don’t have to like it but it is not your fault its Toomes’s.” peter said looking tony directly in the face.
“Pete thank you for finally telling me is this. What your nightmares have been about?” tony asked
“Yeah just reliving how helpless I felt before I actually was able to free myself” peter said indifferently
“Pete you were able to move a building off of you which is amazing, you were not helpless. But anytime it a nightmare comes again I’ll be there for you”  
“Dad you don’t got to-“ peter said
Tony interrupted him.
“peter trust me from experience it’s much easier to get back to sleep when you have someone to calm you down and keep you company, pepper is a damn saint for putting up with me” tony said smiling.
Peter nodded “Yes she is, but she’s lucky. And so am I for having you as a dad”
“Pete I’m the one who got lucky” tony smiled and pulled peter into a hug.
Tony ordered a pizza and they watched movies in peter’s room all night.
Halfway through the 2nd movie tony noticed peter nodded off so he decided to turn off the TV, and covered peter with a blanket. Tony was considering going to his lab when he heard peter sound like crying in his sleep. Tony sighed tinkering can wait peter is more important. Tony got back on the bed and pulled his son close instantly peter’s cries stopped, he seemed to be sleeping more soundly.  Tony played with peters curls for what seems like hours until sleep claimed tony as well.
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zoesrose · 3 years
pt. 3 - April 2021 - June 2021
yasmin puckerman
Hey, you up?
zoe rose
Yes. Is everything okay?
yasmin puckerman
yeah yeah, everythings good I’m just up. Smoking out my window and was just thinking
zoe rose
Thinking about what?
yasmin puckerman
Thinkin bout you
zoe rose
I just finished smoking. Laying here. Eating that candy you left here Saturday.
Exactly what about me are you thinking of?
yasmin puckerman
damn that’s where I left that
Your ass mostly
Them dimples you got right above it
zoe rose
I'm glad you mentioned the dimples because I was going to point out that my ass has nothing on yours.
I'll save you a piece.
yasmin puckerman
nah it’s cool, you can eat it. I’ll survive I do have exceptional cheeks
zoe rose
You do.
yasmin puckerman
That’s not all I was thinking about tho
zoe rose
Tell me.
yasmin puckerman
we never talked about the night at the empire. Was that what you wanted? I’m
am I supposed to want to go on another d
Idk this shit I got is loud
I’m trippin
zoe rose
That’s not a clear answer. Tell me.
yasmin puckerman
you had a good time right? When we went out that one night
zoe rose
A very good time, yes.
Did you?
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah My bad for whatever I said after. It was just more than usual. I don’t get pushed life that
zoe rose
I didn’t take it to heart, it just meant I did a good job humiliating you. I liked pushing you.
yasmin puckerman
I liked it too
zoe rose
I can’t afford the Grand Empire again but I would like to do that again
yasmin puckerman
being there was hella fun but that wasn’t what made it good so, that’s whatever
zoe rose
The dinner part deserves a redo. Something less stuffy.
yasmin puckerman
so you trying to do the whole thing again?
zoe rose
We don’t have to.
yasmin puckerman
let me plan this one?
zoe rose
This one... date?
yasmin puckerman
Saturday or whenever We don’t have to call it that
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
Yeah, dope Saturday. Yessir
zoe rose
liked this
Goodnight, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
Night Sir
yasmin puckerman
hey wassup?
zoe rose
Hello, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
what you up too?
zoe rose
Currently? Walking around campus. Hitting that back spot that looks over the water.
yasmin puckerman
oh so you chillin chillin
zoe rose
Everything okay?
yasmin puckerman
yeah all good. I don’t got nothin to text about, I was just being nosey
zoe rose
You could always come be nosy in person.
yasmin puckerman
yeah true Drop a pin?
zoe rose
Drop a pin, what?
zoe rose
Do I come across as an egotistical, saditty serial killer?
yasmin puckerman
egotistical? nah wait is this a trick question?
zoe rose
But yes to the other two?
yasmin puckerman
I didn't say that are you good?
zoe rose
I've been compared to Hunter Clarington and I don't like it.
yasmin puckerman
who tf is that? you need to throw down with someone? I could be in the mood real quick
zoe rose
He's a new Dominant that's taken an extra interest in Marley. She said he reminds her of me and I don't like him, so I needed to ask.
yasmin puckerman
Oh well I can't go fighting Marley
zoe rose
I would never ask you to.
yasmin puckerman
remember this?
Tumblr media
zoe rose
So I am that type of Dominant? You really pulled some screenshots on me.
yasmin puckerman
I'm just saying, my feelings on that still stands why you saying it like its a bad thing?
zoe rose
Fuck you're right. I don't know why I'm feeling this way.
yasmin puckerman
bro, are you dropping? wyd, Sir?
zoe rose
Laying in bed. About to smoke this bowl. You?
yasmin puckerman
I was just about to roll
you got company?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
do you want some, Sir?
zoe rose
Yes. Come over.
yasmin puckerman
ok dope omw
zoe rose
Door's open.
yasmin puckerman
you feeling better?
If you got a min this week to fit a session
lemme know? (leaf) (smoke) ahead of time maybe? Gotta clear it with the boss them
zoe rose
I’ve got minutes. Tomorrow afternoon.
yasmin puckerman
aight I’ll see what I can do
yasmin puckerman
you doing shit with your partner toni
do they sleep in your bed? I got the nig
your (plug) got gummies and shit rn?
zoe rose
He always does. Should I text him? He can have it delivered in an hour tops.
yasmin puckerman
yessir, pls $25 of nerds ropes or cookies or sum and a Q of that(fire) for me
zoe rose
You're missing something.
yasmin puckerman
yeah I didn't think that was gonna cut it forever
please and thanks, Sir?
yasmin puckerman
I'm starting an escort business wait that's not how that sounds hold up does it counts as that??
zoe rose
You're going to have to elaborate.
yasmin puckerman
I'm escorting this dude to town tomorrow for a few bucks I could be doing that a couple times just on a weekend morning and bank.
zoe rose
That's smart.
yasmin puckerman
thanks. I be thinking sometimes
zoe rose
You should charge by the hour.
yasmin puckerman
yeah, 35 the first 2 and 20 every hour after.
easy money I need to get shit in town myself tomorrow.
zoe rose
Good girl. Using this as an opportunity?
yasmin puckerman
You wanna swing by Trixie’s surprise party with me Sat?
zoe rose
What will you be doing next week?
yasmin puckerman
Chillen Triple weeks no classes
Might pick up a few extra work shift tho, since imma be missing hours for this universal trip
zoe rose
I will also be working my ass off to rack up money.
yasmin puckerman
keepin on that grind  
zoe rose
Then maybe this Summer we can go on an actual trip. You and me.
yasmin puckerman
oh you tryin to steal my ass away for the summer??
zoe rose
Just a part of it.
yasmin puckerman
I like the sound of that.
zoe rose
I'm thinking Miami.
yasmin puckerman
dope I hear Miami jumps
zoe rose
I've been once. It does.
yasmin puckerman
theres a whole other semester to get through first
I'm really about to savor this break bc I'm hella tired of going to class
zoe rose
It's just a few more months.
yasmin puckerman
how did your midterm go?
zoe rose
It was fine. Yours?
yasmin puckerman
yeah good, same hb Marley?
zoe roseBOT — 04/24/2021
Hers went smoothly as well.
yasmin puckerman
Thats good no one to square up with
zoe rose
There's always next time.
yasmin puckerman
that makes me miss smight flub
zoe rose
We could go into town next week.
yasmin puckerman
yeah? I'd be down for that
zoe rose
Consider these official orders.
yasmin puckerman
Yes, Miss Sir. cool cool cool, dinner first?
zoe rose
And dessert after.
yasmin puckerman
the dessert is me right?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
knew it
zoe rose
Come over on Monday too. Since we don't have class.
yasmin puckerman
I would start and end the week with me too if I could
zoe rose
See you Monday, Yas.
zoe rose
I was thinking of renting a car to drive up to Universal. Would you like to ride with me and Marley?
yasmin puckerman
You just want a back seat roller I'm on to you
zoe rose
You could always drive and I could be the back seat roller. I'm not discriminatory.
yasmin puckerman
Aight but if I drive we getting there in 2 and a half minimum
zoe rose
No. I'll drive.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah I knew you were all dry jokes
zoe rose
We'll leave Monday morning.
yasmin puckerman
You got it, Sir. I gotta remember to get my shit packed
zoe rose
Then you can pack my shit.
[ ... ]
yasmin puckerman
probably cause you don't want me picking all your outfits
zoe rose
All of my outfits are the same.
yasmin puckerman
Imma pack my bag and yours with my clothes
zoe rose
No. You're packing your bag and I'm packing mine.
yasmin puckerman
don’t worry. Just jokes I like your style how it is anyway
zoe rose
You're still coming over tomorrow night, correct?
yasmin puckerman
yep You planning to do anything special with me?
zoe rose
What do you want me to do to you?
yasmin puckerman
oh shit I hadn’t thought it throu No ones tied me up in a while
You wanna fuck me til I’m mad about it, Sir?
zoe rose
Wanna try that again?
yasmin puckerman
fuck, really?
I swore I had that one! Okay
Will you tie me up and fuck me til I’m mad about it pls, Sir?
zoe rose
That's better. I would love nothing more.
yasmin puckerman
You want some company now too?
I'm out on my board rn
zoe rose
I always want your company.
yasmin puckerman
So I don't gotta ask? what happens if I just start showing up?
zoe rose
My always wanting you here does not negate your need to ask for things you want.
yasmin puckerman
Do you ask for things you want? Or you always just waiting for me to do it?
zoe rose
I'm sure I've asked for you to come over on several occasions.
yasmin puckerman
when I have time I'm pulling receipts wait, that was a yes right? cause I'm already on my way
zoe rose
That was a yes.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
Are you all packed?
yasmin puckerman
Yeah I think so I suck at packing
zoe rose
I think I over packed.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah? I think I got more toys than clothes.
zoe rose
I got my clothes in one bag, my shoes in one, my make up in another, and my shit in it's own bag too.
yasmin puckerman
Damn you got four bags??
zoe rose
My make up and oiud bags are small so they barely count.
zoe rose
Before I forget, you're under my orders Friday night and Sunday.   And I would like for you to spend Sunday with me and Marley at Disney world. Please.
yasmin puckerman
I mean, since you asked so nicel Friday, yes Sir. Got it. And hell yeah I wanna go to disney. I don't wanna take your time away from Marley though so, you sure?
zoe rose
Perfect. Marley has me to herself on Friday and Saturday, so Sunday the three of us can  spend the day together before we drive back to GroveKey.
Friday is our birthday, so if you'd like to you can give Marley a present. Though I do not want anything. Just to fuck you Friday night.
yasmin puckerman
Oh shit, that's good to know
Did I known that already??
I'll definitely grab her something.
zoe rose
Thank you.
yasmin puckerman
I'm not saying I wont get you anything tho
zoe rose
I suppose I can't stop you.
yasmin puckerman
tell me more about this birthday sex?
zoe rose
I don't think you really want to know. Not asking like that.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah maybe I don't It's your birthday so, whatever you want not that it's not always whatever you want you know what I mean
zoe rose
It'll be a nice surprise for you.
yasmin puckerman
You should let me surprise you tho
zoe rose
I don't like surprises.
yasmin puckerman
not even sexy ones in the shape of me?
zoe rose
Not even those
yasmin puckerman
If you say so
zoe rose
You could always tell me what you wanted to do ahead of time so it’s not a surprise
yasmin puckerman
See this why you’re the smart one between us
zoe rose
So tell me.
yasmin puckerman
how bout I just keep myself ready for friday. you could tell me when to edge over text while you're out having your day whenever you want, on the dime that way by the time your birthday sex comes around I'll already be so fucking desperate for whatever you want to do to me or not do to
if I had hit you with that friday morning you woulda been mad?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
cool good
zoe rose
I would also like to dress you that day and on Sunday.
Those can be my gifts.
yasmin puckerman
I'm down but thats not your gift nice try tho
zoe rose
It will be better than any material thing you could get me.
yasmin puckerman
well you can just like it more than a  legit thing, that’s fine
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
(peace) (alien) (kiss)
yasmin puckerman
heyyyooooo Happy Birthday
zoe rose
Thank you.
[ 10am ] Now edge for me.
yasmin puckerman
yeah okay. But wait, can I bring you and Marley's gift by before you leave?
zoe rose
The correct response is 'yessir'
We'll wait for you.
yasmin puckerman
aww YESSIR ok cool, thanks oh shit wait hold on. [ ... ]
zoe rose
loved this
Good girl.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
[ 12:37pm ] Edge again.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir. got you.
zoe rose
Fuck. I can't wait to fuck you tonight.
yasmin puckerman
listen YOU can't wait???
this the second time you edged today too ooor
I'm already hella ready for you, still wet since the first time
zoe rose
That's exactly how I want you. Tonight, I want you dripping.
yasmin puckerman
fuck yeah you got it what time you guys coming back? not that I'm rushing you I'm just you know, wondering
zoe rose
Around 9pm. Why? Are you desperate already?
yasmin puckerman
I'm always desperate when you say you're going to fuck me
zoe rose
Is that so? I'll keep that in mind every time I say that.
yasmin puckerman
you gonna be thinkin about me thinkin about you?
zoe rose
I can absolutely admit to that.
yasmin puckerman
dope that mean I got you wet too?
you got any hints about you're planning to enjoy this birthday sex?
zoe rose
I haven't decided yet. There will most certainly be some choking and humiliation involved. Perhaps I'll suffocate you with my pussy.
yasmin puckerman
well damn catch me making sure this seats all clean for you, Sir.
I don't even need air
zoe rose
I’ll be sure to remember that.
[ 2:54pm ] Again.
yasmin puckerman
can you see how wet I am? these panties been done for, i'm gonna have to change before I head out
zoe rose
Actually, don’t even wear underwear. And wear a skirt. I’m not done with you.
yasmin puckerman
tf am I gonna get a skirt fro yes, Sir
yasmin puckerman
[ 20 minutes later ]
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zero underwear, promise
zoe rose
Good girl. As soon as you get to where you’re going, you’re going to slip into the bathroom to edge for me.
yasmin puckerman
imma have to go wipe my thighs anyway so, might as well
zoe rose
Good, I like that you're dripping.
[ 7:21pm ] I'm on my way back. Edge again.
yasmin puckerman
fuck sorry, there was a line for the bathroom
how long does it take to get back, Sir?
zoe rose
I'll be back in my room in less than thirty minutes.
yasmin puckerman
bet. I'm gonna be waiting there wait no, do you need a min?
nah i'm just gonna be waiting th
zoe rose
By the time I get to my room, I expect you kneeling in front of my door.
yasmin puckerman
oh than fu
yes, Sir. you got it. Imma be there.
zoe rose
Good girl.
yasmin puckerman
Did you know it was mothers day?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
I didn't now I feel like a dick
zoe rose
It's not too late to call her.
yasmin puckerman
I'm waiting for my brother to finish
zoe rose
He beat you to it?
yasmin puckerman
The first time ion think either of us got through but yeah, he did
It's okay, she'll still love me
zoe rose
I'm sure you're fine.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah it was fine, she wasn't mad I told her about Disney Thanks for the invite today
zoe rose
Thank you for indulging Marley.
yasmin puckerman
Nah, that's light work she made it really fun
zoe rose
Yes but there was a lot of things I wouldn't with her that you did.
yasmin puckerman
I had a good time so, it's np did you?
zoe rose
I enjoyed you and Marley having a good time.
yasmin puckerman
I guess thats not a no
zoe rose
It doesn't matter because it wasn't for me. The person who was supposed to enjoy it did and that's all that I wanted.
yasmin puckerman
what would you do for your birthday if it was just for you? besides me, obviously
zoe rose
Sitting on the beach, drinking and smoking. Then maybe a car show or something later in the night. Before coming going home with you for birthday sex.
yasmin puckerman
you wanna do that next weekend? the retirement homies around this island are always having car shits, bet theres something
zoe rose
Yes. Please.
yasmin puckerman
dope I only work until 1 sat
zoe rose
Then you're under my orders for the rest of the weekend.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir. I mean, except I got a 6 to close sunday but beside that it'll be dope
zoe rose
We can hit the beach again before you go into work.
yasmin puckerman
you look good on the beach, so I'm down
zoe rose
I'll get the cooler ready.
yasmin puckerman
you wanna dress me?
zoe rose
For the car show? Yes.
yasmin puckerman
cool I like when you do that
zoe rose
Good. I like it too.
yasmin puckerman
loved this
yasmin puckerman
Can this be a regular thing?
zoe rose
You being mine for the weekend?
yasmin puckerman
yeah. Exactly that
zoe roseB
I want that too.
yasmin puckerman
I just might have to work sometimes. Like we did this weekend tho that’s cool, yeah?
zoe rose
I think it worked out this weekend like that.
yasmin puckerman
I think so too, Sir
it was dope
zoe rose
I think so too.
yasmin puckerman
From Saturday morning next week?
zoe rose
Yes, standing orders.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir
zoe rose
Good girl. Goodnight, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
yasmin puckerman
morning or whatever
zoe rose
Good morning, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
What you up to today? Besides dumbass class
zoe rose
Just that. Bored out of my fucking mind, you?
yasmin puckerman
mood. same. everyone is always like, you don’t even enjoy the kink classes? Like I’m obviously only taking kink classes. It’s still book work and listening so, I’m still
zoe rose
Especially in the intro classes.
yasmin puckerman
I joined a study group
zoe rose
For what reason?
yasmin puckerman
to copy ppls work also I like the girl running it, she’s sweet
zoe rose
I should have known there was a cute/sweet girl involved.
yasmin puckerman
at least I know what motivates me blonde and everything
zoe rose
And here I thought I was the one set in my ways
yasmin puckerman
whats your thing? brats who are full of themselves
zoe rose
That one is actually new.
yasmin puckerman
hmm, getting adventurous
zoe rose
Seems so.
yasmin puckerman
well I'm hella happy to help  
zoe rose
Send me a pic
yasmin puckerman
of me like right now?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
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zoe rose
liked this
Good angle.
yasmin puckerman
I’m hella sexy from all angles so, thank you
zoe rose
Yes, you are.
yasmin puckerman
Send me one, Sir?
zoe rose
Say please.
yasmin puckerman
Please, Sir?
zoe rose
Good girl.
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yasmin puckerman
saves image
yasmin puckerman
Mind if I kick it with you between a class today or sum?
zoe rose
No. Bored?
yasmin puckerman
Imma see if you’ll let me ask nicely to go down on you.
zoe rose
Ask nicely and we'll see.
yasmin puckerman
If I start saying what I know you’ll say before you say it, that gonna piss you off?
zoe rose
I'm not making any promises.
yasmin puckerman
damn, cause you know I’d like it
zoe rose
So go ahead and try me. What will I say?
yasmin puckerman
hb I just count my lucky stars today and ask where I should meet you? So I can ask properly
zoe rose
My place.
yasmin puckerman
okay cool thanks, Sir
zoe rose
liked this
zoe rose
Today is my turn to ask if I can go down on you between classes.
yasmin puckerman
wait you’re ASKING me???
say pleas
Uh, hell yes I don’t gotta jump through a hoop first?
zoe rose
No. I just want your pussy on my mouth.
yasmin puckerman
fuck yes wherever you want, Sir.
zoe rose
Your room exactly three minutes after our second class ends.
yasmin puckerman
I'll be right on time
zoe rose
Good girl.
yasmin puckerman
I work til 9 tomorrow, you gonna be busy?
zoe rose
I am not. Are you wanting to start our weekend early?
yasmin puckerman
Yes please
zoe rose
Yes, come over after work.
yasmin puckerman
cool also I gotta reup pls, at least a Q
zoe rose
Alright just send me the 70
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
liked this
[ ... ]
unliked this
What do you want to do tomorrow night?
yasmin puckerman
you wanna go out?
zoe rose
Out to a club?
yasmin puckerman
yeah, I could get changed at work, meet you back at campus?
zoe rose
Yes. I'll come by your play before you go to work. Pick out when you're going to wear for the night.
yasmin puckerman
okay dope yes, Sir How was your week?
zoe rose
It was satisfactory, no complaints. I went to class, smoked, chilled. You?
yasmin puckerman
It was good, flew by They been doing that lately
zoe rose
I like it.
yasmin puckerman
must be cause of all the relaxing I do come weekends
zoe rose
Is that what we call it? Relaxing?
yasmin puckerman
that’s what I’m calling it its relaxing for me well maybe not always in the moment, but afterward, overall, that shit
zoe rose
Yes. That makes sense.
zoe rose
You sent someone to bring me coffee?
yasmin puckerman
bomb coffee did you like it?
zoe rose
I almost slammed the door in his face.
yasmin puckerman
oh no but you didn’t?
zoe rose
His only saving grace was saying your name. Otherwise he would have gotten the coffee thrown in his face.
yasmin puckerman
damn coffee is hot
wait are you mad?
I should have told you it was coming, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that
zoe rose
I'm not mad. Just thrown off.
You should have.
yasmin puckerman
my fault, I’m sorry
did you like the coffee th
maybe I could make it up to you later?
zoe rose
You're tasked with finding a girl for both of us to fuck at the club.
yasmin puckerman
yes Sir hell yes I'm all over it, any preferences?
zoe rose
Your type. I want to watch you dom someone.
yasmin puckerman
fuck okay yup, I'll keep my eye out
zoe rose
Good. Do you like the dress I chose for you tonight?
yasmin puckerman
Imma look so fine
I like everything you pick for me
zoe rose
I like everything I pick for you too.
yasmin puckerman
[ later ] I got her
coming back rn
zoe rose
I'm in Private Room 6.
yasmin puckerman
okay damn, perfect is this gonna be a just me her thing? or like a me her... me her you?
zoe rose
I'm only watching tonight.
yasmin puckerman
cool, okay dope just give me like 5 mins, Sir?
zoe rose
5 min and not a second more.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir
zoe rose
liked this
yasmin puckerman
I know I just left but, can I come over?
zoe rose
You really should have just stayed with me the extra day.
yasmin puckerman
I thought I'd be a big girl and sleep in my own bed tonight but nah
zoe roseBOT — 05/31/2021
Come here.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir
zoe rose
liked this
yasmin puckerman
do you wanna fuck me at lunch, Sir? please? I'm in a hella bad mood
zoe rose
No. I’m not in the mood.
yasmin puckerman
okay you good?
zoe rose
Yes. Why are you in a bad mood?
yasmin puckerman
because it feels like a Monday
and I'm irritating
zoe rose
You’re irritating?
yasmin puckerman
YES me.
annoying tf out of my self
zoe rose
Take a smoke break. You'll feel better.
yasmin puckerman
you're so fucking right oh shit, thats why! I slept in so I didn't have time to this morning
zoe rose
You're welcome.
yasmin puckerman
i thought I was just in a fight with me thanks, your wisdom is plentiful
zoe rose
liked this
We got this new strand, Skywalker OG. You want?
yasmin puckerman
hell yes and also yes please
zoe rose
Good girl. You'll be getting Chinese food later on tonight.
yasmin puckerman
okay dope but I might only be able to swing a 8th rn, I gotta check the funds
zoe rose
Pay me back next paycheck.
yasmin puckerman
music to my ears
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
you were def right
and I hella want to kiss you
I feel better now
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
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yasmin puckerman
fuck I wasn’t expecting that
zoe rose
I know.
yasmin puckerman
is this an invite? or am I being teased?
zoe rose
It's always an invite.
yasmin puckerman
yeah always? I get out of work in 55 minutes.
zoe rose
Not that you're counting or anything.
yasmin puckerman
yeah I am def counting 54 minutes
zoe rose
And how long does it take you to get here?
yasmin puckerman
20 mins ish
zoe rose
Door's open. Come into the bedroom naked.
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah yes Sir.
zoe rose
liked this
yasmin puckerman
holy shit the pride tourist wave has hit grovekey it's been so fucking busy
zoe rose
Are you getting paid more?
yasmin puckerman
[ backdated ] I wish I was bout to go on a break though so I got a solid 15 mins to sit my ass down
zoe rose
Only a couple more hours. FT while I roll?
yasmin puckerman
I was just about to ask that
3 more mins and I’m headed out back.
zoe rose
Yes. Just call.
[ see here ]
yasmin puckerman
I just rolled a fatty, want me to come by?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
Orange soda?
zoe rose
Yes, please.
yasmin puckerman
Dope. I'll be there in 5
hold on munchies kicked in and I'm staring into this vending machine like it owns my life do you think I want a reeses or a kit kat?
zoe rose
I thought you were waiting to smoke with me. We both want Reeses.
yasmin puckerman
nah I said I rolled I had one ready one my way home before I showered and changed maybe I should go with skittles. that meatball sub I had at work is not sittin right, chocolate probably wont help
Or them little mini cookies
zoe rose
Mhm. Not cookies, you just said chocolate won't help.
yasmin puckerman
so I don’t work sat but there’s an alum event I want to hit up at 7, do I need to ask permission or some s that cool with you Sir?
zoe rose
Which event is that?
yasmin puckerman
poker night
well it’s a men’s only thing but I wanna see if they’d let me ride and I’m cute or whatever, I’m sure I can convince somebodies rich daddy
zoe rose
Okay. You’re still ordered to my room after.
yasmin puckerman
dope It goes to 11 but I don’t think I’ll need that long to clean up$$ and head out
zoe rose
Where is it going to be held?
yasmin puckerman
someone said it was gonna be at that oak club place
zoe rose
Will you need an escort?
yasmin puckerman
yeah I will
zoe rose
Want it to be me?
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah I was gonna just figure something out but that’d be dope I’m so mf good at poker
just gotta find out what the buy in is so I’m prepared.
zoe rose
if there's a difference you can't make, I got you
yasmin puckerman
If it come to that, I’ll give it right back after I triple it
zoe rose
Which seminars are you signing up for?
yasmin puckerman
Just the switch one if I’m gonna be forced into an extra class this week at least it’s Miss Bakers she aight
zoe rose
That's smart.
yasmin puckerman
you pick any?
zoe rose
I'm looking now. I might just do the TPE class since it's in my wheelhouse.
yasmin puckerman
yeah might be interesting, good thinking
zoe rose
Besides me dressing you, have you ever experienced TPE in the submissive role?
yasmin puckerman
nah but, I’m taking that intro class right now
zoe rose
I want to explore that with you.
yasmin puckerman
like an all day thing?
zoe rose
Starting with a few rules. Then leading up to an all day thing.
0 notes
Nov 20th:  I was doing the normal online dating thing...  I hit a wall... got tired of the way guys were talking to me. I changed my mind set. I am only going to swipe guys that I feel have FULL potential! I swiped one person that night. 
Four days later I was just about to delete the apps because I couldn't stand it any more and I matched with the one guy I had swiped in 4 days you know the one with the cute dimples. The moment we matched I told him I was deleting my dating profile and he should snap me. The other guys I was talking to.... I stopped. There was no one I wanted to invest my time in.
Nov 27th He doesn't text a lot so it's been pretty slow. I am loving getting to know as much about him as I can. His dimples! Omg his dimples. I'm in trouble. I'm definitely attracted to him. He has a positive energy about him. He is insightful. So far a good listener and engages in conversation. Even says supportive things. He is respectful of me. Respectful in the way he talks to me. I love the fact that he understands working in yourself. We can have real conversation about growth and challenges. Just supporting one another keep positive and keep going.
Nov 28th We had a "virtual date" kind of... I was watching the fight with Todd. I live streamed the Tyson fight so sam could watch it. Because he couldn't get it at home.. But honestly it made my night. To spend that time with him. Laughing together from miles apart. His smile makes me smile and I love it. Ugh I really like his energy. Not many people work as much as I do. but It could be fun! 
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** I am doing this whole manifesting thing so here goes it lol!  “He is going to be the one and I never have to be broken hearted ever again. Wish me luck 🙏 😅** 
He said we could get together on Friday!
Well... It’s Friday the 4th! I am so excited. Like the tension between us is pretty intense. I don’t normally hook up really quick only but holy shit. I want him! I don't know I guess we will see what the night brings. I just want to know more about him. He is really busy so I don’t know a lot! but I want to know more! 
Later Friday night! well umm... I'm either getting stood up or he is stuck at work. We were suppose to connect at 7. Its now 8:30 and I am sitting here starting to feel shitty.... I am all dressed up, looking cute and he has not text. I don't want to be the 1st one to text but I could go out to a friends if I found out right now we are not getting together. I will wait a little while... 
Okay, it’s 9:30 I am texting. 
He is not standing me up on purpose he is stuck at work. It takes 30 seconds to say that. So that respect would have been nice to know 2 hours ago...  I'm sad... really bummed actually.  He asked for a rain check for Monday. Monday can’t come soon enough!  I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation after work. I don't think he will be standing me up again any time soon... :) 
Saturday the 5th This smile never goes away. I have not even met him yet. But I cant get him out of my head. How do I miss someone I have not met. I want to kiss him. I want him to kiss me. 10 minutes video calls with him make my heart melt. I can't wait to met him.
Monday might just come sooner then I thought! He asked If I wanted to come hang out around 3. Umm YES! 
It was everything I wanted and more. He is just as adorable as in his pictures. I could stare at him for hours. Snuggling in his arms was the only place I wanted to be. ugh the way he kissed me and looked at me!*everything else was pretty amazing too*
I asked when do I get to see you again. He said he would look at his days off and get back to me. I didn't want to ask again. so I didn't... 3 days went by... Then 4 & 5 days. His texts got fewer and fewer. It was a crazy day at work! Even if It was just a night after work snuggled on the couch I would be fine with that. I had such a rewarding week and I just wanted to share my days with someone but he never called he never asked.  Some nights he wouldn't even text when he got home from work. It takes 2.5 seconds to text good morning. And 5 seconds to send any text out of 86000 seconds in a day. 
By Wednesdays I knew this was not going anywhere. It was 11 he has not text or called but he was off work. so I tired to video call him. I got an error that he was on another video call. Instantly my heart sank and I decided it was time for bed. 
Thursdays even though I knew what was going on, I didn't want to believe it. So I went about the day like I normally do. giving him text updates along the way. So badly just wanting anyone to give a shit about my day. I just want someone to share life with. Towards the end of the day I changed gears over to I want you texts. Different ways to put a smile on his face. He never texts back so that was at no surprise. And some times he get off around midnight so I sat checking my phone every 5 minutes... by 12:30 I had accepted he didn't care. by 1:30 I was hurt because he was online. So I text a simple “you suck” I was up all night thinking of what to say or how to say it. telling him how fucked up it is not not text back. like what a douche bag thing to do. If you are not interested then just say it. why waste my time. why lead me on. I made excuses for him, being understanding of his routine. Being understanding of the fact he works so much. Just no. 
I woke up to a “mernin” text for the 1st time all week... Here we go. Go ahead and tell me the things you should have said 3 days ago when you made up your mind that I was not what you were looking for. Tell me it’s you and not me. Tell me that you are you and not willing to change. You know the worst thing about recovering addicts, is that they believe their own bullshit and they think you are stupid as fuck. I grew up in the rooms. My mom is an addict. My dad is a recovering addict of 23 years before he died.  I am 100% in support of recovery, Routine and you time. Means I would have a routine and me time. I am even more in support of how much you work. Because there is no one that works as much as me. That's what I liked the most. Positive, encouragement to just "do better, be better." Is my life right now.
You could have not said anything at all today. because your silence last night was enough! All you said is exactly what I already knew. It’s not that you wont change. It’s that I’m not enough to make you want to change and you are already looking for the next best thing. It’s ok. I'm a big girl I am use to it. I’m Fine. My dad said it best “I can pick an addict out of a crowd and that is who I am going to fall in love with.”
Do you want me to accept this or call you out on your bullshit. Either way it doesn't matter to me. I mean I could choose to be nice just so I can still fuck you for a while. ** After thought, No if you will please block my number. If I call... don't answer. Shouldn't be there hard for you. As hard as I love, is the same as I hurt.
He told me that i needed to chill... that this is the drama he was talking about yet its been 3 days of him saying he was gonna call and we would talk about this. How understanding do you think a girl can be when she is confused and disrespected. Hurt and feeling like garbage. When if you would just tell her that your not interested the horrible feeling would go away and she could start to move on. But your gonna tell me "I'm all over the place rn" because your a douchebag that won't give me the respect of a 10 minute phone call to stop my mind from racing. Thank you for the emotional roller coaster, treating me like I never mattered to begin with, Making me feel worthless, but I do appreciate you showing me now instead of later. To begging with would have been better. ps. FUCK YOU MY HEART WAS IN THE RIGHT PLACE MY INTENTION WERE PURE AND ITS YOUR LOSS NOT MINE!
0 notes
toxic relationship 2015-2018
Ok so where do I begin?
My whole life I dreamed ab having a cute bf with a cute perfect relationship. I mean I did have some “relationships” along the way like when I lived in Brazil I had a little boyfriend in which we would gift each other presents on valentines day but that was it, or when I was in middle school I had 2 little bfs( during different times ofc) in which I would go to the mall with sometimes, seat next to each other In lunch , and makeout in the school staircase. but never really a REAL boyfriend.
Towards the end of middle school I started feeling the realll need to be loved and have a bf for some reason, but never in a million years would I have thought things would turn out the way they did. Get ready kids, its story timeee!
It all started my first day of freshman year, new school, new ppl, I was so overwhelmed and confused. Off the bat( not to sound cocky) all the guys were staring at me and saying I was pretty, I was so excited tbh. So it did not seem strange to me when a girl approached me and said “that guy thinks you are beautiful” and pointed at this skinny tan kid that was so ugly tbh HAHAHAHAHAH. Later on that same guy came & asked me for my number, and me being the nice girl I was said yes even though I did not want anything to do w him. 
My freshman year was definitely a blur. I was experimenting new things and honestly getting with so many cute guys since I was considered one of the prettiest girls in school. Mean while, the ugly kid that asked me for my number on the first day of school, actually became my best friend. I would tell him everything and even though I knew he wanted to be more, I was not interested at all, in fact, I was with one of his besties at the time. When his bestie and I ended things , the ugly kid that was now my best friend and I became even closer, so close to the point where he asked me a question. “ I know we are just friends but I have not had my first kiss and would love for it to be with someone as important to me as you” I didnt care so we did it and from then on we honestly jus became something. 
In the beginning lets just say I had him in the palm of my hands since I was kind of ashamed of being with this skinny ugly kid. He wanted to go public so bad and be something more than a h.u but I refuseddd. Until he started getting better looking(which until this day idk if he got better looking or I just caught feelings ) but I just gave in and became something. Honestly the beginning was perfect. We always went on dates, were always w each other, said our first I love you’s , lost our virginity to each other( could be another story time but I will see) and it was pretty great. One day, one of my best girl friends came up to me and said a girl told her that her and my boyfriend had sex and he cheated on me . Him and I  fought ab it but I honestly never rlly believed it since I was so young and naive,  so our relationship kept on.
I won't say our relationship was perfect bc it wasn't. As I grew to love him I became very overprotective and annoying since I wanted him all to myself(now ik it was unhealthy and I shouldn't have done that but I was my first relationship so I was confused) looking back we should've set boundaries but we never did. As time went on, he started to kind of mistreat me and say very hurtful things, he also started bailing on me to be with his friends and stuff. which is when things started to get bad. I should have never let him be so verbally abusive to me but he was and just kept on since I never did anything ab it. We just started to fight and fight and fight but I was so blinded by love that I did not let him breakup w me under any circumstance. Until one day, he just admitted to me that what my friend said was true , he had cheated on me. 
After that everything went even more downhill. he was always so nasty to me and never really cared ab how I felt. Sometimes we would be good but sometimes we wouldn't. The problem was, the good times were so good that I wouldn't want to let him go.He just started breaking up w me all the time for no reason and I would just beg and beg and beg for him back. That kept on for a long time until one day in the beginning of junior year, he broke up w me and even though I was hurt I had the strength to let him go. 
That break up was hard for me but it actually helped me a lot since I had a rlly strong support system. I was coaching cheer as well as actually being in a team with my besties which helped me a lot since I was always busy. When I wasn't cheering I was hanging out w my best friends and going to parties and stuff which honestly was smmm fun bc I was living the hs life and getting TRASHHHED every Friday, sat ,and Sunday. But ofc I would sometimes still see him and I was still very hurt since I would hear stories ab him getting w so many different girls. I was getting w one guy but it didnt mean shit to me lmao( it was cute though cause he was a football player and I was a cheerleader and he was HOT). I was actually so busy all the time that I lost sm weight and went from a kind of chubby girl to a skinny beautiful legend. Everyone wanted me.
Him and I actually got back after a few months and went to ny to start fresh. Even though things were going”good” there were too many trust issues towards him bc of the amount of girls he got w and stuff.The fact that he was so secretive w his phone(RED FLAG) was also weird. Our realitionshp became better when it was good but worse when it was bad. He started to physically abuse me sometimes, not beat me but but grab me hard here and there. throw me on the bed, drag me on the floor( I actually have a scar on my back bc of that). But we were sometimes good for days , even months, but bad for days also. He was so toxic and so secretive still, I knew something was up but I never rlly wanted to believe it. He broke up with me a few times more and would always add girls to the list of hookups he would have.Keep in mind, we lost our virginity to each other and at that point he was still the only guy I had been with and he had been w so many girls  .... With time( by the beginning of senior year) I started realizing that the way he treated me wasn't right and started getting tired but didnt want to end things w him bc I was just so used to us. Until one day we fought harrrrd and I just went to his bathroom wrote him a letter, left it on his bed, and left his house. The letter said I was breaking up w him and the reasons why.
Thats when the tables flipped again bc I stuck to my word. I left him and started living my life, while also finding out so much shit he had done being my back w other girls while we were still together. it hurt like a bitch but it made me stronger. When he started realizing that I was actually gone, he started chasing me and begging me to get back together and my answer was always no. I went to EDC with my best friends, started smoking again, going out whenever I wanted to, wearing whatever I wanted, dancing however I wanted,  and finally after 4 yeas of this guy telling me what to do, I started to feel free and happy w who I was again. Yea sometimes I would still see him and LOL I would always find out more shit he was still doing behind my back and stop talking to him again. But now I was much more stronger and knew my worth. He actually ended up dating( it think he still is) my ex best friend. which honestly wow they're perfect for each other cause they're both fakes and its cool cause he cheats on her too LMAOO, he actually cheated on her with me( karma is a bitch bc later on I found out he cheated on me with her). And yea , I became much closer to my girlfriends, made guy friends which I wasn't allowed to have in that relationship, graduated high school and never saw the fucker again . Now I am living my best life with a bunch of cool ppl, going out , and doing be happily ever after.
How love life is now: ik how to be in a relationship and I have also learned my worth so from now on I will only let good guys in. In case you guys are wondering I have had sex with other guys and im just happy overall while he is still stuck in a toxic ass relationship just with a different girl.
Karma is a bitch right?
with love, just me 
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URGENT: This friday I am going to write 1 out of 3 final exams which will determine if I get my degree / my degree's value and I don't have a problem concerning the subject itself (normally I have 13 (1-) /14 (1) points out of 15 (1+)) , but I am scared of having a panic attack making it impossible to participate. All exams will be up to 6 hours and I don't think I will be able to suffer through all of it.
Hello there!
Breathe. You got this. Iunderstand that you are under a lot of pressure, and that this is veryimportant to you, but remember, that no matter what happens, as long as you tryyour best, then the results will show. Even if something bad happens, you triedyour best, and you should be proud at that. Remember that whatever happensduring each exam that you’ll get past this no matter what the outcome is. My favoritequote is “this too shall pass” because no matter what anything happens, you’llbe able to get past it, and life goes on. You get life lessons in everythingyou do, and this is just another.
Ok, now that the philosophicsare out of the way, I’ll give you some tips that have saved me from the terrorsof examinations and their intimidating rooms.
The night before:
1.    If you’ve studied well, you KNOW you’re ready.It’s just the doubt that’s inside, and when that comes, push it away withsomething that calms you. Drink something warm that you like, whether that becoffee, milk, tea or water. Giving yourself a break from all the stress willrelieve it temporarily and that temporary moment is sometimes just the thingyou need to prevent you from stressing more.
2.    Review key concepts and everything that you areSURE you need. Don’t focus on everything if you aren’t sure it’s going to be onit.
3.    Take a shower and sleep early. Refresh yourselfwith a start of a new day that’s approaching.
The day of:
1.    A shower in the morning is a preference so youcan choose. But time it right, you don’t want to be late.
2.    If you think you are up for the task, on theway to the exam room, try to think of key concepts in your head rather thanstraight panicking. Don’t look at anything, just zone out and try to think ofcritical points. It’ll prevent you from wasting time and also give you one lastboost before you step in
3.    Bring some snacks if it’s permitted, and WATER.Don’t get any other type of beverage as it can alter your state of mind beforeor during the exam. Too much energy means your too excitable and not focused,and too little means you get lethargic. Try to balance your food and drink ashealthily and as effectively as you can.
4.    During the exam, skip the ones you don’t knowfirst and come back to them later. If you spend more than 5 minutes on aquestion that was only supposed to take 2, come back for it later. Your focusis to do well on the ones you know, and then come back and critically thinkmore later.
5.    If you start to feel stressed, or your eyes gettired, flip your exam over, stretch a bit and close your eyes and depending ontime, breathe in and out 5-10 times. In and out counts as one breath by theway.
6.    Try writing on your test paper or a scrap sheetthey can give you. You can jot down any formulas, notes or mnemonics youremembered in case you get confused later or forget. Do this as soon as you getyour test or scrap sheet.
7.    Read closely! Usually, when you focus, paniccan’t compete. It trumps all feelings of anxiety once you actually focus andget into your zone. Try to be as precise and read everything closely so you don’tmiss anything.
8.    Finally, as your exam is coming to a close,double check, heck triple check if you can. This is a tip. Checking doesn’tmeaning doubting your answer, it’s making sure all the things are in theirplaces, seeing if your name is on it, and reading every question closely andseeing if you are confident with your answers.
After you’re done:
1.    Do treat yourself! Go out with friends andrelax a bit. Never regret this part. Even if your results come back and youfeel like you don’t deserve, you’re completely wrong. First it’s already a hellof its own to sit there for more than 1 hour looking over questions, somerandom person created while probably having more than 3 cups of coffee in onesitting. You definitely deserve it, because you finished the exam, be proud youdid, and be confident that you’ll be able to get through it.
2.    Tell yourself that I DID IT. As a young adultmyself, with that amount of stress could make anyone a little off theirmarbles. So no matter what happens, congratulate yourself on your hard work.
3.    Take a nap, or go on a walk to let all thataccess adrenaline out.
Just know at the end ofthe day, a grade or a result doesn’t define you as a person. There are alwaysnew oppurtunities and chances, and as harsh as life is, it always gives endlesschances to those who are willing to take them.
Good luck and sorry for being a little late!
~Ella ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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daddyconfessions · 5 years
daddy’s journal: 3/8/16
daddy’s journal 3/6/16 daddy’s journal 3/3/16
Sunday Feb 28th
Went to church. I couldn’t ask God to forgive me for all my sins though. I couldn’t be fake with Him. I guess I could have asked but then I wasn’t sorry and I had every intention of repeating all the things I’m doing wrong again. So I asked him to be patient with me instead. Me. The lying, cheating, adulterous bastard.
He didn’t answer.
Monday Feb 29th Pops (my boss) walked into my office a little after 10am. He closed the door and dropped into one of the chairs on the other side of my desk. Pops looked tired and beat. Despite being one of 3 VP’s in the company, we have a pretty laid back banter. I ask him how everything’s going. “Its hard man,” he shook his head. “We’re spending a lot of money on legal fees. We’re being sued by a lot of people right now. A lot of our white employees are suing us for racial discrimination.” I burst out laughing and said, “What the fuck?”
“Yea,” he shook his head. “They say we fired all of them so we could keep our Hispanic and other minority work force to minimize our labor costs. Now some of the Hispanics are suing us for racial discrimination. Say we only fired them and none of our white employees. We’re not too worried about that.  Like 60% of our workforce salaried or otherwise is a minority. Anyway,  I  just wanted you to know it was nothing personal with denying your request to change offices,” he told me.
Pops was referring to a request I put in to switch offices. I liked my corner office, but some of the bigger offices with bigger windows were now open due to all the layoffs. “I know we have a lot of vacant offices,�� he continued. “But, truth is Napoleon wanted to dissolve your position. I had to fight for you.”
Napoleon is our CEO. Cool guy in his 60’s, short, and depending on you ask he’s worth 30 - 80 million. Occasionally he’ll bring in one of his babes. Mostly to show off the company and his corner office which has 3 walls of glass and sitting at roughly 1400 square feet – probably bigger than or almost as big as most apartments. The ladies are usually 2 or 3 feet taller than him. Cute bitches. They got the names that strippers steal like Isadora, Milena, Giovanna, Fiora, and Anika.  He’s single so they probably fall into the “spoiled gf” relationship category but I know the game. His old, short ass is paying for kitty just like me only on a much GRANDER scale.  
Pops was like, “I went to bat for you. Told him everything you do for us and I even threw in some shit I Googled. Not sure if you did all what I put in my report or not. I told him how you come to work everyday and you’re always here.”  In the back of my mind I was like, “I am?” Truth be told, I’m always skipping out of work for some sugaring.
I sat there motionless. Not sure what to say. My sugar life passed before my very eyes. Playing out like a movie that suddenly stopped due to some malfunction. My heart skipped a beat seemingly. When the layoffs started I just knew I was gone. Brothers are always the first to go. Plus with my salary I just knew they were going to fire me. But 18 months later I’m still here. Even issued me more restricted stock on top of what I already have. Wasn’t long before I thought I was safe. Locked in. Guess I was wrong.
“Um thanks man,” I said, picking up my pride from the floor. “I really appreciate it.” He stood to leave. I stood with him and shook his hand. “Don’t worry about it,” Pops said. “Most of the Execs know and appreciate what you do. And we were going to spend more money hiring contractors to feel your position which counters why we hired you in the first place. Anyway, didn’t want you to think I was being pissy about the office change. Just wasn’t a good time to move you. You know?”
When he left I fell back into my chair. A mix of anger and relief filled me. Owning my own business with the wife I knew where Napoleon was coming from. Shit I’ve ruthlessly fired people before all in the name of saving $$$ and maintaining my bottom line. I won’t even get into all of the input I had in who got to stay and leave during all the company layoffs. Now my ticket was being punched. Now it didn’t feel so good with the shoe on the other foot.
I texted Bubbles and cancelled. For all I knew she would have cancelled anyway at the rate she was going. She had already cancelled Saturday.
Couldn’t do much work the rest of the day so I cut out early. I thought me and Napoleon had been cool. We talked all the time. Guess that wasn’t the case. That night I didn’t feel like answering anons or updating my journal. I had a few text messages but I ignored them. I felt like the floor had got pulled out from under me and then put back. I felt like shit.
Tuesday Feb 30th I felt better when I woke up. My mind was clear after a good night’s sleep. I snapped out of my hurt pride and came back to reality. The income from the business, savings, and also my side business of consulting would hold me over until I found another job if it came to that. But, I could only have one SB and that would only be temporary if my unemployment was a lasting one. Nah. Fuck that. I got bitches to take care. Rent, car notes, bags and shoes to buy, plane tickets to buy, passports and visas to be paid for so chicks can come see me or me them…nah. The thought of having to slow down on my lifestyle suddenly gave me strength. I wasn’t shell shocked anymore. My resolve had been strengthened. Whether I was paranoid or not, it was time to start looking for another job – just in case. Better safe than sorry.  Still, I decided to consult the Oracle. About mid-morning I closed my office door and called her.
“Nigga you should have been gone,” she told me after she’d heard everything. “I told you months ago your ticket was coming up. I don’t know why you thought you were safe.” I asked if she could help with my resume and she said she would. “I think you’re being paranoid. They’re not going to get rid of you. Not yet anyway. Just relax. You’re over reacting.”
That was the good stuff. But then the Oracle had more jokes than help: “Man look. You losing your job is bad for the economy. Chicks gonna be losing apartments, car’s repo’d. Nail salons about to close down. I’m gonna help you out just so I can prop up the local economy and shit. Firecracker gotta find a job. Bubbles gonna have to ask her baby daddy for more child support. All the other chicks you fuck with off and on gonna get their cel phone’s turned off. Nah man. This shit ain’t good for the economy.  I’m telling you.” She went on cracking jokes. I had to hang up with her. She was on a roll.
All day the other managers were quiet like they knew something. I knew it was just paranoia but I couldn’t escape it. I started cleaning out my cabinets and drawers. I cancelled my meet with FC too. I figure she was going to cancel anyway since her period was on the verge of starting, so might as well start the day out right.  Not sure whats wrong with her at this point. All that crying she’d done on Friday had me wondering. With the job situation suddenly seeming shaky…maybe its time to drop FC anyway. She’s leaving in the summer anyway. Put all my energy into Bubbles.
I tabled the decision for now. I spent the afternoon tweaking my resume and started looking at job ads. They didn’t look good. Pay scale’s looking real low.  Finding a job in my pay range will most likely require a recruiter to land a job. But I couldn’t sit around and wait on a recruiter to work their magic. They may or may not even call. By the end of the day I’d managed to send over a dozen resumes. No tumblr, no texting, no SA. Just focus on business.
But the sugar gods are always busy. They never leave you be. By day’s end I got a text from an old sugarbabe. I call her Fluffy. I had run across her about the same time I’d started talking to Firecracker and Casino.  I don’t mind 19 year olds, but I prefer them to be a little mature. Fluffy acted like she was still 15. We only hung out for a couple of weeks before I moved on. Too childish & our conversations were quite painful. Strained even. I had to keep coming up with shit to talk about.
Sexually she was completely different. Fluffy was quite mature in that area. : ) Not sure if she liked me or what, but I could pretty much do whatever I wanted to do to her. She wasn’t like that at first. But after she gave the kitty up for the first time, she changed on me. Fluffy went from sweet little girl to...I don’t have a term for it really. Any position, anal, swallowing, no condom, cum inside her, sex in the car, head in the car, threesome with another girl….whatever. If I could think it up I could do it.
She was even ok with me coming to her dorm room.  I didn’t like it though. Awkward at best. Young dudes coming at me like “Yo pops, you here to see your daughter?” But lowkey its more like, “Nah. Just here to fuck a couple of these chicks you claiming.”
After a few text she told me I didn’t have to worry about the money – if that’s what was keeping me from her. “I just need that dick up inside me…” and a few other naughty text like that. “Nobody fucking me like you did Daddy” As tempting as all that was, I was looking for something more out my SB. She’d be perfect for a new Daddy just getting in the game. But I needed a girl that could dress up for and be comfortable at an expensive restaurant. At least be old enough to drink the wine. But I digress. Despite the option of having my way with her, I passed. After a few more texts, I just ended it and let the rest go unanswered.
I was feeling much better that night after getting my situation together in case I did get laid off. The Oracle was right. It probably wasn’t going to happen any time soon but I definitely got a reality check and a nudge that I needed to take care of my vanilla business a little better and not be so lost in the sugar world.
TBH the office is sort of miserable and dead with all the offices half full now.  All the people I used to talk to are gone. My severance package was going to be pretty good though. Everyone getting laid off had been getting quite a nice lump sum. Plus I have shares so I’d  be sitting pretty. Plenty of money to play with a SB but definitely any more than that.
Truth is I needed about 3 months off from work. If I got fired, first thing I was going to do was book a trip to Los Angeles. See my family, maybe smoke weed and hang out on Venice beach. Then hit Hollywood with my nephew who’s only about 10 years younger than me.  There’s a couple of tumblr chicks I wouldn’t mind meeting up with either. If nothing more than just dinner and some clubs. It could be some platonic shit. Doesn’t always have to be physical. Might even hop up to the Bay area. The wife had already told me she was cool with me going alone. Lowkey she didn’t like my fam in Cali. That’s a blogpost by itself.
I was about to go to bed when Bubbles texted me. “I’m falling for you,” she said. Then she followed up with “I’m drunk.”
Oh great drunk texting. Some people say the truth comes out when you’re drunk. Some say drunk texting doesn’t necessarily mean its true. Who knows? Then she texted, “Well I’m falling for you but not in a stalker, leave your wife kind of way.” I told her to be careful and not to drive. She said they were taking uber. I let the conversation end there. Sugarbabies will drive you crazy if you let them.
Wednesday Mar 1st The day was pretty mundane until I got another random text. This time it was Jynx, a ex-stripper I used to play with it. One of my ratchet chicks.  WTF?  I ain’t the most handsome man around. My body ain’t looked good since the 90’s. My sex can’t be that good. Last time we were together she had got mad at me swore me off.  That had been 4 or 5 months ago. We went back and forth with a few bullshit messages before I called her out. “I thought you were done with me?” I asked. “I was,” she said. “But I’m not done with that dick.” I laughed out loud. One of my coworkers was walking by and stopped. He asked what I was laughing at but I waived him away. “You just want some money,” I told her. “No,” she said, “I can get money anywhere. Dick too. It ain’t hard to find. But I ain’t gone lie, your dick is the truth…These dudes ain’t really satisfying me. And you don’t mind giving a bitch some money.”
A burst out laughing again. Jynx was cool. She may seem ratchet but she’s actually pretty intelligent. She had recently stopped stripping and got her a job at one of the Big 3 mobile phone companies. Jynx used to be with some big time dope dealer years ago, affording her a lifestyle most dream of. But then he got busted and got a 10 year stretch. That’s Fed time. Day for day. The C-class she had was bought brand new. Cash. But it was at least 10 years old. She had two kids by him too. So she left the state they were in and moved a couple of hours away from me. I asked her why she quit stripping. Jynx said she was getting to old. “Stripping is for young bitches” she had said. But damn, she ain’t but 29.
“I’m looking for a bartending job now,” she told me. “For extra cash. Real talk I wish you could be my extra cash. But I don’t see you be once every 3 or 4 months.” I tell Jynx we can hook up next time I’m in her area. But then she hits me with some new shit. “I can even come to you. Meet you halfway. Or you come here but I don’t mind driving there. Just as long as its regular. You know how you like to disappear…” Jynx is LD so its hard to keep up with the relationship. In the end, I told her we could do something in a few weeks. With FC flaking and Bubbles cancelling more and more, might as well as keep my options open.
Bubbles hit me up apologizing for the drunk texts from Monday. She hoped she didn’t scare me with all that mushy talk. I let her know it was cool. Kinda like a chick having feelings for me. But for now I can’t take her serious. Its too early. We haven’t been together that long. I’ll be seeing her tomorrow so we’ll talk about it some more.
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