#ok aoyama's bit is cool too
class1akids · 7 months
Can I please know your thoughts on ch 406?
Spoilers under the cut:
Update on battlefields:
what is shown and what isn't shown is equally interesting. Takoba Arena is confirmed to be Gashly, and it looks like his quirk is to make a flood of scary babies or Chucky dolls? Only Ojirou is shown + Ryukyu who I was sure would be here. I hope we'll get a close-up, as it looks super-creepy. Sero is still nowhere to be seen though, even though we know he'll have a moment
Hagakure still seems to be visible. I wonder if Aoyama glitched her quirk for good or if she'll figure it out how to turn it on / off.
Gunga is not shown at all - I'm guessing because maybe some things are happening as we speak (notably Toga being saved).
Aizawa and Kurogiri reminder confirms that they will be back in play and if Warp Gate is back, others could be coming through.
I didn't think Bakugou's revival would be 80% comic relief tbh, so I'm still recalibrating my brain. But I appreciate how goofy he looks trying to gain control over his quirk upgrade. 🤣 I generally appreciate if someone doesn't get something 100% on first try.
It's also confirmed that pre-upgrade Bakugou doesn't have the power of Endeavor or Dark Shadow - something for the power-scalers to play with. I expect he's gonna get past it though once he figures out how to get his sweat into one focus point?
AFO going again with the "I'm not gonna fight back" and "I'm gonna be a moron because he pisses me off" - ngl is getting really tiring and makes for a worse fight (especially knowing how Bakugou doesn't appreciate opponents not giving their all). I mean, at the moment it's more like a goofy weird game of tag rather than a fight. It feels like the AFO's regressing due to Rewind and Bakugou kind of returning to his child self - so it does have a schoolyard fight energy. I hope once Bakugou does his big boom, we can finally move on from AFO.
Deku activating his last gear shift for the third time is exactly like the PLF war, where he was constantly on his last 100% smash. These just don't do anything for me anymore as there is hardly any follow through. It's also a weird choice to have him activate it but not show what happens (considering how speedy it is) unless he activated it on Bakugou again? Not sure...
I think Deku will eventually go down due to abusing Gear Shift, but the question is how much of the fight with Shigaraki before will be shown. Once Deku is down from the blow-back, things will get desperate - Shigaraki is stronger than prime AFO, so it will take some effort to hold him back unless it's some self-destruct again - so I expect Aizawa and some reinforcements show up to hold back Shigaraki or counter Decay (sounds like a cool way to show off Ochako's awakening) while Deku is catching his breath
Shigaraki I guess is just chilling and not gonna do anything until it's his "scene". It's a bit lame that they have a 1000 quirks between them yet just make faces at each other. I feel like it would work better to see them in dynamic poses, etc.
The purpose of Bakugou being the 2nd's lookalike seems to be an excuse to make AFO even more moronic and have some flashbacks. I'm really curious how Yoichi died so I hope we get more on that.
I guess with Bakugou's parents shown, maybe the "ancestor"-theory is on the table too. Possibly Mitsuki will reveal she's from the Kudou clan? (This theory imho is not very impactful. It's about as important as the reveal that Rei and Geten are both Himuras. It's like a "cool - ok, then" kind of revelation).
Bakugou announcing himself as Kacchan looks like an obvious set-up for another joke about his hero name - where the whole world will know him as Kacchan rather than GEMGD, and Deku will also think it's his hero name.
That's it. It's a set-up chapter. It sets up some gigantic explosion from Bakugou. It sets up once again why AFO is not gonna do anything remotely intelligent. It sets up Deku going down. It sets up another hero name joke. Maybe it sets up more vestige history (I hope the punchline is at least something emotional in the end).
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chibigo-ma · 4 months
Preview of Chapter 11 of ❝The Rejected Soulmate❞ [K.Bakugou]
Summary: At the age of four, Aizawa Araisa met an ash-blonde boy, and years later, he found out that he was her soulmate and rejected her soon after. At the age of ten, she was kidnapped and saved by her uncle but he got severely injured in the process. For her safety, she moved away from her hometown, leaving her loved ones and soulmates behind. Six years later, Araisa comes back and attends UA with the familiar hot-headed tsundere that fate wants them together. What he doesn't know is that she's running out of time.
As the school day came, she held onto herself as her dad drove her to school. She never liked riding to school as others see that as a privilege, but seeing her circumstances and the recent news about her, she's glad her dad drove her. "Will you be ok?" Shouta asked as he looked at his rear mirror to Ara. 
He watched her nod a bit and grab her bag. She had heard that question too many times to feel numb about it. She got out of the car and walked her way towards the entrance. She could practically feel everyone looking at her. It felt very weird. She noticed other students whispering to one another as they glanced at the young girl.
"Oh my gosh! It's her!" 
"She defeated all those monsters, right?"
"She must love the attention."
"She has a lot of benefits. Her uncle is the number one hero!"
Ara felt herself tripping.
All the voices were overwhelming her. It was hard enough to maintain the inner "monster" she had bottled up. She quickly ran towards the stairs and hid behind/under the stairs as she hyperventilated. She crouched and did her breathing exercises to calm her down.
Breath in.
Breath out. 
And repeat.
She was so in her bubble that she didn't realize someone found her. "Are you ok, mademoiselle?" Aoyama asked, but he never got a reply back. He sat beside her and tapped her shoulder. That seemed to wake her up. She looked beside her to see a new presence. "Oh, good morning, Aoyama," she greeted the foreigner. 
"You don't seem well, oui?" He asked her. He watched her nod. There was silence after that—awkward silence. Despite the two being in the same group for English and their seats being front/behind one another, they never really struck up a conversation unless it was for school or cheese. 
They learned a lot about each other though, thanks to English Class, so you could say that they went past the acquaintance level. Ara stood up and said, "We should get to class." She fixed her bag on her shoulder and walked away with Aoyama following behind her quickly as he caught up with her. "Cheese?" Ara raised an eyebrow. "What?" 
"Cheese," Aoyama mentioned as he pulled out a small block of cheese. Not wanting to be rude, she accepted the cheese. She looked at all of the edges to see if it was good and she took a bite. "Hm, that's delicious," she replied.
She liked cheese, but she had never tasted this type of cheese before. "Oui! I'm glad you liked it," Aoyama did his signature pose as he said that. "Well, uh. Thanks for the cheese. What type of cheese is this?" She asked.
"It's gouda," he answered. "I shall let you taste other cheeses sometime like we talked about," he mentioned. "That would be cool! I've forgotten we talked about that during our fight," she thought back during the Sports Festival. "Kesu!" She turned around to see a crowd running towards her. 
"Please sign my shirt!" 
"You were amazing!" 
"Can I get an autograph?"
"We love you!"
She grabbed something from her watch and slapped it onto Aoyama with her bag. He screamed as he got jetpacked away from her. She ran and used her quirk to run faster than usual. From all the staring and whispering students, she didn't think there would be students reacting this way!
She slammed the door shut as soon as she got inside. She squealed a bit and held the door before they could overpower her. "Oh, shit!" Denki shouts and Sato helps out with the other door.
Ara closed the doors with her quirk and made the cement merge with the door. Ara sighed and faced her back to the door out of breath. "Good internship?" Denki asked and she glared at him. She was a complete mess now after that run and overstimulation. 
"She did get a lot of attention back in Hosu City. Thank goodness Endeavor got you on time when the Nomu grabbed you," Yaomomo held a hand on Ara's shoulder. "Arachan!" Mina cried and held onto Ara for dear life. "I got scared for you!" She shouts. 
"I'm ok," Ara muttered and placed a hand on her hair. "How's your eye?" Jirou asked as she noticed Ara didn't have a bandage anymore. "Yeah, it's ok now," she answered briefly. "Class is about to start, get to your seats!" Iida shouted. 
Ara got to her seat and sat properly as Mina gave her a big hug before she got back to her seat. A shadow cast on her and she looked up to see Baku—Katsuki. She scrunched her face as he pushed her hair back and removed her hair tie.
She could feel his hands smoothing out her hair and feel him tying her hair up. After he was done, he left and she was left neater than before. She could feel eyes on her. What was that? She thought embarrassingly as class started. 
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Hi Shocky (is it cool if I can call you that?) ok it's been awhile work has been busy lately but if you have the time could I plz be blessed with some Aoyama french kissing hcs (they can be long or short, take your time) be safe in the world and stay hydrated 🌊
Of course you can! And I have been doing my best. Thought I had covid, but I've taken 3 tests the last few days and they were all negative. I'm assuming I just had the flu. But I'm finally feeling better. I hope you've been doing well!
I wanted this to be a bit on the spicier side, so it's aged up with an established relationship.
•He is a moaner. And a whiner. He is just so noisey when you are kissing.
•It is typically him who starts the kisses, but if you make any move to take control of the kiss, he caves instantly.
•His hands will be everywhere, gripping your face, sides, back, just anywhere to feel you closer to him.
•He really does try to stay quiet. But he loses himself in each kiss, and next thing you know, he is gasping for air while whining at the pause in kisses.
•Tease him. He will pretend like he hates it. But something as simple as "Don't forget to breathe, Yuuga." Or "Really? All that noise already?" Turns him on so much.
•He has absolutely forgotten to breathe a few times and nearly fainted from it. He was so focused on the way your lips felt so soft against his, he decided air wasn't important.
• It is so easy for him to get lost in the kiss, and turn into a horny teenager again. He will cling to you desperately, like it is the last time you'll ever kiss.
•Has absolutely no shame, and if you don't mind, he will pull you away from anything just to get a taste of your lips.
•He doesn't know whether he likes nipping at your lips, or feeling your teeth rug at his lip more. Both are addicting.
•Could probably cum just from kissing. He has never tried it though because he grows too impatient and needs more.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 56 “RUSH”
aka The one where Aoyama does something.
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Shindo is trying to remind us that he’s still in this arc. Well, you still look like the fusion of my two best boys so I forgive you for splitting up Class 1-A. Conditionally.
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BTW I think Nakagame has a thing for him and I’m here for it.
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Oh great more of this guy.
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Seiji actually did have a plan. Ugh I hate watching this again.
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Kaccan can lay traps too you guys!
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Kaminari standing up for Kacchan and owning the crap out of Seiji with a good plan? I swear my fealty to you for here and all time, you spiky haired Pikachu.
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“This is why everyone thinks you’re an asshole, dude!” What Bakugou hears: “This is why villains kidnapped you and you ended the symbol of peace, you useless weak loser.”
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Oof. That lip lick. I don’t often hit on Bakugou because he’s usually in too much pain to be attractive, but day-um.
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The episode then gifts us with a Todomomo. Yay!
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Deku of course comes up with an amazing plan for him, Uraraka and Sero to all pass.
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Deku shows his character development here by refusing to listen to this guy’s pleas to just let him win. My boy has grown ya’ll. He’s no longer willing to let himself hurt just so someone else can benefit (at least until the end of the Internship arc when he’s totally willing to do that again.)
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Aww Aoyama and Iida bonding! The moment is coming.
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Iida has grown so much from the guy who left Uraraka to get crushed by the villain in  the Entrance Exam.
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We’re then gifted with the Wonder Duo’s teams meeting up to celebrate and a blessed BKDK moment I’ll comment on later.
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Now we’re blessed with a Kamijirou teasing scene too. Though I do wanna give Jiro a little smack for this. I mean, Kaminari was awesome here! He saved Kacchan’s ass and Kiris’ too! Respect him girl!
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Todoroki’s love interests are both looking at him very softly.
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Aoyama and Iida are such a strange team-up, but honestly the episode just sells it.
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Baby Aoyama! So precious! Getting Culture Fest Arc feels…Chapter 169 feels. Damn Season 4’s gonna wreck me.
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I’m tearing’ up man! (And to think this is a very great deal due to Deku’s influence on the class, and how he’s inspired the “save others” side of the coin. I love best boy so much.)
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Class 1-A! Never underestimate them. They’ve got Deku and Kacchan, and everyone they’ve inspired. They win right there.
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Shocking that Tokoyami was one of the stragglers, honestly.
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Warp refraction OMG. Tooru is now officially one of the most OP Class 1-A members. She and Ojiro were chilling together again too. Another ship! 
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BTW why did Toga decide to pass the first round at all when she’d already gotten Deku’s blood?
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“There were that many left?” IKR Aizawa?
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Iida and Aoyama pass last in the very last seconds of the test. That makes me smile. Go Iida!
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Oh and now rescue exercises too.
Episode 56 is a nice, finally, end to the first phase of the PLE. I honestly feel like the anime drags this part of the arc out a lot more than the manga, and finally wrapping it up in one fell swoop was a long time coming. It marks an uptick in the momentum of the arc, and a welcome one. Part 2 is much shorter (random filler episode aside) and I’m looking forward to getting through it. The PLE arc is not a favorite of mine, but what comes before and after is worth it.
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“You made that borrowed power your own, I see.” “Did Kacchan just….compliment me?!?!” OMG this scene is freaking adorable. Our lovely duo has grown so much. Deku is so cool. Kacchan knows. Holy Shit. How Many episodes to go? Holy Crap, only 3 to go. It’s almost here.
BEST GIRL OF THE EP: I’m gonna give the MVP award for the ep to Mina.
RANKER: Most Horrifying Quirks in BNHA (in terms of what they can do to you).
5 Outburst (Ms Joke)
4 Mushroom (Kinoko Komori)
3 Overhaul (Kai Chisaki)
2 Decay (Tomura Shigaraki)
1 Meatball (Seiji Shishikura)
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Carrying them princess style - for whatever reason, you had to carry them princess style ( like to break from a fall or something)
Boku no hero academia fluff.
Class 1-A and a few pro heroes part 1
Tsuki's note: i am an anime only fan ( I do know a few spoilers, here and there). This will be divided because they are too many people. If I forget someone, I apologize. Like i said, too many!!
Midoriya: ok, we all know he is embarassed. Very much so. Stuttering mess, avoid eye contact, speaks like whisper. You have to ask three times if he is ok, before he nods. He is grateful though! You saved/helped him! He will thank you right away or try too. Will probably get V shy around you for the next few days, not for long, but it is something that pop up on his head. He is happy he can rely on you though!
Aoyama: he will get shy, c'mon last thing he was expecting was to be caught. He will blush, but not stutter as much as Midoriya. He will thank you and ask to be put down, this is too much for him, he may get a little shy afterwards, but nothing that will last long.
Koda: this boy is normally shy, you can imagine the blush right? Yeah, stuttering as bad as Midoriya, a bit hard to understand. But hey, he is thankful! He will say his thanks and try to ask to be put down. Surprisingly he won't be too shy around you and not for so long. He may tell his animals friends what happened and tell them how he wish to repay your help. Adorable.
Tokoyami: I don't think you can see him blush, but yeah, it's there. While he shy away dark shadow thinks you are cool and says " nice catch" and similar. Back to tokoyami, he won't stutter, will thank you and ask to be out down on a slightly high pitch voice. He may hide his face on his hands after dark shadow comment. He will be shy near you for a considerate time, not as long as Midoriya, but still.
Ojiro: boy covers his face with his hands. Blushing a lot. His voice comes out muffled because of his hands on his face, but he thanks you and asks to be put down. He will get a little shy around you, voice slightly high pitched too, but it will be gone in a few days.
Kaminari: ok I see him getting comfy. Does he feel a bit embarassed? Yes, but hey, why not get comfortable? Is not everyday a boy is carried around right? Must as well take advantage of it now. Will snake his arms on around your neck. May complain when you put him down, will find it quite cool you could hold him so easily. Will be eager for the next ride.
Shoji: poor boy feels awkward. He never expected that, he has a large back because of his quirk. He gets a little blushy and fidgety while asking to be put downand thanking you. He won't get awkward with you though! He is very grateful for your help, is just unusual for him, he usually carry people not the other way around.
Sato: confused at first, lowkey find it cool and gets embarassed. He will say many uhm's while thanking you and asking to be put down. He will get a little awkward around you, but it will pass quickly!
Thinks it's cool
Kirishima: he thinks it's cool. He is manly and all that, but this boy thinks it's cool someone is willing to carry a man specially someone with his quirk. Will compliment alot, telling you how "manly/cool" that is and give you a thumbs up. But he will want down soon, as cool as it is, he will feel bad for making you carry him. He will promise to help you next time, he will be your shield!
Sero: he will feel awkward but will think it is pretty cool of you. He won't get comfortable because he doesn't know what to do and it feels... well, awkward. Will thank you and ask to be put down, the danger/problem is already over and it will be even more awkward if he lingers. But hey you will get a few " that was cool" from him!
Oh, ok thanks
Todoroki: he doesn't really care? Will say thanks and wait for you to put him down. Even if someone teases him, he still won't care. I mean, you saved/helped him and what's the big deal? He won't count how many times you helped him, but he will keep in mind to help you as well!
Iida: I think he would be ok with it too? Like he won't get shy or awkward or angry because he will be too focused on whatever he was doing before. So he will thank you and ask you to put him you have a duty to fulfill! Alas he may get a little awkward later, but just a little bit.
Not happy
Bakugo: not surprising. When it sinks in that you are holding him prepare from shouting near your ear. Will demand you put him down and he will wiggle until you do. Curses you for a long time, will be mean, but deep down, really deep, he is grateful you caught him. Will never ever admit it though, not to you, not to himself or anyone.
Shinsou: confused at first. When it sinks in, he gets embarassed, pretend to not be and asks to be put down awkwardly. But the red on his ears don't lie. Will avoid eye contact, will thank you though, he knows he have a long way to go to become a hero so he promises himself, next time, he is catching you! Until then, he will be a bit awkward for a short while. He was not expecting that, good to know he can rely on you though.
Pro heroes:
All might:
Muscle form: he will be oddly comfortable. A little worried about you, he is big and heavy on this form! But if you are ok, the man is a bit shameless and will take the ride. Will keep speaking whatever he was saying before. Thanks you and tells you he is glad he can rely on you and you should rely on him too! Doesn't get awkward.
Normal form: a little less shameless. He is not worried about your well-being now, but about him being an inconvenience to you. But he still doesn't really mind. Will thank you though and apologize for not being able to help you now. He will feel a bit down and guilty. Please reassure him he is not a dead weight and he did plenty already.
Aizawa: he is on the "oh, ok" side. He doesn't mind, he knows sometimes heroes need help. He will thank you and ask to be put down asap. May sound a little mean, but he is just focused on the task at hand. He will try to hold his ground better to not burden you again, he is grateful and all, but he must stay firm!
Present mic: he gets comfy too. A little surprised at first, but he soon gets comfortable and may get a little awkward. Still nice to have a ride! Like all might, he will talk like nothing is out of the ordinary. He will thank you, won't ask to be put down, but if you do it's ok too! Won't get awkward or anything, feels like a daily activity.
Hawks: for this to happen, his wings must be out of commission. But he will be surprised and awkward. He pretends to be comfortable, but he is not. The man used to flying in the sky, catching people, not being caught. Will thank you and use the excuse to have things to do so you put him down quickly. Lowkey embarassed but will pretend nothing is going on.
that is all for part 1!
Placed shinsou on bonus because he is not 1-A or B so. Bonus it is !
I am not very familiar with class B, so I won't be writting for them.
On that note I may have gotten wrong a few characters? Let me know if I did!
Thank you for reading!
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yami-kada · 3 years
Mission 2
Recently I read a fanfic on AO3 called Interlude - Class 1-A by @itslivybear and was inspired a bit to write a fic based on that! Well really I got inspiration for a single line (you'll know it when you see it) and then had to write a whole thing to be able to share that one line, but oh well. This is my first time writing a chatfic or even any BNHA content at all, so I hope it doesn't suck! Thanks to @shadesofflame for being an awesome beta!
(Quick FYI in this AU M*neta and Bakugou are replaced with Shinsou and Monoma, sorry for any confusion. Also a name guide can be found at the bottom.)
RockSolid: Um, so.
RockSolid: Remember the missions during the Sports Festival?
PurpleGrape: Oh hell yeah.
PurpleGrape: Still cherish the look on that bastard's face.
Spoderman: jehxgjc Kiri I got it on video!!!
JazzHands: You've had video of the capture of the bounty this whole time and never showed us???
LSD: I thought we were friends Sero!
Spoderman: omg no not that I totally would have shared earlier if i did
Spoderman: im talking about That.
RockSolid: no Sero don't tell them!
RockSolid: it's embarrassing!
PikaCHU: Tell us, tell us!
NYOOM: Kaminari-kun! If Kirishima-kun wishes to keep his privacy, then it is our duty as his classmates to respect that!
Spoderman: ok but consider: he already gave them a major hint and they are about to POUNCE
BreadIsPain: As a witness as well, I must say that Kirishima was si attirant que j'ai failli m'évanouir~*
RockSolid: thanks, I think?
MOMo: To paraphrase Aoyama, he is essentially saying you were very manly, Kirishima!
RockSolid: aw thanks bro!! Don't believe you but thanks!
Spoderman: you take that lack of confidence back I have evidence right here that says you are super fucking manly!
LSD: ok please now we have to know so that we can show Kiri how great he is!!!
MOMo: I must admit that the commentary seen thus far has me rather curious as well.
RockSolid: You guys…
RockSolid: alright then, I'll tell you!
Spoderman: sweet ill pull it up!
RockSolid: bro don't you dare! my story, I get to tell it!
Spoderman: oh yeah of course bro!!
Spoderman: but if after you wanna show it then i am READY.
JazzHands: This is very sweet and all but I am very thirsty for this TEA.
RockSolid: on it!
Kirby: Kiri you've been typing for so long that I'm getting Izuku vibes here.
GreenGrape: Hey!
RockSolid: sorry! this is harder than I thought!
Spoderman: want me to start it off?
RockSolid: you know what, sure.
Spoderman: aight so,
Spoderman: Council, what qualifies as capturing the bounty?
GreenGrape: Guys no the bounty is over please no more bounty-hunting Kacchan.
MOMo: Your objection is noted and overruled, Izuku.
MOMo: For your question, Sero, I do not believe we ever set specific limitations on what qualified, but I was under the impression that it was limited to the Sports Festival. Why do you ask?
Spoderman: just double checking
Spoderman: because my bro here just totally shot both missions out of the park!!!
LSD: gaSP!!!
JazzHands: bOTH?!
RockSolid: no not both!! we have no confirmation for either, technically!
Kirby: Technically? What do you mean by that?
RockSolid: ahhhh ok so Sero and I were eating lunch in the courtyard because it was nice out, right?!
RockSolid: and we were chillin, being bros, birds were singing, all was good.
RockSolid: and then we heard a small explosion before the bounty walked in at the other end of the courtyard and started kicking at the wall.
PikaCHU: omg so angy.
RockSolid: and like fine, we can tune him out, just try to act like he's not there, you know?
RockSolid: But then he started yelling at random people in the courtyard, just acting pissed as hell.
PikaCHU: oMG so ANGY.
RockSolid: and that's just not manly at all, you know? going off on people like that just because you're in a bad mood.
GreenGrape: Yeah… that's Kacchan for you.
RockSolid: so he's making his way around the courtyard now, like everyone needs their daily dose of asshole for him to be happy, and the closer he got the more annoyed I got.
Spoderman: here it comes!
RockSolid: and eventually I get up, because I have had just about enough, and walk right up to him.
RockSolid: he doesn't see me coming, because he was too busy yelling at some girl, and I get right up behind him.
RockSolid: and then I just called out to get his attention, and spun him to face me while making sure I end up between him and the girl.
RockSolid: and well I told him off a little bit and got him to back off then left in a hurry.
RockSolid: and that's it!
Spoderman: oh no you don't
BreadIsPain: Oui! Monsieur Kirishima, you must tell the climax with just as much zest as the build-up!
Spoderman: what he said! no skipping out on the best part!
RockSolid: but!!!
Jacked: No buts, mister. We're all way too invested now for you to back down.
RockSolid: :(
RockSolid: fine! you win!
RockSolid: so uh when I got his attention, I also got my hand onto his shoulder, and used his surprise to knock his feet a bit off balance and pulled him back, but then I ended up with him in my arms and could tell he was about to start yelling so I just…
RockSolid: you know…
RockSolid: flirted?
LSD: oh my GoD this is great!!!
PikaCHU: Hell yeah Kiri! Go get yourself a manz!
RockSolid: I'm not getting a man! He's probably going to kill me the next time he sees me!
Spoderman: i dunno, it took him a good long while to reboot after what you said there
Spoderman: you might have a shot
PurpleGrape: Well if you're not going to get a man out of this, mind telling us what you said so I can bait him next time he tries to be an ass?
RockSolid: uhhh…
RockSolid: I'm nervous.
BreadIsPain: If you will allow me, I shall finish your tale off dazzlingly!
RockSolid: Thanks Aoyama.
BreadIsPain: Bien entendu!
BreadIsPain: While holding him in his arms tightly in a dip, faces inches apart, Monsieur Kirishima leaned impossibly closer to emphasize his point.
RockSolid: oh god I regret everything.
LSD: Hush, it's getting good!
BreadIsPain: With a growl to his voice and his eyes burning above a smirk, he said "You know, you're damn cute when you're angry, but you'd be downright sexy if you shut the fuck up." Then he straightened up to fling the lost soul to the side, and saunter off like the devil was guarding his back, leaving the bounty terribly confused in his wake.
PurpleGrape: Whoa.
PikaCHU: Holy shit?!
RockSolid: what is that description?!?!?!
JazzHands: Kiri that was PERFECT oh my god?!
LSD: It's ART is what it is!
Spoderman: don't forget how red the guy was! Kiri was cool as a cucumber but the other guy couldn't stop blushing after seeing his face!!!
MOMo pinned a message
RockSolid: Yaomomo!!!
MOMo: My apologies, Kirishima, but I felt it only right to ensure easy access to your most manly moment.
LSD: Yeah Kiri! Then one day we can all look back on this and celebrate how everything started!!
RockSolid: How what started???
LSD: E v e r y t h i n g
RockSolid: @Spoderman bro hide me I’m scared.
Spoderman: hey guys, wanna see a GREAT video?
Spoderman: the stars are our main man, Kiri, and the bounty!
PikaCHU: hell yeah!!!
Jacked: Lay it on me.
PurpleGrape: Sure.
JazzHands: Do you really have to ask????
RockSolid: but I already told you what happened!
RockSolid: why do you want to see me being so embarrassing?
PikaCHU: bro we all appreciate you so much of course we want to see you being manly!
LSD: Just from what you all said there is no way you don’t look great in that vid, Kiri!
PikaCHU: gotta give support where support is due!!
PurpleGrape: They’ll all bully Sero into showing them one way or another anyways, might as well give in now.
RockSolid: but...
BreadIsPain: Nous devons vous montrer à quel point vous brillez et dissiper ces pensées douteuses!**
MOMo: I could not have said it better myself, Aoyama!
RockSolid: I don’t even know what he said though?!?!?!?!?!?!
Spoderman: Kiri.
Spoderman: Bro.
Jacked: Well shoot he’s using proper grammar and everything.
Spoderman: Rude.
Spoderman: Anyways Bro.
RockSolid: yeah?
Spoderman: You are epic. This video shows you being epic. And putting an asshole in their place.
Spoderman: You have nothing to be ashamed of, and every reason to be proud. So please let me show the video so that everyone can appreciate you like you deserve bro.
RockSolid: bro…
Spoderman: Bro.
RockSolid: bro -
Spoderman: Bro?
RockSolid: bro!
Spoderman: aight everyone down to the common room its up on the big screen
Spoderman: i have popcorn too
Jacked: Not even gonna question that.
LSD: Finally!!!
JazzHands: Yuss!!!
BreadIsPain: Je vais regarder avec enthousiasme!***
MOMo: As will all of us I’m sure, Aoyama!
RockSolid: Thanks guys!
RockSolid: Now get down here and watch me maybe get a man!
*so attractive that I almost swooned.
**We must show you how much you shine, and dispel those self-doubting thoughts!
***I shall excitedly watch!
Guide to names:
GreenGrape - Izuku
PurpleGrape - Hitoshi
CopyCat - Monoma Neito
MOMo - Yaoyorozu Momo
datBoi - Asui Tsuyu
JazzHands - Hagakure Toru
NYOOM - Iida Tenya
SnowWhite - Kouda Kouji
LifeIsPain - Tokoyami Fumikage
BreadIsPain - Aoyama Yuga
Kirby - Uraraka Ochaco
LSD - Ashido Mina
PikaCHU - Kaminari Denki
RockSolid - Kirishima Eijiro
RipHarambe - Ojiro Mashirao
IcyHot - Todoroki Shoto
MuffinMan - Sato Rikido
Octodad - Shouji Mezou
Jacked - Jirou Kyoka
Spoderman - Sero Hanta
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marzaid · 4 years
List of things about Bakugo and his mother I guess (and some about Todoroki his father, Izuocha.) But what do you think about the list?
1. The thing I hate is how everyone is focused on Bakugou's mental health but barley focused on Deku's..... for example if All might died then people would still pay attention to Bakugou's mental health even though it affect Deku's mental health wayyyyy worse.
2. There were plenty of times when Midoriya has been through way more stuff then Bakugou and people still likes to focus him instead.
3. Bakugou needs to say sorry
4. Bakugou's mother is NOT abusive Bakustans they are trying to excuse his behavior, Bakugou's mother personality is not as bad as people think it is .
5. Bakugou had a weak excuse to bully Deku.
6. Endeavors arc is better because he even so he still had some consequences to his actions but it doesn't mean that I like him, his arc should've been even more better if he strengthened the relationship with Todoroki and spend time with children that he neglected such as Natsu and Fuyumi and say sorry to his Children in general especially Todoroki's mom
7. Some Bakustans need to calm down
8. There are some good Bakustans and there are some bad: usually it's to the point when they have to say sorry for other Toxic Bakustans behavior but toxic Bakustans go Waaaaaaay out in there way to criticize people or Deku saying that " well if Deku would not follow him all the time he wouldn't be Bullied" WHICH is wrong the only reason why he got bullied is because he was quirkless. I want some Justice for Deku
9. Bakugou is lucky that Deku never holded any grudges towards him.
10. Bakugous quirk is NOT that interesting
11. Todoroki should've won the sports festival he had way more experience Todoroki started to train when he was a child.
12. Bakugous mom acts like Tsundere instead of abusive mom she treats him more like a annoying brother
13. I honestly feel like Izuocha is going to be a forced canon ship Aoyama would be better as a love interest (I am sorry this ship if you don't like and support it at all)
I have but I don't think you want any more.
Ok here we go!
You are so right! There is a huge focus on Bakugou’s mental health and how everything has affected him but people tend to ignore that Izuku has gone through many of the same things (minus being kidnapped). I don’t understand why people ignore Izuku’s mental health when not only is the main character but he’s also had a worse round of it? Especially since Bakugou is part of the reason that Izuku’s mental health is so bad. 
Yea you’re so right. So many people talk about how being kidnapped is this horrible thing (and it is) however that’s really the only thing really (besides the sludge villain) that is bad that happened to Bakugou. There are so many things that happened to Izuku that are so much worse. 
SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!! BAKUGOU NEEDS TO SAY SORRY! But more than that he needs to actually mean his apology and show that he’s actually changed (which thus far if he’s changed it’s very minimal at best).
We really only see that one scene where Bakugou’s mom smacks him upside the head so it’s hard to judge from there. Personally I do agree that she is most likely not abusive because the way that scene was played it was supposed to be a gag. On a side note, interesting that many bakustans tout that as the reason why his mom is so abusive yet when Bakugou does things 10 times worse to Izuku they completely ignore it or say that it’s just a gag 🙄
There is no reason for Bakugou to have ever bullied Izuku. There is no reason for bullying. I don’t care if he thought that Izuku was looking down on him, that is not how you treat other people. I don’t care what anyone says. There. Is. Never. A. Reason. For. Bullying. 
I do like the part of Endeavor’s arc currently with Dabi/Touya revealing the truth to the world and I do really hope that there are some really good consequences for Endeavor as a result of this. I just wish that it could’ve been framed differently. We get Endeavor’s point of view where he’s like “oh I’m sad my family is torn apart :(” and I feel like Natsu’s reactions are framed as bad (at least that’s what I got from the context) when I feel like they are legit and should be respected. I think that like Bakugou until Endeavor truly has real consequences (possibly losing his spot amongst other things) and he shows he truly changes I won’t be truly content with the arc but again that’s just me. 
Oh god yes! Some bakustans really do need to take a chill pill
Definitely!! There are some good fans across the board regardless of the characters they do or don’t like and on the flip side there are some bad fans cross the board too. Unfortunately, we see a lot of the toxic bakustans because they are the vocal minority that we see. The toxic stans definitely need to stop blaming Izuku for trying to be kind and friendly to Bakugou. It definitely shows their mindset that they view someone being a good person as bad.... JUSTICE FOR IZUKU 2KFOREVER
For sure! Bakugou is lucky that Izuku for the most part doesn’t hold a grudge and views him as one of his closest friends. 
Honestly? You’re right. I don’t really think Bakugou’s quirk is all that cool. Like congrats you can make explosions? But we have Tokoyami that has a living shadow inside him? Or Uraraka and her antigravity quirk? Or Momo and her ability TO FUCKING CREATE SHIT OUT OF HER BODY?!?!?!
I completely agree! Shouto should’ve won. Not only would it have been much more satisfying, but it would also’ve been really good for Bakugou’s character development. 
Bakugou’s mom does act a bit tsundere. I’ve seen it with many parents. Discipline is difficult especially in that situation so really it’s just telling him to stop being a prick. Honestly considering how awful Bakugou is to everyone including his parents, it’s a surprise that his parents are actually pretty decent. Bakugou reminds me of that teenage boy that doesn’t get what he wants and threatens his parents even if they’re just being strict and telling him to be respectful or something.
Ugh!! I think so too unfortunately. Izuocha is a great platonic ship but it really does feel shoehorned in. It’s like “Oh she’s the first girl he’s ever talked to so obviously they’re in love.” Like there are so many other characters that could work much better. If I’m being honest I do like tododeku the most because that was the first ship that I saw going into the fandom and the ship that actually got me interested in BNHA. But I can totally see Aoyama and Izuku. That would actually be really cute! Especially with how Aoyama checks on Izuku and tries to give him cheese and talk to him about his quirk. (please don’t apologize for liking ships) (also I may have to check out Aoyama and Izuku whatever their ship name is because the multishipper in me might be coming out lol thanks)
I am always down for more stuff!! Please feel free to talk to me on or off anon about whatever you want 😁
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koushisun · 4 years
what kind of wedding would they have? bnha boys edition!
a/n: (i totally posted this before i was done writing it i am,,, dumb)  i didn’t end up doing all the boys, just the ones i had strong ideas for, sorry about that! if y’all want more detailed hc’s for any of these characters, or even ones i didn’t do here, just shoot me an ask! (i’ll probably make a pt. 2 with the girls!)
p.s. i haven’t read the manga, so all of my characterizations are based on the anime!
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BAKUGOU: while i think that bakugou would want a fairly grand wedding, i think that the guest list would be somewhat exclusive. he would probably invite his close friends, maybe even all of 1-A, but don’t expect too many people. he does want everything to be perfect, though! may seem a little uninterested in wedding planning at first, but if you even DARE mention hiring a wedding planner? well, just give him your ideas and he’ll get ‘em done lol
MIDORIYA: he would have a pretty classic wedding! i think he would want a smaller guest list as well, though maybe not as exclusive as bakugou’s. would definitely invite all of class 1-A! would probably be at like, a church or smth, though if his s/o didn’t want that he would probably have an outdoor wedding (probably a beach wedding!) the reception is pretty chill, this i can def see being outside! 
TODOROKI: oooh big fancy wedding!! (it’s a perfect excuse to spend his dad’s money sjksjkskl) anyways, he would probably have a big indoor wedding, maybe at a church if that’s what his s/o wanted. i could see his dad being pretty adamant about inviting a lot of people, but i think shouto would win out, ending up with a medium-sized guest list. reception is also indoors, 
KIRISHIMA: he wants to have a classic wedding, he’s somewhat old fashioned, but will go with what his s/o wants! the wedding itself may be pretty classic and chill, but i think the reception is where his planning really gets to shine! he’ll probably talk bakugou and the others into playing at least one song for the reception, he thought it would be a fun time 🥺
KAMINARI: ooh a big flashy wedding!! not super fancy per say, but just a lot of fun!! the reception is literally a giant party, he got a live band and everything! may or may not use his quirk intermittently to make cool effects lmao
SERO: probably a pretty lowkey wedding, at least that’s what he was hoping for. (i believe in latin king sero so get ready) ends up having a TON of people there, like, half of these people he hasn’t even met in person before lmaooo it’s all just extended family (aunts, uncles, 2nd and 3rd cousins, friends of those 3rd cousins, etc) on the up side, there are a lot of wedding gifts lmaooo anyways, its probably in a church or smth. the reception tho? you’re not even ready!!!! so much food, like literally so much food. tamales, empanadas, rice, beans, ceviche, you name it and it’s there! lots of music and dancing for sure! overall, it’s just really lively!!
IIDA: ooh a super traditional wedding for sure! he would want things to be very formal, though he might be convinced to loosen up a bit at the reception! wedding would probs be in a church or another equally fancy/proper space. has a medium/large guest list, mostly family and friends. 
TOKOYAMI: small wedding, maybe outside? not a beach wedding tho, more like a small clearing in the woods. reception is pretty chill, lots of cool music! not overly formal but still makes sure the focus is celebrating the wedding
AOYAMA: LITERALLY THE BIGGEST WEDDING EVER!!! i mean, just let your imagination run wild here lmao it’s just so fancy (probably lots of glitter at the reception too)
MIRIO: probably wants a big wedding, though it doesn’t need to be particularly fancy. if that’s what his s/o wants, then he’s willing to go all out, but as long as the actual marriage happens, he’s happy :) will invite tons of people though, so be ready.
TAMAKI: a very small wedding, for sure! i mean, we all know how nervous he gets! would invite his close friends and family, and would really want you to take your rsvp seriously (he won’t mind if you forgot to, but it will make him feel a whole lot better to know exactly who is going to be there) he probably doesn’t want a crazy reception, but he is most certainly looking forward to the wedding cake!
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a/n: ok i think that’s it for now!!!! i just realized this is the first bnha thing i’m posting, so i hope its good lmao remember, requests are OPEN! (pls i’m so bored pls give me something to do)
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italian-pastry · 4 years
BNHA Kid Headcanons
(For @yourwildflowerbouquet )
-Eijirou had always wanted a lot of kids
-and Katsuki can't say no to his husband
-so there's 5 of them
-(damn 5 whole children)
-their kids call them Papa (Eijirou) and Dad (Katsuki)
-the first one is a girl
-she's just a copy-paste katsuki (personality wise) but with a better attitude
-they were figuring out how to raise kids
-they did pretty well, I think
-Her quirk is Fragmentation (She can make spikes on her body, then shoot them off like missles)
-her name is Mieko (Already Prosperous)
-the second one was a boy
-he ended up much more like Eijirou
-overall a radical little dude
-his quirk is Lavanic (he secretes lava like how Mina secretes acid)
-his name is Akio (Bright Man; Manly; Hero)
-(wow so original)
-the third one was born a male but she's more comfortable identifying as a girl so she's a she and that's that
-suprisingly timid for being raised by Katsuki and Eijirou
-also surprisingly, she still manages to be more like Katsuki whilst being timid
-passionate, stubborn, probably has some sort of complex, etc.
-her quirk is Pressure Blow (she hardens her own skin, but not as strong as Eijirou can, and when it breaks, there's an explosion)
-her name is Hiroki (Bright; Hope)
-the last two are twins
-which really surprised Katsuki
-"wtf why are there two"
-"well, kat, there is such a thing as twins"
-there is a girl and boy
-katsuki was horrified when his mom told him that the girl acted just like he did when he was a baby
-the boy is much more chill
-he just wants to play sports is that such a crime?
-the girl's quirk is Explosion (can send out a burst of energy like an explosion) and the boy's is Implosion (Explosion but in reverse)
-the girl's name is Kana (Powerful) and the boy's name is Tatsuhiro (Dragon, Immense Power)
-they're one big happy family
-Mieko has fully sharp teeth (like Eijirou) and the twins have partially sharp teeth
-Shouto was worried when Izuku brought up the prospect of having kids
-he didn't want to fuck them up because he had a terrible dad
-"Izuku you didn't have a dad and I wish I didn't have a dad we're gonna fuck up this poor kid"
-Izuku respected his wishes and accepted the fact that they probably wouldn't have kids
-until Shouto had a chat with Natsuo (after Natsu became a dad)
-"Here's how I think of it, little bro; I'm gonna be the best fucking dad to this kid to show Endeavor that no matter how badly he fucked me up, I can still be happy with a better family than he will ever have"
-that certainly changed Shouto's perspective on things
-"oh yeah don't forget to have a good support system and do research on how to raise a kid or idk ask someone with actually good parents ok good luck buddy"
-So Shouto was lile "hey maybe we can try this kid thing out I did research and I'm feeling a bit more confident in my ability to raise a human"
- Izuku: :DD
-So they had a son!
-He's real chill (he's the mom friend and proud of it)
-imagine Shouto's overall chillness, but with Izuku's caring nature
-his quirk is Half-Flurry Half-Firework (he can make snow from one side of his body and sparks from the other)
_his name is Toshi, for obvious reasons
-(All Might cried)
-Izuku was like "look at how well we're doing with our son! Man, we we're worried over nothing!"
-"let's have another"
-"you heard me"
-so they had another!
-Poor girl was born with the curse of blue eyes and red/pink hair
-Shouto was happy that she at least got Izuku's freckles to balance it out
-Homegirl is just Izuku minus anxiety
-she'd be unstoppable if she really tried
-her quirk is Thermostat (she can raise or lower the temperature of the air around her)
-her name is Arakan (Worthy One; Hero)
-Izuku: Wow I love our kids and how not screwed up they are :D
-Shouto: one more
-Izuku: wha
-Shouto: Just one more
-So they had one more
-she's a very good girl
-very respectful and sweet
-her quirk is black ice (ice, but black)
-her name is Youdai (Gentle; Shine)
- The kids call their parents Chichi (Izuku) and Daifu (Shouto)
-Sometimes called 'Chi' and 'Dai'
-These kids have 1 (one) grandpa and his name is Toshinori and he's their favorite
-The kids' grandmas are also very popular in this household
-Ochako was pretty excited to have kids
-And tsu wanted them too so it all worked out
-They had a son first!
-he's a sweet boy who loves everyone and has a deep passion for life
-he does fall on the autism spectrum, but he works hard to not let that hold him back
-Tsu and Ochako are very supportive of their boy
-his quirk is Space Boy (He can increase or lower the amount of gravity affecting himself or anything he kicks)
-his name is Takiyo (waterfall)
-fun fact: he has half-n-half hair (half brown half green)
-their second child is a beautiful girl
-she's sisterly and energetic
-she doesn't really "get" hero culture and the desire for that lifestyle
-her quirk is Frog Morph (she can turn into a frog)
-her quirk is pretty plain, but she doesn't care
-her name is Ezumo (Fountain; cloud)
-Ochako and Tsu didn't have another kid for some time for no one reason
-but they did have another!
-he's a wittle itsy bitsy baby boy!
-he has a moon birthmark around his left eye
-AND heterochromia
-(man their kids have alot of half-n-half bastard traits)
His quirk is Orbit (anything he touches starts to orbit around himself)
-His name is Tsuki (Moon), but he's nicknamed Usagi (Rabbit)
- the kids call their moms Haha (Ochako) and Mama (Tsuyu)
-Since Ochako and Tsuyu didn't take each other's last names, their kids have alternating last names
-Takiyo and Tsuki have the Asui last name, and Ezumo has the Uraraka last name
-Denki and Hanta were the ones most excited to have kids at first, and Hitoshi was like 'cool go nuts I'll help raise them'
-So, biologically, their first kid's parents are Hanta and Denki
-but he's still very close to Hitoshi
-he looks and acts a lot like Hanta
-he's an all around sk8r boi
-his quirk is Electric Tape (basically Hanta's quirk but he can send and harness electricity via his tape)
-His name is Takeo (Warrior)
-one day when he was young, he had a really bad nightmare, and the only one of his dads awake was Hitoshi (since he's an insomniac)
-Hitoshi listened to his boy's rambling, and told him that no matter what monster or villain comes after him, he promises that he'd always protect him
-but one day, some B-tier villains broke into their home while Hanta and Denki were out doing Hero things
-Hitoshi tried to take them down, but they anticipated fighting him and had a strategy to take him down and ended up knocking him out
-when he was woken up by the police, they discovered that Takeo had been taken by the villains
-for five days, the villains had held him for ransom
-and for those five days, Hitoshi worked literally non-stop to try and track down and rescue Takeo
-after those five days, they ended up paying the ransom, and Takeo was returned to the police and his family safely
-except for a large gash on his shoulder he got during the initial break-in
-the whole event deterred Hitoshi from having more kids
-he was very anxious about being there for Takeo, and Hanta and Denki understood that
-so he and his husbands didn't have kids for like 15 years
-at this point, Takeo is a teenager, more independent, and is stronger/can tale care of himself
-Hitoshi feels better now about being able to put his attention elsewhere (focus less on Takeo)
-so he brought up to his husbands "Hey, do ya maybe wanna have another kid?"
-and they were like "omigosh yeah totally yes let us have another child"
-and there were twins!
-one boy and one girl!
-Hitoshi was just as confused as Baku when twins showed up
-"hol' up I only signed up for 1 kid not 2"
-"too bad they're yours"
-"Two for the price of one!" <- that's Hanta
-Biologically speaking, both of them are Hitoshi's, but the boy has Denki's DNA and the girl has Hanta's
-the boy has a resting bitch face and cries a lot
-the girl has resting sad face, but she's actually pretty cool
-the boy's quirk is Electroshock Therapy (mostly like Denki's quirk, except when he shocks you, you're under his control) and the girl's name is Mind Bind (it looks like Deku's Black Whip, except whenever it wraps around someone, they're under her control)
-the boy's name is Masashi (Commander; General) and the girl's name is Maemi (Honest Child)
-it's a bit weird for Takeo to have newborn siblings, but he loves them regardless!
-the kids call their dads Dad (Hitoshi), Pop (Denki), and Dada (Hanta)
-since I HC that Yuuga is graysexual, he didn't really vibe with kids for a while after they were married
-but Mina was totally fine with that!
-"hey it means I can still say fuck in my own house it's cool it's cool"
-although when Mina expressed further interest in kids a bit down the line, Yuuga was like "mmmmokay why not"
-and they had a girl!
-she has pink skin and weird eyes like Mina, but blonde hair and purple eyes like Yuuga!
-she also doesn't have horns
-she's very much like Mina
-she comes off as narcissistic at times, but she just has enough self-confidence for two people
-her quirk is Glo Splash (from one side of her body, she secretes one of the chemicals that make up the liquid in glow sticks, and the other half of her secretes the other chemical. She can mix them together to make it glow!)
-her name is Minako (child of Mina)
-Mina is not allowed to name their children anymore
-so when their son is born, Yuuga named him
-he got pink hair and horns and yellow eyes, but normal skin and normal eyes
-he's oddly very timid and anxious, which gives him a disconnect from the rest of his outgoing family
-his quirk is Lazer Horn (he can shoot lasers like Yuuga's from his horns)
-his name is Yukio (Snow Boy)
-the kids have hyphenated last names (Ashido-Aoyama) as opposed to having only one last name like their parents
-the most fab family has matching names: Yuuga and Yukio, Mina and Minako
-both the kids are fluent in French, and know snippets of English (we stan multilingual families)
-the kids call their parents Père (Yuuga) and Mama (Mina)
-since Tooru was already pregananant when they got married, their first kid was quite a tad older than the majority of their Classmate's kids
-eh it's fine tho
-the first kid was a beautiful girl!
-due to her quirk, she likes to wear bright, complex clothing as to not go unnoticed
-she also makes a point to talk relatively loudly especially when in crowds
-her quirk is Ninja (physically, she is only an outline. She cannot be seen if she is standing still or the person looking for her doesn't know she's there)
-her name is Chieko (child blessed with wisdom)
-they had a second child a few years later on
-a boy!
-his fav hero is Ground Zero (to Mashirao's dismay)
-anyone who says otherwise can catch these hands
-he is also a woman respecter 100% through and through
-he can and will kick ass
-his quirk is Invisishift (he can turn himself invisible)
-kinda plain, but he loves it!
-his name is Ryuji (Dragon Child)
-A couple years after that (7-8 years or so) they had one more kid
-yet another boy!
-he's a lot like his mom (likes pranks, friendly, just a cool dude)
-he has really poofy curly hair
-his quirk is Tail (it's just Mashirao's quirk idk what to tell y'all)
-his name is Taishiro (Ambitious Boy)
-(i JUST learned that he shares his name with Fat Gum that was not planned I promise)
-all the kids can kick ass
-"Martial arts is an excellent form of exercise for children!" <- Mashirao
-the kids call their parents Mum (Tooru) and Pops (Mashirao)
-everyone's last name is Ojirou
-Momo was really excited to have kids when their friends started announcing their pregnancies/having kids
-Baby Fever if you will
-Kyouka also wanted kids, but wasn't as outwardly excited as Momo
-and they had twiiiiiiiins
-also one boy and one girl
-because apparently there can't be same-sex twins in my headcanons
-the girl is more like Kyouka
-kinda punk, wants to be a hero, all that jazz (haha music)
-the boy is more like Momo
-elegant, charismatic, wants to go into Hero Management
-the girl's quirk is Stereo Heart (she has earphone jacks, and can play any sound she's ever heard, plus combinations) and the boy's is Bass Boost (he also has earphone jacks, but he can only alter his heartbeat (increase bass, vibrato, ect.))
-the girl's name is Satoshi (Intelligent History) and the boy's is Utano (Field Of Songs)
-both the kids are musically talented and very smart
-thanks for the great talents, moms!
-the kids call their parents Mom (Kyouka) and Mama (Momo)
-sometimes Kyouka and Momo can't tell which parent the kid is calling for, so they usually both yelling back (or the wrong one)
-it's a whole process to get the attention of the mom you want
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class1akids · 3 years
BNHA 337 - Thoughts
OK, so this chapter is actually more decent than it seemed from the leaks. 
We start with Dabi still pouting that AFO called him “friendless”, 
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but AFO is undaunted and talks about how disposable Aoyama is, while comparing him to a cheap, broken lighter. Ouch. That’s vicious - both using that analogy in front of Dabi and the how it pans over to Shigaraki writhing in pain - it’s chilling honestly. 
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Then we go back to the Forest, where Aoyama and Deku are still crying, and the parents try to run away (Also, we get the clarification that it wasn’t even Aoyama who wanted a quirk, but the rich asshole Aoyama parents thought they could buy an “upgrade” for their kid to make him less different, and honestly, fuck them!!!! Hereby they get a nomination to worst parents of BNHA contest. It’s a stacked field.) 
 Aoyama gets desperate and talks about how Deku was quirkless too (wait, I think Deku didn’t overhear that part before, so this is like a lightbulb moment) - but then before we could see his reaction, also Danger Sense goes off (and the panelling here is really cool)
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Hagakure gets her moment to shine - literally as she throws herself in between the boys because she can reflect light, so actually, Aoyama and Deku don’t have to try to hurt each other. She gets a face and full-body reveal as a present. 
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Pan over to the school - and the adults are there, Nezu, All Might, Present Mic, Tsukauchi (who gets hotter with every passing day of post-war sleeplessness). So Aoyama apparently isn’t about to explode like Nagant, yadi-yada-yada.
The highlight of this chapter is Class A’s and All Might’s reaction. 
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They are so devastated. Todoroki and Kaminari are like, hell, we are going nowhere. Mina is looking like a nervous wreck again. That girl is so broken - Hori, give her some focus please. (Remember when she taught Aoyama to dance??)  Ojirou for once is asking the clever questions and Kirishima is still in the Denial stage of grief. 
Kacchan remains calm (I knew it!) and he also remind us that “hey, Deku and Aoyama are narrative foils if you haven’t noticed this from all the previous panels”. Thanks Kacchan!
Aoyama papa explains that they were the ones receiving the orders and Aoyama didn’t actually know that much, and AFO was gonna kill them and Aoyama is just like - I am a total villain. The evilest of evil. 
[It’s a bit hamfisted, we get it: 
he had no choice ✔ , 
he was dragged into this against his will ✔
he’s trying to protect his parents  ✔ 
 he feels deep remorse ✔
All boxes checked. Villain saving can be activated.]
Deku then steps up and reminds Aoyama that he did try to save Kacchan and Tokoyami in the forest (demonstrated his goodness?✔ ) and wrote an entire SOS in cheese (wants to be saved ✔ ). He even finds an angle to blame himself for not understanding Aoyama’s message. 
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The part I don’t like is the totally not parallel case of Nagant (who knew exactly who AFO was, and willingly took a quirk from him and all her past sins of you know being a black ops assassin) is held up as a positive example. It’s forced. It’s unnecessary. 
Anyways, Deku extends a hand to a tied-down Aoyama [ Will he take it, I wonder?]  (muhaha) -  and Kacchan is already thinking how it can be used to their advantage! 
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Also bonus point for him thinking of Deku as “Deku”. 
Looks like UA Traitor is being resolved in the next chapter and it will also give them an opportunity to try to set a trap for AFO. We’ll also see if AFO is an evil mastermind or a big idiot who never thought about the possibility of being double-crossed. 
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doki-doki-imagines · 3 years
Could you please do a reaction for class 1a reaction to finding out aizawa's twin brother is apart of a government group that are sent to kill villians that are considered too dangerous to be kept alive and his quirk is called overdrive and it boosts everything making him 20 times stronger and faster than before
Denki, Eijiro and Minoru:
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-AHHHHH They found his quirk so cool.
-They can’t do things like that with theirs, but they hope to become as strong as him one day.
-Minoru is also jealous of his power.
Izuku, Katsuki and Tenya:
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-They spend the day thinking about how his quirk works, pros and cons.
-And thinking about his job. But they aren’t as enthusiast like for the first topic.
-Katsuki doesn’t talk with them, but listen and thinks by himself.
Ochako, Rikido, Hanta and Mashirao:
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-They would like to be trained by him.
-Maybe they could learn some cool move to defend and attack.
-They would be that pumped up if he told them that he will teach them something.
Koji, Fumikage, Mezo and Kyoka:
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-Ok, so...good for them?
-They don’t find the quirk cool.
-Maybe they would like to work with him so they can start to gain more experience and those things, but nothing more.
Momo, Mina, Toru and Tsuyu:
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-They found him a bit too...bloody?
-But he is Aizawa’s brother, so they didn’t expect him to be soft.
Yuga Aoyama:
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-The only one surprised to hear that Aizawa has a twin brother.
-The other thought that cross is mind is “At least, is he stilish?”
Shoto Todoroki:
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-He’s quirk is really similar to All Might one, they both have a really powerful quirk.
-And nobody ever heard about this person until now...
-Are they All Might secret children????
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Hey, everyone!
Have some housamo dad hcs that no one asked for! This guys kind of a monster (7978 big) so it goes under the read more. I just,,,, I really like domestic parent hcs ajlskfjlksdj
I kept the kids older years vague and just kept to biological gender because I didn’t want to complicate anything, if that makes sense, just give a little personality to the kiddo/kiddos but mostly focus on the dads, you know? Anyway Enjoy!
(Also so much thanks to @summonerscenarios for helping me with some of these and reading the beta, much love!!)
(Reader is gender neutral btw)
He’d probs have one and then ask for two more- a weird lion thing you know? So, under the assumption that you’re A) down to give birth to three or B) end up adopting three kiddos, he’d most likely end up with two girls (both a year apart from each other) and a boy (who’s three years younger than the middle girl, making him the youngest and gentlest out of his sisters)
He honestly has a bit of a “Oh shit” moment when you guys gain a kid by either a series of events or you getting pregnant, he’s lowkey freaking out
He’s never had a kid before, I mean, sure, he’s been a role model to young people for a long time, but it’s not like he’s had to raise them from when they were in diapers; and honestly, he has this vague wondering if he’s even too old to be a dad- but then she looks into his eyes and it’s like all his worries wash away and then he’s thinking out loud: “if one can do this to me, Y/N, what do you think five more would do?” 
You’ve never seen him so happy and you’re almost sad when you have to shut him down. Almost. “We’re not having six children, Arsalan.”
                       “Ok, what about two more then?”                        “Arsalan.” 
Jokes on you, Y/N, you have two more.
He’s super involved with all of the babies, like, there isn’t a time where Arsalan isn’t seen with them when they’re babies, since the girls are older than their brother, they were with their papa while he was with their baby brother- btw, despite them being four and three respectively, they still loved him to death- and there wasn’t a time when he wasn’t holding or touching them when they were babies
OH! He doesn’t wear any oil when he’s holding them! Since he almost shit a brick one of the times he was holding your oldest girl because he almost dropped her. His hands were so fucking oily because he just finished a riviting round of ✨Turkish Oil Wrestling✨, that he ended up flailing with her like a melted stick of butter in his hands until he managed to get her into the crook of his arm (she was giggling the entire time). Never again. He learned his lesson the first (and last) time. 
Btw, you weren’t there for that, but if he ever looks at you with guilty eyes you know why
He hates diaper duty with a passion and will vehemently try to get out of it. Though, he’ll do it if you really can’t and he’ll silently accept his fate, even the girls will steer clear when he has to change their brother’s diaper. A lonely soldier left to his fate
He baby talks to them when they’re babies, like, straight up, every one of the kids gets baby talked 
No and’s, if’s, or but’s. They get the baby talk
The girls help you guys out a lot with their little brother, or at least they try their best and that’s all that matters. It’s actually really heartwarming??? They’re so attached to this little bundle in your arms, they love him so much
The two girls weren’t fussy babies, but they were very curious, and they kept that curiosity for their entire lives, so they would get into a lot of things that would cause you and Arslan to panic, while their brother was a little angel, he was very quiet and he rarely cried. Though, he didn’t like when you or Arsalan were away for too long, this was a problem for when you guys needed a babysitter for them, not with the girls though, oh no, they love everyone in the Aoyama Guild, especially Maria and Gabriel (the middle one might have a crush on her, but who knows 💅💅). But your guys’ little boy is a whole other story. He’ll start crying and none of them can calm him down, their only saving grace is surprisingly Nyarl. Which Arsalan dislikes with an immense passion
He’s so afraid Nyal’s going to feed his kids to some eldritch horror or teach them bad habits- *GASP* WHAT HAPPENS IF HE TEACHES HIS LITTLE BOY HOW TO SAY FUCK??? OH NO-
He has entrusted the girls with keeping Nyarl in check and the hyena actually listens to them (of course Maria or Zab is there to keep him in check too, they just don’t let the girls know that they’re actually the ones giving Nyarl The Look behind them)
When they’re toddlers, Arsalan starts teaching them strategy and starts wrestling with them so that they can know how to defend themselves with different fighting techniques 
You know that thing that papa lions do where they’ll feign getting hurt when their cubs bite them to build their confidence??? Yeah, he does that with the little ones. The girls are all proud of themselves each time they manage to “beat” their papa, but your little boy is devastated the first time it happened because he thought he actually hurt Papa Arsalan and he started crying and was too afraid to touch anyone for a good two days before Arsalan managed to convince him that he was perfectly fine and the way for him not to hurt someone is to embrace his strength and learn how to use it for good! Luckly, your little boy accepts the answer and goes over and gives his papa a big hug and Arsalan gives him a big ol’ kiss on the forehead
You still have the video- it’s cute- you’re never getting rid of it
Arsalan definitely takes them to the guild and everyone LOVES THEM
The girls get along best with the angels, the more aggressive ones specifically while your little boy gets along best with the healers of the guild; they listen to all of the stories that anyone is willing to share with them and they LIVE FOR THEM
They all swear up and down that they’re gonna join the Aoyama guild when they get older and protect their dad and Arsalan tears up
They MEET (officially) ZABANIYYA AND YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN MORE STARSTRUCK CHILDREN IN YOU LIFE (He met them when they were babies, but he was always too busy to actually swing by and say hello to the little ones frequently)
They think he’s so cool and he feels a little awkward around them, but he’s accepted his fate as Uncle Zab
By the time they hit their tween years, Arsalan is more in his element, he’s an amazing listener, and coupled with the fact that his advice is some A++ shit, his kids feel at ease telling him their woes. Also he’s always open with his affection so if they need a hug, he’s there for that too!
The girls, at this time, are much more similar to Arsalan, their brother on the other hand is very shy, so they take it upon themselves to act as “bodyguards” for their little brother
Your guys’ kids in general are pretty independent, so they’re pretty self aware of themselves; Arsalan made sure of that, especially since he was in the mindset of “making capable kings and queens”- he was a king after all
The girls would go into sports, something like volleyball or softball, while your boy would take up a lot of writing/medical classes in high- if he has the opportunity, he’d probably go into a philosophy class
Your guys’ oldest girl has a bit of a problem with butting heads with people, she’s opinionated and backs them up with facts, she knows what she believes in and will defend it, so she’ll get into the occasional fight
Your middle girl is your social butterfly and gets along with everybody; she’s super sweet, but she has a temper and strong sense of justice which gets her into trouble every now and then
They both team up to take care of their little brother, it’s actually really cute to watch them 
Your boy is the peace keeper of the group; he’s very passive and fights with his words rather than his fists, but he really wants to go into the medical field 
HAVE FUN DEALING WITH THE FACT THAT THEY ALL GET INTO SHIT LIKE THEIR DAD. You and Arsalan had to go and convince the Tycoons not to hang your oldest by her toes because she punched Ophion straight in the jaw and suplexed Lucifuge (Hakuman was having an amazing time- the other two were not)
When they graduate, Arsalan doesn’t cry, but it’s still super evident that he’s proud of his kids, each one gets a huge ass bear (lion) hug that squeezes the breath out of them
He may be a little shocked at first, but he takes it in stride like everything else in his life; he marvels at the way that your guys’ kiddos grow up so fast. Honestly, having a family was one of the best experiences of his life.
I like to imagine that Ifirt would end up with more than one kid with you, being that if you can actually have a baby/babies or if you guys adopt, he’ll want one right after the other, but only if you’re comfortable with that.
We’re going with the route that you’re comfy with having/adopting at least two children:
He’d probs end up having two little boys that are two years apart.
When you guys bring home your first little boy, Ifrit is a mess of tears and snot and he gives you the wettest and biggest smooch he possibly can on your lips. He’s always wanted a big family (but he was afraid he would never be able to really start one because of his debt until you came along and, thanks to your more skeptical nature and eye for seeing through scams, he finally got financially stable!) and now it’s the start of one and he’s so excited! 
They are rambunctious little babies and are loud just like their father; I’m so sorry.
Speaking of loud- Ifrit does not help with the volume- if anything, he amplifies them; riling up the boys when he plays with them.
When he does play with the boys, he’s super soft about it with them. He’ll go down easily for them and play dead when they play any sort of game that includes a big scary monster.
 The first time he did play dead, his boys started crying and then he started crying after he couldn’t get them to calm down because he was overwhelmed with so much emotion for accidentally making his kids cry- you walked in on the three of them, with groceries lining your arms, cuddled up together on the floor crying their hearts out.
UM, HAVE YOU EVER REALIZED THAT IFRIT HAS A TAIL???? (because I sure as hell didn’t, but no surprise there I’m blind-) YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS:
He was a tad nervous when they first started doing this because he realized that he’s a pretty loud and expressive person, so he didn’t want to accidentally knock one of the boys off when he was super excited or he got angry; after you assured him that he was in fact, not going to hurt the boys, he started letting them cling to his tail. And, hey, you were right. He has never once knocked the boys off since, despite his excitable nature, his tail keeps relatively still when he feels the boys on there
Speaking of tails, if any of the boys ends up having tails or horns or fangs like him (especially if they’re biologically his and they get hit with all three), he’ll have you guys invest in a lot of… chew toys for dogs and scratching posts for cats
                    “Why are we getting dog toys for our kid again, Ifrit?”                     “One fucking word, babe, growing pains”                     “That’s two words-”                     “YOU GET WHAT I MEAN.”
Um, I’m so sorry if you wanted your kid’s first words to be “mama/papa/nano” (I read on reddit that’s a gender neutral term for parent, but like, real talk, if you have any other ones, just hit me up and tell me! I love learning new stuff in the LGBTQ+ community!) you ain’t gonna get it chief. It’s gonna be a cuss word because, let’s be frank Ifrit’s got a potty mouth from Hell (me too, man) and it isn’t going away anytime soon
So your kids are most likely gonna be cussing like sailors by the time they get into middle school/high school 
Ifrit is a pretty great multitasker in general, the other bonus is that he’s not afraid to change diapers, so when the boys were babies he was always ready to go when you needed a break
Just let him slap a clothing pin or shove a couple tissues up his nose and he is ready to go, babe
The kids usually cling to him, though, I feel the younger of the two would cling to you more so than Papa Ifrit, while the older one is attached to Ifrit: he copies everything that Ifrit does and is basically a carbon copy of him personality wise
It was kinda hard to convince them to let you guys go out for date night, but they’re super attached to Ebisu and Fenrir, and then Auntie Benten comes and tuckers them out since she has the same amount of energy as the little balls of chaos. So you guys usually call on them to come and watch the babies; once in a while Ahab and Aegir will join and the boys L O V E THEM (you two are honestly a little jealous tbh)
Ebisu is in charge though. Ebisu is always in charge
He’s a little lost in the tween years, but he figures it out pretty fast, luckily, your kids are pretty easy going and simple minded like Ifrit, albeit more aware of their surroundings since you beat it into their heads since you and Ifrit wanted to avoid some punks taking advantage of your kiddos, so they’re pretty straightforward in their thinking- though, your older boy has a hard time handling his emotions, while the younger boy has a hard time expressing his emotions, so you both have to take your time with them and talk it through with them and see how they’re feeling and to understand their problems. Which really isn’t that big of a problem for Ifrit, he’s a good listener and it’s easy for the boys to express themselves around him because, hey, he gets it. He usually let’s his anger control his decision so, he gets it, man
One thing that Ifrit never taught them, and you don’t know where they got it from, if they have horns, they’ll headbutt each other
This has lead to Ifrit, more than once, having to come and untangle their horns, due to the fact that he’s the only one who knows how horns work, because they got locked together, especially if they have Ifrit’s horns (also thank you Juno for giving me this headcanon, I love you-)
If you two ever hear frustrated yelling, you know exactly what’s happening and Ifrit sighs as he gets up while yelling, “again?”
Teenage years are actually quite chill, the boys don’t really go through that phase where nothing feels right or they’re embarrassed of their parents- they’re comfy in their skin and Ifrit and you provide a solid and understanding home for them, so they actually have the tendency to brag about you guys to other people- especially your oldest
What does cause a lot of problems, even when they were little, is fighting
The boys tend to throw themselves head first into fights because A) they have their papa’s temper and B) they can’t stand bullies
So they kinda act as the designated “Protectors of the Weak” if you will and usually it doesn’t end in a fight, their sheer volume and confidence usually makes people back off pretty quick, and if they’re biologically Ifrit’s, then, like, they also have the height and build along with them- or if they were adopted and they had big ass parents, it goes either way
But when they get into a fight- they throw down H A R D. T O G E T H E R
So, once in a while you two get calls to come and pick up the boys, since they got into another skirmish again with that Billy kid- 
Honestly, the first time it happened, Ifrit was pissed because, what the fuck you two? And then he got their side of the story (because of course he would, he’s a GOOD DAD) and he was like, “WELL, FUCK, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE MAD NOW??” So instead, he goes and gets them ice cream every time they get into a fight because he knows your boys would never start a fight unless absolutely necessary. Also they beat up a bunch of bullies HOW THE FUCK IS HE NOT PROUD? HE RAISED THEM RIGHT
This might be one of the only serious arguments you ever have if you’re against the boys fighting at all (but like, I wouldn’t, they beat up bullies. FUCK BULLIES)
When your sons graduate from High school, Ifrit will cry at each of their ceremonies. Full blown sobbing- he’s so proud of his boys and he’s so ready to see what they make of themselves. 
Ifrit dad rating: 10/10, he’s amazing, please let him be a dad; he’s really matured from his younger days, especially now that he has kids. Being in a family with you has really made his life complete
Ophion, to no one’s surprise, has a lot of experience under his belt. At least we would presume, but plot twist: this dragon is used to dealing with older creations rather than little baby ones. Not to say he doesn’t  have any experience with babies, he’s just… used to his kids being independent on their own. It’s a luxury when you got an egg that pops out Wyvern children who are fully developed left and right
He is totally down for babies tho, please, he actually really likes kids a lot and, when he was the older version of himself, he’d try to covertly play with them out in public if he’s with the Tycoons for whatever reason (they knew. They fucking knew what he did, none of them told him jack shit because Hakuman does the same exact thing and Lucifuge thinks his buddy is adorable when he plays with the babies, so like shit he’s gonna say anything. And Licht holds onto this as blackmail, just in case Ophion decides to really piss him off), younger Ophion gives zero shits about playing with babies in front of the Tycoons. He loves hearing babies laugh, so he’ll make some cool ass light tricks and babies and toddlers alike are in awe
Also, he has this tendency to try to give kids life advice and teach them philosophy that their little heads just do not comprehend, but they think he’s the coolest thing to ever exist so they just nod along and pretend they understand (he knows they don’t he just thinks they’re adorable 
He’d try to convince you to have a horde of children; it’s up to you to talk him down because, holy shit, Ophion we are not repopulating a planet. That’s a lot of kids to take care of-
You manage to talk him down to having two and seeing how it goes from there
Plot twist y’all end up with four children: split even boys and girls
Ok, so, I apologize but I’m gonna be drifting away from the gender neutral territory for a hot minute because, like, Juno pointed this out:
Giving birth to Ophion’s baby would be a nightmare: Ophion is a big dude, if I remember right he’s 6’10”, that’s huge if you didn’t know, can you imagine how big that baby is gonna be inside of you???? And the other thing- if they have any draconic characteristics then, like, have fun pushing out a baby with wings, my dude. So it’s either: pray that the little guy is baby baby sized or C-Section
Which is fine- you have options, so that works out great! Double bonus, you never have to worry about medical bills because Ophion is fucking LOADED; TRIPLE BONUS, SINCE OPHION IS LOADED YOU WOULD BE PAMPARED HALF TO DEATH AFTER THE ENTIRE DEBACLE
SPEAKING OF LOADED, your babies have all of the best shit ever since they were born into a rich family.
I’m talking about gucci onesies all the plushies they can imagine
Now, you might be thinking: shit. That means I have to be the tough parent.
Not necessarily
Ophion is particular about how he wants his kids to be raised up: he wants them to be smart and aware, not spoiled and useless. He honestly expects some sort of perfection out of them since, you know, the whole mindset of: well, they’re my children. Of course they have to be perfect
Which, no, bad Ophion. We don’t hold our children to unrealistic standards in this house, it’s up to you to knock him off his high horse. The good part is that he’ll listen to you and actually reflect on his expectations for his kids, he’ll even work on taking said expectations down a couple of notches which is great. 
You’ll probs still have to remind him once in a while, but he’s pretty good at chilling the fuck out when he needs to
Your kids go in the order of girl, boy, girl, boy; all of them a year or two apart, because of course
The first baby was a very rambunctious baby and Ophion threatened to chuck her out the window more than once- IN THE MOST LOVING WAY HE POSSIBLY COULD, I SWEAR- when she’d wake up crying in the middle of the night, because then he’d come and get her and she’d immediately start giggling and trying to grab his finger
He could never stay mad her and he’d end up staying up and rocking her until she fell back asleep 
The crib was barely used for your guys’ second and third baby- they were both easy babies for the most part, only really making a peep when they were away from one of you. Your boy was quite attached to you while the second girl was attached to Ophion; but your oldest girl and boy’s rooms weren’t really used until they each turned five respectively because they’d just climb into bed with you guys and set their younger sibling in between them- these were some of Ophion’s favorite moments tbh. It was so soft and gentle, it soothes his soul when he thinks about it
Your youngest was another rambunctious baby, not in the sense that he cried a lot, but in the sense that he was very… He had a knack for getting into things that shouldn’t have been possible
Like, you, Ophion, and your eldest daughter almost shit when you found your baby boy on top of the counter; no one put him there- you set him down for two minutes- but there he was, giggling as he crawled all over the polished countertops 
Also, PS: each of the babies has their own designated “nanny Wyvern” that takes care of them, but they’re more like, just huge ass guard dogs because they’ll try to make the babies a bottle of milk and it just… it does not work out so well, because sharp claws and microwaves don’t mix as you’ve come to learn
All the wyvern’s love your kids to death tho, they’d die for them. Nobody touches the babies unless they want to get fucking mauled to death by a thousand basically siblings
Each of the babies has gone with him on business meetings with the Tycoons, not that he was very thrilled- Ophion is quite the possessive dragon when it comes to his family- but you needed the load off, especially when you guys have four kids running around? Yeah. He isn’t gonna let you deal with that responsibility alone. 
So he brings them and the Tycoons were a little hesitant about the kids at first because, I mean, they’re Ophion’s kids, they have to be prideful little shits right?
Lucky for them, you keep what Ophion rubs off on his kids in check- especially the pride shit
So, turns out, that your kids are really sweet, maybe a little too confident, but sweet to everyone, and, surprisingly, Ophion’s kinda stickler for manners so they know how to behave themselves
Ophion is lowkey pissed about it because those are his babies, fuck you, Gyumao
But you’re jumping for joy because um? Babysitter who is legit big enough to handle all of the kiddos in one room???? YES PLEASE
The second oldest really likes Lucifuge and will ask if he can comb his hair and Luci always says yes and convinces the kids to call him Uncle Luci; Ophion also hates this
Hakumen is honorary Auntie, they love her to death, especially the two youngest ones, and she likes to spoil them to piss of Ophion
The youngest really likes Licht and Melusine (all the kids are in agreement that Mel is super pretty and the oldest always asks her if she can hold her tail)
When your kids become toddlers, they’re all curious little things and like to hang around Papa and watch what he’s doing 
They’ll try to mimic him, so you’ve walked into a room and witnessed Ophion standing there looking over Tokyo majestically with a wine glass in his hand and all four of your kiddos lined up next to him trying to mimic him, all with their own respective juice cups (youngest to oldest, all trying to look like their papa??? It’s some soft shit and I will forever love Juno for adding and making this scene even cuter)
He’s got a surprising amount of patience with them, so if they're scared to jump off the top of the couch, he’ll reassure them that he’s there and he would never, ever let them fall- and when they do jump? He catches them and praises them for being so brave and it’s just- *cries*
He’ll also take them out on flies so they can get used to the feeling of the wind on their faces and under their wings; they all get super excited if he does a cool twist in the air with them or something like that
The wyverns are usually out and about with them too, so they get two comfort buddies for the price of one fly!
Like with Ifrit, this dude has a tail, so the kiddos will grab onto it, and if they have tails, they’ll make a train of them holding onto each other’s tails as Ophion walks around the house or the Tower- everyone almost dies, because???? That shit cute.
You have so many photos of them doing this
Once your youngest girl fell asleep on his tail while he walked around and you almost died
When they hit their tween years, since they are confident kiddos, especially your two eldest, they have a tendency to push back with Ophion. And Ophion really doesn’t mind? 
He views it as them developing a true identity for themselves, but if they ever cross a line, pray for the kiddos, because he will put the fear of a god in them. He’s very scary angry
It’s even scarier because he doesn’t lift a finger, it’s just a look. A hard, narrowed, disappointed look. It shuts them up real fast
They don’t fight with you though. They’d never fight with you lmao they love you too much
Your two youngest are relatively easy because they don’t have as dominating personalities as their big sister and brother do. So they’ll still stick close to Ophion and listen to what he has to say
You’re eldest ones have an easier time talking to you about their problems while the little ones go to their papa
Though from time to time they’ll talk to the Wyvern that they grew up closest to and rant to them, all the while said Wyvern is squawking and cooing at them in understanding 
In their teenage years, they’ve been humbled a bit by their experiences, so they’re not as.... Over the top. They’re still dramatic tho
Honestly, they’d probs all go into theater. AND THEY’D BE INCREDIBLY GOOD AT IT
And Ophion would obviously brag about this because of course his offspring are amazing at anything they do
Your oldest girl is probably going to play a sport, probably swimming unless she has wings then she’d most likely play something like Lacrosse; you’re eldest boy would probably really into fashion because of Lucifuge so he’d take any fashion classes he could get his hands on; your youngest girl would be into business, courtesy of Auntie Haku and Uncle GyuGyu; and your youngest would most likely stick to theater and the arts; he fell in love with acting and I have this hc that Ophion is really into art in his spare time (especially since, hello- Old Greek God, where do you think they learned it from???) so he runs with the talent he has and just floors it
They all end up kinda, lowkey, running the school, their personalities just cause them to be natural leaders
When they finally graduate highschool, Ophion, if they can’t fly, will take them in his arms after the ceremony and they’ll fly around Tokyo just talking about everything and anything; if they can fly they’re doing the same thing, just instead they’re both doing kick ass tricks in the air! Either way, Ophion is proud and there’s the Wyvern they were closest to crying and nuzzling them because their basically little sib is all grown up
Ophion would kill for a big family with you and he’s such a good papa??? He’s naturally a good dad, it’s a little freaky- but he has so much fun raising this family. He holds all the memories he’s had with you and them close to his heart
Tadatomo and you would probably have one baby in general, a little girl who’s very bubbly- though if you wanted a bigger family, Tada isn’t opposed to the idea
I feel like with Tada the baby, if you have the ability to have children- Hell, even if you don’t have the ability to have a child- you two still probably end up with having a surprise kiddo: they probably wind up being placed in front of your guys’ door by some random person-
Long story short, he freaks out
He definitely doesn’t know how to take care of a baby- he can barely take care of himself- Y/N, what does he do? Please-
It takes a lot of google searching, Youtube videos and phone calls to get Tada to calm down about the baby
After he gathers his bearings, he actually steps up to the plate pretty easily
Except for diapers, I’m so sorry, but you’re on your own for diapers. He’ll get you the stuff and everything, but, he just,,, He can not handle the smell
You guys don’t ever get a crib, if anything someone else gets you said crib (probably Mori) but you guys never use it because Tada places the baby between the both of you when you two go to sleep and, since he’s such a light sleeper, he’s usually the one to tell when she needs something before she even makes a peep
Not that I think she makes a lot of noise in the first place aside for her laughing- she’s just a happy and easy baby in general
Btw, Tada totally shed a tear when she laughed for the first time, he’ll never admit it but she gives him so much L I F E
He lets her play with his ears/tail, doesn’t matter if she pulls on them (which she doesn’t, she’s a gentle baby) no matter what time or place. He could be threatening someone with a knife and she’d be playing with his ears and everyone is like????? That’s kinda cute????   
He binge watches Naruto with his baby despite them not knowing what the fuck is going on and even gets them an Uchiha onsie because obviously Sasuke and Itachi are the bast characters in Naruto and no, he doesn’t take constructive criticism, thank you very much
He probably tries to convince you to name her after Tsunade, it’s up to you if
 you’re willing to go with it
(you’re kid probs has a hardcore anime phase in middles school and Tada and Shino NEVER LET HER LIVE IT DOWN)
For someone who was terrified of babies at first, he takes baby proofing the house/apartement very seriously; you’ll honestly have to stop him- he’s going crazy:
                 “Tada, for the last time, you don’t need to sand down the corners of the wall.”                  “But what if she runs into it?”                  “Tadatomo Inuyama, if you don’t put down that sander, I will have your head.”
You’ll sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just to find your baby isn’t there, it almost gave you a heart attack the first time because, I mean, HOLY SHIT WHERE’S YOUR BABY???
But when you look over and see Tada resting with her by the window and humming/singing her a little lullaby- your heart has never been more ready to burst in your life
Moritaka and Shino are the main babysitters, she absolutely adores Mori to death and Tada feels a sense of betrayal everytime she clings to him 
Moritaka has so many mixed emotions about it because on one hand: !!! My favorite basically niece! But on the other hand, Tadatomo has been glaring at the back of his head for the past 30 minutes, please, help him-
Shino also spoils her a teeny bit and Mori and Tada will stare at him with wide eyes, like, “dad, WHERE’S MY HUG???”
He starts her training early, because you know he wants his little girl to be able to take care of herself if he isn’t there to protect her, which, that’s not gonna happen, Tada will kill an entire city, don’t test him (also Mori and Shino and you’ll be there and like, nobody wants to open that can of fucking worms)
She’s clumsy at first, but she’s a really fast learner and he cannot be more proud when she starts to pick up stuff, he almost starts crying but, again, denies it if you try to bring it up
If she ends up having fangs of any kind, he will, like Ifrit, invest in chew toys as well, because have you seen puppies when they teeth??? It’s chaos, you will lose so much furniture that way, let me tell you
She develops a really good sense of balance, so it’s a fight to get her to stop breaking into the snack cupboard when she wants a treat; she’ll give it up without a fight, but she will break in again if you don’t watch it
She’s a pretty big ball of sunshine so she makes a lot of friends and invites them over; they all think Tada’s super scary because he’s glowering at them, if you tell them that that’s just how his face is, he’ll be mildly offended, but then you also throw in the fact that he’s a super cool ninja and then the kids are all over the poor transient 
He’s in heaven, but he won’t tell you that. Your guys’ daughter is all too happy to tell you guys all about how people think she has the coolest parents in school
Despite him teaching her how to fight, he’s a bit of a helicopter parent, especially when her tween/teenage years roll around
She’s a pretty easy kid in her tween years too, though Tada has a heart attack when puberty hits her and Aunt Ruby comes a knocking and he calls up Shino of all people to explain it to her, which he does, you’re honestly a little shocked when you get home and you see Shino with a whole powerpoint slide explaining in excruciating detail what a period is to your horrified daughter and your, as equally horrified, husband
He gets her everything she needs or asks you to get it if he can’t BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE GOOD PARENTS
Tadatomo isn’t the best with emotions so he’s shit with advice, but he’s a really good listener. So, sometimes your kid will just info dump to him about everything that’s bothering her 
When she starts getting into the dating scene Tada HATES IT
He’s always glowering at the partner she brought home because he already hates them, he wants them to go away. She’s his little Shinobi- DON’T TOUCH HIS LITTLE SHINOBI-
You have to be the one to calm him down tbh because he will kill a child with zero hesitation 
Her teenage years are also pretty easy, she’s a rather laid back and optimistic kid and she has a solid relationship with both you and her papa so she doesn’t really have a lot of negative emotions inside of her 
And if she ever gets angry or anything, you know Tada installed a gym in your guys’ home, so she’ll punch the punching bag or work out her emotions
Tada will join her if she’s feeling up for it 
She’s most likely into sports and Tada and you go to all of her games; Tada cheers the loudest but he will DENY IT 
When she graduates from high school, Tada will openly cry. He’s super proud of his little girl and she’s a step closer to being an adult, she most likely got a scholarship for whatever sport she was most excited for and a dozen other little scholarships as well. Tadatomo will give her a big ol’ hug and tell her how proud he is of her, honestly, you’re probs gonna cry too
He is another excellent papa, who would give the world to his kid- he’s honestly so happy that you’re with him because he feels like he would never be able to take care of her as good without you 
I feel that he’d have one child, maybe two, but definitely one; a little boy
It’s most likely you who brings up the idea of having a kid with him; and he is both a nervous wreck and an excited mess because A) Oh! A baby! And you want to have one with him??? WHY??? And B) OH! A BABY! I LOVE BABIES AND I LOVE YOU
He’s a pretty gentle soul, so when you bring home the baby, Xolotl gets the kid to go out like a light every time he starts crying
It relieves both you and Lotl, but definitely Lotl, like, the poor guy always has a mini heart attack when his baby is crying
The baby is a bit of a fussy baby so, he tends to cry if he feels like he isn’t getting enough attention or he wants to be held 
Lotl is super attuned to your kids’ emotions?? Like, to a freaky degree, he can tell just what your baby wants
He records all milestones in your babies life and you know it’s him because you can hear his sniffles in the background
                “Y/N! Y/N! Our baby said ‘dada’! Our baby said ‘dada’!”                 “Yes, Xol, that’s great! Don’t cry on the camera though, please-”                  *Incomprehensible blubbering ensues*
He’ll actually take the baby with him to work if you’re too busy to watch him or if you can’t find anyone to watch him 
AKA: Maria is super busy and can’t watch the baby, which kills her inside because she loves the baby and Xolotl, as much as he loves Garmr, isn’t about to trust him with his baby’s life because that is… a very foolish decision to make, unfortunately
Hakuman got mad at him the first time for this and started yelling at him when the baby started to cry, her maternal instincts kicked in and she was on it; like she snatched him out of his little baby carrier and cradled him, cooing at the baby until he calmed down and then she gave him back to his papa, who was mildly miffed for once in his life, thank you very much (his fur was standing on end, he was ready to throw down with the mistress). She even apologized for taking your guys’ baby without permission and startling him- don’t get her wrong, she was still very much against the idea of Xol bringing his baby to work. It can, afterall, be a very dangerous place, especially the casino, but what could you do? Obviously this little baby needed a place to stay and what better place than with his papa, her top bodyguard, and of course the one and only her!
She ends up convincing him to bring the baby a vast majority of the time he comes around now, she’ll have him take him into meetings she has with the Tycoons and they get nothing done. NOTHING. They’re all too busy playing with the baby. He has a tendency to get really antsy when Ophion comes near his baby, fighting the urge to snap at him, but he learned that Ophion just really likes kids and holding them. Though he did make the jab that you and him would’ve made much cuter children and Hakuman was terrified of Xolotl in that moment because he almost lost his shit 
When the baby becomes a toddler, Lotl is much more confident and experienced, but he’s still nervous, your little boy is still very attached to his papa despite this
When he meets new people that he doesn’t know very well, he’ll hide behind your’s or Xolotl’s leg and peek out at them
It’s really, really cute???? Lotl almost starts crying
SPEAKING OF CRYING, your little munchkin cries a lot
But Lotl never yells at him for it or anything, he just kneels down and rests his hands on his shoulders and asks what’s wrong, more often than not, your kiddo just gets nervous and starts crying, not loud and obnoxious, but those silent tears of stress. But then he gets a big ol’ hug from papa/you and he’s alright 
He likes to try and copy what Lotl does so he’ll pretend he has a tie and fix it whenever Papa Lotl does and he almost screamed when he caught your kiddo mimicking him
He’ll also steal Lotl’s glasses once in a while and wear them, pretending to be a kick ass agent like his dad
Lotl gave it to him when it was his first day of school and told him that papa put some of his and mama/papa/nano’s bravery in it so he’d always have some of his own- and he just- AHHH-
As your little boy grows up, he develops a bit more of a bite than his dad has, so he’ll try to defend you guys from anyone if they try to say anything about his dad crying and hitting on you, they have one pissed off toddler on their hands and he fucking bites, it doesn’t matter if he has the fangs or not, he’ll bite someone
(You guys honestly don’t know where he learned that from-*looks at Garmr*)
When he hits his tween years, the boy is an anxious mess, but he’s not afraid to cry about it, he’s learned that crying is perfectly fine from his papa and it’s actually super healthy to get rid of all that pent up emotion, so you bet your ass when I say: your little boy knows a lot of healthy coping methods, which is awesome
It actually helps his transition through puberty a lot 
Real talk, he almost shits himself when he speaks and he realizes how deep his fucking voice is, even Lotl is freaked out. But then he gets real proud of it and so does Lotl and it’s a cute father-son moment
If he ever gets to be the same size of Lotl, he’ll still get plenty of head pats from his papa
His teenage years are pretty smooth sailing aside from him being a tad anxious and socially awkward about things, but he’ll get through it! With the power of support and him having a safe place to explore himself he’ll learn healthy coping mechanisms to handle his anxiety!
Though if he ever does get really emotionally constipated or it just becomes too much, he’ll go to Lotl or you and ask if you can hug him and he’ll just cry and let it all go, rambling into your shirt, you can barely make out the words, but still nodding along with what he’s saying- it really helps
He has a first job already in the bag: at the water park that Hakuman runs! Because like hell was he gonna work at the casino as a first job, over Lotl’s, your’s and Hakuman’s dead bodies. It really helps his social anxiety and he learns that he actually really likes to interact with people (also everyone loves him over there because he’s such a gigantic teddy bear)
He’s probably super into art and Lotl gets him everything art related that he can get his hands on, he really wants to support his kiddo 
Lotl and you go to every gallery that your son’s art features in and it’s always great because that’s where you get to see him shine the most
When your guys’ son graduates from high school with a fully paid scholarship to his dream art school for his portfolio, you're all crying. You’re all so proud of your guys’ little boy
Having a kid was really good for Xolotl- having a family was really good for him; it helped build his confidence and become more secure with himself. He only wished his brother could be here to see his nephew, but this was fine, he could probably see him know and see how good of a dad Lotl was
Bonus HC for Lotl: he’d be, hands down, one of the best characters to be a single parent. Change my mind
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dokidokivisual · 4 years
Gochiusa BLOOM episode 1 impressions
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Ok, now that some time has passed let’s look at the long awaited first episode of the third season of Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka? aka Is the order a rabbit? in detail. I spent a lot of time on this, so any feedback would be appreciated.
The opening scene of the season is a sendback to opening scenes of the first two seasons. The episode starts as usual with a several establishing shots of the setting, which is based on various European towns, mostly in Alsace region. This shot in particular is based on Little Venice area in Colmar which I have visited a few years ago.
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Then we see Aoyama Blue Mountain going through the town and ending up by the Rabbit House sign. Previously Cocoa and Chino were shown in a similar situation. However the road seems to have been repaved between season 2 and 3 (probably because a different studio is making the backgrounds now).
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After the opening sequence ends, we see the title card and... no opening? Well, this is different. Anyway, the story starts and as was expected it’s based on the first chapter of volume 5. We see the staff of Rabbit House trying various measures to resist summer heat, and eventually deciding to create new, less stuffy uniforms.
On the way to the store Rize has to carry everybody and then fight through the crowds. Understandably even she has her limits. But then, a wild Sharo appears! I thought this scene had pretty cool animation.
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Then the girls go to acquire fabrics for the vests, however they can’t find Cocoa’s signature pink color. Cocoa proposes this sequin fabric, which might be the sparkliest object I’ve seen in anime. It’s quite impressive how it was animated too. Unfortunately Chino hates it.
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After that Chino’s concept for the summer uniform is revealed. What I find interesting here is that in manga this drawing was black and white, and the label “pink” was actually useful, but now it’s colored and the label is redundant.
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Shortly after we get introduced to a new character? Which happens to be just a random background girl playing as Phantom Thief Lapin. An interesting bit of foreshadowing, but possibly confusing for those who only follow the anime?
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The scene that follows features an amazing ad-lib (perhaps?) from Cocoa
なんとかなーる (somehow it will happen) どこかにあーる (somewhere it exists)
In the manga Cocoa only says the first line, but now it rhymes and allows the characters to think about where it might be. A sudden realization comes to Cocoa and she starts rummaging through Rabbit House’s storage room.
Here the story naturally links up with volume 5 chapter 9 (the brocante/flea market chapter), as Cocoa discovers various items that junk up the place. Anyway she finds up the exactly right fabric and we get a glimse at “nice body Cocoa” 10 years in the future, as though she will still be wearing the same outfit and working in Rabbit House for 10 years. By the way, the manga will reach 10 years of continous publication in May 2021, so at least from our point of view she has been working there for almost 10 years.
After a brief intermission with Takahiro and Tippy (I actually laughed at the bake-usagi joke) we move on to the B part. At the flea market (with 100% female attendance for some reason), Cocoa, Chino and Rize set up a stall. Sharo is also there, and her obsession with ceramics is recalled, while Chiya helps her carry the purchases. This scene is expanded compared to the yonkoma version with Chiya displaying some gray (green?) morality by blaming Sharo for caring more about the cup than Chiya. The original joke in the manga was that Sharo desperately jumps for the cup despite saying how she can’t be unladylike in the presence of fine china just before that.
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Next scene is a bit of a cultural reference to “tataki-uri” sale. Here’s a video of a guy selling bananas in this style with a help of harisen in Osaka. Harisen is an important prop in Manzai-style comedy, where “straight man” of a duo (tsukkomi) often slaps “funny man” (boke) with it. Seeing as Sharo is usually in tsukkomi role, her lack of “my harisen” is surprising to Chiya.
One of the most impactful scenes of the episode is when Chino meets a lost child and makes her stop crying using her old rabbit toy. This is another scene that got expanded compared to the manga, showing how Chino overcomes her shyness and how compassionate she can be. The fact that she gives away the toy for free is also original, the mother actually bought it in the manga.
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Next there’s a scene about Chiya trying on a shirt she bought from Rize. This scene is interesting because the anime adaptation cuts some dialogue from the manga where it was revealed that the clothes Sharo wears are actually hand-me-downs from Chiya. As a result Cocoa tries to give hand-me-downs to Chino, and then when she asks for Chino’s clothes to wear, Chino’s reply that “it would be just an exchange” actually makes sense. Is it just me, or the same reply doesn’t make sense when all hand-me-downs dialogue is cut out?
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Now we move on to the final(?) scene where Cocoa reveals that she bought the magic set herself. Cocoa even tells us the moral of the story about how things have their own history. Cut to the scene where she demonstrates her magic skills for the first time. Even those who didn’t read the manga probably expected her to fail at this point, and she does indeed fail the cane trick. But then... something magical happens.
We see Chino (still wearing Cocoa’s hand-me downs) staring enthralled as Cocoa prepares her next trick, with other girls chatting in the background. We now see Chino’s point of view. Everything but Cocoa disappears, she’s now in a magical BLOOM dimension where it’s only two of them. Flowers spring from Cocoa’s magic hat, petals flutter in the air and the camera zooms on Chino, who is absolutely amazed by it all.
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And then it transitions onto the opening sequence! Wow, I did not expect that. Mostly because the flowers trick failed in the manga. But also such a strong allusion to Cocoa kind of being like a mother figure for Chino. In this moment Cocoa is Saki (=BLOOM). I mean, you can interpret it differently, I don’t know.
But this is not all. After the opening there’s a C part, which is really a continuation of the A part. Such “sandwich” composition has been employed before in season 2 episodes 1 and 12 for example. Cocoa shows off her summer uniform which is pretty similar to the original uniform to the point where I’ve seen people saying stuff like “hope they’ll show the summer uniforms in the next episode”. This is it, this is the summer uniform:
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This is also a callback to when Cocoa wears the uniform for the first time in season 1 episode 1, with Rize and Chino’s responses being the same. This is lampshaded in the episode itself though.
Since the opening theme serves as the ending theme for this episode, the actual ending theme (Nakayoshi! Maru! Nakayoshi! by Chimame-tai)  will likely be shown in the next episode. Not to break from the tradition, the next episode “preview” is a scene with Takahiro and Tippy, who deploy some amusing meta-commentary this time around. The next episode seems like it might have Phantom Thief Lapin in it, based on the title, so I better get my Lapin figure ready.
So that was the event-packed first episode of Gochiusa BLOOM. I think it might be one of the best episodes in the series so far, and the key drawings by the new studio are so beautiful, I couldn’t stop screenshotting it on my first watch. What did you think of the episode? It’s kinda hard to find any decent Gochiusa discussion out there... Please look forward to the next episode and my review of it!
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bunnyramen · 4 years
It started with Hagakure, the first somewhat bravely approaching Kirishima and giving him a pair of her hero gloves to wear for whatever reason.
“Wow, thanks Hagakure! I can use these for when i have to work with Hatsume!” He put them on and wiggles his fingers around in them, turning his hand over to gaze at them.
“It’s no problem, Kirishima!” Hagakure blushed a bit, not thinking her plan would work.
The reason she gave him those because she wanted to see him in her hero merch. She had recently gotten a bunch a pairs back since there were always left overs from random cons and such.
It wasn’t odd to see a couple of classmates carrying large boxes back into their room, most likely full of their own merch.
She was surprised she was the first to do it, Kirishima would be the perfect person to showcase that she was the next top hero.
Or at least top 5.
“Well, see you later!” She walked away quickly, Kirishima looking a bit confused cause he figured they would talk a bit more but shrugged it off.
“Bye!” Kirishima waved with the gloves still on, Hagakure barely catching it when she looked back, a grin gracing her invisible face.
“Excuse me, Kirishima?” Ochako tapped the taller on the shoulder as they were in the lunch line.
“Hey Ochako! Didn’t see you there! What’s up?” He smiled, his dimples taking over his cheeks that made her heart scream a bit.
“I got some hero merch in the mail and decided to give you these earrings since I know you’re adding to your collection.” Kirishima scooted up in line to make sure he didn’t hold up the long line, Ochako scooting up behind him.
She reached into her jacket pocket and produced a pair of medium sized golden hoops. There were little charms that represented the 8 planets that clacked when you shook them.
Kirishima gasped, “These are so boss!! Thanks so much, ‘chako!” He slipped the first pair earrings that were in his ear off and put in the new ones, absolutely beaming with delight.
“Plus they glow in the dark!”
Kirishima scooted up causing Ochako to scoot up again, then captured her in a hug. Her arms wrapped around his waist and squeezed tight, unexpectedly taking in the scent of cherries and fresh grass.
“These are like the best earrings I have by far!” He smiled again, tilting his head from side to side, making the charms click against each other.
Ochako blinked a few times before putting on a bright smile of her own, the prospect of her merch earrings being the best made her feel warmness in her heart.
“Happy great friends day!” Kaminari produced a present suddenly, startling Kirishima who was playing his Ds.
Kirishima has been in the common room on the couch, others were either sitting at the table or on the floor.
“There’s a great friends day?” Kirishima paused his game and sat up on the couch, putting it down on a cushion and turning towards Kaminari.
“Of course it’s not a day that I made up!” He plopped the wrapped gift in Kirishima’s lap, thankful that it was soft.
“I wish I would’ve known! If we’re exchanging gifts, I’d have gotten you one, too.” Kirishima started tearing the packaging and putting the pieces on the cushion to pick up later.
“That’s alright, dude. You don’t need to get me a thing!” Kaminari watched intently as the boy and unfolded the sweatshirt, the clothing being covered in lightning bolts and his hero name in cursive neon yellow letters across the front.
“This is so gnarly! I’m touched!” He hugged the sweater close to his chest, making Kaminari blush.
“Ah, it was nothing really! You just seem to prefer hoodies to shirts anyways.” Kaminari really wanted to be cocky but he couldn’t help but to be humble to Kirishima.
The redhead started to put it over his head but when it came to pulling it down over his stomach, it only got half way down.
“How is it too small? Cant you fit a medium?” Kaminari seemed confused, he could’ve sworn that this was his size.
“No but it’s fine! ‘Sides crop top sweaters are in according to Aoyama’s blog.” Kirishima sucked his arms back into the hoodie and also through the arms of his shirt.
It took a bit of time but after a minute, Kirishima pulled off his shirt, showing off a midsection marked with abs, scars, and plenty of stretch marks.
Kaminari almost covered his eyes but didn’t since he would miss the sight in front of him.
“Well, I’m gonna go to my room and draw or something, thank you for the gift!” Kirishima said a bit hurried as he made his way to the elevator.
“Denks..” Jirou called his attention, said boy turning towards the purple headed girl sitting at the community table with a raised eyebrow.
“That was probably one of the smartest things you’ve ever done..” Jirou mumbled as she clinked the ends of her headphone jacks together, her face red as a ripe strawberry.
Kaminari smiled cockily, “Yeah, I know.” With the amount of shirts Kirishima wore on a daily basis, that hoodie was going to be on display for a good, long while.
“Shit!” Kirishima has his mask in his hands, though it was split in two now.
“What happened, dude?” Kaminari asked as he slipped on one of his boots and laced it up.
“My mask broke in half.” He tossed the two pieces in the trash and started taking off his shirt.
“You dont have a replacement, Kirishima-kun?” Iida slipped on his shin guards and turned towards Kirishima, a calculating arch in his arrowhead brow.
“I don’t! I should probably build new one, Iida-Senpai.” Kirishima pulled out a piece of paper, showing him the blue prints for a new design for a mask on it.
Iida flushed a bit, which was very uncharacteristic for the normally in control president.
(Momo made a joke that it was respectful to call your class reps senpai since they were technically the upperclassmen of the class. Kirishima, not wanting to be impolite, took it seriously)
“This is such a carefully calculated design, I’m extremely impressed.” Iida looked it over and handed it back to the redhead, a rare smile on his face as he pushed up his glasses.
“Thanks! I was thinking about adding goggles to it since I have nothing protecting my eye.” Kirishima took of his pants and slipped on his hero pants and his new metal belt.
“Well, I suppose since you don’t have your mask, you can use these for the time being.” Iida fished a visor-like pair of glasses from his locker, handing them to Kirishima who had finished buckling his shoes.
“Seriously? Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to break them-“
“I assure you Kirishima-kun, it’s quite alright. There an old prototype for my hero costume that didn’t quite fit with the design of my suit. You may keep them.” He handed them to Kirishima as he put both his palms out to take it.
“Thanks so much, Iida-senpai! I really appreciate this!” Kirishima put them on and made a small marveled sound.
“You’re very welcome. Now I must finish getting ready for hero training, I’ll see you out there.” Iida bowed a bit, as did Kirishima with a big smile on his face.
“I’ll see you out there, class rep!” He waved happily as the heavy footfalls of his boots got quieter as he left.
As soon as the boy was gone, Iida had a light smile, almost a smirk on his face.
He normally wasn’t competitive but in this case, he had this one in the bag.
“Woah, where’d you get those?” Kaminari pointed at his glasses.
“Iida! He let me have them since I need eye protection!”
“If I would’ve known that, I would’ve given you my old spare!” Kaminari harrumphed.
“Kirishima?” Midoriya knocked politely on the redhead’s door, keeping the item he was holding flush to his side.
I’m no time, Kirishima’s door opened revealing the taller boy, his hair up in a ponytail that swished when he moved his head.
In the front of his hair was a couple dark shadow shaped clips and the boy seems to be wearing a dark cloak.
“Yo Midoriya! What’s up?” He smiled wide, his dimples on display.
“Oh, I heard-uhm that you needed something cool to wear to the sleep over tonight and brought you this.” He grabbed the item from
his hip and unfolded it to show Kirishima.
It was a onesie version of Midoriya’s hero outfit and had a pair of long green ears on the hood.
Kirishima only stared at it, making Midoriya a bit nervous that maybe it wasn’t cool or manly in this case.
“I know I may not be the coolest looking hero..” Midoriya started, looking down a bit in embarrassment.
“Well that’s bullshit!” Kirishima cursed, Midoriya looks back up to see a determined look to his face, eyes shining like rubies with emotion.
“I would be honored to wear this cool ass onesie!” Kirishima put up a finger to signal he needed a moment and closed the door.
In no time, he popped back up in the door way, looking way too adorable in the Deku sleepwear.
It was a bit tight looking but it was never in Deku’s DNA to complain about trivial things.
“What do you think? Am I not the coolest number one hero around?” He put the hood up , displaying the large ears that stood straight up on his head.
“Number one?” Midoriya’s face turned a light pink at implication
“Fuck yeah, dude! And when you’re on that podium and people are cheering you on like-“ He put his hands up to his mouth and cheered quietly “oh my god, we love you so much Deku! You’re so awesome and smart!” He put a hand on Midoriya’s shoulder, “Just know I’ll be in that crowd, and I’ll drag Bakugou’s ass in that crowd too. Ok?” His bright, toothy smile made Midoriya’s heart beat just a little too fast to be normal.
“Ok.” Midoriya smiled back, braces and all.
“Hey Kirishima! You want some of my merch-“ Mineta asked but was cut off when Kirishima suddenly turned around.
“Ew, Fuck No.” Kirishima said as he walked towards his friend group and away from the short grape.
Mina cackled her ass off as Bakugou nodded in approval.
Aoyama gives Kirishima pair of sunglasses designed to look like their hero one because they wouldn’t want Kirishima to be blinded by their sparkle.
Kirishima smiles brightly and Aoyama takes the sunglasses back and puts them on themself, saying that they need it more than he does.
Bakugou throws a shirt that looks like a skull shirt but it’s made from the word fuck you, Kirishima wears it proudly.
In reality, it’s his own shirt that he wanted Kirishima to have without the redhead getting suspicious.
Jirou gives him a Deep Dope brand speaker and they end up dancing around crazily to some music playing from his phone.
Todoroki got him a simple half red and half white heeadband, something that Kirishima wears constantly.
Sero gave him a charm bracelet with a tape dispenser on it that Kirishima also never takes off.
Someone asks what Kirishima does with all the merch the class keeps giving him.
He has special cork board on his wall and a special box for it all.
@deepseawave this is a small story dedicated to you! I hope you like it!!
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ciestessde · 4 years
NOT My Hero Academia: Part 1 – Ch.5
It was the next day, and the students were back in their homeroom. "Good work with yesterday’s battle training," Aizawa addressed the class.
"I’ve looked over your grades and evaluations, and I only have a few notes. Bakugo…" Izuku saw him shift slightly in his chair. "Work on your awareness of enemies during battle -- even minor threats can take you out if they surprise you." Bakugo grimaced. "... Got it," he muttered.
"Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida." Each of them sat straighter when their names were called. "… Well done." Their expressions shifted from surprised to pleased, and Iida stammered out a "Ah -- Thank you, sir!"
"Now, on to homeroom business… Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today… you’ll pick a class president."
The feel of the room shifted. Everyone started shouting, clamouring to be picked for the position. ‘Oh yeah,’ Izuku realized after a moment, ‘It’s not just a bunch of mundane tasks at U.A. To be the leader of a group… It’s the kind of position suited for a top hero in the making.’
After only a few moments of this, Iida, ever the voice of reason, cut through the noise with a suggestion. "I put forward the motion… that our true leader must be chosen by election!" "But Iida," countered Tsuyu, "we haven’t known each other long enough to build any trust." "And everyone’ll just vote for themselves!" added Kirishima.
"That’s precisely why anyone who manages to earn multiple votes will be the best-suited individual for the job!!" Iida turned to Aizawa, who had already zipped himself up inside his sleeping bag, "Will you allow this Sensei?!" "However you do it, just make it quick."
As expected, most people came out with only a single vote. Although there were a few exceptions, as some people actually had none.
Momo Yaoyorozu won with only three votes. And the vice president, with only two, was-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sitting with Iida and Uraraka at lunch, Izuku said, "I admit, I’m a little worried about being vice president…" "Worry not," said Iida, "Midoriya, although I personally felt someone with a quirk to be a more fitting vote, your ingenuity and decisiveness in a pinch make you a perfectly acceptable leader." Uraraka said, "Didn’t you want to be president, Iida? You’ve got glasses and everything!" Iida, looking a bit nervous, set his drink down. He avoided eye-contact with both of the other students. "Ambition and suitability are different matters… I humbly made the choice I thought was correct."
Noticing his speech pattern, Uraraka excitedly asked, "The way you talk… Iida, are you… A rich kid?!" Iida responded hesitantly. "... I don’t like people to know, so I try to hide it, but… Yes. Mine is a renowned hero family. And I am the second son."
Izuku went into fanboy-mode after realization hit him. "Of course!! Ingenium!! He employs 65 sidekicks at his office in Tokyo!! So you’re…!" Finally looking up -- and even looking a bit cheered -- Iida responded, "How very informed… Yes, he is my brother." Now filled with pride for his family, Iida went on, "He leads the people with his unwavering adherence to rules and regulations. A truly beloved hero!! It’s my admiration for my brother that’s inspired my own desire to become a hero."
He deflated slightly, smiling with admiration. "Though I realize I’m not yet ready to lead anyone. As the superior candidate, it was right that the role should go to Yaoyorozu."
Uraraka and Izuku paused in their eating. "Never seen you smile before, Iida," Uraraka observed. "Eh?! Is that so?! I smile on occasion!!"
‘Iida has Ingenium to look up to, huh…?’ No longer eating, Izuku watched his classmates banter in front of him. ’I guess I have Master and Kurogiri-sensei, but… It- doesn’t feel the same. I don’t want to be a vigilante like they are.’ He looked down at the bowl in his hands. ‘But… do I… still want to be like All Might…?’
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He was taking a break, drinking some water in the middle of training, when Kurogiri asked him, "Tell me, Midoriya…" He stopped drinking. "What kind of hero do you want to be?"
"I-…" Izuku looked away, thinking. Every time he thought about becoming a hero, Izuku couldn’t help but remember that video. The one of All Might rescuing so many people with a smile on his face! But, at the thought of All Might… Izuku’s mind turned to that moment on the rooftop. Yet still… Izuku’s fist clenched, and he replied, "I want… to be the Greatest Hero, who smiles as he saves people!"
"So… You want to be like All Might, correct?" Izuku’s gaze shot up to Kurogiri. "It’s not an unusual assumption. But… Do you really believe society will allow someone who’s quirkless… to become the Number One Hero?" Kurogiri’s wispy, mist-like face was unreadable, but his tone was full of pity. "After all… It is a popularity pole more than anything, isn’t it?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
While riding the bus with his class on their way to "Rescue Training" the next day, Izuku was still contemplating that question. But his thoughts were interrupted by Tsuyu, "I generally say what’s on my mind, Midoriya."
"Oh?!" Izuku’s head snapped to face the frog-like girl. "What is it, Asui?" "Call me Tsuyu," she corrected him automatically, "Without a quirk, hero training seems kinda pointless. Why not just become a police officer?" "Ah! Well!" he floundered, "See, I considered it and all, but-!"
"Hold up, Tsuyu," Kirishima said from the seat on the other side of her, "Police officers and heroes are totally different! Heroes can patrol and help people completely independently, and can even have part-time jobs, if they want! Not to mention those support items Midoriya has. You can’t have those as a police officer, and they’re awesome! You can do a lot of cool stuff with them!"
Kirishima struck a pose, activating his quirk. "Not like my hardening. I’m good in a fight, but it’s real boring." "I think that’s pretty neat, though. Your quirk’s more than enough if you wanna go pro," said Izuku. "Pro!" Aoyama exclaimed from across the aisle, "But don’t forget that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal!!"
Izuku flinched, just slightly.
Aoyama didn’t notice. "My navel laser is both strong and cool. Perfect for a pro." "As long as you don’t blow up your own stomach!" said Mina. Aoyama didn’t seem to like that comment.
The conversation was cut short when All Might wooshed by the bus, and everyone realised how close they already were to their destination.
Thirteen, their instructor for the day, greeted them by talking about how a lot of quirks could easily be used to kill. How "one wrong move with an uncontrollable quirk" could defeat society’s restrictions and monitoring of quirks… "During Aizawa’s physical fitness test, you came to learn of your own hidden potential. Through All Might’s battle training, you experienced the danger that your respective quirks can pose to others. This class…"
Thirteen’s previously grim demeanor did a 180.
"... will show you a new perspective! You will learn how to utilize your quirks to save lives. Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope you leave here today with the understanding that you’re meant to help people." Izuku thought to himself, ‘I can’t help thinking that… somehow… that doesn’t apply to me.’
Thirteen bowed to the students, the unwilling audience to his speech. "That is all! I thank you for listening." "Great." Aizawa stepped forward, away from Thirteen, All Might -- and Mirio. "First off… Midoriya."
Izuku felt his stomach drop. ‘Please, let me be wrong…’
The teacher’s words were cold. "Without a quirk, these exercises will be pointless for you. Honestly, you should just leave the rescuing to professionals in these situations." It wasn’t an attack. His tone made it clear: He was -- or he believed he was -- stating facts. Which just made it worse. "But still… we’ll teach you the basics, for now. Everyone else will be divided into groups and rotate through the different sites. Listen for your name."
While Aizawa listed off names, Mirio approached Izuku. "Hey… That’s a bummer. But don’t let it get to you!"
Mirio practically shined with optimism, "There’s plenty of awesome things you’ll get to do here at U.A.! And that strategy you used yesterday -- not to mention getting into U.A. without a quirk in the first place…!" Mirio’s eyes sparkled, and he practically shouted, "That is SO Plus Ultra!! I’m actually kinda jealous!" At the older student’s support… Izuku couldn’t help smiling.
All Might called Mirio back over; it was time to start the lessons. Before leaving, Mirio said, "Hey, if you ever want some pointers -- or just to train -- give me a call, ok?!"
After that, the rest of the day wasn’t too bad.
But still… Aizawa’s tone… Izuku wasn’t sure what to call the teacher’s tone, actually.
Except maybe… pity?
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Read my original book, Crossroad of Infinity for free right here on Tumblr, on my website, or on AO3!
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des-draws · 5 years
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it's officially July but I'm still on pride mode!!! can't stop won't stop
Here are my lgbt+/queer hcs for class 1(g)A(y)!!! Here's what they are in case you don't recognize all of the flags (bc let's be real before I started coloring this I wouldn't recognize at least a few of them either ;^; ), strap in bc it's going to get l o n g:
(also they’re listed in the order they’re shown in the deviantart post rather than this one oop)
- Ojiro is trans!! I feel like he prefers being stealth but still celebrates with all his classmates because it's such a special occasion :') - Tooru is pan and a demigirl!!! It's her first pride and she's hyped!!!! And full of love!!!!! Love Is Stored In The Tooru!!! - Todoroki is a gay demiboy!! His trauma has made his experience with gender rather vague and blurry but he's still happy to have a label to somehow describe himself!! He's using End*vor's credit card to buy all of his friends pride merch!! - Midoriya is bi and trans!! He's been so happy to see his friends discover themselves and even more so to see them celebrating :') - Iida is bi!! As the second of the three members of the Rich Kids Club, he also wants to support and reaffirm his friends by buying them pride stuff!! - Kirishima is gay and trans!! I hc that he's been basically the class' go-to for gender identity/sexuality stuff bc he's been out-and-proud since Day 1 until pretty much everyone had a big coming-out ("I'm gay!" "Cool! I think I might be bi! :0c" "I...might...not be a girl???" "I'm pretty sure I'm [ace/genderfluid/etc.]" "What's that?" "Oh, it's [...]" "...might have to look into that. I think it might fit me too?" " :'D !!!!! " ) (he probably cried bc he was so proud of everyone) and then things calmed down a bit . He's a tinsy bit sad ppl no longer come to him for it but he pushes it down because he's just so!!!!!! happy to be surrounded by so many ppl like him!! - Bakugou is gay, trans and demisexual!! The last part was the hardest for him to figure out and he spent a lot of time being confused at other people, it was when Sero shared his own orientations that he thought maybe he wasn't as alone as he had thought :') - Uraraka is bi!! She's spent years thinking her crushes on girls were just her being jealous/wanting to be friends with them/not as important/stong as the crushes she's had on boys. She's getting over that internalized stuff now and I'm proud of her!! - Tsuyu is a trans girl and a lesbian!! She's been very open about wanting people to call her "Tsuyu-chan" because she chose that name herself!! And she's so happy that everyone here is supportive of her and each other!! - Yaomomo is also a lesbian!! This is her first pride, she's so excited to see all these people with different identities and experiences come together, and while she could easily create pride merch herself she much rather prefers supporing the indepentent LGBT+/Queer creators selling their own! (Hence why she bought two different variations of the lesbian flag for both her and Jirou!) (and probably many more of the stuff you see everyone wearing lol) - (Speaking of,) Jirou is also also a lesbian and also nonbinary!! Her only connection to girlhood is her love for other girls, but other than maybe updating her wardrobe a little she doesn't mind presenting femininely. - Sero is asexual, demiromantic and genderflux!! He's v. chill about everything, he probably found out and was like "Oh. Ok cool. I'm hungy" like he has a very laid-back attitude abt his identity/orientation but he Will defend his friends' to hell and back. Group mom heck yea - Kaminari is bi and nonbinary!! He was scared shitless to the point of losing sleep when he started figuring out that he miiiight like boys too, and even more so when he realised he might not even be a boy?? Thankfully being surrounded by so many supportive people (and having Kirishima as one of his closest and more trustworthy friends) helped him accept himself :') - Mina is pan and trans!! She's always been very open about being a Romantic™ but rather than being the Disaster Pan that gets flustered around everyone, she's the Disaster Pan that flirts shamelessly using Terrible pick up lines ("If we were dating...heh.....let's just say horses wouldn't be called horses anymore ;) " was the first ever thing she said to Kirishima, which earned her an extremely confused and somewhat flustered "I'm????ga y???? ???????" (it was the first time he'd admitted it out loud so he kinda thanks her for that) ) - Tokoyami is bi and trans!! A while back I read a fic that happened to have trans Tokoyami in it and was like "You know what. Yeah I can see it!" Emo culture is probably what helped him realize, with it playing around with and disregarding gender stereotypes and everything. - Aoyama is transmasculine, genderfluid and aromantic!! For the longest time he'd much rather have people mistake him for a feminine/gnc boy rather than a girl. It took him a while to come to terms with his aromanticism, since pretty much everyone expected him to be gay- he kinda expected it himself too, since he never liked girls that way, so?? But when he found out about the term "aromantic" it was like a weight lift off his shoulders. - Shoji is netrois and androsexual!! He knew he liked boys early but he's avoided dealing with figuring out his gender out of fear that he'd be disappointed- he's only ever seen nonbinary/genderqueer people depicted as androgynous and much smaller in stature than himself, so he thought he'd never fit. Seeing everyone else come out (especially the other nonbinary classmates of his), he stopped hesitating and starting working on coming to terms with himself!! - Satou is asexual and panromantic!! I don't really have much reasoning for this, I never really thought about it (or Satou himself) but when the time came to draw this I was like "Satou likes baking.....and puns are ace culture......FOOD PUNS!!! OF COURSE!!!" I'm sorry glkjhklhfdlkhj; - Koda is a trans boy!! He's had trouble recognizing it at the start because he's always been soft-spoken (almost nonverbal) and timid and kind, and """"those aren't traits of a boy""""" but he was so happy when he hit puberty and started growing So Much in stature due to his genes and people started "mistaking" him for a boy!! He came out to his parents almost immediately bc compassion and kindness seems to run in the family and he knew he'd be accepted even if they didn't completely understand!! He was more scared to come out to his classmates but when two, three, four of them come out and are accepted for being trans boys, he knows he'll be safe with them too. - And finally, last but not least, Aizawa is gay and trans!! He might act somewhat aloof about this stuff, but secretly he's very happy that his kids students all have eachother's support, and most of them their families'. Part of him is a little bitter and wishes he had the same kind of support system in their age, but he's going to be there for them if they need him nonetheless. He has his own support system now, and that matters a lot, too.
But wait!! There's M O R E !!!!! - I always love love LOVE how fanartists/editors give some of the characters more animal-like features, so I did that too!!! I went Full-on-Frog with Tsuyu (and I'm rather proud of how she came out (lol) ), but also I gave Mina some Sharp Chompers and a Fluffy lil' tail bc It's What She Deserves, and Ojiro a lil' toof poking out and ears that sharpen a lil bit at the tips? I hc that as he grows, other than his tail he'll start growing more animal features like that- sharper teeth, longer ears, claws and also, get ready.....pawbeans........the last ones give him Heck when they start growing out, and he needs his palms massaged at least once a day while they do :'( His legs get weird too and they end up looking more like a wolf's back legs :0c - I gave a lot of them freckles!!!! bc I Love Freckles!!!!!! also, as my sister very eloquently pointed out, I gave Uraraka "A R M S,,,,," bc. let's be honest. the girl got martial training she's not a twig - Sero is holding the polyamorous flag behind himself, Kaminari and Mina bc.. u guessed it,, they're all dating each other,,,,, lotsa smooches and cuddling and shenanigans bc there's only maybe one(1) braincell between the three of them and most of the time sero has it - Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Yaomomo, Koda and Aizawa are also autistic. Yes all of them. No I won't explain. (unless you ask in good faith and want to share your own hcs pls ask me then I'll explain everything and you can expect it to be as long as this description!!!!!) (I might draw something about it when it's April again maybe *thinking emoji* ) - Oh!!! and Tooru, Kaminari and Mina are ADHD. Kirishima is also dyslexic. - Bakugou has been losing his hearing ever since he entered U.A.- sure he's always used his quirk but never freely to that extend and with so much power behind it, so getting into fight after fight with such close proximity to explosions that big really did a number on his ears. He can hear a little better with the right one than the left, so Kirishima has gotten used to walking by his right side before his custom hearing aids came in, and then just stuck to that. Bakugou's custom hearing aids block out any noise above a certain volume bc let's assume technology has advanced to do that. When he and Kirishima started thinking about working together as heroes even after they graduate, Bakugou requested custom ear protectors with similar block-out features as his hearing aids for Kirishima so his ears aren't damaged by working so close to Bakugou (Kirishima cried). - I'm actually quite flexible on which of the two I hc as trans, or if I hc both of them to be. The "both gay + demi Bkg" is pretty set in my interpretation of them, but I find it interesting how their friendship/relationship could manifest and grow somewhat differently depending on if both of them are trans or if only one of them (and depending on which one of them it is). They're still the same loud rowdy boyes we know and love but there's different conversations to have and difficulties to tackle between them based on that factor alone, and frankly? I Adore It.
Okay that's all!!!! I think. Thanks for reading, if you did!! And if not, I completely understand lol
I hope you had a great pride month!!
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