#ok but I found a really cute couple of gifs with him & a little girl that we will def have to make use of in the future!
copinghex · 3 months
Family bonds | T.S
Summary: After a hurtful comment at a fundraising event, you wonder what really bonds Tommy to your child. 
A/N: Ok, so as I previously mentioned, I edited some of my old stories and will be reposting one per week. This is the first selected!
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"Do you want to sit?" Tommy whispered in your ear, your hand went straight to your belly, moving up and down, where you baby rests and patiently waits to be born.
"No, I'm fine, just take this gin away from me, otherwise I'll be tempted," you pushed his glass away, "are the cute kids working?" 
"The wives look more excited than the men, but yeah, four huge donations until now," 
"In less than two hours? That's a new record!" 
This was probably the best business idea you ever had. The inauguration ceremony of the Shelby Institute for orphaned children took place in a cozy room, with closed windows and lighted up fireplaces, the cold breeze freezing the bones of anyone who dared to attend without a coat.
Months later, spring came to warm your bones and put a self-giving feeling into Thomas Shelby's heart. In the middle of a boring, typical week, he arrived home planning to uplift the structure of the institute's building. 
He told you the idea during the night, with his hand resting on your pregnant belly and although he didn't tell you what made him come up with it, you could clearly see his line of thought.
Tommy could rarely afford nice things, there was no gentleness in survival and for most of his life, that was all he did. Finally, with his rise to new money, he could provide something he never had to children who look too much like him - comfort. Also, being seen as a charitable person would do no harm to the business.
The small change of plans you suggested put a smile on his face, instead of making a typical fundraising dinner, why not make an afternoon tea? The invitations encourage couples to bring their children, seeing those innocent little humans running around shall make them remember why to donate.
A mansion with a huge garden was rented for the event, maids were hired to look after the children and butlers served biscuits and hot cups of tea. For your surprise, the event had more children than adults, most couples - including you and Tommy - were outnumbered by their children. 
Your eyes ran through the garden trying to find your little ones, the younger one was the easiest, no place was safest than inside your own mama, but it was better to keep an eye on the other three. Marie Louise Adler, whose hair looked exactly like yours. The twins, Henry and William Shelby, except for the eyes, are small versions of Tommy, from the physical appearance to the mannerism.
Quickly, you found William trying to teach one of John's girls how to use a slingshot. A few steps away, Henry had a handful of biscuits and carried a toy car made of wood.
"Where is Loui-'' before you could ask, a collective ugh followed by a child's cry got your attention.
Louise was under a tree with her knees on the grass, the hem of her yellow dress covered in dirt and the left leg of her white stockings ruined, exposing her bruised knee. Tommy reacted faster than you, his hand slid through your waist as he ran in her direction. You quickly followed after, rolling up the sleeves of your dress.
He picked Louise up, she put her arms around his neck and seemed to calm down a bit. A maid tried to apologize for neglecting your little girl, but you were too focused on following Tommy inside to answer.
Curious eyes followed your trio while you crossed the hallway and once you were in a private room, Tommy tried to put Louise on a sofa, but she didn't want to let go.
"C'mon, love," he encouraged, making her lift her crying face from his neck and allow him to sit her down.
"What happened, Lou?" you took her hair off her face and her stockings off, watching out to not brush her bruised knee.
"I was trying to climb on the tree, but I got scared and slipped up," she brushed off tears with her tiny hands.
Tommy took a napkin and wetted it with gin, after kneeling in front of the girl, he asked, "And what did me and mama say, eh?" 
She looked down, ashamed of disobeying.
"You can only climb trees when me or daddy are around to help," you rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.
"I'm sorry," she pouted.
"Now I have to clean your knee, it's full of dirt," Tommy held her leg.
"No! It 's gonna hurt!" she pulled her leg back.
"Just a little, but don't think about it," you sat at her side, holding her head to your chest, "think about the delicious cake I'll get you when we get home!" 
"Can we get some too?!" William, who'd been peeking the whole scene from the door, suddenly yelled, Henry tried to shush him and ended up being dragged by the hand into the room.
"Boys! How long have you been there?" 
"It was William! He had the idea of following you!" Henry quickly accused.
"That 's not true! You were curiou-" 
"Alright, boys, it doesn't matter," Tommy silenced the argument before it started, playfully hitting the twins foreheads with the napkin.
While you were distracted by the kids, Tommy had taken care of Louise's knee and the five of you were finally allowed to go back to the event.
Louise insisted Tommy should carry her, Henry and William took your hands and the eyes of many guests softened to the vision of you walking together. 
Soon, the kids dispersed in the garden, Tommy got the attention of charitable housewives, interested in donating to the institute, you leaned on an empty table, sipping your favorite juice and smiling at anyone who crossed your way.
"Mrs. Shelby!" an old woman walked to you with a huge smile, "I must say, this is the most diverse charity event I attended in years!" 
 "Oh, thank you so much, misses…"
"Thompson, Aline Thompson, nice to meet you," she shook your hand. "you don't drink?" 
"Usually I do, but I'm pregnant," 
"Darling! That's lovely! Your husband is already so lucky to have two kids, now one more!" 
"Three," you corrected her.
"Thomas and I have three children, Henry, William and Louise," 
"Well, if that's the case, I guess you're the lucky one, Mr. Shelby indeed treats the girl as if she's his," 
"Hm," you pressed your lips together. "may I ask who told you Louise isn't Tommy's?" 
"It's written in the guest list, Y/N Adler Shelby and Louise Adler, I'm sorry for Mr. Adler, I'm sure he was a good man," she smiled, "now, if you excuse me," 
Aline left you with teary eyes, how dared she speak about your family like this? But what if…? What if she was right? Did Tommy really love Louise? Did he see her as his daughter or an extension of you?
"Seven, Louise falling over had a good effect on them," Tommy held your arm, telling you about the new huge donations.
"Really? That's great, love," 
"Are you alright?" 
"Yeah, just a bit tired," 
"I'll tell the driver to take you home," 
"No! There’s still a few hours to go,"
"Ada will take your place, most of the guests are leaving already anyway,"
"Oh, alright then," you drawled.
"Will you take the kids?"
"Yeah, I think," you looked around, searching for them, "just Louise, the boys look like they're having fun, can you look after them?"
The way home was quiet, Louise had asked to rest on your leg and fell into deep sleep, Frances helped you to carry her to bed. After a well-deserved bath, you had put some foundation's papers in order so Tommy could add today's profit without any problem. Night was falling and all you could do was wait for the rest of your family to arrive.
Heading upstairs, your eyes fixed in a spot they usually didn't, the family painting. It took months of persuasion for Tommy to agree to pose and even longer for it to be done, since he only agreed to give away two hours of his agenda. 
Your heads leaned together in a sign of unquestionable affection, Louise sat in the middle, where your right and Tommy's left leg stuck together. William was on your left leg and Henry on Tommy's right, they were less than two years old and didn't get a characteristic Shelby haircut yet. All in all, you looked like a family, no one would dare to say otherwise, unless Aline Thompson.
The sound of the front door opening followed by the maid's heels told you Tommy arrived, you decided to wait in the stairs and he showed up alone.
"Where's Henry and William?" you asked with furrowed brows. 
"At Ada's, they wanted a sleepover with Karl," 
While you both walked upstairs, he had a hand on your lower back and you realized he didn't ask about Louise, the very first thing you did when Tommy arrived was to ask about your kids, Tommy didn't even bother, probably because Louise wasn't his.
Time passed quietly, Tommy took a bath and asked a few questions about the paperwork, you told him to add today's profit and nodded to whatever else he said. Night could have been good, or at least, peaceful.
He sat on the bed looking through his paperwork and his sudden warning made your jaw clench, "You have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow, so be home when he arrives," 
"What for?" 
"To check on our girl," he answered without paying attention.
"How do you know it's a girl?" 
"This pregnancy it's different from the boy's," 
"Oh," you lay down, turning your back on him, "I'm glad you at least care about this girl," 
He sighed and you heard him writing something, a few seconds passed until he asked, "What did you say?" 
You didn't answer.
"Y/n, what do you mean?" he touched your shoulder, trying to make you look at him.
"Nothing, Tommy, nothing," 
"No, what the fuck you mean with this girl?" 
You sat up, taking a good look at his face before questioning, "How many children do we have, Tommy?" 
"Three and another one on the way," he harshly answered and you sighed in relief.
"This is what you say to everyone else, right? Not just to me," 
"Yeah, y/n, of course, why would you fucking ask that?" 
You teared up and Tommy's face softened, he cupped your face, catching some tears and patiently waiting for you to speak.
"You only have three, Tommy, the twins and this one," you rubbed your belly.
"Who said that?" he looked at you with disbelief.
"It's the truth," 
"Louise is my child,"
"You know she's not, I know it, you know it, and-"
"Aline Thompson fucking knows it," 
"Who 's Aline Thompson?" 
"It doesn't matter, Tommy," 
"It fucking does, if there's someone around saying Louise isn't my child, then I have to know," 
"It won't change the facts." 
"Listen," he moved closer to you and cupped your face again, "Louise is my child, I'm raising her, she's a Shelby." 
"Then why didn't you ask about her when you arrived?" 
"I asked Frances, she told me she's sleeping since evening," 
"Oh," your cheeks heated up, ashamed of this huge misunderstanding. 
"Who's Aline Thompson?" 
"A stupid woman at the charity tea, she said I was lucky for you treating Louise as your own," 
"Lucky, eh?" he nodded, "I bet her husband has a deal with the Shelby Company," 
"No, Tommy!" you giggle.
"Oh, just a few pounds to lose,"
"Tommy! You're mean! Not that she doesn't deserve it," 
Hesitant knocks on the door made you stop laughing, you and Tommy switched a look before he got up and opened the door.
"I'm sorry to bother, Mr. Shelby," a young maid holding Louise's hands apologized, "but Louise wants to sleep with you," 
Too sleepy to speak, your daughter rubbed her eyes and walked past Tommy, climbing on the bed and laying near you. 
"Right, thank you-" 
"Oh, also, Mrs. Thorne called, the twins want to come home."
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e-dubbc11 · 1 month
Hi! 🙋🏻‍♀️
Reading “Always Her Hero” again got me thinking…exactly what traits do Dylan & Billy share?
“And your son, Dylan, well, let’s just say he’s more like you in ways you hoped he would have been more like his mother.”
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Hello my dear friend!
First of all, this gif? Swoon! Fun fact…I found and purchased those sunglasses from that scene. Took me awhile to find them but I won!
Thank you for sending in this ask, for always supporting my writing and loving this little family as much as you do.
I hope you like what I did here ♥️
Be Like You
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader, Anna Raven, and Teenager Dylan
Warnings: a couple of swear words? Maybe? Teenage angst, and fluff
Word Count: 2.1K-ish
Summary: Lately, Dylan has been moody, quiet, and acting…well, like his father. You and Billy would like to know what’s wrong but like Billy, you hate to push so it’s best to tread lightly. He just needs a bit of a talking to. Part of the Sweetest Pain Series. I’ll leave the link to the Masterlist HERE
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Your brother is growing up to be really cute, Anna.” Sofie said with raised eyebrows and biting down on her lower lip.
Little Raven’s friends, Sofie and Hannah, were home for Christmas break. You, Anna, and Billy survived Little Raven being away for her first year of college and now she was home until January.
Behind the kitchen door, you were eavesdropping on Anna and her friends while they were watching a movie. They had just watched Dylan go upstairs to his room and commented on how handsome he was becoming.
Physically, Dylan looked just like Billy. He had the wild dark brown hair, the ink like eyes and that smile, that perfect and irresistible Russo smile that was hard to say “no” to. Even when he was little, he knew when to use that smile.
Pictures from Billy’s childhood were non-existent until he joined the service and then he had his picture taken after he graduated from boot camp.
Comparing side by side pictures of Dylan and his father, they could be twins and even though they were slightly older, Anna’s friends had noticed Dylan was growing up to be very handsome.
“Ew, gross you guys, that’s my brother!” Said Anna.
“Yeah but he’s REALLY cute!” Hannah exclaimed.
You didn’t notice that Billy had crept up behind you, the man was extremely light on his feet and without warning, he grabbed you by the waist and whispered in your ear.
“What are we doin’?” He asked.
You nearly jumped out of your skin but tried to stay as quiet as possible.
“OH MY GOD!! BILLY!! You scared the shit outta me!” You whisper yelled at him.
“What else is new? I scare you all the time, sweet girl.” He said with a wide smile.
You glared at him playfully and said, “You are freakishly light on your feet, that is not normal, lieutenant.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry, my love. But what are we doing?” Billy asked again.
“Little Raven’s friends have a crush on Dylan.” You said softly and in a concerned tone.
“You say like that’s a bad thing, baby.” Said Billy. “He’s a good lookin’ kid, like his father.”
You rolled your eyes and tried not to smile. Billy wasn’t wrong but Dylan was starting to exhibit behaviors like his father used to before you walked into his life and into his tattoo shop.
You didn’t find out until after he started tattooing you that he stopped his playboy ways like going out with different women all the time, and flirting with every woman that walked into his shop.
Billy could have any woman he wanted. He was charming, handsome, and his smile made you weak in the knees. And his son was following in his footsteps, he had girls at his school falling all over him and he would take a different girl out every week.
“Billy I don’t want him having that kind of reputation. No girl likes that, baby.” You said.
“I should talk to him, huh?” Asked Billy. “I guess I never really cared what kind of reputation I had at 16 either.”
Your husband looked unsure of how to handle the situation and almost angry at himself for possibly passing on certain personality traits to his son. Anna Raven was guilty of it too but Dylan could be quite moody at times, he would shut down and not want to talk about what’s bothering him or tell you if anything was wrong, and he was growing up to be a very handsome young man, to which he was hyper aware of.
And now that you were thinking about it, Dylan started to exhibit this type of behavior more so after Billy felt comfortable enough to tell both of his children about the way he grew up. They were old enough now where they could handle the truth.
Snaking your arms around his neck, you pulled Billy’s forehead to yours then gently pressed your lips to his. You wanted to reassure him that you were raising two great kids, one of them just needed a little extra guidance than the other right now.
“Baby, I think Dylan needs a little bit of a behavioral adjustment. I know how long It took you to finally open up to me, to tell me if anything is bothering you, learn that attachments weren’t a weakness. Hell, it took you over 6 years to tell me that you had feelings for me! I know it’s still difficult sometimes but I don’t want the same thing for Dylan.” You said.
You continued.
“It started pretty much right after you told the kids about your mom and growing up in a group home. We know how Anna felt about it by the tears streaming down her face when you were finished talking but Dylan…he didn’t say much.” You said softly.
Billy kissed your forehead and said, “I’m gonna go talk to him.”
He walked out of the kitchen and headed toward the stairs, Anna and her friends said hello and went back to watching their movie.
You waited a minute before following Billy up the stairs, mostly because you were concerned about Dylan but also you were incredibly nosey.
Before you reached the top of the stairs, you heard Billy knock on Dylan’s door.
“Dylan? Can I come in?” Asked Billy.
Dylan replied, “Yeah…sure.”
You crept up to Dylan’s door, Billy left it cracked, maybe he did it on purpose because he knew you were nosey and you wanted to hear what was being said but maybe not. Through the small opening in the door, you could see Billy sitting in Dylan’s desk chair and your son was sitting on the floor with a video game controller in his hand.
They were sitting side by side as you gazed fondly at father and son, they looked so much alike. Dylan was just a younger version of Billy and you thought Dylan could play a younger version of Billy in a movie.
“Whatcha playin?” Billy asked.
Dylan furiously pushed a couple of the buttons on the controller before answering his father.
“Street Fighter II. I’m trying to get better so I can beat Mom.” Replied Dylan.
Billy chuckled, “You’re never going to beat your mother at that game. Before she got pregnant with Anna, I took everyone out to celebrate her birthday at a bar where they had old video games. Your mother beat every person that challenged her in that game. She didn’t even lose a round, let alone a match.” He said.
Biting down on your thumb, you stopped yourself from laughing but your body was shaking uncontrollably. You remembered that night like it was yesterday and how drunk you got on the tequila shots Frank was feeding you.
“Oh I’m gonna beat her, one of these days, Dad. Bet on it.” Said Dylan.
Billy leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees and laced his fingers together.
“That’s the right attitude to have, buddy.” Billy said.
“But that’s not why you came in here, is it, Dad.” Dylan said, shaking his head slightly and narrowing his eyes.
“No, it’s not.” Billy said, followed by a short pause. “I came in here to ask you if something is bothering you or if you wanted to talk about anything. Lately, you’ve been walkin’ around here in a mood, not sayin’ a whole lot.”
Still playing his game and staring at the television, Dylan’s mouth downturned and he shook his head back and forth. He finally said, “Nope, I’m fine.”
In a concerned tone, Billy said, “You know you can come to mom and me if you’re havin’ a hard time.”
Nonchalantly and not even phased, Dylan said, “Yeah Dad, I know.”
Your son was just like his father and didn’t want to be pushed into talking when he wasn’t ready. You learned early on in your relationship with Billy not to push too hard if he wasn’t ready to talk about something. It would only push him further away so you let him do it on his own terms like gently approaching a scared animal so they wouldn’t run away.
Billy understood that his son didn’t want to talk at the moment so he got up to leave. As he started to walk toward the door, Dylan stopped him in his tracks.
His expression saddened but then his cheeks flushed with anger as you heard Dylan ask his father, “She never came back for you, did she, Dad.”
Dylan’s tone was somber and he tried to hold back the hitch in his voice but he couldn’t help it. Those words broke your heart all over again, thinking about how Billy’s mother just abandoned him like she did, and left him to grow up in a cold and cruel environment of a group home.
Has Dylan just been holding that inside this whole time since Billy told him the story? He was just alone thinking about how Billy didn’t grow up with a family, that he had to do everything alone, and how she should have been there to protect him.
Billy turned to face his son and replied, “No Dylan, she didn’t.”
“I’m sorry, Dad. I know Mom gets on my case sometimes about wanting to talk about what’s bothering me but I’d hate to think about it if she just left and I didn’t have her anymore. So I’m sorry you never had that.” Said Dylan.
“It’s ok, buddy. And I don’t know if your mother will ever know how much she’s helped me. She’s always been so patient with me and she’s made me a better person so I can be a good father to you and your sister.” Said Billy.
His words brought tears to your eyes.
“I’ll try to be better about talking to you guys if something’s bothering me.” Dylan said with a slight smile.
Billy returned the smile, the smile that was just like his.
Billy replied, “Don’t be like me. I learned the hard way, it’s not good to keep stuff inside.”
As he started to walk toward the door again, Dylan said, “Dad?”
Billy stopped, “Yeah bud?” He asked.
“It’s not so bad being like you.” Dylan said, his lips curled up to reveal that million-dollar smile.
Not knowing how to react, Billy stood there speechless while your heart swelled at your son’s heartfelt words to his father.
With a slight hitch in his voice, Billy replied, “Thanks buddy.” He paused to compose himself and then said, “Oh and Mom said take it easy with the playboy attitude. You’re a good lookin’ kid but you don’t have to go around breakin’ girls’ hearts all over school, you got it?”
“Sure Dad.” Said Dylan.
“You can do that when you get to college.” Billy said with a sly smile.
That’s when you charged into the room.
“BILLY RUSSO!!” You shouted.
“HA! I knew you were listening, baby.” Billy laughed while you glared at him. “Ok, ok…We’re serious, Dylan. Pull up a little bit, yeah? You have plenty of time for that but I will say when you finally find that person you’re meant to be with…it is so much better.”
Billy snaked an arm around your waist, pulled you in close to him and kissed your temple. The two of you fit perfectly together, like his body was molded exactly to fit yours.
Dylan rolled his eyes a little, both of your kids were always just slightly embarrassed when you and Billy would show any affection for each other.
You gave Billy a kiss on the cheek, you caught the faint scent of green soap and laundry detergent on his shirt and the bristles of his beard tickled your lips.
“Alright Dylan, keep practicin’ that game, maybe someday you’ll be able to beat me.” You said as you and Billy started to leave the room.
“What if I challenge you to a match right now?” Dylan asked coyly.
Billy replied, “Oh you really shouldn’t have done that, son. Look, your mother’s eyes are actually glowing!”
Reaching out for the controller, you could feel the excitement in your stomach as you sat down to play video games with your son. He might be 16, but he’ll always be your baby boy.
“I’m not gonna take it easy on you, Dylan.” You said.
“I don’t want you to, Mom. I wanna beat you fair and square.” Said Dylan.
Billy had a proud look on his face. He knew that Dylan would always try his hardest and always try to make himself better in whatever he decides to do…just like his father does.
For not having a model to work from at being a parent, Billy was a pretty fantastic dad. From day one, he wanted his children to know that he would always be there for them for whatever they needed and make sure they knew how loved they were. It wasn’t always easy but Billy finally had the family that he had always wanted.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @fakehappy27 @snowkestrel @music-indie-tv @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @fictional-hooman @celestialend @nutmeg17 @k-marzolf @vaguekayla @rosaleenablack @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @aoi-targaryen @rachlovesactors @qu1etwolf
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @ittybxttykxttytxtty @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @mrsbillyrusso @colereads
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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mattslovergirl18 · 2 years
What best friends do (Jason Todd x F READER (Titans)
Ok so this is requested By - Someone
Omg I'm in love with JASON TODD
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Y/n and Jason are best friends they only had each other well that's how they felt, Jason parents died and y/n parents were nice but her dad went to drugs and her mother killed herself then her father did the same so y/n and Jason stuck by each other sides but when batman took Jason in he also took you in aswell you had a power that was good you could control wind batman called you Y/S/N, it was good, you and Jason would have so much fun, but to fast forward you were now with the old robin in his tower with the titans he called us. No one and when I say no one I mean no one could ever tear Jason and y/n apart they did everything together their first kiss their first scary movie everything
"Jason is that you" y/n asked as her door opened at 3am "mhm" Jason murmured "well come cuddle" y/n said puting her arms out for a hug, Jason walked in the bed and cuddle y/n, in the morning y/n woke up with Jason still in her bed she smiled and looked at the sleeping boy she really liked him but she didn't wanna ruin her friendship with someone she could never live with out, "Good morning sleeping beauty" Jason said puting his hand in her hair, she rolled her eyes at him, her door opened suddenly the two jumped away from each other "Hey y/n have you seen ja- oh um did I interrupt something" dick asked and he looked at us "No um I couldn't sleep so I came in here I always do um I'm sorry" Jason said getting up going to leave and then he turn and said "Good bye my lady" Jason winked, y/n blushed "y/n" duck said sitting on my bed "What?" She answered "BE careful and if anything make sure he wears a condom I don't want little babies in here" dick said leaving.
Jason had his arm around you watching TV with you it was Sunday day that means no training "What a cute couple" Gar compliments "Fuck off Gar" y/n saids "Yeah we're just friends" Jason said, ouch friend zoned "R can you tell you're little boyfriend to leave me Jason lone please" y/n asks not taking her head away from the tv "Sure but not my boyfriend" the girl answered taking him somewhere else, Y/n made it to jason lap cuddle into his side but she felt something hard she realized she was gonna say something but decided she's gonna make a move, she started to moved pretending to get comfortable "Y/n stop it" Jason said under his breath "Why I'm just trying to get comfortable" y/n replied, she started to move again but Jason grabbed her hips "Y/n I know you feel my boner now don't start something you can't finish" Jason said before letting go of her hips, turned around on his lap so they were face to face "What if I could finish it" y/n replied, Jason didn't know how to respond to that he just looked in to the girls eyes but he found himself slowly moving his eyes down to her lips, neither of them noticed that they were getting closer and closer till their noses touched, they both connected their lips, y/n rocked her hips back and forth, Jason picked her up and brought her to his room and put her on the bed He climbed on top of her and started to make out with her "Jason what if they hear us" y/n asked "Then that's means I'm doing my job right" Jason answered, y/n nodded then she told him to take off his shirt and she would take hers off so he did and she did but y/n did not have a bra on "Holy shit" Jason murmured, he put his mouth on the left boob and his his hand on the right one "Jason" y/n moan he went to her neck and suck a few purple marks he went down and then we down and pulled her pants and panties off.
He licked his lips , he went closer to her pussy and licked it, y/n moaned Jason knew what he was doing so he knew she would be a moaning mess, Jason sucked her cilt hard and added two fingers in her "Jason!" Y/n Nearly Screamed, Jason took that as a sigh not to stop so he didn't he went faster "Jason stop" y/n moaned "How did that feel" Jason asked the girl "Amazing" y/n replied, y/n wanted to repay the favor so she filped him over "what are you doing" Jason asked "Repaying the favor" she answered going down and pulling off his shorts and boxers, his dick was huge, y/n put him in her mouth all the way "Fuck baby girl you trying to kill me" Jason asked moaning, y/n couldn't fit him in her mouth she took her hand and rubed the part that couldn't fit in her mouth while she sucked him off "Fuck baby girl stop I wanna cum in you" Jason moaned, she took her mouth off of his dick, Jason filp her over "you ready baby girl" Jason asked "yes jason I'm ready" y/n answered back, Jason pushed in this was y/n first time so it hurt at first but after a while and Jason in her it felt good "Fuck baby girl youre so tigh" jason said "move please" y/n moaned, Jason didn't need to be asked twice, he pulled out almost all the way out and slammed back in "JASON!" He grind and did it again and again but harder everytime, "Jason Fuck!" Y/n Screamed, Jason hit her G-Spot "Baby girl who makes you feel like this" Jason asked slamming into her, y/n couldn't form a sentence, y/n tried to speak but it came out as a moan, Jason laughed, He loved that he made you feel like this he loved that you're eyes roll in the back of you're head because of him he loves that he made you moan he loved everything about this about you " I'm almost there Jason" y/n moaned "Me too Me too" Jason moaned "JASON!" Y/n cried she orgasmed "fuck baby girl I think they heard you" Jason laughed, y/n Squeeze around his dick he came right in her "good thing I'm on birth control" y/n laughed Jason laughed with her, Jason stayed in her for a couple of minutes but then got dressed they walked out of Jason's bed room and into the living room everyone was in there "Not you're girlfriend huh" Gar asks "wasn't" Jason replied "so you all heard it" y/n asked she was so embarrassed "Yes we did" dawn said "and even if we didn't you have marks on youre neck" kory said " God" y/n said "we you two safe" dick asked "No" Jason said proudly "WHAT!" Dick yelled "I'm on birth control" I told dick "oh thank god" dick said "we can not leave you guys alone" hank said "What this is what best friends do" jason said y/n rolled her eyes and then grabbed Jason hand went to go lay down because she was tried they went in her room and layed down her played in her hair falling asleep
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gosmigenergy · 11 months
KINKTOBER 2023 / Day Twenty-Three
( Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x F!Reader )
Summary: Santiago Garcia doesn’t do Halloween so why has he insisted on taking you out to a fancy dress party?
Rating: Mature 18+
Warnings: Sex party, mentions of drink, language, sex show, minor predator/prey, public sex, P in V, unprotected sex (use protection irl please), Dom!Santiago, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 2.3k
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You waited for Santiago to pull up outside before leaving the house. Hugging your coat to your frame, you tiptoe carefully on your boots across the lawn and into his car.
“A little,” you say, sliding into the passenger seat. “The outfit you got me doesn’t cover much.”
“But it fits?”
Santiago knew your measurements like the back of his hand.
“Of course.”
You look him up and down, face scrunching. In comparison to you, he was dressed like he was going to a black tie dinner.
“So where’s your costume?”
“I’ve got a mask in the glove box.”
You hum distastefully.
He gave you that look, the one where if he was stood up he’d have his hand on his hips, head cocked, and you’d be very much in trouble.
“Do you still want to go?”
“Yes,” you blushed, “it’s just, I’m dressed like this, you’re dressed like that.”
“It’ll make sense when we get there.”
He wasn’t really one for Halloween so his invitation came as a surprise, especially when he said it was fancy dress.
Santiago Garcia doesn’t do fancy dress.
But with all the other boys busy with kid’s parties, getting into a cage fight or making a speech in some other state, you had limited choices. It was accept Santiago’s invitation or don’t celebrate the holiday at all.
He didn’t tell you much about it, offered to buy you the outfit and told you no fake blood or face paints, you had to dress appropriately or you wouldn’t be allowed to step through the doors.
The location was a drive out of town.
When the pair of you pulled up, a few other cars arrived and out came similarly dressed couples, pulling on masks to shield their eyes.
“Santi, what kind of party is this?”
He cleared his throat, not looking at you.
“It’s a sex party.”
“Oh,” your brows knot. “Do the boys know?”
“Will said no third parties, Fish wants us home by midnight.”
You continued to people watch, not one person appearing the same but plenty of lace, heels and long coats.
“We can head back if you want,” he spoke softly, bringing a palm to your thigh. “I don’t mind.”
Your intrigue pooled between your thighs.
“There’s no harm in taking a look.”
His eyes darkened when he looked at you, “That’s our girl.”
Santiago leaned over and popped open the glove box, two masks falling out with the motion. One was red, definitely intended for you, the other was in the shape of a wolf’s head including ears. He pulled his mask on before getting out of the car, ever the gentleman, he went to open your door.
Taking a breath, you put on the mask and stepped out, hand slipping into his seamlessly.
At the entrance, he squeezed your hand, analysing your face.
Of course, you were nervous, you couldn’t hide that but the smile you gave him reassured him that this was still ok. He plucked two tickets from his pocket and handed them over. You were both asked politely to put your phones in a zip lock bag and to hand over your coats.
Your eyes flitted to the reception area where women were already scantily clad, complimenting on each other’s body parts openly.
You could do this.
Santiago helped you out of your coat, wrapping an arm around your waist to escort you further. His breath teased hot at your ear.
“I knew you’d look fucking beautiful, honey.”
He chose wisely.
Your outfit was head to toe red, a cute babydoll that extenuated every curve and gently floated around you as you walked. You made sure to shape yourself into a neat triangle and found red heeled boots to go with Santiago’s clear theme.
You were Red Riding Hood and he was the Big Bad Wolf, the perfect predator / prey scenario he’d always imagined.
And you received some glances, fleeting yet full of desire.
“Shall we get a drink and have a look around?”
You nursed a drink in one hand, your other slipping into Santiago’s as you wandered round the old mansion.
It was grand with high ceilings and long flowing curtains. Music filled the spaces, lighting low and though everyone was bare, the rooms were dressed to the nines. People were already starting to accept their pleasure, lips meeting exposed skin, palms running over soft muscles. The noise of moans and sighs like the base tone of a song, it travelled through you and pulsated low.
Santiago squeezed your hand and broke you from your hypnosis.
“It’s a lot to process, isn’t it?”
You look at him with doe eyes, pupils blown.
Of course it was a lot, you’d heard about these sort of parties online, knew Santiago would probably go to one if the opportunity ever arose but you could never picture one. Not in all it’s textures, it’s heat, it’s vividness.
You nod feebly.
“They said there’s performers in the main hall.”
He smiled, you were cute when you were shocked yet undeniably curious. It was a look he’d admired every time he suggested something a little different in the bedroom.
“Come on,” he dragged you away from the bedrooms.
The main hall was all centred around a round stage piled with cushions and draped in a thin mesh, dressing the performers in a soft glow. There were two women and a man, hands dancing over each other’s skin.
Santiago wrapped an arm around you, hand fixed to your waist, pulling you near.
The pair of you stood enchanted by what was taking place in front of you. A combination of professional artists performed an erotic ritual, penetrating each other with a variety of toys before taking a man’s cock. They roamed each other’s bodies, fingers delicate over curves and muscle, much like how Will had touched you for the first time.
Your hand reached to Santiago’s crotch, his cock solid underneath tailored pants. You palmed and a growl rose deep from his throat.
“I need you,” you say so softly he only just hears you.
“Shall we make things a little interesting?”
What could be more interesting than fucking at a sex party?
“What did you have in mind?”
“I’ll give you a thirty second head start.”
Your brows knot, “To do what?”
Santiago glanced out of the corner of his eye, he didn’t need to tell you what.
“One, two, three…”
“What? That’s not fair, I’m not ready!”
“Eight, nine…”
Your hand breaks away and you run from the room as fast as your shoes allow, taking the first left up the flight of stairs.
The adrenaline kicked in quickly, your heart battering against your chest as you weaved through the spaces. You had an idea of being laid out, ready for him to come and take you but every bed you encounter was already full of heavy handed bodies.
Shit, you thought to yourself, taking the next set of stairs.
Thirty seconds must be up by now.
“Hey, baby girl…”
The terminology made your skin crawl even more than the guy who chose to block your path.
“Hey, sorry, I’m with someone.”
This wasn’t the time, Santiago wouldn’t be slow.
“What’s the matter? Daddy won’t let you play?”
Now you understood Santiago’s distaste to you calling him that, it was weird.
“Oh, we’re playing. Just not with you.”
You hurry away.
There were a few people wearing red, it was Halloween after all, however Santiago had something of a photographic memory. That’s what he said to you anyway.
He’d analysed the length of your babydoll and the shapes of the fine mesh, studied the height of the shoe you were wearing and how you did your hair. Even amongst the throngs of people, he knew what to watch out for.
Already, he’d guessed you’d taken the stairs, scouting every room on the first floor with no luck. You wouldn’t have stepped outside, there’s only so far you’d go even with him.
He climbed the next set of stairs.
“Looking for someone?”
Santiago took one look and the man who approached you earlier backed away. He didn’t care for anyone else, not when he knew he was hot on your tail. This guy would have spooked you, just a little, and you would have attempted to get as far away as possible.
You still couldn’t find anywhere for the pair of you to fuck. Sure, people would have gladly allowed you a place on the bed but you didn’t quite fancy another 6 people trying to get involved.
Time was almost up.
There was that sixth sense that told you Santiago was close, your nerves falling into arousal in your cunt.
You walked out of one room with a second glance and bumped straight into the back of Santiago. He didn’t give you chance to figure out who or what was going on until you found yourself pinned up against a vintage vanity.
He forced a knee between your legs.
He brings the joint to your pussy and notches it up slowly, rough material spreading on your soaking seam. You shudder, a sweet yet desperate squeak escaping your mouth as you grip to the woodwork.
It caught people’s ears, a few eyes peeking.
Santiago dropped his head, hot breath teasing your neck as he pressed his cheek to yours.
“Here will do just fine.”
He leaned back enough to meet your eyes before he crashed into your lips and took the air from your lungs.
It takes a couple of seconds to process what the fuck was happening then you relaxed. Your tongue begs at his lips to enter, his five o’clock shadow shredding at your chin.
He grabs your ass and boosts you on top of the vanity before pressing your chest to his.
You pull at his tuxedo jacket, letting it fall to a puddle at his feet. Clawing at the buttons of his shirt, he removes his lips from yours and brings them to your ear.
“How’s it looking?”
You press your plumping lips to the shell of his ear, ensure you give your building audience a show.
“There’s a lot of eyes on us,” you contain in a laugh.
He grabs your hair by the scalp.
“Turn around, honey.”
His hand doesn’t move as you follow his instruction, making sure your eyes stay only on him. He takes a step back and lets you prop your elbows on the vanity, legs spread and back arched. With his other hand, he runs down your spine, a shiver his reward. He rubs one butt cheek to prepare you for what’s next.
The sting only makes you wetter, your yelp drawing more attention.
Santiago’s weight falls to your back.
“Eyes on me.”
You stare at each other in the mirror.
He undoes his belt and pants, his cock slapping against your thigh.
“You ready for my cock?”
You bite your bottom lip, nodding. Lining up, you push back on the tip of his cock, humming.
Santiago’s breath comes ragged, his fingers like talons in your flesh before he snaps his hips, burying his cock.
You gasp, moaning as he settles deep within you.
He yanks your head so your neck is straining, your breasts threatening to slip out of your babydoll. A smirk quirks on his lips as he pulls out slowly, your walls holding him tight.
He thrusts hard and fast, each one taking your breath away with his grunts filling the air. Your cunt pulses around him, your finger hooking to trace circles over your sensitive clit. The squelching of your arousal becoming louder and louder as Santiago’s cock hits that soft spot.
He snarls, returning to your ear.
“You’re being such a good girl for me.”
You mewl.
The force of his thrusts knocking the vanity over and over, the mirror shaking. You were beginning to see white spots, sweat clinging to your skin from the heat, chest flushed.
This was hot, so fucking hot.
“You want me to fill you up?”
“Yes,” you choke. “Oh my god, yes!”
Santiago went harder, faster, stronger and each time you cried out with desire, your walls fluttering around him.
He filled you, coating your cunt with his load.
“Fuck,” he whispered sharply.
Your legs shook as his cock slid from within you, his creamy cum leaking to the sleek wooden floor.
‘That was so fucking hot.’
It was the only comment you heard when the crowd dispersed, it was the only comment you needed to hear.
Santiago trailed kisses along your back before nuzzling into your neck. You wrap an arm over to stroke the back of his head, a giggle caught in heavy breath.
“We should do this more often.”
He laughed, looking up to admire you in the mirror. Your hair is no longer the neatness as when you came in, your eyelids heavy from being absolutely cock drunk, a loose smile painting your face. Beads of sweat hung to your chest and your one breast had definitely broke free, your nipple a hard bud, the faint glint of your piercing.
And he fucking loved you as you basked in this high together.
Pressing a final kiss to your shoulder, he straightened up and tucked his cock back into his pants. You stretch before lifting yourself up, clinging to the edge of the vanity as your legs gave a slight wobble. Turning around you lean back and rest your ass down.
Santiago cupped your face in both hands, gently bringing his lips to yours. His energy had shifted, he was calm, his heartbeat steady as he deepened the kiss. Your tongue licked his bottom lip before he allowed you to enter his mouth briefly.
“You alright?” He asked, smoothing his thumbs over your cheek bones.
You hum, giving a singular nod.
He didn’t believe you, his one brow arched as he roamed your face. You felt the temperature rise in your cheeks, his gaze that intense.
“I may need a little bit of help getting back to the car.”
“You want to go home already?”
He said, moving to the side of you, taking your hand in his as he started to walk. 
“I thought we were just getting started.”
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eddiesgorlie · 2 years
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Austin x Reader
Summary: Austin and Reader dress up for halloween and hand out candy.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff
Word count: 501
This was my third halloween with Austin but my first one living with him. I’ve always gone all out with my costumes and of course this year I’m dragging Austin in on it. The Corpse Bride is one of my favorite halloween movies, I would dress up as Emily, Austin as Victor and our dog as Scraps. “Look at the dress I thrifted!” I said showing Austin. “You found that at a thrift store? It’s beautiful.” He said smiling. “Yep and I found these pieces for your costume.” I said handing him his costume. “I’m going to start getting ready since, well, I need to be blue.” I said laughing. “Ok.” He said as I walked to our shared bathroom. I laid out the wedding dress and the blue face paint and got to work.
After 3 hours, I was ready. My costume looked amazing, even the wig was perfect. Austin came around the corner, he was wearing the suit, his skin was grey from the face paint and his black hair was a mess. Luckily his hair was already black from Elvis. “Well hello Emily.” He said reaching for my hand. “Hello Victor.” I said. “I’ve got the candy bowls ready and spooky music playing, I think we are just about ready.” He said. Our dog Sydney, or should I say Scraps came running into the room in her skeleton costume. “Oh my, she looks so cute!” I said laughing. “She really does look adorable.” He said kissing me.
Like clockwork, the doorbell rang at exactly 6:00. “Let’s go!” I said excitedly speed walking to the door. I grabbed a candy bowl and opened the front door. “Trick or treat!” A group of little kids yelled. “Look at your costumes, you all look great!” I said as I lowered the bowl to their level. They grabbed a couple pieces each and yelled “Thank you!”
“Thats it, no more birth control for me!” I told Austin once I closed the door. “Ok.” He said with a huge smile. “I’m just kidding, not yet.” I said. He pouted his lip. The doorbell rang again and we opened it together. For the next few hours, it seemed like every time we sat down, the doorbell rang. At about 8 o’clock the last couple trick or treaters came by, we turned the porch light off after they left. “That was a very successful halloween.” I said as I hugged him. “Now I get to spend some time with my beautiful girl.” He said as he kissed my head. We sat on the couch and watched some movies. Starting with Poltergeist and ending with Nightmare Before Christmas, we snacked on some of the leftover candy and decided to call it a night.
“We should probably get in the shower before we stain the couch.” I said as I laughed. “You are probably right. But first, I need to carry my beautiful wife Emily across the threshold.” He said as he lifted me up bridal style.
Just a short little halloween story! Happy Halloween, have a spooktacular day!
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kjs-s · 1 year
Put on an act
Pairing: Foggy Nelson x reader
Summary Foggy panickly introduced you as his partner to his ex.
Prompts :“Can’t believe I let you drag me into this” and “Act like we’re dating, I see my ex”
Word Count: 1300
Warnings:  none I can think of
A/N: This is my entry for @locke-writes 2k celebration. Congats again Noah and I hope you will like this
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''We need to pick something meaningful. Which ones do you think will say 'thanks for sticking around' and ' we appreciate you'?'' Foggy asked you looking around the flower shop a little lost. Karen's ten-year anniversary working for Matt and Foggy was coming up.  The little celebration was your idea after Karen narrated how she came to work with them when you were first hired as a paralegal. You couldn't believe how fortunate you were to be employed by such terrific people.
''I know that, pick pansies, sunflowers, and yellow roses. We actually had a botany and flower meaning class in my university.'' Your tone was so sincere that you could fool anyone that didn't know how fond of sarcasm you were.
''Really?'' Foggy sounded enthusiastic hoping he wouldn't have to stay any longer in the shop and he could just return to the office and the case he was working on.
''Of course not. I have no clue, my botanic skills and non-existent. Let me look it up.'' You searched for the right choices while Foggy was trying hopelessly to locate someone to help you.
After about ten minutes you looked up from your phone.
''Ok, I think I have a decent bouquet picked out. We just need to find those four flowers and ask one of the florists if they go well together.'' You tried to show Foggy your phone but he panicky turned toward you and asked you to follow him out of the way.
''I'm sure those are great but right now I need a favor. Please act like we’re dating, I see my ex over there.'' He nodded towards the entrance where a couple was browsing the potted plants.
''The blonde one, with the cute red coat? She looks like a nice girl.''
''She is but we broke up because she was offered a job in Chicago and I wanted to stay here. And you know me, I couldn't deal with having a long distant relationship. So, please pretend to be my partner if she notices us.''
You didn't get the chance to respond before Marci was right behind you without her company excited to see Foggy again.
''Hi, I almost didn't see you there. How have you been?'' Marci greeted her ex and you couldn't help but admire her confidence. She had a way of talking and could make everyone around her stop to listen to her.
''I'm great. Still working with Matt and the business is doing fantastic. Oh, and that's my partner (Y/N) who also works with us.'' You shook her hand.
''So you are Marci. I knew Foggy's ex was a brilliant lawyer that helped him on cases and I am glad to finally meet you.''
''It's great to meet you too. I am happy that he found such a sweet person as you.'' Then the man who was with her earlier approached you.
''That's my husband Trevor. We got married five months ago and we just moved back to New York. Honey, these are Foggy and (Y/N).'' Trevor knew who Foggy was surprising you about how civil this random meeting was being. You could never imagine being that cordial with any of your exes due to the fact that you broke up because they were either immature or totally arrogant.
Marcia and Trevor had already placed their order and began to leave but not before they invited the two of you to dinner at their new house the next day. An invitation that Foggy accepted without a second thought.
''Are you out of your mind? Couldn't you lie and say we are busy or that Matt needs you for a case?'' You tried so hard to not raise your voice at him.
''I'm sorry, I didn't think this through. I can make something up to try to avoid this. Sorry, I honestly didn’t think it would bother you that much.''
''It's not bothering me. I just believe I would feel bad lying to them during the entire evening. They both seem so friendly. But it will be fine. I don't mind pretending to be your date or your partner. Now let us go see about those flowers. I picked daises that symbolize loyal love, arborvitae for unchanging friendship, and lastly for affection zinnia, and morning glory. I believe Karen deserves the best bouquet for her party.'' Foggy agreed with you and ordered the bouquet to be made and delivered to the office in the afternoon.
Later that day during your little celebration you informed Matt and Karen about your encounter earlier. They found it hilarious that you pretended to date and hoped you at least have a good time during dinner the next day.
You decided to get together before dinner to come up with a story about your relationship just in case they ask.
''We don't have to come up with a complicated story. I have been working for you for a while now and I liked you from the moment I met you. We will just say that after a while we decided to act on those feelings and hopefully, we will be together for a long time since we already see each other all the time. Simple enough?''
''Yes, I like it. I will say that I asked you out before the holidays so if you rejected me at least the office would be closed and I would only be humiliated and heartbroken at home.''
''I would never humiliate you. But, sure let's say that. I just can’t believe I let you drag me into this'' You playfully complained to him before making your way to Marci's home.
She and her husband were delighted to see the two of you, especially Foggy since he hadn't met any of Marci's other friends from when she used to live in New York.
As you predicted, you were asked about how long you are together and how your relationship started.
''I liked (Υ/Ν) since the first day we met. Matt was the one who decided on adding a new employee to our team and we were blessed with this angel. The first thing I noticed from our interview together was the approach to Matt's crazy questions. I hadn't seen anyone else answer him with such intelligence and creativity. And on top of that, we got lucky to find someone with a charming personality. I found the courage to ask (Y/N) out after working together on an extremely tough case. I can't hide that I was a little surprised that such a wonderful person agreed to date me.'' You mentioned that you were the lucky one. And indeed you always felt delighted to have met him. In addition, you hoped there was some truth to his words.
After dinner, he drove you home thanking you for everything and making small talk about work. However, you couldn't get his words out of your mind.
''Did you rehearse your little speech about how we started dating beforehand? Because it was really sweet.'' You asked him while still in his car.
''I didn't, I just honestly find you amazing.'' He couldn't bring himself to look at you right this moment.
''I find you amazing too. And I hope I could do this in a more romantic way but would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow? Just the two of us this time.''
''You mean it? Because I would love to.''
''Of course, I mean it. I will text you the details tomorrow morning after I make a reservation.'' You smiled at him and after giving him a peck on the cheek you left the car. The moment you entered your home you took notes of all the things you had to do the next day in preparation for your first real date.
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
pope x reader where they have been best friends since pre-k and she has already met his parents but she hasn’t met the rest of the family . So what happens when pope’s grandmother comes to town and reader is so nice to her but she just can’t seem to like her . Pope’s grandmother always making little jabs at reader throughout her visit and pope tries to keep it at peace but his grandmother says something that gets under readers skin and reader snaps ? You can make up the rest
An: YALLL i love y’all ideas but hope you enjoy
Dumbass Comments
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Pope Heyward x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: this can be read as platonic or romantic, meemaw being a big meanie, cursing, slut shaming (reader is known as promiscuous WRONGLY ACCUSED SHES A SWEETHEART), READER BEING THAT BITCH FRRR, Topper is mentioned, suggestive stuff mentioned, and hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍 not proofread 🤪 outer banks masterlist
Summary: Y/N is tired of Pope’s grandmas bullshit comments
posted: July 18,2033
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Pope and Y/N. Y/N and Pope. You never see one without the other. Some people think they’re friends others think they’re more than friends. They never really confirmed anything just let everyone think what they wanted too.
You and Pope have been friends since pre-k when you were playing with the blocks and Pope asked if he can play with you and you been inseparable ever since. You practically tell each other everything. He told you about his crush on Kie. You told him all the boy troubles you been in. You even told him that Topper and friends made a rumor that they took turns with you just because you rejected Topper when he asked you out.
He ended up beating Topper’s ass.
When you met each other’s parents it wasn’t terrible. Your parents thought you guys were not really friends and thought it was a front. His parents thought you were a cute couple.
“We’re just friends!”
It was a common phrase between you guys and everyone else.
Apparently boys and girls can’t be strictly friends anymore.
You found out that Pope was practically royalty and you always joke around and call him your highness and other royal names.
“I’m not actually royalty Y/N.”
“Why yes you are my liege.” You say while doing a dramatic curtsy.
You were in your room reading a magazine just because your celebrity crush was on the cover. Pope comes barging in.
“Oh my god! Pope! What is your issue?!”
“Do you wanna come with me to visit my grandma today?”
You just give him a look.
“Pope your grandma hates me.”
“No she doesn’t!”
Yes she does.
Pope’s grandma always had a problem with you and you never knew why. It was comment after comment.
“I don’t want a dirty girl like you around my grandson.”
“Don’t want your dirty hands on me. I can get up myself!”
“Why are you here?”
“Why is my Pope friends with you?”
“Ok but I will make sure she doesn’t say anything this time.”
After a lot of convincing you and Pope are on your way to his grandma.
As you walked his grandma gave you a stink look. Like you just killed her puppy or something. Pope went up to her and gave her a hug. “Hey meemaw.”
“Hey baby”
You then waved. “I’m not wasting my energy on you dirty girl.”
You just awkwardly stood there not wanting to disrespect her.
“Don’t stay stuff like that to my friend meemaw.”
“I don’t why you call her that Pope.”
After a while you still you were the victim of these disrespectful comments.
Now Pope thought it would be nice to leave you guys alone with each other. He was in the kitchen and you guys were in the living room.
You guys were watching a show that his grandma wanted to watch. Then out of nowhere she spoke up.
“What are your dirty motives with my grandson?”
You turn to look at her. “Um what? I don’t have any motives? We been friends since like pre-k so why would I have bad intentions?”
“Because I know what you do around this island.”
You just stayed silent. It wasn’t new that more rumors start going around saying you let boys do stuff to you. And that you did stuff to them. But it still made you angry when someone brought it up. You always would lose your cool.
“Excuse me? What exactly do I do?” Frustration clearly in your voice.
“You let men do unspeakable things to you. Like taking turns on you or-.” You cut her off before she can even finish her sentence.
“First of all none that shit happened. Topper only spread that rumor because I said no on a date!” She looked shocked. “Yeah bet you didn’t know that because you don’t know me. And you never tried. I have been nothing but nice to you and you just want to treat me like shit. And with all do respect that’s a very shitty thing to do.”
You just walk out and slam the door.
Pope walked in after you left. “Meemaw what happened?”
She told him everything and to tell you that she’s sorry for how she treated you. He just nodded and went to find you.
You were in the car listening to music and playing with your fingers. Pope knocked on the window and you got out the car.
“She’s sorry for everything and for how she treated you. But it’s okay now because all you have to do-.”
“Is what Pope? Because I’m not apologizing. You don’t know what it’s like to have a disgusting rumor hang over you. You don’t know what they said.”
“I know what they said Y/N. They took turns with you everyone knows what they said!” Now he’s raising his voice. “No you don’t! Not in detail! I’m saying you don’t what it’s like to have someone say that they dick slapped you and you begged for more!” You started to tear up.
He just hugged you. And you hugged him back.
“Ok so anytime you want and it can be never for all I care. We can go to her house and just talk ok?” You nodded into his chest. “Alright let’s go home.”
You love Pope. He’s your best friend.
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An: AYEEEEEE ok again former apology for all the song fics ima post until i post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: sugar daddy gojo x maneater reader*
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erikiara80 · 1 year
favorite/least favorite Byler and M!leven scenes?
Ciao, anon. Thanks for the ask.
If you follow my blog I hope you know that I'm not a fan of Mike and El as a couple. I like a few scenes, but I don't think their relationship is good for them or that they're actually in love.
Ok, if you're still reading, let me explain.
I never found them cute, not even in S1. When I watched it I didn't understand why the writers were writing such a good story set in the 80s, but with El and Mike it felt like I was actually watching an 80s show with the typical story, boy and girl kiss/end up together because... boy and girl must date. It felt wrong to me. It wasn't what ST was about. Now I understand that I was supposed to feel that way.
That being said, El and Mike are beautiful, complex characters, so these are the scenes I like.
1. El would (understand). Ok, not saying this is a Mlv scene, but Mike can be vulnerable with Will and say how he really feels. And I love what he says about El. He's right. She would understand. The funny thing, is that I think she would (and will) understand Will much better than how she understands Mike.
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2. I feel for them here. El's been isolated for so long, and Mike misses her and feels guilty for what happened to her. Interestingly, Castle Byers is playing here...
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3. From one look you can see the joy, the relief and all the pain this kid must've felt. Amazing (one of Finn's best performances)
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4. If I remember correctly, this was actually Millie being exhausted, not El, and Finn helped her. But it's in the show, and I love it.
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This s pretty much it.
My least favorite mlvn scene: 3x01. How they left their friends on Weathertop, and them making out and laughing at Hopper's face. Lol, those little shits.
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With Byler, it's the opposite. There's only one scene I don't like. The dnd campaign in S3. I know it's important and even foreshadowing of events in S5, but like the rain fight it reminded me of something that happened to me. That's all I'm going to say.
Now, my favorite Byler scenes...
1. Probably my favorite scene of the show, imo one of the best and also Finn's best perfomance. The shed scene is such a pivotal moment, when we learn, along with Will I'm sure, that asking him to be his friend was the best thing Mike has ever done. It all started with Will and Mike. Their bond is special, and it's forever. They were the ones who started the first party and they will start a new one together.
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2. You can feel how much they need each other and want to be close again. A precious moment that almost made me cry.
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3. He's quiet today. Four words that mean so much. The fact that Lucas says He's always quiet informs us that Will and Mike's relationship is different. That Mike knows Will better that the rest of the party and that Will opens up to him. And Mike does the same, as we see in the Crazy together scene.
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4. Mike's head on Will's heart. Adorable
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5. Another little moment that is so important. Just a Not possible, a flirty look and Mike's smile. They don't need anything else. Steve would've felt it, the electricity.
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6. Speaking of Mike's smiles, the ones in the van are something beautiful
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7. Crazy together. What else can I say?
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8. I love Will's sweet voice here: "It was you guys who saved me. It was you guys." Mike tries to hide a smile (he's so happy that Will is saying that he helped save him) Then Will's flirty: It always is, isn't it?" And Mike melts. It was too much for him.
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Honorable mention:
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And this (Gif credits to Celebslive)
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hello, catmmom! meowmeow! im a little late today but! its finally day! aww jinjin is so great! hell meet you like this soon! 'my teacher says its good to cry 2 a week' yeah you have! idk if i really actually cry that much but ive got some eye drops for the lenses. im SO sorry for the onion TT hope your eyes are cleaned now hgjfkd. i wasnt like DRINKING but i had a couple of drinks in the friends home and she lives pretty close. i wasnt drunk but i had a drunk friend whos going home w/me TT my ass was attacked... 'because being drunk is so fascinating' it never ends well... hope youll be careful with it and not die on the way home. 'cos filipino is neutral everything' yeah i love that in languages. its nice. but also for me as a person whose language has genders it not really convenient... 'i guess you like spoken poetry with background' this is literally the definition of the music i used to listen when i was 13... 'i love the kitties and the cutie bb girl <3' oh CUTE isnt it :з CANT WAIT TO BE AN ADULT *star eyes* im not mocking your guess, its just amusing in general... im sorry for your jaw. i really am. when i found this video i was pretty much like this. but this video is like 12 years old and i really dont know the real reason for it so.. ok let it be... 'experience affect us as a person' it wasnt that deep TT i just got some vibes of that album and liked to listen to it while reading the fics? the hotd (just medival royalty) fics and that album just match in me head. 'it bothered me so much' omg im sorry for your brain TT hope its ok now since that time. 'i just ignore everyone' YEAH while all my friends are worried and try to not enter(?) log in to the social media to seem like they havent seen a message, i dont even care, i just ignore everyone TT except you <з 'i never even learned about stevens mom' OOOH youre such a baby in this ghdjkfh. its ok if you dont want to watch it, the music is still fine af. 'thats why i like making my fem characters chew their male' yaas queen! make men miserable again! 'i think ur just judgy' no im not like plainly insult the people i dont like. im just irritated TT why im boo???? he literally put his fetish in his MOST famous novel that we study in the 9th grade?? i couldnt ignore like? half of the page? AHAJSJD i was confused when i started from the season 5 too GHDJFJJ one big brain cell. hope you liked the episode at least? KITTY FOR GOOD LUCK TT meowmeow TT this poor stray TT hope hes doing great... 'YUCK' we call it national humor. 'ill always be old to someone and young to others' so true so big brained. 'DID YOU EXPECT THAT ID DATE HIM' NO well.... but no. it was just a little amusing with its bluntness. AHFJJGG this game looks so cool. plutos doing its best TT 'who cares if theres smth like this you nor i have not written it' so true so big brained. hope to see it too ghjdjdd. sorry this time i have no fic idea bc i want to sleep. but i wish you good luck w/your fics. 'my deimos and phobos queen' HGJDKG ITS A HONOUR THANKS!! theyre actually translated as dread and fear... greek gods... 'IS THE SKY CLOSER WTF THERE' like ive said the atmosphere is thinner and basically?... its reallyreally a lot more abstract than in reality? but the constellations are definately closer. but also weve got a very dry air so people in the north tend to have problems with breathing. idk ive recalled it bc we say that theres not enough oxygen? but its not fully truth so yeah ok biology lesson is over. im gonna sleep and youre gonna have a nice evening! good luck with everything you need to do! take care<З
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i actually read your letter yesterday right when you sent it but i was so focus on writing my fic and it look me like 99hours to finish so T_T
love letter time!!!
im a little late today but! its finally day!
thats fine T_T im also late. im glad you messaged me during the day
aww jinjin is so great! hell meet you like this soon!
im luv him T_T
'my teacher says its good to cry 2 a week' yeah you have! idk if i really actually cry that much but ive got some eye drops for the lenses.
😞im becoming like my mom. i keep repeating information AHHAAHHA. and omg you need lenses. dang you got bad eyesight T_T RIP at least you got eye drops
im SO sorry for the onion TT hope your eyes are cleaned now hgjfkd.
T_T I MEAN I GUESS BUT IT HURTS or i mean it hurt at the time. you dont have to apologize about the onion. are you an onion?
i wasnt like DRINKING but i had a couple of drinks in the friends home and she lives pretty close. i wasnt drunk but i had a drunk friend whos going home w/me TT my ass was attacked...
you were attacked??? by your drunk friend??? LOL HAHAHAHA. im glad you only drank some drinks with a friend that lives nearby. that's my ideal way to drink <3 LOL im saying this as though ive drank more than one occasion AHHHAHA. youre such a good girl for bringing your friend home [pets head]
'because being drunk is so fascinating' it never ends well... hope youll be careful with it and not die on the way home.
HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH i will be careful dont worry i love you thank you for caring
'cos filipino is neutral everything' yeah i love that in languages. its nice. but also for me as a person whose language has genders it not really convenient...
yeah its so much more convenient but also so much simpler. #russianmid HAHAHAH i wonder why languages thought it was a good idea to make words fem and masc ??? LOL HAHAHH
'i guess you like spoken poetry with background' this is literally the definition of the music i used to listen when i was 13...
'i love the kitties and the cutie bb girl <3' oh CUTE isnt it :з CANT WAIT TO BE AN ADULT *star eyes* im not mocking your guess, its just amusing in general...
im sorry for your jaw. i really am. when i found this video i was pretty much like this. but this video is like 12 years old and i really dont know the real reason for it so.. ok let it be...
DAMN omg then theres a good chance that child is like.... our age? klsgahf;lhasflashf;lashfl;ashfsalh LOL my jaw is fine btw SAL:HDLAHDLA
'experience affect us as a person' it wasnt that deep TT
DAMN OK i mean i didnt know what to say about it and i didnt want to skip it 😞😩 but maybe i should have T_T i cant believe you ur so mean T_T HAHA jk lol AHHAHAHHA
i just got some vibes of that album and liked to listen to it while reading the fics? the hotd (just medival royalty) fics and that album just match in me head.
'it bothered me so much' omg im sorry for your brain TT hope its ok now since that time.
ASFHLASHFLASHFSAHFAF ive never recovered T_T i need brain intervention or smth T_T HAHHAH
'i just ignore everyone' YEAH while all my friends are worried and try to not enter(?) log in to the social media to seem like they havent seen a message, i dont even care, i just ignore everyone TT except you <з
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i love that for me <3 im honored that you love me so much to respond to me every time T_T [CRYING]
ALSO YOUR FRIEND HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAAHHAHA low key like me, except i try not to log in to purposefully ignore messages HAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAHHA T_T
'i never even learned about stevens mom' OOOH youre such a baby in this ghdjkfh.
?????????????????????????????????????? why am i a baby? im not offended im just confused ??????????
its ok if you dont want to watch it, the music is still fine af.
i mean i want to watch it but also im not going to search for it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess im not going to watch it
'thats why i like making my fem characters chew their male' yaas queen! make men miserable again!
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😡🤬✊ i think deserve
'i think ur just judgy' no im not like plainly insult the people i dont like. im just irritated TT
why im boo????
HELP YOURE NOT BOO I LOVE YOU T_T i said you too you boo to your mr worldwife dude AHAHHAH also i didnt mean like boo 👎👎👎 as in bad, i mean like boo which is a term of endearment T_T im so sorry. it was like an expression, it would be the same as you do you babe. T_T english is such a rat T_T im so sorry
he literally put his fetish in his MOST famous novel that we study in the 9th grade?? i couldnt ignore like? half of the page?
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HE WHAT HAHAHAHHAHAHAH PLS HALF A PAGE>? LOL ughsssssssssss i wonder what ur teacher said to a bunch of 9th graders, 'a yes today we will be learning about kinks cos this moron likes feet and dedicated a whole section of that to his work T_T' LOL
AHAJSJD i was confused when i started from the season 5 too GHDJFJJ one big brain cell. hope you liked the episode at least?
I MEAN I LIKED THE EPISODE i watched the day of the doctor, the one with david tennant and matt smith and john hurt and all that and it was funny and cute but also ??? very confusion much idk ??? to some parts. it was plain to me that it was meant for people who have been watching doctor who up until that point so i couldnt appreciate it as much, and the idea overwhelmed me, like i would have to watch at least the entirety of david's dw to get it and i mean i wanted to start with him but whatever BYE
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oMG i also watched this episode. and the van gogh ep with matt. thats it. never again T_T
KITTY FOR GOOD LUCK TT meowmeow TT this poor stray TT hope hes doing great...
me too. he's kind a mean tho. there is a cat in our street at... was maltreated by someone T_T oh no am i going to cry. the poor kitty is missing a paw and has cuts on their body FUCK ANYWAY that sweet cat that i pet was mean to that injured kitty T_T so.... i mean theyre just cats T_T but T_T i haven't seen the injuered cat in a while T_T i thought the kitty was getting better. but idk where the poor cat went.
'YUCK' we call it national humor.
'ill always be old to someone and young to others' so true so big brained.
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'DID YOU EXPECT THAT ID DATE HIM' NO well.... but no. it was just a little amusing with its bluntness.
T_T please. i have been straightforward thus far so /: HAAHH of course id tell that story that way AHAHA
AHFJJGG this game looks so cool. plutos doing its best TT
'who cares if theres smth like this you nor i have not written it' so true so big brained. hope to see it too ghjdjdd.
<3 big brain everyday
sorry this time i have no fic idea bc i want to sleep.
??? THATS FINE???? you dont have to give me fic ideas everyday ??? GIRL
but i wish you good luck w/your fics.
thank you 😩✊ i finished one yesterday after not posting for 2 days T_T i usually post every other day so im happy to finish that fic <3 now i gotta finish editing that song cover i did so you can watch it AHAHAHAH
'my deimos and phobos queen' HGJDKG ITS A HONOUR THANKS!! theyre actually translated as dread and fear... greek gods...
OHEMGEE WOW i didnt realize <3 that's so good to know that you for telling me. also HAHHHAH i wonder why- OOP NEVER MIND oh wait nvm again i was gonna say its because hades and dread and fear live in the underworld ??? (at least based on the disney hercules HAHHAHAHAHAAH) but mars is ares so LOL HAHA it could be because dread and fear follow war T_T RIP THEY WERE TOO REAL FOR THAT
'IS THE SKY CLOSER WTF THERE' like ive said the atmosphere is thinner and basically?... its reallyreally a lot more abstract than in reality? but the constellations are definately closer. but also weve got a very dry air so people in the north tend to have problems with breathing. idk ive recalled it bc we say that theres not enough oxygen? but its not fully truth so yeah ok biology lesson is over.
T_T THE AIR IS DRIER THERE RIP YOUR LUNGS as someone who lives in a very humid place, i think T_T russia would come and bonk me in the head if i ever went there T_T 💀 on my grave. thank you for trying to explain it to me. its very interesting to know. i am both fascinated by the fact and feel bad kinda that your climates are so harsh T_T LASHFHASFHLAS but hey at least you can see the stars better !!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THAT FOR YOU
im gonna sleep and youre gonna have a nice evening! good luck with everything you need to do! take care<З
i hope you had a nice sleep! im luv you! i hope you have a wonderful day my love <3
0 notes
tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Boyfriend || Holland brother
Pairing: Holland sister x Tom holland
Summary: y/n is 4 years old and is the only girl in her family, apart from Nikki. One day Tom picks her up from school, seeing she has flowers then he finds out she has a boyfriend. The boys just get protective when he comes over for a play date.
Tom waited outside the gates of your school, he had been wanting to see his little sister all day. It was finally a Friday so he decided to take you out for ice cream once school was finished. As soon as he saw you running over to him, a big smile appeared on his face.
You had your school bag on your back whilst carrying some cute flowers in your hand. They were pink tulips, your favourite.
"Tommy!!!" The 4 year old called running into his big brothers arms.
"Hey princess, how was school?" He asked hugging his sisters small body, then picking her up spinning her around in his arms.
"It was good, we did hand paints today and we sang songs" she told her brother holding his hand once he let her down.
"Did you pick them flowers?" he knew the answer would be yes, as y/n loves picking up flowers when they go on walks with Tessa to the park.
"Nope, my boyfriend gave them to me" she said like it was obvious.
"oh ok-wait your boyfriend!" Tom stood by his car looking down at his baby sister.
"Yeah my boyfriwnd Callum gave them to me. He's coming over today to play" Tom was confused, he didn't even know y/n had a boyfriend, he didn't think she was even talking to boys. The brothers would always tell her she couldn't have any until she was 20 or older.
"You can't have a boyfriend, love. Your too young" He told her whilst getting her into the car seat, making sure she had her seat belt on before getting into the driver seat.
"Mummy said it's okay, she likes him" She told him smelling the flowers that were in her hand.
When Tom arrived home, he had told his brother what their sister told him. All of them going into protective brothers straight away. "She's too young to have a boyfriend!" Sam said.
"What if he hurts her? What if she comes home crying because he thinks another girl is prettier or what if he is mean to her?!" Harry panicked whilst sitting on the coach, minutes after they had heard the doorbell.
"Boys shut up will you, stop going on about it. Callum and Y/n are really cute together it's young love, they don't even understand it properly" Nikki told her sons, going over to the door to open it.
There stood the 4 year old boy, Callum, and his mother. Callum smiled at Nikki before asking where her daughter was. "She's just in her room, Y/N! Callum's here" she called for her daughter, not long after little footsteps where heard coming down the stairs.
Now Callum stood in the living room where all the boys stared at him, looking as if he could hurt their only sister. "Callum" y/n hugged her boyfriend placing a small peck on his lips.
"hey, hey. What are you doing?" Tom stood up pulling them both away from each other.
"Tommy stop. We're gonna go play" y/n pushed her brothers arm off her, grabbing Callum's hand to run into the play room.
Nikki and Callum's mother on the other hand found them both adorable. They've been dating for about a couple of weeks, but they find it so cute. The way they hold hands when walking or the little kisses on the cheeks and now the lips. Two 4 year olds being a couple can be really cute.
"Let me show ywu my room" y/n said holding Callum's hand, taking her into the bedroom. As soon as she opened the door she saw her four brothers sitting in her room. "What are you doing get out!" She yelled at her brothers whining at them all.
"AHAH. I knew this little sucker just wanted to come into the bedroom" Harry pointed at the 4 year old boy who stood innocently.
"That's Hwrry, Tom, Sammy and Paddy" Y/n had told the boy still looking at her four brothers.
"Nice to meet you mate, gonna ask a few questions okay?" Tom said the boy nodding.
"what's your intentions with our sister?" Harry asked. Both the 4 year olds looking clueless as to what he had meant, they didn't even know what the word 'intentions' meant. Callum just shrugged not understanding them at all.
"You just shrug your shoulders. Okay, let's see if you know our sister. What's y/n favourite colour?" Paddy now asked.
"She likes pink" Callum said getting that right.
"Okay well done. Are you ever gonna break our sisters heart?" Sam questioned and Callum shrugged again saying 'I don't know'.
"You don't know! How do you not know, your gonna hurt our sister" Tom said.
"Tommy shut up and stop! Leave us alone" Y/n screamed at her brother walking out the room going downstairs to tell her mum about her brothers behaviour. Once she told her mum, Nikki was not happy with the boys. Y/n found it rude the way they was being mean that she ended up crying.
"Dwnt cry y/n" Callum told her, pulling her in for a cute small hug. The mums hearts warming, whereas the brothers came down the stairs with mad faces, them of course being too overprotective. "I lowve ywu" He said, you could make out what he said but was a bit hard to tell as there still young.
"I lowve you too" y/n smiled wiping her eyes, as Callum kissed her forehead.
Awwwww so cute omgg.
"We better get going now, say bye Callum and thank you" Callum's mum said helping to put his shoes on.
"Bye everyone, thwanks. Bye, bye y/n." He gave y/n one last hug before leaving the house. Y/n saying her goodbyes after. When the door had shut she looked at her brothers walking straight past them to sit on the sofa.
"Boys what's wrong with you. There four years old, go apologise to your sister you idiots" Nikki slapped the back of her four sons heads for them being so silly.
Sighing they all walk over to there sister apologising straight away, "I'm so sorry love" They all said, giving her a kiss on the forehead and a hug.
"We love you so much, we just get a bit protective at sometimes your still our baby sister. Maybe Callum is a nice guy. Forgive us?" Tom told her, she smiled at them all.
"Only if you watch princesses with me?" she smiled up at them, of course they couldn't say no to watching princesses for the rest of the day.
Let me know if you want more holland sister imagines.
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adventuresinobx · 2 years
Love in Secret - Chapter 3
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Drew Starkey x fem!reader
Summary: Working on set together managed to go off without a hitch. But when you come home, you feel like something isn’t quite right. A worried Drew notices - but can he reassure you that your worries aren’t founded, or is there something he’s hiding from you?
A/N: Chapter three of this super sweet couple! You can read the first chapter here and the second is here!
Warnings: More cute stuff, some more hints of insecurity - and some sweet smut!
“Phew,” you said with a laugh as you let yourself into Drew’s flat. He was behind you with a bag of takeaway food and two soft drinks from your local Wendy’s.
“I know, we did good,” he laughed, kicking the door shut behind him with his foot as he put the food on the table. He had been out for a drink with the rest of the main cast and you had picked him up from the place (round the corner of course) and you two decided on just grabbing something on the way home.
He turned on the oven and put the food in, keeping it warm whilst he snuck a shower. He had suggested you both get one together, but you knew where that would lead and that wasn’t happening tonight. You were far too tired and just wanted some time to chill with your man.
You sat down on the sofa, waiting for him as you took out your phone and glanced through it. You hadn’t been on it in a good hour and a half so there were lots of notifications there waiting for you. You’d missed a long conversation in the crew / runners group chat, where one of the new girls was introducing herself properly to the group. You’d seen her around at filming today, it had been her first time on the main set, so her first time seeing all the actors - including Drew.
“Oh that Drew guy who plays Rafe looks sexy,” she wrote in one message, all the girls agreeing how good he looked, especially when he was in costume and being his character’s usually psychopathic self.
“He’s so friendly too,” another message read, your heart sinking. And after what Drew had said earlier, about the other production girls, your mind just went into overdrive.
Drew had barely left your sight all day but there had been times he had to go into the make up room and you thought it was weird to follow so you just waited around. Maybe this girl had been in the make up room at the same time chatting to her friends, maybe he was chatting to her, maybe he was cheating on you.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of him coming out the bathroom into the main room of the flat, where you were sat. He had his towel around his waist, his body on display - but as much as you just wanted to enjoy staring at him, something felt off.
“Ok baby?” he asked, coming over to kiss you on the head. Usually you were the needy kind of girlfriend who would tilt your head up and ask for more kisses. Tonight, one head kiss would suffice. Your mind was whizzing around completely and you couldn’t concentrate on what Drew was saying let alone doing.
“Yeah I’m ok, are you?” You lied. He nodded, being quieter than usual which threw you off a little too. Did he have something to hide?
“I’m good baby,” he said after a few moments, leaning in to kiss your head and then moving his own face to kiss you on the lips.
“I’ll get some shorts on and then we can eat?”
“Perfect babe, can we eat on the couch tonight?” you said, not really asking - more like telling, “Just feel like staying cosy tonight.” You grabbed his hoodie from the arm of the couch and pulled it over you. He snuck a look back at you, seeing you in his clothes never got old. Especially his (and now your favourite) black hoodie. It swamped you, he was so much taller and broader than you but he really did love that physical size difference between the both of you.
In less than a minute he was back with you in the room, getting the food out of the oven. You took a moment to look over at him and note all those features about him that made you fall for him. The way his nose crinkled when he smiled or the way his lips curled when he tried to hold in a laugh at a really inappropriate moment.
You felt lucky you got to see this side of him. And no matter what all those girls said, no matter how friendly he was to other girls, you were his girlfriend (well pretty much) and this side was special and only for you.
He bought the food over on a tray with napkins and cutlery making you laugh. He was such a dork sometimes, but he was your dork and god did you love him with absolutely everything you had.
“Come here, you’re so cute,” you said, tugging the sleeves of his hoodie down over your hands so you had sweater paws. You let him put the tray down first and reached up to grab his face and pull it down so you could lock lips with him for a few moments.
He savoured the kiss, grinning as you deepened the kiss for a moment. He loved the way you did that so much and how he could feel the material of your (his) hoodie on his face. It soothed him how you’d pull him in like that.
Eventually, he came around the sofa and sat next to you, bringing the whole table closer so you could reach the food too. He loved these times with you, just the two of you together relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. He repeatedly asked you what was wrong, but you repeatedly lied and told him you were fine. But as a good boyfriend, when you were quieter than usual, it was his job to find out what was wrong and cheer you up.
“Ok so I know something is up,” he started as he tucked into his burger, handing you one of his chips and feeding it to you. You took it and smiled at him in return.
“It’s nothing, just one of those days,” you replied, managing to offer him a small smile, “Been a long day.”
It took about another half an hour before you opened up properly, now cuddling in bed after eating some of the food you and Drew had bought together. You had barely said a word all night and he was worried about you. He needed to know what was wrong.
“I know you said it’s been a long day baby, but it’s something more than that, so can you tell me? Please?” he said, his voice soft as he looked at you wrapped up in his arms. He bent his head down to kiss you sweetly on the crown of your head, his arms wrapped around you.
You had decided you weren’t going to tell him. But then it came out, just like word vomit.
“Just some things people have been saying,” you said, your voice even more hushed than his.
It took a few minutes for him to come out and say something else, both of you silently lying there for the time being. He knew you’d tell him when you were ready but he was worried about you so he pressed the topic a little. He knew he shouldn’t but the worry was too much.
“Who?” he asked, before trying to lighten the mood as he he added: “Who do I need to punch?”
“No it’s ok, it’s just some girls at work said something and then you said something earlier and I’ve put two and two together and probably got five but my head’s screaming four,” you said quietly.
“What did I say?” he asked, not even sure what he had said that had got you so upset.
“The thing in the trailer about other girls,” you said softly. Drew wouldn’t have been able to hear you if you weren’t lying so close together, “I know it’s silly, I know there’s not another girl but it’s my mind. It’s screwing me over.”
He turned to look at you properly, so you were now lying side by side with one another. He needed you to be 100 per cent concentrated on him when he said this.
He turned to face you, putting his hands on your cheeks. You couldn’t look away from him now, even if you wanted to. His eyes burned into your soul, your heart thumping out of your chest. Every time he looked at you, your heart fluttered and the way the warmth was radiating from his hands made you melt too.
“Baby, there’s no other girl, I promise,” he said, his voice getting softer as he spoke, “I love you.”
“You what?” you replied, stunned by what he had said.
“I love you,” he repeated, “I know I’ve never said that before but I really do love you.”
“You’ve never said that before,” you said, parroting what he said, “You’ve never said I love you.”
“I know,” he whispered, “But I’m saying it now.” Your heart stopped in your chest as he kept repeating it. How could a man as good as this love someone as - plain - as you. It blew your mind and honestly it what have been exactly what you were thinking about but he leant in and kissed you with so much passion that your mind suddenly went completely blank.
The kiss was soft, tender, beautiful and he gently moved his hands to your side, pulling you in for a soft kiss. Your head went foggy for a completely different reason as he leant into the kiss more and brought you closer to him. Even through all the clothes, you could feel his body heat and you were completely so in love with him.
You moved even closer to him, his arms wrapped tightly around you as he softly pressed his lips against yours. Your hand was on his back, pushing up the back of the top he was wearing as you gently grazed your nails over the skin there. He always loved that. He moaned into your mouth as you continued kissing, your hands desperately clutching at the material and tugging at it, telling him you wanted it off.
That’s all he needed, and soon both him and you were stripping all your clothes, desperate for one another. Once you were just left in your underwear, and he was just in his boxers, you let your bodies touch again and you were kissing each other with so much love and passion. You couldn’t get enough of each other.
“I love you,” he repeated, his words making you melt as he kissed your neck, letting his lips press all over the soft and sensitive skin. You relaxed into it. Something felt so natural about the way he kissed you and touched you. It was like absolute heaven.
He kept his hands moving all over you, desperately grabbing at the material of the remaining items on you, pulling them off so you were now naked. He did the same for himself, so keen to make you feel good.
He kissed a trail down your neck to your breasts and pressed his lips against your nipple, taking it into your mouth carefully. You threw your head back at the sensation, your heart beating out of your chest. You felt so turned on by him doing this. When you two first started having sex, it was quite - vanilla - but as he got to know you, it got better and better and more experimental. He knew what you liked now, and he was always desperate to give it to you.
You sighed as he continued with his trail of kisses, heading down past your stomach. It was somewhere you’d told him you were insecure about, so he was always sure to pay it a little more attention. You had a few marks and moles there so he focused on kissing those, never stopping the movements of his lips over your body. You loved him so much.
He pressed his lips on your inner thighs, using his arm to lightly push them apart so he could touch you better.
“Feels so good baby,” you moaned as he brushed his lips over your clit and then started with his tongue. He flicked his tongue up and down over you, careful not to give you too much stimulation. He was good like that.
“Mm,” he moaned into your pussy, his tongue buried inside you as he moved his hand up to touch your clit too, “Tastes so delicious.” You groaned at his words, and the feeling as he kept his tongue on you.
You could feel yourself tensing around him already, the sensation too good. Maybe it was what he just said that was adding to all the pleasure because this was insane. It felt far too good. You honestly couldn’t cope with it anymore, your hips bucking up to meet his tongue and finger which was pressed against you.
He focused on your clit now, alternating between his tongue and his finger as he felt your high come closer and closer. He could feel you getting wetter, your body getting tenser and he knew it was only a moment or two before you’d be coming for him.
“Stop, stop,” you said, pushing his head away. He sat up, panicked as he looked at you. He thought he might have pushed it too far or made you hurt in some way.
“Sorry, sorry,” you said, grabbing his arm lightly and bringing him closer to you. He moved as you asked and leant in to kiss you, which you also wanted too, “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just - I wanted to come when you’re inside me, please. It would just - I’d like it.”
He nodded, knowing exactly what you wanted now as he planted one more kiss on your lips and scooted down your body so your core was level with his cock, which was aching a bit for him now. He needed his release too.
“I love you,” he said, pushing himself inside you with one quick motion. You liked it that way, he always liked to push in fast and hold it there til you were ready.
He did exactly that, not moving until you tapped him on the side to let him know it was ok. You clung onto him desperately, him hovering above you as he pushed inside you, thrust by thrust, making you so weak.
You were nearly in tears at the feeling. He was so big, you’d never get used to that - but it was the way he was gripping and holding onto you like he never wanted to e ever let you go again.
“Keep going,” you begged, rocking your hips to meet his. He was good with that movement. His thrusts were steady but firm and perfect for what you needed and wanted. He was just a perfect fit for you in every which way, not just this way but in his approach to life, his feelings and his view on the world.
He could feel himself losing it now, his thrusts were getting sloppy and it would only take a few moments before his release would come. He spent those few moments taking in the beauty of your face, kissing you so passionately and making you fall in love even more.
“I’m gonna -“ he started to say, warning you, but he didn’t even get to finish his words before he came inside you. You felt the hot spurts of liquid shoot inside you and the feeling was all too much for you. You came too, seconds later, your walls clenching around him and making him orgasm just a little bit more too.
“Fuck, I love you so much,” he said, his voice so quiet and gentle, him still buried inside you. You smiled, feeling his lips press against your cheek and neck and then finally his lips met yours too. He rolled off you, lying next to you on the side of the bed, his chest still rising and falling. You propped yourself up on your arm as you turned and faced him, a smile on your face too.
“Oh by the way,” you said, taking a few moments to let yourself catch your breath, “I love you too.”
The smile spread over his face like a match would catch a piece of paper and quickly set it alight. He looked so happy to hear you say it back. It felt like it had been a long time in the making, and yet it had only been a few weeks since you two even met. Things were moving fast but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You looked over at him, his cheeks still flushed as he caught his breath. He looked beautiful there, just lying next to you after the most romantic sex you’d ever had with him - and with anyone if you were honest.
You hadn’t had many boyfriends, not any really, but you don’t know how you lucked out that you had found this man. He was perfect, in each and every way.
You took a moment to note his facial features and the way a smile kept creeping up on his lips. He bit his lip lightly, trying to hold in that smile. He couldn’t. He just kept smiling and the more he smiled, the more you did too. He leant in closer to you, your lips brushing against each other gently, as his hand snuck up your side.
“I love you,” he repeated himself and your lips crashed together again, so passionately. It was a gentle, soft - but a needy kiss - you wanted this man so badly and nothing could change that. You had dreamt of finding someone like this for so long. You had dreamt of a happy ending, something good coming in your life and finally it was here. It was him, it always had been.
“I love you too,” you said. It was almost funny. You hadn’t said it for weeks and now here all of a sudden it was spilling out of your mouth every other moment.
You gave him one more kiss before turning away from him and shuffling back so your bodies were against one another. Immediately, as if it was two pieces of puzzle fusing together, he locked his arms around your naked body and pulled you into him. You interlocked your hands with his and you loved the feeling of his body radiating heat against yours. He was so cosy, so perfectly cosy and the way he held you made you melt.
He nuzzled his head between your neck and shoulder, holding you closer than ever and naturally, his legs curled up under yours so you were completely fused together. It was perfect. You could fall asleep like this every day. You had never actually fully slept naked together, always deciding to put some clothes back on before you curled up together but it felt different now. You felt almost closer to him after you’d both uttered those words. Everything was bliss.
He held you closer, his short hair nuzzling against the sensitive skin of your neck. You were so in love. You knew deep down it was dangerous to fall in love so quickly, but you needed it and you needed him now more than ever. You took a deep breath, sighing loudly.
“You ok darling?” he asked, his eyes flicking over to check on you and make sure you were ok.
“Mhm, just thinking,” you whispered back, as he quizzed you what about. “Just about you, and how perfect you are.” You trailed off as you spoke and he just giggled at your comment. One thing you did love about him was how shy and embarrassed he got when you were being cute about him. He was so - famous - and loved across the world but yet one little thing you said and he was completely putty in your hand.
“I’m not perfect,” he said, burying his head in your neck more. Gosh he was so cute and the way he was so soft and shy because you were complimenting him.
“You are,” you replied, as he said the same thing back to you, and soon the two of you were ‘quietly arguing’ about who was cuter. It would have been so cringe if you had heard anyone else doing it, but because it was you and your boyfriend, you loved it so much.
“Sleepy,” he said, his eyes closing as he yawned and wrapped his arms tighter around you.
“Sleep then baby, it’s late,” you said, reaching to check your phone. It was only 9pm, pretty early for the two of you. “Ok maybe not that late, but sleep. We can get a good night sleep.” He yawned and nodded, desperate to cuddle you closer as he tried to move your bodies even more closer to one another.
“Just a nap yeah,” he replied, yawning again. You really had wore him out. He curled into you and his breathing started to slow as he started to fall into a deep slumber.
“A nap,” you giggled, turning to face him and burying your head into his chest. He adjusted his arms and body around you too, fitting the puzzle pieces together once again in this new position.
You listened to his heart beat softly thudding in his chest as you focused on the feeling of his breath on the top of your head. He leaned down and kissed your head sweetly before letting himself drift into a deep sleep.
You soon followed him, your eyes shutting and you too dozed off in his arms. Exactly where you were meant to be - now and forever.
But he was hiding something from you, something he was afraid to tell you.
A/N: This has kind of become a post every Sunday thing, so more next weekend all being well! What’s Drew’s secret? 👀
taglist (pls let me know if you want to be added 🥰)
@starkeyobx @lovelyhedgehog44 @gryffindorpouge11 @jjmaybankmakesmecry @maybankforlife2 @bayy2452 @proactivetypeofgirl @hoebx @fangirlfree @severa-kane @lovedetlost @slutforsmutsstuff @smokingbeersdrinkingweed @raiinyhood @samxslaughter @babeyglo @infatuatedjanes @ailee-celeste @malums-trash-can
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.4k 
Warnings: spoilers for season 4 of stranger things, secret relationship 
Author’s Note: im really happy with how this turned out !! i hope you enjoy love <3 
Requested: by anon, omgomgomgomg!! so happy requests are open!! ok so i’d like to request eddie munson x reader where reader is like super girly and preppy, his total opposite and they’re in a secret relationship. sneaking around, having little rendezvous in empty corridors or the d&d room when no one is there. but when shit hits the fan and ed’s on the run she goes to dustin and them for help finding him and they’re surprised about the relationship or something (sorry i didn’t really know how to like wrap it up at the end lol but i hope it makes sense) ☺️☺️☺️
Summary: the request 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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No one expected Eddie Munson to actually be in a relationship in his technical last year of high school. He had been here longer than almost any of the other students but he still acted like he was that 17 year old kid you had passed by in the halls every once in a while. You were both seniors now and he knew all the teachers by their first names. He had taken so many classes that you were starting to think he could teach them. 
So it surprised you when you were paired together in one class and you just utterly fell head over heels for each other. It was easy at first, giggles over class notes and little pictures drawn over the lined paper. But then you were ignoring the assignments all together, something that Eddie was no stranger to. He preferred to just talk to you about your life anyway. The chemistry between the two of you was undeniable. 
So when you started to make out under the bleachers, it wasn’t exactly a surprise to either of you. You had decided to keep your relationship a secret. You were just in such different crowds, it made sense to keep it on the down low for the time being. At least until you could figure out how much you really liked each other. 
“There are a lot of numbers on this dice,” you said, tossing it up into the air. You were sitting on the rug of his trailer. You were still wearing your school clothes, some of the school colors for spirit week. You even had your hair up and some glitter over your eyelids for extra effect. You had some girl friends help you out in the bathroom that morning. 
“That’s the whole point sweetheart,” Eddie said, going through the cupboards absentmindedly. “Can’t do much with just a six die.” He had some other papers out from his campaign. You had never actually seen him in action. Just afterwards when you would sneak off into the corner of a dark secluded room and explore each other for a bit. 
“Hey, you could count to six!” 
“You’re so cute.” He turned around on his heels, leaning against the counter now. “I do not know where I put the stuff for Chrissy.” You had actually suggested Eddie to Chrissy when you realized she was having some trouble sleeping in class one afternoon. You’ve been mutual friends with her for a couple years. You knew whatever Eddie gave her wouldn't be dangerous. 
“It’s around here somewhere. You want me to help?”
“No, it’s okay. You gotta go anyway, she’ll be here soon.” You nodded, standing up. You put his dice back where you had found it. He met you in the middle of the room to give you a fairly passionate kiss. He walked the fine line of leaving you longing and never leaving you unsatisfied. “Drive safe hm.” His lips were still against yours as he said it. You smiled, nodding, nudging his forehead with yours. 
“Give her a discount. If you find the stuff.” “I am a gentleman above all else.” You rolled your eyes and let him slip through your fingers. 
“See you tomorrow!” 
“See you then.” 
You woke up the next morning and the news was the first thing you comprehended. A high school student had died the night before of mysterious circumstances. And the area of the crime was where you were last night. 
Eddie’s trailer.
You drove out there first, skipping your very first day of school. You thought about how Eddie would be proud of you skipping. He had been trying to get you to do it for ages. But the police wouldn’t let you inside and Eddie’s uncle told you he had no idea where he was. You went to the school, though you knew he wasn’t there. 
You went to where he and the band practiced but they hadn’t seen him. You went to the last place you could think of; Dustin Hendersons. 
Ms. Henderson opened the door, a gentle smile on her face. 
“Oh my goodness! Who are you? You’re not here for Dusty are you?” You smiled sheepishly, shaking your head. 
“No, no. I was wondering if he was here though. I’m looking for my boyfriend, Eddie Munson.” Just as you finished saying it, Dustin came up from behind his mom. 
“You know where Eddie is?”
“No I was hoping he was here,” you said honestly. 
“Wait, did you say boyfriend? You and Eddie are dating?” You sheepishly nodded. It was as good a time as any to come out to the guys now. You just wanted to know if he was okay. 
“How long?” Dustin seemed half appalled, half amazed. 
“Couple weeks. Since the-”
“Pep assembly! I knew those weren’t bruises on his neck!”
“Dusty!” his mom chastised. You flushed, embarrassed. 
“So you don’t know where he is?” Dustin shook his head. 
“I was about to go looking for him. I just got a call from Max, saying he was with Chrissy last night.” You nodded, swallowing hard. 
“I know.”
“I’m gonna go talk to Max. You wanna check some other haunts and get back to us? I think we’re gonna go to Family Video and recruit Steve.” “Harrington?”
“Yeah.” You smiled softly. 
“Okay. I’ll get back to you if I find him.” You and he left, both of you waving halfheartedly at Ms. Henderson. 
Eventually you found yourself at his dealer's place. You should have thought of that first but you had been so preoccupied with wondering what the hell happened, your mind was too scattered to think straight. You opened the boat door up when you noted no one was there. You were really hoping not to run into any kind of unfamiliar druggies in here. 
Running into Eddie was ideal though. 
You knocked on the wall. 
“Eddie?” you whispered. “It’s-”
Eddie jumped up out of the rowboat, tossing the cover off him. You screamed, almost falling backwards. He screamed in response, causing both of you to clutch your chests. 
“What the hell Eddie?!” 
“I’m so sorry! I was so excited to see it was you!” He stumbled out of the boat, tripping over the side and then almost tripping over the dock. He threw his arms around you, breathing evenly for the first time in 24 hours. “Oh my fuck,” he whispered. “You will not believe the night I had.” 
“Dustin is looking for you. Everyone is looking for you, Eds.”
“And only you found me. That’s my girl,” he said against your hair. He held you tighter, determined not to let you go for the rest of time. 
“Tell me what happened.”
“You’ll need to sit down for that one.” He didn’t let you go. “Can I just…hold you for a second.” 
“Yeah. Yeah.” You held him back, burying your face into his hair. He smelled of sweat and cologne. 
“Thanks,” he whispered. He sounded so much like a child. You let him stay there for as long as he needed. 
Stranger Things Tag List: @dpaccione, @karasong @elisaa-shelby @purple-flamingo @trinswhimsys @valentina-luvs-u @demigirl-with-problems @chaotic-fangirl-blog @mads-weasley @alexxavicry @secret-obsessions-21-blog @mystic-writings @plumes-de-nuit @linkxneptune
149 notes · View notes
doexoeyes · 3 years
Summary: Your firsts with Peter Parker (or the beautiful calm before the inevitable storm that came with dating Spider-Man.)
Note: why yes, my love for Andrew’s Peter has also been reignited by No Way Home. this is part of a small mini series of imagines all based around this set up and continuing to NWH. Will probably be a total of 3 to 4 parts. I just want to establish the emotional connection between you both so we can all ugly cry together.
Part 2:
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It was fall and the leaves were red & the air was chilled and to him, it was perfect photo taking weather.
Camera strapped to his neck, he snapped away at twisted tree branches and pieces of orange sky when his lens focused on a big, golden haired dog. Kneeled beside him was you, hand fluffing up the dog’s fur in happy pets, and Peter couldn’t help but instinctively zoom in on your face. His finger went straight to the trigger, having caught a photo of you mid laughter.
Normally Peter would be against taking a photo of someone without their permission, but it was almost as if something had taken over him, like he just had to take the picture.
Maybe it was the pretentious photographer in him that preferred candids over a predetermined pose, or he was getting tired of shooting dead branches, especially when a genuine smile like your’s was just waiting to be captured in an image. Whatever it was, he didn’t expect to see you waving at him once he moved his camera away from his eye.
Great, you caught him.
He blushed, a guilty expression plastered on his face as he awkwardly waved back.
Your hands signaled him to approach you, and he took a breath as he made his way over.
“Hey, was it a good shot?” you asked immediately, a brow raised and an amused smile painting your lips. From the view point of his lens, Peter could make out that you were a pretty girl, but now, in person, he was almost stunned by how beautiful you were. Your eyes peering up at him from your lashes captivated him almost immediately.
“Umm, yea, I’m sorry about that. I should have asked for your permission. I’ll delete it…” he explained rather nervously, hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
“No, it’s ok! I’m flattered actually. Is it ok if I check it out?” you assured him, flashing him a warmer smile.
Bashfully showing you the photo on his camera, you went on to give him your phone number, asking for a copy to have of your own.
“This is Shaggy, by the way. You can pet him if you want. He loves making new friends.”
Peter leaned down to pet Shaggy, smiling at him.
“Hey, nice to meet you, Shaggy. I’m Peter.”
Your smile grew as you watched them both, Shaggy wagging his tail excitedly as Peter had found his favorite spot; right between the ears.
Your eyes then focused on the tall, brunette boy, realizing that not only was he kind, but also extremely cute.
You tried to keep yourself from blushing, clearing your throat
“I’m y/n, by the way,” you said, and his eyes instantly met yours.
Beautiful brown eyes behind squared framed glasses.
Oh gosh, you were a goner.
“Nice to meet you too, y/n.”
He ended up sending you the photo as soon as he transferred the images to his laptop. He insisted that it was because he didn’t want you to wait too long, but he knew it was because he wanted any excuse to continue talking to you.
From then on the conversations continued, growing into talks about each other’s interests and lives (and how Shaggy was indeed named after the Scooby-Doo character, to which Peter laughed and said “oh you just had to name him after the non-dog character to be different, did you?”)
It was safe to say that you both developed little crushes on each other.
The first time Peter Parker asked you out was a couple days later. After texting and calling nonstop since meeting, he finally got the courage to ask.
“Hey, there’s a photo exhibit happening downtown tomorrow. Do you maybe wanna go with me?” he asked.
Laying down on his bed, facing his ceiling, he held his breath as he awaited your answer.
Little did he know, your heart nearly stopped at his question.
Was he asking you out on a date?
You bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming out an overly excited ‘yes’, choosing to go the ‘cool girl’ route.
Calm, effortless. Making sure not to make it a big deal by labeling it said ‘d’ word.
“Um, yea, sure. Sounds fun,” you said, hoping it sounded cool and collected on his end despite being the exact opposite of how you felt.
Peter immediately pumped his fist up, thrilled at your acceptance.
“Ok, cool. I’ll pick you up at 4:00?”
“Sounds like a date,” you said, before slapping a hand over your forehead immediately.
You said the ‘d’ word.
Before he could even respond, you took it upon yourself to explain further.
A terrible mistake.
“I mean, like, you know. A friend date. Not like a…not a real date, cause I’m sure that’s not...”
“No, I want it to be,” Peter interrupted immediately, surprising even himself.
He didn’t want you to be confused by his intentions. He liked you, really liked you, and the last thing he wanted was for you to think that he saw you as ‘just a friend’.
If he was being honest, he didn’t think he could ever be ‘just a friend’ to you.
Your eyes widen, face warm as you quickly stuffed your phone under your pillow, letting out an excited squeal that you could no longer hold.
“Y/N?” you heard your mom call out worriedly from outside your door.
“It’s ok, mom! Just…stubbed my toe,” you said, embarrassed she had heard you.
Ok, breathe. Be a cool girl. You’re a cool girl.
You lifted your phone from under your pillow back to your ear.
“Okay, cool. I’m totally down for that. So tomorrow at 4 it is.”
Little did you know, Peter heard you squeal at the other end of the phone, including your ‘stubbed toe’ excuse and he had to stifle his laughter so as to not make you suspicious.
His chest filled with warmth and he was beyond giddy at your reaction. You were actually ecstatic to go out with him. Never did he think he would get that kind of reaction, especially from someone as amazing as you.
God, he was a goner.
“Perfect. See you tomorrow,” he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
The first time Peter Parker kissed you was that very same night. After the exhibit, you grabbed some slices of Joe’s Pizza (“The absolute best pizza in all of New York,” Peter had stated in a tone that amusingly sounded more like a fact than an opinion) and then headed into a small local ice cream shop for a scoop of..
“Strawberry ice cream,” you both had said in unison when the server had asked what you would like.
You both turned to each other and laughed, beaming smiles plastered to your faces.
The server couldn’t help but smile too.
“You both make a very lovely couple. How long have you two been together?” he asked.
Peter scratched at the back of his head while you looked down, not wanting him to see your, at this point, tomato red cheeks.
You both decided to share 2 scoops of strawberry ice cream, taking it to go as you continued your night time stroll.
“Ah crap, he only gave us one spoon…” he said, turning around to go back inside.
“I’m ok with sharing,” you said quickly, causing him to turn back around.
“I mean, if you are,” you added, eyes avoiding his in the fear of him looking at you strangely.
He looked down at the ice cream cup in has hand for a moment before grabbing the spoon, offering it you.
“One spoon for two it is,” he said with a small smirk.
You took turns before it turned into both of you feeding each other, giggling as it progressed into a tiny food fight.
“Ha, now you have some on your nose,” you teased, sticking your tongue out at him.
He laughed, taking the spoon back from you and lightly smeering a bit of melted ice cream on your cheek.
“Now we’re matching,” he said, mimicking you as he stuck his tongue out.
You giggled, finger wiping at your cheek.
“Oh, wait, you missed,” he said, reaching his hand out towards your cheek as his thumb gently wiped at the smear.
Your breath caught in your throat as his skin made contact with yours. Just this small, innocent action was enough to send shockwaves throughout your entire body.
His thumb lingered on your skin, the rest of his fingers joining to caress your cheek. His eyes then landed on your’s and, if you weren’t frozen in place just yet, you definitely were now. You watched in palpable silence, heart beating rapidly, as you awaited his next move.
“You have really beautiful eyes,” he voices softly, face leaning closer to yours.
At this point you could feel his breath on your face and without thinking about, you leaned in closer as well, your faces less than inches apart.
“Is this ok?” He had whispered, mouth grazing your’s as his eyes closed instinctively.
You nodded, wanting nothing more than for him to move just a tiny bit closer.
“More than.”
His lips met yours, soft and warm and kind and perfect, and you practically melted into him.
You half expected an Elvis song to play and end credits to roll. It was that perfect.
The first time Peter Parker said he loved you was coincidentally the first time you found out he was Spider-Man.
You started noticing Peter wasn’t wearing his glasses, but when you had asked he said he got ‘contacts’. You also noticed how he was surprisingly stronger than usual.
It’s not that he was particularly weak before, but you start noticing the change in someone’s capabilities when they slam dunk a basketball and break the hoop.
Like literally smashed the whole thing on the floor.
Although you and Peter didn’t go to the same school, word quickly made it to yours how the the nerdy kid from rival school Midtown High jumped across the court and destroyed a basketball hoop, glass shards everywhere.
“Are you on steroids?” you asked him seriously, causing him to choke on the sandwich he was currently eating.
You both held the tradition of eating at the Starlight Diner every Friday after school. You would wait on the steps of Midtown High for Peter to be dismissed, and make your way to the diner hand in hand, you on his skateboard as he helped guide you to the direction of the restaurant.
“What? No, of course not! I just…I’ve been working out more.”
“Where? In Superman’s gym? ‘Cause you pretty much need super human strength to do what you did, Peter.”
He playful rolled his eyes at you, chuckling under his breath.
“Oh ha-ha, look at you with the quips. Maybe your dad is right, maybe I am a bad influence,” he teased, but you remained straight faced with him.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I can tell when you’re bullshitting me, and you’ve been doing that a lot lately.”
He pauses mid bite, realizing your seriousness, and places his sandwich down on the plate, brow furrowed.
“Whoa. Y/N, what are you…”
“You’re always leaving in the middle of our hangouts, coming up with excuses like ‘Aunt May wants you home early’, when I know that’s not true because I called her the other day, when you left, to apologize for keeping you out so late, and she said she didn’t mind and to tell you, since you were still ‘out with me’, that she needed you to bring home a gallon of milk.”
“Not only that but you’re acting different. You’re more on edge, less rational about things. I mean, humiliating Flash Thompson like that? Sure it sounds funny and he definitely deserves it but that’s not something the Peter Parker I know would do. In fact, you’ve been doing a lot of things you wouldn’t typically do. And I guess I wouldn’t mind if you would just tell me what the heck was going on. You used to tell me everything, Peter. What’s changed?”
It all flowed out of you like a waterfall; weeks of pent up frustration and worry. You didn’t even realize that your eyes were glossy, tears threatening to spill.
But Peter did.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey. Y/n, baby, please, it’s ok.” He leaned forward to reach for your hand on the table but you pulled back, shaking your head.
“No. It’s not ok,” and his heart breaks at the hurt in your tone.
“I don’t even know you anymore,” you state, and a tear finally makes its way down your cheek.
Before he can even lean forward to reach for you again, you stand up and move out of the booth you shared.
“Where are you going?” Peter asks, and there’s a lump in his throat that you can hear in his voice.
“I need some time. Oh wait, no, that’s too honest of an answer, sorry. My mom wants me home early,” you said bitterly, eyes looking straight into his before you turned around and walked straight out of the diner, the bell at the door alerting patrons of your departure.
Peter swallowed, eyes remanning on the spot where you once sat.
He fucked up and he knows it.
He comes up with a plan to make it up to you and later that night he stands on your windowsill, knocking on the glass.
You go to check out the strange tapping noise and almost fall backwards in shock once you draw your curtains and come face to face with Peter.
“Oh my god, Peter! What are you doing here?! Be careful, you’re gonna fall!” you say frantically, ushering him in.
He can’t help but smile lightly at your worry; at least it seemed like you still cared about him.
“Y\n, I’m really sorry about how I’ve been acting lately. You’re right. I’ve been acting weird and lying to you about it and you don’t deserve that. I tell you everything because I trust you more than anyone in the entire world. And if there’s anyone I can trust with this, it’s definitely you.”
You furrowed your brows, unsure of what he was talking about.
“Peter, what are you…”
“Wait, let me show you please,” he practically begs you with his puppy dog brown eyes and you feel obliged to accept.
As weak as it might make you seem, you could never say no to Peter.
You nod, and he smiles at you, grateful.
“Ok, this is gonna sound weird but I need you to hold onto me,” he said, and you automatically raise a brow.
“Is this an excuse to get me to hug you? Because you don’t deserve a hug right now,” you said with a suspicious brow raised and Peter has to keep the laugh bubbling up his throat from coming out.
Sometimes you were too cute for your own good.
“Trust me. This is going to explain everything.”
So you do as he asked, wrapping your arms around his neck, to which he wraps an arm tightly around your waist.
At this moment you almost immediately accept his apology, despite him not explaining much of anything. You were so head over heels for Peter that just him holding you like that was enough to forgive him.
He interrupts your thoughts.
“Hold on tightly ok? And please, whatever you do, don’t look down.”
You frowned, now more confused than ever.
“Don’t look down? Down from wh-“
Before you can even finish your sentence, you’re both suddenly launched out the window, 0 to 60 in half a second.
You scream loudly, high pitched & full of absolute fear. Your hands tightened their grip around Peter’s neck, eyes looking around frantically as you passed by tall trees and giant skyscrapers.
Peter laughs, giving you a soft squeeze as he reassured you of his hold.
“I got you, don’t worry. Just remember what I said about not…”
You let out another hysterical shriek, nails digging into Peter’s skin as you scrambled to get impossibly closer to him, having caught glimpse of the city below you.
Too late.
“...Looking down.” Peter hissed in pain at your nails.
Damn they were sharp.
Finally he landed you both on top of a building and you gasped once your feet touched solid ground.
“You’re good, it’s ok. You survived,” he says, but you don’t let go of your tight grip on him.
Your breathing is still rapid and your eyes are looking wildly around you before landing on Peter’s face in front of you.
“W-what, h-how….” you’re out of breath and you still haven’t recovered from the shock and fear.
“This is what I haven’t been honest with you about, and what I know now I should’ve from the start,” he confesses, hands making its way to your cheeks.
His warm hands on your face immediately help steady your breathing, allowing you to process what had just occurred.
You weren’t simply flying over the city, you were swinging. Peter was swinging you both with some strange substance coming out of his arm. Like a web of sorts.
Your eyes widen in realization.
“You’re Spider-Man,” you state, breathless, and his eyes never lose contact with your’s.
You can see him swallow silently. He was nervous. Whatever happens next was completely in your control.
“I don’t want to lose you, y/n. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I’d be stupid if I lost you all because I was scared of telling you the truth. More than just my girlfriend, you’re my best friend, and I….I trust you with my whole life. So I’m trusting you with this secret. I promise I’ll explain everything to you later, but right now I need you to know that I….”
He gently rests his forehead against your’s.
“I love you.”
His words echo in your head and your chest finally stills.
In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the anger you felt about him lying. Not the fear as he swung you over the city. Not even the fact that he was freakin Spider-Man.
All that mattered was how much you loved Peter and how he felt the same way. It, along with the many overwhelming emotions you felt that day, was enough to cause tears to roll down your cheeks. To which Peter wiped away immediately.
Before he could even apologize, you pull him down to you by his shirt collar, smashing your lips on his.
He’s taken aback at first, but immediately closes his eyes and practically breathes new life into you as he kisses you back eagerly, hands resting on your lower back.
These were the firsts of many memories you and Peter shared. Times where you were the happiest. Times that you’ve both replayed in your head whenever you felt like nothing was going right. Times that you strived to recreate together every moment that you could.
But, as he stared out the window of his dark and lonely rundown apartment, empty liquor bottles piled on the floor, dried tear stains on his cheeks, he wished more than anything that he could have shared more with you.
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lyranova · 2 years
Hey, Lyra! Can I please request some Asta, Yuno and Luck headcanons, where their s/o pretends to be asleep to see how they react, like on this tik toks (but, like, without the recording part)? Thank you, I really love your blog!! 🥰💞💕💖💙
Hiya anon! Of course you can request these, I hope you like them 🥰! I apologize for them being so short but I did try to make them more detailed to make up for it!
Warnings: None
Context: You heard a couple of girls from another squad talking about how their boyfriends reacted when they pretended to be asleep, so you decided you wanted to try it too and see how your boyfriend reacted!
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• When Yuno saw you asleep on the couch in the Golden Dawn’s library he was confused and a little concerned, it wasn’t really like you to still be asleep midday.
• He softly placed his hand onto your forehead, you didn’t have a fever, so why were you still sleeping?
• He walked over to you and gently shook your shoulder, asking if you were feeling unwell, when you replied that you were just tired he nodded.
• You and him had been training a lot the last week so he understood why you were exhausted and, to be honest, so was he, so he told you that it was fine and that you could sleep for another hour.
• He watched as you “fell back asleep” and, after a few minutes, he walked over, grabbed a book, and gently moved your feet so he could sit next to you on the couch and quietly read. If anyone came in and was about to disturb you, Yuno would give them his signature icy glare so they would leave.
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• When Asta found you asleep in the common area of the Hideout he tilted his head a bit, this wasn’t really like you.
• But then he’d shrug and walk over to you, he didn’t shake or try to wake you up, instead he grabbed a blanket and threw over you so you’d be more comfortable.
• He sat down on the ground in front of the couch, you opened your eyes a little bit to see what he was doing, and you had to suppress a smile as Asta was softly talking with Liebe about how cute you were when you slept.
• That is, until he saw Magna and Luck come back from a mission. Once those two had come back and started fighting, Asta instantly jumped up and tried to shield you from any runaway spells that got close to hitting you.
• After a while Asta just sighed and gently picked you up in his arms and carried you to your room, as he figured Magna and Luck’s fighting would eventually wake you up, so he took you to your room, gently placed you onto the bed, and he wished you a good nap before walking out and gently closing the door behind him.
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• Luck probably wouldn’t notice that you were asleep on the couch in the common area to be honest.
• After a little while he would notice and would walk over and shake your shoulder and ask if you wanted to spar with him.
• When you told him not right now that you were tired, Luck would nod and say “ok” before sitting on the arm of the couch next to your head as he waited for Magna to come back.
• He frowned a bit as he noticed you weren’t using a pillow. He hopped off the arm of the sofa, walked over to the chair that had a pillow, and he tried to gently place it under your head.
• Once Magna returned Luck challenged him to a sparring match, which of course he agreed too, but as he started to make a fireball Luck glanced over at your “sleeping” form and suggested going outside, so that way they wouldn’t accidentally wake you up.
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Kiss or Dare -
Written by Eddiethegreatteddybear
Day 2 of a thirty day challenge
Let’s pretend that this didn’t take me forever to write
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2 . kiss or dare - where the party throws a little party of their own that has high stakes. Though who knows what could happen.
Eddie had created this game a while ago to get away with girls. Then as he slowly started to go through high-school he started to use it to kiss pretty much anyone that consented to playing. When he got held back the second time he just stopped playing it all together, and going to any high-school party. He felt out of place and very creepy as a twenty year old just walking around let alone initiating a Kiss or Dare game. So when he finds out that Steve was holding a party with all of the older teenagers he was a bit skeptical in showing up.
The metal head was actually impressed he even got a invitation as he knocks on the Harrington's household door. The lights inside were already on and it was obvious that Munson was the last to show up. Being welcomed inside by Robin who seemed to already know the plans for the night. Eddie adjusts his jacket a little before he's putting his hands in his pocket and moving them outwards as he started to look around the very different house then the one that held the huge parties.
Of course Eddie and showed up to a few of the "King" Steve's parties. He remembered being here the night Billy made the new keg record. For one the place wasn't wrecked, there was no couples fucking each other up against the walls and no one blowing chunks all over your shoes. The oldest wasn't really good at socializing. He may show off at school and intimidate people but he was just to awkward and weird to really start conversations with people. 
In his opinion, there were a lot of people here. For him anyway. He was used to having at least four people around and tonight this party consisted of Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle and Eddie. Though just walking in he could tell that Jonathan and Argyle were completely stoned passing a joint back and forth as Nancy rolled her eyes at her boyfriend as she talks to Robin. Who was clearly not all that slick. It was obvious that she was flirting with Nancy. In Eddie's opinion Nancy didn't deserve Robin even if it was possible.
Nancy had problems choosing between Steve and Jonathan. Not only that but she had cheated on Harrington. The stories of that had spread so far around town that they still came up to this day. Though people just liked to talk, and when there isn't much to talk about you decided to remember all of the stupid drama from years before.
Steve finally catches onto Eddie being in the room and quickly moves over holding a can of beer. It was obvious the other wasn't going to hard on the alcohol. "Glad you could make it, Munson." Steve says with a genuine smile as he pats the others shoulder in a friendly manner before he remembers. "Oh! While I remember, I tried reading that book you kept on talking to Dustin about. Lord of the Rings?" Steve says unsure on the title as Eddie raises a eyebrow at the other shocked that he even picked up a book to begin with. The other was honestly very ditzy in his opinion.
"Ok? And how is it so far?" Eddie asks genuinely curious. Not realizing the other was dragging him into a conversation. Steve had caught onto how the other wasn't all that great with teenagers around eighteen. He didn't blame him of course, there wasn't much connection between them.
"Well, you see. From what I'm understanding from it it's really fucking difficult to read, but when Robin reads it to me and helps me understand the more difficult parts I like it. Honestly I don't understand why I'm having a problem reading it by myself, I read through a bunch of Stephen King books last summer at Scoops Ahoy and then of course in the Family Movies." Steve says truthfully.
Eddie can't help but smile, he found it cute that the other was trying to have similar interests as him. Or at least try and include him in conversations. It was like they were both aware that he was still the shiny new freak of the gang. "Oh? Honestly I'm impressed Harrington. Never though King Steve was into Stephen king. Bit ironic." He teases as he's about to say something else but is interrupted by Robin.
"Hey, Eddie what was that game that you created?" Robin asks turning to look at the other curiously. If Eddie could pat her on the back right now he would. This girl was very fucking slick and really smart. He looks at her amused before humming.
"Kiss or Dare, it raises the stakes a bit." He answers calmly as Steve looks confused as he had played that game before. Boy had it confused him, though to be fair a drunk Tommy was trying to recall the rules and without the creator there to remind them it was pointless.
"We should totally play that." Argyle says leaning back as he holds his joint with two fingers as he passes it to Jonathan who takes a few hits before shrugging. The Byers boy had never really gone to many party's for obvious reasons. He had been a freak of Hawkins himself at one point. The loner who barely spoke a word.
"Ok." He says simply as he follows the group into a circle. Eddie grabs a empty bottle as he hums. "So, you have to spin the bottle once to pick the person that will be choosing kiss and dare. We each take turns doing that. Then if they don't do the dare you want them to they have to spin the bottle and whoever that bottle lands on has to kiss that person. Now this is where I lost more people at party's. No matter who it lands on you have to kiss them. So if anyone doesn't want to play it would best to back out now, that and you can back out whenever. It's just a game." Eddie rambles as he moves sitting down on his knees as all of them nodded their heads.
"So, I'll go first to decide." He hums as he spins the bottle and it lands on Argyle. Who makes a Uww face. Eddie shakes his head amused as he hums, "kiss or dare?" He asks as Argyle shrugs.
"I don't know man, I think dare?" He says his words slurring as Eddie chuckles at the clearly high boy. He shakes his head as he pauses to think about what he wanted the other to do.
"Hm- I dare you to let one of us braid your hair." He hums as he rocks back and forth on his heels now. It was a impatient or nerves thing, it was a "I have a huge ball of energy in my chest that's trying to escape and this isn't a anxiety type deal it's the, I feel like I drank a crap ton of coffee and could run miles type deal." 
Argyle wasn't effected by this as he nods with a smile as he hands the joint off as he looks around. "Who wants to braid my hair?" And before he could finish Robin was over there his hair in her hands quickly braiding it into two pigtails before she moves back to her spot giving the other a bright smile. Argyle nods his head in thanks and messes with them for a second.
"These are actually dope." He says happily as Eddie can't help but smile at the other. "So it's now my turn to spin right?" He asks looking around for permission which Eddie gives immediately. He spins the bottle hard and it goes and it lands on Jonathan. The two best friends start giggiling amused, and Argyle doesn't even have to ask kiss or Dare.
"I dare you to order me a pizza, with pineapples in that horrible surfer dude accent." And just like that the games were on. The joint had started to get passed around and they were all stoned as hell. None of them seemed to mind either as Nancy spins the bottle and it lands on Robin. Who's already blushing and giggling as she attempts to at least fake that she didn't want to kiss the other.
"Dare," she giggles leaning onto the other girl. Her eyes were nearly closed and she had become super cuddly over the last couple of minutes. Nancy didn't seem to mind and even wrapped her arm around the other. Though she never really had any girl friends like this. Not even Barbara acted like this around her on good days.
"Hm- I dare you to tell us one of your celebrity crushes right now." She smiles kindly down at the Robin who was sort of way to intoxicated to think before answering. Steve seems to tense up and holds himself back from jumping across and stopping the other from outing herself. He sees Robin starting to answer and he's quick to "accidentally" knock one of his lamps over. Giggling a bit as he acts as if it wasn't on purpose. No one noticed except Eddie who looks at the other admiring him a bit. Who knew that very straight Steve Harrington would have Robins back like that. Well he knew he would but it was surprising.
Robin looks over as she catches Steve's eye and blushes realizing her mistake. "Actually I rather not answer that." She says blushing as Nancy pouts. "Oh well then. I guess you're the first to have to spin the bottle." Nancy says with a smile as Robin moves over spinning it for it to land on Jonathan. She looks at Nancy looking panicked.
Nancy was to high to really think straight as she shrugs, "I knew what I was signing up for when I agreed to play. I trust you not to cross the line." She smiles as Robin can't help but feel her face blush. Maybe she was kissing her crushes boyfriend, something that she wasn't planning. But knowing that her crush trusted her with something like this.
She moves crawling over to the stoner boy as he looks at Nancy who gives him a warning look. Robin does it quickly, pecking his lips before crawling back to her spot. Eddie doesn't even enforce any past rules. Not on Robin like that. Then she's spinning it again and it lands on Steve. Who looks puzzled as he chooses dare.
Robin hums as she thinks, "Hm, you're always complaining about how you want to shot gun weed with someone so I dare you to shot gun with someone in here." She says with a evil smirk as Steve grumbles. He huffs as he looks around.
"Ok so definitely not you or Nancy, which only leaves me with guys-" he says sounding really nervous. Eddie could see his hands shaking and he couldn't help but just feel a tad bad. Robin was about to change the dare as Eddie shrugs taking the joint. He had never been one for personal space to begin with. So he was ten times worst when he was high. He puts it in his mouth playfully tugging the others hair to move him so that Eddie would be over him.
"Come here Harrington. So I can get it done and over with." He teases as he adds, "it was obvious you were going to choose me." He jokes as he winks as he doesn't necessarily manhandle him closer to him. Smoke coming out of his nose as he gets the blushing boy closer. He smirks as he puts his hand in the others hair again getting his face situated.
"So, what kind of shot gunning? Lips close to lips? Lips on lips? What's your choice." Eddie hums as Steve blushes harder looking down at the others lips. That and he couldn't help but almost get worked up at how the others rings tugged at his hair just right. Eddie licks his lips as Steve stutters his answer out his eyes clearly on the others lips.
"Um- what would be better?" He asks as the both of them forget about everyone else in the room. Though Jonathan was passed out now, Argyle was watching intensely, Nancy was watching clearly shocked at how well her Ex responded to another guy controlling him and Nancy's mouth was on the floor. When she predicted something gay was going to happen tonight it was not this.
Eddie looks amused, "Hm- lets just wing it." He hums as he takes the joint inhaling deeply taking a lot of smoke in before he's handing it to a stunned Nancy who's mouth was starting to close as Robin whispers something in her ear. Nancy nods her head agreeing with whatever the other said and Eddie's to busy dealing with his lungs burning from holding the smoke in for so long.
He moves forward and his lips graze the others as he moves his thumb forcing the others mouth open a little letting smoke out and blowing it in the others mouth. His other hand holding the others face as they tilt their heads as if they were about to kiss. Not like this. Eddie can't help but think as he lets the speaks. "Inhale as much as you can Stevie." He smiles as he sees the others eyes gloss over as he nods holding it before blowing it back to Eddie who grins letting the smoke move around there faces.
"Good boy." He praises patting the others face lightly with a smirk as they both part ways and he can see the others clearly sporting something. Who knew Steve was into guys?
He looks over seeing Nancy and Robin staring at them and Argyle pouting. "Awww I wish I had a friend to do that with." He says clearly oblivious to how sexual the other to made that.
"I think that's enough for tonight, I should probably take Jonathan home." Nancy says sounding flustered and Steve looks scared. Almost as if him and Eddie made her uncomfortable. Almost as if she read his mind Nancy answers. "And no you two didn't make me uncomfortable, I honestly don't care. Besides I have Robin walking around and drooling over my boobs twenty four seven. I think I can live with my ex boyfriend getting on with another guy." She says amused as Steve relaxes. Though Robin doesn't.
"I was not staring at your boobs." She says flustered as Nancy shrugs.
"I don't mind Robin, you can't help but be attracted to what you're attracted to." She says with a smirk as they start to leave unintentionally leaving Steve and Eddie behind. Both of them go really awkward as they don't look at each other for a little while. Steve is the one to grow a pair. Even though the other was the one leading everything from before he figured the other was a shy type.
"So-" he drags the word out, "wanna go up to my room and read the lord of the rings to me?" He asks with a amused smile as Eddie looks at the other with a raised eyebrow.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I do, let's go." He rambles out as Steve laughs following along. Both of them climbing sleepily in Steve's bed as Steve grabs the book and Eddie turns the light on. Smiling at each other clearly not sober they both cuddle up close together. Eddie reading each page gently and carefully. Steve looking up with doe eyes.  He was a splitting image of the dopey boy he was when he first fell for Nancy. Deep down he felt that this was going to be a lot more intense then the other girl.
And if they wake up in the morning under the blankets and clearly disoriented only they would have to know. And if Eddie starts a pillow fight with Steve who keeps grumbling about everything, only the book cover of lord of the rings would know. Though, the birds outside Steve's kitchen window would be the only living creatures to know how Eddie presses Steve up against the counter, for Steve to only to reverse it moving between the others legs right before they both kiss.  Though it doesn't stay serious long as Stevie Nicks is on the radio that Eddie had turned on for background music.
Eddie laughs, "well why don't you look at that Stevie? The other Stevie seems to approve of this." He smiles brightly.
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sachifukyo · 2 years
Stray Kids with a tomboy s/o
(🖤) • (masterlist)
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>unintentional matching outfits
>He might not be very into it at the beginning tbh, but he will learn to love this side of you <3
>He will FIGHT everyone who tries to judge your style
>Helps you to pick a haircut
>Writes songs about the gay panics you make him have all the time
>Lets you wear his clothes. His shirts are yours aaaAaa
>Now he really finds attractive all the things he never thought.
>another hesitant boyyy
>Imagine when you first met, he was like "his style omgggg" and then he heard you referring to yourself with feminine pronouns and he was like "IS SHE A GIRL??!?!?!?!?!"
>mind blown
>But suddenly he will be OBSESSED
>That means a new workout buddy (even if you are not into it, he will push you to workout)
>He will ask you to let him borrow your chains
>If you are taller than him, he will be completely whipped
>Shy when you act flirty, really shy. But he loves it
>Not gonna lie. He will tease you about it (only if you are comfortable, of course)
>But he actually likes it since the beginning
>He saw you and when he found out you were a girl he was like "I want this one"
>Tries to act dominant and protective around you, but you make him weak
>At least you haven't noticed yet (phew)
>Lets you choose his outfits
>Minho could look scary, but he is super soft for you
>Not hesitant at all. BUT REALLY CONFUSED
>LET HIM DRESS YOU UP, PICK YOUR OUTFIT, he will love you for ever
>He will be sooooo indiscreet
>Asking you why you dress that way, how do you identify yourself, how you found out that you were into it
>But he doesn't mean to be rude, he is just really curious and amazed
>no one can judge your style. You look stunning thanks to Hyunjin
>Probably his hair is longer than yours and he enjoys to show it off
>Grunge looking skater couple. IS A MUST
>now his and your wardrobe is the same. When one of you buy clothes asks the other for their opinion bc is 100% sure that they will wear it too.
>Tries to act flirty and cool around you but suddenly gets nervous
>Also tries to hide his gay panics, but fails, and you all make fun of it
>Really whipped. Poor little whipped boy
> He still claims to be the protective one in the relationship, but when he is scared of something, he will be right behind you asking you to save him <3
>Since the very first moment he loved your style.
>Like, your visuals doesn't match what people expects from you
>Just like him and his voice!
>You are perfect! Imagine what a duo!!! He lives for it
>Before dating he was a complete SIMP
>You are his protector,,, pretty please
>He loves your style, your vibe, your all
>Took him a while to accept that you will never wear something cute for him
>Still enjoys to borrow your clothes
>Asks you to wear a dress just to bother you (if you are ok with it)
>But in the other hand, he enjoys how different you look
>Like "no one's like my y/N"
>Finds joy in the idea that it makes you stand out
>"You look good on that. Can I wear it?"
>He wants to do a lot of questions, but they won't be asked
>Afraid to be rude to you or your style
>But he is quite curious. He wants to understand how you identify yourself
>So he might be very careful when he speaks and very open when you talk
>When he finally understood the tomboy thing, he is intrigued
>Actually he finds it interesting to know someone like you
>When you started dating he was a little bit shy to look like the weak guy, but at the end he didn't care at all
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