#ok bye. see u next time probably
birdbotic · 2 years
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Making connverse kids like 3 years after i was supposed to SLAYYY
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ambreiiigns · 11 months
logging back bc i watched the three hostels and it sucks ass. i'm so mad. this is so nothing. this is nothing nothing nothing but i did want to put my dick in the main char from the first movie's mouth but that's like . normal for me. besides that it's shit and it's not just me being like. past the point for hostel to freak me out after the things i've watched. but it's soooo not worse than saw why would so many people lie and say "it's like saw.... but worse!!!" like. yea shit quality. but not like. more intense? why would you lie. anyway the wrestling is going great
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starglitterz · 1 month
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❝ hey, pretty stranger, i think you look cute! can i get your number? i wanna know you. // cute encounters with genshin guys on the bus.  ❞
✧ feat ; childe, heizou, xiao x gn!reader ✧ warning(s) ; childe’s can be viewed as platonic ✧ a/n ; so i think the bus at my university is like. a meet-cute spot for me or something HAHAHA here are a couple of drabbles based on my irl experiences <3 ! shout out to my one irl that has to listen to me being delusional all the time LOL ur a real one (she’s never going to see this). also the title has no relation to the fic at all sorry i just could not think of a title for the life of me so i just went with a random vocaloid song JDSJDJS ok bye i hope u enjoy this!!
please reblog w tags + leave comments ! it rlly makes my day :)
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✦ CHILDE. [ tartaglia ]
“childe? is that you?” you grin, leaning over the back of your seat as you realise who’s sitting behind you, “i didn’t know you take the bus back too!” his face cracks into a wide beam upon noticing you, “y/n! hi! i do sometimes when i’m too tired to walk.” and just like that, the two of you start talking excitedly – you’re classmates, though you aren’t too close you both still consider each other friends, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to instead of staring out the window at the rain with your earphones plugged in to pretend you’re in a music video. 
somehow, the conversation turns to birthdays, and as childe asks when yours is, you smirk, “it’s today!” you swear his blue eyes open so big you’re worried they might just tumble out of his head as he gasps, “what?! today?! so you’re turning a year older today?!” “yeah!” you nod, giggling at his exaggerated reaction. “nah, you’ve got to come here so i can wish you properly,” he shakes his head seriously, and you tilt your head in confusion, “there’s someone sitting beside you already though…”
you shouldn’t have doubted the one and only tartaglia for even a moment, because the next second, he turns to the man beside him with zero hesitation and gives them the most blinding persuasive smile ever, “hey! would you mind switching seats with my friend over there? it’s their birthday, and i really want to wish them!” “childe!” you scold, heat rushing to your face at his casual confession to this total stranger, “stop disturbing random people!” “but it’s your birthday!” he replies innocently, ocean eyes gleaming aquamarine. the man beside him seems a little confused by childe’s demeanour, but he’s probably more scared of what his reaction would be if he said no, so he nods, “sure, i guess…” and as the bus rattles along its familiar route, you switch places with the stranger, profuse thanks spilling from your lips before you fix childe with a scolding gaze. 
“hey, it worked!” he raises his hands in surrender, only to quickly grasp yours and shake it heartily, “happy birthday, comrade!” you laugh, shaking your head, “you’re so silly. thank you, childe.” you both hide your chuckles as you joke about the poor guy that had to switch with you, and you tease and banter with each other all the way to the train station.
✦ SHIKANOIN HEIZOU. [ analytical harmony ]
it has been a long day. not necessarily bad, but one of those days where the universe seems to be conspiring against you to make every small thing go wrong enough to get on your nerves. right now, you’re at your wits end as you stumble onto the bus, sending the bus driver a sheepish smile when your card only buzzes on the third tap. your eyes scan the interior – almost all of the seats are occupied, and your friend has skipped ahead to sit with someone else she knows. 
but your gaze stops short on a maroon-haired guy looking out the window, and with an internal cheer you realise that the seat next to him is empty and quickly slide into it. now that you’re closer, you notice that he’s actually quite handsome; all fluffy maroon hair and forest green eyes with a few moles dotted across his pale skin. you’re so busy staring that you don’t realise he’s trying to tell you something until he clears his throat. “y-yeah?!” you stutter in surprise at his sudden attempt at conversation. that was a dumb reply. now you’re staring at him with wide eyes as he softly asks, “um, is that your wallet?”
you look at the floor where he’s pointing, only to realise with horror: that is your wallet! “oh… hahaha, that is mine. thank you,” you’re ninety percent sure you are giving off the worst first impression of all time with your stupid responses. it’s almost like you’ve never spoken to another human being in your life. and what’s with your outfit?! of course the one day you don’t dress up is the day you end up sitting next to the world’s cutest stranger. as you bend down to pick up your wallet, you silently curse your unlucky stars. you dropped your purse in front of a cute guy! can this day get any worse?! 
famous last words.
because two seconds later, you’re trying to sit up straight again, and you hit your head on the hard back of the seat in front of yours. even worse, you groan loudly, “ow!” “holy archons… are you okay?” the stranger beside you gasps, although as you rub your head and look at them, it’s pretty obvious that they’re trying to hold back laughter. you’re torn between laughing or crying your eyes out, but the humour of the absolutely idiotic situation you’re in kicks in and you end up giggling even as you’re wincing in pain, “i’m fine, thank you… i promise i’m not usually this clumsy.” “really?” he quirks an eyebrow with a teasing smile, “could’ve fooled me.” “hey!” you pout, folding your arms across your chest in playful offence, “i know i might have just made the worst first impression ever, but i swear i’m a lot cooler!” “i’ll be the judge of that,” his gaze softens and he tilts his head, “i’m heizou, by the way.” “i’m y/n! let’s restart this whole thing – it’s nice to meet you!”
luckily for you, the bus is stuck in traffic, and the two of you end up talking about everything under the sun on the long journey to the train station. you aren’t certain if he’s convinced that you’re cool yet, but you’ll definitely keep working on it – even if it’s only to see the way his cute dimples appear whenever his features crease into a smile at your jokes. 
✦ XIAO. [ vigilant yaksha ]
it’s been a tiring day of an exhausting course. but at the very least, you’ve got your new friend to complain to as the two of you wait for the bus. “you know, i was so glad you asked me to join your group!” you grin at xiao, adjusting your tote bag. “it’s no big deal… you were alone, so i thought you could join us,” he gives you a soft smile, jade streaks of hair framing his face as they peek out from under his dark cap. “yeah, but still! it’s so difficult to make friends when the classes are so huge, so it was really nice of you.” “that’s true. you’re the first person i’m talking to outside class,” he nods in agreement. his casual statement makes you remember that you’re a professional yapper and you panic, “oh! by the way, if i’m talking too much, just tell me to shut up! i talk a lot, so that’s totally fine.” he chuckles, and his response makes a happy smile grace your lips, “no, it’s okay. i prefer listening, so it’s fine if you talk a lot.” so talk is what you do until the bus finally rumbles into the bus stop. 
the constant bumping of the bus on the rough roads combined with the soothing noise of the rain tapping against the window makes you drowsy, and you turn to xiao, “if i fall asleep before we reach the train station, you better wake me up, okay? don’t abandon me on the bus and just go home!” the corner of his lips quirk up into what might be a teasing smile, “no promises.” but when he sees your distraught expression, he reassures you, “just kidding. i’ll wake you up.” “okay…” you mumble a response, and within a few seconds, you’re asleep, head lolling forward as the bus continues along. you don’t usually fall asleep on public transport, far too worried that you’ll miss your stop and end up on the other end of teyvat, but with xiao beside you, you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?
you’re in the middle of a very nice dream when you hear xiao’s soft voice calling you, “y/n?” and his tone is so gentle, like he didn’t want to startle you, that it almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you stretch a little, eyes flickering open before sliding shut again, “mmm…” “we’re almost there,” he murmurs. and there it is again, that soft, gentle voice that you swear sounds like honey. you’re almost going to pass out, and definitely not from sleepiness. “okay… i’m awake.” you manage a smile, and he tilts his head almost worriedly, “don’t fall asleep on the train.” “i won’t!” you grin widely as you hop off the bus, hoping that shows how you’re 100% awake right now, and he smiles, “okay then, i’ll see you tomorrow.” 
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bahaha these are very messy but i just needed to get these out of my system before i went insane i think i should take the bus more often 😋 also yes these are all 100% experienced by yours truly and have not even been exaggerated for the sake of this fic // general masterlist
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way - reblog and leave comments if you enjoyed !
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th3secr3th1story · 11 months
getou reacting to you having a mental breakdown/crying
geto reacting to a breakdown
of course, thank you for the request! hope you're ok
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst ig, first time writing in present tense wheww yazan dont fuck it up..., soft!geto, reader is stresseddd about life, crying, established relationship, no prns used, if u see any typos IM SORRY. i proofread but it's late and im tired!
words: 1,026
some days are harder than others. ups and downs are normal (and expected), but knowing that doesn't make difficult times any easier to manage.
you're a strong student, there's no doubt in that. you consistently perform well in all your assessments, sparring sessions, and missions, but sometimes it feels like the better you perform the better you're expected to do.
that day, geto is able to tell something is off. you didn't participate as often as you usually do in class, your typically composed expression seemed strained, you ate your lunch slower than usual, and despite beating him in a fight, you seemed less focused.
"are you okay?" he asks as the two of you walk down the hallway, turning your face gently to look at him.
"yeah, just didn't sleep too well last night," you smile, kissing his cheek and squeezing his hand before quickly heading off to the bathroom.
despite being in a relationship with geto for over a year now, vulnerability is still challenging. not to say you've never confided in him, since there's no one you trust more, but putting thoughts into words never comes easy.
you don't know how you make it through your last class. just the thought of all your homework, your upcoming mission, the fact that it's only october, if you're really going to be risking your life for a living--you can't wait for the school day to be over.
once the final bell rings, you gather your things and leave the class, not stopping to thank the teacher or say bye to your friends as you normally do.
"what's up with y/n today?" gojo questions.
that confirms geto's suspicions. something is wrong, and he's ready to help.
once you reach the dorm, you shut the door and flop down onto the bed with a sigh.
"is it always going to be like this?" you wonder, feeling the stress from the day pressing down on your chest, practically suffocating you.
before you know it, half an hour of staring at the ceiling has gone by before a knock shakes you out of your thoughts.
sliding the door open, you see geto standing there staring right at you with his hands in his pockets.
"hey," he says, breaking the silence.
"what're you doing here? is everything okay?" you question, beckoning him in.
"you've been acting off today. even satoru noticed, which is definitely saying something since he's always in his own bubble," he grumbles the last part, smiling a little.
"what's going on? i need you to talk to me," he continues.
sitting down on the bed, you sigh for what has got to be the thousandth time in the last 12 hours and try to figure out how to formulate your words.
"today was just hard, i guess? i don't really know," you mumble, not even sure of what to say.
"what do you mean?" he asks, encouraging you to open up, sitting down next to you and placing his hand on your leg.
"i just feel like there's a lot of pressure to do well, from my parents and teachers," you respond, not sure if you were talking to him or yourself.
"like, the more missions i come back from successful, or the more projects i do well on, the better i feel like i have to perform. which of course isn't a bad thing--i mean it's probably a good thing, actually," you start, feeling the familiar stinging of your eyes.
"but it's still kind of tiring because i feel like i can't really catch a break. like, once i finish something, there's always something else waiting for me," you stop for a second to sniffle as the tears start to fall, quickly wiping them away.
geto scoots closer and wraps his arm around you, rubbing his hand up and down your arm.
"and i get this is the life of a jujutsu sorcerer and i just have to suck it up and get used to it, but it's hard, you know? i don't know how to get my shit together."
your breaths are coming in quicker now, placing your elbows onto your knees so you can lean into the palms of your hands.
"i'm just tired, suguru. really tired," you choke.
"i feel like i'm going insane. i mean, what if i fuck up my next mission and then that's it?" you ask, letting silence wash over the both of you as you cry into your hands. you shake your head, feeling the embarrassment push through you.
at first, geto doesn't say anything, processing your words, before he pulls you back into his arms, hugging you tightly and letting your tears fall onto his shoulder.
"i get what you mean, y/n. you're not crazy," he whispers into your hair, rubbing your back as you continue to cry hard.
"you keep talking like you're alone," he continues, "but you're not. satoru's here, shoko's here, baby-" he turns your head so that you can look at him, "-i'm here."
"expectations are challenging, and they can definitely feel suffocating. but you're more than a failed mission," he whispers softly, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
"mistakes are inevitable, and yes, failure is always a possibility. it's unrealistic to expect yourself to complete every single mission perfectly, you know. i doubt anyone ever has."
"but what if i disappoint everyone? i don't want to be a failure," you whisper, shaking your head as you look away from geto.
"listen, it still doesn't mean you're weak or incapable. you're the strongest person i know, and your dedication to everything you do just proves that," he smiles, pulling you in so you can rest your head on his shoulder again.
"stronger than you and satoru?" you ask, finally smiling a little as the tears begin to subside.
"way stronger," he responds, kissing your forehead before pulling the two of you down to lay on your bed.
"wait, i have homework, suguru-"
"just for a bit, baby. i know how tired you are, it's okay," he whispered, pulling you in closer and beckoning you to finally close your weary eyes.
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elliesflower · 1 year
i saw you in a dream [7]
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summary; it's winter break and that guitar has got to go.
chapter; 7/10 2.3k words
cw (per chapter); language, angst, TW: CAT >:(
an; hellaaaaurrrrrr i don't have much to say except ur all amazing and wonderful and thank u so much for loving this story so hard. i love u all more than words. (also sorry not much ellie in this chapter, next chap will be longer and most likely have smut teehee) ((also this isn't proof read so sorry if there's weird mistakes i'll go back nd fix later ok love u bye!!))
Your last interaction with Ellie had you feeling pretty defeated. You had thought that maybe you were getting somewhere—but now, with Cat in the picture, you were ready to give up.
“I’ll fucking kill her,” Dina threatened when you explained the whole story. You shook your head, laughing. “Seriously, she has no right to fuck with your emotions like that.”
“Dee, it’s fine. I wouldn’t call it ‘fucking with me,’ either. Relationships can be messy and break ups are even messier. You of all people should know that.”
“Don’t you fucking dare even mention that disgusting, vile creature,” she pretended to gag at the thought of her ex. All the verbal abuse she had to endure, you’re amazed she lasted so long with them in the first place. “But seriously. You guys had a vibe. That was fucked up of her to not even mention it. It obviously seemed like she was intentionally keeping it from you.”
You pursed your lips, looking down at your hands as you picked at your cuticles. 
“I don’t know…” you trailed off, shrugging your shoulders. You wanted to believe that Ellie wouldn’t do that to you. Realistically, you understood you barely knew her—the two of you had spent less than a full day together. Maybe it was silly to think she was letting you see her heart.
“No, no, don’t do that,” Dina pointed a finger at you accusingly. “Don’t do that hopeless romantic shit you always do. I’m telling you how it is.” 
“Okay, and maybe it is,” you agreed. “But—”
“Hello?! No ‘but’s!’ You need to forget about her. You don’t want to get tangled up in that mess, trust me,” she was speaking from experience, and you knew this. You wanted to believe Dina was right. Who would want to be caught up in lesbian ex-girlfriend drama? And yes, the lesbian part makes a difference. Perhaps it was just the adrenaline of a new crush—the yearning to be in a relationship, so strong you feel like you’d do anything, anything to be with that person, no matter what they’ve done, no matter what they say. Lust can be dangerous.
“Okay, okay,” you gave in. “I’ll leave it alone.”
Dina squinted at you curiously. She probably didn’t believe you, but it didn’t matter. You knew she had your back, always. She’d never do something you weren’t okay with, and she’d forgive you if you did go crawling back to Ellie. Which was still very much…up in the air. 
“That’s what I thought,” she said with a smirk, but it wasn’t very definitive.  
The next few days were…weird, to say the least. With Christmas quickly approaching, the amount of people on campus slowly thinned out—Dina included. She was heading east to be with her family for the holidays, which left you alone in your dorm for a few days. You spent most of the time aimlessly scrolling on your phone, confirming next term’s classes, and making last-minute holiday plans with your own family. It was all very…mundane. 
Which is a weird feeling; your outside life being so normal, while your brain was scrambling trying to make sense of your feelings about the whole Ellie situation. It had been over a week, and she hadn’t texted. Neither had you, but you weren’t sure what was left to say. You wanted to side with Dina, leave Ellie in the past and let Cat have her. 
But the other part of you—the hopeless, yearning sapphic—wanted to reach out. Every time you saw a short-haired redhead from the back, your heart rate increased. It was a little pathetic, if you were being honest, the way your heart fell when they’d turn around and it was not in fact Ellie coming to reconcile. It made you want to call her; want to see her; want to see if the two of you could really become something, after all; want to know what else spilled from her lips when she was high, and anything else she’d give you. 
It sure didn’t help that everytime you walked into your dorm you were stared down by the guitar you were really regretting buying instead of renting. Now that you didn’t have a….teacher, anymore, you were sure it’d just start collecting dust over there in the corner. 
“Fuck it,” you mumbled to yourself one day after you’d been staring at the case for far too long, deciding you were going to take it down to the student store and see what they’d offer you for it. 
The weather was bitterly cold, but it surprisingly wasn’t raining. You zipped your coat up all the way to your chin, readjusting the guitar strap over your shoulder as you walked across campus to the store. Today was the last day it’d be open before they closed for the holidays, so naturally the store was eerily empty, aside from the two students working behind the counter. 
You let your fingers trail across a few cute embroidered journals on your way up to the counter, where a very unenthusiastic student turned to greet you. 
“What can I help you with?” They asked flatly, resting their elbows on the wooden counter that separated the two of you. 
“Uh, I was hoping to see how much y’all would give me for this guitar,” you explained, hoisting the case up to the counter and unlocking it. Upon flipping the top, the worker gave out a low whistle of appreciation. 
“Has it ever even been used? It’s in perfect condition,” they said, grabbing the neck to pull it out and examine it. 
“Uh, just a handful of times…I took the class for one semester,” you explained, one hand subconsciously rising to rub the back of your neck sheepishly. 
“And you didn’t just rent one?” 
Okay, well damn. 
“Wasn’t thinking, I guess…” There’s nothing like a stranger confirming what you already knew to make you feel even worse about your initial purchase. They gave you an amused smile before leaning the guitar against the back of the counter.
“Give me a minute to run some numbers,” and luckily, they didn’t mention your stupid purchase again, and retreated to a computer. You leaned over the counter as well, pulling out your phone to mindlessly scroll. The electronic door chime sounded from behind you and the other employee shouted a greeting across the store. You didn’t pay it any attention until you heard a very distinct voice respond.
“Oh my gosh, it is freezing out there!” 
Your whole body tensed, your grip on your phone becoming tighter as she started to chatter away—of course her striking presence had the other employee out of their seat, smile plastered across their face as they made their way over to continue chatting with…her. 
Of fucking course. 
The whole point of coming here was to get this little part of Ellie out of your room—and now, an arguably bigger part of Ellie just came waltzing through the doors. You made it a point to keep looking at your phone, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of your attention. Even though she definitely had it, how could she not? Her voice was sickeningly sweet, even though it somehow made you feel sour, resonating over the quiet music playing in the store.  
“Elliott, you are such a riot!” She laughed from behind you. Her vernacular was straight out of a sixties romance movie, and you wondered briefly if that just added to her charm. You’d known girls like her—you know the ones who have to swear up and down that they’re not like other girls, when in reality, they are like clones roaming the earth. They all have the same cadence, the same attitude, the same god complex. Sometimes you wonder what it would be like to be so blissfully ignorant. 
“Alright,” the clerk said after another grating minute of you trying to remain undetected. “This is the best I can do for you.” They at least had the decency to look apologetic as they slid you a scribbled note. You blinked down at the number. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” you mumbled. The offer was less than half of what you originally paid for it. Not that you were expecting a miracle, but this was a little insulting. “You said it was in perfect condition…”
“I know,” they agreed, putting up their hands defensively. “There’s only so much I can do. I have to go by the school’s policies.” 
You frowned at the note for a moment, wishing nothing more than to go back in time and never sign up for that stupid guitar class. Or even if you did, you wished you’d never seen that stupid flier on that stupid tree on this stupid campus—maybe then you wouldn’t be stuck with your heart in your throat, choked up listening to Ellie’s ex-girlfriend slash roommate filling up the room with her stupidly charming personality. 
Wait a second, did she leave? Her voice disappeared, and the second clerk was returning back behind the desk. Maybe you should—
“Oh, c’mon,” she was peering over your shoulder in an instant, invading your space and making you flinch. Her floral perfume overwhelmed your nose, her black and silver bracelets tinkling as she examined the note on the counter. “We can do better than that, no?” Her arm was pressing your bicep, she was so close to you, you could hear her breathing and see her perfectly styled hair framing her sharp cheekbones. You were so taken aback by her boldness, by her invasiveness, you found yourself nodding.
She looked over at you, and her teeth were like pearls, shiny and probably not real. You just blinked at her, acutely aware that your expression was most likely not very kind. 
“Look, Cat,” the clerk started, and of course they knew her name. “You know I have to follow university protocols for these kinds of things.”
“C’mon, Dakota,” and yeah, of course she knew their name too. “There’s nothing you can do? For old times sake?” She leaned onto her elbows, resting her chin in her hands with a dopey look on her face. Good god, is this a joke? If so, it wasn’t very funny, because Dakota was now suppressing a grin, grabbing the paper off the counter before glancing at you briefly. 
“Let me see what I can do,” they smiled, returning to the computer. You wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. Not that it would make much of a difference, anyways. You were pretty much invisible until Cat showed up anyways. 
“Well, that’s more like it!” Cat grinned, crossing her arms and leaning a hip against the counter, facing you. “Nice to see you again, by the way.” An afterthought. 
You forced a smile back, your deeply embedded people-pleasing outweighing your disdain. 
“Cat,” you went straight for the formalities. You wanted to get out of here as quickly as humanly possible. “Likewise.”
“You left so quickly last week I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye!” She exclaimed, reaching out to grab your shoulder. It was like she was from another planet. “Ellie’s been talking about you.” You really hoped her otherworldliness didn’t give her the power of supersonic hearing, because she may have heard your heart fall into your stomach at the mention of Ellie’s name. But perhaps, she still did anyway, because she was cocking her head ever so slightly, crossing her arms over her chest again. 
“Oh, yeah I wasn’t…feeling great,” and it wasn’t a complete lie. You’re amazed you didn’t throw up all over the both of them the minute Cat got all handsy with Ellie. Cat still looked at you sideways, like she was waiting for you to respond to her comment about Ellie. No way she was talking about you with Cat. It had to be a ruse. You chewed at your bottom lip nervously, averting your gaze to fidget with your hands rather than be trapped. But she wasn’t giving up.
“Well, she’s been going on and on about how she was so happy she could help you pass your final,” she said, and half of her words were punctuated with a hand gesture. Your heart wa thrumming in your ears.  “She said you were a quick learner and so eager to play guitar. I just didn’t take you for a quitter, the way she talks about you!” 
Talks. Present tense. Fuck, she was good at this. 
“A quitter?” 
“Well, you’re pawning off your guitar,” she said matter-of-factly. You furrowed your brow, but quickly let it smooth out. 
“I never planned to play guitar long-term. Ellie knew that.” Or at least you thought she did. Cat was making it really fucking hard to tell what was real or not. Her smile faltered for a fraction of a second, before she was standing up straighter and shaking a few jet-black tendrils of hair from her face. 
��Well, then,” and she was no longer holding back. Her eyes very blatantly scanned you, up and down before she continued. “Let’s see what we can get you for this guitar then, yeah?” 
And as if on cue, Dakota returned to the counter. They walked straight to Cat as if you had never existed in the first place. 
“Alright, how’s this?” He slid the note over, and the number was significantly higher. You felt like a second class citizen. You were fuming—not that they would notice as they looked into each other’s eyes like they were Romeo and Juliet or something. How is it that Cat can weasel her way into everything that’s yours? 
Hah. As if Ellie was ever yours.
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leclerking · 8 months
max x reader (you)
enemies to lovers slow burn or fast burn idk idc
write a self indulgent fic when you're drunk
slayyyyyy im drink rn girlie lets write some fan fictionnnn
do i make this aesthetic? ok maybe i make it aesthrtic
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so its a clubbing scene. im drinking as usual. i want to dance but my friends arent dancers. they're also tired. a man comes up to me and i instantly want to rail him.
he says " you wannt to dance?? ' i said " Yeah dude all night' . so we're on teh dance floor and we're dancing and my friends are at a distance somehwer in the club
then i fall tired so i left to ge t a drink and join my friends, just as i sit down with them, this man. built like a tree. same one from earlier comes back and says lets dance again come on. i was tired but he was handsome so i wen back to dance. then again i was tired so i came bk. and so did he. "come onnn the night is young lets go back" he pleads with a huggee smile. as if he slept with a hanger in his mouth
"dude WHO EEVN ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU STILL HAVE THE ENERGY??' i asked as i was close to passing out. (just like rite now while i amm typing this)
but he just smiles and takes my hand and i follow him and we're again having fun on the dance floor. soon enough i couldnt do tjis anymore so i tell my friends that we can leave. and we'er sitting on a bemch outside waiting for our uber AND GUESS WHO SHOWS UP!
"you want to catch a drink later someday again?"
i only stare at him. what does he even mean?? " i dont live in this city, i'm here for like 5 days. also WHO ARE YOU i still domtknow your name yet!! how will i even find you??'
'so u do want to find me? " he smirks " if we have one last dance left togther, maybe we will find eachother " and with that he left.
------------------------- im so tired im going to continue this when im drunk mext time i hop e i dont forget the storu--------------------------
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OKAY so now this is probably the next day or the day before we leave the city (i dont know which citty)
im in the lobby with my friends, just back from a whole tiresome day of site watching ? seeing?? the city. im waiting to get something frm the recption and i hear his voice.
" you're here??" "omg dude are you stalking me ?????" i ask with a smile! LIKE WHY AM I SMILING ??!!
" nope. my friend actually lives hre. i came to drop her off "
" you have a girlfriend?" "would not you like to know??"
" nvm i dont, bye"
"okay wait, shes just a friend, and besides i came to drop her AND her boyfriend." and idk what to say, i wanna ask him out but whats the point ill leave tomorrow...
" would you like to go out today? i know this really really great place that has a great salsa night..." not like the dip like the dance!
"sure i'd love that" why am i brushing like an idiot. i told him i'd meet him down in just a few minutes. and sooner than later we were at this beautiful place, you could see the coast. so many people were dacing through tje entire street.
and then so were we. one mimosa after another. one song after another and we were both super drunk and laughing anf giggling and dancing and just having the greatest time ever.
and we continued to have a great time even after we got back to my room. im sure we had great sex. and we wer arguing about something i dont remmbr and having a roast contest. thats all i remembr.
because when i woke up, he was gone. not a single trace. no note, nothing... AND I STILL DIDNT KNOW HIS NAME. was he just a ghost? perhaps my drunk imagination or halusination...
went down for breakfast and met my friends. and they asked me about last night. AND I ASKED THEM FOR CONFIRMATION " SO I WASNT THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD SEE HIM??"
maybe he was real.. but i had to leave in a few hours. maybe he would just have to remain a core memmory to me in this city. and it sucks because he has the cutest smile, and the best energy when it came to dancing.
the whole time, in the taxi, the airport , the flight.. okay maybe no tthe flight because i usually fall asleeep. i thought about him and waht a wonderful time we had.
would i ever see him again??
I want to take this time annd appretiate some of my friends or moods as they say on thos web site. It is 3 am her
@crimsonicarus @lesharl-eclair @sebsore @sebscore @jelloecat @hellocat? @jelliecatz @scuderia-leclerc starcentral @strkctrl @stqrsctrl @deadaydreams @fhumingrace you guys salllaayyyyyyy 💗🤍💕❤️💔💌❤️‍🩹💟❤️‍🔥🫦💋
OH WAIT AND @KRIKRISYERR I for the lyf of me caaannot spell this useeename but they give me the best f1 fic recs
This account has lit rally Turner into my safe space 😭😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗
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bananami · 2 years
18+ | mdni
constantly thinking about hawks x reader with a penelope and morgan dynamic from criminal minds bc tell me that’s not exactly how hawks would be
like let’s say you work at his agency as his personal secretary or something and at first everyone is so confused as to whether the two of you are an item or not because you’re constantly flirting but they’ve never seen it go beyond that
and yes, instead of babygirl he calls you things like baby bird (idc if u don’t like it i think it’s kinda cute ok stfu), dove, love bird, etc etc
the first time he met you was when u were first starting out as his new secretary and he just thought u were adorable and was feeling a little flirty and at first it was a joke (not a joke now btw the man has fallen in love with you, how could he not? i mean look at you) but you met his jabs and comments head on and he loved every second of it
so now you call him things like chicken, peacock, big bird, and other very obnoxious and not cute things (although most of your nicknames are not cute your inappropriate and very not HR friendly comments never cease to fluster him)
he’s down so bad, sometimes he’s so happy you’re usually flirting with him over his comms because he’ll turn so red at some of your comments
he’ll be flying up in the air and will call you to have you look up the guy he’s tailing
"hey babybird, I need all the info you can give me on this guy's quirk"
"what do I get in return?"
"careful now, dove, or I might have to punish you"
"oh, I'm so scared"
"be a good girl and help me out here. and maybe I'll bring you back a little treat, huh?"
that treat is kfc, you definitely smacked him after that. but he brought you starbucks the next day to make up for it and you drank that $6 drank and made him get you another after lunch just to be a brat
honestly everyone is so lost and awkward around the two of you. ya'll are an HR nightmare. worst thing that's probably happened was when hawks answered the phone around endeavor and you just
"talk dirty to me"
hawks dumbass just :o *clears throat*
endeavor just stood there like -_- and had to be like "...this is pro hero endeavor...."
yeah you hung up
hawks has never let you live that down
you are nowhere to be found when endeavor visits the agency
ok and yeah the flirty moments are cute and all but the soft moments
thinking about the episode where morgan gets shot but its hawks instead and you're just so worried
"what happened they said you were shot?!"
"i got shot in my bullet proof vest babybird, i'm fine"
"why would they shoot you?!"
"i'm assuming because i'm a hero and they were a villain...but i could be completely off base with that one"
"...next time they better finish the job."
"oh you don't mean that! like you could live without your work husband. who would buy you food and stare at you shamelessly when you wear those pants that make your ass look-"
"this is workplace harassment"
and when you see a large scale hero and villain fight break out on the news on your day off and hawks is nowhere to be seen by the end of it and you keep calling and he won't pick up and you're rushing to the agency to find out what you can worried out of your mind, all of your colleagues confused bc if anyone knew where he was it would be you, if he would call anyone to tell him he was alright you would be the first and they're sure of it
and it's not until you hear the soft little "babybird" behind you that you're spinning around and running into his arms and he's holding you tight, apologizing because he lost his phone in the fight and he stopped at your place first to check on you and let you know he was ok but you had left your place to check on him and!!!
ok but flirty moments seriously
"hey lovebird, don't tell me you've forgotten about me after working a single mission under eraserhead"
"i WISH i was under shota"
"did you just first name eraserhead?"
"he's not even a dad"
"i would offer to make him one so quick"
"that's it, no more lending you out to other agencies, clearly you can't behave yourself"
he gets chicken nuggets for the both of you for lunch one day and you just stare at him until he's like wtf do u want
"is this technically cannibalism for you?"
"why are you like this?"
"i just want to know because you're like a bird eating another bird, you know?"
"i'd eat you given the chance, what does that make me then?"
you choke on your sprite "a whore"
you fall asleep at the agency and he finds you working late too so he picks you up and carries you to his office and lets you sleep on his couch he has for when he's working long hours
sometimes you sleep talk, mumbling things like love and keigo and birdbrain
and he just smiles and kisses you on the forehead
bc he's very much in love with you and very patient in waiting for you to maybe hopefully love him back
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Kyle. Hi. Wow. Ok. I'm sad. Wow gonna miss u hard.
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Ok so the Brendan Shanahan media availability just ended. Wow, he revealed a fair bit and didn't hide that letting Kyle go was his decision and revealed when he changed his mind from fully working on extending his contract, to ok thank you but bye.
The timeline:
Off-season 2022: shanny tells dubas they're going to wait and see how the 22-23 season goes and then decide on whether or not to extend him. Kyle all cool beans super profesh
Season: goes well normal ups n downs. Owners & board & shanny are happy
Trade deadline 2023: shanny is very pleased and now there's not much else for GMs to do rn so tells dubas we want to extend you. Kyle all cool beans i want that too here's my agent's deets y'all figure it out keep me out of it while i focus on the end of season & playoffs
Friday May 12: Leafs nation crashes and burns out of the playoffs in round 2
Saturday day off
Sunday they all come in for team pictures and shanny & dubas chat and he tells dubas you did well this doesn't change anything we still want to extend you. also everyone will be talking to media tmr you don't have to i won't be. Kyle all cool beans but I'm gonna bc the players & coach have to and i should support them
Monday May 15 - Kyle Dubas speaks to media -> he did not confirm yes/no on whether he wanted to stay as GM, answers with this season was v hard on my family and i have to speak w them before i answer in any way at all
Shanny's brain goes all WTF. Yes we've talked extensively at every conversation about how hard this season has been on your family. But like did not expect that response to the media. So then shanny's all driving home that night thinking ok i have to think about the possibility of next season having a different GM
Tuesday - they don't chat
Wednesday - shanny goes to see dubas. They talk about his Monday media availability cuz shanny got questions cuz like wtf. They talk about pressure on family in this industry both as player and management. Kyle says his agent will contact him tmr and shanny all uhh ok but I'm like still so confused girl
Thursday - dubas agent sends shanny a new contract w different financial package expectations. Kyle emails shanny that night i wanna be ur GM boo🫶 but shanny already got the ick factor going and is so not into it anymore
Friday May 19/today - shanny drove to dubas office at ford performance centre and told him we will not be extending ur contract 😭😭😭
Brendan Shanahan speaks to media
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If you've got the urge and u really love kyle highly encourage you watch/listen to both of their press conferences. Shanahan speaks highly of Dubas keeps it profesh there is none of the bad blood we heard about
Kyle is so awesome, open, emotional and possibly its the last time we'll hear from him for awhile since he's no longer with MLSE nor any other org. He said in his media that if he were to not be GM with leafs, in no way would we be seeing him signing with another team like next week. His answer didn't have anything to do w having other job offers.
My overall conclusion:
shanny no longer saw the 100% passion and want for the job anymore from dubas during his Monday press conference. And it's ok if that is how kyle is feeling bc he clearly needs to focus on family for a bit now after just a rollicking season & stressful as shit playoffs. Yes Kyle was in a vulnerable state so soon after playoffs elimination and probably shouldn't have been judged for his contract extension based off of that. But workplaces and jobs are like relationships where if the want to work isn't fully there anymore it is going to turn off your coworkers and boss, and his lack of confirmation of wanting to be GM to the press really drove home that he was still on the fence and iffy about going all in on the job despite the horrible 2nd round loss.
Wherever you go kyle, I'm following you, even if you go to one of my hated teams bc i know you'll fix the org & locker room culture like you did at the leafs💙💙💙
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hyper-newt · 5 months
Comet Hook devlog #1
Making a prototype
Other devlogs : 1 - 2 - 3
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Do you think fishing games are too calm ? well I DO So here's a game about you throwing boulder at fishes posessed by alien
Throw comets at possessed fishes to help them go back to normal (no softness against mean aliens >:()
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-- everything is placeholder please don't juge the art too much --
the post is pretty long so click below to read it all ! (i don't want to flood your dashboard so i put a read more here)
Ok I might have some explaining to do
What does that mean??
I wanted to make a fishing game inspired by fantasy zone and insaniquarium (a bit weird i know but it can work please)
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But it needs to be a fishing game where you are a little more proactive in the act of fishing
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But what if you attacked fishes before being able to catch them ? That could be fun :)
But fishes are cute and I don't wanna hurt them :(
So I said alien are possessing them, and you need to clean your lake to help your fishes go back to their normal life
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And you can only save them by throwing comets (aka boulders) at them. When they are stunned you can catch them and remove the alien menace (which become a comet itself ! space theme wooo)
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Some fishes might also have special comet with unique effects :o
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And with all this power you need to destroy all fish spawner or bosses idk yet in the level to then fight a big fish boss and save the lake !
And then you move to the next lake with other fishes and repeat saving them :p
How the gameplay work (get fished)
You have a little hook wich follow your mouse
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And you have a little comet that you can throw. But to throw it you need to gain momentum, so move your hook frenecticly and get some !
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And then either bash it on a fish
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Or throw it ! (a bit harder to aim but it goes far and it's safer)
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The more momentum the comet has, the more damage it does !
Then after enough damage the fish is stunned, it's your time to try to catch it. Send your hook on them and a minigame start :
Here you need to put your mouse at the arrow's opposite direction (basicly where the fish is pulling)
And either you don't manage to do it in time and you need to restart damaging it
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Or you win and free the fish of its alien presence
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But you get a small reward, a new comet (which is the alien in its original form)
It's a stronger version of your own comet but it breaks after some hits (resource management time !!)
(also don't worry it won't attack any other fishes it is too exausted)
And now repeat to free all the fishes !
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(also all this gameplay needed way more math than I imagined, and u know math is really anoying like eww numbers)
What's next !
For now that's all that is done, just a prototype :p
But I have plan for what to add next :
Some new fishes with special comets !
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Some environnement
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And having multiples comet at the same time
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Of course that's not everything I planned but that's what I want to add for the next devlog :p
that's all for today, thanks for reading through it !
I hope you find this game a little bit interesting and want to see more of it soon :)
I will probably make 4 or 5 devlogs (including this one) on this game before releasing a demo, and move on an other project (making a bunch of demos to gain some gamemaking experience)
Later, i'll remake this post as a youtube video because it'll surely be better than reading a long post. But I'll need some original music for it and that'll take some time to make (i don't know how to write music lol)
Bye byeeee !!!
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sammie217 · 3 months
Call me baby like you used to.
he forgot to kiss you 3 times this week
at first you brushed it off thinking he is stressed because of the schedules.
“im leaving bye” hyunjin said and quickly left
“hyunjin your lunch-“ You said before he closed the door and left
“whatever ill stop by the company and drop it off later”you said to yourself in your head
you cleaned the house before packing his lunch in a cute lunchbox with cute tooth picks and made the fruit into hearts
you went to the cafe near the company building to get hyunjin and the boys coffee they were probably exhausted practicing
you went inside the building
“Hey Y/N!!! i havent seen you in so long” jian one of the staff member said
“yeahh ive been busy lately i missed you where is hyunjins practice room?” you asked
“let me check the systemi think they are at 3rd floor room 325, yeah it says they are” jian responded
“thank you see you around” you waved
“bye” jian waved back
you got in the elevator and pressed 3rd floor
“excuse me do you know where room 325 is?” you asked the lady in the hallway
“its to the right” the lady said
“Thank you have a nice day”
you knocked on the door and chan opened it
“oh hey Y/N come in” chan greeted you
“thank you where is hyunjin?”
“I think he went to help riko with their new dance collab” felix responded
“yeah he did” changbin said
“ohh okay here is coffee for you guys i know you guys are tired”
“thanks Y/N very much needed haha” jeongin replied
“No problem should i leave hyunjins lunch here or go hand it to him? “
“go give it to him he might take long” lee know said
“the room number is 408 by the way” seungmin said
“okay thanks bye see you guys around”
“BYEE” they all said at the same time
you got at the 4th floor and found room 408 you looked from the glass next to the door you saw hyunjin and who you believed was riko on top of hyunjin holding his hands on top of his head
he looked up at the door and saw you looking he looked shocked pushed the girl off and got up to follow you.
you just ran to the elevator with tears in your eyes
“Y/N angel wait” he yelled
he catched you before you entered the elevator
“Let me explain angel-“
“there is nothing to explain hyunjin. YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME YOU DIDNT LIKE ME IT WOULD HURT LESS” you said while trying to escape his hug
��let me go!” you said
“wait listen to me” hyunjin said
“what?!!? what is it say it” you yelled while crying
“she was forcefully kissing me i swear!” he said looking into your eyes
“i don’t believe you Hwang Hyunjin” you said angry and sad at the same time
“don’t call me that angel call me baby like you used to”
hyunjin said sadly
“i swear im saying the truth just check the cameras please angel” hyunjin said while also tearing up
“fine. show me the cameras” you said still not believing
“ we need to ask JYPAPI to show” hyunjin said
(i had to include that im sorry)
you went to JYPAPI’s office
hyunjin knocked
“Hello jay papi park can i see the cctv footage of room 408 please” hyunjin asked while bowing
“Hello to you to Hyunjin” jay papi park said
“and hello Y/N” jay papi park waved
you bowed “hello papi park”
“ok hyunjin ill send u the fotage on your phone” papi park said
“okay thank you bye Mr Papi park have fun” hyunjin said
“bye Mr park” you said
“bye kids”
he sent the footage to hyunjins phone and there you saw how she forced him to kiss her
“im still sorry angel it wont happen again” he said while hugging you
“its okay baby i love you”
“how about i take the day off and we hangout for a bit ive been so busy lately sorry for forgetting to give you hugs ahd kisses” hyunjin said
“you noticed too hehe and sure if chan allows you to” you said happily
did i write this at 1 am again?
yes. help it turned out so bad i was planning to make it sad ending but i was like i already made 2 with sad endings anyways so YEAH hope you enjoyed HAVE FUN BYE BYE
send me requests please im running out of ideas 😔😔
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
OK SONIC OC TIME (putting as a read more since it'll get long <3)
so as a lot of u know (about 50% of u at least) i have two main sonic ocs that i posted about a lot
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Phantom (top) and Ghost (bottom)! these two were (and still are) very special to me especially phantom since she was the first oc i made when getting back into the fandom (plus she's self-shipped with Rouge... the thieves.... my ladies <3) and ghost is the persona i think i would have in the sonic universe ^-^ you can read more about them on their toyhou.se's! (ghost's is outdated tho... need to fix that) https://toyhou.se/12423400.phantom-the-raccoon
https://toyhou.se/14189793.ghost-the-bat onto more non-canon ocs and one-off ocs: phantoms extended family! from left to right: Kurse - Spectra - Shade - Specter (L) and Wraith (R)
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again mainly story ocs for the side-story that included phantom in the sonic universe, i kinda dropped the idea once i fell out of the phantom but maybe ill pick it back up. maybe...
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these two aren't related BUT im really proud of them regardless Nova is (obviously) based on my birds and the Riders games and my kind-of-hidden obsession over space. she got redesigned twice before i was happy with her design (the one im showing you), and tbh it was probably a good thing that i waited a year to do so LMFAO Roxanne was sort of a "oc im making for funsies but i got too invested" oc, and was meant to be in a trio band with two other bandmates (I've finished one so far, her name's Skylar and that right doodle went crazy on twitter when i first posted it)
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these next ones are also other ones i did for funsies, so i wont put much besides little information or just their names: Nebulus the unicorn (Sonic and the Secret Rings inspired)
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Nitre the ghost-cat (one i did for funsies, honestly LOVE their design still it SLAPS.) they have a zombie pomeranian friend named Candy that i've yet to design also...)
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Coco the lop-eared bunny (one i did for funsies)
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Both unnamed (did this as apart of that "give me 3 emojis to make an oc" trend a while back and i still liked how these came out
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And lastly the most recent one, Miss Muffy! (sadly the last one i did before i fell out of sonic)
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soo yaaaa those were my sonic occs i hope u guys liked theeemmm ^-^ obv it wasn't all of the ocs i made considering i have a lot still as wips and stuff that i don't feel confident in showing but i hope this list was a good way to see all the different designs i did!! ok bye now
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( ill drop my AF and toyhou.se for people who want to know more about some of these oc's since they're a bit better at giving lore n stuff: ) https://artfight.net/~oh_gh0st https://toyhou.se/oh_gh0st
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parkerflix · 2 years
wc: 0.6k
a/n: the style of this chapter as if it’s a move script thought it was fitting since it’s a tv interview and very dialogue heavy.
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and now an exclusive interview here on starstruck tv with choi yeonjun about his latest singles & the mystery girl! (crowd cheers)
[STELLA]: hello and welcome back to the studio yeonjun!
[YEONJUN] : thank you for having me here stella! it’s an honor to be here (laughs)
[S]: as you can see the studio audience is so excited to see you and talk about this project that you’ve been working on. why don’t you explain what the concept is behind “strawberry lipstick” ?
[Y]: well it’s a much more different concept than anything i’ve done it the past. the song is very more rock and guitar heavy and i feel like it was just time to do something completely different than before. i think the concept was how relationships can be easily exploited when with someone who has ill intentions, and how the person in the relationship can’t see that.
[S]: and the phrase strawberry lipstick? it seems to be an innuendo for something else… (crowd laughs)
[Y]: i can neither confirm nor deny that!
[S]: so let’s switch and talk about the other song released “lie to me”. tell me about that song and that process.
[Y]: lie to me was one of the last songs to be made, and it took a while to truly articulate the words i wanted. i had some amazing friends help me along with the process. the song is about when love just doesn’t line up. when maybe you were two people who were in love once but circumstances or people changed that. it’s very much a heartbreak song, but i feel like it has something melancholy about it. one person can see the other is happier and doing better, while the other is still stuck in love. i mean we’ve all had that feeling , unreciprocated love, sometimes wanting to be lied to just to spare us from the truth. it was a very difficult song to write but i love how it came out.
[S]: and it’s a very good song. i was wondering, in the song is there a specific line that you like the most?
[Y]: hm… well when you put me on the spot (he smiles and covers his laugh with his hand) i think the lines “i wish we never met because you’re too hard to forget” is my favorite lyric. it just shows how powerful heartbreak can be, and even sometimes you wish that you had never the person to be able to just cope and endure the pain.
[S]: those are some very meaningful words. does this have any correlation to the mystery girl that’s been going around social media?
[Y]: (awkwardly laughs) well to be truthful, i think i’ve met her a few times? she might be a fan or something i’m not really sure.
[S]: oh come on yeonjun, fans spotted you guys at the mall recently together as well as fighting outside of supernova. are you sure you don’t know who she is?
[Y]: oh is she the fan i met at the mall? i meet fans everywhere but i didn’t know that it was her. we probably just shopped at the same stores. honestly i meet so many lovely fans that it’s hard to keep track. and as for supernova, i think i spooked her by accident and it was just a conversation of me scaring her accidentally. i think she wanted to be alone outside and seeing someone else there scared her. her reaction was a valid one. (he half smiles, crossing his feet together)
[S]: so you’re saying that the rumors are not true? you don’t know yn?
[Y]: sorry stella, the rumors aren’t true. we might have similar friends and had run ins but i don’t know her. i hope that everyone can respect her privacy though and the privacy of everyone that was swept up in that whole rumor.
[S]: well you heard it here first, and up next, yeonjun will be performing his newest songs! stay tuned after the break!
(the camera man calls cut and stella thanks yeonjun for the interview)
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a/n: pls lmk what u think of this format! ok bye
taglist: open! send an ask!
(insert divider here bc tumblr won’t let me format)
taglist!: @gothmingguk @simplystraykids @pikachuwithadalek @envy-brr @jimblekook1 @minasbadweather @taesputnik @planethyuka @hannahdinse8 @90s-belladonna @ye0njunch01 @taejinxkoya @meiiiwa @catecita @kingkaithekiwi @13isacoolnumber @hoshi4k @hobistigma @jiminaaaahhhh @nycol-ie @bettyschwallocksyee @nshitae @bngchhris @daisyhwa @fool4yjn @lokideadontheinside @pixyseeun @salty-satan @97bbies @etherealcherrie @jisungsquirrelhabits @jaemsluvr @soobsdior @jeonkoookiee @00-baejin-05 @pineapple-hoseok @mintay @lovesoo @berrychyuu @poutypeachyprincess @meowtella @ahnneyong @vantezza @junniesavidreader @letmeal0ne @aj-1154 @ibunnygyu @mellowhumandonkeyprune @mochisnlix @jaiuneamesolitaiire @soobana @hey-i-really-miss-you @jaycheoluwu @multi4lifer @tulips4u @jejenono-ren @navsnct @squiishymeow @marksluvs @stroberrylite @butterflx @socialcastawayreject @summery-bat @viscoolreal @whosayeonjunie @7suno @nomniki @angelictomione @lunaflvms @blaaiissee
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hoshigray · 6 days
okay im gonna day a LOT because its been 8 years since i been here
1. fic was great but u always write good shit so lets pretend to be shocked
2. lmk when ur requests are open again bc i got a freaky one
3. i saw megan live and wow i love that woman
4. i genuinely keep crying everytime i see gojo with them stitches pls just let toji comeback to live so he can tag team sukuna w maki w a glock and we can ve free
5. gave up on my main nigga so now im talking to his friend and i like his friend a lot!!
6. everyone tryna act like they understand shoko to where they can criticize her decision of her being ok w yuta using his body is so upsetting to me bc yall dont know my wife
7. i miss when jjk was silly n fun
- megan anon
It's so wonderful to see you after a whole decade, Megan noonie 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
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1) omg YIPPEEEEE, you read the fic!! And awww, stop you're too kind, Megan, mwah 🤧💕 bye "let's pretend to be shocked" you got jokes, lmaoo
2) I will !! Lowkey, I think they'll be open sometime next week, but idk, we'll see how fast I can get to finishing reworking my rulebook.
3) LUCKY ASSSSSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Omfg ik you had a grand time, seeing the fancams have me jelly!! My time will come!!!! I need to see my Queen fr
4) NAH I'M SAYING THO, LIKE IF THIS MANGA IS GONNA KEEP GETTING RIDICULOUS, MAKE IT EVEN MORE ALL OVER THE PLACE!! bring toji back for one last scare for whatever reason, and have a mentor-apprentice vs kuna fight w/ maki and and he's just gonna blow this mf with the Mac (yeah ik this is delusional and they would be nerf3d but shiiiiiit, would've been a lot more fun than all this fiasco we've been undergoing for the past 10 chaps, lol).
5) Oh my, so you dumped the main guy (even though you said he's not really ya mans lmfao), and now you are hopping to his homie!?!? Well, as long as you're having fun, then that's all that matters 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️💟💟 (and hopefully, your ex doesn't be an ass about it if he knows)
6) Mmmm tbh yeah, ngl in the beginning I was a bit too critical of th3 decision planning (prob bc I was so bombarded with the information about the plan + her being one of his last dear friends and not showing a bit of restraint/reluctance to the plan); but now, that's just how Shoko is since she was neutral on Geto becoming anti-sorcery, so it makes sense that she's the Gojo body plan (and I'm sure she has feelings about the plan as a whole, but is probably pushing them aside as we're dealing with a huge threat to the modern world right now). But I get it, tho bc the hate she and Yuta got for that was so unwarranted like???? Calm tf down????
7) bro, I'm just waiting for this manga to end for me to turn around and make Canon convergence and rewrite some of this tomfoolery, starting with after Hidden Inventory arc 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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midknitefox · 22 days
My reactions to Dr who's newest season cuz I'm just now catching up (I forgot to keep watching after episode 1 so I'm on episode 2. anyways. spoilers below the cut.)
episode 1 doctor saves ruby Sunday from this crisis thing that she's somehow gotten herself into.
ep2: space station in the far future. "my mums long gone now isn't she" "let me see your phone"
Rose was my favorite companion (probs because I started watching new who when I was young since It came out the same year I was born. probs a mistake since I dont remember anything that's not Clara or Rose tyler. anyways.)
she's a blondie with a leather jacket and. and.
idk I'm going out on a limb comparing their appearances but tHE PHNE THING
Rose handing Eccleston her flip phone vs Ruby handing Gatwa her modern phone I'm (I don't have pictures but just trust me I'm going insane. I started rewatching s1 recently for nostalgia so it's fresh in my mind.)
watch "I'll catch you in a minute merry christmas" turn into "Hi I'm back after half a year what'd I miss" 😭 if they do that ima be real mad but I'm sure they won't cuz that wouldn't make SENSE. do keep in mind. I'm only on episode 2..
what the fuck. talking baby. I'm losing my mind this is so funny OH MY GOD. IM SORRY IM LOSING IT THIS IS INSAN
"when was the last time you had a hug?" "never" casually breaks down in tears.
stop fr stop "nobody grows up wrong. you are what you are and that is magnificent."
can u tell I'm going insane
the doctor scaring the babies is so funny to me help 😭
ok this is depressing.
"I've met a million ugly bugs. IM an ugly bug." lmao. doctor. I love you.
she reminds me of rose I'm going to explode man...
SJSJJAHSJABSJSZB "Ruby it's snot!" "it's not!" I'm crying 😭
NOOOO NOT THE BOGEYMAN THE DOCTOR LOOKS SO SD ☹️😭 MAN why this episode so. man..
this is so sweet but the babies speaking is so surreal to me it's uncanny......... help what ????
I love them screaming like teenage girls
and bros laying down the "we can't go to ur past to this pivotal moment in your life to meet the parent you never got to meet"
I feel like rose could've used that lesson, huh? paradox avoidance moment when rose created a paradox and now they're visiting mum ok! is mum gonna find out about and OMG JFHZJZBSJSHSJS. "TELL YOUR MUM NOT TO SLAP ME" IM GENUNELY GONA CRY HELP. PLS OH MAN.
What the fuck does the screen thing at the very end say wtf is happening huh???? now I'm just CONFUSED STOP DOING THIS ARGH
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ok I was planning on watching episode 3 next and writing down my thoughts but I can FEEL MY HEART RACING as if I just drank half a can of monster so I need to CHILL. OK thats all I have to say bye !!!! I'll probably do this again tmr !
no I'm not fixing any spelling errors I misspell things when I'm excites it happens
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softcarebears · 1 month
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
my playlists are shit and old so (i probably have to redo them)...i used my favourite mix instead😭 notice how everything is k-pop💀😘😛😘
🎸ive-i am
🍭kiss of life-sugarcoat (natty solo)
🌠aespa-lucid dream
🎙ive-off the record
a mini playlist of new (or not so new) kpop songs i've been listening a lot lately🌷:
👹itzy-born to be & untouchable(BEST ALBUM??)
🧜🏻iland 2-final love song (I LOWKEY DESPISE SURVIVAL SHOWS im only watching snippets dw (mnet stole iland from hybe😔so hybe had to do runext lol...mnet and hybe probably fought...BUT...MY MOTHER JEEMIN WILL FINALLY DEBUT FOSHO AFTER NOT DEBUTING ON RUNEXT...ROOTING FOR HER,JUNGEUN,MAI,YUJU,SAEBI,SUJUNG,JIYOON AND FUKO FR)
💸tripleS lovelution-girls' capitalism (yes im late to this song but shh)
💗tripleS lovelution-seoul sonyo sound
🧬tripleS evolution-invincible
🩰red velvet-in my dreams (coquettest album of all୨ৎ)
👅irene and seulgi (redvelvet)-naughty...(PLS RELEASE A 2ND ALBUM MY MOTHERS PLS)
🌇seulgi-los angeles
🫧newjeans-bubblegum (MY GIRLIES STILL SLAYING DESPITE THE WHOLE HYBE VS MIN HEEJIN THING...i hope they are doing alright🥺)
😩enhypen -i need u cover (orig-bts)
💫ive-holy moly
(&the whole dark blood album haha)
🥀enhypen-fate (no i won't move on from dark blood era)
🌎illit-my world
💃🏻lesserafim-smarter (let them live and breathe a bit after that coachella performance...pls)
🍊deja vu-txt
insert whole ass new ive album...😭😭
❄ive-ice queen(I-I-I'M IN THE CASTLE)
⏮️ive-reset (TITITITI)
😰ive-wow (kinda mid...)
yea...ok bye
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butchboromir · 5 months
everyone knows god watches over drunkards and lovers: aka this is my extremely self indulgent rpf Scenario that i have been rotating around in my brain since dec 2022 otherwise known as ons au. if you don't wanna read about my gayass band guys look away now. you have been Warned
this au STARTS during the time period tim and ben are roommates in nürnberg. they both know matze, but not gustl (matze knows gustl tho). also you MUST be thinking about these images like this is the start of ons au
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ben and matze are out wreaking havoc and/or chilling at matze's place or something. basically they're out of tim+ben's place for the night
tim is spending his night bringing home a guy for a one night stand (this is where the au gets its name from). also important: tim's ons looks. Unsettlingly like ben. like, long blond hair, facial hair, tall. if you saw them next to eachother you'd go Hmmmmmm.
anyways. they have a fun night it's fine. tim is like. heart not fully in the spirit of the ons but doesn't know why. but it doesn't ruin any of the fun so it's fine.
next morning, they wake up. tim makes breakfast for them (bc he is a good host) and goes to walk unnamed blonde guy out. however, as they're walking out, guess who is coming back into the apartment? yeah, it's ben and matze.
there's a comedic bit opening the door with:
ben and matze: tired and a little hungover but like. otherwise fine. they just like. chilled and stayed up at matze's apartment and now they're heading over to ben's
tim and unnamed blond guy: tim is like. you can tell he had a ons or whatevs. like. in a tank and u can see some bruises + hickeys or whatever. still has a collar on bc he managed to sleep in it somehow. poor unnamed blonde guy who looks suspiciously like ben is just standing there awkardly
we get a full faceoff that goes:
matze: looks at tim. looks at unnamed blonde guy. looks over at ben. looks back at tim and starts opening his mouth tim: looks at ben. looks over at blonde guy. looks back at ben. OhShit.JPG. turns to look at matze and starts FRANTICALLY beaming Don't Say A Fucking Word vibes at him as hard as possible ben: looks at blond guy. Huh. whatever. then looks at tim. The mechanisms in his brain that end up making him act crazy gay later on start turning into motion unnamed blond guy: looks at ben. then looks over to tim. He Understands Now.
anyways, this all happens simultaneously. everyone then shakes out of it. ben and matze head inside (ben is like. fuck this im sleepy and hungover. bye matze im going. to bed. and matze is like. ok. i am going to wait in the living room for tim i want to say hi to him :)).
meanwhile, tim and unnamed blond guy head outside. Blonde Guy: that was nice, i had fun and hope you did too, good luck with your guy tim: yeah i had a great time too, thank y– wait what? Blonde Guy: you know. the other blonde guy who came in. tim: What Blonde Guy: clearly there is something going on here between you guys + you seemed not Fully Into It at some points last night + i think that’s probably why tim: [going through internal crisis. Fuck. DO i want to fuck ben/do i like him????]
anyways, blonde guy says goodbye to tim and heads out. afterwards tim just kind of stands in the hallway for a little bit like Oh My God What Just Happened. anyways. we should all be giving it up for Blonde Guy he is a literal saint
tim walks back inside, continuing his internal crisis
cue matze, sitting ominously on the couch
matze: sooooooo. what was that about. who was that. why did your ONS look suspiciously like ben tim: Don't Say A Fucking Word matze: are you in love with ben? do you want to f tim: shut the fuck up dude he's literally in the fucking apartment
so matze is like: executive decision. we are going back to my place to discuss this.
at matze’s place:
matze: what was that. Are you in love with ben. tim: Shut the fuck up dude i think i might be a little bit but if you say anything i’ll kill you
after these events matze goes to gustl and is like Gustl i’ve told you about my friends tim and ben right. well you will NOT believe the shit i just saw
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OK. that was the inciting scene, and what gives ons au it's name. now in between this and the felsenfest preproduction trip not a Whole ton happens in terms of the au with tim and ben. like, the band starts, and tim and ben are still getting up to their usual nonsense, but not to the Current Crazy Levels
fschwanz are also present in this au, but to a lesser level. here is a chart of the dtag/fschwanz dynamic:
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ALSO during this period of time: ben/hauptmann fwb situation. it's just kind of inevitable with them. like, they're kissing eachother on and off stage, calling eachother mine ("mein hauptmann/mein hodi"), etc. they're both normal about it though it's just a fun/sweet little thing.
However. Tim also knows about this (note: he did merch for fschwanz just to tour. dtag and fschwanz are often on similar festivals). and ben/hauptmann aren't trying to Hide it. this leads to a dynamic that is like:
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but like, it's fine. the ben/hauptmann fwb scenario eventually breaks off, everyone is still happy and chill witheachother (hauptmann is also a saint for being able to move through All Of This with no issues whatsoever)
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EXPOSITION: for those who don't know: in 2022 tim, ben, and felix (their producer, not taugenix) went up to tyrol for a couple of days to record/write for felsenfest. they rent a little airbnb or whatever. it's cute. now obvs i don’t have the accurate floor plans for it. but. to the best of my knowledge from the video from the patreon (and with some artistic liberties: there are only two bedrooms (and thus beds) (also one of the rooms has like… a nice big tv and the other one Does Not)
so anyways it's like. ben is. i am still undecided on if he knows he's in love or not but like at the very least he does know he's attracted to tim. he's like. not dating or anything tho, and the fwb situation with hauptmann is over
tim is like. fully aware he's in love with ben at this point. just like years and years of pining. also not dating or anything just the occasional ons or whatever
ANYWAYS. they have a nice roadtrip down to tyrol. they get to the house, start unpacking. Hey. Wait. this place only has two bedrooms. we're gonna have three people here. Uh Oh. so tim and ben are both like. ok. whatever. felix (who gets there a day later) can sleep on the couch or something + they both claim a room. the rest of their day is just hiking and having fun, it's nice, tim is tragically in love
like honestly most of this part is like. tim looks at the way the sun hits ben's profile. oh god im sooooooooooooo fucked. it's all Vibes
post hike, tim makes dinner, cute little domestic scene. somehow they come to the consensus of ‘hey let’s watch a movie or something it’s only like 7 o’clock'.
the only tv is in ben's room + because of great airbnb decor choices, the tv is just in front of the bed. and there aren’t like…. any comfy chairs.
but that’s fine, movies are better watched on a bed anyways. i’m undecided on the movie they watch but i’m thinking they settle on lord of the rings. because they are both nerds.
at this bit there’s a lot of ‘oh god how close can i sit/lay next to him without it being weird’ but it’s mostly resolved by the fact that the comfiest and best way to watch has them both super close anyways.
anyways. like… half of the way through the movie tim starts like falling asleep and leaning onto ben + then jerking awake and watching the movie again. rinse repeat a couple of times and then eventually tim is just like. totally asleep on ben. very comfy. movie ends and ben is like well i can’t just wake him up? there is CLEARLY no other alternative here, i guess we’ll just have to share the bed tonight.
next morning. tim wakes up slowly. goes ‘huh… this is a weirdly large pillow. wait that’s ben. What’! and while this is going on the sunlight is filtering thru the window onto ben. the most beautiful spring morning you could have. all blues and golds. tim carefully extricates himself from this situation and goes to make breakfast because he doesn’t know what to do with himself and staying that close would probably be bad for his mental state AND god forbid felix ends up arriving during that and sees it. like…. if this somehow gets back to matze (who takes great joy in tim’s predicament), god forbid, tim might actually die.
anyways. breakfast! sweet domestic morning + then felix arrives
felix is like i do Not care what you guys decided before i got here about the bed situation. i am not sleeping with EITHER of you. tim and ben are like ok no big deal, we can share (both not mentioning last night). we get the nice room with the tv tho. tim grabs his stuff (barely touched) from the other room and moves it over and that’s that. everyone say thanks felix for helping encourage these mutual pining shennanigans
the rest of day 2 is pretty uneventful, mostly producing and stuff. another fun hike (this time with felix) and doing a little bit of recording outside (fun!)
evening now! felix goes to his room, sees that the bed has like, not been touched at all, and goes ‘huh. i will not think about this any further’
meanwhile tim and ben are doing the ‘let’s not make this awkward and pretend nothing out of the ordinary is going (this is making things more awkward).’ song and dance. but it’s fine + they both fall asleep (separate). but you know how it is and the next morning they both wake up inextricably tangled up together. it’s just like. achingly soft i can’t convey this properly through text. tim pretends to be asleep longer than he is just to stay like that for a tiny bit longer.
day 3, more recording and then packing up!
nothing more eventful happens honestly, it’s just continual little scenes that are just like. tim being like. ‘fuck. this is the closest to having him i’ll ever get’. that’s really the whole trip honestly i cannot convey it properly it’s just all these achingly tender little moments during dinner and hiking and recording and the evenings together and both of them think it’s all they can get. Augh
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so, that's all the lead up. now current day is like. gay antics on stage are Ramping Up (note all these videos).
now the current predicament is both of them are being Like That on stage but Nothing further is happening between them so it's just like. Tension off the charts All The Fucking Time.
there is 100% an accidental kiss during seit an seit.
i am undecided if things should turn into like a fwb requited unrequited situation. OR alternately if a fun in vino veritas situation happens to resolve things. because this au is just for me to have fun rolling around in my head and that means as much pining for as long as possible.
ANYWAYS. that is most of ons au. thanks if you read this far
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