#ok listen he may have committed war crimes
dianaraven · 1 year
ok your turn, tell me all about your ocs👀
Sorry this took two weeks to respond to, school makes me work on my own time:
So right now I have two main series that I'm working on, and one manuscript for a different series that is finished and going through editing.
Two main series are called Makings of Magic--previously the "Alexis" series--and Crystal Kingdom. The manuscript I have finished is the first book in my Save the Princess (STP) duology. It was my nano project for 2020 (and I won nano!! which was nice). Most of these have tags: tmom or the makings of magic and stp1 or stp, idr if ive posted much about ck before
The Makings of Magic
This is a whole ass world, nine book + companions series that I've been working on since I was 10. I could literally be here all day explaining who all the characters are, but I'll just go for the main gang and a summary:
Summary: Fantasy minor professional jock Alic gets kidnapped by baddies because they think she has a secret magic that they want to use their evil ways to un-secret. She does not have any of this magic. She ends up being the center of a secret-magic conspiracy and eventually is freed and decides to go after the people who kidnapped her, with another guy they kidnapped, and accidentally creates an international incident and starts a war while the conspiracy-nuts continue to try and prove that they're right by attacking people Alic knows.
Alic is the mc of the series. She's very silly, and very brave. She's one of those people who will do anything on a dare. You cannot scare you, you cannot phase her, you cannot make her uncomfortable. She never lies because she doesn't see the point of it. She isn't afraid of anything. Light of my life. Not very smart <3
Gray is the local prince, and Alic's best friend. They're basically QPR partners. He spends most of his time changing his personality so that people will like him (and thereby listen to him) but really he's very petty and a little neurotic and when combined with Alic willing to do very dumb things, because with Alic, Gray doesn't have to pretend to be put-together, and they love each other a lot and get into loads of trouble <3
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commission from @/lovermyme (alic is right, Gray is left)
Topaz is the manager of Alic's fantasy jock team. He's very suspicious of other people, and very good at spying on others. Alic (and by extension, Gray) decide he is their friend and he gets dragged into their crazy adventures. He leaves for three chapters in book three and they accidentally commit war crimes.
Jacian is a prince and scholar of magic from a nearby kingdom and he is blackmailed into helping the conspiracy-nuts essentially torture Alic until they figure out what magic she has. He and his gang of do-gooders end up freeing Alic, but in the process the conspiracy-nuts kill his father and give Jacian memory loss and brain damage and he sets out to try and figure out what he has forgotten: which is who killed his father and who the Big Bad is. This is a majority of the plot in books three and four as well as his side companion book. He's kinda wishy washy and nerdy which Alic thinks is cute.
Crystal Kingdom
Summary: This is my Princess and the Pea retelling. I'm not going to go too much into the plot here because hehe i like it being a surprise.
Zira: Zira is a paranoid, neurotic prince of a city-state that is constantly under attack (hence the paranoia and neurosis). He's also mean and bitchy and very petty, and doesn't trust Leihari, the supposed nearby Princess who supposedly lost her family and her country after a usurper supposedly kicked her family out. What sucks is that he may also be falling in love with her.
Leihari: Leihari is (supposedly) a princess from a far away city-state who has lost her crown and is staying with Zira and his family. In return for their kindness, she is helping them out with matters of state and other things a princess is supposed to do. She's kind, and a little sad, but trying to make the best of her new situation. It would be much easier of the prince stopped being mean to her. What's really frustrating is that he's wonderful to everyone else--it's just that he's paranoid. But seeing what he is like when he is nice to others makes her yearn to earn his trust, and maybe she starts falling in love with him too. Supposedly. But in the meantime, she isn't going to take any of his shit.
Summary: My nano baby! This is a Princess and the Pauper retelling with dragons!! It's very exciting and i love it a lot :) Takes place in a historical alternate universe (with dragons) in about 500 BCE, in Ancient Israel because I'm Jewish and I thought why the hell not.
Adina: The Princess. Adina was meant to be married off to the highest bidder as any good princess of the time will, until her older brother was killed and she became next in line to the throne. Realizing that she knew nothing about her own people--after all, she's been expecting to be married off--she decides to switch places with someone who looks exactly like her. And everything is fine until the dragons attack.
Adina is quiet and generally second-best, and scared of the unknown and not meant for adventure, but she has a responsibility to go after the dragon that attacked her people, so off she goes. She's even shocked herself by how brave she's trying to be.
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Dekeli: The Extortionist. A cloth merchant who works for dragons and was doing fine until everyone in the known world came out trying to kill a bunch of them. Now he has to get his latest job finished, and the easiest way for him to do that is by extorting Adina's secrets. Ironically, he's the person she can trust the most. Probably.
He's snarky and rude and very good at what he does. Adventure finds him, and he goes with a flair and a quip. It gets on Adina's nerves.
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Mara: The Pauper. She's meek and smart and that's all Adina needs from her, so that's good. Right? Nothing more needs to be said, right? She has no ulterior motives--why would she?... right?
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blackcross-3 · 2 years
CW: Terrorism, War crimes, mentioned suicide bombing, death
Ok, so I saw a YT short about MSFS banning you if you try to go to 9/11.
And, because I am an Idiot, I decided to take a look at the comment, in which people discussed (suprisingly not argueing) about the attack on the twin towers justifying the 'global war on terror'. And while I wasn't yet born in September 2001, I do have an Opinion on it:
Not. In. Any. Fucking. Way.
Because, after the war started, a new terrorist organization rose up and wreaked havoc in the middle east, going from country to country...
Its name?
The U.S. military
By this I do not mean soldiers put a bomb west on and blew themselves up.
But imagine for a second you would have to live in fear of being hit by a 30mm auto cannon of a helicopter, that is so far away you cannot even hear it, unless you listen closely. You could die just because some guy 'mistook' your camera for a weapon.
This actually happened by the way. In 2007 (4 years after the end of the Iraq war) in Iraq a small group of people, and a bystander with two children trying to help the survivors got shot by an Apache attack helicopter from a distance of about 400m(1200ft) away while using armor piercing ammunition.
And do you know why we know that?
Because a journalist found the recording of the optical system that was involved in the incident (link at the bottom). And he found out that this was no exception.
Over the course of the Iraqi an Afghanistan war and beyond about 15 000 civilians were killed by U.S. troops and no one responsible has been punished for it.
Julian Paul Assange, the above mentioned journalist, however is in danger of a 175 year prison sentence.
Well, according to the U.S. he is being accused of treason and leaking of classified information.
But you know that is utter bullshit.
No matter how you bend the circumstances: publishing a video is no possible way worse than commiting literal fucking war crimes
The terrifying thing is that this was not only able to happen, but that it is also just swept under the rug so easily.
But to know why this is possible, we just have to go back to August 1945: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
After the USA dropped two nuclear weapons of mass destruction on civilian non militarised cities, the justification was a 'quick' end to the war, which would otherwise have been a hard and bloody battle for the Japanese mainland.
Even though Japan surrendered only an entire month after the bombs were dropped.
Even though the U.S.A had the most advanced military technology of the time.
Even though there might be indication of this literally being test explosions to see the size of the damage.
'But, hey, ',some of you may say,
'that doesn't matter, because back in the day bombing civilians was not yet a warcrime!'
So was the systemetic trackdown and industrial efficient murder on 6 million innocent jewish people not a warcrime yet.
I mean listen to Hiroshima and Nagasaki put this way: The USA bombed two cities instead of military targets at a time when their reconaissance bombers could fly so high, that the Japanese had no chance of shooting them down and had no ressources left to even fight with.
Now this is not to say, that the Japanese had not commited war crimes, but that is off topic.
What I am saying, however, is that while in Germany you are opening a school book about WW2 and learn about Propaganda and war crimes through analysis of propaganda posters and seeing pictures of piled up bodies, in the USA you learn that the two nuclear weapons dropped on civilian cities were neccesary.
According to Wikipedia about 230 000 people died because of the detonation and after effects, while in the entire pacific war 130 000 U.S. soldiers lost their lives.
They killed almost twice as many people in two days, as the Japanese did in almost four years
Think about that for a moment...
Because as far as I know that is not really taught in U.S. schools, which means that someone reading this might have just now found out about it.
I think you can learn a lot about a countries politics by looking at how they handle the crimes they have commited in war.
Germany is teaching every student, not only that ignorance can lead to horrible things, but that Germany has commited atrocities which it can never forget and will never forget as the debt to all the victims of the holocaust is infinite.
Meanwhile America is teaching students, that killing about twice the amount of people that have died as soldiers in war is justifyable. Even if those people are civilians and include children.
This is why this happens.
Because the topic of the U.S.A commiting war crimes has continuesly been swept under the rug.
Do you think the death of 3000 innocent people is enough to justify the killing of 15 000 people, who are just as innocent?
If you do, then you have no problem with collateral murder.
If you do than you support the death of the 12 innocent people and two children, who are being killed in this video
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luxrayz64 · 1 year
every time I see someone saying that tigerbabygirlstar is right for annexing riverclan I want to scream a little more. I know we're reading books made for 8 year olds but I know some of you guys are too old to have so few critical thinking skills. I don't care if you think that the way riverclan was handling their leadership crisis was "annoying", annexing another nation and inserting yourself as it's leader even if you claim it's only temporary is not going to fucking help anyone, especially when it's a rival clan with a bad history with yours. in what fucking universe is this in any way a good idea. the fact that people genuinely fucking believe that tigerbabygirlstar is doing the right thing here astounds me - he quite literally brought a fucking battle patrol to their camp in the middle of the night and annexed them by force, under threat of death. he claims that he's trying to help them but sometimes someone who is "trying to help" only makes things worse. my grandma giving me a bible for christmas is "trying to help" me. I'm sure that he believes he's doing the right thing, but he also believed that kicking out the sisters was "the right thing". tigerbabygirlstar is consistently aggressive, selfish and misguided.
not to mention that shadow makes it VERY CLEAR that his "help" is not working. all he's doing is pissing riverclan off, spreading himself and his clan thin, putting his warriors at risk, risking war with the other clans, and angering starclan. I cannot state enough that we are told starclan is angry with him, and his response is just "ok but I'm helping" no the fuck he is not!! whatever his intentions may be, this was a bad fucking idea. he is not helping. he is making the situation worse. he always does this, because he is an aggressive, hardheaded, selfish and misguided person who thinks he's doing the right thing but refuses to listen to anyone else.
I'll say it again. he annexed riverclan by force. he committed a war crime. he is not helping. he is a war criminal.
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boldtint · 2 years
Since I'm on somewhat of a roll of criticising StarCraft 2 specifically - here's more. Arcturus Mengsk.
Let's see, how the lore makes him seem, before I'll even say anything.
"Arcturus Mengsk. There's a name that is synonymous with terror, betrayal and violence. A living example of the ends justifying the means. The assassin of the Confederacy of Man. The hero of the blasted world of Korhal IV. King of the universe. A savage barbarian who never let anything or anyone get in his way. And yet, he is charming, erudite and intelligent. When you're in his presence you feel that he's really listening to you, that your opinions matter, that you're someone important if you agree with him."
So, an actual brutal killer, a barbarian, someone who's not gonna stand someone just messing with his plans. Combine that with his combat experience as a commander and you get a pretty scary character that will do anything within his power to keep his position. And considering that he's basically an emperor - he's got a lot of power to do so.
Got that all? Yeah, none of it matters, lol. Forget all that.
In the SC2's campaign he's set up as the main villain of the story. He's basically on the same level of threats as literal space demons (I'm joking, don't kill me, I know that they have a name), infinite zerg armies, and pretty much anything else of such grand scale. The ending of Heart of the Swarm involves us finally taking him down, and this is supposed to be an accomplishment, a major moment in the story, somewhat of a payoff for hard work, yet...
He doesn't do shit in that game. No, really, he does nothing like 90% of the time and whenever you actually interact with his forces they usually are just defending something you're trying to attack.
From the gameplay perspective he's basically a speedbump. Something to slow you down, instead of giving you an option to just speed through some places, just a bit more interactive. He never attacks you, he never tried to take back something you'd take from him, he never tries to assassinate the rebellion's leaders (DESPITE LITERALLY HAVING A DEAL WITH ONE OF THE CLOSEST PEOPLE TO JIM MAY I ADD), he does absolutely nothing. Mengsk is basically a punching bag for you to shoot over and over, yet somehow killing him must feel good?
Ok, maybe the story sets him up as a real villain? Maybe I'm supposed to hate him as a character, not as a competition?
Well, the game barely does anything to set him up as a villain either. Remember the intro to this post? Yeah, if not for wiki and basic knowledge about SC 1 - I'd never even guess anything like that was implied. We barely see him anywhere, except, ironically, around two short cutscenes, and the ending where he dies. His son has more screen time and he's even less of a character than him.
What about gameplay implications though? We do see him actually do something brutal and aggressive toward people that don't agree with him, right?
Well, we do see his forces shooting up a bunch of civilians... That started the fight first, because WE started a riot... Oops. Also he doesn't rescue a planet that needs evacuation due to zergs attacking... Even though we can't be sure he even got their signal at all. Oh, also he has propaganda machines, which are... Pretty basic tbh, even outside of this specific setting. Not like we don't have similar stuff today.
Ok then. We've got a dictator that we're supposed to hate, yet he basically done almost nothing to make us hate him. I'm saying "almost" only because of him basically killing Kerrigan because she had doubts about his plan, end even then - it's motivation for another character, player, at that point, could just pretty much ignore it if he doesn't care about that specific character.
Well, what can be done to actually fix him? What can we do to make people actually hate him for a reason, while being relatively in character with him?
First of all - make him actually commit actual war crimes that are implied. Show us how he's shooting a mass protest BEFORE that same civilian mass starts to throw Molotov cocktails at his people. Make us actually believe that there's no point in peaceful protest, since he stomps them with lethal force. It's kinda hard to believe that rebels actually have to conquer hearts and minds of the people if we basically get a lot of people killed, or straight up murder them by ourselves.
Secondly - give the man more screen time. Like, come on, we barely see him,.we don't see him reacting to anything. Even when Raynor and his crew steal a giant mech and use it to destroy a bunch of stuff during a parade - he's mostly silent. We don't see him being overzealously angry at Raynor and the other rebels for that. We don't even get news about rising defence budget or putting more forces into the cities to maintain order.
Thirdly - make him actually do something against us, oh my god. Even if we ignore the whole "won't tolerate anyone standing in his way" bit - he's a commander. He's smart enough to be an emperor and also smart enough to lead troops into war, yet we never see him do so against us. Yes, the zerg army is much more menacing in comparison to a bunch of weirdos in a spaceship, but when these weirdos start to disrupt your production chains or destroy military bases it quickly becomes a problem that needs a solution and that solution needs to be quick and final.
TL;DR: I'm a better space dictator man.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
🌸 ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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amaterasususanno · 3 years
WangXian - How the siege could (should) have ended
Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights of Mo dao zu shi/the untamed. All rights reserved by their respective owner
Wei Ying cares for the Wen remnants. He desires to protect them.
The world wants Wei Ying and the Wen's gone.
In consequence: The siege could never have been avoided.
But: Wei Ying's story could still have been another one.
Rating: M [To be safe]
Status: Complete
Since the day Wei Ying had confronted the different sects as they had planned his demise, the dark energy swirling around burial mount had grown several times heavier and harder to control – even though it had only been a few weeks.
Even Wei Ying himself could nearly not stand it anymore.
He kept seeing heart wrenching visions and haunting nightmares. His ears were filled with the wails of the dead. He could hear them pleading him to spare their lives. He could hear them cursing his name. He could even hear their blood rushing out of their bodies as the corpses he commanded ripped them to shreds.
Whenever he closed his eyes, he would see the murders he chose to commit – his acts as ‘war hero’ during the sunshot campaign, like the torturing and murder of worthless men like Wen Chao – and those he failed to prevent himself from causing – the murder of Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli and probably half of all his later kills, to be honest.
Only now did he understand that he had started to lose his senses somewhere along the path he had chosen.
He had believed to be in control of everything, but looking back, maybe he had already started going insane when he was first thrown into the abyss of the burial mount. He had just always been held back somewhere along the borders of being a genius before he could turn into a full-blown madman.
But now? What was there to ground him?
The sunshot campaign was over, Jiang Cheng wanted him dead just like everyone else, his shijie was dead – she had been slaughtered to save him and the people who had looked at him with admiration and called him the greatest war hero of the sunshot campaign, had all turned their backs on him now that they had started to fear his power. Even Wen Qing was gone, and Wen Ning had even died a second death.
And Wei Ying himself had lost all will to make the world understand, that he would not threaten them as long as they didn’t cross him.
Especially since they already gone ahead and crossed him anyway. After all they had dared to lay hands on the Wen-siblings, who had been innocent of all of Wen Rouhans’ crimes. They had even dared to continue trying to fault him for anything that went wrong anywhere – even though he and the Wens were only trying to live a peaceful life amongst themselves.
Besides, it was not like anyone would listen to him at this point of time anyway – after all he had killed a few thousands of cultivators a few weeks back.
And maybe the truth was simply cruel as life itself: A choice had to be made – there would be either the rest of the cultivation world or him. They didn’t want to live besides him. He couldn’t live besides them any longer either.
The hatred inside him had grown to strong – it overpowered all of his senses. It was numbing him, tempting him to do all the wrong things. No, at this rate he would just end up ending all of these cultivators miserable lives.
Wei Ying rose from his bed inside the demon slaughtering cave. He needed to get the rest of the Wens away from here. He needed to at least protect them from whatever war would follow between the world and himself.
Especially considering the fact that either the major sects would come here and try to kill him – taking the Wens down along with him even though they were only weakened people – or he himself would do something stupid and would end up endangering them, dragging them down to hell with him.
As he moved towards the mouth of the cave, Wei Ying found himself stumbling more than he was walking.
His head was full of noises again. His vision was dulled, the resentful energy gripped at his heart and mind. He could feel everything clouding up again.
Maybe the stygian tiger seal was partly at fault for that. It kept attracting the dark clouds around him even though he long since couldn’t deal with them anymore.
Maybe he had really created a weapon that no one should possess – him included.
Maybe Lan Zhan had been right. With everything. Maybe he should have listened to him. But then again, he hadn’t had a choice. He didn’t have a golden core anymore. He could only walk this narrow path in the darkness now – he could only rely on the dead and their hatred.
He had forfeited his humanity when he refused to die inside burial mount.
There was a saying befitting og this. And for him it had most definitely become true. ‘You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain’.
“Are you ok?”
Wei Ying looked up, his gaze found a strange red blotch of color in front of him. He blinked, trying to focus his eyes, trying to figure out who was standing on front of him.
But right now, couldn’t even identify the speakers voice – and suddenly panic kicked in. This could be an enemy!
Quickly reaching for Chenquin, all his senses kicked into an alarmed state of needing to kill the threat. He could feel the resentful energy bundling around the flute – and usually his targets fear would join the hatred he accumulated through his technique.
But right now, there was no fear. Who in their right mind could be stupid enough not to fear him? While he was off-guard due to shock, he felt something colliding with his right leg. A very familiar weight.
Suddenly his mind cleared again, his eyes free of whatever fog had blocked them before, his ears no longer filled with cries and death wishes directed at him.
Quickly looking at whomever he had nearly killed off, he saw granny Wen. His stomach churned. How could he have mistaken her for a threat? Especially when her lack of fear symbolized just how much trust she had in him, how strongly she believed he would not harm her.
“Sister, granny said I should come to you! She said you were looking out of it ever since you returned here!”
Looking down at the brightly smiling child twisted Wei Yings insides around even more. He quickly put Chenquin away, pushing his guild to the back of his mind so he could pick A-Yuan up, cuddling him close – already regretting having to send him far away to protect him.
“Is that so? What else did Granny say? Did she tell you how I returned?”
Trying to smile and not show that he did not at all remember his returning here, Wei Ying cast a short glance in the direction of granny Wen.
She smiled meekly, then uttered a sudden – and obviously fake – complaint about her back hurting and left.
Wait, what had she told the kid?
“She said you walked here looking like your soul had been sucked out! And you kept mumbling about random things like revenge, wanting to burn the world to the ground, oh and you talked about brother rich!”
The happy way the child chatted about all this made it obvious that he didn’t understand a single word of all that.
In fact A-Yuan seemed to only care about his dear ‘brother rich’, he nearly immediatly went over to telling Wei Ying just how much he wanted to see ‘brother rich’ again.
But Wei Ying didn’t listen anymore. He understood why he had been talking about the end of the world, or better yet: his wish to be that cause of the said event, but why would he talk about Lan Zhan?
Trying to think back on whatever may have made him talk about Lan Zhan, he remembered only bits and pieces of certain scenes.
Lan Zhan had stood among the rows of people discussing how to kill him – so Lan Zhan must want him to perish. Seemingly punishing Wei Ying by taking him back to Gusu was no longer enough to satisfy the man.
The ugly feeling of an all-consuming hatred boiled up inside Wei Ying. Why did Lan Zhan have to be this way? He had already wanted to punish Wei Ying when everyone else had still praised him. And now that everyone wanted him dead, even that overly honorable white marble statue of a man, decided killing him would be better than punishing him? And that even though the Gusu Lan Sect forbade killing?
But of course there would be exceptions. What a hypocrite!
“-mother and father.”
A-Yuans laughter ripped Wei Ying out of his thoughts. He had to blink a few times to progress what the child had just said.
“A-Yuan- what was that just now?”
The boy smiled even broader and ripped his small hands into the air, elated as he started to talk again – not at all minding that Wei Ying had seemingly not listened.
“Granny said you and brother rich had a special relationship! She always said you are happier whenever he is around – you will smile a lot more than usually. So I thought you must like brother rich just as much as me and that is why he should visit us more often!”
Still not comprehending what that had to do with the whole mother/father thing, Wie Ying shifted A-Yuans weight onto only one of his arms, so he could poke his nose with the other.
“Don’t talk such nonsense little radish. I am always a happy person, that has nothing to do with Lan Zhan. Besides, this has nothing to do with what you said before anyway, does it?”
A-Yuan scrunched his nose up, looking like a cute little bunny – especially when he went over to covering up his nose with his little hands – all in order to protect it from future assaults.
“It does! Granny said you liked brother rich like a mommy likes a daddy!”
Wei Yings teasing fingers, which had tried to catch A-Quan off guard and poke him again, froze in midair.
Wei Yings entire face fell and went pale.
What had A-Yuan just said? And why would granny Wen even tell such things to a child? What kind of old-people-joke was this?
Lan Zhan had never even just liked him, he even wanted him dead now!
So how could Wei Ying feel anything else than the desire to defeat Lan Zhan and be as far away from him as possible?
“Besides, he is my father, didn’t you say so yourself?”
A-Yuan may have been nothing but a child, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t smart enough to see when he could get a jab in. After all the kid had always been cheeky. And smart enough to use anything anyone ever said against them.
“I never said that!”
Not even knowing why he was defending himself against a mere toddler, Wei Ying went over to displaying a complete denial.
While he did so, a scene popped into his head.
Lan Zhan was walking through the village at the foot of burial mount with them. He was buying toys for A-Yuan – which earned him the nickname ‘brother rich’ from the child.
At some point A-Yuan had been hungry and-
Wei Yings memory flashed back to how he had found Lan Zhan that day in the first place. A-Yuan had run off somewhere. He had run straight into Lan Zhan.
And being panicked and the little child he was, he had started wailing at the man’s feet, clinging to his cloths.
A crowd had gathered, commenting about how ‘fathers would often be overstrained with their first child’.
And that scene, combined with the later one of them strolling around and Lan Zhan showering A-Yuan with presents, had brough a careless sentence out of Wei Yings mouth.
“The one with the money is the father, the one with the milk the mother.” – And in the context from back then, this made him the mother and Lan Zhan the father as Wei Ying normally provided A-Yuan with food and Lan Zhan provided the child with toys on this particular day.
Wei Ying flushed – God, why had he said that back then? That was super embarrassing!
“You should forget that again A-Yuan. Just call him brother rich, ok?” Wei Ying laughed it off, feeling a bit awkward. Looking back he was actually surprised Lan Zhan had taken all that so well back then. After all with his typical Lan-wits he probably hadn’t taken as long as Wei Ying to understand what his careless words had implied. The man really seemed to have a frightening self-control.
“Does that mean I should call you brother poor?”
The child had definitely seen Wei Ying losing control of the situation. And seemingly Wei Yings mischievousness and insolence had straight off been absorbed by the child.
“Just continue calling me brother. That is enough. And no, before you start calling me brother poor again, call me mommy. At least that gives me the image of someone pretty.”
Being jokingly diplomatic, Wei Ying shook his head, offhandedly noting how his conversation with A-Yuan, even though it most certainly had been a strange one, had somehow given him so much normality that his inner demons for once weren’t to be heard or seen.
Wei Ying smiled a bit more genuinely. The power this toddler had was unbelievable. It made it nearly inhumane to think about him being somewhere completely different than at his side someday soon.
But then again, that was the only way in which the boy had a chance to live and grow into a fine – or not so fine and more troublesome if he took after him – man someday.
“Oh well, never mind. Let’s join granny and the others for now.”
What followed wasn’t exactly what Wei Ying had expected. As soon as he had brought up the topic of the Wens leaving, he was hit with a hours long storm of ‘no’s and ‘we won’t leave you behind’s. Had A-Yuan not been there, the discussion would most likely have turned into a fight.
“Wei Ying, most of us are in no condition to travel anyway.” Uncle four gave Wei Ying a shrug. “We wouldn’t make it far anyway.”
Wei Ying had wanted to disagree, but before he could open his mouth, he felt a heatwave erupting in his left sleeve.
He quickly reached inside it, pulling out a burning talisman.
His face turned dark. The defenses of burial mound had been breached.
Someone was trying to sneak in. And ‘someone’ in this case was most probably an army of cultivators.
“Leave now!” Knowing it would be too late to run now but feeling more desperate to get the Wens out of harms way than ever, he rose up, making sure to make all of the Wens understand that the mount was under siege.
“We lived on borrowed time anyway. We have no issue with dying.” Granny Wen tried to calm Wei Yings down from his frenzied state but failed.
“And what about A-Yuan! Doesn’t he deserve to live!?”
Already holding Chenquin in an iron grip, Wei Ying could feel the resentful energy flowing into his body with the intent to swallow him whole and eating him alive.
And his soul offered no resistance. He wanted the strength, that the resentful energy could give him.
He needed it.
Else the Wens would die. A-Yuan would die.
“No, you must come with us then!” A-Yuan, even though he was much too young to understand what was going on, did so anyway. It broke Wei Yings heart and at the same time gave birth to even more hatred inside his body.
How dare the renown sects act as they pleased and even traumatize a child, making it understand the cruel twists of life much sooner than nature should ever have allowed.
“I will hold them up, I will follow you afterwards.”
Even though the darkness inside of him was starting to blur the lines of reality and hallucination already, Wei Ying made a last attempt on convincing the Wens too flee.
“You will only burden me if you stay around – my abilities aren’t suited to protect, they can only destroy!”
A ringing filled Wei Yings head. He could hear the resentful energy talking to him, updating him on how fast the enemies were closing in. They seemed to be numerous, intend on trampling everything down.
Wei Ying knew they didn’t have any more time to waste.
He turned, left the Wens and rushed towards the top of the demon slaughtering caves roof.
Overlooking the situation as much as possible, he took a deep breath and pushed all the air in his lungs into his flute.
A sharp shriek erupted from the instrument.
Hundreds of corpses rose inside the mounts abysses.
The already awakened dead bodies, which hadn’t already been fighting, lunged at the enemies.
Wei Ying played an aggressive, eerie tune, knowing full well that he was forcing too much resentful energy to move around.
With his instable state of mind and most importantly: his growing self-destructive tactics, he knew all this would backfire.
He suddenly knew he would die today.
All of his restraints broke – he decided to take as many his foes with him as possible, hoping to weaken them enough to give the Wens a last chance.
He closed his eyes, gave in to the darkness, surrendering in his inner struggle, letting the darkness eat away his conscience.
No cell inside him cared about the fact that he was about to murder about an estimated another few thousands count of cultivators just to save less than fifty elderly Wens and a child.
He didn’t care about truly becoming the devil they claimed him to be.
Whatever, in that case he would die as hollowed out shell of a man. This battle would turn him into a resentful spirit, his soul would have to be subdued by destroying it since cleansing would no longer be possible. But that was fine. May they shred his body and soul apart.
He drew even more piercing tones out of his flute, patching them into an ugly version of a beautiful melody.
He could hear the metal sounds of swords and sabers cutting through corpses drawing closer – music followed right after.
It was like an awful cacophony of war.
Wei Ying closed his eyes forcefully, focusing on producing wave after wave of corpses.
Finally, he had created so many of them that he could no longer control them with just Chenquin.
In a show of pure insanity, he fished for the two separated parts of the stygian tiger seal and put them together.
The resulting shockwave of dark energy blew even him off of his spot. He tumbled downwards, crashing down into the dirt, all air was knocked out of him. He tried to regain composure, but the seal was way too powerful.
He could feel the corpses breaking free from their reigns, he lost his control over them in a lapse.
Horror-filled screams filled the air.
The corpses now attacked everything in their way – may it be an enemy or another corpse.
Realising this, common sense suddenly kicked right into Wei Yings gut. The Wens! They wouldn’t be safe with the corpses going rouge!
Just like he had struggled back then – when his sister had run onto the battlefield in hopes of stopping him – he fought to get the corpses to calm down.
He fought to get back onto his feat, fought to clear his mind enough to overpower the resentment in himself, fought to fish out the full potential inside him to revoke whatever hell he had summoned forth.
But there was only one calming thing coming to his mind. A song. A song he had never seen the sheet music off. In fact, he couldn’t even remember where he had the melody from either.
But he focused on the music in his memories and started to put a few handfuls of corpses to sleep.
He needed to reduce their numbers to prevent losing control. He absolutely had to.
Then a scream ripped straight into his soul. Granny Wen.
Dread filled him.
As he rushed to where he had heard the scream coming from, he forgot all about repressing the dark energy. The seal started absorbing more and more resentment in his hand.
He could feel it starting to twist his mind.
Shortly before he could drown in whatever dark pool the seal was trying to pull him into, he was faced with the sight of Nie Mingjue towering above a split-up group of the Wen remnants. About seven of them were lying on the ground. – dead. They had not died peacefully. All of them had gruesome slashes on their bodies. Blood pooled around them, coloring the dark earth of the burial mount crimson like the blood pool.
Rage blinded Wei Ying, his inner pain killing his sanity.
He used the stygian tiger seal.
The Wens peoples corpses rose up – attacking the Nie sect leader.
Wei Yings insanity didn’t allow him to see whatever happened to the other Wens, he could only hear that voice inside his head.
Demanding him to kill everyone who stood against him.
And he gave in, commanding all corpses to go on a bloodly murder spree.
Letting the seal take over, then letting the corpses go loose, he rushed straight at Nie Mingjue, kicking him down onto the ground.
Never had he missed his sword this much. He wanted to slit the man’s throat and let him bleed out more than anything else. He wanted him to face the pain of a sword like he had made the Wens face his saber.
But since he couldn’t fight with a sword anymore and didn’t have it on himself either, he decided to go another path – one for which he did not need a golden core.
With his free hand he grasped for sect leader Nies face, pouring an endless stream of dark energy into the man’s body.
He could Feel Nie Mingjues golden core growing corrupt inside the his body as he went into qi deviation.
Wei Ying could feel the man dying underneath him, but he didn’t stop. He wanted him dead – even if he was the older brother of a guy he had once considered to be one of his closest friends.
“Elder brother!” The call may not have addressed Wei Ying, but it warned him of the incoming attack.
Letting go of Nie Mingjue, Wei Ying jumped backwards, in a quick movement pocketing the seal and getting out his flute, lifting it to his lips.
Lan Xichen, whose original intent it had been to save his elder sworn brother, was forced to dodge the incoming rain of three corpses attacks.
The new voice didn’t reach Wei Ying anymore, the haze around his senses had become too heavy – Wei Ying could only tell that someone had screamed something.
He however felt an attack incoming and promptly twisted his flute away from his mouth and into the way of the incoming swords strike, effectively blocking it.
The flute didn’t crack or give way.
Instead, its dark energy transferred straightly onto the weapon, running along its blade and reaching for the attackers’ golden core, wanting to corrupt it.
Jiang Chengs sense of danger warned him before he had even understood the situation fully, his golden core alarming him quickly enough. He jumped back, sheeting his sword and summoning his mothers whip.
The ring on his finger quickly transformed into a violet, crackling manifest of a lightning bolt.
Making an attempt to hit Wei Ying with Zidian, Jiang Cheng failed to pay enough attention to his surroundings – as Wei Ying dodged, the whip hit a big rock, which promptly cracked into two halves, of which one nearly immediately tumbled down towards them.
Jiang Cheng moved to the side, Lan Xichen reached for Nie Mingjue and jumped out of the way as well. The boulder hit two unsuspecting cultivators who had been further behind of them, fending off the corpses that threatened to come too close to the sect leaders.
Both of them were crushed into a paste.
Even the resentful energy all around them could patch them up well enough for them to rise up as corpses.
“Wei Ying!”
Still hearing nothing, Wei Ying lifted the flute to his lips once again, playing the attack melody he had once written for Wen Ning. The music enhanced the corpses in a hundred-meter radius of his own position. Making them faster, stronger and most of all more resilient.
”Wei Ying!”
This time the call was paired with someone closing in on Wei Ying – and that he most definitely took note off.
“There is fire!”
Now that he was aware again, he recognized uncle fourths voice.
Summoning a bunch of corpses to keep the three sect leaders in front of him busy, Wei Ying worked on finding out from where the fire was coming.
He quickly noticed it crawling up the back of the mount.
What a great strategy – the sects waves of cultivators came from the front while a fire ate away the only escapes routes the inhabitants of the burial mount had.
Trying to assess how great the danger coming from the flames was, Wei Ying looked around.
He only saw uncle forth and A-yuan.
Neither of them looking good.
“Where is the rest!?”
Dreading the response, Wei Ying rushed over to the two, taking A-Yuan from uncle forth when he hunched over in a fit of coughs.
“Slaughtered, smoked out, burned, drowned in the blood pool, or pushed down into the abyss. And I don’t have too much air left, my old body won’t be able to survive this.”
Wei Ying didn’t even try to convince Uncle forth that he would live. He knew very well that the man wouldn’t live through the night – even without the cultivators threatening his life on top of the flames smoke poisoning the old mans system.
Instead, Wei Ying clutched A-Yuan to his chest, noticing that the boy to be unconscious and running a high fever already.
Again he reached for the stygian tiger seal.
Weij Ying clutched it harshly, using the force of all the resentment in the air, that it cracked.
The crack immediately loosened large bits of the control the seal held over the corpses, making them grow even more fierce and bloodthirsty.
Wei Ying allowed the side effect of the crack, a painful backlash, to shake his body, ripping at his mind and heart.
He knew this little crack was enough to make the corpses all over burial mount run wild – feed only by resentment and not restrained in any form or kind.
Even Wei Ying himself felt the resentment taking him over more and more. But he didn’t allow it to overpower him. Not while he had A-Yuan in his arms.
Forced to watch on as uncle forth drowned in the resentment and died at its hands, he looked on as uncle forth became one of his corpses.
Giving a short whistle, Wei Ying gave uncle forth the command to protect A-Yuan and escape with him – to bring him somewhere far away and put him down at some families doorstep. Wei Ying would just hope the best from there on.
After he was sure the corpse wouldn’t defy his orders, he laid the unconscious toddler into the corpse’s arms.
A few moments later he found himself engaged in a fight with Lan Xichen.
Since his mind was still rather clear, he could easily see through all of Lan Xichens attacks. He had crossed swords with Lan Zhan often enough to know all the Lan sects preferred moves.
And mind you, Lan Zhan was much better than Lan Xichen when it came to fighting.
Lan Xichen lacked the fierce determination to come out as the victor. He was too soft. He tried to reason things out. To bad, Wei Ying didn’t feel like reasoning things out.
In fact, he managed to gain the upper hand and push Lan Xichen back more and more.
Only a little bit more and he would have him-
“Don’t move Wei Ying!”
Turning, surprised to hear his adoptive brother behind him, as he had never noticed him move there, he was even more shocked when he saw A-Yuan in Jiang Chengs grasp.
The purple clad man was holding the poor child by his ancle, letting him dangle down from his hand.
“Let go of him!” Not watching Lan Xichen in his panic, Wei Ying suffered a sidewards incoming blow to his upper arm, a deep gash ripping his flesh wide open.
He only felt a dull pain, the resentful energy had taken most of his senses out already.
His eyes stayed on A-Yuan.
“So, this kid didn’t get kidnapped by you? Is he yours?”
The way Jiang Chengs voice went from gruesome to pleased in a sickening way.
Wei Ying growled.
“Let. Him. Go. This is between you people and me. A-Yuan has nothing to do with this.”
“Shijie had nothing to do with this either!”
With that Jiang Cheng lifted the blade of his sword, pointing it at A-Yuan dangling from his other arm.
Wei Ying blackened out.
Within a split second he had lifted his flute to his lips, commanding all dead spirits of burial mount forth at once.
Vengeful spirits didn’t take as much effort to summon as corpses did, so Jiang Cheng found himself drowning in them within a heartbeats time.
He had to let A-Yuan go unless he wanted to be corrupted right on the spot.
Wei Ying rushed forwards, moving to catch the child before he quickly distanced himself from the scene, not wanting to risk his own spirit being overwritten.
As soon as he was a safe distance away, he looked at A-Yuan.
His breathing had gone from labored to shallow.
The child was dying.
And that was when Wei Ying finally lost it completely.
Now not only were all of the Wens gone, no, even A-Yuan would be dead soon. And he himself too.
And that was when it hit him. Yes, he had known he would die along, but he hadn’t had what it took to end his life right on the spot.
But now he had gained exactly that.
So may the suicidal mass murder start.
He fished out the stygian tiger seal and slammed it into the ground, kneeling down next to it – holding A-Yuan cradled to his chest.
Drawing in all the resentful energy he could accumulate, Wei Ying gathered it where his golden core would usually have been sitting.
After he was sure he had bundled enough hatred, he then proceeded to push it directly into the stygian tiger seal, intending to crush it once and for all.
He could see Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen, Jin Guangyao, Su She and a bunch of other cultivators close in on him. They seemed to have gotten past the corpses.
But that wouldn’t do them any good. The spirits around Juang Cheng quickly washed over to them as well, giving Wei Ying the time he needed to execute his plan.
He only had to obliterate that evil-summoning seal. That way no one would be able to use it ever again – not him and not anyone else.
And everyone on this mount would be whipped out as side effect.
A-Yuan and he himself would perish due to the backlash of the whole affair. The rest of the cultivators, who were further away from the seal, would die due to the fierce corpses going absolutely rampant.
And the corpses that were left standing after all this was over would roam burial mount for all times, keeping everyone else away from it – that way no one could ever come here again and start to accumulate this raw evil energy, like he had done it after being dropped here.
This would be the final battle – taking out the grandmaster of demonic cultivation and all the sects who had been stupid enough to come here on this day. Or at least all the cultivators of said sects who were present.
The seal started to crack more and more. Wei Ying watched on, his eyes cold, uncaring – in the face of death he found himself calmer than ever.
Then suddenly, he saw a flash of a memory.
He saw the seals memories.
He saw the times he had used it.
He saw… Lan Zhan?
Focusing on that particular frame, he saw the battle a few weeks ago.
He saw himself going wild, loosing all sense and even consciousness as he blacked out and fought simply fueled by resentment. He saw what happened after his memory had stopped keeping track of his doings.
He had murdered nearly everyone. No surprise there.
Only a few were left standing – and even they weren’t really standing anymore.
He could see the poor few still living crawling on the bloodied ground, trying to get up as he towered above them, crushing the hand of a cultivator reaching for his sword.
Then he saw Lan Zhan.
He was limping, his usually pristine white robes were dirtied and bloodied.
His headband was slightly crooked, his hair no longer neatly styled – he no longer looked like an untouchable god. He looked… exhausted. Human.
“Wei Ying”
Lan Zhans voice was still strong, but it sounded pleading. It sounded like a ‘Please stop’.
Wei Ying saw himself, saw how he didn’t even take note of it. Saw how he was attacked once more.
And then he saw the impossible.
It wasn’t him who blocked the blow. It was Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying had absolutely no idea who that ruffled up guy was, but he seemed familiar. Su She? Maybe?
Lan Zhan remained quiet.
Wei Ying himself as well. He watched the memory, saw how his past self remained unmoving, looking like an angered corpse that was somehow still shedding tears.
“How can you defend him again! I always knew you weren’t as upright as you always acted! You court the devil by keeping that man alive!”
The way Lan Zhan spoke made it obvious that he did not think of Wei Ying as evil.
Wei Ying couldn’t help but be surprised.
He kept on pressing down onto the seal, hoping to see the rest of the memory before the seal broke and he perished along with it.
He needed to know why Lan Zhan had been defending him.
And he did find out.
The memory progressed with Lan Zhan bringing Wei Ying from the battlefield.
Wei Ying could see how out of it he was, he could see that nothing would have ever reached him in that state, but Lan Zhan kept trying.
He was taking Wei Ying to a safe spot – a cave far away from the battle.
And as though that was not already enough, Lan Zhan started to take care of Wei Yings wounds, speaking soft reassuring words while Wei Ying kept trying to push him away, even cursing him.
But Lan Zhan tolerated it all.
And that was when Wei Ying got a glimpse of Lan Zhans eyes – in that memory he looked different.
And suddenly something clicked inside Wei Ying. Lan Zhan didn’t hate him.
But before the stone, that had been kicked into motion, could turn into a landslide, the memory showed its last scene.
Thirty three men appeared behind Lan Zhan, they demanded him to hand over Wei Ying.
Lan Zhan blocked them, even though they were clearly all elders from his clan.
He told them to step back – they did not.
He warned them not to try and touch Wei Ying – they tried.
Lan Zhan fought them all, striking them all down. In the end he said he would accept punishment for his crimes, he would go with them, but he wouldn’t let them harm Wei Ying.
Seeing how little choice they truly had, the elders accepted. Otherwise Lan Zhan could and probably would have cut them apart.
Lan Zahn faded out of the memory, just like the elders.
Tears suddenly filled Wei Yings eyes. But not because of himself.
He had been a student at Gusu Lan for long enough to know what punishment someone would get for hurting an elder and defying them.
And hurting thirty-three of them would mean thirty-three times the punishment: thirty-three lashes from the disciplinary whip.
Lan Zhan couldn’t have survived that.
Wei Yings emotions scrambled into place, finally he understood.
Lan Zhan had never accepted anyone breaking the rules, touching him or calling him by his birth name – but Wei Ying always got away with it – even if he was punished.
Still: Lan Zhan had never punished him any more severe than the rules asked for.
And back then when they had fought the tortoise of slaughter, he had refused all ideas that would have ended in Wei Ying sacrificing himself.
And much, much later, when everyone had called him a genius, a war hero, Lan Zhan was the only one who had told him off.
He was the only one who told him how much Wei Ying was harming himself.
So looking back, Lan Zhans ‘Come back to Gusu with me’ had probably never referred to a punishment.
Lan Zhan had wanted to help him.
Only an Idiot wouldn’t get that after seeing that memory.
Lan Zhan had looked at him with so much fond caring, there was no way that Lan Zhan didn’t care for him in one way or another.
Suddenly Wei Ying wanted nothing more than to see Lan Zhan and apologize.
Hopefully they would meet in death.
He pushed down onto the seal a final time, watching it crashing apart, finally giving in underneath the pressure and breaking into a million tiny pieces.
Wei Ying closed his eyes, accepting his fate with the last few tears slipping down his cheeks.
“Here I come Lan Zhan, I hope you can ever forgive me.”
When the wave of resentment came, it felt different than Wei Ying had assumed.
He had assumed it would rip his body into thousands of shreds.
He had assumed it would make him feel like he was burned and eaten alive.
He had assumed it would be an oppressive force taking all his life force from him.
But instead, all the energy crawled into his body, seeking a spot where it could be assembled and bundled – it didn’t want to be destroyed.
In consequence it didn’t destroy him either, it made him a vessel once again – like he had been before he had created the seal.
And instead of killing him off with the sheer amount of resentment that now swam around in his body, it formed something that felt like a golden core inside him.
He lived.
A-Yuan survived too. Still looking sick and weak, but breathing nonetheless.
And –
Wei Ying couldn’t believe his eyes.
Before him sat the one person he had been dying to meet.
Lan Zhan.
Ok, maybe he was dead.
Hearing the mirage in front of him speaking, Wei Ying tumbled forward, throwing an arm around Lan Zhans neck, crying into the mans neck as he pulled himself closer, nearly squishing A-Yuan between them.
“I am so, so sorry Lan Zhan, I misunderstood you – I take everything back. You were right, I was wrong – with everything. Please forgive my insolence!”
Wei Ying could feel Lan Zhan freezing up, could feel him flinch, then he felt something wet on his arm. The arm that he was embracing Lan Zhan with.
Before Lan Zhan could say anything, Wei Ying moved himself away and took Lan Zhan in.
He was only clad in sleeping wear. He was looking pale and sweaty. He didn’t smell like sandalwood like usually, instead he smelled of blood and bitter medicine. And there was blood on Wei Yings arms. Meaning that blood had to have seeped through Lan Zhan’s robe in his back and neck.
In fact Lan Zhan looked like he should be in a med bay instead of sitting around in the dirty burial mounts where his wounds could infect.
“Lan Zhan, I-”
This time Lan Zhan cut him off. “Minor wound. Don’t worry.”
Wei Ying went numb.
The blood had come from Lan Zhans back and neck, right? Had these heartless Gusu People really whipped him thirty-three times? If so, how had he survived that?
But that much was clear as day: if Lan Zhan could bleed then he must be alive – in consequence both of them were alive. And on burial mount. During a siege on nonother than him – Wei Wuxian the cultivator who became the devil.
Wait, that actually brought forth many more questions. For example: how had Lan Zhan even gotten here? He didn’t look like he had participated in the siege after all.
Was that something the seal had pulled off? Some sort of ‘fulfilling your last wish’ joke?
“Wangji.” The shocked voice behind Land Zhan riled Wei Ying up.
How could Lan Xichen permit his brother to be punished this much and then act worried only a bit later!?
Without thinking about it, Wei Ying rose up and moved around Lan Zhan to block him from his brothers view.
“Wangji, I have already seen you. And even if I don’t know how you got here, please listen to reason and come here. You have been punished enough. Ask yourself – is this worth all your pain?”
Wei Ying was indignified at Lan Xichen ignoring him like this, but unwillingly he saw that Lan Xichen had a point in his words.
After all this was a siege against Wei Ying. And if Lan Zhan sided with him – should he ever do so – he would be taken down as well. And that was not at all acceptable.
Especially not now that Wei Ying was aware of how good and noble Lan Zhan truly was.
“Brother, Wei Ying is good.”
Wei Ying froze. Lan Zhan sounded like he was accusing his brother and the rest of the cultivators for having pushed Wei Ying into a corner – he spoke like he saw no wrongdoings in Wei Yings actions – like he believes Wei Ying was just exercising his right to defend himself and live. Like Wei Ying was just using the wrong means for the correct causes.
“I am impressed, how did you manage to twist the esteemed Hanguang-Jun like that? Since when have you two been this close?”
When Jiang Wangji stepped in, Zidian crackling in his hand, Lan Zhan stepped besides Wei Ying, showing no sign of intending to justify anything or rectify any accusations Wei Yings brother had made.
Wei Ying himself didn’t bother with his brothers’ words either. Instead, he just found himself puzzled as to why the vengeful spirits seemed to have been destroyed by the few cultivators in front of them.
They shouldn’t have been that weak.
And no one other than him should have been able to call them back – and he definitely hat not done so.
“Wangji, please.” Never had anyone seen Lan Xichen this pleading. “Return home with me. You shouldn’t let your feelings lead you onto the wrong path.”
“Not the wrong path.” Lan Zhans tone was harsh, unforgiving. “My choices.”
“Then go down with Wei Wuxian for all I care!” Jiang Cheng flicked his wrist and like a snake, Zidian shot forward.
It didn’t take a genius to see that Lan Zhan wouldn’t be able to dodge. He couldn’t block either. He had no weapon.
Without thinking Wei Ying moved, standing in between the whip and Lan Zhan, letting his back being frayed open as he faced Lan Zhan – shielding A-Yuan and Lan Zhan.
“Wei Ying!” Lan Zhan made a move to reach for Wei Ying to stabilize him, but with his injuries the movement was too fast, forcing him back to his knees.
It had been a wonder for Lan Zhan to be able to stand in the first place anyway.
“Wangji!” While Lan Xichen only called out for his brother, Wei Ying went down with him, hugging the other man to his chest to help him take weight off his back. A-Yuan now lying across Wei Yings legs as he kept his back turned to his enemies so he could adjust Lan Zhans posture.
“It’s enough Lan Zhan. I understand. But that won’t change my crimes anymore. I will be convicted for them, so don’t involve yourself anymore. Thirty-three lashes are enough. I know you are the most righteous person in this world, but you shouldn’t have to suffer for my wrongdoings. Please don’t let your morals cause your death.”
“Don’t act like the generous hero here!”
A second lash came in, crackling down on Wei Yings back, but Wei Ying didn’t turn. He only looked at Lan Zhan. Trying to convince him of his words.
“Sect leader Jiang, let me handle this, please.” Lan Xichen spoke up, earning a huff from Jiang Cheng but the whip-lashes indeed stopped.
“Wei Wuxian, please let Wangji go. He has suffered enough on your accord.”
“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan’s soft tone shocked all present people equally – just for very different reasons.
Nie Mingjue, who seemed to have been able to avoid qi deviation, was pretty sure that Lan Qiren would go into qi diviation pretty soon too. Now that he had heard the absolute devotion in Lan Wangjis voice, he suddenly understood why Lan Wagji and Wei Wuxian had continuously fought among themselves during the sunshot campaign. He may have been a savage man in his nature, but he wasn’t stupid. He could differentiate between fights caused by being too different and fights caused by emotional involvement and worry. He now understood their relationship to be of the second nature, not the first one like the world had always assumed.
Su She on the other hand saw the man he had assumed to be incapable of producing any positive emotion, an arrogant block of ice, speak as though he was trying to convey all his thoughts and feelings in just one name. And he remembered. Back then, when the Gusu Lan disciples had fought the waterborne abyss, Wei Ying had dived down to rescue Su She from said abyss. And when Wei Wuxian had been at risk of sinking as well, Lan Wangji had swoped down and dragged them both up even though that was just abut the most dangerous thing he could have done. Su She felt his insides go cold. Seemingly Lan Wangji had been all about Wei Wuxian even back then when they were all just kids – his weakness had never been studies or fighting, it had always been another man.
Jiang Cheng surprised himself: he couldn’t help but feel jealous. He suddenly saw how his own bond with Wei Ying had broken apart while Lan Zhan had managed to stick around even though his situation hadn’t been much different for Jiang Cheng’s own. It was an eye-opener. After all Jiang Cheng had faulted his brother for everything while Lan Wangji seemed to have chosen to believe in Wei Ying. Maybe this siege could have been avoided, had he chosen to have faith in his brother and given him backing instead of forcing him to go rouge.
Lan Xichen, in comparison to all others, was the only one who went downright pale. He could see his brothers love for Wei Wuxian so clearly, that he was sure everyone else would notice it as well. On top of that he saw his brother being more than just willing to die for his love. Right here. Right now.
“Lan Zhan, please don’t do this to me. Don’t make me watch you die.”
Even more than before, the surrounding people underwent sudden enlightenment.
Jiang Cheng’s reaction was immediate. He paled. He had never known his brother to be gay.
Nie Mingjue facepalmed. No wonder had that guy always flirted with every woman but never started anything. He had already suspected Wei Wuxian to be asexual during the war, but this? Yea, that certainly explained a lot.
Su She was more extreme in his reaction. He was simply and downright disgusted. But then again, he wasn’t surprised. Looking back at how Wei Wuxian had always clung to Lan Wangji nothing else would make sense as explanation. Wei Wuxian had wasted more breaths and eye battings at Lan Zhan than all the females around them. It was still a revolting discovery though – especially when Su She thought about the fact that Wei Ying had actually seen him naked once.
Lan Xichens stomach churned for another reason. So his brothers love wasn’t one sided. But even though this wasn’t intuitive: this actually made nothing better. Wei Wuxian would find his death after all. What about his brother then?
“Wei Ying.” I was amazing how Lan Zhan managed to convey so many things with just his name. Wei Ying found himself smiling even in this situation.
“’Then don’t make watch you die’? Aren’t you just too sweet?” Wei Wuxian belatedly noticed his tongue slipping up, but as always, he couldn’t stop his tongue anymore. “Well then lets both live happily ever after with our son?”
Before anyone could react to the ‘son-comment’, a sudden burst of resentful energy washed over them.
The destroyed stygian tiger seal had set the corpses into beast-mode after all.
The onlookers of the Lan Zhan-Wei Ying-scene turned, getting ready to fight.
Wei Ying lifted his flute as well, preparing for a draining attempt at subduing the corpses while moving A-Yuan off his lap.
“Wei Ying!” Lan Zhan reached for Wei Yings wrist as he stood up.
“Lan Zhan, please let me go, I am the only one who can call them back.” Wei Ying shook his wrist lightly, but Lan Zhan didn’t let go of him.
“Will you live?” Lan Zhan looked at him seriously. His eyes intense.
“Good question, I don’t know.” Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan an easy smile, trying to keep the mood light. “But if I do nothing, we will both die. We all will.”
Lan Zhan remained unmoving at first, then he reluctantly let Wei Ying go.
“Thank you for your trust.” Wei Ying gave another smile and turned to face the corpses. He let his senses reach out and tried to sense in what areas of the mount the corpses still roamed free.
The answer was quite frustrating: Everywhere.
Taking a deep breath – drawing all the dark energy in his body outside and into his breath – he started blowing air into the instrument.
The quickest cultivators ahead of him immediately turned towards him. Nie Mingjue, Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen attacked Wei Ying without second thought – assuming he was trying to aid and coordinate the corpses. A moment later Su She started playing some attack music on his gequin.
The other cultivators remained still and unmoving, still facing the front so that they could see the incoming corpses and hold them off, while the others dealt with the Yiling patriarch.
Wei Ying made no attempt to defend himself, he even closed his eyes as he continued playing a connecting melody – trying to tie the corpses energies into a single string so he could calm them all in one go later on.
But his goals weren’t visible to his attackers, so Jiang Cheng – the only one who could deal physical damage effectively from the distance – lashed out with his Zidian first – attempting to stop Wei Ying from whatever he was trying to do.
His plan didn’t work out though. Lan Zhan caught the whip without hesitation, letting his hand be seared and his body be shocked. He nearly dropped to the ground again – after all standing and fighting weren’t exactly a piece of cake after those thirty-three disciplinary whip lashes.
But he remained standing, showing the incoming attackers a straight up glare for daring to attack his beloved one.
In the end, Lan Xichen was the one who saw that his brother would protect Wei Ying until the bitter end or die trying – so he swooped in and fought off Nie Mingjue and Su She while Lan Zhan kept holding onto Zidian, hereby immobilizing Jiang Cheng until the man finally gave in and retracted the whip.
Lan Xichen still remeined standing in front of his brother and Wei Wuxian – not at all liking the fact that he had to defend a mass murderer, but he would gladly do so for now if that meant his brother got to live.
“I am done. I can deal with them.”
Surprised at Wei Wuxians tone Lan Xichen threw a single glance at the black clad man. He was smiling at Lan Zhan.
“How?” Lan Xichen didn’t miss out on the fact that his brother by no way doubted Wei Wuxian, in fact his brother seemed worried about the man at most.
“A secret melody.” Wei Ying winked at Lan Zhan. “It has been playing in my head whenever I needed to calm down – and let me tell you: it works miraculously well!”
Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying a questioning look but let the vague answer pass anyway.
“I will.” With another smile Wei Ying passed by the Lan brothers and all other cultivators around them – except Lan Zhan they all tailed him with suspicious glances.
Wei Ying didn’t care though. He was used to mistrust. Besides, if he wanted to calm those corpses down, he couldn’t let his mind be disturbed.
So, he stayed serene, thinking of the music in his heart, closed his eyes and started playing.
Behind him Lan Zhan wavered, his eyes shooting open as he had to steady himself against a boulder.
That was Wangxian – the song he had written for Wei Ying! And as far as he knew, he only hummed it to Wei Ying once while said man wasn’t even fully aware.
How had Wei Ying remembered the notes?
His heart jumped. Wei Ying remembered. Wei Ying had said this song had clamed him when he needed it. Wei Ying must have carried this song in his heart.
And most importantly: he used it to calm down the corpses around them – showing that his heart must have a strong attachment which he could write onto the corpses by plying the song.
Lan Zhan burst with love for this man.
He couldn’t stand by, he brushed his worried brother off, who had attempted to steady him, walked straight at Su She, took the guys gequin and joined Wei Ying – on his way already starting to play his own song. Effectively shutting Su She’s screaming about Lan Zhan’s audacity to steal his instrument up.
The cultivators could only watch on in bewilderment as they witnessed Lan Zhan and Wei Ying duetting a song all of them had never heard before.
It was a song these two obviously shared in between themselves.
And watching it was nearly scary: Lan Zhan was obviously boosting the effect Wei Yings music had, his pure cultivation nourishing Wei Yings demonic one.
One after another the corpses were put to rest.
Not only did they lose all life, they even sank right back into the earth, vanishing like they had never been there.
The duo played the song twice until all corpses were subdued, the resentful energy in the air fading – just like the resentful energy within Wei Ying and the energy all-in-all within Lan Zhan.
Shortly after having played the last note, Wei Ying wavered and fell unconscious. Lan Zhan caught him and went down with him, landing straight on the ground with his arms wrapped around Wei Ying.
When the other cultivators closed in in them, Lan Zhan glared at them – warning them not to make a wrong move.
And that was how – against all intuitions – Lan Xichen ended up bringing the Yiling patriarch to Gusu. Otherwise, his brother wouldn’t have gone back there for treatment himself.
In fact, because of that, the remnants of the siege, the rests of the major sects and a few others, had come together to discuss what should be done from here on.
Most of them still wanted the Yiling patriarch dead and Lan Wangji punished until he dropped dead, but there were also those who suddenly weren’t in favor of destroying Wei Ying anymore.
Like Nie Mingjue – he had seen how little evil intent had been inside Wei Wuxians eyes after he wasn’t threatened by them anymore. He had been there when Wei Wuxian had called the corpses off, clearly defending all of them even though he could simply have escaped alone. So, if they left Wei Wuxian alone, he probably wouldn’t be an issue at all.
Jiang Cheng was the same. Now that someone else had stepped up for his brother, he couldn’t really remain standing against him. And even if he couldn’t forgive him for killing his sister and her husband, making Wei Ying live and take responsibility would probably be more satisfying than just killing him once anyway. Besides, he had not forgotten his jealousy from before either. He wasn’t blind – he wanted his brother around. He had just denied that up until now – all because of his stupid pride.
Lan Xichen opposed a severe punishment as well – even if he only did so to keep his brother alive and in the best case scenario also allow him a live with his love.
Naturally there also where those who wouldn’t listen. Su She and Jin Guangyao wanted to execute a punishment ‘to set an example’, while others wanted ‘the evil removed from the word’ – all the while not knowing, that said evil was currently inside the Gusu med bay, arguing with Lan Zhan.
“Stop being so petty! I know you hate others touching you but the head doctor isn’t here right now and your bandages must be soaked if your clothes look like that! Let me change them already!”
“Wei Ying-” It was a warning, clearly, but Wei Ying couldn’t have cared less. “No, you are being unreasonable. Do you want your wounds to infect?” Wei Ying crossed his arms, looking impatient. “Or are you afraid of letting me see your wounds?”
Lan Zhan didn’t answer.
“Whatever it is Lan Zhan, get over it and let me help you. Please. I want to do at least that much after all the trouble I caused you.”
Lan Zhan looked like he still wanted to say ‘no’, but he didn’t. He was clearly affected by Wei Yings display of guilt.
“Besides now that you are my husband it is my duty to take care of you!” Wei Ying realized what he has said belatedly once again. Well, he just had to go and ruin it, right? Him and his loose tongue. He really should get rid of that flirting habit.
“Husband?” Lan Zhan looked deadpanned. His voice devoid of anything. But contrary to his expression, his eyes had taken on a dark sparkle.
Was he angry? Or maybe just on the way to getting riled up like when they were teenagers?
Suddenly very much desiring to tease Lan Zhan like he had done when they were young Wei Ying gave an enthusiastic nod, speaking enthusiastically. “Yes, husband! I mean you saved me, right? With that I am the damsel in distress, and you are my prince – thus a wedding is in order, right?” Wei Ying winked at Lan Zhan, puckering his lips in an act of expecting a kiss before he added a sweet sounding, “Besides we have a son already. And A-Yuan remembers what I said back then. Plus he said I was looking at you like a mommy looks at a daddy, so-“
Ah yes, there it was: Wei Yings teasing backfiring on him. He had not watched his mouth and was punished for it. And he most definitely had to fix that. As in right now.
“But then again, forget it, what do kids know?” Laughing it off Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a small shove, making him sit down on one of the beds in the med bay, acting as naturally as he could, as he acted like he still only cared about changing Lan Zhans bandages.
“Children are honest. You are not.”
Surprised Lan Zhan would actually say such a thing, Wei Ying stilled his hands before they could come into contact with Lan Zhans robes.
“What is that supposed to mean? I will have you know that I am a very serious, very honest guy. That is why everyone likes me!” Wei Ying paused, then signed and corrected himself. “Ok, why everyone liked me. Past tense. The demonic cultivation gave my image a little blow.”
“Wei Ying?” Asking his ‘Are you ok?’ in the manner that was so much like him, Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying in mild worry. He did not like the undertone Wei Ying had just used.
“Ah, never mind. It is too bothersome to constantly be surrounded by people anyway.” Wei Ying closed his eyes. “Besides, most of the people I knew throughout my life and actually liked are gone by now, so…”
Lan Zhan fell silent, not knowing what to tell Wei Ying to make him feel better. Social contacts had never been his forte. That was always more of his brother’s talent.
“But you know Lan Zhan…when I understood that you didn’t hate me, that was good enough. It made me happy.”
Lan Zhan’s eyes widened. “Never hated Wei Ying.”
“I know that now.” Wei Ying signed, this time reaching for Lan Zhan’s robes for real. “But I didn’t get that for a long time. In fact, when we were young, I thought you at least liked me a bit but as time passed, I was surer and surer that you hated me for acting the way I acted, saying the things I said and in short, well just hated me being me.” Wei Ying undid the front of Lan Zhan’s belt, careful not to rip at it in case it would pull the fabric of Lan Zhan’s cloths and drag them over his wounds or the bandages. “But at burial mount I saw a memory of the stygian tiger seal. It showed me how you defended me and cared for me after the last battle before the siege.”
“You didn’t remember that?” Lan Zhan sounded surprised, he even sounded a bit pained.
“No, sorry. My cultivation tends to block things out whenever I am going through phases where I feel dark emotions very strongly.” Throwing the belts aside as their backs where bloodied, Wei Ying bent down a bit more so he could start taking Lan Zhan’s robes off.
“How much do you remember now?” Lan Zhan caught Wei Yings hands, not letting him touch his clothes any further.
“Well, you saved me, cared for my wounds, spoke some words I do not recall but remember to be spoken softly and then you were led away for-” Wei Ying nodded at Lan Zhan’s robes, clearly meaning the punishment. “And now do me a favor and set my hands free, I need them to undress you.”
“Don’t.” Lan Zhan’s voice sounded strained – quite apparently so.
“Oh, come on Lan Zhan, I already undid your belt, so we are halfway there anyway. Besides, it’s not like I will peel you out of your pants.”
Apparently, Lan Zhan didn’t take it the humorous way. His grasp on Wei Ying tightened even more.
“I will wait for the doctor.”
“You don’t trust me to do this properly, do you?” Wei Ying suddenly had lost all jokes and fun comments. He didn’t know why, but he was growing angry – the resentful energy escaping his body made that quite noticeable for Lan Zhan as well.
“Wei Ying-” That was a ‘no, that is not the issue’, a ‘I trust you’, an ‘I am sorry if I offended you’ – but Wei Ying wasn’t willing to listen. With Lan Zhan things always had to end like that. Ever since he had crawled back out of the burial mounts.
“Ok then, what is it if that’s not the issue? And don’t tell me it’s your hatred for touching as long you would let another touch you.” Wei Ying tried to pull himself free, but Lan Zhan didn’t let go of him. And Lan Zhan had always been stronger than Wei Ying.
Wei Ying still tried to free himself two more times. All the while Lan Zhan remained quiet, not willing to tell the truth.
“Yiling Patriarch!” Hearing the call of his title, Wei Ying finally managed to pull himself free, quickly using the chance to distance himself from Lan Zhan.
“The child has woken up. He wants to see you.”
Wei Ying immediately forgot his anger, rushing towards where he knew A-Yuan to rest.
The boy had recuperated quite well. His fever had gone down, he had been clad in new clothes – and even through they sadly were the white mourning robes of the Gusu Lan sect and not something pretty, they were at the very least clean. A-Yuan had even had been provided with a few snacks.
By the time A-Yuan had finished them and gone back to sleep – strangely not asking for anyone of the Wens, which caused Wei Ying quite a few worries, even if it may just have been a trauma from the fever – the doctor had already changed Lan Zhan’s bandages.
That is how he ended in this situation: As he went back to join Lan Zhan again, feeling like he should inform him about A-Yuan’s health, the female doctor – who had just finished her work on Lan Zhan and clothed the man again – went straight up towards him and demanded him to take off his coat so she could change the bandage on his arm. The gash Lan Xichen had left there was quite nasty and bled quite a lot after all.
Not at all thinking about what he was doing, he undressed his clothes right on the spot – until he was only left with his pants.
“You aren’t exactly shy, are you?” The doctor smiled as she got to work.
“Me? No, I have never been the shy type.” Wei Ying send a semi-heartfelt glare into Lan Zhan’s direction, wanting to add a ‘not like the statue over there’ – he was taking the whole bandaging affair quite personally – but ended up with his words stuck in his throat.
Lan Zhan was looking straight at them – or him to be exact. With quite dark eyes. The look was close to an angry one but somehow different.
Anyhow, it went straight to Wei Yings gut, setting something alive in there.
Especially since Lan Zhan had his eyes everywhere but on Wei Yings eyes – he didn’t even know he had been caught staring.
“Oh, what is this? I didn’t notice it before when I wrapped you up for the first time.” The doctor ran a hand along the burn-mark on his chest. “It looks like the Qishan Wen sects coat of arms.”
“That’s because it is their coat of arms.” Wei Ying scratched his head, looking down at his own chest. “I got that mark when I pushed a girl out of the way. I haven’t seen her since though.”
“Do you want me to get you a cream for that? It may lighten up the scar.”
“That isn’t necessary. It has been healed for many years now anyway. Besides, I have so many scars that it doesn’t matter if this one if visible or not.”
“I see.” The doctor smiled. Her mien was a tat bit sad. “Take more care of yourself in the future. Your skin may heal but the tissue will never be the same once it was hurt that deeply.”
“Yes doctor!” Smiling in an easygoing way, Wei Ying watched the doctor disappear, then looked back at Lan Zhan, surprised to find him standing nearly directly in front of him.
“What is it?”
“When did you get so many scars?”
Blinking at Lan Zhan’s question, Wei Ying looked down at himself. “It’s not that bad you know.”
“There were a lot less.” Wei Ying looked up again, starring into Lan Zhan’s eyes.
“What? When did you ever see me naked before!”
Lan Zhan remained silent, instead just continuing to look at every single scar, his gaze hardening when his eyes found the burn mark on Wi Yings chest.
“You should have accepted that cream.”
“You sound like you really hate that scar.” Wei Ying laughed a bit, lifting his hand to feel over the scar. His skin had a strange texture there – much rougher and harder.
“I do.”
Surprised at Lan Zhan not only hating a scar, that was not even on his own body, and even admitting to it, Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan again, this time moving into his line of sight so that Lan Zhan’s eyes meet his own instead of the scar. “What? Why? Didn’t we agree back then that it was better for me to have it, than for MianMian to have it on her face?”
Lan Zhan remained silent.
“Hey, I am talking to you! You are being rude, you know!” Making a scene was one of Wei Yings strongest suits, so he went and acted spoiled – just like he had done so many times before.
“Besides, I don’t see why you would hate something I got because I was selfless for once!”
“That is not the problem.”
Not having expected that Lan Zhan would actually entertain him by letting himself be teased, Wei Ying smirked, forming yet another glorious plan inside his head.
“Well, what is the problem then? The one who I got the scar for?” He wiggled his eyebrows, hinting how he had teased Lan Zhan for liking MianMian back then in the cave of the tortoise of slaughter. “Ah Lan Zhan, rest assured, I never did and never will love MianMian, she is all yours.” He snickered seeing how Lan Zhan’s face shifted into something akin to annoyance.
“Oh and one more secret-” Deciding to add another layer to the teasing, Wei Ying stood straight, coming closer and closer to Lan Zhan’s face before he finally moved to the side a bit and whispered straight into the other mans ears. “-I would have acted the same way if you were the one about to be burned, we can’t have the most beautiful cultivator disfigured, can we?”
Instead of getting Lan Zhan to turn bashful or turn red or anything else that was cute, Wei Ying was shocked to see Lan Zhan flinch.
He immediately felt something wasn’t right. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have come that close to you. Or said that. Or done whatever I did wrong.”
Wei Ying stepped backwards, lifting his hands upwards in a show of ‘I give up, it was my fault’.. Lan Zhan didn’t react. Now this was bad.
“Lan Zhan? What is it? Talk to me please?”
Lan Zhan turned around and went back to the bed, Wei Ying could see how he was forcing himself to walk straight and upright. It must have been hurting his back more than anyone else would ever been able to bear. Or at least more than Wei Ying himself could have been able to bear.
“Lan Zhan, please don’t ignore me, ok? You know I say and do a lot of things, but I don’t mean them, so please-” As Wei Ying hurried after him, completely disregarding the fact that he was still half naked, Lan Zhan let out a shaky breath.
“That is also a problem, yes.”
Wei Ying froze. Just what had he done to mess up this badly? Before Lan Zhan had often been angry at him, but the silent treatment was new – and he did not like it, not at all.
“Lan Zhan, you are making me feel disliked again, I-”
“Disliked?” Even though Wei Ying had only tried to fix the situation by telling Lan Zhan what kind of misunderstanding would come from this, he seemed to have worsened it all. Lan Zhan was definitely in a bad mood now.
“Ok sorry Lan Zhan, I didn’t think about what I just said, forget it. I just-” Wei Ying broke off. What had he wanted? Why were things this complicated right now anyway?
“You know Lan Zhan, I just like you, so I want to tease you, I am sorry.” Giving up, Wei Ying rubbed his face, not knowing how else he should tell Lan Zhan that he was someone he regarded highly and had always wanted to be friends with. He just couldn’t control his tongue. But that changed non of his feelings.
“Do not say things you do not mean.”
“But I do mean it!” Exasperated Wei Ying found himself, for the first time ever, thinking Lan Zhan to be blockheaded and stupid. What would it take for Lan Zhan to take him serious for once? Sure, he joked around a lot but even he had his honest moments! Then it hit him, a genius idea.
“I know what to do to show you the truth of my words!” Rushing past Lan Zhan, Wei Ying went to the doctors table, snatched a paper and a brush plus the liquid ink, and returned to Lan Zhan.
In front of Lan Zhan Wei Ying ripped a piece of the paper off and started to write something onto it. “There! A truth-talisman! I developed it so A-Yuan couldn’t lie to me whenever I asked whether or not he had brushed his teeth!”
Lan Zhan gave him an empty stare, clearly not believing him – once again.
So, Wei Ying took the liberty to take Lan Zhan’s hand and put the makeshift-talisman on top of his palm.
Then he asked a question, his eyes glinted mischievously. “I presented you with two rabbits back in our teen days. Did you like them?”
“Yes.” Lan Zhan’s eyes widened hearing his own answer, his ears started to turn pink in embarrassment.
“See, you can’t lie with that talisman!” Wei Ying snickered at Lan Zhan before taking the paper into his own hands again. “And now ask me all questions you want an honest answer to, I won’t be able to lie or evade the question for once so use this chance.”
And Lan Zhan did. It was nearly a surprise with him being such a goody-two-shoes.
“Did or do you like MianMian?”
Wei Ying laughed; Lan Zhan was way too cute asking that question even though the answer was so obvious. “No.”
“Why did you push her aside then?”
“Because I didn’t what her face to be marred.”
“Would you have done that for everyone else too?”
“Hell no” Wei Ying made a face. For all he cared Wen Chao for example could gladly have been burned. And Jiang Cheng would have had to save his ass himself, sorry not sorry, but being saved was a sweet-person-privilege not an angry-person-privilege.
“Then why did you say you would have taken that burn for me then?”
“Because you being burned would absolutely not be an option – ever. It was bad enough that the Wen sect dared to break your leg back then. I was already angry enough at them for that.” Wei Ying huffed, in fact, yes, his answer reminded him just how angry he had been back then. He would gladly have broken Wen Chaos legs as thank-you back then.
Lan Zhan fell quiet for a moment.
Wei Ying moved his head to the side, looking puzzled. “Wait, aren’t you going to ask me if I like you? I thought that was what you didn’t believe coming from me first and foremost.”
Lan Zhan hesitated for a moment. He didn’t know if the answer to that question would make him happy, even if Wei Ying did indeed like him as friend.
“Come on Lan Zhan, just ask me. Or else I will be sad because you will never believe me that I like you.”
Lan Zhan half-signed, finally giving in. “Fine. Do you like me?”
“I do. You always have been and always will be my favorite person.” At first Wei Ying smiled, glad to finally be asked the important question, but as he heard himself answer he nearly suffered a heart attack.
What was that with the favorite person? Hey, hey, the talisman was supposed to make him say the absolute truth – how did something that mushy come out?
And how could Lan Zhan always have been his favorite person when at some point his shijie had been around as well?
Or…wait a minute – the talisman was making him say the truth.
Wei Ying blinked. He had just realized he was seriously stupid.
He liked Lan Zhan more than his siter because he wasn’t just a friend.
Only now did he noticed how much more of his time he had always spend on Lan Zhan than on all others – girls included.
And he had always cared about Lan Zhan’s opinion more than anyone else’s.
Plus, he had only been this fierce in all his fights and arguments with Lan Zhan because he assumed Lan Zhan wanted to punish him for his ways or condemned him and that was the absolute last thing, he wanted Lan Zhan to desire when it came to himself.
So yes, he was in love with Lan Zhan. Which was kind of suboptimal.
Couldn’t he at least have fallen for someone who might like him back one day? Fate really was cruel.
“Do not lie.”
“Lan Zhan, I literally can’t lie right now!” Ah, good, Lan Zhan seemed to be stupid in this area – just like Wei Ying himself. He hadn’t realized what Wei Yings words had meant. Lucky him – that spared him the rejection and the awkward atmosphere afterwards – plus the heartbreak. Wei Ying however still averted his eyes, sitting down on the floor leaning back with his face directed at the roof instead of at Lan Zhan – who was seated on the bed across from him.
“You make it sound like you love me.” Ok correction: Lan Zhan was neither obvious nor stupid in this area. But he was stupid in another area. He said his words as statement, not as question: meaning Wei Ying could evade the truth since he frankly speaking would not be lying.
“Well I guess-” Wei Ying couldn’t help himself and sneaked a glance at Lan Zhan, wanting to see how Lan Zhan may or may not take a confession – just as theoretical knowledge. He however broke off when he saw Lan Zhan’s Face shifting through dozens of emotions.
“Are you ok?” Asking Lan Zhan that question had come naturally to him but since he was the one holding the talisman and not Lan Zhan, he may not get an honest answer anyway, even if he asked him. Then again Lan Zhan had probably not lied once in bis life. After all it was against the Gusu Lans sects rules.
“Wei Ying, put the talisman aside if you don’t want to tell me. Otherwise, I will ask.” Confused about what Lan Zhan was even talking about – especially since he had just completely ignored Wei Yings question, which could be counted as rude, which in turn would be against the Gusu Lan sect rules – Wei Ying failed to put the talisman aside.
“Wei Ying, did you ever like someone?”
“Me too.” Now that Lan Zhan had already admitted that much, Wei Ying suddenly had the desire to turn tables – especially since Lan Zahn’s last question for him had hit too close to home. Thus, he quickly took the talisman and slapped it into Lan Zhan’s lap.
“How many people did you like in your life Lan Zhan? Romantically I mean.”
“One.” As Lan Zhan hadn’t been quick enough to get rid of the talisman, he was forced to answer. Even if he was visibly not comfortable with having been made to admit that.
Wei Ying decided to make it up to him with a bit of his own honesty. “Me too. I only loved one person as well. Even though it took me half my life to figure that out.”
Saying it out loud was kind of embarrassing but seeing Lan Zhan’s surprised reaction made it worth it.
And suddenly Wei Ying went devil-may-care. He wanted to know who the lucky one was, who Lan Zhan was in love with, even if he had to admit his own feelings in turn. He was sure Lan Zhan would be too nice to force him out of his life.
Good thing that Lan Zhan was still holding the talisman.
And yes, Wei Ying knew fully well that Lan Zhan would be angry at him for drawing the next bit of information out of him – but whatever, he was a fool in love so he was allowed to do stupid things.
“Who is the one you love?”
Wei Ying had never seen Lan Zhan cast a silencing spell this quickly. Especially not on himself.
“That is cheating!”
Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying a that-question-was-off-limits-look. Wei Ying pouted.
“Fine, fine. Then another question, ok?”
Lan Zhan didn’t lift the silencing spell, seemingly afraid of the prior questions answer tumbling past his lips – or he was simply burdened with serious trust issues now.
“Come on Lan Zhan, I promise to be good. I won’t pull such a trick again. I will even tell you something more intimate about me, that you want to know as apology. So, pretty please, forgive me?” Trying his best to look cute and lovable, Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan the puppy dog eyes – which was ironic given Wei Yings fear of dogs.
But Lan Zhan remained unmoved.
So, Wei Ying did the only thing he thought to be possible.
He played the game with and against himself to get back on Lan Zhan’s good side.
“Did you ever attempt serious advances at someone other the one you loved?” Quickly snatching the talisman from Lan Zhan, Wei Ying made himself force-answer the truth.
And he was quite glad he added the ‘except the one you loved’ clause – after all he was quite sure he had been serious to a certain degree when flirting with Lan Zhan at times. “No.”
Putting the talisman back into Lan Zhans lap, Wei Ying smiled again, trying to get Lan Zhan to loosen up. “There you have it, I am actually quite a sensible man. So please talk to me again?”
But instead of talking to him right away, Lan Zhan seemed to progress what he had just heard first. Then he picked up the talisman again and pushed it back at Wei Ying before lifting his silencing spell and asking his next question – quite obviously happy that the answer he had priorly hidden had not tumbled out along with the question.
“Did you ever kiss someone?”
To say Wei Ying was shocked at such an intimate question would have been a grand understatement but given the fact that he was holding the talisman, he had to answer. And actually, he was surprised at his own answer – wasn’t it a lie after all? “No.”
Lan Zhan froze. “You lied. How is that possible?”
Wei Ying, still under the effect of the talisman, answered right back. “I didn’t and it isn’t. I never kissed anyone.” Well ok, as long as he said it like that it was true. After all he had not done the kissing – he had been kissed.
Wei Ying had never seen Lan Zhan look so furious as he did right now. “Do not lie to me. I know you have kissed someone before.”
“Lan Zhan I really can’t lie right now as long as you ask me something! Besides, how would you know whether or not I had-” Wei Ying broke off. Wait, wait, wait. The only kiss he had had and thus the only kiss Lan Zhan could know of was that one – or rather the series of kisses – that was stolen from him at Phoenix mount. And no one except him and that overly strong girl should have witnessed that. The resentful energy inside him was way to weary of all people to not inform him about another presence had there been one. So that only left…the girl?
Oh. Wait: had that girl gone running around telling everyone about that!?
Well, that made it kind of embarrassing.
Or wait, no, right: After that kiss Wei Ying had meet Lan Zhan and they had talked about kisses. Or rather Wei Ying had told Lan Zhan about how many kisses he had had and teased Lan Zhan about how his lips would probably stay virgin for the rest of his life.
Suddenly Wei Ying had to laugh – so that was what this was about. “Ok, I admit it Lan Zhan, I lied to you back then.” Holding up the truth-talisman to empathize that he was indeed telling the truth right at this moment, Wei Ying smiled even broader, even now still feeling amusement at his teenager self’s way of acting. “Back then at Phoenix mount-”
Wei Ying definitely saw Lan Zhan’s eyes dodge his at that – which was strange. Hadn’t he wanted the truth in the first place after all?
Choosing to ignore that detail, Wei Ying continued with his explanation. “-I told you I had already kissed dozens of people dozens of times, right?”
Watching Lan Zhan turn back towards him, like he had not expected this but something else to be brought up, but now that it was something else than what he had feared, he was interested again, Wei Ying just had to smile again. How could anyone be this cute at Lan Zhan’s age and size?
“Well, my dear Lan Zhan, that was a lie.”
Lan Zhan’s eyes widened once again, suddenly the tip of his ears shone a bright red. “So, your first kiss was…?”
By the Lan Zhan trailed off, Wei Ying couldn’t stop himself from answering anymore. His reflexes of putting the talisman had been too slow and he couldn’t silence himself, so yes, he was in for an embarrassment.
“My first kiss was stolen from me just before I meet you on Phoenix mount. I don’t even know who it was.”
Lan Zhan didn’t move an inch – but the way his eyes suddenly seemed to have turned into deep, dark swirling pools of something powerful, made Wei Yings mouth go dry.
On instinct he licked his lips – not realizing how sensitive his lips seemed to be. His stomach however knew – if that flutter was any indication.
And Lan Zhan, who seemed to be tracking his tongues movement with his eyes, wasn’t helping to ease that feeling inside him either.
So, in order to get his attention somewhere else, he did what he always did. He started to ramble. “Well but you know, it was really strange. You know, I was already cultivation the dark path back then but the resentment inside of me made no move to defend me. Thus the one who kissed me must actually have been someone who the energy knew and knew of that I trusted them.”
Lan Zhan kept starring down at Wei Ying, making the other one’s mind grow even more chaotic, casing Wei Yings rambling to worsen – with the worst part being that Wei Ying still held onto the truth talisman.
“But I didn’t have that many people whom I trusted enough to let them come that close to me. Basically, there were only my shijie, and she wouldn’t have kissed me, just no, besides she loved the peacock back then already – my brother, and oh Lord, believe me, if he was the one who did that I would castrate him, but I think I am safe from that ever being a real danger, considering that he doesn’t know anything about love and will probably be a single for life anyway – and well, then there is…you?”
Wei Ying stopped at that. Wait a minute, did this truth talisman turn him into a detective? First off, he found out with whom he was in love with – and generally even just that he was in love with someone – and now he seemed to be finding out who had stolen his first kiss from him?
But Lan Zhan wouldn’t do something like that, right? After all-
All of Wei Yings thoughts skitter to a halt.
Lan Zhan was no longer sitting on his bed.
He was down on his knees in front of him. His hands on his cheeks. His lips on Wei Yings. And he wasn’t going slow either – in fact he was quite aggressive.
Lan Zhan was devouring Wei Yings mouth. He kept going in for more, not even waiting for Wei Ying to respond to him as he separated their lips by the tiniest fractions to bring them together at another angle just a split second later.
Lan Zhan made sure to move his lips from side to side, giving Wei Ying the feeling of their lips being inseparable even if they weren’t glued into one position.
There was no shyness, no hesitation – just an obvious hunger and passion that did not seem to be like Lan Zhan at all. But it was very much like the heated demanding kisses he had received on Phoenix mount.
So, it had been Lan Zhan!
Suddenly feeling as though the sun had decided to rise from within his body at this exact moment, Wei Ying threw his arms round Lan Zhan’s neck, responding as well as he could with his mind not being able to come up with a single coherent thought or course of action.
But it seemed to do the trick for Lan Zhan. He let out a low growl, his hand leaving Wei Yings face now that Wei Ying was pressing back so fiercely.
Possessively, he slid them down Wei Yings naked sides, one hand grasping his hipbone while the other traveled to his lower back, pulling him flush against Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying felt electrified, his whole body was buzzing. His mind went places that had never been explored before.
“God, I love you, Lan Zhan.” Not even realizing how he has started babbling again just moments after Lan Zhan had started to kiss down his neck, instead of shutting his stupid mouth up, he clutched the talisman – which he still held in his hand – even harder, withering under Lan Zhan’s lips.
But the very heartbeat that the words had come out of his mouth, Lan Zhan stopped his ministrations, lifting his face back up to look at Wei Ying.
To others, Lan Zhan may have looked normal, but to Wei Ying, there was a whole other dimension written over Lan Zhan’s features.
The usually golden suns that were his eyes, had turned into deep rich amber colored honey. And even if his face itself remained pretty much unchanged, his ears were red, his breathing a little quick, his lips parted, and there was a fervor written right onto his soul, which spoke volumes of how much and how long Lan Zhan had been dying to kiss Wei Ying like this.
“Repeat that.” Lan Zhan sounded like he was demanding it and yet was pleading for it at the same time.
And even in his dizziness, Wei Ying understood how fragile this moment was.
So, he loosened his hold around Lan Zhan’s neck – startling the man for a second, probably making him fear that Wei Ying had come back to himself and was filled with regret.
“Don’t let your mind come up with something ridiculous now Lan Zhan.” Speaking oh so lovingly, Wei Ying showed Lan Zhan the talisman once again before he held it to his heart.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji, Hanguang-Jun, you are the love of my life. You have been since I came to Gusu, even if I only got it today.”
Lan Zhan didn’t move, but he was listening. And he was yearning for whatever Wei Ying was willing to give him.
So, Wei Ying decided to make his confession a grant one. Lan Zhan certainly deserved that. “Lan Zhan, you are not only my sun, you are my entire solar system – without you the sky isn’t infinite and the earth has no gravity. You are my oxygen, and I am dying to breath. I will walk to the end of this earth for you, I will go to and through hell if that means I can earn myself a place by your side.” Wei Ying couldn’t help himself, his lips just started smiling on their own accord. “I liked you when I first saw you, standing there in the moonlight with that regal countenance of yours, those all-seeing beautiful eyes of yours and that smooth voice, telling me about all the rules I broke. Then I came to adore you when you sat in class, all serious, and before I knew it, I loved you when you and I were alone in the library – I loved being around you so much that I took more than one month longer to copy all the texts than I would have needed.” Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a peck to the lips. “And in case you didn’t notice – I flirted with many, but you were the only one I ever gave a present to. These bunnies were like us, weren’t they? A calm and responsible white one and a quirky, troublesome black one. And even they were lovers. We must truly be fated, I-”
Way Ying had no chance to sprout any more words of eternal love.
Lan Zhan had already shut him up, diving in for more and more of the only substance that could drive him mad with desire. “Like you, adore you, love you.” Lan Zhan was whispering against Wei Yings lips, staying so close to them that his lips dragged over Wei Yings as he spoke. “Want you so much. Always have. Back then too.” And suddenly Lan Zhan went even further, licking Wei Yings lips, biting them, pulling them and finally parting them as his tongue infiltrated Wei Yings mouth.
A wanton sound came out of Wei Yings throat, taking both of them by surprise. But while Wei Ying for once nearly fell into the pit of feeling shame, Lan Zhan seemed to have decided that just one of these sounds wasn’t enough.
He quickly turned Wei Ying into an instrument, pulling all his strings, making him use his voice to create all kids of new noises.
“Want to bed Wei Ying.”
These words shot straight down to Wei Yings lower half – not that that part of him hadn’t already come very much alive anyway.
“Want to bed Wei Ying every day.”
Nearly going insane from all the sensations and words, Wei Ying could only throw his head back, letting Lan Zhan do as he pleased as he sucked on his neck, making sure to lay a very visible claim on his beloved.
“Then marry me Lan Zhan, I’ll be the first and lace face you see every day.”
Wei Ying was only half aware of what he was saying, but Lan Zhan made up for Wei Ying’s lacking attention, by searing Wei Yings words into his mind, making sure to hold Wei Ying to them.
“Would Wei Ying want to marry me?” Lan Zhan pulled back after he had created a satisfactory mark, going back to kiss Wei Ying, talking to him at the same time – being cattier now than ever before.
“Yes, of course, I would marry you on the spot if I could. I have loved you for long already, I have no doubt I will love you for the rest of my life.”
Wei Ying kissed Lan Zhan back with an equal amount of passion, sneakily moving his arms while Lan Zhan was drowning in the sensation of his beloved kissing him back with no less affection or passion than he himself felt.
Then suddenly, Lan Zhan felt his robes parting, his belts and outer garments sliding open as Wei Ying moved his hands underneath them.
“But you will have to live with me being naughty and flirting with you all day and night long.”
Lan Zhan had no complaint regarding that.
His world, his life, was not only in love with him, no he wanted to touch him and marry him too – it made something in Lan Zhan roar in triumph. He bend over Wei Ying, covering the others entire sight. Wei Ying softly raked his nails up and down over his bandages.
Surprisingly Lan Zhan couldn’t feel his back at all – it might have been the pain killers or just his drunkenness of what was happening right now, but either way, he saw no reason to hold back,
For once he went against schedule, against plans and the proper order of things, giving himself to his racing heart and pulsing body.
He pushed Wei Ying down onto the floor, ridding himself of his upper and inner garments at the same, leaving him equally clad or rather naked as Wei Ying was.
Wei Ying drank in the sight of him, and even with the bandages, he saw the most perfect man he had ever laid eyes on.
“Gods, how did I land you – what have I ever done to deserve you.” And with that Wei Ying pulled Lan Zhan back down, demanding to be kissed senseless – Lan Zhan gladly obliged.
At least until Wei Ying drew a leg up and – whether accidentally or not – brushed against a rather neglected part of Lan Zhan’s body.
Lan Zhan’s breath came out in a strained puff. “Wei Ying, if you don’t what to be taken right here, right now, I would suggest you stop playing with fire.”
“And what if I do want it?” Wei Ying took a lock of Lan Zhan’s hair and twirled it in between them. “What will you do if I want my husband to make me his in all ways he can?” Traveling up the smooth lock of hair, Wei Ying grasped Lan Zhan’s ribbon. “Oh, and will I have a ribbon like that too after I marry you? I always liked it on you.”
Lan Zhan turned feral, ripping his ribbon off and tying it around Wei Yings wrists, tying him up before hooking Wei Yings bound-up arms around his neck. “You can have my ribbon right now. You are my husband; you are allowed to touch.”
Wei Ying suddenly paled. “Wait! That is what it means!? God, I am sorry for all the times I just touched it and even pulled it off without even thinking about it!”
“Have always loved you, have always loved the feeling and sight of you holding my ribbon, have always wanted you to take it after you knew the meaning.” Lan Zhan’s mouth didn’t stop forming words, making him talk so much that Wei Ying felt tears welling up – Lan Zhan was so obviously so in love with him, that it wrenched his heart.
“I know now. But I won’t take it off again.”
Lan Zhan froze. But then Wei Ying laughed happily, seeing his games being successful for once. “I’ll just straight up keep it. You are mine! Let the world see. You will get my headband in turn!”
“Then hurry up and get your headband.” Lan Zhan kissed Wei Ying again, relishing in the knowledge that whenever he felt like it in the future, he would be able to claim as many kisses as he craved for.
Wei Ying was finally his; Wei Ying had finally come back to Gusu. And this time Lan Zhan would make him stay – giving Wei Ying the life he wanted right her by his side.
Lan Zhan could feel Wei Ying looked arms around his neck pulling him down with even more force, making him feel like suddenly everything in this world had found it’s place.
He had certainly found his. He smiled a rare but honest. “Do you remember the song you played before? To calm the corpses?”
Taken off guard by the question, Wei Ying tried to figure out where this was going as he nodded.
“It is a song I composed for you. I hummed it for you in the Cave of the tortoise of slaughter.”
Wei Ying stopped moving all along, his mouth open, his eyes wide. “You composed that? For me?”
“Yes.” Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying an endearing look. “I not only loved you back then, I was also aware of my feelings.”
“Are you teasing me Lan Zhan!?” Seemingly not believing it, Wei Ying smiled that happy grin of his. “I can’t believe it! Ah wait- you never told me the songs name!”
Lan Zhan nuzzled Wei Ying as he said, “Combine our names.”
“Oh, so wait, the top comes first, right? And with us, you are definitely the top, I am very sure of that much. So it’s Wangxian?”
Lan Zhan couldn’t help but fall even more for the man in his arms. “Yes.”
“Did you compose any more songs dearest?”
Lan Zhan smiled again, completely besotted. “I will play them for you on our wedding night.”
“Then I will take you to Lotus pier for our honeymoon!”
Lan Zhan hummed in agreement, imagining them side by side, clad in red.
He hoped the wedding would be soon.
And that his uncle would not go into qi deviation over this matter.
Autors note:
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked the FanFiction!
By the way, all sorts of feedback are very welcome :)
And please feel free to tell me if you have another scenerio in mind that I should attempt to write :)
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
34 notes · View notes
wait a minute. So I've read your bits on civil war 2008, and I have a question for you: all the characters in the civil war event, at least the major players(like stark, Cap, Spidey, FF), do you believe that they are acting OOC, or that the writers chose to bring out the character's worse qualities to create drama?
And do you think that if the writers had written them In Character, or at least written them to be more balanced, would it have improved the story? Actually, do you think that Civil War could have been... at least A not Bad Story under an intense rewrite? or that the whole concept should have been thrown away?
The OOC talk is tempting and also partially justified. There is a batch of previous stories scattered through the years with the Fantastic Four dealing with similar scenarios where Reed is pretty much anti-government.
1) In one Social Services sue the FF4 for endangering Reed and Sue Kids by keeping them in the Baxter Building despite it being blown up once every 2 weeks. They ask them to "register" them and put them in a safe government facility, so to spearhead a new law where they can get pre-teen superhumans "out of harm way" or some shit.
Keep in mind Franklin is still a Mutant in this story (And still is right now because FUCK YOU SLOTT). Anyway, Reed seemingly agrees,only to set up a dummy facility and "register" his kids there. He doesn't even announce it he literally only writes it in the Government's documentation and shit.
The facility is razed to the ground a couple hours later. Because yes the Baxter Building can explode at any time but AT LEAST they are there to protect the kids from the countless people.
2) In another story, Reed is asked by Congress to create a device that outs mutants and "abnormal" humans, so the government can better individuate them for "reasons." Reed agrees, and makes a device SO POWERFUL it detects every deviations from the supposed norm, so when he gives a demonstration in Congress, he reveals half of its members would qualify as "Mutants" if they kept that line of inquiry, which makes them hastily drop the whole thing. This was intentional, because who the fuck are they to decide who is or isn't not normal?
3) Compare and Contrast with Civil Ear Reed Richards, who is a McCarthy apologist who goes "Logically speaking, we need to listen to the government on this one otherwise we might get burned just like my (gay coded) artist uncle was by the McCarthy Trials in the 50s when he told the court to shove it and his life was ruined as a result. It's the rational way to do it."
4) (The three main proponents of the Registration Side being Rich, White, Heterosexual Men in positions of powers, with jobs in the science field that justify their decision with "Facts and Logic" was PROBABLY unintentional, but is also a great unintended allegory for this kind of shit. The ones who are hurt the most but these kind of laws are the ones who can't afford it after all, and who is ever going to go after the rich and powerful first? Especially if they come with little repercussions on their lives (Tony, Reed and Hank where all already outed as Superheroes after all))
5) Peter is OOC in OMD mind you, Civil War goes pretty much how you'd expect him to go (gets manipulated by authority figure into it, MJ and May are supportive of him because they see only half the facts, the SECOND Peter realizes that those people are monsters he drops them and gets the shit beaten out of him for it, unlike Reed or Tony who can AFFORD having their identities public Peter barely has the money to survive which ends with May getting shot for it). It's an incredibly poignant scenario that I wish was used to TELL A MESSAGE rather than just a backdrop to shoehorn OMD in.
6) Which is to say Civil War could indeed be written better under the same premise. If they want to keep the Patriot Act Allegory, they should be aware of what that would entail for the characters that support it.
We are currently seeing a similar scenario going on in Marvel in the Champions comics where the registration side is pretty much spearheaded by an unambiguous evil corporation and shit. In light of Civil War I existing the whole thing kinda loses its impact (Like that one joke scene where Tony goes "Maybe we should register them" with a smug look on his face as if he isn't responsible for so many deaths), but at least they are trying to shift the conversation? The villain is not the Government of course it's Evil Apple, but at least it's not a "Both Sides are equally ok" centrist bullshit take like they did in Civil War or in Skyrim.
Like, fuck, it's literally called CIVIL WAR to invoke the American Civil War in the context of the "brother kills brother" interpretation some bastards are so fond off, I wouldn't call THAT a "Both Sides are valid" scenario by a long fucking mile, yet here we are.
7) I think the best way to put it would be to set up the same scenario but make it realistic to the setting and shit.
Hank and Tony still support the Government because one is a Skrull Chaos Agent the other is misguided, Carol takes Reed's place in the Triad because Women can be War Criminals too (She was leading the equivalent of a child soldier program during Civil War so she is one already at least). Steve is also anti government because this is happening during the fucking BUSH ADMINISTRATION and he goes "When will Washington decide who the villains are?" Like he did in canon but in, like, a poignant moment.
Speaking of Reed he will keep his family neutral and go "I admit superheroing does need failsafes and some kind of oversight mind you, I just don't this this country's government has demonstrated their right to be that."
Let's not put the "Cap you are out of touch because you don't know what MySpace is" or "Luke every time I see a Sentinel that's like seeing a Burning Cross" rants in the story too because those were some raw shit.
Tony, again, lives in privilege, so it wouldn't exactly affect him, and is genuinely trying to do good, so we need to put him as the "Patsy" who gets duped by Skrull Hank Pym for it, the government is the one with the secret prison for Superheroes, Hank is the one recruiting Nazi Scientists and starting child soldier programs, clones Thor, sets up with the Government a Super Prison in the Ocean (can't use the negative zone without Reed), outside of US Jurisdiction so the government can ship then there with no trial and torture them. When Skrull Hank Pym is confronted for it, and the blame is attempted to be pinned on him and him alone, he goes "Are you earthlings daft or something? I did almost nothing, it was your government who did most of the work in their desire for security and safety, I just sped up the process for them, they would have done all of this with or without me."
Around the ending Tony finds out and is devastated and drops the whole thing."
When someone tries to comfort Tony over it because he didn't know any of this he goes "Oh, that's were you're wrong Peter. I knew. Deep down, I knew things weren't right, unjust, but I did nothing, because I could make things better from the inside, because it didn't affect me, because It would have been inconvenient to me to stop this. This is on me for passively accepting it as it is on the ones who enforced it." Which leads him to make amends, that way he is not as much of a awful character here.
The scene where The US kidnaps Ororo so they can strong arm Tchalla into getting registered happens but is treated as a international crisis as it deserves.
The Prison Break finale happens because Namor discovers the prison in HIS FUCKING DOMAIN and just goes ham on it with the help of the Anti Registration side, he drops a line like "I've seen shit like this before, I've seen what happens when man declares another man a criminal for things out of their control, for what they've been from birth, and I say NOT IN MY KINGDOM!" or some shit (He is a WWII veteran after all).
Since Steve isn't pummeling to the ground Tony in this scenario there isn't the dumb as fuck Everyday Heroes scene and he doesn't get shot by Sharon later on..
We have instead the scene from Secret Invasion where Skrull Hank Pym kills Steve (In SI it was Skrull Queen killing Janet Van Dyne) on national television, which leads to the anger of everyone involved who rush him, only for Tony to be the one who pull the trigger.
Tony is put in charge of SHIELD, which leads to Iron Reign (Dark Reign equivalent), and the story ends with him going "Let's see if things can reach change from the inside this time" as he actually reforms Shield from his position of power. The Registration Act becomes unpopular due to Steve's death and Alien Interferences, so that helps, and leads to actual protests in the streets after Namor reveals to the UN the war crimes the US is committing. It's a slow process, but is something.
OMD doesn't happen, The Peter storyline remains pretty much the same, but instead of Tony bragging about his private prisons for Superheroes in hell, it's the Punisher who shows up to him and reveals some troubling shit he discovered, Peter Confront Tony for it who dismisses it as fake news because he doesn't want to believe, Peter drops the registration side out of disgust, which then leads to the government sending villains after him rather than Tony. Tony is then seen strongly arguing with Maria Hill for this since Peter almost died from what he got from his suit readings (which he never hijacked or deactivated), but the Skrull Hank Pym shows up and supports Maria Hill for it, and Carol is busy with her child soldier program to comment.
May still gets shot and dies right as Peter and MJ discover MJ is pregnant with their second Daughter, which is ripe for lots of good stuff.
Maria Hill will therefore have to take even more of a role as a Government Plant and shit, but what's new.
Johnny Storm still gets hate crimed on but not by black people. Maybe confirm him as Bi while we're at it? You know, to get topical and all.
Ideally No More Mutants never happened so mutants are still a thing and most of them are vehemently anti registration. Emma Frost appears neutral at first glance, but ultimately she is playing the long game, secretly helping militant mutant groups and shielding the school from unwanted attention. She still has a restraining order filled for Tony Stark, she still points out to Carol how fucking dangerous a mutant life can be if outed via mind powers.
Can't think of much else for now, maybe Felicia helping MJ and May while they are in hiding? MJ is nauseous and all and she goes "must be the nerves" and Felicia agrees but May knows. This could lead to the polycule post May death since Felicia blames herself for it for not being fast enough, and MJ now is pregnant and scared and the Registration Act is getting repealed by the future is still glum and Peter is depressed so they all comfort each other and then 69 issues later we have a two parter maxi event where they face their fears and BANG we get the polycule.
Aunt May still poisons the Chameleon while he was posing as Peter. She actually actually poisons him rather then just drug him this time, because she knows of that one time he tried to force himself on MJ while posing as Peter which lead to MJ beating the shit out of him with a baseball bat, and May is a nice old lady but there are things she really can't stand you know?
Felicia and MJ help her hide the body. Peter never finds out.
And that's it?
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chatonyant · 4 years
im just so sad about this funky crow ninja
Itachi is just
Such a tragic character and it makes me so sad
Like he's a pacifist at heart but he was forced to be the literal opposite at such a young age and I'm just so sAD ABOUT IT
(Under cut cause it’s long and it’s about the uchiha massacre if yall would rather not read bout that But it also has some soft ideas down at the way bottom if yall wanna just speed scroll to the bottom)
How he came to the choice he made regarding the Uchiha massacre totally makes sense to me. It wasn't a good decision, it wasn't a decision best suited for the situation, but it made sense. And it gets worse once you realize that he was 13. Thirteen. No wonder he couldn't find/use a third option. He's still a child, even in this world of child soldiers. He bloodied his hands and wore a mask so that the home he loved and the brother he adored could be safe.
I wish his story could've been written... better, for a lack of proper words. Maybe that is the right word. But I want to see him do more for Konoha. He became a missing nin for Konoha to spy on Akatsuki/Madara but we don't see the results of that. What information does Konoha get from him? Because we know that he's still loyal to Konoha after all this time. Did he do anything to slow Akatsuki down? Did he do things to benefit Konoha or stop something from badly impacting it? What did he do?
And he was sick and going blind too!!!! I swear he was the universe's punching bag (though one of many cause the naruto universe just Be Like That)
Fuck ok I came on here to ramble about Itachi in my au but then got sad sO AU TIME NOW
For one I want to make him.... more sympathetic? A redemption works best when its shown from the start that there is more than meets the eye. Like Zuko, for example. He was a jerk, but there are moments where it's clear that he's not as much of a jerk as he could have been. And I wanted to do something similar with Itachi (and a couple other villains tbh but it's also a matter of "Should you survive" coughObitocough I love you but idk if you survive in this au or not but I have ideas nonetheless but that is for a later time)
Anyways, morally grey but more clearly Itachi
Honestly I've got more ideas for his ending than the beginning. Which is... very annoying. This is unfortunately the case for many... many of my ideas....
An idea I've been juggling with is Itachi not killing everyone. He definitely kills everyone who's activated their sharingan and anyone who is/was a shinobi. So everyone who's not a civilian. So,,, the survivors are very very little and are civilian mothers and civilian children too young to even attend the academy and like the occasional shop owners. The massacre was to stop the coup and prevent it from ever happening, so those who have the power to set forward this coup are any shinobi. And unfortunately, the Uchiha clan is an old shinobi clan.
Itachi is not a blank mask and does cry when he kills his parents and they leave their parting words. He's 13, forced to commit a crime that goes against his every wish, moral, and beliefs. Plus I believe the Uchiha are naturally every emotional- or at least feels it more intensely than others. Their whole defining ability has to do with emotions. They feel Very Strongly.
And thus by "cry" I mean he cries a lot. He almost has a breakdown right then and there when little baby Sasuke crashes in and see his crying older brother holding a bloody blade over his two very dead parents. 
For someone willing(ish) to murder a(lmost) a whole clan for the sake of his little brother, Itachi sure does directly hurt Sasuke a lot. Like genjutsu torture? Placing responsibility of avenging a whole clan on his tiny, angry shoulders? Oof, Itachi, bad ideas. 
So Itachi wants Sasuke to be safe. To be happy to the best of his ability. So instead, he uses a milder form of Tsukuyomi to place a suggestion in his baby mind that Itachi was in fact a cold hearted murderer. But the human mind is a strange thing that is difficult to understand, so for years Sasuke has nightmares of that night with his perception of Itachi varying wildly between a stone cold face and a tear-stained one. 
Itachi doesn’t do the whole “hate me and kill me for vengeance” because, again, he wants Sasuke to be safe and happy. Considering that he lives in a shinobi village and just had a highly traumatic experience, both are hard to come by, but the least Itachi can do is not have Sasuke’s whole life be overcome by hatred. Curse of Hatred is a very real thing, Itachi. I know you want Sasuke to have a goal to drive him forward and not waste away but bad idea Itachi. Maybe he says something else. Maybe he tells Sasuke to get stronger (but not in a “so you can get revenge” kind of way). I don’t know. But he doesn’t quite plant the idea of vengeance in his mind, so Sasuke’s motivation and drive ends up differently. Butterfly effects oho Also since Sasuke unlocked his sharingan during the massacre... is it possible to activate mangekyo as well? Cause he loves Itachi most, yes, but he also loved his parents, his mom especially. Would that be enough? Wiki says “death of someone close to the user”, so it’s possible, I think.
So many ideas about the massacre holy shit
Like Shisui. I’d totally love to make him live but frankly, I’ve got no idea how. :”D sorry Shisui, you’ll have to stay dead until I can find a solid reasoning as to how you survived and why
As for Madara/Tobi, well in anime he went after the Police headquarters while Itachi went after everyone else so there’s that, not much to change there
Then there’s a whole bunch of aftermath hijinks
Itachi is said to have aided Konoha within Akatsuki, but it’s not very clearly shown. Considering how we aren’t shown what exactly he passed on, that will be uh.... perhaps expanded on later. 
Sasuke and Itachi interactions before Shippuden would be different due to Sasuke’s own differences, but those differences haven’t be set yet so that will be explained later.
Ok, now the whole Itachi dying and being reincarnated shebang. Fourth War sure is wild as fuck. “Let’s mass reincarnate people!” what.
I don’t want Itachi to die. I want to let him rest. But not in death. 
So the general idea I have for the “end” of the story is:
He becomes legally blind. Not completely blind, but very close. His chakra coils are fucked and his sharingan are stuck in a way that he can kinda see chakra but very vaguely. 
His illness isn’t completely healed, but it’s much better than before; Sakura and Tsunade are legendary at what they do
He returns home to Konoha. Not sure how he will be accepted into the village but I was thinking the village makes a half-lie half-truth story pinning the blame on Danzo (Cause when in doubt, blame Danzo. Or Zetsu. But Zetsu isn’t blamable here)
He may not be imprisoned, but he isn’t free to roam. He’s monitored and has a (temporary?) seal placed on him limiting his use of chakra.
Itachi is surprisingly ok with all of this. He gets to retire from a shinobi life and he’s unraveled the story to Sasuke and was gifted a form of forgiveness. Life’s chill.
He works at the Yamanaka flower shop. It’s calming, peaceful, and it’s run by Yamanaka, powerful shinobi and also knowledgeable on psychology.
His crows are now seeing eye crows. They sit on either his shoulders or head and squawk whenever Itachi is too close to bumping into something. Sasuke very much enjoys when the crows are on Itachi’s head because when he tosses little treats at the birds, sometimes they land in Itachi’s hair.
It’s very hard for the shinobi to fear this honestly tiny man (because Itachi is small, fight me) who’s humming while watering plants with a bird on top of his head while the various heroes of Konoha take turns tossing treats at the bird like it’s a dog. 
“Nii-san. Nii-san stop squishing my cheeks.” “But Sasuke I want to see your face.” “Nii-san-”
oh my god so much brain power used on the massacre just so i could make itachi have a very domestic ending
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iheartbookbran · 4 years
in what world has Jaime done as many shitty things as Cersei... he's totally done shitty things, but Cersei is really out here having people tortured, abusing her children, killing babies, raping her teenage cousin, the list goes on? by all means let's hold Jaime to account but this saying he's done 'as many shitty things as Cersei' is honestly like comparing Theon to Euron
Hi anon! I think you’re referring to this post I reblogged about Cersei, in which I said in the tags that Tyrion and Jaime are objectively as shitty.
Ok listen, full on disclaimer here, but I’m not the biggest Jaime fan out there, and I’m by no means an expert on his character, so (in general) take everything I say about him with a grain of salt, but, while Jaime may not have as much blood in his hands as Cersei, I’ll concede you that point, he’s also not a king regent, like Cersei, with huge amounts of liberty—at least at first— to commit war crimes to his hear’s content. He really hasn’t had that much agency in general across the books, with him being a prisoner of war and then being dragged around the Riverlands by Brienne or being taken hostage... again. What readers trend to forget about Jaime is that when does have the agency, as of the start of aGoT, he’s more than a willing participant in Cersei’s schemes.
Yeah sure, he feels bad about it, and he justifies it by saying that he does it because he loves Cersei and wants to protect her, but to that I have to say...
Tumblr media
Also I’m gonna disagree in one of the things you listed Cersei has done and Jaime hasn’t.
That is “killing babies” because Jaime doesn’t really show any qualms about harming children? Bran being the biggest example, of course. The only reason he isn’t dead is because he’s got big plot armor. Still, I feel this often gets ignored when discussing Jaime’s character because Bran didn’t die while ignoring the physical and emotional damage he’s suffering as a result, including deep depression. And just because an attempted murder failed doesn’t negate the fact that Jaime still pushed a 7 year old child out of a window with the clear intention of killing him.
He’s also not opposed to maiming children. He was more than willing to cut off Arya’s hand after the Trident incident:
"Do you see that window, ser?" Jaime used a sword to point. "That was Raymun Darry's bedchamber. Where King Robert slept, on our return from Winterfell. Ned Stark's daughter had run off after her wolf savaged Joff, you'll recall. My sister wanted the girl to lose a hand. (...) The king was passed out snoring on the Myrish carpet. I asked my sister if she wanted me to carry him to bed. She told me I should carry her to bed, and shrugged out of her robe. I took her on Raymun Darry's bed after stepping over Robert. (...) "As I was fucking her, Cersei cried, 'I want.' I thought that she meant me, but it was the Stark girl that she wanted, maimed or dead." The things I do for love. "It was only by chance that Stark's own men found the girl before me. If I had come on her first . . ."—aFoC, Jaime IV.
And yeah, he again justifies it on his need to please Cersei, but that’s not good enough for me, not by a long shot.
Same as this....
Edmure raised his hands from the tub and watched the water run between his fingers. "And if I will not yield?"
Must you make me say the words? (...) "You've seen our numbers, Edmure. You've seen the ladders, the towers, the trebuchets, the rams. If I speak the command, my coz will bridge your moat and break your gate. Hundreds will die, most of them your own. Your former bannermen will make up the first wave of attackers, so you'll start your day by killing the fathers and brothers of men who died for you at the Twins. The second wave will be Freys, I have no lack of those. My westermen will follow when your archers are short of arrows and your knights so weary they can hardly lift their blades. When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I'm done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here." Jaime got to his feet. "Your wife may whelp before that. You'll want your child, I expect. I'll send him to you when he's born. With a trebuchet."
Silence followed his speech. Edmure sat in his bath. (...) With a trebuchet, Jaime thought. If his aunt had been there, would she still say Tyrion was Tywin's son?—aFoC, Jaime VI.
Charming lol. Don’t forget that he’s doing all this while he tells himself that he’s keeping the oath he made to Catelyn about not harming her kin, and the riverlords as an extension, and at the same time defending and giving legitimacy to a hideous unlawful act that Jaime himself, deep down, condones, and yet there he is, waging war against the Tullys. And threatening to trebuchet Edmure’s baby while he’s at it.
I think that my biggest problem with Jaime is exactly that, his willingness to be complicit in all of his family’s wrongdoings and even rationalize his involvement. Like you also mentioned Cersei raping her teenage cousin, and that 100% should not be ignored (though funnily enough, Jaime uses Cersei “infidelity” if you can call it that to slut-shame her lmao, but their relationship is messed up like that). Now Jaime is one of the only male characters that acknowledge marital rape is a thing, that’s good, but at the same time his hold on concent is... shaky at best imo.
With his relationship with Cersei there are some glaring examples:
“Stop it,” she said. “Stop it, stop it, oh please…” But her voice was low and weak, and she did not push him away.—aGoT, Bran II.
“No,” she said weakly when his lips moved down her neck. “Not here. The septons…”
“The Others can take the septons.” He kissed her again, kissed her silent, kissed her until she moaned.—aSoS, Jaime VII.
This is a problem with Cersei as well. Both twins have issues accepting that no means no. And even going beyond that, there’s the whole Tysha fiasco and Jaime’s involvement on it.
"She was no whore. I never bought her for you. That was a lie that Father commanded me to tell. Tysha was . . . she was what she seemed to be. A crofter's daughter, chance met on the road."
Tyrion could hear the faint sound of his own breath whistling hollowly through the scar of his nose. Jaime could not meet his eyes. Tysha. He tried to remember what she had looked like. A girl, she was only a girl, no older than Sansa. "My wife," he croaked. "She wed me."
"For your gold, Father said. She was lowborn, you were a Lannister of Casterly Rock. All she wanted was the gold, which made her no different from a whore, so . . . so it would not be a lie, not truly, and . . . he said that you required a sharp lesson. That you would learn from it, and thank me later . . ."—ASOS, Tyrion XI.
Yes, Jaime, and she was also a teenage girl, who was gang raped on your father’s command, in front of your 13 year old brother who later was forced to participate (and people forget Tyrion was a victim here too).
I mean Jaime is a victim of his father’s abuse the same way his siblings are, but he’s also a full grown adult, more than capable of recognizing right from wrong, yet he still chosen to side with his family and be complicit to their crimes. Sometimes you can be guilty of what you don’t do, not only of what you do.
Of course, it’s kinda unfair to make a complete judgment just yet because his story is not finished, so he might make a turn in that regard, but that really hasn’t happened as far as the books go? Other than him deciding not to go to Cersei because he feels betrayed that she slept with other men. Oh the irony of him turning on her the one time she legitimately needs him to protect her from an actual injustice instead of him inflicting terror on others per her wishes.
I think it’s interesting that GRRM even gives Jaime this opportunity to grow, while he never extends the same courtesy to Cersei. That Jaime spents so much time away from his family—and by extension of Cersei—is a huge factor in that, but I do wonder what would have happened if he didn’t have the fallout with Cersei, if he had been in that position of power to continue the affair with his sister, to what lengths he would have gone to keep her, and that’s why I, personally, believe that he can be, or rather is, as bad as Cersei.
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yue-muffin · 4 years
The muffin watches Love and Redemption (insert preemptive crying here)
Aright, I finally FINALLY finished live blogging this episode. @mejomonster my thoughts are aplenty! I actually wrote way too much! 
Edit: I’m an idiot, I forgot to mention a prediction/observation.
Episode 1:
The CGI is actually very nice in this drama, I’m pleased. I will definitely watch dramas with cringe-worthy CGI, but it’s always nice when they manage to integrate it with the actors and set pieces well, which is even harder to accomplish in Xianxia.
Wait, what did the god of war do to deserve the reincarnation out of the heavenly realm punishment? Didn’t she defeat the Asura/Mosha guy? Was it because she used his weapon or something? And in the first place, why does that half of the Mosha guy’s soul qualify as a celestial that can be reborn? I suppose everyone is subject to reincarnation, but this batch is explicitly for those who have committed crimes in the heavens and wasn’t he on the demon/asura side? Or…maybe he was a celestial who betrayed them? Who knows, I’m just wildly speculating…
The scene definitely suggests there is a lot the narration is not telling us about how these two ended up being reincarnated - yet.
If she lacks the six senses, then why can she see and hear just fine? She apparently can’t feel pain, which would count for the deficiency of touch. Hm.
Xuanji, I relate to just wanting to go back to sleep and not deal with visitors so much lol.
HA, that little look of alarm one of the shixiongs (Liuzi?) has on his face when Linglong tries to convince Xuanji it’ll be fun because they get to check out the handsome guys. So is Linglong supposed to be her twin since they’re both 16 years old?
The dragon wolf thing moves a little funny, but at least it doesn’t look glaringly out of place and the camera doesn’t focus on it for too long, as is typical of CGI monsters. Kudos to them!
Cheng Yi is low-key really good looking in action scenes, just putting that out there. I didn’t think I would adjust to him in period clothing and long hair so quickly, since it usually takes me a while to make the switch (after seeing him in The Lost Tomb 2), but nope! He looks really good!
Ah, so this is the ruthless sect. I love how their first rule, which is literally more important than anything else they may value or encourage in their members, is to not show their entire face when outside the sect…also, what’s the point in hiding only half your face?? Sifeng’s mask only covers one eye, his forehead, and cheek on one side…at least have it cover the entire upper or lower half like everyone else in the sect (I know it’s so we can actually see the actor’s face and not supposed to make sense in-universe)?? I actually do like how they designed it though, it’s far less clunky than the full-face masks we saw in the opening sequence, probably due to the curves.
Sect leader…Sifeng is 16, he IS little pfft. Even adjusting for the times, he is a BABY haha. As I grow older, I realize more and more how young a lot of protags in fantasy stories really are. Also, sect leader is a drama queen, like he’s just lounging on his chair with this dramatic laid-back pose, takes a deep breath, and turns his chin up. So extra.
Aw, yes, I want to see more of Cheng Yi’s easy smiles. He’s so serious in TLT2, except when the warmth seeps into this expression when he’s smiling fondly at Wu Xie…
These devil/asura people have a weird bowing pose. I can’t help but think their hands make them look like…eagle claws or something lol.
Ah, a classic ‘I forgot my invitation’ situation. Well, Xuanji doesn’t have to feel too bad, apparently none of the other Shaoyang disciples know how to fly on a sword either lol. Her sister was tied down by that spell, but could none of the others have attempted to chase after the jerk who grabbed her? (Side note: I really love the color of his sect’s outfits.)
:3 I like Xuanji’s expressions, they’re just cute? So cute. Like her little huff when she’s defending her big sister from the jerkass. Also, I love characters who are like little kittens who puff up and try to protect their friends/family even though the one they’re trying to protect is probably more capable than them.
Jerkass really does take it too far when he just DROPS HER FROM THE SKY. Like, I can accept if youthful teasing goes a little far in that he snatched her and took her for a joy ride, but when it’s apparently that she really can’t summon a sword, it’s 100% not okay to just drop her and laugh it off. If Sifeng didn’t catch her, she could’ve died, and how exactly do you plan on explaining THAT to her father, huh Mr. Jerkass? He had like a dozen witnesses too.
Well, what can you expect from a guy who forgot to bring his invitation and literally was too arrogant and entitled to wait for his teacher to come out and let them in. :p Not the smartest cookie, is he. Even if you got in trouble for forgetting your invitation, you’d get in x10 more trouble for murdering a girl. Good thing she has plot armor and Sifeng was conveniently in the right spot to catch her lol.
Small note, he left her on his sword and she fell off after a bit - so…how exactly is HE flying? Can people fly without the help of their sword? Is he able to make more than one?
Lol Xuanji tugs at him like she does to her sister, it’s cute. But he’s so PANIC every time she touches him haha poor guy. He’s so awkward…why is it so endearing…
It took me a second to realize that he stutters, also that he has a voice actor this time! Idk why, Cheng Yi has a good voice. It would’ve fit this role just fine, unless there were parts they were concerned he couldn’t do. They did a good job matching the VA to his lip movements though, it’s really hard to tell it’s not his voice. It’s been a while since I heard Cheng Yi on video, but listening and comparing, now I can tell that it’s not his in this drama. Anyways, this might be my only complaint lol. Both he and his VA do a good job conveying the stuttering though!
Cheng Yi, you’re playing another character who’s good at disappearing in the blink of an eye lol…
Aah, so normally her sister’s personality type is the annoying sort, which is why she works well as a supporting character. I love how she turns her brattiness up to eleven in order to help Xuanji get out of a scolding by their father. I just really love how these two are so supportive and defensive of each other.
Edit: Alright, but Xuanji did you really just raise a flag for yourself so early in the show. ‘I think tears are the most precious things’. I WILL EAT MY HAT IF THIS DOES NOT BECOME RELEVANT LATER.
And instead of holding onto Sifeng’s name tag for like 50 episodes, she remembers she has it and goes to give it back + some birthday snacks because it’s his birthday too! GAH Xuanji is too cute.
I love how the guy who answered the door just his back only to turn around and smoothly give an explanation for his friend’s disfluency lol (so it’s a language thing!). AND THEN HE GOES ‘carry on!’ AND TURNS AROUND AGAIN. Idk why I find this funny but.
? Why all that effort for dew from a peach blossom tree. Is this one a special peach blossom tree. Why is he making tea with it. OH OK it’s good for cultivation.
He’s so vicious ha, he’s clearly perplexed by her - I mean, he’s the top disciple in his sect, so likely he doesn’t get how she can live so carefree and not have any desire to cultivate or anything. It’s perplexing and kind of total opposite to his worldview, so he reacts harshly.
Ah, I really like Cheng Yi’s acting! He goes from flat/indifferent face to reacting angrily to her picking the snake up, then a subtle worry as his eyes drop down from her to the snake.
I don’t know why I like this snake scene but I dooo. xD Also, it’s interesting how she doesn’t feel any strong emotions (she’s actually rather intensely curious tho!), while he puts on a mask literally/figuratively to seem like he doesn’t and yet gets worked up quite easily.
I’m glad she stops imitating him when he tells her to and is explicitly angry/upset, I get enough of people being assholes and making fun of others for things they can’t help like their speech impairments or mannerisms, it’s just kind of a personal thing that irks me.
Why is it always the peach tree forests?? They’re always weird places that trap people. I can think of two other dramas where this happens haha. I know peaches do have significant symbolism in Chinese culture, so maybe that explains it.
Lol he still flips out a bit when she gets close. Poor girl, getting dropped from the air AGAIN.
Ah, this is the lake! Where they sealed part of that Mosha guy’s soul! This can’t be good.
Aw, look at his face, he’s genuinely worried for his little snake. CHENG YI YOUR RANGE OF EMOTIONS. GAH. 
I CAN’T OPEN IT. Oh wait.
Here’s an idea, she finds the snake, you fight the dragon, and then all three of you get out of there.
OH the mask comes off!! Ok, but you have seen like most of his face already…Hahaha the look on his face ‘wait…why do I feel a hand why is she touching me there…OH NO’
Ah, a nice detail I didn’t think they’d think to add in: his stuttering got way worse without the mask on, since he was so upset/shaken.
?? What just happened with her blood lol.
Final Thoughts:
An interesting start, with nice character dynamics revealed and a dangerous situation to move the plot right along. I have been informed the drama really differentiates itself from the typical setup that has been supplied thus far, and I’m excited to see it unfold.
For now, I have a tiiiiny crush on Cheng Yi and I’m interested in where they take Xuanji’s character. Also, what disasters will result from their little excursion into the super lake where a demon lord thing was sort of sealed away a long time ago...
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howtohero · 4 years
#293 Fatal Flaws
Superheroes are far from perfect individuals. (And of course some are further than others.) They make mistakes, sometimes they lose, and all of them, every single one of them has their very own fatal flaw. A fatal flaw is a pattern. It’s a mistake that a hero keeps making. It’s a character defect that’s baked into their very soul, their very essence. If you meet a hero who doesn’t have a fatal flaw, then they’re definitely a villain in disguise who is over selling their part. As a superhero, you’d do well to be able to identify your own fatal flaw so you can try to get it under control before it becomes your undoing. 
A fatal flaw is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, you can hardly expect perfection of yourself. Everyone here at How To Hero has one. (Zach’s is that he’s too much of a control freak.) Curly’s is that he cares too much about whether or not people like him which makes him easy to manipulate. {Wait, but that doesn’t make you guys like me any less right?} Lawyer Guy’s is his unbending love of the law. [There’s nothing wrong with not committing crimes.] And Parenthetical Guy’s is that he can’t talk about anything without turning it into a joke. (And Dr. Brainwave’s fatal flaw was his tendency to grab hold of bombs right before they exploded.) See what I mean? A fatal flaw doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you a person.
We’ve taken the liberty of compiling a list of the ten most common fatal flaws in superheroes. Even if we don’t end up talking about one of yours, you can learn a lot from understanding the fatal flaws of others so we didn’t waste your time!
Hubris: You remember the tragic tale of Hubris Man right? Unfortunately, he was far from the only hero to boast “hubris” as their fatal flaw. Having confidence is one thing, but you should always know your limits, and you should refrain from broadcasting all of your feats and skills, that’s just going to make you enemies and you don’t need any more of those!
Hero Complex: “But Zach, we’re all superheroes, and it’s all very complex!” Yes but superheroes that have a “hero complex” literally can’t deal with not being the hero. No matter what the situation is: Fighting a giant with missiles for arms. Flying two helicopters simultaneously. Picking up the salsa from the salsa store. They have to be the center of attention. They have to be the one to save the day. This isn’t born from hubris though. Usually the hero complex is rooted is massive amounts of anxiety and insecurity. Heroes who exhibit it don’t want to have to save the world. Every time. With no help. They just believe that they have to. They worry that nobody else will step up to the plate and so they take more upon themselves than is reasonable by any measure. Heroes with this complex need to learn how to put their faith in other heroes, and when to take a step back for the sake of their own physical and mental health.
 Fearlessness: It’s great to be brave. We have a whole entry on how to face your fears so you can better fight crime. But fear is healthy. It helps you pick up on things your conscious mind might miss. It prevents you from getting too cocky (and see above for what happens when you get too cocky). You need fear to fuel you, to keep you alert, and to keep you humble. So if you’re a superhero who often finds themselves feeling no fear at all, it probably means you aren’t thinking hard enough about what’s going on. So take a beat to consider the threat you’re facing, and what’s at stake if you fail to stop it. Then, once you’ve acquainted yourself with the gravity of the situation, you can use your fear to push you farther than you thought you could ever go.
Being Uncompromising: Heroes often cannot compromise. They have to hold fast to their ideals. But sometimes a hero is too entrenched in the wrong ideals. Sometimes they have to let go of the principles they hold so dear in order to save the day. Sometimes they have to work with supervillains, sometimes they have to sacrifice a little to save a lot, sometimes they need to eat something really gross in order to stop an alien invasion. If you refuse to bend you’re guaranteed to break. So learn how to compromise.
Having a weak heel: This is one of the oldest and most classic fatal flaws. Having a heel that is so weak that a lucky shot at it can bring about your death. If you’ve got this fatal flaw I recommend getting titanium socks or just cutting your whole foot off and leaving it at home before a big battle. 
Not being a morning/night person: Look, I get it, being a person for a whole 24 hours is hard. But as a superhero you need to be on call whenever. You never know when the ghosts of every bug humans have stepped on are going to get organized enough to launch a revenge invasion on the world of the living. It could happen morning, night, afternoon, whenever brunch is, and you need to be up and ready to go! You can’t be sleepy or cranky just because of the time. If this is your fatal flaw I recommend putting tiny robots in your head that will zap your brain awake whenever you start to get sleepy. And then other robots to massage your brain whenever you get cranky. [How To Hero is not liable if the zappy robots and the massage robots start an all out war inside your head.]
Being too good of a listener: Often in superhero job interviews, superheroes will be asked “what is your greatest weakness?” and often they will say “oh, I’ve been told that I’m a really good listener” and the interviewer will say “ok... but that’s not really a weakness...” and the hero will say “oh right, I’m too good of a listener?” And the interviewer will shrug and just mark that down. This happens often enough that this greatest weakness has made our list of common fatal flaws, but we’re not super convinced by its legitimacy. If you have this fatal flaw I recommend... I dunno... plugging your ears and not listening so much? Like what does listening too much even mean? How much is too much? I feel like you’re just sidestepping the question so you can avoid having to do any introspection and confronting your actual weaknesses.
Being too loyal: This is similar to “being too good of a listener” in that heroes will talk about it like its actually a good thing. But it isn’t. Loyalty is great of course, but it needs to have limits. You can’t risk the fate of the world for the lives of your friends. You can’t stand by your friends when they become supervillains (and mark our words, at some point, one of your friends will become a supervillain). Excessive loyalty will make you an easy mark for supervillains. All they’ll have to do is threaten your loved ones and you’ll do whatever they say. Of course, that’s why you have a secret identity, but presumably even your superhero persona has connections. Teammates, contacts, mascots. Excessive loyalty puts them all at risk! So if you ever feel yourself become too loyal, try to remember all the times your friends have let you down. See? It happens all the time! They’re not all that great after all!
Indecision: Superheroes have to make a lot of tough choices, and a lot of the time, they have to be quick choices. You’re not going to have time to weigh every option, to deliberate endlessly. Superheroes need to be able to make decisive action. You don’t want the world to be destroyed while you’re agonizing over the most efficient way to save it.
Impulsiveness: Superheroes have to make a lot of tough choices, and a lot of the time, those decisions require care and thoughtfulness. You need to weigh all your options. The first plan that pops into your head might not necessarily be the best one. So make sure you take a good long while to mull things over before acting.
As you can see, there’s a fine line between a fatal flaw and a virtue. Loyalty, fearlessness, heroism, these things are all good for a hero to have. But everything needs to be in moderation. If you lean too much in one direction you may find yourself losing yourself, and your life. (That’s why they’re called fatal.)
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shy-magpie · 5 years
RQG 145
My first EA episode and I'm getting to it 4 hours after release because I'm so excited about joining the Patreon I can’t focus. Its silly but hey birthday money well spent if it makes me this happy right? Ok I think I'm centered enough to hit play.
Eee its going to be my name there someday!
Poor Cel! Poor Azu!
I'm impressed, Alex managed to summarize pretty well given  the circumstances.
Hamid: oh dear! Skraak: Skraak, pressure equalization, Skraak!
What! I was right - he has been getting clearer! Did Alex imply he has been playing up how drugged is? Smart way to get a sense of the party while he gets his feet under him if so.
Thank you Alex, we need those numbers. Oh poor Hamid is confident on a 3.
Skraak is helping! Hamid is listening to him!
~~~Party time~~~
Blast doors? Yes! They won't drown!
Azu! Cel! Zolf!
Point Cel, Shoin seems actively against being useful
Nice, Salt Beard coming up properly after all this time! Scary sounds! Bubbles! Thats got to be a good sign right? Loving the bit with Zolf's thumb!
Not clear what happened plot wise, but Ben did some nice work showing Zolf’s emotions in ways I can’t put into works. Healing time! It is a very Cel, TBF, to quantify their health
Speaker time! Oh thank goodness everyone is healed up. Yeah the food's poisoned we got that with the brunch Hamid was dragged from.
Sweet, torches in the bags of holding are fine.
Loving the character interactions, especially Zolf and Cel bonding over Shoin’s bad design.
Bryn! Alex! That is an actual crime! Conspiracy to commit angst!
I love Zolf's growth!
I will need a transcription of this scene!
Cel was in war zones?
Speakers again
Hamid is humming opera music (Carmen?)
Scratch? Skraak has been marking the path when Hamid didn't think of it. I love Skraak! Hamid dear, when you get a moment, I know there's a lot on your mind: double check on Skraak's name and pronouns would ya? Also Hamid is doing awesome with the changes. I had faith in him but its great hearing him cheerfully ask Skraak for input as a local expert; instead of trying to force the pattern that worked before even as Skraak gets less kid like. Love to see how this shakes out, even though I confess Hamid having a new younger sibling was a treat. OK enough tangent let's open a hatch!
Oh pressure gauge! I wonder if that helps with more than flooding.
Wrench! I love a call back.
That's one way to refer to Hamid's abilities. Also I am aware of Zolf and Hamid's dwindling spell slots; I am just convincing myself they will be able to camp for the night in a safe hallway before Alex Shoin happens.
Oh good something is maintained around here.
Green light? Alex, did you come up with the hidden doors purely to mess with theoretical maps? Because Babs has been doing pretty well so far but I'll be her second if she challenges Alex to a fight in the parking lot after this episode.
~~~Break time, no ad is surprisingly weird, on edit listen is an ad with Mike that proves once again that I am so far gone on RQ that I even find the ads charming~~~
Oh more Hamid time!
That was a lot of dice, no numbers that I caught. Oh dear! (Was that Ben teasing him?)
In the rafters of a very large room. Huge domed ceiling, sounds pretty. Have I gone 20 minutes without saying how much I love Alex's set design? Thank you Ben, I will google it, *sticks out tongue*. Seriously as long as you enunciate and don't get into stuff so niche you lose people in England too, then don't worry about us from the US. Honestly you guys worry about everything, the occasional missed reference isn't worth the brainspace.
Still not happy about the lack of maintenance, especially given that's what stands between the party and drowning
Skraak sounds worried: it is his first time down this far and sounding more himself by the second. Still no hint of second guessing throwing in with Hamid! As good as Bryn is at avoiding spoilers, I thought he wouldn't have brought up Cohort on the discord if Skraak took it really badly as they sobered up, but is still a relief. Not that I would blame Skraak for much short of turning out to be the secret Big Bad: the circumstances were pretty messed up; even if I stand by saying you can't leave someone who pledged to you and isn't in a position to cover that up if their old boss catches them. Yes I know a conversation about spiders not being the most dangerous thing the party used on Kobolds is coming but with Skraak not turning out to be a kid, it might be more tense but cut my concerns in half. Hell the Kobolds might well be able to fend for themselves post Shoin if they loot the place in compensation.
"I still think that might be an exaggeration"
Oh Hamid has the Elven cloak too. How do you wear two cloaks at once? And don't say you don't, Hamid is not losing 4 levels of dragon awesome (or however Pathfinder put it) in the middle of a dungeon.
Skraak remembers the health potion and doesn't mind being asked to hang back. Hamid arms Skraak with a injection spear. Has the canisters for it too. I may have underestimated him (or on the Doylist level this falls under reasonable retcon; then again I might just have missed Bryn saying he was pocketing this stuff because I thought he would run it by Zolf). *Shrugs* please keep a sample for testing, I have a pet theory I'd love to see tested.
Alex, just...thanks for using a tone of voice that made it completely clear you were joking
Skraak: Skraak avenger, death from above etc! Hamid: Remember, General Skraak Avenger! Hamid remembers what he said to Skraak whether they do or not! OK like I said I loved Hamid adopting Skraak as a new little brother but this new phase is a lot of fun if harder to quantify.
Oh the sleeves! The cloaks don't have to have much physical presence, do they? That makes sense. Sleeves and prestidigitation? Right after being so charming with Skraak? Hamid is in fine form
Alex is just feeling mischievous tonight, I like it.
An enormous pipe organ? I love Alex's set design. (also one day my brain will pull up the right person the first time when someone references Bill Nye or Bill Nighy but even with the Pirates context today is not that day)
I know, Ben, cosmetic or not its fricken awesome.
I don't like the pipes, I don't get the pipes, but I don't like them (that fine mesh better not imply there is something airborne in the complex)
Is it wrong that other than the more obviously ominous bits this sounds like a great place to live?
Chaise longue
Is this seriously set up for the party -wait... Did Hamid skip to the end of the maze with only Skraak for back up and no sleep!?! No reunion or camping scene first? Not even a spell restoring nap?!
Don't listen to Ben, Alex will get you if you jump to conclusions. That's my dragon! Sneaky lad learned from Sasha!
~~~Of course he is switching to the party. Man has a sense of timing.
More party favors, daggers make my heart twinge
Azu takes Cel’s hand to guide them
Gonna light a torch? Or is Zolf keeping up his anti light thing.
Alex is simplifying things No Zolf is not throwing open the door. Oh thank hope, Zolf is lighting a torch. Pathfinder jokes
We like it too Alex!
I like the zone thing.
Cel, I adore you! Zolf just promised backstory! Get that down! And a miner/minor pun, these people are the best! Oh tin miner!
Lights! Golden bulkhead! Seriously where is this guy getting his money?
Azu spots a trap! Yes Alex, we respect your craft. Trip wire!
I love the boots
Oh Cel is clumsy, I hadn't actually noticed that.
Genre savvy Cel hulks out with bat wings! Claws! Fangs! HP goes up thank all the gods! (Azu lets go of their hand)
Ben needs to look up spells but Zolf is prepared Azu puts on the iron beard
They throw open the door!
Poor Bryn, stuck waiting for the next episode like us listeners to find out the results.
I've been re listening to some early episodes and I really missed the "byes". It's a silly sign off but I think that comfort with silly might be part of why I like it?
Re: the bloopers, it would have been a little funny if they did a “detect traps” and got knocked out like when Hamid tried detect magic in, was it Rome?
OK bottom line: Skraak is awesome; I still miss Sasha but at least Lydia can be a bat even if it isn’t cloak of the bat; Zolf came back better than ever and actually wants to have at least 2 real conversations; and Azu is a champ for doing so well despite her phobias (which are still taken seriously because Helen and RQ are friggen awesome). Fun and pulpy, that's how ya do it! Stakes from the sea floor to the stratosphere! Character moments! Sets that make Hollywood weep in jealousy!
Okay okay some people may be stressed out after that even though everyone ended up fighting fit, which is fair, ok? but physical peril? Just a roller coaster to me, I'll take it any day of the week and twice on Sundays!
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes: Andalite Chronicles
Andalite Chronicles b/c I want that juicy taxxon info
Elfangor is the narrator
This is my hirac delest — my final statement.
I still dont get why Visser 3 vored him instead of capturing him
21 years before start
How and why would they be annihilating entire planets?
This doesnt gel with HBC. blatant andalite propaganda
Elfangor is not great at school
Arbron kicked lightly at the grass with one hoof in a gesture of contempt. Then he said the insult that went with the gesture. <Elfangor, when are you going to get your hooves back on the grass and out of the air?>
Arbon is interesting
The Electorate has voted to allow more children to be born since we're in a war now. They say if the war goes on for long and there are lots of battle deaths, some families may even have three and four children.
Population control measures
Warriors working on the battle bridge often used hand signals between themselves so that the thought-speak noise wouldn't become a jumble.
Sign Language makes sense but I’m giving a flat what to the second part of that.
Earth is a level six planet according to the andalites. Earth is a level 2 world according to the Plumbers.
Also fuck da police, which in this case means andalites
“The Skrit Na don't care what anyone else in the galaxy thinks about them. They don't belong to the Yeerk Empire. They aren't one of our allies. They don't care about laws or customs or anything. All the Skrit Na care about is collecting things and owning things.
“The Skrit Na are unusual in another way: They are actually like two different races. The Skrit look like huge insects, almost as large as an Andalite. They have fourteen legs and six sets of antennae, and aren't really very intelligent. But the Skrit each eventually weave a cocoon and a year later, out of the dead Skrit there pops a Na.
“The Na are a whole different story. The Na have four very slender legs. Sometimes they rear up and walk on just two legs, using the other legs as hands. They have large heads shaped like Andalite heads, only they have just two huge eyes.
“Skrit Na are constantly going to peaceful planet sand kidnapping the local species. Sometimes they perform medical experiments on them. Sometimes they just fly around with them and then let them go. But often they carry local creatures away to add them to zoos on the Skrit Na homeworld.
“Like I said: a weird species. No one understands the Skrit Na. Personally, I don't think they understand themselves.”
The skrit-na
The fuck was that? Why does the lack of a tail make you a primitive.?
Elfangor is a weak ass bitch who thinks bugs are ugly
Andalites think red blood is creepy
Is this the same Chapman as the other Chapman? Maybe
Andalites apparently don’t bother to try living/exploring places that aren’t comfortable
Andalites described as having 2 hearts
Elf is a car fucker
Alloran is built
The andalites erase the memories of primitives not ready for aliens
Is that comment sexist? It might be
Alloran defends his whole genocide the horks for getting themselves enslaved plan
Listen book, yall aint ready to tackle time fuckery
Alloran has a single point about vets
Uh, Chapman and David are similar kinds of kids
who the fuck hid a time machine/reality warping device on Earth?
Actually, it might have been the skrit-na, they’ve been around for awhile
Chapman has a point
Unless its a BDSM thin you can’t really be enslaved by choice?
CHapman was a fuckboi
Hey kids ready to do some real war?
The Taxxon home world has 3 moons
Alloran is specist towards taxxons too
Alloran, Arbron, and I pressed close to the hatch, waiting for it to blow open. We carried handheld shredders on setting three. There are six power levels on a shredder. Level one delivers a mild charge that will stun a small creature for a moment or two.
Level six will blast a hole through ten feet of solid alloy. Level three wouldn't kill most creatures, but it would certainly knock them down so hard they wouldn't get up for hours.
If you've never faced a Taxxon, let me tell you: They are shocking things to see up close. They are tubular, like a monstrously thick, ten-foot-long hose. They have rows of needle-sharp, cone-shaped legs. The upper third of their body is held upright, and there the rows of legs become smaller and form tiny two- and three-fingered hands. There is a row of dark red eyes, each like congealed liquid. At the very top is the mouth, a round, red-rimmed hole circled with vicious rows of teeth.
Alloran seals 3 injured taxxons in a room to kill eachother
Apparently teh dead cannot be aquired
Why did they leave the tied up hork with the wounded taxxons? That’s cruel
Alloran commits more war crimes
That’s still a war crime Alloran
A djabala is a small, six-legged animal, maybe a third the size of a young Andalite. It has a mouth and a tail and no natural weapons. It lives by climbing trees and eating the highest leaves.
You have to morph the djabala in order to pass the morphing proficiency test. So I did. But then, like a lot of arisths, I morphed a kafit bird. I have heard that some planets have many types of bird. But since we only have three, and since the kafit is the best species of the three, it's popular with young cadets looking for fun.
Thgat lack of biodiversity has to be artificial
That’s not how bugs or compund eyes work
Orange and green acid clouds on the taxxon home world
The first thing I noticed was that the sky was a pale gray-brown. The color of dust. The bright clouds were too high up even to be seen. The second thing I noticed was the smell. Everywhere, warm, living hearts were beating. Hork-Bajir hearts. Gedd hearts. Taxxon hearts. Blood rushed through veins. . . .
We get it, taxxon’s are vampires
Below the maze of cradles was bare, orange-red dirt. Not a blade of grass, just dirt. There were primitive magnetic levitation rails running through the massive forest of cradles. Train cars, some open, some enclosed bubbles, raced back and forth along the tracks.
So a desert?
Elf you just failed being a spy
SubVisser 7 who will be Visser 3
At the top of the Yeerk Empire is the Council of Thirteen. One of those thirteen is emperor, but no one knows which one. It's a closely guarded secret. The Yeerks fear assassination.
Guess teh emperor
Mountain taxxon rebels
Yeerks feed rebel taxxons to loyal taxxons
Taxxons see better in the dark
Why would a yeerk use any of the hork-bajir language?
CHapman is an asshole. Fuckboi supreme
WHat do you gain? You don’t even know how yeerks treat quislings yet?
Nope, no. Either the space ships only work best in space or the ships can be used deep underwater. Not both series.
Highspeed chase
Three thousand five hundred miles an hour. The ground was a blur. We were a blazing meteorite. We were an arrow of flame as we shot across the Taxxon world at impossible speeds. The scruffy bushes and stunted trees of the Taxxon world burst into flame as we passed over. We were drawing a line of fire around the planet!
So there is vegitation
Arbron is a damn good shot
There’s grass on the otherside of the montains
Andalite stalk eyes apparently don’t blink
Skrit-Na use green emergency lighting
The time matrix is 10 ft in diameter
Elfangor is driving a car he found in the skrit-na ship
With this and Ax, I’m going to have to assume that andalites are just incapable of getting singing.
I was in a vast underground cavern. Dominating the center of the cavern was a sort of hill or small mountain. It was this mountain that glowed. It glowed a dim but unmistakable red.
From this irregular glowing hill came tendrils, each perhaps three or four feet in diameter. As my
eyes adjusted I could see that there were a dozen or more of these tendrils, and that each one extended to the edge of the cavern and then kept going into the rock itself.
The tendrils, too, glowed a dim red. I realized that I could see things moving inside the tendrils.
The tendrils were hollow! They were tubes, each about as big around as ..
The living hive?
The living hive can communicate telepathyicly
The mountain taxxons did not eat the wounded arbron
He waved one Taxxon claw back toward the massive, glowing mountain. <The Living Hive. Light of the Taxxons. Mother and Father of the Taxxons. The Hive has lost many of its children to the Yeerks. Many of its servants have betrayed the Hive and made an alliance with the Yeerks. But the Living Hive is still the Mother and Father of the species.>
<The Living Hive's tunnels extend across thousands of miles, Elfangor. There is suction in the tunnels. A Taxxon has only to fold back its legs, and the pressure draws it swiftly down the tunnel, as the Hive commands.>
Arbron is thinking a lot more like a taxxon, cause from what I’ve seen andalites are quitters
Taxxons regenerate limbs very quickly
Its a blood bath, but taxxons don’t give up easy
Alloran needs to get a fucking life
Really you should assume that anyone captured by the yeerks is probably got a yeerk in them now
CHapman is a little bitch
A quantum virus is a sort of disease of space-time. You see, it slowly breaks down the force that holds subatomic particles together. It slowly disintegrates whatever it affects. Living creatures affected with a quantum virus find their very molecules breaking down. It can take days, weeks of agony.
Well, fuck you extra hard Alloran
Elfangor is not ok with the amount of luck going on
Elfangor finally figured out that everybody is yeerks
Ya know what? I’m going to make it a point to never refer to Visser 3 as the abomination b/c fuck the andalites
SubVisser 7 you really shouldn’t be an ass towards someone who decides not to murder defenseless prisoners, that’s an attitude you should want in yer enemies
Elf impersonates Subv7 and gets the yeerk fighters on his tail while he gets away with the time machine
Oh hey look at that, you don’t have to starve yer prisoner to death in this situation.
Yeerks can be frozen to put them into hibernation
Dambnit Elfangor!
Chapman needs to shut the fuck up
This is flatworld
No. Elfangor what Alloran chose to do was def wrong.it was absolutely wrong
There’s spaceship eating asteroids in Graysha Nebula.
Spaceship eating asteroids attracted by energy
Elfangor doesnt belive in psychic things
Visser 2? Did he get demoted at some point?
Oh, the asteroids prefer to eat the energy
Visser 32? Someones isn’t being consistant
Ah yes lets have someone go outside and get the time machine with no space suit
SUre, tie a bag of air over yer head, that’ll prevent depressurization
Why don’t andalite ships have airlocks? Do they not have fuckin safety regulations?
Book is going with Visser 32 for now
Its too bad yall don’t have space suits with magnetic boots that could help with that
The andalite brain has 4 visible segments
The last memory I had, as the cold collapsed my consciousness, was of someone vast and incredible. A being like nothing I could have imagined. It saw me. It saw us all.
And it laughed.
Now which cosmic entity is this?
I stared at a therant tree. The trunk. The branches. The vines. Impossible! It was Hala Fala! The oldest of the therant trees in the woods near my home. My father had shown me this tree when I was just a very small child. It was my Garibah. My Guide Tree.
Right, Andal trees can talk
The Garibah could not change what had happened. And it could not tell me that I was forgiven, or that all would be well now. I knew the ritual of forgiveness. <I have made right everything that can be made right, I have learned everything that can be learned, I have sworn not to repeat my error, and now I claim forgiveness.>
Hala Fala has been alive for 7 thousand years
There it was: the scoop. The bowl dug out of the ground by my great-great-grandparents and planted with every delicious variety of grass and flowers. And there was the lodge, the blue-plex awning that covered the south quarter of the scoop and kept our things out of the rain.
The Andal sky is red and gold
A nightmare patchwork of 3 dif worlds b/c the gods of this universe are cruel
“And on the other side everything turned brown and muddy gray and a red so dark it was almost black.
On the other side of the line, wild, tall, spiky grass and trees that rose only a foot tall before spreading out horizontally for thirty or forty feet. If you could even call something like that a tree.
I was startled by something that reached up out of the ground with a soft SHLOOP! It was like a Taxxon tongue, almost. Ten feet long and dark red, it shot up from a hole in the ground. It seemed to lick the air in a slow, circular pattern, as if it was searching blindly for something. Then, after a few seconds, it SHLOOPED! back into the ground.
Ten feet away, another such tongue. This time it reached for a beast that walked past, hunched over. The beast had four thick legs toward the back and two turned-in legs forward, with no discernable head. This lumbering creature wandered straight toward the flickering tongue and suddenly, fast as a tail, the tongue reached out and wrapped around the beast's hind legs. The beast let out a groan, although where that sound came from, since it seemed not to have a head, was a mystery to me.
The tongue drew the beast toward its hole. But it could not suck the animal down, so it simply held it prisoner as the beast groaned.
The sky directly over that dark, unnerving landscape was dirty green and veined with silent lightning.”
Actually the yeek home world sounds pretty cool
“And on either side of him stood a creature like nothing I had ever seen or imagined. They were
each about three feet tall and four and a half feet long. They were mostly a dark, dirty yellow with irregular black spots. But the head and shoulders were the deep red of the Yeerk plants.
The heads were tiny for the bodies, elongated, almost needle-sharp. The mouths were long and
narrow. Hundreds of tiny, bright red teeth stuck out, jagged and wildly different in length and shape. But what struck me as strangest was that the creatures did not have legs in the usual sense. They had wheels.
Yes, wheels. Four of them, to be exact. The wheels were located where legs should be.
Each was sloppy and irregular in shape, not perfectly round.”
Visser 32’s pets, Jarex and Lerex. Who are Mortrons. Visser 32 saved a pair as pets the rest are extinct due to their sun going nova. Yeerks cant infest them
“Suddenly the creatures each split into two parts! The bottom portion, the yellow part with the wheels, swerved away. The dark red upper portion simply rose from the body, unfolded leathery wings I'd never even suspected, and flew straight at me!”
And they multiply when cut! Nice
Elfangor is strong enough for a human kid to ride on his back
Elf doesnt know what books are…. Did andalites invent books later than his childhood?
Wait, no he’s explaining them as primitive  computer files… inconsistancies
Lauren is finally upset about all of this
I guess Chapman is just fuckin dead
Huh, andalites had cities and stuff but decided they like more space and nature better
Andalites can close their hooves
Time fuckery is making them age
Binch that’s just conjecture, you aint got proof
Elf had decided that no, andalites cannot be trusted with a damn time machine
He also does not wanna go home
Why can’t she imagine that she’s back at her original age?
I knew it, Elfangor is done with war doesnt want to get dragged back
Elf knew Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
This very probably isn’t the orginal timeline from the start of the book
And then the Elimist goes and rips this man out of his life and tosses him back into war, at a point he knows he’ll die just to set up the next group of pawns in his game.
B/c the gods of this universe are cruel
...the ellimist reprogramed Chapman as a tool in his damn game
….the ellimist chose to hurt Loren the way she was all for a damn game, as part of stacking a deck to cheat in a game
Lying motherfucker
And then we never see Visser 3 serch for Loren and her kid b/c the ellimist is a manipulative sacki of birdshit
“But not the only one of his kind” too bad noone bothered to expand on that
More time fuckery
Elf realizes that the andalite millitary is crooked af
Tobias’ fucked up family situation is directly the ellimist’s fault
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fran-is-a-writer · 6 years
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Hello folks and welcome to another blog post by A Healthy Dose of Fran, today I post my Top 10 Movie Musicals (Disney excluded as that’ll have its own segment). Now you may not agree with my list, and that’s OK, we can debate in the comments later. So, let’s get down to business then, shall we?
10. Girl Trash: All Night Long
If you haven’t heard of this, then you probably aren’t a lesbian or bisexual woman. And if you are a lesbian or bisexual woman who hasn’t, you are missing out! The first outright lesbian musical, with lesbians as the focus, the songs about lesbianism, and, even better, starring the queens of South of Nowhere, Mandy Musgrave (Ashley) and Gabrielle Christian (Spencer), and a few other notable lesbian character stars. This movie is kick ass and the music is hilarious, if a little cringy, but you can’t help but sing along as they say, “don’t shit on my dreams it’s just my fantasy, of what could possibly be”. This is a movie that should be seen.
After finishing this post of course.
9. Chicago
Have you committed a crime? Well you should have this performance tucked up your sleeve to get away with it, because surely, HE HAD IT COMING, HE ONLY HAD HIMSELF TO BLAME. Now If that doesn’t give you confidence, then any number of the tunes in this hit will, want some Jazz, well how about All That Jazz? Following the murderess tales of multiple women, but focusing on the dastardliness two, this film takes many twists and turns that ends with murderers on- ah, spoilers.
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8. All Dogs Go to Heaven
Charlie B. Barkin – that name alone deserves a place on this list. Add in a surprisingly dark family film musical with gang war, murder plots, and the ideas of heaven and hell, a heart-warming tale about a young girl who wants a family and a dog who wants revenge but ends up changing for her – this film never fails to make me cry. With some awesome bops like ‘You Can’t Keep a Good Dog Down’ this is definitely a musical to see.
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7. Bride and Prejudice
No life without wife? Damn woman you know how to break my heart. Well, this may be a surprising edition to this list as, more often or not, this film is forgotten, even though it is, in my opinion, the best Jane Austen adaption ever. And the tunes? Incredible. My first experience of a Bollywood film (which, considering it was made in conjunction with a UK studio, probably doesn’t count), and it was the first of many (thanks also to discussions about it with my best friend). Check out the soundtrack first if the film doesn’t sound interesting, but trust me, unlike most period-adaptions, this one is one to remember!
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6. Hairspray
60s beats, 60s attitude, 60s hair and look, but a modern opinion. That’s Hairspray in a nutshell. A film (that was originally a stage production) that tells the tale of Tracey, a slightly hefty girl who loves to dance and tries out for the happening TV show for kids and gets on! But hey modernist views of happily conversing and dancing with blacks (shock horror!) and her non-conventional body shape, get her in trouble, not that she gives a damn, she’s proud and damn right she should be! Not to mention she can belt a bloody tune too, and this film is full of them! Cause WITHOUT LOVE, this movie wouldn’t have caught my attention – (but that may also be due to Zac Efron).
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5. Burlesque
Christina Aguilera? Cher? STANLEY TUCCI! Sign me the F up! Oh God and Kristen Bell? Burlesquing? And Singing? Y’all trying to kill me??!!! Well you succeeded! I’m dead. This fantastic story not only grasped my attention, but the music added to the drama and was threaded in so nicely that I couldn’t not watch again and again. Downloading the soundtrack after the first watch, I go back to this musical at least once a year. With one song in at least every one of my playlists, it’s going to show me how to Burlesque.
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4. Dreamgirls
If I thought Burlesque was star studded and a gem of a film that was nothing until I saw Dreamgirls starring Beyoncé, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphey and so many more. Set in the 60s and the eras to follow, we follow the lives of black musicians and their dreams, particularly the Dreamettes who take the music world by storm. Dark tales are alongside this tale including blackmail, drug abuse, and so forth. But not only that, we received the most beautiful tunes known including Listen sung by Queen B and I Am Telling You sung by Jennifer Hudson. This musical is a gem to be remembered, with the mesmerising story to go alongside it.
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3. Anastasia
Yooo, surprised to see this? Well it’s not a Disney film if that helps the confusion, but with its Princess Anastasia, its animation style, and plot line of lost princess finding her family, you can see where people get confused. But this tale is one of my ultimate favourites – with the original badass Princess who doesn’t take nothing from know one and will happily punch you in the face, you know the story is going to be interesting. Add is some brilliant tunes like ‘Journey to the Past’ and ‘Learn to Do It’ and you have a hit, and now a Broadway musical – that’s why this is on my list.
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2. Quest for Camelot
Anything with Celine Dion is recipe for success. But add in King Arthur, bad ass female characters, and a twist on the English Legend. Add in beautiful music and probably the best love story ever written, oh and a two headed dragon with conflicting personalities, and you have a recipe for AWESOMENESS. This musical was my childhood and continues to fill my days with joy as I watch the film on a regular basis (and yes Sister, I only bought it for you for Christmas for me, you have been duped). Adventure, love, mystery, and music – what’s not to love?
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1. Prince of Egypt
Now, are y’all surprised? If you are, YOU ARE AN UNCULTURED SWINE (I say with love)! This is, the best musical of all time. Compelling story, the greatest soundtrack ever created, with breathtaking animation to boot – oh, and a brilliant meme maker too. Telling the story of Moses from the bible, we start with the most emotive opening song ‘Deliver Us’ and, you know things are going to be great when a movie goes as far as to use the original Hebrew language within a song as they tell the story of persecution with the visuals of it alongside. The story is dramatic, emotional, and a true learning experience – if you haven’t seen this film before, you need to.
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Thank you guys so much for reading this post. What are your top non-disney musicals? What would you have added? Leave a comment!
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Top 10 Movie Musicals Hello folks and welcome to another blog post by A Healthy Dose of Fran, today I post my Top 10 Movie Musicals (Disney excluded as that'll have its own segment).
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jenna347-blog · 3 years
Lira Woods Pt1
                                           Chapter 6
Sorcery left the hospital wondering if they were going to do this for real or if Jim was telling Lira and Omen this, so he could just use them and afterward just throw them away like some piece of trash. Sorcery was afraid that Lira would be locked in a cell or take the child away from her to make her rule with him. “Oh, my gosh! I don’t know what to do with all of this. It’s way more than I bargained. I’d never thought this would ever get this far. I just wish Lira would just listen to me for once in her life. I truly think she would’ve if she’d never met that dumbass husband of hers, and now I know he’ll brainwash their daughter Omen or she will do that to them. I hope they got caught in the act of doing whatever crime they’re about to commit. I truly think this is the worse idea I’ve ever heard of or seen in my life. I also wish I hadn’t gotten myself into any of this or met Lira. Maybe she’ll open her eyes and realize that Jim is just a low life piece of shit that doesn’t care or love her. I don’t know what she even sees in him at all. Hopefully, this is just a faze that Tony or I can snap it out of her because she deserves better than this, way better. I guess I won't don’t want Lira to get hurt at all. I just want her to be safe. That’s all. I just can’t see having my best friend treated in such a matter.” Sorcery went to Tony’s home to tell him what all happens at the hospital. “Man, Sorcery, I don’t know what to say about all of this. I truly think I’m having a worse time taking this all in because I think he has brainwashed his child and wife. Omen is going to be worse than my brother, and she has all of Lira’s powers. I guess I don’t want something to happen to either you or Lira because from what you’re telling me, it’s going to get worse. Lira and Jim don’t know what they’re getting themselves. Sorcery, what are we going to do about this? I wish I could do something about something, and you know more about magic than I do. But damn, like I was wondering what went wrong. I mean, this doesn’t make any bit of sense whatsoever. I truly blame myself for not forcing my parents to take him to seek mental help.” “Look, sweetheart, I know it’s going to be hard for you to cope with the fact that your brother and my friend Lira are crazed maniacs, but if we stick together, maybe, just maybe, we can get them to snap out of it before it becomes way too late, but the only problem is their daughter Omen. If we don’t snap them out of it and kill Omen, your world will get worse than ever, and the world as you know it will never be the same. It’ll be a toxic desert just like our world. Just like I said, everything you’ve worked for will just fly away into an evil abyss of no return. I just hope that we get to my world and talk with the others and get to the point they can talk some sense into Lira. She’s very hard-headed. She won’t even listen to me. I’d be surprised if they were able to put some sense into her head.” “Hopefully, you’re right about all of this, girl. I mean, I truly don’t know what to tell you, Sorcery, and I mean that for a fact. We both care about our loved ones very much, but I can’t trust a guy like my brother with anyone. I don’t want your friend getting used like I was back in the day when we were kids,” Tony said while shaking his head and walking back and forth. Then, he got on his knees and cried, “Sorcery, what are we going to do about all of this? I guess, as I said before, I can’t believe any of this. I truly didn’t think he’d go this damn far with this. He went from being just a boy who needed his parents to be a basket case. No one can get into his head to say this isn’t worth it at all. He acts like this is all for fun. I may not know that much about magic, but I know what they’re going to do is make this even worse than it already is.” “Look at me. We can get passes this. We’ll make it work for the best. We can’t let your past get the best of us. If we do, it’s only going to get worse than it already is, but if we get this done, we can save your world from total hell. If we’re late, that’s what would happen, and I won’t let that happen to you or me. I want you to stick beside me and fight. Make sure none of this chaos comes between our worlds.” “Trust me, Tony, I just can’t let them get in our way after what I learned today. Maybe you were right. They used us for their bidding and truly didn’t care about us at all. It took me to this day to see that. I didn’t see all of this before or how she treated me like a slave and used me just to pass her classes. Maybe she knew how stupid I truly was at that time. And now, oh, my God, I wish I’d seen this earlier. Why didn’t I? Maybe I was too young and stupid even to think that this could’ve happened. I truly blame myself. I wish I’d listened to you, Tony, about all of this. I guess I’m just way too hardheaded and didn’t want to hear or believe you at all. I’m so very sorry, and I know you may not want to forgive me for not believing in you in any way possible, but we need to stick together to ensure that your world doesn’t get affected. Let me show you what may happen if we don’t change the present.” Sorcery teleported Tony to the future world. It was a wasteland. It looked like World War III has just taken place. Tony never thought this would have happened in n his lifetime or his children’s lifetime. “Oh, my god! Sorcery, is this what happens to our future?” “Yes, but we can change all of this before it gets this far.” “Wait a minute. Is that my brother Jim and your friend Lira?” “Yes, that surely is them with their daughter Omen. She is all grown up and is worse than ever before, but that’s if we let this kind of thing happen. We need to get this issue resolved now before this wasteful wasteland becomes the future. I don’t want this to happen to you or your future family at all, so please do this for me, or you will regret it. Sooner or later, you’ll have to tell Lira how your brother is as a person. You must do it long before this ever happens because I know you don’t want to make this mistake as you did in the past. Make this change in your life for the better. Make your world a better place for the rest of your natural life. Don’t be like him, and as I said, don’t let it get to this point. Also, I hope you never forget me or what I’ve told you. Just make sure you keep me in your mind when I tell you what may happen in your future. I guess what I’m trying to say is I don’t want you to get hurt.” “I know, Sorcery, but let’s get back to our present time, and I don’t want you to see none of this. Let’s not just talk about it. We must take care of it soon before it gets like this. Let go back home and plan because I want to be with you. I don’t want to lose you as I did with my brother, and I truly don’t think you realize how much I care and love you. I just want you to be ok. All I want from you is your love.” “Show me that you truly care about me.” “I do want to be with you forever. That’s why I want to be immortal. I don’t want to lose you, my dear Sorcery. Would you be my one and only fair lady? I’ll make sure to keep you safe no matter what we do. I’m always will be by your side, Sorcery.” “Tony, I can’t believe how romantic you’re trying to be, but for some reason, I truly want to be by your side forever no matter what, and I’ll make sure to take care of myself for you and myself. Because I don’t want her to get hurt like your family or friends, I’ll also make sure that your brother and niece don’t make this into a wasteful land and make it worse than it already is for all humanity. Tony, trust me. I’ll make sure you mortals get the best care from me, so you and your future kids don’t have to go through the same thing that we did. I guess I just don’t want your people to get hurt like you don’t want me to get hurt as well.” “Oh, Sorcery, I’ll be there with you every step of the way, no matter what happens between you and me, and I truly mean what I said about us. You mean a lot to me, Sorcery. You’re the type of woman that meant for me. As I said on the first day, I met you, I thought that this would be my future wife when we got all the chaos and war between our worlds settled down. I don’t want to lose you, and I want you to know that you will always be my sunshine no matter what my brother or Lira says. It doesn’t have to be, and I truly mean it when I say this from the bottom of my heart, Sorcery. You’re the only one for me. No one can stop you, my dear.” “Oh, my! I should’ve realized that you weren’t lying about how you felt about me. I want to be with you for real.” Sorcery and Tony continued to follow Jim, Omen, and Lira. They found them at their house. They were interested to see what they were up to once again. They both hoped that they’d be able to talk some sense into Lira and get her out of this hot mess that she called marriage and realize that Jim was just using her to gain world domination. All he was doing was trying to use her to make their supernatural child and make himself powerful beings. Once he became all-powerful, he’d just dump Lira and partner up with Omen to take over the world and become the evilest people in the world soon while they drain the power out of Lira and make her into a slave.  Sorcery had left out that statement. She didn’t want Tony to know the truth, so she just told him a little white lie, even though some of it was true. She didn’t lie about beginning a full waste land full of the slave but didn’t realize, like I said, that she was one of them. She probably thought that if she kind of lied, it couldn’t get that bad. But Jim and Omen planned on owning zombie slave and making Lira their personal magic slave and draining her magic. Sorcery, knew that once Lira was drained of all her magic, they would no longer have a use for her. Tony was wondering about when this end, but I can’t tell you too much about the future. Let’s go back to where Sorcery and Tony were. They were at Lira and Jim’s home. Lira and Jim were in their kitchen. Omen was talking. She said, “So, Mother and Father, what’s next on the agenda or the plan for ruling this fine world? Do we start with the major stuff and work our way up to the top?” Omen asked with an evil laugh, while smiling at the same timing. “Well, my evil daughter, me and this devilish father of yours will make sure you get the best training. We will let you learn or advice on you on how to be a real killer, but you may already know how to be one. You’re good at controlling people. We saw that at the hospital, and killing is so easy for you, but it should be because you get it from both of us. I’m just so happy to have you as our daughter and have you as my lovely wife, and we will make this planet ours.” “Well, Mother and Father, you have strong pointers, but I want more than that. Let’s do it sooner than later because I want to make people into our slaves right now because I have a feeling Uncle Tony is planning something that will mess up our whole operation, and I truly think Sorcery is telling him everything that’s going on with all of this, and I also truly think he told her what you did in the past, my devilish father. We need to get this done right now. We need to kill your brother, so he won’t ruin this for us and take Sorcery back to the little hole that she crawled out of.” “That’s what I’m talking about! Oh, man! Lira, we made the perfect daughter. I couldn’t be happier right now.” “Yes, Jim, she’s already advanced. She’s truly what we expected her to be. She is perfect in every sense of the word, and when you turn seventeen, you’ll have your own spell book, just like you said, my dear hubby. I’m also proud of you, Omen, and I know you’ll make us even more proud of you when you become just like us soon. And you’ll be more powerful than we could have ever been in our lifetimes. Maybe you could the queen of Earth and my world because, my love, you know what, my dear husband and daughter? I just had an idea. What if we took Sorcery’s and your brother’s souls and powers to make us even stronger than ever. That foolish girl and your brother, my dear husband, I’ll make sure we make those people our slaves, or we could just have to eat them for a stack or for dinner, but before that, I would love to see us give them a good torture till they moan and scream like the old days, my dear. It would please me to add this new evil being to our killing circle. We must do it now. Let’s head out to rule this sorry place that they call Earth. Let’s start with the mayor of New York City, then the world.” “Oh, dear parents, I think I smell two rats outside. One is mortal, and the other is an immortal. One of them smells like both of you guys. Maybe that’s Uncle Tony, and the other one smells like that nurse from the hospital. I met her on the fateful day I was born, but why would the nurse know Tony?”  “My dear daughter, I smell him, too. And the other being you’re smelling is Sorcery. At first, I thought it was your cooking, my dear Lira, but I was right. The reason I didn’t tell you was because I thought I could been wrong about the scent of her and didn’t want you to worry. I think she knows about our ideas and thinks that I’m trying to use you and your magic. But she’s wrong. I want to work with you and be with you and our evil seed. Like they said, all for one and one for all. No one can take that away from us, not even your so-called friend and my stupid twin brother, Tony, but you know what? Let’s get back at them. Let’s pay them back. This will be our way of asking, ‘Where were you when I needed you the most?’ And I thought he’d be behind me on this and be there for me, but I guess I was truly lying to myself, but my parents should’ve known better than to cross me because my dumb brother doesn’t know that they really pissed me off. That’s one of the reasons I had no choice but to do the greatest thing that I’d ever done in my young life, and I want our daughter Omen to do the same with these mortals across this weak world. It’s just so horrible that you never crossed my way when I was much younger, my dear devilish wife of mine, and you do mean the world to me. Never forget that, my lovely. You’re the only one for me. No other evil girl is good enough for me. And you, Omen, will be the greatest ruler, just like me and your devilish mother.” “Oh, Father, you shouldn’t have. I don’t know what to say about your words. They touched me so dearly, but, Father, I truly think we really need to head out to get this done as soon as possible. Let’s just say that, if we don’t move right now, Uncle Tony and Sorcery may just ruin our plans. We won’t be able to rule the world if we don’t increase this pace. Please Mother and Father, you should believe in me. I want to know more about ruling, witchcraft, and being a vampire. We must bond as a family to rule this great land, but we must start right now. It’s better now than later, as they say. I guess I don’t want to waste our time. Let’s not talk about it; go and do something about it instead of sitting here. I want to be the first demon child to rule these mortals lives and make it our world, they had their fair share. I truly think it’s so unfair that your world can’t have it as well, my dear parents. They need to realize that the Woods will make them suffer for the bullshit they had to put with. People make us feel like we we’re freaks. So, we’ll make everyone, along with Sorcery and Tony, suffer for their wrongdoing also never would see the daylight again as long I live I want these mortals to suffer so damn much, if you can catch my drift.” Omen looked at the window and talked to Sorcery in her mind. “I know that you’re outside with Tony. You think I don’t know that was you in the hospital? I just wanted my parents think I didn’t know, but I’m not as stupid as you think I am. I’m not like my parents. I have more power magic and knowledge than you can ever have. You should’ve known better than to mess with the smartest demon seed. I’m smarter than you could ever be. I’m smarter than my parents, too. They don’t know that I’m going to rule over them too. Sorcery, sometimes you make me laugh, you truly think you can stop me from making my dreams come true. That demon god that help my parents with my birth did more than just give me and my parents powers. He also made me the most powerful creature of the dark, making me worse than my parents could ever be in their lifetimes, even though they’re immortal, and the reason why I’m more powerful than you guys could ever be is because I was born this way and not created when I got older. I could talk when I was a newborn, so it’s like I’m more better than you are. As you know bitch, you’re nothing to me, and I do mean nothing to me. If you think about or even try to get passed what I’m trying to do to my parents and to these mortals, you have another thing coming. I’ll make you pay.” “You know something, Omen? You won’t get away with this. Hear my words. I’ll do all I can to make sure that you will be stopped. If our worlds find out the truth about it, they’ll stop this madness of yours. They’ll never let this happen, and no one wants to be controlled in the mortals’ world ever, and your mother knows it, but she’s too blinded by love for you and your father. You may be smart for your age, but I know more than you will ever know, especially about magic. The only thing you know how to do is tell someone what to do and being a cannibal. You’re also a wimp that doesn’t know what to really, how to be a slave driver, and how to use black magic. You mean nothing to me, and you’re not worth my time. Also, I’ll make sure that you never see the sun light again. You don’t know that you were born a mortal, even though your parents are immortals, but they were never born that way. Both of your parents must be born as an immortal, so don’t just think you can talk and walk plus be like your crazy ass father and get away with whatever. I’m the wrong person to mess with, and if you think you can get passed my awesome powers, you thought wrong. You’re messing with the wrong bitch tonight, you little freak.” While the Woods family left to hunt for Sorcery and Tony, she told Tony what Omen had told her. Tony couldn’t believe what she was telling him. He could believe that Omen could do the same thing as she could.
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