#ok sorry he makes me sooo upset he could have someone live to be his stylist but he just goes out dressing like shit
cevansbaby-dove · 6 months
Chris Loves Love part 13
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"Em?" you look at chris frozen in place, never in a million years did you think he would do something this crazy...your eyes scan the crowd. "Oh god"
Chris tugs on your hand. "eyes on me please" You look at him and say.
"Before you, dreams were just constellations I wished on. Now, you're the sun, making them all my reality You've painted every sunrise in my heart with your love. How could I say no to forever with you?"
Everyone starts clapping as chris slips the ring and stands up wrapping his arms around you.
You and Chris walk out of the event and you look at the ring as chris drives back home. "Did i just say yes to you!?" You look over at him with a smile.
Chris smiles taking your hand. "yea you did...don't tell me you are-"
"Oh no no! Chrissy i would never think of taking it back"
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"No no your all good Em"
You pull your phone out snapping a picture then posting it to Instagram.
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Emily_Maxwell:On my way home...As a engaged girl! @chrisevans i love you ☺ 😍 💍 #newlyengaged
Chris pulls into the driveway and looks at you. "Have a good night em i'll see you tomorrow" I look at him with a smile. "You can come in we can talk about wedding planning!" I say taking his hands in mine. "No babe i should get home"
You frown and say. "hmm ok night" Chris walks out of his side and opens your door and you step out and chris says. 'okay ok i'll come in with you."
You turn around looking at him. "hehe yay!" You two walk into the house and you change into a cute outfit.
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You walk out into the living room and sit on the couch and chris takes his suit jacket off and says. "So...wedding planning" you two talk most of the night before chris falls asleep on the couch and you smile at him and kiss his cheek. "good night" You walk into your bedroom and get under the covers and look at your ring then smile. "god what did i do?"
The next morning.
Chris wakes up and says looking around. "Hm..Em?" He stands up and says. "Shit" He rubs his neck "hmm" he walk down the hall and sees you sleeping and he smiles, chris sits by you kissng your shoulder.
You wake up. "Fuck chris you scared me!" You jump up placing a hand on your chest.
"Whoa honey i'm sorry" He smiles and you fix your hair. "it's uh fine just not used to someone waking me up" You lay back down and say. "Hmm ten more mins" Chris says. "look this way"
You do and he snaps a picture of you. "cutie!"
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Chrisevans:Nothing like Emily smiling while half alseep @emily_maxwell
You hear your phone and look at it then say. "Chrissy did you really just post that!?" He smiles. "maybe..is that ok?" You like his post and say. "sure"
Chris ends up making breakfast and you kiss his cheek. "I'm glad we did this Evans" Chris smiles at you. "Best thing that ever happened to me, can i ask you why you kiss my cheek?"
You sit down. "uh....i'm saving my first kiss for my wedding day i know it's crazy and dumb but it's just cus i have had so many things happen to me that i chose to save myself for wedding day"
Chris smiles from ear to ear. "No it's not dumb at all Em, i love that about you now! being willing to save yourself for marriage...that's rare to find in a girl these days"
You nod. "Sooo..your not upset?" Chris walks over and sits by you taking your hands in his. "Emily my love i wouldn't ever force you to do anything you don't want too, i love you and if you want to wait then i'm willing to wait too"
Chris holds his arms out. "come here" You wrap your arms around him with a smile. "I love you chrissy"
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Chris hugs you kissing your head. "I love you too"
A/n short yet sweet thanks for reading! I'll have a new part out later this week.
Taglist:@cutedisneygrl @nicoline1998enilocin @patzammit @armystay89
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
The Bachelorette: Episode 21 - Living My Fantasy
Previously on the Bachelorette…
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Aja: — Does anyone know where Ryan is?? 
Neither X’irron nor Zeke were sure. The last time anyone had seen him was when he told Zeke that his symptoms were getting worse. 
Aja: Oh my god…did something happen to him?! Where is he?! 
So they were left with the question: Where the heck is Ryan Kato? Thankfully, we have the answer. While Bastien was visiting Aja’s suite, Ryan wound up having a visitor of his own…
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He heard commotion outside of his window and woke up to see what was going on.
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“Fucking jungle sounds…can’t get any sleep in here. What IS that?” 
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Ryan: Atticus?! What are you doing here? Atticus: I need to speak with you. May I come in? Ryan: I guess… Atticus: I need explicit permission. Ryan: Oh my god- Yes, Atticus, you may enter.
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 R: Are you going to tell me why you’re here? It’s like 2am and unlike you I’m usually asleep by now. Shouldn’t you be with the vampire mistress you ran off to? A: What are you talking about? Why would there be some vampire mistress? R: Because you gave that big speech about needing to leave us- I mean leave Aja behind because your “heart belongs to someone else” or whatever. A: Ryan, I was very obviously talking about YOU. R: …What??
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 It was a pretty stupid “fight” so we’ll spare you all the dialogue. Basically, Atticus could tell Ryan was upset after his date with Aja at the vampire lounge went so well. When Ryan told Atticus he wasn’t upset and just hoped that Atticus wouldn’t mess up his chances with Aja, Atticus took that to heart. Atticus left because, although he felt something special for Ryan, Ryan clearly wanted Aja, and he couldn’t bear to make Ryan upset or see him with someone else.
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 A: I thought me leaving would do one of two things. Either it would make you happy because it would better your chances of being with Aja, or you would have a change of heart and come with me. R: Why didn’t you just ask me to come with you?  A: I thought it was very heavily implied.
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 R: Well that’s dumb. It was shitty, and it hurt my feelings. I can’t read your mind…and I guess you can’t read mine either. So we’re both dumb. I should’ve told you how I actually felt. Atticus, I’ve been fucking miserable here without you ok? Why’d you bother coming back if you thought I was so happy? [soundtrack] A: Because I missed you infinitely more than I could bear, and I realized it was a mistake not to fight harder. 
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 “I deeply regret not being more clear in expressing my feelings for you. I hope to make it clear now: Ryan, I am deeply, hopelessly, torturously in love with you. If you feel the same for me, will you leave this ridiculous reality television show behind and come with me?” 
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“God, yes. Get me the fuck out of here.” 
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Atticus: We should leave soon. There’s only a few hours until daybreak.  Ryan: Ready when you are. Just…listen. I’m sorry I was so closed off before. And I’m sorry in advance if I’m a little slow to open up. This is all just really new for me. I’ve never been with…you know- Atticus: A vampire. I completely understand. / Ryan: Another guy. 
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A: …Let me see if I’m understanding you correctly. You just confessed your love to and had sensational carnal relations with an eternal, inhumanely powerful, bloodthirsty occult creature, but your main concern is that that creature happens to be male? R: Yeah…I guess it sounds dumb when you say it like that. A: It does. But I have been alive for much much much much MUCH longer than you. I suppose after awhile I simply forgot what it’s like to live with insecurity. I hope I can give that to you, too. You’ve spent enough time wallowing in self hatred. You deserve to love yourself, completely. 
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R: I really would love  that. Sooo…how long did you say we have until we run out of nighttime? A: We really should leave now. Don’t worry — there will be plenty of time for me to thoroughly ravage you again once we get back to the Forgotten Hollow. R: Good plan. 
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“Ohhhh that explains a LOT. You know what? Good for him. If anyone deserves to live out my Breaking Dawn Part 2 fantasies it’s Ryan.”
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So with Bastien and Ryan gone, we reach the finale with our final two. Who will Aja choose? Will she continue her self exploration and reach enlightenment with Zeke, or will she take a leap of faith and go out of this world with X’irron? Find out NEXT on The Bachelorette!  NEXT | PREVIOUS | BEGINNING 
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hysokaz · 3 years
illumi dresses like its his first time outside.
illumi dresses like its his first time picking his own outfit. absolutely no fucking drip whatsoever. disgusting.
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outivv · 3 years
h e h e big brain go brrr,,,The Boys, but their crush uses them as a portable heater/pillow. So she basically just clings to them like a koala, be it on their chest or back. And she does this especially during the winter, and even falls asleep on them. Diluc and Dainy wear a lot of black, so I'd think they'd retain a lot of heat because black absorbs heat sooo. (I totally didn't do this, nope, dunno what you mean) Also imma smother you with my love so lemme h u g
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Synopsis: y/n uses tall boys as a portable heater
Warnings: none
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, childe, and Dainsleif
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello! Thank you for requesting, and sorry I’m getting to this so late. But back on track, all these ideas of yours are honestly pure gold istg, big brain indeed go brrr. But anyway, I hope you like it, and remember to take care of yourself!
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— Zhongli —
I feel like zhongli would be ok with it? Like basically whenever you wanted to cuddle, or cling to him he’d just let you do your thing. I think zhongli is very clingy himself, so he doesn’t really mind it.
There will be many times that people will find you curled up in his lap at work (when you don’t have work yourself to do of course) so by now it’s almost expected.
When you first fell asleep in his lap however, you made his heart m e l t. Like he melted in your arms. You think it would’ve been the other way around? Haha, no. Zhongli held you even closer, and if he was at work he’d still do the same thing. Truthfully he doesn’t care when the person he loves most is being adorable right now.
He’s fully prepared for winter. He knows that’s the time that you cling to him more, due to the cold. He gets it, truthfully he’s not a fan of the cold either.
Whenever you snuggle up to him and lay on his chest, he wraps his arms around you and rubs soothing circles on your shoulder, sometimes he’ll even hum.
All in all zhongli is also clingy, so he truthfully doesn’t mind, and is by far the best person to cuddle with fight me.
— Kaeya —
Truthfully Kaeya is a mix of ‘soft and cuddly’ and ‘teasing and cuddly’ he’s the grey area.
Most of the time he’s in a more teasing mood and will say something like “oh? Well someone wants attention” (when in reality he’s the attention whore in the relationship) but other times, just the sight of you makes him all soft.
I think you mostly lay on his chest. Like it’s just something that he’s always up for. Like, oh you want to cuddle? Come here and you can lay on my chest. It’s one of his favorite cuddling positions, so it’s his go to.
When you fall asleep on him, (let’s say... you’re in the living room for this one) he’ll look at you with love and adoration in his eyes before kissing the top of your head, and carrying you to your bedroom. When you wake up he’s very adamant on smothering you with kisses. (While throwing in a little bit of teasing here and there of course)
I think kaeya doesn’t like winter (more specifically when it’s really cold), so you clinging to him and combining your body heat is completely fine with him. This time he’ll be the one to actively ask you if you want to cuddle, or just be near each other. Again mans doesn’t like when it’s super cold (I mean like... below zero) so when it’s one of those winter days expect to be huddled inside.
All in all Kaeya won’t melt in your arms like zhongli, he’ll soften a bit yes, but not entirely melt.
— Childe —
Childe is... to say the least... extremely clingy. He’s more clingy than zhongli. He’s a weird mix of zhongli and kaeya. He teases you for clinging onto him, but then tightens his grip around you when you try to get up, muttering a sad ‘where are you going?’ With a fake pout. He lives up to his name, he truly can be a child sometimes.
I think he likes spooning the most, specifically being small spoon. So you clinging onto his back works out perfectly. On occasion though he’ll roll over and nuzzle his face into your chest.
Whenever you fall asleep clinging onto him, he feels a sudden surge of pride well up in his chest. He’ll probably hold you even tighter, or pull you into his lap depending on your position.
Childe is used to the winter of snezhnaya which is brutal, and typically almost always below zero. So he doesn’t fully understand why you’re clinging onto him for almost dead life in the winter. Liyue winter doesn’t even compare you snezhnaya year round? I mean he’s not complaining, it honestly just boosts his massive ego.
All is all, childe is especially clingy, and typically gets a surge of confidence and pride whenever you cling to him.
— Diluc —
Hmm... I’m not sure how explain my thinking, so I’ll just use the first time that you clung onto him as an example. Dilucs face turned a bright shade of red, and he went completely still. He tried to act calm but his rapid heartbeat wasn’t helping him. Obviously he’s much more... used to it(?) now but at first it was definitely a surprise.
Because he wears a lot of back, I think the summer is... iffy. He wears a lot of black in the summer too, plus he has a naturally high body temperature (I think he’s one of the people who has a high body temperature but like they’re skin feels really cold in comparison?) so that makes it even worse to cuddle with him in the summer. If you can stand all of that though, firstly kudos to you, I literally could never. Secondly, I think Diluc would much appreciate it honestly.
Now in contrast to the summer, the winter is where Diluc shines. I honestly thinks he likes the cold? So he’s not upset when you cling to him more per say, but in his mind it’s like a ‘what can you do’ kinda situation?
Loves when you lay on his chest, or sit in his lap. Absolutely adores it, like it’s so comforting to him. On occasion though he’ll want to be the one to cling onto you, so be mindful of that. Definitely play with his hair, whether he’s clinging onto you or you’re clinging onto him play. With. His. Hair. He’ll become putty in your arms in no time.
All in all, Diluc is a tricky on. He loves to cuddle with you, but doesn’t want to ask for it (he’s lowkey touch starved :( ) so it helps him that you go out of your way to cling o yo him, and cuddle.
— dainsleif —
Hmm... dain is a tricky one too. Like Diluc he’s very much touch starved, but he goes out of his way to... basically ask you to cling onto him.
He likes both spooning, and when you lay on his chest, he really won’t complain he just wants to cuddle.
He’s used to you falling asleep on him, he’s a night owl so it happens every night you go to bed. So when you do it in the middle of cuddling he doesn’t notice at first, but when he does he turns slightly, slightly soft and will kiss your cheek, and top of your head.
Because he wears a lot of black, he’s typically a bit warmer than usual. He’s naturally colder than most people, so it kinda balances it out.
Dainsleif knows to well that with winter, comes you clinging onto him more than usual. He’ll be more affectionate in that time, he doesn’t know why he does this but he just... does? It’s like natural to him, with you being more clingy makes him more affectionate. Law of equivalent exchange.
All in all dainsleif is very neutral, he’s very loving but won’t melt instantly in your arms. It’d take a lot of time for him to start melting in your arms.
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sheraphic · 3 years
hiii could you do one of these instagram things with eve.frsn and harry, i just love her style xoxo ♥️♥️♥️
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
author's note; hi there anon, sorry for the waiting but here it is your request, hope you like it.
warnings; there can be a few mistakes with the grammar.
It would be wonderful If you ~reblog it~ that help me a lot, it inspire me for write more.
// masterlist //
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Liked by nickjonas, barbarapalvin and 3,633,820 others
yourinstagram walked all day and couldn't find the rainbow
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harrystyles I'm looking at one right now
⤅ynfan992 he calls her rainbow 😩
⤅harryfan672 who gave you the right to be the most perfect boyfriend in the world?
⤅harryfan888 @harryfan672 only on this world?
⤅harryfan672 @harryfan888 you're right, let me correct it; the most perfect boyfriend in the whole universe
barbarapalvin love how you guys match in a heavenly way
yndaily I'm not gonna say who took this picture bc y'all know it already
⤅yourinstagram a stranger
⤅harryfan623 @yourintagram omg hahaha poor harry
⤅ynfan018 @yourintagram like, who's harry?
harryfan540 but- her eyes... so damn beautiful
stinegoyastudio lovely lady
yourbffinstagram saw it from my window 🌈
harryfan092 PROOFS!
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 what do you mean?
⤅harryfan092 @ynfan176 that they walk all around the city and no one saw them
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 uhm?? it's not like every single person in the city gonna be looking for them... You know, everyone have their own bussines
⤅harryfan800 @ynfan176 exactly! Why someone have to confirm that they were walking?
⤅harryfan092 @harryfan800 bc then it's not real
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 omg... Get outta here
lookitsnyoh i'm the blurry spot behind you
ynfan388 everyday passed by without being blessed to be beside you
ynfan729 ok but I want the beanie and the scarf
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Liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 8,629,820 others
harrystyles In the middle of a rainy june
View all 52,913 comments
yourinstagram all that green and your eyes are still my favorites
⤅harrystyles @yourinstagram I'm blushing. On my way to... Where am I going?
⤅harryandyn guys stop, i can't cry all day
⤅yndaily she's a poet and he's her inspiration
⤅harryupdates @harrystyles love, i think you got a little bit flustered
⤅harryfan723 i want what they have!
harryfan811 when it will be my turn?
kaiagerber can she be my photographer?
harryfan402 everybody, say thank you to yn for took this picture of a lovely man
⤅harryfan331 @harryfan402 just imagining that he posed for it 🥺
alessandro_michele what a cutie
harryfan101 can- can i be god's favourite for once?
cazoff model material, naturally
adamprendergast_ what a pretty boy smiling at the void
⤅harryfan699 now i now that adam is the annoying friend of the gruop
emiozmen @harryfan699 don't even doubt it
harryking may a offer you an umbrella, my lord?
⤅harrynews one fan said he had an umbrella, but he just doesn't use it
⤅harryfan782 let the boy get wet
⤅harryfan226 @harryfan782 YOU DIDN'T
⤅ynfan335 @harryfan782 this is my favorite comment ever
troyesivan my life is brighter now
⤅harryfan602 @troyesivan we need a collab
⤅columbiarecords indeed
⤅harryfan602 @columbiarecords wait wtf
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Liked by gemmastyles, emmalouisecorrin and 5,290,214 others
yourinstagram contrast 🔹🔻
View all 30,171 comments
florencepugh = 💜
⤅yourinstagram :)
harryfan222 omg i get it now
ynfan889 this is so adorable
yoursisterinstagram this is a lot of chaotic energy for my board
yndaily we love their eclectic little world
zendaya big fan of your hair
ynfan022 how can i not love this two weirdos?
harrystyles you said crazy pose, not dramatic
⤅yourinstagram @harrystyles your smile it's crazy delightful
⤅harryfan700 @yourinstagram can i be you girlfriend too?
⤅harryfan191 @harryfan700 same, i fell in love because she knows exactly what she's doing
⤅ynfan748 this man won the best woman ever
harryandyn god, i see what you do for others
charlotteanneclark a mood
harryfan882 i really love that he feels so comfortable with her and their relationship to let us see this.
⤅harryfan525 @harryfan882 ikr he finallt let us see this side of him and I'm an emotional mess
⤅harryfan106 @harryfan882 i think we finally understand that he has a life and can love whoever he chooses
rosalia.vt happy but confused at the same time
harryfan441 ugh, they are so foolishly in love
t_chalament it's a yes from me
⤅harryfan722 timothee represents me
ynfan831 she matches his personality so perfectly
annetwist lovely pics!
⤅ynfan029 she loves her 🤍
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Liked by dualipa, harry_lambert and 8,190,644 others
harrystyles The route was traced, the playlist was ready; and even like that we get lost.
View all 76,882 comments
yourinstagram told you to give the map and you said no
⤅harrystyles @yourinstagram I wanted it to be a surprise!
⤅harrynews i can't bear too much cuteness
⤅ynfan551 these two are the only couple that made me belive that true love exists
⤅yndaily ow, an older couple having a disagreement🥺
⤅ynfan670 @yndaily i have high hopes for them getting married
mitchrowland I explained to you three times how the gps works...
⤅harryandyn harry and technology doesn't mix well
harryfan661 @mitchrowland he's a baby, you know?
⤅ynfan771 I'm from the future, and i came here to tell everyone that mitch doesn't know how a gps works either
⤅harryfan880 @yourfan771 I CAN'T WITH HITCH
pillowpersonpp oh, to get lost with great music in the background because your boyfriend it's too stubborn yo let you be the guide... Yes, it happened to me too
⤅yourinstagram @pillowpersonpp i hope god receives us both in paradise for having dealt with these men
⤅harryfan720 stoooooop mitch and harry twins
⤅ynfan182 @yourinstagram you're just a genius with your comments! 🖤
⤅harryfan788 @mitchrowland you gf exposed you, what are you gonna do about it?
⤅lookitsnyoh @harryfan788 the best thing he can do it's to bake some bread for her
helenepambrun so that pic was while you guys stop for indications or...?
⤅harryfan693 HELPPPPPPP
harryfan this it's so harry you can't tell me otherwise
harryfan ok but her dress, the vintage car and the vibe of being lost with your lover-💗 ugh, please leave alone with my singleness
mrbenwinston "the route was traced"
⤅harrystyles It was.
⤅harryfan837 HAHAHAHAHA STOP
⤅harryfan681 all his friends are roasting him lol
⤅harryfan716 he's upset, someone quick give him a lollipop!
⤅ynfan682 i really love this side of his fans
⤅harryfan346 @ynfan682 it has to be this way, otherwise he'll throw a tantrum
zanelowe harry mate, you better start listen to your girl
harryfan380 i'm laughing more than i should, sorry for them, but this it's golden comedy
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Liked by harrystyles, jefeazoff and 3,190,644 others
yourinstagram excuse the sunburn
View all 38,672 comments
harrystyles sorry, didn't know the lipstick would be waterproof
⤅harryfan806 did he just say that he kissed her cheeks while wearing lipstick?!
⤅traceeellisross @yourinstagram your boyfriend burned you sweetie haha
⤅harryfan992 i need the name of that lipstick, no matter if i have to give all my money
⤅harryandyn I can't, i just can't stop thinking about harry pecking kisses all over her face
⤅yndaily @harryandyn just thinking how funny It was the moment she realized that the kiss prints couldn't be wiped away and give harry a look like 😠
⤅harryfan714 @yndaily shut uppp! And he just giggling like the fckin demon that he is
harry_lambert ok guys you need to stop because i can't spend the whole day liking all your comments...
⤅harryfan782 then tell them to not be this iconic 🤧
dovecameron it's like seeing an angel in her own heaven
ynfan602 this queen and her eyes are the only reason i'm still alive
reiflerpaige you and italy are old lovers
harryfan503 i love that her hair it's the exact same color as her eyes! It's insanely accurate!
harryupdates you dind't hear this from me, but someone said that harry made that neacklace for her
⤅ynfan101 please don't do this me, i don't have enough tears to express how happy that makes me
⤅harryfan559 I KNEW IT!
⤅harryfan883 @harrystyles do you ship internationally? I would like to order one piece, pretty please 🤍
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Liked by arianagrande, annetwist and 7,380,721 others
harrystyles Malva thoughts.
View all 82,110 comments
gemmastyles I'll never share my favorite color with you again.
⤅harryfan733 this is so funny
⤅harryfan892 yep, that's something aquarius would do
⤅harryfan019 @harryfan892 no proof but i have zero doubts
yourinstagram Isn't that my white tablecloth you're painting on?
⤅ynfan129 someone is in trouble
⤅harryfan899 no in a white tablecloth harry!
⤅harryfan782 i can see a storm coming
⤅harryfan673 @harrystyles hey lad, i think they looking for you
⤅harryfan018 @harrystyles that's it, you'll sleeping on the bathtub tonight
zoeisabellakravitz Try periwinkle.
⤅harrystyles It's already in my notes
⤅harryfan820 most iconic interaction
anthonyturnerhair need to know where i can get those flower pots
⤅harryfan675 omg me too!
⤅harryfan772 i bet he has really cool items all around his place
⤅harryfan099 @harryfan772 i bet he was an interior designer on his past life
⤅ynfan681 @harryfan772 those are yn's flowerpots actually and you can find them on amazon! 🤎
⤅harryfan772 @ynfan681 wait, really?? They're sooo cool omg
⤅harryfan388 @ynfan681 so that means they're living together?!
mollyjane_x Prodigy
⤅harryfan819 he can sit on a rock and we'll say he's a fucking legend
⤅harryfan912 where's the lie?
claraamfo music, reading, painting... Leave some for the rest of us, the mortals.
⤅harryfan891 right? It's like, why he has to be so good at everything?
⤅ynfan723 And he's also @yourinstagram broyfriend 😩
⤅claraamfo @ynfan723 that's what hurt the most
sammywitte I never knew you knew how to paint.
⤅jefeazoff leave the kid explore.
⤅harryfan662 hahahaha i can't with jeff's comment
⤅harryfan982 @harryfan662 it's like they just comment to roasting him
⤅harryfan222 @harryfan982 and we are loving it!
⤅harryfan116 true friendship it's this
flammedepigelle inspired.
⤅harryfan671 oh, well...
⤅harryfan927 now e news it's going to write a ridiculous post about a love triangle between yn, harry and sharon
⤅ynfan813 @harryfab927 don't give them ideas! 🤫
⤅harryfan927 @ynfan814 omg you're right, I'm gonna delete it!
jennynails delivery will be this wednesday!
⤅harryfan712 harry's nails will be malva?
⤅harryfan991 omg that's so cute
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Liked by tchalamet, zendaya and 4,375,092 others
yourinstagram I'm Malva.
View all 42,713 comments
harrystyles In fact, you're the whole palette, my darling
⤅yourinstagram 🤍
⤅harryandyn he loves his little rainbow
⤅harryfan881 yep, that's my heart full of happiness to see him be so in love with her
⤅harryfan092 she is perfect for him. I mean it.
⤅harryfan330 she will take him to the moon for us.
⤅harryfan445 @harryfan330 and all we can say is thank you to the wonderful yn.
⤅harryfan672 @harryfan330 you should stop with that because it's ridiculous... She already took him to the whole milky way 🌌
⤅ynfan168 @harryfan672 omg i thought you were about to say something nasty about their relationship
⤅harryupdates @harryfan672 we thought that too, we were ready to reply back
⤅harryfan610 @harryupdates to fight back*
⤅harryfan777 @harryfan672 your comment was genious
⤅harryfan672 @harryupdates omg, didn't expect my comment will attract so much attention.
⤅harryfan672 @ynfan168 the only nasty thing i could say about their relationship it's that i'm deeply jealous
yndaily yeah yeah, so cute. When is the wedding?
massimobottura Undeniable expression of love.
⤅ynfan220 now i picturing them eating massimo bottura's delicious food... leave me alone please
⤅harryfan688 @ynfan220 this warms my heart
selenagomez Oh, he draw you ❤️
⤅harrystyles He indeed did it
⤅harryfan672 I can't with this man referring to himself in the third person
⤅harryfan339 @harryfan672 he's a weirdo
⤅harryfan980 thank god it's yn's problem now
⤅harryfan100 we finally can have some peace
⤅ynfan764 good luck honey @yourinstagram
⤅harryandyn this comment section it's gold
glenne_azoff now is when you decided to post in b&w?
⤅yourinstagram aesthetic
⤅harryfan771 I'm laughing more than i want heeelp
⤅harryfan821 @yourinstagram idol
annetwist I will need a copy of it
⤅harryfan111 guys I'm crying and it's just 8am
⤅harryfan337 if queen anne loves her, y'all need to do it as well. No excuses
⤅ynfan008 @harryfab337 has been decreed
harleyweir Didn't know i needed to see this, but I'm happy
charlotteanneclark You two put my expectations so high
⤅harryfan723 someone finally say it
⤅ynfan092 now i need a harry to my yn
spaceykacey lovers in their little birdhouse
tylersamj I see a stubble :)
⤅mitchrowland don't give him hopes, @tylersamj
⤅jefeazoff don't crash his hopes, @mitchrowland
⤅gemmastyles stop defending him, @jefeazoff
⤅harrystyles I want to grow a lumberjack beard :)
⤅yourinstagram we already talked about this, Harry.
– comments have been limited –
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sweets-cookies · 4 years
Hi~ I've been in a pre shitty mood lately, just yknow, life. Sooo could I request some hc of Bakugou, Shinso and todoroki comforting theirs s/o? Perhaps silently getting their signs and just cuddling them close or making them smth to eat? Up to you tho!! Thank you sm in advance, darling ❤
A/N:Hi babes~ this is such a good and I had such a fun time doing it but fun fact I got half way done with it the first time and my phone ended up restarting for no reason and it erased all the stuff I wrote so I had to redo it but I in fact did finish it somehow apparently my phone didn't like the first one and said "No❤" anyway I hope you enjoy it since all of us have bad days~~
Katsuki Bakugo
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Despite popular belief this boom boom boy would probably know straight away how your feeling and everything
He would probably start off not knowing what to do I mean who the hell would go to him for comfort normally
The answer is basically no one so he doesn't really know what to do everytime he's sad he just kinda sucks it up and deals with it
So don't expect him to know what to do right off the bat all he knows is he definitely doesn't like seeing you like this but he doesn't know what exactly to do so he does what he knows best, violence
He will try and hurt whatever hurt you, yes that includes things that technically can't get hurt like just life in general or school but he has good intentions I promise
After he realizes it's only making you more upset he'll try the second thing he knows how to do
"Hey dumbass I made your favorite food so stop pouting and come eat, and don't say you have I know you haven't"
Your health is so important to him and he wants to make sure your still taking care of yourself and he knows how much you love his cooking so expect him to cook for you when your not feeling like yourself
He will always be down to cuddle with you when you need it and honestly even when you don't need it
But even more when you do, he'll just hold you for hours and rub your back and try and tell you sweet things to the best of his ability which surprisingly isn't bad at all
"Hey baby I know things are hard right now but that doesn't mean that they wont be fine soon maybe not tomorrow or maybe even next month but I'll be here to help you alright dumbass" he always has this lovesick smile
And it's encouraging to him that you trust in him enough to show him your insecurities and to tell him and show him that you haven't been doing so well lately
He will always let you cry in his arms if you need to and he won't make fun of you for it after spending time with deku he understand s its important to let those emotions out(charecter development sis)
He feels lowkey privileged to be able to see the side of you that isn't happy and isn't perfect
He will read his Romance manga to you or with you when your feeling down to try and make you happier whether it's during a cuddle session or with you in his lap while hes sitting at his desk with his head on your shoulder
He's happy to make you happy and if having to show a more vulnerable side of him is makes you happy he will make that sacrifice
His main priority although is just making sure your taking care of yourself like eating,brushing your teeth and hair, and showering and if your not he will help do those things for you until you can
Hitoshi Shinso
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Why tf does he look so fucking musty in all the gifs like huh?
Anyway He wouldn't know what to do either tbh he isn't really known for being exactly considerate to others feelings
But for you he tries his best it's not that he's bad with his words he's actually pretty okay at it but not really comforting words he's better at setting people off
He always wants to make sure that his words never come off condescending either as he can sound like that at times
He can always give you reassurance of you need it but unlike bakugo he won't try to solve your problems for you
He believes that everyone needs to figure out their own shit, that doesn't mean he won't be there to support you though he just wants you to be independent in a way
He let's you be down and doesn't complain since he understands that going through tough times happen to everyone and that it's best to ride out that wave and soak up that emotion
"Cry a river but don't let it drown you" type stuff he's supportive but your demons and problems are yours to fix he'll hold you If you need but when it comes down to the problem that's your problem to fix but he will be your cheerleader
"I know that things are hard kitten but just remember how amazing you'll feel when all of it is over the fact that you can endure so much in life and your still here is so important"
He wants you to know that just cause he won't solve your problems it doesn't mean he doesn't care about them he cares enough to know that he needs to let you handle some things while he's ok the side lines
But he also cares so much that he wants to fix everything for you even if in the end it won't help you very much
He just wants the best for you and sometimes it can get hard for him to do considering how important to him you are
Will happily take naps with you all day long if life has been beating you up to much and you just need some time to reenergize yourself
"Come on let's take a nap kitty you look like you need one"
Life gets hard for everyone and it's not fair but he tries his best to make you forget about it but the time you have to leave his dorm
He lives for the cuddles he gets while napping and you guys do it even when your not upset about anything but they last WAY longer when your not feeling like yourself
He will also hold you for hours telling you how proud he is of you
"This week was really hard for you kitten I'm so proud that you managed to get through it and still try and be optimistic"
A lot of head kisses while napping and him with his hair down while he tries to use his words to warm your heart~
Shoto Todoroki
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Okay he's so fine tho like wow😶
Okay sorry my simp side is coming out so anyway when he see's you upset expect a lot of hugs and kisses and cuddles in public
He like the others isn't very good with comforting words but more of his actions are what shows he cares, he never had anyone show him how to treat someone when they feel down so he tries to figure it out on his own
"I heard you haven't been doing well lately so um I thought maybe we could share my soba"
He will give you anything you want expect him to come to you with random gifts bought from his father's card
"I wasn't sure if you'd want this new dress or this new necklace since they both reminded me of you so I just got both"
He definitely thinks that money can fix shit which I mean it lowkey can but not in all circumstances so just like politely tell him to stop buying you expensive shit(unless you don't care)
He will gladly also cuddle you and most likely will tell you all the shit he wished his father had told him when he was younger so expect a lot of sweet words
"Hey love, your doing amazing alright don't stress out so much my love what your doing is enough"
He's surprisingly really good with his words but is always scared of saying the wrong thing so he doesn't talk much and just cuddles with you and will let you lay on either siad of him(ya know if your hot or cold)
He'll heat up his hand and rub your back or stomach since heat is known to relax people and he Hope's that he can do that for you as well
He will feed you all the fucking time I think he just finds it cute especially when your not feeling like yourself he will just baby you 100%
He's really caring and just wants to make sure your taking care of yourself and you look cute with him feeding you usually you'd sit on his lap with the food infront of you on your phone and he'd just randomly put the food infront of your mouth on a fork and wait for you to open your mouth
He finds it cute and thinks that it's his own way of say that he does care about you a lot even if he doesn't say it all the time
He will also brush your hair and braid it or just style it into anything you want he just wants you to feel relaxed with him and would do anything to make you feel better
He definitely will go and talk to his mom about what he should do and how to make you feel better and he also will probably just bring you to his mom for like a little family meet up
His mom loves you and she will always be down to see you and he knows how much you like her so he Hope's it'll boost your mood a bit and she's better with words
He absolutely adores you so he'll do whatever you need until life stops fucking with you
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
You Never Notice
Sykkuno x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Summary: The center of someone’s world is never aware of their importance even when everyone else is in the know. People are hard to understand, no denying, but if we all spilled our truth like how Y/N admitted her feelings to Sykkuno, mutual understanding would be achieved a lot more easily. JK, she needed an eternity and maybe a thousand pushes. What’s important is the result though, right?
Requested by Anon. You are my first Sykkuno request and I wish I could thank you with a tag. Instead, I’m gonna thank you with a fic in which I put my all. Thank you for the request, hope the final product doesn’t let you down. 🥰
Here we go again. Sykkuno’s love life is brought up. This time it’s more frustrating cause I can’t shout how wrong he is about himself and the effect he has on the people around him. He has no room to speak, he hasn’t experienced what I have - one of your best friends living in your head rent-free because you’re just that whipped by them. That’s right kids, some of us never grow past the middle school crushes - they are a constant for some. That can be a good or a bad thing, it completely depends on how you view it.
Currently, him and Rae are addressing some dating rumors that started spreading about them earlier this week while Felix, Sean and I are kicking each other’s butts in Party Animals. We’re not all playing together, actually, we were all playing different games when we hopped into the call and just grouped together after playing solo got boring. Rae and Sykkuno are playing Among Us on a random server, her being the only person who’s streaming right now. She said she just wanted to clear up the dating rumors cause they were annoying to see popping up on her feed on every social media platform she’s active on.
“It’s ridiculous, really. People just look for online personalities to put in imaginary relationships. Are they that bored? I know quarantine is getting to everyone, but damn“ Rae says, laughing a bit to take the edge off her words but I know she’s bothered by this ordeal more than she’s letting on. I know how much it bothers her when people ship random youtubers and streamers together, even when she’s not involved. 
And I agree. Ever since I started streaming I’ve been shipped with my friends left and right. First Corpse, then Dave, Joel...you name them. It gets kinda gross cause these people are legit like siblings to me. Unlike Rae, though, I don’t waste my breath trying to clear those ‘talks of the net’ up. I don’t know if it’s for better of for worse that I remain silent on the issue when I’m involved but am willing to stand up for my friends when they find themselves in a similar situation. Some people think the reason I don’t share my thoughts is because the rumors are true, but the hint is most often taken, resulting in the ship ending. Well, that ship ending, there’s always a new one popping up. As Rae said, it’s ridiculous.
“Why does everyone think I am ever dating anyone? I’ve already commented on this: no one would date me.“ Sykkuno says through a sigh-like laugh.
“Why are you so sure?“ I blurt out without as much as a second thought
My eyes widen just a bit, just a bit. I’m not too surprised with myself. I am slowly losing control of my raging emotions and I’m afraid of what I’ll turn into when all my restraints snap. A mess, that’s the most likely answer.
“Well....“ Sykkuno trails off, clearly more than a little nervous, “I don’t have a girlfriend right now, and I haven’t had one in a while...Nor has a girl shown any interest to be more than friends with me in what feels like forever.“
“I’m sure you just don’t notice the hints girls drop. We can be pretty subtle.“ I try to sound as nonchalant as possible while I’m still in my panicked animal mode. And by animal I mean a cub. A scared cub that is now showing confidence but will run and hide right afterwards. I silently thank the universe that I’m not streaming right now. I can feel the heat on my neck and cheeks which is pure embarrassment and would have been more than evident on-camera.
“Yeah Y/N’s right, Sykkuno. Girls can be very subtle, but they will always let you know if they like you, even through the smallest of gestures. You gotta keep your eyes open.“ Rae backs me up reassuringly.
“Guys never notice anything.“ I say, rolling my eyes. I feel the pressure lessen thanks to Rae’s involvement in the conversation.
“That’s not true.“ Sean protests, “We pay close attention, especially to girls we are attracted to.“
“Yeah!“ Sykkuno pipes in again, “I’m pretty sure I would notice if a girl was dropping signals that she likes me.“
Now that stings. That legit makes me wince and cringe as though his voice delivered an actual physical hit to my chest and stomach. It’s really unpleasant, painful even.
“You never notice.“ There’s something about this triple opportunity - proving him wrong that he’d catch onto a girl’s signals; proving him wrong that girls aren’t attracted to him; coming clean about the biggest emotional struggle I’ve experienced in recent years; - that snaps my last emotional restraints. I will totally regret this later, but after the regret comes the relief which is 100% worth it. 
“What?“ He sounds very puzzled. I can just about imagine him frowning as he tries to wrap his brain around something even I can’t wrap mine around.
“You say you’d notice a girl’s hints of attraction. OK.“ I nonchalantly throw Felix off the submarine in Party Animals while I keep talking, “Would you notice if a girl purposely doesn’t kill you in Among Us when she’s impostor? Or would you notice that a girl always sends you links to videos she finds funny? Or that she always shares music and movie recommendations with you and you only?“ 
Dead silence ensues. I feel like they have all glitched, considering Sean didn’t even try to put up a fight when I lifted him and threw him in the ocean as I previously did with Felix’s avatar.
Maybe I was a tad too specific and made the whole situation hit a little too close to home for me. 
Sykkuno and I have become really close friends and we chat and play games regularly. As I mentioned, I give him movie and music recommendations and I only recently started acknowledging the fact that I’ve never killed him in Among Us. Natural instinct I guess. In fact, I feel the need for vengeance when he’s killed. I refuse to even vote for him unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Now that I think about it, it’s not his fault he has no clue. I just don’t know how to properly drop hints.  
“Um...I mean, I guess I would notice but I’d never think they are that type of hints.“ He finally replies.
On point there, dear. On damn point.
“What does it take for you to be convinced that a girl is into you?“ Who cares that a bunch of people are about to witness this outpour? It’ll make it more real, yes, but it will also help me believe that it happened so I don’t try to crawl back to the point where return is an option. No return now. You’ve already passed two thirds of the way. The last one will set you and your mind free. 
“The only way I can be sure is if she tells me, really.“ He sounds so nervous and shy, like he’s trying to draw as little attention as possible.
He doesn’t have to worry. I’m about to pull all the attention on me.
“Well in that case....you leave me no other choice.“ My screen displays me as the winner of this round of Party Animals - an easy one considering my friends are glitched in real life. “I like you, Sykkuno. I like you a lot. And I know you will see it from every context except the one its meant to be in so I’ll be even more head-on - I’ve liked you, as more than a friend for quite some time now, but buddy, you can be sooo oblivious sometimes. Anyway...“ Here’s that regret I was talking about, it’s already creeping in. “Don’t feel the need to say it back. I don’t wanna hear it if you don’t mean it. And Rae,“ I can’t help but laugh at the thought, “Sorry for making your chat go crazy. Peace!“
And I disconnect from the Discord call.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?“ I say out loud, staring at my desktop. “The cat’s out of the bag and you can move on now.“
I push myself to get some work done in order to get my mind off the mess I’ve created. I’m afraid of thinking about it, I know I’ll get too upset to do anything with the rest of my day if I do.
Suddenly, just as I’m about to open my email, my phone chimes. My brain doesn’t bother to stop my arm from automatically reaching out and checking the notification. A message.
From Sykkuno.
~ I knew you didn’t suggest me ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ for no reason
Me ~ So...?
~ So, I’m not the only oblivious one here, Y/N
Me ~ Wait WHAT?
~ ‘Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist’?
Me ~ Oooohhhh...I see
It takes him a few seconds to reply, the bubble with the three bouncing dots popping up and disappearing a few times now. I just now feel my heart banging against the inside of my ribcage, my pulse echoing in my ears.
He did seem a little too eager for me to watch that movie...
~ So, movie date?
I laugh, wholeheartedly and honestly. Genuine joy running through my veins.
Me ~ So it is.
The grin that is now decorating my features promises to stay there for the rest of the day. I bite my bottom lip at the thought that pops into my head.
Me ~ Phew, I can stop sparing you in Among Us from now on
He sends me three cry-laughing emojis in return, but I don’t need those. I can just imagine him laughing as he usually does with one hand covering his mouth. And here I thought my grin couldn’t grow wider.
 Imagining him happy makes me smile. His happiness makes me happy. He makes me happy.
Even better...
I think the feeling’s mutual.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 6
Erik Stevens x Black OC
( Unedited.)
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I woke up with a killer headache and the sound of my alarm clock going off. I hit it repeatedly trying to get it to shut off to no avail. Frustrated I picked it up launching it across the room. Next was the alarm on my cell and I released a defeated groan. Sitting up, I took in my surrounding trying to remember how I got to my room last night. My makeup was removed, and I was in a large T-shirt with my hair in a bonnet. The only thing I forgot to do was remove my contacts. Slowly getting up, I left my bedroom and went straight to the bathroom. I raised an eyebrow when I saw a glass and aspirin set right next to my glasses.
There was no way I was THAT alert last night.
Frowning I took the packet and washed it down before starting the shower, I had to wash away last nights shame and hangover. 15 minutes later I stepped out wrapping a towel around my body. I didn't even feel slightly Recovered. Removing my contacts and  placing the frames over my eyes, I need coffee.
"Good Mornin'," a raspy baritone greeted me when I got to the kitchen.
"Morning," I mumbled putting on the pot.
"Lemme get a cup,"
I stopped turning around in horror, registering who it was.
"Yeah?" He sounded like 'duh'.
"Get out get out get out!" I squealed, holding my towel to me looking for something to throw.
"What about the coffee?"
Erik sounded confused, like he was suppose to be here or something."
"Negro what are you even doing here?!" I exclaimed. "Grab your shit and get out!"
"Damn girl that's how you show gratitude?" I could tell he wasn't getting upset now. "Yo ass don't even know what happened last night."
I froze. Oh fuckkkkk no.
"Tell me we didn't?"
"Naw girl, ion get down like that." He looked disgusted by the thought and I couldn't help but scoff.
"Oh yeah right, I bet. You're such a stand up guy right?" Sarcasm laced in every word as I held the door open for him.
Soon as he crossed the threshold I slammed the door,
"Really Lona that's how we gettin' down now." The anger in his voice was evident and I couldn't help but wonder if he still got that wrinkle in between his eyes like he use to.
"We taken advantage of drunk bitches now Erik.
He was silently for a minute but I knew he was still there.
"You know me better than that." He spoke from the other end. Did I really though?
There was a slight pain in my chest after he said that.
"I use to." I replied loud enough for him to hear before walking back into my room.
"How you feelin' sunshine?"
"I feel like death." I answered.
I laid my head down on the table in the cafeteria Tatiana and Jay were chillin at. I swear to god when you have a hangover it be the longest day ever.
"You don't look far from it either- ouch," Jay rubbed his arm where I hit him.
"I woke up with a massive headache, feelin' like I got by a truck-" I began my list of complaints.
"Probably happened when dude dropped you." Jay mentioned casually.
"-Erik was in my living room just chillin on my couch." I stopped and blinked, looking directly at Jay. "I'm sorry. What? Who dropped me, Erik?"
"Naw, not Erik. Ole dude in the bathroom."
Wait what?" I frowned looking at Tati. "What's he talking about. I was with you wasn't I? Where were you?"
"Ok boo, breathe aite," she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "No anxiety attacks today. Let me start from the beginning. Dumbass here don't know how to be gentle."
As she explained, i remember arriving, I remember chilling, playing beer pong, taking a few shots. I remember dancing, curving a couple of frat boys, and having a good time. Everything after that was fuzzy.
"So you was tore up girl, but hiding it well. You just said you wanted to throw up s you'd feel better. I'm the one who walked you to the bathroom, again, you didn't look that tore up but I guess when it all started to come up you got worse? I only left because Ashley came to get me since Donise was bout to fight and I needed to stop her. I swear I was only gon for like 7 minutes. When I reminded Doni she was on her last strike here and told her we had to get you home we both came right back to find Erik literally trying punch his way thru ole' dudes skull."
"What?" My eyes widened.
"Yeah, apparently Erik caught bruh tryna carry you out the house on the low." Jay informed me filling in from where Tati left off. "When he confronted him and told him to hand you over he dropped you to the floor. E was quick to check on you and asked if I had and before I blinked he was after bruh."
"Yes girl! And he beat the fuck outta him too." Tati hit her hand with her first. "When I came up, Jay left you with me and Jay and Moses had to get him to stop. Once he 'calmed down' enough he stormed over to you and damn near shoved me out the way. He wouldn't let anyone touch you after that."
"I'm sayin', he turned into the bodyguard." Jay laughed clearly amused.
But I sure as hell wasnt.
Remaining quiet, I tired to process everything. I was almost snatched up and taken God knows where, so some weirdo could do God knows what to me, and Erik came in and stopped everything. For me. Protected me. Made sure I got home safely and stayed with me all night. While I still don't remember anything I do know he was wearing what I saw him in last night this morning......and right about now I'm feeling like the biggest asshole.
"Yeah shit was sexy and scary at the same time. He looked crazy."
"For real son! Crazy as fuck," Jay agreed. "I know bruj said y'all had history, but damn. Y'all was together or somethin'?"
Or something, I thought but instead just shook my head.
"No, but it's complicated," was the only explanation I was giving right now. Everyone didn't need to know my dirty laundry, and while I could careless about what people thought about me, I'm sure they've got enough to run it about last night. Meanwhile I needed to find Erik. No matter how I feel about him, he still looked out for me last night. Not only do I owe him a thank you but an apology too.
It was a nice day outside so I figured he might be in the quad since I saw him out there a lot. There or at the gym. Thankfully he at was the former and I didn't have to look too hard as I headed toward him. As soon as he spotted me he snatched his bag up, saluted the guys and began to walk off. I did my best to catch up without making it obvious that I was after him to everybody else around. Catching up slightly I called out his name and he stopped. He shoulders slumped as if he were sighing as he turned around. He looked at me like he couldn't stand me. I took a deep breath feeling nervous and embarrassed.
"Erik can we talk?" I asked, feeling small.
"Is it about the project?" His voice lacked every bit of emotion.
"No." I answered knowing where this was going.
"Then, naw, we can't."
Without another look he turned, headphones on, and left me where I stood.
So...someone's upset.
And rightfully so. These two have a lot of issues to work out. Too much anger.
I'm just gonna...let that sit there...
Guess what guys!!
I've got the next 30 chapters planned! The good the bad and the ugly. I'm sooo excited!'
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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spookymultimedia · 3 years
A Summer to Remember ch 6 [fin]
[Helen pov]
     I ran after him, rocks shifting under my feet. He stopped at a gravel road, leading to the cabin, leaning against a tree and looking at the ground. 
       "Timothy.  . .I understand if you're mad. I'm mad at myself. I wasn't thinking. I still love you. I mean it." My voice shook.
              "I'm confused . . ." He said calmly, 
" but I don't blame you. I'm not that upset really, I understand, I mean-." He sighed trying to gather his thoughts. I stood there dripping. The warm heat and soggy humidity kept me from getting cold. 
                "You like her, huh?" He looked up at me. I nodded, "Alot, actually." 
        He smiled. I didn't expect him to smile. "She's great for you."
           "You. . you think I should?"
"Maybe, I don't really care, well, mind" He shrugged. "If it makes you happy."
             " But I can't leave you." I took his hand. 
He thought for a moment, "Uh. . .isn't there this. . .thing where. Someone has multiple wives?"
    I cocked my head confused.
"You know, that thing that. . .Mormons or Amish do? But like with a husband and a wife?"
        "Polygamy?" I answered slowly. What was he getting at?
 "Yeah, that but without the multiple wives thing."
               ". . .poly . .polyamory?"
"Yeah." He smiled, "that."
I shrugged, "I don't know, that takes a lot of work and communication." 
                ". .but?"
   "But I am considering it."
                "Maybe bring it up to Maude?"
"Okay." I smiled. He hugged me despite me being all soaked and dirty.
           "What about Ned?" I asked and let go.
                         "I don't know, I haven't seen him in a couple hours. I hope he's okay."
                  "You really care about him a lot don't you?"
      He nodded bashfully, "Yeah.  . .yeah I do."
      "That's okay." She smiled. 
He hid his mouth with his palm and looked away.
          "Really it is." I insisted.
"This is all so new and . . . "
       "I understand. . .I think I might be. .bisexual."
  "Me too." He muttered. 
           "I mean you don't need to have multiple partners to be bisexual but that is something I'd like to try. . .I really really l like her."
    "Oh. . . Okay."
  "I don't know, I just thought that you needed to be involved with both to be bisexual."
              "No it's just, I could like men and women equally..like they're both hot. You know?"
He shrugged, "I don't know, I- I don't really feel that way at all."
                  "What?" I furrowed my eyebrows confused.
            "I just- I don't know, I just think everyone looks just ok. I mean I don't not think you're beautiful or anything. Because you are. You're cute. Just. I just don't know what hot is." He scratched his chin and looked away. 
       "Oh. . ." I was still confused. "Okay."
"I should really go look for Ned." 
            "Yeah. I'll go talk to Maude."
"Meet you later then." He smiled a bit and walked off.
          "See ya!" I smiled back and ran back towards the lake. 
[Ned pov] 
               I laid in bed hugging onto a pillow after I showered. I thought about what I said. The guilt was dull now but it was still there. I wished I hadn't said anything, I wish I could move on. I'd live without, but it would still hurt for a long while. I closed my eyes, listening to the birds and the windchimes Timothy made one summer. The air conditioner made a low hum, it was a bit peaceful. I could lay down and pretend nothing existed but the present. Nothing in the future matters now. There was only now, and now there were birds singing, a soft pillow under my head, a clean body, and chimes to accompany the birds music. No worry existed here. No concern. No stress. I didn't have to think about it now. I allowed myself to just be present and exist in that moment. I felt okay. 
      After half an hour my catnap was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, "It's me. Ned? Are you in there?" 
            "Yeah." I answered. I started to feel sick again. I opened the door and let him in. 
       "I've been looking all over for you. Are you alright? I'm sorry I pressured you like that, I should have realized that was still a sensitive subject for you. I didn't mean to put you in that uncomfortable situation." He rambled. It wasn't often I saw him ramble like this. I was usually the one who did the rambling and apologizing.
       "Did I ruin everything?" I looked down at the floor.
                "No. . .no of course not." He touched my arm. "Actually uh, I talked to Helen." He moved his hand back to his side.
He sat down on the bed and I did too. 
"It turns out she and Maude really like each other."
        "Oh. . .Tim, I'm sorry.  ."
"What? No it's not like that, she actually wants to maybe start a.  . . .polyamory"
        "Oh? You mean.  . . with you and her dating other people?"
He nodded.  He looked down and chewed at his finger. 
   "Is. . .that a good thing?"
He nodded his head. 
           "I'm happy for her. I mean, she still needs to see how Maude feels about it."
          "Ned I.  . .I- I think I." He flapped around his hands in frustration and shut his eyes. I waited patiently. He took a deep breath. "I love you." His hands fidgeted at his shirt nervously. 
        Everything suddenly felt unreal. It was like time stopped. He felt the same way? 
          "Wow . ."
"Uh . .do you feel okay with me being with you and Helen?"
          "I do feel a bit jealous of Helen sometimes. I'm sorry I must sound like a jerk." I looked away ashamed.
             "It's okay to feel that way. . ."
"But I do want to try it out. I think it'll go away once I- . .I um." I blushed.
             "Get your share?" He smirked.
"Something like that."
               "I get it. Well, what do you want to do with me?" He played with the hair at his neck.
I suddenly felt shy. 
   "Uh . . .um. .uh. You want me to be honest?"
         That was a loaded question. I didn't want to overshare. What if I make him uncomfortable??
     "I really want to.  . .kiss you . .and do some other sexual stuff." I looked away kinda embarrassed. 
             "Oooh." He sounded somewhat surprised. "You're allowed to feel that way." He smiled. 
      I looked at him, "Sooo. . .you're bisexual then?"
            "Yeah.  . .I think so? I mean I- I don't know. I'm a little confused about sexuality."
             "It can be intimidating. It's so weird to suddenly just feel this desire and it's so new yet familiar and it's hard to shake off." 
           "Oh. . . ?"
I looked up at him, "I'm sorry are you uncomfortable?"
                "Oh. No. .no. Just…..I don't know. I just don't feel sexual? I mean I want sex. Buy. Oh, I don't know. "
                    .      "That's okay."
"So . . .you wanna do something?" I didn't want to sound needy. I was but I didn't want to sound that way.
                   "I honestly feel pretty tired right now. I just want to lay down. I'm sorry."
            "No, that's okay. I'm kinda tired too."
        I laid down on my back and left room for him. He laid by my side and reached out his hand. I held my hand out and he felt it.
"I'm sorry.  . ."
"I just.  . . I- I have this issue with touching people sometimes. Like sometimes hugs are just too much or I just really don't want to shake hands with a stranger. It's uncomfortable."
           "Oh. ."
"I'll be okay. I want to hold you. . .I just. I don't know if I can yet without getting overwhelmed?? I'm sorry it sounds silly."
         "No, it doesn't."
"Okay, thank you."
                 "Mmhm" I smiled.
He gently held my hand and closed his eyes. 
I did too. It was quiet, and it was okay again. 
[Maude pov]
    I waited at the shore feeling scared. What we did was impulsive but wild and free and nice.  . . I never felt like that before. It was mind numbingly wonderful. I listened to waves crash while my mind was filled with nothing but dread. A selfish part of me hoped I could have her. 
     I was drawing hearts in the sand when I heard Helen.running up to me, "Maude!" She called, smiling. I stood up trying to get a better look. She suddenly hugged me. 
       "Helen! What's gotten into you?", I giggled out. I held onto her waist and grounded my feet before we toppled over. "It's wonderful, just wonderful, oh I love you so much. I love Timothy so much, oh my goodness I love you so much."
      Timothy and me? Was there a compromise? 
       "What happened?"
She let me go and waved her fists, too excited to stay still. 
    "Me and Timothy talked things out. I told him I was sorry for my actions, he forgives me of course and he said he didn't blame me. So we decided to try out polyamory!" Her words were rushed.
     "Polyamory? What's that?" 
"Um. .well I think it's when you date multiple people or something like that. Of course everyone has to consent to the relationship and stuff. It's not Polygamy."
      "I don't know what Polygamy is. So. . .you're saying we can date?"
  "Yes! It's okay."
I hugged her, feeling happy, "I'm so relieved Helen." 
         I looked up at her. My happy Helen. Our happy Helen?? She was happy and loved and that's all I cared about at that moment. She placed a hand on my cheek and pecked my lips. I kissed her back. I couldn't help but cry. I felt so free. After being by her side for so long I feel honored to be hers. Her eyes widened after our kiss. "Ohh I didn't even tell you the other thing! Timothy likes Ned Flanders! Isn't that the sweetest thing? He's such a sweetheart."
          Her hands rested on my shoulders as she spoke. I touched one of her hands and listened. 
          "So is he going to date him?"
"Well. . .Timothy doesn't like talking things so fast. He said he was going to talk to Ned. I think they'll be okay." She smiled. "I'm happy for him.  Both of them. I think this will be good for them both." 
        "Me too." We spend the rest of the afternoon kissing and running through the water. 
[Timothy pov] 
     After supper, the four of us sat around the outdoor campfire. Ned was making smores and showing me how he perfectly roasted them. "The trick is to keep every side evenly toasted. Nice and equal." I smiled. I liked how calculated his method was. He put in alot of care. When it was finished  he gave it to me. They were warm and gooey. I smiled and wiggled a hand.
  He nodded. I glanced over at Helen who was next to me. Maude was in her arms and Helen told her stories. Her eyes where glued to Helen's. They where a sweet couple. I liked seeing them happy. I nibbled at my treat and gently touched Ned's hand. We held hands. He smiled at me warmly. Helen stared at us smirking. I blushed and smiled, looking down at the fire. I stared into the it feeling happy and nervous. Everything felt okay and peaceful tonight, tomorrow would be a new chapter in our lives. There's lots that we still have to figure out, but as long as we have each other I think we'll be okay. I massaged my thumb onto Ned's palm and let him rest on my shoulder. 
[Ned pov]
       I sat at the edge of the lake alone, looking up at the stars. I had finished packing early and decided to go take one last gander at the water. The air was warm with a calm breeze. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky to block the view. Maude walked up to me and sat with me. "The weather is nice tonight."
"Yeah, it sure is."
       We sat quietly. Crickets were singing to the beat of the water. The light breeze brushed against a bush. "Ned, do you ever wonder what it would be like if we never met? Would we end up in relationships we don't want anyway? Would we have figured out we're gay sooner?" 
            I thought for a while, and then shook my head slowly, "I don't know. .but I know that I don't regret meeting you. You're the best friend I could ever have." 
     She smiled. "You too." 
[Maude pov] 
       Ned and I held hands and watched the stars glow on the water, knowing nothing would come between our friendship. The love our friendship had was just as deep as our respective love for Tim and Helen. I'd always have his back. I was ready to support him and Timothy through everything. It was a very deep friendship, maybe even deeper than most friendships where. Regardless of what our relationship was, it was strong and something beautiful.
       The night felt yellow. Like, a happy warm yellow. I felt happy, we were all happy. I knew for certain this would be a summer to remember. 
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
with valentine's day coming, think Jester, Beau and Yasha help child reader with their valentine?
Ahh, Valentine's Day, a day of gettting free chocolates from people… oh and love too I guess 😆
I took the basics of the ask, but also changed it around a bit… So I’m not sure how this’ll turn out, Valentine’s Day has always been a little different for me. This is gonna be interesting… Sorry if this ends up turning out badly 😖
Sweet Valentine
Child of the Nein (Jester, Beau, Yasha & Child!Reader)
"Hey, mama?" You say, making your way over to Jester with an important question in mind. Jester looks over at you, still getting used to the idea that you now refer to her sometimes as mama. She kneels down to match your height.
"What can I do for you?" She asks with a smile and boops your nose getting a giggle out of you.
"Ummm… what do you think would be fun to do with a valentine?" You ask, while swinging your arms from side to side. Jester taps on her chin in thought for a moment.
"Well, getting sweets would be a nice start, oh and looking at their favourite shops or maybe get them a gift they really like…" she starts rambling off different ideas, it eventually turned to really weird stuff that sounded like it was more from a storybook. "… and then he’d take you in his arms and carries you across a field and it’s so romantic. Oh Oskar~." Jester stares off in her little daydream.
"Oskar? That's the character from the book you say I’m too little to read yet, right?" You ask, having gotten lost along the way, this breaks Jester out of her daydream and she gives a faint blush while scratching the back of her neck apologetically.
"That’s right, so maybe don’t do all that, but giving someone treats or little gifts to show you care is always good. Who is your valentine anyways?" Jester gives you a curious look.
"That’s my little secret, but I don’t even know if they can or want to be." You fiddle with your fingers a little.
"Awww," Jester places her hands on your cheeks and lifts your head up so you can look at her. "Whoever you ask is going to be very luck, and as long as you have lots of fun that’s what really matters." You smile at her and nod in understanding. "I have to go now, my valentine promised a walk around town. You have fun and don’t get lost." Jester parts ways with you with a smile and a wave.
After a moment or two you got everything together that you needed and bow your head in prayer hoping this works, the sense of a second presents makes you open your eyes and you look over at the cloaked figure that now stood in the room with you.
"What can I do for you?" The Traveler asks simply.
"Will you be my valentine?" You ask excitedly holding up your handmade card to him. He goes stiff for a moment but slowly, carefully takes the card from your hands noticing the small mistake of it saying Happy Valentime rather then Valentine. He stays silent and just stares from you to the card.
"I- that’s not really how this works?" He says slowly, trying to think through each of his words. Your smile drops a little.
"Oh…" You sigh. "I get it, you already have a lot of people who adore you and probably are really busy, I’m sorry. I just wanted to spend some time with you like Jester has." You turn to leave.
"Wait." You pause and look back at him. "I didn’t say no." Once again he speaks slowly, working out each word individually as if to convince himself of something. You don’t really notice as your eyes light up again in excitment.
"Really! So you will?!" You bounce on your feet in anticipation. He balls his hand into a fist and brings it close to his lips in an unsure gesture, again you being too excited to really take notice of it.
"On two conditions." He finally says. You stop bouncing in place and stare at him. "Firstly, you cannot tell another soul about this." He places a finger to his lips with a quiet shushing sound you repeat the action with an eager nod in agreement, while trying to hold in a giggle. "Secondly," he pauses a moment and you see a devious smirk cross his features. "I go, if there’s promise of delightful mischief." Again you give an eager nod. "Perfect, now I need you to close your eyes for a moment." You quickly slap your hands over your face to cover your eyes, there’s a faint whooshing sound and when you remove your hands you see a man with wild red hair and bright green eyes in place of the Traveler.
"Whoa!" You stare in amazement. "You look really cool Traveler." He gives a small chuckle.
"We can’t have you calling me that outside, remember this is just between you and me. So for today and today only you may refer to me as Artagan." You give a small happy squeal and practically drag the man along with you.
The day went by very well, the two of you pulling various pranks on different couples in the streets, the added fact that you had your deity helping you cause chaos wherever you went was a delightful bonus. It wasn’t like you were causing major harm, some of your pranks even managed to bring a few couples closer together. Eventually you had to return to the inn you were staying at, having to sneak around as to not get caught by any anger couples or towns guard.
"That was so much fun! Did you see the look on that one couples face when they discovered their chocolate was spicy?" You laugh at the memory.
"Or the fellow who thought our fake wall was real." Artagan recalled. "Ah, best fun I’ve had in a while."
"I’m glad you agreed to be my valentine, this was great." You give him a large smile, he hums in responce.
"Well, I should take my leave, there’s a lot I have to do." He says a bit apprehensively, and in just a blink of an eye he’s gone before you can give a quick farewell. A moment later Jester enters the room.
"Sooo… did you have a good day?" She asks you. You smile and nod explaining some of the things you did, making sure not to reveal too much like you'd promised. "That sounds like a fun day to me, I’m sure the Traveler would be proud."
If only she knew.
You march into the tavern and sit down at one of the tables in a small huff, Beau taking quick notice takes a seat next to you.
"What’s wrong?" She gives you a curious side look.
"Is it normal for someone to be mean to the person they like?" You ask. Beau stares at you then gives a sigh.
"I want to say no, but there are people out there who are like that. But that doesn’t mean that they should."
"Ok, I wasn’t sure, because I ran into someone I know from my hometown and they were being a total jerk to me." You look away from her sheepishly.
"Alright tell me what happened." She says, a bit of a protective tone in her voice. You begin your tale…
While everyone else was busy doing their own thing or spending time with their valentine you took a walk around the town, you actually knew the area decently enough because it wasn’t too far from where you used to live, a day and a half's journey if everything went smoothly.
"Hey! I know you!" You hear an awfully familiar voice shout in your direction making your eye twich but for some reason you feel frozen in place. The kid was about your age, maybe a year older at most. Their snarky, judgemental gaze used to make you feel like you were powerless against them and while deep down you knew you weren’t anymore that stare made you revert back to thinking you were. They give you a smirk. "I knew I recognized a nerd when I saw one. You remember me!?"
"Hi… Layn (tried to make it gender neutral, idk)." You greet through gritted teeth.
"Man it’s been a while since I saw your gross face, and it looks even worse now." They laugh pointing at the smudges of dirt you had yet to clean off.
"Yeah it has been a while hasn’t it. I’m not the same kid you think you can just push around anymore." You huff crossing your arms. They give you a teasing look and start to aggressively jab at you, you use your reflexes to block most of them all while telling them to stop, they don’t. You get fed up to the point that you grab their arm and throw them over your shoulder slamming them to the ground and give them a hard look. They stare up at you in shock.
"Why did you do that?" They seemed genuinely upset and curious.
"Because you wouldn’t stop, I told you I’m not the same kid you can just tease anymore!" You fume.
"How else was I supposed to get your attention." You stare at them confused. They carefully pick themselves off the ground. "You always had your face in a book or something when our parents met with each other, I didn’t know how else to get your attention."
"You could’ve tried talking to me." You say matter-of-factly.
"And risk the cooties? No way!" You just stare at them. "Anyways, since no one else will be asking you… I was wondering if you’d like to be my valentine?" They give you and expectant look…
"So what did you do?" Beau raises an eyebrow in curiosity.
"You remember what you once told me about dealing with jerks?" Beau nods, she'd used another word to describe it but you weren’t sure if you could say it aloud yourself.
"Yeah, I told you if they absolutely deserve it, to sock 'em in the face… wait." She turns to face you fully, you give an embarrassed smile along with a light blush.
"I think I broke their nose." You say, scratching the back of your neck. Beau snorts a bit, trying not to burst into laughter, her fist banging against the table. It takes her a bit to finally calm herself down and clears her throat.
"So first you throw them, then you actually punch them. It’s probably good their parents weren’t around to see that."
"Its just that they’ve always been so rude to me, before I knew you I never knew what to do or how to defend myself. Now they suddenly say they like me and expect me to forgive everything they’ve done just like that?! Not happening! I don’t care if they like me, they should’ve treated me nicer then." You rant a bit, getting yourself worked up again. Beau places a hand on your shoulder making you look at her.
"You know what? You’re absolutely correct. People shouldn’t treat you like shiii– poorly if they like you, that’s basically abuse. Now while I’m not sure if punching them will solve the problem entirely, though I’m sure it would’ve been hilarious to see, I think you still made the right choice. I’m proud of you." She gives you a smile and you return one of your own.
You sit deep in thought about what to do today, you weren’t sure how you were going to find someone to love and spend the whole day with so you decided to ask Yasha, she might know the answer.
"How do I find love?" You get straight to the point once you see her, Yasha nearly chokes on her drink at your question.
"What?" She looks at you shocked.
"You know a valentine or something, how do I find one of those?" She blinks a bit then give a small chuckle.
"That uhhh, isn’t really how it works."
"Then how does it work?" Yasha goes quiet, now having to figure out how she can explain this to you.
"Ummm… well it’s not just about… hmm… a valentine is someone you want to show you really care about and appreciate them, it doesn’t just have to be about holding hands or kisses." Yasha explains as best she can (I feel that).
"Oh! Okay, I think I get it." You nod. Yasha gives you a smile and pats your head before heading off elsewhere, probably with her own valentine, who knows. You once again go deep into thought trying to figure out who you wanted to show your appreciation to, an idea comes to mind and you begin your search. You stand in front of a door and give a soft knock.
"You can come in." You hear their muffled voice through the door. You open and shuffle through the door suddenly feeling a bit nervous and embarrassed.
"Hey Caduceus, I was, uhhh, wondering if you’d like to be my, ummm… my valentine today?" He looks at you, raising a questioning eyebrow. "Yasha told me that valentines could be people who we appreciate a lot and I, umm, I really appreciate everything you do for us. So I, uhh, I thought maybe you’d like to be my valentine and we could do something nice?" Each word you spoke made your face turn more and more red out of embarrassment. Caduceus just gives you a calm smile and a small chuckle.
"I see no harm in that, it sounds nice. What did you have in mind?" You stare at him a moment, slightly surprised he agreed.
"Oh! Well I saw this little shop that sells tea and biscuits, if you like that is… sorry I’m not very good at this." You scratch at your head and look away a little sheepishly.
"There’s no need to be sorry, I think that's a good idea." You give him a small smile and the two of you head out to the little shop. You did your best to make this a nice little day, but for you everything never really seemed to work out properly, Caduceus having to purchase the treats from the shop as you didn’t really have any money of your own. The streets were a little crowded today too, making you come to realize you may have slight claustrophobia as the large number of people made you very uncomfortable and nervous.
"I’m sorry, I can’t do this! I’ve ruined everything!" You run off crying back to the inn and hole yourself up in your assigned room. There’s a soft knocking at the door after a while. You don’t say anything, you already knew it was Caduceus who was knocking so you try to squeeze yourself into a ball and disappear. The door creaks open after a minute of you staying silent, the bed dipping a little from the new weight on it. He doesn’t say anything, just sits there with you in a calm silence. Eventually you uncurl yourself from a ball and look up at him, he gives you a kind smile. "I’m really sorry, I wanted to let you have a nice day to show my appreciation for you, but instead I ruined it and you still did everything." You pout.
"I don’t think you ruined anything, I enjoyed myself actually. The very idea that you wanted to do something nice I think is appreciation enough for me." You wipe your eyes and look back at him again, a small smile starting to form.
"Is it really?" You ask curiously, he gives you a nod in responce. "Ok… well since we still have a bag of treats, can we share them here? I don’t really want to go outside right now."
"Sure thing." He pulls out the purchased sweets and the two of you happily share them. Come the evening Yasha finally comes back from wherever she had disappeared to.
"Did you have a good day?" She asks. You nod and retell her the events of your day, she smiles as you finish your story. "I’m glad it worked out for you in the end."
"Me too. So how was your day?" It was your turn to ask and listen as Yasha tells you about what she did.
Bonus: (Bad pickup lines I made up for each kid)
Jester: I'd be your partner in crime any time Valentine
Nott: I can’t give you my heart Valentine… because you already stole it
Caleb: Let’s dance together Valentine, better then any colour ever could
Caduceus: I'd make a thousand flower crowns for you or with you Valentine
Fjord: I’ll be your knight whenever you need me Valentine
Beau: If anyone treats you badly Valentine, just tell me where to hit them
Yasha: If I could, I’d fly with you to a beautiful field, but they wouldn’t be as beautiful as you Valentine
Molly: Let me serenade you with any song you like Valentine, anytime, anywhere
Again I’m very sorry if this was bad 😣
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Baby of the family OR Birthday wishes are tricky pt 1 (Power pack)
Baby of the family OR Birthday wishes are tricky
It was Alex's 15th birthday and while he found the party his parents were throwing him to be a little cheesy and childish. He did understand though at a certain level this party wasn't just for him even though it should of been. Being the oldest meant his needs were put on the back burner for Julie or Jack's or Katie's needs, and toss in Katie was STILL wetting the bed at 8 years old (and wearing pull ups for longer car trips) and well, he'd basically had to become a mini adult. it was Katie and Jack who drew his attention now, watching them run around the living room with Jack having apparently stolen Katie's stuffie again. 'You know, for someone who so desperately wants to be man of the house..he needs to stop being such a bully.' Alex thought and went to move over to stop him. "Don't worry Birthday boy, I got this." Julie said, holding up a hand and marching over. his oldest sister and still younger then him, Alex smirked as he watched Julie snag jack by the ear and march him over to say sorry to Katie. having a big sister like Katie would of been sooo cool growing up, he watched Julie interact with Katie and Jack lots and while her and Jack didn't always get along, she tried. "alright everyone, to the table. time for the birthday boy to blow out the candle!" Came Mr.Parker's voice. His parents just knew of him as a nice guy who had recently moved into the neighborhood to help look after his aunt but of course Alex and the others knew the truth. Mousey gentle Peter Parker was really spider-man. And he wasn't even the only superhero at the party! of course with the kids being the hero team known as power pack one would expect a few heroes to show up but mom and dad were actually STILL clueless about the powers. That said Jack being best friends with Franklin Richards, AKA the son of Reed and Sue Richards meant that not only Franklin but Johnny and Sue had a excuse to come over. (the thing while loving birthday party's had excused himself apparently upset when he was told he couldn't go in the bounce house this time, while reed who Alex had hoped would show up had gotten busy with a experiment.) Mix in the other kids who'd been invited and a whole lotta people were singing happy birthday to Alex as his barbie princess cake (He'd made the mistake of asking Katie to pick out a cake for him) was carried over and he closed his eyes and thought of a wish. 'I wish I could be the baby of the family for once. see what it's like to be like Katie.' he thought, then blew.
The party went on for awhile longer but soon guests were excused and some of the family had to get ready for bed.  and by some of the family that meant Katie on her back in the living room, both hands on a sippy cup of warm milk and watching the last of a cartoon movie as Julie got her tapped up in her thick bed time diapers. Of course they didn't WANT to put the 8 year old back in diaper diapers, but without how much Katie flooded the bed there was no choice. heck, the car trip Pull up's were starting not to be enough. the sippy cup was because once it got close to her bed lately Katie seemed to zone out and as funny as seeing her dump a drink on her face was, the clean up was awful and she had started asking for warm milk before bed and no one wanted her to burn herself. "hey Alex, I know your the birthday boy and all, but my show is coming on and if I don't claim the tv now Jack will put it on something stupid and say he was there first just to tick me off...you mind?" Julie asked, scooping up the almost asleep now padded Katie and offering her to him. "heh, I got this." Alex said and took Katie who oddly..seemed heavier then normal. 'must be from all the sweets she packed away.' Alex thought and struggling to not show he was having a little bit of trouble, carried her up the stairs.
with Katie bear in bed, Alex yawned big time and headed for the bathroom. it was only going on 8 pm but he felt just wiped as he paused to look in the mirror. 'no bags under my eyes and I look ok..maybe it's just sugar crash.' Alex thought and shrugged. Normally one to put off his shower till right before bed, Alex started the water running and heating up as he stripped and answered natures call, then got in and started to wash himself. on a silly whim he made use of one of the pink extra soft cloths they used on Katie because of her baby soft skin and also used some of the fruity smelling princess shampoo she had, giggling and picturing a old bugs bunny cartoon as he lathered up his hair.
Downstairs Julie and Jack exchange puzzled faces as the water started up for a shower. Mom and dad were a few doors down meeting aunt May and Alex never went for a early shower unless forced too. heck, you could set a clock to his shower time! "..Maybe Katie sprung a leak already and he's cleaning her?" Jack suggest and shrugged a little. "no way! those new diapers are MASSIVE! even a little pee princess like her couldn't make them leak THIS fast." Julie said shaking her head. "welp, that's all I got. Maybe he just wanted to cover up the sound of his taking a massive dump. you KNOW how much he blushes when we tease him." Jack laughed. "Pffft yeah..mister gruntzilla. I think the whole block knows when he's going he grunts and whimpers so loud. " Julie snickered. "Remember when Katie knocked down the bathroom door convinced he was being attacked because he kept going..oh god..what was it.." "Oh! 'please god please god Oh oH oHHH!'" Julie said, mimicking Alex's whimpers of despair. "Bwhahahaha yeah! That was when he took too much diarrhea medicine because he had to give a speech to the whole school and kept getting the runs." "then couldn't unload for five days. yeah. Mom and Dad were gonna take him to the ER if he hadn't of gone when he did." the middle siblings laughed and shared more embarrassing stories about their respective roomies as the TV show was forgotten.
Alex was swaying back and forth on his feet, having fallen asleep standing up in the shower and only woken up when the cold water hit him. He was shivering a little from that but mostly moved as if drunk he was just sooo tired out of the blue and hauled himself out of the shower and turned it off and grabbed a large white towel and started to dry himself but was doing a worse job of it then Katie had when she was 5. shrugging it off he just wrapped it around him like a damp clock and made his way into his way into his and Jack's room, and headed for his dresser. deciding to go with a KISS solution since he was so tired, Alex just tugged on a pair of old white briefs (he'd been avoiding them lately despite liking their cut better then boxers because Jack kept calling them toddler pants) Tossing the wet towel in the hamper Alex stumbled over to his bed and plopped down, face first and was out like a light before he could even cover up.
around 9 was Jack's bed time and their parents where back, having asked where Alex was and Julie and Jack told them as far as they knew, he'd gone to bed. Making his way upstairs Jack had 'somehow' managed to put off taking his shower and gosh, would just have to get it in tomorrow. It wasn't that Jack didn't care for showers or liked being stinky, just there was ALWAYS something better to do then take a shower. Coming into the room he shared with his dweeb of a big brother, Jack noted that the light was still on which meant Alex had to of been super tired since he was super OCD about turning off lights if they weren't being used. Looking over Jack snorted at the site of Alex on his back, legs and left arm sprawled out in his bed while he was sucking on his right thumb, in just his toddler pants. 'what a doofus.' Jack thought and shook his head. Doofus or not, he was still his brother and Jack didn't want the dork to get a cold.  with that in mind he tugged Alex's Blanket up over him, then as a after thought grabbed one of his own old stuffies (that he was keeping around because they'd be worth money some day. not that he still totally needed ot loved them!) and held out Mr. Fuzzy wuzzy , having it brush on the blonds arm. Alex reached out with his free arm in his sleep, coming out from under the blanket and whined around his thumb. "whoa..too much cake and pop and Alex goes baby brained! awesome!" Jack thought with a grin but then let the big toddler have the stuffie and huggle it. 'I'm going soft in old age.' Jack thought to himself then after changing into just his boxers got the lights and climbed into bed.
In a universe where a god of Myth fought alongside with a world war 2 hero, a man who had built his own battle armor and well, any number of different heroes and villains and forces exist, it was amazing that random wishes weren't picked up by more cosmic being's who might just answer them. and for the most part, it's a good thing that most of these are ignored because Alex was about to learn what happened when a simple wish can get granted, at least to a degree.
Alex hung his head in shame as he showed his parents what had happened the next morning. Having always told Julie, Jack and many many times Katie that they should be honest with their parents if they have accidents, it had been Alex's turn to practice what he preached when he'd woken up this morning in a very soggy bed. Thankfully it didn't smell THAT bad and mom and dad were going to open the windows and air out the mattress in the back yard, but Alex was still SUPER ashamed. He'd of course gone and gotten washed up but came back to find the others in his and Jack's room, and two out of three of them were being less then nice with no mom or dad in site to call them off. "Sheesh, and I thought I dodged having to deal with anything worse then you with a milkshake in you!" Jack said, holding his nose and waving a hand. "Oh puh-lkease. you think this is bad? try waking up in a diaper pail everyday because of pee princess here." Julie said, and jerked a thumb at Katie. "H-hey! don't be meanies!" Katie huffed and then turned to a mortified Alex, patting his leg. "It's OK Alex, accidents happen. but worse case you can come into my room. as Julie said..it uh..kinda smells.." "Kinda?" Julie asked and then shuddered. "and that's all i need, twin pee fountains going off in stereo." "I-it's not that bad!" Alex whined. "and really? Little miss farts rainbows is gonna start giving lip about sleeping arrangements!?!" Katie added as Julie's cheeks flared red now. "we talked about that,m you're not su-" "and YOUR not 'pose to complain about me either. fair's fair." Katie said and nodded her head. Alex gave Katie a weak smile. "heh, thanks for coming to my defense..kinda, Katie bear." Alex said and gave er a hug. He was sure this would prove to be a just one time thing, and as such, tried to put it out of his mind as much as he could when a look out the window showed his mattress being set up in the back yard.
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sukirichi · 3 years
In light of the recent spoilers of JJK, I’m gonna need physical proof. Like, my living eyeballs need to see said spoilers 👁👁 until then nothing has happened 😀
warnings: jjk manga spoilers!
oh anon i think the physical proof would just ruin me more ashsjkal i tried to tell myself that oh no yeah anything can happen, it’s probably not real, the chapter isn’t finished and it would be anti-climatic to give us a backstory and sneak peeks of his significance but...i’m just trying to move on rn lmaooooo. been crying the whole day and i am a dried prune, so idk ✌🏻
more asks answered under the cut!
suki let’s cry together 🙁 i’ve been in denial and have been crying abt the leaks on twt. anyways even if he d-worded we can always write fics where he’s alive! i will forever deny his death 🥲
yes anon yes please let us cry together. yeah right? like damn i have never cried this much lmfao. i do want to write fics for him but i’m currently on the five stages of grief hahahha idk i don’t want to believe it!!!
@fyodors-crime SUKI WTF i haven't been on here in a while but WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY KILL NAOYA OFF AND THEN DISBAND THE ZENIN CLAN WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING i'm lowkey shaking no this is too soon for him to go
bestie idk what is going on either 😀🤡
its the anon that kept going "ok" sorry about that im in a state of denial
its alright bestie i am still not in a state of denial so here be the waterworks 😭
@naoyailoveu he isn't dead if we don't read the chapter
the leaks???? smh our man deserves more than that
Naoya had so much potential. Damn I'm sad
JJK 152 LEAKS: i was literally just saying that i was happy bc of the hiatus so like naoya will be alive for longer then boom the leaks :((
jjk manga spoilers! - - - he had sooo much potential :(( i was hoping we’d even see him in the culling game or at least have a face off with megumi in the future
EXACTLY LIKE! why introduce a character as iconic as that with the sneak peeks of his backstory and then he was killed by the most irrelevant character? feel like gee is just slandering naoya bcos we didn’t even get a proper backstory / future arc / or even a part where he shows what he’s capable of 🥺 plus that death is so!!! he got a dramatic entrance and had a lame death what is that 😔
@mimines My condolences. You were always on my tl simping over him ( This is my first time using Ask so hopefully I dont embarrass myself )
i love him sm ��💕
with how jjk manga is going i do really wonder if gege is still enjoying his work bc ngl after the shibuya arc everything seems too rushed 👁👁🥴🥴
ah same anon same same...i have a feeling gege is not enjoying writing jjk anymore and i’m worried that he might just end up killing everyone and it’s so 💀it feels too rushed like where is the story going anymore 😐
are you okay? not in direct regards to the leaks but the fact that ppl seemed to run to your inbox to spoil it for you... idk I hope you’re doing alright
i am alright thanks for the concern! i don’t mind being spoiled 💕
man i hate this chapter my heart hurts i really wanted gege to keep him a little longer at least wtfff
I JUST SAW THE SPOILERS AAAAA It's a bit of an unfulfilling end tbh with the build in Naoya's character only for him to be d-worded by a character who appeared in less than 5 panels. Like, since there was a little back story and how he was sympathetic to Toji and Gojo huhu Naoya's a good character to just die. I'm sad for his character since he's just the reflection of what a misogynistic and power greedy society does to a child. He would've survived ajdjasjQJFJAJDJAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
naoya’s design was so cool i mean he was supposed to be this traditional dude but he had DYED hair and piercings djsjsjsns😩 please if he was stabbed or something there’s still hope (as long as he still has his head) who knows what if someone healed him or something ugh im desperate
I really thought Naoya would make a great antagonist and represent something,,,even if it was a bad cause or bad behavior or whatever, bcos his character had so much potential and he was so iconic and just... Like what is going on??? Exactly Gege had so much build on Naoya and even that backstory of him wanting to stand with Toji and Gojo and then 💀 omg anon ikr...like no one is born evil, Naoya’a beliefs are ones he grew up in and I think he perfectly represents why family plays an influential part in one’s growth and that he’s just another kid who was raised wrongly by the toxicity of the Zen’in clan 💀 UGH ANON I SURE DO HOPE HE STILL HAS HIS HEAD 😭😭😭 i’m desperate too but i’ve long accepted that maybe it’s time for me to go as well, the zen’in estate is empty anyway 😔 /lh
my notifications just spoiled me omg, wow 😢
Why do people have to spoil the jjk chapters 😭😭
why are your anons so rude? if they know youre a naoya stan why would they send you spoilers like that knowing it might upset you? people shouldn’t spoil the deaths of their faves because it could be really hurtful and its annoying because its like no one cares what you feel
smhhhh why are people telling you he died like eye 🧍🏽‍♀️do they not know it would be upsetting
besties...i am okay with spoilers, i love spoilers actually. thanks for the concern but i don’t think any of the people who spoiled me had the intention to upset me with it, rather to just tell me on what went on. yes ofc i’m heartbroken by the turn of events but i am not mad at anyone. if anyone was being rude to me i would call them out on it, plus my blog is not spoiler free so its a given i am okay with spoilers.
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birdwonder · 4 years
Could you do a little scenario of the bucci gang where the fem! s/o dies, but then come back as a vampire? ( Can you also make it like a narancia x reader? ) Thank you so much in advance❤
|| call me Bobo the clown because i think i strayed from what you wanted dhjsdj. i dont think i’ve ever written angst properly before so i REALLY winged this but i hope the ending makes up for it! if u wanted smth a lil different feel free to ask again. also i may have made this more Naranacia heavier than Bucci Gang orientated, if that’s ok!
tw : angst but im not good at it ! also death
Narancia Ghirga | I missed you. 
It wasn’t fair.  This wasn’t fair. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, FUCK. Why did everything bad have to happen to him?! Why was it always him that bad thinks had to happen to?
First his mother, and now you. Narancia couldn’t take it anymore; his heart couldn’t take it anymore. He had thought that he found someone to finally fill that empty place in his heart that was waiting for endless amounts of love and affection, and he did. It was you. 
You did everything and anything to make Narancia happy; laughed at his jokes, danced with him, listened to his interests and horribly rapped along with his favourite songs. All the little things to keep a smile on his face that were the world’s biggest things ever for him. Words alone couldn’t tell you how much he appreciated you - no. Loved you. God, he loved you so much and everyone knew it.
Bucciarati, Fugo, Mista… Even Abbacchio who never cared for romantic things.
Too many hours were spent between Fugo and Narancia over the raven haired male ranting about how wonderful you were, and how when he was old enough and smart enough, he wanted to marry you and treat you everyday as though you were a queen. The blond had seriously had enough at one point, finding the fact the two of you were constantly tiptoeing around your feelings for each other to be almost insufferable - his breaking point being when drawings of you and Narancia standing on top of an enlarged Aerosmith replaced where equation answers should be.
After an hour of pressuring from his younger friend and the Ghirga refusing to even attempt asking you out had passed, he finally caved and decided to try his luck. It was you after all. The best thing that’s ever happened to him, aside from joining the Passione, you could never break his heart!
But you did - and it was his fault, not your’s.
He was so stupid to get attached to you. The two of you were in the mafia, you were gangstars, not two teenagers in a romantic story. It was expected that lives would be lost but Narancia’s naïvety convinced him that the two of you were somehow immortal. That was until you were killed.
You were taken out in cold blood and left just that, the same thing that stained the young gangster’s hands that held your body as he screamed at the sky and God for letting this happen. Why? Why you? Someone, anyone, just tell him why.
It wasn’t just him who mourned either. Fugo held you close to his heart as he did Narancia, seeing the both of you as his two idiots, grateful that you were around to help encourage your mutual friend to try hard in his studies. The moment he found you lying on the ground, lifeless and sprawled out as a pathetic display, hot tears ran down his face as he proceeded to punch a brick wall with enough force to roughen and tear his skin. “I could have helped her! I should have been here!” Fugo yelled to himself, though it was drowned out by Narancia’s blood curdling cries for you to wake up and that he was sorry for not finding you sooner.
Fugo only stopped punching the wall when Bucciarati gently took hold of his wrist, the Capo holding back a look of pain to help support those who he thought needed it more. Inside however, he saw himself as a poor excuse of a leader. You were the helpful kind and always tried to support Bucciarati when the weight of being in charge got to him, and how did he repay you? By letting you be killed.
No one was in high spirits in that moment.
Giorno could only stand a far distance away, silently apologising to your spirit for not being able to have set his goal sooner to stop you from having to meet this fate. Next to him was Trish, who had known for you a far shorter time than anyone else though knew that the two of you could have had a close future while pitying everyone else’s loss. Abbachio failed to even look at you. He was a mixture of pissed and distraught yet failed to show either emotion, keeping his back to you instead. He didn’t have the will to look at his fallen friend.
Unlike everyone else, Mista played a foreign role. He sucked up what he was feeling and consoled Narancia instead. 
He was the one who pulled away the kicking and screaming teen that yelled that you had to be alive. The one that held him close and let his sweater be stained with enough tears to revive a drought ridden river. It hurt but he knew it hurt Narancia more. 
After the shock had subsided, your body was respectfully moved somewhere safe and in the open so you could be found. Time was of the essence and with other Passione members coming after Trish, there was no time for a proper burial that they could attend. 
Everyone had stayed strong after that but there was still a sunken feeling in their hearts; Narancia’s worst of all. 
“How… How can you be here?”
The words were quiet and airy when Narancia spoke, his eyes wide and jaw almost dropped when he saw what was in front of him. Specifically, who. 
Free flowing hair whipped in the night’s wind, the shine of moonlight illuminating the figure of someone that the stand user knew too well. You were there, right in front of him in the open as though you had never been murdered in the first place. 
A smile made it’s way onto your lips as you fixed the loose strands, parted lips revealing two prominent fangs that required a double take and a rub of the eyes to be officially accepted. Taking a step forward, you crouched down to caress the cheek of the love of your life who had dropped to his knees from the shock of seeing his deceased crush stand before him.
“No, you’re dead. I saw your corpse, [F/N]! You can’t be here!” Narancia tried to argue though it was truly between himself opposed to him trying to reason to the dead girl walking in front of him. His tears ran down his cheeks, thinking that this was a cruel trick being played on him or an enemy stand trying to get to him. 
“Nari, it’s me, baby,” you assure him, talking to him gently in the same tone you always used for him when he was upset or angry. It was like a child hearing a mother’s lullaby for Narancia. Therapeutic and loving. “I’m back and I’m so, so sorry I left you.”
It was you - it had to be. 
No one could talk to him let that and make him want to leap into their arms, not a single soul would even try to use such an affectionate nickname either or place their hands on him like you would. It really was his [F/N].
Hiccuping from his tears, he let out a wail before throwing himself towards you, arms wide and trying to cover every inch of your cold, paler body, his strength almost making you wheeze. Who could blame him though? He felt as though as soon as he let you go, you’d be gone again. “[N- N/N]! Tesoro! My [F/N]! I, I missed you sooo much!”
Narancia’s gross sobbing only worsened and you laughed a little, rubbing his back slowly in circular motions while your own watery beads started to form, threatening to spill at any second. “Not as much as I have, Nari! You won’t believe what happened for me to get here - I woke up as a vampire! It was all thanks to-”
“I don’t care!” He cut you off. His head lifted to look up a you, a smile and teary eyes meeting your own. “It doesn’t matter how you’re here, I’m just glad you are! I needed you so much and now you’re back so- so, we can go back to doing what we used to! And I can finally tell you, I love you [F/N!]”
The quick paced ramble was a lot to take in for you yet you managed to understand it in no time, your first reaction to lovingly hug Narancia with all your returned might and kiss his forehead. “I love you too, baby, I won’t ever leave you again.” 
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Chapter 3 - Earth and the Lost Soul
The Butterfly Who Lost Her Wings
Word Count: 3981 | AO3 Mirror | Previous | Next
Summary: Marco returns to Earth and sets out to right a wrong.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ☾ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
A rift in space opened up in the Diaz family’s living room. Marco emerged from it a second later, dimensional scissors in hand. He was exactly where he had intended to land, in the middle of his living room. But only when the portal had disappeared did he realize that he hadn’t fully thought that decision through.
His mother, Angie, immediately noticed his arrival from her standing place in the kitchen. “Marco, you’re home!”
A cold wave of dread washed over him as he caught sight of his mother’s unknowing smile. She threw her arms around him in a hug, but he was completely lost in his thoughts, dismayed by his realization. I’m going to have to be the one to break the news to everyone in Echo Creek…
“Welcome home.”
“Hi, mom.” Marco tried to politely excuse himself to his room, but Angie wasn’t about to let him go so easily.
“Did you get everything figured out with Star?” she asked, letting up on her grasp. “I know she didn’t leave on the best terms.”
He turned around slowly, opting to stare at the wall behind her instead of making eye contact. “Actually… can we talk about it later? I’m really tired.”
Unfortunately, Angie was smarter than that. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m tired,” he repeated. “I’m really, really tired.”
“Marco?” She could only repeat her son’s name as he turned his back and ascended the stairs without responding further. “Marco!”
He shut his bedroom door behind him, trying to listen through the door. When he was certain that his mother hadn’t followed him in an effort to demand answers, he slid down the wall to a seated position on the floor and sighed heavily, his exhaustion finally starting to catch up with him.
His phone in is pocket was being bombarded by incoming messages, now that he’d returned to a place with cell service. He remained there on the floor for several moments before he was able to convince himself to look through his notifications. There were a lot of unread messages from his friends, mostly Jackie. As he was attempting to read through them, he was bombarded by several new texts from Janna.
Janna: yo diaz
are u home yet?
u better answer me
Because of course Janna somehow knew that he was back on Earth. He supposed it really wasn’t all that surprising, once he thought about it. I’m not sure if I’m in the right headspace to put up with this right now…
Marco: Yeah I am, how did you know that?
Janna: not important
ur gf has been harassing me bc u werent responding
next time maybe give some notice before u disappear?
Guilt flooded over him. She had every right to be upset with him, as far as he was concerned. Everyone did. He was the one who left without notice, and aside from a parting message to Jackie—apparently she had still tried to contact him anyways—no one else in his immediate friend group had known where he was.
Marco: I’m really sorry
I didn’t mean to be gone as long as I was
Janna: save your sorries for your gf dude
u cant just disappear for a week w/o warning and pretend nothings changed. shes got every right to be mad if she is
i kinda do too, lucky for u im not the grudge holding type
did star come back with u or is she like staying on mewni or whatever
Marco collapsed backwards onto his bed, defeated. His phone fell out of his hand, currently of little concern to him, now that he was so lost in his thoughts. There’s just no escaping this, is there? Everything had always been about Star, and everything still was about Star. Just as suddenly as she had crashed into his life, she was gone, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, about how the last thing she’d thought to do before disappearing in that explosion was to apologize.
A piece of his world had went with her, and he couldn’t help but feel that he was somehow responsible. There had to have been warning signs, right? Should he have done something differently, or done something sooner? “I hate this,” he murmured aloud, burying his face in his hands. “I hate this…”
Star probably hates this, too, he admitted inwardly. She always did everything in her power to be a positive force in people’s lives. The last thing she’d want is for everyone who cared about her to be moping around. I really hope she knew what she was getting herself into…
He finally spared another glance at his phone.
Janna: ???
Marco: Sorry
I don’t know if I want to talk about it right now, if that’s ok
Janna: yeah sure
if things are awkward between u two now thats ur business, not mine
jackie isnt mad at you fr that btw
Marco: For what?
Janna: uh
at the party?
Oh, right, Marco grimaced. Just before she left for Mewni—and subsequently vanished—Star had confessed her feelings for him in front of everyone at their end-of-the-school-year celebration. Even now, he still couldn’t help but hold some resentment towards her for how hasty that decision of hers had been, especially when she knew he was dating Jackie.
It was almost like she knew that was the last time she’d ever see him, and that her true feelings had been a weight on her chest that she could no longer bear to keep bottled up.
And yet, at the same time, his resentment felt unfair. He had no way of knowing when these feelings of hers had actually emerged, but Star never stopped trying to help him get Jackie’s attention. Even once they were finally dating, Star still went out of her way to include both of them in her lives however she could. As much heartache as it likely caused her, she must have valued their friendship over everything else, if she was able to force herself to put up with it for such a long time.
Conflicted feelings about Star aside, he still had overwhelmingly negative memories associated with that party. He preferred to forget about it where possible.
Marco: Gee, thanks for that, Janna
I’d almost forced that party out of my recent memory, but now it’s back.
Janna: sorry lol
Marco: Why would Jackie be mad at me about that? Star having feelings for me doesn’t change anything
Just wondering why you think that
Janna: i dont, im just repeating what she told me
and she told me she wasnt mad at u, sooo
i dont think shes mad at all tbh? that was a week ago anyways
go talk to her urself dude, im no therapist
Marco: Alright
Thanks, Janna
Janna: no prob
Though he did feel a bit guilty for withholding the truth of the situation from Janna, he swore to himself that he’d be honest about what really happened as soon as he felt able to. Janna was a mixed bag, and even though they were friends—at least, I think we’re friends?—he had no idea how she was going to take the information. He wanted to give himself time to come to terms with it all before trying to explain it to his and Star’s friends.
He had some things he needed to take care of, first. There was someone that he needed to apologize to, more than anything. Hopefully she was home.
His door creaked open, and he slowly made his way back down the staircase. His mother looked up from the book she was reading on the couch, her eyes lighting up with concern. “Marco?”
“I’m gonna go see Jackie,” he said quietly.
“Okay…that’s okay.” Angie stood up and crossed the room to stand in front of him cautiously. “Just… if you need to talk, I’m here for you, sweetie.” She extended her arms in an offering for a hug.
“I know.” He accepted her gesture and rested his head on her shoulder. “I just need to talk to her first.”
He headed out to the garage. It didn’t take long for him to wheel his bike out of the garage and suit up. He never really felt like taking his bike out was all that notable. Nothing would compare to when he tried to teach Star a couple months back, but she—
No, stop it, he told himself, shaking his head as if it would help unscramble his thoughts in any way. Stop thinking about her.
He was sure that the last thing Jackie needed was for him to suddenly show up on her doorstep in tears, especially when he had already done such a terrible job of communicating with her during his impromptu trip to Mewni. His only message to her about the entire situation had been incredibly brief.
Marco: I’m going to Mewni to make sure Star is okay. It sounds like something bad is about to go down there. I’ll be back soon, I promise. Love you
If he could go back in time a week, he would have done a better job of explaining himself. But it’s too late to worry about it now. I just need to focus on the present.
Once he’d shut the garage behind him, he headed off in the direction of Jackie’s house. His gaze rarely lifted from the street, and he couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with any neighbors that he passed, out of fear of encountering someone who’d ask questions or demand answers.
It almost felt like some of the color in his life had been leeched away. The only thing that didn’t look any more faded to him was the moon, which was painted a vibrant and shadowy red, slowly climbing its way out of the magenta-colored morning sky—wait, what?
Marco rubbed his eyes fervently in an effort to snap himself out of it, but it didn’t work. No, his fears were completely correct, and he found himself staring up at the Blood Moon, hovering behind the clouds. It wouldn’t be visible for much longer before it sank behind the trees, but the fact of the matter was that it was here. It was still here, lingering in the background like a silent menace. A shudder ran up his spine as he watched it, unable to look away.
The front wheel of his bike suddenly collided forcefully with the curb, threatening to launch him over the handlebars. Miraculously, he managed to plant a foot on the ground to prevent himself from landing in a heap. He let out a trembling exhale as he stared up at it with an intense gaze.
Okay. Why it’s here isn’t important. You’re here to see Jackie, he repeated in his mind, over and over in the hopes that it would stick. She’s worried about you. You haven’t spoken to her in a week. You need to apologize.
With one last fleeting glance at the moon, he backed his bike away from the curb and continued down the road towards Jackie’s house.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ♦ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
“King River has returned.”
Moon’s gaze snapped up from the book on dimensional travel she had been scouring through. Even if she had publicly said that returning Star wasn’t first on her list of priorities, that didn’t mean that she was about to drop all of her efforts. As she viewed it, her status as as queen was an entirely different person from herself. Queen Butterfly was the one who would look after the kingdom, and Moon was going to find a way to contact her daughter. But hearing the news of her husband’s return reminded her that this situation was far too great in scale to look at it in such a black and white way.
“Is he alright?” she demanded, standing up.
The guard nodded. “He appears to be, yes.”
Moon let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. “Thank goodness…”
She left her notes behind and quickly followed after the guard. It was a slightly unusual scene that she walked into, as there were several large eagles perched around the foyer. But her husband was there, too, and that was all that mattered to her in that moment.
“Moon-pie!” he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her. Their common formalities were forgotten as both of them rushed towards each other and met with a tight hug in the center of the room. “I’m so glad that you’ve returned safely.”
“And I you,” Moon murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I didn’t know how much more of this I could take...”
He pulled back from the hug to hold her hands instead. “You know, you really had me worried, leaving so suddenly!”
“I’m so sorry,” she apologized.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, because I do! But if you and Star had to leave so quickly, it must have been serious...”
She’d sworn to herself that she wouldn’t cry, but her composure was betraying her. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated, her voice choking up on the last syllable.
River frowned in concern. “Did something happen?”
“I-I tried— but I didn’t— Star, s-she— I couldn’t...” River brought a hand up to cup her cheek, and she met his gaze with sad, watery eyes.
She lurched forwards and buried her face in his shoulder, holding him close as tears began to flow freely.
The few knights that were left in the room lowered their heads and excused themselves from the room, granting them both some privacy.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ☾ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
After a very brief internal pep talk, Marco was finally able to convince himself to knock on Jackie’s door. As anxious as he was to see her, he tried to focus on the floor as he waited, in the hopes of not overthinking anything.
When the door finally opened and he was face to face with her for the first time in an incredibly long week, he felt a grin take shape on his face. “Hey, Jackie—“
“Marco!” She darted forwards and caught him in a tight hug. “God, I was so worried about you, doofus!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m the worst.”
“No you’re not,“ she argued, holding him tighter. “I saw your message… but I sort of hoped you brought your phone anyways, just in case.”
“I can’t exactly get cell service on Mewni. Earth phones don’t work there,” he reminded her, chuckling halfheartedly. She laughed too, and it managed to brighten his smile a little. There was something comforting and familiar about hearing her laugh.
“I know! I know, it’s just… you left without much of a warning at all. First Star, and then you… you guys really scared all of us.”
“I’m really sorry. I should’ve talked to you first. I didn’t mean to make you worry so much.”
“It’s okay, Marco. I know you didn’t mean to.”
A beat of silence passed as he tried to think of what to say and she patiently waited. Where do I even start?
“Do you think we can go sit down and talk about everything? It’s… a long story.”
“Yeah, of course!” She nodded and beckoned him through the door. “Come on in.”
He followed her upstairs—after a brief hello to her parents—and took a seat in her desk chair. She sat down criss-crossed on the foot of her bed and looked at him expectantly.
Jackie was the first one that dared to break the temporary pause. Her voice was cautious. “I take it that something bad happened?”
Marco was surprised by her forwardness. “W-what?”
“I can tell you have bad news, Marco. Well, either that, or something exhausting happened. I can see it in your face.”
“Oh, uh... yeah, your first guess was pretty on point.”
Jackie frowned sympathetically. “I may not know much about this Mewni stuff, but hey, I’m probably easier to vent at than a brick wall, right?” She leaned forwards and put her hands in her lap. “So lay it on me.”
“...How much do you want to hear?”
“Tell me as little or as much as you want to. If it’ll help you feel better, I want to hear it.”
But there’s so much that’s happened! “Gosh, where do I start?”
“The beginning, maybe?”
Marco nodded, and, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself, he began his story.
“Well... there’s always been a bunch of monsters from Mewni that kept coming after Star. Their leader was named Ludo. He wanted her wand, but him and his lackeys are pretty incompetent, so they never managed to take it. Not until this guy named Toffee came along.”
“Toffee? That’s a weird name…”
“Yeah, I don’t really understand Mewni’s naming conventions, either,” he laughed. “Maybe it’s a normal name there. I mean, to be fair, most of Star’s family is named after celestial bodies, so it’s probably not that weird.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s fair.”
“Anyways, Toffee kind of showed up out of nowhere, and we could tell that this was a lot more serious than what we were used to with Ludo.”
“You didn’t ask anyone for help?”
“Star’s not exactly the type to ask her parents for help, so no, we just kind of dealt with it ourselves.”
Jackie pursed her lip. “That sounds like a really bad idea.”
“In hindsight, yeah, definitely. We had no idea who this guy was.” Queen Butterfly made it sound like he’s pretty infamous, he remembered, silently wishing he had asked for more information on Toffee when he had the chance. “He’s the only one who ever managed to take the wand. He kidnapped me, and then he tricked Star into—“
“Excuse me?!” She interrupted, somewhat outraged. “You got— you can’t just gloss over that!”
“But this isn’t about me!” Marco protested. “I’m perfectly fine now, so it’s no big deal.”
“If you’re that calm about literally getting kidnapped, I’m not sure how comfortable I am with you going to Mewni all the time...”
“It’s not a regular thing, I promise!”
“Okay, okay,” she sighed in defeat. “Fine. What happened there? Besides the whole hostage-taking thing.”
“He used me as blackmail to make Star destroy the wand.”
“I thought you said he wanted to take it?”
“That’s what we thought, initially,” Marco admitted. “He had Star use this really weird spell that set it off like a bomb. The whole castle blew up, Toffee included. We thought it killed him, but… well, it obviously didn’t. He came back.”
Jackie furrowed her brow, thinking for several moments. “Not to insult your storytelling or anything, but I’m really lost.”
“Yeah, I’m, uh... kind of skipping over a lot. Sorry.”
“It’s okay... I know there’s a lot to go over, probably.” She glances around her room once before an idea came to her. “Wait! What was up with the night of the school dance? In the graveyard, when that weird little bird dude showed up.”
“That’s Ludo,” Marco explained briefly. “Long story short... when Star tried to destroy the wand, it actually split it in two. Star kept the first half, and Ludo had the other one. That night in particular was when he stole the spellbook from Star.”
“What does that Toffee guy have to do with this?”
Marco tried to recall as much as he could about the days prior to Star’s disappearance, but the fact of the matter was that he hardly knew anything about Toffee’s involvement with the whole situation. There was obviously a lot more to it, far beyond his own knowledge.
“That spell Star used must have put him inside of the wand. For some reason, she used it again, and she got caught in the blast that time...” He took a pause, having a hard time thinking about those that few moments before she disappeared. “Toffee got out. Wherever the spell put him, it put her in his place. I think that might have been his plan all along.”
He was leaving out a lot of the details—he could tell from the slideshow of emotions on Jackie’s face that she knew his explanation wasn’t quite lining up—but frankly, he could hardly make sense of it, either. Even if he had visited Mewni several times now, everything about it and its magic was otherworldly.  He couldn’t imagine how crazy it sounded to someone who had never even been there.
It wasn’t that unlike the Neverzone, in that way, though Mewni was certainly a lot less intense. A few things had stuck with him once he left—mostly learned skills, like how to drive a dragoncycle or wield a katana—but all the rest of his memories of that place had faded in a matter of weeks. He supposed it was time shenanigans of some sort, but it was still weird to him that he had acquired these skills when he didn’t remember practicing them at all.
Jackie had remained silent, mulling over his words. In the temporary break in conversation, Marco went on, saying, “Apparently this guy has been involved with Star’s family in the past, but I don’t really know how.”
Finally, she spoke up, offering an idea of her own. “Can’t someone use the same spell, or something? Anything at all?”
Marco shook his head. “I don’t think it’s that simple. The wand seems to be broken for good now, and I think that’s the only way to get to where she is.” He stared at the floor as he was reminded of just how dire this situation was. “She’s trapped in a dimension that no one can get to, and… I can’t tell if that’s worse.”
Jackie immediately dipped her head in understanding, and her sadness was apparent on her face. “Gosh, this really sucks.”
“That’s a heck of an understatement.”
“You were there when this happened? I can’t imagine how hard that was.”
He nodded once, averting his gaze from her when he felt his eyes begin to tear up again. “It should be so easy, but it’s not… everything that could have possibly gone wrong did go wrong.”
Despite his efforts to hide it, Jackie was quick to notice his defensiveness. “Hey... come here.”
He hesitated for several second before finding the energy to move. When he got up, she stood as well and met him halfway in a hug.
“I-if I had known that was the last conversation I was going to get to have with her,” Marco mumbled, his voice never rising above a whisper, “I, I wouldn’t have just let her leave without—“
Wordlessly, Jackie pulled him in tighter, resting her head against his shoulder. “I know,” she murmured. “I’m so sorry.” Marco could tell from her tone of voice that she was upset, even if she wasn’t really showing it in the same way he was.
In that moment, he felt awful for subjecting her to all of it. She and Star knew each other, of course—it was hard for anyone not to be charmed by Star’s infectious personality—but he wasn’t sure if him dumping all of the information on her without warning was a fair way to relay it. I hope she doesn’t feel guilty about what happened.
Nobody should have felt responsible. Not Jackie, not Janna, not Marco. It felt awful to admit it, but Star had been a victim of bad circumstance, and that was all. It wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t supposed to be a mind reader.
A shudder went up his spine. But why do I feel so guilty?
“I’m so glad you’re here, Jackie,” he said, attempting to redirect his thoughts.
“And I’m glad you’re back,” she replied. “I’m so happy that you’re safe.”
At least he didn’t have to wake up for school tomorrow. That was something he didn’t think he could manage.
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jawusa · 4 years
Goldie’s Adventures on the Moon - Day 4
Chapter 4: Pagoda in the Shadows (The Finale)
To my own surprise, I actually enjoyed the past three days on the moon! At first, I was soo looking forward to returning home again, I was complaining about every single thing there and didn't even let anyone cheer me up! Suddenly, it was completely the opposite on the last day? I felt something I never felt. I wasn't even homesick or missed any of my friends at school! I did wonder though how my friends back at school were doing... how my sister Candy was doing. She must have given birth to her baby already... whether it's a girl or a boy? Either way, she hadn't contacted us ever since we arrived here on the moon, but that's what Candy usually does anyway, so this didn't surprise me... not even a little bit! Anyway, yesterday, when I was hanging around in the zen garden, Rhett found an old map which was apparently buried in the frontyard of some old teahouse/or wherever he was spending his time in these days. It looked like a treasure map, but this can't... just... HOWW? It doesn't make any sense, does it make sense? No, it doesn't. Get it! But my father was so keen on that map, so I just had to go along with them! Either way... the map was not even complete! It had some directions... but there were in fragments and there was no info about the exact location. Let alone where to find the treasure at all...? But for some reason, Dad and Rhett were convinced they'd find it once we arrive there anyway!
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The map was seemingly leading to nowhere! We left the little colony named Moonbase Apollo (which was the only colony anyway in that area?) I didn't look like there were others... the surrounding area was completely empty, looked sad and deserted... somewhat creepy, too! For a second or two, I thought I'd hear something, but no, there was this absolute silence! Sometimes, I even had the impression, I'd hear my breath... or my blood in the veins. I tried to keep myself calm and tried to pretend that it never happened, I just kept breathing and breathing and breathing... but it never seemed to end! The "treasure hunt" was getting creepy as well! I wondered what this "treasure" is... and where all of this led to? I really began to question everything... even questions like "Are we going to make it out... alive at all?" or "What if this map is just a trap? Who buried it there at all... how did Rhett find that in the first place?" Also, we shouldn't have gone without knowing much about the place! We should have asked the locals around town! Suddenly, we saw some creepy looking rocks and behind these rocks, there was a mysterious pagoda in a dome. The dome looked much like the other buildings downtown. But this one here was different! It was nestled in a tiny crater and it was at a quite high altitude (compared to the other places)... between the rocks, we could even spot the colony - Moonbase Apollo from the distance. This remote place was creepy indeed! I couldn't even tell whether this was a forgotten/abandoned house once... or whether some sinister organisation constructed this thing here on purpose... to spy the people around the colony, which might be a thing, since the area was covered with those large rocks!
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Anyway... we entered the dome and were dazed by what we saw! There was such a dense garden and bamboo forest... with an old bridge and all... the pond surface was all filled with waterlilies everywhere! It didn't look well-tended at all! No, much the opposite! There were weeds everywhere! The water was full of algae; the air around there felt rather humid and wild! Whoever belonged this garden to, they either did a lousy job at gardening... or they deceased a long time ago and nobody even noticed! Well, I hoped it was the first theory, because I didn't want to believe in the other one. I was really NOT interesting in seeing any ghosts! 
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When we had a quick look around and there... there was this shrine thingy again! I and Rhett tossed a coin once and it brought us both luck! So, Dad wanted to toss a coin as well. I wanted to warn him though, because... that shrine looked way different than the ones I and Rhett had used. Something about the shrine was odd, it didn't look cute or promising at all... this one here looked rather creepy! But Dad had the strong impression, he'd find the treasure in there... so, he tossed a coin! 
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I remember this eerie red-ish smoke which was emitted right away when he tossed the coin into this devilish shrine. All of sudden, he got a whole swarm of... 
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Moon-bees? (or how should we cal them?) chasing him! As if this wasn't enough, I heard eerie sounds from above! There... I knew it! THIS PLACE WAS HAUNTED! THERE'S A GHOST UPSTAIRS!!!! Rhett tried to calm me down and he'd say things like "Yeah, you've watched way too many of those stupid soap operas on TV..." and all... which, ehh? I didn't anyway? And they're everything but stupid! HIS... whatever he's watching on TV shows are stupid! Sheesh! 
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Poor Dad, though! I really felt sorry for him and was also scared of what's coming next! I remember seeing this one Horror movie where the Goths would go on vacation and then be trapped by aliens in this creepy tomb! I just KNEW the same would happen to us, too! Since... you know, we ARE on the moon and there were many, MANY aliens wandering around here! I didn't want to follow Rhett, I really didn't! But I couldn't have let him go on his own, too! He insisted on going upstairs to see what's going on... and I just couldn't leave him behind, could I? Either way... I had goosebumps all over my body! This clearly wasn't it!
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"Hey, check this out! You can see all the gorgeous ladies from here above!" "Rhett!! Stop being a jerk, this is serious! I'm scared and look what you're doing!" "I think, you're exaggerating Goldie..." "DIDN'T YOU SEE THOSE MOON-BEES ARISING OUT OF NOWHERE??!!" "There were so many plants down there, I bet Dad just upset the bees, that's all! There's no supernatural things going on here.. this's just a place where you can stalk... ahem, just look at other sims... who are uhmm.. good looking!" "Whatever... but I could have sworn, I've heard noises from above!" "Why don't you then go explore yourself? I just don't want to be involved with this thing... count me out, really!" 
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Rhett was being sooo annoying again, but I noticed some hidden stairs behind the benches while arguing with him... so I went there to have a closer look! I felt... the presence! I thought there was a ghost there on the top! I could feel my heart pounding like CRAZY!! I've never been this scared in my whole life! I was like "WHYY is this place considered as a treasure then? If it just brings misfortune and all...?" Well, the garden was kinda beautiful, so that's the treasure? Naah, that'd be stupid! The garden only looks good NOW because it grew throughout all these years! I bet it was pretty boring when that stupid treasure was buried somewhere over here! Though, when I finally dared to go upstairs, I saw this old man hanging around here? He wasn't an alien... so, he didn't look as if he were from here... or was he? Anyway, I should have been scared, but I was not! Not even a little bit! Or was he also a victim of some alien traps? Just like us? OMG! What if he's gone through the same as we did? Wait, no, this can't be the case! Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to find the map? If he was here before... so, he must be someone who already knew how to get to this place... without the aid of a secret map! Or was the map which Rhett's found his map? Anyway, I tried to greet him, just in the way how Q's taught me! This old man indeed looked like someone who could help us!
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"Good evening, sir! I'm.." "Hmmmm..." "I'm..." "Hmmm..." "Goldie Hart... I and my family were here on..." "Hmmm..." "Vacation and we'd like to ask you for help? If you could help us, please?" "Hmmm...." Well, he was being very weird FOR SURE!!! I felt ridiculously uncomfortable standing next to him! He wouldn't even answer any of my questions... or whatever! He didn't even notice I was there? Maybe that's why! I thought, maybe the smell of good tea would literally wake him up? 
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"Maybe, I misjudged you! I first thought you have traveled far but not seem to be knowing!" "What are you talking about, sir? I just asked you for help and you didn't reply!" "Hmm..." "Oh, NOOO!! Please, do not start with that again! Just, drink your tea, sir!" Thankfully, I didn't have to stay alone with him all the time! Dad and Rhett got aware of the smell and came to join us! 
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"So, she's her daughter?" "Yeah, Goldie's my daughter! I also have another daughter named Candy, but she couldn't travel along with us." "I know." "Uhmm, OK, so... why do you ask me then when you actually know my daughters?" "I just do." That conversation and was MORE THAN CREEPY! I don't think I've ever seen such an awkward looking sim who also behaves soo awkward? So, yeah... apparently, he lives there in that creepy pagoda in the shadows! But still, that day was SOO weird! I was tired because of the long walk; I was upset because nobody took me seriously; I was bored because I couldn't use the internet at all; I was hungry because this old man didn't even offer food to us? We were his "guests" and he NOTICED that we had a long journey behind us and that we might possibly be hungry? But he didn't even offer us anything at all... he only offered us to sit downstairs to talk a bit more in his patio... I guess we were all just being polite to him. Lol! But that day really wasn't being it! 
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For some reason, he'd always stare at me and sit next to me when we'd be chatting... one more reason why I found him weird? It wasn't even enough to say "he was weird" because he was literally beyond that! We kept on talking on his patio for such a long time, our stomachs growled and he'd still not be offering or let us just go? OMG, and when the sun was setting and he was right by my side...! ... OK, OK, we got it! I won't be writing a diary entry full of complaints! At some point, he suddenly stood up and said: "You seem to possess the charm and panache necessary to bear The Legend!" "Uhmm, OK? I'm sorry to sound rude, but you won't give us any food? Because we're leaving!" "You'll be awared with the biggest treasure in your life!" So, we thought, he'd finish telling this stupid legend and then, he'd serve us some food! So, we could get away from here and especially from HIM! We had to listen to him... unfortunately! 
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"... and that was The Legend! The treasure is yours now! Keep it well and farewell!" *vanishes in air "Hey, you can't treat us like that! Come back here you fool! You can't leave us behind like this? We listened to your stupid story and you wouldn't even do us a favour in return?!" Dad was really upset... so was I and Rhett. But we decided to just leave that place, we stole grabbed enough fruits from his garden and just went back to the suite! It was already very late in the night... almost early thing in the morning when we arrived there! We'd have to leave soon anyway, so we just packed out stuff! While this wasn't the greatest day in Moonbase Apollo, I've learned a lot from my journey during these days and overall, I still think that this vacation was a great success! The shuttle's just arrived and it was time to say goodbye to Moonbase Apollo! I'll miss this superb place! But thankfully, I got the phone numbers of both; Qiu and Hua, so, I can still keep in touch with them back in Widespot! I'm really excited to show them my hometown one day, too! I'm sure they'd love it, wouldn't they?
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The End.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
The Shakespeare Substitute {1} Kim Taehyung x black! fem! reader(College AU)
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Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: When your Shakespeare professor happens to be absent for the week due to illness, a handsome, yet familiar man steps in to teach for him. This happens to be Kim Taehyung, an old friend of yours back in high school, and an old crush of yours. He can’t help but stare at you throughout class, leaving you an anxious mess until the fifty minute class period is over. 
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance, College AU, Smut(in later parts)
Word Count: 1, 973
Warnings: None for this chapter anyway
Author’s Note: I know, another series! This one will be short (at least three parts) I promise! I’m open for requests for BTS and EXO  hope you enjoy!
I did a double take on my phone as I blink back up at the doorway. It’s already 2:07 and Mr. Green hasn’t shown up for class yet. 
“Did he send an email?” I ask, turning over to my friends James and Stacy. 
James turns his nose up before running a hand through his mini fro. 
“Look woman,” he scolds, “I checked it four times, refreshed and everything-it’s nothing!” 
I frown at his tone. I can’t tell whether he’s being sarcastic or if there’s something upsetting him. 
“You good?” I ask, “can’t really tell if you’re joking or not.”
James sighs while pushing the glasses up on his face. 
“Sorry Y/N/N, I’m just a bit overwhelmed,” he says. 
I nod.
“Classes already getting the best of you?” Stacy counters. 
James shakes his head vigorously. 
“The classes aren’t the fucking problem,” he groans, “Valentines day is coming up and I’m trying to decide on the fucking venue for Cody and I to have dinner! Got it all planned out and everything.”
I deadpan at his words. Is he seriously this worked up over a God damn date?
“Are you for real?” I ask. 
James pops his neck at me. 
“Of course it is,” he growls, “I don’t expect you to understand Ms. I’ve never dated a guy in my life.”
Of course he exposes me like this. A few of the girls in the front rows turn, they look disinterested, yet I’d like to keep this in my enter circle of friends. This may be a university setting, however rumors still spread like a fucking plague. And here I thought the high school tendencies would cease, I had too much faith in humanity to even fathom that. 
“You want to tell the entire class,” I say, “keep your voice down.”
Stacy scoots her desk closer, a sly grin and a hand below her chin. 
“Is he for real, Y/N? You never had a boyfriend?” she asks. 
I open my mouth, then close it as James gives me a “yeah go ahead and lie, I’mma spill the tea anyway” look. I’d rather tell them something before Mr.Green arrives and class actually starts. 
“Technically no,” I explain, “I’ve never dated anyone, well there was this guy back in high school, but he was way outta my league.”
James rolls his eyes while Stacy gasps.
“Out of your league?” she exclaims, “he’s got to be a Greek God, because you’re gorgeous.”
I shake her complement off. 
“Thanks, but when I tell you he’s out of my league he is,” I say, “he was from Korea, and dressed like your typical international student: wearing Gucci and Chanel as if it were Nike for us.”
“I own a pair of Gucci slides,” Stacy says.
James chuckles. 
“That doesn’t count, you got rich ass grandparents!” he hisses.
“Anyway,” I say, “all the girls wanted him, those preppy white ones especially, no offense Stacy, but yeah-he was also a grade above me so..”
Stacy sips her latte in confusion. 
“That still doesn’t explain how he was technically almost your boyfriend?”she asks. 
And here I thought she’d forget. Curse James and his big mouth. 
“Yeah, about that, uh well, we kinda became friends over lunch and ah,” I pause, the memory hitting me extremely fast and abruptly. 
Taehyung with that boxy smile of his as it fell. My heart lurched as he rubbed my shoulder. 
“I-I’m going back to Korea,” he said. 
“S-So is it over? Did we even have anything?” 
I barely got to ask as Taehyung’s lips met mine. It lingered prior to him pulling back. 
“Yeah, we did, but I don’t want you to hurt if it doesn’t work while I’m away,” he said. 
“Um, Y/N,” Stacy says, breaking me from the painful memory. “she, good?”
James leans across his desk to take my hand. 
“I can tell the rest,” he reassures, “if you’d let me?”
I nod and inhale. 
“Ok, so!” James starts like the complete Drama King that he is. “this kigga had the nerve to admit his feelings for Y/N during prom while his date was making out with the Physics professor!”
“Physics professor?” Stacy asks. 
“It’s a long story,” I say, “he was like in his twenties, she was 19, but it was still weird.”
“Oh, so, did he like you or-”
“Aparently so,” I say, “like he could have told me that he was going away, uh, I don’t know a few weeks or months before graduation!”
James pats my hand. 
“It’s ok sweetie,” he says, “he’s out of your life now.”
“What’s his name?” Stacy asks.
“Kim Tae-”
My words are cut off as someone enters the room and it isn’t Mr. Green. Instead, taking Mr. Green’s usual spot behind the brown colored podium is someone more youthful, and taller. His hair is in unkempt, medium length and jet black, matching his black turtleneck, blazer and pants. 
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I look to his face again as the breath gets knocked from me. Taehyung. I reach over and tap James’ arm, forcing him to break from his fixed glare on the familiar man that just walked in.
“James, James, snap out of it,” I urge. 
“W-What girl! Do you see this sexy man?” 
I try to answer but I’m interrupted. 
“Hello class!” he greets, “Mr. Green fell ill so I’m here to teach Shakespeare in his stead!”
A collection of groans fall throughout the class while I’m still in shock. How is he here? He’s a sub? How the fuck?
“Now, now, it’s nothing serious, he should be back next week, but I’ll ensure that your final lessons on Twelfth Night run smoothly-ah! How could I forget, my name’s Kim Taehyung, I’m your sub for the week, but you can call me Taehyung.” 
James’ smile drops as he turns to me. 
“Oh shit,” he says, “oh shit, Y/N!”
Stacy turns my way as I lean down into my seat. 
“W-What?” she whispers. 
James glances Taehyung’s way before at Stacy. 
“That’s Y/N’s almost ex,” he whispers. 
Stacy opens her mouth, then covers it. This is my life now apparently. 
A hand shoots up from the front, from here I can see the long strands of blonde hair. 
“Yes?” he asks. 
“Uh, h-how old are you, uh, I mean you look young enough to be a first year university student,” she teases, “I-I mean not to be rude or anything.”
James rolls his eyes. 
“Of course she fucking did,” he says. 
I shake my head and watch as Taehyung chuckles. 
“No, you weren’t, it’s a simple observation, I’m 24 and I’m currently working on my masters, thus being a substitute is great experience for it.” 
The class nods in appreciation while all of the women and some men in the classroom admire Taehyung. God, can this class period end any sooner. 
“But enough about me,” Taehyung says, “let’s go through roll.” He pulls out Mr. Green’s grading book, so he must know him personally, or at least got it through the school. My heart quickens as he goes down the line: James answers with an overly enthusiastic ‘here’  and Stacy with a sliver of one. My eyes go forward as Taehyung stops for a moment prior to calling my name.
“Y/F/N Y/L/N,” he says it as if I weren’t real, like he has a hard time believing I’d take a damn Shakespeare class. 
“Here,” I say and sink back down into my seat. 
Taehyung steps around the podium and our eyes meet. He wets his lips as if to say something, but I look away. I can feel his eyes lingering on me before he goes back to roll. 
“And, Jessica?”
The same blonde haired girl who asked Taehyung that question shot her hand up again. 
“Here,” she says rather softly, a little too softly for my liking. 
God, why am I caring? Taehyung and I were hardly dating, I shouldn’t care. 
“A-All right, so let’s pick up with Act IV scene one,” Taehyung says as he glances around the class as every pulls out their copies of Twelfth Night. 
He stares at me once more prior to moving over to the whiteboard to write out the characters names. 
“Ok, who’d like to read for the part of Olivia?”
Jessica’s hand shoots up again, of course. 
Fifty minutes manage to crawl by, leaving us finished with Twelfth Night. 
“That shit was sooo convenient,” Stacy groans as she tosses her bag over her shoulder. 
James nods.
“Right, like Viola was a dude the entire time and suddenly Orsino’s got feelings,” he says, “he’s got to be bi at least.”
Taehyung grins. 
“Thanks for being so cool about this guys! Start reading Hamlet for Wednesday!” he announces. 
Everyone floods to the door at once, of course Jessica flutters her eyes at him before leaving. James and Stacy push through next, I try to keep up, yet I drop my water bottle. 
Taehyung crouches down quicker than I can react, scooping my bottle up into his arms. Our eyes meet again, this time I hold his black eyes and notice the somber nature within them. He looked the same way during graduation, as if I was fragile, like I couldn’t handle what he was going to tell me. I didn’t at the time, but now I’m over it. 
“Y/N,” he says my name carefully. 
I glance back down at my water bottle in his hands. 
“Can we talk, please?” he asks. 
“Can I have my water bottle?” I counter. 
Taehyung glances back down at it, bites his lip and stares back at me. 
“Y/N, just five minutes of your time,” he says. 
“I-I don’t have that long, I-I got class,” I lie.
Taehyung smirks. 
“If you had a class next then why were you chatting it up when the period ended,” he teases. 
“For fucks sake, of course you were watching,” I groan. 
Taehyung moves to shut the door, leaving me to stare at him incredulously.
“C’mon, just hear me out,” he urges. 
“Ok, then,” I let out as I slump down on top of a desk, “let’s talk.”
Taehyung sits on the desk across from me, biting his lips again before running a hand through his dark locks. 
“God, it’s so crazy seeing you here,” he bellows, “I-I mean, how have you been?”
I shrug. 
“Living, classes are going ok, been to a few clubs on campus, nothing really life changing,” I answer simply. 
Taehyung shifts up from his desk. 
“Don’t be that way, can you look at me?”
I look his way and almost recoil at how close he is now, nearly hovering over me. 
He leans down against my ear. 
“I missed you,” he admits, “I may have called it off, but I never forgot about you.”
Is he serious?
He pulls away and our faces are inches away, his smoldering eyes holding mine again. 
“Here,” he says handing me the water bottle back, “and this.”
Taehyung scurries back over to the podium, tears out a piece of paper and writes on it. 
“If you want to talk, here’s my number, “ he says, “if you want this to stay in the past, it’ll stay there. I’ll play the well behaved sub.”
His words bring a smile to my lips and I can’t help but make the connection.
“We only kissed once and now you want to be well behaved?”
Taehyung chuckles. 
“I wouldn’t jump the gun too far, Y/N,” he says, “does that mean we can talk, again?”
I bite my lip at how eager he is. I don’t think he’s ever showed me this much attention in the past. 
“Maybe, let me see how much time I got after homework,” I say. 
Taehyung grins, opening the door, allowing me to step out. 
My false sense of bravado disappears as I begin to panic. 
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