#ok what do you say?? kokichi fic or not???
lunarleonardo · 14 days
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i literally never used tsumugi for anything before love letter tbh so I've been having fun messing with her 💀
Woohooooo!! (^з^)-☆
64!! Like Nintendo 64 by Alex G!!!! :D (weeping)
Tsumugi is ALWAYS serving cunt I hope we can all agree on this . actually all of the DR girls are. and hajime ig
That first one is actually something I do (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) i've scared the bejesus out of my mom on more than one occassion because i will Spawn behind her . i understand this completely
The second one... Yeah that's pretty much the outcome of the Love Letter class trial XD Tsumugi is soooo much fun to write in this fic I love how insanely manipulative she is. She's giving Kokichi a run for his money because damn dude she knows exactly what to say and do to fuck with someones head. I wish Tsumugi was more evil and deranged in canon she deserved to be insane :/ then again I haven't replayed the 6th class trial in ,,, forever because I'm not a big fan of drv3's ending QwQ i'll be so fr with you guys i didn't know there was an epilogue for like 3 weeks after "beating" the game. I clicked out the minute i finished the trial. T_T i thought shuichi, maki and himiko were dead. I thought there were no survivors to drv3. for 3 weeks. I was too upset to notice the rocks shifting in K1-B0 and Tsumugis execution. i am not the brightest sometimes and it shows (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) ok sorry im just rambling lo l
Road to 100 baby! If we get there I'll give all of you a free ps5 with insurance :) (lie)
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gontagokuhara · 2 months
Its almost 5 am and I have work [today] but heyyyy what if I sent in another fun ask about pointy objects ;) Last time I asked about PO relationship rankings... but what about notable FRIENDSHIPS😭 I definitely think it'd be ridiculous to ask for a ranking of ALL THE FRIENDSHIPS but I'm saying like, I want to know about any specific fun ones we haven't seen that much of, tumultuous OR harmonic, if you want to share!💖
(if I had to rank some though I'd put Fuyupeko at #1 bc ofc they're like brother-sister, andddd Junko-Izuru ONN THE BOOOTTOOOMMM🗣 bc it's Junko duh) (Honorable mentions: Miu & Kiibo bc idk why I'm blanking on where the demi friendships rank) Okay I'm gonna go back to reading the latest chapter bc I gave up on trying to go to sleep💀 I hope you have a great day btw!!! Please say hi to baby Winnifred the Pooh for me and give extra love💘
I realized this weekend after seeing yet another fic I love get orphaned, how spoiled I was with your tumblr and I'm super greatful to be a reader and just consuming the content you share 😭 I really want to contribute more as thanks but I may not have as much time due to school starting soon😓 I'll just say thank you again for now and ofc remind you that you're an absolute BADDIE, please don't forget!!!💖
HELLOOOOOOOO CIDER MY BELOVED <3 as always u bring some of my favorite asks to my inbox so thank u MWAH!!!!! and as always this is for FUNSIES so there’s no obligation (especially if ur busy with school and work!!!) you have already earned ur place in my heart forever ❤️❤️❤️ you are so real about orphaned/abandoned works my favorite fic of all time had its sequel abandoned like 8 years ago…….u really never recover 💔 and i may have done the same to pointy objects for ~3.5 years but we are BACK and pumping out content at any given opportunity because this fic and universe is my baby. so with that said (and winnie said hello to PICTURED BELOW ‼️) lets get into pointy objects analysis mode WOOOOO
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many conversations have been had with my darling beta reader + kokichi correspondent evan @/faglaios about certain dynamics between characters this is like my DREEEEEAM ask because there are so many friendships in the pointy objects verse that are. so special to me. i have a whole list of friendship dynamics that i think are interesting and would yap about But i have so much to say about even just my select few favorites. so here are some honorable mentions before we get to the Big Boys:
- fuyuhiko & peko: i will forever and always ride for the familial dynamic for these two and pointy objects is no exception, as they consider themselves siblings to the same degree fuyu & natsumi do. talk about an unbreakable bond these two are literally almost as close as komaru & makoto are despite (affectionately) bitching at each other significantly more
- hajime & chiaki: not something i’ve been able to explore in-verse, but these 2 are soooo special to me in general and their friendship carries over into pointy objects rejoice ‼️‼️ i specifically singled this one out for the reason that: chiaki, as the goddess of sleep, tends to be pretty absent for long stretches of time, and so there can be decades that pass where she’s just not in hajime’s life. when he’s alone and stressed he talks to her sometimes :)
- kaede & maki: before they began dating they were without reservations each other’s best friend. i have a LOT to say about these two but yay ‼️ for kaemaki nation a lot of time has been dedicated to exploring it in pointy objects <3 so i will hold my tongue. for now
- rantarou & shuuichi: similar dealio here re: exploration in pointy objects canon. granted, rantarou is “dead” for the majority of it, but just as much as they are brothers they are best friends and for as much as i COULD say, i think their dynamic kinda speaks for itself in-fic :>
- miu & kiibo: i will be the first to admit i Do Not Enjoy miu but objectively her best interactions (both in v3 canon + pointy objects) are with kiibo. their dynamic is mutually (lightheartedly) antagonistic like miu knocks their head off five times a day and kiibo runs to tattle on her but like they eat dinner together basically every day and horrifically gossip in very bad whispers. miu clocked kiibo’s crush (overheard kaede talking about it to maki like a year ago lmfao) and became their unasked for wingwoman (she’s very bad at it).
kokichi & kaito: oh goodness. These Two. it has truly been far too long since i played 3-5 and fully Invested in this dynamic but once again from my conversations with evan There is something there . i almost have so much to say that i cant think of Anything to say lmfao so. we’ll put a pin in these 2 for now. but this is one of my favorite pointy objects dynamics.
- kaito & shuuichi / maki & shuuichi: oh training trio how i do love you……both of them have really fun dynamics but the former is definitely a little more well-developed in pointy objects. shuuichi mirrors both of them specifically in his resolve to protect and defend his friends; kaito in his emotional/trust investment and being open and honest both to himself and to the world at large, and maki moreso in the physical sense, in that they tend to be more hands-on and proactive in things that require teamwork (you’ll notice it’s these 2 most often helping others to their feet/to remain upright + at the forefront of public-facing schemes like booking the motel/headlining the convenience store robbery). MUCH to say here (also re: kaito & maki) but yet again i’ve already got so much more to go
- junko & izuru: To Be Continued.
- makoto & junko: exes
WOW! and that was only the honorable mentions 😭 jesus christ. but i saved my favorites/most interesting for last so LETS GO BABEY 🔥🔥🔥
- gundham & sonia: my Personal thoughts on these two have to be divorced from pointy objects canon so i’m speaking specifically on their friendship here. as god of the dark art and goddess of magic they naturally are inclined towards and work with each other, but they’re also just straight-up besties (as much as a grumpy recluse like gundham will allow, especially these days). in Non-crisis times, sonia is one of only a few gods who have near-unlimited access to the underworld. they also have a lot in common in terms of each losing their children within only a few years of each other (sonia with her son who tsumugi killed in her attack on camp pre-barrier, and gundham, we now know, with gonta).
- mondo & fuyuhiko: throwaway joke pointing out their similar organized crime affiliations that evolved rapidly into a like. genuine (business) relationship but also a family-like brotherly bond between them too (fuyuhiko is good at this LOL). there’s a lot of camaraderie (+ arguments) regarding this, as well as their shared isolation and distance from their children. mondo and taka went to fuyuhiko’s house the first night maki was missing both to hash out a game plan on keeping their daughters safe, but also for comfort because…well, at one point or another, they became family.
- maki & tenko: and speeeeaking of family <3 this has been touched on very lightly but of the people maki really has a connection with at camp and specifically considers her friends, tenko is one of those three people (the others being kaede and then later kaito). tenko really had to teach maki what Having Family is like even though she’s hardly the best-equipped to do so, but their shared distance from their godly parents (and lesbianism) helped them foster a dynamic that is very protective and isn’t the most Outwardly affectionate, but is definitely mutually trusting and quietly appreciative. they also train together often (and beat up kaito together when he jumps in too).
- kokichi & gonta: i am a “gonta and kokichi were genuine friends” truther until i die and pointy objects is my love letter to that. i have Many thoughts regarding their canonical relationship [looks at my url] but in my representation of them in pointy objects……when gonta says in his chapter that the two of them are best friends he is 100% correct (for better or for worse). for several years they were in the relatively small (those 2, kaede, miu, and maki) full-time camper group and the 5 of them are naturally more close-knit, but kokichi is…Well. Abrasive. and turns a lot of people off. but gonta was (+ is!) persistent. he sees good in kokichi. they were the only 2 boys at camp full-time for years, and as he did hajime and nagito, gonta lacked other options but to drift towards kokichi with regard to modeling “gentlemanly” behavior after spending so many years not socialized to humans. kokichi would play his usual pranks and mess with him but despite his flighty demeanor…actually U know what i’m just screenshotting my msgs to evan about this i cooked sooooo hard BUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE (and horrificially misunderstood) DYNAMICS <3
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- gonta & kiibo: similar to kaemaki in that their friendship has been explored in-verse before their romantic relationship, but i single them out here because there is something very important to me about the two of them learning how to be people together :] gonta spending half of his life to this point living amongst wolves, and the rest of it playing catch-up on Being A Person and defining for himself what the means and who he wants to be and modeling his goals on the people around him that he admires. kiibo lived for a handful of years as an AI with kazuichi, but has only had a soul for three or so years, and despite having a universe of knowledge at their fingertips they still have to learn what personhood is like outside of scanning text and interpreting data — again, with a relatively small and niche group of gods and demigods to learn from. they meet when kiibo is dropped off at camp by a distraught sonia, and immediately recognize in the other something similar to themselves. they’re both entirely disconnected from human culture, but have a fascination with it to varying degrees. they’re both Different, and still learning how to exist in the world they’ve been cast into, and slowly over time realizing that the kind of ‘person’ they want to be, whatever that means…that inspiration might be a bit closer than they think.
- kaede & kokichi: oh i could write essays on these two i swear to god. another one that needs their own specialized post honestly there is So much here and basically none of it is reliant on v3 canon because we were given so little. i’ve built such a little world for these two in pointy objects it’s easily a top 3 dynamic like Period out of the whole fic it’s soooo important to me. people have pointed out they come across as deeply sibling-coded and that is 100% the intention. as previously mentioned, they were full-time campers early on (kokichi arrived before maki did, even, so they’ve known each other longer) and even back then kaede took it upon herself to tour new kids around camp and get to know them (partially because her other options were Adults, her less-than-ideal twin sister, and gonta who she knows but can’t talk pop culture or music with). i’m holding my tongue on certain Details here but they really have grown up with the faux-exasperated big sister and the playfully-annoying little brother dynamic. and on the surface they very much come across that way and have fun falling into those roles naturally. but there is a significant degree of mutual care between them that goes far beyond any prank or argument or fuck up. kaede, as frustrated as she was when kokichi snuck onto the rv and as serious as she was about her reservations regarding his role in their quest, still stuck to her guns and kept him included and safe once he was there, and genuinely meant it when she told them she believes in all of them more than she’s ever believed in anyone. for as obnoxious and as snide and as withdrawn he can be, in the same breath he’s calling kaede a hokey protag he’s diving between her and syo’s scissors without a second thought. he’s still offering kaede solemn, sincere comfort and reassurance in the aftermath of the call with nagito he hung up for her, and lashing out at anyone he thinks is judging her and going to make her feel worse. the two of them are everything to me. pointy objects kaede/kokichi friendship you will ALWAYS be famous
- shuuichi & kokichi: well we already saw everything up until now IN pointy objects, didn’t we? <3
ok bonus WINNIE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!
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agalnamedlunasea · 2 years
*shakes a bag of treats to lure out your DR headcanons*
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ALRIGHT YOU’VE CONVINCED ME but im putting this under a readmore bc ive got charts and shit
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SO I think the charts mostly speak for themselves? I definitely don't have the energy to go into *every* individual person nor do I necessarily have much to say about some of em, so I'll only go into detail about ones I have particularly strong thoughts about/ things to say. But feel free to ask specifics! Can't guarantee I'll be able to answer but still. ANYWAY SO
I wanna start by saying I am the least confident in my aspec headcanons? They're extremely flexible moment to moment and I'm not attached to many of them. I could see almost anyone almost anywhere with only a handful of exceptions, honestly
I almost put a "cis but they've still got something goin on" category on the gender one,,, I woulda put the antags, Yasuhiro, Sonia, Angie, Gonta, maybe a couple others in there,,,
Not really represented here but im a big fan of genderfluid imposter and byakuya
All the protags are trans, and also they're all bi except komaru, fun fact 👍
Literally all of em are queer in some fashion, as you can tell from the fact that I forgot to put a "straight" category on the chart...
Anyway some in particular that im fond of that ive not really talked about before:
I love love love hc Aoi as a nonbinary lesbian. Its like,, lowkey projection,,, but I think its supported by the text. She's got some hang-ups surrounding womanhood and being a woman and how that relates to her relationship with men (im thinking specifically of her last fte). I think it would be a nice resolution to that struggle for her to shed the expectations she feels entirely and embrace who she is, even if its different from what she feels like she's "supposed" to be. Idk I think its a natural conclusion
I enjoy nonbinary chihiro for a similar reason. I think it would also be a natural conclusion to her struggles with gender and what masculinity and femininity means to them
And somewhat related I hc sakura as a cis lesbian also bc of her struggles with femininity?? I like the idea of her conclusion being to embrace her femininity wholeheartedly. She enjoys being feminine but has a hard time reconciling that with her strength. Id like to see her enjoy both of those things about her
Hm i wonder if those say anything about me, im not projecting even a little bit
I hc that akane is pan but for the longest time she just. Doesn't realize not everyone is like that? It was never even something to think about for her. Like she'll be talking to nekomaru and she's like "really you've never thought a girl was hot? Never? Men, I get ya, but *no* girls? That's possible?" And nekomaru gives her the most disappointed stare.
Idk why but nagito and nekomaru being the only gay men on the island is a lil funny to me
Also. I read a singular fic where nagito was demisexual and I was like ok you've convinced me (can you tell. I am. Easily convinced. About this kind of thing)
I go back and forth on whether I hc izuru as pan or aroace. Things like gender don't really matter to him, I just can't decide how that would work in terms of attraction for him 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I would just like to call attention to transfem hiroko hagakure. Good for her
Rantaro. Feels v aroace to me. In that way where everyone who likes men is like "wow he's so pretty I can't believe he doesn't have a partner id love to date him I wonder if he's interested in anyone" and then he's just like "hey you guys check out this cool thing I found". Like the reverse of bi but noone wants him. Attractive but doesn't want anyone. I can see aspec tho. But that boy is definitely not allo
Once again. Idk why. But kiyotaka, nekomaru, nagito, and kokichi being the only gay men on the chart. Is a lil funny to me. Idk Idk Idk
Ummmm I think thats most of what I wanna say??? I might elaborate more another time but there's that 👍
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imagineronpaz · 2 years
Dancing with ___: A Danganronpa One-shot i made in my college lecture
Characters: Togami, Makoto, Ibuki, Chiaki, Kokichi, Nagito Leon.
Could be playtonic or romantic
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(not part of the imagine but chihiro's walk in this gif omg i love them so much)
"I'm Here with my best friend," Togami said to the camera you put up. "Best friend, show them your moves."
You laughed, doing the Default Dance.
"Ooh, yeah. Get it I guess. It's my turn." He pushed you out of the way, laughing at you falling. "Duggie, hype me up."
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For some reason, as if this was a fan fic, you and Makoto got challenged to a dance battle.
Fun fact that you didn't know: The Ultimate Hope is the Ultimate Dancer
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"ITS NOT THAT HARD SWING SNAP ROCK!" Ibuki yelled at you, trying to teach.
Apparently, she has made a dance for her new song, and she wanted you to learn it. And by wanted, I mean she forced you.
"How do you even do that with your leg?!" You yelled at her.
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"What are you doing....?" You asked.
"Chica Dance..." The gamer replied.
You sat down, watching the gamer learn. Maybe you might learn this just so you and Chiaki can dance together.
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"Ok, you ready?" You giggled, pointing at Miu to turn on the camera.
You noticed him flip you off, only for you to laugh.
"Ladies, germs, and robotic worms," You started, looking at your class. You ignored the "I'm not a worm" from Keebo, and continued. "Our dear friend lost a bet, sadly. So presenting, all the way from D.I.C.E, Kokichi Ouma!"
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You and your friends threw the fire extinguisher bombs to the fire in the warehouse. Monokuma kicked you guys out to put the fire out himself because you guys "sucked ball ass" at it.
When he left, you guys walked in, to see a sight you didn't think youd ever see.
"Lmao you really thought I would be dead." Nagito laughed while twerking at yall.
"Did this bitch really say lmao," you complained, watching Hajime and Kazuichi hold back Fuyuhiko.
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You laughed harder at Yasahiro choking on his drink, Mondo's hand shaking as he tried to hold the camera still.
"Taka make it rain on me!" Leon laughed, wraping his leg around the street light.
You guys were getting strange looks out on the street, but Leon will be Leon, I guess.
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vespertin-y · 2 years
liveblog-o-clock! this time the first part of ch4′s daily life...mostly i just get real sad about gonta and rapidly whiplash between wanting to fistfight maki in a waffle house and wanting to wrap her in a blanket.
-[in a situation like this...i don’t see how we all could possibly stay enthusiastic. ...well, with two exceptions.] “what’s wrong, bro!? you’re not gonna eat!?” “if you don’t eat, then gonta will eat you instead, shuichi!” HPDJSDHSDGHSDHF. why would you pay attention to kaito and kokichi’s tragic parallels when you could pay attention to their funny ones truly.
-himikoooo :’) she’s clearly doing a bit of fake-it-til-you-make-it here, but her determination to be better is really endearing and genuinely inspiring. also the way she gets way too enthusiastic way too fast and almost keels over is hilarious.
-”there’s nothing more depressing than an unnoticed prank.” EATING THIS...do u think he realizes how much this sentence reveals about him.
-”it’s like a titty no one wants to fondle!” characterization moment over miu time now (it’s ok though i laughed)
-”no! you don’t get to tell gonta what to do anymore!” “y-yeah...gonta learn lesson after insect meet and greet...” gonta LITERALLY AGREED to help kokichi w/ the motive video plan, adding the meet-n-greet was completely unnecessary and only fractured their partnership. it’s almost like kokichi’s paranoia is destroying his interpersonal relationships or something...
-”yoink! i’ll take that card key then!” we don’t talk about how funny this is often enough. like yes it’s about to lead to horrible horrible tragedy, but the fact that kokichi’s so done with this shit he fucking STEALS THE MOTIVE AND CLIMBS INTO THE VENTS WITH IT makes me cackle. goblin mode activated.
-”shuichi is so amazing. gonta wanna be useful to everyone too.” “don’t worry. when the time comes, we’ll use your body as a meat shield.” “okay! gonta hope time come soon!” WERE IT NOT FOR THE LAWS OF THIS LAND (me being a 100 pound asthmatic and harukawa maki being fictional) I WOULD HAVE SLAUGHTERED YOU!!!! no one even REACTS to her saying this im so fucking madddd. when kokichi spouts lines literally indistinguishable from this the other characters *rightfully* understand him as a massive asshole and ostracize him from the group!! but GOD FORBID kodaka’s most favoritest waifu be treated as a complex and morally gray person instead of a prop in thigh highs who can’t be held responsible for anything she says!! i need to go pet my dog.
-ok i petted murry’s lil face i can be normal about fake people now. anyway NEW AREAS!! kiibo not liking his lab is obviously more of a gag than ryoma and shuichi not liking theirs but it still makes me sad. give my boy his wind chimes :[
-the cathedral floor is gorgeous, but it feels almost mocking now that angie can’t see it...
-”to become a completely different person and feel like you’re part of a different world...doesn’t that sound interesting? don’t you want to live in a fictional world?” NO!!! BAD TSUMUGI!!!!!!!! TAKE THAT MALADAPTIVE COPING MECHANISM OUT OF YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW-
-”yeah, before i got sponsors for my cosplaying, i worked a bunch of jobs. i used to say to my customers...”i’m in a bit of financial trouble...if only someone could help me out...”” HPDHBSGDHS. i love these little bits we get of tsumugi having a mischievous side, like here and the FTE where she says she can walk into trains and movie theatres without paying for a ticket. i wish it came up more often, both in canon and fic.
-turns out the very concrete memory i had of what shuichi’s lab looked like was...completely wrong. huh.
-”but this place doesn’t match you at all. i think this lab is too good for someone like you.” “ahaha, you might be right...first i need a cloak and a deerstalker.” “what...? the clothes wouldn’t even look good on you. it won’t suit you at all, so don’t even try it.” goes to pet my dog again
-tsumugi’s lab having a drink mixing station and shuichi’s lab having a cabinet of poison is such a good red herring lol, i was SWEATING waiting for someone to keel over my whole first time through this chapter.
-”huh? didn’t i tell you before? i believe in people i wanna believe in. and if they betray me, it just means i made a bad call believing in them.” DEAR GOD NOT THIS AGAIN...not everything is ur responsibility spaceman!!
-”heh...hehehehe...mankind deserves damnation...fuck that! we’re already damned here! being stuck here with you losers is the worst hell there is!” “the “you losers” part...wasn’t necessary.” “sh-shut up! i’m tired of this! let us outta here! let us out! c’mon, don’t leave us in here! pull us out!” “miu, calm down! it’s okay! gonta will protect you!” cool coolcoolcoolcool im not obliterated by that at all ○| ̄|_
-kokichi claims he hasn’t found what the card key opens in a way that makes it sound like an obvious lie, but since gonta only says he took the boulder off the manhole much later in the conversation, it seems he’s telling the truth. i doubt if he’d asked gonta to move it so he could go in gonta would’ve/could’ve kept it a secret, plus kokichi’s not acting Completely Fucked quite yet.
-FTE time! they picked another of kokichi’s first. the pre-FTE dialogue being kokichi dragging shuichi around the entire dome looking for places the card key could go is cute, the actual FTE just being them having a tea party moreso. also: “my organization requires everyone to have an afternoon tea break. it increases productivity.” “ah. that sounds like a rather...peaceful organization.” “yup. the supreme leader, *ahem* me, is a pacifist. that’s why i settle fights with games.” i wanna see the DICE tea parties....do you think there’s actual tea or do they just put cheap soda in fancy (stolen) teacups.
-they only got time for one FTE...? weird. not as weird as the monokubs were being in the nighttime announcement though :[
-”um, angie’s gone, and student council not around anymore...but gonta still think it best to not go out at nighttime. cuz ryoma got killed at nighttime. and angie, too.” “that’s true...but the promise i made to kaito is really important to me. i can’t break it. i promise, i’ll go right back afterwards. and i’ll make sure we stick together.” “...gonta careless just now. gonta not know you make such important promise to kaito. gonta...so useless.” “no, no! not at all, gonta. don’t worry about it. we all know how much you care about us.” “...” “gonta?” “shuichi, gonta come to decision!” “huh? what have you decided...?” “hmm, actually...gonta will tell everyone tomorrow, when everyone together.” SAIGOKU ARMY HOW U FEELING? BAD???????? the closest thing we have to a true saiou confession scene is kokichi trying to convince shuichi to do murder-suicide with him and somehow not even that shattered my heart like this. how do y’all COPE.
-”by the way...this seems like a good time to ask, but...did you...like kaede?” “huh?” “well...i assumed you didn’t, because that would be weird.” “what do you mean, “weird”?” “liking someone you just met...especially in a situation like this...” (appropriately sepia-toned flashback to the hand holding scene.) “then tell me...under what circumstances is liking someone *not* weird?” “...huh? i...don’t know. i don’t...really understand what that is...nevermind. just forget i ever asked.” “forget you asked? why did you bring this up, maki?” “...no reason. i was only curious.“ “no reason? maki, you’re being...cruel. you ask me a personal question, then act like you don’t care-” “hey! were you guys making out while i was gone!?” WHPDJFHBDSF THANKS, KAITO. in all seriousness though i really do love this scene. shuichi’s right, maki *is* cruel here - but not on purpose. she’s poorly socialized and miserable and blunt and doesn’t understand what she’s feeling - of course she’d accidentally hurt her friends’ feelings sometimes. and it DOES clearly hurt shuichi’s feelings!! he doesn’t move on seemingly without even registering what she said (like the awful gonta shit earlier) or try to make an awkward joke (like in the lab). he just tells her flat-out ‘hey that was mean and made me feel bad’, and i think they were really going somewhere communication-wise before they got cut off!! (no real complaints though it was hilarious). i have (1) fic currently up on my ao3 rn and it’s a maki+shuichi fic i primarily based off this scene. the only maki characterization that matters 2 me <3
-that’s the end of day fourteen! we’ve just now reached TWO WEEKS what the hell. i have so much respect for people who actually try and follow the canon timeline in their fics, i could never. see you next time! love you!
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ratmonky · 4 years
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i’d fold if i met him
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teotalksaboutstuff · 3 years
My Opinions on Kai’s Fondness Events
Events will be shown in the order I saw them. Major spoilers below the cut.
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Nao 1
This event was really sweet! We love Kai encouraging ppl!!
Kanna 1
This was so gender and idk how I feel about that
Mishima 1
Yaya it isn’t the same event!!! Mishima do be funny trying to cover up the smoking thing tho
Sara 1
Sara having the questions she should and learning about food, cool!
Gonbee 1
These two are so messy and I am living for it.
Sou 1
Sou your diet is worse than mine and that says everything
Q-Taro 1
Uhhhhh holy fuck this one went several places I did not think we were going to go here...
Reko 1
Joe 1
Keiji 1
This feels like I just watched Celestia Ludenberg and Shin Tsukimi interact and ngl I love it.
Gin 1
I mean he would make a better Ultimate Supreme Leader than Kokichi Ouma ever did.
Q-Taro 2
80% muscle is quite a lot tbh
Nao 2
Nao making Kai question everything is quite the interesting dynamic to me.
Kanna 2
Mishima 2
We stan strange flutes on this island!
Keiji 2
No! Bad Keiji! Bad! Raw eggs aren’t for drinking!
Sou 2
Sou, you’re probably better off not questioning what he put in that soup.
Reko 2
Kai’s sense of humor is something I will never let go of
Gonbee 2
All Hail Gonbee, Lord of Shells!!
Joe 2
Joe just admiring his bestie’s talented stalker!!! How beautiful!!
Kanna 3
Okay this was nice and emotional and made me feel things
Sara 2
Nao 3
Gin 2
Its ok Gin you don’t have to decide what you wanna do just yet
Mishima 3
This has been amusing actually!
Sara 3
This one is kinda ick??? Less so because I played the main YTTD game before this and know that a. Kai is lying here and b. The truth is arguably worse but still?
Sou 3
Joe 3
Keiji 3
Q-Taro 3
Reko 3
And now for the tea on why Kai has no social skills, brought to you by Reko!
Gin 3
the way he really said ✨I will find you a wife✨ and did not care if it meant making Kai into a monsterfucker I- 👁👄👁
Gonbee 3
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Oh, oh! I have a good idea!
What about a drabble where the reader is planning something really special for Kagehara (like, it's his birthday or something) and they start to work really hard on this surprise for him. Kagehara notices that the reader is ignoring and avoiding him, and he thinks the worst is happening and that Y/N wants to break up with him. He starts to panic and tries to do everything in his power to convince them to stay. But when the surprise finally comes, the reader explains that they were planning this surprise for him and he becomes really relieved and apologizes for freaking out so much
Sorry if this is confusing or too much. You don't have to do it if it didn't make sense, but I thought it would be a cool idea
*Cries in sleep deprived artist*
I went a little off script but I think you'll like this better anyways. Also, this is less drabble and more of an entire fic. Enjoy!
Birthday Burnout (Pregame! Shuichi x Reader)
Kagehara is freaking out for the third time today, nearly in tears from the amount of distress this whole situation has put him through already. You've been distancing yourself so much the past two weeks that it's making him worry himself to death. Clutching his cell with two hands he's practically ranting to Kokichi anytime he allows him to. Kokichi's growing more and more impatient with Shuichi as the days pass, and tries his best to just calm him down. He doesn't even really care that he has to lie to him to keep his surprise a secret anymore, though the fact that he's breaking down because of your "dumb idea" is honestly pissing him off more than he'd admit to anyone else.
"Shu, you can't keep calling me over this."
"No. You just need to give Y/N time, if they wanted to dump you don't you think they would have already done it?"
"No buts! They're probably just feeling a bit off. You really need to stop freaking out so much."
"Kokichi they won't even talk to me! They've ignored my texts, their mom won't let me see them, and they're completely avoiding me at school. They aren't even sitting with me at lunch now! What if they finally believe what everyone says about me?"
"Haven't you listened to a single word I've told you?"
"Then just calm down! You're worrying so much over nothing! They are probably just needing some alone time. They could even be experiencing burnout,.... and not want to burden you with such a negative feeling. You can respect that right?"
"And you know that they care about you."
"I know they do..."
"Then stop thinking about the "what if's" and go back to your homework. And stop spending so much money on stuff they're only going to look at once. The giant teddy bear was so cliché."
"What else am I supposed to do? They didn't say anything when I left them flowers..."
"Dude just chill out already! I'm sure they have a good reason for all of this. Just don't think about it, and don't take it personally. I've already gone through this kind of thing with you, as I already told you before."
"Yeah...I'm sorry bout that."
"Look, I need to go... Just remember what I said."
Kokichi drops the call with Kagehara and quickly dials your number. He's honestly annoyed that he has to keep lying to one of his best friends because of you. He doesn't even let you say "hello" before he's talking over you.
"Y/N, I swear to god if he calls me again breaking down I'm just going to tell him. This is getting to be too much."
"Kichi, this will be worth it, I promise."
"It better be! You so owe me for this!"
"Ok, ok, how much?"
".....Get me a cake and we're even."
"Let me guess, ice cream cake?"
"Can't believe you're going to so much trouble for him..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I mean, you're trying to get his idol to come see him on his birthday, which is like....in two days."
"Correction, I have got Ms. Kirigiri to agree to come to see him on his birthday. He's very much worth the effort I'm putting into this, I can assure of that."
"What's left to do?"
"Pickup the cake, wrap some of his gifts, and of course somehow get him to come out of the house so you, Angie, and Gonta have time to set up everything."
"Yeah make us do all of the work..."
"You asked to help!"
"I'm joking! Chill, it's fine. We can set it all up for you."
"And don't touch the cake."
"Oh come on, not even a little bite?"
"Fine, fine, I won't touch his stupid cake. How are you going to get him out of the house? You've been avoiding him so much I bet he's pretty hesitant to leave and risk being "publicly humiliated"."
"I'm simply just going to drag him out if he doesn't come willingly. You'll let Kyoko in for me right?"
"Sure, and don't worry about any of us freaking out or whatever. Kyoko's cool and all but we prefer different actors over her."
"A little rude, but good."
"What you want us to start drooling over her like your boyfriend would surely do?"
"Kokichi. Don't get on my nerves. Just stick with the plan."
"Whatever you say Y/N."
September 7th, his big day! He was actually a little bit relieved to hear from you after being shut out for so long. You made sure to look your best for him today, in hopes to make up for it. It was surprisingly easy to get him out of the house today. All it took was a simple phone call.
"Happy birthday!"
"Angel, I'm glad to hear from you-"
"We don't have much time to talk."
"You need to get dressed silly! I'm on my to come pick you up."
"Why, we can just celebrate at home-"
"Cause! You need some fresh air anyways! I want to make up for my absence, so I decided I'll be taking you out to eat today. That's ok with you right?"
"Of course-"
"Good! I'll be there in about....half an hour. That's enough time for you to get ready right?"
"I s-suppose so..."
"Great, I'll see you soon!"
He practically speed-run through getting ready, as he was just eager to spend some time with you again. With the wisdom granted to him with a recent fashion magazine you left over at his house he tried to fix himself up for you. He may have went a little overboard. Slicking back his hair, turtleneck and jacket combination, plus the dress pants and converse shoes he bought on your last trip to the mall together.
To say you were surprised when he opened the door for you was and understatement. He literally changed his entire image for you.
"Hey-......Wow, you sure clean up well."
"I t-thought I'd try something d-different this time..."
"Well, you look great. You ready to go?"
"Yeah, just give me a second to grab my wallet-"
"No need, I'm paying this time!"
"It's your birthday. I'm supposed to be spoiling you. Let's go eat, don't worry about money right now."
"I guess... that I can let you do this for me just this once. I'm paying next time though!"
"Doubt it!"
"Y/N! Hey! Wait for me!"
One text from Y/N and it was go time for the others. Using the spare key you gave him, Kokchi was able to get Angie and Gonta in to set up all the party decorations. It only took an hour and Angie's homemade decorations were so cute that she ended up admiring them after they were all put up. The streamers consisted of magnifying glasses and little chibi drawings of Kyoko. The cake was ready, decorations were up, Y/N's presents were on the table for him. All that was left to do is wait.
"Do you think he'll like them?"
"He's sure to love anything we give him, let's be honest here."
"You both brought gifts right?"
"Yeah, I hid mine in his room. Give him a chance to use his "detective skills", you know?"
"Ah... That's such a great idea! Auta would surely approve!"
"You send the invites out?"
"Ryoma and Kirumi said they were on their way."
"Kiyo said he'd be a little late, but I've managed to talk Kaede into coming over."
"Tsumugi said she'd be over soon too."
"Good...Well, it looks like we're done for the moment."
"Gonta, did you order the food?"
"Should be here shortly."
"Who's paying for all of this?"
"Y/N is."
One after another people started arriving to join the three, setting down their presents and waiting. More decorations were brought with some of the guests, which were put up with care.
All of them freeze when they hear a knock at the door, the main surprise just arrived. After letting her in, Kokichi sent you a message to let you know everything was ready.
Everything was seemingly going to plan and Shuichi actually seemed pretty lively today. Of course, you made sure not to say a thing about a party, so he becomes more and more clingy as you're making the way back to his apartment. The thoughts of being left alone again after not spending anytime with you in weeks was making him upset and he could only keep it to himself for so long. He stops you when you reach for the door to let him on his surprise party.
"Would you mind staying with me tonight?"
You can hear his voice crack and with a single look at him, you can tell he's barely keeping himself composed. He he starts to shake and grasp at his hair when you don't reply fast enough for him.
"Please. I get it if you don't want to be with me anymore, but please just stay with me for tonight...."
His voice came out a lot quieter with that plea then he was intended. You gently cupped his face.
"It's ok...I'm not going anywhere."
"Shuichi... I was never going to dump you."
"Then why would you spend so much time avoiding me....?"
"Open the door and you'll find out."
"Go ahead."
"You didn't."
"I did."
"Come on...everyone's waiting birthday boy."
With a bit of hesitation, Shuichi opened the door and stepped into his dark apartment. The lights quickly flicked on and everyone jumped from their hiding spots.
"Happy Birthday Shuichi!"
They were so loud that he almost jumped back. He didn't even get to see Kyoko yet and he was already crying a little. This has never happened before, not for him. It was easy for him to feel a little overwhelmed when he had so many people there.
"You surprised?"
"Kokichi you jerk...."
"Hey you don't have to cry about it! I didn't tell you because it wouldn't be special then."
"Y/N put so much work into making this perfect."
"There's one more surprise left for you. Kokichi if you please."
"Be happy to."
Kokichi steps into another room for a second before bringing her out with him. If Shuichi was crying before, well he's definitely going to be thanking God for giving him you now.
"Happy birthday Shuichi."
"Ms. Kirigiri...? Y/N...."
"I got her to visit you personally for your day."
"I have never loved you as much as I do right now."
"Oh, stop, you deserved this. Let's enjoy this ok?"
The smile he gave you was worth all of the effort. The party was worth the effort. Getting to see him so happy with his friends, and getting to talk to his idol (though being a stuttering mess) was all worth it. The party went smoothly, he got his presents, his cake, and a little bit of time to spend with everyone, together.
People started to leave as it got later, he made sure to thank them all on their ways out. Then it was just Angie and Kokichi left, who stayed to help you two clean up.
"I hope you had the time of your life tonight."
"I did. Definitely the best day of my life, well next to Y/N saying yes to dating me."
"How gross..."
"I'm kidding! You guys are always so serious..."
Finally it was time for those two to leave as well. Shuichi didn't even seem sad about it though. The boy had just had the biggest serotonin trip he'd ever had in his life, so he was almost high. The only complaint he had was about how smiling so much was starting to hurt, and yet he couldn't stop.
"I'm really happy you all helped me with this. I would've never been able to pull it off on my own."
"Happy to help."
"It's nice to see Shuichi so happy."
"Thank you all so much."
"What are friends for? You two have a good rest of your night. I'll walk Angie home. We'll see you on Monday 'k?"
"Let's do this again next year!"
"Only if you're the party planner."
"Wait, you actually let me?!"
"Sure! Why not?"
"Praise due to Auta!"
"Alright, alright, let's get you home."
And then there was two.
"Thank you. For everything today."
"You ain't done thanking me yet."
"I got one more surprise in your bedroom."
"Not like that. I just hid something you've been wanting for a while."
"Couple's cosplay?"
"Can we try them on now???"
"I don't see why not."
He found it before you even made it to his room. Of course he did run like a bat out of hell, so it's not like you really had to keep up with him in the first place.
"Thought you'd like them."
"I love you so much."
He was nuzzling against your cheek at this point. You're going to be stuck cuddling him for the rest of the night and into the next morning whether you were anticipating it or not.
"I know, I love you too. Happy birthday Shuichi."
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cuteyy101 · 2 years
I'm So Sorry ( That I Didn't Pay Attention)
I decided to post an unfinished saiouma angst, so enjoy!
tw ;; self harm, suicide attempt, usage of the English translation, fighting(word version)
Unfinished fic under the cut!
Kokichi and Shuichi never really fight, in all honesty this was their second serious fight. This particular fight was because kokichi felt like everything was about shuichi in their relationship, shuichi was denying it.
"Not everything is about me Kokichi!"
"Yes it is Shuichi!"
"You know what, that's why your alone and no one will every love you!"
Kokichi gasped, he felt tears prick his eyes. He felt betrayed, why would his boyfriend ever say that.
"Well if im alone, then your alone, cus im your boyfriend!"
And with that kokichi ran off to their bedroom. Shuichi knew he fucked up. Kokichi would have comforted him and told him it was- Oh kokichi really was telling the truth. Shuichi made everything about himself and never kokichi. He had to fix this, kokichi could be on the brink of suicide!
Shuichi ran upstairs and found kokichi grabbing a pair of clothes and hurriedly walking out the room with room, it was like he was hiding something.
Shuichi decided not to chase after him, seeing as he would probably need some time to himself. Shuichi to turn on the TV in their room and lay down.
~Time skip~ 40 minutes later, 8:53
Shuichi started worrying. Kokichi had been in the bath for 40 mintues. Shuichi quietly got up and walked to the bathroom and knocked on the bathroom door ans waited a minute or two. When kokichi didn't answer, shuichi worried even more.
"Alright kokichi im c-come in"
Shuichi tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked. 'Guess I'll just force my way in'. And shuichi did just that he backed up from then door and slammed against it and again and again until it opened. As soon as whilst I opened the door he felt this queasy feeling in his stomach. He quietly walked over to the bathtub and with a rush of adrenaline, he pulled the curtain back. As he almost threw up, he ran out the bathroom and went to get his phone and quickly dialed 112. "Hello what is emergency" "Myboyfriendhasslithiswrist!!!" "Sir im gonna need to calm down and tell me again" Shuichi took a deep breath and started to speak again. "My boyfriend has slit his wrists" "Ok im sending an ambulance now and im gonna need you to follow my instructions" "Ok" "Go get towels and go back to your boyfriend and gently press the towels on both of his wrists" "Ok!!" Shuichi quickly ran to get some towels and ran back to kokichi, gently took him out the bathtub and pressed the towels on his wrist. "The paramedics will be there in a few minutes, until stay on the line and continue pressing the towels on the wrist. Next thing you know the paramedics are stroming in, they put kokichi on a stretcher. "Hey kiddo do you wanna ride the ambulance?" "Yes please!" Shuichi quietly ran after the paramedics.
This is where it ends.
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theultimatecrabcake · 4 years
Some Danganronpa spoilers ahead for the entire franchise so please don't read if you don't want spoilers, serious topics will be discussed
Ok so a while back me and a discord friend had this au-ish idea where the entirety of danganronpa is just Tsumugi's trauma fanfiction based off of people she knows irl and online as a way to cope because she was abused and neglected at home
These are the main details of the au under the cut, there will be no in depth details about the abuse but it is mentioned, I sincerely apologize if I inaccurately portray these issues just in case I did
Tsumugi cosplays at home and that's why she calls herself the ultimate cosplayer, and she makes herself the mastermind because she likes being the villain to cope with her trauma
All the characters from dr1 and sdr2 and the dr3 anime are all based off of people online that she looks up to (or despises in some cases), and characters with alternate versions of themselves are the combinations of their siblings (ex. Toko and Syo are twins and Izuru, Hajime, and super saiyan Hajime are triplets), with the exception of Junko who is an actress who mainly plays villains but irl is really sweet
Monokuma is Tsumugi's homeroom teacher who occasionally lets his sister substitute and the monokubs are his young children that Tsumugi really hates, he's also Junko and Mukuro's uncle and he and Tsumugi have a father-daughter relationship
Junko helps Tsumugi with her cosplays and makeup which is why Tsumugi idolizes her so much and wants to be like her
A lot of the poor writing in dr is due to Tsumugi not having the proper writing experience or knowledge on certain subjects which is why they come off so poorly
The Love Hotel scenes are Tsumugi trying to work through her own sexuality crisis alone (albeit poorly), and her own LH scene is her projecting what she believes is the only relationship she'd ever be loved in even if it's really messed up
All of the blackened and antagonistic characters in dr are people Tsumugi either hates or fears, and those with redeeming motives are the ones Tsumugi fears but recognizes that they are good people
Most characters in dr are cosplayers irl, streamers/youtubers, or social media influencers, aside from in v3 where everyone is a classmate of hers
The survivors of v3 are Tsumugi's irl friends, and the survivors of the prior games just came down to process of elimination mixed with who she liked
Her insistence of being "plain" in the games is because her parents always called her useless, and a part of the reason she hates Monokuma's kids is because she envies them for having the happy childhood she never had
She made monokuma the mascot because he’s known for his brutal punishments to kids who severely break school rules
All of the backstories for the dr1 and sdr2 characters are based off of one of the following: their main cosplay, their favorite game that they’ve played, or their aesthetic on their main social media account
Tsumugi works a lot of part time jobs to pay for her cosplays and her clothes and food
At some point Tsumugi posted her trauma/vent fanfics online under a different pen name and renaming all of the characters so they couldn’t be tracked (each of the games and the anime were posted as their separate fanfics and each chapter in the games is a chapter in the fanfic) and the fanfic blew up super fast, which she didn’t expect, and then people started cosplaying it for the irony and when she’s asked about if she’ll cosplay from it she says she’s not in it for the irony, she also got jaw-dropped when the cosplayers she turned into some of the characters from dr1 and sdr2 started cosplaying from it
One time Kokichi found her fanfic for v3 and commented about how his character seemed super familiar and she responded “no reason :)” and blocked him because his username was super obvious, he soon makes confused posts about it on tiktok
Eventually during Tsumugi’s 3rd year she reposted all of the fanfics but with much better writing and character arcs because she took online writing classes and the internet BLEW UP EVEN HARDER and so many people geeked out over it
Eventually Tsumugi tells her close friends about how she wrote the fics but it accidentally gets out to the whole class and when anyone tries to bully her about it all of her friends fight the bullies
The Love Hotel scenes were completely separate fanfics she impulsively wrote and posted at 3am when her sexuality crisis hit too hard, even she hates them and deleted them a year after they were posted because she just can’t believe she wrote them, let alone post them, and never rewrote them
The following are her relationships with the characters in V3 since she has no real relationships with the characters in dr1 and sdr2
All of the character’s ultimates are in fact based on actual skills they each have, and if they don’t have a distinct skill Tsumugi deep dives and tries to think of one, Junko was mostly inspired by her ability to analyze super well, which helped with her makeup ability, and because she played villain characters who caused despair
Edit: forgot to mention, but when Tsumugi kills her self insert at the end of v3, it's her essentially venting out how if all the important people in her life leave her she has nothing to live for anymore
Shuichi: They met after being some of the few kids in class who had nowhere to sit during lunch so they sat next to each other, after talking some more and realizing they had a lot in common, they became really close and he would sometimes cosplay with her, he also has a crush on Kaede even though it’s only from afar due to his social anxiety, Tsumugi however feels as though she’s a burden to him which is why she has him hate her in the last trial, when she told him she wrote the fanfic he constantly reassured her that she’s not a burden and was super embarrassed that he was made the protag after kaede, though he did find pregame him a bit odd
Himiko: Himiko is also an outsider due to her depression and general tired personality, she’s one of the few people who don’t judge Tsumugi for her cosplaying and anime interests and they’re both in anime club and will occasionally cosplay together, she was the one who accidentally let it slip about the fanfic thing but Tsumugi couldn’t bring herself to be mad
Maki: Another outsider but on purpose, she met Tsumugi after she found Tsumugi getting bullied and pushed around by some older kids, and afterwards she hung around Tsumugi to protect her and they eventually got pretty close even though Maki is generally socially dead, she also helps get Tsumugi food when Tsumugi’s parents are too neglectful to feed her, she also is the main protector of Tsumugi from her bullies, before and after the fic
Kiibo: An exchange student from being homeschooled, he and Tsumugi used to be pretty close, he was pretty famous on social media so sometimes they would go and do influencer stuff together and he’d cosplay with her, eventually he started dating Miu and they got a bit more distant due to Tsumugi not being a big fan of Miu, but they have no harsh feelings towards each other, even though Tsumugi thinks he hates her, he’s also a top student, he was a little weirded out by how both he and Miu were portrayed in the original fic but after talking it out with Tsumugi he let it slide and they talk more often because of that
Kaede: She met Kaede in secondary school and they got fairly close up until Kaede met Rantaro, after they met Kaede started hanging out with him more (romantic or platonic is up for interpretation) and Tsumugi was really hurt and jealous which is why she has Kaede kill Rantaro, she and Tsumugi reignited a relationship after the fanfic thing came out because she was super concerned about how Tsumugi was doing since you don’t just write that stuff without having some sort of trauma, they became closer afterwards and told Tsumugi she was flattered she was made into such a nice girl but also kinda freaked out that Tsumugi technically killed her but they also talked that out, she didn’t hold pregame Kaede against her because Kaede did in fact act like that when she was younger
Rantaro: Him and Tsumugi knew each other in middle school but didn’t like each other, she envied him because of how easy of a time he had making friends, and later on hated him for “stealing” Kaede from her, he is on ok terms with Tsumugi after the fanfic incident because Kaede and Tsumugi reignited a friendship and they tolerate each other
Kirumi: Tsumugi fears and looks up to Kirumi, as Kirumi is head of the student council and class rep but also very strict, one time Tsumugi got pushed down before school and was forced to come with a dirty uniform and Kirumi ripped into her for it and made her cry (although Kirumi quickly apologized and tried to comfort her but the trauma already set in), after she learned about the fic she talked to Tsumugi and gave her a singular pass for it because she did a fairly good job capturing Kirumi’s determination and sophistication
Ryoma: She’s never talked to Ryoma personally but she knows he has a criminal record for some minor crime and that scares her alongside how he one time suplexed a student three times his size after the student tried to pick on him for being short
Korekiyo: He freaks her out and she really hates his sister, and one time he psychoanalyzed her and it hit way too close to home so now she both doesn’t like him and respects him, which is why she just has his sister be the motive/his abuser because she full on just hates her cause she’s a “normie” who made fun of her one time in public, after he learned about the fic he tried to talk to her about the original version of the v3 fic to talk it through because he knew about her issues and now they’re on good terms
Angie: Funny enough she just is way too afraid to talk to Angie because she is a foreign exchange student and Tsumugi was really confused by her religion which is why it’s handled so poorly and why Angie is so focused on Atua, Angie also is super confident in herself and extroverted and that intimidated Tsumugi so much she just never talked to her, after the fic Angie sat her down and educated her on the details of her religion so Tsumugi could fix any accidental misconceptions about the religion and culture
Tenko: With Tsumugi’s constant sexuality crisis, she also has internalized homophobia which is why Tenko, an open women lover, scares her so much, Tsumugi can’t comprehend it so she made Tenko really creepy and oddly violent towards men even though the actual Tenko only beats up men who harass her or other women and not just every single man, she’s also really nice to Himiko and because Tsumugi fears Tenko she warped it
Miu: Miu is also a woman confident in her sexuality, she just comes off a lot more strongly than Tenko and is even more intimidating to Tsumugi, Tsumugi also thinks she’s gross because she’s open about her kinks and her gross ways of making sure she’s healthy, after she and Kiibo started dating she started to resent Miu, but regardless of this she still acknowledges that Miu is a top student, she only really likes Miu because she and Kokichi hate each other, but after it got out that Tsumugi wrote the fic Miu tried to pick on her but Maki scared her off
Gonta: She really loves Gonta and at some point had a crush on him, but he turned her down after Kokichi spread rumors that she was afraid of bugs and Gonta didn’t want to freak her out due to the fact he lives in an area full of bugs and has a few pet bugs, she has no harsh feelings towards him however and still likes him, though not as a crush, Gonta was still super nice to her after the fic thing and doesn’t think any less of her
Kokichi: She absolutely despises him and everything he does, they’ve known each other since they were kids and he’s always picked on her, though to him he’s only friendly teasing and thinks they have a friendly rivalry, he does everything out of childish amusement and doesn’t actually think he’s doing any harm to her even though she actively hates him and has gotten punched on several occasions by Maki for teasing Tsumugi too much, he also is purposely controversial online and has tried to be cancelled way too many times but somehow finds a way to find dirt on the people cancelling him and now everyone is too scared to cancel him, he also “bullies” cosplayers on tiktok by dueting them and mocking them but to him it’s ironic but to everyone else it isn’t, he has done this to Tsumugi on multiple occasions and she hates it, he tried to tease her about writing the fic and blocking him but Maki punches him in the throat, he makes a tiktok about that as well but keeps her identity a secret
Kaito: He became Maki’s boyfriend sometime after she met Maki and, in his stupidity, accidentally insulted Tsumugi’s comfort cosplay and she hated him after that, his death and illness was inspired by the one time he got the flu and gave it to everyone and it ruined one of her wigs, after a while they began talking more and she began to realize he wasn’t a jerk, just really stupid, so she made him a nicer character, after it got out that she wrote the fanfics she asked if he was mad he died but instead he was like “nah man that was a super cool way to go”, he was confused on pregame Kaito until Tsumugi explained that that’s how she used to see him
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shitmak · 4 years
So @toadollie was answering some asks about different ships, I was gonna reblog and write my own thoughts on what he said, because i very much agreed with him. And then i realized "WOW this is a lot" and it would probably seem like i was trying to obscure or upstage his post. So here's a separate one to briefly talk about my feelings on Ougoku, because it makes me feel and think about a lot. This is the original post here, so check it out for context.
Oh and just a sidenote– this isn't meant as any disrespect to people who like this ship! I just think about it a lot and this post finally motivated me to write my thoughts out. Might do a more in depth thing in the future i dunno?
Ok let's go!
So to start, um.... their dynamic? Could have been VERY fuckin solid– in another world. The opposite personalities trope is always appealing (to me anyways), but the fact that Kokichi takes advantage of Gonta really ruins them for me, platonic or otherwise. Now hear me out, because i do think they have chemistry; it's just a bit more complicated.
So don't get me wrong here: i love Ouma's character, AND i know he manipulated plenty of people besides Gonta. But it feels worse knowing that not only was he tricked, but he was tricked into doing something that he would never do, if he'd understood how truly wrong it was.
Like for example with Miu (again, someone who holds a a very special place in my heart), she was a lot more selfish and desperate than Gonta. If her and Gonta's roles were reversed in chapter 4, it wouldn't have been as powerful when she was eventually accused and executed. The reason I say that is because it's more likely that she would have agreed to Kokichi's plan to benefit herself, more than she would have because she thought it was the "right" thing to do. That would result in less empathy or pity for her actions, because she would have showed that her classmates didn't really matter to her in the end.
I think you could say similar things about all the other characters as well. They all would have known that Kokichi's whole plan was immoral, and going along with it would make them no better than Miu, if she was in that situation. Gonta however, was the only one who wouldn't realize this, which unfortunately, made him the perfect (and only) target. That innocence of wanting to do anything to help his classmates, a lot of which he barely really knew, makes it so much more painful when he realizes that his kindness was taken advantage of, and that his actions had hurt more than they helped.
In another universe where this all didn't happen and where Kokichi didn't mess with Gonta specifically because of his naivety, i think they could be an absolute unit of a pairing. Imagine the possibilities if they helped each other instead of... well, everything that happened. Their opposite skill sets and personalities would make for amazing character development, and i'm honestly sad we didnt get more of it in the game.
Kokichi helping Gonta think strategically, or teaching him how to lead a crowd. Or reminding him that you probably shouldn't immediately trust every single person you meet, because really, that's not the best idea. And Gonta showing Kokichi that most people are NOT out to get him, and how things are often nicer and more "worth it" than they appear to be, if you can spare some kindness, patience and support. Demonstrating that support and trust is the opposite of weakness. And showing that maybe bugs aren't quite so bad. They would just keep building the other person up until they became nearly unstoppable, and I think that would be an AMAZING story in and of itself. That kind of Ougoku? 11/10. Maybe... a fic is in order?
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lunarleonardo · 20 days
Ok, quick question, do you have an idea for how long you want Love Letter to be? Because I genuinely need a vague idea of how long it's going to be until the comfort because IM DYING. I NEED A RESOLUTION, PLEASE. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE PLANNED OR ANYTHING, JUST AN APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR HOW MANY CHAPTERS THE FIC WILL BE. I don't usually read stuff this gruesome, so I'm like suffering right now because of my own dumbassness because I need a happy ending. I'm slowly dying from the suspense. I eat your content up every time, and like out of the maybe 4 or 5 fics you recently have made on the saiouma tag, I've only recently realized you wrote them all. YOU WERE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON AND I WAS JUST SHOCKED. (How are they pumping these out left and right?? What type of stuff do they think about to come up with this stuff? How do they stay so serious when writing?)<- genuine thoughts I had a few weeks ago. ANYWAYS, keep up the good work. I'll be waiting in dread until the comfort comes, but I'll still be eating the love letter chapters whenever they come out no matter what. Also, please shuichi do not cannibalize yourself. Please. Do not. That last paragraph in chapter 9 has e so worried.
Hi sorry! I would have answered this much sooner, but I got stuck in an Uno game that lasted for over an hour. BUT I'm finally free (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
I'm expecting Love Letter to be at least 20 chapters or so. There will be two more nighttime segment chapters (Shuichi's pov), and the rest will be the daytime segments with Kokichi and Maki. We're nearing the end of this arc, and after that, the recovery will start. I won't give away too much, but we're drawing ever closer! ^_^ As for an estimate until the recovery chapters... I'd say at least 7 or 8...? Maybe?? I don't have the last few days planned out chapter-wise, so we'll have to see for that one ;o; it's at least over 5
If you can't stomach the gruesome bits, I really don't recommend reading the fic (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) at least not the nighttime segments. Don't force yourself to read anything that makes you uncomfortable or ill!!
I can answer those three questions!
I have a lot of free time @_@ . Whenever I'm bored, I start writing. I have sooo many ideas and I love to share them! Everyone has been so supportive, and it's given me the confidence to post more and more of my stuff :) I write a lot and I write fast lol
Ever since I was little, I enjoyed the darker parts of fiction. I enjoy whump especially :p so I'm always thinking about different whump tropes and applying them to my favs. I also take a lot of inspiration from music and games-- M5DP was born between my replaying Your Turn To Die and an event that happened in a roleplay between me and my gf. The base idea for Fever Frost was born from the third Wings of Fire book, and reinforced with Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte. Impermanent Attachment happened because I found it funny to give Shuichi a gun, but also mostly because I had a Komahina timeloop fic I wanted to write for ao3 and just never got the confidence to at the time. (If anyone wants me to go more in depth with how I put these fics together, just ask. I have lots of notes o_O) I'm ALWAYS thinking and having ideas ^_^ trust me i would have way more fics up if i came to ao3 with the confidence to post my mer / vampire / dragons fics
? Honestly I'm not sure what this means, sorry QwQ I've been writing since my hands could touch a keyboard. I submitted a Pokémon fanfic for one of my 1st grade creative writing assignments. I take every story as seriously as the writer wants me to, and in the case of my own fics, there are some parts where the tone is serious and some parts where it's just like "wtf is going on". That "two late!" joke in Love Letter wasn't planned at ALL, it only happened because the idea made me giggle ;P
Anyhow, thank you!! Dread is a good emotion to have when it comes to Love Letter updates <3 /j I PROMISE the comfort will come. I cannot physically handle an unhappy ending,, or at the very least a hopeful one xD
As for Shuichi... well. I can't promise anything. O_o
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gontagokuhara · 8 months
po!Nagito: *literally saves hajime from death, lives together with him, has been in a relationship with him since ancient times, has basically been raising children with him for centuries, is quite literally married to him*
also po!Nagito: does he even like me fr
It's like I understand it as a komahina enjoyer but it also makes me wanna cry as a komaeda enjoyer😭 though he's not in the story much your characterization is so full and spot on that like I can fully understand the characters who only show up in 2 chapters (cough cough TAKAA my beloved<3) Like in only 2 chapters of screen-time we literally saw the interior design/gardening geek nagito, the panicked and screamy nagito, the tired dad nagito, the heartbroken nagito, and the god of luck who played rockpaper scissors for his husband's life, again, in like 2 chapters alone!!!! Don't get me started on taka I already rambled about him in the comment section
P.S. It's also funny how literally everyone (mainly kokichi) is questioning the big five's relationship choices 💀 I honestly feel like naegami has something to do with "big five god eye candy"💀💀💀💀💀
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just for the record i literally do not mind these asks/questions in the slightest to the contrary i LOOOOOOVE yapping especially about danganronpa especially about my own writing especially about pointy objects. no spoilers, but i do get a little in the weeds about behind-the-scenes, doesn't-fit-in-main-fic stuff
speaking of yapping: YOU KNOW THE DRILL
if only the extent of my yapping was known.........nagito and hajime are my favorite barbie dolls to mash together i love thinking about them i love writing them they are my danganronpa #2 and #3 (gonta <3) i am So mentally ill about them. ok.
so it makes me SOOOOO happy when people say they get my characterization. getting beneath a character's skin and making them feel both 1) recognizable as said character but also 2) distinct in that they fit naturally in the universe i'm writing them in is The thing i'm most attuned to when writing i think. (that and sniffing out plotholes i am so pedantic about my story telling). focusing on the v3 kids gives me very ample time to flesh them out into a balanced mix of the two, but with characters that aren't mainstays it makes me very happy hearing that it's not just, like, a dialogue machine spitting plot-relevant lines and instead the actual character that's meant to be talking. you know? ALL of that to say nagito is notoriously a tough nut to crack, it's a crapshoot on what you'll see him characterized as (with the potential to be really REALLY good and really Uh not so much), so hearing good things about MY guy <3 makes my heart grow five sizes or whatever
ok ok. god help us all when i post kmha writing again IM insane so moving on: other insane people (kokichi) (rantarou)
i could ALSO yammer on for ages about the messy god drama that i've mapped out in my mind palace. i can get much more specific once the fic is actually wrapped but the big five ESPECIALLY. oh what a mess. oh what a nightmare. there's like 1 and a half sane motherfuckers in that club and the half is presently threatening to end the world along with half the others. so. LMFAO
relationship drama especially (i've said that word so much oopsies) among the gods but the big five.........oh great heavens. it's not even the newest relationship within the big five but naegami has sooooo many haters. junko (makotophobic), mikan (in an abusive relationship, functionally makotophobic), nagito (byakuyaphobic), fuyuhiko & peko (also byakuyaphobic), izuru (thinks they're both cringe), hajime (wouldn't send rantarou/shuuichi to camp no matter how much he begged).....and that's only characters we've seen on screen so far LOL. kokichi is not alone in being a hater rather he's the new generation of virulently homophobic gay people. love wins <3
(also as an aside of the 'eye candy' thing; in the human world makoto doesn't beat the trophy husband allegations, but among the gods the roles are 100% reversed LOLLLLLLLLL when shit isn't hitting the fan he gets sooooo bullied during meetings if makoto isn't there)
okay and LAST thing that i sorta briefly touched on a second ago: no, rantarou has not been to camp before! hajime and nagito have offered COUNTLESS times, especially since shuuichi's mother died, but they've remained adamant on their decision to keep them at home in defiance of junko. they have very, very good reason to be extra vigilant about their kids' safety, and when contending with rantarou's precognition + shuuichi's ignorance on the gods......rantarou has been very informed on things, from a very young age. obviously he doesn't get Everything, but he's kept pretty up-to-date on the affairs of the gods. he knows about camp, he knows there are about a dozen or so there, and he knows who the counselors are — knew who hajime was as soon as he began teaching at he and shuuichi's last school, and who nagito was/had his number from a chat he and hajime had very early on into his tenure as their history teacher.
wow okay. THAT got long (as always) but as always i luv answering them!! so thank you <3
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kodzumie-archived · 4 years
Y'all ready for some sad boy times?
Spoiler warning for chapter 5 of Danganronpa V3! The queen of fluff is back but this time I'm here to bring some sad. So, remember the "Kokichi With An Ultimate Bodyguard S/O" Fic? Well, i was thinking, what if in the 5th chapter Maki dies and Y/N is the blackened? The way it happens is the first part is the same, Maki breaks into the hanger to have Kokichi answer questions or something and then, on instinct, Y/N rushes in and grabs the crossbow from Maki and shoots her in the neck with it. Killing her instantly. Throughout the trail, Y/N is helping and Kokichi is more an more desperately lying to make it look like Y/N is innocent. At the end of trail, Kokichi is crying, Kaito is glaring at her, and Y/N is just asking for forgiveness because she hates killing,"Kokichi, Kaito, everyone, I'm so sorry. Before i die, could i ask one more thing of you all? Please forgive me. I didn't mean to-" Y/N asks the group remaining, just before getting interupted by a certain sad supreme leader,
"SHUT UP! YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! YOU WERE JUST TRYING TO FULFILL YOUR DUTY OF THE ULTIMATE BODYGUARD. Just, please don't leave me..." he begs, clinging to Y/N like a small child
"Sorry Kokichi. It seems i can't do that. We know the rules of this horrible game," She tells the crying boy,"I wish that I could stay for longer, just, send me off with a smile ok? I don't want my last memory of you being with tears streaming down your face." 
"I can't, i won't let you leave! Don't leave! Don't leave me... Please..." Kokichi  pleas to whatever twisted god is still listening to him.
"If you can't see me off with a smile, the end this game for me, ok? I don't want you to suffer any longer," Y/N says, as she holds the small crying boy.
"Well i hate to interrupt this touching moment, wait- no I don't" a voice all to familiar voice rings out through the courtroom,"But we can't forget the most important part of this event. Now then, I've prepared a very special punishment for Y/N L/N, the ultimate bodyguard. Let's give it everything we've got, it's punishment time!"
"Noooo!" Kokichi yells, as he tries to hold Y/N down from her inevitable doom
"Good luck ending it everyone!" Y/N says, as a chain clasps around her neck, dragging her away from Kokichi, and to her painful death.
This hurt to write, i don't like writing my babies crying and in pain but it just worked. Have a good existence! -Dragon Anon, who now needs to cry a bit after writing that
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⤷ Kodzumie; Uwahh—!! An angsty piece, oh, how exciting this is!! I adore the sequence of Kokichi’s breakdown along with the emphasis of impact upon him!
It really shows the depth of their relationship between each other and the contrast with the others. Aah, it definitely provides insight on the inevitable lonelinesss to consume Kokichi once his S/O is gone.
This was written wonderfully and intertwined various aspects to enforce the misery which was incredible!! Aah, I loved reading this!! It brought a hole into my heart whilst also filling it as the same time. It’s so bittersweet; they truly cared so much for each other, and that care was what ultimately separated them.
Aah..!! This is incredible!! Thank you so much for writing it, love!! <3
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nebulastarss · 4 years
Another Danganronpa AU because I have a problem. Also because I've been reading a lot of time loop fics, don't judge me.
Whenever I go off on a tangent, I'll try to mark it with () or []
I've not managed to find one where Shuichi is the time traveler, but there's a fuckload of Kokichi. Yep, I'm actually including drv3 this time. A miracle. Let's take all the side antagonists, Byakuya Togami, Nagito Komaeda, and Kokichi Ouma. These little shits are uncooperative as all hell, but at least Byakuya is emotionally attached to his fellow survivers by the end.
Nagito and Kokichi both died, but for slightly different reasons, despite both trying to make an unsolvable murder.
Now that you know what characters I'm using, allow me to spill my ideas in a way that might not make much sense.
In all of their rooms, once they finish the first loop (canon) they find an extra tablet. That or an extra feature on the monopads. This allows them to chat with each other as they realize that they're all in the same situation.
Kokichi is already kinda attached to his classmates but paranoia and trust issues like to bite him in the ass. Nagito legit dies to try and kill all of them so he takes a while to come around. (Specifically after Byakuya ask Junko about the ultimate despair and why they follow her. "Manipulation and a hell of a lotta brainwashing!" Or something.)
Everytime they die, or finish the game wrong, the go into a blankness. Just an empty void that they stay in until the others also die/finish incorrectly. They all start the time loops at the exact same time, no matter when they finish.
Once Nagito gets aware of the goal (get everyone out alive) he tries it. He's the first to get out. Ultimate Luck and all that, also the fact that he was the one who initiated the murder.
I hear what your saying, "what about the fourth chapter" and to that I respond with what I remember from the game, "it's only real because you think it's real." If Nagito told them and convinced them it was virtual by then, they'd be fine. How'd he know it was virtual? He's already gotten to the end multiple times, just never with everyone.
That's enough about dr2 for now though, I talk about it too much anyway. Byakuya goes through his fair share of "fuck this" and is not ok. He and Kokichi both starve themselves before they realize the goal (they both realized during the same loops thanks to Shuichi and Makoto) meanwhile Nagito is fucking around because hey, what if I fuck with Fuyuhiko so much, he traps me in a tree and cuts off my fingers? Maybe that's the answer.
Look at the self-deprecating dumbass go-
Kokichi is trying his best, but he's really not sure how to pass the fourth or first chapters without someone dying. That's what most of his loops are, him dying while trying protect someone so he can get this shit over with.
Let's just say, Tsumugi often hits the gremlin child and the avocado. Once he figures out how to get past that (who knew bringing another person into the library would be so useful?) he's so fucking relieved because he can stop Kirumi a lot easier.
(Once they get past a motive with no death and then sleep, their progress "saves" so they don't have to keep doing it, and wake up in bed)
Byakuya is having a bad time, because there's Toko, but then Oogami, and oh fuck he forgot about Mukuro. Damn. Don't forget that Monokuma isn't above bending the rules! He'll gleefully execute the wrong person if their annoying enough.
The amount of times Byakuya got framed for murder and executed is so much higher than the other two, but it still happened occasionally. It happened to Nagito the least tho.
(At one point Kokichi fucks up and everyone thinks he's a girl, Nagito has to tap dance to distract everyone from murdering, and Byakuya is forced into gymnastics. Byakuya cussed one time in all of this, and it was when he first saw Makoto's dead body and Kyoko being framed. When he confessed this to the chat, Kokichi started spamming swears, which nearly gave Nagito a heart attack when he got online about halfway through.)
In this au, drv3's canon ending is bullshit because fuck that noise. As well as a little rewriting of dr3's future version. Byakuya is now an expert at doing stupid shit but no one dieing, so he does exactly that. He somehow wiggles into the meeting and (thanks to his painfully acquired chemical resistance) doesn't pass out.
He pretends to tho and basically breaks all of dr3 future version's canon. No one dies and Monica gets sent to Jabberwock Island where she freaks the fuck out at Nagito acting differently. Byakuya sighs as his time traveling friend tries to calm down a screaming child.
Of course, I went off on a tangent so here's drv3! They all get out, Tsumugi doesn't die (Kokichi learned his lesson about that already) and they get out, dragging a tied up Tsumugi with them.
Junko isn't dead either btw. Makoto is trying to reform her and kinda failing, but at least she isn't trying to kill him constantly.
[Her plans were always foiled by Byakuya cuz apparently he's still in the time loop. Every time someone (important) dies and he sees the body he wakes up that morning or yesterday with enough time to stop it. He's not sure why. The same thing starts happening to Nagito when he gets out, but they always loop together. Dr3 was a nightmare for Nagito, because he didn't know what was happening to Byakuya]
Kokichi steps out and finds that, instead of it all fading to black like normal, it fades to white. He smiles as it fades because that means he did a good job, even if he hasn't been able to talk to Nagito for seven loops or Byakuya for two.
Then he wakes up and finds them both standing over his hospital bed. (they sent pictures of themselves in the group chat) and it turns out that Junko had kidnapped them when they were children and forced them into multiple killing games, that they'll never remember, but the fake talents they have now are practically real talents, so they're artificial just like Hajime's.
Then, because drv3 is a literal teen and not an adult with only their teenage memories like dr2, the whole cast gets practically adopted by the adults. Their parents are all dead.
(all the backstories are kind of similar to reality. Kokichi was in an orphanage with a small group of friends that liked to play pranks. Shuichi's parents were abusive so his uncle took him in. His uncle in dead now soo-
Hurt/comfort saiouma and you can't stop me. Mutual healing is what gives me life. Also neagirigami. And komahina. Let the antagonists be gay/bi for the protagonists/heroine.)
Kokichi's game ended only a few months after Nagito's.
Let me know if this is kind of hard to understand because of how much I jumped around, and I'll try to explain whatever confused you!
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drshojo · 4 years
The World, My Childhood And My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
Hello friends!  
Its Dr. Shojo coming at you with a post that will be divided into three parts!
Part One: The world as we know it! 
The world has changed a lot since we last connected. For starters, TOILET BOUND HANAKO KUN HAS NOT ONLY A PHYSICAL RELEASE BUT A GORGEOUS ANIME! And not only that, but MY NEXT LIFE AS A VILLAINESS: ALL ROUTES LEAD TO DOOM! IS GETTING AN ANIME AS WELL! The last time I wrote about Katerina there wasn’t even an official English translation of that long-ass light-novel-title. And now?
Do you think it’s my fault? No matter, I’ll take all the credit. All the manga I talk about are getting anime adaptations. I’LL DO MY DUTY AND TALK ABOUT SOME MORE!
But first. Let us address the Covid-19 shaped elephant in the room
I deeply regret that it took a whole-ass pandemic to get me back to writing. In my defense, I bought an iPad and started drawing like 900 kokichi oumas. I was really busy with that. And then I started reading fanfiction. Then that got me thinking about how fanfiction such an interesting look into how people interpret fandom, use it for wish fulfillment and escapism, and good god is everyone OK cause that bulimia fan fic was super detailed....and I am officially on a tangent. Off track. Ahem.
We are all staying inside a whole lot more which means y’all probably need some reading material and Dr. Shojo has your back! Go read “Horimiya”! It’s amazing! Ahhhh, my work here is done! I'm serious, if you’re here for a Shojo rec, that’s it! There's also like 8 million more Otome Isekais to check out now. It’s like they’re multiplying like rabbits..............
As a Doctor, I must advise you to stay inside and read some manga and practice social distancing. Embrace your inner hikikomori. 
Allright? All good? Okay now one final disclaimer:
This post is going to be talking about something a little different than usual and I want to start by giving you some context about who Dr. Shojo is in real life. 
Part Two: Dr. Shojo Exposed 
You see, when I was little I was obsessed with Japanese media. This doesn't surprise you at all I can tell. Probably because I walk around calling myself Dr. Shojo and shout about manga that you should read.
Anyways, the reason why I was obsessed wasn’t because of the big eyes or the spikey hair or the interesting new culture. It was because it tended to have more character development and overarching plotlines than the media I was used to in Canada. Dexter’s Lab, Magic School Bus, pretty much everything I saw on TV was episodic in nature, so imagine how much my mind was blown when I saw Naruto and Card Captor Sakura, heck, even Pokémon had the Indigo Plateau! Here were kids that were learning more and more each day and got to see enemies become friends and vice versa. They lived and grew older just like me. Except they were cooler than me. And had more interesting lives than me. I gotta tell you, I was so sad when I was 12 and Kero didn’t tell me I had latent magical powers. But there was magic in my life and it was the magic of a complex narrative story. And not only that, it had a sense of movement and had cool costumes. I was hooked immediately.
Also, fun fact, at that age I happened to be a complete and utter tomboy! I loved pretending to fight my friends in the playground and was really worried that puberty would ruin my life because being a girl sounded so CUMBERSOME.
Which leads me up to my confession. Before I became Dr. Shojo, I was in fact......Dr. Shonen.
Bleach? Naruto? One Piece? I've read every single chapter there is.  
Hundreds of hours of watching fight sequences. Another fun fact, I only got into shojo because my aunt bought me volume 7 and 8 of Fruits Basket thinking “all mangas like the same right? Kids love comics?” It’s a tribute to how episodic western media was back then that she thought buying volume SEVEN and EIGHT was a REASONABLE PLACE TO START READING.
Now you might also say, Hey! Dr Shojo! Cardcaptors was a shojo! And you are right! but back then the anime was marketed to boys over here in the west and they actualy like, edited out episodes that they thought wouldn't interest boys?! Second fun fact, Once when I was in Grade 3 I was told I was not allowed to join a club under the stairs cause I was a girl and it was BOYS ONLY. The point of the club? To talk about how great Cardcaptors was! I Kid you not!
So anyways, your pall Dr. Shojo loves Shonen manga to this day!
The only reason I made this Dr. Shojo blog specifically about shojo is because, being a tomboy with no female friends, reading shojo manga was the first time I really thought about what it meant to be a girl and fall in love. And y i k e s. Shojo manga, like most media, fails miserably most of the time in displaying real world relationships. Or at least, it  doesn't prepare you for how disappointing everything can be. When I had my first kiss, I was thinking about how it didn’t feel at all like how I felt reading Zen and Shirayukis kiss in Akagame No Shirayuki Hime. Those were formative years, and shojo was one of the only places I saw romance being talked about for younger audiences. I liked reading romances where no one had any sexual experiences and were figuring out what love meant to them. But let’s shelve this topic for now.
The point is that gender roles are dumb and if you have an open mind there's a world of stories out there for you. Take this time inside to read something you wouldn’t normally. Critically think about the ways that the worlds you see in stories and how you experience the world differ. What are the messages a story is trying to tell you? And why do you like the stories you do? Reflect on how the stories you tell yourself color your view of the world. Even mindless entertainment leaves an impression on us. Anyways.
Whilst you're doing that, I'm going to absolutely lose my hecking mind over the Shonen Jump series MY HERO ACADEMIA: Vigilantes!
Part Three: I downloaded the one month free trial of the Shonen Jump app and made you read all that, so I can tell you that today Dr. Shojo is going to rant about a spin-off of a shonen manga
OK, so by this point in the article you have learned two very important things about me: 1) I love Shonen manga and 2) I read a lot of fanfiction.
Specifically, I read an absolutely biblical amount of My Hero Academia fan fiction and let me tell you, A solid chunk of it is vigilante/ Deadpool / criminal with a heart of gold themed.
So when I saw Hero Aca had a spin off, and it was about vigilantes, I was NOT SURPRISED IN THE SLIGHTEST. Ao3 sure is powerful.
My gripes aside, there's a reason why there's such an abundance of vigilante story telling—
Deadpool made like an absolute buttload of money and people love sass and memes.
People have a desire for a story in which they see themselves. Or, how they think of themselves.They like a story about someone who maybe came from nothing. Someone who has less money, maybe someone who is unlucky and had some bad breaks. Someone who never learned they had magic, never got their Hogwarts letter, never saw Kero, someone who never got that God-level quirk from All Might. And if your on Ao3 They want someone who also has seen a lot of memes and kind of wants taco bell and is also questioning their sexuality a bit?
Enter our new hero VIGILANTE DEKU.  
But the cannon can't do this, cause hey, Deku is the chosen one. Albeit, chosen by All Might, He’s got his own thing to do. But how can we still cash in on a vigilante story?
And thus enter our New-New hero KOICHI HAIMAWARI—code name Nice Guy and then later The Crawler. True to his relatable roots. He’s just a dude in an hoodie who can go about as fast as a bike.
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First off, I love Koichi. He wants to be a hero and fight crime, but most of the time he has to run away because at the end of the day he's just a dude.
He’s cute but not wildly good-looking, A bit of a nerd but not like an extreme okaku. He’s got a part time job and hates violence.
And this is where Koichi really shines—in every day stuff. He helps out wherever he can. Often, that just means listening to people complain and maybe helping his friends out with whatever they’re going through. He’s the kind of guy who smiles, not because he's especially brave, but because he just takes things one at a time and doesn't sweat the past. I think it’s really telling that he missed getting into hero high-school because he skipped the entrance exam to help someone. He’s the kind of person who lets us experience the superpower of human decency and empathy. And you know what? That’s something the world need desperately.  
This theme of human decency is really the driving force of Vigilantes—it’s a manga about how the laws are there for a reason but sometimes they unfairly impact the poor and vulnerable. It's about how a lot of criminals are just people who fell into bad social circles or on bad times. People have the capacity for cruelty and violence but that’s never all they are.  
Now, speaking of crime, the entirety of Hero Aca falls into some murky water when it comes to its evil doers. Much of the fandom has a huuuuuge problem with how much the franchise is willing to sweep under the rug in the name of redeeming their baddies. RE: people getting mad about forgiving Endeavor’s child abuse, or Bakugo’s suicide baiting. Or Mineta’s blatant sexual harassment.
But this theme is in Vigilantes even more than it ever was in the main series. To start off with, there’s this guy who tries to rape Pop Step early on, and the later he later winds up befriending everybody. It becomes a running gag that each new villain winds up befriending the other villain guys and then they all open a cat café together.
Using jobs as a way to lift people out of lives of crime is great and all but in the story there is no nuance or consequences for past wrong and well.....it feels very weird.  It's like Vigilantes plays at having an opinion about moral ambiguity and the complexity of human existence and then just.......lets everyone get along because who has time to get into all that. Make of that what you will but it sits weird for me personally.
Anyway, let's move on and talk about POP STEP our main girl!
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I love pop stars and I love vigilantes and a guerrilla performer is defiantly a character I could get behind. And I think they do a good job with Pop. She is actually kind of shy, but has this secret edgy persona she puts on when she performs. She is every girl on tumbler in the early 2000s. I also looooove that they make her not that great a singer. SHE’S GOT PASSION AND CHARISMA and maybe not born talent but like why should that stop you! Talent can be earned through practice and this is a great lesson to show people.
Unfortunately, Pop is also a great example of everything wrong with romance in Shonen.
It’s established early on that Pop loves Koichi because she is the girl he rescued all those years ago and yada yada yikes we’ve heard this one before. Many times before.
Sure, it's fine that they’ve met before, but gosh am I sick of damsels in distress. It's like she can't love him just because she respects what a great guy he is in her life and in the community at large, no no, she just needs to be rescued on top of that. And LOLOLOL isn't it funny he never noticed she was a girl because she was a child with short hair?! Once he realizes she has boobs now they will for sure fall in love! That’s how love works!
She's just with him all the time—nothing romantic ever happens she just gets a little tsundere.
I am never ever going to believe Koichi likes Pop because he spends like sooooo much time with her and they never have like, a moment. The first time he considers her is when Makoto is like, ‘hey I would love to get together with you, but have you thought about if you are crushing on Pop’. (Also this entire plot point is suspect—she's arbitrarily falling for Koichi cause he.......is the protagonist?)  
Say what you will about shojo, they give you the emotional conversations, the moments where you think.....ahhh I can see why she is falling for him. They give you context! Shonen likes to just say HERE’S A GIRL YOUR AGE. YOU CAN DATE LATER WHEN THE ADVENTURE IS DONE.
Just when they might get together, Pop suddenly turns evilllllll. The evilllll beeeees made her eeeevilllll (and more sexy).
Because why on earth would they get together if Koichi didn’t get to rescue Pop one more time?
I’m tired. These troupes are tired. I’m sure you are too. HOWEVER! If your still with me, Let’s move into why I'm really writing this post. Let’s get to the part that got me screaming to my friends, who by the way, don’t even care bout Hero Aca….but listened anyways. May you all find nakama like these my friends.
I present to you my late night text messages to my friends
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AHEM, so as you can see, I kinda lost my shit.
Eraserhead, aka Aizawa Shouta, is a side character who is working with the police on some crime stuff. He is not a main cast member in this spin off. He’s a guest character that fans of the main series will be like OH COOL. GRUMPY CAT MAN LIKES CATS ON HIS OFF HOURS TOO. LOVE THAT FOR HIM.
So, my imagine my absolute surprise when Aizawa runs into Koichi and the following happens:
It starts to rain, so, like in any good manga, this means some great FORCED BONDING TIME
What the ever-loving-just WHY?
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I mean its ongoing, so it’s too early to say but—
In conclusion—
Excuse me one more,
Anyways, I hope you liked this weird rant/personal-story/random-diatribe in three parts.
If you’re reading this, thank you, stay safe, and I’ll be back with more shojo manga next time.  
Dr. Shojo
(aka Dr. Shonen)
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