#okay I need to stop adding more in the tags than in the actual post
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because I can never just like the first design of a character I make—
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owliellder · 1 year
Two's A Crowd
College Bully! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Description: College is proving to be a lot harder than you imagined. You cannot fail this math class. So when you've tried everything else, a well-known student is recommended to you by your professor for tutoring lessons, not really leaving you with much of a choice but to work with him.
Warnings: Not proofread, No Use of Y/N, Dub-Con, Unprotected Sex, Bullying, Yelling, Cursing
Tags: College AU, Bully! Leon, Shy! Reader, both are in their early 20's, Leon is Rude AF in the beginning, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, Fingering, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Tags to be Added
Author's Note: Forgiveness is requested but not expected. Downhill we go!!
Cross-posted onto AO3
Chapter 3:
Over time, you grew less and less worried with Leon’s nice behavior. Your math grade has gone up significantly, surpassing a low C which is a passing grade, but since the tutor sessions have become much more bearable, you haven’t felt the need to stop going. Besides, you have an A streak to fulfill.
Your friends stayed suspicious about the frat boy’s intentions, however. The way you’d become so unbothered with everything relating to him had them stressed, yet at the end of the day, “no asshole can hold up a facade like that for this long”, as per Sky’s words.
Easygoing is the best way to describe Leon at this point. A gentle soul, from what you can tell. He goes out of his way to hold the door for you, share his food with you whenever he brings it, and he even gets excited with you whenever you get an A on any of your assignments or tests. It makes you happy that you held out for him.
“And that makes sense to you?” Leon was standing next to you, leaned over with both his hands on the table. You were both in the study room, only this time you had finished everything math related. Thanksgiving break had come and gone so everything had shifted towards the finals before Winter break, meaning now you were using the space to go over the study guide for the final given by one of your other professors, though it would’ve been nice to have your math study guide to burn into your brain since it’s your biggest struggle.
“Yeah, this is easy for me,” you mutter, hand against your mouth as your eyes move back and forth across the packet of information in front of you. Having Leon leaning over you had been commonplace since mid-November. He turned out to be very nosey. “Shouldn’t you be focusing on your own classes?”
You didn’t need to look at him to know he was extremely confused by your study guide. “Uhh.. nah,” he stood upright and slowly made his way around the table, sitting down in front of you with a small groan as he relaxed into the seat. “I’ve made it through the past couple years here without ‘em. No need for ‘em now.” You nodded to the side at his, bringing the pen you were holding up to your mouth to nibble on the end of it. “Makes sense…”
It took awhile before you noticed his nervous fidgeting, looking up from your study guide to give him a worried look. “Are you bored? I can finish up in my dorm if you-”
“Do you want to get dinner with me tonight?” He cut you off, his eyes meeting yours before the room fell silent. The question was so sudden and you weren’t expecting anything like it, so it just had you confused. You must’ve looked it, too, since he moved his eyes away from yours while crossing his arms. “I mean-.. Y’know, figured I’d ask..”
Seeing him get nervous was always pretty cute to you, such a handsome guy getting worked up over you never failed to flatter you. “Oh, yeah! I’d like that, actually..” You giggled when Leon looked back at you, soon grabbing your few supplies to put back into your backpack. 
Relief spread across his face, moving to stand as you collected your items. “Good, okay, uh.. How’s Olive Garden sound?” To the average college student, Olive Garden was some high class fine dining. Anyone would be a fool to say no to an offer like that.
Just like your friend told you not to do, the absolute biggest no-no when it came to these types of college guys, you let Leon get even closer. It was just dinner in the beginning, but you started seeing him outside of study sessions afterwards with him going out of his way to seek you out and hang out with you and you the same. “Just going out to dinner” turned into dates real fast, faster than you even had time to process. 
You’ve almost completely forgotten about just how nasty he was towards you not three months prior with how he doted on you. Leading up to finals week, Leon made sure to bring you food after noticing your long study habits. He wouldn’t even give you a choice, just a simple “whaddya feeling tonight?” over text. He’d hang out in your dorm with you while you ate, much to your roommates dismay, and sometimes he’d just show up for no reason other than to see you. You’d blush and shy away from his flirting, he’d tease you, and you’d get mad at him for distracting you in a playful way. Even if you wanted to be actually mad at him, you couldn’t, not with that cheeky little grin he’d give you.
You never questioned his nosiness as he familiarized himself with your dorm, rummaging through your drawers as you whined at him from the bed to stay out of your stuff. Honestly, you’d probably look through his stuff too if you had the chance.
Having a boyfriend during your first year of college wasn’t exactly a goal, and you don’t know if this is even a relationship or not, but you weren’t complaining. It was so nice having someone care about you like this, especially when it’s someone who’s, to you, way out of your league in almost every sense. Though he wasn’t the most outgoing, he was very well known, and being seen with him meant the attention he received was spilling onto you. Hell, you didn’t even know he played football until he passed by you with his friends, all in their football get-ups. He never bragged about any practices or games to you, maybe you should’ve asked about the various bruises and scuffs he’d show up to the study sessions with. Oh well.
Every night during finals week, Leon would take you out for dinner under the guise of “destressing from the long day”, not that you minded, of course. You were growing increasingly anxious about your last final, the big one; math. The two of you were sitting in his black Jeep Wrangler as it idled out in the parking lot of McDonald’s, snacking on what was left of your meal in a comfortable silence. The combination of the heater blowing on you and the food in your stomach was settling you, if only a little.
Leon kept his eyes on you the entire time, hand rubbing soothingly up and down your thigh. His hand was so warm. “You’ll pass, I know you will.” His soft touch barely had you cracking a smile, looking through the windshield as large snowflakes quietly fell, lit up by the streetlights surrounding the parking lot and by the headlights on his car. The snow had accumulated an inch on the ground already, the sun having set nearly two hours prior. Winter and its short days, a blessing and a curse. “I don’t know..” You could feel his eyes on you, yet yours were stuck staring out at the falling snow. “My nerves always get me. I’m gonna make the stupidest mistakes and then once the final grades are in my parents’ll wanna see and then I’ll be surrounded be disappointment and shame and guilt.”
You closed your eyes and slumped your shoulders when you felt Leon squeeze your thigh, finally able to turn and look back at him. “You know that’s not how it’s gonna go.” He let out a breathy laugh when you raised an eyebrow. “Oh come on, you’ve got it down! Plus, you had an amazing tutor~..”
With a dramatic groan, you rolled your eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows at you, unable to hide your smile. “I guess, but you weren’t that amazing..”
Leon moved his free hand and brought it up to his chest, holding it there with a strong pout to feign hurt. “You wound me.. Was I nothing to you?” His smile quickly returned when you clicked your tongue at him, chuckling through his nose. “Seriously though, I’ve never met anyone as smart as you are. You learned how to do that kind of stuff incredibly fast, so I don’t have a single doubt in my mind that you won’t demolish that final.” His compliments always left you blushing and at a loss for words, playfulness giving way to a more heavy air. “Thank you, Leon. Really, thank you...” 
You were too wrapped up in watching the snow fall through the windshield to notice when his hand pulled away from your thigh, or just how guilty he looked as he silently watched you.
The math final was easier than you were expecting. You understood basically everything that had been put on it minus a couple things that you scolded yourself for not brushing up on last minute. Grades weren’t put in until a week or more after the finals were turned in, yet you were confident enough in how it went to feel good leaving that room afterwards. 
This first semester had really tested your limits, but you were lucky to have your friends, lucky to have Leon. It didn’t feel strange having him around anymore, it felt natural, real. There weren’t enough ways to thank him for all that he did between tutoring you and taking care of you overall. 
You yelped with laughter as Sky picked you up, their arms around your midriff, waving you side to side as they yelled how proud they were of you. Ella only stood by and laughed along, making sure to take a picture of the moment as keepsakes. “Guys, I don’t even know if I passed yet!” You pushed away from Sky and they placed you back down on the ground, smoothing out your shirt which had you swatting their hands away.
“But! You survived and that’s always cause for celebration.” Ella pocketed her phone and took a couple steps forward so you were all standing in a small circle now. “You really pulled through these last few months.”
Thanks to Leon. “I did, huh?” You looked down with a bashful smile, shrugging before pulling the strap on your backpack further up so it wouldn’t slip off your shoulder. “You know,” Sky started, resting their elbow on your other shoulder while pursing their lips as they slowly turned their head to look at you, “you’re not very good at hiding your love for Leon..” 
You weren’t trying to hide it, it's just that even the vaguest thought about the man had you flustered and stumbling over your words like a fool. All you could do now was glare at your friend, who just raised their hands up in defense. “Hey now, not poking fun, just making an observation.”
Ella placed her entire hand over Sky’s face and pushed them away from you, ignoring their muffled complaints as she looked at you. “We’ll always be suspicious because we’re your friends and we care about you, but as long as you’re careful, we’ll keep our distance.”
Sky pulled Ella’s hand off their face, making gross-out noises while wiping their face off. “Blegh, anyways, yeah. Keeping our distance, but still watching from afar.” They pointed their index and middle finger from their eyes to yours before smiling.
You hung around in their dorm as Ella finished packing up her suitcase. She’s had her plane ticket back home booked for a month, constantly expressing her need to leave as soon as finals were finished during that time. Sky was leaving the same day you were, which was in two days since you both drove or were driven here. Leon stayed at his frat house all school year, so you were thankful to have two people sticking around so you weren’t left all alone.
Unfortunately, this meant you had your own packing to do. Thankfully though, your roommate had already left, sparing you from their menial chit-chat. Packing was almost cathartic in a weird way, almost as if you saw going home as a reward for working yourself to the bone at this university. Quiet music was playing from your phone as you gathered the essentials, you’d be coming back in three weeks so there wasn’t any need to pack up everything.
A gentle knock knock knock at your dorm’s door startled you from your thoughts, causing you to blink a few times to make sure it wasn’t just coming from the song that was playing. Slowly, you made your way over to the door, and before you’d even opened it fully, Leon slipped his way through, side stepping into the room with a cheeky smile. 
You scoffed as you watched him weasel his way in, hand stuttering away from the door handle to allow the heavy door to shut. “You could’ve waited until I opened the door all the way.” 
“I knocked, though.” Mischief was evident in his tone as his eyes landed on the suitcase sitting on your bed. “Getting ready to leave?”
“Not for another couple days. Just.. wanna be ready.” You walked past him over to your suitcase, continuing to fold the last few pieces of clothing you wanted to bring back home. “Perfect, got some extra time to spend with you then.” Leon chuckled, now standing next to you to watch you get back into rhythm.
Having him admit that so casually had you nervous, cheeks heating up as you glanced over at him. “Wouldn’t you rather hang out with your friends?” The eyebrow raise he gave you made you stumble as you tried to elaborate. “N-not that I don’t want to hang out with you! I just feel like you’d have more fun celebrating the end of the semester outside of a stuffy dorm.” You tried to laugh away the embarrassment, moving your focus back to the suitcase as you zipped it up.
“I can celebrate with those slobs any time, but for right now, I would really like to be around you.” Leon carefully lifted your suitcase off the bed, placing it near the door for you. “You’re nice and quiet. They’re not.” You sighed after lifting yourself up onto your bed, sitting criss-cross right in the middle while meekly smiling to yourself, watching him walk back over to stand in front of you.
“By the way,” he said, turning his head to look out your window for a split second before looking back down at you, “I haven’t had the chance to tell you how proud I am of you for coming out of that math final. I know results take awhile, but you seem pretty pleased with yourself.” He crossed his arms and bent forward a bit with a teasing smirk as he not-so-subtly looked you up and down.
You covered your face with your hands and laughed into them, a poor attempt to hide your ever increasing blush. After letting your hands fall away, you bunched the end of your hoodie up in them, fiddling with the thick fabric as you replied. “Yeah, uh.. I think I did alright.” You were going to say more, but you stopped when Leon’s hand found its way under your chin, tilting your head back so you were looking at him. “C’mon, don’t downplay this, baby. You did amazing and you know it.”
Your mind went blank at the pet name and you were finding it hard to breathe with the way his hand felt under your chin. The air in your dorm was a tad tense before, yet now it just felt heavy. Stifling. All you could do was stare up at him with wide eyes, eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as you tried to think of something, anything to say.
“Did I catch you off guard?” He said with a breathy laugh, gently tilting your head side to side as he studied you. And you let him. Your mouth felt dry, face hot as he leaned in closer. “You’re so beautiful..” His voice dropped an octave and his eyes were lidded as they stared into yours. “So smart, so brave..” Soon his lips were brushing against yours, whispering out a final “So perfect..” before pulling you into a gentle kiss.
It didn’t take long for you to relax into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut as you tried to mimic Leon’s movements. His hands cautiously slid down to grasp at your waist while yours moved up to cup his face, pulling him closer. He slowly crawled onto the bed with you tugging him along, leaving you laying down as he hovered over the top of you, knees planted on either side of your legs while one of his arms moved up to support himself. 
He was doing his best to be careful with you, noting your nervous tremble as his right hand slid under your hoodie. “M’gonna take care of you, ‘kay?” He hummed against your sensitive skin, kissing along the underside of your jawline. You only nodded as his lips trailed down your neck, stopping when your hoodie got in his way of the rest of you. “Need you to say ‘okay’ f’me, baby.”
Nearly whining when he stopped, you nodded again a bit more vigorously this time, voice barely a whisper. “O-..Okay..” You propped yourself up slightly when Leon pulled his head away from your neck, his eyes meeting yours as both his hands were now playing with the end of your hoodie. “Y-Yeah, okay…” You repeated.
First it was your hoodie, then it was his jacket, and before you knew it, he had you in his arms, chest pressed against yours as he reached around to unclasp the hooks on your bra. You immediately brought your arms up to cover your breasts once Leon leaned back after pulling your bra off, self-consciousness suddenly settling in. “Hey hey, no need to hide from me..” He cooed, eyes raking down your body as he grabbed your hands to pull your arms away, thumbs rubbing circles onto the tops of your hands as he stared with a crooked smile. 
You took the opportunity to take in his form; muscular, a couple old scars and freckles standing out to you. He was gorgeous, through and through, no doubt about it. He took notice, craning his neck to look down at his exposed chest before looking back up at you. “Looks good, huh?” That got a small giggle out of you, at least.
He slowly guided you back down onto the bed, his hands firmly rubbing up and down your sides. “You look even better, though. Layin’ pretty beneath me~..” His right hand found its way to your panties, running his fingers along the band before trailing further down to press his middle finger against the gusset. You gasped at the feeling while he laughed quietly, leaning back a bit further to catch a glimpse of the wet spot he was feeling. “You’re soaked.. Lil’ bit of touching got you all worked up?”
Your hands flew up to hide your face again as he rubbed his finger up and down your clothed pussy, letting out small gasps and whimpers all the while. You shakily nodded, subconsciously spreading your legs further apart as he slotted himself between them. 
“Tell me something, babe.” Leon paused his movements to look up at you, huffing a chuckle through his nose when he noticed you’d covered your face. “You seem real nervous, so I’m jus’ wonderin’...” Dread settled in your stomach at his implication, you were hoping he wouldn’t ask this. “Yes..” You whispered, parting your fingers over your right eye so you could look at him. “Don’t make me say it, please…”
He hummed low in his chest, eyes darkening as they moved back down to your panties. “Juuust wonderin', is all..” His finger started to caress you over your panties again while adding a bit more pressure. “There’s no shame in being a virgin. Only means I gotta make this extra special for you~.” You moved your hands to shoot him a weak glare and he smiled in return. “Didn’t say I couldn’t say it.”
Once he felt your tremble start to dissipate, he brought his hands up and hooked his fingers on the band of your panties before slowly tugging them off, letting out a low groan as a string of slick stayed connected to the gusset from your leaking pussy. “Fuck, that’s hot..” He breathed in sharply through his teeth, taking your panties into one hand before grabbing his hoodie, stuffing them into the large pocket in the front.
Leon didn’t waste any time putting himself back between your legs, languidly dragging his middle finger up and down through your folds. He relished in your every noise, even as you tried to hold them in. “You ever finger yourself before?” He asked, voice gravelly as he repeatedly pulled his finger back to watch your slick cling to it by a string. 
“... no..” Your innocence had him groaning to himself again. He could ignore the guilt eating away at him long enough to handle you the way you needed to be handled. “Let’s give it a try then, yeah?” He hunched over some more so his face was hovering above yours, middle finger now gently circling your clenching hole.
“P-Please be careful..” You whimpered, slightly panicked at the feeling of his finger nudging your entrance, one of your hands grasping the bed sheets while the other held onto his bicep that was closest to you.  “I’ll be so careful, baby.. I promise I’ll be careful.”
And he was. What would’ve normally been a relatively quick process turned into ten minutes of Leon tenderly stretching you on his fingers. He studied your face the entire time, whispering sweet words into your ear, even letting out deep moans to encourage your own timid ones. You needed the time. There's no rush.
He moved down to pair his fingers with his mouth, tongue running through your wet folds as his fingers stroked your walls. The noises you let out when he sucked on your clit were intoxicating. You were intoxicating.
Once Leon pulled his mouth and fingers away from you, you knew what was coming. And when he paused for a moment after standing up, hands hooked in his boxers, eyebrows tightly furrowed together in thought, that only served to make you more nervous.
“..Leon?” You managed to say, propping yourself up on your elbows as you watched his shake himself out of his head. “Yeah, sorry, just… thinking about the best way to go about this. Don’t wanna scare you.”
“You-... I’m not gonna be scared..” You looked from his face down to his boxers, eyeballing where his fingers were still hooked in them. He just clicked his tongue, nodding his head to the side with a soft “if you say so”. 
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were scared. There wasn’t much frame of reference, but Leon was… sizeable, for lack of a better term. And it wasn’t just his size that was intimidating to you, it was the idea of sex itself. Sex has always been made out to be this big grandiose milestone by everyone around you, so now that you’re about to actually do it is giving you the same sinking feeling that public speaking does. 
“You’re scared.” Leon had pulled his boxers all the way down without you noticing, letting them lay abandoned on the floor as he took the small step back towards you. “No.” You were quick to object, eyes still glued to his dick. He chuckled and tilted your head back by your chin once more. “Yes, you are, and it’s okay. I’m not gonna kill you with it.”
“You might…” You muttered under your breath, eyes lowly making their way back down to his dick as he got back up onto the bed and in between your legs. “I promised you I’d be careful, right?” Leon grunted, his hand squeezing the base of his cock before giving it a few slow strokes. 
You swallowed dryly, pulling your eyes away and back up to meet his. “Yeah…” He nodded, giving you a wobbly smile as he teased his thumb across his tip. “Right. So don’t worry, I’ve gotcha..”
You only nodded, doing your best to keep your eyes up and focused on his face as he lubed himself with your juices. Your eyes widened once you felt him line himself up with your hole, body jerking a bit at the slight pressure.
“You gotta relax, sweetheart..” He used his freehand to stroke your thigh before pulling your right up over his shoulder, hand moving back down so his thumb could rub your clit. “Just breathe and focus on what my hand’s doin’, alright?”
The two of you were lucky that a lot the people in your dorm building left already, cause when his tip finally pushed past that ring of muscle, you let out an embarrassingly loud yelp. It hurt, but it was also such a new feeling that it simply startled you. “Okay, okay, that’s the hardest part. You did it.” You panted, hands tugging at the blankets beneath you as he stilled. “Okay…” You copied him, nodding your head once you felt you were ready for him to move.
The sting of the stretch was the hardest to get by, however it was easily masked by just how full you felt after Leon was fully sheathed inside you. So new, yet so good. 
You let out a shaky sigh, eyes closing as you rested back against the bed. Your heart was beating and your body felt hot. It was actually a nice feeling. “You- ugh.. You can move.. a little..” You breathed out, grunting softly when you felt him twitch.
“Mhm..” Leon agreed with only a hum, not trusting his mouth enough to speak. He pulled back an inch before thrusting just as slowly,  eyes darting around your face for any sign of discomfort. A minute or so of taking it slow led to deeper thrusts, following your command as you asked for “harder”, “deeper”, “faster”. All with that sweet voice that he couldn’t say no to.
You were eating away at him and you didn’t even know it; wrapped around him so perfectly, that delicious honey of yours dripping down his balls, moaning his name, looking at him with those glassy eyes, fuck. He fits you so well.
He kept his eyes closed, unable to look at you any longer. Ignoring the guilt was harder than he thought, even with him thrusting into you like he owned you. You weren’t his, he can't have you the way you want him to-
“Shit-!” He gasped, too lost in his own thoughts to notice you’d grown close until you abruptly clenched around him, sloppy cunt milking his cock. His thrusts stuttered to a stop as he buried himself deep into you, cumming with a whine of his own. Looking at the wall with bleary eyes, he furrowed his brow again, chewing on the inside of his cheek while he caught his breath.
Clarity crashed into him when you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a weak hug. He needed to go, but how could he leave you like this? God, he was so fucked.
He should’ve just stayed an asshole, that would’ve kept you far away. And he should’ve never taken that stupid bet. All this for a pair of panties to wave around like a trophy.
@kayotee4 @k-fallingstar @bobastayhigh @mi-zer-y @chasingkennedy @l30nva @espressonerd @jjouki @5tarx @bunnybreadloaves @whoisgami @cyanscribe @c4b3r1a @darichvep @mmmangel @kingtacocat @klee-iii @baby--vera @dakiniii @kenma-izhu @aliidarling @leonsmamacita @deadghxsty @nekoheist @dumbassmortal @cassiecasluciluce @iovewilliams @maeplayscello @deddiemunsonsblog @paranoid-but-android @mariesmain @tteokhwaa @bonnibuckets @eilonwykennedy @1dk-anym0r3 @papatyacikcik
(few of your blogs won't work, but i really tried 😩)
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
1- I think I'm going to stop tagging people for Twisted Zoo. It's a hassle to try to type out all the people who want to be tagged and make sure it's not a deleted account or someone with a similar name, all to be ruined because Tumblr hates me and doesn't actually end up pinging anybody or only the first few people I typed.
(If you want to see when it is updated, you could try following me (pls do I love follows) or go to Wattpad, Quotev, or (recently added) AO3 and follow the book there. It's under Twisted Zoo and that way you don't have to see all my posts on Tumblr.)
2. Will there be smut for Twisted Zoo? At first, I was thinking no, because I want non-smutty or underage people be able to read it, so I came to a compromise. I will post each ending as a SFW ending. Then, I will eventually post "After stories" which is basically NSFW for each ending. So yes, that means gangbangs.
(This way, you can end the story without any NSFW if you are not comfortable with it. And if you are into with it, you can be fed with my terrible content lol)
3. As for the MHA version coming out eventually... I decided not to make it a zoo, because I was running out of content for that with Twisted Zoo, which is why it is so short. I also wanted to add a little more plot with a lot more fluff and getting to know each other before turning yandere. This series will be much longer than Twisted Zoo.
The synopsis is basically: Reader has a terrible life, so she Narnia's it up and ends up in a world with mythical creatures that are either half-human or can shapeshift into a human. She befriends them and begins to use this mystical world as an escape from her real life. But as time goes on, the creatures there begin to not want her to leave...
I need help deciding what title to ultimately use for the series, I might make a poll. "Enchanted Obsession", "Escape into Insanity", "Mythical Obsession", or just "Enchanted" because you can both be enchanted by someone and the world is enchanted? Idk, ideas are welcome.
According to the poll: Most of you wanted me to include the girls in this! I used a mix of creatures you've probably heard of and some creatures that are a little less well-known.
Start making guesses in my inbox now for what creature you think each character will be and I will answer whether you are right or wrong! The current characters I want to include are as follows (all aged up of course):
Izuku, Bakugou, Iida, Jirou, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Uraraka, Shoto, Mina, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tsu, Shinso, Hawks, All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki
I know I'm leaving out a lot of people, but 22 characters is more than enough for me to try to focus on. I will say right now that Dabi and Shoto are the same creature and Shinso is not a creature at all, just *magical*. I think most of the creatures fit them but some are a bit like "eh not really but okay"
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sxtaep · 2 years
ALL I WANT - JJK | five
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after distancing yourself from jungkook because of the indirect confession you made, you never realised how much you’d miss him, and what better way to show him that than through the phone?
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pairing — jungkook x female reader
genre — fluff, smut
word count — 10.5k
chapter warnings/tags — bestfriends2lovers!au, fuckboy!jk, textbooknerd!reader, dom!jk, sub!reader, joon is a drug dealer, tae is a junkie, vmin sideship, soft shower scene, indirect confession, lots of touching, jk is so oblivious, late night texting, jk loves your glasses, explicit content, sexting, mutual masturbation, exchanging of illicit photos, exchanging of illicit videos, teasing, male masturbation, female masturbation, fingering, dirty talk, praise, so much cum +more.
a/n: this is LONG overdue, but the loml loma @velvetwicebang should’ve been recognised earlier when posting this series for her everworking writing skills and input (especially for jungkook’s pov of things) so pls show her all the love 🥹 i swear she doesn’t bite ☹️🫶
also, apologies for the inactivity, your girl was dying in a&e with a cyst (it’s still there) and is now on indefinite sick leave from work 💀😭
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
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So maybe Jungkook didn’t have a valid reason to narrow his eyes once you left him alone after he’d mustered up the energy to sit up on the bed, pouting to himself after he was turned away in the midst of tossing his leg over the edge of the mattress, about to boldly follow your footsteps into the shower until he heard the lock click.
“Wha..” Confusion spilling from his doe eyes, he stopped dead in his tracks and ruffled the back of his fluffy bed hair, staring at the door with his brows slightly furrowed as he made out the sound of the shower from outside the connected bathroom, “Whatever, fuck you.” The man raised his voice to shout the following, already knowing that you wouldn’t be able to hear him, “Not like I also wanted to shower or anything!”
Jungkook was clearly pouting and he’d rather get a hundred carpet burns than let you see that side of him no matter how much it bothered him, so the man ‘brushed it off’ and scooted his bare ass further up the bed, stopping when his back met the wooden headboard behind him.
He figured this would be the perfect time to catch up on his texts, now that you decided to leave him completely alone. (It wasn’t even that big of a deal, honestly, yet the sulking man seemed awfully desperate to look for other ways to distract his brain from thinking about it, naturally tapping on his and the guys’ groupchat).
He always prepared himself for the most chaotic situations, just a few weeks ago the chat went crazy bickering over who would pay for Hoseok’s bail money after the latter got drunk off his ass, and funnily enough, the week before that one Hobi sent a long ass text declaring he decided to stop drinking.
Just like that, out of nowhere.
Of course, no one believed him.
Unlike those times, this morning’s topic of conversation seemed to be…normal, which was rare.
namjoon added ‘chim’ to the chat!
chim: hey guys! 👋
yoongi: holy fuck he’s alive
hoeseok: who💀 jimin or joon?
yoongi: damn both of em😭😭😭 just 30 mins alone w you can’t be easy
hoeseok: fuck u.
namjoon: we all know you want to dude, but he’s happily taken remember??
hoeseok: i’m gonna kick myself out this gc 😭
u guys need to chillllll
jin: just like how jungkook chilled w y/n in your bed last night 😏😏
yoongi: bro 💀💀💀💀
hoeseok: nah bc i’m actually still pissed that fucker offered to buy me a new bed set under 50 bucks????? what world does he live in
namjoon: 😑😑 okay wheres tae? he has to know where jungkook’s at
jin: he’s probably at y/n’s place but there’s also a possibility that he ran back to his dorm like a pussy
namjoon: taetae
namjoon: tae answer or no more hard drugs for you to get addicted to 🙄 your choice
yoongi: dude shut up the guy’s probably still sleeping
jin: tae did you call a chick over after i dropped you off last night?
hoeseok: i wouldn’t blame him
he was babysitting joon most of the night, he had no chance to shoot his shot
tae: fuk no
i dropped dead on the couch as soon as i got home
yoongi: so jungkook didn’t come home last night?
Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip from his bedroom, hesitating on whether he should throw his best friend under the bus just to save himself from any more unsolicited revelations in front of new interest Jimin, or suck it up like a man.
tae: no, he’s still at y/n’s
jeon: DUDE
Jungkook was never gonna hear the end of it. The guys already teased the hell out of him because of you, and now that he actually fucked you, he would never live it down.
jeon: i’m never covering for ur ass again 🙄
yoongi: ….u guys are such best friends it’s disgusting
namjoon: mf have you been lurking all along
jin: he probably has 💀
hoeseok: PUSSY
jeon: oh fuck off hyung i get more play than you
Maybe that was a little too far, but Jungkook was sticky and sweaty and your bedroom was hot as shit. A nice shower would’ve sufficed.
jeon: respectfully. sorry. ily. pick out a new bed set xoxo.
yoongi: DAMN 💀💀
namjoon: ...
jin: 🙇‍♂️ me bowing bc i taught him well
hoeseok: make it a $100 bed set 😒
jeon: ur crazy if u think i have $100 on me
but deal 🤝
After that’d been set in stone, readying for his pockets to hurt, Jungkook carelessly tossed his phone aside and combed one hand through his oily hair, on his feet and on his way to invite himself into the shower with you.
You wouldn’t mind, right?
It’d only been 5 minutes since you stepped into the shower, just standing under the shower head and letting the steaming hot water run down your body.
What if he left?
No, he wouldn’t leave again.
But what if he did?
The thought left an unsettling feeling in your stomach and you had this sudden urge to hit pause on your shower and check he was still there, lying naked on your bed, but you held yourself back. Caring this much was not a good sign.
“Open up,” Jungkook annoyingly rattled on the doorknob with his forehead pressed against the door, unknowingly soothing your anxiety while acting like a needy child, not once stopping his tugging and turning on the metal knob. “Let me innnn!”
Alright, now he was fucking with you, grinning whilst waiting to meet you face to face.
The constant rattling of the doorknob startled you, but Jungkook’s whiny voice was one you could always recognise, even if he was faking it. At least he didn’t go home, so that was a win for you.
You stopped massaging your scalp, bits of bubbles following your every move as you stepped out of the shower, leaving the water to run. The bathrobe that was hanging behind the door was now draped over your body to cover your front, now holding onto the doorknob and fighting off the hopefulness in your eyes.
“God, I thought someone was breaking in,” you sigh, holding the bathrobe tightly to your chest. “What do you need, Kook?” You try to sound as unamused as you could spotting the stupidly attractive grin on his face, yet the sight of him from the neck down played as a distraction.
“What does it look like I need? A goddamn shower.”
Jungkook was right about a shower. Things got so messy and he was walking around the dorm with his dick out, he probably made more mess for you to clean up.
Pushing past your dumbfounded self, Jungkook didn’t question why you were covering yourself up after what you both just did, but he figured he’d get to see you naked soon enough if you were about to shower together.
Like regular friends did, of course.
“What are you waiting for?” The man turned to look over his shoulder after stepping under the lukewarm stream of water, staring at you past the wet hair that fell over his eyes, “Join me.”
You stared back at him, mouth slightly ajar as your eyes dipped a little too low and met with droplets of water rushing between every crevice of his abs. He had no right looking like a nude model right now
“Right…” you mentally rolled your eyes and let out a huff, pulling the bathrobe off your body, but you felt a little exposed; more focused on the fact that now neither of you were exactly ‘in the moment.’
The bathrobe pooled at your ankles and you parted ways from it, hesitantly climbing in and standing in front of the much larger male so you could also snag some of the water from the shower head. Jungkook had an advantage, being much bigger and taller, most of the water would land on his shoulders and just bounce off, ignoring your presence.
Being this close to him once again; your soaked back pressing against his built chest and practically sticking to him, you felt the urge to apologise because there was absolutely no way you were doing this on purpose. “Sorry, it’s a little tight in here,” you speak up, glancing back at him over your shoulder and making sure you weren’t making him uncomfortable, yet your apology was useless; you were still unknowingly, pressing up against him.
The part of Jungkook that didn’t always think with his dick found your newborn shyness awfully endearing.
‘It was a pattern,’ he’d noticed, ‘after we’re done fucking, she suddenly gets real shy, even avoids looking into my eyes as if she wasn’t just batting her eyelashes up at me minutes ago’.
Sometimes he wished to dive into your mind without any sort of heads up, just him as he came, pocketing a handful of your thoughts and knowledge for himself along the way (maybe then he’d actually know what went on in your head during moments like these, where all that spoke was the running water as it caressed his naked body and shunned yours).
“You don’t have to apologize, dummy,” Jungkook shook his head, although you couldn’t see him, taking a minute to expand his eyes down your unblemished back, not exclusively sexual, but heavily aware of how he was practically hogging the shower all to himself.
“Here,” with both hands clasped over your shoulders, Jungkook stepped back and let you take over his spot, brushing his wet hair away from his forehead and running a hand down his face to get rid of any water droplets.
Grabbing a bottle of soap he found on the side, Jeon thought about washing himself but changed his mind upon realising there was someone else that could do it for him.
Maybe this would help you get over your timidness, and in all honesty, Jungkook felt a little out of place for being so casual and nonchalant about all of this..
“Yo, shower hogger,” the taller tapped your shoulder with his index finger, waiting until you turned around to raise his brows and glance down at his body expectantly, extending the bottle of soap out towards you, “I’m just so tired, help me wash?” He felt like he was quoting the beginning scene of a porno, and Jungkook knew that you knew that he was exaggerating.
You looked up at Jungkook with an ‘are you serious’ kind of expression, raising a brow at him as if he was crazy. “You’re tired? Please,” you shook your head. If anything, you should be the one that’s tired, especially after that mind-blowing head session you have him, but still, you gave into the big man, grabbing the bottle of berry scented soap from his grasp and squeezing a generous amount onto your palms.
“Since when did you need help taking showers? Last time I checked, babies needed that.” you lather the soap in your hands, rubbing them together to create more bubbles before taking a step back and looking the man up and down, deciding where the hell to even start. “You’re a big baby, aren’t you, Jeon?” you tease, finally deciding to set your palms flat on his chest as you kept your eyes trained on him, very much mocking him with just your eyes.
Jungkook was definitely not built like a big baby, but there were times where he’d do the most endearing things that made you wanna squeeze his cheeks and gauge out his doe eyes. Like, when you’d upset him over little things, he’d sit around pretending he wasn’t upset but you would clearly see the pout on his face, with the added crossing his arms over his chest (exactly like a child).
You grabbed onto his bicep, pulling his body closer to yours a little and snaking his arm around your waist just to keep a secure hold on you so you both could catch some of the water running up above. You wondered about your next move. It seemed a little unusual, massaging his chest under the shower, but then again, you’d already done far from appropriate things; including sweaty bodies, someone’s tears, and a shitload of cum.
Despite all that, you gently caressed the damp skin of his chest, awfully slow and counting each tiny little bubble bursting against him. “Like this?” you prompt, gliding your fingers across his chest and the action itself left your own chest tingling.
This was next level intimate.
Jungkook hadn’t said anything else after childishly puffing out a, ‘I’m not a baby’ with a comical roll of his smiling eyes, studying your face and changing expressions in comfortable silence whilst you roamed your hands over his soapy chest, the arm that curled around the you holding you securely with one palm pressed flat over the small of your back.
Fuck, Jungkook hoped you couldn’t make out how fast his wild little heart was beating even behind all those bubbles. You couldn’t… right? It would quite literally kill the man to try and explain himself out of that one because— he didn’t fucking know why his heart was running laps either!
He already worried enough that he made himself look dumb in front of his super smart best friend; he wanted you to think he had the brains of goddamn Einstein, like yourself, and looking for the right words to explain himself wasn’t going to do him any justice.
Either way, Jungkook just knew it was nice having someone else wash him up… like a servant.
A pretty servant with great tits, at that.
“Yeah..” Jeon finally breathed out another word, unaware that he was inching in towards your face quietly enough that you didn’t catch on and stop your scrubbing, “Just like that.”
He had to uncomfortably tip his neck down a little to reach you, but when his parted lips were merely inches away from yours, Jungkook didn’t waste any time and trapped you in a surprisingly slow moving kiss, raising one hand to cup the side of your face as his thumb traced over your cheekbones.
‘He kissed me first!’ was all you could think about right now. And the kiss easily held a deeper meaning behind it, one that didn’t scream ‘we’re kissing because of sex’. Unless Jungkook thought exactly that..
Then that would be a lot of damage.
Were you hearing yourself right now? You felt pitiful; falling for him after fucking him and now you were head-over-heels for the man just because he kissed you first.
What were the chances of him deciding to settle down? And would Jungkook settle down with you? It was a question you never wanted to answer, or hear the answer to, because there were very high chances the answers to both those questions wouldn’t benefit you. You did hold a tiny bit of hope, only the tiniest, that maybe, just maybe, Jungkook could be feeling the same way. His heart literally on the verge of bursting against your palm struck up a couple questions in your mind, but you easily dismissed them, using the water as an excuse to cover for him.
Yet, with all those doubts, you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back. God knows you wanted to kiss him and he was merely doing you a favour by getting Jungkook to make the first move. It was unexpected, but that’s what made it all the best.
When he did finally pull away after a full minute of tasting your soft lips, his tongue cheekily swiped over his bottom lip while still cupping your face in his big hands, looking into your eyes with that endearing smile that made your heart jump.
You stopped moving your hand, leaving it to rest again his chest whilst your free hand made home on top of his, your fingertips briefly brushing over your cheek as you intertwined your fingers, pulling his hand down to your chest.
Right over your beating heart.
“You don’t realise it, but you have my heart running laps,” you whisper softly, squeezing Jungkook’s hand and suddenly releasing him from your hold, doing your best to turn your back on him and bask under the warm water raining above.
Good idea, leave him confused with words.
Jungkook wasn’t that stupid though, he was perceptive only when it seemed advantageous to him, which was something you picked up on over the years. He’d be able to crack this one. Surely.
You groaned quietly to yourself, lulling your head back a little to have the water slip down your front, but you were too distracted by the warmth to notice your head falling back against his chest, your body relaxing as you released a soft breath.
Nothing outright witty or smart-assy slipped out his mouth during the shared, tender moment between you both; Jungkook acknowledged your words within his own mind, quietly, digesting whatever it was that that had the back of his neck and tips of his ears drowning red.
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The man thought about your— ‘you have my heart running laps’ —for quite a while now, a week to be exact, and sometimes it’d pop in his head at the most random times, it was lowkey starting to freak him out.
Wherever Jungkook was, so were you. Figuratively.
In his mind that was usually blank, you were there, present as always while prompting his heart to beat recklessly and his lungs to stutter whilst they filled with air, often catching him off guard.
Truthfully, Jeon had been too busy battling it out with noobs on Call of Duty, to really question what you meant that day. You weren’t making it easy for him to talk to you either. You completely shut him out after the shower ‘incident’ (which was approximately 2 days ago) and used the excuse of ‘I need to catch up on my assignments’, to avoid him.
Obviously he didn’t know that, but he wasn’t suspicious either. It was normal for you to go radio silent for a couple days to focus on your studies, and Jungkook respected that. Normally he’d bug you, but not this time around.
Which was weird.
Even Taehyung found it odd, coming back home and finding Jungkook still playing his game. He was high as hell, but he knew something weird when he saw it.
Slumping against the empty space beside Jungkook, Taehyung carelessly throws his arm around the younger’s muscly shoulders. “What’ve you been up to, then? You been sitting on your ass this whole time?” he asks, eyeing the TV screen and seeing that he was currently in the game lobby, waiting to start a new match. “No girls over tonight? Not even Y/N?”
Even though he was high, a part of him wanted things to set sail between you and his roommate.
“Were you too shy to call her? Or did she just reject you when you tried?” Taehyung’s assumptions weren’t impossible. He’d been around long enough to watch Jungkook’s countless invitations to hang out or get something to eat, get straight up rejected by you because you were too busy studying.
“Ah, Y/N?” No use in brushing it off now.
Two days without seeing you or talking to you, felt like an eternity, but Jungkook was determined to stay quiet. Ever since you both hooked up for the first time, he’s mostly been the one to text or call to ask if he could come over and y’know what, that is if Jeon excluded the times he’d just show up at your doorstep unannounced.
Point was.. he was waiting for you to need him, not the other way around like it often was.
Now, Jungkook wasn’t expecting you to text him and blatantly say how much you needed him to come over and fuck you so good you’d forget about everything you studied (even if that would make him harder than anything else in the world), but even just an ‘i miss you’ or ‘i’m done studying, come over’ would make him drop anything and everything for you.
It was a new and weird feeling, thinking like this. He never waited around for a girl, even if he had a line of them waiting to get dicked down by him.
“I’m not shy, we’ve just been busy doing our own thing.” He huffed out at Tae’s assumption, not daring to make any eye contact since being best friends with Taehyung since middle school meant the latter knew when he was bullshitting, always. It was weird as hell and even more impressive when Tae could point it out when he wasn’t sober..
Jungkook was looking straight at Tae now with big eyes and his teeth busy nibbling at his lip, like he was caught red handed and it was too obvious that that’s been something that’d been on his mind for a while.
With a low groan, the younger ran both hands down his face and slid down the couch, muscly legs lazily spread as he leaned his head back on the headrest and remained silent. Until he didn’t; Taehyung had a way of getting information out of him without barely saying a word. Something about his deadpan gaze…
“I know she’s not the type, but a text saying that she needs me- if you know what I mean, and not the other way around? I’d give her my kid, man.”
That was a complete reach and even if Jungkook did chuckle a little at that, his feelings and everything else he said were true. The younger shrugged and played off those strong feelings, “It’s whatever, though. You probably felt the same way about a girl you hooked up with at some point in time, right?”
All Taehyung could think about was ‘who the fuck possessed his roommate?’ No, even better question; ‘why is a girl making his best friend feel like this?’ In all the years Taehyung knew Jungkook, never had he ever seen the younger male care so much about a girl he fucked.
But… there was a difference. You weren’t just any girl he fucked. You were Jungkook’s only girl friend that he fucked.
Given the history between you two, things obviously felt more fragile and more… intimate? At least that’s what Taehyung thought. He wasn’t even part of the relationship, but because of the younger being so new to experiencing such feelings, it was almost second nature for him to feel the same way (out of sympathy). “I don’t know, dude… I’ve never felt like that, but you sound like you’re having withdrawal symptoms being without her for so long,” he shrugs, eyeing the male who looked like he was so far down the ‘I’m in love with her, but i’m gonna act like I don’t care’ hole.
Taehyung could’ve easily lied and told Jungkook that it was normal for him to feel so attached to his girl friend, but who was he kidding? It wasn’t normal to feel so attached unless you were deeply in love.
“You sure you’re not… in love with her, dude?” he teases, ruffling Jungkook’s hair in the most brotherly way possible. He was only trying to scare the im younger male and make him overthink a little. “I’m kidding! Just stop being a pussy and go to her. Tell her what you want. Like, straight up. I’m tellin’ you, girls dig that. There’s nothing girls want more than a guy being straight to the point.”
Jeon Jungkook was most definitely, most surely not in love with you. What even was love? He could think of a few examples..
His dad cutting off the crusts in his mom’s sandwiches, Hoseok babysitting Namjoon, Mrs. Kim working hard to make sure her small, country-boy Tae went off to a nice college (and got away from his ego-filled dad. Jungkook met him a few times and he was an A class asshole).
Either way, the younger never really saw that kind of love for him. It all seemed unattainable and whatever Jungkook was feeling towards you, it couldn’t have been love. Maybe lust, just in his own special way..
“I’m not in love with her, are you crazy?” Jeon sighed out loud and considered taking Taehyung’s advice for real, just maybe not at 12:30 in the morning.. “Okay, fine, but,” Jungkook turned his body to chuckle at the irony in his roommate’s words, “When have you ever been straight up with a girl, Tae? Was it when you asked her to give you that fresh hickey on your neck tonight?”
It was huge and Jungkook had been eyeing the red bruise just underneath Taehyung’s jaw for a few moments prior. “Was this before or after you went to meet up with Jimin because damn,” the younger was laughing now, inching to take a closer look at possibly the biggest hickey he’d ever seen, unaware it was Jimin who left those very marks.
As if he couldn’t be any more skeptical than he already was, Taehyung’s palm was quick to smack against his neck, making himself wince in the process as he discreetly rubbed the bruised area and avoided all eye contact with Jungkook. His jaw tensed as he tried to stop himself from blushing. Remnants of tonight’s events were running through his mind, and he had to stop before his dick got hard again. But that seemed impossible. Jimin was just this ultra, superior, ethereal being with the superpowers to keep his dick hard and heart fluttering for days on end. “Hey!” Taehyung scowls, smacking Jungkook’s head (not too hard) and pulling away from his susceptive gaze.
“Firstly, mind your own, secondly, I got bitten by a mosquito.” That was the lamest excuse in the book, but once again, this is where Jeon’s cluelessness played at his advantage. “Jimin lives in this whole other area, like expensive apartments and neighbourhoods and shit. There’s palm trees everywhere, too so there were a lot of flies,” Taehyung explained; sounding as brief and unbothered as possible. In case Jungkook didn’t believe him, he added, “Seriously, It felt like I was in another country when I arrived.”
Hopefully he played it off well. The man was pretty good at acting, especially when it came to promising girls he’d spend another night with them. It never happened.
“Whatever, man, turn the game off. I need the couch,” he yawns dramatically whilst stretching his arms above his head. “I can’t feel my legs.” It was a natural occurrence for Taehyung to sleep on the couch after a night of non-stop drugs. He would quite commonly complain about not being able to feel his legs because they’d be so numb, thus deeming him immobile until sober the next morning.
Taehyung executed the lame excuse perfectly, Jungkook completely brushed it off.. right after he finished tending to the minor concussion from his roommate.
Annoyed but kind, he ran off to the kitchen and paired an Ibuprofen with a tall glass of water to sit on the coffee table at an arm’s reach for the other male to quench his fleeting sobriety with, taking his earned title of ‘best friend’ extra seriously while throwing a spare blanket over Tae’s limp body on the couch, turning off the TV seconds later and going into his room.
Throwing himself to lie on his bed, the sudden urge to send you a text loomed over. He knew, he knew… he was supposed to let you reach out to him, but maybe you were just busy and forgot about him. Plus, waiting around was boring and nowhere near as exhilarating as—
jungkook: you haven’t forgotten about me yet? 🤓
Was it super obvious you was avoiding Jungkook?
What’s the best way to avoid someone?
Drown yourself in your studies.
It was probably advantageous to you now, since studying was always the excuse you used to get yourself out of unwanted situations. And this wouldn’t be a surprise to Jungkook. He had the shorter end of of the stick when it came to wanting to hang out, you would always reject his pleas.
This past week, you needed to ‘get back on your grind’ and all this faffing about with Jungkook left a lasting impact on your daily routine.
Every time you sat on your couch (which was often) you’re reminded of the very first night you both laid hands on each other. How could you forget? There was probably remnants of that night still burnt into your couch. Every time you’re sat at your desk, you’re reminded of the little note Jungkook left the following morning, apologising for leaving so early.
Hard to believe, your poor self displayed the note at the corner of your desk, right in front of your old textbooks. It seemed cringe, but you found it cute and got some sort of serotonin looking at it while you were studying. Every night when you go to bed, you mindlessly stare at the empty space next to you for at least an hour before falling asleep, thinking how it would’ve been Jungkook next to you.
And the shower… where you indirectly confessed to him, but instead, only confused yourself, and you had no doubt you confused him too (he wasn’t any smarter than you were).
In all honesty, you were waiting for Jungkook to approach you first, which was too much to ask for since he always texted first. But, you were hoping he’d say something about your last interaction. Was the “you got my heart running laps” not enough for him? Or was he really that clueless?
Whatever it was, you didn’t dwell on it, almost jumping out of the comfy seat at her desk and lungeing to reach your phone off the bed. Your heart was doing that annoying racing thing and your fingers were twiddling at your screen.
you: y’know what?
i completely forgot you existed for a sec
what was your name again?
Damn. Jeon was torn between laughing or having a go at you for that line as he laid out sprawled over his bed thinking of what to make of it, a tight lipped smile settled things and pushed through Jungkook’s efforts to take small offense to what you said.
“Pfft, John?”
However, that sly grin always appeared whenever you were confident and smart-assy with him. With shame lesser than -10000, Jungkook could easily admit he found it hot. He could stupidly stand in the middle of a street with both arms outstretched and yell, ‘I find it really hot when Lee Y/N gives me a taste of my own medicine, so what?! She’s very hot to me!’
Obviously that wasn’t going to happen, but trust that he would if it came down to it.
jungkook: john huh? who’s that, textbook #1? 😕
but uh. how’s jerry doing?? yknow. textbook #3 😉
It was the highlight of his night; Jungkook hadn’t even realized his cheeks were turning sore from smiling so big. If any of the guys walked in they’d think he won the lottery and then some, but no, it was just you.
It always seemed to be about you— is what the guys would say, surely. No one else.
jungkook: and i doubt you forgot about my existence, you like me too much
hell, you probably even missed me, i know i missed you
Anyone could bet you were forcing yourself not to break out into a fit of giggles (resulting in you just writhing in your seat) because there was no way a man was suddenly making you laugh this hard. Jungkook was making you laugh so hard.
It took you a couple seconds to regain your composure before tapping at your keyboard again.
you: john and jerry are doing good
they’ve been keeping me company and treating me well
i wouldn’t have it any other way 😩
Having Jungkook keep you company would obviously be better, but you can’t always get what you want.
You didn’t catch the next couple messages he sent, instead opening your camera and snapping a quick photo of the mess of scrap papers and opened textbooks lying on your desk, not even realising the note Jungkook left you a couple nights ago was peeking out in the corner of the frame.
You attach the photo to your next message;
you: this sums up my week
you know the drill
As you waited for the attachment to deliver, you scrolled down to finally see the recent message he sent, and you swore your heart skipped a beat.
Jungkook missed you?
A faint hint of pink drowned your cheeks as you contemplated on how to respond?
Do you reciprocate, or just be passive and ignore him? The second option seemed pretty appropriate, because if he missed you so much, why didn’t he do anything about it?
That option however, would just open up a whole other can of worms and would probably end up with the pair bickering until the early hours of dawn.
You missed him so much this week, you didn’t want this interaction to go to waste.
you: i think YOU like me too much since you missed me so bad
are you obsessed with me?
it’s okay if you are, but you’ll have to wait in line for your turn
That joke was no longer valid ever since you guys fucked.
you: if it makes you feel better, i guess i missed you too
Unlike you and your adorable stickling for structure, it was a shock Jungkook waited until all the blurbs of texts were done coming through considering how restlessness was naturally wired in his veins, but he preferred to indulge in each individual bubble once they disappeared from the bottom of his screen.
He didn’t want to take the risk of saying something stupid and fucking everything up, not after so long (2 days), so for you, he’d learn to be patient— even if that sounded difficult to actually go through.
Almost immediately his eyes widened at the amount of individual texts that finished pouring in (he always had a way of knowing if you were mad at him. If you sent him no more than three individual texts at a time, that meant he needed to hide).
But more than taken aback, Jungkook had an idea of what that meant on a deeper, more obvious level. It was so clear that you missed him and if his heart didn’t pound enough at the idea of it, the beating organ nearly jumped out of Jeon’s chest when his eye accidentally skipped down the list and landed on the last text, confirming that what he thought was true.
Now he had the urge to giggle.
The male didn’t know what the fuck was going on or why he felt this way towards simple texts that were meant to come off as light teasing and nothing more. All he knew was that if he kept this up, his head would swell because of all the confusion going on inside it..
jungkook: jesus nerd, how you’re still breathing surrounded by all that paper is beyond me
smh don’t get too ahead of yourself tho 😒 i like you a very small amount
and that joke is no longer valid ever since we fucked
Jungkook was still thinking about the fact that you also missed him and for that reason, he failed to catch his little note in the corner of your attached photo, for now.
His mind was just… focused on something else.
You missed him!
jungkook: that does make me feel better, god what would i do without you? 😫
but truth is… i won’t really believe it unless you go into detail, miss lee. tell me, what did you miss about me?
OH! and i know that there’s a long list so take your time
Seriously, Jeon Jungkook never took a break from feeding his ego. You sat there wondering how you managed to put up with him all these years. He had a cute face back then, for sure, but now he looked like a hot hunk of goodness and everything nice, unfortunately.
you: for starters, i missed you blowing up my phone with hundreds of texts
surprised i didn’t even get ONE annoying text from you
It was almost tradition for Jungkook to spam your phone with nonsense texts and silly pictures of himself whilst you were studying. It only became a problem when he started spamming you with tiktoks, distracting you from your studies because after you’d watch them, you’d end up scrolling on the app far longer than anticipated.
you: i guess i missed your stupid face too 🙄
and the way you’d come over and inhale all the food in my fridge
and how you’d mark your territory on my couch
i also really miss our movie nights, it was the only thing that relieved my stress 😔
and, believe it or not, i miss arguing with you
i could say so much more, but i don’t think it’s appropriate unless you wanna hear?
You paused for a second, seeing that your list had taken up the entire screen.
Damn, you really missed him, huh?
you: why did we stop talking?
you know my door is always open for you, jeon 😕
Whether it be to pester you, hang out, or fuck, Jungkook was always welcome.
you: but enough about you, stink
what did you miss about me? 🥰
It’d been eating him up inside long before this special moment, gnawing away at his core and causing Jungkook’s blush to deepen in color and expand vastly over the smooth canvas of his cheeks that were puppeted by two strings pulling hard at the apples of his cheeks whenever his heart went crazy drumming to its own, particular beat. It was a type of drumming that was so rare, he worried it was an actual heart attack at its beginning stages…
jungkook: you’re making me and my “stupid face” blush, lee 😵‍💫
But he never dropped down to the ground dead—it was worse— Jungkook was left with the continuous stinging in his chest and a conscious mind full of consuming thoughts.
Jeon Jungkook never skipped out on an opportunity to feed his massive ego, but you never missed the cue as his ‘special best friend’ to always give in and singlehandedly create an even cockier version of the man; just for the moment you were together, be it over text or in person.
Truth? Jungkook would rather hear you say these things to his face, then he’d be able to show a more genuine reaction to how they made him feel— a kiss spoke volumes, for example. He was never the best at saying things the way he wanted to say them— but on the bright side, Jungkook was glad you couldn’t see him and his flushed being.
That seemed to be his thing; go big or go home.
jungkook: that’s a hell of a long list for a girl that said she forgot about my existence 👀
sure you weren’t thinking about me everyday, pretty?
He liked to think he was in control; he enjoyed being in control, but when his skin was lit up because of a few sweet words from you, confidence didn’t come as easily and smoothly as it usually did. So, Jungkook settled for playing a front over text.
Not like you had any way of seeing him.
jungkook: but hmm, what did i miss about you? 🤔 well for starters, i like it when you let me raid your fridge and let me mark my territory on your couch ;)
how you call me “stink” or “idiot” with a smile on your face after i say something stupid because deep inside you find it endearing 👀
your random fuckin GORY murder cases that always stick with me. a man is scarred
when you’re super concentrated while studying and quietly mumble to yourself under your breath. it’s cute
you in glasses. that’s it
our movie nights, especially when you let me pick ironman for the 100th time
i also miss arguing with you and proving your ass wrong
your ass.
sleeping with you in the way that you keep me warm during the night and you rest your head on my chest. i like feeling like i’m keeping you safe
and sleeping with you in the way that i can make you feel really good, help you relieve stress. feeling closer to you is being inside you
Fuck, did he go overboard?
Jungkook was only trying to match you in terms of quality, but now looking back at all the sent messages, he couldn’t help but cringe at himself for saying all that.
He should’ve taken quality over quantity more seriously..
“Damn,” He ran a hand through his hair and quickly got back to typing so that you wouldn’t sit on the last part for too long.
jungkook: and wdym “when did we stop talking” 💀💀 y/n, it’s only been two days 🙄
im coming over tomorrow tho, can’t have you missing me anymore 😉
For a brief second, you thought you were reading texts from the boyfriend you never had. It was worse since you were going overboard with the blushing, but how could you control that? His string of texts were like… a confession.
Could he possibly be in love with you? Never.
Jeon Jungkook was incapable of feeling such things, and having said that out loud, all your hope had disintegrated. Jungkook was too clueless, he probably couldn’t even remember what you said in the shower.
you: i’m starting to think you missed me more than i missed you
You stayed giggling quietly to yourself, reading on each line one by one and feeling the butterflies in the pit of your stomach erupt. If Jungkook were here right now, he’d probably tease the hell out of you, use it as a way to boost his inflated ego.
you: my fridge has been restocked for you, so you won’t have to bring over half-eaten pizza like last time 💀
IM ALWAYS RIGHT! you have never ever proved me wrong in your life
you argue with bs, i argue with FACTS 😌
What’s something that would make the Jeon Jungkook fold?
A selfie.
But not just any odd selfie.
It was a blessing in disguise that you had your glasses on right now. A little selfie wouldn’t hurt anyone (but deep down you wanted to gauge a reaction out of him, for your own satisfaction) so you opened your camera and angled your phone up in front of you, your eyes peeking up from behind your lenses, unknowingly pulling off the whole ‘innocent, but not-so-innocent nerd’ look paired with a small pout.
The raised view might be familiar to him.
You were satisfied with the first picture you took so you sent it through to him, with another message following right after;
you: my glasses miss your face 😔
they’re tired of looking down at textbooks all day
When did Jeon become so totally and utterly fascinated with the casual sight of your dorky frames sitting high up on your cute nose, framing your face and making you seem even smarter and a bigger nerd than you already were?
He had no fuckin’ idea.
Glasses never looked as good on anyone else than they did on you— something about how your smartness aligned with the vivid image in his head of a sexy, intelligent librarian just did it for him without any misses.
Was it a fantasy or just simp behaviour?
Whatever it was, you had the brains and the looks; Jungkook honestly thought you were extremely cool and he could only dream to be as smart and dedicated to learning as you were.
Jungkook saved the picture to his camera roll after staring at it for a few moments in silence, lured in by everything from your puckered lips to deer-like eyes as they drove him wild in a manner he was way too familiar with.
“Fuck,” Jeon tipped his head to the side to take a look at the expected erection in his sweats, the bulge pitching a big tent against the bare material of his pants since Jungkook rarely wore anything underneath whenever he was alone.
None of this was fair.
Deciding to play your game his own way, he tapped on the camera and angled it towards his growing erection after pressing record, shamelessly zooming in on his bulge whilst breathing out a low, “This isn’t fair, y’know. Rubbing one out at 12am wasn’t on my list of plans for the night.”
Jungkook sent the video without another thought and added a provocative text to go along with it, his bottom lip close to going numb from biting down on it so hard.
jungkook: instead of looking down, how bout you look up at me? i think you’ll find that more fun
This was much more than the reaction you expected from Jungkook. You expected a little “you look pretty” or a “you look like a nerd” type of text from him, one that could stem as serious or just playful teasing, but watching the short clip and being met with his inane bulge, an overwhelming sense of pride took over.
You had awoken the beast with just a mere selfie?
No physical touch, no overly suggestive text message?
You had every right to believe you were capable of more. Maybe not right now since you had the clip on loop to bask in his ragged, deep voice, which gave you the most uncalled-for flashbacks to those nights where he’d praise you for taking him so good.
You quickly saved the video (for your own pleasure) and got to typing with your sweaty thumbs and clenching thighs.
you: life isn’t fair, sorry about that
Reading his last text message, your poor self had fallen into daydream mode. All the endless possibilities of you being on your knees and staring up at the man, doing God knows what. But you knew exactly what he meant, and you were not against it…
But you could always play dumb.
you: but why would i do that, koo?
enlighten a dumb girl like myself, would you?
Jungkook was this close to giving up on the sexual bantering over text and get up from his bed, go out his front door, hop on his motorcycle and drive the short minutes to your apartment just to show you what he meant— even if it was clear enough that you were only playing games with him.
jungkook: does acting clueless help you ignore the fact that you want me rn? bc let me know how that works out for you ;)
Before Jungkook could even acknowledge it, one hand extended downwards to grope his own cock, the firm contact pressuring a deep grunt to exit past his parted mouth and into the privacy of his bedroom where the darkness failed to conceal the slight twitch of his dark brows, the screen of his phone highlighting every minor gesture on his face as a response to him touching himself. His palm smoothed over his bulge time after time again as his heavy eyes stayed set on the picture before him— your selfie, breathing becoming just as unsteady.
Needy for something else, Jungkook eagerly slipped his fingers past the waistband of his sweats and pulled out his cock in one go, coming face to face with its angry tip that oozed precum moments before bucking his hips into his fisted hand, clearer groans and deeper moans making themselves known as he messily pumped his cock within his tight, slippery grip.
“Fuu-fuck.. shit,” for the first time, he looked down at the way his latched hand moved seamlessly down his girth instead of your picture, allowing his mind to run wild and imagine his slick fist was you, the tightness making him dizzy. His hips impulsively used the mattress as drive to thrust themselves upwards and fuck into his hand, his tip coming out the top drenched in more precum after each plunge.
Deciding it’d be selfish of him to keep you in the dark whilst he got off because of you, Jungkook opened his eyes and despite the minor shakiness, angled the phone above his face and started recording.
All he allowed you to see was his slack face, moderately sweaty and flushed at the cheeks, a glint of shine peeking past his hooded eyes and kissable lips split as his ragged breathing was heard. His messy hair fell over his forehead and brows just right, clenched jaw locked in place whilst his nostrils flared, the phone in his deadly grip shaking even more now that Jeon grew restless and pumped himself even faster— his arm was aching.
Finally, the man spoke, smirking lazily at the camera. “Does a dumb girl like yourself know what’s goin’ on right now? Don’t play stupid, hnghh— doesn’t benefit anyone, baby.”
Being the tease Jungkook was known for, he flipped the camera but didn’t show his cock by covering the lens with his fingers, hovering the device close to his dick for you to be able to clearly hear the wet sounds of his built-up precum sliding up and down his lathered shaft as he went crazy pumping himself to the sticky base, his grunts playing in the background.
He was so close, but all that was left was a push from you, and so Jeon sent the video straight away, going easy on himself for the time being.
You had never clicked on a video so fast in your life, and God, did Jungkook serve. The phone had been brought even closer to your face, as if trying to hide from anyone that could see (you still needed to get used to living alone) and the moment your ears picked up on his heavy breaths and flushed state, only a child would guess wrong about what he was doing right now.
Your eyes stayed glued to Jungkook’s face, admiring the sharp slate along his jaw and his parted lips, imagining just how soft they would be if you had the chance to kiss him again.
The ongoing ache between your legs remained steady (with a lot of self control) but you were crumbling by the second.
“Fuck’s sake,” you curse under your breath, forming a tight line with your lips as you watched on, suddenly having little time to process that his face was no longer in the frame. The video was still going on and you sat there with your knees up to your chest, putting the volume up to the max to hear just how sinful and erotic his actions were playing out to be.
So much for self control, you failed to keep your body temperature at a norm along with your blushing cheeks (which felt like they were on literal fire) hearing such dirty sounds.
You could make out the image in your head; Jeon sprawled out on his bed, sweating with one muscular arm between his legs and his cock vigorously pumping between his fist.
It should’ve been your fist getting him off, but the circumstances deemed that to be difficult.
Was it possible to want to suck someone off more than just sit down and study?
you: fuck you, jeon
The throbbing between your legs was beginning to grow unbearable, so you did what you were best at.
Repaying him in the most unexpected way possible.
With your phone clutched in your hand and legs brought down to dangle off your seat, you opened up your camera, switching to video and hugging the phone close to your chest, with the lens facing up towards your chin. You made sure the lower half of your face came into view before pressing record.
You didn’t say a word; simply letting your actions speak for themselves as you slipped your middle and ring finger past your plump lips and letting your tongue rest flat along the base, trying to slick them up a little before wrapping your lips around your digits completely.
This was totally out of character for you, but Jungkook wasn’t making it easy. The thought of him shoving his fingers down your throat edged you to push your own digits a little farther and then pulling back in a constant motion. Each time your fingers would come into view again, they’d be ten times more soaked than before, and just to spite the man, you would zoom in on your glistening digits and force him to watch on, slowing down the pace of your fingers so he could really cherish the sight of your fingers disappearing past your lips.
“Bet you wish that was you, huh?” you whisper softly, pulling your fingers out ever-so-slowly and then adjusting the angle of your phone, pulling it away to give him a view of the oversized shirt you were wearing which he left a couple nights ago.
You set your phone down to lean on the pile of textbooks on your desk, wasting no time in setting the heels of your feet on the edge of your seat and lifting the hem of his shirt over your stomach to reveal the lack of attire underneath.
Just a pair of simple lilac coloured underwear.
You gave the camera one last look before following Jungkook’s train of movement, slipping your glistening digits past the band of your panties, and as much as you wanted to touch yourself right now, you paused.
You weren’t giving in that easily, so you reached over for her phone with a teasing grin on your face, making sure only your face was in the shot before your fingers lightly feathered across your untouched core, eyes fluttering shut and back now resting slack against the chair.
“Koo..” Shit, you’d barely done anything.. It took you a moment to regain your composure and you stopped the video, free hand still sat between your legs and digits seamlessly running up and down your slit as you rushed to send him the video.
That should do it.
And that fucking did.
He should've known, he should’ve known that you would one-up him at his own playing field because— when did you not constantly surprise him with whatever skills you kept in your pockets, only choosing to show them off at the right time?
Your head game? Fucking awesome. Handjob? He swore he saw a goddamn angel last time. The best pancakes in the world? Only at your place.
Everything you did was irresistible and for someone like Jungkook, nothing in the world beat not ever knowing what to expect, that was partly why he slept around a lot. But you… you were a total freak.
Which is why Jeon should’ve busted right then and there after watching the video all the way through, he almost did, but instead of shooting his cum into the air, now he was angry at himself for even tempting such a mouthwatering, captivating response out of you while being stuck where he was. Not being able to actually do anything about it, he groaned to himself and wished it was his fingers that dipped past the warmth of your mouth, collecting your saliva to use as a lube to relentlessly finger you until your legs shook..
“Fuckin’ shit..!” Jeon threw his head back whilst his wrist flicked around the base of his cock, dragging his palm upwards to do the same to his red tip. Once those long drags began to lose their heavy momentum, that was when he used his other hand to text you back, his lower stomach muscles flexing as a sign that Jeon was extremely close.
jungkook: dirty girl getting her fingers dirty for me
looking so pretty in my shirt too? fuck you’re so good, wanna fuck you
gonna come a shit ton bc of that video. sucks it won’t be inside that pussy fuuck
Throwing his phone aside for the time being, Jungkook focused on getting himself off with the image of you fresh in his mind, his buff arm cramping up but he persisted nonetheless, abusing his twitching cock with all his strength until long ropes of white erupted from his tip and onto his sweats, his hand, his stomach, the sheets—his fucking foot?
“A-ahh..hmpph-hmm.. ah.. ah, fuck,” just when he thought he was done, his cock twitched and added on to the pool of creamy white on his sweatpants, “Shit..”
The man took the messy opportunity to snap a quick photo of the mess that was his stomach and sheets, ensuring his dick was in the frame this time before sending it to you with a cheeky—
jungkook: this could’ve been all yours baby
You continued your miscreants against your aching cunt, sliding your middle finger in completely and exhaling softly at the familiar feeling. Many of your nights were spent alone, mindlessly fucking yourself for relief (though it barely helped since you could never finish alone) but now masturbating seemed so… out of the ordinary.
You never felt the need to touch yourself since you and Jungkook started whatever this whole situation was. In all honesty, you were ashamed to admit you could no longer please yourself without your best friend by your side, whether it be him guiding you with words, or straight up doing the job for you. It sounded wrong on so many levels, but you couldn’t help what your body yearned for.
The thought only frustrated you since you were alone and nowhere near close to relief, but you continued to tease and toy with yourself, occasionally pinching your sensitive bud and then breaking out into short, fast-paced rubs where your fingers would slip past your entrance and knock the air out of her lungs.
Jungkook’s texts were coming through one by one, and each one forced you to pick up the pace of your wrists, now thrusting your fingers between your soft walls at a vigorous pace. Oh, the things you would do for him to leave a hot mess inside of you.. it was pissing you off and it was obvious you were taking out your frustrations on yourself.
If his texts weren’t enough to drive you insane, the picture he attached with the blatant mess of white surrounding him and knowing it was all your doing, sparked a different kind of light within you.
you: fuck you for being at home right now
you: i can’t do this
To be more clear, you snapped a quick video of yourself, camera facing down in front of you to give Jungkook the perfect view of your slick coated digits fucking into you, paired with your shallow breaths and your signature whines, “Should’ve been you, Koo.. you know I can’t do this on my own.” Your voice was unsteady as you spoke, and you were close to breaking down horny and unsatisfied, but you kept yourself together.
No matter how embarrassing it was, you still sent him the video, typing away at your screen with your free hand and pulling the other out from between your legs with a huff.
you: im holding myself back to come on your cock next time
and i’ll make sure none of it goes to waste
Sexting with you at the asscrack of night wasn’t exactly on Jungkook’s to-do list, but just as a wise woman once texted— plans inevitably change and hell if he wasn’t content with the turnout. Not to mention it served as closure that he wasn’t being shut out on purpose and a quick release all in one, although the new texts and dirty video of a quick peek inside her panties made him question if it was worth the extra cramping in his hand and even messier sheets..
The man grimaced slightly at the warm stickiness on his stomach and fingers; he’ll jerk off to that one another day.
Truth be told, Jeon was extremely exhausted and he had a real reason to be… now. Before he had the balls to hit you up and resume where you left off, all the latter did while his roommate was gone was play video games, sulk about why why you weren’t taking initiative and worrying that Tae had gotten ran over by a car, and then another— and another.
Like always, you were the highlight of his night and day plus every moment in between.
jungkook: “fuck me” for being at home rn?? ha you wish 😗🥴
and sure you’ll wait for me baby, you’re my good girl
just know i’m coming over tomorrow and picking up where we left off. missed u too much i doubt id be able to keep my hands to myself 🤤
Jeon didn’t realize he was grinning— the kind of grinning that formed those crinkles around his eyes— until he caught sight of his reflection through the screen, simultaneously noticing how tired his smiling eyes looked and, in a very adult way, he took that as a sign to call it a night. There was always tomorrow, and there will be a tomorrow.
A very eventful one— he’ll make sure of it.
A loud yawn easily slipped past his agape mouth and Jungkook used his clean hand to start typing again, doe eyes blinking repeatedly to try and stay awake just so he could send you a goodnight text and manage to at least change out of his clothes.
jungkook: i’m heading to bed now, no workout ever tires me out like you do 💪
night, hope my shirt keeps you warm 😏
you: night, jeon
try not to dream about me tonight 😴
And just like that, Jungkook set his phone aside and sighed to himself after standing up and taking a closer look at the mess he’d made— was that amount of cum… healthy?
You were honestly messing with his head but.. Jungkook kind of liked it.
You got out of your seat and went straight to the bathroom, leaving your phone behind to wash up.
What an eventful night.
Jungkook’s ‘i’m coming over tomorrow and picking up where we left off’ stayed lingering in your mind as you thoroughly washed your hands. You were finally going to see Jungkook after 2 days (felt like a month) and you didn’t know how you’d react the moment you open the door for him.
Would you jump him because you missed him so much? Slap him because he didn’t bother to talk to you these last two days? Kiss him without thinking because you missed his lips?
Fuck, you really wanted to kiss him.
Maybe you would just stand there and let the man welcome himself in since he had a lot of experience doing that anyway the last couple years.
Either way, you were completely and utterly fucked for caring so much.
Whatever though, Jungkook was still clueless and that was something you could dwell on another time, but for now, you felt like you needed 6 months worth of sleep for the 9857265 hours you spent studying to keep your mind off Jungkook.
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mybrainproblems · 9 months
hello, i'm finales georg...
i don't want to further clutter up the notes on this post while responding to the tags below but the persistence of the "finale is short/scenes are missing/extra ad break” conspiracies drives me absolutely bananas when i've watched the finale ten times and have posted about this A LOT trying to clear things up. (disclaimer that yes, i'm a goddamn destiel shipper but i care about Facts above all.)
ok but this is weird because i'd swear the episode was shorter (11 missing scenes!) but okay. maybe we all mandela effected ourselves into #beleving that. because it felt shorter. but i will die on the hill that it had another ad break. i understand this person has the thing #recorded with ads so i am thinking maybe different ad breaks in different idk time zones??? #because the finale did air an hour earlier in canada so maybe idk i am reaching here but maybe different states or whatever had different #ad breaks??? as for the last minute changes - wasn't the cover band asked for permission to use their version of carry on like a week before #the thing aired??? so even if the episode was 42 minutes and had no additional ad break - which i am side eying but lets say all was normal #i will always say they were changing thing until the absolute last minute (carry on my wayward son X 2 #the crew on the bridge which is not only giant 4th wall breaking but also wow they really got all those people in one place in times of #covid???) #anyway. tinfoil hat stays on sorry guys :/ (via @officialmisha)
short and snarky: there are plenty of real and sourced examples of network homophobia and scripted/directed destiel scenes being cut to point to. we don’t need to make this stuff up just bc the finale wasn’t what we wanted. so it’s not the mandela effect — it’s ppl repeating a conspiracy/rumor bc it supports their narrative and it’s easier and more fun to repeat something that supports a narrative they already believe (misha or something destiel was cut) vs the boring act of fact checking.
longer circumspect answer with links bc like many ppl i am in my debunking era and i rewatched "roblox_oof" last night.
like i said. i've watched the finale ten times. i’ve gone over the episode with a fine toothed comb and posted a detailed breakdown of timing marks on my blog. it’s actually extremely obvious where the ad breaks are once you know roughly where to look for them (they have a longer fade to black instead of a quick cut scene change). there’s no room for extra ad breaks and i think this conspiracy/rumor persists in part bc the episode feels so sparse in terms of cast and the fact that the episode’s momentum hits a barn post (and rebar) less than 20min into an hour-long programming block.
also i’m begging ppl to actually look at that timing mark post. it’s very straightforward and i spent a lot of time on it. i don’t care if ppl plagiarize it at this point if it means this conspiracy stops. i've got almost every second accounted for.
the "eleven missing scenes" that you're thinking of are probably from the finale script of questionable authenticity that @spnscripthunt acquired back in 2021 which can be found here. it's dated as the “final draft” from 11 sep 2020 and filming on 15x20 wrapped on 10 sep 2020. as noted at the bottom of this superwiki page "[the] script came from someone claiming to have been the person who did the closed captions for the show in Russia. There are some indications that it possibly may not be authentic, but this has not been confirmed."
if we go with the possibility that this was a transcript meant for subtitles, the "omitted" scenes were probably written but never filmed since it's the "final draft" and not a color revision (blue, green, yellow, etc). unfortunately, i’ve lost track of where i read it and a preliminary duckduckgo search isn’t bringing it up bc there's a program for script writing called final draft, but iirc the “final draft” version of a script is a transcript of what was filmed (e.g. there are parts of that 15x20 script that ended up being deleted scenes on the DVD). spnscripthunt also has an example of a confirmed final draft for 09x02 (funnily enough, also a dabb-penned ep). if anyone can confirm with a source that i have the purpose of the “final draft” version designation wrong, please let me know! i love being proven wrong with Facts.
i do want to acknowledge that the two “final drafts” do look different from each other and the 15x20 one doesn't look like a “real” final draft script since it lacks the revision/versioning dates that a script would normally have on the cover page. it could be that it was intended for subtitles; there's the chance it's been re-typed to anonymize it if there was anything indicating who the "owner" was, tho that seems a wee bit cloak and dagger to me. and again: it's considered of questionable authenticity. there are some things that don't quite line up but oh dear god i don't want to get even further out into the weeds than i already am.
i won't disagree that it's weird as hell that neoni only got asked about using their cover seven days prior to the episode airing (tiktok here). my personal theory is that they were hoping to get a more expensive song (maybe a zepp song, idk) and didn't manage to secure the rights in the end. again: this is pure conjecture on my part! but i could absolutely see someone working on the show hearing neoni’s cover and liking it and then maybe they were using it as a placeholder until it got down to the wire and they had to make a call/send the ep to networks. because yes, it is baffling they played a song and then a cover of it with only a 40 second break between. (i do actually really like the neoni cover! the placement is just weird and i think it could have worked if they had the kansas version at the beginning and closed with neoni's full cover.)
as to the 4th wall break COVID stuff: robert singer talked with variety magazine about filming the last two episodes and the logistics of filming during a pandemic. whether they should have been filming during a pandemic is a separate discussion but their use of office vs set pods, strict quarantining and daily testing meant that they had zero positive tests in the month they were filming (18 aug to 10 sep). so given all that, i personally don’t think it’s totally out of pocket to have everyone standing outdoors on a bridge for maybe an hour to get a drone shot of them together. (i won’t get into incubation periods and viral load, but if everyone tested negative that day and every day for a month prior, it was a fairly low risk scene to film outdoors and for all we know everyone was masked until the last possible second. there were plenty of outdoor masked protests in 2020 that weren't superspreader events.)
and before anyone brings up “but misha was in vancouver!” i know someone who looked into it and they said no dice, nothing matched up between the backgrounds in those pics and places in vancouver. his statements about “us” going back to set over the summer were pretty generic in hindsight and “we”/"us" could be him or the spn crew generally. unfortunately i’m not able to find those tweets but the use of “we” was likely so as not to give away he wouldn’t be returning to set. (bc we were absolutely casbaited!) and bc it comes up a lot: the "onion field pic" was from when they were filming 15x17 and was not taken while filming 15x19 and 15x20.
besides, it would be ridiculous to go through the financial and logistical headaches of bringing someone into the country to film during a pandemic, only to cut their scenes in the end! honestly, the script is pretty tight when the scenes are given so much breathing room! the only thing i could see being further cut down is The Monologue and even then, i don’t think there was any intent to cut it down given it was filmed in fairly long takes.
i’ve said it many times before, but i believe the finale was fucked long before they returned to set. walker got the green light in sep 2019 and it was being marketed heavily as a “follow on” show to spn given jared’s involvement. the demo they were courting for walker has little to no overlap with the demo for destiel fans — why would they want a finale that catered to a demo they weren't interested in courting? we just went through a historic double strike that exposed so much of the rot of business interests overriding creative vision. this isn't completely unfounded conjecture.
i will not apologize for the length of this bc i wanted to be thorough, but i do want to give context that i think the reason these conspiracies and rumors grind my gears so much is because anyone can fact check all of this. the truth is out there and absolutely none of it is that hard to find. the most time consuming/difficult part of this was finding someone who had a DVR’d copy of the finale from when it aired live and they actually found me themselves after i’d been low key asking around for a year!
and like. i get it. conspiracies are fun. but there are so many sourced instances of network homophobia and destiel being cut that it's like. why is this something folks are hanging onto? the cw is notorious for having upper level meddling with finales bc there's a follow-on show they want to shuffle fans along to and spn is no exception.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
What are you most controversial/unpopular OP opinions??? Sorry if it was answered before
You want me to get canceled so bad-- If I speak-- But idk, I guess I'll say the controversial opinions I can say publicly without a bunch of people coming at me!
Zo$an is a bit... Overrated? And by overrated I mean extremely/annoyingly overrated. I like the ship and its canon dynamic but I think at least 80% of the fandom portrays them in a very mischaracterized way. Not to say that... The ship is literally everywhere and the shippers always look for every little thing to prove they're canon, even if the "proof" has literally nothing to do with them. It's not that I don't enjoy the ship (although I must admit I prefer other dynamics a lot more) I just can't stand shippers that go to extremes. It's funny because I think Zo$an's dynamic is way more interesting and romantic in canon than it will ever be in the fandom. It's a bit sad, ngl. I liked them a lot at first but it got so tiring and now I am pretty exhausted from seeing it everywhere. The people force it to be more than it is when the canon is already pretty fucking great.
Adding to the Zo$san thing. I think that relationship would only work if Luffy is there somehow but it wouldn't last a day without him in the relationship. Unless there's like, a ton of character development most of these people don't make them go through.
One Piece Film Z is my worst enemy. It's such a boring movie. The only good thing is the soundtrack and maybe the suits but God watching that was torture.
Boa hate is uhhhh weird. I mean, I get why the joke about her being in love with Luffy might be annoying, but I think most of you need to learn to understand that Oda's sense of humor is sometimes a bit too exaggerated (and not funny) and it has basically nothing to do with the actual canon dynamics between characters. Boa likes Luffy because he's one of the first men who has ever treated her right, so of course she confuses that feeling with love. And of course, yeah, it isn't canon. Whatever. Just read between the lines, maybe? And also, stop using words like "pedo" to describe her because using that term so lightly about 1) a fictional character and 2) somebody who's clearly not a pedo is fucked up. Lmao. Do you even know what that word means???
Once again complaining about Pudding hate and saying that it's stupid. I won't overanalyze because I always do it with her, but the only reason people hate her is for misogynistic reasons and because they're babying Sanji. Evil male characters are okay and hot and very traumatized but the second it's a woman she's the most evilest person ever! Because God forbid they make mistakes! Suddenly their character development isn't valid because they hurt their babygirl!
Now that we're talking about my dearest Pudding. Not tagging anybody of course, but I saw this post with so many interactions of people agreeing about Sanji considering violence as a sign of love which??? Doesn't make sense at all?? OP said it was because he couldn't tell the difference between love/abuse because of his family, but that's just... Not accurate. That could only happen if they had manipulated him into thinking abuse is a type of love, but he had healthy love growing up. Even when he was with the Vinsmokes (Sora and Reiju, I love you). And yet OP said Sanji considered Pudding's behavior flirting (wrong) and that's why he let her attack him (nope) and that it was proof of Zo$an. And okay, it's not a hugely popular theory, but a lot of people agreed with it and it bothered me a lot because it's both out of character and also using Pudding (complex female character) once again to try and prove the canon of a ship (that doesn't have anything to do with WCI either???). It just bothers me. People can perceive the story however they want but... Y'know.
OPLA isn't that good. Or good at all? I only like it because I like the cast and it's funny seeing my blorbos irl. But the script is simple and dull and just stupid most of the time. The characters are either simplified, mischaracterized, or forgotten. And tbh most of the shots are very awful and could be a lot better. The directing is also nonexistent. It's 6/10 and 3 of those points are because both the Zolu and the cast.
Apparently this is a very common theory about Nami's origins, but, uh, I don't think we need to know? What else do you need to know about her? People say she's a lost princess or something like that as if we didn't have a lost princess already (Sanji ily). Repeating the same plot would be boring and underwhelming, but also? It'd be extremely useless for the plot and it'd go against everything about Nami's story and the way Luffy reacts to it.
Luffy isn't canon aroace. In fact, the reasoning people use for him being "coded" is the same Oda uses for Zoro too and Zoro is almost never portrayed as the "idiot who doesn't know what sex is" the way Luffy often is. If you're calling Luffy canon aroace for what Oda said about him being focused on adventures, the same goes for Zoro being focused on his dream. They could be coded arospec but there's nothing confirmed and the constant discourse about it is stupid. Attacking others because of their ships just because you don't agree with them and saying it's wrong using our identity to do it is very fucked up. Especially since most of the time people complaining aren't even aroace. The only reason people do it (attacking others saying they can't ship Luffy and that it's "weird" and "wrong") is that they infantilize Luffy/Don't want him getting in between their ships (<- aroace person writing this) (also, it's very ableist since people agree on Luffy also being neurodivergent coded and treating him like a kid bc of that but this isn't about that now).
Somehow this is very common. Some fucking how. I can't believe I have to say this. I'm tired of people blaming Usopp for what happened in Water 7. Or in general hating Usopp. Actually, he's one of the best-written characters in the whole show and he's so underappreciated it's so frustrating.
Sanji's perv jokes are annoying af and we all know that, but people who hate the character and consider him a red flag for that are missing the point completely. The point being "Oda exaggerates jokes to an annoying extent and most of the time they don't even reflect the character". I understand they can make you uncomfortable (same here tbh) but reducing Sanji to only those jokes is a waste of his character. You need to take jokes less seriously.
If I see one of these "red flag OP boys" TikToks adding Law/Ace/Zoro/Sanji next to fucking Doffy I will riot. Also, stop adding Crocodile there. He's a mafioso, there's NO way he won't be a sweetheart to his lover.
Baron Omatsuri's artstyle and animation is amazing and it fits the plot and aesthetic of the movie perfectly and people saying it's ugly will forever bother me.
"Usopp is suddenly hot after timeskip!" He has always been hot what the fuck are you talking about.
People reduce Nami to her "mean"/"sarcastic" personality a lot when she's quite literally one of the most kind-hearted characters of all. That being said, morally speaking she's probably one of the worst. I could explain how that works but I don't want to do it now, the point is-- Let the girl be sweet instead of making her mean all the time. And also, let her be mean and selfish without making it her entire personality. There's something called "balance".
Film Red was kind of bad. Like, the songs are amazing (thanks, Ado) but the ending is awful and the plot is very meh. I'm only here for Uta and Shanks but the rest of the characters are just useless. I do appreciate Sanji's hair in the movie, though.
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doomzday-zone · 1 month
hey sorry it's me again (<- girl who needs to go to sleep) urrhm ok walks into ur office with a stack of papers it's me secretary over apologizer
anywah rum um um th hey hi so uh looks around can weeee talk about the really big theme of nowhere to hide in the book and the game interchangeably like um. um. hi. okay so I'm literally laying in bed right now complete darkness like oh wow the characters oh wow oh wow smacks into a wall face first. and um um
okay like I just feel like god this thing with like.. yeagh.. there really is nowhere to hide from your parents ❤ that's literally the ultimate thing being a child like you can't just LEAVE and that's actually such a scary ass theme and the way the house keeps getting put on more and more lockdown in the game is like This is so alarming ❤ BUT that doesn't happen (or isnt stated) in the book, the difference in the book since u havent read it is just that oz doesn't leave for a few days because he's scared and can hear the. the thing standing outside his door all the time and it's like (steps up to microphone) WOW I LOVE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LITERALLY NOT BEINF ABLE TO JUST LEAVE AND THE MENTAL STATE OF NOT BEING ABLE TO Just Leave um and the way you run out of places to go in the game is so like ohhfmygodd sorry it's just really good like the game feels like it's suffocating that boy like u gotta get out of here because soon there will physically be no exit !! and the way the hiding minigames work ooogg ooohhh hi hey um hi sorry this game is written so beautifully it makes me physically nauseous only good fnaf game ever. uh but the hiding games not being designed like traditional hiding mechanics in games like holding a door shut or something, but stuff like oh keep the spiders away because it feels more like SORRY KID THERE'S NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO OTHER THAN SIT THERE AND PRAY havr fun!!! ob my god head in hands like You can try to stop the toys or not breathe so scared but you can't physically hold a door shut because you're too little 🙁🙁����😞😞😢 this game is so alarming I hate it not really but it's like ohntmmgdos and and and and hi hey okay so more with nowhere to hide like
I said this in my insane tags on that one post but the way that every single adult is like Oh you're so fucking strange weird little kid causing trouble . like it's not only like he can't tell anyone because he'd sound crazy but the universe being predisposed to everyone not listening to children about anything ever is like I feel like I've been punched in the face thanks like directly in the jaw my teeth r on the floorrr
like ugh I h h RATTLES BARS
um and and and looks around :c I can say more things but I just yeagh..
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YEAAAAAAAA ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEFUCMING. AHHHHHH !!!!!!! thats smth i REALLY REALLY like abt into the pit like you REALLY feel like ur put into the shoes of a kid here you can only do so much while trying and experiencing shit wayyyy bigger than yourself, n it just elevates the horror bc like, obv ur oarent/someone you love being replaced by an imperfect impostir is already a scary notion. n being a CHILD TOO????? like fuckkkkk man your options r dwindling. n the way kuds r treated in society n shit as well as eveything else, oswalds just a kid, hes in sixth grade like?????? how do you deal w this???????? theres a fucking EVIL ANIMAL in your house. the world is already si scary as achild w/o all this but yhis maies it ten yimes worse, AND your home isnt even safe either. the amount if stress n trauma this kid experiences in a work week is fuxking insane hashtag justice for ozwald gotdamn.
AD AND i still xant stop thinking about the fat like. oswald is forced to relive the trauma of the events n shit that transpired a freddys, from the child victims at the pizzeria, to Michaels and the crying childs in his own home. smth smth themes of generational trauma n whatever its insane my brian explodes into ten million bloody chunks.
n what u said abt the book..... man........ imagine being holed up in ur room for days in end bc of The Thing on the other end of the door. like LITERALLY FNAF 4 SHIT GODDD. oswald reliving the trauma of the entire fnaf franchise in five nights like: INSANEEE. CRAZYYYYY.
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Of Coffee and Cinnamon Rolls - Chapter 1
Pairing: TASM! Peter Parker x F!Reader
Rating: T
Story Summary: Peter's coffee maker has broken, leaving him in need of a caffeine fix. Luckily, there's a new coffee shop right by the Daily Bugle... With a beautiful barista inside.
Warnings/Tags: Meet-Cute, Coffee Shops, Strangers to Friends to Lovers
Word Count: ~1650
A/N: Continuing my reignited thirst for Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker with this super sweet, super fluffy goodness! Enjoy this first chapter and I'll be back with more soon!
That being said, if you want to be added to the tag list for this or any of my other stories/characters I write for, please let me know!
Ugh, what a morning, Peter Parker thought as he hurried down the sidewalk towards the Daily Bugle's building. His ancient second (or more than likely actually third) -hand coffee maker that he had purchased at Goodwill when he had first moved into his apartment had finally given up the ghost that morning and he hadn't had time to try to fix it before needing to leave for work. Mr. Jameson had eventually relented and hired him on as a staff photographer rather than a freelancer after the former staff photographer, Eddie Brock, had quit to go work for the Post, which meant that Peter was expected to attend the 7am staff meetings.
He slowed as he spotted a sidewalk sign up ahead welcoming people inside a brand-new coffee shop. 
Deciding that getting his caffeine fix was more important than potentially being late, Peter adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and headed inside, taking a quick glance around the empty shop.
The woman behind the counter smiled as he approached. "Hi, welcome to Bean There, Done That, what can I getcha?"
Wow, she's beautiful, Peter thought . "Hi, could I get a large black coffee?"
The beautiful barista nodded. "Room for cream or sugar?"
"No, thank you."
"Can I interest you in a cinnamon roll?"
Peter's stomach growled as he eyed the display case of what appeared to be freshly-baked cinnamon rolls. In his haste to clean up the mess his now-broken coffee maker had made he hadn't had time for breakfast. "Uh, yeah, actually, a cinnamon roll sounds great."
"Awesome." The barista tapped at the iPad that was serving as the register. "For here or to go?"
"To go." As much as Peter would've liked to stay and enjoy his breakfast he was already cutting it close.
"Okay, that'll be $6.43. Can I get your name?"
Peter must've looked confused because she pointed to the stack of paper coffee cups and added, "for your coffee order."
"Oh! Peter... My name is Peter."
"Peter," the beautiful barista (or B.B. as Peter was now calling her in his head) repeated, tapping at the iPad again. "Your coffee will be ready at the end of the counter."
Peter paid for his breakfast and moved to the other end of the counter, watching as B.B. set his coffee to brew then moved to the display case. She appeared to be roughly his age, with Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes. She wore black pants, a white shirt, and a flour-dusted apron which bore the logo of the shop and showed off her figure.
"Here you go," she said, walking back towards Peter and handing him a small bakery box. "Cinnamon roll for Peter."
"Thank you."
She put a lid on Peter's coffee and slid it over to him. "And here's your coffee."
Peter picked up his coffee and bakery box as the bell above the door chimed, signaling another customer. "Thanks again."
"No problem. Thanks for stopping by, come back again soon."
"Will do."
Peter ran the rest of the way to the Daily Bugle. Luckily Jameson was running late so Peter managed to slip into the conference room with a couple of minutes to spare.
He opened the bakery box and took a bite of the still-warm cinnamon roll. Wow, this is delicious.
He finished it right before Jameson walked into the conference room.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Jameson barked.  "We need a puff piece to round out Sunday's edition. Whaddya got for me?"
"The library is having a book sale--" one of the junior reporters began.
"Boring, nobody goes to the library. What else?"
"There's a pet adoption event in Central Park--" another one tried.
"We covered the last one. Gimmie something different."
Peter cleared his throat. "There's a new coffee shop down the street that's having a grand opening tomorrow… Bean There, Done That?"
"New coffee shop, huh? Is it any good?"
Peter nodded. "Yes, sir. I just had a cinnamon roll from there. It was great."
Jameson thought for a moment. "Might get some free baked goods for promoting it. Ok, fine. Brant!"
"Yes, sir," Betty Brant, one of the senior reporters, replied.
"Set up an interview with the owner. Parker, you go too since we need photos of the opening."
Peter grinned. "Yes, sir." Hopefully B.B. will be there.
"Alright, now get out of here. I've got golf with the mayor in an hour and I need to practice my back swing."
Peter headed to his desk to work on editing photos for the online edition of the paper, briefly stopping to eat lunch in the staff break room before getting back to it. As he was packing up to leave for the day Betty stopped by his desk. "Hey, so I stopped by that coffee shop during my lunch break and talked to the owner, and she agreed to an interview but asked if it could be before the shop opens, so I'll see you tomorrow morning around 7:30?" 
Peter nodded. "Sounds good."
"Oh and you were right, the cinnamon rolls are excellent. I can't wait to try some other stuff from there."
"Me either. See you tomorrow, Betty."
He grabbed his backpack and headed down to the lobby.
"Bye, Stan!" he called to the elderly security guard as he exited the building.
As he approached Bean There, Done That he noticed that the chalkboard sign was still outside. Maybe I should stop in and get another coffee and cinnamon roll since it's gonna be a long night. And if B.B. happens to still be there, well, that's just a bonus, isn't it?
B.B. looked up from the tray of cinnamon rolls that she was boxing up as he entered. She smiled. "Hi, back again? It's Peter, right?"
Peter nodded. "Right."
"What can I do for you?"
"Um, actually I was wondering if I could get another coffee and a cinnamon roll."
B.B. nodded. "You're in luck. I'm getting ready to close up so I was boxing up the few I have left."
She moved over to the coffee machine. "Large black coffee, right?"
Peter nodded, impressed that she had remembered his order from that morning. "Right."
"Ok, I'll have that for you in a sec."
Peter waited at the register while B.B. brewed his coffee. "So, uh, first day open?" he asked.
B.B. glanced over at him. "Yeah, sorta. Technically tomorrow's our official opening but I decided to go ahead and open for a couple of hours today."
She popped the lid on and set it in front of him, then grabbed the box of cinnamon rolls, waving off Peter's payment. "Here you go. On the house."
Peter blinked in surprise. "Oh, wow, thanks. Are you sure though? I wouldn't want you to get into trouble with the owner."
B.B. grinned. "Considering I am the owner, I don't think I'll get into trouble for giving away free stuff. Besides, you're my first repeat customer, so that should at least entitle you to a free coffee and bakery item, right?"
"You're the owner," Peter repeated, suddenly feeling dumb considering how obvious it was. 
B.B. nodded. "Yep. I couldn't sleep last night, and when I can't sleep, I bake, hence the cinnamon rolls, so I figured it was better to open for a few hours a day early and sell them rather than have to throw them out because I can't eat them all." 
She stuck out her hand. "I'm Y/F/N. Y/F/N Y/L/N."
Peter took it, giving it a brief shake. "Peter Parker."
"Very nice to meet you, Peter Parker."
"Nice to meet you as well, Y/N." Peter enjoyed the way her name felt on his tongue.
"Thanks for stopping by again. Hope to see you again soon."
Peter grinned. "Actually, you'll be seeing me tomorrow morning. I'm the staff photographer for the Daily Bugle so I'll be taking photos for the paper during your interview."
A look of realization flitted across Y/N's face. "Ohhh, that makes sense now. That reporter from the Bugle did say that one of her colleagues had stopped by this morning and recommended that she try the cinnamon rolls."
Peter chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah, that was me."
"Well thank you for recommending them to your colleagues. I really appreciate it."
"It was no problem, really. The cinnamon roll was excellent." Peter gestured to the bakery box. "Well, I mean obviously, since I'm back for another one." Not because you're beautiful and I just wanted to see you again, he thought. Well… not only that.
He took a sip of his coffee. "So I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
Y/N smiled. "Yeah, I guess you will."
Peter picked up the bakery box. "Thanks again for the coffee and cinnamon rolls. I really appreciate it."
"It's no problem."
Peter turned to leave.
"Oh, hey, wait!" Y/N added.
Peter turned back towards her.
Y/N bit her lip, then picked up a business card from the holder in front of the register and wrote something on the back before handing it to Peter. 
Peter studied the card.
Bean There, Done That
714 2nd Ave.
New York, NY 10016
He turned it over and saw an additional phone number written on the back. 
"If no one's up front when you get here tomorrow morning you can text me and I'll come let you in," Y/N explained.
Peter put the card in his wallet for safekeeping, making a mental note to add Y/N's contact info to his phone as soon as he left the shop. "That sounds great."
"See you tomorrow, Peter."
"See ya, Y/N."
Peter left the shop with a grin. Maybe my coffee maker breaking wasn't such a bad thing after all. 
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lemonzestywrites · 11 months
fuck it friday
tagged by the spectacular @eddiebabygirldiaz @your-catfish-friend @housewifebuck love you guys!!
okay full transparency i was actually gonna post a bit more for afotalwcs (my buddie fwb bdsm fic) cause i added another 2k (i know crazy, right?) but then i saw how many tags i got for this so uhhh....im killing two birds with one stone here baby!!
heres a little bit from the phone sex chapter from (gasp) bucks pov- also brace yourself its a long one
“How many marks should I leave this time? Five? Ten?” He’s being an ass, he knows that, but Eddie is so fun to rile up. Buck only got a taste of it during their last scene, but not wanting to risk throwing too much at him too fast, Buck held back a bit more. But now that small craving is back, and from the sounds of it, Eddie is just as eager to get his own serving, too. Buck doesn’t bother trying to hold back the wide, coy smile that spreads across his lips. “Eleven?” “Buck.” Four letters. Short for Buckley. His name has been murmured, yelled, laughed, moaned. But there’s something about how Eddie says it. A fun little hidden meaning within it all, a supplement for all the other things Eddie can’t vocalize. This isn’t the first time he’s done it either- and not the first time Buck has noticed either. Yet Buck still can’t help but be amused by the edge in Eddie’s voice, the faint coating of desperation in his words, and the other unspoken plea that doesn’t follow after.  Stop fucking teasing. He laughs again. “No, eleven won’t do. You wanna be covered, don’t you, Eddie?” he teases again instead of dwindling down. Almost predictably, there’s a shallow groan that echos on the other side of the line, one that drips in aching need. There’s nothing more satisfying to Buck than being able to pull out the exact kind of reaction he wants from his partners. And Eddie’s no different. Maybe the walls and barriers he keeps placed between the outside world and the soft cracks of his composure might be a turn-off to someone else. But not to Buck. He kind of enjoys it a bit more. Likes that he has to work for it, has to gently pry open the closed fist that holds together all Eddie’s willpower. It feels all the more worth it in the end when he finally gets him to let go. When the shallow gasps turn into soft whines. Where pleasure becomes unrestrained, and Eddie can’t help but start withering beneath his touch.  Desperation is what it is. Seeing Eddie and his well-manicured self-control begin to melt away steadily- rampant eager desire taking place instead. And all because of Buck. And his doing. Know Eddie feels safe enough to be that vulnerable with him- even when he’s not in person. It’s such a glorious feeling. One Buck wears proudly in moments like this, understanding the care and honor in the experience. “Next time, I will,” he promises, because he means it. “When I'm done, there’s not going to be a spot on you I don’t get to. Your thighs, your chest, everywhere.”
not tagging anyone else cause i think everyone's already done this- unless you haven't- then you're tagged now baby!!
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Bunny Slippers: Chapter Four
Summary: Julia has been deemed a gifted researcher, a beneficial trait for a hunter. However, with the knowledge of her father's feelings towards Julia in the field, will she be able to keep up with the Winchester brothers?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader [ OC: Julia Blackburn ]
Warnings: mostly fluff with violence and angst, maybe slow burn
Word Count: 6, 802 words
Author's Note: Here are the links to the previous chapters. Apologies if these chapters come out slower now, i actually have to do my university work, and cannot continue to procrastinate. But had to at least post this one because I cannot stop fangirling over dean rn. I have also added a tag list, so let me know if you want me to add you :).
Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three
(Image from Pinterest)
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As the Impala's engine hummed to a halt in the motel's parking lot, Dean's voice broke the silence, careful not to disturb the sleeping Julia. "Looks like this is our stop for the night," he whispered, glancing at Sam who was stirring in the backseat.
Sam, waking up to their new surroundings, sat up and stretched. "I'll go grab us some rooms," he said, sliding out of the car with a yawn. The cool night air seemed to invigorate him as he headed towards the motel's office.
Dean, meanwhile, stayed in the driver's seat, his gaze affectionately lingering on Julia. She was still asleep, her head resting against the car door, glasses askew. Carefully, he reached over, gently tucking a stray curl behind her ear.
Sam returned shortly, jingling a set of keys. "Got the last two rooms," he announced in a hushed tone, mindful of the quiet night. "I'll get our stuff; you wake Julia."
He busied himself with the bags while Dean quietly stepped out of the car and made his way to the passenger side. Opening the door slowly, he was ready to catch Julia in case she stirred. Leaning down, he gently touched her arm. "Jules, time to wake up, sweetheart," he said softly, his voice soothing in the quiet night air.
Julia's eyes fluttered open, looking around in confusion. Dean's presence immediately grounding her. "Mind your head," Dean murmured kindly, sliding his hands under her legs and behind her back, lifting her effortlessly out of the Impala. He carried her into one of the motel rooms, his steps careful and measured.
Once inside, Dean gently laid her down on the bed, ensuring she was comfortable. Julia, now more awake, looked up at him with gratitude.
"Thanks, Dean," she said softly, her voice tinged with sleepiness but also a hint of warmth for his thoughtful gesture. Dean gave a small, reassuring smile in response, his actions speaking louder than words in the quiet comfort of the motel room.
Sam entered the room, Julia's duffel bag in hand, and carefully placed it on the unoccupied bed. He glanced around, ensuring everything was in order before addressing Julia with a gentle, protective tone.
"Hey, we're just next door, alright? If you need anything, don't hesitate to knock," Sam said, his voice carrying a brotherly concern. He shifted his gaze to Dean, his eyes subtly conveying a reminder – to give Julia the space she might need. It was a look that spoke volumes, one that Dean understood well.
Dean caught Sam's look and nodded slightly, acknowledging the unspoken message. He turned to Julia, his demeanor shifting to one that balanced care with respect for her independence.
"Yeah, Jules, Sam's right. We're just a stone's throw away. You got your bag here," Dean gestured towards the duffel on the bed, his voice softer than usual, yet still carrying that characteristic Dean Winchester confidence. "Get some rest, okay? We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."
His words were simple, yet they held a depth of understanding and concern for Julia's well-being, a testament to the bond they had begun to forge.
Julia gave a grateful nod as Sam set down her bag. As the brothers moved towards the door, she called out in a cheerful, albeit slightly weary tone, "Sleep tight, you guys."
Just as Sam and Dean were about to exit, Julia's voice halted them in their tracks. "Hey, guys!" They turned back to face her. She offered a small, sincere smile. "Thanks again... for everything," she said, her voice laced with genuine appreciation.
Dean paused, leaning against the door frame. A soft smile played on his lips, a rare show of his more tender side. "Hey, no need to thank us, Jules. That's what family's for," he said, his voice gentle yet firm, assuring her of their unwavering support. "Get some good rest. We'll be right next door, okay? Anything you need, just holler."
With those reassuring words, Dean gave her a final nod, a silent promise of safety and camaraderie. He then followed Sam out the door, softly closing it behind them, leaving Julia to the quiet solitude of her room.
Julia sat on her bed, enveloped in a silence that felt almost palpable, staring at the door long after the brothers had departed. For what felt like an eternity but was only half an hour, she remained motionless, her gaze fixed on the nondescript door of their motel room. The mundanity of the room—a stark contrast to the turmoil churning within her—felt oppressive. Her hands, restless and seeking comfort, brushed up and down her legs in a subconscious attempt to soothe her frayed nerves.
With a deep, resigning sigh that seemed to carry the weight of her worries, Julia finally stirred from her spot. She rose, her movements sluggish, as if the last 24 hours had left her physically burdened. The idea of a shower, of letting the warm water wash over her, seemed like the only remedy to the cold, gnawing unease that had settled in her bones.
The bathroom offered a temporary sanctuary as she stood under the shower head, the warm water cascading over her like a comforting embrace. She closed her eyes, letting the water envelop her, hoping—praying—that it could somehow erase the haunting memories of the day gone by. "Just wash it all away," she whispered to herself, a mantra to keep the encroaching despair at bay.
Eventually, the water ceased its comforting drum against the tiled floor, and Julia, with a reluctant turn of the faucet, stepped out into the steam-filled room. The fog seemed to follow her as she made her way back into the bedroom, the stark contrast between the warmth of the bathroom and the chill of the motel room mirroring the turmoil inside her.
She approached the unoccupied double bed, her movements automatic as she retrieved her pajamas from her duffel bag. The Van Halen shirt, Batman pajamas, and a pair of socks—her comfort clothes—were laid out with a care that belied her inner turmoil. Dressing quickly, Julia couldn't help but feel the weight of the last day's events finally catching up to her, her body heavy with an exhaustion that went beyond the physical.
Now dressed, her next move was mechanical, born out of habit and the need for security—the double check on the motel door to ensure it was locked. This simple act, a routine meant to offer safety, felt like a feeble defense against the world outside.
Crawling under the threadbare motel bedding, Julia's movements were slow, each one a battle against the weariness that threatened to consume her. She placed her glasses on the bedside table, a final act before surrendering to sleep. As she closed her eyes, the events of the day replayed in her mind, a relentless tide of memories and emotions. But exhaustion proved to be a merciful captor, and Julia quickly fell into a deep sleep, her breaths evening out as she escaped into the respite that only sleep could offer.
The transition from night to the hesitant dawn was imperceptible, marked only by the subtle shift in the quality of darkness outside. In the dimly lit room, the first rays of sun teased their way through the gaps in the motel blinds, painting thin lines of light across the floor. Julia stirred in her bed, the restful oblivion of sleep reluctantly receding as her hand reached out for the glasses perched on the bedside table. Squinting, she brought the world into focus and glanced at the clock, its red numbers flashing the early hour—05:53 AM.
With a long, drawn-out sigh, Julia swung her legs off the bed and planted her feet firmly on the floor, steeling herself for the day ahead. She dressed methodically, donning the outfit laid out from the night before—a simple gray tank top layered beneath a rugged black jacket, its sleeves frayed from countless brushes with the implacable outside world. Her jeans were a second skin, faded in all the right places, held snug by a leather belt that had seen better days.
Her Doc Martens were next, the laces pulled tight and tied off, a small but necessary armour against whatever lay waiting. Her long auburn hair, which could have been a wild torrent, was instead woven into a neat French braid, an act of preparation for the day's tasks in the town ahead.
The room was filled with the sound of zippers and the shuffle of fabric as Julia packed her other clothes back into her duffel bag. A glance at the clock—06:02 AM—confirmed the morning was indeed marching forward. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she made for the door, stepping out into the crisp morning that held the remnants of night's chill.
The Impala loomed in the parking lot, a silent sentinel awaiting its passengers. As Julia approached, she noted the quiet—the world seemed to be holding its breath. Placing her duffel beside the car, she turned toward the motel room that housed Sam and Dean, the door looking just like any other, yet hiding the familiar chaos of the brothers within.
A soft knock from Julia was met with a symphony of morning grumbles before the door swung open to reveal Dean. His usual sharp demeanour was softened by sleep, his hair tousled, and his bare chest on display beneath an open flannel. His eyebrows knit together in a frown that shifted into a look of sleepy concern upon seeing Julia.
Julia's eyes inadvertently traced the lines of his torso before snapping up to meet his eyes, a warmth spreading across her cheeks as she offered a playful jab, "Ha! Consider this payback for that early wake-up months ago."
Dean rubbed a hand over his face, the corners of his mouth turning up despite the early hour. "Payback, huh? That how we're playing it?" He leaned against the doorframe, his posture relaxed but his eyes more alert now. "Well, you got me. I'm up. What's the emergency? Or you just enjoy the view?"
"There's no emergency," Julia replied with a small laugh, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Just thought you'd wanna get an early start on the case, you know?"
Dean's gaze softened with understanding, a nod acknowledging the unspoken weight of their hunter's life. "Alright, give me five minutes to wake up Sleeping Beauty," he gestured vaguely behind him towards Sam's likely slumbering form, "and we'll hit the road. Thanks for the wake-up call, Jules. You're alright." He flashed her a grin, the trademark glint of mischief back in his eyes, signalling the start of another day in the life of hunters.
Julia found a temporary perch on the hood of the Impala, the metal cool beneath her. The early morning still held the remnants of the night’s chill, and she drew her jacket tighter around herself, her gaze fixed on the motel door.
The door finally swung open, and Dean emerged, his presence immediately filling the quiet morning. He slipped into his leather jacket, the material worn in places that told stories of countless hunts and narrow escapes. With his typical confident stride, he approached the Impala, his eyes catching Julia's form against the car. His lips curled into a grin, one that held both the promise of adventure and the ease of long camaraderie.
"Morning, sunshine," Dean quipped, his voice carrying a playful tone. "Gotta say, you leaning on Baby is a picture I could get used to."
Julia pushed off from the car, a smile tugging at her own lips. "Yeah? Well, don't get too distracted, Casanova. Is Sam coming or is he planning to make a day of it in there?"
Dean's smile broadened into a chuckle, the sound seeming to brush away the remnants of sleep from his eyes. "Oh, he's on his way. You know Sammy, probably double-checking his geek-trap—uh, I mean, his bag. We'll be burning rubber in no time." He gave the Impala a loving pat, as if to assure her of the impending journey.
Their banter was a familiar dance, one that allowed them to skirt around the edges of the seriousness of their lives as hunters. It was a momentary respite, a breath taken before plunging into the depths again, and they both took it gratefully.
Dean's eyes caught sight of Julia's duffel bag and, without a word, he hoisted it along with his own and stowed them in the trunk of the Impala with practiced ease. The trunk closed with a satisfying thud, a sound that marked the beginning of many of their adventures.
"Thank you," Julia said, her voice warm with appreciation as she slid into the backseat of the car. She leaned forward over the front bench, her fingers deftly popping open the glove box to retrieve the treasured box of cassettes tucked away inside.
Through the back window, Dean found himself momentarily distracted by the sight of Julia's silhouette as she stretched across the seat. He quickly chastised himself with a shake of his head and rounded the car to the driver's side, sliding in with his usual grace.
"What are you digging for, sweetheart?" Dean asked, his tone carrying a playful edge as he watched her pull the box from its hiding spot.
"I get to pick the music, remember?" Julia responded, her attention on the cassettes as she began rifling through them, a subtle reminder of a prior agreement hanging between them.
Dean chuckled, throwing an arm over the back of the seat, his gaze lingering on her with a mix of amusement and mock exasperation. "I thought that 'DJ for a day' deal was a one-time gig," he teased, watching the concentration etch her features as she pondered her musical choices.
Julia glanced up at him, a smirk playing on her lips. "Well, you thought wrong," she quipped, the cassette in her hand poised to become the soundtrack of their morning. "Besides, everyone knows the passenger gets DJ privileges."
Dean's response was a good-natured grunt, conceding the point as he started the engine. The familiar rumble of the Impala came to life, a comforting backdrop to their light-hearted squabble. "Fine, but I reserve the right to veto any of your hippie music," he warned, though they both knew he rarely exercised that right.
With a smile, Julia selected a tape, the corners of her eyes crinkling with delight. "Trust me, Dean, you're gonna love this one," she said, her choice made, ready to set the mood for the road stretching out before them.
The Impala's engine roared to life under Dean's steady hand, a comforting purr that spoke of open roads and the promise of escape. Julia, nestled in the backseat, stretched forward between the seats with a grace that didn't go unnoticed by Dean. The warmth of her presence was close, almost tangible, as she slid the cassette into the radio with a click that preluded the swell of music.
Her braid, a neat cascade of auburn, brushed against his arm as she withdrew to settle back into her seat, leaving a trail of her scent that mingled with the leather and old spice of the car's interior. The opening chords of Creedence Clearwater Revival filled the space, "Bad Moon Rising" setting the tone for the dawn-lit drive ahead.
"Also, can you put this away for me, please?" Julia's voice pulled Dean from his brief reverie, her hand holding out the cassette box towards him.
Dean glanced at the box, then at Julia, the corners of his mouth twitching upward in a semblance of a smile. "You know, one of these days I'm gonna install a 'Julia's DJ Booth' right there," he joked, taking the box from her hands and carefully placing it back into the glove compartment. "For now, I'll be your humble cassette caddy."
As if on cue, Sam emerged from the motel room, his tall frame moving with a purpose as he deposited his bag in the trunk with a precision that spoke of routine. He slid into the passenger seat beside Dean, a knowing roll of his eyes betraying his thoughts on their musical selection for the day's journey.
"Classic dad rock, again?" Sam quipped, though his tone held a hint of affection for their shared history with the genre.
Dean threw a smirk over at Sam, the banter between brothers as natural as breathing. "You say 'dad rock' like it's a bad thing, Sammy. This," he gestured towards the stereo, "is the soundtrack of legends."
The car pulled away from the motel, the early morning light casting long shadows on the road as they headed towards the horizon, the day's uncertainties awaiting them, underscored by the timeless rhythm of Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Julia's smile broadened at Sam's all-too-familiar eye roll, a silent acknowledgment of the countless miles and memories shared in the backseat of the Impala. She reached forward, her hand resting lightly on Sam's shoulder in a gesture that bridged the gap between them. "Hey, Sam," she started, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, "you still have that book you mentioned? The one about our new case?"
Sam glanced back, a quick, assuring nod as his long fingers delved into the depths of his backpack. "Ah—yeah, just give me a sec," he responded, his voice muffled slightly as he rummaged through the contents. With a soft rustle of paper, he produced a well-thumbed history book, its cover worn from use. "Here it is. It's got some good background on the asylum we're heading to," he explained, passing the book to Julia with a slight lean over the center console.
Julia accepted the book, her fingers brushing against Sam's as she did so, conveying a silent thanks. She settled back into her seat, flipping the book open with reverence for the knowledge it contained. Her eyes began to scan the pages, absorbing the lore and legends that might give them an edge on the case.
From the driver's seat, Dean's attention was split between the winding road and the rearview mirror, where he caught glimpses of Julia's focused expression. The sight of her, so engrossed in her research, made him aware of the invaluable role she played in their tight-knit team. Every so often, he'd steal a glance, noting the way her brow furrowed in concentration, her lips pursing as she pieced together the puzzle they were about to dive into. There was a certain beauty in her focus, a dedication that matched their own, and it only solidified Dean's respect for her as a hunter.
The car ate up the miles, the soundtrack of Creedence providing a rhythmic backdrop to the silent symphony of preparation unfolding within. They were a team, each member essential, and as the morning sun climbed higher in the sky, it seemed to affirm the strength of their bond.
The Impala cruised on, the morning now fully unfurling its light across the sky. Pulling into a roadside gas station, Dean cut the engine with the familiar flick of his wrist. He stepped out, the sound of the door shutting behind him blending with the distant hum of highway traffic. Placing a hand on the roof of the car, he leaned into the window to address Julia, who was still lost in the pages of the history book.
Resting an arm on the Impala’s roof, Dean leaned towards the open window, catching Julia’s eye with a small, knowing smile. “Hey Jules, mind grabbing us a table at the diner?” he asked, his voice carrying that soft edge reserved for moments of camaraderie.
Julia's gaze lifted from the pages, and she couldn't suppress the blush that tinged her cheeks at the sound of her nickname. "Sure thing," she retorted, her smile cheeky, "since when did I become your personal assistant?"
With a light laugh, she stepped out of the car and headed towards the diner, leaving the Winchesters to their respective tasks. Sam went inside to handle the payment, while Dean busied himself with fueling up the Impala, his movements sure and practiced. Once the tank was full and the cap clicked shut, Dean and Sam slid back into the car, easing it into a parking spot with the ease of long practice. The silence that enveloped them as the engine quieted was almost jarring.
Dean clapped Sam on the shoulder, a silent signal that it was time to follow Julia's lead. They pushed through the diner doors, the ambient sounds of clinking silverware and sizzling griddles wrapping around them. Dean's eyes roamed the diner, searching for the familiar auburn waves of Julia's hair.
Spotting her in a booth by the window, Dean's stride faltered for a moment when he saw a stranger—a man with a too-confident smile—leaning into Julia's personal space. A familiar surge of protectiveness flared up in him, accompanied by a hot streak of annoyance.
"Who's this?" Dean asked, his tone deceptively calm as he locked eyes with Julia, a clear signal to the interloper that he was not simply a passerby.
Julia excused herself from the booth with an agility born from handling many an unwelcome advance. Stepping close to Dean, she reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek, the term 'handsome' seemingly a new private joke between them. "Hey, Handsome," she said, her voice a mix of relief and mischief.
She intertwined her fingers with Dean's, turning to address the stranger with a confidence bolstered by Dean's proximity. "Oh, Logan, this is my boyfriend Dean," she introduced, with a pointed emphasis that left no room for misunderstanding. "The one I've been telling you all about."
Dean raised an eyebrow, the corners of his mouth quirking up in a smirk as he took a step closer to Julia, a silent affirmation of her words. "Boyfriend, huh?" he played along, his voice a low rumble of feigned surprise and mock indignation. "Well, Logan, I hope she's been saying good things. Otherwise, we might have to have a little chat, you and I."
The warning was clear, wrapped in the velvet of Dean's casual delivery, and it wasn't long before 'Logan' mumbled something under his breath and retreated, leaving Julia and Dean alone at the booth. With the interloper gone, Dean's demeanour softened, his hand giving Julia’s a reassuring squeeze. "Good thing I showed up when I did, huh?" he said, half-joking, half-serious, as they slid into the booth to wait for Sam and start their day.
Julia's gaze met Dean's, a soft gratitude shimmering in her eyes. "Thanks for playing along with my little white lie," she murmured, her voice a confidential whisper that only Dean was privy to.
Dean's eyes didn't stray far from Logan, who was still throwing covert glances in their direction. Sam slid into the booth, his presence quiet but noticed, as Dean replied to Julia in a tone that carried both humor and a hint of something deeper. "Anytime, Jules. Besides, I'm not sure who was more convincing—you or me," he said with a playful wink.
As Sam slid into the booth, he couldn't miss the easy intimacy between Dean and Julia, their shared space feeling more natural than contrived. Though the moment with Logan gave a plausible reason for their closeness, Sam's perceptive eyes caught a glimpse of something more, something unspoken between the lines. He chose to keep his observations to himself, turning his attention instead to the approaching waitress.
She arrived with a sunny disposition, her pen poised over her notepad. "What can I get for you folks today?" she asked with the practiced cheer of someone who's served countless morning crowds.
"I'll take the usual—eggs, bacon, and keep the coffee coming," Sam ordered, his voice holding a hint of a smile as he closed his menu.
Dean gave the waitress a confident nod, "And for me, sweetheart, I'll have the breakfast special. And can you make those eggs extra greasy? Oh, and add a side of toast. Thanks."
Julia glanced down at the menu one last time before meeting the waitress's gaze. "Could I please get a stack of pancakes, with mixed berries on top? And a coffee would be great, thank you," she said, her smile warm and appreciative.
The waitress scribbled down their orders, her smile never faltering as she turned to place them with the kitchen. The din of the diner enveloped them once again, the three of them settled into their booth, light-hearted conversation about the morning helped pass the time, as they waited for their breakfast. 
The clatter of dishes announced the waitress's return, balancing a tray laden with their breakfast choices. She distributed the plates with the efficiency of a seasoned pro, the aroma of cooked breakfast filling the air. Julia's eyes widened as the waitress set down Dean's plate, piled high and glistening with a sheen that only a generous helping of grease could impart.
Julia's expression twisted into one of mock horror at Dean's culinary preference. "Extra greasy?" she echoed, her nose crinkling in playful disgust. "That's disgusting, Dean," she said, though her tone was light, teasing, underscored by the comfort of his arm resting behind her.
Dean's smirk was quick to surface, a glint of mirth in his eyes as he leaned in, his voice a low rumble meant only for her ears. "You know, some might say you're committing a sin against those perfectly good pancakes by loading them up with fruit," he teased, his gaze dancing with the challenge he knew his words would provoke.
Julia rolled her eyes, a laugh escaping her lips as she playfully nudged him with her shoulder. "Says the man who thinks the four major food groups consist of pie, burgers, fries, and pie," she retorted, emphasizing the last 'pie' for effect.
Dean's arm retracted from its casual drape behind Julia, and he could feel an unexpected tightness grip his chest—a brief twinge of something like loss—as he reached for his fork and knife. The warmth from her leaning against him was gone, leaving a hollow space that contrasted sharply with the sensation of her back pressed to his side. But he masked this quick flash of vulnerability with a bite of his greasy breakfast, the flavours a familiar comfort.
They ate amidst a comfortable chatter, the kind of light banter that made the heavy world of hunting seem miles away. It was a small pocket of normalcy that they all secretly cherished.
Sam, having finished his meal, wiped his mouth with a napkin and leaned forward, the easy atmosphere shifting as he introduced the gravity of their next job. "So, we've got a series of disappearances. All high school kids, vanishing without a trace from the same town. No bodies, no signs of struggle—just gone."
Dean, a piece of toast in one hand and a knife in the other, chewed thoughtfully, his mind already turning over the possibilities. With his mouth still half full, he began to list off the usual suspects. "Sounds like the perfect M.O. for a bunch of supernatural baddies," he mumbled, crumbs tumbling from his lips. "Could be a Rugaru—hungry enough to grab a kid and leave no leftovers."
Julia raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of her coffee. "Wouldn't there be some sort of remains? Or at least a sign of a struggle?"
Dean nodded, swallowing his mouthful before continuing. "True, could also be a pack of vamps keeping the kids for a food supply," he suggested, his tone grim but his face animated by the thrill of the hunt.
Sam mulled over the theories, his eyes scanning the notes he had made. "No signs of blood or vampire activity in the area. We need to look at the patterns, maybe there's a curse or some sort of ritual involved."
Dean pushed his now-empty plate away and leaned back, his arm nonchalantly finding its way over the top of the booth again. It wasn't just an armrest he was seeking—it was the faint echo of Julia's warmth beside him. But she was engrossed in her note-taking, pen scribbling furiously on paper provided by the obliging waitress. Her focus was absolute, the amber glow of the morning light igniting the auburn in her hair to a fiery hue, her attention oblivious to Dean's silent yearning.
Having settled the bill with his usual efficiency, Dean watched her for a moment longer before reaching out, his hand lightly grazing the curve of her back. "Time to hit the road, Jules," he said, the words light but laden with an unspoken wish for her to notice more than the sound of his voice.
Julia's head lifted, and her smile was as bright as the sunlight bathing them, her previous focus on the case momentarily forgotten as she slid from the booth, the pen and paper clutched in her hand.
As they walked out, Dean's protective instincts kicked in, his hand finding the small of Julia's back, a silent statement of care as he held the diner door open for her. Her expression was open and thankful, unaware that Logan had already departed.
"Was Logan still hanging around inside?" Julia asked casually as they approached the parked Impala.
Dean glanced back at the diner, the ease in his posture belying the small lie he told. "Yup," he affirmed with a nod, opening the back passenger door for her. In his mind, any excuse to maintain their closeness was valid.
Sam, trailing just a step behind them, raised an eyebrow at Dean's comment as Julia settled into the car. "I thought he left ages ago," Sam remarked, his voice tinged with confusion as he opened the front passenger door.
Dean shot his brother a look across the roof of the Impala, a silent command to play along. "Yeah, well, you know how it is," Dean said with a half-hearted shrug, his voice carrying a hint of defensiveness. "Gotta keep an eye out for creeps like him."
With a shared glance between the Winchester brothers, one that carried years of unspoken communication, they got into the car. The Impala's doors shut with finality, the morning's diner scene closing behind them as they prepared to face the uncertainties of their latest case.
The Impala's engine growled to life, its familiar rumble grounding Julia in the reality of the road ahead. The Winchester brothers' light-hearted quarreling filled the cabin, a comforting backdrop to the blur of the landscape speeding by.
"Are we going FBI suits for this one?" Sam's voice cut through the din, his tone suggesting a mix of readiness and routine.
Dean glanced at him, a nod accompanying his reply. "Seems like the best choice," he confirmed, the decision made with the ease of countless similar scenarios before.
Julia, intrigued by this new snippet of conversation, leaned forward, curiosity coloring her tone. "Excuse me, did you just say suits? FBI?" she asked, the notion sparking a mix of excitement and surprise.
Sam turned slightly to address her interest, explaining with the patience of someone who's had this conversation many times. "Yeah, we sometimes go undercover as FBI agents. It gives us access to crime scenes and information we wouldn't get otherwise. It's all part of the job."
Julia's reaction was immediate, her hand reaching over the seat to playfully smack Dean's arm. "You didn't tell me I needed a suit!" she exclaimed, feigning indignation.
Dean's response was a mix of amusement and a hint of apology. "Ah, slipped my mind," he admitted, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. "Guess you might have to sit this one out at the motel.”
The hours slipped by in a blur of landscapes and speculation until the trio arrived at a nondescript motel on the outskirts of town. It was early afternoon, the sun casting long shadows as they settled into their temporary base. Sam and Dean retreated to their shared room to don their FBI personas, while Julia took a moment in her own space to ponder the mystery at hand.
Her reflections were interrupted by a knock at the door. Upon opening it, she was greeted by the Winchester brothers, now transformed into the very picture of federal agents. Dean, ever the charmer, couldn't resist a playful jab. "How do we look? Ready to give the real FBI a run for their money, don't you think?" His words, delivered with a wink, brought an involuntary blush to Julia's cheeks.
"Call us if you need anything, alright? We're gonna go meet with some witnesses and parents," Dean said, his tone shifting to one of professionalism, though his eyes still twinkled with the hint of mischief that was uniquely Dean.
Julia nodded, assuring them of her well-being before sending them off. Once the Impala's roar faded into the distance, she sprang into action. Her hair, no longer confined, cascaded freely down her back as she changed into attire less conspicuous: a graphic t-shirt, sneakers, and jeans. Slipping into the brothers' room, she rifled through Sam's backpack, extracting only the essentials—some notepads and pens—before locking up and summoning a cab.
The taxi ride was short, dropping her off a block from the high school that seemed to be the epicenter of the disappearances. Determined not to be sidelined, Julia's resolve had solidified during the drive; she was not one to sit idly by. Her youthful appearance, accentuated by her soft features and vibrant hair, allowed her to merge seamlessly with the student body. To them, she was merely another face in the crowd, albeit a new one.
Throughout the day, Julia navigated the high school corridors with an ease born of necessity, her guise as a student unchallenged. The notes she took were not on academic subjects but on whispers of gossip that floated through the air, clues that might lead them to the heart of the darkness they sought to dispel.
She found a willing source of information in a group of girls, quick to embrace the newcomer and just as quick to spill the secrets haunting their halls. They spoke of a house, ominously perched on the town's edge—a place of dares and bravado turned sinister. Where once teenagers emerged from its depths with tales of fright and laughter, now, some entered and were swallowed by its shadows, never to return.
Julia listened, her pen flying across the pages of Sam's notepad, capturing every detail. This was no mere high school drama; it was a lead, and possibly the key to solving the string of disappearances that had brought the Winchesters—and her—to this town.
Disappointment etched their features as the Winchester brothers made their way back to the Impala, the day's efforts yielding nothing but frustration. Dean, ever the voice of blunt realism, broke the silence as he settled behind the wheel. "Well, that was a bust," he grumbled, the ignition turning over with a roar that seemed to echo his sentiment. Their visit to the local sheriff had ended as many others had before—without leads or useful information.
The drive back to the motel was a quiet one, marked by the setting sun casting long shadows over the road. They arrived back at their temporary home, the parking lot of the motel now familiar territory. Sam, retrieving the room keys from his pocket, made his way to their room with a sense of resigned routine.
As Sam unlocked the door and pushed it open, he was met with the unexpected sight of his belongings meticulously arranged on his bed. The anomaly caught him off guard. "Uh—Dean?" he called out, his voice tinged with confusion, halting Dean's attempts to rouse Julia from her room.
Dean paused in the midst of knocking on Julia's door, his calls unanswered. "Julia, we're back!" he announced, a hint of concern creeping into his voice as silence greeted his announcement. "Jules?!" he tried again, louder this time, the absence of her response stirring a worry he hadn't anticipated. The brothers exchanged a glance, an unspoken agreement that something was amiss settling between them.
he growing panic was palpable between the brothers as Dean raised his hand to knock once more on Julia's door, his muscles tensed in preparation to force entry. But then, a laugh—a sound so distinctly Julia—drifted towards them, diffusing the tension like mist. They turned to see her, her auburn hair a beacon among a group of teenage girls, her laughter a reassurance that she was safe.
As the group dispersed, Julia approached, Sam's backpack slung casually over her shoulder, her face alight with the thrill of her impromptu investigation. "Hey, how was the FBI investigating?" she greeted with a smile, fishing for her key.
Dean and Sam could only stare, their worry morphing into disbelief. "Where were you?" Dean managed, his voice a mix of relief and lingering concern.
Julia, unlocking her door, turned to them, an explanation ready. "Well, I couldn't just stay here, and since I look young enough, I went undercover at the high school," she said, handing Sam his backpack with an apologetic glance. "Sorry for the mess, I was in a rush."
Sam, still processing her audacity, took his belongings and vanished into their room, leaving Dean to confront Julia about her solo venture.
"You should've told us where you were going. What if something had happened?" Dean's words tumbled out in a rush, the protective edge in his voice belying his deep concern for her.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help," Julia responded, her voice soft, her intent clear in her eyes as she stood in the doorway of her room.
"I got some information if that helps," she added, hoping to offset his worry with the promise of progress.
Dean paused, the initial surge of frustration ebbing away as he took in her earnest expression. "You're off the hook this time," he finally said, a reluctant smile breaking through. "But next time, you roll with us. No more solo missions, got it?"
Julia's relief was palpable, her smile grateful. "Got it," she agreed, the promise hanging between them—a new understanding forged in the day's unexpected events.
Julia made her way into the brothers' room, a space marked by the transient nature of their lives—bags half-unpacked, weapons carelessly strewn about, a testament to their readiness to move at a moment's notice. She perched on the edge of one of the beds, the brothers attentive as she prepared to share her findings.
"So, I talked to this girl, Gemma, at the school," Julia began, her voice steady with the weight of her discovery. "She told me about this haunted house on the outskirts of town. It's like this local legend among the teens. They dare each other to go inside, and it used to be just harmless fun. But something's changed."
She paused for a moment, ensuring she had their full attention. "Recently, anyone who's gone in... hasn't come out. There haven't been any bodies found because, well, it seems like only the high schoolers know their friends are missing. They haven't told any adults because they're all bound by some sort of pact."
The room was thick with the implication of her words, the weight of the unsaid hanging between them. The case they were facing had just taken on a new, more sinister dimension, rooted in the very rituals of adolescence and silence.
Dean leaned forward, his expression morphing from intrigue to determination as Julia's story sank in. Running a hand through his hair, he let out a low whistle, the gears clearly turning in his head. "Haunted house, huh? Sounds like our kind of party," he mused, the hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth despite the gravity of the situation. "All right then, looks like we're crashing this ghostly get-together tonight. Time to gear up and see what's really going down at this spooky little high school legend."
Sam, ever the researcher, opened his laptop, already typing away in search of any folklore or history that might give them an edge. "This pact among the students... it adds an extra layer of complexity. But if this house is the epicentre of the disappearances, we need to investigate it thoroughly." He looked up from his screen, his face set in a mask of seriousness. "We should approach this carefully, make sure we're prepared for whatever's inside. Let's gather what we need and head out."
To be continued . . .
Tag List: @deanwinchestersgirl87
14 notes · View notes
wellcomeoneileen · 5 months
The show’s ending was more sad than bittersweet to me. I really love heart wrenching and bittersweet and knew QaF would be, so I was surprised at how perturbed I was at Brian’s ending.
Many, many people have thought long and hard on this, so please accept this thought train as more of processing for myself and less as me thinking I’m adding something new/profound to a fandom I literally just joined.
There was a thematic letdown to the whole season and a technical letdown to the very last few minutes. Combined, I left with a sour taste in my mouth.
This post regards the thematic letdown, and the technical letdown can be found in this tag/later post as well.
The show built up to Brian’s big come to Jesus moment for four seasons, then went sidewise in season 5.
That’s because what I thought was his come to Jesus moment and what the show did were totally different. I never felt monogamy or settling down was the core issue for Brian in his view of self or in his relationships with other. I thought it was clear that was a proxy battle, and we were leading up to the bigger, real self-examination.
However, in this email from a show-writer, I think the writers really did see Brian as primarily needing the journey of romantic love, instead of needing an overhaul of his whole worldview: https://queerasfolkfans.livejournal.com/2034990.html
They seem to think Brian was a mostly happy guy, needing to better appreciate romantic love. He grew in that regard, and from it, learned to apply that to other relationships too, and then chose to still not place romantic love as his priority, but at least understands why it was important to have experienced romantic love. That’s not a bad arc, actually. That’s also…not Brian’s story?
My personal key issue, and what I feel like was many other fans, is not that he started and ended the show single, dancing, and proud to be different. The issue is that he started and ended the show lost, hurt, and unhealed.
Why did S5 treat examining his upbringing as something that wouldn’t matter?
Why did S5 end with Brian saying he would visit Gus all the time, Michael saying he wouldn’t, and Brian resigning himself to that?
Why did S5 tease us with Brian and Ted, but didn’t give substance to their friendship?
Ironically, it was the show that gave all of Brian’s conflicts, inciting incidents, and motivations be wrapped around his romantic arc. This shortchanges the viewers. The show writer may say viewers are ignoring Brian’s own wants by wanting him in a relationship, but the show itself didn’t let S5 Brian really have any depth unrelated to Justin. Even growth unrelated to Justin himself had Justin as some sort of impetus.
In S1, Brian only cares about his job and sex, and to a lesser degree, the gang. He gets more and more perspective as the show goes on. Critically, he loses both his wealth (Stockwell firing) and sex (testicular cancer) before season 5. The natural next question for S5 to tackle is, okay, if life isn’t exclusively about money and sex, what is it about?
Because the show didn’t allow Brian to examine this for himself, the obvious answer is Justin, the only other thing Brian has ever been passionate about on screen. But that’s a resounding no in-show. Okay, Michael and/or Gus? Also, the show said no.
So….what does Brian have going for him, then? The show only said “no” they didn’t dig deep enough to say “yes” to anything.
It’s like, the show said at the start, Brian cares only about youth and wealth and those things can’t sustain you. Agreed!
Then, the show said during its duration, romantic love can’t sustain you. Agreed!
But then…it stopped there? What IS sustaining Brian?? It was so obviously set up to have him embrace his community, particularly, Gus, and move beyond the reactionary, traumatized kid he started the show as.
In a good environment, young people can explore several aspects of themselves. Whatever myriad of values they have, they can find outlets for it. And Brian does clearly have several values:
Competitive, creative, problem-solver, likes a challenge, protective, stubborn, a love for flaunting the rules, and a struggle between independence and love of close-knit community.
But the abuse, rejection, and homophobia of his parents did not allow him time to safely explore these facets of himself. He had to quickly cling to whatever would give him positive attention, and he built his life around reactivity to what his parents valued.
He did not get the chance in childhood to deeply know himself. Season 5 would have done well to allow him to explore more of himself, and detach himself from simply doing things he parents would hate, and discover what he, regardless of what they may think, does love. He was primed to do in S5. But they just had him react out of fear more. His wild lifestyle and his settled down lifestyle were both fear-based reactions to trauma in his life.
He took up with tricks out of fear of losing Justin to Hollywood, then he proposed out of fear of losing Justin (and Michael). I would have loved to have seen Brian be allowed to make choices without being put in a corner first. That would have been wonderful character development and allowed more depth to him.  AND if those choices weren’t relationship focused until the end of the season, even better. The whole season could have been “If I am no longer THAT, then what am I?” and it didn’t have to have relationship drama until the end for a grand finale.
Ironically, the show itself was only reacting instead of finding their own stance, just like Brian. They wanted a character who wasn’t only into his romantic love. But they never said what he WAS into. 
In S5, they were perfectly setup, but totally fell short of completing Brian’s arc. He starts the show prioritizing sex and money. He does seem to learn that’s not sustainable. He wrestles with prioritizing romantic love, and the show says that doesn’t suit him. And yet, at the end, Michael and Gus are in places that Brian can’t really touch. So, we don’t know what exactly he should prioritize. What’s his new value set? His worldview? Literally, what will he does with his time now??
By all means, allow Brian to live a non traditional life! But they wasted time with going back and forth on MARRIAGE instead of letting us see Brian try and fail and learn what a life looks like not centered on money, sex, or childhood trauma.
Next posts will detail what I think are reasonable plotlines for S5, the small technical issue for the big last scene flop of S5, and will dive deeper into my thoughts on Brian’s value system that I mentioned in passing here :)
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tixdixl · 5 months
Let's do desire for your fabulous four :)
Thank you so much!! This one is going to be interesting to answer for sure.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Oisín: so this answer changes during the course of their journey. I will do my absolute best to avoid Book 7 spoilers for you, but it is very difficult to answer this without having the context from Book 7.
Early Pre-NRC - Survive the colonization befalling Briar Valley and to successfully do their job.
Late Pre-NRC - To support and cherish the fae that stole their heart, even if its unrequited.
NRC and Post-NRC - To stay connected with their families (both their actual family and their found family).
They don't start out open about literally any of this, but over time - and also depending on whether or not they are put in the corner- for one reason or another they do open up to those they are closest to. They aren't exactly open about their thoughts and feelings for a couple reasons. For starters, dullahan are traditional solitary creatures. They start out completely alone until they finally get together with Lilia, and even that is rocky at first. They dont really see a need to focus on themself when other people are far more important and involved than they are. Until of course they get the brutal awakening that keeping things to themself will accidentally and inevitably push people away. To which they immediately try to do what they can to change. And... its a long and rocky journey for them. Vulnerability does not come naturally to them. But they want to try.
Kingsley: this one is also tricky, because for a long time, his goal is to obtain his parents approval. And he is willing to do anything, including commit murder, to make it happen. But as he starts to question his upbringing... he becomes... lost. Where his goal is to figure out "what do I actually want for myself? What do I want in life?"
He isnt exactly open about any of this. He is incredibly closed off and reserved. But honestly... thats okay. He learns that he has the support of his friends regardless.
And I havent figured out what happens here exactly, but I want to. And I will update when I know!!
Emil: My poor poor boy...
He starts out wanting to save his sibling.
Then when he fails in that, he wants a goal and a purpose, because he feels he has wasted his entire life for nothing.
Overtime though, he finds a new goal. He wants to support his polycule, his friends, and his communities. He wants to show people love and compassion so that they don't ever feel like they are fighting alone in the world. He wants to make sure his loved ones are fed, and sheltered, and feel like they have a place to hide when the world is harsh and cruel. He wants to be a lantern in the darkness.
And Emil is so so open about all of this. It is in his openness that he is able to gain the support he needs to be able to grow and move forward. Its his openness that allows others to come in and show him how much he is loved and valued in his community.
René: They want to be their own damn bird lol. They want to be themself truly. They want to stop being perfect. They want to be messy. They want to enjoy life to the fullest. And they work so so hard after Overblotting to enact those changes. From escaping their father, to following their dreams, to falling in love. And I love who they are becoming as I develop them.
They aren't open at first, but that's kind of the whole point of their journey. They transform from completely closed off to open with those they trust. And it's honestly so so good.
Prompt List
Tag List: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind
@rainesol @elenauaurs (lmk if you want to be added)
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shadowgirl7 · 10 months
Okay. This off-topic spam in the Welcome Home/Wally Darling tags is making me lose my mind.
I am seeing a multitude of gross stuff that I'm just put in the Read More here to shield you poor souls from what I have to share. GIGANTIC WARNING ABOUT THE CONTENT AS IT INVOLVES DISCUSSION ON THE NSFW CONTENT SHOWING UP HERE:
Tumblr media
Okay, you've been warned.
I'm seeing stuff ranging from naked people, hindi(?)/Indian ads for idk what, to... what I just reported as a cartoon of a person literally eating shit from someone else from underneath them. It's fucking disgusting.
There really needs to be a way to actually spot-check this stuff, especially because I've seen posts about lewd general ads have been (someone I followed shared that they saw a NSFW comic ad for Teen Titans), but these posts in popular tags, or ones JUST gaining traction really need better crowd control by @staff than "report it and we'll get on it". Especially when everyone has to flag over 30+ posts like this just to see actual content that they're looking for.
I've been part of this site for over 10 years and I'm ngl... this is disgusting and pathetic. And it needs to STOP.
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writingrenna · 1 year
"Learn to Love (Pt. 5)"
Oooh, unexpected 5th part
That's because of Tumblr's word count, lmFAOOO-
I will post Chapter 1 of the continuation pretty soon! Writing it as we speak, actually
You place two random little figurines on the table, before hurriedly taking them both off. Is it too much? Too little? You NEED to put on the finishing touches before they arrive, but something isn't quite right...
"They'll all be here any moment... ugh, WHY isn't my artist brain being all artsy right now...?"
There needs to be a certain amount of added detail to the table, to make it look fun yet not cluttered. But...
The sound of an enthusiastic chirp interrupts your thoughts. Oh no! They're here! You put the figurines back before making a move. Rushing out the door of the mostly empty storage room, you stop them from coming right in.
"Waitwaitwait! Not yet!"
You wave to dissuade them. Cap, Mimi, Jacq, and Saguaro. You called them in for one specific reason. A reason you weren't ready for, because... well, reasons.
"Oh, that's all right. I can wait for a moment, you?"
Jacq turns to Saguaro, who looks at him before nodding.
"Yes, I have some time."
You feel bad. Saguaro was a little more busy than usual today, having agreed to help bake something special in the cafeteria, which certainly threw a wrench in things. It wasn't either of your faults, however, and you'd be quick.
"Okay! Lemme just... er..."
You run back in, pulling the little gifts you had prepared out from under the tablecloth and in front of your display.
...huh, that... that actually helps. It makes the figurines look less like clutter, too, if that even makes sense. Still, though, you brush off your uniform, take a deep breath, and walk out again.
"Hah, so... you may be wondering why I had you all come over here..."
The boys all nod, but Mimi actually shakes her head 'no'. You're immediately worried.
"Wha- Mimi, did you figure it out already??"
She shakes her head 'no' again, trilling politely. Why? You think back on what it is you said exactly. 'You may be wondering why I...'
Oh, wait. Of course she wouldn't question you wanting to see her. You're her trainer, after all. You swallow down the feeling of the little heart attack you just had before clearing your throat.
"Hehe, r-right, right... ANYWAY, yeah, uh, the uhm... I have a..."
You back away into the room again, this time not closing the door.
"-yeah, sorry, I just wanted to do something for you, to show my appreciation."
"Ooh, really?" Jacq questions, eyes full of curious wonder. Ah... hopefully it isn't underwhelming...
"Y-yeah... so, uh, come in! For a second, at least, heh..."
You turn and walk in with your head down. They follow, and you're honestly kind of terrified of what their reactions might be, but you hear your duo chirp in surprise.
Turning to them, you see them running towards the table in awe. They look at the gift bags, noticing the ones with little doodles of their faces on the tags. Mimi trills in delight, rubbing the electic sacs on her cheeks and discharging a small amount into her own fur. Cap actually squeals- a sound you've never really heard from him before, after he bumps the tag to straighten it out a little so he can see it better. They seem happy just seeing the tags, their reactions actually making you feel a lot better. Grabbing the first bag, a pink striped one, you turn to the man.
"Okay! Saguaro, I wanna give you yours first. You can, uh, take it to your room if you like, don't worry about sticking around!"
You hand it to him, pointedly looking away from him, being sure not to let your hands linger too long. He takes it and bows a little.
"Thank you, I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness. It pains me to leave so soon, but we must thoroughly prepare for today's menu. Farewell, everyone."
He nods at everyone, giving you all a small smile before making his leave. You couldn't help but wonder what it was they were making. Regardless, you clap to yourself, refusing to look at the only other human in the room despite knowing he's looking at you now.
"So! Uh... it's... all right, come here."
You walk towards the table again, picking up his purple dot-patterned bag, the negative space resembling stars. Just like everyone else, his had a little doodle of his face on the tag, but you refused to look at it.
"Here ya go. It's not much, but it's... uh, a thing."
He looks at it. You can hear the excitement in his voice as he looks over the bag.
"Oh, hey! That's me!" He says, no doubt staring at the tag.
"Hehe, yeah, I uh, wanted to prepare you for the theme of the gift..."
He looks up at you, now even more curious before looking back down at it for a moment.
"Aww, you didn't have to do all this..."
You shake your head.
"It's okay, I really wanted to. Not just as thanks, but also because you deserve it!"
He makes a weird noise, head shooting back up to look at you before quickly looking away, obviously a bit flustered.
"I see... well, then. I'm honored," he says, finally putting a hand in the bag to start unearthing its contents.
You're honestly horrified he went for the card first, looking away as his eyes scan the cover.
"For the greatest mind in Paldea- aaaww! That's..." he looks away, feeling bashful. "...that's not true..." He sends a little hand wavy gesture your way.
"Well, to me it is..."
You finally look over to him again while saying this, only to see him avoiding eye contact.
"Hehe, thank you..."
He reads the rest, mumbling to himself now. He's smiling, and you can tell it's real, you just find it hard to believe he actually likes it. Maybe it's the self-doubt talking. Maybe you can see how bad it is now that it's been a while since you drew it. You have no clue...
He's looking through everything else in the bag, now completely silent. It's all stuff you either made/drew yourself, grabbed based on random tidbits you got, or stuff that reminded you of him as a person. It felt... personal enough. Oh no, what if it looks like a grab-bag of junk?
'Ohnoohnoohnoohno, please don't hate it, or at least, make fun of me behind my back like a decent person, maybe.'
He's still smiling, though. His upper eyelids are slightly drooped, so it's a weird mix of happy and sad. Solemn, even. He sits down on a large box behind him, bag now in his lap as he goes through the rest of it. The card, a little Arcanine figurine, a small box you painted and filled with random items related to Pokémon, some nerdy memorabilia you knew he (might) like, as well as other stuff on the bottom of the bag itself to really round it out. Just small things, but hopefully it adds up. You're honestly kinda too afraid to look at him, but you force yourself to take a peek, only to notice he's crying.
He's crying. Why? Why is he crying? Ohgodswhatiswrongwhyishecrying-
You bend down to see his face a little more. He's staring into the box, occasionally looking at the art you did of his team on the lid, trying to stay quiet, but he sniffles a little and makes an even tinier noise. You hesitantly place a hand on his shoulder, which causes his eyes to widen for a moment.
"Uh- sorry, sorry..."
"Nono, don't apologize, please..."
He nods, before falling mostly silent again. You decide to give him a moment, going over to sit next to him, hand placed lightly on his upper back. You take a moment to let the silence set in. It was quite nice, being able to have a quiet moment together, save for being worried about Jacq, of course.
You finally look up at your two Pokémon, before noticing them quickly look away from you. Huh, strange. Cap seems to stare at the tag again, as if trying to will it to do something, but Mimi politely puts her arms behind her back, rocking back and forth on her hind paws just a little. It was then that the fact that they haven't opened their gifts yet hit you like a sack of bricks. Wet bricks, even, if that makes a difference.
"Oh! You guys can open your-"
You don't even get to finish your sentence. Mimi starts to squeak as she excitedly rips the tissue paper out, plopping down and holding the bag as she digs into it. Cap actually jumps up with a chirp and cannonballs into the bag itself, causing it to tip over, him spilling out and back onto the floor in the process. Yikes. Good thing nothing in their bags were particularly fragile...
You watch with an effusive sense of love, just wanting this moment to last forever. You couldn't wait for the rest of your lives together! You'd celebrate their Gotcha Days, show them more of this world you share, you'd let them know you'll never let them go...
Bleh, here you go again. But y'know what? This is better than anything you ever could've asked for, all thanks to this school, as well as the man next to you, who is also watching the scene unfold with a soft smile on his face. You gently rub his back, eliciting a little nod of acknowledgement.
"...this is nice..." he simply states as your Pokémon freak out over their gifts.
Yeah. It is, isn't it?
"...sooo, for reasons completely unrelated to any previously mentioned, I caught a Klawf-"
"-are you kidding?" He asks with laugh. He's amused, but also mildly concerned.
"Nope! Actually, though, I uh... caught a pretty interesting fella," you say, eyes drifting off toward the side a little.
This piques his interest for sure. With a raised eyebrow, he glances over at the battle court, as if telling you to show him without words. You grin, tossing the Pokéball up.
Bracing for impact, you hear the sound of a deep bellow, as well as a rather large creature landing nearby. You then hear a surprised gasp coming from Jacq.
"You found a SHINY Klawf?!"
You knew he'd be interested, but anticipating it doesn't stop the uncontrollable beam on your face.
"Yup! I wasn't intending on catching a shiny, but while sizing up another one I found, this guy caught my eye, and I was like, 'wow! Life out here must suck for you,' so I caught him instead!"
You were so excited, you didn't even notice yourself rambling. Pokémon just get you so jazzed, especially your own now that you're diving into the whole "trainer" thing. He doesn't mind, however, cautiously approaching the Pokémon, who was currently looking around the plaza.
"I see... you are very lucky, then! Do you know the odds of finding a shiny...?"
He bends down and observes Olaf, watching as his eyes dart around before catching a glimpse of the man, looking away without fully noticing him before doing a double-take, eyes finally settling on him. Olaf moos curiously.
"Err... one in 4,000... -ish?"
"Correct!" He says, now sitting back up and turning toward you again. "It's quite a special experience finding a shiny. And especially as your 3rd Pokémon, what?!"
You smile, face heating up again as you look away. You really didn't do anything special, but maybe there was just... something in the air today?
"Hehe, yeah, it's pretty neat. He seems pretty cool already, too! See?"
You walk over, grabbing Olaf's claw as you awkwardly shake it.
"See? He just kinda... lets it happen."
Jacq nods curiously, inquisitive eyes searching the Klawf's face. He isn't distressed at all, but he seems confused. Just as confused as you seem to be, actually. Nothing seems wrong to him, so he turns back to you, which catches you off-guard. Isn't he more interested in Olaf...?
"Hah, but uh, yeah! Great news, also. Cap actually listened to me!"
"Oh?" He tilts his head, looking excited.
"Yeah! I think it's time we do a little showcase again..."
You walk towards the center of the battle court, hands slowly moving towards the other two Pokéballs on your belt. You grab them, grinning, before tossing them up as well. Cap and Mimi emerge, letting out their own little battle cries before landing on the ground. They look up at you, both ready for whatever you have planned. You hold out the Pokédex app. Jacq noticeably flinches, but he then smiles.
"All right, you two! Ready to show us what you got?"
They both nod, determination burning in their eyes. A wonderful sign. Mimi runs over first.
"Okay, ready?"
Mimi squeaks before taking a deep breath. It then begins.
She makes a digging motion on the ground.
She hops forward, kicking and swiping furiously at the air.
'Close Combat'
She lets loose a flare of electricity.
She dances with a very odd rhythm.
You clap, whooping and cheering. Cap even mimics you, whooping enthusiastically. Jacq simply claps, but he does seem proud.
Mimi squeaks and bows, eliciting a round of applause from the small crowd you... didn't... realize formed. Eh. Anyway...
"Okay, Cap'n! You're up next!"
Cap chirps, running over to the spot Mimi just occupied. She walks over, joining you, Jacq, and her new teammate Olaf, who she curiously looks up at. Olaf is too preoccupied watching Cap.
"Alright, buddy. Moment of truth..."
Cap lowers his head for a moment before standing up as tall as he can, crying out, and running around to charge up an attack.
"Oh! Zen Headbutt!"
He stops, nodding cheerfully before going to perform his next move. Huh...
He summons sharp leaves before launching them.
'Razor Leaf'
He jumps up, opening his mouth before forcefully biting down on a still-falling leaf, doing a little flip as he lands.
He forcefully spits out a barrage of seeds into the air.
'Bullet Seed'
You're all overjoyed, loudly cheering him on as he lets out a triumphant laugh. His little underdeveloped arms even mime putting his hands on his hips, just like a Scovillain... he runs over to you, happily jumping up and chirping. You scoop him up in mid-air, squeezing him to your face in a little 'hug'.
Cap chirps again, rubbing the side of his face against yours, before noticing something wet touch the top of his head. He leans back, only to chirp in surprise when he sees the tears streaming down his face.
You're crying in public. Crying tears of joy of course, but crying nonetheless. In front of people who probably came to see the funky Klawf, only to stay to see your Pokémon perform. You're crying in front of people who have no idea why this moment is so important to you, but surprisingly, you really don't care. This is it, you two are finally in-tune with each other...
You take in a shaky breath, looking him in the eyes. He seems to stare back, as if you're slowly coming to a mutual understanding on something you aren't quite sure of yet. But something deep down inside you tells you things are somehow different now.
You turn to Jacq, closing your eyes in contentment and smiling.
"AHHHH!! The day has COME!! Can you believe it?!"
His response matches your enthusiasm.
"Sure can! You really have come so far. It feels like you first came barreling through my door just yesterday..."
This comment actually makes you pause. Oh yeah, autumn is right around the corner. Something about the thought made you feel kinda cozy, officially being at the school for longer than you planned. This is sorta it, you realize, not even noticing the season's starting to change until now, those cast shadows giving the current tilt in the Earth's axis away...
This brings a look of comfort to your face, smile soft and eyes half-lidded as you stare at the ground. Cap is still in your hands, looking tired as well. It'd be nice, taking a nap or something.
"Bullet Seed? I thought you were practicing Seed Bomb..."
You look down at Cap, who's face gives it away. He was waiting for you to realize it. You squint one eye, giving him a suspicious yet playful look.
"Hey, buddy? Why are you still focusing on using THAT move, huh?"
His eyes crinkle a little as he lets out a quick laugh, which basically amounts to "Ooh-hoo! Ooh-hoo!"
Jacq leans in after letting out a subdued little laugh.
"Hey, remember, that's the move that brought you two together! He could just be holding on for sentimental reasons."
You smile a little wider. He was probably right. Maybe he keeps using it because of sentimental reasons... or maybe it's just because he's little asshole. Perhaps both reasons are equally valid here? You can honestly see it going both ways at this point. Whatever the reason though, you were happy to admit: you really and truly do love him and the life you've built together.
You feel tears coming yet again, but they don't fall this time.
You raise your free arm up, causing Mimi to look up, covering her mouth in anticipation as Jacq's eyes widen in surprise.
"C'mere, you!"
Mimi squeaks, jumping up and throwing herself into your side without hesitation. You take the initiative to pull Jacq into the hug, savoring the moment. Klawf is a bit too frazzled by the whole experience to join, but he observes the four of you, as if getting used to the idea of your dynamic. You give him one more tight squeeze before backing away, making sure to hang onto Mimi as you do so.
Upon seeing him, she squeals in delight. It takes you a moment before you can see his face, placing Cap in your uniform's pocket so you can hold her on your hip better, but when you do...
...hah. Calm down, brain. He's only blushing. You would too if you were hugged out of nowhere like that.
Is dating a former student off the table for him, or-
Part two to the series (now called Nerds of a Feather unless I come up with a better name) coming soon-ish! And don't worry, the trauma plot wasn't dropped, it's just... brewing.)
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Wasn't tagged but decided to do this.
Repost and tell me how you draft as you write. Do you write in order? Do you start with something particular? How fully formed does your writing come out the first try? How many drafts do you go through? Tell me about your process because I’m curious!
*takes deep breath* o k a y.
First off, I rant. Don't know when, don't know where, once it was on a family trip on a ferry. But I rant. I rant about the plot. Sometimes, it's an excited rant, sometimes, it's an angry rant. My fics are always born out of some type of emotion. I rant pages and pages. If there isn't enough ranting on a doc, the fic doesn't work out (unless it's a oneshot), simple as that. Most times, I rant in one go. I cannot go back to ranting if I get interrupted for an extended period of time. So if I'm ranting about a possible fic, and someone interrupts me, they'll probably dead (/j). But occasionally, for some fics (it's random), i manage to go back and rant out more of a plot for them. The ranting nearly always happens at night.
Secondly, I let the rants stew for a long long time. Like wine in the basement. I don't know how alcohol works, I'm Muslim. But you get the idea. Oh! Another comparison, I let my rant-fics stew for a while like bread dough before you put it in the oven. Yk? To let the yeast to its thing. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna stop now. Sometimes, I go back and read the rants. Just for fun. Cuz those rants are fics made just for me and I enjoy them to the fullest extent.
Third, I come back if I'm in that fic's mood and decide to flesh it out and add chapters. And so I create the first chapter, copy+paste the part of the rant which will fit that chapter, and then I add more details to flesh the rants out a little more and make it into a more substantial and understandable plot. I add some missed details, close some holes, this is the most crucial part of my editing because this is the only time where major editing happens. If I need to make a major edit when I'm later on in the fic-writing process, I abandon it (most of the time). So yeah, this is the most crucial part. Sometimes, the chapter notes (I call it chapter notes), get so lengthy and detailed that they're good enough to be first drafts. So I consider them first drafts most of the time rather than chapter notes.
Fourth step, I do the extra bits. Which is generally the spontaneous stuff and whatever comes in mind. Like tags, ao3 notes, research etc.
The fifth step is actually writing it out. Or well, turning the first draft into a second draft, more comprehensible for other people reading. This is best done when I'm sleep-deprived and at night while I'm in bed with my sisters beside me, dozing off as my phone repeatedly falls and hits my face.
Sixth and last step is just editing. Grammar, little plot holes, adding or deleting a line here and there. Usually, this happens over a course of weeks cuz the bigger the gap I visit the document, the better I edit and think more objectively and clearly about this. But if the gap is too big, I get insecure and think the fic is cringe and delete the whole document. Just kidding, I stopped deleting my writing a while ago, but I abandon the story and shove it to the deepest depths of my head and docs. While writing, because I don't want the flow to break, I leave notes for future me [like this] (bolded and underlined in square brackets) and most of the time, they tell future-me about why the character has done a certain action, or what they will need to do next, and more commonly, telling future-me to find synonyms for words or the meaning of words I know, but am unsure about.
Aaaaaaand, then I post!
Obviously, this is different for one shots. One shots, are spontaneous and are generally written in one-sitting, but not all the time.
Oh! Also, I write chapters in order, but I don't plan it in order (which includes ranting and chapter notes). Sometimes, I get visions of cute moments or just stuff I want in fics and they're almost always actually comprehensibly written out scenes rather than babble only I can fully understand, and they go at the bottom of the document under 'Extracts'. The extracts can happen at any time as long as it is before the last step. If it comes when the sixth step is in place, I don't write it down or transfer it to another fic.
Anyway, yeah, I like rambling about things. This was really long. Ig I go through a total of... 6 or 7 drafts? Including the ranting as a draft. But this is only for multi-chaps. Oneshots vary.
No pressure tags: @wakkoroni @sardonic-sprite @tristicorde @cygnusdoesthings @pevensiechase @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego @uncertainwallflower
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anarcho-puppy · 3 months
hiya! welcome to my blog! i mostly just rb or post for myself soooo... don't expect much in terms of consistency lol.
my pronouns are he/him/his, xe/xem/xers, or it/it's; if you misgender me on purpose, you will be blocked >:P
alive but gay
i rb a lost of fandom stuff (basically just whatever media i'm currently hyperfixating on), but these are my favourite media:
DC (mostly batfam)
BBC Sherlock
ATLA (also kinda TLOK, but not as much)
Good Omens
Marvel (debatable, not the new stuff, mostly just AOS)
Jesus Christ Superstar (shut up, i’m a theatre kid)
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (in relation to JCS)
The Dragon Prince
Amulet (i’m allowed to be a kid, okay)
Bluey (…very much allowed to be a kid)
probs more, i just have a shit memory lmao
pls pls talk to me about my interests! send me asks!
just spent two hours organizing my blog so that i can actually find stuff... so here's a guide:
#puppy barks = og text posts, rants, etc. (basically just everything other than rbs, except threads i’ve added to and wanted to save)
#anarcho puppy (duh) = anarchist and an-com shit
#geo nerd puppy = history-related stuff (one of my SPINs)
#pub trans puppy = public transit-related stuff (another SPIN)
#puppy puppy = feral (sometimes) dog boy me
#poet puppy = started out as poetry but now it’s basically just me writing things
#arty puppy = my art and art rbs
#disabled puppy = disability stuff
#neurodivergent puppy = autism/ADHD shit
#nom nom puppy = baking/cooking/food stuff
#conlang puppy = conlang shit
#little puppy = agere/little me stuff
#faggot shit = uhm uhhhhh… yeah…
#mutual aid/gofundme = self explanatory (please donate or reblog!)
#my polls = polls (obviously /s)
#me = pics of me
#ask = my asks
#hehe = ...yeah i'm not doing so hot (memory loss, trauma, etc.)
#dc = self explanatory (#B, #NW, #RH, #RR, #R, #O, #steph, #cass, #duke, #alfred, #clark, #kon, #jon, #talia, #bernard)
#hozier = my MAN
#atla = avatar the last airbender (and spin-offs)
#sherlock = self explanatory
#tdp = the dragon prince
#hannibal = self explanatory
#go = good omens
#ninjago = self explanatory
#sense8 = self explanatory
#assortment of religious hyperfixations = jesus christ superstar, the last days of judas iscariot, etc.
#i’m gonna be a lawyer bitch = my latest hyperfixation; law, specifically landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities (an actually practical hyperfixation?? crazy… /s)
#covid safety = self explanatory and also really important
#L = iykyk
shut up, i know that there’s a shit tons of tags but it’s not for you; i don’t expect y’all to need a tagging system bc you’re probably not doing a deep dive on my blog, but i need to be able to find things, hence the excessive tagging system :)
self-described liberal
biden supporter
transids/whatever the fuck you’re calling yourselves
yes, i know that dni lists won’t stop dirty, disgusting people from interacting, but it makes me feel better when i set clear boundaries.
and remember kids, i block LIBERALLY >:P
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