#okay hate english grammar too
crazywolf828 · 1 year
My gf desperately trying to get me to understand Spanish: so the double L makes a Y sound
Me, immediately and without hesitation: Ah yes, like llama
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lovelyamarilala · 4 months
"Babe you wouldn't leave me right?"
"Not in a million years Adam."
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female reader! no mentions of 'yn' - cursing - fluff - a bit ooc Adam (I'm not the best at writing, I may have grammar issues, English is not my first language, but enjoy!)
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It wasn't easy for Adam, he was insecure with himself, it's not easy when both of your wives left you for the most hated being in all of creation.
it was night, a movie night with Adam, your Husband. Being his third wife wasn't easy but you love him even if he was a big headache to you
you were making snacks for both of you, when you came back to the living room, Adam was practically not paying attention to the tv at all, or you. He was staring off somewhere
Adam snapped out of his daydream and looked at you "Oh hey." He looked back at the tv, you stared at him worriedly and asked him if he was okay
"I'm okay babe, just a little tired"
You sighed and walked towards the couch, and sat beside him, "I don't think you're okay Adam, tell me what's wrong" Adam groaned
"nothing is wrong babe, I told you I'm fucking tired"
You looked at him and peck his nose, "Adam, didn't I say that..." Adam groaned again and looked at you, sadness evident in his eyes "to like what? Open up when one of us is upset? Yeah I know, if I was UPSET then I would just fucking tell you now babe, come on." Adam patted his lap, signalling you to sit on his lap, you did what he asked for, as you faced him and wrapped your arms around his neck, as you peppered his face with kisses,
"fuck babe, already this needy huh? Can't even wait a second without kissing me" he then captured your lips with his own, and wandered his arms around your body.
You pulled away from the kiss, and gave him a last kiss on the nose, "as much I want to escalate this to something more... intimate, but I'm worried for you Adam." Adam frowned, "Babe I'm fucking fine, alright? Don't worry about me."
"It's my responsibility Adam, I don't want you to be sad, you know that I don't like it when you're sad, so please tell me what's wrong" you put a hand on his cheek and gently rub your thumb against the skin
"It's about your wives isn't it?"
He sighed, knowing you have caught up.
"It's nothing, really I'm the fucking first man! I can get the girls I fucking want, and I'm with the most sweetest fucking girl in heaven, literally. You're too much for me. In a good way babe." You smiled and laughed a bit as your eyes shine when you looked at him, he saw it. The way you looked at him.
It was full of love and adoration.
You wouldn't leave him right?
He finally found someone to love him right.
"goddamn you look cute when you look at me..."
You laughed at the comment, as he softly smiled he loves hearing your laugh. Especially the laugh of yours was meant for him and only him.
"That's out of topic Adam.." you paused, your smile tuning down, as you looked at him with full love, "You know Adam, if you're thinking about me leaving you, please don't, I promised you that I won't leave you for anything, and I will keep that promise." You paused again, to give him a quick peck in the lips.
"I don't know if your just fucking with me or some shit."
"I'm not lying darling."
Silence filled the room, as Adam began to speak again
" Babe you wouldn't leave me right?"
"Not in a million years Adam."
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I hope you enjoyed this:)
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r0-boat · 3 months
Hiii, I just noticed your blog and really impressed by your... spicy stuff 👀 Hope that you can accept this request hehe 👉👈 (oh and sorry for any grammar, English is not my first language 🥹)
I absolutely love your headcanons about demons in WHB is animalistic, so what if the kings (and Lucifer) have that time of the month where they completely act like an animal (biting, marking,...) and MC didn't know about that, so MC got tricked by the nobles and being lead (?) to the room where their kings are destroying everything because they cannot find their human (maybe the kings got tied down too or just be sealed inside the room).
Okay I really wanna know what will happen after that 👀 Hope that it will be spicy 😋 Thank you and have a great day ❤️
Demon Rut headcannons
Whb Demon Lords x Gn!reader
Cw: everyone's a slut, The demons are yours and they want you. Slight mentions of demons fucking other demons just to let off steam, demon gangbang.
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You know that little private room that looks like it's in a club on the summoning screen? I think that's where their sessions take place, where they're all dressed up in nice for you, only to rip off their clothes seconds later and make a beeline to your body.
That room in that special club for elites only are reserved for the seven lords and you to be used as they please.
I totally think demons have rut, they can fuck and cum whenever they want but during that time of the month when the sexual appetite is heightened to a point where they can't even think clearly. The sense of smell and taste. They will use toys, their subordinates anything! to get them off but it's not enough they need you. From your time you've been in hell and from maternity waiting for you, they've been holding off, and now that you're here... And they can sense you, smell your sweet scent of human and sex they can no longer hold back.
Bold of you to assume that the Lords would share. Some of them wouldn't mind but Satan and Levi who are notoriously more possessive??
Perhaps if they just need you so much that they are willing to share you just to have you at the moment. Without help with potions or magic, You will not survive Even with just the five of them at once. I don't even think you'll survive Mammon with just him during rut.
At first, they'd hate the idea of sharing you, but after the first time. They would kind of like seeing you squirm on another demon's cock. Seeing you get ruined and covered in demon seed would be a sight to purged in their minds, something they would jerk to when you're not here. Something that they'll definitely start doing more often. Not only as a way to prove their worth to you but for their own pleasurable benefit of seeing you soaked with tears, cum, and your own juices. As well as bragging rights to the other lords the next time they see them.
Expect clashing of horns and claws and teeth because only a test of their strength can determine who gets the fuck you first. And using you to test their virality and stamina will determine who gets to keep you for their rut. These demons will go for hours, days until they are tired, until they throw in the towel to the other. They use how many times you come how many orgasms they could milk out of your human body as a dick-measuring contest. Even after bragging about how many times you squeezed their cock while cumming as a badge of pride as their subordinates look at them in awe.
"oh yeah? Well fuck you Satan because last rut I made them cum this many times."
*cue Satan lunging at them with their teeth and claws*
That teasing and play fighting is all in good fun because they know they share a similar interest in being excited to see you next time in another demon's lap, squirming for their touch. Cooing about how much you like their cock and how human cock isn't good enough for you, huh? How they're so lucky to have someone so hungry for demon cock, have delicious your juices taste, how cute you cry for them.
Maybe they'll even start asking you to wear little pretty Lacey lingerie so they can tear off or play with their tongues and teeth. Maybe there's subordinates will catch wind of their lords escapades with you. An excitedly wait for one day their Lord will ask them to come with them. They know that the Lord is in control, and they are just there to be your toy.
And after every rut session, you're treated like a literal princess with aftercare; why do you have to lift a finger. They know that they pushed you beyond your human limits. And they are eternally grateful You indulged their sinful desires and gave up their body to be used and destroyed.
This sex dungeon-like club also doubling as a little hotel room with a full bathroom with a huge pool of bathtub as well as another bedroom with a giant bed for sleeping or other sexual escapades if the Lord's desire. If they ever want alcohol, sex toys, or condoms, they will be brought to them in a care package like basket. And as well as to their dislike, a little locker for the human for other demons store their presents in. It's like you don't already have a permanent residence in hell with a mailbox chocked full of flowers and chocolates and anything you desire.
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lavender-storm · 8 months
You are here now
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summary | Theo breaks down and confesses why he's been so distant lately.
pairing | Theo Nott x fem!reader, she/her pronouns
warning | mentions of abuse, su1c1de, sad Theo, probably grammar mistakes
word count | ~2k
a/n: English isn't my first language, so if you found grammar mistakes, no you didn't. I also haven't written anything in a while, so i hope this isn't too bad. Let me know what you think! Xx
His legs are weak, and he can barely breathe when he finally sees her walking towards the Gryffindor common room.
"Y/N," his voice booms off the walls, scaring everyone around them. She stops but doesn't turn around, not needing to see who it is. She could recognise that voice anywhere. "Can we talk?" he says, a bit more quietly now. But she doesn't move, unsure what to do as Theo approaches her slowly. "Please?"
She takes a deep breath and simply starts walking towards a more secluded area. Theodore is breathless, his face is flushed and his whole body trembles. He's thinking of what to say, how to put his feelings into words as they sit down on the stairs, far away from curious eyes. Neither of them speak as he tries to slow down his vigorous heart. But words don't come easy to him as anxiety takes over his body.
The silence between them is too loud.
"How you been?"
"Good," Y/N answers, avoiding his gaze."You?"
"Eh. Could be better."
Another long silence, as Theo tries to collect himself.
"Is that all you wanted to talk about?" she asks, voice stern and cold. How did they end up like this? She used to look at him with so much love in her eyes. He misses it. Every day and night, it's all he can think about. How she laughed at his jokes, how she found comfort in his arms. How it all turned around as a fight followed a fight, with yelling and tears. The last time they talked, Y/N told him how disappointed she was, that he became one of those Slytherins. His heart shattered as soon as the words left her lips. He understood why of course. But it was him against his father, and he needed to change. It was for the better.
He should have said something a long long time ago. He shouldn't have waited. But he's scared, and his life is a mess and he just wants the earth to open up and swallow him whole. He's breaking under the weight, he's all alone and he can't find a way out.
"No, no. I, uhm," Theo's nervous, and Y/N can tell. It's rare he's like this and a heavy weight settles in her chest. He's usually collected, and outspoken, he never had any trouble talking. She wants to comfort him and let him know he can talk about anything, so she hesitantly lays a hand on his forearm. Even after all those arguments and crying and not talking, she cares. Of course, she cares. She is full of love.
Theo takes a shaky breath and tears collect in his eyes. He can't hold it back no matter how much he tries, because he feels so overwhelmed by her. He doesn't even know where to start.
Should he talk about his father? Should he tell her how he treats him? And that he never meant to become like this, but it was inevitable.
He needed her then, and he needs her now, but he fucked up by pushing her and everybody away, and he's scared he can't make it right. Y/N quietly calls his name as she caresses his arm, and a loud sob leaves Theo's lips. Y/N's heart rate picks up, the worry she felt before turned into terror as Theo's body trembles with every sob as she cradles him into her arms, holding his head to her shoulders while raking her fingers through his hair. Her heart breaks for him as he clings to her like his life depends on her.
"I'm sorry," he cries. "I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N. I never meant to do-, I di-didn't know - I'm just s-scared, so fucking scared. I hate him so much and then I did this to you. I miss y-you so bad, I can't even fucking breathe."
"Theo calm down, I can't understand you. Shh, it's okay just take a deep breath with me okay? Yeah, like that, great. You're doing great. One more," she says as she holds his face in her hands. Theo's chest tightens at her kindness. All those things he fucked up. He's a horrible son, a horrible friend, a horrible person. And yet here she is, wiping his tears with such a loving look in her eyes, his soul aches - he doesn't deserve her. "Now tell me again, okay? Slowly. I'm here, I'm listening."
"I'm sorry. I know you hate me, but I truly am sorry."
"I don't hate you, Theo-"
"Yeah, sure, than you are mad at me, whatever same thing."
"I'm sorry okay? For everything. I didn't tell you the-, "he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, tears still streaming down his face."I didn't tell you the truth. I lied because I didn't want you to know. But I needed you. I needed you so bad. So I kept it a secret because I was scared. What if you agree with him? What if you see me the way he sees me? So I just avoided you. I know it's stupid, but I was so goddamn terrified."
"Who is he, Theo? What are you talking about?"
"Dad," he whispers and hangs his head, refusing to see her reaction.
"What is he saying, Theo?"
"It's all my fault," he murmurs. Y/N's brows are furrowed in confusion, what is he talking about? What is his fault?
"No, Theo, no. I'm sure that's not true but what is-"
"But it is, Y/N! He is right. My mother always had to take care of me and my problems, that's why she- and now he hates me! I'm a burden and I made their lives miserable."
"That is not true Theodore, listen to me. Don't think that. And I'm sure they could never hate you. You probably misunderstood, I know your parents love you-"
"You don't hit someone you love! I would never hit you! Never. Not even Blaise or, or Draco, or the others, never. " Y/N's whole body freezes, her mind's rummaging through her memories. Oh Merlin. How could she miss this? How could she not realize that…
Y/N is angry. Angry that Theo didn't say anything until now. Angry that she couldn't see the obvious. He showed up with a new bruise every few weeks, and rumors of him initiating fights for fun, spread like fire. But no one ever knew who he fought. It always remained a mystery. Because all of it was a lie, and deep down Y/N knew, but that was easier to believe than this. He needed her and she ignored him. The only person she could ever open up to needed her the most, and she just left him.
"Theo, all this time we thought you were fighting other students, you-"
"He says it's the least I deserve. She was always working and always stressed because of me. They had to sacrifice so much. It's all my fault she couldn't take it. And now all of this is on Dad. It's my fault, I did this. I killed her."
It's an unwritten rule in the Nott family, that nobody talks about the death of Theo's mom. As far as others are concerned, she ran away. And so that's what Y/N thought too.
"She killed herself because of me. And he makes sure I'm aware of that. And I'm so scared that he's right."
"He is not right, Theo, look at me. He's not right. He's full of shit. I've never met your mother, but I know, he raised the kindest, smartest, most amazing boy ever. I know she must have been so proud to call you his son." Theo cries louder, his fingers hold onto her tightly. "I'm proud of you Theo. You don't deserve any of this."
Guilt claws at her chest as she takes him in. His eyes are red and puffy now, but a bruise is still visible under his left eye and a deep cut, already healed, splits his eyebrows. His skin is pale and cold, and he's so thin that his uniform hangs on his body like it's three sizes too big.
Months ago, it fit him perfectly.
She was so consumed by her anger and jealousy that Theo chose his new friends over her, that she couldn't even look at him. And she curses herself for being so oblivious and idiotic, because if she looked at him, only just a second longer, she would have seen the truth. Now, sitting on the stairs with only a little light, she can truly see him. And the Theodore that's sitting here is not the same Theodore she left that day.
"I can't do this without you, Y/N. I know I'm horrible but please. Please forgive me," he begs, but Y/N shakes her head. If someone should be apologizing it's her, not him.
"No, don't apologize. I'm- oh, Theo, I'm so sorry. I should have realized it. I should have paid attention, I should have been there for you. I'm so sorry I left you alone. I should have never done that," she says, pulling him into her embrace again. Theo hugs her tightly, basking in her warmth. "And you are wrong. You are not horrible. You are the most amazing person I've ever met, Theo. You were always there for me, always looked out for me. I'm so sorry I didn't do the same."
"You're here now,"
"Yes, I am."
"Are you staying?"
"Of course. I'm not going anywhere. Not again. I promise." He believes her. He knows none of this is her fault and if she knew, she would've never left. "I love you Theo, so so much. We'll get through this. Together."
And for the first time in months, Theo feels peace wash over his body like waves, and the noise in his head stops. It's silent and calm in his body and soul. Everything's going to be alright. Y/N is here again. They are okay again. He will be alright again.
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aakeysmash · 4 months
Roommate or boss?
part 2, part 3, part 4
Pairing: f!reader x Katsuki Bakugou.
Context: 3k words. Reader is a barista and she only meets Bakugo at the end of this </3. He’s her boss but she doesn’t know. I don’t delve into this tho, just so you know. They’re both 22.
A/N: never thought I’d write a slow burn but I HATE not giving context. This is just me yapping with zero grammar context whatsoever. The reader is super oc in this one, but all the girl names I thought about were UGLY. Let me know what you think about it!
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“Come onnnn it’s gonna be just this one time” pleads your best friend from the other end of the phone.
“Ochaco, you know I hate when you pull this shit” you reply, while putting your jacket on.
“I knowww, but listen, me and the cute guy have had NO time for ourselves lately and-“
“And you’re leaving me doing this assignment with who knows who? We’re always partners for physics, you know I can’t do it all alone and you can’t phrase your deductions to save your life. We complete each other. You’re my soulmate. Why are you leaving me for a guy?” you whine, while closing the door of your apartment and walking towards your car.
“It’s gonna be just this one time, I promise! It’s not like we’re gonna fail. I think. I hope…” she mumbles.
You sigh. “If we do fail, you’re getting your ass beaten, I am so for real” you concede after thinking about it. You start your car and put your phone on speaker.
“BABEEE I love youuuu! You know you’re the only one for me! I promise to finally tell you all the details on Saturday” she squeals.
You wince. “Nah, I can’t this Saturday. I have to work, manager is on vacay. Maybe Sunday?” you said, knowing she will start rambling.
“Y/N just leave that place, they don’t even value you as a person, let alone as a worker. Plus, your manager is a bitch” Ochaco says sternly. “I still haven’t got over the fact she makes you work double shifts just because she wants to be in Bali with her new stupid tomboy. Who, by the way, cheats on her. You said so yourself, and I heard him and your colleague going at it that one time I came to visit you last week -not Momo, bless her heart, how is she by the way?- oh and he steals her money. And-“
“I need the money, and I do love to make coffees for the nice old ladies that tip me” you interrupt your more-than-protective best friend, knowing that she could go on complaining for hours if you didn’t stop her. “Also, I just got to the cafe and I’m already running late. I’ll text you when I get off, okay? Love you”.
“Yeah yeah. Don’t overwork yourself too much, love you” and you hang up.
You and Ochaco have been friends since you were babies. Your parents were neighbours back in your hometown, and your moms coincidentally got pregnant in a span of 2 months apart from each other. You have been attached to the hip all of your school years, and fortunately you have been accepted at the same campus at university. You moved to different apartments because you wanted to be independent, but you are still living pretty near each other. You are enrolled in literature, while Ochaco has a passion for astronomy; you had chosen physics as a bonus class for some extra credits since Ochaco said it would be easy and you trusted her, but she didn’t take into consideration that you failed math throughout all of high school, and she had to save your ass multiple times in the past. You’ll never forget her face when she got an 86% on one of the graded tests she did for you: she was so disappointed she made you ask the professor to redo the test, which you barely knew the basics of. She got 100%, and the professor congratulated you (her) for being such an overachiever. You never felt more ashamed of yourself and proud of your best friend at the same time. On the other hand, she made you do her English essays on a monthly basis, so she really wasn’t in the place to complain about doing all the dirty work for you.
You had partnered up with her since she was a genius, but she met this “cute guy” a month ago and was head over heels for him. She still hasn’t said his name to you, all you know is that he is a part of the physics course and he apparently just stole your assignment partner.
You sigh inwardly. Sometimes you wished love could come to you as easily as it comes to Ochaco. She is a lover girl at heart, nicer than anybody could ever hope to be, but she sure could bite if she had to. She has been there for some of the worst moments of your life, and you have done the same for her. You really didn’t know what you would do without her. Maybe you should get her an apology pastry from the cafe’s leftovers to make up for the last two missed Saturdays (“they’re for the girls!” she said, and you meticulously met up every week up until you had gotten a job).
You’re a bit distracted by thinking about her when you get into the place you work at. It’s a cute cafe, a little bit too orange for your taste, but it’s cozy enough to make work pleasurable. Plus, it’s 5 minutes from your apartment (15 if you walk, but you are lazy). They pay on time, the coffee is good and the clientele isn’t too bad. If it wasn’t for-
“You’re 32 seconds late. You’re getting a formal complaint this time” says your manager, waiting for you with her arms crossed.
“Put that on the note that says I worked 8 extra hours a week for the last 5 months. Hello to you too, weren’t you supposed to be in the Philippines or whatever by now?” you say sickening sweet, with the fakest smile you can muster, while you pass next to her to get to the room behind the register.
“Shut your smart mouth up before I get you fired!” she almost screams. Some of the people at the table near her look at her like she’s crazy before going back to their cappuccino.
“My oh my miss Utsushimi, it’s not nice to use that tone before the rush hour” you reply, giving an apologetic look at your regulars next to her.
“Mpfh, whatever. Close up this place when you’re done, the boss will probably be in to ask you for the keys at the end of your shift. I’ll be MIA for the next two weeks, bye” she says to you. Then she turns around and smiles sweetly at the clients who previously looked at her with distaste and lies “pregnancy hormones I hope, me and my man are trying for a baby, I’m sorry for scaring you!”. You know damn well she had an IUD appointment last week, because she made you work instead of working herself. Fake bitch.
Without saying anything else, she leaves the place.
“I hate her ass so much”, says someone next to you.
You snicker. “Who doesn’t, Momo?” you face her with a genuine smile.
“Never leave me alone with her ever again, you know I can’t survive this place without you, work wifey” she kisses your cheek fast, before going back to making coffee for a client at the register.
“Ochaco will be hearing about this and she’ll slap you” you laugh heartily.
“I love her too, she’s my work wifey’s wifey, so she’s basically my wifey” she winks at you.
After a few more laughs here and there, you both go back to work like usual.
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A couple of hours pass and it’s closing time. Momo waves you goodbye, clocking out. “I’m so tired I could sleep on the floor right now” she whines.
“Yeah, how about no. Let’s go, babe. We don’t want to drag Y/N’s time” says her boyfriend, Shoto, who shoots you a nod of acknowledgement before placing a hand on her lower back and escorting her out of the cafe. “I remember suffering at closing times, let’s leave her be and go home” he nudges your colleague, smiling down at her. He has been inside the cafe a lot in the years you’ve worked here, sometimes picking Momo up. Momo says he was one of the best bartenders the cafe ever had, but he found a job that payed him more and he decided to leave. You couldn’t blame him.
“See you soon, you two lovebirds!” you reply, waving a hand of your own.
Now all alone since even the waiters have gone home, you clean up the counter before packing up the pastry for Ochaco.
“Damn, I have to wait for the boss to give him the keys” you remember, rubbing your face.
You wait 45 minutes before a redhead makes his way into the cafe. He seems busy on the phone with someone.
“I’m here, let me just get- fuck no I don’t wanna talk to Camie about it, Baku- no, wait- fire? Are you going to take her place and finally come down here like the boss you are? Yes, I know- what? And where would we- what do I have to do with all of this? No, I’m going home- fuck, he hung up” the man sighs, before turning his body towards you.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting, not really manly from me” he smiles, looking sorry.
“Oh don’t worry about it!” your smile was really stretched, and you think he notices, because he says “sorry” again. “The manager said to give you the keys. So you’re the boss?” you say politely, stretching your hand with the keys towards him.
You’ve seen him multiple times, he’s a regular. He always gets the same order (one black coffee and one hot chocolate with extra cinnamon), and he always tips you and Momo well. Today he seems distressed.
“I wouldn’t wish to be the boss, to be fair. You could say I’m his right hand. Where’s Camie? Boss needs to talk to her in private before next week comes” he sighs.
“She said she’ll be gone for two weeks” you reply, confused.
“And who said she could do that?” Kirishima, you think that’s his name since you’ve written it on his order just yesterday, looks at you in disbelief. You shrug. “I don’t ask. The less I know about her, the better I feel about working here”. You start to pack your things up, before going towards the door with the man following behind you closely.
“This is nuts. I hate doing job interviews” he mumbles fast, turning the key in the lock. You raise an eyebrow, what is he even talking about?
“Do you live near? If not, I could give you a ride. I’d hate losing the only barista who makes boss man’s drink good enough to not make him pissy” he says, while pointing to his car.
You laugh. “It’s just a hot chocolate. Tell him he should try it with a few drops of hot sauce in it. Sounds disgusting but it’s actually pretty good. Also don’t worry, I live just down the street”. He nods and you wave each other goodbye.
“It does sound horrible. Thanks again for waiting, see you tomorrow for the same exact order I always make” he grins, then gets in his car and drives away, not after seeing you get in your car as well.
Once at home you call Ochaco, who’s “been worried sick, you never get home this late”.
“Y/N you seriously need a roommate. Did you even eat?” she reprimands.
You sigh. “I have to meet someone tomorrow. But you know, girls tend to look at you weirdly when you say you need them to know how to cook. They feel like you’re looking for a maid. Like, I can’t eat sandwiches every day like I did with the last roommate I had” you explain while opening your fridge. Sausages and smashed potatoes from yesterday will do the job for today.
“The psycho who thought vegetables made her look weak? Freak” you hear your best friend snicker. “At what time are they coming over?”
You groan and say “8 am. It’s a guy this time. Who wakes up before 8 am at uni? He’s already lost 2 points for this” while gulping down your food.
Ochaco’s snicker is now a full laugh. “People who have their lives together, maybe? But pay attention, males scare me” she replies quieting down.
“Yeah yeah. I’m gonna sleep now, text me the deets for Sunday, okay?” you clean your plate and go to the bathroom to wash your teeth.
“Will doooo. Good night, babe” she smooches on the mic before hanging up.
After making sure you locked your apartment door, you go to your bed, where you manage to fall asleep in thirty seconds.
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The next morning you’re brutally awakened by the sound of your doorbell. You look at your phone screen: 7:42 am.
“Who the fuck is it now?” you grumble, before going down the stairs and looking through your peephole.
“Shitty hair I swear if this takes me more than 10 minutes… she hasn’t even opened the door. Yeah, she said 8 am, who cares if I’m early? I AM NOT the only one awake on a Saturday morning. Y’all are just lazy fucks” a blonde rudely says into his phone. You can hear him talking loudly from behind the door. You widen your eyes, before screaming “coming! Give me 5 minutes!” and rushing towards your bathroom to make yourself presentable. “Fuck, I forgot about the roommate appointment” you whine, while putting on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. At least they are clean.
You open the door to find a broad man staring at you menacingly. He’s kinda tall, kinda (really) fit, kinda underdressed for the winter. Kinda hot, too.
“Hi, how can I help you?” you offer him the nicest smile your still sleepy mind can muster.
He looks you up and down, before focusing on your face and levelling you with an indifferent look.
“You must be Y/N. I’m Katsuki Bakugo, we had to meet at 8 am for the spare room offer. I've been here for 15 minutes” he gruffly declares.
You add “rude” to your list of “kinda”. You don’t like his tone. -1 point.
“Yeah, and it’s 7:48” you bite back, your smile faltering while shaking his outstretched hand. He’s definitely going to the gym with the callouses he has.
“Come in, I’ll let you see what you’re getting yourself into”, you say, opening your door more.
You live in a nice apartment, you think. There’s a nice kitchen with a nice island that also serves as a table in front of it, a blueish couch in front of the tv, and a couple of steps that bring you to a corridor with three doors: your room, the spare one and the bathroom.
You describe everything while he stays in absolute silence next to you. It makes you feel uneasy. -1 point.
You just finished showing him the bathroom and are ready to tell him you don’t think he’s a good suitor when he finally speaks up.
“And how much do you pay for this shit?” he asks. Nice voice, you think. Gravelly and rough enough to not sound annoyingly forced. +1 point.
“500 a month” you reply, while returning to the kitchen.
“Your shower needs some work done, it leaks. Also, mold is starting to show on the bathroom ceiling, might wanna check on that. Your oven looks unusable in the condition it’s in. Small tv. At least you’re clean from what I've seen” he begins to say.
You frown and turn to look at him. Did this bitch talk for the first time in 15 minutes only to complain?
“Do you even know how to cook with said oven?” you say, ignoring everything else he just said, and giving him a nasty look.
He tsks. “Yes. Is this your way of asking me to cook you fucking breakfast? I don’t eat with lazy people who get out of bed at 11 am” he makes sure to say.
You scoff. Men really do find the audacity to say stuff like this nowadays? It seems like you've been out of the loop for too much.
“You showed up early. It’s a sign of disrespect, you know? Also no, I know how to fix myself something. I just don’t want you to burn my kitchen down to a crisp and smell takeout whenever I get home” you say in the rudest way you find possible.
He smirks before saying “might wanna check on that fucking attitude of yours too before I poison your food”, tapping your shoulder to get you out of the way and take out some pans. You showed him where to find them earlier on.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you say in disbelief. “This is still my kitchen. Get out”.
He rolls his eyes. “I’m making you fucking breakfast to say sorry for interrupting your princess sleep. Just make coffee while I come up with something. If you know how to make it, that is” he doesn’t even look at you while getting eggs, milk and bread out of the fridge.
You’re baffled. He’s making himself at home when you didn’t even say he was accepted.
“Wait, you’re still not-“
“I'll give you the money at the start of every month. I’ll paint the walls of the room, I hate that fucking green, but painters are scammers so I’m doing it myself. I’m clean, I’ll just need a spare key in a matter of days to take my shit here. I’ll keep myself in my room if you keep yourself in yours. Any further requests?” he interrupts you, assembling his french toasts on the pan.
You’re even more stunned. But you’ve always been quick with your thoughts, so you come up with something.
“I’ll say yes if those french toasts are good. If they’re not, your ass is out” you say, still not looking at him, while making coffee.
“Might say yes if you know how to make a hot chocolate from scratch instead of the poor coffee that machine will make” he watches you from the corner of his eye. You scoff, you’re a barista nonetheless: who does he think he’s talking to? Meanwhile, he could swear he knew you from somewhere.
Neither to say, the french toasts were “not that bad” and your hot chocolate was “barely fucking acceptable”.
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polly-pocket13 · 1 month
Give me a chance to show you how beautiful you are
bakugou katsuki x fem!chubby!reader 
tw: weight, self-doubt, self-hate, eating disorder, cursing, acne, bad english and bad grammar
a/n: just a friendly reminder that you are enough and beautiful just the way you are.
You are standing in front of your mirror and looking at yourself. 
You sighed. 
Your skin is getting worse again.
You gained weight.
Your tights are too thick.
Your belly is too chubby.
Your arms to giggly.
Slowly, your eyes started to tear up.
Why couldn't you be like the other pretty girls?
Those girls with the flat stomachs and clear skin. 
Those girls with beautiful tights and slim arms. 
Those girls who always look and act like a real lady.
Those girls who always seem perfect.
The next day, you started eating less and exercising more.
You began to isolate yourself from others and feel more and more ashamed about yourself.
Like right now, you were in your room again and stood before your mirror and looked at your imperfect body.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” you suddenly heard Bakugous voice behind you.
You didn't even notice that he knocked or entered your room.
“Bakugou, what are you doing here? Of course, everything is alright.” you told him and forced yourself to smile.
“Y/N, stop fucking lying to me. I can see that something is wrong, and I can see how, you force yourself to smile. I have known you long enough, to recognize a real smile.” he grumbled.
“I don't know what you mean.” you said to him.
“Don't play dumb, Y/N. Please tell me what is wrong.” he spoke to you.
“I am fine.” you lied again. 
You weren't fine at all. 
“Fine? You look to me like the absolute opposite of fine.” he said to you angrily.
You were overwhelmed with emotions.
You slowly started to speak, “Can't you see? I am the problem. How I look. How I act. Everything about me is just imperfect.”
You started to cry again.
“Who the hell told you such a bullshit. Tell me so I can break his nose.” he told you aggressive.
You replied quietly, “Kacchan, just forget it.”
“You don't want me to know? Well, then I will find out myself. It can't be that fucking hard to find an asshole without eyes.” he slightly shouted and wanted to leave your room.
“It was me, okay! I tell my self everyday I am not enough! So if you want to break someone's nose, feel free to break mine.” you said to him. 
He immediately turned himself to you. A second later, you could feel his arms wrapped around you.
Now, you started to cry even more.
He pulled you closer to him.
He whispered in your ear, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life.” 
“You only say it because we are friends and I am crying. You don't mean it.” you mumbled.
“Tsk, stupid gorgeous Woman. Why don't you believe me? I would not fall in love with you if you were not the most perfect human being in the world,”
he started tell you.
“I wished you could see yourself through my eyes. Then you would see that you are perfect from the bottom to the top. 
You would see how your eyes sparkle, when you talk about something you love. How you smile makes everyone else smile too.  How you just make everyone else to a better person, especially me. You would see how all stare at you if you dress up in your pretty dresses.  Damn it, Y/N yo drive me crazy every day. Your curves, your beautiful thighs, your soft belly. Just fucking everything.” he ends his “speech”.
You were shocked. You just stared at him for a moment.
“You like me? Like, really like me.” you asked him. 
“Typical Y/N. I told you lots of other important things and you just remembered one. Yes, I like you. Like, really like you.” he answered you. 
“I think I like you too, but I can't see myself through your eyes. I am just imperfect for me.” you told him.
“Give me a chance to show you how beautiful you are. Okay?” he asked you. 
“Okay.” you answered. 
Since that day, he has been proving to you every day how beautiful you are to him. 
And you slowly start to believe him and love yourself as you should because you are truly beautiful just the way you are. 
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zentraex · 11 months
Could u do an arrange/forced marriage of aizawa fic please ❤️ (Maybe mafia AU?)
Thank you so much for this request! This is my first one and it made me so happy! I hope I didn't disappointed you or something like that.
Like always, English is not my first language and German grammar is a lot different than English grammar. So, sorry for any mistakes.
Trigger Warnings: forced marriage, slightly yandere, mentioning of a gun
Also, I got an inspiration for the last few sentences from a picture in Pinterest. So, it wasn't really my idea, but fitted really well.
I hate you
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The detailed planning should make you feel like you're floating above clouds.  The closer the day gets, the wilder the butterflies should fly in your stomach.
It should be the most beautiful day of your life: your wedding day.
A nightmare. This is a nightmare.
But why is it exactly the opposite for you? 
Locked up in your room, the only retreat you had left until now, the day scratched squeaking at your door. 
You dreaded this day, so much that the nausea in you grew bigger and bigger.
It is the worst day of your life: your wedding day.
The shackles around your hands are straining at your wrists. Just...what shackles? The ones you imagine?
How could you end up like this?
Your gaze wanders to the empty seats which are reserved for your parents. 
True, they are to blame... Or rather yourself? 
When did it all start?
Your family was a normal baker's family, nothing special. You were happy to follow their footsteps and take over the shop later.
You would have had regular customers, 70% of them would have been old seniors, and you would have chatted happily with them. Who knows, maybe that's how you would have found the love of your life? 
Your future partner wouldn't have wanted anything big, just a few rolls, but he wouldn't have known which ones. You would have advised him and your way of talking and smiling would have charmed him. He would have come again and then more regularly, and slowly, the two of you would be something more.
You've always raved about it. Who would have thought that this dream turned out to be a nightmare? 
Shota Aizawa or Eraser Head as he is called in his mafia group, was actually the one customer, “your true love".
Your parents wanted to have an evening to themselves, so you had to take over the shop. 
"Welcome," you smiled. The man in front of you was tall. His black hair was disheveled and hung down to his shoulders. His red eyes were only half open. He looked like he had been through several sleepless nights. 
"A few bread rolls."
For a moment, there was silence between you as you waited for him to give a more precise order.
"Which ones and how many?"
His tired eyes wandered through the variety of bread rolls your bakery had to offer. 
"Which ones are good?"
A proud grin formed on your lips. 
"I'd say they are all of the best quality, but if you ask me what my favorites are, it's definitely the milk bread rolls."
"Yes, then I'll take those."
You almost sighed out loud.  What was with that guy?
"And how many?"
His eyes glanced briefly at your smile. 
"All of them."
Your eyes widened when you heard this almost absurd order. Unsure, you analyzed the stranger in front of you, only to get a completely serious look in response. 
"Okay... do you want another coffee? You look very tired."
"No, the work just gives me a lot of headaches. That's all."
"Oh, I know that only too well! I always catch my parents feeling exhausted after a day full of work."
The man in front of you raised an eyebrow.  "Your parents?"
"Yes, they own the store. Normally I just help out, but every now and then I get to take over.
The stranger just nodded.
"So, that would be then..."
Your neighborhood was known for having a dangerous mafia group. There were many reasons why, despite all this, so many lived here. One of the reasons was because the rents weren't too high. Aside from that, it was rather on the edge of the town and therefore there was not really anything going on. The neighborhood was peaceful, if the mafia was left out. Most people were always nice to you and only a few were bullies. But the smiling faces could never hide the fear in the eyes of the people. Many shops had to close out of nowhere and many people disappeared suddenly. You could never be sure if someone was a member of the mafia, as no one dared to reveal their identity. 
That's why you didn't recognize him, just like all the other times: the man everyone feared the most. 
How could you? Not even the members of the mafia gang themselves knew what their boss looked like. 
That's why you always greeted him with the widest smile you've had. First week after week and then day after day. A friendly smile quickly turned into a loving one...
"It's funny how long we've known each other and yet I never got your name."
"It's also the first time you've brought it up, Reader. Do you want to know?"
But there is one thing everyone knew about the boss of the mafia... 
"Don't ask if you already know the answer," you answer with a wink.
The name.
„Shota Aizawa.“
Your eyes widened and your breath stuck in your throat. 
"W-What? I don't think I got your name right."
Casual as always, he rested his head on his palm and looked at you with a smirk.
„Shota Aizawa.“
Your profuse sweating lasted until he left. Did he mean it as a joke? How could you talk so peacefully with a criminal for so long  ?
Even worse, how could you fall in love with someone like that?
Since that day, you had avoided working in the bakery and spent a while in a friend's apartment. Maybe that was the most decisive mistake you made. 
"500,000 Dollar or our store closes? What have we done to make it happen to us?"
Nothing. Your parents had absolutely nothing to do with it. It had been your fault that you had bewitched him and then disappeared. 
"How are we supposed to get so much money together in three days?"
You had ridden your parents into misfortune.
The three days passed slowly. Your family came to terms with the fact that you can't get the money together and so you all just waited for your end. Shota didn't show up during that time either. 
Too your surprise, The boss himself was present at the day of reckoning. This time, Shota was  wearing a suit and his hair was styled back. He was bent forward, his arms resting on his knees, and his hands are intervened. Typical for him are his half-open eyes and the corners of his mouth pulled down. Usually it made you smile, at that time it sent shivers down your spine.
"The money?" he asked. During all this, he hadn't even given you a quick glance.
"Unfortunately, we don't have it. You know-", your father couldn't even finish talking, Shota immediately interrupted him with a shot of his gun. Your breath trembled, and your sweat ran down your face continuously. 
"I don't want to hear excuses," Shota muttered and sighed. "You know what that means?"
None of you cried or pleaded. You have already finished with your lives three days ago.
"Normally, you have to pay with your life..."
That was true. In the best case, one was allowed to die, otherwise most women became prostitutes and men became slaves. It hit you very badly when one were given the title of a pet. You only heard rumors of how one had to eat dog food.
"But I'm generous today." 
 A wide grin suddenly spread across Shota's lips.
"Either the two of you," he said, pointing to your parents, "die or you give me your daughter as a bride. You can even help with the planning."
You didn't even have the right of codecision. It was also the last time you saw your parents. As far as you know, they had packed their things and moved…wherever. 
While Shota was bursting with satisfaction, your world collapsed. 
And this is still the case today.
Why me?
The wedding march in the background, which made you dream of your future in the past, sounds distorted to you, like the music in a horror movie. Even though the walls of the church are colorful, you see them only with a black and white filter.
Why do you progress so fast when you walk as slowly as you can?
Stay away from me, I hate you.
Worst of all, however, is his mangy grin. Everything in you is screaming out to rip it out of his face.
I hate you!
Except for the 4 closest confidants of Shota, there are no other guests. Your parents have received an invitation, but why should they come? 
When you arrive at Shota's side, the first tears roll down your face.
"We have gathered today because Shota Aizawa and Reader want to enter into the covenant of marriage. Love..."
Love? What love?
"... endures everything, believes everything, hopes everything, withstands everything. Love never ends."
No, I hate you. I don't want any of this. 
"And so, we hope that it will succor you."
Your grip on your bouquet crushes the poor plants. 
"So, I ask you, Shota Aizawa, will you honor and love your wife in good and in bad times? So answer with: yes, I do."
I don't want to be honored by you. 
"Yes, I do."
No! I hate you! 
"And so I ask you, reader, will you honor and love your husband in good and in bad times? So answer with: Yes, I do."
No, I don't want to!
There is silence in the room for a moment. The lump in your throat is too big to get it down all by once. Your silence meets the warning gaze of Shota. 
"Yes, I do."
"So now, by virtue of my office, I declare you husband and wife.  You are now allowed to kiss the bride."
You assh*le, wretched b*st*rd. Don't touch me with your disgusting lips!
As soon as his lips touch yours, it feels like a plague is spreading throughout your body.
The ring he puts on you weighs tons, at least that's how it feels. Your skin burns underneath.
"Look, now you're officially mine. You can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this moment."
"A cageed animal is not immediately yours. I'll get away from you."
"We'll see."
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bouncybongfairy · 2 months
hey uhm this is my first time requesting so i hope i explain it well😅
could u write a zuko smut with both of them being banished seperately from the fire nation and they both have to search for the avatar and first they are rivals but then when they both join the gaang (gosh i hate that word) and somehow end up together in a cave with crazy sexual tension and one thing leads to another
if youre not too uncomfortable with it could you put in zuko having a saliva fetish
thanks for reading all this my first language isnt english so the grammar is probably horrible sorry for that
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Matching Angst
Prince Zuko x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: After you and Zuko fell off Appa while fighting, you find shelter in a cave. After making up from the argument, things get heated.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Rough Smut, Oral Fixation, Saliva Kink. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Zuko and you were currently sitting inside a small cave, trying your best to dry off. While you were all flying on Appa, you’d fallen while pushing Zuko who also plunged into the water below. Luckily nobody was hurt but unfortunately that meant you were stuck with Zuko for the night. Anng and Katara came to get both of you but decided that you both needed to work out whatever problems you had with each other. So now you were sitting next to the fire, happy that your clothes were finally dry. Resting your chin on your knees and watching the fire grow. The fight was over directions; so stupid and you guys had already apologized to each other. Old habits die hard and because you both spent so long searching for the Avatar for your honor's sake, it was easy to slip back into that attitude. It was getting colder and even though you had an unlimited fire, the same couldn’t be said for kindling. 
“Don’t make it weird,” he said, coming up and wrapping one of his arms around you. 
“It’s freezing,” you pointed out, holding onto his arm. 
“We’ll be out of here soon,” he said, making a makeshift bed for the two of you to sleep in. 
“I just feel like it’s my fault, if i hadn’t started that argument this wouldn’t be happening,” you said, kicking some of the dirt into the air. 
“If it makes you feel any better: you were right about the directions. I figured it out while we were arguing but felt too stupid to admit I was wrong. Let’s just call it even,” he said, laying on the bed and gesturing for you to join him. 
“Sharing a bed?” you asked, sitting next to him. 
“Yeah, normally I would make two but I figured because of the temperature it’d be safer to share body heat through the night. I mean- not that I would oppose sleeping next to you even if it was hot or-” he started to ramble. 
“It’s okay, I knew what you meant,” you giggle before laying down. 
It was nice enough for a night, not the best either. You knew there was no way you’d be getting any actual sleep. He was spooning you, using his arm as a pillow; the other arm was draped over your waist. He was breathing into your ear, snoring just a little. You could feel his chest rising and falling against your back. Your stomach would flip every time his lower stomach made contact with the arch of your back. Zuko could sleep anywhere no matter what, an ability you wish for. You were admiring how muscular his arm was; without thinking you start tracing one of the veins with your fingertip. He stirs in his sleep and pulls you closer to him. Pressing his erection against your ass, making your back involuntarily arch. Your breath hitches and you hope he doesn’t notice. Goosebumps covering your skin, like any contact he made with your skin felt like fireworks. 
Testing out the water, you start grinding yourself against him. Feeling a mixture of relief and excitement once he started rocking himself against you. He started pressing kisses against the back of your head as things started to heat up further. Not satisfied with the lack of friction, he yanks your shorts down. Pulling his member out and pushing it between your warm thighs. Everytime he trusts, his tip would glide against your slit. Spreading your wetness all over himself, loving how your body reacted when he brushed over your clit. Everything about you was driving him crazy. The way you were trying to hide your face in his arm. How hot your sex felt pressed against his length. His hands were exploring your body, starting at your chest. Pinching and kneading your breasts while groaning in your ear. 
He had to stop himself from cumming too early. Getting up and changing both your positions and shedding the remaining clothing. Now laying on your back and he was towering over you. The fire was burning out behind him, the sight making you melt and burn with anticipation. He leaned down lining himself up with your slit. Using one of his elbows to support his weight, resting it by your head. Bringing the other hand to your face; his thumb tracing your bottom lip. 
“Such pretty fucking lips,” he cooed while burning his length deep inside you. 
He maintained hard eye contact with you while pushing his thumb past your lips. Pushing your tongue down and feeling around your mouth. He started slowly thrusting, fucking his thumb in and out of your mouth to match pace with his hips. You curled your tongue around his digit which his hips snap forward involuntarily. The sudden fullness made you cry out, groaning and whining while arching your back. He started smearing your drool over your lips and down your chin slightly. Gripping your jaw and starting to pick up his pace. Nuzzling his face in your shoulder and pounding into you at an intense rhythm. You wrapped your legs around his waist and raked your nails down his back.
“Fuck!” he loudly growled in your ear as you bucked your hip up. 
You could tell he was nearing his orgasm because his rutting was becoming more erratic, going in and out of rhythm. Sweat was dripping off both of you while using each other’s bodies to cum. Your lower stomach was burning; almost searing as your abdominal muscles started to contact. Clinging onto him and digging your nails into his shoulders while you rode out your orgasm. Seeing you completely cock-drunk, and letting the nastiest cries coming out of your mouth made him cum. Fucking his cock so deeping inside you, your back began sliding forward. Moaning in your ear as he shot ropes of cum into your belly. Pressing wet kisses all over your forehead and cheeks. Slowly rocking his hips, enjoying the feeling of cum leaking out of you.
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waayfo · 1 year
The Language of a Book :: alhaitham
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pair : alhaitham x fem!reader
summary : alhaitham couldn't express his feelings directly, so he used another way to express them to you through a book. A book containing scraps of Alhaitham's diary about his feelings for you.
Cw : fluff, confession (alhaitham), slight suggestive?? no plot, ooc (soft) alhaitham, bad grammar
a/n : I also published this on AO3! If you like this, I hope you guys check that out too. English is not my first language so forgive me for any mistakes and let me know. Ty! ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨
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Alhaitham put a slightly thick book with a brown cover, making you look at Alhaitham with surprise and wonder. "What's this?"
"Don't you see? It is a book." His answer was cold and indifferent, as usual.
"This thick? What kind of book is this? And why did you give it to me?" Alhaitham is silent and looks hesitant to answer your question. He put his hand over his mouth and covered it.
"... Stop talking a lot. Just read it."
"You know? I feel nauseous when I'm going to read a book this thick."
"Thick, you say? Thick? You've got to be kidding me. This book only contains 112 pages. I'm surprised you can still survive at the Akademiya." You were about to protest but stopped when Alhaitham growled and his hands went up and put them behind his neck. It was as if he was trying to hide his face. Oh, shit! He looks so handsome!
You cleared your throat to get your focus back on. After that Alhaitham leaned on a bookshelf close to him. Luckily the bookshelf was strong enough to hold Alhaitham's body from falling.
"Okay..?" you muttered. Your hand slowly opened the first page of the book.
"Okay," Alhaitham replied slowly. His voice, which had been seductive from the start, became even more seductive when he said it.
You glanced at Alhaitham and you realized something— Wait a second! Is Alhaitham blushing?! — you noticed a hint of red in Alhaitham's ears. For the first time, you see Alhaitham looking shy.
That's bad, your heart beats fast when you are about to return to reading the book Alhaitham gave you.
Your eyes widen as soon as you read the neat and beautiful handwritten sentence that you suspect is Alhaitham's handwriting, written at the top; 'A Confession' ?
Surprisingly, you can smell Alhaitham's signature scent on the paper. But you don't hate it at all. Not when it is Alhaitham.
With a feeling of hesitation, you unfold the next sheet which makes you feel a warm feeling like the warmth of summer. You also realize that every page of the book—or even the contents of the entire book—is a scrap of paper put together to make a book. Like recording on paper media.
'06 - 06 - xxxx
I met that girl for the first time, but somehow I felt she was reliable.'
You don't know the meaning of that sentence, but you feel it is a good thing. So your hand reaches for the next sheet and reads it.
'27 - 06 - xxxx
I was assigned to a project with that girl. I hope she's not a burden. '
After reading several pages that contain all of Alhaitham's thoughts about you, your hand stops to open the next page for a moment at the same time as your eyes widen when you read that short sentence that holds a lot of meaning.
'xx - xx - xxxx
It seems that... I like her.'
You immediately understand why the title of the book is called 'A Confession'. You're not that stupid not to understand it.
Quickly, your head shot up to stare at Alhaitham who looked like a boiled crab for the first time. His face was red, but he tried to cover it up using the book he was (pretending to) read.
"What?" Alhaitham asked hoarsely. But his attempts to cover up his flushed face were failed.
Your gaze softens, a warm smile appears on your face. "No."
Slowly you read each page of the book. Gradually, the sentences that Alhaitham wrote, which were short at first, became a little more. A smile doesn't escape your face while reading it, occasionally accompanied by a red face when you read a sweet sentence that warms your heart. Until finally you are at the end of the page of the book.
'Thousands or even more languages in this world cannot describe how much I want to always hold your hand and always be by your side. Also can't describe clearly how much I love you.'
You hear Alhaitham shiver as he takes a quick peek at the last sheet. You laughed at his response, not expecting that an Alhaitham could write a sentence for someone who is being fooled by love like this.
You closed the book, then looked at Alhaitham. Alhaitham put the book he was (pretending to) read all along on the same table where you put the book. "So?" Alhaitham's voice broke the silence that had been created earlier.
"Yes," you answer.
"Yes what?" Alhaitham asked back.
"I like you too." Like magic, Alhaitham's eyes widened in disbelief. His body moved slowly closer to you, his hand slowly grabbed your waist.
"Can I kiss you?" You answered him with a nod.
With that, Alhaitham kissed you. The kiss was sweet and not forced. Taste like cherry, you thought. The taste is also intoxicating and makes you addicted and want more. Like magic, your body moves closer to deepen the kiss.
"Greedy," Alhaitham said in between kisses as soon as he realized your true intentions. You just replied with a chuckle. "But you love me."
Alhaitham smiled as soon as you said it. Once again, he kissed you.
And it's true, Alhaitham is a man fooled by love because of you and only for you.
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chyckles · 5 months
Love deficit
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━ A Dean Winchester one-shot
━ Pairings: dean winchester x fem!reader
━ Summary: Where you get drunk and end up in front of Dean's door.
━ Words: 3.2k
━ Warnings: alcohol, the reader is drunk (nothing happens while she's drunk, Dean's not a creep), use of y/n, cursing I think, mentions of an abusive past relationship (the abusive person speaks with the reader on the phone), a little suggestive at the end, my bad English (I'm from Spain and suck at grammar). Please, let me know if I missed anything
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It wasn’t the best day of your life, but it wasn’t bad either. Until he called you.
You didn’t know it was him, you wouldn't have picked up the phone if you knew it.
“Y/n” You hear his voice. And suddenly all you have constructed, all the walls you have constructed around you, they all fall down… He’s there, speaking to you again “Y/n, answer to me, baby”
‘Baby’ you hate how that sounds on his lips now. You will hate that word forever.
“Baby, we have to talk” he continues talking “We have to talk about what happened, if only you would give me another chance… I will make it up to you, I swear”
You still don't answer, the words can’t leave your mouth, and you feel your eyes begin to water.
“Baby, I’m sorry. You know that wasn’t me, right? I would never hurt you” his words are sweet, he’s trying to get to you like he did in the past “I regret everything that happened, everything. I just want us to be together again, like the good old times, you know? Henry and y/n against the world. Baby, just say something, I miss you”
“There she is, my pretty baby. C’mon, you know our fate is to be together. What happened… it was just a mistake”
“A mistake? You call hitting me a mistake?” you can’t help the words spilling out of your mouth.
“Yes, a mistake, a stupid mistake”
“Just leave me alone, okay?” you say, and hang up the phone. But the damage was already done. You’ve heard his voice again, you’ve heard him call you ‘baby’ again. He’s getting in your head, and the worst thing is that for a moment, you did consider getting back with him. Because after all, after all he did to you… a part of your heart would always want him.
So you decided that the best way to forget about him, about that voice, was to go to a bar and stuff yourself with drinks. You’re not usually like that, you can count with the fingers of your hand the moments that you’ve drinked alcohol in your life, and all of them were for happiest reasons.
Now you’re drunk. Sad and drunk.
And that’s how you end up in the door of Dean Winchester’s room. Because he’s the only person you can trust in a moment like this, in a state like this. With your mind troubled like it is and your senses not at your best, he’s the only person who could give you the comfort you need.
So you knock on his door, wishing it wasn’t this late, so you didn’t have to wake him up.
He, of course, is there in a moment. Your drunk mind can’t help but admire his beautiful face and his strong body. Maybe it don’t have to do with the drinking, you also admire him when you’re sober.
“Y/n? What, it’s like two in the morning? What are you-?” he stops when he smells the alcohol “You’ve been drinking?” he sounds amused, you’re not usually like this. But deep down, he’s worried.
“Hmm” is all you say, and extend your arms in the air, like waiting for him to hold or grab you.
“What is it, darling? You’ve gone too far with the drinks?” he teases you with a smile, admiring you from a distance.
“Shut up” you groan.
“Hmm, so cute when you’re mad” he says with a smile, then grabs your hand and starts to pull you.
"Where are we going?" you stumble over your words.
“Just follow me” he leads you to the living room, and sits you down on one of the sofas “C’mon, now you’re gonna tell me what happened. Why are you drunk?” the teasing is gone, now his worried side is the dominant one.
"It's not important, it's stupid"
“C’mon, you wouldn’t have gotten drunk if it wasn’t important. You know you can tell me anything, it’s just me” he reassures you with a smile.
You swallow nervously, but finally say the truth in a whisper:
“Henry called me”
Every playful behavior Dean still had on him evaporates. His body goes stone-still and his jaw clenches. You look at him with guilt, like if it was your fault.
“When did he call you?” he asks in a grunt.
"A few hours ago" you answer "I'm not sure, I don't even know which hour we're in"
“What did he say?” his voice is merely a murmur.
"He wanted... he wanted to ask for forgiveness"
"For what? Did he say for what?"
"No, he just... said he was sorry, that he missed me"
“Well, he’s lying” the words let go of him as another grunt. He can't hide his anger any longer, the veins on his hands and neck visibly tensing.
"I know" you whisper "But I just... couldn't bear hearing his voice again, had to drink to forget it" you admit with guilt
He nods, he’s not mad at you, he understands you. He leans towards you, trying to steady his tone, to make it softer, even though he’s still mad as hell.
“Did you talk to him?”
“Yes” you whisper, embarrassed. You look down, not wanting to see his disappointed face.
He leans in even closer to you.
“What more did he say?”
"He asked me to be with him again" 
“And what did you tell him?”
"I told him to leave me alone"
He nods, proud of you “That’s good”
He then looks to the ground, his jaw clenching.
“Dean? Are you mad?” you ask, worried, embarrassed.
You can see him swallowing the lump in his throat “Yes, mad at him”
“Not at me?” you ask, your eyes glazed.
"No, no… Never at you. God, never at you" he says,and his hand travels to your cheek, caressing it with care. Then a thought crosses his mind: “You didn’t think about getting back with him, did you?”
"I..." you look down "It's not easy to forget" 
His hand goes back to his lap after hearing this. You feel his rage, his anger, his hands starting to tremble with the tension. You notice it and hold one of his hands.
“I’m sorry” you whisper.
“It’s okay, don’t be sorry” he says, your touching soothing him “Just… promise me you would never let him back into your life…” he looks at you seriously.
“I promise” you say after a few seconds of silence "Just… just if you promise me that you're not letting me alone"
“I promise” he says, the anger leaving his system after hearing your words.
You then fall into a strange silence, it isn’t uncomfortable, but it isn’t comfortable either.
Your drunk mind makes you dizzy, and you finally whisper: "Can you... can you hold me? Just for a moment?" Maybe it makes you braver too.
Dean moves instinctively, putting his arms around you. He pulls you close to his chest.
"I'm sorry for worrying you" you murmur against his chest.
"I know. It's okay" he replies, his voice now soft and gentle.
"Thank you, Dean" you whisper, and in your drunken state, you don't think when you let out: "I love you"
You feel his heart skip a beat, his hands tighten around you as he brings you closer...
"... what did you say?"
"Hmm?" you seem confused, but then repeat "I said I love you" you're drunk mind can't comprehend the power of those words.
His entire body freezes, but you don’t seem to notice. Instead, you let out a yawn.
He shifts, bringing you closer to his chest, moving his hand up to the back of your head, and caressing your hair.
He buries his face into the back of your neck, breathing in your scent, and as he does, he lets out the deepest sigh you've ever heard.
"I think I need to go to bed now" you say softly, yawning again.
"I'll carry you" he whispers.
"What a gentleman" you half joke with a drunk smile “But I can walk, thank you”
You both stand up and start to make your way towards your bedroom. He lays against the door-frame, making sure that you make your way safe to the bed.
“Good night” he says when he sees that you’re safe now. He’s turning around when he hears your voice:
"Can you sleep with me?" you whisper before he exits the room "I don't want to be alone" In a normal state, you'll be blushing like crazy upon saying those words, but your drunk state does something to your confidence.
He stares down at you, as you're laying on your back, your eyes half-closed as you watch him.
"You... you want me to stay?" He asks softly, leaning in closer to you.
"Mhm" you say, half asleep.
He sighs and nods. He lays down next to you. He’s unsure, should he cuddle you? But you answer that for him, you turn away from him and say:
“Hug me” So he does as you say, he spoons you.
"Go to sleep. I'll be right here" Dean whispers, kissing your hair.
You smile and finally get the sleep that you deserve.
The next morning, you wake up to find Dean wrapped around you on your bed.
You are lying on your side, and his arm is wrapped around you tightly, his face buried in the back of your neck. His body feels warm and comfortable.
It is like a dream, but a dream that is slowly becoming more real with each passing moment.
What happened yesterday? You can't remember almost anything, the only thing occupying your mind right now is the pain of the hangover.
You try to think of what you may have spoken about, what you may have said, but the haze of the alcohol isn't quite gone yet.
You smile though, feeling Dean’s closeness. Even with the pain in your head, you can still enjoy when the man of your dreams is hugging you.
You let out a contented sigh as you slowly stretch your muscles.
And suddenly, it hits you. You're alone in bed with Dean Winchester.
You just wish the alcohol didn’t make you make a fool of yourself yesterday. You start to panic. It's like your memories are slowly coming back to you, but you can’t put the pieces together, like a very messy and difficult puzzle.You sigh, and suddenly feel Dean moving, waking up.
"Hmm...." he murmurs, in a low, sleepy voice. His body starts to shift slightly.
You don't say anything, waiting for him to fully wake up
He's shifting a little bit in his sleep, until he wakes up slowly. 
“Good morning”
"Morning" you whisper back.
You feel Dean's body shift again, moving a little bit closer to you, as he wraps his arm around you even tighter.
"What... What happened yesterday?" you ask, embarrassed "Did I... did I say something?"
A smirk plays on his lips.
"Something, yes" he replies softly. "You said a lot of things."
Your face turns warm with embarrassment, and you turn around in his arms to look at him "Like what?"
He raises an eyebrow, the smile only growing.
"You told me you loved me."
You feel your face warming up like crazy. You don't know what to say, or what to do, or where to look.
His hand travels to your warm cheek.
"Did you... mean it?"
"I... I was drunk... I probably didn't know what I was saying or doing" you try to lie, and fail completely at it.
He continues smiling.
"Maybe you were drunk..." he says, teasing "But were you lying?"
"I..." Your mind is racing miles per hour, trying to look for an excuse. But then it hits you: he has stayed with you this night, maybe because he feels the same way about you?
"Just answer me this, as honest as you can be: did you mean it?"
"Yes" you finally let out in a sigh
In a second, he flips you around until you're now laying on your back.
You can feel the warmth his body irradiates. You feel safe and sound there, but also embarrassed, how could you be so stupid to let out that you love him?
"Why did you stay the night?" you ask softly.
He smiles.
"Do you really need an answer?" He asks, his eyes gazing into yours. "And here, I was thinking it was obvious...."
"I need to hear it"
His face is so close he could just kiss you if he wanted "It's because I love you too" he whispers softly. 
Your breath catches as you hear those last three words, those eight letters.
And just like that, in one motion, he closes his eyes and pulls you into a kiss. It takes you by surprise, but it’s a sweet kiss.
Your hands travel to his hair, pulling him closer towards you.
This is everything you've ever wanted in him. The warmth of his body, the softness of his touch. The closeness, the companionship. The vulnerability, the trust.
You sigh against his lips, content. You pull away from him slowly, and look in his eyes. His breathing is slow and heavy, but he's still smiling at you.
You can't help but chuckle out of pure joy. His smile widens when he hears you laugh.
"Happy?" he whispers, his breath hot and his body pressed against yours.
"Yeah" you whisper back.
“Good” he replies.
His body relaxes fully against yours, his breath slowing down.
"You have no idea... the things I've felt for you" he whispers “Every time I looked at you, I imagined just pulling you into my arms. Imagined kissing you. Imagined loving you”
“Dean…” you whisper, your eyes becoming moisty.
“Shh, don’t cry, don’t say anything, just listen to me”
“But I just… I feel like I don’t deserve you” 
"You deserve this and more" he replies softly "You are brave. And intelligent. And thoughtful and warm and beautiful and… I just love you so damn much, y/n”
You're starting to feel overwhelmed with all the love you're suddenly receiving, you're not used to it.
"I just... nobody has ever loved me this much. Nobody" Not your family, and definitely not Henry.
"I'm sorry" he whispers, not sure what else to say "I'm sorry you haven't been feeling loved. That changes today, though. I’m gonna make you feel like the most loved woman in the world”
You smile, feeling already like the luckiest woman "You really mean it?"
He nods.
You smile and you can't help a tear streaming down your face, it just feels so overwhelming, to be this loved... in a good way, of course.
"Don't cry..." He whispers, using his thumb to wipe away the tear from your cheek.
You sigh, content like you have never feel before "Kiss me again, please, Dean"
The words are barely out of your mouth, and he's already leaning in and planting his lips on yours, gently yet firmly.
"Thank you" you whisper.
"For what?" he replies softly.
"For making me feel loved”
"It's my pleasure" he whispers "I finally feel like everything I've ever desired has come true. You are mine and I am yours, and nothing else matters."
"Nothing else matters" you can't help but whisper the Metallica song with a silly laugh.
You see the corners of his mouth turn into a smile.
"You're a bit of a goof, aren't you?" he sighs.
"Hmm" you sigh, still laughing.
"I like it." he replies, and his body moves lower so that he's now lying directly on top of you.
"Hmm, do you?" You feel your heart full of love. Henry used to tell you that you were stupid when you made comments like that.
“I love it” he confess “It’s adorable”
"I'm not adorable" you pat him on the arm, embarrassed.
“You kinda are. But it's alright. That just makes you cuter. I love the fact that you think you're a tough hunter, but in reality, you're adorable."
You frown "I could kick your ass if I wanted to"
He can’t help but laugh at that.
"I'd like to see you try, I'm sure that your cute little hands and tiny fingers could totally beat me" he says sarcastically.
You narrow your eyes and then push him so he's no longer on top of you. Instead, you flip you both over and end up on top of him, with your legs on either side of him. You catch him off-guard, and instead of fighting back, he chuckles softly and wraps his arms around you.
"Do you really think that you're stronger than me?" he says with humor.
You narrow your eyes "A fight isn't always about strength, you should now that"
"Yeah, you're right" he smiles, and your head is now resting against his chest while his arms are wrapped around you "You have to be smart, too. But I still think that I would probably beat you up" he adds teasingly.
"Not a chance" you refute "You're too rough"
"Maybe that's why I'd win. Because I'm rough and tough and wild. You're... fragile. Easily breakable. Your skin is soft and delicate, and while it's beautiful, it doesn't make for a good body for fighting."
"But I'm smarter, and faster. You wouldn't have a chance" you say, enjoying the banter.
"And yet, you're also shorter, and lighter. I could pick you up and toss you around like a doll" he replies with a smirk.
"You couldn't catch me" you assure.
"I'm pretty sure I could" he replies, smirking.
He slides down a little so that his hands are resting on your lower back and ass, his fingers gripping lightly into the soft fabric of your pants, caressing your lower back, moving slightly lower.
"Keep dreaming" you say, enjoying his touch.
"Oh, are you challenging me?" he asks, his tone full of humor.
His fingers keep moving, caressing your spine, and he leans in so that both his hands are resting on your ass now, as his eyes look into yours, full of teasing and humor.
You narrow your eyes "Mhm, and I still think I'll win"
"I think my hands are winning right now," he replies.
You continue narrowing your eyes "I could defeat you just with a kiss"
"Oh yeah?" he asks, "Do you really think your kiss would be that powerful in getting me to submit?"
"Mhm, wanna try it?"
"Alright then" he whispers "But I won't surrender. Let's see this... amazing kiss of yours."
You smile and approach him slowly, and then capture his lips with hunger. Your tongue entering his mouth causes him to shiver in surprise and pleasure. His body becomes weak with the sensation.
You continue the kiss for a little longer, enjoying the feeling of having him under your control. You lose yourself in the moment, and you don't even know how long you continue kissing, and how much time has passed.
When you finally break the kiss, he lets out a soft moan, and you can't help but just look at him with hungry eyes.
"Well?" you ask him.
"I give up" he whispers, giving in to the moment as he leans in again, capturing your lips with his once more. You sigh and now simply enjoy the kiss.
He does as well, allowing the kiss to continue for a long moment, before he finally pulls away. 
“That was fun” you smile.
"Mhm" he nods, as his breath calms down. 
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churrobread · 1 year
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WARNINGS ?! Possessiveness, obsessive behavior !
Yandere! Alpha who never really cared for anything until you came. A transfer student.
Yandere! Alpha was immediately mesmerized by your charisma. He was surprised to find out that you were an alpha too. Maybe you two could be friends? 'Do you want to be friends?'
Yandere! Alpha spent most of his time with you. He liked talking with you—you were just so interesting.
Yandere! Alpha who was in first denial when he found out he liked you. I mean how could he like another alpha? He only likes you as a friend, right?
Yandere! Alpha started becoming possessive towards you. He hated it when your friends took away the attention that was meant to be for him.
Yandere! Alpha did his best to split you and your friends apart, just so he could comfort you afterward. 'They don't deserve you—you're better than them. Don't let them get to you, okay?'
Yandere! Alpha was ecstatic when you said you'll help him in his studies. An opportunity to spend more time with you!
Yandere! Alpha never cared for his academics until he found out you liked smart guys. He studied day and night just to be as intelligent as you—so you can praise him for his progress!
Yandere! Alpha purposely tells the wrong answer when you're studying together so he could spend more time with you. 'Hm... I don't quite understand this part.'
Yandere! Alpha who just seems to can't get enough of you! You were just so sweet and kind. The world doesn't deserve to see your mesmerizing beauty!
Yandere! Alpha who keeps begging you to stay at his place whenever you guys finish your study sessions. He kept begging you every night 'til you finally agreed. 'What should we do first? I have a lot in mind!'
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Been obsessed with the trope of alpha x alpha lately so...
I hope you enjoyed this! Sorry if there's grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language and this was just a short idea! <3
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777charm · 11 months
hi! i hope you doing great! <3 this is my first time requesting on tumblr so I’m sorry if something is wrong!
can I have headcanons (if you don’t write hcs than drabble would be just as fine!) of lucifer, mammon and satan (or just lucifer) being overprotective over shy and easily-scared fem!reader?
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. i hope you have a nice day <3
Lucifer and Mammon with a easily scared F!MC
Note: Hello, and aw, thank you!!! Sadly, no Satan this time, but you have wonderful english, and I can only hope the same for you, as you have a good day too!!!!!! ❤️
Proofread?: for once, sí
Warning(s): Female Reader + Swearing
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He's used to being the older mature brother towards his younger brothers, so he honestly isn't nothing that's not of his normal self towards you.
He knows you're overly shy and don't do good with most, if not all, social interactions, so he tries to help. If he sees another lower rank demon, keep trying to talk to you or get into your personal space while you're already uncomfortable, he's going to identify as a fucking problem. He finds no issue with stepping in and protecting you at any moment.
He has open arms ready if you get so scared that he has to carry you. It wasn't something he was used to before you came to devildom, but he's gotten used to it if something that scares you is near your feet and you can't go anywhere until it's resolved. No matter the size, he's quick to pick you up.
He, for sure, has a bigger ego and pride, knowing that you come to him first if something scares you. But he still puts it aside to relish about it later when the problem is solved. He almost instantly stops anyone who tries to flirt with you or get too close to you without your consent. He's willing to harm scare any demons or even humans, who think scaring you or making you jump is funny.
Overprotective would be a literal understatement when it came to this man 😵‍💫
Always by your side???? Literally you two had like. No classes together WHY IS HE HERE–
Uses your shyness as an excuse to get closer and always be by your side. "You know Lucifer 'forced' me to look after ya, so I'm just doing my job MC!" (He's literally holding your hand as we speak)
He tries his best to keep you away from things that have the risk of scaring you. Horror movies? Nope, you guys are probably watching something comedic or romantic (not just for you, but also so he doesn't get paranoid bc of the jumpscares).
Literally argued with Levi about letting you play a horror game with him, knowing just how easily scared you can get. He really hates that sad look in your eyes and tries to comfort you the best to his abilities when you run to him because something scared you.
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soolh1k · 9 months
hii,i love the way you write and i’m totally obsessed with your blog<3,can i request skz reaction to reader not having a very supportive and caring family? thank you anyway,love youu
Skz comforting you for not having a supportive family
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notes: thank you sm!! I really appreciate your words, i really hope you like this 💗english is not my first language so apologies for any misspelling or grammar. i hope u like it !! :))
type: narrated text
genre: angst w fluff
WARNINGS: a little bit angsty but some fluff at the end, let me know if you'd like to be tagged !! :))
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𓆙 Chris Bang
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"Sorry, you weren't supposed to see that, Chris." "Hey, lovely, don't worry." "I'm serious, Chris. I don't know why my family is like this; it seems like they don't like anything I do." You sat on the couch while taking off your high shoes. "Don't say that, dear. They might not be the most helpful people, but you don't have to feel bad about it. I'm here, and I'll always be here for you, my dear," he said as he sat beside you and put an arm around your shoulders. "Thank you, Chris. That's what I needed to hear. Seriously, you're the only one I can count on," you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "There's nothing to thank me for, lovely. I'll always be here for you, okay? I love you so much," he returned the kiss. "I love you more, sweetheart."
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𓆙 Lee Minho
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"What's wrong with them?" "Minho, calm down, they've always been like this." "And that's not right, my love. Even if they're your parents, they should respect you." "I know, but you can't do anything to change them, Minho. Relax." "You can't let them keep treating you like this, dear. Whatever happens, I'll always be here with you," he hugged you by the shoulders. "Thank you, Minho. I didn't plan on going back there anyway. If I have you by my side, that's all I need," you gave him a tender kiss. He simply returned it and smiled at the end of the kiss. "I love you, never forget that, dear." "I love you too, handsome."
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𓆙 Seo Changbin
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"It's not fair, not at all. Let's go back; I don't care if they're your cousins. You should've said something; that was very disrespectful of them." "Binnie, it's okay! They've always been like this; you don't have to get upset." "THEY'VE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS?? THAT'S WORSE." Apparently, this made him three times more upset. "Love, calm down. You shouldn't have even paid them any attention; they're disrespectful jerks. But there's not much to do. You can't change people like that. Let's just go home and watch some movies or go for dinner, okay?" "But if we hang out with your cousins again, I won't hold back, okay? They don't deserve respect if they don't give it." "Yes, my love. Relax now. Come on, I love you a lot. Thank you for protecting me," you gave him a small kiss on the hand, which made him blush a bit. "I love you too, my dear."
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𓆙 Hwang Hyunjin
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"If you don't cry, I'll cry because your mom is really mean to you," he said sounding sad.
"It's always been like this, you know? My brother is a big favorite of our parents, not me. They always wanted a boy, so there wasn't much love left for me when my little brother was born. But it's not his fault," you sighed softly at the end.
"Now I'm going to cry, my dear. You deserve everything good, and I promise, I'll give you everything when I have the chance," he stopped you on the path to give you a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"I love you a lot, Hyune. Thanks for being here for me. Don't hate my little brother, I really love him."
"There's no reason to hate your brother, sweetheart, or your parents. They're just not my favorite people," he chuckled a bit.
"They're not my favorite people either, don't worry."
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𓆙 Han Jisung
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"Sorry, Hannie. My sister has always acted like this. She believes she's the best and no one can be better than her. Also, sorry for how she behaved. I'm really sorry, Hannie." "Don't say sorry. You already told me about this, and I prepared myself mentally. Don't worry, dear," you laughed because you noticed I didn't take it too seriously. "Thanks for standing up for me, love. No one had ever done that for me." "You're mine; it's the least I can do. You know I love you, and I'll always be here for you. I'm your special person, and you're my princess," you laughed heartily. What he said was very sweet, but in the end, you like him, and you like everything he says. "Haha, don't act silly. Stop saying such things." "You turned red," he teased while giving you a little kiss on the forehead. "Be quiet" was all you could say back.
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𓆙 Lee Felix
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"With all respect, what the fuck? Love, how did you grow up with a family like that? I feel sorry for you, my little angel." "It was hard, yes, but you learn to handle it. Don't worry, my love. I've been to therapy," you lightened the mood with that last comment, giving a playful wink. He simply laughed lightly. "Your difficult experiences, your jokes?" "Exactly, but seriously, I don't want you to take everything they say too seriously. I learned that not everything they tell me is true; sometimes they say things just to bother you." "But still, my angel, what they do is not right. Every time you think about going back, you'll have to take me with you. I need to protect you," you simply nodded as you hugged him tightly. "I love you, princess." "And I love you too, Lixie."
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𓆙 Kim Seungmin
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"I'm going to act like this never happened." He said jokingly "Please, how embarrassing, I'm really sorry." "Don't feel embarrassed; it's not even your fault. They don't know what they're talking about, dear." "I don't know, Seung, they've always been like this. They make me feel so bad." "Don't think too much about it. You are a talented, special, and beautiful person. You deserve everything in this world. Don't let them bring you down," he turned to you with eyes full of love. "No matter how long it takes to make you believe that, I'll be with you to the end. I love you even if I don't show it much." "Thank you, Minnie. I love you too, more than you can imagine," you gave him a small kiss.
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𓆙 Yang Jeongin
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"Forgive my aunts; they're nosy gossipers." "Don't worry, love. I don't take it personally," he made that little joke so you wouldn't get too stressed. "But they're rude. It seems like they only care about money, and I want you to know that I didn't fall for you because of that. I've never thought about dating you for your money. They're just jealous because they don't even have a husband," he chuckled lightly, finding it amusing how your aunts were bothering you. "Relax, my love. I won't listen to what they say about me, okay? I know the kind of person you are, and you're totally worth it, sweetheart. Thanks for being with me all this time. I love you more than you can imagine. Next time, I'll stand up for you, alright?" "Yes, love. Thanks for being there for me even though those rude ones started saying things. I love you so much. Stay with me forever," you smiled sweetly.
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scribiel · 3 months
Bad Omens — Ryomen Sukuna x fem! Reader
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cw // explicit content , toxic relationship , blood , stalking , manipulation , gaslight , misspellings and grammar errors (sorry, english isnt my first language)
Three months into the relationship, it was beautiful. You began to unravel many sides of him: the clingy one, he didnt want to let you go in public places, which you found cute; the jealous one, for simple reason such as a waiter hitting on you, which ofc, again you found it cute. You noticed that he was so posessive yet so loving, which made you think it was cute and tolerable.
Eight months into, you started to realize that Sukuna had loved you enough to show you his true colors: tough love. There were times, he didnt give you shelter when you were vulnerable. You thought, 'oh, maybe that's his way of loving. To strengthen people he loves.'
And you thought, that was okay. Maybe you really needed that. A hands to strengthen you, not to share your tears and burden.
Sukuna told you how much he hated to see you cry. So you never did.
The love grew stronger, but so did the jealousy and other bad omens he showed. There was once, where you accidentally set his jealousy on fire, then he cornered you—just as usual— you couldnt lie to yourself that it was hot. But, then he pulled a sudden move that put you in a shock. He punched the wall next to your head. And it wasnt once. He had to do it again. Again. And again. Until he pulled it, placed it next to his body; and you saw red blood dripping from his knuckles.
Seeing horror in your face, Sukuna suddenly looked down, He didn't have courage to look you in the eyes, but somehow, his hands managed to cup your face. He placed a soft kiss upon your forehead as he whispered softly, "I am so so so sorry. But you have to understand that it was also your doing. I was so scared to lose you."
He continued, "I cant lose you. And please please don't leave me."
You set into shambles. "I am so so sorry, Sukuna."
His words had gotten into you. Maybe bcs it was the feeling when someone didnt want to lose you, or the sense of belonging, or just a blind devoted person in the name of love.
There were many times you fought. Most of the fights were caused by how wierd his ex behaved, Uraume. You told him that it was very unusual to have your ex do whatever you ask. It was more like a master and servant not like a romantic relationship. But, again, he shook it off. And the way he acted—the i never want to lose you, the i love you, the possessiveness, the clinginess— made you believe that he loves you.
One day, you told this to your friends—Satoru and Suguru. Shoko couldn’t be there due to an emergency operation she had to perform— and both of your friends agreed that it was very weird for Sukuna and Uraume; and he might not love you that much. But you opposed their opinion, you firmly assured them, “No! I do think he treats me the way I deserve to be treated.”
Suguru frowned. “That isn’t love.”
You shook your head. “It’s tough love!”
Suguru looked concerned. “You know, you should really run away. Stat.”
You got home and Sukuna was frowning. He was irritated. You thought something was wrong with his day … or you did something that made him irritated. Satoru’s jacket. On your shoulder.
Oh. Wow.
He stood up from the sofa, began to walk toward you, caged you in the corner. His knuckles brushed against your cheek. “You know I don’t like it.”
He whispered in your ears, “I saw the guy with the dark hair taking you home. What a whore. Wearing another man’s jacket and taken home with a different man? And then come home to me?”
“What?! You saw?!” You realized he was stalking you.
You pushed him, getting out from that corner. “We should break up!”
Two steps away, and Sukuna grabbed your wrist, a little too tight that it made you whine from the pain. “There’s no breaking up with me.”
You tried to shake his grip off, trying to pull back your hand. “Let me go!”
Somehow, you managed to. Three steps ahead, he pulled your hair, and it made you turn around and face him. And his hands swiftly moved to your neck, applying a small pressure to your neck. It was a reminder about who was in control. You could feel the air start leaving you, making you feel dizzy. And when Sukuna realized, he took the chance by whispering sweet nothings, “You know I love you. And I can’t live without you.”
Suguru’s words flashed in your mind. You really should run, but Sukuna’s words started to corrupt your mind, leaving you no choice but to be in chains. You cried, mourning for the sanity that was left in you. All you thought was how helpless you were.
You cried, “Your ex! Cant Uraume just get away from you!? Fuck … you are insane, Sukuna.”
“I love you,” he repeated. “You should know that you made me behave like this. I am losing my head at the thought of you leaving.”
Another bad omen that you chose to ignore the moment he continued his sentence, “And I’ll harm anyone who tries to take you away from me. Even both of your beloved friends.”
So then, your wings of freedom had just been chopped into small.pieces. You felt his hands moving to your cheeks, cupping them and wiping the tears away. And back to the starting point of the cycle, he kissed you again, rough and aggressive, like a man who had not known to feast at all. The problem was you melted from his touch again, you felt your heart beating faster. So then you closed your eyes and kissed him back. It was painful, yet thrilling. So bitter, yet so sweet. Heart beating, be it adrenaline or love, you couldn’t care less. You could only feel this good, confused, as if your head was in cloud nine, with Sukuna and Sukuna only.
“I’ll show you why Uraume shouldn’t be your concern.”
You realized, like many nights you had fought with him before, the solution always came to one place: the bed. Angrily did the deed; leather whip; and handcuffed.
And this morning, you woke up because you heard Sukuna was moaning your name. Or perhaps it was just a dream. But when your vision became clearer, you saw Sukuna rocking his hips against Uraume, he was doing it with her while moaning your name.
Handcuffed on the bed, you couldn’t escape or run. As he realized you had woken up, he stopped and pulled out from Uraume. He smirked at you. “I take back my words when I said tears don't suit you. It does.”
Sukuna walked to you and started kissing you. “You see what I did? Fucking her and only you in my mind. I could never dare to do you if you are unconscious”
Tears flowed more and more, and he licked them. You saw Urame approaching the bed. “Master Sukuna ordered me to please you more as he does the deed with you later.”
“See? She doesn't mind. She’s a servant and you are a lover. My lover.”
The moment Sukuna’s knuckle brushed softly against your left cheek, you had come to realize that you were a bird with wings chopped into pieces in a red and bloody cage
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jaylaxies · 4 months
Hiii I'm like new to your account and I've a fic of yours which i can't seem to remember the name of (im sorry) and i really liked it. The way you write is immaculate. Okay now I know how this sounds, I've read a lot of fics and I hate HATE how they have grammar errors. Like I'm not talking about using 'there' instead of 'their' or 'was' instead of 'were' or something, I'm talking about misspelling the members' names, using censors like '$' or '0' for seemingly casual works, using exclamation marks when it's not even needed. Like I get it if you misspelled a word, it happens, forgotten to add a comma, or something, but repeatedly writing 'Heesung' instead of 'Heeseung' like NO. That's a red flag for me 🙋‍♀️. And the best part? YOUR FIC HAD NONE OF THOSE 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ NOT A SINGLE COMMA MISSING, NOT ONE SPELLING ERROR. I'm not a native English speaker, heck I've never even been around someone who's one, but I know good writing when I see it. 😐. You should consider seeing that as a profession, because you write better than some authors who've published actual hard cover books (colleen hoover i'm looking at you). Like it doesn't seem like fanfiction anymore when you write it (it's a good thing) , and that's on reading one fic. The purpose of this post was to ask for some fic recs from you (that you've written) and ig it got too long lol. That's it and have a nice day/night (idk)
Also idk if you do this but can I be 🧗‍♀️ anon please? (I said please)
ohmygod hihi anonnie 😭 the things you listed out?? like yes those things bother me a lot too im not gonna lie, if i see someone writing heesung instead of heeseung it just pisses me off for some reason?? but thank you sm for your kind words aaa english isn’t my first language so i’m still not very confident about my writing but i do wanna write more, and this honestly made my dayy thankyou so much anonnie 💗 here are some recs:
conflict of interest — heeseung
rewrite the starts — jay
rule number one: don’t fall in love — jake
roman holiday — jake
a reunion to remember — sunghoon
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star-suh · 1 year
Teacher Park SeongHwa x Male Reader
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Synopsis: you have to save the semester but let's say you don't like the teacher that much.... welp until now.
cw: dom! seonghwa, sub! male reader, blowjob, unprotected sex (always wear one guys), breeding kink, biting, marking, spit as lube, cum eating and swapping, spanking, mention of hongjoong, dacryphillia(?) filthy, smuty and dirty things.
an: idk what i'm doing here, this is pure cringe lol, i just wanted to write a seonghwa x male reader since there's not much out there. also sorry for grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
Monday, 6:00 PM and here you are, still in university begging your teacher to help you pass his subject. "Mr. y/n i told you before that i'm not helping you, you don't pay attention to my classes always calling them a "filling subject" so i don't understand why are you here begging me to help you in your grades, and… you didn't even do some of your homework".
"im sorry" you replied, "it was a little jokey joke, you know, don't take things too seriously coming from me" you smiled. he sighs "okay, i would help you but it's your last chance" he search in his bag and then slides a paper towards you, "do an essay about this and bring it to me tomorrow with at least 6 pages". y/n smiled and thanked the teacher shaking his head. "such a fucking dumbass teacher" you murmured little did you know seonghwa hears you, watching you with an angry look how your ass jiggle everytime you step outside his office "i said it was your last chance y/n but it seems you never learn, can't wait to see you begging me tomorrow to help you" he says while licking his lips.
Tuesday, 3:00 PM, you confidently walk in the hallways of the university with the essay in your hands and thinking what a dumbass of a teacher you have, of course you only slept a little but it doesn't matter whatever it takes to save the semester. finally you're in seonghwa's office, you knock on the door hearing a come in you opened it, walked in and then close it. "here's the essay teacher, thanks for helping me, i owe you one" you said faking a smile. for no one is a secret that you hated your teacher, you always thought his classes wouldn't help you at all in the future and that he has an one-sided beef with you, always telling you how you don't put effort in the homeworks and other assignments he gives you, that's why your low grades. hell, if it wasn't for that you would've already sent him to eat shit.
seonghwa was reading and humming your essay while you were thinking on beating that pretty face. he stands up and walk around the office with the essay on his hand, he slowly locks the door without you noticing it, then he approaches you smacking the desk with the essay making you look at him with a confused face, "you know y/n it seems that you put effort on that, the essay is really good" you smiled at him "thank you so much" you said. "do you think i'm stupid y/n?, or how you said "a fucking dumbass teacher"" he said glaring at you with a death stare
…. "what?" you replied, your voice shaking, it's the first time you see him like that, angry, he looks scary but hot at the same time you're not going to deny that you stopped looking at him now looking at the desk "i don't know what you're saying teacher"....the room is filled with silence until his laugh break it, you were scared for not saying you almost shit your pants, a strange sensation running down your spine "i know what you think of me, puppy" seonghwa said the "puppy" caught you off guard, you remain silent, he puts his hands over your shoulders and start gripping them hard making you left a moan you quickly put both hands on your mouth "what was that, it seems that you like hard, right y/n?" he whispers near your ear licking them, a blush comes across your face, you shake your head telling him no. "you tell me before you owe me one, i want to claim it now" he said in a low tone, you nod, letting yourself melt in his arms "what you want" you said, "i want to punish you" he replied. "i don't like punishments" you replied, "really? but this little friend over here says otherwise" he says signaling your hard cock being restrain by your pants and underwear. "be honest with me y/n, would you like to be punished by me?" he says while kissing the back of your neck, you on the other side with half-lided eyes, his words and kisses making you feel hot and hot every second that passes, "yes, i would like that"...
"fuck yes, that filthy mouth of yours does wonders to my dick" seonghwa said, with his hand on your head sliding it up and down his rock hard dick, you feel ashamed and closed your eyes, "uh-uh keep looking at me, you look hotter like that", minutes passed and seonghwa started getting bored and impatient so head lock your head with your thighs and push his dick deep down your throat, making you open your eyes in surprise, tears started to fall, "ah fuck i should've use your mouth since day 1, i always knew you were a whore y/n and i know that your little friend hongjoong has fucked you in every corner of this university" he smiles at you, wiping your tears with his fingers and then licking them, "you're being such a good boy now y/n, what happened with that bratty persona of yours, where is him?" he then unlocked your head leaving you gasping for air "wow, look at my dick dripping with your saliva, looks so hot" he then unzipped your pants discarding them along with your underwear. "be a good boy and sit on my desk, legs wide open" you complied, he stares at your hole clenching on air, feeling ashamed you try to close your legs until seonghwa stopped you "uh-uh of you disobey me one more time i won't let you cum, ok" you nodded, hiding part of your face with your hand…..
you bite the back of your hand trying to hide your moans caused by seonghwa eating you out, "what a nice ass y/n it tastes good" he says licking a stripe from your balls to your hole, twisting his tongue inside you "i think you are ready" he says watching your gaping hole. he slowly enters you, sliding his dick inch by inch making you moan in your hands not liking this he spanks your ass "let me hear your pretty voice slut" watching as how you don't do nothing he spanks you again "don't be a brat y/n i told what's going to happen if you don't behave" he then rams all his dick in your hole a guttural moan leaving your mouth "that's right whore let me hear that slutty voice" he continues to rail your hole while leaving hickeys in your back and neck, the air getting mixed with sweat and the smell of sex, your body smeared with seonghwa's sweat and yours. seonghwa feeling you clenching hard on his knows that your orgasm is nearing "you want to cum y/n?" you nodded "tell me how much you want to cum, beg me like when you wanted me to help you in your grades". "please teacher, let me cum i've been a good boy… i-if you let me cum now… i-i would owe you another one" you said winking and smiling at him, he smiles and then stops fucking you making you whine, "be careful with what you say y/n, next time i won't hold back" "i don't care if you don't hold back next time but i want to cum now", seonghwa smiles, he kisses your forehead "god you are driving me crazy y/n, i wouldn't mind helping with your grades everytime you want from now on", "i would love that" you replied, "f-fuck me dumb seonghwa, don't hold back.. make the whole university knows who's your bitch" something inside seonghwa snapped, he positioned you in a doggy style and started railing you like an animal, uncountable moans leaving your smiling mouth with the tongue rolled out, drool leaking, eyes roll back "i'm going to cum so deep inside you that next time hongjoong fucks you the tip of his cock would be smeared with it" he whispers and bites your shoulder making you wince in pain and pleasure. you started saying non-senses making seonghwa laugh "what a dumb whore, you like being fuck silly, huh?" you try to reply but you can't, "what would hongjoong say if he sees his bitch being fucked by other man?" you shake your head "n-no he ca–n't know". "hmm what was that, why not?" seonghwa says "i remember telling him to come to my office in around 5 minutes, imagine he opening that door and seeing you a panting mess being wrecked by my cock" you look at the door and feel anxious but slightly aroused and seonghwa can feel it, "you're clamping so hard on my dick, perhaps do you like the idea of others watching you how you take cocks up your ass?" he licks your ear and nibble on it "we can make it happen if you want, what if he joins us? you can have two dicks up your ass isn't that exciting y/n?", "shut the fuck up and keep fucking me" you shout and he complies starting thrusting at a fast pace while spanking your ass leaving it in a bright red color, some minutes later seonghwa started feeling he is near, "cum with me y/n" he says and started pumping your dick at a fast pace, you feel your orgasm near "i'm gonna cum" you said "me too fuck! bear my babies y/n" he replies, with some last thrusts seonghwa came painting your insides of white while you came on his hand, he then lick his hand "you taste so sweet, want to taste it too" you nodded, he grabs both your cheeks and spit your cum in your mouth kissing you then. he left some kisses on your neck, then cleans you up and dresses you again while you pant over his desk "such a good boy, you did good today y/n, and remember you owe me one more" he winks at you, "i owe you all the ones you want" you reply and kiss him…..
everyone is surprised how you now love the filling subject you hated so much, even your grades are high. the bell rings and everyone is leaving "mr. y/n i need you to stay there's something bad with your homework" seonghwa says, when everyone is gone you both kiss each other feeling inside your mouths with your tongues "go to my office at 3:00 PM, hongjoong is going 5 minutes later", "sure" you replied imagining how hongjoong is going to punish you for whoring you out with everyone's and waiting your hole to be ravaged by both…..
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