#okay im half joking its usually not this bad
ley-med · 1 year
Doing the rounds in the ICU and we are discussing a pretty complicated case and The Boss is talking and it's honestly very interesting and finally I can learn more about CVVHD and there's a spot of blood on my shoe oh right that happened yesterday night in the OR I wonder what happened to that lady how she's doing anyway that was a pretty good night shift but I should really get rid of this spot of blood wait *tuning back into the conversation* oh no we are already at the next patient
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binniebakery · 5 months
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lights off
College AU Bestfriend!Beomgyu x Gn!Reader .. not exactly fluff! kinda suggestive? ♡ Warnings: thunder? rain? ig being in the dark? my first time writing kissing .. my first time actually writing ANYTHING so it might be bad im so sorry guys ♡ A/N: this is my first little fic (if you could call it that)! i literally hate it but i think i got the point across LOLL regardless i hope someone will enjoy please lmk what you think <3 lowercase intended + not proofread ~
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7:32 pm. sighing softly, you placed your phone that was softly playing your favorite tunes back down on the small table over your lap. you tapped your pencil on the table in frustration as you once again for the fifth time readjusted your legs on the bed of your best friend's bedroom. time was going by excruciatingly slow and it didnt help that this math problem was taking you a million years to solve. the sun had already set outside and heading back to your dorm seemed less favorable by the minute. hearing a soft shuffle from the other side of the room you looked up at your best friend. rain began to patter outside. looks like you'll be staying for longer than you intended. beomgyu, who had his deep-colored headphones on was moving his head to the music as he wrote down notes from his study guide. his hair softly wrapped around his features most attractively. you began to mentally trace the lines of his nose, his eyes… his lips.. the dim lighting of the room adding more charm to his aura. "y/n..? are you okay? i could feel you burning holes into my head." beomgyu said as he shook off his headphones to fully put his attention was on you. snapped out of your daze, you mentally kicked yourself as you felt embarrassment creep onto your cheeks. how long had you been staring at him for..? "sorry gyu. if i was staring i didnt mean to" you softly laughed, trying to seem nonchalant and cool about the situation. beomgyu, seeing your embarrassment, chuckled at your reaction. "youre okay, i know you look at me because im cute" he grinned and you rolled your eyes. "oh shut up! you know i was daydreaming. i cant focus on this assignment anyways, its too hard. i think im gonna just finish it tomorrow." you smiled as you threw a pillow at him. he was always cheeky when he had the opportunity. anything to see you react. "daydreaming? so you do think im cute?" he grinned wider after recovering from your pillow attack. you huffed and placed the table that was on your lap onto the ground. "you know youre so-.. ugh and what if i do think you're cute?! what would you even do about it, huh?" you retaliated as you sat on the edge of his bed, now fully facing him. you faked a pout as you were feeling a bit bolder than usual today. your homework giving you enough pent-up rage to have the energy to give in to his bickering.
"okay well i dont know how much truth there is to that but if you really meant that id probably kiss you." your eyes widened at his response. you see beomgyu's face turn into an unreadable expression. he hadnt realized you were only half joking and fully meant the compliment, but it was too late and by the time he caught wind that you were actually flustered he felt his stomach flip. even he was shocked by his own words. he slipped. had he said too much? after a few seconds of silence that felt like minutes. the rain outside seemed to get louder. his eyes finally met yours and you looked away. you felt your heart pounding at the thought of you saying too much. both of you overthinking the situation and awkwardness that you both never have had before taking place. you and beomgyu have never had an awkward moment like this. normally you both laugh things off but this time felt different. "you trust me right?" his voice sounded sincere. this tone was rare for you to hear from him but you knew immediately he was being genuine with his question. "h- huh? yeah of course.. why?" you responded. "okay well.." you noticed beomgyu was now fiddling with his headphones, it seemed like he was turning all the gears in his head to get out what he wanted to say. "y/n.. theres a chance you may have not been telling the truth but if you were- look regardless if you meant it, i meant what i said." you could feel your stomach turning. he hardly flirted with you but when he did it always felt different from his usual teasing. you never said anything though, in fear of ruining your friendship. yet you always thought about what it would be like if he also returned the feelings you felt.
the room's atmosphere seemed to change. suddenly you were both hyper-aware of his neon led light being the only source of light aside from his computer. your playlist had stopped and the silence felt unbearable. in one swift move, he stood up, and turned off the led light on his wall.
the room was a lot darker now, his computer screen's light being the only way of telling you what he was going to do next. you watched as he plopped down next to you. he was so close that you could see the slight tinge of pink on his ears. your senses began to be filled with the light scent of his cologne. "i.. look- the only way i can say or do this is if the lights are off- im not trying to be weird its just you make me so nervous.. i cant look at you." he mumbled as he looked at your hands resting on your lap. it was so dark and both your hearts were racing. "gyu.. " was all you could muster with his hands now softly on yours.
"can i…" beomgyu began as he leaned in closer, only centimeters away from your face. his eyes staring intently into yours. he had this look of pure admiration, nervousness and love. it was all too surreal. realizing what he was asking, you silently nodded as you stared at his lips. he pressed his forehead on yours, the thick tension in the air causing your body to tingle in anticipation. as you felt his hair softly tickle your features from him leaning in, your lips connected. he kissed you oh so softly as he held your cheek gently. your hands, as if moving on their own, were softly placed on his arms. his lips softly moving along your own. he was patient. it felt as if he was waiting for you to respond, unsure if what he was doing was okay with you. you moved your head to the side slightly to deepen the kiss, causing him to sigh. it was all he needed to know you felt the same. his hands moved to your waist as you settled your fingers into his long hair. softly pushing him towards you to intensify the kiss. all that could be heard was the rain outside aside from the soft exchange of sighs and hands roaming. "ive liked you for so long.. you have no idea.." he began between kisses. it was all passionate, slow, and tender as if he was handling you like glass. his hands pulled your waist impossibly closer to his. he separated first, leaving you craving for more. "trust me, i liked you so much i was so scared you didnt feel the same way despite you teasing me the way you did." you chuckled as you pecked his cheek. "you drive me insane.." he softly spoke. "y/n, every time i tried to say something.. my brain just went to mush.. its so bad i swear. i could only be this confident with the lights off.." beomgyu laughed as his eyes began to trail your facial features. he was admiring every curve and feature, and at that point, both your faces were impossibly red. "gyu.. can you just.. kiss me again..?" your voice came out hardly a whisper. "i like you so much i feel like im going insane from the way you just confessed." he smiled fondly at your words and nodded, leaning in once again. as soon as your lips touched you could both practically feel the electricity pouring through your bodies. as if on cue, thunder struck the moment you connected again. your arms wrapped impossibly tight around him, slightly tugging and playing with his hair. his arms remained at your waist, slightly circling over the shirt you wore. you could feel the warmth of his fingers through the fabric.
his tongue slightly swiped along your lips for permission, and you parted your lips in response. having his tongue explore your mouth had your brain going numb. time felt like it had stopped, with just the rain as your only witness to the quiet whispers and confessions that only you two could hear. when you both finally were running out of breath, you separated with beomgyu looking into your eyes. you stared back, lips equally as glossy as his. "are you.. going back to your dorm yet?" thunder struck once again, as if responding to his question. you smiled. "its raining a little too hard dont you think?" beomgyu chuckled, realizing how silly his question was. "yeah. youre right, i think you should stay." you bit your lip as you pulled off each other, both of you immediately missing the warmth. beomgyu shook his head fixing his now fluffed hair thanks to you as he ran his fingers through. he then stood up to turn the led light he had turned off previously back on. "so.. how about we watch a movie?" he spoke as the light clicked. you could almost burst into laughter from the question given the events that just happened a minute prior. give it to choi beomgyu, your best friend, to turn a situation less awkward by simply being his charismatic self. the personality you fell for since day one of knowing him.
"sure gyu, but.." you trailed off, shy about what you were about to say next. honestly, could this get any more awkward? "yeah?" he turned to you and tilted his head in that attractive way he does. "leave the lights off." you looked at him with a shy smile. he flushed at your words. and for the last time again, lightning struck. "yeah.. lights off" he replied, led light clicking once again.
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poppy-metal · 2 years
listen. i’m blowing up your inbox and im sorry but i’m a wreck. TALK TO ME AB THE EMOTIONAL I NEED YOU SEX.
eddie’s passionate, and that definitely extends to sex, but you both are so overcome with love and gratitude that you’re both there and okay, and you’re being so gentle with him he wants to cry because he loves you so much. yall figure out why they call it “making love” that night
I was made for loving you.
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a/n: this is my fix it fic. my comfort. my delusion.
cw: past fwb eddie x reader. feelings. reader is bad at them. soft sex. soft dom!eddie
why does the term 'making love' warm me up on the inside? i am disgusting.
thinking of being in a fwb situation with him before you went and saved the world together. you'd always kept him at arms length, he's just a punk and you did ballet type shit. but stumbling into your big empty house, dirty and grimy and sweaty, you don't seem that far apart. from that different of worlds.
he'd almost died. you'd had that second of bone chilling fear deep in your gut when the bats had taken him down. the screams you let out had your throat still feeling raw. you hadn't let go of his hand the whole ride home. the whole time he was being attended to. you hadn't spoken much.
you're still silent now, nawing on your bottom lip as you let him use your shower. the distant sound of the water fills your room and you can't handle it anymore. the distance. the being away from him.
he jumps, predictable and dramatic, when you open your bathroom door. he's got the shower running but he'd been sitting on the closed lid of the toliet, scrubbing his hands down his face, still fully clothed.
"jesus." he says, startled. he runs a hand through his bangs, making them stick up. "ever heard of knocking? what I'd been indecent?"
you come to him, knowing he's deflecting. "seen you naked before, munson."
he looks down at his hands on his lap. bites his bottom lip. "right."
you kneel down in front of him and put your hands on his knees, looking up at him. he has such big eyes. expressive. they can't hide anything from you. right now you can tell he's still terrified.
"you almost died, eddie."
you see his throat work around a swallow. his knee under your palm starts to shake a little. bobbing up and down. "i know. yeah i-" he takes a breath. closes his eyes and then opens them again. they look wet. "i know."
you grip him a little hard. your bottom lip trembles. "i almost lost you."
he smiles then. its a crooked, half little smile if a bit wobbly. "can't get rid of me that easily, sweetheart."
you know he uses jokes like this, his sarcasm, as a defense. usually you roll your eyes at it, let it roll off your shoulders like water and maybe say something biting back, even if you don't mean it. you can't find it in you to joke right now.
"I don't want to get rid of you." you say, completely serious. "eddie, you know that right? you know that i- that you-"
he looks at you. his eyes are that intense kind of dark they get before he kisses you. when he knows you're bluffing when you say something casual. like he can see inside you so easily. like its nothing. it never fails to make you feel stripped bare. naked.
"that you what?" his voice is soft. testing. his hands cover yours on his thighs, thumbs stroking over your knuckles.
you'd kiss him now usually. to avoid the truth of your feelings. to cover up, at least metaphorically, how naked he made you feel.
you swallow and instead of covering up, you stand slowly. his eyes track the movement until he's staring up at you, wide eyes framed by pretty lashes.
"that i need you." you say, simply. and then you're raising your hands to unbutton your tattered blouse. your hands trembling.
you've undressed in front of him more times then you can count, had him undress you. this is different. this means something. this is you letting him in.
he watches you, entranced. he always looks so worshipful. before you'd always dug your nails into his back to avoid those looks, dug your heels into his ass and taunted him in some way to make him fuck you hard not gentle.
gentle was what people who felt for eachother did. gentle was making love. gentle was being in love.
when you step out of your panties you're already slick between your legs. but you ignore that for now and reach for him. you want him bare too. you want nothing between you, nothing but skin and bones and flesh and aliveness. hes alive. hes okay. hes here.
"wanna feel you." you say, almost pleadingly as you guide him to stand. he's taller than you, your nose at his shoulders. your fingers delve into his jacket, sliding it off his shoulders. "need to- need to know you're okay. is that- is that okay?"
you'd never asked something like that before. but you genuinely want to know. maybe this isn't what he needs right now.
you hear his shaky inhale and then his hands are helping you, shaking just as much as yours to divest him of his clothes. you swallow when he steps out of his jeans. his body is beautiful. a work of art. pale and lean. your hand pets through the hair trailing down his navel, marveling at how his stomach flexea under your touch.
"i need" he stops and then starts again. "i need you too. so much. you don't know how much i do."
you peer up at him and let yourself smile as your hand reaches down to lightly grip the hard flesh between his thighs. his eyes flutter when your palm envelopes his velvety cock. stroking it once. "show me?"
when he looks at you, he looks pained. "I don't know if i can pretend I'm not fucking in love with you tonight, baby. i can't- i can't just fuck you like you weren't the last thing i saw before i thought i was gonna kick it."
you feel your chest crack open. you regret so much of your past. so much time spent pushing this beautiful boy away when you should have been pulling him closer. so much closer. letting him love you.
"i don't want to pretend anymore, eddie." you lean up on your tip toes to brush your lips against his. "make love to me."
he lets out a broken sound. a whimper almost, and then he's kissing you. hard at first and then gentle. his hands cup your face. tongue flicking against yours, melting into your mouth. "let me clean you up first, yeah? think we both need to not smell like sewage."
and you do. let him. and he lets you. you step into the lukewarm shower together and its the most intimate you've ever been with eachother. wandering hands gliding over wet skin, fingers massaging shampoo into hair. you hold eachother, chest to chest for awhile under the spray, fingers dancing between his shoulder blades as his stroke down your spine.
when you step out, you don't bother with towels, both needy now. you let him guide you back to your room, to your bed, where he lowers you down onto the soft plush of your bed.
"so pretty." he says against your stomach, kissing his way down. "you've got such a beautiful body. know you don't like me spending too much time on it- but god. that's all i want to do. take my time with you. love every inch of you with my mouth."
he kisses your pubic bone and you close your eyes. "let me?"
you spread your legs in response.
his mouth between your legs is wet and slippery. your cunt is a wet and open gash between your legs, weeping its blood, your slick, into his licking mouth. he's gentle, flicking your engorged clit with the slick muscle before gently wrapping his mouth around it.
one of his hands glides up the bed and you immediately let him enterlace your fingers, gripping onto him hard as he eats you out impossibly slow. he's looking up at you as he does, and you widen your legs as far as they'll go for him, feel the lips of your sex part under the insistent pressure of his lips and tongue.
you don't look away, holding his hand as you look down at him licking between your folds, delving his tongue deep between them. your mouth drops when he pushes it against your hole, trembling when he starts to lick it inside you. deep and broad strokes.
"eddie, i-" you can't finish the sentence, overwhelmed.
he comes up, his mouth wet and red from your juices and you feel the cool metal of his guitar pick necklace glide between your breasts as he lowers himself on top of you, melding your bodies.
he sees your eyes on the necklace and his shoulders are hitching in the next moment, as he distangles it from around his neck and through the mess of his hair.
you hold your breath, tears pricking as he places it around your neck. fingering it where it rests in your clavicle. "you look good with a little me on you."
your eyes water and you don't try to push back the tears as you spread your thighs around his waist. lift your hips to aid his gentle rocking between your legs. "you've always been on me." you swallow. "in me. i-in my heart. always."
he rests his forehead against yours, both of you holding your breath as the spongy head of him prods at your entrance, gliding between the slick folds and pressing against that tiny hole. it opens for him, as always.
"fuck." he sighs as he slides in. slides home. your body welcoming his inside it easily. "you're imprinted on my f-fucking soul, honey. drove me crazy that i couldn't show it to you."
you grip his back, feeling the muscles flex with the movement of your bodies swaying on the mattress. you're meeting his thrusts, moving your body with his, toes curling at his sides where they dangle around his moving hips.
"never- never gonna push you away again." you gasp, overwhelmed. this feels so good. intense. "dont let me eddie- need you. need you so much."
he shakes his head, sweaty forhead against yours. he's pressed so close to you, you can feel the sticky sweat between your bodies making your skin slip and slide against eachother. your cunt is making wet sounds around his cock filling you over and over.
"not gonna let you." he moans against your mouth, kissing you hard. he's punching the breath out of your lungs with each thrust. "you're mine. you hear me? mine the second you locked eyes with me in homeroom, mine the minute you approached me after school behind the bleachers, mine the second you let me inside you, mine the second you stepped through that door and told me to make love to you."
"eddie." you whine and pant, gripping yourself to him tight. "eddie im gonna-"
"do it, baby." he looks between your moving bodies where his flesh is steadily meeting yours, watches his cock glide in and out. watches the shine of your need for him coat his cock when he slides out and grunts when he thrusts back home. "you cum on me you're not getting away from this, from us. the moment you wet my cock you're saying you're mine. no going back."
his lips mesh against the lobe of your ear, grinding his pelvis hard into yours. hes so fucking deep.
"so. fucking. do. it." each word punctuated with a deep thrust.
your world whites out as you cum around him, shaking and moaning and clinging onto him. its the biggest thing you've ever felt. your heart feels like it can't even contain all its feeling. Its too much.
"im yours." you cry out, soaking his cock. "im yours, im yours."
he's fucking you harder now, moving against you desperately as he chases his own pleasure. "yeah you are." he moans, his fingers looping through his necklace around your neck and pulling so your head it tugged forward until your foreheads are knocking. "about time you caught up."
when he cums, you both moan. the warm splash of it filling your milking walls. "god your pussy." he whines, "it was made for me."
you wrap your arms around him. both of you anchoring the other.
"i was made for loving you, I think."
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
hello! can i please request hcs with quackity about being in a long distance relationship with him?
yes omg!! thanks for the request! ; I tried, I tried not that great
QUACKITY ; long distance relationship
summary ; you and quackity are online daters /j
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 686
y/s/n = your ship name
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you met at Twitch Rivals
you're both content creators which is obviously how you met
you guys bonded over shared interactions and the games you'd both lost
you got along so great that you exchanged information and decided you should stream together sometime
a couple weeks later you were invited to a jackbox stream with him, fundy, tommy, tubbo, bbh, and niki
shit went crazy
"Y/u/n, is there anything you'd like me to call you before we start? Like nickname or just y/u/n?" Niki asks
You graciously answer her, letting her know your name and proffered pronouns. Tommy makes a little, very lighthearted joke before pointing out someone in chat already making you and Niki and you and Alex ship names.
"Oh God, they've got us" You chuckle. "They're both mine, chat"
"AYO? SINCE WHEN?" Alex shouts
Niki giggles, covering her mouth.
"Since now" You shrug
you decided to try dating during the second north carolina meetup
you both had some fuzzy feelings about each other and mutually agreed on 'well hey, we like each other, why not try it out?'
being near the beach and with all your friends made it like a dream
but after two weeks, you had to go home
but you left your relationship untitled for now
Streaming together continued as per usual. So did long talks and phone calls, and hours spent playing video games (mostly Minecraft) together.
the next trip was to LA to visit Alex this time
you guys had your first kiss on his balcony overlooking the city
the way he giggled after omg
during that trip, you established your relationship and started to go on every day dates and stuff
but then you had to go home again
Honestly, both of you didn't really think about what to do with your relationship once you went home. You were taking it all in while you had it and weren't thinking about the very true reality of it all.
you thought talking was constant? it is now
sometimes both of you will just stay up late and rant about what you like about each other and corny shit
youre the one to softlaunch the relationship to fans
you probably guessed the password to his twitter/instagram and changed his bio to "y/u/n's bf 💯💯"
he didnt even know until people were flooding his dms and people on tik tok were talking about it
hed already said he was okay with telling people as long as you were tho
sends you pictures of flower bouquets once a week with some thought out, very loving paragraph or poem
he constantly complains about not being able to kiss or cuddle you
"y/n/n why are you so far away!?"
"i told you id be able to pay for you to live with me"
sends you good morning/goodnight texts and talks about what you'd be doing that day if you were together
cheesy little man
always spamming you w pics of Tiger
will religiously send you memes and blow up your phone if you're busy or ignoring him
yk the relationship is srs when even your qsmp characters are in love
the lore.
half of its heartbreaking angst and the other half is literally your bucket lists/daydreams of the future of your relationship
hes so down bad for you
will do anything to make you smile or make you flustered
will make the most suggestive jokes in front of friends, stay silent for a second or two and yell "im joking, im joking!"
orders you doordash/uber eats when you're doing subathons or generally long streams
will always join through vc/greenscreen when youre doing cooking streams
you'll do greenscreen dates (like the fiances stream) once a month and gossip over takeout LMAO
genuinely asks his fanartists to make ship art of you two because he loves seeing all the ideas and cute shit
they always draw you with one of his beanies or hats on, the occasional necklace
you reblog tumblr y/s/n fanart 24/7/365
karaoke streams are a must
you guys rank those "songs that all white people love" videos and rate the songs
dare or hot wing streams when youre literally anywhere but near each other>>
also playing just dance using vc and stream green screen>>>
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dansevilpianotea · 3 months
who do you think is more Crowley coded and who is more Azira coded out of dnp?
i set myself hourly notifications ever since you send the ask and it still took me this long to answer, im so sorry 😭
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to answer your question:
It might seem like obvious that dan is crowley coded and phil is azira coded because of their aesthetics and personality but stating that as that is too simple for me. lets break it down:
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dan is like crowley in the obvious sense of having that edgy aesthetic and always needing to question things while phil is the one with the light aesthetic who enjoys what is happening despite the problems it has. just watch them play the game of life.
this reminds me of this quote from a book ive read for uni which really stuck with me:
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so yea, dan is the social scientist who points out what most people miss and phil is the one who tells us that we shouldn't wallow in defeat of it but make our own meaning out of it. and we need both! they are like ying and yang, like crowley and aziraphale in that way.
crowley who questions heaven and thusly falls, but then doesnt stop questioning hell because he doesnt see the world in black and white, good actions and bad actions.
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i think dan for a long time was not like that. i say this with the utmost respect but if you look back, his branding was usually self deprecating jokes and at least to me personally it felt like his perspective was pessimistic. he always made sure to leave a positive message but to me it felt like a wish for a better future, not a feeling of certainty that it will be better.
Phil on the other hand is very much like that:
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Phil is like aziraphale and me in the sense that he gets irrationally worried about things,
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but it is dan who literally did a tour about his worries of the world ending, with branding and all:
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and yet:
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phil and crowley both have that rational optimism, the sense that things will be okay. but aziraphale does not give up in-spite of the odds being against them. in s1 he refuses to run away to alpha centauri because he believes that they should stay and fight. that there is still hope. he does not accept that the world will end. but its crowley who sparks the idea of aziraphale raising the antichrist with him. its aziraphale who tells angel crowley of armageddon , and its why crowley gets upset and questions the almighty.
so my point is that phil has aziraphale's light aesthetic vibes and his fear of near doom but crowley's certainty that everything will be okay in the end despite it.
dan on the other hand has crowley's edgy dark aesthetic, his cynicism and sense of questioning belief systems, but also aziraphale's determinism to fight what he is sure is a losing battle/the end of the world because he wants to believe that it is possible that everything will be okay (that being the message of wad/ywgttn/big/etc...)
i want to talk a bit about 'dark/light polarity'. what we mean by that is two sides of the same coin. yin and yang:
they depend on each other, they interconnect and intertwine. be it real people or fictional characters, it is never a clear black and white binary, because what the characters have something that the other lacks and when they come together they become a whole. plato said humans once had 4 legs and feet, and then got split in half by zeus to punish us to live our lives yearning to be connected with the other half of our soul/coin, our soulmate. they carry sth of each other within them because there are shards that got broken in the middle when the being was split and were forced to choose sides.
so even tho it might seem like dan is more like crowley coded and phil is more aziraphale coded because of their light/dark aesthetic, there's many things of both in each of them and thats what makes it interesting and real to us.
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lazywerebat · 1 year
lost boys with a sleepy reader 👀
Sleepy Night !
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Polyam! Lost Boys x Sleepy GN! Reader
a/n; thanks for request anon, i hoped you liked this fic! since you didn't metion what reader should be i kept it gender neutral :D! also i tried to writing in a new style so yeah :))!
warnings; metion of David smoking cigarette & metion of Paul smoking weed!
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Lately I been been feeling so much tired from keeping up in school and hanging out with boys, which was very difficult. School in morning from 8:00 AM to 13:55 PM or 13:10 PM and hanging out with boys during night made me a lot tired. Boys and I were in this bar which we went often to, its honestly not too bad, everybody is nice there and food was delicious. We were at table, David rolling his cigarette, forgetting to buy his, Paul rolling his weed, both of them smoking and Paul making jokes about David forgetting to buy his cigarettes. Marko was going down on his food, Dwayne was sitting peacefully, observing every little detail about each of us, ready to protect and is chill at the same time. I was slowly eating [food] with [drink] being too tired to eat it how I usually would, my thoughts were mostly thinking about being in a soft warm bed full of many many comfy blankets keeping me warm and safe during night. Finally finishing my dish, i layed back on this couch we were sitting at, Dwayne was about to move until i layed my head on his shoulder slowly closing my eyes. Dwayne stopped moving from realising i rested my head on him, he looked at me too see i was half asleep, he looked at the rest of boys in case they might noticed too, which they didn't being busy with their own stuff. I felt my body was placed somewhere else, at the moment I didn't really care I just wanted to rest my eyes for a second. After a while I felt I was being lifted, slowly opening my eyes I looked around me to see what's going on and boys and I were leaving the bar. I cuddled my face more in Dwaynes neck wrapping my arms around him, feeling him kissing my cheek made me smile. Dwayne gently shook my body and I tried to look at him without closing my eyes.
“Hey little bat, I need you to be awaken for a bit, okay?”
Dwayne softly spoke to me, my response was a nod. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He sat on his bike as I held his waist tightly not wanting to fall off of the bike. Clearly our destination was my house as my body was once lifted and carried in my house. Behind me I heard door close and Dwayne walking up the stairs, guessing into my room. I heard door open and felt soft mattress under me as I tried to sit without falling on bed. Dwayne and Marko spoke about something but I was too tired to hear what it was, only stuff I felt was Dwayne and David taking off my clothes so it could be replaced with clothes I usually sleep in by Paul and Marko. They tucked me in bed making sure I was comfy and warm, each of them cuddling me by my side. My back comfortably being against Paul and Dwayne, my face cuddled into David chest while Markos head is resting on my stomach. I felt them giving me back rubs, stomach rubs and playing with my hair as I drifted away to sleep knowing Im safe with my boyfriends by my side.
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nanaminsonyfans · 6 months
╚»★«╝ Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire ╚»★«╝
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a/n; the lack of cyberpunk x reader fics is appalling. anyways gay kerry eurodyne for christmas ur welcome. also this is post after giving up johnny specifically the sun ending. sorry of its shitty, i rarely write as a male reader and i hope i did okay! requests are open!!!
pairing: male!reader x kerry eurodyne (cyberpunk)
warnings; anal, male oral receiving, slight exhibition?, cursing, spoilers for end of cyberpunk.
The Kerry Eurodyne was making a Christmas album with US Cracks, him being main vocals and the girls being background vocals. You were there as Kerry's loving boyfriend and supporter but also because you had nothing else to do. Being the famous V merc has run its course and after everything with Johnny and Arasaka....you just wanted to be you, Y/n L/n. Of course you still talked to some old friends, Claire being one of them. Truth be told....You missed Johnny. A piece of you was gone.
"Y/n? Babe? You there?" Kerry's voice brought you back. The girls were gone leaving the two of you there. "You having one of those episodes again?" He asks softly, obviously worried. "Oh, no i'm fine. Was just thinking is all. The music was pretty soothing." You joke and stood up. "Was it? Didn't want to put you to sleep." "You didn't. Just started to remind me of stuff." Kerry nods and cupped your cheek. "This past year has been hard for you. I understand." You nod and leaned against his touch. His hands were always so warm.
"I gotta finish some vocals. Go get a drink." He hums softly. You nod, leaving and came back. Kerry was singing, however his vocals sounded almost angelic as he sang The Christmas Song. "Jack nipping at your nose~" He looked at you. He looked at you with those fucking icy blue eyes that just sucked you in every single time. You know what he wants. How'd he get so horny so easily? Sentimental one second...
You stared at him, watching his movement. He swayed his hips as he practically made out with the mic. You felt your jeans tightened as you wanted him until you couldnt take anymore and went in. "You're such a little shit sometimes...." You growl slightly in his ear, griping his hips as you pulled him against your growing bulge. "Yeah...?" Kerry hums, adding more pressure against you. You let out a guttural moan in his ear as he started to grind against you.
"You keep doing that and im going to cum in these fuckin' pants." "We can't have that." He hums and gets down on his knees. "Not when i have a perfectly good face." "Oh youre fucking bad Ker..." You groan as he undid your pants, your cock springing free seconds before he wrapped his mouth around you. His tongue was so soft and warm...and fuck the way he sucked you off was like his life depended in it. He was so eager to please and it was working.
Kerry's eyes were half lidded and staring up at you as if he was trying to be innocent. His hand took over whatever he couldn't reach. Drool slipped down his chin as he continued to suck. "Oh fuck ker...." You thrusted slightly in his mouth causing him to gag but he didnt want you to stop. You continued to face fuck him until you felt yourself getting close.
"Fuck..Fuck ker-" You pulled out and came on his face exactly as he wanted. "Mm...amazing as usual." He smirks and licked the cum up and cleaned himself up. "Now bend over." "Really? Here?" "Yes here its your fault." You tell him annoyed and Kerry did so, happily stripping down to give you a show. "Oh you fucking slut." You slapped his ass as he bent over on the couch in the studio.
You didnt even bother prepping and just thrusted in which earned a high pitched mewl from him. "Oh fuck- dont stop please." He begs and pushed his hips back to match the rhythm of your thrusts. His moans were so whiny it was pitiful, the sadistic side wanted to taunt him about it but another side of you loved his noises. Only you could bring these noises out if him, only you, only your cock.
You let out a few grunts as his ass milked you, and suddenly he let out a loud moan arching his back as you hit his prostate. He loved how the head of cock hit it just right. "Fill me up y/n please, please!" Kerry begs and he started to fist himself. "No one can say no to you." You smirk and started to rail him a few more times before you came together. "Fuuuck!" You groaned as you filled his ass making him whine at the feeling as he made a mess on the couch.
"You made a mess." You tease and kissed him which he happily returned. Out of the corner of you eye you noticed a blinking red light. "Did...did it record all of that?" You ask him and kerry took notice as well. "Yeah...maybe i should put it on the bonus track."
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lizardboy66 · 2 months
im deeply bored so here are all of my gay 911 thoughts for your entertainment.
Idk about 911 being queerbait guys...i dont think it ever was. I think we have entered a new era of fanservice. Usually with queerbait, the creators and people involved in the show are quite vicious to shippers and queer fans generally, and any easter egg or "moment" feels like crumbs to keep us hooked enough.
911 acknowledged the shipping very very early. Like second half of season 2, and there has never ONCE been a joke at the expense of the concept of being gay, or about buck or eddie being queer. It was simply a nod, like "hey, we get it, you want it, thats all good."
Its not 2010 anymore, gay people are accepted and visible in a way that has never been a reality in the past. In fact, gay people, especially gay men, have come to be understood as a fantastic marketing tool.
This is where i get jaded and cynical, but listen the outcome is the same so stick with me here. Gay pairings and relationships = money is not a groundbreaking concept. It's why they did queerbait. But with stuff like supernatural, it seemed like a far greater risk to make the repressed men kiss than to piss of the queer fanbase. But times have changed. But since the age of queerbait, there has been a rise in gay romance content being made, and being made FOR the fangirls, boys and theys. Think Red, White and Royal Blue, or Heartstopper, or Young Royals, or Our Flag Means Death, or Good Omens. Gay isn't a risk anymore, its a marketing category with a level of guaranteed success. And not just in the global north, Boys Love content has been booming in places like Japan, Thailand, Korea for decades, but never more than now. TV companies in these places figured out very quickly that producing fluffy, comforting gay love stories earns them billions, and have not hesitated to seize this opportunity. My point being, gay dudes sell as fuck.
911 got cancelled and had to move networks. The budget is too high and they need to pull viewership and quick. I think their answer is canonise that ship! I couldn't tell you if that was there original intent, but i do believe that it would be far less lucrative to fuck over their viewer base. I could be wrong, this could be a crazy long game to make the fans trust the show, then pull the rug from under them. But i truly think we are past that point with shows like this.
911 is pure fluff! No one ever dies, if someone is hurt they recover quickly and with no complications, conflict is tame and easily resolvable, and everyone is a sickeningly good person. And the show is also about family, found family, unconventional families. I think originally, the unconventionality of the eddie, buck and chris family dynamic was that it is two men who are not together or married raising a child as coparents and friends. Which is a great story, but even better fanfiction fodder.
I think they are going to do it like the fanfiction. It's the easiest way to bridge the epistemic gap between the current cannon and the reality of both buck and eddie being queer and having feelings for each other. they could try and explain it in their own way, but the fans have already done it, and have clearly agreed on some elements of how this love story plays out, so i think that will be the route they go down. Currently my evidence is that Buck is now canonically bisexual. For some reason a lot of the ships people have have one bisexual and one gay, so the trope is being realised. My next piece of evidence is the catholic thing for eddie. This has literally never come up, its a fan invention, and its in the show now. The eddie and marisol plot line is slightly bizzare, but i think the reason for that is that it is eddie making sense of why he struggles so much to commit to the women he dates. Or its just a bad storyline and isnt very coherent. I guess we will see. My next evidence is the whole set up of Tommy. He is so clearly a way to push eddie and buck together in my opinion. From his introduction, he acts as a wedge between the two that neither of them can make sense of. Very love triangle energy. And my last evidence is all of those goddamn interviews. It seems no one can shut up about these fire fighters getting it on with each other. I feel if they weren't doing it, there would be more effort to shut down the clowning gently, as they have done previously.
In conclusion, i too am a clown. My theory has rocky foundations, a rocky middle and an equally rocky conclusion. I am so tired and delulu right now. I'm with you girlies, this is stressful.
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termagax · 7 months
seeing some people's reaction to weird gamer men oversexualizing kiriko is "mauga is right there, half naked, with serveral pin-up sprays" and while i do agree to an extent, i do feel like alot of people are kind of ignoring like. the racial element of mauga's sexualization, like i like mauga, he's hot, but the second i saw him in the short story, i wasn't a big fan of the whole "big savage brown indigenious guy" and it feels like very few people are pointing that out.
RIGHT LIKE. we cannot fix "gamer men fixate on fictional asian girls to a violent degree, usually in a racist way or enabling racist tropes already present in the character" with "gamer girls fixate on fictional brown men to a violent degree in a racist way or enabling racist tropes present in the character" like you guys are part of the same problemmmmmmm youre doing the same thinggg its not better because youre doing it to men like.
i think some people only want to see the kiriko problem as misogyny and while im not going to even pretend that ISNT a massive part of it, theres still like. a reason kiriko and d.va and mei are fascinations for these dudes. there is a pointed difference between the way these three get spoken about compared to their white counterparts (and their dark-skinned counterparts too - look at the responses to illari for a really easy comparison to how kiriko is treated). their ~exoticism~ as asian women is part of the appeal. even if you dont just wanna take the way dudes online treat them (like making a joke that shes "obvious pornbait" for speaking japanese and using JSL) as evidence of that, look at their marketing. kirikos whole thing is atheleisure traditional, shes got her Mystical Japanese Spiritualism Ninja Powers and her magic doggy and they constantly put her in japanese and korean fashion, and dva has been constantly crossing over with korean merch companies. i cant help but notice theres no brazilian IP crossovers or merch launches for lucio, or any attempt to Sell Peru To Gamers for illari. they couldnt even pick a town in Samoa to name maugas map after. these people wouldn't buy that stuff because it's not fetishized in the same way asia is.
but like. a lot of the people trying to Gotcha these racist dudes with an asian fetish just whip out their favourite racist tropes instead and its a really bad look. like you guys dont wanna examine how your examples of The Characters Its Okay To Hypersexualize are all brown? even the people who wanna fuck cassidy dont talk about him like this. or like. fuck if you want a good comparison for mauga lets look at roadhog. big half-naked tank who theyve been playing up a sexual energy/comic relief duology on since day one with racially insensitive cosmetic options. nobody treats it like its completely normal to talk about him that way. the dev team isnt pushing pinups of him out. he isnt flexing his boobs in trailers. hes a white dude*, so he gets the bare minimum dignity of being treated normally. incidentially hot, maybe, but for the most part his character is sold on being cool , funny and scary. mauga is being sold 50% on being a Sexy Rogue Love Interest and 50% on. releasing late. they put in so little effort for him to be anything else despite hyping him up as suuuper significant to the lore and a major gamechanger its almost embarrassing to watch. (this is why that short annoyed me so much for anyone keeping track).
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the plural community is so toxic. its also very confusing. its stressful, its mentally draining. (note:this rant is not anti endo, even though it seems like it. i just dont like the black-and-white dogmatic structure of the plural community.)
i dont like how the plural community is so divided. and how theres so many stereotypes in it encouraged and/or created by the plural community itself. the anti endo side is all about negativity and gatekeeping. they dont like when systems love their alters, would miss their alters, are friends with some of their alters, do activities in the innerworld or real world with their alters, have shenanigans with their alters, have plenty of fictives or celeb or friend factives, dont have abuser factives, dont dissociate severely all the time, or anything seen as "cringe" especially according to systemscringe. then you have the pro endos and endos themselves who spread positivity, are for systems loving and being friends with their alters, and realize not every system has dissociation all the time and some DID systems dont even dissociate more than half of the time. but some pro endos have also said DID and osdd can develop without trauma if the person is just naturally dissociative enough and that DID and osdd develop from being naturally highly dissociative instead of trauma (when really DID and osdd develop from disorganized attachment/emotional trauma according to the theory of structural dissociation.) ive been downvoted and called out for saying DID and osdd can only develop from trauma. and i usually dont fakeclaim people but sometimes peoples alters are just cringe I wonder if they're faking and usually its bc of the anti endo standard but i saw a system have an alter that was supposed to cutesey up autism even more, a tbh creature alter with aw/tism pronouns. i got the ick. they are endos btw. i hate how anti endos make it seem like if youre a "real" DID system you dissociate all the time severely. when the average DID system has a DES score of 48 (ill send the link) meaning the average DID system only dissociates a little less than half of the time. sure some dissociate a little more or a lot more than that, but anti endos are openly exaggerating symptoms and making an exclusionist environment based on what makes them feel valid. pro endos, meanwhile, literally go for anything. do you think DID and osdd develop without trauma? most pro endos seem okay with that. do you think its okay to create tulpas/willogenic systems to cope with trauma and call it traumagenic when its endogenic? pro endos are okay with that. do you have an alter that uses pronouns offensive to people with trauma (ive seen someone use rape/rapeself as pronouns in the endo community and murder victims and their families ive seen kill used as pronouns or disabilities like the aw/tism or wtv thing i saw? theyre ok with that too. pro endos are too lenient, theyre too scared to call out misinformation or even fakers because it might make the endogenic community as a whole look bad, when im ngl it already does. because of the whole "anti endo vs pro endo" the plural community looks like a joke or some dumb trend. both sides are toxic. anti endos spread hate and make unrealistic standards, but pro endos support anything and think people have the right to identify however they feel no matter how disrespectful it is to other people (like the "i created my system consciously so it didnt develop from trauma but because i created it to deal with trauma im traumagenic!" thing) im definitely not anti endo, but i also dont like what most of the pro endos ive seen support or let happen. basically the whole online plural community is exhausting and confusing. and it makes me wish i never knew i was plural.
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diorgirl444 · 1 month
Hii Flo! How are you doing? I was wondering if i could maybe have a marauders/or slytherin boys fanon relationship matchup?
My name is Layla(pronounced leyla)and im 5'4
Appearance: my height is pretty average, hourglass figure sort of. Im quite pale and i have brown curly hair to a little lower then my collarbone. I have brown eyes, i have chubby cheeks which i love, my cheeka are usually slightly blushed necause i get cold alot. I wear mostly neutral colors such as black, grey, white and brown/beigh. I'm half swedish and half algerian. I have long eyelashes. I have a softer body type, such as a softer tummy snd all that, which again, i love
Hobbies: my biggest interested/hobby is definetly art. I absolutely love drawing and creating stuff. I usually draw stuff that ive seen irl or in my dreams because i have quite vivid dreams. I love music aswell, I've been singing my whole life and writing songs is something i love, the art is my main hobby though. I also like going for walks, i live in a small village so going out and sitting somewhere quiet whole drawing is amazing. I listen alot to arctic monkeys, david kushner, The Neighbourhood, the cramps, the Smiths, one direction. I gym alot, about 6 times a week.
Personality: i am an INTJ-T, i like being alone. I have a few close friend that i hang out with every now and then, i'ma decently closed off person, very few people know alot about me. I have anxiety and daddy issue(not trying to be quirky or sum shit i just have a shitty relationship w my dad) I'm usually very quiet. I'm a leo sun, scorpio rising and aquarous moon. It sounds weird but I'd consider myself quite a submissive person if that make sense? Im just natrually a quiter, nore submissive individual. I've never really been a person that does too well in school subjects such aas math, becahse logical subjects where theres only one answer, has never been my thing. I don't like admitting it but deep down im very self conscious, even though i kind of always seem like a confident person. I'm both introverted and extroverted, i can be very loud at times and i strugfkr with regulating the volume kf my voice because of my adhd. Id describe my humor as somewhat dark- my jokes are usually about myself and things that happend when i was younger which i find funny while others find concerninf- im quite sarcastic.
Things i like:
I love art, music, reading, writing, working out, fruit...fruit is my mains soruce of nutrition i love that shit so much i could write an essay on it man...i also love pasta, and chocolate. It makes me happy :')
I love rain, and my friend's and Going on walks, and going on walks in thr rain, and going on walks in the rain with my friends
Things i dislike:
Tomatos, math, ehen people think im stupid or unintelligent purely bc im bad at numbers-
Other informationsss:
My favorite colors are pink, beigh, grey and black. I've been told that im hard to approach? My love language is gift giving and physical touch. You cna almost always find me fidgeting eith the hen if my best friends shirtx or rubbing up and down her calf absentmindedlt while we sre talking(yes shes okay with this she koves it)i love getting hugged if its from someone im comfortble with, i love sitting in silence while drawing. I live analyzing different things, everything from art pieces to human behavior. I have an intrest for psychology, i'm studying law!
Oh and i speak swedish, English, german, romanian and french!
Andddd my aesthetic is so mixed- think like dark academis meets soft grunge mixed with coquette?
Soo, this is me, oh also im straight(but we support woman 110%)
So yea, thank you in advance!(if you domt have the time thats okay!)
hi thanks for waiting so long! i had to take a bit of a break with tumblr cause of gcses but i can’t wait to see what you think of your matchup <3
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your perfect matchup is 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 ���𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <3
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <3
okay so this took me an embarrassingly long time to decide between sirius and remus but ultimately sirius won out in the end because i am nothing if not an absolute sucker for a good opposites attract trope! 🎀
i think you two meet through mutual friends (remus and lily of course) at a weekend trip to hogsmede and just hit it off right away. it’s funny because you’ve heard so much about sirius, how he’s a relentless playboy, a troublemaker, a delinquent but to you he’s a perfect gentleman. which is confusing for everyone who witnesses it.
at first they all just think oh he’s immediately just decided that you’re only friend material because you’ve got so much in common but also different enough that that would work. so the two of you spend the whole day just hanging out and no one thinks much of it….
till sirius gets back to his dorm and tells remus ever so dramatically “i’m finished!” remus is obviously wtf???? and sirius rolls his eyes as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and he’s all like “i’m finished with my hookups - i’m a changed man! there is one girl for me and i intend to be with her till the day i die” which is kinda like woah chill out! but also very cute :)
now i wouldn’t say you feel the same because you’re not insane but you are like “oh he was cute, hope i see more of him” kinda thing. anyways the point is you’re both into each other but of course don’t know that about one another because where’s the fun in that??? 😜
and sirius being sirius he doesn’t go about it in a normal way oh no he decides he’s gotta work out how to impress you first and you know what he’s gonna work that out as dog! such a sound plan!!! so whilst your sketching by the lake a large black dog potters over to you and lays at your feet. which obviously you think is adorable so you’re petting it and stroking it and just giving it sm attention (if only you knew it was sirius)
anyways it becomes like a habit for you and this dog. you go down to sketch and it joins you. you talk to it, sing, read and as you do all that sirius falls in love with you. meanwhile you to maintain a friendship as humans too but when sirius is in his animal form he sees a side to you in that time that no one else does. he falls so deeply and slowly like the way winter gently falls into spring. 🌷
he confesses in a similar way, you’re ranting to his dog form about how much you want sirius to ask you out. then suddenly you look up and there’s him boyishly grinning at you, dark hair flopping beautifully onto his forehead, he looks like a cursed prince of a forgotten land. when this happens your jaw literally drops and you’re throwing various explicates at him but he hushes you with five little words “may i please kiss you?” and forced into silence you nod cheeks burning.
he kisses you like you’re made of porcelain, a precious treasure which he cannot break, it’s prefect. when you two pull back to get your breath back you tell him teasingly “i still haven’t forgiven you for pretending to be a dog” and he says “will you forgive me if i ask if i can be your boyfriend?”you just laugh and kiss him again. sirius can’t remember a happier memory to that day. <3
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <3
very easy and comfortable very quickly, the two of you adjust naturally into a routine that’s right for the two of you. a very quiet sort of intimacy that tends to surprise onlookers - it’s not at all what people expect of sirius but that’s okay because you two just get it so why worry about anyone else?
sirius is very physically affectionate like literally super glued to your side for the rest of your life now so like enjoy that i guess… 🤨 okay jk it’s very endearing but also its perfectly okay to need breaks so don’t forget to remind him that you need your own space sometimes. i mean he’ll huff and he’ll puff but he’ll get it.
okay but do you know what his favourite thing in the world is? it’s when you play with his hair. picture this it’s a warm rainy summer evening he’s laying along the sofa in the common room, his mess of dark curls in your lap, your fingers toy and fiddle with them, absentmindedly humming along to the smiths vinyl which crackles in the background. it’s pure paradise for the both of you just cosy and warm and soft. god i’m so jealous of the two of you!
he’s always treating you to things! as heir to the black family fortune he’s got an insane amount of cash to splash and he’d much rather spend it on someone he actually cares about so he’s always buying you stuff. a top he thinks you’d look good in, a fancy hardback of your favourite book, or simply your favourite chocolate bar. doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, cheap or expensive, so long as you like it that’s all he cares about.
he thinks your sketches are the most beautiful things he’s ever seen. unfortunately i can’t promise that it’ll be easy for them to become more than sketches because god forbid your attention leaves him for half second. like you’ll be in the library sketching with him sat next to you and then suddenly your cheeks are being smothered with kisses and a hands trailing its way round your chair turning you to face him. what can he say he missed you? good thing he’s cute bcs he’s such a little shit you love that about him tho
it’s very, very rare that the two of you fight but he always apologises first! don’t get me wrong he sulks for a bit first because like he’s sirius black but then he catches your red rimmed eyes and all is forgiven. because he made you cry? yeah he sucks - he’s sorry pretty girl he’ll never to it again and he gives you full permission to kill him if he does.
also his friends love you! you’re exactly what sirius needs to balance him out. honestly they don’t know how you handle him but they’re not complaining! like please keep him for as long as you want him they’re all sick to death of him!
he proposes to you on the last day of school with his family signet ring. he knows he sounds crazy but he’s loved you from the minute he met you. he’ll give you a proper ring soon but for now he gives you his family ring because you’re his family now. you’re all the family he could ever want. his whole world <3
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <3
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hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
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sergeant-spoons · 2 years
Fool For Love
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Pairing: George Luz x Female OC
Word count: 5144
Tone: Friends to lovers, pining, angst, late-night phone calls, risky decisions, is it too late?
Summary: She’s more than a little tired at work, but then he comes on the line, after all this time, and she can’t hang up. They get to talking about their days in the war and upcoming reunions, and as it becomes increasingly clear she is hiding from him (and everyone), he resolves to bring her back to them as best he knows how—with his unerring love.
Taglist: @tvserie-s-world​​​ @thoughpoppiesblow​​​ @victoryrollsandredlips​​​ @now-im-a-belieber​​​ @50svibes​​​ @mgdln97​​​​​ @tina1938​​​ @drinkwhiskeyandsmile​​​ @ask-you-what-sir​​​ @indecisiveimpatience​​​ @whovian45810​​​ @brokennerdalert​​​ @holdingforgeneralhugs​​​ @onlyyouexisthere​​​​
I originally wrote this with Nixon but found it worked much better with George; I was also inspired to write more of George and Talbert’s friendship by the scene in “Points” where they play cards and George’s soothes Tab’s unease. This is also partially a fix-it fic, I must admit, because Talbert all but disappeared from Easy post-war. In this fic, he sticks around.
"Yes, that's exactly it."
George peered down the hall, spying the phone that was usually latched neatly over the kitchen counter now placed to Talbert's ear. His friend nodded slowly, listening to the speaker on the other end.
"Right, you're... busy." 
A muffled something from the other end that might have been 'got to run' or 'give him my love', George couldn't quite tell. Tab swiveled, shuffling over the threshold into the hall. He peered one way, missing the eavesdropper, then spotted him down the other. Waving George over, he pressed the phone to his shoulder.
"Somebody from Easy's on the line. Come say 'hi'."
George grinned. It would be good to hear from one of the guys. The annual reunion was swiftly approaching, and the time of year had rolled about when he really missed the men and the camaraderie they had shared. Sloughing off his jacket, he draped it over the countertop stools as he came up to the phone. Tab held up a finger as he fronted an introduction.
"Yeah, hey, do you have another minute?" A beat, listening. "Great. I've got somebody here who wants to speak to you." A half-smile. "Yes, it's George. Uh-huh. Okay. Talk soon."
Silence for a beat and George had made up his mind to repeat the greeting when:
"Hey, George."
His heart leaped into his throat, and he smoothed his palm over the receiver, swallowing hard.
"Leah." He pinched his nose. "Uh, Corporal Hedgecomb."
"Hey. Hey, how are you?"
"Good." Better now that I'm hearing your voice again. 
Had she always sounded this weary? For most of the war, yes, he remembered well, but he would have thought peacetime would restore her spirits and vigor. He missed the lightheartedness she'd born all throughout Toccoa and Aldbourne, despite Sobel, despite the war, despite the back-breaking sexism she had to carry on top of it all every damn day.
"Look, George, I'd love to chat, but I'm real busy-"
"Please don't go."
He could almost picture her pursing her lips, those sweet lips, the ones he should have kissed so long ago.
"Oh, alright." 
She leaned away from the receiver and called to someone nearby, her voice distant as she pleaded with an apparent coworker to take up her station for another few minutes. 
"I can stay a little longer."
"Good. Great." He searched for something to say that wouldn't scare her away. Realizing too late he hadn't returned the cordial question, he extended it now: "How're you, Corporal?"
"Busy," she said, and it seemed almost a joke but for the strain present in her voice when she answered. "It's not bad, though, work keeps me occupied."
He smiled fondly down at his shoes. "You haven't changed, then."
"What do you mean?"
"You said that a lot back in, uh, Mourmelon, and Hemmen."
"Did I? It seems like so long ago."
"But not long enough."
They both knew he meant the absence of war, not the distance its end put between them.
"Hear-hear. Oh, and George—you don't need to call me ‘Corporal’. We're not in the service anymore."
"Ah. Right."
A few seconds as George considered whether or not to just be out with it already or mention something less monumental. On one hand, he was running out of time, on the other, he could mess this all up with three little words and listen to the phone click off, his ardor dismissing him from her cares.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Leah asked, soothing the tension steadily rising like a high tide up to their chests and their hearts. 
"It's good to hear your voice."
"Yeah, yours, too."
He glanced at a split envelope on the counter and gathered a question he hadn't realized was burning him up until that very instant. 
"About the reunion...?"
"Yeah, yeah. I got your letter, and the one from Sink, with the fancy seal and the flag stamp and the big, official heading-"
"You're not coming."
A long, long pause, broken only by a sigh that barely bled through the wiring.
"That's not really an answer, Leah."
"No, I'm not coming."
"Why not?"
"I- it just doesn't- it wouldn't work out."
George squared his jaw, scared she was implying what he feared she always might.
"I mean, business really kicks up around here this time of the year, and I don't know if they can spare me. Not that I'm vital to the department, or anything, but any personnel they can keep will help."
At her slow sigh, he gathered she'd easily picked up on his skepticism.
"What's the real reason, Leah?"
She didn't answer for a good fifteen seconds. George attended his watch to distract himself from the weight of her silence.
"George, I'm sorry, but d'you really think any of the fellas wanna remember they served with a broad? No."
"What? That's bullshit! Why the hell would you think that?"
"Watch your mouth, buster, you're a bad influence."
"If you go off like that, I'll do it, too, and I can't be swearing like a sailor anymore. I've gotta be all proper in the office."
"What about out of it?"
"Since when am I ever not at work, these days?" She scoffed wryly, drily. "Nevermind."
"Corporal Hedgecomb, I swear to God, if I have to send Bill Guarnere and Babe Heffron to kidnap you from whatever martyr's pit you've dug for yourself, I will."
She managed a chuckle, and he could tell it was more for his sake than her own. "Nah, no more foxholes for me. Or for you."
"Or Bill or Babe."
"Don't send them," she warned. "They've got families of their own, right? Kiddos to tend to and others on the way, not to mention their wives, the lovely ladies with enough smarts to handle the three brain cells those two split amongst themselves."
George snorted. "So, no envoys. Alright, I'll drive up there myself and take Perconte with me. God knows he could use the break. Can you believe he doesn't even get Christmas off?"
"I know, right? It's the post office, not the goddamn army-"
"No, no, it's not..." Leah audibly cleared her throat. "I meant about you, um..."
"What I mean to say is it's alright. I don't need the persuasion in person."
"Without it, you won't come to the reunion."
"With it, I'm more likely to stay put. So we're at an impasse."
"Alright, fine, but still, you never answered my question."
"Your question?"
"Why the heck-" He hoped she was smiling. "-would you think the men wouldn't want to remember you?"
"... If I was a man, it'd be different."
"Yeah, no shit, but I just don't get it, Leah. You were everybody's sister, cousin—heck, mother. Without you, Jackson wouldn't still have his face and Hoobler would be missing a whole lot more than a foot."
"No. You really should come, doll, you haven't been to the last two."
"And nobody but Lip's seemed to care," she blurted in a voice small even for her five-foot-one frame. "Ignore that, please."
"No, I definitely will not." George glowered at the begonias in the calendar that hung opposite the kitchen counter. "Whoever told you I didn't care is a lying sonuva-"
It was by her tone that he abruptly understood: no one had imposed this opinion on her, she had conjured it for herself.
His cheeks flamed, akin to his heart. "Goddamnit, Leah, the only people I care as much about as you are Tab and Lip, and you know with them, it's not- it's not the same."
He knew he'd said too much when she didn't try a joke or a chuckle or even a dismissive cough. Instead, she remained silent. A muted voice, another woman's, asked her something and she replied she'd be there in a minute. Her voice returned to him as she brought it back to the receiver.
"I know you tried to find me, once."
George tried and failed to steady his breathing. He hoped Leah couldn't hear just how anxious he'd become.
"How'd you figure that out?"
"You sent Lipton to my door with the biggest bouquet in the state of New York. Now, I've never seen a man more committed to his wife than the good lieutenant, and he doesn't even live up here. What the hell could he be doing so far north other than carrying out some favor for somebody we both knew?"
"And you figured it was me?"
"I didn't have to think too hard on it once I saw the flowers."
"You remember them?"
"They were lilacs, George," she all but whispered. "You're the only one I ever told about those being my favorite."
George sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth, his shoulders stiffening as the breeze against the roof of his mouth went straight to his brain.
"Lip told me you'd just about vanished."
"I wasn't home that day."
A frown creased his brow. "But you saw the flowers."
"A neighbor did, out the window-"
"Don't lie to me, Leah." He set his jaw, trying to keep his voice from breaking. "You never were a good liar."
"Fine! I was there and I didn't open the door. Happy?"
"You hid from him."
The accusation caused her to deflate, signifying its truth. He could sense the change even from the receiving end, her face invisible to his eyes, miles and miles away.
"I thought it was for the best-"
Feeling unable to endure another voice crack from the cage of weary isolation Leah had forced herself into, George interrupted. 
"The best? For who?"
"For you!"
"But not for you."
She choked on her words and coughed to regain them. 
"I'm not some pretty little housewife, George!” she cried. “The war was the only time in my life I felt reasonably put together, and like I could do something. Even better, something worth doing. Really, I don't know what I expected, after it was all over. I can hardly keep myself afloat, nevertheless- no, shit, no, pretend you didn't hear that."
"So that's it." His finger, twirling the spiraling cord around each knuckle, stilled. "You won't come because you don't want their pity."
"Or yours," she reminded with a sternness he knew she rarely possessed. "I want them to remember me better."
"If they can't see you're still our beloved-" My beloved. "-Leah, with a chocolate bar always at hand for some poor homesick sap and the best hugs in the company, then they've all gone crazy and they don't deserve the honor of knowing you."
"The honor?" She scoffed. "Come on, George."
"I mean it. They'll be glad—no, overjoyed—to see you, and if they're not, then- then I'll-"
"What am I supposed to do, pretend everything's fine? While they're off getting married and having families and buying houses and securing steady, profitable occupations, I'm wasting away in the middle of fuck-all nowhere, so far up New York state, you'd be surprised it wasn't Canada, trying not to end up on the streets and so bitterly alone I've started writing poetry! I’m writing sonnets, George, sonnets!”
Leah laughed a sob. George was already reaching for his car keys.
"I'll be there tonight."
"I will be there-"
"No. No, you won't."
"Yes, I will. I don't care if it's a five-and-a-half-hour drive. I don't care if you're scared. I don't care if I'm the last person you want to see."
Silence for long enough he guessed she might have hung up. He'd begun to fiddle with the left cuff of his button-down when Leah finally spoke.
"You know how long it would take you to get here."
"What kind of enamored moron would I be if I didn't?"
She laughed, and George wished he could believe it was the call signal that made her sound so hopeless.
"Only if you bring Tab along with you," she said, and he got the sense she was only playing along. "Roll down the windows, the fresh air'll do him good."
"It's December. He'd rather sit in a sauna for five hours."
"Remind me why he still hasn't moved out to California yet?"
"Me," George joked half honestly. "But hey, you're getting me sidetracked. So I'll bring Tab... anything else you want me to pick up on the road?"
"Um." A pause, amid which he could guess she tried to swallow but found her throat too dry. "No."
"If you say so." He checked his watch again, something of a nervous habit. "Y'know, I could probably make it in five hours. The traffic's bound to be lighter the later it gets."
"Uh-huh. You might have to wake me, depending on how late you get here."
"You won't wait up?"
"I work three shifts for two different jobs, George. Sleep is a blessing."
"Right." He swallowed. "Well, you can call in sick tomorrow. To both jobs. And maybe for all the days after that."
"No. No, I can't do that."
"You don't think I'll actually come."
"No, I don't, because I'm really not worth the trip."
Her words sounded like a hammer falling upon a bare anvil, the elements rebounding off of each other with a deafening, heartwrenching clang.
"There's one thing I won't stand from you, and it's that kind of bullshit."
"Wha- what?"
"Don't ever talk like that about my future Mrs. Luz again."
She inhaled sharply into the phone. George squeezed his wrist and prayed that what he was about to do wasn't the most reckless undertaking of his life.
"I'll see you tonight. Probably with a ring. No, not probably. Definitely."
Leah squeaked.
"Damnit, I love you, and I'm not about to stand here while your neverending, wonderful, harmful selflessness keeps you away from the great thing we could be. And from your friends! And happiness! But mostly me. Because I'm selfish like that. But hey, if it means saving you-"
He squeezed his eyes shut, his heart pounding against his ribcage.
"-then I'll be the most selfish man in the world."
"I love you. See you in five hours."
He shoved the phone so jaggedly into its cusp that he missed the latch entirely and the implement took a bungee jump toward the kitchen floor. Yelping a curse, he swung it back up and placed it where it belonged, stepping back from the counter with a long sigh. He glanced at the liquor cabinet above the sink in wistfulness but didn't bother to address it further. He'd drive better if he could see straight. Still, the thought of going to her like he'd wanted to all these months and the absurdity of what he was about to do combined were more than enough to make him dizzy. Tab might have to take over for the last of the journey—or, even better, the first, the middle, and the last.
Speaking of the devil's best friend, he'd vanished upstairs to the third-floor study. He never listened in when someone made phone calls like this, even if they were from his own line. Kind of funny, how George wouldn't think twice about eavesdropping whereas Tab went out of his way to avoid overhearing.
"Floyd! Floyd, get down here!"
Swift, steady footsteps, barely preceded by the scrambling scuffs of a chair being shoved backward.
"What is it?" queried his friend from the top of the stairs.
"No time to explain, just get down here!"
Tab proceeded to make his way speedily down, taking the steps two at a time. He followed George around the corner to the garage door, calling his name with another question mark to follow when he received no direct answer. George spun the car keys around so they pressed into his palm, feeling the metal indent his skin as he opened and pushed through the narrow aperture.
"I'm going to go bring my future home, and you're coming with me."
Tab's sigh was almost feigned as he reached back through the doorway to retrieve his coat as well as his friend's. "George, it's almost seven p.m. And I have work tomorrow, as do you."
"So? Love won't wait, my friend." He twirled the keys again and tossed them over the hood of the first of the three vehicles before them. "Besides, you get to drive."
Tab shook his head. "I get to?"
George flashed him a lopsided smile and slid into the passenger's seat. After a beat's more hesitation, his friend followed his prediction and joined him in the car. Tab turned the ignition and they each settled into their accommodations, preparing for the lengthy drive ahead. The garage door rumbled upward—only the most up-to-date technology for friends of the Nixons—and they pulled out into the fading light, the wet afternoon bleeding into a thankfully drier evening.
"How much did you have to drink before deciding on this mad chase?" Tab asked as he leaned over the backseat to watch where he was reversing.
"None," George repeated, and whatever he'd mustered in his tone to guarantee the truth softened something in Tab's tired eyes. His friend sat up a little straighter, and the energy so often sapped from him by hours clerking behind a desk began to return in increments as they drove. At first, they spoke of the usual things; the clearing clouds, an unruly driver here and there, the meaning of life and what changes peace had brought to their world in the past three years.
"Three," George mused after a time, "isn't that a strange number to decide on a reunion? One, I understand for a high school, two for a college, but three doesn't fit anything. A birthday, maybe, but-"
"It's one for me," Tab reminded him with no shortage of gentle reprehension. "I skipped the last two."
"So did she. But she won't be skipping this time, and neither will you."
"... Yeah. About that—what's your plan, here?"
"With what?"
Tab glanced off the road for just an instant to shoot George that disbelieving eyebrow that had always been able to pry any damn thing out of him, all the way back to Toccoa.
"I know, I know, with Leah." George swallowed. "Leah Hedgecomb."
"Yeah, with Leah."
George waved his hand in front of his face as if reading aloud a banner. "Hopefully the future Mrs. Leah Lowry Hedgecomb Luz." He couldn't help a small smile. "Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" He snapped, remembering something vital to his mission. "Oh, shit, right, I've gotta get a- Why are you looking at me like that?"
Tab's spine had gone so taut, it almost seemed to be imitating the straightness of the lampposts they were driving beneath on this long, northbound route. The light from each lamp faded into and back out of the car within a half-second. Once the darkness of the night truly settled it, they would seem ever the brighter and the quicker, keeping the men awake and alert but allowing them no more than a passing glance at each other's expressions.
"Does she know that?"
"Know what?"
"That you're gunning for her to be your wife?"
"As of, uh-" George studied his wristwatch. "-an hour and ten minutes ago, yes."
"Jesus Christ."
His daredevil friend gave a low whistle. "Well, now I know this is a crazy plan. What else could make the pious Floyd Talbert take the savior's name in vain?"
"Oh, come on, Luz. Me? Pious?"
George snickered, and Tab sighed.
"Look, I'm sorry, but you gotta admit this is nuts! You're in love with a woman you haven't seen in a year—a woman who's been purposefully avoiding you, I might add."
"She loves me, too."
"She told me back in Austria the day she left." George thumbed his belt loops anxiously. "She told me she loved me and I oughta come find her after the war if I felt the same."
"And you did, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but we never spoke of it again." George licked his lips, then confessed, "I have to believe she meant it. It's all I've got, Floyd."
"You need to stop for a minute and think this through."
"And you," his determined compatriot contested, "need to shut up and turn left."
"Why?" Tab asked, nonetheless rounding the requested corner.
"Because we need to make a detour to Cartier before they close at eight-thirty, and right now, it's eight-o'-one."
"Woah, woah, woah." 
Tab pulled over to the side of the otherwise empty street. He shifted the car into park and turned as fully as he could in his seat toward George. 
"Are you serious about this?"
"Floyd," George replied softly, almost timidly, "this is the first time I haven't second-guessed myself in three years. Yes, I'm serious."
His friend considered, glancing out the windshield onto the pavement and gravel of the road and its side.
"Besides, this is partially your fault."
"You know I've loved her since Benning."
Tab's brow twitched. "Well, yes..."
"And you put me on the phone with her just like that, like you knew it was the best thing for us both."
"Come on, Floyd," George pleaded, flashing a smile, "help me out just this once-"
Tab visibly stifled a snort of laughter.
"-and you can be the best man—nay, the officiant—at our wedding."
"Sometimes, I think you've finally gone mad." Tab smiled as he shifted the car back into drive. "Alright. Let's go get the ring, and then the girl."
George let out a whoop, tossing his hands up and smacking them on the ceiling. He winced, shaking out his fingers, though his grin never faltered.
"By the way, I meant it, about the wedding."
"I'm not ordained."
"So? I don't particularly care what denomination ya are, so long as you can marry us."
"... I don't know if that's legal, Luz."
"What, freedom of religion?" His friend shot him a skeptical look. "So sayeth the Quaker's best friend."
"What- George, he's not-" 
Tab huffed and went quiet, giving in (and up).
"I'll look it up and figure it out when we get back," he relented. "Dick probably knows something or somebody..."
George smirked, turning his face toward the window to hide the true warmth of his enthusiasm. 
"Yeah. He prob'ly does."
Leah meant to stay up, to wait. She knew she'd feel like the worst idiot in the world should morning come and she was still sitting in her dark living room, alone; nevertheless, she allowed herself hope and trust for the first time in many years. She tried to keep her eyes open, but seeing the toll of midnight after a sixteen-hour shift proved a difficult task, and she drifted off in her old, raggedy armchair with a blanket over her legs and one shoe half-off her foot.
When the rapping on her door startled her awake, it was precisely 12:46 a.m. When she stepped up to the door, it was 12:50. When she gathered up enough courage to actually turn the knob and pull, it was 12:52.
"-so let's just go and come back in the morning, she's clearly not-"
The two men standing under her porch light, their heads and shoulders dusted with snow, froze and stared at her. Talbert's hand dropped from the back of his neck. George looked like he was trying to convince himself she was more than a memory.
"... home."
He stumbled forward and she couldn't help but lurch into his embrace.
"What- what are you doing here?!" she gasped, wide awake now that he was really here with her, his arms sending shockwaves up and down her body. "George, you drove all this way?"
"I drove," Tab suggested sheepishly, raising his hand in a sheepish wave, and Leah forced herself to let go of George to hug him.
"I didn't believe- You actually- How? Why?"
"He loves you," Tab chuckled, nodding at George. "Thought that was pretty clear by now. You mind if I come in? I thought it couldn't get any colder than Rhode Island, but sheesh, New York's something else..."
Leah started nodding without really understanding what he'd asked, and he started humming “White Christmas” as he stepped past her and into the semi-heated house. Left alone on the porch, George and Leah stared at each other for a beat. Once they'd remembered the other was truly here, they all but leaped back into each other's arms. Leah's chest felt tight. She heaved each exhalation into his shoulder like it just might be her last. How long ago was it that such a fear could become their reality at the drop of a hairpin, or, in their case, the flick of a grenade pin? Too recent, too fresh.
"Hey, hey, catch your breath," George said, stepping back to cup her cheeks in his hands, scanning her face worriedly. "You cold? You want my scarf? My coat? My sweater? Hell, I'll give you my socks, if you want, though I don't think you do-"
"You came."
"Of course, I came," he cut himself off. "I brought Tab, just like I promised, and a ring to boot."
Leah flushed. "You didn't."
George dropped down on one knee.
"I did."
Leah squeaked. George beamed to hide the terrific pounding of his heart.
"Leah? Sweetheart?"
"Marry me."
She couldn't seem to speak, but she was nodding so fast George could only take it to mean yes. He put the ring on her finger, and she promptly flung herself into his arms and knocked them both off the porch into the nearest snowbank. George burst into such laughter that it woke the neighbors.
"Screw them," he muttered as the complaining started from an upstairs window. "I'm not afraid of nobody and nothing anymore."
"Oh, yeah?" Leah giggled, still half-certain she was dreaming, shivering a little. "When'd you get so brave?"
George smiled, drawing his thumb tenderly across her cheek to brush away a wispy curl.
"When I got you."
A beat.
"You will marry me, right?"
Leah turned and kissed his cheek, then his lips, and George felt like he could take on the world.
"I love you," she whispered, "and I've waited six years for you to ask me that question, so yes, George Luz, yes, I will marry you."
"You drove how far to get to her?"
Leah and George shared an amused smile. No matter how many times they told this story, there was always someone who'd only heard snippets and couldn't quite believe it until they got the straight facts from the source itself. This time—most entertainingly—it was Speirs, their former captain. The humor of his confusion was only added to by Lipton, who was standing beside him with such an expression of This is the farthest thing from a surprise, Ronald that it made Leah stifle a laugh against her hand.
"As far as I had to," George answered Speirs, squeezing Leah's hip affectionately. "I'd have driven all the way to California if I had to. Up through Canada, down into Mexico, or all the way into South America—I'd go anywhere. I'd even sneak aboard a ship if she was somewhere overseas."
"So... how far?"
"Five hours," Leah chuckled. "Five hours and them some, 'cause he had to stop to get the ring."
"And I was the one behind the wheel," Tab reminded with a twinkle in his eye, and George lit up, delighted that he'd made it to the reunion after all.
"And you still get to officiate, Floyd!"
"Yeah, yeah. Just tell me when I'm needed, and I'll be there."
"Huh." Speirs paused to think, then took a sip from his whiskey glass. "I'll admit, I never pictured..." He waved at George and Leah, though not at all rudely. "This."
George's arm was slung around Leah's waist and her cardigan was tied just above his hips—the only thing more obviously signifying their relationship was the silver band gleaming on Leah's left hand. Leah pressed a kiss to George's cheek, and as Speirs shook his head, astonished, George let loose a delirious peal of laughter.
"Stop that," Leah giggled, ruffling his hair. "You sound like you're already drunk."
"Oh, honey, I am."
She quirked a brow. "Oh, yeah? Since when? You’ve only had one- oop!"
He'd dipped her toward the floor, his lips ghosting over hers, and when she realized she was not, in fact, falling, she smiled.
"Drunk off you, sweetheart," he whispered as their friends started to holler, noticing the couple's open display of affection.
"Then kiss me, Mr. Luz."
"Happily, Mrs. Luz."
"Wait-" She put her finger against his lips, teasing him. "I'm not the missus just yet."
He groaned. "Why must you remind me? Cruel woman..."
A slight shift in his stance let Leah know he was starting to strain himself by holding her there, so she grabbed him by the collar and pressed a searing kiss to his lips, bolstered by their friends' whistling and cheering.
"I don't think I can wait much longer," George admitted as he brought his fiancée back up to stand. "Literally and figuratively. What with you in that dress, and everybody here—heck, why don't we do it tonight?"
"Do it? Get married, you mean?"
"Get married, run away, honeymoon, hook the moon and drag it down to earth," George hummed, swaying her to an imaginary tune. "You name it, I'll make it happen, sweetheart."
Leah looked at him, and her eyes, brimming with tears of gratitude, struck him with so much love he felt faint.
"So? Whaddaya say, my dearest Leah?"
"Yes. Tonight!"
"Huzzah!" George leaned over his shoulder. "Floyd! It would seem your services are needed much sooner than planned!"
Tab looked up from the buffet table, a slice of chocolate cake halfway to his mouth. George and Leah shared a look, then burst into teary laughter, holding on to each other with no intent to ever let go.
"I think they're really gonna do it."
"About time." Dick Winters sidled up to his friend, then nodded at the cake in his hand. "Is that any good?"
Still watching George and Leah, Tab wordlessly passed the cake to Dick, who, in turn, Dick handed it off to a salivating Frank Perconte.
"Dick," Tab queried, "do you know how to officiate an elopement?"
"Not officially-"
"Didn't think so."
"-but I know a guy."
"Of course, you do."
They eyed the happy couple, now dancing to the music Lipton had conjured from the radio, and shared a small smile despite themselves.
"Think you could get him here within the next half-hour?"
Dick checked his watch.
"Correction: think you could call him up and have him teach me this whole honorary pastor business on the fly?"
Smiling, Dick started for the payphone on the other end of the bar.
"Now that, I can do."
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catspinach · 9 months
ive been meaning to vent on here about work for a long time now so here
i was hired in as a shift supervisor at a brand new starbucks with all brand new employees aside from another supervisor, Mylah, who is a 4yr partner(remember her), and maybe 2 others or so. none of us knew what we were doing. i was barista trained separately from the rest, followed by supervisor training, and then a week off. I came back and had no idea what the hell i was doing, and everyone was mad that i didnt know what to do??
Mylah trained me, and it was brutal. She would critique everything i did, and I always defended myself, saying "why do i need to do it that way if this way gets the same results?" and she did Not like that lmao and the entire training was incredibly tense.
Months pass, and she is worse than ever. she's had several lectures about her behavior but not a single writeup. Nothing has changed. She trained a new supervisor a few weeks ago, and she treated her the same way as she did with me. At some point she slammed a freezer and started shouting, making her cry, and Everyone in lobby turned their heads. i felt awful and wanted to say smth, but I'm genuinely scared of her. Everyone is. Several people have admitted to me that they call off when they see Mylah on the schedule.
The other day, the lobby was empty, and we were free to talk about all the harassment we've faced with her. I cant even remember all of it there's so much but uh here's a list of stuff i remember:
My manager gave Jenn some extra hours, and when they came in, Mylah cornered them, asking why they stole all her hours?? Jenn was comfused because they were literally just added to the schedule so that they would have enough bodies on the floor. Apparently Mylah was pissy at them for the entire rest of their shift, which sucks bc they were already working 12hrs that day:'(
I became friends with a barista named Diana, who is hispanic, and Mylah (white) would always say rude things that made her uncomfortable, saying its okay because her bf is mexican ._. It became a problem and eventually Mylah started looking through all her stuff to get her fired, and succeeded. Diana told me that Mylah would joke with the other baristas about how im stupid and bad at my job, and she said she always stood up for me which definitely did not help her with this whole situation but I greatly appreciate her for it, and we still talk!
Anna said Mylah was talking to her about me and how i do my job wrong. she said i don't face the bills the same way in the deposit bag, and that I dont fill in the money order right so I'm the reason we have so many goddamn nickles, and she said I don't double count the drawers and that's why there's so many mistakes with the deposit. the funny thing is, i DO face the bills the same way, I have never even DONE a money order because that's morning's job, I TRIPLE count the drawers bc i have anxiety, and nobody has EVER said anything to me about the deposit being off.
At some point someone said ret*rded, and Mylah is autistic and was rightfully mad, and brought her to the back to yell at her. not sure what she said but when she came back she went up to me, and only me, and apologized. so like that really hurted but okay whatever ill just go kill myself ig
Mylah was opening one day and told Morgan that since I was closing that it would probably take longer than usual to close? I asked Morgan how Mylah was with closing, and she said that nothing gets done until the absolute last minute, and it takes at least half an hour to finish closing. My record is 2 minutes past close.
Jenn and Taylor told me that I'm their favorite out of all of the shifts, because I make sure to get everything done, I am fast, efficient, and if they have a question I will do my best to figure out a solution for them. Apparently, when they ask Mylah a question, she answers with, "I dont know man, I just work here" and walks away. which like. mood. but she's getting paid 20/hr compared to the baristas at 15/hr, and there is absolutely no reason that the baristas should have to pick up her slack.
Anna used to be friends with Mylah, and they went to get piercings together, and Mylah thought it would be super funny to snapchat Anna having a panic attack about the needle! outside of work, but still fucked up
theres more idk
Mylah got it in my head that I'm the worst of all of the supervisors, and when I found out I was almost all the baristas' favorite, I started visibly shaking with relief! Ive been trying so so hard to make up for how "bad" i am at my job in fear that everyone will hate me otherwise, and now I gind this out and I don't know how to handle this information jdgdheb
I asked them if they would like to talk to the manager as a group, hoping that will show her just how serious the situation is. I don't usually pray for someone to get fired, but I want her ass permanently out of my sight asap
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darlinguistics · 2 years
im sorry i dont usually post rants here but i need to get this out, ill put it under a cut
tw im talking about ABA therapy, and conversion therapy mentions. 
and i understand those would be triggering for many autistic people to read about but as someone who isnt autistic id really appreciate yalls reaction to this if its something youre comfy speaking about 
okay someone just like be blunt with me, esp the autistic community here, correct me if im wrong but isnt ABA therapy for autism like, bad??? horrible?? im not autistic and i have no personal experience with it but ive seen videos on it ive read about it and i always came away with this idea that it was really super flawed and irredeemable and just an outdated practice, kinda like conversion therapy for gay people in my mind. and like i knew it still happened anyway (like conversion therapy does) but i thought it was just Mostly understood to be Not Good. but heres where ive been losing my mind - im an undergrad student trying to become a speech-language pathologist one day and so im in a club at my school for SLP students and the literal PRESIDENT of the club like very openly is an ABA therapist for autistic kids on the side. like thats her job. ive heard her talk about it, its in her descriptions when shes listed on some websites, and every time i see it i feel like im being pranked like it feels like a dark joke or something.
like whats going on here someone just tell me how to feel please, am i just naive and apparently its Not super obvious how bad it is? or is ABA more nuanced than i thought and im overreacting? is there any way to do it in a not harmful way that i just havent heard of? or is it actually bad and just way more accepted that i thought it was??? i thought it was so obviously terrible but here i am in a stereotypical liberal school at a club meeting that asks for your pronouns and is all about advocating for people with disabilities and the president,, is an ABA therapist. when like half of the people in this club would say theyre interested in working with patients on the spectrum if you asked. like thats horrifying to me and im not even autistic. 
like idk i dont wanna sound like a naive little kid being like “bad people exist?? impossible!!” so im sorry if im coming off like that but idk its just making me so sad and im so shocked and like disgusted and frankly embarrassed to associate with the club, but then i look around and no one else even seems to care and ugh. ugh ugh ugh. 
i knew id encounter some weird hypocrite shit like this in academia eventually especially in my field but i guess i wasnt expecting to see it so soon and so blatant and so like personal, like this girls only a few years older than me yknow? ok i need to stop ranting im just making myself upset i just feel helpless and thats just not productive
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
Has to be:
Hates That One Loud Neighbour x Is That One Loud Neighbour
omfg i love this one asdfghjk. okay i lowkey struggled to figure out who would be who cause it could work both ways, but i think ill go with jensen being the loud neighbor and bryce being the one who hates it lmao
this is so long im so sorry but anyway
(doing it bullet point style bc i can <3)
(idk exactly what their professions would be in this, possibly the same but one of them would work at mass kenmore/just at a different hospital, because eventually theyd notice or piece together that they live in the same building)
bryce wouldve moved in a little after jensen. for the first month or so it was fine, maybe music through the walls once or twice, but nothing long enough that warranted a complaint
after that month, though, at all hours of the night thered either be music or a tv show or just something playing loud enough that bryce could hear it through the walls
he could never catch this mystery neighbor, though. he was up early in the morning and didnt want to bother them (as if they werent already doing the same), and when he got home usually he was too exhausted to do anything about it
after about another month of the on and off disruptions, bryce has a few friends over as a mini housewarming thing (jackie, elijah, and sienna). he mentions an offhand complaint about it and they all obviously ask why he hasnt said anything. they tell him he should just catch this neighbor at night when the problem is yk,, happening. by then though hes exhausted and can usually pass out after a little while of tossing and turning
eventually, they convince him to at least put a note on the door, so he quickly scrawls one out, tapes it there, then comes back. by the time they leave, late into the night, the noise seems to have stopped
it lasts for a peaceful month and a half but, lo and behold, it happens again. it had gradually been getting louder, yes, but he figured they would realize and stop. after some debate, and hyping himself up enough for the confrontation, he goes to talk to them
hes totally ready and prepared as he knocks on the door, but all of that quickly dies in his throat as his apparently very hot neighbor opens the door in pajamas
bryce doesnt let it show, of course, but instead of the anger he planned on, the conversation takes a very pleasant turn as he cant get anything other than niceties out. after introducing himself, he manages to ask if jensen could maybe please just a little if its at all possible keep the noise down after 11 pm since bryce can hear it through the wall. jensen immediately apologizes (bc ofc he would make it even more difficult for bryce to be upset with him) before agreeing and closing the door
the next day he gives a loose rundown to the others, and of course they ask how the confrontation itself went. the end of the conversation ends something like this:
jackie: you cant cave at the sight of every hot guy you run into
bryce: i dont usually, it was just unexpected!
elijah: well, its gonna happen again im sure, so be ready
and bryce thinks he will be. he gets another two months out of it before it happens again, and this time hes actually pissed off. he marches himself over there at some ungodly hour, knocking on the door and most certainly not getting distracted by jensen only wearing boxers and a tank top
he has that fresh "i havent slept in three days" look to him, eyes dark and apologizing through a yawn before bryce can even get a word out
...and then he feels bad. he asks if jensens alright just before he can close the door, to which jensen explains just how perfectly fine he is, its just insomnia. ah. things click into place, and bryce manages to make a lighthearted joke about how hes at least learning something from the documentaries he must be watching considering how many times bryce has heard david attenborough's voice through the wall
he actually gets a laugh out of jensen before they head their separate ways
gradually, bryce starts seeing him around more. occasionally they help with each others groceries, chat in the hall, etc etc
after a few months of this (and some peace and quiet on bryces part), he hears jensen talking down the hall with one of their elderly neighbors. it wasnt weird for jensen to be over there, often changing a lightbulb or bringing up groceries, but this time seems a little more urget
bryce barely gets the key in the door before jensens heading down the hall for his apartment, giving him a smile just long enough to stall him from noticing the blood dripping down his hand before closing the door behind him
bryce of course opens it and follows him in, asking if hes alright and what happened. he was building a bookshelf for them and lost grip of the nail in his hand, accidentally sending one through the side of his hand
(we'll say bryce is still a surgeon in this) he quickly takes over for jensen, cleaning it up, getting it closed, and properly bandaging it
bryce finishes off the bookshelf for them and offers to get jensen dinner, which he refuses but bryce insists on anyway
as his hand is healing, bryce finds a few more excuses to bring over dinner, eventually confessing that hes not eating out to treat jensen, its because he cant cook for shit. they start doing a few mini cooking lessons at jensens place, which is obviously more alone time together, and one thing leads to another and they get together :)
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
I asked for tinimmy cause i love them BUT I also like the zeke and Tina ship(can't remember their ship name for the life of me) so do you got any headcannons for them?
honestly i dont know how to answer this bcuz i feel like everybody has such a specific fanon idea of them in their heads?? like canon tina and zeke is VERY different from fanon tina and zeke (not a bad thing especially bcuz they're usually written to be older and more mature in fanon) but im gonna try and stick to their actual canon friendship as its portrayed in the show :)
neither of them are smart but they usually get okay grades in different classes (tina is better at english and science, zeke does better in math and history they're both solid B+ students in those classes) so they will often help each other with homework they're stuck on or help each other cheat off their schoolwork lol
tina originally attended zeke's wrestling matches for jimmy jr (obviously) but after they become better friends she starts cheering for him too!!!! he's always trying to impress her by using super complex moves that he isnt really that good at and he ends up getting his ass handed to him but tina still thinks he's amazing
jimmy jr will sometimes ask to hang out with both of them and get frozen yoghurt or smth and just completely forget or leave midway through their date (love this boy but he is dumb as HELL zero thoughts inside his head) which left them in an awkward "we're both friends with the same person but not with each other and now our mutual friend left us alone at a party what do we do" situation. this also happens frequently at tammy/jocelyn parties and get togethers so they've gotten pretty good at making awkward small talk and thats kinda how their friendship begins
tina will NEVER stop playfully arguing or teasing zeke even after they're good friends he doesn't mind it but they're always jokingly fighting w/ each other. nobody can ever tell if they're serious or not
tina doesn't have the biggest appetite and zeke has a HUGE one (and he doesnt always get as much food as he maybe needs when he's at home) so sometimes tina will give him half of her lunch and they'll eat together. gene is very offended that she didnt offer to him first but she reminds him that they literally live together and share food ALL THE TIME (and he shares with louise most of the time anyway)
tina also sometimes brings snacks to school that she knows zeke likes and she buys them at the store :) she shares during recess
zeke walks her home sometimes after school (usually with jimmy jr louise gene etc there as well bcuz tina cant really walk home without them) and they'll just laugh and tell jokes together!!!! they have a very similar tense of humor and a very teasing relationship so its easy for them to get along <3
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