#okay imma post this dumb thing now
relencomp · 1 year
Listen Here. Yeah, You. I Have Something To Tell You.
I need to talk about the book I’m writing so badly but everyone I know is asleep or dead(?) and I hear Tumblr is cool about writing and stuff.
it’s got lesbians and big guns and magic and shenanigans.
I hear that sells like hot cakes here. Come take a bite.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 1 year
hey! so um apparently bots keep following me???? assuming it's the same for everyone else
so if you're a person that's following me (why. what prompted you to make a stupid decision) and you have default... everything um maybe try changing your banner, write something in the desc (like pronouns and sexuality and stuff) and reblog a couple of stuff??? unless you'd like to get blocked. which is fine i guess (i question your motives but you do you)
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This is easily my most controversial post. but if you want to watch me spit in numerology face, then please read away
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Alright i love my numerology. But i think its complete bullshit. Ive read so many sites and intepretations but they just say the same shit everytime, but when they explain themselves im like wtf that barely makes sense - for example life path 3 is jupiter, and it means; creativity, communication, inspiration. And i guess it makes enough sense to not question it. but i question everything, and i think we can do better than that >And thats where i come innnnn >>> 1 sun : MERCURY - Mercury is the first planet of our solar system, the sun aint a planet it just bright - all life path 1's dont act sunny at all, they act smart and calculated and they are 'independent' but the concept of the sun is not independent - the sun loves to share - mercury is independent, because to have an opinion requires an independent thought from others perspectives. - 'goal orientated' - so we all just don't care about our goals? bull shit fuck that, sounds like a mercury thing to only care about ur own opinion anyway - the sun likes to share and be the 'star' 1 energy don't it focused (like mercury) 2 moon : VENUS - the moon is not about the other (2 people) moon is technically a selfish energy, its about how you feel (yes people make you feel s type of way, but if you lonely, you gonna feel like shit anyway) venus is more appropriate planet for 2, becasuse 2 people requires diplomacy snd sharing, not the moon, the moon acts as a reflection, but it is not diplomatic, its selfish (but adorable) it takes 2 people to love and thats what venus all about, thasts why 2 should be venus (not 6 i'll get into dat) but this one should be pretty straightforward 3 Jupiter : EARTH - Jupiter is abundance and it could be 3 but theres a better answer for jupiter (coming up) 3 is earth because 3 is the holy trinity, god clearly loves earth the most, so its 3 okay, and everyone likes 3 (apparently) 3 is creative - there is no planet more colourful than earth - 3 is communicstion (everything on earth makes a lot of noise) and its inspiring - everywhere you look theres something inspirational on earth - you cant say that about any other planet - the rest of them just got a surface i guess 4 Uranus : Mars - whoever made up 4 as uranus imma slap the shit outta. 4 is a stable number (4 corners to mske s house) 4 is stability -4 is the emperor in tarot - uranus is nothing like that uranus is a crazy as fuck boiiiiiii. mars is far more appropriate, mars wants something it gets it (like emperor, in tarot) also a square is a 4, and thst mskes sense for mars because he all about conflict and competition. also they practical and sensible, and if your as bold as mars, your dsmn right you better be pracitcal or your gonna look like a fool and mars dont want thst.
5 Mercury : Jupiter - i understand 5 is about adventure and exploring, but its so much more fitting for it to be jupiter than fkn mercury. you see how dumb this shit is now??? look at the bigger picturre yall; numerologists didnt study the planets and it shows. 'change and progress' thats jupiters schtick, well hell its a little uranusy but mercury is a stretch. also everyone likes jupiter snd thsts why he 5 - he in the middle because everyone like him 6 Venus : Saturn - now ik your thinking saturn is karma and karma is infinite so it should be 8. well no your wrong, karma is not infinite. its however much you do you get back > think about how you draw the number 6 - you write a line (you do something) and it comes right back at ya (the cirlce bit). its also the lovers because saturn got a ring and everyone wanna find their special person to put a ring on > also saturn loves you, but he loves smacking you too. just like someone who loves you 7 Neptune : Uranus - ok this one does make some sense... because its about solitude and introspection... but anyway it took god 7 days to make the world - and the creation of the world changed the game you could say (like uranus is about change) - it also makes sense for uranus, because to change the world, you gotta observe it not be apart of it (to understand how it works) but you know what neptune does make sense here, so i get where they coming from
8 saturn : Neptune - wanna know what actually infinite? your spirit, spirituality, GOD IS INFINiTE - not yo karma - jesus fkn christ lawd save us and please forgive me for saying yo name in vain as many times as i do but WAT DA FUCK HAPPENED - Ik its associated with being a boss or a leader but to me its about achieving yo dreams, the real boss is someone like 6 or 4 (saturn - mars) and ik you thkink 6 is about love - but yall got no clue how much strength and fortitude it takes to love and it shows, thsts why saturn slaps you in the face as often as he be do > A leader must be in tune with god or they gonna get cancelled and not be givin leadership (dont forget who in charge you little shit)
9 Mars : Pluto - "embarking on a lifelong quest to quench an insatiable thirst for growth and new experiences" um okay - so how tf is that mars? mars is thirsty, but he dont care about growth he just wants some pussy. BUt pluto... now that makes more sense. Pluto wants the truth no mstter the price, and our life path 9's are on a infinite journey of digging and digging and thats what pluto do. pluto will literally put himself in jail just to see whst it feels like, mars will just fight everything, to attain his goals. pluto willl let you punch him to see how hard you punch. Stay dumb - yes i made this up - just as the old numerologists made it up - you dont have to believe me, thats why i dont believe in you.
I also believe if god is real, why wouldn't it be simple? why not correlate each number (and there only 9 numbers - excluding 0) why would it not be in the order god intended it to be?
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gallant-basilisk · 11 months
Heyyy can I request a fanfic of bakugou (mha) with an s/o that age regresses (the sfw type) when stressed and overwhelmed? Like having trouble learning for a school subject or the similar, going into that regression state where bakugou comforts the s/o and overall trys and make them feel better. I hope it’s not too much or difficult ^^
Okay, so I've never written an age regression, so please pardon me!
Also, my writing is a little rusty... Btw, I'm back... As is the norm for me I've ended up ghosting y'all 'cause I put too much pressure on myself, but I think I've got things under control... Hopefully... Point is, I won't have expectations for myself to deliver weekly for example, so hopefully I won't have another burn-out like this one anymore.
Imma do all the requests you've sent me before (a long, long time ago), then i think I'll implement some changes/ new stuff
I'm considering making a poll listing some fandoms (video games and animes mostly) to expand what fandoms I write for
+ I'm also considering posting fan art here, but we'll see! ☺️
"Ghfuu..!" Your eyes skim through the sentences on the paper laid out before you, chewing on the end of the pen held in your trembling hand, and you know you're supposed to know how to solve the problem, but you don't. Somehow, no matter how many times you reread that block of text something just falls apart when you try to put it into a simple math equation. That's gotta be it, simple, easy, not at all a problem. So why? Why do you not get it? You know you're not dumb. So you really don't get why...
You have a test tomorrow, you know it's important and it's really stressing you out. But it also makes you angry at yourself- why did you choose to leave doing this to the very last moment? You knew long before how much you struggled with math already, so why didn't you start earlier? Instead, you chose to ignore it and now, sitting at your desk so late at night, you feel so mad and frustrated.
You swing your legs under the desk in frustration, feeling a thick lump in your throat as your vision blurs. You throw your pen against the wall with as much force as you can muster and bring your hands up to your eyes, desperately trying to stop the tears from welling up in your eyes and escaping.
You grit your teeth as you bite down any noises trying to escape your throat, but you can't be bothered to lessen the strength or frequency of yours kicks against the foot of your desk, the frustrated thumps heard even from outside your room.
A soft whimper is all Bakugou hears as he swings the door of your room open, ready to yell at you for making so much noise, but he freezes as he sees you in this state - distressed, inattentative. He quietly closes the door and clicks his tongue, seemingly deciding something in his head as he stalks over to your sniffling, slouched form, your back turned towards him.
"Y/N..." He calls out softly - a stark contrast to his usual explosive personality - and leans down to be level with your face, patiently waiting for any sort of reaction or acknowledgement of his presence from you.
You see him, from the corner of your eyes, but you immediately whip your head to the other side, not wanting him to see you like this. "Go away...." You mumble under your breath, the sentence filled with a childish tone of frustration as you curl up on your chair, laying your cheek on your knees as you hug them closer to yourself.
Instead of insulting you or calling you some name, as you had expected him to do, Bakugou simply sighs and continues staring at you, which frustrates you, for a reason you can't explain. "Don't... Bakugou, stop!" You hiss, waving your hand in front of him to get him to leave you alone. "Y/N, stop with the tantrum." He says firmly, his tone eerily calm as he tilts his head just the slightest bit. His eyes scan the way you sit, how you try to curl up to the best of your abilities, how your body trembles from your shaky breaths as you sniffle, trying to hold back your tears. Then he looks over at your desk, narrowing his eyes at the paper filled with moderately easy math problems. He releases another tired exhale as he sees a few darkened damp spots on the sheet, the marks of your tears, then he looks back at you.
He straightens up and looks around the desk, quickly spotting your pen that rolled right up to your trash can. He picks it up and places it neatly on the paper, waiting for a few seconds as he thinks of what to do next.
"Y/N, baby... Look at me..." He places a hand on your head, gently stroking your scalp and twirling his fingers into your hair, careful not to pull it. "Teddy bear..." He whispers softly, a small smile on the edge of his lips as his hand slides down your face and holds the side of your cheek as it were the most delicate thing, slowly tilting your head to look at him. "Baby, what's wrong?" He wipes a single tear from your eye with his thumb and strokes your skin under your eye as he stares at you with a loving gaze, something entirely reserved just for you.
You let out a frustrated huff as you stare at him, the corners of your eyes red. You pout, but keep silent as you look away, crossing your arms. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what you need help with." He says teasingly, offering you a smile as his other hand joins in holding your face, gently stroking under your eyes. You huff, grimacing at his words.
Upon realising you wouldn't tell him in a straightforward way he tilts his head towards your table and leans down closer to you, his voice much more quiet and softer than before. "Do you want..." Bakugou takes a deep breath, mustering all his mental strength to keep up this gentle front. "Do you want Pom-pom to help you with homework, teddy bear?" He takes a moment to add, "Or do you want something else right now?"
You wipe your tears and swallow, trying to force back your crying, but failing miserably. You try to speak, but your words come out as incoherent babbles, which makes Bakugou chuckle as he looks at you in an adoring way. "Do you not want to do homework right now?" You shake your head, sniffling as you continue desperately wiping your eyes. "Figured." He lets a short laugh before snaking his arms under your knees and behind your back, picking you up and cradling you close to his chest. You immediately cling to him, grasping his shirt in your hands as you lean your head on his shoulder, still crying a little. "It's okay, teddy bear, you don't need to do your homework right now, I'm sure it can wait." You look at him with a frustrated expression, wiping your face in his shirt, smearing your tears and a little bit of your snot on it. "That.... that was uncalled for." He huffs, his voice a little angry, but he tries his best to conceal it as he carries you out of the room.
"What would teddy bear would like to do, hm? Sleep?" You shake your head, biting your lip uncertainly. "Take a walk?" You shake your head again. "Okay, then how about taking a nice, warm bubble bath, and I set up a tablet so you can watch a cartoon while taking a bath?" He offers as he makes his way to the bathroom, swaying you in his arms gently. You nod as your crying softens to sniffling and one of your hands snakes up to play with his spiky hair, loving the funny texture of it as you smile.
He nuzzles your face with his own, not caring about the dampness of your cheeks as a giggle escapes you, your other hand placed on his face, playfully pushing it away. "Pom-pom..." You exhale calmly, still playing with his hair as your eyes flutter and your other hand falls down to his neck, lazily wrapping around it. He winces as he hears the name from your mouth, still not quite accustomed to being called that.
"Teddy bear.." He whispers as he shakes you a little and you open your eyes, recognizing the familiar tiling of the bathroom as Bakugou places you down carefully, holding you up until he's certain you're awake (and willing) enough to stay upright by yourself. "I'm going to run your bath, you can bring any toys you want, if you wanna play with them..." He offered as he walked over to the bathtub and turned the faucet. You nod a bit more enthusiastically as you skip over to the cabinets and open them, excitedly taking out a bunch of toys in one fell swoop and bringing them to Bakugou, who simply looks at you gently as he helps you arrange the toys on the edge of the bathtub. You jump excitedly, feeling impatient as the bathtub filling up feels like it's taking ages, looking at Bakugou with a pout. "Teddy bear, I can't do anything about it..." He says, stroking your head. You roll your eyes and pace around. The logical part of you is, well, sort-of aware of how childish you're being, so you try to tone it down a little. Though the longer you try to behave, the more it seems the bathtub is not filling fast enough and the more difficult it becomes to stay put.
You groan exaggaratedly, throwing your head back and staring at Bakugou, your face inches from him. "Y/N." He warns, briefly glancing at you before returning to tapping the tablet's screen. You let out an annoyed noise as you go around and peer over his shoulder, leaning up against him. Your hand reaches out to point at your favourite cartoon, which Bakugou humors by ruffling your hair then promptly positioning the tablet on the tablet-holder mounted on the wall.
"Happy?" He asks with a hint of irritation, but his eyes remain kind as he looks at you nodding your head, then gestures behind himself to the tub. "Your bath's ready, the towel, toys are here and you can watch your cartoon. Now be a good teddy bear and enjoy the bubble bath, yeah?" "Yeah!" You jump up enthusiastically, giggling. "Alright. I'll be right outside. If you need anything, just call out. Got it?" "Got it." "Great, good teddy bear. I'm proud of ya for being so well-behaved." You avert your gaze in embarrassment, smiling awkwardly as Bakugou leaves and closes the door.
You giddily skipped down the stairs, four plushies smothered in your arms as you quickly make your way to the couch in the living room and throw yourself on it, landing on three of the plushies, while the fourth falls to the floor. "Careful, sweetie, you might hurt yourself jumping around like that." Bakugou laughs, having grown a little more accustomed to your behaviour and feeling more receptive of your childishness.
He places down a bunch of food, snacks and some take-out he ordered whilst you were enjoying your bath, plopping down beside you and pulling a large blanket over the both of you. One of his arms reaches out and pulls you into is side, leaning his chin on the top of your head, letting out a long sigh.
Today was definitely exhausting for him, not being very good at remaining this calm for hours, but he was more than willing to do it for you.
He just prays the next time you won't be even more unruly.
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the-black-bulls · 1 month
For the headcanon game: How about Yuno?
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seeing a headcanon you disagree with and it kinda pisses you off
alright let's talk about The Boys.
- that he's dumb or dense or unwise or whatever, I've already made my point clear in this post
- that his feelings for sister lily are genuine, as in romantic, as in he's really in love with her, which... listen he's grown up with lily raising him and he immediately thought of her when he saw a mother with her children so I can only see his feelings as childish crush that was dragged for years because he's stubborn and nobody talked to him properly about it
- now for my favorite NO moment: "Asta Silva" - I don't really care if taking after his wife (noelle)'s surname makes sense, is appropriate, or just sounds nice, black clover is supposed to be a story about the magicless boy who fights against classism and proves himself as a peasant from forsaken realm, SO WHY, all of sudden, we're making him take after a royal's surname which will for sure make nobles and royals accept him for the wrong reasons which will eventually lead him to be known publicly as a royal and has his legend told in what sounds like "here's the story of the magicless peasant who befriends the devil, fights the evil, becomes the wizard king, marries the beautiful royal princess, and becomes a royal prince himself :)"
- LIKE. that's not... it's not what asta's story about, okay? I know in many people's cases they didn't think too hard about it, asta has no surname so he's going to take after noelle's surname, easy as that, but once you think about it more you just realize how much this will screw up with the story's main narrative, so I personally like to give him no surnames "Asta of Hage" since neither licita did and I find a poetic beauty in that (having him & noelle create a new surname such as "silvahage" is an option I like, though)
- imma add this one, but any future headcanon that has asta living with noelle in the silva grounds and not freaking hage is a big no in my book, sometimes being a couple of farmers who are also wizard king and clover princess is sexy and neat and fun, sometimes yuno pass by to babysit their ten or so kids because yuno, too, decides to live in hage because his home is where hage is
- that he's happy in the golden dawn
- that he thinks of the golden dawn as a family
- that he gets any meaningful support in the golden dawn
- . . .yeah, I just don't fuck with most headcanons that include yuno with the golden dawn, something I talked about in a previous post too so I'll link it here for those who are curious, it's a 2022 post tho not everything written represents my thoughts now
- outside of them, all these headcanon that mischaracterizes his relationship with asta by turning their rivalry into something more toxic deserves a place in hell
- also, that he shouldn't associate himself with spade kingdom, but while it's nice to see yuno's loyalty and dedication to his family first and clover kingdom second, I think exploring his roots and bonding with the people who spent decades praying for him would be a very mature thing from him to do, and whether he decides to rule spade kingdom at the end or not is a different topic (while we're at we do need to see yuno bond with the elves in elsiya as well c'mon let elf yuno bond with his people a bit!)
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kayrockerqog · 8 months
imma compress all my td2023 season two thoughts into one post, so spoilers below particularly for the final four/five episodes
Okay so, I can't be the only one who's super tired of Caleb by the end of the season, right? Like, no, I don't dislike him as a character necessarily, hell, we didn't have much to go off of for a GOOD while, and I'm certainly glad they actually gave him some substance. But like...really? Putting him in the FINALE? Extending his arc so long that it keeps PRIYA in until the final FOUR?? It just makes them both feel like they overstayed their welcome, especially when people like Damien, Zee and Raj got shafted in favour of their plotline, which was ultimately super exhausting compared to others. It also just felt a little...off, especially for Caleb's teammates in the finale basically being "Team Not Julia," that just felt...so sad. And not in a way that was really earned since he was super wishy-washy for the latter half of the game, especially after Damien was eliminated. Like girl how can you go from having nothing to having too much?? What is this, rags to riches? And just to get all of the kinda low points of the season IMO:
Damien was just straight up robbed, and his elimination left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth?? Like there ain't no way DAMIEN would be dumb enough and/or not paranoid enough to NOT take the idol with him to elimination, like, ON HIS PERSON. I don't care that it was hidden at the campfire, there is no way anyone with his personality, especially after saying he moves the damn thing like four times a day, would NOT KEEP IT ON HIM DURING THE CEREMONY!! That's just an unnecessary risk and it got him taken out. Also, Priya voting him out made DOUBLE no sense, like I get Wayne and Raj being sentimental and all but why would Priya vote him over someone else?? I'm still not over Zee's elimination either. Like, yeah, I get why, he spilled a bunch of tea about everybody, but did they just FORGET THE FIRST AND ARGUABLY MOST IMPORTANT BIT OF TEA??? THAT CALEB WAS FUCKING WITH PRIYA'S HEAD??? Why did they spare him of that? Caleb should've gotten more fucking consequences for not updating Zee on the development, especially when you made him PROMISE NOT TO SAY ANYTHING!!! However, there's a lot of good stuff too that I absolutely adored about the later episodes:
MK and Julia's farewell felt really fitting, even if I felt MK should've stayed over her, plus the hug??? the mutual respect??? Chef's commentary???? real. Raj and Wayne continue to be completely endearing, both with Raj's elimination and Wayne's obvious love and care for him even when he's not there. I mean FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, his worst fear at the time was having to compete AGAINST Raj instead of with him!!! How precious is that?? Plus the HUG????? RAJ'S FAREWELL?????? EVERYTHING ABOUT IT HAS ME SO GIDDY MAN!! "Bowie, get your dancing shoes!" me, being buried in a pile of the hearts swirling around my head and also just, Bowie in the finale being an icon, as usual, even if he isn't competing. His friendship with Wayne as a result of his relationship with Raj and how he's adapted to their ways of thinking is SO!!!!! GAH!!!!!! HE LEARNED THE HOCKEY TALK!!!!! IM WEAK!!!!!! And everyone on Wayne's team being so genuinely happy to support him, especially those I genuinely would not have expected to be there (Axel, Ripper, Chase) but when I think about it, it makes PERFECT sense, and I'm just,,, AGH!!!!! And while the final three and winner may not have been my first choices, I am ultimately pleased with the ending. Wayne winning makes up for the exhaustion of other plotlines in the season, and really, he played fair and square and won. Much as I wanted Julia to win, I'm glad he did.
now that ive actually seen all the episodes I'm gonna be,,, insane and reblog so much td stuff because obviously, so,, AND IF ANYONE WANTS TO ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS FEEL FREE!!! I WOULD LOVE TO TALK MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT MY THOUGHTS OF THE SEASON!!
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
this is a reminder to never, and i mean never, send in an ask like this to anyone that writes fanfics:
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now, imma be honest with yall, i'm not upset that they called me a "usless slut". tbh it's a first, so props to you for that.
but since we're both being so rude to each other, i figured you wouldn't mind me saying my peace.
i mean, you won't be able to reply, since i blocked you, but you know…. it's rhetorical.
idk how much internet you've consumed over your years of being chronically online, or how much fanfiction has rotted out the empty part of your skull where your brain used to be, but don't ever talk to ppl like that. idk if you thought you were just being funny, or if maybe you've been here before and have talked to me and thought "oh i can say this to her, she'll get it". no, i don't get it. and to be quite honest with you, i don't get how there was ever a thought in your mind that made you think this was totally okay.
what synapse fired in your brain to make you think this was a good statement to say to someone, serious or not? did you actively decide to be dumb today or is it more of a genetic thing?
i say all of this bc i saw your previous ask to me, which was simple and to the point: "plz update the chosen daughter series". that's a totally fine ask to send in. and if that's all you would have sent in, i would have just responded with "hey, i plan to post an update soon, but probably not til after new years". but now, just for you bestie, i'm gonna hold off on posting on that series for a while. i had other things in mind that i wanted to write anyway, but you really solidified my answer.
and i hope now, with you blocked, you have to go out of your way to read the story. i hope you never find out when i update it, and i hope the ending i make for that series pisses you off, just on spite :)
i write fanfictions for fun. it's a hobby of mine, not a job. and i've never promised a schedule of when i update, which is why it has taken me a long time to update any stories or fics i write. asking when i plan to post next is one thing, trying to insult me into posting more frequently is an entirely different thing which has never worked in the history of ever.
also, and i don't ever do this to anyone bc i just find it so asinine and silly, but it's *useless. as in "sending me this ask was useless bc now you're blocked". so…. you're 0 for 2 on that front, anon.
good luck next time tho.
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 10 months
BG3 Headcannons: Halsin's Daughter PT3 (Love Interests)
Hey hi, I'm back again for my nightly post! I dunno man, there's just something so therapeutic about writing out my ideas and stories and sharing them ❤️
✨️ Original post and related posts can be found here
So please note; all love interests are adults. I know some of these characters in the game are kids right now - this is like 10 years (ish. add more years if you like) after the events of BG3.
ALSO: I dont have a name for her yet - so imma just call her HD for right now. I would appreciate any suggestions for names.
Mol and Halsin's daughter would be the most chaotic power couple ever.
Double trouble and extremely mischeivious
Would probably accidently set the city on fire
Mol would be like "Oops. Well shit, thats my que to go" while running and dragging HD along
HD would probably be hysterically crying and exclaiming that she didn't think knocking over one small candle would set the whole city ablaze
10/10 would do a horribly planned bank heist; HD is definitely one to steal from the rich/evil and give to the poor. Also - she just can't help that she does like nice things.
Again: she's sweet but is definitely an asshole if you're deserving of it; don't be a dick and don't get on her bad side
They would be a couple that would like witty banter and insults - it's VERY flirtatious tho
The sweet book nerd couple
They would love to cuddle up next to the fireplace together and read
Arrabella would definitely be the more responsible one in the relationship
Likes to kiss each other's noses
Love language is giving each other small thoughtful gifts
They leave each other little love notes in their bags
Mol + Arabella (the polycule):
The balanced power team
They keep each other in check and out of trouble
Arabella is 100% the mom of the group; always prepared, always shooting down HD and Mol's dumb implusive plans
Mol is the captain of the dumb plans; HD follows
HD is the glue that binds them together
Cuddle piles <3
Every night is the best girl's night; it's like having a sleep over all the time
HD shows them love via making the best meals for them; always making sure that they have snacks in their bags
Example of convos:
M: I mean. . .it's a little crispy but they'll be okay.
M: Well. I thought throwing down grease would slow down the guards and klutz over there knocked over a candle
HD: It was an accident I swear! 😭
M: Dude you slipped in the grease and then grabbed onto the candle stand to try to save yourself; fell anways and kept slipping multiple times
Dammon: (Okay this is probably my favorite one. )
Met him when she went to Last Light Inn; he was there for his monthly visit to sell his wares
She was looking for a quiet place to hide and clean some of her cuts; not wanting to make her father worry about her losing control in wild shape. She's crying and freaking out a little bit - she just brutally tore apart a deer. It didn't need to die that way. She has no idea what came over her
Dammon had just come back from grabbing food in the Inn - when he could hear cryng in one of the animal stalls.
He finds here there, surprised. He nose and her cheeks are red from crying, tears are still welling up in her doe eyes. He notices she's covered in blood AND scars from her life in the underdark.
He grabs a warm damp rag and gently wipes her tears and the blood on her face. She begs him not to tell Halsin . He doesn't.
He grabs a blanket and wraps it around her. He sits next to her and tells her he's there to listen if she wants to talk
Normally she wouldn't speak of her problems to strangers, but something about Dammon's gentle tone and facial expression makes her spill her heart
From then on out; she makes sure to bring him his meals to his little forge; he works so hard that sometimes he forgets to eat
They get really close and their first kiss was very tender and sweet.
She playfully grabs one of his tools; he tells her to give it back but she giggles and runs behind his work table. He chases her around the table and catches her by the waist and places her on the table. (In my head, she's actually really small and petite, but her wildshapes are monsterous)
He hesitates a little bit but everything about her is just so damn cute. Not to mention she is absolutely beautiful. Her skin is perfect, a pale blue that makes her cheeks look bright and rosy when she blushes. She's batting her long eyelashes and looking at him with her doe eyes - the color of caramel. Her silver hair is half up but small pieces are perfectly framing her face.
Dammon swears she could be a drow princess. She's perfection.
He goes for it; even though he may get a threat or two from Halsin
How does Halsin feel about her and her possible love interests:
I aint gonna lie the man is probably super over protective of her
She may be an adult (an old lady even) in human years; but is essentially still considered a young and naive child to elves.
He more than likely is this protective because he feels like he's failed her; He wasn't there for most of her life and because of that she was subjected to the worst tortues and abuse
His blood boils when he thinks about her mother selling HD's body for political gain and favors
If they were ever out and about and someone was eyeing her or getting a little too flirtatious, they would recieve a death glare from him
He refuses to let anyone ever take advantage of her again
Okkkaaay. That's all I have for tonight! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Feel free to add other possible love interests to this <3 I love interacting with ya'll!
Also again: please send name suggestions otherwise she may just be called HD lmaaaoo
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
it’s me again! haha calling me “odor anon” made me laugh as much as the foot fetish gif!🤣 i forgot i should have said “it’s me…pee anon!” so you would know i was back again!👋🏻😂
i didn’t have much time earlier when i sent my message asking about the smell thing. i had just quickly sneaked on to check momma’s tag and speed read your new post.. so that’s why it was so short, ‘cause i was rushing to get my ask sent before i had to log off, hoping you would be on here at some time before i got back on tonight😭
OK so i have another question lol! so sometimes you call maggot momma ‘she’ and sometimes you call her ‘it’.. is this on purpose?
i was reading your long post again…the one inspired by mommy kink.. and in it you switch between ‘she’ n ‘it’ freely. so for example.. sometimes reader will be ‘hers’ but other times reader is ‘its’. or sometimes you’ll say ‘her hand’ and others you’ll say ‘its face’ etc.
so i was wondering if there was a reason for the switching between both? (that i’m missing because i’m dumb) or if it’s just something you hadn’t even thought about?😁
Ohhh well then, hey there and welcome back! 😄🥰
I guess that makes you...pee-odor anon then? 😅
Oh that´s okay, no need to rush at all! I do check in on my tumblr multiple times a day, especially since I´ve started writing about Maggot Mommy in greater detail. So if there´s a new ask I usually answer it right away (if I can). 😊
Although, Imma start working again on tuesday so I might not have as much time as I do now ´cause work sucksssss. 🥹
Also, pls don´t worry about an ask being too short or anything like that, really. I´m happy to receive any ask, no matter if it´s a full paragraph or a short sentence. It gives me the chance to gush and obsess about Maggot Momma and her certain someone and, ofc, there´s a real chance any new ask might just turn into the next installment of what-the-actual-fuck. 😜
So yall, don´t be shy, lemme know your kinks and quirks...
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As for your question, I´m so glad you asked. 😈
Because yes, me switching between her/she and it is on purpose for multiple reasons.
As yall know, I see Maggot Momma as animalistic, feral being which acts on instincts more than anything else, is driven by them. Her deceased, rotten brain is just wired differently (meaning: she thinks her precious Drama Queen was meant for her and they belong together and she wants to climb into them and she thinks a certain someone is just as besotted with her as she is with them and-) and whenever I wanna show what´s going on in that rotten brain of hers, I use she/her. Basically Maggot Momma´s POV.
Now, imagine finding yourself in that situation - being hunted down, clawed at, sniffed at, licked like a lollipop, smothered, used as a humping pillow and-
(Doesn´t sound so bad though, does it? 🙈)
And all of that happens all day, every day and It looks like the walking dead and limbs get sent flying on a regular basis and there´s always this fear that It might just get tired of you after all and any day could be your last because you have no idea what´s going on in that rotten brain.
So, whenever I use "it" that means the story is being told from a certain someone´s POV.
Switching between "she/her" and "it" is basically me trying to show and clarify that there´s a distance - physical and emotional (more so emotional though cause Momma does as she damn well pleases and personal space wha-?) - between Maggot Momma and a certain someone. Because we have to remember that, while you as a reader do know what´s going on in Momma´s brain, they don´t.
When I write I focus mostly on the animalistic, unhinged nature of Maggot Momma and how someone would, realistically, react to that. So me using "it" means I want to stress that feral nature of hers.
Also, I rarely use actual conversation in my posts, as you might have noticed. What I do instead is trying to describe a situation as you would experience it yourself. Always keeping in mind that Maggot Momma and a certain someone have quite the different mindsets...
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If you got any more questions I´ll be happy to answer them all. 😊
And now Imma get back to that rather full bladder of a certain someone...poor thing indeed.
Until then! 🤗
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depraved-gf · 9 months
Can I vent? Imma vent. I think you might appreciate the change of all sex stuff. Maybe.
So this is a very old wound, but it still bleeds every now and then. Back ground, I was the weird kid at school. I've always been kind of a loner. And I've always wanted my own "Tumblr girl" story. I met a girl on here and we just clicked. We became best friends, wed talk on a daily basis and spent around 6 hours on the phone once. I fell deeply in love got her, and I will admit; what happened next was completely my fault. I was selfish and dumb, I wanted my romantic version of her to be real and fall for me. I told her I liked her and she didn't like it, she Also had a boyfriend back then. Said we had never met. Oh, yes. That's right. Forgot to mention that. I lived in Mexico, and she was from the UK. Anyway, back then I would use Tumblr a lot more. And had my private blog where I would vent. I had a shit load of posts about her, might have been a tad bit obsessed. But being a Scorpio thats kinda like it is. Well, she somehow found it and freaked out. She asked me to never talk to her again and we'll; we talked about it and tried to fix things but the damage was done and she didn't want anything else to do with me. One year later she blocked me on every social media and her phone. My world came crashing in, and even tho I could have made other accounts and stalk her, I knew she didn't want that. So I didn't. I dealt with my anxiety on my own. How could someone who had seen how much they meant to me, do that? A few years passed and she sent me a message through xbox (we used to play for hours together). She asked me why I had done all of those things. When she sent me that message I had my head in a whole different space, and I missed the message. Could I have fixed things? (Should I also mention she used to read my erotic stories? The last story I gave her to read was one that was CNC, kinda hardcore.) She ended up blocking me because I insisted on being friends. There was a lot I could have done differently. But yeah. That. low key, Still wish she sends me another message one day.
I wanna let you have this space to vent. I hear you and I see you <3 If you need advice or an unbiased perspective, I'm gonna give it below, but feel free to ignore if you just needed that space. :)
The answer to your question? Maybe. Maybe you could've fixed things, and maybe she'll reach out again. There's really no telling since we can't read her mind.
If she sent you a message years later even asking for clarification, she might pop up again one day. But it's most important that you let her have that space to come back if/when she wants. If you were a little pushy or insistent, along with having a private blog about her and she found it... It can cause some really scary and uneasy feelings, even if you meant well.
But I really wanna address the question: "how could someone who had seen how much they meant to me do that?"
The thing is, she doesn't owe you anything regardless of your feelings to her. I know it feels unfair, especially when feelings are unrequited. I empathize greatly with this and I know how downright painful it can be. I've been there. I'm still blocked by someone I once adored but fucked up with. Ultimately, we both made someone feel uncomfortable and they had the right to block us. And unfortunately, we have to be okay with that.
But again, and I can't stress this enough - let her come to you, baby. By doing this, you her know that her boundaries are respected by you.
Still, overall, I hope you're taking care of yourself. Never forget that you deserve to be taken care of. Go out, get into some really rad new hobbies, sniff some flowers, enjoy time with any friends of family you may have. Take it one day at a time.
Whether you reconcile with this girl or not, there will be other loves that light your soul on fire, maybe even moreso than you've ever before experienced. You're gonna be alright ♡
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urpaperboy · 2 years
Ramble all your rambles about Charlie and Haydin if you have em I beg of you *gets on my knees and prays for you to bring your light down to me*/lh
omg u just unleashed a monster cause I HAVE A LOT!!
OKAY OKAY i have like a lot of stuff !! So imma make them like points
I made a Comic today of Little Haydin and Little Charlie and came up with an idea of a Nickname Charlie would’ve given Haydin, its Hayds!!
Sitting at the top of apartment complex just to examine the city and stars feels like something they would do together (Haydin has a thing for Stars :])
You know that yellow clock ride they have over at Chuck E. Cheese?? The one that goes up and then back down, Yeah I had this thought that Charlie would get on it just to prove something to Haydin, poor dude gets stuck and Haydin is just standing there laughing. But dw he helps him out after
They’d probably also just keep some of the tokens from there to themselves
The moment Chuck comes out for that mini dance party for the little kids, Haydin looks at Charlie with a smirk and say “AWHH CHARLIE.. DIDNT KNOW YOU HAD A CLONE” with Charlie telling him to shut up and just covering up his mouth quickly just out of sheer embarrassment.
Funny thing I talked to somebody about: Charlie does the whole “would you still love me if I was worm?” to Haydin and he’d just respond with leaving for a moment only to come back with some worm costume and say “Put this on and then we’ll see” (Spoiler Alert: He loves it)
If it wasn’t obvious, Haydin is taller than Charlie, So imagine the amount of times Haydin would pick on him for being short (tho I think Charlie would enjoy that–/j../hj?)
Haydin used to live with a Horrible family so, he either lied about going to some other friends house or snuck out to Charlie’s House just to hang out with him (Haydin’s Family have like a DEEP HATE for him)
Depending on what activity Haydin’s parents had him doing, if there was some sort of presentation, Charlie would go and just support his best friend and probably give a gift after the presentation in secret
STILL CHARLIE FINDING SOMETHING TO COMPARE HAYDIN’S EYES TO AND THEY COME OUT DUMB BUT CUTE, Haydin is just thinking “He’s stupid but so goddamn adorable.”
The whole writing notes to each other in a classroom they are in together AND STILL DOING IT WHEN THEIR ADULTS,, sighhhhh yeah <33
Okay also stupid of me to do but i had like some ship name for them…… Caydin/Harlie-.
If Charlie is a stinky boy, Haydin throws him into a bathtub with a bunch of bubbles and just says “You’re not coming out of there until I see a beam of light reflect off of you.”
Charlie have any ripped piece of Clothing? Haydin comes in with a sewing kit and sews it up quickly.
When Haydin had long hair, it felt like Charlie could lay his head on his and just take a tiny nap, they were nice
Okay uh lemme put an affectionate type one, they both just kiss each others scars, big or small. No matter what happened they’re both just happy to have one another. <33
Haydin has a new redesign (will post eventually) and he has shorter hair now. I like to think that in the hopes that if he ever ran into Charlie again once he went back to the city, he’d look like a super badass best friend.
Charlie’s pet name for the lis is Casper/Cas, i like to think that when Haydin heard it the first time, he sorta just stood there like “should I think this is cute and just say I wanna make out or think this is just him being him??”
Haydin’s form of flirting would be either “your looking submissive and breedable ” or literally any flirty like in Spanish since that is his second language but when he’s serious about something, he just compliments Charlie and ramble about everything he loves about him.
You and I by d4vd is a them song tbh
Uh,,, yeah if it isn’t noticeable i love them so much,,, i love haydin SO SO MUCH…. and im happy to see people like him as well <33
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imnotreal-png · 6 months
>:) -- Entry 1
OK i just smoked a joint after i wrote the date and now im kinda chillin but imma still yap on dis hoe.
I am a loser. Like a huge loser, okay? Like im not dumb or wtv, i may have reached a weird and insane level of self awareness, but im just as much of a loser as anyone else.
I keep catching myself trying to people please and overstepping my boundaries and justifying it with "oh everyone else does it, so what, its normal" like ok dumb bitch that doesn't make it okay, get a grip.
But i will be yapping away abt alot of stupid bullshit i deal with and stupid things make me sad. I am very well aware that I am irrational, but these are things i feel in those moments that i always hold in because i don't want people 2 see that weak side of me. It's embarrassing and it's not me.
In truth, i have nooo idea what i'm doing. I have 0 clue on where i'll be in the future. I didn't think i'd make it this far and not on some suicidal shit (idk if u can say that word here, oops.), i just genuinely thought that i'd somehow perish?? Like i wasn't really real in some weird way. I just didn't exist. Even though i was always the center of drama or the cause of all things chaotic, i was always misunderstood. god that's so fucking cringe but hear me out.
I always said shit that i believed was clear enough to be understood and yet it wasn't. Even my tone apparently has been rude this entire time. But no one would actually tell me how i come off, they just ate it up in silence and then spaz on me. Even now i don't really understand because i truly believe i am very clear on what im saying. Yet it's still...not seen the way im trying to show it? Idk if im making any sense bruh but whatever. Maybe im narcissistic but no one understands my brain the way i attempt to express it...or i guess how i see it. Idk i guess im just frustrated that no one understands me or gets my brain.
Also it's super cringe when people tell me im mature for my age. Literally eat my shit. actual ick. get away from me.
I hate my mom. She hates me too but she hates me bc I'm not the pussy she wishes she was when she was my age. She's the most childish person i know. I genuinely do not care what she thinks of me whatsoever. She's just power hungry and immature. Actually, I don't even hate her, i just hate that she gets to have all this power over me. I just want my freedom, thats it. She can hate my lifestyle or whatever the fuck, as long as im not living with her. At the end of the day, im truly content with who i am as a person and my moral compass etc, she cant affect that. I just need to have my own space and leave her household to finally be free and actually experience life in a comfortable and more peaceful way. I guess that's all i can say rn. I just wish she would respect my boundaries and stop treating me like im her competition and she'll always be superior. She won't and i cannot wait for the day she finally see's that lol.
!! super irrational moment alert !!
LMAO this is super cringe but like when i started music i put "listen 2 my moozik" in my bio bc we say muzik in albanian but americans wud have 2 read it as moozik to get it right + its funny? Ever since i started rlly getting exposure and performing out there, all these NON SLAVS/BALKANS have started putting it in their bio's 🙄 like be fr, its sooo obvious (at least to me). And now some of these mfs i've interacted w startes stealing my lingo and the way i type [this isn't how i type when i txt friends. its worse and i shorten everything in a miserable way cuz its funny] and it's cute at first but now mfs on social media posting the way i do and talking the way i do. [insert side eye bc yeah] and it's kinda cringe cuz they're actually rlly shallow and mainstream people, they just look like they trying 2 hard to be quirky. lol.
im probably tweakin tho idk.
i wish i grew up with art. i wish my parents had that and were able to introduce it to me. I feel like a fraud when i try to be creative and do things. Even with making music. As much as i enjoy it and love it and it really does make me happy, it feels fake. I can't play any instruments, i can't sing, im far from a good writer, fuck if know anything abt music theory...i literally just click buttons and make sounds on my computer lol. I didn't grow up indulging in art and creativity, i was actually always super bad at it. I wish i had a deeper connection with it. I wish i understood it better. I wish i expressed it better. I wish my ideas were my own. I want to be able to create something that is truly mine without feeling like im a fake.
UHHHH so imma just come on here and vent whenever i feel like i have something i need 2 say. This is intended for the void, if u come across it...cringe.
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gavinsmg24 · 2 years
Good morning baby. You may like more thru the day! But! Considering you liked the. Meh feeling post! Imma address that! Rawr!
Somethings been being down my! Princess! MY H ! I cant allow this to go on without giving you attention!
So! There’s a few things I’ll guess and give vague responses too then finish it with some pure love!
So! Could be family thoughts. I know that may be a stressful thought! Just so you know. (Not trying to do anything giving you info. But. I’m prolly going to Ohio to see fam may 19th ish. Like. Maybe 18th-20 something. Anyways
Family is annoying! And hard to handle. But also of course there’s always the feeling of. I wanna talk to at least some family. But even that can be hard. Point being! You’ve got this! Worst case is that you truly cut them off but hopefully they’ll act wise and treat you like the adult you are and have been!
If it’s your partner unfortunately I cant do much besides promise you a future us! Or at least highly be okay with it 🥺 heheh. But of course that’s down the road. And we’re talking here and now!
If they’ve upset you like they have been grrr. That’s so dumb! You’re a catch! Also! Speaking from experience of us. Yelling sucks but also is it happening for good reasons? We had our fair share of good n bad reasons. But! Based on what I’ve heard the upsets have mostly been dumb! And I don’t want you in a bad place. So don’t let yourself get stuck! Bcuz you never are. You can always do anything! I believe in you! And one day I’ll be fully ready to take care of myself. And someone else 🙈 sooo! Hope you’re getting ready to do the same! Of course you are with someone but you know what I mean. I hope your growing individually too!
You also could just be feeling depressed or disassociating type feelings. If that’s the case. Just don’t think! Only share my finishing thoughts!!
I’ve just made breaky. And of course I’ll share! I’ll even put some cheese on it for you 🥺. Bacon of course! Enough slices for you to take all of mine if your hungry 😝. And tots! Yum! But! Quick! Grab the bong babygirl! 🙈 we’re gonna hit n feel good! Once your full imma lift your shirt up and give you belly kisses. You won’t be able to be upset after that! Then I’d lay down and you’d crawl next to me. I’d pet your head and give you kisses. Finally just hold your waist and you hold onto my arm 🥰
Soon you won’t even need to read this to smile! Bcuz you’ll seek out your own smiles! 🥰 mwah! Best of luck to you!! I’m smoking and eating now 🥺
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adhdvane · 3 years
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realizing the ascension uncap requires 300 urns not 100
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spaceoceania · 5 years
My Chemistry teacher: *recommends me to go into Chemistry Honors*
Me: *fucks up one of the simplest things about naming covalent and ionic bonds in the Warm-Up*
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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