#old fic repost
calliedion-dungeon · 1 year
🜏The beastly ones are in command
Read on ao3 here <<<
Mary Goore has a Poltergeist attached to them
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: Mary Goore is contacted by a Parapsychologist regarding of the events that have been developing during his entire life, throughout the interview, Mary will recount strange events that have affected those around him and in some cases destroyed others, but the entity never seems to hurt him, only those who have wronged him.
Warning: Mary Goore - Poltergeist,Implied/References Child Abuse. Rated Mature Please mind the tags
As the sun hides between the clouds, like a child who hides his face with the sheets so that the shadow that peeks out of the closet does not see it, so we are all, at the end of the day, skeptics and believers, we are those children, those who do not want to see because they believe, always end up seeing by suggestion and those who do not believe desperately want to see in order to believe.
Or maybe one says that none of those sightings are true, those unexplained events do have some explanation that escapes our comprehension, we deny it even if we do see it in front of our eyes, we deny it just so we don’t look stupid. Suddenly, it takes more guts to believe after all.
Stepping on the tail of his cigarette that was already about to die out, Mary takes one long look to the building in front of them, since it was a rainy day, the air was pleasant, the gray building seems melting dripping water through the rain gutter splashing on the ground, his hair is damp, his leather boots protects them from the rain but not from the cold, however the sweater under the leather jacket was doing wonders, his lower limbs are getting a little stiffer, so they better get in the establishment.
It was the fickle finger of faith that lead them into that place, specifically in the department of paranormal studies at a university, he felt a little out of his element in the campus, even so, the desire to tell his experience when they made a call to all those who have had paranormal experiences was too irresistible to him, so, the best case is that this is going to be the longest afternoon of their life, the worse is that it will be the quickest interview ever, in case nobody believed them, like always.
No long after, they were standing in an office, that look more like a psychologist’s, the lady that was leading the research project was sitting in her desk, she had light, almost whitish eyes, naturally reddish hair, tied up in a ponytail, and introduces herself as Diana Ramirez, senior lecturer in psychology and a member of the Parapsychology Unit.
“I am so pleased to have you here; would you kindly take a seat?” she offers him something to drink, while Mary sits on a very fluffy long sofa “Now, I’m going to tape this interview like we said on the phone, so we can begin with you saying out loud your name, age, how did you found out about us and start from there, any questions?” asks the young lady, taking a look to Mary as he gets comfortable on the sofa, she didn’t know what to expect as to what he looked like, on the phone she just was surprise by how young he sounded.
“Can I smoke in here?” she looks a little confused at first, but extends a smile and hands him a small plate that could serve them as an ashtray even if it wasn’t one.
“I’ll just open a window a little if you don’t mind” she does so, and he removes his jacket and lights a cigarette, getting comfortable on the sofa, shortly after he lights one cigarrette.
“a’ight it’s kinda warm in here” Now both sitting comfortably on their seats, Diana prepares to start recording, an unknown wave of nerves invades Mary, that almost never happens, like he’s nervous to speak boldly for once.
“You can start now” she says as she hits the button of the little artifact on the desk, while she gives a reassuring smile.
“Uhh, my name’s Mary Goore, I’m somewhere in my twenties… ok, 25 years of age, I knew about this because one of my buddies studies philosophy around here” Mary says with a little tremble in their voice, feeling a little off.
“Good, why did you decide to come here today?” she asks while looking around her desk for something, she mutters to herself where her pen got.
“It’s in the second drawer, between the pages of a purple notebook” she looks up to him, arching an eyebrow, slowly she opens the second drawer, where she left the notebook earlier, opens it and finds her favorite pen, now this is going to be an interesting interview.
“How did you know that?” Diana asks instinctively, even if she can guess the answer.
“Something told me” he makes a tender smile, feeling more at ease, it’s all about to sense if he can prove that what he will say it’s true.
“Does that happen often?” she says, opening her notebook and clicking her pen loudly.
“Yes, I was the nightmare of any tutor, I always found the Christmas presents wherever they were” they share a little smile to one another.
“How does it come to you? An image, maybe voices?” the pen makes sound as it dances around the paper, Diana doesn’t look down to see what she’s writing.
“I… in my mind it’s like the image of the object and a path to follow of where it is and is surrounded in darkness” Mary closes their eyes trying to remember if it was always like that.
“You mention a tutor, where you adopted?” Mary clench his fist above his thigh.
“Never officially, I bounced from home to home, from family members to foster parents, everyone passed me to another relative like a hot potato” Mary chuckles a little, but there’s no joy in the sound.
“What about your parents, did you know them?” she asks as delicately as she can.
“Can’t remember, they told me it was better that way, I only have scars, on my legs, arms and back and this…” they raise the hair on their forehead, showing a cross-shaped mark on the hairline “If I scratch it too much it bleeds, wanna see?” he says amused.
“N-no, it’s quite alright, thank you” she says hastily, a little disturbed, looking down at her notebook, writing with a shaky hand. Diana clears her throat “So… what is your earliest memory of a manifestation?”
“When I was like four, maybe younger, I remember balls and some toys floating around like right in front of me, it never hit me, the things that flew out always hit others, although there weren't many people, I was alone a lot” He said as he took out a small package from his leather jacket, along with negative film roll “I have photographs with the negatives, you can test it, it always appears as a hand, like this one, behind the furniture there was a wall, and in this you can see the hand coming out of the earth, always making sound with their long nails” He shows her the photographs spreading them on the desk, she takes them with great interest, takes the roll of negative film directly from his hands. The pictures looked harmless at first, but then after a short scan to it, it certainly looked like a hand, a hand, peeking from impossible places, dark, of inhuman proportions, with an unknown texture, the closest thing that comes to mind is like a tree bark, however nothing in it seemed to be rough to the eye, even in the photograph you can perceive the movement in which it was captured.
“I see… Most people are not so sure of telling an anecdote like this, I assume that because you have proof, you feel so sure. So other people have seen the phenomena with you?” Diana asks, hardly taking her eyes off the pictures, she feels enraptured by them.
“A handful, only the hand when I was with other kids at school, most people just feel its presence and maybe that is why people avoid me” he says as he sits back on the sofa, stretching his arms on each side of the back.
“Where you teased as a child?” words leaving her lips slowly, she asks because in the pictures nobody is near him “Bullied?” the other children in the group pictures didn’t even looked in his direction, except when they were pointing out at the monstrous hand growing from the dirt.
“Yeah, a lot, kids and adults alike, why?” it seems Mary didn’t think of it as much “Does it matter?”
“It depends on certain aspects of your life, I will be certain at the end of this, emotions are more important than we can think of, it varies from one manifestation to another and of course, how do you relate to it” Diana explains while she moves on her seat again.
“That makes more sense then…” Mary says after blowing smoke to the window “Most of my life, I had felt full of anger, or sad, rejected, segregated, when someone bullied me at school, I almost never defended myself and I regret it, but I always had that feeling of wanting to explode, to ravish all of them, but instead I only sat there shaking somewhere waiting for that accumulated energy to leave me” they conclude wetting his lips looking at the floor.
“Go on…” Diana encourages.
“At home, wherever the fuck that was, I would look at this figure coming out of the corner of my room, it was all dark, and it was looking at me, with white eyes, it was as tall as the ceiling, sometimes it seemed to crouch because it did not fit in the room, as the years passed it looked more human, I know because it always reached out its hand to take mine, just like in the first picture” they say pointing at the ceiling of the office like they can envision the figure where they seat.
In the photo he mentions, he’s seen as a boy in a group photo of his classroom, he has his hand raised and the huge rotten-looking hand peeking out from the edge of the photo taking the hand of the little boy with the absent expression.
“The things that happened at home were various, nothing that had not been heard before, things that fell, people that had accidents, voices in empty rooms, I sleepwalked every night, during that I said things that were yet to happen, I also threatened everyone when I was in that state, about how everyone would pay for what they did once the time is come, you know, the usual” they laugh openly, like they where just waiting to tell that to somebody.
Diana looks up wide-eyed, hoping what she heard was a joke. It wasn’t, yet they laughed at it.
“Has anyone ever been hurt?” she put off asking that as long as she could, from the progression of the narrative it seemed like the right moment.
“It’s a long list, better get comfortable” Mary says with a smile “Once I had a little boyfriend when I was twelve years old, he also wanted to be a musician, but it bothered him that I played better and wrote my own shit, he said so himself, one day he broke up with me over the phone and told me that I had only been a bet, it turns out that bet it was with the girl he was cheating on me with, two days later he was hit by an empty car, in a driveway, he hurt his back and arm so badly that he couldn't play anymore” no laugh this time, only puffing smoke in the air.
“Did he…?” Diana asks nervous leaning forward to her desk.
“Oh! He’s alive, don’t worry. Just nobody could figure how the car moved by itself, and I was so fucking angry and devastated at the time, I cried for years for him…” he scratches his hair remembering the incident.
“On another occasion, an idiot from school was kicking a poor dog, I stepped in to stop him, they ended up kicking me on the ground among many people until I lost consciousness, the dog was able to escape, but not for long, the next day it died, I looked at that idiot with hate every day, until I myself could see when one of those huge neon lights fell on his head when he was walking down the stairs, I thought about the unlikely chances of that happening, from me capturing that moment, and that it fell only to him just as he passed” as he tells the story, his eyes change, as if he were transported back to that moment, this happens in all the anecdotes.
“Very unlikely, I agree…” says Diana “So it’s been only accidents, that you witness?” she asks encouraging them to continue.
“Not always, those who could live to tell about it, say they managed to see me close, and a red flash before the accident happened” they say a little bit too loosely.
“Who didn’t live to tell?” if she wasn’t nervous before.
“That one’s a longer list” Mary rubs his hands on his arms careful not to burn himself with the cigarette “My grandmother, the short time I lived with her, beat me constantly, despite being a child, because I had to pay for my stay at her house, she saw many of the common manifestations, after being scared one time she fell from a stair, she broke many parts of her body, in those I was not at home. When I was taken from her custody, her kidneys ruptured and she died in the hospital after days of agonizing pain. I heard that the fluid they drained from her was dark, it didn't look like normal urine, and her mouth was so full of infections and inflamed, as if she were decomposing before she died” even Mary looks disturbed by that one.
“Once outside the school, some girls beat me up, they were much bigger, they dragged me out into the street so that no one would hear, because the spring dance was taking place inside the school, while after the leader got tired of kneeling me in the fucking nose, the others threw me into a garbage can, then a car passed at high speed, it raised a few stones, they shot out like bullets, the leader fell to the ground, they say it was like a bullet to the head, the others ended up very fucked up, but alive, while the trash can protected me, again... what were the chances?” frowning, Mary takes the cigarette to his lips, but doesn’t inhale “I’ll admit, not proudly, that I was glad that happened, I remember going to the funeral, walked up to her body and whispered ‘everything is paid in this life’ and… Somebody told me her mother died shortly after, she was her favorite daughter…” silence fills the room for a moment, even she stops writing.
“Do you mind if I do a little test while you talk?” Diana speaks to take them out of their thoughts “It’s an aura reading machine” Diana takes out a device that connects to the computer, it looks like a box with some buttons with a palm-shaped figure on top, she makes a hand gesture to sit on the chair on the other side of the desk.
“Sure, just let me…” he takes one last puff before squeezing the rest on the plate.
“Place your hand on top of this sensor, it takes the energy that you emit, this is the camera, now, if you have another anecdote to share, keep your hand still, ok?” she presses the buttons to start the lecture “When you finish, stay still and make a pause so I can capture and interpret your energy”
“Got it, doctor” they say rubbing their eyes “Sorry…” they scratch their eyes again but with the collar of the shirt, the itching from not sleeping during the day as usual is bothering them.
“There was this teacher, who had something against me, I was able to prove it, she was going to fail me and I asked the director to help me, we were able to verify that the teacher erased my answers from the exams to give me a bad grade; sometime later, she told her students that when she went to the bathroom, everything she shat was black as oil, at first it sounded funny, until she said she wasn't hungry anymore, but even so, she was able to go to the bathroom constantly, she found out she had ruptured an ulcer, of which she never had any symptoms and she was digesting her own blood until the internal bleeding was too much to control, she passed away in the hospital shortly after I graduated”
After telling the story, Mary looks directly at the camera, not speaking and a little smirk crawls from the corner of his lips. The young doctor feels a chill on her back, seeing the progression of the photographs she is taking, she sees magenta waves on the sides of his body, almost in the shape of wings, hovering on his head there is a black wave, in some photos they appear as if they were limbs that surround him, either to protect him or to catch him, that remains to be seen, Diana suppresses a gasp and instead of saying something, swallows saliva. Being the professional that she is, she does not intend to hide any discovery from him.
Immediately she notices that he must be a great observer, with the things he has learned from his experiences, while looking at him through the screen, without knowing why, she does not dare to see him directly, since his eyes have become so dark that you can barely see the white area in them, not only does she feel observed, she feels intimidated with her pitch black eyes, the screen begins to have interference and some threads of blood can be seen running through his face, the dark tendrils expand across the screen covering almost the entire image except him, it seems that there’s only him in the void in front of her, looking at her with a ferocious expression as if he were about to jump on her.
“Doctor?... Doctor?... Doctor!” He snaps her out of the screen, he was standing in front of her one of his hands almost reached her “What the fuck just happened?” he enquires in a calm tone, sitting down again.
“Did you see it?” she asks, trying to suppress how upset she is.
“Not right now, by your face I sense that you have” Mary says “Does it look different from what I described? It changes as years go by, like I said” they smile at the doctor, genuinely interested in what she might think of them now.
“I'm not sure yet, I only saw you, but it wasn't you, it was something else... I felt something horrible, yet comforting, like a boundless emptiness that wrapped me for a second, like flying over a precipice without fear of falling while the world falls together with me, I saw its core and it didn't scare me as much as I thought seeing it would, it will happen to all of us, I don't know how to explain myself better” Diana describes looking back to the screen, where the image went back normal again “Do you want to keep going?”
“I’m perfectly fine, maybe it’s you who should take a break, doctor” they say laughing, looking a lot more relaxed.
“Don’t mind me. If you let me, can I do a little polygraph test?” the doctor asks as she disconnects everything from the previous test.
“I’m down for it” then she begins to fix the cables, which she connects to the computer like the previous test, and takes out the famous polygraph with the paper and the needles that draw the signals, Mary looks very amused to all the artifacts, they had always wanted to do one of those tests, Diana announces that she’s going to strap the sensors to their torso “Careful, doctor, you break it, you buy it” they joke lightly, getting a chuckle form her.
“You’ve told me about, family and school, what about working places in your adulthood?” the doctor speaks as she sits again, and finally clamps their fingers with the sensor, Mary moves their fingers tapping on the desk. They first start the polygraph by doing the same questions when the interview started, answering the same.
“Has somebody ever mistreat you at a job?” she continues to ask.
“In my first two jobs, there was intimidation, only by direct bosses, in both they also forced me to resign, I was a loader in both places, after I left the business almost disappeared, they failed to such an extent that entire franchises were reduced just one venue”
“There was this girl, Emily, I really liked her, we worked in a bookstore, like I said I was just in the warehouse carrying boxes, she suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder and couldn't get on with the day if she didn't organize the shelves in alphabetical order, our boss yelled at her a lot in front of the customers rushing her to finish and that she didn't care that she had a problem, I could hear her crying and the anger in me build up in seconds, I wanted to do something with all my strength, when I approached to tell what I thought to that horrible woman, part of the ceiling fell next to her, making a hole in the floor, when everyone left the area because of what happened, the bookcases on the boss's desk began to fall without explanation, a girl end up trapped between a bookcase and a table, she didn't get hurt, we both quit soon after, but Emily had so many things to worry about in her life that I didn't make a move on her” Mary sighs after telling that story, a bit melancholic.
“Nobody died in your past jobs?” she asks scribbling on the notebook.
“Yeah, two employees of the first, and the owner of my second job, along with half of the staff, but I don’t know the details of what happened to them” they rearrange position in their chair.
“And the boss that yelled at the girl? Nothing happened to her?” the doctor asks.
“Her favorite son tried to commit suicide, but I didn’t link that to what is happening to me, still sad tho” Mary concludes watching of the test machine paper roll to the floor.
“Have you had other jobs?” Diana proceeds to take a sip of water without loosing focus on the machine.
“This happened in a bar where we played at, even for me that was weird, something I hadn’t seen before, one day me and the band arrived at the place and they had closed temporarily because everything was flooded, it was on a terrace, there was no other floor above, and there was no pipes in the ceiling, it hadn't rained, nobody could explain why everything was soaked in water, they never found the source, many objects and seats in the bar were ruined because mold grew overnight. We thought that someone brought the water but in fact it was found to be falling from the ceiling, even so it was not found where it came from exactly” Mary looks to the window and says.
“Ain’t a little late now?” says Mary realizing that the interview should’ve lasted an hour and have been nearly four.
“Gosh! I didn’t notice the time” Diana takes her phone, looking how many notifications she has and didn’t know “Do you think you can come some other day?” she proposes to Mary still with phone in hand.
“Don’t know, I’m not use to staying up during the day…” he says scratching the back of his head smiling “But hey! Aren’t you going to tell me my results?” he asks tapping his fingers on the desk, making noise because of the sensors that hang on his fingers.
“Sure, it’s not very deep yet, but here’s what I could gather for today, just remember this isn’t conclusive” she gets up to help Mary to take off the sensors on the torso “Regarding your situation, there is definitely some kind of entity attached to you, I cannot identify what type, but it does not seem to be something that is hurting you, this being is linked to your emotions, all those grudges, that pain and anger, that desire to... I wouldn't call it justice, more like a punishment” taking away all the wires from them, she also adds…
“What seems peculiar to me is how it seems that you can even handle it, use it to your advantage through remote vision, telekinesis, even send this entity to other people” she says surprised “That agrees with the tests I have done on you, the colors of your aura, they presented to me that you are someone quite anti-establishment, independent, a good heart, you’re honest with yourself and everyone, so, what you have told me is true”
“Damn right it is!” Mary says proudly “But don’t tell about the good heart shit” they say more coyly, the doctor only smiles.
“Don’t worry about it, just as a note, to learn to forgive and let go, may help with the severity of those manifestations, I know you wish to make things right, just don’t let it drag you down” She comments more as personal advice than part of the study she is doing, since she’s not so sure how many precautions Mary has taken to be more cautious with their situation.
“I know that, I’ve learned to control more my mood and stuff, making music it’s the main thing that helps me, I write what I see in my dreams” they say nodding and smiling, more serious than before.
“Really? What kind of music do you make?” Diana asks curious, looking into their eyes.
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golden1u5t · 5 months
patched up | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ genre: smut heavy make out ses
ꨄ summary: spencer had gotten hurt while on a case and it was up to you to patch him back up, which wouldn’t have been an issue if the tension between you wasn’t so thick.
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“you’re really stupid, you know that?” you state as you grabbed the bottle of hydrogen peroxide. spencer let out a chuckle that quickly turned into a low groan when you lifted his shirt and poured a good amount of the peroxide on his stab wound. his head tips back against the counter and you can't help but look up at him, your eyes lingering on the bulge of his adam's apple for far too long.
spencer looked back down just in time to catch you staring at him. you quickly looked away and grabbed a gauze out of your bag, but your hands were shaking with nerves and caused you to drop the package before you could get it open.
he watched as you bent down and grabbed the package, you tore it open and lifted his shirt again. the room you were in was so quiet you could hear each other’s breathing, or maybe that was because of how close you were. you didn’t want to look up because you knew he was already staring at you and that would just make you even more nervous than you already were.
you made quick work of finishing patching him up and cleaning up your mess. after you were done you turned around to the sink to wash your hands. spencer could tell you were washing your hands longer than needed so you didn’t have to face him. so he slid off the counter and walked up behind you, caging you in by placing his hands on either side of you.
“do i make you nervous?” he asked, watching as you tensed. you turned off the faucet before spinning around so you were face to face, you could feel his breath fanning over your face with how close he was.
“i’m not- why would i be nervous?” spencer’s gaze dropped down to your lips for a quick moment before he met your eyes again. you couldn’t help but mirror him and do the same, except your gaze lingered on his lips far longer than he did.
“your body language is telling me you’re nervous.”
“yeah? what else is it telling you?” you met his eyes again as your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips. you weren’t sure where the sudden wave of confidence came from but you could feel it slipping away with each passing second you stood there under his gaze.
“well, you keep looking at my lips and subconsciously leaning towards me. that tells me you want me, want to kiss me.” a low chuckle left his lips as he stared at you, he shook his head before taking a step back. you reached out and wrapped your hand around his wrist to stop him from walking away.
“would you do it if i asked? to kiss me, i mean.” you asked, letting go of him when you got his attention again. spencer paused for a moment, thinking of all the things he could say in response to you. kissing you is something he’s thought about many times before, hell, he's thought about doing a lot more than kissing if he was being honest.
“is that your way of asking me to kiss you?” he took a step closer to you, already ready to kiss you as soon as you said the word. there was a moment of silence between you, you both just looking into each other's eyes waiting for you to say that one word that could change everything for you.
it took you a moment to find the courage but when you did you confirmed that it was your way of asking him to kiss you. as soon as you got the words out of your mouth spencer was cupping your face and bringing his lips to yours. your arms went around his neck as you leaned into him more.
spencer’s hands fell from your face to gripping your thighs, he effortlessly hoisted you up and sat you on the counter. spencer groaned into your mouth when you ran your fingers through his hair and gave it a gentle tug. your skin felt like it was on fire because of the way his hands felt roaming underneath your shirt, the way he kissed you like his life depended on it, and the ache between your legs that was growing stronger with each passing second he kissed you.
you were sure that if he kissed you like that for the rest of your lives you would be the happiest woman alive. unfortunately, spencer had to pull away because of the lack of air but that gave you the chance to bury your head in the crook of his neck and discover new places with your lips. while you kissed and nipped at his skin he reached down and started to unbutton your jeans.
being able to go all the way with him would have been a dream come true for you but unfortunately you were still on the job and that means your moment was interrupted by emily coming into the room you were in to let you know what they’ve recently discovered.
“just to let you know-” she stopped in her tracks when she looked up to see you and spencer jumping away from each other. her eyes jumped between you two, taking in your unbuttoned jeans and spencers disheveled hair. you cleared your throat as you buttoned your jeans back up, your heart was racing so fast you could hear it in your ears.
emily was your unit chief, yes, but she was your friend before any of that so instead of making a big deal she excused herself to give you both some time to straighten back up before joining the others.
you and spencer couldn’t bring yourselves to say anything after that, the only noise that filled the room was the sound of your heavy breathing and the laugh you shared as the realization of what happened donned on you. before you made it to the common area where everyone else was, spencer pulled you behind a wall to give you one last kiss.
it made you feel like a teenager sneaking around with the boy your parents told you to stay away from but you would do it a million times over if that meant you could experience kissing him for the first time all over again.
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myfandomrealitea · 8 days
Wattpad's TOS are actually criminally hypocritical and ridiculous the more you read them. The website is literally just:
"Give us all your content for free to do with as we please and let us expose you to 493737573 website cookies and advertisements but also if you change the color of our logo we'll sue and if someone gets inaccurate medical advice from your fanfiction and sues we're also going to sue you for exposing us to risk."
Wattpad can mine your content but you can't mine Wattpad.
Wattpad can sue you for absolutely anything they perceive as "damaging" or "breach of terms" but the moment you make an account you release them of any and all claims, damages and responsibility.
If Anne Rice 2.0 does happen, Wattpad has so kindly declared that they reserve the right to be the sole defense, so they can throw you under the bus and then charge you for any and all fees incurred including legal and "related" costs. Oh, and you have to co-operate because, guess what? You agreed to!
In the instance you do wind up in a legal battle for your own content you're shit out of luck because Wattpad will have no part in it other than making sure its absolved of any responsibility and costs, and you're restricted to attending Court only in the Province of Ontario.
Like. How anyone still uses Wattpad is beyond me. Completely. It so obviously nothing more than a for-profit content theft facilitator. I feel like we've just moved so far beyond the need for Wattpad. Its so outdated even if you don't look at the TOS.
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artsangell · 2 months
30's Pervert! Artashi I need you
Imagining being Tashi's pretty young protégée who listens to every word that falls from her lips, You've just barely started being recognized by local sports channels and you're still young enough to have a gleam in your eyes. You practically blush anytime Art attends your private practices with his wife(which he's been doing more and more often.) Art thinks it's cute, you're a great player but so so shy you barely can look at him when he speaks to you. Art decides to exploit this, gets far too close to you after games, says how he's "so proud of you" when you win and flashes you a pretty smile. For awhile it's fun for him, for awhile it's as far as he'll go.
Art needs more than that, he wants to be in a situation where he's in control for once. Art's thoughts start to go from just wanting to see you get all nervous to wanting to pin you down and beg for him to stop. The man begins to fuck his fist after every time he sees you play in your little athletic shorts, he practically moans the first time he sees you wear a small white skirt to one of your matches. Tashi notices, of course she fucking notices the change in his behaviour around you, she notices how close he gets to you and how he runs to the bathroom after every practice you have. Tashi doesn't confront him because frankly she doesn't care, and she can't say she hasn't had... thoughts about you too.
Art is lying on his back beneath Tashi, her toned bare figure above him, he's whining as she cockwarms him, she'll fuck him when she thinks he deserves it. Tashi's hips shift slightly as she begins to nibble on Art's ear, the feeling making him cry out.
"Bet she'd look so much prettier under me than you do." Tashi whispers it in Art's ear, his eyes go wider than the fucking moon. Surely she isn't talking about who he thinks she's talking about, before he even can think of a response Tashi removes herself from him. The loss of her warmth makes him whine.
They both fuck themselves thinking about you that night<3
Repost from old blog!
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osamufication · 4 months
he's a pirate
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pairing: pirate captain!atsumu x fem!reader
wc: 2.8k
warnings: nsfw, porn with some plot, wax play, impact play, degradation, dom!atsumu, sub!reader, general threats of violence, a sprinkle of authority kink, reader is choked once, fluffy ending
a/n: for the love of FUCK this is not accurate or realistic wax play. please do NOT pour wax from random ass candles on any part of your body thank u
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Isn’t this just perfect, you had to get caught didn’t you, you chastise yourself. 
“Unhand me at once you pathetic, filthy pirate!” you screech at the wretched man holding your arms.
“You say pirate like it's a bad thing.” 
You stop thrashing, directing your attention up to the quarter deck. There stands a tall young man with tufts of blonde hair sticking out from under his preposterous hat. He looks down at you and an amused smirk tugs at his lips. “We’re not all that bad.”
The man holding you shoves you down to the floor. You barely keep yourself from falling face first onto the deck.
You glare up at him, flipping your hair out of your face, “I’ll kill you.” you spit.
The man laughs. “We both know you’re not capable of killin’ me, love.” He walks up to the railing, leaning against it. “I’m much too handsome.”
“Give me a break.” you huff. 
“We caught ‘er tryin’ to steal some of our supplies, capn’.”
“Oh? You’ve got some nerve sweetheart,” he chuckles darkly. The blonde makes his way around the railing and down the steps. You watch him carefully, trying to guess what he is playing at. 
He stands before you, and unsheaths his sword. His expression is unreadable as he fits the tip of the blade beneath your chin, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. You clench your jaw, trying to keep yourself from saying something idiotic. 
“Do you know how I punish thieves, poppet?” His voice is sickeningly condescending. 
You keep your mouth shut, refusing to give this moron the satisfaction of following along. By now, a small crowd of crew members had formed, all of them enjoying the free entertainment. 
The captain rolls his eyes, looking around at the rest of his crew, “How should we punish her, eh boys?”
A mess of responses comes from the men. 
“Throw ’er overboard!”
“Strip ‘er and tie ‘er to the mast!”
 “Slit ‘er throat!”
You’re sure the fear is visible in your eyes. The captain looks quite amused by the whole ordeal. 
“True, I usually just throw thieves overboard. But,” he leans down, his face a few mere inches away from yours. “I think I should handle yer punishment a little more... personally.” He turns to face his crew again, “I’ll handle this myself, get back to work ya morons.” 
The crew disperses, groaning in disappointment. They were hoping for a much more entertaining conclusion. But you know this isn’t over for you. 
He finally withdraws his blade and pulls you up to your feet, “Follow me love. Let’s discuss yer punishment in private.” he whispers into your ear. 
As soon as the door of the captain’s quarter’s clicked shut he broke the silence. 
“Miya.” you growl. “I meant it when I said I’d kill you.”
“Tch, don’t be like that poppet-”
“Don't call me that.”
“Right. Forgot ya hated that name.” Atsumu sighs, “Love, I know I was a dick. I don’t expect ya to just let me back in, but please give me a chance.”
You sit down in a chair. “And why would I do that, Miya?”
He leans over you, hand on either arm of the chair, trapping you. “Ya know ya miss me. Us.” 
You scrunch up your nose. “That’s awfully arrogant of you.”
He leans in further, nose bumping against yours. “C’mon love. At least stay the night, for old time’s sake.”
You don’t know what possesses you at that moment. This is the man that had left you behind, without so much as a proper warning. He told you in passing he wanted to leave one night and never return. The next day you had woken up to a cold bed and a missing ship. 
You had every intention of chopping off his dick and shoving down his throat if you ever saw him again. But here you are, kissing him as though you still needed him with every fiber of your being.
He grazes your lips with his teeth, hands wandering your body freely.
“Fuck, I missed ya so much love.” Atsumu’s leg slips between your and bumps against your sensitive core. You whimper against his lips, hating how easily you slip into a submissive state for him. 
Atsumu pulls away and boasts a dangerous smirk on his lips. “I’m supposed to be punishing ya darlin’, the men won’t believe I kept my word unless they hear some screamin’.”
He grips the front of your blouse, pulls you out of the chair and shoves you onto his bed. He climbs on top of you, easily tearing the fabric between his fingers. His eyes roll back when he’s greeted with the familiar sight of your bare breasts, barely biting back a groan as he eagerly gropes them. You wrap your legs around his waist, grinding up against his hardening cock. Atsumu kisses you sloppily, teeth roughly clashing against yours. You reach up to throw off his stupid hat and thread your fingers through his hair.
“This is,” you gasp as Atsumu drags his thumb around your nipple, “quite the punishment, Miya.”
In an instant, Atsumu ceases all movement. “You’ve forgotten who yer dealin’ with, princess.” 
He unhooks your legs from around his waist and gets off the bed. You start to sit up, but Atsumu quickly shoves you back down, his massive hand wrapped almost entirely around your throat. “Did I tell you to fuckin’ move?” 
“N-no,” you choke out.
He raises an eyebrow. “Ya seem to have forgotten your manners as well, what a damn shame.”
Before you can react, he releases your neck and slaps you across the face. The sound of the impact echoes throughout the room and rings in your ears.
Atsumu grips your face tightly and forces you to face him. “Let’s try again shall we?” He leans in, his lips ghosting over your own, so close that you can feel his hot breath mingling with yours. 
“Did I give you permission to move?”
You swallow, trying to speak without trembling, “No, s-sir.”
There’s a satisfied glint in his eyes as he releases you. You make sure to stay perfectly still. Without a word of acknowledgement he walks over to his desk, shrugs off his coat, and removes the pistols you were mortified to realize you hadn’t detected. 
From your spot on the bed you get a perfect view of the wonders his pants do for his ass. You're so distracted you don’t notice Atsumu lighting a candle before walking back over to the bedside. 
“Clothes off.”
Once you’ve stripped bare, Atsumu lays you on your back and spreads your legs. Your cunt is already glistening from the heated kissing and grinding.
“You’re positively drenched, darlin’.” 
He reaches over to grab the red candle from the table. He holds it over your stomach, before grinning again. “You’re not allowed to move, but screaming is highly encouraged.”
With that he tilts the candle, letting a drop of wax plop onto your stomach. You hiss and squirm, the heat almost unbearable for a moment. You’re ashamed to admit the sharp pain goes straight to your twitching pussy. Another drop falls a bit higher up your torso. It takes all your willpower to keep still. 
To only make matters worse, as Atsumu drips the candle wax onto your breasts he uses his free hand to start teasing your clit. You mewl as he rubs up and down your slit, inserting a finger as wax lands on your hardened nipples. His fingers graze against that tender spot inside, you arch your back, grinding on his hand. 
“F-fuck, right there!” you choke out. Your eyes are screwed shut, but you feel the drips of wax traveling further down your body. 
“Yer movin’ again,” Atsumu leans forward, the candle flame licking the skin of your side, “Are ya this desperate for me? All that time on your own really did make ya a whore, hmm?”
You shake your head, “No, I didn-”
Before you can finish, Atsumu quickly removes his hand and slaps it against your cunt, hard. You can’t suppress the screech ripped from your throat. 
He sits back between your thighs and sets the candle on the floor by the bed. He nods to your legs, “Grab ‘em and hold ‘em to yer chest. Now.”
You do as he says, feeling your face get hot again. Atsumu’s view must be entirely obscene. If someone were to walk in now, there would be no saving your dignity. 
Atsumu’s eyes are dark and hungry, he hits your cunt again with more force than before. A loud and wet slap echoes in the room along with your shriek. You heave, trying to catch your breath.
He lowers his face between your legs and licks a stripe up, leaving a kiss on your clit. “Such a filthy little whore. Yer really enjoying this aren’t ya?”
You nod your head rapidly, “Y-yes sir, I am.”
“So ya haven’t learned yer lesson about stealin’ from me?”
Oh shit. That’s right.
“I, uh...”
Fuck, you can’t think straight with his tongue grazing against your soaked hole.
“No? Well I’ll have to really punish ya then.”
He holds the candle directly over your pussy, eyes gleaming. 
“W-wait-” You’re interrupted by your own scream as the first drop of wax hits your clit with a plop! 
“That’s what I like to hear, darlin’.” Atsumu’s face boasts a sadistic grin as he continues his assault on your cunt. 
You keep screaming with each drop, the stinging only making you wetter than you already were. Your fingernails leave bright red crescents on your thighs as you grip them to your chest, using all your strength to stay still. There’s wax all over your swollen cunt and you’re sure it must look like an absolute mess. 
“I think yer ready now.” Atsumu mumbles, undoing his pants and taking out his cock. He readjusts himself and teases your dripping pussy with his impossibly hard length. You whimper every time he slips just the head of his cock in. 
“Fuckin’ hell, doll yer still so tight.” He groans, finally pushing all the way in.
Your vision is blurry from all the overwhelming sensations. Atsumu pulls out almost completely before ramming his hips back against yours. Your mouth drops open as he sets the brutal pace you were so familiar with from all those years ago. You whimper and whine with every wet slap of his cock drilling into you. 
Without slowing his pace, Atsumu picks the candle back up. He grins down at you, tipping it over again and lands a particularly large glob of wax on your clit. Your scream is guttural, the feeling of Atsumu hitting your g-spot while the burning wax stimulates your swollen clit entirely overwhelming.
You start to feel a familiar tension in your stomach. Your cunt clenches around Atsumu’s cock, making him throw his head back, eyes screwed shut. He takes a ragged breath before looking you in the eyes and presses his thumb harshly against the wax on your clit.
“F-fuck! Sir, I’m cumming!” You scream, legs shake so violently you lose your grip on them. Before they can hit the bed Atsumu blows out the candle and throws it to the ground. He uses his free arm to hold them back up against you. 
“That’s it darlin’, just like that, keep cumming for me.” Atsumu presses himself harder against you as his thrusts get sloppier. He groans loudly as he cums inside you, his grip on your legs loosening. 
He lets out a ragged breath as his movements come to a stop and he helps you lower your sore legs to the bed.
He leans over you, his strong arms on either side of your head. He kisses you the way he did earlier, as loving as ever. He pulls away from your lips and presses his forehead to yours. You both stay there in comfortable silence for a moment. 
Once you’ve caught your breath, you whisper, “I think we should clean up.”
Atsumu sighs, but reluctantly moves off of you. Dry wax on your body uncomfortably cracks with the movement.
You scrunch up your nose, how the hell are you going to get this off of you?
“Well then? How was that?” Atsumu asks.
 “I suppose,” you turn your head to the captain, “that was satisfactory.” 
Atsumu snorts, “Just satisfactory huh? I’ll go harder next time then, princess.”
You shiver, knowing full well he will keep his word. You also don’t fail to notice his choice of words.
Next time.
You watch as Atsumu stands up and starts pulling his pants back on. The thin sheen of sweat covering his back makes him almost glow in the sunlight shining through the window. He pulls his cotton tunic over his head and turns back to you, a soft look in his eyes. “Let’s get ya cleaned up shall we?”
He opens a cabinet to pull out a cloth and bottle. He places them on the bedside table before situating himself beside you. He douses the cloth with a thick liquid. 
“What is that?” you ask, watching as he starts rubbing it into your skin and over the wax. 
“Olive oil, it’ll get the wax right off of yer skin. I don’t wanna hurt ya or let ya rip the pieces off.” Atsumu dutifully works at your skin, slowly but surely getting all the wax off, and leaving you very oily instead. 
“I think we’re a bit past the formalities dontcha think?”
You smile sadly, “Atsumu, why are you here? You said you weren’t coming back.”
Atsumu sighs, “I know what I said. And I meant it when I said it, but I was an idiot.”
“Not surprised.”
“Watch it.” Atsumu pinches your leg playfully. “I didn’t realize that what I was looking for wasn’t on the other side of the world.” 
He puts down the rag and walks over to his coat. You sit up against the headboard as he rumages for something in its pockets. He pulls out a little brown box with gold detailing around its borders. He circles the bed, taking a seat beside you. He meets your eyes, “Can’t believe I needed this thing to realize what I really wanted.” 
You frown as he opens the box, expecting to see a giant diamond or aztec gold. 
“A broken compass.” You say, unimpressed.
Atsumu groans, “I’m trying to be dramatic here and yer ruining my moment.” He takes a deep breath, “Yes, it's a compass. But it’s not broken, it points toward whatever it is you most desire.” 
The needle spins back and forth for a split moment before picking a direction. You twist your head back to look behind you, “You want the rum on the table?”
“For fuck’s sake y/n and ya say I’m dense.” He runs a hand down his face. “It’s pointing at you.”
You freeze for a moment. He can’t possibly mean that. 
“Atsumu I swear to god if you're messing with me...” your voice trails off.
Atsumu puts the compass down and takes hold of your hands, “I swear on my life, yer everything I want in this world. I’m fully prepared to sell the ship and stay with ya on dry land if that’s what ya want.”
You blink back tears, “There’s no need to be so dramatic.” You move over so he can take a seat beside you. “I don’t want you to give up sailing. I never did. All I wanted was for you to take me with you, to be with you.”
Atsumu shakes his head, “I was so fuckin’ stupid.”
You smile and curl up next to him, “Not as stupid as I am giving you a second chance. Don’t make me regret this.”
Atsumu drapes his arm around you, planting a kiss on your head, “I’ll make you a pirate queen, darlin’. Just you wait.”
You giggle, “So where are we headed, captain?”
Atsumu grabs the compass again. With his arm secured around you, the needle starts spinning again. It settles in the general direction of the island. 
You raise a brow at him, challenging him to explain why the needle was pointing toward the village.
Atsumu grins like an idiot and reaches over you to snatch the bottle of rum. He rips out the cork with his teeth and spits it out to the floor. He takes a swig before holding it up to your lips, carefully pouring some into your mouth. 
Taking the compass back into his hands it finally settles, pointing out to the open ocean.
You smile, “Looks like we have a heading. Any idea where it may be taking us?”
Atsumu is quiet for a moment, before turning back to you. In his eyes is a glimmer of adventure. Those are the eyes of a troublemaker you fell in love with oh so long ago. 
“Ever heard of the fountain of youth?”
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226 notes · View notes
fridgedeeznuts · 1 year
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321 notes · View notes
kitsxne-reboot · 10 months
“Oh no, I've finished all my ice cream, what will I ever do ?!”
Featuring ー Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Chuuya Nakahara
Synopsis ー Getting ice cream with your dear boyfriend !
Warnings ー None! <3
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🩹 I swear to God, if you get a lot of ice cream, expect even more bandages and canned crab
🩹 He might also slip some dog food in there…
🩹 “Why're you getting dog food Osamu ? We don't have a dog, plus you hate dogs.” “Well there was this one time I had to eat dog food and it tasted r-”
🩹 Honestly, the whole trip is pure chaos and you're regretting the fact that you had begged Dazai to come with you
🩹 Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is giving you two looks, from the piled up ice creams, bandages, canned crab, and one pack of dog food. And even worse, you guys had a small cart
🩹 You definitely aren't gonna invite him ever again.
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🍭 Honestly, don't expect just only ice cream in the cart, but instead expect a LOT LOT ice cream and candies, like literally nothing else is in there but just ice cream and candy.
🍭 All the kids in the store are jealous of you guys
🍭 If you tell Ranpo to not get any more candy, well…
🍭 He'll sneak some in. Especially if it's candy he hasn't tried yet
🍭 You best be praying for the total price, because the cart is filled to the BRIM with ice cream 'n' candy.
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🎩 Oh ? You want ice cream ? Well don't worry bbg because Chuuya already told some underlings to buy as much ice cream as you want .
🎩 Okok actually though, he's definitely more calmer than the two, and only buys other things that are necessary.
🎩 That, or he would go to the jewelry place to find a watch or something
🎩 Man is RICH RICH so if he does do that, expect him to come out with some expensive ass watches for the both of you
🎩 If the cashier asks you if you're buying ice cream for your little brother (Read: the cashier thought Chuuya was your little brother) he will try his best not to use his ability right then and there
🎩 Other than that, he's okay to get ice cream with, would recommend if you want a quick trip, unlike Ranpo and Dazai
162 notes · View notes
just-call-me-moran · 4 months
I am so normal about these two men. Like completely normal.
70 notes · View notes
sweetsuo · 15 days
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Toji Fushiguro x F!Reader
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Cw. afab!reader. Cheating. Infidelity. Dacryphilia. Temperature play. Burning. Fingering. Smoking.
 Genre. [ fic. Smut. See tags for notes.] You're Megumi's girlfriend and his father is not someone you thought you'd catch the eye of in the kitchen.
Wc. 3.6k
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This was fucked up. It was fucked up and you knew it was. It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but it’s the only way your heart squeezed in that sickeningly pleasant way – the only reason you wanted to sleep over any more.
You looked up at him, eyes dancing over the serenity in his features. Handsome. Somehow boyish in the length of his lashes and the way his lips parted in a slight laugh. He made you feel like an endangered animal – preciously encaged for safety and sanctuary yet never letting you see home again.
Your breath fluttered and you were completely certain he could hear the way your heart swirled in your eardrums. It was evident in the way his head tilted slightly as his deep gray-blue eyes went from your chest, to your lips, to yours eyes. You held your breath, rolled your lip between your teeth, and averted your eyes.
The tile of the kitchen floor was cold against your bare feet and Megumi’s shirt was big enough to graze your knees. The chill of the counter against the side of your hand reminded you of everything outside of the one in front of you.
“Can I have the milk?”
Toji leaned his hip on the black marble countertop, hand laying over yours on the cardboard milk carton as he took it from you. It was a slight graze of a touch, but you felt the calluses of his fingers trickle across the delicate skin of the back of your hand. You repressed a shudder. Your chin dipped down. Your hand let go of the carton.
“Thanks. What’re you doing up so late, Princess? Gumi kick you off the bed again?”
You felt the warmth of his body as he shifted, bicep grazing onto your upper arm as he poured the milk into the coffee. The nickname always peeved Megumi in a way he couldn’t fully explain. You would reassure him it was fine, it’s just because his dad was a dick. Toji said it was because Megumi spoiled you.
“No,“ you watched as black espresso turned to a pretty caramel. Suddenly your tea wasn’t as appetizing anymore. For a moment your brows furrowed and you were aware that it was 3:15am, “why are you drinking coffee?”
Toji laughed. It’s deep and gruff and sounds like tires over a gravel driveway. This time you can’t suppress the shudder. It’s been this way since Toji came back from his business trip. You never met him up until the last semester. At least not in person. He was usually away. Megumi never knew what he did or how he afforded the house. 
Either way, whenever classes let up or between semesters, you’d come to his suburban home and basically live with him. You loved Megumi very much and you have for the year and a half you’ve been dating. You’d kiss him goodbye whenever you left to see your parents, but there was something about his dad that kept you coming back.
Maybe it was the first night you woke up in the middle of the night. Megumi had kicked you off the bed by accident. There was only so much room for two 20-years-olds and a large dog. It was bound to happen one day or another. It was simply unfortunate that you scraped your arm on a bent piece of metal from his bed frame, leaving a long scratch that pebbled red. You traversed down the steps and having forgotten your glasses on the nightstand, had to rummage through the drawers to find a band aid.
Toji was there, leaning on a counter by the sink, gazing out the window. The sweet scent of cherry tobacco lingered despite the open air. At first, your throat cinched around your thumping heart. You thought he was an intruder. You couldn’t see his features, but the way the moon abstractly bounced off them, you immediately knew who he was just by shape. Megumi got his good looks from someone and that someone was right in front of you.
“You’re bleeding,” he stated blandly, only taking a second to look at you from the corner of his eyes.
“I am?” You knew you were. That’s why you had your arm up like an injured paw and a hand in a drawer full of homeless kitchen appliances, “I am.”
“So you are,” he chuckled. Toji stood at full height and you swore you nearly gasped. The corner of his scarred mouth curled then flattened as he turned to you. He grabbed a paper towel, fingers grasping onto the tips of yours. His palm was warm, soft, tender on the flesh of your arm. The paper towel pressed to provide a temporary fix as he guided you along to the bathroom to pull out a bandage.
You remember every moment of that night; how the sink felt pressing against the small of your back and how his thigh leaned almost too heavily onto yours as he meticulously took care of the minor cut. In his defense, the bathroom was small – one of the ones that fit awkwardly under a staircase and only had a toilet and a sink. It didn’t excuse the way his hand brushed your hair back when everything was settled. You still felt guilty that you tilted your chin to better feel the backs of his fingers against your neck.
For as often as you felt guilty, soon to follow was an echo of his parting words.
“Mr. Fushiguro takes care of his guests – especially Gumi’s Princess.” His smile was strangely sweet when he exited the bathroom, leaving you to collect your staggered breath.
It was that night, and plenty of nights after, that you woke Megumi up by putting his hand on your cunt and asking if daddy could take care of you. The kisses he’d press to your forehead lingered warmly, lovingly. Bitterly.
Brought back by the metallic thwip of a bic lighter, Toji cupped his hand to the flame, lighting the cherry cigarette you would smell when you were lonely in your dorm. It overpowered the familiar scent of eucalyptus you’d once loved.
“For the same reason everyone drinks coffee,” He laughed once through his nose, expression slackening as his gaze lingered on yours. He dragged on the cigarette and exhaled for longer than usual. The swirl of smoke passing over the curve of his lips was beautiful. He quirked a brow, curiously entertained, “Withdrawal?”
You dry swallowed. He offered you the cigarette with an offhand comment you couldn’t quite hear. The end of the cig faced you and you leaned, wrapping your lips around it. The subtle graze of his fingers on your lips tickled. You never smoked before. Through thick lashes, your gazes met and you swore something passed over his. You sucked. You coughed. You secretly loved the taste of burnt cherry.
“That’s not how you do it,” his voice was dark navy and for a moment, as small tears welled from the remaining spasm of your lungs, you thought he would scold you for lying. Hushed, he pressed the cigarette back to your lips, “Try again.”
Obediently, your lips found their way around the stick. You had Toji’s attention on you in the same way a starling bird had a peregrine falcon’s. You felt wanted by something hungry.
You waited patiently for his order, looking up to him with those pretty, expectant eyes. You barely noticed his hand slowly pulling the cigarette. Your lips stayed connected. He felt your breath fan the backs of his fingers.
“Are you going to suck it, or what?” There was a bite to his voice and you took a long, nervous drag. The crackling burning paper filled the space between you. You tried to inhale it all and the burn made your eyes water. Toji’s head tilted by a minuscule as your lips detached, leaving a small string of saliva attached to the end. Bleary eyes matched his, desiring his approval. His free hand cupped your cheek, giving a slight tap, “I’m not going to spoil you like Megumi does, Princess.”
Strong hands grabbed under the thickest part of your thighs, hoisting you up and onto the cold marble counter. Megumi’s shirt was disregarded and hiked up to the crease of your hip. The hiss of hot ash sprinkled on your thighs matched the heady hiss your tongue made against teeth. Toji smirked. The burn was replaced by his rough hands smoothing over the supple flesh. He gripped your ass, hauling you to the edge of the counter.
This was wrong.
Your heart throbbed in your chest and even more between your legs. Your Thighs squeezed together as Toji leaned into your neck, biting hard. His thumbs dug into the junction of your thigh and hip, keeping you sat firmly on the counter top.
Megumi was upstairs.
Toji’s mouth trailed down your neck as the tips of his fingers traced up along bare skin. You could feel him smirk against your neck. Surely the warmth of his lips could feel how fast the blood pumped through you. You felt light headed, impatient for the touch of his chilled fingers. The man before you nudged his cheek onto yours and you felt the subtle graze of his spudding 5 o’clock shadow.
He said nothing, but you heard the change his breathing. Hiis middle finger slipped between your glossy lips - the touch was so cold, you gasped and your cunt clenched on nothing at all. The pad of his middle finger moved slowly in a circle, then traced down. It was so slow that your body writhed for more. To try and coax the digit in, your entrance throbbed. He headed to call to its beck. Rather than satiate your starving sex, Toji brushed up to your clit. Totally in control of you, his fingers dance in cruel repetition.
His spare hand trailed up your torso, pulling his son’s shirt up to expose you bit by bit. The shirt never came off, no. It’s not like he needed it to when you wore nothing underneath it. He’d be lying if he didn’t notice how your nipples perked and your stance shifted when he entered the kitchen. He felt your eyes on his back when he opened the fridge. Deliberately (and with the goodness in his heart), he allowed your longing gaze to linger on him. It was laughable that you were pressing your bare chest into the palm of his hand, The tissue malleable and molten under his touch. It was euphoric. You gave into his touch so desperately.
Toji’s grin widened, Cheshire-like against you. His breath was hot against your ear and the baritone of his voice was enough to make you swallow a whine, “Maybe Gumi doesn’t spoil his Princess like I thought. You’re really this cock hungry? I barely touched you,” his finger tapped on your swollen clit and you jerked in response, curling forward and trembling digit gripping onto his impossibly tight shirt. Practically on the brink of tears from the way he teased you, you wondered how hands so cold could feel like they burned like the ash on your thighs.
Fuck. Fuck.  
The hands gripping his shirt slapped the cold counter when you pulled your torso away to back on your forearms. Your brows knit and your chin tilted back. Megumi’s shirt draped over your tits like fine silk. What a fucking delicious sight. Desperate. That’s exactly how you looked with your nose scrunched and lips drawn in a tight line. Your fists were balled and legs spread wide, separated by his body. He admired that the first thing spilled on the freshly installed black marble was the drool of your cunt.
Toji persisted despite the painful ache of his cock. He wanted you to grovel for him, prove his suspicion that his son lacked the same skill to make you a drooling mess. Why? The answer was simple instinct to him. The aftermath of his divorce left him in shambles. But then again, papers were filed the second he fucked his sister-in-law on wifey’s new BMW (and doubled down on when she found the recording of him with the couple’s therapist). Validation, maybe. He had nothing to prove or no need for it. He just wanted to know that he could fuck anyone he wanted anywhere he wanted, no matter who they were.
You opened your mouth to scream in frustration. Your legs shook, every part of your body wanted something to fill you. Empty. Empty fucking. Empty satisfaction. The slap was followed by the sound of skittering upstairs.
You paled and your heart threatened to burst with anxiety. Complete silence took over the kitchen and your mind emptied, listening for the familiar sound of your boyfriend’s footsteps. Eyes looked over your shoulder and suddenly you were very aware of the fact that every entrance leading to the kitchen was an open walkway.
The man between your legs had paused then, lips slack as he listened. He had good hearing. Good senses. His fingertips sprawled on top of your mound, palm pressing against your fluttering entrance absent-mindedly. It was merely the dog. He trained it to only bark or alert of certain triggers. This was certainly not one of them. Your reaction though- he could work with that.
His fingers circled your clit and you feared he would continue his cruel tease. Toji could see through your expression like the Bermuda seas. He leaned forward, hand slowly tipping over your entrance as his words filled your mind, “What happens if you’re caught?”
Your breathing stopped completely. Dread, excitement, and two long digits filled you. Just as you had expected, every second of teasing coated your walls. Every nerve ending had been meticulously prepared for something to touch them, trigger them to ignite. Your walls spasmed readily and your knees gripped the sides of Toji’s hips. He experimented with you for a while, salivating when tears pinched past your lashes. In the back of his mind, he needed you to break before you got his cock. He was getting slightly impatient. His hands were cold and you could feel every single motion of his fingers in you. Your mind could paint a picture of every ridge his digits had to offer simply from his temperature.
He leaned over. His tongue was hot. With a single broad, strong, and long open-mouthed lap along your clit, you unwound. A free hand slapped over your mouth, muffling the near animalistic yowl you let out. He smirked.
Bet Megumi never heard that sound.
As soon as your walls slowed and your voice died out, Toji shoved the band of his sweats under his cock. He could tell by your blissed out glaze that you weren’t entirely processing what was to come. He could fix that.
Hands pulled you half-way off the counter. You yelped, shivering at the slick on the surface beneath you. Toji held you under your knees, practically forcing you to prop yourself up on your elbows. He cooed, “Good girl.” The way you stared at his cock like it were god itself had a dribble of precum roll down his length. A bare minimum of 8-9 inches stood at attention, positioned right under you. Your arousal drizzled over him and if your mind worked, you would’ve offered to lick it off like one would a warm sugar glaze.
He adjusted his arms so that the underneath of your thighs were supported by his hands and your knees hooked over his arms. Your own arms wobbled and shook. The muscle ache was blunted by his thick tip pressing onto your entrance. You had no option but to give him the reins. His focus was entirely on the junction between his tanned cock pressing into you. It was almost endearing, how this look of fascination came over his harsh features, enrapturing your gaze like a renaissance painting.
He guided your hips in a circle, bending his knees slightly to swirl against you. The scar at the corner of his lip twitched in gratification when you throatily let out a long high note. He lowered you onto him in bit by bit. Slight thrust in. Draw back. Slight thrust in. Draw back.
Every. Single. Time. He drew out, you wanted to cry out. You could take it. Toji continued to carefully make his way into you. He was large and he learned from mistakes of drilling in too soon. Sure, he slipped in easy enough, but he still met resistance to the stretch. He didn’t want to hurt you. Or at least that was until you opened your pretty mouth.
“Stop fucking around. I can take Gumi’s dick, I can take yours.”
Your lips formed into a pout and the words backhanded his ego. So this is what Megumi dealt with. Oh no, he couldn’t have that. You were obviously trying to get a rise out of him like the brat you were. Toji darkly chuckled, “So this is what’s got him around your finger, huh? You want me to ‘stop fucking around’?”
He pulled your right leg across his chest so that it rested along his left shoulder. The left leg was guided around his waist. “By your command, Princess.” He thrust in hard, shoving his cock through the tightness. The pace was relentless. Harsher, meaner, heavier than even Megumi’s was at his roughest. Your mind erased the fact that you were in the kitchen of a house. It erased the fact that your arms felt like they were going to tear. It erased the sweat under your palms as you white-knuckled the edge of the marble. It erased Megumi, peacefully asleep upstairs.
All you felt was the hot vibration of your clambering walls and the searing hot brand of his cock burning into your core. Everything fuzzed, scattered with every near full pull, then came crashing back with every push. The position itself allowed for the force of your own weight to freely bounce back on him without him needing to do much. He still gripped your limbs with such force there would be bruises.  He wrapped your other leg around his waist patting your thighs to grip him as he changed his thrusts to slow, deep. Toji peeled off the shirt, a glisten to his every muscle under the dim light as it reached over his head. Arms were up high as it was shimmied off, but his thrusts were controlled. Abs worked, tensed in a motion so beautiful that you were absolutely certain that this was and would be your only religious experience.
The shirt hit the floor. Toji licked his thumb. The palm of his hand rested along your pubic bone, tilted so that he could graze your clit in such a gentle, yet effective way that you reeled. You bucked with him, using your legs to draw him in more until you felt a sharp pleasure rake your cervix, claw down the up-side of your walls. He dragged out. He thrust in.
He was close and was grappling for why the hell it was taking you so long. He felt how you squeezed his cock over and over. Your breathing slowed whenever it happened and there was a certain flicker going off in your half-lidded gaze. Your walls got tighter each time, but never released. For once in his life, Toji Fushiguro thought he had met his match in stamina. There was a click of his tongue, “What the fuck are you waiting for? Are you a dog? Only can cum on command, bitch?” His words came from annoyance and impatience.
You nodded.
Trained her like a bitch, didn’t you?
There was finally release. The hot iron brandish pressed hard into your walls, your abdomen, your throat. Your walls shuddered so violently, Toji nearly lost grip. A beat behind you, his cock thrusts jerked. You’re mouth opened with a silent moan, all muscles tensing in response. Hot. He was hot and fast and you felt each rope melt along your walls and drip off.
Pulling out his softened cock, Toji looked to the dark tile ground beneath you coated in a mix of a translucent glaze and thick white. He took mercy on you then, leaning and looping an arm under your back and pulling you to him. Your arms wrapped around his neck and for a sprinkle of a second he could see what Megumi saw. One hand held you up under your ass while the other pulled his sweats up. The house was quiet once more as he grabbed paper towels to clean you up.
After all was said and done, Toji sat on the couch with you on his lap, nestled into the crook of his neck. His hand supported your back as you sniffled your way back to the present day. He wasn’t great at aftercare and if he were being honest, any quick fuck had ended when he came (which was usually last). He was indifferent to the sniffles and indifferent to the way you made little sounds of comfort to yourself. You were doing what you needed to to keep yourself together. If that included reliving each moment Megumi placed a loving hand to your cheek and cooed at how well you did, then so be it. Who you craved at the end of the night wasn’t him. 
Toji wasn’t one to be possessive - yet he rubbed small circles on your back, believing that he could be. 
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
doctor matty
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matty healy x reader
wisdom teeth removal is the plot idek this has been in my drafts for months.
She felt like she could be sick. The anxiety only getting worse as she started to think and stress about everything else as well as today, leg bouncing up and down and palms sweaty she took deep steady breathes.
“Darling, you ready to go?” Matty’s sweet voice echoed through the house and she could only mumble a “Yeah.” As she grabbed her fidget toy and phone ready to go, Matty instantly noticing how worried she looked, “baby it’s gonna be okay, i’m gonna be with you the whole time, holding your hand” he kissed her forehead hoping his words would reassure her even a tiny bit.
The drive wasn’t long but it seemed like it was as the panic set in more, Matty kept a hand on her thigh stroking his thumb over her jogging bottoms hoping it could bring her some comfort. He knew about her phobia of needles and wanted to comfort her as best he could.
Parking the car, Matty got out and quickly jogged around to the passenger side and opened her door for her holding out his hand for her to take, which she did. He had an arm around her shoulder as they walked into the building and kept her close as he spoke to the receptionist for her since she was too anxious to be verbal right now. The receptionist pointed them to the waiting room and they sat down as she played with her fidget toy to try calm her nerves, “When it’s all done and dusted we can go home, snuggle up on the sofa and stuff our faces with ice cream and smoothies. You can put any movie you want on and I will not complain, how does that sound?” He nudged her shoulder a small smile playing on his lips and a slight smile broke out on her face at his words which made him pull her into his side for a hug. She snuggled into his side and played with the hem of his shirt twisting it between her fingers, feeling the steady movement of his chest as he breathed and the vibration of his heartbeat.
The nurse came in about ten minutes later and called out her name, with an anxious inhale she got up and matty followed, not letting go of her hand as they were lead to the room. The dentist greeted them both and gestured for her to sit in the chair but she didn’t want to let go of Mattys hand, “She’s really nervous, is it okay if i stay by her side and hold her hand?” Matty spoke up “Yes that’s fine, it’ll be really quick, over before you know it” the dentist reassured.
She lay down and Matty stood behind her head off to the side their hands still intertwined and quickly pressed a kiss to her forehead as the dentist and nurse got set up. The dentist walked through each step as a way to reassure her, first the numbing gel, which she made a face at because it tasted horrible. Then “Baby close your eyes, it’ll be less scary if you don’t look at it, okay?” Matty spoke softly and she listened and squeezed is hand, she knew the needle was in her mouth but she couldn’t feel it, but her eyes remained closed. That was until he injected the roof of her mouth that has not been numbed, “Sorry, sorry,” the dentist apologised as she jumped and let out a groan at the pain of the needle. The dentist then said there was a 10 minute wait for the numbing to work so he left the room as did the nurse “you did so well, my darling.” Matty had rounded the chair now to look at her and squeezed her hand again to which she simply smiled at him and they sat or in Matty’s case, stood there in silence for a few minutes before the dentist came back in.
“You ready?” The dentist asked her to which she nodded as convincingly as she could, Matty moved back to the top of her head their hands still intertwined, she took deep breathes and he squeezed her hand reassuringly before the dentist got to work.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable pulling and tugging the dentist told her to open her mouth and bite down as he pushed gauze into where the toothless hole now sat. He decided it would be best to tell Matty about the aftercare of it all because you were still coming down from her nerves.
“Okay, thank you” Matty said to him as she finally tuned into what was going on. She swung her legs over the side of the chair as Matty came round and pulled her up placing a kiss to her nose “All done now, sweetheart,” he whispered softly as they made to leave the room, he picked up the painkillers and antibiotics that were prescribed and payed at the front desk before they left. Matty opened the car door for her to which she slumped into the chair and as soon as he closed the door she was slumped against it.
The drive home was quiet and as they got home he guided her to the living room with his hand on the small of her back and she lay down, he took his shoes off her and put a blanket over her “Comfy?” He asked as he sat down next to her, she smiled as best she could which earned a laugh from Matty “you gotta take your meds now and he said to keep biting down on your gauze for another hour or so, then you can have a smoothie.” He got some tissue for the gauze her had spat out before handing her the antibiotic and painkillers and watching her swallow them and drooling since her mouth was still numb, he then handed her some fresh gauze which she bit down on before snuggling into his side.
“You want to watch something?” He asked as he ran his hands through her hair “Mm mm” She made a sound resembling no and settled down as sleep came over her and she passed out, exhausted from the mental energy today took out of her today. Matty kissed her temple and remained in his place glancing down to see his girl finally relaxed.
a/n this is the worst thing i’ve ever written but i started it when i had just got a wisdom tooth out so yeah anyway 🥸
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happyhauntt · 1 month
take this sinking boat (and point it home)
for @summerofbuddie week two: romcoms! aka buddie meets the wedding scene from princess diaries 2. buck / eddie • rated g • 3.3k words.
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Eddie knows, now. The truth. That’s why he’s here, again. Ready to make those vows to another woman he doesn’t love. Making the same sacrifices in the name of honour and duty and family, the way it was drummed into him as a child. The stakes may be higher but it aches just the same. Don’t lose the only person you’ve ever really loved by making that mistake again. Shannon’s voice is a distant echo in his mind. Eddie watches as she dips her head in a small nod. Presses her lips to Christopher’s curls. Before she was his ex-wife, Shannon was his best friend, and she has always known him better than any other soul alive. It feels like a gift. It feels like permission. Eddie just needs to find the courage to accept it.
read on ao3.
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Like Past Visions of Osiris - Chapter 1/15 - thebigstarabouttofall
Wolfstar. M. 75k+. Chapters: 1/15. Post-Azkaban. Canon Compliant. Lying low with Lupin. Angst. Gritty. Slow burn.
He reaches the traffic crossing and presses the button without looking, running his finger over a new scar settling into the flesh on the back of his hand. He was doing so well at drinking himself into oblivion too. Really became a dab hand at it. His five year plan involved dousing himself in whiskey, reading a few more books and smoking some spliffs here and there. When Dumbledore told Sirius to “lie low at Lupin’s”, did it ever, for a moment, cross his mind that Lupin was lying low there too?
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An ode to post-Azkaban Wolfstar which explores frankly what it must have been like for Sirius and Remus to be forced into close proximity with each other after so many years. It covers the “lying low with Lupin” era spanning from July 1995 to June 1996 and is a story about grappling with what you once loved when you’ve both lost so much to the ravages of time. About being haunted by the memories of past joys and realising that you might never be able to have them in the same way again. It’s about the might-what-have-beens. The maybes. The ghosts that haunt Remus’ tiny bedsit. The ways that grief and trauma make their homes in their bodies. And an attempt, slow and steady, ever so gently, to try and pick up some of the pieces.
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finemealcreates · 3 months
I guess I never posted these on Tumblr? Or if I did I can’t find it. So, here it is. I made some fanart for @thewritingowl’s series But I Want to Be Let In, Not Out. I did it because I wanted a cover album for the Spotify playlist for the fic series. Here’s the playlist. Also, HEAVY inspiration from the Crane Wives "Coyote Stories" album cover. "Allies Or Enemies" is the song the lyric, "But I want to be let in, not out" comes from, and it's from that album so it only seemed fitting. Still one of my favorite DPxDC fics/series, and the fic series that got me into Demon Twins in general.
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(If you wanna look at the sketches/which bird is who? I’ll put it under the line)
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surreal-duck · 1 year
You should draw even more midoyuzu actually trust me i'm a doctor
more midoyuzu but you didnt say what kind. transgender lesbian beams your idols
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gauloiseblue · 11 months
Ruined Date
He should've turned on the TV this morning.
He never knew he'd ever need any information from the weather podcast.
If he had listened to the podcast, maybe you and him wouldn't be here—in the bus station—needing to take shelter from the raging storm. He scolded himself for letting you get drenched and shivering because of the strong wind. The rain itself wasn't any less cruel to both of you. The harmless drops of rain have changed its form into bullets of water against his skin, thanks to the help of the strong wind.
The date he had planned consisted of him taking you to a nice dinner, then he'll take you to a stargazing spot up above the city. There's a small spot on the cliff near this city that could offer the city view, the faraway ocean, and the starry night all in one spot. He had thought this'd be the perfect date until the first drop of rain fell on the nape of his neck when you and him were halfway through the path to the cliff.
The bus will arrive in 12 minutes, and the storm hasn't shown any sign of stopping. He had you curled in his arm, seeking warmth from his body. Even with the infamous Jotaro's coat and his strong arms wrapped on your body, you can't help but feel colder as the rain begins to soak through the fabric of his coat to your outfit.
Now you understand why everyone said the weather in Japan is really unpredictable.
The stars were visible when the two of you two finished the dinner. But when you and him arrived at the entrance of the stargazing spot, the sky had been covered by dark clouds. You had a bad feeling about it, yet you shook it off and thought maybe the clouds were only passing by. You were wrong.
The sounds of rain hitting the asphalt fill the void of the absence of Jotaro's voice. You knew he's blaming himself right now but you too took part in this--you did receive a warning from yourself, but you chose to ignore it.
You loosen up his embrace and reaching out to touch the side of his face, your voice is barely heard, but you know he had heard you,
"I'm fine.. Don't worry about me." He answers with a heavy sigh,
"It's not your fault, y'know." You stroke his cheekbone, assuring him, "we can't control the weather."
"But I could've known better to not take you to somewhere far from the city."
You snorted, cracking a small smile on your lips. To be honest, when he murmurs to you about the place he'd take you after dinner, you can't help but feel your heart swell with affection. He, Jotaro Kujo, has planned and is willing to take you to somewhere romantic had you thrown away your cautiousness. You didn't even worry about how your feet would be sore after the walk to the cliff, the mosquito bites, hell, you didn't even think about the danger of walking in the forest at night at all.
He noticed you tighten your hug around his bulky chest, repressing a giggle that bubbles in your throat.
"What's so funny?"
"No, it's just.." You suppress your incoming laughter, "I had imagined us in every possible cheesy scenario in my head, especially when we're dancing in the rain."
But not now, not when you and him are in the middle of a storm, with icy cold drops of rain constantly touching your skin.
You were too occupied with your thoughts and swelled heart that you didn't realize Jotaro had closed the distance between you and him, he tilted your head up until your lips and his are touching—
There's a sudden blinding light coming from the road, the roaring engine startled you as your eyes winced for a better vision to see what's behind those lights.
"Ah, the bus is finally here." Jotaro informed you before pulling you towards the bus. The tall vehicle is slowing down, slowly approaching both of you. The automatic door is sliding open, welcoming both of you to come aboard. You both gladly accept the welcome and hop into the bus.
"Welcome, passengers! Crazy weather eh?" The driver of the bus greeted me.
"Yes, it was rather.. Unexpected." You replied, Jotaro agreed by tugging down his completely soaked hat.
"Glad I came to rescue." He laughs a bit, closing the automatic door and starts to drive away from the deserted bus station.
There's no one inside the bus except you, him, and the driver—unsurprisingly, since no one wants to go out in the middle of the storm.
You took a seat near the window as you freed yourself from his drenched coat, trying to warm yourself by rubbing both of your palms together. You could feel a warmth building up on your palms.
"Need help?" Jotaro asked
"Oh, no, no. I can do it myself."
"Yare yare, gimme your hands."
Before you could reply to him, he already pulled both of your hands and gently placed them onto his palms. You felt a pair of invisible hands landing on your freezing palms, radiating a heat which instantly melts away the cold feeling on your fingertips.
You let out a content sigh, both of Jotaro's and Star Platinum's hands have washed away all the cold from the rain off your hands. Even though you can't see the invisible stand he had told you about, you can feel Star's hands rub on your palms, up to your wrists, until they disappear and move to cup your face, your cheek instantly lit up as you feel a pair of invisible lips had landed on yours.
"Feeling better?"
He commands Star to retreat after giving you a chaste kiss and focuses on you fully by caressing the high point of your cheeks, gently wipes away the remaining drops of rain on your face.
"Yes, better."
The smile on your lips is so wide that you thought your face would split into two. To have Jotaro showing the gentle side of him is truly a rare moment for you to experience, and you always want to cherish this moment. He had told you to be patient with him in a relationship.
So you did.
And you're grateful you did.
You leaned your head onto his broad shoulder happily. He had wrapped his hand carefully around your shoulders and provided a comfortable cushion for you to rest upon.
The comfort he gives distracts you from a light dust of red on his cheek. He pulled down his hat and muttered out his signature catchphrase.
Kujo's residence is about 20 minutes away from your current place, but you didn't mind spending the rest of the time in comfortable silence as weariness began to seep into your body. You rested your eyes close and let your other senses take over the available slot left by your sight. The sound of the rain against the window of the bus constantly fills your sense of hearing, every turn and stop the bus makes barely noticeable to you, but you are aware of some arrival and departure from the bus passengers during the trip.
You felt yourself dozing off for a moment before a soft nudge on your shoulder slowly lifted the fog of your unconsciousness away. You groggily return to your sense of sight and look around just to find the bus is stopping at your destination, luckily the storm has subdued into drizzle. You groan softly, your mind instantly prioritizes you to get a nice, hot shower after you arrive at Jotaro's house. The unpleasant feeling of the wet clothes that stick onto your skin is uncomfortable whenever you move around. Not mentioning his damp coat on your shoulders. Jotaro noticed your discomfort, thus he took your hand and guided you out from the bus after paying the transportation fee. You politely bid the driver a good night and receive a smile in return.
"Be safe on your way home!"
"Thank you sir." You waved him goodbye.
His smiles widened as he waved to the both of you before closing the automatic door. The big vehicle is driven away, leaving the two of you alone in the bus station.
Jotaro placed his hand on your cheek to draw your attention, and you turned your face to him. The corner of his lips curled in amusement.
"You're so friendly to everyone, were you forgetting about me?"
"Um, no i didn't—" You blushed at his words, you just realize you've been watching the bus as it went further away from the bus station you're currently in.
Chuckle erupted from his throat, he once again took your hand and dragged you out from the shelter.
"Come on, we should get home."
You nod to him, you begin to match his wide steps but it's a struggle to keep your pace equal to his.
An unspoken compassion from him starts to become noticeable as his steps are slowing down. You felt you were instantly taken back to the very first time he held your hand back in your adolescence. The butterfly wings flutter on the inside of your stomach as you're overwhelmed by his form of affection, not that you complained.
The small gesture he had tried to show you held a lot of meanings. Jotaro Kujo wasn't a man of affection, but alas you were quite the opposite. At first, he's very hesitant about being in a relationship, afraid that he'd somehow accidentally hurt you. It took a lot of convincing and encouragement for him to gradually learn how to show his emotions up until the point he even lets you see him when he's emotionally vulnerable. You were glad you're able to receive his love at his own pace.
The street grew quieter as both of you walked into the passageway where his home is located. The rain stopped about a minute ago, but the sky hasn't cleared out from Cumulonimbus clouds.
"We're here." He stated.
You looked up, realizing you've been distracted by your thoughts till the Gate of Kujo's residence went unnoticed by you until now.
"Oh, yeah, great." You awkwardly replied, he must've noticed you've been dazed out the whole time.
The sound of metal groans from the gate's hinge was produced when he pushed the gate open. He steps aside, gesturing to you to enter his home first. You gladly step inside.
His house never ceased to amaze you. The traditional Japanese garden, with stone pathways that lead you to the wooden-old style house, looks exquisite.
Jotaro walked in right after you, he locked his gate before approaching the small box of switches. The flick of switch immediately turned on the tōrō that embellished alongside the pathway. Illuminating the path to his house.
You watched them in awe as the second flick of switch made the lamps under the canopy above you light up dimly.
"How long are you gonna stand there?" He called you out, instantly snapped you out from your thoughts. 
Damn, even if this was the hundredth time of you visiting his house, you're still nervous about going in. Not because of the intimidating presence of a huge house, but rather about what'd happen afterwards when the two of you are alone inside his room.
"Coming!" You jog towards him, he snorts at your clumsy steps.
The slide door squeaked against the strong push of his hand, the dim hallways greets you and him as both of you went inside. He sat on the small stair at the entrance of the house to free his soaked feet from the wet shoes. You imitate him as you pull your feet out from your flat shoes, cringed at the squishy sounds made by the foam parts of your shoes.
"Jojo, would you mind if I take a bath first?" You asked, insecure about the possible odor being produced by your feet if you don't wash it immediately.
"Sure, I'll lend you my clothes."
Wait.. Your brain is still processing his offer.
Your cheek bursts into a dark shade of red when realization hits you. You will be wearing his clothes as a change, but there's no possibility that he owned a pair of bras.
And women's underwear.
"Uh, i just— i just remember—" You stuttered, unable to assemble the question you wanted to ask, "do you— by any chance could lend me, you know,"
"Lend what?"
"Uh, that thing." His brows furrowed deeper as the thing you asked from him isn't clear enough. You groaned, he didn't get the message,
"... A spare underwear." The last part of your word came out as a whisper.
His response was so flat, you cursed your awkwardness that makes a fool out of you by exaggerating the matter.
But your request did make a part of him twitch, but it wasn't anywhere on his hand.
"Right," He pulled down his hat to conceal half of his face, "it's not a woman's underwear, but I do have spares, if you like."
"Thank you." You shut the conversation off.
Awkward silence follows afterward.
Jotaro began to walk inside his house without words. Soft thud of footsteps have joined the sound of the night. A loud croak of a frog and buzzing sounds from moth wings filled the night as both of you walked through the veranda of his house.
Just like a navigator implanted in his head, he walks around his house on autopilot. The both of you passed the empty living room, the kitchen, the tea room, until he stopped in front of a room you're familiar with.
The shōji slides open, revealing Jotaro's spacious room inside. The tatami feels nice under your feet when you step inside. You follow your feet as they carry you to the electrical switch of this room's lamp. The warm light is flooding the room instantly.
Jotaro closed the shōji with a loud slam. Surprisingly, you're used to how unaware he'd handle things around him at full strength. Sometimes you think he can't control the extra power he got from Star Platinum yet, but you know he won't admit it.
He disappeared to the cubicle of his wardrobe and came back with a pile of fresh clothes as he offered them to you.
"Here, take it."
"Thank you." You extended your hands to grab the clothes from him.
"Go on and take a shower." He reached for his hat, taking it off and tossing it to the nearest table. "I'll be in the kitchen. Tea?"
"Yes please." You lit up at his offer. A hot beverage after a nice shower sounds very pleasant.
You stand still as you watch the shōji slide open and closed once again. The silhouette of him appears on the semi translucent glass, until it disappears around the corner.
You quickly took a step towards the bathroom.
The fluorescent light filled the room as you turned the switch on. The bright white porcelains dominated your vision. You quickly stored your changes in the usual place and discarded your wet clothes from your body. Your skin felt moist after your body naturally let any liquid seep through the barrier of your skin. You frowned at the sight of your wrinkled fingertips and your reflection in the mirror. Your hair is matted because of the drying rainwater. It's gonna take a long time to smoothen your tousled hair.
You step into the shower room, closing the glass door behind and turn on the warm shower. It didn't take a long time before the cold water turned into warm water on your hand, the steam from the water instantly relaxed your muscles as you stood closer to the pouring water and let them wash away the remaining coldness of the rain. You sigh contently  when the temperature of the room has risen up to the point where it feels like you just curled up inside a blanket in the middle of cold night. When the cold is gone, you begin to scrub away the impurity off your skin with soap.
Great, now I'll smell exactly like Jotaro, you thought to yourself as you poured an appropriate amount of shampoo onto your head, the smell of him quickly invaded your nostrils as soon as you rub the shampoo on your hair. Bubbles quickly form on your head as you gently massage your scalp. His shampoo does feel a little too drying for your hair, but it's better than just washing your hair with only water.
The faint sound of the bedroom's door slid open indicating that he's back. You quickly wash up yourself before turning off the faucet, not wanting to keep him waiting for his turn. You step out from the foggy shower cubicle and pull the towel from the hanger. The towel is now wrapped around your body after you use it to wipe yourself dry. The temperature outside the shower room does feel a little colder.
This would be the first time you fully dressed in his clothes.
You take a look at yourself in the mirror again, tidying your hair a bit before fetching the pile of clothes inside the hanging cabinet on the wall.
The grey underwear he gave you is bigger than your size, not to mention the unusual bagginess around the crotch. You blushed at the thought of something usually nestled inside this brief. It did feel uncomfortable, but other than that, the shirt and his shorts felt comfortable on your skin. The smell of wooden wardrobe clinged on the shirt he had given you, a hint of his cologne bursts out everytime the fabric brushes on your skin. Oh, you definitely smell like Jotaro right now.
Your nipples are visible under the clothes, you cringed when you feel them peaked because of the coldness of the room. You shook your head as you draped your towel on your shoulders, covering the visible part of your nipples.
You unlocked the bathroom door, walked out with the dirty clothes in your hand.
"Jotaro, it's your turn." You call him out.
Your eyes instantly spotted him on the small spot in the center of the room. He had placed a portable short-legged table in front of him with two cups of tea settled on the table. The rain did a favor to you, the rainwater that wet his clothes made his shirt clings onto the skin underneath. Which exhibit the outline of his forearms and torso.
He took a sip of his tea before setting it down on the table. He gets up and grabs a new towel before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind.
You gently knock on them, "Jojo, could you hand me your dirty clothes? I'll wash them."
He grunts as an answer, the sound of rustling shirt and rattling belt clasps follow afterwards.
The door is opened for the second time, this time with a hand sticking out with a bundle of clothes in the grip.
"Here." He handed you his laundry. You let him place them down on top of your hand,
"You're welcome." You giggled as you took it and headed out to the laundering room, feeling a blush creep on your cheek.
The washing machine that belongs in this household is quite similar to yours. The only difference is it's a lot bigger and elegant compared to what you have in your house. You separate the whites and begin to do the chores.
On your way back to his room after finished laundering the dirty clothes was awfully quiet. You looked up to the sky from the veranda and spotted a dim moonlight behind the clouds. The storm has passed, leaving the sky overcast with just a thin layer of clouds.
You slide the room's door open, surprised when you see him currently sitting beside the table with a small towel resting on his head. He already changed into comfortable pants and only pants. Exhibiting his ungodly muscles of his torso and after-shower skin that looks soft if you touch them. 
You shook your urge to run your fingers onto his moist skin off as you tried to distract yourself from the view in front of you. The fact that he took a bath in less than 5 minutes is questionable. Did he mistake rinsing his body as taking a bath?
"Um, you're done already?"
He looked up from the magazine in his hand as if it's not obvious enough.
".. Let me dry your hair then."
You waited for him to reply, but he often gave you silent answers. You closed the door behind you and fetched the hairdryer inside the bottom of the desk drawer.
The sound of a buzzing hair dryer fills the room as you're working on his hair. You kneeled to have a better view to his head, gently run your fingers into his hair while drying his hair delicately.
He relaxed at your touch and leans closer to you, closing his eyes. His hair quickly dried out with the help of an expensive hair dryer his mom gave him, sadly it has never been in use except when you're around. You pull him towards you as you wrap your hands around his neck, placing a kiss on his forehead.
He chuckled, "What's up with the kiss?"
"Nothing, I just want to do it." You place another kiss on his cheek.
"You could just tell me if you want more." He twisted his body to face you and reached out to cup your face, pulling you towards him. Both of your lips almost come in contact.
You blushed furiously as his forearm brushed on your clothed breast.
It's not like Jotaro had never seen or touched you bare body, but the awareness from not wearing a bra when you both weren't in some sexual activity feels so wrong, it's like you were committing a crime though it's actually not a big deal. 
"You do realize your face is turning red, do you?" He finally closed the distance between your lips with a kiss. He turned his body fully facing yours. Your knees weaken and you fall onto your back with him on top of you as the result of intense kisses he poured onto your lips.
You deepen the kiss to suppress the noises caused by his wandering hands roaming on your skin. He slowly descends his body on top of yours, making you gasped for air between the kisses. 
The shorts you wore easily slide off from your legs, leaving the bottom part of your body covered only with baggy underwear. His hands quickly found the hem of the brief before he finally removed the last fabric on your leg, the chilling air instantly licked your hot core. He pulled away from the kiss and smirked as he saw a darker spot on the grey underwear you wore.
"You're staining my brief,"
"Oh my god, I'm sorry." You replied as you covered your face, feeling the embarrassment skyrocketed in your head as he pulled them off you completely. It didn't take a second before the brief was thrown somewhere on the floor.
"Not that I mind." You let out a low moan when he shifted and kissed the back of your ear. It's not only embarrassment that has peaked so high inside you, it also drags your sensitivity up beyond the ceiling. As the result, you wetted yourself more.
His hand found the hem of your shirt, he pulled the shirt over your head along with your drenched hair towel and tossed them somewhere in the room.
You instantly hug yourself in an attempt to cover your bare chest. It didn't take a second before he yanked both of your hands off your chest, keeping your breast open for his eyes to feast.
The tent on his pants grew abnormally bigger as you wriggle under him. You weren't ready, at least for now. He always took time to prepare himself and he'd never been this bold before. This is beyond confidence. Did something aroused him? What was the cause? Or did something triggered him until he's—
His scalp. You had accidentally teased him by running your fingers into his hair, where his erogenous zone is hidden under his thick mane.
Of course it's more than that. He had planned this since Ms. Holly is currently in America with her husband, he would never pass the chance to spend time with you alone. The evidence is showing through the absence of the underwear he should've been wearing. Besides, the outline of his cock inside his pants looks way too obvious.
A spark of courage started a fire inside you. He had missed you, and you were just the same. You ignore the fluttering wings of butterflies inside your stomach as you move your hands in the second after he lets go of them and runs your fingers into his hair, digs your nail down onto his scalp. He groans at the sudden stimulation he receives. 
From many experiences, you both already know each other's erogenous zone. The second-most sensitive part of his body—the first one was his cock, obviously—is his scalp.
"Jotaro," You pull his head down until your lips meet again, you wrap your legs around his waist and start grinding on his hard bulge. 
You were right, there's no underwear beneath those shorts.
You silently thanked his decision. The cotton fabric of his shorts against your arousal almost feel zero in layers and it pleasures you but leaves you impatient at the same time. You moaned as you feel the outline of his cock better when you grind harder.
"Now you're staining my shorts." He hisses between his heavy breath,
"Take them off then..!" You gasped in protest
"Yare yare, use your own hand, woman." He grunted as he rose up and let you do the job. You quickly got to work on pulling the elastic band of the short down to free his swollen member from the tight shorts, even though the view of his fully erected cock is tempting to be left untouched. You are forced to drag your eyes to meet him, silently asking for permission to satisfy him with your mouth. He shook his head. Today, he's skipping it. 
The sight of him kicking off his shorts is truly arousing. He's impatient, and so were you. You're familiar with this calm before storm period, where the tension in the atmosphere is so thick as if you're trapped inside a hardened gelatine.
Heavy breaths fill the lack of conversation between you and him as both of you share the same stare with the same intensity. You were filled with anticipation, hoping he'd ravish you and suffocate you as he pours his passion into you.
But of course, Jotaro won't let you get what you want—yet. He lowers his body for a bit before starting teasing your fold by dragging his hard tip up and down. You moaned as it stimulated you, but it wasn't enough.
"Jotaro!" You begged, "Don't tease me!"
"Impatient, aren't you?" He whispered beside your ear, positioning himself as he adjusted your legs around his waist. You pant heavily as you felt the long waited tip finally touched the entrance of your arousal.
You inhale harshly as his tip penetrated your core and slowly slid in easily into your lubricated wall.
"Fuck.. You were already this aroused." He curses as your wall massages the head of his cock. Sending him a sweet spark of pleasure.
It's barely in and he already made you into a moaning mess. His head had ducked down as his plump lips tugged your nipple lightly, and later he'd soothe your aching tip with his tongue. Both of his hands soon join the fun, they cup both of your mound and squeeze them gently. He likes to feel the softness of your breasts under his rough palms.
You moan when you feel his member is slowly sinking further and rubbing itself around the right spot on your wall. He lets out a quivered breath as he stops for a second to pull himself backward and shoves them inside. Your back begins to arch in pleasure as he repeats the process, in, out, in, then out again. Your wall was slowly adjusted to his size and you were starting to feel good.
"Jotaro, faster—!" You urged him, clinging into the new formed pleasure that slowly built inside your core.
Jotaro peels his hand away from your chest and goes to the south. Your eyes instantly open when you feel his fingers slip into your labia and slowly circulate around your sensitive bud. You opened your mouth to protest but he shut it by shoving his tongue in the second after you opened your mouth—which only resulted in you drowning deeper into pleasure.
This is unfair, you want to make him feel good as much as you did too.
You cupped his face as you gladly welcomed his thick, wet muscle into your mouth while he pumped himself into you.
"Let me please you, (Y/N)." He heaved softly between the kiss, "You've done so much for my pleasure."
Behind your blurry vision, you could see his determined stares. His brows were knitted together as he solely focuses himself on you.
Hot breath blew against the curve of your neck. He's sucking on a certain spot on your neck, adding a new pleasure you already had to bear from the constant stimulation in your lower region.
In that very moment, your senses are heightened by twofold. You could hear his harsh breathing, the wet sound of skin against skin, your own heartbeats, but you couldn't hear the sound that has escaped your mouth as clear as the other sound. The wave of pleasures keeps coming, sweeping you away from the shore and drowning you until you're unable to take control over your body.
Your clit has begun to numb from the constant rub his fingers are giving. The numbing sensation crawls its way to your legs, until it reaches your toes. You're clinging into his arms, completely at his mercy.
"Fuck, (Y/N)." He curses as he draws a shaky breath, he's undeniably starting to succumb into his own need for release. Wildly thrust himself into you.
"I— I'm close—" You gasped. Unable to form any decent word longer than that.
His only response was sweet nothings like 'you're doing good', 'cum for me', which comes out as a whisper. If your senses weren't heightened, you might be unable to catch them. With the remaining logical sense in your brain, you're aware Jotaro wasn't entirely conscious when he said those things.
You were so close to your release, it was so close but you still couldn't reach it. You bucked your hip faster to be in the same rhythm with his. Both of your body are covered in sweat, you could see the sweat has made a few strands of his hair stick onto his forehead, forming a few fat buds of sweat before they're rolling down on his face.
It only took one tilt of your body to make him graze into the right spot that instantly blacked out your eyes as you see nothing but stars. Within a few thrust, your body goes into convulsions as intense pleasure washes over you, triggering your brain to release large amounts of dopamine. You cried out his name as you finally reached the sweet orgasm he had intended to give you. Now it was his turn.
He increases his pace and fills the room with the loud sound of skin slapping besides your heavy breath and his small, almost unnoticeable moans. He's frustrated. He's already close halfway through the intercourse, but he's holding it back so you could reach it before him. With a desperate grunt but freed from duty to make you feel good, he lets his body guide him toward his own desire. He wants to buck his hip harder, it was there, so close to him to reach. With the help of your cum, he just had to thrust into you faster, and faster and—
His body spasms as he finally meets the orgasm he had been chasing. He arches his back as he feels his cock spill his hot cums into you.
He instantly feels light headed and collapses on top of you. You tighten your hug around his neck, kissing his cheek sweetly. You both stayed in that position for a while, enjoying the afterglow in each other's embrace.
You could feel the thick liquid of his release seeping into your core deeper, but he's spilling the rest out when he moves to remove his member from you. 
A satisfied sigh leaves your lips, feeling the familiar sense of sleepiness begin to sink into your sore body. 
"Don't sleep yet." He said as he stroked your cheek.
You smile. "I know", you softly replied. Sleeping on the floor without a futon will make your back stiff in the morning, he usually said. 
He smiles back at you—so gentle that it would make you squeal if sleep wasn't your main priority right now.
He got up before gathering the scattered clothes on the floor and left you to bring back his folded futon. 
He unfurled the futon beside you and told you to move onto the simple bedding—which took every energy you had left to drag your body to climb upon the fresh spread futon.
He cleans himself with tissues before putting his brief back on. You watched him change comfortably with your heavy lidded eyes.
Your eyes were finally closing. You almost fell into deep slumber if it's not because there's a sudden cold touch on your skin. You open your eyes before realizing you had fallen asleep for quite a while. You didn't remember Jotaro had left your side and came back with a cardigan and wet towel in his hand.
"Jotaro.." You call him quietly,
"Shh, (Y/N). You can go back to sleep." Jotaro hushes you as he cleans the stain on your inner thighs. He's really pampering you today.
"Come here, I want to cuddle you." You murmur, barely conscious as you pat the empty space besides you.
He chuckled softly before he kissed your forehead and joined you on the futon. You curled your body against him as he wraps you with a cardigan and pulls the thick blanket over your body and his. You then found yourself inside his arms before you slipped into unconsciousness, feeling a sense of protection as his steady breath lulls you back into slumber.
It wasn't a ruined date after all.
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owlyjules · 8 months
Be sure to always download those fics that stick with you. There are several sites to save fics from sites like FFN, and AO3 has a built-in downloader with multiple formats to choose from. Fanfics get deleted often so always, always make sure to keep your favorites somewhere as a backup.
Thank you for the reminder anon!:D
I already did for those few fics that means a lot to me. Thankfully too since sadly in one case the author left and took all of their work with them. Right now I dont read a lot of new fics but I always get back up of my wifes favourites as well! You never know!
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