#old slr cameras
tikuo2007 · 8 months
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amatsuki · 1 year
galaxy brain meme but it’s:
🥚 i should buy a new point-and-shoot camera
🐣 i should buy my first mirrorless camera
🐥 i should dig out the family slr from the 1970s and watch youtube tutorials to figure out if the battery is even working and if it’s got film in
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askshivanulegacy · 2 years
Turns out when you buy a grown-up camera (SLR) you also need to buy it a grown-up lens cap (UV filter) and a grown-up sun visor (hood) and maybe a grown-up something to make the colors pop (polarizing filter) and also maybe something to make water smooth (neutral density filter) and you can't just get the cheap stuff oh no because expensiveness matters in this case.
I miss when I could just point at stuff with things and shoot. 😂
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robmoses1 · 2 years
Nikon F4 Review
I got my hands on a Nikon F4 film camera this fall. I put together a short view review of the camera. I shot all the photos with a 50mm f/1.4D lens and Kodak Ektar 100 35mm film in the camera. I just took a little walk around the Japanese Garden in Kelowna, BC and shot a few random photos. Share the video if you like it. 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Rob
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cuomophobe · 2 years
If the brotherhood of steel were real my parents would absolutely be members just saying
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nanaarchy · 3 months
Hey chat !!!! I'm going insane.
Ever since my first listen to TMA, I've had a huge question that NEVER got answered.
Never. Not in the whole series, not Q&As or the wiki or anything. I thought I would never find answers. I thought it would be forgotten. I thought it was a small insignificant detail and I'd have to live with never knowing the truth about it.
Now with TMAGP 19, I might finally know the answer.
Maybe. Maybe maybe. But It Could Be. And now I'm losing my mind at the implications.
((For the record, I know that the stories and worldbuilding are inherently separate - hell, there are even timeline differences in the cases I'm using as evidence. But the overlap might be important, especially when it comes to the Web.))
Spoilers for both shows below!
Its branches were exquisite, and delicate, swaying slightly from small eddies in the liquid, and they shone with every spectra. I must confess that to look upon it, one was – (sigh) filled with profound wonder at its exquisite elegance. [...] Even I, steeped in worldly matters as I am, recognized The Lord’s words to Adam, and was much dismayed at the implication. Isaac then plucked the delicate fruit with ungloved hands and held it before me. [...] The creature was taking root. Strands of its mottled brown hair were extruding downwards between the floor, seeking the dark earth below. Then, too, its back began to sprout, radiant branches unfurling and thickening before me, reaching upwards towards the sunlight with a seemingly insatiable desire. [...] I tell you here, Robert, it saw me, and it knew me. (TMAGP 19 - HARD RESET)
It was an ornate wooden thing, with a snaking pattern of lines weaving their way around towards the centre. The pattern was hypnotic and shifted as I watched it, like an optical illusion. I found my eyes following the lines towards the middle of the table, where there was nothing but a small square hole. Graham noticed me staring, and told me that interesting antique furniture was one of his few true passions. Apparently he’d found the table in a second-hand shop during his student days and fallen in love with it. It had been in pretty bad shape but he’d spent a long time and a lot of money restoring it, though he’d never been able to figure out what was supposed to go in the centre. He assumed it was a separate piece and couldn’t track it down. (MAG 3 - ACROSS THE STREET)
Re: Magnus Institute Ruins. By RedCanary on Saturday April 23 2022 12:17pm. The photos from the spelunk seem properly gone, but I did find an old wooden thing with a bunch of similar symbols on. Some kinda empty box, not really sure what for, though. Gonna see if I can get the light right for a decent pic. Edit: No dice, I’m afraid. Must be something up with my phone camera. Really not helping the whole paranoia thing either. Anyone know anything about photographic distortion? Gonna see if I can borrow my dad’s SLR tomorrow. (TMAGP 1 - FIRST SHIFT)
Adelard Dekker stood in the corner. He was straight and motionless, his lips moving rapidly, though no sound came out of them. In the centre of the room, stood a table carved from dark wood and wrapped all over with a sprawling, intricate pattern. And in front of that table was the thing that had said it was my cousin. It was long and thin, the tops of it bent against the ceiling and its stick-like limbs flailed from too many joints and elbows. Wrapped around it were thick strands of what I think was spider’s web, stretching back into the table, which I now saw pulsed along its carved channels with a sickly light. The face at the top of that gangly frame was like nothing on earth. (MAG 78 - DISTANT COUSIN)
Now... Now I get it. I get it. I finally gave an answer. Or, at least, I think we'll get a concrete answer soon. But I think I get it.
I think I get where the web table comes from. I think I know what it's made of. why it glows. why it had a hole in the middle. I think I might know how the web gained control and sentience so much faster than the other fears. and, if it still manifests in the same way in the Protocol universe, how it also quickly became "the manager" of other fears, as theories suggest.
More importantly, I think I know what was up with the mysterious tree from so, so long ago.
Now I have an answer.
Why was there an apple buried in Hill Top Road?
I opened the box and sitting inside was a single green apple. It looked fresh, shiny, with a coat of condensation like it had just been picked on a cool spring morning. I picked it up. I wasn’t going to eat it, I’m not that stupid, but more than bleeding trees or phantom burning, this confused me. As I took it out of the box, though, it began to turn. The skin turned brown and bruised and started to shrivel in my hand. Then it split. And out came spiders. Dozens, hundreds of spiders erupting from this apple that was rotting right before my eyes. I shrieked and dropped it before any of them could touch my arm. The apple fell to the ground and burst in a cloud of dust. I backed away and waited until I was sure all the spiders had left before retrieving the box. I smashed it with a crowbar, and threw the remains into a skip. (MAG 8 - BURNED OUT)
And now I have an answer. Maybe.
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Hello! Some info about this blog:
#bluebellyphotos (original photo posts)
#bluebellytalks (text posts and reblog comments)
#flora (plant and landscape photos)
#fauna (animal photos)
#arthropods (bugs and friends)*
#invertebrates (includes slugs and bugs and other critters)*
#scenes from my father's garden (a little series)
#us politics and #usa politics for your blocklist
*For spiders I also give content and trigger warnings in the tags. You can block spider posts by blocking #cw spiders or #tw spiders. I try to be responsive to reasonable content warning requests so send me an ask if there's anything else you want me to add to my tags.
What camera and lenses do you use?
I use a Sony A7Riv (a mirrorless digital camera) and most often I am using a 35mm prime lens (the FE 1.4/35 GM) or the less fancy but still serviceable 85mm prime (FE 1.8/85). I bought them all used off KEH, which I really recommend for anyone in North America trying to spend less money on gear. The majority of the photos posted here were made using that camera body and one of those two lenses, although I do occasionally use converters and lenses from old analog SLRs. I don't post my film work to this blog, but if you want to know about analog cameras and film photography, shoot me an ask.
Where was this photo taken?
After deliberating for a long time, I made a decision to not share geolocative information with my photos unless I was making a larger text post about the area and its history. I remember the world before geotagging and instagram, and I have really mixed feelings about – on some level – reducing the landscapes and lifeways I cherish to their aesthetics. While I do trust most of you to treat the places you visit with care, I've also seen a lot of trampled superblooms and summit queues for that one perfect shot. So if I'm going to tell you where something is, I also want to include information about why that place is so special. Unfortunately, most of the time I am too tired to write something long enough to do the place justice.
How do you edit your photos? Do you use presets, and if so, which ones?
For years this has been my workflow: I import everything into Adobe Lightroom Classic, which I like for its organizational capacity more than anything else. I built my own presets, each for specific lighting conditions, weather conditions, and landscape types, which I apply as photos come in. Then I do a second pass and make adjustments on each photo. I may share preset packages at some point – I just have to get around to it. I delete a lot of work, because the Sony a7riv files are enormous. I export everything for tumblr at or below 2000 pixels on the long edge, so the file sizes you guys see are comparatively small (want a larger file for some reason? send me an ask). I do work with photoshop as well, but generally not for the photos I post to this blog. I have been considering moving everything over to Darktable, which is open source. Update: Recently I lost access to Adobe CC for financial reasons ( am between jobs). If you want to help support bluebelly, I set up a kofi.
I get a lot of bot followers. If your blog has a profile pic, a header image, and some text in your info section that was clearly written by a human I’m much less likely to accidentally block you. I don't need you to list identity information or post a picture of yourself (I am glad you protect your privacy). Even just changing your blog’s colors can help signal you are human to other tumblr users, but if you get blocked it's almost certainly because you looked like a bot and I was going through the motions of clearing them out. If I notice your blog posting AI content I will block you even if you appear to be human and friendly. My only real aim with bluebelly-sun-serpentine is to encourage us all to pay attention to the world around us and to celebrate what that attention can do to connect us to all kinds of life, and I feel like ai is just kind antithetical to that, so I do my best to keep it off my dash.
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asgoodeasgold · 1 year
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Matthew Goode at Dunhill Links 2023 - Part 1 - Meeting Matthew
Day 1 of the tournament on the Old Course at St Andrews, I finally met lovely, gorgeous Matthew and as predicted, I was utterly tongue-tied, star-struck, could not think of what to say! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️
I was actually petrified, ridiculous I know, a grown woman (I have talked at conferences in front of 600 people and not felt anywhere near as nervous 🤷🏻‍♀️).
But Matthew is lovely and puts people at ease.
The first thing that struck me about him, even from metres away, was his gaze. INTENSE!!! @pleasereadmeok (J) had warned me the eye contact was insane but you have to see it to believe it.
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And you can see it in these close-ups, that piercing gaze and magnetic presence. Nobody looks at a camera or people like that. I don't know how his co-stars manage to function frankly.
The other thing that struck me was how tall and lithe he is. And how at ease in his body, when he walks, sorry I mean swaggers, around the course (gigantic stride!) or takes a swing.
What did I think of Matthew? Well it's always a bit scary meeting your heroes, I was worried about being disappointed.
But meeting Matthew was wonderful (even though I was embarrassing 😂). Watching him play and interact with people for 2 days confirmed everything I thought he was: charming, kind, friendly, funny, humble, self-deprecating, and beautiful. And you can't fake that for 10 hours.
He always made time to come and chat with spectators.
2 stories to give the measure of the man, the way he behaves towards children and animals.
There was a kid in golf shoes watching and Matthew handed his driver to him and said "I think you should take over". The kid was so chuffed, tried a few swings, Matthew had a chat. So lovely.
And everytime there was a spectator with a dog, he had to go and pet it. One dog was literally rolling on its back in happiness. Aw. [Hot tip if going to watch Matthew play, bring your dog, or borrow one 🤣, chat guaranteed!].
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This is my last shot of Matthew on Day 2 at Carnoustie as he was leaving (little did I know I would not see him again, the tournament was abandoned the next day due to flooded courses).
This was at the end of a tough day with lots of ups and down (some incredible drives, Matthew is so powerful! and a stunning putt from 35m). Such a wonderful smile to end this wonderful experience. I am blessed really.
📷 My pictures and edits [1st one with phone, rest with SLR, much better - I always find phone pics distorted]
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satoshi-mochida · 4 months
DreadOut Remastered Collection announced for PS5, Switch
From Gematsu
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Singapore-based publisher Soft Source Publishing and developer Digital Happiness have announced DreadOut Remastered Collection for PlayStation 5 and Switch. It includes the original DreadOut and the new standalone game DreadOut: Keepers of the Dark. It will launch in 2024. A physical edition will also be available in Asia.
“Having worked on bringing DreadOut 2 to consoles, the team at Soft Source Publishing were enthralled by the idea when Pak Rachmad CEO of Digital Happiness threw out the idea of bringing back DreadOut and DreadOut: Keepers of the Dark to consoles,” said Soft Source Publishing director Sameer Pandit in a press release. “It’s an immediate thought that we want to be a part of this new project. DreadOut is an iconic IP in Asia and has been spreading its wings in the rest of the world with the release of DreadOut 2 on consoles.”
Here is an overview of the collection, via Soft Source Publishing:
About DreadOut
DreadOut is a third-person supernatural horror game where you play as Linda, a high school student trapped in an old abandoned town. Equipped with her trusty smart-phone and an SLR camera, she will battle against terrifying encounters and solve mysterious puzzles which will ultimately determine her fate. Help her overcome the challenges that will stand before her. Survive the Dread! When a group of high school students went astray from a field trip, they came across something totally unexpected. A town long forgotten trapped in a peaceful state of slumber. What they did not realize was what lurks within. And what seemed like an innocent stroll turns into disaster as the secluded town reveals its dark and terrible secrets. The presence of sinister forces from beyond their realm of existence. It all comes down to Linda. She will experience stirrings of unfamiliar powers, emerging from within her. These new found abilities might just be the only way she can save her own life and those of her friends.
Explore a haunted environment in an Asian-Indonesian setting.
Battle against terrifying beings from a supernatural realm.
Solve mysterious puzzles that block your path.
Switch between first person and third person view.
Engage in a thrilling storyline.
Play Act 1 and 2 of Linda’s terrifying journey along with Act 0 (previously released as DreadOut Demo).
Get access to Linda’s unlockable wardrobe.
About DreadOut: Keepers of the Dark
DreadOut: Keepers of the Dark is a new standalone horror game that takes place in the DreadOut universe. In this missing chapter, you will help Linda face the challenges of the DreadOut world with even more dangers lurking within. Follow the event in which Linda was transported by The Mysterious Lady in Red into The Mirror Realm. A portal of worlds that connects it to eight haunted dominions where 13-plus horrific ghosts are ready to greet her in the most terrifying way possible. They will stop at nothing to thwart your main objective: To survive! So, get your smart phone and SLR camera ready and choose your path wisely. The doors you open will decide the outcome of Linda’s fate.
Battle against 13-plus specially designed ghosts originated from the twisted minds of our beloved backers, meticulously implemented into the DreadOut universe.
Work your way through 8-plus supernatural realms in a nonlinear fashion.
Two brand new levels previously unincluded in DreadOut.
Solve mysterious puzzles obstructing Linda’s escape to liberation.
Explore in third-person view and battle in first-person view.
Find out more about Linda’s journey and dive deeper into DreadOut’s grand scheme of things.
New storyline that will shed some light into Linda’s mysterious journey.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View a set of screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
Update 05/15/24 at 1:45 a.m.: An earlier version of this article listed MassHive Media as an additional developer and PQube as an additional publisher. Soft Source Publishing has reached out to Gematsu to clarify that this was an error on its official website, and that neither company are involved in DreadOut Remastered Collection.
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besthimbomachine · 1 year
my love when it counted. 03
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summary: When Kenny returns home after his failed apology, he tries to keep himself busy with random tasks to keep the pain at bay. However, when looking through his things one day he finds something he should have left buried, and it sparks a fire in him that he knows he shouldn't feed. pairing: kenny omega x reader word count: 3884 warning: there be smut in this one here is the reward for enduring the angst in the last chapter everyone, congrats you made it to the smut. this one is more of a break on the plot intense pace from chapter 2, we pick the pace up again in the next one. for now, enjoy the smut
When Kenny finally returned home after that whole mess, it had been almost a week. Though time had worked to quell the pain in his body, the guilt still lingered somewhere in the back of his mind. But like Matt had said, he tried, that was it. Now you’d both agreed to be civil again, and things were settling down into whatever you’d have to call normal from now on. He’d promised to act like simple work colleagues, and that's what he’d do.
With little option, Kenny tried to fall back into a routine, finding whatever most boring bureaucratic issue laid ignored in his email’s inbox and deciding to go through them. He often relied on boring tasks to take his mind off of painful things, and it had been coming in handy for the past two days. The last email had been one from his lawyer, asking for some terribly old document for some confusing reason he couldn’t understand. Sitting in his bed, he had surrounded himself with graying plastic binders and worn out boxes. Choosing one that looked to be the right amount of old to look through. 
When he took the lid off of the large box, Kenny found an old shirt lying on top of the contents. Pulling the garment back, he was met with an assortment of photos and papers scattered about. The minute his eyes found the pictures he already knew what would be in them. And he knew he shouldn’t keep looking. Not with everything going on in his life right now. But it was almost like his hands had a life of their own, and before he knew it, the pictures were already laid on the bed before him.
It wasn’t a surprise, but as his eyes scanned the photos, Kenny still felt his breath getting caught in his throat. They were all pictures from back in his New Japan time. They held the smiling faces of him and his friends. Keepsakes from times and places long gone, some of which slipped his mind now as he looked through them. Many were from shows, some from trips and parties and other events. All of them had one thing in common, though. All of them had you in it. 
That was the box Kenny had dumped any photo with you in, to never be seen again. Shit, he didn’t even know he still had that. He was supposed to have thrown it away, but he never did quite get up the courage to do so. Looking at them now, he could feel the bitter sweet pang of nostalgia, the way it tasted like ashes in his mouth. Swallowing thickly, he stacked the photos together in the box again. That’s when he noticed something else, the black metal previously hidden by the scattered papers shining back at him.
Kenny hesitated for a moment before his fingertips grazed the rough exterior of the camera. Your camera. An old SLR that he had seen many times, but he didn’t even recall was with him. This thing had been your prized possession back when you bought it, around the start of your relationship. He remembered you used to love photography - and maybe you still did, but now he had no way of knowing - you’d take that camera to every show and every trip. He had no idea how it had ended up with him.
Running his thumb over the lens cover, Kenny pulled the poor old thing out of the box it had sat in for the better part of a decade. The cardboard had protected it from dust, but he could only guess what a cross continental move and the Florida humidity would have done to it. The exterior at least seemed fine, and as he opened the lens cover, he couldn’t clearly see any mold or anything.
For the most part, the camera seemed ok, and it sparked in Kenny a curiosity that he knew he shouldn’t feed. Whatever pictures it held, he knew they would do him no good right now. He knew he should just put it back in the box and leave it be. But he couldn’t resist as his finger pushed the power button, body moving on its own, ignoring all common sense. All he could do was hope the thing just would not turn on.
But of course it did.
For a few precious seconds, it seemed as if the camera wasn’t going to pop back into life. Like something was finally looking out for Kenny and saving him from his own stupid and impulsive decisions. But he had no such luck. With a faint sound, it finally woke from its years long slumber, the small screen blinking as it returned to the world of the living. He felt his mouth drying as he stared down at the cold pixels before him, scared and anxious at just  what he’d find as his fingers made quick work of the menu buttons.
When Kenny finally made his way to the old photos, the first thing he was greeted with was his own face. Those same baby blues staring back at him, although a good few wrinkles less and many years younger. He had a smile on his face, features framed by the ropes as he sat on the floor of the ring. Behind him, he could see the silhouettes of Matt and Nick facing the vast empty arena, only a few more blurred forms dotted in the background. 
Moving to the next photo, he found himself again, this time slightly out of frame as he tried to grab the camera. The image was shaky, his face partially in focus as one hand held onto the ropes, the other blurred as it reached out between them, fingers coming close to the lens. A chuckle escaped Kenny’s lips, the sound faint and half hearted as he felt a pang in his chest. 
He tried to remember this day, trying desperately to reach for any memory, but he was left with nothing. Moving onto the next one, he found himself again, tongue sticking out as he leaned close to the camera. The pure joy in his face an ironic contrast with the date of the picture. The naive happiness of someone who didn’t know that days later he’d fuck up something he truly cared about. 
Sighing deeply, Kenny moved on to the older photos. Passing through pictures of him, Matt and Nick preparing in the ring, as well as pictures of you getting ready or climbing on the ropes. There was one video from that day that had you and Kenny dancing around the ring, and for the second time now he felt his heart shatter as his memory failed him. He made through the pictures of the four of you, but nothing moved his mind, the memories truly lost to time.
Biting his lower lip, Kenny laid back against the headboard, finger pressing the button again, but the picture meeting him this time being completely different. The photo had been taken in front of a large mirror outside a building, and standing in the frame were the two of you. He had an umbrella in hand, and you had the camera covering half of your face as you looked through the viewfinder. 
Fuck, Kenny could remember that mirror, the coffee where that picture was taken. He could remember that day pretty well, you’d both taken a few days off and gone on a trip somewhere around Osaka. It was a three-day trip, and it rained lightly for all three days, not the perfect trip but far from the worst he’d had. And looking back at the photo now, he could even say the rain added to the atmosphere.
The next few photos were a mix of you and him in different locations, as well as many pictures of places and things you’d found beautiful. Few of them had you two together, and the photos you took were always clearly much better than his, but he was thankful for those anyway. He was thankful for this insight into a memory time had just almost claimed, glad to just see your glowing smile once again.
It was almost strange, seeing how the look in your eyes in those pictures resembled in almost nothing the one he was used to seeing now. It was like looking into an alternate dimension, close enough that he could brush his fingertips against its ghost, but not so close that he could grasp. Kenny flipped through the images, watching you, the way your skin glowed from the drizzle and the scattered sunlight. Basking in the warmth of your smile and all the playful expressions you made to the camera. It was a side of you that people rarely got to see. One that he himself had now been closed off from.
Sighing again, Kenny flipped through the photos rapidly before stopping when he noticed a change in environment. The picture he’d stopped in was of you, looking away from the camera with your hair tied up, water covering your bare chest all the way above the breasts. He paused, studying the environment, the stone walls and hazy fog circling you were hard to mistake. You two were at an onsen, by the size of it a private one, probably from whichever place you were staying at. 
Kenny’s eyes trailed the exposed skin on the back of your neck, eyes following the curve of your spine as it delved underwater. He felt his chest tighten again, you were so gorgeous, if he closed his eyes he could almost feel your soft skin on his fingertips. The next picture had you laughing, waving one hand at the camera as if trying to shoo him away. Your movement - and the surrounding fog - made the photo blurry, but he could still see your exposed chest. Warm water spilled down the inside of your breasts, kissing your skin in ways he could only have in his dreams now.
Moving on to the next photo, Kenny felt the air hitching in his throat as his eyes met with your own, large and entrancing in a way that he never found again after he lost you. Your beautiful irises stared back at him through the screen, keeping him locked in place for a good moment as he felt himself dragged to the bottom of a lake. And for a second there, he really didn’t want to resurface.
When he finally remembered to breathe, Kenny fully took in the image. You stared straight ahead, deep sultry eyes locked with the lens as his hand touched your face. One of your hands held his own, your lips touching his knuckles and the back of his fingers in a soft kiss. Water droplets ran down the curve of your breasts, with the way you were sitting the water just about touched your chest, not fully reaching your nipples. God, you looked like something out of this world, like a siren ready to drag him underwater, a lure he’d never deny.
Blood rushed to Kenny’s face and in a moment his breathing became hard, air evading him for a long second. It was almost like he’d forgotten just how gorgeous you could be. His fragile memory - and his most shameful dreams - not doing justice to a sight he once had so freely that he didn’t fully value. He was young and stupid, and you were too beautiful for him to understand - and fuck, from what he saw in the ring you’d only gotten better. 
Kenny’s free hand ran through his hair as he sat staring down at the old screen, feeling the rough texture of the camera against his fingers. The photo had him in a hypnotic hold, he could almost smell your perfume and taste your skin, almost. And he could feel his body react to it, but at the same time a pang of guilt coming through his chest. He shouldn’t be looking at this, he knew. It was wrong, he knew. He should stop, he knew. Swallowing thickly again, Kenny’s thumb hovered over the button for a long second before he finally created the courage and flipped to the next photo.
It did him no good.
When he skipped to the next thing a video started playing, if it had any audio the camera couldn’t play it. When it started, there was only you in frame, sitting with your chest above the water as the lens filmed from a higher angle. You said something he couldn’t make out, laughing and turning away before turning back and slowly licking your lips, half lidded eyes staring deep into his own. His hand came into view then, thumb brushing over your jaw before making its way to your mouth and caressing your lower lip. You stuck your tongue out, licking the tip of his thumb quickly before lowering your torso. That was when the camera changed angles to follow your movement.
At first, his bare thighs came into view as you slid between them, but the camera continued its swift movement until his fully hard cock appeared in the shot. Kenny’s eyes widened as he watched your hands sliding up his thighs as your lips brushed over his hips. He could feel a tightening in his pants as his blue eyes followed your movements on screen. Your lips teasing the base of his dick and the inside of his thigh, biting and licking whatever skin they touched. The sight having shudders run down Kenny’s spine.
He could feel himself getting hard as he watched his hand lazily pulling you closer to his cock before leaving the frame. You licked the underside of his erection, fingers trailing his thick thighs and coming closer to the base of his cock. When you reached his head, one of your hands wrapped around his shaft, jerking it up and down slowly. Your other hand digging into his thigh and keeping you in place.
Watching the scene in the camera had Kenny groaning, extending his legs out in the bed, free hand coming to rest on top of the bulge now formed in his pants. He watched the image of you continue to tease him on the screen, licking his swollen head as you made eye contact with the lens. Muttering curses, his eyes followed the movements of your tongue, his fingers caressing his large bulge over the fabric of his pants. Just the sight of your lips surrounding the head of his cock being enough to have him fully hard.
On the screen, Kenny watched as you went back to teasing him, kissing your way to the base of his dick before you moved up, licking the thick vein on the underside of his cock. He could almost feel it, length throbbing inside his pants as he rubbed and tugged it over the fabric. A hiss escaped his lips at the sensation, watching as you took his head fully into your mouth in the video, his cock now pressing against his pants, desperate to be set free.
Shit, he knew he shouldn’t be watching this. Let alone taking his pleasure from it.  It felt wrong, but he didn’t really wanna think about that right now. Kenny only barely remembered filming this video, let alone that it still existed somewhere. He brushed against it again by pure chance, it was not like a premeditated thing. 
Fuck, he missed you in more ways than he’d want to admit, and he didn’t want to deny his body’s desire. He didn’t want to deny the way seeing you in the ring had his mind reeling. The way hearing your voice in the backstage halls sent shivers down his spine. He knew it was wrong, but for a single moment he chose to give in to the desire burning deep inside his core.
Pulling the waistband of his pants down, Kenny released his throbbing cock. Veins popping around the thick shaft and sensitive head, his fingers sliding around it lazily. He watched as you started slowly moving your head up and down on the screen, each time taking more of his shaft inside your mouth. Groaning, he cursed the lack of audio on the camera, wanting nothing more than to hear the delicious sounds he knew you’d be making. Kenny’s large hand wrapping tight around his length, fingers barely meeting as he pumped himself slowly.
Kenny took in a sharp breath as he saw your lips getting close to the base of his cock, the camera shaking in his hands as a shiver coursed through his body, setting every nerve alight. He threw his head back, cursing under his breath before looking down again, watching you with darkened eyes. Taking his hand from his cock for a second, Kenny spat on his palm before he went back to fisting his length, fingers now picking up speed.
Palming his head and pumping down his shaft, Kenny watched the scene as you deliberately moving our mouth all the way up his cock, leaving only the head in between your lips before you dove down slowly. He watched as your lips almost touched the base of his dick on screen, a low and rough groan coming from deep in his chest. It was almost as if he could feel it, feel your mouth swallowing his large erection whole. His length twitched in his hands, pre cum spilling from his tip as he pumped faster now, his thick fingers wrapping tight.
Darkened eyes followed your movements as you bobbed your head a few more times, from tip all the way down, until your lips finally reached the base. The image shook a little before it steadied again. Kenny could almost feel the sensations, the tip of his cock touching the back of your throat, the wet warmth of your mouth stretching around his dick. He’d never forget that feeling, sinful and holy, pleasure bordering on pain.
You continued your sucking on screen, and oh, what wouldn’t Kenny give to hear the noises. He groaned, trying to conjure them in his head as he fisted himself faster now, one hand almost not enough to satisfy his full length. Pre cum dripped from his swollen head, onto his fingers and down his veiny cock, making his movements easier and faster. His erection throbbing in his hand, feeling hot and heavy against his rough palm. 
Kenny could feel the coil tightening in his gut, hips jutting forward as he imagined your mouth around his length. He closed his eyes tight, shuddering, breath faltering, his cock throbbing violently in his palm. An animalistic growl trapped in his throat as he opened his eyelids again and watched you moving fast, eyes shut in pleasure. In the screen, his hand burrowed into your hair, fingers tangling with your locks and taking control of your pace. 
When the growl escaped his lips, Kenny almost couldn’t recognize the voice as his own. It was something else, something wild and desperate. He watched on the screen as his hand pulled you all the way back before sliding back down, setting a hard and deliberate pace. Both of your hands held onto his strong legs now, fingertips digging deep into his light skin. Kenny shuddered, trying hard to keep his eyes on the video as pleasure built up within him. By this point his cock was throbbing uncontrollably in his calloused hands, hips bucking with violence and he felt so fucking close. 
You locked eyes with the camera once again, and Kenny could see his hips bucking forward in the video. The hand in your hair stuttering in its pace as your tongue slipped out of your mouth and under his cock. Shit, just seeing that had him delirious, spilling praises out of his lips that he knew you’d never hear. He imagined the feeling of your mouth, the warmth of your tongue all around him. Deft fists pumped up and down at a voracious speed, his cock heavy and slick in his hands, balls feeling full and tight.
In the screen, his hips bucked erratically now, not even caring if he was bringing your head all the way down or not. Your lips looked wet and abused as they stretched around his girth, moving up and down fast. Pulling your head all the way to his tip, Kenny’s hand moved to your lip, pulling your open mouth towards the camera before coming back to his own cock. He fisted himself a couple times, resting the head of his cock on your tongue as his thick length twitched. Rope after rope of his thick white cum spilled past your plump lips, filling your mouth with it. 
Kenny pumped his hand faster and harder, feeling the coil in his gut snap as he watched you close your pretty mouth, swallowing all of his hot cum, tongue darting out to lick some that had slipped down your lip. He felt his orgasm hit like a truck, shutting his eyes as the intensity of the feeling had him seeing stars. With a grunt, his cock spasmed in his hand, shooting his cum like a torrent. Multiple white, thick ropes spilling from his cock, feeling hot as they poured on his exposed thighs and hips, staining his shirt where they fell on the fabric.
Kenny rode his orgasm for what felt like forever, ecstasy completely clouding his mind. When he finally came to, eyes opening to see his still hard cock twitching slowly. Pearly white of cum painted his fingers, a string of it coming from the head and connecting to his hips. He swiped his thumb over his still sensitive head, spreading his thick white jizz over the tip. He was breathing hard, and it still took him a moment to fully return from his high.
Looking at the mess he’d made, Kenny felt that pang of guilt back in his chest. Shit, he shouldn’t have done that. Pushing his cock back into his pants, he cleaned his hand in his already stained shirt before sitting straight against the headboard, the full weight of his guilt crashing down. He ran his hand through his hair, lips feeling dry as he swallowed hard.
He really shouldn’t have done that. If Kenny had felt bad after your recent fight, he felt even worse now. Like a sleazy, cowardly excuse of a man. One who was too weak to let go and too harsh to fix things. Worse, he felt like he had slipped back into the self centered asshole you’d left all those years back. Shit, this wasn’t who he wanted to be, and it made him sick to the stomach. He looked back to the camera, the video had already ended, the final image being your smiling face. 
With a quick push of the buttons, Kenny deleted the video, erasing it from existence like he had done with the others after your break up. This was the right thing, and if he had known about this camera, known about this video, he’d have done it a long time ago. Now it was done, still he felt like shit. And there wasn’t really any way to erase that taste of guilt from his mouth.
tag list: @xladyxfatex @wanderbreadsworld @madds-97 @morgan-bucks @tahiri-veyla @slut4kennyomega
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oldafcameras · 1 year
The Legend of Korra has TERRIBLE animated cameras. Screenshots taken from season 1 episode 9, Out Of The Past.
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Here we clearly see someone with a 4x5 bellows camera. I'll give them credit for the flash, which is accurate if a tad early for when the setting is calling back to. Since it's fantasy, they can do what the want. What they CANNOT do, is clearly show a plate camera and treat it like it's digital. The way he's holding it he's looking at the blank plate holder. And he's exposed that same plate about five times in this short scene.
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This one straight up implies this camera is an SLR. For those of you who just had a moment of 'Huh??', an SLR is the kind of camera where you can see if your image is in focus before you take the picture. DSLRs are a digital version of that, and most younger film cameras are SLRs, the analog version. A plate camera, like this one, relies on a rangefinder if it has something at all. Having used similar cameras, they typically require you to hold the camera at your waist or chest and look into a small mirror mounted on top of the lens.
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This is a plate camera. (This is actually likely the style or model they were referencing) They are essentially the high resolution cameras of the film world, they take pictures on metal plates of varying sizes, but the standard is 4 inches by 5 inches. If you think of those old cameras with a cloth covering your head, that's the kind of camera we're talking about.
'But Jack', I hear you ask, 'those cameras had a viewfinder on the back that showed if the subject was in focus!'
I answer you that that was for a very specific reason: the lens on those cameras operated differently than the one this camera is harkening back to. I'll save the explanation but know that this is a different kind of camera.
In short: Legend of Korra, for as much as I love it, gets a D in Vintage Camera Portrayal.
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35mm analog double exposures
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Yes, I am a three cameras gal now. Found a used old-ish compact camera with a dedicated mode for double exposures. Usually only SLRs have this functionality.
These are actual, literal double exposures. As oposed to the layered compound images the Evo turns out.
I view them as I would abstract paintings, it's more about shape and colour than accurate/detailed depiction.
35mm is 2x3 ratio though. I've gotten so used to 3x4 in digital...
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gnusnoteunuchs · 1 month
had a dream about having a weird little old film camera (not a SLR) and using it to take photos of shitty trains and crusty old buildings and infrastructure and stuff
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vulpine111 · 2 months
New plan.
Dad might let me have his old Martin guitar. He has a new one, so this one never gets played anymore. I'm shocked he would consider it. Before I went to NY in 2016, he said I am "not a musician" and wouldn't let me take my Ibanez from middle school out there.
He thought I would just sell it for drugs because I admit I did that with an SLR Nikon camera when I was all strung out. Probably one of the worst decisions I ever made, honestly.
I will believe him when it's in my possession. I admitted to him this does make me feel better about that particular fight we had. Even bringing it up might have angered him.
I don't know if he started drinking yet today but sometimes he's easily angered and I gotta be careful how I speak with him.
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Vintage Camera Review
The Argus C3 Match-Matic
from 1958–1966
I was at a local thrift store and I saw an Argus camera in the showcase, I asked to see it. It had a tag saying it had been put out just the day before and was marked for $7.50. It's a pretty cool looking camera! Argus was a local to Ann Arbor camera company so its pretty well known in the area. There is even an Argus museum near downtown that's worth a visit.
It's a hefty camera, it's shaped like a small brick and weighs almost as much. It's a range-finder, completely mechanical except for the detachable light meter that doesn't even use a battery. The light meter is probably the most impressive aspect of the camera, with no battery, it has a solar cell that generates electricity. That electricity is measured to tell you how much light is in the scene and how to set the exposure. Its pretty common for cameras of this era but interesting none-the-less.
The camera it's self it pretty typical to start; a 50mm ƒ3.5 lens, it has a shutter dial, a frame counter, film winder and re-winder knobs, instant/bulb switch, cold shoe, and a very old style flash connector.
But then I notice the apertures and shutter speeds are not labeled as usual. The apertures count 3½, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I looked this up and they are equal to ƒ3.5, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16. The shutters are labeled 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 which are equal to ⅟10, ⅟30, ⅟60, ⅟125, ⅟300th. Ok, weird, I know scales weren't standardized for a while but I was surprised that a camera of this era wasn't, but I can get past that. Also, the shutter dial indicates that it should only be turned in one direction. If you turned it the other way, it may not change the exposure. I haven't tested enough to know for sure.
It also has an Argus iconic Flash Finder / Distance dial connected with an external gear. It gives a (yet again) proprietary flash guide number to help you set your Argus flash. According to the manual, this only works when using ISO 10 film and a specific type of flash bulb. You'll have to reference the manual for the math for different films and if you have a regular flash, you'll have to reference the manual to convert flash finder numbers to standard flash guide numbers. (I hate flash anyway, but if I didn't, I'm glad we have TTL flash or at least automatic flash for the last several decades)
So I loaded a roll of Tri-X 400 into the camera... but nope, I had to look that up too. I've used quite a few old cameras and I wasn't absolutely sure I could figure out how. Once loaded, strange, but not that hard, I started to take some pictures. Focusing is a pain it the butt! It uses a two lens focusing system where it shows you two images similar to the split focus system in an SLR. This isn't so bad except it's in a separate viewfinder than your main viewfinder. So if you are focusing on a moving subject, you can't focus while keeping an eye on your framing. Maybe my almost two-year old wasn't a good test subject for this camera (haha).
Like any mechanical camera, you have to cock the shutter. The lever is in a very inconvenient location. Its right where you want to hold this (did I mention) very uncomfortable camera. Ok, there is a lever in the way, thats not the problem. If you take a picture with your finger in the way of the lever, it'll stop the shutter from moving, giving you a much longer exposure than the dial is set to! It even says this in the original manual, its not just because its old and needs lubrication.
Film winding is weird, to be honest, I'm not 100% sure I loaded the film correctly. I have checked, it is winding the film but the counter doesn't count right. (I'll update this post with more info on that later) Also, when winding to the next frame, it doesn't stop it's self, you have to look at this little button next to the counter and when it moves, you've reached the next frame. Its very easy to under or over wind unless you are paying very close attention.
Resources with more info: http://www.cameramanuals.org/argus/argus_match-matic.pdf https://collectiblend.com/Cameras/Argus/Argus-C3-Matchmatic.html
Its a cool looking, "entry level" camera for its time. It's much more difficult to use than other cameras of it's era. It's heavy and very awkward to hold. The light meter it pretty cool. I won't use this camera again. Its a display camera only.
Here are a few pictures of the camera, light meter, and viewfinder. Maybe later I'll add a photo of the inside (there is still film in it now).
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In the closeup of the light meter you can see it is set to ISO 400. The outer ring rotates to let you choose a combination of aperture and shutter. If you follow the line, the needle is pointing to the 7 which is ƒ11 while the shutter is 7 which is ⅟125. The last two are looking through the viewfinder and through the focus finder. A double image as seen would be out of focus.
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BTW was this interesting? Would anyone like to see reviews of other cameras I've used? Petri FT, Nikon F100 (my usual 35mm), Minolta SRT 101, Minolta XD5 (my secondary 35mm), 4x5 view camera, Sony HVC-2400 video tube camera, Kodak ADVANTiX F350 (my first camera as a kid), Polaroid Automatic 250 Land Camera?
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immemorymag · 10 months
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NDR is a photographer based in Robin Hood country making Black and White Portraiture; street & conceptual photography wolfing from a natural light studio
The first time I held a camera was an old Polaroid Instamatic at Pontins in Blackpool circa 1976~that long hot summer. At 17 I received a gift of an SLR, an enlarger and developing kit. The next few years were spent under the quilt in my bed sit/darkroom with taped-up sun cracks winding films onto a reel. My later teenage years were filled with the fumes of photography developing chemicals and itchy hands. Going to Paris for my 20th birthday sealed my love for Photography. 
I photograph from a natural light studio in a small town in the Midlands UK Photography is my third child.
When I am not hustling for business I make conceptual and street photography - I have been working on a street project for some time now called The Comfort of Strangers  30 Seconds of Street Portrait.
Black and white is a language I respond to - I ‘see’ colour in black and white photography, and I don’t mean colour as a visible entity, but as a feeling or emotion. I explore non-verbal language through my conceptual work using the camera to translate the body language
By way of play with Long Exposure (LE) I can smear or obscure elements in the photograph and I like  the disambiguation that occurs with the clair-obscure.
Photography is a Language - Language  can alienate if you can't express yourself but in my case photography can build a bridge and connect-this is especially important for my mental wealth. My studio is a sanctuary which conjures a sense of peace and quietness as within that muteness there is an escape, a chance to breathe to create my own language. Also to explore rituals and traditions and restraints of old wives tales handed down -I am interested to challenge historic interpretations of roles and positions in society - to ask questions .
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