#omg i am still not sure but i am so angry but also laughing
nthflower · 1 year
Wait I prepared crazy for death red because I read many comments how deathly hard it is I even prepared my mysterious serums for just this fight and go home take all my big guns and it was a FUCKİNG JOKE.
I feel mariner so hard. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Holy shit. I never fall for a joke this hard in my life.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 2 months
hi! i just saw the ask you answered about leaving aemond out and i giggled.
if i may offer an idea, what about if reader finds out where aemond goes to find comfort (the brothel) and is upset because she thought differently of him but maybe he confesses what he actually does there (tittie suckin and therapy) and she offers aemond her own comfort. maybe reader looks more like their mother and it's exactly what aemond wants/needs. he's such a broken boy with horrible mommy issues.
this is not me at all telling you that you NEED to write a fic about this. i just had this idea jumbled around in my head and i don't know how to write it myself. 😂
thank you for your fics. they are truly wonderful. 💜
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pairing: aemond targaryen x hightower!reader
word count: ~8.3k
warnings: 18+, cursing, spoilers of s2 of hotd, talks about brothels and prostitutes, fingering, p in v, lactation (milk play? i don't even know what i did), nipple play, slight mommy kink (or a lot depending how you see it), talks of infidelity, slight somno, riding
a/n: it's funny that this ask was sent cause i had something similar in mind. so this came super easily to me. i added some fire to the reader cause after ep 4 of hotd i was so angry at aemond (and still am). i can't believe he did that to aegon (he's my boy of the season) not to mention what he did to queen meleys and queen rhaenys. i'm not sure if i'd be able to forgive him. @heybank i hope this is somewhat like what you had in mind!
it came out a little longer than expect but nonetheless i hope you all enjoy! also aemond is stubborn in this fic but an equally stubborn reader and i love her for it. the reader and aegon are lowkey besties because i only want the best for him lol so don't mind that. i am ecstatic for the next episode and see the fall out of ep 4.
do you know the struggle i had to find aemond's whore's name. omg most difficult part of this oneshot.
after this fic i think i need to go to church and confess. i'm sure the priest will douse me in holy water and make me pray a hundred holy marys or something.
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It slipped out in the midst of their endless teasing and banter. The one secret Aemond never wished for you to find out. You're strong enough to know about the others; you recognize who he truly is at his core: an ambitious, envious man, but this one secret? This one he prayed you never knew about.
Aegon and you had been indulging in the sweet wine imported from High Garden. A delicacy that made your head fuzzy and your body loose. After finding you strolling all alone through the gardens, he insisted on drinking with you. If someone were to appease him by complaining about matters of the council, it would be you.
Those meetings drag on for hours on end on multiple occasions during the day as ravens fly in to share news of the brewing war. It robs you of your husband's attention and robs Aegon of his will to live as they tell him what to do and say, completely ignoring any input he might have—as idiotic as it may be.
You meet your distant cousin midway, complaining about how boring the meetings are and how uptight everyone is, including your husband. You offer the new King honest advice disguised as flippant comments, hoping he'll accept it even if he thinks of it as his own.
"It's not like I'm the only one who indulges in the pleasure of the street of silk. Every nobleman loves to get their cock wet by those whores," Aegon mumbles as a response to being reprimanded for his escapade late last night with his guards.
The charitable King paid for the villager's drinks and entertainment for the night. It was a prosperous night for the brothel. The 'ladies' will do just about anything to get coin. Who says the King doesn't aid his subordinates in need?
You stifle a laugh with the back of your hand and shake your head at him, "Yes, but you're the King now. It's not about laying with a commoner. It's about security. There are people who would do just about anything to gain Rhaenyra's favor, including hurting you, Aegon…"
Reasoning with Aegon is a challenge. His mind spins in ways you will never comprehend, but you try to keep your cousin safe while appeasing the council.
If Aegon values something, it's his life. If he knows there is danger out there, he will hold back, even if it's for a night or two. Her duty as his friend is to keep reminding him of all the danger lurking in the dark corners of the silk street.
"I suppose you're right, dear cousin. Guess we'll have to bring them here," he laughs as he thinks of the pandemonium it will cause. "I'll have Thalia and Margery or perhaps Dorothy. Hell, why limit myself? I'm the King! The guards can have their pick of the lot, Aemond will have his old reliable, and Lord Lannister can have the beautiful Sarah."
Aegon tips his goblet, drinking the last drops of wine to quench his dry mouth, failing to notice his slip-up.
Aemond's name sends a burning chill down your spine, and your mouth turns to cotton as it dries up. As you repeat Aegon's words, your heart promises to break out of your ribcage. Surely, you misunderstood his words.
"Aemond's old reliable?" You laugh to keep Aegon at ease. Grabbing the pitcher of wine to fill both of your cups, urging him to drink more and get his tongue looser. He won't remember your interrogation by morning.
"Ah yes, the first woman he fucked. Thanks to me, might I add. He still loves to visit her. I'd say her tits got him all enamored."
Just like the women in court, Aegon prattles on and on about everything he knows about Aemond and his whore. Including how he found him laying with her just last night—naked as the day he was born, blue sapphire glinting freely under the candlelight.
Blinding hot fury courses through your veins, lighting you up in flames from the inside out. Aegon will assume your reddening face and chest are from the wine and his vulgar words. There is no use in correcting him as you urge him to continue talking.
By night's end, you are equally as drunk as Aegon. The Guards escort you both to your respective chambers, watching amusedly how you argue with Aegon about whose dragon is strongest, Sunfyre or Dreamfyre. In reality, you were plotting which sibling would aid you in yelling dracarys in Aemond's direction.
You wish the alcohol would make you forget, but the sad truth is you will remember every single detail. The pounding headache you'll have in the morning will be a painful reminder of the secrets spilled over red wine.
For a fortnight, you sit and think about the valuable information Aegon shared with you. Anger burns ardently inside of you as it has nowhere to go. As a lady of the court, you're not allowed to train with the men, and as a Hightower, you have no dragon to channel that anger through.
If your fury were to be caused by any other reason, you'd find release in Aemond's arms. His aching cock stroking your drenched walls fervently. His sweaty skin sticking to yours. His fingers digging into your curves to find purchase. The low tone of his voice in your ear whispering words you'd never dare repeat and shamefully make you peak around him.
The thought makes you sick. How many times has he fucked her in such a way? Is it different? Does he let go and fuck her harder as he's not afraid she'll break?
Thinking is your worst enemy. As you imagine every possible scenario, your insecurities rise from their hiding spots. Does he love her? He laid bare with her; he must feel something if he allowed her to see him in such a vulnerable position.
The memory of the first time he took off his eyepatch in your presence pains you. So many conversations and stones of trust had to be set to get to that point, yet he did it with her. A common whore that dares ask for coin to please him with her presence.
You are different from the other ladies of the court who accept their husbands sleeping around with unknown women. You are jealous and territorial, something Aemond knew when you married. Under the eyes of the seven, he swore that his loyalties lay solely with you.
Alas, all men do is lie. Not even the noblest of men can be trusted. All you asked for was a good husband that would not embarrass you. How foolish of you to believe Aemond would be it.
Your fury grows and manifests as you observe Aemond and his whereabouts. It's hard to keep your anger at bay, but he's too busy plotting with Criston Cole to notice your withdrawing nature and emotional distance.
Visiting his quarters nearly every night tells you all you need to know. In that fortnight, you find him missing a multitude of times. There's no doubt he's in the brothel. Where else might he be deep into the night as the world sleeps?
When you ask about his location, the guards hesitate and stumble over their words. They try to save their necks by lying because the Prince continues to slip from their grasp time and time again. They are not as skillful at lying as your husband.
Having had enough, you wait for Aemond's return in his quarters. A goblet of wine is balanced between your fingers. The red liquid swirls along the rounded goblet, mimicking how your anger swirls around you.
You observe the map laid out on the wooden table. His plans are incredibly different from Aegon's. You pity the King as his most trusted advisor and Hand do as they please behind his back.
You've barely drank the wine. The goblet is merely a distraction from your fidgeting hands. You do not need the courage it provides; your anger fuels your intentions.
Old stone rumbles and sets behind you. Turning on your seat, you find Aemond emerging from one of Maegor's tunnels. This is how he sneaks out so damn easily.
"Wife," Aemond greets, keeping his composure, but his tense posture reveals shock. Your husband tends to wear a relaxed stance in your presence. You're the last person he expected to be waiting for him.
"Husband," you reply. The word is bitter on your tongue.
"What brings you in so late? You should be resting," Aemond speaks, taking off his cloak and approaching your seated figure.
Your eyes lazily move up to meet his. "Rest," you chuckle humorlessly. "I haven't been able to find rest in weeks."
"Does something ail you? Should I call a maester?" He asks, giving you a once over. Other than the dark circles around your eyes, there seems to be nothing out of place.
You're still you. Beautiful copper hair that easily identifies you as a Hightower flows down your back, and big brown eyes that resemble his mother's look back at him, although contempt has replaced the unconditional adoration that typically resides there.
His worry sickens you. His existence is an annoyance like a pebble in your shoe. You've harbored this anger for too long, and simple distaste can quickly transform into hate.
"Where were you?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. He's not going to get out of this. He must face the consequences of his actions. You will not live in bitterness while he runs around doing as he pleases.
"Conducting some business for the King." Aemond tilts his head, observing your posture and the set of your eyebrows. There's an electricity around you that shoots warning signs at him.
"Where. Were. You?"
"I'm afraid it is none of your business," Aemond says with a sharp exhale. He steps away to avoid your glaring gaze, unbuckling his sheath and setting it on one of the many desks that litter his room.
"I didn't realize we were keeping secrets from each other." The goblet's thud on the table is as loud as your unspoken fury. Wine splashes on the map like blood will spill in battle.
"There are always secrets. I have them. You have them," Aemond answers, leaning back on the desk.
Your hands smooth down the fabric of your dress as you stand. Finding his calculating gaze, you say, "So that's what you call your whore over at the silk street? A secret? I thought her name was Sylvi?"
Aemond freezes, and his muscles tense. You can't possibly know. He's entirely still as if the action would stop time and give him a chance to come up with an explanation, a lie. "I do not know what you speak of," the hesitancy of his voice unveils the cruel truth.
"Spare me the lies, and do not treat me like a naive maiden, Aemond. You know how much I loathe being made a fool," you snap loudly.
Aemond takes three long strides to reach you. Reacting, you take a step back but have nowhere to go. He doesn't touch you, but Aemond towers over you as he glares back. "Who told you? Was it Aegon?" He hisses.
"Please," you scoff. "The maids talk, the guards talk, husband. It was only a matter of time. Did you think I'd never find out? Are you truly that dense, Aemond?"
Your glare is sharp enough to cut him. He fell in love with that look when directed at others, but now that it's looking straight at him, he finds it's the one thing he might hate most.
All people around him have looked at him like that at some point. Aegon. Daemon. Jacaerys. Alicent. All except for his sweet sister and you, his beloved wife.
That look alone makes him regret stepping into the brothel many moons ago.
You should've never found out about Sylvi. It was meant to be a fleeting moment, but the war takes a toll on everyone, including Aemond.
Alicent's disapproving attitude towards him after Lucerys' incident led him to the whore more times than he can count as he sought the comfort Alicent never gave him and he craved.
"What is it that whore gives you that I do not?" You maintain eye contact as your chest presses against his. Your stubbornness will not let you back away from this argument. You deserve an answer.
You thought you were a good wife. Because of you, Aemond has two sons. You provided male heirs, a nobleman's dream. You warmed his bed whenever he asked and even when he didn't. You confided in him. You chose him.
"Talk, damn it. Your scheming plans won't get you out of this one," you yell, slamming your fists on his chest. Picking a fight is the only thing you have left. You want to scream at him until your voice turns raw.
"There is nothing to say. She's a quick fuck; that's all she is," Aemond seamlessly lies, grabbing your thundering fists. His thumb rubs over the back of your hands, hoping the calming gesture will tame your anger.
"A quick fuck? I could've been queen if I tolerated Aegon's quick fucks. The option was right there, and I chose you because I stupidly believed you'd make a better husband," you scream as your cheeks turn an unbelievable shade of red.
"Wife, please," Aemond pleads as you remind him.
The choice to wed you was not his to make. It was entirely yours. Each night, he prayed you'd choose to marry him. A woman of incredible smarts and hypnotizing beauty deserved to be with a man who acknowledged those attributes, not a blundering man like Aegon, who would only use her for her body.
"Do not touch me," you spit, tearing your wrists from his grasp and pushing him back with all the muster you could gather. "How dare you try to touch me after you've laid with her? After you fucked her? You repulse me."
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you spew your words. Aemond stands there, taking it all of your fury—he deserves it. What you hate the most is that he does nothing to defend himself, as if all of your words are the maddening truth.
"It was not my intention to hurt you," Aemond swallows as tears fall down your cheeks.
"These tears do not stem from hurt. They are from humiliation. You embarrassed me, Aemond. Do you know how many hours I've spent praising you in front of the other ladies of the court, speaking about how perfect of a husband you've been these past two years?"
Your pride might be bigger than his, and he's done the worst thing he could ever do— wound it. Such a prideful woman will only forgive him if there's a good enough reason and with lots of begging.
At his silence, you push past him and reach for the door. "I've made my duty as your wife and given you two sons. Do not expect more from me. Go to your little whore and see if she'll perform the wifely duties you asked from me." With one more glance towards your husband, you slam the door.
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It is no mystery why Aemond is in a mood from that night forward. Guards stand straighter with him around, Aegon's so-called friends keep quiet, and Criston Cole bears the brunt of it all as Aemond calls him to spar. Each passing day becomes more brutal.
You have stayed true to your word and kept your distance from Aemond. You've never felt as far away from him as when you sit by him during meals. You no longer place your hand on his thigh when Aegon throws jabs at him or smile his way when he says something worth admiring.
If you must address him regarding the children, you do so but with a straight face and without awaiting his answer. The Red Keep has turned grey as you no longer pull him through the halls between duties to find a dark corner to kiss or touch him. Fleeting moments he truly cherished.
He's losing you, and he doesn't know what to do to fix it. He's sure that you will never look at him the same if he comes clean with the truth. It will burn whatever thread is left of your marriage.
"Aemond, what's the matter?" Alicent asks. They're in her quarters discussing one of the many plans to prepare for war, and yet he's not paying attention.
"Nothing," he says softly, eyeing the map in front of him. We should send our men to the east."
Alicent tilts her head and sits across from him, studying him closely. "Is this about your wife?"
The glint the young Hightower carries is missing. Her constant search for Aemond throughout the day has ceased abruptly, startling Alicent and Helaena. She rarely mentions him, only speaking about him when asked, and even then, her words have bite.
Alicen believed her son could do no wrong regarding his wife. Aemond adored you. He pinned after you from the moment it was announced that you were searching for a husband.
Alicent was hesitant at first. Marrying inside the family was a queer Targaryen custom, not a Hightower one, yet Otto insisted. Another Hightower in the Red Keep meant more power. He pushed you to marry Aegon while Aemond asked Alicent to consider him instead. She left it in your hands. It was only fair that you made the choice of who you shared your life with.
Aemond is silent momentarily, "She's upset with me." His words are short as he avoids talking about the subject.
"What did you do?" Alicent sighs disappointedly, leaning back on her chair. Why must her sons ruin all good things in their lives?
Alicent's reaction causes him to close back up just as quickly. Yes, it is his fault, but his mother's lack of faith is disheartening. Once upon a time, Aemond would've confided in his mother, but recent events have severed that trust. "My marital problems are none of your concern."
"Then how am I to help you fix this?" She asks in a knowing tone. Alicent feels the weight of her house on her shoulders. She's responsible for keeping everything together.
"I don't recall asking for your help, mother." Aemond ignores her judging eyes, moving the metal pieces around the map. He was here to make war plans, not talk about his feelings.
"Very well," Alicent clears her throat, moving farther away from her son. The gods are punishing as each one of her children drift away from her.
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Unlike Aemond's mother, you take your duty as a mother quite seriously. Your children are all you have, and you cherish them equally. You refused a wet nurse when you birthed your first, and when the second followed a year after, you proceeded to do the same.
Feeding them from your breast brings a wave of emotion that is impossible to describe. The bond that forms between mother and child is strengthened by this natural action. Why do the other ladies in court not do the same? All they do is gossip and indulge in the luxuries of the keep. They have no responsibilities other than to please their husbands and care for their children.
The loud cries of your youngest filter through the door and echo throughout the halls of the keep. The babe has been incessantly crying for the past hour for no reason. Feeding and changing his nappy did nothing to ease his discomfort, leaving you overwhelmed. Nonetheless, you continue to soothe your child because if you didn't, what kind of mother would you be?
You ignore Aemond as he steps into your chambers, bouncing the eleven-month-old in your arms. He must've followed the cries. "There, there, Baelor," you coo, placing your hand on the back of his head, brushing through the thin strands of pale silver hair.
The babe continues to sniffle and release weak cries. The poor thing is exhausted yet refuses to sleep. He hangs onto his mother's dress and hair, opening and closing his chubby fist.
Aemond approaches you, extending his hands to take him from you, "May I?"
You cannot refuse him. Baelor is his son, and while he seeks the pleasure of common whores you know he adores his sons.
Baelor is fuzzy and complains when he's taken away from your warm embrace, but he immediately settles in his father's hold when he recognizes him. The smell of Aemond's leather clothes offered him the comfort he was searching for.
Baelor missed his father.
"Clearly, you're his favorite," you murmur, settling down in the chaise that faces the fireplace. You're worse for wear. It's hard to find rest when questions remain unanswered, and you've lost the person you love most.
"Only till it's time to feed," Aemond says to lighten the mood between you.
You scoff, removing your jewelry and tossing it on the cushion beside you. "Great, I'm a glorified cow, only used to feed."
Aemond falters, his hold on his son tightening as he curls closer into Aemond's neck. Baelor's soft breaths tickle his neck. "That's not what I meant, wife."
You continue to stare into the fire as tears line your eyes. "I know," you whisper. It's been a difficult day.
Had you not been betrayed by Aemond, you would've sought his attention and spilled all the thoughts running through your mind so he could tell you you were being unreasonable.
He would reassure you that you're intelligent, beautiful, a wonderful mother, cunning, captivating, and a dream come to life.
You're punishing yourself. You decided to distance yourself, and came to the horrid realization that it is much harder than you bargained. You underestimated what three years of always being together would do to you.
Aemond catches on to your apprehension and puts a sleeping Baelor on the cradle the nursemaid left by your bed. He returns to your side and kneels on the floor right by your feet.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes for the first time since that night. It's been a long, difficult four weeks without you by his side. He misses all the little things you did for him.
All the check-ups throughout the day to make sure he's broken fast or slept well. Brushing his hair at night before he takes you to bed and shows you his gratitude. Your eyes meeting his across the room, suggesting he takes you elsewhere for a stolen private moment away from everyone else.
He misses you telling him about everything Baelor and Rhaegar got up to in the day and about every new milestone they hit, suggesting they are as healthy as they can be. He misses the late nights spent tangled together, talking about what the future holds for you both, the idea of having a baby girl for Rhaegar and Baelor to protect.
"What do you apologize for now?"
"For betraying your trust. I made an oath and broke it, and for that, I apologize. It is my biggest regret in life," Aemond says, reaching for your hand. "Please, forgive me."
"Then why do you continue to lie?" You whisper as a tear rolls down your cheeks.
"That's the only truth there is," Aemond whispers breathlessly. You give him a pitiful chuckle and tug your hand away from his despite wanting to hold onto it forever.
Your nose burns as more tears spill from your eyes. Insecurity wrapping you in its arms. "Please, do not lie. Why do you want me to believe you went to the brothel for a fleeting pleasure when I have always been here? Am I not good enough for you?"
Your anger has simmered down to a smoky sadness that envelops you. Aemond is lying to you when you're the person he's supposed to trust the most. If there is a chance of rebuilding this marriage, he must tell you the truth, even if it ruins you.
"Gods, you are everything I wanted and more, my sweet wife," Aemond speaks, cupping your face to wipe away your salty tears.
He's at a loss. He's hurt you, but the pain can be remedied if he speaks the truth. How can he allow you to believe you're not enough when you're the perfect woman. His endeavors in the street of silk stem from his own damaged soul, never yours.
"I am afraid," Aemond confesses, brushing one last tear with the pad of his thumb before he retreats his hands. You stare back at him, puzzled. "It is not what you believe. I have not laid with another woman since I married you."
"Then what is it, Aemond? Because my mind has conjured up the worst of scenarios."
"You will not think of me the same," he says, ashamed, hanging his head to avoid your hurt gaze.
"Is that such a bad thing?" You ask aloud, and without awaiting his response, you continue to speak, "Until you work up the courage to tell me the truth, things will remain the same. No matter how much it hurts."
Standing, you leave Aemond kneeling on the floor to prepare for sleep. You glance over your shoulder and watch Aemond stare deep into the fire. When you step out of the privacy screen, he's gone.
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It takes another week of agony for Aemond to come to a decision. He cannot bear having you so close yet so far away. He misses you and greatly underestimates how much happier you make him.
He hasn't been to the brothel since the night you confronted him. He barely spares it a thought nowadays. You are the only person wreaking havoc in his head.
He fucked up his marriage, and now he has to pay his dues, even if it means coming clean about his intentions with Sylvi. It was barely sexual, he hasn't fucked her since he married you, but he couldn't let go of the comfort she provided, and Alicent withdrew.
He's smart enough to know it's a farce. The women in the brothel will do just about anything if it means they are paid. But Aemond deluded himself into believing Sylvi cared about what he had to say and told her things he hadn't spoken to anyone else. She played the part well, giving advice freely and reassuring him with soft touches and softer words.
When the guard opens the door to Aemond's chambers, allowing you to enter, he instantly stands, approaching you to ask for your hand and kiss the back of it.
You raise an eyebrow at him but allow him nonetheless. The press of his lips to your skin sends a spark up your arm and down your spine.
"Wife," he greets, guiding you to sit.
"Aemond," you reply, not quite giving in to his sweet actions. Aemond summoned you with the promise of the truth. That is why you're here.
"How does the day find you?"
"Aemond, please," you plead. You came for the truth, and niceties won't do anything to soften the brunt of his words. Prolonging this won't help anyone.
"Very well," Aemond sighs, gesturing you to sit. His hands remain on his lap where he opens and closes them anxiously. "I met her when I was three and ten. Aegon forced me to the brothel because he thought it was time I…became a man."
You dare not speak as Aemond justifies his actions. You need to know the truth before your nerves consume you.
This is the tricky part of his story. After a brief pause, he clears his throat and continues, "She was far older than I was and offered something I lacked in the Keep. Comfort, solace, familiarity, whatever you want to call it. I continued to visit her throughout my youth, although it wasn't always to find release rather than someone to listen and give me what my mother never could."
Aemond avoids looking at you, afraid of what he might find written on your face. Perhaps disgust, shame, or disapproval.
He owed you the truth, so he spoke about all the details of this affair. How he liked the intimacy of lying naked with Sylvi, suckling at her breast. How she would hold him in her arms and touch him. The advice she would offer. The things they spoke about. How he rejects her when she makes any advances, thinking that's what he wants. He admits that he is completely vulnerable and free for those hours because she will have his side no matter what he says.
"Do you have feelings for her?" Your voice is barely above a whisper. It's terrifying to think he might harbor feelings for her. Such intimate acts easily allow feelings to infiltrate one's being. "Aemond, look at me."
Hesitantly, Aemond meets your eyes. Your face is blank, devoid of emotion that may indicate what you now think of him.
"No, and I never will," Aemond says, swallowing the lump in his throat. He chooses his words carefully, "She was an escape, someone to listen to the tragedy that was my life. She knew what I wanted and gave it unsolicited. I know it is not real, wife, but I was foolish enough to seek more."
The emotion that surfaces in your face is not directed at him; instead, it reflects the insecurities you have about yourself. "Did you not think I could give you what she did and actually mean it?"
Insecurities of his own rise up and make themselves shown, "I thought you would see me as a weaker man."
You're both so young with so much to learn, yet if there is one thing you're certain about, it's the love you share. That love would never make you see Aemond as weak; it would transform that quality he refers to as weak into something totally different and positive.
"You are not weak but a fool," you shake your head, reaching for him. It is your turn to cup his face to force him to focus only on you. "I know of those feelings you hide firmly, Aemond. I spent most of my childhood here in King's Landing. I watched while Aegon and the Strong boys teased you. I was here when you returned from Driftmark without an eye. I heard your cries of pain. You come off as this stoic man to everyone else, the fierce Aemond, but I know the real you."
"I am ashamed." Aemond is truthful. No more lies weight his beating heart.
"Do you swear to never look for her again? That you will come to me instead?"
"I swear it by the old gods and the new. I swear it by the seven. I swear it by my life," Aemond promises. "Will you return to me, wife?" He asks hopefully, placing his hands over yours, afraid your touch will leave him.
"Yes, husband," you nod, pressing your forehead against his.
Your lips find his as the last word you speak is uttered. It's been far too long, and his dragon blood is calling for you. Aemond is quick to react, moving his lips desperately against yours and pulling you to his lap.
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He comes to you late at night once there are no more council calls or responsibilities to tend to. It's around that time when he has nothing to busy himself with, and the ache in his chest makes itself known.
It's a constant reminder that he is far from invincible. Pain and hurt live within him, ready to resurface at the most unexpected times.
"Husband." You greet him with a bright smile when he steps into your chambers.
"Wife," he speaks quietly, standing uncomfortably by your door. While he's agreed to come to you in his times of need, Aemond is unsure how to approach the situation.
"What is the matter?" A pout adorns your lips as you walk over to him. It's genuine concern.
Aemond stiffens when you approach him, tilting your head to assess him. You wrap your arms around his waist, searching for his gaze.
"Aemond?" You call to him softly.
"Please," he whispers with shaking hands that he places on your hips. The expensive material of your night shift is soft against his palms.
The tone of his voice and the reserved behavior tell you what he's asking for. You nod wordlessly and grab his hand, guiding him to your bed.
This is unlike those moments when passion takes over and desperate need forces you to tug and tear his clothes away. With patience and delicate fingers, you calmly help him undress.
Unbuckling the clasps of his leather doublet, you slide it down his arms and throw it to the side. The tunic that covers his chest comes off next, exposing the strong panels of his abdomen and the ropes of muscle of his arms. All a result of his extensive training.
Featherlight touches to his skin make his breath hitch as they slide down to his breeches, where you agilely untie the laces. You don't meet his eyes as you do so, giving him some resemblance of modesty, but Aemond watches intently how you treat him with such care.
You gently push him to sit on the bed, where you kneel to take off his boots and socks. Aemond allows his breeches to fall to the ground, leaving him completely naked, except for the eyepatch he wears like armor.
It protects him from the disgusted expressions people shoot him with because of the deformity he acquired as a child.
It never stops hurting.
You've never been repulsed by his missing eye. On the contrary, you're fascinated by the scar and the sapphire embedded in the empty socket.
Reaching around his head, you unclasp the leather and place the eyepatch with the rest of his clothing. You offer him a delicate smile while placing your hand on his cheek, and he leans into it.
Your touch on his raised scar eases the pain.
Withdrawing from him, you tug in the lacing of your night shift and shrug it off your shoulders to uncover your body. You had promised to offer him the same care she did in that wretched place.
The bed is covered by pillows and blankets to protect you from the cold of the incoming winter, and you mentally thank the maids for preparing the fire before they left you to rest. You lie over the furs, extending your hand towards Aemond to welcome him in.
Aemond's timidness is present, but he pushes it to the side as he climbs onto the bed and settles across your lap. Your skin is soft and warm against his, and your soft curves, molded to accommodate his children, bring him comfort.
As you brush through his hair with your fingers, you gently untie the band holding half of his hair up. You massage the silver tresses, his scalp prickling from the release of tension. He hums quietly, enjoying the feeling of your fingers on his hair.
"What troubles you, my Prince?" You finally ask.
Aemond's head rests on your shoulder, his breath hitting your collarbones. One of your hands rests upon his back, drawing figures across the expanse of it, feeling every bump and curve of his spine and muscles. The other grasps his hand, pulling it to your lips to press a reassuring kiss to the palm of it.
"That title. Prince." He murmurs sadly, taking a deep breath.
That familiar scent of oils invades his senses. It's a smell he remembers from his childhood when Alicent still cared for him. In turn, his body relaxes, and he closes his eyes momentarily.
"It is a stepping stone in the hierarchy," you reply, recognizing what he implies. Aegon does not have what it takes to rule a kingdom, while Aemond years to sit on the throne.
Aemond reaches up to grasp at a strand of copper hair. The same shade as his mothers. He twists it around his finger while shifting to make himself more comfortable. "I thought all of my achievements would be more fruitful," he ponders.
It seems that ruling a kingdom falls on the eldest male heir, even if they are not fit to rule. Aegon sits on the throne, yet the rest of the council rules on his behalf. This puts the Targaryen name to shame; the fool barely speaks High Valyrian.
"Patience is key. Aegon shows no signs of changing. He will be his own downfall," you respond thoughtfully. You hate thinking about Aegon in such a way, but it's the truth. He wants to prove himself so badly but goes about it all the wrong way.
Copper hair leads to naked skin the same shade as his mother's, and for once, he can imagine himself in his mother's embrace. It brings tears to his eyes as he curls further into you, and his nose brushes against your skin.
With the pillows propping you up and Aemond curled on your lap, you press a kiss to the crown of his head. Your touch runs all over his skin, from his face to his feet.
Aemond continues to speak his mind, and you offer the perfect responses to his dilemmas, calming him when his emotions get the best of him and tears spill from his eyes.
He should've come to you sooner. You're a high-born lady who knows much more about life in court. There were always warning signs with Sylvi. She tried to manipulate him into thinking about the common folk and their ailments more than once. She would never understand that while House Targaryen is at war, there is no space to think about the well-being of its subordinates.
When silence ensues, Aemond allows himself to look up at you. You're serene as you hold him close to your body without an ounce of impatience. The resemblance to his mother is there, but he got something much better.
He got a woman who loves him unconditionally, flaws and all.
Lacing his fingers with yours, Aemond closes his eyes and melts further into your touch. You hug him close and whisper your affections. This is how it was always meant to be.
That night, Aemond sleeps in your chambers. It would be wrong for him to leave after you've treated him with such tenderness. You are no simple whore from the street of silk. You are his wife, and as such, you are meant to be treated with utmost respect. Something he had failed to do but no more.
Breathy whines, wake him before the sun rises. Recognizing your voice, he wakes, looking at his surroundings for any danger. When you whine once more, he glances over at you.
You squirm in your sleep, seemingly uncomfortable. Something bothers you, but your exhaustion prevents you from waking. One of your hands reaches for your chest, and another whine spills from your lips.
Aemond's eye is drawn to the action. He reaches for the sheet covering your body and pulls on it to find the cause of your discomfort. His breath hitches, and his cock aches.
Your breasts are swollen and tender from being filled to their capacity, causing beads of milk to leak from the stiff peaks of your nipples.
Aemond briefly remembers you mentioning how Baelor has been fuzzy lately, and Rhaegar is getting older and doesn't seek you as often for food, yet you continue to produce copious amounts of milk. He has been blessed with a perfect wife and an excellent mother who produces enough sustenance for his children.
Aemond's pointer finger traces a path down your neck to your left breast. They are calling to him as his finger follows the curve of your breast up to your puffy areola and tip of your nipple. A slight press to the taught skin prompts more fluid to leak down your sides, and you hiss in discomfort.
Bringing his finger up to his lips, he licks the whitish liquid. Perhaps it's a mistake, as he's left wanting more. Aemond uncovers the top half of your naked body and leans over your chest. With one look towards your beautiful face, he wraps his lips around the plush flesh of your breast.A surge of liquid fills his mouth.
You have the sweetest milk he has ever had the pleasure of tasting. Aemond moans at the saccharine taste. It is so much better than the farce he had in the brothel. This milk comes from his wife, who nurtures his healthy sons.
A loud, sultry moan spills from your lips as some of the pressure is alleviated. You're now between sleep and awareness. Your hand cradling the back of Aemond's head.
Aemond's cock is painfully hard as it presses against your thigh. He's been driven into a frenzy, your milk serving as an aphrodisiac. His hand brushes against your inner thigh to answer a rising question.
Careful fingers find your wet slit, proving his theory right. He's not the only depraved person in the room. Your body is responsive to him even in altered states of consciousness.
Your cunt is absolutely drenched, making it so easy for Aemond to push a finger in. It's enough to fully wake you from your slumber. "Ah, Aemond." You throw your head back in pleasure.
It takes you a second to take in the entirety of Aemond's actions. The pleasure coursing through you, overwhelming your senses. A loud moan tears through your throat at the realization that Aemond is not simply teasing your breasts. Aemond feasts on your aching tits.
"Have your fill, my prince," you beg as that ache in your chest is pleasingly soothed.
Aemond is eager and rough. The light stubble of his jaw sends a current of electricity down to your cunt where you clench around his fingers.
"My Aemond, good boy." He responds to the praise why sliding another finger into your tight cunny. The slick sound of your arousal accompanies the suckling of his lips.
You squeeze your other breast to alleviate the tightening discomfort and drops fall on your hand. Drawn to it, Aemond switches, and you squeal as his teeth scrape the sensitive skin of your nipple.
Aemond ruts into your thigh as he quickens the pace of his fingers intruding on your cunny to part through your walls. The vibration of his quiet moans stimulates your swollen peaks.
If this is not heaven, he doesn't wish for it.
Your fingers tangle in his silver hair when you arch your back to offer yourself to him. His eye meets your hooded gaze and sets himself to give you whatever you please. His thumb circles your pearl expertly, and he curls his digits to hit your spot more firmly.
You cry in pleasure with your hips, riding his fingers until you come with a shudder and his name on your lips. Your walls clamp down on his fingers hard enough it is hard for him to retrieve them.
Aemond rises from your chest and pinches your cheeks with his fingers that remain coated with your slick, prompting your mouth to open. A stream of your milk falls from his mouth to yours as he gives you a sweet taste.
You believe another orgasm rips through your body as his lips press against yours to share a sweet tasting kiss. His tongue invades your mouth, allowing you the pleasure of tasting yourself on his tongue.
"Please," you beg for him, spreading your legs wantonly.
One to indulge his wife in all pleasures, Aemond pulls you on top of him, "Take what you desire."
His cock is fully erect and begging for attention. The tip is swollen and flushed a deep pink as it leaks pre that beads down his shaft.
Aemond acknowledges you've reached your limit when his beautiful wife, who adores worshipping his cock on her knees, grabs his length and sinks onto him without a preamble.
"Go on, my love, you can take it," Aemond hisses as you try to lower yourself to take all of him. His hands grip your hips tightly, urging you on. He swears your walls continue to contract from your previous peak.
"Aemond, husband," you moan lewdly. Your hips tentatively begin bouncing on him, and your tits follow to Aemond's delight.
He's mesmerized by them and how they continue to leak. Aemond mouths one more aggressively, teasing your nipple with his tongue, nipping at the surrounding flesh to leave his mark. His hand massages the other, allowing droplets to fall down your abdomen and onto your cunt.
"My perfect wife, such a good mother," Aemond mutters, praising you, "Pretty tits always full and her cunny always wet."
You hold onto Aemond's strong shoulders, your nails leaving marks across his back. Your hips grind on him deliciously as your clit rubs against his pelvis.
"Aemond, please," you beg, quickening your pace. You're on the verge of yet another delicious peak. "I want another." You'll have as many as he wants as long as he treats you with this much attention.
Aemond kisses up your neck and growls in your ear, "I shall give you as many as you'd like."
Swiftly, he turns you so your back is to the bed. He hikes your thighs up around his waist and snaps his hips fiercely. You first the bedsheets around you as Aemond holds bruisingly against your hips and thighs.
He's close to his own peak as well. Aemond manages to hold back because of all the attention he's giving your tits, but his cock cannot take anymore, especially with how deliciously your walls wrap around him.
Aemond admires his perfect wife. Your hair fans out on the pillows, and your facial expression morphs into one of pure ecstasy as you come once more. Your breasts are less swollen, but your stiff peaks remain puffy and flushed from his attention. Your cunt chokes his cock, knowing exactly what it takes to please him.
His rhythmic thrusting begins to falter, so with a couple more jerks of his hips and a groan, he paints your insides white. "There we go, all for you."
"Thank you," you lilt, biting your lip at the sensation of being filled.
You giggle when he leans down to kiss all over your face, a laugh of his own reaching your ears.
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The door creaking open wakes you up, bringing the sheets to your chest, you sit up. Aemond lets the bedsheet fall to his lap, ready to scold whoever dares interrupt his time with his wife.
A small blonde head peaks in, and a big grin unleashes on its lips when he sees his parents. Young Rhaegar toddles into the room, and his head is barely seen as he stands on the edge of the bed. His tiny hands try to grasp the edge, but he's still too small to get himself up.
Aemond reaches over to bring him up, pressing a kiss on his head, but Rhaegar happily crawls over Aemond and falls into your waiting arms.
Aemond's exposed sapphire earns no reaction. In fact, the eyepatch tends to catch his son's attention more. Aemond ensured that when his sons came into this world, he would greet them as he truly is.
You pepper kisses all over Rhaegar's face, and he giggles, squirming on your lap. While Baelor favored his father, Rhaegar was entirely yours. "What are you doing here, little dragon?" You ask him sweetly.
The nursemaid stepping through the open door answers your question, "Prince Aemond, Lady Hightower. My apologies, he scurried away before I could-"
"It is alright. You may leave us," Aemond says, waving his hand to dismiss her. The young girl bows her head, hiding her blushing cheeks, and scurries away without saying another word, aware of the compromising position of the Prince and his wife.
"My sweetest, why are you up so early?" You coo, threading your fingers through his messy hair that sticks up in all directions.
Rhaegar hides his face on your chest, mumbling, "Missed you."
You gasp dramatically, facing the young boy with a surprised expression. "You missed me? I missed you!" Your son laughs and presses a wet kiss to your cheek.
"What about me, little dragon?" Aemond asks, tickling his belly.
Rhaegar cutely shakes his head with a mischievous smile, squealing loudly when Aemond reaches for him and takes him into his own arms to tickle him.
"Mama!" Rhaegar's childlike laugh pierces the air as he asks for your help.
"You're going to get me in trouble," Aemond grumbles, playfully glaring at his son as he continues to tickle him.
"Mama!" Rhaegar repeats, pushing Aemond's hands away and waiting for you to scold Aemond or something.
You watch the interaction with a wide smile. It's nice to see Aemond this calm. "Give me back, my little dragon, or there are no more kisses for you," you threaten Aemond with a furrow of your eyebrows and a pout. Aemond abruptly stops and loosens his hold on the toddler.
Rhaegar laughs and throws himself in your arms, hugging your neck. His giggles never cease. Aemond winks at you and pulls you to lie on his chest.
"How about we go see Vhagar later?" Aemond asks Rhaegar who calmed down to a drowsy state. It's still very early for him to have been up. He must've had a bad dream.
"Sunfyre?" Rhaegar gasps, looking up at his father. Aemond rolls his eyes and nods. He guesses he can invite Aegon so his son can see the golden dragon.
"That's your favorite, isn't it?" You ask him amusedly, although you agree. Sunfyre is a beautiful dragon and much friendlier than Vhagar.
Rhaegar nods enthusiastically as he babbles about the pretty dragon. You lay with your back to Aemond's chest as he envelops you both with his arms.
At that moment, Aemond realizes he feels fulfilled with his little family by his side.
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it was not part of the plan to let this oneshot be this long. there is something about the complexity of aemond's character that doesn't let me write something brief.
nonetheless this was a super fun oneshot to write. it took me the whole week because i was so busy but i had been thinking about it nonstop. i think i overdid it with the lactation part but oh well!
if you enjoyed this oneshot please don’t forget to like or comment (i accept aemond's sapphire, rhaenyra's crown, criston cole slander, emojis, words of encouragement, a lot of praise, virtual hugs and gushing about sunfyre and aegon) and if you want more of it feel free to let me know!
-nikki 🖤
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tsxkkis · 3 months
omg omg can i request? pls ignore if you dont!
s3 of haikyuu will always be my favourite season, maybe due to the fact that tsukishima realizes his potential in playing volleyball? (him having his MOMENT is my favouriteee scene)
so could you write gf manager reader x tsukki, where reader witnesses him having his first moment (blocking ushijima's spike), injuring his hand etc etc up until they receive their throphy and medals in the end ?🥹🥹💕 shes a proudddd reader and literally just smooch smooch hug hug tsukki because hes the mvp of karasuno x shiratorizawa 🥰😤
i realized that theres nobody includes this scene in their fics and i wonder why? 🤔🧐
# tsukishima kei - mvp
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a/n: i am terribly sorry anon bcs this took so long T-T i'm not quite sure about some parts of this fic but overall i really enjoyed writing this request!! tsukishima is my fav for many reasons, one of which being the fact that i see myself in him a lot, and the particular moment during the shiratorizawa vs karasuno match is also my fav from the entire series!! i hope u enjoy reading this fic^^ i feel like it's not exactly what you asked for, so i'm sorry if i went too far away from your idea....
summary: tsukishima finally regains his love for volleyball.
warnings: a few swear words here and there, the fic doesn't exactly portray what happened in the series (i switched it up a bit)
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'are you stressed?'
'not even a bit.'
'you're lying. i can read you like a book.'
tsukishima kei let out a deep breath, rolling his eyes as he looked away from your face. you were obviously right; there was no way he wouldn't be stressed before the game that determined whether or not karasuno would go to nationals. as much as he hated to admit it, he was almost as stressed as others. he was just better at controlling which of his emotions are shown.
you squeezed his hand, his fingers instinctively intertwining with yours. all it took was a reassuring smile from you to help with his nerves, his muscles finally relaxing after being tensed up for the last twenty minutes or so. he still tried to get used to you being more than a friend. your relationship was quite awkward and fresh, so much so in fact that you never even had your first kiss yet.
'i'm sure you'll do great.' you stated calmly, trying to hide the fact that you were even more stressed about the match than him. 'in fact, i'm positive that you'll win.'
'even if we do, it won't be because of me.' he mumbled, letting out a silent laugh when he saw the angry look on your face. 'oh, come on. it's not like i'm the greatest player this team has.'
'you know i hate it when you talk down on yourself.' you said, the tone serious and sharp, rather unusual for you. it stayed like that for only a short while, taken over by a softer, understanding one. 'you're a vital part of this team, tsukishima. winning this match is not up to a single person. it's a team effort. your input is as important as that of kageyama or hinata.'
he opened his mouth to say something but was instantly stopped by the voice of his captain, daichi, calling the team up to quickly warm up as the match was about to start.
you smiled at the boy, letting go of his hand before lightly patting him on the back.
'do your best for me, alright?'
'i will.' a barely noticeable smile appeared on his face, his hand affectionately ruffling your hair. 'don't worry too much about it.'
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you finally realized why tsukishima kei never tried more. why he would never stay longer like other karasuno players to polish his skills, why he didn't truly seem to love the sport he chose to play in high school.
'you're insufferable, you know?' his words sent shivers down your spine. 'why don't you leave it the fuck alone?'
opposite forces, some might say. no one really knew what drew you and tsukishima to eachother - both of you completely different from one another, and yet oh so similar at the same time. frustration took over you every time you looked at him, and now you knew why.
he was like a mirror in which you could see all your flaws, and it irritated you a great deal.
his outlook on life and the way he viewed himself made you furious. how can someone be so full of contradictions? so cocky and confident, and yet so vulnerable and self depreciating at the same time. so full of himself and yet so hateful towards the person he saw in the reflection of every window, every mirror.
how can someone so great at what they do, so intelligent and talented, be so critical?
'because i can't! i can't leave it alone, you absolute moron.' the thought of how loud you were didn't stop you from continuing to shout, a mixed look on your face that tsukishima couldn't quite decipher. were you angry or sad? and why the hell would it bug you so much to evoke such strong emotions within you?
'you're saying i'm insufferable? from the moment i laid my eyes on you, you've been nothing but insufferable. so much so, that i want to gouge them out every time they spot you.' you ignored your watery eyes and tsukishima's surprised face, almost as if he didn't expect you to blow up like this. 'it pains me to see you be so full of doubt and hatred and i- i can't understand why you would think so lowly of yourself, why you feel inferior to the other guys in every way possible, when you could be so much more than them. do you even realize your potential, tsukishima?'
he stayed silent. for the first time since knowing you, tsukishima kei did not have an answer to your words.
'your doubts are so irrational i don't know if it makes me angry or sad. you're truly incredible on the court. you're intelligent, you can read the opponents well, you have the physical predispositions for volleyball and a natural talent that you choose to ignore because-'
'but what is talent without passion?'
that singular sentence managed to catch you off guard so much you had no idea how to answer him. such a simple question, and yet such a philosophical, confusing one.
'why should i put my all into something i'm not even passionate about, huh?' tsukishima tried to keep his composed nature, but it was hard to stay intact after what you've said. as much as he did not want to admit it, your words hit him deeply. 'why waste my time and energy for something that does not give me any satisfaction at all? tell me that, because i have no fucking idea.'
'passion is not something that dissapears once and never shows up again, you idiot.' you took a step closer, as if that was going to help you get your point across. 'if your passion is genuine, it will always be there. whether small or big, it will always crawl around in the back of your mind. if you ever truly loved volleyball, the moment where you fall in love with it again will come sooner or later.'
your words were met with complete silence, but you didn't mind. tsukishima slowly processed your words, a focused look gracing his face, lips in a tight line. even though it was only a couple of minutes, for you it felt like hours - awaiting an answer, any answer at all.
tsukishima moved closer, his tall frame hovering over you as he wrapped his arms around you, catching you in a tight hug, much to your surprise.
'thank you.' he mumbled quietly, glad that in this very moment you couldn't see his face, and the stupid smile plastered to it.
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the moment where you fall in love with it again will come sooner or later.
tsukishima's mind lingered over these words whenever he played, awaiting this moment to come almost eagerly. the match was particularly hard - with ushijima wakatoshi as their opponent, the chances of winning were incredibly slim. every spike of his went through the block, his serves were absolutely killer, and his teammates did everything to deliver the ball to him at all costs.
what a hassle.
you noticed that his demeanor on the court changed from what it used to be. tsukishima seemed more invested now - almost as if he was trying to impress you, to keep his word. as happy as it made you, you were still anxious about the match and it's final score, hand shaky and a bit sweaty as your eyes followed the ball flying around from one side of the net to another.
another spike from ushijima, it'll probably be another point for shiratoriza-
and that's when you realized.
you saw the ball hit the ground on shiratorizawa's side of the net surprised gasps from everyone watching the match. you saw the shocked look on ushijima's face, the horror in the eyes of his teammates as the ball bounced off of the floor for the second, third, fourth time.
silence took over the court for just a mere second, quickly interrupted by tsukishima's triumphant scream.
he looked more than content with his performance. he looked... happy.
the rest of the boys joined him, screaming in unison. it was just one point, right? but for some reason, for both you and tsukishima, this one was worth a thousand.
for the first time in years, tsukishima kei felt that his spark for volleyball came back.
you noticed that his eyes were now focused on you, a full, cheeky smile gracing his face, and it only made you tear up. a short moment, probably insignificant for people around, but for the two of you it was like a breath of fresh air, like getting rid of the shackles that once held you in place, enabling you from moving forward.
'y/n, are you... alright?' coach ukai looked with his brows slightly furrowed, confused by your teary eyes and big grin plastered to your face.
'yeah, yeah, i'm fine. sorry, coach.' you mumbled, bowing a little as your eyes focused on the court. 'actually, could kiyoko replace me here for the rest of the match? i'm not quite feeling well.'
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'tsukishima is injured.'
'what?' akiteru spoke in unison with you, terrified voices mixing together as you looked down from the stands to see the boy walking off of the court and rushing to the medical office along with kiyoko. your instincts took over you - feet moving on their own as you quickly ran towards the same place.
the two blondes followed right behind you, stopping only when in front of the door to the medical office, gasping for air after such a short run. as athletic as your boyfriend was, you were quite the opposite; getting tired after a little to no physical activity at times.
tsukishima saw your head peeking through the doorframe, a small smile on his face the moment he laid eyes on you.before you opened your mouth to say something, he already gave you an answer.
'yes, i feel fine.' he stated quietly, sitting down on the edge of a chair. 'you don't need to worry.'
'are you going back on court?' he only gave you a small nod in response, seemingly feeling better already as he stood up, his hand taped up.
you looked up at him, taking in the expression on his face, just how focused he already was. he looked almost as if he already had a plan to defeat shiratorizawa in this match. seeing him so eager to go back and play almost made you laugh a little - you swore you never saw him get this invested into something ever.
'go and win then.' you mumbled, patting him on the shoulder as he headed towards the gym hall.
'oh don't worry. we will.'
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you couldn't stop the tears rolling down your cheeks as you saw karasuno emerge victorious from the hardest volleyball match they had to play this year, hugging yachi tightly as both of you celebrated the win of your team.
the triumphant screams filled the gym hall, the team emotional after doing what many deemed impossible. as most of them enjoyed themselves, not planning on leaving the euphoric state for a long while, tsukishima could only think of doing one thing - going to you.
you were the only person he truly wanted to celebrate with.
after the ceremony of getting the medals, to everyone's utmost shock, considering your relationship wasn't exactly public, tsukishima went up to you almost immediately, a cocky smile on his face as he ruffled your hair, looking down at you from behind his glasses.
'you didn't exactly look quite as content with your performance before getting the prize.' you mumbled, looking at the blonde haired boy with your head tilted to the side.
'well, i could've blocked more of ushijima's spikes.' he started, rolling his eyes at the sole idea of not being able to do that during today's match. 'i only managed to block one and-'
you decided to use the only method that was for sure going to shut him up in that moment, lightly grabbing him by the tshirt and pulling him closer, lips clashing for a split second in a short, sweet kiss.
'no talking down on yourself today, kei.' you said, unconsciously smiling as you saw his face getting red at what you just did, cheeks covered by a tomato-like red colour. 'i'm proud of you no matter what you think about today's match.'
he stood still for a few seconds, as if processing what had just happened seconds ago, the redness on his face deepening with each passing moment. his hand was quick to grab yours, almost dragging you away from the team and to a more private, less occupied area of the building.
'do that again.' he mumbled, after he finally led you to a quiet hallway.
'it was... nice.'
your eyes lit up, a cheeky smile gracing your face as you finally realized what he was on about.
'ohh, you want another kiss?' you said teasingly, eyes quickly glancing from his face down to his lips. he rolled his eyes, unamused by your act of playing dumb.
'come on, don't make me repeat myself.' still somewhat embarrassed of what he was asking for, tsukishima stood in one place, awaiting your next action.
a sigh left your lips as you took a step towards your boyfriend, standing on your tippy toes to be able to reach his face.
'alright. i guess you deserve it, match mvp.'
your arms were wrapped around his neck in no time as your lips gently touched his, tsukishima immediately kissing you back, hands positioned on your waist as you felt a smile creeping up on his face. he let out a short laugh, seeing your face being just as red as his was moments ago, hand reaching to squeeze yours.
'what?' you mumbled, as he hasn't spoken a word since breaking the kiss.
'that's surely the best prize i got today.'
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taglist: @moonswolfie @wyrcan @kitsune-kita
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lonely-cowboy · 7 months
hi!! how are you? i just wanted to tell you that i am obsessed with your writings omg :’((( i can’t even put into words how happy i am to find your account, the way you write connor is just <33
i was wondering if it’s okay to request something where connor is being protective over fem!reader?maybe some hurt/comfort with fluff in the end <3 I don’t have a specific scenario in my head, so it’s totally up to you, and i would love anything you decide to write for this request!!! also, you are totally free to ignore this if you don’t feel inspired enough by this request, it’s absolutely okay! ♡
thank you! have an amazing day and please sorry for my english, it’s not my first language
ugh thank you my love this is so sweet to hear!! i'm so sorry it took me so long to post, midterms have not been fun my friends. i fear this is not my best work, but i hope you can still enjoy our silly android boy <3 you have an amazing day too!!
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helping hand
pairing: connor (rk800) x f!reader
summary: connor comes to help you when you don't need him. again.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: graphic(?) violence (connor shoots a guy oops)
author's note: i write way too many first kisses and this is no exception. prepare for silly goofy domestic married fluff in the future bc that's what i live for
masterlist ⟡ requests
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You could’ve handled it all perfectly fine on your own. You didn’t need Connor’s help, you didn’t want Connor’s help. You were entirely capable of taking down a runaway vigilante on your own.
Sure, maybe it was stupid of you to run off on your own to the crook’s last known location the second the call was made. But he had been only three blocks away from you. What were you supposed to do, wait for backup? Of course not. You had the opportunity to catch a known criminal, so you took the risk. It was all part of the job.
You found yourself at an empty construction site with your gun drawn and pointed at the runaway criminal. You inched closer to your target– some crazy, murderous, anti-android protestor, there were a lot of those these days– slowly drawing your cuffs. You reached forward to restrain his wrists, fingertips brushing against his skin.
And then you were on the ground. You had been practically tackled, your temple striking the rocky earth hard enough that it looked like the world was spinning.
You sat up uneasily as you tried to orient yourself. Who in the world would have shoved you like that? The only indicator was your attacker’s quick “Sorry, Detective.”
You grunted in frustration as your vision cleared, focusing on the one person you did not want to see: Connor.
In all the time it took you to readjust, Connor had taken the vigilante to the ground. He stood overtop the criminal who groaned between crazed laughter. Connor’s foot pressed firmly into the criminal’s chest, a gun– that certainly did not belong to the android– pointed directly at the laughing man’s face.
You moved slowly from the ground, holding your surely bruised side. Your gaze was locked on Connor’s trigger finger, anxiously anticipating gunfire. You feared what it could mean if Connor pulled the trigger. 
“Connor,” you warned quietly, your voice steadier than expected. 
As you approached, you noticed the twitch of his finger. His LED was cycling through every color imaginable, his brows furrowing and unfurrowing as he held the criminal’s gaze.
“Never even think about touching her again,” Connor spit, his voice so cold that it frightened even you.
The pinned criminal only laughed, an ugly wheezing sound as Connor’s foot dug deeper into his chest. “An android in love, huh? Never thought I’d see–”
Connor’s foot rose quickly, stomping hard on the crook’s face until he was knocked out cold. From the impassive look on Connor’s face, you could tell he was practically seething. But that didn’t matter. Now was not the time to comfort him because you were equally as angry. 
With an agitated huff, you shoved Connor by the shoulders as hard as possible. He barely moved at all, only adding fuel to your fire.
It was then that Connor seemed to snap out of his daze and remember you were there. He turned to you abruptly and discarded the gun, his hands finding their place on your biceps with a firm grip. His eyes immediately scanned over your frame, analyzing you for any damage. The only damage he found was what he had done.
The crease between his brows returned as he reached up to touch your throbbing temple. When he pulled his hand back, his elegant fingers were tipped with your blood.
“Did he do this?” Connor questioned, an edge of doubt in his voice.
“No, Connor,” you snapped, shaking off his hands. “You did this! And it wouldn’t have happened if you had just let me do my job for once!”
His LED blinked a steady red. Funny how it matched the blood on your temple.
“Detective, I was only trying to help,” he reasoned feebly.
“I don’t need your fucking help, Connor! I was handling this just fine on my own! And then here you come to save the day yet again, all knight in shining armor! Acting like I’m your damsel in distress, in need of saving!”
“Did you know he was armed?” Connor asked dismissively, quizzically cocking his head in a way that usually enamored you but only seemed to irritate you now. 
You opened your mouth to retort, but nothing came out as you processed Connor’s words. Armed? No, you hadn’t known he was armed. But if you admitted that then you would’ve looked stupid, like you needed Connor’s help. Like you were some damsel in distress.
When you didn’t answer, Connor gestured to his forgotten gun. “That was his. He was preparing to shoot you.”
“I could’ve easily disarmed him,” you scoffed, crossing your arms arrogantly. “I’m a trained professional.”
“The probability of success was 29%,” Connor stated matter-of-factually. “A majority of outcomes would have resulted in your death, Detective. I couldn’t take that risk.”
“Then maybe you’re not cut out for this job,” you growled. “This job is all about taking risks, Connor. I knew that when I signed up, and you should too.”
Your harsh tone made Connor pause, though he was quick to recover. He was determined for you to understand. 
“If I can prevent your death, then I will. I won’t let your pride stop me,” he said.
It was your turn to pause, lips pursing into a thin line at the reality of Connor’s words. You knew he was right. He was right, he was right, he was right. But you refused to acknowledge that. 
When you opened your mouth to speak, nothing came out besides a yelp.
So quickly you could barely process what happened, Connor’s grip on your arms tightened as he spun you around. One arm wrapped around your shoulders to pull you into his chest protectively while his other hand moved to your holstered gun.
A single shot was fired. And an accurate shot, you guessed, by the sound of a slumping body.
Peeking past Connor, you found the body of your runaway criminal, a bullethole pierced right through his skull. You made note of the gun beside his fallen body, the same gun Connor had carelessly discarded.
You felt Connor return your gun to its holster before his hand moved to your chin. He turned your attention away from the dead body, forcing you to focus on him instead.  
“I know you’re capable, Detective,” Connor murmured, his voice full of a fondness you hadn’t noticed before. “But that doesn't mean I can’t help. I feel better knowing you’re safe than assuming you are.”
You swallowed hard as you held Connor’s steady gaze. His free hand moved to brush your aching temple. His touch was so gentle you could barely feel it as he wiped away the blood with a frown.
“I only wanted to keep you safe,” Connor explained, his voice holding a tinge of– was that regret? “And I only managed to hurt you myself. Maybe you’re right, Detective. You don’t need me. I’m sorry.”
Your hand moved to tug Connor’s hand away from your temple, holding him in your warm grip. His thumb rubbed against your knuckles soothingly as if it was second nature to him.
“I do. I do need you,” you insisted suddenly, surprising even yourself. One minute, you’re practically yelling at Connor for helping. The next, you’re reassuring him that you’ll always need him. You were confusing even yourself, you couldn’t imagine how confused Connor, the poor android. “I… I do. But… not all the time.”
Again, that crease between Connor’s brows returned, your lips forming a smile at the sight.
“I don’t appreciate you enough,” you continued with a defeated sigh. “I do need you. If it wasn’t for you, I’d already be dead, you’re right. You’ve saved me twice today. But that doesn’t mean I need you to swoop in and save me every single time. I can still handle myself.”
“I know… I know…,” Connor whispered, his eyes unfocused as if lost in thought.
You let a beat of silence pass, watching Connor expectantly. There was something he wanted to say, it was on the tip of his tongue. So you patiently waited until he found the words.
“I don’t want to lose you.”
An android in love.
The criminal’s words replayed in your mind as they suddenly came back to you. At the time, you hadn’t completely processed what he said, your anger outweighing any thoughts of reason.
An android in love.
“Was he… was he right?” you asked after a beat to which Connor tilted his head with a puzzled look. Damn him for not being able to read your mind and immediately know what you were struggling to say. “The guy. What he said… He said that you…”
“Are in love,” Connor finished, his tone flat and conveying not a single sense of love.
“Yeah…,” you shrugged.
“If love can be defined by a desire to keep you safe, then yes, I would say I’m in love with you.”
With you.
With you.
He was in love with you.
You couldn’t hide your wide grin, ignoring the warmth that had suddenly spread to your cheeks. Seeing your grin, the corners of Connor’s lips quirked into a small smile too. Your faces naturally moved closer together until your noses were brushing, the warmth of each other’s breath against your lips.
Connor leaned closer. Closer, closer…
He was going to kiss you, and you were going to ruin it.
“You know,” you interrupted, pulling back no more than an inch. But it was enough to make Connor frown. “I’d rather not kiss next to the dead guy.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Connor’s smile returned, an affection glint in his eyes. His hand found yours, pulling you away from the scene.
“Backup is on the way,” he said. “They can handle this on their own.”
With his hand in yours, Connor led you away. He gave your hand a quick squeeze. It was a reassurance. A sign that you were safe with him, that he would do whatever it took to protect you. You returned his firm squeeze. Because you would do the same for him. 
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serverusslaype · 11 months
The Yule Ball, pt. 2
Severus Snape x professor!reader one-shot
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omg hey yall. sorry i posted this so late, i fell asleep during the day after work because i'm a doughnut. lol, so, here is part two! :) hopefully you enjoy it as much as i did writing it! <3
hope you guys are all well!! make sure you're sleeping enough!
There was a moment of silence before you chose to speak, avoiding Snape's gaze. "Thank you." You sighed softly, your body relaxing as Snape walked with you, his hand still glued to the small of your back. "I didn't really expect you to help me." You added timidly, braving a glimpse at his pale face. His brows knitted together, but you weren't sure whether it was out of confusion or anger.
"Why wouldn't I help you?" Snape questioned rather coldly, making you stand up straighter. He kept his eyes glued straight ahead, but you were busy staring at him.
"Well... you don't seem too fond of me. I just thought...-"
"Thought that I'd let that slimy imbecile have his despicable way with you?" Snape glared at you, his eyes twinkling with irritation. You sucked in a sharp breath, shrinking under his intense stare. "Whether I am 'fond' of someone or not, I will not let such a thing happen, regardless." He huffed, clearly angry. You could feel it through the way he pulled you closer to him - whether it was absent-mindedly or consciously, you weren't sure, but you also weren't complaining. You'd fantasised about this moment for years.
The two of you continued walking until you reached the same spot that you had seen McGonagall, Dumbledore and Snape stood earlier. "Thank you, anyway." You muttered as a lacklustre sigh fell from your lips. "I was afraid that I was going to be stuck with him." Snape's head snapped towards you.
"If I wasn't there, I'm sure someone else would have helped you." Snape said in a softer tone, attempting to settle your mind. You still seemed a little anxious despite having been saved from Karkaroff.
"Maybe," you nodded, shrugging, "but I'm glad it was you." You muttered the last part, earning a head tilt from the professor stood beside you.
"Glad it was me?" He repeated, evidently surprised by your words. Snape's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt a little warm.
"Erm," Your eyes widened and your cheeks burned as you suddenly realised what you had said. "Well, yeah, I doubt anyone else could have scared off Karkaroff like that." You laughed awkwardly, brushing your hair in front of your face to hide your blushing cheeks.
"I'm sure Professor Flitwick would have done a fine job of scaring Karkaroff." Snape muttered amusedly, making you smile.
"Flitwick can be scary." You hummed, holding back a laugh as you avoided Snape's curious eyes. "He's a duelling champion after all."
"Duelling champion or not, I highly doubt Filius could intimidate a man such as Igor." Snape said rather seriously. You frowned to yourself. "Igor doesn't take lightly to such things."
"And you know this how?" You asked, looking up at the Potions Master inquisitively. What he said was rather strange, and it piqued your interest.
"That does not concern you." Snape said flatly, and you groaned in response. A small, amused smile tickled his lips at the noise.
"Of course it doesn't." You sighed. Snape glanced down at you, quirking a brow.
"What a nosy little thing you are." He teased, his smile turning into a wicked smirk. You rolled your eyes at Snape, your cheeks burning up again at his words. Was he flirting with you?
"That I am." You replied, narrowing your eyes at him. Turning your attention back to the dancing students, the music suddenly slowed into a gentle, almost-romantic song. You watched as couples flooded the dancefloor, your heart aching at the sight - you couldn't remember the last time you'd danced with someone like that.
Snape let the silence ensue for a minute or so before he spoke, rolling his shoulders. He glanced down at you, noticing your yearning eyes. "Would you... like to dance?" He asked quietly, inducing a surprised look to cross your features.
"What?" You blinked, snapping your head to look at him.
"Are you familiar with the concept? Dancing?" Snape frowned at you, half of his mouth quirking upwards into a smirk.
"Yes, I am- I'm just... shocked at what you asked."
"You don't think I dance?" Snape cocked a brow, and you stared at him in disbelief. "How ignorant of you, Professor L/N."
"You don't seem like the type-"
"Would you like to dance or not?" Snape huffed, growing tired of your comments. You held back a giggle and nodded, a bashful smile painting your lips as he took your hand and lead you to the floor, whispers and gasps erupting around the two of you.
"People are staring." You whispered, gazing up at Snape as his other hand settled on your waist, the other keeping a secure hold of yours. It felt as if someone had just stolen all of your breath from you as he pulled you a little closer to him; a tiny smirk appearing on his lips as he watched your cheeks become flushed again.
"Let them." Snape replied, his smooth and velvet-like voice sending tingles through your body. You had to cough to compose yourself - there was no way you were letting your little crush slip out right now. As the music resumed, you began to sway, your heart going ten to the dozen as you felt his fingers tighten around your waist. You weren't exactly sure how much more you could take without collapsing onto the floor into a hot mess.
Whilst the two of you swayed to the slow music, you were quietly admiring Snape's pale face, and his pretty features, most specifically his large, aquiline nose - that was one thing that you grew to adore. Not that small noses were bad, but there was something... intriguing about larger noses.
"Something on my face, Professor L/N?" Snape muttered, his eyes twinkling mischievously under the bright lights. Your breath hitched at his sudden question and you looked away, a little embarrassed that you let yourself get caught.
No, but it's missing something, you thought to yourself, swallowing thickly as you shifted your eyes back to his, blinking slowly.
"No," You said quietly, chewing on the inside of your bottom lip nervously. Behind Snape, you caught sight of Karkaroff, who looked positively fuming. "Karkaroff doesn't look too happy." You commented, poking your head past Snape to glimpse at the Bulgarian Headmaster. Karkaroff's eyes were almost burning with jealousy and his vulgar features were twisted into a rather foul-looking scowl as he stared at you and Snape from across the floor.
"Of course he doesn't," Snape drawled, twirling you around, "I saved his next victim." He sneered, his voice soaked with venom. You were a little shocked to say the least, you hadn't seen Snape be so worked up by a singular person before. As you twirled around, you stumbled slightly and Snape quickly caught you with his large hand, placing it upon your waist. Your eyes immediately flicked up to his and you smiled sheepishly, watching as he quirked a brow. "I thought you'd be a little more graceful than this." Snape hummed teasingly.
"I suppose I dance with two left feet." You replied, rolling your eyes at him.
"Oh, I can see that." Snape said sarcastically and chuckled quietly to himself, though you felt the vibration of it through his chest, and you couldn't help but smile. That was the first time you'd heard him genuinely chuckle.
"Wow, I didn't know you could chuckle." You teased him, unable to stop your smile from growing into a grin. Snape rolled his eyes at you and twirled you around again, purposefully to trip you up. You gasped as he did so, your hand landing on his strong chest to steady yourself as you fell into him, and an amused smirk crossed his features as he watched you stumble once more.
"Whoops." Snape hummed playfully, and you scrunched your nose up at him.
"Thanks for that." You sighed, fighting back a smile.
"My pleasure." He said languidly in that deep voice, a shiver sliding down your spine as you stared up at him, your eyes dropping to his smirking lips for a brief moment.
"So," you cleared your throat, forcing your eyes away from his mouth, "how do you know Igor?" You asked, glancing between his shining black eyes.
"I believe I said that didn't concern you." Snape replied, narrowing his eyes at you.
"I was just curious." You mumbled.
"And curiosity killed the cat." Snape said, almost like a warning. If he told you, he'd have to tell you that he used to be a Death Eater, and he'd definitely rather not do that now. Especially when he had you so close to him. Snape also didn't want to watch your eyes fill with fear and hate.
"Alright, I won't pry." You sighed softly, feeling yourself grow a little hot under his intense gaze. "Mind if I get some air?" You asked, and Snape nodded silently, releasing you from his grasp. You poked your head beside him again to spot Karkaroff who looked ready to pounce on you. Shivering uncomfortably, you looked back to Snape. "Will you come with me?"
"Afraid of the dark?" He teased, though he noticed your anxious face, and realised it wasn't the dark that you were afraid of.
"No, just slimy Bulgarian Headmasters." You laughed dryly, though Snape could tell that beneath the joke, you were terrified of being caught alone with Karkaroff. He nodded in response, and placed a hand on the small of your back, leading you out of the Great Hall through a small door and into the corridors. The loud music and raucous laughter began to fade as the two of you walked in the direction of the courtyards.
The cool, almost chilly night air was a drastic change from the muggy one inside the Great Hall, and you definitely felt safer with Snape accompanying you. You were currently sat on a broken stone wall, with Snape stood just behind you, his hands tucked behind his back and underneath the shadows of his black cloak.
"Are you feeling any better?" He asked, his smooth voice penetrating the silence that had fallen upon the two of you.
"A little, yeah," You hummed. "It was getting a little hot in there." You chuckled quietly, turning your body slightly to glance up at him.
"Yes," Snape agreed and shifted his gaze from the nightsky to your twinkling eyes. "I'm surprised you didn't faint underneath that beautiful dress." He said casually, his eyes flicking to the silky material that clung to your curves. Did Snape really just compliment you? 
Your eyes widened for a moment, fluttering in shock, "You think my dress is beautiful?" You asked softly, a little smile picking at the corners of your lips.
"Well- yes, I suppose so." Snape stumbled over his words slightly as he averted his eyes from your form and back to the twinkling nightsky.
"Thank you," Your smile widened at his words, and a light blush painted your supple cheeks. "I would offer you a compliment on your outfit, but you always wear the same thing." You teased him, grinning.
"Ha, ha," Snape quirked a brow at you. "Don't tempt me in retrieving Karkaroff." He said sarcastically, and you poked your tongue out at him.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I would." Snape tilted his head at you, a cheeky smirk playing on his lips.
You laughed softly, "As if. I'm the best company you've had all evening." You said, folding your arms against your chest.
"A goblet of wine would be better company than you." Snape teased, and you rolled your eyes at him. He was lying, of course, but there was nothing better than seeing you smile.
"Oh yeah, so why you were smiling earlier when you were dancing with me?" You copied him and cocked a brow tauntingly.
"Your lack of skill was amusing." Snape shrugged, still staring up at the sky.
"Teach me, then." You said, and his head immediately snapped to you, his eyes widening slightly.
"Teach you?"
"Yes, teach me." You repeated and stood up from the stone wall, slowly walking to him, placing your hands on your hips. "If you're so good, surely you can lend me a hand?" You teased, smiling.
Snape sighed softly, staring at you for a moment, evidently pondering your offer. After a moment or two, he retrieved his hands from behind his back and shuffled towards you, taking a hold of one of your hands and placing his other upon your waist. You settled your opposite hand atop of his shoulder, and you and Snape began to sway together once more, though this time it felt a little more intimate since it was just the two of you and the sparkling nightsky for company. You felt breathless as he tugged you a little closer, his eyes boring into yours as you were mere inches apart.
"Now," Snape muttered, and you felt his hot breath against your reddening face. "When you spin, don't look at the ground." You only nodded in response, not trusting your voice right now.
Snape let go of your waist, but kept hold of your hand and raised it slightly to spin you slowly. As you spun round, you kept your eyes on his, a bashful smile gracing your lips as you managed to keep a steady foot. A grin broke out on your face.
"Now, a little faster." Snape said quietly and spun you around again, though with a quicker pace. You gasped as you tripped, a shiver travelling down your spine as you felt a pair of hands catch your waist; your own hands landing on Snape's chest. Quickly looking up, you swiftly slid your hands from his chest and to his forearms, blushing furiously.
"Sorry," you winced slightly, "I'm not very good at this." You laughed, and surprisingly, a genuine smile broke out on Snape's face.
"No," he said, chuckling, "you're utterly terrible." Your face grew an even deeper shade of red as you glanced away from him, embarrassed once again. Snape felt as if he could melt right then and there, you looked so adorable.
"I suppose it's a good thing I wasn't employed as the Professor of Dancing." You joked awkwardly, smiling up at Snape as he gazed down at you, his eyes softening a tad. You bit the inside of your lip.
"I don't think you'd last a day here if you were." Snape said with a cheeky smile.
"Clearly." You huffed quietly, your fluttering eyes flicking between his deep, distracting black ones. A strand of hair fell in front of your face, and Snape reached a hand up to gently brush it out of your face, the tips of his fingers grazing against your pink cheeks. Your breath hitched at the intimate touch, and almost instinctively, you felt yourself leaning in towards him as he let his hand settle against your cheek; thumb absentmindedly brushing the apple of it.
Snape was entranced by you - the way your luscious hair framed your beautiful face perfectly, the way your eyes twinkled like the stars he was staring at, and the way your adorable cheeks turned a different shade of red each time he looked at you. It was hypnotising, and he felt himself becoming trapped under your spell.
Without thinking, Snape leaned forwards and pressed his lips against yours in a soft kiss, his hand tightening around your waist as he felt you relax underneath his touch. It was as if time had stopped as he kissed you, it felt like only the two of you existed in that very moment - everything else became nothing; obsolete. The only thing that pulled him out of the trance was the sweet noise that slipped from your lips as you kissed him back, your hands flying up to curl around his neck; fingers tickling the nape of it.
As the two of you reluctantly pulled away from each other, you giggled and nudged your nose against his. "I wasn't expecting that." You whispered, unable to contain your grin.
"Nor was I." Snape said breathlessly, smiling as he let his arm wrap greedily around your waist to pull you as close as possible to him. This was definitely not the way Snape thought the way his night was going to go, but Merlin, he was not complaining. It was the perfect ending to a beautiful night.
let me know what you thought if you have a chance! :)
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salamanderst · 20 days
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Part series?? Lmk
One of the girls
{Chris Sturniolo}
Warnings: pet names?? (baby(, use of y/n, mentions of sex (nothing happens yet!!) toxic!chris (sorry 😞 he gets better i swear) fratboy!chris kinda??, also i forgot to say this last smut but English is not my first language so i apologize for spelling mistakes!! lmk if theres anything else.
A/n: Omg I think I’m actually tweaking I’ve been putting off writing this because I think all my writing abilities just got up and left. So I’m so sorry if this is ass {it probably is} but erm let’s go!
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Orange; Chris speaking
Pink; reader speaking
“So what do you wanna watch?” I ask Chris.
I came over to watch a movie, every Friday we like to watch a movie after he’s filmed with his brothers, but right now he’s acting off.
“Ehh. It’s what ever, I don’t care.” He replies eyes glued to his phone clearly not listening to me.
“Chris, hello???”
“Yea, yea whatever you say.”
"Chris im gonna fuck other men." i saw with a grin on my face.
he immediately looks up from his phone looking straight into my eyes. no words coming out of him.
"chris im kidding, now will you listen please?" i say laughing.
"yea, im sorry." he give me a smile, he paces me his phone so he wont go on it, i slip into my pocket giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you. Now what movie do you wanna watch?” i said snuggling up to him grabbing the remote.
“Ohh how about that new one on Disney that just came out”
We’re about half way through the movie and Chris goes to the washroom.
I still have his phone in my pocket, honestly i completely forgot about till i felt it ding. i pulled in out of my pocket to see a notification.
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Who the fuck is Olivia?!
I put his phone down on the coffee table as I hear his footsteps coming closer to the couch.
“Hey babe im kinda tried I think ima go to bed, you wanna head home?”
I’m gonna kill this man.
I grab his phone from the table. “Who the fuck is Olivia. Chris?”
at least that’s what i wanted to do. But I’m too tried for drama right now. and me and Chris are actually good, i don't wanna start stuff.
“Yea sure babe I’ll see you later, good night!” i said forcing a smile walking to his front door, as he grabbed his phone and walked up to his room.
i never go to sleep angry, its my number one rule. and i broke it because of this stupid man whore who i'm not even dating, just stupid friends with benefits. but we agreed not to fuck or text other people.
fuck it. im gonna go talk to him.
i get in my car and drive to his place, its 9am but if he wants to fuck other women i can interrupt his sleep. i knock on his door as load as i can, i forgot his brothers also live there.
Nick opens the door, as im about to yell i see his face and step back.
"y/n whats going on??" nick says rubbing his eyes and giving me a look, i felt so bad.
"oh my god im so sorry, i didnt mean to wake you up. im just here to talk to Chris."
"oh uh.. hes in his room." he said gave me a wired look, letting me in as he went back up to his room.
i closed the door behind me and walked downstairs to Chris's room, i was hesitant at first but then i opened the door, i didnt knock i didnt really want to. chris was awake on his phone staring up at me.
"oh.. hi." he said putting down his phone furrowing his eyebrows. "whats going on?"
"are you texting other people?" i said calmly as i sat at the edge of his bed, honestly im surprised i didnt yell, my brain feels like its forgot how to.
"what are you talking about..?" he said sitting up to face me more, acting confused.
"chris, please..." i took a pause, god he was so gorgeous. its hard to be mad at someone whos this pretty. "be honest."
"baby, i am being honest." he said cupping my face with his right hand. i cant fall into him, i told myself repeatedly.
i brushed his hand off my face. "chris, i saw a text on your phone last night. from someone named, Olivia."
he was taken aback he knew what i was taking about. a part of me wanted him to deny it and say its some friend. but no friend asks if a girl is still at some mans house. it wasnt a friend, and we both knew that.
"i-im sorry.." he said in a very quiet voice, i was hurt that it was true. but im thankful he was honest. "its this girl i met at a party, but i swear we only fucked once." he kept talking but my mind went blank after the word 'fucked', was i not enough for him? was i bad, that he had ti get other women to satisfy him? i started to over think everything. what does this bitch do that i cant??
tears started to well up in my eyes when i heard his words. "woah, woah. y/n whats wrong??" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"No! dont chris! this is fucking bullshit, we agreed not to fuck other people!" i said in a shaky voice standing up.
"c-can we just talk, please...?" he said softly standing up. i didnt wanna fucking talk? who the fuck would want to talk??
"no. im leaving you're a fucking whore. i should've left before anything started." i said scoffing grabbing my bag and stomping out his room running to the front door, out to my car.
i started my car a drove home, i sat in the parking lot of my apartment for at least 20 minutes before getting out of my and heading inside. i sat on my couch, ill talk to him in a couple of day. at least it was only one girl right...?
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Omg I'm loving your response to my prompts!! thank you
I have a few ideas (You don't have to do them all) just throwing them out there to see what sparks ideas!!
I love secret admirer stories (I know its no where close to valentines day but still) maybe Reader is Rebecca's assistant and keeps getting gifts leading up to valentines day but she is pretty sure its like Sam or Isaac and tells friend Jaime (even though its really him) then the day of the grand finale and she comes to the lovely surprise of it being Jaime!
also if you could include Scarlett red roses in it for me (They are my favorite flower and the only flower I'm not allergic to)
So. I liked this one. Maybe too much? It might be the longest one I’ve written so far, so, uh, sorry about that. But I liked it a lot. It might be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Hope you enjoy. also the gif isn’t Jamie Tartt but it is Phil Dunster so hopefully that’s ok
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honey, i’ll give you all my time
Good god, it’s February all ready. You have a love-hate relationship with the month; love, because Galentine’s Day and hate because Valentine’s Day. You and your friends would go out on February 15th to get discount chocolate from the shops, then return home for an ungodly amount of takeout and a movie. On the whole, you all preferred action movies with a good romance. 
You’re dreading Valentine’s Day because it’s when your boyfriend of two years held your hands in his, and told you he wanted to break up. 
That was a year ago. You’re mostly angry that he’s a dark stain on one of your favorite holidays. You’re absolutely determined not to let him ruin your enjoyment. 
This is also the first year you’re not with your friends. You moved away last March because you realized your ex had been holding you back in far too many ways. 
So. To recap. 
You’re alone. You love Valentine’s Day, despite it forever being the day of your breakup. Your friends aren’t here. You have new friends. There is no one to go to the shops with on the 15th. But discount chocolate is still discount chocolate. 
Your current job is as a personal assistant, something you excel at. You basically anticipate needs, meet them, and just generally make your employer’s life a whole lot easier. The application said the job required a lot of travel, but all expenses (minus some food) were covered. 
You were shocked when you got an interview, then a second, then a third, then were hired. 
Your boss is a woman named Rebecca Welton, and you’re half in love with her, but who isn’t, really?
You swear you’ve never been in such a healthy work environment. You mention it one day, early on, and she says it’s all thanks to their head coach, someone named Ted. 
You meet him for the first time later that day, and you understand. 
It’s impossible not to love him, because he has vision. He knows what he wants from his team, and he knows how to get it. 
He believes the team extends far beyond the players. 
He believes it extends to you, too. 
Ted and Coach Beard steal you from Rebecca as often as they can, claiming emergencies such as “a toxic amount of testosterone from all these boys,” “life-threatening boredom,” and last but not least, “there’s a new pun Ted absolutely needs to test right now and he won’t take no for an answer.”
(You like to give Ted honest feedback on his puns.) 
You also find yourself in their office when Rebecca is out for lunch, eating your respective sandwiches and swapping life stories. 
They remind you a lot of your parents.
It’s mid-June when you mention the Valentine’s Day story. 
It doesn’t hurt as much when it’s punctuated by Ted’s “he didn’ts” and Beard’s perfectly-timed gasps. 
You find yourself laughing halfway through, unable to stop. 
“And anyway,” you finish, cheeks painful from smiling so hard, “that’s why romantic love is a joke and I am drowning myself in platonic love forever.”
Ted and Beard share a look. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Beard says. 
You shoot him a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”
“Well sweetheart,” Ted says, “between the two of us collectively,” here points between him and Beard, “we know of at least three of the boys on the team who are madly in love with you.”
“What?” you gasp, “How did you- where did you- who??”
Ted zips his lips and Beard tips a finger to him. “We know of five if we count Rebecca’s intel.”
You’re sitting cross-legged on the edge of Beard’s desk, in shock. “Rebecca knows about this??”
Ted and Beard shrug in unison. “We all have our opinions on which one should shoot their shot, but that’s neither here nor there,” Ted says. 
“Coincidentally, it’s the one thing we unanimously agree on,” Beard nods. 
You’re cut off from saying anything by the door opening. One of the players stands in the doorway. 
“Excuse me, coach,” he says, accent thick. 
Ted motions in a you have the floor type of way, and the footballer turns to address you of all people. “We’re all goin’ out tonight, and Keeley sent me to invite the new girl. None of the lads have really met you yet, just seen you ‘round. Thought it might be good for team bonding, or something. I’m Jamie, by the way.”
“Oh,” you say, taken aback. “I guess- yeah, I guess I haven’t really met them. I mean, I see you guys around and stuff and I’m at your games, but I don’t really know you. Are you sure you want me to come?”
Jamie shrugs. “Coach is always on us about bein’ a team or some shit. And, havin’ a girl around makes the lads look good.”
You think that makes sense, and then find yourself agreeing to go out that night with a group of footballers you don’t know, and (thank god) Keeley Jones. 
You’re going to figure out which five before the summer’s over. 
You have nice time out with the lads. They go to a bar and cram into separate booths. You’re wedged in between two who have introduced themselves as Isaac and Dani, and across from Sam, Bumbercatch, and Jan Maas. Roy, Richard, and a few others you don’t know are milling about, and you see Jamie and Keeley at a table, surrounding by giggling girls. The sight is so absurd that you catch yourself smiling and turning back to whatever conspiracy Bumbercatch is telling you about now. 
You put Sam at the top of your list as soon as you get home. The man wears his heart on his sleeve, or maybe in his eyes, but you’re positive that he’s one of the five Ted and Beard referred to. One down, four to go. 
It’s the end of July, and you begin to become friends with the team. You know for an absolute fact who is not interested in you, Jamie being one of them. Coincidentally, he’s the one you become closest to. You think it’s because you’re not worrying about sending mixed signals or leading him on. You dropped public hints about not really looking for anything romantic, just to be sure you wouldn’t hurt anyone. 
As it is, Jan Maas and Dani have made the list. Jan Maas, because he stifled his Dutch bluntness for you and Dani, because he openly declared he was madly in love with you in front of the whole team. 
Isaac makes the list in December. It had been in between him and Bumbercatch, but Isaac was the one who walked you to your car every night and the first one to say hello to you every morning. 
You’re not gonna lie, it was cute. 
You shared some of this with Ted and Beard, who remained impressively stone-faced. Rebecca proved to be equally impervious.
You shared all of it with your lunch-buddy-turned-work-bestie, Jamie. 
You ate with him because Rebecca was constantly in lunch meetings these days, and Ted, Beard, and Roy were always revamping their football strategies.
Jamie would plop down at your table and say, “What’s the news, Amy Hughes?” in his perfect Mancunian accent, and then listen/add commentary to whatever you had to say. 
You explained to him that the reason you wanted to know who liked you was so that you could be extra careful with their hearts. You knew what it was like to be led on, and you did NOT want to do that to someone else. 
Jamie nodded thoughtfully at that and then said, “We’re all footballers though, ain’t we? We get the shit end of the stick all the time, hearts broke by models and whatever. Even ends up in the fucking press. Everyone here’s has their heart broken before, and we all know you aren’t doing it on purpose.”
You wrinkle your nose at him. “I’m pretty sure it’s short end of the stick, Jamie.”
And thus begins your lunch hour of bickering. 
No one has made a move on you yet, and you don’t have a read on number five. You still think it may be Bumbercatch, but in reality, it slips from your mind. Sam’s moved on, Jan Maas has accepted defeat, Dani swears he will love you until the day he dies, and Isaac stays, well, Isaac. Still sweet. Still walking you to your car, coming round extra early in the morning with a coffee or a water, depending on which “looked less like shit.”
Really though, you don’t think about it until February first, when you walk into your office to a small box on your desk. 
At first, you think it’s a box of Ted’s biscuits. 
Then, you notice a small, scarlet-red rose taped to the top. There’s no note, and all that’s inside is a tiny paper heart. 
It’s folded with extreme care, and you place it on your shelf, smelling the rose. It smells amazing and you make a mental note to figure out where the heck it came from. But for now, it’s time to work. 
You don’t mention the gifts until February third, because now there’s been one a day. Each one with a scarlet red rose, and a different gift. Yesterday was an incredibly expensive bar of chocolate (it was life-changing) and today is a tiny gold bracelet.
It’s a simple enough chain, but it is absolutely breathtaking. There is no mistaking the fact that it is not cheap, so you take it and march straight to Rebecca’s office.  
“Rebecca,” you say, hands outstretched, “look.”
She does, smiles, then says, “It appears you have a secret admirer.”
“But I don’t want that!” you cry. “I don’t even have time for that! I don’t even like anybody right now!”
She peers at you over her glasses. “Don’t you?”
The sheer weight of those words is enough to physically knock you back two steps. 
You don’t, you swear you don’t, you’re absolutely sure. 
What about Vienna? a voice in the very back of your head nags.
You reply, out loud, “We don’t talk about Vienna,” and Rebecca just shrugs. 
“Have it your way,” she replies in a tone that means this conversation is over, but you’re the one ending it.
You turn on your heel and find yourself taking the route to Ted and Beard. 
You burst into their office in such a flurry that the entire room turns to look at you. “Close the door,” you say with such urgency, that Trent hurries to comply. Beard even shuts the blinds. 
“What’s on your mind, Ollie Cline?” Ted asks. 
“Wait,” you say, holding up a hand. You point to Roy. “Do you want to be here? It involves feelings.”
“Fuck no,” says Roy, “thanks for being fucking considerate.” He follows it up with a pointed glare at Ted, then goes into his office and firmly shuts the door. 
“Can he be here?” Ted asks, tilting his head toward Trent. 
“I don’t care, he’s probably a good one to have around for this because look!” You present the three collected roses and the bracelet. 
“Someone’s started leaving me gifts, and I’m pretty sure it’s a Valentine’s thing because of the roses, and it was fine for the first two days but this is expensive, and I can’t accept this!”
Ted and Beard share a look. You hate it when they do that and leave you out. 
Ted sighs. “Listen, do you think this about Vienna?”
You fix him with a glare. “No. We are not talking about Vienna ever again.”
Trent pipes up, “What’s Vienna?” and you wheel around on him, taking your glare with you. 
“Vienna," you spit, like it’s poisonous, “is a terrible, awful place where people think terrible, awful things. I never want to talk about it again and I never will.”
Trent nods. “Noted.” 
You turn back to Ted and Beard, pleadingly. “What do I do? Tell me what to do.”
Beard gets up and puts his hand on your shoulder. “Kid, if you want my advice, take the damn roses and wear the damn bracelet. These boys make more money than they know how to spend, so just let it go. They all know how you feel about dating, so if someone’s shooting their shot, they know the stakes.”
You shake your head. “Fine. Fine. I’ll let it go.” 
You decide to tell Jamie on day five, because it’s a Friday and you’re dying to get his take. You tell him everything, show him the roses in your office (hanging upside down to dry), and then hand him the notebook that was in today’s box. 
“Jamie,” you say, “this is an expensive notebook. There was a typed note inside that said, ‘for your drawings.’ How did this person even know I like drawing? I never talk about it!”
Jamie looks at you and laughs a little. You’re very flustered for something most people would enjoy. “Dunno, love, but we’ve all seen the sticky notes you leave Coach. That might be it.”
You groan and flop down into your chair. 
“At least tomorrow’s the weekend,” you say.
Jamie’s phone dings at 9:00am on Saturday with a text from you that says, what the actual heck and a picture of a brown bag at your doorstep. Inside is a plastic box of your favorite lemon muffin from a local bakery. He emphasized the image, then waits for your response. 
It was still warm, you write. It was someone who knows where I live and knows what time I leave to get breakfast.
Jamie grins and sends you a shrugging emoji, and you respond with an eye roll and a you’re no fun.
Jamie reads that and privately disagrees. He thinks he’s lots of fun
You’re pretty sure it’s Isaac. After all, he’s the only likely candidate. He’s one of the few who knows where you live and knows your routine. Not in a creepy way, in a we’re-good-friends type of way. You bring this up to Jamie, after personally banning all talk of this with Ted, Beard, and Rebecca. Stupid Vienna. You should never have told them. 
Jamie shrugs for the millionth, infuriating time. He’s been noncommittal this whole time. You’re over here pouring out your heart and soul, considering whether you like Isaac romantically or not, and all he can say is, “I dunno?” 
This is not the Jamie Tartt you’ve become best friends with. 
That Jamie would be down to hunt this secret admirer with you. That Jamie would be helping you figure out if Isaac had a chance with you. That Jamie would be way more engaged than the one sitting in front of you right now. 
But, you suppose maybe that Jamie died in Vienna, so you stop bringing it up.
It’s day ten. Valentine’s Day is in four day, and you’re nervous. 
You’ve decided you don’t like Isaac like that, mainly because it shouldn’t take you that long to decide if you like anyone. There has to be an initial spark, and you shouldn’t try to manufacture it. 
Still, you’re not sure it is Isaac, so you’re not going to say anything about it. The scarlet red roses hang on your office wall, permeating the room with their scent. 
You feel like you’re dying. 
This is a cruel joke and you’re dying. 
The building is basically empty right now. Rebecca and Higgins have some meeting, the team is on the pitch (including Will) and various other staff are somewhere far away from you. So, you jump a little when Trent Crimm comes tripping into your office. 
“Vienna,” he says, no greeting. “If you didn’t want to talk about it, you wouldn’t have told anyone. I’m assuming you do want to talk about it, but you don’t want judgement from the people you love. I’m here to offer my services as a neutral party.”
You look at him. “Trent. You are a journalist. Your whole job is writing down people’s secrets. Why on earth would I talk to you about the worst day of my life?”
Trent shrugs. “I’m good at keeping secrets. This would be off the record. I’ve never lied to people about off the record, also. I consider it bad journalism.”
You consider this for a moment, then sigh. 
“Alright,” you concede. “At least if this gets out, I know whose head I’m shaving in retaliation.”
Trent looks at you in surprise, seeing you in a whole new, slightly threatening light.
“It happened two months ago. It was around Christmas, and I didn’t have anywhere to go…”
Your family all had their own separate plans that Christmas. Plans that didn’t really involve you. Same with your friends. You said something casually to Rebecca, and the next day she told you she had booked you a trip to Vienna. Call it an early Christmas present, she said. It was at the Aumaris Vienna, and it was gorgeous and ridiculously out of your budget, but she said you worked hard and gave her peace-of-mind, and you can’t really put a price on that, can you?
So you went. 
But here’s the thing. 
Someone else didn’t have Christmas plans. 
So when you brought up your trip at your daily lunch, said someone else casually asked, can I come? 
You almost choked on your sandwich. 
Because here’s the other thing.
You were, maybe, kind of, possibly just a little bit head over heels in love with this someone else.
You’re not sure when it happened, really, just that it was probably in August and that it was soul-crushing because you knew for an absolute fact that he did not, and never would, feel the same way. 
You didn’t tell anyone except Keeley, but under the condition that she just let you say it and that she never, ever give you a response to it. Just listen. 
She did, but you were pretty sure she almost combusted. 
But who are you to say no when Jamie Tartt invited himself on your luxurious Christmas vacation saying, I’ll pay extra to get a plane ticket next to you? 
You were doomed from the start. 
To make matters totally and impossibly worse, he couldn’t find another room. 
He had his tickets, but the hotels, he said, were packed. 
It was Christmas, after all. 
So that’s how you ended up in a luxury hotel with Jamie Tartt for a week and a half, one day of which was Christmas. 
You know the, “there was only one bed” trope that everyone thinks is so cute?
It was that, but only if you add deep, shattering heartbreak to it. 
Because every night, you had to listen to Jamie say, “goodnight, love,” and then get into that giant, soft bed as far away from him as you could manage. 
Every morning you woke up to the pillow barricade long gone, one of his arms thrown around you. Or one of your legs on top of his. Or a million different scenarios where you end up literally asleep together, some weird gravity pulling you to each other. 
You were falling so hard and so fast, that you felt like the air was knocked from your lungs when Jamie started talking about the girl he liked. 
“She’s just so fucking beautiful,” he’d say, staring at an Alpine mountain. Or, “Swear she’s the smartest fucking person I’ve ever met,” while traipsing through the city. Or, “Pretty sure she’s ruined me for everyone else,” while getting facials at the hotel spa. 
To be fair, you were the one who teased him into admitting he liked someone. 
You just didn’t expect it to hurt so much. 
The entire trip felt like heaven and hell had simultaneously converged on you, and you never wanted to leave but also desperately counted the days till it was over. 
You came back and broke down in Rebecca’s office. Ted and Beard were there. The whole thing came spilling out, about how you loved the trip so much it felt like your heart would explode but that Jamie loved someone else. 
They all exchanged looks amongst themselves and did their best to comfort you. 
You pulled yourself together and they promised never to say anything to anyone. 
“So that’s Vienna,” you finish. 
Trent is just staring at you, mouth slightly agape. 
He finally says, “My god, that’s fucked,” with such emotion that you decide right then and there that you like Trent Crimm and his rainbow mug. 
Now, you just shrug. “I did it to myself, honestly. That’s why I’m tripping out about this secret admirer thing. And god, Trent, the roses. They’re so beautiful and it’s so romantic, and whoever it is obviously knows me well so there’s a part of me that wants to like this person, but…” you trail off. 
“But there’s a part of you that’s hoping against hope that Jamie’s behind it all,” Trent finishes. 
You let out a little laugh. “Yeah, that about sums it up.”
Trent looks at the roses, then at you. “Maybe you should talk to Jamie,” he says, gently. 
You reply with a forceful, “No,” and then follow up with a small, “That’s what Ted and Rebecca say, too.” 
Trent stands up, shrugs, says with a small smile, “Just a thought,” then he’s out the way he came. 
It is Valentine’s Day. And it’s a Sunday, which means you are legally required to stay in bed until 10, at which point you will get out only to make yourself decent enough to go buy a good cup of coffee and maybe (definitely) something to eat. 
You’ve just finished putting on your shoes, when there’s a knock at the door. 
You take a breath, and get ready to let down your secret admirer as gently as possible. 
You swing open the door to reveal- 
“Jamie! What are you doing here?”
Jamie Tartt is on your doorstep, hands behind his back, looking shyer than the day you first met. 
He opens his mouth and says the last thing you’d ever expect:
“D’you remember Vienna?”
Your heart, which had already been going fast because his dumb floppy hair was all dumb and floppy in his stupid, cute headband, is now working double time. You manage a nod. 
Jamie takes this as permission to continue. “D’you remember how I couldn’t get another room, no matter how hard I tried? That wasn’t true. I could’ve.” He pauses, and you wait for him to continue. 
“And d’you remember when we met, when I told you Keeley told me to invite you out? That was a lie too.”
You tilt your head, confused. He keeps going. 
“Look- I fucked it. I fucked it a million times and I told Ted and I told Beard, but they kept helping me un-fuck it and giving me chances, and then Rebecca bought two tickets to Vienna and slipped me the other one, and they all told me I had a perfect shot.” 
You’re still not understanding what he’s saying. He might as well be speaking another language. Jamie sees the confusion in your eyes, takes a breath, and tries again. 
“Keeley told me to invite you out, but only because I’d seen you around and thought you were fit. Then Isaac and all the lads thought the same thing, so I didn’t even get to fuckin’ sit with you. And then you started sayin’ things about not bein’ ready for a relationship, so I tried to let it go. I really fucking tried. But I just couldn’t. Your eyes are too sparkly and your laugh is too fucking cute and I couldn’t let it go, so I started eating lunch with you and you fucking let me. I knew the moment I said anything about liking you, it was over.”
Comprehension has started to dawn, but you push down hope until Jamie’s done speaking. 
“Everyone told me to shoot my shot in Vienna. We shared a bed, for fuck’s sake.” Here, Jamie looks bewildered. “But I dunno, I didn’t want to make shit weird. So when you asked if I liked anyone I said yeah, and started fuckin describing you, but you never fucking picked up on it. That’s when I got the idea to try one more time. All by meself, no help from anyone else. So…yeah.”
Jamie Tartt is standing on your porch confessing his love for you on Valentine’s Day and it is not a dream, because if it were your teeth would be falling out and his hair would probably be neon pink. 
“I’m an idiot,” you breathe. “You like me? Like, like-like me?”
Jamie quirks a smile at that. “Not quite, darling. Pretty fucking sure I love you.” He pulls his hand from behind his back to reveal a bunch of scarlet red roses. The same from each gift. 
“Got these for you,” he says. “D’you know how hard it is to get red roses in February?”
You don’t answer him because you’re leaping into his arms, kissing him like you’ve thought about doing every day for what feels like forever. He’s kissing you back, hand with the flowers pressed against your back, other hand in your hair. 
“I love you too, Jamie,” you whisper against his mouth. He smiles and pulls you in again. 
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stolasdearest · 7 months
Lucifer x spouse!Reader˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Am I supposed to be doing requests? Yeah but 8AM me is wanting Lucifer Fluff, also I want my mootie to wake up to this✊
CW: Not proofread
Reader is gender neutral
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On a calm morning in hell you laid in the large bed with a hand tangled in your husbands hair while gazing at the phone in your hand; gentle music playing in the bedroom, you didn't know Lucifer could purr you're gonna be honest but the vibration of his head on your chest, his arms wrapped around your mid section made you sleepy. Trying to blink away the tiredness creeping into your vision your hand balled up some hair tugging up his head while he whined.
"that's reserved for something else, Dearest"
You snorted as he now looked at you with big red eyes the king's chin rested on your chest; his smile only getting bigger when you wrap your arms around him, this morning was domestic and sweet, quiet and peaceful.. You couldn't have that so you hid your plans while fiddling with Lucifer's smooth blonde hair.
"you have very nice hair"
"I know, it's very soft"
"it sure is"
Lucifer rolled his head, now his cheek smushed against your chest; his gaze filled with love and adoration for his loving spouse, his hands wiggled out from under you to hold your face with his now warm hands; you melted into the feeling of your husbands enticing hold; before your deathly cold hands slipped up his shirt; landing on his sensitive waist, holding back a laugh while he squealed and tried to wrestle himself from your hold to absolutely no avail.
"release me! You wretch, I do not deserve this at 9am! Your hands are ice"
You scoffed at the insult and effortlessly pinned him down, your hands riding up his chest as he kicked his feet like an angry child; His hands attempting to halt your movements, a loud yell erupting from his throat as your fingers grazed over his chest; his sharp eyes narrowed on you, how dare you be laughing? At him! He's the king of hell God be damned! Respect him! His hands smacking against your chest rapidly to try and get you off; you halt your hands next to his pecs under his armpits and he reflexively clamped his arms down on your hands, you chuckled looking down at the flushed Angel who was now pouting.
"what are you doing?"
"trying! To get you to stop"
"just ask me, nicely"
"oh you little- can you stop freezing my nips off.. Please"
Your hands swept up from under his shirt as you held them up; finally showing mercy. You noticed something whipping around in the corner of your eye you soon saw it was his tail; he grumbled further while you were in awe at him and held his tail in your hand, flopping around the spade tipped end of his tail, your hand going to intertwine with one of his he hissed at the still, cold hand you have while relentling at letting you hold his tail. His free hand went to your hip before the back of his head hit the mattress; him quietly sighing, hearing you giggle and coo at his demonic tail
"I love you, sweetheart"
"I love you too, My King"
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Authors note : ugh he's so submissive and breedable- WHO SAID THAT?? WOAH OMG
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rereisstuff · 1 month
hi can u do when r enjun is teaching u mandarin pleek and thank u!!! 🫡🫡
summary: i don’t even know the language but i know you’re cursing me.
pairing: idol!reader x idol! Renjun
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“look baby it’s not that hard, adding a tone here is changing the hole sentence” Renjun signaled a point in the huge text he wrote as greeting.
mandarin was known to be one of the most difficult languages to learn or to even understand, and there you were with your little angry chinese man trying to learn.
“i don’t understand why that long? i mean i could have said hi and my name” you were confused and nervous about all the things you should say.
Renjun has told you his mother got so excited and happy about your band announcing the concert held in China that she rushed him to get tickets, and also asked him to attend.
so you wanted to make sure you got your mother in law right onto the pocket.
“i mean, i can’t directly say hi to your mom” you kinda inquired as he continued to chat about how important was the whoooole message, which in perspective was a little—maybe super—formal.
“but is important baby! i already told her im teaching you, she’s gonna end me if you mess up” oh, there was even more pressure, Renjun saw the effects of his latest words and eased his gaze.
“it’s okay love, it doesn’t matter, i will defend both of us…in mandarin” you couldn’t help to laugh as Renjun side-eyed you to see if the gaslight was working, him sighing when realizing it wasn’t.
“i’m sorry, it’s so hard to understand but i’ll keep trying!”
“thank you baby” he smiled with shiny eyes and you couldn’t tell him you haven’t understood a thing ever since you started.
“everything for my baby”
well, the concert introduction wasn’t bad, you mistook a character and said something completely different, Renjun and his mother laughed and your fans made a compilation of you being clumsy.
a win-win situation if you ask me.
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Hi, this is probably a stupid question but would it make sense/be accurate for an autistic character to have, like,,,,, normal facial expressions, at the correct time (like when they're happy or sad) like a neurotypical person? Without having to mask and intentionally force themselves to make those faces?
I'm autistic but I don't think I do this. I don't talk to people unless I absolutely have to and my memory is dogshit so I can't recall any times when people have commented on my facial expressions, and I definitely do make expressions sometimes, just maybe not in the right contexts or not very often.
I'm making a comic and one of the characters is autistic and very based on my own symptoms (she's the main character so since she gets a lot of screen time, I figured it would be easiest if I already knew how to represent her).
My reasoning behind wanting her expressive is:
There are already two other characters with autism who are pretty blank and expressionless.
It's a comic and I want to draw a lot of fun expressions, I want her to be able to smile softly and snarl and look baffled and make all kinds of faces, without her having to mask and constantly be miserable.
But my problem is that I want her to actually have autism. And when I look up posts online from other people, I'm really not seeing a whole lot of "Oh yeah I can emote and make facial expressions exactly like a normal person, in the correct contexts, automatically without masking."
So I'm not sure at this point if this is something we can even do? I've seen quite a few autistic people say that our brains literally do not work this way.
Maybe, would it be possible that she has the opposite problem most autistic people do? Most of us are sort of blank and expressionless and have to mask and make ourselves look happy/surprised/angry.
I thought that instead, she could be TOO expressive, so she would have the correct expressions at the correct times (looking angry when she's angry) but she wouldn't notice this, and would make the wrong expression at a bad time?
For example, if she was at a funeral and found something funny, she would unintentionally smile/scrunch her face up and everyone would get pissed because "Omg girl their grandma got killed by a dragon and you're laughing?"
So most autistics = masking to create expressions
But her = masking to remove expressions
I hope this makes sense It's midnight and I need to sleep lmao
Hi asker!
I just wanted to say that it is, in fact, possible for autistic people to be naturally expressive. A flat or flatter affect might be more common, and many autistic people mask to create expressions. But that doesn't mean all!
Me, personally, I'm autistic. I've been called expressive pretty often. I generally smile when I'm happy, frown when I'm pissed off, widen my eyes when I'm surprised – expressions you'd consider normal. This happens less often the more tired I am, and in my diagnosis debrief I was told that what I do that isn't normal is that I don't direct expressions to people: basically, that I don't use expressions to communicate with others, they just sort of happen. Which surprised me, because I saw communication as kind of a side effect of expressions as opposed to the main purpose, if that makes sense?
One of my adult family members is autistic as well. They are also very expressive, in fact kind of too expressive like you mention your character could be. They can't really hide the facial expressions they do (that generally correspond to typical expressions) and so can't really hide what they're feeling, even when it would be better to hide it. Their version of masking would be working to remove these expressions, which they don't actually do, but that would be the case.
That's two examples of people with autism that are pretty typically expressive, yet still show social/communication difficulties even in that. So: what you're describing is definitely possible.
As a side note:
Autism is two-fold: social/communication difficulties, and restrictive/repetitive behavior. Everyone who has autism experiences those two aspects. However, autism is also very varied in how these things present, so be wary of anything or anyone that says something (other than those two things) applies to either absolutely all or absolutely no autistic people. Sure, some presentations are more common – like a flat affect, or lack of eye contact, or how hand-flapping is a common stim. But no single presentation is universal. And on top of that, 'difficulties with social communication' doesn't have to mean 'difficulties with every single aspect of this.' It can! But it doesn't always.
Also, wow, I have typed the word "expression" so much that it barely seems like a real word right now!
– mod sparrow
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justkiddingguys · 7 months
Batboys Tickle Headcanons
A/N: FORGIVE ME BUT I’M GOING INSANE OVER THESE MFS JUST LET ME RANT IM SO NEW TO THE FANDOM THEYRE SO CUTESY LMAO. Again, this is purely on vibes, im so new to this fandom. Also it’s 1 am this may or may not be coherent.
Warnings: Tickling (duh) but all SFW, cursing ig
Including: Damian, Tim, Jason, Dick, Bruce
Youngest first lol
Okay, so this kid hadn’t been tickled in his LIFE until coming to live with Bruce right
And I like to think the first time Bruce does it they’re already decently comfortable with eachother, yknow??
And Damian is BAFFLED cause WTF is this??
He tries to fight his way out of it for sure
But when he can’t it’s one of the few times anyone gets to see him ACTUALLY acting like a kid
He’s throwing out threats left and right
ANGRYY lee. He doesn’t really mind it but his pride cannot handle it lmao
I’d say his worst spots are his armpits and sides. Little scratches on his neck get him FLUSTERED though cause he has to scrunch up his neck and make a face and agghh
Overall very angry
He can get away from it most times (baby assassin)
He might allow Bruce or Dick to get him on occasion though :3
Okay so obviously he doesn’t have the size advantage
But he enjoys getting one in on his siblings
When he can he’s a little shit
During training?
Nonchalant teaser
“How unfortunate, you’ve lost. Why are you smiling about that?” (Completely kneading his opponent’s nearest un-coverable spot)
“Pff- Damian stahp-“
“Stop what? I’m not hurting you”
Not something seen often, but it is mean
And embarrassing, cause you’re getting overpowered by a child bro 💀💀
Another neglected child smh
He’s not as foreign to it as Damian, but it’s still prominent lmao
He’s been tickled briefly before once or twice sure
But longer than a few seconds??
He doesn’t know what to do with himself
Craves affection, so he definitely brats his way into tickles often
If you tease him about that though he will die
He’s super duper sensitive, so if he’s wrecked he’s WRECKED, but light tickles make him flustered beyond belief
T-word teases also fuck him up
Has been tickled to sleep out of necessity because omg he NEEDS it
Also cheer up tickles cause he gets in his headddd
His laugh is so cute, it sounds like he’s trying not to laugh even when he’s cackling
Is not above begging. Begs often.
His worst spots are his knees and ribs
AGSHSHSH Dick has done the rib counting thing on him
“Come on, count with me. You’re a genius, Timmy, can’t you count?”
“BFFFAHAHA sHIT Dihick-“ (more concerned with covering his face than anything at this point)
“No no, that’s not a number, let’s start over. One rib…”
Another one who I can’t think of many scenarios he’d actually end up in that position
But I picture him as such a cute ler
He’s teasing, don’t get me wrong
But it’s so soft, yknow?
Like sure, he’ll wreck your shit
He’s AMAZING at figuring out bad spots
But his teases are like
“Aw, that tickles? Does it really? Hm. That’s sad.”
“Stop? Why? I haven’t seen you smile this much in forever!”
Jason Todd
Not necessarily as irrational due to obvious slight maturity level differences between him and Damian
The curses are worth it
Pretends he HATESS it
But he does not :3
He’s too pussy to brat his way into tickles
But if he’s in a mood he’ll sit annoyingly close and just… stretch his arms up. Ever so subtly.
He’ll deny his intentions to the second grave though
He’s a kicker
Gets pissed off at regular/mean teasing but
“Awww Jason, your laugh is so cute”
“Cmon, let’s see that smile”
Any soft cooing and he is GONE
Yeah he’s still throwing fuck you’s around like rice at a wedding
But he’s covering his red ass face too
Worst spots are his hips and stomach and that PISSES HIM OFF
Using words like belly or tummy to tease have him utterly broken
Mean mean mean mean
Mean ler
Absolute little shit
Oh my god he’s so teasy
No boundaries
“Wow, you’re REALLY ticklish, huh? Especially right here in this spot, here. Mhm. Yeah, you are, look. Stop? No? Awww come on. We both know you wanted this”
Will not be soft unless he’s doing it for a purpose
Enjoy’s wrecking Tim’s shit regularly
I cannot emphasize this enough: MEAN
He will not stop digging his fingers into the utter WORST spot until he’s satisfied that his victim is about to die :3
And he’ll tease them about it for WEEKS
He’s the only mf on this list not embarrassed as fuck about tickling
He gets in a lee mood and EVERYONE knows
Giggly little bitch is silently begging for it
And he doesn’t even ask the ler to stop, he just lets it happen 💀
Like he’s just laying there, no shame
He has to have a bad spot on his legs, specifically thighs
Honestly I think the only way he’s blushing about it is if you tease him for NOT blushing about it
“Awww, you love this, huh? Look at that grin. Maybe I’ll just keep tickling forever, since you’re enjoying yourself so much”
Big Brother Ler ™️
Designated cheer-up tickler
He’s definitely the softest teaser
All compliments and coochie coos
Unless you’ve fuckin crossed him.
Cause he CAN get mean
Sweet tickles: “Hmm, I love that smile. You’re so cute when you giggle like that. Yeah I know it tickles”
Revenge tickles: “So what was it you were saying earlier? No say it. Go on.” (going insane on the WORST spot imaginable) “What? Sorry I can’t hear over all the laughing. Damn you’re ticklish. Oh you don’t like that word? Hm. Tickle, tickle tickle…”
His fingers are so fast and he IS more flexible than ANYONE and there’s no escaping, no moving. Just a big Dick Grayson Grin in your face.
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jomsimagination · 1 year
Warnings; some cuss words, its just not family friendly.
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brothers name= b/n
"Glee club there will be a new spanish teacher" principal figgins announced,
"Yeah what do you want us to do about it?" Santana asked the principal, "well this person is someone special to one of the member" you listened to principal figgins, as you were sitting in the cold chair, resting your head on santana's shoulder, when suddenly your brother entered the room.
"What!?" You shot up from my seat quickly since you weren't out to him yet, "principal figgins you can't employ him as the spanish teacher, i'm pretty sure he doesn't even know spanish!" You exclaimed, "well i took spanish classes as a chi-" you cut my brother off, "see what i mean he makes every aspect of my life worse!"
"Wow y/n i guess being attractive runs in your veins" artie said with a chuckle,
as santana looked at him with a glare. "Of course i'm the better looking sibling" we said at the same time, "what? Really cmon its me" you grin, "oh please. When i was here i'm pretty sure i changed sex partners as fast as flash could run" he scoffed, "wow you whore" you chuckle, "you slut!" He chuckled as your jaw dropped.
"Alright! That's enough y/n sit down." Mr schue said sternly, as i rolled my eyes and sat down, "i wanna get in on this its seems fun" my brother also sat down not to me thankfully, "that's what your sex partners said" you chuckled as his jaw dropped.
Skip to next week, we went to the auditorium,  then santana brittany and mercedes went up to the stage to perform, my brother was there with me and of course being the annoying bitch he was. He was gonna sing too.
Santana and brittany were the backups to greedy while mercedes sings. They were wearing very revealing shirts and you could see santana's abs, you didn't even notice that you were starring at her abs the whole performance. After the performance ended, you was still starring at her abs, she noticed it and smirked, and also my brother and kurt noticed it.
You felt kurt nudge your shoulder, you looked at him with a confused expression. Then santana texted me, she had texted me a picture of her abs.
Mommy😘(chat) regular=to you, chat=to santana
Take a picture it lasts longer💋
I hate you
Yeah but thats not what you told me
last night~~
Thats one of the things you said😉😜
(Then she sent you two pictures, one of them her middle finger and pointing finger, and the other was her curling them, i could feel myself get wetter at the picture so i squirm in my seat.)
What the hell san?!
What? You wanted that last night?
Stop ignoring me i can see you laughing at your phone
Y/n stop ignoring me.
I will punish you in the janitors closet if needed.
Fine. What?
Hehe. 👅this was me last night and this was you last night🌊 hehe. Me also✌️also us ✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️
Really san? God why am i with you again?
I love you please don't break up with me
Don't worry san i'll never break up with you💍
Gasp omg y/n l/n are you proposing to me
Mhm will you make me the happiest woman and accept this ring?💍
Yes! Of course i will, now were the happiest women on earth. Nothing can come between us😘😘
Time for the homeymoon~~🐱🙀😽😸😺😼✂️✂️✂️👅👅🐱✌️🐱✌️🐱✌️🐱✌️🐱🖖🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🐱✌️🐱✌️🐱✌️🐱🖕🐱🖖🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
Why'd you stop?
Gasp mrs lopez i am married woman. Anyways
You excessively use emoji's to much
Then you use don't excessively use emojis that much and you you use aphostarphe
Ugh!!!! 😡🤬🤬😤👿🤬😠🤬😾😤🤬😡 now we have angry sex
Mr schue was saying something but and santana weren't clearly listening, you chuckle every time she sends you a text. "Who are you even texting? Your boyfriend" you heard your brother say on the stage as he was gonna perform, "or girlfriend" he chuckled as he saw your face, you turned to kurt, with wide eyes, as everyone soon snickered and giggled.  "is it becoming obvious?" You whispered and kurt nodded.
"What!? I'm not texting someone!" You defended myself, "you didn't deny..." he trailed off. "And plus i saw you looking at that girl's abs" he pointed to santana.
"What!? Thats not true" you tried to defend yourself, keyword; tried. you didn't want to come out to him yet since he would say all the embarrassing things from your child hood possible gay things, and lucky for him mr schue had left the auditorium to get something.
"Oh please i know you have a thing for brunettes, like uh oh! Jessica alba, sofia vergara, megan fox-" you cut him off, "ok enough" you stopped him, from embarrassing me further, you look down at my lap, "god. I knew it!"he cut himself off, then texted you.
Idiot of a brother💩🫶🏻(chat) chat=b/n regular=you
You have come out right? Are you even gay?
Wouldn't you like to know
And yes.
I knew it! So have you come out cause if not yet then i understand i won't say what i was about to say. And also please i want you to know that i support you in every way. And i will be here always for you. Just text or call me of you need someone to talk too. Even if i have work i swear i will do everything in my power to stop working and talk to you. I also want you to know that
i love you❤️
I know mom and dad weren't as supportive but i promise you i will be the dad that dad was suppose to be.
Yes i have come out.
I knew it! So what about her cmon tell me the tea.
What don't you have to perform?
Nah its fine they can wait. So what's up with you and that Latina girl?
were dating. Eight months and happy. She makes my day better. And i'm happy about it obviously.
Awww i can't believe it. My lil sis has a better love life than me. Well i have to perform now
Then he looked up from his phone and put it in his pocket, "i knew it! You're as straight as the shape of the earth!" B/n exclaimed. (Circle the earth is circle.)
"Wait so y/n's flat? I mean she doesn't look flat, her boobs are-" b/n cut puck off, "what are you about to say to my baby sister?" He glared at him while artie grabbed some popcorn from god knows where.
Anyways. he was next to you so.. you grabbed some and ate while you two watched the scene unfold, "i-i didn't i-" puck stammered, "exactly. Know if i hear you or any of you say that again about my little sister. I will not hesitate to punch someone, expect for the girls i know y/n likes that" he warned puck and walked up to him pointing a finger at his face. then chuckled when he said the last thing.
You choked on the popcorn, "alright so what is happening?" Mr schue entered as he saw the scene, "whoa whoa, i left for 5 minutes what the hell..." mr schue trailed off, b/n went back to the stage to perform.
After school there was a glee meeting, most of the glee kids were still in class. You were going to the choir room when you saw, b/n and santana in the choir room talking.
"So tell me. What are your intentions with my sister?" B/n asked with crossed arms,
they haven't notice you yet so you watched the scene unfold, but fortunately for you artie had finish his class, he wheeled next to you watching the scene unfold too, and magically he had popcorn.
"My intentions with her is to make her the happiest woman in earth. And protect her from the miserable world, cause she deserve's the best, cause she is the rainbow in everyone's life." Santana explained as your heart fluttered at what she said.
"Hm. Good enough. Now tell me when are you gonna propose to her. will you ever propose to her?"
"I will when w-were uh- when were 25?"
"Eh good enough. Now please, don't hurt her feelings, if its one thing i know about y/n is she's sensitive, if she ever hears something bad about her from a person she loves. Well she'll hate you for the rest of your life." he pleaded,
"Of course" she nodded,
"Now, tell me what y/n hates on a person"
"Well she hates, messes, germs cause she's a huge germaphobe, dirty rooms, touching dusts, people telling her to shut up, people trying to control her energy, also when people bring up that she has adhd, i know because she once told me that: me having adhd isn't important its not like it my whole personality." She explained, your heart fluttered as she said those last words.
and you never noticed that the rest of the glee club were behind you and artie watching the conversation.
"Then what are the things you like about her."
"I like how her eyes light up when we are talking about astronomy, and also when we have arcade dates since she likes arcades despite of how it smelled. her smile whenever we i win her a big ass teddy bear whenever wear at the fair. oh! Our fair dates arcade dates picnics and our movie nights. based of the things i said you should probably know that she begged me to take her on those types of dates. cause she always says
y/n l/n never asks out someone on a date. her eyes, her hugs, her kisses."
'her taste her boobs her neck her thighs her moans her whimpers her everything' santana thought to her self.
You felt yourself tear up a little when you heard it, "aww tana you big softie!" You exclaimed entering the room to kiss her, you wrapped your arms around her neck, as hers went around you waist, "hermosa! Did you hear everything?" She exclaimed startled, she called you one of her nicknames for you in spanish, forgetting your brother spoke spanish.
"te amo pretty girl" she whispered kissing you once again, "¿Quieres ir y tener una noche de cine?" You looked at her with a puzzled face, as she forgot that you couldn't speak spanish well, "wait could you say that again just slow down" she chuckled, "would you want to have a movie night with me hermosa?" You nodded quickly before kissing her again,
"alright as much as i love you sis, i gotta go and mark some test papers, será mejor que la trates bien." He said the last thing to santana, "prometo que la trataré bien" you looked at the two with a confused face.
"ugh bye idiot" you rolled your eyes,
"Bye! Bitch" he said playfully,
Then santana lead you to the chair, sitting on her lap.
After school in santana's room, you laid on santanas chest watching a movie, her hands on your back, while yours were just laying on her stomach.
"Te amo, hermosa" she said softly.
"je t'aime aussi chéri" you knew she loved it when you spoke french, its just how you said it so *chefs kiss* and then in the end you thought her french.
The end
A/n for the french and spanish i used google translation, so if its wrong then i'm sorry. And i know its really bad but i just wanted to post something, so uhm here you go. And uh i'll be posting more. 1953 words..... jeez... anyways! Stay kinky!❤️❤️
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lycheepocketwitch · 2 years
𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 (𝐦𝐚&𝐭𝐡𝐩 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞)
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: it's been a decade since you've stepped foot inside shield. you can't say your're exactly excited to see your old classmates again, but all you have to get through the reunion and then it's another goodbye.
warnings: suggestive language
word count: 2.2k
series masterlist | main masterlist | also on ao3 | library blog
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It was true what people said about how dramatic high school seemed; your tumultuous relationship with Wanda was evidence of that. Anything and everything that happened to you two felt like it was the be-all and end-all of your lives. Years down the line, you would shake your head at how much heartbreak you went through, all because of poor communication. Your high school experiences definitely shaped who you had become, but you still wished you would’ve fought for yourself a little harder back then.
At least, you no longer were the quiet artist your peers knew. Perhaps moving to the West coast did you some good after all. It wasn’t easy moving across the country, but it felt necessary. You were never going to stay in Westview forever, and New York City just reminded you too much of high school, no matter how big it was. That wasn’t to say that Los Angeles didn’t have its pitfalls, the incredibly expensive houses being one of them. You weren’t really looking forward to paying off your mortgage on top of your college debt (although alleviated a bit by the scholarships you’d gotten over the years). The one good thing out of this situation was that you’d get to have your forever home with the love of your life. All that was left was actually finding it.
You fiddled nervously with the ring on your middle finger as you took one last glance at yourself in the mirror. “You look lovely, honey,” your mother cooed from the doorway of your childhood bedroom.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my mom,” you said.
Your mother simply shook her head in disagreement. “Don’t forget to drop by the Proctors’ bakery for your cake-tasting appointment.” You hummed in response, rearranging your loose white blouse under your mustard yellow blazer. “Two buttons,” your mother suddenly said.
“Leave two buttons undone. You and your fiancée will thank me later.”
“Oh my god, mom, I’m gonna leave now,” you said, ignoring your laughing mother as you made your way down the stairs. You bid goodbye to your parents quickly before leaving the house.
hot shot fiancée #2: you’re not thinking of ditching are you? hot shot fiancé #1: wow you have so much faith in me hot shot fiancée #2: i was just checking to make sure to see if i had to punish you later😈 hot shot fiancée #1: how am i supposed to drive to the last place i want to be knowing i could have you in my bed instead if i stayed home? hot shot fiancée #2: patience baby and you’ll get your reward ;) hot shot fiancée #1: you’re gonna be the death of me omg hot shot fiancée #1: i miss you so much hot shot fiancée #2: i miss you more❤️  i wish i could be there with you right now hot shot fiancée #1: me too❤️ see you soon i love you hot shot fiancée #2: i love you always💕
You smiled down at your phone, turning it off to get ready to pull your rental car out of your parents’ driveway. Driving down the street, you couldn’t help but glance at the Maximoffs’ house, a nostalgic feeling bubbling up at the sight.
A loud ringtone broke you out of your thoughts. You carefully reached for you phone in one of the cupholders and trying to accept the call while keeping your eyes on the road. “Hello?” you said as soon as you accepted the call and put it on speakerphone.
“Where are you?” Yelena’s angry voice rang through.
“I’ll be there soon,” you said, wincing when you noticed that you were now going to be at least 30 minutes late if traffic wasn’t going to be a total asshole tonight.
“I’d believe you if you didn’t have your location on, pchelka. You aren’t even in the right state right now!”
“I’m sorry! I got caught up. I swear I’ll try to be there as soon as possible.”
“The missus isn’t even with you and she manages to distract you,” Yelena scoffed, but you couldn’t help grinning at the thought that soon, you’d be married to the woman of your dreams.
“You love her,” you retorted.
“Yeah yeah, whatever, she grew on me. Now, get your ass over here. I can’t stand these people. All they’re talking about is how they were the shit in high school.”
“Why are you there when you clearly don’t want to be?”
“Free food, duh. Now, hurry up!”
“I will. I will,” you said, shaking your head in amusement even though she couldn’t see you.
True to your word, you made it to your old high school less than an hour later and found Yelena leaning against a tall table near the group that had formed around Vision.
“Why would you subject yourself to this torture?” you snickered as you successfully managed to sneak up from behind her and spook her. Yelena wasn’t nearly as amused and just smacked you on the arm with the back of her hand.
“They took my goddamn table,” she grumbled.
“It has your name on it?”
“I had it first. It’s the closest to the bar,” she explained, slightly glaring at the group who didn’t spare her a second look.
“Come on, little miss grumpy,” you snorted, not bothering trying to tug the woman away since there was no way her stubborn ass was going to move now. You had to give it to the reunion committee. They did an excellent at redecorating the gymnasium to not make it look… well, like a high school gymnasium.
“I can’t believe you left me here alone, all of you!” Yelena exclaimed. In defence of Makkari and Druig, you didn’t think they exactly planned on timing the birth of their first child to match the night of the reunion, but you didn’t say anything as not enrage the other woman even more. “I had to listen to Vision talk to his groupies about his upcoming projects for Stark Industries’ line of smart home gadgets.”
“Is that even legal? Shouldn’t those be like super under wraps or something?”
“I bet you it’s a marketing scheme, making it seem like he’s revealing some deep secret when really, they’re relying on the crowd to spread the word to others,” Yelena shrugged, downing her shot of vodka.
“Oh Pietro!” you suddenly heard Vision shout as he waved at him to come over. You and Yelena followed Vision’s line of sight to see Pietro slowly making his way to the younger Stark with a tight smile. As he made his way to their table, he greeted you and Yelena with a subtle head nod, which you both returned before you continued your conversation.
The tables were close enough for you to hear Vision and the rest of the group congratulate Pietro on winning a silver medal at the previous Olympics, as well as Pietro thanking them and answering any questions they had about what else he’d been up to. To outsiders, it would look like old friends catching up, but you distinctly remember the fallout the Maximoff twins had with the popular kids. You started to tune out the group’s questions to solely focus on your conversation with Yelena until you heard Peter Quill ask about his sister.
“She’s been good too,” Pietro answered easily. “She’s still doing her residency in pediatrics and she loves it. I think she had to finish up something urgent at work today, so that’s why she’s late.”
As if on cue, the doors to the gymnasium opened once more to reveal a very late Wanda dressed in a plum colored, tight fitting evening gown with a cowl neck. Maybe you were biased, but it definitely felt like time had stopped as you watched her standing by the entrance in search for one particular person. She was even more beautiful than she was in high school and you couldn’t help your thumping heart as you kept your eyes on her while she grinned when she finally found the person she was looking for.
Wanda didn’t bother with niceties like her brother did. She made her way straight to you, gently caressing your cheek before pressing her lips against yours. “Told you, I’d see you soon, sunshine,” she murmured, staring lovingly into your eyes.
“Not soon enough,” you said quietly. “You look gorgeous in that dress, by the way. I can’t wait to take off you.”
It was apparently not quietly enough because that prompted Yelena to cough and reply, “One, ew. Two, I should have you know that I’m very offended by that. If you don’t appreciate my presence, I have no problem making myself scarce.” At the same time you told her you didn’t mind that, Wanda protested and told her to stay. “I’m gonna remember this betrayal,” she said, playfully narrowing her eyes at you.
“I will not be blamed for wanting to spend some alone time with my fiancée,” you asserted with a shrug, snaking one arm around Wanda’s waist to rest your hand on her hip.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. We have the rest of our lives together,” Wanda cooed and placed a gentle kiss against your cheek.
“Are these two making you feel like a thirdwheel again?” Pietro asked Yelena after leaving Vision’s table to stay at yours.
“Always,” Yelena groaned, earning herself a round of laughter from all three of you.
You’d been quite apprehensive about this night. While you had gained a lot of confidence since your high school days and were practically an entirely different person, you weren’t exactly ecstatic to go back to the place your insecurities had stemmed from. Wanda was the one who convinced to give it a shot.
She didn’t pressure you into going, but she did tell you that it’d be a nice way to show your younger self that you’d grown. “Plus, I’d get to show off my incredibly hot fiancée to everyone,” she had added, only somewhat jokingly.
The night wasn’t nearly as bad as you’d imagined it would be. It was pretty boring and uneventful, but Wanda was right, if younger you could see you know, she would be so proud of you for getting this far.
“So,” you drawled, “when can we leave?”
“I just got here. I haven’t even gotten to show you off yet,” Wanda whined. Seeing you pout, she sighed. “Fine, we can leave soon, but I’m parading you around before we head to your parents’.”
You let out a small chuckle and relented, looping your arm into hers as she started to drag you around the gymnasium to quickly say hi to old classmate before leaving the reunion. Yelena trailed behind, grumbling about how she was going to get payback on Kate for bailing last minute and not attending her reunion next year.
“Your girlfriend is a busy CEO, Lena, give her a break,” you said and laughed when Yelena’s pout transformed into a grin as she showed you a text from Kate saying that she would try to make it up to her with cuddles. You said goodbye to your best friend and got into your car, opening the door for Wanda to get into the passenger seat.
“You think your parents are asleep yet?” Wanda asked, rearranging her hair so that laid over her seatbelt while you put the keys in the ignition.
“Probably not,” you responded and you could tell Wanda was smirking without even looking at her. “You better actually be quiet this time. I don’t want a repeat of last Christmas.”
“I was quiet! It’s not my fault there was a freaking spider that showed up out of nowhere and landed on the bedside table.”
“I can barely look my dad in the eye now,” you groaned. “How awkward was it when he went to pick you up from the airport earlier?”
“It wasn’t that bad,” Wanda shrugged. “And you know what, I would say it’s pretty impressive that that was the first time they caught us in bed.”
“I would’ve preferred it if they had never caught me under you instead.”
“Aw, is my baby shy about being a bottom?” Wanda teased. You snapped your head in her direction, watching her with an incredulous look.
“You’re gonna regret saying that,” you said and redirected your eyes to the road.
“I don’t think I will,” she replied. She leaned towards you to kiss your cheek and from the corner of your eye, you saw her lean back against her seat while she crossed her legs.
You smiled to yourself thinking of how far you two had gotten. It had taken years for Wanda to grow into herself and stop caring so much about what people said about her, and for you to learn how to stand your ground and not let others walk over. After all this time, you’d finally gotten to this place where both of you were ready to enter a steady and serious relationship together. It wasn’t an easy journey and even now, you had your difficult days, but you were both so happy to have each other again, at last.
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notallwonder · 2 months
it's hot as balls here so I guess instead of a nap, it's Time for me to watch the finale, CME 17x10.
Spoilers and nonsense under the cut.
- I can't remember what happened last week. Oh, yeah. Ok
- Toodles, ha ha
- oh RIGHT. Now I remember. My incandescent Nate rage lol.
- I should not watch this mid-afternoon. Can't see shit
- why would Rebecca's mom know about whatever's going on lol
- minimal loss still ringing in my ears a bit. Sadly (bc this is not that)
- Oh Nicholas d'agosto is in this. Bailey?!
- they did SHIT ALL with the immediate aftermath of the cliffhanger. Ok
- fuck I have to switch to a different room it's too hard to see
- ope. he dead. didn't last long, did he. I did giggle at the dripping blood trail
- sorry that explosion that knocked Prentiss over was really funny
- so their cells were designed to create those bonds
- ok Prentiss is "on trial". yeah, who is we?
- I'm sorry every time they say "Peter B." it gives me bachelor/bachelorette related hives. Another symptom of paget-brewster-fan syndrome. will I ever recover
- is there a weird lack of urgency? Like, remembering back to when scratch kidnapped emily I feel like there was more panic among the team. Hm
- Dave, try telling people what you're thinking and where you're going some time
- uh oh. Is the B for Bailey?
- ah. hm. Pete.
- guys, where are we? and what are we doing here?
- not the black and white flashbacks again.
- EXCUSE ME. "I HAVE A SISTER" a whatnow. is she playing Bailey again
- if I could see the things on my teevee screen I could probably figure out who Pete Bailey is played by. his voice is familiar. Wait, is that the guy who played Wyatt in The Fosters? wow ok
- what a mess.
- loving PG's UFO earrings
- this is confusing as hell. and a lot of exposition
- Rebecca's "fuck you" to Vinny was lovely
- fucking hell this is very confusing.
- JJ "this is Emily"...girl I will always love hearing you say her name
- lol I love when the show *almost* roasts profiling
- did she say "your boyfriend's dead because you shot him babe"? why does this feel off to me? It seems too emotional, too angry? Emily's still off kilter?
- WHATTT. Penelope Garcia with the stare down?! what am I watching
- please break his face jj (but don't, bc he wants you to).
- damn. but also now we've got the exploitation of two female characters we know...and for what? and I think it's safe to assume JJ's not planning to tell Voit's wife...so we're back in not being honest with people territory... what is the point of all this?
- a blue-flamer? that's a new term to me
- "he had a drive...I used to have it..." hmmmmm
- there's a fucklot going on in here.
- well this is not great for our heroes...
- the stakes do not feel high enough for the story they're telling. like...do we really believe emily/the team is in imminent danger? (we do not.)
- omg how convenient, NOW they figure out is a trap lol
- oh sure the projector's just hooked up to the Internet
- ??????
- [god jj is so attractive]
- but what is this like...CW show hero shot montage thingy
- sorry the silly little troublemaker gibberish certificate on the wall in this scene with Clark Gregg is sending me
- "discretion is the better part of valor" and the shame on Emily's face at that
- party at PG's house
- JJ "I have never been that high, ever" so I was right! she for sure has partaken before
- "we were more miserable apart than together" what a RINGING ENDORSEMENT for your relationship hahahahahaha 🤣
- Rebecca is looking v cute
- I can't with this show. Ahahaha god I'm laughing so hard. I can't explain to anyone how much I love and dislike criminal minds. What it has become. It delights me so much and it is so disappointing.
I'm going to have to rewatch this episode. There's a lot going on here. I will miss Emily Prentiss forever and always. She left some part of herself in London or whatever, and didn't return when Paget came back to the show. I thought her personality returned a bit in s16, and it did...but I don't know if I know her, this her. Anyone else?
The fact they are keeping on Tyler is not surprising. And I don't super care about it, I find him fairly inoffensive in himself, BUT I fear this means Luke will continue to be sidelined and I'm bummed at that. Maybe they will continue having these two bond and that will give Luke more screentime at least. To be extra funny FBI HR should just reject him outright and the team has to do increasingly inane workarounds to keep using him.
And that Voit is still around... Also not surprising given how much they like Zach Gilford. I personally am not tired of him so much as.... confused about what they're doing with him. With Gold Star they made Voit out to be some sort of manipulative genius, kind of mirror universe Reid. But where can they go from here?
And JJ, my beloved. I don't even know what to say there.
Rossi's still hallucinating. Wonder if he will ever do his 4 hours a day therapy lmao.
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themagnusbane · 2 years
GAP The Series Episode 5 Thoughts
Whew! Thought for a second there that they were going to deprive us of jealous Sam. Kinda like the way they deprived us of the kiss at the end of episode 3, and then started episode 4 without picking up from where they left off in the pool. But it looks like we are starting this episode with a face full of jealous Sam and I am HERE FOR IT!!!
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2. Tee's little head tilt is like "oooooh. She angry, Angry". Yes Tee. Y'all's little stunt worked too well and now she's pissed. But because I know sapphic jealousy usually leads to sapphic confessions and hopefully some kissing, I'll say please take the jealous rants like a champ, and thank you for doing us all a solid!
3. Sam's like "Prawns are for my beloved. You touch them. You lose your hand." And as someone who loves prawns and hates having to share them... Thank you Sam. You make me feel seen. Now pass me some prawns. I'm hungry!!!
4. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that shellfish are an aphrodisiac, in which case... Sam. I see what you did there!
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5. Tee's really pushing Sam's buttons. See? This right here is why we say butch lesbians are the backbone of our community! Look at Tee putting in all that work to force Sam into confessing her feelings. We stan an icon!!!
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6. Awww Sam. Look at you upset at their gentle teasing. Nobody's laughing at you. Tee's just laying the groundwork for you to confess to your girl that you're jealous, and then you both can get to kissing (LIKE WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE LAST 4 EPISODES!!!!).
7. I swear Sam. With how green you've turned, you owe Tee an apologies and gifts. This here is a PSA to treat your local butch lesbian with all the love and care cuz they are amazing, and I REPEAT, are the backbone of our community!!! Go Tee!!!!
8. Sam, honey. Sure Mon is learning to speak Sam, but she's still learning. You are going to have to use your words. Also, my girl still needs to grill you for ignoring all her messages while you were out, getting yapped at by Kirk the snitch! Don't think either of us have forgotten that!
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9. Sam, requests for hot coffee; gets hot coffee, and then complains that coffee is hot. Also Sam, acts all jealous and snippy, doesn't give Mon a chance to say a word the previous night, and now is huffy that Mon hasn't texted her. Me, watching the hot ass mess that is Khun Sam:
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10. Mon sweetheart. I know you love her ass. I do too. But you have to at least finagle an apology from ya girl. She stood you up on your date, ignored your messages, threw a jealous tantrum and gave you the cold shoulder. Sure she's cute and will look adorable as a little river prawn, but nevertheless, ASK FOR AN APOLOGY!!!!
11. Oooooh. Love the casual "well you already had prawns with Kirk so I'm sure you don't want to have prawns with me" that Mon tossed into their text exchange. You go girl. Finagle yourself that apology. Let Khun Sam know that she doesn't have the monopoly on being jealous!
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12. I swear Sam. You're lucky you're pretty. All this bourgeois way of looking down on us poor folks, has me feeling pretty irritated. But then I look up, see your face, and all is forgiven. Urgh!
13. Sam, you can't leave her pinky finger hanging like that. Come on. Look at that little lonely thing. It needs another pinky finger to feel connected. Smoosh your pinky finger with hers! The way you know you want to smoosh your lips to hers! Come on Sam!
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14. OMG. She doesn't know what the pinky promise is? Or that that's a finger heart? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Poor Khun Sam. Urgh!!!
15. She's not taking the pictures because she's addicted to social media Khun Sam. She's taking them to remember her second date with you! And just like last time you both would probably start taking couple selfies at some point.
16. There is no way Mon doesn't know what she's doing. Talking about Chin sending her stickers on LINE and him flirting. She totally noticed that Sam's been green since the previous night, and is rubbing it in. In which case...
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17. OMG!!!! Sam's little puffed up cheeks! DEAD y'all. I'm DEAD!!!!
18. Awwww that little moment of Sam, thinking she is alone, and letting herself swing back and forth on the swing, only to return to perfect stillness when Mon comes back, breaks me. This is all the fault of the witch that is her grandmother! I just know it! Wouldn’t let the poor girl be a child and play like one. Urgh!!
19. I get what they're trying to do with the negatives actually imply a positive because of the way Sam grew up and how she's been forced into things she doesn't like, by her grandmother (for example. Kirk is a good example of this. Although she likes him as a friend, she doesn't like him romantically; not like her grandmother would even care). But still, at some point, I wil need Sam to ACTUALLY SAY THE WORDS!! No double negatives. No indirectly telling her. I need her to actually say "I like you". Not for Mon to decipher it in the things she isn't saying.
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20. The way I LOVE how this show is just employing the use of all the tropes!!!! Now we have the messy eater trope, and I AM SCREAMING!!!! I swear, if they don't kiss this very instant!!! Your fingers are already on her lips Sam. KISS HER RIGHT NOW GODDAMNIT!!!
21. OMG! It's happening. It's happening. "Bite my nose and I'll bite your lips". OMG!!!! We are getting a kiss!! WE ARE GETTING A KISS!!!!
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22. What do you mean by friends don't do this. Girl! SHUT UP AND LET HER KISS YOU! Do you know how long we've been waiting for this??? URGH!!!
23. Oh God! Not fucking Nop with his fucking heterosexual ways, interrupting our kiss. NOP. She is gay, and in love with her boss. SHE IS NOT INTERESTED IN YOU. Let it go! Let her go! It's a nope from all of us Nop. Leave the sapphics alone! Urgh!
24. The way Sam is licking her lips while staring at Mon. Gods. She wants to kiss her so bad!!! THE LONGING y'all!!! THE LONGING!!!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
25. Oh god! NOT FUCKING NOP AGAIN! I need someone to carry this boy and throw him in a trash can. Pussy-blocking piece of shit!
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26. Same Sam. Same. I totally want to kick his ass too. The audacity to try and collect the prawns. Boy, was she talking to you??? Rude, entitled asswipe!
27. Jealous Sam is speaking FACTS!!! You go my queen! TELL THAT BOY THE TRUTH!! We all see past his "nice-boy" act! Eviscerate him in every way that counts. Speak those unpleasant truths that Mon can't say. See? This right here is why Sam is queen!!!!
28. Mon is like "nope. Not having this conversation. You both are not allowed to play a tug-of-war over who 'owns' me," and you know what? Valid. Absolutely valid.
29. Whatever she was "doing" with Sam, is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS Nop! Urgh! I really really can't stand his ass. The audacity he has to ask her these questions. She doesn't need to answer you. She DOES NOT ANSWER TO YOU!
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30. "This is so harsh" my ass. You keep pushing and prodding, and now that she's put you in your place, you're acting all hurt. Get the fuck out of here!
31. Rejected. Wet. And pitiful. It's what you deserve Nop. It's what you deserve.
32. At this rate, Mon might just accidentally blurt out the truth of her and Sam's relationship, without anyone asking her. Hehehehehe.
33. Poor Chin. This is what you get for making Sam jealous with your stickers.
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34. The desperate need to have your crush follow you back on social media. I feel you on that Sam. I feel you!!
35. Sam, I love you and your fake scamming account profile. Please never change. ROFL!!!!
36. Sam. Girl. Are you trying to break the World Guinness record for number of stickers sent in a minute??? Hehehehe. I swear, Sam's jealousy at Chin's sticker game is SENDING ME!!!
37. Oh damn! I've never seen a sexier nose bite! Wow. Just wow! But also GJHGJHGHJGHJGJHG. DOES THIS MEAN THE KISS IS HAPPENING??? OMG! OMG! OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
38. Oh God. The sound I just made. That lip bite. Jesus fucking Christ. That lip bite. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. And the eye-fucking that followed. But with no kiss following it? I am ruined!!! They haven't kissed yet and I am already ruined. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
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39. Hehehehe. Sam being all slick like "come to my house. You can sit. You can lie down. You can use my free wifi. And the air-con will have you nice and cool. You can finish up on work" and all I'm hearing is the silent but very loud "AND WE CAN MAKE OUT. OH GODS CAN WE MAKE OUT. YOU AND ME. SCISSORING TILL THE SUN RISES". Rofl. I love her your honour. I love her so much!!!
40. Oooooh. I love the nod to Sam getting Mon her own pajamas, in her favourite colour. It's a nice contrast to the first night Mon spent at her house and had to go to sleep in Sam's own colour and clothes. *Squeal*!!!
41. Her fake yawning and sighs are sooo cute. Mon, have mercy. Sam wants you in her bed and under her. Let's get to some sexy times. Please. Gods. We have been waiting for this for like forever!!!
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42. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. That was a perfect first kiss. Why am I crying so much. That was beautiful. The laughing. Sam cupping Mon's cheek. Sam's lips pressed to Mon's lower lips. The finger sliding across Mon's lips, then back to cheek. The eye contact. Sliding back in to kiss her some more. Hands cupping her jaw. I am a PUDDLE!!!
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43. Mon, you have released a monster. Sam will be wanting to taste those lips every other minute. Brace yourself.
44. Hold the fuck up! Did this bitch just pop open a pen with her mouth, whilst eye-fucking us???? Sam. WHAT THE FUCK?!!! You are NOT allowed to do that! Spare us! Spare some mercy please. WHAT THE FUCK??? Also, did anyone else think of bullet vibrators when she did that? The small ones? Cuz the way she has that in her mouth has me feeling things. And thinking things. And fuuuuuuuuck.
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45. That wink! Sam! Who are you? Mon you've unleashed the kraken. And on behalf of ALL of us, we say thank you!!
46. The SCOY reference. YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!
47. Sam running her fingers through her hair. Oh God. Everything she does at this point is going to make me incredibly horny isn't it?
48. I really appreciate the fact that everyone who made this show know that sapphics spend an inordinate amount of time, looking at women's fingers (the girls that get it, get it), and the way the camera keeps panning to Sam's fingers, and the way they slide and glide and move their way around Mon's body... Lord, have mercy. Or rather I should say... Sam, have mercy.
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49. I swear Martha/Jim is my favourite. Rofl! Yes please. Let's put her grandmother in a box. Then have a procession and bury her in the ground. Put garlic around it as well of course. Just in case she really turns out to be a vampire and decides she wants to pop out of her grave.
50. Girls. Is that the end of the call? But y'all didn't agree on ANYTHING. Rofl.
51. Sam is so funny. Girl, EVERY worker has a strong urge to spend money after they get paid. We console ourselves on having survived a full month of working, with some retail therapy. It's called a coping mechanism.
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52. I love that Yuki's now part of their friend group as well. I knew I caught sapphic vibes from her when she was playacting with Mon, as Sam before Mon's first day. You go Yuki. Let Tee treat you like the Queen you are!!
53. Sam's friends are the absolute best!!! This birthday party's cute AF!!!
54. Awwwwww. Mon is so sad that she couldn't get her a birthday present on the scale of her friends.. My sweet baby. Just having you in her life is enough of a present. But I totally understand why you're so sad though.
55. I saw what you did there Sam. That lip balm is a present for you both. Cuz now when you kiss, she'll taste like strawberries. Khun Sam is so smart!!
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Aaaaaand next episode's preview looks like things will stay spicy. I love it!!!
@ellaspore here are my thoughts for episode 5. It's long AF, but so many things happened and GAH!!! I AM STILL SQUEALING!!!!
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ghostiiess · 2 years
[NSB HEADCANONS] - oliver's reaction when he see you didn't shaved
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pov: you and oliver were supposed to go to the beach, but at the last minute you saw that you had some hairs on your legs which made you feel a little uneasy because you didn't know if oli was going to find you ugly or if he was going to laugh at you (neither babe <3).
REMEMBER!! You DO NOT need to shave for whoever in the world! If you want to shave, do it, and if you don't want to, don't!! We shouldn't shave just because the society say it's weird for a girl to have hair or for anyone else even :( it's our hair and our body, let's do what we want ok?? it's totally ok to have hair, everybody in the world have hair so why us girls should shaved it? we're beautiful and sexy with or without hair :)
warning: i don't think there is one
type: mostly comfort!! it's also super wholesome and fluff!
member: oliver moy
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oli is totally the guy who would hype you EVERY TIME you feel ugly, weird, not enough... things like that, you know? even when you'll be feeling yourself, he'll hype you! THIS GUY WANT HIS LOVER TO FEEL BEAUTIFUL ALL THE TIME. If he can see all the beautiful things towards his lover, he would want his lover to do the same towards themself
you were in the bathroom for about 15 minutes and oli was starting to get worried if something happened or if you needed something while being in the room
so like the caring boy he is, he quickly went there and knocked on the door
"you ok, baby "
he want you to be *24/7* comfortable in the relationship so let's say when he heard from you that you were scared of his reaction because you had hair on your legs, he was pretty surprised.. he thought you knew you could be yourself and natural... idk how to explain it aargh, but i hope you guys can understand-
"aaaah baby..."
you could hear his smile while he was talking
" you don't need to shave for me, pretty girl.. "
i'm pretty sure, oli would be the type to hug you all the time: when you're sad, when you're angry, when you're happy, when you're tired...
so ofc, he would hug you <3
" it's okay, baby! you don't need to shave for me, it's ok! i, myself, am not even shaved... why should you do it when i ain't? " (this is the oliver moy himself who said that, by the way!!)
he just try his best to comfort you and to make you know it's ok to not be shaved and that it's normal to be scared of these things sometimes
" it's okay to feel scared of ashamed because of that... the society made us 'learn' that girls shouldn't have a single hair on their legs or on their armpit.. but guess what? the society is fucking wrong about this thing, darling. "
" it's not because you're a girl that you should be shaved, baby... you do what you want. oki? it's your body. if you want to shave, do it. if you don't want to, don't. "
he want his lover to feel safe and okay all the damn time
i think oli would be the type to call you with pet names when you're scared, sad, anxious... maybe he think he could make you relax or something like that? oli just give this vibe
" if you really want to shave, then i could go to the closest market to buy you what you need.. but know that you shouldn't be ashamed of your hair. it's normal to have hair, everybody have hair.. even me! with or without hair, i still think you're the most beautiful girl i ever seen in my entire life"
he's so precious
"if people laugh at you or insult you just because you have some hair on your legs, tell me and i'll make sure they'll stop. "
please do not let him go <3
hope you guys liked it!!
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