#omg i swear i could explain my whole story with this character but maybe some other day
8aji · 2 years
listening to pov by ariana grande takes me back to 2020 when i was obsessed with spencer reid
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hotpinkstars · 11 days
i know you said you were boothill-ed out so how about some sparkle & topaz (sep, idk if i have to clarify.. i don't req a lot) going on a date with their s/o? you can make it a fem!reader if you wanted to make it like gay for pride month but maybe it can just be a cute date/outing together (ft numby with topaz if you wanted<33)
(also your dni/byf & rules links don't work just in case you didn't know..)
DATE NIGHT - sparkle, topaz x reader
- a date night with your spouse.
- YUGEN YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD MY TWO FAV CHARACTERS (besides jingliu, jinglius always on top) I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN I GOT THIS OMG. anyways i love love love love love love love love love this thank u enjoy
- both readers are girls (sorry), pure fluff, no angst here!!! wc 1257
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One thing Sparkle loves more than anything in the world (dare I say you…) is date night.
You two had this nice dinner date planned out for a little while, and it was finally the night you got to go on it!
You both got ready together, doing each other's makeup and picking out each other's outfits. You chose a pretty white dress with red accents for her, and she chose a slim teal dress with white lace on the top part for you. You did each other’s makeup to fit the theme of your dresses, and you both did pretty well for one another.
“Sparkle, we’re gonna be late to our reservation!” You tried to explain, gasping for air from how hard you were laughing. You two were joking around, making each other laugh, and absolutely not taking one another super seriously. “If we’re late, we won’t get the table!”
She scoffed. “Well, we won’t be late, and it’s stupid that they’d give our table up if we’re just a little bit late!” She continued laughing, her head falling onto your shoulder while wrapping her arms around your neck.
You both straightened yourselves up and applied the last bits of makeup before picking out a pair of shoes and hurrying out the door to the restaurant.
You were both in awe of how gorgeous the decorations were when you walked through the expensive glass entrance. You sat down at your table, taking a look at the menu while conversing with one another about which one you think you’d like the most. Somehow she knows your tastes a lot better than you do, and vice versa.
“Sparkle, which would you think I’d like most?” You asked, showing her the menu. She leaned over the lavish marble top table, putting her chin in her hand.
“Hmm, I think you’ll like this one,” She pointed to a dish on the menu she swears she’s seen you eat once or twice before, before snatching the menu and looking it up and down.
“I kind of wanna get this one, but I don’t know,” she mumbled to herself. “What do you think? This or that?”
You picked one, making her nod before waving over a waiter. They introduced themselves and took your drink and appetizer orders, accepting your request of ordering your main dish at the same time.
You chatted about random things for the time being, about who she ‘dealt with’ today, what she was doing the whole time she was gone, etc. She always put a drop of humor into her stories in an attempt to make you laugh, which almost always worked.
You moved on from the conversation to talk about your lonely day, basically all filled with grocery shopping and lounging around on the couch, watching a tv show.
You continued these conversations until your food came, in which you were both a little bit more silent and more focused on eating. The dishes looked beautiful, you could both tell your pockets were going to hurt after the bill, but that didn’t really matter. You needed this, to spend time with Sparkle, considering she’s not home too often and when she is, she’s dealing with other things.
You talked, laughed, and bonded. Handing each other forkfuls of one anothers food, ‘stealing’ each others drinks, etc. It was a truly memorable night for the both of you, and gave you some good time with your girlfriend.
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Date night with Topaz!!!!
Earlier that day, Topaz found out she had all of today off. Meaning no IPC business, no having to travel planets, and getting to spend time with you! So, considering you were already stationed in Penacony for her work, you spent the night hanging out amongst the lights and the gorgeous scenery. 
You put on nice clothes, Topaz in a nice white blouse with a fancy pair of skinny jeans, while you wore a pretty summer dress. You didn’t necessarily bother with makeup or fancy hair, because you were just taking a nice walk around Penacony. You might end up stopping by bars or venues just to see what's going on, but it all depended on if there was anything good happening on a Wednesday night.  
“Topaz! C’mon, are you almost ready yet?” You yelled, standing by the door and strapping on your heels before doing a little twirl in the mirror on the wall next to you. It was around 9:00 pm, and you were planning on being back at around midnight. 
Topaz steps out, her heeled boots clanking on the wooden floorboards as she approaches you. She looked gorgeous- light foundation with pearl pink lipgloss, and a gorgeous ruby necklace that you gifted her for your anniversary. 
“So, how do I look?” She chuckled, doing a little spin of her own before brushing the hair out of her face. Gods, how can a woman be so beautiful, yet sexy at the same time? 
“Absolutely perfect!” You smiled, engulfing her in a big hug, rocking back and forth. You both were laughing at the sudden gesture, the moment ending when she stopped laughing. “But, you always look perfect, so who am I to say?” There was a tiny blush on her cheeks, but she immediately dismissed it as too much blush when she was applying makeup. You nodded along, not buying anything she was saying, until she eventually dragged you out the door and off to have fun. 
You took a nice walk, laughing at some of the street acts and conversing between the two of you about her job, and what you’ve been up to this past week. She told you all about almost everything- what her job entitled this past week, how a, as she described it, ‘odd cyborg cowboy with long black-and-white hair’ broke into the IPC ship and blew it up (which gave you a small heart attack), and how Numby almost died in the same explosion. Gosh, who knew her job had so much action? “Speaking of Numby, I’m surprised he didn’t tag along for our date tonight. Did you leave him at headquarters for now?” You asked, looking over at the white and red haired woman walking in sync next to you. She nodded before laughing a little bit. 
“I decided not to take him. He’d be all over the place, sniffing out things that he finds useful. But sometimes, they’re even things like food,” she shrugs. “I figured it would’ve been more like babysitting a child over taking a trotter on a date, which is already weird enough if you think about it.”
You laughed at her statement, making her smile. “A Penacony night out might not be the best idea for something you consider a kid.”
You both kept laughing, before Topaz pointed out a small bar that has a performer playing the guitar inside. It looked like a club, but with more traditional music. You decided to try it out, see how it goes.
You stepped into a crowd of people singing along, swinging their drinks in the air while dancing to the current tune. You both spun around, watching and trying to dodge the people that were all in a mosh pit. You eventually made it to the back of the bar, which is where the alcohol is, sitting down at two vacant barstools and ordering your drink of choice. 
You conversed, later on in the night jumping in with all the others and dancing together. Safe to say, it was a very successful night out.
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girlboypersonthingy · 11 months
can I request a list of like green flags and red flags for each of the characters in voltron? btw I love your writing:)
Hello friendo, thank you sm! Thanks for the request, I adore this idea. Also…Sorry y’all, I was posting like every other day for two weeks and then I hopped off for like two months. Oof life is really life-ing rn. I honestly chose to write this prompt before a lot of other requests bc it seems like an easy and short thing to bust out quickly. I swear, I will get to the rest eventually 🩵 keep sending in requests if you’d like! And as always… ENJOY~
Red Flags 🚩
TERRIBLE AT COMMUNICATING. We all know Keith is stubborn and easily overwhelmed with a short temper. He doesn’t really know how to talk to people without getting angry. He feels that bc he has a hard time explaining exactly what he means, people never understand him and that makes him mad.
Bro isn’t scared of anything…and that low key scares everyone else. Like…who isn’t afraid of anything? The whole team has tried sooooo hard to figure out what will get Keith to jump out of his skin and scream like a child but to no avail… Boy just doesn’t flinch, doesn’t care, couldn’t care less about bugs and rodents and clowns and heights or anything like that.
Wears his gloves in the shower sometimes. Like wtf ???
Green Flags ✅
Also bc he is not afraid of anything, boy will protect his friends/family/partner SO HARD. He will verbally AND physically tear someone apart just for looking at you the wrong way. Very protective and caring but in a good way ya know?
Actually very selfless and not self-centered in the slightest. Keith is very giving and helpful, despite his tough exterior, he’s very caring, observant and considerate. He’ll give the shirt off his back to someone in need. He’s always down to help others. Ugh Sweet heart ❤️‍🔥
Has a sick ass space wolf that will also protect you like COSMO IS A MAJOR PLUS OKAY BIG GREEN FLAG DOGGO
Red Flags 🚩
Obvi his biggest red flag is how flirty he is. Boy will flirt with anything that breaths and that can get really annoying sometimes and affect the rest of the team.
Jealous AS FUCK. Like the petty jealous type. Lance is the kind of guy to pretend he has a partner back home just bc some alien girl he was flirting with said she had a partner already. He’s like “OH YEAH? Wow cool me too, same same, yeah….” But homie’s ego is a bit sore now…
Lies a lot. Lance just panics sometimes and tells a lie. He knows it’s wrong and he always feels guilty after lying to someone but it always just slips out. His mouth moves faster than his brain most the time.
Green Flags ✅
THE BEST HUGGER/CUDDLER OMFGGGGGG. Lance is the best hugger and cuddle buddy ever, period, end of story, try to change my mind. His long arms always stretch fully around the recipient’s torso and he squeezes tight enough to make you feel warm but not smothered. Usually will rest his chin on the other person’s head if they’re short enough (so Pidge obvi).
Very aware of other’s moods/body language/tone of voice. Everyone thinks Lance is “the dumb one” but he’s actually very in tune with what’s going on in the moment, what’s going on around him. I think he can tell how others feel the second he sees them. Good intuition kinda thing. An empath for sure.
Very considerate and often remembers the little things about people. Does he remember what he learned in class just a couple days ago? Pffft heck no! Does he remember everyone’s birthday, every year and get them a very thoughtful gift? HELL YEAHH I LOVE THIS SWEET BOY OMFG 🩵
Red Flags 🚩
Honestly…idfk Shiro is so perf. Perfect baby boy all the way
Maybe he could seem too nice at first…? Like when someone is nice but ur like “are you for real? Or are you fake and evil and you’re hiding something?” I think Shiro could be perceived as being fake nice at first.
Omg I feel like Shiro is one of those “ oh no, that looks delicious but I can’t. I’m watching my carbs.” YOU KNOW SHIRO IS A GYM DUDE WHO COUNTS HIS CALORIES PLZ
Green Flags ✅
ALSO AN A+ HUGGER. Imagine those big ass arms holding you so softly and so close to his big, warm body. Omg so comforting, so relaxing. Often gives a gently squeeze just before letting go and pulling away. Ugh 😩❤️‍🔥
Literally the most trustworthy man in the universe. Will defend his friends, loved ones, and planet until the end of time. Shiro would die before revealing any secrets you’ve asked him to keep. The best person to vent to bc he’ll never tell another soul about it. He’s like a personal diary
Shiro is sooooo patient. Definitely the most patient one on the team. He really does take his own advice…ya know, patience yields focus 😌 very sweet, calm man. We love Shiro
Red Flags 🚩
Lowkey kinda moody and can get snappy very easily. Pidge is a sweet heart and very smart and a good team player but she’s also stubborn and will yell to get her point across or make herself heard (she’s an Aries…what’d you expect?)
Sometimes very conceited and braggy about how smart she is. Like yeah Pidge, we know you’re a genius and you could code in your sleep. WE GET IT. UR SMART. GEEZ 😒
Green Flags ✅
Pidge is so baby. Yeah, she can get snappy and braggy sometimes but…SHES SO BABY PLZ FORGIVE HER. She’s just young and stressed okay? Give her a break. She’ll apologize eventually with puppy dog eyes and a soft voice and while she looks adorable, she is being sincere and really wants to resolve this.
Very loyal and determined. I mean look how hard she searched and fought for her dad and brother. She won’t stop for anything or anyone once she has her mind set. Pidge Will never leave you behind and will always turn back to help someone in need.
Androgynous royalty. Pidge is soooo chill about her gender and identity. We love a confident babe 🏳️‍🌈💚
Red Flags 🚩
Boy is too scared sometimes. I think Hunk has really bad anxiety and it’s not the anxiety that is the red flag, it’s how he copes with it…which he doesn’t. Hunk let’s his anxiety get the best if him sometimes…but he’s trying.
Honestly…does Hunk really have any other red flags??? Baby boy is so sweet idk 🤷🏻
Over eats to the point of getting sick sometimes…and never learns his lesson. (Me asf)
Green Flags ✅
Obvi his cooking skills!!! Can cook for any occasion, on any cooking surface, in any conditions. Can cook so many different dishes from so many rich cultures around the world! So talented. His food always hits.
THE ABSOLUTE BEST at cheering others up. Soooo funny and silly and kind and relatable. He tries so hard to brighten others’ days when they need it. Will stop what he’s doing just to go cheer up a friend or loved one and watch them smile again.
Red Flags 🚩
Interrupts A LOT. In any given conversation, he will interrupt and talk over someone else at least once every minute. Can get really annoying sometimes but in his defense, if he waits too long to speak up, he’ll just totally forget what he was gonna say.
Like Lance, I think Matt would be overly flirty and act like a Fuck boy sometimes. Like bro sit your nerd ass down, that person is SOOO out of your league plz chill.
Can not take anything seriously (unless it comes to his family or his or anyone else’s safety) but day to day, Matt makes so many dumb and inappropriate jokes at the worst times. Ugh 😒
Green Flags ✅
Very brotherly to everyone he considers a friend or family. Protective, constantly checking up on others, making sure they have eaten, asking if they need anything from him. He cares a lot. Bonus points bc he’s a very good brother to his actual sibling too. Aww Pidge and Matt are sibling goals. 🥹
HOT AS FUCK NO MATTER HIS HAIR STYLE/LENGTH. You can fight me on this. Matt is gorg and so is his hair at every single moment throughout the show.
Extremely accepting and open minded. Matt treats everyone he meets equally and never seems phased when he meets others so different from himself. He may ask some questions for the sake of his own curiosity, but would never pass judgment on another person.
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Ducan "Donut" Vizla🍩
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Disclaimer: stories are fictitious and should not be taken literally, the behavior is entirely imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Updated & repaired: 16/07/2023 (if a story won't load or something else, please message me and let me know)
Fluff🌺  Angst 🌩️ Smut❤️‍🔥
5 Types Of Kisses🌺
Speak In Flowers 🌺 Flowers speak their own words and show their actions. And your man loves to speak it out loud.
Visiting Your Hometown 🌺 how would your boy act when you drag him along to your hometown
Helping You To Accept Your Stretch Marks 🌺your boy helps you accept your beautiful stretch marks as they are...pure perfection
Explaining To Your Man Kdramas🌺I (V) wrote small drabbles that paired my favorite men and dramas that I absolutely love
Dating A Tattoo Artist 🌺 being a tattoo artist and your boyfriend being part of it
When Tough Times Occur 🌺Life itself can be a pain and with its obstacles, it can seem impossible to overcome it but that’s what makes us stronger as people.
Someone Rubs You The Wrong Way With... 🌺 how would your man protect you when someone doesn’t mind your business
Having A Shower ❤️‍🔥having a shower with your man sounds like heaven right?!
One Thing He Loves About You (Physically Or Mentally)🌺 the title spoils the ending a bit
No Nut November ❤️‍🔥in the glory of No Nut November, you make a bet with your liver saying if they fail you cuff them and use them to your liking but if you lose they get to fulfil one of their fantasies. And you are keen on it to make them lose, by any means.
My Saviour 🌺protective! Duncan Vizla? Maybe they capture her and he’s ready to wreak havoc upon them? Hurt/comfort with a bit of makeup smut?
Taking Off Their S/O's Makeup 🌺 (Could you do Duncan vizla,the joker and whoever else you’d like.)taking off their s/o makeup after they come from a nightout because they are to drunk to do it themselves 💛
Stressed Student 🌺 can I request Duncan Vizla, the Joker, Victor Creed and what would they do if they see their s/o down because they're stressed due exams?
You Are My Protector 🌺 do you think he’d appreciate someone being gentle with him and spoiling him with compliments? I just imagine him getting a praise kink whenever his woman kisses his scars 😚💗
Worship Me 🌺 What about Duncan doing some exhausting teasing foreplay the whole day before having sex?😍😍
Kicking in the process... 🌺 Duncan Vizla x Pregnant Reader
October Drive ❤️‍🔥I think daddy Duncan deserves some smut, would you be an angel you are and write something, maybe some August heat car ride or smth!
Telling Him You Are A Virgin ❤️‍🔥 Ok here me out 😂 virgin X Duncan, she constantly flirts with him but doesn’t want a one night stand with him. It shocks him when she says she’s a virgin and only does long term
White Shorts VS. Duncan Vizla ❤️‍🔥Innocent girl + short shorts = very pent up Duncan = very rough sex
Period Sex ❤️‍🔥What do you think about Duncan smut while his girl is on period? I bet he's up to this shit👀👀
Duncan Pleaser ❤️‍🔥 Omg give us more swearing daddy Duncan pleasing his woman😍😍
Outdoor Quickie ❤️‍🔥hi there! I've come up with the idea for Duncan smut, IDK if you like it, but I give it a try🔞🔞how bout some outdoor quickie in winter? IDK if it's even possible in real life, but still! I very much appreciate all your imagines! you're doing great👍👍
Christmas Decorations 🌺 now here’s a little concept (you don’t have to write I just want to share lol) She is super excited for Christmas like REALLY excited she’s all over the house with decorations and at first when she asks him to help her he says no but I mean he can’t say no to her puppy eyes so he caves and they spend the whole afternoon decorating the house ✨💜✨💜✨
I Ain't No Snitch 🌺❤️‍🔥 can you imagine if one day she is kidnapped in order to get to Duncan so he has to find her and everything and when he finds her she’s all scared and crying so he gets all soft and protective 😭😭😭😭😭😭
No Bra ❤️‍🔥 some good old Duncan Vizla smut
Nightly Adventures ❤️‍🔥Lemme ask for some duncan vizla smut, daddy kink, dirty talk and pure filth? I feel like the character is underrated and has lots of potential!
Jingle My Balls ❤️‍🔥 How about some good ol' sexy time with Duncan Vizla! Ohhhhh maybe a holiday theme?? Like the reader wore idk a santa dress/elf dress and Duncan decides to jingle their bells??? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ya catchin my drift chief?? Im sorry this was cheesy
Daddy Kink Headcanon ❤️‍🔥 I was wondering if u could possibly do some Duncan Vizla with daddy kink (smut) headcaons plz it’s ok if u can’t tho 👌
Wedding Risks ❤️‍🔥 may i ask for more of it, maybe some inappropriate place/timing smut or public place or as you wish, cause it gives life :3
Brave 🌩️🌺 I have a request for Duncan! Maybe one of his old enemies gets ahold of his SO and uses her to lure him into a trap and all the angst but with a happy ending! I love your writing so much!! 💕💕💕
Departure ❤️‍🔥How bout some age gap angsty smutty fic w\Duncan Vizla? Like grey hair and wrinkles and stuff, cause kinks are kinks, you know🔥🔥🔥
First Timers ❤️‍🔥 May I request some Duncan smut, like first meeting him\first date stuff... like why wait for 2nd date when you're all head over heels :3
The Right Way To Wake Up ❤️‍🔥 How about some middle of the night/early morning wake up sex w/Mr Duncan Vizla💦💦
Road Trip ❤️‍🔥what about some road/car sex with Duncan?
Foreplay ❤️‍🔥May I request some NSFW Duncan headcanons like putting a condom on/undressing/arousing words, etc., stuff like that!
Mustache Ride I feel like Duncan's mustache gently massaging skin\clit while giving oral must be headcanon😍😍
Girl 🌺 What Would Duncan Vizla Think of having a chubby girlfriend?
Hand+Job ❤️‍🔥May I ask for Duncan receiving handjob or smth without penetration😍😍
Kisses Of Jealously ❤️‍🔥Thank you for all the Duncan fics, they are perfect😍 Let me request some steamy period smut with Duncan
Bathtub Mishaps ❤️‍🔥May I request some bathroom/bathtub Duncan Vizla smut? It should we very wet out there if you know what i mean💦💦
Leading Praise❤️‍🔥
Sinful Words What would you say about Duncan being daddy he is and talking dirty with his lover😈😈
Duncan Going To Town❤️‍🔥
NSFW Alphabet (VER 1)❤️‍🔥
NSFW Alphabet (VER2)❤️‍🔥
First Time Having Sex❤️‍🔥
Nightly Adventures ❤️‍🔥Lemme ask for some Duncan Vizla smut, daddy kink, dirty talk and pure filth? I feel like the character is underrated and has lots of potential!
Little Miss ❤️‍🔥
Fitting Punishment ❤️‍🔥
Comparisons ❤️‍🔥
Chubby!SO 🌺What Would Duncan Vizla Think of having a chubby girlfriend?
Hands To Kiss🌺
Mother, Meet Duncan Vizla 🌺your mom meets your boyfriend
Jealousy Makes Him Silent 🌺
Duncan Saving You🌺
Duncan Learning Your Native Language🌺
Mornings With Duncan Vizla🌺
Making Out ❤️‍🔥
Dating Duncan Vizla🌺
First BJ❤️‍🔥
Tease ❤️‍🔥
Over The Edge ❤️‍🔥
Breathe 🌺Song fic- Breathe by Mako
Professor Vizla (Professor!AU)❤️‍🔥Could you write a professor Duncan Vizla x reader smut... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And there is an age gap between them... Something like that... 🙈🙈🙈
Sins Of Ours (Priest!AU)❤️‍🔥 For Anon who requested it: I hope you like it, I have seen the trailer you suggested but I just changed the name because I’m a lazy bitch and haven’t found the name of the character Mads played so I changed it to Duncan. I hope that’s okay. 
Duncan Seeing You After A Long Time🌩️
Seeing Duncan’s Old Videos Of Him🌺
Waking Up Next To Duncan Vizla🌺
Duncan Coming To Your Home Needing Help🌺
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fangaminghell · 10 days
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( @valkyrie-of-the-rising-sun )
A hopefully quick debrief of the very self indulgent Supernatural Au!!!
How it started: I literally was just thinking about Sasha, and if he was a mermaid. Literally couldn't stop thinking about it, bc Sasha already is so fun to think about, but him as a man eating mermaid? Impossible to ignore.
What came after: I don't remember the exact events that lead to it, but at some point 1) I started to imagine what my other ocs would be like as monsters and 2) my friend Rowan ( @eclysia ) added Asfrith to the table ( bc at this point, Asfrith being tied to Sasha or ( especially) Isador was always a given, hehe) as a researcher of sorts of monsters. He uh. Was almost drowned by Sasha before Sasha thought it would be very funny to let him live. And thus started....whatever they got going on. Because Isador is Devil in Paragon, I thought it'd make sense if the twins were both demons in this au, and by proxy, Flynn. I could go into deeper detail but the main gist is that things Expanded than just " omg Mermaid Sasha he's so hot".
How's it going: While the world building is super set in stone, I'm honestly having fun here lol. Au's are great for showing sides of characters that aren't usually shown in canon. The post about Teddy is a big example.
I know this was supposed to be short but lemme breakdown the characters so far reaaaal quick:
Sasha: Mermaid. Favorites past time is sinking ships, eating humans, and looking amazing. Is currently having fun with his new little play thang ( Asfrith). Was planning on killing him when he finally gets bored but uh. Maybe not?
Isador: One half of the Arkwright Twins, he's still a grumpy bitch, but when business calls, he knows how to put on a performance~ Got connected to Asfrith when he summoned the two for a deal. Instead of taking Asfrith's soul like Isador wanted, Teddy instead offered to look after their cousin Flynn, hence, the two becoming more connected than Isador thought would be necessary.
Teddy: The other half of the Arkwright Twins, and is usually considered the friendly options. It doesn't help that he looks more angelic compared to his brother: no he's not half angel, he just looks like that. Great for business, easier to lure people into a false sense of security- Ahem. A sweetheart who can and will go on a rampage if you dare hurt his family. May or may not be a bit of gremlin. Who's to say ( Isador. Isador is to say)
Flynn: The twins younger cousin, a kitsune that is often in disguise in the village where this whole thing is taking place. She's terribly shy, and has low self confidence, much preferring to be away from the attention. Her parents believe they have power over the village - they don't - and often pester Flynn to do something in order to increase their- I mean her status. Really, her only solis her cousins, and bc of their business they tend to be too busy to visit. It's a lonely life, but she's fine....at least, she think she is until two humans(?) show up in her life
Imani: The only human of my ocs so far! Well not really, but I'll explain that later. Her story isn't fully fleshed out, but she's Asfrith self appointed assistant! She happens to hang out with monsters more often than not, even getting along with those she really really shouldn't be! But it's okay, more friends means a greater time!
Arrow: I'm still not sure but I'm working on it I swear! Maybe a harpy, but still gotta think about it.
Other ocs: So, this au is actually a build up on the old mermaid au I had featuring Leo and the reborn gang. Given how I didn't exactly want to get rid of it, I just decided that the old au and this au are the same thing, with different things happening to different people. They don't all have to know each other, these stories are, for the most part, separate but within the same time and place, basically. Aaaand. Yeah!
This was not short at all! Lmao. Hoped it was decent context though. Probably not, since it. Doesn't fully explain Teddy. Ah well.
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nettlestingsoup · 2 years
Hi, it's me..again. I hope you're doing well!
I swear I don't mean to spam you but I saw that you had a post pinned listing your fic ideas and it said that we could ask about them? Now, I don't know if you pinned this ages ago but I always love talking about my fic ideas with other people so maybe I can still ask about them?
I am so very intrigued by the space station au. And The Orchid seems so interesting too!
And I somehow remember a Jeongchan idea too? Which, YES I love that dynamic.
Also please know that this is just me saying that I'd love to hear your ideas about those fics (if you want to or feel up to it!) but I am in no way trying to make you feel like you have to write.
I also hope I'm somewhat making sense? It's been an odd day haha. Please let me know if I'm being annoying hahah.
Ah! Can I follow you btw or is that weird. Omg I feel like such a noob help haha
hi! please never apologise for sending asks; i'm well aware that i haven't answered your last one, but i have been a horribly busy little bean lately and i don't like answering things in a rush (it feels unfair to people who ask)!
you're right, i haven't updated my pinned post in a while, but it is still relevant! i'm currently trying to finish three fics before i work on anything else: the orchid, which is very nearly done; lichtenberg, which is halfway to two thirds done; and the seungjin red thread au which... i haven't worked on in some time. i'm hoping to get back to the space station au after those, and also to start the jeongchan! i'll explain each of those in a bit more depth below. this is going to get long.
the orchid: probably the most m-rated fic i've ever written??? it's a science-fiction adventure story centred around chanjin and the life they're stuck in on a space station where they can barely see one another. it's less a story about falling in love and more a story about how much you're willing to risk for it once you have it. i've had a lot of fun with the space-centred worldbuilding, and i'm looking forward to refining it while i edit!
space station au: more sci-fi! more space! i started that one when i moved away from uni and i was kind of lonely in a new city. most of the characters are lonely in some way until they find each other, but they do! the basic premise is that chan gets lost in space and falls in love with seungmin, a sentient star. he does his best to try to make him human so that he can come home to earth, but he can't figure out how to do it on his own. his friends from earth find him, though, along with a few others, and despite some lingering resentment at him leaving them, they do their best to help. i could do a whole answer just explaining everyone's role in that, so let me know if you want to hear it! it's a big au. it's going to take me a long time to write i think, even when i'm working on it consistently.
lichtenberg: seungbin featuring a kind of scary and mysterious seungmin who's secretly possessed by a lightning spirit. changbin starts to work in the bookshop that he owns, and finds himself more and more drawn in by seungmin and all of his secrets and the way he has a strange effect on the people around him when it rains. it's a kind of intense as a love story, and changbin doubts a lot whether seungmin actually cares about him, and there's fun supernatural shenanigans involved! i was really enjoying writing it but i got very distracted by the orchid.
seungjin red thread au: softer and cuter than any of the others! it features seungmin as a kind of angel who works for the goddess of love, working to ensure that people find those they're fated to be with; until She changes her mind, and asks him to cut red threads instead. it's about seungmin finding his own red thread with hyunjin and learning to be human, and it's very inspired by how much i love my queer community and how happy to be myself they make me feel. it's drawn quite a lot on personal experience, especially jisung being non-binary and chan being ace (i really love the minchan side story in that one. it's my favourite part.)!
jeongchan: this one is a fantasy-steampunk story inspired by taylor swift's illicit affairs. it features chan as a professor at a university for those who study to create clockwork marvels, and jeongin as a servant to the professors at the same university. they fall in love when chan agrees to teach jeongin in secret, and their relationship is kind of fraught with class divides such as chan's arranged marriage, and the constant need for secrecy so that jeongin doesn't lose the job that allows him to support his family. it'll have a happy ending, i promise!
ok! there we go! that's all of them! let me know if you have any more questions!
and you can absolutely follow me! tumblr is wildly interaction-based. follow people who post about things you like! send them asks! like and reblog things you enjoy! add your own things in the tags! it's how you and everyone else has the best experience <3
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Undertaker here! How are you today?
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I was thinking the other day and I remembered an idea of mine I requested some time ago to another blog and I wanted to see your point of view as well, if you're comfortable with it ofc! I'll change it a bit because I have more ideas about it than before.
What if, hear me out, Obey me!MC was Sukuna's vessel??
I was thinking about a Female!MC but if you want you can keep them gender neutral (I don't mind!). So let's get into it, shall we?
Some facts about MC before the Devildom:
- They've already eaten all Sukuna's fingers
-But they are able to keep him calm inside themselves because over the year they've been together, MC decided to approach him more (Ya know if you have to die with/for someone, at least know them better)
-Sukuna took a liking to the MC, even though he would never admit it. (I mean- They always visit him in his domain to talk to him, read together, play cards (yes. You heard me. The king of curses loves Poker and UNO) or chess, they always ask him where would he like to go eat something, offer him some of their food to let him try new things, ect. Sometimes, but only SOMETIMES, they let him take control (not fully but they both can talk from the same mouth and he has control over one side, while MC has control over the other one))
- Having said that, Sukuna's still a stinky sassy bastard King. He's still rude, acts like he doesn't care about them and always finds a way to let them down when they're too happy. If they're sad though, he doesn't hurt them more. Sometimes MC even asks him advice whenever they're in doubt and after his bulling he actually gives pretty good advice (if you consider extreme violence a good advice that is)
Anyway, MC was going to get executed when suddenly they fell into Devildom. Their file didn't mention Sukuna at all and MC noticed that because when they arrived covered in talismans and chains the demons were confused about it. So, they kept the King a secret until lesson 16.
After Belphegor's crushing hug, while MC (the one from the original timeline) is in Mammon's arm, before Barbatos Thanoses the other timeline, Sukuna heals them and takes fully control of their body (the tattoos, the fangs, the long black claws, the other pairs of eyes and arms appear).
Now, HOW would the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos react?
If it is too much or I did something wrong, feel free to ignore this! It's okay! Love you and have a good day!
(i think i'm gonna do it hc style for the individual characters feelings but also some dialogue n stuff and each hc thing for each character is written as like in the game like they all like MC except belphie for obvious reasons)
tags: swearing, lesson uhhh smth spoilers ?? i think like 16 ?? (lmk if i need to tag anything else)
also hi ‘taker🥺🥺 i’m good today,, had a bit of a rough morning but i got to see my partner so i feel better !! how are you ? :D
and without further ado..
MC who is Sukuna's Vessel
- hold up
- hold the fuck up
- it was confusing enough when there were two MCs and one of them was near death in mammon's arms
- but now the injured MC gets healed and comes back to life ? but has another set of arms and eyes and is covered in strange tattoos ?
- then the other MC disappears ?
- when the demon MC starts talking, their voice is different and what-
"What the fuck did you to do MC?" Sukuna hastily spits out, checking the body for any other injuries. MC's voice is back and talking out of the same mouth.
"Sukuna, stand down," MC says.
"But he almost killed you ! Without me we wouldn't be standing here right now !" Sukuna argues back.
"I'm aware of that, but we have to be civil about this and talk to them," MC responds sternly.
"Then I want to be present for it. I'm not letting anything happen to you- I mean me. Yes me because I die if you die and I'm too godly to die," Sukuna rambles out before retracting the other set of arms but leaving the tattoos. He opens one of the eyes and forms a mouth on MC's right cheek to watch and participate in the conversation.
All the brothers and Divolo looked stunned at the scene that just happened.
"Questions ?" MC jokingly asks.
Lucifer -
- what ?
- questions ? is MC joking ?
- who the fuck is talking out of MCs body and what jurisdiction does he have
- isnt MC supposed to be human ??
- what does this mean for their relationship ?
- why did MC keep it from him ?
- he looks at dia and barbatos with the most confused face
- looks back at MC equally confused
- def hurts his pride that he didn't know
Lucifer's confusion turns to anger because that's the only way he knows how to cope/react to this.
Sukuna starts talking.
"Show a little more respect. I'm a king after all."
"Don't be an ass," MC shoots back. MC looks at Lucifer a little embarrassed.
"Uh, so this is Sukuna. He's the king of curses ? We kind of share a body because... uhh... it's a very long story but i mean the gist of it is I ate his thousand year old fingers ? There was 20 of them because he had two sets of arms like you saw before- it was very gross- but i had to because of the energy they posses ? When you brought me here and I was covered in seals and chains, was when I was about to be executed because I have all of Sukuna in me. So,, he can do stuff like heal my body and give me cool powers ? I don't really know what else to say." MC rambles using awkward hand motions and finishes by scratching the back of their head.
"Way to make me sound like a total fucking loser," Sukuna glares at MC.
"For the love of god stop talking-" MC shoots back.
- huh ? someone has been sharing a body with his MC the whole time ?
- were they present the whole time ?
- did they see him acting like an idiot in love ?
- was sukuna there during e v e r y conversation he's ever had w them
- never felt more insecure and betrayed tbh
- why wouldn't you tell him ? he was your first
- wants you all to himself
- doesn't want to share you with some four armed idiot
"So he's just, there all the time ?" Mammon asks.
"Not really? He has a headspace and he usually just chills in there but he can watch what's going on if he wants to." MC responds.
"That makes me sound lazy," Sukuna complains.
"Well if you don't like how I describe you then maybe you can talk about yourself. You're very good at it," MC smirks.
"Fine. I can do whatever I want. We can trade who has control over MC's body. I have a large supply of cursed energy and will beat the shit out of the next person who touches MC," Sukuna glares at Belphie.
"Yeah beat them in poker maybe. But not mariokart. You suck at video games in the headspace," MC laughs.
- was that how MC was so good at video games ?
- because they spent hours on end with this guy in their head playing video games ?
- why didn't MC come to him to play games ?
- why is MC okay with sharing a body with Sukuna ?
- why can he be the one to share a body with MC ?
- why was MC playing video games with literally anyone else ?
"So let me get this straight, you are his fingers and now you share a body ? How does that even work ? That sounds like something out of the manga 'My best friend ate some ancient object and now shares a body with an immortal warrior'" Levi questions MC.
"Okay so, Sukuna lived a really long time ago. When he died, the only thing that survived were his fingers. They each hold an incredible amount of cursed energy and it's only his fingers so from there you can imagine how powerful he was with the rest of his body," MC explains.
"Okay but that doesn't tell me why you ate the fingers ?" Levi raises an eyebrow.
"Oh. So I went to a high school for Jujutsu sorcerers, which are people who can manipulate cursed energy, and once I ate the first one to save my friend from dying, my choices were to die now or eat all of Sukuna and then be executed because he would die with me," MC says as if them dying was nothing.
- why has he never heard about Sukuna in any of the books he's read ?
- he historically doesn't exist in anything the devildom has book-wise
- so who is he ?
- needs to find out everything he can about him
- is there a way to separate MC and Sukuna ?
- his blood is boiling at the thought of MC sharing a body with someone
"So you've basically had super human powers this entire time and elected to not tell us ?" Satan glares at MC.
"Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad. I just didn't want you all to meet Sukuna because he has a lot of anger issues and is quite an asshole and I was trying to avoid this entire conversation that is happening," MC sighs.
"Rude," Sukuna says.
"Anger issues. You think we couldn't deal with this ? Are you serious right now ?" Satan asks.
MC shrugs their shoulders nervously.
"How much do you actually know about what sharing a body with him does to you ?" Satan asks while looking at the small mouth and glaring.
"I mean, I get these marks because he had them when he was alive. He was also so powerful to the point he had four arms and another set of eyes, like you saw before. I get those when he takes over mostly, but I can kee him restrained. But the eye thing is why I've always had slits under my eyes because the eyes are the most common thing to show up. The arms don't really. But it's entirely painless so don't worry," MC somewhat calmly explains.
- those marks make MC look so good wtf-
- not the time
- so this Sukuna person lived a thousand years ago ?
- what was this about jujutsu sorcery ?
- what even is that ?
- asmos not the brightest on the block but from the looks on his brothers faces none of them know what the fuck MC is talking about either.
- they've explained a little bit of it b there's still some missing info
- what is sharing a body really like
- how much of MCs body can change to be like Sukunas ?
"So how much of your body can he control ? What can he heal ? Could he bring you back from the dead ?" Asmo curiously asks.
"He can't control much because it's my body and I have a lot of raw power by myself. I don't know if he can bring us back from the dead. I don't think so though or else the Jujutsu school wouldn't have tried to execute me. He used to be able to bring us back when I hadn't eaten all of his fingers, but now I don't think he can," MC explains.
"So why do you let him live in your body if he can't do much for you ?" Asmo questions.
"Well one, I don't think there's a way to get him out-"
"I'm still here you know," Sukuna interrupts.
"You've made that clear," MC says before continuing, "And two he can do stuff for me. It's like a symbiotic relationship. I give him a host and he protects me."
- protects MC ?
- that's his job
- why is someone else protecting MC ?
- overall confusion
- even tho MC has gone over it multiple times, he doesn't get how or why Sukuna is in MC's body
- maybe it's the shock
. was this why MC could challenge him to armwrestling and almost win ?
"So how long has he been in you ?" Beel asks.
"About a year," MC responds.
"Can he make you live longer aside from healing you ?" Beel asks hopefully.
"I'm sorry, I don't think so..." MC says while looking at the ground. They cross their arms. They look small, as if they aren't small enough compared to him already.
"So, what does this mean ? Now that your secret is out... are you going to stay in the devildom with us ? Or do you have to leave ?"
" If I leave I'll surely be executed when I go back to the human world. If I stay I don't know what will happen to me, but it's not up to me. It's up to you guys if you want me to stay. I understand if you want me to go, I was harboring a big secret and it's probably unnerving to know that you're never truly alone with me, but Sukuna actually cares about my boundaries even though he acts like he doesn't. There are some pluses and there are some drawbacks but ultimately you have to decide." MC responds, looking from brother to brother then at Dia and Barbatos
- MC ? dead if you back to the human world ? doesn't bother him
- he doesn't care
- he hasn't known MC long enough to care
- diavolo may have told everyone that MC was a descendant of human Lilith and he told everyone the events that actually happened, but why should he have any attachment to MC
- MC isnt Lilith, and MC sure as hell doesn't like him after the events that happened today
- from what he's heard, MC dying would be good for the human world
"I say send MC back. What happens to them isnt our problem any more," Belphie says while under his magical restraints Diavolo put on him.
"Of course you would say that," Satan glares at him.
"Shut up Belphie !!" Mammon and Levi yell.
"You don't have any right to an opinion in this matter." Lucifer states.
"Belphie that's mean," Asmo says.
Beel frowns.
"I vote they stay. I like MC regardless, and if all I have to do is adjust to Sukuna then I'll do it," Beel says while looking Belphie dead in the eye.
There's a beat of silence.
"Me too," Mammon says.
"Hey ! I was going to say that !" Levi protests.
"Oooh~ Count me in !" Asmo says with a smile.
"I also think they should stay," Satan says and looks at MC.
"My personal preference is also that they stay, but Lord Diavolo it's up to you," Lucifer says and looks at Dia.
- he knew there was something off, but couldnt place his finger on it
- he also constantly got a powerful vibe from MC and this explains it
- he was very fond of MC and enjoyed their presence
- he knew what he was going to do
"Barbatos, what do you think ?" Dia asks him.
"The decision is up to you m'lord," Barbatos responds.
"Well Id also like the input of my trusty all knowing butler," Diavolo laughs.
"Then, I see no reason to send them back to the human world. They can live out their lives here and safe from the school that wants to execute them. It also wouldn't be an issue to get anyone from the human world here if MC so desired," Barbatos replied.
"Then it's settled ! Welcome to the devildom for the rest of your life MC!!" Diavolo smiled and welcomed MC with open arms.
MC smiled and accepted the hug.
- he didn't know all along, but he know when the timelines crossed and he had to erase the other
- MC was very near and dear to his heart though and he wasnt about to let them be killed
- just wants to keep MC safe
- mars :)
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i-need-air · 3 years
Oh-- I really really -really- liked your wolf hybrid Bakugou and-- if you don't mind, can you do one on Kirishima? Just the general headcanons, if this is too bothersome then you can ignore this once again- thank you
Just general headcanons you say? Okay, I had this written 2k words in before I got this ask and now it's at... ehem, let me take a deep breath for this;
Word count: 3.5k 💀 [of HCs 💀💀💀]
Why do I keep doing this to myself aksdjkd I love Kiri so much, my god! Thanks for the ask!! 💗
[ Masterlist ]
Hybrid!AU Kirishima Eijirou HCs
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× i mentioned him as a dog hybrid and we're sticking with it because it just feels right, yano? anyway!
× you found out about how the new hybrid shelter in your city helped bust a fighting ring
× which was horrifying to think about
× one of your friends explained the process to you and you were definitely interested in helping someone out
× shelters were still underfunded and didn't provide much to help the hybrids adapt to society
× so you found yourself in front of the shelter without a plan
× just a dream and a spare couch that could thankfully convert into a bed
× before you could chicken out you stormed through the doors like a mad person, catching the attention of the guards and the front desk man
× it surprised you how disinterested they were though; were they seriously the people that dismantled a whole illegal fighting ring?
× they called a sweet old lady to accompany you
× when you explained your situation her eyes sparkled, looking you up and down and nodding her head
× she took you through some hallways, showing you around the precinct, questioning you about what type of hybrid you'd want
× to which you honestly didn't know how to respond, like anyone you could help????
× it kinda pissed you off how she spoke about the hybrids like they were pets, suggesting you'd get a kitty or a bunny, since [her words] they were low maintenance
× is this really a good shelter?
× you looked around, finding prison like cells left and right, some with people that looked at you curiously, some covering from your glance
× they were locked in...
× some growling could be heard far away but the woman shook her head at you, disapproving gaze turned to the side as she took you further into the building
× another room, this time cells were bigger, a few occupied, yet covered from you, indiferent and uninterested
× a man was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands in his hair
× "Kirishima, boy, get up to greet someone"
× his red eyes snapped up, whatever he was thinking about slowly forgotten
× he blinked curiously as you hugged your frame, feeling uncomfortable, even ashamed to be there
× but a sweet smile took over his features
× "Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"
× it's really all it took for you to grow fond of him; he got up and came closer to the entrance of the cell and introduced himself in such easy-going manner you forgot about everything and anything
× he calmed you with his presence, even if it was very disheveled, with old ripped clothes and hair messy, painted red with obvious dark roots showing
× he had a black fluffy tail waving slowly behind him too
× you introduce yourself with his encouragement and mumbled how you wanted to help someone out today
× he just smiled at you, taking you in
× let me tell you something about dog hybrids: they can sense emotions and intentions so Kiri would be a very good judge of character and he really, genuinely took a liking on you
× the problem is how the fuck do you say out loud that you wanted to help him out
× because you sure as hell weren't going to say you'd adopt him; he's not a child? we're talking about a grown ass man here? literally looked like 6'4ft/1.95m?????
× it was so shameful, your gut turned as you cursed society and he sensed it, expression changing, falling a little as he saw you look very out of place
× "Hey, hey, everything's gonna be fine!" he said
× he told YOU that
× instead of YOU telling HIM those words;;; you almost burst into ugly crying, forgetting about everything else, your minuscule problems or shame or whatever and just nodded at him
× "Would you like to come home with me, Kirishima?" you said, ignoring the happy clapping the old lady was doing, watching carefully how his expression, clear as water, switched from easy-going and reassuring to shocked then hopeful
× "I'd like that" he breathed out "—a lot."
× as you went out the lady was telling him it was a shame they separated his group of friends, something about being sent to different shelters, how he had to be a good boy, to behave, yada-yada and seriously;;; he was taking it so lightheartedly, as if he was so used to this behavior or even was thankful for it?
× it was starting to get annoying, specially when they gave you a collar for him, like no fucking thanks, but you'd take care of it later
× since it was very random and unplanned, you were making mental gymnastics to figure out what to get and what to do first, like clothes, food—
× journey home was pleasant as he walked close to you, asking you questions about yourself with a gentle smile on his features
× meanwhile people got out of both your ways because he was intimidating and big and large but his smile screamed sunshine
× all while he never really mentioned anything about himself
× you made a point to ask him if he was hungry, to grab a quick bite at any restaurant you could get at then go buy some clothes and necessities
× you were so casual and this guy was so shocked
× i swear, looks at you blinking stupidly then ✨beams✨
× spoiler alert; big boy was hungry
× it didn't matter honestly, just seeing him eat without a worry [even if everyone at the restaurant was wary of him but got a stink eye from you] was a relief
× since you answered his questions about you, you decided to ask some about him; you were going to be roomies soon so might as well get to know each other
× shocked again
× stops mid-bite when you ask him something and stares wide-eyed
× doesn't answer but you can see he wants to and you're confused??
× "did I—... did I say something wrong?" you'd press, scared you'd spook him away or something
× he just gulps down and looks ashamed
× casually tells you they've been told at the shelter owners don't care about them
× 🙃 say what now bby?
× he kinda starts apologizing because he understands why you wouldn't wanna know and you put your hand on his; kinda mutes him for a second
× "Kirishima, we're gonna live together and hopefully be friends in the process, right? I'd like to know about you, as much as you're willing to tell me"
× [ falls in love right then and there ]
× he's met humans before, many actually—
× even in the short weeks he's been at the shelter he's seen people come and go and none talked to him like you did
× stares with stars in his eyes and chuckles awkwardly, blush on his face
× "You're really nice, [Y/N]" he said before eagerly answering your questions; course, it leaves you confused lmfao but you brush past it
× okay! shopping next, long story short it was very hard to find hybrid clothes for his size so you pick to change human clothes and adjust them for him
× as you again mention this stuff casually he's just awestruck
× when you got home, bags in hand, you were explaining to him how you really didn't have much; you were working to get a promotion soon but for now you had a couch that could open up into a very comfy bed, which he assured you it was enough
× you were lowkey unsure if he fit it because like i mentioned, big boi is big
× he does! so that's a relief but you started considering giving him your bed; you mostly fell asleep on the couch anyway and to be fair, it was really comfortable and you mention it as he looks around
× his head snaps at you, wide eyed, yet does not talk
× so you ramble bc that's something fun to do! "I mean I went to the shelter without a plan and uh, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and maybe the bed is a better fit and—"
× Kirishima Eijirou sees: 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕
× has never been treated like this, like he's an... equal... something he'll take months to share with you, but we're getting ahead of ourselves
× the thing is this boy will fall pretty hard pretty fast, but will definitely take time to make a move
× bc he is respectful
× so he thanks you for the offer and tells you it's probably the best place he slept in all his life
× can your heart stop breaking for him? i mean it's a good couch but it's no luxury hotel bed???
× [ we need to pause, OP made herself sad ]
× ok, so he's really helpful around the house, and he knows how to cook!
× takes no time to talk about his friends, special his best friend that cooked for everyone at the fighting ring and forced them all to help and that's how he was pretty decent at cooking himself
× wasn't the best though, but followed instructions like a boss
× he lives for your compliments
× literally his tail wiggles with no shame
× seriously;; tell him he did a good job even at the dumbest thing and—
× puffs chest
× wiggle-wiggle
× "Thanks!"
× 🥺💕💞 make him stop, he's so cute
× did i mention he has like floppy black ears? Omg his earsssssssssshnnngggggggggg
× because they move whenever he walks and they're mesmerizing
× and one day that you're observing them for science [not because your heart was like 💘pom-pom💘] you noticed his roots
× remember when your heart broke for him? hah, have some more because as you asked him, he started telling you that he was pushed into dying his hair red for the spectacle, diversity and what-not
× reassured you he grew to love it now, being part of who he is
× also gets a little bit shy when adding he wouldn't want to change the color in hopes of finding his friends someday and for him to be easily recognizable
× you bought him hair dye that same day
× WHICH! apart from gaining extra 🥺💕💞 from him, it created a nice routine between you two!!
× you offered to dye his hair and it was such a great time; he made you laugh, conversation going just as easy whenever you talked, you got to know each other a little bit more and—
× heh
× at the end, after applying all the red hair dye, you massaged his scalp gently
× guess who melts in your hands? yes, giant ass dog-man melts into a puddle under your hands and it's the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen
× I'm serious, he sighs and leans into your gloved hands with zero [0] shame, eyes closed and peaceful expression on his features apart from a small smile
× you tease him and he laughs it off, but promise him you'd give him head scratches when he was finished with the dye, washed off and hair dry
× and you better deliver
× "Don't think I forgot!" he'd say as he'd hop on his make-shift bed in the living room by your side, tail moving from side to side
× as you start playing with his locks, he falls into your lap and starts snoring
× move an inch and he opens his eyes to look at you confused
× puppy eyes questioning you if you're leaving 🥺
× yep, you fall asleep together
× you point out to yourself that those puppy eyes will be the death of you
× he's a touchy guy, okay? since he's been touchy with you from the very start you never questioned it, even read on the internet that many hybrids descended from house pets need physical affection, like hugs, pats, scratches, all the bag, so it wasn't a big deal for you
× except it was a big deal because he's been around for a month and you're already catching feelings and that's bad because you did not bring him there to fall for him but to help him start a new life and—
× oh my god, what if he thought you were one of those people from the horror stories about hybrid adoption that only wanted them for one thing—
× no, no, no, nO, NO.
× anxiety was getting to you as the guilt of catching feelings for him, plus the fact that he was financially dependant on you for the time which would've made it even worse if he found out, PLUS he comes from such a rough life, he definitely needs a break and doesn't need his first human friend in forever to be a piece of;;;
× Kiri catches on this really constant and increasing feeling of anxiety; he starts to send you worried glances but doesn't know how to proceed
× in such a soft voice he asks if you're okay, if something is on your mind
× and since you weren't sharing anything but acted as if everything was alright even when he felt you lied, Kiri started to get worried too
× why were you anxious? why weren't you talking to him about it?
× oh, god, was he a burden? because he felt like one;;; did you want him out? he felt like an extra weight for you and wanted to do something about it but maybe you got sick of him? he felt unmanly...
× the fact that he knew he cared about you as more than just a friend made him even more anxious and it didn't help that whenever he touched you he heard your breath hitch or your heart beating louder; he got his hopes up then down because
× you smelled like people; people he didn't know, people he wanted to know because he needed to know why did you smell like them? were they a treat? were they potential partners? he really did not want to ask bc Kirishima felt like it wasn't his place to know
× as tension grew in the house you decided to gift him a new phone, ready to give him some news that reached your ears
× it seems Kiri himself liked to do sports and mainly jog to keep himself active and he's started to pass by the local dog-park to play with the dogs
× imagine your surprise when a few neighbors asked you if he'd be willing to train their dogs bc he's been teaching them stuff like once a week and the dogs listened
× big time dog whisperer; he says "Sit" to one dog and all dogs in the neighborhood sit too, you get me?
× so you said it would be nice for him to have his own money; not like you didn't help him without care, but you saw his face every time you bought something for him and really felt like he needed some real independence
× he's in ✨awe✨ because you came up with clients already that were very eager for dog training sessions, which he loved??? and suggested hours, wages??????
× and you gave him this new phone to help him with it if he's interested too?
× "Well, the normal price on the internet around the area is—"
× "[Y/N]."
× "Hmm?"
× "You're really amazing, you know that, right?" he'd have his lips curled into a sweet smile
× which makes your heart go crazy and this man notices how you get flustered
× loves it
× get ready for compliments; a lot of compliments just expecting your sweet flustered reactions
× he's slow at realizing your feelings for him because he beats himself down and seems himself as less of a man but tests the waters nonetheless and a d o r e s every time you struggle to thank him for said compliments and don't know how to continue functioning
× catches on and gets his hopes up
× and so you do
× listen, this is hilarious because you're both dumb idiots and want to be respectful towards the other meanwhile he hugs you tighter and for a little bit too long, loving how you melt into him, kisses you on the cheek and sees you get all flustered, looks at you like you're the only one to ever matter until you stop talking, turning everything into a giant mess of silence until you both grin at each other???? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment, just kiss???????
× and it happened with an accidental kiss
× you greeted him as he walked through the door, excited to tell him about your promotion, rambling about the take-out you ordered while he smiled at you
× and it started to be usual for you to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, right? just what normal roomies do, you know [mhmm~]
× he's taking his shoes off and knows the kiss is coming, but just before you press it on his cheek you whisper/squeal "I got the promotion!" to which he turns his head in surprise at you making your lips press together by accident [mhhhmmmmm~~~]
× cue both of you apologizing, looking like a mess
× he's blushing
× you both loved it
× why are you standing so close to each other?
× why did he lick his lips in daze while staring at yours?
× which one of you was leaning in for another kiss?
× it didn't really matter because he's kissing you slowly, taking you into his arms like you were made of porcelain
× glues his body to yours and breathes you in, lips locked, neither believing it was real
× lifts you up in his arms with no difficulty and smiles, both inches separated from another; "Congratulations..." his breath would fan over your face;;;;
× yeah, okay, he takes no time to confess, resulting in a mess of manly words skdjekldj you guys talked that whole night while cuddling and stealing kisses, you on his lap
× [ his nose brushing your neck; he loves your scent omg ]
× it becomes official pretty much instantly and then all your worries wash away
× all the anxiety, all the stress and overthinking, they've all been sorted out in one night and trust me, afterwards this man is pure honesty and loyalty
× he won't hesitate to talk to you about anything and will be such a patient sweetheart with you, listening to every word you say without judgment
× loves cheesy stuff? as in the most cliché stuff seen in movies? that's his shit right there; whenever you two see each other after some time apart [sometimes 5 minutes apart] he'd pick you in his arms and spin you around, then expect you to kiss him
× if you don't, i will skfjdkfk step aside 👀
× skin contact; please, touch him
× if you're not he sends you those famous puppy eyes and we all know they're killer
× sighs, happy to hold you tight against him, engulfing you into his big frame; yeah, you're where you belong, in his arms.
× everyone in the neighborhood loves him; it's ridiculous, seriously, because you find out he helped around all the time when you were at work and gained everyone's love
× makes an instagram account to teach people how to train their dog and becomes an internet sensation, a small celebrity
× also bc he's hot and sometimes posts working out pics
× skdksjs imagine this: makes dinner for both of you, lits up some candles, goes all in, then fucking posts it on ig saying "waiting for my baby to come home #surprise" forgetting you can see it lmfao
× you see the story on your way home and 🥺💞 "ye i love his oblivious ass"
× soft gasps when you tell him after dinner
× has the audacity to be surprised, like babe????
× Kaminari finds him through social media and this baby cries in relief for a good half an hour
× both team up to find all the gang
× guess who talks praises about you all the time? mhm, this guy right here is proud to have you
× and Denki has to deal with it;
× anywho! want to break him for good? tell him you love him for the first time
× but forgets how to speak
× finds his words to say it back after staring at you entranced, grinning like an idiot, taking you in his arms and giving you a bone crushing hug while shaking in place
× he's never felt this loved and adores every second of it
× you're like a drug and he's deep gone, man
× tells you he loves you every single day
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
i literally choked on my pizza when i saw your writing and analyzing questions post, I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!! first of all, what sort of process do you go through when creating characters? what kind of things do you take into consideration when creating them? i’m fascinated because creating characters is far from easy, especially when you’re creating someone like agent mortem! i’m always interested to know what the writer’s thought process was when creating a new character!
okay, so secondly, i wouldn’t say i’m having trouble with keeping all my planning organised and ‘precise’ in a way, but it’s really not easy 😅 i was wondering what kind of processes you go through when planning, whether you have like a specific structure or a set of steps to follow, or if you just kind of roll with it? at the moment when i plan it’s okay and it makes sense, but it’s literally just 4 or 5 pages of really chunky paragraphs which makes it really difficult to pick out the events again when i come to needing the plan to help me. i don’t really know if you do anything different, but if there is any way you know of that i could keep it more organised and easy to follow, that would be great :)
i’ll keep the last ones a little shorter because this ask is already looking veryyy long — what have you enjoyed writing about natia, what struggles have you faced and what have you learned? and basically the same with agent mortem if that’s possible :) i have asked a LOT of questions in this, so don’t feel like you have to answer them all because it will probably take quite a while 😅 anyway, thank you for putting up with my endless questions, and i hope you have a good day <33
ROSE AH HELLO MY FRIEND!!!! <333 sorry ive just gotten to this omg! it’s been sitting here for a little while but i’ve just had so much going on right now and wanted to make sure when i answered that my *full attention* was put on this! (because i’ve been very excited to answer this ESPECIALLY as i see agent mortem questions poking up on here and that just makes me even more hype!!! :D enjoy! <3
Ooooo this is a cool question! I’ve been asked it before but I feel with different characters and such, it always seems to fluctuate for me at least? In the sense, it’s almost never the same process for me in the developmental stages of a character haha! Sometimes I get characteristics first hand, or sometimes a certain scene pops up that just makes the character click and I can build from there, or sometimes, it’s just a last name or a first name that I work with and suddenly have an idea for!
For example, since we’re on the general topic of Landslide, I’ll talk about some things I did when creating specifically Natia. The “Natia” who is currently portrayed in the fic, was not always really like that. Natia initially was not a SOE Agent/Polish Resistance Fighter and instead a Dutch Resistance Member who would meet with Easy in Episode 4. I always sort of knew Natia, in whatever form she was, would meet Easy in Episode 4, but I wasn’t sure how, so the building in the first 17 chapters was the toughest part to come.
I did heavily feel the Polish were underrepresented in terms of the situation of the war along with everything that happened in the Warsaw Uprising and so I felt it was important to see if I could do something with that and that’s really where Natia came into play!
Natia means “hope” essentially and something I really like doing with her character is to parallel or juxtapose different ideas together, to continue on this sort of theme of her being a quite ominous and ambiguous character — you get the general sense of what her morals are, but in certain points it’s questionable. Morally-ambiguous characters have always been fascinating to me, especially female morally-ambiguous characters and so creating Natia in that respect I felt would be interesting to see what I could do!
Something major that I’ve slowly began to take into consideration with characters more and more, is the sort of general theme I want to be present with them — what’s that goal i that they are moving towards in the end and what’s the them surrounding it? For Natia it’s a multitude of things; family, revenge, being silenced, numb, grief, mentor vs protégé, lone wolf etc….the list could truly go on! And with these basic sort of ideas and themes, I can then move on from there and expand.
Why did she want REVENGE? Because the enemy killed her FAMILY, which is extremely important to her, and she wants to feel some sort of REDEMPTION for them.
Why was she BEING SILENCED? Because of the *past* conflict of the HARMFUL MENTOR VS SILENCED PROTÉGÉ situation that occurred between Agent Mortem and herself, where she allowed herself to be silenced by someone who abused the SUDDEN POWER he never had before in his life, ultimately leading to her continued issues of TRUST that she would meet throughout.
Why is she NUMB? Because at a fairly young age she experienced heavy and intense GRIEF that struck unforgivably at a time where it seemed things were safe. To rip something from a character, especially the main character, like FAMILY which is extremely important, you pull at the heart strings and it makes that character move forward on a quest for that in a way, ultimately by the end of the fic. (Basically you up they are least get a semblance of that lost thing, found again by the end)
Why is she a LONE WOLF? Because of the MENTOR VS PROTÉGÉ situation yet again, where she was taught to rely strictly on herself and no one else and so when TRUST and COMPANIONSHIP and TEAMWORK were introduced to her character, she didn’t know how to cope because she had been so desensitized to the ways of Agent Mortem that working back in the morals of family and friends was a challenge in its own respect.
It’s sort of a like a ripple effect if you think about it and that’s what helps me eventually move forward and develop the character arc I want to take place. She’s this way because of this — sort of like cause and effect. It’s really helped me out with major scenes or plot holes that have risen throughout the fic!
AGREED! Writing in general is not an easy feat and now including mind you ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, you’re literally, essentially, creating human beings from scratch and giving them characteristics, a backstory, trauma if you wish, friends and family, people they love, people they hate, morals, standards EVERYTHING! ITS INSANE! AH AND AGENT MORTEM! I’m so very glad that you brought him up, because his creation definitely stemmed directly from the want to experiment with the relationship of failed mentor vs protégé, entirely. I wanted a foil to Natia that was not directly with her all the time. Mortem plays such a MASSIVE role in her story and yet any interactions between the two are either from her mind or from memories and that’s just such a fun way to play around with their dynamic! (I just finished the creation of his backstory and character arc I want him to take and it’s only made me even more excited for what’s to ultimately come for him as well as Natia!)
A song that HEAVILY represents their dynamic is Ghost by Marvin Brooks (2WEI) and I’ll explain why. Even though Mortem is not always inherently *with* Natia, he still is a huge factor of her life, and still heavily controlling many aspects of her life such as recurring memories, reactions, and how she is also conditioned to react to certain things as well. He is essentially a “ghost” who is “haunting” Natia and I feel that’s an interesting take on their connection because they’re two people who clearly had a power struggle and a difference of opinions of multiple things and that just makes it so incredibly interesting to write!
OOOOOO good question!!! So many people have such different ways of approaching story writing and planning and drafting and writing and editing and it’s honestly amazing!! I will say, I’m not an excessive planner or even a real great planner with writing, I never really have, and even as I’ve developed my writing and learned that “it’s okay to slow down”, or “it’s okay to take time for different portions to provide a deeper focus”, I still have not been someone to plan out every bit of my writing.
Reason being is I enjoy seeing where I can take the story in that time and place. Maybe if I’m doing a quick little writing segment and suddenly this idea just appears and hits me, I work it into the fic and it takes it a whole new direction and I end up not being super upset about it because it just…it works! And of course, this is not how other people operate and I have every respect for people who plan and have every detail laid out and figured out and just….completely and utterly planned to the dot. Lile kudos to people who genuinely get the planning all cleaned up before even writing, truly.
I just finalized Agent Mortem’s backstory and where I want his character arc to go and I’ve had him as a character since August of last year LOL! But ya know sometimes, I sit and I think back and go, maybe I wasn’t ready at that time to develop him completely yet because I, the writer, didn’t understand him enough to and I had to write more of him to be able to get a grasp of who he was and his character (and just about everything else!) and that’s okay!!! :)
Going with this idea I just stated above — the 4 or 5 pages of info — KEEP IT MY FRIEND!!! I swear, half the reason ideas even come to me is simply because I just write a big info dump that has all my little ideas somewhere inside and will ALWAYS be there. I recommend maybe taking a day though - away from focusing on writing or editing - and just picking that apart. (That’s what I did the other day and it helped me out MAJORLY! and it was worth it in the end!) Maybe keep the original 4-5 pages and then copy and paste the same thing in another doc so you always have the original!
And then just go through and split ideas apart! If you start reading and see it moving into another realm of headspace of ideas, just press enter and separate the two — you didn’t delete it, it’s still there and still intact! It’s just easier to look at now because instead of two, jumbled and completely different ideas, you now have two paragraphs and portions of text that relate to their own respective idea. It definitely makes it an easier pill to swallow when trying to get yourself organized!!
This really helped me when I was in my beginning stages of figuring out Landslide ESPECIALLY the first 17ish chapter where Natia was not in contact with Easy yet. I’ve explained it before but those chapters are there because we are seeing her final days with the resistance in Warsaw and how she ultimately ends up with Easy PLUS we see who she is as a character by herself and how she is not merely an extension off of Easy, but her own character, her own person. She has her own story and her own morals and ways of going about her life that don’t even relate to Easy. Their paths just happened to cross!! :)
By getting those first 17ish chapters planned, not extreme planning though I will admit, half the scenes were very much thought up on the spot for example like Natia driving to Munich in disguise or the introduction of Zdzich — two very important scenes that show us something about Natia. (1) She’s willing to go to extreme lengths for the people she loves to ensure that in the end they are safe, even if it means sacrificing herself and (2) she has trouble realizing that there are people out there that genuinely care for her, a connection to her ultimate, unruly and upsetting past. And the best part about it is THESE WEREN’T EVEN PLANNED! So sometimes, just let the story take the reigns and your mind and just guide you through it. Sometimes it is for the best :)
If you have your basic ideas and concepts and themes for how you want your fic to eventually go, the scenes for me most of the time just appear I guess when they should. Sometimes even in the times I'm not writing, I sit theorizing and questioning and thinking and developing ideas in my mind and it's a real good exercise, so when you get back to writing, you already know where you want the fic leading in the end!
MAN I LOVE THIS QUESTION. Anytime I can provide some meta or give some insight to Natia who is just one of the best characters I’ve gotten the pleasure of working with, I’ll gladly answer!
The thing I enjoy writing about Natia the most I feel, and I’ll probably always say this, is her complexity — as a writer, her character orders a healthy challenge for me that I gladly have accepted! You don’t know everything about her as a reader and as you read each chapter, that’s how you slowly uncover and discover what she hid about herself to protect herself. There’s so many different aspects of her that I could discuss truly!! (There has been so many parts that I’ve scrapped because I read through and just think “Man this doesn’t seem like Natia!”. She’s tricky sometimes to stake down exactly how she would react because of her past and her trauma and how long she’s been in war, but I just LOVE it!)
Many different aspects of her character though, come from her past and that’s what makes her interesting. I’ve really enjoyed working with the ideology of “Chekov’s Gun”, a writing device that can be used, with how I will mentioned something and it almost might seem out of the blue, yet later it all just makes sense?! When the flashback is revealed or a small portion of her past is finally allowing *light* in. It's a device I've used with Natia that has just really helped to develop her story at the pace I want it to be revealed! :D
For example, the OCEAN is mentioned many times. I make constant reference to the WAVES, the RECESSION of them from time to time, the comparison of the OCEAN both ABOVE and BELOW surface — all of that sorta stuff! For her character, it seems a bit out of place. She’s COLD. She’s NUMB. She’s BROKEN. What does an open body of water consuming at least 70% of the Earth have to do with an OC based in Warsaw, Poland?
This is where the importance of her PAST will play it’s role, as it has a major INFLUENCE on her and her CHARACTER and her MORALS. One of the main reasons the OCEAN is inherently connected to Natia is because of her PAST and one of those main reasons is AGENT MORTEM and her TRAINING, especially WATER training. I can’t comment further on this though as readers have only touched the tip of the iceberg for the use of the OCEAN and it’s IMPORTANCE so far in this fic! (Ask me again about it once this fic is finished up for the most part, unless….by Part 4 readers understand why!)
Natia just remains a character who constantly is developing and changing inside my head - where I want her path to ultimately end up leading by the end of the fic, where I want both her mental head space vs emotional head space should be and etc. So many portions of this fic are dealt specifically on her internal monologue and how she calculates and problem solves from that portion of her sort of *engagement* within the conflict. There never seems to be a dull moment when writing her!
Another thing I really have enjoyed about writing Natia is her clashing personality traits that make her interesting to write in both different scenarios and reactions. She's stubborn yet humble. She's numb and cold but internally extremely caring and giving and filled with these bottled up emotions. She's mentally strong yet she's been through so much and let the war take so much. She never complains about what she's doing, but she's lost nearly everyone she loves. She's a fighter in this war and refuses to back down from a battle she know she can wage, but the second she is pulled from the aspect of war, things crash and burn around her. Just even these few combating sort of things, really show her character and what, through writing, has slowly developed! They always lay around in the back of my mind and it's one of the main things I remind myself when I write Natia all the tme.
I think one of the most important things I've learned from both writing and creating a character like Natia is that (1) it's okay to ask for help, about anything, literally anything. You don't have to confine everything to yourself and build up this immense pressure to do what you must to continue moving forward. It's okay to have people there to help you and support you. (2) It's okay to be strong alone and even if you seem to be the only one on the current path you're are on, it does not mean you are wrong. it can still lead to the right destination in the end!
Oooo okay! AGENT MORTEM!! I am totally down to chat about some things I've loved to write with him with and some challenges I've discovered, but as far as what I've learned from him, I will be holding off and could answer that when the entire fic is both completed and then updated on platforms....just because ;) don't want to give away any spoilers haha! <3
Something I've enjoyed about writing and crafting Agent Mortem is letting him remain as mysterious and secretive as he is for so long. Initially, I can't even begin to recall what his character would be like even a year ago, but seeing where he has developed now, I'm really happy with where he is. He's mysterious, he's shadowed, he seems like a figure in the background, a past mentor who is half deranged and lost his mind with a background with so substance. It makes for such a fascinating way to begin to reveal his past! (something I've began to insert into part 4 of Landslide and man I'm just so HYPE!)
I feel I'm excited simply because he's finally getting the time and moment he deserves to finally explain and show himself as to what has occurred. There's so many fractured and disconnected parts of what is currently going on with Natia and her connection to both Agent Mortem and then Death is tossed in the mix and it seems this big complicated mess of 'how' Agent Mortem got to be this way, 'why' he does a thing such as this, just different and varying aspects such as that. it makes for those big final reveals to all be even more worth it!
He has been quite the challenge though I will admit. There's so many perspectives he could quite possibly be viewed from and his *character* + morals/values could be pulled in a various amount of ways as well. Making sure he accurately comes across the way I want him to both appear and come across to the reader and to myself has definitely been tricky. He's not as easy as suspected, you know, not just a 'dude who had a bad day and went insane in the end', there's a whole multitude of levels and reasons and a deep, heavy and traumatizing background starting from his birth really (which is a whole other story). Managing and balancing that all in one has definitely been something I've had to keep on top of and monitor but I feel has really been worth the challenge in the end. Because at the end of the day, I'm someone looking to constantly challenge myself.
And a good challenge, whether it be writing or academics or a workout, is healthy and GOOD! That's what Landslide in a whole has really shown me, to challenge yourself daily to see where you can push yourself and your imagination and creativity, just to see where you can even go!! it's exciting and refreshing!
Thank you so much for this wonderful ask Rose! I appreciate it more than ANYTHING as you well know, and I know it's taken me *quite* some time to answer, but I've been working on it for weeks now and finally got it out because it was ready! I really wanted to take my time with it and develop it to its full potential in the end and I feel I have (without giving away any spoilers haha!) As always, please know if you have any further questions regarding Natia Filipska, Agent Mortem, Death (along with other characters of Landslide), writing, the process (my own included), tips for writing/planning, or just anything else in general, I will always be happy to help in anyway I can! You're always welcome, anyone always is!!! <3333 Thank you again, I had so much fun doing this more than anything! :D
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melchron · 4 years
Nightmare Time Episode 3 Thoughts
I usually save this for the end of my thoughts but I have to say this now. OMG MATT DAHAN!!! I WILL NEVER NOT BE IMPRESSED BY HIM! Usually with the episodes I catch 1 or 2 motifs but I swear I caught everyone this time. And they all fit so well. My attention was evenly split between the music and the story this time. It was so freaking good. Matt deserves all the awards like omg.
I think this is the least laggy the theme has been. Good job going all out for the last one!
I said to my mom "Did Shashona record this video?" and she did!! Great cinematography Shashona!!
I also pointed out the Tim's daddy mask. I said "Aww he's wearing a mask for his son!". I guess my mom got confused and forgot Tim's name because she thought I was talking about Dylan's (nonexistent) son.
I kind of already knew this but I love that Ethan knows cars. I just likes that he has a hobby.
Lex cares about Tom so much I love it.
That Lexthan interaction was so cute. I love how he saw she was super sorry and scared and he just stopped being mad and comforted her. They are so cute I can't handle it!!
KENDALL!!! Ok so through out this whole thing I know everyone was excited for their favorite character to come back but I really just wanted to see Kendall again. I guess after BF I assumed we would never see her again because I couldn't see them working with children becoming a normal thing. But when the original cast announcement came out I got so happy to see her name. So I was super excited to see her.
Her covering her hair with a beanie looks better than the wig
Cineplex Teen is like Larry from tawog. I guess we should start calling him Obnoxious Teen then. Until we get a name.
I love that Tim immediately likes Becky. Wish I could say the same for my stepparents.
Santa Claus Is Going To High School bb. Also I want to hear the rest of that song. Also also how many wigs does Lauren own?
Why must they make love to this movie everytime? Can't we simply just watch it and make fun of like normal people? That way Tim can enjoy it too.
Good for Jane for making sure her son doesn't have to eat disgusting school lunch. She gets good mom points.
Aww Becky reassuring him he's not a Dummy
Becky is like really horny this episode. Honestly Tom's into so go ahead girl
OK OK OK SO Jane said they were driving home from her parents house. Which means they were still alive when Jane died. That was only a year and a half ago so the Perkins parents might have died more recently than we thought. It's like Spring of 2019 right? So Jane died around Fall 2017. I don't remember if this was said in the show (it probably was and I'm saying nothing new) but I think Black Friday takes place about a year after her death. Tgwdlm took place October 2018. They have to have died only a few months before then. How long had Emma been in Hatchetfield before tgwdlm? Maybe there is a possibility we can see a flashback of an interaction with her parents depending on how long it's been. Also that means Emma lost her whole family in the span of a few months omg. And Tim lost his mom and his grandparents in that time. I want to see how they grieved with all of that. Also I know I'm crossing universes here but Emma also almost died the same day Jane did. Some strange force must really have it out for the Perkins family. Good on Emma for surviving like a champ.
Ok so I thought they went scouting for girls because Jane didn't want the man she loved to have to devote the rest of his life to a car. I thought she was trying to help him move on. She was getting good lover points but those have since been redacted.
Jane is definitely bi and I love that for her. I don't care if she tried to kill her new crush. It was new enough for it to mean nothing.
Tom does look like a creep ngl
Jane reminds us she's a car a lot. Like girl we get it.
No. No. No. NO NO NO NO NO NO NOPE! We're not talking about it. I don't want to. I stared at James the whole and honestly same dude. I saw Nick in my peripheral vision and loved/hated that he was laughing. RIP to me watching this with my mom. RIP to Kendall. Actually rip to everyone who had to sit through that. RIP to Jaime and Dylan for having to perform that. RIP to the cursed rehearsals. Matt and Nick seriously took the time to sit down and write that. What the heck you two?!? This made me more uncomfy than the entirety of mamd and Ted's character combined. I wish I was exaggerating. Maybe this was just me but it felt longer than it needed to. The relief and worry I felt when Tim walked in is a feeling I can not explain. Glad he was clueless.
Tim sweetie I love you but SHUT UP
Jane is crazy and Jaime is doing such an amazing job at portraying that.
Yes Tom. Because grave digging is way crazier than possessed cars.
I asked my mom why the didn't just go grave digging for Jane's body but my mom said the body is probably all rotted and gross so that explains that.
Why didn't Becky just go inside? If she went far enough I doubt Jane would have been able to hit her even if she managed to break into the house. Also let's assume Becky's house had an upstairs. There, perfect safety.
Did Becky seriously die in the same woods as Stanley?
Ok so I thought the tree thing was a reference to little Irish girl Becky from the Black Friday sk10 stream. But now it seems like something more serious and bad happened so I'm curious.
DID JANE GET TOM ARRESTED?!?!? It seemed like she could drive herself at that point. Why not let him get out and get Becky yourself? Is this that self confidence thing Tom talked about?
Is she really about to have her son be obsessed with Ms. Becky for the rest of their lives or is she gonna tell him?
This next episode made me physically jump twice. I say literally a lot but I promise you I'm using it correctly when I say I literally jumped.
I saw the thing about the ukelele being a bday gift from the cast so this was super sweet
Ok personal time. My grandmother's name is Pamela and my mom decided to permanently cut ties with her a few months ago due to her abusive behavior. Me and my sibling are still allowed to talk to her whenever we please but we haven't seen her as much as we used to. I got kind of scared watching this with my mom because I was scared this would trigger something. She didn't say anything and I didn't want to bother her about if she was fine so I didn't say anything. Anyway this just kind of hit different for me.
"I want to be alone with my man." Ms what are you about to do to your Tv?
Duke seems chill. I like him.
Does Ms. Foster have a type or is being male good enough?
Hannah's 14? I thought she was the same age as Tim. I could have sworn in the BF commentary track they said she was 9 or 10. Did my brain make that up?
How does Kim change her hair so quickly? She did this in episode 2 too? I could never. I am very impressed.
Curt and Kim talking over the phone while standing shoulder to shoulder was funnier than it should have been
Ms. Holloway is cool. YAY MOSTLY GOOD WITCHES
How does Ms. Holloway know? I need a backstory please!!
Ok so I saw Jon in his cape and thought he might be the with. But then I saw James in his cape I y'know stopped thinking that. Anyway I'm obsessed with Jon and James in capes. Kind of wish Corey had one too.
OH I JUST THOUGHT THIS AS I'M TYPING NOW ok so that tree she was talking to at the beginning was one of the tree people. I'm embarrassed it took me this long to realise it.
Hannah is way too calm about these talking trees and sometimes spider ladies. I respect that.
There was a lot of black and white theming in this episode. More than normal. It makes me more curious about what exactly Hannah's connection to it is.
Hannah almost died in her own mind. I was kinda hating Ms. Holloway in this moment because she forced Hannah to go into her mind. But I know she had to so I'm cool with her again.
Did she really say just don't be scared next time? Like miss some actual advice would help.
CAN MS. HOLLOWAY'S MIND LEAVE HANNAH ALONE?? Like I know you didn't get the reaction you wanted out of her but you're seriously gonna give up and go for a little girl instead. Pathetic.
"What's shakin', Banana?" That was the first time I jumped.
What exactly is that 6-legged girl? I wish we had a visual. Also how couldn't Ms. Holloway help her? What was her issue? Npmd you got anything for me?
Wiley. Just seeing him come up. That was the second time I jumped.
Also everyone already said this but props to Joey for his commitment. Shaving in between episodes like omg sir you didn't have to go all out for this. But you did and I appreciate you for it. Also HE KEPT THE JACKET?? WHAT!??! Just fully committed to this character go off Joey!!
Usually I would laugh at stuff phasing through the green screen but this just made it creepier.
But also I love how the script had him listed at Wilbur above his lines. I remember Nick called him Wilbur once in the commentary track (possibly by accident) but it's nice to have it in cannon. I don't remember I any of the characters called him Wilbur because I'm so used to seeing Wilbur and Wiley used interchangeably but this was just nice to have canonized.
Dang Wiley she was already being choked in the physical world you didn't have to choke her in her mind too calm down
Is the mouth one (I see we've named him Nibbly. Good because his full name is too long to type out) gonna be the npmd villain? The pick color theme seems cool.
ANGELA'S TRANSITION THOUGH!!! Omg she switched roles seamlessly. And her voice too!! Go off Angela.
This is random and unrelated but I never noticed how big Mariah's eyes were before.
So Webby and the Doll Gang are all siblings? I find it interesting that the were described to all where black. And Webby's color theme is white. Like how the good and bad ukeleles were white and black. This might sound really dumb see as we don't have a 100% accurate visual of the black and white but I wonder if Webby ever left would it be 100% black? Like if Wiggly went through the portal would it become a little less black? Does this make sense? Also I'm starting to see the black and white as less of a bad place. Its starting to see more ominously neutral.
Hannah's favorite show is He-Man no I do accept criticism.
Ms. Holloway is a nerd. She saw Hannah make the reference and was like "Huh. I f she likes He-Man maybe making this hat a reference will make her like me." She would only know if she watched the show. But then again she seems to be stuck in the 80s so maybe she just thinks that's what's popular with the kids.
This episode was......a lot. So much happened. Loved all of it. I am scared of Nick and Matt's minds but also incredibly grateful for them. As usual everyone's acting was top notch.
I love this episode.
Also I'm just gonna say it. Jon ruined Nick's season one reveal.
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chaoticowlpost · 4 years
Hi GiRa, I don’t know if you do this, but do you have Captive Prince fic Recs? I’ve followed you for the Draco/Harry content, but Damen and Laurent looked like something I would enjoy so I’ve read all the books last week. It was sooooo good 😍 and now I need all the quality fic in my life. Please help!
Hello​ nonnie~ Yes omg I do have fic recs but I’m afraid they may be a little biased as of now haha. That’s because I leaned towards fics in the setting of the canon when I first started but then slowly began reading Modern AU fics as I went- and I haven’t gone through nearly enough fics yet,- so I’ll probably have to do another sweep of all the fics on AO3, BUT here are some fics I’d love to recommend to start with 
1. @mfingenius
That’s it, that’s the tweet. HBFSJDF okay no I’m joking but I absolutely love their works and they were the one who introduced me to capri. There’s a bunch of short fics on their account that I like to indulge in constantly and you should definitely check it out because there’s too many for me to just pick one!
2. itallends ( @goldencuffs )
For Better, for Worse (9.2k) - Laurent arches an eyebrow. “I am married, Jord.”
Jord blinks at him slowly. “…To your job?”
“To a man.” 
Jord’s eyes fall on Laurent’s bare left hand. 
”Right,” he says.
Or: five times Laurent says he’s married, and the one time everyone finally believes him.
Receipts and Reciprocity (9.5k) -  Damen has a thing for buying Laurent stuff.
I love their works with my whole heart nobody touch me hnfdgjg but seriously these are some of my favorite fics! They’re both Modern AUs if that’s what you’re looking for and partial reason as to why I started opening up more towards Non-Canon setting fics. 
3.  waywardwriter
Courts, Crowns, and A Little Game of Chess (55k) - In an attempt to diffuse the rising tensions between Akielos and Vere, Prince Auguste invites a group of Akielon ambassadors to the Veretian court. He expects many things to come out of this visit: trade agreements, festivities and celebrations, and perhaps the emergence of better diplomatic relations between the two nations. What he did not expect, however, was for his younger brother to take an interest in the Crowned Prince of Akielos.
AKA: The fic where Laurent is a reserved, bookish, hero-worshipping boy who meets Prince Damianos for the first time.
 Waking Up To You (1.7k) -  Damen wakes up from his wisdom teeth surgery only to find the most beautiful man in the world sitting beside him.
I couldn’t help but insert Waking Up To You  😞 It’s a weakness because why wouldn’t I want a high-as-balls Damen just being in love with Laurent in general. The first fic, however, is up among one of my favorites. Damen courting Laurent? Sign me the fuck up! This was so well written I just fell in love with all of the characters.
4. DisraeliGears 
Anything For You (39k) - Laurent will do anything for Damen. Including make friends with Nikandros…if he must.
The story of Nikandros and Laurent’s friendship.
A Party of Our Own (5.5k) -  Nikandros escapes Damen’s party for some alone time…and ends up locked in the wine cellar with Laurent. As one could probably imagine, some snarking happens. And some airing of grievances.
These fics are mainly Nikandros and Laurent building a relationship and getting to understand one another and I’m absolutely HERE for it! The characterization of Laurent was so well done and Anything For You is also among my top favorites because of how intense it was towards the end and just everything Laurent did in general, but through Nikandros’ eyes (even better!)
5. damnmads & The Librarina (tears_of_nienna)
Pawn Sacrifice (85k) - The war with Akielos has settled into an uneasy alliance, and Prince Damianos is sent to spend a year at Arles. Seven years later, he returns to Vere to offer condolences to King Auguste on the death of his father. But Auguste’s younger brother is much changed, as is the political climate in Vere, and Prince Laurent is the target of an assassin. When Damen returns to Akielos, an unexpected guest is sent with him—but danger follows, and the fate of two kingdoms hangs in the balance.
What might have changed if Auguste lived—and what was inevitable, even so.
Another Auguste Lives AU because I love him and yes (the best brother™)  . This is a slow burn fic about how the story might have gone if Auguste lived to become king and how Damen and Laurent’s relationship might have gone. It’s quite a lengthy read but I think it’s a great fic to immerse yourself in if you’ve got the time
6.  Just_Another_Day
Five Times Laurent and Damen Unintentionally Caused an International Incident (and One Time They Meant To) (28k) -  Everyone in the world knows for a fact that Laurent and Damen despise each other with a burning passion despite their countries supposedly being allies. Strangely, though, the two of them seem to have missed that whole ‘hatred’ memo. Nikandros really doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this shit.
The title says it all and it’s absolutely perfect! Pray for Nikandros and give him a raise in this Modern Royalty AU because Damen and Laurent can’t keep their feels out of view for anything so watch as these boys in love make Nikandros lose 10 years of his life.
7.  thewriterofperfectdisasters
kimihia (22k) - Laurent frowned and drummed his fingers against his laptop as he considered what to say. In theory, nothing was stopping him from going to Greece. Nothing was stopping him from maybe running into someone he met over Tinder. The only thing standing in his way was his own apprehension and mistrust about the whole situation.
A Modern AU with the help of online dating because why not. This is such a feel good AU and it just makes me so happy to read it so I hope you like it as well
8.  Entity_Sylvir
How Not To Court A Veretian Prince (13k) - “He was—” Damen breaks off, swallows hard, pauses in the manner of a man soundly failing to find an explanation in what he is trying to explain, “—really pretty.”
“What,” says Nikandros, “the fuck.”
The first time Damen meets Laurent, he mistakes him for a pet. It doesn’t go well.
No one lets him forget it.
Words cannot DESCRIBE how much I love this fic! The fanart, the way Damen’s actions come to haunt him, and Laurent being a little shit™ in the best way had me cackling and just everything about this fic had me in love.
9.  dawnofthursday ( @americancupsofbritishtea )
The Pitfalls of being Overprotective (2.2k) - Auguste makes a discovery, and then wishes he hadn’t.
Another fic that had me screaming because Auguste deserved whatever he got in this fic for being big brother™. I’m not sure what else to say without spoiling it because this is absolutely hilarious but you gotta read the tags (PLEASE READ THE TAG IT’S GREAT)
10.  LaLaCat1
The Oath (78k) -  Young prince Laurent arrives in time to stop the killing blow from falling at Marlas. A split second decision has Damen swearing Auguste an oath to protect his younger brother, and it’s not until he brings the Veretian princes back to parley with his father that Damen realizes how difficult that oath will be to keep.
Okay so this fic is also kinda intense but it’s another AU about what would happen if Auguste lived and the amount of feels and stress (good stress) that came with this fic was just.. damn. I’ve lost sleep on this fic and every moment was worth it so if you’re interested in this type of fic, definitely give it a read when you can!
There are probably a few more in my list somewhere that I haven’t been able to update but here are a few to get you started! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did and I hope I was able to help
By the way, if anyone knows the tumblr accounts of the authors I tagged, could you please tell me? I’d love to give them a follow to keep up with them and help others find their accounts as well if they’re interested! 
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If you could change ten things about Teen Wolf what would you change??
OMG BUCKLE DOWN BECAUSE IT’S GONNA BE A LONG ONE! Do asks have a word limit? Guess we gonna find out! (Sometimes I wish I could speak these replies, they sound much funnier when I am speaking out loud to myself and then they are just weird and flat typed up but I DIGRESS! I do that a lot, have you noticed? Doesn’t matter.)
(Also, I did put a “Keep Reading” but for some reason it’s not working. Or it’s not showing as working on my end. But it’s right under this paragraph I swear so if it’s not working, that isn’t on me....)
1) SO! Trauma. People be dealing with their traumas. That’d be a thing I’d like, thank you. Like, I’m sorry, but there is a fuckton of trauma in this show and everyone like, goes to bed at night and wakes up cured. Like MAGIC! I mean, yes, I get that magic is a thing in the show (is it? I mean kind of? Idk, I never saw past season 4, they alluded to magic and then SNATCHED THAT AWAY so, side-note, that’s coming up later!) But yes, I would’ve very much liked for people to, you know, deal with their traumas in a realistic fashion. Let’s get some therapy going, or like, idk, some actual negative reactions to thing! They kind of had that with Stiles every now and then, but he seemed to be up and down episode to episode so like, it’d be like they wrote an episode where he reacts to what happened to him and then four episodes have gone by where he’s fine and the writers were like “OH YEAH SHIT HE JUST MURDERED LIKE A WHOLE HOSPITAL, make him have a panic attack randomly over dropping milk, that balances out, excellent, we’re so smart.” So yes. DEAL. WITH. THE. TRAUMA! Thanks.
2) LESS CHARACTERS, MORE DEVELOPMENT! I mentioned this in another recent ask about relationships but like, they just kept shoving characters in there. Like one of those clown cars. So we got like, 30% character development on the core group and then the rest was like “wait, who are you again?” Like, legit, I have a bad memory, you put too many people in front of me, I ain’t gonna remember them unless they have a good personality or a reason to be there. And like, develop their relationships! Not even romantically, but like, Scott’s mom loves Scott, that is sweet and lovely, but like, we never really… see… that… developed? Idk man, like again, I have a bad memory, but when you really develop relationships WELL (ex: Brooklyn-nine-nine), that shit sticks with you and you CARE about people. The friendships are important, and the familial relationships are important and just developing all the dynamics is important! They spent more time showcasing how much everyone hated each other and lied to each other and stuff and that just got really tiring. Yes, you’re allowed to get mad at your friends, but if you’re a Werewolf, and your human friend is calling you when there is a fucking monster running around killing people, can you maybe stop making out with your girlfriend and answer your phone so your friend isn’t treading water with a 200+ pound Werewolf for 2 hours? Like, JUST SAYING! (Spoiler alert: Me and Scott would not be close friends. Like, I think we’d be friends, but not so much that I’d trust him with my life. If I wanted to grab pizza and a movie, maybe play some video games, he sounds like a treat, but if my life was in danger, thanks I be callin’ someone who answers their phone).
3) Actual consequences for their actions! Okay like, I am also guilty of this in fanfic, but at the same time, my writing is free, I don’t get paid for it, and I write what I want because that’s how it works, so I can do whatever I please (If I wanna make the Hales royalty for the millionth time, ain’t nobody gonna stop me!). But like, when you are a legit paid screenwriter who is writing a show? Consequences! Just because it’s a show about Werewolves doesn’t mean there can’t be any consequences! Like, the best scene, and I feel like we can agree, because fuck it like, hurt my soul and my heart and I was just so like ;~; was when the sheriff got fired (fired? suspended? TEMPORARILY UNEMPLOYED!) because Stiles stole a police van when they locked Jackson up in it. Like, that shit was REAL LIFE CONSEQUENCES for actions, and that shit was intense and it HURT and omg I loved it! Give me more of that! Like, I’m sorry, but you gonna tell me Nogistune!Stiles walked through the hospital murdering a bazillion people and not one camera was working the whole time? Not one? Nobody saw that? Nobody went “hey, isn’t that the sheriff’s kid?” Like, CAN. YOU. IMAGINE?! That would’ve been so amazing, a bunch of episodes of the pack scrambling to keep the Supernatural a secret while also trying to stop Stiles from GETTING ARRESTED because saying “Sorry ma’am, I was possessed by a demon fox who likes chaos and thought murdering a bunch of people would be fun” ain’t gonna fly in court and the FBI sure isn’t gonna believe that but like, UGH! Again, bad memory, but was the fact that Dark!Stiles wandered through the hospital killing people EVER brought up again???? CONSEQUENCES. Woulda really liked that.
4) STOP with unnecessary romances. Like, yeah, I get it, the allos like their romances, but shockingly, you can still have a good show without focussing on the romance. Like, it can be there, I’m not saying don’t put it in, I’m saying DON’T MAKE IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Like, the entirety of season one was Scott chasing Allison and Stiles chasing Lydia. This… this does not make an interesting show? Like, is that just me? And then as the season progressed, EVERYONE had to be in a relationship? WHY? Again, haven’t seen past season four, but I mean, I know Scott and Kira were a thing, and then Stiles and Malia, and Liam and some… person? Idk. And Ethan and Danny (congrats Jeff, you get to tick your “I had representation in my show!” box, well done, gold star, or whatever). And Isaac and Allison, and Melissa and Chris (apparently?). And then Stydia was alluded as being canon, and Scott ended up with Malia somehow?? And Derek slept with half the town and all of Mexico, idek. Like, stop it. Stop. Shows work without everything being about everyone banging each other. (See again: Brooklyn-nine-nine, or Avatar the Last Airbender, or The Good Place, or even fucking Supernatural!) You can have a good, interesting story without everyone banging each other. It ain’t necessary.
5) More actual storytelling (again, this woulda worked better without the unnecessary romances taking up 49 of the 50 minutes of air-time). Like, yes, I get it, pilot’s gotta have some pizzaz! Gotta be spicy and sparkly to make people interested (and like, fucking hell, all I can remember of the pilot is sobbing Allison soaking wet–LIKE, WAS THAT NECESSARY???–about the dog she hit and oh noes is it dead well thank God the lead character works for a vet! And somehow has keys and access to the whole clinic like nbd at all hours? Whatever. I wasn’t even allowed inside my blockbuster as a shift lead if it was off-hours but apparently a high school student doing paperwork at a vet clinic is different, I’m not a vet so what do I know? I HAD A BAD DAY OKAY, I GOT FEELINGS ABOUT THIS RN!) I went off-topic, what was I saying? Oh yes, storytelling. You know what woulda been nice? Werewolves! It happens, we find out about Laura, we find out about Werewolves, Scott gets bitten, all that jazz. And then like… ease in the Hunters? Like, why was there Laura/Derek, Peter, AND the Hunters all crammed into the pilot? Yes, I get it, you need the SUSPENSE and the DRAMA, but you can do that without the Hunters right off the bat. Just, how CONVENIENT~ that the same day Derek and Laura come back, Hunters move to town? That’s just lazy, and again, I can be guilty of laziness, I admit to it, but I literally get paid in—like, do hearts count? I get paid in hearts and pats on the back for my fics, I can write whatever I want. If you’re getting paid to write something, try a bit harder, yes? Yes???
What number am I on? Oh good Lord, I got things to say, okay.
6) MAGIC! Can you like—I feel like this one is self-explanatory. Stiles did the whole mountain ash thing in season one, and it was SO PROMISING, and then that just died. It died like Maes Hughes getting shot in a phonebooth (spoiler, but really, you haven’t seen that yet, that’s a you problem). Why even bother introducing magic if you weren’t gonna use it? Like, was it because people like Stiles more than Scott and the showrunner was like “nonono. If we make him magic, he’s TOO cool, and then Scott is unimportant.” I mean, you coulda worked that in your favour, but no. You just murdered the fuck out of it, like straight up took it out back and shot it. Like, yeah, Derek went kiddo again and Jennifer was apparently all magic beauty spell or whatever, but like?? That’s it??? You had a show about Werewolves and you didn’t even try to make it more interesting by making some of the characters magic? Lydia’s basically the closest and they didn’t even explain her powers that well. Magic would’ve been dope and they totally shoved that to the side. That was dumb. Shoulda done something with that.
7) Explain things more? Don’t mention them once and then do nothing? Like, we got some brief stuff about anchors, and emissaries (which are super duper secret according to Deaton but then like, EVERYONE KNOWS HE IS EMISSARY SO WHICH IS IT DEATON? YOU TELL ME!) Like, they had so much opportunity to talk about so many things and again, maybe that comes out more in the later seasons, idk, but they likely coulda done with more explanations and they didn’t and this angers me GREATLY. They mention something once and then it never comes up again. That’s some Lost bullshit right there. Don’t start something if you’re not gonna commit. You tell me the beginning of the story, I wanna fucking know the end, don’t forget halfway through and wander away, that ain’t right, I NEED ANSWERS JEFF! And like, as above, never really got Lydia’s powers. I know what a Banshee is, but her powers did NOT make sense to me. Idk, could just be that I’m dumb, but similarly, don’t write something so convoluted that it confuses people, that is also dumb. As dumb as I am so like, well done there. And also do we get more on Parrish? I know he’s a Hellhound, but how does one get born a Hellhound and not know until you are conveniently lit on fire by someone trying to kill you for money? (Also, you bean, you absolute treasure, “I’m worth five dollars?” You’re so cute. Silly child.) I feel like being a Hellhound is something that woulda come up before getting barbecued in his cruiser. Like, he works a stressful job, you gonna tell me not ONCE while getting shot at he didn’t have a massive heart attack over a close call and like, burst into flames? No? Is that just a me thing? I feel like the slightest annoyance and I’d be fully on fire, not gonna lie. (I’d be on fire a LOT… CLEARLY I AM AN ANGRY PERSON! No, that’s not true. No yes it is, I am angry, but more angry lately because I’m sleep-deprived and work is dumb ANYWAY back to this)
8) EMBRACE THE SIDE CHARACTERS! Okay, so MAYBE Scott is meant to be the golden child. The Dick Grayson of the show, if you will. The original Robin, the creme de la creme. That’s all fine and dandy if he is, no judgement (little judgement), but you know what you don’t do when your side characters are getting a lot of attention and love? What you DO NOT do is give them less screen time. Because then you’re being petty and, shockingly, you get more positive results when you give the fans what they want. I’m not talking about pairings, because everyone is different, and you can’t cater to everyone, but like, the more people moved away from liking Scott, the harder the showrunners pushed him into our faces. And like, that isn’t how this works. If I like side character 87 a lot, and the lead’s getting annoying, you know what’s gonna make me NOT watch the show? Cutting out side character 87 (hey, for shits and gigs, let’s call him DANNY, just, not coincidentally at all) and then just shoving the lead into my face. That is what makes someone go “Well, four seasons is enough, I can happily live knowing I didn’t waste my life watching two more of them.” Like??? I’m not saying cut out Scott, because the show is ABOUT Scott, but the more everyone tried to showcase how amazing and wonderful and pure and perfect he was, the more annoying it got? Like, Scott has flaws. THEY ALL HAVE FLAWS! If you don’t admit that they all have flaws, it gets boring, and you hate the characters. I know that Scott turned into a douche later (apparently, again, haven’t seen it), but even in the early seasons by trying to make him this pure True Alpha golden angel child who spreads love and hope and trusts everyone, it just got boring. He was vanilla, and also a bad friend, because he was too “perfect” to be around someone “imperfect” like Stiles, and even like, the rest of the pack overall. He was always put on a pedestal and it made the show really… irksome? Idk, I just feel like yes, SCOTT is the Teen Wolf, but you added all these damn side characters, maybe use them a bit more? At least Stiles was interesting, and Lydia was fucking badass, and fucking hell, if you’d done right by Boyd and Erica, the actors wouldn’t have left for better shows so like, come on man, you coulda done better. We coulda had such a dope show, why you gotta crush my dreams like that Jeff? What did I ever do to you?
I know this is only eight, but this is long enough, if I go two more, this is gonna be IN.SANE. And also it’s late and I haven’t finished my fic for the day (I mean, I’m almost done, but I’m not done yet!) So like, I’ma stop here. But yes, hopefully this answered your question. Sorry I got REALLY PASSIONATE about it but it’s been a day.
Also, I feel this needs to be said, but obviously these are my own personal opinions, and as opinions, you are not obligated to agree with them. But you are also not allowed to tell me my opinion is wrong. You can disagree with it, but this is an opinion, not a law, so there is no right and wrong. Don’t @ me, my day’s been bad enough kthx!
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themountainsays · 4 years
What are your favourite sorts of Elsanna AUs? Can be anything, canon divergent, modern etc etc
Oh boy oh boy. Aaaaaa.
Ok so first off I read almost exclusively incest elsanna unless my friends bug me enough to read this fic they swear is super good even without incest. Like, I'll do it for them but what draws me to elsanna is partially the taboo, the angst, the incest guilt etc. I could be here for hours explaining why. In one hand there's something very thrilling about shipping something so "wrong", especially when the characters know it's wrong. But also? It's so wholesome? These two sisters love each other in all the ways a human being can love another. And they chose each other, and they take care of each other and they're family and there's an unbreakable loyalty between them and no one knows you better or loves you more than your family and. Aaaaaaaaaa. Alright yeah i know I'm enjoying this fictional, romanticized version of incest that most likely doesn't exist in real life, but I don't care because it's adorable. If FPS games can make me enjoy fictional murder I'll enjoy my fictional incest. Also, it's impossible and almost painful for me to divorce these two characters from their sisterhood when it's so important for them in the movies. Like, they have each other as romantic partners, but they don't have each other as siblings and family, you know? It's like i'm taking something from them and making them very lonely Idk
So regardless of AU, I like it when they remain sisters. I particularly like it when they act like sisters, even after they've started a relationship. I like it when the whole incest thing is important to the plot/scenario, and when it's given the time and attention it deserves. I'm not usually a fan of Modern AUs but I really like them in this case because... the incest thing feels much more serious. In the canon universe we have magic and resuicitation and unusual childhood experiences and it takes place in the 1840's and it's just so much easier to suspend our disbelief, especially considering these two are royalty and can do whatever they want. But if they're your regular working class girls in a first world country, today here in the world we know, it feels so much more down to earth and so real and intense you know? Like yeah royalty in the 19th century did whatever. But how would you react if you found out one of your friends is fucking her own sister? Thats difficult to process dude. Which makes it more thrilling. Stakes are higher and whatnot.
But also... I really like it when we keep in mind the character's ethnic background. Not to be a gringa who thinks society revolves around race, but I'm mixed and the fact that these characters are mixed is pretty important to me. It hurts kinda a lot when we sweep that part under the rug. Ok yeah they whitewash them there's no othe word for it. I don't like it when these characters are whitewashed. And indigenous nations are not interchangeable, no, they're specifically part sámi (Northuldra), so I really really really really love it when writers grant the necessary attention to this fact. Which is why I roll my eyes whenever a Modern AU places them in the US. Like why dude why? Thats soooooo arbitrary. Even before it was confirmed they had sámi heritage they were... still... norwegian... Like, if anyone took one of my sudaca characters, stripped them of everything that makes them sudaca and then forced them into a first world country, I would genuinely cry. I won't tell yanquis they can't set their story in their country, and I would much less tell any non-yanqui non-norwegian they can't write a modern AU set in THEIR country. In fact I love it whenever stories are set in different countries! But... Idk I'd love to see a bit more of Norway.
Mmmmm i also love it when their parents are still around. Maybe because the stakes are much higher if they're not orphans or if they still have a family outside of each other. I love it when there's a good deal of fluff to make up for the angst. And i really love it when Anna falls in love first for some reason? Idk thinking about this baby having a crush on her big sister seems adorable to me. I like this version of Elsa in which she's very soft and sweet. In one of my favorite Elsanna fics ever, there's a point in which she has... kind of a confrontation with Anna. Not really? It's definitely not a fight. And there's a lot of tension. It's told from Anna's POV, and they're camping or something and when Elsa goes to sleep and Anna looks at her, she realizes her sister is cuddling w her cloak and using it as a blanket even though she can't feel the cold and I died of cuteness. This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. My baby is cuddling with her sister's cloak omg i'm dying.
Idk i like angst with a happy ending. I like the most wholesome version of elsanna. I like it when their love is pure and clean and healing and when it helps them rather than making them miserable. Call me a baby but I want happy love stories 😊
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trashballerina · 4 years
Hetalia Fics I Really Like
this  ⭐ will be for fics I really like. I’ll try not to star everything.
I’m starting with my favorite of all time and tbh I think the fandom should see this fic as a OG, like Auf Weiderstein Sweetheart or Gutters, I really do.
Are We Even Humans  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ (Literally all the stars)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5660761/chapters/25048773 (prequel)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7036330/chapters/16007758 (sequel)
The war is over, but putting together everything that fell apart will be a greater challenge than anyone is prepared to handle. Alliances dissolve, and the lines between friends and enemies are blurrier than ever before.
Opinion: Please read it. It is a series with a sequel and a prequel that can be read on its own but it’s so good. Imma go on a quick rant here. This fic is great from the writing, plot, characters, and the nuances of nationhood abilities. I literally rioted during the first chapter because it was so good. One of my absolutely favorite things in the fic and the series as a whole is Prussia. Kingdom of Prussia, German Democratic Republic, Gilbert Beilschmidt. His character progression and seeing him through the series as a whole is astounding. I was literally left shaken at the end of this series and I’ve read it twice. The OC’s are usually the antagonists, but hot damn, they are memorable OC’s who are great (terrible?) villains. And the family dynamics! The family dynamics are enough of a reason to read it by itself and the romances. Omg I love this fic so much. Main takeaways: astounding characterization, amazing plot, will cry, long read, and a reality check on what it means to be a nation.
Would it be too much if I did a separate post on how much I love this series and an in depth analysis? (I feel like such a nerd omg)
Hard Times Passing 
Alfred is homeless during the Great Depression and in his wanderings he's charged with the task of caring for a small orphaned Taiwan. AU-Human names used, Taiwan is a child.
Opinion: So incredibly heart warming. It’s well written and I love the dialogue so much. Also, the little cameos from other characters are an absolute delight. It’s a it short, but so wholesome.
Flowers Don’t Grow on Battlefields  ⭐
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16898919/chapters/39697068 (sequel)
As war tightens its hold on the nations of the world, new alliances are formed. Nobody will escape the war unscathed. Italy only hopes that this time, he will find a way to save those he holds dearest.
Opinion: I realllly like this fic. Maybe I’m a bit bias because I remember reading it from like to third chapter and watching it get updated till the end, but this is really good. Cute gerita, great characterization, good plot, and some lines just really make me melt. And the fluff omg. There’s a sequel that’s linked under too that I may like more than the first. 
Who Knew (One Shot)
“The last time the two of them had any sort of contact was when Gilbert sent the letter to Matthew before the first war started.
That was twenty-six years ago. Twenty-six years Matthew had not seen Gilbert. Twenty-six years of Matthew worrying about if his fiancé was alive or not. Twenty-six years of Matthew thinking about all the horrible things that could be happening to Gilbert. Twenty-six years of Matthew wishing he could just see Gilbert, even if it were just for a second. Twenty-six years of pure hell for Matthew. Twenty-six years of being all alone.”
Matthew Williams, the personification of Canada, never thought that he would fall in love, but he did. He fell in love with Gilbert Beilschmidt, the personification of Prussia, but their romance would have to be cut short with the up coming war that was soon approaching them.
Opinion: My god my heart. Matthew had great characterization. Like amazingly so. 10/10 somber and melodic tones throughout the story. Good tension. And again, my heart. 
An account of the media reactions to the reveal of Nations (anthropomorphic national embodiments) with scholarly commentary.
Heavily inspired by: United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) [fallingvoices, radialarch] with mixed genres.
Opinion: It’s really cool. It’s told through media, like email, twitter, texts, online magazines, subtitles of videos (not actual videos tho). I love the outside view point of the world on nations and how some people really like them and how others absolutely despise their very existence. One of the main things that sticks out the me is the in depth analysis other humans or posters do on the nations and people even interview the nations, chapter eight is like my favorite for that reason, or how some humans just gush about the nations on so media like how half the fandom does lol. It’s really good. Super creative, great insight on how to world sees the nations, and honestly a great read.
Red Winter (One shot and crossover!)
The Winter Soldier's new target: a Russian politician named Ivan Braginsky.
Things don't go as planned.
Opinion: Literally so cool. Like nations are total BS to outsiders, especially assassins. I was loosing it during this fic because from Bucky’s POV nations are something else. The writing is really solid and the author uses italics to highlight an action sound or word and even single-word thoughts. The fight scene is really entertaining but also it flows fantastically. 
In Costa Rica (Oneshot)
“You have this backwards,” McLaughlin said. “Everything. You have it all backwards.” He was a lithe man, looked to be in his mid-thirties. Schnabel leaned back in his chair. Outside, the afternoon rain started, and the frogs momentarily fell silent. “They are dangerous, aren’t they?” Two men discuss the nations and history.
Opinion: No actual nations appear in this fic. It’s just two men talking about the nations and it’s really interesting to see them humor and take seriously the idea of nations. They both discuss what they already know about the nations and theorize. Also hearing an outside perspective and how the nations effect the word around them is golden. I give this fic a big ol’ chef’s kiss. 
Finally, I’ll Just Miss You! (Oneshot)
Countries will be abolished tomorrow. For the first time, they breathe and realize this might be their last breath and they’ll never wake up again. They want to wake up, they want to go to sleep, the land will still be there when they’re gone. But they breathe, it won’t be the same- for once, they feel human.
Opinion: Bro, I swear I’m not crying. This one is short but really bittersweet and my heart really hurts. I like the snippets of insight on the characters. 
Diamond in the Rough  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 
The year is 1952, the last full year of Joseph Stalin's rule over the Soviet Union. After an incident with Latvia, Estonia is determined to find out what Russia did to him. And so unfolds a chain of events that would lead the Baltic States to tears, to forgiveness, to unexpected courage and horrifying discoveries about the mysterious past of Gilbert Beilschmidt. See AN for rating.
Opinion: This just be a legitimate book. I have honestly read this one like three time and every time I read it I am absolutely elated to discover another detail or action I missed. It is a longer read but I think it is absolutely worth it. For one, the characterization is beautiful. Maybe I might be bias because I stan and love the Baltics, but how they are written compared to the many other fics I’ve read on them is phenomenal. While the author does take some creative liberties and deviates from canon a little, like the Baltics actually considering themselves to be brothers, I really enjoy the changes. ALSO, the history and research and on this fic is genuinely impressive. To think fic authors do this shit for fun and pour so much of their passion into a piece of writing. Secondly, while Russia may be an antagonist in this story, I honestly think it is just. His mentality, backstory, and current predicament explain his behavior and make him a justifiable antagonist. I highly recommend this one. 
Adieux (Oneshot)
What happens to nations after they cease to exist? Do they simply disappear or do they get a second chance? It wasn't a subject Francis was particularly keen on finding out about...but at the same time, it wasn't something he could just ignore. One-shot
Opinion: I hate this fic because I love it way too much. I might of cried a little bit and I instantly melt of Francis and Matthew. 
In Our Solemn Hour (incomplete) ⭐
The time was World War II, at the dawn of a global conflict like nothing any of the Nations had ever seen before. Nothing could've prepared them for what lay ahead: a war more total and radical than anything they could ever have imagined. This wasn't just business as usual; it was centuries' worth of pent-up emotions all coming into play at once. This was indeed their darkest hour.
Opinion: Characterization is on point. One part of this fic I remember very well during a fight to the death, Finland mutters a little “Oh dear”. The characters retain some of the qualities that make them silly in Hetalia but because this is another take on it it does get darker. I think Germany’s portrayal is my favorite because he does cruel and unnesscary things and questions it because its not his usal nature. The author notes are super insightful and sometimes funny; it really adds to the rest of the story. I might revisit this post to make a more in depth opinion on it because I don’t remember it all to well when I know I really like this one.
So that was my post lol. I’ll probably make more on other fandoms later tbh or I’ll just make a part two. If you end up reading about any of these posts, please feel free to tell me about them! I love talking about fics and reading in general. Thanks for reading!
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mooifyourecows · 4 years
hi moo! i want to start leaving more comments on fics, and wanted some input. as an author, what encourages/makes u happy from comments? should i comment about how much i loved specific scenes and characterizations? should i keep them more general? or maybe about how they made me feel?? sorry for the dorky questions, but i just want to know how i can cheer on fic writers to the max and show my love for their work!
This is an awesome question! I’m so happy that you are thinking of commenting more!
Now, every writer is different. But I’ll tell you the type of things that I personally love most in the comments I receive 🖤
First of all, SPECIFICS! I can’t even tell you how happy I get when a reader gets specific in their comment. Read a line that you really really like? Write it down! Copy it and paste it into your comment and tell why it stood out to you! Point out specific scenes or little subtle gestures or movements or snippets of dialogue and explain what you liked about it. 
Nothing is too small or too random! Even if it’s just your personal feeling and probably not even the intention of the writer to make you feel/think that way, let them know about it! There have been times when a reader has pointed something out to me and I’m just shocked(in a good way) that they even had that thought when reading my story. Some writers do things completely unconsciously and it takes a reader to point it out to them to realize, “Oh my god, they’re right, I didn’t even know I did that!” And that is soooo fun. Lemme tell ya. I’m a total accidental writer and a lot of the times, readers just assume something that happens was planned but in reality, fate just let the pieces fall perfectly in place for that moment. And if you point it out like, “I love how [thing from chapter] is just like how [connection to past thing or whatev]” I will most likely have a lightbulb flash above my head because omg you’re right, I should DO something with that....
Next, EMOTIONS. Bro I cannot stress this enough. Writers strive to make their readers FEEL things. I want to know if you cried, or laughed, or got angry. I want to know so bad. And get specific again! Tell me what specific scene or line made you start crying or laughing. Tell me what made you mad and why. I swear it’s like answering word problems on homework. Defend your answer pls I need to know. Did you empathize with this character when this happened? Did this one line make chills shoot down your spine? When I’m writing, I feel things like crazy. I swear I’m my biggest fan because this bitch always making me laugh and cry and all that shit. And it’s so validating for readers to be like, “OH MY GOD THAT LINE MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD I WOKE UP MY DOG” or “NOOOO I STARTED CRYING WHEN [blank] HAPPENED!” Seriously, vomit all them emotions out in the comments, we live for that.
Length! Please don’t ever think you’re bothering writers when you write huge, rambly comments. When I open an email and am hit with a whole wall of text, I get GIDDY. Seriously it’s such a great feeling. I’ve never met a writer who disliked long comments. I’m not sure such a thing exists. There have been times when I’ve had to write two comments because I reached the character limit on the first one and I’ve yet to have the authorities called on me so yeah, trust me, it’s okay to make em long, I promise.
I really love when the comments I get are super thoughtful and analytical. Things about the deeper stuff that most people might not point out. Things about character motivations or what This Thing might mean on a larger scale or how This Other Thing could affect That Thing and etc. etc. It’s really nice to see people’s perspectives about stuff beneath the surface so if you have any thoughts like that, share them! But don’t feel bad if you can’t think of anything. Not every reader is a fic analysis master and you definitely don’t have to be coherent for your comment to have value. But if you ever had some thoughts in that grain but decided not to say it out of fear or worry that the writer wouldn’t want to hear it, try to say it next time!
Don’t... DO NOT tell writers what to do. Bro it doesn’t happen to me often but when I get a comment saying, “you need to make this happen next” in a demanding way... I get real fuckin annoyed and stubborn. I’m not talkin those light hearted comments that are like, “OmG! you need to have [blank] happen next that would be so funny!” I mean the ones that are real high and mighty, by readers who think they have the right to make demands of the writer. The comments that are judgmental because something happened that the reader personally doesn’t like and they think telling the writer to “fix it” will actually do anything. In the past, on Open Tab specifically I believe, I’ve had readers respond to some of the angst with demands for me to make this or that character fix themselves “or else” and it’s just... ugh. It’s so tiring. Readers do not have any say on what happens in a story. If you don’t like how a fic is going, please just stop reading! If you want to finish reading it anyway, then keep your negative views to yourself! Writers have no obligation to write a story that YOU want to read. Fanfic writers are writing the story they want to read. Don’t like? Don’t read.
When it comes to fanfic, try not to put any sort of criticism in your comments unless the writer specifically asks for that sort of thing in their notes. Most writers are just writing for the fun of it and don’t even have beta readers or any prior professional experience in writing. And to put their story out there for people to read for free and then get a comment like, “try not to do this,” or “it would be better if this” or “you have so many mistakes” etc... it’s going to discourage them. 
I don’t usually get criticism in my comments, which I’m grateful for, but every once in a while, a reader decides to criticize something I’ve written and it’s definitely a downer. Always be kind to writers! We’re so fragile, lemme tell ya. And our stories are passion projects! Most fanfic writers are just average folk with jobs or who are going to school and writing is a hobby that they do in their spare time. Be grateful that they’re blessing the world with their effort and passion!
That being said, there are some writers who encourage constructive criticism from readers. Here’s how to do that:
Be nice. Personally, I like to make sure I’m giving at least triple the amount of compliments per criticism. Start off telling them all the things they’ve done right! We want to encourage them to continue writing, so be kind and understanding and let them know that they’re doing a great job, then slip in some advice here and there. An example of a good constructive criticism:
“Thank you so much for sharing this! I just love [insert specific line or scene from story]. The characters feel so real and genuine and the dialogue was witty and funny! The way [insert specific line or scene from story] made me laugh so much! There was a time in the middle when the POV suddenly changed and that was a little confusing. If that scene was completely in [character]’s POV, then I think it would flow much better! Overall I really loved reading this and hope to see more from you soon. Thank you again for sharing and keep up the good work!”
You get the idea. Butter writers up with lots of positives so that when the constructive criticism comes, it’s easier for them to see it as helpful advice and not a mean negative comment. This helps nurture writers’ passion for writing rather than destroy their self esteem.
Now this is a personal preference that other writer’s might not agree on, but I love when readers act really familiar with me. You have my total permission to comment on my fics as if we’re best friends. Don’t force yourself to be super formal and articulate! Slide into the comment section like, “LISTEN BITCH” and I will 100% be like, “Yes bitch tell me off”. (This advice is specific to me so don’t think this is permission to go into every writer’s comment section and call them a bitch okay, some might take offense to that ya know they’re not your bestie like i am) Do not be scared to key smash or have a billion spelling and grammatical errors bitch this ain’t school and i ain’t grading your essay, be incoherent Babe it’s all good. And don’t apologize for english not being your first language! Yo! that’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of! English is my native language and I still fuck it up on the regular, okay no apologies necessary! 
Oh yeah and like... smut? So this is a grey area because I really don’t know other writers’ opinions on this but like be kinda chill when it comes to commenting on smut. By all means, comment! But like don’t get weird with it. Ya know. Don’t get explicit. Be respectful. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten any weird comments on any sexy scenes I’ve written but I’m sure some writers have. So yeah. Like... keep your comments PG-13 on smut. 
NOW. With ALL THAT being said... don’t pressure yourself! Sometimes you just... can’t think of a lot to say. That’s alright! Don’t let it discourage you from leaving a comment anyway! Getting short “I love this! Thank you!” comments is still better than getting no comments at all! Yes, getting long, thoughtful comments is the ideal for writers but we’re really grateful for any bread crumbs you throw our way, seriously. We’re starving, babes, feed us whatever you got in your pockets okay.
So... I hope this is helpful! I said a lot. lol I’m too scared to reread it. So I won’t. I’ll just assume it’s totally coherent and perfect and everyone will agree that I’m right.
Thank you for the ask! I’m so happy to see that you are seeking better ways to support your content creators 🖤 They deserve all the love in the world! Now go! Make someone very happy!
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owlsinathens · 4 years
Got, greysnow and jon snow (very basic and expected lol)
Hi nonnie, thank you very much for the ask! I did already answer Greysnow and Jon in previous asks, but I did save answering GoT for yours 😊
001 - Send me a fandom and I will tell you:
• favourite character
THEON GREYJOY (surprise surprise)
• least favourite character
Petyr Baelish. From the start his sleazy, creepy behaviour made me loathe him with the power of a thousand deathrays. I swear my soul trembled in ecstasy when he finally met his demise.
• 5 favourite ships (canon or non-canon)
canon: Jon/Ygritte, Jaime/Brienne, Sam/Gilly, Arya/Gendry, Jon/Tormund (YES IT IS CANON 😛)
non-canon: Theon/Jon, Jon/Robb, Theon/Robb, Theon/Jon/Robb... is there a pattern? 🤔 Yara/Daenerys!
• character I find most attractive
Kit Jon. Which is curious bc I'm normally into really tall, really thick dudes (Jason Momoa is pretty much perfection), but oh dear Kit's Jon's face is just. ugh. And the way he moves. And his voice. And his buttocks ok I'll stop 🙈
• character I would marry
Robb. Apart from the whole red wedding business he's definitely the most eligible man in Westeros :)
• character I would be best friends with
I'd love to be Yara's best friend. Hang out with her and hope some of her badassery bleeds down onto not very badass me lol
• a random thought
I am still laughing about myself, watching the first few episodes (after refusing to have anything to do with the series for the first six years it was out) and thinking to myself, goddammit that one dude really looks an awful lot like Boromir. It honestly took me three episodes until I had the lightbulb moment - omg it IS Boromir 😱😂
• an unpopular opinion
I will always love Game of Thrones. It'll always be this Big Fandom Thing in my life, despite later seasons, despite the many screw-ups, despite everything.
• my canon OTP
Jon and Ygritte, no competition. Jon with her was so different, so playful and happy and relaxed and NORMAL oh gods that still hurts
• my non-canon OTP
Greysnow. Snowjoy. JonxTheon. Did I already mention TheonxJon?
• most badass character
I'll go with the Arya&Hound duo infernale – each in their own way. Arya - well I don't really think I have to explain why Arya is badass. And the Hound, ah, the Hound... I do think everything about his story arc is badass, but the most badass thing he did was probably NOT hitting Sansa when Joffrey said he should (I don't even remember, was that in the show too? Or just the books?)
• most epic villain
Ah, well. Hm. Epic. In the end maybe I'll have to say Bran lol puppet master... no idk. There were many villains but epic... I'll go with D&D 😏
• pairing i'm not a fan of
Jonerys. For me personally I could never see a spark between them, idk. It felt forced and yeah we all expected it blablabla *sigh* tedious
• character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another)
let me phrase it like this: who didn't they screw up and over in one way or another? But for the sake of answering the question I'll tell you which screw-up hurt me the most... Euron. He's the epic villain GoT is missing, in the books he is the worst/best of all of them. He is glorious, an absolute madman, and I'm falia-flowering madly everytime I see fanart of him. Don't get me wrong, I really love Pilou Asbæk, but show Euron didn't have any more in common with book Euron than the name. A cartoonish, flat, ridiculous scarecrow *sigh*
• favourite friendship
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe Dany and Missandei. They are just. They trust each other so much and I do think, despite their master/servant positions it never really feels like it? It just feels as if they're two parts of the same organism - Dany just happens to be the more visible part.
• character I most identify with
Ugh. Oh well. Brienne, I fear. Like, I've been conventionally unattractive my whole life (not tall but fat) and I do know the ridicule and the pranks and the bets and all of that. And I do understand the tendency to swear my sword and life and undying loyalty to whoever utters a kind word in my direction. Where's my Lannister hunk, I have to ask 🤨
• character I wish I could be
huh. Podrick, I think. And no, NOT because of the whores, he just always seems so merry and hopeful and positive and he comes out of it alive and well, so yeah, let me be Pod 😁
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