#omg julius
theautisticfroglord · 2 years
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courtesanofdeath · 1 year
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yami with his 42-year-old baby
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raykunaraccoon · 5 months
Tw!! Bl00d n silly monster rahh
Was on Aggie.io with some friends!!! ^^
Here r some stuff i drew lol
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Random batch
Some of the toons u see r again from my aus and I'm not explaining them bc i haven't thought of a good story for them @_@
But i like rhem so
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2nd2ndalto · 6 months
here is a smol ides of march au
Leo taps Nico’s leg with the flat of his gladius. “Look sharp, di Angelo, the big boss is coming through,” he mutters. 
Nico shifts from where he’d been slumped against the wall of the Forum, pulling himself to his full (yes, really) height and tipping up his chin. It’s his least favorite time of day to be on guard; the midday sun is beating down on the stone walls and the gravel at his feet, and the damn helmet isn’t helping matters. He couldn’t find his own this morning, so he’s wearing Reyna’s, and it keeps sliding down his sweaty forehead.
Nico half-listens to the conversation as Caesar and his companions draw nearer.
“Forget not, in your speed, Antonius, to touch Calpurnia; for our elders say the barren, touched in this holy chase, shake off this sterile curse,” Caesar says, characteristically self-important. 
Leo quirks an eyebrow at Nico, and Nico tries not to laugh. 
Then, “Caesar!” someone calls. The voice is creaky, ethereal. Nico shivers. 
The general stops short, his entire entourage grinding to a halt around him. One of them knocks into Leo, then grabs Nico’s shoulder to steady himself. Nico grits his teeth. 
“Who is it in the press that calls on me?” Caesar asks, imperious. “I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music cry, ‘Caesar!’ Speak; Caesar is turned to hear.”
Nico lets out a long breath. Why use two words when two dozen will suffice? The longer this exchange takes, the longer he has to stand here, pin-straight in this stupid fucking sweaty tunic. 
“Beware the Ides of March,” croons that same spooky-sounding voice, and a tall figure draws forward. It must be a man, Nico supposes, if only from the height. The figure is robed in sky blue, head covered, his back to Leo and Nico. 
Nico’s mind wanders to the gnawing hunger in his stomach, the blisters on his sandaled feet. The heat on his armor is starting to make him feel as if he’s being slowly baked. A Nico panini, perhaps. 
“He is a dreamer!” Caesar announces suddenly, jolting Nico from his discomfort. “Let us leave him.”
Nico lets out a breath as the group in front of him begins to move once more. 
The man in blue - the soothsayer, Nico supposes, lingers. Once Caesar and the others are out of sight, he turns with a shrug. 
“They never listen.”
And his voice isn’t spooky, or ethereal. It’s light, easy. Nico blinks, surprised, taking in sparkling blue eyes, crinkled at the corners, a rueful half-smile. A spill of freckles, several blond curls peeking out around the edges of his hood. The young man appears to be right around Nico’s age. 
And he’s hot.   
Next to Nico, Leo seems to be undergoing a similar journey of revelation. He steps forward, holding out a hand and offering a toothy grin. 
“Leo Valdez. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Soothsayer, sir.” 
Nico rolls his eyes. 
The man in blue quirks a smile and takes the proffered hand. “Will Solace.” He steps back. 
“Fucking hot out here, isn’t it?” Will Solace says. He shoves down his hood, revealing a head of tousled blond curls, shining like gold in the sunlight, the blue in his robes reflected in his eyes. Nico feels a bit like he’s been punched in the face. In a really good way. 
“Sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Will says, fixing his grin on Nico. 
“Nico. di Angelo,” Nico manages, extending a sweaty hand. Blue eyes catch on his and linger, curious.
“You sounded… different. Before,” Nico says.
Will’s grin goes wider, a bit sly. “I’ve been trying something new.”
“So it’s all an act, then?” Nico asks, curious, because… 
“Oh no,” Will shrugs. “He really does need to beware the Ides of March. I just find folks are more receptive to prophecy if I get a bit spooky with it. You know. Really lean into the drama of it all.” Will wiggles his fingers. 
Nico nods. “Caesar does have an… aura of death. A thick possibility of it.”
“Nico,” Leo complains. But Will quirks an eyebrow, regarding Nico with more interest, a quick once-over and a half-step closer. 
“You know, I might have a prophecy for you,” he tells Nico. 
Will touches two fingers to his temple, closes his eyes, a flutter of dark blond eyelashes against freckled cheeks. “Yes. I see you, having dinner with me. Tonight.” Will’s voice has gone spooky again, but it’s edged with something warmer now.  
“Good grief,” Leo mutters. 
Nico nods. “Interesting. Do you see yourself picking me up at eight, maybe?”
“You know, I do,” Will grins “You’re good at this.”
“Maybe after dinner I can show you what else I’m good at,” Nico counters. 
Will waggles his eyebrows. “I foresee that I would enjoy that.”
They exchange details, and Will replaces his hood as he leaves, winking at Nico before turning to stroll away. 
“That was disgusting,” Leo says flatly.  
“Hey,” Nico shrugs, grinning, wondering if he can convince Jason to take his shift tomorrow morning. “There's no use fighting the power of prophecy.”
Many thanks to @anything-thats-rock-and-roll for the quick beta & for enabling this ridiculousness
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saltytwi · 5 months
yeah villain julius is cool and all but i wanna show you my vision: julius who just wants to be a better oldest brother. a julius who just managed to reunite with his younger brothers + sister (felicity inclusion!! i love her sm i dont wanna exclude her) after decades and now he tries to be there for them throughout their lives. he doesnt want fame and other stuff, he just wants to vibe w his younger sibs
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filosofieke · 4 months
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koilccc · 1 year
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screenshot re:draw ^^ (click for better quality >.>')
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rockhousejai · 9 months
The nutcracker prince 🥜❄️
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cryoverlife · 3 days
So I made a brief post talking about Ruby and Julius Kane being bad parents and uh... here's the essay.
(quick side rant, omg this post is going to be long)
honestly I really should make a series about it, because after really thinking about it, the Kane Siblings have a severe lack of any good parental care in their life. This isn't exactly abnormal in the Riordanverse, but compared to the other series, which have minimal adult characters (that aren’t dead or immortal), the Kane Chronicles have many adult characters and many of the important ones were there to take care of Sadie and Carter.
Yeah that didn't work out.
I mean there's a lot of facets to the Kane siblings relationships with parental figures. From the... interesting and like definitely racist environment Sadie had to deal with while living with her grandparents to Carter's mental state and identity(?) while living with his dad. there is so much I could over analysis, and I'm not a fan of these books to sit around and reread all day so uh, I'm gonna over analysis all of it.
Eventually, but this post will be long even talking about the more aspect I want to talk about with out dragging the rest of the things I find interesting into it soooo.
When first reading the Kane Chronicles, Ruby and Julius actually seem like good parents. they certainly made mistakes but they do love their kids. and even now, I don't doubt they love their kids. It's just an incredibly interesting scenario where the parents, no matter how much they love their kids, are capable of putting the well being of the world first.
And that's the crux of the issue. Ruby and Julius are capable of being excellent parents, but in the situation they were in, they decide it was either the world or Carter and Sadie and they didn't hesitate to choose Carter and Sadie.
In fact, I'm pretty sure Bast said something very similar to this.
Anyway, I'm gonna start with Ruby and Julius's deaths. Personally, I think saying they abandoned Carter and Sadie isn't actually wrong here. I'm definitely not saying someone dying is abandoning the people they love, but it's the way Julius and Ruby both die and how both situations are almost planned.
Now there's not a lot of cannon conformation about Ruby's death, but I, personally, inferenced that Ruby and Julius predicted that it was a very likely scenario that freeing Bast would mean Ruby's death. Or at the very least they definitely knew the dangers of it.
Unlike Julius, Ruby didn't choose to die, but she did put herself in a situation where it was likely. Did she do it with the best intentions? sure. But I find the whole "we had no other choice" thing dumb. Diviner doesn't seem like an incredibly reliable source of information, and unlike the greek pantheon I'm not aware of any being in Egyptian Mythology that specifically controls fate (feel free to prove me wrong here). The idea that they couldn't have done anything else, is kind of absurd.
I mean they convinced Iskander that banning gods was wrong so like? maybe they should have leaned more into that angle.
Also like, they freed Bast, which good for Bast, but doing that sped up the process that allowed Apophis to get free. Ruby had a couple of visions and the two of them spent the rest of they're lives deciding to not just prevent the apocalypse, but to put that burden on their children's shoulders.
Personally, I think Ruby's death was while unfortunate not a surprise to either of them, considering she didn't really seem to try to survive, denying both Isis's and Bast's help. Maybe she wouldn't have been able to handle the power, but like, she could have tried.
Now the bigger Issue I have is Julius's death, cause Ruby's is mostly speculation on my part, I could be wrong, but uh, Julius planned his death. He brought to kids into what was going to be an incredibly dangerous situation. And yes, he did ask them to stay out of the room, but the idea that he used them to help him accomplish this which would leave them without their one living parent while also implicating them of any potential crimes the mortals might decide had happened (which is canon) is horrible.
Arguably, We have no idea weather or not Julius planned on releasing Set, and having Carter and Sadie host Horus and Isis (though those amulet are suspicious). Personally I believe that he had some idea what was going to happen, he's not stupid, but similarly to Ruby's death he decide to take that chance anyway.
Was it for the good of the world? sure. Was it for the good of Sadie and Carter? no, absolutely not.
Even if the situation hadn't thrown Sadie and Carter head first into a deadly quest it would've have severely traumatized them. They could feel guilt for helping their dad commit a crime (especially if they had no idea what was going on) or get himself killed. It doesn't help that Sadie already had abandonment issues due to him.
But more importantly, (not to say his relationship with Sadie isn't important, but his death has a far larger impact on Carter), he left Carter with no one. Besides for maybe Amos, but not only are the two of them estranged but I can't really think that Julius would've thought Amos would take Carter in. And honestly living with the Uncle you barely remember isn't much better than living with stranger, there no one for Carter to go to.
Julius was Carter's single guardian and his only form of stability and familiarity for six years. Do I think he was a good support system of Carter during those six year? not really, but the fact that Julius was willing to throw Carter to the wolves (the government and the foster system) isn't a good sign.
so yeah, the fact that both Julius and Ruby basically went willingly and knowingly to their deaths is kind of abandoning their kids.
I wish I could say (that's a bad way to phrase this) that Julius had planned the quest to defeat Set but I kinda think that would be speculating a bit to much.
Luckily, it's basically canon that they expected Sadie and Carter to save the world so anything I might say about that isn't at all a stretch.
My biggest problem with them though is that neither of them even mentioned the idea of being magicians to Carter or Sadie. And it;'s not because they're to young, because many magicians learn what they are at a very young age.
It could've been to protect them from The House of Life, but considering how violent and uncontrolled they're magic can get with zero knowledge of it it's seems weird that they wouldn't try to teach them how to control it.
(also It was denying Carter and Sadie a large amount of knowledge about their family and even culture to some extent)
Both of the parents fully understood that Sadie and Carter would have to save the world, and yet despite that both of them died without even hinting at Sadie and Carter's abilities.
And there's a big difference between this and what many of the better parents in the Riordanverse did by trying to avoid telling their kids about their heritage. People like Sally and Natalie Chase did it with the intention of trying to protect their kids as long as possible. Sure, it didn't help but they either weren't given a chance to fully explain when the kids were old enough or tried to but it came a bit late (for reasons they couldn't control), Ruby and Julius fully understood that Carter and Sadie would be put in a lot of danger and didn't even inform them of that the gods existed.
Yeah technically most of the Riordanverse parents did that, but there is a big difference in the lives of demigods vs magicians. Telling a demigod about the greek god would also mean having to explain the fact that they being hunted down by monster, which is not something you should tell your seven year old, especially if the real danger is going to come a bit later. Magicians don't actually have a lot of danger associated with them, Carter and Sadie are sort of an exception to that. Like sure, don't tell them about the saving the world part until they're older (Not that Julius even tried) but like tell them about the magic part, my goodness.
Sadie and Carter learned all of this on a really dangerous quest, while trying to save their dad who had planned his death, and in the end they were forced to make a decision between their dad and the world. A decision they didn't really get to make because of the situation and Julius's plan had already made it for them.
Sadie and Carter were shoved into a dangerous world with arguably less help than any other Riordanverse character (excluding the MC series, cause they all died to find out about Norse gods). Like at least the demigods had a camp to go to, Carter and Sadie had a world wide society on their heels, a possessed uncle, a clay person having an identity crisis (which wasn't even over the fact she wasn't real) and a single cat goddess who was forced to ditch like half-way through the book.
Julius legit went "Hey sorry I planned on dying, why don't you almost die to try and save me even though it's useless and than find out me and your mother planned out the worst way to give you the burden of saving the world along with a bunch of responsibilities you don't want *cough* Carter wanting nothing to do with being in charge *cough*.”
I could complain that they also encouraged and helped Sadie and Carter do dangerous stuff (give them a dangerous criminal while knowing he would escape) but unfortunately that’s a common thing parents in fantasy books do.
Like, if they’re kid is already in a dangerous situation and they can’t get them out of it or the kid has to much of a guilt/ hero complex, then better they try to help their kid as much as possible to try to protect them, then forbid them from doing anything which will lead to the kid trying to do everything themselves and getting into more danger.
course the reason Carter and Sadie are in so much danger is because of their parents.
actually Ruby and Julius have a lot of similarities with the gods when it comes to parenting. Cause problems, help your kid a minimal amount after forcing them to fix the problems you caused for you.
Are Julius and Ruby bad people? No. In the end they’re doing what they think is best for the world, which no one can really blame them for that.
they simply faced the love one vs world challenge and had to choose the world.
The thing is being a bad or good person doesn’t usually have anything to do with being by a good or bad parent.
a bad person is capable of being a good parent and a good person is capable of being a bad one.
Trying to save the world does make Ruby and Julius good people, but at the expense of their kids mental, emotional, and physical health. And no matter what the reason, anyone who willingly chooses to put their kids in that type of situation, isn’t a good parent.
anyway, that was really long, so any of you that actually read that entire thing, thx for reading my over analysis.
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nahualnextdoor · 6 months
Happy Deathday Caesar!!
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theautisticfroglord · 2 years
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I made a comic because I can't stop thinking about this scene
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nulltune · 10 months
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insanity (lynnsanity) is me going "my gawsh.... MARRY HAKUNO ALREADY?!??" to literally so many ppl from fate/extra canon bc their relationships n dynamics with hakuno is just TOO GOOODDD,,, but also me going "my gawsh... WHEN CAN I MARRY HAKUNO ALREADY?!?!?" because i facking love this moon binch sm i love hakuno kishinami...!!!!!!!!!!! 🐺🐺😫😫😭🥹🥹🫶❤️💘💓💗❣️💝❤️💝💞
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rockabully · 2 years
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this joke has definitely been made already.
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siren-nn · 2 years
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i-am-iron-man-3000 · 6 months
Happy Ides everyone
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salsflore · 8 months
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