#omg they're gay
jjsinger · 1 month
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Has anyone done this yet?
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Okay, Bowuigi fans, you got me.
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[New fic dropped (it's the lesbians)]
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superpyscholove12 · 1 year
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swordsofsaturn · 13 days
early seasons spn homophobia is actually so crazy because they literally do not look gay. hamfisted gay jokes when the characters look straight as hell. "you look the type" they literally don't. is the thing
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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diversity win your spam emails are queer
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 224
Now Booster Gold would like it known he is Not father material, or even responsible adult material. That is Ted, and even then they seem to share a single braincell when they're in each others presence.
But again, NOT anything close to father material. Which he repeats to both himself and the eldritch Time Entity who just handed him what he Knows to be pretty much an unborn child of its species. look, he Knows about Realms Beings- Espranto was literally his first language like many others of his timeline- so he knows the inherent dangers.
But Somehow him becoming a time-cop of sorts has endeared him towards this primordial one, thankfully. Less thankfully, it has given him a whole-ass CHILD. A BABY. HIM. Of all people!
Ted he needs help, he doesn't know if this counts as mpreg or something and he's freaking out man!
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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Thinking about the sniper duo
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arachnitech · 1 year
a milesganke fic but the whole school thinks they're dating and they're just trying very hard to deny The Homosexual Accusations ™ but no one buys it because how you want them to believe they're just roommates when Miles is LITERALLY hugging Ganke from behind with his hands in his tummy and his head in Ganke's neck.
Ganke:Dude I already tell you like a thousand times, Miles and I are NOT dating
Classmate:He's literary hugging you like a koala????
Ganke:Yeah but he would do this with anyone else!
(Miles wouldn't, in fact, do this with anyone else)
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kurometsuki · 4 months
Don't blame me y'all
I was bored and had paint open. This came to my mind, idk.
Might delete it later
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
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this luo binghe only listens to tortured classical music
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girlygo2 · 3 months
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Did you know I could draw characters kissing? Me neither!
Happy funny day! I didn't draw this specifically for today but my joke is that I post "nsfw" or something I don't typically draw.
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dandylorian · 2 years
i do not know where i saw the take that acofaf character choices were 2/3 poignant parallels for queer experience and 1/3 hot mess bird drama as a treat -- but i didn’t need confirmation from chirp that she was in love with a woman (not forgetting squak and theodore in EP TWO) to know that the lords of the wing have had equally queer stories from the start. they are trying to please a disapproving patriarch. they are searching for marital matches that will not benefit them individually. they are notorious for being messy, promiscuous and shit-stirring. they are to jumping through hoops to stay true to themselves behind closed doors. they are hiding big secrets. up to now they were even keeping things from each other. and they are balancing all that with tireless maneuvering that results in a mature, hospitable reputation. idk that sounds outrageously -- and loudly -- queer to me.
anyway there are layers and layers upon closets in the vastness of the queer experience. not all those stories are about coming out.
sometimes they’re about arriving fashionably late on an ostrich-chariot pulled by doves.
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coconut530 · 3 months
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ele-sme · 9 months
Neteyam isn't proud of what he just did...
nope, not one bit, not the slightest, he should be ashamed of what he just did.
for context, he was minding his business, on a branch of home tree, fixing his knife making it sharper.
but he was disturbed by someone, a human girl not much younger than him.
she called for him, a little annoyed he abandoned his branch to met the girl.
her short brown hair was messy, inclined that she might have woke up not long ago, even if now was mid afternoon so it was a little strange someone would wake up now.
"Neteyam" she greeted formally and he greeted her too out of politeness.
"i would like to ask you something" she said and her face got to an red shape, some giggles came behind her and Neteyam noticed the girls -a mix between na'vi and humans girls- giggling behind this messy short brown hair girl, that he even forgot the name.
"what is it?" he asked
if she was gonna declare her love for him, he might be rude this time, in a week eight different girls asked to start courting or be their boyfriend.
he was obviously polite with all of them, explaining how he wasn't interested in any girl for the moment being.
but if this one too was gonna confess, he might as well yell that he liked mens.
the girl got redder in the face "i wo- would like to ask Miles out, do you know where he would like to go for a date?" she uttered out.
Miles? who was Mil- oh.
he could feel his body tense out of protectioness, his fangs coming out to be more intimidating for the girl, who rightfully took a step back seeing she provocate such a state in him.
"Spider" he corrected "and I'm so sorry to say it, but he doesn't like dates" he snarled, making the girl back off again.
one of her friends came close taking her gently away with by wrist, hissing slightly at Neteyam.
who responded back louder, before turning around to get back on his branch.
Neteyam seethed with anger as he watched the girl and her friends retreat. His heart raced with a tumultuous mix of emotions—anger, jealousy, and protectiveness. How dare she try to ask out Spider, his secret boyfriend, using his dead name?
He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the handle of his knife. His fangs remained exposed, a clear warning to anyone who dared to disturb him.
As he returned to sharpening his knife, the rage inside him began to simmer, but the jealousy still burned brightly.
Neteyam took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
i can't act like this, this is practically saying it to everybody, practically yelling it, and I'm in the main area too..
dad will be so angry with me as soon as he finds out what i did
The teen knew he had reacted strongly, perhaps too strongly.
His protective instincts had kicked in, and he had lashed out at the girl.
But he couldn't help it. The thought of someone trying to encroach on what was his, even if it was a secret relationship, was infuriating.
looking up from his knife and he noticed how the sun was starting to come down, it was the time.
every day, before returning to hell gates, Spider and Neteyam would meet, and spend an hour or so together.
Neteyam climbed down from the branch and started making his way through the lush, vibrant forest of Pandora, in search of Spider.
His heart still beat within jealousy and anger.
calming down a little only when he saw Spider, waiting for him meanwhile he was doing a flower crown.
smiling warmly when he saw Neteyam's figure.
the na'vi set next to his partner, and with not so much effort positioned him on his lap.
a small gesture that both boys liked.
Spider leaned in and lay on Neteyam's chest, continuing working with his colorful crown.
they were in a calm atmosphere, just them, the flowers and the sun going down.
their place, under a tree, their safe place.
some atrokirina was flying around, coming closer from time to time, but never touching one of the boys.
Neteyam feels ashamed not because of what he told the girls, but because he disturbed that calming atmosphere he and Spider had.
only because he could not let this feeling alone in his chest and heart, he could feel them becoming poison if he wouldn't act fast to stop them right away.
"you won't believe what happen today" he said angry
"what?" asked Spider frowning a little at Neteyam's tone, putting his uncompleted flower crown on the ground next to Neteyam's lap.
Neteyam mentally apologise for ruining the quite and lovely atmosphere.
"the girl you always with lately, the one with short brown hair-"
"Yes her, she and her friends disturbed me meanwhile i was sharpening the knife, and she asked me the vilest thing ever" There was a palpable sense of fury and vexation in his voice.
Spider was now sitting up, looking Neteyam in his eyes, concerned about what his lover might had encountered before they met.
"she asked me if you would like to go on a date with you" he said "and the worst part is that she said Miles and not Spider," Neteyam said indignated.
again, Neteyam apologies mentally when he saw Spider's face becoming of sadder expersion.
"She called me Miles?" he asked with a tiny voice, that Neteyam had never in twelve years of knowing him heard he use.
and he never wants to hear it again, Spider looking fragile? that really hit him then.
Neteyam brought the boy closer again, making him lay on his chest, and giving him a kiss on the head.
"I'm sorry" he apologies "if it makes you feel better i told her off immediately, she's probably crying right now"
"But i don't want her to cry," Spider said again with the tiny voice, that was killing Neteyam from the inside.
they stayed in that position for a bit, silent again but not nice like before.
"i don't want you to hang out with her anymore," Neteyam said "i do not want to be like those guys Norm makes us see in the magic human box-"
"TV" Spider corrected
"Same thing, the point is that i would prefer if you do not hang out with her anymore, please" he asked and Spider gave a slow nod.
"The way she called you, and without counting that she wants to go out with you"
"Oh," Spider said a little mockingly " Is Neteyam jealous? The mighty warrior Neteyam? The golden son Neteyam? The perfect Neteyam is jealous that a girl wants to ask out to his friend aka secret lover?" he asked with a chuckle, returning to a joyful spirit.
"...Lover is a bit to much-"
Spider pushed him on the ground and the boys started to play wrestling on the soft grass.
they stopped only when even the atrokirina annoyed at them placed themself on the boys's bodys.
"Is late" Spider noticed "do you think i deserve a kiss of goodnight?"
Neteyam nodded without hesitation, and as quickly as light he removed Spider's mask.
giving the human boy a soft kiss on the lips, before putting the mask right back on.
"i would like more" Spider said clicking his tongue.
"and i would like for you to not pass out," Neteyam said clicking his tongue too, but only to slightly annoy Spider.
they said goodbye not long after, getting both scolded because it was now fully dark when they returned to their respective household.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
its crazy to me how people sometimes see kusuo and kusuo transformed as kuriko/kusuko as like.. different people but not ??
im not sure how to phrase it but like.. i once saw fanart of kuriko being shipped with one of the boys and then she transforms back into kusuo and the guy lets go of her and is like "ew.." LIKE BRO WHAT😭
what do u mean u ship kusuo as a girl with someone but not kusuo as a boy.. are YOU being homophobic or do you think the character is homophobic?? either way, what ???
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