#omg we have backgrounds now <- can’t draw backgrounds but I tried
not-that-debonair · 5 months
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their dynamic is everything
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papil0nglegs · 4 months
Pics/gifs that remind me of them
(Fnf x reader)
Warnings: zaza, I hate this word but tsundere, insults but you guys are big girls/boys/things you can handle it
A/n: I’m gonna post shorter hcs for a bit cuz I’m working on this one req that has a lot of stuff, anyways ik this is cringey wattpad shit but who cares. Enjoy <33
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This is before you two were dating btw
All he wanted to do was doodle a bit 😔
“Oo whatcha got in there?”
“None of your goddamn business..”
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“Why are you hiding these they’re so c..”
This man was practically glowing mauve
It’s okay, you were blushing too
“…I won’t tell anyone if you let me keep it.”
“I fucking hate you.”
“Really? Cuz this says otherwise”
No but actually, you stared at them almost everyday
It got to the point where you memorized them page by page
After you guys started dating, it became an inside joke that he was always embarrassed of
“Draw me like your French girls Darnell..”
“Oh my fucking-just-don’t remind me”
Once you tried drawing him and it def wasn’t up to his level of mastery, but he still loved it
He cut it out and hung it up on his wall next to his bed
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You guys swap every now and then but she likes it more when you do it
“Y/n do me first plsplspls”
“Okay okay just as long as you take out your knives, I don’t want them to cut me again”
“That was one time 🙄”
“No nene, it was two times.”
Sometimes you’ll choose themes, like ocean or just a general color
You guys would get into funny arguments about the shades
“Nene this not purple that’s pink”
“It’s a mix of both!”
“The theme was purple so just do purple! It shouldn’t be a mix of anything 😒”
No wonder she always loses in dress to impress..
She would sometimes awkwardly zone out just staring at your eyes
(And if you have brown eyes and your eye does that one thing during golden hour, she’s immediately gone)
“The makeup.”
“Oh fuck, sorry”
You guys love face masks too
When she gets back from Ulta or Sephora she always brings something back for you
“Y/n guess what I got you!!”
“Lemme guess, another face mask”
“No! Sol de Janeiro scent 40!!”
“ gasp MARRY ME”
“OKAYY ^^”
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(Big ass picture omg)
Guys, the makeout sessions.
Pico is an okay kisser when sober, but for some reason his tongue just gets ✨✨ when puffing that za
He loves going to his house, playing “doin’ time” by sublime in the background while making out with you on his bed
You guys have been doing it since your teen years
“Mom I need to go to my friends house to study”
“Okay hun just be back before 8:30”
Best studying session of your life
Sometimes you guys don’t even kiss, just 🍃 + cartoons
Or random convos, like really random convos
He’s not a fan tho
“You think the wind is ever trying to tell us something we don’t understand yet?”
“…I want you to stop saying odd shit.”
One time, he grabbed your belt to pull you closer and did his tango with the tongue
The butterflies you felt when he did that.
“Jesus fuck Pico..”
“What? Did you not like it? I’m sorry I just-“
“Do it again or I’ll kill you”
You guys were such horny teens
And it hasn’t settled down ever since
But since consent is sexy, you two never BOOMBAYAH’D while 🍃
“P-Pico I bet can kiss every freckle on that beautiful fffucking face of yours”
“You wanna bet? Giggle I’ll put 20$ on this table right now”
“Hell yeah, bring it on Ed Sheeran head ass”
Eventually your lips got tired
“Pico my lips are so tired now”
“Nuh uh, keep going”
“Hey you can’t tell me what to do, respect women!”
“Idc I’m sexiest now”
“I think it’s sexist”
“No, it’s sextile”
I don’t think he was with us at that moment
Bitch was seeing stars
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 301: All My Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: We learned that when a bunch of superpowered villains are suddenly set loose with nobody around to stop them, things get fucked pretty quickly. Old Man Samurai and a bunch of other useless people decided to make “I pretend I do not see it” their new mantra, and resigned. Endeavor had a moment of despair on account of being crushed by the guilt of having ruined the lives of himself, his family, and basically everyone else in the entire world. For various reasons the heretical notion of “person who has done bad things feels sorry for doing them” sent fandom spiraling into a meltdown, so that was fun. The chapter ended with the entire Todoroki clan descending upon Enji’s hospital room to have a dramatic chat about Touya and All That General Fuckery.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “here’s the story of how Baby Touya slowly went insane trying to win his father’s love.” It’s a tale full of subverted expectations and heartbreaking inevitability, and also like twenty panels of the cutest fucking kids who ever existed on planet earth, who are so fucking cute that I can’t stop thinking about their cuteness even with all of the horrifying family tragedy unfolding around them. It is absolutely ridiculous how cute they are. Touya is out here pushing his tiny body past its limits because he inherited the same obsession as his dad and neither of them can put it aside even though it’s destroying them, and yet all I can think about is Baby Shouto’s (。・o・。) face. Anyways what a chapter.
so I have to confess that even though I managed to avoid being caught off-guard by the early leaks, the number of people reblogging my Endeavor posts from earlier this week and using the tag “bnha 301” kind of gave me an inkling that this chapter will include more Tododrama lol. that said, I don’t know anything else about it, so we’re still good spoiler-wise
AHHHHH FLAHSBAKC AHHHH. omg I know I typoed the shit out of that, but I’m just going to leave it lol I think it’s fitting
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holy shit holy fuck. so this is Rei and Enji’s first meeting, then??
yepppp, oh shit
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so wait, I know this is not even the slightest bit important, but are they meeting at Enji’s home or Rei’s? because I always figured that Enji was the one with the super-Japanese aesthetic, but maybe that was Rei’s side of the family all along
(ETA: from what I found during my very brief google search, omiai meetings are often held at fancy hotels or restaurants, so maybe that’s what this is.)
there’s such a period drama feel to this setting. like it’s so outrageously formal fff how can anyone stand this kind of atmosphere though seriously
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I mean they’re still stiff af but at least they’re not rigidly sitting in seiza and staring at each other unblinkingly anymore lol. Enji’s actually got his hands in his pockets now. why is this somehow almost cute
oh damn it’s the flowers
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Rei seems so subdued and it’s so hard to get any idea of what she’s actually thinking. I want to see her side of this dammit
but anyway, so at least from Enji’s perspective it seems like even though the marriage was arranged and he picked her because of her quirk, he still loved his wife and wanted to do right by her. the fact that he was watching her and noticed that she liked the flowers, and remembered that detail for all these years -- there’s a reason why Horikoshi’s showing us this. we know what’s going to happen later on; we know how much fear and violence and breaking of trust is coming up ahead, and while it may seem like this scene is serving to soften Enji’s character further -- which to be fair it is -- it also helps drive home the full impact of his abuse. that it’s so terrible not only because of the trauma of the abuse itself, but also because of the way it retroactively destroys all of the good things as well. this could have potentially been such a sweet scene, but it’s inescapably tainted by the knowledge of what’s to come, at least for me. and that’s just brutal
anyways, shit. is the whole chapter going to be like this?? feel free to toss in something I can actually make a joke about sometime, Horikoshi
oop, back to the present
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omfg lol
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“are you all right” “NO I’M NOT ALL RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK.” “oh, right, because of all the stuff that’s happened with me abusing you and you having a mental breakdown and being hospitalized for ten years and then our son coming back to life and killing thirty people, right, right. I almost forgot.” whoops
omfg you guys I’m loving this new and improved steely-eyed Rei. I’m loving her a lot
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and what do you mean “part one” fkjds how long is this going to be. TOO MUCH DRAMA FOR ONE CHAPTER TO HANDLE
oh, hello
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yeah I’ll say you did. didn’t seem to bother you much at the time, though
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Dabi Is A Noumu intensifies even further. anyways though would you fucking look at this boy lounging on this moth-eaten couch doing his best DRAW ME LIKE YOUR FRENCH GIRLS impression wtf
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Dabi what if you actually had killed him??? what would you feel?? satisfaction?? regret?? anything at all?? tell me your secrets goddammit
who are you talking to buddy
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Fuyumi-chan, Natsu-kun (is it common for brothers to address each other as -kun?? can’t recall seeing that in many other anime, but hey), and “dot dot dot,,,,,, SHOUTO” lol thank you so much for this bountiful heaping of Tododrama Horikoshi we are blessed
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(ETA: and on a more serious note, it’s interesting to see that “look at me”/”watch me” theme being used again though, because we see that same sentiment uttered repeatedly by the younger Touya in the flashback. well kid, you definitely got your wish at last. don’t know what else to say.)
oh my sweet precious lord
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just as cute as we left him. giving us a child this cute when we all know full well what’s going to happen to him is just unspeakably cruel though
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I’m fucking speechless. you broke me, congratulations. what am I even supposed to do with this
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I can’t get over this. moving forward my life will be split into two distinct parts, B.P. (Before the Pout) and A.P. (After the Pout)
and meanwhile there’s ALL THIS BACKGROUND ANGST BUILDING UP, AND I CAN’T EVEN FOCUS ON IT. Touya’s arm and cheek are covered in bandages (I’m guessing this is shortly after that “ouch!” panel we got some chapters back), and Enji is deliberately avoiding training with him because he doesn’t want him to hurt himself further. I can’t fucking get over the irony that all this time everyone thought Touya had died because Enji pushed him too far in his training, and it turns out that it’s the opposite -- the tragedy ultimately happened because he didn’t want to push him. but I’m jumping ahead of myself though I guess
by the way,
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remember this?? just wanted to remind you that it exists just in case you forgot
so now someone is talking and basically saying that Touya is the exact opposite of what Enji was hoping for when he decided to start playing with quirk genetics
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-- okay hold up
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...lol no, never mind. for a second I thought “holy shit he looks kind of familiar WHAT IF IT’S UJIKO OMG” before I remembered that Enji would have recognized him during the hospital capture mission if that was the case. so NEVER MIND, PROCEED
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(ETA: how the fuck did this man go around saving 62 towns in a single day what even is All Might.)
[clicks tongue several times] trouble a’brewin’
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oh my god. oh my god. what is this chapter. WHAT IS IT
so now Touya is all “YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND MY MANLY DESIRE TO BURN MYSELF ALIVE” well you got her there champ
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also are they just home alone lol or what. “hey Touya, you’re what, like six now?? do us a favor and look after your baby sister for a couple hours for us would you? make sure not to set yourself on fire or anything.” WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!!
now it’s nighttime and Enji and Rei are arguing, presumably about his decision not to train Touya anymore
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whew. okay. so, a couple of things here
1. first of all I think this conclusively shows that Enji really was trying to do the best he could for Touya. he stopped training him as soon as he realized it was hurting him, but Touya was still determined so he tried to make it work anyway, and even visited doctors to try and figure out if there was anything they could do. then, once they were absolutely sure that it wasn’t going to work, he tried multiple times to explain to Touya why they had to stop. he didn’t just abandon him out of the blue, which is really important to note. “no matter how much I tried telling him...”
so yeah, that debunks another common fandom accusation. so by the time he finally makes this decision, which we all know is going to turn out horribly, it’s basically because he’s already tried everything else he could think of. which, by the way, still doesn’t mean he handled this right. but at the very least he was taking Touya’s feelings into account and he was trying, and he didn’t just abruptly toss his son aside (at least not yet)
2. buuuut, then there’s this panel right below all that
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which is the other side of it. if he’d just quit like the doctor person advised him to, that would have been the end of it. Touya would still have been upset, but he would have eventually gotten over it and the family would have moved on and possibly even been happy. but what happens next happens because Enji can’t let go. he still has this maddening urge to surpass All Might, and so he and Rei keep having more children, and then Shouto is born, and Enji finally has a kid he can start projecting all of his hysterical ambitions onto once again, and everything starts spiraling out of control soon after
though p.s. none of that is Shouto’s fault though!! he’s one of the few good things to come out of this whole mess and I’m very happy that he exists. the tragedy is that his dad fucking lost his mind over his quirk and fucked everything up. but that’s on him, not Touya or Shouto
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because children aren’t stupid, after all. he understands that his dad is still looking to surpass All Might. and so he feels like a failure, and feels like his dad is trying to replace him because he wasn’t good enough. and even now, isn’t that what the adult Touya is trying to prove?? that he was good enough after all?? “I’ll show you what happens when you give up on me, dad”?? “I’ll show you what I can do”?? fuck my life fuck everything
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really nice touch here with the panel outlines becoming all shimmery from the heat of Endeavor’s flames (and/or becoming more unstable as the family gets closer and closer to their breaking point). but man, Horikoshi I can’t handle this, please show us more cute kids or something I can’t
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WITTLE BABE. BEEB. BUBS. SMOL. lkj; oh ouch a piece of my heart just detached and latched onto him huh look at that
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crazy how they all just seem to know right off the bat lol. kid doesn’t even have object permanence yet, let alone a quirk. but do they care?? IT’S THE HAIR, RIGHT. WE’RE ALL THINKING IT, I’M JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY IT. they knew the minute they looked at him lol
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are those blue flames yet?? they seem pretty close
(ETA: this is one of the few cases where the manga being in black and white is infuriating lol.)
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so it’s not like he was so disinterested that he didn’t notice what was happening, and he was still trying to stop it and get through to him. trying to reassure him that it wasn’t the end of the world and there were other things he could do with his life, but this one particular thing just wasn’t going to happen
fucking hell. it’s agonizing seeing how close they actually were to fixing it. if he’d only said the right words, or if he’d realized at this point how destructive his obsession could be to his kids, and backed off from putting that same pressure on Shouto. we came so close to possibly having a happy ending
AND ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING BUT PLEASE LOOK AT HOW TOUYA IS LIKE THREE AND A HALF FEET TALL AND HIS DAD IS LIKE NINE AND A HALF FEET. Touya barely comes past his knees flkjlkg. the Todoroki household must have been so filled with like plastic stepstools to reach the bathroom sink and all the little baby toothbrushes, and baby gates to keep the kiddos out of the important grown-up rooms and stuff. and also days-old half-empty cups of water and stale crackers and hot wheels and my little ponies strewn everywhere
“BUT EVERYONE AT SCHOOL SAYS THEY’RE GONNA BE HEROES” a wild Deku parallel appears?? how bout that
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I know this is like a pivotal moment in the Todo Tragedy and all, but fucking look at this lil dumpling
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“sup bro, it’s me, the manifestation of your fears of inadequacy and lack of fatherly affections. a GAAA. ba-baAA-baa [gurgling baby sounds]”
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HE WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU ENJI. good lord somebody please just get this family some therapy
“DAD YOU IGNITED IT IN ME” flkjslkj nope, nope. not ready for this pain here
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baby Shouto, would you like to weigh in on this affair? “DA!! ba-ga-daaa, [pacifier chewing noises]” oh my, you don’t say. so insightful for one so young
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“yo, the fuck kind of family was I fucking born into” oh, son. if you only knew. IF YOU ONLY KNEW!!
(ETA: lmao I got so distracted by the ridiculous cuteness that I glossed over the fact that Baby Touya seems to possibly be aiming at him?? it’s hard to tell because he’s also super out of it from heatstroke and may just be losing control in his attempt to show off his upgrade.)
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leejeongz · 4 years
treasure as your boyfriend - maknae line (asahi-junghwan)
hyunsuk-jaehyuk ver.
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asahi: the “chaotic neutral” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- the studio
♡ you can be as noisy or as quiet as you want. he works best when you’re with him, so he’s forever inviting you over. and he produces his best work when he’s around you and thinking about you. all the feelings he’s too shy to say to you come out in art form. you often get to hear and see everything before anyone else too.
♡ skinship- really not a fan of pda, but will allow himself to link arms with you in public if you want to. he would never force skinship for the sake of it but if your head naturally rested on his shoulder or if you snuggled up to him during a movie, i think he’d secretly like that. he really just likes casual hands brushing against each other, he gets butterflies whenever your hands come near him
♡ his love language- receiving gifts- he likes giving gifts too, but receiving them makes his heart flutter. you remembering little things about him makes him smile like a whole lot, especially when it’s something that he doesn’t even remember telling you or something of little importance.
♡ kisses- quite spontaneous but always very soft and meaningful. he’s so gentle with you, especially during kisses. his lips are super soft and so are his hands that rest on your hips. he was a little nervous for your first kiss so he kept his eyes open which spooked you a bit but now it’s a inside joke between you two.
♡ he does what he wants, you do what you want, he likes that and thinks it’s the best setup for the relationship because being clingy could make you hate each other
♡ he draws you. a lot. you might not know it, but you became his muse from day 1 and everything he draws has you in it
♡ when you've had a bad day, he sings for you and has lots of evident sympathy no matter what the issue is
♡ he’s VERY goofy around you. it takes him a while to become used to people so seeing that side of him makes you really soft. and if he knows you’re the same and you start acting a little more goofy, he starts to become even more comfortable around you.
yedam: the “your success is my happiness” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- ice skating
♡ or anything wintery because 1 he likes to keep you warm, 2 he thinks you look cute all wrapped up in puffy jackets and jumpers and 3 it's not too hot to hold hands the entire time hehe. oh and also expect some singing from him if you get any alone time.
♡ skinship- a huge cuddly boy. he wants to be touching you all the time but he respects your want for space and privacy so he doesn’t. he LOVES holding hands, he’d do it all day if he could. seeing your cheek squished against his shoulder makes his heart melt too, so he takes pictures of it so it lasts longer hehe. he sometimes does that really cute thing where he links pinkies with you too 🥺
♡ his love language- physical touch- the way he just wants to be touching you all the time and you don’t get mad makes him SO happy. when you sit close to him, his heart races, never mind when you finally give him a hug or hold his hand. a lot of your relationship is long distance, even if you lived in the same house, he’d barely ever be there, so getting to cuddle you or be held by you is something that he looks forward to.
♡ kisses- if he’s refusing a kiss there’s something seriously wrong. his lips would constantly be attached to you if you let them. he likes holding hands during kisses and rubbing his thumb on your finger just for extra feels. omg eskimo kisses are his FAVOURITE. especially when his nose is cold just to tease you a bit
♡ he loves to secretly take pics of you and set them as his background because he thinks you look so adorable. we know he has a photography insta out there somewhere (drop the @ bro) and you’d be in like all of the pictures
♡ he writes love letters to you. they’re a little cringe so he signs them off as anonymous but obviously you know who they’re from since… well he’s your boyfriend
♡ he helps you study and build your confidence. he lets you borrow his notes and present stuff to him all the time, always giving positive and constructive feedback.
♡ he celebrates even the tiniest of achievements with you and shows you that there’s more to life than winning all the time
♡ if he can’t already speak your native language, he’d learn a few sentences and phrases like “i love you” and surprise you with them sometimes
doyoung: the “romantic but childish” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- breakfast/brunch
♡ just making sure you get the most important meal of the day lol. it sets you both up for the rest of the day, especially if you can’t meet again until the day after. it also gives you chance to reflect on anything that may have happened that day before that you were maybe too sensitive to talk about previously.
♡ skinship- not the biggest lover of skinship but he isn’t opposed to it if you initiate it. he’s definitely one who prefers privacy so pda is off the table. he likes holding hands and staring into your eyes because they’re so pretty. ugh he’s so flirty and romantic 🤪
♡ his love language- acts of service- he’s a busy guy, he really appreciates when you do even the smallest of things for him like folding his clothes so they don’t get creased. your kindness is so attractive to him, it really confirms that he’s found the one.
♡ kisses- his kisses are a little messy but they’re always passionate. he just can’t contain his need for his mouth to be on yours, which actually happens quite frequently when you two are alone. he does that thing where he puts his hands on your waist, smiles at you flirtily, then pulls you in closer for the kiss which leaves you speechless every time.
♡ has your contact name in his phone set to just a heart and the picture is one that he secretly took of you on a date
♡ one of his favourite things to do is teaching you how to dance. whether you can already dance or not, he’s gonna teach you. just gives mr no skinship a chance to put his hands on you
♡ FLOWERS! he knows that not everyone is a fan of flowers but you will be while he’s around
♡ hands down the cheesiest person you know and usually you’d be cringing but because it’s him, it’s okay
♡ he’s always down to chat with you. at 1am, while he’s working or even when he’s with his family, he’ll drop anything to make you happy.
haruto: the “cool on the outside” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- watching youtube
♡ you can learn a lot about a person by watching things they like to watch and taking an interest in something they’re interested in. you pair can share youtubers you think the other would like and just have a laugh together while being all cozy in bed.
♡ skinship- any and all skinship is appreciated by this guy, not that he’d tell you that. he secretly wants to cuddle with you all the time and hold your hand everywhere you go, but he always makes out like you’re the one who wants it by saying stuff like “gosh your hands are always so cold, here i’ll warm them for you”. his favourite are hugs where he just melts into your arms after a long, tiring day practicing. sometimes they’re just want he needs
♡ his love language- quality time- he wants to spend every second of every day with you. he wants to talk to you more on a one to one basis and he wants that time to be focused. when he finally gets time alone with you, he doesn’t waste any of it and gets straight to making memories with you that he thinks about all the time.
♡ kisses- longer kisses are super rare because he’s still quite timid and shy but the small little pecks?? he cannot get enough of them. he prefers to give them to you at random, surprising times because he likes it when you melt after it, he calls you cute every time awwww. he secretly enjoys when you kiss him in front of the members too even if he acts disgusted.
♡ ends all his messages to you with a heart WITHOUT FAIL
♡ helps you shop for clothes and jewellery. he picks out clothes for you and always manages to hit the mark
♡ creates a playlist of songs that have a special meaning within your relationship and constantly updates it
♡ does that thing where he gets so happy that you’re his that he can’t stop smiling, so much so that he can’t sleep
♡ he’s a little bit forgetful, but you always forgive him because he’s just so cute and he always makes it up to you anyway
jeongwoo: the “best friend” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- skateboarding
♡ even if neither of you can skate, it’s fun and you can learn together. having fun when he’s with you is always the aim so anything like that is something he really enjoys
♡ skinship- skinship happens very naturally for you pair and it’s something neither of you have ever shied away from. he loves it when you hold hands and it makes him feel super proud that you can show him off like that. also loves when you let him rest his head in your lap and play with his hair.
♡ his love language- quality time- creating special moments with you is something that he will never forget and something that he’ll always bring up. he’s so grateful that you want to be with him and around him even at the most randomest times when you could be doing something else, but he loves it and he doesn’t ever want to see you leave.
♡ kisses- most are short and sweet but some, rare kisses can last for a while, where he smiles onto your smile because he just can’t believe what’s happening. he really likes those kisses but doesn’t initiate them all too often because he’s worried it’s the wrong moment. he actually asks the older boys for advice too 🥺
♡ tries to tease you and get the members involved but it always ends up backfiring and he ends up being the target
♡ a “remember when” type of guy, bringing up some of your most favourite and fondest memories
♡ is always up for absolutely anything you suggest. you’re the worst influences on each other (in the best way) but without those experiences, you wouldn’t have the amazing memories you have today
♡ wants to act like your protector and had you fooled for like a week until you realised he’s the one that needs protecting.
♡ when you compliment him, his actual self esteem sky rockets. there’s no more joking about how cool he is. your words mean the most to him (maybe his love language is words of affirmation too who knows hehe)
junghwan: the “first” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- gaming together
♡ he loves to teach you and compete with you (because you let him win) and he thinks it’s cute and funny when you make mistakes or you do something really impressive
♡ skinship- he’s shy about it at first but warms up to it later. he never initiates anything because he doesn’t wanna overwhelm you. he doesn’t really like pda but he’ll do it for you, he’ll put his arm around your waist while you walk because it feels the most comfortable for him. it’s not skinship but just staring into each other’s eyes is something that happens regularly
♡ his love language- words of affirmation- hearing you saying he can do it only makes him more determined and, even though he doesn’t realise it, it actually makes him more independent. you know when he’s having a bad day, or if he’s got something important going on, so you drop him a little text which makes him so happy and he wants to make you proud (which he does and you tell him that all the time)
♡ kisses- kisses are something he craves a lot since the feeling of the first kiss you shared has stayed with him, but is always too afraid to make the first move. afterwards, he’s always a real giggly mess. every kiss is awkward with him at first since you’re both quite inexperienced, but soon you both start to understand what the other likes.
♡ he gets shy around you for ages because he likes you so much
♡ introduces “tech free” dates where neither of you can use your phone. they actually work really well for you two and you get to know each other a lot better
♡ works out what your love language is randomly one day, does his research, then slowly starts to implement it into your relationship
♡ a big hand holder when he senses you need nervous or anxious. he holds your hand for his own comfort as well as yours
♡ you share a lot of your firsts together, as well as being each other’s first relationship. it’s a time for him to learn and change so he appreciates any honesty, even if he does get a little bit sensitive about it sometimes.
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Nightwing 79 Review
i said i would and i will. i did like this issue! not as striking and attention grabbing as 78, but i think this issue was meant to be a foundation one, laying out the groundwork for the future. overall, pretty good. also there wasn't enough bitewing. as promised, overly extensive metaphors and me reading too much into things under the cut
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i know i've talked about this cover before, but this particular thing is oddly important to me, so i'll talk about it again
this is me, once again screaming about how artists put nightwing in traditionally feminine poses and how every time i see it i just get whiplash. i mean, true, the main reason why is because nightwing is a so often sexualized character, and putting him in these poses just increases the objectification, which is a goal that dc producers have. but there are very few popular male characters that do this. the only one i can think of off the top of my head is deadpool, but that was so obviously a critique and a way to make fun of the media industry. when they draw dick like this, they’re being serious. they’re putting him in appealing poses meant to show him off, and that’s something that’s traditionally only been done to women.
it's a very direct and very loud breaking of traditional gender roles in media, especially for a character as high-profile and historic as dick grayson. colour also plays a factor in this. the entire background is pink. i was absolutely shocked when i first saw it, when the teaser came out, because i cannot think of any comic book covers of male comic heroes this high-profile where pink is even just prevalent in the cover, let alone the majority of the cover. the pink does look beautiful: it offsets and highlights the black and blue of dick's suit gorgeously, but does it with more finesse than orange or red. but the fact that the stylistic choice was made to accent and draw this cover with aesthetic and beauty in mind, completely ignoring traditional hard-set gender rules in art, was a conscious choice and one i wholeheartedly support.
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just another example of the sexualization i was talking about. i remember seeing harley quinn in this exact pose in suicide squad.
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so far, taylor's been pretty dead-set on bringing alfred to the forefront of importance in this series. he wants people to know how much he loves alfred's character, and how much the butler meant to dick growing up. he was dick's father too. but what i adore is how taylor managed to stress alfred's importance in a way that didn't insult or belittle bruce.
this is one of the best bruce and dick interactions i've seen, and it's done in one simple interaction. in this, bruce is tough and harsh. he knocked dick down hard, but then he reached a hand down and helped pull dick back up. let me analyze their dialogue for a minute
on your feet: this is bruce telling dick to get up. he's trained dick, he knows what the younger boy is capable of, he knows his limits, and he knows what dick can do. this is bruce telling dick i know you're strong enough to get up, so get up and prove me right
are you just going to knock me down again?: surface-level, it looks like dick's complaining. he doesn't like bruce's rough training, and he's tired of bruce knocking him down. but look at his face in this. he's smiling up at bruce, knowledgeable and a little hopeful. he knows that bruce is doing this to help dick better himself, he's completely on board with the rough training, because they both know the rewards are incredible. also, he's teasing. he's bantering with bruce. there's an ease in that joking statement, one that belies affection and intimacy. they've only known each other for a little bit, but they're already slipping into a close familial relationship.
it depends on how fast you learn: this is bruce bantering back. this is bruce not being a stoic, unfeeling asshole. instead, he's shown with the dry humor that a good batman writer knows is a staple of the character. he's teasing dick, telling him he'll basically whoop his ass if dick doesn't learn fast enough. it's incentive for dick to train harder, while also being lighthearted enough to tell dick that believes in dick and doesn't want him to push himself too hard.
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gosh i love the titans. also it looks like wally's staring at dick's ass.
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this was cute. a prod at dick's silly and playful sense of humor, while not dumbing him down for the sake of a laugh. instead, he's joking about food, which is stuff everyone jokes about. this is the kind of stuff that'll actually make me laugh, instead of just making me vaguely uncomfortable.
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bludhaven's almost always portrayed as a cesspool of a city. and to be honest, it really is. but this panel gives the city a meaningful history, while also giving us a reason for why dick moved there.
it talks of a time when people still thought they could beat the monsters. that if they fought hard enough, they could win the fight. it was a tentative hope that you could always overcome hardship.
dick's little "i like that it's still standing" shows how he still believes that, despite what the rest of the world thinks. despite everything that he's been through, dick is still tentatively an optimist, and believes he can fight the monsters of the world and win. it's a beautiful testament to his character, and i'm like that they added his signature element of hope back in. it used to be what he symbolized as robin, and despite his growth and character arc from robin to nightwing, this is one aspect of robin that i'm glad nightwing still has.
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remember when i said "things that make me vaguely uncomfortable??" yeahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Shooketh Dick: A Sequel
(the expressions in this series are just,,,,on point)
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this was an incredibly sweet and kindhearted thing for dick to do, but i found it kind of,,,,,,,,desperate? maybe that's just me, but let me explain.
dick's suddenly a billionaire, and he has entirely too much money that he knows what to do with. it's also alfred's money, what the man left to him, so dick forever links it with alfred. in addition to that, he's back and bludhaven and looking at it with "fresh" eyes. (at least, from a different point of view since he got shot in the head. then mind controlled.) he's desperate to do something with the money and he's desperate to help the people around him that so obviously needs up, so he comes up with an on-the-fly solution that's a little impractical and a little crazy, but it still helps and still does some good.
to me, dick seems a little lost. he hasn't completely found his balance yet, and he's trying to do things that will. he tries charity, because that's what bruce did and it's what he knows, even though he admitted that he always thought bruce could have done more as bruce wayne than batman.
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they have a family group chat guys yall were right.
also, do i think that dick would ever actually get his wallet stolen?? no way in hell, he’d notice someone getting ready to pickpocket him a mile away. but i suppose it’s important to the Plot. 
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okay this is getting interesting. first blockbuster, now maroni (+ the weird heart stealer guy). i can officially say that i am intruiged
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this particular artistic quirk is shown a lot in this issue, and from this art team in general, but i feel like this panel is one of the best examples of it. it was stunning enough to take up a full page, and it’s well deserved.
the way they show dick moving is absolutely brilliant. as a reader, i like seeing these smaller versions of dick getting clearer and in more detail as they come closer to the screen. not only do they show depth in the picture beyond what a simple 3 dimensional piece of art does, it also shows the passage of time.
in addition, it showcases dick’s skill. dick spots these mobsters running after a group of petty thieves. he then, and follow me here, leaps off the roof of one building feet first, springboards backwards off the side of the adjacent building with his feet, gracefully continues his backflip, rights himself, shoots a line with perfect timing: just in time to soften his landing but not slow him down, execute said landing on top of a moving bus, keep running on the moving bus without missing a beat, shoot his grapple, use the grapple to swing, use the swing to build up momentum, then use the momentum to deliver a powerful blow to the mobsters. and he did all that fast enough to catch up with the mobsters, even though he was a ROOFTOP OVER. 
d a m n  s o n
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this panel, the very first in the issue, is also another example of that art style, but a little more distinctive. i love the way they showed dick’s different costumes through the ages, along with him simply growing up. it’s a little heartbreaking, but a lot uplifting to see how far he’s come. thank god he got rid of the red. now all we need is the fingerstripes, and we’ll be golden
discowing my beloved. also i can’t clearly see discowing’s hair but it definitely looks like it’s pulled back. it looks like he put it in a ponytail. guys. guys. dick had a ponytail omg. 
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he’s having a Hero Moment
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are you talking about the city, dick, or are you talking about you? the kgbeast, the court, the joker. dick fell to each one of them, no matter how hard he fought. he won in the end, eventually and with his family’s help. but i think he’s feeling a little low, a little defeated right now. it’s almost like he needs a win, he needs to feel victorious, he needs to feel like he helped someone (hence the food and the hotel room), just because he needs to remember what it feels like.
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these lines were supposed to resonate with you, and goddamn they did.
i looked at it from two ways. first, it’s the girl asking, begging nightwing not to hurt them. bludhaven doesn’t know dick the way gotham does, they’re still a little frightened of him. this child was brave enough to step in front of all of the other hurt and homeless kids and ask, to a strange man in a mask, if he was going to hurt them like the other men had. it’s heartbreaking, but commendable, and an echo of the city itself that dick’s decided to protect. they’re bloody and broken and terrified, but still gritty and brave enough to stare what they fear in the eye and ask it not to hurt them.
second, it’s dick seeing the question reflected in himself. recently, he got shot in the head and lost all his memories. while i think that the way ric reacted was a perfectly valid and human response to the situation, i think dick still regrets how callously and rudely he treated his family. then, he was manipulated by the court of owls, then he was brainwashed with a magic crystal by the joker. dick does have a guilt complex. it’s not a big as bruce’s, but it’s there. and right now, with this girl begging her not to hurt them, dick is probably thinking about all the times he hurt people, in control of his own actions or not, bc he “didn’t have a heart.” 
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little ambitious don’t you think, dick?
also just look at the sunset colours loOK at the they could not make this any more obvious oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd
in conclusion, i need more of her
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randomxreaders · 4 years
The Secret
Scene from when they talk about losing their v cards from greys reader lost it to JJ then JJ comes into hospital hurt then the rest of the outer banks squad comes in and yea. By the way I don't own any of these characters and let me know if you would like a part 2. :)
TW: implied sex,cursing,mentions of surgery 
“So, Karev, how old were you your first time” Jackson asked “fifthteen. School nurse, back of her car” Alex replied. “Fifthteen? That's impressive.” “When I was sixteen she taught me how to drive that same car”  Alex quipped back while Meredith laughed. “Sophomore in high school Paul Waxman, had absolutely no idea what he was doing.” Meredith shared. “Junior prom, Sarah Richardson and Penny Caraway, together. I knew exactly what I was doing.” Jackson also shared while Alex whistled at him. Then Cristna perked up “ Nineteen” “Nineteen?” Alex questioned. “Mm-hmm. I was very focused on my studies. It was my chem T.A He was a whole head shorter than me but… Man, he was smart.” Y/N and Meredith chuckled at Cristina. Everyone turned to face Y/N waiting for you to share. “Ok,ok. JJ Maybank I was sixteen. We hooked up in the library at school, dated a little after, saw him in vegas a few years ago and haven't seen him since.” “M-hmm not bad Y/L/N. What about you, April?” Jackson asked. “I’m not talking about this. It was a private-private memory.” April stuttered. “What happened? Did the guy die?” Karev asked. Y/N slapped his arm telling him to stop while laughing under her breath “Alex!” Meredith quipped. “Oh, did it last, like, three seconds, so you don’t know if it counted?” Cristina asked. April scoffed “No” “Mm-hmm.” Cristina replied. “Uh, It was on the beach at sunset. It was beautiful.” April stammered out. Meredith let out a quick laugh “Sunset?” Jackson asked. “Yeah.” April replied slowly, “Really? Weren't, weren't there people there?” Jackson said. “Oh. on the beach? Man, you get sand up in places you don’t wanna get sand.” Cristina added on Y/N let out a laugh. “Mosquitoes” Alex also added “Oh don’t forget the crabs!” Y/N giggled out. “Mm-hmm yeah.” Cristina replied to your comment “ HA! You're a virgin.” Alex shouted “No, I'm not.” April shouted back. “Oh my god. You are!” Cristina said happily “OH, MY GOD. Do it to her right now. Alex deflower her. Do it. Do it.” Cristina edged on Alex with laughter flowing throughout the background. After everyone settled down Meredith said “April, the beach at sunset is very nice.” A loud laughter flew out of Y/N and Cristina. Then Y/L/N and Greys pagers went off. “Well duty calles.”
 “What do we got?” Y/N asked as she put her gloves on. “John Doe, car slid into a light pole on the highway.” The paramedics said. “Alright we got a cracked skull, broken left leg and arm, and some Internal bleeding” Y/N rattled off “someone page neuro.” Grey shouted while you moved the man into trauma one. “Alright we need to get him into surgery.” Shepherd said.
   While in the OR Y/L/N and Torres worked on fixing the leg, Bailey and Grey worked on the eternal bleeding, and Shepherd was fixing his skull and checking for brain damage.
                                                                     1.5 Hours Later
  “Alright I’m going to go update the family” Bailey said while leaving the OR. 30 minuets later Callie and I were done. “Y/L/N, go update the family” Torres said. Y/N nodded as they were scrubbing out, grabbing the chart while walking to the waiting room. “Family for…” they pause while looking over the chart seeing the name they knew all too well, a name from the past, a name they were talking about hours ago, a name that knew all their secrets and held a big one. They cleared their throat “Family for JJ Maybank” They squeaked out. “Um, we are” Their eyes connected with familiar dark brown as they used to be bestfriends. “Y/N?” Pope's voice cracked suddenly three more sets of eyes met yours, you froze seeing John B, Sarah,Kiara and Pope. They all looked the same but slightly older. “H-hey guys” Y/N chirped out “What the hell Y/N you're a doctor!” Kiara asked, proud but surprised. “Um yeah so JJ is stable but he can’t have any visitors yet,but he can in a few hours.” After you head to the resident lounge.
‘What the fuck” John B said then asked “Their a doctor?” ”Well they did go to med-school” Sarah said. “Why haven't they talked to us is over ten years”Kiara said hurt “They contacted me, not a lot but we kept tabs on each other ya know” Pope said “What the hell Pope” all of them said “why didn’t you tell us” Sarah question “I-I-I don’t know”
   While doing my evening rounds JJ woke up. “Well,well,well if it isn't Y/N Y/L/N come to see me wifey.” JJ smirked “Hey, That's Dr.Y/N Y/L/N.” You smirked back “And stop calling me wifey, I’m gonna go get the others I’ll be right back.” As Y/N headed out to get the gang she was stopped by Meredith “Hey did our John Doe wake up?” “Yep” Y/N said shakily. “What's wrong” Mer questioned. “It’s JJ Maybank, he one I was telling you guys about earlier” “Omg the guy you lost your virginity to!” “Yeah, but one more thing I might also be his wife.” Y/N said leaving Meredith shocked. “You're what!” Meredith yelled drawing the attention from bystanders. “Ok I’m going to go talk the the family and then we will finish this conversation later” Y/N left leaving Meredith shocked. 
“Family for JJ Maybank” Y/N called out. “Hey, Y/N/N how is he?” John B asked worried “ He is awake so you guys can finally see him, just follow me” Y/N said cheerfully. While heading to JJ’s room Y/N’s eyes connected with Mer’s “Dr. Y/L/N, can I speak with you privately?” Mer asked looking at at the faces behind you. “Yeah sure, um his room is right there” Y/N said turning to the others. “What do you mean you’re married, and to our patient!” Meredith whisper shouted at you. While walking by Derek heard the mention of the patient “Oh did our John Doe wake up?” He said “Yeah he did except our John Doe is Y/N’s secret husband” Mer replied “Whoa secret husband?” Derek questioned. “Yea we got married when we were 19 in vegas it was an accident but we haven't really talked about it since and you guys are the only people who know, so please don't tell anyone.” Y/N rambled out. “Alright well we need to do a post-op checkup.” Derek commented while trying to process everything. “Yeah ok.” Y/N whispered out. “ Ok, we have JJ Maybank came in with a broken left leg and arm, cracked skull and internal bleeding. Me and Torres fixed the leg and put a cast on the arm, Dr.Grey and Bailey took care of the internal bleeding and Dr.Shepherd fixed your skull.” Y/N finished reading off the chart. “Damn wifey you fixed my leg and arm that's pretty badass.” JJ commented while Shepherd and Grey gave you shared glances.”Ok you should be able to go home today we just need you and who will be taking care of you at home to sign the discharge papers.” Grey told JJ. “Yo Y/N will you take care of me after I get discharged” Y/N tried to say something but JJ interrupted before they could get out their comment, “ya know since you're my wife and all!” JJ exclaimed excitedly. The room fell silent as everyone tried to process the news of the formal power couple now being married. 
I hope you all liked this thank you sooooo much for reading let me know if there is someone from grey,outer banks, or criminal minds or maybe even a cross over you would like! Oh also let me know if you would like a part 2 to this story :)
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hqxreader · 4 years
I-I taylor it just turned into a brain ramble pls accept my sachi x idol reader tots 😔🤲
Saichi going to a shoot for his bab on a day off n he was roped into bein an extra because come on look at him perfect face boi n then they make him do the kabedon or poses where theyre super close on the reader for the photoshoot then y/n is all flustered because its not an actor but her 11/10 boyfie doing it. (BOUNS POINTS HES IN A CRISPY SUIT OOO) Embarassed af and then Sachi is all happy like ‘this my puppy and only I can make her this embarassed hehe’ and the rest of the staff still teases her in the future about it like ‘come on put a ring on him, such a keeper owo’ and she keeps all the photos from the shoot into her phone like its a treasure we must keep and the fangirls start coming in like ‘who is this handsum handsum man? Is he also an idol owo’
Extra: His siblings see it and are kinda jelly like ‘were pro players but baby brother is more popular then us from 1 photoshoot? 👁👄👁’
P.s. Feel free to add anything u think of cause sachi thoughts are /chefs kiss/ immaculate 🥰
i’ll always accept them love 💕
this idea tho, i sat and thought about it for awhile cause damn.. Sachi in a suit?? who do i ask to draw that for all the sachi stans?
but anywho~ i did have to look up kabedon cause i didn’t know it was actually called that?? i knew it as the ‘goodbye personal space’ pose lol showing how intelligent i am
okie dokie i hope you enjoy! 💕this got super long oh jeez
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Sachi gets a bit dirty sorry folks, embarrassed reader, horrible writing, and Sachi in a suit and tie cause that’s totally a warning 
Word Count: 1.1k (holy shit damn) 
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You were more than happy to learn that your PR team had gotten you an ad photo shoot with a popular clothing line/company/whatever. They wanted to advertise some of their more professional clothes, suits and dresses, yada yada. With a quick kiss goodbye to Sachirou, you made your way over to the photo shoot location.  
Arriving there, everyone was rushing around more than what you would consider normal. You heard various people saying, “I can’t believe he got sick, what are we supposed to do today? Should we reschedule?”
Going to your PR team you asked what was going on, confused. They explained to you that the extra who was supposed to model with you got sick, and they were trying to find a replacement. “Well, um,” you started, “Sachirou’s off today, do you think he could work as a replacement?” 
Your team knew who Sachirou was at this point, especially after his surprise backstage for you. They eagerly agreed, saying that would be amazing.
Walking to a more quiet corner of the studio, you gave your boyfriend a call. “Hey Sachi?” “What’s up Puppy?” “How would you like to be a model for a day?” 
And with that, Sachirou made his way over to the studio, excited for the shoot. 
When you introduced him to the photographer and she was very happy with him, even mumbling, “maybe even better than our sick idiot.” 
And with that, they sent you both to the changing area to get all dolled up and such for the shoot. 
You were dressed in a dark red sleeveless dress that rested just above your knees with black heels. plus your hair and jewelry was all nice and fancy i’m not getting into that sry.  
Leaving the changing room, you saw Sachirou wearing a black crisp(y) suit, a white dress shirt with his tie matching the color of your dress. His hair was slicked back unlike his usual wild hair. You couldn’t help but let your jaw drop, when the hell had your boyfriend become even more handsome?? 
“Like what you see, y/n?” Sachirou walked over to you, smirk on his face. You felt your face warm up at his comment. “’Cause I’m loving what I see.” Cheesiest ass line ever
Before you could respond with a comeback, the photographer called both of you over to discuss what you’d be doing for the shoot. “So y/n, I’d like you to stand with your back against the wall, Hirugami, I’m going to have you put your arm next to her head and lean over her, like a kabe-don pose, okay?” 
You simply nodded and Sachirou gave her a thumbs up. Taking your hand, he walked you over to the set where the were two walls set up, one for you to lean on and the other for the background. 
You leaned against the one wall, getting situated before Sachirou placed one hand next to your head and the other slid into the pocket of his black dress pants. 
Your cheeks warmed up to what felt like a blazing temperature from the close proximity of your faces. Sachirou’s face was only what felt like an inch or two away from yours. 
You both maintained eye contact. His lips turned into a smirk, a mischievous glint in his eyes along with something else. “Is my puppy being a good girl? A good little model?” he murmured in a husky voice, and only you could hear his words. sorry ima go now
Your eyes widened at his comment and your mouth formed a small o-shape. “Y-yes, I’m being a g-good model.” You couldn’t help but stutter over your words, embarrassment seeping through your body. 
The camera went off various times, the photographer capturing the moment between you two. “’Cause I have the best little puppy, don’t I? She’s very smart and beautiful, knows how to follow directions, yeah?”
All you could do was nod, your legs buckling a bit underneath you. Sachirou moved his free arm on your thigh, keeping you stable.  “Does my puppy need some support?” Gasping at the sudden change of position, you couldn’t help but cover your face with your hands. More shuttering sounds were heard as the photographer continued to take photos.  
“No, no, no, puppy. Let me see your beautiful face, don’t hide it from me.” You slowly moved your hands to rest on his broad shoulders, one hand messing with his tie. “There we go, there’s my beautiful puppy.”
More shuttering.
“Okay guys, I think that’s pretty good! Nice job to both of you!”
Sachirou pushed off the wall, taking a step back. He grinned, the former horny teasing attitude gone. “Nice job, love! I’m sure the people will love it!” 
You continued to stare at him in shock, how in the world did he go from whispering dirty words in your ear to this energetic man? “Y..yeah the people will love it, Sachi,” you said slowly.  
“Alright well, I’m gonna change and head back home, see ya in a bit?” You simply nodded with a small smile and watched him walk back to the changing rooms. 
Still leaning against the wall, the photographer chuckled at you. “You’re keeping him right? I sure do hope so, you don’t find guys like him very often.” Your smile grew and you wholehearted agreed, “He’s a keeper, no doubt about it.”
“When you gonna put a ring on his finger? Huh, y/n!” 
You glared at your manager for a moment before giggling, “soon,” you whispered. Finally moving away from the wall, you walked off to the changing room while they uploaded the pictures to the computer. 
Giving one final kiss goodbye to Sachi as he left, you walked back out to the studio to see everyone huddled around the computer. “Did they come out good?” you asked, walking over to everyone to see what the big hubbub was about. 
“Oh y/n, they came out amazing.” 
Peering over to see the screen, you were astonished by how well they came out. They looked like a natural kabedon between two people, not something fake that would’ve happened with the sick actor. “Can you, uh, send those to me? Please?” 
Everyone smirked at you and the photographer agreed to send them as soon as she could. 
A few days later, you received them all, and you put your favorite one as your home screen background. 
A month later, the best photo came out for the ad and your fans couldn’t stop buzzing about it. 
“Who is that? He’s really cute!” “Isn’t that her boyfriend?” “Is he an idol too? That’d be crazy!”
You never heard the end of it from Sachirou.
A few days after the ad was released and everyone started going bonkers over Sachirou, said man got a phone call from his siblings. 
“How?! How are you more popular than us!? We’re pro-volleyball plays that have been in sports magazines!”
“Well big bro, I guess I just got the good genes.”
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed horny sachi 💕
Taglist: @yams046 @sunarincakes @kkoalaworld @sachirou-senpai @osamusriceballz @edvigelacivetta @tris-does-stuff @ylxxia @kageyuji @isentsworld @aaakaaashii @disneyloving-muggle @ahkaahshi @sachrious @pretty-setters
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 49: The One with Too Much JGY and Not Enough Wangxian
Very little wangxiantics in this episode, guys, there’s like, VERY LITTLE wangxiantics
The fact that the show is bringing us down to breadcrumbs again is Homophobic 
But let’s get through this!
blah blah blah jgy acts all pathetic blah blah blah lxc engages jgy in a convo blah blah
lwj has to go in and be like, bro, please, don't talk to him
and wwx is like, yeah, you literally just told jc not to talk to him, follow your own advice dude 
lxc is like, hm, you make a good point...i shall continue talking to jgy regardless
jgy continues with his pity party speech and i continue not to care
lwj is like BRO
and i'm like DO YOU THO?
now he's going to question jgy and counting on him answering truthfully??
so we get a much less entertaining Q&A session accompanied by jgy's flashbacks 
(can we go back to lwj's drunken Q&A sesh? I’d much rather question drunk!lwj than sober!jgy)
the only point i had any actual sympathy was when jgy brings up qin su and her mom bc qin su and her mother deserved better
Ooh, lxc is getting super judgy about jgy killing jgs
This is where you draw the line, lxc?? c’mon.
i mean, judge him for how he did it, sure
there was no need to involve all those innocent women in the murder
but really, killing jgs was the only good act of public service jgy did
give credit where it's due, pal.
oh noooo lxc is asking about jzx and oh, wwx is PISSED
Wwx grabs the front of jgy's robes and hauls him up and yells in his face “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO? SAY IT!”
cue flashback scene to jgy tricking jzx 
jl collapses to his knees and my beautiful sunshine boy falls to his side and scoops him into his arms 
oh jgy was about to touch jl's face and i was like DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE I WILL CUT THAT HAND OFF YOU
but then he pulled away bc i am very fearsome actually wwx was glaring at him 
and ofc jgy can't have people being sympathetic to anyone NOT him so he's like, what about me, huh? you never ask why I personally had to suffer!
Cue another flashback in which JGS IS A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG 
ugh i hate jgy too
he's essentially telling jin ling that oh, i killed your father bc your grandfather was scum of the earth
suddenly jgy takes my bratty son hostage!!
wwx shouts "JIN LING" as he jerks towards his only nephew
BUT IT'S TOO LATE, jgy already has that garrote AROUND JL'S NECK
god i need to stop threatening people, i have no ability to back it up
and wwx is like I DID! 
siblings always find time to bicker, even in dire situations
lwj tells them that jgy hid the garrote inside his body 
bc lwj is smart and observant
but ewwww, the idea of yanking that gold string out of a vein squicks the hell out of me
yuckyuckyuck it makes my skin crawl
jgy tightens the string around my bratty son's neck and everyone freaks out, obvs 
oh jc loves his nephew so much! he's all like, if you need a hostage take me instead and leave jin ling alone!!
jgy is like, nah bc of Reasons
then my sunshine boy is like, hey aren't you forgetting smth jgy? what about your loyal lackey here?
but ss is an idiot and is like, don't worry about me boss!
and jgy is all, cool thx lackey
now lxc and jgy do some more chitchat i don't care about
suddenly there is ominous knocking on the doors AND A WILD LAN SIZHUI APPEARS!!!
He got chucked into the temple like the football lol
Dude, for real, wn looks so cool here
letting the tip of the saber scrape ominously against the stone ground and walking with slow measured steps
and baxia is freaking glowing
nhs calls him "brother" but i'm pretty sure he knows it's not nmj and just said it to freak jgy out
wwx ofc recognizes wen ning
his brow is all furrowed when he sees wn is not reacting and he starts to whistle more earnestly
wwx: what's happening? why is wn not listening to me? could it be...?
cut to lwj, looking all serious bc hey, this is actually a serious situation 
lwj: he is possessed by the blade spirit
wn roars and vaults over the distance between him and jgy with baxia raised high and it looks freaking AWESOME
lol we get a quick shot here of nhs panicking and ducking behind su she
jgy lets go of the gold string around jl's neck to flee from wn which gives wwx an opening
Wwx dives forward and wraps himself around jin ling
Then he twirls them to the side away from incoming baxia and crashes them both to the ground where they're safe
as this is happening, lwj sees his opening and draws bichen
we get a quick moment where wwx and jc are both fussing over jl, it’s super sweet!
wwx is looking at him like HOLY SHIT LWJ
Which is a totally reasonable reaction bc holy shit lwj
HA, now jgy only has one arm
I may not be able to follow up on my threats but it is gratifying to see lwj follow through for me lololol
gross, ss is all begging for medicine to help jgy
stfu ss, nobody likes either of you two
wn's blow struck the ground and cracked it before so now he's back up doing his steady creepy walk to finish what he was going to do
lwj's brow furrows and he sits himself down, cross-legged and summons his guqin
lol i love how he summons his instrument tbh
he just wooshes his flowy sleeves and his guqin glitters into existence
it looks very Magical Girl and i appreciate that
someone needs to draw lwj in a Magical Girl outfit IMMEDIATELY
lxc gets his flute out and our lan bros do a duet to chill out the angry sword spirit
let me just say, i'm really enjoying watching jgy and ss cower away from the oncoming wen ning
but oh noo! jl calls out for his evil uncle and draws wn's attention and wn tries to attack him
i guess baxia senses jgy's blood on jl's robes or smth? Idk, doesn’t matter
wwx tries to do some sort of spell to stop wn but it doesn't work and in a fit of panic he yells out “WEN QIONGLIN!”
thankfully this snaps wn out of it enough that he stops baxia like, one inch from my bratty son's face
the lan bros are still doing their Magic Music thing and wn is trying to reign in baxia but baxia's pissed off so everyone’s struggling 
wwx starts his whistling again and it's rattling Plot Device 3
lxc tries to stop wwx but lwj shakes his head at his brother like no, back off
wwx turns to look at lwj, lwj meets his eyes and gives him a single solemn nod
this is the first legit proper wangxiantic moment in the whole episode, what the heck
jc: wei wuxian!!
wwx turns to see his brother and jc FLINGS THE DEMON FLUTE AT WWX bc apparently he's been carrying chenqing around THIS WHOLE TIME??
wwx nods to him (and omg jc is helping him, this is good, this is a step in the right direction!!) and brings chenqing to his lips
we get a shot of lwj staring at wwx as wwx starts to play 
and the background music starts to get SUPER INTENSE and EXCITING as wwx plays
we get a shot of JC watching wwx play and this is the softest we've seen him look at his brother since he came back from the dead
he's looking at him like it's finally hitting him that wwx is back, his big brother is alive and here and protecting him and jin ling bc that's what family is supposed to do
oooh, Plot Device 3 starts to zoom around and we get a fun bit of camera work so it seems like we're seeing everything from Plot Device 3's perspective
which is kind of adorable for some reason???
it's just zipping along and it sees wwx and wwx guides its attention to where wn is struggling to control baxia
wwx starts to walk, getting both baxia and Plot Device 3 to follow him further into the temple
lwj sees this happening and whooshes away his guqin and follows bc he's always going to follow wwx obvs
he manages to get baxia into the coffin with nmj before he starts coughing up blood 
But before we can freak out about that, nhs scream in the background 
so everyone runs to check out what's happening there
and ss is like BUT I DIDN'T, HE'S LYING!!!
lol baxia just leaps out of the coffin buries itself in ss's chest
good fucking riddance
But also baxia is nmj's saber
wwx starts up his demon flute again even tho baxia seems much more chill now that it has finally killed someone 
But let's watch wwx be a badass on the flute anyway
look at my sunshine boy go! 
look at him corral all that resentful energy!
love my sunshine boy
baxia is finally subdued and wwx lays it and Plot Device 3 in the coffin with nmj
he covers the coffin using some of his wicked awesome red magic stuff
but it's taking a lot out of him i guess bc he stumbles back and lwj is right there to catch him 
bc they're soulmates and they love each other 
And this is the only other wangxiantic moment in this episode, wtf show
cut to the next scene, everyone's patching up wounds and whatever
lol we can hear nhs whining like a baby bc omg it hurts it hurts, lxc be more gentle
and lxc is like, chill bro it's just a stab wound
nhs is like JUST a stab wound?? r u kidding me, i'm DYING!!
Which is exactly how i would react to a stab wound lol
now lxc is with jgy and he's like jgy if you do ONE more bad thing, i will definitely finally punish you mercilessly
then he starts checking out his armless shoulder bc lxc really is too good and not all that bright apparently
lol when wwx sees lxc tending to jgy's wounds and his face is like ugh i can't believe this guy
oh, my poor sunshine boy is wincing and holding a cloth to his STILL SLUGGISHLY BLEEDING NECK WOUND
lsz is watching him very intently bc he's figuring out some things about himself and wwx that LWJ DIDN'T HAVE THE GOOD GRACE TO EXPLAIN TO EITHER OF THEM YET
lwj ofc has got his eyes glued on wwx bc, i mean, what else is there worth looking at in the Temple of Doom?
And i guess this counts as a wangxiantic too bc lsz is basically wangxian’s love child anyway!
lxc has the gall to ask nhs to hand him the medicine bottle to tend to FUCKING JGY'S (AKA HIS BIG BROTHER’S MURDERER) WOUNDS
nhs is like sure! grabs the medicine bottle and hides it in his robes 
he makes a whole show out of rooting around in his robes to ‘find’ it and lxc goes to him to grab it or whatever so his back is turned to jgy
he makes a show of looking over lxc's shoulder and shouts LXC LOOK OUT!!
lxc grabs his sword and whirls around and stabs it right into jgy
and nhs is all stuttery and nervously saying how omg he saw jgy reach behind him and he thought he was gonna do something awful so he panicked
Then jgy finally sees nhs AND THAT'S WHERE THE EPISODE ENDS
So another episode with way too much plot stuff, yuck
I mean, we only got 3 actual wangxian moments?? 
What is that about, huh? THAT’S NOT EVERY GAY RIGHTS OF YOU, SHOW!
The next episode is THE LAST and we’re definitely getting wangxiantics there and i will definitely cry about it
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yourpakichic · 4 years
Episode 20 Thoughts
-That hurt. That entire scene hurt me. The way Eda was listening and the pain and the realization of the truth so evident on her face. Serkan’s hushed tone as he talked. The way they looked at each other. The way they both are hurting. It hurt so bad.
-That is the most sensible thing Aydan has said and done to date. She knew Eda needed to hear it from Alptekin. She knew that Serkan getting involved would make it worse. And she’s also reminding Serkan that it’s not his fault. And for once, we see her trying to protect Serkan alone. Not Alptekin or the family name.
-The pain their eyes carry is so vivid, it pierces the heart. I think Serkan realizing that Eda means it that she would’ve forgiven him really destroys him because now he’s lost her trust. And he knows that’s very important for both of them. And Eda. Omg. Just her entire reaction was heartbreaking. Her breakdown in the car really tore me apart because she’s so helpless in that situation.
-Serkan going off on Alptekin was TOP NOTCH. He really said, I’m not playing around anymore. And I think he has every right. After everything, Serkan has every right to talk to Alptekin like that.
-OH MY GOD. SERKAN WENT OFF ON SELIN! THAT IS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE MOMENT SO FAR IN THE EPISODE! I mean not only did he question her intentions on barging in, he straight up told her he loves and loved Eda only ever AND that they are just professionals, no friends! I swear, I felt like a whole wrong carried off my chest! I had been waiting for Serkan to draw the line with her and he did! I hope that Selin learns from this and remembers this the next time she tries anything with Serkan!
-That entire beach scene owns my heart. The way Eda is having to relive the pain of the accident and what it took from her then and what it’s taken from her now. You have to think. Eda’s pain from the loss of her parents never went away. She always felt their absence. But with her relationship with Serkan, she started to just gain someone who loves her. Who makes her happy. And just for a little bit, she was able to not worry about what she was missing, but what she had. And now she finds out that the same incident took away the people she has really loved, and she finds herself in the absence of those people. But I think what Melo said was so beautiful and so profound. That while her parents are gone, Serkan is still alive. Her anger and hurt is absolutely justified, but she can still be with him, past all this. I don’t think Eda really understands that in this moment because she feels that she can’t trust Serkan right now. But I hope there’s a moment in which this truly rings a bell for her, and she really starts to trust Serkan and starts to mend their relationship.
-It really breaks my heart that Serkan really spent all those days alone. No one there to be there with him in his sorrow. No one there to share the pain and the heartbreak with. He really only had Eda. And now she’s taken away from him as well. While, Eda has her friends, her girls to share it with. But even with them, there’s moments of pain and loneliness that just don’t go away.
-Awww, he asked them to water the flowers she planted!
-Of course she doesn’t want things to workout between Eda/Serkan, she’s been sabotaging everything to begin with! At least she’s honest about it now and isn’t putting up the good ex act anymore!
-The contract. I think Eda asking Serkan to sign it without even looking at it was kind of immature and unprofessional. Even between colleagues, you wouldn’t sign anything without looking at it.
-They took the damn rings off. I’m on the floor.
-You know who’s character has had great progress? LEILA! That girl was scared and had a breakdown after very single conversation with Serkan in episode 1 and here she is welcoming him and being happy at seeing him and directly asking about his love life! I have enjoyed seeing her gain confidence and flourish! Yes girl, you be direct with Serkan!
-He really asked Aydan to talk to Eda cause he’s forbidden to, I’m dead! He really said I’m gonna do whatever she asks!
-Aidan is quite a mischievous yet smart business woman!
-Melo and Seyfi roast session GAVE ME LIFE! Dragging Selin like that!
-How can you not love this man? He said not my Melo! He don’t play around when it comes to his SIL! But his face at Engin telling him he can have Erdem! He about to crack!
-The way they were looking at each other and teasing each other through their eyes took me back to earlier episodes!
-Serkan hugging Erdem! THIS IS AN ICONIC SCENE! EVERYTHING ABOUT IT WAS AMAZING! Serkan’s reaction, Erdem scared look turned into confidence and playfulness with the situation to Eda laughing and not believing it! ICONIC!
-So fifi is from a rich background! I mean I figured she was but it’s good to get an idea of her background!
-Eda is very strong enough to stand in front of that man and confront him! It’s as if she’s reliving that experience but this time with all the truth and pain. And the way Serkan was looking at her, as if he could feel her pain just by staring at her.
-The way she reached out for him but had to restrain herself. The way her eyes were begging him not to leave. But her pain and anger are stronger in that moment.
-The way Serkan knows how to use the contract to his benefit 👏
-ALPTEKIN IS TRASH. Nothing will change that from this point on.
-I think the conversation in the car was so important. Serkan really has done everything Eda has asked and she’s noticed. Serkan telling Eda that’s there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her is the LOUDEST WAY OF SAYING I LOVE YOU AND I’M ALWAYS GONNA BE HERE FOR YOU. I just am going to die.
-Serkan just watching her from afar was so sweet!
-Why are their mirror scenes the absolute best! I love it!
-Tbh, Ferit and Ceren’s back and forth was kind of funny and interesting to watch!
-Why do all the guys look like lambs waiting to be sacrificed!
-“I will catch you”. Somebody come pick me off the floor!
-THAT WAS SUCH A CUTE RUNWAY! They all looked so beautiful!
-OMG! I forgot Alptekin doesn’t know that Aidan can leave the house by herself and she was gonna surprise him because she was so happy! She wanted to share her happiness with him and surprise him! And HE FUCKING CHEATED ON HER! I HATE HIM!
-Stabbing me would’ve hurt less. They both waited for each other. Hoping that this would be it. That they could work it out and figure it out. He was ready to give he ring back to her. They would start over. And they took it away from me.
Overall:this was such a good episode! I laughed, I was upset, I was happy, I was in pain, I felt everything! I found myself really frustrated with the way Eda was treating Selena but then I had to step back and think from her position. That’s kind of what I like about this show. It really makes you step back and analyze very character from their perspective! I am ready for Serkan and Eda to get back because they have been apart way too long!
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audspods · 3 years
my girl
hi so this is my first time doing this but i want to try talking abt movies. idk here’s a lil introduction to this. ok so ig i’ve always been a movie person, like i like them but i’ve never rly got into the nitty gritty w them. but sometimes i do find myself looking up analysis’ of the movies once i finish them. but that only started recently. ok so here’s the deal w this post. there’s 3-4 parts. first part is the introduction (this is the introduction), then we have the when i watched it (i know this seems rly silly but i think it’s important on the atmosphere and shit when watching a movie), then the what i rly think abt it section, and finally a section called audrey trying to be johnny 2 cellos. this one will b abt 4 because this intro is kinda explaining how i’m going to be doing this sort of thing so let’s get started ig? IDK HOW TO START THIS I’M LITERALLY 14 YEAR OLD GIRL WHO’S BORED. oh i’m gonna rate the movie on a scale from 1-10, 1 being wtf this is not cute and 10 being cute cute cute. 5 is like oh cute? its confusing i feel like i need to draw some sort of diagram :/
ok so my girl is abt this girl (wow nice one audrey!) who lives with her dad in a mortuary. this girls name is vada and her mother died giving birth to her. i lowkey forgot some stuff from this movie but that’s fine ig bc it’s been abt a year since i’ve seen it. basically vada is this tomboy and she doesn’t get along w everyone until she meets this boy. btw they r in elementary school. so she’s freinds w this boy named thomas and he wears glasses. the actor is the kid who was in home alone. anyways shit happens some girl comes in and becomes like her step mom ig. but lets get into what actually happened. so one day vada and thomas r playing in the woods and vada is wearing this ring but she loses it. she realizes she lost it after they were done playing in the woods but after thomas went back to get it. as he was looking for the ring he bumped into a bees nest and a shit load of bees stung him AND MANS WAS ALLERGIC TO BEES. so his glasses fell underneath the leaves and he died. so sad omg. and so they held a funeral for him and vada was obviously sad abt this but when she went to look in the casket she saw he wasn’t wearing his glasses. this is where the famous line “he can’t see without his glasses” comes from. this scene hurt so much my lawd. eventually time goes on and she never forgets him but that’s basically my girl. 
how audrey watched this movie:
okay so i think it was summer. I can’t remember i just remember this day being very grey and bright. so it must’ve been summer. anyways i had a shit load of laundry to do so i thought i would put on a movie. as i’m scrolling through netflix i see my girl and it’s one of those movies that u always hear abt so i thought i would watch it. i thought it was going to be some cute cheesey rom-com abt childhood friends but oh boy was i wrong. the movie was on in the background as i was folding my clothes but i do remember knowing what was going on the whole time. i remember wearing this headband that made my forehead huge but i didn’t realize that until i looked in the mirror to see my crying face lols. when the scene of thomas in the casket came up i was sobbing. i mean i was not expecting that at all and i was not ready . i rly thought it was gonna b a cute kids movie. i was so shocked that during and after that scene i could not move. i sat over all my clothes and just cried all over them. literally so embarrassing but it was so sad. LIKE Y WOULD U MAKE A CHILD DIE HELLO? i mean shit happens but whatever. this movie will alwyas be memorable to me bc i literally was not expecting to cry and i literally sobbed like a baby. i’m so glad no one was home to see me cry like that oh my goodness. 
audrey tries to b johnny2cellos:
if u don’t who johnny2cellos is pls check out his yt channel. i think he does a great good in going deep into movies and tv shows. well idk if i should say movies i’ve only watched bojack related vids from him. but from what i’ve seen and heard i think he does a rly good job. anyways let me jump into my lame ass analysis. this isn’t going to be good bc i havent seen this movie in a long time. but i think the movie did a rly good job capturing losing a loved one from such a young age. the innocence and immaturity of vada shown throughout the movie and during thomas’ funeral. i’m not good at this lmao. but i havent seen this movie in a long time so im not surprised that this is bad lols. anyways that’s it bc i have no idea what to say and i want to talk abt a different movie bc i lowkey forgot everything about this movie. 
final thoughts:
this movie is meh. it gets a 6.5/10 from me, so it’s like a ok cute? idk if that makes sense lols. anyways it’s a good tear jerker but honestly it seemed a bit rushed, but at the same time i sorta like that bc that’s what going through childhood is like. everything goes by super fast and soon enough, something happens that makes you stop and realize the shit that’s going on around you. that’s it for now i’m gonna do my life as zucchini next. PEACE OUT!!
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silver-wield · 4 years
Hey so I was wondering if you did/could do an analysis on clouds various panic attacks ptsd episodes and how he responds to each one I’m interested to read your thoughts on each one since you usually bring a new perspective to the table for me so thanks for that!
All of Cloud's ptsd attacks? Damn, that's a lot of searching I've got to do. I might not find them all. I'll do my best but you'll have to let me off if I miss a couple lol
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be long.
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Please check my master post to see if I've already covered your question, thanx
Recap time!
I explain Cloud's entire backstory which covers his PTSD and other issues here, so that should do for a recap right?
A further thing to note is that PTSD affects people differently and in Cloud's case it manifests as a psychological taunt in the form of Sephiroth. Embodiying his sense of failure, lack of self-esteem and self-actualisation, this version of Sephiroth is the one that Cloud reacts to the most strongly. This is the one that makes him whimper with fear and react on instinct instead of observing the situation and attacking. This is the one he fears, and it's a part of himself wearing a monster's face. Why Sephiroth? Who else has done him more harm? Sephiroth killed his mother, Tifa (so he assumes), burned his hometown to the ground and was indirectly responsible for his best friend's death, too.
And Cloud couldn't do a thing about it. He is the manifestation of everything that Cloud hates and fears about himself. Because of this, he's dissociated from much of his feelings. He still feels, but at a lesser degree than he should were he fully in touch with his real self.
Moseying on.
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The first PTSD induced attack isn't actually prompted by Sephiroth himself, although he does feature in it. Cloud's first attack happens when he sees the destruction of sector 8 and buildings burning. This gives him the association of the last time he saw a burning building, which happened when his village burned. The sensory input of sights, sounds and smells prompted the memory, which combined with the high stress situation and Cloud's own latent anxiety and guilt for his part in this chaos.
You see a close up of Cloud's eye as it widens and real!Cloud's memory pushes to the forefront of his mind – remember, these memories are things SOLDIER!Cloud can't access at will, which is why they cause him pain when it happens.
Theres a static noise in the background, which is meant to convey a type of ringing in Cloud's ears and then the building's facade morphs to that of his house with the fence around it.
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While much of what Sephiroth says is in line with this being a separate being from Cloud and not merely his own subconscious taunting him, there are elements of it being a combination of both. This is in line with the OG where Sephiroth was able to get in Cloud's head and make him doubt his own sense of self. With what we know of how Jenova's cells manipulate Cloud, it's believable that Sephiroth is both a separate being manipulating Cloud to his own ends and partly an aspect of Cloud's psyche that exists to push blame on him for everything. It's the representation of his mental illness that he struggles to fight.
Obviously, there's no fire, so Cloud sweating and breathless is because they're physical symptoms of his PTSD induced trauma.
Sephiroth's taunting lines about how he killed Cloud's mother are overkill when you consider the real Sephiroth's personality. The combination of the overarching Sephiroth and Cloud's PTSD version make a powerful foe that he never really beats. This is a metaphor for the fact those with mental illness are never really free. It's a lifetime battle and even if they're in recovery, that demon is just waiting for one weak moment when they can get them back in their grip.
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You can hear Cloud gasp in this scene as once again Sephiroth appears to taunt him. He's not fully recovered from the last attack and now there's another right on top of it. Sephiroth appearing is once again partly Cloud's own trauma and partly the Jenova cells in him warping his perception and allowing Sephiroth to mess with him.
Unlike the time before, this Sephiroth vision is a simple taunt that Cloud is too weak to save anyone. This is his guilt and self-loathing talking about how he couldn't save his mom, Tifa or his town. It could also be hinting that he couldn't save Zack either.
The hidden implication of this scene is the fact that Sephiroth puts his hand on Aerith's shoulder. This is the only time Sephiroth touches anyone besides Cloud.
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The next time Cloud has an attack is during the reactor 5 mission. This happens because of Tifa's presence drawing out the painful memory of the Nibelheim reactor where he believed she died after facing down Sephiroth.
Even in the midst of his PTSD attack he looks to Tifa. She doesn't know what's happening with him and he backs away from taking a chance to confide in her, but even during this moment when he's showing weakness he has very good eye contact with her. He's looking her directly in the eye, which he wouldn't do if he wasn't comfortable with her. This shows that Cloud sees her as a source of comfort and support.
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You can see the lingering doubt on his face here after he dismisses the attack. He's not aware of what the memory means because he's not in touch with the full story – that belongs to real!Cloud kept hidden away. He knows it's left him unsettled and feeling like a failure. This is one of the few times I've seen that Cloud doesn't dismiss out of hand the content of the attacks.
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Tifa repeats a phrase she said back then and Cloud's sense of failure surfaces, causing him pain and to freeze up. We get a voice over from real!Cloud referring to the time he believes he let Tifa down. Before the SOLDIER persona can get too deep into it or question what he means, Barret yells for him to focus. Cloud shakes off the paralysing feelings, but that doesn't stop Tifa asking it he's ok, which he dismisses again. This is typical of truama survivors pushing their feelings down and attempting to function without ever truly dealing with the source of their pain.
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This next flash is prompted by the events during chapter 8 where the children get into trouble and Cloud has to rescue them. It echoes a similar even in his past where Tifa climbed Mt Nibel and fell, despite his best efforts to save her. She spent a week in a coma and Cloud was blamed for the incident and told to stay away from her.
The past emotions of guilt and failure mingle with the present situation to prompt a flash of pain as the memory of Tifa surfaces. It's his feelings of guilt and having failed her that cause the pain, not Tifa herself because when he says to Aerith he doesn't know how to explain he turns to the spot where he saw the vision of Tifa and smiles wistfully. This means Tifa herself doesn't cause him pain. The feelings he has about himself, do.
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Chapter 13 and omg I love this freak out! I'm sorry, but this is such a great moment for Cloud and really highlights how low he is at this point. This shows the depth that we miss from him always having his SOLDIER persona taking charge. He's just lived through a tragedy. He's seen the girl he likes in pieces and trying to hold it together. He wants to comfort her. He wants to be himself, but he can't because he's just not good enough. He's feeling like a failure in more ways than one. He lost people too, goddamnit!
Then, in a misguided attempt to distract Tifa from her pain, he stumbles right into a trigger point for his own trauma. Of course he wouldn't know this. It's one of those flashes of Sephiroth ranting about his role and Jenova and shit. (I might have mistakenly said this was a future-flash somewhere, but then I remembered he does this rant right before he kills everyone in Nibelheim).
There's very little blocking to the memory. This is pretty well sealed by real!Cloud compared to his other memories. Even painful ones of Tifa have more context than this. This is something that is so damaging to Cloud's psyche that he can't even fill in the space around it.
So, we get the same kind of staticky noise we heard in chapter 2 when the vision of Sephiroth showed. Cloud gasps pretty loud here tbf. He's unguarded because of the vision and possibly his own distraction about what he's just been through. He wasn't prepared to see Sephiroth here even more than he was back in chapter 2 when he had a full on panic attack.
I mean, his pupils are seriously dilated here. Boi is scared.
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Cloud's whimpering and my heart breaks for him. Sephiroth is hitting all his weakest points by bringing up failure and mentioning it's not the first time that's happened. Cloud's at a low point already, so it's not unexpected he backs away from this rather than tries to fight. This isn't SOLDIER!Cloud. This is real!Cloud. The fear has driven real!Cloud to the surface and he wants to run away, just like Sephiroth taunted back in chapter 2.
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“Through suffering you will grow strong. Isn't that what you want?”
Clearly not by the look on Cloud's face. The part of him that's real!Cloud within this moment looks like he wants to scream that he's had enough of being in pain. He wants to shake his head and deny that he deserves it. What did he ever do wrong?
I feel like this is more of Cloud's own subconscious taunting him and implying that he deserves everything bad that happens to him, rather than it being the external Sephiroth manipulating Jenova's cells. He's saying Cloud secretly wants to suffer because that's all he should ever get in life. He thinks if he suffers enough pain that he'll be stronger for it, instead of the broken person that he really is. This is the type of thing people who’ve lived through trauma deal with every single day. It’s a never ending barrage of not feeling good enough and worrying that your entire existence is a bother to society. Not even just those close to you, you are a blight on the world. That Cloud’s internal trauma is so deeply rooted in this figure of Sephiroth narrows his focus and makes him project all of his fears onto him. It’s no wonder he freezes.
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Now, not strictly a PTSD glitch, but it does provoke a very strong reaction from Cloud, and definitely plays into his fears, so I'm gonna include this one on the proviso it's more fear motivated.
This is the moment he sees Tifa stabbed during the VR cut scene. Sephiroth hijacked it to show them meteor, but then he also killed Tifa and then Barret. We know later on that Barret actually dies, so having seen this, Cloud may well relate back to this deep seated fear that he can't save Tifa and she'll die because of him and it'll cause further attacks. This is also a callback to the time in the reactor in Nibelheim when Tifa was stabbed by Sephiroth and Cloud couldn't save her – this ties to the PTSD flashback he had during the reactor 5 mission where he saw Tifa picking up Sephiroth's sword, so it's got precedence to cause him further trauma once he connects the dots. The fact it provokes such a strong emotional response from him – so much so that his entire face changes – I suspect that real!Cloud came out to motivate him to run to her out of the fear he'd just seen her die in front of him – again. The shock and disbelief on his face, the utter heartbreak. His expression changes from SOLDIER!Cloud to real!Cloud in less than 3 seconds. I checked. As a trigger for his trauma, Cloud's fear of losing Tifa pushes him to a lot of things he wouldn't normally do.
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This is more of a memory glitch than PTSD since it's tied to the grunt recognising Cloud and calling him out on the false memories he has of being a SOLDIER. He says they went through training together and Cloud's eyes narrow as though he's trying to reconcile a truth against a lie. The truth that real!Cloud was a grunt and SOLDIER!Cloud is a fake.
There's some distress on his face here that links back to the point during the airbuster battle when he first learned about cell degradation. He knows what he believes is true isn't quite right, but he can't figure out why. SOLDIER!Cloud is unaware of the SOLDIER persona he constructed to protect his real self from further trauma. In OG when Cloud finds out – through Sephiroth’s skewed af bullshit – it causes a complete mental break, so real!Cloud's right to be wary of triggering himself because he's not in a good enough place to deal with what he's done to protect himself. He'd blame himself for being even more weak than he thought.
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This is more interesting. Usually whenever anyone questions Cloud about his false identity he claims it, while also rejecting it by saying “ex-SOLDIER”, but in Hojo's case, he seems to hesitate, as though part of him knew it would be questioned and wouldn't hold up. Since Hojo's the one who did this to Cloud, it's likely the truth of what happened couldn't be kept back by the SOLDIER lies.
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Pained again, Cloud turns his head away, as though he can shut out the truth. Hojo's image glitches for him and it's reminiscent of the OG moment where Cloud confronts Hojo and asks if he can be a proper experiment instead of a failed one (or something like that. I haven't played OG in like 5 years)
The trauma from what Hojo's done is quickly brushed under the carpet thanks to the arrival of the whispers. This is the second time they appear to prevent Cloud learning too much about his past too early. (Dammit, I forgot about deep ground, I'll circle back to it or I'll lose the order for my screenshots)
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I'm not including the long corridor walk prompted by Jenova because that's a loading screen and also it happens not because of anything that Cloud experienced in the location, but because the outside influence of Jenova called to him. His only association with Jenova is the infusion of cells, though how he got them does set off attacks. Actually, here's a good point for the deep ground screen.
Preview of zombie Cloud for Mideel anyone? I mean, what can I say? He's totally checked out and it's scary. No wonder he doesn't wanna remember any of it if this is what he was like at the time. Imagine being so doped up with mako that you're not even you any longer? Having experiments carried out on you and god knows what else. Being stuffed in a chamber jammed full of alien dna and left to see what happens.
This is what broke him. I'd say it's similar to the faceless Squall cut scene from the end of FF8. It's chilling. No wonder he crafted an entire persona to protect himself from remembering this.
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So this is the culmination of all the other attacks he's had. We get flashback elements from several that threaten to overwhelm Cloud. He's clutching his head. He's in serious pain and can't do anything. He manages to push through and ask if it's really Sephiroth. He then grabs his left arm when it begins to hurt. This is because Sephiroth is left handed. This is also the same arm that had the major infection of geostigma in AC.
Cloud is a messed by puppy and I ship him with therapy.
PTSD is a tricky thing to accurately show, especially in this case when it's not all totally mental illness and there are outside factors that skew how it's portrayed. Part of Sephiroth is within Cloud, though I do suspect it's more of an aspect of his own feelings of self-loating and doubt than it is actually Sephiroth. That's not to say there isn't also a genuine part of Sephiroth within these visions influencing Cloud to do what he wants, but I think it comes down to the context of the moment.
Cloud's been through a lot of shit and fronts like nothing else. He's managed to get away without any kind of vices or coping mechanisms besides this alternate persona that actually does ok in following the real!Cloud's lead when his deeper urges motivate SOLDIER!Cloud into doing things. I mean there's a point where there's a clear debate between the two about dancing for Andrea. All that back and forth eye movement and then the grimace and “fine, for Tifa” expression wasn't necessary if it was just SOLDIER!Cloud.
It's gonna be hard for Cloud to hear that he's not real in the sense that he thinks he is. It's gonna break him. We've got a preview of his scary vacant Mideel look and it's terrifying. Major props to Tifa for refusing to give up on him.
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#5)
S3 e3: Trust Your Gut. From what I remember this is a big one. I just remember this episode title honestly but we’ll see what happens.
-look at that! ava’s just casually in this scene, minding her own business, doing her job! you would never guess that this is a character who would later have a psychotic break and commit suicide.
-that’s really the point i’m trying to make. I hate all those posts where they’re like ‘i hated ava before, but season 4 has finally shown her true colors’ like not even?? no??? we’re trying to prove that that was never even a thing. i want to eliminate the possibility of s4 happening from your minds. nothing from s3 should ever be used as foreshadowing. that’s what the rewrite is about, ava being a good character. ava was never going to commit suicide. she was never gonna go psychotic. that should be ingrained in everyone’s minds.
-anyways, back to the episode.
-connor takes everything like a personal attack. relax
- i never realized how fun stoll was. like obviously not in the story but as a character he’s hilarious. unattached by everyone else’s drama
-awww. this maggie interaction is amazing. tapping sarah on the shoulder (neck actually but whatever) just to say hi. adorable. and sarah is already super jumpy. come on. her anxiety is already setting in. they really gave sarah two huge storylines in the same season.
-maggie... no one else would ever slash sarah’s tires. i mean honestly
-WHY DOES CONNOR HAVE TO CONTROL OF EVERYTHING - honestly ava was just reading off the chart and he can’t even let her do that he has to take over just to say the same things.
-and the way ava just takes it with her smug smile
-she is such a strong character there is no reason she would have gone crazy over connor she literally needs nothing from him.he has not ever had anything that she needed. 
-okay there’s no way i can explain it but after rolling her eyes at connor Ava turns and looks at the patient and instantly her face changes and you can see such pure concern in her eyes?? s4 ava could never (can someone please rb with a picture of what i’m talking about? it’s uncanny and so so sincere.)
- she’s in control of her emotions. she cares so much for her patients so don’t even try to play that card. the only thing connor has done literally since she got here is get in her way.
-and the way she smiles and comforts the patient. i mean come on. she’s just so amazing. AND COMFORTING. if ava really was as heartless as people say, she wouldn’t take the effort to do that. connor didn’t even do that, he just scowls at ava.
-which just proves my point, ava is only ever mean to people who she thinks deserve it. and, the more that I think about it, she’s never really actually mean. sure, she’s blunt and rude, but never cutting. she’s nice to her patients (and I know what you’re going to say, it’s not because she has to be. she’s a doctor, she still wants to help people). but when her patients are dicks, she’s not nice to them. she’s as snarky with as she’s professionally allowed to be.
-like, take this guy. he seems nice enough. he’s funny, polite, comes across charming, so ava is nice and is polite back to him.
-let’s move on.
-why is connor always so suspicious of ava. come on. he’s the one who should be sus. she literally said ‘Don’t worry, Ray, we’ll take good care of you’ and he’s giving her this weird side eye.
-ethan and will being in this board meeting is really adorable to me. like, just, bros.
-oh godddd sarah please relax. sweetie. please.
-sarah fucking tranqed him oh my god
-oh my god noah asking people for help literally shut the fuck up
-straight people are gross. not to hate but how does anyone sit through manstead
-connor literally needs to chill. I know this bit (they’re arguing over menial things in surgery) plays more to them just picking on each other, pulling each other’s pigtails on the playground if you will (i didn’t like that analogy but I used it anyway), but if you look at it, ava was only trying to help connor (suggesting a wider possible target and an easier to handle stitch) and connor took it wayyy to personally. sure the second bit of advise is just poking at him, but she suggested a better spot on the base and he shut her down without any thought.
-and then latham points out that there is no point in arguing, to which ava defers, then connor snidely says ‘Thank you, Doctor, Now, how about from here on out we keep the background noise to a minimum’ and ava just shakes her head, scoffing.
-at this point ava just likes annoying connor because its fun. it’s entertaining. he gets so upset. everyone’s done that, just be annoying for fun (its bad to say but i mean come on everyones done it)
-another point, ava immediately deferring to latham might read to some as her being a suck up but that’s not what it is.
-ava really likes seeing how close to the line she can get. she goes right up to it, but she never crosses it. the same is true with her interactions with other people outside of surgery.
-I really like this story of the girl who passed out and hit her head, and her brother’s a wreck, and her parents obviously think the brother’s a disappointment. and it was finals week so of course she wasn’t taking care of herself. and the brother knew that, and you can tell he cares so much and feels so bad. it’s nice
-complication on the surgery they were working on. ava comes in with a solution (off of connor’s mistake during surgery after not following her advice) but I have a sneaking suspicion that by the end connor will be back on top
-the effort it took connor to say ‘it’s a good idea’ come on man just fucking let it go
-i’m glad we’ve all agreed that connor’s just a dick
-aw look at that she even held the door for him. connor would never
-i don’t want to overly push the ‘med is sexist’ thing but how is it that in a storyline between nat and ethan, characters who have never been romantically involved, they still pull the woman thinks one thing, man refuses to believe it and is right dynamic. i mean come on med seriously. what the fuck is wrong with you.
-the look of annoyance and disbelief on ava’s face that connor hadn’t actually messed up. comedic, but also i get your pain.
-glad that latham sides with ava, ava advocating for a riskier procedure so they could ensure the blockage is removed)
-(something could be said about ava’s high-risk, high-reward ideals. you could even draw the parallel to events in s4 and s5, even though I really don’t want to. it’s an interesting and notable character trait to say the least)
-dude straight up cuts his abdomen open and his intestines spill out
-the fear and shock and emotion on sarah’s face make me feel so bad for her
-WAIT IS THIS THE EPISODE WHERE SHE LOSES THE END OF THE INSTRUMENT? IS THAT WHAT THIS IS? i am not prepared to watch an ava bekker breakdown rn.
-the shock on ava’s face when connor said nice job.
-ava actually tried to apologize to connor. well, not apologize but she feels a little bit bad for just how abrasive she’s been to connor. (connor didn’t necessarily have to make it super competitive). Ava said “Look, I know i have the tendency to step on toes. it’s nothing personal”
-and now they’re not arguing and are this close to actually working like a team
-and i cannot believe connor’s big one-liner is ‘Murphy’s law’
-the emotion on april’s face when the girl’s parents won’t even let her brother grieve for her. I feel it. astounding. its so painful omg
-ava: “your optimism is enchanting.” when i was writing earlier I was worried I wasn’t being accurate with her dialogue and making it sound too overly formal but i guess I nailed it. also, this line reinforces how much I love her (so does every other line)
-connor just refusing to give ava anything, no credit, no nothing. doesn’t even give her credit for earning the surgery saying “you may have elbowed your way onto the case, but he is still my patient” (I JUST TRANSITIONED INTO A QUOTE SO SMOOTHLY WHY CANT I DO THAT IN MY LANG RHETORICAL ANALYSIS ESSAYS YOU’RE KIDDING)
-hey it’s joey!
- i can appreciate him so much more when he’s not chasing after reese
-do you remember their first meeting? bickering over who gets the last splenda? (real meet cute amirite)
-dr. charles remarking how all the scientific advances can’t beat human instinct, nice little tie in to the episode title
-ava just smiling while connor waits for her to apologize. she. takes. no. shit.
-i literally hate connor’s face so much. it fucking looks predatory like stop looking at her like that. it’s almost like you were planning her psychotic break
-ava’s cunning, saying ‘we’ instead of ‘i’ when talking about the decisions being made. she’s smart. she knows what to do. She knows how to present herself. (and yeah, a little hypocritical that she said to connor ‘when you fail, I will make sure that it is noted that it was your fault and not mine,’ but like I said, she just knows how to present herself)
-latham: “Dr. Bekker seems to enjoy this discordance.”
-rhodes’ face when changing his mind and saying ‘maybe I do’ when asked if he enjoyed it too - he literally makes the dumbest faces. please. stop. (is it a straight people thing?)
Alright. Another episode down. 17 to go. This was actually a pretty good episode all around. Ava took none of connor’s shit and you’d have to squint to find any sort of romantic subtext in their interactions, which is huge win in my book. reese’s storyline wasn’t too bad, she didn’t go through too much trauma, which, the bar for watching med is incredibly low i guess. This was a really good episode for ava. like I said before, very little romantic subtext, and she had a redeeming quality in the way she obviously cared for her patient at the beginning of the episode.
The main point is something I’ve been reiterating again and again. Ava cares about her patients. Ava is mean to connor because she knows someone needs to put him in his place, and she is glad that it is her.
All in all, this was a pretty good Ava episode. Very happy.
thanks for sticking with it.
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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fanfoolishness · 5 years
It’s that time!
My rambling thoughts on the latest Steven Universe Future episodes, Snow Day and Why So Blue? Screencaps included. As always, feel free to message me or reblog with your own thoughts!
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So Steven really calls his Gem clinic Kiss-It-Better Klinic????  Why, Steven?
also you have waaaaaay too many things to remember. Pick one thing!  You may be growing up, but you don’t have to be ALL the way grownup yet!
I got so excited thinking he was really drinking a ton of coffee but then it was a protein shake
Which is STILL SAD because boy LOVED food and now? it’s just a means to an end? it’s fuel, not fun????
I literally curled up on my couch in a ball moaning softly at this
New idea: 30-year-old Steven finds the cheeseburger backpack in the closet, says “fuck yeah” and starts using it again because that’s just how your thirties are, man, lemme tell you
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Pearl’s layers are amazing
I love the scarves!!!
What errands was Steven going to do in town???
More things to schedule?  child?
Just imagine Steven sitting in his car for just a few minutes before heading inside and -- ohhh never mind I’m gonna fic this.  yep.  it’s coming. you watch.  
“SURPRISE! We were sitting in the dark!”
It wasn’t even Dogcopter?  They got him PUPCOPTER??? I would be offended too.
Someone please draw Steven’s skincare routine.  I hope it includes a sunscreen and two different moisturizers and him rubbing spit on his face whenever a zit shows up.
so we have Cat Steven but we also have HAT STEVEN
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It’s okay, Steven. If someone tried to read to me at 16/17 I’d also be like “the fuck are you on???”
Amethyst calling out his lack of work-life balance so fucking hard
Steven is so agile these days! Great somersalting
He also yelled “what the heck” but we know what he’s thinking
Steven x the fuck word WILL HAPPEN
Classic Steven? omg I love it and teen Steven hates it so much poor thing
Garnet is one sneaky son of a gun and also Cat Steven is so sweet
Garnet totally threw that pillow on the floor as a trap
Damn future vision!
I got genuinely scared when Steven rolled them into Rose’s room because uhhh, last time we were in there things got TENSE
he’s such a quivering ball of stress
hey wait a minute! the baseball glove on the mantle is a glove for a left-handed person! Is Steven a lefty?  I thought he writes with his right hand... then again he punches with his left... hmm.
STEVEN PEARL IS THE CUTEST FUCKING THING and I screamed like a little girl and kicked my feet off the couch and I can’t handle it, you guys, I’m so proud of her!!!!
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he is so round and pure
the fusions... I can’t... so much giggling....!
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he’s so cold and so beefy this poor precious kid
also I’m so glad he’s not wearing Greg’s manky old shirt, thank goodness he has sleeves
oh no, is this the end of my adult life
the fucking DRAMA
i CAN’T handle the tiny Steven!!! being angry! saying big Steven things!
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and then there’s Zach bringing the feels!  This is tough for me, you know?
I need you to see me for who I am now.
just someone kill me and leave me for dead in the snow because my heart just exploded
and his glowup growup was so beautifully animated i can’t even
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I just can’t with the tininess of the little Stevens and big Steven being so big!
this will probably be the last super happy moment of the season before we take a hard left into ANGSTLAND
such a good episode! <3
Why So Blue?
Lapis has come such a long way!
She loves growing things so much <3
I love Freckles!  Curly... ehhh, jury’s still out on her.
I enjoy space adventure stuff!  And the little Bulbasaurs are so cute! and the backgrounds on this episode are beautiful
“They’re not nice like me!”
Steven remembering how Lapis almost drowned him and Connie, stole his ocean and broke his dad’s leg....
I guess it’s just a Lapis thing
Steven attempting to lead a guided meditation, such a nerd
Lapis and her meepmorps!
Steven you idiot that’s fucking mud you just drank
Freckles is dancing!!! You go girl! So cute!
What is that music?  Is it Gem music?
Lapis has turned into a Disney princess and it’s really pretty adorable
She’s come so far <3
She’s never been my favorite of the Gems just because she’s one of the few I couldn’t see myself in, but I can really appreciate how much she’s grown and worked on herself.  But that doesn’t mean it’s not hard to fall into old patterns.
It’s interesting that Steven didn’t actively ask Lapis to stop, whereas old Steven would have.  Older Steven realized it was working... and trusted Lapis enough to know she wouldn’t go too far.
I was tempted to see them fuse, but I’m not sure Lapis will ever be ready to fuse, and I think that’s okay!  
Yay Freckles!
This was definitely a lighter side of things. As always on this show, any time things are happy I just assume it’s gonna be depressing next time.  
And finally....
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riskeith · 4 years
good morning love! (or afternoon for you hehe)
deku vs kacchan part 2 is my favorite ep of the entire series actually. i’ve watch that ep so many times as well it’s just perfect. i got into them when i watched that episode actually! the voice acting god..... literally shivers. now that i think about it it might even be my favorite anime ep of all time help. i just love how bakugou lets it all out and we get to see that side of him.. the insecure scared child he tries to hide. god i could ramble about it forever idk just love it. OH YOU WATCHED THE MOVE RIGHT AFTER? a scene with bakugou and todoroki is guaranteed a good time.. and they work so well together. haha that’s such a nice coincidence tho their dynamic is great in that movie even if it’s mostly kiribaku sjsksjk. what do you think about kiribaku btw?
RIGHT!!! at least we have a couple days to decide hihi.... paimon no longer emergency snack.. only seelie. 🥴 oooh? what kind of thing have you envisioned? (if you wanna share ofc!)
i’ve seen so many people mention that!! like one of the worst parts of the game is that in the higher level you get the less there are to do.. ssjksjdk at some point all you can do is grind domains and try to level up shdkdfhdj
LEVEL 40 INTO A LEVEL 70+ FIGHT ok that’s honestly hilariously brave doesn’t she like die right away 😔 oh yeah you’ll be leveling up Again soon *praying for you*... can’t believe they don’t keep the easy bosses anymore sjdkfh that’s so rude. this game is just grind grind grind. WE NEED A BENNY STORY SO BADLY. like imagine a story with him wanting to seek out diluc because he wants to learn how to fight from a master or something like that. i saw it in a comic and i can’t stop thinking about it 😭 all of them deserve stories!!! there’s so many ways they could make it happen pls mihoyo... chongyun x xingqiu story... <333
shfkjdskdjhf nope right now i’m playing with noelle as my main damage dealer, traveller, lisa and barbara actually. so i think i have a pretty good balance atm.. 2 long range 2 short range-ish. i usually trade out barbara for another character if i have to tho, hehe. that’s only combat though ^ benny is with me when we explore. mood is me having a 5 star and not even using her... i still need to think of ways qiqi could fit into the group yk. is your group still looking the same as before? ooooh if you could rank the elements what would your ranking look like?
172!!!!! that’s a bit short though when you said tall i thought like... 190 or something sjksjdxk. wait how tall are You?
oh i just meant like... people bashing others for spending too much money on the game vs those that bash people for not spending money and complaining that they don’t get 5 star etc? idk yt comments can be so ugly though so it’s a good thing that you don’t read them sjdjdjdkd
that’s super smart!!! you just follow along the plan and delete when you come to the part. must feel so satisfying too i imagine. haha, what little notes i have i put in the notes app and just check up on when i need to. sometimes i even forget they’re there shdkdhsks. my notes are filled with half-assed dialogue or random one words notes that don’t make any sense to me anymore.. nskdhddjdj
you’re right!! so you write at night? sometimes i just open docs on my phone and write a bit before i sleep and when i wake up it’s either a grammatical mess or just... super bad hskshd the brain is simply too tired to create anything shakespeareian
nooo i’ll def check these out and let you know what i think. i’ve seen halsey being in pretty much every klance playlist on spotify so i imagine she portrays their vibes pretty nicely. doesn’t she have a song she sings about being blue and red or something... shdjfhdj such a bad description but i see it being used in edits a lot. also now that i think of it melanie has a song called pacify her that i really like!! do you like it?
THATS SO CUTE YOU ARE A CRYBABY. 🥺 same here tbh i actually like crying sometimes... sjskdjdjd like you said it just feels nice to get it all out. i cry to almost movie or series or book i read i’m a super emotional person but i also think it adds to the experience? you feel more immersed in it that way.
RIGHT??? ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! and it’s our boys 😭 and they’re cuddling 😭 under the sun 😭 ssjdjdhdjdj 😭
can’t wait to hear from you again <3 yours, ma <3
good night! more like ahhah
:o!! that’s so legendary of them wow.. <33 and yeah honestly the voice acting is phenomenal.. and all the implications behind the fight too? bakugou finally opening up? midoriya understanding that what he needs is to fight him? ugh. kiribaku is fine! fhdsjfks my brain is so full of todobaku that any other ship is really just... in the background hfskjfs but i can appreciate the relationship they have! with kiri being the only one bakugou has really acknowledged and seeing as being on the same level, that iconic hand clasp when bakugou was being rescued... i have a kiribaku fic in my drafts but idk if i can ever get to it ahha. you like them a lot right?
ikkk also i didn’t know we had to wait until the very end to buy? i have more than enough to buy it rn but when i clicked it said ‘must explore area 14 first’ and i was just... bruh. AHAHAH. okay so in my mind it’s like.. chongyun at a funky angle we’re kinda looking up at him and his body is like bent down towards us fhsdkjs idk how to describe it but i can picture it very well but i also cannot put it to paper/screen. and then his clothes are just black instead of white! HAHAH. tho i kinda wanna see if i can draw a xiao first to offer up to the gacha gods hfsdjkfs (and if i can i’ll do a version w a dark outfit too for u hehe)
legitttt im literally just logging in and grinding the talent domains every day fhsdkjfhskfhjd there are some artifacts i want as well but the domain is literally SO difficult for me fuck.
i just go in and use her skill then heal a bit and switch right away fhsdkjfsd it going alright! and then i go ham with my other 3 charas and switch back to her to heal again fhskfjd. OMGGG that’s so cute please... i miss diluc too... come back!! i wish we had a way to replay the old quests even if we get nothing out of them like i just wanna experience it again ya know.
oooo! that’s pretty nice. hfskjd you could switch barbara out for qiqi! since she’s a healer as well. omg wait you have lumine right? so your combat team has no males? legendary 😩 we love fighting queens! ya! traveller, chongyun, xiangling, fischl. and then i switch depending on the domain/boss i’m gonna fight. hmm elements I think would go: anemo, cryo, electro, pyro, hydro, geo, dendro? LMAO i reckon if i had diluc tho pyro would be higher... i also almost forgot to add geo to that list lmaooooooo oops, hbu??
I JUST SAW THE LINK.... AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! the bestest boys look how cute they’re sjdkfjdjjdd i’m obsessed. the picture where benny has his back turned sjdudjdjddnd stop. 🥺 they’re so neat. 🥺 also NO ARE YOU SERIOUS? that’s so upsetting are you gonna try it out nonetheless or do you think it’s too risky?
they’re SO neat!!! and bennett facing the other way was so fhskjfd yeah cute <3333333 I KNOWWW IM SO SAD :((( and no...... im not gonna try 😭😭😭 i told my brother about it too and he asked how many rolls i was at and i said 70 and he was straight up ‘you can’t try then’ and i was like ‘i know 😔😔’. @ xiao... i am giving up xingqiu rate up for you 😤😤😤😤 ugh i hope i can still get xingqiu in xiao’s banner tho even tho the chances will be shit. are you gonna roll ganyu’s banner?
FHSKJFSD NOOOOOO don’t tell me 172 is average for you wtf... (apparently the average male height in japan is 160cm! for reference ahah) and i myself am. one hundred and. fifty something cm hfsdjfhskjdfhskdjfhw9uehdsifhwsdkjfhsdkfhsd 😔 big sighs lmaoooooooo. how tall are you? (im assuming much taller 😔😔😔😔😔)
ooh notes app? nice ahaha. fhdkjfhskfsk hdthat’s the mood tho! if i don’t have my laptop with me i’ll write out everything on notes first then transfer to my laptop~
AHAHAH yeahhh i think mostly i do? bc during school times i’ll only write after i’m done with my work which = night time. for a while Peak writing time for me was like 1am lmfao but i do that in a like half-asleep half-conscious state so when i come back the next day at a “normal” time i run into the same issue as you fshdfkjshfs
she does!!! it’s called colours 😩 but i think the one i related to voltron most is control! there was this really good shiro edit with that song i still remember it to this day <3 yeah i do!!! i like most of melanie’s songs actually ahahah. i think my favourite for a while was show and tell~
it totally does!! like it’s satisfying as well you know... like the characters have gone through so much and you experienced that with them so it’s natural to get emotional about it. that reminds me, what kind of books do/did you read? did you read all Those YA novels ahah talking about crying has reminded me how i cried reading those..
<333 i wanna be there with them 😩 actually no i want to BE them 😩😩😩
eager for your response <33 love, c.r.
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 4 - Meng Yao has a crush & Foxglove likes to babble
Hello everybody, welcome to episode 4. I slept like a baby last night, but I have a migraine so I may sound a bit incoherent. (Post episode Foxglove here, I’m not incoherent in this, I’m just ranty)
Poor WWX. Funny story, during my first? Second? Year of Med School I fell aspleep on my biophysics notes during exam period, woke up at 9pm when my alarm for my meds started ringing, realised what I’d done and called my mum (who was on a 24h shift at the hospital) crying. In hindsight is hilarious because I had something like two weeks until the exam so I lost no more than a few hours but oh well.
Full disclosure here: I don’t like the Lan sect, LXC, LWJ and the Ducklings excluded I think they’re a bunch of hypocrites. You can’t call yourself righteous and boast about your almost 4000 rules and then shrug when people decide to commit genocide.
Also, 4000-ish rules? Fuck that noise, there’s a post floating around here where some amazing soul translated what they could see of the Wall of Rules and yeah, some of them are in the “don’t be an asshole, don’t hurt yourself or others” vein which, absolutely fair. But things like “dress properly” who are you to tell me what and how I cover my body with? “Don’t be promiscuous” wow thanks for the slut shaming my dudes. “Don’t smile foolishly/don’t smile too much”, “sit properly”, “don’t be too sad”, “don’t be too happy”. You’re telling me these are rules, not guidelines, not common sense stuff. RULES. You’re telling me people get punished for grinning or crying. Fuck off mate.
And we can’t forget the golden example of hypocrisy “Don’t talk to Wei Wuxian” so much for “don’t speak ill of others”.
Is my Western Girl showing? I’m sorry, I’m from Spain and I was raised by the guidelines “don’t be an asshole, don’t hurt yourself or others, don’t take anyone’s bullshit, live and let live, have courage and be kind, we will always love and support you” so some stuff in here is very very grating. I don’t have enough knowledge about the culture to discern if it is because of my modern sensibilities or because my culture is so different.
Oooooohhh I don’t like birds. I mean, I love crows, ravens and birds of prey to an unhealthy degree, but they keep their distance. The other day a pigeon flew into my building and decided that my (very dark) doorstep was the place to have a rest. I screamed like a banshee.
Hey, those two assholes at the back, get the fuck out of here.
LXC protective mode activated.
You will never convince me Meng Yao did not develop a monster crush right then and there.
Oh no. It’s this asshole.
Oh WangJi about to cut a bitch.
Drag him WWX.
MY’s protective mode activated.
And LXC is too done with this shit. Yep, NHS also thinks MY got a massive crush.
WQ aka Qishan Wen’s only braincell.
It’s the One Braincell Trio!
Notice me sempai! Omg JC’s faces.
This is where I dump all my canon-divergence AUs:
Meng Yao stays in Cloud Recesses. He and LXC keep gazing longingly into each other’s eyes.
NHS introduces him to the other two from the One Braincell Trio. WWX takes one look at him and goes “yep, you’re my friend now, I’m kneecapping anybody who fucks with you.” Because there’s no way he wouldn’t be sympathetic to MY after his own childhood (omg, both of them drunk, making terrible gallows’ humour jokes about living poor and mostly homeless while JC and NHS just listen horrified). JC goes into overprotective bro mode with MY. I mean, he still can’t emote for shit but he’s made very very sure that he will cut a bitch for MY and at least he knows MY has a brain, not like someone else he knows.
Shijie makes friends with MY because Shijie is a goddess and MY is so confused because how the hell does someone so kind exist? And she wants to be friends? And she doesn’t care at all about his past? What? MY.exe has stopped working.
Maybe JZX gets his head out of his ass and goes to talk to MY and warn him about what an asshole JGS is, because I refuse to think JZX doesn’t know it. Maybe MY hears him disparaging Shijie and decides that nope, the Jins can fuck right off every single one of them is a rude idiot; it’s ok with him because of his parentage (it’s not ok) but no one touches Shijie. The Yunmeng sibs is where it is at.
And that’s when he unleashes his full Slytherin powers on behalf of his new family. Because he does indeed have a fully functioning brain and shit is going to get really ugly really fast for all the people he loves if he doesn’t try and mitigate the damage somehow.
(A lot of mutual XiYao pinning is going on in the background because I live for the angst ok. LWJ fully approves of him as a brother-in-law tho)
A lot of terrible shit still happens because this is my AU and I want pain, but not only does JGS not have MY’s enormous brain on his side when he tries to seize power, he’s actively working against him (you can’t tell me MY wouldn’t get the kick of his life publicly bringing down and exposing his terrible father).
I’m sorry, back to the commentary.
This two idiots omg.
It’s WQ! Drag him WQ (gently)
I’m going to channel my ballet teacher here for a second: put your hair up! (You bunch of spider crabs, as she would call us)
I mean, JC’s hair is clearly in his face when he’s doing drills and, while the visual of all that dark hair whipping in the wind with the robes (another beef I have, they look like they’d catch on everything) is very dramatic I can assure you it’s fucking annoying. Plus it limits your visual field a lot. Again, I know jack about the culture and people can fly on swords here so why am I complaining about hair but let me live.
I used to have that much hair (then I got a pixie, now I’m growing it back out) and smacking yourself on the face with your own braid hurts.
Shijie knows what’s up with Jiang “I can only show anger” Cheng.
My one track mind when I saw the fish: Anisakis!
I think I would absolutely become a vegetarian if I got dropped in the past tbh. Not only is there no quality control of animal products (hello Trichinella), there’s also no way to do a proper cold storage (hello Salmonella). I’ve read and seen to many horror stories due to contaminated animal byproducts and, while vegetables pose their own risk (hello E. Coli) usually you only have to be thorough at washing and peeling to not have trouble.
5am wake up call without coffee. Fuck that noise.
Wei “I’m a petty gremlin” Wuxian.
I once called WWX a “mad scientist with ADHD” on an AO3 comment and I stand by that assessment.
Ok, but why the turtle caricature? It’s because turtles are “old and wise” like LQR? Is that the joke? Or are they laughing at WWX’s balls?
“Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? // Where, would you look if I asked you to get me a bezoar? // And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?” It’s pretty much the same energy. LQR is Ancient magic China’s version is Severus Snape down to the pettiness. He tries to catch WWX in a mistake, and when he can’t he dismisses his knowledge (look at Shijie’s face when he says WWX should not be proud to know what he does). He keeps pushing until WWX’s runs into a wall, then uses LWJ to “show him how it’s done” I mean, look how smug he looks and how uncomfortable everyone else is.
“Pity... clearly, fame isn't everything.”
(No, I don’t like LQR and I don’t like Severus Snape either; tragic past and sacrifices do not give you a pass to abuse children don’t @ me, I’m not interested in changing my mind)
And here is where all my “mad scientist with ADHD” hc stem from.
“No screaming in Cloud Recesses.” Screams LQR (yes, I’m 100% that bitch)
But intercepting an arrow mid flight is some Geralt of Rivia Witcher bullshit right there.
Detective Wei strikes again.
The scenery is gorgeous my god.
Can we talk again about how this 16-year-old boy reacted to someone sneaking up on him by drawing his sword and attacking? That’s not fucking normal, that’s a common reflex in soldiers or people with PTSD.
(The Netflix translation has him calling LWJ “WangJi” and I die)
Thanks for reading!
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
October 25: 1x20 Court Martial
Now that Chopped is done I am free to watch TOS again. Today’s ep: Court Martial, a wonderful combination of two of my favorite things: Captain Kirk and Legal Stuff.
Look at that backdrop. I forgot how many Very 50′s backgrounds they had in this show.
The Intrepid is here for repairs! Such a lost opportunity to show more Vulcans in Starfleet.
I don’t entirely get why the Commodore has his own special transport pad. I guess it must allow him to beam himself places without the use of a ship but like... to where is he beaming?
Lol that absolutely terrible sailor suit outfit on the little girl. I can only assume it’s a school uniform as it’s the only thing she ever wears.
Can you believe how this whole episode is based, essentially, around allegedly broken regulations? I mean I know it’s more than that and they do a good job explaining why it’s bad to eject the pod early (”when there is no emergency”) but like, essentially, the underlying conditions of emergency are not in Kirk’s control. It’s possible to just skip officially calling the emergency while nevertheless acting in a way that is appropriate for an emergency, and so it comes down to “did he first declare the emergency officially and then act in accordance with the declared emergency or did he just skip the first step?” rather than “did he act too quickly?” since HE was the one who determined if the conditions warranted an emergency.
Having said all that I still don’t get what an ion pod is or where it was or why it had to be ejected at all. Or how Finney got out of the pod if it was ejected.
Vulcanian expedition?!?
Kirk’s default voice is just flirty; I’m sorry but it is. Even talking to his old school classmates, who are VERY quick to judge him harshly and hate on him, implying they were probably never friends, he’s All Charm by default. And he doesn’t drop the charm even when he starts politely fighting with them.
Bones using Jim to flirt--with Jim’s ex-girlfriend! “Did you see that guy over there, he’s pretty famous, and we’re friends!”
I love Areel Shaw and I’m just gonna say I think she’s my favorite Kirk girlfriend.
Charged with culpable negligence. As opposed to...not culpable negligence?
When he was a midshipman...
What’s with all these professor & student friendships??
I cannot believe part of the Finney & Kirk backstory is that he literally named his daughter after Kirk. Like that’s so intense! I feel like it kind of changes everything but I can’t entirely untangle how.
This “I can’t believe you filed a report about my error” backstory is literally the beginning of STID except Kirk is the Spock of this scenario.
Star Trek: Law and Order. Bum bum.
This whole idea of pitting Kirk against a computer is clever in that people to this day are like “but computers are infallible?” but also dumb because Kirk >>> Computer obviously.
Having drinks with the ex and he turns the charm up to 11.
All of this is wildly unethical, from her telling him about the prosecution’s case, to her BEING the prosecution.
I actually read an article recently about this isn’t, or shouldn’t be, her job as prosecutor, to drum him out of the service in disgrace. Her job should be to find the truth in a more neutral way.
Wtf are all these totally useless federal reporters doing here?
I’m a pro-book person but this is a HILARIOUS anti-computer speech. Like--the law is in the computer dude! It is! It’s the same law as in the books. Intergalactic Westlaw is available to you. And then he goes off on this weird rant about Moses, like--dude, Moses isn’t in the reporters OR Westlaw OR whatever Starfleet code is actually at issue here.
Kirk likes him though.
Shaw in the dress uniform with the long skirt hot damn.
Not even the computer can pronounce Spock’s full name. And he’s been demoted again.
Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor.
Spock isn’t having any of this. “I don’t dispute it. I just... actually I do dispute it because it’s nonsense.”
His entire testimony is the equivalent of “You don’t have all the facts.” / “Which are?” / “I love him.”
The defense doesn’t need to question him because he’s already testified for the defense.
This is such a hilarious use of McCoy. For the first time ever we’re told he’s actually a psychologist on top of being a surgeon and GP and then his whole testimony isn’t even really medical? It’s just like wild speculation, which being a doctor and an “expert in psychology” somehow qualifies him to provide?
I love how Kirk’s service record just goes on and on and on. Areel doesn’t do herself any favors objecting to it; that just draws attention to it. As the defense lawyer knows by insisting it continuing and then cutting it off for being comically long.
Kirk: “I can be level-headed in an emergency. This wasn’t my first rodeo.”
This chair design is SO BAD. I know it needs to be like this for the plot but omg putting the pod release button on the chair at all (like does the captain have to jettison pods a lot?) and then especially directly under the red alert button, and then putting both of them just out there without any kind of cover or anything--that’s just waiting for someone to lean on his chair arm and make a deadly mistake.
Also nothing else is even labeled lmao.
This is a very impressive deep fake.
This whole ion storm does not really seem like a scary emergency situation lol. It seems like Kirk and everyone else are basically keeping their heads.
“You may be able to beat your next Captain at chess” Kirk as chess master confirmed.
“I didn’t realize how close you and my father were even though I was literally named after you.”
Obligatory Bones accuses Spock of not caring about Jim scene.
“Why thank you, Doctor, my blood is very cold.”
I can’t believe Spock programmed the computer to play chess with him. Probably so he could practice for Jim.
The lawyer’s outfit is hilarious: little pocket for a pen in front. Is he... a civilian lawyer? Is that even allowed?
Here is talking about the Bible again. And the Magna Carta. First, it’s always funny when a bunch of real things are followed by some fake science fiction things. And second, he’s pretty obviously just talking about the Constitution, and like maybe a very tiny bit about the Magna Carta. There’s no right to counsel in the Bible.
Really glad to know the Martians care about the right to an attorney though. And that the Alpha 3 Colonies protect the right of confrontation.
I bet Spock is unimpressed with this Drama.
Why did they change out of their dress uniforms?
How convenient that Finney was one of only three people who could change the computer. I mean I guess this is a permissions thing--but why would the records officer have that? Not that I know what a records officer is.
“White noise device” you can’t fool me, that’s a microphone.
Also another hilarious use of McCoy. Do they really NEED the ship’s surgeon to put a microphone against people’s chests? “Don’t mind me, just stealing your heartbeats.”
Like the general concept of this is nifty story telling but some of the details are....uh.... funny.
Captain’s log: “We brought a young girl onto the ship even when it’s in a dangerous position so we could use her against her father.”
Finney really was playing the looooooong game of revenge lol. And yet it still doesn’t seem well thought out. What was the next part of his plan? Somehow get back OFF the ship once Kirk’s career is ruined, and then live the rest of his life under an assumed name? Never seeing his daughter again? No Starfleet career even though it’s allegedly so important to him? Seems a little bit like everyone loses.
Lol not letting Spock leave the bridge because the court martial’s not ever. “Sorry, we all might die, but court IS still in session.” Even though they ALREADY KNOW the alleged victim is still alive!
I love that Uhura is essential personnel. They didn’t keep the navigator on board, even though they apparently need one, but they did keep Uhura.
Oh no, Kirk’s flimsy shirt, falling apart again!
“Beaten and sobbing, Finney told me how to fix the ship.” Bitter much?
Kirk, being a badass, fixing the ship all by himself.
Honestly I just really love a narrative in which an upright man plays by the rules, does the right thing, and behaves in good faith and is ultimately vindicated and rewarded.
Now everyone agrees there’s no crime and thus no point to continuing the court-martial.
He’s defending Ben Finney! Good luck with that.
I love how Kirk’s face goes from full-on-romance to slightly-embarrassed-serious-Captain as soon as he remembers, hey, I really AM on the bridge!
“She’s a very good lawyer.” / “Obviously.”
This was such a good Kirk episode, both for showing off all his good qualities, and for getting some interesting insight into his character. He strikes me as the kind of person who, because he’s so by-the-book, and because he’s smart and successful, inspires jealousy in other people, and thus has a lot of strained acquaintanceships--like with the other men at the bar. But he also has these really, really strong friendships and relationships: Areel Shaw, Spock and McCoy, and even Finney. I feel like he’s probably rather awkward with most people, but then when the relationship is established, he’s ride or die. And, he doesn’t hold grudges. I don’t think he really knew how upset Finney was about what happened literally 10+ years ago--especially if he had any say at all about Finney serving on his ship, and I suspect he could have at least vetoed him. And even after Finney tried to disgrace him and then actually kill him, he still didn’t seem to upset about it, or about his lawyer turning around and defending Finney.
I think Kirk likes the military in part because it gives him this very strict set of rules about interacting with other people, so he doesn’t have to make up his own. I bet the intensity of the service also allows him to form these stronger relationships, which do seem to suit him better. And when he doesn’t have anything else to fall back on, he INVARIABLY pulls out the charm: he does it with old classmates, random 21st century pilots, immortal teenage girls, and actual love interests. It’s his default mode. I think that makes sense for someone who’s very ambitious, very precise, very nerdy, very rules-oriented, and whose default mode as a young man, by his own admission, was “grim.”
Wow it is so much later than anticipated... I need to get to sleep!
Next ep is Return of the Archons, which I’ve only seen once and don’t remember super well. I think it’s a ‘society ruled by computers’ thing, which is fine. Maybe not as much of a classic as some other S1 eps, but it should be fun anyway.
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