#omne trium perfectum
mjspenumbra · 2 months
It's 3:40 AM and I should really be asleep but nevermind that. Saw you also reblogged the 'come talk about my fic' thing which is funny because your fic actually tangentially came up in conversation yesterday. We were talking about natural disasters at work and which ones would be the worst and I remembered lahars exist because of your fic and after teaching everyone else what they are I 'won' the debate. Which just goes to show that your fic still lives rent free in my mind.
So here's a question, I've talked at length about my favorite part(s) of it in the comments, what is your favorite part/theme/detail(s) of it?
Glad I helped you win the debate, lol. This is why I’ve always told writers who ask about such things to do their homework! Even when you’re writing fantasy, the more "real" you can make the world, the more it will work for the readers.
Anyhoo…. Oh my, a favorite part/theme/detail. With something as long as OTP, that’s not an easy ask. But I shall try.
My sister has a quote she likes from a book she read way back when, "your god is too small." The general concept is that many people tend to view God only within the limits of whatever religion they have been exposed to and raised in. Within the confines of whatever dogma they’ve been exposed to, they ultimately stuff God into that box and never let Him out (and for the record, I use "Him" because that’s what I learned as a kid in the Catholic Church. My only positive parental figure was my father, so while I tend to have that sort of relationship with my Maker, I also know that it's absurd to think that the Being Who created everything is not Himself Everything. It's English that lacks a gender-neutral or all-encompassing pronoun. So if someone else prefers to think of God as Her, Them, It, whatever, I am not offended, nor do I mean to offend with my personal choice of pronoun. That being said, very Catholic Colombia of the 1950s would have said "Him," though persons with native backgrounds might have debated the matter, depending on which indigenous group was discussing the matter). ANYWAY: so why can’t Bruno be both a seer of the future AND an actual prophet? Why can't God be more a part of human existence than humans believe? So many people who go to church every Sunday (or Saturday, or whichever day) have religion, but what they don’t have is actual faith. They say the words, come together with fellow "believers," but so, so many of them don’t actually have faith in what they profess, in God. It's sad. I’ve had several friends who spent their entire lives bouncing from one church to another, one religion to another, looking for answers they never found because the one answer they lacked was faith. They wanted proof, and that’s a whole different animal.
So here we have Bruno with the Gift of seeing the future. I’ve read far too many stories where the burden of his Gift strangled any semblance of faith in God. Being weary of a world that seems bent on crushing hope and the belief that the world can be a good place, on telling us that the future is doomed to be dystopian, I wanted to try telling a story that instead embraced hope, where Bruno understood that there was another side to his Gift, that of being an actual prophet from time to time, and what would happen if the people of the Encanto — and his family — finally understood this. So this, I think, covers my favorite theme. Wouldn’t be a story but for that.
I think my favorite parts are the chapter where Bruno reveals his Secret Past to the grandkids, the Big Dramatic Climax, and the very end. They describe the circle of his journey through the story: broken man who has lost everything, who becomes more than a man by surrendering to his faith, and in the end becomes a father in more than one sense, and finds joy.
My favorite detail is probably Bruno's serenity room, along with Pepa's Grove and Julieta's Garden. I personally had a hard time believing that a Miracle that created Casita would just throw the kids to the wolves with powerful Gifts without giving them some kind of training ground — though alas, they were misunderstood and thus misused at the time. Alma needed to loosen up!
sheesh, I don’t do short in much any of my writing, do I? 🤪
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flowerishness · 7 months
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Galanthus nivalis (common snowdrop)
The Latin phrase "omne trium perfectum" translates as; "All good things come in threes". Maybe the Romans were talking about snowdrops, which are native to Europe and the Middle East. Seen 'head on' this flower appears to have three petals (two white petals and a green one in the middle) but this plant actually has six petals (three white and three green). This is best appreciated when looking at a snowdrop from three different angles.
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the-inheritance-games · 2 months
I'm actually very proud of this theory rn and feel like a hawthorne for thinking of this, like I might actually be on to something here
Ok so I had a thought and its stuck in my mind
So we all know that Odette said some vague and confusing thing about “ There are always three”
And I think I have a good theory as to what it means
That being, I think that this phrase is a play on or nod to some of these other common sayings about threes
“Everything comes in threes”
“Bad things come in three” /“Good things come in threes”
“Death comes in threes”
Or “Omne trium perfectum” which means “everything that comes in threes is perfect” in Latin
These are all common saying about things happening in threes or what threes means
And I specifically think that Odette meant something about good/bad or life/death events happening in 3s
Or even about beginning/ending events happening (bc we all know she knows about Alphas and Omegas beginning and end)
I think this BECAUSE if you look back at where Odette says this you'll see that she says this in RESPONSE to grayson saying “she DIED before I was BORN”
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Grayson says his grandmother DIED BEFORE he was BORN and demands she EXPLAIN
He obv meant explain how is it possible for Alice to be the “A hawthorne did this” culprit but he doesnt specify explain what he just says explain and Odette probably choose to interpret that vaguely and gave an answer that “explains” or simplifies the reasons why Alice “died” and Graysons was “born” and says “there are always three”
Like she's saying “well everything comes in threes”/ “life and death happen in threes” that's the karmic reasoning why she “died” and you were born
And so obv Alices death and Grays birth are 2 life/death events and the third (or really FIRST) event would have been Tobys “death”
Which his death would also be the catalyst for both Alice’s death and Graysons birth
Bc Grayson would have never been born is Skye wasn't grieving her brother and although now we know Alice didnt die of grief id still say its safe to assume whatever happened was triggered by the loss of her son.
So the “thee” that Odette is referring to is Toby “died”, Alice “died”, Grayson is born
Everything comes in threes
But while I think this is what Odette meant when she choose to say this in response to Graysons demands for her to explain things I don't think that this is all that this phrase “There is always three” means, it has broader implications and could probably mean a lot of things
Its a vague and versatile phrase that Odette has heard many times, maybe as a warning. But there is definitely more to it, if I am right or heading in the right direction with my theory, then it could mean a lot of things and be important later on.
Also one last thing
I find it interesting how one of the common phrases “Omne trium perfectum” means everything that comes in threes is perfect and if my theory is correct then this would make GRAYSON one of the “things that comes in threes” and how in this phrase that would make him “perfect”
And we all know that he was the grandson who was GROOMED to be “perfect”
Could this be the reason that HE was “the chosen one”?
Was he the one Tobias choose bc he was part of the things that came in threes and has that karmical connection to Alice?
Idk but, its all very intriguing to me, and I can see so much potential and foreshadowing withing this little phrase that JLB very specifically used
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writers-potion · 4 months
I have a fantasy character who has a history of being abused before the story begins, which comes up later in the story as the abusers are trying to find them, but the main point of the story is not about their past life. I don’t know how to tell the audience what happened to them before the abusers re-enter the story as they are very cagey about their past and I don’t want to use flashbacks which I think are not as relevant earlier in the story. Do you have any thoughts?
Including Character Backstory Without Flashbacks
Hi! Thanks for the ask :)
Distill The Backstory
First, I suggest that you pick out 1-3 main memories from the past you want to reveal. Character backstories can be long and complicated but if it's not relevant to the current story, it can sit at the back.
What colors/voices/words/smell/patterns do your character remember the most? What are the few things that keep coming back to them? Make it bite-size, like: the smell of fresh paint mixed with mud.
Start dropping small hints: when the character encounters a certain smell, just show how they tremble before walking on. Do this enough times, and the readers will soon catch on that there's something.
Rule of 3 (omne trium perfectum)
The rule of three is a writing principle that suggests that events or characters introduced in threes are more humorous, satisfying, or effective in execution of the story and engaging the reader.
Pick 3 details and build them into the present conflict:
-the character encounters a situation that resembles their past
-the abused character is traumatized at present due to what happened to them in the past (if you show them avoiding cinemas like hell, the readers will know that they've been abused in a cinema in the past, for example)
Drop 3 hints about how the past in BUILT INTO their present life. Given them habits that originate from their past memories. That way, the backstory lives in the present.
Mini Flashbacks
When the character recalls something or sees something that triggers their memory, mention the past briefly, in just 2-3 lines.
For example, just writing: "It was like having her arms maimed with a knife again, crying alone with the only light coming through a tiny bathroom window. No mother or father or uncle had saved her from King Darius's men then, and certainly not now." > This is enough for the reader to know the gist of what happened, and the narrative can move on describing stuff in the present.
If the people from their past are coming for them, you can have a scene where they mention how they enjoyed torturing your abused character, while the POV character overhears them.
Or you can have another character ask about the abused character's past. Don't make the dialogue too long, but this should give enough room to explain the jist of the backstory.
You can have the character's past abusers mentioning the past directly: "Oh, we had such fun with ropes, didn't we?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
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bunnidarling · 4 months
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Omne trium perfectum “Everything that comes in threes is perfect.” Thank you
@iizuumi for capturing this sweet moment with Astarion and his boys for @thatcerealkiller and me.
Unedited (you can see the rest of their scandalous legs) image here
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kaleirots · 11 months
genshin writers love the bible brainrot.
rambling notes focusing on the recent bible references in the fontaine archon quest, revolving around childe.
if you're a lore or childe stan you might enjoy it.
major 4.2 spoilers!
The rule of three is widely used in Genshin, to the extent that the Narzissenkreuz acknowledge it to be an ancient principle. Childe was trapped in the Abyss for three months, or three days. The enneagram shown in every domain combines the Law of Three and the Law of Seven. There were three descenders until the traveler arrived, breaking the cycle. To an extent, some boss battles and archon quests come in three acts.
The bible also uses the rule of three - the three patriarchs, the three kings, then later the three wise men. Jesus is denied three times and asks Peter if he loves him three times. The Holy Trinity. Omne Trium Perfectum.
Childe IS the rule of three. He has three names, three forms, three powers and most recently, he spends three patches tracking and promptly brawling with the all-devouring narwhal, which uses three elemental types. During phase two of the boss battle, the narwhal eats the player and a shadow knight, similar to Childe's Foul Legacy form, appears to fight the traveller. The boss drop "lightless silk string" is shaped like the Ichthus, a symbol that represents Jesus Christ.
In Jonah and the whale, Jonah disobeys God before his boat is caught in a storm. He is thrown overboard in repentance, assuming he is being punished for his actions but is swallowed by a whale. Inside the whale, Jonah laments that he has been "banished from gods sight" after disobeying and abandoning his God. He is offered a second chance, which he uses to bring salvation to the ninevites, who repent and avoid divine wrath.
According to The Knave, Childe said he was travelling to fontaine on vacation. This is directly following the erasure of Scaramouche from Irminsul. After bumping into the traveller, he acknowledges his strange mood and abandons his vision. This hides him from celestia, subverting the prophecy. He follows the call of the abyss which leads him to reunite with the all-devouring narwhal, taking the opportunity to fight with it... which ultimately, leads to Fontaine's survival.
I once ventured deep into the abyss and came face-to-face with an enormous beast. I don't know its name, all I know is the sight of it chilled me to the bone. But mark my words, one day I will march back in there and behead that beast, and you, comrade, will be my witness!
(don't forget, visions are likely celestias eyes. their original name in CN and other languages literally translates to Eye of God.)
Revelations mentions two divinely appointed "witnesses" [revelation 11:3-12] who are initially seen as heroes, before being turned on, shunned by the public and sacrificed. you could argue that the abyss sibling has already ventured this path, being friends with the gods before siding with the abyss during the cataclysm (apocalypse).
While attempting to convince furina to tell the truth, the traveler refers to themself as a Witness. as an outworlder, they are immune to irminsul and thus able to remember both Rukkhadevata and Scaramouche. It is implied that the abyss is also unaffected by celestia.
The abyss sibling asks the traveller to witness the story, hinting at the time loop and inevitability of Celestias will. Zhongli acknowledges this in his second story quest and asks the traveller to remember what Teyvat forgets.
There are many events of ages past... many secrets that lie hidden. They have been eroded by time, forgotten by the people... abandoned. But you are capable of finding them and bringing them into the light. Those who come to witness, will witness. Those who are born to remember, will remember.
According to Daniel 12:12, there are 45 "extra" days after the anti-christ is defeated by a returned jesus christ, in which judgement is declared upon certain nations... the traveller is sentenced to 45 days in prison before Childe and the whale return from the abyss, allowing the hydro dragon to bring judgement upon fontaine.
Fontaine is forgiven by the hydro dragon and the city floods in order to cleanse it of the original sin. before the waters recede, many citizens are rescued by a giant boat... an ark, you could say.
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dhr-ao3 · 13 days
Of Souls and Serpents.
Of Souls and Serpents. https://ift.tt/xIe5ZhC by theskyelyon Fate and the Rule of Three always seemed to go hand in hand. Omne trium perfectum, as the Romans said – everything perfect comes in threes. Hermione had always been sceptical of fate, finding the whole idea a bit ridiculous. Yet, in years to come when she looked back upon the events that follow, it seemed to her, that perhaps she’d been too quick to dismiss the idea of fate. If she had to pinpoint the moment her life took a sharp turn toward what she would later call the beginning of the end, it would come down to three key moments. Each of these moments required a choice, and each choice was instrumental in shifting her life from one path and onto another, quietly pulling her off course. They weren’t the loud, explosive moments you might expect, but small, almost invisible decisions that shifted everything. Quiet, but no less life-altering for it. Like a train switching tracks in the dead of night – unseen but undeniable in its impact. Words: 4701, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Threads of Fate Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Slow Burn, threads of fate - Freeform, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Not Canon Compliant, Light Angst, Comfort No Hurt via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/QHablsW September 12, 2024 at 10:02PM
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cowboydisaster · 1 year
Haiii just wanted to ask; why are some of the fanfics under Dutch Van Der Linde not linked, were they taken down? If so that’s unfortunate but its whatever, have a nice day/evening/night btw!! :3
Hello!! I can see why this might be confusing if you're newer to my blog. Basically, back in March I had a little nervous breakdown and deleted every post on this blog, including fanfictions. I also deleted my ao3 🫣. I came back within a few days because I missed it so much, and I regret deleting it, but now I'm just trying to put everything back together.
The fics that aren't linked are fics that I haven't reuploaded yet. Honestly, I don't know how long it'll take me to repost them to Tumblr because of the tags situation. It's a pain in the ass lol, but I'll definitely be uploading them to ao3! I have more Dutch fics posted over there, I'll link them below if you're interested! Honestly, you've motivated me, I might post the rest to ao3 today lol. Thank you for the ask, anon!! 🫶
Fics on ao3:
Omne trium perfectum
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inevitablemoment · 1 year
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omne trium perfectum // good things come in threes
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i-am-become-a-name · 10 months
December 10th. Third Man Syndrome.
It had been three days before the Doctor noticed. They had been scouring the planet for Turlough, who had disappeared into the foliage with a startled yelp, and had not been seen or heard from since. Rule of three, he thought desperately. Three hours in a harsh environment, three days without water, three weeks without food. Trion, trident, tricycle. Omne trium perfectum. Three days of Tegan complaining, carrying her shoes rather than risk slipping on the thick but soft vines that carpeted the ground, a satchel of supplies on her back while the Doctor carried the camping gear, a first aid kit, and a malfunctioning lifeform scanner that would register Turlough in their vicinity one moment only for him to be spirited away in the next. 
He shook the machine and one, two, three. The blip that was Turlough appeared forwards and to their left. One, two, three. It flickered and disappeared. He looked to Tegan, but she had her head cocked away from him, as if she were listening intently to something past the birdsong.  
“Tegan?” he queried, and she looked at him, confusion in her normally bright and clear eyes.  
“I heard something,” she answered, and he wasn’t sure if it was the exhaustion of days of monotonous walking, or whether she really had heard someone or something, but the absence in her eyes was now since he had last met them (one, two, three hours. One, two, three days.)
He wanted to chase that dot until he could find Turlough, could find the TARDIS, could find safety, but he couldn’t risk that absence, the agonising fear that he may lose Tegan now, as well as Turlough. The thick foliage made it hard to see how far the suns had crossed the sky (one, two, three suns) and he was suddenly furious, an impotent rage at all the things he could not change, that his companions could not do what he asked, could not stay in one place. He stopped, closed his eyes and turned his face up to the unchanging light, to simply breath. Tegan bumped gently into his back, but her protest was abstracted, little more than a confusion. 
“Tegan-” he snapped, and cut himself off, sighed and tried again. “Tegan, let’s stop for the night.” He turned, camping gear slipping off his tired shoulders to land on the soft leaf litter beside them. Tents, poles, sturdy lamps that could cope with the mistreatment. They were practiced now, steps one, two, three around each other. Lay out the tents, extend the poles, raise the tent. Only the birds spoke for them, a heightened protest at their intrusion, no terran, trion or gallifreyan voice among them. 
Tegan sat at the edge of her tent, stretching her feet in mockery of a ballet pose, and the Doctor could see the strain in the soles, dyed green by the miles of plant matter they had walked over, the flash of pain on her face, the tension around her eyes. The nights, though not an obvious change in the light, were warm enough that they had no need to light a fire (and that was one less thing to worry about for Turlough, three hours, three days, three weeks.) A soft thump in the leaves beside him shook him from his reverie, and he looked up sharply to see Tegan give him a soft, exhausted smile, and pick up a second rations pack, crinkling in her hands. He made an exaggerated grumpy face at her, and reached down without looking for his own food, fingers catching on fleshy leaves. He gave up the teasing to actually seek it out, so it was only when his head came back up that he noticed Tegan’s outstretched hand, food pack hanging laxly from her fingers, the absence in her eyes again. 
“We will find him,” he promised, and it was more his imagination than reality that the lifeform detector flickered back into life again. She flinched at his voice, looking past her hand in confusion, as if waiting for someone else to take the ration pack from her.
“I know,” she groused at him, drawing the packet back but still looking almost… haunted, was the only word he could choose, as if there was someone else with them. One, two, and-  he had to shake himself, her strange attitude catching. He threw a glance back at his lifeform analyser, but it was frustratingly quiet. 
They ate their dinner in silence but for the birds, that uncomfortably abstracted look on Tegan’s face every time he glanced up, and he was concerned, he was but she was in front of him, and Turlough was not. The scanners had not shown anything of concern in the air or the environment, but evidently there was something out there that had taken their friend, that could move faster than them. He leant over, took the empty packaging she had been twisting between her hands, staring off into the trees.
“Go to sleep,” he ordered, but kindly, and she threw him a defiant look that quickly crumbled into an acquiescence he loathed to see. The tent flapped closed behind her, and he stayed outside long enough to ensure her safety, that she was indeed asleep and nothing was stirring that could be inducing such a fear and confusion in her. But there was nothing out there, and finally he retired to his own tent, uncharacteristically exhausted from the constant state of alert for one, two, three days. When he dreamed, it was of three people who walked through the forest. 
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omne trium perfectum // good things come in threes. (insp)
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ao3feed-ateez · 2 months
omne trium perfectum
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ndkHQei by Anonymous Yunho has loved Mingi since they were young and is happily celebrating their anniversary when he meets his fated mate, San. Words: 8381, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Choi San (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ) Relationships: Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Choi San/Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Choi San/Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Omega Verse, fated mates, Explicit Sexual Content, Alpha Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Beta Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Omega Choi San (ATEEZ), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ndkHQei
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fith of december and i saw that its also your birthday so, i wish you a very happy birthday!!!!🎁🎂
What is your spirit animal? And what would other people say your spirit animal would be?
On the topic of animals, are you a pet person? Have you ever or do you currently own any pets?
What is your favorite trope to write or to read?
Do you have any tattoos or wish you did? If you do have tattoos, what are they? (and if you feel comfortable sharing, what is their meaning)
Have a great birthday, i hope you spent it surrounded with love💫💕
-Secret santa🎅🎄
Hi there! It is my birthday today and one of my lovely mutuals birthday is today as well so that’s been fun ☺️
I’m super excited about your questions today so I wanted to make sure I had the time to sit down and answer them properly
1. My spirit animal would have to be a cat because I only allow physical affection on my time and my husband actually says I’m like the cats all the time so I guess others would also say my spirit animal is a cat. That or a opossum because I’m always trying to catch one to make it my friend
2. I love animals! Currently I have my two cats, an old lady called Blair and my old gentleman Governor. We also have two silly dogs, a mini Aussie named Gizmo who often babysits for us and most recently my pug Pippin. Eventually I’d love to have a little farm waaaay out in the country with some chickens (hot girls have chickens), a llama, some goats, and some cows. Then we want to raise Aussies cause they really are the cuddliest wiggle-butt dogs
3. My favorite trope to read and write is fast burn physical affection paired with slow burn romantic realization aaaand I eat up any type of friends to lovers
4. I do have tattoos! 9 at the moment and *hopefully* one on the way soon. My first tattoo is a black and white cat in the shape of yin and yang for my kitties in the middle of my shoulders. The second is actually a best friends tattoo, it’s three separate pieces, triangles with the phrase “omne trium perfectum” which is Latin for everything in threes is perfect. My two besties have them on their sides and mine is between my boobs 🤭. The third one also comes with a story of a friend, I asked her after she moved to Rhode Island to go to art school to design me a tattoo without letting me know what it was and I flew there to get it but I got my wallet stolen so ended up having to get it back at home. It’s a cat skull on my ankle with my favorite flower daisies growing out its eyes. On my upper arms I have the magic tree from courage the cowardly dog (my fav cartoon), an element brick from the badass movie the fifth element, a red balloon that says “beep beep Richie” from It, and the quote “where there is love we must live on, where there is not love we must provide it” above my elbows. On my back I also have an airplane tramp stamp cause I’m a slut for planes baby! Lastly, my most recent addition is also Greta inspired, it’s a bow and arrow with the Sagittarius constellation behind it with “vengeance is a bow” across the top on my other ankle
So glad to hear from you again today 🫶
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allthewayonmars · 2 years
blood roses (part three)
-“Blood roses are not deadly but, they can make you slightly feverish and numb if you get pricked by them.”-
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College is a tricky thing. You're thrown into this world with an infinite amount of freedom and a finite amount of information. Let me not brush past the massive loads of responsibility that you are given and expected to handle. I used to have a system of how my assignments would get done when I was homeschooled. It worked perfectly with me and my parents, but now they are not a part of the equation. 
My roommate always had a system planned out of how her morning would go. She would wake at six-thirty every day, without fail. She would meditate in the middle of our shared space for at least fifteen minutes and leave the room to do god knows what. She would come back at around eight to finally sit at her desk where I assume she would be productive. We dont have the closest relationship but we are cordial with each other and never tend to be in each other's way. 
This morning was not different or special in any way so I did not treat it as if it were special or different. It was panning out to be a normal day, until the coffee shop. I sat as usual, and that day I decided to read a book. The steady flow of customers and the soft whirring of the ground coffee beans set a cozy environment in the cafe. Engrossed in the novel that was in front of me, I did not notice the little jingle that the door would make when someone would enter. 
“I knew I would find you here again.” 
I was about to turn the page when I paused. I glanced up to find none other than Caleb standing at my table. He was dressed in a maroon sweater that fit bigger on him and he had his hands resting in his khaki pants. He looked down at the empty seat across from me before looking back up at me. I slightly nodded and he pulled out the chair to take a seat. I closed my book and crossed my hands over it before looking back up. 
“Do you use that line on every girl you meet?”
I questioned to cut the awkward tension in the air. “Do I what?” He said with a questioning look on his face. “Omne trium perfectum, do you pull out random Latin on all the girls you meet?” A smirk spread across his face and he leaned in closer to the table before saying, “Well I don’t meet my soulmate every day, so no.”
 I scoffed at his response and laid back in my chair. “Will you stop with this soulmate nonsense?” I ask before crossing my arms over my chest. “What's your name?” He pestered, completely ignoring what I just said. 
I simply just stared at him for a moment and I thought about the night previous. It was strange that we encountered each other repeatedly but that could be brushed off with the fact that our campus is not the biggest. But it was weird that he found interest in me.
“Sommer,” I answered “My name is Sommer Sharp.” His eyes seemed to brighten when I responded and that was the first time I felt something in my chest that didn't hurt. It wasn’t the painful waves of anxiety that would wash over me leaving me incapacitated, but it was almost a glowing feeling. I brushed it off silently. Caleb pulled his hand out in front of me with a large smile on his face and as I placed my hand into his, he spoke in a smooth tone,
“Caleb Gull, it's nice to meet you, soulmate.”
I returned his smile as we shook hands. His hands were soft which surprised me. He was the bassist of the Cart Sister and that can’t be an easy task. Especially for the hands. 
He glanced at the book in front of me and before I knew it he was reading the back synopsis, feigning intrigue from what I could call it. “How long have you been playing in Cart Sisters?” I ask which caught his attention. He placed the book down and made eye contact with me once again. He liked eye contact. “Do you want a drink?” He responded and I sighed in slight frustration. “You know you’re not supposed to answer a question with another question?” He chuckled at my response before getting up to walk to the register. “Maybe you should take your advice.” He responded. 
At least half an hour had passed since Caleb first sat at my table. During that time we mostly spoke about his band and we both discovered that we were of the same classification, freshmen. He told me that he was a finance major and I shared that I was an economics major as well. We exchanged numbers before he left and then it was just me. 
I looked at my book again, considering continuing where I left off but I felt a buzz come from my phone.
“It was nice seeing you again, soulmate.” 
There was a smiley emoji that followed the text. I found a slight smile spread across my face as I responded with, “Same here.” Before I prepared to leave the shop.
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deansawthetvglow · 4 years
first time: cas confesses dies for the man he loves, the world is gone, everything is empty.
second time: god is defeated, the brothers stand in a world full of people, alone united, why does everything still feel empty? 
third time: a charm.
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aces-to-apples · 5 years
Fanfic trope mashup, please! Soulmate AU and Innocent Physical Contact, or Scars and Curses, pairing of your choice!
For the Fanfiction Trope Mash-Up ask meme
Soulmate AU [24] and Innocent Physical Contact [85], in the omne trium perfectum ‘verse
Commander Bly whistles when he cleans his equipment.
It drives Aaylas’ecura mad, wanting to add her own tune to his, wanting to tell him in any way she can that she’s right here, but whenever she opens her mouth to say it—she remembers. The Code is not forgiving, and the Order is not lenient. As much as she wishes to soothe her commander’s lonely soul, she cannot.
When the war ends, when they may all rest again, perhaps.
Until then, she places a gentle hand on his shoulder, smiles, and tells him stories of Kit that make him laugh and muse about one day meeting the one who shares her soul-tune. Aayla does not flinch at “one”, does not cringe at her duplicity; she breathes and breathes and says, “One day, I hope you will. One day.”
My AO3
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