#on another note there’s already sooo many people complaining
aeongy · 1 year
omg KITSCH TURNED OUT SO GOOD AAAAA such a good pre single,,,,thank you IVE
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heyidkyay · 1 year
I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name |
Part One
Summary: In life, things changed. The boys you'd once grown up with were men now, and famous ones at that. The type that toured the world and had millions of adoring fans.
The five of you shared a shit ton of history. But you also shared a lot of mixed emotions for one of them in particular, a certain drummer.
Warnings: arguing, alludes to bad relationship with a parent
A/N: Someone asked for a bit of George fluff seeing as there isn't much out there atm, sooo I figured I'd make a short series because idk when to stop I guess. Additional note: This series is far from fluffy, pls make sure to read chapter warnings!!
Just a note, George isn't actually in this part, this is sort of a lead up..
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“Alright, fucking out with it.”
Matty actually had the nerve to look over at me all confused, craning his head back to scrunch up his face, only further accentuating his many sudden chins. I raised a brow, I wasn’t backing down. 
The two of us were currently sat in his living room, watching a film but not really. I’d invited myself over, having wanted the company of my best mate after he’d been away for so long, doing famous people shit, and Matty hadn’t complained. He’d grinned upon answering the front door and all but floored me in a hug, then proceeded to tell me all stories about the crap I’d missed out on at a hundred miles an hour whilst he’d lead me inside.
I’d been here for a while now, just over an hour or so, and we’d since made ourselves comfortable on his settee, my legs draped across his lap whilst he ordered in food. 
We hadn’t spoken about the elephant in the room as of yet, but I wasn’t too fussed. Actually, I much preferred it when Matty didn’t strain to involve himself in all of my personal problems, which had always been something of a hobby to him. But he had been acting a little strange since his previous excitement had died down a tad, constantly checking his phone and purposefully avoiding certain topics I brought up.
I narrowed my eyes at him and dug my foot into his side, causing him to yelp and swat it away. I huffed out a light laugh, always having had a love for annoying him, before I resettled. “Come on, Healy, spill.”
I watched as he worked his jaw, obviously struggling not to spill it all then and there- but I knew him far too well and we both knew that he wouldn’t last long.
“Matty…” I sighed, but as I opened my mouth to continue on, his phone rang.
He looked all too grateful for the distraction which only peaked my interest further. He was definitely hiding something, that was for certain. 
“Alright, Hann?” Matty answered by way of hello, fiddling with the cuff of my jeans as he replied to something Adam must have said in reply. I half paid attention to their conversation, eyes trained on the tele whilst they talked, but Matty didn’t give much away, just kept umming and ahing which was a little unlike him.
I had to tug my feet in towards me and tuck them under myself when Matty motioned to stand. I frowned slightly at the movement but it softened when he mouthed the question of ‘Brew?’ over at me, using his hand to gesture like the Queen as he held an imaginary teacup to his lips. 
I nodded and gifted him a thankful little smile in turn, already knowing that he’d make it perfect. 
One thing about Matty, he liked to remember all the small things. But we’d known each other for so long now that the way I took my tea was probably already engrained in his brain right there alongside his own. He puttered away and the film continued on. 
We’d stuck on the first thing Netflix had suggested to us whilst we’d gotten to talking more in depth about what had been happening in one another’s lives, but I found it to be dragging a little now that I had the opportunity to focus on it more. Instead of opting to change it though, I decided to have a scroll through my phone, picking up on the quiet muttering of Matty’s voice which wafted in from the kitchen as I did. 
He returned a short while later and gave me a grin, albeit a tired one, as he handed over my hot drink.
“You okay?” I questioned quietly, blowing at my steaming mug whilst he resettled, dragging my feet back onto his lap.
He heaved out a large breath, slumping into the cushions before he angled his head towards me, half of his face buried in a pillow. He groaned loudly in retort to my question and I couldn’t help the soft snort I made.
Carefully, I repositioned myself nearer to him so that I could ruffle his hair, then let my head come to a rest beside his. 
“What’s happened then? Why you all- stroppy?” I asked him, wrinkling my nose as I waved a hand over his pouting face. “Has it got something to do with why you’ve been acting all strange?”
“‘M not stroppy. And you’re the strange one.” Matty quipped with a frown, his words muffled by the cushion. But then he sighed again and so I waited for his actual reply, hoping it would soon follow. “Hann just thought it’d be best to bring up studio times again, incase I forgot.”
I felt my forehead pinch. “Alright… but you’re not the type to forget something important like that and plus, you’ve just gotten home. I know Ad’s a tad bit tetchy when it comes to scheduling and what not, but still, even he probably wants a short break, no?”
Matty didn’t reply, only buried his face further into the plush pillow. It was a nice one to be fair, expensive looking, but only further proved that he was actively avoiding the question. 
“Mattyyy.” I droned, shaking his shoulder. “Come on, why won’t you just tell me? Is it embarrassing? Did you piss yourself whilst bladdered and have a fan witness it? Or, ooh!-”
A hand shot up to cover my mouth before I could open it again and I quirked a brow over at Matty, who was mid eye-roll and chuckling faintly. “No more guessing.” He told me seriously, then shook his head as he exhaled. “It’s not embarrassing, and no, I did not fucking piss myself in front of any fans. Alright?”
His hand slipped away then, once he gotten the nod he’d wanted out of me, but as soon as he’d dropped his guard I was quick to snipe back, “So you did piss yourself then, just not in front of any fans?”
Matty grabbed at my ankles and started to tickle the bottoms of my socked feet, knowing it was my one downfall. I relented rather quickly, using all my strength to kick away from him whilst still clutching my tea. “Okay! Okay! I’ll leave it out, I swear! Uncle! Uncle!”
He hummed and reluctantly stopped the incessant torture, but I still swept my feet away from him just in case. 
With a deserving scowl, I placed down my mug on the console, grateful to have only spilt a drop or two. “Why do you always resort to violence?”
Matty grinned victoriously in turn, seemingly very smug about the whole ordeal as he sipped away at his coffee. “‘Cause it’s the easiest way to get you to piss off.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Fine. I’ll stop, but only if you tell me what’s been messing with your head.”
Matty’s gaze flitted to the ceiling then and the room suddenly felt a lot smaller, quieter almost. He sighed softly, “Your birthday-” He attempted but I immediately cut him off.
“Is a day you’ve learnt not to celebrate. Because you know how much I hate it. Which means that the same celebrations that happen each and every year will continue to occur. As in, you gift me the usual chocolates and a cuddle, then not mention it at all.”
I turned to face the tv screen, crossing my legs underneath me so that I could avoid the obvious stare I felt burning holes into the side of my head.
“You’re so fucking stubborn.” Matty muttered under his breath, I shot him a glare but that didn’t seem to derail him. “I get why you hate it, I do, but it’s been years- you don’t even speak to her no more! Why let it ruin the one day that celebrates just you?”
“If you understood why, you wouldn’t be asking, Matt.”
Matty shook his head at me, clearly disappointed. “She’s a twat. Just forget about her, leave it in the past now. We both know it’d do you the world of good.”
“Oh yeah, and how do you suppose I just forget the woman that birthed me, hey?” 
His lips pursed sourly whilst his gaze skirted towards the tele. I barrelled on though, never knowing when to give up, but now I was upset. I always got upset whenever she was mentioned. Triggered my fight or flight, I supposed.
“No, because I’d honestly love to hear it, Matty! How do I erase the one person who was meant to protect me from the world, huh? She couldn’t even protect me from herself!”
The silence that suddenly engulfed us was stilted and stuffy. I had to take a deep breath.
Matty and I had always been very alike when it came to the way we reacted to certain things. We snapped and bit back before we could think things over. We shared a lot of sore topics. But my biggest had always been my mum.
I released a heavy sigh and tugged a hand through my hair. I knew he was only trying to help. I really did. But, it was hard to realise that in the moment when all I really wanted to do was change the subject completely or just blow up at him.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to snap at you.” I told him quietly.
He dragged his eyes over to where I was sat, sighing too as he let a hand come to rest on the cushion between us. I gave a half-hearted smile that I couldn’t really help, laying my palm flat against his. It was always something we’d done. Ever since we were kids. Our way of saying sorry, or, I’m still here.
“I didn’t mean to either.” Matty replied, squeezing my hand gently in his before shuffling closer so that he could pull both of them into his lap. “I just want you to enjoy it, you know? It's your birthday. No one should hide away at home, plagued by all those unhappy memories. You should be out getting pissed, or celebrating with us lot.”
Humming, I squeezed back. “I know. It’s just a lot to unpack, Matty. Not as easy as it seems.”
Matty pressed a chaste kiss to my knuckles, right where a faint white line started and stretched its way down the back of my hand. He shrugged.
“Carls and I just figured that you might be open to a dinner or something this year.” Matty told me gently, never looking away from our joined hands. “With your close mates, people who won’t sing happy birthday or get you a card. People who just want to celebrate you, yeah?”
I had to smile. I couldn’t not. It was dead sweet. And I thought it over, not saying anything for a few minutes.
“I think dinner would be okay.”
The grin Matty gave me in return, megawatt and beaming like the actual sun, was all it took to wash away those feelings of fear and resentment that I always held onto for a brief moment.
“Right.” He replied, still grinning away like the Cheshire Cat he was. Or maybe a man who’d just lucked out on the lotto. He burrowed his way into my side and I shook my head in amusement as I withdrew my hand to shove him off of me.
“Get off me, you oaf.” I chuckled.
“Oaf? Well, you can sod right off then!” Matty retorted, turning his nose up at me. “Had planned to have Ross make those molten cakes of his, but you can forget that now.”
I gasped in horror. “No! Not the chocolate ones!”
“Yeah, them." Matty taunted. "But it seems my efforts are under appreciated here so…”
“Matthew.” I admonished. “Please tell Ross to make them and- ooh! Get him to make those mini mousses of his, too? Please, please, pretty please?” I begged- and it was downright pathetic in hindsight yes, but if you’d had even a mouthful of this heavenly dessert then you’d understand. I’d willingly give up my firstborn if it meant that Ross would give me a lifetime supply. “Matty, I’m begging you here. I’ll love you for forever.”
He smirked but feigned a put-upon sigh as he slumped further into the settee cushions. The dramatic tart. “Look, I’ll rethink my decision if you help me out on this recent bridge I just started." He grew more serious all of a sudden, as he always did whenever music was mentioned. "Wanna see how a harmony would sound.”
“Fine, I’ll help. But I still want those chocolates you always get me, and a bottle of that fancy wine you like.”
Matty quirked a brow. “Thought you didn’t want any presents on your birthday?”
“They’re not presents. They’re bribes.”
He snorted. “Right. Sorry, got a bit confused there.”
I grinned, kicking my feet back into his lap once I'd shimmied my way back down the sofa. “Toss the remote, will you? This film’s so shit.”
“Glad you were the one to say it. Main character's a right wanker.” Matty commented, looking relieved as he threw the remote towards me. I tried to catch it midair but failed horribly, leaving the remote to hit the side of my wrist and nut me on the chin. Matty cackled merrily. “Only you, I swear.”
Rolling my eyes, I grumbled lowly back at him in retort.
It was just after we’d searched through the entirety Netflix and then Prime, that we finally settled on some shitty comedy to watch. One we faintly recalled watching years ago. The food had since been ordered and whilst we waited for it, I found myself remembering what had caused the start of our little tiff.
“You know, you never did tell me what was up.”
Matty frowned over at me. “Yeah, I did.”
I shook my head, sitting up slightly. “No, just mentioned my birthday and then we started arguing.”
He nodded slowly as it dawned on him. “Oh yeah, suppose not then.”
“So…” I prompted with a jut of my chin. “What was it?”
I watched closely as Matty dragged his front teeth over his bottom lip before his sights settled again on me, a little more confidently than I’d expected in truth. My forehead pinched.
“The dinner.” Matty begun, brown eyes flicking back and forth between my own.
“What about the dinner?” I quizzed, growing even more confused.
He clenched his jaw, looking at me as though he was trying to determine something. Something I couldn’t be quite sure of. He seemed to find what he looking for though, because a few long seconds later he just came right out with it. 
“The dinner. I invited George to the dinner.”
Part Two>
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purple--queen · 2 years
Fun at the fancy high society gala
Pairing: Steven Grant / Clint Barton
Note: domiant Steven. Clint has a prais kink. Natasha is stopping the fun...she is also sooo done..
Warning: slight sexual insinuations. 
They should not do that.
Or at least they should not do it in a little storage room, while people walking outside. But the problem is, he is weak. He is weak for Steven and the problem is, he does not care about it. When Steven found him at the bar, Clint was surprised that the other man was here. Normally Steven does not show up, at these kinds of events. 
“To many people lying directly into your face, while they want something from you”, he once told Clint. And he is right about it. Clint would not be here, if he would had a word to say about it. Hell, he was not even invited in the first place. Tony was supposed to go, to that fancy high society gala, but sadly he got sick. Steve got some Mission and Sam was going with him. Carol is not allowed to go, since the last Gala and everybody else has some important last minute thing to do. 
So Nat was putting him in a suit and told him to behave. 
When Steve found him at the bar, they both decided to go away. That ‘go away’, would mean a storage room, where they would make out like teenagers, was an intersting twist. But Clint would follow Steven everywhere. And if it means he gets kisses and maybe some other things he would not complain about it. 
“You look so good in that suit”, purrs Steven into his ear and Clint makes a noise, which says a lot. Steven giggle, while his hands get under the shirt. “Do that again”, Steven says in an soft but commanding tone. Clint leans his head on Stevens shoulder and does as he got said. Thats the other problem. Steven knows all the buttons he has to press. 
“You’re so good for me”, Steven whispers. Hands gliding softly around his torso, making a mess out of the shirt and getting wrinkles in it. “You think we can have a liitle bit more fun?”, Steven asks and Clints head gets up. A voice of reasons talks to him, saying they should stop. He does not need another weird sex scandal. The last one, was already a mess and when someone findes them here, in that stoarge room, in the middle of an pretty gala, he maybe gets grounded, for the rest of his life. 
He also does not need anyone to find out that they are involved. At least not yet. And not like that. 
“Their are people outside”, Clint says breathless. Steven nods affirmative. “Thats why i need you quite. Can you do that for me? I know you can do that”. Clint nods before he even realize what is happing. Hands wandering into his pants and he bits his lips. “So so good”, flattert Steven and kisses his cheek. Stupid brain, Clints thinks. “I give you a treat, for that good behavior but you-”. 
A phone is ringing. 
They both look at each other. 
Surpired by the tone.
“Thats not mine”, Steven says and Clint pulls out his phone. “Thats Nat”, he says with an shocked tone. “Let it ring and put  on silence”, says Steven and shrugs his shoulders. “If i don’t answers it, she will think i’m dead or worse and then-” “Then answer it” “It would be easier, if you could get your hands away from-” “I don’t thing so”, Steven smiles. Clint sighs and answers his phone. “Nat, hey-” “Where are you?”, she interups him harsh. Right he was not supposed to get out of her view. 
“I’m uhh-” he closes his eyes, while Stevens hands driving him crazy. “i’m in the kitchen”, he presses out and then bits his lips. He tastes a little bit blood. Steven gives him a kiss and then the hands getting out of his pants. With a sad sighs he open his eyes, just to see, how Steven gets on his knees. “The kitchen?” Nats repeat, with an tone that says that she does not believe him and that he is in trouble. “Yes”, he affirms and Natasha sighs. “Why are you in the kitchen?”, she asks.  His free hand gets into Stevens hair and graps it maybe a little bit to hard, while the other man works on opening his pants.
“I saw a weird person and-”. 
The door opens. “I also see something weird”, Natasha says and ending the phone call. She raises an eyebrow. “Get your hands of Grant”, she orders with an monotonous tone and Stevens stands up with an amused smile. “It’s always nice to see you Romanoff”. She ignorse him and looks to Clint. “What did i told you?” “You’re telling me a lot of things”, Clint tells her and she rolls her eyes and sighs. She also mumbles something in russian, that he can’t understand because it’s to quite. 
“Get your things together. The wife of the mayor wants to meet you” “Me?-” beginns Clint with an surprised tone. “why?”. Nat shrungs her shoulders. “Somethings about that animalshelter you supported last month. She loves pets”. He tries to fix his shirt and decided that it can’t be fixed. Steven has an self-satisfied look at his face and seems to be absolutely satisfied. Nat gets out and Clint follows her, but before he can leave the litlle room, Steven graps his wrist. 
“You where so good-”; he whispers softly. “we will end that at home”.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Tired Feet and Nimble Fingers
I wrote more Ravio fics. This is one of two, the second one still needs to be reread and checked for errors, but rest assured to whomever requested a fic for Ravio getting some fussing, I nearly killed the kid for you :)
Mr. Hero had nice hands.
Oh sure, they were rather thin, and a bit knobby at the knuckles, aged in a way most people their age would not understand for decades yet, but they were nimble, quick, and forever flitting from one thing to another with the easy grace of a person who’s done everything with their life except sit still and rest.
Mr. Hero’s hands were worn and aged but feather light in their touch and still impossibly firm when he’d grab Ravio by the scarf and pull him down the one inch that was between the two of them so he could glare at him for one thing or another. Honestly, he rarely really did anything questionable, but the ever irritated “Why?” that Mr. Hero always shot at him when he raised the price of an item or tacked on another fee, be it emotional repercussions charges for tending his wounds, or a petty increase when he’d been made to actually worry for someone else, or even in the rare instance when Mr. Hero managed to actually make him angry. Either way, soft or firm, Mr. Hero had nice hands, and on the rare instance Ravio had actually seen him remove his rings (Mr. Hero had complained of swelling, and had nearly had to pry them off) he always smiled at the sight of them.
Was that weird? Probably. But there was a lot you could tell about a person by their hands, and Mr. Hero’s told the story of someone who gave and fought for others since he’d been able, and even if the caring person hid behind the shadows of his bangs or the icy pain in his eyes, Ravio knew that person was still in there.
And at times like this, he got to actually see it.
“What are you doing?” The merchant shifted uncomfortably, glancing down at the other end of the couch where Mr. Hero had been sitting since he’d stumbled through the door with a tired groan. He’d collapsed onto the couch not long after, drenched and covered in mud, and it had been all Ravio could do to convince him to shed his extra layers and change into something clean, at least. Sure, he’d had to actually dig through the scant wardrobe in the bedroom to find something, but once the over-sized tunic had been shoved in the veteran hero’s face, he’d agreed to strip off his wet things, and Ravio had given him the space to do so while he’d made some warm cocoa for the two of them.
He would have preferred cider, but Mr. Hero still refused to share the recipe with him.
Now, however, he’d flopped onto the couch himself, uncaring for the fact that he’d had to settle his legs in the lap of his friend. After all, if Mr. Hero minded, he would have pushed him off. As was though, the pink-haired teen was staring at his feet with no small amount of displeasure, and Ravio was half considering pulling them back to himself and resigning himself to just curling up on the couch into one corner so he could give the other boy his space.
Firm hands latched around his boot, tugging with a small grunt and surprising the merchant greatly. “Mr. Hero, I just-”
“No shoes.” The pink-haired hero huffed. “Not on the couch.”
“Says the one who trudges dirt all over my freshly cleaned floors!” Ravio huffed, trying not to wiggle too much as Mr. Hero not only pulled off his shoes but, after making a disgusted face at the smell of his feet, had also yanked his socks off, throwing them over to the pile of sopping laundry on the floor. Ravio made a note to pick that up and help wash it later.
“My floors.” Mr. Hero corrected him, tugging the towel Ravio had given him earlier off of his shoulders and wiping its wet ends over the merchant’s feet, making him stiffen. “It’s my house I’ll have you know.”
“Mr. Hero, are you- are you cleaning my feet?”
“It’s not like you ever do it, when’s the last time you bathed, you filthy bunny?”
“Two days ago.” Ravio huffed into his cocoa, savoring the taste and the thrum of warmth that bloomed in his chest both at the drink and the sensation of Mr. Hero’s nimble fingers helping to clean the grime from his, admittedly, filthy feet. “More recently than you, I daresay, Mr. Hero.”
“I just showered.” Violet eyes flitted up to meet his as Mr. Hero motioned to the door ad likely the stormy weather outside.
“That doesn’t count!”
“It does for me.”
“When did you last bathe? With soap?”
Mr. Hero didn’t answer, instead continuing to rub the dirt and dust off the bottoms of his house-mate's feet with the wet towel. Ravio hmphed. A fight for another day then, it isn’t as if he had the energy to draw a bath and push his friend into it anyways.
A delightful, rough sensation rubbed over the base of his foot, firm and still somehow incredibly relaxing, and the bunny merchant found himself torn between sinking into the cushions with a sigh as some of the pain in his limbs faded and staring down at Mr. Hero to see what had been done. In the end, he’d sunk into the cushions of the couch, lids fluttering as a heavy sigh pulled itself from his lungs. “What-”
“You’re as tight-string as my gran’s horses.” Mr. Hero drawled, and the sensation repeated itself, warm pressure sliding across the ridge of his foot. “This used to work on my uncle, relax.”
It took longer than necessary to actually realize that his friend was rubbing his feet, but Ravio was too warm and comfortable to really care, especially with how sore the appendages in question had been with scurrying here and there over the last few days tending to the shop.
Mr. Hero’s hands were miracle workers, and Ravio was hardly even awake when the veteran hero had finally stopped with his self-assigned task, pushing himself up and leaving Ravio to stretch out over the length of the couch. All the merchant could register was the increase of weight on top of him, the clinking of two empty mugs being placed in the kitchen sink, and the door creaking open.
He never felt the draft when Mr. Hero left back into the outside world to continue his quest, but when he woke the next morning, it was to find the hero’s favorite blanket spread out over the top of him and a fresh pair of fuzzy socks slipped over his clean and no longer painfully tense feet.
“Ravio, sit.” Mr. Hero groaned, leaning back on the couch and pinned in place by the sailor using his legs as a back rest. “If you don’t, I swear I’m going to have Twilight throw you at the couch!”
The merchant in question pouted, he’d been trying his best to tidy the living room, after all, Mr. Hero and his family had been quite unexpected that evening and the place was, unfortunately, a mess. One had to take inventory now and again, and the sad fact of it was that that required pulling everything off the shelves and out of storage and from around the house to count it up and figure out if he should risk attempting to return to Lorule or attempting to work Mr. Hero’s small smithy out back in order to restock his items.
He’d only counted up everything and had been working on cleaning and polishing his various items when the heroes had come knocking at the front door, and then he’d been so busy helping them warm up from the chill (they were all wearing the scarves he’d given them and it pleased him to no end) and making a meal with Mr. Hero that he’d been left unable to finish gathering the things that had been scattered across the floor. Of course, after dinner was finished, he’d set right to it, but now that everyone was settled around the fire with warm mugs in hand and fluffy scarves around their necks, Mr. Hero seemed to only be agitated by his puttering about and moving everything again.
To be fair, he hadn’t stopped moving for the last thirty minutes since the others had helped gather his things back up so they could sit, but there was so much to put away!
“Mr. Hero, I still-”
“Sit.” Mr. Hero squeaked grouchily, earning a few giggles as Mr. Rancher and Mr. Chosen Hero exchanged glances, smiles wide. “My feet hurt just from looking at you.”
Like it or not, Ravio’s ears were already pricking up at those words.
Since that first time, Mr. Hero had done him the favor of massaging his feet after a hard day many times, and as much as Ravio didn’t want to expect it of him, it was incredibly nice to have someone fuss over him, if only for a little bit, and if there was even a chance that it would happen again, well...
It was entirely intentional that he flopped onto the couch, feet resting easily in Mr. Hero’s lap as he stretched out. He could have sat down, he really could, but the fact of it was that he simply didn’t want to. Fortunately, Mr. Hero didn’t seem to mind, and too the merchants delight his friend immediately started pulling off his shoes with the same old familiar huff and wrinkling of his button nose, tossing the shoes as far away as possible to avoid having to remain in contact with them for long.
It was a practiced and much appreciated ritual that was Mr. Hero helping him relax after a long day. Just as cocoa or cider was prepared when either was having a particularly long or difficult day, or how Ravio always made sure Mr. Hero ate three meals a day and slept for at least four hours, taking care that his friend wasn’t positioned too uncomfortably wherever it was that he finally passed out. Mr. Hero touching his feet was normal, just like him playing with Mr. Hero’s hair once the other boy had settled down at last.
Perhaps though, it wasn’t all that common for the others.
Mr. Hero blinked up from his work, violet eyes meeting the midnight blue of Mr. Rancher impassively.
“What in Ordonia are ya doin’?”
The veteran hero cocked a brow. “Foot massage, he won’t relax otherwise, and foot pains a-” Captain Hero Sir Jr. shot a look their way and Mr. Hero quickly amended what he’d been about to say. “Foot pain sucks.”
“You are touching feet.” Mr. Rancher wrinkled his nose. “Isn’t that a bit... gross?”
“Says the man who eats bee larva.” Came the quipped reply. “I wash them first, pities sakes.”
“By my head!?!?!?” Tune started jumping up and away and shooting Mr. Hero a hurt look. “Like, yeah, sure, I help Granny on bad days too, but warn a fellow if you’re gonna be having feet by his head.”
“Don’t sit on my legs.”
Ravio chuckled, letting the noise and chatter wash over him.
Mr. Hero’s hands never failed to sooth the pains of the day.
The heroes had stumbled in time and again over the months, and Ravio had grown quite used to their presence. Time passed differently on both ends of things, but he’d since learned when abouts to expect that they'd appear, and the house was, thankfully, stocked fully for each visit.
Autumn had brought about harvest, and the heroes had darted in and out, occasionally offering help and other times only crashing wearily in the living room and Mr. Hero’s bedroom for the night before they had to return to chasing the monsters. Today was one of the longer stays, especially if how Mr. Captain Hero Sir was moving so stiffly was any indication.
“Do you need me to step on you again?” Mr. Smithy asked worriedly as Mr. Captain Hero Sir eased his way down onto the couch, earning a few looks both from the merchant and the other heroes while Sheerow flitted about the man's head, chirruping worriedly and earning a gentle word or so from the captain.
Mr. Captain Hero Sir was in quite the state, stiff as a board and moving as poorly as the old pump in the village. It made him worried, and try as he might, he couldn’t think of any of his items that would help.
Mr. Hero appeared to already have an answer though. “Tunic off, Cap, and on the couch.”
Sharp blue blinked over in confusion to where Mr. Hero was already shedding his boots and rolling up his sleeves with a purpose. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Massage. Works wonders for back pain. Hop to it or I’m rescinding my offer.”
It was one thing to be on the receiving end of matters, but another entirely to be one of those who watched. Mr. Hero put his full weight into his hands as he worked, kneading out the knots in his friend's muscles while Mr. Captain Hero Sir melted into the couch with little relieved noises.
Maybe it took the others realizing that the vet didn’t just help him, but after that it wasn’t at all uncommon for him to carry in his attempts at cider or his wonderful cocoa and see Mr. Hero standing over one of the others and putting his clever hands to work in soothing tensed muscles back into place, the heroes under his hands melting under his touch.
The first time he heard Mr. Hero humming under his breath while he worked, the other heroes had all looked incredibly surprised, but not upset in the slightest. It was a lovely tune after all, and Tune himself started playing with his baton in time the gentle music, swaying in his seat and waving the instrument while the others continued working on repairing and tending their various items and clothing articles.
There was a pattern. For Mr. Captain Hero Sir it was his back, although rather rarely, and the same went for Mr. Chosen Hero.
For Captain Hero Sir Jr. It was his neck and shoulders.
Mr. Smithy got stress headaches that seemed to ease when someone helped message his temples.
Mr. Rancher had problems with his left wrist specifically.
Ravio of course had poor feet, and while Tune and Wild seemed to be mostly left unscathed from the repetitive pains that the others did, they took every opportunity to cling to Mr. Hero with their whole bodies when they felt that they wanted pets or attention when their mentor’s/brothers were too busy.
He’d attempted to return the favor all of one time. The black eye and bloody nose he got out of it weren’t even made better with the nearly tearful apologies of his best friend as Mr. Hero had jumped to his feet and dashed outside to get some ice for the injury.
Once the blood was cleaned up, the vet had sat in shame as Ravio had joined the others in teasing him for his “killer reflexes”.
“I can’t help it! People touching my feet- It-” Mr. Hero tugged at his hair frustratedly, eyes turning to the sky hopelessly. “I’m sorry, Ravio. It was an accident, I swear.”
“I know, Mr. Hero, I know.” He’d giggled out the reassurance, but from that day on he avoided touching Mr. Hero’s feet in any way possible.
(Oddly enough though, that didn’t stop a few of the others from trying, and Mr. Hero’s sleep was interrupted many times by heroes that had been kicked in the nose or even the mouth because they’d dared each other to touch the teen’s feet while he slept. Mr. Captain Hero Sir had complained for days until his own black eye healed, and Mr. Hero hadn’t even bother apologizing, stating that the others shouldn’t have tempted fat so foolishly.)
He felt a bit guilty for not returning the favor, but he knew better than to try again where so many others had failed.
And then winter had sprung up. Winter with its harsh gales that blew in half frozen heroes that tracked ice and snow across the floor as they bundled in front of the fire, wrapped head to toe for the weather. Winter when he’d brew hot cocoa to warm them all up, letting Mr. Hero tug down blankets to wrap around their on-and-off house-mates (guests no longer applied at this point). The mugs offered were warm, and Ravio smiled as each hero offered him a word of thanks as his tray grew lighter and lighter until he only had the two mugs left.
Mr. Hero had pulled together his usual nest before the fire. His huge blanket and a few spare pillows all bundled together into a comfortable place to sit for the younger heroes in order to make up for the lack of a second couch, and the vet sat in its center, still working to arrange the cushions with stiff fingers and chattering teeth until Ravio had pulled on his friend’s tunic and urged him to sit down.
When he offered the mug though, Mr. Hero had fumbled it and nearly dropped it, a hiss of irritation whishing from between his teeth and he glared down at his stiff digits. “Blast! Din’s sake, why does the freaking cold always freaking-”
Warm hands, worn from housekeeping and smithy work, wrapped around the vet’s as Ravio gently rubbed some warmth back into the stiff fingers. Mr. Hero started slightly at the touch, but didn’t complain as the merchant continued to press his into the rises and against the bones of his friend’s gnarled hands, offering warmth and relief against the pain and the cold both for a few short minutes, and Mr. Hero melted into the touch, as he always inevitably did, letting Ravio have his way for the moment and leaning to sit back-to-back with Wild while the merchant worked.
When he’d released his housemate, it’d only been to press a mug into the vet’s hands, but then he’d been settling across from him on the blanket nest, stockinged feet coming to rest in his friend’s lap as he’d pulled his own mug close for a sip. Violet eyes offered a begrudging smile that was returned in rupee green, but no words were spoken between the two as they enjoyed their cocoa.
Mr. Captain Hero Sir however wasn’t about to let it pass. “So, hand holding now, uh? Should I be talking to Fable about a wedding day?”
Ravio was certain that the only thing keeping some very rude signs from being exchanged as the fact that Mr. Hero wasn’t willing to stress his hands further or release the warmth that he held in them. The pink-haired hero did shoot a very disappointed look towards the captain though.
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zukump3 · 4 years
fixated ✰ s. aizawa
aizawa takes interest after you, but he doesn’t really know how to go about it.
genre: fluff, some smut in the second part! fem!reader
warnings: two parter!! aizawa has a CRUSHHHH, he pins after you heavily, counselor!reader. zawa used to have a thing with ms joke, black!reader
a/n: this idea was super cute so i had to write it. i hope you guys like it!!
requested: yes!!
part 2 (coming soon)
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Aizawa has never been one for dating. Honestly, he couldn’t even remember the last time he had a relationship.
Back in high school, when he sat in the very desks his students sat in, he was often teased at by Mic about getting a partner. The hero tried to set him up on dates, give random people his number and all types of other methods, but Aizawa was just never interested. No one really caught his attention that way... until Fukukado came along.
She was everything he despised. She was loud, she talked too much, and she never took anything serious. But somehow she made her way into his cold heart and he indulged in her.
He enjoyed his time with her. Underneath all that goofiness she was a sweet woman who cared deeply for her job and her students. Aizawa felt emotions he had never felt with her, and was a bit peeved when they split. However, they remained friends. Since then, he hasn’t bothered dating with anyone.
“Have you seen the new counselor?!” Aizawa opened one eye to see Kaminari and Sero gushing as they entered the class. “She’s sooo hot. And she’s foreign!”
“Doesn’t she speak English and Japanese fluently though? She’s smart and attractive, jeez.” Sero huffed, and Aizawa furrowed his brow, zipping down his zipper on his yellow sleeping bag.
“Who are you talking about?”
“Miss L/N!” They both yelled, making Aizawa blink. “She’s our new counselor. She said parents were complaining that the students mental health wasn’t being cared about enough, so U.A hired her. She’s from America too.”
“America.” Aizawa groaned. He already had an image in his own eyes—a stereotypically one, but oh well. You probably had blonde hair and blue eyes. There was probably nothing special about you at all. His students weren’t as used to foreigners, so of course they would find you attractive.
Throughout the entire day he kept hearing his students chatter about you. About how kind you were, how pretty your voice sounded, how you looked so unique. He was getting peeved—why was everyone so hung up on you?
He carried the thought with him until the end of the day, when he headed down the hall to what seemed to be your room, just as you were leaving.
And—wow. He really understood why everyone was talking about you.
You weren’t blonde haired, blue eyed at all. Your hair was in a fluffy afro, like Mina’s but kinkier. You had the most supple brown skin and dark eyes that lit up when they caught his. His eyes widened a bit at just how radiating you seemed, your multi colored lips raising into a smile.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Aizawa! I’m L/N,” you spoke, your hand pushing out to shake his. He shook your hand silently, noting at how warm your palm was against his cold one. “I’ve heard a lot about you from your students!”
“You’ve met them?” he asked, voice deep with shock.
“Ahh, well, they kind of pranked me earlier,” you said sheepishly. “They came banging on my door and said there was a fire, and that I needed to leave as soon as I could. But then they said they were just joking when I was about to jump out my window,” you laughed, shaking your head. “They’re pretty goofy huh?”
Aizawa couldn’t help but note at how good your Japanese was. He knew English and Japanese were two different languages—you must’ve been pretty smart and hardworking to learn it.
“Well, I have to go do paperwork at my apartment-hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” you smiled once again. Aizawa only nodded and then you were off, with his eyes burning into your back.
His fists clenched. You were much more attractive than he originally imagined. But he wasn’t going to indulge—he knew that would only end badly.
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The next day, Aizawa heard the same chatter about you. And the next. And the next. He didn’t see you again until about a week later, when he saw you chatting with Midnight and Mic in the lunch line. He cringed—the two were notorious for gossiping and he really hoped they weren’t telling you anything stupid.
“And then I—aye yo, Zawa! Good afternoon! Have you met L/N?!” Mic screamed, and Aizawa’s eyes went to meet yours ago. Your hair was styled differently to the point where he could see your eyes better, and it framed your face so nicely. You waved at him and he smiled sheepishly.
“We were just talking about our high school days~” Midnight’s voice rang out. “American high school is reaaaally different from Japanese high school, according to L/N.”
“The students here are really well behaved, especially in Aizawa’s class,” you smiled at him. “You’re doing a damn good job with them. They’re some of the most charming students I’ve seen! The ones in American high school can be really rude and nasty... I haven’t experienced any of that here. It’s nice.”
Aizawa breathed shakily. Thank god his students weren’t embarrassing him.
“L/N here’s got a degree in psychology and all that mental stuff!” Mic yelled once again as you all moved down the lunch line. “She understands da brain! We really needed someone like her here, with all the breakdowns our students have!”
Aizawa huffed. Teachers, too.
“I’m here for everyone,” you spoke. “Students, teachers, even the Recovery Girl if she’s got a lot on her mind. I’m just here to help everybody as much as I can.”
“Aizawa needs some of that help fo sure!” Mic yelled, smiling so hard all of his long, white teeth showed. “Motherheffa never talks to anyone about his feelings, keeps em balled up! That’s not healthy!”
Aizawa’s ears turned red. “No, I don’t need-“
“I’ll help ya!” you offered, moving so your body was right next to his. He couldn’t help but inhale your scent—it was strong and sweet, something he’d never smelled before. “Don’t worry—whatever we discuss in my room stays in my room. It’s something I pledged to do when I became a therapist.”
Aizawa laughed nervously, shaking his head. “I really don’t-“
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna have a session immediately, no worries,” you shrugged. “But I’m here whenever you need me. I have more work to do later, but I’ll see you guys later!”
And then you were off, with Aizawa’s eyes still on your back.
“You’re staring pretty hard Aizawa,” Midnight raised perfectly done eyebrows. “She’s pretty—I would stare too.”
“Be quiet.” He spluttered, his ears still red as he made his way back to his classroom to eat.
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Another week had passed of Aizawa admiring you from afar. You always came into work with a smile on your face, greeting students with handshakes and hugs—the hugs threw him off a bit, but Kaminari told him it was an “American thing.” He didn’t know how much he would daydream about it until he started to long for hugs from you, thinking of how your arms would wrap around his middle before class.
He wasn’t obsessed with you, no, but rather infatuated. You were intelligent and easy to approach, and your appearance matched your personality. He was attracted to you but due to him not having a relationship in years and also not having the best social skills, he had no idea how to approach you. He didn’t even know much about you. His students knew you more than he did and you were his age! It made no sense.
Time after time during the third week of you being here he tried to talk to you. During lunch, when Midnight and Mic would force you all to sit together, he would want to open his mouth but he couldn’t. He’d come by your room to start conversations after school but the most he’d say was “have a good evening, L/N.” and leave you alone. He even found your social media and took a quick look through your pictures—leaving your page when he saw you in a bikini, his cheeks red.
By the time the fourth week came around, his students and his work buddies were noticing his changes in behavior. He was getting distracted much more than before and whenever someone would mention your name he’d go scarily silent and look deep in thought. It wasn’t until Mina chatted with the rest of the Bakusquad that his students actually began to do something about it.
“Miss L/N!” you heard Jirou’s voice rang out from your doorway, with some other students from Class 1-A coming in behind you. “Good evening~”
“Good evening Jirou! Hey everyone,” you smiled warmly at the students that were entering your classroom, confused as how many of them were coming in. “What’s up...?”
You had formed a pretty close relationship with the class of 1-A during your short time here. You had sessions with most of them and got to know their personalities and feelings pretty well—even Bakugo, who was closed up and rude at first, but eventually shed a few tears in your room.
“Mr. Aizawa said he needed your help with planning lessons today—he said he’s asked everyone else and they’re all busy,” Mina told you, and your brows furrowed in confusion. Aizawa needs help from... you? That was odd. “He needs you to come by as soon as possible!”
“Oh! Well, alright,” you laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck as you stood up and grabbed your phone. “Thanks for telling me—you all get to your dorms and don’t cause too much noise okay?”
You heard rings of “yes, miss l/n’s” as everyone left your room and you locked it behind you. You started to make your way to Aizawa’s classroom, your palms a little sweaty against your notebook. You hadn’t talked to Aizawa in a while and it was weird that he had requested your help, but you didn’t mind getting closer to him. Truthfully, he had been on your mind a lot the past few days—you found him pretty attractive despite his quiet demeanor. Although, you were a new teacher, and didn’t want to be involved with anyone too early in your school year.
Aizawa jumps a bit when he hears sudden loud knocks on your door, and sees your face come into view. “Good evening, Aizawa. You needed my help?”
“Huh?” Aizawa asked, his face twisted in confusion.
“Jirou and Mina came by and said you needed my help with lesson planning—I’m not the best with planning stuff to teach but I don’t mind offering my assistance,” you offered him your normal, gentle smile. “So where do we start?”
Mina and Jirou? Ugh. Of course they would tell you that.
“Um-um-well,” he stuttered, his face already starting to heat up. “I just need a new quirk training game... yeah. That’s why I need help with.” Fuck. He hoped that sounded believable.
“Okay!” you nodded, suddenly taking a seat that was in the corner of the room and sitting right. Next. To. Him. He had to clench his fists to keep his cool, not used to such an attractive woman being so close to him at all. “Where should we start?”
He spent two hours with you discussing new games to play with his students that would also train their quirks, and those were some of the best two hours of his life.
He so enjoyed the time he spent with you. You were so easygoing and natural to talk to—he didn’t feel awkward or nervous talking to you which is what he feared he would feel in the first place. He cracked more smiles with you in the span of two hours than he did the whole week.
“You can’t just make them play dodgeball with their quirks! They’ll get hurt!”
“We have a Recovery Girl for a reason.” Aizawa rolled his eyes, smirking at the glare he got from you.
“Still! You know some of them—Bakugo—are going to take out their anger on other students,” you huffed.
“But it’ll be fun to watch?”
You were quiet for a moment, but inevitably started smirking along with him. “...you’re right. It will be.”
Together, the both of you planned for Class 1-A dodgeball, with you and Aizawa as the referees. You two even planned to go by the outfits together—and now he was out at a sporting store with you, looking for a fucking black and white striped shirt. He couldn’t believe this.
“I’ve never worn one of these before—you think I’ll look cute in it?” you asked him, raising your eyebrows repeatedly and he couldn’t help but chuckle gently at your antics. “I’m serious!”
“I’m sure you will F/N,” he told you, not even noticing his slip up until a few moments later. “I—I meant-“
“So we’re on second base huhhhh? Don’t worry, I’ve accidentally called you Shota a few times to Mic and Midnight. I’m not used to calling people by their last names, we don’t do that in America.”
“You talk about me?” Aizawa couldn’t help but feel a little proud of the fact.
“What?! Of course not, no.” you quickly shook your head, and he grinned at the flustered look on your face. “The only thing I tell them about is how you need more sleep. Your brain doesn’t function correctly on a small amount of sleep.”
“My brain doesn’t function correctly at all.”
“Wrong. You’re pretty smart, Aizawa. Pretty understanding too,” you hummed, you two walking through the aisles so you could get whistles. “Your students are always telling me how much you care about them, even though you don’t show it. They really appreciate you you know?”
He was expressionless, but his heart did warm a little bit at your words. “I know.”
You two bought the items and soon enough you were back at the school. You got out of his car, sending him a wave and a quick goodbye before heading to your own car, and Aizawa let out the longest sigh of his life.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
High key concerned by how many people think it might be Ava's season next. I don't think druck has the sauce, i don't think any of the remakes have the sauce, to turn this fandom into a fair and balanced one when they are met with people that look like Ava and can be quite assertive . An Ava season at this junction would be strongly rejected by the masses and seems like an express lane to cancellation. Who do u think will be the next main? Sorry if you've already shared your thoughts on this.
Hi anon! 🌸 I think the next main will be Fatou. 
As for Ava, I don’t think her storyline with _huelk has played as big a role in the episodes as Fatou/Kieu My. I’m also a bit unsure about whether _huelk will actually show up on Thursday tbh. I’d feel a bit more sure he’ll show, if Ava told the girls about him and she asked Nora to come along with her. 
This fandom will inevitably be a shitstorm when Ava is the main, but I mean, wbk. Let’s just look at the reactions to any Sana season, not just from fandom, but casual viewers and even people who don’t know anything about these shows, but have a lot to say about a show choosing to feature characters like the Sanas.
But I also don’t think that should be reason not to do it. Like, we can’t just keep these characters as sidekicks until a time in the future where people won’t complain about them being main, or we’ll be waiting forever lol. 
I know this is the dumbest example ever, but ever since SPN ended, I’ve been thinking about how different the TV landscape was 5/10/15 years ago. 
(Some rambling about 00s TV shows no one cares about)
When SPN premiered in 2005, the idea that any of the male leads would say ILU to another dude was absolutely unthinkable. A fan gave Dean’s actor an essay about his character being bi at a con (sidenote: cons should probably be abolished) and he wrote “?? No” on it and gave it back. In 2020 Castiel told Dean he loved him, and Dean’s actor was, like, swapping reaction videos to that moment with Castiel’s actor. 
Likewise, when Glee premiered in 2009, the show immediately sidelined Mercedes for Rachel, and constantly made jokes about how Mercedes would never be lead because she was lazy, unprincipled, didn’t want it enough, etc. In the finale episode, which aired in 2015, the show acknowledged that Schue (and by extension the show/network) never saw Mercedes as the lead because of the way she looked (both misogynoir and fatphobia). 
And I could give sooo many examples of Kurt storylines that were obviously rewritten to pacify homophobic viewers. For instance, in one s1 episode Kurt comes a little too strongly on Finn (but I should note everyone on that show came a little too strongly on their crushes, it was pretty much your usual teen show with toxic examples of human interaction). This angered a man to such a point that he approached the showrunners at Comic Con and demanded that Kurt apologize for being a creep. So in s2, even Kurt’s own dad calls him out on being a creep towards Finn, and he’s made to back off from a duet with a straight dude character because everyone makes him feel he was a creep for even thinking about it. 
Later on, Kurt switches schools for a while because he’s being targeted by a bully and he and Blaine talk about how no one does anything about homophobic bullying because people seem to feel that if you’re gay, then you’re just going to suffer. This line reminds me so much of how showrunners have approached Sana seasons. All the characters sort of act like, well, the Sanas have dared to be hijabi and racialized, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there ain’t much the other characters can do about that suffering ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The point I’m trying to make is that, yes, Castiel dying right after confessing he loves Dean and Dean’s feelings being up for interpretation is total bullshit when you can watch 73589 Netflix shows and a handful of Isak seasons with canonical representation, same gender affection, sex scenes, etc. but it is also something no show would’ve done when SPN first premiered in 2005. (When queer rep was a female character showing up in town during sweeps week to share a kiss with one of the female leads and then disappear to never be talked about again.) It was only possible because SPN lasted into 2020 when that scene is tame compared to what audiences are used to seeing in other (some more niche) shows. It was bullshit that Glee painted Mercedes as lazy to justify Rachel getting all the solos, but at least they lasted long enough that they could say, “yeah that happened for racist reasons.” It was bullshit that Kurt could only get face time if he was being tortured or crying, because homophobic audiences couldn’t take a, to use your word, “assertive” gay character who behaved like all the other Glee characters with crushes. But if it hadn’t been for Kurt and other similarly weeping gays, who’s to say we’d have had Isak (who was created in response to Norwegians teens watching American teen shows, remember!), Cris, Matteo, etc. etc. 
Are audiences going to be racist and fatphobic and misogynistic in response to Ava’s season? Yep! But an Ava season would do something Glee never allowed Mercedes to do, and it’s to be the star of the show. (And ngl, “it’s yo girl Mercedes” was such a recurring phrase on Glee that I’ve wondered whether Ava’s ig name is a lowkey inspired by it.) Without Kurt there wouldn’t be an Isak, and without Mercedes there wouldn’t be an Ava. So an Ava season needs to happen regardless of fandom being ready for it. 
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
If this Bruce doesn't adopt Tim I will! But I'm kinda scared for Tim I mean he's either gonna end up with Buce or the titans at some point, im afraid that something terrible is gonna happen his family and then titans/bruce takes him in? That boy loves batman and robin so much like even his family seeing the news knew how much it would upset him although I will say that for the brain that kid has he makes some pretty stupid decisions, hes driving around GOTHAM plastered in the bat-symbol that's not a good idea! the amount of lunatics that roam free in Gotham (and possibly have escaped from arkham) and hate the bat and hes driving around with the bat symbol on him KID be careful!
Some kind of Anti-fear toxin does seem more accurate cuz he's clearly taking something to not be afraid. Maybe it's something he found in Gotham and decided to try it and got addicted so he's using that lab place to try recreate it? and maybe he can't recreate it perfectly cuz in the crowbarring scene he seemed kinda anxious about his surroundings and he'd just taken that inhaler thing to overcome fear so I dunno?? Or maybe he went to arkham to see Crane for some reason and Crane has orchestrated the whole thing and told him about the drug but then wouldn't Crane have to know everyone's identity then? Dude I dunno I need more episodes even tho the low quality glitchyness is painful lol
There's probably an abundance of rooms to choose from at Wayne manor yet Jason takes Dicks old room and keeps the flying graysons posters up! I like to think that he does view dick as an older brother and just took his room to kind of have a connection to him and that he admires him hence the graysons posters being left up, yooo dick calling him his brother! I really want a nice family reunion with dick jason and bruce 💕
Babs was too mean to bruce when she went off like I get where she's coming from but yo lady his son just died dial it down like a notch yikes but also babs being like 'i wonder how long it'll take for bruce to replace jason and dick is all 'what no the last thing bruce is gonna do is rope another kid into this mess'. Cut to scene of Bruces potential robin folder 😅 but I also like that dick was trying to be considerate and compose himself for bruce but once he found out that bruce is idiot enough to pull another kid into this, that that's when he got mad and bruce so brokenly begging dick to come back and be robin 😢😢😢
I know the show is constantly trying to push bruce out/sideline him cuz it's a titans show not a bruce wayne show and I know they're going for a different portrayal of bruce which I'm not complaining about I do like this version of bruce (more than I thought actually) and this universe but I feel like they could have gave more cracks you know, I like that they showed him trying to avoid the reality of jasons death and just not stopping not even for a second and just immediately jump into another case and that breakdown verge where he's begging dick to be robin and then when he finally I guess let's the weight of jasons loss sit on him to the point where he whacks in jokers head with a crowbar just like he killed jason (he could have killed joker so many other ways like a less violent bullet to the head but oh no brucey crowbars him to death!!)
There's a lot of character stuff that i do like but that scene where he's in the cave on his knees scrubbing his sons blood out of the suit he died in, the suit that he only ever wore because of batman. 😢 I feel like they could have had him crack there and let out a gut wrenching scream and then just continue on doing what he was doing as if nothing happened and dick walking in on that should have had more of a reaction!? like he could have stopped in his tracks at the sight of his brothers blood all over his father and bruce screaming, dick could have like took a step back almost like he's gonna run but forces himself to stay there, because who wouldn't want to run from that and no matter how much horrible things you've dealt with before sometimes your brain does just take over against your will and makes you react, the rest of the scene just could have played out the way it did. Literally one ounce more emotion is all I wanted.
No one really emotionally cracked at jasons death. I get that it just happened and that people put walls up and denial can be such a prominent thing when a loved one dies but it couldn't have been that difficult to put in little mannerisms now and again to show that everyone is deeply hurt but holding it in. Honestly gar seemed more hurt to me than dick did. But I do like that dick reacted in detective mode and started trying to figure things out from jasons side so at least there's that.
This redhood is defo not an anti hero he has well and truly landslided into villian territory and I dunno how that's gonna be reconciled? they better not kill him off! and they better not just straight up keep redhood/jason as a full on villian! but if they do get through to jason and bring him back a little how the heck is that little man gonna deal with what he did to Hank?? I feel like they had a bond you know and for all Hanks talk about putting Jason down I really don't think that Hank would actually have killed him even if it came down to Hanks life vs Jasons I think Hank would rather die than kill Jason (but that's heavily biased cuz in my mind jason is my son and I freaking love hank sooo) but Hank to me puts on a hard front like 'yeah I'll get in your face I'll come at you b*tch' but internally he's like 'yeah I'll come at you to help you' 😅 like internally he defo has a lot of soft spots though that's not to say he'd be like this for someone like the joker or scarecrow or whatever guys like that he'd be like no screw you you die or go to arkham like byeee
Nevermind how jason is gonna come back from this though HOW IN THE ACTUAL SH*T is dawn gonna come back from this!!?!!
Random side note here but imagine Jasons first time in the batcave he would be so excited and trying to mess with everything and being like ohh what's that do and pressing random buttons and bruce having a hernia trying to get jason to stop before he accidentally blows the cave up 😅 also he has probably been caught several times trying to 'borrow' the batmobile, I can just picture him trying to sneak down the halls of the manor without the floor creaking and making it all the way into the cave and doing a victory dance cuz he didn't get caught and he hops on into the batmobile in his pj's and let's out a scream cuz alfred is sitting in the freakin passenger seat waiting for him and then they just hang out in the batmobile alfred had the good foresight to bring a flask of tea books and a blanket for jason
Speaking of Alfred I think it would have been more angsty and hurtful if Alfred died shortly after Jason and after a few days Jason claws his way out his grave and the first thing he sees is Alfreds headstone and that's how he finds out Alfred died : (((
This is so long girl I'm sorry I know it doesn't seem like it but I did restrain myself 😅 one more thing before I go maybe this Dick is the absolute worst mf and the reason babs feels betrayed by him and is so upset with him could be that he left her (or cheated on her) with Dawn cuz of that weird flashback thingy in the other season where dick dawn was a thing I dunno I hope not though that would be ughhh
Oh crap, you right about probably something bad will happen to Tim for Bruce or Titans to take him in, I was gonna say he could just demand to be in their lives to save Bruce/Dick like in the comics but he also has kinda shitty parents normally and these people seem cool so really it could go either direction, but like it’s Titans so it doesn’t look good lol. Also, I wonder if it’s gonna be Dick who is basically gonna adopt him this time since we already had a huge track record in just 2 seasons lmao. But I know right, true I like how his parents knew immediately how much the news would effect him 😭 I hope he goes down the making himself robin and forcing himself in Dick and Bruce’s life xD I love that route. Lmao, the kid is all book smart, very little street smart when it doesn’t have to do with outsmarting someone XD
I was also rewatching and that gas he takes def has to be some anti fear toxin cause he mentions fear so many times and flash backed to his near death fall, which he felt was probably holding him and back and thus had to prove himself and adds to whatever is influencing him. But ohhh he did seem pretty dang anxious at the carnival grounds, that’s a really interesting theory but recreating something he found hmm, I can see that.
Apparently according to a YouTube who got to see the first 5 episodes, we find out what his deal is a lot more in episode 5, so one more week hopefully
Brooo trueee, I couldn’t believe jason took dick’s room and like didn’t even change anything. Like Jason looks or at least use to look up to Dick SO much, like in his first episode in the first season, he went on quite a lot about how much he had always wanted to meet him and how much he looked up to him, which is probably also fueling his red hood rage, being hurt by your idol and brother like he did in S2 must have really just killed the boy. But yes omg, there freaking better be a dang family reunion scene like, after so much angst we deserve that 😭
And yesss, I loved seeing how mature Dick is getting and just how much he is growing as a character, the fact he was so calm and considerate with Bruce at first really shows that compared to s1 Dick, only breaking when Bruce tried to get more kids involved. That scene by Brenton was sooo well acted omg, the way he yelled that he doesn’t want to robin again, heartbreaking man. And Bruce begging like that omg
Yeah, this version of Bruce is def so different than any Bruce we have seen on screen before, like def the most emotionally constipated, and that’s saying something xD But I like how they are taking a risk, it also helps Dick’s character more and give him more of an arc, as he seems to be taking on Bruce’s normal role with Jason and red hood. Bro, you are so right omg, like the fact Bruce could have killed the joker in any way and he does it with the dang crowbar. It really shows how broken he really was and why the man shouldn’t depressing any and every damn feeling and emotion lol.
Omg, I love how you have the exact details of what you wanted to happen in that one Bruce and Dick scene 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 bro if you dont already you should totally write fanfics cause that was so detailed, I love it
Yeah, I do wish someone cracked (other than Bruce lmao) a bit more, but I do think each character reacted in character though, like it is very Dick(at least this version of Dick, other versions may break down tbh) to put everything into solving the case and figuring out what was up, that’s more this version’s way of caring than just breaking down, like he rarely ever has broken down completely. I think dawn could have been a little more emotional about the death (tho she has enough coming for her lmao). Connor didn’t know Jason that well so it makes sense he would just be sad. Gar seemed pretty sad and in character about it, maybe could have had a bit more, same with Kori, tho she showed it by being almost angry and fiercely protective of everyone else, so I think that makes sense for her. It would have been interesting to see how Rachel and Rose would have reacted though (where did rose go btw?! She would so have a reaction to Jason’s death). But yeah, i wish there was more resolution and break downs for Jason, but also it may have just not felt real since they weren’t there? But I agree
You think? Idk, I think they could def still make him an anti hero towards the end, especially if it’s crane behind the whole thing. Cause if they don’t they are gonna have to go down the gosh awful overused villain gets redeemed while he dies/only to die right freaking after , and I will be so freaking livid if they do that omg. Like they better freaking not. But true, he would be broken by what he did to Hank, oh yikes. But I can see him then that leading to the anti hero path, like he would never go back to be on the titans cause he would feel too guilty, thus giving more of a reason for the anti hero life. But I know, I loved Jason and Hank’s love hate relationship 😭😭😭😭 You know Hank secretly loved the kid and probably saw himself in him.
Yikes poor dawn, you right. Like I have no idea how she is gonna be now like wow.
OMG GIRL, You are on a hc angst train today!!!! That scenario of Alfred dying right after jason and Jason climbing out to see Alfred’s?! Heartbreaking!
But I can’t believe they killed Alfred off so casually tho😭
Omg I swear if they freaking show Dick having cheated on Babs I will be so freaking pissed omg, he better have not! Im hoping they had a more high school romance thing/grew up together then got together type of thing
And omg don’t apologize I LOVED IT and reading your asks!!! I feel ya too!
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ahwait-no-yes · 4 years
🍬 Candy Kingdom 🍭
Casually slides and places chapter down before running away only to trip on a can of soup and collapse as miku plays ominously in the background
also apologies for how ooc they are i can’t write 
Once Shuichi arrived at the plaza, he scanned the crowded area for Ouma. He never really liked places with people bustling about. It was always too loud, too many things to focus on, and just made him want to cover his ears and sit down for a bit.
Thankfully, he spotted Ouma sitting on a bench, looking a bit bored. He assumed that wasn’t a good thing. He hasn’t known Kokichi for very long, but he seemed like a person that would be up to no good if they had nothing better to do.
Shuichi walked over to him, gently tapping his shoulder. Kokichi looked over at him quickly, he wondered if he would get whiplash. “Heya Saihara chan! Took you long enough, I was waiting here for years!” Ouma dramatically complained, drawing others attention to them.
Saihara nervously laughed, assuming part of it was true. He did sleep in a bit, not having to deal with someone waking him up and tell him he has things he needs to do. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take so long.”
Ouma waved his hand, dismissing the topic. “Uh huh. So, Saihara chan!” He chirped, suddenly standing up. “I have a super fun and amazing cool idea! So we should toootally do it!” He exclaimed, rocking back and fourth on his heels.
“Soo! I was thinking maybe you should buy me a bunch of things, then I can murder you and take your stuff!” Kokichi smiled innocently, keenly stepping forward.
“But that’s a lie, isn’t it?” Shuichi deadpanned, crossing his arms and staring back at him. Ouma’s face was blank for a second, before it turned back into his usual smug grin. “Maybe! You’re catching on quick, Saihara chan!”
Shuichi chuckled, fidgeting with a strand of his hair. “Is that a good thing?” He asked, playfully tilting his head. Kokichi pouted in response, his eyes looking glossy. “No it’s not! It’s horrible! If Saihara chan keeps trying to figure me out I’ll have to kill him!”
Saihara nervously smiled, adverting his eyes as per usual. “I’m hoping that’s a lie too,” he murmured. Kokichi laughed, wearing a familiar mischievous grin. “Probably!” Was all he said before skipping off, leaving Saihara to catch up with him.
While Ouma was aimlessly walking around, (it seemed like he was at least, Saihara noted,) they ended up running into someone else.
Or, Ouma antagonizing one of his friends. Hopefully one of his friends.
“Hey, tit for brains! Come here!” Kokichi yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth. Multiple people turned to look at them, a few covering their mouths in shock. Shuichi couldn’t do much other then look down and hope they would stop.
A girl (who looked to be about their age,) walked up to them, a scowl on her face. “What the hell do you want Kokichi?” She asked, a hand on her hip. Ouma grinned and bought a finger to his lips before replying, “Well, I just wanted to give you the honor of seeing me!
Shuichi excepted a very, very bad reaction to that statement, but she just laughed and gently shoved Kokichi. “C'mon, the gorgeous Miu Iruma knows that’s a lie!” She exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest.
Iruma stared at Saihara, looking him up and down. “Who’s the twink?” She asked, turning to Ouma. The other boy scoffed, scowling at her. “Wow, already giving my iconic nickname to some rando? Im truly and deeply offended!” He replied dramatically, tears brimming his eyes.
“But that was just a lie. Even a cum dumpster like you could understand!” He exclaimed, a sly grin on his face. Miu flushed, shrinking away. “C-cum dumpster?” She murmured.
Ouma is weird. His friends are too. Is this how most people act? I really hope not.
“But! This is my new slave, Saihara chan! Say hi Saihara chan!” He said in a soothing voice, as if he was talking to a kid. Which, Saihara did not appreciate. His parents did that enough.
He still muttered a quiet hi, anyways.
“Aaanyways!! Are you just eating all alone in a cafe? How sad! I think you should totally pay for us and buy us some food!” Kokichi exclaimed, smiling innocently. “Hell no! If you want food buy some yourself!” She yelled, a scowl on her face.
“Plus, I have more important things to do than-” She was cut off by another girl, (how many people did Ouma know??) gently tapping Miu’s shoulder. “Is everything alright? I heard you yelling,” She commented, looking at the two boys.
Iruma flushed, looking a bit nervous. “Everything’s fine!” She murmured, fidgeting with a strand of her hair. Kokichi’s grinned, staring at her. Miu stared back, slightly glaring.
“Oooo! Miu’s on a-!” “Shut up! You- little twink!” She quickly yelled over him, stammering for an answer. Ouma laughed, slightly leaning against Saihara for support.
“You always talk shit about how no one’s worthy of dating you a-” “SHUT UP!” She practically screamed, her face a brilliant red. People kept turning to see what the commotion was, which kept making Saihara nervously shift in place.
The girl behind Iruma (which he still didn’t know,) spoke up, a slightly nervous smile on her face. “So, I’m assuming you know these boys Iruma?” She asked, practically glowing.
“W-well, I know the purple little sh- gremlin, that’s Kokichi,” she murmured, twirling her hair. “And this is Saihara chan!” He chirped, showing off the other boy like a trophy. “He’s like, totally deaf, so that’s why he’s so quiet!”
“No I’m not,” He deadpanned, slightly sighing. Kokichi just giggled, gently nudging him forward. “Well it’s nice to meet you Saihara kun! I’m Akamatsu!” She smiled, trying to distract Miu and Ouma from fighting.
“It’s nice to meet you too Akamatsu san,” He murmured, looking to the side. She just smiled, not seeming to mind the lack of eye contact. “So!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together, causing Kokichi and Iruma to temporarily stop glaring at each other.
“Since we’re all here, why don’t we do something together?” She asked. Ouma smiled innocently, “Yeah, we should! Riiight I-ru-ma channn?” He teased, his smile turning into a mischievous grin. 
Miu just muttered something along the lines of, “Whatever,” and crossed her arms. “Since Iruma san and I just got here, we can all eat in the cafe. Sound good?”
No one objected, so she smiled and went into the cafe. Once they were crammed into a small booth, the whole situation finally hit Shuichi.
This whole thing wouldn’t be a problem if he knew how to talk to people without getting nervous. If that was the case, everything would be fine. Perfect even. Except, he didn’t. He had mostly been isolated most of his life, and kept to himself.
So this was a major problem.
Before Saihara could have a meltdown in public where a bunch of people could see him, Kokichi spoke up. “Sooo, are you guys friends or?~” He asked, a sly grin on his face.
“Yeah, we’re friends! We met a few weeks ago when she spilled her drink on me,” She replied, quietly giggling. “It’s probably because she was-” Ouma was cut off by Miu again, “No I wasn’t you twink! Shut up!”
Kaede gently pat Iruma’s shoulder, effectively shutting her up. “So, do you guys have any funny stories?” She asked, tilting her head. “I’m so glad you asked Akamatsu chan!” Ouma exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table in excitement, causing Saihara to flinch.
“Well, I remember once my organization and I were throwing some water balloons at some random kingdom nearby, and we ended up getting chased around for a bit! It was suuuuper fun!” He chirped, smiling.
Shuichi froze up for a second, staring wide eyed at Kokichi. He remembered overhearing that conversation when he was around seven, talking about kids in clown masks and checkered scarves.
“Why did you even-” Saihara murmured, staring at him. “Oh, you know,” Ouma very helpfully replied, a playful grin on his face. Shuichi quietly laughed, covering his mouth. “I’ll never get how you’re able to do things like that, I can’t even maintain eye contact for more than a few seconds.”
“All it takes is some practice and a fake personality!” He sing songed, gently nudging him. Shuichi continued laughing, still trying to muffle it. Miu and Kaede eventually joined in, everyone smiling.
Maybe he could stay a little longer. He still has a lot he wants to know about everyone else.
wwww this doesn’t feel too good but,,, needed to get done,, -DA
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diabeticsugarpop · 4 years
Teenage Drama (KurooxReader) 2
(Y/N) – your name
(Y/L) – your last name
(Y/T) – the town you used to live
Tequila Shots
The first guest arrived and you introduced yourself. At some point, there were so many people coming you couldn’t keep up with it. The party was going pretty well, just like you imagined a house party to be like. People are drinking, dancing and having fun. You are having fun too. Especially after that group of really pretty girls complimented your hair. You joined them at the snack table and you guys talked and got to know each other. They seemed like those girls who’d be nice to you as long as you didn’t do anything to get on their bad sides. You felt like you actually were a part of their clique.
 Nami was talking with people all over the place. She noticed you walking around and rushed over to you. “Sooo~? How’s it going sugar momma?” she poked your side with her elbow. “She was clearly drunk already. It’s like what. 8 pm? “I need to pee.” you tell her, feeling like you’ll explode any minute from that huge amount of liquor intake. She grabs your arm and drags you to her bathroom. She closes the door behind you two and shifts her attention to her mirror image. While you take a relieving pee she fixes her hair. “You know,” she speaks up, “you’re not drunk enough... We should change that.”
 After you wash your hands, she grabs your arm again and drags you to the liquor table. Before you could complain to her about being pushed around like a doll, your eyes get stuck on a certain someone, preparing some tequila shots. “Uhh~ make that 3!” Nami commanded the stranger and pushed him in a friendly way, making him spill some liquor on the table. “Oi! Don’t be so rough.” He joked. He turned around and shifted his eyes to you. Once you saw his face you could feel your heart disfunction. Gosh he’s hot, you think to yourself as you continue to stare at him with big eyes. He had messy black hair and was a head taller than you. He wore a blank black shirt and blue jeans. Because the LED’s were turned on and due to you slightly being under the influence of alcohol, you couldn’t clearly make out his looks but- damn he’s fine.
 Nami noticed your baffled face and remembered you nagging to her about your nonexistent luck with guys. He he he~ She laughed internally, thinking of a plan to solve your problem. She knew exactly what kind of guy Kuroo was.
 “Oi, Kuroo-kun~ would you mind showing my friend (Y/N)-chan how to take proper tequila shots?” she asked the guy who apparently was called ‘Kuroo’ with a weird undertone to her voice. This snapped you out of your simping and you blushed, knowing damn well you just stared at this guy for a minute straight without blinking. He gave you a smile that could melt any girls heart. “Ah~ You’re the newbie? Nami-Chan didn’t mention you being so cute.” He said while taking the bottle of tequila. Is he flirting with me?! You tried to stay calm. If it wouldn’t be this dark in here everyone could’ve seen your red face. “H- Hey. I’m (Y/N) (L/N). Pleased to make your acquaintance.” You introduced yourself. Nami looks back and forth at you and Kuroo. “Ah!” she suddenly gasped, getting both of your attention. “I forgot I had to tell someone hello! See you guys around~” and with that being said, she was gone, leaving your awkward ass alone with the hottie.
 “I’m Kuroo Tetsuro.” He introduced himself while taking a plate and emptying a bottle of salt on it. “Where are you from?” he asks you, poring two shots of tequila into little glasses. You moved closer to the table to have a better look at his crafting. “I used to live in (Y/T).” you answer him. “(Y/T)? I think I’ve heard of it before.” He cuts a lemon to slices and places them on a different small plate. “You’re not much of a drinker, are you?” he smirks at you. You smile shyly. “Eh.. I wasn’t at that many parties yet. So I guess not.” Actually you don’t remember ever being to a real one before. “Okay listen. It’s not that hard.” He spoke. “You have to make a fist and wet it here a little..” he dipped his finger into his glass and proceeded to wet that part of his hand he was just talking about. He rubbed his fingers dry and took a good amount of salt. “..and you put some salt on it.” He does as he says and looks over at you. You’re a bit confused as to why this has to be such a complex process but you copy his instructions and do the same. He looks pleased and takes his glass in the other hand. “Good. Now lick the salt and take your drink and a lemon afterwards.” He instructs you and starts to lick his hand clean. He takes his shot and grabs a slice of lemon. You laugh a little as he chewed on the lemon with a funny face. “Does this even do anything?” you giggle. “Wha- Yeah. It takes the bidder taste away. A little at least.” Kuroo explains. “You’re turn” he takes your drink and holds it in front of you. Even though you feel a little awkward you copy his instructions and lick the salt of. You take a quick breath and pour the liquor down your throat. You did not expect it to burn like that. Kuroo is already holding a lemon in front of you as you start to cough. This is so embarrassing.. you think to yourself and take the lemon. Surprisingly, the lemon helped your throat a little. Kuroo laughed at your pathetic shot, making you blush once again. “S-Stop laughing..” you mutter and he starts to prepare two new shots.
 You two took some more drinks but you never really got used to it. You hated the taste. While you were drinking you got to know each other a little closer. You found out that he’s going to the same school you’ll be attending later, plays volleyball and owns a pet cat. He seemed genuinely nice and you hoped to become friends with him. “You don’t like it that much huh?” he questions as you make a funny face at your 4th shot. “Noo! I don’t understand how anyone could like that!” you nag to Kuroo. Although it was your 4th shot you still didn’t feel very drunk. “Huh? Really?” he smirks, “I know how to make it tastier.” He starts to get ready for another shot. “Really? How?” you ask him in disbelief. “You know. If you lick the salt off of someone else hand, it’ll magically taste nicer.” He points out. “Wha-?” “No ‘What’s’, just try it.” He hands you another shot and places his salty hand closer to your face. A blush creeps over your face. Lick his hand!? “C’mon. Just do it.” He kindly forces you. You take the shot out of his hand and hesitantly reach your other to hold his hand closer to you. Your heart starts to beat like crazy as move your face even closer. It felt like everything was slowed down. What you didn’t saw was the way Kuroo’s lips formed into a smug smile. You grabbed his hand a little tighter and build up enough courage to actually lick it off. Yet again you were thankful for the dark lights because your face turned to the equal color of a tomato. You take your shot and realize that it was all a scam. “That tasted the exact same!” you complain and look back up at Kuroo. As your eyes meet his you freeze. He had a smile on his face but not that nice smile from before. It felt intimidating and yet you were getting excited..? Another feeling builds its way up in your lower body... You need to pee again! Gosh what a timing. Before Kuroo could say anything you excused yourself and rushed over to the bathroom. You lost sight of Kuroo in the crowd.
 After you were done you realized how freaking drunk you became. It was like it hit you all at once. Your head started spinning, the music was very loud and yet you couldn’t clearly make out what the songs were singing. You fought the urge to throw up and decided to go to someplace quiet. On your way you found Nami’s bedroom with a note saying “no entering” on it. She wouldn’t mind if its you so you entered anyways. You closed the door behind you and took a few steps forward before leaning yourself on a wall. Your legs gave in and you slid down, resting your arms on your knees and hiding your face inside them. I should’ve stopped after the first shot, you think to yourself and decide to get back to the party once you sobber up a bit.
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chidoroki · 4 years
Head empty, pre-TPN season 2 thoughts only.
Normally I don’t even bother with hiding spoilers but since the new season is so close I’ll put everything below a cut (if tumblr cooperates) because I do want anime-onlys to enjoy the season with as little knowledge to what madness is about to happen as possible. This is just a bunch of notes that filled my head over the past couple days.. weeks? A long time.. and if I didn’t write them all down somewhere I wouldn’t stop thinking about them.. so if you understand this whole mess, then kudos to you.
So, here’s your post-season 1/ch37+ spoiler warning.
Demon language:
With Mujika and Sonju making their grand first appearances, I hope actually implement the demon language this time?
The only word spoken in the language in season 1 was the demon god’s name, which was just changed to “Him” (sub) or “The One” (dub), so ignoring it there was fine.
Granted, our demon friends don’t say much in their language during the upcoming arc, aside from this moment in ch48, but I can see the anime passing it off as a mere whisper between the two of them just so they don’t have to worry about it.
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I don’t recall any of the GP poachers using the language though.. right? Pretty sure they don’t..
Anyways, all I’m saying is that they better figure something out by the Ayshe shows up way later in future seasons.
Episode count? 24?
Short answer: I don’t think so? Did once, but stuff happened. Anyways..
Season 1 ended in March 2019, which is also when we learned we were getting a second season and once we found later on that S2 was originally going to air in October 2020, I immediately thought we were getting about 24 eps.
I thought with all that time between seasons, 24 eps would be reasonable and that S2 would end at ch101. S1 managed to adapt 37 chapters, so 64 chapters in a season twice as long sound decent enough, right?
By the time we reach ch101, it would give us the demon forest, shelter B06-32, Goldy Pond and the short trip to Cuvitidala. (all of which would make this long wait for s2 sooo worth it btw.)
By this point we learn a bunch about the outside world, Norman being alive, what happened to Phil, and the demon bastard himself.
I bring up ch101 as a stopping point because it’s the last chapter before the two year time skip and.. I honestly can’t see them doing a time skip mid-season?
I mean, they could if they wanted to, I guess? Having everyone age up suddenly between episodes via a montage, a quick summary or even flashbacks of what we missed.. but maybe at the start of a season? Not in the middle.
Right now we know anime original scenes are going to be included into season 2 so I’m kinda hoping that once we do eventually reach the time skip we learn more about the search Emma’s group went on for T7W/golden water/temples.
I counted. If S2 does indeed get this many episodes, ep23 (or 22, if there’s a break in between somewhere or whatever) will land on my birthday and you can bet I’ll be beyond happy
HOWEVER! all the hope I once had about a 24ep season vanished due to the clusterfuck that was 2020. Thanks to the worldwide pandemic, many anime were put on hold and pushed back several months, with TPN airing this month rather than the original October date.
It was a bummer hearing about the delay at first but I never complained about it. I much rather have the studios prioritize their employee’s health over production.
Even if S2 did reach ch101, or even Goldy Pond, they would need to find a ton of new voice actors, and with how the world is working now.. eh, I have some doubts.
Cloverworks also has two other series airing this month aside from TPN so needless to say they’ll be a bit busy, especially if employees are still working from home, social distancing, or however they’re managing to produce these anime.
So, episode count.. 12?
The main reason I have a hard time grasping the idea of another 12ep season at all is because.. I don’t know where it’ll be a decent place for it to stop?
S1 ending at ch37 with the kids escaping? Perfect. You can’t question that decision. But now? When a whole bunch of craziness is about happen? How do you choose another perfect moment to end a season with?
No matter how many anime original scenes they have planned for the demon forest, I believe we’ll at least reach B06-32, which will get us to ch52.
Could they go farther? Sure. Perhaps ending at ch59-60? It would leave us off with Emma & Ray leaving the comfort of the shelter to follow Yuugo into yet another demon infested forest, much like how S1 left off, as the escapees left their once safe, comfortable life into the unknown world.
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Or end at ch64? After Emma gets snatched by the poachers? It could work. It would certainly leave everyone wanting more, especially us manga readers because goddamn the GP arc would be SO close!
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Perhaps ch74 after seeing Norman alive? Just so it’s not a big darn secret anymore to those who are going into this season blind? (how do people manage to stay anime only? i’m not trying to make anyone feel bad.. i’m just impressed? i caught up to the manga right after s1 because i didn’t have the self control to wait!)
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Ending on that chapter would be so bittersweet to me.. because you know what appears in ch75 and it’s literally one of the only things I care about.
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S2 preview trailers already teased some of the demon forest scenes I’m most excited about, so the only things left that will truly excite me are Yuugo and that darn outfit. (seriously, whenever we do get to see emma in her gp outfit for the first time, someone better scream at me so i can die from happiness.)
Okay, and all the GP kids too.. especially their trio!
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Could they fit the Goldy Pond arc into a 12 episode season along with every other event that came before it? I.. seriously hope not? 
Compared to s1, which was very dialogue heavy, GP is about as action packed as we’re gonna get in the near future, and those scenes are going to fly by once they get put into motion.
Quick example (because it was recent and i can’t think of something else atm): the Overhaul arc from My Hero Academia. Off the top my head it was about 40 total ch? That arc took up half of the show’s S4, which was a total 25 eps.
So with the GP ending at ch96, it’ll give us about 20-30 chapters (depending on where you personally see the start of this arc I guess? once yuugo leads the duo through the forest, when emma gets snatched or when the battle actually starts)
If GP were to happen in s2 where there’s 12 episodes.. literally everything would be so fast paced and I don’t want them to rush anything or leave stuff out?
Other options?
It’s very wishful thinking and I would be getting my hopes up for nothing, because I know it won’t happen, but I could possibly see them fitting GP arc if S2 was made up of 18eps?
6 eps for the demon forest, 6 for Goldy pPond, the remaining 6 to accommodate B06-32, Cuvitidala and any other anime original scenes as they wish.
Although fitting about 64 chapters into 12-18 episodes sounds a bit much.. but not really? I seriously have no idea at this point how much story we’re going to cover this season.
Could I perhaps place all my hopes towards a second cour later this year? Like for the summer.. or would I be expecting too much?
This all could’ve been avoided if they just tell us! Seriously, I’ve been thinking about episode count since last year.. and now you have to deal with this mindless chatter of mine.
I’d honestly be okay with another 12ep season though. We waited this long that I’ll just be excited to see all the children again.
Anime-only scenes:
Those 3 days the children spent learning from our demon friends? Yes please! Did you know Emma not only learned how to use a bow and arrow but a freakin’ harpoon as well? Like.. hello?? I must see this!
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Perhaps they’ll even adopt some of the extra pages from some of the chapters, like they did in S1 with the flashback of Norman being sick in ep10.
I know this will be such a high hope, but I remember in ch177 how Emma claims that after they escaped, they all remembered how kind Isabella really was, so if they decide to adapt the extras from ch41-42 & ch45, I’ll cry.
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And these pages? Cloverworks, please..
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I’m literally begging here..
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Especially these two! Even though I still doubt we’ll reach Goldy Pond if we get 12eps.. but in the future! Please!
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Other random nonsense:
I may or may not get emotional upon seeing Isabella at the very start when she goes to confront Grandma Sarah. If her hair is kept down as it was at the end of S1 then I’ll give the anime staff my sincere thanks.
We only heard 15 seconds of “Identity” and yet it has been living in my head rent free ever since that trailer dropped. I need to hear the full song sooo damn badly, y’all have no idea.
Here’s hoping they don’t cut out the inner monologues again. At this moment I don’t remember any specific ones from the demon forest I want to see but I’m sure they’re present.
I’m ready to die at every cute Chris moment they give us.. and this entire scene where the kids scold Ray. 
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Literally every scene with Emma & Ray. They’re my top 2 favorites from this series okay? Of course I’m going to fangirl over them. (they already showed the hug in one of the trailers and i damn near cried)
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If we see him, (which i’m sure we will, but i still have tiny some doubts) I hope they give Yuugo a fantastic voice actor.
Also, his nicknames for everyone!! Literally everything about that man I’m hyped for.
Again, very doubtful we’ll get GP in a 12ep season, but whenever that arc decides to grace us with its presence, “63194” better play on full blast when ch92-93 gets animated.
Speaking of music, while I’m completely excited to hear the new OST that Obata has in store for us (thank god he’s doing this season again btw!), I hope we hear some of those unused tracks from the first season, specifically “Their Own Thoughts.”
Every time Emma mentions their future, their goals or how her family will always be together, I’ll cry. (thanks demon god and your stupid reward)
Yes I’ll be doing those reaction posts (if you follow me i’m sure you’ve seen them by now) after every new episode as I do with other series I watch.. once I survive the usual long day at work, avoiding anything TPN related so I can watch in peace and quiet when I finally get home.. damn it, im already so anxious, help.
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vixxenfox · 5 years
Things I’ve noticed after watching the pilot over and over again
And things I just find amusing
- is it just a coincidence that when Charlie says “I wonder if it could be me” the center angel’s face lights up?
- not important but the “F*ck you heaven!!!” Sign is hilarious
- I hate Valentino with a burning passion, look at him texting Angel
- people drop from the sky to get to hell, more importantly without clothes which means each flippin person has to get specially made clothes for their weird demon bodies like sir pentious needs clothes to fit his snake body and stuff... idk just interesting
- the place beside the “we couldn’t come up with a catchy slogan but we sell hardcore drugs” building is called “begg slut”
- imagine dying, going to hell, and realize that you’re an egg
- egg #23 is the best
-one of the eggs like does a weird walk thing with their hand on sir pentious’ tail
-Cherri Bomb’s clothing is so asymmetrical and I love it like she is literally wearing a high-heel boot on one leg and like a tiny shoe on the other
- really just poor Tom he’s great
- Vaggie says “it’s all highlighted” but none of what we are shown is highlighted
- Also read the parts of the list we can see, it’s adorable
- “I don’t touch the gays” I find Katie great
- Jeffrey Dahmer obviously (Also the sticky note saying “who approved this show?)
- When Charlie scans the crowd another tv head just says ‘words’
-The person Vaggie punches isn’t in the crowd
- I love Razzle and Dazzle TvT
- Those two owl demons in Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow are most definitely references to Timber
- I love that there is a boo section
- Tom watches Angel Dust’s stuff confirmed
- I love the sonic spring noise when Angel launches an egg into the air
- Sir Pentious probably has a son that might be in hell so look out for another snake
- Do you see how happy Cherri Bomb is near Angel Dust, best friends! :D
- Aawww Angel pushes Cherri out of the way
- Angel didn’t just sprout a third set of arms, he also pulled an entire gun out of his body sooo... what’s with that
- I think you would just stop existing if you died in hell Angel
- That creepy fan has a body pillow of Angel
- Charlie takes off her pink... jacket(?) in one scene and the next she has it on again (you see her wearing pink in the closeup)
- Lilith is an absent mother
- There goes everyone’s fanon about how Lucifer acts (why couldn’t we get a nice stupid one T~T)
- I think they changed Alastor’s knock but I’m too lazy to check
- They fixed Alastor’s disappearing monocle
- I like that the mic has an eye sometimes it’s cool (how many “sentient-ish” things does Alastor’s have, first the shadow and now this)
- Alastor can teleport at least short distances and he appears as the shadow for a second
- They really make Alastor a very animated character and I love it
- (we knew this already but) Alastor clearly puts himself on a different level than the other sinners, he thinks of himself as justified and better (he doesn’t say “us sinners” he says “loathsome sinners” w/o him in the picture)
- Valentino, Rosie, Lilith (obviously), the girl from the porn studio, and the tv head dude (Vox, thanks @lavipsi) are all some of hell’s “strongest demons”
- TV head (Vox) is in the middle and top so he must be very powerful and behind him there’s also a green and red demon that reminds me of the wolf/fox demon from the bar scene
- Husk is very blocked out by Vaggie’s face but he’s clearly in the picture with Alastor (it looks like a fight but I don’t want to assume) like we know they know each other and stuff but it’s just weird that Husk is in the art when Vaggie says he’s “a dangerous Blahblah” and has entire speech of how dangerous he is
- I love the symbols that float up when Charlie isn’t looking and then the squeak as he turns to a more “innocent-like” Alastor when Charlie looks back
- Alastor rolls his eyes at Charlie when she says “No trickster, voodoo strings attached.”
- Talked about this before but the way his smile gets wider when Charlie says “for as long as you like”
- Why does Charlie have at least 2 posters about alcohol up if she didn’t want it in her hotel?
- I love how Niffty comes in and her bug-like noise when she appears
- You can see their reflection in Niffty’s eye during the closeup and Charlie is too adorable in it, Angel and Vaggie look ready to kick her out XD
- Everybody’s reactions to Niffty rambling on is beautiful, just watch them go from defensive to confused
- Alastor just following Niffty’s every movement as she zooms around
- Please tell me I’m not the only one who didn’t immediately see Husk as a cat? I honestly thought he was a dog for a while because he looks sort of like a Husky and his name is Husk, which got me thinking about the contradictions with Alastor not liking dogs... then I realized Husk was a cat.
- “are you sh!tt!ng me” “no I don’t think so” and “you think I’m just some clown” “..maybe” are some of my favorite lines
- Was I just supposed to know that on the bottom of Alastor’s boots (shoes? Hooves?) there were deer prints?
- So did Alastor really just teleport two sinners and basically copy part of the bar Husk was at and it’s just going to be there forever? Like you can see where the bar’s like territory ends because it’s walls are green while the hotel’s is red
- No like seriously Alastor you can copy a part of a bar but you can’t make the walls match the rest of the hotel’s walls?
- Husk seems slightly taller than Alastor
- Also Husk also has yellow teeth and if we go by Alastor’s teeth are yellow because he’s a cannibal, Husk might have been a cannibal when he was alive
- Husk clearly knows Alastor, he’s not afraid of him (to an extent, he was still a little shaken by the... Sir Pentious thing). Husk obviously voices his complaints without restraint and isn’t afraid of Alastor hurting him (I guess), and even when he was shaken up he was still the second person to follow Alastor back to the hotel.
- The entire relationship between Husk and Alastor is very intriguing to me! Husk doesn’t fear Alastor, Alastor called him a friend (obviously another jab at Husk but still), and they were in the same picture when Vaggie talked about Alastor being dangerous. I’m guessing they were probably friends once, maybe the picture is them both fighting another demon or fighting each other in like a fall-out.
- Vaggie is very exaggerated when she’s complaining about the bar and it’s beautiful
- Husk in the background as a still image just chugging booze is beautiful
-Angel’s angry face as Vaggie complains about the bar just before he leaves to lunge at her is beautiful and my favorite face
- 27:46 Alastor flipping FLUTTERS HIS EYES AT VAGGIE and you can hear a small sound effect of it and I just thought that was beautiful
- At the same moment Charlie is just rubbing her cheeks and it’s cute
- Right before Alastor starts singing, he throws some red... fire in the air and Charlie follows it with her eyes and she just so awed by it
- The fireplace in the background has an eye and a top hat above it and it just reminds me of Sir Pentious
- Alastor’s song has so many Friends on the Other Side vibes and I love it
- There are so many Christian symbols (and Satanic symbols) in the background of this song and I just don’t want to spend that time looking at each one :l
- Alastor’s shadow is also here further nailing the Friend on the Other Side vibe (not to mention the other shadows and voodoo doll things)
- Poor Niffty, she should never get hurt
- When Sir Pentious is talking and it shows the chibi characters, Charlie, Angel, and Niffty are looking at Alastor and when it zooms in for a split second Angel’s face is the most innocent bab ever
- There’s a building in the background with (again) one eye and a top hat, there’s also a cat building right next to it
- You can see heaven as a planet with a halo...
- There’s also a sun(?) or moon(?) or planet(?) with a pentagram on it
- I know that Egg Boi #OUCH is just a joke, but what if after 666, Sir Pentious just started giving them stupid names like that?
- Again, religious symbols float around Alastor that I’m not going to look into because I’ve taken so much time T_T
- Niffty is actually unfazed by Alastor summoning tentacles and destroying Sir Pentious’ ship. Really she has a normal smile and face and she immediately follows Alastor when he walks back to the hotel
- Angel is still flirting with Husk
- Charlie reassuring Vaggie is adorable
- Are we not going to talk about the carousel and gigantic steam boat that’s just protruding from the hotel
- I also love how the windows at the top of skull designs <3
- There’s an eye on the top of the building and the sign of Happy/Hazbin Hotel could also look like a top hate (why are there so many one-eyed top hats like Sir Pentious’...?)
- Stay tuned TM
- Not from me but, Alastor changes the name to Hazbin Hotel and Hazbin means something that was great before but is terrible now or something that is meaningless
- So Alastor liking terrible jokes is now canon? The dad joke thing wasn’t just a stream thing, it’s actually canon?
- Alastor actually has a red ‘X’ on his forehead, you can see it right after he destroys Sir Pentious’ ship
- The art in the credits shows Cherri Bomb having a tattoo
- I would like to talk a little about the design that’s in the background during the credits. So in the middle is an apple that’s being held by two sharp hands, there are three snakes coming out of it with only one snake fully out but still seems to have originated from the apple. The snake that’s completely out is on the top and has some designs around it that emphasize it, making it look more like a king (the devil, duh). The other two snakes are going down (probably referencing Adam and Eve maybe? Even though they also seem evil I just think of Adam and Eve.) Under them is another snake head. There are two sets of eyes around the top snake, one set has a line going down the middle of each eye like a scar while the bottom set has eyelashes. Even though the bottom set looks more “girly”, it reminds me of Lucifer because of the dots under them. If you want to grasp at straws the complete bottom snake’s tongue sort of looks like the bottom part of the symbol of Lucifer. The three snakes that clearly originate from the apple in the middle can also look like “Three snakes and one charm” if you squint. The symbol above the top snake looks like the infinity symbol combined with the cross, but it’s not the leviathan cross, so maybe just eternal... crucifixion?
- The smoke coming from the pit that Alastor made has souls in it
- I think #23 is depressed because he really wants to be shot... and he was just sitting there next to a bunch of dead hims
- Vivziepop said on a stream something about Lucifer being “generally goofy, but it depends on his voice” or something like that, please correct me if I’m completely wrong. This makes me things that Lucifer is going to have multiple voice actors.
-The Loading Crew “Everything We Know About Hazbin Hotel” brings up a point that it seems like the only things that can kill demons and sinners are the Exterminators’ weapons which are sometimes left behind that demons scavenge, Vaggie also appears to have one. I recommend watching his video, it’s very quick but also brings up points I haven’t addressed. 
And yeah, that’s all for now! ^_^ comment if you have something else to add or think I should change something
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fluffypeachwriting · 4 years
Ten✧Shi makes their debut!
Everybody meet my idol oc group! I’m so excited to finally start making content for them, and I hope people like them! Under the read more are profiles and introductions to the group and members! Art by me!
Feel free to use the inbox to ask them questions! Give them a warm welcome!
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Group Intro:
Hello everyone! We are Ten✧Shi! We are a group of four high school teachers in Japan and an idol group! This is our first group interview so please enjoy!
We chose the name Ten✧Shi because there are four (四/shi) of us and our kind students said we were like angels (天使/tenshi) of the idol world! The four pointed star in our name represents each of us coming together to be brighter, but it also represents a compass and our hopes of guiding people to their shiniest future!
For our debut we’ve gone with a more mature concept, taking the theme of angels and putting a modern spin on it!
We were previously school idols, formerly two duos known as ‘Savvy x Spiffy’ (featuring Natsuki and Ryu) and ‘FINEST♡’ (featuring Yui and Haru). Our school idol careers mainly consisted of a local rivalry, but a friendly one. Now we realise that our duo concepts were too different to compare fairly, which is why our competition ended in a stalemate during our third year. However we want to thank our fans, friends and family for supporting us back then.
Ten years on from our last performances we’re back as a quartet! We hope to inspire people around the world with our live shows, with our new concepts and songs. As adults in our late 20’s we want to show the world what we’ve learned since then and just how powerful we are!
We want to thank our students for pushing us to form a group like this, and due to their amazing support we couldn’t have entered the upcoming amateur adult idol tournament, designed for people like us!
Height: 6’2 / 187cm
Birthday: July 19th
Star Sign: Cancer
Pronouns: He/him or They/Them
Image Colour: Mint Green
“Hi everybody! I’m Natsuki, the leader of Ten✧Shi! I didn’t think I could be a leader, but the other three were so insistent, I couldn’t resist their cute little faces! They said I’m the glue that keeps us together, but I don’t think I put special effort in, I just want to see everyone be the best they can be, Y’know? I just wanna take you all in and squeeze you tight! If I had all the time in the world I’d talk to each fan because you’re all so valuable to us!
I only became a trainee teacher in the past few years, but I’m sooo happy to see my old pals again! I love exploring lyrics in music, I am a Literature teacher after all!! I hope the songs I write in the future will inspire all of you to do your best! There’s so many different types of idol music, but I do love electro swing the most. It’s just the kind of music you can put on and dance around with! I’m so excited to dance with my friends again!
My charm point? Hmm… I don’t really think about that too much, but I’d say it’s that I’m willing to drop everything if my friends need me! I guess I also get compliments on my voice a lot. Of course I train hard as an idol, but I’ve been singing since I was tiny! Maybe that’s why I can’t sing so loudly… Oh you meant something physical? Ahaha… well, it’s a little embarrassing, but I overheard Ryu say I have “like, super toned abs. It’s so unfair.” Does that count? What?! No!! I’m wearing my work clothes I can’t just take it off!! I can’t let the students see me like this!!!”
Journalist’s Note: Due to popular demand, an exclusive shirtless photoshoot was taken shortly after the interview. Please view our Instagram page for a sneak preview.
Height: 5’11 / 180cm
Birthday: March 5th
Star Sign: Pisces
Pronouns: He/Him
Image Colour: Light Blue
“Make this quick, I don’t want to lose track of time and be late for- Oh you’re recording already? Fine. I’m Ryu. And I want to start this by making something clear. I’m not the same teenage boy I was last time I was on camera. The whole playboy persona isn’t gonna fly as an adult. I have a reputation to uphold. I’m a senior staff member of the school now, I can’t be seen dancing in shirts that are barely buttoned up anymore. And I’m especially not calling any of my fans ‘my kittens’. That shit’s embarrassing. Wait, I mean that it’s unacceptable. Can you edit that?
As I said, I’m high up in the school now, so I have a lot more to worry about than back then. And that also includes being part of a bigger group. Yeah, I love those guys, but you can’t deny they’re a handful. It’s kinda weird. In the old days I’d be the one running off and getting us into trouble, but now I’m… uhh… am I stuck-up to you? I really don’t wanna seem that way to students. Why are you laughing? Oi, what’s that face for?
Huh? Charm point? Who cares about that? Oh yeah, I’m the visual center. Okay, whatever. As an idol I like to focus on my body as a whole, but if I had to highlight an area I’d choose my legs. I’m not super tall, but my legs are kinda long, and sometimes Natsuki would latch onto them so they can’t be unattractive. The guy’s got some strange taste but I guess I trust his judgement. He is our leader, after all. Hm? When does he do that? I mean just like if we’re chillin before we go to bed. Yeah? Yeah, we live together. Wait!! Don’t cut the camera let me explain!”
Journalist’s Note: We didn’t cut the camera.
Height: 5’8 / 172cm
Birthday: August 30th
Star Sign: Virgo
Pronouns: She/Her
Image Colour: Light Pink
“Hi hi! I’m Yui! I’m a PE teacher and the choreographer of the group! I love love love to dance, even without thinking about it! Dancing is such an amazing way to express yourself. If you’re alone and you need to get some energy out just move your body to the rhythm of your heart! Dancing as a group is so amazing too! Watching our lives shows back and seeing everyone do the moves I made is such an indescribable feeling!
I never thought I’d be a teacher, but I really love it! There’s a lot of hard work involved, but it’s all totally worth it. I know PE can put a lot of stress on students, so I don’t force anyone to do anything, and I try to make everything super fun and accessible! All of my students are so lovely, people really don’t get that kids are humans too, with such rich lives and stories to tell. Honestly I’d rather help out kids that need guidance than spend time with some of the grouches that teach here. EW!
My charm point…. Is my eyes! Connecting to our audience is so important, and I always focus on making the right expression, it’s just another way I can get across my feelings! People say my eyes are always full of life! I also love love love seeing students get inspired by my dances. When their eyes light up it’s like a whole new path has opened up in the world! I hope everyone supports us and we can all make new paths together! Love you!!!”
Journalist’s Note: Yui’s interview is an hour longer than the others. For the uncut version, please visit our site.
Height: 5’5 / 165cm
Birthday: July 29th
Star Sign: Leo
Pronouns: He/Him
Image Colour: Yellow
“This is Haru. If I sound moody during this interview, blame the others for waking me up this early. This is earlier than I get up for work. But this isn’t about work so I shouldn’t complain. Hm? Yeah, I’m a maths teacher. I know it’s like the least interesting subject for most people. And I feel the same way. But when I was a kid all of my teachers were hell-bent on teaching their way or no way, so I chose to use my good grades to get a job here, and understand how these kids work as individuals so I can teach them in a way that they understand.
I’m the composer for the group. After high school I was in a rock band for a while. The split wasn’t in vain so it’s all good. And they’re fans of my idol stuff. Being able to write music helps out now, but I’ve still got a lot to learn! Music’s so great, it can lift your spirits or bring you down, which isn’t always for the best, but that really shows how powerful it is! Getting up on stage and feeling the adrenaline shoot through you is addicting and I feel so alive when everyone’s into the rhythm and you feel like the night could last forever... Looking back on some of our recorded performances, I notice how intense I get on stage. It’s a little weird to see myself so… energetic. Is it weird? No? Wait, people like it? You’re just saying that because I’m here. Hey, don’t show me comments on our debut MV, that’s unnecessary.
Charm point… The dark circles under my eyes don’t count even thought people point them out a lot, so I’d say my fang. I have a canine tooth that sticks out a bit, see? The others think it’s cute, but there’s nothing cute about me. What? My fans would say- No I don’t need to hear any of it. There’s no such thing as a charisma centre! I’m not cute and my face isn’t red!”
Journalist’s Note: As a school idol Haru won #1 ‘Cutest New Idol’ as voted by the public. As of the date of the interview, he holds the highest all-time number of votes in a single poll.
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tu-writers-room · 4 years
December 24th
The Most Famous Reindeer of All
There were Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Dunder and Blixem, they were all there, even some of the lesser-known reindeer she had never heard about before, but, most importantly, Rudolph wasn't. The most famous reindeer of all was very busy these days, it was practically impossible to get him for an interview, but that was fine with the journalist. She was more interested in the outside perspective, in the reindeer who were not the public spotlight, and what they would have to say about their superstar colleague.
She crossed her legs and pulled out the freshly sharpened pencil. She was *so* ready for this interview. It was going to be the story of the year; she could already see the headline in her mind: Rudolph -- Behind the Red Nose. This is how she knew it was going to be good. It always turned out to be good when she had a title this early.
"Sooo," she said, her gaze wandering over the reindeer surrounding her. She was pleased to notice that they anticipated this even more eagerly than she did. The journalist almost licked her lips in excitement. They were about to tell her everything. "We all know Rudolph as a public figure, a dazzling celebrity," she went on when she felt she had dragged this out long enough, "but tell me more about him as a person. What's he like when the cameras are turned off?"
Hooves were pawed on the ground nervously, eyes twitched, Dancer and Prancer exchanged a quick glance. "That's hard to say," one deer said in a diplomatic tone, maybe it was Cupid? "We don't get to see a lot of him these days." Cautious nods all around. They wanted to talk, but none of them was ready to start it. Not yet. But she was a professional, she was prepared for this. Uncrossing her legs and crossing them again, she cleared her throat. "But it hasn't always been like this. What was life on the north pole like before that one foggy Christmas Eve? From what I've heard, it seems Rudolph had trouble connecting with his peers growing up?"
Someone scoffed. Probably Dasher. "This is about the song, isn't it?"
"It's always about this cursed song", Dancer muttered under his breath. "If I get my hooves on whoever wrote that thing, I'm gonna give them a whole new sort of red nose!"
"It got my name wrong," said another, "it's Blixem, spelled B-L-I-X-E-M!" The journalist made a smart face and silently crossed out the name Blitzen on her clipboard.
"I'm not even in the song!", a small, antlerless reindeer called Piper complained loudly. "I wished I wasn't in the song!", yelled another.
"Let's answer the lady's question", an older, also antlerless reindeer said in a calm but firm voice, and the others immediately went quiet. "Yes, Drummer," Piper squeaked.
"It is true that Rudolph has always been an outsider to the group," he told the journalist, "but the song isn't giving quite the right picture here. In fact--" "It wasn't our fault!" Cupid interrupted, and chaos immediately broke loose again.
"He was the one who never wanted to join us!"
"He always felt so special with his stupid nose!"
"We never mocked him, he made that up to hurt us!"
"I would have loved for him to join us once in a while."
The journalist raised her hand to quiet them. As great as it was to get some emotions, she needed facts, too. When the others had calmed down, the older reindeer spoke again: "Rudolph had been Santa's favourite long before that one foggy Christmas Eve, basically ever since he was born, and he rarely let a chance to remind us of that pass by. He preferred to spend his time inside the house with the humanoid part of the staff and considered most of the things that happened outside beneath him. He would call them 'reindeer games', mockingly."
"It was so mean of him to put that term in the song," Cupid complained. "The whole song is a lie," said Blixem, "but with most of it, I at least understand why they did it. Putting the reindeer games in there, though, that was just to rub it in." Even Drummer agreed and nodded: "That was uncalled for, yes."
The journalist frantically took notes, determined to record every detail. "So, to get this straight," she asked without looking up, "Rudolph was never actually bullied for his deformation?" When she didn't get an answer, she raised her head and was met with blank stares. "For his nose!"
Everyone tried to look like they had understood her at the first try, and shook their heads. "No, never!"
"It wouldn't have worked even if we tried," Prancer muttered, obviously ashamed to admit this in front of his peers. "I wanted to mock him for it, just once, when the song was already out, to let him know what it's like when someone makes fun of you. But the only emotion he ever showed about it was pride."
"Don't feel bad about it," Dancer comforted him, gently nudging his shoulder with his nose. "We know you're a good person, you were just angry back then."
"I have another question though," the journalist interrupted the sweet moment, "why? Why make all of this up?"
This time Drummer was the only one who spoke. "People love a good story. The story of an underdog, someone who had to earn their place at the top. It's inspiring. Even more so as a Christmas story, it gives people hope. And more importantly," he sighed, "it's what keeps this place running."
"But...," came small voice from the far back, "that's going to change now, right? Now that you're here?" When she looked around, the journalist saw herself faced with a herd of huge, begging reindeer eyes. "Please?"
When she left the stable two hours later, she had more notes in her bag than she would have deemed possible, and she was determined to tell that story. She felt good about it, so good she started to hum the melody to 'Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer' as she walked back to the sleigh that had brought her here. Except the sleigh had disappeared, along with the driver and all the huskies. She turned around to start looking for an elf who could tell her where they went, and she found one quickly, several elves even, several elves with guns.
One of them approached her. "You can stop looking for your ride. You're not leaving here." Following an instinct, the journalist tightened the grip on her bag. They noticed. "This isn't leaving here either."
"This story is going to get told," she said, but, faced with several weapons aimed at her, handed over her notes regardless. "If not by me, then by someone else. Others will come looking for me."
The elf closest to her handed the notes to one of the others without taking his gun down. "They won't. Everyone already knows what happened to you. Misjudged the cold out here, the vastness of the eternal ice, tried to walk somewhere on her own, it didn't seem that far when taking a sleigh, did it? Happens to many. They freeze to death in the darkness of arctic winter, and when spring comes, their stiff bodies are found next to their clothes, taken off in the late stages of hypothermia." He shook his head, sighing as if he actually regretted it.
"You're not getting away with this," she started a desperate attempt. "Santa's going to hear about it!"
One of the elves laughed, but it wasn't a happy laugh. "Some investigative journalist you are. Santa's the one who sent us!"
Before she could think of an answer she heard hooves on snow, and a moment later the group of elves parted to let him through.
His nose really was exceptionally bright. She had assumed the pictures that reached the public were edited to make it look more glowing, but now that she saw him in person, it was so bright it blinded her in the winter night. She could hardly see anything else.
"Do it", he said to the elf next to him, and the journalist felt a sudden, sharp, but warm pain in her stomach. She hadn't heard a shot. As she sunk to her knees from the pain, still blinded by the red nose, one of the elves asked if they should destroy her notes. "Nooo," Rudolph said, dragging the word out really long to make sure everyone knew how bored he was by all of this. "Bring them to my room. Some of it might be useful for my biography."
She heard footsteps leaving. As far as she could tell, it was only her and the reindeer now.
"Who knows," she heard him say as the red light slowly grew dimmer, "maybe I'll even keep the title."
- Susanne
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killerqueenys · 5 years
just one more drink||roger taylor x reader||part one
Warning(s): alcoholism
Word count: 2,291
A/N: Hello sooo this is my first go at writing anything so any constructive criticism/notes are appreciated! I’m also really new to tumblr so I have no clue how it works but I’ll be figuring it out along the way I suppose. This is more of a preview of what the story’s gonna be about but I just decided to call it part one since I wrote like over 2k words. Sorry for any spelling mistakes/grammatical errors! If this does well, I’m thinking about writing more and maybe taking requests idkkkk. Anyways, enjoy!
You did it for the thrill. Sure, the fame and special treatment was a nice plus (okay, a REALLY nice plus) but that’s not why you did it.
Being able to do what you loved for a living was satisfying in every way imaginable. Everything that you had dreamed of as a child became reality about a year ago. A few of your friends had started up a band and it shot up to international success shortly after you joined. The success of it all wasn’t a surprise, your music was amazing and creative (there were a few journalists who would wildly disagree which was to be expected of course). But how fast the fame and fortune hit was a little shocking.
As you sang with emotion into the microphone that hovered next to your crash, you hit out the last beat with a newfound energy. That was the end. That was the final song of the final show of your first international tour.
The lights cut as you tried to catch your breath. Standing, with adrenaline still coursing through your body, you ran up to the front of the stage to meet the three boys you had just spent seven months with on tour. The spotlight shined bright upon the four of you. With sweaty arms wrapped around one another, you took three big bows as the crowed roared. The sound of all the cheering was deafening but you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Running around the stage with the boys, you threw your drumsticks into the crowd. Okay maybe you shouldn’t have done that. Those were quite expensive. But maybe it didn’t matter. All of your shows had sold out after all. You’d be able to afford new ones and pay the rent on time for the first time since you had moved in. 
“Thank you and goodnight!” your frontman shouts into the crowd.
Insisting on keeping your adrenaline up, you run backstage where there’s a raging party and loads of free alcohol. Soon, one drink turned to two which turned to four. Maybe there was a fifth? Or a sixth? You had lost count a long time ago. You were completely drunk. Stumbling through the crowd, you bumped into a man and spilled your drink, stepping back as it just narrowly missed your shoes. 
“What the fu-” you stopped as you looked up and realized who it was that had just run into you. “Woahh! You’re Freddie Mercury,” you exclaimed absentmindedly. You hadn’t meant to show your excitement so openly but that last drink you’d had was really starting to mess with your head.
“Y/N darling! You were absolutely brilliant out there!” Freddie complimented.
“Thank you so much! That’s a huge honour coming from you, Mr.Mercury!” you managed to say with a half-conscious mind. That last drink really wasn’t going to let you off easily. 
“Oh please, you don’t need to use those silly formalities just call me Freddie. Actually, I was talking to your manager just now about a possible collaboration between our bands. I absolutely love your work!” he said with adoration in his tone.
“That’d be amazing! I’m completely obsessed with Queen right now and in fact I’m freaking out a little right now because you’re Freddie Mercury and you’re right here in front of me and you’re telling me that you like our work,” you rambled on. Damn that fifth drink. “Sorry, think I’ve had one too many drinks. Anyways, I’ll be sure to talk to the boys about it. I guarantee you that they’ll be just as excited as I am.”
With that, you say your farewells and head back towards the party. Sure, you didn’t have all those groupies following you around like the guy had, but there were some cute guys around that you were sure wanted an in with the band. As you walk towards the noise, someone runs past you, knocking you backwards when they brush your shoulder. To a sober person, it would’ve been nothing but you definitely weren’t sober.
“Okay ouch that hurt…” you complained after being knocked back onto your ass. Looking up you saw your band’s bassist with two groupies in hand, no doubt heading to the dressing rooms for a bit of fun.
“Oh my god Y/N are you okay?” Lucas asked while reaching out a hand for you to grab. “You look absolutely shit-faced. Please don’t tell me you’re going back for more.”
“I’m fine...just lost my balance is all,” you slurred as you struggled to stand. “Just one more drink I swear.”
“No. No way Y/N. I’m gonna go call a cab to take you home.” Lucas scolded with annoyance in his voice. Pulling you up, he left his groupies behind and practically dragged you outside where the air was cold and unforgiving. Your teeth chattered and you shivered. It didn’t sober you up much but it definitely did make you more alert. “Y/N...you promised that this wouldn’t happen anymore.” Lucas said as he put his jacket around your shoulders. 
He didn’t sound condescending at all. Just really...concerned. And he had a reason to be. You had promised that you’d work on your drinking habits but you always found yourself back at the bar.
“I’m sorry.” you whispered so quietly that it was almost inaudible. Not knowing what else to say, the two of you sat on the curb in silence. It was unbearable. You knew that you’d promised a thousand times that you’d work on it but you also knew that you had broken that promise just as many times as you made it.
“Look...you know I love you. You’re like my little sister and that’s why i need to tell you that this has to stop. For real this time.” he said, breaking the silence.
“I promise I’ll work on it. For real this time.” you vow sincerely as the cab rounded the corner. 
“742 bluewhisp avenue please.” Lucas tells the driver as you practically collapse into the back seat. “I’m gonna head back inside. You gonna be all right?” he asked through the back window.
“Yeah. Think I’ll just go home and sleep this off,” you mumbled. “Hey and...thanks. You know, for always looking out for me?”
“‘Course. That’s what best friends are for,” he smiled sadly. “Make sure to drink some water when you get home.”
As you lay in the back seat on the way to your little apartment, you can’t help but think about how lucky you were to have such people that cared so much about your wellbeing. Thoughts of your little group that had turned into your family filled your mind as you dozed off. You didn’t want to think about where you’d be without them.
The next morning you woke up to the screech of your ringing telephone from the kitchen. The all-too-familiar pain of a hangover began to take effect.
“Alright, alright I’m coming!” you yelled as you sped towards the wall, desperate to stop the awful noise.
“Hello?” you spoke into the phone while reaching up towards the cabinet for some painkillers for the pounding in your head.
“Y/N! Great you’re up!”
It was your manager.
“Yeah well now I am.” you said as you rolled your eyes, clearly annoyed that he had called you at such an early hour.
“Sorry Y/N but things are about to get a lot worse for you. We need you down at the studio in 15.”
“Are you kidding me?” you sighed, your head still pounding. “Fine. Give me 30 and I’ll be there.”
You walked into the studio with dark sunglasses to block out the harsh studio lights that you knew would be a pain to deal with while you were still dealing with a killer hangover.
“Jesus Dan what’s so important that you needed us all here at bloody eight in the morning right after a big tour. Couldn’t we have pushed this back at least another da-” you paused upon rounding the corner and seeing who was sat on the couch.
Freddie Mercury, John Deacon, and Brian May were all sitting right in front of you with questioning eyes.
“Okay nevermind, I’d say that this is pretty important.” you admitted and sat in the chair next to the couch where some of your biggest inspirations sat.
“Now we’re just waiting for Rog as always,” Brian shook his head.
Although you were grateful and ecstatic to be in the presence of the musical icons that you had looked up to since the beginning of their careers, you were still confused as to why they were here in the first place. Just as you were about to ask, the phone went off. You held your head as the sound echoed until Hendrix, your guitarist, unhooked it from the wall.
“Hello?” he spoke.
“Hey it’s Roger. Taylor. Sorry but I’m gonna be a little later than I thought.”
“It’s Roger. Do one of you guys want to take it?” he asked and Freddie took the phone out of his grasp.
“Rog we’ve been waiting almost an hour already! Get your shit together and GET OVER HERE!” Freddie demanded and then slammed the phone back into place.
“Well there’s no point in waiting up for him even more. We’ll just catch him up once he gets here.” John spoke up.
“Actually that’s what I was wondering. Why exactly are you guys here? I mean--of course I’m not complaining but I’m just a little bit confused.” you questioned.
“Darling, I spoke to you about this last night! Although...you were completely drunk,” Freddie reminded you.
“Oh my god, the collaboration? But isn’t this too soon? Guys we JUST finished our tour. Last night in fact!” you spoke to your band.
“Yeah but we haven’t really worked on a big music project like this in so long, Y/N. Hell, we haven’t even worked on ANY new music. Plus, we’ll need to keep making more as soon as possible if we want to stay relevant on the charts and in the news.” Carter, your lead singer explained. 
You nodded in agreement when you realized that you would most definitely get bored at home doing nothing if you didn’t have anything to work on. It would drive you insane to go from playing your heart out on stage every night to sitting around watching the television play reruns of some cartoon.
“Okay so what’s the plan?” you asked your manager who was silently chatting with Queen’s own manager.
“Well, we were thinking about taking this a different way,” their manager started. “Instead of all working together in a big group, we were thinking that we’d break you all up into sections by your role in the band. So, Freddie would work with Carter, Brian with Hendrix, Deaky with Lucas, and once Roger gets here he’d work with Y/N. Then once you’ve all come up with something, everyone will work together on the lyrics and such. You guys could make something really unique with an approach like this.”
You had to admit that it was an interesting approach to songwriting. On one hand, the music could come out messy without a flow considering that each of you would be working in pairs away from the rest of your band members. On the other hand, everyone would be able to focus on just one thing and make it the best that it can possibly be. It was a 50/50 chance.
Suddenly, the door flew open. And there he was. Roger Taylor. Drummer of Queen. Much like you, he walked in with his signature pair of sunglasses.
“Look who finally decided to show up! And only after two hours of us waiting around!” Brian called out to Roger, sarcasm thick in his voice.
“Oh come off it, I’m here now and that’s all that matters,” Roger replied. “So, what are we doing?”
After your managers had explained (again) how your collaboration was going to work, you split off into your pairs, eager to get to playing. You had already thought of a million ideas since the moment you stepped into the studio doors.
“Alright so I just thought of a little beat while they were talking,” you told Roger as you took a seat behind your drumset. You drummed the beat with energy and passion, keeping the tempo up perfectly. “So, what do you think?”
“I hate it.”
“Excuse me?” you asked taken aback by how blunt he was being.
“You heard me. That was absolute rubbish!” he laughed mockingly.
“Well then, I’d like to see you do better.” you stood and offered your drumsticks to him. After taking the drumsticks, he played one of the most generic beats that you had ever heard.
“You’re joking right?” you chuckled just as he had done to you earlier. “That was such a basic drum beat! Heard it a million times!”
“Well it was better than whatever crap you just played!”
“Was it really? Think about it again and tell me with a serious face that it was better.” you retorted. Just as Roger was about to argue, Lucas burst through the door.
“Hey we’re all gonna head out for lunch. You guys coming?”
As the eight of you walk towards the small restaurant around the corner, you can’t help but wonder if Roger Taylor would be this way through the entire collaboration. You wanted to have a good time and make music with a band you were such a huge fan of but it seemed that Roger wasn’t a very big fan of you. Maybe what they say is true. You should never meet your heroes.
A/N: So?? What do you think? I was really nervous to post this but I’m really glad that I did because writing this was so much fun! Again, any notes or reblogs are appreciated!
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exobyharu · 5 years
PCY - Ch6
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Originally posted by iyeolie
Chapter 6 - If there’s one thing clear
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)
Summary: You don’t die, Junmyeon gives you space, PCY gets unlimited punches, and Baekhyun’s a whiner.
⏰10:49 AM 🌏SM Entertainment headquarters (disclaimer: you didn’t wanna be there) 🌞Too much sun, but that wasn’t what the beach towel’s for 👥 YN, Park Chanyeol, Kim Junmyeon, Byun Baekhyun, EXO’s manager, your best friend Jane (mentioned)
Notes: Happy Birthday PCY! I love you with all my heart! OBSESSION just dropped and I love how there was fire and everything. AND EVERYTHING! I’m so excited for them all. Kai’s moves are to die for. What was your favorite part of the video? Everything? Me too! That’s all kids, bye. (I’ll start doing my face like CHEN’s starting tomorrow)
Words: ~2,200
One of the worst things that can happen to a non-celebrity is to be mistaken as a celebrity. You would realise in a few hours that there were at least a hundred worse things you could name, but being kidnapped from your morning walk in the hotel gardens seemed to top your Most Unfortunate Events In My Life list. You will also realise much later that it was not exactly a kidnapping that happened. But the point was that you were freaking out because you did not know who wanted your person recklessly shrouded by a beach towel and ushered to a tinted van with a startling sense of urgency that made you start hearing your own pulse inside your head.
Am I going to die?
It was nothing close to escalating to an attack of uncontrollable anxiety, however, considering that your brain preferred to panic over much more irrelevant concerns. Death was not something you were wired to fear, but the thought of not knowing what was going to happen next made the experience almost intolerable. There was nothing quite like the distress from not knowing what to do while the rest of the people inside the van fretted about what to do with you.
You did not know whether to yell or cry. No amount of coffee or muffins would make up for how the staff members – whom you had come to know were from Chanyeol’s entertainment company – had essentially abducted you. That stuff’s supposed to be against the law, right?
So, nope. You were not doing as they said. You were not going to make yourself comfortable in this pretentiously minimalistic room and lean back on the steel sofa because the door would be right behind you. You were not going to help yourself to treats that were served because you did not need sugar and caffeine – you needed Xanax. And the wi-fi password they offered? What kind of idiot did they think you were? Why would you trust people who knew your full name and where you lived without having to ask you? You did not need more information about you out there, within their easy access.
It did not matter how many times this guy named Suho, whose alabaster skin and enchantingly stunning face apologised for their relatively unconventional manner of securing you from reporters who were chasing after Biscotti Girl’s true identity. You had just recently lost your trust in handsome faces like his. Falling for handsome faces like his was sooo twelve hours ago.
Not again, you made sure, even though he may as well break his back from all the bowing he would repeatedly do after every interaction you had. Here was another one because he had just finished making a phone call outside the lounge, promptly shutting the tinted doors before a whiny pink-haired guy managed to follow in his steps.
“Forget the phone! I wanna see!!! Junmyeon-ah!”
Despite how it bustled with activity outside with so many people rushing about, it was a rather quiet holding room, with only you and this guy, whose real name was apparently Junmyeon. He bowed again, apologising probably for the twenty-seventh time – because it almost entertained you to count if he managed more than thirty – and he finally confirmed having spoken to Chanyeol. He left it at that, stepping out once more because he probably felt that this morning was already wearing your patience out.
It was the longest two hours alone for you until the glass doors finally slid apart, welcoming a less-startingly tall Chanyeol into the room. He had a sullen mood, as usual. Unconsciously, you braced yourself for another exchange of hostility, mimicking his facial expression. It turned out that the look he had was for the pink-haired guy outside.
“That guy Baekhyun’s a whiner,” he complained, allowing himself to fall onto the couch right across from you. Clearly, he was nowhere near as disquieted as you were. His apparent lack of empathy confused you. You pouted, as there was nothing but plain weariness in Chanyeol. But now, he was relaxed, as if keeping Baekhyun out of the room was all he needed to put everything in his life in order. You waited for him to address the elephant in the room.
He did not.
After a few seconds, the guy sat up as if a thought energised him. With a grin, he rested his head on his hands and faced you, beaming. “I finished the song, by the way!”
“And I can finish you,” you replied, glaring at him with a potent mix of impatience and contempt. You were a couple of twitches away from either breaking into sobs or kicking him where it hurt. “God, not even an apology, Chanyeol? Really?!”
“Calm down, YN,” he interrupted. You expected him to strike back with an even louder yell, but he did not. Instead, he scooted over, took the empty space beside you and placed a light hand on your back. “Okay, I’m sorry. I was just giving you the good news before the better one.”
You swatted his arm away. “And the better news, then?”
“There’s a plan. You can consider this Biscotti Scandal fixed.”
You tried to contain your outrage with a blink. He called it a scandal. Was it officially a scandal at this point? And what a ridiculously named scandal, at that. You went through the usual warnings, keeping your temper in check before responding to Chanyeol, whose only intent was to comfort you.
Be nice. Be nice. Be nice x1000. Your mouth was dry when you swallowed. “So they’ve stopped talking about us?”
“Well, no. But I–”
“Then you haven’t fixed anything!” you yelled, your composure wavering.
Last night, you were thankful for a chance to see Chanyeol for the final time and leave a good impression. Such impressions no longer mattered, seeing that you may have to spend even more time with him. This was certainly not what you wished for because he kept screwing up everything!
Abandoning restraint, you finally landed a series of punches – the strongest ones you can throw – on his left shoulder, which ended up hurting you more than it did him. The guy did not even show any serious effort to block your hits that probably seemed like taps to him at most. And yet you did not care because you were angry – plain and simple. Not easily tired, you retaliated when he wrapped his palms around your fists, restraining you effortlessly with lights hands. “Listen, will you? You help me this once, and they will stop. I know they will.”
Despite your relentless bawling, Chanyeol was doing a good job at pacifying your bout of anger. With an even face and a calm tone, he let go of your hands and let you punch him some more until you felt foolish for even trying. There was no way the Chanyeol you’d imagined would pull off a stoic face through an outburst like that.
“This is all your fault!” you yelled, as a final attempt to hammer down your point. You were upset with him, and he knew that. You just needed him to be aware of how hard this situation hit you. There were a hundred other places you would rather be, especially after wrapping up what was supposed to be an eventful soul search these past few days. You had an entire day planned with Jane and a mandatory meet up with your parents that evening. And now, this inconvenient morning was too quick to pass and you hated not knowing how much longer you had to stay for.
You were catching your breath, more worn out by your feelings than the colossal waste of energy you just pulled off. And Chanyeol did not say anything, possibly waiting for you to speak first. He could be a gentleman for that, or he could be waiting for your breathing to even out because he wanted you prepared for his next story.
It was the latter.
“I told them that you’re my cousin.”
His preposterous declaration left you frozen for a moment and all that happened after that was in red. You started seeing in red. You realised the next second that your foot had already landed a blow Chanyeol’s shin, and this time, it hurt him enough to make him throw his hands up in defence.
“Yah yah! Before you freak out, just listen okay? LISTEN!”
But you were not going to. You were really starting to think that Chanyeol was sabotaging the whole thing for a hidden agenda. Wasn’t it a thing? That idols like to stir up some scandals for attention when their fame seems to be waning? Wasn’t he popular enough?
Without glancing back, you stood up from your seat, cautiously avoiding Chanyeol who had pretty much figured out that you were on your way to the glass doors. Turning on your heels, you closed your eyes, as you drowned in contempt, savouring the sound of your shoes, stomping against the floor. Words in your head began to string themselves together into a smart parting line that would make it clear that you were not joining him on his bullshit. When you opened your eyes, you stopped, catching Chanyeol’s reflection on the doors.
He was on his feet, shoulders squared with hands fisted on his sides. You took notice of the skin in between his brows, all bunched up whenever he was in a sour mood. This time, it was different.
“They believed me, YN.” Chanyeol’s eyes were begging you. “My manager believed me. Junmyeon believed me. All we need to do is make the rest of the world believe it.”
“Sounds easy.” No to puppy eyes had always been your policy.
But Chanyeol innocently overlooked your sarcasm, and sat down when he finally got your attention back. “Because it is. I just need one afternoon on Instagram to broadcast it. And I need you there, doing your own thing, being you, in your house, with the rest of your family casually–”
“PARK CHANYEOL you leave my family out of this!” And just like that, you were darting back to the center of the room, finding yourself in a rare opportunity of standing taller than him for once. “Me, and my family are not going to help you propagate a lie!”
“Come on, YN. It’s easy to lie to the members. The fans are much harder to convince.”
“Is that your only problem with this plan? Why can’t you just tell the truth, anyway?”
“I can’t tell them I started a fight with a stranger!”
“Then tell them I started it!”
“They won’t believe me!”
“And you expect them to believe I’m your cousin?!”
He made a face. He was loud, but for once, you were louder. It was almost a wonder how nobody had burst into the room with all the shouting. Then again, it was much louder outside and you could not hear a thing.
Soundproof walls: perfect for your table flipping tendencies. You stared at the marble tiles, blinking as Chanyeol’s shadow loomed in front of you now.
“The truth,” he whispered.
You did not believe that you had convinced him at first, but when you glanced up, his smile was resigned. “All right. I messed up, anyway.” And then there was that split-second hesitation that you would have missed if you were not looking at him already. This was not easy for him. “I’m sorry, YN. Believe it.”
He pursed his lips as a faint shade of pink dusted his cheeks. Chanyeol, who was tremendously uncomfortable with the practice of verbally apologising outright, finally tried. This was the sincerity that you needed to appease the part of you that hated him. And it may have felt like a win for you at first, knowing that you had finally settled the matter in your terms, but more than anything, all you could think of was that you were finally going back to your own life, apart from this guy’s.
This was it – the last time and place where you would see him – or at least you tried to convince yourself that it was. Your intuition was usually on point so you merely hoped that it was truly over. True enough, a man you had not met entered the room before you could formally say your goodbye.
Chanyeol squared his shoulders, acknowledging the man who turned out to be their manager. It did not look like good news at all. “Baekhyun beat us to the announcement,” said the man in a suit. He placed a hand on his pink face as he sighed, and it looked like he had just come down from an outburst too. “We want you to confirm this once and for all.”
Just another plot twist that you saw coming two seconds before it happened. Your gift of intuition was as good as no intuition, at this point. You did not even want to look at Chanyeol anymore. He would not say anything. “You better get ready because Junmyeon is going live in thirty minutes and he wants you there. It’s up to you, Chanyeol. You can bring your cousin along, if she wants.”
You sure as hell did not. It was sad to say, but that was the only thing left clear to you now.
💙💙💙 - to be continued -
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
STC: Save the crazy
STC: save the crazy
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Book: Save the date
Pairing: no one, it's mc (Lauren) personality from the view of her best friend, Alison.
Summary: Lauren always was a person hard to deal with, but things are scaling a new level of craziness
Warning: If you like STD, don't read it. If you like MC and Justin, don't read it. It's shows mc like a crazy lady that I actually I feel she is. If you want to laugh or just see something bad about STD, this fic is for you. To be honest I hate this mc and I hate this book.
Words: 1299
Note: English it's not my first language, so let me know if there's something wired here.
Alison couldn’t think a time of her life where she wasn’t Lauren's best friend. They went to middle school, high school and even college together. She was always… Eccentric, living in her own world, but Alison love her anyway. When someone asked her in what point everything went wrong with Lauren, she honestly wasn’t sure. It was all abruptly or so slowly that she didn’t notice when her friend started to get lost? Her little cute fantasies that they both shared and enjoyed as child, still were in her head, that funny abrupt reactions when she was happy, nervous or mad, started to be more frequent and violent.
Before started to work in finance, she worked as assistant for a pintor. Alison was happy for her, Lauren started to go to exclusive art events, galleries, museums, met amazing people and places. Alison used to said that she was the Andrea of the Miranda Priestly of the art. One day, after work, they went to a pud to enjoy the Happy hour and decide to order some elaborate fancy cocktails because, why the hell not, right? They were chatting, Lauren complaining about her day, apparently a stressful one, when the bartender brought the drinks. Alison tried hers and love it, her Martini was perfect! James Bond was wrong, stirred was obviously the best way to drink a Martini. Lauren, however, frowned and looked at the bartender in a strange way.
“What it’s this? This is NOT what I ordered!” Her voice a little to much cold for the situation. “I asked for a Cosmopolitan with citrus vodka, this is just regular”
“Miss, I can assure this have citrus vodka, as the classic Cosmopolitan recipe is” he said with a very tense smile. Honestly, who can blame him? Lauren’s face was the same she always did when she hits her little finger.
“This is unavailable!! What kind of bartender are you?!” She was yelling while she started to stand up from the chair. 
“Look lady, I can assure this was made with citrus vodka, if you don’t want it, you don’t have to drink it, but I have another costumers waiting for me.” He started to leave to a group of friends at the end of the bar when Lauren started to follow him.
“You know what?! It’s true, I don’t have to drink it!!” And threw her glass at the bartender's head, luckily, the guy was fast and ducked before the glass hited him. Before anyone could reacted, she grabbed her purse and goes angrily to the door.
Alison payed for both cocktails, with a huge tip for the bartender, God knows he deserved it, and went outside looking for Lauren. She found her waiting for a cab in the next corner.
“What the hell was that Lauren?!” Alison was mad. She just wanted have a nice drink and relaxed after a hard day at work.
“Whatever” and she took the cab without even said goodbye. Next morning Lauren texted her like nothing happens. 
The few next week’s after that everything seems to be fine, though Lauren still had excessive reactions, none like the one in the bar. Until the party of the painter came, and with that the first fired. Short version: oil painting don’t look good as hats. 
After that, she started working in a financial company and eventually met Dale, although Alison didn’t like him she learned to deal with it… He seems to made her happy and every time she tried to talked about him with Lauren, she started screaming or just leave. Their relationship scaled way to fast and, for Allison surprise, Dale proposed Lauren 3 months later. And for her even bigger surprise, she said yes. So the organization of the wedding begin. As the big day approached, Lauren was increasingly changing, one moment she was happy, singing some peppy pop song, and the next moment, crying over the most tiny thing. Alison thought it was the pre wedding jitters… Or at least she hoped it was that. A top of all that, Dale was acting wired and wired, but, like always Lauren didn’t wanted to hear nothing about it. 
The day finally come, the happy couple was in the altar and everything seems to be okay... For a second. Before Bitsy stop de wedding and declared her love for Dale. Really? Dale had two woman’s interested in him? Alison thought that was pretty crazy. She was expecting Lauren started to yell or even do a more… er… physical approach. She kept looking at her and just a few words come from her, her friend was so destroyed to do anything? When they talked about this later, she told her that while everything was happening, she was imagining in her head at least 10 ways to hurt Dale and Bitsy… totally normal thing to do… right? After Dale and Bitsy leave the church, Alison rushed to Lauren and hugged her while her friend remind frozen… Again, for a second. Next she knows it’s that Lauren pushed her and started to destroy every single decoration she could find, she yelled to Dale's parents, the 80 and something couple probably still have nightmares about it and storms off. But it was the typical reaction of someone in her position… right? Alison wasn’t so sure at this point. 
From that moment, Lauren didn’t care anything anymore, she was focus on her job, which was a good thing, except she let her boss take all the credit. Her extrem reactions continued happing and Allison was scared that what could happen when her frustration peaked. 
After eighteen months of dating with Sam, he proposed to Alison and she said yes. A thousand times yes. In her mind it wasn’tno doubt that Lauren have to be her maid of honour and couldn’t wait to tell her. They went to a bar, order some cocktails, that hopefully didn’t went to anyone's head this time, and Alison approached the subject the best she can.
“Sooo, are you gonna be busy the next few months?” she said studying Lauren’s reaction.
“Huh? What do you—“ She saw the ring. “You and Sam…?” her voice was neutral.
“Yeeeessss! And I want you as my maid of honor!” 
Lauren looked her for a hole minute before smile and hug her. “Of course I would be your maid of honor! I already have so many ideas! But all surprises for you, my friend!” Alison's smile faltered. After all, it was her wedding and she wanted do things in her own way. Maybe… this wasn’ta goods idea.
Six months later, and thanks to her and Sam's mothers that kept Lauren under control, the wedding day comes and everything was perfect. Alison felt more happy that never, everything was beautiful, Sam looked her like she was the most perfect thing in the world, Lauren dancing with the best man… Lauren dancing with Justin? That wasn’t good. Justin was the most toxic person she ever met. When Sam and she told him about the wedding, he laughed .
“Oh, you are serious” They both stared at him. “This is a bad idea, you know that right” She stand up and left. Either way, he was the best man, he was dancing with Lauren and she couldn’tdo nothing about it. Next day they saw each other in Lauren’s work, where after exposed her boss she started to scream and put garlic bread in his mouth, Justin fired her. Short version: tables should have their legs on ground. Second fire. At the end of the day she started to work as wedding planner for Justin sister. Alison was worried that, this time, Lauren’stake her fantasy world and extreme reactions in a new level. Only God knows how that it will end.
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