#on the 'look up a barcode' system we have
traumato · 2 years
On a related note, as much as i feel like 24h convenience stores are Necessary to at least some extent, i feel like them having delivery should be illegal lmao
#like 98% of that is just not wanting to do my job but also#jfc if your cigarettes are that important at 3 am get off your ass and get them yourself#no one's gonna take them to you if you're not gonna tip and you're not if you're already paying an extra $5 delivery fee#but i won't find out about that for another 3h#(also shoutout to the person that ordered a pizza#and a couple of different other foods that i had to cook#but we a) didn't have the pizza they wanted and b) didn't have a way to scan the pizza they wanted#and corporate throws a fit if we actually use the 'we don't have this' option they paid to add to the app we use for deliveries#(which includes an option for the customer to specify what they want instead)#so we have to decided for ourselves what to give them instead and just pretend we gave them what they actually wanted#but i couldn't find a barcode to scan for what they wanted and there was Like an entire ass dozen options that looked like they could be it#on the 'look up a barcode' system we have#none of which actually worked#and then after half a fucking hour of looking things up#trying them and getting 'this is the wrong barcode!' in response#(a full 45 minutes after the person placed their order and 30 minutes after it was picked up#all three while the fucking thing screamed at you if you went more than a minute and a half without doing something#because clearly the only reason you as the only person working would not deal with a customer who is not there and who knows when they will#is because you Forgot#and not that you're the only person here and there are actual customers in the store that need your attention#or literally anything else that might but)#anyway the person who picked up that persons order forgot the actual fucking pizza and at that point i was fucking done#so i marked it as 'we don't have it' but#I'm 100% expecting to get shit for it so lmao
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Researchers detect a new molecule in space
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/researchers-detect-a-new-molecule-in-space/
Researchers detect a new molecule in space
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New research from the group of MIT Professor Brett McGuire has revealed the presence of a previously unknown molecule in space. The team’s open-access paper, “Rotational Spectrum and First Interstellar Detection of 2-Methoxyethanol Using ALMA Observations of NGC 6334I,” appears in April 12 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Zachary T.P. Fried, a graduate student in the McGuire group and the lead author of the publication, worked to assemble a puzzle comprised of pieces collected from across the globe, extending beyond MIT to France, Florida, Virginia, and Copenhagen, to achieve this exciting discovery. 
“Our group tries to understand what molecules are present in regions of space where stars and solar systems will eventually take shape,” explains Fried. “This allows us to piece together how chemistry evolves alongside the process of star and planet formation. We do this by looking at the rotational spectra of molecules, the unique patterns of light they give off as they tumble end-over-end in space. These patterns are fingerprints (barcodes) for molecules. To detect new molecules in space, we first must have an idea of what molecule we want to look for, then we can record its spectrum in the lab here on Earth, and then finally we look for that spectrum in space using telescopes.”
Searching for molecules in space
The McGuire Group has recently begun to utilize machine learning to suggest good target molecules to search for. In 2023, one of these machine learning models suggested the researchers target a molecule known as 2-methoxyethanol. 
“There are a number of ‘methoxy’ molecules in space, like dimethyl ether, methoxymethanol, ethyl methyl ether, and methyl formate, but 2-methoxyethanol would be the largest and most complex ever seen,” says Fried. To detect this molecule using radiotelescope observations, the group first needed to measure and analyze its rotational spectrum on Earth. The researchers combined experiments from the University of Lille (Lille, France), the New College of Florida (Sarasota, Florida), and the McGuire lab at MIT to measure this spectrum over a broadband region of frequencies ranging from the microwave to sub-millimeter wave regimes (approximately 8 to 500 gigahertz). 
The data gleaned from these measurements permitted a search for the molecule using Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations toward two separate star-forming regions: NGC 6334I and IRAS 16293-2422B. Members of the McGuire group analyzed these telescope observations alongside researchers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (Charlottesville, Virginia) and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 
“Ultimately, we observed 25 rotational lines of 2-methoxyethanol that lined up with the molecular signal observed toward NGC 6334I (the barcode matched!), thus resulting in a secure detection of 2-methoxyethanol in this source,” says Fried. “This allowed us to then derive physical parameters of the molecule toward NGC 6334I, such as its abundance and excitation temperature. It also enabled an investigation of the possible chemical formation pathways from known interstellar precursors.”
Looking forward
Molecular discoveries like this one help the researchers to better understand the development of molecular complexity in space during the star formation process. 2-methoxyethanol, which contains 13 atoms, is quite large for interstellar standards — as of 2021, only six species larger than 13 atoms were detected outside the solar system, many by McGuire’s group, and all of them existing as ringed structures.  
“Continued observations of large molecules and subsequent derivations of their abundances allows us to advance our knowledge of how efficiently large molecules can form and by which specific reactions they may be produced,” says Fried. “Additionally, since we detected this molecule in NGC 6334I but not in IRAS 16293-2422B, we were presented with a unique opportunity to look into how the differing physical conditions of these two sources may be affecting the chemistry that can occur.”
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harper-collins · 1 year
Dipper's College Job - Billdip AU
Hello! This is going to be an ongoing oneshot series :) I hope you guys enjoy it! This is the two men meeting.
- Dipper had needed a job, and when this one had come around, he couldn't have been happier. He needed extra cash in college, and after realising some librarians did actually get paid, and it wasn’t all volunteering, the brunette signed up immediately. Mabel had laughed and said it was almost the perfect job for Dipper if it wasn’t the fact he couldn’t go exploring in anything but fiction whilst he was working…
Dipper had promptly ignored his sister though and moved on. He had a few extra things he wanted to buy, subscriptions he needed to pay for that didn’t fit the amount of money he had weekly, and this new job seemed perfect for remedying these exact problems the brunette had.
The only downside? It was the college’s library. Which meant that almost everyone who came barging into the library was bound to be a student on the campus. It was a large one too, which meant he wasn’t the only person on shift… However, he had been told by his boss that they were unlikely to see one another.
He would be on the desk, and his ‘co-worker’ would put away books, clean the shelves, and assist with any technical difficulties. Dipper was just in charge of putting books that were going to be taken by students in the system when they asked, putting books on a movable trolley and back into the system when they were returned, and sending polite emails to students who hadn’t given their books back in time… Asking for money.
Dipper didn’t think he’d have much of a problem, other than the occasional person who recognised him and had a laugh… But he was sorely wrong... On his first day, he didn’t see anyone who knew him, mainly because the people in his dorm enjoyed partying more than studying, and there was no homework for his course that needed the current library usage.
No, what he saw, who he met, was quite different. He’d never met this man before, never seen him on campus… But boy did Dipper regret taking his job once he met the male. Well, that’s too strong… He detested his job at specific hours of the day and enjoyed everything else about it. 
On his very first day, Dipper met him, the one who’d be a consistent part of his life from then on… He remembered it like it was yesterday…
“Well hello there, are you new?” The blonde asked with a smirk written across his face. Dipper looked up from the computer with a confused look on his face. “Erm… Yeah? Is there anything I can help you with?” Dipper asked shyly. The blonde chuckled and brought a book down on the reception desk.
“I’d like to take this book out please!” He said with glee. Dipper nodded and took the book. “Do you have your card with you?” Dipper asked and awaited the man’s ID. The blonde looked a little confused and checked his pockets. “Errr… No…” He awkwardly replied. “I must’ve left it in the dorms,” He continued, trying to excuse himself.
Dipper sighed and looked at what he needed. He’d have to put it in manually if this man wanted his book. “May I please have your full name?” Dipper asked with exasperation on his face. The blonde grinned devilishly, it made the brunette shiver. 
“Oh my my, only on your first day and already trying to get a man?” He teased, being extremely unhelpful. Dipper restrained the feeling of rolling his eyes. This was not someone he enjoyed being around. “Bill, Bill Cipher,” he eventually replied, seeing how Dipper was not impressed.
The brunette put his name into the system and saw that he was the only one who had his name, he went into the system and pressed the button that said it was going to be taking the barcode from the book. The brunette did just that and then stamped the date on the book for three weeks.
“I’m sure you know, but you have three weeks to return before we give a warning,” Dipper explained with a forced smile. Bill grinned with glee. “Oh don’t worry… Pinetree,” Bill replied, looking at the tattoo that sat on the right side of the brunette’s neck. It definitely was a picture of a tree, and it reminded Bill of a Pinetree.
Dipper felt a little embarrassed but tried not to show it. He ignored Bill’s nickname. “You’ll probably see me next shift!” Bill continued, grinning wildly at the brunette. Dipper groaned. He had meant to internally groan, but unfortunately, that hadn’t happened. It made Bill snort. “Maybe I should hang around for a bit longer, heh Pinetree? You seem to enjoy my… The company,” Bill said, edging his way closer to the brunette from his side of the desk.
Dipper moved to look behind Bill to see someone quietly waiting behind the blonde. Dipper smiled. “Maybe next time Cipher, but it seems I have someone to speak to,” Dipper responded, giving a tight smile. Now, he probably would’ve been told off by his supervisor for being so… Passive-aggressive to a customer, but something told Dipper that Bill didn’t mind.
It wasn’t as though Bill was buying anything anyway, and he had the feeling that the blonde would be coming back whether Dipper enjoyed it or not. The blonde turned to look behind himself and saw the person waiting behind him. Bill moved to the right, closer to Dipper and the person came up and gave Dipper their ID.
“Which days do you work?” Bill asked as Dipper got to work. The brunette sorted and input the book that the person was trying to take out. “As if I’d tell someone I just met,” Dipper responded, and then gave the person a ‘have a nice day’ to them as they left with the ID and card.
Bill rolled his eyes as the attention was turned back to him. “Well, I’ll figure it out Pinetree, you can’t hide them when you have to come in!” Bill chirped, grinning. Dipper shook his head slightly and got to work sending out more emails. Bill stared for another minute or so before sighing.
“Well, I’ll see you next time! Might have something else too,” Bill said in his seemingly usual chirpy tone. Dipper looked up at his computer for a moment to see the blonde staring at him. “Yeah yeah, see you when you return the book,” Dipper responded, waving him off. Bill’s smirk tightened for a moment before leaving without another word.
That was the beginning of his frustrating hours at the job he thought would be the best for him… And it was the beginning of Bill’s interest in a certain male…
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eishtmo · 7 months
Why Your Inventory Sucked Part 2
One of the positive things about working inventory is all the places I've been. I have seen more of the world of retail than most people even know exist. I've been in the back rooms and break rooms of so many stores I have to remind myself I shouldn't just go back there when I walk around a store.
I've been to warehouses and distribution centers. I counted book fair supplies in storage units, and a pharmacy distribution center with 3 giant round machines to fill bottles. One was a company that sold parts to oil drillers. Another was a warehouse where you could by anything for classic cars from doors to the manuals. I've also been in the backstage areas of amusement parks, and eaten in their cafeterias. I've walked through massive freezers, and sweltered in sheds.
And on top of that I drove to small towns you didn't know existed, down poorly marked roads and close enough to both the Canadian and Mexican border that I could wave to the residents and they could wave back. I drove a lot is what I'm saying. It was an experience I really enjoyed.
PART 2: Bad Accounts
Most inventories can be divided into two groups: Quantity and AQ-1.
Quantity is where you scan the barcode of the item and count how many of those items there are. It's fast, but not necessarily accurate. The accuracy issue is because sometimes two items look the same, may even BE the same, but have different barcodes so come up as different in the system. Otherwise it's just miscounting them.
AQ-1 means Auto Quantity 1. Scan the item barcode and it inputs a 1 for the quantity automatically. It's very accurate, as you do have to scan every bar code, but very, very slow. It's best for stores where nearly every item has a different bar code or they're so mixed there's no way to count them as a group.
Most store are a mix of both, but the majority of a store is either one or the other. But when the wrong choice is made, things go downhill quickly.
I have so far avoided naming stores, not out of any desire to not say, but mostly because it wasn't really important. Here it is important, so let me tell you the tale of Bath and Body Works.
You know the store, it's that hole in the wall mall store that sells candles and lotions that only come in like 4 scents, but have 30 different labels for those 4 scents. You've been in one, likely around Christmas. Now when I started, it was owned by Victoria's Secret, and I know you know what that is. Victoria's Secret is a proper AQ-1 store, as you're not going to open a drawer and have 15 of the same bra inside.
So when it came to BBW, they wanted the SAME inventory done. Now it kind of makes sense. The audit process for VS, which I won't go over but know by heart, is what they really wanted, and the stores had about the same amount of product, so that should be an easy fit, and it'll be accurate too!
Except it was miserable. VS needed 20+ people and 6 to 9 hours to complete, sometimes longer. BBWs are NOT as big as even the smallest VS, so now I'm trying to cram in 20 people into a tiny store to scan every item on a shelf that has 50 of 2 different products on the shelf over the course of 8 hours.. No one liked it, and it took forever. Also we made one hell of a mess because, again, we had to reach EVERY barcode.
They would eventually change it from AQ-1 to Quantity, and the results were immediate. That changed it from 20 people taking 8 hours to 5 people doing it in 4 hours. Hell, I had a store with me and the two worse counters in the office, and still got one done in 5 hours.
Understanding how the inventory is supposed to go is the job of the Account Instructions. This represents the agreement between the client and our company on how the inventory is supposed to go. Usually it contains things like the tag ranges to use, how many people should be there, what kind of audit system to use, what the final reports are to give to the store and weird things that might happen. A well written set of instructions can make an inventory go smooth as butter, and once you've done one a few times, you may never look at them again. Something that happened with VS for me after a bit.
Then there was the Apple Store. Yes, I've done the inventory for an Apple Store. Nothing terrible, it's AQ-1 as any high dollar store like that, and aside from the giant wall of aluminum that made it hard for the scanners to communicate with the laptop, it shouldn't be very hard.
And yet, the instructions insisted on having 2 Inventory Supervisors. This is odd because it's not much of a store. So we sit down to do the inventory and everything is going well until it's time for the audits and they require a special report printout, as per the instructions.
The report isn't there.
In fact, NONE of the reports I'm supposed to print are listed in the the program. There's a lot of reports, but not the ones we need. Now the two of us are pretty smart, and know the program pretty well so we can fudge it, but we're still not getting the reports we need.
Eventually, after bashing our heads against it for a bit we figured it out. The reports ARE there, but they don't have the same names as in the instructions. And that's when we realized why there were two supervisors. With the wrong report names, one IS would spend all their time trying to get the correct reports printed, which made Apple think we were all fire stupid, so they figured 2 would fix the problem.
The worst part is the person that wrote those instructions was NOTORIOUS for bad instructions, often leaving very old, out of date information in them literal years after they were no long relevant. And she resisted changing them. She retired a couple years or so before I left, and I do hope the new account manager could fix the mess.
The worst part about the job was giving bad news. Most stores know what they should have in the building. I often ask because it helped me gauge how long the whole thing should take. My experience also let me figure out how close they would be. The goal was to get within their Shrink, the amount of difference between what's on the books vs what's in the store.
Now I am kind of a wizard when it comes to the inventory program and I could, BUT DID NOT, change the numbers in practically any way I wanted. I had a few people ask me to do this and I had to deny them. But it also meant I can see where the numbers are short, and help guide them to the issues or even catch the mistakes before they even got to the store staff. That said, there were more than few occasions when the answer was bad. If it the product isn't there, going over those numbers again and again is NOT going to make that product appear. If it isn't there, it isn't there
One particular store started pretty rough to begin with. It was being sold off as part a merger agreement between two big corporations. The inventory was part of the sale process. It was raining cats and dogs, and the neighborhood was not the greatest. There was a cop car just parked in the parking lot of the minimall this dollar store was in. I arrive a little early, and since it's a local store, I'm waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive. But the store is locked. The store manager hadn't arrived yet to unlock the door. This is a BAD sign.
The store's District Manager arrives before the store manager, but she doesn't have the keys so we have to wait. He does show, not strictly late, iirc (it's been quite a few years), and the crew, as always, trickles in. The store is a mess to being with, but I tag it up and we get started. As we get to the end though, it's clear the numbers aren't looking good.
Dollar stores typically have between $250,000 to $400,000 worth of stuff in them. It varies on location, size of the store, the type of dollar store, etc, etc, but 300k is pretty common. They gave me this number for this store. The dollar value of the store after the inventory was 200k.
$100,000 dollars short. That's, a lot. Typically stores don't want more than 2.5% shrink, so they shouldn't be more than $10,000 short. Yeah, it was bad, very, very bad. There were a few minor corrections that could have been made (there was a stack of foil pans that was counted as one upc when they should have been another), but the DM and her boss (yeah, HER boss came in), said not to bother.
I couldn't, and by rights shouldn't, fix that. As I packed up the SM was sadly flipping through the final reports. He was already going to lose this store, but I wonder if he was going even have a job after that.
There was another time when I had good news. A truck stop we stopped doing after a couple years, and one I sharpened my skills in, hadn't had a good inventory in a long while. We also had issues even getting an inventory going due to crew issues and such. Anyway, for these stores the DM would basically be the contact person for the inventory.
I'm counting the inside of the cooler and the DM comes in and tells me point blank if this inventory is bad, he'll have to fire the store manager. This was the worse thing he could have said to me because I always strive for accuracy, but now a guy's job is on the line. I could not fake it, even though I could. But I could hunt for product.
Which I did. This store had a map that determined where each tag was set to go, and tagged the store accordingly. As we're going through though, I ask about a door near the food places in the truck stop. It didn't have a tag assignment and looked to be part of the food place. Inside was gatoraid, LOTS of gatoraid, amongst other things, all of it belonging to the store.. Tag and count it. I wondered if it had been missed repeatedly because it wasn't on the map.
At the end the numbers came in, and I was able to give the DM the good news. He thanks me, then promptly calls the SM in and in a stern, you're fucked, voice told him the inventory was fine. He would not be fired. The manager LOVED me after that day, and I generally got stuck doing the entire local chain until they switched to doing it themselves.
Next time, I'll get into the last major category why inventories suck. Until then.
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Chapter Two of Altor House! Chapter Word Count: 1,465 words Total Work's Word Count: 3,661 words Summary: Pyre changed a few things, and Raven sits down with her to figure out what those changes are.
Raven looked up as Kendra walked into the console room, grinning at the human.
“Hey! You here to take over?” Raven asked, her voice tired but upbeat. She’d been up all night, watching over the body. Kendra nodded, and Raven stood, taking off the headset and handing it to the other woman. “The vessel didn’t get tired until around 4 in the morning, so I’d suggest trying to let it rest until about 8 at the earliest.”
“Alright.” Kendra said quietly, her British accent thick, like molasses. Raven grinned at the woman, before exiting the console room and heading for the teleporter at the end of the hall. She was planning to go to her island, to get some food and rest, but when she pulled out her ID card to scan it at the teleporter, she noticed something.
The card was completely different than the last time Raven had seen it, in both design and information. The elf frowned, unsure what to think about the new design.
Raven jumped when the teleporter made a sound, and Pyre materialised in front of her.
“Hai-” Raven started and Pyre let out a small sigh.
“What’s up?” The vampire asked, and Raven held up the ID card.
“Can you explain all this to me? I’m genuinely curious, ‘cause I noticed that the ID number is way different now.” Raven asked politely, and Pyre closed her eyes for a moment before nodding.
“Let’s go to the conference room.” The vampire said quietly and Raven followed the other woman to the only other door in the hallway. Pyre opened the door and the two of them entered the room.
It was quite bland, similar to how a school conference room was set up, with a long time and 16 cushioned chairs positioned around it. Pyre sat at the closest end, with Raven taking the seat next to her, laying the card down on the table between them.
“So… first of all, I noticed that the colour is different. Any meaning behind it?” Raven asked lightly. Pyre shook her head.
“I just put the shades of purple because it looked good and majority of the constellation enjoys the colour.” Pyre explained quietly. Raven nodded, pointing at the symbol at the top.
“I recognise this symbol, it’s the symbol of chaos right?” Raven asked and Pyre nodded.
“I added that because of how we used the name ‘chaos collective’ for a fair while, plus chaotic describes all of us pretty accurately, so I decided to keep it. I changed the image from the messier style to this cleaner style though, because I thought it looked better.”
Raven nodded, a small smile gracing her lips.
“It does look better than the old one.” She agreed, noticing Pyre’s slight smile from the corner of her eye. It took everything in her to not smile back, but somehow Raven did it. She knew Pyre didn’t like showing emotions, whether positive or negative, as the vampire saw it as showing weakness. “I understand the name of the constellation, and the image of the holder of the ID, but not the barcode or the role line.”
Pyre nodded.
“The barcode is a new system for ID numbers. Instead of swiping your card, you’ll just scan it, like if you were at a store. It’ll be a bit easier for me to code, and it’s a bit more high tech. Less likely to be tampered with due to the complexity.” Pyre explained. “It’s Code-128, so a very basic form of barcodes. There’s a unique number attached to each barcode.”
Raven nodded.
“What’s the purpose of having the entity’s role, though?” She asked next and Pyre pursed her lips for a second.
“It allows the others to see that entity’s department, which is especially helpful when trying to collaborate on a project.” Pyre explained. “Plus, it always helps to know what the entity’s role is.”
Raven nodded. She could understand that. The rest of the card held a pronouns field, nickname field and security level field, which were all self-explanatory to the elf.
“Would you mind explaining the barcode system?” Raven asked, her tone hesitant. Pyre grinned, the expression genuine for once.
“So, each section of the number has a special meaning.” Pyre started. “It’s a 9 character long sequence, which I separated into four categories. The first is the general dpeartment an entity belongs to.”
Pyre stopped then, and Raven looked at her curiously.
“Let me go grab my notebook, so I can show everything properly.” Pyre said quietly, rising from her chair. Raven nodded, and the vampire disappeared from the room in half a second. It took 23 seconds for the woman to return, her hair messier and eyes shining, hands holding onto a notebook.
Pyre sat back down, flipping the notebook open.
“As you see, there’s six options for the first option, and it takes up the first character of the ID number.” Pyre explained eagerly. “This specifies if you’re a part of management, the tech department, the archival department, the innerworld department, or if you currently have no department.”
“I imagine that last one is for very new members?” Raven asked, genuinely curious. She rarely saw Pyre this hyped anymore, and it was awesome.
Pyre nodded.
“Yes, it’s intended to show that the cardholder is rather new and hasn’t decided on a department to occupy yet.” Pyre confirmed, earning a nod from Raven. “The second section has nine options and takes up the second and third characters of the sequence. This section describes what your major role is, which is different from your department because some of us have a role that doesn’t correspond to our department.”
Raven grinned, proud of her sysmate. This was amazing already, and Pyre was only halfway through explaining.
“Then there’s the third section, which takes up the fourth and fifth characters of the sequence, and specifies the cardholder’s security clearance.” Pyre explained, pointing at a section in her notebook. “It takes up two characters because some people have special permissions, permissions that would be denied if they had only their base clearance level on file.”
“Kinda like how I can access Trauma Library, despite being only level three, right?” Raven asked curiously and Pyre nodded eagerly.
“Yes! You wouldn’t have access to that location if you didn’t have special perms coded into your card, which you do, so the ID number reflects that.” Pyre explained, her voice rushing a bit.
“Wait, so if a being doesn’t have special permissions, what goes in the second slot?” Raven asked, and Pyre grinned.
“That’s the best part! I decided on using the letter ‘x’ as a filler character, letting it be like the number zero, just there to show an absence of data!”
Raven grinned proudly. Pyre had really thought of everything here.
“Finally, the fourth section consists of two characters and specifies where in the fronting line the being is. So, you have ‘b’ here, as you’re second in line to take front if an emergency occurs and the main fronter, which is Asmodeus, is pulled from front for whatever reason.” Pyre continued, and Raven nodded. “After this, the number ‘1339’ is placed, to represent the constellation’s favourite number.”
“So, for you, it’d come out to be MHA-czb-1339.” Pyre explained as she wrote the sequence out. “Which results in a unique barcode, which I printed onto your card. This way, you have a way to access the innerworld, but it’s still unique enough to allow nearly infinite possibilities.”
Raven nodded, impressed by the amount of thought Pyre had put into this.
“This is amazing, Pye.” The elf exhaled and Pyre blushed lightly.
“Thank you.” The other woman whispered and Raven smiled widely.
“I’m only telling the truth.”
Pyre grinned at Raven for a moment, before turning back to her notebook.
“Does that clear up any questions?” Pyre asked, her voice lighter than normal. Raven nodded.
“Yes, it does. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me.” Raven said quietly as the two women stood.
“Of course.” Pyre said, a slight smile still on her face. “Now, I need to head towards the console room so I can supervise Kendra.”
Raven nodded.
“I’ll let you go then. Again, thanks for explaining the changes to me.” Raven reiterated and Pyre nodded before disappearing from the room like she always did.
Raven slowly exited the conference room herself, mulling over everything she’d just learned. Pyre was brilliant, coming up with this new security idea. Raven couldn’t help but be severely impressed and as she reached the teleporter and scanned her card, she couldn’t help but think that the update was worth it, even if it would be a little difficult to recreate this in the outerworld for the constellation’s archives.
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yukipri · 2 years
Hi! Absolutely love your works and all the attention, dedication, and detail you put into them! But I do have a curious question regarding Chapter 42 of The Prime Override. Because this chapter was talking about the decomissionings that take place and the possibility of having clones decommissioned multiple times, how would that work in relation with the ID chips placed in every clones arm. (Really glossed over detail I feel in most stories but they appeared in the CW episode we were introduced to Gregor) It's just something I feel that Jango would definitely know about and, when not taking the Kaminoans for fools, it would be something they would check personally and keep records of every time a clone would be decommissioned. So I was wondering if there was simply more Ghost meddling or if that a detail that will be elaborated on later in the story. Thank you!
Hey there! Thank you so much for enjoying my stories <3
Regarding the IDs (barcodes really) in all clones' arms, yes I'm aware of them, no I haven't forgotten them, and yes they're part of the Ghosts' system too! We're only just beginning to scrape the surface of how the Ghosts function, and just as I have been slowly building up how Jango discovered and is figuring out the bond, we'll also explore the Ghosts in just as much depth.
I try my best to avoid infodumping, and prefer when I can introduce world-building details as they're encountered within the plot. You will absolutely learn more about the Ghosts, what they do, how their systems function, and how those systems came to be. The same with how Kote/Cody became who he is, and his past with Jango. There are already seeds planted everywhere. I promise it's all a part of the story!
Thanks again for reading, and I hope you'll look forward to what I reveal in the story in the future!
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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pandorafallz · 1 year
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Watcher AU | The Chocolate Incident
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Blink Lily Leese eyed the large cargo box with a slight frown before she checked over the inventory manifold from the checklist to the box with some doubt. Blink was still getting used to this whole new system. Ten years, she spent helping with new avatars; both human and Na’vi variants but a quarantine of the labs forced her away, at least in her avatar while her human body was quarantined.
So she was temporarily reassigned to inventory management until the Watchers could get through to sweeping the labs and the affected habitats before they could end the containment.
This box was not on the list for the Nai’vi food supplies from either of their food chain districts or from more local sources. Clearly a mix up, she’d need to locate its proper designation….
“Blink, what’s this?” A voice bellow her echoed.
Blink looked down from her data pad to see Eclipse Eytukan eyeing the box with some curiosity. Two weeks into his human Avatar, the Na’vi had his struggles understanding what came with a male human body but he was no longer clinging to edges of furniture anymore. Humans adjusted far easily; it was known it’d take the Na’vi a month to get to terms with the new body and lack of their more prominent features.
“A supply box of chocolate,” Blink answered, “Not for our section, I think it was supposed to go to the Worldtree’s underground than this section.”
“Cho…collate?” Eclipse echoed, “What is that?”
“It’s...a sweet human food, made from the coca bean that’s roasted, ground and mixed with other ingredients to create a bite-soft bar.” She described airily. “There are many…different forms of chocolate but this stuff looks to be... milk chocolate, white chocolate and ruby chocolate bars.” No dark chocolate, Blink noted but maybe that was where it was supposed to be with another order. This looked very… put-tether like it was part of rush order.
Eclipse leant forwards, sniffing around it, “It does smell sweet.”
“It’s mostly got sugar in, humans tend to favour with sugar foods so I’m not surprised you’re greatly more appealed to it.” her avatar could pick up the same, delicious smells but… she had work to do.
“Ooh, chocolate!”
“Oh dear…” Blink groaned softly as Flit Nash McCosker scurried over with a happy look over his moustached face.
“Does my nose device me? Is this true!” Flit looked ever so hopeful.
“This isn’t ours,” Blink groaned, but Flit was already opening it.
“It is now. If they wanted this, then they should have checked the barcode before dropping it off. It’s here now. It’s been years since I’ve tasted chocolate!”
“There’s a chocolate supply in the Human sector on the 67ths floor, 17ths and in all the underground habitats.”
Flit paused, “Where?!” He looked positively offended. “I’ve been here 6 months and no one thought to tell me!”
“Well, I do not know human food that well so we cannot know what you want or like, Flit,” Eclipse spoke. “I am unfamiliar with chocolate.”
“God, no wonder you’re so bitter.” Flit shook his head though tossed the lid off the top, “I think it’s time for a proper introduction of this wonderful human delight.”
“Flit…” Blink warned, “I’m not getting into trouble for this.”
“Yes, yes,” Flit waved her off. “So what if one crate got mixed up. I think it’s time we properly have some fun around here.” He pulled out one of the smaller boxed, flipping it open and pulled out the 200g bar of milk chocolate then held it out to Eclipse. “For you.”
Eclipse look a little baffled, “All of it?” but pure curiosity got the better of the former Olo'eyktan as he took it.
“Why not? There’s plenty to go around.”
Other people, not just the humans but some Na’vi avatars perked up when they noticed and hurried to collect. A few Na’vi themselves did approach but Blink decided to leave as the packets opened; she had work to do than baby sit this disregard of supply regulation.
Blink sighed with relief as she saw Watcher Grace in her Na’vi form finally make her appearance, rising to her feet immediately to greet her.
“Watcher, please tell me something good? Is the quarantine over?” She felt like begging for it but the tense look in her desaturated blue face said no comfort.
“What the fuck happened to keeping supplies in the right place and reporting a misplaced one, Blink?” Watcher Grace spoke tensely, her tail curling with discontent.
Blink’s ears flattered back in surprise. “I was going to, Flit McCosker got involved. He has a higher clearance level than me so he opened it up and shared it out. I wasn’t in a position to stop him so I left him to it to finish up my reports.” She almost blindly reached for her tablet, holding it out to the displeased Watcher who took it.
Blink wasn’t stupid with her paper work, and she had already sent off the report of the misplaced box, serial code and had traced where it was supposed to end up. This was all done, neatly packed and otherwise sent an hour ago.
“This report if the only thing standing in the way of a disciplinary for you, Blink.”
Blink’s eyes widened in alarm. “What? Why? Did something happen?”
“You didn’t hear?”
“I—No. I’ve been here for the last hour.” Blink could feel the rise of panic in her gut. “Oh, god, Chocolate’s not poisonous to Na’vi biology, is it?” it was the only thing she could think of that would cause a reaction this big to upset the Watchers…
“No exactly.” Water Grace pondered for a moment then nodded towards the door, “Let’s go down to the Na’vi habitats upstairs.”
Walking up the steps, the metal stairs transitioning to root-steps as they breached the Na’vi and avatar sector and that’s where blink stared to see some of the mess.
A few Na’vi lay about, some sitting in makeshift hammocks, giddy with a bucket close by with a healer or a doctor close by. A child was barely walking a straight line, a concerned father tugging a clearly intoxicated mother with him as he tried to keep his child in line with him.
Onwards and upwards, a mixed canteen of human and Na’vi alike was…a total mess. Chocolate and puddles of chocolate were about as well.
“What happened?” Blink asked quietly, her tail wrapping around her own leg with concern at such a dramatic vibe this space had. More to the fact she could see a Grace variant, Overseer if she wasn’t mistaken, passed out and hugging a portable human coffee machine to her chest despite the fact it was far too small for her blue arms and snoring into the counter side.
“Chocolate is not…poisonous but rather it has another effect of Na’vi…and avatar brains.” Watcher Grace spoke, coming to check on Oversee with a prod from her foot. “Turns out, Cocoa is not broken down properly in the Na’vi gut when consumed and the chemical composition changes in response to their stomach acid as a result so to compensate to break it down. Side effect is….it starts to reproduce the effects of alcohol in the system despite not carrying alcohol itself. We’re…still investigating it now but the effects seemed to show Na’vi becoming drunk.”
Blink’s eye followed the little family as they were sat down by a healer though the girl was giggly.
“Drunk? They’re all freaking drunk off Chocolate?!” Blink wanted to laugh at such a ridiculous event, but she knew it was far too serious for at at this time.
“Indeed. If it had been simply contained to the simple supply door then we’d be having a veru different situation.” Watcher Grace ran her hand through her dark locks. “Turns out…chocolate can travel very fast.”
Blink winced but she could see why… chocolate bars were small in Na’vi hands, passed along, split and shared… “How far…”
“Well… from the supply decks, it reached through the civilian habitats of human, Na’vi and Avatars, mostly. A few scouts working in the vehicle hangers down below and a few Ikran riders. A few took a few joy rides in road and flight vehicles, and three fights took place where some people suffered a broken nose and bruises. A fire broke out as well because an unattended child found a flint and steel on a passed out Avatar of Jake and thought it was a sparky toy. He’s fine, but that’s just been put out and now…we have soo….fucking much to clean up. From expelled mess from both ends, spilt box contents and a mess of future, people and vehicles…”
Blink winced with full out sympathy for… well everything. “It took…an hour for all that shit to go down?”
Watcher Grace sucked her teeth for a moment, rubbing her eyes deeply then nodded. “Yep. Suffice to say… we’re not handing chocolate to Na’vi like this again. Despite the mess; they loved it. We’ve got a lot to work and to revise parameters of chocolate possession in the habitats and what’s acceptable for them to consume before it’s a danger. I want you to help me run that test with the Na’vi avatars in the next few days once this mess is cleaned up.”
Blink nodded, “Yes, ma’am” 
“Do not make that mistake again, Blink. That box of chocolate was fucking huge. All of it was gone by the time we found it!” the seething side of Watcher resurfaced but Blink knew it was deserved.
“Of course.” Blink looked down, “I’ll see to it”
“Good, now, which Flit McCosker handed it out?”
Watcher Grace nodded firmly. “Thank you. Now, go help clean up while I hunt down this asshole for a lecture…and a discipline.”
hehe bc someone wanted to know more about the chocolate incident XD here you are :)
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foxysciencedork · 2 years
The funny thing about autism is that no matter how well you THINK you know the symptoms, you sometimes don't think one applies to you in a meaningful way until the realization of "THATS WHAT THAT MEANT" hits you like a train.
So one autistic behavior/symptom/trait/thing is that we like to organize. A young autistic will line up their toys by size, their gummies by color, ect., ect. And that's fine. Now, I only organize gummies sometimes and I don't seek the task, but no autistic will have ALL they symptoms, so that's perfectly fine. It doesn't make me doubt my validity, especially considering my older brother was diagnosed, and I have plenty of other symptoms.
But then it hits me. I'm bored at work, so I'm making a list:
Potatoes: Packaged
Cucucmbers: No Barcode
Bannanas: Barcode
Strawberries: Packaged
Melon: Packaged
Zucchini: Barcode
Yellow Squash: No Barcode
And I was watching a tiktok on break about a woman's ideal job and she goes "If I'm being honest with myself, it's data entry. My autism loves sorting things into their own lines and it's just satisfying." And then I'm FORCED to realize that that's what I was doing for the first 3 hours of my shift in between customers.
But that's not even the worst part! I now have to remember things I've done and the way I've played, and check in my memories for more instances of this.
I used to play a roblox game, Royale High. Back in 2019 I'd finally managed to get every item in the game (excluding halos and IRL purchases) and do you know how I did it? I MADE A FUCKING CHART. I wrote down every item, if it was for sale, the price/trading price, wether or not I had it. If I couldn't trade or buy it I marked it as "luck". I specifically remember getting to every pair of wings, because the next day they overhauled the wings and increased my goal by an amount I don't remember, 100,700? Somewhere around there. Do you know how I KNEW what the difference was at the time? I MADE A CHART TO DO THE MATH. Bullshit.
Then there's minecraft. Every time, without fail, I abandon a survival world. When do I do that, you ask? When my chest system is set up, of course. When else? I've organized all my stuff. Nothing else to do.
In math? I loved the teacher that had us chart to get the answer in geometry. It was a weird "prove it" thing but I enjoyed it. Honorable mention: My favorite formula, the Quadratic Fucking Formula.
Even when I draw! I make a whole graph to show how many color combinations I could get with a set. Then I never look at it again.
I would make ciphers for fun. Line up the alphabet, make up some squiggles, even alternate squiggles. Once I wrote a short story that went to a brand-new code every SENTENCE.
HELL. Even now, I decided to make a FUCKING LIST of dissorders/symptoms that line up with a close friend (who is definitely NOT just anxious and overweight, too many symptoms for that) and I LOVED every GODDAMN second of looking up the definition, the symptoms, some general experiences of people who had them. I haven't even finished the notebook, it took me two hours to do just one but I loom forward to the next one. I LOOK FORWARD TO IT.
I also thought reorganizing your bookshelf was just a thing bookworms do. It is, but... it goes on the pile.
It's just. I thought I KNEW myself. I thought I knew which symptoms I knew about I had and which I didn't. How dare I.
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singull · 2 years
been a while since i posted a personal thang heeeeeere.
wanna know why?
‘cause my ass got a journal ohmergerd! also got a glass dip pen like i mentioned i wanted and aaahhhhh i feel so FANCY writing with a dip pen. 8D
but yeah, since i’ve been spilling all the boring deets of my life into a journal, i haven’t been posting shit here bahaha. probably a good thing? xD but also sometimes a bitch misses getting feedback about things sometimes rather than just writing into a void.
last few days have been a little rough because my mind has gone back to dwelling on the friend breakup from early this year. keep spiraling into trying to pin down what i must have done or said that was so wrong that she felt the need to cut me out of her life for good. and like…yeah i can think of plenty of reasons, but being able to come up with a laundry list of what i believe are my faults isn’t terribly helpful bahah. i’ve fought with myself a few times this year about reaching out to get some sort of non-vague answer, but ultimately i know that i likely don’t want to know whatever her answer is because it isn’t likely to give me any sort of satisfying closure anyway and will probably just make me feel worse about myself.
annnnnnnd yeah it feels like all my progress of slowing accepting that my friend is gone for good is unraveling completely and aaaaaahhhhhh. the fact that we had to put our other dog down a few weeks ago and i’ve been sleeping terribly is probably a big reason for the back-tracking. been feeling that depression slithering back into my life and it makes it difficult to focus on things that would preoccupy me usually and keep me busy. plus it’s beginning to get darker earlier so i’m sure that isn’t helping bahaha. winter months in alaska fucking suck. i could deal with the cold and the snow and shit, but the darkness just makes things so much harder.
anyway…i talked my boss into upgrading our POS system at work! we’ve been using a Square Stand with an iPad Air for a few years, but the tablet has been lagging a lot with square’s app in particular for a while now, so we’re going to get Square’s Register (which will be so nice so i don’t have to worry about iOS updates butting heads with app updates) AS WELL AS a barcode scanner and receipt printer. aaaayyyyyyyy. i’m pretty lowkey hype about the scanner. it’s gonna be an asshole to reorganize the entire inventory, but hey, it’ll be something to do at work during downtime. P; will be nice to make checking out more seamless, especially since my boss wants to start looking into getting volunteers for the shop again. lemme tell you, trying to tell a volunteer to study the inventory so they learn to know where to find items on it for check out is like pulling teeth. being able to tell them to just scan a barcode will make training so much easier for me. xD also, no having to worry about teaching someone how to interact with an iPad. suffering is having to teach an elderly person about iOS gestures. xD; just teaching them to use the app can be a whole thing in itself. hopefully the register will be much more straight forward.
still reading, but been working on playing god of war 2018 since september since i’m interested in playing ragnarok later this year, but vidya gaems really cut into reading time bahaha. also i keep falling behind on my shows and youtube watch later list. xD;
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mh258258-blog · 10 days
A Detailed Overview of the 80mm Thermal Receipt Printer
In today’s fast-paced business environments, efficient receipt printing is crucial. The 80mm thermal receipt printer has become a popular choice for businesses, ranging from retail stores to restaurants, for its speed, reliability, and cost-efficiency. In this article, we will take a closer look at the workings of 80mm thermal receipt printers, their key features, benefits, and how to choose the right one for your business.
What is a Thermal Receipt Printer?
A thermal receipt printer uses heat to produce images or text on specially treated thermal paper. Unlike traditional printers, which rely on ink cartridges or ribbons, thermal printers apply heat directly to the paper. The heat-sensitive paper darkens in areas exposed to heat, creating the printed text or image. This technology allows thermal printers to deliver high-speed, high-quality printing without the need for ink.
Key Features of an 80mm Thermal Receipt Printer
1. 80mm Paper Width
The term "80mm" refers to the width of the thermal paper that the printer uses, which is roughly 3.15 inches. This size has become the industry standard for receipt printing, offering a balance between compactness and the ability to accommodate detailed information. It is commonly used in a variety of point-of-sale (POS) systems.
2. High-Speed Printing
One of the standout features of an 80mm thermal receipt printer is its high printing speed. Many models can print at speeds of up to 250mm per second or faster. This fast output makes them ideal for high-traffic environments, such as busy retail stores, coffee shops, and restaurants, where rapid transaction processing is essential.
3. Energy Efficiency
Thermal printers only consume power during the actual printing process, making them highly energy-efficient. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that require continuous printing throughout the day. Unlike impact printers, they do not require any additional power to manage ink or toner.
4. Crisp, High-Quality Prints
Since thermal printers do not rely on ink or ribbon, they produce consistent, clear, and smudge-free prints. This makes them suitable for producing sharp text, barcodes, and logos. The clarity of receipts is crucial for enhancing the customer experience, as all transaction details must be easily readable.
5. Compact and Durable Design
Most 80mm thermal receipt printers are designed to be compact, allowing them to fit easily into any POS system without taking up much counter space. Additionally, they are durable, with some models being resistant to spills, dust, or grease, which is particularly useful in food service or outdoor environments.
6. Wide Range of Connectivity Options
Many 80mm thermal printers support various connectivity options, including USB, Serial, Ethernet, and even wireless options like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. This versatility ensures that the printer can be easily integrated into existing systems, whether it's connected to a desktop, mobile POS, or cloud-based platform.
Advantages of Using an 80mm Thermal Receipt Printer
1. Low Operating Costs
Thermal printers have significantly lower running costs than ink-based printers. Since they do not require ink, toner, or ribbons, the only consumable item is the thermal paper. This makes them a more economical option over time, especially in high-volume environments where printing receipts is frequent.
2. Minimal Maintenance
With fewer moving parts and no ink cartridges to replace, maintenance is minimal for thermal receipt printers. They are less prone to mechanical failures, and the absence of consumables like ink reduces the likelihood of print errors. This allows businesses to run smoothly without frequent printer-related disruptions.
3. Fast and Efficient
In fast-paced businesses, speed matters. The high-speed printing capability of 80mm thermal receipt printers reduces customer waiting time and enhances the overall checkout experience. This is especially important in restaurants, retail, and service industries where efficiency directly affects customer satisfaction.
4. Versatility
Apart from printing receipts, 80mm thermal printers can also be used for other tasks, such as printing order tickets, invoices, or shipping labels. Their high resolution and ability to print barcodes make them suitable for diverse applications across various industries.
5. Quiet Operation
Thermal printers operate quietly, as they do not involve impact printing mechanisms. This makes them ideal for environments where noise reduction is important, such as libraries, quiet retail shops, or intimate restaurant settings.
Factors to Consider When Buying an 80mm Thermal Receipt Printer
1. Business Needs and Volume
The first consideration when selecting an 80mm thermal receipt printer is the specific needs of your business. If you handle a high volume of transactions daily, a printer with high-speed capabilities is essential. For lower-volume environments, a standard model may suffice.
2. Connectivity Options
The printer's connectivity is also important. USB connections are the most common, but depending on your setup, you may need Ethernet for wired networks or Bluetooth/Wi-Fi for mobile or wireless setups. Make sure that the printer you choose is compatible with your existing POS hardware and software.
3. Durability and Design
For businesses like kitchens or outdoor kiosks, consider a model that is splash-proof, dust-proof, or grease-resistant. Durability is key, as it ensures the printer will continue to perform reliably in harsher conditions.
4. Print Resolution
Print resolution is another factor to consider, especially if you need to print logos, graphics, or barcodes on your receipts. Look for a printer that supports high-resolution printing to ensure clarity and detail.
5. Paper Type and Compatibility
While 80mm thermal paper is standard, some businesses may require thicker or more durable paper for longer-lasting receipts. If you need your receipts to withstand time or rough handling, make sure the printer is compatible with the specific type of thermal paper you plan to use.
The 80mm thermal receipt printer is a vital tool for businesses looking to streamline their point-of-sale processes. With its speed, cost-efficiency, and low maintenance needs, it is ideal for high-traffic environments where quick service and reliability are essential. When choosing an 80mm thermal printer, consider factors such as speed, connectivity, durability, and print quality to ensure that it meets the specific needs of your business.
By investing in the right printer, you can enhance customer satisfaction, improve operational efficiency, and reduce costs, making it a smart choice for any growing business.
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mtsdmecc · 1 month
Understanding AutoTag Key Tags: A Simple Guide for Everyone
Have you ever wondered how some companies keep track of all their keys so easily? Imagine a busy hotel with hundreds of rooms, each with its key, or a car dealership with dozens of cars. Managing all those keys without getting mixed up sounds like a nightmare. Well, that’s where AutoTag key tags come in. These handy little tools make it super easy to keep track of keys, and today, we’re going to break down exactly what they are and how they work.
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What Are AutoTag Key Tags?
AutoTag key tags are small labels or tags that are attached to keys. They might look simple, but they serve a significant purpose. These tags often have numbers, codes, or even barcodes that help you quickly identify which key is which. Instead of fumbling through a bunch of keys and trying to remember which one is for what, the AutoTag system helps you know right away.
Why Do People Use AutoTag Key Tags?
There are lots of reasons why people use autotag key tags. Here are a few:
Organization: Imagine having a big box full of keys, all mixed. You’d spend forever trying to find the right one! With AutoTag key tags, each key has its tag, making it easy to stay organized.
Security: AutoTag key tags also help with security. By having a specific tag on each key, you can control who has access to which key. If a key goes missing, you’ll know right away because you can track it back to the tag.
Time-Saving: Think about how much time you’d save if you didn’t have to search for keys all the time. With these tags, you can find the right key in seconds.
Easy to Use: AutoTag key tags are designed to be simple. You don’t need any special training to use them. Just attach the tag, and you’re good to go!
Who Can Benefit from Using AutoTag Key Tags?
You might be wondering, “Who actually uses these key tags?” The truth is, they’re helpful for lots of different people and businesses.
Car Dealerships: Dealerships often have tons of cars, each with its key. AutoTag key tags help them keep track of which key belongs to which car. This way, when someone wants to test drive a car, the salesperson can quickly grab the right key.
Hotels: Hotels have keys for every room, and keeping them organized is super important. With AutoTag key tags, hotel staff can easily find the correct key for any room without mixing them up.
Property Managers: People who manage apartment buildings or rental properties often have keys for multiple units. Using AutoTag key tags helps them know which key goes to which apartment so they don’t accidentally open the wrong door.
Schools and Offices: Even schools and offices use these tags. Whether it’s for classrooms, offices, or storage rooms, AutoTag key tags help keep everything in order.
How Do AutoTag Key Tags Work?
Now that we know who uses them let’s talk about how AutoTag key tags actually work. It’s pretty simple:
Tagging the Keys: First, you attach a tag to each key. These tags usually have a number, letter, or code on them.
Logging the Information: Next, you’ll record what each tag number or code represents. For example, Tag 101 might be for the front door, Tag 102 for the back door, and so on. This information is often logged in a key management system or a simple logbook.
Using the Tags: When you need a key, you look at the tag and match it with the log to find out what it opens. If the tags have barcodes, you might even be able to scan them with a device to get the info instantly.
Tracking and Security: If a key goes missing, you can check your log to see which tag it was attached to. This helps in figuring out where the key might be or who had it last.
What Types of AutoTag Key Tags Are There?
AutoTag key tags come in different types to suit different needs. Here are a few common ones:
Plastic Tags: These are lightweight, durable, and often come in different colours. You can write on them or use pre-printed tags with numbers or codes.
Metal Tags: Metal tags are more durable and can withstand rough conditions. They’re great for keys that are used outdoors or in industrial settings.
Barcode Tags: These tags have barcodes that can be scanned with a device. This makes it even easier to track and manage keys, especially in more extensive operations.
Custom Tags: Some businesses may need unique tags with specific information or logos. Custom tags can be made to order, depending on what you need.
Tips for Using AutoTag Key Tags Effectively
To get the most out of AutoTag key tags, here are some tips:
Label Clearly: Make sure the tags are labelled clearly. If you’re writing on them, use a permanent marker so the information doesn’t fade.
Keep a Log: Always keep a log of what each tag number or code represents. This can be a simple notebook or a digital system, depending on your needs.
Regularly Check Tags: Over time, tags can wear out or get damaged. Periodically check your tags to make sure they’re still readable, and replace them if needed.
Use Color Coding: If you have a lot of keys, consider using color-coded tags. This adds an extra layer of organization and makes it even easier to find the right key.
AutoTag key tags might seem like a small thing, but they can make a big difference in keeping your keys organized, secure, and easy to find. Whether you’re running a business, managing properties, or just trying to keep your keys in order, these tags are a simple and effective solution. With different types available and easy-to-use systems, AutoTag key tags are a tool anyone can benefit from. So, next time you’re looking at a bunch of keys and wondering how to keep them straight, remember the power of a little tag!
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wyattutdblog · 2 months
GLITCH in Photography
The first artist I will be discussing is Sabato Visconti. At first glance at his website you can tell what the vibe is going to be without ever looking at any of his works. The website is set up on it's homepage with computer code font or typewriter font. The website is simple, like technology that glitches, it gives the feeling that something will break. Visconti's focus in the realm of glitches is the aspect of technology, surveillance, and social issues. Visconti has a heavy focus on mass surveillance systems showing the negative aspects of photography or at the very least, the aspects we don't generally regard in the art world. Visconti works with gif glitches, 3D Art, ROM corruption, and many more.
The second artist I will discuss is Rosa Menkman. At first look at her website, she definitely has more going on than the home page of Visconti. The whole webpage is set up in a massive glitch like the website is crashing. The images will spin around when you hover over them, and there are trippy barcode-style glitches all around. Everything is very meticulously done to create the feeling that something is wrong with the page. When you hover over buttons to click on, instead of having the pointer curser it replaces it with the typing cursor. Menkman focuses on glitches, impossible images, and lost and unnamed colors. She also focuses on noise artificats.
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ministryofpos · 2 months
 Best POS Scanner for Your Business: Ministry of POS
In the fast-paced world of retail and hospitality, having a reliable POS scanner is essential for smooth operations and excellent customer service. At Ministry of POS, we understand the importance of efficient and accurate point-of-sale systems. That’s why we offer top-of-the-line POS scanners designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Here’s why Ministry of POS is your go-to destination for the best POS scanners.
Wide Range of High-Quality POS Scanners
Ministry of POS offers an extensive selection of POS scanners that cater to various business requirements. Whether you run a small boutique, a bustling restaurant, or a large retail chain, we have the perfect scanner for you. Our collection includes:
Handheld Scanners: These are ideal for businesses that require flexibility and mobility. Handheld scanners are perfect for scanning items directly from shelves or counters, ensuring quick and efficient checkouts.
Desktop Scanners: Perfect for high-volume retail environments, these scanners provide robust performance and reliability. They are designed for easy use at checkout counters, making them a staple for busy stores.
Wireless Scanners: Offering the ultimate in convenience, wireless scanners are perfect for businesses that need to move around their premises. They ensure seamless transactions without the hassle of tangled cords.
2D Barcode Scanners: These advanced scanners can read both 1D and 2D barcodes, making them versatile and future-proof. They are ideal for businesses looking to upgrade their scanning capabilities.
Cutting-Edge Technology
At Ministry of POS, we pride ourselves on offering the latest in POS scanning technology. Our scanners are equipped with advanced features such as:
High-Speed Scanning: Ensure quick and efficient checkouts with our high-speed scanners, capable of reading barcodes in milliseconds.
Accurate and Reliable: Minimize errors and improve transaction accuracy with our highly reliable scanners that deliver precise readings every time.
Durable and Robust: Built to withstand the demands of busy environments, our scanners are durable and designed for long-term use.
User-Friendly Interface: Easy to set up and operate, our scanners feature intuitive interfaces that require minimal training for your staff.
Affordable Prices
We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness for businesses. That’s why Ministry of POS offers competitive pricing on all our POS scanners. Our goal is to provide you with high-quality, reliable scanners without breaking the bank. Additionally, we frequently offer discounts and promotions to make our products even more affordable.
Exceptional Customer Service
At Ministry of POS, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you with any questions or issues you may have. From helping you choose the right scanner for your business to providing technical support, we are here to ensure you have a seamless experience.
Secure and Easy Ordering
Ordering from Ministry of POS is secure and hassle-free. Our website features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to browse, compare, and purchase POS scanners. We offer multiple payment options and ensure that all transactions are protected with the latest encryption technology.
Fast and Reliable Delivery
We understand the importance of timely delivery for your business operations. Ministry of POS partners with reliable courier services to ensure your orders reach you quickly and safely. With options for express shipping and regular updates on your order status, you can trust that your POS scanner will arrive on time.
When it comes to finding the best POS scanner for your business, Ministry of POS is the name you can trust. With a wide range of high-quality scanners, cutting-edge technology, affordable prices, exceptional customer service, and secure ordering, we are committed to helping you streamline your operations and enhance your customer service. Explore our selection today and discover why Ministry of POS is the best choice for your POS scanner needs.
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qocsuing · 2 months
Exploring the Power of RFID Tags in Modern Technology
Exploring the Power of RFID Tags in Modern Technology Introduction to RFID Identification
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)tags have changed the manner in which inventory, assets and even people are tracked across different industries. These are small electronic gadgets that consist of a chip and an antenna for wirelessly transmitting data via radio waves to a reader device. They are used widely in retailing, logistics, health care among other sectors due to their ability to collect data fast with high accuracy levels thus saving time.Get more news about NFC tags,you can vist our website!
The Functionality of RFID Tags
At the core of every Radio Frequency Identification system is its capacity for storing and relaying information without any physical contact being made between two objects. Each tag has a unique identifier number which can be associated with specific items or persons. When an interrogator sends out signals through its antenna towards this tiny electronic device; it responds back by sending all saved data on it like; what kind of product is contained in it, where was it last seen etc. Such real-time access into knowledge helps companies smoothen operations while cutting down mistakes thereby enhancing productivity generally.
Applications Across Industries
In retail sector for example; these tags are used so as to improve on management of inventory leading to prevention stock-outs through giving real-time visibility on stock levels. At the same time warehouse companies together with those involved in logistics heavily rely on them when tracking shipments and managing movements of goods within stores among others activities involved in their supply chain process flow . In hospitals they come handy during patient care monitoring as well as medical equipment tracking plus ensuring safety measures compliance according Joint Commission International Standards (JCIS). Additionally they have found great application even within agricultural industry where among other things animals’ keeping requires continuous monitoring them thus enabling farmers know how best keep them healthy always .
Advantages and Benefits
There are many advantages associated with using Radio Frequency Identification over barcodes. One such advantage is that unlike traditional bar codes which require line-of-sight scanning; these tags can be read from far away distances even if they happen to be embedded within materials or products themselves. This saves time since one does not need to go close every item so as to scan its code thus speeding up processes involved in inventory management for instance. Secondly; they are durable and can withstand harsh environmental conditions making them ideal for use in various sectors ranging from outdoor logistics like port operations all through industrial manufacturing where machines may produce heat hence affecting readability of normal adhesive stickers .
Future Trends and Innovations
As we look into the future we expect better things when it comes down to developments which should be realized within RFIDs’ sphere of operation. Some of such changes include; coming up with smaller sized tags that will cost less while still remaining effective in their roles hence expanding usability especially among consumer goods industry players alongside smart packaging companies who would want unique identification systems for each package being sold off shelf space etcetera . Additionally integration with Internet of Things (IoT) platforms is likely going improve overall efficiency levels within different organizations by enabling joint analysis between data sets drawn from diverse sources leading to more accurate predictive maintenance schedules coupled supply chain optimization decisions which ultimately brings forth enhanced customer experiences along value chains affected by these two technologies as enumerated above.
In summary, RFID tags are a key driver behind modern technological breakthroughs because they offer unmatched abilities in terms of record keeping, tracking assets and operational efficiencies across wide range industries. Therefore, businesses need to embrace digitization efforts if they wish remain relevant during this era otherwise known as fourth industrial revolution characterized by big data analytics coupled with internet connectivity whose backbone relies on Radio Frequency Identification technology among others. With continued advancements plus increased adoption rates worldwide; we can confidently state that RFIDs have indeed opened doors towards realization greater connectivity productivity gains going forward.
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cloudjumpervalka · 2 months
an older coworker of mine that my two bosses were literally talking about how shes 🤏 this close to being written up, yelled at me today for like. asking a manager that was there last night for help and then us calling the STORE MANAGER for help when she didnt know the answer instead of reaching out to her (like this was a customer that came in 10 minutes to closing and we were trying to get this order situated before it got too late ???)
she then called me stupid and lazy (bc of my "generation") more than once for using the barcode on an item to ring it up instead of typing it in (when the computer kept giving us an error code), and proceeded to not listen to me when i said me and the manager then both manually typed it in too and we still got the same error code. Yelling at me saying me not ringing this up right is bc im too lazy to type in a barcode !! when that wasnt the fucking issue !!!!!
she yelled at me for not writing down the dimensions of this matte on the printout of this order, because it didnt save in the system because of said error so she couldn't look it up! but here's the thing. she could have easily saw the dimensions of opening in the matte + the dimensions of the matte itself and done simple addition to figure it out !! she told me the matte i chose wasnt in stock and told me to use another one that was the EXACT SAME SKU.
she even said she couldnt call the customer because we didnt have her info in the system (again not listening to the fact it was a glitch, but we had all this info PRINTED OUT). like THE CUSTOMERS PHONE NUMBER was written on there but noooo "jess i couldnt even figure out how to contact the customer so u have to fix your mess"
and proceeded to belittle me more being like "i cant trust you to do even the basic things around here"
i have spent very little time with her and done most of my training with the actual framing manager who is actually teaching me shit, and this lady gives me like 30 seconds to complete something she doesn't explain how to do before yelling at me i have to be faster and drive more sales etc etc.
i texted the store manager like immediately after she left to tell her what happened and she was appalled by it too since she is the one helping us over the phone last night when this all happened. and at least said she will take care of it
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mayaduffphleb · 2 months
Opening the Mysteries of Phlebotomy: An Inside Look at the Department's Vital Role
Unlocking ‌the Mysteries of Phlebotomy: An Inside Look at the Department’s Vital Role
Phlebotomy‍ is a ⁢crucial yet often overlooked aspect of ⁢healthcare. The process of drawing blood from patients for various medical tests‍ and procedures is essential⁣ for diagnosing and monitoring a ⁢wide range of conditions. In this article, we will delve‌ into the mysteries of phlebotomy, shedding light on the vital role this⁣ department plays in ​the healthcare system. From the ⁤importance‌ of proper training to the latest techniques and technologies, we will explore all aspects of this fascinating field.
Importance​ of Phlebotomy in Healthcare
Phlebotomy is the first ​step in the diagnostic process for many medical conditions. Blood samples are used to assess a patient’s overall ‌health, detect infections, monitor chronic conditions, and evaluate the efficacy of treatments.‌ Without accurate and reliable blood test results, healthcare providers would be unable⁤ to ‍make informed decisions‌ about their patients’ care.
Proper Training and Certification
Phlebotomy is a skilled profession that requires specialized training and certification. Phlebotomists must be​ knowledgeable about anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology, as well as proficient in venipuncture techniques. Training programs ​typically include classroom​ instruction, hands-on practice, and ⁢supervised⁢ clinical experience‍ to ensure that‌ phlebotomists are well-prepared to perform their duties safely and competently.
Latest Techniques and Technologies
Advancements in phlebotomy techniques and technologies⁢ have made⁤ the process faster, less painful, and more efficient for both patients and⁢ healthcare providers.⁢ The use of smaller gauge needles, butterfly needles, and vacuum tubes has reduced the risk of complications and improved the overall patient experience. Additionally, ⁢the introduction of electronic health records and barcode scanning has enhanced the accuracy and traceability of blood samples.
Benefits of Phlebotomy
Accurate and timely blood ⁣test results are essential for proper diagnosis⁢ and treatment⁢ planning. By delivering high-quality phlebotomy services,⁣ healthcare facilities can improve patient outcomes, reduce the risk of medical errors, and⁣ increase⁣ overall efficiency. Phlebotomists ⁣also play⁣ a key role in ensuring patient safety by following strict protocols for specimen collection, handling, and transportation.
Practical Tips ⁢for⁤ Phlebotomists
Phlebotomy can be a challenging and demanding profession, requiring attention to detail, strong communication skills, and a compassionate demeanor. To excel in this⁣ field, phlebotomists should prioritize patient comfort and safety, maintain a sterile work environment,​ and stay ⁢up-to-date on the latest industry trends and best practices. It is also crucial ⁣to practice proper ⁣needle disposal and ‌infection control protocols to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens.
Case Studies and Firsthand Experience
To illustrate the importance of phlebotomy⁤ in healthcare, let’s consider a few real-life case studies. In one instance, a routine blood test uncovered an undiagnosed ‌medical condition in a patient, allowing for early intervention and ⁢treatment. In another⁤ case, a phlebotomist’s quick ⁤thinking⁣ and expertise helped a patient‍ who experienced a⁢ vasovagal response during blood draw. These examples highlight the critical role that‍ phlebotomists play in patient‌ care and outcomes.
phlebotomy is a vital component of the healthcare system, providing healthcare providers with ⁣essential information to⁢ diagnose and⁤ treat patients effectively. By unlocking ‍the mysteries ​of phlebotomy and understanding its‍ importance, we can appreciate the invaluable role that⁢ phlebotomists play in ⁣delivering high-quality healthcare services. With proper training, the‌ latest techniques, and a strong commitment to patient care, phlebotomists ensure that blood draws are not only‍ accurate and efficient but also safe and⁤ comfortable‌ for patients.
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