#on the plus side it now looks like he’s trying to eat the lock symbol lol
nitro502 · 5 months
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I can never let anyone see my locked phone ever again but this makes me too happy to care
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bvbygrl-writes · 13 days
Season of The Witch (2)
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Witch!Reader x Edward Cullen
Word Count: 2k
Summary: (Y/N) (L/n) is 19 and still trying to figure out the world. She isn't sure of a lot of things but she is sure of one: she's gonna have her cake and eat it too.
A/N: Look at me, posting consistently! don't get used to it. Anyways, enjoy chapter 2! Edward will be introduced either in the next chapter or chapter 4.
Warnings: N/A but it will be 18+ at some point most likely. Minors and blanks dni. Also I didn't edit any of it so ignore any typos.
Chatter from below and music from your speaker filled your room as you flopped back onto your bed after a well deserved shower. With Jacob, as you now knew him to be, coming in and out of your room earlier with your furniture, you didn’t want to risk any more magic related injuries as you did earlier, leading to you having to manually unpack the rest of your knick knacks. But in the process, you sweated a fair amount but as you looked around your room, it was well worth it. 
Your mind drifted back to the symbol on his arm earlier, trying to place where exactly you had seen it. Jumping from your nest of blankets, you glanced over the plethora of books on the shelves, skimming the titles carefully.
Occult runes & symbols. Snatching the book from the shelf, you hopped back onto your bed, flipping through the pages quickly, mind fixated on the symbol from earlier until finally you landed on it. “The Quilete people, like many indigenous tribes, have a rich and fruitful history. Legend says that some of them have the spirit of the wolf within and the ability to shapeshift into the aforementioned animal. In addition to having warmer body heat, they also have enhanced speed, super strength, and pack connection.” you read out loud to yourself. Gliding your finger across the page, you continued to read on the history and associations with them. However, the sound of your door opening caused you to whip your head up, slamming the book shut.
“Your parents wanted me to tell you dinner is ready. Me, my dad, and the Swans will be joining you for dinner, hope you don’t mind.” Jacob said, now wearing a shirt much to your disappointment. Gulping, you nod, watching as he tries to look at the cover of your book. You spread your hands across it, hiding as much of it as you could. “Aren’t you a little old for a diary?” You scoff at his words, tossing the book behind your pillows.
“It’s not a diary. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with a little healthy journaling.” You retort, hopping up from your bed as you smooth out the wrinkles in your long skirt, centering your necklace on your chest. Glancing at the mirror on the wall, you fix your hair before walking over to him, shoving your finger into his chest. “You should try it sometimes.”
“Whatever you say. You look nice, by the way.” you look up at him, mouth gaping some. Your eyes remain locked for what feels like forever before you brush by him, looking down the hall towards the stairs.
“Thanks.” You can’t even see him but you can feel that cocky smirk he seems to be wearing since you met him.
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As you approach the table, Jacob pulls out your chair for you before making his way to the otherside, sitting next to an unfamiliar girl. She’s about your age with dark brown hair and a set of eyes to match it. She’s wearing a striped top that hugs her form nicely. You watch as she looks up at Jacob, saying something to him that you can’t quite make out which causes him to laugh. You roll your eyes internally, glaring holes into the side of her face. ‘Of course a guy that hot has a girlfriend. Dream on, (Y/n/n)’ you think to yourself as you finally take your seat. Sat beside your left is Charlie, Mr.Black on your right, your parents on the ends of the table, Jacob is across from you, and the girl you don’t know to his left.
“(Y/n/n), this is Bella, Charlie’s daughter! I’m sure you girls will get along great.” Your mom says, causing the girl, Bella, to look at you. You wave at her awkwardly as she smiles. She seems nice enough. “I hope everyone is hungry! I made quite a lot so feel free to help yourselves to whatever you’d like. I’ve got dessert in the kitchen!” She squeals out excitedly, motioning to the feast on the table. There’s a colorful salad, a basket of garlic bread, two lasagnas, and a pitcher of different drinks all arranged beautifully on the table. Your stomach groans with a hunger you didn’t even know you had.
As everyone eats, you observe Jacob and Bella carefully. You watch as he whispers something to her, causing her face to blush pink, swishing her hair over her shoulder coyly. You stab at your lasagna aggressively, shoving the fork in your mouth. There’s no reason for you to feel this way, you’ve barely known the guy for a day. But still, you always had an active imagination and the moment you had a crush, it was turned to one thousand. Watching on, your envy grew more and more until Bella’s cup fell over, with a bang, spilling all over her shirt and lap. Your eyes widened as silence fell upon the table as Bella stood up, attempting to wipe the mess from the table.
“I am so sorry! I-I don’t even know how that happened, I was nowhere near my cup.” Bella stammered out. Your eyes flickered over to your mom who was already looking at you. Judging by her face, she was not very happy with you. Even though it wasn’t purposeful, you still felt awful.
“It’s okay, dear don’t worry about it! This table is a little off balance, we’ve been meaning to fix it for a while.” Your mother assured her, covering for you with ease. You hopped up from the table as well, running over to help her clean up the mess. “(Y/n) why don’t you take Bella upstairs and give her something to change into?” She suggested, nodding her head towards the stairs.
“O-okay.” you stuttered out. You didn’t trust yourself to say something not so incriminating. You grab Bella’s arm, leading her up the stairs towards your room. As you shut the door behind you, you rush to your dresser pulling out a t-shirt and jeans before handing it to her.
“Thanks.” she says with a half smile before beginning to undress. You turn around towards your balcony, giving her a bit of privacy. You hear her sigh as she unzips her jeans. “God, that was so embarrassing.”
“No problem. And don’t even worry about it. I’m a total klutz myself. Granted, I’ve never done something like that in front of a guy I was dating.” You shrug. As you hear her rezip herself into the new jeans you turn around. She gives you a puzzled look, tilting her head.
“You mean Jacob?” she questions. Unsure of how to respond, you give her a hesitant nod. She chuckles. “You’ve got the wrong idea. Jacob is just a friend. A close one, sure, but nothing more than that” she pauses for a moment, as if she can’t decide if she wants to tell you something before she speaks again. “I’m into girls.” she says a bit quieter. You celebrate a bit inside.
“Interesting.” you respond. She looks at you, taking in your expression. It looks as if a lightbulb has turned on in her head. She raises a brow, giggling some.
“He is single, by the way. Plus from the sounds of it, he’s taken quite a liking to you already. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” you go to argue but render it useless. With the way you’re fidgeting with your hands and biting at your lip, you know there’s nothing you could rebuttal with.
“I-I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Bella.” she nods before heading towards your bedroom door, shutting it softly on her way out.
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After the fiasco that had taken place earlier, you thought it’d be best if you stayed up in your room until the guest left. Even though no one knew it was you, you did and that was enough to riddle you with embarrassment. For the past hour, you just replayed the scene over and over in your head, staring at the ceiling as if it would offer you any form of comfort. You were so in your head that you didn’t even notice the sound of the door opening.
“Didn’t want you to miss dessert.” you rolled your head to the side to see Jacob, a few cookies on the plate in his hands. He closed the door, getting closer and closer until he crawled in next to you onto your bed, setting the plate down in between you two. Sitting up, you smiled at him before grabbing one, biting into it with a content moan. 
“Thanks. Look at you, being nice to me.” you joke. He laughs, scooting a bit closer to you. His eyes flicker from yours to your lips. Your body tenses as he moves his hand to your face. He holds it there for a bit before swiping the corner of your lip.
“Had a bit of chocolate on your face.” before you could respond, he licks the chocolate from his thumb, eyes not leaving yours for a second. “Delicious.” he mutters. You inch your free hand closer to his on the bed, his warm hands soothing the natural coldness to yours. He moves his hand on top of yours, his large hand engulfing yours.
“You do this with all your Dad’s friends' daughters?” you ask. He shakes his head, his eyes flickering down to the bed before looking back up at you.
“No, just you.” your insides feel like mush. In your old state, boys never really paid you any mind. They were too focused on every other girl. Even the guy who asked you to prom ended up ditching you halfway through for a girl from his theater group. It was rare for you to even speak to a guy, let alone be holding hands with one on your bed. You could feel your heart practically beating out of your chest.
A rare moment of boldness came over you as you moved closer, throwing your legs over his lap, laying your head on his shoulder. You gasped as he moved his hand from yours to your waist, his warmth encasing you in the most comforting way. The two of you just sat there for a moment, the cookies growing cold and forgotten as you enjoyed each other's presence.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow?” he spoke, his voice vibrating in his chest. You glanced up at him, noticing him already looking down at you.
“Not that I know of. I’m pretty much done unpacking.” you responded. His hand glided over your head, gently massaging your scalp.
“How about I come get you? I can take you on a ride on my bike, show you around town a bit.” he throws out there. You feel that mushy feeling in your gut again.
“I’d love to.” you reach into the pocket of his jeans, grabbing his phone as you create a new contact, adding your name and number before sticking it back in place. “Text me. Or if not, you know where to find me.”
“Sounds like a plan.” he says, a genuine smile on his face. You smile back at him, nuzzling your face deeper into his chest. His head rests on top of yours, the two of you staying like that until a howl is heard in the distance. Jacob’s body tenses under you as he clears his throat. “I need to get going. Text you later?” you try your best not to frown, nodding at his words. ‘Must be his pack.’ you think to yourself. He sighs deeply, reluctantly removing himself from you as he makes his way towards your bedroom door, quickly running out. 
The door doesn’t stay closed for long though as your mom opens it, wiggling her eyebrows at you. “Had fun? You must’ve because everyone else has been gone for hours!” you grab a pillow, shoving it over your face.
“Mom, please!” you huff out but, she ignores your plea, hopping onto your bed, your body bouncing from the movements.
“He seems like a really sweet boy, honey. I like him for you! I know you’re an adult but, you’re really growing up now. Soon you’ll be getting married, having babies, and-”
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idjitlili · 4 years
You're dead lachance.
Spike btvs x reader
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Summary: Being Giles niece, going to America with him, only to meet Spike. There is anonymous request in here, 'getting locked in a room with Spike.'
A/n: slightly in Sundale , but mostly based in Los Angeles, the reader is British, due to being related to Giles. Hey, that's good for me , I'm British too. There's a request from anon but I'm not going to say to keep it a surprise. Malteser is a chocolate ball. How come I can write this much now? But I've got assignment s at are only 2000k words.
Word count:5019 Longest imagine yet.
Warnings: Language, Twilight hate references,period, questioning if vampires eat that answer is no or unconfirmed.
Not even a week ago, you had came home , only for your parental figure to rush to the door to greet you. Not long after that you were packing your suitcase for America , apparently your uncle Rupert had invited you out there. It had quite literally been years seen you had seen him, but not long until you would again.
In fact , it hadn't been even twenty four hours , before you were stood in his magic store. You weren't even sure why Rupert had brought you here. The suitcase that held your belongings , stood at your feet as Rupert  had welcomed you in, unlike your uncle had expected , the shop was completely empty, people wise.
Forced to sit down, while Rupert  made you a tea,informing you that he would get you settled at his home once he finished closing up his shop. What it felt like hours to you ,waiting, deciding it was best to read the book you had brought with you, not that you could really concentrate you just wanted to get cleaned up , in honesty.
Fingers tapping against the pine table , trying to read Boromir's last moments in Lord of the rings, re reading the same paragraph over , and over. "I tried to take the Ring from Frodo ' , he glance strayed to his fallen enemies,20." Re reading those words same words, unable to comprehend them, like your brain was blocked by a tinfoil hat, that's bullshit. Three arrows he had been struck with, yet he was still able to kill twenty highly trained orcs , more than an average vampire could do.
You were no stranger to vampires , you hadn't encountered one to say, but you knew of Rupert  job as a watcher. Though you had watched Lord of the rings many times (or not it's just replace it) and yet you still couldn't pass it , didn't Rupert have workers to clean his shop? Repeating those words , still. "Hello ,love." You almost peed yourself , standing up abruptly launching your book at the thing that had pulled you out of your distracted book reading.
Bragging your lighter from your pocket, self defence lighter, holding in front of you. As the flame lit,lifting your head up at your 'attacker' , only to be met with a smirk and platinum leather wearing man, who had caught your book with ease. "Really a lighter?" British, you had not spoken to one American , since landing.
You had just continued to stare at him not quite certain what to say, until he did again. "So , Boromir ,hm?"  You hadn't notice him step forward , holding your book for you to take back, hesitating you took it from him slowly. "Uh, yes. Thank you,but ,um, who are you?"
"Spike, and you are?"Who names there son after a sharp object? Spike had smugly smiled , placing his in his trouser pockets, it was if he was proud. You didn't get a chance to respond to Spike, before Rupert had reappeared , standing between you and Spike.
"Spike , get away from my niece, I will not allow you to corrupt her." Spike had gasped dramatically, putting his had over his mouth ,"You're related to him? But Blimey he's all ARGH and you're not." Spikes face of disgust when he looked at your uncle, Rupert had removed his glasses and began cleaning his glasses.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" Picking up your bags , as Rupert ushered Spike out of the shop, with you behind to lock up, it now being dark.  "It was lovely to meet you , Giles attractive niece.." "Y/n." "Y/n.." Repeating your name back slowly smiling , only if you knew he was an evil defective vampire.
"Quit the flirting Spike, she's not going to be here long." That was the last you saw of Spike , for now anyways. It wasn't even another 24 hours later , your uncle had sent you off to Los Angeles , to Wesley at Wolfram & Hart.
Wesley...you had seen him in years , since he left England. You being younger than him by some years , but you had been friends with him , being connected to Giles and all. You were brought to America to work for an evil law firm not your ideal future.
That was a year ago , not as bad as you had originally thought, Angel the CEO was indeed broody but he was trying to make a difference. In fact , the job paid very well, and all you did really read up on demons and sometimes view bodies for symbols and such.
Perhaps,yes, it did get quite lonely, it  wasn't like you had you mum to make you meals or anything. All you could have was calls from her now and then. Wesley was your friend; but he was too busy flirting with Fred. The others well, you weren't close friends, just friends.
Today was not a great day for you, first you had gotten to work  without lunch, forgotten a jacket, and Angel scheduled a meeting but you had fallen down the stairs three times. Ten minutes late, a huge bruise on your head , ruffled hair and clothing not looking very bodacious.
Knocking on the door to Angel's office three times gently , before waiting for his response to allow you in. Everyone staring at you , your face flushed with embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry, you won't believe today has been horrible, I wouldn't have been late if I hadn't of fallen down the same stairs three times."
Heavily breathing from all the rushing, head aching like you had just hit your head falling down the stairs, Angel and the others looking at you with slight sympathy. "I've got to get a look at this muppet." That voice, you knew that that voice, until Spike had appeared from the corner of the meeting room , as you and Angel were about to walk into the room.
Almost bumping into Spike as you and him both met the door at the same time. You two would've bumped right into each other, but he passed right though you. Turning back around to see if you imagined that or not, turns out you didn't Spike was stood in front you , looking at you , with gaped mouth which didn't last long until he was smiling.
"W-what?H-how did y-" "Nice to see you again , love. Well, not long after you left I saved the world, and died. No need to thank me , love," Angel had coughed , pulling your attention from Spike charming smile he was sending your way, to him gesturing you to sit.
Spike had not decided to sit down , but to stand behind Angel at an Angel, one to annoy Angel which you could already see in his face , two to be in eye range of you. Not that he liked you , he full loved Buffy, for now anyways.
Angel had officially began the meeting , head-aching still, probably why you couldn't concentrate, concussion. All you could think was , wow Casper the friendly ghost, well you didn't know he wasn't , and that he was a vampire.
So lost in thought ,well no just pain , you didn't hear the calling of your name or snapping of fingers in front of your open eyes.
"Y/n? Y/n?" Only when there is a touch of a small hand on your shoulder , you realise , looking up to see Fred. "Yes, sorry. Um , I hit my head a bit too hard."
"Angel , she needs to go to a doctor. Her head is literally bleeding out , ""Yeah you should've sent her straight away, she fell down the fucking stairs, for a vampire with a soul , you have no compassion." Spike had interrupted Wesley, to criticise Angel.
You had a couple of days off last week , to visit your family, hence you hadn't seen Spike there before that. You had fallen off your chair when you had felt a hand on your shoulder, moving to see if that was Angel or Lorne, but it wasn't.
"Already on your knees for me?" Spike, staring down at you , smirking what a shock. "I'm not even on my knees, I'm on my butt. Plus what you want me to do mime."
"Okay, okay, Hon, let's go take to a doctor." Lorne had helped you up, as Spike had smiled Wider, as you both left, with some calls of sympathy's.
You only had to have you bloody head , in your hairline glued back together. Not surprising when there was blood dripping down your face like a waterfall. Other than that you were back the next day, carrying on your week like you would normally would.
Each week that went by Spike would come visit your office, mostly at lunch, knowing you didn't leave your office to socialise, only to use the bathroom. It had started with him using the excuse that he wanted to see how you were doing , after falling down the stairs, which was quite hard to believe,as he didn't seem like the caring type.
Then it he came to your office to tell you stories  about him saving the world and just recently , almost being killed by another ghost.
You hadn't even seen that when he entered your office he used the door by turning the handle, instead of going through it. Not at least until he had spooked you again ,placing his hand your shoulder squeezing it slightly.  Falling again out of you chair, probably would've smacked the back of your head on your desk.
If you weren't grabbed by your forearms, and were lifted back onto your feet, by rough hands... Spike had scared you to death again, yet this time he had saved your fall.  Pulling a arm from his, looking into his eyes, as you brought your hand to his cheek, your finger tips against his cheek bone. His skin soft, not how you would've imagined.
His skin, cold , but now he isn't a ghost? So why does he feel like the other side of the pillow on a summer night. Moments go by ,not many , before you pulled away again. "Fred , s-she figured out how to bring y-you back?" Still wondering why he felt like ice,  also to hide the embarrassment that you had touched his face without asking.
"No, someone sent me some post,"  The distance between you two was more than close, your legs pressed against your desk, Spike's face barely inches away, he must've closed in on you. "Oh lovely,um have you had anything to eat yet?" He had smiled at you , with lust in glittering in his eyes , but not for what you might think, but hunger.
"I have not." Don't turn Edward ,please, no one wants that ,'Oh I'm sorry Bella but you might die if we fuck, because of my huge Thanos sized dick.' "Oh , well I've got , um, some sandwiches, that's if you want to share." You had gently made your way passed Spike as he nodded slightly suggesting we would share, to get into your bag, reaching for your lunch bag.
Both sitting at the sofa in your handing Spike a sandwich, as you held yours, facing each other, sitting on your calves, well Spike couldn't do that , if you know what you mean. Not long after you had reached for your flask , pouring it into your cup. "Tea?" Spike had grabbed the cup from your hand, drinking a fair lot down, before handing it back to you, mixture of crumbs and tea around his mouth. "You know how to make good tea, not those bloody Americans , milk first , bloody bullshit."
Before anything was said, Lorne had burst into the room , panic washed over his face. "Angel needs you both , quick honeys! We don't have time to spare." To say the least you were confused , never less you all headed to Angel's office and soon enough you were all, Angel, Spike, Fred, Gunn, Wesley, and Lorne were driving to a safe house. 'A rescue mission.' Apparently, you didn't even know who you were supposed to rescue, all you knew was you was all supposed to stay here until they arrived.
Sounded fishy , and you were right to think so, not long after you all discovered it was a trap. Probably just about a hundred vampires, were lurking around the property, waiting...
The floors creaking as you all walked across the the pine wood hallway, not to mention you had barely any fighting stills, all you held was a stake. The others well that ways a mixture of axes , and stakes. Sorry not only vampires in this house, spirits too. Spike had paired off with you , whilst the others did the same , you both walked into a bedroom, which was thick with mould and dust.
Not even one step in the door had slammed shut, Spike had immediately tried the door body slamming against , but it was no use. As you made your way to the window, "Spike.." BANG still going at the door , "SPIKE." Whisper shouting to him, gesturing for him to come over , once he had heard you.
"Vampires..." pulling you away from the window, out of sight." We need to get out of here, now."
"Where? we can't get out of here." Looking around the room there was no options. You don't even get to take a breath ; before the window is smashed in as well of the door, you are both completely circled , 7 vampires.  Before you know it they are lunged for you , gripping your stake tightly , as you fight  a vampire off , with struggle , god damnit. Where's David from lost boys, instead you are stuck with one that's never brushed it's teeth.
Finally stabbing it in the heart. Proof another one bites the dust. Now there was even more dust in this house. The rest of the vampires were dead, you didn't realise that Spike had taken on the rest with no struggle, turning to face you after dusting the last one, his face,his face. He was one of them, he had been dead this whole time , even when he was brought back.
"Y-you're a vampire?" Shocked was to say the least what you were feeling , he had turned back laughing lightly.
"What were you expecting? The Easter bunny?Did you think I was human? This whole time, oh love." It wasn't that you felt like you trusted him less after finding out but still, you're an idiot, no you are not.  "I thought you were because you are my food; Plus I thought vampires were evil?"
"I wasn't going to refuse a sandwich. I have Soul, love. For your information, I got it the hard way, not like that brooding bugger."
"Sorry, Can we go now?" Thus Spike tried the door again, it had opened, both of you rushed out and down the stars , out the doors to find the others in the car waiting , like it was a robbery.
Your lunches with Spike continued even months after finding out he was a vampire; yet now you packed enough lunch for the two of you. Though he could just have his blood, but no he wanted your food. In honesty he was lucky that you actually shared your food with him.
You were sure that Spike must've preferred the company of Fred over you, and there was a day that he didn't have lunch with you. Apparently he had went to see Buffy , yet he was back the next day, why he hadn't stayed with the woman he loved , that was unknown to you. Thus there he was having lunch with you everyday you were at work.
You had even watched Lost boys with him one lunch. "You think I'm like that ponce?" Why the offices had TVs you had no idea. You had told Spike that he had reminded you of David. "W-what, It's not that hard to believe , first both of you have cool hair , two he is evil but the evil that you're like wow he's not that bad , he's cute and maybe he not what he seems. Like Loki, God of mischief." Spike had scoffed, laughing slightly.
"Did you just call me cute? I'm bad , I'm evil, mortals quiver under my wrath." He had made a toothy scrunched face , whilst bringing his hands up like he was a bear attacking, only to make you grin harder. "Okay, now you are a kinky Loki 'quiver under my wrath' seriously?"
"And how would you know what's kinky, love?" His words delivered with a smirk , that made your cheeks redden just by his gaze. "Uh,um, well I read a lot- I MEAN I do stuff all the time like last night.. he had a cane."
"Oh really, he had a cane?"
"Yep thats correct."
"Well that's a shame, love , because I've seen you face stuck in your books , blushing... and I can smell the innocence radiating off of you."
"Hey! Don't go smelling that, so you're telling me that when I have my period you can smell that too? You know what don't answer that, nor do I want to know if you've ever eaten that. Nor do I want to know why I thought of that.." Throwing a Malteser at him, would've hit him if he hadn't caught it in his mouth. 
"I cannot believe you just said that. Love, you have too much time over thinking."
"No doubt , that's why I was never popular , let's pretend I never said that thing and only that compared you to David and Loki, hm?"
"Of course, I wish you hadn't given me the idea,joking I swear."
"Uh, I don't know if you like men or not but when the male part is erected it's one of the most blood filled appendages plus I looked you up, William the bloody, maybe that's how you got your name.." Yes maybe you spent more than your lunch hour not doing work, sitting cross legged now facing Spike completely , who just had turned his upper body from the tv.
Angel though, you'd think he was just happy , happy that Spike wasn't in his office constantly annoying him. It wasn't easy for anyone to keep Spike entertained. "I do not suck cocks nor have I ever , love, I have nothing against those that do,but I assure you that my terrible poetry is the only reason for the name, "
"Nothing to do with you killing hundreds of people?"
"Oh yeah, that too." Nothing more was spoken, you both had went back watching until lunch was over, then you were back to work. By five you had left to go home , not even two hours later you had realised you had left your house keys in your office. You had went to the shops, for some general stuff , hence why you hadn't realised you had left your keys.
Making it back to Wolfram & Hart , around nine o'clock, deciding to get some food , for after you got your keys and got home finally. The security man, Dean, had let you , well no he had was turned doing something and you slipped in, the rest of the firm was dark , everyone had left, or that's what you had thought.
Opening your office door, with your key, why you had it separated from your house key , you don't know , but it was lucky you had one set otherwise someone could've went through your stuff. Well there wasn't much really interesting, ancient books and such. Rushing to your desk in the dark searching everywhere , under your desk, in the draws, the floor.
Finally finding them down the side of the sofa , which you were sat at with Spike, watching Lost boys. When the door swings open , you are quickly grabbed by the foreman's and are shoved against the wall."what are doing here?" The mans voice, aggressive, yet you know who it belonged to, Spike. No very difficult to figure out as you spent at least an hour with him , five times a week, for months.
"Uh, I just left my keys." Spikes grip had loosened on your arms slightly. " Y/n?" Pushing him off of you,"yes, yes it's me , thanks for attacking me, " It was pitch black in your office , only the light from the moon , now on your face , part of it anyways.
"Well, Bloody hell, love you shouldn't be in an evil law firm by your lonesome , especially at night."
"What you are going to eat me now?" Spike wasn't even a foot away; if he was a live you'd feel his breath on your face. Instead the cold air surrounded you, Spikes arm above your head closing you in, only being able to look at his face , an outline of it. "Oh, you'd just love that, wouldn't you,pet?" You had scoffed lightly at him.
"Shut up, my foods getting cold , and I don't like it in here." Ducking under Spikes arm, grabbing your food and key, before making your way out your office and the building. Spike following you ,but the security guard was gone and the door was locked , no way out.
"Well isn't that bloody brilliant."
"There's no way we are getting out of here , till morning ,"
"Can't we call someone?"
"I don't know , do you have anyone's number?" That was it , you both had headed back to your office , found some candle, since the electricity had been turned off, at on the floor with your food. You weren't sure why he decided to stay with you , maybe it was just that you had food.
Your back against the sofa , as you both ate , you were in no doubt that you were talking tomorrow off. You knew you or Spike was going to have to sleep on the sofa, ah yes perfect, back pains. "Why were you here so late anyways?" After finishing your mouthful of food, why Spike would want to lurk here at night , that was unknown.
"Just snooping through Angels stuff, then I heard you, so."
"Ah, of course." Smirking at you , leaning back his palms behind him, sideways on from you, uh , you're not Ryan Reynolds? Actual um, sorry but you're hotter. Your food all gone , except the small amount of drink left.
"Honestly this couldn't be a better day, my keys fell down the side of the sofa , and I didn't realise until I went home. Then this happened , and now we are stuck here, when I could be at home, sleeping."
"It's not so bad, you could've been stuck here with Angel, love."
" You really don't like Angel, I'm not surprised he makes small problems seem unsolvable. Yet within a couple of hours , all is fine. Actually that sounds a lot like me, over thinking everything. But yeah Angels is a bit of an arse."
Spike only smirking at you, in return.
Glancing at your watch , 12:03 , you were only lucky that Spike was able to pick the lock on the toilets. Otherwise you don't know what you would've done, ah yes, peeing yourself in front a rather good looking , dead man. Leaving your office to go pee again , before returning rubbing your eyes as you walked through the door.
"Are you going to get some sleep, love?" Spike had cleaned up all the rubbish, throwing it all away, you wouldn't expect that from dead guy, former mummy's boy. "Uh, if the sofa wasn't built like a rock, yes , but since that's the case no." Settling back onto the floor, careful not to catch on fire, as you crossed passed some of candles.
Instead of Spike replying yet , he had stood up and made his way to the sofa , plopping himself onto it, with poof. "You got to be joking love , you clearly never have lived in a crypt." W h at was it wish vampires living in crypts , or complaining that their huge cold dick will spilt a human in half. Turning to face the sofa, not being able to see Spike, letting out a dry laugh.
"Yeah that doesn't convince me, are you just so old that you don't remember that every day at lunch that I sit on that sofa with you?" Spike had sat up to look at you with a glare ,yet again scoffing. "Well then , Pet, how about you come lay on me, I'm very comfortable."
Without thought you had gotten up , and thrown yourself onto Spike, both groaning as your back slammed into Spikes chest. He was lucky really that your butt bone , not tail bone, the top of your leg one, didn't smash into his parts. Instead he had wrapped around you so you were stuck in place. "I see what you are doing."
"And what is that?"
"I body slammed you, now you're cuddling with me? Mental , you're an ice cube, yeahh sureeee so comfortable, I love being engulfed by Vanilla ice."  Not that he looked much like Vanilla ice but it's a little funny, not really but.
"Hey, I won't stand to be your cushion , with your bullying."
"Didn't you kill hundreds of people? And you get defensive when I call you Robert van Wrinkle?" Turning your head to look up to Spike who was looking down on you, shuffling so that you were laying next to the sofa back and on Spike with your hand on his chest.
"Love,I'll eat you, try sleep." This isn't a Loki imagine when he kidnaps you and it turns out he's a vampire , and he gets busy and drinks your blood for a fetish. Spikes arms around your shoulder , eventually falling asleep with your head on his chest.
Everything was fine, until Wesley and the rest of them had came looking for you. As you was supposed to be in a meeting with them in the morning , so was Spike but they were worried for you.
"Couldn't they do that at home?"
"Can I poke them with a stick?"
"Ah yes, poke the mass murdering vampire , very smart ,Gunn. "
No consideration of being quiet, you both had been woken, it wouldn't be that surprising if Spike was pretending to be asleep , to avoid talking to people he didn't like very much except Fred.
Waking up to see a bunch of people just smiling at you at , wasn't the best. "So, Spike what about Buffy?" Sitting up ,before standing up from Spike, must've hurt having a whole body on you all night , maybe it didn't effect him because he has super strength? Spike just turned to sit on the sofa , unimpressed facial expression, hunched.
"Buffy has her own life, I'm not apart of it."
"I-is this all you came her for? To wake us? And   taunt? I'm taking the day off ," No uncertainty that you wanted to get home, and shower and eat. You had looked back at Spike who had looked back , standing up. "I'll drive you."  Grabbing your bag, before bow in front of Angel for whatever reason. "Thank you so much for locking us in an evil law firm all night. Bye Fred, Wesley, Gunn , Lorne."
"Bye hon." Lorne was always a sweetheart , wishing that every guy was like him, kindest soul and very much cute. Spike and you had left after you had sent Lorne a smile. Walking out with bed hair and day old clothes , not that Spike had offered his arm but you were still holding onto to walk.
Walking past Harmony, she had sent daggers your way, why doesn't she just kidnap Orlando Bloom or something. Gripping onto Spikes arm tighter , walking down the stairs, not falling this time, thankfully. Before you made it to Angels' car park, and got into one of this favourite cars. "Uh, are we supposed to be taking Angels car?"
"What? It's mine, love, what are you going on about?" Opening the the car door at the same time , settling in the seats before slamming the door shut. The windows of the car , made from the same glass that wolfram & Hart was supplied with, since the cars were supplied by wolfram & Hart for Angel, a vampire. That also meant that Spike could drive in the sunlight protected.
"Okay, okay." Once you had made it into your building car park, Spike had walked with you up to your door. Being finally able to unlock your door, with your shopping ,lucky there wasn't any fridge nor freezer items. Turning back to Spike who just stood at your door, grinning slightly.
"T-thank you for staying with me yesterday, and for driving me home." A small blush upon your face, it wasn't unknown to you that you had developed a crush on Spike , how couldn't you? "That's alright ,love." Still stood in front of you, looking into your e/c eyes , you staring into his brightly lit blue ones. He was waiting for you to say or to do something.
Leaning to the side of his face, to press a peck onto his pale toned cheek. Instead of course , he had turned and you ended up pressing your lips , onto his briefly. Pulling away red cheeked , Spike now smirking at you again. "H-hey um, do you want to come and watch Lord of the rings with me?" You weren't sure what you was supposed to say after kissing someone accidentally.
"I would," thus that you held your door open wide, "I invite you into my home."
Therefore, you watched Lord of the rings with a dead man.
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
Loudly In Love
Hello my friends! After Purgatory we have a cute and dummy sweet Dean-bean in love with Castiel. As we'll see int this meta summary.
You can find the links to my metas from these episodes following this links: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, and X.
There's something in my throat
At the beginning of episode 15x10 we can read a shop's named BERENS' KWICK TRAP.
This takes another symbology now, with the horrible ending of the show. In which we could say Berens settle a trap to the C*W and he gave us 15x18 Castiel's love confession anyway.
Before talking about Dean's mating tap dance, let's talk about Dean vomiting again. Because it's relevant again, due to the shitty ending and how C*W silenced him.
Throughout the whole season 15, we had vomits, gagging situations. And in this episode we had two important scenes related to this symbolism:
One was Dean literally vomiting, and the second was Dean datin: "I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY THROAT"
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What had Dean stuck in his throat? Maybe the ILY TOO to Castiel that never happened. But writers gave it it's relevance by writing it like this.
Maybe they were trying to day we will never have it.
They silenced him, for real.
Baby Castiel and Color Symbolism
I wrote this in one of my metas...
Baby Sam was dressed with a yellow ascot. Accurate. And Baby Castiel was dressed in blue. Accurate too.
Bess was dressed, and pay attention to this..., She was in pink (happiness) green (Dean) and light blue (purity)... She said to Dean that Cas was looking at him with love. Right? The happiness and purity in Dean was telling him Castiel looks at him with love in his eyes! Now... Dean said Cas baby kept looking at him weird. And Sam (who knows) said JUST LIKE CAS DOES.
And then Castiel's eyes glowed and Dean said... I think he has something for you to Bess (symbolically representing Dean's happiness and purity) GOSH IT WAS PERFECT!
This is something too cute, because finally, they talked about the Destiel eye-love-making and the fan-service with some SAMMY KNOWS.
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Another important reference was Garth. When he went to rescue the boys, Garth was playing Castiel's mirror. And when Garth breaks that lock (Just like Castiel will do in the incoming episode) But mostly because Dean's reaction to it was priceless!
DEAN: You're so strong! He's so strong!
This is, literally, what Dean thinks about Castiel everytime he's in BAMF mode.
Just a brief travel through the repeated numbers in the narrative in this episode (you can find the extended version of this in the links I put in the top of this meta)
Basically, we had number 7, 5, 17 and 40 repeating in the dialogues and the visual narrative. Some examples of that are the following scenes...
The Beren' kwick trap had a poster naming "7 days per week", then this one...
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Dean eating 7 pieces of cheese.
Biblically talking, number 7 is the perfect number, represents God and knowledge. And it talks about Chuck then, knowing Chuck is writing this. But it also is what it means KNOWLEDGE.
Now, number 5...
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Also at Garth's house, the address said 75
In numerology talks about socialize, and self-knowledge in masculinity and sexuality... Hello Dean!
But number 5 also represents in Bible the grace God concedes to David to defeat Goliath, the giant, written on the first book of SAMUEL (yes, Samuel) chapter 17.
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17 means HOPES,it's what TFW keeps alive go defeat Chuck.
Now, number 40...
GARTH: Yeah, better than I ever thought I’d get. I mean, hunting – I figured I’d be dead before I’m 40. You know, go out young and pretty. But now I’ve got a great wife, great kids. I guess...sometimes things work out.
Putting to a side these had been also Dean's old thoughts... writers really got me here...
40 years old, but 40 is a common biblical number that talks about self-knowledge and growth. It talks about CHANGES. So so accurate with Dean and that caterpillar/butterfly wall in episode 15x04.
I really thought back then we will have the huge change in Dean through his love confession to Castiel. I mean, we had a change in his own way to see himself, thanks to Castiel. Let's keep that as a consolation prize.
An ABO fic plus Mating Dance
This episode had an ABO fic hudden as it also had the learning lesson about MATING FOR LIFE.
The visual narrative and the dialogues pointed at it.
Garth hugging g Dean as he said: YOU SMELL GOOD, remember Garth is a werewolf, and he was smelling Dean's pheromones because this episode happened after Purgatory, Dean is facing the knowledge about his romantic love for the angel, and it shows.
The swan's statues in one of the rooms in Garth house. Swans are birds that mate for life, and males swans can mate with another males for life. Hello Destiel. (Also, the room where these statues were placed was color BLUE)
The tap dancing and the suggestive lyrics of 'Let's Misbehave' was perfectly settled as a mating dancing I'm which Dean invited Castiel (the lamp) to Misbehave with him. Showing us that there's not just sweet and innocent love in Dean's heart but also a passionate fire and a desire to make love with him. That's what the song says, and that's why Garth mentioned colonoscopy, as a medical tool to health control, because cavities are related to Colon Cancer.
The wolf puppy is back
And following the same topic about ABO, the scene in which Jack is back with his family was similar (if not the same) as a wolf pack behavior documental.
Dean checks on Jack's eyes and immediately after that he checks on his pack mate, Castiel, to see if Jack is Jack. Beautiful
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Bi!Dean and Tolstoy
There's more info in my links at the top, but let's see why Dean called himself "Tolstoy" in that bar in front of that greek goddess in episode 14x11.
Okay, we had the singer from 'Let's Misbehave' (Cole Porter) a queer man, and now we have Tolstoy, a bisexual man...
DEAN: I'm Tolstoy
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So much love
I will only speak about this scene:
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There's more analysis about the dialogue here related to the storyline about Chuck, Jack and TFW. But because these are the Destiel Chronicles, I know I have to talk about this particularly Destiel heart eyes scene.
Because Dean is loud, his eyes and his face, he is yelling how proud he feels about Castiel, but it also, the ways his eyes just lingered to him, full of love, it's perfect, and no one can tell me these are not two men in love.
Look at how Csstiel turns his face to him, with a small smile, trying to hide his joy for being praised by the man he loves and also for share this moment with him. And the feels are of an old married couple that still love each other so much.
I just wanted to finish this meta with this "Good Omens" like scene.
To Conclude:
Dean reaffirmed he is in love with Castiel, and he wants to spend his life with him, as a couple. He loves the angel romantically, and he also desires Castiel with passion.
We also had several confirmations of Bi!Dean and some fan service with Sammy knows.
Hope you like this meta, see you in the next one.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2002 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season, here you have the links:
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
What’d You Wish For?
Title: What’d You Wish For?
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 2,873
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​
Teen Wolf Tag List: @linkpk88​, @pure-ghost​, @awkwardnesshabitat​
Author Notes: I can’t explain how much I enjoyed writing this one. It was just so sweet and fluffy. I mean, ugh I want a Stiles. I hope you all enjoy!
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"Dude, I don't know if she actually wants to celebrate her birthday this year. She hasn't really said anything about it." Scott said in a whisper as him and Stiles stood in front of your locker armed with wrapping paper, confetti and what looked like an accordion spring.
"Who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday? Girls are different Scottie, they'll say they don't want to do something but really they do. They just want the guys to do the work." Stiles said as he dropped his backpack and began pulling out the tape and scissors.
"Like they're testing us?" Scott asked confused and Stiles nodded his head before gesturing violently to the locked locker. Scott jumped into action and began quickly spinning your lock.
"She said she doesn't want the attention but when has she ever said no to us? I mean we're her best friends she's gonna love this." Stiles said confidently as they began their work for your birthday tomorrow.
 "Oh my god Lydia, I hate this." You hissed when you walked down the hallway and spotted your locker. It was wrapped in birthday wrapping paper that was black with multicolored balloons. Lydia snickered softly next to you as the two of you came to stand in front of your locker. "I'm going to kill them. I told Scott I didn't want all of this. I had hoped he'd be able to curb Stiles." You said with a loud groan.
"They love you and birthdays are a big deal. Especially to Stiles. You know that boy is head over heels for you. Plus I think it's sweet." She said with a head tilt.
"No he's not, don't say that." You chastised quickly. Lydia knew about your crush on your best friend and had been constantly been bringing up that he was in love with you. You didnt believe her even though you desperately wished she was right. "Well if you think it's so sweet I'm gonna sick them on you when it's your birthday." You threatened and smirked when you saw her eyes widen.
"Don't you dare." She gasped out. Laughing you turned from her to begin opening your locker. When you had gotten the lock undone you easily opened your locker only to be surprised as something sprung out at you and confetti seemed to explode into the air around you raining down all over. You heard a soft snicker next to you and whipped your head to glare at Lydia before turning back to the contraption in front of you. There was brightly colored birthday card attached to a spring and what looked like a little container that had probably held the confetti. "It's a cute look on you." Lydia said trying to hold in her laughter as she began picking some of the confetti out your hair.
"You were supposed to wait!" Shouted a familiar voice that had you turning while you were still in your daze. Long arms wrapped around you and crushed your body to a taller one in a tight hug. "Happy Birthday! I'm sorry we weren't here to see you open your locker. We overslept."
"Gee, I wonder why." You quipped out sarcastically and Lydia laughed softly behind you as you looked up at Stiles. He looked down at you with a bright happy smile that melted away your annoyance at your two best friends. Lydia was right, it was sweet that they went through all this trouble just for you. Your eyes looked to the side and saw a sheepish looking Scott and you grinned before stepping towards him and pulling him into a hug.
"You're not upset?" He asked softly in your ear as he returned your hug.
"A little but I'll get over it. Thank you." You said with a shrug.
"Happy Birthday." He said warmly and tightened his hold on you.
"Alright, alright break it up it's present time." Stiles said quickly and you turned to him shaking your head.
"Stiles I thought we said no gifts this year." You complained and watched as he shook his head.
"They're little things and under twenty bucks. Stop bitching." He responded quickly before shoving a gift bag at you. "Open mine first."
You began to look down at his bag but was quickly distracted by a length of braid black leather coming over your head. Your eyes immediately focused on the silver charm that was the symbol of your pack and you gasped softly.
"No, she'll get mine first." Scott said from behind you and Stiles huffed loudly. "It's only fair I gotta work tonight so you two are on your own for celebrating." You nodded your head at Stiles and he grinned over at you excitedly. "I made this myself. You're part of the original trio and since I can't convince you or Stiles to get a tattoo I had to find other ways to have the symbol in your life."
         “I love it.” you say softly as you hold the pendant in your palm to examine it a little closely. “Thank you so much Scott!” you say happily and turn around to hug him once more.
         “Alright now it’s my turn. Since Scottie jumped the line.” Stiles said from behind you and you smiled turning to him. He handed you the gift bag, you smiled when you noticed that it was your favorite color teal with gold tissue paper sticking out of it. You opened the bag and moved the tissue paper to the side to see inside. Gasping softly you pulled out a small wolf stuffed animal and a new notebook that had a manatee design on the front of it.
         You looked up at Stiles and saw he was looking down at the floor uncertainty. You stepped forward and hugged him tightly around his waist, your new gifts were squished in between the two of you but you didn’t mind. They were thoughtful gifts and you loved them.
         “I love them Stiles.” you said softly into his flannel.
         “I got you the wolf because of Scott but the notebook is because you’re my detective partner and I know your last notebook is almost full and you’re gonna need a new one if we’ve got more supernatural trouble coming.” he explained to you as he held you tightly.
         “I love them.” you repeated and hugged him tighter. Since your head was buried in his chest you didn’t see the knowing looks from Scott and Lydia directed as Stiles who shook his head at them. When you pulled away you laughed softly when you spotted some of the confetti had transferred onto Stiles’ shirt. “You look good in confetti.” you said and everyone laughed around you.
         “You do too.” Stiles responded with a soft smirk. He then gestured for Scott to lock your locker and led you down the hallway to your first class. 
           It was the end of the day finally and as you stood at your locker collecting your books for homework and the gifts that Stiles had given you, you felt a presence next to you making you turn your head to see Scott and Stiles standign there with wide smiles on their faces.
         “Happy Birthday again! I’m sorry I can’t celebrate with you tonight but we’ll celebrate tomorrow when I don’t have work.” Scott said as he hugged you and nodded.
         “It’s no big deal Scottie. We’ve got tomorrow to hang out and celebrate. I just like hanging out with the two of you for my birthday.” you said kindly and he smiled and nodded his head once he had pulled away. Scott patted Stiles on the shoulder as he passed the taller teen and you looked over at him with a smile.
         “You ready birthday girl? I got some plans for us.” he said excitedly and you laughed softly at him nodding your head.
         “Lead the way!” you cheered and Stiles fist pumped in the air and grabbed your hand tugging you out of the school to the parking lot.
           It was hours later and the sun had finally set to reveal the dark night sky dotted with stars. Stiles has taken you to your favorite fast food place and the two of you had sat in the restaurant eating and talking. Your conversation had flowed easily and uninterrupted as you talked about the supernatural, school, life and anything else the two of you could think of to talk about. 
         It had always been this easy between you and Stiles, the friendship and companionship was something that you cherished greatly. And while you held romantic feelings for him you knew you would never have the guts to act on them because you were too afraid of losing the bond you had with him. So as the two of you sat in his trusty jeep and he drove out to the preserve you idly chatted about things.
         “So now that you’re technically an adult, what should be the first thing you do as an adult?” Stiles asked as he tapped the digital clock display on his dash. You looked over to him surprised.
         “You remember what time I was born?” you asked in shock as your eyebrows furrowed softly. He smiled sheepishly and ducked his head as he turned into the preserve and steered the jeep to your favorite outlook point.
         “Well yeah, I mean, I remember yours and Scott’s birthday down to the time because you two are my best friends. And it’s always nice to remember when the two most important people in my life came into this life.” he said a little embarrassed.
         “Wow.” you said softly and then a wide grin spread across your face. “Didn’t know you were that sentimental Stilinski.” you teased softly before grabbing onto his hand closest to you and linking your fingers together. “You certainly know how to make a girl feel special.” you said softly and smiled warmly over to him. You tilted your head slightly when your eyes caught onto the soft blush that graced his cheeks. He shrugged his shoulders and kept your hands interlocked while he continued driving.
         When he came up to the outlook point he parked the jeep and you unwound your hands so that you could exit the jeep. You were still thinking about the question he had asked you before and as you came to stand in front of the jeep and lean back on the hood your eyes darted up to the sky to see all the stars above you. Suddenly you knew what your first adult action would be. 
         Stiles came to stand next to you and you could see he was putting something in his pants pocket before he smiled widely at you and wrapped his arms around you in a loose hug. Smiling warmly you snuggled into his embrace. It was moments like these that you had continuously remind yourself that Stiles was just your best friend and nothing more even though you wanted him to be.
         “So I’ve decided what my first adult action is going to be.” you said softly and Stiles pulled away a little to be able to look down at you expectantly. “I wanna wish on a shooting star.” The grin that overtook his face was contagious and he nodded his head at you before looking up at the sky with you.
         “Alright so game plan is to find you a shooting star to wish on. I think we can manage that.” he said confidently and you laughed softly. The two of you fell silent as you stood in his arms, both of you staring up at the sky watching for shooting stars. Just then his hand gripped your hip and your eyes darted over to the shooting star that was streaking across the sky. Your eyes shut quickly and you made a wish. I want to always be this happy with him for the rest of our days. The wish came to you easily and as you thought it you knew that it would always come true. 
         Opening your eyes you turned your head and saw Stiles was staring down at you with a warm smile on his face. He grinned when your eyes connected and he pulled away slightly to reach into his jeans pocket. “Did you make a wish?” he asked softly and you nodded with your own grin on your face.
         “Yup. Can’t tell you though, just in case it won’t come true. Though I don’t see that being a problem.” you said teasingly.
         “Well now I wanna know what the wish was since you’re so confident it’ll come true.” he said questioningly. You tilted your head again to him and then smiled before deciding to go out on a limb and tell.
         “I wished that I’d always be this happy with you for the rest of our days.” you said softly to him and watched his eyes widen and his breath get stuck in his throat.
         “Well, that’s definitely better than the wish I made on my birthday last month when I blew out my candles.” he said with a self deprecating laugh.
         “And what did you wish for?” you asked softly frowning at his low self-esteem.
         “That I would have the guts to finally tell you how I felt about you.” he answered in a whisper. You felt your eyes widen and looked at him expectantly.
         “A-and how do you feel about me?” you stuttered out to him watching as he moved closer and held up his left hand to you. In his palm was a small white box with a tiny top. You furrowed your eyebrows again and took the box from him once he’d nodded his head at it. You lifted the lid and gasped softly when you looked inside. A simple sterling silver band laid inside the box with your nickname engraved on the outside of it.
         “I’ve been in love with you since middle school when the three of us all went to the spring dance together and you got all dressed up in that pretty teal dress. You went all out even when it was just me and Scott.” he explained softly to you. You laughed softly and shook your head slightly.
         “I went all out because of you, Stiles.” you said in a whisper and darted your eyes up to see his had widened with an adoring soft look in them.
         “I wish I’d known that a long time ago.” he murmured and you grinned softly. “On the inside of the ring,” he began to explain as you pulled it from the box and set the box on the hood of the jeep. “Is the date that I fell in love with you.” he said softly. Gasping you turned the ring so that you could see the date of the spring dance and you smiled at the ring. 
         Stiles hands came up shakily to take the ring from you and slipped it onto your thumb finger. You grinned knowing he had done it specifically this way because you had once mentioned to him that you wanted to have a thumb ring eventually. You just hadn’t ever figured out what ring you wanted on your thumb. Tilting your head upwards to him you saw he was already watching you.
         “I’m in love with you too Stiles. Have been since the year before the spring dance.” you explained with a warm smile on your face. Stiles rested his forehead on yours and you both let out soft chuckles. “I love you Stiles.”
         “I love you too.” he answered and ducked his head to press his lips to yours softly in a loving chaste kiss that lasted for a few moments. When he pulled away the two of you were panting and your hands were gripping his sides as his arms were still wrapped around you. “Whoa.” he said softly and you laughed brightly making him laugh along with you.
         “I’ll say.” you quipped and he grinned before dipping his head again to steal another shorter kiss.
         “I’m not going to be able to stop doing this now that I’ve done it.” he warned you when he pulled away.
         “I don’t want you to stop. Ever. Kiss me.” you demanded and he was suddenly kissing you passionately as he pressed you up against the hood of the jeep. His hands came to cup your face and he tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss further.
         “You know this makes you my girlfriend now, right?” he asked once he pulled away still cupping your face lovingly.
         “You never asked.” you gasped out softly and he groaned loudly making you chuckle.
         “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked begrudgingly and you smiled nodding your head.
         “Of course I will Stilinski.” you responded and he grinned ducking his head down again so he was so close to your face that your noses brushed together.
         “Good.” he answered and kissed you again. Your heart was soaring as the kiss went on and you wrapped your arms around his waist tugging him closer to you. Smiling through the kiss a thought fluttered through your mind, this had to be the best birthday ever.
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sugarsugarmoon · 5 years
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Summary: Jungkook x Reader. Jeon Tiddies. Send tweet.
Genre: smut, a skosh of fluff
Warnings: dom!reader, sub!jungkook, nipple play, teasing, biting, oral (sort of) m. receiving, cum play, unprotected sex
a/n: blame New Year’s Rockin’ Eve for this. I...am a thirsty little monster. unedited, as always. Not even a little proofread.
Word Count: 2860
You giggle as you prance around the kitchen in pale pink lingerie under an apron, mixing up cookie dough, putting trays in, and pulling out the ones that need to cool. You always get nervous when Jungkook is coming home from a world tour, and you tend to channel that nervousness into baking. After the last tour, you had made 5 different types of cheesecake. Jungkook helped you eat all of it, but both of you decided to not have cheesecake again for at least 2 years.
Jungkook will be home any minute, and you’ve made 6 dozen cookies already. You are moving the 7th dozen from the oven onto the cooling rack when you hear the click of the lock on the front door. Haphazardly, you toss the cookies onto the pile and throw the tray down. You peel the oven mitts off your hands and bound to the door.
His back is to you as he shuts the door and locks the deadbolt. You can see his tousled dark hair on top of his head. He’s wearing a loose black hoodie on top of joggers, and he has on his chunky black sneakers. You silently laugh at how predictable his outfits are. You almost bet your sister money that he would be wearing this exact outfit.
He turns to you, and, before he sees what you’re wearing, he smiles softly at you, the love inside of him showing through his eyes. You watch his eyes sweep over your frame and take in what you are wearing, and his expression immediately changes.
He drops his backpack with a thud on the floor and crosses to you in two quick steps. He wraps you in his arms and picks you straight up off the floor. You wrap your legs around his waist as he holds you, staring into your eyes.
“Hi baby,” you whisper, unable to stop the stupid grin that is spread across your face.
“I’m shutting the oven off right now because we have more important things to do.” He carries you as if you are nothing into the kitchen and presses the button to turn the oven off. Because he knows you and your neuroses so well, he also grabs the bowl of dough off the counter with one hand and slides it into the refrigerator.
Your hands hold tightly around his neck, clinging to him, afraid he’ll drop you. You never expected any many to lift you up and carry you around in your life, but Jungkook was so deceptively strong that he swept you off your feet regularly like he was picking up his backpack or a box of tissues. It still baffled you how he hid those muscles.
When you get into the bedroom, you run your hands down his chest, and, at that moment, you realize that he, in fact, is not hiding any muscles. Even through his hoodie, you can feel the toned muscles protruding from his chest, and you wonder just how much he was working out. He had told you that he was working through his sexual frustration by working out extra on top of his regular workouts. It seemed like maybe you were in for a shock tonight with how much sexual frustration he seemed to have worked off at the gym.
“Take off your clothes,” you command him. He stares at you for a second, slightly baffled by the sudden request before even making out. “Right now.”
He sets you gingerly onto the floor, and you stand before him, untying your apron. He pulls his hoodie over his head and reveals an oversized t-shirt. He rips it over his head and yanks down his joggers and underwear. He realizes that he still has the sneakers on, so he awkwardly steps out of his shoes without untying them before stepping out of the rest.
He stands before you completely naked, only partly hard, and you love the way that his body looks. Even though his dick is still mostly flaccid, that’s the only thing even remotely soft about him. His pectorals and biceps and quads all beckon you seductively, telling you exactly how much Jungkook has been thinking of this moment. 
You cross the space between the two of you and press your chest against his. You lean your head back, and he leans down to kiss you. Before he can kiss you too hard or slip his tongue into your mouth, you pull your lips away. You kiss down the column of his throat and across his collarbone. Your lips and tongue continue to explore his chest until you land on his right nipple. You take it into your mouth, flicking your tongue over it, then you suck gently on the slowly hardening bud.
“Oh fuck,” Jungkook moans weakly.
You continue to work on his right nipple with your mouth as your hand finds the left. You tweak at it and roll it between your two fingers. You trace your fingertips across it and drag it with your palm. You can feel Jungkook grow fully hard against your waist, and you can’t help the giggle that escapes against his skin.
“Do you like that, peaches?” you ask him, sliding your mouth to the other side.
You only call Jungkook “peaches” on certain occasions. He is the type that wants nothing more than to please you, and your relationship with him is based on mutual trust. When you are feeling particularly dominant, you let him know, simply by calling him “peaches.” He moans softly again when the name crosses your lips.
“Yes I do, my goddess.”
The nickname coming from him shoots straight to your core, and you have to stop yourself from pulling your panties to the side and having him fuck you right now. But you want to take this slow. It’s been so long, and you aren’t about to give up the opportunity to draw this out.
“Lie down, peaches.”
When he lies down, you straddle him on your knees, not allowing him to touch you. You pin his arms over his head with one hand; you know the gesture is largely symbolic because he is absolutely stronger than you, but it’s nice to have him give you the semblance of control.
You dip your head and kiss his lips, briefly again, and you move your mouth back to the curves of his chest. His pectorals are prominent enough that you can’t help the urge that overcomes you. You haven’t ever done it, not to a man or a woman, especially not to Jungkook. You press your face between the two bulges on his chest and shake your head back and forth while blowing air out.
Jungkook immediately starts to laugh as you do it. His wrists press against your hands, he gently pushes you off his chest.
“What...what the fuck was that?” he laughs out.
“I don’t know! I just really wanted to do it, peaches!” you start giggling against his chest, and you take your free hand to start playing with one of his nipples. 
“That was really w-weird.” He tries to hide his arousal from the motions of your hand.
“Jungkook, don’t act like you aren’t hard as a rock underneath me right now. Don’t act like I couldn’t make you cum all over yourself without ever even touching your cock.”
“I…” he starts, “I don’t think that you could make me cum without touching my cock, Goddess. You’re good, but I don’t think you’re that good.”
His tone isn’t bratty, and he seems earnest in saying that he doesn’t think you can do it. That makes you want to try even more. You remove your fingers from his nipple and trail them down his chest, across his firm belly, down to the v created by his muscles near his groin. You let your fingers tickle his skin tenderly before you trace it back up to his nipple. You take one into your mouth, sucking mercilessly as he whimpers beneath you.
“You’re sure?” you ask as he starts to squirm, pushing against your hand.
“No, no, fuck. I’m not sure. Why does that feel so fucking good?”
You answer him by moving your mouth to the other side and allowing your hand to trace the same pattern down his body. You feel his groin muscles tensing as you touch him. With your lips still wrapped around his nipple, you trail your fingers down his inner thigh, making sure to barely graze his balls as you pass.
“Fuck, fuck, y/n. I’m...I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop.”
You unlatch from him for a moment to look at him with a wicked grin on your face. You blow cool air across his nipple. “Cum for me, peaches,” you whisper.
You feel his leg tense beneath you, and he’s moaning and whining. The next thing you feel is the crotch of your pink lacy panties suddenly wet. As Jungkook continues to writhe beneath you, you dip your fingers to your crotch and pull away the wet substance. When you bring your fingers up to eye level, it’s apparent that Jungkook came so hard that he shot his load straight into you even though you are situated roughly six inches above him.
“Fuck, Goddess, I’m so sorry. I wanted this to last all night, but I’m just so worked up. We’ve been apart for so long. Y/n, please, let me taste you and make you feel good?”
“Baby boy, peaches, it’s fine. I was involved in this too. I knew what I was doing,” you run your fingers through his hair. “Plus, if you think that this is done because you came one time, honey, you’ve got a big storm coming.”
You both giggle at the Vine reference. He leans up to press his lips to yours. This time you let your lips linger on his. You kiss slowly for a moment, and you dip your hand between your bodies again. You collect his cum from your underwear on two fingers, and you bring it to his mouth.
“Open,” you command, and he looks at you with his big eyes wide.
He opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out. You swipe your fingers across his tongue, pressing them further into his mouth.
“Suck.” He does, sucking hard at your fingers, tongue wrapping around each of them. He moans a little at the back of his throat, and you can feel the vibration on your fingers.
“Is it turning you on to suck your own cum off my fingers?” You raise your eyebrows at him.
“Yes, Goddess, and I can smell a hint of you on your fingers. You smell so good. I want you so bad.”
“I know you do, peaches. It’s just been way too long. I’ve missed you so much.”
You run your fingers through his hair again, tugging gently each time you get to the ends. You remove your hand from his wrists and lace the fingers of the other hand in his hair too. He moves his hands to your hips and hovers over them, eyes pleading you to let him touch. You nod, and his hands start to explore every inch of your skin.
“I want to try something…” you whisper, trailing off.
Jungkook rests his hands on your breasts, massaging gently. “You can try anything that you want, Goddess. I want whatever makes you happy.”
“I know you do. You’re such a good boy, peaches. But this one, you have to tell me immediately if you don’t like it or want it. What’s your safeword?”
“If I need you to stop, I should say Overwatch,” he presents it like he’s proud of himself for remembering. Since he looks so proud, you can’t help but praise him for remembering.
“Yes, that’s my good boy. Okay, baby, I’m going to try it.”
You run your hands over his firm pectoral muscles again. When you reach his nipples, you stop again. In a swift movement, you grab hold of both his nipples, hard, and you twist them slightly.
“Ah, ah, ah, fuck. Oh my god. Aaaah fuck.” Incoherent sounds and swears are pouring out of Jungkook’s mouth, but the safe word isn’t coming out. You keep your firm grip as you lower your hips slightly to rest against him. You feel his dick at full attention beneath you.
You release your grip on him, and he sighs, though you can’t tell whether it’s from relief or disappointment. His eyes search your face, and you pull your panties off while he looks at you with so much confusion in his eyes.
“Do you want to make me feel good?” you ask.
He nods.
“Do you want me to do that again?”
He pauses a second then nods. You align him with your entrance and sink down onto him. He groans as you slowly lower yourself all the way down on him, pulsing your hips slightly as you get him settled inside you. Your hands settle on his chest, and you take the same firm grip on him. This time an audible gasp and moan escapes him. His hips buck up inside you, and you start to roll your hips against him.
Jungkook seems unable to control himself at all, and his hips continue to buck into you, holding a vague rhythm that sort of matches yours. You continue to roll your hips, creating the friction that you need to feel good. The way that his dick curves inside you has you feeling so full, and the way he’s moving his hips has him hitting the perfect spot inside you over and over.
Your orgasm is within your reach when Jungkook mumbles out, “I don’t know how long I can last like this, Goddess.”
“You’ll last as long as I tell you to last, peaches,” you put a little bit of venom into the pet name to let him know that you’re serious. “You don’t want me to punish you, do you?”
You let go of his nipples, and he whines, thrusting his hips hard inside you. His grip on your hips tightens, and he is pulling you down against his harsh strokes. “Oh? Is that how you’re going to make me cum? Jackhammering?”
“Fuck, Goddess, please. Show me what you need. I  can’t think.”
You remove one of his hands from your hip and lead it to your clit. You lower your head to his nipples which are red and swollen and hard enough to cut diamond. Your teeth gently graze the skin of his areola until your teeth bite down on the nipple. He groans again, and he loses the rhythm on your clit.
“Jungkook, peaches, don’t you dare fucking stop right now.”
“I won’t, Goddess.” His tone is pleading, and his fingers continue their ministrations on your clit.
You can hardly think, and the only thing that you are sure exists is the way your tongue feels against Jungkook and his fingers on your clit. He fucks up inside of you as you start to pulse around him.
“Goddess, you’re clenching me so tight. You feel so good. You fuck me so good.” He’s rambling and trying to keep a steady pace on your clit. You slam head first into your orgasm, crying out loudly, fingernails digging into Jungkook’s chest. Your hips try to ride out the pleasure on Jungkook’s dick.
As you start to come down, you hear Jungkook whimpering, “Please, Goddess. I can’t. Please.”
“You did so well, peaches. You may come now.”
He looks at you with innocent eyes. “Will...will you do it again?”
You giggle and nod. You squeeze hard on his nipples again, and he moans and immediately starts filling you with his hot cum. You feel rope after rope of his cum hitting your walls, mixing with your own. He fucks it deeper into you, and you can’t help but clench a little around him.
“Good lord!” he shouts as you do, and his orgasm continues to crash over him.
You only let go of his nipples when his hips still. You climb off of him, but instead of immediately going to cuddle, you drop down to his rapidly softening cock. Your tongue laps at all of the cum and arousal all over his dick and balls. He groans as he watches you do it. His fingers tangle into your hair as he continues to breathe heavily, trying to catch his breath.
Once you’ve cleaned him completely, besides your spit, you nestle yourself against him. You rest your head on the chest that you just abused in the best way. His fingers trace along your jawline and tilt your face up, so you’re looking at him.
“I missed you so much, Goddess. I love you. Thank you.” He smiles brightly at you with sleepy eyes.
“I missed you too, Peaches. I’m so glad you’re home. I love you too.” You kiss his mouth one more time, then the two of you settle into each other, clinging to one another as if you had been apart for months...because you had been.
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not just a Monster
Warning: drinking
19: Another Infected
Ji-Soo laid on the recovery table fast asleep. She was still kinda pale but that will soon go away once she starts healing. The group managed to find antibiotics if she got an infection.
I would have given her some of my stuff but it burned up in the car explosion. I've been in here for a while, making sure nothing went wrong. Watching to see if her side was turning red, or started to swell.
It could get infected easily and-spread throughout her body if not watched or treated carefully. Soon Jae-Heon came in, I smiled. He was pretty badass for a man that worships God and is also a great swordsman.
( please note that this is not meant to offend anybody, my religion is Christianity )
He took a seat, laying down some white candles he brought with him. checking over Ji-Soo. I could tell something was going on between them but neither announced it yet. I guess in a world like this it was hard to.
" What are the candles for?" I questioned but waited as he lit them with a lighter. Clasping his hands together he bowed his head and began to Pray. Watching him, I haven't prayed in a long time.
I use to think what was the point, thinking it wouldn't do any good since I did a terrible sin. But seeing how Jae-Heon is still keeping his faith even after killing monsters it was the same difference.
Killing is killing.
If I ask for forgiveness will it help? will I finally stop feeling guilty and move on? Will I be able to forgive myself? I wish I knew what to do I was uncertain. But I closed my eyes and bowed my head.
Dear lord
I know I shouldn't be asking for your forgiveness... but please lift me of the sin I committed and if possible I could somehow forgive myself someday and in hopes, they can too. let my family Rest In Peace.
I finished reopening my eyes, I jumped a little realizing Jae-Heon was watching me. " God will forgive you Soo-Nico for whatever you've done." He reassured me, I felt my heart was weighing heavy.
I had to ask since he's was the only one that I could talk about religion. " how are you so sure?" Was he going to forgive me? For something as terrible as that? Jae-Heon had a knowing look on his face. " Because he's a merciful God,"
With that answer, I nodded, " I don't mean to pry but what were you praying about." I wanted to ask, I probably seem nosy. I saw him glance at Ji-Soo," for someone to live a long, healthy, happy life."
Now it was my turn to give some words of encouragement. " They will," it was short and simple but effective. Jae-Heon patted my shoulder. " you're a good kid, I'll watch over her. you should go eat something to build up your strength,"
he informed, me I had to laugh, now that he mentioned it I was pretty hungry. Rubbing my stomach I got up, bowing. Leaving the room, heading to go get something to eat.
His words somehow made me feel better. They were having dinner in the day-care-center walking in I had grabbed my plate sitting down beside Hye-in. I guess it was better to eat with people than being alone.
She was happily eating, away I noticed she had a white face mask on. She looked like a puffy marshmallow, it seems like they have all washed up. I needed a wash. Taking my spoon, I scooped some rice and took a bite.
" Ms. Cha, " Hye-In spoke up getting the woman's Attention, She had looked up. " I thought that you were tan but you're just really dirty." Hye-In laughed, I raised an eyebrow.
" Thanks.." Ms. Cha stared at her I couldn't believe she just said that. " I'm saying you look good now." what she didn't look better before?
" I got these masks in the mail. Want one?" Hye-in offered to pulling up her shirt, revealing a couple of packs of face masks. Well, that's one way to hide them.
" No, thanks. I know That I look pretty without it." This earned all kinds of laughs around the room. " wait, Seung-Wan needs it." Byeong-ll point making  Seung-Wan clap back defensively.
I have I admit it was pretty funny, as we chatted, Sun-Young walked up to our table she seemed nervous. I wondered what about it? " I should go outside." Before I could take another bite I stopped looking up at her. What for?
" I think I'm starting to have symptoms." that's when all the attention turned towards her. It was quiet, " I should've told you sooner." Sun-Young had a long face as if she was disappointed for not telling. " I guess I didn't want to believe it. I'm sorry."
No one can blame you it's scary finding out your showing symptoms it's like your life just has been ripped away. It's hard to accept. " I just don't want to put everyone in danger. So I should go before it's too late—"
Ms. Cha, interrupted Sun-Young, " still you shouldn't go outside." She dismissed. " she right. You're still human, you'll die if you go outside." Hye-In agreed. But Jay-Hwan thought otherwise.
" –We can't let her stay here?" I rolled my eyes, " why don't you shut up!" I fussed that's when Eun-Hyuk Entered the room. " why don't we all hold a vote?" Byeong-ll suggested a worried look was plastered on his face.
Then he all turned to us, " just vote how you feel, because this is like... taking part in a murder." I remembered those words, the day Eun-Hyuk guilt trip, everybody, to so they could vote for Hyun-Su to stay for selfish reasons.
But that was over and done with now, " I vote she gets to stay in the arcade." He raised his hand, I did also Even Seung-wan, " Me, too. Maybe she'll be able to hold out as Hyun-Su did?"
After that everyone raised their hands. I was Surprised when Eun-Hyuk's hand was raised, he has changed, well a lot of them have. It looked like Sun-Young was about to cry.
Soon everyone said their goodbyes, I felt bad she was going to be locked up. But it's what she wanted to keep everyone safe it's better than being outside.
At least they won't discriminate against her as they did to Hyun-Su and now be there for her. Things were changing for better than worse. Hopefully, it stayed that way.
After finishing my food, everybody was in a gloomy mood. They moved around sitting in different seats. " I could definitely use a drink on a day like this," Byeong-ll grumbled moving his pointer fingers around a small candle that was lit.
" There you go again." 
I didn't mine alcohol, but it sounds good right about now. Jay-Hwan told putting in one earbud," well, do you think Sun-Young will hold out like Hyun-Su?" Seung-Wan rethought his words he said earlier.
" I hope so. I thought it was just her husband, but her whole life is awful."  Hue-in announced, yeah I remember Suk-Hyun.
" lady you're face is Awful." Eun-Yoo sneered, I had to smirk, shaking my head. " well I think Byeong-all it right. We could definitely use a drink today."
Ms. Cha agreed I hadn't noticed she left, she was carrying a glass cylinder it was a beautiful dark red juice with raspberry in it.
Setting it down on the table unwrapping the top taking off the plastic wrap. " What is this Korean wine? Please tell me it is." Byeong-ll pleaded.
Everyone began to turn their heads to see. Gil-Seob sat up smelling the wine, " it's at least four years old." He looked up at Ms. cha and she nodded. He smelled it again as Eun-Yoo and I came over sitting beside each other.
" it could be as good as Medicine." I smiled, taking a glance at Eun-Yoo we were both too young but I already had some wine before but it wasn't that great but I was willing to give it another try.
Eun-Yoo Leander forward smelling it, " Yu-ri left early by the way." She informed him, she then moved pushing the Cylinder to me. " go on," she smiled I did to smelling it. God that smelled so sweet, my mouth watered.
" shall we finish this off before Eun-Hyuk comes?" She suggested, talking about her brother. Gil-Seob stuck his pinky in the jar getting a taste. We all began to laugh.
But stopped seeing Eun-Hyuk, he had a straight face, considering he was the leader he made the choices around here shit. " speak of the devil." Gil-Seob mumbled.
I was for sure he wouldn't let us drink, but to my shock he did. " just don't forget your duties." Eun-Hyuk then left, turning back around we quickly Gil-Seob began pouring the wine into small cups.
He handed them out giving me and Eun-Yoo one. I gladly Excepted it before I could take a sip Eun-Yoo nudged me. " hey, I saw you and Hyun-Su almost kiss." She whispered in my ear. My eyes went wide, feeling my whole body go stiff.
I took a sip avoiding her stare, wow this was good and sweet, " don't be embarrassed you guys are cute together might as well hook up before you know what happens." She hinted, smirking at me.
I took another sip, gulping it down. Is this girl talk? From an actual friend? I wanted to be together with him and I confessed in way that was out of my comfort zone.
" Thanks... And yeah, what is better than two Infected's getting together in a world where anything and everything could go wrong." I said lowly enough just for her to hear.
She Seconded that. " his lips were this close!" I wined, showing her pinching my thumb and pointer finger together symbolizing how close were to kissing. I could feel my cheeks heat up, was I getting drunk I only took a few sips I must be lightweight.
I leaned my head on her shoulder kinda upset, she brought her hand up patting my head. " don't worry you'll get your chance, and you'll be the one to do it." She added.
I thought it over, " Me? why me?" My eyes glanced up. She huffed, " because Hyun-Su is too nervous, plus you made the first move he still wouldn't have done it if you didn't say anything." Eun-Yoo finished her cup like me.
I think that is enough Wine for today. I sat my cup down, feeling all fuzzy. Thinking about Hyun-Su's lips they were chapped and dry but it didn't matter I kiss them either way.
I then heard Eun-Yoo laugh loudly. Did I say that out loud? " you did!" She confirmed I was embarrassed hiding my face in my hands. Only me.
"All Alright!" Gil-Seob clubbed his hands together, " who's in for a story?" He recommended, " aren't we too old for stories?" Eun-Yoo stated, he only smiled. " not this one." is all he said
Taking a seat where everyone slept. We followed I laid my head on a pillow. " it was a very dark night with no moon. I lay down between the corpses and pretend to be dead, but u were watching them carefully." so this was a scary, story the Irony huh?
" the remnants of the people's army went inside the building, and the allied forces that were after them fired hundreds of shots at the building." He took the weird stick Jay-Hwan was holding and reenacted the gun fire-making Pow sounds.
He was on his knees saying it loudly but he suddenly stopped. " Hey, I know I saw them go into the building with my own two eyes," he said as if he was so sure. " they all went into the building but nobody came out of the building." I was interested now raising.
" and there were no dead bodies found. How baffling that building." He sucked in a breath looking around as if remembering something. It seems like everyone was on the edge of their seats. " Was here." Everyone gasped, raising hearing this.
" then?" Jay-Hwan gulped, " we have no idea what's buried underneath where we are. That's what I mean."
He Motioned towards the ground, " -what? -jeez." Someone asked not to believe this scared, I mentally laughed the only thing scarier than that is me in this room.
They had no idea, well except Eun-Yoo but then there was a loud bang since everyone was tense they all screamed. An unfamiliar man came running into the room wearing a black soldier suit." He came towards us seeing the jar of raspberry's sticking his hands in it eating them.
We all scooted back, Gil-Seob held up the stick ready to attack if needed. But Yi-kyeong strode in. " who are you, someone yelled. " I think he's a runaway soldier." He continued to eat, as the raspberry juice dripped on the table.
He then looked at his stained red hands, he kept mumbling something I think it was run? But from what? " quickly!" He freaked out then started shaking falling to the floor. What the hell?
Yi-kyeong grabbed onto his collar as the boys got up to help her. They dragged him away. " well that was unexpected." Hye-In blurred out. The girls nodded.
Seeing there was no reason to stay anymore, I got up and left before any more surprises popped up. I said my byes to Eun-Yoo, I figured I should search around for Hyun-Su.
Finally finished with this chapter. And please I'm sorry if an offended anyone talking about god, I don't mean to if you guys worship a different religion. I did it because it fits in with the characters' plot. And I also smell a great friendship coming up.
Thank you guys for the reads, votes, and support!! 🖤
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [43]
xiv. red sky at morning
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: violence, fighting, death, angst, blood, drugging for safe passage. 
Summary: things don’t go according to plan on Luna’s rig, and everything you’ve been running from finally catches up.
a/n: hello lil moons, good news! I have now written and edited s6, which means we only have s7 left to fix write! also, I have a few things in the works so stay tuned for a few future announcements! okay, ily all and I hope you’re well! the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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Luna disappears from the top of the rig before any of you can even catch her. 
Instead, you’re all led into the rig and into a large room, where people are sitting around, eating, talking, listening to someone telling a story. One of Luna’s people tells you to wait here, and then they leave you alone, the five of you all staring at each other in confusion, wondering what to do next.
Jasper quickly decides that he no longer cares, and he leans back in his seat, listening to the story being told by the girl at the front of the room. Octavia sits motionless, and you start to worry that she’s in shock, not expecting that the Luna that Lincoln had told her about would turn you all away. You, Clarke, and Bellamy look around the room constantly, head turning towards the door every time you hear it open, searching for the woman who denied you. 
You’re the first to spot her, Bellamy and Clarke looking the other way, and you reach out to touch each of them, getting their attention. “She's here.”
“Maybe she changed her mind,” Bellamy mumbles as he stands, and you and Clarke do the same, following him across the room and stopping in front of Luna.
Clarke opens her mouth to say something, but Luna beats her to the punch. “The boats return at nightfall. Then, you leave.” She pauses, and then adds, “Forever.”
Clarke tries again, “Luna, let us explain.”
“I said no.”
“No, you need to hear this.” Bellamy tries to reach out and grab her to stop her as she tries to walk away, but the man at her side reaches out for him and stops him. Still, she pauses, allowing Bellamy to continue, “There is something out there that is going to destroy us all.”
“Whatever it is, it can't reach us here.”
She brushes right past you, heading over to sit beside Octavia. You all stand there, dumbfounded, sure that you could convince her if you were given a second chance. Jasper gets up and leaves the two women, and you see Luna pass Lincoln's journal to Octavia, before you turn away with a frustrated huff. 
After a brief conversation, Luna stands and leaves Octavia, before walking over to a couch against the wall with the man from earlier. They both lay back onto it, instantly cuddling, and you turn away, feeling like you shouldn't be watching. Bellamy leads you and Clarke back over to his sister, and you all sit around a small fire in silence, much like before. Bellamy and Octavia seem much more resigned to Luna’s denial, while you and Clarke continue to radiate anger and frustration. 
Bellamy breaks the silence first, glancing over at Jasper and then back to your group with a smile. “Jasper's actually smiling.”
None of you say anything, and beside you, Clarke turns to glare at Luna. Bellamy shakes his head and sighs, “Hey, Temper Twins, let it go.”
You look up at him with a glare, and you’re sure Clarke is doing the same. You shake your head at him. “We can't just leave.”
Octavia mumbles, “It's not like we have much of a choice.”
Clarke turns to look at her, backing you up. “Maybe we do.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I'm talking about putting the Flame into her head without asking.”
You turn to Clarke in shock, instantly shaking your head, “Wait, that's not what I meant.”
Octavia gives Clarke a look of indignation before adding, “This isn't like Emerson, he was trying to kill us!”
“You think I don't know that?”
Bellamy gives Clarke a serious look. “Clarke, we don't have to do this. We can fight, we can go back to Arkadia. We can arm up.”
“Fight who? It's an army of our own people. I don't like this any more than you do. But if Raven's right and the code in this thing can stop Alie…” She trails off, and sighs, “Give me a better idea.”
Someone nearby calls Luna, and she exits the room. Clarke’s eyes follow her movements until she’s gone, and then she turns towards you, her eyes pleading. You run through the options in your head. How to stop an army of chipped people who want you dead? Can’t shoot them, because they’re chipped. And they’re your people. Too many chips to fry with EMPs. Plus, no more bracelets. And that leaves…? You sigh, knowing that she’s right, and there’s no other way. You turn to look at Bellamy, and his eyes search your face, trying to decipher what you’ve decided. As soon as he figures out you’re with Clarke, his face morphs into one of resignation, and he turns to your twin. “We'll stay here. It's the only way they'll leave you alone with her.”
Octavia mutters, “Even Alie gives people a choice.”
Bellamy shrugs, “We gave Luna a choice. She said no.”
Clarke nods at you and Bellamy in thanks, before getting up and leaving the room, following Luna’s path out the door. The three of you wait for her to return, your eyes occasionally falling on Jasper, sitting in the corner, talking to the girl that was telling the story. You smile as you watch them, his face split in a grin, the first one you’ve seen on his face in months.
You don’t have enough time to contemplate what that means for him, because Clarke is back almost as quickly as she left, and based on the pissed off energy radiating off of her, she failed. She plops down beside you, and you all turn towards her with expectant looks. She doesn’t offer much in her explanation, just a grumble of, “She took the Flame and said I'd get it back when we leave tonight. So that’s it.”
You and Bellamy exchange a look, before your eyes land on one of the couches along the wall. Realizing there’s nothing to do now except wait, you turn to the others, “If we’re stuck here until nightfall, I’m catching up on some sleep at least.”
You don't wait for them to answer, you just stand and head straight for the comfiest looking one, and stretch out on it. The stress and lack of sleep from the last few days finally catches up with you, and you close your eyes, falling asleep in seconds. 
Your mom stands in front of you, a small, clear chip in her outstretched hand. You peer down at the blue logo, the infinity symbol, before looking back up and meeting her gaze. She smiles, tilting her head to the side. “The City of Light is so wonderful, you’re going to love it. All you have to do is take the chip.”
You shake your head, and try to pull away, but realize that you can’t. Panic washes over you as you realize that you’re restrained, chained to the wall behind you. But you don’t want her or Alie to see your fear, so you lift your chin, defiant, and tell her, “I won’t do it. Nothing you say will make me do it.”
She smiles again, and turns to look at an empty space on her left. “I told you she’d resist. Bring him in.”
You feel dread drop in your stomach at the thought of who she’s talking about, but she doesn’t leave you waiting for long. The doors behind her swing open, and Bellamy is dragged in, bloodied and bruised, barely hanging onto consciousness. But he perks up as soon as he sees you, and you both try to run to each other, you pulling on the chains at your back, as he pulls against the guards holding him tight. He is brought to your mother’s side before they push him down to his knees and chain him to the bolts in the floor. Your eyes are locked on each other, and you miss your mother’s movements until she kneels down beside Bellamy, into your line of sight. 
You glance over at her and almost immediately glance away, until an alarm goes off in your brain, triggered by the glint of metal in the light. You swing your eyes back towards her, and you see that she’s holding up a knife, your knife, a serene expression on her face. “Last chance to take the chip before I turn to other methods of persuasion.”
You don’t need to ask what she means, and you turn to Bellamy with a look of panic. He shakes his head, hard. “Don’t do it. No matter what, don’t take the chip.”
Your mother uses the knife to rip open his shirt, and you feel your lip quiver. He gives you a reassuring look. “I’ll be okay. Just promise me you won’t take the chip.”
Your mother lifts the knife to his chest, resting the blade against his skin, and tears spring to your eyes. You shake your head, and Bellamy pleads, “Promise me!”
You whisper, “I promise.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, your mother drags the blade across his skin. You can see him clenching his teeth together, trying to hold back his cry of pain, but it eventually bursts free, tearing right through your heart. You watch a line of blood run down his chest as your mother asks, “Will you comply?”
Your voice shakes, thick with emotion, but you keep your promise. “No.”
She lifts the knife again and drags it across his stomach, as Bellamy screams in pain. A sob breaks free from you, and the tears track down your face. 
“Will you take the chip?”
The process repeats: your mother cuts the love of your life and asks you to take the chip, but you keep your promise to Bellamy and deny her, every single time. You don’t know how long she’s been doing this when she drops the knife, the serene expression slipping from her face a fraction of an inch. She turns to the unseen figure, “This isn’t working.”
You ignore her one sided conversation, whispering Bellamy’s name, begging him to look up at you. His head dropped to his chest a few cuts ago, most of his skin stained with blood, nearly every inch of him covered in a cut. He weakly lifts his head and smiles at you, and it feels like a punch to the gut, the way he's still trying to reassure you, despite how weak he is. “Bellamy, you can’t take much more of this.”
He lifts his head, keeping it up. “Yes, I can.”
“If I take the chip, they’ll leave you alone. You’ll be safe.”
“No, I won’t. Because they’ll just use you against me like they did to your mom with Raven. And I’ll break. You’re so much stronger than I am, that’s one of the reasons why I love you.”
The tears rush to your eyes again, a new wave of emotion taking you over. You don’t get the opportunity to say anything else, because your mom is back, along with her calm demeanor. 
And a gun.
You feel your stomach drop as soon as you see it, and you see the flash of fear on Bellamy’s face, one he quickly hides. She lifts the gun to his temple, and turns to you. “Take the chip, or he dies.”
You start to sob, “Mom, please. Stop, just stop! This isn’t you!”
She starts to countdown, “Three seconds.”
“Mom, stop! What would dad say? You can’t do this!”
You turn to look at Bellamy, panicking, but he shakes his head, mouthing, “You promised.”
You watch a single tear run down his face and you start to cry harder, begging. “Leave Bellamy out of this, please don’t do this!”
Bellamy looks at you, his eyes full of love, and he mouths, “I love you more than the stars.”
You have a split second to process the words before a shot rings out, too loud in the small space, and Bellamy’s body hits the ground a second later. It takes a moment for you to process, your head stuffed full of cotton, your thoughts slow to connect, but as soon as you do, a gut wrenching scream tears from your chest and you lurch towards him, trying to reach him, despite the fact that you are still chained up. The chains pull at your body uncomfortably hard, but you don’t notice, don't care, as you drop to your knees and sob, staring down at Bellamy’s lifeless eyes.
You start to scream at your mother, yelling anything that comes to mind. “I’ll never forgive you for this, do you hear me? And I'll never give you what you want! We’re gonna shut you down, Alie! Are you listening to me, you evil bitch, you’re done! You’ll never win!”
Your mother turns away from you, still just as calm, waving at the guards by the door. “Get rid of him.”
They nod and start to walk towards him, and as they reach his body, she adds, “Oh. And bring me Clarke.”
You grow still, before the anger rips through you, and you jump towards your mother, filled with white hot rage, the intensity of it-
forcing you awake with a start. 
You sit up with a gasp, looking around you, trying to gather your bearings. You almost cry with relief when you realize you’re still on Luna’s rig, and every part of that hellish nightmare was just a dream. You feel a hand touch yours, and you jump in surprise, turning to your left, and realizing that Bellamy is on the couch beside you. Judging by the sweat marks on his pants, he let you use him as a pillow. “Bad dream?”
You nod, still on edge, and he seems to sense that, because he gives you a soft smile. “You’re safe. I was here the whole time.”
You feel heat rush to your face, now embarrassed that you sweated all over him. And that he witnessed your panic. He reaches up and brushes a finger over your cheek, and the bruise on your face from Emerson, and you close your eyes, leaning into the touch. The first bit of quiet intimacy you’ve shared in a while.
He pulls away abruptly, and you open your eyes quickly, gaze lifting to his face. You can see the guilt written all over it, and it sends a wave of sadness through you. You reach for him, hands caressing each of his cheeks as you force him to meet your eyes. They lock with yours and you whisper, “I need you to love me.”
His eyes widen in surprise, and then switch to confusion before he mumbles, “I do.”
You know he does, but he still doesn’t get it, not yet. He still doesn’t realize that his guilt is holding him back from being with you fully, because he’s gotten in his head and told himself that he’s a monster, and he doesn’t deserve this, or you. But you know that he’s not quite there yet, and that’s okay, so you lean towards him, resting your forehead against his. He closes his eyes, relishing in the nearness of you, and you think of all the love you have for him, and how wonderful you think he is, hoping that he can sense it. 
Someone clears their throat beside you and you pull back and turn to see Clarke, looking guilty for interrupting. “It’s time to go.”
You and Bellamy nod, silently standing and following her. You meet Octavia at the door, who’s already standing and waiting with your Grounder guide. When you reach them, he turns and leads your group outside, taking you through the oil rig and back up to the shipping container you started in. You look up at the sky as you walk, marveling in the brightness of the moon and stars out here over the ocean. 
You're pulled back to the earth by the sound of the container doors being opened. You watch as the man who brought you here steps out, and Luna materializes out of the darkness to tell him, “Sorry, Cap, we gotta take them back.”
Someone hands her a bag, and she tosses it inside of the container before turning to you. “Your gear. You get your weapons once you land.”
You look around, realizing that you’re missing someone. “Where’s Jasper?”
Octavia nods back towards the room you came from. “Saying goodbye to his new friend.” 
Everyone looks that way, exchanging a look, trying to decide who’s gonna go after him. When you realize that no one is moving, you sigh. “Okay, fine, I’ll go get him. But don’t leave without me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
You head back towards the rig as you hear one of the men grunt to the others, “Inside.”
You turn and glance at them, watching as they step inside, before you turn back and start to walk towards the inside of the rig. You head straight for the room you just left, and stand in the doorway, searching every face, looking for Jasper. You roll your eyes when you don’t see him, and turn to the first person you see, a woman, with kind eyes and a warm smile. “Have you seen my friend? He has short hair, kinda tall and lanky?”
The woman gives you a knowing look. “He’s with Shay. They’re down below, with the storage. Taking the long way.”
You’re surprised at the amount of detail, but smile at her in thanks. “Thank you. Mochof.”
She smiles at your use of Trigedasleng, before you turn and jog off again, following her directions. You take the nearest staircase to the next level down, and step inside the room, pausing to listen. You smile when you hear voices, Jasper’s among them, and you start to walk that way. You come around the corner, coming face to face with them, and you yell his name, “Jasper!”
He looks up at you, and then his gaze focuses on something behind you as someone yells, “Shay, run before-”
They’re cut off by the sound of a loud thud, and you quickly turn around and see the man that guards Luna, Derrick, slumped in a Grounder’s arms. You glance at the other Grounder and see Luna thrown over his shoulder, and you start to back up quickly, away from the chipped men, and back towards Jasper and Shay. One of the men looks at you suspiciously, and you turn and run towards them, yelling, “She’s here, Jasper!”
He quickly turns to Shay, frantically pushing her towards the exit. “Go, tell your people to not take the chip.”
She hesitates, and he yells, “Run now! Go!”
You reach him just as she turns to run, but she freezes in place when an arrow lands in her back, and she hits the ground with a scream of pain. Jasper yells out in anger, and you turn to look at the chipped men, realizing that the Captain is lifting his crossbow again, aiming at Jasper. “Jasper, run!”
You dive towards him, pushing him out of the way as the arrow flies towards him, and he hits the ground beside you. A scream tears free from your chest as the arrow sinks into your shoulder from behind, the head of it coming out the other side. You look down at the arrowhead sticking out of you as you drop to your knees, the pain making you dizzy. You hear Jasper jump up and punch the Captain, but he’s unfazed and punches Jasper back, the force of it immediately knocking him unconscious. 
You hear them coming towards you and you fall to your side, eyelids closing, hoping that they’ll fall for your deception. The footsteps come to a stop right beside you, and someone nudges you with their shoe, turning you over to get a good look at you. The movement causes you to roll over onto your shoulder, pushing the arrow deeper into your skin, and you have to work hard to fight back the scream of pain that threatens to tear from you. You keep your face neutral and your breathing even, waiting for a long second until you hear someone say, “We’ll come back for them. We need to get Luna tied up before she wakes.”
You hear the footsteps retreat and you lie there for an agonizingly long minute, waiting until you can no longer hear them before you peek an eye open. You’re relieved to find no one there so you sit up, groaning in pain as you do. You spare a look at your shoulder and the arrow sticking out of it, before you hear a soft gurgle from in front of you. You scramble to your feet, realizing that Shay is still alive, before running over to check on her. You drop to your knees beside her, sinking into a pool of blood, and you have a horrifying realization that the arrow must have hit an artery because she’s bleeding out fast. 
She lets out a whimper of pain, and you look down at her, meeting her eyes. You whisper, “Shhh, it’s gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay.”
Her hand shakes as she reaches for yours, and as you look into her eyes, you recognize them as the same eyes from the woman who told you where to find her. A pang of sadness pulls at your chest, and she gasps out, “Jasper says you’re from the sky, what’s it like?”
“It’s beautiful.” She coughs, hacking up blood, and you know the end is near. “If you think the stars are incredible from down here, you should see them from the sky. And the Earth? It’s the prettiest thing you've ever seen. So much blue, the ocean, covering the planet, kissing everything it touches.”
She smiles, coughing again, and you can hear the breath rattling in her lungs. She whimpers a little, caught up in the pain, and you try to hide your distress. She looks up at you, her eyes falling on the moon around your neck. “I thought nothing was prettier than the view from space, until I came down here. There’s so much color here. On the Ark, everything is gray, muted. But down here, everything is so bright and colorful. And the sounds, they’re like nothing I could ever imagine. My entire life I heard the quiet hum of the machines that powered the Ark, but on Earth, you can have complete silence or a cacophony of sounds. The sound of water rushing through the rivers, and the birds singing to each other every morning. The laughter and amazement of 100 teenagers and one fake guard stepping foot onto the ground for the first time in a century.”
You trail off, listening as her breathing struggles for a second, and then just stops. You lift a finger to her neck and feel nothing, and you drop your head, mourning for this girl that you barely knew. “Yu gonplei ste odon.”
You start to stand, deciding what to do next, when you hear the sound of footsteps coming back for you. You scramble back towards your earlier position, laying down on your side. Your eyes fall to the arrowhead sticking out of your shoulder, and you get a split second idea, one that you know you won’t like. Still, you grit your teeth and reach up, snapping off the end of the arrow, holding back a cry of pain as you do. You slip the sharp object into your sleeve and close your eyes, right as the footsteps come around the corner. You hear them stop near Shay, checking for any sign of life, and when they realize she’s dead, they come to you. 
They stick their hand under your nose, checking for your steady breathing, before they reach beneath you and lift you, slinging you over their shoulder. They start walking and you open your eyes, watching carefully to see where they take you. They move lower and lower, deeper into the rig, until the sound of machine hum grows louder, reminding you of the Ark. And then they turn down a hallway, taking you to a single door that sits on the end. Beyond it, you can hear Luna pleading for someone to stop, and you know this is the right place. 
You take a deep breath, and slide the arrowhead from your sleeve, gripping it tight in your hand. In one swift movement, you plunge it into the man’s neck. His reaction is immediate, and he drops you before he falls to his knees, dying quickly. Knowing you have no time to waste, you take off running, following the stairs to the top of the rig, and back out into the open air. You head straight for the container, looking around for other people as you do, relieved that no one is here. You unlock it the best you can with one arm, the pain in your shoulder making it impossible to use both. As soon as you swing the door open, Bellamy, Octavia, and Clarke all rush towards you. Clarke spots the arrow in your shoulder first, muttering, “Ohmygod.”
She pulls you towards her so she can get a better look, and you see the worry on Bellamy’s face, but you wave them both off. “I’m fine, but if you want to get to Luna before Alie does, then we need to go.”
You start to run off, but Clarke grabs your arm to stop you. “Wait.”
Before you can ask why, she reaches up and breaks off the end of the arrow, making it shorter. You let out a yelp of pain, and turn to her with a glare. She gives you an apologetic look. “No time to take it out, but at least this way you won’t hit it on anything.”
You shake your head before turning to run off again, this time with the trio on your heels. You run through the rig as fast as you can, practically flying down the stairs to reach P level again. You don’t stop until you reach the door at the end of the hall, past the man you killed earlier, and you rush in without hesitation, despite Bellamy yelling at you to be careful. 
When you come into the room, you’re shocked at the scene in front of you. Jasper is tied up in the corner, and he seems okay, but there’s a girl, a child, crying near him. Luna is on the ground, clutching the dying body of the man she loves. Around her are the other chipped men, all dead and unmoving. You and Bellamy run to check on the child, cowering in the corner, while Octavia goes to Jasper. Clarke moves to Luna and Derrick, reaching them just as he takes his final breath. Luna’s reaction is instant, and she lets out a heartbreaking cry, clutching him close to her, and there’s nothing that any of you can do but watch as she mourns.
As soon as Luna realizes the rest of you are there, her tears stop. Just like when Octavia locked her emotions away after Lincoln's death, Luna does the same, putting away her sorrow in favor of anger. She agrees to take the Flame and fight Alie, but only after she gives a funeral for those that were lost.
As Luna informs her people of what happened and what her plans are, Clarke comes up to you with a knife in hand. “They have no medical supplies here, and I left everything I had in the rover. We’ll have to do it the old fashioned way.”
You grimace, but nod. “Great, sounds fun.”
She leads you outside, to where Bellamy is waiting with a torch, eyeing Clarke with suspicion. “Are you sure about this?”
“It's what we did with Lincoln, and he healed fine.” She passes the knife to Bellamy, “Heat the blade in the fire.”
He does as she asks, before looking at you. “I have to pull the arrow out before I can take off your jacket to cauterize the wound. Are you ready?”
“Do I have a choice?”
You nod, “Then sure.”
You look at Bellamy, meeting his eyes as Clarke puts one hand on your shoulder, and one on the end of the arrow. With no warning, she pulls it out, and you groan in pain. She helps you out of your jacket, tugging your shirt down at the neckline to inspect the wound. “Okay, it looks good. No signs of poison.”
Bellamy passes her the knife and you give him a wary look. He reaches out for your hand, pulling you closer to him, and you lean against him as Clarke lifts the knife. “One...two…”
You grimace, waiting for three, but it never comes. Instead, you are met with the white hot flash of the knife as it touches your skin and closes your wound. You let out a cry of pain, the sound muffled by Bellamy’s shoulder as you press closer to him. Clarke gives you a second to recover, reheating the blade again, before turning you around to look at the exit wound. After nodding in satisfaction, she holds up the knife again. You turn away, not wanting to watch, and Bellamy holds you close. This time she presses the knife to the wound with no countdown, getting it over as quickly as possible. You let out another cry of pain, along with a string of curses, and Clarke looks over her work before tearing off a strip of her shirt and wrapping your shoulder the best she can. 
She smiles at you, nodding towards the door. “All done. Now let’s go join the others.”
Bellamy puts out the torch and you follow her inside, all three of you handed cups full of an unknown liquid as you join Octavia and Jasper. You all nod in thanks, searching for Luna, watching as she prepares for the ceremony. Your eyes watch the people too, uneasy at the thought that Alie could still be lurking in someone nearby. Bellamy voices the same concern. “Any one of them could be chipped and we'd never know.”
Clarke nods. “If they are, they'll make their move before we put the Flame in Luna. Stay sharp.”
Luna comes from the other side of the room, stopping in front of Clarke. “The ceremony is about to begin.”
She starts to turn away, but Clarke reaches out for her, stopping her. “Luna, wait. I'm so sorry, but now you see that we're facing an enemy that will do anything to win. She won't stop until she has everyone.”
“People I love died today. Needlessly, at my hand.” She lifts her hand, the one not occupied by a cup, revealing the Flame. She looks down at it as she finishes, “I can't let that happen again.”
She turns away, to face the others, lifting the Flame high for them to see. Everyone in the room stands. “As we prepare to give our brothers and sister to the sea, we honor their lives.”
She lowers the Flame and lifts her cup, “Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun.”
As the room repeats the phrase, Octavia translates, “From water we are born, to water we return.”
Everyone lifts their cup and takes a drink, and your group follows suit, honoring their tradition. Luna turns back to you as she finishes, and Clarke steps right into business. “If we're gonna do this, we have to hurry. Alie will send reinforcements, and we have to find someplace private to perform the Ascension.”
“You believe that to defeat an enemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that different from 'blood must have blood'?”
You all freeze, realizing that she doesn’t seem to be on the same page with the rest of you. Octavia protests, “Wait a second, Luna. You can't just-”
She cuts herself off when she falls unconscious, sinking to the floor. You turn to Bellamy, worried, just in time to see him sink the ground. Jasper is next, and Clarke turns back to look at you, her cup falling from her hands in shock. You watch the glass fall, and you fall with it, going unconscious before it even hits the ground. 
You wake up to the feel of fingers brushing over your face, pushing your hair back. 
You open your eyes and see Bellamy looking down at you, concerned. You sit up, clutching your head, wishing the heavy feeling would dissipate quickly, the thick cloud too difficult to think through. Bellamy continues to watch you and you meet his eye, and smile, trying to reassure him. “That was not how I was expecting that to go.”
You hear a groan from your right, followed by, “Me either.”
You look over and meet Clarke’s eyes, as she sits up, gathering her bearings. She looks down at the container in her hand, sliding the lid back and sighing in relief when the Flame is tucked neatly inside. You find your knife near your boot, and Bellamy and Clarke find their guns beside them. You all stand, just as Octavia rolls over, picking up Lincoln’s notebook and sword. Jasper is the last to pull himself to his feet, following the rest of you as you wander to the shore, staring out at the water. 
The clouds are hanging low today, blocking any view of the ocean beyond, but you already know that even if the sky was clear, you’d never spot the oil rig. As you all look out at the water, contemplating the events of the last 24 hours, Bellamy voices the thought running through all of your minds. “Now what?”
next chapter
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fanpom-imagines · 4 years
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Being Spider-woman and being part of the Titans whilst also having a rivalry with Jason.
Fandom: Titans
Words: 2192
Warnings: like two cuss words
(Female Reader)
I swung my legs back and forth as I sat on one of the many billboards in the city. With my mask pulled up just up to my nose I took another bite of the burger I was eating. Looking across the streets I gave out a happy sigh and took another bite. As I was about to take another I stopped as I felt my senses tingle.
“Enjoying the food?” Came a voice from behind me.
Turning around a spot a man in a black and blue suit covering him head to shoulders with his eyes covered with a domino mask. I finally mask eye contact with the stranger and take another bite of my burger and hold eye contact with him as I finish chewing and swallow.
“Who are you?” I ask him as I bring my hands down, with the burger, to rest in my lap.
“Spider-woman,” I said before turning back my eyes to the view and picking up my milkshake, taking another sip from it.
“I’ve seen what you do, and what you can do with your abilities,” Nightwing started as he came to sit down next to me, “and I’ve gotta say I’m impressed.”
“Thank you, I guess,” I told him as I gave him a sceptical side eye.
“Look I’m not here to fight you or anything, I’m actually here with an offer.” My ears perked up at that and I looked over to him encouraging him to continue.
“I have this team, of sorts, a lot of times they’re more like family to be honest, but anyways they have abilities, like you. And I’m guessing that you know that society and people with abilities that seem to defy logic don’t really mix well,” I have out a small puff of air at that and took another sip of my shake, “and so I help them. Not just with their abilities, but to have a better life than the one they’re living and to give them a chance to help people.”
“You asking me to join?” I ask him, looking at him once again.
“Yeah, I am,” Nightwing said as we made eye contact. Well more eye contact on my side as you couldn’t make out my eyes through my mask.
I pondered over the offer for a second as I broke eye contact and looked forward staring off. Still feeling Nightwing’s eyes on me my thoughts start to run. Thinking of the benefits of having a team, and the downsides rushing in and out creating a tally system.
“If it doesn’t work out can I leave?” I asked him after a few minutes of contemplation.
“Door will always be open for you to leave or join,” he said simply.
“Ok,” I said, “I’ll take your one week free trial.”
“Good to hear,” he said getting up and making his way to the edge of the billboard. Not getting up I still keep sitting and finishing my meal. Realizing this Nightwing turns around to look at me.
“Aren’t you coming?”
“Let me finish my food first.”
“Guys, this is (F/N) (L/N) a.k.a. Spider-woman,” Nightwing, or Dick Grayson, as he later introduced himself told the rest of his team.
“Hello,” I gave a slight wave to the group of four standing in front of me.
In front of me stood four other teens or young adults. One was a boy probably in his late teens or early twenty giving me an awkward, friendly grin as he gave me a slight wave. He also had green hair which oddly did not seem dyed or look like a wig. There was a pale girl standing next to him who also had the same hair situation, but hers was purple. There was also this red gem in the middle of her forehead, but she also seemed kind as she gave a kind smile. Next came a boy who seemed to be in his early twenties with brown hair sticking out in different directions and his arms crossed over his chest as his eyes studied me, as if trying to analyze my weaknesses. Then last was another boy who also seemed to be the same age as the other two, he was the tallest of the four and hand a red Superman symbol on the chest of his black shirt, but other than that he seemed to be normal. To be fair tho I don’t look out of the ordinary either and I can stick to walls.
“Oh my God, I’ve seen you on YouTube!” The green haired male said in excitement as he took a few steps to stand in front of me and greet me. “Hi I’m Garfield, but just call me Gar,” he greeted as he gave out his arm for me to shake it which I gladly did.
“Hi Gar,” I reply.
“That’s Rachel,” He turns to point at the girl.
“Gar I can introduce myself,” the girl says playfully rolling her eyes as she comes up to me and shakes hands with me. “Hey, (Y/N), I’m Rachel, good to finally have another girl on the team. The testosterone levels were getting too high in this place,” she jokes as I chuckle a bit.
“How do we know we can trust her?” Came the voice of the one with the brown hair as he still didn’t take his eyes off me.
“Jason, I know that what happened with Rose may make this hard, but we need to learn to accept others onto our team. We can’t let one bad experience automatically disqualify anyone new from joining,” Dick replied as Jason scoffed and left the room.
“That’s Jason, there was a girl who joined our team awhile back who ended up-“ Rachel was cut off by Dick.
“Rachel,” Dick told her in warning.
“Anyways,” Gar continued as he motioned for the boy with the Superman symbols to come closer. “That’s Conner, but he’s like a newborn...kinda,” Gar trailed off trying to look for the right words.
“What?” I asked as I looked from Conner to Gar in confusion.
“We’ll explain later,” Rachel said as she grabbed onto my arm and rugged me out of the room. “Now come on let me give you a tour.”
“Let us give you a tour,” Gar said as him and Conner followed.
“Yeah, whatever,” Rachel replies.
It’s been almost a year of being part of the Titans, and honestly it was amazing. I have been looking for a place to live to finally move out of Aunt May’s, though she says I can live with her as long as she wants. I wanted to relieve her of having to take care of two rather than just herself. So now having the opportunity to live in this place with the rest of my team who also double as my roommates is a pretty good deal, plus it’s not too far away from home. So I’ve been able to sling by Aunt May’s a couple of times for a visit.
Being with the Titans has been great. Dick’s been like a father always looking out for me and the rest of the Titans. He also cooks for us a lot which is honestly great because all I can really make are eggs.
Rachel has been like a sister slash best friend. Her and I have hung out a lot and I could see she was glad to finally have someone who was a little more alike to her, not just in gender, but in experience. As both of us struggled at controlling our abilities at first and both have negatively affected our family members, though hers is a bit more extreme than mine.
Gar and I have been binge playing video games staying late up just smashing away at buttons. Good thing I brought over my Xbox as ten two of us played online with each other as we screamed into the microphone at one another.
Conner was sweet and I learned that he was actually a clone, a fucking clone! Honestly to me that was super cool which he didn’t seem to understand, but appreciated nonetheless and I’ve enjoyed showing and teaching him new things.
Jason on the other hand, well he had to warm up to me. Apparently the last new recruit actually ended up betraying them and Jason had a thing for her, so his slight hostility and distrust in me was completely understandable. Yet, overtime as we became closer he warmed up to me and we became friends of sorts. Although, him and I have this playful rivalry going. We literally made everything between each other into a competition. Who can take down the most bad guys? Challenge accepted. Who can get back to the tower the fastest? Challenge accepted. Who can do more pull ups? Challenge accepted. Who can fold their laundry faster? Challenge ducking accepted. But with this friendly competitive relationship between the two of us also came some attraction towards the newest Robin, and honestly I don’t really know how to deal with it so I’ve just been keeping my emotions on lock down till by some miracle he reciprocated.
I grinned to myself as I crawled on the ceiling looking down at Jason. Slowly I made my way closer and closer to where he was training with his metal staff as he swung again as he let out another breath. As he faces away from me giving me time to jump down silently onto the ground behind him and jab at his right knee pit causing his leg to bend and for him to fall forward.
“What the hell?” Jason yells as he ends up falling into a kneeling position as he has one hand on the floor. He uses it to push himself back up and turn around to swing at me.
Blocking one of Jason’s blows with my hand I move to jab my fist into his abdomen to push him onto the mat. Not expecting it, the new Robin fell to the floor with a loud thud. I gasped out thinking I may have used my super strength to knock him back and made my way to him to make sure he was okay. However, in a sudden movement Jason took the staff and put it behind my neck to trap me to the mat with him.
“Where are your Spidey senses now?” He grinned up at me as he flipped us over on the floor with him on top with both hands still wrapped around the cool metal of the staff.
“Shut up,” I groaned, punching his side lightly. He chuckled at my “attempt” of getting out of his hold.
“You know you’ve been getting the upper hand in this rivalry of ours at every corner, but it seems like for once I’ve got the upper hand. I think I deserve a reward,” he grinned down at me cheekily.
“Oh, and what would your reward be?” I questioned him with a raised brow.
“This,” right as the words left his lips he leaned down to capture his lips with mine. My eyes widened for a millisecond before I smiled into the kiss and closed my eyes whilst pushing my lips back on his. Jason let go of the metal staff and instead led his hands up my throat to hold my face as he deepened the kiss. Biting my bottom lip he swiped his tongue on it right afterwards and I groaned in response before opening my mouth to allow him entrance with his tongue. I in turn had my arms trail from his side one fisting his shirt to pull him closer while the other going up into his hair to slightly tug at it, eliciting a groan from him.
“Are you two serious?” We heard a voice coming from my right and his left. The two of us pull apart, me panting on the floor and him sitting up straddling me whilst also trying to catch his breath, and we both whip our heads to the voice to see Gar standing there with his arms crossed. “Jason you literally asked me to come and train with you.”
“Whoops,” Jason said as he looked back at him giving me a wink before standing up and offering me his hand. Gladly accepting it I grab onto his hand and he pulls me up. “Sorry Gar, kinda loses track of time,” Jason told him, not even taking his eyes off of me.
“I’m sorry ‘bout this Gar,” I said turning to the green haired boy and giving him an apologetic smile. “I’ll see you guys later then,” I told the two before walking out of the entrance opposite of where Garfield entered from.
“Really dude? Why did you have to come in? It was just getting good,” I heard Jason complain at his friend before hearing him pick up the staff and take a whack at Gar which in turn solicited a yelp from the other boy.
“Ow, what the hell, Jason?” I heard from Gar followed by another whacking sound and another yelp from Gar.
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New Hope - Eliot x Reader drabble/one-shot
A/N: Okay, so I’m re-watching Leverage and I just wrapped season 2 where Nate is arrested and the angsty idea of his daughter being part of the team and losing him came to me so I started writing that and then the rest just sorta happened. Basically a drabble that turned into an unplanned one-shot I’m not entirely sure I like. I feel like I should give it additional parts but y’all can decide that. I also have another Eliot angst/fluff I’m almost done with and about 2-3 one-shots/multi fic ideas for Eliot I’m trying to organize.
Details: You are Nate’s daughter (either by Maggie or maybe gf/hs sweetheart before Maggie) that’s part of the team and already established gf/love of Eliot. Nate is arrested and it spirals you down, until you find something out and your life changes. Kinda sucks, please be kinda, haha. 
In the span of maybe two minutes, everything came to a screeching halt. Well, not quite a halt. More like trying to watching a video that was trying to load and play at the same time. Every part of your body felt heavy, heavier than you ever remember feeling. You try to focus on the situation at hand but things register too late.
Sterling, standing with cops, surrounding you and the team. Guns pointed at you. Trapped. Your dad speaking, walking to the rail. He cuffs himself to the rail. Why? What’s happening? Him and Sterling talking. What’s happening? 
“Dad? What are you doing?” You take a half step towards him, when Eliot grabs your hand to hold you back. The guns shift in your direction. 
Your dad tells the team how you’re his family and he will never forget that. None of this is computing. He’s yelling for you all to get on the helicopter. You feel Eliot tug at your arm to get you to move. It snaps you out of your haze and everything is in crystal clear focus. You pull away from Eliot and rush to your father. 
“No. No! You aren’t doing this. There’s another way.” You frantically start tugging at the handcuffs, believing if you pull it hard enough it’ll break apart and free him. You hear your teammates call your name, but ignore them still rambling. “This isn’t happening. We lost Sam. I lost Sam. I can’t lose you too. You can’t leave me. Dad, no!” 
He shifts his cuffed hand to gently and firmly grab yours, saying your name. You freeze and look up into his eyes. “Do you remember what I use to tell you when you were little?” 
“That I was your first true love, and true love is about protecting each other.” You whisper, your voice shaking. He gave you a gentle smile, his eyes softening. 
“That’s right. I couldn’t save Sam, and I’ll live with that guilt forever. But if I don’t do this to protect you, and them, I couldn’t live with myself. I love you, so much.” He leaned forward and gave your forehead a kiss. As he pulls back, he nods to Eliot to grab you. 
“Daddy.” You try to keep hold of his hand, but Eliot pries you apart and keeps a firm hold on your arms, following the rest of the team to the helicopter. Your eyes lock with Sterling as you move past him. The look you give him makes him take a side step back. You hear Eliot telling him to watch his back; Eliot will be the least of his problems. 
Then, it was like the video fully loaded and everything sped up at once. You barely remembered the flight, or the following weeks after your fathers arrest. It was a blur spent in bed, crying off and on with random bouts of anger. Sophie and Eliot spent the most time with you, trying to make you eat and stay somewhat in a routine of at least wondering around Eliot’s apartment. About a month after his arrest you tried to ease back into being with the team and wanted to help in planning his escape. Then you got sick. 
You were sitting in the bathroom in your dad’s flat, loving the cool side of the tub against your neck as you focused on breathing. A soft knock made you open your eyes a crack, seeing Eliot quietly step inside and close the door again. He grabbed a washcloth, got it damp, and sat down in front of you while holding it to your forehead. 
“How you feeling?” Every part of him showed concern. 
“Like death.” You gave a dry chuckle. “Why aren’t you sick? We’ve been eating  the same things for months.”
“Minus your comfort food,” Eliot joked. 
You rolled your eyes, “I haven’t had that in...” You trailed off trying to remember the last time you had any comfort food aka period cravings. When you realized you couldn’t give a confident answer on the last time that happened, you said the only thought you had. “Uh, oh.”
Eliot tensed, “Uh, oh? What ‘uh, oh’?” His eyes follow your hands as they settle on your stomach, his own arm dropping from your forehead. “Uh, oh.” 
One not-so-secret trip to the corner drug store (courtesy of Parker eves dropping and blabbing to everyone else in the apartment) and twenty minutes of drinking water and waiting to pee later had everyone sitting in the living room looking at the timer on your phone. Well, Eliot was pacing but everyone else was sitting. 
“Man, if this is positive Nate is gonna break out just to kill you. We might not have to do anything.” Hardison tried to joke, looking at Eliot who was far from amused. 
“Hardison I’m gonna jump over this couch and -” Eliot started before Sophie jumped in. 
“Can everyone just stop for a minute? We need to be supportive right now.” She gave them a pointed look and went back to rubbing soothing circles on your back. 
The timer went off and you couldn’t shut it off fast enough. Beyond that quick movement, you found yourself stuck to your seat. You turned and looked at Eliot, standing at your side, neither of you seemed able to move. Then you hear a huff and a flash of blonde as Parker sprints to the bathroom and comes back just as fast holding the stick. Her face is unreadable. 
“Well?” Sophie asks. 
“Negative.” Parker looks between you and Eliot. 
“Oh.” You feel your shoulders drop, processing the news. 
“That’s good, though, right? That’s what you wanted?” Hardison asked. 
“I mean, yeah. That’s the smart outcome. It’s just...” You felt tears prick at your eyes and turn towards Eliot. He sits on the arm rest and hugs you to his side. “I guess I had just assumed it was gonna be yes so I started thinking of all the memories we’d make and our life...” 
“Me too.” Eliot confessed, kissing the top of your head. 
“Well, good news then. It’s positive.” Parker’s face broke into a smile. You and Eliot’s heads snapped over to her. “I lied before. Just wanted to be sure you knew your real emotions on it.” 
You jump up and rush to grab the test from her hands. She’s still smiling like she somehow won the jackpot. “You are the craziest person I’ve ever met.” You mumble to her, but she didn’t seem remotely fazed. There it was, big and pink and plus. You look back up at Eliot and nod in confirmation. “It’s positive.”
He walked over and took the test from your hand, staring at the symbol as you had done. Then his arms wrap around you and hold you close, being as gentle as possible so you don’t get sick again. Your arms wrap around him and you start to cry and laugh at the same time. Eliot pulls back enough to see your face. 
“Those happy tears?” He looked slightly worried. When all you could do was nod and smile at him, he smiled back. Eliot put one hand on your check and moved the other to rest on your stomach, leaning down he gave you a passionate and loved filled kiss. The euphoric moment ended once you heard Parker speak yet again. 
“So what’s Nate gonna be more pissed about: Eliot getting his daughter pregnant or not knowing Sophie’s real name?” 
“Those are problems for another day. Right now, we are going to celebrate the newest member of our family!” Sophie came forward and gave you both hugs, followed by Hardison and a typical semi awkward Parker hug. 
You looked at your team, laughing and smiling. They would be there for you and Eliot and your growing baby, and that made you feel a happiness you’d been missing for the past month. Your dad was right - they are family. And you saw hope and a future for your family. You’d get your dad out and once everyone was together again, no one would be able to break them apart again. 
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district2001 · 4 years
Seventeen AU: 14th member
Jangmi x Seventeen 
Recap: SVT’s debut has finally arrived
Words: 1k
AN: Requests are OPEN: Please please please send me what you want to see from Jangmi. I’m also open to feedback :) 
Also also, I briefly skimmed over the Minghao & Jangmi situation, which you can read about in Jangmi’s relationship with 97 Line
Jangmi’s Masterlist
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“I’m debuting. You’re debuting. We’re debuting.” Seungkwan screamed whilst waiting in line for his makeup to be done.
“Stop ruining your voice, we don’t want any voice cracks do we?” Their manager yelled.
Their main vocalist dramatically shut his mouth, pretending to lock it with a key. Jangmi laughed, causing her makeup artist to put some pale lipstick on her chin.
Once she was given the all clear by her makeup unnit, she sat down on one of the plastic chairs in the corner of the room. Having 14 members in a group was a bit too big for the music venues to handle, so there wasn’t a sofa, only plastic chairs. Jangmi didn’t mind though, she was more preoccupied on the fact that she was finally debuting.
Grabbing her phone from the table, she quickly scrolled through all her texts. Most of her relatives back home didn’t really know she was debuting, but the ones that did had sent her loads of messages, wishing her good luck. Sungyeon had sent her an entire paragraph of how proud she was of her, and that she couldn’t wait till they did a collab one day at an award show. Her parents had sent her a selfie of them waiting in the audience, next to Vernons’ parents.
A creaking sound beside her made her look up from her phone. Minghao had sat down beside her, holding out an apple slice. Jangmi shook her head. She wasn’t allowed to eat anything till after their performance today. She was absolutely starving, but she knew that if she ate now, she’d feel nauseous and throw up on stage. Imagine that for a debut.
“I promise I’ll eat after we’re done.” She held out her pinky, which he shook. Jangmi lay her head on his shoulder, being careful not to ruin her hair or put some of her foundation on his shirt.
She started humming along the tune to one of their b-sides on the ep, and then felt Minghao tapping his fingers to the beat on his lap. She smiled and kept humming along, occasionally adding some of the words in.
She stopped humming in confusion when he had missed a few of the beats. “I’m really sorry.”
Jangmi lifted her head off Minghao’s shoulder and turned her body around so she could face him properly.
“Don’t be sorry” She fake scolded, talking faster than she anticipated.
Once she realised that her Chinese brother hadn’t understood her fast ramble (tbh she wasn’t sure if anyone would have, since it didn’t even sound like Korean to her), she repeated it again slowly. Adding on a bit at the end. “It’s just a little bump on the head. Nothing super important. I can still dance fine. Plus I got to relax for a few days. I forgot what it feels like to actually feel my legs.”
She squeezed his knees and stood up, pulling down her demin shorts, which in her opinion were a little too short. She then pulled Minghao up aswell, and dragged him towards the rest of the members who were all taking pictures together next to the door.
They all took a bunch of pictures, with Jangmi making sure she took at least one individual picture with each member. She made an ‘8’ symbol with Minghao, got a piggy back from Mingyu and did an exaggerated fake cry with Dokyeom (who was already sobbing- bless the makeup noonas).
Soon before she knew it, they were getting ushered by the venue staff up to the stage.
Walking to the stage felt like a blur. She barely remembered putting on her earphones, or picking up her shining black mic. She did remember tripping straight into the glass door though. Luckily no one besides Jun saw, and he was too busy untying his earphones.
Her members quickly grouped into a team huddle, with Jangmi squished between Dino and the groups resident beanpole.
Seungcheol gave a quick motivational speech, something about how they’d been waiting for this moment for such a long time, and how they had to give it their absolute best. No half assing it. This was the real deal.
Truth be told, Jangmi wasn’t paying attention to his words as much as she should, as she was trying to memorise the looks on all her brothers faces. They looked so determined, and so happy and she wanted nothing more for them to be happy. They had been through hell and back, numerous times, with each set back in their debut plan. And even last week, Hoshi had told her that he was still scared that the company would push back their debut once again.
Speaking (technically thinking) of the devil, Soonyoung brought her out of her thoughts by suddenly screaming some last few pieces of advice. That is, if you would call it advice. “I’ll buy you chicken if there’s not a single mistake in the choreography.” Jangmi sighed, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to have the food even if she danced as well as Beyonce. “Stupid diet,” she muttered, of only a handful of pitiful veggies and plain ass un seasoned chicken breast.
They did their final cheer, and quickly walked up to their starting positions on the stage. Jangmi had a quick inspection of the crowd, trying to find her parents. Instead she saw Seungcheols’ and Jihoons’ family, who gave her a wave and a thumbs up.
She continued moving to her position but was intercepted by Hoshi. “I’ll sneak some chicken to you. Don’t worry.”
She chuckled and held out her pinky. But he didn’t even notice, as he was already whisper-yelling at Jeonghan and Joshua for not being in the positions perfectly.
“Rejected!” Chan whispered, whilst standing back to back with her.
Jangmi rolled her eyes dramatically, remembering to give him a sarcastic response once the performance was over
As the music started playing, she quickly glanced at her brothers beside her and her family in the audience (even if she couldn’t find them, she knew they were there).
This was it. She’d done it.
Previous: Leader Maknae Date
Next: Visual Ranking
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kibybun · 4 years
The Feeling is Mutual
Yandere Hawks x Yandere + Tsundere reader
Tw: yandere, obsession, stalking, cussing, violence, murder
You were currently running for your life. Why? Because you're a badass. But really, a sleazy pervert thought he had the right to touch you. Too bad, you punch quite hard.
"Get back here you little bitch!" The pervert was definitely strong due to his muscular build but you were definitely fast.
Thundering footsteps take the quiet alley by storm as you start to pull ahead of him.
"Go suck a dick, you bag of cat piss!" You look back to mock him but your feet disapprove. Your face scrapes against the lose gravel along with your hands and knees. "Fuck...."
"Wanna repeat yourself?" He comes to a stop at your side, bends down, and yanks you up by your hair.
"You disgusting bag of cat piss!" Once again you're too cocky for your own good. You spit in his face and he throws you against the wall.
"Little bitch!" He wipes his face before grabbing your throat, pinning you to the wall, and raising his fist.
"Do it, you bag of cat piss!"
His face fumes red as he tries to hit you, only to be stopped by vivid red feathers.
"What the hell?" His grip on you loosens so you take the opportunity to kick him in his precious no-no square. He collapses in pain and grovels on the ground.
"Hehe do I get a thanks for saving that pretty face of yours?" You instantly feel your blood boil but as you look at your "savior" the only thing you feel heat up are your cheeks.
His whole appearance was absolutely delicious but what caught you most was how god damn beautiful his wings are.
"Hehe what's wrong, like what you see?" This over grow chicken then takes it upon himself to flex his arms and wings.
You scoff. "Nope." 'What. The. Fuck. What's wrong with you me!?!' You turn to hide your blushing face to help imply your unimpressed demeanor.
"Owwww you wound me! Anyway why were you running from that guy, doll?" You choke on the air, trying to register the pet name he gave you.
"Pfft doll? Try coming up with something more original, stranger." As you make your witty remark, both of you fail to notice the pervert silently escaping. It wasnt like he mattered anyway.
"Fair point, angel. Name's Hawks." He holds out a hand for you to shake. Somehow this name was even more cheesy but you loved it.
"As if that's better..." 'Shut the hell up with your sass!'
You go to shake Hawks' hand but before you can grab his, he grabs yours. He swiftly but gently pulls your hand to his lips to place a kiss atop of it. You snatched your hand away at mock speed.
Embarrassed and flustered to manage to stutter out, "H-hey! That's disgusting! I still have no idea who the hell you are!" But you loved it oh so much.
He merely laughs. "Well you can trust me, plus I dont know who you are so, what's your name?"
"What do you mean 'you can trust me'?"
"Awe, ignoring my question? Anyway what I mean by that is I'm pretty trustworthy. Being number 2. hero and all." Hawks leisurely puts his hands behind his head.
All you felt was utter shock. Not only did the number 2. hero come and "rescue" you but he has been FLIRTING with you.
"So? I still dont know who you are." 'Oh my god, you absolute idiot you have no hope.' But he just laughs it off.
"Still a valid point so let's make a deal. I give you my first name and you give me yours plus your number." You have to stop yourself from gagging at how adorable and cheesy that was.
You give him a deer in the headlights look.
"Oh c'mon! I'm basically putting my whole identity on the line and all I'm asking is for your digits plus a name."
"But why?" 'Stop questioning it and take it!'
"Why not?" You give a final scoff before mumbling something. "Can you repeat that a little louder angel?"
"(y/n). (y/n).(y/n).(y/n).(y/n).(y/n).(y/n).(y/n).(y/n)."
"What the hell are you doing? Stop saying my name." 'No, please keep saying it.'
"I'm saying it eight times so I never forget it. Cuz, ya know, eight on its side is the infinity symbol." He smiles the most innocent and pure smile anyone could make.
Your heart squeezes as you cant handle this. "That's dumb..."
"Maybe but you still need to give me your number."
"Name first."
"Ooo assertive, I like!" He steps closer causing you to step back.
'Please come closer.'
Very quickly your back hits the wall and Hawks brings his face dangerously close to your ear.
"Keigo." His voice was deep and had the effect of honey in your ear. It happened slowly leaving the sound stuck in your ear yet still traveling through your body.
As quickly as it happened, Keigo had pulled away and passed you his phone.
"Keep my name a secret, 'kay?" He smiles and winks only causeing you to function less and less.
"Whatever..." You put in your number and name, passing the phone back to Keigo.
"Thanks angel! I'd love to text you right away but I'm still on patrol so be sure to look out for my text later!" He swoops up your hand again to give it another kiss before flying off.
"Hey!" His response was laughter. As you begin to walk back towards your destination your face cools and you hold your hand close.
'He's suck a dummy but he's my dummy.'
Around 6:30 pm you receive a text from an unknown number.
'Hey angel.'
'Hey over grown chicken.' "Why the hell are you being so mean?!"
'lol are you calling me big?'
'Nope, tiny with succulent wings.'
'So you're only using me for my wings?! 😭'
'Daw you dont need to lie to me angel.'
'But lying is so fun~'
'So you were lying!'
'Ha! I knew I was irresistible.'
'Irresistible to carnivores.'
'You're an omnivore.'
'I have amazing self control.'
'Oh? prove it.'
'Pfft how?"
You leave the kitchen with your snack and plop on your bed. You were too engrossed in your conversation with Keigo that you didnt notice him peering through your window.
He simply adored how you try to contain how happy you become when you get a message from him.
Now was the test to see if you truely had amazing self control. Your phone buzzes and you quickly switch to your messages only to nearly die.
Inches from your face was the sexiest abb picture you've ever seen. His body was so well toned and to add to the picture his wings make up most of the background with very little blue sky poking through.
You were too distracted oogling and drooling over a simple picture it took a moment before you noticed his next texts.
'How's that self control treating ya?'
'I bet you're drooling over me.'
You pout, send a reply, and set your phone down.
'I think I'm a vegan now.'
After a second Keigo can notice the panic on your face as a faint "was that too mean?" was heard.
'Then I guess I'm the forbidden fruit.'
You bite your lip as you switch over to social media. Before your little banter started you were stalking his accounts. You didnt follow him or like any of his posts so he wouldnt be given that satisfaction but you truely did like them.
The only thing you disliked was how there were other girls who thought they could ever get with YOUR Hawks. He asked YOUR number and gave YOU his name. Clearly he was yours.
'Hey, you still there?'
'I like forbiden fruit. I have to shower. I'll text you in the morning, sweet dreams❤'
Keigo's heart flutters at the simple message. He flies home to shower as well.
While in the shower you slowly think of ways to eliminate the girls who think they can look at your Darling.
Two weeks have passed and have you been a little busy bee. You had to work to sustain life but you made it to every event your beloved was at. You made it to every meet and greet, interview, photoshoot, villain attack, his window at night. It really helped that you have a stealth quirk, so that way you wont be entirely in debt!
It wasnt like Keigo to not notice he was being followed, he knew exactly what you were doing, but he felt too endeared that his angel was watching out for him. He was also quite impressed on how you were able to sneak into his interviews and photoshoots.
Keigo felt guilty not being able to give you the attention you deserve but he tries to make up for it by watching you on his patrols and after you leave his house to go to sleep.
Tonight was no different as Keigo was perched on your apartment balcony. You liked to sleep with the curtains drawn back so you can see the stars but you always forgot to lock that door. Did you ever lock it?
Keigo silently fusses over how dangerous that is as he opens the door and kneels down at the side of your bed. His left hand holds on of yours as his right cups your face.
He was addicted to watching your sleeping face. So innocent. Plus he got a break from your adorable tsundere additude. Dont get him wrong, he loved it just he desires affection too.
He slowly retracts his hands to pull out his phone to take a picture. He probably had hundreds of pictures of your sleeping face but he needed to document everything. Tonight you must be having a bad dream, evident by the fact your eyebrows were scrunched and you sticking your tongue out ever so slightly.
"You need to stop being so adorable angel." He takes his pictures and kisses you forehead.
He wanted nothing more than to cuddle you but he had an extra early patrol. He slides the door to your balcony closed and flies off.
When you wake up with your mouth dryer than a desert. "Blah..." You grab your phone and text Keigo.
'Goodmorning early bird.'
You knew he'd be awake. You had memorized his schedule. Today after patrol he had a meet and greet then a photoshoot.
'Morning beautiful.'
You truely cant help smiling and blushing at all the cute things he says to you.
'How'd you sleep?'
'What's this? Concern????'
You roll your eyes at his teasing continue to eat your breakfast.
'Keep teasing me and it wont happen again.'
'lol sorry angel, I slept ok but it would've been better with you~'
Did he just say that? Oh my god he just said that.
(y/n). exe has stopped working. As your brain starts to reboot, your phone pings.
'How'd you sleep?'
The witty comments part of your brain was still rebooting, preventing the tsundere in you to actually work.
'Maybe if we spent the night together we'd sleep better.'
Now this caught Keigo off guard. He expected to be called a pervert or weirdo. Not for you to agree.
'Do you maybe wanna watch a movie tonight?'
He gotta shoot his shot sometime. Why not now?
Your brain could not comprehend what was happening. Were you dreaming? No, your sure you're awake. Was he joking? No, he didn't seem like the type to jokingly ask that. Maybe the world was just rewarding you for being so dedicated and loyal. That's probably it.
'Where and when?'
Keigo does a few flips in the sky to try and ease his excitement. Too bad that fails. "Its a date!"
'6 @ my place?'
'You better pick me up on time and have dinner prepared.'
'Anything for you angel!'
"Oh my fucking god it's a date." You jump up and down excited, running to your closet to pick out your outfit.
Since it wasnt a fancy restaurant or anything you decide to go more casual. A cute sundress maybe? Either way you put on your outfit and head out the door to go to your darling's meet and greet. It wasnt too far from your apartment so you were able to take a leisurely stroll there.
As you arrive you see the big crowd already forming. You didnt want to get your outfit dirty so you decide to stay more towards the back. A peppy blonde girl pushes you slightly to the side.
"Bitch.." you mumbled under your breath.
"Uh what did you just say?"
Not wanting to embarrass Keigo or have him have to separate a girl fight you decide to step down. "Nothing."
"Good choice bitch."
As the two of you reach the middle of the crowd, the girl takes out her phone. It was hard not to ease drop when she is purposely talking in your ear.
"Hawks is so hot. I bet he has a big dick too. Maybe after this he'll let me take some of that stress off of him~!" She puffs her chest out trying to get a reaction from you.
On the outside you're calm and collected but inside all hell was breaking lose. You wanted to snap her neck, pull out her fingernails, and slice off her tits.
Seeing as you're unfazed she continues. "I bet he'd be screaming how good I make him feel. He'd ask for my number and I'd break his heart. He is just a hunky of meat after all."
That's it.
You activate your stealth quirk and she questions where you went. You pull out a knife you always have on you, just in case, and glide it against her throat in a swift but silent manner. She collapses to the ground and a shrill scream sounds, alerting everyone near.
Before you run, you look at Keigo. His eyes meet yours. You know he can see you even if you were invisible. You know he knows you just killed her. His face holds disbelief but his eyes shimmer and smile for him.
You run from the crime scene and wash the blood from your hands.
Six o-clock slowly arrives and there was a knock on your door. You know its Keigo but you dont know how he found your adress. Opening the door you see him smiling so brightly.
"My little angel shed her white wings!" He traps you in a hug. You gladly hug him back.
"You're not mad?"
"Of course not! You did it for me didnt you?" You look up at him and nod. "Then its perfectly fine." He smiles at you before picking you up bridal style and closing your door.
"We better hurry, dinner is getting cold."
Loosely based on my Stalker x Stalker headcanons! Thank you so much for reading, have an amazing day!
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tonydadisbestdad · 5 years
It’s Positive
Peter ParkerxReader
Word Count: 1,987
Summary: Pregnant by accident and dad tony finds out
A/N: this is stupid but I wanted to write something dumb so here it is. Sorry if formating it weird. I’m posting from my iPad bc I can’t be bothered to use my computer rn but it would have made it worth it if I had bc I can’t make this look how I want to on “mobile”. Whatever. Also sorry I haven’t written in ages, as some of you know, I work more than 40 hours a week and don’t normally get home until after 8 pm and am tired as hell. But since I’m fiinally quarentining (is that even how you spell that is it even a word?) myself I decided to try some writing instead of watching hours of tik tok videos. Enjoy! Sorry for my rant.
Perspiration collected on your forehead as you rode the elevator. Pain twinges in your abdomen as the pressure begins to become too much.
You had to pee. Of course you had to pee. You drank half a gallon of water when the thought occurred to you.
You ran through the penthouse, clutching your purse protecting the contents from jumping out, praying your bladder would not release it’s contents before you were seated on that throne.
Nervousness overtook you as you shut and locked your bathroom door behind you. You riffled through your bag for the thing you'd just returned from buying.
With shaking hands you unpackaged it.
After waiting the designated time, plus 10 minutes out of fear, you finally worked up the courage to look at it.
Your heart sank seeing the positive symbol. Your 19 years of life suddenly feeling like it all just ended.
You couldn't believe how absolutely stupid you were.
Grabbing your phone from your bag, you sent a text. Knowing you wouldn't be able to have the conversation in person.
“Pete, I got a meeting to get to. Do you got the rest?” Tony asked. They were in the lab, working on another new device.
“Yeah Mr. Stark, I should have it done by the time you get back.” Peter answered.
Tony left with a quick see ya later and was gone. Peter on the other hand returned to working.
Until his phone went off. He saw it was from you and opened it. His stomach dropped. There was no way. You were joking with him. You had to be.
All the message was, was a picture of a pregnancy test box and 2 words. “It’s positive.”
He thought about that one night a few weeks ago that you spent together. It was an event night, both of you required to be there per Pepper.
You might not be of age but that didn’t stop you from drinking and Peter liked to take his off nights to enjoy himself some so he was drinking too and next thing either of you realized your innocent flirting that usually happened turned into high key sexual tension and with nothing to stop it, well you both took advantage of the situation in a deserted bathroom two floors below the event you should have still been at.
And now you were about to pay the ultimate consequence.
Your nerves grew as you waited for a response. You practically shot out of your skin when your bathroom door opened.
“Please tell me this is some fucked up joke,” Peter said, not even caring that he just walked right into your bathroom without even knocking.
“Pete-Peter I-,” you shook your head. “Why would I joke about something like this?!”
“I don’t know!” He wouldn’t meet your eyes as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Retaliation for me fucking you in a bathroom at an event for your dad?”
“That’s all that was to you?” You asked quietly. Things just kept getting better and better. You sat down on the edge of your tub, you wrapped your arms around yourself. You were not going to cry right now.
“I-“ he tried to start but you stopped him.
“It wasn’t conventional or perfect but hell Peter it meat more to me than just a quick fuck.” Before you could even register the tears you were holding back slid down your cheeks. You shifted, your head going to your knees and your hands covering your head. It was getting hard to breathe and his silence was not a reassuring thing.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, sitting down on the floor in front of you. He pet your head.
“What are we going to do?” You sobbed.
“Hey,” he said, tugging you forward so gently, bringing you into his lap. He secured his arms around you. “We’ll figure it out, I promise. We don’t need to have all the answers right now. Okay? Let’s just take this a step at a time.”
“How are you not freaking out,” you asked, pulling back some to look at him.
He finally looked you in the eyes. “I’m terrified,” he admitted. “But I know we can get through this.”
You gave a hesitant nod.
He kissed your forehead and didn’t leave you the rest of the night.
The two of you tiptoed around the topic for 3 weeks before you were finding yourselves cornered by your dad.
“What’s going on with you two? You’ve been acting weird for a couple weeks now.” Tony stated. He’d called a team meeting but as soon as you arrived, Peter was already there, you discovered that no one else on the team was arriving.
Peter looked at you, you both knew he was a terrible liar when under pressure like this.
But you? You were a great liar. You learned from the best after all. You arched a brow at your dad. “What do you mean? How have we been acting weird?”
Your dad hummed. “Let’s see, the two of you get all jumpy when the other shows up. I keep catching the two of you whispering to each other whenever I’ve left you alone for a few minutes. There was the fact that at that banquet I had a few weeks ago the two of you disappeared for a while. Y/N you’re not eating normally, Peter everytime I ask you something you either jump out of a daze or I can’t get your attention at all. I can go on guys, so tell me. What’s going on?”
You leaned back in your chair. “Peter asked me out, we didn’t want to tell you, things are a little weird right now.”
Tony looked at you in surprise.
You prayed that as Peter did the same your dad wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t realize that the look he was giving you wasn’t the “oh my God you had to go along that route to avoid the worse one? You shoulda just told the truth and not lied!” Look.
“Oh,” Tony said, nonchalantly he added, “Here I thought you were pregnant.”
Your eyes went wide, fuck.
“What do you take me for, kid?” He asked. “Did you think the cleaning staff was going to not gossip about having found a pregnancy test in your bathroom trash?! That I wouldn’t find out about it?”
You took a shaky breath.
“I know when you’re lying, you can’t lie to the person that taught you to lie, Y/N. It doesn’t work.”
You had to try, “Well then why is Peter here if that’s what this is about?” Maybe you could get him off the hook.
Your dad’s face went blank. “Now you’re just insulting my intelligence. Of course it’s Peter’s! Kid’s been in love with you since before you two even met!”
Peter’s face went red as he twisted the computer chair he was in away from both of you.
You blushed lightly. “Dad stop!”
Tony sighed, finally he sat down in a chair across from you. “What was your plan?”
You glanced at Peter then down at the table. “I… we-we don’t have-have one.”
Tony reached across the table and took your hand in his. “Okay, that’s fine for now, sunshine. Whatever you decide, I'll support you. There’s options if you don’t want to keep the baby or if you do. I suggest though that you two figure out what this means for the two of you before you make any of those decisions first.”
Tears welled in your eyes.
Peter was looking off to the side but he had returned his chair to facing your dad. “Thanks Mr. Stark,” He added quietly.
Tony smiled at him. “If you hurt my daughter, Parker I will kill you and no one will find the body. Understand?”
Swallowing the sudden lump in his throat he nodded in response.
Tony stood, he leaned across the table and kissed your head. “Sorry I forced this out, but you two were driving me crazy. I’m here when you want to talk more baby girl.”
You nodded and wiped at your face.
Your dad left, leaving you with Peter and impending conversation about the child growing inside you and what your futures held.
“So,” Peter started after the two of you sat there for 10 minutes in silence after your dad left. “I… I think now would be a good time to have this conversation, Y/N. So, I’m gonna just lay everything I’m feeling about this out.”
You glanced at him, he’d scooched closer to you and faced you.
He took a breath and started. “Your dad wasn’t wrong. I… do love you. I just… this is all messed up, but you know, it’s me why would anything go the way it should go, right?”
You went to speak but he continued.
“I’m not ready to be a dad. But I’m willing to take the responsibility because of my actions if you want to keep this child and want to raise them together. Or if you want to do it on your own. Or if you want to give them up for adoption. Or just want me to-“
You turned your own chair to be facing him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He relaxed some and hugged you back as best he could with the angle.
“Would it be alright if… if maybe we just start with a date first?” You hesitantly asked.
He let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah, yeah please.”
“I don’t want to get rid of them. But with that being said, we have plenty of time to decide on what we want. And I just really want us to give being together a try before we make any life changing decisions.”
Peter nodded then kissed your cheek.
Of course your date went perfectly. As did the one after that, and the one after that and the, you get the point.
Peter went with you to your first doctor’s appointment and made sure he’d be there for all of them after that.
After that first ultrasound, well to say your minds were set on a decision was an understatement. You couldn’t believe you were so hesitant to want them.
Everything after that was a blur. You and Peter got closer, as did your expecting date.
Your dad and Pepper supported both of you the entire way. As well as Aunt May and the entire Avengers team.
You couldn’t have asked for more.
“Shh,” You whispered to the little girl. She giggled and held a tiny finger to her lips. The two of you poked your head through the cracked door.
A tuft of wavy brown hair stuck up everywhere from the pillow.
“Go ahead baby,” You whispered.
The little girl pushed the door open and ran for the bed. She jumped up, right on top of the man laying there. “Happy birthday, daddy!” Shouted as she sat on his back and shook his shoulders. “Wake up! Wake up! Mommy and I made you breakfast.”
You got into your side of the bed, set the plate down on your nightstand as Peter pretended to still be asleep.
He let out a loud fake snore.
“Daddy, wake up!”
You chuckled. “I think daddy might need some raspberries with his pancakes, Rory.”
Her eyes lit up. She smashed her face right into her daddy’s neck, making him flinch and laugh.
“Oh my I see how it is my girls wanna play games with me huh,” he scooped his little one up in his arms and raspberries her cheek before she could get away.
Rory squealed and struggled against him.
You laughed at the scene before you. But this caused both to stop, share a mischievous look before they’re both pouncing on you and giving you the raspberries now.
Which led to a full out tickle war, cold pancakes, and warm morning cuddles.
Tags: Wanna be tagged just ask!
@manchurian-barnes, @marrvelle-fics, @chloe-geoghegan1 , @buckysendoftheline ,
@peterparkerscamera , @esistmon , @httpmcrvel , @karlitabi-rrito rrito, @ximaginx
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 5•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Also shout out to my Beta super.rose.cosplays!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Eddie is officially introduced to the rest of the Losers club. Richie has difficulty controlling his powers as the full moon approaches)
The rabbit calmed down after a little. Richie stayed the whole time, comforting him and held him until he made sure that the other was okay. Once both boys settled, the wolf noticed the time and decided it would be best if he headed home. Eddie stood in the foyer with a blanket wrapped over his shoulders, while Richie stood by the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow okay, spaghetti?" Richie leaned in and hugged Eddie again. The shorter boy enjoyed the moment while it lasted, his skin felt colder once Richie released him. He almost didn't notice the nickname that he had been called, but he ignored the urge to call him out on it. Instead, he nodded.
Richie turned the doorknob and took a step outside, he turned back to face Eddie. "Wanna come over to my place for dinner tomorrow night?" He offered, a tinge of nervousness tainted his voice but only because he'd literally just met this guy and was already inviting him to meet his parents. He knew that Maggie and Went would wanna meet Eddie, plus, it's not like he didn't want to spend more time with Eddie.
The bunny's eyes softened as his lips curled into a smile, "R-Really?"
"Yeah! You know, like a thank you for saving my ass today, plus my parents would love to meet you. They'd think you're just as cute as I do" He winked before he turned to head out. Eddie stayed at the door, he leaned against it and used it for support as his knees went weak at the way Richie called him cute. He stood there and watched the werewolf walk away, he even turned and waved at the bunny before he disappeared back into the forest. Eddie's heart swelled when he closed the door. He leaned against it and slid to the floor and thought.
I think...
for once
I'm gonna be just fine
Tuesday morning Eddie got to school with lots of time to spare before homeroom. He left his bag in his locker and sat outside under one of the trees on the school's front lawn. This spot also had a good view of the bleachers where he first saw Richie, when he was coughing up a lounge yesterday. The memory brought a smirk to Eddie's face as he focused on his notebook in his lap, working on some last-minute biology homework.
He'd gotten most of it done by the time his ears tingled from underneath his beanie. He glanced up and noticed a pair of converses standing in front of him. Eddie looked up, after nearly being blinded by the glaring morning sun, recognizing the person before him as none other than Richie Tozier.
"Is that my Eddie spaghetti?" Richie asks, Eddie can practically hear the smile in his voice. The sun that rose from behind Richie caused the werewolf to appear only as a silhouette. Eddie squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the light when he noticed how the sun's light shone through Richie's curls in a manner that made him look like he had a halo, and he was an angel.
"Hell yeah it is" Eddie set his notebook down on the grass then proceeded to stand up, finally he was able to get a good look at the wolf before him.
Today Richie had on a loose Hawaiian shirt, the shirt was covered in dark blue and white flowers, underneath he wore a black shirt with the words 'ALL TIME LOW' painted on it. Of course, his white converses and his black ripped jeans. Oh, and he also wore a dark blue beanie with a little peace symbol on it.
Richie smiled down at him, watching Eddie's eyes wander around and examine him, "Cute cute cute" he smiled warmly.
Eddie's cheeks went pink, "me?" he suddenly felt self-conscious about his outfit. Which was a simple pair of dark blue jeans and a light blue polo shirt.
"Yes, of course you" Richie's voice goes soft. He noticed one of Eddie's soft curls had fallen out of place, so he took it upon himself to tuck it back into place. The action received a blush from Eddie that created butterflies inside Richie's stomach. "Come on Mr. Tomato let’s head to class." He poked fun at Eddie's blush, which only made it worse. Nonetheless, once Richie began to walk towards the school, Eddie snatched his stuff off the ground and walked with him.
The morning went fairly well, I was only late to my second-period class by 3 minutes since I got lost... But other than that it was good!
Eddie recapped his morning while he struggled to open his lock. "Need a hand?" A familiar female voice asked from beside him. He turned and smiled when he saw Alley leaning up against the locker beside his, which was hers after all.
"I... Should... Be..." The lock clicked open, "Good!" he said happily.
She let out a happy puff of air through her nose, "Nice" She went and began to open her own locker, "Oh, by the way the girls and I are gonna go get subway for lunch, wanna join?" She offers.
Eddie tried to remember what Subway is, the image of a sandwich store in town comes to his mind, "Uh- Thank you! But maybe another day, have fun though." He wished as she grabbed something out of her locker before closing it.
"Okay! No worries, you'll be okay without me right Eddie?" Alley leaned against her locker again and tilted her head.
"Oh! Yeah, I'll be fine. No need to worry." Eddie tried not to make his smile look forced, but it was kind of hard due to the fact that it was indeed forced. Not only was he worried about what would happen if he saw Richie, but he was also worried about what he'd do at lunch, since he kinda assumed he'd sit with Alley. Looks like that plan went out the window.
They said their goodbyes then Alley was on her way, which left Eddie alone in the hallway. He grabbed his lunch and closed his locker. With no clue where to go, Eddie closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against his locker.
A tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality. He turned to see who it was and was surprised when he found no one beside him.
"Hey Cutie" a sly voice called out from behind him. Eddie spun around, he smiled at the sight of Derry's Resident Werewolf who was leaning up against the lockers beside his.
"Richie! hey!" Eddie couldn't hide the excitement that filled his voice.
"Hey Ed's, how's it hanging?"
The rabbit's face went blank, "H-How's what hanging?" he asked in confusion.
The wolf's cheeks went red as he realized what he'd done, "Oh- shit sorry... It means like, what's up?" Richie rubbed the back of his neck. He thinks fast and saves himself, "So what'd you got planned for lunch?".
"I-I was gonna eat with Alley, my friend, but she went to subwhich with her friends so-"
"Wanna come eat with me?" Richie asked a little too eagerly.
Eddie took a moment to think about the decision as if he hadn't already made up his mind, "Yeah, sure!" He piped up.
Richie led Eddie through the school and into the cafeteria. He was soon waived down by his usual group of friends. The two walked up to the table, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest with us today. May I present to you Eddie Kaspbrak" Richie's voice turned into one of a TV announcer, he also held his arms out and waved them around Eddie as if he were showing him off.
Eddie's stomach filled with butterflies as he shyly waved to the group before him which consisted of 4 guys and 1 girl. They all happily welcomed him with hellos and greetings.
"Eds is new, so make him feel at home, alright guys?" He eyed them, almost threatened.
"N-Nice to meet yo-you" The boy closest to Eddie smiled.
"That's Bill, he might have a problem with speaking but this guy can rewrite the bible in under an hour. A natural-born writer" Bill rolled his eyes. Richie points to the boy to Bill's left, who Eddie vaguely remembered from English class, "That's Stan the Man Uris, he might look like a teen but he's got an old soul. Still love him though, right Urine?” he teased.
“Yeah, fuck you Tozier. Welcome to the family Eddie” Stan smiled.
“Beside Staniel is Mike! He’s both brains and brawn, book smart but also the quarterback of the football team. Ain’t that right Mikey?” Richie smirked and got a chuckle out of Mike as he waved to Eddie, which Eddie returned.
Richie moved to the other side of the table, “Here we have Ben, Haystack, purest heart in all the lands,” Richie slipped into a southern accent.
Lastly was the girl. Richie took a step forward and placed his hands on the back of her shoulders, “and of course Ms Beverly Marsh, a queen inside and out, Derry’s resident Badass.” She smirked and struck a small pose at the compliment.
“Welcome to the Losers Club!” Richie finished with arms open wide as he gestured to the group. “Now come! We shall feast” Richie insisted as he took a seat beside Ben, he patted the chair beside him, gesturing for Eddie to claim it. The bunny happily accepted and took a seat beside Richie.
Richie was about to take a bite out of his sandwich but instead he stopped and slapped it down on the table it grabbed everyone’s attention. “I almost forgot! Staniel, congratulations on the circumcision!” Richie practically exclaimed. Stan sighed, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, almost as if it pained him to hear. Richie burst out in laughter, everyone else giggled along with him. Even Eddie, though he didn’t know what a circumcision was, everyone else’s laughter made him laugh.
The Circumcision Joke was created the day Stan, Bill and Richie were talking about Stan’s bar mitzvah on their last day of grade 6. Richie had gotten it mixed up with a circumcision. Ever since he made it a point to constantly congratulate Stan on having been circumcised, even if he had gotten it when he was a baby. Yet Richie always found it hilarious. Everyone found it decently funny, especially when Richie just randomly brings it up. Stan does as well, but he’ll never admit it.
The lunch was spent with the group getting to know Eddie and vice versa. Everyone was warm and welcoming. From time to time he got a couple odd glances from Bill, but aside from that everything went smoothly.
The warning bell rang and students began to pack up and head for class.
“Rich, I missed you this morning for our ritual chain smoking” Beverly stood up with Richie.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that darling. Speaking of our illicit activities, wanna go chain smoke under the bleachers?” Richie asked with raised eyebrows and a devilish grin.
“You know I’m always down for a good chain smoke. Let’s go” Beverly smirked deviously at Richie.
Eddie turned to Richie with a concerned look in his eye, “What about english class?” he asked in an almost quiet tone.
“Ah don’t worry about it Eds. I’m already like a week ahead of the class anyways. Just tell Brock it’s that time of the month for me or something” Richie made a joke but Eddie wasn't sure about what. He didn’t even mean to ask about Richie, he asked for his own sake as that was the only class the two shared. Instead of complaining, Eddie stayed quiet and opted to give a simple wave as Richie and Beverly linked arms and left the cafeteria.
The Ancestor let out a tired sigh and began to pack up his things, his smile faded into more of a resting bitch face.
Stan was suddenly by Eddie’s side, “Don’t let him get to you. He doesn't mean to.” he explained in a calm manner, as if this was nothing new to him. “It’s just the way he is….” His voice drifted off, “Sometimes he says things and he doesn't realize how others are gonna interpret it”.
“What’s your point?” Eddie cocked an eyebrow.
“He cares for you. I can see it in his eyes. So don’t think he’s blowing you off to go smoke his little cancer stick with Bev, those two are like siblings, so any flirting is purely for fun. Anyways, I’ve gotta go” Stan said.
Stan had taken one step away from Eddie when he asked “wait! Stan, what’s a circumcision?” He felt weird asking, since he had a feeling it was something dirty.
Without missing a beat, Stan replied with, “Oh, it’s when they chop the tip of your dick off”, his eyes were hooded and a sly smirk was plastered on his lips. Eddie’s cheeks went red as they parted ways and he waved goodbye to Stan.
Eddie went to english and caught up with Alley, she filled him in on what had happened with her group of friends over lunch, which wasn't much. But Eddie appreciated the gesture.
The rest of the day was uneventful, Eddie spent most of the class time just listening to what his teachers had to say and adding to his ever growing list of work that needed to be done.
Once the final bell rang, Eddie was up from his chair and out to his locker. He recalled the offer Richie had made to go over to the Tozier’s for dinner, but Richie hadn’t mentioned anything about it since and he hasn't seen the fellow Ancestor since lunch. By the time Eddie finished packing his bag he had accepted the fact that Richie had probably forgotten or something and instead prepared himself for his walk home.
He was two steps away from the main doors of the school when a voice rang out through the halls “Eddie!”.
Eddie has never turned around faster in his life. Richie ran up to him, with Stan in tow. “Hey! Still game for dinner tonight?” he gave Eddie the smile that creates butterflies in his stomach.
“I-I wasn’t sure-” Eddie began to ramble but he was cut off.
“Aw, isn’t this sweet. The fairies are all together again. What? Gonna go to some big gay gang bang in the back?” A solo Henry Bowers waltzed through the hallways.
“Oh go blow your dad” Richie growls, literally. Eddie notices immediately, so does Stan. What the two didn’t see was how hard Richie was clenching his fists, how his nails, his claws, had practically begun to draw blood.
“Can we please just g-” Stan tried to end it before it began but to no avail.
“Then they wonder why this town is going to fucking hell-” Now it was Henry who as cut off. Richie charged him, literally. He rushed towards him, grabbed his shoulders and threw him against the lockers.
Just as fast as Richie was on Henry, Stan was on Richie. “We need to go now” He pulled Richie by the arm out of the hallway and into the front yard of the school. Quickly Stan found a quiet corner and shoved Richie, “What the hell was that. You need to control yourself Rich”, his voice was stern and his stare was like daggers.
Eddie had watched the whole thing and carefully followed behind them. “Get out of here Eddie. This is private” Stan commanded, it sent a shiver down the other’s spine.
“Leave him alone Stan, he knows” Richie huffed, his eyes as yellow as glow sticks. Stan took one glance at this and immediately grabbed a pair of sunglasses from his bag and shoved them on the werewolf’s face. (on top of his normal glasses)
“What would you do without me…” He mumbled to himself as he served the rest of Richie, his eyes were now covered but his claws were out. “And how does he know. You literally just met him yesterday, can you seriously not keep your mouth shut for more then-”
“I’m a hybrid too” Eddie chimed in.
“What?” Stan turned to look at Eddie.
The bunny turned to make sure there were no wandering eyes, or any eyes matter a fact. There weren’t, which was good. With that, Eddie turned his attention back to Stan. It only took him a blink of his eyes for them to revert to their naturel magical state of ice blue.
His jaw dropped, “Shit…” Stan mumbled under his breath.
Their moment was disrupted by an agonized groan. The human and the Ancestor turned towards the werewolf who was now leaned up against the school. He closed his eyes and began to slide down the wall, to the ground.
“Richie, are you okay?” Eddie snapped out of his trance and went to kneel down beside him.
“It-It hurts” the wolf whispered, clutching his abdomen. “Full moon… 16 days. F-First change” Richie rolled his neck, eyes still closed.
“R-Really? You haven’t had your first shift yet?” Eddie realized with a nod of Richie’s head. “This is only gonna get worse…” The rabbit mumbled under his breath.
“What?” Stan was now beside Eddie, he stared at him, confusion filled his voice.
“This full moon is gonna be his first full shift. These are the symptoms, and they’re only gonna get worse” Eddie explained. He reached a hand out and put it on Richie’s shoulder. The werewolf moved his hand to cover Eddie’s. In response, Eddie squeezed his hand reassuringly.
Eddie took a moment to think about how he could help. After he leaned down and wrapped his arms around Richie, hugging him. Richie sucked in a breath at the sudden motion, “You’re okay” Eddie whispered.
Stan watched as Richie’s eyes slowly opened, the pain suddenly washed out of his eyes. The human squinted as he observed.
Eddie soon let go, happy to see Richie looked a little more put together. “What did you do?” Stan’s asked, his voice was calm yet curious.
“Well… Some Ancestors have healing powers. Sometimes they come in handy” Eddie said with a wink. He was about to continue to explain his powers when he noticed Richie had begun to stand up. Eddie rushed to help him up, his knees still a little weak.
“Thanks” He breathed as he put a lot of his weight on Eddie.
A car honked, three heads turned to see their friend Bill in his red 2005 Toyota Corolla. He waved at them impatiently.
No one moved their gaze away from the car, “What’s he doing here?” Richie asked.
“How long has he been watching?” Eddie’s stomach dropped at the thought of his secret, their secret getting out.
“Sorry, ugh. I forgot Bill was gonna drive me home today. I-I’ll see you guys later” Stan seemed rushed and unsure. He didn’t know whether to stay with The Ancestors and help Richie or go to his ride and make sure Bill didn’t see anything. He chose the latter, as he knew that if he made Bill wait any longer, the suspicion would only grow.
The two friends waved at the other in the car as it drove away. Eddie took that moment to push one more burst of energy into Richie. “Better?” He asked quietly.
“Better” Richie confirmed, a smile now painted over his face. With the sudden burst of energy that now flooded the wolf’s viens, he bravely took Eddie’s hand in his and began to skip back to his car. Eddie hesitated only for a moment. He watched the way Richie smiled and skipped and twirled, as if he had no care in the world and none of that had just happened. He couldn’t hold it back, so he joined in with him.
Word Count: 3282
I cannot believe we're already on chapter 5! If you think this is good, then get ready cause it's only gonna get better from here! So take a seat, stick around for a while, and join me on this journey.
Anyways that's all for me guys, I'll see y'all next week with chapter 6!
Until then
So Long and Goodnight.
@richietoaster @s-onora @that-weird-girl-blog @beproudtozier @ghostnebula @bellarosewrites @s-s-georgie @lermanslogan @iamcupcakefrosting @madidraw @gazebobullshit @thoughtfullyyoungduck
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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brideylee · 4 years
Chateau Quarantine
                 Sophia Coppola smokes a cigarette while she waits for an omelette she has no intention of eating.  It’s a gloomy marine layered morning, you can barely see across Sunset. She’s been in lock down for three weeks and while she normally loves the moody, brooding decadence of the Chateau Marmont, its elite solitude is giving her a bit too much time to reflect. She thinks about the concept of crying as she watches a long torso-ed model skinny dip in the pool from the penthouse. There are no rules anymore, not that there were many in the first place. The hotel was shuttered to the public as of three weeks ago, and those who were already there could stay indefinitely. Sophia lives alone in the tower suite with the three bedrooms and the wrap around porch, known by some as “the Deniro”, but Robert himself couldn’t tell you why. Any legends or gossip about the Chateau were just bread crumbs to keep the public hungry and mystified. The real Chateau for the privileged few who used it, was an unceremonious respite for excessive loneliness, addiction, and often not great sex. The Chateau had a reputation: look but don’t fuck. Everyone’s genitals were rendered useless from anti-depressants.
               She thought she would be filming by now. Her cast is stranded too, with little guidance other than “we’ll wait it out.” The film she wanted to make stars Hugh Grant and Ewan McGregor as two estranged brothers coming together for their father’s funeral. Iman was set to the play the mysterious woman who shows up at the funeral who they then realize was their father’s mistress. It was going to be a slow movie about the brothers coming to terms with their father’s death and equally so falling in love with the woman he hid from them. All this would be suggested through intimate long takes, and funny, stylish, improvised montages. Always subtle and romantic without the sap, this was the tight rope Sophia liked to balance on.  At the end of the movie, both brothers are mildly changed, but not entirely. She has a sweet spot for the immovability of people’s psyches, particularly men. 
Sophia watches impartially, as the naked model floats on her back in the calm pool. It is so cold and early to swim, is she on drugs or is everyone at this place even more numb than they think? She wondered if her film was too male, too disembodied from her personally to mean anything.  Tapping into the male gaze, was an ability she was born with. Her father’s point of view was all she interacted with as a kid, and the underside of his specialties became her focus: the lost parts of men when they are too weak to hold up the heavy crown of their egos, who they were when they could let themselves feel outside of their work. But given the state of the world, and the molasses nature of time during lock down, Sophia started to question if what she always found to be her strength was just simply trauma. Was her whole profession a way to resolve some genetic creative stifling that took place in the shadow of her dad? Surely her body of work contains more than that. It’s not all a selfish attempt at repair. Is any art not selfish? "Maybe I should make a different movie, something that everyones gonna like for once.” She thinks to herself.  Thank God, her goat cheese omelette has arrived.
             Later on, the gothic lobby is empty besides the cast of her film and the elegant model behind the reception desk standing like a hollow sculpture, frightened by the chaos that lurks outside. Ewan McGregor, drunk off of five Marmont Mules, is showing Hugh Grant an app that maps the stars and constellations. Ewan has gone on and on about a camping trip he took around Scotland and how amazing the stars were, but when pressed for details about where exactly he was or what he saw or what year he did this, he can’t seem to remember anything at all.But that doesn’t dampen his excitement about the app. “See, that, there is Orion’s belt!” Ewan enthusiastically points out, his cute smirk displaying his bottom row of sweet corn kernel teeth. Ewan just recently learned about the stars. Until the age of 47, Ewan had been referring to them as “night freckles.” Many think this is why he didn’t have a fun time acting in  Star Wars, space simply befuddled him. Hugh and Ewan are dressed exactly the same: navy blue beanie, black jeans, a tight blue thermal, and desert boots- the actor man uniform they give you after you play opposite Nicole Kidman or Renee Zellweger.
“That’s brilliant,” says Hugh Grant completely perplexed by the app and confused at Ewan’s rambling. Hugh sticks a handkerchief up his nostril with his pointer finger and wiggles it around somewhat violently. Iman clocks this with a blink of disgust, her silk, gold blouse  glistens with god-like royalty in the amber glow.  “Can you turn your face away? That’s how the virus is spreading.” Her voice is deep and she rarely uses it because it changes the direction of the wind and messes with the tides.  “Aw, fuck me. That’s right, isn’t it?” Hugh Grant turns away and starting blowing his nose and coughing obnoxiously. Hugh is acting like a resentful brat because he knows he wont be able to have Iman. He decides he’s gonna pick a fight with Sandra Bullock via face time later to blow off steam. Iman is thinking she was right all along, she should never have agreed to this. She was already sick of the “beanie twins”. 
Hugh had been rattling on about how the movie needed a sex scene or at least a sexy scene and went on to say that Sophia had some sort of block. Iman felt that both Ewan and Hugh, however innocently, were exploiting their acting roles to gain real life experience, and there was no way in hell, she was going to kiss either of them.  Her kiss would make them immortal and Iman knew their souls needed more lifetimes to grow. Plus, she liked the script the way it was- underwritten and open for interpretation. Her character is symbolic of the side of their dad they didn’t get to meet-  spiritual, graceful, embodied. It was a soulful choice not to show any nudity or sex, one that could lead Americans to try to use whats left of their iPhone stolen imaginations.
                Meanwhile Michael Cain, who was supposed to play the dead father, is staring at the beautiful Victorian tapestry hanging behind her. “It’s like it’s right out of the Cloister’s.” Michael says under his breath. Michael is sweet, Iman thinks as she watches him stare at the tapestry with wonder, his mouth agape, and a lil warm milk spilling out of his left eye. Iman and him have known each other for years and he always reminded her of her husband: his fierce devotion to his craft, his rigorous intellectuality that does a bad job hiding an animalistic sexuality. Both men contained so much and no one can handle a man like that besides a mystical siren like Iman. 
Hugh and Ewan’s chatter dies as their drinks empty. “If I were to be honest with myself…” Hugh begins. “Better later than never…” Michael Cain interrupts without cracking a smile,  a dryness a la Maggie Smith. In fact, fuck, this was Maggie Smith. No one had realized. Hugh winks at Michael/ Maggie and continues. “ I don’t think were going to be filming any time soon, folks. I think we are being held hostage a bit by Miss Coppola.” Ewan stares off with a thinking face like no one has  ever had a deeper thought before. “That is interesting to think about. There is some kind of bratty assumption that all this will fade away soon enough. And we’ll be back on set. But what if it’s not for another year or so?”  Ewan is really getting worked up “What if we live here for the rest of our lives!!” His eyes are big and dazzling, it’s like he’s thinking of the most ideal outcome for the rest of his life.
               Suddenly, Sophia joins them at the table. “There they are, my little hunchbacks!” This is what Sophia affectionately calls her actors, the origin is unknown. Sophia has a strange new confidence around her. Usually, when she walked into places, she would feel like a Nat Sherman cigarette, like only some select tall New Yorkers in the back would still appreciate her. “Hello, love! Someone slept well.” Maggie Smith as Michael Caine chirped. Even when Maggie-Michael said something sweet, it still felt like someone was aggressively tickling your ribcage. 
          “I have news.” Sophia sits down, and smiled large and toothy, a stark contrast to her usual chic, despondent stare,  a look only afforded  to artists born with trust funds. “We’re not making the movie.” Hugh taps the table. “Well, I believe I won that bet.” Ewan’s jaw drops, destroyed. “You mean we cant live here together forever?” He runs his hands through his hair, petrified. Iman is quiet, which can mean many different things and all things at once, she is eternally the glory of God, a forgotten pyramid at the bottom of the ocean that if unearthed would explode us into 5D ascension. 
 “We are making a better movie! A super hero movie!!” Sophia exclaims. Sophia gets up close in the faces of her cast, pitching them on her new idea. “It’ll be a real heroes journey- good guys versus evil! Fun CGI! Sexy starlets and fun on trend jokes!” She turns to Michael Maggie, her mouth inches away from their milky eye, and says- “And much much more!” Sophia climbs up on the table now. “The adults will love it, as well as the little ones!” She does an Irish jig and starts spinning around and then poses with her arms up as though at the end of a musical.  It was not fun to watch.  Iman cuts her off-“I don’t trust what is happening.This is not reality. This is delusion. A karmic spell.” The power of Iman’s words blows the power out of the Chateau, pipes burst, the fire alarm goes off, and Joel Madden of Good Charlotte in room 304 stops jerking off for a second. Sophia is still catching her breath from her presentation, her sweating, arms stretched to the ceiling. She gulps as her eyes meet Iman’s. “Why don’t you just write from my character’s point of view?” Iman says as softly as she can without causing chaos.   Sophia freezes. Her whole body calcifies and turns to ice, then crumbles onto the table. Ewan and Hugh watch in absolute horror as Iman drops some of the ice into her water. She knows she shouldn’t have said yes to this project and looks on lovingly at Michael/ Maggie who has dozed off. 
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reidsrecs · 4 years
Remembering You - Chapter 1
By: Kally and Abby
While Spencer is away on a case, the reader figures out she is expecting his child, but only to get a call from Garcia that he has gotten into a horrible accident. Which will change their lives for the worse and causes him to lose some of his memory, which includes who the reader is. How far does the reader have to go? To remind Spencer of who she is, to Remember You.
Category: Fluff and angst.
Warnings: Mentions of Injury.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/n: This is our first time writing fanfic, so please bring constructive criticism and positive feedback!! We hope that you will enjoy this story as much we had writing !!! Have fun on this journey ;)  
** Week 3**
(Y/n) woke up dreading the feeling knowing that Spencer is not by her side, pulling her back to his chest, holding her, and not wanting her ever to leave his side as if to stay in bed with him forever. (Y/n) sighs when reaching out to get her phone knowing that he hasn't replied to the fourteen missed calls and the several text messages that she has left over the past two weeks while he has been on the recent case. Thinking that it has been two weeks, she knows this one must be a tough case, and she understands that he has more important things to do than to be texting her. One text or call of saying hello would be nice, but she assures herself that he is okay. She is off right now instead of being in the field with the rest of the team because Hotch insisted she takes this case off since the previous one was hard on her. (Y/n) finally gets the courage to crawl out of bed, lifting the heavy blankets off and taking her phone off the charger as she makes her way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Suddenly as (y/n) makes it to the kitchen, she feels bile running up her throat, making her run to the bathroom quickly, and throws up her dinner from the night before into the toilet. As she leans her head away from the toilet, she remembers what she could of the night she was wasted at the bar as a celebration to a successful case.
Spencer observes (y/n) as she is taking shot after shot, totally getting out of hand with the drinking. He smiles to himself as (y/n) tells jokes to the rest of the team, making no sense at all. The young doctor sees that (y/n) catches him staring at her; they hold that eye contact until she breaks the silence with a slurred remark saying,
"You look pretty cute staring at me like that," while giving him a cheeky wink.
Spencer blushes taken back from her words, and replies,
"U-um, thank you, you look beautiful tonight (y/n)."
She giggles at his response while she takes another shot of her favourite drink, lime-flavoured tequila, the warm liquid burning down her throat. As the night progresses, more and more people from the bar leave without a hurry, including the agents, leaving Spencer and (y/n) sitting at the bar table alone. While Spencer sips on his third glass of water that he's been slowly drinking all night, he subtly watches (y/n) drink her final last shot. As she stumbles out of her chair, she states that she is going to call a taxi. In response, Spencer gives her a puzzled expression thinking that she would ask him to drive her home first since they are such close friends. Before (y/n) can dial the taxi, he speaks up, offering to take her home. She doesn't give much of a response, more of a slow, exhausted nod, Spencer seeing that she is about to pass out, picks her up, and she doesn't give any struggle. On the car ride back to her apartment, he looks over to her, softly snoring, thinking back to the comment she made earlier that evening, questioning himself if she meant it. Denying himself that she did mean it, and it was her drunk self-talking. Back at her apartment, he lays her down in bed, just as Spencer is about to leave he hears a quiet mumble from (y/n),
"Stay with me ??"
, while lazily patting the other side of the bed. Spencer cautiously obliges not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. (Y/n) feels the bed sinking while he awkwardly sits against the headboard, making a distinct distance between them. As he sits there, he spots a book filled with all of Edgar Allen Poe's stories. He's intrigued because he has the same copy, so he picks it up, flipping the pages to his favourite story.
"Did you know that Edgar Allen Poe often wrote with his Siamese cat on his shoulder?" He chirps in a soft whisper.
(y/n) being too tired to use words, she replies with a soft hum and moves closer to him, slowly curling into his side, wanting to be close to him. Spencer stiffens by her actions, but he puts himself at ease to not make the moment awkward. After a while of reading, his eyes start to droop, wanting too close, so he moves to put the book on the side table where he found it and turns off the lamp while doing this all very careful to make sure that he doesn't wake the sleeping girl next to him. He snuggles up close to her, not wanting to forget this moment. The night quietly goes by when Spencer is rudely awakened by (y/n) running to the bathroom to vomit all the alcohol that she consumed earlier that night. He runs into the bathroom to hold back her hair and rubs her back softly. (y/n) is startled from his actions, but slowly looks over to him and says,
"You know, I meant what I said last night, you are pretty cute." Spencer looks down at her and gives her a warm smile. That is where it all began.
(Y/n) smiles back at the memory of that night, wishing again that Spencer was there to hold her hair back just like he did when she was hungover. She winces when she feels the urge to puke again, so (y/n) leans her head over the toilet to let out the remaining contents she has left to give. After (y/n) feels like she isn't going to puke anymore, she decides not to have breakfast and just heads to the living room. As she sits onto the couch, her phone dings, she checks the notification and sees that it is her period tracker. She looks at her phone with wide eyes, shocked to see what it has to tell her.
You are two weeks past your period date!! Please go to the nearest pharmacy and check to see if you have a baby on the way !!;)  
 (Y/n) curses under her breath while she goes to take a quick shower knowing that she might know the answer to this crazy new information. As Spencer and her have just started trying for a baby, (y/n) didn’t expect that it would happen so quickly. She dresses in a rush and snatches her keys off the kitchen counter and runs out the door. Arriving at the pharmacy and going straight to the health and safety aisle to grab three different brands of pregnancy tests to make sure. She paces to the front counter. When she reaches the cashier guy, he blushes and awkwardly pauses, and then mumbles a small stuttery
"C-c- congratulations ma'am, if it's positive, would you be excited?,"
while giving a nervous chuckle. (Y/n) looks at him with an irritated expression wondering why he was so nosey, she replies with a sassy manner,
"Is it any of your damn business if I am or not?"
feeling a slight pang of guilt with the tone she has replied with, knowing that he didn't mean any harm. She quickly paid and used long strides to get to the bathroom at the back of the store. On the way back (y/n) can already picture the image of Spencer holding their child as if it’s the most valuable treasure. Seeing the way he is with godson, Henry, she knows he would make an amazing father.
She enters the bathroom and locks the door behind her. (Y/n) sits down on the toilet and takes all three of the tests. After she is finished, she sets a timer for three minutes, while she is waiting, her nerves get to her, making her pace around the small clean bathroom. Who knew that three minutes could take so long. As the timer that she had set went off, (y/n) looked down to see that all the results showed a positive symbol. In shock (y/n) sits back on the toilet, puts her hand over her mouth, and stares at the small plus sign in front of her. She looks back one more time to make sure the test is positive and then puts them back in her purse. She's so excited that she didn't even notice the happy tears that were sliding down her cheeks. (Y/n) wipes them off her cheeks, then thinks about the future she and Spencer will have together. This will be a long journey, but she knows it will be worth it in the end, and the thought of her and Spencer being a family made her stomach feel like hundreds of butterflies were in it. Since (y/n) is eating for two, she thought to herself; she might as well stop and get something to eat at an In and Out. As she pulls through the drive-thru, she stares at the menu for a while, until she decides on getting a veggie burger.
As (y/n) gets her food, she decides to go to her and Spencer's favourite park. The idea of going there makes her feel closer to Spencer, and at the thought of that, she gives a small but warm smile. Heading to her usual spot and getting her veggie burger out of the In and Out labelled bag, she sinks her teeth into the food as she smiles with delight from the delicious flavours she's tasting. As she is finishing eating and is only slurping what's left of her lemonade, she stares over to the playground watching the kids laugh and play. Thinking to herself that one day she will be able to bring her kid to the park where she and Spencer spent many days and nights together, whether it was them walking along the lake or gazing at the stars on a clear night, where they made the best memories. Although she knows Spencer won't respond cause he is probably busy working up a profile, she decides to send him a message and a picture to tag along, saying, Wish you could be here with me right now !!! But I know that you're out doing what you love most !!! I'll probably stop by the office to check on Penelope and see how she is doing. Haha, I can’t help there to be another motive to see Garcia and that is to see what is taking you and the team so long? but I'll see you when you get back!!! I also have a big surprise to share with you when you get back, and I know you will be thrilled. Sending the text, (y/n) lays her phone next to her and watches the family of ducks walk through the park and into the lake, thinking how adorable they are. As the sun sets, and everyone is leaving (y/n) finally decides that it is time to go home as she stands up and brushes any remaining crumbs from her dinner while she’s cleaning herself up (y/n) phone rings. As she looks down to see who was calling, she smiles to see it's Garcia.
Garcia says as soon as (y/n) swipes on her phone to accept her call. Weird, she didn't say anything else, no happy or cheerful or even a sweet comment, just a single word.
"Hi, Garcia! Are you doing okay? You umm sound a bit off,"
little did (y/n) know that Garcia was trying to hold back her tears and stay strong for her.
"Umm (y/n), I have some concerning new that I need to tell you,"
there was a long pause before Garcia took a deep breath and continued,
"The team got into a severe car accident, and many of them are injured and in the hospital but-"
Garcia pauses while there is a moment of quiet sorrowful silence. (Y/n) heart is beating fast, she's in absolute shock, not knowing what to say or do. She just stands there helplessly in silence, breathing loud enough so that Garcia knows she's still there. (Y/n) doesn't want to think that after all that horrific news there's still more Garcia hasn't said yet. She's so worried about the next sentence that she sits back down on the freshly cut grass where it was still warm and had a  slight indent from her sitting there just moments ago, full of joy and hope.
"But (y/n) S-Spencer is,"
Garcia can't hide the sob that slipped between her brightly coloured lips that had a bright shade of pink lipstick; she applied earlier in the day to surprise Morgan when he got back from his case. Garcia continued through her crying
"(y/n), Spencers in a post-traumatic coma and I'm afraid that the Doctors don't know when he will wake up again....,"
Garcia forced the words out of her even though they felt like ice cutting into her heart. She had to force them out like that, or else she wouldn't be able to tell (y/n). There was yet another long pause between them, but this one was different. Both women couldn't speak out of the shock and fear that was flowing through their bodies. They sat there in that silence until Garcia dared to ask
"(Y/n) are you okay? Please talk to me, you haven't said a single word, I'm not even sure if you're the-,” Garcia was abruptly interrupted by a sobbing and angry (y/n), she started to yell, "No, I'm not okay Garcia, in fact, I am the very opposite of okay. The father-," she couldn't stop sobbing making it hard to speak, but she was so angry, so she kept going,
"The father of my child may not ever be able to wake up again, so forgive me for not saying a word," (Y/n) doesn't know why she does it, but she hangs up. After the very second she hangs up, she hugs her arms around her knees, feeling the cold grass get wet beneath her from the mildew that had slowly snuck up as the night went on. (Y/n) then just bursts into more inconsolable sobbing, she cries so hard that she feels dangerously light-headed. The next thing she knows, her eyes are barely lifting open, but for a split second, she has them open. (Y/n) looks down to see that she is in a hospital bed before passing out. 
To be Continued….
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