#on top of this i was seeking therapy bc im trying to. get out of a certain situation. but its too expensive and the only cheap option
tortadecuchufli · 9 months
college related negativity under the cut
i have. 2 reading tests in one day. one after the other. And a report to turn in.
One asks for 11 readings. averaging 20 pages each. 3 of those are whole ass DSM 5 chapters. The other has 4 readings, averaging 30 pages each.
I've read like 4 of these.
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pepprs · 9 months
girls who slam themselves in the 3x meta psychic prison. mutuals my mother straight up does not love or see or understand me and never did. when the pain is unending 😍
​ok yeah. i wasn’t going to write about it bc it’s deeply embarrsssing on multiple levels but like. i watched the childhood video tapes. except i couldn’t get the one from the first 2 months of my sister’s and my life(s) to work so i watched one from when we were 4 and our brother was less than a year old. and mutuals… in SO many of the clips she’s filming him and only him trying to get him to bounce and shit snd i ask for her to turn the camera on me so she can see me dancing or i can show her the picture i drew for her or ask her a question or share a thought and like… yes i was an annoying feisty bossy attention seeking 4 year old with a horrible bowl cut. but i was 4. and i just wanted my mom to listen to me and look at me. and she was dismissive to me in the videos like not outright cruel but exasperated with me for constantly trying to stick my head into the shot and asking for her attention. and when she would say “not now tess” or “tess you’re blocking him” etc etc i apologized for it and that part was sad too. idk. all of it was sad. i knew watching this shit that i was probably gonna stir stuff up which would be dangerous esp bc i don’t have therapy until the end of the month and i did stir things up just in watching the documented footage of it. i wish it was safe to post some of it on here bc it’s genuinely… like i feel like i don’t get to say it was sad bc i was being annoying and attention seeking but it’s sad.
on top of that.. i couldn’t get the vcr to play shit on my laptop bc i didn’t have the right equipment for it so i had to play it on the tv. and my whole family eventually caught on to me watching it and have watched clips of it with me now. and that’s just so complicated. bc they’re all adding their commentary about it too and im letting them and inviting them bc i don’t know how to set boundaries. and my mom… god. my mom is DOUBLING DOWN on exactly the same stuff she said in the video when we were FOUR YEARS OLD. saying that my sister and i got to be filmed so much when we were babies and now it’s our brother’s turn. and i get that. i really do. i know i got attention when i was a baby and i can’t deny that. i know it wouldn’t have been fair or healthy or whatever to neglect him in favor of me / us. but also… i was FOUR!!!!! i was too little to understand what the politics of attention meant. and it just kind of fucking sucks that she’s holding that against me NOW too (as she said multiple times today / tonight) like saying scornfully that i was always so jealous of him and she doesn’t understand why i needed attention so badly since i never had undivided attention in the first place as a twin. like… i was a little kid. what did you expect me to do just like magically not need attention anymore and understand that the baby gets all the attention and go busy myself somewhere. idk. i feel entitled / selfish for saying it WHICH IS THE WHOLE PROBLEM like that video tape literally documents whatever mental issues i have now emerging… like me learning that i wasn’t important anymore and that when i sought attention i was just getting in the way and being annoying. lol
AND…. on top of all of this… sitting down with my mom and siblings and showing the videos and laughing over it and inviting their laughter even though it hurts to watch and it hurts to laugh at it and to hear them laughing… my mom’s focus in WATCHING these videos 20 years later is almost ENTIRELY on my brother!!!!!!! STILL!!!!! like the whole reason i had the clips i had was to… idk. trace the genesis of my mental illness and she wasn’t even paying attention to that she was just cooing over my brother. and when i told her why i was watching these / attempted to point out the patterns she got exasperated with me for overanalyzing everyrhing and navel gazing etc etc to an unhealthy degree. i fucking give up lol
it feels stupid selfish etc etc to be spiraling abt this and i usually don’t make long multi paragraph posts but like. god. this was a mistake. i never should’ve done this. it happened with the whole coming out day snapchat story thing too among other episodes. every time i dig up a thing from the past that she did that hurt me and try to explain it in retrospect she never changes her tune or comforts me or expresses any understanding or anything. she just doubles down on what she said / did before that hurt me so bad and it hurts me all over again. it could’ve been so much worse and the experience of adjusting to having a new sibling is universal and not a big deal in the slightest but it was a big deal for me. i so clearly took it hard and needed attention from my fucking mom!!! and that wound is still raw and now ive ripped it wide open again. scared little girl moment
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
im thinking abt how u can get diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder unless u identify as ace, and that got me thinking. im going to therapy for anxiety issues unrelated to my orientation, and my therapist correctly guessed the root cause is childhood trauma. im aroace who is romance averse, and im pretty sure i would still be averse without my trauma. however, if my therapist were to find out, i might get told i just have fear of commitment? ppl with trauma like mine tend to not get taken seriously if we say we really dont want a relationship... this isnt abt asexuality, but i figure the same logic applies? if a traumatized aro person goes to therapy for their lack of interest in romance, they might get told they have commitment issues. and that is if the therapist even believes in aromanticism. i thought ppl who are unlucky enough to seek therapy before hearing of aromanticism would face similar problem.
but, yknow. now that im actually in therapy myself... there's another issue that i never thought abt before. it's the fact that my country is still very queerphobic. currently i'm actually dreading being asked abt romantic relationships by ny therapist, bc im afraid if i honestly say i dont want romantic relationship, it'd get piled on top of my other issues 🥲 and since i have no idea whether this therapist is queer friendly, i cant just say "hey im aro, dont worry abt trying to diagnose me with things related to it. it doesnt bring me distress, so pls just focus on my actual issues." i initially thought it would be okay to seek help since my issue is unrelated to romantic relationship at all, but now that the root cause turns out to be from family trauma, im kinda afraid the topic might get there someday...
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Hi sorry for the long ask. i think i might have depression or something. I just feel like im always looking at people through some kind of mask, idk. Like i dont fit in anywhere. And sure at work that might just be normal for me bc ive always been a bit different than everyone else but i also feel like i have to pretend to be someone im not even with my best friend. Im just very low on energy all the time. I used to like art i think? I dont even remember if i actually liked it or just pretend i like it. Right now i feel like ive just been saying i like art because it's always been like that but do i really still like it? I sometimes dont draw for months. I feel like im not good enough at work, im a graphic designer but im not creative at all and im being compared to my coworker by my boss and it sucks. I just started my job 2 months ago but i already want to quit but i dont know what else i want to do. The only thing im maybe a bit decent and interested in is design and art even though i dont know if i even like it or if i just pretended to like it for too long that i dont know the difference anymore. On top of this my dad is sick and its incurable and he's literally gonna die soon and he's too young to die.
I just feel like something is wrong with me, at this point im hoping something is wrong with me so it can be fixed. I dont want this to just be my personality. But i dont really want to seek professional help because i dont want my mom to worry. There's so much going on for her already, im the person she depends on the most right now and i dont want to make this more difficult. And of course i also feel like its not bad enough to really count as any mental illness or something. I mean it's not that bad, it might just the the winter season that's making me sadder than usual. And the entire situation im in. And also the fact that i just dont know what i want regarding my job. So its not that weird that im low on energy and i dont want to draw something for my friend that he asked for even though i have 4 days in the week i dont have to work. But i dont draw on those days, i only watch series all day. In the morning i lie down on the couch and in the evening i get up to go back to bed and that was my entire day yesterday and Wednesday. Just no motivation to do anything fun other than this.
You dont have to diagnose me or anything but any personal thoughts on this?
Btw i started following your blog because somewhere last year when i could feel myself just needing some encouragement and positivity. The posts really did cheer me up a little for a while.
While I won't try to diagnose you, it does sound like you are genuinely struggling - and even if this does not qualify as mental illness, that should not prevent you from seeking help and answers. Because the earlier you reach out for support, the better are your odds of avoiding a severe mental health episode. And it's better to worry your mom a bit to get better than to bottle all of this up until it reaches the point of no return. Because you're right that something is going on here. And even if you aren't mentally ill, losing a parent is by itself a major life crisis and a very good reason to seek out therapy and support
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elaichoi · 9 months
PLSDJJIDS I WAS THE OPPOSITE like i didnt wanna pay money but also like i had to have it to reach my fullest potential 👹👹👺
yes exactly i burnt out big time OTL cheers to being *less* mentally ill in the near future ^3^
that's totally understandable,, from the way i see it a majority of the asian population that goes by undiagnosed is v large,, and i'm not basing this off of any actual studies though i know there are some out there- but rather just the role culture (at least in most east asian cultures is as far as i'm qualified to speak for lol) plays in mental health makes diagnosis and treatment,, idk and just going by undiagnosed makes me sad that there are ppl who think this is the norm and that it's something you are expected to get over bc it's something "everyone goes thru" :( i very much relate on the front of gaslighting urself/being gaslit into thinking u just can't handle struggles that "everyone else manages to manage well" n that rlly sucks im sorry beb </3
DAMN LOL we r on the same boat on the same river 🥲 my little tiny snowball also started out w family problems and oh my god my mental health has come out of its hiding >o< i remember my counselor describing it as an unvented pressure cooker lmao
don't answer if you don't wanna, but do you still feel that way in the sense of repressing ur emotions? like refusing to acknowledge it ? i think i was like that for a small period of time but now im like the complete opposite which is like half miserable half not lmfaoo i will forever be the biggest advocate for anyone getting therapy even if u think u don't need it,,, but!! i also know its a big step and may not be accessible for some :<
no yeah cus i feel so gross and overwhelmed and like not in control of things and so ill start spiraling if i dont get up and take a shower ^_^
not throwing pity confetti in your face, just as someone who can relate at least in some ways, big kudos to u for having so much patience to put up w everything bc it must b very hard not to lose ur marbles all the time,,,, standing w u solider 🫡
OH TRUE I FORGOT AB THAT UGH BARF i remember ig always fucked up my video quality saur bad even after rendering n shit T_T
aaa goodluck bae<3 hehe yeah i always rlly want to after seeing so many pretty edits jdksdkf i might i might we shall see :>
mental health is such a fuck up like it's like a ticking bomb the way it can go off at any point of life and the urge to ghost everyone, im so ashamed fr
yeah like most of asian countries i feel like. in our culture mental health is seen as something that is seen interjected with "adulting" like when you grow up you're supposed to feel like this and it's your duty to like make peace with it and if you try to seek help for it your family members kinda take it like a failure like you couldnt even deal with this? there's just a whole lot of stigma surrounding it and on top of that, therapy not being that widely available in south asia is a huge problem.
bro pressure cooker, im glad to know you're actually very up front with your feelings now. it's always better than bottling them up, at least you don't feel like a stranger to yourself either, my issues make me feel like an imposter within myself like it's hard to distinguish between things that I feel like I'm making up and the other things that's fucking me up.
lmao ngl I was like those scenario and concept editors right I would have continued to edit bc my edits were like THSIE most beautiful scenes in kpop mvs but I stopped bc the resolution was ASSS THAT TOO WHITE ASSS!!!!!
OMG i wonder how i rizzed u up 😩😩😩😩
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stargirlfics · 3 years
Not to be a bitch but I’ve noticed that you only answer asks that come from your “besties” or whatever you call them and that kinda turns me away Bc it makes me feel like what I have to say doesn’t matter 🙄🙄
Thanks I wanna cry and yell, cheers to being a bitch so I’ll be one back, politely bc that’s who I am
I am one person, I cannot and will not and do not have the mental and emotional capacity to fix you. Not to psychoanalyze but you should probably seek therapy, your worth cannot be based on whether I answer your asks, I am one person with a life just like yours outside here, I am trying I’m fucking trying my best, please stop projecting your feelings onto me, a stranger. Your words do matter anon, whether I get to your ask today or in a few days or a week, nothing changes that, I always do my best to answer everyone, we have gone through this a million times before, so again im going to repeat myself because nobody fucking listen to me anymore, if I don’t get to your ask or it takes me awhile, it doesn’t mean I hate you or don’t think what you have to say is stupid or not important, it never has and never will be that way for me
If you want to be my friend anyone can always aske me or just say hey did you get my ask or just checking if you got this message but doing this…please learn to communicate your feelings better, I’m upset and don’t want you to message me again if you’re gonna treat me this way or things are dependent on when I answer things
This ask right here and asks I’ve gotten before like this make me feel pressured, disrespected and not seen as a fellow human being and honestly this tells me you don’t really care
Did it not occur to you that I am going to answer lots of anon asks I have in my inbox but that I maybe have stuff going on and responsibilities and can’t get to every single ask quickly, sometimes I’ll answer an ask from one of my “besties” quickly because it’s one I see first when I’m on the go checking my phone in between class or things I have to do, I also do that with anon asks but I guess nobody has witnessed that, I guess there’s no proof of that, I guess there’s not a whole “ask” tag you can go through to see alllllll the anonymous asks I have gotten and answered
Fortunately you are wrong, I have a lot of anon asks I haven’t gotten to yet today so I’m going to need your patience as well as everyone else’s patience, I had a class this morning, I just got home…I JUST GOT HOME
Can I have a second to sit down and eat and then check my messages and answer stuff or is that too long for you? Yes there are asks I haven’t answered sent to me days ago but I do intend on getting to them. I’m just exhausted and trying to find time to fit everything in in a day. If you think I only answer messages from my friends then you aren’t really looking or paying attention and you also don’t really know me and if your interest was truly in getting to know me and talk to me, you wouldn’t have sent me this in this way
I’ve also gotten advice asks recently and won’t be answering those because I am feeling very burnt out right now
Once again, please have patience with me. I have a lot going on with school: 30 hour a week clinicals on top of three hour class, my family is going through some stuff, I just moved and am still fixing things up in the new place, I’m trying, I wish I could dedicate all my time to this blog and to answering anons but sometimes it will be slow going, it will take me days, if that’s an issue for you, I can’t fix you or the deeper internal issues you may have going on and also you would be the same way because you also have a human life and are in the world and have things to do and things going on
Thanks bye please do not come back I’m really mad :)
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yknow while this hellsite continues on the whole religion discussion thing, i’d like to jump in on it with my experience particularly with leaving catholic school.
like aside from my angsty pop-punk/emo etc teen phase (which’ll obvs be weaved into story later on) that led me to have different views from the church and aside from the whole sexism thing that i endured over my year 10 formal/junior prom in 2010 and 2011 from staff there….. i found it within myself incredibly hard to leave there… mostly because i’d known literally 1/3 of my year group at catholic school since kindy/kindergarten or some other point in primary school.
this affected my choice to leave and it was quite tumultuous inwardly. knowing the safety and predictably of the people i was with for all those years was a comfort to me. i knew their parents due to parent mixer bbqs that we’d have after mother’s day and father’s day liturgies- although i hated the mother’s day ones mostly, due to personal reasons. but to leave that comfortable place for overly loyal, kinda sorta shy (although everyone who knew me at that school wouldn’t’ve described me as shy bc i was a very loud show off because of drama class 😅) and by year 10, very lonely, highly socially anxious and depressed, teen me was terrifying. it meant losing her friends and stability and she obvs hated that thought. it meant leaving the one one place she ever felt good at something, drama class.
obviously, after she did leave for public school, she visited the catholic school on a few separate occasions, to try and keep the connection “alive” or whatever the fuck she wrote in a fake deep status on her fb (that i now get in my fb memories every year lmao). but it all ended pretty badly, when everyone from that school stopped talking to her once high school finished. no one invited her out. or if people did try to invite her out, like a couple of people did, it always fell through…. and it made her feel like she was just a bad luck charm or whatever other low self esteem talk she was telling herself. there was quite a few moody statuses around that too lmao.
but yeah. leaving catholic school was a massive thing for me back then, because even though i hadn’t gone to church on sunday for literal Y E A R S at that point; i still had a strong pull to that school because i’d known SO MANY kids at that school from primary/elementary/grade etc school, regardless of their year group level. because if there’s one thing catholic school was good at, it was networking 😂. you knew everyone, and everyone knew you. it was safe, it was sound, so i didn’t want to leave.
but once you leave, you lose your friends and what almost felt like an extended family (although they obvs weren’t). but at the same time, i’d grown to hate the safety and almost insularity of the school, because as i mentioned earlier, you felt like you could predict how people would react or behave in class/events etc.
i felt the above distinctly, because as i’ve mentioned plenty on here, from years 7-10 i was a very emotionally demonstrative kid. in some classes (mostly religion and PE when i was bothered to participate) i’d end up in shouting matches with the teacher or other students…. or y’know just have a casual meltdown in the middle of class, which many people saw as “attention seeking” behaviour. i felt watched, i felt ready to snap, and to quote the ever present All Time Low i felt like the bridge lyrics from “therapy” (which was/is quite obviously somewhat partially about the price of fame and hollywood imo- but that went over teen me’s head at the time lmao):
“arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to, they’re better off without you (better off without you). arrogant boy, cause a scene like you’re supposed to, they’ll fall asleep without you; you’re lucky if your memory remains”
like yes. i’ll admit those bridge lyrics being applied to this time is rather overdramatic, in hindsight, but hey. that was teen me for ya lmao. and don’t even get me started on applying ATL’s song “sick little games” to this at the time as well 😂😅. anyway. from all the “lms and i’ll tell you what i like about you” trend statuses that people were doing back then on fb, i’d gained the tag of “cool/chill girl”, my crush rich boy, once called me “outrageous” because of how loud i was and how willing in years 7-9 to scream out stupid song lyrics like “i want to fuck dog in the ass” by blink 182, fight song by marilyn manson and then idek probably my humps by black eyed peas at the top my lungs through the very few halls that that school had 😂😅. i was being purposely and annoyingly offensive most of the time.
but eventually, once it came to things like one of the girls in my group wanting to run for vice school captain and the other girls in my group A L W A Y S being given leadership positions (LPs)….. while i always had to apparently “repent” my behaviour by being made (in theory from my teachers) to sit alone at lunch because of my “embarrassing” and “unseemly” behaviour at the so-called “training”/ “retreat” days we had for things like being peer support leaders for the new cohort of year 7s etc etc. i felt like everyone was just waiting for me to leave…. and that they couldn’t stand my “embarrassing” presence and that i’d ruin my friends chances of being selected as co-captain or whatever other bullshit LPs they wanted to run for. but still. i felt like i couldn’t leave. just. how do you leave a bunch of people that you’ve known for so long???
and even when my teachers were nice enough to give me a chance in a leadership position once; in that dastardly bullshit internet safety workshop thing that they should’ve literally just hired a professional workshop co. to do….. but to save money they used students in my year group instead. so, instead of being marked by my teachers on this program; i was marked by the catholic education office. they had a lady come in from the ceo to judge/mark us while presenting…… and this lady went off at teen me for “not being professional, responsible and respectful” or whatever the fuck the woman told 15/16yo me…. which teen me then fired back with “i don’t have to be fucking professional and responsible!!!! IM FUCKING 15!!!!”.. so from then on i was never given an LP or any other type of “peer support” role against my friends who were littered with offers for them. mind you, i did call a whole room of 14 year olds “a bunch of cunts” or the like and then stormed out thinking that i’d made a solid point, so the CEO woman had a good reason 😂😅….. again in hindsight.
of course there was also the bitterness of teen me being angry at the english dept for not giving her a spot in the top class of english in her half of the year. but as i’ve said previously on other posts, i’ve forgiven this because i did essentially fail one shakespeare in class assessment in year 8 or year 9 😂. but i strongly felt this during my time at catholic school bc my friends believed that i should’ve been in the top english class too lmao.
but aside from those troubles and foibles, i still found it incredibly hard to leave. to leave the perceived closeness of that group of girls, who would sometimes walk me down to the office and sit with me in “purple room” while i waited for the teacher that had to act as my therapist almost lmao. even though i always told my friends to leave me be and go back to class bc i felt bad about dragging them out of class for so long.
but yeah. with all the above behaviour, the song lyrics to me at the time made sense bc teen me just felt so pressured to fit into the whole “funny, cool, outrageous girl” bs box that people had put her in…. but at the same time she wanted to escape it bc she was just *flyleaf voice* SO SICK of being laughed at instead of laughed with (atl weightless reference here kids) just because… like she DESERVED to be taken seriously for fucks sake, and not a be a “monkey do funny dance” person… she obvs felt this the most in drama class. where in the shakespeare unit, she picked a medley of romeo and juliet and taming of the shrew monologues to do for her monologue. although she nearly did lady macbeth throwing herself off the tower, to be hella edgy…. but she opted not to do that in the end. but she picked serious pieces bc she was sick and tired of being classed as the one trick pony go-to funny person.
okay. this really went off topic. but y’all get the point??? the decision of leaving catholic school was a hell of a ride for little 14-16yo me. it was confusing, terrifying and tied up in years of being overly judged and feeling like people wanted me to leave bc they were sick of me. it was tied up in years of mid-class meltdowns that had become kind of routine for me to have, and that people were just brushing me off as “attention seeking”…. but also ironically waiting for me to snap at any second for another wild shouting match or walkout; which would then make me look like i was “unruly” or “untameable/unmanageable” or whatever the fuck….. but i couldn’t take that anymore, for the final senior years. i HAD to leave it.
again it was hard to leave for loyal little teen me, despite how lonely and isolated she felt. why leave your friends when you’re comfortable??? but also: why stay in this toxic environment where people are just waiting for you to either shut the fuck up and put up with it or just blow up and absolutely lose your shit??? that’s just unhealthy asf. and the only unruly thing that’s happening here is the complete lack of mental health help or management in the aussie education system; but most especially in religious schools.
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katedoesntexist · 4 years
Stay-at-home journal 11/20/20
Finished making photobook
Made stuffed bell peppers
Partner made us pineapple parfaits
Rearrange closet
Make flower frames maybe
Free space:
Woke up early and dont know why, but its a nice change to feel rested. Dont remember any dreams.
Body is still bad tho. New back pain has appeared at the top of my right hip. I think its a pinched nerve. But leg muscle pain is decreased so maybe sitting/standing is working. Body's doing a new thing now where if i dont have food or water for a while it gets panicky and i feel like im going to throw up or idk something worse. Its so stupid, like you piece of shit body, you just had water and snacks a few hrs ago, calm tf down. So yeah idk what that means.
I bought some bins for my clothes. I usually just throw shit on the ground bc im too lazy to put stuff in a dresser and try to jam it all in then dig through it and have to pull it all out bc i cant find what im looking for. So the floor works well. But in an effort to decrease mess in my life (bc i think it lowkey stresses me) im going to put my stuff in small open bins. Well see if its effective.
One of my favorite pastimes is scrolling wish. Idk why. Eventually they just show you the same stuff over and over, but its entertaining. its good inspiration for projects. I want to get back into resin (its been like almost 10 yrs) but idk thats a lot of supplies to buy. Espec bc the uv resin seems cool but i dont have a light. Ive lived so long feeling guilty if i bought stuff for myself that even now that i can afford hobbies its like i beat myself up over spending. Its like something in my head thinks buying non-food things is immoral even tho obviously thats not true. Maybe bc i think of it as a treat. A splurge. A frivolity. So now that i have a well paying job and can afford frivolities, its still an indulgence. And too much indulging = guilt i guess.
Jeez sorry abt being so negative again. Things rly arent too bad! This has been one of my best yrs even despite the pandemic. And w anything that i do complain abt, pls know i try to work on those things and improve. Im a true pessimist, and a lot of ppl dont understand that doesnt mean im having a bad time. Im just spotting the negative so i can address those things and be even better.
Id like to start therapy but part of me worries its not going to be worth it. I worry ill be told im fine. I worry ill be told ive already got things figured out. Not that i think i have the knowledge or insight a therapist does, but so many times when im over my head and ask for help im told "no youre doing fine, you dont need help, youve already got it handled." Also doing stuff myself is a point of pride. Its why i do my own hair and also why i do craft projects. One of the things i believe i could use help with is actually preventing me from seeking help. Its stupid. Also i just plain dont want to interface w a stranger.
Anyway idk why ive gotten into mental hangups on this early fri. Time for work.
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trigger-talk · 4 years
🌟I dont know if this is going to sound dumb or bad or what but ive. I think at least, come to the realization that my exes name might be a trigger for me? Whenever i see someone mention or say it i just start shaking uncontrollably untill i can get my attention focused entirely on something else. even tho i know it prolly it, i just… is that normal? I feel like it is, but ive never BEEN traumatized before–i had a super sheltered, healthy childhood compared to… it seems like literally Everyone Else On the Planet sometimes.
but then i entered my very first real relationship, which lasted three years and ended around–i think it was almost exactly a year ago? And it was just. A horrible relationship. We were still only teenagers, and we were extremely toxic for each other, they emotionally manipulated me with love talk and su*cide threats and told me i was a bad person any time i even remotely disagreed with or upset them??
but because i was A year, almost 2 (weird birthdays situation), older than them, they told me and a lot of our other mutual friends that i was the only one who was abusive, and completely shut me down whenever i tried to tell people about how they treated me–and i recently found out that, even tho i have them blocked, they have people stalking my blog and theyve been vague posting about me and trying to get certain fandom groups to shun me, so i cant even vent about this fear on there bc theyll say im being manipulative and shitty, and i don’t know what to do or how to feel about it.
i know i wasnt the best partner, and that I should have known better, but i was a dumb teenager who /didn’t/ know any better because id never been in a relationship before, so i know i shouldn’t be blaming myself s, but i cant tell if this even counts as.. really being traumatic? Is it bad enough for me to “get to use” the word trigger in regards to how their name makes me feel? Is that even what triggers make people feel, is there another word for it that i dont know about, it is just extreme paranoia???
Im sorry if this isnt the best/right blog to go to, it was just..  the only one i could find that gives any kind of advice AND has been at all active at all in the past 2 months-a year. Im sorry if this is too much, like, to process,and if you just want/need to delete it for your own mental health reasons, i understand completely, i just… am desperately searching  for a place to get some kind of answers or validation or clarification or. Anything at all, really??
Im sorry for sending this as a submission too, i just think it really requires the context and i didnt want to flood your inbox with numbered asks bc i know that ce be annoyingto deal with–Thank you if you can answer, and if not, i hope you have a really good day regardless, Mods! The blog is a blessing that seems to have helped a lot of other people, so great work!
Mod Meep’s Response: Hi, love, I’m so sorry this is a bit delayed. I’m going to start at the top and work my way down:
Yes, that definitely sounds like a trigger for you, that is a very common response to seeing/hearing one. And triggers can happen to anyone, not only is there no shame in having one even if you had a Healthy Childhood, I’m glad you can recognize what it is and seek out help. 
Your ex does sound very abusive and honestly dangerous. I don’t know the whole situation but if they do ever try anything towards you, you might consider legal action against them - even if it’s only to stop the vague hate. 
I promise it’s okay and what happened to you is not your fault, not in the slightest. You were young, you make mistakes when you’re young, and even if you did make mistakes you were hurting at her hands and that needs to be addressed. Suicide baiting, false claims of abuse, negative and violent talk, all of that is extremely hurtful and traumatic and not something that you’re faking. It’s not just extreme paranoia - and even if it was, your emotions and feelings are valid and there are ways to make them easier to deal with. For example, if you have the funds and resources you may want to try a therapist, which might help you move on from the relationship and get you help. If not, there are online resources, or you could try exposure therapy with maybe an online consult first. I would advise against any sort of treatment without talking to a doctor first but understand that’s not always possible.
It’s totally fine that you sent it as a submission, I promise it is, you could’ve sent it by homing pigeon and we would’ve answered :D. I don’t know if its the best blog to go to but I hope this response helped, we’re not experts here but maybe this will point you in the right direction. And thank you, I’m so glad we could help some people!
-Mod Meep
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Sunday 5/6
My roommates name is Shauna. She doesn’t flush and when I got here there was what I can only assume were soiled clothes in a brown paper bag. 
A woman in the hall is also talking about her shit. I’m the youngest person here and im afraid to shower, there’s no door. The poop lady is cackling. 
My roommate and I talked, she’s nice, and I met her night nurse and she is so nice. Her name is Maria. 
I’m having a hard time figuring out why I feel like this. Its hard b/c I’ve been hungover but surely that’s not all it is. How do you recover from a hangover so bad you end up in a psych ward?
It weird not having my phone, I want to check twitter. I don’t want to go to group therapy tomorrow. 
I just can’t stop crying, my eyes actually hurt. 
My mouth tastes bad but I have no toothpaste. 
I started reading this book called notorious nineteen and it is truly trash. 
I don’t have the lights on bc Shauna’s sleeping- I feel like Mozart. 
My eyes hurt, I might go call my dad again to get my moms phone number. 
Ill be back. 
Got Taylor’s # and called her/my mom. Maria gave me some antihistamines to try to calm me down/sleep. 
My sisters want to come visit me on Tuesday. 
I’ve only eaten a donut this morning. 
There’s a painting of a window that is 100% mocking me. 
I’m sweaty. 
Some snaps I would be sending if I had my phone 
*a pic of the little card that was on my bed when I came in w/ a number on it for housekeeping. Caption idea- 
is this a joke?
It’s a work in progress. 
*def a snap of me whipping/nay naying to the woman whose been singing in the hall all night (singer)
Shauna is snoring. There’s no joke there but its absolutely worth noting. 
I just want to play candy crush. 
(12:30 pmish) I feel like I’m in a dream. I’ve been sleeping all day- it turns out it was only like 3 hours tops.
I had so many dreams. 
I just went and talked to a big ass table of doctors about my life and I just feel so groggy. They’re in there talking about me. 
I skipped lunch b/c my tummy hurt so bad after breakfast. 
Shauna puked everywhere. 
I think she’s leaving. 
Also turns out she’s in withdrawal AND pregnant. 
And she has an infected injection site on her arm. 
I just talked to my mom/dad/Taylor and asked them to bring me some books + shirts. 
The nice psychiatrist said she would give me some adavan to calm me down. Also I skipped lunch b/c my stomach hurt so bad from breakfast but now I’m hungry so I guess they’re gonna order me something. I feel so weird. (might have napped here)
4ish pm
40 mg stratera (sp?), one mg atavan. 
Finally left my room, I’ve been asleep all day. 
Nurse went and got me a coke + a water and I saw they’re watching forgetting Sarah Marshall so I thought Id join. Everyone called me out when I came in since ive been hiding out. Bitches. 
Movies suggested by the dude I’m watching FSM w/
- assassin’s creed
10 positive ways to describe myself
1. Legs that go up to my asshole
2. College educated
3. Big heart
4. Good sense of humor
5. Love babies
6. Love my friends 
7. Good communicator
8. Love the outside
9. Big smile
10. Lovely family
9 positive coping skills 
1. Talk to Taylor
2. Going on walks
3. Calling my parents
4. Reading
5. Going to therapy
6. Doing hw
7. Watching movies
8. Candy crush (questionable) 
9. Eating veggies
8 things I’ve accomplished 
1. College
2. Getting into grad school
3. Learning Spanish
4. Coming to the hospital
5. Making great friends
6. Moving a lot and making it through
7. Driving to SLC 
8. Supporting myself (for the most part)
7 healthy things I can do each day 
1. Eat well
2. Shower
3. Talk to my friends
4. Not drink
5. Clean my room
6. Clean my clothes
7. Do my hw
6 things I can change
1. My eating habits
2. Drinking
3. Exercising more
4. Getting a routine
5. Whitening my teeth
6. How I see myself
5 things I can’t change
1. How my family acts
2. How my friends act
3. The status of the US public school system
4. The amount of sunlight in my apt 
5. My face 
4 reasons I can’t give up
1. My family
2. I’m going to change the world
3. My friends
4. My future students
3 places I can get help
1. w/ dr. whose name I can’t remember 
2. my apt (Taylor)
3. the hospital 
2 people I can really trust
1. Taylor
2. my parents
1 reason I’m here
1. I need to not feel like this anymore
I’m holding myself back from asking why everyone’s here. 
Assassin’s creed guy, also known as biting guy (an inside joke from earlier) and sweater girl are talking about if the food delivery guy has extensions. 
We got called to dinner, now were finishing Sarah Marshall. 
Biter dude told hair guy “nice hair”.
Oh my god, when peter sings about how much he hates himself, biter and white shirt turned to me and said dang sounds like he’s going to be in the room next o me! way to be self aware guys! 
Just called my dad to find out about my stuff getting dropped off but turns out he did 2 hours ago and its all been in my room. 
I started crying immediately b/c Taylor is amazing- she brought me the perfect books. It was like she was talking to me through the books. 
She gave me b Franks autobiography and Jesse Donaldson’s ‘on homesickness’. And the book Amanda gave me. also wuthering heights and pastures of heaven. All so perfect. 
Shirts is roasting the shit out of double lasagna (he ate… double the lasagna we all got for dinner).
He keeps saying he looks like he’s about to give birth 
“I mean were already in the hospital we just gotta figure out what floor is maternity”
Wuthering Heights
1801- Mr. Lockwood +Heathcliff
Thrushcross Grange
Double lasagna is talking about the last time he had tequila- brother the last time I drank it I ended up here. 
What an anecdote. 
“they could have stolen my jewelry or even my virginity!” – about the guys who helped when he got too drunk. Double lasagna’s real name is * but he just introduced himself as Dorothy (to hair the night nurse helper). 
Fake Abby (biting guy came to my room thinking I was her) is here and shirt just said “you’re awfully quiet” and she rejected him hard. It was awk. 
One of the helpers is just chillin in here w/ us while I read my shitty book and we watch “just go w/ it” – its so bad. 
One of the nurses (pony tail) just made me go on a walk down the hall w/ him. They all keep asking me how I’m feeling and I keep saying fine but I’m not. As long as I don’t talk I don’t cry. I’m starting to think I want to stay here longer but also leave right away. Its all so confusing. 
Double lasagna just asked hair nurse if he could have his phone out of his bag and the way just looked up from his phone and said “nuh uh” was iconic. 
Its 805 pm and I think I’m going see about getting my sleeping pills so I can just crash. 
I need to document stuff better tomorrow b/c I don’t like how much of a blur today is. 
I finally showered and I feel better I think. I just don’t know what the move is once I get out. Like I don't know how to talk to anyone. 
I need Taylor to contact Morgan I think. 
I’m sure she’s confused. Or maybe she doesn't care literally at all.  Who cares. I’ve been surprised at how easily I’ve been sleeping today especially without my phone and with everything on my mind. 
I need a talk therapist like yesterday.
I can’t bring myself to get through any of the books Taylor brought. The 19 book in such trash but it’s easy to read.
 The shower needs to be pressed every 45 seconds to say on. I wore shower shoes.
 Fake Abby doesn’t know what the move is, I can tell.
I called Taylor + my mom then got snack in my night meds. I mom told me to call back to talk to Mack so I just did. She’s lovely. 
Double lasagna somehow talked to snack nurse into giving him a full sandwich. I got a strawberry poptart and a coke. 
They’re checking in a new girl now who looks a bit like she’s closer to my age. 
I’m happy she’s not my roommate. 
I think tomorrow ill try to call family/friends less and trust the process. I need to really take a step back. 
I’m just happy I feel comfortable sitting in the sun room. I knew a lot more about movies than they did 
Goals for tomorrow-
Check out group
Find rec room/sign my name by Mack’s 
Document everything
Keep room clean
They still haven’t cleaned Shauna’s side. Its off putting. 
Have I mentioned they check on me every 15 minutes? 
Its off putting also. 
I wish I had just like some mascara or something. I hate to be that girl but damn. 
My mom keeps trying to talk about the funny aspects of this but I can’t say I’m feeling them yet. Today just really was such a blur. I sept a lot then talked to therapists then I think went back to sleep? Then begged for lunch then I think slept? That’s where its fuzzy. Called my fam too much, I need to not tomorrow. 
I also want to gain control of tv room tomorrow. Power move!! 
Did I mention I called Chelsea? My brain is mush. 
- Be more present tomorrow-
- Ask more questions- 
be warned: new beginnings are rarely pure, and neither are the men who seek them
On Homesickness pg 23
Scott County
We are homesick most for the places we have never {truly} known
37, Franklin County 
Questions to Proteus -> how do I get home? 45, Montgomery County 
7:10 am 
slept super hard but also had super vivid dreams. Mack and I talked about that last night. 
She said she had never brought it up. I was a little restless, prob just bc they were constantly opening my door and eventually just stopped closing it. 
I’m just trying to let go of control. I don’t want my phone back. I need to talk to someone about the insane anxiety I feel when I think about home back to the real world. 
Even just being in my apartment scares me b/c it feels like its full of negative energy. I need to focus on the good when I get out. 
I keep thinking about my phone bill and I can’t remember if I paid for internet. Also the maintenance light is still on in my car. 
Even though mom and dad are coming today I need to be communicating less w/ outside world. If I really want to be off the grid I need to really b alone with me thoughts and be okay with it. 
I kept feeling for my phone throughout the night. 
I wonder what the nurses think of me. do I seem different than everyone else?
I keep finding myself trying to relate to the nurses, esp. the young male one (hair) but what am I trying to prove? That I’m not like everyone here? 
Newsflash, asshole, I am 
(I’m the asshole)
I need a sharper pencil- do you think a lobotomy joke will be appropriate when I request one orr?
I wonder if Prather has texted me. I’m supposed to sub on the 21st. 
Not looking forward to checking my bank account. I really spent a lot w/out giving a shit. It was freeing but I also haven’t worked in over a week + a half soooooo. 
On homesickness is so dramatic but I love it. Makes me think of Taylor. (bc home, not the drama)
Also I think I’m getting fucking sick. Or, according to Lula (Flula) in 19, I’m getting hospital cooties. 
7:27 am 
I’m in TV room w/ singer. I asked what we’re watching and she said “some kind of cartoon”. She’s not screaming which is awesome. I’m going to read Wuthering Heights. 
Almost 8 
Called dad and asked him to bring me a pair of readers since my eyes hurt. Nice nurse #2 is here again. She’s blonde. I haven’t seen Maria again. Met another nurse too. She was young. Also there’s a fake nurse (fake nurses are in teal, like hair, and he real ones are in blue) who I def. know. Cant figure out from where, maybe high school? Either way, not cool with it. Also, they sharpened my pencil. 
Having a hard time focusing on reading. My eyes hut. 
I don’t like waiting around. 
Is it petty to point out inconsistencies in the rules? There’s different info on different sheets in the packet they gave us. Makes me wonder how closely these patients are reading it. Its all petty though, like whether or not we should take 5 or 10 minutes to use the phone or how many visitors we can have at a time. 
I know myself too well, ill be bringing it up. I’m going to check on breakfast. 
breakfast was sub par. Sat alone. New girl, sat w/ double lasagna. She only wanted milk so homeboy asked if he could eat hers! Has he learned nothing?? I ate pretty quick; I think I need to go back to sleep. I feel weird. 
Dr.?? (nice psychiatrist) came in and we talked. Started fine but I got really upset b/c of how much I feel like garbage and I don’t now if I want to be here. But also I don’t want to go back to the real world. She left and I went to go get a visteral 25 mg b/c I’m so upset. They gave it to me and when I got back to my room I 100% had a panic attack. 
I felt like I was a kid again. Maybe its b/c I’m here but I’ve never been sure that what it was until now. They happened a lot as a kid and usually ended in my mom holding me and saying everything’s ok. Its so hard not having that now. I left my room and the med student from Sunday was in the hall and he came and talked to me until I calmed down. 
With talking to them I finally feel like I’ve been able to verbalize how anxious I feel here along with how I feel about leaving. I just need to rest my eyes for right now, but when I’m up I need to write down what Dr. B said about when I get out. 
I miss my parents. 
Time unknown
Honestly can’t remember what happened next. 
Social worker came in, she’s lovely. Talked a bit then I kept resting. 
She gave me some info on how to stay grounded during a panic attack. 
Then I think I went to the rec room to do a puzzle but then religion group started. I stuck around but then little dr came to get me and asked if I would meet with big table of doctors even though I hate it. 
I did it but it made me upset again. They said they would come talk to me but they haven’t. 
I fell asleep again then not Maria nurse came to tell me they’re gonna give me more adavan once my visteral wears off. Fell back asleep then got a drink/ate lunch.
My puzzle got hijacked so I brought a new one into my room. I hit a wall so I stopped to write all this down and go find out what they talked about it my meeting. 
I think its around 1 pm. 
Sat and watched how I met your mother for a little. Started crying. Asked a nurse when I was gonna get talked to when little doc came up. they gave me an adavan and now I’m waiting for him to come talk to me. the maid is making up Shauna’s old bed while I sit and cry. Very awk. 
I don’t know why I keep crying. I just feel like I’m going to keep having these attacks. I feel so hopeless. 
Still sitting here crying. Still no doctor. 
My name is Abigail and I am safe. I am in the present and I am safe. 
lil doc came to talk to me and I got upset. I don’t understand what my next move is. 
Just slept pretty hard until now then got dinner. Going back to sleep is very tempting. 
I think I’m allowed another pill. What’s the point? 
6:50 pm 
I honestly don’t know what I’ve been doing since after dinner. I’ve been doing the puzzle in the TV room. I’ve been watching the office. I asked nice nurse if I could have another pill but she’s pretty sure she cane until its time for bed. My anxiety is pretty high right now my parents will be here in like an hour. 
7 pm
officially been hoarding pencils. They say I can have an atavan at 10 pm for bed, but they gave me a V. im wondering if that’s going to help me sleep. They’re going to put me on abilify on top of my startera. I’m hoping they’ll give me some of this visteril to take home in case I start to freak. 
Decided that in order to help me not get stressed I want someone to take my phone and ask me one by one about who texted/called/emailed and help me deal with it. Same w/ my bank statement. 
I want to say I feel better, but I don’t know. Its just all a blur. 
I want to see m parents so I can find out what the move is when I get out. Maybe a meeting with Andrea and social working and one of them would be cool. 
I don’t want to get out after Taylor leaves. Fuck.
Double lasagna and biter left. 
* is still here, and fake Abby is MIA. 
New girl who I don’t know 
New guy Brandon- wears vans 
And tad who Mack warned me about. Apparently he called 911 on the nurses from the phones. 
Bold move. 
Fake Abby and I are friends. I think she’s lonely, I know she wants to be my roommate, but I can’t deal with that. 
Now I just kill time until mom gets here. 
930 ish?
Mom and dad came and I feel a bit better. Mom and I did our crossword puzzle and dad and I figured out grad school. I also had him assure me I don’t need to worry about $ right now. 
I asked for a pen but they said no. but I STOLE ONE FROM MY DAD!! 
Honestly its low on ink but just having it feels great. 
Just called my mom and said goodnight to Mack. I feel ok. Mostly just shook b/c of how much of a dream this all feels like. But I’m ok. Time to crossword and eat my poptart like the star patient I am. And I’m gonna do it in god damn pen! 
Goals for tomorrow- 
- track when all meds taken
- get better at checking time 
slept like shit. But I think I might go home today?! I’m sick so my head fucking hurts. I dontknow what to think. I just want to sleep in my own bed. 
talked to dr. B + some of the team and I think I’ll just stay another night. It was hard for me to think of what I wanted to b/c I just woke up. but she made a good point that if I’m sick and drowsy it could be good to stay since they’ll change the time I get the abilify. I don’t know. Just very tired. 
Watching fresh prince. Thought there was gonna be group in here, but so far nothing. Fuck this. 
Fake Abby told shirt he looks like Carlton and no shit he kind of does. He deadass did the dance while he was walking out. He thinks side burns were cool. Now singer is singing Elvis songs. 
Newer girl is even scarier she’s very touchy. Seems like she doesn’t listen. 
singer is standing directly in front of the tv. She threatened to fire the nurse that told her to stop. 
Shirt is leaving today. 
New girl just came in and snatched the stuff out of singer’s hands and then tried to talk to everyone. Now singer is out for blood. New girl is wild. 
going to lay in bed until lunch. 
slept a little until lunch. Hamburger and a coke. 
I’m def staying another night. Thinking of some ideas for pickup since I need someone to go back to my apt w/ me. 
I think that’s the move. And then if its horrible I can try to stay somewhere else. I’m thinking of asking my sisters. Idk. Might call some of them now. 
I’m really just waiting to get something for my cough. 
just slept super hard
even denied taking my cough meds so I could sleep more
I finally got into the rec room and unsurprisingly it was a disappointment. 
Couldn’t find macks mark so I left. 
Gonna go try to get more crossword 
just called Chelsea, she said she would try to come over after work/talk to liv about doing the same. I just want to take a real shower. 
Crazy Tad just said hi to me. 
New girl (maid) is asleep sitting up, we’re watching that 70’s show. 
My shirt smells like Keenan. 
Also its almost snack! 
Hmmmmm 4? 
took a shower after smashing a poptart. The sheets they gave me to use as a bathmat smells like actual piss and shit- maybe I shouldn’t have wrapped myself in it. 
A little before 5
Slept again. Got woken up for dinner. It was ok. God I’m so fucking tired. 
I’m glad I’m writing everything down b/c its all such a blur. 
Cant remember if I already wrong down that I talked to chels. I want help meal prepping and doing some laundry. Also someone to sleep over. I want my own bed, but I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want my phone. I don’t know what good anyone can do me right now until my meds get figured out. I don’t know!! 
I met my new nurse, DD, who said I’m taking my abilify in an hour. Then I want my sleeping pills so I can konk out, ugh. 
Time to lay down. Again. 
I think I fell asleep again?
Went to get my abilify around 615. Panic attack happened again. 
I can’t stop crying and I don’t want to be here anymore w/out talking to someone about all my regrets. 
I think more than anything I’m really disappointed with how this whole thing is going down. 
Just want to stop crying. 
830 pm
calmed down. Kind of okay w/ leaving but also so anxious. 
Singer has 12 different personalities. 
About to go ask for my meds/follow up on what’s up w/ the nurse’s research 
Ate a poptart. Nurse was doing meds so she hasn’t looked into anything. Took 2 hydroxizines (50 mg) + a 3 mg melatonin. Called dad, still not a grad student. Very frustrating. Everything sucks but its ok bc I am Abigail Nash and I am safe in the present. I am not in the past. The present. And there are people that love me. 
- if… because then 
- one day at a time 
9 am?
Had breakfast, found out I’m going home today. 
Called mom + dad, and mom is gonna pick me up around 5 
2 more free meals! 
Getting a therapist is going to take a minute but I feel ok about it 
Nurse Nadine is so sweet. 
These people are getting the wildest thank you cards later. 
I’m going to get a watch 
I don’t like not always knowing the time 
That fucking short haired nurse came in again and gave me shit for being in my room
 Don’t know her name 
But I don’t want to 
I’m getting out here short haired lady! And I’m pulling out to win! 
I’m getting sleepy, fuck 
I have like 8 hours to kill 
Suddenly now that I know I’m getting out I feel like some kind of bubble has been burst and I feel semi normal 
Am I really the Angelina Jolie of this place? Not actually Angelina, but her character from Girl Interrupted? 
She’s hot in that too, though.
Final thoughts for now- RIP Brittany Murphy. 
group- only going because nurse Nadine is leading it. 
Tad gave a very sweet little speech about his dad
Grabby girl wouldn’t share, she it nuts
But now miss congeniality is on!!
cute rec therapist let me into the rec room. I wrote 
In big letters on the table, and made a picture frame. Also played ping pong with grabby. I’m not even going to go into how that went. 
Update: grabby thinks I’m her mom 
My best gift:
The gift of travel. Travel in the sense of moving, traveling to see a friend, or a friend traveling to see me. travel has allowed me to maintain friendships w/ people I usually wouldn’t. Another gift coming from travel is my best friend, Taylor who traveled to another state for school, where I met her. And the gift of going to visit my best friend in France a few years ago who I’ve known since I was 9. 
~~~~ when the party is at it’s best, it’s time to leave the party ~~~~ 
- Tad’s ex-father-in-law
almost noon 
Tad (ok turns out its not the Tad Mack was talking about) said some really good stuff in group and when he was talking about finding balance I said, “like the yin for your yang?” and he did not know what I was really talking about but it fit into the convo really well. So I started to draw him one and when it was over I gave it to him and he was really touched. I feel really good about it. It sucks I’m just now getting to go to group but I think my meds might be working b/c I haven’t gone back to sleep yet. 
Also, they said I could keep 19! 
I need to get some books together to donate. And some puzzles. 
After lunch 
Pulled pork. Singer change the channel on TV to cartoons. I see a nap in my future. Also brushing my teeth. 
There’s a new kid, he’s gotta be newly 18 b/c he looks young. 
Tried playing monopoly w/ Tad, maid, and new guy, but it devolved. 
Thought he was cute but he might be nuts (shocker)
I said he was welcome to my books and he looks a mans search for meaning and I’m about to leave so I don’t think im getting it back. 
Amanda wrote a nice note in it. That sucks. I gotta stop being so nice. 
I asked them to give me a visterile and they did. I should be ready to rock when mom gets here. 
did more painting- made a weird sign for door knobs. No sign of homeboy + my book. I kind of don’t want to leave, but I refuse to let myself have fomo in a place like this. Idk what the move is for my book. He better be reading it. I don’t want to leave before dinner so he can at least have a chance to say something to me about it. 
Tad is really fun to hang out w/. he is really nice. We talked about grounding during panic attacks and he invited me to play monopoly and we talked about how it sucks that we all just started talking to each other but that’s also prob just a sign that the meds are working. 
I saw he put my yin yang in the front of his journal. Very sweet. 
This isn’t to say he isn’t totally nuts. Also, young guy said my voice reminded me of “stuff” what the fuck. 
Grabber called me mom and tried to give me her hand. 
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Someone wrote an essay on ao3 about the topic at hand w/ the controversial laurent/incest,csa abuse being sexualized in fanfic and ,,,bitch
Many fictions are like this. In the essay on ao3 (I don’t wanna link it bc *air horn*) it references Oedipus as having incestual relations. Great, you’re right. What else happens in oedipus though? Well first of all nothing is explicit, second of all, he umm?? What was that?? Oh yeah LITERALLY GOUGES OUT HIS EYES WITH CAPE PINS and Jokasta kills her self jendisnskdnl so this person’s point????
Fiction can contain dark material. Umm yeah?? Duh???????? Did we not all in this fandom read Capri trilogy?????? Of course we’re okay w that. In Capri thought how is csa and incest displayed though??? NOT SEXUALIZED AND IS DISCUSSED AS WRONG. So yeah dark fiction can contain controversial discussions, but many of those movies and books often go on the side of: ”look at this serial killer!! So interesting and wrong!! But fascinating!!” Or even “there is child abuse, rape, it’s explicit, but I as an author am describing it in a way that’s detailed it as disgusting.
Because u wanna kno something?? Any big name controversial book or movie that has dark tones but is still praised???? It’s praised bc it DOESNT promote the activities, its AGAINST them. And any person who doesn’t realize this (such as a guy who has Fight Club as his fave movie, bc he misses the point that it’s about toxic masculinity, and instead feels he is being praised for his toxic behavior) is most likely committing that behavior themselves.
So this isn’t about how “all fiction should be pure and good!!” Bc we all loved Capri, and it wasn’t by any stretch unproblematic and not controversial. But one of it’s core message was: csa & incest is bad. Rape is bad. Slavery is bad. Don’t do any of that.
So it’s not popular books and movies that are the problem we are having with the fandom. It’s the people IN the fandom. Writing the fiction!!!! It’s y’all who wanna write laurent/r*gent fic!!! You wanna sit and go “oh I’m doing this bc *air horn air horn air horn*”
Ive been in fandoms awhile and I’ve SEEN how it works. Y’all who sit and think “every fandom I’ve been in had ppl who were into this why is this fandom so sensitive” news flash we’re not!!! You just managed to find the same nasty assholes in every fandom!!!! Just bc you tell yourself that “I’m writing laurent being raped by his uncle not bc I wanna get off or anything haha simply bc I looooveeee controversial works.” You’re a fucking liar. There are plenty of protags existing that went through sexual abuse that are strong and didn’t have to explicitly depict what happened. And if there were??? It wasn’t depicted as good????
Theres no REASON to want to write laurent/regent or Laurent/auguste except for one reason: you LIKE it SEXUALLY. That’s IT!!!!!!!!! Yes I can understand the human curiosity of “well what exactly did happen??” But that’s not what fandom and sex every equate to. Fanfiction when dealing with sex is 99.99% of the time done for sexual gratification.
Literally the person referenced porn in there essay as something that depicts dark themes like rape. And that further proves my point!!!! Porn is for SEXUAL GRATIFICATION ONLY!!!!!!!!! You can sit and watch fight club or oedipus with your family but I guarantee you pipe up and go “hey Mom and Dad you wanna sit and watch this hardcore rape kink porn w/ me?” You’re gonna get looked at like ur crazy!!!!! So to say “hey ppl in fanfic can write laurent getting raped by his uncle or brother bc it’s in porn” is just the CHERRY on top of my argument. You might as well have written “laurent being raped is a form of sexual gratification for me.” Like?????? Nobody here is fucking dumb?????? I see you. I see what you’re doing.
They said like “people should be comfortable learning about their sexual interests” okay sure bitch if you wanna get consentually spanked or choked by all means explore healthy bdsm porn!! pornhub is free and teaches lessons on healthy sex ed!!!! but if ur gonna openly talk about how you’d wanna read ch*ld (rape) porn and see if it sexually satisfies you?? *slamming buttons on microwave* IM CALLING!! THE POLICE!!!!! 
It talks about the “think of the children” argument, most likely bc I said yesterday “hey there are teens here who get their hands on this book and interact with the fandom!” That wasn’t me saying “AHHH WE HAVE TO CENSOR EVERYTHING WE SAY BC BABIES ARE ON THIS SITE!!!!” I believe kids and teens reading adult (more mature I mean, not to be confused with porn, tho, I’m not gonna condemn a 15 year old for watching porn) movies & literature can be beneficial. What I meant was that I’m FANDOM SPACES there are ppl who groom 12-17 year olds w/ talk like “oh incest is fine and age is but a number!” See the difference?????
Me: hey teens out there don’t listen to these ppl who are telling you writing and reading ch*ld porn is healthy & unharmful bc they either dnt realize what they’re doing is wrong, or they are predators themselves
ya’ll demons: Oh so we can’t even say “fuck” because a kid might hear us??? *angry white woman screaming and spitting gif*
A big argument I’ve seen is “well I read it bc it’s how I deal with my trauma of being sexually abused.” Now I’ve talked about this in a recent prior post, but look.....I don’t know who told you it was a healthy coping mechanism to read sexualized (ch*ld) rape porn as a way to heal, but whoever did, yourself or another, ITS WRONG! ITS NOT HEALTHY ITS NOT COPING AND ITS NOT HEALING IM GENUINLY WORRIED ABOUT THE LOT OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS BC YOU NEED TO SEEK ACTUAL MEDICAL THERAPY AND GET HELP BC THAT KIND OF BEHAVIOR IS NOT!!!!!!! OKAY!!!!!!!
It’s not okay. People writing ch*ld porn or incest in any fandom isn’t okay because it’s sexualized. POINT BLANK BITCH!!!!!!!!! Y’all aren’t writing some great novel you’re writing porn!!! To nut off with!!!!!!!!
I don’t need to fucking cite bc I believe wholeheartedly in writing controversial ideas. Lots of ideas can be controversial from Laurent and Damen falling in love, into great fictions like Doctor Zhivago, which was illegal in Russia for a long time Bc of its themes against the regime. All kinds of controversial fictions written.
Rape fiction on an ao3 website where ppl will write explicit ch*ld porn and try to say it’s “just fiction” ?? Get fucked.
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bye-pd · 6 years
honestly im nt going to explain myself every time i disappear and come back again, bc 1. no one cares 2. it’s just the way i use this blog i suppose, so if u see me around know i’m not very well! yay!
but anyways ,, ill talk at nothing bc my fp is not interested in hearing any of this and my resentment for them keeps growing so its about time to cut them off but any WAYs,
i called 111 today (non emergency health line in the UK) and managed to get a same day appointment w my new gp even though the practice said it would take a week (thanks 111 guy i dont remember your name but you’re a top lad). ive been waiting eight months to get some sort of treatment but so far ive only had assessments and im about to fucking lie on the train tracks and take a long nap so.... im tryin again to cry out for help 
also im trying to revise for my exams at the same time but its hard when i just want to stare at nothing and feel bad, so im still hoping i can get the grades i need to get into the unis im looking at. im going to study psychology, and then i want to specialise in child psychotherapy/play therapy and trauma. yes i know im essentially seeking to heal my own inner child bc they didnt have a proper parent growing up and they went through bereavement and abuse that was never acknowledged or validated but,,,,,,, let me externalise this pain into something that might at least benefit society in some shape or form thanks
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flop7 · 7 years
ok thanks, dont worry if theres nothing you have to say or you dont feel like giving advice, i understand its not your job or anything, but basically i get super insecure about the fact that my mental illness is self diagnosed. all of my friends who suffer from mental health problems have diagnoses and take medication or have therapy, and i cant bring myself to see a professional /because/ of my mental illness, but it makes me feel super illegitimate? and i know objectively speaking (cont)
thats not true, because nothing about my behaviour indicates i’m neurotypical (i suffer from severe anxiety and what is either bpd or depression or smth like that, so i exhibit symptoms of anxiety like with overthinking every single thing, having breathing problems, bending over backwards to get out of things that make me anxious even if i’d like to do them, sleeping about 3 hours a night bc i cant stop worrying about everything, and ive also been self harming for 6 years, on top of (cont)
general symptoms of depression like worthlessness, etc) and despite all of this, despite the fact that i literally go out of my way to hurt myself, i still feel like im ‘faking it’ and that im not actually mentally ill, that im trying to follow a trend or something?? and i find it so conflicting bc every time im about to reach out for professional help, i get too scared and back away. idk i’m not sure why i sent this to you i just wonder if this is a common experience? thanks for taking the time
i definitely understand how you’re feeling. i’ve been diagnosed professionally with my ptsd, depression, and anxiety but my bpd is self diagnosed because a lot of the ppl i try to tell about it tend to just brush it off so i just sit on it like :| “mmmmkay guess i’m faking it” but at the same time i’m well aware that i exhibit these symptoms and i know my experiences better than anyone else but STILL… i still feel like i’m making it all up. i’ll still second guess myself and my experiences especially those relating to my trauma because there’s a lot of grey area when i think back on it.
honestly, my advice would be to still seek the professional help if you can. sometimes it’s not for everyone and you’ll have to hop around until you find someone who can take care of you the way you need to be taken care of. it’s hard to find the “perfect” caretaker but you’ll know them when you find them. i think it can be a pretty common experience because i personally believe your brain wants to “protect” you in a way and try to make it all seem like a dream or just a… delusion? i guess. idk. i just know that i’ll sometimes ask myself if certain things have happened and all. but you’re welcome! i hope you find the help you need! i’m here if you need someone to just… vent to. :)))
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