#once again they didnt tell me that it was happening. it took about 3 minutes
skrunksthatwunk · 1 month
rascal's back with his owner again orz
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habken · 10 days
/busts down your door WHAT ALL HAVE I MISSED IN BNHA?????? I just saw your comic and I’m so confused
okay so bakugou got got right we all know that, shigaraki fucked up his arm, bakugou said “oh I know what I gotta do” and did a good attack on shiggy but his heart exploded </3 and he died but edgshot said “nuh uh” and used his body to stitch it back up and then deku was late to the party and didnt even have time to be bummed out about bakugou’s corpse cause he has to fight shigaraki and then somewhere else afo does stuff blah blah blah and snatches hawks quirk (rip) and then takes off to join shigafo in that fight but all might says “not on my watch” and intercepts him and they duke it out and all this time afo is getting younger cause he used something made from eris quirk so he could keep duking it out with endeavour and that gang so he’s like a teen fighting poor old man all might who used all his savings to by himself a mech suit but it’s not going so hot for him and stain shows up to take on afo with all might but afo still wins and is about to finish off all might when bakugou starts up his own heart with his explosive sweat and makes really fruity eye contact with deku and with the power of friendship deku pauses his fight with shigafo to launch bakugou towards afo and bakugou saved all might and goes “dawg who’s this kid I’m about to beat the shit out of” and all might says “that’s afo” and bakugou goes to beat the shit out of toddler afo and succeeds because afo finally benjamin buttons out of existence but the whole balugou’s arm looks like seconds away from falling off, then after a long day of fighting bakugou takes a well deserved nap and we go back to deku v shigafo and it’s not going well for deku he’s trying to break through to tenko but he’s not getting anywear and then shigaraki steals danger sense and it gets even worse but second user goes “wait ! What if we attack him with psychic damage, give shigaraki ofa and we’ll beat the shit out of his mind so you can do your thing” amd deku is very sad but agrees and then after he goes punches all of the ofa vestiges into shigaraki they end up in his mind palace and little deku holds little tenko hand even though it’s disintegrating his own and this is where we think “wow he truly won with the power of friendship” but no !! He did not ! The afo vestige that loves in shigaraki’s mind comes out and evil laughs and says “you idiot I’ve been behind all the awful missrable things that happened your whole life ! I convinced your dad to have you, I took your og quirk away and gave you half of an ability that should have let you destroy and recreate but only gave you the destructive part because I am evil and you are too because I made you that way” and shigaraki goes :0 ?!1?;& and dissolves because afo cast vicious mockery and got a nat20 dealing double damage. We then exit shigaraki’s mind and deku has no arms !! But behind him avengers endgame style, heroes amass and aizawa steps out of the portal and goes “damn sorry midoriya if only I’d come like a minute earlier now you’re armless </3” but ! He tosses deku eri’s horn because eri havked it off herself to give to deku to save him and deku’s arms start growing back :D at the same time, afo has fully taken over shigaraki’s body and i like “haha tomura is no more it’s just me now” but he’s super bummed out because his vestige brother is gone as well and he’s like “damn what even is the reason for doing anything anymore :// I guess I’ll still kick ur ass or whatever but I’m kinda apathetic about taking over the world now” but while deku gave away ofa he still has some of the embers and with the power of froendship once more, he dodges afo’s attacks and punches him super duper hard, and we see shigaraki again :D and yoichi :00 and yoichi says sone shit to afo and shigaraki turns to deku like “this was truly our hero academia :) tell spinner I love him” and deku says “sure dawg” and they fist bump and stuff
tldr: deku gave up ofa to save shigaraki and bakugou’s arm is super super messed up which is very fun
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technicallyvivi · 27 days
yeo puts a vib on you until he’s done showering
you weren't gonna lie, you were so horny right now. your pillow between your thighs head thrown back as you grind down onto it, your small and sweet puppy whimpers filled the room. you missed yeosang on these nights more than ever. but he was so busy. and so were you, a little too busy pleasuring yourself that you didn't hear the door unlock. or yeosang's footsteps moving closer and closer towards your shared room. in fact, you didnt even realize he was in the house until your bedroom door opened. your whole body stilled and the orgasm you had worked so hard to get up had left you entirely. and what was even worse was that yeosang catching you getting yourself off got you so wet, you kept going, not caring that he was in the room. he stood there for a couple seconds, thinking of how to approach this situation. but it didnt take him long to start walking to where you were on the bed and grab your hips, stopping you completely. you groaned in frustration. "baby." he said, his voice deep and soft. "what did i tell you about touching yourself when im not home." you climbed off the pillow and attempted to sit on the edge of the bed next to him, but he pulled you into his lap still waiting for an answer to his question. "hm? use your words. or is your dumb puppy brain too fucked out to speak?" you shook your head and whimpered "y-you said im not allowed to touch myself if youre not home." he nodded kissing your neck slowly, licking and nipping at the skin. "that's right." he whispered. "and what did you do?" you already knew what was about to happen, and although yeosang hated giving his sweet pup punishments, it was needed sometimes. "i disobeyed you sir." he nodded once more. "do you wanna know what's gonna happen now?" you buried your head in his neck and he stroked your hair softly. and you nodded. beecause as much as you hated punishments and preferred to be praised and pampered, yeosang's punishments always turned you on. and he would always make sure you were okay before starting, and that you could take it. he reached into the nightstand cabinet and pulled out a vibrator, your favorite one. "since you wanna be such a desperate slut, and not even wait for me to come home from work so i can make you feel good, why dont you just cum over and over again?" he grabbed your chin so you could look at him, tears brimming your eyes. "you think you deserve that?" he asked you and you nodded. "im sorry sir, ive been bad, i deserve whatever you give me" he smiled moving your messy hair out of your face and kissing your temple. "i'll be in the shower. and when i come back you better be ready for more, since you wanna be such a whore, im not done with you." he lifted you up and set you down on the bed moving your knees apart with a tight grip and shoving the vibrator up your tight cunt quickly, leaving you shaking on the bed and gripping the sheets. yeosang walked into the bathroom, to be honest, he was a little worried; he always is when he does these types of things. but he shakes it off and hurries to finish showering so he can finally feel your sweet pussy wrapped around his cock. and your yeosang being able to hear your loud noises from inside the bathroom didn't make his dick any softer. you on the other hand, were struggling to keep up with your orgasms, it had already been 15 minutes since yeosang started showering and you had already cum 3 times. your thighs were sticky and your legs were shaking violently but you kept telling yourself it would be over soon, and yeosang would take care of you properly. you told yourself you had been a bad girl, so you took it until he finally came out. he didnt even have a towel wrapped around his waist, you closed your eyes shut as tight as you could and moaned his name like a mantra. he leaned over your body and held your trembling body, watching as your fourth orgasm crashed down on you. he slipped the vibrator out of you carefully and lifted you to sit up he moved onto the bed and sat behind you so you were sitting on his lap now.
"shh my baby, you did so good. that was hard wasnt it?" you nodded a small sigh escaping your lips. "are you tired?" you nodded again leaning back to put your head on his shoulder. "we dont have to do anything else puppy, you did so good." he said rubbing your tummy slowly with one hand and grabbing a towel from the night stand to clean you off with the other. "but i wanted to make you feel good too..." you breathed out and he smiled "its okay pretty girl, lets just sleep, you can make me feel good tomorrow yeah? wouldnt wanna turn your little puppy brain into mush even more?" he picked you up and set you on the bed, your eyes basically closing by themselves. he lied down right next to you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear until you were both peacefully asleep.
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robots-n-sweet-tea · 3 months
can I request fluff 🥺🙏: trying (and failing) to get prowl into doing domestic stuff but he's a cynical ass and keeps messing everything up. in this, case cooking. (yeah, well, he's too precise with the measurements reader wants to haul 'emself off the bridge) could be fem!reader <3 love reading ur scandalous valvplugs
of course!! my requests are always open (unless otherwise stated)
(sorry this is so short, i also went with a humanformers au kinda bc it just seemed to fit <3)
“C'mon, Prowl, it'll be fine- it'll be fun!”
“No. You know what happened last time.”
“Please, Prowl? For me?” you pleaded, giving him a look that you knew he couldn’t resist.
“...Fine,” he let out a small sigh, once again giving in to your demands (even if he still thought they were a bit silly.) “What are we doing this time?”
“Cooking!” you replied with a smile, quickly pulling him off the couch and into the kitchen. Never mind the fact that he was still in his work clothes.
And, just a few minutes later–
“Prowl, the measurements don’t have to be exact–” He wasn’t listening, instead groaning as he measured too much of something. Water. It was simply water. But clearly, it wasn’t to his liking. “Prowl. Why don’t we, uh, take a break or something?”
“Wasn’t this your idea, though?” You couldn’t tell if that was a tease or not, so you took it as one. “Look, just let me get this bit done, then–”
“Nope! You’re being a cynical ass about it.”
Prowl gave you the most offended look he could muster up, “I am not being a ‘cynical ass’ about it.”
“You so are,” you crossed your arms over your chest, “just like when I tried to get you to make the bed. Remember that?”
He huffed, setting down the measuring cup on the counter and walking over to you. “Don’t remind me about my “hilarious mishaps” with making the bed, dear,” he muttered, gently pulling you by the arm into his grasp. You stared at him, rolling your eyes a bit with a smile growing on your face. “And don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“Oh yeah? And what’re you gonna do about it, officer?” you purred lightly.
He pulled you into a kiss, before pulling you into the bedroom.
Somehow, this was how all these activities seemed to go. Not that you minded one bit.
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mattsobvimyfav · 3 months
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For sport (Matthew Sturniolo & Chris Sturniolo)
Pt 3
A.n - hey yall so this is gonna be a very very very slow burn I already have some chapters written so I will probs rapid fire. It will be toxic, there will be angst , smut , everything you can possibly think of. It happens.
t.w. - mention of toxic parents and body image.
Not really proof read either.
I pulled into my mother’s house dreading walking in. I turned off my car grabbing my phone and backpack. “How was the first day of classes, Have any homework?” My mother. Straight to the point. I’ve always heard how other mothers radiate love and happiness. Lucky them. Mine radiates anger and uneasiness. “No, it was the first day.” I say grabbing a water out of the fridge and turning towards her. “I dont need the attitude go to your room” I rolled my eyes and walked to my room, grateful I was sent there and did not have my door taken off its hinges… again…
I changed into shorts and a cropped top and opened my phone seeing Matthew still had me added I decided to add him back expecting nothing to come out of it. I was correct in assuming that because after a three-hour nap, I woke up to a couple of snap chats from my streaks and texts from Haylee.
How is it?
Did she take your phone again?
Ill assume that or your sleeping, ill wait and see.
Noooo i got sent to my room, and took a nap. I’m gonna pick out a cuter outfit tmrw
Oh yeah and mattaddedmeonsnapchat
WHAT?!! Has lindsy threatened your life yet?
I decided to just FaceTime with her because, if you know me, you know, I hate texting and would much rather just talk on the phone. She immediately picks up as I give her the run down of how he added me when I got in my car and decided she would help me pick out my outfit for the following day.
We had decided since I wore such an unflattering outfit the first day, I’d wear something that showed off my figure a little more. I didn’t waste 12 years of soccer and at the gym to noto show off what I worked so hard to succeed. We stayed on the phone for the next two hours trying to decide on a color for my homecoming dress, our school had homecoming, snowball, a spring formal, and prom. So homecoming was pretty early into the year.
Once we hung up I made myself a quick sandwich before getting in the shower and getting ready for bed, day two of classes is usually when they actually buckle down and start teaching.
I woke up the next morning, washing my face and brushing my teeth before letting my hair hang loose in its natural state, wavy straight basically just a mess, and put on my outfit. I threw on a pair of black gym shark leggings and a forest green cropped crew neck with some blazers. I never was one to wear jeans literally ever so this was about the best you’d get out of me until summer came along. I grabbed my backpack and checked my phone to see Haylee texting me asking what I would want from dunkin. I quickly responded and threw my phone into my waistband walking out to see my mom in her usual spot on the recliner.
“I’m going to school.” I stood in the entry of the living room looking at her “Are you sure your skinny enough for that outfit?” I scoffed rolling my eyes and walking out of the house. My mom was a real charmer you see, I was skinny. I was very fit. I worked really hard since I was a bigger kid and my mom would make fun of me. I let her words roll off my back now knowing I did look good and I did not need her to tell me whether I did or didnt.
I plugged my phone in and started to listen to the neighborhood as I peeled off heading to school, I was about fifteen minutes early as I parked next to Haylee turning off my car and hoping into hers.
“Good morning my peach” I said as I grabbed the bagel she had got for me.
“Good morning, what is on the schedule for today. Leaving early?” I shook my head no, “This is when Ill be assigned work so Ill stay late for the week and friday we will leave early” she nodded as we sat on our phones finishing our breakfast. We had lost track of time, the bell rining snapping us back to reality. We walked in with our bags and drinks in hand.
“Dad’s tonight?” she asked as I grabbed my first two classes books and notebooks out.
“Yeah. mom basically called me fat this morning so I’ll be there if you wanna come” She smilled nodding before pulling me a pencil out of my locker placing it on my books and walking away. She knew me well enough to know I would forget it.
Math was easy per usual. I accidentally took a nap the second period of english. That was okay though because that meant it was time for lunch. I grabbed my dollar bills and made my way to the vending machine getting a bubbly drink and a bag of chips. I walked into the lunchroom taking a seat at my friend, Olivia’s table.
“Y/N we missed you this summer.” She said wrapping her arms around me
“Yeah squirt” Olivias boyfriend followed behind, Nate, They had been dating since the first week of freshmen year and I loved them both deeply.
“I know, me and Haylee went up and down the whole state this summer” I smiled before opening my bag of chips. Lunch was filled with talking nonsense and giggling at each other until the bell rang. Olivia gave me a hug before walking away, she was like a literal ray of sunshine over me.
I took my seat placing my books down for my last four periods of the day as Matthew walked in just as the bell rang and shot me a smirk, I rolled my eyes at him before shoving my stuff to the side and sending Haylee a quick text asking to go shopping after school.
“Alright class, Since its the begging of your senior year I decided to make this assignment easy for you and you will be working in partners. I hated school even more when partners were involved. Our teacher started reading off names once he finally got to me “Y/N and….” He said glancing around the room “Matthew!” I immediately head planted into the desk annoyed, I had gone three successful years in none of his classes and keeping out of Lindays b-line of terror.
Matthew pulled up a chair next to me “Alright, I dont want to do any work this period so I say we do it tonight and Ill just text you” I agreed seeing as not the smalled part of me wanted to participate either. “I dont know what time Ill be home, me and Haylee are going shopping” I said looking down at my phone “Shopping for what” He asks “Hoco dress” I kept scrolling through the online shop as he nodded looking back at his phone,
The bell finally ring sending us to gym, I asked my gym teacher if I could go grab some work I needed to complete from my shop and she let me go, that was a lie, there just wasnt a single part of me wanting to go to gym.
I sat with Mr. Reynolds for the remainder of gym while he questioned me on the state of my eye, the left only a little yellow still and the right still bruised. The bell rang singnaling I had to head to biology. I said goodbye to my favorite teacher and made my way to class.
Walking in I noticed Mattheew already sitting, I decided to take this time to really look at him. He was wearing a black T-shirt and Haylee was not lying one of his amrs completely covered in patch work. He had on black cargo pants, his hair messy, and his stubble still growing in.
“You know its rude to stare” Matt said snapping me back to reality taking a seat a couple over from him “In your dreams” Just as I thought one sturniolo per class was enough I was bombarded to see Christopher walking in sitting inbetween me and Matt. I didnt dislike chris. He was funny enough and nice to me whenever we spoke, which was quiet alot because we were in the same shop “Hey pickle. Heard about the party. If you want Ill be the shit out of that guy” Chris said smirking at me. I giggled at him at the fact he still calls me pickle only Mr. Reynolds and Chris do that. “Its fine Chris. Ill be okay” Matt stared at us as me and Chris talked.
Once the class was over I started packing up my stuff “Hey you going to Homecoming?” Chris asked as I was putting my bag over my shoulder “Yeah, why?” I looked at him confused. “Go with me. I dont have a date so it should be fun” I took a minute to think before figuring who would it hurt “Sure Ill text you the color i pick out later” He gave me a quick side hug as he ran off towards the doors. “Ill text you tonight” was all Matt said before also walking out the door. I stood there waiting for Haylee because I couldnt possibly wait to tell her I had found a homecoming date. Even if it was only chris he was one of the more attractive guys in our grade so I was happy my pictures would come out good.
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bonniethebun · 1 year
Braid mania pt 2.
My brain finally made Up to finish this idea, not many character have really long hair so It about be short-
Jamil Viper
After running around avoiding the adeuce duo to touch your hair, the four of you ended up in the cafetería since it was your break period, having a pause for eating Ortho noticed Jamil and Kalim ALSO talking a break, that sent him to ask about Jamil braids,
- What about those Prefect ?
- Mhhh what those ?
- Jamil's braids, they look like the ones you taught me but are not all the way the scalp and have all those gold hair pieces
- His hair jewlery IS pretty
- Do you think he"ll let me try to braid on his hair ?
- C'mon Ortho let people rest
- Ace im warning you, watch your tone while talking to a kid
You took advantage that Ace and Deuce started to bicker again to respond properly to Ortho
- Idk, his Braids seem to be a little complicated, but if you really want to ask i"ll acompany you
- Fine with me
Having returned your empty trey's both you and Ortho aproached Scarabia's leader and vice leader
- Prefect ! Ortho ! How are you doing today
- hellow you two
- heyah dudes, Ortho wanted to ASK you something
- Do you think i can braid your hair Jamil ?
- excuse me ?
_ I taught him and now he wants to pamper people with long hair
_ Ohhhh can you teach me too ?
_ hold It all of you , i havent give my answ-
_ Let us pamper youuu
Knowing how over worked Jamil can get, you decided to kill 3 bird with one Stone and get him comfy, he deserves people doing something nice for him at least once
_ Ugh all right, but quickly Cuz then i have to do my hair again
Now you had 2 little students watching like an eagle how to crossed strands of hair.
_ do you think you're ready for a harder braid ?
_ i"ll do my best !!
_ teach away friend
_ this one is called fish tail braid, its tricky but if you do It properly It should look just like fish scales
You un tangled Jamil's hair to make the 4 hair strand more neat and demosntrated
_ Cross the 2 strands inn the middle, then take one from the sides, Cross under, take the other and Cross over
The explanation let then flabbergasted and Jamil a little worried for his hairs integrity. if he knew he was gonna be the guinea pig he would've said no. But the way you were caresing his hair, how people attend to him made him not mind it.
Ortho had picked It Up by now and was getting more and more pro to this WHOLE thing Kalim in the other hand was doing what he could.
_ Over under.. under und
_ here, i"ll guide your hand so you can catch the pattern
_ all right teacher !!!
_ this one is finished, may i put the gold piece
_ Please pass the Gold piece Jams
_ please do not call me that
Both boys ended a strand, Kalim curious of these hobby, asked you to see you so the WHOLE hair in these style, which you did with Jamil's consent of course.
It really shows how you used to do this often, the whole thing took you around 3 to 4 minutes, Jamil was almost tempted to snake Whisper you into staying and keep grooming his hair just a little longer, but he did say they needed to be quick, plus Kalim seems to be takig care of that
_ i have more hair things you can try, do you wanna come to our dorm and continue these ??
Staying over Scarabia had you a little effy with what happened last vacations, plus you werent free in the Next hours.
_ Maybe after tomorrow Kali_ you said as you tied the last if the hair
_ Ortho and me should be back, pleasure seen you guys
_ See you !
Both went back to the Seat you were using at the cafetería, seems like the red blue duo just stopped arguing and didnt even noticed you were gone
_ My sensor say you heart beat increased a bit when Kalim asked you to come over, may i ask WHY was that ?
_ I can't tell you Why sometimes Hearts accelerates just because _ you lied to not mention the little inccident with being locked at scarabia
_ any way lets Settle the boys
Your arrival broke the fighitng, you waited for them to finish their food to be able to Chat in order to kill time, then the bell rang
_ come on Ortho, i told your brother i would brings you back
_ dont we have class ?
_ The teacher had and inconvinience so nope
_ Why didnt we know
_ you were speaking it into existance for your project, of course you didnt
_ HEY !!
_ shut It and lets just go
Like a mother hen, they followed you until you were back with the 3rd years, dropped Ortho and let Heartsbyul guys catch Up.
_ hellow Big broo, did the braid worked ?
Not wanting to admit It was super useful he just respend vagely
_ Sorta i Guess, did you have fun ?
_ Yes
_ then im glad
_ Glad you liked It you softie
_ you dont get to call Idia softie when you didnt let me touch your hair
_ Cuz, with the most respect, you broke a Chandelier ok the first day, sorry i have the evidence that your hands are disastrous
_ You're never gonna let me out live that huh
_ Why would they ? Prefect's the one that have to clean that up
_ Now now my Lil underlings, theres no reason to fight. How about you let Mr Diamond Settle this for you
_ what do you mean Settl-
_ lets do a little competition
_ A braid competition ?
_ Duh, how about this, let see Who wants to join, they braid your hair and i"ll take photos and do a voting story for magicam
_ Well, you can try since we have the time
_ Moi ! I would like to have a try on this little game
_ Me too
Just Rook and Ortho seamed interest on the challenge, Cater thought of a way to call the attention so more people would join
_ how about the winner gets then Madol
_ Now im in
_ Dont you want to try Deuce ?
_ are you ok with me participating ?
_ only if you want too
_ i would like trey to try
_ huh ? Why me
_ seems like you know what to do if someone asked you to fix a braid
_ You better not dissapoint trey trey
Now with 5 people, each took their turn
As expected Ace tried to show off and went first just to do the most floppy braid ever, It looked like hay
Trey followed just to undo the disaster his underclassmen did, having younger sibling its no surprise he knew how to handle that, he tried to doble braids
Deuce went as careful as he could, trying to take from his memory the times he saw his mother braiding her hair and Hope that magically he could copy that. It wasnt as bad as ace's but It showed he wasnt done this before
Ortho just repeated the fish braid you taught him
Rook of course had to doble It and did a braided crown
_ arent you going to try Vil ?
_ If joined It would not be a competition darling, i"ll stick to just judge
_ then can we join ? _ chimmed Lilia on his and Malleus behalf , the older fae convinced Malleus to get a bit o ut of the shell
_ of course, but no magic
_ dont take me for granted little one
Having raised Two kids and actually had had long hair Lilia had the upper hand, he did various mini braid then mixed them into a big one, after the photo he un did It with Magic so Malleus could had his go.
_ May i ?
_ you can have your go
Your friends and every one in general was nervous that THE Malleus was enganging un such activity, and that you must be crazy to let him touch your hair
You noticed this person payed attention to your second explanation, he was gliding his finger thru your hair just as you do It.
Cater quickly did the poll, while waiting everyone talked about which one they liked better.
Ace quickly texted classmates to give him a hand, "promising a part of the prize"
Idia quickly was debating how to hack his account just in case his little brother wanted the win
_ The braid you made is so pretty Rook, worthy of your dorms fame,
_ It better be potato
_ Glad you like It petit, but see ir for granted, all, well most of all did a magnifique work
_ Who you rooting for Deuce ?
_ Me ? I liked yours better
_ How can you say that ? Yours were so neat, mine looked plain
_ maybe but you havent done this before, It was at least better than ace's
My brains feels like It puked and IS now relieved to have finished this idea.
_ aw give me a break.
You were asked your opinión, It was un biased since no one had prep time.
After school you were visited by your big green friend, first thing you told him was about the result of the poll being a tie between Ortho and Rook, but he could help but pay attention that you left the hairstyle he did on your hair for the rest of the day
Feels like my brains puked all out the itching to finish this idea, It feels good, Hope you enjoy this thing i did out of boredom !~
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glitchbirds · 9 days
started watching the his dark materials tv adaptation earlier this week- something that i had meant to do back in 2019 when it began and never quite got around to. started s3 yesterday so i should get the remaining 7 episodes under my belt within the next few days genuinely it is fascinating to watch an adaptation of a series that i read only once, when i was ten years old, but which left such a profound impression on me that i have consistently cycled back to it for years and years (esp when its such a complex, sprawling fantasy world-or several worlds, really- that its adapting)
as ive mentioned Several times over the years- maybe not on this particular account though-, i was gifted an omnibus copy of all three books in one by my older brother, either for christmas or my birthday i cant remember, sometime before the 2007 movie came out (meaning i had to have been 10 at the absolute oldest when i started reading them, though maybe 11 by the time i finished?). i also very clearly remember The Controversy surrounding them among christians, mainly because of a few comments by classmates but more importantly because my (fourth grade, iirc?) teacher pulled me out of class one day to tell me the book i was reading was sinful and atheist and against god and etc (which made me cry very hard </3 even though she told me i could still read it. this was back when my dad still took me to (catholic) church on a semi-regular basis to appease my grandmother as well as sunday school (run by my older cousins) and at least a year or so before i started to develop a modicum of critical thought towards deep south church teachings. i was petrified of the idea of going to hell and scared to do anything whatsoever to jeopardize my chances) (this did not stop me from reading the book however, because i enjoyed it too much. but i also have a clear memory of reading the book every chance i got w/o paying much attention to what was happening around me and one day realizing that i was reading it while at church service and mentally freaking out that i was doing something sacrilegious and trying to force myself to stop reading. i think i spent about 10 minutes bored out of my mind before i, internally apologetic, went back to reading) luckily my parents seemed unaware or unphased by the fearmongering- i assume my mother never noticed, or this was before she started to become insane from fox news poisoning; my dad i think brought it up briefly because of a flyer he saw but wasnt overly worried about it- because i saw the movie in theaters (i liked it ok; have never seen it since, i want to now though) and also acquired the ds game (tbh i enjoyed it despite it being tie-in garbage and me being v bad at video games as a kid; i never managed to beat it though) and later the wii game (bad </3 never got far into it)
Anywayyyy. again i have never since reread any of the books or read any of the other novellas and the like philip pullman has written set in the same world, though im itching to do that now; and ofc while ive skimmed through wiki articles and the like to refresh my memory on things, my memory of most of the plot points in the books are heavily based on My Perspective As A Ten Year Old Child. i remember the first book the best, a decent amount of subtle knife, and can only recall a few specifics of amber spyglass, and its only now while revisiting the world by watching the tv show that im getting a proper, more well-rounded view of the symbolism and messaging and Authorial Intent(tm) behind the series, because of course a lot of this shit flew right over my stupid little child brain as a kid. once i got to the third book i started to understand, vaguely, why my teacher didnt want me reading this book and why there was a backlash against the movie, but a lot of things that are obvious to me now (and would have been obvious if i read the series just a few years later, really) just did not compute for a 10 y/o. which ofc does not mean that i think its a Bad thing i read them that young but all of ^ that turns watching this series into a mix of "oh i remember that" "oh i know whats coming up" "oh my god i forgot that this is from HDM, this has influenced so many creative projects over the years w/o me even realizing it" "oh they skipped over it but i know in the books there was a scene here that i loved and that has stuck with me forever" "i dont remember this from the books but it extrapolates perfectly from what i remember about these characters" "oh my god was the symbolism here really that obvious and i still didnt pick up on it" etc etc etc ANYWAYYYY. my actual review of the tv series so far: -season 1 in particular is sorely lacking in how it portrays daemons and it made me increasingly sad. daemons were without a doubt my favorite thing from these books and one of my favorite things in a work of fantasy Ever to the point where over the years i have Repeatedly decided to sit down and spend a ridiculous amount of time painstakingly plotting out what daemon i think (x) character from (x) piece of media i enjoy, would have. many of which are still committed to memory. i fucking love daemons as a concept and i wish this shit was public domain so any piece of fiction i write could utilize them forever. i get budget issues exist or w/e but whyyyy would you adapt a series where every character in a world would have a cgi animal with them at all times if you couldnt actually show those cgi animals in more than a handful of scenes per episode and only for (some) major characters and only if they had a speaking role in that scene and also occasionally just have them teleport instead of showing them walking from one room to the next and also crowd shots are fucking barren. its like watching a live action pkmn tv show where pokemon are onscreen for a combined 5-10 minutes out of 60 minute episodes. s2 is a bit better about it but it also spends significantly more time in other worlds where daemons arent visible so ig its easier to budget in more daemons in scenes that take place in lyras world. no idea about s3 yet though ofc the mulefa are coming so We'll See how they handle the cg there
-i do think the cg animal animation looks good though. like its not "i believe there is an actual snow leopard in the room" photorealism but not only is that something i do not particularly care about, i think daemons looking a little unreal is actually perfect. they are physical manifestation of human souls and are in-universe immediately distinguishable from identical animals of the same species... it works
-s2 in general is a significant improvement on s1 not just in the daemons but in the overall pacing and character exploration imo; which is surprising considering its the season cut short from covid lockdown; and also a bit sad since, again, most of what i remember is from the first book and thus many of my fondest memories of the books were things that were either skimmed over in the first season or cut out entirely </3 ALAS.
-iorek and iofurs fight didnt go as hard as it shouldve </3 they didnt even show iorek ripping iofur's jaw off... he was killed in the blurry bg behind lyra. how are you gonna let the 2007 pg-13 movie kick more ass at talking armored polar bears fighting to the death
-am i crazy or is the alethiometer just not used much in the tv series compared to the book... maybe the movie+games clouded my memory, or maybe its the fact that in the show there's rarely any elaboration as to what the symbols could mean or which symbols lyra is using for her questions/what she's interpreting. almost every scene of it being used blurs together and i wouldnt be shocked if some show-only fans think its a stupid plot device with no rhyme or reason behind the symbols, when imo i think you can at least roughly intuit many of the meanings, though obviously not to the extent that a reader could interpret full accurate sentences
-some really really strong casting for like 99% of the roles in this show, i love most of the changes theyve made from the books wrt to casting decisions, my only significant gripe is of course. why did you have to do lee scorseby like that. i loved lee a lot. i remembered him so fondly. why'd you have to give lin manuel miranda that one. just absolutely devastating to me personally (though the choice to have andrew scott as will's father was v funny to me because lin manuel miranda and moriarty from bbc sherlock hanging out together for a huge chunk of s2 has to have appealed massively to a very particular subset of tumblrina)
-again i read these books when i was 10 so the concept of "characters can be bad people but also really well written and enjoyable to spectate" hadnt really settled in my mind yet so i really have no idea if this fully applies to the book version of her but oh my godddd i love mrs coulter in this series. yes she kidnaps children and rips their souls apart from them yes she drugs her own daughter and holds her captive yes she murders people indiscriminately without remorse etc. and she rules <3
-similarly the changes theyve made to the golden monkey are Fascinating...
-i loved lyra and pan with my whole heart when i was her age and it is really :,) to now be fully an adult and see her again. waughh. i love how almost everyone she meets loves her too (i will not stand for ppl watering it down to found family fanfiction tropes. but She Is So Loved.)
-i think its cool that boreal went from being a fairly minor character in the books to one of the main antagonists for a hot minute. he was fun :)
-i dont remember having strong feelings about mary malone as a kid but i really like her here. i havent gotten to this point in the show yet but im aware they tweaked her backstory to make her a lesbian as well, which is just delightful to me
-will's relationship w/ his mother and particularly the way the book describes her mental illness from will's perspective was so, So important to me as a kid and the thing i remembered best from subtle knife, and i wish the show had dwelled on it a liiiittle more? in particular, the bit where will thinks about when he first realized something was up and his mother wasnt just playing a "game" with him and was actually terrified of a nonexistent threat, when he was seven and they were shopping for groceries, and how he realized then and there that he needed to take care of her and protect her- that stuck w/ me very strongly as a kid and i wish the show had found a way for will to talk about it with lyra, there were a couple points where i thought he was going to bring it up. maybe this season??
fun fact i started writing this post at like 10 last night. i gotta put a stop this rn
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kar-krashew · 1 year
Pls tell about your malec AUs
omg what a completely unprompted ask <3 /j (ty for asking ily)
Cars au pt 3: of my many malec aus, the most out of pocket one was obviously the cars au, which had a 3rd installment that i never published! this entire fic was meant to be magnus and alec going through a bunch of domestic bs while magnus absolutely accosted alec with cars based innuendo. this was to replace the original 3rd installment of the cars au, which was meant to be a very long winded cars 2 au that i do drop hints towards in the 2nd cars au (hence, the "import-export business" line by izzy, it's a line i took from finn mcmissile) there was a lot of research (watching cars 2 multiple times) that went into that one but i didnt like it after a while for personal reasons and also it would end up canonizing sizzy which i wasnt vibing with entirely. if i ever finished it it would have been the proposal scene, instead of simon (mater) “messing up” Alec’s (mcqueen’s) big race it would be the big race + proposal attempts, and the final proposal would happen in the clock tower scene where instead of just the spy trio, malec would be there too but the plot got contrived pretty fast sjfjfk so I scrapped it. However, the car innuendo fic would instead be the “I love you” fic, because love confessions always pair well with crack! That’s my life motto.
Part of the WIP below:
Alec’s brushing his teeth one morning when it starts: Magnus seats himself on the counter, leans in seductively, whispers, “Is that a gearstick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” and Alec spends the next two minutes choking on his toothpaste.
“What,” he coughs, “What the hell–”
Magnus simply bites his lip and winks. “How about the full service, darling?” He takes advantage of Alec’s respite from coughing to shrug his robe off of one shoulder, highlighting the fading marks there. “I could even throw in a free lube job.”
“Oh my god,” Alec says. He’s not sure what it means about himself, but whatever Magnus is doing is definitely working.
“What do you say, Alexander?” Magnus scoots even closer to the edge of the counter, trapping Alec’s hips between his calves, who shifts willingly. “Would you like to inspect my rear bumper?”
“Oh my god.” How are these only getting worse? “If I come back to the bedroom, will you stop?”
“Hm,” Magnus hums. He loops his arms around Alec’s neck. “I suppose I could be convinced with a ride.”
Alec groans. “For the record, this is the worst way you’ve tried to initiate sex.”
“Perhaps, but you can’t say it was unsuccessful. After all, you seem well on your way to plugging my tailpipe.”
Alec has to kiss him before he can say anything worse.
flower shop au: THIS ONE WAS SO ELITE. honestly still considering writing this one out, I ran this by (aka memed about) @\peachygos a few times too because that is how most of my aus start and it was my take on the stained biker x flowershop employee ! It’s flowershop!alec and biker!magnus but more nuanced than that, obviously, as I am a strong advocator for Alec getting in his Slutty era aka being the. (For lack of better term) h*rnier out of the two because I believe in flowershop au equality. Magnus would obviously be himself but by god Alec is soo horny like. canonically and I would simply be making him in character aka incredibly gay for Magnus and, since he won’t be like in an InstitutionThatHatesTheGaysTM he will simply be so gay the whole time. Biker Magnus who is like I would like some flowers haha hi Vs flower guy Alec who is like heart eyes sultry eyes the whole time. This got incoherent and I am very sorry about that but yes !
MegaMind au: once again incredibly unnecessary and stupid <3 i will not elaborate on this but I DID manage to make it a lot gayer and serious than you’d think
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mew-f-0 · 1 year
I just wrote like a 10 minute vent post and it didnt load.. Maybe for the best.
It was just about having bad christmas and ptsd feelings and panic attacks coming back out of no where. :c
Even tumblr doesnt wanna hear my b.s. lol
Edit: im trying again anyway
I had the worst xmas eve and xmas in a long time.. I was gonna go see my mom and sister but they didnt tell me my abusive dad was gonna be there and i had a meltdown
My friend was gonna give me a ride but we didnt make it 10 miles out when the car didnt start again. He was gonna try to get a oil change but it didnt need it and the meter was broken and then it didnt start so we spent like 6+ hours waiting for help and stuff. He eventually got it going. Weird how i was kinda protected from having to see my abusive dad.. Maybe it was the interdimensional alien guardians heh. Once i found out that he was gonna be there i had a little panic attack melt down. For some reason my anxiety has been acting up, hasnt been this bad since high school.
Also i didnt get to drop of presents to pubby-chan that was lame i felt bad but it will be ok i will mail them later. I wish i could of seen her for a second at least. I only have 2 friends in this big bad world and she is one of them :3
At least i got to spend some time with my other friend even tho we were stuck in the cold, we both just played switch waiting for help to come it was ok
I dunno why my hell brain is acting up again i jus wanna he normal q.q. i have a doctor appointment late january it seems like so far off i hope they can help me get on new meds or soemthing. My mom said she had similar thing happen at my age like just anxiety flare up out of nowhere. They gave her klonopin idk what that is but if it help her maybe it help me.
I just gotta not let the intrusive thoughts win and focua on what makes me happy.
Cats, good friends in my life, video games, music, anime, arts and crafts.. Good nature n such. Just wish i could go back to normal hopefully soon.. I cant even enjoy weed anymore it just makes me anxious .. Just out of nowhere it started doing that must be something going on i dont know about. Solar flares maybe or planetary alignments.
I spent all christmas making a shiny zangoose perler. Its the biggest one i ever made and it took forever cos i kept messing up! But i was determined and like 10 hours later i finished it.
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It took longer making that than it did finding one in game lol. The shiny sandwiches rly worked for me tho! I found a shiny zangoose first try :3
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allfather-we-stan · 2 years
A little life update "summer 22 with no solid poo"
for anyone who cares lol
as some of you may have seen from my other social medias and here, my health has gone to pretty downhill and I want to share my story and explain bc idk
And for not to scare anyone, no its im not deadly ill. Im prob gonna be just fine.
gross warning i talk about poop
So umm this all started at the end of may- start of june when i started having diarreah. no biggie, i get anxiety diarreah like once a week so i didnt think much of it at the time. Only took me like few more weeks for straight diarreah to realize that something may be wrong lol. So i joked about it and let it be. I call this summer "Summer 22 with no solid poo" and wanted to wait till august to go to doctor. Then i got covid. So i had to wait that out before going to the hospital.
And finally the day I got to go to the doctor and everything was fine, i was supposed to get blood work tested and maybe poop in a container and the doctor thought that it might be celiac-disease bc that runs in my family. But i got fever straight as i got home. I didn't feel so good. The fever continued for a couple of days and then we decided its time to go to ER.
We went there, got bloodwork done etc. Waited there like 6 hours and finallly at 9pm the doctor had time to see me and turns out my inflammatory values were super high and that theyd like me to stay at the hospital for a while. So i stayed at the hospital for 7 days.
In those 7 days they took so much bloodwork from me it was insane! (and fun fact, turns out my veins are shit and no one can find a good spot to draw blood or put an IV tube in). For a couple of days, no answers. They had no idea whats wrong with me. My fever rise and they gave me antibiotics and other meds. Went to the ultrasound and nothing. And then, they had to give me a observation aka "put a little camera up my ass".
But bc i live in a small city theres like one doctor who does that and his schedule was full. So I had long long days waiting for my appointment. And they got me on friday.
But before we get to the camera up my ass part. Hell was loose. They had to "clean" my bowels. And they told me, and I QOUTE "It's either 1: drink two cups of this cocktail that tastes like orange juice or 2: drink 3 litres of water". Obv i took the orange juice! It cant be that bad! WRONG! JESUS CHRIST I WAS WRONG.
As soon as i drank the bad tasting orange drink, i felt like throwing up. Then the pain came. Oh god the pain. It was like level 10 menstrual cramp kind of pain. I was literally crying and screaming bc it hurt so bad. Only thing that helped at the moment was to stay still but i couldnt do that bc i had to shit out the cocktail like every 5 minutes. Many times i thought to just shit my pants on the bed and not let that be my problem. I was in so much pain I was in panic mode. And the worst thing was, no one warned me. They didn't even mention that it might hurt with some people. I don't remember all bc panic lol but i remember this one bitch ass nurse going "Duh its gonna hurt it has big chemicals in it! Even gas can hurt inside bowels". I would have punched her if I wasnt shitting at the time. Then the nurses took their sweet time to get me painkillers and nausea meds. But I couldnt take those bc i felt like throwing up. And then I remember a doctor came. He was nice and explained to me that it hurts bc the orange juice made my bowels like spasm to clean it. I was like "lol thanks for warning me beforehand". Some time goes, they give me that yummy tranquilizer trough IV and I'm high asf. It still hurt but atleast i was high. Then came the cup number 2! I tried to drink it, immeadetly i threw it up like no way that stayed down. And again, panic bc idk what happens next. Do i need to do this all again? Is my bowel clean? Am i gonna be okay? And then i passed out and slept trough the night.
And at this point, on a serious point. WHY THE FUCK IS TELLING PATIENCE THAT THIS THING X IS GONNA HURT SO FUCKING TABOO??? Like i get it, you dont want to scare people but a little heads up would be better than nothing! I just wish someone had told me.
Okay, morning comes, its friday, camera about to go up my ass. they give me nice tranquilizer again, YUMMY. Im high again. they roll me to the operation room, and the nice nurses and a doctor explains whats gonna happen. ( I knew this was gonna hurt beforehand bc they gave me the tranquilizer and figures). At this point they tell me that going up my ass is the hardest part and hurts but after that its easier. Im like okay i can do this, im high and im a big boy! So there i was, laying on my side, doctor rips hole in my underwear to put the camera up my ass. And there it goes, felt weird. Then this stinging pain comes and i curse. Nice nurse lady notices and presses against my tummy and the pain gets easier. They tell me to take a deep breath everytime the pain eases. I do. I'm breathing so good baby you wouldnt believe ( still fucking high). And that thing happens over and over again for like, maybe 3-4 minutes but felt much longer. Sometimes the pain was larger but the nice nurse always pressed my tummy and i, kind of, farted the pain out? It's weird but you get it. Then i hear the words of heaven "We are there"! THE WORST IS BEHIND. I'm happy! I turn around, look at the screen where i can somehow see ( didnt have my glasses) the inside of my bowel part. And i said "ew" and turned my head back. I dont wanna see that. it was pink. Then the doctor spoke something doctorly that i didnt understand. They spend a minute inside my ass doing... doctor stuff and then they took the camera out. It didnt hurt just felt weird, like taking a weirdly shaped long shit. And then they were like "lol we done! We gonna take these samples to the lab asap!" And I was like "you took samples?". THEY TOOK PIECES OF THE INSIDE OF MY ASS WTF.
okay its done, im still high and after couple of hours, they let me go home. I'm happy. I'm feeling good. Life was good. Untill the next morning.
I felt bad again, I threw up at night and I had a mild fever. We call the ER to ask what we do. They tell me that i havent drank enough liquids. So for the next two days I drank so much water you wont believe but i still felt bad and had a fever. So off to ER again!
We went there, they were like lol again bloodwork. At this point im sure i have no blood left. Then we waited and waited and they take some more blood and wait again. Results come back. My inflammatory values were high again. They again want me to stay at the hospital overnight. Hospital booked full. I wait. And finally its time. They take me to a 2 person room, as a 3rd guy. Like it was so cramped and I didnt even have the emergency button. Everything is overwhelming. It smelled like shit. I cried. it was a horrible experience and i can go all night about how shit it was but ill skip it at this point.
So i spend like two nights at the hospital, and they finally have the results in about the pieces of my ass they took. they dont know what it is. THEY HAVE NO CLUE. But atleast they got me meds that work and i dont have a fever anymore. But its like 5 different meds. They make me nauseous and tired. So its not going that well now but atleast im in a good shape to be at home rn.
Im still waiting for more results and follow-up things at the hospital. I'll update as I get to those. Thanks for reading, feel free to ask any questions and stay healthy lmao.
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kyyuri · 2 years
to be or not ! -yang jungwon
27 ! love (written)
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★彡 synopsis: what happens when y/n, who is hopelessly pinning over her best friend, jungwon- gets betrayed by not one, but both of them ?! and what happens when jungwon falls for her despite all odds ?
word count: 1.3k
taglist 2 ! open <12 slots left> may or may not have a taglist 3 :( so send an ask if you wna be added and ill add u once im back from hiatus <3
perm taglist open
a/n: take this as my hiatus gift before i go missing for another 1.5 months ? exams are honestly such a pain in the ass :(
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you stood in front of jungwon’s front door. as much as you hated how you gave in so easily to help jungwon, you still decided to knock on the door, knowing how yujin isn’t going to come help the poor boy anytime soon. “yn ? come in… ” he looked so pale and yet so adorable with his teddy bear pjs and a long soft blanket draped over his body. “here’s the notes for today.” you handed him a stack of papers. with a grateful look, he muttered a quick thank you and reached for it, leaving the teddy bear he was clinging onto under the blanket exposed to your eyes. it was the bear you bought for his birthday years ago. it honestly shocked you how he kept it for so long and likely cuddles it to sleep. “you still keep it ?” eyes directed at the plush in his grasps “yeah. why wouldn’t i ?” jungwon asked with an innocent look on his face. choosing not to answer, silence fell upon the both of you again.
as he made himself comfortable on his bed once again, he looked at your awkward figure that’s standing by his bedroom door. he chuckled “why are you acting so weird ? this isn’t the first time you’re in my house.” “it’s the first time im here as someone that isn’t your friend.” you almost felt bad instantly for the comment you just made. “i’m sorry..” he muttered softly “i really am i-” before he could finish, you decided you’ve heard enough today, “I’ll go make some soup for you, just rest jungwon.” unknown to you, jungwon said softly, “ i hate it when you call me jungwon…”
having been to his home often in the past, it didn’t take you long to find the ingredients and utensils needed to whip up his favourite soup. it only took a while before the soup was ready to be consumed by the sick boy when there was a knock on the door. Preparing mentally for yujin’s arrival, you cursed yourself for not leaving once jungwon apologised. “hee ?” “yn, please hear me out.” “okay you have five minutes.” heeseung grabbed the bowl of soup “ I believe jungwon would want to hear about this too.” with you following behind, the both of you headed upstairs. “how are you feeling, jungwon ?” surprised, he sat up, “ im doing ok hyung, what brings you here ?” “ i figured i have something you might want to see.” placing the bowl of soup on the bedside table, he pulled out a pink envelope and places it on jungwon’s lap. “ you should open it and see what shenanigans your lover has been pulling.” inside held a delicately decorated piece of parchment paper.
“heeseung oppa,
i really really really like you. i think you know that. i also think that you like me back. after all, youve been nothing but nice to me. it must be hard keeping your feelings hidden, but we dont have to do that anymore. yn is just using you to get to jungwon and im using jungwon to get to you. i believe it would be a fair trade. yn isnt good for you. i am. give me a chance and i’ll show you what true love is all about. oppa, i hate it when you look at other girls the same way you look at me. i hope you can make me someone special~ i will break it off with jungwon if you agree to give me a chance, give US a chance. what do you say, my love ? meet me after school ?
ily <3 yujin”
from the way jungwons face fell slightly, you could tell he was disappointed. “i.. kinda saw it coming but.. kinda didnt… i suppose i was in denial… but.. but it doesnt.. hurt ?” the two of your head turned towards jungwon in shock. his own girlfriend just admitted that she was using him and there was physical evidence yet he didnt feel upset by it ? heeseung didnt seem to understand either.
“won. im here !” a sing song voice came from the door. “what the fuck are the both of you doing here ?” she shrieked. “baby did they hurt you ?” she cooed towards jungwon. “were we not allowed to visit our friend ?” heeseung sneered at her. “o-oh of course y-youre allowed.” she sheepishly turned away. “baby how are you feeling ? i brought you your work from school.” she said, completely ignoring your presence. “dont’ baby ’me. you dont deserve to.” it honestly shocked you how jungwon was finally standing up for himself against yujin. after justifying her actions on her behalf for so long, it felt refreshing to see jungwon fight back. “what ?” a hint of annoyance appeared from her voice. he picked up the pink envelope and flung it towards her. yujin’s face drained of blood. “yea. its your love letter.” “i was framed ! it wasnt me !” she frantically pleaded. “yn ! she tried to frame me ! it was you wasnt it ? you witch !” she pushed you off the corner of the bed. “yn !” jungwon rushed to your side immediately, not giving a damn about what yujin think. “thats enough yujin. its time to leave.” heeseung took yujins bag and threw it at her, causing her to stumble upon impact. “i showed jungwon the letter YOU wrote to me. stop trying to ruin yns reputation. its not going to work. i appreciate the fact that im likeable but not the face that YOU like me. for the last time..leave yn alone !”
a sniff was heard. knowing that yujin was crying, jungwon didn’t hesitate to make her cry even more. “please leave yujin. you’re not welcomed here any longer. and for the record, whatever we had going on between us, its over. you’ve crossed the line way too far this time. its time to humble down. you can take your leave now. thank you.” he opened his bed room door and signalled for her to leave. with one last glare towards you, she stormed out of jungwon’s room.
everything that had happened today was too much for you to even process. first, you though heeseung had betrayed you. next, you head to jungwons house and heeseung showed up as well. then the whole love letter fiasco happened and now jungwon and yujin were no longer a couple ? it hurts your head honestly. “i think i’ll take my leave too. rest well jungwon and hee, im sorry for the way i acted earlier today. i’ll see you around.” you grabbed your stuff and gave them both a final wave before heading home.
once you had left, jungwon buried his head in his hands. “why didn’t it hurt when yujin left hyung ?” he was in so much distraught over this matter. “you dont love her as much as you believe you do. rather, i have every reason to believe that you have feelings for yn.” heeseung chuckled. “i-i have feelings for yn ? thats… impossible.” “how so ?” “im not sure… but i know i dont ! because around yujin, i feel different from when im around yn !” heeseung chuckled once again. “but you dont love yujin… you know what that means right ?” it was as if the realisation had finally dawned on him. “i-i love yn… all this time..” heeseung gave the poor confused boy a pat on the back “take care of yn’s heart. its fragile. it killed me that i didnt have a chance with her but im glad that its you that stands a chance. not any one else in this world.” heeseung stood up and with that he bid his farewell to the lovesick kid.
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areislol · 2 years
omgg will u do dilucs version of streamer au when they meet irl with reader?? <3 i love your blog!!
yes ofc i will!, and im glad that you're enjoying/loving my blog ^^ streamer! diluc x reader recommend listening to: just a cloud away - pharrell williams
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• meeting you was one of the two things diluc had always imagined, he'd never thought that today was going to be the day you come and meet him irl. • diluc was really nervous when you called him to explain what time you were going to be there - it felt like everything that was happened right now was an illusion. • you calling diluc and asking if you two wanted to meet up, him agreeing, you telling him that you would be there in a few hours made his heart skip a beat - whether he was imagining this or not. • you've always imagined what it would be like to stay at diluc's place, would it be fun?(ofc it would be, it's diluc here hello????), would diluc even allow you? • to get rid of your worries, you decide to ask diluc. "hey diluc? can i ask you something rq?" "mhm, what's up y/n?" "well- uh, i've been wondering.. is it okay if we meet up?? like, we've known each other for quite some time now. you dont have to agree!! i was just thinking.." • this was a great opportunity to meet you irl!! who wouldn't want to meet you irl anyway? diluc mumbled a "sure", he didnt want to sound too excited as it might make you assume some stuff. • you couldn't see it but, diluc was smiling the whole entire time you was planning everything over phone - diluc found it cute when you kept on rambling and rambling over this and that and etc etc. • "oh sorry diluc- was i talking to much?" "nope, keep going y/n." "oh, okay! if you say so." • now, instead of listening to you talking over the phone - he could actually listen to you talk irl, to see you. he had longed for this for how long again? • once you text diluc that you would be there in just 30 minutes, diluc responded with a "okay, see you soon" but if only you saw how excited yet nervous he was. • diluc's house was neat and clean, he doesn't like messy things. but yet he still went on to vacuum and clean his house once more. • while washing his hands, he heard a knock on his door - it had to be you. who else would it be? • to confirm this, he looked over the counter and spotted his phone, one new message: it was by you. • "hey diluc!! im outside :) lol that sounds creepy.." diluc chuckled at your text, he cleared this throat and made his way to the door, opening it - he caught a small glimpse of your hair, and then your full face. • you stood there, looking beautiful as ever. diluc was at a loss for words, you chuckled "you're red diluc, it isn't cold inside your house is it?" your words brought him back to reality, it really was you. your voice and everything.. • you welcomed yourself in as you knew diluc was going to be like that for a while, you looked around and observed your surroundings. • after that, you and diluc sat down and started talking, it went from awkwardness to you two full on laughing hysterically. • diluc thought that this interaction would be awkward, but nope - it was far from that. he got along with you pretty quickly - even though you both have known each other forever, this was your first time interacting with each other irl, not on ft, not on discord chatting, none of that. it was just you and him. • diluc and you would play games together and stream them so his viewers dont feel left out. • you guys make so many treats and drinks!! hot choco, cakes, cupcakes, pizza, and so much more!! • people make so much ship edits of you two.. it's kind of unbearable but oh well. • it's a shame that you're only staying there for a bit :(
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if you do go, diluc would miss u sm more :( a/n: if u enjoyed this pls go check out my other genshin hcs/like + follow + reblogs r appreciated!! note: THIS TOOK ME FOREVER?? ANYWAYS IM ABOUT TO GO TO SLEEP SO... TAKE CARE!! <3 ily guys so so much.
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cynettic · 3 years
Stay with Me pt.3
Summary - You manage to escape from Scaramouche, if only for a moment before you realize there’s no escape. It only takes until you’re sitting back in your regular spot that you know what you need to do.
Pairings - Kitsune!Reader x Yan!Scaramouche
Warnings - Suggestive content, mentions of death, swearing, slight gore / blood 
A/N - Its really hard to make this depressing while I’m vibing to Rasputin. Like no joke- I have it on one of the 1 hour playlists :D
Here you’ll find -  pt.1 and pt.2
He’d left a key.
Scaramouche didnt make mistakes, not while he had you captive in the vicinity of his bedroom. He didnt have room for mistakes, not when you were watching his every movement while he was in your line of sight. 
Sure, he mightve killed a person or two in front of you, but those were necessary mistakes. There was a sign on the door, it specified not to enter. You’d understand that, right?
Thats what he thought at least, lulling himself into belief after belief that you’d be there waiting for him every time. That you’d welcome him with open arms, even if there were chains ensnaring your wrists. That you’d accept your fate at his hands and submit yourself to him.
The Balladeer was a fool.
He’d kept you there for too long, and while you searched for an easy way to escape, time sent your head spinning. Into a spiral that begged only for the wind against your face, back laying on dirt with the familiar chirping up birds waking you up in the morning.
You wanted to go outside.
And when push comes to shove, you had to risk a little more to make it happen. Lure him into bed with kisses while your hands unbuttoned his vest. But what he believed to be alluring contacts was just your way of finding the keys hidden in the back pocket of his shorts.
It wasnt hard to find the one to your cuffs while he was asleep, cuddled in your chest with both arms around your waist as if to get you to stay put. You took the key, hiding them back in his clothing and hoping he didnt notice.
He didnt say anything the next day.
You werent going to wait any longer.
“Oh for fucks sake, why won't the goddamn door open?”
The room was left in tatters behind you, a little gift for Scaramouche once he got back. Turns out a pair of chains can smash up a lot of things, and rage can be used as a great source of strength when contained for such a long time.
But you’d done more than throw the blankets around, cut up the drawers and smash open the windows. Because your fists had bled red when you punched through the glass, puncturing your skin. Your knuckles were an ugly red, bruising already.
Ah, Scaramouche deserved a much better gift.
Gruesome as it was, you rubbed your knuckles against the pale walls. Till the blood stopped coming, till there was a nice little message for the boy which you held so dearly to your heart.
The first time you’d found out about him being a harbinger he’d told you not to call him by that name. You weren’t someone he associated with by work, you were a treasure to him. That’s why you continued to call him as he pleased, although the temptation always arose.
You were no longer his.
Shoving the door with your hand again, palm fiddling with the handle and groaning when it hardly budged. “Stupid,” you grumbled when the knob began to loosen. Backing up, you charged with your shoulder to the door, full force as the momentum broke the hinges. The door fell down with you along with it.
It was expected, you’d been stuck in the room for a long time, and thats considering you’d sat on the ground for decades. Your body was slight numb, muscles sore and unused for so long. 
“You a-arent supposed to leave your room!”
A young man stood in the hallway along with a woman who looked relatively the same age. The two were wearing uniforms, flinching when you stood up from the debris and off the door. “Excuse me?” You asked, voice unnecessarily icy and stern. But you couldnt care less, you were going to get out of this house, damn anyone who stood in your way.
They both continued to shake when you walked towards them, staggering from side to side. The woman stepped up in front of the man, presenting a brave face. “If you leave the mansion, the harbinger will kill us all!”
“Well then I expect you should be on your way then. Actually…” you gestured to the maze of hallways. “You can lead the way.”
Your hand went limp to your side, an exasperated looking momentarily crossing your face before you sighed. “Im not staying trapped in that room, I’m sorry if that ruins your life, but frankly you're not the one stuck in there are you?” You took an extra step just to intimidate them, eyes wide to make the appearance of crazy. “It would be a great help if you showed me where he hid my vision too.”
“We can show you to the door…” The man began, “But the whereabouts of your vision are unknown, he wouldnt tell us something like that.”
A gift bestowed from the gods, a piece to help me thrive with my ambitions and pursue my goals.
You really wished you’d taken to clawing out Scaramouche’s face instead, but you’d take what you got. Right now your main priority was getting out of this place, even if it meant leaving a piece of you behind.
“Door.” Your voice was raspy and there was a terrible feeling that crawled up to your throat, but you didnt have time to be emotional. “Show me where the door is… please.”
The conflict in their eyes dissipates by the time they lead you along, mumbling words between themselves. You didnt bother to try eavesdropping, you were so, so tired. You wanted to go home.
Anywhere. Anywhere but here.
It took a few minutes until you were standing in front of a grand door, almost twice the size of you and just as wide. You then began to notice the decorational plants and furniture that filled the empty space, there wasn't an inch of dust. Even though you could tell none of it was used.
“Hurry,” the man warned when you paused. “I dont know when our master is coming back, but if its soon, we’ll all be screwed.”
You couldnt feel your head as you numbly nodded, hand clenching the knob and flinging the set of doors open. “Thank you,” you merely mumbled, taking your first step out of the house in what felt like forever.
The days after that were a blur, the area around Scaramouche’s house were nothing but void. Empty and filled with forests and vast plains. You knew he didnt like people or socializing in general, but to this extent?
Your only option was to run.
Let your feet take you somewhere, anywhere. It was a constant pattern of running and taking breaks, leaning on a tree and gasping in a few breaths before you were again scurrying through the forest. 
And yet you felt better than you’d felt in past months that you’d been stuck with Scaramouche.
Food became any boar you came across, the claws you’d spent so long hiding with Scaramouche coming to unleash a wrath beyond your comprehension. Till the animal was cut to shreds and no meat was left even to eat. You’d slaughtered it, without intention to eat or benefit for it, you’d killed it just to kill.
“I’m sorry,” you’d sobbed into the ground where you’d buried the harmless animal. Forehead pressed into the dirt as you pleaded for forgiveness to whatever archons would accept it. You couldn't even remember what archons you were supposed to pray to. “Forgive me- forgive me…”
But eventually you found your way around to somewhere you knew. Territory of Inazuma where you could find your way back, back home.
Where was home?
You’d been on the run from the vision hunt decree, abandoning your post for the Kitsune Saiguu for such a thing. Even now that you could return without a vision and as no threat under the decree…
You’d sacrificed everything for your vision.
Where were you to go now…?
Rain patted down, the trees providing only a slight cover as stray drops fell into your matted dirty hair. You didnt mind, it hid the tears that slid down your lifeless face, feet taking you into the far meadows of your hometown. Till you plopped down underneath a tree, knees curled to your chest and arms hugging them close. You were crying.
You were home.
“Awh,” a ginger haired murmured, elbow resting on the cool wood of the tabletop. “Is little Mouchie sad? I heard your kitty cat escaped~”
A death wish, even fatui that idly minded themselves around the bar knew it. Sipping cold drinks and swirling their cups, the soft chatter was nothing but a distraction from the main course of events. That being the smaller Harbinger who sat sulking in his seat, hunched over with a drink in hand. He’d drank far more than what was on the counter, but everytime he finished a glass, he’d smash it on the ground, watching the fragile glass shatter into pieces.
“I dont have a cat,'' was his only response, tone daring Childe to pursue further. To give him a reason to start throwing the glass in his face instead.
And Childe was an idiot when it came to challenging someone.
“No cat?” The rest of the drink in the taller harbinger’s glass was gone when he threw his head back. “Hmmm, I cant think of what else could’ve had you so enraptured in returning home then~!”
Scaramouche didnt respond, uneven bangs shadowing the bags under his eyes. “Stronger,” he said instead, elbow on the counter and hand outstretched for something. When there was no movement from the man managing the wine, the harbinger looked up. “I need something stronger to drink,” he repeated, voice seething.
“Of c-course!”
The glass was nestled in Scaramouche’s palm in no time, fingers curling around the circular form to down it in seconds. The drink merely slid down his throat in one movement, alcohol burning his senses. It didn’t matter, he was numbed by the growing rage inside of him.
Finally, he turned to the ginger haired boy, eyes hazily dancing along the counter till it reached his fingertips. Up his hand and along his arm, till Scaramouche was staring right into Childe’s eyes. “They escaped,” he admitted softly. “But it’s alright, because I sent something that’ll bring them back.”
Childe paused, raising his drink up away from his lips to pose a question. Hesitation danced along his features before he brought the glass back, he’d rather not provoke the shorter male any further. Wasn’t like he could interfere anyway.
“That… that…” 
It was preposterous, having returned to that same spot for a day or two and heading back to the hometown you’d once lived in. The one Scaramouche had lived in. There shouldn’t have been an issue, you were solely gathering supplies for the sake of it, ambition driving you to travel far far away.
Out of Inazuma.
It was your new beginning, convincing yourself that you didn't need a vision. Finding some sort of purpose before Scaramouche shattered the vision and your life along with it. You’d seen how people had reacted when it had been ingrained in the statue, neutralized and broken. They lost hope, purpose and aspirations for anything new.
It’s not like the Raiden Shogun took my vision.
But you’d taken that fact for granted, expecting some sort of new start without Scaramouche. A victory, getting away from him just for a split second and getting out of Inazuma altogether, you’d never see him again.
Until you got his message.
“How the hell…” You crushed the note until it was just crumbled paper in your hand, slowly leaning on the stone wall. “Piece of shit… what kind of person even…” 
Not only did he manage to find you, but without making his presence known, he’d tugged at your one weakness with an ease that had you down on your knees.
You threw the paper to the ground, deliberate as you stared past the alleyway. Pensive as you considered your options. Damn, what options did you even have? You’d been an idiot to underestimate Scaramouche, he wasn’t a child, you knew that… but archons he seemed like one when he was with you. Shown you a vulnerability he wanted only you to see. But maybe that had been part of his plan all along, until all you believed was his soft demeanor.
He may act like a child, but he’s a harbinger.
You stared down at the crumbled piece of paper in disgust.
Not only that, but he has no regard for human life.
Either way, you’d lived decades more than him. You could face him, you would present yourself to him just as he expected you to. Even when everything in you rejected the idea, sobbed at the thought of returning to that house, those chains. Being locked up and confined only for the purpose of coddling a small boy, a selfish boy, a cruel boy. 
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
You’d figure out a way, and this time you wouldn’t rule out the option of his death.
Oh darling Y/n, how have you been?
I hope this letter reaches you rather soon, we both have much to discuss, no? About me, about you, and much more. You see, I’ve taken up quite a distaste to your little friends. Stone statues in Inazuma as small as Kitsunes truly hold no purpose, what will they do, come back to life? Haha, I should think not. I’ve already arranged to have them demolished, who knows what kind of material they might possess. Ah, and of course I’d show you the finishing product, unless you’re willing to come and have a chat with me once more? Under the Sakura tree like we used to, you’ve waited years, I believe you can wait for me?
I hope this letter reaches you in best interests. I’m always looking out for you after all.
Sincerely, your Balladeer
It was raining.
Beautiful weather as you lay sitting there, feet crossed and tucked in the same you’d often do. After all, there was no need to fear the vision hunt decree or the Raiden Shogun. Let them come, let them take care of you before Scaramouche did.
You werent cold, not when the cold drops dampened your clothing, slipping down the length of your spine and drenching your face. Despite having lived in a luxury residency for such a long time, this was where you were most comfortable, enduring whatever the weather had for you, taking it with a smile. Because you were waiting…
The Kitsune Saiguu was a distant memory.
You were waiting for Scaramouche, the young boy that often bound into the field in lengthy strides, childlike wonder in his eyes. The one who’d cried when the other kids pushed him away, the one that just wanted to be praised. You’d held him in your arms, and now, even knowing the results, you wouldnt have done differently.
He was just a boy.
Just a boy when he joined the fatui, looking for praise that he was given. He created chaos and bellowed orders with a cruelty that was highly looked upon. Told that he was doing well, so he continued to do so.
He’s just a boy.
You wished you’d held him in your arms, if not only for a tad longer. Shield him away from the wrongness of the world, if only for one last time.
Banishing away your hatred for him was hard.
But you found it under the tree, rain soon dimming down to a clouded cold breeze that swept through the meadow. You’d hated him while stuck in the mansion, but you could now see it from a larger point of view. What he did was wrong of course, but you could remember him so vividly now. His small form giggling, tiny arms around your neck. 
“Play with me!”
Was it your fault?
For not holding him tighter? For trying to rectify his bad doings and teach him what was wrong and right? Maybe if your grip was firmer, if you’d spoken to him about the warmth he’d given you that day when playing cards...
“Lazy ass.”
Burying down that pile of worry and insecurities, you took a deep breath in to relax. The edge of your lip perked up, only slightly. “Still terrible with your social skills arent you?”
Slowly securing a dry space under the three with you, Scaramouche sat down. His features were the same ones you’d grown accustomed to at his mansion. Rich clothes, sharp eyes, and the baby face that refused to go away. His movements were soft as he pulled out a deck of cards. The two of you didnt speak as he distributed them between you both. It was tense… no, it felt too much like the warmth form long ago to be tense. You only wished the situation to be different.
“I love you.”
But you could only offer a bitter smile to his words. “I love my vision,” you replied. “I love the Kitsune Saiguu, and I love my friends.”
His touch was gentle when his fingers came to gently cradle your cheek. Holding your face dearly as he peered into your eyes, his were soft. Different from the cruelty he held within, the hatred that burned and destruction that seeked to explode.
You saw a little boy.
Your hand came to press his hand further against your cheek, till you slid his palm to your lips. He appeared so calm when you pressed the first kiss, lips tracing the lines along his palm with all the care in the world.
But you needed to change your view, see him as the man he now was. As the man he had become.
“I love you,” he repeated, and you let go of his hand. It fell limp by his side, cards all but forgotten. There was a much more pressing matter at hand, because you truly needed to see him as he was.
It was necessary if you planned to kill him.
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technowoah · 3 years
Can I request a prompt #37 with Karl Jacobs? I love your writing btw :)
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The four times Karl tried to propose and the one time he actually did.
- Karl Jacobs x gen!neutral reader!
- Prompts: 37) "Are you proposing?!"
⚠︎ swearing, fluff, angst if you squint and a rushed ending. I didn't proofread either
an// TYSM FOR LIKING MY WORK 😭ALSO Thanks for requesting and sorry this came out so late! Hope you enjoy :)
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To say that Karl loved you was an understatement. He adored you and practically worshipped the ground you stood on. He is so respectful, which is a major upgrade from your other boyfriends, and loves you for who you are. You didn't have to put on a facadè at all during the 3 years you two have dated.
This love wasn't a one way thing. You loved him just as much, or even more, than he did. Everything he did you supported, you were always cheering him on from wherever you were. You were here for the good and the bad, and he was too. You two never shyed away from admiting your love and support. You could write a essay on each thing you love about Karl.
The idea of marriage came up during a late night dinner at Denny's. The idea came so naturally to you, so it surprised Karl that you didn't tense up. Karl was tense when bringing up the topic of marriage, so when you said "Yeah, I wanna get married to you one day." so casually it caught him off gaurd.
You two had already talked about marriage time and time again, but this time Karl wanted to take the initiative. He was ready to get married and since the marriage talk was just a few months ago it was fresh in his mind. Karl could vividly imagine you walking down the aisle towards him looking angelic. He could see everything now and he wanted those daydreams to become a reality. He wanted to physically feel your hands against his as you two say "I do" to one another.
He couldn't stop thinking about settling down in a nice house with you. Karl already bought a ring for you and always has it with him. Now he justs needs to figure out how to tell you.
1st proposal: Fireworks
You blocked out Jimmy's yelling as you sat in a lawn chair in the middle of the woods. Karl had invited you to a MrBeast video shoot because he thought it would be a great early 4th of July. It was late at night and slightly cool outside, so you were wearing a MrBeast hoodie Karl was wearing earlier. You zoned out as the boys talked to the camera over and over again, taking multiple shots.
You found yourself looking at Karl most of the time you sat there and you always caught his gaze towards you. Every time you caught him looking at you, you sent him a small wave or blow him a kiss and every time he sent a shy wave back or sent a more exaggerated kiss back.
During halfway through the shooting you begrudgingly had to move your lawn chair further and further away from your original spot. Karl always checked up on you before and after each firework set were blown up. He has been acting fidgety around you and you didnt know why. When you tried to confront him about it he would always turn away and go back to the boys without a glance back, and his hands in his pockets.
You loved watching the guys play with so many different types of fireworks, this was a great 4th of July for you, but you wished that Karl was sitting next to you feeling the bliss that you were.
You were currently sitting behind bulletproof glass while the guys had a control panel on their lap. Karl kept sending glances towards you and you looked at him and smiled whishing he was next to you and not over by the guys. You knew it was selfish, but he invited you here.
Karl kept bouncing his leg, he kept his hand in his pocket which held the ring. He kept sending glances towards you, knowing he should be on one knee right about now. Jimmy was about to fire off the last rocket of the night and Karl couldn't seem to go over and ask you to marry him. He knew he was hilding himself back which made him hate himself. You deserved a good night and he hoped you enjoyed the fireworks, but he knew on the ride back he would have to apologize.
He stayed with the boys as they went to go see the fireworks they would be setting off soon. Once they came back they were all about to press the button to set off the expensive fireworks they counted down from 5 and he looked towards you. You were standing up with your arms crossed, hopefully shielding yourself from the cold, and looking towards the fireworks that were going to burst. They finally pressed the button the fireworks went off.
Each burst of light in the air sent a glow onto your smiling face. Karl sent a somber glace and marveled in how the explosion of the fireworks sent a beautiful glow around you.
This wasnt the right time. Next time.
2nd proposal: Donuts
"Im sorry for last night." Karl apologized as you both took a seat at a booth by the window at the small coffee and donut shop.
This was supposed to be an apology for the last failed proposal. Instead of spending time with you, he kept his distance which was the opposite of what he really wanted to do. This was a way to spend much needed time with eachother, but this was also another attempt at a proposal.
Karl wanted to hide the ring in the middle of a donut so when you inevitably look at it when he hands it to you, you'll see the ring and then he'll propose right there. To him it seemed flawless.
You never wanted a huge proposal. You didnt want that much attention on you when your future significant other would propose. Something simple would be the ideal proposal and you've hinted that many times to Karl and right now he was listening. There were only two other couples in the small diner because others were picking up donuts and leaving. If he decided to get down on one knee it would cause a scene.
You stayed silent for a moment looking at Karl before deciding to speak.
"It's no problem. Please dont stress out about it." You smiled softly and he smiled back at you. "I mean the fireworks were beautiful, but you all were screaming too much."
You both laughed as you both recalled that night in the desert.
"Yeah I just didn't..I didn't really talk to you all night. I feel bad." Karl said fiddling with his hands.
"Its in the past Karl. And I still know you love me." You reached out to grab both of his hands and hold his cool hands in yours.
"I do love you." He whispered for only you to hear leaving both of you smiling ear to ear.
"What kind of donuts you want?" Karl asked looking into your eyes carefully.
You thought about it for a while before speaking up. "I'll keep it simple. Icing with sprinkles. Surprise me with the icing color!" You exclaimed while letting go of his hands for a second.
Once you two let go of eachothers hands he immediately went to his pocket and played with the velvet box. He nodded his head and without a word he stood up to meet the cashier behind the display box of donuts. He ordered only one donut as you said with orange icing this time.
He paid for the food and stayed at the counter where he paid. Karl looked back to see if you were paying attention to him only to see you looking out the window at the people passing by. Karl smiled at the sight knowing he really wants to marry you one day and then he looked down at the glistening ring inside of the box.
Karl was supposed to put the ring in the middle of the donut that was laying alone on a napkin on the counter. He started to think of the possibilities of what could happen. What if you didn't see the ring and crumble the ring with the napkin and throw it away? What if you accidentally put the ring in your mouth? What if you weren't hungry anymore?
He looked over again to where you were looking at him giving him the same smile you gave during the fireworks. Karl sighed and once again closed the box with the ring. He was a coward and he knew that.
Karl picked up the donut from the counter and made his way over to you.
"Here's your donut with sprinkles and orange icing!" Karl exclaimed putting emphasis on the 'orange' part.
"Thanks babe!" You smiled as he sat down across from you. "Wait, you didn't get anything for yourself?"
Karl sighed again for what seemed like the 100th time today and put on a smile. "I ended up not being as hungry as I thought I was."
"Well I could always share!" You started to eat your donut as Karl ended up looking outside.
Unbeknownst to you he was thinking of another way to propose without himself getting in his own head.
He'll find a time.
3rd proposal: Livestream
"Chat! As you can see I have my significant other here with me!" Karl exclaimed to his Twitch following.
You were sat next to him in another one of his office chairs with a blanket across your lap. You loved to join Karl's streams, the last couple of time you two played minecraft, gang beats, played on the nitendo switch for a while, but this time he didn't tell you what games you two would be playing. Karl just told you to come over tonight and ended up asking to join him for a stream last minute.
Now you are here next to him as Karl glows with excitement as he streams to his growing followers. You loved how he interacted with his fans and had a genuine connection with them, but sometimes that strong connection can, and has led to some nights where you had to stay the night and comfort him from his inner demons and the internet. Those nights made you love him even more, the vulnerability he gave to you made you comfortable with him.
It seems like the more time you spend eith him the more you want to officially get married. You didn't want to rush him because you soon figured out for yourself that there is no rush to express your love, which you two do everyday day. You two can get eloped in Vegas and you'll be happy, as long as you can spend the rest of your life with the man you love.
Karl kept sending glances towards you throughout the stream hoping you were having fun with the chill, q and a stream. Again he wanted to propose to you tonight during the stream. He loved showing your relationship whenever he could and whenever you would allow him to. His community also loved you the moment you became his significant other, so hopefully this will be a beautiful moment.
You talked to his chat as he contemplated, again, about whether to propose tonight. It wasn't infront of people, it was infront of a screen and it would be on Twitter in less than a week. This would be a good moment, but then again he wanted this moment to be between you two and he couldn't find the right time nor the right "moment".
As the stream continues you ended up wrapping yourself fully in the blanket and lying your head on his shoulder. You both cuddled eachother while you two answered questions. Karl kissed the top of your head and finally collected all of his thoughts.
He didn't need to propose to officially claim his love to you. Karl knew you both loved eachother to the ends of the Earth and back. There's no need for ceremony and the one day he will propose, he know it will come naturally. There is no need to force it, and now he wont.
Only time will tell.
4th proposal: spongebob
"Are you ready, kids?
Aye, aye, Captain!
I can't hear you!
Aye, aye, captain!
The TV illuminated the comfortable, dark room you two were in. You were lying on the couch with Karl with the blanket you had while streaming. It was late at night after the stream and you two ended up watching re-runs of spongebob. Karl sang along to the theme song softly while you hummed along. This was the 4th episode you both watched this night and it was a great way to end the week.
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Karl asked softly with tiredness in his voice.
"Of couse. Im too tired to move, so thanks for offering." You chuckled.
"You're welcome here anytime." Karl yawned and squeezed your sides. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Hell yeah." You got off of Karl as he walked to the kitchen.
He put the bag into the microwave and leaned back onto the kitchen counter as he waited. Karl looked over to the side and saw a empty vase which was next to the velvet box he was carrying with him this whole week. He shook his head and laughed to himself before getting the popcorn out of the microwave, dumping it in a bowl and walking back to see you taking up the whole couch.
"Move over or I'll sit on you." Karl said standing above her.
"Is that a promise?" You teased.
"Okay then!" He turned around and began to slowly and dramatically fake sitting ontop of you.
You began to laugh and try to push him off of you. You successfully got him to sit down and returned to your previous position, but this time with popcorn.
"I love you, you know that?" You hummed into his chest.
"Yeah, and I love you more."
"I love you most."
"I love you mostest." Karl laughed.
"That's not a word." You smiled.
"I love you so much I made up a word for ya." Karl kissed you head and you hugged him tighter.
"You know what?" Karl chuckled. "I love you so much that I tried to propose to you 3 times this week."
Karl finished and you sat up from your spot looking surprised. Karl sat up as well thinking he made a mistake telling you. He was abkut to apologize, but you beat him to speak.
"Oh my gosh!" You exhaled.
"Look, I'm sorr-"
"Are you proposing?!" You exclaimed with a smile on your face.
Karl was surprised just like you were before. He remembered that he wanted the Maybe this was the moment he needed this week.
Karl grabbed both of your hands and caressed them both, looking into your eyes. "I was planning to all week. But now I think this is a good moment. So Y/N? Will you marry me?"
"Of course I will!" You enveloped him into a tight hug and peppered his face with kisses. He finally found his moment and he couldn't be happier.
"You said you tried to propose three other times?" You questioned. "When was that?"
"Its a long story."
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
Kinktober day one: Knife play
Cw: slight knife play, exhibitionism, fingering, slight penetration, dirty talk
Word count: 1,210
Watching Scream was a tradition with your roommate, but when his nest friend is involved, it's a bit more....interesting
Movie script is in italics!! Enjoy <3
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
You smile at the line, having heard it countless times.
“I don’t know.”
“You have to have a favorite.”
Your gaze tears away from the television for a second to watch your roommate’s friend, Bakugou, emerge from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn.
“Scream, really? This shit is old as fuck.”
You roll your eyes, grabbing the bowl out of his hands once he gets close enough and turning back to the screen.
“So, you gotta boyfriend?”
“Why, you wanna ask me out?”
You giggle with Casey as she twirls her hair, sneaking a glance to the blonde next to you who's on his phone.
You wish he wasn't such a killjoy. You would love to be curled up in his strong, meaty arms right now, enjoying the classics of Halloween.
“Somethin’ on my face, Doll?”
You gasp, turning back towards the movie and flushing when you hear his huff of laughter.
“Why do you wanna know my name?”
“Because I wanna know who I'm looking at.”
The doorbell rings suddenly, and you almost piss yourself at the timing. Reaching over to pause the movie, you get up and plop the half empty bowl of popcorn back into Bakugou’s hands and move towards the door, ignoring his grumbles of how annoying you are.
Opening the door, you shiver from the chill outside, before feeling your heart warm at the cute sight of your roommate, Kirishima, standing in front of you with two huge domino bags.
“Hey, y/n, ya miss me?”
You laugh, grabbing the bags.
“Nah, just the food.”
Smiling at his fake pout, you make your way back to the sofa and plop down next to Bakugou, who’s dozing off. You reach over to slap his chest and he catches your hand right before impact, cracking a dark eye open and staring you down, causing heat to erupt in your lower tummy.
“Oh, sorry, I….”
He holds your gaze, lips curled up slightly in a half snarl. His hands are big, alarmingly so, and warm. The softness of them soothes you, and you find yourself leaning slightly forward, watching his eyes dilate and darken, plush lips parting and letting out a sharp exhale, before he retracts his hand from your wrist, turning his head to the side in an attempt to hide the flush creeping up his neck.
You stumble back, flopping onto your side of the couch in a daze, unaware of Kirishima watching you from the kitchen island, a knowing look on his face as he preps the plates and gets drinks.
20 minutes pass, pizza devoured and soda sloshing happily in your belly. You’re resting with your head laid on the back of the couch, lazily watching the movie. Kirishima’s invested , sitting on the floor in front of you wrapped in a Fatgum blanket. You watch Ghostface appear on the screen and, before you can stop it, your thoughts fly out of your mouth.
“Is it just me, or is Ghostface fine as fuck?"
Kirishima laughs, turning his head to look at you.
“You mean Billy?”
You shake your head, sitting up all the way.
“No no no, Ghostface. The voice, the body, the way you can't tell who's under, it's just really hot.”
Kirishima roars in laughter, turning back around to continue the movie as his eyes tear up.
“So yer telling me yer attracted to fuckin masked killers.”
Bakugou stares at you, earning himself a glare from you.
“Obviously if he wanted to kill me I wouldn't be turned on-”
“Oh, so if i took this,”
You turn your head as Bakugou grabs the knife you were gonna use for the brownies from the coffee table.
“And did this,”
He reaches for you and before you can register what's happening he has his arm wrapped around your chest, knife held to your throat.
“You wouldn’t wet yer fuckin’ panties?”
You let out a shaky exhale, trying not to go dumb as you start to heat up, clit throbbing under your panties as he gently traces the cool metal down your throat.
“You-you wanna kill me?”
He chuckles, leaning down to lick up the shell of your ear.
“Not the answer I was lookin’ for, Pretty.”
He slides his hand down your belly, thick fingers toying with the waistband of your shorts. You whine softly, moving your hips in a circle to get his fingers moving, bumping against his bulge in the process. He makes a punched noise before moaning directly into your ear, hips rolling up.
You sigh and tilt your head back, slowly rocking your hips back against him and pressing soft, tickling kisses to his flushed neck. He’s panting, letting out breathy “hah’s” with every push of your ass against his crotch. He withdraws his hand from your underwear, only to grab your own hand and push it down with his, sliding yours and his finger inside of you. You have to bite your lip hard to keep a moan from ripping itself from your throat, placing your mouth back on his sweaty skin once he begins curling his fingers inside of you.
He brings the knife back up, trailing it along your lower tummy, up your chest, along your throat and stopping just under your jaw, pushing down ever so slightly and making your head spin, eyes rolling back as you jerk your hips to try and get him to put another finger.
"Mmh, you like that, slut? Want me to slit your fucking throat?"
You answer with a garbled moan, fingers twitching when he finally sinks two more of his fingers inside you along with two of yours, the stretch making you whine. Immediately he stops, and you almost whine again when you remember Kirishima sitting inches away from you, the back of his head right in front of your dripping cunt.
"Shit, you wanna get caught or sumthin'? I dunno about you but I'm not too keen on sharing what's fuckin mine."
You shake your head, sinking your teeth into his shoulder and continuing to rock your hips against his hand, eyes knocked into the back of your head as he takes his fingers out to rub slow, lazy circles on your clit. He shuffles a little under you, the knife disappearing before you feel his thick, sticky cockhead glide over your slit, popping in ever so slightly. You shake your head violently, trying to get Bakugou to stop.
“Bakugou, nnngf, it’s too much, m’gonna cum-”
He shuts you up with a sloppy kiss, saliva dribbling down your lips as he finally gets his tip inside, pushing in slightly farther before you're convulsing, squeezing him so good. The both of you cum just like that, tangled together on the couch behind Kirishima as the last 5 minutes of the movie plays in front of you. 
When you come down, the credits start to roll, and you both look at each other in horror. When you hear soft breathing and snoring, however, you loosen up and relax. He was sleeping.
“Lets clean ourselves up-”
“Hah? I didnt get to properly fuck you, idiot. The knife wasn't even real, that shit’s for butter. Sit your pretty ass down and grind on my fuckin’ cock.”
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hi there! may i request small frappé with pumpkin spice and whipped cream? childe x reader ty! this is my first time requesting so i hope i didnt do this wrong!!
Heya, dear anon! Thank you so much for your request, it was perfect and i had a lot of fun writing this. So, here's your drink: A small frappé with pumpkin spice and whipped cream on top. Hope you enjoy! <3 (Reblogs are very much appreciated.)
Prompts: fluff, fake dating, “You’re not wearing that, are you?” + “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” (400 followers event: JJ's coffee shop)
Be mine – Tartaglia x gn!reader (fake dating!AU, fluff)
“You’re not wearing that, are you?”
With furrowed brows, you looked at Tartaglia. He was standing behind you, watching you as you turned in front of the mirror to get a better look at your outfit. “Why?” you asked, a hint of confusion echoing in your voice. “Is there something wrong? Is it too much?”
“No,” he replied, and a smile flashed over his face as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. Resting his chin on your shoulder, he added, “It makes you look even prettier than you already are, to be honest. Everyone’s going to stare at you.” He nuzzled your cheek. “And I’m not sure if I like that thought.”
You felt your face growing hot at his words and tried to wriggle out of his hug. “Stop that,” you said with a sheepish grin. “No one’s here, there’s no need to act like we’re a couple.”
Tartaglia hummed in response and took a step back after releasing you from his hug, although he couldn’t deny that your words hurt him more than he liked to admit. He knew that you were right – the two of you weren’t really dating, after all. It was just a show you put on to stop your friends from constantly pestering you to finally find yourself a boyfriend. When you had asked him to pretend to be in a relationship with you for a while, Tartaglia hadn’t hesitated to help you. Up to this day, he hadn’t regretted it – well, a bit, maybe.
At first, it had been nothing more than a game and a secret the two of you shared – something that never failed to make you laugh when your friends weren’t around. But as the weeks passed, things had… changed. At least for him.
He had no idea how you felt about the whole situation, though. If you still thought about him as a friend or if his constant flirting did have some kind of effect on you… if you maybe had developed real, genuine feelings for him too. It was foolish, he knew that, but he couldn’t help but hold on to that thought whenever he saw you.
You watched him in the mirror, the way he stared into the distance absent-mindedly, his pretty blue eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. He often had that look on his face when he thought you weren’t noticing it but whenever you brought the topic up, he always told you that you were imagining things before he quickly changed the subject.
That didn’t stop you from asking, though. You turned around to face him, your left arm slightly outstretched, almost as if your body couldn’t decide if you wanted to reach out for him or not. “Hey,” you said, your voice a lot softer than you initially intended. “What’s wrong?”
It was fascinating to see how his facial expression changed almost immediately, how he put on a smile that could have fooled anyone but you. “I was just thinking that you’re right,” he replied and shrugged. “About us, I mean. We’re not a couple when your friends aren’t around, and I’m sorry if my actions made you feel uncomfortable.”
You let out a surprised laugh. “What made you think I was uncomfortable? I just – I don’t know, I guess I wanted to say that there’s no need to pretend anything when we’re alone. It’s not necessary and I don’t want to bother you. Um…” You shook your head, annoyed by your own stammering. “You’re not making me uncomfortable. That’s what I was trying to say.”
You watched as his smile slowly transformed into a more honest one, and suddenly, there was this warm feeling welling up inside you again. It had happened a few times already, mostly when he looked at you like you were the most precious thing he had ever seen or when he hugged you like he had done earlier but you had never bothered yourself with thinking about it. After all, he only acted like that because you had an agreement with each other, not because he actually cared about you… at least not in that way.
And it was fine, although you couldn’t deny that a part of you had always wondered what it would be like to be in a real relationship with him. He could be reckless and even kind of belligerent sometimes, yes, but when he was with you, he seemed to be a completely different man – caring and considerate, always trying his best to make you smile when you were upset or sad. He was your best friend, the one you could always rely on, no matter what happened.
And sometimes, just like in this moment, he was the one who made your heart skip a beat without even knowing it.
“We should go,” you said, shaking your head once again to get rid of the confusing thoughts that had come to your mind. “The others are probably already waiting for us.”
On your way back home, you couldn’t stop thinking about something your best friend had said to you. Sometimes, you couldn’t help but wonder if they secretly knew that your relationship with Tartaglia wasn’t real but since you didn’t want to risk anything, you had decided to let sleeping dogs lie a while ago. Maybe they didn’t know it, anyway but something about the way they looked at you when they told you how happy you could be to have someone like him in your life, had suggested that they were well aware of your fake dating. “If you weren’t so cute together, I would be so jealous, really,” they had added with a grin, darting a glance at Tartaglia who had been joking around with one of your other friends at this point. “He’s awesome, (Y/N). Don’t mess this up, okay?”
The words were still echoing in your mind. How could you mess it up if everything wasn’t even real? Of course you knew what they were trying to say but at some point, you would have no other choice than messing everything up because you either had to tell your friends toe truth or act like you and Tartaglia had broken up. You couldn’t force him to play along forever, after all.
Sooner or later, he would find someone and fall in love for real, and then you would have to let him go, no matter how awful it felt to imagine him being with someone else. The thought hurt – and at the same time, it made you absolutely furious.
You stopped in your tracks, confused by the sudden anger that welled up inside of you when you thought about Tartaglia’s hypothetical future partner. Just because he would start to date someone, you definitely weren’t going to lose him; he would still be your friend. The only thing that would change was the fact that he would no longer act like he was head over heels in love with you.
And that was the moment it finally hit you.
The problem wasn’t that you were afraid of losing your friend. The problem was that you didn’t want him to fall in love with someone else – you wanted him to love you, actually love you, not just pretending like he had done for the past couple of weeks.
It was absolutely crazy, you knew that. He had agreed to fool your friends with you for a while because he thought it sounded like fun but actually developing feelings for each other hadn’t been a part of the deal. It had been completely out of the question, even.
Heck, why did everything have to become so complicated all of a sudden? Why did you have to fall for him? Everything he did, every hug, every kiss… all of that was part of your charade. He didn’t do it because he had romantic feelings for you.
You couldn’t help but remember the scene from earlier when he had hugged you in front of the mirror, implying that he’d be jealous if someone else would start to admire you. There had been no one around to see; he didn’t have to talk to you like that – and still, he had done it. And he had hugged you in a way that still made your heart beat faster.
Damn it. You needed to talk to him.
You needed to talk to him right now.
You turned around and rushed back to the restaurant where you had parted ways maybe fifteen minutes ago. He wasn’t there anymore but you knew that he sometimes went for a walk near the docks because he liked to listen to the sound of the waves, so you decided to look for him there.
It wasn’t too hard to find him – and as he spotted you approaching him through the crowd, a soft smile flashed over his face. “Did you miss me already?” he asked in a teasing tone that usually would have caused you to roll your eyes. But right now, it just made you feel more insecure.
“I need to talk to you,” you said. Admittedly, it wasn’t the smoothest conversation starter but you were way too nervous to bother yourself with being particularly eloquent in that moment. “About us.”
He raised his eyebrows. “About us?”
“About the whole situation,” you explained. “The relationship thing we have going on. I – I don’t think I can do this anymore. It just… it just feels wrong to pretend like we are dating when we’re not. I don’t know why I came up with that idea in the first place, it’s so stupid and I’m sorry for dragging you into this and-“
“Whoa, slow down, (Y/N),” Tartaglia interrupted you and furrowed his brows. “What are you talking about? I told you many times that I don’t mind helping you. I know your friends, I realize that they can be quite annoying when it comes to… well, your love life. You’re not taking advantage of me if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
You buried your face in your hands for a few seconds and let out a frustrated groan. “That’s not the reason I want to end this, Tartaglia,” you said. “I want to end it because it just feels wrong. We don’t love each other – we shouldn’t pretend that we do. It’s… it’s just not right.”
“Who says I don’t love you?”
You had expected every answer from him but not something like this. With wide eyes, you stared at him, searching his face for a sign that he was joking, that he was trying to fluster you like he already did a million times but his expression was unusually serious. “What?”
“Who says I don’t love you?” he repeated patiently. “You said it’s not right to pretend that we love each other. But the truth is that I’m not pretending anymore. So, it’s not wrong, is it?”
You couldn’t reply. Your thoughts were racing as your brain tried to comprehend what he had just told you but you felt like you weren’t able to think straight at all. Not when all you could think about was that he loved you.
Tartaglia stepped closer, gently cupping your face with his hands. “I love you,” he said, the tone of his voice so earnest that it send a shiver down your spine. “And I think that you may love me too, so if that’s the case could you please say something? Or – I don’t know, blink twice, maybe?”
“Shut up,” you said, finally snapping out of your state of shock. “Shut up and kiss me.”
Taglist: @blissmal, @aimicoos
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