#once they die. once they become a vampire. they are damned. i feel like it is the same here
dvalshock · 1 year
I want Jericho to be friends with a little girl who was a former patient of his that always brings him flowers. I want him to be consumed with guilt for killing her and reanimating her body, for lying and saying she is saved. I want it to eat him alive.
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bafvkun · 11 months
I just feel like talking about how deep Mikayu’s bound runs don’t mind me (HEAVY spoilers ahead).
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Lets get this straight : i don’t care if you ship them or not (even if you would be a fool not to) but no one can deny that they’re literal soulmates and I’m gonna show you exactly why.
Yu and Mika were ALWAYS bound to find each other and reunite. I’m not saying that because I’m delusional it’s literally canon. Their relationship is as old as dinosaurs and once again : this is canon.
Yu (or should I say Mika but like whatever if you didn’t read the scans it would take an eternity to explain) was literally created for Mika. The sole purpose of his existence was to look after Mika and be his only friend. Since day one they were ment for each other.
They swore on every stars and defied fate itself that they will always found each other again no matter how many times they die or get taken away from the other in a way or another, no matter their race, age or era.
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There I was talking about the first versions of them, but let’s talk about the main one, the one we all know in the anime and throughout the whole manga, Yuichiro and Mikaela Hyakuya.
Mika was the first one in this life to get Yu to open his heart, to make him accept his fate and push him to make the best of it. Yu was just a traumatized child that almost got killed by his own parents yet Mika made him feel like he belonged somewhere, he showed him that family wasn’t always meant to be bound with blood.
When Yu lost Mika it was like he lost all hopes, for the longest time Yu was suicidal, already from young age and this loss just made him feel so much worse. Yes the loss of his whole new family, including Akane and the kids was bad for him, but deep down what truly broke them was the loss of one another.
Years later they reunited, Mika like Yu both changed deeply because of their own experiences and yet their relationship stayed unchanged. Just the dynamic between them switched, Yu was now the one to convince Mika that he could trust his new family (Glenn and his own squad).
One day my mom told me « if when you reunite with a long lost friend and it feels like not even a day has passed, then it’s real friendship » and it’s been proven to me that this is true, Mikayu being yet another exemple of this.
As a vampire Mika doesn’t feel much anymore, it’s said loud and clear that turning into a vampire takes away from you any vulnerability, any love or lust. Yet Mika feels so vividly for Yu, it runs so much deeper than his own nature. His loyalty towards him is beyond any words could ever describe.
And it’s also so damn obvious how Mika is just so grumpy with anyone but smiles whenever Yu is around. He didn’t smile for anyone else than him throughout the manga, Yu is his literal everything, he is the only one that brings him peace and joy.
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Now we skip forward a bit, Yu and Mika are in a deadly situation and against everything Mika dies. First let’s get the obvious out of the way, his last words were « Yu, I love you. ». I mean. There’s nothing more straightforward than that.
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But then, when a vampire dies he becomes a demon, so of course Yu had to take him as his cursed weapon. So that’s exactly what he did, after so much struggle that I will pass here he finally got to talk with Mika and have a contract with him.
But the thing is when a vampire dies and becomes a demon he loses all his memories from his previous life, so Mika didn’t remember Yu at all. Yet, despite everything their bound didn’t die, quite the contrary. Even before they did the contract, so before Mika had access to Yu’s memories, there was still something inside him that screamed « that guy is important to me », even if he didn’t understand where it came from.
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All the memories Mika had of Yu after that was again : from Yu’s own memories.
And what Mika saw broke him, the desire to die was so overwhelming even in his demon form he found himself speechless and hurt. He didn’t remember Yu but he knew that he was important to him more than he could ever tell. And he didn’t only see their memories together, he saw Yu’s whole life, the moment with his parents, the years they spent apart, Yu and Glenn’s relationship and his new family, he saw everything.
He swore his loyalty to him yet again, ready to do anything for him and face the end of the world hand in hand with him. And of course, even when he lost his memories Yu never once doubted him and that he would still follow him.
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Now. I’ve been talking a lot about Mika’s love for Yu but what about the other way around ? Moving forward in the story again Glenn revealed something to Yu, his squad and Mika that left a dilemma hanging in the air. Yu had to chose between humanity and Mika. And what did he do ? He chose Mika, betraying not only Glenn, the man that save him physically and psychologically and that he respected the most in the world, not only his squad with who he shared ups and downs like a family but humanity itself for the survival of Mika.
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If this doesn’t speak volumes to you I don’t know what will. Yu sacrificed EVERYTHING down to his own survival just to spend one more day with Mika. Now not only vampires, demons and angels were against him, but humanity too all for the sake of one man.
Both of them constantly put their whole life and universe on the line for the other and they always do it in a heartbeat, like any other decision would just be unthinkable.
They had so many discussions that made clear how deeply their feelings for one another go, no matter if you interpret it as brotherly or romantic love. They confessed to each other so many times how they can’t live without the other, how life is meaningless if the other isn’t around. How there’s not even a point in trying to live if it isn’t to face tomorrow together and how each other’s happiness is more important than anything else in the world.
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Both of them held on solely for the other, both of them are still breathing and living their truth thanks to nothing else than one another.
Their love is so fucking beautiful and pure, it stayed untouched through generations and generations of them.
Mikayu is an amazing ship and anyone would be a fool to not read Seraoh of the end just to witness such utter and raw love.
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nightcolorz · 2 months
I'd love to hear your thoughts about what was going on in armand's head in the books after he turned daniel. do you think the lack of telepathy between them was a factor? do you think he felt guilty for turning him or just sortof didnt know what to do now that it was done, or both? what do you think changed to allow them to get back together in the end? do you think anything could have gone differently so that they didnt separate after qotd? also unrelated loving the kill marius tag 10/10 I hope he explodes and dies forever
TY I LOVE THESE QUESTIONS!!! And thank u lmaoo so true Marius die challenge.
I’ve kind of talked about a lot of this before in my post about why I think Armand and Daniel’s relationship ends in the books but I’ll make this post into a sort of tldr lol. for my own comprehension sake I’m going to answer ur questions in an autism friendly list, lmao
do you think the lack of telepathy between them was a factor? —Yes absolutely. Armand struggles a ton with verbal communication as well as being open and vulnerable with his loved ones (especially Daniel). I think that Armand definitely had a crisis after he turned Daniel bcus he was feeling a ton of grief and sadness after his turning and in addition, had his most comfortable mode of communication stripped from him. Armand in tvl doesn’t speak out loud for most of the book, which makes me think he finds telepathy much easier then speaking, and it was definitely a big part of his dynamic with Daniel. Armand defaults to using telepathy when he has trouble speaking about certain topics, or is in a headspace where he has trouble talking in general. it’s very likely armand wasn’t commutating with Daniel at all once they didn’t have the telepathy bond which was def a factor in their relationship falling apart. Daniel probably felt neglected by Armand and didn’t know why since he suddenly wasn’t talking. Get this boy a communication device 😭
do you think he felt guilty for turning him or just sort of didnt know what to do now that it was done, or both?—I think he felt guilty, and also like a failure. Armand’s vow to never turn someone into a vampire is incredibly important to him, and possibly one of his only moral standards he is dedicated to holding onto. Armand considers turning someone into a vampire an unforgivable evil he would never want to participate in, he thinks that the maker and fledgling dynamic is doomed from the start bcus fledglings will always grow to hate their makers, and he thinks that this is inevitable bcus vampirism is a curse that no one will ever get anything good from. As Armand sees it, him turning Daniel was both selfish and cruel, bcus he cursed Daniel horribly out of the selfish desire to keep him alive against his own good, and it was also a forgoing of his most important boundary and therefore a forgoing of his humanity and his morals. So needless to say Armand is kind of going through it after he turns Daniel, lmao
what do you think changed to allow them to get back together in the end?—I think that Armand’s complex about vampirism and his own trauma fueled perspective on the world was the main contributor in Daniel and Armand’s relationship ending, and I think they are able to make it work during the Prince lestat era bcus Armand goes through a lot of growth since queen of the damned, especially in the vampire Armand. After his suicide attempt and his gaining of his human children Armand begins to become genuinely more content, confident, capable of overcoming his trauma set backs, self aware, etc, and I think Armand just being a more happy and optimistic person in itself did wonders for his relationship with Daniel. He always thought of their dynamic as a doomed to fail tragedy, so when he reunites with Daniel and takes on a more optimistic approach they have a lot less conflict. I also think Daniel no longer being an unhinged alcoholic and going through his own growth period helped tremendously lol.
do you think anything could have gone differently so that they didnt separate after qotd?—I tend to see it as an inevitability that their relationship ended that way. The only thing u could change would be making Armand and Daniel completely different people and changing everything about their relationship, lmao. Every little thing in the devils minion chapter, including Daniel and Armand as characters, is a small contributor to a relationship that is about to burst in flames 😭😭 I’m just happy they work it out later on lol
Thank u for the ask!!!! I loved answering and thinking about these questions!!
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dyns33 · 1 year
The Temple
Morpheus x female reader 
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Y/N was not immortal. She was not a goddess, or a fairy, or a witch.
Only a human waitress who had gotten a job at the New Inn, and had quickly become friends with the owner, Mr. Gadling.
Hob, as he liked to be called, was a bit of a strange man. Very nice, high school history teacher, who used the rest of his free time to take care of his pub, where he served customers while correcting his students' homework.
When asked how he managed to find the time to do everything, he replied mysteriously that he had plenty of time.
It was during a night that Y/N discovered her boss's secret.
As they were going to close, after cleaning the tables and turning off the lights, a man came in, pointing a gun at them, ordering them to give him the money.
Not wanting trouble, Hob agreed, giving everything they had as quickly as possible. But the man had then looked at Y/N with a funny look.
It wasn't hard to know what he was thinking. But before he could speak, Mr. Gadling had then lunged at him, grabbing his arm so he was no longer pointing his gun at Y/N. The fight was quick, a shot was fired, and both men fell to the ground.
The thief was unconscious, as Hob clutched his chest, watching his blood flow. Y/N let out a scream, grabbing a towel to put pressure on the wound, while picking up her phone to call for help, refusing to think that it was unnecessary, as the bullet was at the location of the heart.
Then a strange thing happened. Mr. Gadling was in pain, it was obvious, but he tried to smile anyway, a twisted grin, looking at her kindly. He took her phone and hung up, before wiping away her tears, no longer worrying about his injury.
    "Don't cry, duck. It's okay."
    "Hob... Hob, I'm sorry."
    "No, don't be. It's not your fault. Why are people so stupid and rude ? He couldn't take the money and leave ? As a gentleman, I couldn't leave him to you. touch. Don't worry, I... I just need some time. Then you can call the police."
    "But... You will die." she sobbed.
     "... Can you keep a little secret for when we have to make our depositions ?"
It turned out that Hob Gadling could not die. Not if he didn't want to at least. 
It wasn't very clear, and he himself didn't seem to really know how things worked, but after an hour his wound was almost healed, they were able to clean up the blood and call the police.
    "Well... It was a pleasure to meet you." he sighed when they were alone. "I'm going to have to grab my things and leave now. If you could be lovely and not tell anyone until I'm gone..."
    "What ? You're leaving ?! Why ?!"
    "As soon as someone finds out my secret or suspects something, I leave. I can't stay in the same place for more than twenty years. It was nice, I'll probably come back later when everyone will have forgotten me. I will say that I am a nephew. Damn, I hoped to be there if my stranger decided to find me."
    "But you don't need to leave ! I won't say anything, I swear !"
Hob gazed at her for a long time, considering the situation, before deciding that he trusted her.
He trusted her so much that he told her his whole story. His adventures. His marriage, wife and children.
His stranger.
Another immortal, or something else, supernatural creature, vampire, demon, god.
The one he considered a friend, whom he met once every hundred years, with whom he had argued, and who hadn't come to their last date.
    "Oh." said Y/N sadly. "Why ?"
    "You should ask him. Although he probably won't answer, he's not very good at communication. Maybe he's still mad at me. Maybe he'll never come again. In addition, the pub where we met has closed. That's why I created this place, so that if one day he comes back, he can find me, like before."
Loneliness was a feeling that Y/N knew quite well. Attachment too, to certain people that we always wanted to have with us and whose mere presence made us happy.
Helping Hob Gadling became her mission. Because he was her boss, her friend, her savior, and she wanted him to be happy. So she would do everything to make sure he stayed as long as possible at the New Inn, until his stranger returned.
She took care of the place with much more ardor and love than before, making it warm, welcoming, alive. People who came to the pub all said that the owner and the waitress brought them a little joy and hope.
Every day, Y/N came to work wondering if the stranger would be here this time. Even without knowing him, he occupied her thoughts and her nights. Her dreams. She would picture a tall, pale man, with raven hair, eyes containing a starry night, and from which there emanated something indescribable. She really wanted to meet him, and for him to come back to see Robert, who had been waiting for him for more than a hundred years.
Since he didn't seem human, she wondered if he would hear her prayers. In any case, she didn't know how she could love someone she had never seen, nor how she could miss him.
And one day, when she went to ask Hob if he wanted another coffee to finish correcting his students' papers, she found him sitting across from a man. Even though her instinct immediately told her that it wasn't a man. He was too expressionless to be a man, and he looked a lot like her dreams.
    "Ah ! Y/N !" Hob said when he saw her, his eyes sparkling and a huge smile on his face. "I must introduce you ! Y/N, this is my stranger. Stranger, this is Y/N, my employee and my friend."
    "I see." said the stranger in a distant voice. "Honored to properly meet you, young priestess."
    "Priestess ?"
    "Of course. This temple was built for me, its essence, its walls, all sing in my name, and while you became my priest, Hob Gadling, you were aided by this priestess."
     "... What ?" Hob and Y/N said at the same time.
     "Didn't you feel it ?"
     "Not really, dove." answered the immortal, a little lost. "Are the other employees also priests ?"
     "No. They do not know the purpose of this place."
Y/N didn't really know how to react. By deciding to work at the pub and help Hob, she hadn't signed up to become the priestess of an unknown, visibly tempestuous god who could harm her if she didn't celebrate him properly.
Frightened, she excused herself to serve other customers, before staying behind the counter, as far as possible from Hob and his stranger, who looked at her for a while, before resuming their conversation.
When the god was gone, her boss tried to reassure her. He had been as surprised as she by the term "priest", but he didn't think it really made sense. It only seemed to please his stranger that someone thought of him when creating a place.
     "I don't think he's going to get you in trouble. He never gave me any. Yeah, it hurt me when he left, but that's it, and he came back, and now he will come back In a hundred years, when you... Anyway, he won't give you trouble, I promise you, and if he does, I'll never talk to him again."
This did not reassure her. Y/N went home wondering if she should quit or if it was too late for that. If she had made a pact with the devil without doing it on purpose, like Hob who had become immortal without knowing why.
She still managed to fall asleep despite her fears, only to find herself in a pub that looked like the New Inn, but older.
     "This is the White Horse. Hob Gadling and I used to meet there a long time ago."
The stranger was there, seated at a table by the fire, slowly waving his hand to invite her to take a seat in the chair opposite him. Imagining that she had no choice, Y/N obeyed.
     "I sensed that you were afraid of me, Y/N Y/L/N. My raven informed me that I needed to talk to you to clarify the situation."
     "Your raven ?"
      “Matthew. He can be impertinent, but he has some good advice, when he wants to. As a priestess of the Dreaming, you have certain responsibilities, but you don't have to worry about them. You already fulfill them remarkably well."
     "I don't understand." Y/N sighed, still scared.
     "Very well. I am Dream of the Endless, Morpheus, Master of dreams and nightmares, prince of stories. As my priestess, it is your duty to welcome the dreamers, to entertain them, to give them hope, to guide them on the right path and to ensure that they leave without injury. You are already doing all this, with Hob Gadling as with all those who enter my temple. So I have nothing more to ask from you."
     "... He's going to be furious."
     "... Who ?" asked the stranger, Morpheus, his brow furrowing, giving expression to his doll's face for the first time.
     "Hob ! You haven't told him your name for ages, when I just met you. We're going to be in trouble."
     "Oh ? Really ? I'll think about telling him next time."
     "A hundred years from now ? When I... When I'm gone ? No offense, but I couldn't keep this secret until I died."
     "I was thinking of returning next week, if my obligations permit it. Fear not, I will speak to Hob Gadling. And to my sister, if you wish so, dear priestess. Your love haunts the walls of my temple, as well of your dreams. I will do what I can to make you happy."
He then stood up, the pub around them growing hazy. As if it was perfectly normal, Morpheus took the time to kiss her hand wishing her a good day, then Y/N woke up.
She hesitated to mention this encounter to Hob. Maybe it was just a dream after all. She decided not to give too many details, indicating only that she had dreamed of the stranger, who had confirmed to her that he expected nothing from her, and that he would return soon.
     "Soon ? Next week ? Really ? That would be wonderful !" Hob marveled, hopping around the tables like a 600-year-old child.
     "Yes, wonderful. He also talked about his sister."
     "His sister ?"
     "He said he would talk to her if that was what I wanted." repeated Y/N, continuing to wash the windows, while observing the raven which was standing on a tree.
     "I didn't know he had a sister, but good for him ! He's coming back !"
Morpheus returned, to give his name to Hob who happily accepted it, and to tell Y/N that his sister had accepted. He didn't immediately explain what that meant. It took several years, a panic attack, and Matthew the talking raven to make it clearer.
Even if he hadn't known his name before, Hob was right, his stranger was not very good at communication, too glad to have two priests, and maybe two friends, now immortal.
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missygoesmeow · 7 months
missy's tips for honour mode :) (it's very long I'm sorry) (oh and here be many spoilers) (but pictures too!)
please note I am not a pro gamer or anything. I sucked so bad when I first started this game (I had no idea wtf I was doing). Like seriously. I didn't know what an action was. what a bonus action was. "No movement left". WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO MOVEMENT LEFT. I had played DnD once before.
I literally bought this game because of Astarion.
I usually play one game and that is Overwatch. the only other time I stopped playing OW was to play Resident Evil: Village because of Lady D. vampire marketing works on me. specifically evil vampire. damn u Neil and Maggie.
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if you have any questions about a specific boss or something feel free to ask! I didn't fight everyone though - like I did not do House of Grief because I didn't need to and also it's hard :)
I think a lot of it just came on down to...
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ANYWAY. letsa go! this is very rambling!
Like I said in my reply to anon, the best tip is to do tactician FIRST. You’ll get destroyed otherwise. I didn’t finish my tactician run but I did get to act 3 and I did most boss fights (Gortash, Raphael, Cazador). Bosses have legendary actions in tactician and it’s fucking annoying. All the homies hate radiant retort….
Another tip is fucking collect everything. It’s hard to get gold and certain potion ingredients later on. Potion of Speed (you need hyena ears for this) is the BEST. I used them for my Ketheric fight (second phase) and killed him in three turns. I also used them for the final fight and used one or two with Raphael and Orin.
Smokepowder Barrels. I think people call this Barrelmancy? I didn't use them much. I hoarded them for one reason and one reason only.
To blow Raphael.
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His soul pillar towers that is. To blow up his pillars. His big long pillars.
Okay I'm done.
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(also I did use three in my last fight against the brain - popped them next to it and blew 'em up) Elixir of Bloodlust - sooooo handy with Astarion!
Invisibility Potion is a must - I used this to escape fights when three people were deaded (this happened a few times😅) and get my good friend Withers to bring them back.
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bonus tip: don't go into a fight with half your spell slots because you think "she'll be right". she won't be...as seen above
HOLY FUCK WITHERS. You can pickpocket Withers. I used Astarion to get our money back anytime I resurrected, changed class or got a hireling - he doesn’t care if you fail either, just keep trying.
DON'T BE DUMB LIKE MISSY Don't be like me, don't half pay attention in cut scenes and accidentally press the wrong dialogue option. Or else your good friend Lae'zel will turn on you and you will have A Bad Time.
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Gale has a stressful day💗
The githyanki are scary and actually now that I think about it, those were usually the fights I had to run away from like a leetle biatch.
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Halsin has a stressful day 💗
I forgot that Psionic Backlash is like a thing that does damage and that if your entire worm filled party does it and the person you are casting is at like...say 19 health...they will die because that is not Passive Damage.
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And then Jaheira will leave because you murdered her friend.
(I lost Shart, Lae'Zel and Jaheira in this run) GENERAL STUFF
Always surprise the enemy if you can, it’s a massive advantage!
Get the eye from Volo. This run was not about looking pretty, it was about getting any advantage I could get. Let that man poke out your eyeball. And make sure it’s your Tav, you will mostly likely swap companions and it’s just better if it’s you. It's helpful in a lot of fights but especially Auntie Ethel
Become half illithid. I did this with my Tav, Gale and Minthara. Astarion was a little bitch about it so I didn’t give it to him but I wish I had made him do it.
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She looks Not Great but she can fly (sorry Astarion but Z'hera only likes pussy)
Being able to fly is just SO helpful and cull the weak is OP! Also mmmmm worms :)
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A Giant Woman (my tiefling) as a Paladin - Oath of Vengeance.
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I broke my oath when I ascended Astarion but you can just get it back. Oathbreaker is still good (that’s what I was in my tactician run) but I wanted my channel divinity charges. I started with the Everburn Blade from the cambion Commander Zhalk on the Nautaloid (when you get Shart, give her the Command Spell and use “Drop” so you can just yoink it off him and save a fight). My final weapon was the Nyrulna which you can get in Act 3 at the Circus. To get this you must pickpocket the genie to take his ring and then play his game. He will accuse you of cheating and send you somewher. The prize at the end is this weapon. I love it. I just went invisible and walked through, I didn’t fight the creatures there.
Astarion - the classic gloomstalker/assasin. I had one level assasin and then did 6 levels ranger before going back to assassin. So he was 6 levels in each. With him ascended, he does INSANE damage. I never swap out that vamp, he’s too useful.
Shart/Minthara - I lost Shart in the Shadowfell - wouldn't let her murder Dame Aylin.
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a simpler time. before I killed my beloved and my brain was full of worms.
I had to fight her (it was very sad). I changed her class to Life of Domain Cleric. I then made Minthara my cleric when Shart died (same build). She replaced my lover and my cleric <3
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i love my new evil girlfriend
Gale - Evocation Wizard so I didn’t change him at all!
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he's so hopeful. and Z'hera is very gay.
If it’s throwable (like invisibility) group the gang together to throw one on the ground to get you all - saves using multiple.
Potion of Speed has an effect called lethargic that is active for one round after the potion ends. This means you miss a turn. HOWEVER! If you drink another one on the last active round of the potion, your Tav will become lethargic immediately and next round you’ll be fine :) I did this for the Ketheric fight.
It’s also helpful (because of lethargic) to not have all characters take the potion in the same round (if you give it to everyone). I never did, I usually gave them to Gale and my Tav.
I hoarded so many scrolls. I had so many dimension door scrolls at the end.
I did get the Necromancy of Thay and did all the things. And then I never used it :)
I saw this on reddit! Pretty much what I did was get a hireling - Cleric - and have that Cleric cast Heroes' Feast on my party.
The affected entity is immune to Diseases, Poisons, and being Frightened, it makes all Wisdom Saving throws with Advantage, and its maximum Hit Points are increased by 12
Lasts until long rest!! I also then cast Freedom of Movement on everyone in the party. I then cast Warding Bond on someone - usually Gale because he's a squishy boy :) If I knew it was a BIG FIGHT! I got another Cleric to cast Warding Bond on another party member.
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you can see Heroes' Feast (the condition is called Thoroughly Stuffed) and Freedom of Movement. These all last until long rest!
Pretty much any other companions were respeced as Cleric (though I made Jaheira a Wizard same as Gale so I could use her). I did this so that I could use Divine Intervention multiple times within the game!
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I used Opulent Revival and nothing else
anything can kill you in honour mode. even an elevator.
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it crushed me. somehow.
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thanks Larian
(if you want proper guides definitely go to Reddit!)
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Base Yandere Princess Bubblegum Headcanons (Adventure Time)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter and this chapter has Princess Bubblegum as the yandere! So I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!] 
(Disclaimer: Princess Bubblegum is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine just do not be illegal or gross about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not good partners to have in real life! Thank You, Muffins!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time- 
.Princess Bubblegum is I believe to be confirmed as a lesbian. (This may be wrong I am not 100 percent sure) Though she did date Mr. Creampuff so she could be bi or pan, for this video since you are gender neutral she is bi or pan! 
.She has had a few relationships throughout her life, but the most major one that we see is when PB was with Marcaline the Vampire Queen. 
.But we are not talking about the Vampire Queen this time, this is about PB. 
.Princess Bubblegum appears to be kindhearted and a good-natured person, but she does have a dark side, which we will get to. 
.She meets you, a beautiful person visiting her kingdom. You like Finn were human. 
.So she of course wants to get to know you and to understand why she feels the way she does about you. 
.It is similar to how she feels about Marcaline. But this, this is different. This is something that makes her feel giddy, full of life, and unstable even! 
.You, just the thought of you can make her feel so many things, so there has to be something about you that caused her to feel this way! There just has to be! 
.So she would talk you into running tests, to see exactly how she feels about you, and why she cannot understand the things she feels for you! 
.Of course, love, and obsessive love are not something of science. 
.So she finds the result that she is in love and that you are the love of her life. 
.So it is clear that she has to find the perfect formula in courting you so she can make you hers and make you her co-ruler. 
.She once again is a woman of science and every problem has a solution. 
.This will make her 1000 percent hyper-fixate on you and want to find a way to make you hers and hers alone. She is not going to lose you she will be damned. 
.She would also want to make sure you are safe at all times, so there will be hidden cameras for your home in her kingdom, so that way she can keep an eye on you and make sure that you are safe. 
.She also likes to watch you as you are not aware of her, this way she can ALWAYS Be "with" you. 
.She is very passionate in her love for you and sometimes takes it a bit too far. 
.Like with rivals, she easily fights them off and will even go to war against them. 
.She puts her kingdom above a lot of other things, but you, you are the thing she will always put first. 
.Even if it comes with her losing her kingdom. 
.She can be malicious and crafty and downright cruel when the time calls for it. 
.Such as someone trying to get in the way of her love for you, or someone trying to harm you. 
.She is not above-using blackmail, threats, and even the chance of her citizens and rivals being executed when it comes to her love for you. 
.You are hers and she will become a straight-up dictator to keep you by her side. 
.When she does lose her kingdom, there are two ways to go. 
.She can pull up her bootstraps and learn to be a better person for you. 
.Or she can snap and end up becoming a force to be reckoned with and steal you and her kingdom back by force. 
.She is also a vengeful yandere in which she will want revenge on her rivals for stealing you away from her. 
.So she would be brutal with them, and she might even torture them and or leave them to starve and die in the secret dungeon she has. 
.She would confess with a romantic dinner, and she would most likely go on rambling about how you and her are scientifically a perfect match! 
.And if she is bold enough at the end of it she will just pull you into a kiss to make sure her feelings are 100 percent clear! 
.If you accept her feelings she is over the moon and cannot wait for the wedding, you both have to start planning it right away. 
.If you turn her down? She would be in shock and do her best to laugh it off, but maybe, just maybe there was something wrong with you. 
.Because the facts and data show that you and her are perfect for each other, and the science does not lie. 
.So she would knock you out, and "Fix" you. 
.How does she plan to fix you? by figuring out what is wrong with you and making sure that you see the facts, even if it is painful for you. 
.Bonus there is a good chance that she would share you with Maracline, but that is another video/headcanons (Side note will be doing Marcaline sometime in June as well) 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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taki-yaki · 5 months
Is there a race for something like Frankenstein? Not exactly a ghoul, but not exactly human? If that doesn't work how about a cyborg made by an artificer? My prompt is a Tav that has to deal with a new body after being "put back together," and unaging so she can be with Astarion forever🥺
 I think the closest would be either a Warforged with a magic jar spell or a Reborn but I’ll do a bit of both since they both seem to fall into your prompt.
Astarion x Warforged!Tav + Astarion x Reborn!Tav
Minor Cw: Body horror warning for Reborn Section
**Warforged Tav**
During a fierce fight in the remains of a ruined town, severely weakened within the depths without a healer on hand left to die and rot, you hastily cast magic jar upon yourself, falling into a catatonic state as your soul leaves your body, entering the ornamental container.
As soon as your soul enters the container, the sound of falling sand rushes through your soul's senses. All you could do was watch on helplessly as your physical body was touched by a necrotic spell, turning it into dust.
Astarion carries the jar, cradling it within his arms, looking for anything that your flickering soul could possess. Searching through the nearby overgrowth foliage, he finds a worn-down body of a warforge, a small iron hinge door lays open, once where a mechanical heart would lay. Recalling from Gales's lectures of this place these iron constructs could once host a mortal's soul, but have all eroded due to lack of care over the decades.
Pushing his luck, he inserts the jar into the container,  hoping for a miracle as the gears of the automaton start to grind in motion
“Darling? Are you alright, are you still in there? Say something damn it”
Upon waking, your body feels nearly hollow and heavy, you feel a fluid flow through the circulatory system of your new form. As you attempt to open your mouth to speak, his name comes out with a metallic echo in your form. It takes you aback for a second, feeling that your voice isn’t your own.
All Astarion can do is watch in silence as he waits for your response, after a while, he whispers, “I’m sorry….I shouldn’t have acted so hasty and now you’re stuck like this” gesturing at the iron plates surrounding your form. 
You reassure him that it’s not his fault, explaining that you don’t mind having such a strong robotic body, joking about how you could carry him around with ease like this.
Despite your lack of human skin, he does try to care for you, even when your insides are just a set of interweaving wires and cogs, trying to clean any moss on your body and learning how to replace the worn rusted joints with new pieces. 
Regardless, he’s relieved that you still have your soul in this form, unlike mind flayers who only mimic the original host, slowly becoming void of emotion, seeing such emotions as nothing but a manipulation tactic.
**Reborn Tav**
Your body was stolen from its resting place by a mad cleric who wished to use the infamous hero of Baldur’s Gate as their little meat puppet.
Attempting to stitch any loose parts of your battle-worn body back together with other corpses he has stolen. Not perfect but some parts are slightly different from that of your original form.
Astarion discovered the gruesome cleric's hideout, in which he proceeded to slaughter the man mid-ritual, seething with rage, until the sound of heavy gasping pulled him out. Turning around to see you awake, alive, but looking pale, almost ghoul-like. He’s seen this before, when he turned into a spawn decades ago, the fear and confusion of it all. They’ve made you an undead like him.
A reborn, who dances on the line of life and death, not hindered by the curses that normal vampirism would offer.
He attempts to help you get used to your new life, attempting to relearn your usual breathing rhythm, to help you attempt to eat and drink again, to regain some sense of normalcy. Despite your need to not sleep anymore, Astarion insists on you getting some rest by always staying by your side, promising that he’ll be by your side when you wake up.
Although there are times when the stitches on your body come loose, due to the cleric’s shoddy rushed handiwork, in which Astarion attempts to piece these parts back together correctly all whilst comforting you, and complimenting your body.
Despite your unexpected return, you’re new life as a reborn, Astarion was glad to have you by his side once again.
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thelikesoffinn · 1 year
"In a thousand years, when I've all but forgotten how to love yet again, you'll flit back into my heart and I'll weep, wondering what happened to my mad love."
This is what Astarion says to Durge, if you choose Bhaal and remain as his most promising spawn - and we easily notice the following:
Astarion does not believe he'll ever love again after Tav/Durge is gone. He is fully convinced this is his only love, and after it's gone, he'll forget how to love once more.
And that is heartbreaking - and worrying - on so many accounts.
Like, let's remove all bhaalisms from the equation and just look at Astarion and Tav.
Astarion is a vampire spawn. He's not aging or dying naturally. Unless something or someone kills him, he's going to live.
Tav is not. They're alive and will age and die somewhere between the ages of 80 and 750 - depending on what race you picked, of course.
How horrible must that feel? How horrible must this man feel whenever he looks at tav, especially once they start to mature a little more? How painful must it be to stare at someone and be fully aware that the end is inevitable and that nothing you do will ever change that? That one day, their vitality will fade to nothing, and you'll be left behind to mourn them all on your own?
How painful must that be, for a man so convinced that this person will be his one and only love?
Sure, it's the price of immortality.
Blessed with life that lasts endlessly, cursed to watch those you love wither and die.
And cruel as that may be, most immortals are aware of it and have their own ways of learning to live with it. But let's be honest here, Astarion is a wreck, and he probably could not handle it at all.
The man never cared for anyone before, as he mentions himself. The only thing important to him has always been his own arse and nothing else. And now he will inevitably be faced with the death of the first person he gives a shit about.
Honestly, I can see him become aware of it at some point - not immediately. It's too early to be reminded of it just yet - and completely loosing it.
The poor guy will probably break out on a quest to find ways to make Tav immortal as well. From finding a vampire to turn them ("Don't be silly, my dear. We can just kill your master like we killed Cazador!"), to talking them into becoming a lich ("Well, why not? Surely there's a way around turning all gaunt and skeletal - we merely have to find it."), to moving to the astral plane or whatever other crazy plan he could come up with.
(And honestly, I say fuck it. My durge girlie will likely agree to becoming a vampire spawn once he asks, danger be damned. She'll not be responsible for breaking him once again. Might as well get the old team back together and kill yet another vampire master so that she can be free.)
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saltylandland · 1 year
Killing A Vamp: Chapter 2
Summary: after betraying your brothers for the chance to get your humanity back, you realise who was pulling the strings the whole time.
✨✨Platonic! Gn! Reader/You x Lost Boys✨✨
I'm on a roll here, so another one!
Word count: 1.1k
Series masterlist
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The bout of silence that followed almost made you feel embarrassed, happy that the store was empty besides them and the knocked out parents a couple metres away. But soon enough the brothers jump into action, wheeling out the comic displays in the front, locking up the shop, and turning the open sign to ‘closed’.
Escorting you hurriedly into the back, they set you down at a table and flick the light above you three on. It almost feels like an interrogation.
They talk over each other, “we’ve seen you on the boardwalk more than once with those shady punks, you’re talking about them right?”
“I knew you’d come to your senses, finally ditched those leeches huh?”
“Damn I knew they were vampires!- wait did you say you need to kill vampires or vampire?”
You rub your forehead tiredly, those couple hours you slept had been for naught as these boys stamped out all of your energy. “No, listen, I need you to take out the head vampire- you know what that is?” You know damn well that they know what that is but you ask anyway.
The boys nod their heads like aggressive bobble heads, that almost makes you laugh. “Yeah, I know who he is and he needs to die as soon as possible” the boys look at you, then they look at each other, then back at you. “You’re a half bloodsucker, aren’t you?” And before you can say anything else, the short one jumps up and pulls down the blinds. You unintentionally flinch, cursing yourself over, ‘you’re too fucking tired for this shit’
The short frog drops the blinds but goes for a steak, honestly what the fuck is wrong with these guys?!
Smacking it out of his hand, you take hold of the band on his head and smack it as lightly as you could on the table. You were getting fed up and that is not good.
“Dude what is your damage?! I came here to get healed, not steaked! Will you just listen to me?!” The short one clears his throat, trying to shake off the hit he just took and the other looks at you in slight awe.
“But if you’re a half, then those punks you hangout with are vampires too!” At this you bristle up, but you decide to lean in with a little bit of truth, you were a shit liar anyway. “Yes, but they’re not the problem here-“ the taller frog interrupts “not a problem?! They’re the reason that Santa Carla is the murder capital of the world!”
You sigh again, this is going to become a habit isn’t it? “First of all, just because a build board has it spray painted on the back doesn’t mean it’s true. Do you think the supernatural only exists here? Why is the rest of the world’s violence downplayed by five vampires- don’t write that down!”
The frogs look sheepishly as they lower their notes. “That nickname, is what attracts shitheads to Santa Carla, to the boardwalk. It’s crowded and filled with tourists and wanderers, perfect pickings for people with bad intentions. Monsters don’t stop at the supernatural, much less vampires”
You admit you’re exaggerating a bit now as you talk about your brothers now. “Those punks only eat people with bad intentions” “but what about the missing kid posters huh? Is skipping bedtime a death sentence Missus Claus?”
You look at them weirdly, “hold on, what’s with your voice? You sound constipated. Secondly, they have nothing to do with those kids, once again, shitty people exist. Hell, I’ve seen some of my brothers give the kids joy rides on their bikes.”
That was surprisingly true, although rare, some wanderers have kids that can’t go home, whether their homeless or their parents need to work and they can’t afford babysitters, the boys will keep an eye out for those kids wandering around the boardwalk, even giving them pocket change for some rides, food, or carnival games. Mainly the three others sans David, who mainly takes up the guard dog position.
All of a sudden you feel a prickling at the back of your neck, you could tell that the sun had already started to set. Have you really been spending all your time just defending your brothers? You’re really running out of time here.
“As much as I would like to debate the ethics and morals of supernatural creatures here, I’m running out of time here, are you in or out?”
They look at eachother, then back at you. “The vampires aren’t on board with the sire killing?”
You shake your head “they don’t even know I’m here, or the fact that I know who the sire is. If they did they wouldn’t be able to hide that away from him. I am only half so I’m in a safety net of sorts, he barely knows or cares that I exist and he cannot command me just yet.”
The frogs nod along “him. Pronouns. Got it.” Ah, fuck me.
“But I know they don’t like his command, and I don’t want to be a vampire, I just don’t have it in me.”
“Then why did you do it?”
You pause for a moment, furrowing your eyebrows “I don’t know.”
“So… when do we start?” Your look at them confused, “what?” The short one makes a stabbing motion. “Killing the head vamp?”
Oh! “Well, it can’t be here, the boys must be freaking out about where I am and why I suddenly am taking interest in comics… why don’t you join my dnd club?”
At this point you three walk out of the break room into the store front area. The boys look at you bizarrely. “Dnd? Isn’t that satanic?”
Now it was your turn to look at them weirdly, “you guys are geeks and you don’t play dnd? And no it’s not satanic!” You stop near the cash register where you had first started. “Look, it’s the perfect guise here ok? My club is looking for new members and we’re starting up a new campaign. If they see me here I can tell them that the club put me up to this to convince you guys to play with us. Plus we can work out strategies there.”
The door rattled violently as David walked through the store towards you three. Wait, wasn’t that door locked?
Turning to the boys you say a bit louder than necessary “great! So we’ll meet on Friday ok?”
Turning around you walk up to David who was only a couple metres away now. You walk out of the store with him, not until he stares down the frog brothers for a bit before turning back around with you.
Thanks for reading!
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jackyandjackster · 5 months
Undertale Au Ideas full of witches!
Feel free to use them or whatever!
(Yes they're incomplete strories i couldn't finish)
"Sold my soul for a friend!"
Story follows Ink as a witch who's been lonely for thousands of years, the world had been revolving through war and peace. Many people he used to love had died due to war, sickness, sadness or old age. Because of this he decided to seclude himself from any mortal, only a few select witches like himself can visit him. Years passed, he grew bored and lonely, other witches don't really visit since they have their own lives. Ink as the ever so bored and sad witch decided to get an old book she found before secluding himself and sold his soul to the devil for a companion! An immortal, never dying companion non other than Error the cat! This particular cat can talk, do magic, help Ink and other cool stuff! With no more sadness and grief bothering Ink's mind and a brand new companion at that, he became carefree and re explore the world once again!
Bonus info:
-Ink is short that many misunderstood him as a kid.
-Error loves spooking children and adults. He can become a literal shadow and most of the time possesses Ink's shadow so Ink can move for him.
"Headless witch"
Error was born in a family of witches. he was an immortal who lived in a small cottage in the middle of the forest, although small for outside it was a castle inside! Of course he can shift inside of the house to look like a regular cottage for lost strangers, he still prefers large space because of how messy he is and he tends to keep random trinkets he finds when visiting a human village.
He made friends and great memories but like all mortals do they die and wither away, he wasn't depicted nicely either on books or folklore and was often being 'hunt' down and getting burned in a stake. Grief, sadness and betrayal fill his soul, he created a 'memorial' for those he once loved, it grew over the years and it hurts to see but he can't help but visit every day and cry.
He became cold and stoic to mortals, he doesn't wanna get close to any mortals anymore. He doesn't wanna experience the sadness and betrayal all over again. But he couldn't help it, a lost mortal soon found their way to his cottage, he was so kind and friendly, Swap was him name, they became best friends over the years but due to old age Swap died, and the memorial had another addition. He was so heartbroken and sade that he couldn't stop crying! Strings of tears continued to flow over the years and having enough of it Error cut half of his skull of but those damned eyes won't stop crying either way!
He made a special room for the half skull in witch automatically makes the strings into a ball, something like a yarn winder. But soon the room was flooded with plenty of string balls and he grew very annoyed and decided to throw his half skull on the far away lands in which the witch of darkness reside, Nightmare. The witch was very annoyed of Error, as strings flooded the pit of darkness, the problem was sold when Error brought back his skull back and re used the winder. The witch of darkness grew curious of him over time and follows him and soon became friends with him.....(idk what goes next)
(Inspired by a donghua called "brainless witch)
"Get my annoying brother away from me!"
Witch of dreams, Dream lives with non other than the king of darkness and vampires, Nightmare his older brother. On the outside they have a stone cold and rough relationship. Nightmare a stoic, stone cold and terrifying king and Dream the cold and science/alchemist maniac who loves to experiment on mortals.
Although in reality, Nightmare is a drunk lord who gets clingy to Dream for no reason, and Dream loves experimenting woth alchemy to discover hidden and unknown things! For knowledge of course, Nightmare is annoying to say the least always drunk in his brother's lab, one of the reason why rumors started that Dream was experimenting on Nightmare everytime he catches him. Nightmare is also very very lucky for some reason, people often misunderstood him to the point he somehow became a king! Darkness overlord?! More like Drunkness Overlord!
Stealing alcohol on chapels because apparently it has 'divine' taste. Dream doesn't know if that's a god-damned pun or he's just fucking with him or he's serious. (┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌)
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i-want-my-iwtv · 5 months
Hi! I have some IWTV qs after seeing the movie&the internet isn't helping me at all. Hoping you could! 1.I've seen book explanations for why Lestat survived the fire, but is there something I missed in the movie to explain it? 2.What did Armand mean when he said he'd die if Louis left? 3.Why was Louis so weak and feeding off rats towards the end?Traumatized by the fire or something? 4.If Louis hated being a vamp so much,why didn't he just kill himself? &my last question will be in another ask...
^1/3 5. Is a possible interpretation of the ending that Louis&Lestat are working together again? Lestat said he could go out again if he had Louis but Louis said he had to go. Lestat then somehow ends up going after the guy that Louis was just talking to? Obvi not a coincidence so maybe he's just following Louis...but what if he's doing what he said? He's going out again bc he has Louis. Louis set up Malloy; or at least did so only after his reaction to his story? Maybe a stupid theory lol. ^2/3 anyway, sorry to come at you with all these questions, I just can't find answers anywhere else. Loved the movie and would just like to understand it better. I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore? Thank you so much for any time you can give me and my questions lol! ^3/3
Wow, Anon, that's a lot of questions! Thanks for asking me 💗
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The 1994 movie doesn't say how Lestat escaped the fire. In the book, Armand first tells Louis that Lestat had died, but much later, Armand tells Louis that Lestat left the theatre before Louis returned to burn it down:
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Here's the script for Interview with the Vampire. It's similar, but not the same as the movie! It doesn't explain why Lestat survived the fire, but it's a fun read.
In the Vampire Lestat, Lestat says Armand took him by carriage to Magnus's tower after the trial, and after Claudia died, probably before the fire.
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Hit the jump, cut for length.
2. Armand needed Louis to "quicken him once more," but he wasn't really dying in the physical sense. It's more like he saw in Louis a way to live again, having a new relationship with a New World vampire and experiencing the technology and culture with Louis is a reason to live. In the books, Armand forms a relationship with the interviewer Daniel, and they explore technology, culture, etc. of the time together (it's in Queen of the Damned). Armand wanted that kind of companion in Louis but Louis wasn't interested.
3. I think you meant Lestat? Bc Louis isn't eating rats at the end, it's Lestat. Lestat was weak from surviving the fire that Louis set on him before he and Claudia left for Europe, and an injury from Armand*.
*In the Vampire Lestat, he's on the roof of Magnus's tower with Armand, after Claudia's death, and Armand apparently punches Lestat off the tower, further injuring Lestat:
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So, Lestat was pretty weak and horrible-looking, and would have had trouble going into places with people to kill them without freaking them out, so feeding on animals was easier:
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4. Louis, deep down, didn't actually hate himself enough to want to kill himself. But he does try later in the series, depending which books you include as canon. Personally, I think Louis has conflicting feelings about how much he loves art, nature, humanity, Lestat, and the other vampires... he loves how his senses were enhanced by becoming a vampire, but it's also somewhat shameful, bc the price of those things he loves comes at the cost of continuing to take human life to fuel his existence.
I think Louis really was ready to kill himself for giving into his nature and feeding on a child, and that's really why Lestat turned Claudia, to protect Louis from the overwhelming guilt of having killed the most innocent victim. Luckily it seems like Louis didn't go for any more children, so Lestat didn't have to turn any more of them!
5. Tackling this in a separate post and I'll link to it 😎 [X]
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morgana-ren · 1 year
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Don't worry babe, you are completely anonymous on both.
So, as for the revivify, I think that's the games way of handing you a sort of 'deus ex machina' regarding character death. After all, what happens if you get halfway through the game and make a slip-up and your character dies? What if you fail the roll to convince Astarion to get off of you when he's feeding? What if you accidentally jump into a hole?
They don't fit in well with the actual... story component. Withers does, in a way, because of who he is implied to be after the story's completion, but you'll notice that even when you find revivify scrolls in the wild, people don't really... acknowledge them. They only work for your party, and everyone else is sort of... screwed.
When Kanon dies, Arka can't just go and buy a revivify from the merchant and bring him back. If the tieflings die, they're gone for good. For everyone else, death is permanent.
And honestly, I imagine after the story's completion, that's much how it is for everyone in the group too. They don't get the favor of the God of Death. Their part in the story has been fulfilled, and with it go the benefits.
I feel like Astarion would have to be doing some dark dealings or have a damn fine cleric at their side to undo death itself-- and frankly, that's precisely what I think he'd do.
One of the first things he's going to do when he takes his kingdom is find a ridiculously powerful cleric that's high enough level that they can revive not only him (in the off-chance he needs it) but also Tav specifically, because depending on their dynamic, that might a decent sized threat.
Astarion probably becomes a better planner and learns that he has to think ahead a lot more once he ascends. Taking his freedom from one arrogant vampire lord is FAR different than taking a kingdom, and he has to, as they say, 'git gud' if he wants to succeed. He has a vision of the future in his mind, and part of that clearly involves Tav. They aren't as powerful as he is, and so their potential death is something that he has to account for.
Thankfully, a damn good cleric can make that a literal non-issue.
Obviously, there's the shock of finding the love of his life's body on the battlefield, but once that wears off, he can find a way to undo it. As for his pride, I doubt it would come into play at all. He is the master of night, and what he wants, he'll have-- and he wants Tav. Death is not an option for them.
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lestatslestits · 2 years
You’ll Always be My Favorite Ghost
Summary: Snippets of life in the penthouse.Daniel Molloy keeps learning new love languages. Daniel Molloy keeps loving parts of Armand he never really saw coming.
Notes: This is saved in my notes app under the title “The A in Armand stands for autism.” So that’s the vibe here. Show universe, but I borrow liberally from the books (mostly Queen of the Damned). I apparently only know how to write fics about Daniel Molloy shedding his grumpy facade and taking care of these vampires. He’s. A bit smitten here. Primarily Devil’s Minion,but there’s some background Daniel/Louis also. I feel like if you’re already autistic and you become a vampire, you get like. Turbo Autism. Autism Squared. Autism 2: Electric Boogaloo. As a final note, these characters are most likely improbably nice to each other in this fic. But I’m here to chew gum and write self-indulgent fanfiction. And brother, I’m all out of gum.
Warnings: Sensory overload, blood, some brief references to animal death.
 Louis no longer sleeps in a coffin, but Armand still does. If you ask him how he knows these two facts, Daniel Molloy will tell you to come back with a warrant.
 It makes sense, he supposes. Louis clings to every scrap of humanity he can find, and the king size mattress and the bedside table and the sleek lamp that looks like you need a resume and a cover letter just to touch it are all pieces of the elaborate fiction he has created for his own edification. Armand, on the other hand, may enjoy his human playacting for whatever incomprehensible reason, but he is, fundamentally, a 500 year old monster, and old habits die hard.
 That’s his theory, at least.
 Of the two options, Daniel prefers the bed. He thinks he does, at least. It feels less eternal. Although, all things considered, ‘eternal’ must be how a coffin is supposed to feel. The first time that he shares this narrow space with another, he has to remind himself that Armand is not a bird-boned, fragile thing. The first time that the coffin lid closes over him, he swallows back a stab of panic at the same second as the vampire whispers, “Do you hear that?”
 Daniel listens. Listens with human ears, with old ears. Hears nothing. “No.”
 “Exactly,” Armand sighs, nearly a purr. All of him seems to relax at once, until Daniel no longer has to wonder how sculptors find softness in the marble statues they carve. His lover is asleep within seconds. Maybe this is what “sleeping like the dead” means.
 It’s too quiet for Daniel’s taste. For some reason he finds himself consumed with thoughts of how he’ll know if the fire alarm suddenly goes off. At first he thinks the only sound he can hear is his own heartbeat. Then he lays his head down and finds he can hear another, in near-perfect sync with his. This stillness and softness is foreign. Armand is typically as taut as a bowstring, a mass of twitches and fidgets, apparently on the verge of shaking apart at any second. But here in the quiet dark—where has he heard that before?—there is something like peace.
 Daniel sleeps.
 There really is nothing on earth that can prepare you for the experience of entering a room to find someone microwaving your smartphone.
 It’s the smell, mostly. Something of smoke, something of metal, something of melting plastic microchips. It sends Daniel barreling into the industrial kitchen bellowing profanity. The microwave is sparking and zapping. Armand stands a few feet away, expression wild-eyed and unblinking. He has pressed his fingers over his ears.  
 Nothing has caught fire yet when he rips the door open, staring at the smoldering thing within. He finds a pair of salad tongs in a drawer and reaches into the microwave with them, removing the charred remains of his phone and dropping it in the sink. It sparks unexpectedly and he turns the water on, sending smoke rising off of it.
 Daniel leans over the counter, head in his hands, unable to bring himself to say anything yet. He has plenty of questions but all of them begin with “what the fuck is wrong with you?” and he has learned from past experiences with Armand that this is the wrong response. His final choice of words isn’t much better, as he asks, “You wanna explain why the fuck you decided to put my phone in the microwave?”
 The silence from Armand lasts too long. Daniel knows what he will see when he turns around: the hands balled into fists, the tiny, almost imperceptible self-soothing movement of thumbs over knuckles again and again. The heel to toe rocking motion. What had Louis called him? Metronomic? So he hadn’t lied about everything.
 He turns. Takes it all in at a glance. “You…okay?”
 He’s just had his personal property destroyed, and it doesn’t make any sense that his instinctive response is to gather the the culprit, the monster, the dead thing responsible into his arms and tell him that it’s fine, really, he only needed that for work and for communicating with his doctor and for maintaining contact with the land of the living.
 “I’m not—mad.” He offers, half choking on the words. He hopes that isn’t a lie, because he knows Armand can read his thoughts if he wants, “but, yeah, my editor is going to have a coronary when he can’t reach me, so next time maybe find something that won’t—“
 He’s stopped short by a tiny, frantic shake of Armand’s head. It takes him a moment to understand what he’s seeing. Ah.
 “That’s why we don’t put metal in the microwave,” he explains with a put-upon patience that reminds him of an elementary school teacher. He has to remind himself that Armand is his senior by more than a few centuries, even if he has never had cause to find out what happens when you leave a fork in the microwave on accident. This monster, who microwaves living things and who has developed an emotional bond with the garbage disposal, is distraught over the unexpected light and sound of Daniel’s phone being nuked at 1200 watts.
 “Hey,” he says, stepping away from the counter. He keeps his movements slow, his palms open and his hands in view. It never hurts to remember that Armand is a thing made of teeth and claws. He reaches to brush away a lock of dark hair, but gets his hand captured instead. Armand holds Daniel’s one wrinkled hand in his two smooth ones, then lifts it, strokes it against his cheek, smells it.
 Some distant, half-dissociated part of him is incredulous at the idea that this is his life now. It fights for dominance with the part of him that is marveling at the smooth coolness of Armand’s skin, at the feel of his lips on every inch of his palm as he continues to explore him.  Then Armand nips experimentally at one of Daniel’s fingers and he draws back with an irritated huff, brought back into the moment by the sharp pain.
 Armand looks more focused too, less lost at sea, as if he has been re-anchored. He tosses the lock of hair Daniel had been aiming for out of his eyes and says, “I’ll order a replacement, you’ll have it within the afternoon.” He turns and begins to walk away as though nothing has happened.
 “You’re paying for it!” Daniel calls after him.
 “Naturally.” Armand does not look back.
 Daniel goes to wash the blood from his hand.
 There are seven different cuts of the film Blade Runner. It inspired a sequel, a series of short films, an anime, a series of tie-in novels (in spite of already being based off of a book), and a handful of projects set in the same universe.
 Daniel is pretty sure he has experienced all of these at this point.
 Some evenings he wakes up alone in Armand’s coffin, and follows the sound of Blade Runner to find his lover. He’s used to locating Armand sitting with his legs crossed and hovering a few inches above the couch, his eyes alight.
 For his part, Daniel is tired of Harrison Ford, tired of Rutger Hauer. He has made attempts to ply Armand with other Ridley Scott films, and none of them have captured his attention so fully.
 When asked about it, Louis smiles knowingly and says, “He’ll move on eventually,” with the patience of the saint he pretends to be, “you’re thinking within the confines of human time, Daniel.”
 He almost snaps that human time is all he has, last he checked, but he stops himself.
 Later he falls asleep on the couch with his head resting on Armand’s lap. The soundtrack is, as usual, Blade Runner. He wakes up to the sound of the film restarting, but also to the feeling of ever-eager, ever-curious fingers combing through his curls as Armand watches the film with rapt attention. And Daniel decides maybe the movie isn’t so bad after all.
It has been a long night.
 Daniel is exhausted. Armand has collapsed, limbs all akimbo. It has been an evening of unfocused rage, of discomfort, of bloody tears. An evening where none of Armand’s clothes fit correctly and his hair tickles the back of his neck, and the sound of Daniel’s keyboard has driven him to the edge of despair. Louis has surrendered his bed as a soft place to land and Armand lies on it, looking strung out and unfocused.
 Louis is better suited for the task at hand, with his near-silent movements and feather-light touch. But Daniel is the one who enters the room and takes a seat on the edge of the bed, setting aside an armload of hastily gathered supplies.
 He starts by wiping away the trails of bloody tears. Armand is as cold as ever, but his eyes are fever-wild and he shivers under the cool of the damp cloth.
 “Let’s get rid of it,” Daniel suggests. He maneuvers the vampire into an upright position and sets to work on the mop of dark curls, clipping them short with a pair of scissors he found in a kitchen drawer. The knowledge that the hair will all be back in a few hours is the only thing that makes him brave enough to go after it with his perpetually shaking hands. The end result is uneven and nearly alarming. Armand appears shorn. But he also looks as if he can breathe again.
 Finally, he redresses him in a pair of his own pajamas, a couple of sizes too big but worn to inoffensive softness and smelling unmistakably of Daniel, in spite of being freshly laundered. He guides his head back down to the pillow. Armand curls back in on himself.
 The night is still new. Perhaps later Armand will emerge from the room on his own. More likely, Louis will carry him to his coffin when the morning starts to creep in, and Daniel will share the bed with Louis today, to give him space and silence. Tomorrow night Armand’s soft curls will be back. Hopefully by that time they will again be tolerable. If not, Daniel still has the scissors.
 Although Daniel is the only one in the penthouse who needs to eat food to survive, the kitchen is stocked for a family of ten.
 It’s also arranged by color.
 None of this is Daniel’s doing.
 It is a typical evening. Louis is sipping blood from a mug like it’s coffee, and Armand is loading a blender with Twizzlers, tomatoes, and steak, cooked rare. Daniel watches as Armand puts the lid on the blender, starts it with the press of a button, and then rockets to the other side of the room to observe from a distance, ears covered.
 Later, Daniel will find himself cleaning exploded insect legs from the microwave. Later the penthouse will sound like Blade Runner again. Later, he’ll probably be coerced into drinking whatever is going to come out of that blender. Later he will hold Armand close and feel him relax in his arms once more.
 “How old are you, again?” He asks.
 “Five hundred and fourteen,” Armand says, when he has turned off the blender.
 Well, Daniel thinks, at least we know it wasn’t vaccines.
 Louis chokes on a sip of his blood, or maybe a laugh. Armand turns and eyes them both, his face a mask of curiosity at a statement he does not understand.
 “I love you,” Daniel says, without planning to say it.
 “Here, try this,” Armand replies.
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Yandere 👑 Princess Bubblegum X Gender Neutral Listener (Adventure Time) ...
Base Yandere Princess Bubblegum Headcanons (Adventure Time)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter and this chapter has Princess Bubblegum as the yandere! So I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!] 
(Disclaimer: Princess Bubblegum is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine just do not be illegal or gross about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not good partners to have in real life! Thank You, Muffins!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time- 
.Princess Bubblegum is I believe to be confirmed as a lesbian. (This may be wrong I am not 100 percent sure) Though she did date Mr. Creampuff so she could be bi or pan, for this video since you are gender neutral she is bi or pan! 
.She has had a few relationships throughout her life, but the most major one that we see is when PB was with Marcaline the Vampire Queen. 
.But we are not talking about the Vampire Queen this time, this is about PB. 
.Princess Bubblegum appears to be kindhearted and a good-natured person, but she does have a dark side, which we will get to. 
.She meets you, a beautiful person visiting her kingdom. You like Finn were human. 
.So she of course wants to get to know you and to understand why she feels the way she does about you. 
.It is similar to how she feels about Marcaline. But this, this is different. This is something that makes her feel giddy, full of life, and unstable even! 
.You, just the thought of you can make her feel so many things, so there has to be something about you that caused her to feel this way! There just has to be! 
.So she would talk you into running tests, to see exactly how she feels about you, and why she cannot understand the things she feels for you! 
.Of course, love, and obsessive love are not something of science. 
.So she finds the result that she is in love and that you are the love of her life. 
.So it is clear that she has to find the perfect formula in courting you so she can make you hers and make you her co-ruler. 
.She once again is a woman of science and every problem has a solution. 
.This will make her 1000 percent hyper-fixate on you and want to find a way to make you hers and hers alone. She is not going to lose you she will be damned. 
.She would also want to make sure you are safe at all times, so there will be hidden cameras for your home in her kingdom, so that way she can keep an eye on you and make sure that you are safe. 
.She also likes to watch you as you are not aware of her, this way she can ALWAYS Be "with" you. 
.She is very passionate in her love for you and sometimes takes it a bit too far. 
.Like with rivals, she easily fights them off and will even go to war against them. 
.She puts her kingdom above a lot of other things, but you, you are the thing she will always put first. 
.Even if it comes with her losing her kingdom. 
.She can be malicious and crafty and downright cruel when the time calls for it. 
.Such as someone trying to get in the way of her love for you, or someone trying to harm you. 
.She is not above-using blackmail, threats, and even the chance of her citizens and rivals being executed when it comes to her love for you. 
.You are hers and she will become a straight-up dictator to keep you by her side. 
.When she does lose her kingdom, there are two ways to go. 
.She can pull up her bootstraps and learn to be a better person for you. 
.Or she can snap and end up becoming a force to be reckoned with and steal you and her kingdom back by force. 
.She is also a vengeful yandere in which she will want revenge on her rivals for stealing you away from her. 
.So she would be brutal with them, and she might even torture them and or leave them to starve and die in the secret dungeon she has. 
.She would confess with a romantic dinner, and she would most likely go on rambling about how you and her are scientifically a perfect match! 
.And if she is bold enough at the end of it she will just pull you into a kiss to make sure her feelings are 100 percent clear! 
.If you accept her feelings she is over the moon and cannot wait for the wedding, you both have to start planning it right away. 
.If you turn her down? She would be in shock and do her best to laugh it off, but maybe, just maybe there was something wrong with you. 
.Because the facts and data show that you and her are perfect for each other, and the science does not lie. 
.So she would knock you out, and "Fix" you. 
.How does she plan to fix you? by figuring out what is wrong with you and making sure that you see the facts, even if it is painful for you. 
.Bonus there is a good chance that she would share you with Maracline, but that is another video/headcanons (Side note will be doing Marcaline sometime in June as well) 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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velvetwarfare · 6 months
welcome to a lore dump of pre-turned and some notable turned betty facts that explains why she’s this bad
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- First and foremost, literally everything I write about her pre-turned verse derives from the LARP I attend and act out in person while playing her character. It’s a weekend long, I’m actually going this coming week (that’s when her brother dies and she officially becomes a vampire lol), and anything important that happens there is written into her backstory here. I play her future verse here. Both her past and present are constantly being updated, as whatever occurs in LARP directly influences her present, making her the only character I have that will be consistently updated for years coming.
- Leathe is the hometown/world she comes from. She is a Shavali — a spiritual and Slavic based group that are very, very tight knit and essentially act like a mafia. Family and freedom means everything to them. They are externally performers, jesters, entertainers, wear a shit ton of colorful clothing and bells and sashes to gain the spotlight. Internally, they are very perceptive, keen, eavesdroppers, sly, and can even be murderous as all fuck should someone harm one of the family.
However, their two-sided reputation eventually caught up to them and towns often view Shavali in a negative light — murderers, thieves, liars, etc. They’re often the first blamed for town crimes, even if they had nothing to do with it. Shavali are constantly fighting to prove their worth.
To lose a family member is to lose your entire self.
- Betty as a human used to have a personality similar to Charlie. Save your people under any cost necessary, redeem the misunderstood and damned. She loved so hard, cared very deeply, and was always on guard to protect. She was a heroine — a front liner, a fighter with a two-sided battle axe the same height as herself (5’7). She was also a bard and performed under the stage name ‘Lullaby Betty’ — and all of her bardic spells dealt w mind manipulation. She was very persuasive and charismatic, occasionally sultry and seductive to get information out of someone.
This bled somewhat into her turned days — her axe isn’t used as much and her bardic spells were entirely forgotten, replaced with her vampire powers as well as blood magic. She’s even more conniving in her persuasion and charisma and she’s even worse with being seductive to get what she wants. Before it was usually for fun, but nowadays it’s used with malicious intent. Her turned days are chaotic evil. Her pre turned days were chaotic neutral.
She slowly forgot about her good morals and regards for others the more the vampiric disease festered. Love became obsession, the plethora of traumas and losses turned her into a selfish and closed off creature coupled with unbridled rage and bitterness, and her respect for the Gods went out the window. Any hope to be a heroine was trashed due to how badly it hurt and how horridly the expectations of the townsfolk damaged her, leading her to entirely discard the optimistic look on anything that walked the earth. Obsessed with freedom and getting to do whatever the fuck she wanted with no repercussion, she became a villain, never wanting to feel the pain of loss and rejection again after failing too many times to save her people.
- People don’t necessarily die in Leathe. They die often in AWFUL ways — but are usually sent back to the living with no memory. If your luck is particularly shitty, you could not come back though.
Yeah, that fucked her up pretty badly. That meant she would have had to watch ALL of her family and friends die CONTINUOUSLY and never know if they’d return or not. Too many times had she watched her loved ones perish in some freak accident or failure in battle, sob out, then wait in the freezing cold for them to come back in fears they wouldn’t. Her father figure once was turned to ash right in front of her. Her older brother was poisoned slowly. She once was eaten alive by a zombie lord herself. The dead may not remember, but she sure as fuck does.
Over and over and over and over again.
- Her older brother, Dimitrius, taught her everything. He raised her, protected her, taught her about the culture, taught her how to honor the spirits, how to get around town, etc. She looked up to him like a fucking God more than a brother — she wanted to be like him when she was older. He was a role model and her last saving grace.
However, he turned his soul over to an infernal many moons ago to save some of the family — which means when he dies for the last time, his soul doesn’t get to reincarnate or go anywhere. It goes to the infernal’s lantern — and used as ammo against the celestials, ceasing to exist. Nothingness.
He was killed in front of her. She screamed, begged, tried to attack the infernal, her father figure had to hold her back — and nobody could do anything. All she had left of him was his bell of healing, which she still wears on today centuries later. Despite the countless years passing, she never forgot about Dimitrius.
It was the same day she too died and became a vampire — and it was that very day the original Betty died with him.
She was never the same again upon respawn.
- The townsfolk eventually split into unsure gossips when they found out she was a vampire amongst the living.
On one side, she DID continue to fight for her people — albeit a lot more violently and mercilessly now. She was BRUTAL with her axe and carried the rage of a barbarian (her father figure was in fact a barbarian lmao) and was taught lethal blood magic by the same vampire that bit her. She was melded into a winter soldier by the church of Drevarria — a goddess that created the undead and taught her followers necromancy and lessons through unadulterated agony. Meaning she would be trained so violently that she nearly DIED relentlessly. Broken limbs, punctured organs, open lacerations, violent spellwork, etc and still forced to fight and endure to become numb to the agony.
All of this made her a fucking TERRIFYING opponent to deal with became she was immune to common physical bludgeons, mind alterations, and fear itself. She often carried about an aura of intimidation and a spell that caused others to cower in fear, only to decapitate them once they fell to their knees.
The other side feared her so much for being undead that they actually tried to kill her. Her own friends did in fact turn against her and tried to kill her despite her trading in mortality in order to protect her people better.
And thus, the anger and bitterness grew.
- When I tell you this bitch became a force to be RECKONED with after she left Leathe on nothing but HATRED, ANGER, BETRAYAL, AND A DISGUST FOR ANYTHING THAT BREATHED OR EXISTED LMAO
Thus, the lovely Ubersreik (Warhammer End Times) days commenced ✨
The era of self experimentation to see how far she can push her immortal body, getting appointed as a war commander for these giant ass mutated rat men, claiming part of an abandoned castle to train her men and herself, raiding clans, mass genocide on both other clans and humans, interrogation and torture, black market business with her elixir brewing, etc. This resulted in a LOT of deaths — but due to her immortality and never ending spite for the Gods, she kept coming back. Which made her power trip all the more insane.
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- And then FINALLY, on her tenth death, the Gods went god fuck this bitch and shot her down to Hell to punish her for the novels worth of crimes.
and she just set up shop in the hotel with her elixirs and thrived with the chaos, not regretting a damn thing GFGDHDHFHVBB
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youcalledmebabe · 4 months
If I may? Ghosts-in-Bastogne/Horror-In-Bastogne fic recs!! apologies if you've read these already!
Ice Cold Hands - It all started when Winters saw something, out between the trees.
Ghost Story - In Bastogne Bill is sent on patrol with Babe and Muck, but as they make their way through the woods something strange emerges from the mist in front of them, something that shouldn't have been there.
Vampires in Bastogne - In war, nobody would really notice if a vampire had gone around bleeding out the occasional enemy soldier. He would just be a random soldier, dead and covered in blood, pale and looking horrified in death.
ghosts that we know - The thing is, Babe Heffron spends more quality time with Gene Roe once the medic dies than he ever did when the guy was alive. Life’s funny that way, he supposes.
Understand That I'd Never Let It Go - Anna is not alone in her apartment.
Like Reflections Upon a Polished Surface - Lewis Nixon died in the dirt on the road outside Nuenen, but his ghost lingered beside his best friend and lover. A series of letters from Dick Winters to DeEtta Almon.
eucharistia (this is how meat loves meat) - In Rachamps, just before Easy is sent to Haguenau, Eugene Roe brings Babe Heffron to Father John Maloney for his first confession in seven years.
Ghosts That We Knew - Donald Malarkey is being haunted by ghosts that will not let him survive in peace.
singing like a gun - She’s on the wind when spring comes.
We Are The Dead - Maybe he’ll tell him tomorrow. If no mortar falls on his foxhole in the middle of the night, and he wakes up tomorrow with all of his limbs in place, he’ll tell Dick then.
Haint - Renee stays with Roe after her death, and after the war, and every day he spends with her he becomes a little less alive.
Watching You For Light - At Bastogne, Eugene starts to see ghosts.
Strength to Carry On - Joe Liebgott is haunted by ghosts of his own, but unlike yours, who are few and personal, his ghosts are a great multitude of strangers.
and an AU that is not set in Bastogne but is proper spooky and should be read by everyone:
Lie if God is Sleeping - Gene flipped the puzzle over to read the back. “My name is Edward Heffron,” he read aloud. “I killed a man, and now I’m paying the price. 18,000 pieces. It will take approximately seven days to complete me. For experienced players only.”
What the fuck was a curse this nasty doing in a Philadelphia used bookstore?
there are more... but this is what comes to mind right now ehehe
omg yes you may and thank you so much!! I’ve only read (and loved) lie if god is sleeping and ghosts that we know. I absolutely love a good haunting, a good spook, and I feel like world war 2 is ripe for it so I’m glad other people have felt that way. Bastogne especially strikes me as a place where real and metaphorical ghosts would walk… imagine being in scary woods in the dark for like 16 hours a day while your friends die around you. I’d feel pretty damn haunted! Anyway can’t wait to dive into this list and thank you again for your excellent curation 💙
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